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No. 2437966

A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.

Previous thread:

Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.

If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:

No. 2437970

Why do most of the posts in the celebricows thread now read like they were written by black strippers?(bait)

No. 2437977

Can you get AIDS/HIV from body fluids that aren't blood and semen? Like if I sneezed on you, could that spread it?

No. 2437978

Thanks for making the new thread! Very cute threadpic as well

No. 2438004

Why are the biggest dickriders of billionaires never other rich people and always lower class retards living off food stamps in their mom's basement?

No. 2438006

Why aren't women into music production as much as men? Why do women prefer drawing over music?

No. 2438008

I guess women are just less interested in it. Though as a learner producer, I don't think any woman wants to join the production scene, moids in music production/audio engineering act like any moids in male-dominated professions. I think there's more female producers out there than meets the eye, they just stay under the radar from it

No. 2438034

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Is it normal to have a seemingly random stabbing pain in your lower abdomen? It alternates sides and doesn’t last longer than about 30 seconds. I’m not too concerned since it happens like once every few weeks and has been going on for years, but thought I’d ask here just in case.

No. 2438037

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I am 25, never had a boyfriend and i am really desperate i just want to fall in love. It has been three months of me searching and failing how do i cope? can it take more than a year to find someone? how do i even cope if it takes that long? in general how do i even cope with having to talk to countless lying/creepy etc moids

i just want to be inlove for once in my life

No. 2438038

Id say its the opposite kek the indie scene is full of women and as for the music and drawing thing ive heard women say it motivates them personally i also like something playing in the back so it isnt boring

No. 2438039

become a yume, 3d moids are shit

No. 2438041

They are, it's just that moids hate that and try their hardest to push women down. Women are actually better at music in general. The drawing thing is because women are more creative then men, who are mostly drones driven by their cocks.

No. 2438043

i wish but idk my brain wants the real thing like i dont think robots / ocs / paid men lmao would suffice. I guess i am not good with suspension of disbelief

No. 2438057

Is Xitter down for anyone else…

No. 2438066

Women are much better at composition and making music actually music. Audio engineering though is male-dominated

No. 2438122

How do you subtly imply you're a terf irl? Clothes, fashion, stickers, color choices, that thing. Has to be something troons can't clock

No. 2438132

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>facebook is not used by anyone under 30 and full of AI slop
>reddit is full of creeps and openly anti-feminist
>celebrities and politicians cling to X despite it being bloated and ruined by muskrat
>tiktok is brainrotted
>discord is closed circlejerks + pedos and groomers
Did you also abandon all these sites, nonnies?
The only thing I slightly regret is when I can't follow cow instagram posts

No. 2438137

It's not like I go out of my way to listen to music only made by men but most of the time it seems like a song is composed by a male, and a lot of bands also seem to be mostly male, so I don't really know. Even most pop music is made by men, while women are usually the ones singing in them.

No. 2438168

I only use Discord for storage all alone lol

No. 2438207

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how do NEETs afford their lifestyle? are they all just financially dependent on their parents/family, receiving government assistance, etc or what

No. 2438209

yes. I sometimes miss facebook because that's where my hobby group posts the meetup calendar, but had to stop using all sm a few years ago. I hate that x now requires you to have an account to view replies, it makes it impossible to read people's butthurt responses and arguments under posts.

No. 2438210

Yes to everything you said

No. 2438215

Only one way to find out…join them

No. 2438216

Yep. Was on neetbux, now living off family until neetbux are reinstated.
I've also read nonas talking about working until they have enough money saved up to NEET, and then subsequently preparing to rejoin the workforce once their savings run down. Rinse and repeat.

No. 2438217

If someone is too disabled to work, are they automatically a NEET, or is there a different classification for NEET by disability?

No. 2438220

We usually call them munchies

No. 2438225

KEK I meant the real ones not the internet attention fakers

No. 2438226

I’m now a NEET, actively searching for another job I quit in 2023 and have been out of school for about two years. I mostly depend on my family, which I really don’t like because I value my independence and having more say in my life, but my NEETdom really is not much of a choice considering the employment options available. I know it seems like an excuse but I seriously want a job, I just truly think the job market in my country (USA) is worse than what’s being reported.

No. 2438228

Because they think they'll one day make it and become the new millionaire and don't want people to hate on them when that happens. They're that delusional. They live vicariously through those millionaires they defend because it's the closest thing they'll ever get to success.

No. 2438230

That's me, and I'm a NEET kek. Some people who are too disabled to work will still attend a college class or community courses, so they technically wouldn't be a NEET. But yes.

No. 2438233

Sorry for male video but he talks about this and iirc interviews women for the answer

No. 2438234

i'd just consider someone disabled if that were the case, i wouldn't call them a NEET since they physically/mentally cannot work

No. 2438245

Am I still allowed to participate in the NEET threads, though?

No. 2438255

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It was my pleasure ♥

No. 2438330

>I hate that x now requires you to have an account to view replies, it makes it impossible to read people's butthurt responses and arguments under posts
use nitter.poast.org or the other nitter instances

No. 2438387

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Are these acceptable to wear outside the house?

No. 2438389

Don't do it, my dad broke his anlkle in them

No. 2438390

Might also give you a hell of an in-grown toenail. In both feet.

No. 2438391

I have this exact pair and I only use them outside if I’m quickly going to the shop for milk of something

No. 2438395

Which shades of white clothing look good on an orangey-brown skintone?

No. 2438410

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No. 2438415

Yes. As long as you're not attending some fancy event nobody cares if you wear crocs

No. 2438432

i wear crocs almost every day in the spring/summer. theyre comfy and easy to throw on and good for the beach, walks, running errands, etc.. i even wear them for easier hikes
The only place i wouldn't wear them is an event you got dressed up for or for long technical hikes

No. 2438440

Is feeling like you're nothing a symptom of borderline personality disorder? By that I mean feeling like you don't know who you are like what your personality is or what your hobbies/likes are not in a depression whole in your chest kind of way.

No. 2438442

Yes, very much so

No. 2438447

Most people in modern society struggle to define themselves, that's why they latch onto consumerism. Detachment can be a side-effect of depression or other things too.
If it's a problem in your life and long lasting, you should examine it deeper but don't let the online definition of some disorders take over your life.

No. 2438449

Unpopular opinion, but any tanned person looks amazing in stark white
Could also be a symptom of many other mental disorders. BPD is more when you constantly base who you are on the people around you, and you constantly switch "yourself" based on who your favorite person is at the time.

No. 2438460

Thanks anons. That's my issue, I had a weird isolated childhood (home educated & other kids just didn't like me) so I'm not sure if I am the way I am because of bpd or if my upbringing just made me weird. I'll probably do some actual research into it and if I think I have it I'll talk to my doctor about it.

No. 2438464

but isn't "fp" mostly an online thing? that's what i've read before.

No. 2438466

where is the next celebricows thread?

No. 2438469

Is it really that bad to look through your partners phone

No. 2438481

Since goth music is associated with vampires, what kind of music do you think werewolves are associated with? Power metal?

No. 2438488


No. 2438498

Track when it happens during your cycle. It could be ovulation pains. Not sure if that's a sign of a cyst or endo.

No. 2438528

Tell me you’re a screen addict without telling me you’re a screen addict.

No. 2438544

Teenage years are very formative regarding the "role" you choose to play in society, so I can definitely see how it would affect negatively the perception you have of yourself. Most people discover the music they like, the fashion they like, and even how they interact with other people during that time. Again, if I were you, I honestly wouldn't jump to conclusions. Sorry to hear that you're struggling though.
Imo even normal people have a fp(usually a significant other, best friend etc) to a certain extend, it only makes sense it's exacerbated by BPD. I would be very curious if you have more information on it though!

No. 2438568

Yeah, pretty much anything that makes you disconnected from society at large will make you feel this way. I have autism, and I have felt so disconnected from my sense of self at times, it made me wonder if I was even alive during my lowest points of depression kek. Your mind isn't like a computer, the smallest shift in brain chemistry gives you hallucinations, and a few genetic markers makes you develop schizophrenia.
Even now if someone asks me to describe myself, I totally blank out and have to text my best friend kek. If you're in your 20s, this is also a very normal experience. You settle into yourself more as you hit your 30s.
Fun fact: there's a really big debate on whether you can diagnose a teenager with a personality disorder because of their ever changing sense of self due to development! It's why people who grew up in less than stable environments can continue to struggle finding themselves into their 20s.

No. 2438580

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I’d like any advice on how I can reconnect with my autistic sister. She lives 500 miles away now so I don’t see her in person much. Most of the family lives closer to me, but she refuses to come visit us because my mom won’t let her two large dogs stay at her house. She says she can’t afford a hotel and she refuses to leave the dogs with a neighbor or friend. On the rare cases that my mom caves and lets her bring her dogs, she and her husband will shut themselves up in a bedroom and not come out except for meals. I came to visit her with my parents one weekend and she acted completely ambivalent to any of us being there. For instance, after a couple hours with her she said she wanted to go home and watch TV, so we dropped her off and did the rest of our activities (taking care of some grandparents’ estate stuff) without her.
If I text her, she won’t text back. If I call her, she won’t pick up. If I keep calling for days, she eventually picks up but it’s like talking to a wall. Any questions I ask get one- or two-word responses, and she won’t ask me a thing or offer anything else up. That’s how it goes with in-person conversations too, the rare times we’re in a situation for that to happen.
We were good friends as kids, and even though she got real aggressive as a teenager, we’d still have friendly conversations pretty regularly. I miss that, but I don’t know how to get her to care.

No. 2438626

I’m going with Gothic metal

No. 2438627

Really cheesy glam rock

No. 2438632

>driving down the street, see a tiny dog just chillin by himself
>get out and go hey you where's your owner, try to get him
>he across the road and slips under a nearby fence in a clearly practiced movement, obviously his yard
Should I have knocked on the owner's door or left a note letting them know their dog is just taking field trips or was I right to keep driving

No. 2438656

Do piercings even totally heal? I had ro remove my nipple piercings for an MRI scan today and I couldn't put them back in just a few hours later, I had to brute force them.

No. 2438664

Why are maples wanting to remove Musks citizenship?

No. 2438682

No, only blood, semen and breastmilk.

No. 2438704

nipple piercings be like that. but yes piercings do heal. however, some people's bodies don't respond well to piercings, even with hypoallergenic type metal in them. Nipple piercings are considered surface piercings and surface piercings always come with a little bit more risk. prone to rejection.

No. 2438714

holy shit you're right

No. 2438721

I see, I've been pierced there for 2.5 years and I was surprised they reacted like that, I'm going to buy a pair of plastic tubes in case I need to remove them again.

No. 2438745

Carry a Harry Potter book?

No. 2438752

The way your body reacts to piercings can be weird. I (somehow) lost one of my helix studs and it fully healed within less than two days, but my earlobe piercings never closed up even after days of being empty.

No. 2438754

No. 2438784

Wait, will nipple piercings really heal/close up that fast? An MRI takes like 40 minutes at most from what I remember.

No. 2438802

How do I increase blood flow in my legs? Only time I'm not on my legs at work is during lunch and I walk five miles to work and back but by the end of the day my legs still feel like freezing off and are a deep, gross purple.

No. 2438840

Woah, that's crazy! Do you have circulation problems? Are your legs swollen?

No. 2438847

What's the best thing to sign up a phone number for if you want spam calls?

No. 2438937

Any cult religions like JW

No. 2438954

What's a good self defence weapon that isn't classified as a weapon?

No. 2438984

OP and I removed them at home before leaving as not to waste time at the lab but I should have done it there (especially since the scan lasted for less than 10 minutes for this exam), I came back a few hours later and they had already started to close up just slightly (or maybe the nipples just relax because they are not forcibly stretched), it doesn't help that the tips of the jewels are blunt and can be hard to align with the holes.

No. 2439013

Okay, wow, that's crazy. Thanks for the info.
Can I ask for some more info on your experience with getting the piercings? I've been thinking of getting nipple piercings for a few years now.
Did it hurt like wayyy too much? Would you do it again if they sealed up? How long did they take to heal? Is there anything you know now that you wish you knew before getting them done?
I've tried doing research on it and man. The answers vary and a LOT of people seem to accidentally tear them out or get sick of waiting for them to heal and remove them.

No. 2439015

Post it on 4chan or Craigslist pretending it's for hookups.

No. 2439037

Ignore the retardation in this and the pseudo science subject matter, but is this an American or Canadian accent? I'm trying to learn the difference between regional accents and to me this sounds Canadian. I hear about pronounced at 0:00-0:02 as aboot.

No. 2439043

Could be, or upper Midwest.

No. 2439045

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Why aren't worms utilized more for breaking down plastic and lowering plastic pollution? Nature literally gave us a way to take care of something man made.

No. 2439046

It was one of the most painful thing I've experienced (but I've never really experienced real intense pain tbh), but it went fast and the piercer was great so it calmed down quickly. My nipples were sensitive for about a week, I would whimper anytime they'd graze something, and chaffing would make them bleed. Avoid any tight clothing and any fabric like lace so they don't get caught in it, and use sport bras.
All in all despite all the pain and the aftercare I'd do it again, it was oddly liberating and it encouraged me to try doing new things. I actually didn't do a ton of research, I just knew it would hurt (although ymmv on the pain threshold depends) and a friend recommended me the studio, I think not looking super deep into it helped me not being nervous.
If you really want to do it go, focus on finding a reliable shop, be careful in the following weeks and be patient, I think it takes approximately a full year to completely heal.
One last thing, I have no idea how nipple piercings factor into sex, if they enhance sensations or if they can be easily ripped off in the act, I'm a virgin so it's better to ask the piercer about that.

No. 2439047

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Get picrel instead as quick outdoor/indoor shoes, more stylish, and safer. Crocs are dated and ugly death traps. The anon hiking in crocs is on borrowed time.

No. 2439048

Nah that's American to me. Canadian accent biggest difference is indeed the "ou" sound in many words, which is leftover pronunciation from old English. I can't find decent videos to demonstrate this properly, but the Canadian sound has a "au" sound, really exaggerated one that doesn't even sound English at first.

No. 2439055

We had a thread for people who you think are ugly right? I can’t remember what its called

No. 2439060

Would a built-in browser VPN like the ones in Opera be safe enough to use when downloading torrents?

No. 2439063

Yeah I wear them all the time, I have Shrek ones. The people who hate them make me laugh kek

No. 2439101

What would happen if one bathed in pickle juice?

No. 2439110

ive been torrenting stuff with no vpn for years and the only thing that ever happened is my dad got an email from our isp in like 2016 because i downloaded a lana del rey song

No. 2439113

Is there a way to find out if an AO3 fanfic has pictures in it? I love reading fanfiction that has fan-art made specifically for it. Is there a tag for that stuff or some telltale sign?

No. 2439124

i thought of a fanfic i loved that had pictures and it had the "illustrations" tag on it

No. 2439148

Thank you ♥

No. 2439242

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Why would someone fraudulently order items to my house I'm so confused it's almost 300 dollars worth of make up bags that I noticed within 20 minutes. Cancelled my card obviously but why send them to me with my own stolen identity. steal my credit card and address and email off some hacked account so I get the order confirmation??? The shein-esque storefront they purchased from hasn't responded to my requests for refund yet so I'm wondering if they're colluding (it has only been a few hours) or something. I am certain my banks going to charge back with vengeance. So why? To give me the impression I have carbon monoxide poisoning? Nonnas help

No. 2439256

same kek I always wonder what the criteria is because I've downloaded really popular titles too. I know some people claim to be getting warnings or fines in the mail but never knew anyone personally who got one.

No. 2439261

How does cheating happen? What leads to it? Asking to use it in a fanfic. My best guess is a relationship crumbling and one of them goes and finds someone new before breaking it off. I'd appreciate more details though.

No. 2439265

same kek I always wonder what the criteria is because I've downloaded really popular titles too. I know some people claim to be getting warnings or fines in the mail but never knew anyone personally who got one.

No. 2439266

I think how it works is the major ISP's have spys taking notes of IP addresses on super popular stuff.
I'm with a smaller provider and years ago we got our service cut off temporarily because I downloaded the first Deadpool movie. I ended up not even watching it in the end. Now I just stream shit, or only torrent anime or other obscure/old stuff.

No. 2439277

Is it possible to have a healthy relationship without ever having sex?

No. 2439281

I think so in theory but in practice it's unlikely for two people to both be uninterested in sex and also not highly autistic or mentally ill in other ways beyond sex.

No. 2439299

what's Lithuania like?

No. 2439303

Sort of like Latvia but different

No. 2439311

Yes, you can have a healthy relationship with your teachers, parents, friends, colleges or your mailman without having sex with them. What an absurd thing to ask.

No. 2439313

Obviously it was talking about romantic relationships or marriage…

No. 2439324

with a man - probably not, lesbians - maybe

No. 2439329

You mean like a platonic friendship, but with foreplay that doesn't lead to anything? I guess i can see why someone with reproductive health issues might be interested in something like that.

No. 2439335

Canadian accent also has a tendency to make "t" sound in the middle of words sound like "d." They'll say "wader" instead of "water" or "header" instead of "heater."

No. 2439384

Is excessive mirroring usually the case of manipulation or a personality disorder? I met an older guy who seemed extremely into me and part of it was that he was mirroring me like crazy. I legit felt like his puppet master because every time I would do a small gesture, he instantly mimic me. I thought it was really cute at the time but now I’m realizing that some people do this to build camaraderie with others quicker. He’s also on his way to becoming a top exec at a young age so the narcissism angle kinda fits.

No. 2439389

Men do that on purpose because they think it will make you like them. Men literally spent their formative years looking up/learning from other men how to manipulate people. Like women watch gossip girl compilations when they're younger or dissertations on twilight, guys look up stupid PUA type how to manipulate and control people shit.

No. 2439421

Sometimes. But maybe they're just retarded and terribly socialised. Or like the other anon, moids.

No. 2439490

Yeah the signs are pointing towards personality disorder. One thing that kinda struck me as odd is that it seems like he looks better in pictures than irl which makes me think he knows how to select his best pictures and add filters which is really weird for a guy bc they tend to be clueless about that kind of stuff. The only guys I know who have super hot pictures online with editing are somatic narcissists.

No. 2439587

Thank you so much for answering my questions. I've been waffling on and off about getting it done for ages (especially because of my shape), so I appreciate it more than you'd think.
I'll probably end up getting them done in a couple years. I want time to prep and move things around so I'm not doing anything too crazy for a couple months after getting them done. (And no worries on the sex thing, we're both virgins here yay kekk.)

No. 2439595

What would the female equivalent to the term chud? Chudette? Or do female "chuds" dont exist

No. 2439611

Are you implying lesbians don't have a sex drive or something? Lol

No. 2439621

I am trying to buy a tshirt and the only size left is XS. What size is that? i am not american.

No. 2439629

Extra small. Smaller than small. The smallest size. Itty bitty small.

No. 2439657

is it a better idea to order a gift for someone right to their address or have it sent to me, and then send it to them? its for a birthday so if i got it sent to me first, i'd be able to do fancy packaging, include a card, etc. i'm just worried because it's a more expensive gift

No. 2439660

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Cmon nonnies please help me, I vividly remember us having a thread for ugly fucks. Direct me to where it is so I can complain about how frumpy Jennifer Veal is

No. 2439663

i know there's the punchable faces thread, is that what you're thinking of?

No. 2439688

how small, like child's size? i am 160cm and 58kg

No. 2439694

they don't have size measurements on the website?

I find adult size S to be a bit baggy, XS would be form fitting but not tight usually , I'm 153cm and 52kg

No. 2439696

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No. 2439724

Goodness, you ladies are so tiny. I'm not taking the piss out of you, but that's like 114lbs, right? Aren't you afraid of someone being able to just walk by and pick you up? Not to run away and kidnap you or anything, but the thought unsettles me kek

No. 2439728

Does anyone know of or have that screenshot of a Sims 2 household with Edward Cullen and Sonic the Hedgehog in it?

No. 2439766

thanks nonnies i aint fitting in that thing then, sad

No. 2439768

Maybe a weird thing to ponder but, do you ever wonder if there are anons who you talk to or respond to on a regular basis? Like if there have been nonnys whos different comments in threads you’ve conversed under more than once without realizing you’re talking to the same person

No. 2439776

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Anons please help, I'm extremely underweight after getting poisoned two weeks ago and I need to get 170-200gr of carbs daily to gain it back healthily. I cannot eat wheat nor lactose, how can I realistically pull this off without stuffing myself??

No. 2439783

Unless it's a sneeze of blood, or semen straight to your membranes and or open wounds, then no.
And the chance of the viral load being high enough is pretty unlikely.

No. 2439787

Am I crazy or is rice a carb? Can you load up on brown rice?

No. 2439790

Does ramen suit your fancy

No. 2439809

I can eat rice just right, 1 cup is 45g carbs which is what I need, but at that point I'd be full and I'll not be able to eat anything else (protein, etc)
Ramen has wheat in it, I can't eat it

No. 2439812

>Somehow sneezing semen and blood straight into someone's open wound.
What an awful mental image kek

No. 2439855

Not quite true! Ramen noodles can be made out of other stuff, like rice.
Unless you're willing to pay up for gluten-free breads and noodles, you're gonna have to max out your rice. The good thing is, rice digests quickly, it's why you're hungry so soon after eating sushi. Either get ramen with rice or mung bean noodles and add eggs or other stuff you can eat to it, or start packing in on the white rice. You can always buy the noodles themselves and cook them in broth at home, too.
Can't you supplement with protein?

No. 2439864

I'm too poor for protein supplements

No. 2439867

Kekk I meant cooking a pack of chicken breasts and throwing diced cook chicken into your meals.

No. 2439920

Can’t you just eat a bar of chocolate or sth

No. 2439948

Sorry if this makes me come off as a total dumbass but if you’re posting from the same IP from different devices are the post histories different? No right

No. 2439952

does it hurt to talk for people with deep voices? i’ve never met anyone with a deep voice who is also talkative. it sounds painful sometimes so maybe it’s hard for them to? or maybe they’re socially conditioned to only say profound sounding things like james earl jones but he also read the whole bible so maybe he’s an exception to the painful thing.

No. 2439957

I don't want to end up on a watch list googling this too much but do female inmates really ever rape other female inmates or is it simply the guards? I keep seeing arguments about "female prison rape" but all the studies about this talk only about the male guards raping them which makes a lot more sense. I get coercing other inmates into doing sexual favors to get something of value in return but actual forced rape sounds outlandish.

No. 2439993

Having a deep voice just means having thick vocal folds. It doesn't hurt or anything. Unless they got their deep voice from a medical condition or smoking or something.

No. 2440103

I used a "permanent" beige hair dye on bleached hair but it says it lasts for 6-8 weeks. How does that work? Will it get lighter over time?

No. 2440120

Sorry for hair color sperging in advance, but is platinum blond a naturally occurring hair color or is it achieved via hair dye only?

No. 2440124

can utis present themselves differently, and can uti symptoms be the same as luteal phase ones?

im having flank pain if i sit up or turn or bend, and i feel feverish/fatigued/brain fog. but i dont have any uti symptoms like burning? my period is in a week, is it that?

No. 2440131

A lot of people have some kind of reflex where they decide they don't understand you and show matching body language before their brains even tried to register what you said. It can be discouraging at times.

No. 2440143

I have all of what you're describing every week before my period starts (plus constant pissing despite testing negative for utis) so yes it could be that

No. 2440159

How to get over autism of thrifting workout leggings? I want pants for the gym, but I want to thrift them but my autism thinking preventing me from buying it. I thrift A LOT but that's something I just cannot get into thrifting.

No. 2440189

its not weird for ur water balance to be affected by periods, but usually its water retention and bloating. as long as you don't suddenly stop peeing all together, get a high fever, funky or painful pee, or severe flank or pelvic pain its probably okay. take some azo pills and drink a ton of water, go to a doctor if its not getting better within like 2-3 days or immediately if you get any of the stuff i listed

No. 2440221

Why do women accept or even prefer a nonvirgin bf/husband? It doesn't make any sense to me. You don't want your nigel to have sex with other women, so why would you want him to have had sex with other women? I don't see any real difference. It's a moid psyop, I swear.

No. 2440245

the percentage of men who are both good looking and a virgin is vanishingly small this day, so the average woman does not waste time limiting her dating pool to only virgins. furthermore past a certain age a man who is interested in dating women but is still a virgin (30+ maybe?) is likely to have a glaring defect in his personality that has prevented him from forming a relationship meaningful enough to advance to sex by his age

No. 2440271

That doesn't actually answer my question, since it doesn't touch upon the principle of the thing.

No. 2440281

Would making a thread about cows who’ve passed away be directed to /snow/ or /ot/ cause it’s technically not discussing milk

No. 2440291

I've had sex with other people. Hell I've had a whole ass fiance. A virgin at this stage in my life is going to be wild insecure about normal milestones

No. 2440297

I didn't accept this. Got myself a gorgeous golden haired virgin. Don't let your dreams be dreams.

No. 2440329

my points mean that virginity isnt something women value in men. it is not worth prioritizing for them

No. 2440331

Except meaningful isn't really the right word here because the majority of men, virgin or no, are fine with having meaningless sex. Starter wife, gf, etc, is a common phenomenon. So it's pretty much like saying that a woman being willing to do it is a vote of confidence for his character even though a huge portion of it are men that lied or misrepresented their intentions.

No. 2440333

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Nonweebs or anyone honestly, does the animu figure I bought look provocative or oversexualized? My bpdemon mom got mad at me and lost her shit because she was drunk and as hell and it’s a long story but she started sperging about how it’s provocative and that she’s spreading her legs but I absolutely cannot read it as anything sexual at all, she’s getting ready to attack. Maybe a normalfag will give me some missing perspective even though I’m schizophrenic about anime girls being sexualized and make a point not to buy any nsfw or even mildly suggestive stuff of them. Am I just desensitized?

