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No. 283640
Last thread:
>>259082Go ahead, be vulnerable.
No. 283649
>>283648Not that anon but
>tfw the pill gives you migrains>tfw concerned about the risks of cancer associated with hormones>still to emotionally constipated to actually date anyoneIt's very unlikely I'll ever need it but people that live in places where abortion is legal will never understand the fear of the 1% chance of pregnancy.
No. 283666
>>283649>tfw the pill gives you migrainesthere are literally so many types of birth control pill if you're going to write them off completely after trying one, or even a couple, you're dumb
>tfw concerned about the risks of cancer associated with hormonesthere's also hormone free birth control like the copper IUD
do you live in a third world country or something?
No. 283683
>>283666yeah, copper IUD are so fun. Who wouldn't want to swap up hormonal migraines for heavy bleeding and cramps?
You know that you don't need to shit on other women problems to make yourself feel better, right? You should be seeing a therapist yourself if people venting on anymous boards get yourself so riled up. It's pretty pathetic.
No. 283693
>>283683nta but stop being so
triggered. if you vent about something stupid people are going to call you out.
No. 283695
>>283693If you're being a cunt for no reasons, people are going to call you out.
You're just making yourself look dumb af calling out random vents.
No. 283706
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I sometimes wonder where I'll be in 5 years from now. I'd be 25 by then, seems like such a short time yet I feel afraid to age. Am I going to hit the wall? Is my life going to lead anywhere? Everything seems so directionless, but time is too precious in your early 20s or so it seems. I feel like I'm running out of time. For what exactly? I don't know. Might be anxiety. No hope for the future. Is a fulfilled life really only working for some years, just so your husband can maintain you as a housewife & raise kids? Seems pointless for me to study at all if I'm going to put off my career after 3-6 years to make children. It seems so depressing to me. That's ALL I could amount to? Is that all life really has to offer for a woman?
No. 283708
>>283706First, stop browsing the manosphere. This includes reading youtube and reddit comment unless the subject is completely unrelated to women.
It is important for you to be able to live an independent life, even if in the end you chose to not pursue a career. That is why you must study and get a useful degree.
No. 283712
I graduated from high school about six years ago. But the amount of people who have gained weight is crazy. What the fuck are they eating/drinking? Some of them don't seem like they would be big drinkers so are they just binging of junk food all the time?
>>283706lolll you are 20 and you need to chill.
No. 283747
>>283738You're right. I've been really lucky because my parents have paid for my dining plan throughout college and I get what I think are nice and healthy meals, but they are a little expensive. On the other hand, when I haven't been at college I would eat stuff like ramen + egg + spinach, which isn't 100% healthy but not really weight inducing and super easy to make. My ex roommate would also not eat anything all day but one day she ate an entire cheesecake.
Whatevs, I was pretty mousy in high school and it didn't seem like a lot of guys were interested in me. But I'm glad I'm still looking good and taking care of myself. It's a shame to see so many people who were pretty cute ruin themselves.
No. 283837
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a little under a year ago i found this twitch channel that had <10 viewers. shortly into watching him he started unprovoked fulminating against women, using slurs, & basically just saying the most embarrassing and stupid shit. (way more intense than the typical 'edgy' streamer, no self awareness, huge ego) i stopped watching him but sometimes people in the same twitch community host him / he's in their chat and it's extremely irritating
No. 283850
>>283846You're not racist, you're traumatized.
Those two therapists are shit btw. "Just forget about it"? Wtf. You need to find a good therapist, maybe one specialized in trauma.
No. 283853
>>283844i'm stupid. i keep asking myself why i never reported him or and clipped the things he said. i shared his stream with a few of my friends and i guess that none of them thought to report him either.
it's too late now because he grew in popularity (still a nobody though) & has to filter himself. unlucky
No. 283861
>>283846I’m sorry about what happened to you anon, concerning the skin color thing- no I think it’s just a common reaction that most people that had a trauma of this magnitude would have.
Like if your rapist would look different I’m sure whatever it would be you’d associate those traits with what happened to you.
I hope everything works out for you anon.
No. 283986
I'm trying to accept that maybe I'm meant to suffer and die alone. Yesterday was an horrible day and I had another silent anxiety crisis. I usually go to bed at 11pm max but every time this happens I can only sleep at 2am or even later. Heartbeat rate faster and a sensation of suffocatting with breathing being difficult. I cried to the point of almost choking in tears but did it silently to not wake up narcissistic parent & their favorite child to then be mocked and being screamed at to stop faking being a victim by them as I have been a few hours before just because I forgot to do something they demanded to and wasn't even needed at all and kept on shouting, guilt tripping, threatening me and throwing a tantrum until storming off to their room and slamming the door. I've been trying to not be stressed about narc parent anymore but it came to a point my body already reacts automatically to their crap. I woke up and the crisis came back after more faster heartbeat and the sensation of suffocatting.
I've been "hoarding" horrible feelings and it "exploded" again yesterday, I have no one to vent to and can't afford a therapist atm and I'm afraid because many are pretty shitty ones. For the first time I admitted that I feel massively jealous of people who have friends, are dating and shit, have a normal life in general, worse yet if they have a healthy relationship with their parents and family. Whenever I see people being friends with their parents&family, shopping or gaming together or even just being treated well I get very triggered and it ruins my day because this is all very foreign to me. I'm never asked how I'm doing, they couldn't care less about my interests and always try to change the subject to themsleves or make a very bored face as if trying to say "ugh stfu already" whenever I tried talking about something I liked or how was my day for example, and they always try to find a reason to mock me. Family isn't different either as most of them are BPD/NPD. Sometimes I'm waken up by yelling and threats or when narc parent comes home angry I'm always the target.
The other parent has gotten slightly better after divorcing narc parent but prefers a gold digger, has found a new family more precisely a new kid to make a new Favorite Child of and I'm always the one who have to start something otherwise they forget that I exist AND still am the one to blame. They also don't respect my individuality and tried to force me to become a carbon copy of them. I don't have any memory of them being genuinely affectionate towards me unlike my siblings and always knew I was the "least favorite".
I apologize for the lenght of this and thank you for reading, I just needed to put this out.
No. 284119
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I have no patience for the self-marketing game that is cosplay right now, and because of that I feel like I've dug myself into a hole. I was never the kind of cosplayer to have a fan page on facebook but I did add everyone I'd meet at conventions to my regular profile when I was a teenager. Now 10 years later I've grown up and out of it and settled down with two very close friends and my boyfriend as basically the only people I talk to. Earlier this year I went through and deleted all of the vapid girls I never talk to and beta orbiter heart-eyes-emoji commenter guys on my friends lists. Recently I started packing my apartment to move for a new job in a new state and decided it was a good time to try selling off all the old cosplay stuff I don't use anymore. It's been a few days and I haven't gotten any replies to my sales whatsoever.
I can't help but have this selfish thought: If I hadn't deleted all of those vapid girls and beta orbiters I'd probably have gotten this stuff sold off within a few days like I used to be able to do. Obviously I did this to myself and I need to try harder, but at the same time I'm upset because is being able to sell things really the only good reason to keep a lot of people around? Is that how I think, is that who I am? I don't miss any of them, just the attention obviously. The radio silence on my sales post is forcing me to come to terms with the fact that it's not just that I've grown up- I'm probably a shit person and I need to learn to be better.
No. 284175
>>283986Idk how old you are anon but this sounds like something I would've posted a few years ago. Honestly the best thing you can do for yourself is finding a good therapist.
