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No. 2412598
A thread for the daft, the dim, the silly and the merely confused.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/2394510Please follow all global rules and remember to report and ignore bait: avoid infighting.
If you want to ask random questions and hear other anons’ personal answers, check out the Random Questions thread instead. This thread is more for asking silly questions and getting concrete answers.
Random Questions thread:
>>>/ot/2361589 No. 2412648
How do i unplackpill myself and turn myself into a normie pickme woman? No matter where i go, no matter where i look, in every book, every conversation, every statement, any group, any industry, any ideology, any belief is ALWAYS infected with misogyny. The thought that these are the people i have to interact with, are available to be my friends and work for and offer services to makes me wanna unironically kill myself. What is the point? What is the point of anything if i'm seen as subhuman? As less than a dog?
>just decenter moids and focus on becoming friends with other women!
Women don't care that scrotes act the way they do, they even like it and support it. There is endless evidence of who scrotes really are, it could it them in the face and they still wouldn't be able to collectively agree on a simple statement like "men are dangerous", they still would regurgitate "b-but equality between the sexes! two wrongs don't make a right!" But then do the exact opposite and scrutinize women for the smallest thing while uplifting moids for not being a wife-beater and think he's soo funny for acting like a porn-addict instead. The only way to survive life as woman is either becoming NEET or becoming a pickme if you want to interact with society.
No. 2412658
>>2412640Tbh, maybe your English teacher did not know English very well. My friend works for a well known, prestigious school as an English teacher, and most of the other teachers are shit. Some of them only speak broken English and are responsible for teaching small children. And others are so retarded, they think they're experts but can't even figure out homophones.
The only time I can think of using that phrase is when somebody uses emphasis on something they MUST do. "I have GOT to get out of here", "I have GOT to quit this job", and the emphasis is to drive home their desperation.
Sorry your English teacher screwed you like that, good job figuring out the proper grammar.
No. 2412659
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>>2412640I don't think "I have got…" is an unnatural formation at all, it's actually a very common one and it's used quite frequently in spoken English. It might sound unnatural to you because usually it's heard in in the contracted form, e.g. "I
've got" or "S/he
's got."
The teacher might have been teaching it to you because of its frequency of use, or it might have been because the teacher was trying to make a point of highlighting that "to have" is also an auxiliary verb used in the construction of certain tenses.
No. 2412665
>>2412648I'll counter with a few of my own stupid questions: when was the last time you did volunteer work for a local women's charity or shelter? When was the last time you engaged in fundraising to support local women? When was the last time you held a meeting to counter misogyny?
If you want friends that are conscious of societal misogyny and desire to lift women up, then you have to go to places where these types of women are and do activities that these type of women do. You can't just sit on your computer and whine, you actually have to go and be part of something. I used to complain about how nobody read, but once I started a monthly book club suddenly I started meeting so many people that read.
No. 2412714
>>2412665>when was the last time you did volunteer work for a local women's charity or shelter? When was the last time you engaged in fundraising to support local women?I don't have anything like this near me. I'm also middle-lower class and still going to university.
>When was the last time you held a meeting to counter misogyny?I have not done this. But how would you even go about this? Virtue signaling about girl power and all of the other libfem shit we've heard about doesn't actually help women. The truth is that scrotes are the problem. But like i've said before we can't even get women to
try to develop pattern recognition of men's violence towards women. I've made this post
>>2358936 a while ago on how the only way to
start some class consciousness in women and the only shit that will get us out of this societal shithole position is basically a female supremacist movement and that women need to be selfish like men are so it the power imbalance between men and women balances out but i don't even know if that's possible. Most women are mega moralfags who get off on being a martyr and many of them want to marry a scrote and bear their children, more than anything i think their opposition to being selfish and putting their own wants and needs first is their desire for children and a lot of normies have black and white simplistic thinking so it just contradicts with women's mindset and beliefs of being kind and empathrtic even if they never receive reciprocation.
>If you want friends that are conscious of societal misogyny and desire to lift women up, then you have to go to places where these types of women are and do activities that these type of women do. You can't just sit on your computer and whine, you actually have to go and be part of something. I used to complain about how nobody read, but once I started a monthly book club suddenly I started meeting so many people that read.People not wanting to read is not comparable to thousands of years of societies built on, enforced and practiced misogyny in every single aspect of people's lives. Where and how did you find your non-misogynistic friends? Are they
actually non-misogynistic and don't defend moids? If they only shit on troons but don't have a problem with anything else it doesn't count.
No. 2412738
>>2412714>I don't have anything like this near me.I really doubt this. Even if it were true, being in university gives you the option to make a club based on promoting women's rights. It's very easy to meet like-minded people in university and to start social clubs there, much easier than it will be once you leave university.
>But how would you even go about [holding a meeting to counter misogyny]?Lots of ways. You could start a book club that features feminist literature, you could create a fundraising drive where you bake goods to sell for money to donate to women's charities, you could hold presentations where women are informed about topics that pertain to women's health and wellness, etc.. There are many ways of going about it, you just have to brainstorm.
>A lot of normies have black and white simplistic thinkingIt actually seems that
you are the one that has extremely simplistic black and white thinking.
No. 2412783
>>2412738All of those things are great nona, the thing is that women donate, go to these events, and even read feminist literature but they still spend loads of money on beautification rituals for a scrote that looks like shit and treats them like shit, act like a retard and laugh when their sociopathic scrote talks about a woman's genitals in a pornographic and degrading way. They shit on and ocstracize women along with scrotes for being not attractive enough, for being too "weird" or too "annoying" so basically for no reason, for not falling in line and having opinions considered unnapropiate for a woman and god forbid if it's about misogyny but since subjugation of women is normal it's not even seen as misogyny, and even hate on DV and rape
victims and even side with the scrote often. While a moid can talk openly about being into guetto gaggers, cheating and being a wife beater and their life is completely unnaffected.
>It actually seems that you are the one that has extremely simplistic black and white thinking.But where was i wrong in my analysis? Women defend moids the way the would nevef defend women. If women don't see anything wrong with the culture around them and
don't want to see it, what can be done?
No. 2412798
>>2412783It seems as though you have a very inflated sense of self-importance and that's what holds you back from forming meaningful connections with your peers. The fact that you had to re-post this to add a defense of your "analysis" (which is mediocre and based in fantasy) is a testament to your egoism. You live in an ivory tower and then you wonder why you're lonely.
You view yourself as someone with a very heightened understanding of society, as one that can see its flaws clearly. You treat everyone as though they are beneath you, because they aren't as awakened or conscious as you. That false sense of superiority is what prevents you back from making friends.
You expect everyone else to meet you at your level, but you refuse to ever meet them at their level. If you feel as though the women around you aren't conscious of their status in society or aren't familiar with feminist theory, the answer isn't to shame them or to look down on them, it's to meet them at their level of understanding so that you can help them grow and learn.
No. 2412880
>>2412798>It seems as though you have a very inflated sense of self-importance and that's what holds you back from forming meaningful connections with your peers.I have a false sense of superiority and over-inflated ego because i don't want to hear scrotes talk about women in a degrading way while women laugh about it? If women want to defend porn and scrote abuse and their nonchalantness about it because "it's not all men!" then yeah anon i'm not really interested in having meaningful relationships with people like that.
>The fact that you had to re-post this to add a defense of your "analysis" (which is mediocre and based in fantasy) is a testament to your egoism. You live in an ivory tower and then you wonder why you're lonely.Based on fantasy? Seriously nona? I wanna know what world you live in where porn isn't mainstream and considered normal, where vulgar language of women is not considered part normal vocabulare, where scrotes and women aren't misogynistic and don't call women less intelligent and capable than men, emotional, not suited for positions of power, not being reduced to incubators, not critized and blamed for not being kind enough to offer yourself as a punching bag to incels and now it's your fault they are upset. I wanna know where you live that abusers and rapists actually get punished and have their reputation negatively affected. Look who got elected as president, look how many both men and women voted for him, you are the one who lives in a fantasy world.
No. 2412892
>>2412880Your analysis is based on fantasy because it's not reflective of the material reality. You are very young and you have very little life experience; you have no experience in volunteering with women's shelters, partaking in feminist events or clubs, or engaging in charitable endeavors. For these reasons, your analysis is short-sighted and half-formed.
You have very poor reading comprehension as well kek.
No. 2413023
>>2412892You still haven't disproved of anything i said. Do women and men not act how i described?
What is the point of living? Donating to charities, shelters and events where women talk about how sex work is work, how much they hate trannies or recite some 70s feminist just for them and all those women to go to their scrotes who partake and uplift the same thing these women swear they're trying to dismantle? Going to clubs to talk about how to be fair and equal between the sexes and "it's just as bad when women do it", when scrotes enthusiastically voice out how they don't want to be equal and their positions is at the top while women's is below them and constantly enforce these dynamics? It doesn't matter how many books you read or how much money you throw into a hole, it's futile if women can't admit that men hate them and they need to stop servicing them.
No. 2413048
>>2413040If it's lootboxes, extremely fucking retarded. Cosmetics, also stupid unless it's your holy grail autistic sped item and you're only doing it for that.
I'd need more context otherwise.
No. 2413156
>>2412872It can take a few months for your levels to improve. I have the same problems and take supplements but the thing that helped my leg and foot cramps the most was a topical magnesium cream that I rub into the back of my legs daily. It got my levels up faster than just using supplements, too. When I get a cramp it goes away in a couple of minutes with the topical cream. Another thing you might want to try is tonic water that has quinine in it. It's bitter but it is used to treat leg cramps and it's really easy to find at the grocery store.
>>2412886This is a good idea, too. Potatoes are also really high in potassium, I believe more than bananas (for anon who hates bananas, potatoes could be swapped).
No. 2413166
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>>2413056Maybe he designed himself to be car-crash foolproof.
No. 2413181
>>2413156I'm anon who hates bananas!! I fucking LOVE potatoes on the level of some braindead sped who only eats nuggies, THANK YOU!!!!
And thanks for tips about magnesium cream, I will keep this in mind if they return.
No. 2413317
>>2413206It's funny you ask this, because I've caught a lot of fakers, but there's not "one answer". You usually treat them like anybody else you're trying to catch in a lie.
