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No. 2433941

Please don't take this thread seriously. If you're an actual human with a scrotum stay away from this thread.

For some reason, even the most silly, small and insignificant thing can get you labeled as a scrote here. A lot of anons also complain about some people here having "scrote-like" behaviours. But do we, really? Post anything you might think would label you as a scrote if you were to share it.

Last thread

No. 2433946

I like shonen shit like Dragon Ball and i posted in the incest thread before

No. 2433947

kinda irrelevant because of the scrotefoiling rule now

No. 2433952

I just got back into Dragon Ball recently. Good taste nona.

No. 2433953

I like playing the gooner shooter Nikke. As a bpd-chan and a lesbian, I will never get pussy. So why even bother

No. 2433956

Farmers still call each other moids and trannies even with the redtexts.

No. 2433959

I love listening to red scare

No. 2433961

We know, yuripedo.

No. 2433962

More pickme-tier than moid-tier

No. 2433963

I thought it would fall under the moid tier category cause if you read through their comments and lurk their reddits its more fags and judgemental incels than it is women

No. 2433965

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Me with blue archive except i am not a lesbian i just like collecting JPGs and there is no BA equivalent with anime boys

No. 2433966

No. 2433969

I like bara

No. 2433973

Nasty. Why.

No. 2433974

Me too.

No. 2433976

The game seems fairly generous tbh considering you don't need to roll to see how the units jiggle, has some neat collab events, and the gameplay seems kinda fun in an arcade sort of way. I'm not surprised if some lesbians out there see that and decide to get some of the less outlandish units.
Now if only it had a male counterpart.

No. 2433977

I fucking love gooner moid shit, I've been more critical of it since coming here but I'm still drawn to it. Even shit like onimai and azur lane, it's my guilty pleasure. I like the pretty colors and cute characters, though I started with anime on youtube when I was 11 so I think I am just extremely desensitized. Right now I'm watching Monogatari and having a great time.
Tried getting into that game but it's just not fun even though the girls are cute and I like some of the character stories.

No. 2433978

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I like some CGDCT as a genre. It reminds me of my own childhood and how often I used to mess about, makes me feel less alone too. Picrel is one I really enjoyed. I have had to drop a few animes within this genre because of fan service, though, and knowing why scrotes like these animes makes me sick.

No. 2433979

This thread turned into degeneracy central real quick.

No. 2433980

I like manly guy x pretty boy stuff which is easy to find in bara. Unpopular opinion but twink x twink is kind of boring to me.

No. 2433981

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>I play Eroge vns
>I play Blue Archive
>I post in the Unconventional Male attraction thread on /g/
Also this >>2433978, and i like moe blobs

No. 2433984

Same nonna, but i hate the more extreme ones who look like inflated and hairy that only fags could like. I like some tiddy on my fictional scrote, twinks and bishies are boring.

No. 2433986

On that topic, I think the double standards of some nonnas on this site when it comes to degeneracy are ridiculous. They'll high five each other for jerking off to shota yet condemn any and all loli content, and when they're called out for this they'll say "who cares about moids?" and I think it's fucking stupid. Pedophilia is bad no matter the gender and if you like one in fiction yet condemn the other you're a retard.

No. 2433987

Im obsessed with military shit, war documentaries and movies, marching songs etc. actual men in war are evil rapists but I guess I can forget that because the wars I care about took place a while ago.

No. 2433988

The previous thread was honestly worse in terms of fetishes, this one is starting off tame in comparison. I'm surprised it even got remade considering how the last one ended (an anon who had such a meltdown over getting called a scrote that she spammed her nudes for hours while posting from a hospital)

No. 2433990

Thats stupid, one can condemn big booba coom waifu and enjoy bishies. Loli is made by men for men and they actually rape children. Shotafags arent hurting children because women dont molest children. Considering the absolute state of 3DPD moidlets(raping the eldery, raping other kids, murdering, making deepfakes of their classmates) its ludicrous to compare them to harmless anime boys.

No. 2433991

Nta but what about women into lolis?

No. 2433993

>women dont molest children
Do you know how many men are forced into silence and then get molested over and over while their female assailants get away with it because of this mentality? Do you know how many kidnappers work with women to take children specifically because this mentality is so falsely perpetuated? Male rape is met with shit like "way to go, did it feel good?" when they first tell people when in distress, so they just figure that nobody will listen to them and they don't tell anyone. People like you are why shit like that happens, and I bet you're gonna think that's a good thing, won't you?(infight bait)

No. 2433994

ntayrt but considering the latest vtuber drama, i wouldn't trust them either

No. 2433995

Nta, they're retarded.
>inb4 aha! Therefore you have to say that Shota is bad!
I don't really care too much about it, I just know that the average weeb woman won't just get up and rape + murder a young man like the average moid that kills little girls as a hobby.

No. 2433996

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Militarism shit.
Usually the ancient, medieval and 20th century ones, I have no interest in contemporary examples though.

No. 2433998

what MRA cocksucking subreddit do you come from.

No. 2433999


No. 2434000

Why respond to it? You should know what that is.

No. 2434001

Nta but most males are raped by other males tho
>Male rape is met with shit like "way to go, did it feel good?"
And that shit is spouted by other males, so go blame them

No. 2434003

I've just listened to stories from actual survivors of rape, retard. If you believe women can't commit acts of sexual violence, I don't trust you and 100% believe you would rape someone.

No. 2434004

I mean bittycat was also into shota, so I don't think that's a good example

No. 2434005

I watch a lot of isekai and I genuinely get into the lore. People think they're fast paced slop where nothing happens but they're actually just very slow, I like going through the motions ig.
I also kind of want to get into a harem manga for gambling reasons. I want to bet on a girl to win and I want to schizo out at anything that points to someone winning/losing.

No. 2434006

>believing men
that's your first problem, men made up stories about getting raped because they get off to it

No. 2434009

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>Not a radfem
>Not a libfem
>Hates men but wanna fuck them (scrote-like behaviour)
>Anger issues
>Thinks saying slurs is funny and fine
>Hates real gay men but faps to yaoi (scrote-like behaviour)
>Always thought Luigi was ugly when his face got revealed
I got called a tranny multiple times due to these so it counts

No. 2434010

>they're retarded
Why do you think that?

No. 2434011

Do you hear yourself? You're using the exact same arguments men use against women. Does that give you satisfaction? Projecting here on this anonymous imageboard against someone you've never and will never meet? Does that make you feel good inside? Make you feel a bit more vindicated?

No. 2434012

Honestly good for you anon these terminally online trolls just use fweminism as a conceptual hobby to argue about on the internet instead of realizing that's a waste of time and volunteering at a domestic violence shelter. It's always best to simplify your thinking and just stick to being a normie no matter what anons usually losers in some form here who probably all look like Rancefag will cry themselves to sleep over.

No. 2434013

who cares if men get raped, not my problem.

No. 2434014

kek you will never make me care about adult male rape victims

No. 2434016

You seem like the most woman to ever womaned based on that gif alone

No. 2434018

Not their problem either then.
The subject was the idea that women don't molest children, supposedly.

No. 2434019

Is that supposed to be an insult or?

No. 2434021

Not really an insult

No. 2434022

samefag, not their problem if you get raped, I mean.

No. 2434024

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No. 2434025

Lots of talk about men getting raped today, whats up with that?

No. 2434026

It's not a competition to see who's the most manliest, anons are just talking about they shit they got scrotefoiled over

No. 2434027

seriously, you ever see an article about a child/teenage boy getting molested by an adult teacher and all the comments are men like "damn i wish that was me!" fucking nasty

No. 2434028

Already messed up the thread.

No. 2434030

>Not their problem either then.
Its is their problem, retard. Men commit 99% of rapes against women. If you are going to lose breath cocksucking men maybe take your ass back to reddit.

No. 2434032

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I like some furry designs, but I don't get off to it though. I genuinely just like some art styles and outfit designs furfags made, I'd still like it even if the characters were human. This artist is a woman ironically enough

No. 2434034

Most times when I see a teenage boy getting molested it was by a female teacher in her twenties or thirties taking advantage of his hormones and making him think they were some kind of destined couple. South Park literally did an entire episode on the mentality going on in this thread.

No. 2434035

the guys kinda remind me of rock and rule

No. 2434036

TBH i used to get into some of these arguments about feminism in here but realized that it was all a waste of time in the end and i was likely arguing with some schizo who hasn't bathed for a month
Ilu nona i've had that gif saved ages ago from here kek, i miss watching Reviewbrah

No. 2434037

Well if South Park made an episode about it, then….

No. 2434038

They may hurt you, but the trauma they leave you with is your responsibility.

No. 2434039

I fart really loud and smelly

No. 2434043

I'm not saying that South Park making an episode is the end all be all to truths in this world you gigatard, but sometimes they do hit the mark.

No. 2434044

It's been happening a lot lately. It's edgy teenagers who just discovered imageboards for the first time posting.

No. 2434045

>Hates real gay men but faps to yaoi
So basically everyone in lolcow?

No. 2434048

Tbh Goblin Slayer is known for being "the goblin rape show" but most of the show is really just "There's more to life than goblin slaying. Yeah what happened was terrible but you can't just be paranoid about goblins coming to rape you all the time. Idk make some ice cream, sell cheese, fight literally any other monster but goblins for once."
Not a great show but its more kinda mediocre than malevolent.

