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No. 2361589

Random Questions Round IV.

ITT: Ask your fellow anons questions and hear their replies.

>What's your favorite fruit?
The anon below will reply with,
>Who was your rolemodel growing up?
>The artist behind Kikomi
>What's your favourite TV show?

Please follow all the /ot/ board rules. Have fun!

Previous Threads:
#1 >>>/ot/854869
#2 >>>/ot/1581752
#3 >>>/ot/2030872

No. 2361641

File: 1737627522189.jpg (1.17 MB, 1542x756, Set_of_playing_cards_52-386709…)

What's your favourite playing suit?
You can also pick a card

No. 2361644

is suit poker because i don’t know how to do any of it

No. 2361646

File: 1737628459666.jpg (245.86 KB, 4608x1713, IMG_20250123_113303.jpg)

These are the 4 card suits

No. 2361654

Ace of Spades I am basic but I am free

No. 2361662

Three of Clubs. Loved clubs since I was a little kid because it looked so ornate, and three is my favorite number. (Also clubs have three lobes, so it's on theme!)

No. 2361679

Would you consider a custom personalized pen a good gift? My friends bday is soon and I can't afford some nice gifts so I plan on making her a customized pen with her name on it but I don't know if it would be tacky or something.

No. 2361681

What threads do you have hidden?

No. 2361689

Personally I think that’s cute. If I received something personalized from a friend I would love it because it’d show they were really thinking about me

No. 2361697

>gender ideology hate
>fandom discourse
>dog hate
>cat hate
>fujo vs anti-fujo discourse
>fujocoomer cringe
>ugly man psyop

And I'm sure there's more
It's either stuff I don't care reading about at all or just pure cancer. Hiding a bunch of threads really improves my lolcow browsing experience.

No. 2361699

Probably 50% of them

No. 2361715

What's the reason behind all that?

No. 2361724

none I have a very strong will and it's a good way to train your will every day.

No. 2361729

File: 1737638285585.jpg (13.04 KB, 232x215, 1000001131.jpg)

Do you believe in cyptids like Bigfoot and Nessie?

No. 2361740

the majority of cryptids are hoaxes but i absolutely believe there are a rare few that are (or once were, if they're no longer living) real.

No. 2361743

holy shit an identical person who hides all the same threads as me. except I leave the ugly man psyop thread because it's hilarious.

No. 2361756

No, same with ghosts or any other supernatural shit.

No. 2361851

I used to belive in Nessie until i found out about whale's dicks. I kinda belive in Thylacines, they seem possible to be out there still.

No. 2362765

omg i love balatro

No. 2363077

File: 1737710439111.gif (6.22 MB, 540x360, 1000020874.gif)

Does anyone know where I could buy a similar button up?

No. 2363078

Do you mean style wise or like similar print?

No. 2363081

Similar print

No. 2363087

File: 1737711243028.jpg (177.44 KB, 720x1056, 1000000445.jpg)

No. 2363109

Thank you dear anon!

No. 2363131

2 of hearts is cute to me

No. 2363226

File: 1737720533783.jpg (4.83 MB, 4096x4096, 1000021409.jpg)

Which do you think looks better, low set or high set eyebrows?

No. 2363231

No. 2363232

entirely depends on the rest of the face, all of those women are gorgeous and their eyebrow placement wouldnt matter anyway

No. 2363233

I like the Ace of Spades.

No. 2363371

No. 2363375

Low imo but these women are all beautiful anyways

No. 2363496

Is there a sewing thread on here? I’m looking for a specific pattern and was wondering if nonnas hereLike to sew

No. 2363533

It’s over on /g/ >>>/g/180491

No. 2363563

Thank you so much nonna!

No. 2363607

File: 1737740995408.jpg (89.35 KB, 1034x1390, 1000004725.jpg)

in your opinion how soon is too soon to adopt a new pet after losing the previous one. does that timeline change in your mind depending on the circumstances (ie the age of the owner, the existence of other pets in the house, etc)

No. 2363723

File: 1737744074448.gif (2.05 MB, 500x270, 1200581.gif)

Who is a woman you wish you looked like? Positive vibes only!

No. 2363727

some roided stacy so i can ask any men out and if they say no i beat them

No. 2363737

File: 1737744592610.jpg (207.35 KB, 913x1200, s-l1200 (2).jpg)

My crazy-eyed queen. But only because I can't have sex with her.

No. 2363745

Annie Lennox and Grace Jones.

No. 2365156

What's the best advice you've received on this site?

No. 2365165

File: 1737796361710.jpg (607.02 KB, 1080x1080, 465756059_2441435452726554_439…)

will fitzgerald, specifically in strange darling. i want not just her face but her body. skinny but not too thin, with small ass and boobs. i'm skinny but have huge hips and breasts and i wish they were smaller and cuter.

No. 2365192

File: 1737801667669.jpg (136.78 KB, 1500x1000, mcbride.jpg)

Melissa McBride has always looked great in her role as Carol on The Walking Dead. She's the only reason I finished all 11 seasons and I would love to look both badass and sweet like this when I'm 60. Amazing short and grey-haired queen.

No. 2365199

File: 1737802245214.jpg (59.24 KB, 380x612, aliens1986-sigourney.JPG)

her and no one else

No. 2365259

love you nonas for picking older/"unconventional" looking women, like it actually really warms my heart that there are women who think peak female appearance is this rather than like a hot 20 year old with a ton of plastic surgery, genuinely mean that and it's not a backhanded compliment

No. 2365827

it's almost like we aren't moids

No. 2365854

I didn’t post a woman I think is “peak female appearance”. I actually wouldn’t want to be extremely beautiful, I get enough unwanted male attention without being so. I just posted a lady I’d prefer to look like.

No. 2367353

Are there any nonnies here who started using 4chan around 2003-2008? What was it like? Was it mostly used by super otaku types? What kind of person were you back then?

No. 2367395

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No. 2367401

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What's your favorite term of endearment?

No. 2367410

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gotta be shalom

No. 2367424

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No. 2367433

File: 1737928523802.jpg (639.05 KB, 1549x2196, GaRxgciXAAAGq6T.jpg)

I didn't think I had one until this I saw random drawing. I'm working my ass off to try to lose some weight so I can look like her.

No. 2367472

File: 1737930700110.gif (8.94 MB, 480x672, tumblr_104822b23eb374d3b5134e0…)

What's the point of being alive if you can't be striking like young Cher

No. 2367478

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No. 2367500

Same, I'll never forgive what they did to my king

No. 2368452

How much do you value friendship? How much is it a priority in your life? Do you value close friends over partners, or vice versa?

No. 2368459

kind of? i dont know why but i tend to attract the clingy type of friends so it tends to get very exhausting for me mentally and i often go not talking with them for months(online/offline both),ill keep their contacts if they need me but im not usually the one to message first.

No. 2368466

A lot more than I used to. I don’t usually have to prioritize one kind of relationship over the other because my partner agrees it’s important for us to make time for our own friends. I have a good group of friends and I value them more than a lot of my family members honestly.

No. 2368510

Based as hell nona

No. 2368574

File: 1738009765652.jpg (33.05 KB, 732x109, 199.jpg)

Is this true for most of you? Because I've never posted anything on social media in all my 28 years and don't take photos. Makes me feel old-fashioned kek

No. 2368582

My problem is that my relatives love to post pictures of me (and the rest of the family) on their public accounts. There's no stopping grandma from sharing your baby photos on her unsecured Facebook.

No. 2368587

I didn't post on social media but I did post myself on 4chan lmao.

No. 2368597

Totally (I just hope that I stay low profile enough for no moid to notice me)

No. 2368651

Why would you do that?

No. 2368734

What's the weirdest infight you've seen on here?

No. 2368739

the chick who sperged out about people eating fruit

No. 2368740

What’s the meanest insult you’ve ever said about someone’s appearance? To their face or anonymously.

No. 2368741

Yp when she posted hand pics upon request during an antifujo spergfest and then gave a nonna advice on the Flowers GLVNs before being b& (again).

No. 2368748

>the one over an anon eating soap
>the one over avocados
>the one over regular show and some artist
>the one over some anon in the vent thread making a normal vent about her shitty family
probably some others i'm forgetting

No. 2368778

Something about a certain hair color/hairstyle turning into a petty racebait war where anons slapfighted about which nationality is uglier. I think the French were mentioned in it.

No. 2368800

File: 1738019180471.jpeg (63.33 KB, 848x480, 5268F062-B16B-4C18-AC7F-7C3D43…)

I feel like that’s just the natural flow of conversation whenever hair or eye color is ever brought up on here.

No. 2368844

ty nona, the fruit one was the exact one that came to mind. i remember i KEK'd when someone said in the middle of it, replying to no one, "these bitches are seriously still arguing about fruit" or something. it was insane

No. 2369234

The macaroni and cheese infight which ended in racism against indigenous Mexicans.

No. 2369481

>the one over regular show and some artist
KEK the Regular Show sperg still lives on in my heart.

No. 2370423

Why does milk taste so fucking good in the middle east? It's not milk, it's magical. It smells delicious and tastes buttery and sweet. How do I find milk like that in the US?

No. 2370458

It's because all the cows believe in Allah so the milk is more beautiful and harmonious. You'd have to find devout Muslim cow farmers in the USA and maybe they could replicate it. The Quran has an entire chapter called the Cow because Cows make good Muslims (they never blaspheme against Allah).

No. 2370460

…time for me to go to bed.

No. 2370461

Okay goodnight

No. 2370754

File: 1738139685734.webp (77.36 KB, 683x1024, vskirt_oat_flat_683x1024.webp)

Does anybody know the name of this specific cut of skirt?

No. 2370755

It's a yoke skirt

No. 2370756

I always think of them as "here is the vulva" skirt.

No. 2370759

maybe try reverse image searching it, copyseeker is the best engine

No. 2371036

File: 1738168120886.jpg (90.09 KB, 460x640, asfhdsnffgasfd.JPG)

how do you cope after anons hurt your feelings?

No. 2371043

By killing yourself. Troon.(infighting/troonfoiling)

No. 2371048

hahaha idk what i expected. you at least made me laugh nona, thank you

No. 2371052

File: 1738168747971.jpg (82.5 KB, 1390x726, closeyoureyes.jpg)

girl be fr

No. 2371057

File: 1738168979168.jpg (39.6 KB, 500x473, aadcb1d4c5dc31edbab4794abb9ead…)

Don't worry anon, just remember that we're all somehow more pathetic than you could ever be.

No. 2371064

yes i know it's just an ib it's not important. i do walk away close my eyes everything. jw if anyone did anything different or extra
thank you nona. there is a collectively pathetic but also based stacy energy on here that swings wildly like a pendulum and i think im in my pathetic era right now

No. 2371065

File: 1738169552924.png (14.31 KB, 275x248, 1657667693328.png)

what are some active an interesting threads to watch around lcf these days? i feel like all my old reliables are dying

No. 2371075

what type of cows do you like?

No. 2371077

Rage then distract with something idk

No. 2371088

Close the tab and don't look at the thread lol

No. 2371093

literally anything, i'm branching out

No. 2371105

Not so much when they hurt my feelings, but when I see something really retarded like >>2371043 I'll go to a certain folder on my desktop. This folder contains almost every face pic uploaded on here by a variety of different anons over the years; I have about 120 photos. Most of them look moderately intellectually-handicapped and very ugly, and so I'll look at the photos and I'll try to imagine which one typed out the post that made my brain hurt. Once I saw a couple of face reveals, I stopped taking most retarded posts on here seriously because now to me instead of offensive it's just become more like the conversation I'd hear while passing the sped table at the school cafeteria. I can't get angry at anons on here, or be hurt by them, because every time I even think about it I just picture one of the dozens of retards that posted her face on here and I this intense pang of pity hits my stomach.

It depends what you're looking for. Probably the most interesting threads I've seen lately are the Dana, Lexity, & Catholic Panda threads on /snow/. They're all pretty new and developing, the latter two are still on their first threads. I wish there weren't so many general threads on /snow/, I find them way more boring and low-effort than dedicated cow threads. If your preference is more /w/, you could also check out ManaKnight's threads. His threads don't move super quickly, but I like them a lot because making fun of autistic moids is funny to me. If you're not that interested in cows themselves, I think that the Bad Comics thread on /m/ is also pretty funny.

If you want more thread recommendations, there's also a thread for that on /meta/

No. 2371116

I don’t understand how anyone could be retarded enough to post their face here.
>Once I saw a couple of face reveals, I stopped taking most retarded posts on here seriously because now to me instead of offensive it's just become more like the conversation I'd hear while passing the sped table at the school cafeteria.
Lmao, real.

No. 2371122

>I have about 120 photos
Kek, for real? I'm guessing 119 of those were from rance-fag's meltdown?

No. 2371129

I’m guessing you’ve added the recent face reveal to your folder?

No. 2371130

are you that anon who had a imgur full of romananianons twitter selfies?

No. 2371135

I just checked and it's actually 97, not 120. They're all unique individuals, not many anons will post their face twice. None of them are Rancefag, because the personalityfags have their own folder.
Sometimes other people post each other's faces, like recently there was a post somewhere on /ot/ about Friend Finder thread drama and one of them posted the other's face.
Kek you know I did as soon as that pic dropped.

No. 2371143

After realizing how many anons have genuine mental health issues (see things like tinfoil thread, various schizo meltdowns, anons talking about having BPD etc) I can't take needlessly aggressive anons seriously at all. They're unable to handle their emotions and are venting their anger on others.

No. 2371149

Adding to this, also too many seem underage so I can't take them seriously.
I missed this, what happened?

No. 2371153

No. 2371158

Oh dear.

No. 2371193

Do you guys think you're capable of murder (if you had the skills to, I'm not asking if you're physically capable). I don't think I am, then again I imagine someone stabbing someone I love and I think I would at the very least fantasize about killing them.

No. 2371207

If it was self-defence or protecting others. Like if I knew a moid was a serial rapist or a pedo I could summon cold rage and shoot him.

