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No. 2289194
Confess your sins to the cow nun
>>2254053 No. 2289272
>>2289249>I have the weirdest case of PCOS >Proceed to list the most common PCOS symptons everI know it's very frustrating but the odd ones are actually the women that have "PCOS" and the only symptons they have are irregular periods.
It fucking sucks and I feel you though. The best results for me came by taking 50mg of cyproterone acetate (that TIMs are making more expensive for everyone) and doing lowcarb.
Godspeed, nona.
No. 2289301
>>2289272>lowcarbKill me. Also thanks for the med recommendation nonna
>>2289285I wish I could shave off gut fat with a chainsaw, I hate pcos. Thanks for the rec too nonna
No. 2289346
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I’ve been harboring this secret since 2004. I was the one who stuck the ketchup packets under the toilet seat lids of the frosh-soph bathroom at my all-girls’ Catholic high school. The idea was that when ”the victim” sat down, the seat would burst the ketchup packet and get ketchup all over their legs. I got at least one person with it. It’s still funny and I’m not sorry.
No. 2289421
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Unironically, I find Raku-chan cute. No, I am not a tranny but I am a hypocrite because if someone else said this I would accuse them of being a tranny
No. 2289651
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I look down on het-partnered bi women. Imagine having the luxury of choice AND you still decide to get with a subhuman moid. Pathethic.
No. 2289869
>>2289830based. long ago i briefly shared a flat with a shut-in who hogged all of our very limited bandwidth with her stupid online games in the evenings
so every morning before i left for class i'd start a bunch of HD movie torrents to last the whole day and leave the laptop plugged in and locked up. i'd pause the downloads when i came home and start them back up the next morning
No. 2290235
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I am only dating my boyfriend because he has money. He's not a bad guy but i would have never dated a man if his pockets were empty. I am shallow. I just want to draw husbandos, i hate having to work min wage(thats like 100 usd here) and go to college. At least he's a safety net.
No. 2290508
File: 1733374147074.png (Spoiler Image,39.41 KB, 1796x184, bgesghjjyfbnj.png)

both of these posts turned me on i'm sorry
No. 2291217
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I find JD Vance somewhat good-looking as in his younger pictures he looks strikingly similar to my husband, so I am probably projecting how my husband will look in 10 years. I am ashamed and confused.
No. 2291830
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Whenever a moid annoys me I'm tempted to post him here to see nonas shit on how he looks. I don't know if it'd be against the rules. I don't think it could be linked back to me. It'd just be really funny.
No. 2291855
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I don't know why my underwear dissolves after a few months but getting new underwear and replacing the damaged ones makes me way too happy.
No. 2292228
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I need him
No. 2292269
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>>2292260>>2292259Hnngg dat jawline
>ABC News reports that members of the New York City Police Department are appearing “to be closing in on an identity” of the man who shot and killed Minnesota-based UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, 50-year-old Brian Thompson, early Wednesday morning.>Police have reportedly requested a search warrant for a location in the city where the suspect is believed to have been staying.>This comes hours after detectives allegedly found shell casings found at the scene of the shooting had the words “deny”, “defend” and “depose” written on them. Detectives are still working to figure out if the words were meant as a message from the shooter and if they hinted as his motive.>New video shows the suspect biking out of Central Park along West 85th Street just before 7 a.m., which was about 15 minutes after the shooting. He was wearing a black hoodie and balaclava in the new video. No. 2292288
>>2292228NAAAUUUUUURRRRRR i thought he covered up his face i don’t want them to find him. they have a picture of him lowering his mask at his hostel so they know at least the identity he stayed there under and apparently booked the bus he took there from atlanta. i’m hoping it’s not his real identity and he gets away.
> A shell casing recovered from one of the bullets fired at Thompson had the word “depose” written on it, while “delay” was written on a live round that was ejected when the shooter appeared to be clearing a jam, law enforcement sources told CNN on Thursday.Police are exploring whether the words found indicate a motive, pointing to a popular phrase in the insurance industry: “delay, deny, defend.”
fuck that’s hot. literally a hero. delay depose deny lmfao. i hate that finding him and punishing him is going to be such a huge priority. they’re probably desperate to make an example out of him because how terrifying to them will it be if he gets away with it and inspires copycats?
No. 2293620
>>2293593Be so glad you are not into fandoms. They used to be fun autism filled romps where you could be joyfully retarded. Yes there were wars and wank and shit. But it's become way too saturated with dipshits who would eat their own feces if it would get them internet clout, and speds who think going outside will kill them so they spend all their time looking for things to fight over. And that's not even getting into the new drive to monetize everything.
Getting a very good, trusted friend that you can sperg out with is a much better alternative now. I would avoid group chats though. All it takes is one weak link to ruin everything, but my best friend and I will take each other's dumb AUs and ideas and bad art to the grave KEK
No. 2293800
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Ok here I go, I hope I remember everything
1. I had sex with other girls when I was 9-12 and it was usually rape roleplay, idk why
2. My favourite fantasy is being an object of admiration and lust of many hot men, my husbandos, but never actually having sex or relationships with any man and remaining a virgin forever because the actual act of sex is disgusting. I can spend hours daydreaming and making up scenarios about my life where I'm a famous writer/actor/artist etc. and everyone dreams of being with me but nobody can. This fantasy is even more important than the fantasy of being rich, I don't fantasize about buying stuff, I would spend most of my money on animal charity
3. I openly declared love to my english teacher when I was graduating from high school, crying and shitting in front of that person, got rejected, said ok, then cried the whole way home, then at home for another few hours. That person was 50 and married, but for my defense, at the time of my declaration I didn't know they were married, there was no ring
4. I'm happy that my narcissistic coworker who caused me to go into therapy and also abused and manipulated other people turned out to have lethal autoimmune disease. I genuinely wished that person got sick, or knew any other real pain, and I basically got what I wanted. Despite that, I still want to be a christian, even though I'm aware I'm constantly committing the same sin, relishing the fact that this person is sick
5. I was regularly stealing food when I was 19-20
6. I felt nothing when my grandma died
7. I was relieved when my mother died
8. I like when life basically resolves my problems on its own, I don't like to take action, just observe and wait
9. I still struggle with basic math, it's my biggest insecurity
10. I was only on a few dates in my life, it never went anywhere more than the talking stage, and on my very first date when we were in a car on the way to somewhere, I needed to pee very bad and there was no gas station on sight, so we pulled over and I peed in the bushes, but I'm very bad at peeing in the wild, so I pissed all over myself, my shoes and my jeans, when I came back I realised I can smell the piss and I was so paranoid my date will smell it too, I said immedietely that I want to cancel the date and go home
11. I buy sad/ugly looking toys because I feel sorry for them
12. I had auto-pedophilic fantasies when I was younger
13. I hate doing basic self maintanance, I hate doing hygiene, putting on any kind of clothes, preparing food etc. I wish someone could do it for me, basically taking care of me like I was a baby, but not in a fetishistic way. Nobody can do it for me so I will never feel happy
No. 2293823
>>2293803this is a confession thread, so I presume it's a good space to say all the embarrassing stuff about yourself?
>>2293814We were switching actually, and she was a year older than me, she also showed me porn for the first time. But those fantasies didn't come from porn, which was showing just casual missionary sex and wasn't "roleplayed" as forced, so I still don't know where did that rape roleplay come from. I just liked the fantasy of being overpowered by someone, and overpowering someone else, which I know is weird and bad for a 9 year old
No. 2293854
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>>2267064Updating to let you guys know instead of taking a long hike I got back with my ex for a brief time and after a fight on Monday (in which I've only made verbal threats and he was the one to physically assault me) he called 911 and I was arrested for breaking restraining order amongst other charges. This freak actually pulled a George Floyd on me and held me down with his knees on my neck while he dialed 911. (I wasn't actually arrested then. I was sent to the hospital and upon discharge I called up my ex to ask to return my work uniform amongst other belongings and he agreed but called the cops the instant I was caught on the security camera. Yes I was dumb enough to get set up.)
Long story short I got diagnosed with BPD, got some hefty charges against me, my parents broke their retirement savings to hire me a lawyer, no I don't ever plan on seeing this ex ever again since third arrest would end me in prison. Legal battle won't even be worth fighting, my ex's family is more wealthy. This arrest I used mental health as a get out of jail card. I was still shackled up to hospital bed for days but it was worth saving the trauma of having to go through jail again. It wasn't even a trick I pulled up my sleeve or something, I am actually just very mentally ill. When I spoke to the psych I was honest as I could be since I was also curious what was actually wrong with me.
When I speak to a therapist I should probably mention the fact that I had unexpected pregnancy in May which is why I went off my antidepressants and when my ex finally pressured me into medical abortion with half threat/half plea and I completely spiraled, got into hard drugs, almost ODd and died, all while he was keeping me in his parent's basement and accused me of cheating if I slept elsewhere. I have lost sense of self during this relationship. My mood was completely dependent on one person. I blame myself mostly for not taking control of my own life. I think I held onto the fantasy of better future more that reality got darker. Around September is I guess when he was done with me since I caught him speaking to other girls behind my back and he wasn't hesitant about putting his hands on me. In October he humiliated me in front of group of his friends and I still crawled back to him, falling deeper into sunk cost fallacy.
Rest is history.
No. 2293939
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Sometimes I want to get in an infight with some burgerfags so that I can hear what kind of impassioned rants they can come up with about how much my country sucks. I think that would be funny but only if they could come up with something more original than bla bla bla sheep fuckers
No. 2293986
>>2293983See that's what gets me is you KNOW you're not ugly, but then why do you feel the need to get rated if you KNOW you're average. Do you actually know? And also what if they rated you a 1 or 2.
