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No. 2435196

previous thread: >>2392591

No. 2435221

i don't like it but i feel a grossly immense amount of superiority over people who don't have good relationships with their parents. i love my family and i'm fascinated by those who have more dysfunctional relationships with their parents or other family since it's an experience so far removed from mine. i know this isn't a good mindset to have though and i feel like such a privileged bitch for being like this

No. 2435224

It’s honestly scary and fascinating how much childhood inevitability shapes what kind of adult you are. Children are really sponges, while adults are mostly clay, it’s hard , even impossible to unlearn certain patterns, you are mostly working on coping mechanisms.

No. 2435229

I doxxed a woman I liked after she got a girlfriend and I regret doing it now.

No. 2435248

I hurt someone in the most unimaginable way, he said he forgave me, but i don't believe him and i can't accept it anyway.i'm not gonna say anything about it because i lost the right to say anything

I just hope he eventually totally forget about me while i just rot in hell for the rest of my pathetic life because i fucking deserve it

No. 2435259

Wow, new worst anon I've ever come across on lolcow kek.

No. 2435263

gave up on everyone besides JS. being stalked and harassed. /offline

No. 2435269

Today I found out liking Hyperpop is scrote-y. Welp.
I swear to god every single time I like something, I later find out its community is moid/mtf central.

No. 2435272

Just BPD things

No. 2435277

Who cares if it's moidy, just listen to the music and don't engage with its community. I have some transphobic female friends who are also into that genre of electronic music, so it's not all that bad.

No. 2435280

but it's not their fault, people don't choose or ask to be born to shitty parents. Why feel superior over some good luck.

No. 2435281

NTA but yeah, I didn't even realize there were music "communities" to begin with. I thought that was a new thing, for zoomers into 100gecs or some shit.

No. 2435289

what was the other anon like

No. 2435296

Everyone who knows you knows this.

No. 2435298

JS being JeSus

No. 2435299

You disgust me.

No. 2435300

I call my mother fat now all the time, only inside of my head and yell it in frustration when I’m angry when she’s not around. It’s absolutely deserved. She is a deathfat for her height but I absolutely have zero empathy for a woman who constantly moans and complains about her aches and pains but doesn’t realize it’s connected to her pounds of fat on her tiny skeletal structure ruining her life, I just don’t care. The same fatness that has her basically in love with her bed and waits until she’s almost about to piss herself to get up to finally go to the bathroom (which she never cleans, I clean it). It’s even more cathartic calling her fat when I’m upset, I fucking hate fatties and their sloth-like attitude towards life. I can’t help but be mean to people, it’s absolutely deserved, people are walking around basically asking for it. I would never because I somewhat benefit from her existence but the truth is: she’s fat and genuinely needs to lose the weight if she wants to see her 60s.

No. 2435309

Agreed. No one ever sends me a letter, either.

No. 2435315

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Blessed Jesus lover nonnie

No. 2435340

OP, there was still enough space left in the previous thread. You should have waited before making a new one because I had prepared this :

Previous thread recap:

Nona shares the joys of having a full bush >>2393980
Paranoid nona confuses critically acclaimed artist Yoshimoto Nara with Shadman >>2394676
Shitty friend contemplates the way pregnancy makes you fat, discourse ensues >>2394717
Bippie shares common bpdestructive fantasy >>2395657
Goth poser justifies her lack of taste >>2395836
Anon hates everyone >>2396359
Young woman discovers the joy and danger of AI boyfriends >>2396389
Ex 4chan fembot reminisces on her pickme past and the changes she went through by joining lolcow >>2396595
Poor nona dates a fat and bald loser, acts shocked when he’s still a fat and bald loser even on Valentines >>2396646
Anon shares about her Stacy anthropological experiments as a high schooler >>2397300
Debate about the semantic of zillenial, zoomer, millenial etc started by a nitpick over the semantic usage of the word “edit” >>2398222
Nona shares a neighberhood with registered sex offenders >>2398509
Farmer multitasks >>2400442
Anon has low self esteem, compares herself to pornstars to feel better >>2401718
Consoomer loves consooming >>2402853
Farmers share their opinions on the sooper secret ib >>2403526
Bait that nevertheless amused fellow posters with the use of “holly kekkeroni” >>2404056
Another nona dated a bald loser. Is an epidemic afoot? >>2405098
Farmers discuss some random troon’s tacky house and clockability >>2405809
Nona has no backbone but she does have a cuck fetish >>2406567
Trying to help her peer’s bacne problems, nona suggests milking your backyard goat
The farms are filled with redditards >>2407999
Anon thinks irl lesbians actually care that she’s a hetty bettie >>2409206
Farmer shocks peers with revelation that there exists in fact a woman on earth who finds markiplier attractive >>2409781
Anon is jealous, snoops on her boyfriend, ends up developping the same strain of depravity as him >>2410139
Nonnie hates her boyfriend’s dogs, ignites debate on the duties of dog training other people’s pets >>2411079
Food service worker shares insightful tip on dealing with annoying customers >>2411136
Loli related autopedophilic degeneracy, but nona grew since then >>2411834
Farmer spends quality time with online moids >>2413942
Controversial confession of clumsily trying to two-time orbiters >>2417413
Based cougar Stacy shares sexual encounter with non walled scrote >>2419653
Nona still didn’t get over boring franchise, ships Dramione >>2420340
Nona fell for the older man psyop, still wont change her ways despite past experience >>2423931
Another lost /g/ poster shares harrowing insight into the depravity of some women’s sexual tastes >>2424401
Nona reminds us why it sucks that voodoo isn’t real >>2425480
Anon free of the shackles of performative femininity gets unwanted advice on how to get prettier skin >>2427008
Farmer hates disabled people >>2427346
Farmer hates her gross sister >>2431041

