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No. 2437966
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2412598Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.
If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:
>>>/ot/2361589 No. 2438034
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Is it normal to have a seemingly random stabbing pain in your lower abdomen? It alternates sides and doesn’t last longer than about 30 seconds. I’m not too concerned since it happens like once every few weeks and has been going on for years, but thought I’d ask here just in case.
No. 2438037
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I am 25, never had a boyfriend and i am really desperate i just want to fall in love. It has been three months of me searching and failing how do i cope? can it take more than a year to find someone? how do i even cope if it takes that long? in general how do i even cope with having to talk to countless lying/creepy etc moids
i just want to be inlove for once in my life
No. 2438066
>>2438041Women are much better at composition and making music actually
music. Audio engineering though is male-dominated
No. 2438132
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>facebook is not used by anyone under 30 and full of AI slop
>reddit is full of creeps and openly anti-feminist
>celebrities and politicians cling to X despite it being bloated and ruined by muskrat
>tiktok is brainrotted
>discord is closed circlejerks + pedos and groomers
Did you also abandon all these sites, nonnies?
The only thing I slightly regret is when I can't follow cow instagram posts
No. 2438207
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how do NEETs afford their lifestyle? are they all just financially dependent on their parents/family, receiving government assistance, etc or what
No. 2438216
>>2438207Yep. Was on neetbux, now living off family until neetbux are reinstated.
I've also read nonas talking about working until they have enough money saved up to NEET, and then subsequently preparing to rejoin the workforce once their savings run down. Rinse and repeat.
No. 2438255
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>>2437978It was my pleasure ♥
No. 2438387
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Are these acceptable to wear outside the house?
No. 2438432
>>2438387i wear crocs almost every day in the spring/summer. theyre comfy and easy to throw on and good for the beach, walks, running errands, etc.. i even wear them for easier hikes
The only place i wouldn't wear them is an event you got dressed up for or for long technical hikes
No. 2438447
>>2438440Most people in modern society struggle to define themselves, that's why they latch onto consumerism. Detachment can be a side-effect of depression or other things too.
If it's a problem in your life and long lasting, you should examine it deeper but don't let the online definition of some disorders take over your life.
No. 2438449
>>2438395Unpopular opinion, but any tanned person looks amazing in stark white
>>2438440Could also be a symptom of many other mental disorders. BPD is more when you constantly base who you are on the people around you, and you constantly switch "yourself" based on who your favorite person is at the time.
No. 2438544
>>2438460Teenage years are very formative regarding the "role" you choose to play in society, so I can definitely see how it would affect negatively the perception you have of yourself. Most people discover the music they like, the fashion they like, and even how they interact with other people during that time. Again, if I were you, I honestly wouldn't jump to conclusions. Sorry to hear that you're struggling though.
>>2438464Imo even normal people have a fp(usually a significant other, best friend etc) to a certain extend, it only makes sense it's exacerbated by BPD. I would be very curious if you have more information on it though!
No. 2438568
>>2438460Yeah, pretty much anything that makes you disconnected from society at large will make you feel this way. I have autism, and I have felt so disconnected from my sense of self at times, it made me wonder if I was even alive during my lowest points of depression kek. Your mind isn't like a computer, the smallest shift in brain chemistry gives you hallucinations, and a few genetic markers makes you develop schizophrenia.
Even now if someone asks me to describe myself, I totally blank out and have to text my best friend kek. If you're in your 20s, this is also a very normal experience. You settle into yourself more as you hit your 30s.
Fun fact: there's a really big debate on whether you can diagnose a teenager with a personality disorder because of their ever changing sense of self due to development! It's why people who grew up in less than stable environments can continue to struggle finding themselves into their 20s. No. 2438580
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I’d like any advice on how I can reconnect with my autistic sister. She lives 500 miles away now so I don’t see her in person much. Most of the family lives closer to me, but she refuses to come visit us because my mom won’t let her two large dogs stay at her house. She says she can’t afford a hotel and she refuses to leave the dogs with a neighbor or friend. On the rare cases that my mom caves and lets her bring her dogs, she and her husband will shut themselves up in a bedroom and not come out except for meals. I came to visit her with my parents one weekend and she acted completely ambivalent to any of us being there. For instance, after a couple hours with her she said she wanted to go home and watch TV, so we dropped her off and did the rest of our activities (taking care of some grandparents’ estate stuff) without her.
If I text her, she won’t text back. If I call her, she won’t pick up. If I keep calling for days, she eventually picks up but it’s like talking to a wall. Any questions I ask get one- or two-word responses, and she won’t ask me a thing or offer anything else up. That’s how it goes with in-person conversations too, the rare times we’re in a situation for that to happen.
We were good friends as kids, and even though she got real aggressive as a teenager, we’d still have friendly conversations pretty regularly. I miss that, but I don’t know how to get her to care.
No. 2439013
>>2438984Okay, wow, that's crazy. Thanks for the info.
Can I ask for some more info on your experience with getting the piercings? I've been thinking of getting nipple piercings for a few years now.
Did it hurt like wayyy too much? Would you do it again if they sealed up? How long did they take to heal? Is there anything you know now that you wish you knew before getting them done?
I've tried doing research on it and man. The answers vary and a LOT of people seem to accidentally tear them out or get sick of waiting for them to heal and remove them.
No. 2439045
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Why aren't worms utilized more for breaking down plastic and lowering plastic pollution? Nature literally gave us a way to take care of something man made.
No. 2439046
>>2439013It was one of the most painful thing I've experienced (but I've never really experienced real intense pain tbh), but it went fast and the piercer was great so it calmed down quickly. My nipples were sensitive for about a week, I would whimper anytime they'd graze something, and chaffing would make them bleed. Avoid any tight clothing and any fabric like lace so they don't get caught in it, and use sport bras.
All in all despite all the pain and the aftercare I'd do it again, it was oddly liberating and it encouraged me to try doing new things. I actually didn't do a ton of research, I just knew it would hurt (although ymmv on the pain threshold depends) and a friend recommended me the studio, I think not looking super deep into it helped me not being nervous.
If you really want to do it go, focus on finding a reliable shop, be careful in the following weeks and be patient, I think it takes approximately a full year to completely heal.
One last thing, I have no idea how nipple piercings factor into sex, if they enhance sensations or if they can be easily ripped off in the act, I'm a virgin so it's better to ask the piercer about that.
No. 2439047
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>>2438387Get picrel instead as quick outdoor/indoor shoes, more stylish, and safer. Crocs are dated and ugly death traps. The anon hiking in crocs is on borrowed time.
No. 2439242
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Why would someone fraudulently order items to my house I'm so confused it's almost 300 dollars worth of make up bags that I noticed within 20 minutes. Cancelled my card obviously but why send them to me with my own stolen identity. steal my credit card and address and email off some hacked account so I get the order confirmation??? The shein-esque storefront they purchased from hasn't responded to my requests for refund yet so I'm wondering if they're colluding (it has only been a few hours) or something. I am certain my banks going to charge back with vengeance. So why? To give me the impression I have carbon monoxide poisoning? Nonnas help
No. 2439266
>>2439256I think how it works is the major ISP's have spys taking notes of IP addresses on super popular stuff.
I'm with a smaller provider and years ago we got our service cut off temporarily because I downloaded the first Deadpool movie. I ended up not even watching it in the end. Now I just stream shit, or only torrent anime or other obscure/old stuff.
No. 2439587
>>2439046Thank you so much for answering my questions. I've been waffling on and off about getting it done for ages (especially because of my shape), so I appreciate it more than you'd think.
I'll probably end up getting them done in a couple years. I want time to prep and move things around so I'm not doing anything too crazy for a couple months after getting them done. (And no worries on the sex thing, we're both virgins here yay kekk.)
No. 2439660
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>>2439055Cmon nonnies please help me, I vividly remember us having a thread for ugly fucks. Direct me to where it is so I can complain about how frumpy Jennifer Veal is
No. 2439694
>>2439688they don't have size measurements on the website?
I find adult size S to be a bit baggy, XS would be form fitting but not tight usually , I'm 153cm and 52kg
No. 2439776
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Anons please help, I'm extremely underweight after getting poisoned two weeks ago and I need to get 170-200gr of carbs daily to gain it back healthily. I cannot eat wheat nor lactose, how can I realistically pull this off without stuffing myself??
No. 2439783
>>2437977Unless it's a sneeze of blood, or semen straight to your membranes and or open wounds, then no.
And the chance of the viral load being high enough is pretty unlikely.
No. 2439809
>>2439787I can eat rice just right, 1 cup is 45g carbs which is what I need, but at that point I'd be full and I'll not be able to eat anything else (protein, etc)
>>2439790Ramen has wheat in it, I can't eat it
No. 2439855
>>2439809Not quite true! Ramen noodles can be made out of other stuff, like rice.
Unless you're willing to pay up for gluten-free breads and noodles, you're gonna have to max out your rice. The good thing is, rice digests quickly, it's why you're hungry so soon after eating sushi. Either get ramen with rice or mung bean noodles and add eggs or other stuff you can eat to it, or start packing in on the white rice. You can always buy the noodles themselves and cook them in broth at home, too.