Do you have a job? I actually felt better working despite it being a really shitty retail job because it meant I wasn't at home, and making money so I could move out with a couple roommates. Also if your friends are really that disrespectful towards you, drop them; the only thing they're doing is chipping away at your self esteem. Sorry if this sounds too preachy but things will get better, or at least easier, if you're willing to help yourself.
No. 284197
>>284175agreed about the job thing. when i was depressed i figured getting a job would be extra miserable for me because depressed, but it actually helped me feel better.
without a job and without motivation or energy, i would sit and stew in my misery, then i would feel guilty that i'm wasting my ample free time with being sad instead of having fun, so i would turn to pleasure seeking activities like drinking or binge watching shit.
but with a job, it doesn't matter what your mood is because you're still making money and you're helping people out in some way.
when you're alone and jobless, you wonder if it's "worth it" to do one productive thing over another, and often times you ditch the whole thing because none of them seem good enough and it's overwhelming.
at a job there's none of that. you just do what needs to be done and that's it.
at home you go from wasting time being sad to desperately trying to make yourself feel good. at a job it doesn't matter, your time is being used for a productive outcome, so even if your mood was low all day at least you have something to show for it.
idk if it makes sense but it helped me be distracted from my neurosis and made it so my inner life wasn't so hyper focused on my emotional state to the point of illness
No. 284256
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Feel like absolute shit today for no reason. Spent the entire day feeling sluggish and incredibly tired. I had no energy to do anything except the bare minimum at my internship and couldn't even sit up straight because I was just so… drained. When I got home I didn't have energy to do anything except lie on my bed and mindlessly watch a few videos before I decided to just sleep so I wouldn't have to feel so empty anymore. I just want to lie down and do nothing, but doing nothing makes me think and I don't want to think either. I'm not sad or depressed, I just feel so empty and tired and hollow.
I don't know if being on my period or something triggered this and it's not the first time I've felt so emotionally fatigued and detached, but it usually goes away throughout the day and it's only gotten worse. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything because I know people on here have it way worse. I just want to vent about how shitty I feel because I'm not going to tell anyone irl. I can't handle their fake sympathy and concern right now and I don't have the energy to lie and reassure them that I'm okay and they shouldn't have to worry about me.
No. 284265
>>283971Update on this because I am proud that I managed to catch the damn thing
But the lizard is a different story, I have no clue how to lure one out
Bug trap, I guess? I don't want to hurt the lizard
>>284002I used to have a cat and I miss him so damn much, he would do that stupid prep motion when he thought he saw a mouse
Never forget him bringing a mouse into my room literally to toy with it before eating it. He was a monster. I miss his dumb ass.
No. 284429
>>284119>I'm probably a shit person and I need to learn to be better.Where in the world did that come from? Not a single word you said in your post would indicate such a thing. It just sounds like you've grown up and found people you're content interacting with. That sounds like a good thing, not a bad thing. I don't think having an easier time selling off some used clothes would be worth interacting with people you don't particularly care for. I'd certainly pay a bit extra to not have to be around people I don't enjoy interacting with.
If you find it to be "worth it" to keep up interaction with people to have an easier time selling old used clothes every once in a while, sure. That's fine too. You don't have to pretend to yourself that you like them. You can be selfish but empathetic and act in an ethical manner all at the same time.
No. 284458
>>284175Thank you anon, I'm
>>283986 and I have already stopped talking with some disrespectful friends
I had a friend who hide from me she was dating for like, almost one year before and only told because she accidentally slipped it and I'm not talking about a fresh friend but one of years. We were in contact before she started dating again and never told me anything, she knew I was always unlucky (and had beyond zero self esteem) when it comes to dating and made sure to tell how amazing, perfect their relationship was and I felt like I gave her a massive ego boost when letting out an insecurity of mine. A few years before, she also tried to steal one crush who turned out to be a jerk (not because of her but I stalked his twitter and found a post where he was bragging that he enjoyed killing a bird once, and other jerkish posts as well). Another friend I had dumped my boring ass after going to college and finding new cool ones, this friend also always forgot that I existed every time ANY man gave her a sprinkle of attention and only remembered me to be their free love therapist but the problem here is the npd family, more precisely narc parent. My country has been experiencing fincancial crisis and having a job, even a shitty one, has been a luxury for many, even with masters degree. I've applied for one last week that didn't demanded experience but no luck yet. I am trying to become self employed btw and probably will find a therapist soon, even if I'm unlucky at first I'll continue on trying to find a decent one.
>>284197I agree with you anon, I'm still searching for a job even with the crisis and can't wait until I'm finally employed so I won't have time to be depressed and jealous of people with normal lives until the point of sickness like I'm feeling now that I don't even feel hunger at all, haven't looked at the mirror since and any small thing gives me an immense sadness and anxiety. I've been always a black sheep/outsider in many aspects of life and now it has been bothering me more than ever did.
No. 284467
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>>284448Oh my. I'm sorry, anon. Think about this cute bunny instead.
No. 284468
I’ve been stressing the fuck out, for a couple months I’ve been really sick. I can barely eat, I was throwing up even water sometimes.
Hell I didn’t need to eat and my body tries to throw up. I went to my doctor and she made me go to a hospital because my heart rate was 130. In the end all I got was an IV, some nausea meds, stuff to help stomach acid, and no answers. It’s only when I stand my heart rate rises, but I’ve known this for about 6-7 years and I’m pretty sure it’s been happening since I was 13.
The first doctor thought it was my medication that was making me faint when standing up. I’m not really sure what to do at this point, do I just wait another couple months and hope it calms down?
They did a ecg and saw nothing wrong, my blood test was great, and nothing wrong with my urine test besides a little dehydration.
God I just want to feel better, I just don’t know what to do..
No. 284485
I've only been unemployed for a few weeks and I already find myself growing despondent at finding another job.
Everyone in my field seems to require technical experience or connections, often both.
There's one government job I interviewed for last week that looked great, but I would have to drive, and they're notoriously slow at getting back to you. Looked interesting at least.
And I still have that nagging envy at some of my friends working for Facebook or big financial companies, even though I view much of that group as soulless yuppies.
>>284197This is true. Only thing I despise are those pointless jobs where you move water from one cup to the other, culturally at odds with your coworkers with little binding you together, especially in high-turnover positions.
No. 284489
>>284470I looked it up and it seems like it could be it, but it says between vomiting sessions you should be symptom free. The nausea is consistent every day, like even if I do actually throw up anything.
It’s frustrating that even when I take the pills I still have no appetite at all. Food seems gross too.
I also get hot flashes every couple hours which sucks too. RIP
No. 284717
>>284256I get anemic on my period because my iron levels are on the low end of healthy the rest of the month. Maybe that’s what you’re experiencing? I’m sorry, anon. I’m in the same boat right now, so I feel you.
>>284257I love puppies, but they also suck. For the accidents indoors, it really helps to take them out constantly. When they’re that young, it can help if they are let out to pee every 1/2 hour when you’re playing with them and every 2 hours at night. They’ll need fewer breaks when they get older, of course. Honestly, the puppy101 subreddit helped me a TON when my dog was really young. They give really good advice or are just there to empathize when you need to vent or have the puppy blues. Good luck! You guys will raise a great dog, I’m sure.
No. 284744
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>anon you're so sensitive, you should toughen up a bit
after a while:
>When did you become so cold!
No. 284906
>>284847Losing weight due to stress isn’t a good way to lose weight— funny thing is she’ll probably gain it all back and then some.
You just keeping doing you girl, you’ll get to your goal.