You're looking for somebody who fulfills the archetype of an attention whore, a scammer, or both. Some people lie about a disability for internet points, and those people get addicted to the sense of superiority it gives them. This type may collect more illnesses to stack up their "oppression" deck, or they might get too eager and overplay their hand. You're trying to catch them in a contradiction.
Also watch out for illness fakers who don't necessarily collect illnesses, but other kinds of "oppression". They start "discovering" racial identities and such.
No. 2413589
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I'm messaging a friend (they/them, mid 30s) and she's saying "things in America are getting scary". I'm peaked, Euro and have in the past 1-2 years got a lot more into Marxist thought, especially anti-identity politics. Is there a way to subtly let her know I think gendershit is disgusting and a narcissistic product of capitalism without scaring her off? She's older than me but very conflict-avoidant, but regardless I'd love to set off a lightbulb or two for her if there's hope of that. I know I need to be careful with it.
No. 2413647
>>2413641I've been friends with multiple people with OCD and what you're talking about sounds like things they would mention. I think you might have it, anon. The things you're talking about don't sound like "any" mental illness, but OCD specifically.
If it's getting really bad, try medication for it? I've seen a lot of anons on this site talking about how it really helped them get relief from their symptoms
Here are two anons in the Autism/ADHD thread talking about Prozac, specifically, as an example.
>>>/ot/2413036>>>/ot/2413131 No. 2413667
>>2413647Thank you anon. I hate to say it, but I've actually been on Prozac before. I've been on so many medications since childhood (I was a mental illness dumpster fire even back then) that I can't even remember all of them. The weird thing is that none of them ever seem to have any effect on my mental illnesses. I have been called treatment-resistant in the past.
My sibling with OCD, is on medication, but needs such a high dose that they are basically a non-functioning zombie. They can't even groom themselves. IDK how much of that is their meds and how much of that is their OCD though tbh.
I tried therapy again as an adult when my OCD first materialized and got very bad, but found none of the therapists seemed to have any solutions for me other than sympathizing saying "that's hard." At my last ever appointment, I was at a breaking point, and in desperation asked her "do you have any tools I could use to help me with these thoughts?" and she told me there was no such thing. I had been seeing her for months but quit after that session. I have since seen that there are supposedly specialized therapists for OCD, but their rates are so crazy I will never be able to afford it. So I try my best to manage it myself, but it feels like I am fighting my own mind 24/7 and I only win like half the time no matter how hard I try.
Lately I have been really wanting to tell my parents I have OCD so that they have some context for why I can seem to be doing fine one minute but completely retreat and hide away the next. They are always so accommodating (overly so) to my sibling, but I am not allowed to have more than a couple off days in a row before they start demanding I pull myself up by the bootstraps and stop being "ridiculous". But I am afraid they will not believe me, and will think I'm just trying to copy my sibling for sympathy points, especially because their reference point for OCD is someone completely non-functional, while I hold down a job and generally appear normal. So I'm really scared to tell them, also because I think they would ask for details and I'm not at all comfortable sharing them.
>>2413659Do you have any strategies to cope with the
triggers? What sort of excuses do you use with other people, if that's something that is a problem for you? Have you found anything that helped?
No. 2413672
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>>2413667>Do you have any strategies to cope with the triggers?i am sorry anon but i dont really have any advice for you since i do not treat my ocd in any way (therapy, self-help, medication, etc…) i just let it control me most of the time. please do not be like me. ive heard many good things about picrel, so you should consider checking it out. you can download a digital copy from libgen if you cant afford it (i think its like 24 dollars)
No. 2413677
>>2413667Here, anon, revive this thread. Make sure not to sage your post.
>>>/ot/753508I would advise you look for coping mechanisms and strategies in the meantime, and consider trying meds again in the future. Now that you're an adult, you can have control over your treatment plan. Your body also changes as you get older, the effects medications have on you may change. You might also be able to use a combination of different meds that aren't necessarily for OCD.
After you make your post in the OCD thread, you should reply to the posts from the Autism/ADHD thread I linked earlier. Ask those anons to reply to you in OCD thread, because they seem to be doing well and could maybe share some advice from their therapists.
No. 2413780
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>>2413765Pretty sure it is, but I just grabbed it off a random offsite post. Picrel is full image, I cropped so the op text wouldn't break so much. You can try reverse image searching it.
No. 2413948
>>2413696>Is it better to just keep my head down altogether until I can find another job?Yes. If the whole office is the problem, you're not going to fix it by yourself and any attempts to do so will probably come back at you harshly. And tbh admonishments coming from someone who is usually quiet, earnest, and focused on the job are a lot more impactful than admonishments coming from someone who does them often. A quiet
>I don't think this is appropriate for the workplace. What are your thoughts on [work related topic]? works wonders.
No. 2414587
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Would it be wrong for me to permanently ghost my entire friend group because I think they're too fat for me?
And before anyone says I'm underage, no I'm not! I'm 19!(bait)
No. 2414802
>>2414707I did this and I love never having a period or period pain. No noticeable side effects for years.
>>2414744I would say that "unpredictable and unreliable" is weird scaremongering and "more often than not comes with side effects worse than PMS" is likely just factually inaccurate, but a fairer assessment might be "hormonal birth control doesn't work for everyone so be judicious in assessing how it affects you and if you have a reasonable prescriber."
No. 2414878
>>2414707You have a few options. With birth control pills, there are 3 weeks of birth control and 1 week of sugar pills. To stop having a period, you keep taking the pills with birth control instead of the sugar pills.
With a nuvaring, instead of taking it out after 3 weeks to bleed for 1 week, you put a new one in right after. You can do this 3x in a row before you have to have at least one period so you don't risk osteoporosis.
With the above methods, you need your doctor on board in order to keep prescribing the correct amount of birth control for you. With a hormonal IUD (NOT copper), it's inserted and you have mild bleeding from the insertion for a few days to a week. Then your cycle still continues as your body adjusts to it. This one is the least consistent because everyone's body reacts differently to the IUD. Your period could stop within a few months, half a year, or after a year. Some women have their periods stop after two years. Even after it stops, you might have a break through period or three as your body continues to adjust. You might also need the IUD removed and reinserted if it's crooked, or if it's a dud in some way.
There is also a surgical option called "endometrial ablation". This is considered a more "last resort" option for women who have ungodly heavy periods or bleeding that doesn't stop. Your obgyn essentially inserts a tool into your uterus through your vagina and cervix to "destroy" the lining of the uterus. This greatly reduces bleeding, and there's a good chance menstruation will stop. It's very rare, but the lining may grow back after the procedure. Because the uterine lining is damaged, and that's where the zygote implants, it could lead to pregnancy complications (failure to carry to term, health complications, etc). So you don't want this one if you're planning on kids in the future, BUT you still need to use protection or birth control because you may still become pregnant.
No. 2414890
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>>2414744>>2414802>>2414831Thank you for your input. I guess I'll stick with having a period because I can't afford going to a hospital repeatedly for the treatments and I'm too afraid of the side effects since my mom had breast cancer because of birth control.
No. 2414942
>>2414937A nuvaring is inserted into your vagina at home, with your own hands. An IUD does not require a surgical operation.
You need to be 18 or older to post here.
No. 2414947
>>2414802Yeah, anons have to remember there's everyone from scrotes to tradthots to tinfoil conspiritards to holistic dweebs posting on this site. And they all don't want you on birth control for different reasons kek
>>2414945Well if you stopped taking birth control and the symptoms didn't stop, then it probably wasn't the birth control, was it?
No. 2415005
>>2414994I think our experience is average and the people speaking out about it happen to be the minority, but they're upset about it, and that's why they're replying warning her off of it.
Also see
>>2414947 No. 2415631
>>2414890Getting an IUD is like half an hour at a gynecologist. When I got mine replaced I had some mild cramping for the rest of the day, that's it. I need to come in every five years to get it replaced.
You can also go off of birth control pills really easily, so I would just try it to see if it works for you.
No. 2415787
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Why does LC work fine in my Firefox browser but redirects to on my Chrome browser? Is this an ancient inside joke that I haven't caught on??(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 2415813
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My kitty is dying and i dont know what to do. I took her to the vet and they told me to give her a syrup and feed her with a syringe, but she is not getting better. Resorting here to ask you nonnies for help. Her sympthoms are
>she's not eating, i keep force feeding hre but she doesnt seem to gain weight
>she goes through periods of being fine then fainting and not being able to even walk then back to being fine
>she's very young, a month and half
>the vet only told me to force feed her, i cannot take her to more vets because i ran out of money and her dedicated vet is on vacation until next month
what the fuck should i do?
No. 2415852
>>2415843Yes. First thing i did when i found the litter was take them to the vet and they were all dewormed and weighted and nothing wrong was found.
>>2415847I tried but my only family is my mother and she wont lend me money. I got no one else to rely on and the hospitalization is 200 usd(100 usd is the min wage in my country)
No. 2415983
>>2415862>Search for loansharksWhat a retarded thing to say.
>>24158136 weeks old is very young. It shouldn't have been separated from its mother until 8-10 weeks. Your cat will most likely die because it's failing to thrive. It's outside of your control. It's upsetting, but it's part of nature. In the future, try to adopt a cat that's older 10-12 weeks old.
No. 2416160
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Wtf is he doing for him to be posed like this
No. 2416178
>>2416160He's killing a bad guy sexly
I love Dick so much
No. 2416339
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Do redpill men really believe that all women are easy sluts with bodycounts in the thousands, yet men are so sex starved that they're somehow forced to go overseas to get a chance with a woman? Where are the women finding men to have sex with then, if no men are getting sex? What is the logic?
Picrel slightly related. From a top thread on AskMen yesterday. I literally don't understand how this stuff is reaching the mainstream, it should've remained in retard containment.
No. 2416355
>>2416339Very odd how this Filipina types
exactly like a bitter Western scrote kek. I know pickme's exist but so do incels who like pretending to be women.
No. 2416452
>>2416432It creates a
toxic environment so sperms die but yeah, it keeps the body in a constant low-level inflammation which cannot be that great
No. 2416488
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>>2416460Their dress is lifted from Spanish religious orders. The hat is called a capirote. It was worn by people doing the Inquisitions back in the day so that's where the KKK would see the link.
No. 2416501
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I got this at the market today, is it safe to use?