No. 2440337

Aigis has a coomery design, nona, but she's not a hentai character. I think normies would find your figurine off putting.

No. 2440340

She does look a bit provocative. Its the tight bodysuit that gets cut off like a swimsuit, and whatever those boots/tights are.

No. 2440341

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Maybe I’m just braindead but I can’t really see it as coomery at all besides the roboboobs which I admit is a bit too much, but would normalfags even read it as that being her skin? If this really is the collective consensus then I’m fucked I guess. I feel like there are robot characters with a lot more coomery designs like Kos-mos.

No. 2440399

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There's a tournament coming up for a game I enjoy. I typically do things alone but I can't help but feel as though I shouldn't with something like this… but I also don't have anyone to go with. Is this a bad idea?

No. 2440422

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Someone replied to my post >>2440221 and it was a good response, but when I went to read it again it was deleted.

No. 2440426

Samefag, I’m asking for other anons inputs before I try to upload the second attempt at a “Lolcow graveyard” thread because I didn’t wanna upload it in /ot/ and then get criticized for discussing cows outside of cow boards, but it felt more appropriate to discuss the deaths of cows, our relationships with them, how their deaths made us feel, etc on /ot/ because if we were to go ahead with posting it in /pt/ or /snow/ it would constantly be saged and only bumped when a cow dies, and I felt like it would be more interesting if we were able to have more open conversations about them

No. 2440444

Kek, that was me. I think I said there's a virulent homosocial monoculture among men and how they relate to sex. Under ideal/healthy circumstances there'd be way more diversity of behavior and preference, less pressure (intrinsically and socially) to have sex, alternative forms of intimacy would be normalized and accepted, etc. Since people don't like feeling disempowered it's just easier to accept or even embrace the status quo and ignore the illusion of choice involved.

A dude that has the option will probably fuck even a woman he hates or doesn't respect, so what does it say that no woman has wanted to fuck him? It's an awful status quo, tbh. But in any case there's massive amounts of awful, prolific fuck boys so I don't put much stock in it.

No. 2440451

If Hawaii became an independent country, do you think they could succeed in making Hawaiian the official and majority spoken language instead of English?

No. 2440466

It would go in /ot/. There's already a thread for discussing lolcows so I don't think anyone would get mad at you >>>/ot/2439369

No. 2440500

How the hell do people esp moids stay obsessed with women who rejected them decades ago? How does time not make them forget or at least have something else to do? The max I've taken to forget a rejection of any kind is like a year or two.
>inb4 not everyone is like you you special
Yeah that's why I'm asking.

No. 2440551

hm, maybe a few possibilities. that person is obsessed with the idea of someone or objectifies them and ignores reality (limerence). or maybe showing that vulnerability for once and being shut down made them hyperfixate because they have little respect for the rejection (entitlement, control, or ego issues).

No. 2440563

Could be that they had more in common/got along better with that one person than anyone else before or after, and that it stings to know they are unlikely to find another great match like that.

No. 2440567

I mean, I like this too as a teen with crushes, but it was just two years max before I moved on. Do they have literally nothing else in their life

No. 2440589

How tf do people end up getting doxes wrong? Like, obsessed and useless. I've had trannies attempt to dox me, one somehow concluded I live in Mississippi and another that I lived in Luxembourg, meanwhile I'm all the way on the other end of the globe, didn't even get the continent right. I didn't even have a VPN on at the time?

No. 2440880

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Why does my hair feel so soft and shiny right as it's starting to smell because I haven't washed my hair in 10 days because of depression? How do I replicate this effect without living like a hobo?

No. 2440889

The stuff you’re washing your hair with is too harsh. Use sulfate-free products and don’t shampoo as often. My hair’s curly so I use curlsbot to pick products that don’t dry out or build up in my hair.

No. 2440924

Why do we have to learn how to walk if bipedalism comes naturally to us? Would a child that never gets taught how to learn to do it anyways, just later or something?

No. 2440942

Most children walk on their own by copying adults standing on both legs. It's why they grab things and pull themselves up (and why furniture that isn't bolted down is a hazard, televisions being the #1 source of crush deaths in children). But in children raised by animals, while they might not necessarily walk on their own, they still use their bipedalism in other ways, like to stand and reach for things.
You also see this in some animals. Cats don't walk, but my cat will sit and stand on his back legs to reach for things, while our other two cats have never done.

No. 2440949

I don’t think they would be able to successfully make it the official language unless it was already the majority spoken language, and I think Hawaii’s economy is too dependent on English-speaking tourism for that to happen.

No. 2441009

Hello nonas. I've had a Nexplanon contraceptive implant in for 13 years (had it replaced every 3 years). I first got it in because I was told it may stop my periods and it did. Continued to get rid of them for my entire adult life until 6 months ago where I started bleeding nonstop. Was very resistant to getting it removed but I just finally went through with it this afternoon. I imagine having a normal cycle again is going to be an adjustment and I know very little about it. Please could you recommend any resources you use such as tracker apps, podcasts, or books pertaining to the menstrual cycle?

My old therapist recommended "28 Days Ish Later" which is a BBC podcast and it's full of retarded pandering gendie stuff and patronising language like "ishy squishy" and pizzicato strings and posh Radio 4 types of people and I just can't stand it.

No. 2441011

Maybe not the majority spoken language, but it could become the prestige language in a diglossic situation. Perhaps it wouldn't be spoken on the streets or in casual settings, but it could be the language of instruction for upper education, the language of the arts like in songs and theater productions, and the language spoken in the political realm.

No. 2441042

this might be a weird question coming from a non amerifag but why do black people in America refer to themselves as "african american" ? ive never seen someone say Italian american and they started immigrating in the 1800s rather than the Africans who were brought as slaves way before that id say they are more american than the recent irish or italian immigrants. ive been corrected many times by my english american teacher whenever i say black american and not african american. it sounds so complicated to say both words why cant i just refer to them as american? or is it like calling Hawaiians american? although i think its because of racisms too can a amerinona elaborate why my teacher keeps correcting me

No. 2441051

why are cats associated with women and dogs associated with men?

No. 2441057

>ive never seen someone say Italian american and they started immigrating in the 1800s
KEKKK you must not know any Italian-Americans. They bring up that they're Italian without having to be asked. Anyway, to answer your question: "African-American" is the politically correct term to refer to the descendants of slaves. Your teacher has corrected you to say "African-American" rather than "Black-American" because the former has less chance to offend a party than the latter.

The evolution of what black people in America were referred to as went: Nigger > Negro > Colored > African-American

So in short: "African-American" is the most neutral term. "Black" can still be seen as pejorative, especially when used by members outside the black race.

No. 2441065

because cats are reserved and like boundaries and they are far more cleaner ( which is equated to femininity) and dogs are bred for hunting and like to get dirty (which means they are for moids) both are retarded i like both cats and dogs moids always need to project their insecurities on animals (like how they act with the lion and the wolf) and it stems from misogyny

No. 2441068

Because most of people (80-95%) are very retarded and so they say and think all sorts of crazy things and then us normal smart people have to pay the price

No. 2441070

>the most neutral term.
ooh thank you! i didnt even know that.

No. 2441076

Is there a way to find someone's phone number if I know their email address and their Tumblr, Twitter, Tik Tok handles?

No. 2441086

Check the snooping thread

No. 2441150

So the internet says my car engine needs 5w30 engine oil but the car mechanic wrote down he put 10w40 in it. Can I safely assume 10w40 is the right thing to put into it?

No. 2441164

Cars are killing the planet

No. 2441199

No, not a good idea. A quick google search confirms this. I would also check your car manual instead of the internet, because the site you found may have incorrect information.

No. 2441263

What is the word for when someone is behaving gross and sexual? It would be said like “You’re being ____” and the word I’m looking for is not predatory.

No. 2441265

Obscene, perverted, lewd, etc..

No. 2441266


No. 2441291


No. 2441333

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i still get frequent acne in my t-zone at 30, should i see a derm or a hormone specialist?

No. 2441355

Why do elderly people with no teeth do that thing where they chew on nothing? Is it just because they're not used to having so much empty space in their mouth, so they're trying to get their gums to touch?

No. 2441378

Why do i look like a ghoul when i look at the mirror in my school's bathroom but normal in my house's bathroom? i look either normal or genuinely scary as fuck depending on the mirror i look at and its driving me crazy.

No. 2441386

It be ghosts

No. 2441387

The lightning.

No. 2441393

But how do i know how to look to other people then?

No. 2441470

What color are gummies without food coloring?

No. 2441473

It doesn't really matter. You care about how you look and nitpick your face in different lighting/angles. Other people don't do that - they're not studying your face obsessively, they mostly have a memory of how you look and their brain just fills it in. If someone sees you in harsh lighting vs. soft lighting they don't give it more than a moment's consideration and it doesn't really affect their overall image of you.

No. 2441474

You never will.

No. 2441495

Probably just clear like plain gelatin.

No. 2441499

Why do gendies always have those ugly micro bangs or the most hideous wolf cut it is as if that's a requirement

No. 2441507

>Micro bags
Ita bags? I have no idea which bag you're talking about

No. 2441510

Bangs… she said "bangs", nona.

No. 2441513

I have dlysecia it seems

No. 2441522

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I think it's a humiliation fetish thing, Grimes likes to have those bangs and she enjoys making people angry w her appearance

No. 2441524

No worries, I got you.

No. 2441526

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No. 2441528

In-group behavior and identification. Because they all have it they can identify with each other and feel like they're part of the group.

No. 2441539

It's a very surface-level idea of a quirky alt haircut and gendies aren't usually imaginative.

No. 2441558

Because people are retards but also they don't even get it right. Female dogs are associated with women because they're protective, petient and more intelligent then the males, but it's also where the misogynist slur came from (because moids hate anything that's good).

It's weird because cats are better hunters and the males will violently rape the females (and I'm not even sure if the males raise the kittens?), and dogs are generally better at understanding things and working in groups (which would be a female quality) so it doesn't make sense. It's probably more of a "cat small and weaker = woman" and "dog bigger and stronger = male", which may also be the reason why many moids don't see small dogs as proper dogs.

No. 2441559

I found the maintenance history booklet and they've been topping it up with 10w40 for years and years so I think it'll be okay, thanks.

No. 2441588

Why do TIMs constantly say they face higher rates of sexual assault? Do normie moids even want to touch them yet assault them? Are there any stats on this or is it just a way to oneup women?

No. 2441607

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>constantly say

No. 2441630

It’s their literal fantasy nonna.
The prostitutes ones are the ones being killed, by other men, mainly because they are faggots in denial who don’t want to be outed. The white tranny transbians has more privilege and safety than your average woman, he’s actually the one doing the raping most of the time kekk.

No. 2441635

They love claiming that they are the “women of the women”, these scrotes have zero shame. It’s disgusting and I hope they all die, I’m tired of their bullshit.

No. 2441647

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>It’s their literal fantasy nonna.
Troons love movies about sex trafficking and war movies involving mass rape for this reason. 99% of troons have made a video recording of themselves being fake-raped while looking and sounding like picrel

No. 2441653

Some groups of men face higher levels of sexual violence than the monolith of women but still suffer less than their cohorts

e.g. 1/3 of bisexual men vs 1/4 of women vs 1/2 of bisexual women report sufferring sexual violence.

Female tips still get assaulted more

No. 2441660

What they don't tell you is that most men who aren't chronically online incels or super religious prefer non-virgins too. Women are just more obvious about this because a virgin man equals to a loser with low social status and normie women care a lot about social status. Men with a lot of female orbiters also attract more women. The idea behind this is that, oh look this guy can get laid, that means he is popular and has strong social skills, he is charismatic and other women adore him, this signals me he must be an interesting and fun person, I need to have him! But if he is a virgin then she'll think that ew wtf, other women avoid and reject him, he must be a total red flag weirdo, surely he's hiding shit from me. You can see this happen when women discover their bf was trying to hook up with other women, but he kept getting ghosted and she doesn't know if she feels more offended cause he's trying to cheat or cause nobody else wants him lol. It's a bit of an ego thing too, most people don't want to date what would be perceived as the undesirable, discarded, socially inept person.
And another thing is that, from a male pov a woman being a virgin is seen as a choice, especially if she's well put together, because they believe a woman could get laid whenever she wanted, so she's not as much of a loser, she just sticks to her principles but we as women realize that men are extremely lustful, and it's very unlikely that they would abstain from sex, therefore if a guy is still a virgin at 20+ then there must be something wrong with him.

No. 2441680

Are luigifags still simping after luigi or have they all turned on him?

No. 2441693

Hormonal acne is usually more on the jaw. So I’d say see a derm. You might just need to change your diet though

No. 2441701

Half and half. Some abandoned the thread and some just coped and mental gymnasticed as hard as possible while accusing the former of all being one person/moids/kiwifags/whichever other boogeyman that opposes pooigi

No. 2441718

Wait. Why have they turned against him

No. 2441720

Any quick rituals or ways to manifest better luck? Ideally stuff that doesnt require a lot of things to perform. I'm having a bad time lately I need to do something

No. 2441726

he went to a tranny sex bar in thailand, got beat up by said trannies and has pokemon cards of japanese porn stars

No. 2441727


No. 2441733

why does british shorthair cats' fur make them look so chubby? is it thickness or something

No. 2441746

What is being "in love" to you?

I'm trying to understand if I have a different definition because people that I know are surprised when I say that I was genuinely very in love with my college boyfriend of 2.5 years. Not because of him in particular but I think because they think 2.5 years of being together isn't long enough to be truly in love with someone. Which is confusing because I feel like I fell in love with him pretty quickly, like within the first few months (we were friends before, not strangers js).

No. 2441747

Stop talking to weirdos and don't take their opinions seriously

No. 2441748

If a troon gets raped, it has absolutely nothing to do with them being a troon, but everything to do with them being prostitutes and coming from dangerous environments, as well as domestic violence that literally isn't much different from what a typical gay man dating a downlow man who doesn't want to admit that he is gay will experience. The only troons who are at serious risk imo are the minors for the same reasons any minor in a hypersexualised community would be at risk. Agps who bang on about rape do it for their misogyny fetish. It's part of delusion that women don't understand how amazing being a woman is because we cannot appreciate being hypersexualised the way agps can and they often brazenly dismiss misogyny even when it pertains to women in 3rd world countries being forced to marry so their parents can get a goat. They can't stand the fact that they will never experience rape because to them it signals that a woman is sexually desirable. Notice how men perpetuate the myth that ugly women and children can never get raped. Agps believe this myth. If they claim they are more at risk of getting raped than women, they also claim they are more sexually desirable than women. It also gets them sympathy from idiot libfems who don't do their research just as the lie that they are victims of genocide and allows them to continuously live out their fetish as dumb people scared to be accused of bigotry will treat them like the ultimate victims.

No. 2441753

These aren't weirdos, most of them are family or friends.

No. 2441755

You're in a dangerous situation. I pray for you

No. 2441759

Most anons seethed about anons thirsting over him without any evidence to begin with, even though worse moids have been thirsted over in /g/ constantly. I don't get the moral fagging over luigi anons at all even if he is a weirdo. All moids are like that and nobody is meeting him.

No. 2441777

Has anyone here gone tanning at a salon? How was your experience? Any tips? I just got a membership today.

No. 2441782

Tanning will age and wrinkle your skin prematurely. You're speedrunning skin damage.

No. 2441785

I'm not concerned. I live in an area with pretty much no sun.

No. 2441786

>without any evidence to begin with
Evidence of what?

No. 2441797

Should I get into reading? I havent picked up a book (for leisure, not including textbooks for uni) since I was like 11-12. I’m a little scared.

No. 2441803

Can't answer your question because my only love is my husbando and I don't think it would count or compare, but I think your friends and family may have a more traditional outlook on this matter, which is why they think 2.5 years isn't enough to vet someone out and see their true colors, go through all kinds of situations, thick and thin, to see what they're made of and if they're truly compatible with you and worth being with.

No. 2441814

It's the best thing ever. I love tanning beds! They cure my seasonal affective disorder. When you go tanning, it's like you get high off of the Vitamin D. I like the look of being tanned, nothing makes me feel more confident and happy.

When you first start, you have to go really low. Say 4 minutes. After doing 2-3 sessions at 4 minutes, you can do 2-3 sessions at 5 minutes, then 6 minutes, and so on until you gt to 12-13 minutes. You have to take it slow and make sure you don't burn, because if you burn you lose your tan and have to start over. It can be annoying for the first while, but trust the process and take it very slow.

Make sure you buy a dedicated lotion for after tanning and before tanning, plus a tanning lotion to use when you go into the bed. The trick to a good sun tan is to be as moisturized as possible. With moisturized skin, you'll get the best tan possible. Never go into the tanning bed without lotion. Lotions will either be accelerators, meaning they're formulated to make the tan come in faster, or they'll be accelerators with bronzer, which does the same thing except it has a bronzing tint built in so you look more bronzed after the tan. I prefer those without bronzer. Tanning also clears up any acne or blemishes you have, so if you struggle with acne, you won't be for much longer.

Don't go overboard! Once you get up to the full time mark, you just have to go once or twice a week to maintain the tan. No matter how many more times you go, you won't get any darker anyway.

Have fun and enjoy it!

No. 2441815

Yeah it's good for your brain. If you're worried just pick something light to start with, maybe a short story collection, something from a "beach reads" type of list, or something you've already seen a movie of

No. 2441822

Yes. Some shorter "classics" are Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, and Flowers for Algernon. You can also read short story collections if you'd prefer. I personally like Ray Bradbury, though he is sci-fi. If you'd prefer a female author, there's Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Left Hand of Darkness. Agatha Christie is a known classic for a reason, she does mysteries and detective stories.
Don't be afraid to read books for "younger" audiences, like The Chronicles of Narnia, or Roald Dahl. Of course reading things you remember is enjoyable as well, I revisited A Series of Unfortunate Events and Goosebumps recently.

No. 2441894

i don't think it's all moralfagging (except for the ones placing emphasis on the shooting) it's mostly just laughing at their cringe behavior and headcanons

No. 2442190

Seconding this question

No. 2442201

If you mean the moralfagging over wanting to fuck a male at all, I agree. Some UMPOfags did get annoying.
But most of the hate towards luigifags seems to have come from them being annoying sometimes outside of containment, and more recently because they were acting like pathetic pickmes, for example when he was revealed to have yellow fever and they started to hate Asian women, or when they were in denial about him being a sex tourist. Or getting suicidal over him not replying to their letters.

No. 2442217

Why are there new Kardashian episodes, I thought they retired at least twice from reality tv. They all look and act like late-stage male breadtubers, who is watching this

No. 2442225

Can someone please explain to me what AlogsSpace is? Is it a splinter of this site? I only just found out about it very recently.

No. 2442242

More like a splinter of 8chan, i was surprised it still exists when people here started talking about it.

No. 2442313

When technology advances enough and you can easily generate movies what would you create?

No. 2442329

I will be objectifying men.

No. 2442330

Husbando and me adventures and ofcourse yaoi of my favorite ship.

No. 2442334

Is there a good video on the Blake Lively thing? I've seen some, but they're a bit one-sided and I'd like to get the full picture. So far I've seen the press releases for the movie and I found her so unlikable in those but there's got to be more to the story. Please help a nonny out

No. 2442343

I will kill reality by making fake historical footage, reports and interviews. People will forget that facts used to exist.

No. 2442347

You've already been beat to that

No. 2442376

What's the difference between sociopaths and psychopaths?

No. 2442382

Apparently sociopaths are made and psychopaths are born.

No. 2442395

Well I'll give you the formal definitions. Sociopaths allegedly went through some severe trauma when they were kids and turned into violent, impulsive, dysfunctional delinquents who don't give a shit about others, basically a lack of empathy. They're the guys who do awful shit and end up in prisons. They are very disordered. Some of them can learn to behave like a normal person though, but it takes effort.
Psychopaths on the other hand are simply born with no empathy or very limited empathy, they're not more impulsive or crazy or angry than the average person. They just don't care about you, they only look for themselves. If they have a desire to succeed that also means that they can be more manipulative and step on the back of other people, cause they feel no guilt. Also psychopaths can have a moral compass, and most of them don't want to like, torture people kek, although it's true that if they happen to have an interest for the macabre they'll find a way to bring their fantasy to life. But imo, those are just outliers.
I'll add narcissists to the mix cause they also lack empathy and can be very horrible cruel individuals, however narcissists are driven by their ego and the desire to be validated by others and are more likely to have unhealed trauma too. Psychopaths love themselves too much to give a shit about someone's else opinion about them.

No. 2442436

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Fellow Sylvanian owner nonas, how do you dust them? I try to wipe mine clean with tissues or my sleeves but the last remains of dust just doesn't wanna go away

No. 2442551

No one knows. They just keep forcing themselves on us. I watched one of the new episodes out of curiosity/hate and it was extremely boring and trashy. I'm not sure they will ever go away.

No. 2442587

does anyone know of forums that discuss suicide methods. Please.

No. 2442602

Try a moist cloth. That usually helps.

No. 2442682

I dread the day this comes but probably my characters come to life.

No. 2442702

I would be the Woody Allen of shitty AI slop movies. I would just give myself a qte guy 10 years my junior and the whole movie will be an ego stroke about how nlog and intelligent i am.

No. 2442747

Same. I would bring my daydreaming fantasies from when I was 9 or 10 to life.

No. 2442765

I want to make league of legends youtube videos. Would it be dumb if I used a voice changer so people think I'm a moid? I can handle comments, rude ones but I cannot handle misogynistic comments, I get super angry and tell people to die, kek.

No. 2442775

Can someone please give me the link to that junkochan imageboard? I could’ve sworn I bookmarked it but I can’t find it anymore

No. 2442804

Before my ex broke up with me I forgot my shampoo as his house and during an incredibly stupid twist of events a few months later we met again and I hooked up with him. Yeah I know, retarded, but my shampoo was left in the same place in the bathroom, untouched. I didn't say anything to himbut I don't understand why he didn't get rid of it?

No. 2442805

I don't know any forums like that, but there exists a book that might have what you're looking for, it is called Suicide and Attempted Suicide: Methods and Consequences by Geo Stone. It provides academic insights and statistics. You should be able to download pdf at archive.org.

No. 2442810

Here you go anon this one is a forum though but they do discuss specific methods. https://sanctioned-suicide.net/

No. 2442818

thank you nonnies

No. 2442821

I know a guy who kept his ex gf's toothbrush for five years.

No. 2442831

Nona, are you okay? I'm crossing my fingers that this is for writing purposes or something.

No. 2442862

kek sorry nonny

No. 2442869

men don't pay attention to details and they don't clean their spaces the same way women do. He probably just didn't even think about it.

No. 2442888

Nta but thank you, I don't wanna attempt but just in case

No. 2442923

Is there a thread for spoonfeeding requests?

No. 2442926

Correct. I'm sharing an apartment with men right now and my bedroom is the only one that doesn't reek; I can smell theirs from the corridor.

No. 2442954

Don't do it it's not worth it. Life is worth living.

No. 2443102

Does being a housewife with extremely minimal responsibilities count as being a NEET?

No. 2443118

It's junku, not junko.

No. 2443121

Didn't the actual site get taken down years ago? Is this something like PULL 2.0/3.0? Or am I thinking of the subreddit?

No. 2443174


Can you elaborate any further?

Also, what is Junkuchan?

No. 2443187

File: 1741896296185.png (35.92 KB, 500x500, 8e4c4045f8faa8bf4e159dc2485baa…)

a junk imageboard dont look it up its very bad

No. 2443188

Newfags don't know what lurking means anymore

No. 2443196

No, be a woman and upfront about how you hate men, then let their retard moid fights in the comments fuel you in the algorithm to new heights
Just don't actually read the comments

No. 2443197

Stop asking to be spoon fed and learn board etiquette. Why are there so many newfags that are obviously transplants coming here and asking about other boards? Why are other anons answering those questions too?

No. 2443206

Do you own anything that reminds you of lolcow?

No. 2443234

Maybe more appropriate for the random questions thread?

No. 2443235

A figure that looks like Elsie

No. 2443255

File: 1741898507906.jpg (197.91 KB, 1080x840, 1000015237.jpg)

They missed their chance to nab a virgin in high school and mold him into the perfect man, and so must live with the scraps of a fully formed young adult.
But statistically Gen Z has more virgins in general.

No. 2443258

I made a shrinkydink Keychain of the Newfag Elsie picture back when i got a minor ban for asking if the /pt/ stood for Psycological Tourture but it smudged because I didn't seal it properly

No. 2443273

I made a small clay elsie a while ago but never cooked her. She maybe melted by now.

No. 2443281

How the hell do conspiracy theorist Facebook retards find this site istg.

No. 2443288

>You can see this happen when men discover their gf was trying to hook up with other men, but she kept getting ghosted and he doesn't know if he feels more offended cause she's trying to cheat or cause nobody else wants her lol.
I thought in your fantasy scenarios when she cheats, it works too well and then you get to be a sad horny cuck while ~she gets fucked by so many other guys~. At least that is believable, you sound like you're grasping at straws now and it's really sad to witness

No. 2443307

Nice bait

No. 2443308

Maybe you can save her

No. 2443322

Is it possible to do a 2000 assignment in 12 hours no sleep

No. 2443325

With ChatGPT in your side

No. 2443327

Do I just need to rearrange chatgpt's wording to make it less obvious that I used it?

No. 2443332

Just actually reread it or type it yourself onto a different form so you can naturally fix any fuckups. Then pass it through one of those Ai checker things.

No. 2443334

File: 1741902067965.png (22.11 KB, 152x333, Screenshot 2025-03-13 143629.p…)

What is the difference between "best" "hot" and "top"? Would those not all be basically the same posts?

No. 2443362

I believe hot is just posts that are gaining traction recently, and top posts are the most upvoted posts from a certain amount of time.