Can't you supplement with protein?
No. 2440333
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Nonweebs or anyone honestly, does the animu figure I bought look provocative or oversexualized? My bpdemon mom got mad at me and lost her shit because she was drunk and as hell and it’s a long story but she started sperging about how it’s provocative and that she’s spreading her legs but I absolutely cannot read it as anything sexual at all, she’s getting ready to attack. Maybe a normalfag will give me some missing perspective even though I’m schizophrenic about anime girls being sexualized and make a point not to buy any nsfw or even mildly suggestive stuff of them. Am I just desensitized?
No. 2440341
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>>2440337Maybe I’m just braindead but I can’t really see it as coomery at all besides the roboboobs which I admit is a bit too much, but would normalfags even read it as that being her skin? If this really is the collective consensus then I’m fucked I guess. I feel like there are robot characters with a lot more coomery designs like Kos-mos.
No. 2440399
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There's a tournament coming up for a game I enjoy. I typically do things alone but I can't help but feel as though I shouldn't with something like this… but I also don't have anyone to go with. Is this a bad idea?
No. 2440422
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Someone replied to my post
>>2440221 and it was a good response, but when I went to read it again it was deleted.
No. 2440444
>>2440422Kek, that was me. I think I said there's a virulent homosocial monoculture among men and how they relate to sex. Under ideal/healthy circumstances there'd be way more diversity of behavior and preference, less pressure (intrinsically and socially) to have sex, alternative forms of intimacy would be normalized and accepted, etc. Since people don't like feeling disempowered it's just easier to accept or even embrace the status quo and ignore the illusion of choice involved.
A dude that has the option will probably fuck even a woman he hates or doesn't respect, so what does it say that no woman has wanted to fuck him? It's an awful status quo, tbh. But in any case there's massive amounts of awful, prolific fuck boys so I don't put much stock in it.
No. 2440880
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Why does my hair feel so soft and shiny right as it's starting to smell because I haven't washed my hair in 10 days because of depression? How do I replicate this effect without living like a hobo?
No. 2440942
>>2440924Most children walk on their own by copying adults standing on both legs. It's why they grab things and pull themselves up (and why furniture that isn't bolted down is a hazard, televisions being the #1 source of crush deaths in children). But in children raised by animals, while they might not necessarily walk on their own, they still use their bipedalism in other ways, like to stand and reach for things.
You also see this in some animals. Cats don't walk, but my cat will sit and stand on his back legs to reach for things, while our other two cats have never done.
No. 2441057
>>2441042>ive never seen someone say Italian american and they started immigrating in the 1800sKEKKK you must not know any Italian-Americans. They bring up that they're Italian without having to be asked. Anyway, to answer your question: "African-American" is the politically correct term to refer to the descendants of slaves. Your teacher has corrected you to say "African-American" rather than "Black-American" because the former has less chance to offend a party than the latter.
The evolution of what black people in America were referred to as went: Nigger > Negro > Colored > African-American
So in short: "African-American" is the most neutral term. "Black" can still be seen as pejorative, especially when used by members outside the black race.
No. 2441333
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i still get frequent acne in my t-zone at 30, should i see a derm or a hormone specialist?
No. 2441522
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>>2441499I think it's a humiliation fetish thing, Grimes likes to have those bangs and she enjoys making people angry w her appearance
No. 2441558
>>2441051Because people are retards but also they don't even get it right. Female dogs are associated with women because they're protective, petient and more intelligent then the males, but it's also where the misogynist slur came from (because moids hate anything that's good).
>>2441065It's weird because cats are better hunters and the males will violently rape the females (and I'm not even sure if the males raise the kittens?), and dogs are generally better at understanding things and working in groups (which would be a female quality) so it doesn't make sense. It's probably more of a "cat small and weaker = woman" and "dog bigger and stronger = male", which may also be the reason why many moids don't see small dogs as proper dogs.
No. 2441630
>>2441588It’s their literal fantasy nonna.
The prostitutes ones are the ones being killed, by other men, mainly because they are faggots in denial who don’t want to be outed. The white tranny transbians has more privilege and safety than your average woman, he’s actually the one doing the raping most of the time kekk.
No. 2441647
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>>2441630>It’s their literal fantasy nonna. Troons love movies about sex trafficking and war movies involving mass rape for this reason. 99% of troons have made a video recording of themselves being fake-raped while looking and sounding like picrel
No. 2441653
>>2441588Some groups of men face higher levels of sexual violence than the monolith of women but still suffer less than their cohorts
e.g. 1/3 of bisexual men vs 1/4 of women vs 1/2 of bisexual women report sufferring sexual violence.
Female tips still get assaulted more
No. 2441660
>>2440221What they don't tell you is that most men who aren't chronically online incels or super religious prefer non-virgins too. Women are just more obvious about this because a virgin man equals to a loser with low social status and normie women care a lot about social status. Men with a lot of female orbiters also attract more women. The idea behind this is that, oh look this guy can get laid, that means he is popular and has strong social skills, he is charismatic and other women adore him, this signals me he must be an interesting and fun person, I need to have him! But if he is a virgin then she'll think that ew wtf, other women avoid and reject him, he must be a total red flag weirdo, surely he's hiding shit from me. You can see this happen when women discover their bf was trying to hook up with other women, but he kept getting ghosted and she doesn't know if she feels more offended cause he's trying to cheat or cause nobody else wants him lol. It's a bit of an ego thing too, most people don't want to date what would be perceived as the undesirable, discarded, socially inept person.
And another thing is that, from a male pov a woman being a virgin is seen as a choice, especially if she's well put together, because they believe a woman could get laid whenever she wanted, so she's not as much of a loser, she just sticks to her principles but we as women realize that men are extremely lustful, and it's very unlikely that they would abstain from sex, therefore if a guy is still a virgin at 20+ then there must be something wrong with him.
No. 2441748
>>2441588If a troon gets raped, it has absolutely nothing to do with them being a troon, but everything to do with them being prostitutes and coming from dangerous environments, as well as domestic violence that literally isn't much different from what a typical gay man dating a downlow man who doesn't want to admit that he is gay will experience. The only troons who are at serious risk imo are the minors for the same reasons any minor in a hypersexualised community would be at risk. Agps who bang on about rape do it for their misogyny fetish. It's part of delusion that women don't understand how amazing being a woman is because we cannot appreciate being hypersexualised the way agps can and they often brazenly dismiss misogyny even when it pertains to women in 3rd world countries being forced to marry so their parents can get a goat. They can't stand the fact that they will never experience rape because to them it signals that a woman is sexually desirable. Notice how men perpetuate the myth that ugly women and children can never get raped. Agps believe this myth. If they claim they are more at risk of getting raped than women, they also claim they are more sexually desirable than women. It also gets them sympathy from idiot libfems who don't do their research just as the lie that they are
victims of genocide and allows them to continuously live out their fetish as dumb people scared to be accused of bigotry will treat them like the ultimate
No. 2441814
>>2441777It's the best thing ever. I love tanning beds! They cure my seasonal affective disorder. When you go tanning, it's like you get high off of the Vitamin D. I like the look of being tanned, nothing makes me feel more confident and happy.
When you first start, you have to go really low. Say 4 minutes. After doing 2-3 sessions at 4 minutes, you can do 2-3 sessions at 5 minutes, then 6 minutes, and so on until you gt to 12-13 minutes. You have to take it slow and make sure you don't burn, because if you burn you lose your tan and have to start over. It can be annoying for the first while, but trust the process and take it very slow.
Make sure you buy a dedicated lotion for after tanning and before tanning, plus a tanning lotion to use when you go into the bed. The trick to a good sun tan is to be as moisturized as possible. With moisturized skin, you'll get the best tan possible. Never go into the tanning bed without lotion. Lotions will either be accelerators, meaning they're formulated to make the tan come in faster, or they'll be accelerators with bronzer, which does the same thing except it has a bronzing tint built in so you look more bronzed after the tan. I prefer those without bronzer. Tanning also clears up any acne or blemishes you have, so if you struggle with acne, you won't be for much longer.
Don't go overboard! Once you get up to the full time mark, you just have to go once or twice a week to maintain the tan. No matter how many more times you go, you won't get any darker anyway.
Have fun and enjoy it!
No. 2441822
>>2441797Yes. Some shorter "classics" are Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, and Flowers for Algernon. You can also read short story collections if you'd prefer. I personally like Ray Bradbury, though he is sci-fi. If you'd prefer a female author, there's Frankenstein, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Left Hand of Darkness. Agatha Christie is a known classic for a reason, she does mysteries and detective stories.
Don't be afraid to read books for "younger" audiences, like The Chronicles of Narnia, or Roald Dahl. Of course reading things you remember is enjoyable as well, I revisited A Series of Unfortunate Events and Goosebumps recently.