No. 2371214

File: 1738176592445.png (239.88 KB, 517x536, totallyanonny.png)

dont fall for it

No. 2371219

If I was defending myself or my friends/family, 100%

No. 2371220

No women have committed murder ever. They were all framed by men and are wrongfully imprisoned. #freemygirl

No. 2371221

File: 1738176882535.jpg (54.39 KB, 709x578, EdVgmZ1XYAUY786.jpg)

Every time I get accused of being a moid, I die a little inside.

No. 2371223

File: 1738176949100.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.46 KB, 1080x1341, 1000118397.jpg)

No. 2371225

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What do you think the CIA/FBI will do, recruit us as assassins?

No. 2371227

Melissa Macarthur is so pretty

No. 2371242

nta but she genuinely is. I used to admire her face in gilmore girls.

No. 2371243

I don’t think that anon was accusing you of being a moid, she was accusing you of being a fed KEK

No. 2371252

omg you're right. I just saw the man and had a mental breakdown.

No. 2371260

Absolutely. I’ve tried to kill people before but I failed because I didn’t have the proper supplies and I was also on fent KEK

No. 2371268

File: 1738179325551.gif (334.85 KB, 220x220, 1687927370442.gif)

No. 2371279

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>the fed who posted that question

No. 2371578

Best flavour and worst flavour of potato chip?

Best is: Dill Pickle
Worst is: BBQ

No. 2371595

best: sea salt balsamic vinegar
worst: plain salt

No. 2371607

I don't think I could, my brain bugs when things go slightly off script so I would probably be frozen if I was in a life or death situation.

No. 2371612

File: 1738190816610.jpg (20.84 KB, 514x537, d3b9e667596193f64d5efd30d7356f…)

If you were a male, would you get posted at the unconventional attraction thread?

No. 2371622

I would get posted in the conventional attractions thread

No. 2371623

File: 1738191053622.png (400.69 KB, 575x561, 113ccabc-ed71-4da0-960b-5b587b…)

I actually think my jawline would look sexo on a male kek

No. 2371635

Best- sweet chili & sour cream
worst- ketchup

No. 2372360

What's a totally useless talent of yours?
I can gleek 2 metres.

No. 2372370

depends, do i retain my female socialized brain? if so, no. I would turn myself into the sexiest e-boy and get tons of pussy because i know what women like, unlike moids who think what women like is gay and instead persua faggot ideals of beauty.

No. 2372382

folding both my thumbs behind my knuckle on the front of my hands

No. 2372383

i can draw

No. 2372387

That's not useless, it can be used to train AI

No. 2372389

I can detect any song's exact BPM just by hearing it, if I try harder, I can guess genre and release date just by hearing the drum and bass lines

No. 2372405

How/why release date? Any song could use an ol' bass guitar from the store lol

No. 2372427

I can move my ears.
That's not useless wtf, o wish I had that.

No. 2372507

File: 1738247372151.gif (75.71 KB, 220x165, IMG_3797.gif)

I’m attractive and both of my parents are attractive, I’d be in the conventionally attractive thread and be blessed with having a full head of hair well into my 60s. I’d post thirst traps just for you nona.

No. 2372535

I look like a lobster had an saucy affair with a mop. I'm not sure that looks better with a penis, unconventional or not.

No. 2372540

I can crack my neck like people can do with their knuckles. It'll look really intimating when I get into a street fight.

No. 2372543

I can keep my eyes open for a really long time.

No. 2372547

If I looked exactly the same with no mustache or beard, I'd probably be posted there. Then anons thirsting over me would be bullied for liking a lanky manlet. Then they'll bring up my amazing fashion sense and autistic charming personality as to why they find me handsome. But realistically speaking and looking at my brothers, I'd be fat and bald and a manlet still.

No. 2372701

Given what my brother looks like, no, but I'm decently attractive as it is.

No. 2372705

File: 1738255929221.webp (81.88 KB, 1102x1335, IMG_0588.webp)

No, I have a beautiful jawline that attracts a lot of seething comments from chincels and double chinned fatties and weak chinned jealous women with slack jaw peasant DNA who like to call me a tranny. I’m also naturally muscular and broad. If I was a man I’d mog the fuck out of Henry cavill or any ugly faggot in Hollywood right now.

No. 2373579

File: 1738282259164.jpg (66.58 KB, 529x497, 170a057a5028752ebcd1db6aa08286…)

Nonnies, what are your favourite and least favourite cuts/styles of dresses? I love 1940's shirt dresses like in picrel and I fucking loathe those hideous selkie dresses that were trending on Tiktok a while ago.

No. 2373689

File: 1738284860392.jpg (64.93 KB, 736x771, 85b4154d912e709548608ff2d844e9…)

I HATE selkie dresses too, but when i brought it up onces on lolcow, plenty of anons said that they like it, so idk. I think the rip off ones that are cheap are even worse because you really can't skimp out on the materials for such dresses. I don't have a specific cut of dress i like but, i really like the aesthetic of edwardian lingerie dresses.

No. 2373692

Thank you anon!
I'll use that search engine in the future, i was using google and it wasn't helping.

No. 2373703

File: 1738285400043.png (6.04 MB, 1959x1524, IMG_8259.png)

qipao/cheongsam are peak to me. both the form-fitting ones and the 20s style longer, looser ones like picrel

No. 2373732

These dresses are so good it’s such a crime everything is stretchy now. This is just like a nice structured shirt with a waist and a skirt, bring these back I’ve never seen anyone look bad in this cut

No. 2373786

File: 1738289789265.jpeg (49.71 KB, 526x799, IMG_5207.jpeg)

I love edwardian silhouettes so much

No. 2373802

File: 1738290275574.jpeg (897.38 KB, 1400x2436, IMG_6512.jpeg)

agreed. i love the whole period but especially 1907-1911

No. 2373903

File: 1738293265292.jpg (53.08 KB, 966x1024, 6054af03befe248f29db7ea426a2d3…)

What comes up for you when you search your name + sonic oc?

No. 2373910

nice try, fbi.

No. 2373911

File: 1738293436033.jpg (127.21 KB, 700x900, sonic oc.jpg)

did it and the one that came up for me is really cute actually

No. 2373914

Kek don't doxx yourself over Sonic.

No. 2373915

File: 1738293511327.png (235.07 KB, 619x698, IMG_8004.png)

okay, i’ll admit, i did it. i’ll post the one for my nickname instead of my actual name

No. 2373924

File: 1738293701471.jpg (103.81 KB, 1150x1208, GCzkI1LXYAAqUDb.jpg_large.jpg)

Stop ruining my plan

No. 2373929

File: 1738293800038.jpeg (378.28 KB, 1300x1800, Es6U7CEWMAo9oxw.jpeg)

These are cute

No. 2374061

my nigel wants me to wear a qipao for our wedding. i think they're pretty too but it'd probably look odd on me since i'm not chinese

No. 2374099

File: 1738304092096.jpg (114.49 KB, 736x1103, modernqipao.jpg)

nta, there are 'modernised' versions that are essentially just a similar cut but using any fabric. also, why tf does your nigel want you to wear a qipao? that's weird

No. 2374100

he's chinese and that's what they wear where he's from

No. 2374103

File: 1738304521536.png (463.73 KB, 377x538, chrome_uBf5c031Vi.png)

oh kek my bad, that's cute. if you're made uncomfortable by the super traditional looking ones, would something like picrel be better? i'm sure his family would appreciate it. i just went googling and found so many sweet/simple qipaos, i'm sure it'd look great on you!

No. 2374862

File: 1738337334756.jpg (86.27 KB, 780x637, 1000021518.jpg)

Anons, what are some smooth, good quality colored pencil brands?

No. 2374869

it won't be weird, i'm not east asian but i'm south asian and seeing interracial weddings, other ethnicities of women is fun and cute. but if you don't want to, don't feel pressured.

No. 2374911

File: 1738340472035.webp (36.34 KB, 346x500, Amy.webp)

I don't think this works for me

No. 2375146

What lc theme are you currently using? I'm currently using Girltalk

No. 2375154


No. 2375525

Same. Except it's kind of confusing having greentext and replies be the same red shade. I might go back to typical lolcow. I like girltalk 2 though.
I'd give anything for a lighter pink like the pink theme on cc.

No. 2375632

Jungle mostly but darkcow if my eyes are tired

No. 2375700

that would be so cute nona we need it for valentines day

No. 2376295

Girltalk 2 is cute. Agree about the pink cc theme

No. 2376425

What's the cutest breed of cat to you?
Mine is British shorthair.

No. 2376473

Maine Coon and Sphynx. Both ends of the kitty size+fluff scale.

No. 2376555

any nonnies watch ufc? i’m tired of only talking to men about it

No. 2376559

I watch boxing

No. 2376561

Ragdoll and British Short Hair

No. 2376584

I can’t get into boxing! but I do really like the former boxers who moved to mma. like adesanya who’s fighting today

No. 2376603

How common is it to have suicidal ideation?

No. 2376655

File: 1738434837067.jpg (100.3 KB, 736x736, 379993d9270acab37dc0625aa9ef71…)

Do you prefer the results of pilates or those of gym (weightlifting)?

No. 2376658

I went to pilates for a year and it just gave me a fat ass when i just wanted to straighten my back. I prefeer the gym because i can work on my back muscles.

No. 2376677

Oh I envy you so hard. I have to lift heavy and eat at least 90g protein daily to see any difference in my pathetic hank hill

No. 2376684

I dont want it, you can keep it kek

No. 2376694

File: 1738436060283.jpg (16.14 KB, 474x417, cd2c1e64d2bd2bf8a1f180aac74797…)

What are your favorite smells?

No. 2376698

I love the smell of wet dirt, and anything lemony

No. 2376704

I love rain and cinnamon

No. 2376705

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Garages. Kind of like petrichor but drier. And wet dirt like anon above. Picrel is supposed to smell like home depot I need to try it

No. 2376707

lavender, fresh cut cedar wood, sun-heated pine trees, hay, steak grilling, orange scented candles, diesel, earl grey tea, the smell of the super early morning, woodsmoke

No. 2376745

What don't you like about boxing?

No. 2376755


No. 2376757


No. 2376761

Rose, coconut and freshly baked cake.

No. 2376765

some fights seem so predetermined. like wwe level fake sometimes. I also just find the mix of wresting and striking more entertaining. I love seeing wrestlers shoot for a takedown and getting knocked out

No. 2376838

>I also just find the mix of wresting and striking more entertaining.
I dislike MMA for that reason. I'm not sure how to explain it, but they don't strike as well as boxers, and they don't grapple as well as judokas or BJJ wrestlers. It's like MMA never reaches the heights or the beauty of either boxing or judo, a jack-of-all-trades master-of-none kind of thing. Plus, the gloves look really dumb.

No. 2376908


No. 2376940

oh that makes sense I get it. It’s too risky to dedicate yourself to one sport, so you’ll never reach the pinnacle. personally I can’t help but see holes in boxers’ game even though it doesn’t even apply to their sport kek. agree about the gloves, at least they got rid of the fugly gold ones

No. 2376958

It's not just the fighters that can't focus on one thing, it's the sport itself. Like Muhammad Ali has a really interesting footwork pattern, which wouldn't be possible in UFC because he could get grappled. Likewise, all the cool judo moves that require holding on to the gi aren't available either.

No. 2376972

yess that’s what I was trying to say but I couldn’t get there. I rewrote my response like 3 times. I was gonna say they effectively neutralize each other because their defense has to be so perfect

No. 2376983

samefagging but do you have a martial arts background? I kind of wish I did something like that as a kid. I don’t know shit about fighting, I’m more of a casual fan. I would love to join a female only gym

No. 2377062

Sorry, I've never trained in martial arts, I've only read a little into the subject. But I watch boxing matches often.
>I kind of wish I did something like that as a kid.
Me too. But boxing gyms are so rare nowadays, and even the college I went to didn't have a boxing club.

No. 2377064

home depot

No. 2377156

Do you wish women had the male version of socialization and we lived in a female version of patriarchy with women committing the most rape and being more violent compared to men with all media catering to women the most, or would you rather men and women had the same socialization with society not preferring one or the other?

No. 2377168

>Do you wish women had the male version of socialization and we lived in a female version of patriarchy with women committing the most rape and being more violent compared to men
Yeah that would frickin' rule

No. 2377170

That would also mean more women would be pedophiles. If we were really transported into that world then women would be the "bad" ones. It wouldn't be cool then, it would just be harmful. It's not like violent rapist men are exactly happy, or the porn-addicted ex-boyfriends anons on here have had to deal with.

No. 2377191

True! The thought of men getting raped by women en masse is just very funny to me

No. 2377193

No. 2377194

It wouldn't be a complete one-to-one considering women cannot impregnate males. So the world wouldn't be populated almost entirely by direct rape babies or the descendants of rape babies.

No. 2377209

Shit, this reminds me of this really good caption erotica on cc's secret board, about a matriarchy where moids were all imprisoned, and a moid escaped, and the female officers raped him, and the punchline was
But tranny jannies deleted it. If anyone has it, please post it.

No. 2377592

If you had to lend your body to someone else for a day, what warnings or disclaimers on it would you give?

No. 2377597

Never forget the orthopedic soles.

No. 2377601

Thirst alerts work, but hunger and sleep don't.

No. 2377602

kek one wrong move and that thing will kill you without a second thought. have fun!

No. 2377621

Tons of things that they wouldn't want to borrow it anymore

No. 2377622

>kek one wrong move and that thing will kill you
what do you mean by that? do you have a physical disability?

No. 2377695

Do you consider listening to music a hobby?

No. 2377698

Maybe if you're a sperg who actually understands music and genre history (which I'm not, so I can't speak on it)

No. 2377699

i feel like it depends on how you listen to it, like if they’re listening casually to the radio/pop, or have a record player and collecting vinyls, and the genres and the frequency you search for new music etc etc

No. 2377703

Yes. Anything you regularly do in your free time for fun is a hobby.