I know you said you just think about it sometimes and wouldn't actually post your face to get rated, but it's funny to me.
What do you mean by major facial dysmorphia btw?
No. 2293998
>>2293991Don't mean to be rude, but you've been diagnosed with BDD, or that's a word you're using to describe how you are feeling? Dysmorphia is incredibly debilitating and is an obsessive-compulsive classified disorder. The idea of posting your face on those boards would be nightmareish.
Of course your face looks different in photos and such, our bodies are living organisms and our skin can vary wildly even in a single day. This is why anorexics like to weigh themselves at only certain times of day. I personally look 10x better in the morning than at night. These thoughts and feelings you're having are incredibly normal for women, esp in a society that places so much importance on our faces and beauty.
Try not to be so preoccupied with it, we're all going to rot anyway. Live life as if you're a 10, but without the arrogance. If you really want to know what you look like, wait 15 years and then look at a picture of yourself. The face you see in the old photo will be so different, it will be removed from your perception of self and you can judge yourself more easily. Also modern high definition cameras highlight every single detail it can capture. Almost every photo you see on the internet is edited, or from an older camera so the details are obscured and flaws cannot be seen as easily.
No. 2294128
>>2294121Sure but not in the sense of needing to be told I'm pretty. Think of it as a research study lmao.
>>2294119You're right
No. 2294138
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Crying about dinosaurs right now. Why did they have to die!? The day that stupid comet hit must have been THE saddest day our planet has ever experienced, they must have been so scared. I know it's really stupid but I'm very sad.
No. 2294339
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>>2294138It's the first time I'm looking (or even actually seeing?) clouds in dinosaur fanart, and I feel weird thinking they looked at the same shapes as I do. It's the same feeling I had when I realized dust always existed, people had to wipe it away 5000 years ago, too.
No. 2294468
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I have been getting high before and during work at my useless easy as shit office job every single day since I got hired. I just wear shades every day and tell everyone I’m autistic and sensitive to lights, I also use that as an excuse not to talk to anyone. My productivity is way above average (even a trained orangutan could perform the job well but they hire mostly slow readers for some reason) so I finish all I gotta do before lunch and spend the rest of the day high as shit watching videos and eating snacks. I call it the pixielocks office tactic.
No. 2294646
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people online always think i'm a troon so i'm just going to start pretending i am
No. 2294689
>>2293882Could be a combination of both, but I don't really doubt the BPD diagnosis. Despite everything I still do miss him and hope that he would want me again when we've both gone through therapy and come out as better people. I mostly blame myself for everything that happened. It's not like I'm a wide eyed doe
victim who was just sitting back taking in the abuse, a lot of the fights I've started it and I know I was extremely insufferable to be around during the time of recovery and grief.
Thank you for the kind reply and I hope you have a wonderful life as well nonna.
No. 2295307
>>2295293U thought I was ugly when I was fourteen because I was the only black girl in the shitty city I lived in (it was an island kek). But once I moved out for university I got approached and complimented several times.
So I don’t really think that getting approached is really an indication and I still that that if you have an intimidating type of beauty you’ll be approached less.
The only way to know if you’re 100% attractive or not is ask a random child kek, if they haven’t been trained they’ll say the truth.
No. 2295358
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>>2294165Chickens aren't cringe. So no, dinosaurs are not cringe and they deserved better.
>>2294339>>2294640imagine being a majestic pterodactyl soaring beneath the clouds. On a nice day there would even be rainbows.
No. 2295364
>>2295307I've lived in the capital city of my country for 10+ years and I never get approached, however I get a bit more attention when I'm traveling to another country, even when it's the neighboring country that's virtually identical to mine down to the language, please don't tell me I'll have to go the passport bro route.
>if you have an intimidating type of beauty you’ll be approached lessNah I refuse to believe beautiful women have no success because they are "too intimidating", this is just a coping phrase friends tell you to reassure you you're not unattractive.
No. 2295366
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>>2294165bitch you'd cry if a cassowary came up to you. most dinos were even bigger and would have hunted you
No. 2295383
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>>2295366Seeing that cassowary tear into that mannequin is so satisfying. And then look at how the human loses control of the situation and gets cornered and pushed to the ground.
>>2295369I bet you wouldn't even be able to kill an angry rooster. Everything in pic related would DESTROY you.
No. 2295396
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nonny thinks she can take on a brontosaurus. Reminder these things used to travel in HERDS.
No. 2295419
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>>2295387you realize a grizzly bear can shrug off bullets when it's pissed? most dinosaurs are several thousand pounds heavier than a grizzly
No. 2295433
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>>2295427i'm so confused i googled the word lietnist and couldn't find anything so i'm guessing it slang…?
No. 2295548
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I consider this a confession because I absolutely despite him, but young jimmy Fallon is so fucking hot
No. 2295559
>>2295548i think you mean despise my dear
nonnie kek, despite means in spite of
No. 2295576
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>>2295548How do such good looking people become so ugly as they age? It's not everyone, sometimes a good looking person remains good looking for their whole life, even in very old age, but most of the time it's like pretty people get super fugly. Like what happens to them? Is it a consequence of living a life of sin? Is it something they're eating or drinking? Is it some sort of bone degeneration? It's terrifying to think about for too long. He's only 50 in the picture I attached: 50 year olds shouldn't look so ugly and disgusting and make me want to puke. 50 is young why does he look haggard and foul-smelling?
No. 2295596
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>>2289194>>2295559Oops, I mistyped. Thanks nonna.
>>2295568I too wondered that, but there are so many other photos of him looking sexy as fuck.
>>2295576>>2295583He looks like a scrotum now.
No. 2295604
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>>2295596It's actually annoying as shit when people post hyperedited pictures of celebrities. Jimmy Fallon has literally never looked like that in his entire life. Morons
No. 2295622
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>>2295548This picture has to be chadified, he looked okay in his youth but still mid. Nothing special
No. 2295645
>>2295604When I made this post
>>2295576 I said that he looked foul-smelling, and the picture you uploaded proves exactly what I mean. I can't even type it out fully but just look at the area beneath his arm in that picture… I had to hide the file as soon as I saw it because my stomach began to hurt and a strong feeling of nausea. Now it's confirmed that he reeks of sulfurous onion-like odour. Perhaps deodorant is what keeps people looking nice? I can tell that he doesn't take his personal hygiene seriously at all. I heard that many deodorants contain aluminum, so perhaps aluminum is an anti-ugly agent? I know that some people wear aluminum hats to defend their mind from certain waves that may influence mental patterns, so maybe this relates? Either way, Jimmy Fallon is a horrible disfigured beast that smells foul due to the noxious odour that exudes from his skin's pores.
No. 2295706
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>>2295705I do agree but at the same time no one thinks these two are fucking attractive. So to some degree beauty is objective.
No. 2295707
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>>2295701But he doesn't look like the photo you posted of him. That photo us edited a fuckton. He was ugly and sweaty, this is what he always looked like. Film was so flattering in the 90s, you could post a clip of any fuggo and the skin smoothing low qual grain makes them look more attractive. He was also wearing heavy stage makeup in the video posted.
No. 2295735
>>2295706NTA but I'm sure fatty on the right has had a boyfriend before, moids have no standards. Only someone like tophia could remain an actual
femcel because she's not just ugly but unkempt and unhygienic, she's a female Chris chan (and even he has a gf now)
No. 2295744
>>2295735Who cares if fat girls have bfs. This thread bounces from
>moids have no standardsto
>moids are so misogynistic they believe they deserve a 10 when they're a 2.7Make up your fucking minds. Who gives a shit
No. 2295787
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No boyfriend of shawtybae was ever genuine. Just clout chasing.
No. 2296007
>>2295576Tooons of alcohol and drugs, copious amounts, probably coke. I thought it was an open secret with him.
>>2295707>>2295622Idk if I'm seeing things but something about the expression in his eyes is unnerving, like he's looking right through me. Even in the better photos he looks like he's about to attack, kind of shark-like.
No. 2296093
File: 1733644127689.png (948.85 KB, 700x816, 1646623024235.png)

i should not have gone into /g/ tonight seeing the dude ive turned down several times being thirsted after by nonnas reignited something evil inside me i had previously successfully repressed. fantastic
No. 2296110
>>2296098kek no i wish
>>2296104lord forgive me it was
gypsycrusader don't laugh
No. 2296119
>>2296110Oh, I wonder who that is, I guess I'll google him
>has a wikipedia page>sidebar pic is a mugshotAnon. How did this happen
No. 2296140
>>2296119mixture of mental illness, straight up retardation, and
a former severe drinking problem>>2296131listen. i was gonna say thats a terrible pic but that doesn't even scratch the surface of the explaining i'd have to do i must leave expeditiously
No. 2296258
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I want a perfect world. I want a utopia. I want only good people to exist all the bad ones go extinct. Everyone human be immortal. All animals on earth will be herbivores so no one has to kill anyone to sustain themselves. I want every building to be beautiful. I want no pollution. I want no suffering, no famine, zero disease or virus, i want no scrotes, i want no evil.
Some people think a utopia would be "boring" but thats epic bullshit. If you need problems, excitement or competition then play sports, do math, or play vidya game retard. I want the world to be peaceful and quiet and beautiful.
No, we do NOT need pain for feel alive or to enjoy life you philosophical snobs. I never get bored of eating food, relaxing in a bathtub, talking to friends, reading the same book over and over, drawing, etc. it makes me sad that what i described is literally impossible.
