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No. 2251560
You know what to do
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/2232518 No. 2251672
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amerifats and europoors fighting in mundane shit is making me sad
No. 2251679
>>2251672i’m damn near suicidal and unhappy to the point i can’t feel any joy anymore but this pic never fails to make me laugh, thanks
nonny >>2251560i’m so attracted to anons who post those cute ass kirby pics it gives me cute aggression for whoever keeps posting them
No. 2251780
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Straight up wanna give up on politics forever. I feel like I have no energy left
No. 2251818
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i've been married since high school but im not sure if i love my partner anymore. we've grown apart overtime, but lately, it feels like we're entirely incompatible
i don't have friends or family and haven't since i left home as a teenager, so we did have a weird codependency thing, but she used to see other people throughout our relationship and while that did effect me to an extent, now that she's not anymore, im realizing that i miss not having to be together all of the time.
this is made worse by the fact that im sometimes a little annoyed by her interests. she's a furry, but in such a way that its a complete lifestyle thing for her. like making loud animal sounds, but i feel like i can't say anything about it even though loud sounds are distressing for me because it's something that she likes doing. i think it's fine when she acts like an animal if it makes her happy, but it gets aggravating when she's being loud or if we're together and it draws attention to both of us
im also increasingly frustrated by how different we are when it comes to cleaning. we have separate rooms and slept apart for a few days a week when she was seeing other people, but now that we're monogamous, she no longer wants to do that anymore.
i don't like sleeping in her room. it's often covered in laundry and cat litter, a dirty cat food bowl, and can get a little smelly or grimy. i've found that talking to her about anything at all can make her feel attacked, so i don't say anything about things like this anymore. Not just with telling her when something is dirty, but anything in general. it feels like i just can't say anything at all without inviting a storm. i used to clean up for her now and then (she gets overwhelmed when it's dirty and sometimes cleaning encourages her), but i've been tired lately.
im frustrated because i've been in an out of a depression that leaves me feeling like i can barely take care of myself. I also take care of our other two cats (she has one of her own that she keeps in her room, and i take care of the other two) and my room is the only place i feel safe (severe social anxiety—if not for work, i don't usually leave our rooms), but now she doesn't respect the lock on it anymore. she doesn't wear slippers around the house and because our home is shared, she picks up a lot of dirt and it bothers me because i wash the floor frequently but if I tell her to either wear slippers so that she can take them off before coming in, or put something clean on before coming in, it offends her and it also makes me feel like a germaphobe for complaining. tbf, i like sewing and crafting and end up using the floor as a workspace, so the idea of kneeling on a dirty floor grosses me out. like, her feet get a patina and it also makes me feel uncomfortable because we share a bed every night now
it also bothers me when i walk into my room, not expecting her to be there, and smelling the scent of her sweat. she's against deodorant and thinks natural human smell is good, but when she sweats a lot, it permeates my whole room. im sensitive about smell (i probably sound sensitive about a lot of things, but this is a vent thread) and try to keep it smelling nice because, as i've said, i thought of it as a safe space for me. i just wish she didn't go in there like she used to because now i just feel like i have no where to go
idk, i feel defeated. i feel like the easiest thing would be to just be quiet and keep everything as calm as possible because i have no where else to go and i can't really picture a situation any better than this. if anything, i feel ungrateful for complaining about little things that don't really matter. i just wish she'd wear slippers and wash her sandals at least
No. 2251827
>>2251821i've been trying to, but our financial situation is such that whatever savings we make end up going to a surprise expense. car repairs, health issues. if im in a position where that's possible, for sure, but that's just a pipe dream. i could go to a shelter or something, but i'd be giving up my cats and everything i have left
that probably sounds defeatist, but tbh, im not looking for an answer right now. just venting because it doesn't feel great
No. 2251832
>>2251818>and smelling the scent of her sweat Massive red flag right there. If you don't like the scent of your wife or husbands natural body odor, you're definitely incompatible and shouldn't be around each other. Pheromones are very real
nonny. Maybe its time to ditch her.
No. 2251840
>>2251827>i could go to a shelter or something, but i'd be giving up my cats and everything i have leftmaybe this sounds heartless but those things can be replaced. people have to leave pets behind for all sorts of reasons, and it's the hardest thing in the world, but if you're seriously this unhappy then it's worth leaving the cats behind. she refuses to change or compromise, and you're at your wits ends. you've tried communication, you've tried bending some things so that she can meet you halfway yet refuses to, and you've tried being patient for far too long.
it's over. time to divorce and move on.
No. 2251869
>>2251827>No familyDo you not have anyone alive or did you lose contact with them? Or did you cut them off? If you just lost contact, it may be worth trying to reconnect and ask for help. It's a bit shitty to come back to them only when you need something but I do think you're in a bad situation and need any help you can get.
>(i probably sound sensitive about a lot of things…You don't sound overly sensitive, everything you mentioned is very understandable. Does she tell you you're too sensitive when you try to talk to her?
Delete and repost because I simply cannot grasp that I need to remove the video from the field No. 2251883
>>2251840i get it, but again, im not really looking for advice at this time. it does sound like leaving everything behind is the best solution, but it doesn't actually sound like a change that drastic would make life any better. i'd just go from a relationship im unhappy with, to being alone in a situation with no guarantee of things getting any better. i've been in positions where i've been abruptly plucked from a place and have lost a lot—i can't describe how hard it feels leaving parts of you behind when it feels like you hardly have anything left to care about.
things aren't as bad as it probably seems, these are just the things that have been bothering me lately. if it gets to the point that i can't bear living like this anymore, then im not really that enthusiastic about living anyway. not enough to continue suffering for the sake of living in a different way, at least
>>2251857i hope it doesn't bother you that she reminds you of yourself in some way, but she's still a good person despite everything. she has things that she struggles with and i genuinely am glad that she's found friends that care about her, a community she belongs in, and a hobby she's passionate about. I do think she wants to change, but i don't know what to do with what we have anymore
>>2251869I have my mom, but she's not someone i can reconcile with. We haven't spoken since the day I left home and that was nearly a decade ago and while she wasn't as bad as my dad, she ignored everything he did at best and would support and justify his actions at worst. I understand going to a shelter, but living with her would not be an improvement. She has a new husband and family anyway, so I think it's safe to say that we're not really family anymore
No. 2251968
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god art college students PISS ME OFF. i hate that you got to have opportunities ill never have. yes im being a jealous loser here. yes im sad that i grew up in the middle of nowhere with parents that didnt care about my future. my art is way higher quality than some of these graduates and it pisses me off. i want to have your opportunities but instead the only income i make from art is maybe 100$ a month from commissions ohhh but you can make a living because you were born in some big city and went to an art university and you draw boring doodles of generic anime girls sucking dick on twitter god just fuck off
No. 2252037
>>2252021At this point sounds like you're only with him for the sunk cost and financial stability, I think you should dump him but I get why you don't. You've already stopped sharing a bed with him now it's time to stop sharing any affection or intimacy with him (no more sex, or cuddling or kissing or whatever). It's actually good this is happening and happening now because imagine if you'd married him or had kids with him? Just continue to mooch off him until you can get away from him whether that means a better job, more work hours, or moving in with someone else.
>for the cleaningStart making a list of everything in the household that needs to be cleaned regularly. Update it every time you touch something new. From there comb through your list and see what you can stop doing and just leave for him to deal with. Laundry for example. Stop doing his laundry. Get separate laundry bins if you don't have them. Dishes? You're using cheap disposable plates now. If he gets a dish dirty you don't wash it. If it gets gross, don't wash it just throw it out. Anything he neglects long enough for you to clean gets thrown away. When I was feeling overwhelmed with cleaning I took inventory and just threw away what I didn't absolutely need and kept a very minimalist home after.
Otherwise ignore him as much as possible, avoid looking in his direction or making eye contact and talk as little as you can get away with until you can get away.
No. 2252099
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>friend often takes photos of me without me knowing
>it’s always during spontaneous funny moments and she sends the photos to me so I don’t mind, it’s like getting more keepsakes of memories
>One day we’re hanging out with friends
>Scenery and atmosphere looks cool and everyone is having fun, I ask if I can take a photo of them
>She jokingly tells the others “If [myname] was a guy, that would be sooo creepy! Like ‘can I take a photo of you?’ And she’s my ride home! Oh god!” and they laugh
Okay… (It’d be ok if they just said no, but being compared to a creepy moid hurt)
No. 2252107
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>loved playing games ever since I was young
>always drawn to weeb and weird games on the ds
>poorfag kid too so forced to throw away game cases or merchandise because mom said they took up space
>they didn’t and she had the tendency to throw away sentimental things of mine for no reason
>be me now
>still poor and love games but I pirate them all or have a friend of mine rip the cartridges
>now those ds games I still have are worth fuckloads and they’re rare
>realize I lost profit because they’re loose and not cib
All those childhood autismo tantrums over people touching them and it was for nothing. fuck me
No. 2252123
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me realizing tonight that pretty much all my emotional problems are caused by the fact no one loves me
No. 2252134
>>2252107My aunt has been working as a doctor's secretary for decades so they're weirdly close. The doc sometimes gives my aunt things for free because he's rich. When I was a kid, he gave her some model cars (not to be played with) and she gave them to me and my parents. My parents let any small child who visited play with the model cars, but I always told them not to, because those weren't toys and the children would break them since they were too young and dumb. You think they ever listened to me? Lo and behold, the model cars have broken and missing parts now. Years later when I'm already an adult, one day, my mom casually says it was a mistake to let children play with the cars. Now that she has realized those cars are quite expensive and wants to use them for decoration, kek. And no, she didn't apologize or even remember all my attempts to stop them from letting the boys destroy the cars.
>she had the tendency to throw away sentimental things of mine for no reasonI fucking hated this too. My mother threw away my childhood pillowcase, but I think I'd put some childhood art inside the pillow, I'm not sure. And I'll never be sure because my mother threw it away one day without asking me. Many parents are unaware of the sentimental value things hold for their children, or the reason why they do, and it's like they don't even care to know. Shouldn't they be trying to understand their children better? I swear.
No. 2252145
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I got turned into a social media-obsessed freak ever since I started creating content, even went as far as left lc and stopped doing anything that could not be related to creating content and consuming content…That is related to said content.
I did not realise how much it started eatng me alive until it become too late. I lost myself and my own intellegence. I got so used to being the butt of the joke, being nothing but a screaming streamer and video editor, and all because people liked it and it gave me more money and statistics…
Have anyone had the same problem? I feel so fucking illiterate, my speech and writing is nothing but unholy mess. I want to go back to being my old self, to a point that I even came back to lc. Over time, I have lost all of my desire to exist, as I started being so chronically online and dependant on social media, that my attention span went to zero.
How do i turn myself back to normal? What books do you think would fit me?
I started taking it easy by reading something as simple as The Cat Chronicles, but god…I miss my non-fiction books deeply. Even better it you send me some radfem ones.
Thank you in advance, nonnies. Fuck social media, I am going back to being a hermit. No money is worth being eaten alive for peoples amusement. I hope it is the right thread…
No. 2252166
>>2252145It is not the same, and I am sure you have already thought about this. But I have a friend that worked in marketing for a recognized brand, specifically the department aimed towards content creators and social media, and after a few years she completely lost her empathy and ties to reality. For example: during the Logan Paul suicide forest debacle she couldn't grasp why people were upset, because all she thought was a production crew, views, and a recognized name the company she worked with could use to earn money if they could land a collaboration with him. No matter how I tried to explain the issues people had with it to her she just looked at me all "…so what's your point?"*. She couldn't even use her own private social medias because her mind was constantly occupied by numbers and statistics despite not having any personal interests in becoming an influencer.
The only thing that turned her back to normal was quitting that job, go on a social media detox and travel so she could distance herself from it all. As I said, you have probably already thought about this but I think it is the way to go - just disconnecting yourself from it all for a while.
Admittedly, she has some pick-me tendencies that I think also somewhat played into this specific situation No. 2252181
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Growing up I was always told I was stupid and retarded, always getting compared to my siblings that are 10 and 13 years older than me (yes, I would literally get yelled at for not being as studious as my 17 year old sister when I was 7). I just kinda accepted that I must simply be an idiot, and sort of leaned into it as I was growing up, even for many years surrounded myself with toxic "friends" that would point out how stupid I am - among other degrading things that I would just laugh off. Not all that surprising really, I'm not always all that eloquent when it comes to expressing complex thoughts, and I suffer from anxiety and a lot of brain fog; of course I come off as a fool.
But now as I am getting older I realize I'm definitely not as stupid as I've been brought up to believe. I keep catching myself informing and teaching people around me about subjects I sort of took for granted people knew, I realize how much people have relied on me over the years and now allow myself recognize that I have a very high EQ. My mom has even gone from considering me her dumbest child to the most intelligent (god I hate that she has this sort of totem pole ranking that she is very verbal about).
It is partially sort of changing my own relationship with myself, but idk how to feel about it. It's like a part of my entire existence is being reevaluated. It's tough to figure out how to feel about this when I've always heard how dumb I am from when I was a small kid, to suddenly looking at myself in the mirror in my 30's and recognizing there is perhaps more to me than I always thought.
No. 2252183
>>2252181Damn, we lived the same childhood. My father had three super successful sons from another marriage and would pick out all my flaws when I was like 6 saying I wasn't like some moid in his 30s I never met. Stop crying you stupid child, this 30yo successful adult never cries so why are you?
I also relate to the eventual changing part, and it's been refreshing. Glad to hear you're feeling better as of recent
No. 2252224
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>>2252029im a woman and have a wife. pretending wouldn't really change my situation anyway. i
do have a husbando, though
No. 2252366
>>22523531. Regular deepfake tech can do this
2. Gay porn is fine but beastiality videos are better
3. Do it or gay
No. 2252705
>>2252076i wouldn't be surprised if it was kek
>>2252099do you want me to kill them for you anon…
No. 2252730
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>>2237641Still barely sleeping. I'm starting an internship at my dream company on monday. Pray for me nonas.
No. 2252735
>>2252107I know how you feel
nonnie, my mom either threw away my stuff (and denies it) OR she made me give them away to my younger cousins. Two days ago I was searching for the Barbie house that I owned but still can't find it. Why are mothers like this? I've never heard of fathers doing it. It's like they want to punish us for having a childhood…
No. 2252746
>>2252721>>2252727>>2252740Thank you. I'm with my father and siblings. But I'm the one who's grieving the most since I'm the elder daughter and now my entire family is my responsibility. We're preparing for the funeral now and I'm getting phone calls and text messages of people giving their condolences. My uncles, aunts and grandma are all coming right now, too.
My mom was sick for 4 months now and this was inevitable, I just can't believe it happened this fast, right now. I'm the anon from a previous thread with a mom who was dying of cancer.
No. 2252779
>>2252745In this one case her mother was very
abusive and constantly called her fat and gave her no affection. Her father was incredibly kind and caring in comparison. It's possible he got fed up after asking her to put her stuff away over and over, she was 20 years old when this happened. I think he was just a neat freak.
No. 2252809
>>2252789I don't, but maybe I should if I end up meeting someone with a more dismissive attitude
>>2252792I'm a scandifag, but I've had a lot of struggles with seeking new medication whenever what I have doesn't work. Probably because I have a pretty extensive history of suicide attempts. I've also had quite a few docs through the years dismissing some of my issues as part of my 'tism or anxiety.
No. 2252810
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all of my bagels molded. can’t have anything
No. 2252824
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>>2252808>>2252811Idk if it's about being "Frail and Weak" it's probably more about autism clocking/not performing femininity/being awkward/being shy. Women dislike these kinds of different women just like they dislike autistic/awkward men. It gives off a "different, danger" warning, they're herd animals who want to have only people like them in their group.
No. 2252885
>>2252851nta and not saying you're like this but in my experience a lot of people who self describe as "straightforward", "no filter", are just assholes who use that as a free pass to be rude. like I'm friends with some proudly "blunt"
autistic women and I don't think they realize how being so argumentative and needing to say how much they dislike whatever I'm excited about is hurtful, and makes me want to distance myself. sure they're just ~speaking their mind~ but the total lack of consideration makes me wonder if they even like me. I know they don't mean it like that, and I'm working on growing a thicker skin and not taking it so personally but it's hard kek. there's a happy middle between being a meek yesman and telling your friends their taste is shit because you're outspoken idk. socializing is hard
No. 2252892
>>2252863Oh, sorry for misunderstanding you! I totally get what you mean though, I used to know someone that would brag about how she was "just speaking her mind"/"super honest" as an excuse to put people down. So I started being blunt back to see if she could take what she dishes out
she couldn't and a part of that habit kind of stuck kek so I agree that people like that need to be avoided.