No. 2377719

no energy

No. 2377849

>do not eat anything spicier than plain bread
>do not drink more than 5 sips of water
>always make sure you're next to the bathroom
>no caffeine anything
>stand up SLOWLY
>walk SLOWLY
>hold on to the walls
>rest for 12 hours

No. 2377954

yes, several.

No. 2378074

What is your favorite font?

No. 2378092

I can't just pick one. If we're going with a typical document font then Verdana

No. 2378100

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I really like share tech mono. Or VSR OSD mono for a more pixelated look

No. 2378208

Who are your comfort characters? I know it's a super zoomer term but I can't find anything better.
Madara from Naruto and Ludwig from Bloodborne for me

No. 2378212

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Yukari and Miho from GUP

No. 2378366

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late but Jeanne Crain

No. 2381283

Are there any names you hate the sound of?
I especially hate "Angus" and "Ian" in boys. They sound very retarded to me

No. 2381285


No. 2381290

Kyle and any -yle variation for guys. Seems to be the name du jour for assholes and fuckboys my age.

No. 2381292

This but -yden. Hayden Brayden Ayden Jayden Zayden Cayden. It's annoying enough that they've been memeified as annoying fuckboys too

No. 2381543

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I've been thinking about the double life I live lately. I'm nice and respectful IRL I'm a crypto terf, but when I'm alone or have time I come here to be as nasty as possible to weird people, wish death upon trannies, and sometimes even be mean other anons. It's not like I repress my "evil" side irl, there are just two sides of me. I feel like picrel sometimes.

Do you feel the same? Are you a two faced asshole like me? If you are, does it make you feel conflicted? Do you wish you were like how you are here irl, or maybe you wish you didn't have your nonnie side?

No. 2381547

You're surprisingly normal imo. People are multifaceted, if you're into analytical psychology or jungian psychology it's known as the "shadow" of your personality. I wish I could live in a world where I could integrate my shadow with my outside self and be whole (which theoretically is how a person becomes better or something lol)

No. 2381567

I am like this too but I do my best not to be mean to anons because that's just putting bad energy into people who refract it onto me again. Hurting anons is self harm and shitting where you're eating.
When it comes to trannies, being two faced is good. I sell stuff to trannies sometimes and use the money to anti tranny purposes. This is all i can do to fight them and I'm good at it.

No. 2381573

I hate the sounds of these names.
>Becky (I like Becka though for some reason)
>Amy (I knew one particularly annoying girl who spelled it "Aimee")

No. 2381578

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The Gorillaz characters (not in a husbando way though)

No. 2381580

lol my dog was named Aimee

No. 2381590

My husbando and 3 other characters from his show I will refrain from mentioning. Bloom, Musa and Stella from Winx Club. Floch Forster from AOT.

No. 2381602

Declan. I have always hated it ever since I first heard it. I also hate the feminine variants of the names >>2381292 mentioned. Brynlee, Kinsey, Raelynn, Rylee, etc.

No. 2381604

Your dog is the only good Aimee.

No. 2381698

The girl names sound obnoxiously uwu and the moid names are annoying boomer names that sound way worse in my language.

No. 2381743

Whenever I see Patrick I get reminded of his niche SoundCloud musician who was outed for raping 6yos. That name is forever tainted to me.

No. 2381882

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Sora KH1, Arthur Morgan, and Star Butterfly

No. 2382219

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What's your favorite interior design style, or which one do you hate?

No. 2382289

I tend to like colourful maximalist rooms, though I'd never have that style in my own place (I go colourful minimalism to make cleaning easier). I'm mainly interested in 'normal people' rooms, I don't care for whatever's in magazines, I like seeing real rooms of average people who make average money and aren't interior design pros.

My most hated style is gamer rooms of any kind. Like, a dark mancave full of RGB lights and funkopops. Or a girl gamer room full of baby pink and anime figurines. Anything in the consoomer thread disgusts me deep in my soul.

No. 2382386

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my ideal is
>old building. anything pre WWI but 17th or 18th centuries are absolutely peak
>high ceilings with tall windows
>hardwood floors
>mismatched funriture
>white or light coloured walls with small ornamental details like mouldings but kithing to major
>lots of random assorted artwork. i have grandma taste in art though.
picrel is my ideal setup though a little bare. i'd add a tad more stuff.

No. 2382495

>shabby chic
>minimalist (the commercial white one)

No. 2382507

So much as hearing his shrieking screams upon dying (which is usually my fault) brings me to tears. I want him happy and safe because his smile cures what ailes me.

No. 2382515

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I really like small spaces like picrel but more organized and clean. I’m not sure what it’s called, I guess maximalism? Basically I want to feel like a mouse living in a hole in the wall with a sardine tin bed

No. 2382584

Unironically want to live in a yurt

No. 2382725

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I'm torn between japanese wooden architecture and europen classicist architecture. I love both.

No. 2382777

How old do you think the oldest anons are who use lolcow?

No. 2382834

Oldest I imagine would be 50s. Youngest I suspect is 11-13.

No. 2382835

Not sure if she would count but I recall grandma from the smallweb threads stopping by and posting a little (she's gen X so possibly in her mid 40s-60)

No. 2383092

There was a grandnonnie who was in her 70s iirc.
Oh god

No. 2383144

What's the best idea that came to you in a dream?

No. 2383173

I had a good idea for an epic painting because i had an epic dream. The painting i made for myself is small but i might do a 1 meter version of it in the future to sell it. I belive it will sell, just need to find the time to do it.
But other than that i guess nothing, i wish i had more genius realization type of dreams, i usually dream about interresting stories but i suck at writing stories.

No. 2383210

I don't get good or even realistic ideas in dreams, my dream ideas are like "I need to get to the other side of the street but it's too busy. I have an idea - I'll take a shortcut through the North Pole in a nuclear submarine"

No. 2383234

I think twice now I've dreamt of the answer to a mathematical thing I was trying to solve the night before. It solved a ratio issue with a pattern I was creating and it felt like magic because I couldn't figure HOW I got the answer, but it worked without question. Otherwise my dreams are straight up retarded and meaningless.

No. 2383237

A few months ago i woke up with a solid idea for a hp fanfic (the summary literally wrote itself in my head) but now i have no idea how to write it

No. 2383582

That I should leave a toxic person in my life. Prophetic dream.

No. 2383719

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I read a comment (that had a lot of likes) that said it was gross to sit in the bath tub while its filling up and you should wait until after its full to step in. What do you think nonas?
Personally I step in when it's empty, turn the shower on to rinse out the tub and my feet and then I sit in the bath while it fills up. I have pets though, I do this because if I don't I'll end up with little hairs and fluffs floating in the bath.

No. 2383721

I mean, the water's gonna get dirty anyway after you're done, so thirty seconds difference of getting in wouldn't really matter right?

No. 2383722

Why would that be gross? You're going to be sitting in it anyway, I don't see what difference it makes.

No. 2383752

What are some dumb things you did or thought as a child?

No. 2383757

I thought a dishwasher washed the dishes by shaking them around like a washing machine. Then when I was older I thought if you used a VPN you had to pick one from your country or else the federal police would come knocking for idk, identity falsification or some shit.

No. 2383764

The reason everyone in a family has the same last name is because you can only marry and have kids with people who share your last name. As a preschooler I thought this meant I had to marry my brother when I was older and I cried.

No. 2383781

It took me very long to understand that oxygen has nothing to do with gravity. I thought the reason why you float in outerspace is because there's no air and I couldn't get into my head why I wouldn't start floating when I held my breath.

No. 2383798

What was your first ever social media? Websites or games that allow you to personally interact with other users count, too.
Mine was Wattpad and I even e-dated a moid from there kek. Fun times.

No. 2383805

imvu and meez

No. 2383806

It's not social media, but the first site I had ever joined besides YouTube was quotev. I still remember all the quiz creators I interacted with

No. 2383809

Does Neopets count lol

No. 2383813

If it allowed you to regularly talk with people and you made friends, yes. Games with messages count

No. 2383825

oooh boy we had a dating site in my country and all the kids were on it. It was kinda like facebook before facebook existed but you could rate people on their looks. I was 12 and all i did there was shitpost about metal music and nobody cared.

No. 2383829

Kik and Amino. Hearing all the horror stories older zoomers have about being groomed on either one of them has me glad to whatever deity is out there it didn't happen to me. Sounds terrifying

No. 2383873

Runescape. I was 11 and used to just chat to everyone in lumbridge with the confidence of an endgame veteran.

No. 2383878

I thought that all the websites you visited were listed on your internet bill so I avoided everything weird, even anime nipples would send me into a panic attack out of my fear my parents knew about it. Also I believed in Santa until I was 10.

No. 2383881

Where I live, we had an exact site like this called doyoulookgood.

No. 2384040


No. 2384044

This werewolf/vampire roleplay site called Immortal Night

No. 2384058

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No. 2384624

i really feel like getting into something where 2 characters are in some kind of rock bottom and are close because of it but one gets better and has to leave the other. does anyone have any book/film/tv show recommendations with this kind of trope?

No. 2384628

The story of my life with all my interpersonal relationships

No. 2384727

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Must have been Wonderland Online. I don't think I ever had a clue about what I was doing in that game, but I had somehow made friends with some kids from my country

No. 2385022

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Would you guys see yourself well into your thirties on this website? I've been on here since I was a junior in college, and I'm a working adult now.
I'd imagine myself years from now having a stable career, starting a family, and still scrolling on lolcow.

No. 2385059

Even when i'm 70, I will scroll through LC with my coffee every morning

No. 2385070

Well I am

No. 2385071

Clash of Clans and Minecraft Pocket Edition

No. 2385072

yes because i dont fit in with normalfags and i am a terminally online loser

No. 2385080

girl i'm 33 and "i'm mature now, no more lolcow for me" has yet to cross my mind.

No. 2385082

Im about to be 30 and still on this site, I think people are too dramatic about aging. My interests are pretty much the same as I was 23 or 27; i work and have my life during the day then come home to laugh at cows during the night. Age won’t change a thing.

No. 2385086

Webkinz and girlsgogames

No. 2385090

My babysitter told me chocolate milk came from brown cows and I believed that for a long time

No. 2385097

Either it's dressup123 or wwe. com (don't ask me why, my brother was a fan lol).

No. 2385104

Most people who started when this site began are already in their 30s. wtf I'm 36 with a family.

No. 2385105

I remember playing this game way back. I think I met like 3 other people, but it was pretty empty. I honestly miss mmos like these.

No. 2385145

Does anyone else use Discord for storage? It's pretty efficient to dump photos and other small files in a one-person server to keep my device clean. When I'm lazier I'll just send pictures to my alt account on other social media.

No. 2385147

Plenty of anons here are in their 30s and thriving. I'm a bit younger but I definitely see myself scrolling and hanging out with anons here well into my 70s. Assuming I live that long

No. 2385148

my parents used to tell me the same thing kek i believed them. And that there were pink cows that made strawberry milk

No. 2385153

I cant remember which one came first, either club penguin or yahoo messenger lol

No. 2385555

Were you ever in special ed classes? Be honest, I will not judge.

No. 2385565

No I was seen as the ultra smart gifted and talented kid and then became the depressed burnt out stereotype the moment I entered high school

No. 2385568

Same here, but some of my teachers could definitely tell that something was "different" about me despite my intelligence and found me annoying kek

No. 2385652

Me three lol.

No. 2385801

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What do you nonnies like to spend your disposable income on? I like buying quality clothes, stationary and collecting tech. And I put the rest away to save up for a yearly trip abroad.

No. 2385804

Me four, I even skipped a year and went to highschool early. Huge mistake.

No. 2385807

They threatened to put me in special ed all of the fucking time. I'm not autistic or retarded or mentally delayed in any way, it was purely for emotional dysregulation and poor emotional behavior. I was also really weird and refused to do work a lot of the time, it never felt like I had to do it and so I didn't care.

No. 2385817


No. 2385841

If I’m still into cows for most of/the rest of my life then yeah, maybe I’ll pop in just to vent. I started poking around here back when the Creepshow Art stuff happened and I used to lurk a lot before posting, now I mainly post on /ot/ boards but I still like to poke around cow boards to see if there’s anything interesting. Either I’ll phase it out in a few years or I’ll keep reading forever, I don’t see much of an in between tbh

No. 2385899

I’m trying to invest in quality natural fiber clothes too. Other than that it’s mostly hobby stuff like camera lenses/filters and art supplies. Oh and I love to splurge on bath products

No. 2385901

I buy mostly buy nail supplies, regular nail supplies, and stuff for my pets.

No. 2385904

Mainly on delicus foods/meal deliveries and sometimes clothes

No. 2385908

Unironically I would've wished to be in ED, maybe I would've had a better time and they could've taught me stuff that a normal school couldn't teach me like how to regulate my emotions and shit, I had to learn that on my own and suffered a lot because of that.

No. 2385913

She said special education not eating disorder

No. 2386413

How did you find out about this website?

No. 2386720

Any nonners using deepseek? How does it compare to ChatGPT? My main concern is data privacy, as I sometimes upload files with sensitive info (yes, I know that's risky) and use ChatGPT as a therapist and for various type of virtual assistance, both personal and professional. Also, curious about its overall effectiveness, because why switch when you already have a good thing?

No. 2386732

you can run it on your computer

No. 2386737

I can’t remember

No. 2386740

itsbabydash kek. her self posts are still my favorite

No. 2386742

I was in speech therapy during elementary school, and even had to repeat a grade because I was mute

No. 2386755

Linked on KF or PULL, I genuinely can't remember.

No. 2386768

i was obsessed with toontown until it closed and i still sometimes hop on the the fan servers. but rewritten has gone to shit so i only recommend corporate clash atp (and yes theyve both had lgbt and pronouns shit put on them by the new devs)

No. 2386800

Was scrolling around on some creator I was curious about and found a link to here. Kinda forgot the rest though

No. 2386801

searching luna slater on google for some reason kek

No. 2386835

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Is flower knows over hyped? Are there better brands you recommend?