No. 2296287
>>2296189I enjoy lying too anon. After their horrified look I laugh and play it off as a joke to fuck with people and it usually works well because I was so deadpan before, but my intention wasn't to make a joke. Sometimes it feels like I'm a compulsive liar and makes me feel bad. I deleveloped this from growing up with an
abusive mother from whom I had to lie and hide literally everything for survival.
No. 2296497
>>2296258Good is relative though, what is good nonna? Is there a way to possibly define good in a general and universal way?
No human is 100% good.
No. 2297078
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I hate that the board is so tribalized over stupid shit that it’s scared off a lot of good anons away so you can’t post shit without causing threads to be locked or topics to be outright banned. My confession is that Im a yuriyumefujofag, and it sucks. Because on if you aren’t into handholding pure gl thats 400 chapters worth of slowburn then you’re a male brained coomer but if you’re into bl then you’re a violent internet poisoned woman who loves moids raping each other, which shouldn’t matter because males aren’t human. If you’re into yumeshit then you’re either a narcissist that thinks she is so perfect that she’s deserves a husbando, all women deserve sexy anime husbandos/waifus no matter how you look tbh, or you’re a retarded virgin/neet who should try going outside. Can’t even sperg about reading ecchi mangaslop without having to think of the infights it will cause because of it. Another confession of mine is that I like to read mangas like Seton Gakuen because of the cute girls and the constant yuribaiting even though shit like this is considered ugly male psyop media and for scrotes to fap to. I like reading these and writing/drawing my own self indulgent side stories where the girls get together and the moids are forced to go prison gay. Picrel is also my fav girl even though she’s a huge tif
No. 2297079
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I need him to rawdog me, nobody tell my Nigel
No. 2297154
>>2295787it's sad, she's literally retarded and small.
Im using my bf for money but hes broke af anyways,
(integrate) No. 2297634
File: 1733699386637.png (1.4 MB, 1241x1236, 1000003724.png)

waited 15 min for the new 4chan captcha to let me make my troll post except after the 15 minutes there was an additional captcha still?? my confession is the thought that ill never post on 4chan again because the captcha is more hassle than it's worth actually makes me sad. from like 2009 to 2015 i dont think there wasnt a day i wasnt active there, first on /tv/ when i was like 13-14 (only in hindsight is it gross how surrounded by pedos i was but i wasnt thinking about that at the time) then later mostly /fa/ and the ace attorney threads on /vg/ when dual destinies came out. i still go there occasionally to browse, especially when lolcow goes down, but i dont think ill try posting again unless the captcha somehow got easier (not happening). if only i had known fujotrolling in the jjk threads on /a/ a few months back were my lasts posts, i wouldve gone harder to make them mald.
No. 2299046
File: 1733760701745.jpg (43.58 KB, 473x420, gettyimages-137055749~2.jpg)

>>2297078I'm 100% with you anon. I'm sick of all the retarded infighting and moralfagging. Apparently anons care more about retarded Chinese cartoons than they do about other human beings.
No. 2299094
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I want a wife and two daughters, ideally adopted.
No. 2299410
File: 1733771530686.gif (1.83 MB, 220x274, IMG_4800.gif)

>>2299137>Daughter 1>>2299236>Daughter 2>>2299174>WifeFinally. After all these years.
No. 2299733
>>2298729Idk how to direct my voodoo
>>2298638This is actually really smart, thanks anon
No. 2299846
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They’re so boxy and cute. I want to pat their butts kek.
No. 2300583
File: 1733789963857.png (77.07 KB, 800x779, Masthead_luigi.17345b1513ac044…)

I just came and moaned the UHC assassin's name.
No. 2303134
>>2302759Jesus Christ. At least wipe them on some random table KEK wtf
>>2293532I do the same but with a bunny plush I treat as my child. I cuddle her like a daughter.
No. 2303256
File: 1733887981489.jpeg (35.41 KB, 275x275, aggy.jpeg)

I just fucking realized the ceo assassination guy looks like a mix of my high school history teacher and pre-transition stwabewwy aggy and I can't unsee it
No. 2303590
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I broke my tailbone three years ago and I've been in constant pain ever since. I'm not even an amerifag but I understand now how pain can make you lose your mind and kill healthcare CEOs.
No. 2303603
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When I was younger browsed myproana. I remember interacting with dasha from redscare. She posted A LOT. I distinctly remember her pic cuz I thought she was stunning. I know shes openly proana (her twitter is dashaeats) but still.
Everytime I see the redscare thread I go
>That myproana bitch ended up in succession. Wtf
No. 2304012
>>2303986>he killed a healthcare c-suiteUnderstable
>is 6 feet tallDon't care about that
>has thick hair and not baldingHis hair is still short so not my thing.
>and has a cute smileI don't see it tbh.
No. 2304278
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I once stole a blender from a pregnant woman during white elephant. No regrets, I made some delicious smoothies with that thing. I wish it still worked.
No. 2304447
>>2304415I don't want to ever let myself go, it's impossible, I need to be in control all the time.
>but being vulnerable is good for you actually you learn how to trust and build character I don't care.
No. 2304642
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I want to be called hime-sama and ojou-sama by a handsome long-haired princely ikemen
No. 2304811
>>2304774See, this is great for you
Stick by all of them and when you get a shit period in your life there'll be an army to support you
No. 2304840
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I find Luigi's TPOT adjacent views to be suspicious and coming sign of the Thiel-funded technocratic right. Especially his comments on "wokeness". I fear the energy of the current populism will be pushed towards actual marginalized groups No. 2304929
nonnie. most people are unfamiliar with techbro ideology and seem to have little immune system to its precepts. it doesn't correspond to the traditional right-left spectrum and you have to be deeply online to know about the misanthropic dark enlightenment shit so many people end up accepting the ideas as benign and apolitical.
the problem is that even the things they believe that seem innocent (like not being a coomer) come from a troubling place (the belief that women are the source of societal weakness and degeneracy). they should be viewed like the islamic republic: it's good that they execute rapists but they're oppressive freaks as a whole and definitely shouldn't be praised or encouraged.
No. 2304937
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i procrastinated on my notes and now I have 18 lectures to transcribe for my open note exam. I had the whole month to prepare but I kept getting distracted. I wish i actually did this once a week. fucked up my sleep schedule just to fix this, I'm a dumbass
No. 2305012
>>2304994yay, please continue to smile!
>>2304995it's for an online exam, is it worth it?
No. 2305065
>>2304338ntayrt but
is it wrong that i also find north africans attractive? kek guess that's my confession
No. 2305428
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more of a confession than a vent because I feel kind of ashamed for it but every week I stay for a few days in my boyfriend's house, then when I come back to my own place I feel so sad and empty I spend the rest of the day crying, it goes away the next day obviously, but I always dread coming back home for this reason kek
No. 2305484
>>2305474I see where you’re coming from but people have always, and
will always justify not believing real cases. It happens every single day. It wouldn’t matter if there were no false accusations ever at all. Saying this as someone who has actually been assaulted.
No. 2305494
>>2305484As I said I already know these people would do it anyway. I’m saying it feels disrespectful to the actual
victims of rape especially those who weren’t believed.
No. 2305872
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hahaha FUCK this stupid bitch got fired after all these years so i go on facebook to snoop and she unfriended me (she didn't do that until just now! which means she was thinking of me AFTER ALL THIS TIME LOL). fucking hilarious i immediately sent a new request oh my god it feels so fucking good im fucking cackling. i'm gonna fuck with her so hard its too easy and too fucking good to pass up i never do shit like this but #yolo
No. 2305876
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>>2305807I knew before he even came out when I first saw him meet (G)I-DLE. Right away I was like hold up…
No. 2305879
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>>2305876my god, looking at trannoids standing next to any woman is like watching a big ass fox put on a chicken hat and stand next to some real chickens. It feels like something out of a skit, and we're supposed to take those things seriously?
No. 2305914
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I hope Luigi gets killed/suicides himself in prison, just so I can see retarded handmaidens crying shitting and pissing over his death lmao(a-logging)
No. 2305917
>>2305909mexican and other latino groups (puerto ricans, cubans, etc) share a common language, which is spanish. being mexican is a nationality, as much as being an american is a nationality and not a race. you can be a white mexican, and you can be a black american. italians are seen as white because they come from europe, assuming luigi can trace his ancestry back there and there hasn't been some other mixes along the way in his family tree. but you can be white with pale skin, blue eyes and blond hair, and you can be white with very dark hair, very dark eyes, and a swarthy/olive complexion.
No. 2305937
I want to meet a nonnie IRL. At first we both slowly over time realize we both use LC and then become best friends that are inseparable. We will read threads together, watch movies together, play games together, go shopping together, adopt a cat together, have fun sleep overs, cook together, make fun of trannies and moids together, text all day, go to zoos, go to the movies, binge the hunger games, read rad fem literature, join a book club together, make a minecraft world together that grows into something amazing over time, go to cat shows together (which is where we will find the breeder for our cornish rex), hopefully we could even be coworkers, and live an amazing life together.
No. 2305938
>>2303932honestly, i feel this. i get so upset when i see gorgeous women with the most fugliest moids on the planet, and i knowwwwwww it's not because of his winning personality or his kind heart because none of the moids possess actual goodness in their souls kek. these same moids also abuse and/or cheat on the beautiful women, and the thing is, it's just accepted. meanwhile the lesbian dating scene is a hot mess, and women generally hold women to an extremely high standard, whether that's for friendship or a relationship. you have to be extremely careful with women because they have zero qualms in dumping you for the tiniest reason, but a man can fuck her sister and she can still say "its okay, he knows where home is".
that said, i kind of don't care that women are into luigi. he started a class consciousness between conservatives and liberals right now and it's a sight to behold. silver lining.