No. 2434050

>capes hard for men
>has 0 sympathy for women
dear lord, where did you crawl from

No. 2434053

I don't mind commer anime designs as much as I should. As long as it isn't lolishit and the character has a decent enough personality and background I genuinely don't care.

No. 2434056

Why do people hate gay men? Like what is there to hate about them?

No. 2434058

They're just as misogynistic as straight and bi men

No. 2434061

Reddit, probably

they are male

No. 2434062

It's not that I have no sympathy for women, I just have no sympathy for that anon in particular. Maybe if I actually knew something about her, then sure, but all I'm gathering is that she's someone who denies other people's experiences at her own convenience for her own twisted sense of satisfaction.

No. 2434063

who is defending women touching little boys though besides the singular retard who said women cant molest kids

No. 2434065

nta Agreed. I like seeing men act like guys before they fuck each other, not female self-inserts. That stuff feels kinda weird. Plus the typical yaoi always sneaks kids in and tries to insinuate one has maternal instincs, which I noticed is wholly absent from bara material.
I do not want children anywhere near my spank bank material.

No. 2434067

>who denies other people's experiences
men's experiences* how much did scrotes pay you to defend them on a weaving basket forum

No. 2434068

gay men hate us more than regular men because they at the least want to have sex with us. gay men are shitty in general and evny women because of our dating options. there's a reason most faghags are single, gay men constantly plot to take away straight men from women.

No. 2434069

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No. 2434072

Maybe I'm just capable of empathy when anyone tells me they were molested/raped regardless of whether or not they have a wang, sorry you can't relate tho

No. 2434074

My gay friend was weirdly possessive and jealous with me like any other moid. He only got weird about two himbos that were into me over the years

No. 2434076

Can you giys shut the fuck up about scrotes being raped? I wanna talk about stupid interests that make us NLOGs.

No. 2434077


No. 2434078

>having sympathy for men
lmao. They just tell you a fake sob story to get into your pants and you fall for it everytime. What a retard.

No. 2434081

I'm with this nona. Don't be ghouls holy fuck

No. 2434083

I have faggot taste in men. I love big jiggly pecs and asses, but up to a point (I hate those giant hard bbls that some men get). I regularly lurk the ideal male bodies thread.

No. 2434084

Nta but whwn you know a lot of them you get a statistic that most gay men are mysogynistic and very narcissistic. They are also sex obsessed to the point of religion… and when you talk poltics all they think of is themselves and their righrs. I heard so many gay men say that for example straight familieas are worse than gay families and most straight families should have their kids taken away and given to gays. No kidding. They hate their moters and project that on all women.

No. 2434087

He wasn't jealous with you, he was jealous of you. He wanted the straight guys. Tale as old as time, I'm surprised you interpreted it that way.

No. 2434089

why not? men dont care about women. They commit 98% of crimes. They havent earned my sympathy.

No. 2434090

It's so fucking cringe. Wannabe tifs thinking it's edgy and subversive to talk like rancid men when it's actually just pathetic and maladjusted

No. 2434092

You're right nonna, I shouldn't respond anymore, it's like talking to a wall with a portal to hell on the other side.

No. 2434093

Why are there so many
>post like a moid
>ha what if you were a moid?
>tell me things about you that make you sound like a scrote
threads on this website? Lolcow is a website for women. Not a site for TIF’s to daydream about what if they were chad

No. 2434096

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I really like GAR super robot anime.
I also like edging & gooning like a sigma male.

No. 2434097

So you think the weegeewives or femdoms are just tifs because they don't have politically correct fetishes? Lol, you're clueless.

No. 2434098

How new are some of you

No. 2434099

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I have been here longer than you, newfags. I dont know where you cocksucking pickmes come from. You are capping hard for men while women are the victims of 99% of rape. I bet you newfags would be offended over jodiposting too. Enjoy defending men while they go and murder, rape and watch porn. They will never return you the favour.

No. 2434100

Because some of us have a sense of humor and aren't constantly bitter losers.

No. 2434102

I see this as a makeshift unconventional likes thread.

No. 2434103

I don’t really think I’m the bitter loser for my sense of humor not being central to men

No. 2434104

Anons are so fucking obsessed with scrotes. Why do you think the bechdel thread is dead unless they want to talk about beauty or knitting

No. 2434107

There are millions of women like you, dont act like a nlog because you like robot anime

No. 2434108

Unfathomly based. Gooning is great. In moderation, I mean.

No. 2434109

But we already have a weird things you like thread nona

No. 2434110

i love old japanese techno music, even if most of its fanbase is sadly full of trannies and men

No. 2434111

You sound like a bitter loser to me for even caring about that. Do you scream and cry when you remember that anons on here have boyfriends they regularly talk to and joke with?

No. 2434112

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>admits to being a newfag
lmao, ofcourse. Why dont you go post on 4chan about male rape and see if any scrotes cares? they will all spam you with straight shota, stepson/stepmom porn and their fantasies about fucking their teachers when they were teens. You care more about the perpretators of rape(men) than their victims(women).

No. 2434113

I'm more misogynistic now than I ever used to be. Thanks farmers.

No. 2434115

No I deleted that on purpose bc we don't even hang out together when I'm seeing a moid. Gay guys are exactly as possessive as straight ones, unless they're the soft asexual feminine kind. Tons of flamers still have wives and a family and would (or do) get jealous of the idea of their wives with other men. It's more often "straight" men who enjoy watching their wives with random craigslist hookups, my gay friend would only "approve" of certain guys and they had to be attractive/clean

No. 2434116

This, I wish more people here would lighten up and let themselves live. Always ranting about pickmes when they're always judging other women and trying to pick apart how shackled to the patriarchy they supposedly are.

No. 2434121

Edging endlessly without the express desire for outright masturbation. It was a joke. I'm not a zoomer. Jesus christ get the stick out of your ass.

No. 2434122

Mecha doesn't have a bad reputation nowadays, you can probably get away with posting Getter Robo in the anime thread without getting confronted about it.

No. 2434125

Did you even read what my post said? I asked why are there so many “___ moid” themed threads…

No. 2434126

Peepee poopoo your shit smells like doodoo

No. 2434127

ugh yes gay men actively sabotage other women's attempts to befriend their faghag so she stays isolated and dependent on him, just like a toxic boyfriend. they are just as jealous and possessive as straight men

No. 2434128

nta We have a mecha thread though.

No. 2434129

You’re not a zoomer but you’re a NLOG loser

No. 2434130

Why are newfags pretending to be an authority on LC?

No. 2434132

Go back to Twitter already, zoomie newfag. You're so lame.

No. 2434133

Language evolves over time. Why are we not saying hullabaloo or groovy anymore? Why do we not say crazy people are off one's chump anymore? Why do we no longer call women's breasts cupid's kettledrums? Let's make english great again.

No. 2434134

we have a jody arias banner and we have had it for a while, having sympathy for rapeapes is a newfag thing

No. 2434136

Yes. They're threatened by any other relationship the woman has

No. 2434137

No. 2434138

ok, since I have the opportunity i’m going to confess to something that i haven’t posted in the confessions thread precisely because i’d get a hoard of responses calling me a disgusting scrotal, but literally every single night of my life I dream about orgasming and have nocturnal orgasms without manually gooning or touching myself at all. Literally every single night. i know that taking the time to touch myself while awake would probably be healthy for my libido and likely stop but fucking ugh. even if my dream is completely nonsexual, i could be dreaming of the most random possible shit and i’ll still be orgasming

No. 2434140

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My favorite musicians are mostly male, and predominantly from 30+ years ago. I don't thirst after them, though, I just like the music.

No. 2434142

Literally what every aggro newfag says, rinse and repeat.

No. 2434144

I second this.

No. 2434145

I hate when moids like this wear leather bc they always smell terrible in it

No. 2434147

Not everything has to do with tifs, you're just proving the point of everyone here who told them they are like scrotes

No. 2434150

Nona would rather be a repressed sleep coomer. Leave her be

No. 2434151

No, i just want you to fuck off my board. Go to reddit or 4chan. Go sperg to men about how they dont feel sympathy for female rape victims on their endless coom threads.

No. 2434152

The only zoomer here is you, ugly bitch(infighting)

No. 2434153

No exactly I know not everything here has to do with men, which is why I’m asking why are there so many male themed threads

No. 2434155

Nta but it's because the ellipses and the periods are considered different characters in certain fonts, like the Arial used on imageboards. If you type three periods in a row in some word processors or browsers, it auto-corrects to an ellipsis.

No. 2434156

You are all legitimately embarrassing and should be ashamed

No. 2434157

Kek I think maybe it depends on what theme you’re using on the site? Cause I’m scrolling with wasabi right now and the periods look completely normal to me

No. 2434158

Thread going so fast no one will notice I like incest

No. 2434159

How did you find out about the site?

No. 2434161

Ah, you're right. Guess it can still prove the point though, mecha is considered pretty alright nowadays.

No. 2434162

I'm not sniffing them, I'm listening to them.

No. 2434163

Ok cormac mccarthy

No. 2434164

same but only fictional siblings

No. 2434166

I like hyperpop

No. 2434167

The aggressions in the circumference amplify the more intense the silence becomes. It's a sign, your first warning before the person breaks their silence and attacks you. Never ignore the signs, as it could be a matrer of life or death………………….

No. 2434168

I specifically mean Super Robot series in the vein of Go Nagai, less Tomino. I know a lot of women are into Gundam/Voltron.
It’s already a dead genre, and whenever I encounter fans they’re always men. Likely because it’s basically a parody on excessive masculinity.