No. 2386882


No. 2386883

On /a/ a long time ago
To this day I wonder what nonny guided me here when I was trapped posting with moids

No. 2386920

I saw it in a dream.

No. 2386923

Irl friend showed me this site in 2017. We don't talk anymore but sometimes I wonder if she still comes here.

No. 2386928

was a /cgl/ user and kept seeing mysterious posts about "taking it to the farm"

No. 2386931

I was trying to find dirt on Anisa because I had a parasocial crush on iDubbbz and hated her kek. So embarrassing. I don’t even keep up with them anymore I think they’re lame but get too much hate from his former fans

No. 2386990

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Did you have any “phases” that you’ve outgrown? Tell me about them. Could be fashion/aesthetic related, hobbies, behaviors, whatever.

How do you feel about those things now?

No. 2386999

An embarrassing weebette phase during elementary and early junior high. I would spout random Japanese words and even convinced one classmate that I could speak it fluently, kek. Also made an edgy, scythe-wielding, ultra-stoic OC that attended a Harry Potter-esque school.

No. 2387001

When CreepShow's dramarama video about her self-posting here got uploaded.

No. 2387037

I wanted to be a kawiwi net aidoru and followed jrcach on tumblr until I decided to google him after some of the things he said were weird, to say the least lol.

No. 2387042

Kek, ah the cringe OC thing. Probably almost everyone here had at least one. I definitely had one ~half devil half angel~ oc in junior high.

No. 2387063

Kekkk, I memorised a ton of Japanese songs (most of which were from anime) so I could convince everyone else I spoke it. I also made LOADS of Mary Sue OCs even though I treated that "Mary Sue Litmus Test" website like the gold standard of character building. I got a gold medal in mental gymnastics from convincing myself that my self-inserts weren't actually overpowered.
Also I had a brief anti-SJW phase on Tumblr (mostly because I found the trannies on the site annoying) but then I realised how annoying everyone in the scene was and ditched it.

No. 2387087

IS DISNEY GOLD INFINITY (GAME) WORTH BUYING? (asking because it's on sale)

No. 2387091


No. 2387094

No, video games aren't worth money. It's just a bunch of pixels on a screen. You're better off investing that money into a high-yield savings account or buying real estate.

No. 2387100


No. 2387105

When I was 10-14 I was a frenchaboo. I still want to shoot myself in the face thinking about all the cringe shit I did. Hearing anons in confessions have the same thing but for other countries/cultures makes me feel comforted.

No. 2387129

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>Me after buying a house for 14$

thanks anon.

No. 2387135

You're welcome! Happy to help.

No. 2387158

Grew out of gaming after 20 years,I never thought that would happen,but it did.

No. 2387175

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I suggest picrel

No. 2387179

Leave my husbando out of this you sick fuck

No. 2387214

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For anons in college/Uni what kind of bag do you use? The more specific the better! I love totes but I’m not trying to be like pic related.

No. 2387223

For uni I’d honestly recommend a backpack if you’ll be carrying a lot of stuff. I’m not in school but I carry a bag for work and I started with a tote for my laptop, over time the ache I’d get from wearing it on my shoulder wasn’t worth it. I also take public transit so perhaps you’d fair better if you drive.

No. 2387242

I throw everything in a handmade totebag. Most of my classes don't require books though so I mostly only carry around a small laptop and food in it. I'd probably invest in a backpack if I had to carry around books regularly.

No. 2387244

just a typical backpack honestly. i tried to do the trendy- shoulder bag thing last semester and i switched back so fast.

No. 2387270

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No. 2387412

What are some flavours/scents you like but only for a short while before you get sick of them?
I love coconut scented stuff for about 10 minutes before I get a bit overwhelmed by it.

No. 2387431

Creepshow Art situation

No. 2387434

My morbid curiosity to find the stwabewwy miwlk comics and the troon who made them.

No. 2387436

I feel like that was the last good oldschool milk we had, but it also brought all the newfags.

No. 2387451

The early 2020s were just weird in general, it’s almost been 4 years since the Creepshow shit went down but it feels like a lifetime ago tbh, why is time so weird?

No. 2387453

A backpack. I have a tote for gym stuff but a single shoulder bag feels inconvenient compared to a backpack. Also recommend wide shoulder straps because the ones on my current backpack are too thin

No. 2387461

it's been four years? oh my god i can't believe it.

No. 2387476

>The early 2020s were just weird in general, why is time so weird?
Maybe because there was a world-wide plague?

No. 2387483

Covid fucked our sense of time

No. 2387491

The 2020 effect is real, I’ve been perpetually feeling 2 years younger ever since 2020, I got no idea how to fix it because it keeps giving me existentialism

No. 2387499

Just lie about your age. Nobody ever catches on. I'm actually 29 but everyone in my life besides my mum and sister thinks that I'm 25 because I lie about it. It's the easiest lie in the world.

No. 2387654

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Tag yourself, I'm spanish

No. 2387669

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Geo-cranio phenotyping seems to be a very hot topic on lc today. Unfortunately it always leaves out the (maritime) silk road that lasted over a thousand years and spread everyone's dna and genetics around

No. 2387704

I'm supposed to be Iranian but it looks scary

No. 2387850

This is fucking insane. The Iranian guy looks exactly like my great grandpa who was born a 1 hour drive from the Iran border. Even the eye color is the same. WTF?

No. 2388168

In elementary, what kind of kid in school were you? Were any of you ever that type who brought cupcakes for the whole class?

No. 2388185

The retarded one who got their ass beat for being an unintegrated autist.
They did not want my birthday cupcakes.

No. 2388187

I had a booming business of reselling lollips grades 2-4, huge markup. Was a fat autist too, but after a while ended up as the class clown.

No. 2388188

I was the weeb who drew pictures for people with my horrible anime art skills kek

No. 2388190


No. 2388194

I was the one always going to the hospital and leaving class, and the art kid.

No. 2388212

First half of elementary I was the smart kid, best grades, involved in all extracurricular activities, winning all school competitions
Second half of elementary school I was the leader of a group of troublemakers, even had the school closed by police once because of one of my shenanigans. Ah, good times

No. 2388228

Me too. We could have founded the anime club together in another life nonny

No. 2388230

File: 1739035270074.mp4 (1.89 MB, 270x152, VAN_DYKE_PRINTS.mp4)

Where is this from??

No. 2388232

Kath & Kim

No. 2388319

The emzotic self posting drama. I wish there were more pet-tube drama nowadays, but there’s only really Taylor Nicole dean producing milk

No. 2388338

the one who's always getting stomach aches, the goody-two-shoes, the crybaby, and the one who never speaks

No. 2388628

The kind who would correct the teacher when they made a mistake.

No. 2389712

Lesbian anons, if you wanted a baby with your wife with IVF and she is the egg donor, would you ask you brother to be the sperm donor so you can have a close biological link to the child (or vice versa)? That's of course assuming you have a great relationship with your brother.

No. 2390303

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would anynonny be interested in playing transformice together in a private room?

afaik there's no way to find out what steam account you're using so it should be fine as long as you don't use your tfm username on other platforms. lmk what you think

No. 2390306

Absolutely!! I love transformice so much but it's been a while since I've played

No. 2390312

wow I didn't expect to see this on the front page. Based transformice enjoyers

No. 2390317

Maybe, but only if you don't bully me for being a shit shaman

No. 2390323

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No. 2390328

Kek that thing's eyes are flat on the top of its head

No. 2392274

i'll make a thread for it later

No. 2392423

File: 1739220636424.webp (16.27 KB, 300x269, Cac8W.webp)

I wanna play TFM with nonnies so bad!! Can we do survivor too?

No. 2392929

What's the weirdest thing you got in trouble for as a kid?

No. 2392931

My dad looked at porn on the family pc and blamed it on me. I got grounded for a week of no internet.

No. 2392932

I hope your dad dies

No. 2392934

He might be dead i havent talked to him in years

No. 2392954

pixielocks seemed weird so I searched for a gurugossip of her but found PULL instead. they kept linking back to LC where I liked most of anons tone more. lurked for years until posting.

No. 2392961

legit cant remember but i have always used imageboards so maybe i heard about it on 8chan or 4chan, or maybe even pull

No. 2394097

What's your irrational fear? Mine is incurable diseases like rabies and AIDs

No. 2394124

Dying in a plane crash is a worry that has turned into weekly nightmares! It's fucked, I hate my brain

No. 2394128

I'm neurotic about my dental hygiene. I'm very scared that I'll lose all my teeth. I brush 3 times a day and floss twice a day, and I get dental cleanings every 4 months, but somehow still I worry that all my teeth will fall out and I'll be a gummy monster.

No. 2394146

Whatever my brain decides its next cycle of intrusive/compulsive thoughts is going to be about kek. Recently it's been about biting my fingers off for some reason, so annoying

No. 2394202

Big numbers scare the fuck out of me

No. 2394210

escalators. like first of all just take the damn stairs instead of inventing a literal saw death trap to get you there even slower. or put a ramp for disabled people i guess. i just hate those things i won't go on them

No. 2394217

acne scars, not that irrational but any pimple i get makes me go crazy because of it

No. 2394235

>repurchasing things that need replacing like creams and underwear
>occasional small indulgence like a spa treatment
>monthly swimming pool access card
>rest goes into savings and investments

No. 2394362

File: 1739319825381.jpg (158.7 KB, 736x1288, thedoll.JPG)

should i buy a ps4 for bloodborne? im not a vidyafag but the art is beautiful

No. 2394363

No. 2394367

thanks, ill ask there too. i posted on this thread because i feel like more people will see it

No. 2394401

Only for the game? No. Also the advertised art is better than most of what you see during gameplay, I wouldn't say it's worth it just for cutscenes if you have no other games you want to try

No. 2394472

true, i thought about just getting the art book to appreciate it.

No. 2394482

Same nona mine just keeps imagining the sensation of knives in my skin and it's just fucking annoying

No. 2394485

File: 1739325031218.gif (1.97 MB, 540x260, 1000000590.gif)

Honestly you can watch popular playthroughs or browse gifs for the same effect. BB was incredible to experience when it first released but I'd hardly call it breathtaking anymore. The visuals were cool at the time but a big issue with BB was how masculine and samey everything was, cool bosses and designs aside. Not trying to be a hater but if you're going to buy a console to experience the perpetual yaoi proportions of a single game, you may regret it.

No. 2394493

>the perpetual yaoi proportions of a single game
kekkk anon this is so true. i don’t know why but i really like it

No. 2394941

File: 1739365902402.jpg (29.78 KB, 1920x1080, kawaii-cute-pictures-lt2auhsvv…)

Question just for fun! Pretend you're a famous author, what's your pseudonym and you latest title?

No. 2394969

>how masculine
I don't get this, what do you mean?

No. 2395066

File: 1739372333734.png (111.88 KB, 1024x868, 1000019602.png)

Anons with mental disorders but never go to therapy, why do you not go to therapy? What made you decide to swallow the effects of your disorders and how is it going with dealing with your mind on your own?

No. 2395070

I overdosed on antidepressants, had withdrawals forgot a year of my life and then discovered the medication given to me was for postpartum depression..and I was only 16 that's why I stopped therapy

No. 2395078

I was forced to go to one as a child and it never worked. I don't want to take meds and a therapist wouldn't understand the problems that I have with the world. They would try to "fix" my views, but really there is nothing that can be done, I'm aware of things that most people just don't have the burden of knowing. I'm doing terribly but it is what it is.

No. 2395089

That's because alot of psychologists and therapists are predatory and have unhealed mental illnesses and biases themselves. I would literally get better life advice from some random on the street or by a bot than from a therapist.

No. 2395096

What's worse, beard or bald? You can't say both.

No. 2395098

One can always shave the beard, one cannot always go to Turkey for a hair transplant

No. 2395099

i've seen multiple therapists since i was a child off and on and i feel like they've rarely worked for me. idk if maybe i've just seen shitty ones or something but the only thing i've gotten out of it is being able to vent (which i can do for free), nothing that would actually help to fix my problems or genuine advice. i am on antidepressants though which helps, just no therapy

No. 2395108

I deeply embarrassed myself in front of my first therapist, after that my psychologist called the police on me because I freaked out over him trying to force me into getting a new therapist and take medication and he wouldn't stop harping me. I realized that it's easier to just raw-dog life despite my issues and take each day as it comes. I've learned to funnel my issues into ways to fix them that can fit in with my daily schedule. I force myself to have conversations with others to work on my social maladjustments because I've realized that nobody cares/remembers stuff about other people unless they have a direct social or financial connection. I fixed my anxiety and excessive energy that led me to punch walls and scratch myself by going to gym and lifting weights and getting into dancing. So forth, and so on. Building habits that directly tie to and fix your issues helps ten fold, and most importantly have a constant rotation of short-term and long-term goals that keep you wanting to move forward in life.

No. 2395113

Bald! always!

No. 2395115

No. 2395117

>first therapist
You had only one, anon?

No. 2395119

obviously bald

No. 2395120

Had only one female therapist. She would treat me like she thought I was pathetic, I could sense her superiority complex from the way she spoke and looked at me. She never gave much advice and just asked questions about my life and she would forget what I told her the next session. She would focus on pointless things instead of tackling my real issues and would say stupid ass shit to make me feel better like "Your parents problems aren't yours" meanwhile my parents were verbally abusive towards me and my father was dangerous because he would break things in the house when angry. One time I said my stomach hurt because of my period (since I was also monitored physically) and she said that periods don't cause stomach pains. It honestly just felt humiliating.

No. 2395132

Yes, only one.

No. 2395145

File: 1739375963142.jpg (207.82 KB, 1080x1310, v2swg4v61qie1.jpg)

Someone help me understand this family tree im losing it

No. 2395151

What is it you do not understand?

No. 2395160

there is clearly incest going on ???