No. 2252899
>>2252892To clear up any other misunderstandings about character on an anonymous forum
megakek. It's more that I am blunt about situations rather than people, and I want to use my perceived bluntness and honesty as a way to hype my friends up so they know that I'm not just blowing smoke up their asses. But if someone needs to know they are causing their own misery by being in relationships/friendships that make them unhappy I will straight up tell them what I think about it
No. 2252930
>>2252824I’m austic as shit and in my small country was considered weird, annoying and to be avoided at all costs, then I moved to a capital city in a different country and am now considering funny and charming.
Ultimately I think it all depends on the culture of the country or city you’re in.
Have hope nonnas!
No. 2253037
I wish I was normal for once. I wish I wasn’t malpracticed as a toddler and got a diagnosis for mental retardation just because I was scared of doctors, didn’t like to eat that much and started talking coherently (kinda) a few months later than my peers or rather, I wish I never found out about this incident almost 20 years later, idk. Luckily, when I was around 2 weeks in treatment, my mom took me to another doctor who was quick to call that treatment bullshit and prescribe me vitamins as I was severely deficient in some of them which stunted parts of my development apparently.
I sometimes wonder if I’m genuinely autistic, I had this feeling that something is inherently wrong with me pretty much most of my life, but I also don’t want to get an official diagnosis as most medics hand that diagnosis like candy at this point in time imo.
I wish I wasn’t a sickly child and spent most of my early childhood years in hospitals and doctor’s offices, so much so that my first childhood memory I can remember is waking up during surgery and seeing my arm cut open at the age of 4 and I think that this surgery wasn’t necessary (it’s a common practice in my country for surgeons to cut some people for pretty much nothing, as the number of surgeries done is an increase in salary for them and another doctor told me years later that what happened back then with my arm could’ve been fixed without surgery). I wish I never stepped foot in those buildings, my life and my parents’ would’ve been different if it weren’t for some of the bullshit diagnoses that I got because of medics’ greed and some of the mistreatment that I got, I wouldn’t have been like a dog scared of bombs by the age of 5/6. I genuinely think that all of this somehow fucked up my brain and perception of the world at the time so early too and I’m so mad about it.
Now, I am grateful for that dude for saving my ass, could've been worse and generally my life is better, but I still have doubts and some “what if?” questions.
>>2252808Ooof, that attitude and disdain shaped a good chunk of my school life, even down to the “small and frail” part (although I was tall, lanky and very lightweight - still considered out of place and undesirable). I admit that at some point it was my attitude too when I had my NLOG phase, but to be fair, I didn’t get to that point out of nowhere - I was the weird, socially awkward kid who was good at English by having unsupervised internet access and had interests that were considered childish by the standards of the bumfuckville I lived in and as a result, I got bullied to the point of being scared to go to school. Boys pushed me on hallways and girls treated me as the weird exotic pet, got personal info about me that eventually was turned against me. But like
>>2252930 said, there is hope for weird girls to find other women like them, even though getting to that point takes more time and is mostly lonely or it takes moving out bumfuckville or even the country.
No. 2253077
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i asked my mom to buy me frozen raspberries for my oatmeal and she bought me a berry mix by mistake but i hate all berries besides raspberries and strawberries aaaaaaaaa fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. i hate being so picky and ripping my hair off after a minor inconvenience (grown ass woman btw). i need to stop being so dumb and ungrateful, i'll force myself to eat them
No. 2253230
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Is it bad my mother will only say she loves me when she's plastered drunk? I feel ungreatful for saying this but I kind of resent it. It's insincere to me, when sober she insults me, ignores me, and does the usual emotionally manipulative stuff that moms often do. I actually don't mind her doing a lot of that because given her past she can be a lot worse, but when she drinks and starts becoming sappy that's when I get a bit mad. I never express that I'm upset (I do get visibly uncomfortable with the touching) so she doesn't know. I feel guilty since many people will never hear nice words coming from their moms. Hell, my dad doesn't say nice things sober or drunk, so it feels weird to hate my mom for doing something that seems nice. Thankfully my mom almost never drinks, so I don't hear it or have to deal with it that much.
No. 2253232
I was babysitting my little cousin the other day, she's 7. At one point she mentioned she likes Taylor Swift and then today my dad said little kids shouldn't be listening or paying attention to Taylor Swift. I asked why and he said she's too glamorous and flamboyant????? Like wtf, I get Taylor might not be the best singer for a 7 year old to listen too but she's certainly not the worse. And the songs kids usually listen too of hers is like Shake It Off and G rated stuff like that. I kept pressing him on what he meant by glamorous, and why that's bad for a little girl to see? Taylor doesn't wear anything that she wouldn't see a doll wearing, it's very colorful and glittery. I don't see anything wrong with that. And then he said Taylor is inappropriate for kids because she sings about relationships, but like it's not as if she's going into detail about sexuality. Kids know what a relationship is, the 7 year old was telling me one of my cousins has a new boyfriend. They hear the word "wife" "husband" "boyfriend" "girlfriend" everywhere, it's in their lives, their friends lives, on TV, it's everywhere. They obviously don't know that includes sex and everything like that, but they obviously know that people have boyfriends and girlfriends. You'd have to grow up completely isolated from everyone and everything to never hear that word or learn that people have relationships. He's so retarded, why would a creepy old ass shut in retard male know how a little girl thinks and what she needs in her life. Men are so fucking dumb.
No. 2253314
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I hate the fact that it has become trendy to moralise fujos and yaoi consumption, it's so annoying because it's such a non-issue. The fact that people are clutching their pearls and crying about ~het women fetishising gay men~ is incredibly embarrassing. Especially because it's always tifs with some kind of internalised fujo shame doing the crying. I get so much second hand embarrassment when I see someone with the username bug_boi_aiden throwing a fit over some rando woman making G-rated fanart of Naruto and Sasuke. Men out there are destroying society by funnelling money into an industry that, amongst other degenerate things, abuses real teenage girls. But god forbid a woman looks at pictures of two fictional adult men kissing.
No. 2253351
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>>2253337>PeanisbreathWas it possibly Scandinavian?
No. 2253400
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There was a famous children's book illustrator named Trina Schart Hyman.
No. 2253789
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person i thought was a tif and had a bit of a crush on which is already embarrassing enough actually turned out to be a tim all along. ffs this would only happen to me… i didn't even think i'd ever see one irl given where i live (it's illegal to even be gay here and you'll get shit just for being a little gnc) but here we are. i'm never getting a tomboy gf. it's over for me. fuck my stupid lesbian incel life
No. 2253852
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>Just slept for 4 hours
>Read about several people getting cancer at celebricows
>think I'm going to get it and I'm going to die
>think I'm going to get it and I'm going to die
>think I'm going to get it and I'm going to die
>think I'm going to get it and I'm going to die
>think I'm going to get i-
No. 2254092
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Invited the fam over and spent this morning cooking a nice Sunday dinner and everyone bailed as soon as I put the chicken in the oven
>Sister - too hung over
>Other sister - no reply, phones dead or something
>Dad - on call and got called out
If it happens, it happens. I'll have lots of chicken and vegetables for meal prepping at least.
No. 2254189
>>2253002cramps are excruciating because they're so constant and the pain rarely lets up. it's
valid to feel like shit when you're in any pain
nonny, pls don't beat yourself up about it!
No. 2254241
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My close friend is letting this mtf motherfucker push her around and making her feel like shit and I'm gradually feeling more and more done with it. They're in the same friend group, and she is desperate to connect with other lesbians so she is taking what she can get even though she is semi-peaked. I keep telling her she shouldn't let this tranny define her, because no matter your opinions on troons why would you let someone that wasn't born a woman decide what's feminine or not? Why would she be friends with someone that acts catty and treats her like shit the moment she doesn't fall in line? I keep telling her she needs to cut him off or grow thicker skin if she is gonna stay around in that group, they aren't even that close but she still lets him get under her skin time and time again and I end up being the one spending hours trying to console her because her confidence is down the gutter.
I love her, and she is someone that is very kind and sensitive despite having a very tough outer shell. She gives jackasses way too much leeway all the fucking time, and there is just so many times I can tell her she needs to prioritize her own feelings and comfort more. Especially since it puts her in unfavorable situations over and over again. I don't know what else I can do or say really. I'm getting sorta fed up but at the same time I want her to be able to talk to me about all this because idk who else she can turn to about it, and I want to be there for her and let her spill her guts out so she doesn't internalize it even if I get a bit annoyed that it's the same thing over and over again.
No. 2254247
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>>2254228Eat a sandwich or take a long shower nona! You can do it, it's a struggle to get over the need but take it moment by moment. I believe in you!
No. 2254307
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>have two online friends
>talk all day, play games together for years
>they both live in Europe but I don't
>they started to meet up this year
>they're now instantly closer to each other
>group chat is dead with the occasional hi how are you chat every two months
>they make new friends irl who are, again, instantly closer just due to the fact that they've seen eachother irl
I know they still care for me but the distance makes it hard to keep up the friendship and yeah, I got ditched. Before anyone tells me to just go and see them I can't. Visa issues + strict parents. It's not the first time I've lost people because of where I live. lonely once again and I can't do anything about it..
No. 2254372
>>2254241Why is she letting a literal male in a dress who likely looks like an ogre or a pig with lipstick dictate how she should like. Opinions from uggos who are lesser than you don’t count.
If an ugly retard tells you that you need to dress up more and put make up you laugh in their face.
No. 2254383
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Used to be a Vinesauce Vinny enjoyer when I was younger but after the sex pest scandal thing I stopped watching but my friend who still watches him showed me he retweeted something an 18-year-old fan posted and said fan posts pics with her cleavage out while holding vinesauce keychains and has bracelets with his band/twitch name. You figure he would be more careful who he gives attention to but I guess male e-celebs really cannot resist having open email fuck a fan contests or indulging in the pathetic ego stroke of 18 year olds drooling over them.
Vinny is almost 40 and I’d bet he has another scandal one of these days and now that I’m older men that old fucking their freshly legal fans makes me so mad. It's fucking disgusting even if they consent to it and I feel dumb it took growing up to realize that.
No. 2254389
>>2254380Woah NTAYRT but
>Sleeping with 10 men isn’t whoring You seriously have to be joking
No. 2254427
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I was that anon that was complaining about industry animators being generally shitty. The ones that work for meat canyon and Alan Becker. So I got a shit ton of messages this morning basically saying to keep my mouth shut, don't talk shit because they actually have a rep and a career and they respect all forms of animation even though they said it doesn't count and all this shit. Saying that animation memes is a cheap way to get followers and all this shit. So yuh I'm being hounded by these guys now. Trying to say I'm a drama whore and stuff like that never happened.
No. 2254444
>>2254427My dm's are still filling up with these guys messaging me. I'm getting kinda stressed tbh. They're trying to paint it as "friendly" advice, that they were joking and nothing ever happened. But they were telling smaller creators in the VC "Oh stick to your level and just shove your characters hands in your pocket" or harassing another girl who was practicing anatomy and mocking her… for not knowing anatomy as well as them. They even told another animator who had more followers than them that "lol animation memes? What, three frames of head bobbing? No wonder you can push out so many animations a month"
Sorry for the rant. It's just I didn't like how these "professionals" were talking so much shit to others.
No. 2254464
>>2254446But if you think men suck so much why would you have sex with a bunch of them? Also, why are you calling
me autistic? You responded to my post with “do you believe in true love and building a family meme” and I responded with how that doesn’t relate to whoring yourself out to moids.
No. 2254580
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>memories of what happened to me hit me this morning
>cried and slept away this day and I feel like shit because of it, I should’ve done more things
>barely managed to finish an assignment and even music is not that enjoyable right now, it even made me angry
>my hair is falling off so much now too and I have to wait to do blood tests in mid December, despite making an appointment in fucking October
>I know something’s wrong with my health for quite a few months, thus these changes in mental health too
>suicidal ideation was more frequent this year
>some symptoms I have right now are the same as the ones around the time of my last suicide attempt from a couple of years ago
>fucking be it December already, I wanna start treatment and know what it is (already placed my bet on severe iron and calcium deficiencies)
No. 2254663
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>>2254655Fuck off bitch
(infighting) No. 2254811
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I found the most perfect listing on rightmove but couldn't get it right away because my new job hadn't given me a start date and I didn't want to jump the gun. Checked up on it again just now and it has been removed.
How the fuck do I cope with this. The only downsides were that it was 20 minutes away by car from my workplace and the area looked a bit run-down, but where else will I find a 3 room apartment with wooden floors for only £550 a month?
There's literally nothing else on the market in the area and I want to cry.
No. 2254816
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why do some people randomly get to have love in their lives and other people dont? why did i deserve having an abusive psycho mom that i dont talk to anymore so i basically dont have a mom anymore? why do some people get to find good kind partners while the only guy ive ever loved just tore my heart out? i dont get it. i dont get this life. i just want it to be over with already
No. 2255082
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i just realized this screenshot shows my username of this very popular MMORPG and you can actually look up my stats, so it wasn't a coincidence this tranny rapist named another of his shitclout songs after my skill with the highest XP. the skinwalking saga continues.
No. 2255145
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I think through unbelievably bizarre happenstance I may have stumbled across the vent blog of someone I e-dated 6 years ago oh no oh god fuck me why this
No. 2255152
>>2254403I agree. It all comes down to age.
>>2254423true, sadly
No. 2255592
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tfw i realised i have more fun at work than home and that my crush on the quiet co-worker is more of a cope for my shitty life rather than genuine interest
No. 2255603
I've never had a lower sex drive than now I've lost my virginity
Sex was so boring, tiresome and unsatisfying ; there really was a before and after
Before, I thought I would experience pleasure beyond imagination, that'd make me crave it and I'd get really horny thinking about it
now I know it's just an awkward guy trying to move inside you
He was really handsome, well endowed, it was a lovely place, I was very in love, so it couldn't have gone any better
I'm glad I lost my virginity, I'm less of a pervert, I coom once every other week to release the tension (versus nearly everyday before), I don't crave male companionship anymore
I've finally understood they really don't have much to offer
No. 2255644
>>2255640>>2255633honestly just tell her you've had sex before
unless your hymen is perfectly untouched they wwon't be able to tell the difference with a menstrual cup or fingering yourself
No. 2255675
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i hate shitty holidays like veterans day everything important is closed. Jobs are not checking their emails like that if they are open, and all the kids are not in school. Makes 0 sense fuck the veterans they are all glorified rapists with mental issues what's to celebrate!?
No. 2255680
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Pulled up to work today just for me and my two coworkers to find that our manager literally grabbed all of her shit on Sunday (when we're not open) and sent an email from her computer to confirm that she was resigning effective immediately. no warning or nothing.
this was after she promised me a bunch of shit and now we're without a manager AGAIN for the second time this year. fucking idiot.
I've literally never seen someone run out of a job so fast and out of nowhere.
No. 2255693
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>big sister who stopped smoking for a long time went back to smoking cigarettes because muh addiction you wouldn't get it even though our father has lung cancer from being exposed to dangerous chemicals for a few years and she knows how it's ruining his body
>youngest sister, who has a baby face and absolutely no wrinkles whatsoever, decided to get some botox injections in her chin and jaw at a shady "clinic" with no qualified doctor that's being sued by a shit ton of former customers because "no you don't get it I'm so ugly I can't not go outside without makeup boohoo"
>mom compared my physical health issues that required a strictly monitored medical treatment for several years to my other little sister getting a nose job before being an adult because "everyone is calling her ugly and bullying her at school"
I swear to god I'm surrounded by retards, get me out of here.
No. 2255707
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i sleep, wake up, feel tired, sleep, wake up, still tired. ???
No. 2255795
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>want husband eventually
>cant get over husband means hell be male therefore a porn addict
only way i cope is i tell myself its a problem for later (have to finish my studies before lookign for a husband)
No. 2255824
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I'm going on a not date date with my ex today. All I can see is picrel but I was the happiest during the period of my life when I was with him. Maybe I can get back to there.
No. 2255831
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I hate myself. I have a crush on a moid who has red flags but like not hard red flags just stereotypical stuff. Ear piercing, plays guitar, art school etc. He seems nice and normal and I feel calm and not scared when I’m talking to him but when I’m by myself I start to panic. My last ex seemed so normal too but definitely wasn’t and I’m terrified of it happening again. These past two years I’ve been single and I like it in some ways but in others I am still extremely lonely. Doesn’t matter how many times moids disappoint me I still don’t seem to learn.