No. 2443371

but wouldn't that be what rising is? i don't understand reddit lol

No. 2443394

Apparently rising is posts that are about to blow up, hot is posts that have blown up

No. 2443395

ntayrt but the anon she responded to is the actual bait (especially using "femcel" unironically kek)

No. 2443401

There are anons who refuse to read the original post and accuse the person replying of bait or saying crazy things, instead of just reading to find out what the anon is referring to. I don't even know what to call this other than aggressive/hostile illiteracy but there's definitely more than one of them

No. 2443408

Sex movies of every male actor I'm attracted to under the guise of indie "art", with me as his love interest

No. 2443416

>but the anon she responded to is the actual bait
Try reading the post that anon was responding to

No. 2443419

File: 1741905784259.jpg (31.8 KB, 381x382, 1648197591065.jpg)

How do i know if i am bothering people or if its just brain worms? i am acquaintances with some people and i would like to get closer but i feel they dont like me.

No. 2443445

What evidence do you have of them disliking you? Just a vibe?

No. 2443472

I really want to know, what's wrong with 16-22 year olds? Some of these people look like they're in their 40's. Looking like middle aged parents of three going through a crisis. Are they okay? I saw a 21 something guy with a full on beard, balding and a big ol gut with sand paper skin. I saw a 15 year old in club attire looking like she's been smoking for 30.

No. 2443473

they walk in front of me together and leave me behind

No. 2443474

drugs and vaping

No. 2443490

Since I try to avoid teenagers on purpose due to instinctual fear, I can only assume that >>2443474 is the right answer.

Srsly, I think it might be vaping, not leaving their houses at all/getting sun and maybe their junk food intake. For girls, it could also be that the usage of make-up way too young (and I mean adult make-up not those harmless little sparkly lip balms at like age 12) and really drying their skin/fucking it up. Plus, if you live in a place where weed is legal and easy to obtain, they're probably smoking enough to age them prematurely. I've read that a few anons say that early and sustained adderall use can alter looks as well so maybe that's something since doctors are giving that out like candy now or even SSRIs and anti-psychotica that are prescribed too young. Anti-psychotics in particular can commonly cause weight gain (ranging from a few pounds to 20+ pounds).

No. 2443503

Not OP but this reminded me of my own question: how did people in the past not age as badly despite smoking a whole lot more?

No. 2443504

Depression kek. It aged me when I was their age

No. 2443514

Yeah I ruined my whole face in the span of four years just because of depression and dealing with retards. Eye bags from constantly staying up or just from rubbing your face after crying can cause you to go full pete davidson and its a pain in the ass to reverse the damage without causing something else to pop up.

No. 2443518

File: 1741912049308.jpg (215.58 KB, 1088x802, which shoe.jpg)

I'm going to a wedding at the end of this month and I'm stuck on what color shoe to get that would look good on both dresses. Wdyt? Also, is the blue dress suitable for a wedding or is the coloring too white?

No. 2443520

Obviously? It's 2000 words, not a novel.
Why would you need to use ChatGPT for something so simple?

No. 2443522

This, and poor diet since it seems to me that a lot of zoomies eat processed garbage that has little to no nutritional value.

No. 2443528

I would go for the black dress and the black shoes, its a safe combination, but the white shoes with the black dress would look nice too.

No. 2443531

nude colored shoes maybe?

No. 2443534

This is a big one. When people don't eat enough protein, their muscles atrophy. This includes facial muscles. They all look tired and saggy because of the constant drying effect of nicotine, but also because there so malnourished that their facial muscles are failing to support the shape of their face and features.

No. 2443535

absolutely. you can definitely do it in less than 12 hours (the time will vary depending on if you have to do research and such etc etc) but it's 100% doable

No. 2443536

How the heck do people contact for high school reunions? A lot of people delete or abandon their old accounts/emails/change address etc. Finding someone to invite them decades later should classified as an achievement worthy of an award kek

No. 2443550

I imagine in cities it's harder to do than in small to mid-sized towns.

No. 2443556

Only cows that peaked in high-school take some moments of their time to look for the greasy teenagers they studied with back then for the sake of checking how they are doing nowadays.
I think it's a huge redflag, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the retards into high-school reunions are just huge ass nostalgiafags that want to see their former peers as losers.

No. 2443557

Facebook nowadays My 10 year anniversary came and went. I would rather die than set foot in my high school again kek

No. 2443575

You were bullied in HS, werent you?

No. 2443596

@ esl nonas do you use 'lol' and the like when texting in non-english?

No. 2443599

I'd be okay with meeting some of my high school peers even though I was nowhere close to popular. They'd have to hire a PI to find me though (or vice versa) I'm far far away kek

No. 2443601

File: 1741916552952.jpg (82.65 KB, 564x453, 40f5dfade7050cebda17f39f9efa52…)

How do I stop self sabotaging? How do I stop doomscrolling? How do I build discipline? Why cant I fucking do anything other 26 year olds can do?

No. 2443602

are americans truly, on average, sheep brained? for the past year i keep seeing americans buying those huge 2 door fridges that can house enough food for a family of 10 and its like … why? just why? do they see others buying expensive huge fridges and they think i need that gimmick too?

No. 2443604

At least half of Americans are retarded, thus can be brain washed. I swear we get chemical lobotomies from the shit we eat

No. 2443607

…Why use a big refrigerator as an example? every family i know has one and theyre packed full of food. im confused. and im pretty sure mindless people buy into gimmicks and trends all across the globe.

No. 2443609

Sadly, yes. But it depends on who I'm talking to and whether they know what lol means or not.

No. 2443610

Legitimately just get a job

No. 2443614

We had a Facebook group for our grad class (mainly to plan graduation/prom parties and shit back then) and someone just randomly posted in it one day asking who’s interested in a 10yr reunion and they planned it that way. Not sure if it ever happened, didn’t look like too many people were interested kek

No. 2443726

File: 1741931349735.jpg (237.46 KB, 930x1200, 1690269241491.jpg)

>trippy skeleton
what did you get?

No. 2443729

>pretty fairy
>result: lose hair
Horrifyingly accurate.

No. 2443737

Can you really get cancer from anachanning out?

No. 2443739

anorexia and bulimia both increase the risk of esophagus cancer. and probably other cancers too but thats the one i remember

No. 2443740

You can get it from bulimia. Christina Randall from prison yt has to get checked every year for esophageal cancer and has like a 50% higher chance of getting it from her bulimia years

No. 2443760

Sparkly ballerina and arthritis. Darn. I mean, checks out considering the history of arthritis in my family kek. Seeing the other medical shit is depressing though, wtf.

No. 2443761

Bulimia probably more thanks to all that acid

No. 2443793

Couture Tea (cute kek) and Heart Attack. Some of the "diet results" are not anywhere near the same thing though kek like losing friends is apparently just as bad as all sorts of awful health problems and even death?
Really anorexia does? I never knew that, bulimia makes sense because of the bile and acid but damn.

No. 2443795

not eating can cause acid reflux which could in turn damage the esophagus, thats what i figure

No. 2443796

Nonnas is the tranny bullshit ever going to end? Not in the sense of eradicating it but will the government stop pandering to these retards? I’m just afraid that it will double down after Trump.
I don’t care about TIFs, self hating pickmes have always existed , but it’s the TIMs who pose a threat to women. We can’t even unionize or make spaces specifically for us without allowing males, which defeats the purpose of a women’s space in the first place.

No. 2443799

Might be a conjecture but if it weren’t for trans shit we would be actually fighting and protesting Roe vs Wade,

No. 2443821

Yeah the acid reflux from prolonged starvation and restriction can be almost identical to the acid reflux you get from bulimia, oddly enough. I guess perhaps your stomach doesn't want the food either way and wants to get rid of it

No. 2443897

File: 1741953967389.png (210.42 KB, 1144x1464, sad cece.png)

I want to lose weight but i struggle with binge eating, any tips? i have been weighing myself for a few months and my weight tends to oscillate between 70-73kg. I dont want to be fatty anymore.

No. 2443905

You need something to give you whatever it is binge eating does for you. If you do it in response to emotional distress, find another way to manage those feelings. If you do it when bored or understimulated, find an activity that helps you alleviate that. When I get really into a game or project, I'll go so far as accidentally skipping meals to keep playing. Healthy? No, but it's an example of what I mean.
You should drink a lot more water, it will help give you a feeling of being full. Be careful of overhydration (when your pee runs clear), that's not good for you either!
Every time you are going to eat, eat a bowl of vegetables first. If you struggle with prepping that much veggie, buy bags of frozen vegetables. Take a big bag of mixed veggie/broccoli/corn out of the freezer, cook it, boom, that's like 10 bowls of veggies for you to have in your fridge.

No. 2443992

damn are you me? same weight even!

No. 2444024

I'm not a binge eater but I have some knowledge about overcoming addiction. The way I understand it is that binge eating is a kind of addiction. Any addiction is a cause to an underlying problem you might have. The addiction isn't the root of the cause itself, it's what you're reaching out to as a coping mechanism, to fill a void.

I think you need to figure out what is making you want to fill that void in yourself, because if you overcome the binge eating addiction you might jump to another one like anorexia, or even something like social media addiction/ doom scrolling. It's sounds silly but really think about your life and do some soul searching to find out what might be still hurting you. It could be trauma, or problems that you thought you had fixed by just not thinking about them. In this case therapy could help to first fix the root of the problem. What the other nona said also sounds really helpful for fixing your binge eating in the moment.

No. 2444042

File: 1741963910747.png (846.7 KB, 768x1024, FfIFPFl.png)

do you think Ariel Winter regrets breast reduction?

No. 2444047

why would she? she isnt suffering in pain anymore

No. 2444051

I think not having to deal with chronic back pain beats having big boobs

No. 2444070

File: 1741965164262.jpg (204.85 KB, 833x1024, Ariel-Winter2.jpg)

I've never seen a formerly big busted woman regret a reduction, i just see men fear-mongering about it. Picrel looks incredibly uncomfortable, she did the right choice

No. 2444078

she looks really pretty here. happy for her that she isn't in literal back-breaking pain anymore.

No. 2444091

Who the fuck cares? This is a literal nobody

No. 2444100

My god imagine having to deal with that chest physically and socially.

No. 2444103

All I can imagine is a mom who sells clip art stickers on etsy and has 5 kids

No. 2444106

Yeah, and why are people spoonfeeding them? Pisses me off

No. 2444111

Virgins are the least likely moid to want to settle down. All anons are doing by posting like this is making it obvious they've never been with a virgin moid before. If a scrote won't settle down for you, it doesn't matter if he's a virgin or not. It would just be an excuse to have sex with more women, since he has only had sex with you. This is the dumbest, most retarded cope I've ever seen on lc and I'm tired of reading about it

No. 2444121

File: 1741967717126.png (122.32 KB, 230x253, 854768534.png)

A Japanese game I'm into doesn't sexualize its male characters enough while oversexualizing its women and it's pissing me off. How do I make my voice heard? Should I spam emails to the company that makes the game? Is there any way one woman such as myself can make a practical change?

No. 2444123

File: 1741967790701.jpg (131.86 KB, 1710x900, 1000033742.jpg)

>A Japanese game I'm into doesn't sexualize its male characters enough while oversexualizing its women

No. 2444124

Yes. By making the content you want to see. You have to do it yourself.

No. 2444126

Are you as a woman even the target audience?

No. 2444129

I don't wanna give too much away but it's a niche-ish JRPG, not obscure by any means but definitely not as big as say FF or Persona
Any suggestions on what type of content? I draw from time to time.
No but they've pandered to their female fans before through shirtless body pillows of male characters and White Day art. and there's a huge minority of female fans. So I don't care if I'm the target audience or not, they should still do it anyway.

No. 2444140

I got
>Starving Skeleton

No. 2444146

>lovely lia

No. 2444157

Sluts are the least likely moid to want to settle down. All anons are doing by posting like this is making it obvious they've never been with a slut moid before. If a scrote won't settle down for you, it doesn't matter if he's a slut or not. It would just be an excuse to have sex with more women, since he has had sex with women besides you. This is the dumbest, most retarded cope I've ever seen on lc and I'm tired of reading about it

No. 2444160

>forever-bachelor cope, straight from the moo-vies
Is George Clooney in the room w. you anon? Just admit you're the virgin anon

No. 2444163

>George Clooney
What does he have to do with anything?

No. 2444167

Great-grandfather of forever-bachelor delusion/cope. It's not real. Drugs, alcohol and porn addiction are the determining factor of whether or not a scrote has the ability to settle. Plenty of virgin moids are addicted to those things and would be completely useless partners/slaves. When I've taken a moid's virginity, I see it as a "good start" to his sexual adventures. This is the way it's supposed to be, older women prepare the moid to treat women their own age with respect and sexual talent. What has happened instead, is that they hit the ground running into the arms of a troon or bpd. No one wins

No. 2444168

But she’s right kek, virginity holds no significance to men since they quite literally are sex driven.
Gen z are having less sex apparently, but are the scrotes any better? Answer that yourself kek.

No. 2444170

You praise virgins while most virgin scrotes are virgins due to social isolation, extreme porn addiction and misogyny. The crème de la crème virgins are a needle in an haystack you’d rather not bother putting any of them in a pedestal, just like any flavor of man. They’re all shit and ready to use what you can give them.!

No. 2444172

>older women prepare the moid to treat women their own age with respect and sexual talent.
Do you also write fanfictions?

No. 2444178

I would consider a memoir with sexual details and sending you a copy, but only if you're willing to carry on this tradition bc it's good for society overall, imo

No. 2444182

>When I've taken a moid's virginity, I see it as a "good start" to his sexual adventures. This is the way it's supposed to be, older women prepare the moid to treat women their own age with respect and sexual talent.
what the actual fuck

No. 2444188

>virginity holds no significance to men since they quite literally are sex driven
This makes chastity all the more virtuous in men
You praise nonvirgins while most nonvirgin scrotes are nonvirgins due to social pressure, extreme sex addiction and misogyny. The crème de la crème nonvirgins are a needle in an haystack(scrote)

No. 2444190

No. 2444197

>Drugs, alcohol and porn addiction are the determining factor of whether or not a scrote has the ability to settle.
Actually, it's things like temperence, patience, kindness, and restraint. You think a manwhore has those things?

No. 2444198

Are you just digging through old prohibition pamphlets for this content? Do you work in a museum anon

No. 2444205

No, I just hate slutty moids, that's all.

No. 2444206

Porn, alcohol and drug addiction are like termite in a house. If you're buying a house, you can always add stuff to it but you're fucked if it has termites. Temperance and whatever else are things you can add, porn/alcohol/drug addiction are dealbreakers

No. 2444208

Has anynona ever heard the “if you’re driving and see a child alone on the side of the road you should never pull over because it’s actually someone using the kid as a lure to kidnap you!!” Thing? Has this ever once actually happened or is it just urban folklore?

No. 2444209

>Porn, alcohol and drug addiction are like termite in a house
Yes, and temperence and patience are the house inspector's result of no termite. You wouldn't buy a house without termite inspection.

No. 2444212

It's just easier to say "no drugs, alcohol or porn addiction" since using flowery romanticized words allows moids to weasel out of things and doesn't really help anything

No. 2444213

>It's just easier
Don't cut corners.
Don't settle for used goods.

No. 2444215

File: 1741972902564.png (163.29 KB, 643x646, carjacking.png)

I've never heard of it happening with a kid as a decoy, but this is actually something that happens. How it usually works is: you'll be driving and see someone either lying on the street, or calling out for help. This decoy is meant to trick drivers into stopping their cars to help the decoy. At that point, the other robbers will emerge from hiding spots and prevent the car from leaving by standing in front of it and behind it, at that point the driver will be robbed or the car will be stolen. It's common enough that when I was learning to drive, I was specifically warned of this scenario. I was taught that if I should see a stranded motorist, the best thing to do is make a mental note of where they are stranded and to call 911 or another emergency hotline to report it. The cops would handle it from there.

I doubt that a child would be used as a decoy for carjackers. I don't think they would want to bring a child along because the kid could be a liability, plus these things often turn violent and I don't think a kid would fare well.

No. 2444222

What >>2444215 said (very comprehensive post btw, good job!)
But sometimes extremely mentally ill people do use their children. If it is possible for someone to pimp their kids out (which we have all read horror stories about), then don't doubt they would use their children for other things.

No. 2444254

No. 2444255

why are corn dogs called corn and not just meat dogs when theres no corn in them?

No. 2444256

The batter is cornmeal

No. 2444261

The sparkly tea diet! It causes: atrophy

No. 2444267

>pink skeleton
>result: constipated
i already am…. uh oh

No. 2444307

File: 1741977444312.jpg (4.29 MB, 3200x3200, 1000139579.jpg)

Pretty superstar Liver Failure.

No. 2444317

Men with a lot of sexual partners also dump more women. The idea behind this is that, oh look this guy can sleep around, that means he is slutty and has no ability to commit, he is lecherous and other women are lusted after by him, this signals me he must be an unloving and hedonistic person, I have to avoid him! But if he is a virgin then she'll think that oh yes, other women have wanted to sleep with him and were rejected by him, he must be a total green flag fidelous person, surely he's saving it for me.(ban evading)

No. 2444342

We would assume he was gay or too autistic for sex. Or most likely, a pedophile

No. 2444352

I attended one university in 2020 and dropped out with a 1.3 GPA, but at my current community college I have a 3.9. I was raped and assaulted so violently in 2020 that I was hospitalized, how do I write this? I don't want to write some flashy essay about it, I wanted to write something like this:

"In 2020, I was stalked, sexually harassed, and assaulted on [uni]'s campus, and was hospitalized shortly after. I didn’t feel safe in my dorm room, I didn’t feel safe on campus. It is difficult to think about Egnlish 101 when you are wondering if you will have to perform sexual favors for someone or be beaten tonight. I have had two surgeries and physical therapy since then. The stress of so much violence in under a year forced me to drop out. My transcript from [uni] isn't a reflection of my abilities, but I think in 2025, I have been performing to the best of my abilities."

I read this: https://mekreview.com/how-to-write-about-tragedy-in-personal-statements/ But I don't even want to make this a huge focus of my app. I don't want to craft a narrative of myself based on the worst things that have happened, but I do want to advocate for myself at the same time. How should I go about this?

No. 2444361

You're the reason why it's hard to find innocent virgin guys to love and marry.

No. 2444364

>My 2020 transcript is not an accurate representation of my academic abilities. The poor transcript is reflective of the personal difficulties that I endured in 2020, specifically a violent sexual assault that I experienced on [uni's] campus which resulted in a prolonged hospitalization. The ramifications of this assault negatively impacted my academic ability, and I was unable to perform to the best of my abilities. Since then, I've attended therapy and underwent surgery to improve my health and well-being. My 2025 transcript is a more accurate representation of my academic abilities due in part to these various positive changes.

Avoid "I think," or "I feel," or "I believe" in writing. You're the one writing it, obviously it's your thoughts and feelings and beliefs. Honestly, if you're doing so well now in 2025 it's unlikely that they'd consider the transcript from 2020 to begin with. A lot of the stuff from the plague years will be overlooked in favour of my recent efforts. Regardless, all the best to you and I hope that you succeed.

No. 2444368

Not "the reason", the explanation. Reality bites I guess

No. 2444378

No, people like you go around spreading stigma, so innocent virgin guys sleep with prostitutes to avoid your ridicule. Thanks a lot.

No. 2444383

File: 1741981221821.jpg (1.15 MB, 1626x2373, 1654684498743.jpg)

I am asking a guy out is this too autistic?
>Hi, how are you? I wanted to know if you’d like to go out for a drink or take a walk next weekend, or on Friday when we finish classes. Sorry for being so impulsive, but I thought you were cute and interesting, and I wanted to have the chance to get to know you a little better.

No. 2444386

Not autistic at all and in fact is very sweet. Wishing you luck!

No. 2444387

Don't apologize. Otherwise it's fine!

No. 2444392

Yeah, it is. You don't need to explain your reasoning. If you're asking to meet up, it's implicitly understood that you're interested in him. Don't mention that you're attracted to him or that you're interested in him until after the second date. A better way to ask would be:
>"Hey, wanna go out for a drink this weekend?"
Don't ask for next week, always ask for this week. So if you want to go out next weekend, then you ask next week.

No. 2444409

can you explain to me your reasoning? its the first time i ever like a guy so i have no idea how to deal with it

No. 2444414

My reasoning for what?

No. 2444440

> Don't mention that you're attracted to him or that you're interested in him until after the second date
>Don't ask for next week, always ask for this week.
those two points

No. 2444469

Nta. To conceal your desperation.

No. 2444474

>Don't mention that you're attracted to him or that you're interested in him until after the second date
Your first three dates should be about gauging whether or not you're actually attracted to his personality. If you tell him on the first or second date that you're attracted to him, you'll come off as sort of inexperienced or desperate. Men will also act differently if they know that you're immediately attracted to them compared to if they feel there's an element of uncertainty.

>Don't ask for next week, always ask for this week.

Next week has certain connotations. This week is quick, it's easy, it's informal. That's what you want a first date to be.

>its the first time i ever like a guy so i have no idea how to deal with it

If you want, I'll repost my "first three dates as an autistic woman" playbook for you.

No. 2444475

he can tell i am thristy from a mile away i am sure

No. 2444477

File: 1741984457258.png (137.53 KB, 318x460, 1728699426292105.png)

>If you want, I'll repost my "first three dates as an autistic woman" playbook for you.
please do i am a sped and anxious so i already sent the text message but i would like to learn

No. 2444480

>First date: something short, less than 45 minutes.
The reason you want it to be short is so that you can get a good feel for if you feel a spark. Keep the conversation light, make it an opportunity to learn more about each others' hobbies, dis/likes, aspirations, etc.. Even if you get along well during the date, keep it short so that it leaves him wanting to learn more about you. Usually the moid will ask about seeing you again either at the end of the date, or the next day via text or call. The ideal first date is something like meeting at a cute cafe/boba shop/ice cream parlour.

>Second date: This should be 3-5 days after the first date, no more than 10. It should be something between 1-2 hours long, but not more than 3.

It should be centered around an activity that you can do together, like taking a walk, going to an art gallery, zoo, or garden; something where you can gauge each other's personalities based on the conversations that come out of this shared activity. E.g., you can learn a lot about someone just by the way they interpret and talk about art. During this date, you should hold his hand at some point but don't make it a big deal. If things go well usually they ask if they can see you again either at the end of the date, if they don't: you ask, just to gauge their reaction.

>Third date: Ideally, this one comes 4-7 days after the second date, or at least no more than 10 days after, and it should last no more than 5 hours.

This date should be more formal, so that you can gauge more of his manners, sociability, and ability to dress for such occasions. The ideal third date is dinner at a nice restaurant, preferably not a chain, and one that you've already been to in the past. Conversations for this date should be geared more towards figuring out if you feel a connection with him, not just a spark. Ask about his views on topics & causes that matter to you, his plans for the future, more about his personal life. After the dinner, if it went well, suggest you go to a different place just for coffee or dessert and keep the conversation going. When you're finished the date, go in for a kiss and see if you feel a sexual spark with him.

That's my 3 date playbook for autistic women. It's worked for me and my friends dozens of times.

No. 2444482

but what if i dont care about his personality and just want to shag do you have a guide for autistic women to find fuckboys

No. 2444483

Oh, then just shag. It's way easier than dating.

No. 2444489

oh shit i hope so, i dont care about his personality much i just think he's really cute

No. 2444497

You could spam all you like, they don't care. Just drop the game unless you like it for reasons outside of the males.

No. 2444498

I will warn you against shitting where you eat though

No. 2444499

what the hell does this mean nonny

No. 2444507

File: 1741985736543.png (30.57 KB, 668x204, dont shit where you eat.png)

In your post you say that he's in the same class as you. So, say if you go out with him and it goes really, really bad: you're still going to have attend that class with him and be around him. That might cause some awkwardness. It's the same reason why you should never date or have sex with a co-worker.

No. 2444508

we are like 100 people in a class it will be fine

No. 2444547

My friend said I have horse eyes. What the hell does that mean? Is that good or bad?

No. 2444563

File: 1741988250789.jpeg (6.38 KB, 194x260, hmm.jpeg)

KEK anon i would have demanded an immediate explanation. maybe she meant you have big pretty brown eyes or maybe she was being shady and needs to get told she has frog eyes or something

No. 2444575

File: 1741989005328.jpg (35.3 KB, 438x612, gettyimages-110704362-612x612.…)

I think younger Natalie Portman has horse eyes

No. 2444583

So doe eyes?

No. 2444584

You have nice eyes?

No. 2444589

Horse, doe, cow

No. 2444650

Kek having this fixed state of time is just retarded. Just don’t over share , don’t say that you got treated bad in your previous relationship, that you are a virgin and don’t list your insecurities and ask necessary questions.

No. 2444795

At what point does this become latent schizophrenia

No. 2444835

>Kek having this fixed state of time is just retarded.
Duh? It's a guide for retards.

No. 2445122

Would the female version of an edgelord be an edgelady?
I thought of this last night and it sounds funny. I'd call myself that.

No. 2445123

File: 1742014030998.jpg (27.01 KB, 304x360, 1646708027454.jpg)

This is what he responded
>Hi, (name). Sure, there is no problem. I am fine with going out some day and thank you for the compliment. We could see a day to go out even though I'm not from (town), we can see a day, why not? even that right now is not looking for an interest for the moment an exit is not a bad idea! (I hope you have understood what I said and that it has not sounded bad)
what do i even respond? is that a yes or a not

No. 2445124

It's a yes but he's acting like chatgpt lol

No. 2445128

He literally wrote that response with chatgpt–nvm that's esl google translate, isn't it

No. 2445130

what about the ''even though right now i am not looking to date'' part? i translated it like shit.
No, i got lazy and machine translated it. The original spanish reply is.
>Hola (nonny) no hay problema y me parece bien un día salir y gracias por el alago, podríamos ver un día de salir aun que no soy de (ciudad) ni de x ahí se ve puede ver un día y si porque no? aún que ahora mismo no esté buscando un interes por el momento una salida no es mal idea! (espero que se haya entendido lo que dije y que no haya sonado mal)
yes, sorry. I got excited and just DeepL it away.