No. 284973
Whenever I masturbate I can only stay aroused thinking about being treated badly, like a "little slut", being abused by men, being nothing but holes basically. After I "come" quotes because I don't know tbh, I don't think I've ever had an actual orgasm, just some good feelings that feels more like those times I hear good news and my stress is relieved. I guess I just feel "relieved" I feel like I am weak, I am disgusted with myself and I feel a strong hatred of men and sex and everything to do with sexuality, I want to be completely sexless and asexual, not a woman, not a man. Above all this bullshit.
I don't know where I'm going with this. Just that I hate myself I guess. I went through abuse as a young child for years, why am I like this, I am a disgusting freak. I don't even like those things in real life sex, I only pretend some of them because my boyfriend seems to like it (not abuse but the "dirty talk", ugh). I know "fantasies" are normal but how to get rid of "fantasies" that disgust me?
Sorry for shitty English I'm just really upset tonight
No. 284983
I want a boyfriend, but I am not attracted to men physically. I have never had a crush on a someone I know in real life, I look at pictures to try and inspire something but there are no feelings. At best I am neutral, at worst I am repulsed by men's bodies. I don't have childhood trauma or anything like that, but I feel broken. I thought I would get at least some interest in men by now (I am 19) but there is just nothing.
I don't fantasise about anyone, and when I try to deliberately imagine myself with a man it feels very unnatural and I have to stop. I thought maybe I could be a lesbian, but that doesn't feel right either, and I hope not to be honest. Being straight would make everything a lot easier.
Sometimes I feel like I should just go out and try and date anyway, but I would 100% just be going along with people who approached me. I worry about not being approached in the first place, I used to read a lot of male hate blogs which makes me super cautious around strange men, and I don't know what would happen in a long term relationship when sex is brought up. If I just went along with it I could end up traumatised for real, and then I would be in a worse position than I am now.
I think my ideal situation would be to marry an asexual guy and use IVF if we ever want kids but that seems very unlikely.
I also feel like I could be overreacting big time. Maybe I'm not that much "late". I think there a lot worse problems to have.
No. 285011
Kind of riding on the comment before me, but
My parents only called me beauitful once in my life, on the day of my graduation. And I feel like if they had done it more often I wouldn't have so many issues now…
Many of their friends always brag about their kids, but my parents say they don't think it's right to do that (which is true), but still, my grades were always so much better than others, yet they never openly express pride in me.
I had an ed as a young teen and I have the impression my mother found me more attractive back then. Afterwards she started saying things like "maybe wear a bit longer shorts" etc. She also constantly tells me about the daughters of so or so and how pretty and slim they are (especially about some 14 yo, super skinny one, who "totally looks like a model!"). For my dad it's a different thing: for him having a bf or gf is the best and instantly worth more than being successful in school.
I know they love me, our relationship is really good, but I'm so jealous of parents who (even if it's a lie) always compliment their kids.
No. 285022
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>>285011Oh man. I relate. My parents had such high fucking standards for me and the only times they complimented me it felt like almost another criticism i.e "you know you're smarter than a lot of people right?!" "i hope you realize you're not ugly"
i've also been told that i "don't seem like the type" to want to be buttered up i guess because i seem a little standoffish but fuck me, most of the reason i cultivated a tough/stoic persona was because i was raised to see vulnerability as weakness and to try to protect myself from pain, so it's a self fulfilling prophecy.
you sound like a hard worker and you're a fairy princess nonnie
No. 285032
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>been high off my arse the past few days, today is first day off
>do nothing hugely productive just sleep and watch videos and w/e to relax
>start craving sweet
>the thought crosses my mind to order a cake for myself and getting the bakery to write something to the effect of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEEE!"
I'm not gonna do it, it's late in the evening and everyone would suspect a stoner trying to get a last minute cake order in under the guise of a birthday.
No. 285071
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I don’t know where to post this but this girl’s body is freaking me out so much and I just need to share it with someone
No. 285078
>>285071How unfortunate. I think Gaga has a body like this too?
>>285044Ugh, I hate that. I'd been eyeing a super cute dress for some weeks, was unsure about the sizing and then when I finally wanted to buy it, it was sold out.
No. 285124
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I pissed off my narc father by telling him honestly that him doing me the courtesy of not beating the shit out of me anymore isn't "being nice" or "trying to get along". Now I'm coming to terms with the fact that he'll be doing his best to make my life hell for the next month at least
No. 285128
I hate my attention span. I am consumed by television, the internet, porn and video games. I waste all my time.
I want to be a writer. I am absolutely aware of the cringe factor associated with saying this, literally every woman on the internet identifies as a writer so it makes it hard for me to explain my situation. I take my self very seriously when I say it and I take my endeavours to write very seriously.
I was living on my own six months ago and I had finally mastered my attention span. I drew up a schedule, I had my day planned from morning to night: it involved going to the gym, reading, writing, and work. For the shortest time I was finally on my way, I could feel it and I was writing every day.
After some financial issues I've had to move in with some of my old friends and I feel like they are really bad influences on me. I really love them and they are really old friends, but if I spend time in my room they knock on the door and they bring me out into the living room, they get upset when I spend time on my own, and all they want to do is eat snacks and watch Netflix. I don't want to just admonish them because I know I that I have ultimate control but I feel like they are really bringing me down to a level I don't agree with.
Today is the second day of a long weekend, and I am lucky enough to have them out of the house for the weekend so I have had the first chance to start my routine again. Except yesterday morning I woke up with a really heady cold and it's been hitting me hard all weekend, so I'm doing my best but I feel horrible. I really want to live on my own again. I am so terrified that I won't reach my goals and it's all because I don't have enough will.
No. 285145
>>285128Apologies for language mistakes prior, still don’t be too hard on yourself right now anon. At least you are aware of the fact that they’re bringing you down. I had housemates in school who I couldn’t be rid of, they partied constantly into the wee hours, and I was in a screenwriting course that semester so I can empathize with your need for routine and a calm surrounding for that to take place in.
I ended up most times in the library, is there a quiet place you can go to when you feel that they’re taking you away from your goals? It can be difficult to pull away when friends are relaxing and having fun but your dreams most important thing right now, you’re making your future! I wish you the best!
No. 285166
I lock her in the bathroom with a tin of catfood and her bed.
No. 285198
>>285164Whoa, does having a higher drive than your bf actually happen? I'm also extremely high libido and would definitely prefer a low libido bf. I want him to say no but then I'd overpower him (since I like much smaller men) and use his body regardless.
It's too bad in reality men always want it, even if it isn't their number one goal for once. A guy with a "low" sex drive would probably still be into it if you just force the issue.
No. 285217
>>283846. Her race had nothing to do with her fucked up acts, and you even admitted it's not all black women, just ones that "look a certain way" that presumably remind you of her. If anyone else had raped you, you probably would react the same way.
If you're sugarcoating and actually just mean pretty much
all black women except a very tiny percentage, then you might be hyper-focusing on her race, even if you don't necessarily mean to (and yeah, that's pretty racist for obvious reasons). Get better therapists who will help you work through it.
No. 285242
>>283640I keep seeing my shitty ex around town and I think he's moved into the house across the street from mine.
I'm finding it really hard because he treated me really badly and hit me on occasion and yet everyone tells me "oh don't worry about him, he's moved onto bigger and better things, he's not thinking about you".
And it gets me SO MAD because I'm doing well for myself, I'm starting a PhD and teaching at a university, I genuinely don't give a shit how well he's doing. I just don't want my fucking abuser moving onto the same street as me.