No. 2255873
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I work in tech as part of an internal security team. Once a year some team members are chosen to sneakily sneak a service that breaks all the rules to dogfood ourselves. Myself and a couple others were chosen. I pushed up absolute dogshit and it got passed. My manager said don't report it so we don't look bad. I'm absolutely furious. I do a good job, I block any bad shit I see and now I realize that the whole team doesn't gf. I'm a box ticker. Should I just approve any requests I see then? I doesn't matter, why should I care if PII data gets leaked?
No. 2255874
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>>2255852I wish madoka magica was real so I could wish kyubey to kill all futa artists before they are born. Sadly I think we are just going to have to resort to cyberbullying these people instead. Make people afraid to post futa.
No. 2256005
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i know how retarded and chronically online this is. but i’m extremely enviou i know how chronically online this is, but i’m extremely envious of the cast of that percy jackson tv show. i don’t even think the show was good; i just wish i had the cast’s lives. they already have a long-term career despite being teenagers, they get to have a job doing shit they’re actually passionate about, and every post i see about them is either their fans worshipping the ground they walk on or one of the adult production members talking about how “professional” and amazing they are. i’m a first-year college student (19yo—mods don’t ban me), so i know i have my “whole life ahead of me” or some shit, but it still hurts to think that some people around my age already have a career set out for them that isn’t some boring slog. social media is fake, so i know my issues have more to do with the growing lack of purpose, high cost of living, all that shit people worry about nowadays, etc., etc. but i just feel trapped in school, feeling like nothing i ever do will be as worthwhile or meaningful. i found myself crying last night over not being an insanely lucky, media-trained 15-year-old, instead having to be in college and struggle with whatever the economy, job, and housing market looks like once i graduate.
No. 2256064
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>At anime convention looking at doujins in a very crowded and narrow area
>Group of loud annoying people loitering nearby
>Faggy moid dressed as astolfo in the group exclaims "OOOH!" and runs to the yaoi section while wiggling his fingers
>Girl who is with him follows and sees kawoshin doujins as he is browsing, they're grouped by pairing so she pulls almost all of them out of the box
>Their entire group goes over there, crowding everything up and multiple people are looking at the covers of the kawoshin doujins and start actually screaming something about child porn
>Guy at the booth asks to see their IDs
>They start getting really aggressive and tell him that hes selling child porn so why does he care about their IDs
>Astolfofag joins in on the screeching and egging on but he's laughing really hard while doing so
>Two girls are genuinely super fucking mad now and they're pulling shit out of the plastic and asking booth guy why he's selling child porn
>They all get told to leave because nobody is showing ID and they're pulling things out of the plastic sleeves without paying
>Whole time I'm just trying to browse
I wish I was making this up. What the fuck kek I started getting secondhand embarrassment
No. 2256202
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Is anyone else just annoyed and irritated by the slightest things. Even watching videos on the internet makes me want to fling myself into a rage because of the way they breathe or their stupid ugly shitbeast looking at them with fake doe eyes just to get food out of them or their horrendous tiktok accents. The worst offenders are the grown women who either have a baby voice with their radioactive dyed hair and gamer girl attire or the other ones who look gauntly like they shit out pounds of diarrhea out of them from a diet tea while whispering in some soft gurl~ voice to make everyone know they are submissive or something. Then the fat ones, the fat ones almost give me a heart attack and then the ones on here who aren’t fat and always have such an annoying, nice nasty attitude to their posts as if posting a bunch of cat pictures and dumbass shitpost images are surely going to make you the nice girl when we all don’t know each other and hate each other. Then the ones who know they don’t know jackshit and quickly turn on their grammar nazi tower sniper persona and try to say you’re an uneducated fool for making sense. In real life it’s the same, every little thing a person does drives nuts, it’s almost like I have those same goggles that the guy has from movie They Live and it’s always on all the time. I’m not even autistic it’s just become even more of a hassle to be around people, I rather isolate myself entirely.
No. 2256368
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>>2256202Nah I feel the same way. I don’t know why because I thought id calm down after thirty but I’m just filled with more rage, resentment and misanthropy.
No. 2256457
>>2256440I'm sorry to hear it
nonny. Matching someone else's energy is freeing, I suggest doing it if you're still open to being friends with her. You can be acquintances or still be friends, but if she doesn't consider you that close why should you?
No. 2256604
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Hiding that I'm barely keeping it together because apparently I'm the only one in this family who can larp that I'm happy.
>Mam stop being racist and talking shite for one afternoon
>Dad you're dead, you get a pass
>Sister 1 stop crying about the BF you broke up with 2 years ago. I'm sympathetic and I know he was your love and your light but come on
>Sister 2 stop with the bag ffs. It's not you
>Brother get your finger out of your arse and help mom with gardening or something. Call it horticulture if you don't want to actualize what a useless man child you are.
I'm pilled up to the eyeballs so I can leave my place and function and help people. I'm miserable. Life is misery. At least use the small amount to time we have to help each other. You're all so self-absorbed you don't care about the woman who raised you.
No. 2256650
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I'm sick and tired of trying to enjoy mind-numbing blissful escapism only to have it ruined by other people around me trying to constantly fucking insert their dumb ass political or social identity opinions into something. I DO NOT CARE, I AM PLAYING A VIDEO GAME. Please just let me enjoy escapism without being distracted by irl drama or issues for two fucking minutes. If it's in a context outside of enjoying stuff like RP or games then I don't care, speak your mind, but I'm playing a fucking fantasy game please leave your personal issues at the door and just kill this fucking dragon already. Holy shit.
No. 2256791
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>tfw she keeps talking about your body (even though she's not skinny herself), so you lose a bunch of weight out of spite and now she's
No. 2256862
>>2255872>>2256506Thank you. Most of the dreams have been me confronting him over how much of a piece of shit he is. I honestly think that's what has me so stuck. We have been friends for a while before we dated, and he ended it after we slept together and he told me that everything was fake. Even our friendship was fake. And I'm just so stuck thinking that it's not fake, he just said that to be avoidant. But it was all fake. It really was. He is just a hollow, empty person who hurts other people to make himself feel better because he hates himself. Him hating himself is perfectly
valid because he is a worthless sack of shit who hurts others instead of working on himself.
I was just one of the people that he hurt. I don't mean anything more than that to him and all of my effort and kindness was wasted on him during our friendship. That's just the truth and I have to face it. He wasted my time and my energy just for a confidence boost and used me for a cumrag both literally and emotionally. The idea that another feeling, thinking human being can do something like this to another feeling, thinking human being really just underlines to me that men AREN'T human and AREN'T capable of being anything but parasites. I just hope at some point that I can get to a place where the actions of parasites can't hurt my feelings. And I guess I feel a little childish that I ever believed that our friendship was real. I should have known already that men are less than animals. And maybe also I feel a little childish that my feelings could even be hurt. But, feeling those feelings is part of getting over it I guess. I should really just be over it I feel like. Even if during those dreams I'm basically just scolding him for being such a piece of shit, I don't even want to do that anymore. I don't want to think about him ever again. I want this chapter of my life with him being any part of it to be over. I want nothing to do with him. I don't want him in my dreams. I don't want him in my thoughts. I don't want him in my posts. He should be as dead as possible to me.
But here I am posting about him. But here I am dreaming about him. It really is pathetic. Whatever! I know I will get over it eventually.
No. 2257212
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i feel sick, i hate the first day of my period because my cramps are more painful
No. 2257492
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just fucking lol at this utter disgrace of a life. después de 6 meses esperando la rectificación de mi apellido (se pasaron del tiempo de espera por tres meses) llegó hace un mes. al ir al registro civil, me dijeron que „no aparecía el cambio en el sistema” PERO CUANDO PIDO UN CERTIFICADO POR INTERNET, APARECE CON EL APELLIDO CORREGIDO. ese día, pedí hora a las 9 de la mañana y me atendieron a las 2 de la tarde, no había aire acondicionado, hacía calor, olía horrible porque estaba lleno de larvas inmundas que no conocen el jabón y el agua. fue una verdadera tortura china.
hace dos semanas me dijeron que vaya al registro civil de un pueblo que está cerca para sacar mi documento de identificación, ya que siempre está vacío y atienden sin tener que pedir hora, llegué de allá hace casi 1 hora y la MIERDA que atiende, me dice „no estamos atendiendo sin hora, solo atendemos a 20 personas por día” a pesar de que NO HABÍA NADIE ESPERANDO, estaba vacío y se supone que no se necesita hora. ¿SIQUIERA ESTA GENTE DE MIERDA TRABAJA? que perra más desagradable, pero cuando fue mi hermano a hacer el trámite a la misma hora la semana pasada, lo atendió y le dijo que no había problema, no se necesita pedir hora, bla bla bla.
qué puta rabia tengo, hacer trámites es imposible en este puto país de mierda y necesito cambiar el nombre en mi diploma urgente Y NO PUEDO HACERLO SIN EL DOCUMENTO DE IDENTIFICACIÓN. solo me queda reírme
No. 2257512
>>2257492Qué país???? Suena a México. Así es
nonny, tener que pasar for oficinas y eso es una verdadera mierda
No. 2257531
>>2257512parece que todo latam es igual, aunque he escuchado que en europa es peor. soy de chile, nonnita. no hay esperanza de avance, muerte a la burocracia y el papeleo
nonny, i was going to type it in english but i was too furious and couldn't think straight. i had nowhere to vent this complete disgrace to
No. 2257555
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scrolled past the dog hate thread and nonas are talking about eating dogs
No. 2257576
>>2257531it’s ok
nonny lmao
No. 2257591
>>2257584Nta but why do you think Daniil Ivanovich Kharms was put into a gulag for writing children's books
Anon has a strong point, particularly when it comes to materials geared towards kids
You just had a knee-jerk reply without thinking it through
No. 2257635
>>2257584>why do you keep repeating that dumbass statement?Yet people keep on using it when it doesn't even mean what they think it means. It's not me using it.
Reading comprehension.
No. 2257828
>>2257809I'm sorry but I have been reading this exact same complaint for years
It's not lolcor, it's you
You've become sentisised to it, this place isn't it for you at the moment
No. 2257891
>>2257809>>2257828Since 2020 /ot/ has become gradually into no fun allowed.
I kinda get why so many oldfags left, the new cows are boring and we are not allowed to comment on drama anyways, in /m/ the active threads are less about discussion and more about images, /g/ it's useful aside from the hornyposting, but overall I feel like the quality of posting has changed a lot and I'm not able to relate to other anons like I used to. And kinda sucks because if you go around lurking other imageboards the quality is 10000 worse.
But I always come back
No. 2257917
>>2257901>shit post threadWait, it was called the dumbass shit thread. And it was autosaged and died
I most often have the urge to post something that would fit there
Like, I don't come here to have cerebral conversations, I just wanna banter and have fun
No. 2257918
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I hate being female so much, there are so many things i want to do but can't because there is a high chance i will end up raped and dead on a ditch. Fucking hate lazy scrotes who could be camping and hiking by themselves but instead waste their time on their asses playing shitty games. Recently 2 female tourists were found raped and murdered in a hiking trail in my country and they havent found the culprit yet because there were no security cameras. I hate it so much i just want to be free but instead i feel like i am on a cage, either i am safe or i choose to take a risk in my shithole country and go alone and risk ending up dead. I wish i could at least be tall so i could crossdress and pass a moid. Fucking hate scrotes so much, i wish i could tame a bear to come along with me and murder any scrote who tries to harm me.
No. 2257943
>>2257927If you were cognitively disabled it would have been picked up on the test for elementary school enrollment
I encourage you to take an IQ test just to quit your bullshit
No. 2257948
>>2257927Hate to break it to you but the fact you could string that sentence together, use this site and even think to get an IQ test because you fear you’re retarded means you’re perfectly average.
What makes you think you’re deficient?
No. 2257952
>>2257233The same situation happened to me recently, except with another family member. I got ignored for the most part and people didn't care much that I was going through that, but when someone else whines about some dumb shit like idk they didn't have dinner today or something, they're immediately coddled. It's why I find it so laughable when men say shit like oh you're a woman so you instantly get sympathy and support, when the reality is all I've gotten was a) fake sympathy (from scrotes trying to fuck me), b) apathy and c) scrotes telling me acskually since I'm female my problems don't exist and I'm privileged or some other shit like that because uhh moids want to stick their dick in me or whatever and that fixes everything apparently, think of the men who have it soo much worse than me, etc. Can't even complain about this bizarre apathy towards me without just getting gaslit like this, being told I'm unreasonable for wanting basic empathy, or having them tell me ackshually they care so much! Yet they never fucking show it when I need it and still expect me to give a fuck about them somehow. It's just made me grow distant from my social circles and go through everything on my own and never share anything about me or my life in general since it's better than just getting ignored or treated like shit. I used to think the problem was my personality or my looks or something causing others to be so shitty towards me so I improved on those but not much changed, so it leaves me with no answer other than that a lot of people are just selfish assholes and it sucks.
No. 2257998
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so i won today on my crusade against the zaza superpower because the only 2 plugs i know are in the seca it seems and i'm banned from grindr. this is how god wanted it i guess
No. 2258017
>>2257948for starters, my good grades in elementary and middle school, which is a cakewalk for anyone with an iq of 100 or above, were mostly a result of industriousness, not raw intelligence. most of my peers would finish before me while having grades as good as or even better than mine. i also have many traits that are strongly correlated to low iq (impulsivity, poor emotional regulation, poor memory, poor ability to reflect, poor self-awareness, executive dysfunction, difficulty imagining things, etc.). on top of all that, i dropped out of high school and have never taken the sat, and whenever i try, i always end up bursting into tears at how difficult so many of the questions are, even though it’s been dumbed down and apparently no longer correlates with g. i’ve seen plenty of low iq string together complex and grammatically correct sentences as well, so my ability to write coherently and with correct grammar doesn’t assuage my suspicions about my intelligence. maybe i’m just a mentally ill midwit who has been greatly overestimating the intelligence of the average person, but when you put all of these things together, it doesn’t look good for me
No. 2258031
File: 1731454122278.png (1.66 MB, 949x1200, IMG_6859.png)

>hmm I wonder if reddit has information about why I've never been able to burp
>it's actually a disorder caused by the inability for a muscle in the throat to relax
>also the reason why I also get super painful chest pressure and nausea whenever I'm sick
holy shit
No. 2258062
>>2258017Oh I assure you you're greatly overestimated the intelligence of the average person
Remember how the initial reaction to a virus pandemic was to stock up on toilet paper?
No. 2258066
When my mom was younger, she was beautiful. I've seen pictures of her from her twenties. Back then, tons of men were interested in her, and she has a reputation among her peer group for being "the pretty one." I feel like I'm a huge disappointment looks-wise. For as long as I can remember, she has indirectly made it clear to me that I'm ugly. Unfortunately, I feel that I have inherited almost zero features from her, and that we look nothing alike.
According to her, every noticeable feature I have comes from my dad's side of the family. My nose projects too far out from my face just like his mom's, my eye shape is masculine like his dad's, my face is a little too long like his grandma's, ect. I'm also somewhere on the "dramatic" side of the Kibbe body types scale (I'm long, lanky, and skinny with no obviously feminine body features.)
She has never liked anything I wear or any style I try. No matter what clothes I wear, she says they don't flatter my body shape. No matter what hairstyle I have, she says it doesn't work with my face. Same with any glasses I wear or any color scheme I try out. This used to fuck with me pretty badly when I was in gradeschool and then college. It also didn't help that I was a weird autist who was allergic to everything that floats in the air, so I had a reputation for being the weird, gross kid. Knowing that I was also the ugly kid was just another shitty thing on top of the pile. As I got older, I just accepted that I was a solid 3/10. It never stopped me from making good friends, getting good jobs, having fun hobbies, etc. As most uglies do, I also developed a good sense of humor to compensate. Now, I'm often one of the first people that my co-workers choose to work with just because I'm good company. Some men have also expressed attraction to me, so I suppose I'm not disgusting to everyone.
So here's the point of this post. Something weird has started happening in the past year and a half. Because of some specific events, I showed some of my family pictures to a few people I know (new friends, old schoolmates, co-workers, etc.) The first thing they say when they see the pictures is that I look exactly like my mom?
I also started going to the same dentist that my parents do. When I walked in the door, the first thing the receptionist said was, "Oh, you must be [REDACTED]'s daughter!" I have never interacted with her before.
Another strange situation happened a couple of months ago at work. During downtime, I was sitting with a bunch of my female coworkers. Idk how this came up, but they were looking at a vintage picture of a beautiful flapper. One of them said "She looks just like [my name]!" and the others instantly agreed. I disagreed because I just didn't see it…but I said that she did look a lot like my mom. They just kind of stared at me for a second, and then one of them said, "Okay then she looks like you and also your mom."