No. 2434170

i was the reason the incest thread was made…….

No. 2434171

I unironically hate radfems and i'm a liberal, i think they ruined lolcow with their autism.

No. 2434173

Of all the scrote slop you could like, why that? At least pick scroteshit that sounds good or requires talent to make. Christ

No. 2434174

You’re just jealous we’re having fun and farmhands didnt axe us

No. 2434175

Why do I have a feeling this interaction will be posted in the lolcow caps thread

No. 2434176

>no YOU'RE the zoomer
You sure as fuck sound just as retarded as one.

No. 2434177

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No. 2434178

Are eurofag nonnies always this aggro or are Amerifags just suffering from sleep delirium?

No. 2434180

why are you obsessed with that faggot, he has his containment stay there

No. 2434181

My goddess… you let me be free on lolcow dot farm

No. 2434182

I like father/daughter incest tbh

No. 2434183

Yes that is what I meant

No. 2434184

Outscroted everyone in here, how can you even like that garbage, even i would call you a scrote if you said that in another thread.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2434186

So did you make it or did someone else make it to quarantine you kek

No. 2434187

this is not the only genre of music I like, retard

No. 2434188

you're like a hundred posts late kek >>2433946

No. 2434189

I recommend Little Battlers EXperience. The game. It's pretty silly and has the same vibe as Custom Robo.

No. 2434190

You're so triggered over female sexuality.

No. 2434191

You seriously sound fat and ugly just like all zoomers are because of the microplastics, please stop taking to us

No. 2434194

Father/daughter incest nona and hyperpop nona should fight to see who is the most scrotey of all the nonas in this thread. Assuming they're not the same anon. Holy shit could you imagine if they were the same anon?

No. 2434195

The female sexuality in question
>yellow fever trannyfucker

No. 2434196

well you definitely fit in this thread lol

No. 2434198

yeah thats the average men, so it is indeed female sexuality, sadly.

No. 2434199

And? What are your tastes anon? Please enlighten us.

No. 2434200

This isn't "your" board you dumb fat bitch. Go lie down(infighting)

No. 2434201

I only like that ironically.

No. 2434203

>>Hates men but wanna fuck them (scrote-like behaviour)
Is it really the same though? Being straight is one thing, nothing wrong with that but men don't hate women the same way and for the same reasons as women hate men. I'm saying this because I'm straight but don't trust men enough to date one, I avoid them instead of actively pursuing them to fuck them over like men do.

No. 2434206

I'm glad you take breaks in between hearing trannies scream about wanting anal to listen to music.

No. 2434207

Is this gonna be how I find out what hyperpop is

No. 2434209

whats so scrotey about hyperpop. What even is hyperpop and why are anons jumping on her.

No. 2434210

You're not fat because of the microplastics, retard, it's because you eat too much.

No. 2434212

Jerma who is unproblematic and healthy and doesnt have yellow fever

No. 2434213

holy schizo, i dont even know who grimes is

No. 2434214

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the latter cus i kept posting a specific incest ship in the cute couples thread

love you nona

No. 2434216

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Not even a liberal but i agree i'm tired of clicking on every thread and having to see someone jump at others for not being feminist enough or caping for scrotes or moralfagging about what you like or whatever the fuck they treat lolcow like their radfem tumblr this is not what lolcow was created for

No. 2434217

>no u
Okay fatty zoomer lol

No. 2434218

Jerma is ugly and is dating a tranny.

No. 2434221

I like mother/son, aunt/nephew, and older sister/younger brother.

No. 2434222

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I like real time strategy games

No. 2434223

Thanks for the rec nonna, I’ll check it out.

No. 2434226

Did you forget what thread this is?

No. 2434227

I have been accused of being a scrote because I actually don't like women a lot.

No. 2434228

You are an embarrassingly retarded zoomer.. I guarantee you Jerma, the man with ADHD, has jerked it to Pornhub before. He doesn't need to now because he has Holly, the woman he would always choose over you.

No. 2434230

Those losers literally have nothing else to live for so they harass anons for not following their strict hyper feminist beliefs, and all it does is push women away. Use thar energy to go harass scrotes

No. 2434231

I'm a radfem and I think there's too much radfem moralfagging on lolcor. I really wish it just stayed in the thread where it was on-topic instead of leeching into every thread to the point where anons writing a billion posts arguing about whether yaoi is sufficiently feminist

No. 2434234

You have no proof, just your “just trust me lmaooo” while there’s actual proof out there of your ugly italian homofaggot visiting ladyboys and obsessing over japanese porn stars

No. 2434237

I have disgusting kinks in my head. Never would act on them but the fact they exist

No. 2434239

Yuckk the first two are the worst type of incest, those are just moid incest flavors (fitting for the thread though)

No. 2434242

How many of you are actually serious? I am losing track.

No. 2434243

Which is the most scrotey
>Hyperpop anon
>Gooner anon
>Centrist anon
>Father/daughter incest anon
>Nikke player
>Radfem hating anon

No. 2434244

Gooner or hyperpop. They still hold the title. (together)

No. 2434246

He's jerked it to videos of women having sex before. I'm sorry that you're too retarded to realize this, but it's absolutely true. You're just another delusional fangirl, but at least it's funny to see.

No. 2434248

5-6 hours, last time they left the fandom thread unmoderated for 12 hours when there was a huge LONG infight

No. 2434249

File: 1741416014661.jpg (55.41 KB, 966x716, apuhmm.jpg)

>accusing someone of being a scrote for their taste in the "taste that gets you scrote accusations" thread

No. 2434250

>no one jumped on the father/daughter incest sperg
>everyone jumping on this anon

No. 2434251

Some of it's alright but I've been told the "hyperpop" stuff I've been listening to is more old eurodance and not hyperpop so idk. Music is just music to me and I couldn't name a genre to save my life

No. 2434252

Nikke and gooner

No. 2434253

Since furfag isn't on the list my vote goes to gooner

No. 2434255

This is peak lolcow btw remember what farmhands stole from you

No. 2434256

File: 1741416074196.jpg (522.35 KB, 1219x914, Getter Robo Armageddon 03 BDRi…)

Godtier taste nonna

No. 2434257

Can't believe someone out there is harshing on our swag.

No. 2434259

Nikke and hyperpop are the most overtly harmless

No. 2434260

You are his fangirl. I think he's ugly. That's a you problem. I bet you're ugly in real life, too.

No. 2434261

Literally everyone is sick of the fujo infights breaking containment you tard.

No. 2434262

Sometimes I wish I was a fujoshi

No. 2434263

>n-no my blorbo could never watch porn he's too hecking wholesome for that
these are the retards than always have a hissy fit when the ugly streamers they simp for get accused of rape

No. 2434266

I get turned on thinking about giving oral sex to a woman

No. 2434267

Tbf, I just like shota, I don't really care for the incest for itself

No. 2434268

I think Jerma should die. In minecraft

No. 2434270

Hyperpop because she is listening to troon diarrhea music out of her own choice

No. 2434271

File: 1741416224597.png (242.6 KB, 359x555, latest(14).png)

before this thread implodes i guess i will share my 'scrotal' tastes
>furry art (not the sexual shit though)
>game modding/reverse engineering
>computer science in general
>shota (worst one but i am not ashamed)
that is all.

anon youre just gay

No. 2434274

Oh boy, another anon who doesn't know what /cgl/ is or why lolcor was created in the first place

No. 2434275

It's pretty solid. If you keep it to fictional men only, you can use it as an out whenever someone insults you. "It's in the label", that kinda thing. Gets kinda sticky when they think they're part of the LGBT alliance for liking men dicking each other though.

No. 2434276

Not even a lesbian

No. 2434278

This is completely normal

No. 2434280

Hyperpop is just a listener of music compared to the rest, they are more actively harmful in a way imo

No. 2434281

How is gooner anon at the bottom, gooning is the most scrotey shit ever.

No. 2434282

Were you the one who posted that nasty panel on fandom discourse

No. 2434283

Ohhh nevermind you’re based, I see your vision

No. 2434284

File: 1741416298127.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.4 MB, 2704x3567, 1449284554025.jpg)

I love tits and ass.

No. 2434285

How is furry art scrotey? Isn't 50% of the human population furfags? Including women?

No. 2434286

File: 1741416314936.png (117.01 KB, 680x528, iOJVt4r.png)


No. 2434287

I love the traffic in here, god I just love everyone rushing together like a chatroom tbh

No. 2434289

wasnt it created because stamina rose closed

No. 2434291

this is too much

what? no.. where'd you get that statistic lol

No. 2434292

Sir those are enlarged testicles

No. 2434293

That's your sign that this thread is going to get nuked from orbit the second jannies wake up

No. 2434296

This the true lolcow

No. 2434297

those are honorary testicles

No. 2434298

I'm curious, what about shota is appealing? Not criticising for now, just I don't get why it's liked

No. 2434299

That's not tits and ass. Tits and asses do not actually look like that. What you actually love is supernormal stimuli.

No. 2434302

They’re just really cute and evoke a certain feeling in me

No. 2434303

They are cute, height difference, they are cute.

No. 2434304

idk i just like cute boys

No. 2434305

>what? no.. where'd you get that statistic lol
The universe unveiled it to me so it has to be true.

No. 2434306


No. 2434307

File: 1741416514790.jpg (Spoiler Image,84.92 KB, 774x1032, 7424577435862.JPG)

No. 2434308

File: 1741416530598.gif (955.82 KB, 200x180, 200w.gif)

Feel free to join us whenever you want.