No. 2305946
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>>2305937This is so cute. I want to have this too…
No. 2305973
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>>2305911the problem here with this race thing is that it wasn't something that existed until the 20th century among people who are ''white'' aka european, before that it was more about nationality focus than race. Like if you read history you would know what white people have been killing each other like crazy and denying each others human rights based on nationality. Only now due to immigration and globalization did this dumb shit like nazism and white supermacy show up and even with that their movement is still a failure since it's based on scandinavian/germanic views of whiteness which completely erases Mediterranean's , Slavic's, balkans and irish people's existence due to colorism and featurism.
Also italians are very ethnically diverse some look very stereotypically white and some of them looks turkish due to anatolian ancestry, it depends. Even Maneskin (im pretty sure this group disbanded lol) is a good example of that, the blonde girl and the ginger guy look of what you amerimutts consider white while Damiano and the long-hair drummer may confuse you.
No. 2306373
>>2306368He doesn't even have the good long hair, it's the greasy stringy type. He actually looked less ugly with short hair.
>>2306372That guy is a whole foot taller at least
No. 2306511
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>>2306368Have you seen this video then?
No. 2306530
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My crush is 5’5 he’s so cute he would let me beat and hit him he’s so lovely and he has beautiful skin and soft curly hair he’s so cute and lovely he’d do anything for me he’s like my pet or toy I love him so much. Got inspired by the person talking about moistcritkal lol
No. 2306617
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i admit im kinda jealous /shay/ gets to have such a cute glitter cursor even if its a buttplug i wish we had a cow theme glitter cursor on regular lc too
No. 2306766
>>2306756KEK this is so fucking real. I was reading a 700k word fic (it was the only completed longfic in the fandom written in 2016-2017) and near the end the MC decided to sleep with a "literally who?" grade OC (with a western name instead of a Japanese one???) and I was like "????" because who gives a fuck about this rando who's only been mentioned 3 times total within the story? It was meant to be ~passionate~ too but because I was like "DO NOT WANT" it just came across as fan disservice. Also the final sex scene in the fic wasn't even between the MC and his love interest either, it was between two side characters. It was going so well, what the hell happened? I was thinking "did the author just
forget how romance stories work…?" The kicker is none of my friends read fic or care so I was telling my own mother about it like "yeah I was reading a, uh, a romance WEBNOVEL-" kekkk. What a disappointmentttt. The earlier chapters were so exciting to me too.
No. 2306822
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>>2306368Looked him up to realize he’s that annoying YouTuber kek. The standards are in hell, but at least he doesn’t have greasy hair. Still ugly and retarded though.
No. 2306918
>>2306844>At worst I will disappear for monthsSee another pattern kek. And the main one you all have is the inability to take any kind of accountability. If you get called out you downplay your behavior
>it’s not bad>I just love so deeply>at best I disappear for a while >I just need constant reassurance >my anger is all self inflicted anywayThese are all harmful patterns that make you dysfunctional people. These behaviors are
toxic and sometimes even
abusive too. You don’t need to cheat to be a BPD.
No. 2306938
>>2306914>See? ManipulationI literally said I could never let them see negative emotions or find out I have BPD. I would not tell them I would commit suicide, I just know I would want to
thus I take actions to avoid that happening. Read. If it makes you happier I try not to date people, it’s just that if I fall mutually in love they often try to get me to date them. I tell them it’s not good for me.
>>2306918? I disappear for months so I don’t do anything that would sour our friendship. What do you want me to do? I don’t want to split on them so I stay away if I’m not doing great. But if I stay away I’m also shit? What am I meant to do? I’m clearly trying to take the steps to make sure my friendships run as smoothly as possible. It’s not like I don’t communicate about it. Seems like I just can’t win here.
I never said I’m not dysfunctional, I literally said I have BPD. I obviously have an issue and I try to manage it. Why does everyone on this site react so weirdly to this topic? Just bizarre
No. 2306942
>>2306938You keep proving me right each time kek. I simply replied to that anon who said “why do people act like all BPDs are the same”.
Yes you might cope with it better and make sure to not indulge in your tendencies, but you still have those very same patterns. Why are you acting as if I attacked you when I didn’t, but simply stated and specified a fact?
No. 2306944
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I want this pig to fucking die already. If the North Koreans are going to be oppressed then they should at least be oppressed with dignity by his more attractive and intimidating sister.
No. 2306954
>>2306947I said I communicate about it! Obviously my friends know I need space sometimes. Sometimes they need space too.
>>2306950Ok… So what should I do then? I said I can’t win because if I stay I’m a BPDemon for causing problems but if I leave I suck too. Give me a third option. I’ll do it. It’s in my best interests to make things easy for everyone while also managing my symptoms.
No. 2306967
>>2306954Retard BPD nonna what I stated is this kek>>2306912
There’s no third option because your mental illness doesn’t have a cure. It’s just like schizophrenia or even some forms or depression, you never get cured, you just manage. And I literally said that, you either manage it or don’t, but those patterns are still there. You’re dysfunctional , nothing changes that.
If you’re acting so defensive about it it clearly means you’re not doing well and feel called out.
No. 2307065
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>>2306979That BPD smirk radiating from these replies. So hypnotic, so alluring. These temptors and temptresses are truly the next phase of human evolution anons, so you better hold on to your nigels and stacies tighter than a BPDs golden asshole or pussy. If you didn't know that BPDs use their telefonesis to communicate and spread awareness of their superpowers than I can't help you. Not that it would matter anyways, the world belongs to the BPD now
>>2307055Maybe you used to lay in the dirty as a toddler laundry and a relative had similar smelling discharge
No. 2307067
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>>2307065Anon everything about this reply…..thank you for at least using a spoiler.
No. 2307187
>>2301690yes I unironically get
triggered when I see people call a man in a wig "her" or ONE PERSON "Them" i hope this troon coddling era ends soon, I am so fucking sick of it
No. 2307498
>>2307474Kek I slept with my mom until I was 13 too. Didn’t have sleep paralysis, I just liked being with my mom and I was also scared of the dark. Bless her for putting up with me, because I sure as hell would have kicked myself out if I had been her kek, who wants a brat clinging to you at night, even when they’re sick kek.
She slowly helped me and I started to sleep alone in my bedroom.
No. 2307519
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I once had a sex dream so good that I ended up orgasming myself awake kek. I dreamt about this sort of demon incubus, it was so damn hot. Wish I had more dreams like that. The body of the demon was very human like , see picrel, but his skin was pitch black and had a more beastly face.
No. 2307676
>>2307647Good news nonna , they worship whiteness, you can be ugly as shit and they’ll still eat your ass. Muslim men are bottom of the barrel though.
By the way what’s with minority men salivating and behaving like dogs with white women? I see this especially in black men and east asian men, at least in my experience, like there’s a pretty big portion of them who actively prefer us and outright hate their women for no reason. Like if I take white men for example they still prefer white women and so black women with black men and so on.
Is it like a fetish? A power play?
Black men always shit on black women despite the fact that their mothers are black too, I can’t really fathom staying with someone like that and I don’t understand the women who do. I had this scrote in my university who tried to approach me, he seemed normal and we started to talk since we had some friends in common, but at a certain point he said something about preferring white women over black women since the latter were loud, ugly etc, and it just turned me off altogether.
No. 2307678
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>>2307670Send me picrel of your type nonna. Is it like this?
No. 2307746
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>>2307738I'm shavkatpilled right now
No. 2307762
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I want to fuck the horse from Beastars
No. 2307848
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My nigel says that he isn't attracted to anyone else when he's in a relationship, that he hasn't had a crush on another woman since we got together years and years ago. I know I should appreciate this because he's one of the rare loyal ones, but instead it just makes me feel ashamed that I do feel attracted to other men. I've never acted on it but I do fantasize about and have romantic dreams about my crushes. I'm just glad he can't read my mind.
No. 2308077
>>2307655AYRT honestly what
>>2307670 said. I like the look of them not their beliefs, culture or personalities in 99% of cases. they all come with built in mummy and daddy issues and think the world owes them a halal bangmaid. the only thing this guy has going for him is his massive knob and biceps, i'm certainly not fucking him under any illusion that he'll introduce me to his parents and we'll have a church wedding kek. One day i'll settle down with a woman or 10 cats when i've stopped indulging my retardation. i like pakistani women too but unfortunately 99% of them are indoctrinated into the downtrodden housewife culture and cannot fathom munching rug…
>>2307676for sure a fetish of some description, brown males are infamous for having a thing for blue eyed white women. and i find it incredibly distasteful when black/asian men shit on their own women. like you said thats your fucking mum bro… what the hell do you mean you hate women of your own race? it baffles me that black/brown women go to the lengths they do to defend them for this behaviour, talk about biting the hand that literally feeds you
No. 2308094
>>2308077i'm surprised their personalities and issues aren't enough of a turn off for an outsider, even with racial fetishization. a mutual exchange of racial fetishization is funny.
>i like pakistani women too but unfortunately 99% of them are indoctrinated into the downtrodden housewife culture and cannot fathom munching rug…i thought there would be a few liberal muslim type women on dating apps, maybe they're not the types for hookups vs. serious dating?