No. 2442201
>>2441759If you mean the moralfagging over wanting to fuck a male at all, I agree. Some UMPOfags did get annoying.
But most of the hate towards luigifags seems to have come from them being annoying sometimes outside of containment, and more recently because they were acting like pathetic pickmes, for example when he was revealed to have yellow fever and they started to hate Asian women, or when they were in denial about him being a sex tourist. Or getting suicidal over him not replying to their letters.
No. 2442395
>>2442376Well I'll give you the formal definitions. Sociopaths allegedly went through some severe trauma when they were kids and turned into violent, impulsive, dysfunctional delinquents who don't give a shit about others, basically a lack of empathy. They're the guys who do awful shit and end up in prisons. They are very disordered. Some of them can learn to behave like a normal person though, but it takes effort.
Psychopaths on the other hand are simply born with no empathy or very limited empathy, they're not more impulsive or crazy or angry than the average person. They just don't care about you, they only look for themselves. If they have a desire to succeed that also means that they can be more manipulative and step on the back of other people, cause they feel no guilt. Also psychopaths can have a moral compass, and most of them don't want to like, torture people kek, although it's true that if they happen to have an interest for the macabre they'll find a way to bring their fantasy to life. But imo, those are just outliers.
I'll add narcissists to the mix cause they also lack empathy and can be very horrible cruel individuals, however narcissists are driven by their ego and the desire to be validated by others and are more likely to have unhealed trauma too. Psychopaths love themselves too much to give a shit about someone's else opinion about them.
No. 2442436
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Fellow Sylvanian owner nonas, how do you dust them? I try to wipe mine clean with tissues or my sleeves but the last remains of dust just doesn't wanna go away
No. 2443174
>>2442242Can you elaborate any further?
Also, what is Junkuchan?
No. 2443187
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>>2443174a junk imageboard dont look it up its very bad
No. 2443196
>>2442765No, be a woman and upfront about how you hate men, then let their retard moid fights in the comments fuel you in the algorithm to new heights
Just don't actually read the comments
No. 2443255
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>>2440221They missed their chance to nab a virgin in high school and mold him into the perfect man, and so must live with the scraps of a fully formed young adult.
But statistically Gen Z has more virgins in general.
No. 2443258
>>2443206I made a shrinkydink Keychain of the Newfag Elsie picture back when i got a minor ban
for asking if the /pt/ stood for Psycological Tourture but it smudged because I didn't seal it properly
No. 2443334
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What is the difference between "best" "hot" and "top"? Would those not all be basically the same posts?
No. 2443395
>>2443307ntayrt but the anon she responded to is the actual bait (especially using "
femcel" unironically kek)
No. 2443419
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How do i know if i am bothering people or if its just brain worms? i am acquaintances with some people and i would like to get closer but i feel they dont like me.
No. 2443490
>>2443472Since I try to avoid teenagers on purpose due to instinctual fear, I can only assume that
>>2443474 is the right answer.
Srsly, I think it might be vaping, not leaving their houses at all/getting sun and maybe their junk food intake. For girls, it could also be that the usage of make-up way too young (and I mean adult make-up not those harmless little sparkly lip balms at like age 12) and really drying their skin/fucking it up. Plus, if you live in a place where weed is legal and easy to obtain, they're probably smoking enough to age them prematurely. I've read that a few anons say that early and sustained adderall use can alter looks as well so maybe that's something since doctors are giving that out like candy now or even SSRIs and anti-psychotica that are prescribed too young. Anti-psychotics in particular can commonly cause weight gain (ranging from a few pounds to 20+ pounds).
No. 2443518
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I'm going to a wedding at the end of this month and I'm stuck on what color shoe to get that would look good on both dresses. Wdyt? Also, is the blue dress suitable for a wedding or is the coloring too white?
No. 2443520
>>2443322Obviously? It's 2000 words, not a novel.
>>2443325Why would you need to use ChatGPT for something so simple?
No. 2443556
>>2443536Only cows that peaked in high-school take some moments of their time to look for the greasy teenagers they studied with back then for the sake of checking how they are doing nowadays.
I think it's a huge redflag, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the retards into high-school reunions are just huge ass nostalgiafags that want to see their former peers as losers.
No. 2443601
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How do I stop self sabotaging? How do I stop doomscrolling? How do I build discipline? Why cant I fucking do anything other 26 year olds can do?
No. 2443604
At least half of Americans are retarded, thus can be brain washed. I swear we get chemical lobotomies from the shit we eat
No. 2443726
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>trippy skeleton
what did you get?
No. 2443760
>>2443726Sparkly ballerina and arthritis. Darn. I mean, checks out considering the history of arthritis in my family kek. Seeing the other medical shit is depressing though, wtf.
No. 2443793
>>2443726Couture Tea (cute kek) and Heart Attack. Some of the "diet results" are not anywhere near the same thing though kek like losing friends is apparently just as bad as all sorts of awful health problems and even death?
>>2443739Really anorexia does? I never knew that, bulimia makes sense because of the bile and acid but damn.
No. 2443897
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I want to lose weight but i struggle with binge eating, any tips? i have been weighing myself for a few months and my weight tends to oscillate between 70-73kg. I dont want to be fatty anymore.
No. 2443905
>>2443897You need something to give you whatever it is binge eating does for you. If you do it in response to emotional distress, find another way to manage those feelings. If you do it when bored or understimulated, find an activity that helps you alleviate that. When I get really into a game or project, I'll go so far as accidentally skipping meals to keep playing. Healthy? No, but it's an example of what I mean.
You should drink a lot more water, it will help give you a feeling of being full. Be careful of overhydration (when your pee runs clear), that's not good for you either!
Every time you are going to eat, eat a bowl of vegetables first. If you struggle with prepping that much veggie, buy bags of frozen vegetables. Take a big bag of mixed veggie/broccoli/corn out of the freezer, cook it, boom, that's like 10 bowls of veggies for you to have in your fridge.
No. 2444024
>>2443897I'm not a binge eater but I have some knowledge about overcoming addiction. The way I understand it is that binge eating is a kind of addiction. Any addiction is a cause to an underlying problem you might have. The addiction isn't the root of the cause itself, it's what you're reaching out to as a coping mechanism, to fill a void.
I think you need to figure out what is making you want to fill that void in yourself, because if you overcome the binge eating addiction you might jump to another one like anorexia, or even something like social media addiction/ doom scrolling. It's sounds silly but really think about your life and do some soul searching to find out what might be still hurting you. It could be trauma, or problems that you thought you had fixed by just not thinking about them. In this case therapy could help to first fix the root of the problem. What the other nona said also sounds really helpful for fixing your binge eating in the moment.
No. 2444042
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do you think Ariel Winter regrets breast reduction?
No. 2444070
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>>2444042I've never seen a formerly big busted woman regret a reduction, i just see men fear-mongering about it. Picrel looks incredibly uncomfortable, she did the right choice
No. 2444121
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A Japanese game I'm into doesn't sexualize its male characters enough while oversexualizing its women and it's pissing me off. How do I make my voice heard? Should I spam emails to the company that makes the game? Is there any way one woman such as myself can make a practical change?
No. 2444129
>>2444123I don't wanna give too much away but it's a niche-ish JRPG, not obscure by any means but definitely not as big as say FF or Persona
>>2444124Any suggestions on what type of content? I draw from time to time.
>>2444126No but they've pandered to their female fans before through shirtless body pillows of male characters and White Day art. and there's a huge minority of female fans. So I don't care if I'm the target audience or not, they should still do it anyway.
No. 2444140
>>2443726I got
>Starving Skeleton>osteoporosisKEK
No. 2444168
>>2444160But she’s right kek, virginity holds no significance to men since they quite literally are sex driven.
Gen z are having less sex apparently, but are the scrotes any better? Answer that yourself kek.
No. 2444188
>>2444168>virginity holds no significance to men since they quite literally are sex drivenThis makes chastity all the more virtuous in men
>>2444170You praise nonvirgins while most nonvirgin scrotes are nonvirgins due to social pressure, extreme sex addiction and misogyny. The crème de la crème nonvirgins are a needle in an haystack
(scrote) No. 2444213
>>2444212>It's just easierDon't cut corners.
Don't settle for used goods.
No. 2444215
File: 1741972902564.png (163.29 KB, 643x646, carjacking.png)

>>2444208I've never heard of it happening with a kid as a decoy, but this is actually something that happens. How it usually works is: you'll be driving and see someone either lying on the street, or calling out for help. This decoy is meant to trick drivers into stopping their cars to help the decoy. At that point, the other robbers will emerge from hiding spots and prevent the car from leaving by standing in front of it and behind it, at that point the driver will be robbed or the car will be stolen. It's common enough that when I was learning to drive, I was specifically warned of this scenario. I was taught that if I should see a stranded motorist, the best thing to do is make a mental note of where they are stranded and to call 911 or another emergency hotline to report it. The cops would handle it from there.
I doubt that a child would be used as a decoy for carjackers. I don't think they would want to bring a child along because the kid could be a liability, plus these things often turn violent and I don't think a kid would fare well.