No. 2435344

is this a thing on ot threads besides celebritiycows?

No. 2435345

I wish I could say words like moralfag in everyday speech because it's so much more convenient

No. 2435346

No, i just wanted to have fun and potentially make someone laugh…

No. 2435349

I thought it was cute and charming thank you for putting it together.

No. 2435350

I confess that I always assume obese people are stupid. Not subconsciously, I acknowledge it on purpose. If I see an obese person my first impression will be disgust and my second impression will be frustration from potentially having to interact with him or her. To make it a proper confession, because so far it looks like a normal opinion: most of my friends are overweight, and half of them are visibly obese. I've known them for a very long time now, when I almost never judged based on looks but based on our more than 10 years long friendship and other random people I've met as coworkers or clients or outside in general I became fatphobic and regretted not judging based on looks from the start. And my friends don't want to admit almost all of their health issues are caused by or worsened by their weight, they often act like stereotypical HAES activist and the more time passes, the more stupid they become. If my friends knew the many situations they've put me and themselves through because of their obesity made me judge them they would feel betrayed but I can't feel bad about it as long as I keep it to myself.

No. 2435352

Kek, you picked some funny posts to do this with

No. 2435385

>next-door neighbor types
>plain janes
>Not every woman is meant to be model/commercial-pretty
There really has to be a better way to describe this type of beauty, because your entire post sounds like one huge back-handed compliment even though you didn't mean for it to sound that way.

No. 2435388

beauty that is like a cloud or a gust of wind, you witness it often and it's not like a volcano rupture or a tsunami you seldom see

No. 2435390

NTA but it's obvious what the original post meant imo, just because every sentence doesn't contain gushing adoration doesn't mean it's being malicious.

No. 2435393

common beauty

No. 2435442

You can usually come up with decent substitutes in normie language. Moralfag could be morality police, for example.

No. 2435449

I like to see how stinky i can get… I don't have the house much so it doesn't matter but I go maybe a 10 days or so between washes, but have gone over a month before. I like my own smell… I am lucky my husband doesn't mind it, he said yes he smells it but it does not bother him much. I think maybe we're just trained to dislike normal scent? I don't really particularly dislike some people's BO smell if its under control. Sometimes I am more bothered by people who walk past and reek of perfume… or at least it's the same level of offensive to me

No. 2435478

kek nonna I'm surprised how much I can stink up in a days depending on what I ate and what part of my cycle I am. I need to wash myself ever day! I despise strong perfume scent too and I can immediately tell if somebody bought a cheap celebrity perfume from the drug store kek

No. 2435482

I feel like celebrity beauty is overrated, not in the sense that they're not beautiful but just the idea that they're uniquely beautiful in a way you could never see irl. When I was in college it wasn't that uncommon to occasionally see girls that were as pretty as celebrities. Maybe it's just the knowledge that a woman is a famous actress/singer/model gives an awe factor which makes them seem more beautiful to a lot of people or something.

No. 2435487

I could, but it doesn't have the same punch. So sad.

No. 2435498

Every few months I stalk my ex-stepsisters socials to feel better about myself. Seeing her fail out of college and working at McDonald’s makes me happy. Seeing her sad reposts about her break ups makes me happy. She always was in competition with me as a kid especially since we were the same age, so I’m glad in the end I’m the one doing better as an adult

No. 2435509

There is scientific evidence to back up the fact that if you love someone, you'll like or be neutral towards their body odor smell.

No. 2435510

That's actually interesting. I bet that's why mothers love the smell of their babies.