No. 2308104
>>2308085honestly if muslim women were all just a little more gay i would be a very happy woman. if i had to make a tier list pakistani/arab would be S tier. brown scrotes have this delusional attitude because they get treated like royalty by their parents from the moment they're born, especially if they're the only son. it gives them this weird complex where they simultaniously think they're god's gift and have a deep rooted sense of shame when they put one toe out of line. jarring as fuck.
>>2308094fortunately i'm not subjected to this too often, it's rare enough that i can compartmentalise it and focus on the head kek. also i have to say thank you to everyone thats replied, you've all cured me of the feelings i thought i had for my favourite currycel. love u guys
>i thought there would be a few liberal muslim type women on dating appsthere are, but they're few & far between and the ones that i've spoken too are drinking the tranny kool aid. i can't be a pronoun respecter in a long term relationship, it's too much. hopefully one day i'll find the
terf baddie of my dreams…
No. 2308158
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i miss the dumbass shit thread so much
No. 2308270
>>2308226I will try and make funny posts every day so there is fresh content here when you need it, I love you
nonnie, I'm glad you're still with us
No. 2308291
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guYS excuse me i awm very tipsy and high what does it mean when im high in social interactions with my friends and i end up flirting by mistake. and people end up flirtbick i mean flirting back. except im not even really meaning to flirt with them it just becomes friendly banter with sexual tenision. DOES THIS MEAN IM PRETTIER THAN I THINK? god i have such shitty self esteemm kekkkk i still thimk of myself as the ugly awkward kid i was. or does this reveal a scarier possibility that im having horny feelings towrads all my friends oh my go.d am i slut?
No. 2308323
>>2308246I haven't really noticed a difference, I'd rather take a slightly slower site with higher quality posts over hundreds of posts infighting and baiting anyways
>>2308293This too
No. 2308360
>>2308128I love my mom and my mom loves me and I’m not ashamed kek. I call her everyday since I’ve moved out for university, she supports me and cheers me up.
You don’t need shitty parents and trauma to be interesting.
No. 2308479
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I spent 2 years crushing on a coworker who seemed like a nice shy man. We were friendly but I never managed to make a connection with him outside the workplace, but as I was about to give up he would always do something that made me think maybe there is a chance. Three months ago, a newly employed woman, 10+ years his junior becomes glued to him. E.g. if he is not working , she goes right next to him. Laughs very loud at every of his jokes, looking at him intensly in the eyes. Once I lightly teased him about being a grandpa (he said some word that I only remember old people using) and she gets super offended land says something like "You are being mean do not say that!!!". Then extra cringe stuff such as saying "Haha this bottle opening is so tight like a tight hole mhmm" while looking at him. And he likes all of that and ends up glued to her. Hear them shitalking me in the kitchen over some nerdy insterest I have. They probably are together but I can work remote and I don't visit office as often so I can easily avoid them. Went to the Christmas office party and he ignored me and didn't even want to say hello to me.
I feel embarrased to have ever liked him, been nothing but nice to him (and her because female solidarity hah). Two years of crushing on this?? I literally projected an adult mature man on this manchild, oh god.
No. 2308578
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nonny this is winner behavior. your parents sound rad, hope they're doing well
No. 2308640
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>>2308509>nobody will know I was that retarded anonBut the mods will always know
No. 2308787
>>2308740I belive it’s because female cats are more focused on their owner and family and are careful around strangers whilst male cats just don’t give a fuck who is around them more. So people who never had a cat at home and only visit cat homes don’t see the females as friendly because it’s not their own cat and she can’t be chill around strangers. And they see the male cat as friendly because he just hangs around not scared very much. I’m generalizing, but that’s what the statistics of my life show.
I don’t find male cats as good to own as female cats because all my male cats weren’t very cuddly and were easily annoyed. They just wanted to do their own thing, while my female cat is always in my business.
No. 2308822
>>2308816>If the Y chromosome was wiped out tomorrow, then so would racismI don't think it would
automatically stop racism, but it would make things a HELL of a lot better and lower prejudice overall.
No. 2308848
>>2308822Yeah, you're right, I was being a little dramatic. It'd end a lot of other stuff too, like rape, wars, etc. My dream…
>>2308825I'm South Asian but I know a lot of other nonas from other races must feel the same way about the men from their own race. It's really unfair isn't it?
No. 2309167
>>2309151The little voice which tells you to keep taking more is a
abusive friend. Please at the very least be honest with your therapist and doctors about what you did afterwards, it's not shameful or embarrassing to admit that you struggle with a literal dependency. The fact you can go cold turkey now means it's not too late.
No. 2309181
>>2308799>he's only been sweet If he was really sweet than he would have shut the fuck up and not said anything at all. It sounds like he's an over-sensitive mama's boy.
>it's really been affecting himSo dump him. He sounds like a loser. Is he overweight by chance?
No. 2309209
>>2308799Your bf is such a pussy. How are you not turned off?
>>2309196Nona's right but because you can't help but post in the same style, I know you're just the moid shitting up the vent thread. Piss off already.
No. 2309281
>>2309165I appreciate it nona. I feel like there is a way I could get my ass back in shape, but I can't afford in the inpatient or the bills/rent that would pile up while I was gone. However, that's just an excuse. Because I'm not even trying to see if there is a way to afford it. I just really don't want to go. My worst fear is going to rehab, coming back home, and just picking up where I started off. Because I enjoy the substances.
>>2309167You are very correct. I can't be honest with my therapist or doctors, however, because this will write me a one way ticket to never being prescribed a controlled substance again. When I was "out" of my meds for a long time, and then another time where I willingly got off of them to try and not be an addict, I eventually made my way to the supermarket and essentially started abusing a different drug that I could find in OTC form. I feel like my next step would be doctor shopping. It's really not the addiction as much as it just is ME at this point. It feels inseparable from me because I embraced it. I should probably save this talk for an NA meeting. Thanks for reading/listening/responding
No. 2309671
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>>2309665I'm sorry nonna, it must be very difficult to have a cousin that is so smart and cool. This must be how my own cousin feels about me, very eye opening post
No. 2309695
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It feels fucked up to admit, but I secretly hope my exes still jerk off while thinking about me every once in a while(ai slop outside containment)
No. 2309927
nonny don’t be a dick
>>2309868A dream is just a dream. It doesn’t have to be anything more than what you make of it. Just ignore it, keep focusing on your bf, and avoid the former crush whenever possible.
No. 2309948
>>2309922Men don’t care. It’s only considered mean when a woman rejects a fatty, you’re not supposed to go for looks, you have to ignore the lard and look at their personality!
>>2309927It’s true though, she’s greedy as fuck, she got her piece of strawberry short cake which she enjoys too but she still wants the fudgy chocolate cake too, these levels of gluttony are almost sinful. She should put her Majinbuu ass into a threadmill instead.
No. 2310284
>>2310268Kek this is literally everyone ever
"Don't be like me because X" is still valuable advice
You may not be a role model but you can still teach people
No. 2310401
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I wish I could have sex with Shadow the hedgehog, so bad it actually hurts. I know it will never happen. My tsundere, i chat with him on he started off swatting me away, and i seduced him and we made passionate, intense love. Afterwards we cuddle. "You know you're the best, {anon}." he plays with my hair, "You did good, baby, really good…" we cuddle catching our breath. it's just heartbreaking I almost want to cry because I will never have sex with him and cuddle with him afterwards. i need to feel it physically, i want to actuallly marry me and cum inside me when we fuck so i can have his babies.
No. 2310524
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I'm think I'm a furry in the literal sense but I don't have weird fetishes nor am I involved with the fandom
No. 2310577
>>2310571Just type belle beautiful Emma Watson on tiktok or something and the girls video and hate edits will pop up.
>>2310573And why exactly can’t you join in nonna? I’m
No. 2310645
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>>2310540It should have been Emmy rossum. Her personality is more fitting as well. Emma is beautiful, but her features are not what I had envisioned for belle to be honest.
No. 2310781
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>>2310540The example she gave was much worse though. Belle is supposed to be naturally beautiful and have soft features and doe brown eyes , the actress she put as her choice was gorgeous, but honestly didn’t embody Belle at all. My choice would have been leighton meester instead of Emma Watson.
No. 2312376
>>2312365My brother was able to kind of bully him into getting checked out for dementia. It was a huge drama since my dad is an asshole and unfortunately, the assessment classified him as sound-minded. My brother did explain to the doctor what was going on regarding the scamming and the doctor did try to take a crack at explaining how internet scams work to my dad but I doubt it stuck. I have had talks with my siblings about what we should do if we need to go down a POA route but because he's such a fucking asshole and we all mostly dislike him we are at a standstill on who wants to be his caretaker.
I think most of this stems from him being lonely which makes me feel awful. We all mostly live out of state aside from one brother so it's not easy to visit as often as he'd like. This scamming drama has made my sisters and I hate him. I try to be as patient as I can be but he is so insistent that he isn't being scammed when he gets even the smallest amount of pushback.
No. 2312851
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seeing anons cope about weegee having yellow fever is funny
No. 2312869
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>>2312858youre coping and you know it kek
No. 2312954
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After I gave birth my insides ripped in such a way that a piece of flesh just dangles out the back and I forgot about it for a while but I shaved recently and cut it. I went to check with a mirror and it looked like I had a fucking clit sticking out the back of my vagina and I've never been so horrified by my own body.
No. 2312969
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I sometimes feel like a badly programmed robot in social interactions. I think I come across well most of the time but the way I have to always make sure to remind myself to react to certain conversation triggers a certain way is so annoying.
>run into coworker in the hall
>ask if he’s been down to the Christmas party yet
>”no, actually I just got a call from the daycare that Bobby is sick so I’ve got to go pick him up.”