No. 2258152
god bless mommy
maybe theyll have invented immortality by then
No. 2258164
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I hate newfags for real they always think they're being clever and badass and that they're making everyone mad just because their own heart is beating rapidly at the unusual amount of attention (aka 2 replies). Meanwhile the rest of us just think they're retarded and devoid of self awareness.
No. 2258183
>>2258140Thanks for being supportive. I usually try not to think about appearance - like I said, I pretty much accepted that whatever I look like doesn't really affect my life and happiness that much. Not in the adult world, at least. This is actually the most that I've thought about it in a few years, and it's only because my script for how I view myself has been flipped, and it's just a really weird thing to have happened.
I still have moments of insecurity, though, which caused me to make my original post. I literally saw my mom just today, and the first thing she said to me was "UGHH, you HAVE to CUT OFF that HAIR!" No hello or anything, lol. For context, I have the same hair texture as her (thick + wavy.) She cut it off because she always hated putting up with it, and she hates it on me, too. It's hard not to have a moment of negativity towards yourself when you're getting face-to-face, aggressive criticism directly from a loved one.
Lately, when she says rude things to me, I take a minute to be like "Okay, that's her preference, but everyone else disagrees. I'm probably fine."
This is actually the first time that I've had a lot of people see me with her, even in picture. All throughout my childhood, I never brought my friends home. Most of our extended family is dead, and the living ones that we see on occasion don't really comment on things like looks.
>>2258146Thank you, friend. I am in the process of deconstructing all sorts of weird shit I learned as a kid. If anyone wants to share therapy tips or something for these kinds of situations, I am open to suggestions.
No. 2258219
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>OTP is popular but content creation is pretty slow releasing
>mfw I see there's a new ao3 fiction but it's just the resident a/b/o autismo starting up another poorly written romcom au where they're abducted by aliens or work in a tattoo parlor or some shit
Every time. I'm so sick of this bitch go hyperfixate on another pairing!!!! We don't need your SLOP!!!!
No. 2258244
File: 1731462316045.png (1.35 MB, 2150x2242, The Barbie and the Fujo.png)

Had an argument yesterday with this kind of creature. I drew this as vent art.
Yes, you can argue both of us are golddiggers and pickme's.
I think it's just ridiculous she assumed I needed help from her and "every woman wants a provider man" I didn't want to get married and she took HUGE offense to that. Why would I?! All my chores are taken care of by housekeepers and handymen. My bills are paid by an "army of men" through real estate, dividends, and stocks. I have a thriving circle of friends. I don't work either! Plus I am well educated and don't need to shill my body and argue for crumbs from a man. Look, I don't look down on these kinds of women, until they strike first. Until she started calling me "lazy" and "unambitious" for not chasing a man, and putting women down for being useless, (yes we're SO useless because we don't give money to girls like her - I think it's projection) I considered us all friends and equals. These types of women who say "women are so catty" and "I can't be friends with women" are the problem. I promise you, the more female friends you have, the better life gets.
And honestly, I had to fudge the numbers DOWN on the picture to make it believable.
No. 2258246
>>2258244how do you get into stocks, stacy fujo
No. 2258248
>>2258066Bro your mom is projecting and insecure
>you don't look like me, you look weird blah blah blahJust because you look different, doesn't mean you're not beautiful. Your mom sounds like she's in a competition with you. Or if you look like her, and she hates herself, she can't stand you. If you don't look like her, perhaps she thinks she's the only beautiful woman that can exist, so she tears you down. Or she feels insecure that you two look so similar. We can't tell because it's subjective whether you do or don't look like your mom. The bottom line is, you don't need to look like your mom to be beautiful. You received some beautiful and unique traits from your dad and grandma. Just because they're different doesn't mean they're ugly.
And if nothing looks good on you as a child, that's on your mom for her lack of styling ability, not your body for being "wrongly shaped" there is NOTHING wrong with you, that feeling comes from your m other rejecting you because she's too insecure and wasn't ready to be a mother.
No. 2258263
>>2258244I know this is a vent thread but plz give me a basic rundown of you financial path (I want to become the based fujo)
Did you start out with a job, begin investing in stocks, and then buy real estate? Or did you go the other way around? Do you work with a management company to take care of your properties for you?
Also, I agree that women like that are largely projecting. I find that most of them really don't have the chops to survive without help, and flounder when left to fend for themselves. Since the married life is the only lifestyle that actually works for them, they rationalize their situation as them having found the true secret key to happiness (since they failed at everything else.) Most of us do this to some extent, but those women are pretty extreme versions of it.
No. 2258283
>>2258270That's barely a significant amount of weight. Idk how long you've been dieting, but something like that can be attributed to changes in water retention and metabolism as you go through your hormone cycle. Women's hormone cycles are unfortunately something that very few diet resources even mention.
If your diet is working, you'll see an overall downwards trend in your weight over many months. On a day-to-day or even week-to-week basis, it's common for it to seem like nothing is changing. Hang in there, nonna.
No. 2258296
File: 1731464283443.png (75.83 KB, 600x338, Other-Girls-600x338.png)

>>2258244Pickmes obsessed with moids are fucking annoying and your caricature of them is funny but I can't help but see this
No. 2258301
>>2258263I'm not sure if people can repeat my success, I invested in something that did a 100x and I also invested in NVDA with the gains before the AI boom. I was obsessive with /biz/ and I've seen many stories like mine, people with NW of 6 mil up to 90 mil. I learned a lot from there, I literally tell people 4chan changed my life.
>>2258271I've been on lolcow since I was in my early 20s, back when Luna was still on tumblr (she's my favorite cow) You are all my wives
No. 2258315
File: 1731464929258.jpeg (78.37 KB, 466x537, IMG_3050.jpeg)

>man i really wanna play sims
>in depressive dissociative slumber though
>boots up game
>ready to finally make some builds for my empty save file
>opens the game and starts fiddling with cas
>closes the game after 5 minutes
>laptop overheating anyways
>my joy is always robbed
making save files are so daunting, i hace a beautiful build but my autistic self is so annoyed by how it looks in the map that i want everything to look beautiful and perfect on the map when i boot it up. i’m tired of my hideous ugly life and my body i just want one thing to look pretty and give me some sense of joy lord have mercy
No. 2258316
>>22583011st ayrt. Those were damn good calls, congratulations. Thanks for the resource, I might check out /biz/ and monitor for any good information. I'm cool with a slower financial incline; I know that everyone's path is different and I'm just getting started on mine. Any good tips that you've learned over the years would be appreciated, if you're willing to share.
Don't worry, I won't do anything retarded. A lot of my relatives and family friends IRL are accountants or otherwise work with money, so I have people to run ideas by.
No. 2258332
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>>2258327I literally began my post with a disclaimer that I think the artwork is funny and accurate but it just reminded me of something else. Holy shit.
No. 2258352
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my bf punched a hole in the wall the other day and I don’t know what to do. he knows that it scares me and he promised he wouldn’t punch the wall again the first time he did it, but now he’s made an ugly dent that I have to walk past every day. i love him so much but this is making me not want to be around him anymore
No. 2258356
>>2258352Break up for the love of god
I have a brother that punches walls when he's mad and be it not for the walls being made of brick, that house would have so many holes
Get away while you can because it will only escalate
No. 2258367
>>2258352that kind of man is genuinely dangerous nona i would seriously recommend you get out of there
>>2258315cant you download premade families/houses online?
No. 2258377
never stays at the wall. please get rid of him before he turns on you.
No. 2258379
>>2258356>>2258363>>2258367>>2258371>>2258373thank you nonas, it’s just hard because we live together and i can’t move away because my job is here, i also don't have friends that i can talk to about it so im scared that if i leave i wont really have anyone else to turn to if that makes sense
i hope you’re all having a great night
No. 2258395
>>2258379i hope you stay safe nona
>>2258383thats fair
No. 2258398
>>2258387learn to scroll and you won't have this problem. would love it if the only thing keeping my life from being worth living was reading about bad moids. would prefer it if
nonnie was thriving far away from her
abusive no-good stinky scrote bf though
No. 2258426
>>2258379 should read “Why Does He Do That”, link above is a free pdf. I use to be in a bad relationship too anon, things are better on the other side no matter how different. Feel free to vent in the break up or
abusive relationships threads. Stay safe
nonnie >>>/g/121656>>>/g/377685 No. 2258469
>>2258387this is just over dramatic and needlessly mean to a
victim of abuse. Rethink what you are saying, have some empathy or just scroll and ignore. If this is what’s making your life “not worth living” then get offline
No. 2258577
>>2258352I’ve stopped feeling sorry for people like you. The red flags are there, he’s showing you, you can literally leave before you become the wall.
You’ll get over the heartbreak, at least it’s easier than getting over a fracture and bruises kek.
No self preservation bone in you at all.
No. 2258589
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i wish i was less overly polite because if i was i would just take advantage of guys who like me to get them to buy me lots of stuff. like video games and expensive clothes i want. but i feel like thats kinda evil and fucked up to lead somebody on like that.. but also theyre men so they kinda deserve it? ew and they might start pressuring me to send pics. i dunno its conflicting
No. 2258662
>>2258640That's horrible, I'm sorry nona. In the short term could you find a roommate? Consider taking up volunteering and when you feel a bit better maybe get a pet? I used to help out at the animal shelter with the bottle babies, it always made me feel better.
If you're in a position to move sometimes a change of scenery is worth trying too.
No. 2258718
>>2258640I am praying for your safety and for things to get better for you nonna. I have been in a very similar situation to you especially with the issue of not getting along with family back home. I hope something works for you and you can be safe. I don't judge you for the relationship with the man and anyone who does is a retard, these things happen, and no-one asks to be put in this situation.
>I supported him when he threatened suicide nightly and cut himself to the point of bleeding past gauze and denim. But me needing basic emotional support is too much I guess. Me needing some extra time to build myself up is a burden even though I try to lift him up in the meantime.This is a longer version of why women used to have all their private and secret wealth in gold jewellery or cash or secret bank accounts back in the day. You can't rely on men for any sort of stability, physically or emotionally. Unfortunately, many of them will use you as a stepping stone. You needing the bare minimum support is too much for men because they are emotional leeches and the modern male is not a provider nor a giver anymore. I am sorry you had to go through this.
I hope at the very least you might be able to work something out with your family or a roommate even just for a short amount of time, and I am very sorry to hear about your friend too.
No. 2258764
>>2258746>>2258746I think female abuse
victims seriously need to get a grip and empower themselves. Sorry if that’s non-PC and feels scrote-like but there are certain types of women who seek
abusive relationships like moths to a flame, because she’s just as shitty and unstable as her
abusive nigel. Unless he’s holding you hostage with straight up guns and enslaving you inside of your house, you take every opportunity to remove yourself from being victimized.
No. 2258801
>>2258764i mean i agree that you can try to not let that happen, but what happens when that man tricks you, you tie your life to his, and THEN the abuse begins? which is how most of these women get trapped? do you seriously think women with long term partners are going to run the first time he hits an object? how long do these women have before you decide they’ve stayed a week too long to deserve compassion? of course they should leave their
abusive partners but i don’t think someone like you could understand how hard it gets when you have a bond with another human being. when that
abusive person cries and apologizes and love bombs you after and then nothing else happens for a long time. the cycle gets faster but seriously you can go months without an incident, sometimes it starts with one or two events a year and the rest is good. i don’t think you have enough life experience to understand how these relationships actually work and how difficult it is to financially and physically separate from somehow who does not want to let you in a terrible economy. often with no savings. do the women who have to save up to leave get no compassion from you either?
No. 2258817
>>2258811they were talking about spaying cats and female abuse
victims before you tried to change the subject back to men
No. 2258843
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>>2258840And it's so fucking stupid because literally there are so many breeds out there who are also in shelters and need love too but NOOOOOOO people only seem to wanna shill shitbulls as the one breed that deserves all of the attention and act holier than thou when they own a few in their homes and you are evil enough to get a small dog that doesn't bite.
God can they just shut the fuck up
No. 2258845
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ashamed to admit i am self harming over someone i meant on the friend finder thread i need an end to my mental retardation fast
No. 2258846
>>2258825My deepest condolences anon
I know how you feel. It's been five years since my dog died, last night I dreamt of talking him for a walk. I love when I dream of him, it feels like he's really still with me
No. 2258851
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>>2258843It's a total shit show. Tiktok is starting to popularize uncommon breeds like anatolian shepherds and cane corsos, now we have retards trying to turn these aggressive guardian breeds into house pets. I think most people are too stupid or egotistical to own animals.
No. 2258857
>>2258816I went out last Sunday with a new friend. It was to a beer garden that one of my ex friends visits a lot with her sports team. I feel like see saw me and now want to start shit and is getting b everyone to call and message me.
I just got 3 more voicemails and one more text. I'm so fucking tired and I feel paranoid and crazy like I'm the bad one for ignoring them, but I know how they are and I know what it's gonna be like. This bullshit happened before when I tried to get out last two years ago.
Before I deleted the message, one friend was telling me that she wanted me to come to her birthday, but I know it's a trap. You never texted me for a whole year and you want to see me know? I wasn't invited to the other birthday road trip you both went to. I wasn't invited to the 4th of July party. And you were the one who drunk called me to mock me about being left out. Fuck off!
I have half a nerve to call them just to tell them to fuck up but them going to be dragged back into the mess.
Should I bother? Should I talk to them and give them a reason? Should I just continue to ghost and try to more on with my life? They keep finding ways to contact me and I just want to be left alone.
No. 2258871
>>2258858>>2258861Thank you, I'm going crazy about this. My last two messages were all over the place, and I'm just losing my mind. But you're both right, I can't let this continue. I deserve better and if I go back they'll only continue.
Last time this happen, one of the exfriends (the ringleader) actually came to my apartment just to fucking blow up on me. She always trying to controll everything and everyone. She nuked our larger friend group by treating her ex badly and spreading gossip about the ex and the ex's friends. And she just thought that everone would side with her. No one did, including me. We we're friends in high school, but I'm not going to side with some awful asshole. She's a schitzo mess. And in the end made it my fault for wanting to put distance from her. (And started spreading rumors to our high school friend group) Our highbschool friends still kiss her ass, and have been helping her to contact me. I've since moved away from the apartment, they shouldn't know where I'm living now.
I also got a call from my sister, I didn't respond to her either but I'm afraid that they might have gotten to her too. I'm going to give her a call after I've called down. And if my suspicions are true, I need to tell her to block them too.
No. 2258901
>>2258244Do you want a mail order bride, nonnita?
Jokes aside, I admire you, thank you for some of your insight and tips for that, too bad I’m in my mid 20’s and things are shit globally kek.
Have a blessed life, that woman seethes internally so there’s that.
No. 2258909
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i think it's time i finally accept that i will never have friends. i had maybe one friend my senior year and nothing ever since graduating, i never go out, my anxiety is out of control, even online friends don't work for me. i will never find "my people/tribe/whatthefuckever" because they don't exist. im done for.
No. 2258927
>>2258640I’m sorry Nona, I’ve been there. I understand how incredibly hard and how isolating being there feels. It’s a shame there are always going to be
victim shamers wherever you go, but try to ignore them. I don’t really know what else to say just wanted to add some support. I don’t know why people find pleasure in kicking others when they are down at their lowest.
No. 2258929
nonnie, it sucks. Feels like you're behind glass by yourself and the whole world is unable to be reached. I hope you find friends soon.
No. 2258956
File: 1731517007044.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2032x1170, FB4F8CBB-404F-4EC5-B016-9A8538…)

>Anons using the word sapphic
>Anons misusing the greentext format
>Rise of spoonfeeding
>Rise of identityfagging
At this point I only stay on this website out of self harm
No. 2259111
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Is any other European bothered by the age of consent laws? They should raise them to 18 like in the US.
No. 2259112
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>>2259111Women in Europe are upset btw.
No. 2259113
File: 1731523222822.mp4 (1.15 MB, 576x1022, Age of Consent Italy How did y…)

>>2259112A lot of countries like Germany and Italy has it at 14.
No. 2259140
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>>2259127It does get better. Spain for instance raised theirs from 13 to 16. Romania from 14 to 16.
>>2259134Oh yes, you cannot be their teacher for instance. But it is legal if you are a teacher from another school.