No. 2444222
>>2444215 said (very comprehensive post btw, good job!)
But sometimes extremely mentally ill people do use their children. If it is possible for someone to pimp their kids out (which we have all read horror stories about), then don't doubt they would use their children for other things.
No. 2444307
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>>2443726Pretty superstar Liver Failure.
No. 2444352
I attended one university in 2020 and dropped out with a 1.3 GPA, but at my current community college I have a 3.9. I was raped and assaulted so violently in 2020 that I was hospitalized, how do I write this? I don't want to write some flashy essay about it, I wanted to write something like this:
"In 2020, I was stalked, sexually harassed, and assaulted on [uni]'s campus, and was hospitalized shortly after. I didn’t feel safe in my dorm room, I didn’t feel safe on campus. It is difficult to think about Egnlish 101 when you are wondering if you will have to perform sexual favors for someone or be beaten tonight. I have had two surgeries and physical therapy since then. The stress of so much violence in under a year forced me to drop out. My transcript from [uni] isn't a reflection of my abilities, but I think in 2025, I have been performing to the best of my abilities."
I read this: But I don't even want to make this a huge focus of my app. I don't want to craft a narrative of myself based on the worst things that have happened, but I do want to advocate for myself at the same time. How should I go about this?
No. 2444383
File: 1741981221821.jpg (1.15 MB, 1626x2373, 1654684498743.jpg)

I am asking a guy out is this too autistic?
>Hi, how are you? I wanted to know if you’d like to go out for a drink or take a walk next weekend, or on Friday when we finish classes. Sorry for being so impulsive, but I thought you were cute and interesting, and I wanted to have the chance to get to know you a little better.
No. 2444392
>>2444383Yeah, it is. You don't need to explain your reasoning. If you're asking to meet up, it's implicitly understood that you're interested in him. Don't mention that you're attracted to him or that you're interested in him until after the second date. A better way to ask would be:
>"Hey, wanna go out for a drink this weekend?"Don't ask for next week, always ask for this week. So if you want to go out next weekend, then you ask next week.
No. 2444474
>>2444440>Don't mention that you're attracted to him or that you're interested in him until after the second dateYour first three dates should be about gauging whether or not you're actually attracted to his personality. If you tell him on the first or second date that you're attracted to him, you'll come off as sort of inexperienced or desperate. Men will also act differently if they know that you're immediately attracted to them compared to if they feel there's an element of uncertainty.
>Don't ask for next week, always ask for this week.Next week has certain connotations. This week is quick, it's easy, it's informal. That's what you want a first date to be.
>its the first time i ever like a guy so i have no idea how to deal with itIf you want, I'll repost my "first three dates as an autistic woman" playbook for you.
No. 2444477
File: 1741984457258.png (137.53 KB, 318x460, 1728699426292105.png)

>>2444474>If you want, I'll repost my "first three dates as an autistic woman" playbook for you.please do i am a sped and anxious so i already sent the text message but i would like to learn
No. 2444480
>>2444477>First date: something short, less than 45 minutes. The reason you want it to be short is so that you can get a good feel for if you feel a spark. Keep the conversation light, make it an opportunity to learn more about each others' hobbies, dis/likes, aspirations, etc.. Even if you get along well during the date, keep it short so that it leaves him wanting to learn more about you. Usually the moid will ask about seeing you again either at the end of the date, or the next day via text or call. The ideal first date is something like meeting at a cute cafe/boba shop/ice cream parlour.
>Second date: This should be 3-5 days after the first date, no more than 10. It should be something between 1-2 hours long, but not more than 3. It should be centered around an activity that you can do together, like taking a walk, going to an art gallery, zoo, or garden; something where you can gauge each other's personalities based on the conversations that come out of this shared activity. E.g., you can learn a lot about someone just by the way they interpret and talk about art. During this date, you should hold his hand at some point but don't make it a big deal. If things go well usually they ask if they can see you again either at the end of the date, if they don't: you ask, just to gauge their reaction.
>Third date: Ideally, this one comes 4-7 days after the second date, or at least no more than 10 days after, and it should last no more than 5 hours. This date should be more formal, so that you can gauge more of his manners, sociability, and ability to dress for such occasions. The ideal third date is dinner at a nice restaurant, preferably not a chain, and one that you've already been to in the past. Conversations for this date should be geared more towards figuring out if you feel a connection with him, not just a spark. Ask about his views on topics & causes that matter to you, his plans for the future, more about his personal life. After the dinner, if it went well, suggest you go to a different place just for coffee or dessert and keep the conversation going. When you're finished the date, go in for a kiss and see if you feel a sexual spark with him.
That's my 3 date playbook for autistic women. It's worked for me and my friends dozens of times.
No. 2444507
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>>2444499In your post you say that he's in the same class as you. So, say if you go out with him and it goes really, really bad: you're still going to have attend that class with him and be around him. That might cause some awkwardness. It's the same reason why you should never date or have sex with a co-worker.
No. 2444563
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>>2444547KEK anon i would have demanded an immediate explanation. maybe she meant you have big pretty brown eyes or maybe she was being shady and needs to get told she has frog eyes or something
No. 2444575
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>>2444547I think younger Natalie Portman has horse eyes
No. 2445123
File: 1742014030998.jpg (27.01 KB, 304x360, 1646708027454.jpg)

This is what he responded
>Hi, (name). Sure, there is no problem. I am fine with going out some day and thank you for the compliment. We could see a day to go out even though I'm not from (town), we can see a day, why not? even that right now is not looking for an interest for the moment an exit is not a bad idea! (I hope you have understood what I said and that it has not sounded bad)
what do i even respond? is that a yes or a not
No. 2445130
>>2445124what about the ''even though right now i am not looking to date'' part? i translated it like shit.
>>2445126No, i got lazy and machine translated it. The original spanish reply is.
>Hola (nonny) no hay problema y me parece bien un día salir y gracias por el alago, podríamos ver un día de salir aun que no soy de (ciudad) ni de x ahí se ve puede ver un día y si porque no? aún que ahora mismo no esté buscando un interes por el momento una salida no es mal idea! (espero que se haya entendido lo que dije y que no haya sonado mal)>>2445128yes, sorry. I got excited and just DeepL it away.
No. 2445179
>>2445167Self-esteem is how you consider yourself
>Wow I'm a very smart woman and I'm good at cooking.Confidence is what makes you do stuff
>I'm a very smart woman and I'm good at cooking but I'm not really as smart as that other woman and my cooking isn't as great as hers, I shouldn't join the experimental baking competition… No. 2445189
>>2445167To me self esteem is loving yourself regardless of how other people see you or whether you achieve certain things or meet certain standards. Confidence is the belief that others will see you in a certain way, or that you can achieve certain things or meet certain standards. Like
>I may not be very pretty, but looks don't define my worth and I have value outside my appearanceis self esteem, and
>I'm super pretty and everyone knows it, guys want me and girls want to be meis confidence
To be fair there's tonnes of crossover between the two, they aren't mutually exclusive. This is just how I personally make the distinction because I have high self worth but also (justifiably) low confidence in some areas.
No. 2445240
File: 1742025166249.jpeg (385.77 KB, 1022x773, IMG_9527.jpeg)

Why is anon disgusted that her slut bf has slept with 60 year olds? What's the difference between that and if he has slept with 20 year olds? In my mind, it's the same, I would be bothered equally by either, I don't see the difference.
No. 2445270
>>2445265No, I think it's weird and disgusting. I just don't see the difference between whether he's slept with 60 year olds or with 20 year olds.
>>2445266>there must be something wrong with my partner What's wrong with him, then? You just keep saying it's wrong without explaining.
No. 2445280
>>2445272Your logic is that since winning the lottery is so improbable, anyone who "won" the lottery must have cheated; since sleeping with a 60 year old is so improbable, any moid who has must have some secret irredeemable flaw.
You have to look at the thing itself. What is it about sleeping with a 60 year old makes you want to reject the moid, yet you're okay with him sleeping with a 20 year old because it's not there?
No. 2445287
>>2445280>since winning the lottery is so improbable, anyone who "won" the lottery must have cheatedSure, sleeping with one 60 year old might be akin to winning the lottery. But more than one? Who wins the lottery twice?
>What is it about sleeping with a 60 year old makes you want to reject the moid, yet you're okay with him sleeping with a 20 year old because it's not there?A disordered primary attachement.
No. 2445295
>>2445281Just being a bit odd isn't enough to totally reject a moid.
>>2445287>A disordered primary attachement.No, it seems that you would reject a moid who has slept with 60 year olds, even if he didn't have mommy issues. The problem is in the thing itself. But I can't understand the problem you would have with this but not if he has only slept with 20 year olds.
