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No. 2293634
What are your plans for next year? What did you achieve this year?
>>>/ot/644632 No. 2293858
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to finally let go. to be at peace with everything that's happened. to let go of the things that i thought were helping me, but were only hindering me in the end. to let go of being overly ambitious as a way to not feel the entirety of my grieving process of the trauma i've been through. to be softer in my heart, towards other people and towards myself. to relax and let control go. to focus on healing instead of chasing after highs. to slowly let down my walls little by little and make new connections with people again. to focus on the present more instead of crying over the past and being nervous about the future.
to just let it be.
No. 2293985
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I achieved… nothing.
I hope I'm able to get in college next year and maybe do some sport.
No. 2294181
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Just… finally finishing my manga backlog… I've been posting about this since 2022… Even just counting the series I have left is exhausting, I'm worried about the actual volume count.
No. 2294186
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>what did you achieve this year?
That I lived a another year without killing myself
>what are your resolutions for next year?
To not kill myself in the coming year and yeah build muscle and buy some gold too I guess
No. 2294321
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>>2293634achieved in 2024:
>got savings account to $50,000 >started investing >got more lolita dresses >got a sewing machine and set it up, started pattern drafting goals for 2025:
>make a few cosplays and post some cute photos of them (maybe cosplay at a con?)>sew some lolita clothes/accessories, start posting coord pics >get japanese to n3>work out a few times a week every single week>improve at art >eat healthier - less sugar and less processed foods, cook and bake more often>try out gamedev >learn blender and make figures and bjds >work towards getting a masters degree >take better care of health >journal and/or blog>declutter - sell some stuff I probably set too many goals because I never end up achieving them all… really it's because I have bad time management and tend to be lazy. I hope I can look back at this post maybe a year from now and have at least half of those goals accomplished.
No. 2294547
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>>2293634i want to study more efficiently and make more friends (girls only though). and i want to be less afraid of the future and just go with life's flow a bit more.
No. 2294648
>>2294479>more than two nonas who take their finances seriously? must be a samefag Yeah because being completely reliant on a nigel as your retirement plan is so much better
>>2294365Which ETFs? The total market index fund that nonna suggested is still a form of ETFs.
No. 2295003
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>>2294183That's what I do already, it's just that I accumulated a ton because I have disposable income but not a lot of freetime. I bit the bullet though and counted everything and it's not as bad as I thought, I can definitely have everything read by the end of 2025.
No. 2296166
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>achieved in 2024
Beat a bad trial period and managed to keep my job in the middle of mass layoffs
Decentred men from my life and let them put in the legwork
Was a better friend and passed as a normie non-autist better than any year before
>goals for 2025
Keep up good financial habits and be less of a stressor about money
Make bigger plans knowing that people will commit to them
make a decision on where my next city is/what my true career goals are
No. 2296219
>>2296166I'm sorry, so unrelated, but ever since you posted I've been seized with a need to find and have that rat. I just want it.
Your pic possessed me or something. I need to get off lc.
No. 2296482
>>2293634>What did you achieve this year?ended 3 years of body and spirit crushing setup
What are your plans for next year?
reflecting on this year. re-building and drawing conclusions.
No. 2297528
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>Finally got a new fucking eye prescription
>Got wisdom teeth out
>got /fit/ and go to the gym weekly
>developed healthy eating habits and lost a lot of weight
>Donated all my fattychan clothes and things I didn’t use
>Bought new normal sized clothes that fit me (that also aren’t just graphic t shirts )
>Feel less bad in general and have more confidence in myself
>passed multiple classes I needed
>picked up reading before bed again and finished 2 books this year (lol) and started reading two more
>Tried a lot of new foods and restaurants
>Went to a lot of cool new places I had never been to
>Picked up daily journaling
>Get completely yolked and be able to lift heavier
>Get my own car
>Move out
>Get another degree in a different field
>Save more money
>Read more books
>Have a social life
>Draw more consistently
>table at a con and/or open online shop
>learn origami
>Spend more time to git gud at sewing
>Watch/play media I’ve been putting off for forever
>Take a trip to Japan
>pick up knitting or crochet
>Got to a renaissance fair
>Go camping
>Try attending a surfing class
I’m so close to living the life I want but in order to do it I need to fucking move out. I’m glad things are going well though and I was able to meet all of goals I set up this year. We’re all gonna make it nonnies.