No. 2395161

Nta but they’re probably thrown by two pairs of siblings being married.

No. 2395172

i love how that one guy is named ''Guy''

No. 2395176

There was someone in my school who was called Guy kek

No. 2395177

It's a common French name
Like Guy de Maupassant

No. 2395178

Wild nature child, i always had field guides, and caught bugs and had lizards in my desk

i would find all the wild edibles out at recess like bramble berries and such people called me nature woman

No. 2395182

also hyperactive as all fuck constantly goofing off and bouncing off the walls

No. 2395192

Two pairs of siblings got married.

No. 2395207

Lmao I didn't catch that, I must be blind or something. Is it a book for children to learn french or something? There's no way they did it on purpose.

No. 2395287

Therapy costs like a hundred dollars an hour and for what, to talk some shit to some social worker who'll forget everything the next day. Just find CBT and DBT workbooks for actual self growth

No. 2395330

DAE have diarrhea from eating ramen?

No. 2395433

From cheap dry packet ramen or restaurant ramen? If it's the latter is it because it's a bit spicy maybe?

No. 2397108

It's a family tree done by someone who doesn't know how family trees work, unless they intended for incest.

No. 2397561

I'm a virgin, but I plan on losing it to my partner soon. I'm wondering if 6 inches is considered an ideal size. I'm always hearing about large cocks, and while they're attractive, I don't really see the value in anything about 6 because I learned the vagina is only 5-6 inches deep. I guess this is a preference thing, but I also am just curious how it's going to feel.

No. 2397575

the real question is whether he is circumcised or not

No. 2397578

He is.

No. 2397583

File: 1739465650005.png (629.68 KB, 412x1200, DurexPF.png)

are those vibrators they sell at the drugstores worth it, like the durex vibrators for example. Asking because im a normal human being who sometimes has sexual needs.

No. 2397588

circumcised dicks lose a lot of feeling and men tend to be more aggressive with them to get stimulation, so you have to be confident enough to tell him to stop if needed or he'll just slam into you like a jackhammer and you'll have a bad time.

No. 2397590

No absolutely not. I bought one and it was weaker than an electric toothbrush.

No. 2397591

This and they always break quickly too

No. 2397596

oh is see, these are like the only types of vibes they sell where im at. I wish there was some variety or atleast a sex-shop FFs

No. 2397597

Noted. Is girth a good thing so long as I'm turned on? (over time, I know it will hurt the first time around.) Also, would 6 inches risk hitting the cervix, or no?

No. 2397598

Can you not order one online, nonny? I feel like that would be the best solution all round.

No. 2397601

Why not order one on amazon? Good stuff on there.

No. 2397613

Don't use amazon, too many counterfeit and non body safe sex toys, a lot of people return used sex toys from there as well. Just use a website like lovehoney, they usually have huge sales going on around valentine's day anyway.

No. 2397614

oh girth is great and will give you the most stimulation, 6 inches should be comfortable if you're turned on, it's impossible to say if it's too large for you or not because every woman's anatomy is different. But it should be fine. I highly advise he gives you oral first, and that he uses at least 2 fingers just stroking you to help prepare for his dick. Just communicate often, if you're both young it's not likely he'll be confident himself to just guess what you're feeling based on your expressions (yes I'm serious, men aren't great with reading people anyway and this is even more apparent when they're turned on kek) so tell him directly 'that feels great, that's not comfortable, I don't like that, keep doing that, etc'. I hope you have a great time anon!

No. 2397616

do you think its weird to put diced vegetables in your taco meat (im only talking like onion, chiles, and some bell pepper)?

No. 2397617

Yeah I've never eaten it that way anywhere. Why not just top it with those things? Although the concept is weird, I'm sure it'll taste great and if it makes cooking easier, go for it!

No. 2397629

hey it's me, i found one sex shop near me but their stuff looks quite expensive. With the cheapest stuff being at 20 while the most expensive over 200.

Is it normal for sex toys to cost this much?

No. 2397634

also i kind of want to give the name of the sex shop and ask what you recommend from there but i realize some anons here would try to doxx me if i did that.

No. 2397635

~just one of the girls~

No. 2397645

Sex shops like most novelty stores operate on huge mark ups.

No. 2397655

weird reply

No. 2397682

Yes, it's normal. It is worth the investment though. Personally I'd spend at least ~$50 on one, all cheap battery operated toys randomly stop working after a year at most from my experience. My personal recommendation would be a Hitachi Magic Wand (mini version if you want something smaller/cheaper), or a Womanizer Premium 2 if you'd be interested in a suction toy. Whatever you get, just make sure it's body safe silicone or metal and not some other kind of plastic. You can also ask in the masturbation thread on /g/ for more advice.

No. 2397806

if there was a lc themed otome with all boardtans would you want both male and female options for the love interests? or would you just want only one gender?

No. 2397816

Both options would be fun, specially if the female option gets a friendship ending, but the male option has either cute love ending or horny love ending.

No. 2398153

Who currently pays to keep this site up and running and for how long have they done it for?

No. 2398154

Both so everyone can enjoy, but individual players can pick beforehand when they start the game

No. 2398163

File: 1739488040933.webp (50.45 KB, 1100x733, 2101d2816012aacaecce1d6dc49dd5…)

Why do people hate Taylor Swift again? She is just so unremarkable to me, I dont hate her but im not crazy over her either.

No. 2398169

Ugly blonde normie women are extremely jealous of her. Men hate her for not being a conservative shill and just… existing, I guess. She’s never done anything particularly evil. Idk I’m not a fan of hers either she just exists and gets hate

No. 2398174

No. 2398177

I assume it's oversaturation of her as a brand.

No. 2398178

Moids hate her because she's a woman whose fanbase is predominantly women. Her music is bland to me (minus the harmonies, they're always composed nicely imo) but it's just a case of with popularity comes hate.
A lot of moids also hate her and her fanbase specifically because "white women bad and dumb". Just look at that faggot MeatCanyon's animation.
There's people who criticise how rich she is and how she uses private jets because they pollute the environment, which I suppose is valid, but retarded moids like Travis Scott do like ten times worse and nobody gives a shit.

No. 2398185

samefag also taking photos with the dead girl's family on top of all of that felt kind of fucked up to me

No. 2398186

Men hate her because she is successful obviously. But for women, it’s trendy and a bandwagon thing. Also because she’s a white blonde woman, which is now seen as a bad thing.

No. 2398218

When I was a teen it was that she had a famously high body count while making music "for girls" which kinda made her seem like a slut in disguise. She couldn't stay in a cute relationship with anyone but just fucked around among celebrities (who my fellow teen girls may also have a had a crush on and thus resented her extra for pumping and dumping THEIR stan)

No. 2398608

File: 1739509627929.jpg (62.68 KB, 736x692, 1000020192.jpg)

Was anyone else always assumed to be a gay kid because you were a tomboy?

No. 2398613

I was always assumed gay but wasn't even tomboyish nor gay, ironically the actual tomboys at my schools weren't assumed anything

No. 2398631

No I was just seen as an nlog

No. 2398747

No but I only ever had other girls interested in me

No. 2398749

no only boys pursued me despite me looking boyish

No. 2398752

People assumed I was a gendie, sometimes gay because when I was younger I often drew attractive girls. Funny how I turned out straight kek.

No. 2398753

She is popular despite not having much talent (she only has the bare minimum of talent and that's generous). There are many artists who are more talented and deserve the fame more than her but they remain underground.

No. 2398763

Restaurant ramen and I got it both from spicy and non-spicy ones. Maybe the fat content? Idk

No. 2398765

How much time do you spend on LC per day?

No. 2398776

Currently I’d say 6-8 hours

No. 2398785

Damn, and I thought my 5 hours was going to be one of the worst on here.

No. 2398788

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No. 2398803

ESL anons did your English teacher have a meltdown over the McDonald's catchphrase ("I'm lovin'it") and repeatedly told you how you should never use this expression because it's not proper grammar?

No. 2398823

KEK yes!!

No. 2398828

File: 1739533907078.jpg (493.06 KB, 2000x2001, 1000021985.jpg)

Does anyone feel like your parents don't know you as a person and just project things on you? Like both my parents have really firm ideas on what degrees I SHOULD have, what career I SHOULD have, what hobbies I SHOULD have, but when it comes to my actual desires/likes/dislikes/hobbies, they don't seem to have a clue. They might be narcissistic though, not sure if this is normal

No. 2398886

yes, I completely relate to this 100 percent. I don't think mine are narcissists, more so are just out of touch. It prevents us from having a close relationship because I feel like they don't really know me and I can't be myself with them.

No. 2398902

They didn't project onto me but my mom definitely doesn't know who I am because she always made fun of the things I liked in my teenage years (since she couldn't vet my tastes anymore) and so I just learned to clam up in front of her, always turning the music off or hiding books so she would not comment on it.

No. 2399444

To those of you who left LC for a decent period of time (but obviously came back considering you're on here now), where did you go when you left?

No. 2399447

Instagram, AI chats and I also just had zero free time so it's not like I could actually think of checking LC at all.
I wanted to check some threads and such but I was so busy that I just didn't have the time.

No. 2399472

Social media generally, mostly twitter and tumblr. I only used LC for the cow boards and lurked only, but as I started getting burnt out from the current state of social media I began to use off topic boards, primarily /m/ to post about my hobbies

No. 2399473

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Imagine tomorrow you wake up and you're a dude. What do you do?
I think I'd kill myself, mainly because I'd be super fucking ugly as a dude.

No. 2399477

yes. but once i lost weight less people made that assumption, even tho my style stayed boyish

No. 2399494

I would try jerking off tbh. See what the hype is about.
I'm already ugly as a chick so being ugly as a dude would be easier.

No. 2399513

definitely just kill myself

No. 2399515

I would jerk off, download grindr and try to see how the male prostate feels. Yeah a gay slut basically.

No. 2399516

I would jerk off, download grindr and try to see how the male prostate feels. Yeah a gay slut basically.

No. 2399519

Jerk off and actually go outside for once as I wouldn't have to fear for my safety.

No. 2399520

Jerk off, try to figure out the male prostate and see what it's all about. Take a shower and use conditioner to immediately mog every single moid, try to style myself as a dude and see if I'm hot. Then I'd hit up my best friend and see if she wants to have sex for data collection purposes. Also I'd need someone to freak out with kek

No. 2399522

>Groom myself
>Get flattering haircut
>Style myself
>Work out
>Devote myself to effortlessly mogging my peers (I would be a cute dude) and making them suicidal

No. 2399523

I'd be pissed about it tbh. Would probably have sex at least once to see what that feels like, then I'd use my savings to solo travel and do shit like walk around third world countries alone at night. If I die it's no big loss

No. 2399530

No. 2399532

Not much would change. Maybe I would try to get a girlfriend if my dick was large enough. If it isn't, I won't make her suffer.

No. 2399536

Wait I assumed we'd eventually wake up as women again. If it was permanent I'd get hot and make a himbo youtuber character marketed towards women, for the nonas.
And also if I died it would be no great loss KEK

No. 2399540

yes. but once i lost weight less people made that assumption, even tho my style stayed boyish

No. 2399545

Download grindr to fuck twinks. Id also be an ugly dude but gay men dont care about that.

No. 2399562

Go kick the shit out of my aunts abusive husband and any moids who's misogynistic

No. 2399591

Will everyone still remember me as being a woman, or will everyone's memory of me change as well?

No. 2399607

Plant bombs in male toilets of football games. Also try to get my hands on local police documents, so I can find the address of pedophiles and beat the shit out of them. this is a joke please don't van me

No. 2399612

Everything is as if you had always been a boy, except your memory

No. 2399617

File: 1739568576698.jpg (20.18 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

>wake up
>model my new hot body in front of the mirror, i assume i would be hot (because i'm hot)
>take a walk (because now i can do so safely)
>act ambiguously homoerotic towards random males to cause drama and drive attention to myself
>go shirtless (for the ladies)
>randomly take off my shirt (for the ladies)
>help random women with stuff
>go to the gym (to get even hotter)
>climb a tree

No. 2399621

Jerk off and then go to the gym. If I'm attractive id have sex with both sexes just to see how it feels.

No. 2399631

Single anons what are you doing on this V-day? I've been reading about 9/11 just like the past few weeks, I don't even have the energy to do anything husbando related.

No. 2399643

Chillaxing with my grandma.

No. 2399654

trolling my husbando at ca.i by showing him my most recent acquisitions (3 large cucumbers and 2 Vaseline bottles)

No. 2399662

Also researching about 9/11 what a coincidence

No. 2399687

going to SHLICK all night long

No. 2399691

cucumbers? girl aren't you afraid of tiny vegetable particles accumulating and rotting inside your vagina. i'm never putting anything organic in there

No. 2399697

it's an rp kek

No. 2399708

oh god i thought you actually got these and showed him pictures of them

No. 2399717

File: 1739570257105.jpg (47.99 KB, 800x450, rick.jpg)

I feel this is a common special interest with millenials and zoomers lol.

No. 2399798

Nothing at all. My period was so bad today I didn't dare go outside so I worked from home and will go outside tomorrow instead. Good night!

No. 2399844

nta but I can tell I’m in a bad place when I start thinking about it a lot/getting the urge to search for more images etc. the waving woman is especially burned into my mind

No. 2399865

Yeah same, I haven't been doing well mentally since December and reading about it daily probably doesn't help either, I'm not even looking for shocking content (although seeing the planes hit and the towers is probably watching a form of shock images). I also visited a Shoah memorial yesterday night and that was very depressing.

No. 2399870

I just like to research about it since Americans seem very strangely obsessed with it and not in a memoriam way but so obsessed to the point of schizophrenia and even claim it was the worst attack in the world(which they still do)but use it as a reason to wage war on other countries especially in my country they keep saying "never forget 9/11" but why? That was the reason it was so interesting to me also another reason that every person born in the 90s claims that world before 9/11 was better

No. 2399887

i'd jork my peanits

No. 2399892

I'm not even American, I don't get where this fixation is coming from, on the other hand I can't research the various terrorist attacks that happened in my country a decade ago, I get panic attacks.