No. 2435520

Very mundane but I'd never confess to it to people irl: I use a prepaid simcard. It saves a ton of money. Downside is I can't just stream music anywhere and everywhere I want.

No. 2435538

True, sometimes my socks smell like a girl I loved and I can't stop smelling them

No. 2435563

I was crying because I missed today's lc movie night. And then this fucking video started playing. I had to stop because I didn't want to cry with long long man yaoi playing on the background. Happy women's day or whatever

No. 2435582

I'm saying this as a woman with pcos
When I see obese people around I always ask myself "How? How do you get to that point?"
At my max I almost reached 198lbs which sure, is a lot but I wasn't a hamplanet for my height, I had chub but also a figure and with pcos, I managed to lose 66lbs with the right tests, diet, hormonal pills etc so when I see people that are shaped like a tomato on sticks I always ask myself how. How do they do not feel bad? How do they not feel their bones aching and sweating that much just to move? It's not a matter of beauty but mobility and practical reasons, I don't even care about my appearance but the thing that bugged me was the constat fatigue, skipped periods, testosterone etc. I know that other people can be fat with many other reason but I don't understand how that many people lose control and let themselves go. In particular, tall and obese men, how much do they fucking eat, are they gluttonous beasts? How do they not feel nausea or their heart going crazy at every movement? Knees hurting? I'm talking about Amberlynn level people, I always look down to them, there's a limit on how a person can be obese without food, other than that is a choice.

No. 2435585

It was a pretty weird add and then some unknown started adding Mrs Doubtfire clips. Like I don't know if it's autism or whatever but I'm glad the room dipped as soon as it started.

No. 2435588

I don’t really understand it either. I’ve never really tracked my weight since there’s no real need to. I just eat what I want when I’m hungry and have been fine. Eating to the point of morbid obesity is such a foreign concept to me, even the more “normal” obesity levels like being 300 lbs. I just don’t understand how you eat that much so frequently.

No. 2435633

Some people have stronger appetites than others. I used to kind of wonder the same thing until I had an ex who was bigger, we went to a BBQ place and they had a place where you could see them cutting the meat. He was full on captivated, "oh my god do you SEE that" but to me it just looked like people cutting meat. Our draw to food was completely different. I think it's almost like how some people have stronger libedos…

No. 2435677

i was very racist to a turkish moid in a video game just now but i'm not really ashamed because he was spamming me with rape threats

No. 2435686

Mental illness

No. 2435702

No I think she's right. That's how you describe this type of beauty, what should be removed is the connotation of negativity from these terms. I used to have a friend that I had a crush on who was always down on her looks and saying she is a "plain jane" and I was like what's wrong with that? You are beautiful, who cares if it's plain beauty… I could never get through to her about it. I honestly contemplated telling her I was attracted to her so she would stop saying no one would ever look twice at her kek

No. 2435705

Hilarious recap kek thanks anon

No. 2435707

Mental illness

No. 2435709

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I mean, I like food. I like to try new things and always prefer good food over slop. I think I have a higher standard since a lot of popular recipes often times are just mediocre to me. But that doesn’t mean I eat to the point of weighing 300 lbs or anything.
Somewhat related, I had a boyfriend who just ate purely for sustenance. He saw no point in making food taste good and it was just a waste of time, effort, and money. He also tried to gaslight me into believing he was the standard and I was the one with the weird holdup around food.

No. 2435769

I fuck with this heavily but it’s made by a tranny. Why can’t these moids just be comfortable being gay men jfc

No. 2435830

I don't think it's "plainess" necessarily but that her and Nina's face are so balanced and perfectly in place that it becomes kind of boring to look at, like if someone drew a caricature of her nothing would be exaggerated or stand out.
To me that's more like classical beauty or classic features, they'd probably be more popular during the 1940s/50s

No. 2435930

Spoilering cause this is embarrassing but in all the years I’ve used lolcow I still don’t understand how or what website nonnies go to where they can search all posts ever made on this site for a specific term or phrase

No. 2435935

Have you tried clicking the search button?

No. 2435937

But when I use the search tab it only searches thread names and thread descriptions?

No. 2435939

idk works for me.

No. 2435942

Woah i remember watching this guy's content years ago when he was still in animation school. Honestly I thought it was a tif…

No. 2436057

Sometimes I see cute things and start crying from how cute they are. One time it was the neighbour's British shorthair cat, another time it was a fucking plushie with the cutest little bead eyes.