No. 2416507
nonny, thats very insightful
No. 2416570
>>2416432What? Copper isn't
toxic to you. There are cases of copper toxicity, but it's pretty rare. Your body needs some amount of copper to function.
>>2416413Her brothers can be doing fine, but she can still die. Other anon is correct, she shouldn't have been separated so early and what's happening is probably failure to thrive. If you've been taking care of her properly, then it's not your fault. It just happens. It may even have something to do with why the litter was abandoned.
Unfortunately, there are some things we'll just never know, and with stray cats that sometimes includes why they get sick.
No. 2416810
>>2416807Their preference is “child”.
I wish they all died honestly.
No. 2416918
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I've always wanted to share my ideas/art with the world and inspire other people, but I have no idea how to get myself out there. I don't want myself to be famous exactly, I'd honestly want to be anonymous about it, and I don't want money either. I just want to not take everything in my mind to the grave, but I have no idea how. I don't really know anyone irl and all my attempts to start blogs online, engage with communities, make friends, etc. lead nowhere with me getting quietly ignored by everyone. It depresses me that I can't express myself to anyone, I feel like I'm shadowbanned from life. I'm not a genius artist or anything but I want to connect with people, you know? How do I… do that?
No. 2417073
>>2416723i feel like theyd be MORE likely to offend with a fat kid because fat kids usually have less self confidence and predators love
victims with low self confidence
No. 2418182
>>2416570But that’s what the descriptions of copper IUD’s say though? They say the copper is
toxic do your womb and the sperm which is how it works to prevent pregnancy
No. 2418356
>>2416570Copper is absolutely
toxic to cells. And yes, we need a certain amount of copper for our cells to function, but too much is a bad thing. That's why copper IUDs work, they're
toxic enough to kill sperm by disrupting its ability to swim, as well as
toxic enough to prevent implantation if a sperm does reach an egg, but not enough copper to kill most other cells.
No. 2418451
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Asking to the nigel owners. How easy is it to get a moid to indulge in your weird fetishes? its the only reason i want a bf.
No. 2418457
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>>2418451I feel like if you have to ask, you're too fat
No. 2418877
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>>2418009yes. i love cute fursuits and actually want to make a fursona but i am so disgusted by all the animalfuckers and sex pests in the furry fandom. i would never join.
No. 2418889
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maybe you'd like the more cartoony expressive ones
No. 2418899
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>>2418877kemono fursuits are adorable
No. 2418912
>>2418889disgusting. furfaggotry should be banned on sight
>>2418877what's the point of dressing like an animal tho. can't you just get a plushie or something
No. 2418916
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I consider the Pickleweed family pretty adorable
No. 2418933
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How can you say to your sister, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your sister's eye
No. 2418984
>>2418953Jesus has been depicted as a lion for ages and is the Lion of Judah that was talked about in Revelation. To make him a dog would be okay but the furries who depict him as a lamb or lion are following canon.
>>2418959No, God gave you free will so your actions have consequences.
No. 2419024
>>2419008Yeah but the pill is poisonous to your body nonnas
>>2419011That’s very interesting, I wasn’t aware of that. But it seems like the pill, the patch, the nexplanon, and the IUD’s are all incredibly dangerous and unhealthy for your body if you don’t need them. Like I know there are women who suffer from hormonal problems, endometriosis, stuff like that etc who need birth control but getting on it just to fuck? Seems so unnecessary tbh
No. 2419158
>>2419099What do you mean long term?
>>2419012Yeah I was on it for painful periods for like 10 years. I don't recommend… Stopped taking it 3 years ago because I was getting extremely suicidal right before my period would start. Going off of it made me lose SO much hair. I felt so fucking awful about myself, it took 2 years for it to fully grow back in. I'm glad I didn't get blood clots. My mom and I were never told about any of those side effects when I was fucking 15.
No. 2419168
>>2419158That’s fucking horrendous
nonny, they gave you birth control for painful periods when you were a teenager instead of just…. helping you make your periods
less painful? I’m so sorry you went through that
No. 2419242
>>2419239I grow weary. Refer to this post
>>2419204 if you wish to understand. Good day.
No. 2419248
>>2419198its obvious that alot of anons arent familiar with 2nd wave literature
>>2419245it depends on the cost of living in your area, living with roomies is a great option if you want to save money or live independently from family
No. 2419249
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>>2419243I said good day to you, sir
No. 2419308
>>2419253I go whenever the ends are too dry and start bothering me. That's usually every 6 months but it may be less if my hair gets damaged. I always get the same cut and I really like it. I can't remember the last time I did any treatments. I usually apply masks at home.
Separate question: Is it possible for me to be autistic even though I don't have any social issues? I'm quiet and introverted but I can read social situations and facial expressions easily. I rarely ever commit a faux pas.
The reason I think I might be is because I have a lot of other typically autistic traits: Repetitive movements, repetitive sounds, aversion to certain textures and foods. I have a few autistic friends and they sometimes say I seem autistic, but my understanding is that you can't be autistic without having any social difficulties.
No. 2419359
>>2419357Why do I give weird vibes to people then
No. 2419367
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>>2419353Do you style and take care of your hair? I think at minimum not having frizzy hair would elevate someone away from having a crusty vibe if they are otherwise also taking care of themselves.
No. 2419421
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>>2419181nta, but those symptoms seems pretty standard from what i have heard about birth control. They definitely could have cited their sources, but they haven't said anything wrong, hence why anon probably posted it. The nhs lists most of the same things No. 2419628
>>2419622Oh, this is very interesting actually. Hunger signals are just nerves and hormones, there's no actual feeling of "fullness" that is universal. Since everyone is different, that's why some people can eat more in one sitting. It's how GLP-1 medications work, they mimick gut hormones that control feelings of fullness, and the speed of your digestion.
Pretty neat stuff!
No. 2419739
>>2419729Maybe if you're in a small town? My doctor works pretty long hours. You might be better off getting a cat and an automatic feeder and self cleaning litter box.
The thing about dogs is they need regular walks and training, but as a doctor you wouldn't be available for that 5 days out of the week. Even my dad's cat gets upset when he does a regular 9 to 5, I can't imagine how abandoned or needy a dog would feel.
No. 2419754
>>2419741I don't know how common it is but my mom told me she never had painful periods back before menopause hit.
Of course I don't get that luck.
She thought I should get checked out for my mild cramps until I told her about how much worse it is for other women that I've read about here.
No. 2419953
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All my blind bitches here, is it worth it to buy a pair of driving glasses, or is it useless if you already have glasses with anti-glare?
No. 2420101
>>2420097Profound mental enlightenment.
Or not.
No. 2420113
>>2419595Is there any specific Ghibli film?
I always get mixed messages on how much Japan does or does not acknowledge its actions in WW2 and before. I do know that there have been a scattering of times throughout the decades of politicians apologizing for their treatment of the Koreans, and Chinese, sometimes they'll give some words about POWs. I've also been told that in Japan's schools when they go over WW2 they do tend to center themselves as the ultimate
victims because they got nuked but I always wonder about the specifics. Do they really teach it as 'yeah meanie US stopped trading with us so we had to le epic troll them by doing Pearl Harbor along with the Philippines bc why not and they went to war with us and nuked us sadface but its ok because we're besties now".
Is there really no 'woke' Japanese person that would make an anime touching on this or would it just be too controversial?
No. 2420136
>>2420113Nta, my guess is the Japanese are probably very nationalistic and possibly proud of their imperialist history and war crimes because it makes them feel powerful. And they play
victim with the nuclear bombs that they were bombed with so they feel no remorse sense they have a
victim card of their own. Add to it that they rose from the ashes after that and developed as a country and didn't let the bombing ruin their future forever, so they basically have no regrets in a way.
No. 2420160
>>2419376Silk pillowcase/bonnet and black castor oil on damp hair.
>>2419411Gay moids are some of the most bitter and miserable humans on the planet. If your work parasite tries any shit with you, point out that they also have no husband or children, and ask if that means you're besties4eva now. If he keeps going on about one single thing it means he's sensitive about that topic, so ask lots of questions about his own experiences with it, since he's clearly so knowledgeable.
No. 2420180
>>2420136That makes sense. It always makes me kek when Korean netizens will spam pics of the nuclear bomb when random Japanese things get brought up in their media and then Japanese netizens will pearl clutch about it on their respective social media sites lol
I do wonder tho if the US used the bomb on Nazi Germany (which was likely) would people today look back on it differently compared to it being done to Japan?
No. 2420238
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I am sorry for being retarted but This is really fucking me up. i never had a boyfriend and i am old and desperate for one. Met a guy online who is into the things i like and is nice etc but i do not like his personality and eventthough i just met him i really do not want to keep talkig to him
would it be monkeybranching/entitlied/delusional for me to reject him right now?
No. 2420260
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>>2420245>>2420249>>2420252true but the fomo and in general the media/society always tells us that if you reject a guy you are entitlied so i guess i have internalized it so it is hard for me to let go right now. I will sleep it off and block him tomoroow
i still feel bad doing this since i feel that most moids are
abusive and that if i keep being picky something bad is going to happen somehow i end with a covert abuser idk
>>2420256true but i crave romantic heterosexual stuff atleast once in my life
No. 2420287
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Do these fruit loops have canon personalities? Some faggot got mad at me because I said these guys are music mascots and not really dimensional characters on their own. I always thought people just project whatever onto them?
No. 2420294
>>2420274And as soon as they become useless abandon the ship immediately
>he loses his jobYou are not a mommy, leave
>he gets sickLeave
>he cheatsLeave immediately
>he doesn’t respect your boundaries Leave ASAP.
>he gets fat and ugly Leave
Leave because if he were in your shoes he would leave too, men don’t even give a second thought. No such thing as true and unconditional love.
No. 2420306
>>2420301not me
>>2420293not thirty yet but not young so do not remind me of my age and never have had a relationship. I can write like a proper adult but not rn when i am salty
No. 2420428
What fucking bait you muppets
Fuck you and your idpol shit
You are just perpetuating this
>>2420150In whose interest is it to divide us
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You can restrict in which country a YouTube video can be watched in, right? Can you restrict it for the country you're uploading it from?
No. 2420752
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Is it toxic/abusive/bad to ask your moid to get hair implants when he starts balding?