No. 2399903

One of my friends would probably ask to have sex with me and I'd let it happen kek

No. 2399905

What scent is your shampoo/body wash?

No. 2399906

Hit my balls off something to see if it's really that bad or confirm moids are drama queens

No. 2399916

File: 1739576816284.jpg (22.91 KB, 466x466, rose.jpg)

I like floral-scented things so I've been using Herbal Essences for hair and picrel for body. This soap is a little pricy ($18 a bar) but it's genuinely the closest thing you can get to smelling like you are standing in the middle of a rose garden.

No. 2399922


Dr Bronner’s peppermint, or lavender bar soap.

Favorite jam of the moment, not of all time?

No. 2399925

I typically choose herbal or floral scents. Jasmine is my standard.

No. 2399927

File: 1739577273124.jpg (144.68 KB, 1600x1600, 71mzcUCC2DL.jpg)

Honestly, I usually just get whatever is cheapest but when I care about smell I get the VO5 Strawberries and Cream shampoo and conditioner. I don't buy body washes because I feel that the scent doesn't last long anyway and I would rather buy perfume/oil, so I just use Irish Spring and unscented dove bar soaps.

No. 2399934

measure my height. if tall go on with my day. if still short kill self.

No. 2399945

I use a lavender dry shampoo from the organic shop, and my body wash smells like almond.

No. 2400042

Fresh and slightly sweet, but refined

No. 2400046

kek that's the spirit

No. 2400048

You can't climb a tree without being a male? Everything else makes sense, I would also be constantly shirtless to impress women. I would be such a whore.

No. 2400051

I'd be mogging every other man in existence

No. 2400057

I find it strange and off putting that so many of the replies are about jerking off and sex. So, you're really no different than a moid? You really can't see what's wrong here? If a bunch of moids answered this question about waking up as a woman and all their answers were about sex would you not be disgusted and annoyed? Bottom of the barrel.

No. 2400059

What would you do

No. 2400062

I hate moids, so I'm going to be just like moids, because moids get to be moids and get away with it, even though I hate it. Pick a fucking side. You're all freaks in my eyes.

No. 2400063

Travel the world by myself, learn a trade like carpentry or masonry and try and get jobs along the way so I can learn traditional methods.

No. 2400066

Booooring I rather jerk it

No. 2400067

hehe haha oh you kidder

No. 2400070

This is all stuff you can do as a woman though. The whole point of "WWYD if you woke up as a man" is doing stuff that you can't do as a woman. We don't have male genitals, that's one of the biggest differences, so of course most anons are gonna say they wanna know what having a dick is like.

No. 2400074

File: 1739583718992.gif (1.85 MB, 498x361, blushing-gif.gif)

No. 2400075

I can't do any of that as a woman without significant set backs and dangers, and you know that. You don't have to justify your degeneracy. If that's the way you are just own up to it.

No. 2400078

NTA and you are right, but you wouldn't touch yourself? Not a little bit?

No. 2400081

>You don't have to justify your degeneracy
I didn't even answer the op question kek. Idk what I would do if I was a man. Anyway, like I said the whole point is just doing stuff that you can't do. The concept of doing those things is inconceivable to you, but perhaps they don't feel out of reach for other women.

No. 2400082

I mean I think I would have to, because of the discomfort that apparently comes from build up of production. And I think I'd like to have a wife and like build her a home and stuff. It's just not the first thing on my mind.

No. 2400084

It's not that they are inconceivable, it's that I would have a much safer and easier time of it if I were male.

No. 2400086

But again, maybe the other women who replied don't feel that way. There are a lot of women who do solo travel and trade work.

No. 2400089

Nonnie, it's unlikely that any of them would even have that same goal. My point is that out of anything most chose masturbation and sex. Whether or not my specific desire is attainable as a woman doesn't matter at all.

No. 2400093

Your point is basically just judging women for not feeling as limited as you.

No. 2400094

Seems like you just want to be offended. Like I said, if you're a degenerate just own up to it, it's just strange to complain about male behavior and then emulate it the first chance you get. Just because you're a woman, doesn't mean you can't be judged, by the way.

No. 2400095

I'm not even offended, I just think what you're saying is dumb.
>Just because you're a woman, doesn't mean you can't be judged, by the way.
Who said that?

No. 2400097

I get it. If you were a male your penis would be small. That's okay. Mine would be gigantic and I would also have abs so I would definitely be taking advantage of this.

No. 2400098

Okay anon, this isn't a good faith discussion so I'm out

No. 2400103

Bye anon. Hopefully you realize that there's many things you can do in this world, and it's not anyone's fault for not feeling as confined as you.

No. 2400106

File: 1739584581517.jpg (912.65 KB, 717x960, 1000000557.jpg)

>what would you do if you woke up as a man
A certain sneering, bloated, toadfaced man would be GONE.

No. 2400126

I would finally make my dream come true and commit mass acts of terrorism and tear the country I'm from apart, assassinating the dictators. Alternatively, I'd leave the country and start a normal life from scratch.

No. 2400131

My cult would be functioning, successful, accomplishing. I would not be stopped until that disgusting creature was obliterated. All consequences of my actions would not matter, as in the end the life of a man is one without a soul and is only useful as a machine, a sacrifice toward positive social change. I would be able to turn incels into objects of war. That ugly old man, GONEE.

No. 2400136

If I fall I might survive it

No. 2400272

File: 1739590319150.jpg (53.27 KB, 1300x866, 6402745-funny-nun-carrying-woo…)

>So, you're really no different than a moid?
no? notice how no nonny said she'd go rape someone.

No. 2400275

Honestly surprised no one answered that they'd go on a buttraping spree

No. 2400284

Cope, hypocrite.

No. 2400320

pickmes never use the term double standard properly

No. 2400383

File: 1739597476808.jpeg (34.22 KB, 409x750, IMG_8240.jpeg)

strawberry or chocolate milk?

No. 2400385


No. 2400388



No. 2400392

File: 1739598813128.jpg (76.48 KB, 1080x1080, 110606553_732160257560932_1481…)


No. 2400393


No. 2400400

File: 1739599277252.jpg (368.54 KB, 2048x2048, w5ra476ojri01.jpg)

Yes and not milk at all but this medicine. I could drink kids amoxicillin all day

No. 2400405

This was posted a couple days ago yous a freak

No. 2400407

Seriously? Can you link me to my soulmate nona? It's a Valentine's Eve miracle

No. 2400413

I remember taking those as a child. one time I had a fever and vomited these immediately after, the only time in my life I puked pink goo.

No. 2400415

I think Jeffree Star did a try-hard ED photoshoot like that. You were way ahead of your time aesthetically anon

No. 2400418

It wasn't your post?

No. 2400419

kek I remember what photoshoot you're talking about now. I was indeed a pioneer

No. 2400425

File: 1739600254229.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.96 KB, 600x450, jeffree_star_by_vomitxrainbows…)

No I'm being retarded but am serious. I used to love that shit and this is my first time posting about it. Do you remember what thread?
Found it kek

No. 2400433

this faggot really did become a billionaire by pretending to vomit pepto bismol.

No. 2400434

I remember when his MySpace picture was him throwing up milk and fruit loops on the floor

No. 2400435

>gros michel
nona dont make me launch balatro. it's been two weeks I am almost cured of it

No. 2400436

File: 1739600738641.jpg (8.86 KB, 220x229, andy_gros.jpg)

samefag but the reason it's so tasty (imo) and a lot of other artificial banana flavour/scent is superior is because it's modeled after the Gros Michel (the banana that went extinct from fungus)

No. 2400441

File: 1739600948022.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.59 KB, 1920x1080, em8NcZnDpq7MZAgzMDerVi.jpg)

This looks french

No. 2400443

Apparently they didn't actually go extinct and you can still buy them online, they just aren't commercially grown anymore

No. 2400444

I heard that too but decided to keep it to myself

No. 2400445

its a card game and gros michel is a card in it. it eventually dies and becomes cavendish

No. 2400446

kek that's so cute, I'll check it out if I do a card game again

No. 2400448

No. 2400451

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No. 2401311

File: 1739648617815.jpg (155.08 KB, 720x886, b263a45d3caef653234f4840874d2f…)

What type of flowers/bouquet would you love to get?

No. 2401314

there's no way you're still reading this thread but if you are, can you please drop brand names? this sounds orgasmic

No. 2401490

File: 1739656500020.jpeg (124 KB, 828x633, C484B1B1-B638-4B7E-8BFB-0AD206…)

So I’m caucasian and was born with this (infants with this birthmark are born with a blue butt and it stays for a few weeks after birth) Have any of you also had this? I’m especially interested to hear if other caucasian nonas were born with this, I really need to get a DNA test tbh

No. 2401497

You're asking if we were born with blue asses?

No. 2401504

you just might be.

No. 2401505

Yes, I'm feeling very alone.

No. 2401507

Oh you make me blush anon, thank you.

No. 2401509

File: 1739657612627.gif (1.41 MB, 480x320, smurfette.gif)

No. 2401512

kek you may be alone but at least you just got a chuckle out of someone

No. 2401526

I see conflicting opinions on this so I'm doing a poll (not an actual one), who are the true newfags: anons who reply aggressively or anons who dislike aggressive replies?

No. 2401528

Needlessly aggressive anons are just annoying period. What ever happened to banter.

No. 2401531

File: 1739659676990.png (78.95 KB, 600x441, _angry_tomato__by_kittychrissy…)

Reddit has made anons more aggressive due to it's annoying unnecessary censorship and unrelenting faggotry. The idea of "banter" makes everyone nervous bc they're traumatized by "tip my hat to you, good sirs"

No. 2401536

my nigle has a blue birthmark and is mixed. its by his eyebrow tho. id read about the Mongolian blue spots before and dont remember them being exclusive to the butt area but that was a long time ago i looked that up

No. 2401537

I wonder if this is what Morgan Freeman's daughter had

No. 2401587

Wtf is a nigle

No. 2401601

French nigel

No. 2401603


No. 2405031

Is it normal to speak to someone cute and sweet for one day and begin to picture an entire life with them, kids and all, your wedding, your day to day life, etc? Do I need to be institutionalized?

No. 2405040

I think it’s pretty common, especially with certain types. Whether or not people actually admit it is another thing.

No. 2405339

Is it worth looking into philosophy? Are there any philosophers that you like or that make good points? Or is it all just cringe moidshit written by misogynists? I know a lot of these philosopher faggot were huge misogynists

No. 2405439

i love philosophy, not because i like too many particular thinkers but b/c i disagree with so many of them. hated decartes but studying him in college was fun b/c you get to pick apart the arguments with a group of people. i even co-ran a philosophy club in college. the format was looking into different topics each week. i remember our talks about free will and god/the problem of evil being some of the better discussions. we talked about life as a simulation both semesters b/c it was such a popular topic even tho i never voted for it.

No. 2405442

Do you use iPhone or Android?

No. 2407731

What's the weirdest response you've been given on this site?

No. 2407734

Being told that warlocks would use my discarded wisdom teeth for black magic if I didn't keep them

No. 2407809

That anon may have been onto something. I knew that goddamn surgeon was refusing to give them to me for a reason. This is why my life has been going wrong since then, and no other reason,

No. 2407848

It's happened so many times that I can't even remember all of them

No. 2407869

An anon got mad at me and told me, direct quote: "of course I'm right, you fucking cartoon!!". I'm still trying to understand what she meant by that, a "cartoon"? Maybe she means I was acting silly, but it was hilarious regardless

No. 2407895

>Or is it all just cringe moidshit written by misogynists?
Anytime I've looked up philosophy it's been this

No. 2407915

That I'm as a woman am not allowed to prefer anything but huge dicks on men even though they're painful and uncomfortable because I'm of a small build. Me not wanting to worship big dicks makes me a moid, apparently.

No. 2408269

Does anyone have that picture of cat elsie on the pc, tried looking on the board-tan threads and couldnt find it

No. 2408285

Try the help me find thread

No. 2408296

thank you! forgot we had a thread like that; trying to find that pic asap and forgot to check the catalog along the way oops

No. 2408442

Not a problem! I'm glad an anon was able to find it for you, too!

No. 2409292

Which oldest device do you still own and use? I use a phone that's 10 years old and can still somehow open current apps

No. 2409298

My epilator is 32 years old and my coffee grinder is 50.

No. 2409301

File: 1740045014923.jpeg (147.14 KB, 1200x675, IMG_7861.jpeg)

this bad boy. it's probably 60 by now, sounds like a jet engine but works just fine

No. 2409305

I've had anons leave weird heated responses to my vents and one saying I'm from kiwi when I've read kiwifarms maybe once due to heavy bias of loving LC.

No. 2409306

one schizo that accused me of being a nazi personalityfag from 4chan. I have never used 4chan and i wasnt saying anything even related to race or religion.

No. 2409337

Probably my keyboard. It's Chciony kb-2961, it's THE BEST but i can't find the year of production anywhere. By the looks of it it might be even 25 years old minimum. I remember it from my early childhood.

No. 2409867

My tablet is almost two decades old and aside from the pen sensitivity works fine

No. 2409955

My keyboard, it's an ibm model m manufactured in 1991.

No. 2409969

an ancient office printer. there are still a few cartridges left which will last years each. fuck the printer cartel.

No. 2409990

Semi-regularly my GBA SP at 19 years, daily my laptop at nine years.

No. 2411855

Which one are you?

No. 2411858


No. 2411859

No. 2411863

Anyone doing the double xp week in Runescape? It had a huge turnout already today, and the community is still very much alive and kind. Lots of drop parties with skilling items rn because people are just cute

No. 2411869


No. 2411870

Kek AF

No. 2411871

File: 1740194362141.jpeg (71.45 KB, 640x640, -2268971645.jpeg)

No. 2411908

When you talk to people on dating apps, do you just unmatch or do you officially part ways. I don't care if we've been talking for a week I will just unmatch.