No. 2434309

Repressed lesbianism

No. 2434310

What about little moidlets is cute though? The 2D?

No. 2434311

am i lesbian if i like dick

No. 2434312

How TF is that repressed lesbianism, what lesbian likes male content

No. 2434313

Self-projection due to being vertically challenged. They have cute fashion. Safest male mode.
Disclaimer: I am not a tif.

No. 2434315

File: 1741416634326.jpg (64.09 KB, 519x649, E1pS0_MVoAATEmC.jpg)

No. 2434317

File: 1741416647123.gif (2.04 MB, 448x252, 8DC4D17C-4FDA-42E1-B0BF-32FE2D…)

I feel your pain. I love Yuruyuri because it reminds me of me and my friends just being weird teens and having fun together. I hate knowing that most fans of the show are moids and trannies

No. 2434319

Y’all are rude af to new fujos

No. 2434322

File: 1741416703963.gif (1.27 MB, 498x331, 8322111.gif)

>like a chatroom
uh oh

No. 2434323

Lesbians love dick though, according to LC

No. 2434324


(lolcow is not a chatroom)

No. 2434325

My clit feels funny

No. 2434326

I like it when adult male characters get de aged and become defenseless and weak. Very bullyable.

No. 2434327

Nonna… Gooning is not the same as masturbation… you retard

No. 2434328

There was a time where I was the only shotafag on lc fighting for my life, I’m glad to see the club has grown

No. 2434330

Only if they become TIFs, yeah.
Moeblob go brr

No. 2434331

There's just a new batch of baiters created in a lab from Discord HQ that made this thread because they're schizo about LC being overrun with tifs

No. 2434333

>soft skin, eyes, hair, features
>easily embarassed
>male focus
It's not that I want little boys in itself, it's just hard to find those things in adult men, it's just easier to search for shota than comb through hundreds of hentai for adult moids that fit the bill.

No. 2434334

File: 1741416764821.png (456.33 KB, 1725x1897, 42574256225328.PNG)

No. 2434335

Wait wtf nona you can actually sing

No. 2434336

the bara anon

No. 2434337

This nona gets it

No. 2434339

We know rancefag we know

No. 2434340

Cross referencing the acoustics of your audio I now know your IRL location.

No. 2434341

Only when someone gets filtered by something basic like Ai no Kusabi and decides to start moralfagging. Don't do that and you should be fine.

No. 2434342

anime men are real women

No. 2434343

cuz they are cute. Bishies are sexy but they are not cute, they are too tall and muscular to evoke cuteness.

No. 2434345

I’m about to shid all over the floor

No. 2434346

dont worry nona we will prevail


No. 2434349

Can I hire you as a singer for some terfy songs soon

No. 2434351

I've never had sex with a woman before but based and same.

No. 2434352

>ugly, horse faced and fat
You shouldn't talk this way about yourself anon

No. 2434354

They were talking about vore in the /m/ thread though

No. 2434356

i liked lucky star and nichijou a lot for this reason

No. 2434357

Terfy hyperpop when?

No. 2434358

She looks like she’s about to h-e-ll-o venus suru suru

No. 2434359

I'm confused at the shota responses being sfw. Isn't all shota sexual/drawn cp? Or are there sfw versions?

No. 2434360

Go back to sucking Jerma's dick zoomer. You have the taste of all his other tif fangirls that draw him with pride flags.

No. 2434361

Yellow fever anons are still less scrotebrained than hyperpop anon

No. 2434362

nta but why are you so obssesed with luigi, are you the soul of the fat balding pig he killed furiously typing from hell?

No. 2434363

When I was 14 I liked vore. It was for edgelord points and half ironic just because it was cursed.

No. 2434366

The genre is unsalvageable regardless of lyrical content

No. 2434367

No. 2434368

its a character trope

No. 2434370

It moreso refers to the body type of a character, I think. I look at and make SFW shota stuff.

No. 2434371

File: 1741417066486.jpg (Spoiler Image,874.78 KB, 961x1200, 110675136_p3_master1200.jpg)

I like guro and ryona both male and female

No. 2434372

What about it? I haven't really heard it anywhere. Is it the production or instrumentation or smth

No. 2434373

There are sfw shota but the schizo spergs like to pretend its all porn

No. 2434374

Hard vore is better. When eaten, things must die.

No. 2434376

shota can be sfw or nsfw and just means anime boy really. like ciel phantomhive is considered a shota but black butler isnt porn

No. 2434379

Did you think Black Butler was porn?

No. 2434380

I like it but only male. Female is just moid violence to the max

No. 2434381

File: 1741417117250.gif (687.5 KB, 500x500, 11773061_f7390.gif)

>anon when she logs off after an eventful day of shitposting and reee-ing on LC

No. 2434384

Nvm i take it back i don't like when it's women in ryona but i like guro with women in it

No. 2434386

I unironically loce that color combination. It's a shame what it's used for though.

No. 2434387

No. 2434388

Why did you make it anon?

No. 2434389

There are starving Ethiopian kids with more booty than that woman

No. 2434390

Nta but I have a huge folder of male guro I just want to see males pathetic, bleeding and dead

No. 2434391

Jerma is hotter than the Italian faggot

No. 2434392

Already am a yellow soldier in my soul DESU

No. 2434394

File: 1741417245091.gif (5.96 MB, 230x230, t654.gif)

chats loudly

No. 2434395

theyre both ugly

No. 2434396

Okay, so music wise, overly repetitive rhythms and beats, low effort in production and composition. Thanks

No. 2434397

>not sharing

No. 2434399

weegee pickme is going haywire thinking every anon is a jermafag…

No. 2434400

you post on imageboards you are spiritually a deathfat

No. 2434401

Sure if you're a tif

No. 2434402

FF thread me

No. 2434404

They're both fugly and I would pay money not to have to see either of their faces ever again. Also Joost and Paul Dano and all the other FoTM faggots zoomie anons thirst over.

No. 2434405

Same, but I wouldn't consider that scrotey
It's shounen, they do shit like join a circus, fight zombies on a cruise ship, and start an idol group at a harry potter school. It's pretty silly.

No. 2434406

File: 1741417329069.jpg (Spoiler Image,810.31 KB, 1200x1200, 98621438_p0_master1200.jpg)

Ayrt and i also like mostly guys getting gored, i save a bunch of gore pictures of males even the 3d model ones

No. 2434407

newfag spotted, why would that ever earn someone a ban? integrate please

No. 2434408

Enjoy the ear rape

No. 2434410


No. 2434411

why do you bitches have such shit taste in moids. Both jerma and weegee are ugly and dime a dozen. Are you morbidly obese and thats why your standards are so low?

No. 2434413

Idk about scrote, but I've been seen as underage a lot for not knowing the names of 95% of celebrities or world events. I grew up with like zero knowledge of anything other than work and school 24/7, the only news I ever heard of was probably 9/11 and maybe a prime minister elected in my country

No. 2434415

File: 1741417421081.jpg (26.23 KB, 240x419, 2574247742358.JPG)

Stop worshipping ethnics like Luigi and Jerma and worship a real Aryan King instead

No. 2434417


No. 2434418

Share your taste anon, please enlighten us again

No. 2434419

Please delete this I never want to see this ever again

No. 2434420

This is what hypernona's mom has to endure blasting from her room btw

No. 2434421

would the blonde woman.

No. 2434423

If the singer was gargling piss, people would assume this was Splatoon music. It sounds fine.

No. 2434424

I imagine every anon in the luigi thread as a deathfat

No. 2434425

It says bait

No. 2434426

your brother

No. 2434428

nayrt, but how is that "ew." You're such a freak

No. 2434429

It's ok to be autistic never be ashamed

No. 2434430

Sorry what was that? I couldn't hear you over Jerma's ecstatic cheering for TRANS RIGHTS!

No. 2434431

File: 1741417537545.jpg (93.24 KB, 780x438, even-the-dead-request-pig-latr…)

Pig toilets unfortunately were a lot more widespread than that anon. They actually started in China.

No. 2434432

Shotafags are the most moidbrained itt. Look at them chimping out in droves.

No. 2434433

File: 1741417549266.png (235.33 KB, 1784x1376, terfjak.png)

i used to lurk the sharty for a few weeks and sometimes bully guys there saw pizza and got filtered and never went back lol

No. 2434434

This isn’t even loli they both have the same proportions

No. 2434436

Just from the drum kit, it's basically just trap/hiphop beats right? But with less lyrical work and variation?

No. 2434438

Nah I was just raised with no TV and no electronics, no news because my parents saw it as evil, homeschooled. I'm very fucked up now

No. 2434439

i thought hyperpop was the kind of music that they would put on those cheap plastic toy phones and i got really pissed that anons were shitting on it. i am glad its just tranny music and toybox got nothing to do with it.

No. 2434440

what? where

No. 2434442

Kekkk i also used to post on the sharty and i like all the CrystalCafe soyjaks unironically

No. 2434444

Damn. Thanks for the hyperpop "recs". I thought the term was just for pop that's a little more, y'know, hyper, like music that you'd dance and bang your head to. No idea it was shitty trap beats and god-awful production.

No. 2434445

…Could men listen to this?

No. 2434446

File: 1741417695732.png (532.75 KB, 940x992, evil.png)

No. 2434447

This is the tamest thing to be in the "loli" label I've ever seen. It just doesn't feel sexual, it feels like the average cutesy fanart drawn by a woman.