No. 2436062

>another time it was a fucking plushie with the cutest little bead eyes.
Awwww I understand that feeling. I think for me it's because I subconsciously realize that something bad's gonna happen to it one day. The cute cat will die, the cute innocent-looking plushie will be discarded, thrown away, or destroyed.
Also, your post reminded me of this lady lol

No. 2436064

The search function is powered by Google, so use it as if you were using Google. To find a specific phrase, you need to put it in quotation marks "like this". Otherwise Google gives you irrelevant shit because it wants you to see as many ads as possible before you get to what you're actually looking for.
Anyway, you even have to do this with single terms "like" "this", otherwise Google will give you results including synonyms of your terms, alternate forms of the words you used, etc. Fuck Google, honestly.

You only get threads as results, not specific posts. You do your search, go into the thread you think might contain the post you want, and Ctrl+F the contents of the post or terms you used in your search to see if the post is actually in that thread.

No. 2436074

nta but theres a lolcow google search function?

No. 2436078

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Go to the board index, look at the botton, there's a "search" link

No. 2436093

Because no one in my life really knows about my weeb past, they attribute my knowledge on niche history and geography to being well-read. The truth is I was autistically obsessed with hetalia for two years and almost solely read history and nonfiction books to find historical basis for my ships. I don't plan on telling anyone the truth since they think I'm a normie. At least I'm good at trivia.

No. 2436097

Kek literally same

No. 2436110

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A oldfriend from university just announced her engagement to her longtime bf on Facebook. Four months ago he groped my roommate at a party that all four of us were at and texted her later that night asking her to come over, and when she brought up his gf he shrugged her off and said the two of them were basically over. She’s the sweetest girl on earth and feel genuinely conflicted about telling her what happened, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t. He also got kicked out of a book club another roommates friend runs because he cheated on his gf at the time with another member. Why must the most hideous evil moids trap the most amazing women in their heinous webs. Dear God please get me out of this tiny ass town so I don’t have to be party to this HS level bullshit.

No. 2436119

Be prepared for her to deny everything and be angry with you, to the point of no longer being your friend. Make sure you have those texts on hand at the very least.

No. 2436142

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if things were to not work out with my current boyfriend, i wholeheartedly believe that i would never make another attempt at dating for the rest of my adult life and instead opt to live alone while taking care of animals. i'm what people would consider a kinsey 5 bisexual in the sense i'm not often attracted to men & generally dislike them, so i wouldn't really go out of my way to find another boyfriend. when it comes to women, i'm so deeply convinced that i'd never be able to find a woman who isn't either a gendie herself or drinks the koolaid and would eventually become a TIF later on.

No. 2436145

I think that's healthy. A good family should be appreciated. Good societies are made up from functional families.

No. 2436248

My college is very diverse with its age range and honestly I can't tell if someone is 18 or 40 anymore kek

No. 2436258

Wrong thread.

No. 2436320

This is fucking gross

No. 2436390

What the fuck. I swear I read a Reddit post about this once about some utter nutjobs who believed never showering was healthy because their skin would build up natural oils or some nasty shit.

No. 2436394

It's true though, it's why most nudists don't bathe, they need a layer of grime/oil to substitute the lack of clothes.

No. 2436396

True but these people wear clothes normally which is even nastier

No. 2436441

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I have a Nazi fetish and it fucking sucks having there very little material to my liking.I can’t fucking take it anymore,I just want more worthwhile fascist fanfics.

No. 2436459

There's scores and scores of WWII footage and they're colorized now what do you mean there's no content?

No. 2436469

Not a fashie fan,I’m sexually interested in Nazi/nazi themed stuff.I want art and writings of them being bound and whipped,maybe even getting dominated by them.I want more fashie fetishization,I want them objectified like the scum they are but I can’t get off to real life Nazis for very obvi reasons.

No. 2436474

Nazis getting bound and whipped sounds good, maybe you're going to have to write those fics yourself though

No. 2436475

you have to write the fic you want to read in this world. get good at writing your own fic and you will never look back

No. 2436481

I haven't spoke to my ex fiance in nearly 10 years. His dad passed away from cancer a year after my step dad died from cancer. My mum bumped into his mum in the shop and his mum is a complete melt and retard and offended my mum by saying we were lucky when my step dad died because it was sudden and unexpected meanwhile they had 2 years to make memories etc with his dad. My mum threw the comment back in her face and since she's such a retard she didn't acknowledge it and instead invited herself round to my mums house. How about fuck off? What would your gay son think and his new wife? Go be friends with your sons wife's family. My ex and his wife made a gofundme for some reason about all of this and it's still up even though he passed in October and now his mum is sniffing around my family for comfort. How about take the gofundme down and go hang out with the inlaws you weird cunts

No. 2436486

Same… army uniforms and bad guys are a huge turn on. It's only natural nazis would be sexy.

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