No. 2298467
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>got serious about the gym, improved in cardio and recently made friends to train with
>relationship with my partner i met at the end of last year has developed, can safely say i have one person in my life i deeply care about who feels the same way
>god please give me a better job
>buy condo
>become meaner
No. 2303320
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>technically got a good job
2025 goals-
>start new job, dont kill myself or quit that job not matter how much i want to
>get in really good shape to cope with this harsh new reality
>develop a hobby that is not self destructive
>grow my natural nails out long
>save a lot of money
>get my little pockets of quality shit-n-giggles in order so i want to die even less
>be outside sometimes
No. 2303336
>published 3rd game>decluttered a bunch of ancient shit from high school (like an entire seperate rooms worth of belongings)2025
>finish other games>learn how to remix music>learn video editing>unleash outdated gachimuchi shitposts or something with said newly acquired talentsIf I try really really really really hard I can do anything and become better than everyone else
No. 2305829
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>work on a coding/art project, a big one that takes me the whole year
>make at least 2 youtube videos a month
>start college, finish a year without giving up
>start reading again, learn more history
>release at least one animation a month
>earn at least 100 usd a month on patreon/commissions
>enrolled in college
>learned basic python/coding
>started posting my animations online, got 25 followers on my first week
>started seeing a therapist again
It was an awful year but i am determined to make the next one great
No. 2310022
>>2293634What did you achieve this year?
>started reading books again>finally I started keeping my room clean>lost weight I gained during last winter and kept it more stable, without major weight gain. I only gained few kg since summer and didn't end up being 10kg heavier againWhat are your plans for next year?
>read at least 20 books>lose remaining weight to achieve my goal (60kg) and exercise to make my stomach flat, make my arms and bust less flabby and make my hips slimmer>spend less time on the internet No. 2320074
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What I did this year
>Didnt meet my reading goal but was close (30/35)
>Made some new friends, improved my social life a little bit (baby steps) and got a cute boyfriend kek
>Didnt buy that many clothes without thinking, managed to calm down with my shopping
>Got a job and achieved my saving goal (2000€ was my goal, but I saved more than that)
>Got much better at cooking
>Practiced some watercolouring, not that great yet though
What I WILL achieve this 2025
>Save 2000€ again, for my masters
>Get better at my job, befriend coworkers so I dont feel that bad when I make a mistake
>Become more confident, maybe achieve this with daily affirmations or whatever, will detail more on my journal
>On the topic of my journal, write more often and maybe do monthly goals to motivate myself
>More creative hobbies, get better at watercolour and knitting
>Decorate my student room very nicely and pretty, so being inside isnt a nightmare
>Make some more friends and go out more often
>Keep up with college, but not to the point I stress myself
>Read 35 books
>Not breakup with said boyfriend (wish luck nonnies)
>Maybe join the gym or workout at home, go on daily walks (if the weather allows it)
>Dont spend that much time on the phone
Picrel is me and the nonnies achieving our resolutions, we can do this.
No. 2327512
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2025 It's Finally Time To Thrive:
>write/record music
>get back into digitally archiving music, and expand my library to at least 1tb (and actually organize the files properly)
>get better at sewing and start downsizing/upscaling clothes i have
>learn how to properly take care of my long hair
>maintain weightloss
>eat better in general to help mitigate PCOS symptoms
>read more books
>make physical art
>fully commit to a dumbphone for daily use (been using a phone with a qwerty keyboard for two years but it's still a smart phone so)
>stop spending money on bullshit and put it into my savings!
>also get a different job (remote ideally)
>no more "trying": get better at maintaining friendships and conversations with people
>update my website at least once a month
No. 2327651
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Literally get a stable job. that's about it. I have been a NEET for 4 years……Lord help me this year.
No. 2327668
>>2327649Congratulations nonna!
>>2327651Good luck!
No. 2327676
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My only current 2025 resolution is to get visible abs. I'm changing my diet and workout routine and should hopefully achieve this by March.
My 2024 resolution was to get out of the house more and meet new people. I got a new job, so my resolution kind of did end up working out, although I also met a lot of other new people outside of that who were absolutely insufferable and insane. It was kind of a wash. I think next year I'm probably going to try to spend more time with old friends instead.