No. 2434449

is this sarcasm? That's being a newfag

No. 2434450

Don't deny yourself.

No. 2434451

File: 1741417721455.png (4.48 MB, 1179x6055, IMG_9043.png)

Since there are a lot of shotacons here, I need to make a request. Over two years ago, fujochan had a shota board. A nona drew her own OC of a shota in an art museum which was really good. The board was deleted, my hard drive crashed, the internet archive never saved those images. Can anyone here help me find them again?

No. 2434454

As an aspiring producer, hyperpop sounds like the shit I'd make on some beat lab app on my phone when I was 15…

No. 2434455

File: 1741417769831.png (217.48 KB, 402x201, 30+ yuripedo.png)

You are dysgenic.

No. 2434456

this is the third time i have seen you post this, never give up queen

No. 2434457

File: 1741417784724.jpg (27.55 KB, 400x400, 1000005030.jpg)

I want Nippon boyfriend

No. 2434460

sorry but ill never let go of 4chan. i love ck i like(d) cgl, i like g, etc etc. do not care i love 4chan.

No. 2434461

Gay men go absolutely apeshit over hyperpop because they're so high on molly and poppers they forgot what music is supposed to sound like

No. 2434462

lmao where were the other two? I don't think I've posted this for a year

No. 2434463

I'm pretty sure the shota board still exists? It's just hidden and you can't post there anymore

No. 2434466

I love reading kfs thread on the sharty, I hate young retarded moids the most but I do wish lc was able to produce the amount of oc they do daily. I wish we also had our own retarded soyspeak that made it hard for people to copy so we could gatekeep newfags

No. 2434468

Hyperpop makes me want to learn serious music theory, become a pro pianist, and compose jazz because you need to fully understand the rules to break them, just to clap back at these "artists"

No. 2434469

No, it doesn't exist. More importantly, the OC comic is gone.

No. 2434470

need her

No. 2434471

File: 1741417890780.jpg (112.99 KB, 800x1200, 557bf4a09c754bc6d10110c9ad9611…)

No. 2434472

It was removed because of hosting issues

No. 2434475

>Yuripedo posting
Ok mods lock the thread funs over

No. 2434476

I wish 4chan didn't shit itself with the 900 second counter to post

No. 2434477

Last time I went on /r9k/ they were posting child porn tapes from the 90s

No. 2434478

you make me homophobic

No. 2434480

stop selfposting hoe

No. 2434481

how's your donkey

No. 2434483

The pic on tbe right makes me laugh so much

No. 2434484

Some shit Jerma probably looked at when he was 15

No. 2434486

The pedo site full of people who think spamming niggerfaggot kill all minorities is funny

No. 2434487

Don't be jelly cos you get no bitches fuggo

No. 2434488

File: 1741418051766.jpg (64.38 KB, 720x1280, 37c67f60b93b49b700d92ff32545e8…)

tomato tomato

No. 2434489

Women wouldn't want you anyway.

No. 2434490

Please Nonnies . . . I need those pictures

No. 2434491

They’re too misogynist for me I only go there to troll and get shitposting out of my system so I can be normal on lc

No. 2434492

I browse 4chan pretty often but I've never seen cp. Isn't their moderation a lot faster than here?

No. 2434493

Im sorry nonita I dont have anything saved

No. 2434494

Yuripedo manages to be more annoying and attentionwhorey than weegeecoomers

No. 2434495

uh… ok?

No. 2434496

it's safe to assume that this thread got raided (or was created for bait purposes) by the amount of posts per second. kek fun's over.

No. 2434497

Never heard of the site. Could use an image board search to find similar artists if you can think of the artstyle.

No. 2434498

i think she gets off on being annoying and retarded online. like a humiliation fetish. very odd behavior

No. 2434499

I don't get why women use 4chan when 1/4 posts on there are about how women are whores and need to be raped. Do they not get at least irritated or grossed out/hurt/annoyed by seeing it? Or are they self-hating enough?

No. 2434500

No this is just true lolcow

No. 2434501

File: 1741418187162.jpeg (112.15 KB, 828x828, IMG_6622.jpeg)

Mods are asleep post kpop feet

No. 2434502

It was an unfinished OC, I doubt it's been posted anywhere.

No. 2434503

idgi either, i used to go on 4chan as well and i got tired of the constant "woman bad" posts. pure retardation.

No. 2434505

nta I use it for the /ic/ and the resources they post. Their conversations and insistence on women being "programmed" a certain way is pretty unsettling and shows up even there. But it is very funny when you are nice to someone and they blow up trying to get your attention or pretending to be obese tsundere because they didn't get anything. (redline thread)

No. 2434506

i only browse a handful of threads dedicated to a specific topic and people hardly talk off-topic shit and if they do people usually just ignore it. 4chan X filters also pretty much mean i never see it

No. 2434507

she has that deathly autism stare

No. 2434508

Farmers are foaming at the mouth for another dumbass shit

No. 2434511

/a/ makes sense.

No. 2434512

Female footfags are definitely moidy. And don't quote the "feet are close in the brain's recognition to genitals" I'm pretty sure that's pseudoscience

No. 2434514


No. 2434515

So does this confirm that /ot/ literally only has 1 farmhand

No. 2434516

literally no one has brought up the nikke anon

No. 2434517

no yuripedo you're just annoying

No. 2434519

no being a newfag means you're unintegrated in board culture you sped little retard. You can be a newfag for 2 plus years.

No. 2434520

File: 1741418365376.jpeg (192.47 KB, 1282x1824, IMG_6623.jpeg)

More for me

No. 2434521

There have been degen lesbians since the beginning of the thread dumbfuck

No. 2434522

Anons itt are okay with rape as long as the victims are women. I dont think they care.

No. 2434523

/a/ is so fucking slow and boring nowadays and has too many loliturds just spamming their cp folders, only a handful of threads can be good if you catch them on time

No. 2434524

Someone didn't read the thread, kek. >>2433953

No. 2434527

File: 1741418414805.jpg (347.84 KB, 680x680, elsie puke.jpg)

Jesus Christ spoiler that shit. Look how filthy the lower left's nail beds are. Oh my god men are so fucking nauseating I'm gonna kms

No. 2434528

YWNBH (You Will Never Be Holly)

No. 2434529

Pretty sure an hour of this thread was talking about men getting raped???

No. 2434530

yes because moid rape isn't a real problem. Anything else?

No. 2434531

same nonnie, i loved K-ON when i was younger because i had no friends and my school was shit and i'd watch it thinking about how nice it'd be to have a large friend group and learn music, i also like Asobi Asobase, some scenes with Kasumi tend to be fanservice and Hanako's obsession with her chest is really cringe but i guess it really captures it's like to be a have-not and realizing you're bound to be one forever kek.

No. 2434532

not what i meant dumb ho

No. 2434533

Same I can smell those pics

No. 2434534

I hate other zoomers. What a loser.

No. 2434535

I find certain wojak brainrot humor really funny

No. 2434536

Anyone who posts itt after this is going to develop cancer and die painfully, slowly

No. 2434537

File: 1741418480192.jpg (144.47 KB, 960x640, UiDD9Nc.jpg)

this is how it feels like being SSA on LC:

No. 2434538

>dumb ho
integrate you freak

No. 2434539

goddam those are some heinous grippers

No. 2434540

Ooh! Me first, me first!

No. 2434543

Of all the anons ITT you could've said this to, that's the one you chose?

No. 2434545

Make him skinny and I'll take it.

No. 2434546

exactly, they only care if the victims are men. They even said so.

No. 2434547

Found the most scrotey take. I applaud thee.

No. 2434548

I wanna rape fictional men

No. 2434549

now you're just saying stupid shit and throwing it at the wall hoping it sticks. Go back you faggot.

No. 2434550

probably cuz some of you post shit like >>2434544


No. 2434551

cope and seethe yurilard

No. 2434554

idk some of them were getting pissy at some faggot fan receiving a letter from him

No. 2434555

>2 hours, 400+ replies.
This is going to be a fun one.

No. 2434557

Um… the thread is starting to get uncomfy…

No. 2434558

I want to sniff all of them

No. 2434559

I cum like 4 times a day

No. 2434562

I want to make sweet, sweet love to them. They deserve all the praise.
Real people are icky.

No. 2434563

integrate too, i'm not keeping track of every convo i don't care, I'm responding to the one person whose struggling to integrate into board culture. Idiot zoomers responding like this is an ig reel comment section

No. 2434564

Need those crusts cut off little baby younger zoomer?

No. 2434565

Let's see if lc can count to 10.

No. 2434567

Ow the edge

No. 2434568

reported for being a newfag

No. 2434569


No. 2434570

No. 2434572

Nta but why? The oldest zoomers are 30.

No. 2434574


No. 2434575

Im sending you to conversion camp, you're getting raped by moid dick FIRST(infighting/a-logging)

No. 2434576

I smell a supporter of ID verification on an anonymous imgboard.

No. 2434577

I like watching rekt videos on /gif/

No. 2434579

ew more newfags. You people have ruined lolcow. We don't say racial slurs here you autist

No. 2434580

You know every time an anon says this, a moid jerks off somewhere (but those two things are not related, of course)

No. 2434581

I don’t go on much anymore but I’m a cosplayer and photographer so I would exclusively go on /cgl/ and /p/. /p/ was always an extremely chill board for sperging about aesthetics and equipment. /cgl/ was the only girl dominated board back in the day which was nice. Last time I went on there though it was overrun by coomer threads. Rip /cgl/

No. 2434583

Same, especially those Chinese and Indian rekt threads

No. 2434584

File: 1741418835382.gif (8.9 MB, 500x500, tumblr_fd793f3a21a6e45b152a5d6…)

Thread has officially gotten too retarded to be fun anymore, I'm out.