Never have been in a relationship before but i am curious. Reddit thinks it is but personally i do not think i could stay if the moid loses his hair
No. 2420769
>>2420765Reddit is misogyny central so anything a woman does is le bad. No, it's not
toxic or
abusive to ask a moid to get hair implants. Send that man to Turkey.
No. 2420952
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how many women use lolcow daily? like, the user base numbers. i don't even know if this would be publicly available info i'm just curious
No. 2420955
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>>2420952I thought it was around 1000 but I don't remember where I saw that or if it's even true
No. 2421003
>>2420785different anon but I also had a nose job and even if it's slightly botched the way I was treated changed so drastically that I refuse to think about it lest I be completely blackpilled
men crying about their height or canthal tilt or whatever deserve it, not that they're actually worrying about their looks instead of externalizing it onto womankind and wanting to rape and kill them all for being "lookist"
No. 2421010
>>2421003Ntayrt but nose jobs and plastic surgery in general are way more common than people think. I always laugh at anons on here that chimp out about plastic surgery because they have this idea that all plastic surgery looks bad because they're only familiar with botch jobs.
>the way I was treated changed so drastically I started getting treated differently too, but I don't think it was because of the nose job itself but the effects of the nose job on my self-esteem. I became way more confident after my surgery, and I think that other people respond better to confident people and tend to treat them better.
No. 2421028
>>2421016I think it's a mix. The halo effect is definitely real. The more attractive you are, the more bad shit you can get away with. At least in my experience anyway.
>>2421025IIRC spiro is only used in the treatment of female pattern baldness? I don't think moids can use it for their type of hair loss.
No. 2421543
>>2421495>Do they have a discussion and agree on it and then the nigel does a proposal at a surprise date?This is the good and modern way to do it. It shouldn't be a
complete surprise, that's how you end up trapped in a shitty marriage to some asshole who wants you to be his babyfarm bangmaid. Both parties should at least agree ahead of time that they want to get married, and what they expect from a marriage (if they want kids/how many, where they want to live, etc). With that on the table, it's the nigel's job to plan the proposal. He doesn't even need a ring to propose with - for my nigel and I, we've agreed that he'll propose without a ring so we can choose one together. I've always balked at the idea of letting him pick the ring on his own, but even if he did, I love him enough to say yes, yet I'm also secure enough in our relationship to say "That shit's ugly" when that shit is indeed ugly. If I was scared to tell him he got me an ugly ring, I wouldn't marry him.
No. 2421690
>>2421673same, i want to imagine
>>2420952 is Elsie's mother but then would mean that Elsie's mom slept with a man
No. 2421712
>>2421693My GP just changed my iron subscription and told me to wait 6 weeks before doing another blood test to let me adjust. (don't take my word for it though)
>I’m deathly afraid and fainty of needles kekIt genuinely doesn't hurt whatsoever. I'm in the habit of looking away when my blood gets drawn and most of the time I can't even feel when it started or ended
No. 2421721
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>>2421693The needle isn't a big deal, it's the sensation of having your blood sucked out that's creepy. kekekekek
No. 2422485
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>>2422481Stop talking about this!
No. 2422569
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>>2422568No it’s more like it would be pronounced as you but spelled as yov. V was used for both v and u.
No. 2422694
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Am I going fucking crazy? Istg I saw these exact replies posted three days ago
No. 2423535
>>2421712My arm is numb and bruised and a woman legit was screaming like a banshee (she had worse fear than me at the clinic) which made me even more nervous but I am the type to internalize fear and not have big meltdowns so I silently panicked while the nurse sucked my blood dry (6 ViALS!!!) with the tiniest needle. Veins too small I got poke 5 times before she found it and nearly fainted after looking at the 6 vials. Wasn’t as bad as I thought! I thought I would’ve been like that woman… they had to restrain her screaming and thrashing so they had two guys hold her down while another woman soothed her.
No. 2423655
>>2423614No that isn’t too late. Most women who have kids have kids at that age now. Every pregnancy is different too, so keep that in mind.
My mom had 4 kids all in her 30s and we are not disabled or autistic. I know someone who had her first kid in her late 40s (with IVF) and her son is the sweetest moidling ever, very obedient and disciplined. He didn’t even get his first phone too until age 14. Older parents are wiser parents imo.
No. 2423867
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Not a single day passes when this isnt used as a reference for the current state of USA's pushback on reproductive rights and shit, but the book's setting had a VERY specific system where women were being raped by rich dudes. Am I missing something? Why do everyone and their grandma cry "its literlaly the Handmaids tale happening in real life!" on every platform?Am I missing something?
No. 2423870
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Any advice on detangling naturally wavy hair? I've showered daily and used shampoo and conditioner but would head straight to bed after it, then would wear my hair up in a tight bun and so on. Kept delaying actually combing through it for almost a month and a half, am I fucked? what can I do?
No. 2423975
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If they were going to have a threesome who would be right on the bottom? (Elon is looking in the whole time wishing he was in on it)
No. 2423997
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>>2423986>mfw i agree it'd be vance but for different reasons, mainly i genuinely see vance (aka gayd as bi) Can totally see a scenario where Trump tries to further humiliate Zelenskyy by telling him there's no way he can fuck Vance as good as he (Trump) can and Vance is like "yeahh man" but then Trump nuts too quick due to his old man ED + viagra combo and Zelenskyy gains some leverage
No. 2424031
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>>2423975if they were told trump would lose the presidency if they didn't fuck him then vance would probably start thinking about having the presidency himself but elon would get on his knees and start sucking like henry the hoover
No. 2424046
nonny now i can go to bed and face the horrors of tomorrow
No. 2424050
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>>2424046here's two for good measure, sleep well
nonny No. 2424089
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We know the majority of men are closeted homos and crave for cock/a warm shithole then why is it that the prevalence of male homicide victims that have also been raped so low? It is mostly small kids or teens who get the short end of the straw. You'd chalk it up to the similarity of their builds which makes rape harder than compared to a smaller woman but we know being alive has never stopped men.
…or perhaps what actually happens is that law efforcement or/and the families spare those kind of details for the sake of the male victim's "honor"? A while ago in my country there was a gruesome murder where the fact that the male victim (in his thirties) was brutally raped was initially omitted by all media until the details got leaked by a police officer. The family sued the entire police department because that very fact had tarnished the man's memory (their words, not mine. I remember remember how the brothers and mother appeared on tv breaking down in tears that word had got out their relative had been a victim of rape, more than the crime itself if it makes sense?). So this makes me wonder if IT might be the case here.
No. 2424131
>>2424085If I post more and samefag and such I’ll get banned
I want more freedom in the boards!
No. 2424137
>>2424085Well it is niche, I'm pretty sure the active posters are less than a hundred.
If we want the poster population to increase we need to pass this imageboard with other crypto girlies in secret. Like Fight Club for girls.
No. 2424152
>>2424085Because anything and everything has become bannable now. It's not worth it anymore. Also I noticed more anons lately asking for permabans
>>2424137Idk about niche, it gets namedropped on social media constantly
No. 2424496
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I've been living with my friend as roommates for 2 years and it had never bothered me before but recently I noticed she has a specific smell… which I really don't like, it smells bad.
It's not that she has bad hygiene or anything, it's literally just her own specific body smell that everyone has Ig and I just never noticed it before.
What can I do to avoid "getting" the same smell? I know I sound like a bitch but it's gotten to the point where I avoid having her over in my room because I dislike it so bad…
Am I insane? I really don't want to smell like that but it's not like I can just tell her that because it's not caused by poor hygiene it's just her natural smell.
She has a shitty diet so maybe that's it Idk maybe I smell like that to other people too…
No. 2424512
>>2424503Tbh it reminds me a little of that specific "old people" smell if you know what I mean. It's very potent too, I can smell it just standing next to her.
I do use vinegar in my laundry already, good to know it might help.
>unless they have dietary issuesShe does have a shit diet, yeah. I always remind her to eat more vegetables and less sugary foods but she doesn't rly listen.
I'm thinking of using essential oils to combat this, add it to the laundry along with vinegar, diffusing them in my room, etc.
No. 2424528
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Does a series selling out retroactively ruin a series for you?
How much responsibility for the respectability of an ip is on the original creators?
No. 2424578
>>2424528It depends tbh. Some series do well and still have quality when they sell out, some don't. It's a case by case thing. For Evangelion, wasn't its whole thing that it's anti-otaku or something? I'm not 100% sure because I never liked it and think it's overrated, but people who pretend to be smart for liking it say it is. In that case, it's really ironic that it became popular with otaku and weebs and became an iconic anime creeps and NEETs and weirdos love, then it gave in and went against its supposed message and started pandering to the audience it claimed to dislike and criticize. Makes me lose any respect for it. Seems disingenuous. If the original mangaka is involved in its current state, then yeah he's responsible for this, if not, he isn't and it's the fault of the people who own the rights to the IP using it that way.
Similarly, AoT also stopped being a more serious less shounen show and ended up selling out, but it's 100% the mangaka's fault because he wanted it that way. The additional recent content doesn't add to the story nor fix anything, it's absolute fan service trash.
An IP that I think was still nice when it sold out would be Winx Club. While lots of people dislike the changes because kids show bad, I didn't mind them personally. It still followed its goal, creative and modernized fairies, magic system, and world-building. The newer transformations (Believix onwards) where all modern and a new breath of fresh air with interesting main powers, especially Sirenix breaking the mold of water transformation=mermaid and instead, giving them emo/scene-esque diver suits. Cosmix having a 60s futurism and space inspired style is also creative to me. World of Winx transformations making them magical women instead was great to see. The music was great, the backgrounds were beautiful, some of the newer characters and storylines were interesting. I don't think it lost its magic, but got more magical instead and ditched the fantasy themes that I was never a big fan of. It's not as bad as people say at all. And thanks to them selling out, they're now working on a reboot with an even more modernized take and possibly new ideas and characters, and getting a chance to redo all the main big plot points right this time with less flaws and plot holes. So I'm looking forward to it.
No. 2424696
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>>2424672It’s hard for me to really say without seeing an example, but it sounds like your bobbin isn’t loaded correctly/the right size/have adequate tension.
No. 2424846
>>2424835>realistically, a man will over power a woman physically.Would a 5'6 man who has never exercised a day in his life be able to overpower Ilona Maher? You people are so brain dead and misogynistic that I pity you.