I'm also mad that I'm made to feel uncomfortable in my hometown and self conscious of my looks and weight enough that I get scared to go out to work. But I've got literally nothing to be ashamed of, I'm not the person who cheated with multiple people, or fucked underage girls, or had sex with someone who didn't want it. I never hit a partner or emotionally abused anyone so why is it affecting me and not him? I hate this.
No. 285441
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my mom has abused me my whole life with her narcissistic tendencies, and just as i've finally gotten away from her (low contact/grey rocking ATM) she texts me this replica of a doll i had when i was a child saying "i bought this because it reminds me of you"
every single inch of me wants to believe this little gesture is genuine, but i know her. i know how she acts. i know how she really treats me. i know that this is just the lure so she can get her fix, again. she wants her punching bag back. she's done this so many times, drawing me back in with these little tokens from a childhood i lost to her abuse like it's a promise that maybe she'll REALLY love me, this time. but i know better, and i know it's all fake.
it's hard.
i want a mother.
No. 285443
>>285441i'm sorry anon. i have the same issue, don't give in. i've not seen my mother in 10 years and initially was still in light contact with her. around a year ago she had a health scare and seemed to have changed so i opened contact again and it just went down hill. don't lose your resolve anon!
sorry if i made that about me, i was just trying to illustrate that even big things won't change them…
No. 285447
>>285441I'm so sorry. I understand how you feel, anon. You have to let her go, the woman you're missing isn't the same one who is emotionally manipulating you right now to come back to her because she needs to suck your energy to survive. I feel like it helps to grieve the mother that you never had, the one you should have had. Scream, cry, be mad, be sad, and finally accept that the mother that you want, who loves you unconditionally and truly thinks about you when she sees that doll, instead of her own selfish needs, was dead before you were ever born. I'm sorry. I hope this helps.
No. 285448
>>285197I think it still counts, however I really can't stop thinking about it.
>>285198He might be into it, if that's his fetish. Other than that - I'm pretty sure that's rape.
>>285210Idk, I had a bf who could, he also had a high libido. This current bf could do it twice in a row at some point, but it happened only once, maybe twice. Thank god internet is full of porn.
No. 285451
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>>285443>>285447i appreciate your kind words. i know the mother i miss isn't the mother that i know she is. i just have memories of looking through a journal my mom kept when she was pregnant with me, and she wrote all these things about how she was excited to meet me so we could tell stories and laugh together.
my father was an alcoholic who died when i was just about to turn 12, and i know that hurt her a lot. she talked often about how he was the love of her life. it must have done something awful to her, because it made her into this giant monster who wanted nothing to do with me, anymore. i was always more affectionate towards my father because he had more honest interest in me as a person. he wanted to spend time with me and do things with me. my mother only ever wanted my time when she could exploit it for her own selfish gain.
a lot of the time, i wish she had died, instead of my dad. my dad drank, sure, but when he wasn't drunk, he was the best dad in the entire world. he was getting help. he never would've let my mother hurt me like she did. it should have been her.
No. 285499
>>285472Holy shit anon promise to keep us updated on your live in cow. Could you make your own thread?
Obviously he is just an agp fetishist and not actually transgender. If he's so hell bent on this then you should sit him down and watch a bunch of feminist documentaries with him and bombard him with feminist history chat, "So you understand your fellow sisters better 😊". Lock up your clothing.
No. 285566
Is she making any efforts to get her financial independence? Is it impossible for her to get financially independent (as in physically impossible, not "I don't like to work, it's impossible for me to be independent" impossible)? Is her situation of financial dependence going to last for a few months or indefinitely?
If she just got fired and need some months to find another job that she's activally searching for, you should help her. If she's planning on replacing your father with you and to leech on you for the rest of her life, back the fuck away
No. 285580
>>285566She's half-heartedly trying to make changes but she doesn't really put enough effort to do anything with her life, just enough so she could say she did something. Before when she had my father's credit card and she was a housewife, she made some bad financial decisions, which is why seven years ago, my father denied her access to his account and divorced her. She didn't change her ways all of this time, so I don't see her changing now either. She spends most of her time watching soap operas, reading celeb news, and arguing in the news comment section.
She's still refusing to downgrade her lifestyle, she buys luxury goods and foods for my brother, her furbaby and herself by "borrowing" money from me and other family members. My father used to cover part of the utility bills.
Despite all that, she is my mother and I will do my best to help her and my brother. She does have a good heart and good intentions, and it would be slimy and ungrateful of me to leave her on her own.
I know it's going to be hell when she moves in. She's an anti-feminist, borderline anorexic, likes trump and j peterson, she likes shopping way too much and she's going to be very controlling. She also makes me hate myself for not being rich enough to sustain a good enough lifestyle for her.
Worst of all, she's 50yo and she doesn't know what to do with her life. It's mentally taxing to give her advice that she won't listen to anyway. She wants me to give her a million dollar idea, and she wants me to also help her in her new entrepreneurial projects which are ridiculous but hey, at least she's trying, right?
I feel it's going to be a huge step back in my life regardless and I feel like a terrible person for even writing this but I don't have anyone to talk to.
I'm jealous of people whose parents have their shit together.
No. 285584
>>285581She considers me to be a man in a woman's body so it's okay. lel
She really is a good person but I guess she's a stereotypical boomer that still believes that working hard equals riches. I'm not sure if she's aware of the current job market and how it all works now.
No. 285591
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>signed up for Hulu and logged it onto my parents tv
>”maybe they’ll watch something besides goddamn SVU”
>the only thing they use it for is to watch episodes of NYPD Blue
No. 285594
>>285499I don't think I have enough interesting stories to make my own thread. He's a pretty typical autistic guy.
Personally I think the reason he wants to be a woman is because women were his only "friends". Guys had a tedency to tell him outright to fuck off while women thought of him as a pet disabled boy and kept him around because he was funny. He hasn't had much positive male social interaction so I think that may be the reason.
No. 285596
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my phone is out of storage space due to the terabyte of anime boy pictures I've saved on it. I can't bear to delete any more of them, so I need a new micro SD. problem is, I recently moved and every single micro SD I owned that wasn't already inside a device went awol during that time… I can't afford a new one this week bc I blew all my non-bill money on thai food… can't even use my computer for storage bc I can't find the box I put my mouse in…
kms I'll have to use the card in my nintendo switch until next week. I don't have any other options. fuck being broke and unorganized.
No. 285607
>>285602when I say there are a lot of pics, I mean it.
around 45gb. it would be a million times faster to zip the bulk of them and upload the zip to my mega, but I'll need a lot more space to do that.
No. 285609
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I hate my stupid apartment, all I wanna do is play Splatoon 2 and I can't join any battles due to NAT errors, connection errors. Last night I was finally able to connect for just a short while, I was so excited, but then there was seven players so it wouldn't so it said there were too few players.