No. 2434585

Meant to reply to >>2434460

No. 2434586

I'm not banning grown adults in their late 20s and 30. Zoomers are grown up now, we gotta grow up too. We're all stupid here, this is lolcow.

No. 2434589

nta Checks out. But I promise there is no legitimate way to actually verify ages without going full retard.

No. 2434591

Go back to /pol/

No. 2434592


No. 2434594

I'm officialy the biggest scrote of the thread

No. 2434595

No I'm the ultimate Mommy Janny Fanny

No. 2434597

it hurts watching this ib be ruined in real time by faggots who can't integrate and want to treat it like an even more degen kiwifarms to say slurs and spam stupid shit.

No. 2434599

Kek this

No. 2434600

I don't even have one kek cope and seethe yurifat

No. 2434602


No. 2434603

File: 1741418957520.gif (932.15 KB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker74112.gif)


No. 2434604

It's scrotebrained as hell, and clearly paints a picture of how porn has fucked up my psychosexuality but due to an accidental early introduction to pornography I'm obsessed with a children's video game franchise to an unhealthy degree and I can only get off to fictional characters who have no sexual traits at all whom come from that franchise.

No. 2434605

I'll miss you…

No. 2434607

File: 1741418997722.jpg (142.64 KB, 1262x1071, 1722797714742385.jpg)

Handful is better than average, plus there's discussions about seasonals that aren't just "only old anime is good" and "um yikes whats this design".

No. 2434608


No. 2434609

Currently first contender on the leaderboard.

No. 2434610

hey kirbyanon, glad you made it

No. 2434611

do the characters have a slit perhaps?

No. 2434614


No. 2434615

/a/ is one of the only boards where you can escape American politics

No. 2434616

No. 2434617


No. 2434621


No. 2434622

File: 1741419160773.mp4 (101.57 KB, 320x568, ssstwitter.com_1740297897187.m…)

No. 2434623

holy shit kek

No. 2434625

Lame anons on thread now. It was fun. I hope everyone has a good week sooner or later.

No. 2434626

I get off to the idea of anal sex sometimes.

No. 2434628


No. 2434630

Ok true its impossible to discuss anime here without retarded puritans sperging about the same shit every time. Just drop the hobby if you hate it fucking loser. I stopped watching seasonals lately since I’ve been working through my backlog

No. 2434633


No. 2434634

What's worse liking anal or liking incest

No. 2434640

>avtively trolling/purposely pissing off people
I go out to telegram channels/discord chats/reddits etc and a lot of times pretend even to be male if it suits the point and act in a way to specifically piss off the people there. Sometimes I even pretend to be a tranny. I even did so on here sometimes but I get banned to often for it to be fun. I don't have any actual agency, just dopamine receptors hitting

No. 2434642

That's a guinea pig

No. 2434644

holy shit thats some mega cringe voice acting

No. 2434646

can we honestly e date? you’re so beautiful. You always make me laugh, you always make me smile. You literally make me want to become a better person… I really enjoy every moment we spend together. My time has no value unless its spent with you. I tell everyone of my irls how awesome you are. Thank you for being you. Whenever you need someone to be there for you, know that i’ll always be right there by your side. I love you so much. I don’t think you ever realize how amazing you are sometimes. Life isn’t as fun when you’re not around.

No. 2434647

you're retarded lmao
Just watch the video of the dog

No. 2434648

I'd do this but I'm too scared some schizo will genuinely dox me and do worse things

No. 2434649

I want to join vcs but I'm too shy to talk.

No. 2434650

erm actually eating guinea pigs is a south american thing

No. 2434651

Dykes ruined thread with their esex

No. 2434654

File: 1741419530831.gif (954.49 KB, 500x714, 44Ai.gif)

red, white, blue is in the sky
blood is in my hair
and i just wanna die-i-i-i-i
I'm your national antheeeemmmm

No. 2434655

What's with this hating on "dykes" shit
>inb4 triggered dyke
I'm not even one

No. 2434656

Are those videos really gore? I haven't watched them yet.

No. 2434657

Specifically Peru

No. 2434658

The dog one is an edit

No. 2434662

well i dont like you anyways since youre not a nubile young shota with silky smooth skin and white hair smh

No. 2434663

butthurt fujoshotafags

No. 2434664

You deserve better, queen. I am argentinian, lets date.

No. 2434665

I used to find soyjaks funny on another imageboard I was in that the soyfaggots invaded. I laughed my ass off at many of their nonsensical memes that they imported there. Like the fruit thing, a bunch of soyjaks with different kinds of fruit on their head. I even ended up adopting the THOUGH thing in my posts and found the literal doe soyjaks amusing. One of my favorites was when they started using that Japanese site/app/whatever to make funny bouncy soyjak GIFs. They came up with so much new shit every other day, sometimes it was hard to keep up. But that was a long time ago and I still hate the faggots for being annoying scrote raiders.
>I wish we also had our own retarded soyspeak that made it hard for people to copy so we could gatekeep newfags
Same. Soyfags have their own booru, wiki and everything.
I wish we were more aggressive towards imageboard newfags on this site. We need to bring back some of the culture. Of course that doesn't mean copying everything from moid imageboards, just the basic stuff like old memes and OC creation and sharing culture. And for FUCK'S sake, stop spoonfeeding lazy newfaggots whenever they ask something that can be learned easily by lurking a bit and reading old threads. Ridicule newfags along with others and tell them to lurk moar. Whenever you see an anon spoonfeed a newfag who asked a retarded question, ridicule her too
People variously refer to this genre as Eurodance, Europop, bubblegum pop and bubblegum dance. Whatever genre this group actually is, it's the same as groups like Aqua and Smile.dk. Maybe this'll help? https://www.discogs.com/master/89853-Toy-Box-FanTastic
This kind of music has nothing to do with hyperpop, so don't worry.
Wow. /ic/ moids sound like a parody of themselves kek. First I heard about the DAD conspiracy thing where they couldn't believe someone was leaving nice comments out of genuine kindness, and now this. I don't remember it being that bad some 8 years ago.
I agree, last time I was on 4chan I had to actively try to ignore and hide lolifag posts and shit to focus exclusively on the good posts of the specific thread I visited 4chan for. Before that, and before I stopped going out of habit, I had to basically act like a "guard dog" and constantly tell the annoying scrotes trying to hijack our threads to talk about their fetishes to kill themselves. It was exhausting as fuck, why suffer on there when we can almost have it all on here?

No. 2434666

It's bait dummy

No. 2434667

Why do fujos think they're better than yumes like at least the latter make cringe self ship art at worst and the former shove it down everyone's throats

No. 2434668

because its yuripedo

No. 2434669

Good job, you saved a thumbnail

No. 2434671

>Eurodance, Europop, bubblegum pop and bubblegum dance
This shit makes me happy

No. 2434672

i am starting to suspect you have a rape fetish

ok ♥

No. 2434673

because the peepee goes in the poophole duh

No. 2434674

Anal definitely. If you're a woman and agree to this the amount of pickme-ish selfhate is just truly pathetic. Incest as pure fantasy if you're just flicking the bean to the thought that your brother/cousin eats you out is somewhat understandable. If it's your Dad/uncle you need mental help, but not as much as a girl who gets willingly violated into an exit-only hole

No. 2434675

Omae wa mou shindeiru

No. 2434676

Every time a tranny posts gore, a new species of flesh eating bacteria develops inside of their prostate

No. 2434678

Your lives.

No. 2434679

Yeah, yumes are far more isolated (naturally) so even if one is kind of insane, she can't do as much damage as a horde of crazy fujos.

No. 2434680

What if they don't give a shit about moids and just like the sensation of stuff up there? Rare and weird but I've seen this type sometimes

No. 2434681

¿Dóndé está la biblioteca?

No. 2434683

Being obsessed with faggots should be classified as a mental illness.

No. 2434684

What are your favorite threads nonas

No. 2434686

I have a little bit of a piss kink

No. 2434687

What gore?

No. 2434688

ok troon

No. 2434690

Don't fujos hate irl faggots? Or vice versa idk

No. 2434692

one time at school a guy shoved something up his ass and he started bleeding like crazy, they had to call an ambulance. We never saw him again.

No. 2434693

I love big giant horse dildos in my prostate, I keep them shit-covered as a memoir of my fantasies in my closet. I can't wait for the housekeeper to come and get shocked, I get off to it.

No. 2434694

Who fucking cares with these retards they're always trying to place limits on something that women that aren't terminally online losers don't care about, if you actually restrict yourself from a bodily sensation of pleasure just because muhh pickmes you're cucked, the ghost of your parents haunts you eternally or whatever the fuck made you into a "I think repressing my wants and feelings makes me cool!!" type person.

No. 2434695

isnt this anime futashit? doesnt that make you bi.

No. 2434698

The banter between you and the women that always talk about you just seems like mild sexual tension to me.

No. 2434699

I just got reminded of a post by an anon who went to a religious school (iirc) and gifted her friend a Liam Payne doll and she tried to shove it up her ass. It was on the 1D nostalgia thread or whatever it's called I think

No. 2434702

Tbf, shoving something up your ass just feels like you're taking a giant shit. Basic instinct makes it gross and uncomfortable

No. 2434703

stop posting this crap or ill start spamming graphic gay porn in turn

No. 2434704

How do moids do it?