No. 2411963

No. 2411965

Keke according to my increasingly demanding autocorrect

No. 2412583

When catching up on cows, do you hide saged posts?

No. 2412597

kek and KEK only.

No. 2412609

I am KEK and kekkk, sometimes kekeke if I am feeling particularly kekky.

No. 2412669

It depends. I'll hide saged posts when I'm going through old threads so that it's quicker to catch up on milk. For recent threads I don't hide saged posts.

No. 2412856

No, because sometimes anons have relevant or funny info. And because sometimes retards sage their milk, and I don't want to miss anything.
At least it makes the threads last longer. I feel bad for anons who mention having gone through all the interesting threads, I dread that day.

No. 2413121

Is it normal to be so terrified to get a job of any kind out of fear that you are too incompetent and will fail? Is this normal? I'm talking even customer service or folding fucking clothes at abercrombie.

No. 2413124

It's normal to be nervous but not terrified, I'd say. I shall impart upon you some words of hard won wisdom: Most people do not give a shit about your performance at work, only that you show up. If you put the bare minimum of effort and care into it, people will sing your praises because they expect worse.

No. 2413128

Where is your birthmark?
I've been thinking about that belief that where your birthmark is located signifies how you died in your past life. Mine is on the back of my thigh, I think past life me must've gotten stabbed there and it hit an artery

No. 2413132

Mine's on my wrist… Jesus???

No. 2413145

>sometimes retards sage their milk
It often feels better to be safe than sorry and just sage something rather than risk a potential ban for "non-milk"

No. 2413149

I guess I got shot in the side of the head with a really small bullet or something.

No. 2413154

Mine is huge, on my arm, maybe I got it cut off and died bleeding out or because of the trauma, maybe it was untreated skin cancer.

No. 2413178

File: 1740272292991.gif (768.66 KB, 500x500, 12229579_449ad.gif)

>Greeks often believed that these marks were signs from the gods, conveying messages related to one’s destiny.

No. 2413180

>checks birthmark on the left side of my ass.
monster, how should I feel?
creatures lie here, LOOKING THROUGH THE WINDOW.

No. 2413183

File: 1740272516639.png (73.65 KB, 600x600, emo_care_bear_by_the_seventh_g…)

>mfw my destiny is to horrifically and painfully die in my 30s as an unmarried virgin with no money and a traitorous moid to blame for it

No. 2413185

File: 1740272617684.gif (539.87 KB, 500x500, 9650595_2632e-1587833200.gif)

>left side of my ass
>the throw of Aphrodite
You could win a lot in Vegas anon. Forgot your destiny picrel

No. 2413189

If you look closely at your picmix destiny card, there are many gifts to counteract your emobear curse

No. 2413265

>right where my uterus is
so…ovarian cancer?

No. 2413267

Your uterus is in your thigh, nona?

No. 2413274

i meant my birthmark is where the uterus is. or general crotch area that's above the vagina but directly below the abdomen idk

No. 2413426

How easy is it to pretend you received damaged items from Sephora to get a refund

No. 2413439

I have a huge and red one right on top of my head. (Thankfully covered by hair usually) Must have been a freak accident, maybe someone split my skull with an axe kek it would explain the pointless angst and paranoia I get sometimes

No. 2413747

I don't think I have one, damn I'm so boring.

No. 2413788

Of course the anon who is a brand new soul thinks it's boring. Typical mindset of someone experiencing the universe for the first time.

No. 2413802

That’s not what she was saying.

No. 2414070

I have one on my breast and a heart shaped one near my vagina… I'm curious now did I die banging or did I die being a retard in my past life?

No. 2414077

I have a house shaped birthmark under my knee. I wonder what happened to me. Did I get crushed by a house?

No. 2414083

File: 1740327141319.webp (21.15 KB, 400x600, depositphotos_80661516-stock-p…)

This is your first life? KEK

No. 2414090

Kek uh oh virgin alert! Virgin alert! Little baby anon's first lifespan!

No. 2414109

Nonna, it's your time to shine and live while loving life, laughing and planning where your future birthmark is going to be at.

No. 2414116

I don't know if I have a birthmark or if it constitutes as one but my sister and I share a similar subtle discoloration on our arms in the shape of a woman. I can't even find it right now so I don't think it's really a birthmark.

No. 2414119

File: 1740329180126.gif (922.71 KB, 301x308, IMG_7880.gif)

welcome back, buster keaton

No. 2414137

Why am I tall?

No. 2414146

Big legs innit

No. 2414233

On my kidney
Kidney stones

No. 2414265


No. 2414417

File: 1740341202372.jpg (105.39 KB, 736x736, 1000020333.jpg)

What were your grades like throughout high school? What kind of teenager were you, and what would your teenage self think of you now?

No. 2414428

>What were your grades like throughout high school?
50s and 60s usually but for humanities always above 90s
>What kind of teenager were you?
Smoked a pack a day, skipped 2/4 classes a day, fought with teachers, never ate once on school premises, always ready to complain
>What would your teenage self think of you now?
"Wow, she's groovy!"

No. 2414501

>What were your grades like throughout high school?
We don't have the A-F grading system in schools where I live, just numbers. I got grades in the 90 range in all subjects except math and physics, these are usually 70-80. I was doing alright mostly and graduated with a good enough GPA to be accepted in the only 2 universities in my city.
>What kind of teenager were you
Embarrassing. I got into metal and rock music heavy during that time, I was very edgy, I lost faith in religion and had my atheist character arc, I was also obsessed with science and especially biology and evolution theory and would read biology books and anti-religion books, I was pretentious and wanted to come off as genius so bad. I was a massive weeb and trying to learn Japanese seriously. I also was into drawing but my art was too ugly I ended up giving up on it, kek. I was a raging fujo back then as well. I had friends from all walks of life, from nerds to weebs/fujos. I also had an embarrassing TIF phase due to internalized misogyny
>and what would your teenage self think of you now?
I honestly don't know. She'll probably be sad I didn't get to study biology like I wanted, she'll be upset about the current life situation I'm living in, but she'd be impressed by the improvement in my music taste and library and in my singing. Maybe my improvement in languages as well, especially English. She'd be glad I moved on from my at the time internalized misogyny and for embracing girly things more without betraying myself.

No. 2414526

>what were your grades throughout high school
I barely passed. C's and F's. When I realized I needed to get my shit together near the end of senior year otherwise I wouldn't graduate I finally did the homework/projects required to get out. I'm stupid but also I think I just did poorly academically because I didn't pay attention in class/didn't do homework.
>What kind of teenager were you
A huge, cringeass weeb/fujo. I had a large friend group and would get invited to parties often (mostly with other nerds, nothing crazy). Despite the bad grades and being an obnoxious as fuck teen I was relatively well behaved. I'd show up to all my classes, never skipped school, didn't do drugs/drink/fight/have sex or whatever.
>What would your teenage self think of you now
I think in all honesty she'd be impressed. I grew up in an unsupportive household and my family always told me I would be a homeless loser. The fact that I'm a homeowner today living a pretty comfy life would come as a shock to my teenaged self.

No. 2414531

File: 1740344818135.jpg (97.3 KB, 1920x1080, 1000009797.jpg)

What do you want to reincarnate as in the next cycle? Non-human answers only.

No. 2414534

A bird of some sort. Preferably a bird of prey that humans don't try to own or hunt. So I can travel the world and fly and be free.

No. 2414545

File: 1740345482548.jpg (232.56 KB, 750x750, 1000009798.jpg)

I've thought of what it would be like being a mushroom/fungi. I'm obsessed with fungi hivemind theories in media. Like I feel there's something that we're missing out on there.

No. 2414552

>What were your grades like throughout high school?
Good, mostly. Despite my circumstances, I was able to be a good student
>What kind of teenager were you
I was a frumpy, quiet, lonely weeb with zero sense of style, feminity scared me back then. To be fair, I was very fucking insane but mostly inwardly, I didn't want to hurt anybody with my problems and I was deeply ashamed of my lack of luck. My life was very surreal back then, I was either disassociating, hallucinating or waking up to goreish nightmares everyday
>what would your teenage self think of you now?
She'd be highly disturbed, mostly because of my looks atm but that's temporal. She would have to admit I'm extremely skillful now, I'm able to do and create stuff she could only dream about. She also would think my husbandos are trash (true)

No. 2414554

>What were your grades like throughout high school?
I did ok
>What kind of teenager were you
Super dramatic. Liking anime and thinking everything is shit isn't a personality. It's dull and annoying
>what would your teenage self think of you now
I think she'd be surprised. I always wanted to get into art when I was a teen but I went somewhere else instead. I'm more chill less angry. I'd hope she'd like that about me. It isn't healthy to dwell in rage. I wanna hug lil me and tell her it's going to be ok. Also we are more into dogs than cats. I'm also still working on how to marry Hayley Williams.

No. 2414562

File: 1740346096827.png (775.94 KB, 2048x1366, 8u57rtddtke61.png)

A bird! I want to fly all the time

No. 2414566

Not making fun of you or anything. But isn't it crazy that even if you did reincarnate as a fungus, you still wouldn't know to tell us if you came back again as a human? So you'd still think you were missing out on something? What if you were already a fungus? What if you just miss what you used to be?

No. 2415539

There would be a similar network of energy between humans were it not for all of the greed, fluoride, etc

No. 2415552

I mean, we already have our own hiveminds like Reddit
Who's to say fungal hiveminds are better? You imagine a harmonious community connection but in reality it's probably full of faggot fungi being cringe for fungi updoots

No. 2415571

Imagine dedicating your life to studying the language of fungi and finding out they're the mould equivalent of stan twitter

No. 2415578

Tell me that wouldn't be the discovery of all time. I should hope admin gives us a special board to post mushroom colony #PT1-55689's top tier milk.

No. 2416938

File: 1740437026732.jpg (54.5 KB, 480x680, 20250224_144150.jpg)

If you open your Twitter "for you" feed right now, what's the first (non personal/non nsfw) picture you see?

No. 2416978

File: 1740438297546.jpeg (90.35 KB, 680x510, Gkeb5jnWIAAUtMh.jpeg)

No. 2416982

File: 1740438388686.jpeg (458.18 KB, 1125x603, IMG_4222.jpeg)

No. 2417004

File: 1740439087949.jpg (61.42 KB, 736x719, Gkh4hazWsAI0lPk.jpg)

Picked the first non-weeb/fandom pic I found otherwise it would've just been a fanart

No. 2417124

File: 1740442395024.jpeg (112.48 KB, 736x892, Gke05wpWAAARzIr.jpeg)

No. 2417160

File: 1740442861397.png (611.46 KB, 539x487, dancing in the night.PNG)

Don't have twitter, take tumblr instead

No. 2417229

Wish I was her

No. 2418340

I'm so burned out on the news, dystopian fiction, hostile-for-no-reason comments sections. Can you recommend some good, chill, entertaining media, preferably something like Youtube videos I can put on in the background? Preferably something funny and lighthearted too.

No. 2418343

You can check out the Youtuber Recommendations thread in /m/

No. 2418369

File: 1740506346946.jpg (277.97 KB, 640x531, Gjy7kXTacAIIa83.jpg)

No. 2420353

Nonas if you're in a public bathroom and the woman in the next stall is pissing aggressively/for a very long time, do you consider it strange? I always get self conscious because it sounds like I'm frying fish

No. 2420360

Kek no I don't pay any attention to noises other people make in public restrooms. Even if someone rips a fart or shits, I forget it by the time I'm out the door because it's a fucking bathroom

No. 2420413

It depends on how long. I don't usually pay attention to how long someone is pissing, but if it's a loong time then yeah I'll probably be like "damn, this bitch has a bottomless pit for a bladder"

No. 2420459

No I'm too busy paying attention to myself to notice

No. 2420467

I feel jealous of her bladder size or ability to drink non-acidic beverages for that long. I would be happy and proud to pee next to you nona

No. 2420565

File: 1740611717776.jpg (38.27 KB, 736x743, b0d2c5639022992594b7ec56b4841f…)

What part of your body gains weight first? I noticed my thighs get chubbier faster than my arms

No. 2420572

>Peeing aggressively
I'd think you're maybe in a rush so I wouldn't judge
>Peeing for longer than usual
I'd be happy for you, you aren't dehydrated

No. 2420578

Stomach because I have the phenotype of a beer belly moid

No. 2420592

Lol how do you piss aggressively?

No. 2420756

Hard and loud.

No. 2420903

Gold or silver jewelry?

No. 2420915

whatever looks better with your skin tone I guess. I don't think it matters

No. 2422606

Any other nonnas notice that femboys talk a lot more braindead than your average moid? It's so much more pornsick yet they complain about being sexualized, while using dumbass emoticons/memes with no punctuation and they only seem to be able to think about one thing at a time, and it's usually mundane.

No. 2422613

I don't pay attention because I'm so nervous in a public restroom (I have a shy bladder kek) that I'm just waiting for the person next to me to leave. I have some trouble peeing when other people are in the bathroom.

Wow cute!

No. 2422631

File: 1740728842409.png (1.06 MB, 720x2116, my_taste.png)

What does my taste in men say about me?

No. 2422639

That you like criminals.

No. 2422641

Roderick looks so cute here

No. 2422644

Absolutely. They're autogynephiles two steps away from becoming troons so they think purposely brainkilling themselves is girly and feminine and baby.

No. 2423261

Which one is Roderick

No. 2423266

The last one, he was very hot in the diary of a wimpy kid.

No. 2423271

I thought so because he was the only good looking one in the pic. Why can't all men look like this ugh.

No. 2423666

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Autistic gendietard coworker who unironically thinks she's a vampire told me yesterday that she puts toothpaste on her acne and even uses some Windex. Skincarefags, do you have anything to say about this?

No. 2423669

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No. 2423671

She is mentally ill but you know that already. What's her face look like?