>>2424841So stop being a sitting duck. Sign up for self-defense courses. Start exercising. It's not that hard at all. Nobody has the power to save you except you.
No. 2424856
>>2424851>>2424854You're both right. I was being retarded. Every single woman, all of us, are actually weak and tiny and small and we don't have any strength at all. Every women is actually just a
victim waiting to be assaulted by men, and every man is actually stronger, fitter, and more physically capable than any woman. You're all right, I was being so stupid for thinking that the world is more than means and averages. So sorry for my insolence. In the future, I'll remember that every woman is a weak dainty fragile thing just waiting for a man to destroy her.
No. 2424874
>>2424856>Every single woman, all of us, are actually weak and tiny and small and we don't have any strength at all.Yep, that's exactly what I said. Word for word. Thanks for recognizing your inferiority.
>>2424869I think she's serious, just retarded. The funny thing is, I think women should defend themselves, but being unrealistic about the truth of reality is stupid. Just buy a gun and train with it. Doesn't matter if you're going up against the strongest, most highly trained man in the world if you're out of arm's reach and have a gun.
No. 2424899
>>2424885The other two have already answered you, but I'm also going to reassure you that you can graduate. My friend is a professor and her school (which is one of the top ranked in both the state and the nation) won't let her fail a student who has flunked every test and not showed up to any of the classes.
Are you able to get adderall in your country? Because it sounds like you're actually having trouble focusing. If not, start using magnesium before bed, doing at least an hour of hard exercise a day, and cutting out as much sugar as possible. Those will make it easier to focus.
No. 2424923
>>2424885ehh, i am so dumb that i learned how to talk 5 years after other kids and needed intensive speech therapy, but i pretty much grew up reading a lot and never using social media or my phone, and ended up really good in academics - until my mental breakdown in college and eventual degradation - to the point where i was almost valedictorian. the mind is pliable: you gain confidence over minor stuff, move up, etc.
i guarantee you that your primary roadblock is that you've fixated on the idea of learning rather than focusing on the act of it, the competence is often a byproduct of that rather than a precursor.
No. 2424947
>>2424899>adderallI read that technically it's legal here but it's not available at any drugstore and only if your doctor really wants to prescribe it for you thry have to import it to our country or something like that. Normally they prescribe Ritalin for people with adhd and idk if it works the same way. Do you have any experience eith adderall? Does it actually work and would I have to take it for the rest of my life or just throughout the university?
>>2424901well I am autistic and my therapist suspects I may also have adhd and encourages to me to get diagnosed, but I don't want to feel like even bigger of a retard. That scenario with getting more anxious and frustrated at college seems more realistic. I wish I knew how studying at college looks technically. Do you also need to make presentations in front of the whole class like at school?? Because I fucking hate talking in front of the group and there's no way I'm doing it
No. 2424982
>>2424973I think some women really can if they're of African descent, but even then that's not
all of them.
No. 2425042
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>>2425026Speak for yourself anon
No. 2425051
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>>2425046I think most people are born with hair bc so many people live in India/China and they're usually born with hair
No. 2425055
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How many anons were born with eyes this colour that switched to something else later?
No. 2425058
>>2424947Ritalin is just as good. Yeah, I've been on and off Adderall for thirteen years. It works amazing. When I first got on it, I thought that I was faking my ADHD and was just lazy, but it really has been life changing. Before Adderall, I would avoid basic tasks like eating and showering, instead I would sit there and do nothing while feeling an ever greater sense of panic and self hatred. On Adderall, I think "I need to study/shower/eat" and then I just get up and do it. Like magic.
Ideally, you take it to get through college and then you stop, because the less you take Adderall, the better. And I'll use the term Adderall as a stand in for any stimulant to treat ADHD, but this counts for Ritalin too. It makes you concentrate, and it overcomes executive dysfunction, but it does this by changing the receptors in your brain and by constantly activating your fight or flight system. So long term use, your sleep suffers, your brain becomes physically addicted to it, it fries your dopamine receptors, and it literally wears down your body. But this is with years of use.
One way to prevent the harmful side effects, is giving your body as much of a break from it as possible. So if you have to do classes Monday through Friday, then you don't take any Adderall on Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to be truthful, this way of doing it sucks. Your body is like a bank account, and the Adderall charges a bunch of debt to the credit card. So when you go off of it on those weekends, you suddenly have to pay up. You'll be sleepy, kinda exhausted, you'll either be nauseous and not want food or else you'll be ravenous, you'll have weak self control, and nothing will really make you happy or excited, because your body used up all its dopamine throughout the week. But the payoff for doing it like this is that normally, people start building a tolerance to Adderall pretty quickly, and so you need larger and larger doses to get the same effect, which is harder and harder on your body. And by taking weekend breaks, you really slow down how fast your body builds tolerance and give your body more time to repair. My friend and I got on Adderall at roughly the same time, but while I take it four days a week once daily, she takes it seven days a week twice daily. So thirteen years later, I only take 10 mg once daily and it still works great, and she takes 80 mg twice daily and she's really getting diminishing results.
So, in an ideal world, you would use it to get through the toughest studying period of your life and then wean yourself off of it. Living with ADHD with no medication looks like daily meditation, eating a diet low in sugar and high in leafy greens, supplementing with magnesium and a mutli-vitamin, and exercising every single day. Like I said, it was a life saver for me, but it messes with your brain chemistry, so it's going to take like a year for your brain to return to normal after you stop using it.
If you do decide that you want to go on it, there are some tricks that really help. One, you'll need a magnesium supplement. Your body is going to go through magnesium and electrolytes like nobody's business, so you're going to have to intake way more than an average person. Drink tons of water with electrolytes. Two, take it in the morning with protein. This ensures it activates quickly and you get the most out of each dose. Three, avoid taking anything with vitamin C one hour before or after taking it, as vitamin C nullifies it.
>I wish I knew how studying at college looks technicallyLook up Youtube videos. Seriously, if you never learned how to study, you can go online and learn how to study, and to study for college in particular.
>Do you also need to make presentations in front of the whole class like at school??You will have to do those, but it's very rare. I think I only ended up doing two in my entire four years. But that's the point of college, they teach you how to do skills that you will need in life.
No. 2425159
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>>2425055samefag this chart with the racist/autistic sperging removed is helpful. My eye colour went from the second or third row to the fourth or fifth row
No. 2425203
>>2424689Good question. There are many factors, the label they work in, the trends at the time, the producers who work with them, the taste they personally have and the sound and vision they have for their music, the passion they have when they're just starting, trying to emulate their favorite artists etc. Once they succeed and make money, they get a little bit arrogant, lose their initial genuine sincere drive, and start thinking of it in terms of money and fame and how they can be even more successful, so they end up straying away from their original authentic sound and start copying and doing things they don't truly like or know anything about. They may move on to a bigger label, get a new more popular producer and so on, which all end up influencing the music and changing the quality of their sound. A big example of this imo is Linkin Park. When they started, they obviously had a passion for rock and metal, especially Chester with this singing and writing, although Mike Shinoda was more into rap and wanted to incorporate that somehow, and coincidentally Nu-metal was on the rise at the time so they hopped on a trend that actually fitted them at the time. But once Nu-metal died out, they wanted to get on with the times and they started incorporating a more pop/electronic sound, but it's just not their thing truly, they did it because they wanted to stay relevant.
Another factor in some other bands/for other artists is disputes between the members, creative differences, one thinking their ideas and taste is better than all the others, or a producer and label getting too involved and trying to change the artist/band's sound by force and threats, so they end up caving in and you can "hear" it in their music. The passion might also die with time but they have to keep pumping out albums because it's how they earn a living, and they start to resent it, so it shows in their music. Although I'd say a band like Cattle Decapitation has the opposite situation. They started a bit more generic and unoriginal, but with time developed their own distinct sound and style and got really comfortable in it and produced 4 consecutive masterpiece albums from 2012 until now. While their 1999-2010s albums were meh. Hearing the progression and improvement in their later albums is so satisfying. And it's because they've been working with the same producer for these last 4 albums and they seem to be on the same page while also each of them gets the spotlight somehow and does his little own thing. So no resentment or disagreements between the members. And it helps they're still a relatively obscure and indie band, so no fame or too much money to get into their heads and take away the passion. Idk of they have separate jobs and income sources though or if they make money from music only, but whatever they're doing is just working for them and is the perfect recipe for progress and longevity. I'm not an expert though, this is just an opinion and observation of mine.
For illustration, it's a physical practical skill before the creativity come into the picture. So the more someone draws, the better they are at it, mo matter how basic a design is. So naturally, they improve with time. The creativity is already there, they just need the means to show it and express it, and that being the ability to illustrate. The better they illustrate, the better the expression. Again, I'm not an artist or anything this is just speculation on my end. I hope you found your answer.
No. 2425233
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>>2425055my eyes looked like the baby's in the original pic and now they look like picrel.
No. 2425436
>>2424689It might change due to what's going on with the band member's personal lives, how well they handle touring and the irregular hours/travel fatigue when the group is really popular. I listened to a band that had a bad breakup and the drummer mentioned he broke his foot on tour, thought it'd be "worth it" to stay in the lineup and it just made it worse for
his health, the lead singer moved across the country and got into drugs so he was unreliable/huge pain in the ass to do anything with , etc
No. 2425536
>>2424689Musicians improve their playing over time in the same way as an illustrator does, they become more technically proficient with practice. But you're talking about songwriting, and in that case creativity and inspiration are harder to sustain for a long period of time. Consistently coming up with new melodies or riffs or hooks forever is pretty much impossible without some loss of quality (or repeating yourself/stagnating, or plagiarizing, or changing in a way that old fans resent), and improved technical skills don't compensate for that.
I suppose artists can run out of ideas in the same way, but it probably won't make people seethe the way a famous band releasing a shitty album might.