No. 285616
I can never tell this to anyone but I got turned on yesterday by a cute guy calling me mommy in a sexual context. I felt so uncomfortable with the mere thought of this up until it actually happened. Nothing has made me this turned on in so fucking long. Both of us have no fucking idea what's happening. I wish the mommy thing was the worst of it. I was a normal girl who's barely sexual IRL but gets off to a bit of rough sex fantasies. He was a straight Dom guy who had been sexually dormant for months. Instead of ending up in a normal straight vanilla or usual Dom/sub shit we somehow ended up exploring things we never even liked before. We indulge in these degenerate, morally questionable, borderline illegal fetishes but as soon as we're done he feels so ashamed and repulsed by himself, and I feel angry at myself for wasting a good night's sleep on this for the 2nd week in a row. I've been having 3 hours of sleep a night because I fucking lose it as soon as his tipsy whore ass flips his long pretty hair and whines slutty, needy dirty talk into my ear about how much he wants me to own him and all the nasty shit he wants to do for me, including getting brutally fucked and abused by other guys in front of me. That's the thing we struggle with as soon as we're no longer horny: he's realizing he might be bisexual and I'm realizing I'm a fucking cuckquean. I want to kill myself every time I remember I got off to the thought of whoring him out to some older men while he's drugged. Jesus Christ that reminds me of the time I got turned on by seeing him snort a line and I fucking hate drugs and druggies normally. Did somebody put something in our fucking water? What is happening
This is kind of a nightmare. I had a solid plan for my normal, respectable future and relationship with my hard working, masculine straight man who's a bit older than men, straight edge and vanilla yet fun and interesting. Then I lost interest in him after 2 years when this younger, beautiful boy with long pretty hair, the face of a male model and the body of a toned Greek god walked into my life. Everything about his reckless unhealthy life style is the opposite of what I always wanted but I'm addicted. He says he feels the same way and everyone can tell he's crazy about me (which is terrible, both us would rather die than have anyone know what goes on between us). I have no idea where we're going with this and it's scary and we need to stop and go our separate ways but come tonight he'll be on his knees again looking up with his sparkly blue eyes with a fistful of his hair in his mommy(ugh)'s hand and we'll repeat the cycle again and want to die from shame tomorrow morning.
I don't think anyone will be reading these long ass posts but I'm gonna keep coming back with updates since I'll lose my mind if I don't write this down somewhere and vent.
No. 285641
>>285616Write a book, anon. I love messy shit like this.
I'm messy, too, and I'd talk about it here if the other parties involved didn't know about Lolcow.
No. 285652
>>285648i'm the same, anon. the best solution i've come up with so far is to stop drinking and just live without a social life. i'll still get flashbacks but they're less intense.
however i usually get bored after a few weeks and go back to my bingedrinking ways only to again suffer from fucking horrid flashbacks and self-loathing and decide to stop drinking again.
No. 285660
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I'm sick of how I am. I was emotionally neglected throughout my life, and as a result there's always this nagging feeling that makes me want to become the center of someone's world. Not several people or even a couple of people, I only want a single person to love me completely selflessly and unconditionally.
I finally found someone I love and he is great to me, but even that still doesn't feel like enough. I know he loves and cares about me more than anyone in his life, but even then he still doesn't do everything that would make me feel completely loved. It's not even his fault, he is independent and his own person. Everyone is. Even most married couples who have been together a long time aren't dependent on each other. Unfortunately I realize that in order to feel the sort of love that would truly satisfy me, my partner would have to be a literal saint and put me first in every aspect and that just doesn't happen in real life. The kind of love I want isn't realistic and it makes me very sad to think about. It's also very self-centered and egotistical, and I hate that I think this way.
Strangely enough, I do love myself and who I am. I hold myself in high regards. But at the same time, I always feel like something is missing and it's eating away at me.
No. 285714
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>>285596update: just found a mf micro sd, redownloading tkrb as I type this.
No. 285762
>>285676Not forgetting the racists on there- it's /pol/-lite. And, if you bring it up of course you're just a
triggered~ SJW.
No. 285775
>>285713Yup go against the groupthink on kiwifarms and they reeeeee hard but what do you expect from a site which owner is himself, a lolcow.
>>285726>My biggest problem with kiwifarms is how much a lot of users clearly hate womenit use to annoy me until I saw pictures of doxed kiwifarms users kek
No. 285812
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Bf vagueposted about the emergency we had today at our house in a ~woe is me~ tone when he was at work and didn't have to deal with any of it.
I was the one firsthand dealing with the situation our dumbfuck irresponsibleshit neighbors caused, the firemen, the maintenance guys, and the prick apartment management, etc. No electricity nor water for hours.
I'm the one who had to write the emails. I'm the one who took a hit from work because I had to call out and no one from there helped me.
Plus, I'm sure in the following days, it'll still be me pulling the next course of action while bf acts like a helpless sheep.
I'm dealing with so much stupidity that I just want a fellow adult companion to step in and help me figure this stuff out, play a part, and tell me it's going to be okay.
Not a little boy who cries in the corner and expects someone else to take the initiative to fix everything. He told me how he was ~so mad~ over the phone, but now I gotta make sure he doesn't sperg out when we meet management tomorrow to negotiate a new living situation and figure out how these neighbors are going to file their insurance to pay the literal thousands in damages they caused. This is all happening when my first major international trip is going down in a week, which I also slaved to plan myself.
No. 285835
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Is this the meme where we're gonna take what I vented and blow it out of proportion because I didn't preface my post with the Farmer's List™ of things my bf does right?
Or is this the meme where we forget that this is vent thread, not advice thread, and perhaps what I've posted was out of frustration and duress of losing my home and taking in thousands worth of damages while feeling very alone in the process?
No. 285838
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Can’t stop thinking about that embarassing thing i did in middle school
No. 285890
>>285882>That's it, isn't it?>Hopefully it's due to a language barrier and not complete retardation, yes?Why so desperate? kek
Trust me, it's not just us
dumb non-native speakers who start or contribute to fights.
And even if your little theory happened to be true in a case, it'd be up to you Amerifats, Brits or whatever to not attack back immediately, but to clear up any misunderstandings,
yes? No. 285904
>>285891Sorry to hear that anon. At least you're self aware enough to not to put yourself in a worse situation.
Wishing you the best <3
No. 285907
>>285890>it'd be up to you Amerifats, Brits or whatever to not attack back immediately, but to clear up any misunderstandingsNo.
No. 285919
>>285641I think I jinxed it, nothing's happened since I posted that vent. I'd write more but I don't want to spam the thread with wall of China long posts about how confused I am by my new found degeneracy.
>>285826Can you try to vaguepost at least? Or switch up some key facts so it's not obvious, pls I'm curious
No. 285967
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I just want some tips to become desensitized with sexism/racism/homophobia irl and online.
When I was depressed, I just wanted to die. Now that I'm not anymore, I want to fight it so bad, but men in my country even get to decide about abortions, I can't cope with this anymore
No. 285970
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I follow a trans guy ( is important cuz he never stfu about it) he says he is a jew filipino and never stop talking about jewish people and how all anime ch he like are jew and filipino, at first i didn't care, i was like "yeah cool whatever" but now he never stfu abute that and how all whute people are bad and try to kill him cuz of corse been a poc and jew he is the ultimate victim he also say he is gay, but oh plot twist he hate white cis gays, and now he is a gay non binary , i really like his other content and art even tho he doesn't make much art now days, i really whant to talk to him and tell himm "listen been jew is not the only thing you should be , be more than 3 things " he only talks abute been trans, jew or filipino i hate this so much , why the fuck i can get normal mutuals? ah yeah we are mutuals lord help me, he also love kpop and hate "asian people that love european beauty standards" as if kpop wasn't that lmao
No. 285979
>>285967Oh no, where do you live, anon?
If you feel a real fight inside of you, perhaps look into differences you can make in your community. Volunteer at women's shelters, riot, get involved in politics (if you can), etc.
If not, it may be best for your mental health to leave. Not saying countries with abortion rights are sexism-free (I'm Canadian and, believe me, misogynists are everywhere) but even some posturing laws may put your mind at ease.
As for putting the knowledge that these men exist out of your mind…I wish I had good advice. I have yet to achieve that myself.