No. 2259171
>>2259111There is the law as written in the Napoleonic Code and then there's the law as applied by people
A 28 year old dating a 15 year old is possibile but kind of unnerving and the age gap appears to be too wide, just like businesses earning money and not paying taxes in large amounts
>>2259113I remember a case where 13 year old girls were getting paid in smartphone money for personal services, and when they were caught they said "who's really being exploited here? I'm getting the money from them, who's the sucker here?"
No. 2259246
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I've got to say it…I'm into gilfs. Old ass women who aren't afraid to hide it. Geriatric but still ferocious and glamorous old lady. Not quite Maud from the nursing home but definitely needs some wrinkles with the glamour. Delightf ul
No. 2259339
>>2259091That's one of my favourite shows
nonnie. In college I tried to force my classmates to watch it with me. I was the only one really laughing and everyone else looked like I was holding them hostage…
No. 2259420
>>2259341Well, I'm all of those things
and autistic and that's more or less why people can't stand me kek
No. 2259438
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Waited until i was married to become sexually active and now everytime me and my husband have sex i either get a yeast infection, UTI or BV. My results came clean for any STDs and ureo/mycoplasma. He has pretty good hygiene for a man so its not really his fault, my vagina apparently just doesnt like anything going anywhere near it, i also get the same reaction from using toys with any type of lube be it either water or silicon base.
Trying Boric Acid supplements this week, if that doesnt work im gonna start looking into pseudoscience woo woo like going on a keto diet because im at my fucking wits end, im physically exhausted everyday and the itching drives me fucking insane.
No. 2259448
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God I hate anime and disney for making me have the most retarded body dysmorphia, I get suicidal over my nose and profile not looking like some freaky rat creature without a nose bridge like picrel and it's absolutely retarded but I can't help finding my big bad witch nose to be a crime against humanity
No. 2259465
>>2259111Why is the headline that he was not forced to quit when the text then literally says he was kicked out…?
Anyway that's consistent with I see in my own low age consent country. Nobody really cares about the legal "age of consent", it's literally not a common topic like it is in America. People are just naturally disgusted and mistrusting of any adult man dating teenagers anyway, and there are no creepy countdowns to someone "becoming legal" or using "they were 18" as an excuse. I think maybe 18 being the age of consent has backfired and put WAY too much focus on it for you guys, while for us the socially accepted age is instead somewhere around 20+. It's hard to explain the cultural difference but it seems like thanks to your laws preying on 18 year old girls is "legal and ok", while here it never was about the legally defined age of consent so it never got to that point. Instead if something like your picrel happens people are very grossed out and kick those men out. But I also think the US absolutely can NOT remove it now because of the gross culture it created, people would flock to abuse teenagers if you changed it now. And I do worry because of the internet and my country being such fanboys of the US that your culture will spread here and create a problem.
No. 2259486
File: 1731539051589.jpeg (94.9 KB, 1856x1044, BRING BACK DUMBASS SHIT.jpeg)

>I'm HUNGRY for meme posts like never before
>The constraints of the farm surely have a backdoor
>Once I figure out how to unclip our wings,
No. 2259552
>>2251560Complaining about my sped wrangling job again because it's just getting harder and harder. They moved the verbal, high-functioning kids from our class and brought in 3 low-functioning kids.
They all fucking cry and scream non-stop when they don't get their way. Their one-to-ones just sit on their asses while the kids wander the room and fuck shit up.
One of the boys shrieks non-stop on the top of his lungs when he's upset. They fucking suck so much. I hate hate hate hate hate retarded male children with behavior problems like this. Just take them straight to D-75 6-1-1 classes. They have no fucking purpose in a public school.
I hate to think it but with that one screaming kid, I see why some parents just slap them around because its so fucking awful to deal with. I would lose my mind having to hear that shit as a neighbor even.
No. 2259618
>>2259438lmao at women having sex with gross men
literally getting repeated infections from getting penetrated, sorry that's vile
No. 2259648
>>2259438Seconding the peeing thing, but also I recommend bringing a pre-sex shower into your foreplay if not just hand washing
Semen can be an irritant so if you aren't using a condom try that, and if you are then swap to latex free
Another thing is that if you are getting UTIs frequently then you might be getting too much friction on your uretha during sex, try to be careful of that. Lots of water based lube can help too.
I had this problem when I was younger too, this probably isn't what you want to hear but having sex when you aren't that turned on can make it worse
No. 2259677
>>2259547I always pee after sex and wash with water after sex, usually full blown shower after, didnt make much of a difference.
>>2259648Thanks nona, noted before i also pee before sex, my gyno suggested it might be anatomical because there isnt much space in between my urethra and the actual vagina opening, probably just bad luck on my case.
>>2259652>>2259618I know "dirty dick" Is usually the cause but its 100% not in my case, hes quite fussy about cleaning himself and really gets down at it. Guy literally has a full blown lab-grade cleaning cabinet for his hands because of his work.
I still have the same problem when using toys like i said in my post, and i clean them very well with boiling water.
No. 2259711
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I give up on having moid friends.
>befriended two men who treat me like a normal human being without any creepiness attached
>they turn out to be 4chan anonspregs and coomers who reply to baits
Why am I even trying. I should only talk to my friends who barely spend any time online. Fucking hell.
No. 2259721
>>2259552I find it hard to believe that the parents of these screeching retarded scrotlets actually love them. I couldn't live with myself knowing that my child isa a retard who will never talk, cant love me and will never been independent so im stuck with it for ever.
All they can do is break shit and scream. I am so happy that my niece is healthy and not male. I couldn't imagine a disabled child, let alone a scrotlet, being cute and friendly.
No. 2259723
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im so sad and frustrated. i really want to learn to use lolcow mindfully. theres so much i can learn and interact with—the ms paint thread, fashion or cooking, web development, university, mundane thread, etc. yet i hop on for 20-60 minutes a day just to consume junk food threads on cows and celebrities and so forth. but i also dont think id be happy cutting lc out entirely. im so very doomed. i cant figure it out
No. 2259724
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The Publix worker put Turkey on my sub rather than the ham I asked for. They don’t even sound remotely similar. What the fuck.
No. 2259732
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>>2259728I don’t eat turkey because I once had food poisoning from turkey. I can’t eat it without becoming nauseous now nona.
No. 2259765
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>>2259734>>2259736Thank you for supporting me in this difficult time nonnies.
>>2259749Oink oink I’m sublime on a Publix sub sandwich and cost $1.50 more than my gobbling compatriots then.
No. 2259877
I started crochet recently and it has been helping when my mind like that. Do you have any hobbies to distract yourself with?
>>2259741What are you confronting them about?
No. 2259904
>>2259891She sounds fun
>>2259890You should have typed what you really wanted to say
No. 2259914
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I really didn't care about the elections and seeing that both candidates were garbage I thought everyone would just not give a fuck either hut seeing everyone freak out and get suicidal over trump makes me feel weird, is there something wrong with me for not sympathizing with them? Am I part of the problem?
No. 2259932
>>2259922How is it a munchie disorder if you're getting health issues from it?
You should get reassessed though if it'll ease the stress. Hope it doesn't cost much as I'm assuming it'll cost you
No. 2260043
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>>2260008>what the fuck, ugly?Kek it's so funny when some of you expose what insults hurt you the most because you throw around words like ugly where it doesn't even make sense. Raging over a drive-thru meal, big backed as fuck.
No. 2260093
>>2260075What games do you play?
If you think crochet sounds nice you should look up some beginner tutorials on YouTube. You'll see it's not difficult and more just practicing the stitch patterns
No. 2260096
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my 19th is coming up soon and im a bit pissed,i dont want to get older, why is being an adult so boring sometimes. i get people grow out of their old styles and whatnot but i just want to have fun godammit
No. 2260166
>>2259438Your husband needs to shower before sex. He can keep passing infections to you, he needs to start washing with antibacterial and antifungal bodywash. If you start taking something for a yeast infection he needs to be applying antifungal cream.
It's also possible you are allergic to his semen.
No. 2260182
>>2260177what recipes
nonny? please tell me
No. 2260200
>>2260182I ate a variation of this meal every day for a month:
I would buy salad green mix and add shredded bagged carrots and chop up cucumber and I would eat that dressed with olive oil, salt and balsamic vinegar and slivered almonds. It was fast to put together compared to fancier salads. I would put a bit of olive oil and balsamic vinegar into a shallow dish and dipped bread into it to go with my salad. I bought this bigass bag of frozen tilapia fillets and I would cook those fillets with butter, garlic and lemon (wrapped in foil or baking paper). So I had my meal of fish, salad, bread with dipping oil and if I was still hungry I would have dessert. The dessert would either be a scoop of ice cream or I would make a parfait with sugar free vanilla yogurt, granola and frozen berries.
For work lunch bc I was too lazy to cook I'd pack baby carrots, an fruit to slice, a palmful of almonds, and some dried fruit.
Overall pretty satisfying and easy to prepare especially once I'd made it a few times. I thought it was tasty too. I was avoiding my usual mid day fatigue and losing weight without thinking about it.
No. 2260212
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I'm bipolar. Saw my psychiatrist Tuesday and she said I was having a manic episode. I told her I was fine cause I was in the end of it. But she still upped my dosage and told me to contact her if its not getting better (She thought I should have called her when I realized I was manic 2 week ago but I didn't cause I didn't feel it was a big deal). It's not stopping. I'm legitimately angry cause I CANNOT stand myself when I'm like this. I'm so annoying and won't shut up and act weird and I think I'm being totally normal then realize I'm really fucking weird. Stopped texting friends cause I can't stop sending 15 minute voice memos and long paragraphs about random shit and I'm so annoying. So I'm on lolcow. Now I can't stop going on random threads and throwing really long tangents. I'm kinda embarrassed too cause I'm realizing I always do this when I'm manic. So if you ever see someone rambling a lot and repeating herself about random cows well… It's either an autistic farmer or a bipolar farmer maybe could be a bpd farmer too I guess.
No. 2260219
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>>2260212I think I’m bipolar because I do this exact shit. Some times I just want to talk about a topic but legit no one cares or it’s controversial and can turn into an argument due to how loud and passionate I get when I just want to talk about this thing. I’ve learned to just use my voice recording app and just record myself talking about whatever topic that won’t leave my head. It’s really embarrassing. I just pretend I’m on the phone if someone is home but really I’m just talking to myself. I listen back to it like a personal podcast. Personally I think I’m fun when I’m manic but the world doesn’t like opinionated women I’m noticing.
No. 2260228
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jesus christ pinkpilled yet another time. i should've known every single hollywood man was a creep, but this guy's podcasts and movies gave me so much joy. he was one of the things keeping me going through my depression so i let myself think he was different, like i wasn't even attracted to him but he came off so fun and charismatic, everyone seemed to adore him (except the women in the industry apparently. of course).
hated men before but i actually fully hate them now, can't have shit, they always ruin everything. now that i know he sucks i will dedicate all my energy to my other parasocial obsession who is female, i always liked her better so whatever.
No. 2260243
>>2260219I do similar things too nona. And I also enjoyed it like you at the beginning. It is kinda fun in a way. It's easy to stop taking it seriously when at times you're feeling yourself like that. I've been diagnosed for 7 years. So I've gone through phases where I've stopped taking meds cause "I wanna be creative again", "i wanna be confident again!" and "mania is not so bad!" etc. With the years they've stopped being fun, they are draining, embarrassing and you can get off the rails. When I was 19 I told my doctor I liked mania cause I was confident, friendlier, chattier, could make friends, could write short stories, go out etc. Almost 30 now and the last mania I had ruined my life. I had stopped taking my meds (like I did a few years ago, which also got so bad I was assaulted). Before I would think "whatever it's not even that bad!" and its
Always what happens before I stop taking them, getting episodes frequently and few months later losing it.
If you're interested in getting diagnosed I'd advice it cause the meds make the episodes less frequent and milder. You WILL miss being manic nona (it's part of the experience). But if bipolar runs in your family or it starts getting bad with you, please do consider it. I've met other bipolar with similar experiences. Met a man married with children who was bipolar and stable for years (older man) stopped taking meds, "disappeared" and killed himself. An uncle of mine (didn't met him) also bipolar killed himself (also had a wife and kids). As far as women friend of the family was bipolar, had a job and fully functional for years. Stopped taking meds and now fully dependent on her family cause she lost her job, cant afford meds, too dysfunctional to work, went off the rails and now moved back with her family, friends don't know how to help her, being isolated doesn't help etc. I've always feared I would end up like them. And while thankfully my symptoms are not that bad.
Bipolar is a degenerative disease. Like I said I also went from "eh whatever" to "holy shit what the fuck is wrong with me" the way my episodes progressed. It's legit dangerous to let it go unattended as you get older.
You'll get like Kanye. Don't do it. Look after yourself. No. 2260248
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>>2260246>>2260236im too upset to discuss
No. 2260275
>>2260172> breast chicken >any green vegetables of your choice. Sauté onions and garlic in warm oil and then add your vegetables after blanching them for a bit. Add salt to finish it up Meal n1
>grain rice >broccoli sautéed in the pan like before>bites of chicken , dipped in flour and cooked in oil along with some orange juice and a tiny bit of sugar with corn starch to make it saucymeal.2
>quinoa or black rice >pumpkin cooked in the oven with oil and rosemary>shrimp Meal n.3
>pumpkin cooked in the oven with oil and rosemary >continue cooking in the pan with garlic and onion, add some cream and a potato > blend everythingMeal n4
>boil your farro >sauté zucchini with oil and garlic >blend a bit of it with water and keep some>mix everything with the farro and add shrimp Meal n5
No. 2260328
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>>2259162>he got her bc he wanted an easy "asian" wife.I know that type very well. They cannot get a young conservative white woman (their own preference). Since those type of girls go for young white conservative men. Young catholic virgins marry other young catholic virgins. So these gross dudes prey on asians.
No. 2260674
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You will never understand my urge to troll the fuck out of internet trannies. I so badly want to say “how does it feel knowing you will never be a woman no matter how much you try? how does it feel knowing you can’t even be a woman who doesn’t even exist?” I’m trying so hard to refrain myself
No. 2260709
>>2260674I just want to beat them up sometimes, like shit the fuck up stupid male, you know nothing about women or their struggles.
They always act so righteous and condescending without knowing shit.
No. 2260762
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I haven't been able to draw or write for months. Life is especially hard right now with a loved one in a cricital condition in the hospital with the very same autoimmune disorder that I was just diagnosed with (so basically a look into my future). So as I finally managed to distract myself and draw today, my laptop fucked and gave me a bluescreen, causing the file to be corrupted and gone forever. I've been holding it together for the sake of work, but that little thing just broke me and I'm just sitting here like
No. 2260940
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>>2260934Traffic control. The people who hold the stop sign.
No. 2260941
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i think being a NEET is kind of a special talent. i've had a month off from graduating and applying for programs to start working, and i want to neck myself from the sadness and boredom and stagnant feeling. i feel like all of my knowledge from school is rotting the more i'm not in a hospital doing stuff. i can't even make myself put on deodorant and i just pace around my house alone in the dark i'm literally losing my mind. you're telling me some people choose this and thrive in it? what the fuck?
No. 2260951
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I have a really strained relationship with my older brother. He's had anger issues that started to get bad when he was in his early teen years. 7 or so years ago his anger issues got worse and since he's a big, strong guy, it makes it hard to deal with him. My mother also became really scared of him during this period, partly because of the explosive anger and partly because of cognitive decline.
During this period, I would walk on egg shells to avoid angering him (trad fem socialization) but I would still manage to do it by making a genuine mistake or offending him somehow. I would try to apologize to calm him down but he would give me the silent treatment and eventually come back to me (hours/days/weeks after) and act like nothing happened. No apology or anything like that. I won't go into detail as to why we stopped talking definitively 5 years ago but it's related to a family member's hospitalization. That, along with him being an atypical scrote that will complain about how things are and make no effort to change them. It was a very easy choice to jump ship and move countries when the opportunity presented itself. I am happy to say that this was probably the best choice for my mental health although I do wish it were easy to visit my family.
Sometimes I really miss my brother. We had a lot in common, and always managed to do even though we had different friend circles. We are close in age and grew up together. But my family has never been the type to talk about things. Hence why when he would fight with me, he would act like nothing happened.
It's difficult for me to think about it but I now understand he was groomed by a 'family friend' (therein referred to as Pred) for many years. Pred was around 15 at the time when my brother was around 8 when he introduced us to the site in related. Seemingly innocent flash games along with hentai/porn games. I was younger and a snitch back then and would tell my parents about my brother looking up porn. Pred would then invite my brother alone to his house and apart from the normal games and tv they would watch, my brother would accidentally mention they played porn games together. I wonder if Pred told him to do this to see if I would be interested in going to his house too.