No. 2425701
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Why are there so many bear memes in /m/? I usually ignore this board but sensed a disturbance, are we being troonraided again or is this a new moid cope? I don't care for moids rn but bears smell like shit and are dangerous too
No. 2425705
>>2425702Ty nona, I missed this
>the man vs bear thing is essentially a thought experiment where specifically women are asked ‘would you rather be alone in the woods with a random bear or with a random man?’ the typical response to the question is the woman either having to stop and think for a moment, or sincerely answering they’d rather be in the woods with a bear. there’s a lot of factors as to why the bear feels like the favourable outcome. the specific setting is one of them - if a person you don’t know is alone in the woods, it kind of has an ominous feeling, like they might be there for negative reasons. meanwhile, bears just kind of live there already, if you’re gonna be in the woods and you live somewhere where there’s bears there might be bears. if the same question was asked with the specification that they were locked in a room instead, the answers would probably be different. additionally, women are gonna be nervous around unfamiliar lone men for pretty obvious reasons. of course it sucks for people to be judged based on their presented gender alone, but being raised in a culture so heavily entrenched in gender based violence and assault is gonna leave a lasting impact on most people raised as women. harassment and assault is a lot more common than a lot of cis men seem to realise, including in public. people tend to cite crime statistics as a response to that, when a huge majority of those instances go unreported, because what’s the point? one response i saw to the question was even ‘if i got killed by the bear at least people would believe me,’ which i think sums it up pretty well.[removed troon whining from quote]
No. 2425859
>>2424856I can't tell if you're a low-effort troll or genuinely autistic. Acknowledging the (rather shitty) reality that men
are physically stronger than women is not some pessimistic woe is me
victim mentality. It
is reality.
Pray tell, why do you think men are in more labor heavy jobs? Why do DV cases overwhelmingly have women as
victims? Why is the military male dominated? Why are there separate categories for men and women's sports?
you beat up the average male teenage athlete through sheer willpower? Ask yourself that.
No. 2425866
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What emotion does this picture convey to you? I feel like it's mischievous but I'm not sure if it reads that way to everyone.
No. 2425879
>>2425829Short answer: both
Long answer: both, but if your home country is cool, you pay slightly less in your home country because they take into account that you've already paid to the other country.
No. 2425994
>>2425942Nonna unfortunately the "hair training" or oil balancing stuff is bs if your hair is just naturally greasy. If you've got genetically greasy hair like we do then it's best to just wash your hair more often with a suitable shampoo or else the excess of oils can irritate your scalp and clog things up. It's disappointing but regular washes and a good dry shampoo will be your best friend.
Trust me, I've always had oily hair and I've tried every trick under the sun. You can't outrace genetics and it's best to just change your routine/products to work with what you've got naturally.
No. 2426043
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Is Wendy's any good?
No. 2426078
>>2426060Depends on many things, kids do get bullied but nowadays it also includes getting memes made of them and passed around the school and maybe even outside the school, there's also even more shitty stuff regarding nudes and kids are having more sex than ever.
Teachers can't do much, the kids aren't interested in going to school most of the times so they're allowed to use their phone all day long, you can't take the phone away even as a teacher because you can get in trouble, all you can do is fill out reports.
Kids are irony poisoned so they constantly joke about killing themselves.
Teachers have to basically act like clowns to get a crumb of attention from the kids so they pay attention to the class.
Moid kids will try to find reasons to touch you or hit you regardless of how pretty you may or may not be.
Kids record themselves at school CONSTANTLY and love to try and take pictures of you, specially if you tell them that you don't want any pictures taken of you, so expect becoming a meme at some point.
There's no privacy, so delete your social media accounts or wipe them in case you have any sort of picture that could be considered embarrassing, a woman almost got killed because she complained to the director of a school since the kids said that she was dancing in a lewd way, she was just hanging out with her family, the mom of the child wanted the teacher dead of course.
You can't joke with them because they get offended by anything (like "hey, this exercise is for geniuses!" because it's difficult as fuck even for a university student)
They will do anything in their power to not work at school or at home, they use AI to make their papers and tests even, you're not allowed to fail them even if you have clear proof of their cheating in a test, all you can do is repeat the test over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
They try to pry in your personal life and if you don't tell them everything about yourself you're not trying to stablish a relationship with them, this means telling them if you've had any boyfriends, why you go out, why they found you at so or so place and what were you doing there. You kind of can't use social media normally as well because the directive will check any posts you make btw (that honestly never affected me because I don't use social media but yeah).
Whatever material you prepare will be reviewed, if it's not considered good or easy enough, you will have to remake it even if it's for tomorrow morning, it will be entirely your fault if you don't do the test on time and everyone will hate your guts.
Kid will try to lynch you at any time possible and sabotage the class as much as possible, then complain to the direction if they don't understand the classes at all or if you get annoyed at them.
I can continue, I hate teaching in school, nowadays I work at a place where you teach small groups of kids that need extra classes to understand what they saw at school, most of the kids that go there are sweet except for one little faggot that I hope stubs his pinky toe for the rest of his life whenever he gets out of bed. Teaching small groups or kids individually is seriously better.
No. 2426144
>>2426140Don’t do it
nonny, it’s not worth it to have your selfies end up in some scrotes gallery
No. 2426146
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Is the pirate ib real? I know there's no point in asking for the name here (unless…), but I just need to know if it exists.
No. 2426297
>>2426146It's real. Lurk for a bit on the LC thread on JC's /shelter/ board and you'll probably be able to figure out the name of the hidden board.
It's a bit slow but much more chill than LC is
No. 2426765
More a serious question but
How strong is Indian nepotism?
It's obvious Indians practice it significantly more than whites, but how far does it extend? Like, will an Indian hire or promote an Indian that isn't from their caste or group, or is it purely a caste/religion/regional thing? Going by recent online discourse, it seems like there is a sort of Hindu solidarity in the United States.
One writer I follow called Jayhant Bhandari, who spends his time disparaging India on twitter, says Indian nepotism really isn't like people think. He says it's purely exploitative, and they only really fill up companies with other Indians because they can better slave drive Indians. From the outside it may look like they support each other and promote their own, but he asserts it's the opposite and Indians are crass self serving individualists.
There was a temple that got built in the United States recently and the upper castes literally enslaved a bunch of lower castes to help build it. They stole their passports and wouldn't let them leave, and the court documents recorded they referred to the lower castes as "worms". So it's obvious the nepotism isn't a full ethno-religious nepotism like with the Ashkenazi Jews or Mormons. But at the same time even looking around where I live there does seem to be a strong preference for Indians to give opportunities to other Indians, they lock themselves in certain industries and only hire their own.
No. 2426831
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Is it possible to know if someone deactivated or deleted their account on shitbook? i want to know if he deleted his acc so i can expose him without him having access to private info we shared on messenger.
No. 2426837
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>>2426826You can solve this by setting up ratios. So 27:71 = 51:x. Then solve for x, which ends up being 134.11kcal
No. 2426849
>>2426826You find how many calories there are in 1g of bread. 21g bread = 71 cal, so you divide 71 by 21, and then multiply that by the weight of your bread.
There are other ways you can work this out but if you're not good at maths this is probably the easiest one.
No. 2427063
>>2427061It's on the internet, which is still as
valid as a physical relationship mind you.
No. 2427147
>>2422585Earth is a geoid
And sure you can draw a circle, toolassisted.
No. 2427168
>>2426765>How strong is Indian nepotism?I have never met a group who practices it more strongly. So it's extremely strong. Normally, an Indian will first hire his friends, but if they aren't available then he'll hire someone from his caste, and if they aren't available, then he'll hire another Indian above all others.
>they only really fill up companies with other Indians because they can better slave drive Indians.I don't think this is true, because the Indian bosses I had treated everyone like garbage, not just other Indians. I think you can be extremely racist, while also thinking yourself better than your own people. Like an Englishman enslaving blacks, but still thinking of an Irishman as an animal.
No. 2427227
File: 1741022526151.jpg (420.67 KB, 2713x3238, how-to-draw-hands-102119.jpg)

nonas please help a bitch out. i was struck with a bolt of creativity last night after not drawing anything for YEARS and i am almost done with the linework but i cannot fucking get the hands right even with a reference. please link me to something that explains/gives steps on how to make simple hands look not retarded, they don't need to be detailed. its luigi fanart btw if this influences your decision to help or not. i'm losing it i'm almost done just fuck these fucking hands
No. 2427238
>>2427233they look uncanny/fat/weird when i do this
>>2427237thank u sm im watching rn. im determined to get this finished today
No. 2427325
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What's the difference between CBT, DBT, ACT and talk therapy? How do I know which one is the best for me?
No. 2427364
>>2427325This is going to be really simplified.
CBT: Your therapist shows you different ways of thinking of things and this tricks your brain into calming down. So if you're like "I hate my bellyfat and this makes me think I'm ugly, which causes me distress," your therapist then goes, "You shouldn't hate your bellyfat, this is an evolutionary choice by your body to prevent you from coming to harm during famines and pregnancy. Your body loves you and wants you to survive in any situation, so it provides this for you." At which point your brain goes, that's right! I don't have to hate myself for the way I was born, my body is just doing what's best for me! and so you no longer hate your body or feel stressed about it.
Sometimes, there are things that can't be changed, like your work situation. At which point, your therapist thinks up ways to reframe stuff so you don't hate your life so much. So instead of hating going into work, she'll have you pack yourself a little treat each day so you can look forward to lunch or think about how your paycheck is supporting your cat, who you love and want to be happy.
DBT: Are your emotions out of control all the time? Do you feel everything all at once? This one is for you. It's basically CBT, but for people who's emotional regulation is crazy off the charts (so BPD). This teaches you how to regulate your emotions enough that you're not self destructing and pushing away everyone you love. You can do the groundwork for this one yourself by looking up the charts and tips that these therapists will give you.
ACT: This therapy can honestly be summed up with "I must accept the things I cannot change, and change the things I cannot accept." and then your therapist helps you do that.
Talk therapy: Basically useless. This is for people who have no one in their life that they can be honest with, but they want to be heard and talk themself through issues while someone is listening. You can honestly do this with an AI chat bot, except it won't cost $100 an hour.
And you didn't mention it, but EMDR therapy: For some reason, if you relive a memory while bouncing your eyes back and forth, and you process the memory in a more healthy way, your brain rewrites the memory and the trauma surrounding it. Say you're in a car crash and your friend dies. It causes you horrible trauma and you flash back to it constantly and are always thinking about everything you could have done. You go to a therapist, they perform EMDR therapy while walking you through the memory. At key points while you're talking about the memory, she points out how you did everything you could, and that if you could time travel today, you would fix it, so it is pointless to feel guilt about it since there are no further actions that can ever be taken. Your brain internalizes that and fixes you.