No. 286147
>>285979Thanks anon, I'm from Brazil and it's election time, everything's a mess.
I'll try and work more actively on it, not doing anything won't help
No. 286159
I'm seeing a therapist right now, trying to get a diagnosis, but the information sheet he wants me to fill out involves questions about if I have done some illegal stuff. I'm just stressed trying to figure out if I should be honest as possible to get help because I really need the medication, or if I should be worried about ruining my chances of getting these drugs because they might think I'm just trying to sell them.
>>285970I couldn't even read this
No. 286177
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>tfw no chill, long-haired bf to go to the arcade with
>unironic i was born in the wrong generation
I'm such a daydreaming loser.
No. 286197
>>286195>rewarding douchebags with sex even though they thought you were worthless until you got attractive …did you actually expect it to feel GOOD? Did you think it would be some kind of enjoyable revenge? Of course you feel like shit, you're doing these assholes a favour by having sex with them but they're only going to feel good about themselves for it and will continue to think of you as trash. First you were invisible trash, now you're fuckable trash. That's how the male brain works. You're better than that, and you shouldn't give them what they want knowing they just look down on you.
Sorry to be harsh but I will never, ever understand how girls with low self esteem think giving men easier access to their vagina is going to benefit them in any way.
No. 286198
>>286159If you're currently taking drugs and are prescribed MORE drugs unknowingly, it could be very bad for you or even kill you to double dose.
If the drug use was in the past (months ago or longer) I'd say lie on the form and say you never took any (obviously mention previous legal prescriptions). The issue would be in identifying current drug users who a prescription could be dangerous for
No. 286200
>>285580>She does have a good heart and good intentionsThat's okay for a ten years old child to be completely helpless and have no idea how to manage her money, not for a 50 years old woman who is completely failing at her adult responsibilities. You're not her mother, and your actions make enable her in her behavior. If you want it to change you're going to have to clearly tell her that she has to act her age and support herself. This is not you being ungrateful, this is you stopping her from ruining someone else's life.
Jesus she really sounds like Lucille from Arrested Development
No. 286223
>>286218cool assumptions
>being adored and lavished with attentionnot everybody likes that
No. 286230
>>286195>I get that its meant to be a complimentOh no, anon, they're still bullying you!
What they said to you is fucking awful.
I'm saying this as someone who hooked up with my high school crush as an adult a few years back when I had my looks streak too.
No wonder you feel bad. Don't settle for these guys to tell you were unfuckable trash when you had and have value beyond that. They're basically saying they don't give a fuck about you while plunging into you.
I mean shit, if sexual validation is what you need then who am I to tell you not to, but with these guys it's a waste of your time.
No. 286233
>>286210That's an interesting point. She only said they were popular, though and you know how badly chads can age. Hey
>>286195, how are they looking and how good is the sex? Is there any value in these guys beyond the validation that you're not getting from them?
>>286218No, you can only get sex from hot guys, wait for it, from hot guys. It's not worth letting some rat bastard walk all over you, though. Especially if they're shit in bed.
No. 286260
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it really bothers me that i've become hostile by default to new people over the last few years. i just don't trust them an inch and i can't seem to stop being like this. if it's a man my automatic assumption is that he's a conceited piece of shit who probably hates women. if it's a woman i'm less aggressive but i won't get friendly with them because i feel like familiarity only leads to getting burned.
one of my friends pointed out how difficult and suspicious i am and suggested it was down to some extreme bullying and abuse i experienced in my childhood and teens (some kids sent me to the hospital for being the new kid when i was seven and it only got worse in high school).
i don't know if it's a self-esteem issue or a trauma issue or what. i also work in customer service which gets me really burned out on people, which probably doesn't help.
i'm trying to overcome it but i have to swallow down so much panic and rage all the time. i've overcome a lot of stuff but i feel like i won't be able to function in society normally if i can't continue to contain my hate and distrust. i don't even know what it is or how to deal with it healthily.
it's pretty isolating, but i don't want to be isolated - i want to find a partner again, be carefree, and be a kind normal well-rounded person. have any of you anons managed to get over this?
No. 286275
>>286202>>286198Thanks anon that's really helpful for me.
This thing is such a wild ride, it asks if I'm a manipulative person, but surely a manipulative person surely wouldn't admit to it that.
>>286265Like the other anon said, don't overthink this one, it sounds like she was just cutting down the amount of people she had to see to and that it wasn't to do with you. Jobseeking can be such an emotionally draining thing and I hope you realise that it doesn't represent your worth as a person!
No. 286284
>>286260Don't worry I've been bullied from elementary school and now even in friggin college and I am apprehensive about people too. The way I've dealt with it is just to keep in mind youve had bad experiences and it's normal to not just consider everyone you meet a "friend". We have this weird social expectation to just automatically call everybody we meet a friend like the term "acquaintance" doesn't exist. Especially in college where everybody thinks that it's gonna be Zoey 101 but the grown up edition. It helps to find an outlet to get rid of some of the anger like a counselor/therapist or just a hobby (for me it's music) and to remember that you honestly aren't alone in that sentiment. Childhood bullying is more serious than people make it out to be.
Just consider people and acquaintance and after awhile if they prove themselves to be a friend than a friend. Anybody that wants to shove a relationship down your throat needs to get kicked to the curve in my experience they have the most drama.
No. 286321
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>>283640I'm off my antidepressants and I went to a dermatologist and they put me on Accutane even if I informed them I suffer of mental illness. Luckily, the Accutane didn't make me feel worse than I did before.
But oh boy, do I feel like shit. I've never felt like this before, it's like I don't even feel anything anymore just some deeply internalized feeling of frustration. I've been chronically depressed for years but the loss of my grandmother just hit me and even if I'm trying to keep a positive attitude about it and accept the fatality of death I cannot ignore the fact that it broke me completely.
I hate myself and I want to stop but I cannot because everything I do is always retarded I cannot believe I'm 19 years old but I feel stuck at 8. I have isolated myself in my own internalized fantasy and social interaction just scares me now I cannot believe I have become this miserable I feel like I will never be a decent human being I want this to end I'm scared of death, I don't wanna die I just want to be normal and happy and find something that I'm actually passionate about.
No. 286372
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i'm so fucking far behind in life that it disgusts me. people my age have cars and houses and are starting families and i'm a fucking NEET without a driver's license or a GED.
it's because of a bunch of different things that i am this way, and i know that it's gonna take me getting up and doing something to change it, but i have no motivation to do it. i keep feeling like someone's gonna point me in the direction i need to go and i'll just do that. but that's not how it works! i know that's not how it works.
i was abused as a kid to the point where i feel like i never really mentally aged. i was neglected and not shown the basics i needed to at least be somewhat functioning, and now everyone i talk to about this is just gonna think i'm a lazy sack of shit that does nothing but lick my own wounds.
i don't even know my fucking multiplication tables man what the fuck. i want to be better. i want to GET BETTER. i need a gameplan and some direction.
starting tomorrow i'm gonna pick my life up and fix this fucking mess.