No. 2445131

Are you guys business emailing back and forth kek?

No. 2445133

>latent schizophrenia
Why are you overreacting to that post in particular?

No. 2445134

Why do british people put r’s in the middle of everything?

No. 2445135

Maybe she has horse eyes and feels ashamed of them

No. 2445138

I sent the message and then i got so anxious i turned off my phone and i just felt brave enough to actually see if he replied.

No. 2445142

It was a joke you massive faggot

No. 2445143

They wanna be different soo bad

No. 2445145

a Dark Triad Stacy

No. 2445146

Wait they do? Examples?

No. 2445147

Hell no, I'd rather just write edgelady in bloody letters on my forehead than call myself that kek. Even ironically

No. 2445167

What's the difference between self-esteem and confidence?

No. 2445179

Self-esteem is how you consider yourself
>Wow I'm a very smart woman and I'm good at cooking.
Confidence is what makes you do stuff
>I'm a very smart woman and I'm good at cooking but I'm not really as smart as that other woman and my cooking isn't as great as hers, I shouldn't join the experimental baking competition…

No. 2445189

To me self esteem is loving yourself regardless of how other people see you or whether you achieve certain things or meet certain standards. Confidence is the belief that others will see you in a certain way, or that you can achieve certain things or meet certain standards. Like
>I may not be very pretty, but looks don't define my worth and I have value outside my appearance
is self esteem, and
>I'm super pretty and everyone knows it, guys want me and girls want to be me
is confidence

To be fair there's tonnes of crossover between the two, they aren't mutually exclusive. This is just how I personally make the distinction because I have high self worth but also (justifiably) low confidence in some areas.

No. 2445216

It’s called intrusive r

No. 2445218

Like when something has an a or an o in the middle. For example Lila Moss pronouncing “Vogue” (Voh-guh) as "varg"

No. 2445220

What's a music and performance arts/dance school/academy like? Do they give you classes on every topic or do you major in something specific to earn a degree in it and only have classes related to it?

No. 2445222

I think like the first year or two it's the former and then later it's the latter.

No. 2445240

File: 1742025166249.jpeg (385.77 KB, 1022x773, IMG_9527.jpeg)

Why is anon disgusted that her slut bf has slept with 60 year olds? What's the difference between that and if he has slept with 20 year olds? In my mind, it's the same, I would be bothered equally by either, I don't see the difference.

No. 2445241

Probably worried he has mommy issues

No. 2445242

No. 2445244

What's the bait? I just don't see the difference.

No. 2445246

I'd also be disgusted if my partner has slept with someone who's over the age of 45, no matter the gender. Be normal and go out with people your age.

No. 2445247

Why's it disgusting if it's over 45 but not under? Like, what changes?

No. 2445248

Nona's fear of her own mortality

No. 2445249

No. 2445251

I'm mostly jk but if anon has a weird fixation on that age, she could be projecting. I've always preferred to date moids who had older girlfriends before me, bc they're more well-trained. Unless it's one of those hobosexual/mommy-bangbaid scenarios, then they're fucked up for life

No. 2445252

>I've always preferred to date moids who had older girlfriends before me, bc they're more well-trained.
How often do you meet guys who's been with 60 year olds?

No. 2445254

NTA but how would you feel if you dated a woman in her 20s who in the past had multiple "boyfriends" who were over 60 years old?

No. 2445255

I'm straight so I would feel weird dating a woman

No. 2445256

The first guy I was really crazy about dated a 45-50 y/o yoga instructor before me, who ran her own popular studio. They were together for years and there was a 10-15 yr age gap between them. I think anything more than that is hobosexuality/gold-digging or mommy issues. If you're dating a 45 year old moid, a 60 y/o ex would theoretically be fine

No. 2445257

it might be a subconscious disgust about the relatively poor social status of sleeping with a much older woman because it's, unfortunately, common to think "well, what's wrong with them"? and to not count these women as dateable/attractive. haven't dated myself, but while I'd consider it weird it also doesn't seem like the worst thing in the world that a man seems fine with aging.

No. 2445258

>The first guy I was really crazy about was 30 years old

No. 2445260

People who are in relationships with huge age gaps are weird in general. If a guy is 20, he should be going out with other around 20 year old girls. Knowing that my partners has slept with crusty old people gives me an ick.

No. 2445261

Yeah if I elaborated you'd get why but I'm not going to dox myself or the moid

No. 2445262

>It's weird because it's weird
That doesn't answer my question. Why's it that you're disgusted if he's slept with 60 year olds but not with 20 year olds?

No. 2445264

>he was rich
I understand

No. 2445265

Nayrt but it's weird nonna, and it's weird that you don't find it weird. No offense but are you autistic? I have never met a person in their 20s or even 30s who has dated people OVER 60 YEARS OLD and if I did I would find it weird.

No. 2445266

Because I'm closer to 20 myself than 60, tf is that question?? It just shows that there must be something wrong with my partner if they would rather go out with someone who's in a completely different life stage than someone in their own age range.

No. 2445268

honest question, if you aren't older already, do you just intend to date much younger when you start getting up in the years if 30 is geriatric to you?

No. 2445270

No, I think it's weird and disgusting. I just don't see the difference between whether he's slept with 60 year olds or with 20 year olds.
>there must be something wrong with my partner
What's wrong with him, then? You just keep saying it's wrong without explaining.

No. 2445272

Think of it like this: a 20 year old meets other 20 year olds in a natural way, through common life stages like going to school together, having mutual friends or being both in first-entry job positions. It's also normal for someone to be attracted to other people in the same age range and life stage as them, which is why adult men who are attracted to teenagers and children are deviant. Now for a 20 year old to date a 60 year old, either this person is a friend of their grandmother or older relative, or they are intentionally seeking out women in their 60s in online dating sites. How many women in their 60s are even online? There just aren't many opportunities for 20 year olds to meet 60 year olds and because they are at different stages of life, they have little in common that would justify a romantic relationship (a friendship, sure, but moids aren't friends with older women). All of this screams deep mommy issues or a fetish, which is why it's weird.

No. 2445274

Bait used to be believable.

No. 2445280

Your logic is that since winning the lottery is so improbable, anyone who "won" the lottery must have cheated; since sleeping with a 60 year old is so improbable, any moid who has must have some secret irredeemable flaw.
You have to look at the thing itself. What is it about sleeping with a 60 year old makes you want to reject the moid, yet you're okay with him sleeping with a 20 year old because it's not there?

No. 2445281

If he's 20 himself, then there's nothing odd about him sleeping with another 20 year old.

No. 2445287

>since winning the lottery is so improbable, anyone who "won" the lottery must have cheated
Sure, sleeping with one 60 year old might be akin to winning the lottery. But more than one? Who wins the lottery twice?
>What is it about sleeping with a 60 year old makes you want to reject the moid, yet you're okay with him sleeping with a 20 year old because it's not there?
A disordered primary attachement.

No. 2445295

Just being a bit odd isn't enough to totally reject a moid.
>A disordered primary attachement.
No, it seems that you would reject a moid who has slept with 60 year olds, even if he didn't have mommy issues. The problem is in the thing itself. But I can't understand the problem you would have with this but not if he has only slept with 20 year olds.

No. 2445305

If a nonna doesn't want to sleep with moids who were in huge age gap relationships, then that's her choice. Why do you care? People who get in such relationships are low tier dating material and it's normal to not want such people.

No. 2445310

You're all genuinely stupid as fuck engaging with fanfic omg(shitposting)

No. 2445312

File: 1742030433941.png (162.69 KB, 435x1200, everclear-1.75L.png)

I drank for the first time in my life. Went with straight-up Everclear (75% alcohol) because I wanted it to be as strong as possible. Drank an entire cup (not a shot glass - a whole regular cup) and NOTHING happened. No warmth or flushing, no dizziness, no numbness, no buzz/relaxed feeling, no blacking out, no vomiting, nothing at all. I have seen videos of people getting almost immediately sloshed off of less than half of what I drank of Everclear. Am I somehow completely immune to alcohol? Is that even possible?

No. 2445319

When did you drink it? Did you eat a big meal beforehand or drank a lot of water?

No. 2445321

In the evening on an empty stomach.

No. 2445328

People react differently to different kinds of alcohol. In my case I can drink a glass of wine and feel nothing but if I even take a sip of tequila I feel like ass garbage for the next two days.

No. 2445329

kek nona why would you do this? you could get very ill

No. 2445331

File: 1742031619406.jpg (182.87 KB, 1024x898, 4171549279_6b627eff07_b-349075…)

This nona tried telling this story in another thread a few days ago but no one responded. I wasn't going to say anything but then changed my mind kek

No. 2445343

Are you morbidly obese?

No. 2445365

are you posting this every day now or what?

No. 2445379

Is there something stronger than Everclear? From what I saw online, pretty much everyone reacts similarly to it.

Depression tbh. I wanted something that would make me feel happy/light quickly.

5'1 110lbs.

No. I posted it elsewhere 5 days ago and got no responses so I asked it here instead.

No. 2445465

I just can't understand why it's bad if a moid's slept with 60 year olds but not 20 year olds

No. 2445472

That wasn't meant as an insult and I'm not fattyfoiling, they just say people who weigh more tolerate alcohol better. It's actually really unusual to weigh around 100 lbs and not get sloshed. Where did you source the everclear?

No. 2445484

File: 1742047183150.png (153.41 KB, 346x291, F_BYHsiXQAA0xH-.png)

It seems I'm completely out of touch so:

1.How many people do you know irl who use AI, do you use it too?
2.What do you use it for?

Basically I'm shocked at the amount of university and high school students using it. I personally don't trust AI writing because of the fuckups and I am not a scumbag to try and profit from editing/tracing AI generated art.

No. 2445495

I know a handful of people who use chatgpt. Hopefully I don't know anyone who uses ai imageing for evil, but I doubt anyone would admit to it. It's pretty common to use it for thumbnails now though which is ugly. I don't use it. I've seen manipulative grifters on xitter try to claim to EMPLOYERS that they had to use ai because they're "disabled" and need it as a "tool" to work, so people are already trying to use it as a service dog.

No. 2445503

I use it like a tool for clarifying my thoughts, organizing my ideas, brainstorming, and scheduling because I suck at planning lol. It's also a pretty good proofreader. But I always review its output. People who use it as a substitute for thinking or writing are lazy and retarded, especially students who try to pass off Chat CPT slop as their own ideas. It is incredibly obvious and easy to detect. At the end of the day, they're only doing a disservice to themselves. I can't imagine spending tons of money (amerifag) to submit AI generated garbage. Truly retard behavior.

No. 2445505

I use ChatGPT when whatever I wanna know is too broad of a topic and I don't want to slog through fifteen different websites Google offers me. My best friend recently used it because she couldn't think of a rhyme. A guy at work uses it because he's not from here and wants it to correct his grammar. Another co-worker used it the other day similarly to me, because she didn't want to research herself but needed a quick answer.

No. 2445521

Is it considered normal to wake up without cause at 3am exactly 2-3 times a week and ruminate until you’re exhausted enough to fall asleep again, or should I start seeking out help?

No. 2445537

I use DEEPL to translate fan fictions from other languages, I don't post the text anywhere. I just fucking hate when I see AI images used by music artists or brands online, and at work I've seen students use chatgpt to make up song lyrics for a writing assignment

No. 2445544

I use it for hyperspecific questions that are hard yo Google, like getting a tri complementary colors palette for some graphic design because those stupid color picking websites online are useless. And some language related questions that Googling doesn't answer. I do use image generating as well just because it's fun to see what the result would be, and sometimes it's really nice and kinda what I wanted. My siblings and majority of my classmates use it as well.

No. 2445549

Perplexity AI is way better than any other search engine and since you can check its sources you bypass hallucination issues you get with other models. There's a theory that Google et all intentionally made their search engines bad on purpose so you spend more time looking at ads and I 100% believe this because you can't find shit with them now.

No. 2445593

why do men date/marry women when they hate them so much?

No. 2445596

Sounds like anxiety nonny

No. 2445599

Mental illness. Alternatively they secretly love them and need them but don't wanna admit it or get frustrated when they can get them immediately so they go sour grapes.

No. 2445669

Is it weird to be a 19 year old woman who still wears pads? I tried tampons before several times but they hurt so fucking bad especially because I’m a virgin which I’d imagine doesn’t help

No. 2445672

File: 1742056861267.gif (489.27 KB, 500x289, okay.gif)

No. 2445683

I don't think it's weird. You could have something like vaginismus though so I'd get it checked out if you can.

No. 2445685

being a virgin has nothing to do with using tampons, just use whatever works

No. 2445695

Who tf is Dhar Mann what did he do why am I suddenly hearing about him everywhere?

No. 2445704

Moids think it does and when they become troons, it's always a question they ask when they're pretending to be women. The thing they don't realize is most women have been wearing tampons since 6-9th grade

No. 2445718

Shhh you can’t say that or it’s ’foiling

No. 2445721

No a lot of adult women wear pads

No. 2445738

Some anon asked if I had vaginismus for admitting that I don't like putting anything in my vagina. Maybe I do, but I don't want to self-diagnose.

No. 2445746

Whatever I don’t put shit in there either who cares

No. 2445748

That's untrue… all the women in my family have always worn pads only. I get that tampons are better if you don't want leaks, but I personally like to get rid of the blood instead of keeping it in for several hours. Some women just don't want to have something in their vagina all that time I guess.

No. 2445753

You say it’s untrue then give a story where it’s true? Or did you misread the post?

No. 2445762

Did you only discover the internet yesterday? Kek

No. 2445804

this was definitely written by a man.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2445836

File: 1742063127127.png (943.03 KB, 1464x741, I don't get it.png)

Tbh I don't get it either. It seems to be me that, if it already doesn't matter that your bf has had previous sexual partners, it shouldn't matter that they're older than he is.

No. 2445858

File: 1742063957897.jpg (72.69 KB, 397x768, 1525304220429.jpg)

So other than Reddit and discord wherelse do I find a bf with my spergy music interest? Idk if I can go to shows alone and find one that way like I have heard suggested since that sounds awkward and dangerous but maybe I am wrong.

No. 2445897

I'm using a very outdated browser version and am still stuck on rikaichan. It has now died permanently. What's the current name? I know rikaisama came afterwards, then yomichan and yomitan, but I can't find anything under those names anymore, either.

No. 2446010

is it wrong that idgaf about a 17 year old sending nude photos to a 24 year old? (the age of consent in the country of the 24 year old is 15) especially if the 17 year old approached to send nudes in the first place?

i've sent nudes to tons of guys when i was 16-18 and i don't regret any of it or feel pressured, i did it of my own volition

No. 2446016

File: 1742068266033.gif (995.43 KB, 500x268, well okay then.gif)

No. 2446019

whoever it is thats spamming lucille gifs, god bless you

No. 2446025

No. 2446026

isn't the age of consent only applicable to teens of the same age? as in its legal for them to sleep together, but its not actually legal to have adults preying on them no matter the age? that's my stupid question. google will never answer me properly

No. 2446028

not in the country of the 24 year old. america has all kinds of laws about this but in many places in europe someone 18+ can have sex with the person at the age of consent and it isn't a crime

No. 2446036

i haven't checked out the weegee threads in months and are his wives turning on him? the love-hate seems more like hate from what i've looked at recently (without context), kek

No. 2446038

i think they're just bored, my god those threads fill up fast. but yeah people are calling him misogynist or something now

No. 2446041

He fucks and got beaten up by ladyboys so anons hate him now besides a few desperate ones who have nothing else to live for

No. 2446043

He retweeted misogynistic stuff about women being the achilles heel of evolution and other incel opinions

No. 2446044

>i've sent nudes to tons of guys when i was 16-18 and i don't regret any of it or feel pressured, i did it of my own volition
You don’t really do stuff like that out of nowhere of your own volition anon, someone has to ask you for it and convince you that sending them naked photos of yourself is a good idea. I hope you feel good about the decision you’ve made because those photos are likely living in someones folder or groupchat history.

No. 2446047

kek what the fuck, i abandoned the threads once the weird grifter retweets started coming up

No. 2446048

NTA but oh, they discovered he’s a normal scrote kek? What a shame

No. 2446049

no they didn't lmao and idgaf about it since my face isn't in any of them
i know this is the female virgin site but you guys have to understand that sometimes women want to have sex with men

No. 2446051

Normal scrotes don't deserve fanfare so yeah thankfully it's come to this

No. 2446052

Did he actually get fucked by ladyboys or is that just one schizo perpetuating that opinion?

No. 2446053

why are you responding to bait lmao. let it die

No. 2446056

So hilarious how cock hungry women never learn the nature of men.

No. 2446062

Cause unfortunately in the year of 2025, stuff like that can be true more often than not so pardon me for responding accordingly

No. 2446064

I might actually have this but it could also be a reflex.
You retards are fucking weird and let troons live rent free in your head. I assumed it had something to do with virginity or the fact that I've never really inserted anything in my vagina because it hurts. I've attempted on several occasions since middle school but could never do it because it hurts too much.

No. 2446066

>Sometimes women want to have sex with men
16 years old isn’t a woman, and sending nudes for scrotes to jerk off to and share with their friends isn’t having sex with men

No. 2446068

its 2025 and you're still responding to bait kek this board is so done for

No. 2446074

ntayrt and i know this might be hard for you to accept but unfortunately teenage girls sharing photos of their bodies to men online has only become more common over the last, maybe 13 years?

No. 2446081

Anon if you think every egregious post you see must be bait then why even visit /ot/ at that point

No. 2446118

This is why anons keep telling you that you have vaginismus.

No. 2446119

Some of them even do it because they think a guy is cute and they’re horny. Girls have a sex drive just like boys. And even in America, the most puritanical woman-hating first world country, the age of consent in some states is 16 too. Some of you really sound like that schizo virgin who thinks giving a blowjob is misogynistic

No. 2446120

Because she's trying to infight. Notice how instead of reporting anons for being bait or responding to bait, she's mocking them.

No. 2446126

I went into the thread for 2 seconds, and saw a supposed telegram (maybe whatsapp?) chat between "Luigi" and "a friend", where he says he went to a brothel and was attacked by "ladyboys" and sends a pic of his arm with red, maybe bloody, scratches on it.
That's all I can tell you, you'll have to pray another anon with more knowledge comes along.
Why hasn't anybody made a thread for him on /snow/? It can include his orbiters, surely there's a lot of milk coming from the redditors obsessed with him.

No. 2446129

He really is a lolcow but that thread would be filled with invaders from Twitter, TikTok, and Reddit similar to Grimes and Elon's respective threads and it'd be a mess.

No. 2446141

>Some of you really sound like that schizo virgin who thinks giving a blowjob is misogynistic
did you tag the wrong post? cause all my post is saying is responding to one accusing an anon of confessing to producing what is essentially child pornography as being bait and not reality, and you’re basically just confirming what i’m saying kek.

No. 2446144

That's just the baiting virgin hater, feel free to disregard.

No. 2446145

Admin/farmhands could put a little permanent VPN ban on his threads. As a treat.

No. 2446146

16 years old is not pedophilia(baiting)

No. 2446153

(this is not a chatroom)

No. 2446155

maybe i just feel this way because i’ve actually reached the age of 16 but no matter what country you’re in, 16 is still a child

No. 2446156

Two sixteen year olds together? No of course not, but a 16 year old and a 24 year old is pretty unacceptable.

No. 2446158

>maybe i just feel this way because i’ve actually reached the age of 16
underage newfag spotted(infight/bait)

No. 2446159

It might not be illegal in some states but that doesn't mean it isn't creepy. Moids online will often pull the "IF IT WAS BAD IT'D BE A CRIME" card but it's also not a crime to shit yourself in public so

No. 2446165

File: 1742073424581.png (15.99 KB, 630x291, sad to say -- jasmine.PNG)

Nevermind, using another browser and ca-archive got me through it, picrel@firefox

No. 2446173

Yay! Happy for you, anon! I felt bad I couldn't help but I genuinely had no idea what the fuck you were talking about kek

No. 2446203

>you have been the age of 16 so that must mean you’re not capable of ever growing past this age
great reasoning skills there anon kek

No. 2446261

File: 1742078934349.png (60.79 KB, 414x450, 01-JAN-2023-Type-of-Glasses-In…)

What kind of glasses should i get if i have a big honker?

No. 2446264

it depends more on your face shape i believe

No. 2446265

I'm pretty sure that's AI

No. 2446266

Its round i think

No. 2446269

try square, rectangle, and more angled frames. round frames will highlight roundness of your face.

No. 2446376

you also want to match the top of your glasses with the arch of your eyebrows. e.g., rectangle glasses but you have a high curve arch = visual disharmony

No. 2446406

i mean there's technically no hard evidence of sex with the ladyboys but why else would he be in a sex bar in the first place? he must have been slightly interested in the idea at the very least
he also had pokemon cards of pornstars

No. 2446462

File: 1742086131389.webp (32.12 KB, 1480x981, 001_size9.webp)

>"Hey, protagonist-chan, you aren't your parents' biological daughter (as seen by this dubiously acquired DNA test), so auntie will keep the inheritance money even tho you'd still at least have been formally adopted and legally their daughter, okay?"
Surely Japanese laws aren't this retarded and the author was just pulling this for the plot?

No. 2446477

Why do I keep dropping so much weight after my period? It goes back up to normal but damn

No. 2446484

You could have been retaining fluid, or it could be related to digestive issues during your period. I usually lose a little weight during mine because part of my cycle includes nausea/loss of appetite.

No. 2446499

Can someone recap the Luigi /g/ threads? Why do they hate him now?

No. 2446507

His misogynistic characteristics, yellow fever, and suspicious proximity to trannies is really rustling some white women's feathers. Basically, anons remembering that scrotes are gonna scrote and being mad that they didn't see it coming sooner.

No. 2446519

this has been asked and answered like a billion times kek scroll up

No. 2446527

They don’t really hate him tbh. If they did they wouldn’t make porn of him as the threadpic twice and still thirst after him. Even more proof you should look the other way when pickmes and handmaidens like that screech accusations of misogyny, they clearly don’t care about misogyny, they’ll suck its dick if they have to.

No. 2446528

Women can hate men and be horny for them at the same time. Men do the same thing all the time.

No. 2446530

They always acted like victims whenever anons pointed out he was no different from a regular scrote

No. 2446533

exactly kek i hate the retard but also he's literally just a regular scrote doing regular scrote stuff. he's just lucky he's not ugly

No. 2446537

>he's not ugly
(x) doubt

No. 2446540

Some of them still support their precious husbando >>>/g/504445

No. 2446546

>regular scrote doing regular scrote stuff
No. He deserves the rope.

No. 2446555

Is the possibility of death penalty still available for him? You may just get your wish.

No. 2446558

He's got big nostrils and caterpillar eyebrows.
See I had all these opinions before he blew up, yes I deserve a cookie.

No. 2446559

It is.

No. 2446562

How are you horny for the same sex that oppresses you then? Kek you can’t be both, pick one or the other, stop being a selfish cunt.

No. 2446563

i like my men to look vaguely caveman-like not all smooth like anime boys or whatever but thats my cross to bear

No. 2446566

That's some crazy iron titanium spiked cross with tetanus

No. 2446572

It's called being human retard.

No. 2446576

This, acting like its the same thing when moids get all the benefits

No. 2446579

How do irl males get any benefits from simping for fictional males in prison? Delusional

No. 2446582

File: 1742088706635.gif (3.36 MB, 640x480, that oughta do it.gif)

No. 2446597

Which thread should I use for asking for art advice without having to post my work? I feel like it'd be dumb to ask in the /m/ thread since the very premise of that involves sharing work, and artist salt is more for cows

No. 2446599

i'd say either works, i'd lean towards artist salt

No. 2446602

Artist salt.

No. 2446607

What makes those screw-shaped hairties non-damaging for hair?

No. 2446624

Can you post a pic? I'm not sure what you're talking about

No. 2446630

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No. 2446643

Do male-pitched versions of songs sound like actual males? They do to me, but I'm not sure if that's only the case because I'm being told it does lol. Vidrel is an example.

No. 2446645

No they don't. Males have different formant and timbre/tone colour, not just pitch. If you pitch up a male he doesn't sound like a woman either.

No. 2446696

I've had multiple adult people casually mention they struggle with left and right. Is that a real thing? Are they retarded?

No. 2446698

my fiancee is dyslexic and does this. i bully him.

No. 2446704

I do, but to be fair I have autism.I guess I put all of my skill points into other things

No. 2446718

Is it a crime in America to help someone commit suicide? Cant find a straight answer on google

No. 2446720

there was some woman who infamously got in trouble for encouraging her suicidal boyfriend through text, can't remember her name atm though

No. 2446722

Michelle Carter?

No. 2446727

I remember that, but based off the texts he seemed pretty mentally ill? I’m thinking more like is it illegal to help someone commit suicide who’s not being encouraged or manipulated into it, but they’ve like signed a consent form and made the decision to end their life

No. 2446763

That's probably why you didn't feel anything. When I drink, if I'm depressed or not really feeling it, I rarely feel drunk. If you're feeling good, out with friends, in an upbeat setting, you're more likely to feel the effects of alcohol. Don't drink when you're depressed, you'll end up wasting your money.

No. 2446787

Gym and fitness nonnas, are pre-workout, protein powder, caffeine powder, keratin powder etc. truly necessary for gains? Is it impossible to see results without them even on a healthy balanced diets? Isn't that kinda cheating? Why can animals in the wild get shredded through their diet and moving around but humans can't? Are we really that much of an inferior species?