The funny thing about this is, this one is so powerful that if you imagine that your friend lived while doing this therapy, even though it isn't the truth, your brain still rewrites the memory and makes it less traumatic. I recommend this one above all others, but you need an experienced therapist who knows what they are doing, because a bad therapist can actually rewrite the memory to be worse, and it can cause you to kill yourself.
No. 2427447
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How do I stop feeling bad about the fact that I didn't sleep with an incredibly hot guy on our first date even though I wanted to?
I rejected him because I thought it would be much more fun to go all the way later and we were also both drunk and sleep deprived.
The only reason I regret this is that it's completely possible we might never see each other again (even though there was talk about going on a second date sometime later) since he's a person I met through a dating application. I also keep wondering if he would have been more willing to meet up with me in the future if I did put out the first time we met each other. I don't know if this makes much sense.
I've been thinking about this almost obsessively for days now and I feel stupid in more ways than one because of it.
No. 2427532
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I just bought box dye and I'm not sure if I should wash my hair before applying it or just slather it on despite my hair currently being oily. I've heard it's better to build up some oils if you're bleaching, but then again this isn't pure bleach so maybe it's different. Does it even matter?
No. 2427675
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well, this is an embarrassing one. can i get some tips on learning to drive while being up in the years, having health/fatigue and anxiety issues? i have to learn out of necessity but i keep thinking i'll get into a freak accident.
No. 2427750
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Has anyone tried Bumble BFF? What was your experience if so? I moved to a new (small) city and want to make friends but haven’t found relevant clubs or classes to join yet. I work remotely so won’t make friends at a new job.
No. 2427783
>>2427760Wait I don’t get it. Do they get the memories back when they go home for the day? Do they forget everything about their home life when they’re at work?
But to answer your question: No I guess?
No. 2427793
>>2427783When they enter the building (technically the exact floor) they completely forget what they did at work and vice versa. So if you were to go to work it would feel like it was over instantaneously from your perspective.
I don't think it's really cheating either? If I had a wife who told me she slept with me a few hours ago, even if I didn't remember it, I'd be like "okay?" I don't think I'd be upset about it.
No. 2427936
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>>2427487Yeah I have. We texted back and forth a bunch after our first date, but currently he hasn't replied to me in two weeks (after I asked him when would he like to see me again) and I don't really know what should I gather from that other than he's probably not interested.
I also think it wouldn't be a good idea to message him again after he left me in the seen-zone as that'd comd across as way too pushy and I want to give him some space. If he wants to see me, he'll be the one to contact me in this situation.
No. 2427951
>>2427364>The funny thing about this is, this one is so powerful that if you imagine that your friend lived while doing this therapy, even though it isn't the truth, your brain still rewrites the memory and makes it less traumatic.That sounds very unhealthy
>but you need an experienced therapist who knows what they are doing, because a bad therapist can actually rewrite the memory to be worse, and it can cause you to kill yourself. This is outright fucked up. Just more reasons to avoid EMDR
No. 2427965
>>2427941>>2427948I get what you mean, but the thing is I'm currently after easy no-strings-attached sex myself.
It's just extremely hard for me to find men I'm attracted to physically and this is literally the first time I meet someone I'm immediately drawn to sexually.
No. 2428044
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>>2427965BJ-Chan is active rn. I was warned by another nona after defending a sex position that
triggers her
>>2428022Begone! You have no power here
No. 2428075
>>2427970I'm beating myself up for not doing it with him when I could've, don't rub it in my face. I just couldn't help but think it'd be much nicer to wait for a bit before getting intimate, especially since drunk sex isn't all that fun if you ask me.
>>2428015I probably should. Don't think I've got much lose
>>2428022>how are you that horny that youre not scared of getting an std or getting pregnantYou've heard of condoms and birth control, right?
Not saying the other points aren't
valid things to be afraid of though.
No. 2428280
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What manga is this? i love how it looks
No. 2428482
How safe is electrolysis? Does it really get rid of your hair permanently? I'm considering doing it on my neck if that affects anything.
>>2412624You unearthed some memories I haven't thought of that in years, esl here too, I think it's to bridge the gap between your mother language and english? Also for "I've got" to make sense for little kids I guess.
No. 2428561
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Posted this in the wrong thread a second ago. Anyway I saw this picture when I was scrolling the catalogue, does anyone know the story behind it? Why is this tortoise in a bathroom?
No. 2428601
File: 1741116122743.jpg (182.67 KB, 962x636, 2C7F905C00000578-3241059-image…)

Two questions, german nonnas why do your grown adult moids type like retarded children (emoticons, simplistic way of expressing oneself, general kiddy vibes)
and should i give a german moid like that a chance eventhough that way of texting is already annoying?
No. 2428631
File: 1741117761302.webp (32.09 KB, 800x533, girl-sitting-someones-shoulder…)

I wonder if it makes sense for us to have a festival/concert thread to chat about our experiences? Maybe in /g/? I go to festivals and concerts often and maybe other nonnys would like to exchange experiences.
No. 2428641
>>2428565Thank you nonna I saw it.
>>2428585It's from an old D movie and it's a prop tortoise kek.
No. 2428702
>>2428475KEKK thank you so much
nonny, you’re a godsend
No. 2428785
I did squats yesterday for the first time since a surgery I had and the front of my thighs are really sore today but not my butt or the places I used to feel sore from working out. Has anyone else been sore from squats on the front of their thigh? I'm wondering if my form is bad.
>>2428759You should see your primary care physician and tell them. They should run a blood test to check your hormone levels. It could be a number of things, usually doctors give women with menstrual irregularities a PCOS diagnosis without checking much further than blood results (in my experience). Your PCP can refer you to a gyno if needed. High stress levels can also cause irregular periods.
No. 2429112
>>2429073Most people have their phone number/personal address/name blacklisted for Youtube comments, so they don't get doxxed. The bots are commenting these random things, hoping it will
trigger a blacklisted word and they get personal info on you.
No. 2429226
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Danny DeVito is a sex icon? For reals? I thought that was just a meme?
No. 2429381
>>2429236not unreasonable at all
nonny, especially if its grounds for eviction for a tenant to smoke in your guys home
>>2429331yeah, basically just piv from behind
No. 2429403
>>2429215I've gone to karaoke in different countries and yeah sometimes there's a book, sometimes theres an app or a website with a search function that makes it easier browse songs. Sadly no, not every song ever but depending on the karaoke equipment they have they might have a pretty good selection. You can't hook up your phone or play your own music. Not weird to go alone, at least where I'm from a lot of folks go alone just to practice their singing.
In japan you get an entire booth just for you and your friends, and theres a touch screen remote control you use to pick songs from a catalog.
No. 2429470
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>>2394568X is used to represent the sh sound in Nahuatl (Aztec) and Mayan.
Elon changed Twitter to X, not Xitter. But some people do call it Xitter, which I find extremely hilarious and appropriate; every time I read Xitter, I pronounce it as "shitter". I often subconsciously assume that was the person's intention, even though it probably wasn't. That's why I laughed my ass off when I learned that that's what the VNDB officially calls it.
>>2412624Other anons have already replied, but…
While that construction without the contraction is not outright wrong, I agree with others that it sounds unnatural, though I'm also ESL. It is used, but probably not frequently, like
>>2412659 said.
And I, too, had kinda shit English teachers that didn't know the language that well, even at the university level. And I studied Linguistics. Sometimes I knew for sure that I was better than them. I remember one time I thought a teacher's example sentence was wrong, and a classmate that I barely ever talked to whispered to me asking "wait, shouldn't it be x?". I only remember about 3 teachers whose fluency and knowledge actually amazed me. I went to public school, but I've also witnessed what the average private school English teacher is like. They're about the same level or worse, I swear literally anyone could teach English at a private school where I live if they're Catholic.
So it's hard tell if the reason your teachers taught you that was because they knew their stuff or because they sucked at English.
>>2412658>And others are so retarded, they think they're experts but can't even figure out homophones.Kek, one of my Phonetics (or was it Advanced English?) teachers couldn't even tell where the dʒ sound in "soldier" was. For a moment she thought it was the S at the beginning. God, that was embarrassing.
No. 2429938
>>2429329Hotbox her fucking room with twenty cans of Febreeze while she's stoned in there and maybe she'll get the hint. Or buy fart spray and spray it in any room she hotboxes and blame it on her weed. If she's still shitting up your home, buy the highest concentration THC oil you can find and sneak it in her food so she can trip balls for hours without stinking up the place, honestly giving her the worst high on the planet is probably the only way you'll get her to stop smoking for longer than a day. Stoners are so fucking annoying, even when they don't make weed their entire personality they still manage to piss everyone off. It's like troonism but in drug form.
>>2429820Gyros for sure. Enjoy your food, nonna.
No. 2430027
>>2429975i was literally just thinking this. i have a horrible cold right now and the
nostril of choice is the only one that gets clogged. i haven't used since july. sorry to not answer your question, but me too!!! have you tried anything other than nasal spray?
No. 2430149
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>>2430133my last resort is mixing warm water and salt in a bowl and sucking it up thru my nose and spitting it out my mouth. it's the worst thing to experience but it works really well. or i guess use a netti pot kek
No. 2430204
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Do you think there were Pearl Harbour autists just like 9/11 autists, where they did stuff like shitty collages of Betty Boop and Bugs Bunny crying over pictures of the devastation?
No. 2430215
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>>2430204I just googled "Pearl Harbor deviantart" and basically the answer is yes.
No. 2430245
File: 1741203750678.jpg (Spoiler Image,194.56 KB, 1024x739, 1000033360.jpg)

>>2430243I bring you another.
No. 2430522
>>2430508They're fucking awful for the most part but some of them are just bad. Sometimes you'll find one that's mediocre, but those are hard to come by.
If you like cheesy fanfic and don't mind reading about completely flat characters zombieing their way through a ludicrous plot that doesn't make any sense, you'll like them.
No. 2431343
>>2431315Anons can give you quick tips in here, but there's also a cleaning thread on /g/ if you want to ask for more in depth advice!
>>>/g/72052I'd look into the way people organize their houses for "ADHD". The main ideas are "containers" and "visual contact". Put containers in places you frequent because somebody with ADHD does not want to travel to put something away when they can drop it, and keep important things visible.