No. 2445312
File: 1742030433941.png (162.69 KB, 435x1200, everclear-1.75L.png)

I drank for the first time in my life. Went with straight-up Everclear (75% alcohol) because I wanted it to be as strong as possible. Drank an entire cup (not a shot glass - a whole regular cup) and NOTHING happened. No warmth or flushing, no dizziness, no numbness, no buzz/relaxed feeling, no blacking out, no vomiting, nothing at all. I have seen videos of people getting almost immediately sloshed off of less than half of what I drank of Everclear. Am I somehow completely immune to alcohol? Is that even possible?
No. 2445331
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>>2445329This nona tried telling this story in another thread a few days ago but no one responded. I wasn't going to say anything but then changed my mind kek
No. 2445379
>>2445328Is there something stronger than Everclear? From what I saw online, pretty much everyone reacts similarly to it.
>>2445329Depression tbh. I wanted something that would make me feel happy/light quickly.
>>24453435'1 110lbs.
>>2445365No. I posted it elsewhere 5 days ago and got no responses so I asked it here instead.
No. 2445484
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It seems I'm completely out of touch so:
1.How many people do you know irl who use AI, do you use it too?
2.What do you use it for?
Basically I'm shocked at the amount of university and high school students using it. I personally don't trust AI writing because of the fuckups and I am not a scumbag to try and profit from editing/tracing AI generated art.
No. 2445495
>>2445484I know a handful of people who use chatgpt. Hopefully I don't know anyone who uses ai imageing for evil, but I doubt anyone would admit to it. It's pretty common to use it for thumbnails now though which is ugly. I don't use it. I've seen manipulative grifters on xitter try to claim to EMPLOYERS that they
had to use ai because they're "disabled" and need it as a "tool" to work, so people are already trying to use it as a service dog.
No. 2445503
>>2445484I use it like a tool for clarifying my thoughts, organizing my ideas, brainstorming, and scheduling because I suck at planning lol. It's also a pretty good proofreader. But I
always review its output. People who use it as a substitute for thinking or writing are lazy and retarded, especially students who try to pass off Chat CPT slop as their own ideas. It is incredibly obvious and easy to detect. At the end of the day, they're only doing a disservice to themselves. I can't imagine spending tons of money (amerifag) to submit AI generated garbage. Truly retard behavior.
No. 2445836
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>>2445240Tbh I don't get it either. It seems to be me that, if it already doesn't matter that your bf has had previous sexual partners, it shouldn't matter that they're older than he is.
No. 2445858
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So other than Reddit and discord wherelse do I find a bf with my spergy music interest? Idk if I can go to shows alone and find one that way like I have heard suggested since that sounds awkward and dangerous but maybe I am wrong.
No. 2446049
>>2446044no they didn't lmao and idgaf about it since my face isn't in any of them
i know this is the female virgin site but you guys have to understand that sometimes women want to have sex with men
No. 2446064
>>2445683I might actually have this but it could also be a reflex.
>>2445704>>2445718>>2445804You retards are fucking weird and let troons live rent free in your head. I assumed it had something to do with virginity or the fact that I've never really inserted anything in my vagina because it hurts. I've attempted on several occasions since middle school but could never do it because it hurts too much.
No. 2446126
>>2446052I went into the thread for 2 seconds, and saw a supposed telegram (maybe whatsapp?) chat between "Luigi" and "a friend", where he says he went to a brothel and was attacked by "ladyboys" and sends a pic of his arm with red, maybe bloody, scratches on it.
That's all I can tell you, you'll have to pray another anon with more knowledge comes along.
Why hasn't anybody made a thread for him on /snow/? It can include his orbiters, surely there's a lot of milk coming from the redditors obsessed with him.
No. 2446165
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>>2445897Nevermind, using another browser and ca-archive got me through it, picrel@firefox
No. 2446261
File: 1742078934349.png (60.79 KB, 414x450, 01-JAN-2023-Type-of-Glasses-In…)

What kind of glasses should i get if i have a big honker?
No. 2446406
>>2446052>>2446126i mean there's technically no hard evidence of sex with the ladyboys but why else would he be in a sex bar in the first place? he must have been slightly interested in the idea at the very least
>>2446041>>2446043he also had pokemon cards of pornstars
No. 2446462
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>"Hey, protagonist-chan, you aren't your parents' biological daughter (as seen by this dubiously acquired DNA test), so auntie will keep the inheritance money even tho you'd still at least have been formally adopted and legally their daughter, okay?"
Surely Japanese laws aren't this retarded and the author was just pulling this for the plot?
No. 2446530
>>2446527They always acted like
victims whenever anons pointed out he was no different from a regular scrote
No. 2446558
>>2446533He's got big nostrils and caterpillar eyebrows.
>>2446519See I had all these opinions before he blew up, yes I deserve a cookie.
No. 2446801
>>2446787>are pre-workout, protein powder, caffeine powder, keratin powder etc. truly necessary for gains?No.
>Is it impossible to see results without them even on a healthy balanced diets?No.
>Isn't that kinda cheating?No.
>Why can animals in the wild get shredded through their diet and moving around but humans can't?What is your definiton of "shredded" kek. I'm not seeing roided out cougars or anything.
>Are we really that much of an inferior species?Weird jump in logic. No we are not an inferior species, in fact we are the dominant species on the planet right now kek
You don't need supplements, but I personally don't want to eat crazy amounts of protein for my meals all the time AND wait for the muscles to develop naturally and slowly.
Also the protein powder makes my muscles not as sore. So it's a win in every direction for me.
No. 2446813
File: 1742106113240.jpg (230.7 KB, 1080x1131, gorilla-and-chimpanzee-muscles…)

>>2446801I was thinking of gorillas, chimpanzees and the such.
>Weird jump in logic. No we are not an inferior species, in fact we are the dominant species on the planet right now kekYet we need tons of tools and cheating via shortcuts to achieve 10% of what animals in nature can do. An average human with 0 "how to survive in the wild" tips and no tools wouldn't really make it in the wild on their own.
>You don't need supplements, but I personally don't want to eat crazy amounts of protein for my meals all the time AND wait for the muscles to develop naturally and slowly.I personally wouldn't mind because protein is the best part of the meal for me.
>Also the protein powder makes my muscles not as sore. So it's a win in every direction for me.I see. Walking and taking a shower is enough for me to get rid of any muscle soreness but I understand it's different for everyone.
No. 2446817
>>2445472Local liquor store.
>>2446763Is this really a thing? I didn't think you could mentally control how a substance affects you like that.
No. 2446820
>>2446813>Yet we need tons of tools and cheating via shortcutsThis is always a funny argument to me. Using our massive brains we got via evolution is not cheating. And animals who are capable of using tools will use them when they can.
>I personally wouldn't mind because protein is the best part of the meal for me.That's nice. I love carbs and other kinds of food as well.
>Walking and taking a shower is enough for meI don't know how walking gets rid of being sore in your upper body, but more power to you.
No. 2446826
>>2446820>This is always a funny argument to me. Using our massive brains we got via evolution is not cheating. And animals who are capable of using tools will use them when they can.Sure, but if we're talking physical strength, stamina, speed, jumping height etc. humans aren't at the top at all. There's always an animal who's better at it. And the average modern human is probably top retarded to use their brain in a survival situation anyways, lol.
>I don't know how walking gets rid of being sore in your upper body, but more power to you.I forgot the science behind it but walking does reduce soreness in the muscles. Blood pumping nutrients and promoting healing in the muscles or something like that.
No. 2446839
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I'm not sure if I'm just a retard but is there a trick to getting fitted sheets to stay on mattresses overnight? Ever since I was little, I've ripped the fitted sheet off every single night, just tossing and turning in my sleep. Am I just making my bed wrong? Is there some kind of adhesive I can buy?
No. 2446840
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>>2446499Adding on to what everyone else said, this is the book he tried to buy hundreds of copies of.
No. 2446849
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I am about to get an orange cat (similar to picrel). I was going to name him Käse bc he looks like a little cute cheese when he curls up, I am American and none of my American friends will be able to pronounce it but I don't care. Should I call him that or like Parmesan or Curd or something? I'm thinking cheese.
No. 2446854
>>2446849follow your heart nona
>none of my American friends will be able to pronounce it but I don't careexactly, you shouldn't care, they can pronounce shit like zeitgeist, kindergarten, and schadenfreude, pronouncing the short name of your darling should be no issue.
No. 2447088
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>>2446849Why are cats so fucking adorable and regal (except this one, this fat piece of shit)
No. 2447189
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>>2447184take it up the ass and be ugly, sometimes they have dinner with old ladies. When i want to laugh i look at male prostitutes advertising themselves on social media, they all look like this. The ego of men i swear to god.
No. 2447244
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Burgers, how serious of a business are senior quotes? Are most of them whatever? Does anybody even care? Is it mostly funny stuff or people being serious?
No. 2447311
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I want to make something yummy for a friend who's been helping me through a rough time. Any recs of something delicious and easy? can be sweet or savory, but leaning towards sweet since we both like to eat pizza while watching a movie and it would be nice to have a nice dessert after.