No. 2446801

>are pre-workout, protein powder, caffeine powder, keratin powder etc. truly necessary for gains?
>Is it impossible to see results without them even on a healthy balanced diets?
>Isn't that kinda cheating?
>Why can animals in the wild get shredded through their diet and moving around but humans can't?
What is your definiton of "shredded" kek. I'm not seeing roided out cougars or anything.
>Are we really that much of an inferior species?
Weird jump in logic. No we are not an inferior species, in fact we are the dominant species on the planet right now kek

You don't need supplements, but I personally don't want to eat crazy amounts of protein for my meals all the time AND wait for the muscles to develop naturally and slowly.
Also the protein powder makes my muscles not as sore. So it's a win in every direction for me.

No. 2446813

File: 1742106113240.jpg (230.7 KB, 1080x1131, gorilla-and-chimpanzee-muscles…)

I was thinking of gorillas, chimpanzees and the such.
>Weird jump in logic. No we are not an inferior species, in fact we are the dominant species on the planet right now kek
Yet we need tons of tools and cheating via shortcuts to achieve 10% of what animals in nature can do. An average human with 0 "how to survive in the wild" tips and no tools wouldn't really make it in the wild on their own.
>You don't need supplements, but I personally don't want to eat crazy amounts of protein for my meals all the time AND wait for the muscles to develop naturally and slowly.
I personally wouldn't mind because protein is the best part of the meal for me.
>Also the protein powder makes my muscles not as sore. So it's a win in every direction for me.
I see. Walking and taking a shower is enough for me to get rid of any muscle soreness but I understand it's different for everyone.

No. 2446817

Local liquor store.

Is this really a thing? I didn't think you could mentally control how a substance affects you like that.

No. 2446820

>Yet we need tons of tools and cheating via shortcuts
This is always a funny argument to me. Using our massive brains we got via evolution is not cheating. And animals who are capable of using tools will use them when they can.
>I personally wouldn't mind because protein is the best part of the meal for me.
That's nice. I love carbs and other kinds of food as well.
>Walking and taking a shower is enough for me
I don't know how walking gets rid of being sore in your upper body, but more power to you.

No. 2446826

>This is always a funny argument to me. Using our massive brains we got via evolution is not cheating. And animals who are capable of using tools will use them when they can.
Sure, but if we're talking physical strength, stamina, speed, jumping height etc. humans aren't at the top at all. There's always an animal who's better at it. And the average modern human is probably top retarded to use their brain in a survival situation anyways, lol.
>I don't know how walking gets rid of being sore in your upper body, but more power to you.
I forgot the science behind it but walking does reduce soreness in the muscles. Blood pumping nutrients and promoting healing in the muscles or something like that.

No. 2446839

File: 1742108499369.jpg (145.29 KB, 1200x1200, 71839E7e+GL._AC_SL1200_-924622…)

I'm not sure if I'm just a retard but is there a trick to getting fitted sheets to stay on mattresses overnight? Ever since I was little, I've ripped the fitted sheet off every single night, just tossing and turning in my sleep. Am I just making my bed wrong? Is there some kind of adhesive I can buy?

No. 2446840

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Adding on to what everyone else said, this is the book he tried to buy hundreds of copies of.

No. 2446848

kek I think I remember a passage from this being spread online about how before feminism women totally never worked at all and le evil feminazis forced them to get jobs, straight nonas need to get 2D husbandos so bad

No. 2446849

File: 1742109198779.jpg (25.26 KB, 400x400, 5-nvnYDp_400x400.jpg)

I am about to get an orange cat (similar to picrel). I was going to name him Käse bc he looks like a little cute cheese when he curls up, I am American and none of my American friends will be able to pronounce it but I don't care. Should I call him that or like Parmesan or Curd or something? I'm thinking cheese.

No. 2446853

I love him! Cheesy cat!

No. 2446854

follow your heart nona
>none of my American friends will be able to pronounce it but I don't care
exactly, you shouldn't care, they can pronounce shit like zeitgeist, kindergarten, and schadenfreude, pronouncing the short name of your darling should be no issue.

No. 2446860

you could name him after cheeses that sound like names like Agur or Beaufort(i always always thought that sounded like a name), if he was a girl cat you could've named it Brianna or Gabriella so you could call her Brie for short kek

No. 2446861

File: 1742109687905.png (128.15 KB, 569x461, gouda.png)

Gouda for sure

No. 2446864

samefag, Gabriel is a male name so you could still call him Brie for short kekekek

No. 2446873

Gouda and Brie are good names but Käse it is!!

No. 2446917

Where can I buy cheap 85% tca acid? I need to dissolve a skin tag on my face that’s making me so self conscious. It’s $60 now I remember I found some for like $20 years ago but now it’s way more expensive for some reason.

No. 2446968

Only time they didn't stay on for me was when they were too small for my mattress. Otherwise you've just got to put them on and make sure every corner and straight is actually tucked under your mattress.

No. 2447020

So cute. Some ideas are Cam for camembert and Mozzie for mozzarella. Queso is also a cute name kek

No. 2447035

>I didn't think you could mentally control how a substance affects you like that.
It's not really one "controlling" it, it's just how it turns out. I bet if you drank it in a different setting and in a better mood, you would have enjoyed the experience more.

No. 2447049

is it weird or ideal to only have 1 sexual partner your whole life? assuming nothing about the relationship is toxic or anything.

No. 2447055

Neither, it’s neutral

No. 2447072


No. 2447076

If bed bugs are so incredibly hard to get rid of, how did people in the early modern deal with them? Did they just accept their fate as a blood farm?

No. 2447083

There were a lot of methods, many of them not really the safest, but as a species we have understood for a long time that intense heat can and will kill them. People would boil linens and clothes and hang them over fires to smoke them and kill bugs and eggs.

No. 2447088

File: 1742137040794.jpeg (142.59 KB, 431x353, IMG_4029.jpeg)

Why are cats so fucking adorable and regal (except this one, this fat piece of shit)

No. 2447145

Why isn't it coomshit to drawn goon pinups of men but when a man does it it's coomshit? Can anyone pinkpill on the difference?

No. 2447151

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No. 2447179

File: 1742143145295.png (194.58 KB, 1440x1442, this is bait.png)

No. 2447184

What do male prostitutes even do?

No. 2447189

File: 1742143712314.png (189.2 KB, 903x291, whore.png)

take it up the ass and be ugly, sometimes they have dinner with old ladies. When i want to laugh i look at male prostitutes advertising themselves on social media, they all look like this. The ego of men i swear to god.

No. 2447191

My question in no way was defending moids I was just curious?

No. 2447192

how old are you? legit question

No. 2447193

Die of aids and monkeypox

No. 2447194

Are they even trying to get female customers?

No. 2447196

Have sex for money?

No. 2447200

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No. 2447201

Do I have to tweeze every individual hair to "pluck" my eyebrows? Do people actually do this? Is there a secret I'm missing? It sounds really time consuming and painful.

No. 2447203

i wax them but i dont recommend it unless you plan on not going out for an entire day to let the redness dissapear

No. 2447239

It is. Have you never plucked your eyebrows before? If so, I’m jealous

No. 2447244

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Burgers, how serious of a business are senior quotes? Are most of them whatever? Does anybody even care? Is it mostly funny stuff or people being serious?

No. 2447311

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I want to make something yummy for a friend who's been helping me through a rough time. Any recs of something delicious and easy? can be sweet or savory, but leaning towards sweet since we both like to eat pizza while watching a movie and it would be nice to have a nice dessert after.

No. 2447321

Cherry fudge.

No. 2447358

Non-Americans, if you were to ask an American where they're from, would you rather them say America or the specific state?
Wondering because I've seen people complaining about Americans saying their state, but I feel like it makes sense since Americans seem really easy to spot just based on accent.

No. 2447373

Their country? No one means someone's state or province when you ask a foreigner where they're from.

No. 2447374

i dont like cherries…sorry nonny

No. 2447376

I don't really care either way, but states are all the same to me, be it Nebraska, Maryland, Washington, Conneticut or New York, so it won't tell me anything about you lol.

No. 2447380

Really? I feel like at least California, Texas, and Florida generally have some sort of connotation/stereotype other than simply being American.

No. 2447382

I don't actually care but thinking about it if we were talking I'd probably prefer them to say it something like "I'm from America/US, the state Nebraska" or something clarifying both. Because while I personally know all the states by name, I don't know for sure that everyone else in my country does. And if they just said "America" I'd ask them where in America anyway since I am familiar with the states.

If it's just a general question like a group of people all stating where they're from they should just say "America/US" because nobody asked for specifics. In that case it would be as odd as me stating the local province of my own country knowing damn well that means nothing to anyone else.

No. 2447390

Texas, for sure, but I can't say I'd know the difference between California and Florida. In my mind they're both beach-y with palms and on opposite ends of the country, nothing more.

No. 2447447

As an American, I do like knowing which state/province non-Americans are from kek

No. 2447470

When I was actually that age I remember thinking really hard about mine but ten years later I do not remember what mine was or what any of my friends' quotes were.

No. 2447570

File: 1742160761792.jpeg (215.76 KB, 1024x683, mGR0001_1024x1024.jpeg)

I wanna try manifesting smth but idk how it works. Are you supposed to just want it really hard? Do you visualize what you want to happen? Do you get on your knees and join hands like a prayer? Do you squeeze your eyes shut and charge up like picrel?

No. 2447576

Wtf does "family and milk is forever" mean? Milk spoils very fast and the majority of anons hate their families

No. 2447598

I have never heard of this before in my life. Maybe you made it up?

No. 2447607

kekkk im assuming you mean the doodle board line i wrote kek its a reference to the movie scene where dom says "family" and the milk is as in gossip remains forever

No. 2447624

Kekk anon is so lucky you replied with an explanation, I was getting ready to gaslight her.

No. 2447627

kek sorry i messed up your fun

No. 2447629

File: 1742162928284.jpg (27.6 KB, 361x275, MagooAndDog.jpg)

Was this your attempt at gaslighting? I think the dialogue so far is perfect for lolcow's own caps. I just thought you were blind so that's why I have picrel ready
Ty for the explanation I thought it would be more interesting since puns usually work multiple ways but doodleboard is insular and those places always get weird/cringey

No. 2447637

All good anon, kek.
No? I hadn't replied yet, that's why I said "getting ready to".
Are you the anon who keeps replying to people in the things you hate thread, accusing them of being newfags who fake interactions for the caps thread? It's tiring, anon, give it a rest.

No. 2447640

You seem really triggered and paranoid over a question. Time to take a break?(baiting)

No. 2447672

>Was this your attempt at gaslighting?
No. I literally never heard of it before and thought you remembered something mistakenly. Why would this go in the unfunny caps thread? You're weird.

No. 2447709

Why are humans so weak? Animals drink from rivers and eat food from the ground or raw meat and they're fine but if we do it we get sick, but humans are animals too so why are we so weak???

No. 2447714

>humans are animals too
Speak for yourself.

No. 2447717

I have the same question

No. 2447723

Because we effectively stopped the natural selection process with medicine

No. 2447725

Nta but what do you think humans are then

No. 2447726

We used to do stuff like that too nona, but we moved past it and grew into new stuff

No. 2447730

File: 1742166864423.jpg (40.1 KB, 436x547, diagram of a human.jpg)

No. 2447737

File: 1742167022006.jpg (46.23 KB, 880x480, 1731036721162.jpg)

Nope we are monke and you arent getting the water at the communal watering hole anymore

No. 2447743

I understand your beautiful mind

No. 2447782

Do Pilates help you lose fat?

No. 2447794

This is a broad question. Pilates are a great way to exercise. Exercising when paired with an appropriate diet will aid in weight loss efforts. Losing weight is always going to be about both diet and exercise.

No. 2447795

Maybe this is too complicated, but I personally love pistachio baklava

No. 2447819

File: 1742169793131.jpg (8.13 KB, 275x269, 1660061083901.jpg)

Any game dev nonnies? what engine is bet, godot or unity? they have different coding languages so i gotta settle for one

No. 2447820

RPG Maker 2000

No. 2447823

i want to make actual games

No. 2447827

Okay then RPG Maker VX Ace

No. 2447832

Unity has 10,000,000 resources out there and a bunch of code/assets to steal.

No. 2447847

File: 1742171129505.png (118.14 KB, 540x540, europe.PNG)

Are there national parks in Europe? Is camping a thing there? What about other outdoor recreation like kayaking, canoeing, and fishing?

No. 2447850

No I think it all got ruined during WW2 IIRC so now it's just parking lots and such

No. 2447855

Yes there's stuff like that, places to go hiking and such

No. 2447856

are acne patches actually good? i bought some because i thought they looked cute

No. 2447861

you’re better off getting hydrocolloid patches instead imo. they’re basically the same thing, but cheaper. just cut them small enough to go over the pimples.

No. 2447941

Anyone notice how much their older family members are so gullible when it comes to content on the internet? My mom got this thing from Aldi’s because some slop influencer probably said it tastes just like Chick Fil A. I mean I’m trying it right now and it tastes pretty good and has a nostalgic taste to it but it’s definitely not Chick Fil A kek

No. 2447954

I know the Nordic countries have got hundreds of thousands of small islands between them so boat/water culture like kayaking and fishing is really big there!

No. 2447957

My retarded boomer dad falls for the most blatant AI scams. My mom and I tell him it's AI and he gets super defensive asking "why the fuck would someone scam us" (like uhh) and then chimps out for 10 minutes screaming about how he found something smart and how we're all stupid kek

No. 2447960

I hate whenever I see people wearing these in public, I doubt they’re effective at anything

No. 2447964

Men (but especially dads) take people pointing out tiny mistakes or lapses in judgement as an affront on their intelligence, something worth freaking out over like you called them a pedophile.

No. 2447973

Kek that's my dad. The funniest part is that he doesn't end up buying the AI scam after I tell him it's a scam. But he just sulks quietly after chimping out and refuses to admit we were right kek

No. 2447978

Which culture/country is the most spiritually autistic in your experience? Dutch? Germans? Japanese?

No. 2447980

No. 2447981

Nigerians, Argentinians, Malaysians.

No. 2447984

Why Argentinians? I get Nigerians tho lol especially the anime-watching millennial variant lol

No. 2447985

All of latam

No. 2447992

Idk i'd put almost all of latam at the bottom of the autist list, especially Mexico and Brazil but that's also just my perception. If anything i'd put their Iberian counterparts in a higher tier of tism.

No. 2447993

File: 1742178027811.jpg (740.96 KB, 1024x678, slovensky raj national park.jp…)

Yes obviously

No. 2447994

I'm going to visit the Pyrennes soon just to do outdoor activities and do a mini nature retreat

No. 2447996

No way, latam is autistic as fuck, everyone just has different flavors of autism.

No. 2448001

Help me understand Nona like I can understand the other examples like germans since they are rigid rule followers and have odd social rules but latam is so the opposite to me

No. 2448011

Why do moids kill their pregnant girlfriends/wives more compared to non-pregnant? They also don't kill the moment they find out she's pregnant, it's usually during the middle of the pregnancy. Is it because they find her pregnancy annoying or they don't want the kid (but if they didn't then wouldn't they just have tried to abort it firsthand) or just for a power trip?

No. 2448027

In most cases those moids are cheating and want to leave their wifes for their mistresses.

No. 2448033

It’s sad the #1 cause of death for pregnant women is murder

No. 2448038

The other anons are correct, but also men get angry with the pregnant woman for not preventing the pregnancy in many cases.

No. 2448059

Yes. I tweeze every hair out until it's in shape. Only the first time will be painful and time consuming. From then on, it only a couple of minutes every couple of days for maintainence, and it doesn't hurt anymore.

No. 2448075

File: 1742182894670.jpg (175.58 KB, 1080x1080, 1000002287.jpg)

What is this supposed to mean?

No. 2448083

They’re gonna peck your wound nonnie

No. 2448090

Chickens see red whenever they see the colour red.

No. 2448103


No. 2448106

The chicken smells blood and wants it

No. 2448121

Lots of people still do this. You’re about as likely as an animal is to get sick from it if you’re acclimated to it. But getting infections as often as wild animals do isn’t something an industrial human is OK with. But we might evolutionarily require cooking because of how it increases nutrient availability of food—look up the Wrangham cooking hypothesis.

No. 2448124

Buy deeper ones.

No. 2448130

>official social media account of a celebrity gets deleted (most likely from himself)
>years later gets revived/hijacked by some random teenage fan
How does this happen? People can just steal the handle like that?

No. 2448132

Hacking old Twitter accounts and selling the handle has been a profitable grift for a long time

No. 2448346

so…has anyone else had trouble with being thirsty, especially at night? sometimes i get nauseous too. drinking water doesn't really help or just worsens the nausea issue. and yep i've gone to the doctor already a few months ago and the only suggestion was anxiety.

No. 2448646

File: 1742228573215.jpg (29.88 KB, 542x542, 0ad93686587fc481b062b776359701…)

I was watching a compilation of cringy boyinaband lyrics and one commenter claimed that she had a crush on him as a preteen because he had long hair and she was in the closet.
Do in the closet lesbians really do that? I think that girl is bullshitting tbh, because I find it pretty unrealistic that a lesbian would have a crush on a moid because long hair, even in the closet a lesbo would still secretly pine for a woman, right?

No. 2448652

No you're right, that sounds and smells like masterdoc bullshit kek

No. 2448653

Well, she was a preteen. The discovery of one's sexuality usually occurs in one's adolescence. It's likely that she was navigating her sexuality at the time and coming to terms with things while discovering who she was. I thought this was common knowledge.

No. 2448658

is there a free vpn? also can i get hacked by using vpn?

No. 2448660

The only believable lesbian I've dated was a gold star and always liked girls/women

No. 2448674

My mom told me she wants to buy a gaming laptop, and she told me she is going to spend at least $2000 on it, because Dad spent that much on his computer and she says she deserves to buy one that costs just as much if not more. Anyways, she asked me what a good gaming laptop would be, but I don't know that much about laptops. My question is, what would be a good gaming laptop for my mom? Does anyone have any recommendations? My mom does like to play steam games, but idk what kind of specs she wants. Even though my mom asked me for help, I don't know that much…

No. 2448686

First thing you should do is ask her what her top 5 games she spends the most time playing are. Then look at the steam pages for those games. There will be a section for specs, and there will be a "minimum" and a "recommended" spec list. Take the highest specs out of all the games and start there.

No. 2448695

Your mom is really cool for being a gamer, I wish I had a gamer mom.

No. 2448785

I sent a message to a guy 2 days ago and he hasnt seen or responded to it. Is he avoiding me?

No. 2448801

If he wanted to answer you, he would have by now. I'd move on.

No. 2448835

depends a little bit what music but maybe insta? Or a forum dedicated to the genre. Some forums have an offtopic like lc. At shows you can definately scan the guy the best for body language and how he behaves amongst other people.

No. 2448845

I use this site for getting PC parts. I know it's not quite what you are looking for but they breakdown pretty easily what part does what and they have a section for what you need to run certain games.

No. 2448888

I cant move on there are no other cute scrotes in my class…

No. 2448891

Well I told you the text message sounded too autistic but you sent it anyway so

No. 2448897

File: 1742239895187.png (127.35 KB, 322x326, 1517025603105.png)

but he said yes to going out, so why didnt he respond when i set up a date? i dont understand scrotes. At this point i am pissed i have to do all this to get dick while men get to rent out hot pussy for the price of a mcnugget.

No. 2448920

Is water enough to wash of benzoyl peroxide?

No. 2449117

A zoomer sends me pics on snapchat everyday of either his forehead or random pic driving or sitting on the couch with no caption. I finally asked and he said he doesn't know, it's to keep the streak going and his friends always reply. Why? Why would kids care that much about something that means absolutely nothing?

No. 2449128

I'm a zoomer and I don't know. It's really weird. A younger millenial friend of mine told me that while sorting things through her divorce, her husband at the time (who was 14 years her senior) literally said "so we're not keeping our snap streak?" So it's not just a zoomer thing, I guess it's just a retarded brainlet thing.

No. 2449132

Can you use hair growth serum for the bald sports on your V-zone?

No. 2449139

Please do not do this, minoxidil can really fuck your health up if you don't respond well to it, and if you want it for public hair you are putting it in an extremely delicate and sensitive area. Don't do this.

No. 2449188

Real question and bare with me because I'm high rn but can I get a girl friend while being a neet or do I need to have a job do I at least need that going for me.

No. 2449234

If the girl is need too it’s easier id say

No. 2449259

I mean, never in a way that I can’t fix by drinking water. In fact night chugs are the best chugs.

No. 2449271

Hmm good answer but how do I meet her?

No. 2449319

Anons I'm apparently too dumb for pixiv. How do I search for tags within a genre? I can look up genres and tags seperately no problem, but how the hell do I do it at once?

No. 2449326

I don't know much about laptops but I got recommended a Lenovo Legion 5 Pro a few years ago. It's still like new and works great for games. For 2k I think you can get one of the newer models, mine was like 1k.

No. 2449456

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is this her actual body or is it angles + mild shooping?

No. 2449469

Who is it

No. 2449485

Anon, that’s one of those Chinese slimming filtered.

No. 2449488

jesus christmas her books are magically warping! and that red shelf or whatever it is seems to be alive…

No. 2449489

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If i tell my therapist i think about killing myself will she send me to a psych ward? what happens in those cases?

No. 2449496

You should try it and see!

No. 2449498

it depends on the therapist and how you put it. if you're talking about ideation, then probably not. she'll likely ask more questions to assess the severity of risk before escalating it to that level. you should share with her so she can know where you're at and better help you.

No. 2449519

How do you get over making dumb mistakes that fucked up your life? i cant stop thinking about it, going back and thinking ''if i had done this, this wouldnt have happened'' its driving me nuts. I know its worthless to think about it anymore, but it brings me inmmense pain and i cant stop.

No. 2449522

I don't get the Meghan Markle hate. I know she and Harry were super annoying with their antics about wanting to be left alone and not be part of the royal family anymore but she was already super hated before that. What started it?

No. 2449539

Entitled women seething because they don’t think someone like her belongs. Possibly raciallymotivated.

No. 2449542

When I was four and my sister was seven, she had me lay down for a “surprise”. Then before I could realize what she was going to do, she grabbed the bubble gum out of her mouth and stuffed it up my butthole. When my parents found out they had to hold me down while they tried to dig it out, first with peanut butter and then with ice when the pb didn’t work. Would you consider that sexual assault? I have negative sexual desire/interest in physical intimacy and several therapists over the years have implied that I may have had some assault at a young age that I don’t remember or wasn’t willing to tell them. Idk if that would count though or if that’s just a more generic painful childhood memory.

No. 2449544

Okay. Well. Has anything similar to this happened to you as well?

No. 2449551

I'd say that counts as an assault of a highly invasive nature. It wasn't sexual- probably. Sounds like something my sister would do. I can see having something shoved up your ass as contributing to the same sort of trauma response as sexual assault though.

No. 2449552

Mmmn, not really. If we were fighting growing up and she wanted to go for somewhere tender she’d try to snatch at my privates (clothed) but that’s all I can think of.

No. 2449555

Yeah I don’t think she was intending it as sexual but I’m just grasping for potential contributors as to why I’m messed up.

No. 2449559

Once the bubble gum was in they would have to take it out somehow so I don't think that part could have been avoided even by taking you to a hospital but your sister shoving something up your butt is possibly sexual assault.
It's not unusual for small children to sexually assault other children. Children's brains aren't usually fit to process empathy before the age of 7 so at that point she was probably only starting to conceptualize that you feel pain - maybe that was even the reason why she did it, to explore what it was like to cause someone else pain.
Idk what your sister is like, if she continued being abusive or if you two had a good relationship, but you have the right to feel violated and traumatized by what she did even if you continue to love her. It's your prerrogative to feel how you want to feel about it. But I do think it's enough to cause sexual trauma.

No. 2449564

If she was grabbing your genitals during fights and shoving bubblegum up your ass then yeah it was sexual assault and it makes sense you'd be sex averse

No. 2449574

What does it mean if my body doesn't digest yogurt well? Whenever I eat yogurt, my poop turns out green meaning that it's not being processed properly. Is my body just not used to the probiotics?

No. 2449586

It got easier physically once I got a little bigger and could hold my own against her, but psychologically she treated me pretty awfully until we were grown up. I don’t hold any grudge against her now though. She softened up quite a bit once she started having kids and even apologized for treating me so badly after she had her third. But it did take some years after she moved away for me to stop having recurring nightmares about her. Glad that phase of my life is over.

No. 2449587

Not trying to call anyone dumb or anything but… couldn't anon just… shit out the bubblegum?

No. 2449603

eh, might just be a minor FODMAP or lactose issue if it's still happening without any additives? probably isn't anything dangerous but i'd cut back.

No. 2449638

File: 1742262967375.gif (1.6 MB, 240x288, the voices.gif)

How do i know if my classmates dislike me
>they dont talk to me on message apps
>they sometimes dont greet me/say goodbye to me(the male does, the female doesnt)
>one time we were leaving class together and they were walking in front of me, talking
I suffer from extreme social anxiety so i dont know if they legit hate me or if its just me making up fanfics because of anxiety. That being said i normally dont tend to approach them either, since i feel like i would annoy them.

No. 2449662

It's also possible that they just don't actively like you, as in, they're neutral towards you. I know the social anxiety brain goes straight to the most catastrophic answer and even just "neutral" feels like burning hatred or disgust, but the most likely answer is that you're halfway in the love/hate scale, especially if you can't think of anything that could have made them hate you. Being annoying sometimes isn't enough to make a normal person hate you, only absolute jerks looking for people to hate would do that.