Pred also introduced me to a LITERAL ONLINE PEDOPHILE at the time. I think he claimed to be around 30 while I was around 8 at the time. Because of that I have no way of knowing if this was Pred on another account.
I remember my mom wondering "is Pred gay?? why does he keep our son at his house until dark?" and I'd say "mom, you're silly". Because I was a kid and had no idea how to connect the dots. I'm not aware if my parents ever intervened but they were very concerned with him being kept out till late.
The relationship my brother had with Pred probably lasted until he was around 12 since he moved away but I didn't do a good job of keeping track of time.
Sometimes I wonder if I can ever talk to my family about this. If my mom hadn't gotten so sick I know we would've been able to. My dad sucks and I resent him for many things so I feel less inclined to talk to him even though we are on 'good' terms.
My brother is a deeply messed up person and I pray for him because I can't imagine what went on during the years he was friends with pred. I also pray for his friends and girlfriend(s) and hope that he is never rude to them. I hope he can get the help he needs but I highly doubt it. So few moids are able to admit a problem and overcome their toxic masculinity.
If anyone is aware of "EPI - Early Porn Indoctrination" reading those threads was what made me connect the dots. Especially the type of disgusting porn that those pedos like to brag about exposing kids to. One of the kinds that popped up a lot when I've read those threads in the past is one I have seen on his devices in the last 10 years. It's disgusting and sickens me thinking of it.
No. 2261000
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Oh my god I feel sick, I been getting gaza spam messages like every day but this one had pics attached and they were blurred but you could still make out a lot of the images and. I don't even know what that last one was I want to claw my eyes out it was of a kid but….it felt very illegal i don't even want to describe it why tf did they send that to me messages are turned off now I hate this so much what the hell
No. 2261031
>>2261001tbh if i was a rich neet i would have the money to get the train to random cities, or the bus, go to the gym to make some semblance of a routine, have money to hang out and go for drinks, or try random sports, like being a neet with money sounds temporarily great! my friend has funds saved and people to live with in a trendy central european city, and she's honestly just trying things all the time.
>>2260941but yes
nonnie i feel you. like the feeling so slow and stagnant and listless really sucks. for me what helped was having a schedule, a time to wake up daily, goals that set you challenges- for instance learning x that interests you, and writing about it, or playing an instrument, just schedules and goals luv, and ofc making sure you don't cut off contact with the world or stop washing. i found it hard too dont worry
No. 2261052
Fulfillment is easy when you have money. So don't say you hate being NEET. You hate being unfulfilled and not having money to do something about it
NEET hate is capitalist propaganda
No. 2261072
>>2261058>feeling stagnantWhat do you strive for if you have everything
Just a good time
When you're out of the rat race, you just enjoy life
There's nothing to chase
No. 2261109
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felt tingles over a 2D woman again. i fucking hate being bisexual and feeling like this why couldn't i be straight or a fake bi or a lesbian idk i hate this stupid sexuality and everybody else hates me too for something i didn't choose to be and i cannot control my sexual attraction i feel like a weirdo for feeling that
No. 2261111
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>be extremely desperate for job
>fall for whatsapp scam because of desperation
>luckily didn't send them any money or my banking information
>did send my phone number
>call out person on the scam
>person scamming me threatens me with being hunted by gang members and that they'll kill me
>freak the fuck out and pretend to be criminal that totally wants in on the scam to placate the scammer
>scammer is now pleased with my professionalism and liked the advice I've given, saying I'm "a good fit"
I'm so fucked. What do I do? I'm hyperventilating and feel like vomiting they have my phone number they could find out where I live, right? Personally, I don't mind if they kill me as I'm already passively suicidal but I worry about my family I don't want them involved. Someone please help me
No. 2261128
>>2261111Just block the number and change yours when you get a chance so they can't bug you anymore even if try to circumvent the block. They absolutely aren't gonna kill you, it's just a thing they say. I'm from somewhere full of scammers, and they just want to intimidate you into giving them money. Sorry someone did this to you nona, I know how much it sucks trying to look for a job right now, especially since there are so many scammers trying to take advantage of people's burnout and desperation. Everything will be okay, you didn't give them anything they can really hurt you with and they'll probably get bored and move on to the next potential
victim soon enough.
No. 2261129
It's been one day since my ex broke up with me and I literally can't eat, i didn't came to work, i cried all day, i took some xans to reduce the anxiety, my stomach is turned and i feel my heart shattered into million pieces. I spent the whole day crying in my friend's arm and smoking cigarettes. Why. Why. Why. Why should it end like this. I loved her so much, i still love her. She went through a lot that i can't fix by myself. I was kind and did my best for her, i did everything i could, gave everything i had. We promised a ring, we promised a future together, we promised to never leave each other, we promised to have our best moments in person. None of that happened because we are both in hardships. I wish I wasn't depressed, i wish i wasn't living far away. I just can't see myself with someone else, i thought i found the one i adored the most.
No. 2261239
I'm finally feeling like I'm ready/want a second kid. 3 years after my husband got a vasectomy.
Don't get me wrong, he got it cause first pregnancy not only took a lot of time trying, I also got hyperemesis gravidarum, had to be on hormones due to a miscarriage scare the first trimester, and almost died at childbirth. Second pregnancy was so bad the doctors told me that it was most likely to end up in a miscarriage unless I was checked into a hospital since the first trimester. I chose to terminate cause I couldn't bear the idea to be away from my kid.
After some years and lots of dialogue, we decided it would be for the best. I didn't have the health to be pregnant, that much was obvious. And even if I did, it was going to be expensive AF and I would have to be away from my kid. And anticonceptives were hell. I feel like I don't have to expand on that lol.
It was for the best. We have saved so much on birth control, I live in peace knowing I won't have to pay for a surprise termination, I take meds that I would not be able to take if I had to consider getting pregnant, I took a promotion at work.
But now I feel like this would be the perfect timing for a second kid. I'm absolutely delulu cause I know it would possibly kill me. But I feel so sad knowing I won't ever have another kid. I feel like I lost a lot of time with my kid because I was always sick and dealing with the aftermath of both pregnancies, but I also think that having another kid to make up for lost time would be stupid and selfish as fuck. I can't stop thinking that I felt the happiest when I was pregnant, despite everything. I had never looked towards something so much. I was so excited, and my husband really showed me why I chose him during both pregnancies. Now I'm past mid thirties and I know that trying for a kid, even if it was possible, would an awful idea. I know I wouldn't be where I was if I hadn't chose to not have more kids, but it sucks knowing be can't have it both. It feels like the world was telling me I should not have kids and I just accepted it. I know I could adopt a child, but is not the same. I feel like a fucking idiot.
No. 2261257
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>>2261232I once dated a moid who got really upset with me when I flat out refused the idea of going on a vacation in India. He just could not conceptualize why I, a woman, may not want to go there.
No. 2261316
>>2257918Makes me so angry women are literally unable to travel for safety issues. There are so many travel vlogs ran by men because they dont have to fear for being raped or ending up dead somewhere. The locals usually respect them more because of their own shitty sexist cultures too. I hate it all
Taming a bear to murder scrotes would be based af
No. 2261339
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>be me
>work late
>have to get up early tomorrow
>go to read favourite eromanga at 2am
>some N4 retard has deleted the good translations and replaced them with her own shitty translations because she wants her 5 minutes of attention
>message her asking her to put them back
>she's responds "it wasn't me, they must have deleted themselves!!"
I hate the internet. I even tried searching for the translations elsewhere but not a single site has them.
No. 2261359
>>2261339What's with so many shitty Japanese translations anyway? I never noticed just how bad even so many official translations are until I started getting better at Japanese. There's so many ESLs translating that are so ESL that they should actually learn English before even thinking of learning Japanese if they're going to translate JP->EN.
Yet I've also read Yen Press translations that make normal characters use such fancy and literary words I'm not sure most English speakers would even know. I always wondered why trying to understand translated Japanese was always such a bitch for me but now I understand. It's really hard for people to not transliterate everything with Japanese. It's ok to just localize something and accept some expressions and terms will never fully capture the original, people, seriously.
No. 2261614
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>>2261612>emotional and psychological distressunless you're relying on him for something in your life you should dump him, no man is worth that kind of stress. you are better off being single and hanging out with friends
No. 2261625
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>>2261617You would be happier with just yourself than being stuck with a man you hate. Every. Time. This is not an opinion, it is fact.
No. 2261656
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Real tired of the justification society and specially men use for other pathetic men like "he's just a sensitive boy". First of all the "sensitive boy" is close to 30. Second, he hurts people with his "uwu sensitive" "uwu concerned" shit. I don't know how to explain but this irks me a lot and I really think of it as the root of all evil. I don't give a shit about how "sensitive" a whole ass grown man is. I wish nothing but horrible things on men that justify themselves with "sensitivity". Cry me a river ffs.
No. 2261662
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Boyfriend says at the start of the year "I'm not a marriage kind of guy" despite knowing that I want marriage so we can be together and hurts me very deeply with this.
Now he says he's ready and wants to marry me but I don't believe him. There's no tangible evidence, he hurt me a lot, he hasn't given me anything, I'm tired. And I'm cautious.
Am I being unreasonable? I would say more but I'm tired of thinking about it. Maybe I'll vent more about it later.
No. 2261676
>>2261657You need to run. Like actual physical exercise. You can walk around your room listening to audio like an anachan until you gain enough stamina to walk around your yard. Then you will find it more convenient to walk around outside. You will gather enough health to work some labour job and have an excuse to be free for 8 hours a day (I recommend isolated jobs like landscaping or horticulture or other jobs where old people work) lie that you were caregiving for a sibling on your resume. Use the amount of steps as a notation of achievement. I was living in the same circumstances and now I earn minimum wage but still it is not over. I will have saved enough money to move out next year. If hopes not enough spite will get you there. I am still a person who spends all my time anxiously attached to lurking social media sites and I have no friends I still think about killing myself pretty regularly. My thoughts on satisfaction: before I would of just killed my abuser and been a comfortable neet in prison forever or offed myself, but that would of satisfied her
victim complex and she could profit out of it somehow. If you please imagine your pig mothers face and imagine how good it will feel to slam it's door on it as you enjoy a life of freedom as it withers with nothing to parasitize off on. Take a few steps
No. 2261691
>>2261683So many of them are absolutely braindead. They'd watch documentaries how everything in kpop industry is fake, how the entire industry is one big ponzi scheme based upon preying upon and fucking up kids lives, how idol personalities are absolutely made up and friendships not real , how it fucks up body image issues of young girls who proceed to spiral into eating disorders …
No. 2261695
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This year has sucked so much and it's still sucking. I don't really know why I'm still here.
No. 2261701
>>2258888lol something similar just happened to me, some people just love presenting themselves as super nice and warm publicly but are fake as hell
(I know I sound like an 8th grader but I still meet people like these in my 30s and it baffles me every time)
No. 2261787
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I'm a fashion girl and I hate the whole Shein-tier trend and in general, low quality, costume tier shit.
First of all, I'm not rich myself, I know that sometimes people can only afford Shein but its not poor people that keep it up, it's low to mid class with a shopping problema (and influencers). It makes me sad and sick because, personality discourse to the side, I could see a nice girl with nails, hair and makeup all done then I can feel the plastic on her clothes. Usually Sheingirls wear clothes that look like what anime Kids would wear in middle school and seeing those on adult women Is weird? Uncanny?
As I said, I'm not rich myself but I go out and thrift for good quality, yes, I know that thrifting got gentrified but its only big popular brands but if you're good with fashion, you could also style a plain black t-shirt and make it cool and, ngl, my clothes look better than any girl that shop on Shein and I wish they could ditch that shit, when I see a cute outfit but I get close and see the poor manufacturing is sad because it makes the girls look cheap and without personality too.
No. 2261815
>>2261801Thank you nonna….I ended up posting in another thread about it unsure if I'd gone on the wrong one but I'm gonna let it out here too, thank you again, villain arcs but it's ending people pleasing habits for good:
TLDR: Guy working at the gym I have gone to for years started a friendship with me, knew very early in I have a long-term long distance partner. Quickly got too controlling and weirdly obsessive with me and confessed to me, of which I rejected him and realized all the nice things he'd been doing for me were with hope that I would (???) let him get in my pants.
I have since been gradually distancing myself, but he acts like I am horrible and cold for remaining polite but not engaging with him, literally sent me paragraphs guilt tripping me for having other friends and a life and victimises himself every time I go to see said partner, so now I have advised that he take time to get over me and gives me space. He also tried to convince me while I was very drunk to come over to his, of which I declined and said I was going to bed and he also guilt tripped about that. He insists all his controlling and unsolicited advice is "because he cares" but nonnas I'm guessing I'm right that this guy is the one being the asshole?
The thing is I had been clear from the beginning that I was happy to be friends but he just seems so entitled and seems to think that he deserves any woman he fancies. Bonus red flag points, he says both his exes were crazy and he got bored of them after three years each. Dumps sudden rants on me about his hopeless dad all whilst being the hopeless narcisstic man and thinks he's a bippie and I honestly think he may be too.
I refuse to change gyms or move house (he lives annoyingly close, I've been here ten years) so I'm guessing I'm doing the right thing in distancing myself but not setting him off in any way that feels dangerous?
Honestly as much as he insists he's so nice to me and 'you're safe with me see?????' I don't think anybody who's genuinely safe or nice has ever told me how to feel. He also paragraphed me saying he thinks it would 'benefit us both' to hang out but I've also been blunt that it wouldn't benefit me right now as I KNOW it's going to turn into him monologuing me about how sad and sexy he is and how sad it is that I have this same partner that I've BEEN OPEN ABOUT since the beginning.
Sorry for the wall nonnas. I'm just tired of being antagonised but moids will really make us out to be bitches when they don't get what they want. I'm trying to keep messages and contact minimal and I ignore him at the gym because him interrupting my workouts just because he works there feels fucking invasive and predatory to me now I know his intentions.
I will add to this because I need to vent it out additionally but it makes me feel so gross knowing that the whole couple months we've been friends (which is thankfully not long) he had what feels like ulterior motives from the start and when I called him out on it and how he can't whinge at me when I'd always been very open about my partner, his view was that long distance is something he couldn't do as if that makes my relationship invalid. I see my Nigel once a month and he's genuinely one of my best friends and all of this BS makes me even more appreciative of the fact that he's never once treated me poorly the way this dude has in such a short time. He'd pick arguments with me over the stupidest shit, like constantly complaining he had a mouse infestation and I suggested maybe he tell his letting agent and he told me to shut up and took it out on me. Or the time I was having a fucking allergic reaction to a nut and he was too busy laughing and making jokes about "that's what women tell me" (about his dick) whilst I was coughing and trying to find my epipen and allergy pills to care, I showed my best friend his texts and I was so worried I'd been to blame but she's made me realize I did nothing wrong and this man is probably predatory. He was also weirdly vocal and controlling about me like "NEVER cut your hair short. NEVER lose weight, I don't like that" "I don't like it when you go out at night", "I'm pissed off you're seeing (partner) this week so be gentle with me", and stuff like "(nonna) it's normal to fight, it's because I care" after going on a verbally
abusive tirade, I just get bad vibes and if he didn't strike me as an unstable moid and didn't live so close to me and work where I go to gym I'd probably block him alltogether but I'm having to do it gently because my gut tells me the little attention and contact I give him will cement me as some ugly bitch and he'll probably go and hyperfixate on a random OF or Twitch thot again.
Sorry this is so messy and long. I thought I was being mean at first and what if I'm crazy but I don't think I am. Man is thirty three and should ACT IT
No. 2261821
>>2261781They have a perpetual
victim complex that absolves them of guilt and makes everyone else the problem, and their view of themselves as a
victim means they always feel justified in whatever passive aggressive cruelty they inflict on others. I wish someone had warned me about people like this before I had to learn it the hard way. OP should break up ASAP
No. 2261924
>>2261888I'll try
No. 2261943
>>2261928This is going to be obnoxious advice but you may just need to adjust your attitude. I’ve got similar issues to you, sweat/discomfort but I find if I don’t think about it and instead focus on the positive outcomes it helps a lot. It’s like the whole “you need to get comfortable being uncomfortable”, not to say you should hurt yourself but just that you may find making peace with your discomfort helps you get through it. It’s like how the more frequently you exercise the easier it gets, the more you have a positive attitude the easier being positive about it gets. Also high energy power ballads are mega helpful so like
>>2261933 said the right kind of music might help you get in the right mindset.