No. 2447382
>>2447358I don't actually care but thinking about it if we were talking I'd probably prefer them to say it something like "I'm from America/US, the state Nebraska" or something clarifying both. Because while I personally know all the states by name, I don't know for sure that everyone else in my country does. And if they just said "America" I'd ask them where in America anyway since I am familiar with the states.
If it's just a general question like a group of people all stating where they're from they should just say "America/US" because nobody asked for specifics. In that case it would be as odd as me stating the local province of my own country knowing damn well that means nothing to anyone else.
No. 2447570
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I wanna try manifesting smth but idk how it works. Are you supposed to just want it really hard? Do you visualize what you want to happen? Do you get on your knees and join hands like a prayer? Do you squeeze your eyes shut and charge up like picrel?
No. 2447629
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>>2447598Was this your attempt at gaslighting? I think the dialogue so far is perfect for lolcow's own caps. I just thought you were blind so that's why I have picrel ready
>>2447607Ty for the explanation I thought it would be more interesting since puns usually work multiple ways but doodleboard is insular and those places always get weird/cringey
No. 2447637
>>2447627All good anon, kek.
>>2447629No? I hadn't replied yet, that's why I said "getting ready to".
Are you the anon who keeps replying to people in the things you hate thread, accusing them of being newfags who fake interactions for the caps thread? It's tiring, anon, give it a rest.
No. 2447640
>>2447637You seem really
triggered and paranoid over a question. Time to take a break?
(baiting) No. 2447737
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>>2447730Nope we are monke and you arent getting the water at the communal watering hole anymore
No. 2447819
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Any game dev nonnies? what engine is bet, godot or unity? they have different coding languages so i gotta settle for one
No. 2447847
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Are there national parks in Europe? Is camping a thing there? What about other outdoor recreation like kayaking, canoeing, and fishing?
No. 2448075
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What is this supposed to mean?
No. 2448646
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I was watching a compilation of cringy boyinaband lyrics and one commenter claimed that she had a crush on him as a preteen because he had long hair and she was in the closet.
Do in the closet lesbians really do that? I think that girl is bullshitting tbh, because I find it pretty unrealistic that a lesbian would have a crush on a moid because long hair, even in the closet a lesbo would still secretly pine for a woman, right?
No. 2448897
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>>2448891but he said yes to going out, so why didnt he respond when i set up a date? i dont understand scrotes. At this point i am pissed i have to do all this to get dick while men get to rent out hot pussy for the price of a mcnugget.
No. 2449456
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is this her actual body or is it angles + mild shooping?
No. 2449489
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If i tell my therapist i think about killing myself will she send me to a psych ward? what happens in those cases?
No. 2449539
>>2449522Entitled women seething because they don’t think someone like her belongs. Possibly
No. 2449559
>>2449542Once the bubble gum was in they would have to take it out somehow so I don't think that part could have been avoided even by taking you to a hospital but your sister shoving something up your butt is possibly sexual assault.
It's not unusual for small children to sexually assault other children. Children's brains aren't usually fit to process empathy before the age of 7 so at that point she was probably only starting to conceptualize that you feel pain - maybe that was even the reason why she did it, to explore what it was like to cause someone else pain.
Idk what your sister is like, if she continued being
abusive or if you two had a good relationship, but you have the right to feel violated and traumatized by what she did even if you continue to love her. It's your prerrogative to feel how you want to feel about it. But I do think it's enough to cause sexual trauma.
No. 2449638
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How do i know if my classmates dislike me
>they dont talk to me on message apps
>they sometimes dont greet me/say goodbye to me(the male does, the female doesnt)
>one time we were leaving class together and they were walking in front of me, talking
I suffer from extreme social anxiety so i dont know if they legit hate me or if its just me making up fanfics because of anxiety. That being said i normally dont tend to approach them either, since i feel like i would annoy them.
No. 2449868
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Is there a reliable online test that can show where my political views lie (am I left, right, etc) and isn't U.S.centric?
I'd always thought I was left, but someone told me recently that he thinks I'm right, which was a total blow and I felt really insulted. I want to make sure.
No. 2449908
>>2449870Political views in my country are all twisted. I thought as I'm a feminist, I'll automatically be left anyway. But I defended a dictator of my country who forbid wearing niqab (face covering) for women, and I think it doesn't matter that the dictator did it through force and not the will of all people and in this particular case, the end justifies the means. That's why I was called a rightist by this moid who's studied law. I think he is wrong and making women's lives better through dictatorship is still a left-leaning view. I used to be an anarchist but I realized in such a society women will be crushed. Now I'm all confused.
>>2449871Thanks anon. I'm not good at this -isms, I'll read on it.
No. 2450168
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Do natural black hair is 100% black? I remember I had a friend with really dark hair but she had reddish ends, I don't know if it's because she spent a lot of time under the sun or it's just impossible for black hair to be pure black
No. 2450334
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>>2450180Mm. Love me some vanta black.
No. 2450406
>>2450011If you’re overweight then you most likely have an addiction brought on by consuming foods engineered to be addictive. You’re asking, “How do I stop smoking without giving up cigarettes?”
You can still lose weight while consuming addictive substances but it’ll be a nonstop uphill battle and you’ll never be able to maintain that lower weight without continuous intensive willpower. Most people can’t do that long-term, and for the ones who do it’s a sucky process. Much easier to only consume real food.
No. 2450495
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What the fuck is this place? Im high an I thought i somehow got redirected to that soyjak board
No. 2450500
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Do Brita pitchers actually filter water to a degree it's safe to drink? I live in a place where the tap water is generally not clean enough to drink on its own, so I use picrel and fill it up from my sink. Lately I've been noticing the taste is still kind of bad though, I changed the filter but the taste remains.
No. 2450664
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>Are laptops supposed to expire & die?
My laptop is super good but recently it keeps asking for more updates and drains the battery very quickly! What am I supposed to do?
No. 2450774
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I have been feeling like shit lately and losing weight incredibly fast, will thise leave me with stretch marks saggy skin? i am losing around 1kg per week
No. 2450777
>>2450640Like this (not mine fwiw)
>>>/ot/2450539is just mocking what her fans on social media say, I think? Some of the stuff labeled there as 'bait' just reads as normal criticism to me
No. 2450783
>>2450774Pls nona this gif usage is insane, I'm cackling.
On a serious note though, when I was really sick and rapidly losing weight I was only left with loose skin, not stretch marks. However, when I gained back a more healthy weight, the stretch marks came back with a vengeance.
No. 2450796
>>2450790I'm the 2nd AYRT. Basically, how loose skin works is that when you're body loses weight, your skin doesn't get the memo (so to speak) immediately. It's going to take some time for your skin to realize "oh, there's too much of me," and to shrink down. The skin is the largest organ, so it will take a while for it to adjust to the demands of the body. Since your losing weight at a healthy rate, you don't have much to worry about in terms of loose skin. You might notice that you're skin looks a little looser than normal, but in a few weeks it'll be back to normal. It's basically a non-issue for you.
It's a really good idea to start swimming because it's a really great and efficient exercise. When you swim, you're working out a lot of muscles in your body at the same time and you're improving your heart health too. It's a great way to tone muscles. Toning your muscles is important because even if you lose weight, you'll still look flabby if you don't have a developed musculature. Swimming a few times a week and light workouts (things like squats and pushups every morning, stretching before you sleep, etc.) will not only improve your health and wellness, but it will also improve your self-confidence too.
No. 2450815
>>2450785Hope you don't mind more stupid questions from another anon kek.
I'm also losing weight at a similar rate to nona (7-8lbs/mo), and I'm simultaneously convinced it's not having an effect, and feeling like I'm changing everywhere. It's driving me insane.
Do you know how much weight needs to be lost before I can tell I look different for sure? And do people typically lose in one area, or all over their body? I'm both frustrated and relieved when I feel like nothing is changing kek
and do your boobs typically shrink a lot? I know it's vain to worry about it, but I'm anxious my boobs have definitely gotten smaller and I don't want them to. Ugh. No. 2450836
>>2450815Since you're living in your body everyday and your weight loss is a gradual effort, you won't be able to notice minute differences. It's like a frog dropped into cold water turned to boil; the temperature changes so slowly that the frog doesn't realize it's become dangerous. A good solution is to think long-term. Using a measuring rope, measure your body. The size of your thighs, calves, forearms, upper-arms, bust, waist, hips, etc., and record the measurements. Do this once a month to compare how your measurements are changing. You can also dedicate the first day of the month to taking photographs of your body, if you use the same positions and lighting every month then you'll be able to have a catalog of photos depicting the changes in your body.
>do people typically lose in one area, or all over their body?The body is one unit. When you lose weight, the weight is lost from the entire body, not just sections or parts of it. Some people store weight in different areas of the body than others. For example, if you notice that your weight goes to your thighs, then you might lose weight there quicker, but it's not a certainty. It's impossible to lose weight only in one area, or to target an area for weight loss. Instead of basing your weight loss on how you look in the mirror, base it on more concrete things that are independent of opinion, like how your clothes fit.