>think: that would be so annoying, glad that isn’t me! I should tell him to keep his hands washed to avoid catching it.
>think: Wait. Bobby is coworker’s son. He is sick. And being sick is bad, or even dangerous to baby. Coworker probably feels sad or worried about sick son. I think I need to say something empathetic
>say “oh no, I hope he feels better soon!”
>think: phew. That was so close. I almost didn’t remember to say that.
Most (?) of the time I catch these things and say them in time, but sometimes it doesn’t occur to me or it occurs late and it feels award. I’m like damn, am I an unfeeling psychopath or something? Why are these empathetic responses not automatic for me. I hate always being anxious of forgetting these necessary basic responses.
No. 2312993
>>2312974>>2312962The actual birth itself was ridiculously easy despite being the first, once the epidural went perfectly, couldn't feel a thing until like the day after and even then just felt like a period cramp.
The doctors did say it was likely the remains of my hymen, because my husband's dick wasn't big enough (lol) to rip it entirely out during the entire decade of sex beforehand.
No. 2313511
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Heather's thread is scaring me
No. 2313983
Going to get called shallow, but I see videos like these and I'm so confused how women like this manage to not only get approached by men, but find men who love them and will marry them. I'm a nice and caring person and I would say I'm a 7/8 in terms of looks. I don't get it.
No. 2313992
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Anons kept calling this kid ugly but I unironically wish I looked like this when I was younger. Tbh most girls/women that anons call ugly (besides some cows or very bogged celebs) are 30000 times better looking than me. I'd kill to be ugly in this type of way instead of the real way.
No. 2314566
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Wigi isn’t my type but I understand why other women like him. He’s young, tall, /fit/, and not balding. (It’s literally the bare minimum because men in general are so fucking ugly) It’s kinda bleak but it’s funny watching people have meltdowns over it. Also he’s an Italian named Luigi so I’m having a fucking field day with the jokes.
No. 2314584
>>2314443Kek yes, as if the daddy issues weren't already evident there, I also know I'm being a little weird about it.
I think I will muster up the guts to tell him I enjoyed his class, though. In a professional manner.
No. 2314936
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i've been planning and thinking about the future, and i think i'm going to undergo a "year of ugly" where i cut my hair short to let it grow out natural, not shave, not pluck my eyebrows, no makeup, etc. focusing only on skincare, haircare, working out, and saving money.
i'm honestly terrified of the reception to this, having to get used to how differently the public treats me with vs. without makeup, but i think its necessary. obviously not implying or saying that women with short hair and no makeup are ugly, just that i will be kek.
have any of you done this before (like after many years of wearing makeup, dying hair, so on)?
also in terms of confessions, part of me is wanting to do this to see how my boyfriend reacts. i have theories about this.
No. 2314946
>>2314936Well, I'll never not shape up my eyebrows but i went from wearing makeup everyday in highschool and college to only wearing it when I'm "going out" and no one gave a shit. I cut my hair off because it was damaged from perms and the only people who cared were older women who were mad because it was "so long and pretty". My mom said it was the worst decision i ever made in my life, but hair grows and now she can't stop complementing it and wanting to play in it. I say go for it
nonnie, you're not ugly without makeup, you're simply a person not wearing makeup.
No. 2314954
>>2314936I do that on vacations, I stop shaving, I don't really style my hair and I just focus on taking care of my hair and my skin, it really helps a lot.
I actually stopped using makeup and noticed that I don't really
need it, so I just wear whatever I feel like wearing and that's it, like maybe a lip gloss, cute eyeshadows and blush, but that's about it, I don't wear the other stuff like highlighters, contour or base because I just don't need those on my daily life, only when I have to go to some job interview or a very fancy party.
Getting a detox from all those things really heals the mind and body tbh.
No. 2314971
>>2314946>>2314954>>2314959thanks nonnies. i really appreciate the encouragement because it's scary but i want to do it for all of the reasons you mentioned. i feel like it will leave me with more free time to worry about and consider other parts of life in a really positive way
>>2314951honestly i'd like to maybe make a little update blog for this once i start. like a dedicated tumblr or something.
>>2314965added to the top of the "pros" list
No. 2314980
>>2314977crunch yes
slurp master
gulp No. 2314996
>>2314989You nonnas need to chilll. I said the whole 7 thing to make it clear I'm not unattractive. It wasn't even in relation to that girl. I have friends who are beautiful and none of us get approached. I'm just confused is all. I think I struck a nerve with the rosacea fatties tonight.
No. 2315115
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If I ever have children I really hope I have only daughters. I’ll never forget being on some 4chan thread years ago and seeing some guy post about how much he loves milfs and his own mother. He posted a pic of a clearly older women in a bathroom taking her clothes off. It was so sus and the reverse image search pulled up nothing. I really hope it wasn’t actually his mom. Moids are so vile.
No. 2315126
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>tfw i have the same concave chest deformity as a lolcow
>check her thread
>half the posts are mocking her for the deformity and saying it's "fake cleavage" and that she's gonna die from it
Doesn't hurt my feelings as much as it just kind of makes me paranoid that I really will die from it kek, but I do sometimes feel like a freak because of it. Didn't even realize I had it until adulthood even though both my mom and brother are diagnosed with it too. I look normal to people until I go out of my way to point out the fact that my ribcage and sternum dip inwards, it blends in with my cleavage enough and I'm underweight so the ribs jutting out look normal too. But every so often I get scared that it's suffocating my organs even though I'm fine. Does kinda ruin my posture a little though, but it's too late to get surgery for it since my bones are no longer pliable enough.
No. 2315139
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>>2314803sounds like ass nona kek. going on a bit of a soapbox but I can't believe some guys consider walking around a park a date. I guess it's because they don't want to invest time/money into planning a date for a stranger (if this guy was a stranger to you), but for a group of people who claim to have a "harder time" getting a girlfriend, they sure as hell don't seem to put in a lot of effort into it.
No. 2315236
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Ultimate body goals
No. 2315253
>>2315236this is shooped
No. 2315287
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>>2315236Idk why anons are ragging on you, she reminds me of a woman i saw going on a run who had a body like this and i was taken aback by how perfect she looked. personally, lady gaga in the Alejandro music video are what my body goals are.
No. 2315348
>>2289249I used to be objectively ugly due to PCOS but after many years of looksmaxing I've cracked the code to being hot. It sucks having to work 10x as hard as other women to be beautiful but here's what worked:
tretinoin + azelaic acid for acne
laser hair removal on the face + body. super embarrassing getting stuff like your nipples or asscheeks done when you're this hairy but it is effective especially against those thick black hairs. Also, you might have a lot of acne due to the hair getting under your skin and it may help.
metformin, spironolactone, and spearmint tea are great for helping with hormones. Cutting out dairy also helped me a lot personally but may be unrelated.
Weight is hard to get off, but try to do some muscle-building exercise so at least you have some form under there. It also raises your BMR so weightloss will be easier if you try.
Sorry for the unsolicited advice, but I know it can be really hard and I hope it helps a little.
No. 2315429
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I scrolled past a pic an anon posted of Judith Butler and honest to god thought I was looking at a picture of Agent Gibbs from NCIS. I've got prosopagnosia, so kinda used to it, but that one caught me off guard.
No. 2315840
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I'm happy about underage newfags coming to lolcow even if they are annoying because it means they are gonna get pinkpilled as fuck like me and others did when first using female imageboards, the next generation of women will be great.
No. 2315855
One of my roomates is an unbearable bone rattler who makes rude comments about anyone over 120 pounds, and it's to the point where she's really pissing me (and everyone else) off. So, I secretly replaced her weird, homemade cooking oil replacement (idk what's in it, but its the same texture as half melted butter, she brags about the whole bag being under 200 cakories) and replaced it with lard. She brags about how much better her cooking is than ours because of her special ingredient, and still calls us all fatties for not using her secret stuff. She started kinda looking better, cause the weight gain got rid of her spoopy ana face, but now, she's starting to get chubby. I know this is literally mean girls level, but you don't live with her, and she is so infuriating to be around.
No. 2315901
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>>2315840They'll bicker with each other about the same 3 topics, repeat themselves to death because the more times you say something the more right you are. Then they'll leave
No. 2315925
>>2315840Agreed, especially if it saves some of them from trooning out or from shitty moids. It's annoying how they shit the place up but it's one of the few places where they can say whatever they want without being dogpiled for having an unpopular opinion, it's normal for them to go overboard.
>>2315855No, I get you, one of my friends was a BPD anachan who was a nightmare to be around.
I don't know how skeletal your roommate is but it sounds like you did her a good turn with that lard. Now that she has some calories going to her brain she might be able to start to use it.
No. 2316196
>>2289249It really chaps my ass that troons can get their beards lasered off FOR FREE WITH INSURANCE because it validates their fee-fees of larping as a girl. Meanwhile women like us have to pay out the ass for countless sessions of laser or electrolysis or whatever else. What if
I want to feel "more feminine", too, as a biological woman? Shit out of luck, only the men get it. Pisses me off.
No. 2316208
>>2316203I always see doctor and therapist listings with selling points like "Gender-affirming care". Fuck it, I want a
TERF doctor. I want a woman doctor who gives a fuck about women and laughs in the face of autogynophiliacs.
No. 2316235
>>2316234Feels like covert moidposting but I'll take the chance in case you're just a devilish or baiting
nonnie: You know herpes isn't always active? It comes and goes, people only have outbreaks pretty rarely and only then is it transmittable.