No. 2434706

you are the one posting bible black webms, biwhore

No. 2434707

he now burns eternally in homo hell after dying from his perversion

No. 2434708

No. 2434709

thread theme

No. 2434710

I've been on here for like 7 years, maybe 8 I can't count, but every time there's a retarded thread like this I revert to my newfag days. Nostalgia good times

No. 2434711

Go back to your fujo thread to gloat about how much you love shota dick.

No. 2434715

Cus they have prostates, or their mind just overturns the grossness because malebrain degeneracy

No. 2434716

Ewwwww you have poop in your vagina…………

No. 2434717

File: 1741420210474.png (949.1 KB, 1400x700, palpatine.png)

No. 2434718

Are you watching Ave Mujica yuripedo? Any thoughts?

No. 2434719

Kiss already uguuu

No. 2434720

i hate that this kinda turned me on cause its probably a stinky tranny posting it

No. 2434721


No. 2434722

Saying all fujos are into shota is like saying all yumes/selfshippers/whatever are into DDLG

No. 2434724

sometimes in my self insert fantasies I have a male form with a dick so I can rape my husbando in the ass

No. 2434726

Women rape is absurd because what are you going to do? Smear your pussy on me? Get me slimy?
I can just insult you and your feminine instinct to internalize will make you feel guilty and start crying.

No. 2434727

Half the shit I'm saying in this thread is a lie for curiosity on what anons think. The other half is true.

No. 2434728

File: 1741420352731.mp4 (128.97 KB, 480x360, 544.mp4)

Ok for something actually on topic: I have a fart fetish

No. 2434729

Saying all fujos are into shota is like saying all himes are pedophile trannies

No. 2434731

Moids are so filthy that they enjoy pooping. My ex used to moan while he was on the shitter

No. 2434732

Alright there's actual bait, fun is over

No. 2434734

Hello fellow AAP.

No. 2434736

>coom anime

so basically scrote things = sex related

there needs to be a thread about stereotypical girly things anons like like lps or neopets or some shit and to bitch about the moids into it

No. 2434738

Remember when earlier today there was an infight about how we should refer to all anons as she or else we're actually the trannies

No. 2434739

Took me three seconds to figure out what this stood for because it's so rarely used compared to its counterpart.

No. 2434741

Wasn't there one on /m/?

No. 2434742

Kys pedophile

No. 2434743

Death to both

No. 2434744

that has nothing to do with moids

No. 2434745

Yeah it's pretty funny how hetty betties on this site think their rape and femdom fantasies are so feminist and based. In reality, they fold over so quick for their nigels while they rant on LC about how they're totally breaking up with him kekk

No. 2434746

File: 1741420572873.png (137.58 KB, 1080x1016, 1741371915060.png)


No. 2434747

calm down antonia lopez

No. 2434748

File: 1741420601325.jpg (Spoiler Image,417.79 KB, Tumblr_l_786162489229721.jpg)

I don't think himes are the ones starting these infights most of the time. I think it's hetfags and yume fags who get mad when about seeing the husbando getting rammed by another man.(posting unspoilered nsfw)

No. 2434749

If you're actually asking, they would sodomize you with large objects after drugging you or overpowering you. A lot of moids are smaller than a raper woman, so I believe it would be possible and not something you would enjoy. In a scenario with a rapenona, the young moid would be giving in physically via his penis and not making much of an effort to fight but would be mentlaly frozen in horror and would face intense trauma reg. his masculinity and place in this world, after the event

No. 2434750

My humour is broken I will laugh at random things like this list

No. 2434753

Woman on woman rape by law is penetration of the victim. Idc about moids getting raped though

No. 2434754

Anorectal-kun's ramblings have a point, it has become too normalized to use the anus for sex and using it for that means doing harm to your body as well as nasty poop infections. It's pornography that brainwashes everyone into thinking it's normal.
NTA but Tumblr type fujos loved real life gay men and virtue-signalled about gay rights a lot
They have prostates, we don't.
Yeah it's a good opportunity to let loose.
Using this as reference for my husbando yume porn

No. 2434756

As a yumefag I start violently schlicking it whenever I see art of another male character fucking my husbando so idk

No. 2434759

File: 1741420787640.jpg (303.04 KB, 1450x2048, doggu.jpg)


No. 2434760

Their femdom fantasies often in reality just translate to them doing all the work during sex while their Nigels just starfish and do nothing. I think we need to stop trying to evulate whether porn made for women is feminist, it's giving everyone weird moral OCD.

No. 2434761

Does your supposed gf knows you flirt with random women on imageboards and does she like being a cuck

No. 2434763

>moral OCD
It's so accurate it hurts. They seem like overcompensating contrarians sometimes.

No. 2434764

Modern "femdom" is so fucking depressing. Real femdom involves the moid getting no pleasure while you get endless orgasms, but all this femdom coomshit involves simply tying up a moid and jerking him off for hours while you just wear a latex outfit for his visual pleasure. Men cumming will never be embarrassing

No. 2434765

File: 1741420882095.gif (643.56 KB, 500x300, giphy.gif)

Based, have a lovely Saturday

No. 2434767

Both you and your girlfriend need to get corrective raped by dick(a-logging)

No. 2434768

File: 1741420915179.jpg (81.33 KB, 850x777, sample_5f73cc0648a8fb3e1703058…)

can you pretend to be my husbando

No. 2434769

Bunnies are so cute god

No. 2434770

Not that anon but I don't believe that was the point. I think she just wants to reinforce the idea that this is a female-only imageboard and discriminate against male posters the same way scrotes have always discriminated against us by calling anonymous people "he" by default. Pretty based honestly.

No. 2434771

Kill yourself
Kill yourself

No. 2434773

Femdom and rapenonianism are completely different. I'm not either but I support rapenonas targeting younger moids for one single upsetting encounter

No. 2434774

she says its based

No. 2434775

Ah, so you're just straight up admitting to being yuripedo and her retarded groomcord server.

No. 2434778

Yep so we're just letting ourselves be exposed on discord. Fun is over

No. 2434779

Father/daughter incest anon here, honestly I don't get what's so particularly scrotey about it. A lot of women have daddy issues, mine was in my life until age 7 when he left without a word and I forgot he existed until my mom died, then he died too and it left me with so many questions that I end up projecting onto anime characters because I just want a father's love but I don't know what a father is supposed to be and my brain goes "easiest way to get love is through sex"

No. 2434781

Most of the regular users on here are in a Discord server with other farmers.

No. 2434782


No. 2434785

I doubt any farmers who use trannycord are missed here

No. 2434787

The tims you want to always call she are probably doing that when you're regularly posting anyway

No. 2434788

oh shit are you that anon who larps ddlg with sans undertale?

No. 2434791

why are you speaking in australia, you are mexican. Ajua wey.

No. 2434792

Fair enough

No. 2434793

Were you the Jermafag?

No. 2434794

The reason we should all be thankful for that stupid platform is that it basically functions as a void for them to screech into and retroactive evidence, when they finally have a full psychotic break and murder a woman or child

No. 2434795

How is the jobsearch going?

No. 2434796

File: 1741421300711.gif (2.18 MB, 164x156, iizuka.GIF)

Why would you let that bastard have the honor of fucking up your sexuality? I do not get women who say they cope with trauma through rape fantasies. You are literally letting your abusers win and repeat offend and they aren’t even there anymore. It’s embarrassing.

No. 2434797

Kek as an ausfag I've actually been accused of being a scrote once for it

No. 2434799

Are you watching any of the yuri anime coming out

No. 2434802

>Their femdom fantasies often in reality
You're the only one talking about reality
Dunno if you know this but femdom was created by and for moids because they think it's degenerate when women aren't submissive
>all this femdom coomshit involves simply tying up a moid and jerking him off for hours
Not one of them, but the point of this fantasy (emphasis on fantasy) is to see the moid squirm and get red in the face and hear his moans because they never express any sexy emotion whatsoever while women are the ones expected to do porn acting in real sex and in fiction
>while you just wear a latex outfit for his visual pleasure
Nobody on this site fantasizes about this shit
God forbid women don't wanna be submissive in bed for once, amirite?

No. 2434804

No but my bf larps as my daddy sometimes. He seems to be more into it sexually than I am, I just want a father figure and he seems to be willing to play into that so if he wants a more sexual side to it then I'll give him what he wants so long as I just get to feel safe and loved.
It's not voluntary.

No. 2434805

File: 1741421400814.webm (3.79 MB, 720x576, girl computer night.webm)

Two hours ago I was having the most fun in ages, shitposting with my lc sisters in the middle of the night, escaped from the troubles of life, and every minute brought forth a dozen new replies. Now the thread is run by porn-posting trannies, and the replies have stopped, save for words of sexual perversions.
>mfw the magic is gone.

No. 2434806

File: 1741421429775.jpeg (63.68 KB, 960x956, D6L8JZU.jpeg)

What does your downie girlfriend think of this

No. 2434809


No. 2434810

Why can't you post in the millions of other places where women exactly like you hang out?

No. 2434811

cute shota

No. 2434815

The actual state of anons here

No. 2434816

It's been over for a while, the board is already taken over by males, lesbian groomers and ovarit retards.