No. 2261950
>>22619281) exercise needs to be hard enough and long enough so it gives you the endorphin rush afterwards. Many people make the mistake of not exercising hard enough to get to that point.
2) you just need discipline to push through it for 2 weeks, then it becomes a habit and you will start craving it and missing it. The endorphins create an addiction by this time, they're a natural drug. Your brain now more strongly connects exercise with the positive endorphin release instead of the negative sweat and effort. Voilà, exercise is now enjoyable
No. 2261958
I can't vent in her DMs, because the wounds are fresh on both sides. I feel hurt. Deeply hurt. It's my first real relationship, and i couldn't see it fading that way. I feel like I failed everything. I feel like it's my fault. I couldn't see a world without you after falling deeply inlove with you. I couldn't see a breakup after all the promises we did. The promise rings, the promise to visit each other countries, the promise to wake up in the bed cuddling, the promise to see a lawyer, the promise to make our life happier. It might sound ridiculous since it's all virtual, but i have a deep connection with you, i missed you every single time, i thought about you daily. I talked about you to my surroundings and showed how proud I was for being in a relationship with you. I felt motivated when I saw your text messages that you love me in the morning. I felt strong when you tell me that i was everything to you, that i made you happy, i felt like I couldn't deceive you. Your joy was everything to me, I loved hearing you laughing, I loved when you acted quirky on the camera, I loved everything single bits of you. We were holding our relationship even with the distance and we had hopes and dreams. I had butterflies in my stomach. I was loving these moments when we were watching dumb stuffs together, we were playing games together, we joked about a game that i showed you and that you loved. Your voice was comforting me, you looked beautiful in my eyes. My eyes were only on you. No one elses. My heart, now shattered in pieces, was meant to give it to you. I felt like my mission was to protect you and care for you, supporting and loving you the most. And I feel like I failed everything.
No. 2261968
>>2261943>instead focus on the positive outcomes it helps a lot.I guess that's the problem. The fact that it takes a while for the positive outcomes to be visible is also demotivating (and I haven't seen any yet of course). I didn't feel this way when I've tried to become better at other skills, probably because I actually enjoyed the process of those things whereas I don't with exercise. And you don't sound obnoxious at all nonna don't worry. I'm grateful that you sympathised with me. I just don't know how to change my mindset regarding it.
>>2261944>>2261950Maybe that's another thing I struggle with, how much to actually do in a session. So far I've just been stopping when I feel my form getting bad. I have done it for 2 weeks+ but I still feel this way. I wish I enjoyed it.
No. 2262118
>>2261928Sometimes I like it but ngl I'm so sick of lifting at the moment. Unfortunately it's something you've just gotta do imo. Not to look a certain way, but so when you're an old lady you won't be falling and breaking your hip and you can carry your groceries and so on.
The good thing about weightlifting is that it's the most direct way to get fit, it's cheap and low time investment, it's like a shortcut. Sports can be more fun but it can be a slow, expensive, indirect process so I'm glad I've got lifting as an alternative and I try to appreciate that. What works for me is a) accepting it's a lifelong thing that I have no choice in, like flossing and b) making it easy on myself. I have a super minimalist full body routine, I don't work out for more than 45 mins, if I'm tired I lower the weights, if I really don't want to go I won't go that day. I'm not trying to be a powerlifter or body builder so I'm not holding myself to their standards.
No. 2262141
>>2261886maybe you need to install parental blocks on your internet.
No. 2262146
>>2262137The most important thing is to make sure you aren't relying on the older sister to take care of the younger one especially when you aren't there (it's really stressful for the older one and it can be dangerous for the younger because children don't have a good gauge of risk). Also be mindful of how you set limitations on your kid, a lot of parents place restrictions on their eldest that they they don't impose on the younger kid because they are tired/lazy and that build resentment.
Kids need breaks from each other and their things need to be respected, a high percentage of fights happen because parents try to force their kids to spend too much time together and to share their things.
No. 2262149
>>2262137My brother dunked my head in the trashcan when I was a kid.
Well actually it was my retard stepfather but he was somebody's brother.
No. 2262222
>>2262198I won't deny that passive aggressive non-confrontational types can be super annoying, but I've also noticed that the most unstable individuals love to preach about how "nobody just
communicates with me, I'm so chill but nobody will give me
open criticism so I can
grow" kek
No. 2262310
>>2261683at this rate I mostly listen to the music and avoid watching the videos or any content that
triggers my BDD or anachan feels
No. 2262312
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>Be me, depressed.
>Call doctor to get anti-depressants.
>The voicemail answers; ask the office to call me back.
>Secretary calls me back an hour later and leaves a message telling me to call back.
>It's been 10 days and I still haven't called back.
Sometimes it feels like I'm stuck in this loop and I can't break out of it no matter how hard I try. All I ever do is read. It's difficult because I feel like I'm not an active participant in my own life sometimes. I'd like to move to a warm country where it's always sunny. Maybe then I wouldn't be so unstable and Björkian for half of the year.
No. 2262370
>>2262312Just call back.
No. 2262380
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>reach out to friends and ask to hang out
>no response
>days later see them hanging out together close to where I live
I am going to hang myself
No. 2262406
>>2262367That sounds exhausting
nonny… it does come across like you got into the relationship hoping it would fix things in your life tho. At this point wouldn't you thrive more without him? Is he really the right answer to your problems? Is he supportive of them? He sounds more like a drug you take to cope than a friend. Threatening to break up sounds like he's cowardly just waiting for you to end it.
No. 2262415
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I think a part of me will always regret not going after an art related degree. I know people out there love to clown on it and say that the only jobs available for an art degree are either barista or as a bagger, but I honestly feel some type of way when I find out an accomplished artist or an educator has an art educational background because they at least got the experience of being at an art school and learned some things. I am going to graduate with another kind of degree, and some classes did have artsy stuff in it, but it's just not the same and I don't know how to feel about it. I just wish I wasn't such a coward and went after things I wanted in life even if people would laugh at me.
No. 2262613
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i am just very sad, like little kid sad. haven't felt like this in a long time. i may have to move soon to somewhere ive never been and know no one, totally alone. ive been sitting at home applying to jobs. i have my boyfriend and my best friend and ive mentioned how bad i feel to both but yknow they have lives too. so i've just been sitting at home crying often. it just makes me think i'd feel the same if i was home or far away no matter what. maybe it is an omen that i've been feeling so deeply alone with everyone i love around me? i dont even know what goals or what i want to eek out of life anymore. im just moving forward because i dont know what else to do. im exhausted and i cant sleep. and i wish i had someone to talk to. burning at both ends
No. 2262651
>>2262415If you're really serious, you could always minor in art, get a second BA, put together a strong portfolio and even jump straight to an MFA program, or take local courses at community college if they're available to you. That said, don't let the FOMO blind you to the reality of what an art program will likely be like: expensive, frustrating, exhausting, and with precious little payoff. At best, an art undergrad program will provide you with structure, materials, and connections you wouldn't otherwise have access to. And this is certainly valuable (I found out I liked making art that I never would even attempted if I hadn't needed to do it for a class), but it is nowhere near valuable enough to justify…everything else.
Art programs are typically underfunded and many instructors are resentful that they're teaching you instead of being a world-famous artist. So they do the bare mininum and expect you to self-teach pretty much everything, which you do not need a professor to do. In fact, even if you ask them for help, they will often give you bad or outdated advice and you realize you would've been better off just looking it up on Youtube. Studio classes are 3-4 hours long and often absolutely miserable, especially if the assignment is boring. You're subjected to peer review from people who often have nothing insightful to say and no advice to offer. There is little career support, probably because the job prospects are so bleak that they don't even bother trying.
I would only recommend a BA in art to someone who plans to go on and get an MFA (for teaching), or to someone who is rich and has enough free time to shop around for a truly excellent program that you know will be worth your while. But if you just want to make art and start trying to put together a practice, all you really need is a studio (can be rented), some materials, practice, and to get involved with local art communities so you can start networking. If you want to pursue art, I really think you should go for it, but art programs are so anemic and atrophied that it's a very difficult degree to recommend. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't do it again knowing what I know now.
No. 2262677
>>2262106I feel you
I've just accepted angrily and with immense BDD that I'm stuck with this weird childish adult look no matter what I do. There is no way to fix my fucking proportions. I'm not even that short, but my fucking body makes me look it.
No. 2262707
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I was actually dumb enough to watch the Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul fight. I thought it was going to be an actual fight but it was just a money grab for both assholes. The most boring shit ever. More annoying is Jake Paul will never shut up about beating Mike Tyson even though the man is 60. Asshole has no wins against ranked fighters his own age. What a bitch. I put shame on Tyson for even accepting this fight when he can barely walk now. Hope the pay out was worth it for some 28 year old millionare to shit all over your legacy. What a fucking stressful ass fight. Fuck this.
No. 2262727
>>2262712Jake Paul in his prime could barely beat an old man. Won by 4 points, no knock out. The two women before them put up a more aggressive fight.
Also to add, fuck netflix. That was the worst streaming experiance ever. 99% will haunt my dreams.
No. 2262811
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I really hate being a zoomer. I just wish I could've at least entered the work force and stuff a bit earlier before the economy got so difficult. People make it sound like before the internet you could work basically anywhere just by asking. I have applied everywhere but no one wants me around. I understand, I'm a little slow and it takes me longer to learn routines. I become overwhelmed but I think I hide it decently when I do. I just want a shitty minimum wage job so I can help my mom. I don't want her to have to work herself to death. I'm trying my best but not even McDonald's will give me a chance to show I can be a decent worker. I can't even land an interview. I don't know why I bother talking about this to people they always ask the same questions and when I further explain why this is my situation they just tell me "chin up" or "your time will come eventually". Someone told me I should just join the military and I'm starting to think they're right. I used to want to be an artist. I've accepted that a lot of the stuff I'd wanted in life just isn't gonna be possible this time around and I can come to terms with not being able to do frivolous things like go to disney land or travel abroad. It's not in the cards for me but can't I at least be allowed to make life easier for my mom? Can I secure independence. I'm sick of having to stomach abuse to maintain a stable living situation. I'm scared because the economy in the US doesn't look like it's gonna be getting better so lifting myself up through education as I planned might be pointless. For now I guess I've just gotta go donate more Plasma so I can give my mom SOMETHING for groceries. I've thought about doing sex work and thinking about doing sex work sickens me but when my cousin talks about the money and how much she can make really quickly I wonder if I'm being selfish or stupid when money that could possibly make my life better is there and the bar for entry is so low.
No. 2262928
>>2262918>ugly woman talks about her experience being ugly>b-bait!Fuck you.
>>2262920I didn't realize she could've had feelings for me until way after, I thought it was just a friendship thing. I dismissed any clues as just me being narcissistic.
No. 2262936
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My birthday is in a few days and I'm probably going to attempt suicide. I'm trying to not think about it too hard. What I hate about my preferred method is that I have to fast for two days, which is very uncomfortable. I wish euthanasia and assisted suicide were considered a human right everywhere in the world.
No. 2262965
>>2262959He literally kills himself in one of the endings
The reason why I used the picture is not because I relate to him, but to Mary, his wife. I don't want to explain more when it literally doesn't matter.
No. 2263086
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i hate having PCOS and oily skin, can't stop picking my face and sometimes i look like a meth-head because of it
No. 2263305
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I'm in my mid-30's and I still can't stop thinking about how ugly I am and how much I hate myself every day. I constantly think about what a mess my hair is, how ugly my face is, that I need to lose weight, etc. It's causing me so much misery, but nothing helps and I keep getting denied mental help for it. Whenever I see someone getting special treatment because of their pretty privilege I don't really get jealous, I get upset at myself for not being pretty enough to get the same treatment.
Hopefully if everything goes as I want I'll get a good paying job next year, and hopefully it will be enough to hire a personal trainer and perhaps do a couple of minor surgeries to fix the two things that is always making me hate my mirror image.
No. 2263386
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Red hair is fucking gross and the ugliest color a human can naturally have, especially the gross orange-blonde hybrid. It looks like shit in all artificial lighting and it looks really fucking stupid if you don't have light colored eyes. I fucking hate having to dye my hair all the time but I look like a fucking inbred medieval peasant with piss orange hair if I don't. It looks like I fucked up bleaching my hair, like that nasty dark yellow orange shade
No. 2263390
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I would rather have the most common shade of brown than this mess, the roots look terrible when it grows into your normal colored dye hair.
No. 2263420
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>>2263390Some ginger moid at my work bragged about being a ginger because "the nordic ancestry that comes intertwined with the redhead genes braces his body for the cold". Gingeranons, how true even is that shit?
No. 2263438
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Question for older women. Do you truly find men your age more attractive than younger men? I sometimes look at young men and compare them to older men. And I cannot imagine any woman of any age finding the latter more attractive? Are you all faking it?
No. 2263448
>>2263420Not a ginger myself but they are actually proven to be more efficient at making Vitamin D, so they need less sunlight. However they are also at higher risk of skin cancer if they get lots of sunlight, so essentially it's either a penalty or a benefit depending on where they live
I also remember reading that they are more likely to wake up in surgery when under anaesthetic but don't quote me on that one, might be pop sci
No. 2263454
>>2263451like i used to hate men because i thought they were evil but now i hate them because theyre gross and a major annoyance not even out of evilness but out of pure animalistic reasons like theyre fucking primal animalsn
i seriously think if it wasnt for pregnancy and child bearing women would achieve 10x more than men for the mere reason that our sexual instincts don't overpower us the same way
we're the sex that's closer to god
i said what i said
No. 2263517
>>2263438Obviously younger men are better looking. Most women can never admit the true importance of men's looks and youth, even to themselves. They anticipate an implicit hurtful rejection at the very idea, they assume an old moid is their best chance at being loved and appreciated so they just psyop themselves into 'preferring' it.
For me, if I ever see a good looking older man I think "I wouldn't mind being married to a guy like that when I'm old". I have continued thinking this into my 30s and will probably think it about men in their 40s when I am also in my 40s kek. But I've soured on the idea of 'growing old together' now that I know moids are incapable of accepting their and their wife's aging, why would I give them the grace they can't give us?
No. 2263527
>>2263438I think it's because, as another anon said, women are more complex when it comes to what we are attracted to. Whenever I see a younger, good-looking moid I think about how I would have been really attracted to him if I had been younger but at where I am I don't
feel anything, I can only see it from an objective point of view. I've always been attracted to men around my age because I want to have someone that can relate to the same things as me, that remembers things from the same era we grew up in, etc. while I want to wake up every morning next to someone that looks really good, I also put a lot of value in what I can converse with him and that he has a stable career.
Scrotes want younger women because moids aren't interested in these aspects. They want someone young because not only because they want a good-looking partner that makes their peers feel jealous of their brand new child bride, but younger partners are also more easily manipulated (or at least more likely to put up with their bullshit) and dependent on them. They aren't interested in someone that can have an intelligent conversation with them or can challenge them in any way.
No. 2263534
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>>2263438I feel like women are also more encouraged to enjoy older men through the ugly man psyop
For the longest time, media such as movies, music videos and whatnot has been produced by men, protraying their own fantasies of being old and having a hot young girl for themselves
This has washed onto women who are used to seeing older men protrayed in media as the main love interest and made us more tolerant to older scrotes
When you watch movies produced by women you'll see young men protrayed, just take "we need to talk about kevin", one of the best pieces of eye candy out there for women, think we'd have had that 30 years ago?
I think as women are taking over media production more and more we'll see more women embracing their desires for younger men
No. 2263545
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I also recently learned that Howl's moving castle, a movie where a really handsome man learns to love a woman who was turned into a crone by a witch, is based on a novel written in 1986 by a woman
Compare that to the novels we grew up with.. The beauty and the beast, the prince and the frog ; it was always the woman who had to learn to accept her partner's ugliness
We had to wait to have women writing stories to see a story like the one of Howl's moving castle appear
No. 2263560
>>2263534This is so sad because when I saw this film I was young too so he was my ideal of male beauty, and that stayed my as my memory of the film until now because I never rewatched it, but now I look at this picture and only see a little teenage boy. Obviously I'm not attracted to him anymore, he's a child.
It's nice that I'm not a paedophile but it's also a sad thing to think about because if I'm only attracted to men my own age, then I will never get to enjoy the attributes I personally see beautiful in men again because they grow out of them. Stupid bald rectangle shaped idiots that can't take care of their skin.