No. 286600
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>colleagues joking around at my expense
No. 286602
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i dont think living with my sister is going to work out. she never learnt to be a proper adult. i just came back from a week away and she didnt clean AT ALL or do a single dish in all the time i was away, despite cooking and making a mess in the kitchen. the kitchen was an absolute state, even now ive only just scratched the surface of cleaning it.
im her sister, not her mother, this is supposed to be an equal relationship. i cant be nagging her to sort her behaviour out constantly, its not my job and i just cba with it. i know she has mental health problems, but i have had them too and i never made someone else do all my cleaning and everyday tasks like some kind of overgrown spoilt child. she always does this as well, and she gets so defensive whenever it is brought up, i dont think she wants to change. and i know ill end up having to support her financially, she says she wants to get a job but she doesnt put any actual effort into doing so.
i love her but im NOT being her nanny and maid. idk what to do
No. 286714
>not saging on purpose>"my dude">too lazy to scroll>clogging up the celebricow thread sperging over how anons aren't shitting on azealia banks enough >obviously samefagging>contributing to derailment (posting about healthcare in celebricow)it's obviously the same person kek, think i've noticed them on other threads too in /snow/
guarantee they'll come in here and sperg about this post
No. 286727
>>286597If you failed despite studying, maybe consider trying a different way of studying? Maybe the way you studied beforr was just inefficient, you know? Everyone learns differently. You might learn more by taking notes or drawing mindmaps or teaching the thing to someone else… Find your own way!
You can do it!
No. 286749
>>286397>>286420i came back expecting to be dragged but i didn't expect anyone else to be in the same position as i am. we'll be alright, shit's just weird.
>>286408everyone i know besides maybe 2 people know their multiplication tables! i was told it's a basic thing that everyone learns. i even tried flashcards and those weird learning songs and it just never stuck.
i'm pretty bumblefuck stupid when it comes to math in general, though.
No. 286918
>>286917It was so bizarre that I was caught off guard. I think I've normalized 'guys' being a uisex term, as well, because there's not really a term to incompass the same sort of familiarity/casualness of saying 'guys'. I guess 'everybody' or 'everyone' would work? But, despite being informal, it still feels more formal than 'guys'.
(There's also "y'all", which is what the other women suggested, since we're in the South. However, I am not fond of it personally and basically disregard that as an option.)
No. 286925
>>286833Pizza gal here
We have limits on how much a tip people can give us (usually cant go past 3 digits), if we aren't sure if its that much or not they just put 5 dollars in, they'd also call you if you left that big of a tip without reason to make sure
No. 287281
>>287244 I feel the same exact way. Whenever I stood up for myself the vice principal would punish me/attempt to but I would stand my ground and threaten for my mother to come in or imply I'd run to local news channels about it. My mom worked as a teacher and she said other teachers would do this so that they didn't have to deal with the bad kids because they would fight back.
Fuck what anyone says actually being bullied (everyone keeps saying everybody has been bullied just cause they got called ugly one time in 5th grade) messes you up for the rest of your life and it takes a lot of work not to think about the cruelty you faced. A so called friend turned her back on me God knows how many times and now I still question all my friendships. Don't worry Anon this has happened to a lot of people and a lot of people including me still get flashbacks to stuff like this. I always remind myself of the fact that most of the kids I graduated with are actually in jail (one is cause he groomed a minor so why would anyone want a good relationship with a POS like that) , about to be in jail, dropped out from having kids in high school and still live in the same hood,or look a friggin mess. I went back to my old town and one of my middle school bullies was still working at a super market bagging and looking at me in fear (nothing wrong with working in a super market but you get what I mean)
I know this is a long post sorry but Anon always remember what my mom told me , certain people not liking you is a good sign that you are doing something right.
No. 287286
>>287244Sorry that happened to you, anon. Teachers doing nothing is par for the course, gotta love that "just ignore them!" platitude when you're being hit, thrown into mud, or sexually harassed. They can't be bothered because there's no convenient one-size-fits-all solution to bullying. That said, with time I've largely healed from my bad experiences, you might too.
>>287281So the "bully ends up flipping burgers forever" shit does happen? That's interesting, most of mine are doing pretty well for themselves. Sorry you had to deal with that, too.
No. 287331
That is all so ridiculously far from healthy. Get away if you can, please!
No. 287385
>>287325cause they're nuts. this is true in basically all languages other than ones with heavy honourifics, like japanese. the pronouns shit is dumb and selfish because pronouns are meant for
others to identify you to other people. they're not a second name.
No. 287503
>>287399I have a lot of experience with what you're dealing with, having had close relationships with three different, extremely BPD people… I'm like a magnet.
Why can't you cut him out? If it's already gone sour this fast, then going no-contact seems like your best option. Navigating this sort of situation is certainly difficult when mutual friends are involved, but consider whether or not you're willing to sacrifice your own well-being simply to avoid some (inevitably) awkward situations within the group. If your other friends are already concerned about this dynamic, then I imagine they'll have your back if you decide to take a step back.
I'm still friends with 2 of the aforementioned people with BPD, but only because I was able to establish very clear boundaries with them (lest the respective relationships spiral out of control as they have in the past). For instance, if he's treating you poorly, stand your ground and explain to him that you'll be taking a break from communicating with him because you've been hurt by his actions. Designate an amount of time for this break, stick to it, and ignore his cries for attention. Resume speaking to him only at the designated time. Rinse and repeat if he continues to act out. He needs to understand that there are consequences to bad behavior, and that you won't tolerate being mistreated. Be CLEAR about what you are and aren't alright with in terms of expectations for this friendship - if him confiding in you about serious topics makes you uncomfortable, then let him know that although you are friends, he cannot approach you with certain topics. If he persists, remain firm and reiterate the boundaries you've established. Direct him to other friends, family, or resources when his attention becomes overwhelming. Be kind, but do not yield to threats or manipulation.
These solutions may sound harsh, and I have nothing against people with BPD, but I encourage you to take a stand for yourself now as opposed to later when the stakes will be much, much higher. At this rate, it will only get worse as time passes. Hope things get better for you.
No. 287506
>>287481Because if you read the post down to the bottom, there are clues about what type of relationship it was
>"Considering the amount of abuse that happened within the relationship and how I just became more like a mom than a romantic partner"It sounds like a romantic relationship throughout the post. Not about her brother or father, which I don't think people would refer to as 'exs' anyway.
No. 287526
>>287481>>287508Thanks to globalism, English is not the only language where 'ex' is used to refer to a past boy / girl friend.
It is also not a very obscure term in the English language itself, the person's English should be absolutely terrible before you assume they do not know the meaning of 'ex' in this context.
No. 287533
>>287475I'm not ESL I'm just a fucking idiot and wasn't playing enough attention to read the first line.
I agree that no ESL person would have misinterpreted that if they put the effort in lmao.
No. 287548
>>287533And I just made a typo. I must have lost the ability to read.
Here's a vent about my sudden illiteracy.
No. 287578
>>287503>Why can't you cut him out? He's part of my primary social circle and we all hang out as a group the majority of the time and go to events and shit together. If I cut him out, I couldn't hang out with the group nearly as much. Even though they have my back, they still see him as a victim and how he treats me as a symptom of his depression and anger issues. They're basically like "poor -blank- must be having such a hard time if he's acting this way!"
I'm definitely gonna take your advice about setting boundaries, although the one time I did he got incredibly passive aggressive in his agreement to follow them. I decided that I'm just gonna avoid him outside of the group, at least for a month or two. When we're around other people, he's less emotional. Although, still pretty bitchy.
No. 287643
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I work at a thrift store for nearly 2 years now. My favorite Boss has left due to illness. And now my regional manager is coming by every week to check up on us. We're suppose to do a certain amount of work in 6 hours but now they're trying to double the workload and pay the same amount. i'm getting stressed and gained weight. It's so frustrating. i am currently looking for another job that pays the same or more so i can still afford my mortgage.
No. 287692
>>287688Looks like the
triggered eurofag from the disney thread is back. Do you ever shut the fuck up?