You can check out this thread in /g/ for more help regarding fitness and dieting:
>>>/g/433552 No. 2450924
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How do you dress ''cool'' when you have big breasts? is the only option to wear skin tight tshirts?
No. 2450926
>>2450836Okay, that all makes sense. Thank you for answering, anon.
I'm afraid to use /g/ threads sometimes because I'm nervous I'm shitting them up kek. But you're right, I'll start using the diet/fitness thread now. Thanks for linking it.
>>2450924Well, just dress without worrying about your boobs? The only time you need to take them into account is when you're looking for something that fits. Billie Eilish is by no means flat, and a lot of people seem to think she dresses pretty cool.
No. 2450929
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>>2450926i meant to not look fat. If i wear something like this it makes me look fatter than i am.
No. 2450937
nonny, its actually going to be autumn/winter in my country soonish so i am preparing my fits for when i lose weight (hopefully) by spring. I remember when i used to be skinny i struggled a lot wearing graphic tees because the ones for women were skin thight and the ones for men made me look like a hamplanet
No. 2450942
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>>2450924you can try and seek out more alternative cuts for tops but i imagine they would need to trend on the tighter side to not add bulk to your figure
No. 2450944
>>2450943i am fat
nonny, i should be worried about my weight
No. 2450951
>>2450944I'm not looking to fight or anything, but I mean in the way where you're saying you "look fatter than you are" if you wear certain things. But if you're saying you'll be skinny soon via weight loss, does that matter?
Like, it seems you're less worried about your weight because you think it's a good idea to lose weight, and more because you're worried about how other people perceive you. Which is never a good situation to be in, because then you're constantly trying to satisfy something that isn't even real. It's an unattainable goal.
Anyways, I think you should just wear styles you like, even if that means more out there stuff like cybergoth or lolita. If you're skinny, then you're skinny. Some anachan rolling her eyes at you won't change what you physically are.
No. 2450960
>>2450951I understand your concern
nonny but i was a fat neet for 5 years and i am finally trying to lose weight and feel good in my skin plus wear cute clothes. I want to look good in clothes, thats the whole point of fashion isnt it?
No. 2451004
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From my understanding our stomachs are located somewhere in the middle of our torsos, so why is it when we drink water or eat food, our lower abdomen bloats instead? The digestion process takes a while (albiet not as long for water) so it seems impossible it's already made it's way to the intestines, the bloating is instant. What's the reason this happens?
No. 2451166
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>>2451162auntie nona's angel pin that ends up in the junk drawer ♥
No. 2451182
>>2451153This kinda question might be above the collective pay grade of this thread, but that is essentially what a speculative screenplay is. Although I think your agent (if you have one) is the one who actually pitches to producers, kind of similar to the process of getting a manuscript turned into a book deal.
No. 2451185
>>2451173not super likely at all, crime doesn’t need to be legal for people to want to break the law or murder others
>>2451167100% yes
No. 2451494
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Was Aphrodite actually fat?
No. 2451505
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>>2451501That's one of the results that shows up when I search "aphrodite body", and other variations like these texts
No. 2451510
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>>2451498>posing with a sheet of a4 paper over your waist is an east Asian trend.Do you have an example of this nona?
No. 2452152
>>2452024Remember when you used to play make-believe as a child? Similar vein.
>>2452101I don't make OCs without a story because that's second nature to me, but I understand people who do. In the way that the narrative is appealing to us, the visual aspect appeals to their sense of aesthetic or visual enjoyment.
No. 2452769
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Is lingerie 100% sexual? I know in theory it's not, since it's just undergarment, but for some reason I can't separate the idea of if from the sexual aspect, same reason why I dislike it.
No. 2452881
>>2452024The same reason why any other fictional character is created kek. All characters made in movies, books, shows, are ocs too if you think about it.
>>2452786Yeah this is the key difference. There's a reason why only adults are allowed to wear it
No. 2453413
>>2453409nope, and it's more like the sinuses hurt except antihistamines don't seem to help whatsoever.
>>2453340kek never have I taken drugs. and if it is dehydration then water or electrolytes haven't helped.
No. 2453482
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Why would people, men particularly, imply I'm masculine when I'm clearly not? I remember thinking maybe it was because I have a super 'masculine personality' or looks, but im what it's considered stereotypically femenine when it comes to personality (yeah, I don't think personality traits are gendered but you know what I mean). And I look undeniable like a woman. So what the hell?
No. 2453505
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>>2452024Every fictional character ever invented is somebody’s OC Donut Steel. People create OCs because it’s human nature.
No. 2453764
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>>2453723NileRed aka Nigel Braun
No. 2453788
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>>2453778Nta, but you can still use it! Go to manage extensions and click the slider button. It will be grey for you if you've downloaded it since it got disabled by chrome. I've tried other adblockers for Chrome but none are as efficient as this one. You can also still use the Ublock Origin Lite, although i'm not sure how good it is. It's still around because it adheres to the API stuff or whatever.
No. 2453825
>>2453802What other anons said, but I'd like to put an emphasis on interaction! When they're awake, you should be cuddling and talking or singing with them, showing a lot of affection especially. Babies who arent given enough contact and attention suffer physiological deficits.
Infants also have very spongy brains, so they'll be soaking up everything in their environment. That's why it has recently come out that you shouldn't use baby talk with your babies! They'll end up mimicking it, and it can delay their speech and coherence. It's why putting on music, dancing, talking, playing games, letting them smell and taste foods, and showing them objects (even if they can't entirely make out what it is) are all good for them! There has been backlash against the term "ipad babies" because it's seen as derogatory towards the newer generations, but those kids really are being deprived and their brains are being wired with whatever they're seeing on youtube. It's pretty sad to think about.
No. 2453875
>>2453865Double-returns are Reddit spaces because that is (or was, haven’t been on Reddit in years) the only way to create separate lines on there.
You can create a new line on lolcow with just one return, so two are superfluous. People don’t use enter though, so it’s true that it can make paragraphs hard to visually separate if the first paragraph doesn’t have an orphan.
No. 2454062
>>2453886You know that one autist that can talk and talk and talk for hours about their one special interest, sperging endlessly like a faggot until they remember they aren't supposed to do that and finally stop?
Take that passion for the subject, the willingness to put in the brain power towards it, and the endless energy. Now apply it to art, and the added esteem/emotional bonus of seeing their efforts produce something they like.
Where it kneecaps them is if they're extreme autists that have a fixation unpalatable to normies.
No. 2454084
>>2453802Talk to them as much as you can. Let's say you're cooking a meal and the baby is watching. Describe the whole act like you would to a blind alien. "I'm picking up the spinach now, it's a green vegetable. Vegetables are grown in the Earth by farmers. The vegetable is going in this pot of boiling water. Boiling is when water goes from liquid to vapour, it happens when the water is exposed to heat. Once the spinach boils, I'm going to put it in this pasta. Pasta is a popular meal for dinner. Dinner is the last meal of the day."
Never, ever, speak to a baby in that "baby voice" that people do (e.g., "widdle Tommy is going bye bye on the bikey-wikey). Babies need to be exposed to as many concepts, words, and things as humanly possible. I recall a study done ages ago that showed that 4 year olds from low-income housing had a vocabulary some 3000 words smaller than 4 year olds from high-income housing. The first 6 years of a child's life are the most crucial for determining the rest of their lives.
No. 2454136
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what do you call it when you consciously set up a variety of activities you'd enjoy for yourself (books, movies, drawing, a video game etc), only to habitually engage with none of them? its like when i'm alone i do nothing but dissociate and dissipate into the ether, every single time
No. 2454156
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>>2454132Kekk, I know you're joking but my favorite posts have come from the country threads. I wish I could remember the Italian nona that replied with "madonna santa" or something similar, maybe it's in lolcow caps thread.
Picrel is my current darling.
No. 2454162
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>>2454156Nvm I'm cringe kek. Italian nonna thread got bumped and I found it immediately.
No. 2454172
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if i find an ant in my groceries and put it outside, will the other ants kill her, ignore her or let her join their colony?
No. 2454366
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>>2454354This is a really long list. Can you just tell us more about him and we can decide? If you're interesting, successful or attractive in any way and he has a porn addiction, it will likely happen bc skinwalking you will be how he will confront his own feelings of inadequacy and shame. If he doesn't have a porn addiction, there's a near-zero percent chance of anything like this happening at all
No. 2454402
>>2454394Yes the fat goes into the soup, just don't cook on high for too long or it'll get rubbery and gross
>>2454396No. It was written and produced by a pornsick flaking psoriasis called Mike White
No. 2454672
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If you don't use the vent thread, how do you usually vent your frustrations? Do you journal? I don't want to vent to my friends
No. 2454689
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Is there a reason some men grow hair literally ON their dick shaft? wtf? it looks so disgusting and painful
>>2454675 No. 2454765
>>2454752if i had a dick and i had that i would get them all lasered off, its freaky
>>2454754uhm, on the outer ones right? not the inner? because… OW.