No. 2263567
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My niece is going borderline no-contact with my mom, and mom is of course going full surprised pikachu face over it since they've always been close. Idk mom, maybe it's because now that she's an adult and doesn't live 7 hours away she's had to face the reality that you are a clingy, pessimistic doomer with main character syndrome that talks down on anyone younger than you and is completely unable to apologize. She probably got fed up with you talking about how the world is going to hell and that you are soooo glad that you will not live long enough to see the worst of it while we still have to live it. Probably because you make every ongoing trauma in others' lives your business. Probably because she's watched you attempt at guilting her dad and her aunts (me and my sister) whenever you don't get enough attention and money. Maybe the last drop was my sister calling you out for giving us both eating disorders while you were trying to trash talk her mom for criticizing her body the same way you did to us. Maybe it all is because she realized you are an overdramatic hypocritical bully and not the strong, independent feminist she always thought you were and looked up to you as.
No. 2263668
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Never had sex in my life and it's consuming me. I need to feel a monster cock deep in me right now or i'll implode. Sukuna where are you
No. 2263680
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No. 2263715
>>2262916Anon, if you just wanted a friend, why on
Earth would you lie about being bisexual
>>2263708Kek I wouldn't be surprised tbh No. 2263724
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>>2262916How nice of you to grace us with your schizo pathological lies for female attention
No. 2263745
>>2263683honestly i was so baffled when i learned some women get repeated utis from having sex with their boyfriends let alone multiple men
and theyre out here trying how to stop getting UTIs after sex
like bitch stop having sex with these nasty moids and sufferring all of that literally whats the point???
No. 2263770
>>2263767its just the typical response when they don't like what you're saying. ignore it. sad you can't report people for newfag sperging but you can get banned in an instant for being accused of being a moid.
>say something>some retard accuses me of being a moid>they don't get banned for scrotefoiling>i get banned for being "male">fine i guess i'll keep that in mind>some point in the future>see someome say exactly what i had said that time i got banned>okay i guess i'll report them>nothing fucking happens to them>i get banned for scrotefoilingit just makes no sense and mods are banning people half the time depending on their mood it seems
No. 2263787
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There is so much misinformation going on with the 4B movement. I just saw a post on my ig feed about a woman who does wigs for girls who have alopecia. However, she was trying to speak up against the 4b movement, saying women are shaving their heads for it. Where and when did this even happen?
On top of that, she is trying to state that women who have hair loss unwillingly will feel awful about this. Even though all kinds of women have been shaving their heads for centuries. Nothing to do with cancer or alopecia. interesting on misinformation on the 4B movement is suddenly triggering these kind of pick mes. On top of that, random TRAs are trying to chime in saying the 4b movement in Korea is transphobic. Like what the FUCK
No. 2263834
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Please respond. You reached out and all I can think about all week is you.
I just want things to work out. I want to go back to that stupid place where we could play our stupid songs and I wasn't this nihilistic (life is worthless, the only pleasure is what you make it. Edge lord much?) bitch I am now.
I want to come home and here you're playing some stupid indie rock bands completely out of tune and I love that.
It's never good to get back with exes but I was happy then. I shouldn't depend on him for my future happiness but it can't hurt to try. Nothing else is working. It'll be an experience at least and for the last 6 years I have got nothing of that. Just grinding and ticking boxes. I hate this corpo life.
No. 2263839
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bf called me his ex's name on accident this morning during an argument…not once…not twice….three fucking times.
they were together 16 years. when we first met he was too afraid to admit this and told me it was 6 years. they had been together since high school and known each other since third grade. today is the 18th anniversary of my sewerslide attempt too. and im one week off the cigrits during all this. feels bad.(integrate)
No. 2263884
>>2262434>>2262529>>2262531Thank you for the suggestions.
>>2262651I really hope this doesn't break any rules, but just wanted to get personal with you with a semi-long response kek.
This is super helpful, actually, thank you so much. It's funny, but I did actually enrolled in an art school before the pandemic hit and we were forced to go online. The professors had no idea how to deal with it all, and I ended up dropping all but one class that I got an A in, but I could tell the teacher just didn't cared what we sent in and just wanted to collect his paycheck. Then I got into another online art program that was nice at first, but then… I ran into the exact teachers you described, only they were also nasty on top of it because they knew what a total beginner I was, and I graduated with certificates that really… I don't know, I regret it. Yes, ultimately, if doing art as a business is what I want to do, its better to just bite the bullet and upload my portfolio on a social media website. My art has improved tensfold since teaching myself, with the help of books, YouTube, and pre-recorded stuff that a famous artist put together for his students that helped me a lot. I guess maybe I'm just having a weird image in my head that I need to be super educated or something, to justify going into art in the first place. I realize this is purely psychological and I need to get over myself, and just create art.
Thank you, again!
No. 2263904
>>2258640 here speaking kek hard to believe it's only been a few days.
My bf who dumped me continues to be all whiny sad depresso boy to everyone meanwhile I'm pretty much over it and accepted I have to make a new life in a new place on my own AND I'm the fucking one who got dumped in the first place out of nowhere by someone who said they'd marry me after having been given the cold shoulder for weeks. I have nothing and no one here so I'm focusing on making work connections and he's in his room getting drunk and crying to his friends about how hard it is. He's been going out pretty much every night and day even though he supposedly hated doing that before. WTF like ok you did this to yourself dude. Also I know from past experience when guys get really guilty and weird like this it's because they did something wrong so I'm assuming he cheated or some shit and will victimize himself that akshually I made him do it because I rejected him somehow, he had somewhat of an emotional affair a long time ago and I know men are weak and retarded like that in general. Or that he's mad he got snipped and changed his mind about having kids. Whatever. Maybe in a few weeks I'll ask him to spill the reasons but the way he and his friends talk about me is so hurtful and unsympathetic when I was going through the worst years of my life that I don't want the possibility of hearing that shit again. Like why are you sending me sad crying gifs and wtf do you want me to do about it when you don't even want to be around me. Go rot and play video games in your room like you always did.
No. 2263908
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No. 2263935
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>>2263931THEY’LL HAVE
No. 2263949
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>>2263940Go do your homework the weekend is almost over. I drink prune juice and tell children to get off my lawn while you’re busy slitting your wrists contemplating transitioning because an internet tranny groomer said so while getting money from your discord bf. Now get, you wippersnapper!
No. 2264004
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A bald moid cut in line, right in front of me, at the coffeeshop today, right before I was about to order. I got my coffee and sat outside the coffeeshop, waited for him to come outside, and yelled "BALD" right at him. I hate moids so much. They bring such suffering into my life even when I try to keep them out of it. I have no idea of what to do with this hatred for them and it grows everyday. What can I do to make the world more unpleasant for moids?
No. 2264119
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Anons, I'm scared. I got PCOS and I'm insulin resistant (runs in the family). My endo wants to put me on metformin, but I'm scared because since developing these "glycemic" problems last year I've become pretty underweight and I don't want that pill to K.O me for good. Every other doctor was hesitant to put me on metformin, but Doc told me I shouldn't worry and that "she knows what she's doing" but I'm seriously not sure about this, she told me I could actually help me gain it all back but like, I'm not sure man
No. 2264125
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i'm just so fucking sick and tired of women still fucking defending men and trannies even in the face of the election results that will probably make our lives a living nightmare for the foreseeable future. i was so happy to see a woman getting popular on tiktok because she is refreshingly honest and harsh in her criticism against men and is a huge supporter of the 4b movement. but then she suddenly posts a video about how we all have to care for our trans siblings and that there is no excuse to be transphobic against trans women because they are women just like us. like fuuuuuck offfffff, they are still male and they still benefit from the fucking patriarchy, they still benefit off of the oppression against actual women, they still fucking benefit from cutting women off from public society should the trump administration feel like going for the full ride in stripping us of everything we've fought for. i'm tired of having to think about the mensfolk. i'm tired of having to care for their made up problems. i'm tired of seeing women coming SO CLOSE TO CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS only to see it all blown up into pieces anyway. because think about the men. think about the men are you thinking about men yet what about the men have you supported your local scrote yet are you thinking about men are you thinking about men ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT MEN
No. 2264135
It makes me look mentally handicapped…
No. 2264180
I wanted a trim and the hairstylist cut way more than she said she would. I have a short French bob now when all I wanted my hair cut shoulder length. I'm never letting anyone touch my hair again
No. 2264191
>>2263040Are you in Latin America?
>>2263120Impressing you get by without a cellphone. As a hag:
>I used to read more books>I would play more video games>I would watch more TVBut the truth is, we really did used to spend more time being bored. I really don't know what I'd be doing before vidya or TV.
No. 2264255
Fuck men, all of them. Fuck old scrotes, fuck younger scrotes , fuck priests, fuck professore, fuck shopkeepers, fuck drives, fuck grandpas, fathers, fuck sons, fuck straight scrotes, fuck bi scrotes, fuck faggots, fuck TIMs. They can all fuck off.
No. 2264508
>>2264225it’s time to get rid of your dad. you no longer have a need for a father.
>>2264409confess your sins child and i will tell you how many hail mary’s to do. maybe an act of service.
No. 2264634
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LC just isnt the same since retarded shitposting threads gone, wish they'd come back
No. 2264637
>>2259711Yeah it's not worth it, you'll think they're normal then they suddenly show their coomer side or act in shitty ways randomly and you can't see them the same. Being friends with them always means tolerating some amount of bullshit and misogyny and it fucking sucks. You're lucky you have irl friends to fall back on though. I've basically just resigned myself to having no friends outside of my relationship at this point.
>>2259723This is me, I want to actually cut out lc for real though. I was trying to but kind of relapsed since I have no actual female friends to talk to and this is the closest to that. I left this place for months at a time before and would just post (not bait or anything, just replying normally or giving an opinion) then immediately leave threads so I wouldn't inevitably get sucked in responding to retards trying to fight me since people here love to start fights no matter what you said. I would just use this place as a dump for my feelings and to lurk ocasionally and I should either cut it off entirely or just go back to doing that again.
No. 2264725
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>>2264647GHOST. It wasn't an anime character, but some random scrote who I'd known for all of 10 minutes once told me I reminded him of a TV show character, and then he went on to describe it as very sexual in a porny way. Needless to say I didn't talk to him again. The character looked nothing like me btw kek
No. 2264784
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put sunscreen on in the car because i forgot mine at home and now i look like a loaf of flour dusted rye bread and it's too late to fix it. it's over
No. 2264785
>>2264225samefag because i need to vent out some related stuff i've never admitted, sorry for the dump
as early as preschool or kindergarten he would watch porn on his computer knowing i was close by and would get angry at me whenever he noticed me trying to look at it, but then he would just keep looking at it with me nearby anyways
i have some really vague memories(?) from around the same age of him getting into my bed with me a few times, either while i was trying to go to sleep or i got woken up by him getting in. no other distinct details, i also don't even know if they're real so it feels like a nothingburger, but given his behavior in the present day the fact that it always stuck with me doesn't sit well with me at all
much more recently, last year or the year before, i woke up to my alarm but let it keep going because i didn't want to get up yet and he came in and grabbed my waist then slid down to my hip/basically on my ass. i almost immediately confronted him about that and he yelled at me saying i "always try to make everything weird" and made the excuse that he was trying to wake me up and couldn't tell where my shoulder was under the covers (but it's not like my head was covered). i can't help but believe he assumed that since i wasn't waking up to the alarm i was sleeping deep enough for something like that to not wake me up either
he once let me borrow his amazon account to use his prime for something, i got nosy and looked in his purchase history and he had bought a small hidden camera. some months later, i forget how it got brought up but my mom told me that he had set up hidden cameras (she said it plurally, even though it looked like he only bought 1 on amazon) in their room and said it in a hushed voice like it was something she wasn't supposed to know. i still have no idea if he really does have multiple and if he placed them anywhere else and it honestly might be the part of all this that fucks me up the most
there are also plenty of instances of him saying some off-color things as well but that's not really anything done directly to me so i wont bother detailing them all, you get the idea
it's all so uncertain i'd risk coming across as a schizo if i ever actually brought this all up to someone irl. luckily i've learned to avoid him enough so this stuff doesn't really come up in my mind often but when i do get reminded of it i get physically ill. it makes me feel insane that something generally irrelevant to my daily life can take such a toll on me when it does come up, especially since the instances of it all seem either too vague or mild when i put them into words. i hardly take it seriously if i get catcalled or creeped on when i go out but understandably it's a lot different when that type of behavior is coming from your own father and goes back to when you were too young to understand it
No. 2264843
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I almost used the word moid in a work chat…I should visit LC less..
No. 2264853
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I hate my fucking life. Just lost everything from my childhood to my current adulthood in a fire. All of my clothes, accessories, husbando merch, everything is gone. Everyone is safe but I have been abandoned by my family and none of my friends have come in person to check up on me. My boyfriend did not come to me, my best friends did not come and ask where I am and check up on me, my boss and coworkers were being rude to me when I was explaining why I had to leave early when I was notified about the fire, no one has given me a hug or gesture of care and kindness.
Everyone is only telling me "well at least everyone is okay", yes that is true, everyone is okay. But I literally have the same clothes on from 4 days ago, I do not have a change of clothes. I left my bedroom, my house, thinking about how at the end of the day I will get on my PC and play some games or watch some anime. But I just came back to nothing.
All of my lolita is gone, 15 years worth of collecting, buying, wearing all gone in a flash. My prints, posters, autographs all gone. No one has offered me a plate of a simple home cooked meal. My brother and sister went to friends house, my mother and her husband went to a family's house, I was just left in a motel alone. No one has come for me, I do not even have a place to go after Friday when I will be displaced again.
I finally thought I was going to go through come up, save up to buy myself my first used car, go to Japan, travel a little bit, but now that dream is gone.
No. 2264897
>>2264859Thanks for understanding. I feel like I am being ungrateful about everyone being okay and safe but realizing everything is gone is so surreal. Changing into fresh clothes and underwear, able to look at my childhood games, go through childhood photos when the topic would come up is all gone.
I am sorry you went through losing most of your stuff from childhood too nonna. How do/did you learn to cope from that or is it something you just cannot?
I am looking into resources but because the first day I was left in shock and Friday afternoon rolled around, all recourses centers locally were closed, as well as food banks. Unforunately I did not take my car to work that day so now I have spend money on lyfts/uber going 60 miles to and back. I have to walk around in a very unwalkable city. Hopefully I can ask for Monday off and get some resources together.
I feel awful and selfish to say this but I am jealous of my friends being able to just go back to their normal lives despite the fact they know of my situation. I do not expect them to hand me everything I want and need or that they should have dropped everything. But surely one or two could have cancelled their plans of going out or checked up on me after the fact, right?
I would and have rushed to my friends before whenever they are going through a tough time, why did they not do the same? My boyfriend is struggling financially but surely he could have sent me $20 and told me to atleast buy some new underwear and socks, right?
I proberly need therapy after all this but who knows if I will even find the energy to.
No. 2264999
nonnie I'm so sorry, literally my worst nightmare I can't even imagine how your feeling right now. Do you know how the fire started at all?
>>2264785>it's all so uncertain i'd risk coming across as a schizo if i ever actually brought this all up to someone irlYou don't sound schizo at all, even just one of those scenarios is cause for concern. And the fact your getting that vibe from him is honestly enough proof, those feelings don't come out of nowhere.
No. 2265040
>>2264996thanks, but see the problem is i try to put it off because i'm scared if i finish early i'll endlessly be anxious about how i did. i did manage to start at least.
>>2264998whatever is more natural to you!
>>2265026kek i'll keep it in mind
No. 2265064
>>2265058I feel you nonna, I got two huge ass pimple , the kind who are painful and don’t have the white head and small pimples on my forehead. I stopped using a product that I started to use and it’s been getting better.
The less you use the better it is sometimes.
No. 2265092
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Saw an episodes of Rizzoli&Isles where the wife killed the mistress of the husband kek, she was so based and the retard was so pathetic , she hurt him good since he was almost framed and almost killed himself, too bad she got caught before she killed him too.
Carol you were so based my dear, I was rooting for you.
Do any nonnas know of any shows or movies where the wife successfully ruins the husband’s life? I love seeing women win.
No. 2265242
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I've tried to make the new unpopular thread like 5 times and everytime something is wrong and it downed on me once again how fucking incompetent I am lmao
No. 2265247
anyway I am ESL and english doesn't matter to me. like most things.
No. 2265327
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Anon why did you delete this? You're right and you should say it, being a medical professional doesn't justify abusing and nearly killing (plus molesting/sexually abusing in some cases with male doctors) patients, being stressed and tired is not an excuse
No. 2265373
>>2265350Some of the absolute meanest girls from my highschool went on to become nurses…
I used to online date too and doctor quickly became a redflag. Ive met exceptions but healthcare seems to attract psychos for some reason.