No. 2449663

isn't it about sexual ability? a man who has had sex a few times will…ideally…be better about gauging what you want, a man who's never had sex might go into it thinking he's about to speed through a pornhub clip. it could also just be societal conditioning, virgin males are seen as losers or otherwise undesirable

No. 2449672

damn that makes me feel terrible too specially since i tried super hard for them to like me kek i guess my autismo aura is too strong

No. 2449675

there is nothing you can do to change the past so why waste your energy moping over it? you idealize the past, there's no way of knowing it actually would have ended up any better. people on all different walks of life end up with different problems. focus on the present and what you have now, and realize you can make different choices at any time.

No. 2449676

Ntayrt but you'll have new classes soon it's ok

No. 2449687

we have the same classes because we are enrolled into the same career

No. 2449688

stop overthinking stop caring what people think and stop trying so hard. maybe take some medication. you gotta chill out.

No. 2449703

i cant help it i got anxiety

No. 2449722

That's retarded. Obviously fresh untouched material you can mold perfectly to your tastes is better than a moid already adjusted to three other skanks, who probably thinks he knows everything and doesn't have to listen to you.

No. 2449826

What are legal options if you know of a group of moids making cp of your relatives? Just public shaming?

No. 2449830

Burden of proof is unfortunately on you so you'd have to prove they have the CP first and then start a case or report them

No. 2449832

The local authorities (yours and theirs)

No. 2449842

Kek second top and third bottom are identical twins

No. 2449849

How are moids not embarrassed by showing their hideous mugs as their profile pictures? At least take a good photo, not one with the camera underneath your quadruple chin and hideous beard and zoomed in on your face. These types tend to be incels whining about how unattractive they are, if so why don't they hide their faces instead of putting them as their Reddit pfps kek

No. 2449868

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Is there a reliable online test that can show where my political views lie (am I left, right, etc) and isn't U.S.centric?
I'd always thought I was left, but someone told me recently that he thinks I'm right, which was a total blow and I felt really insulted. I want to make sure.

No. 2449870

The definition of the words in your picrel greatly vary depending on country. One country's ultra conservative could be another country's extreme woke liberalism or some shit. You'd unfortunately just have to study the politics in your country if you want accuracy

No. 2449871

Tradfags and grifters are trying to ruin "classic liberal" but the wiki page probably describes most anons

No. 2449908

Political views in my country are all twisted. I thought as I'm a feminist, I'll automatically be left anyway. But I defended a dictator of my country who forbid wearing niqab (face covering) for women, and I think it doesn't matter that the dictator did it through force and not the will of all people and in this particular case, the end justifies the means. That's why I was called a rightist by this moid who's studied law. I think he is wrong and making women's lives better through dictatorship is still a left-leaning view. I used to be an anarchist but I realized in such a society women will be crushed. Now I'm all confused.
Thanks anon. I'm not good at this -isms, I'll read on it.

No. 2450011

Is it possible to lose weight if i keep drinking coke(zero)? i am willing to drop chocolate for life, but not my sweetened cocaine water.

No. 2450045

You lose weight if you consume less calories than you use. Figure out you bmr and do the calculations. You could have nothing but coke and doritos and lose weight as long as the numbers add up.

No. 2450117

are you doing anything to treat your anxiety? it's possible to feel better and stop obsessing over minutiae. but you have to help yourself.

No. 2450166

I think thats way more than just mild shooping anon kek

No. 2450168

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Do natural black hair is 100% black? I remember I had a friend with really dark hair but she had reddish ends, I don't know if it's because she spent a lot of time under the sun or it's just impossible for black hair to be pure black

No. 2450170

>someone told me recently that he thinks I'm right, which was a total blow and I felt really insulted
Why is that insulting to you though? I'm an apolitical autist and the thing that keeps me away from politics is that both sides act like the other is full of unreasonable low IQ demons. If that guy was serious it's likely your views really do align at least somewhat with the right so it would be better for you to accept that all people have nuanced views including yourself.

No. 2450174

No, natural black hair is really, really dark brown. To get the blue-black color you have to use dye.

No. 2450180

"Pure black" doesn't really exist in nature as it's the absence of light bouncing off the object. For hair to be 100% pure black it wouldn't have any shine to it at all, it would just absorb all the light. Hair can be so dark it doesn't have other colored tones in it reflect outwardly, so it's kinda more like a really dark grey, or more often a really dark brown. The reason we know it's most often brown at the base is that if we bleach it and remove pigment, you get left with brown tones of hair rather than grey.

No. 2450262

Have you tried searching 2 tags at once?

No. 2450287

Who was the old tumblr famous cow who was connected to Soren who lied about being a prostitute living in a trailer park who made HORRIBLE rap/spoken poetry? First she had an edgy trailer trash heroin Nicole Dollanganger Girl Interrupted persona that did tumblr poetry, and she had a swastika stick and poke she claimed her ex boyfriend forced her to get, then she pivoted into the plus sized Lana Del Rey trashy bbgirl sad girl hooker persona. The Lana Del Rey persona is where the rap came into play. Also I remember notorious tumblr blogger gothicprep made a ton of posts about this cow because she claimed that the cow was leading her on and taking advantage of her?? Can someone help. She's one of my faves but I had a huge mental fart and forgot her name.

No. 2450292

The swastika tattoo was the only thing that rang a bell. Is that Ginger Bronson?

No. 2450297

YES HER THANK YOU. The last update to her thread was about how she married some guy with her dad's name. I genuinely think she's still posting online but dialed back her bullshit to epic normie levels. There is something about online liars from wealthy families who have a bit of connection who just can't stay away from the internet. Just look at notorious tumblr user zubat, she's literally still posting under her very recognizable name Alexis Yrigoyen STILL attention-whoring over the same shit, but now she pivoted to pandering to scrotes instead of tumblr gendies. I bet Kayla (Ginger) is doing the same, or maybe she's a mommy blogger like the anons in her thread thought kek. I miss her so much she was fucking hilarious.

No. 2450334

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Mm. Love me some vanta black.

No. 2450406

If you’re overweight then you most likely have an addiction brought on by consuming foods engineered to be addictive. You’re asking, “How do I stop smoking without giving up cigarettes?”
You can still lose weight while consuming addictive substances but it’ll be a nonstop uphill battle and you’ll never be able to maintain that lower weight without continuous intensive willpower. Most people can’t do that long-term, and for the ones who do it’s a sucky process. Much easier to only consume real food.

No. 2450495

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What the fuck is this place? Im high an I thought i somehow got redirected to that soyjak board

No. 2450500

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Do Brita pitchers actually filter water to a degree it's safe to drink? I live in a place where the tap water is generally not clean enough to drink on its own, so I use picrel and fill it up from my sink. Lately I've been noticing the taste is still kind of bad though, I changed the filter but the taste remains.

No. 2450502

I don't trust them and wouldn't be surprised if they do nothing

No. 2450520

I need to provide a picture for work but I usually look really tired around the eyes and I want to do a tiny bit of editing. What free apps can you recommend? I have an iPhone btw

No. 2450522

They do work but you have to get the Elite Filter for best results.

No. 2450527

Not really, especially when you use an actual water tester. Maybe they've changed something about their elite filters, though. I've seen good results from Clearly Filtered and ZeroWater.

No. 2450530

I could see it working if the water was filtered over and over again, like in a fish tank

No. 2450624

Can someone give me a step-by-step guide on what we're allowed/not allowed to say about sabrina because some of the celebricows bans confuse me and I'm scared to ask there. I thought being against sexualization wasn't a big deal?

No. 2450640

Can you show or link some of the bans that confused you, and then maybe we can help?

No. 2450664

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>Are laptops supposed to expire & die?
My laptop is super good but recently it keeps asking for more updates and drains the battery very quickly! What am I supposed to do?

No. 2450671

You could post this in the tech thread for more intimate help, but the first thing that comes to mind is: how often have you cleaned the interior of your laptop to remove things like dust or lint?

No. 2450678

>removing dust or lint
i never opened it for this reason. if i clean it now will it keep it alive for longer?

No. 2450774

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I have been feeling like shit lately and losing weight incredibly fast, will thise leave me with stretch marks saggy skin? i am losing around 1kg per week

No. 2450777

Like this (not mine fwiw)
is just mocking what her fans on social media say, I think? Some of the stuff labeled there as 'bait' just reads as normal criticism to me

No. 2450783

Pls nona this gif usage is insane, I'm cackling.
On a serious note though, when I was really sick and rapidly losing weight I was only left with loose skin, not stretch marks. However, when I gained back a more healthy weight, the stretch marks came back with a vengeance.

No. 2450785

No, you're losing it at an appropriate rate. There might be some loose skin, but that will dissipate with time. The 'excessive skin' problem really only happens to very obese individuals that lose hundreds of pounds. If you're feeling shitty and still losing weight, you might be lacking in certain essential vitamins and minerals. Try to find a multivitamin to take every day, and remember to eat an appropriate amount of protein to support the functioning of your body. A good rule of thumb is .5-.7g of protein per lb of body weight (e.g., if you're 120lbs, you should consume 60g-84g of protein per day).

No. 2450788

Well that's a pretty unintegrated post. It wasn't saged, and it even has a tone marker included. It deserved to be banned.

No. 2450790

thanks nonnies, will the lose skin be less noticeable if i start swimming classes? i want to wear croptops this summer so badly…

No. 2450796

I'm the 2nd AYRT. Basically, how loose skin works is that when you're body loses weight, your skin doesn't get the memo (so to speak) immediately. It's going to take some time for your skin to realize "oh, there's too much of me," and to shrink down. The skin is the largest organ, so it will take a while for it to adjust to the demands of the body. Since your losing weight at a healthy rate, you don't have much to worry about in terms of loose skin. You might notice that you're skin looks a little looser than normal, but in a few weeks it'll be back to normal. It's basically a non-issue for you.

It's a really good idea to start swimming because it's a really great and efficient exercise. When you swim, you're working out a lot of muscles in your body at the same time and you're improving your heart health too. It's a great way to tone muscles. Toning your muscles is important because even if you lose weight, you'll still look flabby if you don't have a developed musculature. Swimming a few times a week and light workouts (things like squats and pushups every morning, stretching before you sleep, etc.) will not only improve your health and wellness, but it will also improve your self-confidence too.

No. 2450815

Hope you don't mind more stupid questions from another anon kek.
I'm also losing weight at a similar rate to nona (7-8lbs/mo), and I'm simultaneously convinced it's not having an effect, and feeling like I'm changing everywhere. It's driving me insane.
Do you know how much weight needs to be lost before I can tell I look different for sure? And do people typically lose in one area, or all over their body? I'm both frustrated and relieved when I feel like nothing is changing kek
and do your boobs typically shrink a lot? I know it's vain to worry about it, but I'm anxious my boobs have definitely gotten smaller and I don't want them to. Ugh.

No. 2450836

Since you're living in your body everyday and your weight loss is a gradual effort, you won't be able to notice minute differences. It's like a frog dropped into cold water turned to boil; the temperature changes so slowly that the frog doesn't realize it's become dangerous. A good solution is to think long-term. Using a measuring rope, measure your body. The size of your thighs, calves, forearms, upper-arms, bust, waist, hips, etc., and record the measurements. Do this once a month to compare how your measurements are changing. You can also dedicate the first day of the month to taking photographs of your body, if you use the same positions and lighting every month then you'll be able to have a catalog of photos depicting the changes in your body.

>do people typically lose in one area, or all over their body?

The body is one unit. When you lose weight, the weight is lost from the entire body, not just sections or parts of it. Some people store weight in different areas of the body than others. For example, if you notice that your weight goes to your thighs, then you might lose weight there quicker, but it's not a certainty. It's impossible to lose weight only in one area, or to target an area for weight loss. Instead of basing your weight loss on how you look in the mirror, base it on more concrete things that are independent of opinion, like how your clothes fit.

You can check out this thread in /g/ for more help regarding fitness and dieting: >>>/g/433552

No. 2450924

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How do you dress ''cool'' when you have big breasts? is the only option to wear skin tight tshirts?

No. 2450926

Okay, that all makes sense. Thank you for answering, anon.
I'm afraid to use /g/ threads sometimes because I'm nervous I'm shitting them up kek. But you're right, I'll start using the diet/fitness thread now. Thanks for linking it.
Well, just dress without worrying about your boobs? The only time you need to take them into account is when you're looking for something that fits. Billie Eilish is by no means flat, and a lot of people seem to think she dresses pretty cool.

No. 2450929

File: 1742340543864.jpg (106.18 KB, 720x959, 1729317294eaeda74f330c851be1df…)

i meant to not look fat. If i wear something like this it makes me look fatter than i am.

No. 2450930

kekkk I thought you meant temperature bc spring/summer is coming. Very cute outfit nona

No. 2450937

lmao nonny, its actually going to be autumn/winter in my country soonish so i am preparing my fits for when i lose weight (hopefully) by spring. I remember when i used to be skinny i struggled a lot wearing graphic tees because the ones for women were skin thight and the ones for men made me look like a hamplanet

No. 2450942

File: 1742341149388.jpg (60.42 KB, 736x894, 1000005319.jpg)

you can try and seek out more alternative cuts for tops but i imagine they would need to trend on the tighter side to not add bulk to your figure

No. 2450943

I think you might be more preoccupied with your weight than you need to be, which is contributing to your difficulties.

No. 2450944

i am fat nonny, i should be worried about my weight

No. 2450951

I'm not looking to fight or anything, but I mean in the way where you're saying you "look fatter than you are" if you wear certain things. But if you're saying you'll be skinny soon via weight loss, does that matter?
Like, it seems you're less worried about your weight because you think it's a good idea to lose weight, and more because you're worried about how other people perceive you. Which is never a good situation to be in, because then you're constantly trying to satisfy something that isn't even real. It's an unattainable goal.
Anyways, I think you should just wear styles you like, even if that means more out there stuff like cybergoth or lolita. If you're skinny, then you're skinny. Some anachan rolling her eyes at you won't change what you physically are.

No. 2450954

Thanks nonas, I figured it probably wasn't doing much. I'll look into getting a different filter or different pitcher altogether

No. 2450960

I understand your concern nonny but i was a fat neet for 5 years and i am finally trying to lose weight and feel good in my skin plus wear cute clothes. I want to look good in clothes, thats the whole point of fashion isnt it?

No. 2450979

For those who edit or color digitally, if you have the type of computer screen where some parts of an image appear darker or lighter depending on how further up/lowered the image and screen is, how do you figure out if the color is accurate?

No. 2450986

Computers are supposed to be used from a certain angle. You can find information on that in the manual or user guide. It's the angle which will prevent neck pain; the most neutral. You want to edit with that angle in mind since it's the most neutral. If it helps, you can step away from your computer a meter or two and observe from afar. It's best to edit with your screen at medium brightness, because most people have their screens set to medium level.

No. 2451004

File: 1742343901506.jpg (Spoiler Image,208.68 KB, 1200x1200, 1000017471.jpg)

From my understanding our stomachs are located somewhere in the middle of our torsos, so why is it when we drink water or eat food, our lower abdomen bloats instead? The digestion process takes a while (albiet not as long for water) so it seems impossible it's already made it's way to the intestines, the bloating is instant. What's the reason this happens?

No. 2451027

It's bloating because of the shit in your intestines

No. 2451030

I have a 18 yo brother who's about to graduate high school in a few months from now. I want to get him a small gift for the ceremony, especially because he is huge help around the house and helps me with chores and cooking and does his own laundry and sometimes does the other's, too. I'm grateful and want to show my appreciation with a gift. But the problem is I don't know what he'd like. I was gonna buy him a box with a fancy watch, pen, cufflinks and a personalized gift card but he found out about it and said this is the kind of gifts given by the school and he has no use for it. I know he likes some anime here and there but he thinks buying and/or wearing anime merch is cringe, so I can't get him that either. He doesn't like toys, action figures or plushies. He likes perfumes but my other brother is gonna get him one so I can't buy the same gift. He really wants a new phone so I was thinking of giving him a phone case but he told me his friend promised to get him one, so this idea is already taken. I ran out of ideas…I'm thinking of getting him hair gel since he really likes styling his hair and keeping it growing but he uses Vaseline for that and says he prefers it. I'm lost.

No. 2451033

Invest in gold and give him a share of the investment

No. 2451051

He would unironically like that KEK. Maybe I should just give him money as a gift and let him buy whatever he wants. But I don't have money on me atm.

No. 2451056

Not a bad idea. You could also buy some shares of a stock since everything is pretty cheap right now and gift that. Normally I tell people to get a frame for the graduate’s diploma but a high school diploma usually isn’t displayed like a college one.

No. 2451089

Why does my butthole itch sometimes? Like right in the center of the hole.

No. 2451092

Worst case scenario: worms. Best case scenario: you still have some poop to pass or something, or the last time you pooped you pooped too much your asshole is exhausted, especially after eating something spicy or deep fried and other things that irritate the guts and cause constipation and make shitting unbearable.

No. 2451101

why is blush such a big deal right now

No. 2451119

Maybe a lot of embarrassing stuff is happening?

No. 2451135

What is your go-to report reason for when you’re sure a post deserves a ban, but aren’t sure exactly which ban is applicable? Mine is usually “autism” or “retardation” for general stupid shit

No. 2451141

Are there any other hobbies he has, or hobbies he’d like to get into? Does he like physical media?

No. 2451142

Yep, "retard" and "retardation". Sometimes it's a good ol' "faggot" report. Sometimes a "schizo meltdown".
also a better home for this might probably be random questions!

No. 2451145

Not really. He's a bit religious though.

No. 2451153

So, when you write a script and want to make a movie, are you supposed to like take it to a series of production companies and basicially just beg for one of the producers to read it and enjoy it? Or does anyone here have any knowledge on that

No. 2451162

I am not very religious, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think something that you know will be spiritually meaningful to him would definitely be appropriate for the occasion (unless you think he would also find that cringe).

No. 2451166

File: 1742353423252.jpg (42.85 KB, 570x570, 322 ALL MONTHS-Large.jpg)

auntie nona's angel pin that ends up in the junk drawer ♥

No. 2451167

Do you think if Micheal Jackson was still alive he would troon out?

No. 2451173

How likely do you think something like " the purge " could happen in the USA?

No. 2451182

This kinda question might be above the collective pay grade of this thread, but that is essentially what a speculative screenplay is. Although I think your agent (if you have one) is the one who actually pitches to producers, kind of similar to the process of getting a manuscript turned into a book deal.

No. 2451185

not super likely at all, crime doesn’t need to be legal for people to want to break the law or murder others
100% yes

No. 2451198

No, but he'd be secure enough to finally admit to being trans-racial and trans-age too. He'd reveal it on an Oprah special. His Japanese fangirls would kill themselves on masse.

No. 2451219

It’s not really like books where you can pitch something to a publisher and hope for the best. Film is more exclusionary, most people who are writers work shitty jobs in film for years and build up contacts that way. The entire time you are writing and pitching projects to people just to get your name out there and don’t expect any of it to get anywhere. It takes connections and luck for someone to actually pick up your script and consider producing it, usually after years and years of work. It’s not an industry I would recommend anyone get into unless they are truly passionate and have a spouse/family paying for most of their living expenses.

No. 2451252

Absolutely not. He wasn't willing to fix his botched third nose job and his surgery after that was to stop his nose from collapsing. That shows he would have had no intention in botching himself further. Plus, i see zero signs of agp in him, sure he's weird and probably a pedo, but i can't imagine he was wearing bra and panties in his free time. I do wonder if he would have kept bleaching his skin though, granted his skin colour will never be his original one because of vitiligo. I do think he would have caped for troons.

No. 2451273

>crime doesn’t need to be legal for people to want to break the law or murder others
yes it does. that's literally who laws are for. people who have disregard for others but not themselves. laws stop people from committing crimes for the expressly because it will negatively affect them. people who commit crimes either have no regard for the consequences or have weighed them in their minds as having net benefit.

No. 2451319

Some are just so obvious I type "…yeah" or something kek

No. 2451331

how do you make female friends as someone finished with school and struggling to get a job? i hate everyone i went to high school because they're either a gendie now or just flatout mean to others thinking its funny

No. 2451334

What was the AI that makes you ChatGPT text sounds less like AI?

No. 2451469

Probably not the answer you are looking for but maybe invest in a good bra first. I have the same issue but I recently started making vintage bras and I was genuinely surprised at how much they slimmed down my upper body.

No. 2451493

am I right to be offended if a doctor doesn’t ask me if I am sexually active when going over my medical history?
At least pretend that I look like a sex having normie

No. 2451494

File: 1742381952054.jpg (55.76 KB, 736x981, 3b9115df42f4a23907e46e6f1edba5…)

Was Aphrodite actually fat?

No. 2451498

Looks like what you'd expect from an era where abundance and food security was a sign of prosperity and having your sons and daughters built with 10 lbs of extra weight was something to be proud of. Kind of a complete non-issue when society has become so indulgent and bored that putting water in your collar bones are posing with a sheet of a4 paper over your waist is an east Asian trend.

No. 2451500

Is it possible to completely change your personality? I don't really have one in the first place, and although i'm not an autist people on imageboards have told me i sound like i do. In real life i don't say much if anything at all, so i am very meek, quiet and shy but how am i gonna make it in the workplace like this? I look very incompetent. I'd like to astrive for more in life because i don't want to kill myself but i'm so uncharismatic and boring i feel i shouldn't even try.

No. 2451501

Is this her? She is not fat in my opinion, just very unfit

No. 2451505

File: 1742382825258.jpeg (90.07 KB, 1080x1343, 1003223445.jpeg)

That's one of the results that shows up when I search "aphrodite body", and other variations like these texts

No. 2451510

File: 1742383172412.gif (72.5 KB, 220x220, huh-saturday-night-live.gif)

>posing with a sheet of a4 paper over your waist is an east Asian trend.
Do you have an example of this nona?

No. 2451513

Aphrodite doesn't exist so you can imagine her however you want and the statue in that picture doesn't look fat. It looks like the representation of a curvy woman who's just not standing up.

No. 2451525

No. 2451574

The concept of demons being summoned by Latin incantations and candles in the dark cus that's their origins makes sense, since they're kinda bound to those, but what if a demon was formed in the 21st century? Would they be summoned by meme terms spoken in the dark, broken Bluetooth headphones and a Gen Alpha kid's iPad on 1% playing Fortnite?

No. 2451583

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No. 2451626

Where can I publish a PSA against a university I went to? I was raped, had proof of him threatening to kill me, and they barely gave him a slap on the wrist. The police did nothing. Should I collect allegations from other students and publish it as a major hit piece, or what?

No. 2451662

News publisher, yeah? I'd go to them personally.

No. 2451691

multiple wi-fi routers in a circle with chanting of internet slang and naming dead software all while being slightly illuminated by a circle of CRT monitors.

No. 2452024

Why do people make OCs? Is this normal? Is this a weeb thing? I don’t get it, I never tried to create a character out of the blue

No. 2452039

You don't understand the desire to create something instead of just consoooming all the time? I used to make OCs back when I was writing, it's the ultimate form of escapism kek

No. 2452046

Making OCs is pretty normal. I don't know where you got the idea it's weebish when some of the most infamous OCs are western. Like 75% of OCs are idealized self-inserts while others are tools to make whatever story the person is writing work.

No. 2452055

I’m not into writing or tabletop games so I never had the need. It’s just such a foreign concept to me.

No. 2452098

I am in my mid twenties and got diagnosed with ADD. They proposed the idea of getting on medication. My supervisor at my internship already chewed me out once because I suck at time management. Should I try the medication? I am from a conservative family and my parents that the pills will make me an addict.

No. 2452101

I dont understand how people can make ocs and never actually make a story with them. Its so cringe to me. I am working on a few character designs for a game i am making, otherwise i dont see the point of having a billion ocs lying around. Oc only artists filter me the fuck off.

No. 2452152

Remember when you used to play make-believe as a child? Similar vein.
I don't make OCs without a story because that's second nature to me, but I understand people who do. In the way that the narrative is appealing to us, the visual aspect appeals to their sense of aesthetic or visual enjoyment.

No. 2452184

There are some truly joyless people among us

No. 2452386

Same. Like what do you put your OC in then? I understand yumes who self ship or something but there's always the pretentious ones with DeviantArt tier OCs who shove them everywhere with nothing to them

No. 2452438

Do mails by your mail provider informing you about suspicious login activity point more towards malware or your email being in a data breach? Haveibeenpwned shows nothing new, but neither does a virus scan lol.

No. 2452444

Do you often sign in to your email account while using a VPN? To be on the safe side, you should change your passwords a few times a year anyway.

No. 2452451

Nope, never. I'm not too worried about that mail address in itself because I don't have any important accounts linked to it, but I do care if I have a virus lol.

No. 2452459

I don't think those suspicious activity emails would point to a virus, so I wouldn't worry about it much, especially if your virus scans say there's nothing wrong.

No. 2452481

Alright, thanks. I've been wondering because the message said it could point towards that, but then again, I doubt a mailing service is a better virus protection than virus protection itself…

No. 2452562

Not even sure how to phrase this but when guys repeatably comment on your weight what does it mean im kind if over weight

No. 2452565

Nothing. You're you, and we're us. Who gives a fuck if you're overweight?

No. 2452587

is it more interesting to wear a sleeveless top with pants or a long sleeve top with shorts

I know it's dumb but I saw another woman today wearing the inverse of what I had on kek

No. 2452703

When will society praise male purity?

No. 2452707

when male virgins stop shooting up public schools, ie never

No. 2452732

those moids arent pure though, they are brainrotted by porn and degeneracy

No. 2452734

How about we start with self-discipline? I can't think of anything gay or homicidal that can be associated with and would have the potential to change the whole world overnight

No. 2452741

I don't understand.

No. 2452769

File: 1742433048540.jpg (119.16 KB, 736x920, 24a200411cd95a3d5089aa47705c5a…)

Is lingerie 100% sexual? I know in theory it's not, since it's just undergarment, but for some reason I can't separate the idea of if from the sexual aspect, same reason why I dislike it.