No. 2454961
Why women generally value life more than men? Women tend to live longer, care about themselves and take mental pills and men just go straight an hero…
>>2454934They crave them, but they need to feel they deserved it
No. 2455000
>>2454993>>Women don't have the same expectation as men that someone will always be available to feed and take care of them when they're in bad men have?
but why a man in total despair is more likely to commit suicide than a woman in total despair?
>because women value life moreyes, but why?
No. 2455012
>>2455007It's because they believe they are entitled to be waited on fist over foot even though they're empty, unpleasant, soulless, and treat everyone else as a means to an end. Men expect everyone around them to entertain them and when you don't, you're an npc or whatever. They're so emotionally retarded and give
nothing to the world except hurt and hate.
No. 2455043
>>2455007This. I constantly hear men bitch and whine about how no one cares about them yet almost every single straight woman has to essentially beg like her life depends on it for her man to have deep conversations with her (unless it's a cheater ofc) also why do men seem to only open up with women they're cheating with? They'll make all kinds of excuses when in reality it's no one's fault but theirs they choose to completely change themselves when cheating.
It's like those moids that live in America and expect women to show up at their doorstep, get frustrated about not dating, go to another country, actually put in effort into dating, and are shocked that they actually get dates when they pursue women and pay, then blame western women for some reason not realizing the reason why they can get dates isn't because western women suck it's because they actually put in effort in the other country
No. 2455065
File: 1742561115300.webp (81.64 KB, 801x1200, 1000020011.webp)

So if "psychopath" and "sociopath" are just layman terms to describe individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder, why do wannabe psychfags still act like the words "psychopath" and "sociopath" are two different definitions when they are clinically the same condition?
No. 2455094
>>2454366No idea if he has a porn addiction. I had a crush on him and I thought it was mutual but the more I’ve gotten to know him there’s something off. I also think he’s a narcissist and not in a Tiktok way, I really think there’s something wrong with him.
He’s on the shorter side and constantly describes himself as scrawny and it’s obvious he’s insecure about it. He’s the sensitive, male feminist type and says he’s always just been better friends with women. He has his rotation of women he talks to where it’s on the cusp of friendly to flirty. He’s said he’s bisexual to other people but around me he says he’s straight. He has a beard and I’ve seen some memes about moids growing beards in last ditch efforts to feel ‘manly’ before they transition.
The main things though are his social media. He follows a TON of the same genre of account-white/asian woman who plays guitar. He plays the guitar. A lot of the women he follows are dark haired with pale skin which is my flavor of white kek. I don’t play the guitar but I am a musician. He and I also share a lot of common interests and have the same sense of humor. I did some stalking and he is really into The Bell Jar and “jokingly” refers to me as a Romana Flowers type. He also said I was a
femcel but meant it in a positive way (!!!). He follows a handful of TRAs too.
I’ve been told I’m very attractive and he said he wasn’t sure I’d even be interested in him. I’m at a very good Uni but that’s where we met so it’s not like he’s got nothing going for him. I think I just fit the archetype of woman he wants to be.
No. 2455462
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Can we watch this on movie night one day?
No. 2455623
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Wtf are you supposed to do when you have an ex from over ten years ago still seething about you still mentioning you on their social media? I'm actually creeped out. Wtf do I do, apologize again for my shit behavior? For context I was in that "relationship" (stupid e-dating) when I was a teen during a time when I was going through a domestic violence situation and I was extremely shitty to that person. Years ago I tried apologizing again giving them some context but I fucked up again because yes, I tend to fuck up a lot. At this point I believe there's nothing I can do. I admit I was wrong and stupid.
No. 2455665
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If your new bf told you he doesn't believe in sex before marriage, would you
>dump him immediately
>try to convince him otherwise
>rape him
>wait until marriage
No. 2455670
>>2455665I mean you are out here praising virgins and now that you got a virgin scrote you are complaining?
If he doesn’t watch porn too then you got yourself a gem.
No. 2455675
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>>2455665>wait until marriageI'm not into sluts. A body count higher than 0 is far too high.
I want to be the one to corrupt him No. 2455677
File: 1742586485246.jpg (122.29 KB, 735x1256, alexei.jpg)

>>2455665wait until marriage. i will be considered close minded when i say this, but any scrote who had sex with multiple women before marriage is an incubus frontpole slut. any male with common sense enough to literally not give into hedonistic temptation is one that matches with my type. i will ever waste my time with a roastie moidwhore.
No. 2455683
>>2455670I don't have a virgin scrote
yet. It's hypothetical.
No. 2455848
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What exactly are those little squigglies in visual novel tittles and Touhou song names? Those ones (~) specifically, the fuck do they do?
No. 2455863
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Are weegee anons serious, or it's an elaborate bit.
No. 2455987
Why is virginity so important to some nonas? It's a moidbrained concept designed to control us and define posession over our bodies (only your owner has the right to ~deflower~ you, a woman who is not a virgin and has no owner is impure/useless because her womb can be used to by any man).
Women have the right to their virginity of course, it's perfectly understandable to not want to have straight sex because men have no respect for our bodily autonomy and will rape us if they think they can evade consequences so avoiding them can be done out of self preservation, but using non-virgin as an insult is upholding male constructs and female servitude.
Yeah this is related to previous discussion itt but also just in general. I see this a lot where posts like
>>2455828 are used by a woman to feel better about herself by putting another woman down.
No. 2455999
>>2455987>>2455987There's some lesbians here (either actual lesbians or those "lesbians" who e-date some girl through discord and think they're gay because that's the closest they've ever gotten to anything even slightly resembling a sexual encounter), and the idea of being a "goldstar" seems pretty important to them. Makes sense,
you have to be pretty gay or at least curious about women if you're this concerned about what other women do with their vaginas.
No. 2456075
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Why are the tip of my fingers dried out but only on one hand and only a couple? Are they finally gonna wither away and fall off? Not the phone holding hand btw
No. 2456341
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>>2456299>I even had an ex friend told me he lost his virginity to a prostitute(he expected me to date him after this).kek literally the guy in picrel
No. 2456391
>>2456383>>2456387>we met in hsHe graduated from high school, and you were still in it, when you two started having sex. Extremely creepy.
Don't ruin our fantasies of pure innocent virgin guys, just because in high school you chose to sleep with a college moid, and he turned out to be scum.
No. 2456403
>>2456399And that changes . . . nothing.
Leave us virgin-chasers alone. We're not talking about adult moids who sleep with high schoolers.
(integrate) No. 2456410
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>>2456391>ruin our fantasies of pure virgin bfKek that’s why they’re fantasies, the same reason why all moids are sex pests no matter how much they grew up to be coddled and sheltered like moids in India, they end up being rapey and hungry for sex. Even in countries where women are covered up and only are allowed to have arranged marriages so they are guaranteed virgins, men are still lusting over women and can’t look at shaved faced men without wanting to rape them. Saving yourself to fulfill the fantasy of some moid is gay and pretending there are sane moids who aren’t like picrel saving themselves for whatever fotm waifu they want is even gayer
No. 2456411
>>2456407>You want to fuck an adult while you're in high school? Cause that's literally what I did.No thanks
>Or do you want the 20/30/40 year old virgins who will be more vulnerable with their feelings, and because they're pure of heart they've never sowed their wild oats with a girlfriend before youA thousand times yes
No. 2456422
>>2456416>Emm ackshuallyHe graduated from high school, he had a job, he could vote, he was an adult by any reasonable metric. It's extremely creepy for an adult to have sex with a high schooler.
>>2456417Normalfaggot women don't want pure hearted virgin guys
No. 2456435
>>2456427Doesn't matter, he's still an adult moid fucking a high schooler, still creepy as hell.
>>2456428>Normalfags ARE the ones that think men can be human and pureNormalfags want football playing frat bro moids who rape passed out drunk girls at college parties
No. 2456439
>>2456436Well he's a shit predator cause I dumped him twice and slept with two other guys during the timeline.
Answer the question if you consider an 18 year old schoolgirl and adult? Should other adults be dating them too
No. 2456440
>>2456439>Well he's a shit predatorYeah, so he's not the innocent virgins we're talking about when we say we want innocent virgins.
>I dumped him twice Yet you went back to him after dumping him? Fool you once, shame on him, fool you twice, shame on you.
No. 2456443
>>2456440So you want to fuck Christians?
Again, are 18 year old school girls adults that should only date adults? Like your bringing up child marriages for a 2 year age gap lol
No. 2456602
>>2456600Netflix movies are usually terrible ai slop that have no meaning but
>The film is loosely based on the real-life events of Mary Kay Letourneau, a 34-year-old teacher who victimized her 12-year-old student, Vili Fualaau, in 1996, becoming a tabloid fixture.So it was hard for them to fuck up the message completely, even though they still did a bit. If you watch this it should put you in the correct state of mind to consider how this kind of relationship would actually play out and how sad it is. A moid needs to date other women to see that you aren't replaceable and if you are, then you're probably okay with having a stagnant creepy power imbalance like this. Your (serious) partner should come pre-trained and housebroken
No. 2456641
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It's been 8 hours holy moly