No. 2327783
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Planned and achieved in 2024:
>Stopped pretending not to be a nerd/weeb
>Dressed like I wanted to, didn't hide subcultures I'm part of, showed off merch
>Finished 8 videogames, 2 anime, at least 2 manga, at least 5 books
>Gained art skills
Not planned, but achieved in 2024:
>Grew and ate vegetables from garden
>Started real therapy and haven't missed a session since
>Shaved eyebrows and drawn them on
>Lost weight by fasting with omad for 6 months
>Went iceskating and rollerblading for the first time
>Stood up for myself against family
Goals for 2025:
>Apply for shitty part time grocery job TODAY
>Go blonde or bleach parts of hair
>Try edibles and smoke
>Get a penpal
>Post art at least once a week
>Read at least 10 books, finish 10 games, 5 manga and anime
>Revive garden
>Write the fanfics I've been planning on writing for 4 years now
>Make a small video game
>Get license and go on a trip, stay somewhere overnight by myself for the first
>Buy and make husbando items
Happy New Years nonas!
No. 2327938
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Happy New year everyone
For 2025, I will try to:
>Be more brave
>Tell people how much they mean to me
>Be honest with myself
>Actually take care of my physical wellbeing (eating well and exercise)
>Get my bachelor's degree and apply for a master's program
Let's do our best everyone
No. 2328117
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I've been thinking about how my goals for this year are to just keep developing good the good habits I already have, so my real new resolution will be to try to stop using Facebook and maybe even permanently delete my account. I never post anything in there but I was forced to make an account for university long ago, and my friends don't understand that there are other options besides the Messenger app. We used Line before I made my FB account and they all try to argue that Messenger is way better because at least they can have a small pop up notification or window that allows them to reply and still listen to music on youtube without the video being paused on their phones. We had times when Messenger as a whole was so shit we couldn't even see each other's replies for weeks or months but they don't mind it too much it seems. They're all trying to harass me into remaking an Instagram account just to send me unfunny memes I already see everywhere else before them and they don't understand that I don't want to when Instagram barely works. I'll also stop using twitter on my phone and just stick to using it on my computer. Another resolution is that if my friends find out I'm not a TRA like them and sperg too hard at me over this I'll be ready to drop them. I like them but not enough to pretend I care about any of this.
No. 2328264
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>Managed my mental illness effectively
>Got out more and had a lot more adventures
>Re-pursuing art
>Learned how to cook
>Left social media
>An old enemy came back groveling at my feet
>Read more books, watch more movies, watch more anime
>Save more money
>Be more active
>Start pursuing more complex art pieces
>Develop more positive habits for myself
2024 was pretty good, there were horrible events in my life, but taking the time to work on myself has been a major gift not given to many. I hope 2025 is prosperous for me and my family. I hope 2025 will be prosperous for all of us anons.
No. 2328389
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>One of the worst years of my life
>Started grad school
>Began to heal from my abusive relationship
>Continue school and take better advantage of opportunities there
>Take care of my mom. Make her happier
>Become a morning person or at least someone with a consistent schedule
>Bonus: Do more art
No. 2329256
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>Loose at least 10 more kgs
>Learning how to drive
>Find a better job
>Save money
>Have the funds to move out to another city/country
No. 2329378
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last year was so uneventful tbh I've already forgotten half of it. Stuck in a dead-end job, tried to go to college but dropped out because it was expensive and pointless. I'm worried if I have another year like this I'll be stuck forever.
goals from 2024 I accomplished-
>lost weight
>started cooking more, eating take out less
>bought more lolita
>got a pay raise
>stopped my burgeoning alcohol problem
>got better at talking to people
goals for 2025-
>lose more weight
>smoke less weed
>make lolita friends, start posting coord pics
>learn to sew
>move to a career that's not doomed without quitting halfway through
>get adderall so I can function
No. 2331399
I already posted but I wanted to add
>>23294212024, I:
>moved in with a close friend>made a lot more finished digital art pieces>applied to a residency I've been dreaming of>wrote to my representatives (lol)>got more involved with the supervisor-type meetings at my job even though I'm a lackey >Moved my room around>Sold some things I needed to sell>Did some art jobs for money that actually paid my rent>Went a whole year without a flea infestation (long story, I didn't start it)>Got back down to a reasonable weight after recovering from bulimia, yay2025, I WILL
>lose more weight>eliminate my physical dependency on alcohol>quit alcohol and weed, at least temporarily>upgrade/repair car>get a raise/find better job>work/hustle hard to pay off debts>touch up tattoos>restart daily exercise habit>be successful with exposure response prevention therapy and eliminate my compulsions to avoid things No. 2332433
>>2327338kekk anon
>>2327783>Lost weight by fasting with omad for 6 monthsCongrats, good to know it works. How much did you lose? And did you stop fasting after the 6 months without regaining the weight?