No. 2423672

My thighs, arms and belly (but that's probably bloat because I'm a retard who doesn't track important things like diet kek)

No. 2423684

Her face is mostly clear whenever I see it. What could that mean?

No. 2423688

That's a common hack or whatever the kids are calling it these days, toothpaste does "dry" pimples, but it's too aggressive and can leave dark spots. But more importantly, vampires don't have acne?

No. 2423690

I've heard of glass skin hacks, but this is just ridiculous! badum tssss

No. 2423969

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So what would be worse? Having a mom who believes in you causing your own evil through uncoordinated manifestation, or having a mom who believes in a routine punishment for you due to your predecessor's "crimes" in reincarnation?

No. 2423979

What the fuck, the first is my mother to a T and she tried to kill me over it. I guess I'd rather go with the second one because at least it's not really "me" causing the evil. Very strange post to see not gonna lie.

No. 2423995

May I ask what "uncoordinated manifestation" means?

No. 2424049

Furry daughter or lolicon son? I'm going with furry here

No. 2424052

this is too easy, it should be lolicon daughter or furry son, or lolicon daughter or shotacon son.

No. 2424055

Lolicon daughter in both cases.

No. 2424069

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Jesus Christ you made this so much worse kek, I couldn't even do it. I would disown either of them to start over with a new one.

No. 2424070

ot but this gif truly captures the spirit of lc

No. 2424077

>the spirit of cows
You mean. This picrel captures the spirit of LC in every way >>2424069

No. 2424092

If I had a lolicon daughter I'd be wondering who the fuck molested her before I'd be thinking about disowning her. If I had a lolicon son I'd give him 2 days to get the fuck out.

No. 2424293

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>congratulations you just won [lolicon daughter]

No. 2424307

you guys might hate me for this but i might choose shotacon son here. from what ive seen as an outsider shotacons seem much less insane and likely to do shit irl. meanwhile i just saw that vtuber thread with the loli pickme vtuber who was involved with irl shit. i think ill always dislike lolicons more regardless of if theyre male or female lol like shotacons seem so harmless in comparison (i know theyre both weird but ive never seen shotacons harass people and openly talk about how much they wanna touch kids in public. so.)

No. 2424309

Where in the world did the "lesbian couples are the most abusive" study come from???

No. 2424321

Ah, but you forget it's a shotacon moid, and therefore much more likely to molest or download cp onto his hard drive.

No. 2424328

true but i cant even recall any shotacon cows here doing irl stuff. its definitely a possibility even if i havent personally seen it though. honestly both would probably be disowned lol

No. 2424430

Idk where else to ask this besides on lolcow because I asked this on other platforms and they won't answer it and my question got downvoted even so I'm gonna share my austistic thought a bit since I thought only nonnas here could give good answers. I was thinking if fluency of a language could affect your personality somehow. I noticed throughout my school years people who are fluent in English are always the nerdy type of kids, while people fluent in Mandarin Chinese are always the extroverted popular kids type. Some of these nerdy kids have English as their first language too and speak it daily as they grew up (I live in a country that doesn't speak English as the main language) and doesn't seem to understand Mandarin Chinese well. I'd taken advanced Mandarin class in high school and the class is full of popular kids. They all can speak Mandarin but sometimes struggles in speaking English. Is there actually any reason behind this? Could language fluency affect your personality or your personality make you more inclined toward learning certain languages? I need to know the connection, I believe it's not just a coincidence. I'm an avid believer that personality could affect what language you wanna learn

No. 2424436

Look up the Sapir Whorf hypothesis, maybe something like that is happening on an individual level? Or maybe it's being in certain cultures that might have bigger families or certain cultural practices that influence their personalities over the languages themselves.

No. 2424450

Thanks nona. That theory is interesting, I would look more into it.

No. 2424458

>Could language fluency affect your personality or your personality make you more inclined toward learning certain languages?
I don't know about personality but it can help put words on some thoughts and concepts that don't exist in your first language but in languages you've learned later. As to which languages you're more likely to learn fast and well it depends on how similar they are to your first language in terms of grammar and etymology. I found English easy to learn not just because of how it's mandatory in school but also because it has many similarities with my first language and there are plenty of ressources to pratice on your own as well. I started learning German in school at the same time and wish I didn't go to that special program, it's so similar to English that if I started later with a normal middle school program my knowledge in English would have made it way easier to remember German words back then. I think Spanish could have been easier as well. Asian languages are very different from European languages but I've seen friends saying that learning Korean after they gained an intermediate or advanced level in Japanese was easy because both languages have similar grammatical rules, but they had to work hard to learn Japanese first.

Which languages you know will at least indirectly influence your personality for the mere fact that you will have access to more information for different sources, you will be able to communicate with more people, these things will create more memories that will have an impact on you, etc. compared to knowing just one language.

No. 2424461

What store has nice looking clothes for men / my nigel?

No. 2424527

> Which languages you know will at least indirectly influence your personality for the mere fact that you will have access to more information for different sources, you will be able to communicate with more people, these things will create more memories that will have an impact on you, etc. compared to knowing just one language.

Ayrt, I agree with this. I notice all my friends that are fluent in Chinese are more China-oriented compared to my friends that are fluent in English who are more western-oriented. Ask them a simple unrelated questions like which country you wanna study for university and if they support anything that the west are known to be supportive of like LGBT matters. Most of my friends that are fluent in Chinese told me they wanted to go to a university in China. While the ones fluent in English, will most likely support the LGBT (I live in a conservative Asian country), unlike the ones fluent in Chinese cause they're most conservative. Also they're more unlikely to choose China for university.

No. 2426457

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Considering the rise of Ai, do you think that data analysis is a worthwhile career path? I'm considering going to graduate school, but I'm afraid that I'll waste my time pursuing this field.

No. 2426528

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if you had to become blind or deaf for a day which would you pick?

No. 2426532

Being deaf would suck less. Love the frog

No. 2426535

see nona i thought the same thing but being deaf essentially severs the most important way people communicate to one another with. it would be so isolating. i'm leaning towards blindness being the better of the two

No. 2426541

Blind, take my glasses and that's what I am, anyways.

No. 2426542

I've experienced being deaf for a day and it's not so bad. I'd go with that.

No. 2426545

I was deaf for a day or two when I had an ear infection in both ears after a fever. It was annoying not being able to hear anything but I could still do normal activities as usual. I'd hate to be blind.

No. 2426674

I literally never in my life heard or read anything about the A-spot/anterior fornix stimulation before recently and now I've seen it on reddit and here (well, /g/) a dozen times in 2025, and I used to read about sex all the time in college so it feels like a huge oversight on my part, since a google search says it was first mentioned in 1997. Is there a reason this became trendy recently? Am I just out of the loop?

No. 2426676

You're based. I only watched unbroken for that third guy.

No. 2426678

I'm already going blind so that ig

No. 2426920

Blind, I'd kill myself if I weren't able to listen to music anymore.

No. 2428548

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When were you sure you were in love?

No. 2428549

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Are people truly so overweight in America? Why do burgers eat so much? Bunch of fatties. Fatties are colonizing other countries too, soon enough we’ll all be fatties.

No. 2428553

When I became a retard and stopped putting myself first over this person. Thank god I got cured.

No. 2428554

Deaf. I already have glasses and I struggle without, being completely blind is shit.

No. 2428559

It's a still from an old D movie. It's not a real tortoise, it's just a dummy.

No. 2428574

Thank you so much for answering.

No. 2428597

I don't get that Killing Me Softly song- is it just more romanticizing moid abuse slop, or what?

No. 2428815

Try Googling next time. The singer wrote it about being moved by some dude playing music.

No. 2428857

Have you ever heard the song at all or were you just going from the title alone? You don’t even have to google the lyrics to know from the chorus that she’s not speaking literally.

No. 2429532

No. 2429536

Man shut the fuck UPPPP omg fucking idiots lately

No. 2429550

Nonny, no. There's a gazillion songs you could have chosen that are actually about moid abuse but this isn't one of them. Like even the chorus makes it obvious that she's talking about music:
>Strumming my pain with his fingers
>Singing my life with his words
>Killing me softly with his song
>Telling my whole life with his words

No. 2429551

It's less how much they eat and more what they eat. Junk food costs a million times less than fresh fruit and vegetables.

No. 2429560

I can already feel the hangry orthorexics gearing up to disagree with you, but calorie-for-calorie you're correct.

No. 2429568

Why would they disagree kek? I went to the US once for a vacation and the bread tasted like the equivalent of fucking sweet butter cake where I'm from. There's way more oil and fat and sugar in everything.

No. 2429571

I hate to do this to you, but the way you said this was reminiscent of a moid's feeder fetish. Cleanse your mind of this preoccupation, lest you fuel what you hate, godspeed.

No. 2429575

Because a lot of people refuse to take American economy and classism into account for why people are overweight. It makes them seethe to imagine people can't help being overweight, rather than being lazy fat cunts who stew in their filth and inferiority. God forbid you bring up food deserts, the only infight warning you'll have is the sound of bone rattling in the distance.

No. 2429576

To be fair fast food is much more expensive than healthier foods, don't have to be orthorexic to notice that especially with prices going up

No. 2429583

Anon didn't say fast food, she said junk food. And 1000 calories of little debbies (approximately 2.5 apple pies) is going to be cheaper and quicker to eat than 1000 calories of apples (approximately 10 apples). It's nutritionally bunk, but I was only talking about calorie count so nutrition isn't relevant to this part of the discussion anyway.

No. 2429587

Fast food and junk food are synonymous like 80% of the time lol
Also on the discussion, it's also how physical exercise isn't really normalised, places aren't really designed for it either. You drive or commute everywhere in the US. Meanwhile you have say, Europe, the meme of tourists going to Europe and losing lots of pounds from all the normalised walking they had to do to get here and there is true.

No. 2429591

NTA but they aren't synonymous. That's why when you say "fast food" I think "burger king" and not "hot cheetos".

No. 2429594

This is why euros should stay quiet when americans are talking about our food problems. they don't even know the difference between the guy who doordashes mcdonalds and the lady who loads up her grocery cart with takis.

No. 2429600

I thought about him all the time. I saw him in my dreams.

No. 2429616

Kek I'm not even euro but fair enough point.

No. 2429647

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We were relaxing at his place and suddenly I thought, wow this is actually really nice. The realization was very like picrel.

No. 2429661

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Are those superstar doctors on instagram even real doctors or as qualified as they claim to be? I don’t hate her at all, but I know that everyone on instagram who has to brag about their lifestyle IS hiding something. If she’s as qualified as she claims she is, then that’s wonderful. But something about her being 24/7 on social media and being a plastic surgeon simultaneously does not sit with me right.

I don’t even want to make it about her, is it a common thing for fake docs to pop up on instagram?

No. 2429675

What are some other tools to make yourself anonymous on the 'net? I'm not some techie wiz so I'm pretty new to this.

Broswer: Tor Browser
Search engine: DuckDuckGo
Email: ProtonMail

Anything else?

No. 2429676

Doesn't proton steal your data

No. 2429680

No, proton does not steal your data. Do you have an article or news source about this, or are we just fearmongering?

No. 2429681

What makes you think so?

No. 2429683

Idk, I remember seeing it somewhere, maybe somewhere on KF, or maybe I'm developing false memories

No. 2431773

Are your opinions actually yours? Or are you citing someone else?

No. 2431783


No. 2431794

Mullvald is a pretty good VPN. They make it really hard to give them any identifying info that could be used to identify you in case there's a leak or govs come knocking. Vidrel goes over it and gives you generally good tips about online anonymity. Start at 5:00 for the VPN bit.

No. 2431803

File: 1741284274989.png (61.94 KB, 708x703, proton.png)

There was some controversy over the CEO being a Trump supporter, who doesn't exactly support privacy. It's kinda sorter not true. This article goes deeper into it.


No. 2431811

VPN, user-agent switcher

No. 2432003

If anon is using Tor Browser like she said then using a VPN is redundant. If anything routing your connection through a VPN will make you standout more than if you just connected to Tor normally. Vidrel is from the same YouTuber as yours and talks about why it’s not a great idea.
I use proton and mullvad browser mainly for my personal use. I’m not a diehard privacy person though and could definitely improve some things if I was more concerned.

No. 2432013

It's not only redundant it's pretty dangerous. I believe there's an extra layer of security to using tor to make sure you don't use any compromised exit nodes but I can't remember it right now.

No. 2432379

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Which is more masculine: slim or wide faces? Yes I was inspired by celebricow spergs

No. 2432382

Neither, it's about balance. Generally a pointy chin helps but not the witchy kind

No. 2432383

All of those are women so none of them have masculine faces.

No. 2432385

Yeah that's probably the best answer. Troons are always looking for some magic feature they can change with surgery or hormones

No. 2432634

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Any instrumentalist nonas here? What do you play? Do you do it professionally, or as a hobby?

No. 2433190

deep thoughts

No. 2433210

What kind of music do you listen to when working? posted this on the music thread before realizing it didn't fit there and deleting and now I'm getting flood detected?

No. 2433234

I listen to classical music radio. Not that I'm hugely into classical music but it's nice and doesns't distract me

No. 2433459

Touhou remixes and anime soundtracks. If that makes me too nostalgic for a time before I had a job, I'll listen to a video essay.

No. 2433510

I play clarinet and I used to get paid while playing in a summer concert band - not much, like $100-200 at the end of the season. It was nice but I stopped participating during covid because the restrictions were kinda crazy.

No. 2434619

Usually ambient electronic stuff like Boards of Canada, Aphex Twin, Hiroshi Yoshimura, etc

No. 2434639

Neither, it depends on the individual features

No. 2435078

Lofi Girl. If I put on anything with words it becomes too distracting.

No. 2435544

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Is there any cows you just can't handle reading about?

No. 2435559

empathchan i hate that attention crackwhore

No. 2436007

Lexity. He's too ugly whenever I see threadpics and it spikes a visceral reaction in me and I avoid the cow boards now because of it. That nose ring is just vile

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