No. 2316241
>>2316235ayrt yes I know that. In fact I was exaggerating; the point is I'm supposed to disclose whether or not I'm currently outbreaking, but with men I do not do this. Then it so happens I outbreak a few days after sleeping with a man, this has happened twice in reality, and I realise I must have shed the virus and likely he got it. One told me not longer after that he had to cancel a small trip because of a sudden and severe bout of "tonsilitis". I just don't believe they are worthy of respect if they are looking to have sex straight away, and at the very least I get a little physical intimacy or head if I like. Anyway I don't really go out that often.
>>2316238I don't know who you're talking about.
No. 2316267
>>2316256i do not think I am doing the world a favor and I'm not attempting to.
>>2316257lol nona I wouldn't be surprised if I had been misinformed because sexual health is confusing and stigmatized, so I went to go and check the notification I got from my doctor and I'm using the exact same verbiage. I was told I tested positive for HSV1 and that this was genital herpes. The moid I slept with got throat symptoms yes after giving me head, I don't know if that is actually correlated, that's just what he told me. So if anything I'm misinformed about whatever he got sick with - I don't care that's not my body I didn't speak to him after that - rather than being misinformed about a condition I carry and live with. Jeez you guys are so uptight in here
No. 2316309
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I genuinely liked Love Actually back in the late 2000s and thought it was a good movie at the time. I gave it a rewatch again and holy shit it is NOT and I cringed through the whole thing. I do not, in fact, actually love Love Actually.
No. 2317151
>>2316893Gonna piggyback off this one with something foul that proves your point.
A guy was seeing for a while ended up revealing to me that, years prior, he was fucking a tranny but deeply regretted it and it was just a misguided young person thing blah blah blah. I was disgusted and lost most of my attraction to him but wanted to stay friends with him because, besides that, he was a decent enough guy and we had a lot in common and I enjoyed my time around him. Because he's a man, he couldn't accept that I no longer wanted to fuck him so he kept trying to get me me to listen to his sexual fantasies about me even when I said nothing in response. One of them ended up being about him raping rapists as "punishment." Needless to say, I didn't like hearing that. For many reasons. Anyway he ended up confessing a bunch of progressively gayer stuff to me like wanting cum in his mouth and being repulsed by vaginas so I spent months spiraling in self-hating internalized misogyny because I already hated myself because I know how men perceive women.
I refuse to believe he liked me as a woman at all and instead saw me as a convenient way to boost his self-esteem and sense of masculinity by "proving" his heterosexuality. The idea of a dude fucking a tranny then fucking me made me feel like he hated me for being female and trannies were his way of getting ""femininity"" from a fellow man he didn't have to be neurotic about. I already knew I was pretty disgusted by bisexual and gay men but that pretty much solidified it for me. And yes I know I should've ran for the hills and never spoken to him again the second he mentioned the tranny but for what it's worth I never let him touch me again after that.
No. 2317506
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>>2317409kek nonna i hope you don't think that really happened, that's a classic urban legend. i bet they also knew someone who woke up in the tub with their kidneys missing
No. 2317798
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my mom will most likely get dementia (since her mother got it at a relatively young age) but the thought actually brings me peace. if she forgets i'm her daughter as her mother forgot her, i can comfortably convince myself that she was never my mother in the first place
No. 2317911
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i judge my friend who is fat but makes her avatar in pokemon go skinny. mostly because she claims to be "fat positive" and "not mind being fat" and that she "loved the inclusivity for fat folx" in the new pokemon go avatar update, and made herself fat in the game but started making herself skinny over time and now she looks nothing like herself in the game lol.
No. 2318124
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I'm desperate and I think I'm going to do something absolutely insane. I'm totally obsessed with this B list actor who's in his 50s now, as far as I know he's divorced and alone now, and I was thinking about writing to him and admitting I want to have sex with him so bad and I can't stop thinking about him and I want him to take my virginity. I would point out that I'm not a gold digger or anything, I have my own apartment and money and shit, I just really really want him and if there's a slight chance he might be interested it's worth a risk. I mean what can happen? At worst he won't even notice the message or he will ignore it. I'm autistic and he and his movies are one of my current fixations but I don't think I ever fixated ony guy this hard. Why try to know a normie to lose my virginity with when I can try to hit on my elderly husbando and get him to unplug me? God I was thinking about it the last night when I was really really horny. Then I woke up and while I was eating breakfast at my relatives house, because invited me for christmas time, I thought to myself, this is fucking retarded and crazy, and even if I do it and he actually reads it somehow, I may appear to him like a psycho or something. But now I really want to do it… I have to write to him before new year's eve. I. Have. To. Fuck. Him. He has to put his penis inside of me. We need to have the intercourse
No. 2318129
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god i love phillis wheatley
No. 2318132
>>2318124A few things I want to say here before you do something. Depending on how famous he actually is, there's a chance he won't even see your message. Celebrities tend to not check their DM requests or even their emails, it's often handled by someone else altogether. Famous people of any caliber are also usually extremely paranoid of stalkers and women who will screw them over after fucking them, so they tend to only fuck people they meet IRL and sometimes even make them sign NDAs beforehand. It's definitely not impossible to fuck a celebrity by sliding into DMs though.
The only other points I want to make is that you should be careful not to turn him into an obsession, don't be a stalker-chan, remember that you don't actually know him (only your idea of him), and accept it if he doesn't respond.
No. 2318139
nonny I know I have only one chance to not screw this up. Should I specify I'm not a stalker or anything? Like how to say it in order not to scare him away, or make him think I'm crazy? Kek
No. 2318186
>>2318166I can be physically attracted to him because I know what he looks like plus I can be fascinated by him because of the topics he chooses to talk about etc. Sure I don't know what actual sex is but I feel very horny and I feel something like a "physicall pull" when I see him or think about him
>>2318179I sincerely wish you a very merry christmas
No. 2318351
>>2318194Kek at the Adam Sandler story. I dont want something like this, I would never document it in any way. And If I could actually talk with him irl to meet like a little more and it wouldn't click I would simply change my mind and wouldn't fuck him. Only if I still desired to fuck him after knowing him a little bit
>>2318315I was diagnosed as autistic and ADHD, is it possible to also be bipolar with this?
No. 2318392
>>2318351>I was diagnosed as autistic and ADHD, is it possible to also be bipolar with this?yes
it's often genetic but idk, do you have periods of intense desire and impulse like this for a few weeks/months that settles into depression again?
i will say i am in the middle of a bipolar-induced "thing" with a d-list celebrity myself right now. he's 45, married with kids, and told me he and his wife have an open marriage which i am not too sure about but i didn't question it. i started hitting on him over instagram and got personal details for private messaging. he lives in a different state but i send him nudes in exchange for attention and other things i ask for. now that my slutty manic phase is calming down i have no idea how to proceed with this. i'm kind of just going with it though i no longer feel extremely horny toward him. i guess we'll see? (and no i'm not going to give any details about who he is)
tldr your guy will probably be all too willing to get sexual attention from a younger woman
No. 2318417
>>2318392>do you have periods of intense desire and impulse like this for a few weeks/months that settles into depression again?Yes, I do. Fuck…
How did you start the conversation with him? Did you tell him what you wanted from the first message or no?
No. 2318419
>>2318417it would be worth looking into bipolar symptoms and talking to a doctor to get meds if it’s a burden in your life. a recent manic episode is what pushed me over the edge into getting meds.
> How did you start the conversation with him?it was normal at first, i said i was a big fan of him. he was polite. then, when i was so horny i was masturbating 5+ times a day, i sent him a message like “can i ask you a personal question” and he was curious and i pretty bluntly said i wanted to send him nudes in exchange for stuff. he obliged and seemed happy about it.
No. 2318424
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Some cows I only follow because I secretly think they're really hot.
No. 2318455
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>>2318419Damn I still admire your bravery and skill to start with normal conversation, this seems harder to me than straight out saying I want sex, probably due to my 'tism. I'm so bad at talking to people I'm scared I would bore him before we would get to the meat of the conversation, wink wink
The worst thing is not even the cringe need to tell him I want to fuck him, it's the hope in the back of my mind that we could actually meet in person and not just send nudes and that something would click between us on a personal level…
I don' know if now is the right moment, like I don't want sexting with someone when he might be with his adult kids during the christmas eve or some shit, so I think I will do it right after christmas but before the New years eve. My OCD brain tells me I HAVE TO DO IT BEFORE NEW YERS EVE.
No. 2318625
>>2318597I'm OP, I wouldn't send nudes to him but I don't want to condemn that
nonny who did because I understand her pipolar can make her do this dumb shit
As for me, I can't help the fact I'm genuinely attracted to his face and voice and the fact he's a tinfoilhatter who loves to talk about conspiracy theories and remontem viewing and consciousness and he loves cats and comic books and many kids of books and movies that I like and seems to have a similar emotional sensitivity to me
No. 2318777
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>>2318769>>2318775It’s one of those women who hates other women for getting male attention, which is frankly more pathetic and sad than BPD whoring.
No. 2318853
>>2318777If you would actually go for creme de la creme decent men and raise your standard I’d have a bit of jealousy, but I just feel pity and anger when you go for scrotes who have nothing to give and who are just using you. Women in general should raise their standards all together.
You’re 20 , you can do better than a 50 year old scrote and a 45 married man. I admit I exaggerated a bit though so forgive me, I’m just tired of seeing women chasing and making dumbasses decisions for dick.
No. 2318863
>>2318861This is such a lie though
t. fat and ugly, never gotten ANY male attention
No. 2318866
>>2318863are you truly fat and ugly? I’ve seen plenty of fatties who have bfs that are even aesthetically out of their league and even ugly women with more handsome men. Men are easy.