For instance, placing small trashcans in areas they frequent (if you tend to leave tissues on the couch, put a small wastebin next to the couch). Or if someone always takes their coat off at the door and drops it at the couch, put a coat hook there. You can't take medications on an empty stomach? Pill organizer on top of a box you keep granola bars in. Are you always finding piles of clothes behind your bedroom door where you throw them after a shower? Small hamper there. You want the shortest distance from A to B (within reason kek).
As an example for "visual contact", my pills are in the middle of the kitchen table, not on top of the fridge, so I see them every time I walk by. I was always losing my keys until I trained myself to put them and my wallet in a dish by the front door (another use of containers).
After your initial home organization, don't be surprised if you find it chafing. You may need to redo or reorder your system a few times. It took me about three overhauls and multiple revisions of smaller areas before I got my layout how I wanted it. And I still refine parts of my system sometimes.
Remember to be consistent! If you forget to do something, put it where it's supposed to go the moment you remember. The annoyance will
trigger your memory when you look at it until muscle memory kicks in.
No. 2431368
>>2431357I've noticed a disconcerting amount of Mexican men seem to think they're honorary aryans lately, look at the proud boys. I don't know why they think they'd be the magic Mary Sue
poc exceptions? Like they don't like you
No. 2431394
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Have any of you ever known a truly good man?
No. 2431705
>>2431531And she was the only one who got shat on, I remember that. Fuck this gay earth.
>>2431701I think she meant with someone of the same sex present.
No. 2431739
>>2431701I think anon meant that you can do something but
not like it either.
Like how gay for pay porn actors are only doing it for money. Or those gay guys who married their beard wives—had kids with with them—but still go out and have sex with men behind their wives back <== practically an open secret in my Catholic country.
No. 2431815
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One of my coworkers said he played arknights and blue archive over lunch the other day.
Are these normie weeb games, a degen red flag, or somewhere in between?
For reference, I’m not into gacha/hoyoslop at all and the only gacha I’ve played is love Nikki. Obviously most gacha are going to have coomer elements, but I don’t know where the line is between normie, semi-normie, and friendless gooner territory.
No. 2431827
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>>2431815I scroll down two threads and I see this, kek. Take this as you will nona
No. 2431830
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>>2431821fuck my stupid life are you kidding me
I hate my job everyone is an autistic incel who dresses like shit. the only hot guy left and the one guy who can hold a conversation is likely to be a lolifag. I HATE ENGINEERING
No. 2431852
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>>2431833>>2431827>>2431836thanks nonnas I’m so pissed off right now I hate this stupid goonermoid world so much. I was just trying to make a friend at work with the ONLY guy who can make eye contact and talk about anything other than coding and of course he’s into incel slop. So disappointed but he’s a manlet weeb after all so I guess I’m not surprised
No. 2431858
>>2431852yeah blue archive is like, actual offending pedophile who looks at cp type shit. those fans are insane and i would instantly disengage from somebody who likes it
>manlet weebyeah sounds about right kek
No. 2432018
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If I lose weight, my big ass nose will look bigger? It already looks big so I assume yeah. But also, I wonder if getting rid of the extra fat will somehow harmonize my face, it's weird having a very angular nose and big cheeks and a double chin.
No. 2432031
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>>2431815> Arknights It is a good game if you are curious “I wonder what it’s like to be a gay woman” because the characters will turn you gay, as did Nearl for me. Hope this helps.
No. 2432073
>>2432018Losing weight will harmonize your face, don't worry! You won't end up looking like a triangle with eyes kek. Losing/gaining weight changes your entire face so much it's like seeing a different person emerge every few pounds.
>>2431815Ew, he's a pedo. I'm not sure if he said that knowing you probably don't know what he was talking about, or if he was baiting you, like moids who talk about their ideal woman and sneak little glances at you to see if you're crying about not being fuckable. Engineers are a special breed of incel so it's hard to tell. If he brings it up again grey rock him hard and if he keeps at it, make it clear that you're not into playing games of any sort and won't be checking them out. Scrotes get off on making women uncomfortable. Don't react to anything he says with anything beyond mild boredom.
No. 2432587
>>2432580Did you feel
triggered by the moid-posting in get it off your chest or something?
No. 2432639
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Is there any place to find a cute knock off of this that doesn’t blatantly look fake
I remember finding one at the swap meet years ago so I know they exist
No. 2432651
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Kek nona, it's the construction of the bag. I didn't believe it at first but I know a huge fag who collects these stupid things and they're legitimately better made, especially the vintage ones
No. 2432788
>>2432364Sorry, this is very funny to me. Nonna, did you eat a beta-12 500mg peachy keen dry erase gelato blaster gummy the first time you tried weed?
I had an edible the first time I tried it, and only edibles until last year when I smoked for the first time. The key is to get a normal edible, usually like 10mg, and cut it in half (quarters if you're sensitive to medications). Don't be in public, put the edibles AWAY where you won't accidentally grab them, and prep a snack for later. Stay in your clean room and put on some light music and read, or watch a youtube video until it kicks in. You want to wait at least two hours, but I'd suggest as long as three. #1 edible mistake is thinking "this isn't kicking in", taking more and feeling the first dose kick in 20 minutes later. #2 edible mistake is getting hungry and accidentally eating more of your weed brownie.
>>2432291No, stupid. Take an edible.
>>2432541It won't "extend" your sickness, but ask yourself if you'd like to feel high right now. You would also need to be especially careful about dehydration, drink 3x as much water and gatorade as you normally would.
I personally take edibles when I'm nauseous and it makes me feel better, but it could be different for you. I haven't been sick with a cold or flu in years so I haven't been able to try taking an edible while sick. Sorry I don't have a more concrete answer, nonna.
No. 2432790
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>>2432073>Don't worry! You won't end up looking like a triangle with eyes kek.nothing wrong with that. chicks dig triangles with eyes
No. 2432952
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Would you consider naming your baby Elphaba or Galinda?
No. 2433043
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Should I report my tenants to social services?
My mattresses were WET, not damp, with urine. Soaked through again and again. Mould all over and house stank of piss.
The kids were being left to sleep in their own urine in a wet bed, and there was grub ALL over the sofas and walls, which makes me think they weren't being bathed either.
Entire house needed odor remediation from urine stench in carpets and mattresses were disposed of immediately.
Pic rel is the mattress, brand new, after 1 year of their tenancy. That's 4 kids sleeping in one room too.
Drawings on the bare mattress suggests that the kids were sleeping on a bare mattress too, which means there would have been no way for them to get away from the pissy wet mattress.
Is this just cause to call social services/DCFS?
No. 2433100
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>>2433079The UK gov seems to derive a lot of personal enjoyment from the suffering of its own people. I kind of assumed nothing would come of this when you mentioned that you're from there and I guess that's exactly what happened. Canada sucks but at least we'll show up if kids are being noticeably abused. It's not just a long-standing part of the culture here
No. 2433115
>>2433105These are all the materials required to "properly" clean a wooden cutting board so imo, two makes sense
>Dish soap>Sponge>Baking soda (optional)>Distilled white vinegar (optional)>Half a lemon (optional)>3 percent hydrogen peroxide (optional)>Bleach (optional)>Food-grade mineral oil or beeswax (optional)Instructions
No. 2433218
>>2433149Anon is saying that when I cut on plates, it makes a horrific screeching noise.
No. 2433303
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What is happening on the Luigi thread at the moment? I never followed them from the start but they're talking about some KF stuff and twitter people exposing farmers for some reason? I read the thread but I don't quite understand.
No. 2433432
>>2432662Ayrt, it’s not necessarily that I want to pass it off as real but moreso the less like a knockoff it looks, it tends to be better quality than blatant fake ones. I know I’m buying a fake bag but I still want it to last me a bit.
>>2432645>>2432647Thank you nonnas, I live near a bunch of hole in the wall Korean shops and they tend to have nice fake designer stuff so I’ll keep an eye out
No. 2433448
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>>2433428You have no power here cope'r
No. 2433475
>>2433460wouldn't fujos
want him to be with ladyboys?
No. 2433505
>>2433500Makes sense a Luigi fan would think a moid is entitled to women's bodies
>>2433489He went to a sex bar and got scammed and he flew into a drunken rage and the ladyboys fought him for his shekels and he ended up with a bunch of scratches and bruises.
No. 2435311
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I love music and collect vinyls and tapes etc. also bundles and shit. Id love to do something with thi hobby though because all I do is listen to music. The thing is I don't want to start writing reviews. Any anonna has an idea? I thought of a blog or something where I could daily share what I listen to.
No. 2435325
>>2435320>It's not like he's gonna trip and fall and accidentally show his bootyhole kekThat
is what I'm worried will happen kek
No. 2435545
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>>2435102Yeah, nin is the human and gyo the fish part. See aso picrel.
No. 2435873
>>2435857It could be
because you're thin.
No. 2436005
>>2435877Thank you for this good advice anon. Where do you find good blue lotus though
>>2435887No kek
>>2435944Is that easy to get at the stores?
No. 2436174
>>2435975What you said goes contrary to biology and thermodynamics.
When you move more you use more energy, when you require more energy you burn fat reserves, when you run out of fat reserves you start burning muscles for energy.
No. 2436216
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How do I get out of executive dysfunction?
During the week all I can think about is all the things I would do if I didn't have to be at the office but I'm too tired to do anything in the evening and then the weekend comes and I freeze up and just lie in bed and scroll literally all day. Sometimes I cannot even make myself watch a movie let alone draw because it feels like too much effort. Medication helped with this but I could not get used to the side effects (chest pains and profuse sweating) so I stopped Adderall. Can anyone relate? What helped you?
No. 2436417
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>>2436371Okay, anon ♥ Yay ♥
You sound a little cranky, though, so you might want to have a bowl of ice and a couple strawberries to level out your rapidly dropping blood sugar. No. 2436423
>>2436340Because it's expensive to house a prisoner. So instead of throwing someone in jail for two months while they're awaiting trial, you take so much cash that they'll think twice about fleeing.
Plus, if they are innocent, if you put them in jail for two months, they will lose their job and likely their house. So then, you are left with an innocent citizen without housing or employment, which is bad for a society.