No. 2434817

>adaptation from the YH edgefest

No. 2434818

File: 1741421545802.png (90.82 KB, 201x197, antonia lopez.png)

its not a tranny its a yurilard personalityfag

No. 2434820

Is that the mermaid one?

No. 2434821

It is voluntary. If you can name and address it you can change it. Stop allowing some shit quality sperm donor to humiliate and degrade you by proxy.

No. 2434822

samefag or any place gay guys hang out, since every single one has daddy issues

No. 2434823

does yuripedo live in mexico

No. 2434826

Make sure to refer to them as she or else you're a they/them.

No. 2434827

File: 1741421650342.jpg (172.02 KB, 1500x1000, dino-nuggets-featured.jpg)

Your mom wanted me to let you know that your nuggies are ready, and to remember to take your Monistat.

No. 2434828

yes she even has a donkey

No. 2434829

Internet is a serious business and women can't have fun.

No. 2434834

I just really like yuri manga.

No. 2434835

Nice non-argument

No. 2434836

your bmi is probably higher than mine + my sleep schedule has been fucked for months im trying to fix that shit. fuck you

No. 2434838

More please

No. 2434839

Jerma loves trannies more than you.

No. 2434840

You want a father figure who puts his dick in you? Maybe you should see a therapist about this instead of LARPing about it with your Nigel.

No. 2434841

Yeah and her Nigel needs to be put in jail for it

No. 2434842

Because they make that shit into a lifestyle and it makes me uncomfortable, for me the age regression part is involuntary as a response to stress and even when I am regressed I keep it to myself and just hug a plushie while playing a game or watching a video as opposed to putting on a diaper and onesie+pacifier plus the dreamsmp or something.
>inb4 "well youre not keeping it to yourself right now"
a) anon asked if i was a particular ddlg anon
b) it's an anonymous website
Never interact with an actually traumatized person personally.

No. 2434845

Replacing the ugly bastard male with a woman wearing a strap-on as we speak

No. 2434846

Only pic I saved, thanks

No. 2434847

i would not feel safe around a guy who roleplays incest pedophillia but you do you i guess

No. 2434849

Right after you post yours, FASface.

No. 2434850

I mean that's fine, I wouldn't associate or be friends with you irl for this and most anons would rather dd/lg fags don't use the board at all. I consider you a pedo "helper", it's like the passive female role to ensuring all men are undateable. Good way to secure your nigel for yourself tho

No. 2434851

Did the useless farmhands finally awaken?

No. 2434852

I wouldn’t accept a man coping with his trauma by being abusive. I expect him to change his behavior. I expect the same from women. You are a grown up, you can control how you rationalize your thoughts and feelings. There’s little about the human mind you can’t change.
It’s a horrible concept for me to accept some random moid can fuck up a period of my life and now I’m suck in the shadow of his abuse forever. I will not let some unworthy faggot poses my soul.

No. 2434853

I miss Vines. 21 deez nuts what are those

No. 2434854

But it's already been posted like 3 times, retard.

No. 2434856

That's your ugly face, not your ugly body.

No. 2434857

It's already been posted like 3 times across the site stupid fuck.

No. 2434858

I use AI a lot

No. 2434859

Lurk moar

No. 2434860

I wouldn't want to be friends with you either with the way you're trying to frame your passive aggressive condescending attitude to me kek
You do you and I'll do me. Different things work for different people because we have different experiences that have molded our lives and who we are.

No. 2434861

So farmhands are you gonna lock the thread now or what

No. 2434865

nta but why do you feel like you have something to prove? if you know you're not fat then don't let the bait work.

No. 2434866

This is from her LinkedIn before she deleted it. You're not fooling anyone lmao.

No. 2434867

Albino donkey?

No. 2434868

No I think it's a pony

No. 2434869

Aren't the ears too big to be a horse of any kind

No. 2434870

You wouldn't know that unless you revealed you were a dd/lg fag, which I imagine wouldn't take much based on my experience with them. ~Different strokes~ doesn't apply to pedos, you remind me of the losers who try to intercept real movements with this shit, like the troons. Your sexuality is fucked up and gross, anons will call a spade a spade and that's why no one likes women like you here. You fuck up the consensus with your delusional bullshit

No. 2434873

I hate trannies, no matter how secretly you think youre sneaking in the girl-board you will always be an abomination

No. 2434874

I said pony not horse

No. 2434875

Ponies are horses. Small ones.

No. 2434877


No. 2434878

Which one is you?

No. 2434879

>you must be 18+ to use this site
nice try faggot

No. 2434882

What the fuck are you on? Stop projecting onto me. I keep this shit strictly between me and my boyfriend and I don't bring it into any other aspects of my life/other movements. You say I wouldn't know otherwise, but the way you're freaking out based on assumptions you made about my character based on one singular detail tells me that this is something very integral to your character.(infighting)

No. 2434884

And they still haven't locked the thread lmao

No. 2434885

You're kidding right? A simple google search? Basic genetics? What, are they different species now?

No. 2434886


No. 2434887

If you can't provide a source then say that don't get angry at me

No. 2434888

A basic google search will give you all the sources you need. They're the same species lmfao

No. 2434889

I am friends with some trannies irl. Also I used to be a furry.

No. 2434890

I use Bing not Google

No. 2434891

You told us you absolute tard. That's why it became a fucking topic. Next time you're with your nigel and calling him daddy, at least you'll know you're nothing like an actual little girl since that scenario would make her vomit and the idea of calling anyone but her actual father "daddy" would be weird and disgusting. So next time you announce your gross sexual fetish, maybe base it around 1950s housewife terms of endearment, like the rockabilly fatties did before egirls(infighting)

No. 2434892

No. 2434894

Get your BPD under control holy fucking kekkington I am definitely not the only person in this world who doesn't want to be your friend.

No. 2434895

Is this "I know you are but what am I" part of your little girl larp? Because your BPD definitely shines through in these posts

No. 2434897

File: 1741423687896.png (876.29 KB, 922x934, Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 9.19.…)

what the fuck is happening in this thread

No. 2434898

No, you're just really weirdly mad about this and seem desperate to insult me.

No. 2434899

It's getting what it fucking deserves anon

No. 2434902

File: 1741423824872.gif (3.43 MB, 350x347, 87.gif)


No. 2434903

this si so cute

No. 2434904

>Unpopular Opinions is boring
>Anon searches for a new thread idea to start an infight, chooses this one
>Dumbass Shit anons swarm it to use as a chatroom
>Anons realize that this is a moderation blackout period
>Anons start to obsessively shitpost because no lives
>Fujos begin to post
>Yuripedo Discord group alerted to the thread, begin to post in it
>Moid accusations fly
>Moids and troons begin to post
>Mod wakes up, but too hesitant to lock the thread because she knows she's in trouble for leaving the board unattended for so long
>Posts begin to be deleted en masse
>No lock so problem anons begin to ban evade

Good sum up? Yes or no?

No. 2434905

Do you have any more dancing clips of this woman

No. 2434906

Why do you let a man with pedo incest fantasies put his penis in you? Are you fucking insane? What his excuse?

No. 2434907

Wow I was going to post about my rts fixation but after reading this thread I think I’m a lot better than some of you…

No. 2434908

>You realize that Japanese people used to feed their shit to pigs, right?
India still does it.

No. 2434909

I'm going to masturbate now to AI chats of my husbando

No. 2434910

I wish I was in the yuripedo discord, sounds kinda fun. thank you for the write-up.

No. 2434911

Nta but I ~casually~ dated a guy a few years ago who had just broken up with one of these (before and after) and he was suddenly into this, we never spoke or fucked again. I genuinely believe non-pedos can be conditioned or "activated" by having sex with lg fags, even if they are not a dd fag to begin with. This was before this became a zoomer menace and it was called "kink"

No. 2434913

How is this shit still not deleted

No. 2434915

because the mods are fujolards

No. 2434916

Makes sense

No. 2434918

File: 1741424488551.jpg (25.99 KB, 396x360, 1444277731443.jpg)

No. 2434919

File: 1741424685177.gif (2.35 MB, 480x452, 1888.gif)

I survived

No. 2434920

never read yaoi but holy shit, now I get the anons calling fujos cucks kekkk

No. 2434921

What the heck is this gif from

No. 2434923

probably teen wolf or something

No. 2434924

File: 1741424790336.png (1.57 MB, 1600x1200, fuck you.png)

I will never understand the sexual appeal of yaoi. It just seems so boring to me. I like yuri cause I can self-insert as both characters, so its twice as good as normal stuff in my opinion.

No. 2434925

Is that a tv show?

No. 2434926

fujos trooning out isn't really a surprise for the same reason.

No. 2434929

File: 1741425115183.png (688.21 KB, 990x750, 42f13347567288e5fdadef00e0619b…)

There was a leaf version of teen wolf called "big wolf on campus". He looks like he only half-changed into a wolf

No. 2434930

Just orgasmed, goodnight

No. 2434931

Is that supposed to be a werewolf or a leaf?

No. 2434932

I bet there was whimpering

No. 2434935

File: 1741425349567.jpg (12.06 KB, 480x360, big_wolf_campus.jpg)

He is a leaf and a werewolf. That's his spiky-haired friend Merton J. Dingle

No. 2434936

I agreed with yuripedo, she was right about like 90% of the time. fujobians are retarded. How the fuck are you a lesbian attracted to men?

No. 2434937

Nah I'm silent

No. 2434938

I prefer that to whimpering tbh

No. 2434978

This thread will always be infight bait central so it is getting locked.

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