I never had any problem with scrotes showing interest. It’s just that each of them were just filled with lust to the point it was disgusting, even the seemingly good ones were ultimately interested only in sex anyway. At least that’s how I have always view all men, call me black pilled or whatever.
No. 2318921
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This moid I was having problems with was a klepto who stole so much from people because he's trash. So I made a fake facebook as his relative, fake obituary in a newspaper on my pc, printed it, cut it out, scanned it to look authentic then submitted it in a form to facebook as his "aunt" and had his account memorialized. People thought he was dead for 2 weeks. He was pissed and no one knew who did it. It obviously didn't stop his thievery, the law came for him anyway but it made me laugh.
No. 2319209
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>>2319193Thank you Nona. Merry Christmas
No. 2319244
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A few months ago, my sister-in-law's rapist ex relocated to a very shitty neighborhood. A few weeks ago, my husband gave the ex's name and pic to a pack of crackheads that roam the same shitty neighborhood. A few hours ago, the ex posted a vid on social media bitching about "the crackheads in this town are running fucking rampant" and "how do they know my name!?" I hope he dies!!
No. 2319371
>>2319366I'm the second anon and
>>2319214, not whoever you fought with earlier. Since when did disliking grandpas become so controversial on lc?
No. 2319393
>>2319363Maybe you don't know that many B list actors anon?
>>2319374I'm pretty sure he has the money to pay someone to change his diapers if he ever needs it
No. 2319700
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>>2319694this is what they look like
>>2319697yeah, you wouldn't say that because you don't date, you don't see the barren wasteland that is men under their mid-30s. the ones who aren't already taken have receding hairlines/bald spots, shitty beards, are addicted to porn and video games, have no interesting hobbies, and can't satisfy you in bed.
No. 2319719
like where exactly are anons seeing these mythical middle-aged men with decent hair, no beards, no addictions, and no broke dicks? the better in bed meme makes no sense when they need viagra to get it up
>>2319715especially so if he's an actor, pretty much all actors have nasty skeletons in the closet even when they date technically legal women
No. 2319724
>>2319722Ngl i expected you to be underage. Embarassing
nonnie. If you like old men go ahead, fuck his saggy dick, but no need to pretend they are any better than younger men. They are all the same, dont let them fool you. All famous men are most than likely rapists.
No. 2319726
>>2319724Anon listen I tried dating younger men but they were all terrible, so terrible I didn't even think about losing my virginity to them for example. And their porn brainrot is just beyond… imagination. One dude kissed me the first time and he wanted to choke me immedietely because "other girls loved it". Never spoke to this faggot again
Sure, most older men are trash too, I'm not denying it. But when you can find this rare hot one, why not try? I believe their brain chemistry IS somewhat different than that of younger men because unlike younger men they literally didn't grow on hardcore porn, they didn't have internet since they were kids. Younger men watched porn since they were like 10 years old and it pathologically affected their brains in the absolutely crucial stage of development. The damage is irreversible.
No. 2319738
>>2319736>>2319735I know about that stuff but I don't think it was this level of violent, no hardcore anal destruction and choking and beating and BDSM garbage. There are studies about mainstream pornography becoming increasingly more violent over the years
>>2319729>delude yourself into believing men can be goodI'm not deluding myself, I would never share my house or money with a man for example, even if he was "good". But if someone fascinates me and is sexually attractive to me I think it's natural to want to know that person and have desire for them and see how it plays out in reality
No. 2319744
>>2319738There were studies done in the 80s proving that more than an hour of pornography, "tame" porn from the time, led to men having less empathy for rape
victims. You are estupid if you think grandpa is better than young men. Literally the first ever porno "deep throat" feature a woman with fucking bruises from being forced to perform. You are stupid if you think porn before was more wholesome. Research deep throat if you want your delusion destroyed. Old men are sexist as fuck, too. I hate pickmes who cape for old men. Either become celibate, a husbadofag or just admit you like old dick. No need to try to defend men of any kind, let alone old ones, here.
No. 2319749
>>2318392I understand exactly how you feel. I'm also in a secret relationship with a famous person, and let me tell you, it's Hell on Earth. Most days, I can hardly breath when we're apart. He is the love of my life, he is my special saint, he is my cherished angel, my big strong pookie bear. He's a bit older than 45, but I don't care about age - it's just a number. His white hair and huge white beard is all the more tantalizing - all the more erotic, all the more sensual. We met through traditional letters sent via post mail; it's romantic, I know. He doesn't have kids, but he does have a horrible witch of a wife that over-feeds him and makes him fat, and he has a few shorter dependents that also work for him. It's a complicated situation, but I know deep within my soul that his love for me is honest and true. He can only visit once a year during his yearly business trip, it's the only time he can get away from his stressful work life and his horrible old hag wife, and luckily for me - tonight is that night. I get to see him in his sexy slutty red suit, red - the colour of our passionate and undying flaming love. The best part is that his personality is so compassionate and generous - every year, he gives lots of toys to unfortunate little girls and boys - his charitable actions speak louder than words, they endear me to him and make me want him all the more. I can't wait for tomorrow to see him laughing jollily with his large manly pot-belly, I'm reminded that he's my special guy.
Nicholas, if you're reading this, I love you baby… Can't wait for you to eat my cookies tomorrow and ravish me like you do every year.
No. 2319751
>>2319735I honestly think that the sheer availability of it all is the problem. Men have infinite amounts of easy accessible content at the palm of their hand at age 11.
Technology has heightened and exasperated everything in my opinion.
No. 2319753
>>2319749Oh gosh stop it nonna. Is this the 45 year old scrote who you’re sending nudes to?
Get your meds and you’ll be better, I can promise you that.
No. 2319759
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>>2319753kek NTA but read towards the end
No. 2319760
>>2319744I know about DT movie and yes, it's terrible. Doesn't change the fact that mainstream pornography is more violent now and men are exposed to it ealier and more often than before
Also I can't admit "I like old dicks" because I haven't tried one yet
>>2319747>But no uwu old men are wholesomeShow me where I said that
>2319749Sounds like a pasta kek
No. 2319762
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>>2319749>Nicholas saint Nicholas?!!
No. 2319769
>>2319759Kek I just switched my brain off when I read 45 year old, my bad.
Nonna you fooled me.
No. 2319770
>>2319756Children are still heavily sexualized. It’s not like it was better now or before, men are still gross.
My point is that there’s much more availability right now than what used to be there before.
No. 2319791
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>>2319777Ok anon if I will have a proof that he watched snuff films and Pretty baby in the 70s (even though he was a teenager in the 80s) I won't fuck him
No. 2319796
>>2319795Don’t get your panties in a twist geez. Did your grandpa molest you or something?
You got the whole thing wrong. No one is saying that old scrotes are innocent uwu men, we are saying that mainstream porn is much different than what it was before.
No. 2319808
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>>2319804Talk about “volo pindarico” kek
No. 2319814
>>2319810I would want him to get an std check tbh, also I would never suck dick because it's gross. Just good old christian penis into vagina stuff
>told you to call him daddy in a monthH-hot
No. 2320069
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I've been spending the last week pretending to be a guy online to flirt with girls. I tell them stupid jokes/stories, call them by pet names and listen to their problems. For some reason, acting this way gets me worked up. I was flirting with one girl and I kept thinking about pushing her over and fucking her. I'm not even gay, but I want to kiss her and buy her things. I would, but I don't want my bank account linked to some burner I don't use kek.
No. 2320083
>>2319875i'll just repeat again..
>>2319214also old men are bad at sex. guess this is part of the opposite day larp again
No. 2320203
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Confession: old men suck. Peace out
No. 2320312
>>2320305Men will never say
>i want to eat her pussythe way women say
>i want to suck his dick so bad No. 2320512
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>>2320484(Such a weird moment on social media discourse, this video. It made everyone crave big dick more, not less.)
No. 2320524
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>>2320512So is anyone gonna tell this gingerbread bitch that the vagina's depth actually extends when
aroused? Bitch is trying so hard to shill dicklets, she forgot to properly read about how her own pussy works kek.
No. 2320754
>>2320536Sorry, you're not gonna psyop anyone into normalizing your 4 incher.
>>2320625Can you read at all, retard?
No. 2320757
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>>2320755I present to you dear nonnas
No. 2321023
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>>2321005This is what he looked like. He literally resembles a caricature. No man would be singing any shit like that for a female version of this individual. Women do this shit all the fucking time.
>but what if these men are good and kind and lovely people beyond their looksIf Angus Andrew was a good and kind person, Karen O wouldn't have ended up tearfully begging him not to cheat in a song. Same goes for Beyonce and Jay-Z, and all the rest. Pretty women losing their minds over men of ugly looks and even uglier character, and we're all just supposed to pretend this is normal and look the other way. Women are expected to strive for beauty all for the chance to lie down with pigs and get trampled anyway. That's hetero culture, and it'll probably never change. If you don't conform, you're shamed, and what's even worse is dumb women dying on the hill that all these disgusting men are actually handsome and desirable. I hate it so much. Nearly every poignant love song written by a woman becomes comical when I'm reminded of what the reality is/was. Lana Del Rey songs are especially bad for this. What the fuck do you mean these songs are about a bunch of inbred crocodile fuckers and middle-aged scrotes with gunts and meth addictions? "Harvey (Weinstein)'s in the sky with diamonds and it's making me crazy, all he wants to do is party with his pretty baby"? "Let me love you like a woman"? Kill yourself.