No. 2452772

Nothing but sex is inherently sexual, nona. It's all sexual attraction displacement onto objects or non-sexual body parts.

No. 2452775

Yeah its only purpose is to make you look sexy for a partner.

No. 2452786

Not all underwear is lingerie. Lingerie is undergarments specifically designed for sex appeal.

No. 2452792

These anons are correct

No. 2452842

What are the possible negative side effects of a bisalp? It seems like the only sterilization surgery that doesn't have horrible side effects or possibility of failing, which makes it seem too good to be true.

No. 2452850

What does the word "rivalry" mean to you anons? Would you describe the characters in the movie "single white female" as participating in a rivalry together? What about a mother protecting her daughter from a much older male scrote and trying to keep him out of both their lives - would this be a "rivalry" between mother and daughter?

No. 2452854

I think of rivalry as two people competing directly against each other and having a personal relationship based on that. Like two kids who are trying to outrace each other on the track team are rivals if they take it out of that context but if they're just competing against each other and not transferring that competitiveness/hostility to other parts of their lives, then they're not rivals.

No. 2452857

Thanks anon but I'm not sure how to apply your explanation to my examples

No. 2452859

Well, I don't think there's a rivalry between the mother and daughter in your example. Is there conflict? Yes, if the daughter wants that scrote in her life. But it's not like they have the same goal and are competing for it, if that makes sense.

No. 2452862

two people who are trying to accomplish the same goal but come into conflict with each other

No. 2452881

The same reason why any other fictional character is created kek. All characters made in movies, books, shows, are ocs too if you think about it.
Yeah this is the key difference. There's a reason why only adults are allowed to wear it

No. 2453049

What? How is this a question? Yes, try the medication. Hide the pills and your prescription from your parents. Read the adhd/autism threads for more management skills.

No. 2453298

what are ways that i can cause deep psychological damage my mother other than killing myself or trooning out? is killing myself the answer? i'll do it if i have to

No. 2453299

Don’t cause any harm to yourself just to spite her. You don’t deserve that. Just get away from her and live your life in peace the way you want. It will catch up with her on her deathbed what a shitty mother she was because you won’t be there.

No. 2453304

she's showing signs of alzheimer's so it's looking like she won't even realize i'm missing anyway, heh
thank you, nona. screencapped this to look at when i need a reminder

No. 2453335

does anyone else also have pain around their eyes a lot? is there a fix? I have it really badly much of the time. the weirder part is that the worse it gets, the more sunken they look.

No. 2453340

Dehydration or time to quit benzos

No. 2453360

This is a question for nona's familiar with botox…

So, I have a persistent problem where when I talk my upper lip curls inwards, making it look like I'm shyly pursing my lips all the time, and I fucking hate it. I've tried to relax my upper lip while talking but it still happens, and I think the reason why is because orthodontists fucked up my shit but anyways that's besides the point. What I'm wondering is if doing a "lip flip" type of botox injection will help circumvent that problem. Keep in mind that I'm not looking for an exaggerated plumped up effect or anything. I think my lips look fine and balanced while at rest. Maybe I'm okay with making my upper lip look a liiiitle bigger but I'm honestly scared of looking clownish.

No. 2453409

Do you use tretinoin by any chance?

No. 2453413

nope, and it's more like the sinuses hurt except antihistamines don't seem to help whatsoever.
kek never have I taken drugs. and if it is dehydration then water or electrolytes haven't helped.

No. 2453461

do you get any other sinus-related symptoms? i get pain around my eyes when my sinuses act up but it's usually accompanied by other symptoms like a headache or congestion. if antihistamines don't help you may need something stronger like steroids

No. 2453482

File: 1742476346947.jpg (6.75 KB, 225x234, 35fa1d48b0dfc15273e763c7fa65d4…)

Why would people, men particularly, imply I'm masculine when I'm clearly not? I remember thinking maybe it was because I have a super 'masculine personality' or looks, but im what it's considered stereotypically femenine when it comes to personality (yeah, I don't think personality traits are gendered but you know what I mean). And I look undeniable like a woman. So what the hell?

No. 2453487

Men are so conditioned by porn and the internet that they think any woman who isn't a walking sex doll bimbo in stripper heels and hair down to her ankles or a cottagecore uwu nymphette is unfeminine. As a woman, existing, you are inherently feminine.

No. 2453491

Just to insult you? I have a friend who insists I'm a tomboy even though my hair is longer than hers and I dress up more often while she prefers to be a comfy couch potato most days

No. 2453500

You sound bitter

No. 2453502

Have you gotten it looked at for an infection?

No. 2453505

File: 1742477749359.jpeg (127.68 KB, 511x800, IMG_5360.jpeg)

Every fictional character ever invented is somebody’s OC Donut Steel. People create OCs because it’s human nature.

No. 2453509

kek no, I know my friend is insecure and wants to be the most feminine so I let her live in her bubble

No. 2453542

For how large Thailand is why does it feel quite rare to encounter Thai immigrants? I’ve lived in many large (burger) countries that are very multinational but I’ve only ever met one Thai person who was a stereotypical woman married to a passport bro. Even at Thai restaurants they’re usually not run by Thai people.

No. 2453552

question from a lesbian- is armpit hair a turn off for you? i don’t shave my legs or pits because my body hair is blonde and fuzzy, doesn’t bother me. besides that i’m quite feminine, long hair & i wear makeup often. if you saw my armpit hair would you be grossed out?

No. 2453554

"Masculine personality" is codeword for not being a submissive doormat.

No. 2453563

I went from a total low a couple days ago to waking up yesterday feeling completely energised and happy. What gives? Not bipolar. I'm not manic, I think where I am is the average person's baseline or slightly above that at best.

No. 2453564

Do any other over 30 nonas feel like it's harder to learn now? Part of my job is to constantly learn new things or you become obsolete fast, and I can feel a huge difference between now and when I was in my early-mid 20s. It scares me tbh, makes me feel stupid.

No. 2453565

Vitamin or iron deficiency maybe? If you can, do a checkup.

No. 2453585

You might be suffering from burnout or depression.

No. 2453622

Why is the website so dead? What happened?

No. 2453647

I got tinnitus from a sleeping medicine I took for three nights. It's still going two weeks later. I've had periods of tinnitus that healed on it's own in the past but I'm still wondering if there are ways to make it heal faster or cope with it?

No. 2453651

Is it illegal if I use my partner's card (with his permission) to buy a Pizza? We live together and he's like "Hey babe, I got a zoom call, can you go use my card and buy a pizza?"
If the police are called, will I get arrested and sent to prison? Replace boyfriend with mother if needed.

No. 2453655

I’ve mostly been lurking instead of posting today just cause

No. 2453665

Bislut here and I think natural body hair on women is sexy. I think anyone who finds it a turn off just watches too much porn/is brainwashed by modern beauty standards.

No. 2453682

i got tinnitus from overdosing on oxy a year ago, my ears still ring from time to time

No. 2453723

Who tf is Nigel?

No. 2453727

No. 2453728

Something you throw away

No. 2453751

Have you had your vision checked? Maybe you need glasses or a new rx

No. 2453755

you have to be 18 to post here

No. 2453758

Anons are a bunch of normies with jobs, friends and pocket moids, and the kids are in school.

No. 2453759

Just get over it. It sounds like you're overthinking it. If you're serious about it, use the plastic surgery thread in /g/.

No. 2453764

File: 1742491521153.webp (53.27 KB, 1088x816, 60d4f3a782c8960018af1d60.webp)

NileRed aka Nigel Braun

No. 2453766

What's a decent ad blocker for google chrome? pls help

No. 2453771

Ublock Origin

No. 2453775

Switch to Firefox ASAP and then get Ublock Origin & Privacy Badger

No. 2453778

ntayrt, but google chrome isn't working for ublock origin because it took it off it's store and i could download straight from their site but i'm retarded and don't know how.

No. 2453780

Switch to Firefox. When you download it it offers to transfer all your bookmarks from Chrome and IIRC your passwords too

No. 2453788

File: 1742492276235.png (19.99 KB, 670x307, ublock.png)

Nta, but you can still use it! Go to manage extensions and click the slider button. It will be grey for you if you've downloaded it since it got disabled by chrome. I've tried other adblockers for Chrome but none are as efficient as this one. You can also still use the Ublock Origin Lite, although i'm not sure how good it is. It's still around because it adheres to the API stuff or whatever.

No. 2453802

I wanna preface this by saying that I've never interacted with a newborn. So–what do you even do with them? When they're not sleeping or crying for food I mean. Can you leave them alone for a bit? Obviously don't go out for your weekly grocery trip or something without taking them with you, but can you keep them in a seperate room for some time or do you need to entertain them the entire time they're up and not explicitly needing anything to not fuck them up emotionally or something? Can you even entertain a newborn?

No. 2453804

Two people with similar skill levels trying to achieve a shared/same goal.

No. 2453809

Don’t do it. Accept and love yourself

No. 2453811

Newborns sleep most of the day, just keep them nearby and keep an eye on them while sleeping and do what you need to do for them while awake. Playing, just talk to them and smile a lot, give them something easy to grab like your finger, show them colorful and novel things, and just talk a lot to them basically. It helps their brains. But they sleep most of the time. I’m speaking from a big sister perspective though, not a mom one, moms would probably feel more stressed.

No. 2453813

Yeah they can be boring. You can do things like play music and take them on a walk

No. 2453825

What other anons said, but I'd like to put an emphasis on interaction! When they're awake, you should be cuddling and talking or singing with them, showing a lot of affection especially. Babies who arent given enough contact and attention suffer physiological deficits.
Infants also have very spongy brains, so they'll be soaking up everything in their environment. That's why it has recently come out that you shouldn't use baby talk with your babies! They'll end up mimicking it, and it can delay their speech and coherence. It's why putting on music, dancing, talking, playing games, letting them smell and taste foods, and showing them objects (even if they can't entirely make out what it is) are all good for them! There has been backlash against the term "ipad babies" because it's seen as derogatory towards the newer generations, but those kids really are being deprived and their brains are being wired with whatever they're seeing on youtube. It's pretty sad to think about.

No. 2453826

Won't this mean it will no longer get updates though?

No. 2453833

A friend invited me to her wedding but I already have something planned (ie a music festival), should I cancel it and go to her wedding instead? I'm not the biggest wedding fan, I have no guarantee I'll get the tickets refunded (other accommodations havent been paid yet) and she's not my closest friend either, but since it's one of those once in a lifetime event I'm afraid she'll tale it badly that I'm not coming

No. 2453836

It's weird because I've taken it before with no problems but this time I'm also taking an antihistamine for sleeping so maybe these two medicines interacted badly. I took them both on those three nights. Now I've decided to also go without the antihistamine, I have no idea if it's even safe to take for longer periods of time (been taking it since last fall)

No. 2453858

I think it depends on how close you are with her, where you are in her social circle, and how big the wedding will be. Do you think your absence would be noticed? If you're close enough to the bride that her friends and/or family know you and would wonder, "Huh, how come anon isn't here?" then you probably should go. If you're not that close, don't have that many mutual friends, don't really know her fiance, etc. then I think it's fine to politely decline and maybe send her a small gift if you feel guilty about not going.

No. 2453865

Why are paragraphs called Reddit spaces? And why is it a bad thing to write in paragraphs?

No. 2453870

It makes posts unnecessarily long.

No. 2453875

Double-returns are Reddit spaces because that is (or was, haven’t been on Reddit in years) the only way to create separate lines on there.
You can create a new line on lolcow with just one return, so two are superfluous. People don’t use enter though, so it’s true that it can make paragraphs hard to visually separate if the first paragraph doesn’t have an orphan.

No. 2453876

Samefag, meant to say people don’t use tab.

No. 2453886

Why are female autist so talented in art?

No. 2453896

People used to enjoy extra space between paragraphs

No. 2453916

Autistism can lead to having super interest in certain hobbies but I think it's a misconception that all autistic women are good at art I think it's just women showing their love for their honest interests without actually having any autism

No. 2453936

Nicest Guy who Ever Lived kek

No. 2453985

well, speaking of dehydration I woke up feeling bad but I've slowly gotten really dehydrated and thirsty, feeling really sick and water isn't helping. not sure if it has to do with the eye issue. this sucks.

No. 2454055

Is it bad if I wear bras that are slightly tight? I need to feel some pressure there to feel comfortable.

No. 2454058

Are you autistic? do you also sleep with a weighted blanket

No. 2454062

You know that one autist that can talk and talk and talk for hours about their one special interest, sperging endlessly like a faggot until they remember they aren't supposed to do that and finally stop?
Take that passion for the subject, the willingness to put in the brain power towards it, and the endless energy. Now apply it to art, and the added esteem/emotional bonus of seeing their efforts produce something they like.
Where it kneecaps them is if they're extreme autists that have a fixation unpalatable to normies.

No. 2454067

Why did my cat bit my mom? according to her she wasnt doing anything but he bit her ankles. He never did this to me even when i accidentally step on his tail or paw. We were fighting before so maybe he sensed she was a threat to me?

No. 2454084

Talk to them as much as you can. Let's say you're cooking a meal and the baby is watching. Describe the whole act like you would to a blind alien. "I'm picking up the spinach now, it's a green vegetable. Vegetables are grown in the Earth by farmers. The vegetable is going in this pot of boiling water. Boiling is when water goes from liquid to vapour, it happens when the water is exposed to heat. Once the spinach boils, I'm going to put it in this pasta. Pasta is a popular meal for dinner. Dinner is the last meal of the day."

Never, ever, speak to a baby in that "baby voice" that people do (e.g., "widdle Tommy is going bye bye on the bikey-wikey). Babies need to be exposed to as many concepts, words, and things as humanly possible. I recall a study done ages ago that showed that 4 year olds from low-income housing had a vocabulary some 3000 words smaller than 4 year olds from high-income housing. The first 6 years of a child's life are the most crucial for determining the rest of their lives.

No. 2454130

why do some anons say “sexo” instead of “sexy”

No. 2454132

They're Italians I believe

No. 2454133

Sexy no longer suffices to express my ape brain firing off.

No. 2454134

must be an anime weeb thing, I usually see it as childish internet lingo that I also use from time to time

No. 2454136

File: 1742507509675.jpeg (13.61 KB, 256x275, 1589250480694.jpeg)

what do you call it when you consciously set up a variety of activities you'd enjoy for yourself (books, movies, drawing, a video game etc), only to habitually engage with none of them? its like when i'm alone i do nothing but dissociate and dissipate into the ether, every single time

No. 2454143

It's called "lack of motivation". You're not going to read books or watch movies or draw or play video games without pushing yourself to do it, you have to deliberately choose that you want to do it and then use your body to complete the task of doing it.

No. 2454154

If anons use it on anime husbandos then its because of how Japanese people say sex in stuff like vidrel but sexo is also just the word sex in Spanish so it could be that as well

No. 2454155

hmm yeah it might be that. i think lack of involvement with others is what keeps me from having the motivation. i'm normally extremely motivated otherwise. alone time = my brain just shuts down.

No. 2454156

File: 1742508184653.jpg (45.21 KB, 742x276, esquizofrenia.jpg)

Kekk, I know you're joking but my favorite posts have come from the country threads. I wish I could remember the Italian nona that replied with "madonna santa" or something similar, maybe it's in lolcow caps thread.
Picrel is my current darling.

No. 2454162

File: 1742508606669.jpg (329.73 KB, 896x1226, madonna-santa.jpg)

Nvm I'm cringe kek. Italian nonna thread got bumped and I found it immediately.

No. 2454172

File: 1742509168224.jpg (55.59 KB, 1000x550, ant.jpg)

if i find an ant in my groceries and put it outside, will the other ants kill her, ignore her or let her join their colony?

No. 2454195

If she lurks for a sizable amount of time, follows her local ant hill's posting rules and adopts their lingo, she shouldn't have a problem with trying to integrate.

No. 2454233

I've known her for 10+ years but we were never super close, I don't think we've told each other anything intimate and I see her once a year for her birthday despite living in the same city. I'm acquainted with her fiancé (feels weird to say that kek) and I'm not familiar with her other friends aside from one guy who had a crush on me, so yeah I don't think it'll be that bad if I don't come, she didn't even sound offended or disappointed when I said I already had something planned. I'm actually going to have dinner with her tomorrow so I'll ask her how I can contribute to the wedding without being there.

No. 2454277

sexo is so far from sekkusu though

No. 2454354

What are some signs a moid is probably a closeted TRA and is attracted to you because he wants to skinwalk you? (In real life not over Discord)

No. 2454366

File: 1742514939442.webp (25.25 KB, 360x270, Pretty%2C_Pretty_Dresses.webp)

This is a really long list. Can you just tell us more about him and we can decide? If you're interesting, successful or attractive in any way and he has a porn addiction, it will likely happen bc skinwalking you will be how he will confront his own feelings of inadequacy and shame. If he doesn't have a porn addiction, there's a near-zero percent chance of anything like this happening at all

No. 2454369

KEKKKKKKK that image

No. 2454391

Do people think you're unhygienic or dirty if you have cystic acne or oily skin and oily hair? I have this constant fear of people thinking I look unhygienic. I don't want to cover myself up with makeup and I'm a very clean person but I can't help the way my skin or my hair is. I worry that I always look smelly even though I don't judge others with skin or hair problems.

No. 2454394

Can I put a raw chicken breast in a pre made soup and let it boil until the chicken can be shredded or will I contaminate my soup?

No. 2454396

Is The White Lotus female-centered at all? I will admit I saw an attractive woman in a gifset and now I want to watch it

No. 2454402

Yes the fat goes into the soup, just don't cook on high for too long or it'll get rubbery and gross
No. It was written and produced by a pornsick flaking psoriasis called Mike White

No. 2454406

i dont think anything like that about someone with skin issues, but i also still have acne all the time as an adult. if someones hair looked unwashed i would probably notice and be judgemental tho

No. 2454583

Can a telegram bot owner sees what people are using the bot for in detail?

No. 2454608

You can if you cook it long enough but it might ruin the premade soup a little by overcooking it. It depends on what kind of soup I guess.

No. 2454612

Acne, no. I don't think that's a choice, and acne treatments can be expensive. Hair, yes. I didn't know hair could be genetically greasy like skin can. Does washing it every day in the morning not keep it clean? Are you washing it right?

No. 2454672

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If you don't use the vent thread, how do you usually vent your frustrations? Do you journal? I don't want to vent to my friends

No. 2454675

Where can I go to pirate the Sims 2?

No. 2454689

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Is there a reason some men grow hair literally ON their dick shaft? wtf? it looks so disgusting and painful

No. 2454691

I vent to my parents or other family members.

No. 2454697

If I don't want to vent to any specific person or write it down, I just don't vent at all.

No. 2454748

There's hair follicles like what answer do you want

No. 2454749

i mean it cant be normal, thats like having hair on your eyelids or lips

No. 2454752

It's normal. People can have hair follicles in many places.

No. 2454754

I have hair on my lips iykyk

No. 2454765

if i had a dick and i had that i would get them all lasered off, its freaky
uhm, on the outer ones right? not the inner? because… OW.

No. 2454844

Is it schizoish to leave sticky notes everywhere as constant reminders not to repeat certain behaviors? like a note on a monitor to not pick at a scar

No. 2454872

more OCD than skitzo

No. 2454934

Do men like compliments? i told a moid i thought he was attractive and my moid friend told me it was weird. But i also hear men all the time whine about how they dont get complimented enough.

No. 2454943

Have any of you gone no-contact with your family? How did you prepare?

No. 2454961

Why women generally value life more than men? Women tend to live longer, care about themselves and take mental pills and men just go straight an hero…
They crave them, but they need to feel they deserved it

No. 2454962

That is pretty smart imo

No. 2454984

>my moid friend told me it was weird.
His ass is jealous

No. 2454989

Never trust what men say about other men. Good or bad.

No. 2454993

Women don't have the same expectation as men that someone will always be available to feed and take care of them when they're in bad health. Like this really sucks but so many old women become caretakers for their husbands when they're in old age but you never hear the other way around

No. 2455000

>>Women don't have the same expectation as men that someone will always be available to feed and take care of them when they're in bad health.
do men have?
but why a man in total despair is more likely to commit suicide than a woman in total despair?
>because women value life more
yes, but why?

No. 2455007

most men are living in the paradox of being extremely closed off emotionally but also mad that people arent openly kind and personable with them, it makes no sense

No. 2455012

It's because they believe they are entitled to be waited on fist over foot even though they're empty, unpleasant, soulless, and treat everyone else as a means to an end. Men expect everyone around them to entertain them and when you don't, you're an npc or whatever. They're so emotionally retarded and give nothing to the world except hurt and hate.

No. 2455038

They "don't get complimented" because they don't process compliments from people without sexual intention, and if they do they think the person is trying to fuck them. As a former pickme I can tell you rn men get complimented way more than women, way more. They just don't care unless it's goes exactly how they want it to.

No. 2455043

This. I constantly hear men bitch and whine about how no one cares about them yet almost every single straight woman has to essentially beg like her life depends on it for her man to have deep conversations with her (unless it's a cheater ofc) also why do men seem to only open up with women they're cheating with? They'll make all kinds of excuses when in reality it's no one's fault but theirs they choose to completely change themselves when cheating.

It's like those moids that live in America and expect women to show up at their doorstep, get frustrated about not dating, go to another country, actually put in effort into dating, and are shocked that they actually get dates when they pursue women and pay, then blame western women for some reason not realizing the reason why they can get dates isn't because western women suck it's because they actually put in effort in the other country

No. 2455065

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So if "psychopath" and "sociopath" are just layman terms to describe individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder, why do wannabe psychfags still act like the words "psychopath" and "sociopath" are two different definitions when they are clinically the same condition?

No. 2455094

No idea if he has a porn addiction. I had a crush on him and I thought it was mutual but the more I’ve gotten to know him there’s something off. I also think he’s a narcissist and not in a Tiktok way, I really think there’s something wrong with him.
He’s on the shorter side and constantly describes himself as scrawny and it’s obvious he’s insecure about it. He’s the sensitive, male feminist type and says he’s always just been better friends with women. He has his rotation of women he talks to where it’s on the cusp of friendly to flirty. He’s said he’s bisexual to other people but around me he says he’s straight. He has a beard and I’ve seen some memes about moids growing beards in last ditch efforts to feel ‘manly’ before they transition.
The main things though are his social media. He follows a TON of the same genre of account-white/asian woman who plays guitar. He plays the guitar. A lot of the women he follows are dark haired with pale skin which is my flavor of white kek. I don’t play the guitar but I am a musician. He and I also share a lot of common interests and have the same sense of humor. I did some stalking and he is really into The Bell Jar and “jokingly” refers to me as a Romana Flowers type. He also said I was a femcel but meant it in a positive way (!!!). He follows a handful of TRAs too.
I’ve been told I’m very attractive and he said he wasn’t sure I’d even be interested in him. I’m at a very good Uni but that’s where we met so it’s not like he’s got nothing going for him. I think I just fit the archetype of woman he wants to be.

No. 2455273

Yeah I wash my hair properly with the right shampoo it's just it naturally gets greasy as hell like a day after washing. It's always been this way. Sometimes I just can't be arsed washing it every single night but then I fear being seen as a greaseball by other people.

No. 2455367

Is it really that abnormal not to crave physical touch?

No. 2455372

Dry shampoo.

No. 2455409

A question to americans: Trump wants to dismantle the department of education. What exactly would that mean? Would education become a no man's land? Would it stop being mandatory? Would it become purely state-regulated? Is it purely state regulated already? What does the DOE even do currently? What are the objective consequences and what are your personal thoughts on it?

No. 2455421

Americans are already stupid, it wouldn’t change anything.

No. 2455429

Basically it would become purely state-regulated and all federal funding for things like disabled students, student loan assistance, research grants etc would be cancelled or freezed. Retards will be allowed back in classrooms and student lunch programs will be cancelled (Republicans hate giving children free lunch)

No. 2455431

> Would it become purely state-regulated? Is it purely state regulated already?
the answer to your questions are in these two specifically

No. 2455435

>Republicans hate giving children free lunch
Everything I know about republicans makes them sound like cartoon villains. How do they not realize that denying children food is straight up evil?

No. 2455439

Public education for middle/high income areas will likely not notice any changes and education will still be mandatory and state-regulated, as it mostly has been. The federal education department was mostly a way to help support low-income areas schools that might not have enough support from their local area due to said low-income nature. It's there mostly to try and make public education across the country more equitable. Department of education also oversees other departments like federal student loan, pell grants, and student financial aid. Not sure who will oversee those offices after the department is dismantled or if it's considered as part of the skeleton crew left will still manage those.

No. 2455456

I'm pretty sure that federally assisted free and reduced lunch is run through the USDA, though republicans did overturn the covid law that allowed free lunch for children without the means testing that comes with the National School Lunch Program.

No. 2455462

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Can we watch this on movie night one day?

No. 2455497

Have you ever attended a moovie room showing?

No. 2455528

What is with retarded libfem millennials and scrote complaining that gen z is sex repulsed and anti-sex when sex is being plastered literally everywhere and shitty kinks are considered human rights?

No. 2455554

Sunk cost and no self awareness

No. 2455562

Why don't Indians and Filipinos get slandered for "stealing" American jobs as much as Mexicans do? They're everywhere in a lot of industries.

No. 2455567

There's being nuanced with sex and treating sex like the be all of everything. I personally don't see myself as anti sex but the people around me are so sex crazed I feel asexual by comparison. We live in the horniest time in history but early gens think we're suppressing their rights to be horny? I knew girls contemplating opening a onlyfans and another wanting to sell herself to make ends meet. No shit gen z is growing weary with sex when what makes sex amazing gets neutered to oblivion.

No. 2455570

They do in some spaces. Mexicans are cited as stealing physically demanding jobs, Indians are cited as stealing tech jobs. Filipinos are of no mention I guess because those being racist have wives from there???? Just a guess.

No. 2455574

I feel exactly like you nonna kek.

No. 2455592

It brings me joy when people wake up to all safe horny bdsm bullshit these people love to push on people.

No. 2455603

No. 2455623

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Wtf are you supposed to do when you have an ex from over ten years ago still seething about you still mentioning you on their social media? I'm actually creeped out. Wtf do I do, apologize again for my shit behavior? For context I was in that "relationship" (stupid e-dating) when I was a teen during a time when I was going through a domestic violence situation and I was extremely shitty to that person. Years ago I tried apologizing again giving them some context but I fucked up again because yes, I tend to fuck up a lot. At this point I believe there's nothing I can do. I admit I was wrong and stupid.

No. 2455643

Sunscreen I bought says on the package it has hyaluronic acid in it but it's not listed in the ingredients. Does it have some other chemical name or is the package lying?

No. 2455651

Can any other retarded nonna explain what alien stage is? I’ve been seeing it everywhere , is it like vocaloid?

No. 2455665

File: 1742586038310.jpeg (246.25 KB, 1315x1471, IMG_0559.jpeg)

If your new bf told you he doesn't believe in sex before marriage, would you
>dump him immediately
>try to convince him otherwise
>rape him
>wait until marriage

No. 2455667

Wait until marriage

No. 2455670

I mean you are out here praising virgins and now that you got a virgin scrote you are complaining?
If he doesn’t watch porn too then you got yourself a gem.

No. 2455673

rummage through his phone to see if he's a secret whore, if not, ask to see his dick before agreeing to wait

No. 2455675

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>wait until marriage
I'm not into sluts. A body count higher than 0 is far too high. I want to be the one to corrupt him

No. 2455677

File: 1742586485246.jpg (122.29 KB, 735x1256, alexei.jpg)

wait until marriage. i will be considered close minded when i say this, but any scrote who had sex with multiple women before marriage is an incubus frontpole slut. any male with common sense enough to literally not give into hedonistic temptation is one that matches with my type. i will ever waste my time with a roastie moidwhore.

No. 2455682

Simplest way to explain it is korean animation music videos following a story about children raised in an alien facility who then have to sing to the death against each other.

No. 2455683

I don't have a virgin scrote yet. It's hypothetical.

No. 2455686

wait until marriage, who would choose otherwise?? ew

No. 2455691

wait until marriage but he will be obliged to give me oral or satisfy my sexual desires ub some way without intercourse.

No. 2455692

Ignore them and focus on your personal life. If you actually fix yourself and make good friends you treat well, and go above and beyond to be a good person, then he will seem like a schizoid freak who is latching onto you.

No. 2455702

dump because a guy wanting to wait until marriage can only mean two things: he's a religious nutjob and/or he has weird ideas about virginity which means he has weird ideas about women. Men don't have sweet romantic ideas about saving themselves for a woman.

No. 2455712

>Men don't have sweet romantic ideas about saving themselves for a woman.
Seems like you've got a no true scotsmen thing going on here

No. 2455713

Is this Alyosha Karamazov? Kek, he's my literary husbando

No. 2455714

It literally never even occurs to them kek. If anything, they all have "corruption" kinks.

No. 2455733

Today, one of the people I was with said it's embarrassing that I always hop onto the stone ledge and balance on there instead of walking on the sidewalk. Please give it to me straight anons, I don't need any comfort à la "It's beautiful you never lost your inner child", I want a normie perspective on it: Am I being cringe?

No. 2455739

>Today, one of the people I was with said it's embarrassing that I always hop onto the stone ledge and balance on there instead of walking on the sidewalk
damn what a fucking killjoy kek

No. 2455744

Anons like you always seem like you’re too insecure to have a virgin bf probably because you arent a virgin yourself, like you’re denying yourself something subconsciously.

No. 2455748

No, he sucks. Find something to mock him for.

No. 2455749

If I saw someone do that I'd probably think they're fun and spontaneous and not give it more than 5 seconds of thought beyond that

No. 2455751

I would just think you're goofing around a bit, nothing too cringe. For him to make an statement on something so silly screams volumes, he seems very insecure

No. 2455758

>anon you're just insecure
I don't know how you draw that conclusion from a post that fully comes from a place of believing men are bad and said nothing about myself. I genuinely don't value virginity.

No. 2455795

How do I improve my gaydar? it's really bad.

No. 2455803

Read more cow threads. Start with tim threads in /snow/, manaknight in /w/, expand from there.

No. 2455808

No it’s cute!

No. 2455828

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>I genuinely don't value virginity.

No. 2455848

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What exactly are those little squigglies in visual novel tittles and Touhou song names? Those ones (~) specifically, the fuck do they do?

No. 2455863

File: 1742591436618.png (200.96 KB, 861x877, F5HfyifXUAAOF0i.png)

Are weegee anons serious, or it's an elaborate bit.

No. 2455867

Meant to be read in a kawaiiii drawn out manner, desu

No. 2455874

Isn't this meant as some kind of subtitle?

No. 2455918


No. 2455921

There are newfags who are likely underaged who are dead serious

No. 2455923

I feel like they must be serious?

No. 2455963

Agreed there are two of those very threads here on ot that reek of teen retardation but let's not tempt those chimps with peanuts lest they realize and escape

No. 2455966

why do moids go from super flirty and sweet to in the middle to cold in just a few days? We aren’t even dating, we are just classmates

No. 2455972

If you're the anon who keeps obsessing over this and posting about it here, it's probably bc you're weirding him out no offense

No. 2455976

When I copy text where does it go? in my phone I mean

No. 2455979

Into the aether, the same substance that carries our wishes and dreams.

No. 2455980

He was trying to get you either do something for him or hes thinks that being flirty means every girl will fall for him, I've dealt with enough gross moids to know this best thing to do is to not to respond and be monotone. Be sure to tell this to your other classmates because these moids tend to be drama whore

No. 2455981

No that doesn’t offend me, I need to get back to reality. Thank you. I feel bad for shitting up lolcow and even worse that it got recognized lmfao. I will end my schizo stuff now kek, I’m kind of embarrassed I can be this way

No. 2455982


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2455984

This all started because you were acting super autistic to him and everyone else besides me was coddling you and saying that it was okay. Learn from this and don't repeat the same mistakes again.

No. 2455987

Why is virginity so important to some nonas? It's a moidbrained concept designed to control us and define posession over our bodies (only your owner has the right to ~deflower~ you, a woman who is not a virgin and has no owner is impure/useless because her womb can be used to by any man).
Women have the right to their virginity of course, it's perfectly understandable to not want to have straight sex because men have no respect for our bodily autonomy and will rape us if they think they can evade consequences so avoiding them can be done out of self preservation, but using non-virgin as an insult is upholding male constructs and female servitude.
Yeah this is related to previous discussion itt but also just in general. I see this a lot where posts like >>2455828 are used by a woman to feel better about herself by putting another woman down.

No. 2455988

?? do you know this anon

No. 2455992

Unlikely because nobody in my personal life knows about this and only one person replied to my original post, but they’re still probably right. It’s just annoying when men originally reward and reciprocate this “autistic” behavior before rejecting it.

No. 2455996

Not personally but I recollect her recent posts about this topic.

No. 2455999

There's some lesbians here (either actual lesbians or those "lesbians" who e-date some girl through discord and think they're gay because that's the closest they've ever gotten to anything even slightly resembling a sexual encounter), and the idea of being a "goldstar" seems pretty important to them. Makes sense, you have to be pretty gay or at least curious about women if you're this concerned about what other women do with their vaginas.

No. 2456000

Can you clarify which posts you’re talking about? Because only one person responded, who wasn’t even coddling, and nobody said anything about autism.

No. 2456018

I was the anon who first identified classroom-chan but really meant no offense and was just being honest. I've done it before kek

No. 2456026

I personally don't like the thought that men could discuss with each other about having had sex with me and what my pussy feels like to them. That thought alone is literally so gross to me. I also don't want my boyfriend to have fucked a lot of women before me, I don't want to be just be another a name on his list. Maybe you don't think sex is that big of deal, but for me I personally want a relationship where sex is something as exclusive as possible to just us. There aren't that many things you only do with a partner, so sex being one of them makes it "special". It's just not the same when you're the 50th person he's slept with - and if you're like the third in line he'll have vidid memories of those other girls so I don't like that either.

No. 2456075

File: 1742598587529.jpg (44.56 KB, 600x450, Fs4htn-WYAMoXqg.jpg)

Why are the tip of my fingers dried out but only on one hand and only a couple? Are they finally gonna wither away and fall off? Not the phone holding hand btw

No. 2456084

I have a job interview soon but I also just got new henna and want to put some on, would it look weird during an interview? It's at a store that wants to seem young and fun, my dad said he'd think it's weird but he's worked in an office all his life.

No. 2456133

apply it after you get the interview it would look a bit odd tbh

No. 2456212

Dump him on the spot, marriage is cringe and saving yourself reeks of trad faggotry.

No. 2456261

Does it have sodium hyaluronate?

No. 2456271

Kek anons like you say that but still go for males that give themselves PIED even if they’ve never held hands with a woman. All males are ruined because of porn, doesn’t matter if he never had sex because he’s always thinking of pornstars and never feeling fulfilled with real women. The only way you can have a pure man is to essentially brainwash him yourself or date someone who was born blind so they can never see any woman ever. Virginity is wasted on men and women still happily serve it up on a platter only to be disappointed when male virgins don’t care about it at all and only want to graduate. When males realize they’ll be stuck with that person until they divorce or that sex wasn’t as amazing and that they would be missing out on experiencing other partners they’ll start to cheat or abuse their wives from all the resentment they hold.

No. 2456290

ntayrt but maybe some women have different tastes in grapes, is it that hard to believe? i don't get why recently this topic constantly keeps coming up every few days and why there's always someone jumping at anons for not wanting male virgins, as if it's suddenly some lc sin

No. 2456299

As a male virgin enjoyer, its because i hate how men are encouraged to be whores. I even had an ex friend told me he lost his virginity to a prostitute(he expected me to date him after this). Its fine to not want a virgin moid, but encouraging men to whore out only makes it harder for women who dont want a fuckboys with a million stds. Because lets be real, men dont wash their asses, you think they are going to be careful about stds when fucking randoms? men dont carry a risk of pregnancy so they are less careful than women when having casual sex. Idk, after knowing about the lack of hygene of moids and how many of them hate condoms a non virgin moid just sounds nasty to me. Plus, if they fucked with a pickme before there is a rick they might expect you to be a pickme in bed too.

No. 2456300

Probs an incel lbr.

No. 2456303

Virginity is the newest bait topic that they love to use. We only have another few days of this anyway

No. 2456325

Probably is kek considering the virginity talk started in /g/ and was always talking about how women are loose and bad for not being virgins but males are exempt from the rule. They never respond to anons that genuinely feel like saving yourself for a male might not be the best thing because males use that to manipulate women and to create strong attachments so they can abuse them easier under the guise of wanting to guide them. It’s why males choose young and inexperienced women because they know they’re so shit at everything that only a hopeless romantic would ever want them, anons only reinforce that idea when they’re trying to act as if virgin males are all innocent lambs when you can read what they post on incel threads we have here easily.

No. 2456341

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>I even had an ex friend told me he lost his virginity to a prostitute(he expected me to date him after this).
kek literally the guy in picrel

No. 2456343

Based. Im the same, got talking to a guy online who admitted this but was interested in me because I was a virgin. He said because he paid/it wasnt love it doesnt count so he was still "technically a virgin so we're ok" I was like nah, fuck off you diseased whore lol.

No. 2456346

Me too. I hate manwhores so much. Not to defend scrotes or anything but I hate the virgin shaming culture so much, it encourages pumping and dumping as "what they're supposed do" and leave bastard children and single moms to fend for themselves—it's really fucked up, why would I want to be with a moid who probably broke so many women's hearts before me? Doesn't matter if he's ""skilled"". That, and STDs.

No. 2456348

I wouldn't expect a guy I date to be a virgin, but I'd want a low body count, and any kind of paying for sex would be a deal breaker. I wish moids who paid for sex were branded or something so we could identify and avoid them. Supposedly 10-20% of moids have paid for sex dependending on the country. Disgusting.

No. 2456350

>All males are ruined because of porn, doesn’t matter if he never had sex because he’s always thinking of pornstars and never feeling fulfilled with real women.
I would go so far as to say that virgin moids are going to have their expectations of appearance and sex acts SOLELY set by violent rape porn, whereas more well adjusted men who have had at least one or two relationships are more likely to be familiar with the female body and how nice it is to have real, mutually pleasurable sex. obviously whore moids and moids who aspire to be whores should be shot and killed because they're all probably tate worshipping rapists or would be if they had the opportunity but we are talking about the normal, decent, well-adjusted men in between pornbrained virgins and misogyny-brained whores who have a comparatively well adjusted attitude toward sex.

No. 2456358

>whereas more well adjusted men who have had at least one or two relationships are more likely to be familiar with the female body and how nice it is to have real
Anon, there are studies that prove most women dont cum during sex. Stop painting whores as angles who make women cum 10 times in a row as if there isnt proof most men dont know how to please women, virgins or not.

No. 2456359

>more well adjusted men who have had at least one or two relationships are more likely to be familiar with the female body and how nice it is to have real, mutually pleasurable sex
Yeah, and they should learn that from me and me only

No. 2456360

She already said whores are shit in that exact post anon

No. 2456361

I hate read askmen on Reddit and they're always going on how they need to know the exact body count of a woman before marriage and then I got banned for asking should men tell women if they've ever been pathetic enough to pay a sex worker

No. 2456363

I mean it's a cliche that the first or best girlfriend a guy ever has ends up being his "training wheels" girlfriend who does all the work of nagging him to do dishes, asking him to buy flowers, insisting that he gets her off, etc. and then he ends up applying those lessons to the next girlfriend. but if you want to put in all that work for subpar dick only to be "pumped and dumped" as the virgin-boosters love to say, then have at it

No. 2456366

Better that catching stds or having to do degrading acts because ''my ex used to do it!''

No. 2456367

I lost my virginity to my hs bf and took his and we ended up engaged in a dead bedroom situation 5 years in. The next guy I dated while it didn't work out, lasted 7 years and we fucked constantly and even on my period. I refer to him as my actual sexual awakening in my mind. He was so good at sex I actually started to masturbate when he wasn't around. Previous to that I was having sex before even learning how to pleasure myself. I did lose my v card at 16 though and tbh I dumped the moid for a few months when I dropped out of uni and started seeing a dj and fucked him a few times but then started seeing my other friend and eventually got back together with the first guy and then he panic proposed. It was messy I guess lol, but idk. The only virgin I ever slept with was really shit at it but good at fingering.

No. 2456368

>dead bedroom
>high school
Well, yeah

No. 2456369

The dead bedroom happened when we were in our second rental together I was 22

No. 2456371

>dumped the moid for a few months and fucked two other guys in the mean time
>chose to have sex way too young, before even knowing how to masturbate
Gee, maybe something else is at fault here.

No. 2456374

No man has ever done that with me. I'll upfront tell men I don't do anal.

No. 2456377

And then he'll dump you and go back to his ex kek.

No. 2456379

>20 year old having sex with 16 year old
Two culprits here

No. 2456381

A guy tried to do that to me. Its why i dont trust non virgins. The virgin i am currently dating does everything i ask him to since he has no other option. Men get their dicks wet once and think they are big shit.

No. 2456382

So what's his excuse pretty sure he was wanking before we met? I've never had to ask men how to pleasure them, vagina and dick is like a lock and key receptor, not much to figure out. He was shit at sex. I had good sex with the dj too he just was not boyfriend material. My second boyfriend though was fun to have sex with. It was always a good time. He never acted embarrassed. In fact.ive just remembered virgin use to get upset at my wetness lol. I've also never got herpes or anything and get tested just to clear that up.

No. 2456383

We met in hs he was two years ahead but yea

No. 2456386

Ive never encountered a bidet before so I know this is an insanely retarded question but like…how do I use a free standing one? Like I know you blast your asshole with the water but like for how long? do you just air dry after?

No. 2456387

Him probably being grossed out by my actual being turned on I'm just thinking probably killed the sex. Who wants to fuck someone that makes you feel gross for being aroused. Fuck that guy.

No. 2456389

Again that's never happened to me.

No. 2456391

>we met in hs
He graduated from high school, and you were still in it, when you two started having sex. Extremely creepy.
Don't ruin our fantasies of pure innocent virgin guys, just because in high school you chose to sleep with a college moid, and he turned out to be scum.

No. 2456398

does anyone else with a thread dedicated to them still use this site? i read my own thread like the morning news and have beeb using this site for 5+ years before i even got mentioned its just funny to me

No. 2456399

Lol we met when he was junior year. I was in his brothers class. He never went to college. He got a job and would meet me for lunch sometimes. Literally no one cared that a non uniform moid would wait at the school gates for me at lunchtime lol then my other mate dropped out of 6th year and they both would meet me for lunch if they weren't in tech/at work. We went to each other's proms. My mum put me on the pill because we dated from when I was 15 and he was 17 and before his 18th birthday my mum sat me down and told me she didn't want to have to raise a grandchild yet. I didn't start fucking him as soon as I got on birth control we were both nervous virgins.

No. 2456403

And that changes . . . nothing.
Leave us virgin-chasers alone. We're not talking about adult moids who sleep with high schoolers.(integrate)

No. 2456405

So he'll cheat on you with his ex, without dumping you

No. 2456407

You want to fuck a teenage virgin? Cause that's literally what I did. Or do you want the 20/30/40 year old virgins who will somehow be more vulnerable with their feelings and it's just cause they're so pure of heart they've never been intimate with a girlfriend before you

No. 2456408

Geez why did he ever leave the ex if she was so easy and great in bed

No. 2456410

File: 1742619248652.webp (94.22 KB, 945x600, 86BF59E1-90FD-4D20-838A-CBB774…)

>ruin our fantasies of pure virgin bf
Kek that’s why they’re fantasies, the same reason why all moids are sex pests no matter how much they grew up to be coddled and sheltered like moids in India, they end up being rapey and hungry for sex. Even in countries where women are covered up and only are allowed to have arranged marriages so they are guaranteed virgins, men are still lusting over women and can’t look at shaved faced men without wanting to rape them. Saving yourself to fulfill the fantasy of some moid is gay and pretending there are sane moids who aren’t like picrel saving themselves for whatever fotm waifu they want is even gayer

No. 2456411

>You want to fuck an adult while you're in high school? Cause that's literally what I did.
No thanks
>Or do you want the 20/30/40 year old virgins who will be more vulnerable with their feelings, and because they're pure of heart they've never sowed their wild oats with a girlfriend before you
A thousand times yes

No. 2456412

Damn /ot/ truly is being taken over by cows

No. 2456414

I am 100% sure creepshow still lurks in the shadows

No. 2456416

Emm he was born in July. He turned 18 before he started his final year of highschool. People do understand 18 year olds are still in highschool

No. 2456417

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>thinking males can be pure hearted

No. 2456421

Especially past his 30s kekk

No. 2456422

>Emm ackshually
He graduated from high school, he had a job, he could vote, he was an adult by any reasonable metric. It's extremely creepy for an adult to have sex with a high schooler.
Normalfaggot women don't want pure hearted virgin guys

No. 2456424

Because he's a slut who wants to pump and dump as many women as he can before settling down with his std ridden shriveled up dick

No. 2456427

He was in highschool when we first fucked lol. People drink at their formals in the UK. I was 16 when we went to his and my gcse drama teacher was there and off her face and bought me a drink

No. 2456428

Normalfags ARE the ones that think men can be human and pure, if you really weren’t retarded you would realize that and kidnap a moid to make him perfect

No. 2456429

Indian and muslim moids aren't virgins, they sleep with prostitutes before they get their arranged marriage wife.

No. 2456432

Also do you think 18 year old teenage highschool girls are adults? By the time he was in his 20s I crossed that big adult line you keep highlighting anyway. Hardly predatory when your fucking teachers and parents all approve ffs. This is completely besides the point. You cant train men to be good at sex. They either have chemistry with you or they don't. They either act enthused or they don't. They either cater to your needs or they don't.

No. 2456435

Doesn't matter, he's still an adult moid fucking a high schooler, still creepy as hell.
>Normalfags ARE the ones that think men can be human and pure
Normalfags want football playing frat bro moids who rape passed out drunk girls at college parties

No. 2456436

>Hardly predatory when your fucking teachers and parents all approve ffs.
You cannot really be this self-unaware kek

No. 2456438

>Hardly predatory when your fucking teachers and parents all approve ffs.
This logic is why child marriages happen kek

No. 2456439

Well he's a shit predator cause I dumped him twice and slept with two other guys during the timeline.

Answer the question if you consider an 18 year old schoolgirl and adult? Should other adults be dating them too

No. 2456440

>Well he's a shit predator
Yeah, so he's not the innocent virgins we're talking about when we say we want innocent virgins.
>I dumped him twice
Yet you went back to him after dumping him? Fool you once, shame on him, fool you twice, shame on you.

No. 2456441

"pure hearted virgin guys" literally don't exist anon. every man's heart is twisted

No. 2456443

So you want to fuck Christians?

Again, are 18 year old school girls adults that should only date adults? Like your bringing up child marriages for a 2 year age gap lol

No. 2456446

Nta but even Christian men often aren't virgins, unless you count "born again virgins". They're often hypocrites

No. 2456449

No shit.

No. 2456455

>So you want to fuck Christians?
I don't want to "fuck" anyone. I want to "make love" with a man who is my husband.

No. 2456458

Good luck

No. 2456460


No. 2456493

What are the schizos called who think theyre being tracked or spied on all the time? I remember there being a certain word to it

No. 2456497

Paranoid schizophrenia? Apparently it's no longer an official diagnosis though

No. 2456500

Oh no not the mental illness I know which one it is but the group of schizos who either think the CIA or their neighbour's are spying on them they have a label like how sovereign citizens have a label I just cant remember what it was

No. 2456504

targeted individuals?

No. 2456509

you mean gangstalkers?

No. 2456514

YES! thank you, sorry I should've posted this in the help me find thread

No. 2456587

what happened to Death Grips? why did they disband?

No. 2456588

>Death Grips
Idk this band but kekkk

No. 2456598

>For how large Thailand is why does it feel quite rare to encounter Thai immigrants?
The majority of asian immigrants to my euro country are thai, instead i rarely meet a chinese person

No. 2456600

Can't help but feel it's a moid psy-op to say it's good for women if the guys they sleep with have slept with multiple women before them. God forbid you explore together or teach your bf how to have good sex with you specifically, make sure another woman teaches him first!

No. 2456602

Netflix movies are usually terrible ai slop that have no meaning but
>The film is loosely based on the real-life events of Mary Kay Letourneau, a 34-year-old teacher who victimized her 12-year-old student, Vili Fualaau, in 1996, becoming a tabloid fixture.
So it was hard for them to fuck up the message completely, even though they still did a bit. If you watch this it should put you in the correct state of mind to consider how this kind of relationship would actually play out and how sad it is. A moid needs to date other women to see that you aren't replaceable and if you are, then you're probably okay with having a stagnant creepy power imbalance like this. Your (serious) partner should come pre-trained and housebroken

No. 2456604

>anons talking about dating virgin men
>schizo jumps into comparing it to pedophilia
what the actual fuck

No. 2456606

Do you think it's possible that studios sometimes put homoeroticism in their media on purpose? When can you tell that it's on purpose or unintentional? I think that if the homoeroticism is picked up by straight men, then it was probably on purpose. If it was only picked up by fujos and gay people, then it was probably unintentional.

No. 2456609

Yes for the reasons you stated, and also when some of the reviews/comments complain about the work "queerbaiting"

No. 2456610

Here we go again. Why are some anons so reactionary? This is an extreme power imbalance. That's why they made a movie about it. If you actually read and replied to what I posted in a non-redditard way, you could engage with the part where this is about a sexual power imbalance. Then the discussion could continue without a retarded infight about something no one is actually saying or wants to discuss(virginity-sperg)

No. 2456621

>A moid needs to date other women to see that you aren't replaceable and if you are, then you're probably okay with having a stagnant creepy power imbalance like this. Your (serious) partner should come pre-trained and housebroken
I'll take a hunky virgin over your pre-used sloppy seconds scrote thank you very much

No. 2456622

there is no power inbalance between a virgin moid and a non virgin woman what are you talking about.(virginity-sperg)

No. 2456641

File: 1742639982054.jpg (307.16 KB, 1340x751, E86D5323E467C890A754311W.jpg)

It's been 8 hours holy moly

No. 2456670

I think because people stopped listening to their music, the death grips era was like the mid 2010’s and it’s been like a decade since then

No. 2456690

>marriage is cringe
It's sad to see 'manosphere' talking points infecting women's brains. You'll start advocating for sex work and polyshit next.

No. 2456692

Why must everything be in black-and-white extremes with you autists

No. 2456695

>you autists
Where do you think you are?

No. 2456703

Welcome to the internet. Also sometimes it's funny

No. 2456704


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2456963

Not a manosphere shill, far from that, I would just hate to be saddled with the same person for the rest of my life, I'm personally not interested in "building something together as a team.".

No. 2457005

No. 2457266

what happened to kikomi?

No. 2457319

Let's say someone has a bottle of flavored booze they bought from iceland in 2018 and it has been stored in relative darkness and hasn't been opened…can that someone (definitely not me) drink it?

No. 2457622

Why are big eyes seen as neotenic? I see more women with huge eyes than children. In fact I feel like I come across more kids with really small eyes.

Most features considered attractive for being “neotenous” seem more pronounced in women than in children, so shouldn’t it just be feminine?
Sorry if this questions seems chronically online.

No. 2457732

Try it who knows

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