No. 287814
>>287812it's a statistical fact anon. only 20-30% of women orgasm from penetration alone. doesn't mean their sex life is any better or worse.
most of my active sex life I never came during sex until recently but my current bf has a super curved dick that just hits the right spot. that said, I wouldn't say it's any better or worse than other partners. it's just more convenient. but I prefer getting head tbh
anyway, point is, there's nothing wrong with you if you don't come from penetration, it's an extremely common occurrence. figure out how to please yourself before going into intercourse with crazy expectations.
No. 287855
>>287692>>287831>assuming each poster that does not agree with you is the same posterThere were several eurofags arguing there. Seems like you are the
triggered one cause you can't forget about that one poster and see her everywhere lmfao
Also not sure where the quoted anon was racist, more like xenophobic since Americans are a nation and not a race.
No. 287885
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Instead of looking forward to my last day of work before vacation, I'm dreading and hunkering down in my tiny bedroom. All because property management has been randomly sending in contractors and vendors to fix huge damages to my main rooms that upstairs tenants caused.
No, they don't notify me of who's going to be in my apartment. They might just send me a short email the morning and explain in generalities what will be happening.
Obviously my privacy means fuck all even though none of this happened due to my fault.
I was told I was free to get a hotel for myself, but I would have to front the costs and file through insurance if I wanted reimbursement. Which yeah nahhhhhh, because I'm going on vacation and not taking from my vacation fund for this horseshit.
I fucking hate it. It's loud and I can't relax, I feel confined to my bedroom by default. Some fucker actually went into my bathroom and was talking shit about the state of it in spanish. Gosh, maybe the reason why I didn't fucking Martha Stewart my bathroom is because my home looks like dynamite went off in it and STRANGE RANDOM MEN aren't supposed to be going into my bathroom in the first place!
What's really disturbing is that none of my doors lock.
I'm glad I'm going away. Imagine if this is what I'd have to deal with during my weeks off that I waited all year for! Fucking hacks talking shit about an apartment I can't realistically clean while they confine me to a single room for weeks on end. I hate them.
No. 287952
>>287950can you just admit women like you are sexually repressed so you don't hand out sex advice?
>omg i cant cum during penetration>doesnt cum at all>this is normalif you can't rub your clit while a dick is in your vag, you have anatomy issues.
No. 287992
>>287988sent that too early sorry for doubleposting
it took me 6 months to kiss him and i wasn't even the one who initiated… we met by trauma bonding (he helped me leave my abuser and i looked out for him while he lived with his abusers)
and it sounds unhealthy but we were actually totally fine for 4 years. we understood each other really well and he was always really slow and understanding with me.
i feel like he's mentally checked out of our relationship now and i know that he's really only experimenting because he's only ever had sex with me but i can't help it
i feel backstabbed
i forgot about being open because i never utilized it
i just wish he gave me a warning instead of bringing it up later when it was too late
No. 288000
>>287997someone else told me the same thing and im starting to realize how true it is. im at a pretty severe disadvantage being young (18) and terribly mentally ill. i feel like i was taken advantage of.
No. 288009
>>287992update everybody… he admitted it happened on tuesday but he felt guilty about not telling me beforehand.
he has admitted to cheating on me. i would love for today to be over now. im so sorry for posting so much. i dont trust anyone with this situation because i feel embarrassed.
No. 288228
>>288201I cannot imagine the pure horror of having diarrhoea on a plane.
Good luck, don't shit yourself.
No. 288267
>>288201i’m so sorry anon. best of luck.
could you tell us how it went after you get back?
No. 288352
>>288322There are people affected by both slurs who recognize them both as derogatory and used by violent, hateful people. I don't know why you're being so divisive. Also, a gay couple walking in public and holding hands can easily be picked in a crowd.
Homophobia is particularly awful in the black community, too.
No. 288359
>>288322Really? Try being more considerate. It's always been as equally derogatory as the n word.
>>288348 put it very nicely. Why wouldn't you be able to pick out something equally can't control as having dark skin? There's a reason why there's laws against ALL types of discrimination in the work place, you know. This includes "little" shit like age and even eye color.
No. 288383
>>288352I'm not trying to be divisive, honestly. Take away the partner and you wouldn't be able to know the one person is gay.
Across all these boards we add use terms like newfag and other words ending in fag. It's way more lax than the n-word, also since majority of people censor one and not the other.
Faggot is still derogatory, but it's easier to cover up your homosexuality than your skin color.
No. 288385
>>288384Have you heard of consentration camps?, Gay people have been tormented and experimented on many times..
My point is, its just a word. Its not that deep.
No. 288394
>>288385Yes, I am aware of them. Admittedly, I was also drawing a blank, which is why I said I could be wrong.
True, it’s just a word. But both are words with history. A not so great history. I don’t know why we need to compare which word is worst. Let’s just all agree that both words are slurs.
No. 288398
>>288394I'm not personally bothered by the n-word, or faggot/dyke/etc. IMO, if someone is using it as an insult, it just shows that they're unhinged enough to fixate on my race (or choice in partner) above all else, and that's 100% their problem, not mine. In my experience, there's literally nothing wrong with being black or not straight except dealing with said people, so why should I be bothered? It's like being personally affected because some special ed kid spits at you, shits his pants and throws a fit whenever he sees you for no reason.
It's obviously different when it's someone with actual power over your life, like a boss or teacher, but yeah.
No. 288426
>>288388I really, really know how you feel. I've been there before. I hope you know you're stronger than your anxiety. He would have only caused you more pain if the relationship continued. Although it's cliche, time really does heal all wounds. I've found that picking uo new hobbies helped with my anxiety because I had something else to focus on. Perhaps you could try to learn a language? Maybe pick up art? Anything that you find relaxing is good.
I'm wishing you the best.
No. 288445
>>288426Thanks anon. I needed to be reminded that I am not alone in these sorts of feelings and that that it will just take time (and also effort) to overcome.
>>288443Wish I could say the same about mine. My relationship ended on a terrible note. Maybe I will end up missing him less as time goes on though and I start thinking less about any of the good times.
No. 288488
Any anon with inpulse control problems regarding using or eating other people's, roommates and such, stuff in secret?
The only similar thing, with a name, that I find is klepto but I don't think it's quite that.
My family growing up was very extreme on this kind of thing, my dad locked up and name tagged all of his stuff, and my mom would use my clothes and bed without asking, so I find it kind of hard to deal with boundaries in common areas.
And just today I think I really fucked up, being that I just moved in with new flat mates. For some reason I decided to use a girl's razor that was in the bathroom but broke it while cleaning it afterwards. I went to five places to see if they had the same brand and color in order to replace it but found it nowhere, only at a small online store. Thing is, they don't deliver in the weekend or within the same day so I used superglue to fix it up and now there's a 50% chance she'll pick the one razor I fucked up and discover my did.
I don't know why I fuck myself over so much and I'm super scared to go back now in case she's waiting and angry with me.
No. 288551
>>288488Depends how close you are with the roomie but I'd say just tell her you dropped it accidentally, not necessarily that you were using it. You could say you think it "might have broke" since your repair probably screwed it up.
You could just say you were curious about it because it looked nice and you're thinking of getting one for yourself. This might be a good segue way into asking where she got it and offering to buy her a replacement.
Really doubt she'll care if you frame it as a simple accident and offer to replace.
Also yeah I used to have klepto (really minor shit) tendencies myself. I stopped though after being caught, it's super fucking embarrassing lol. Just try to resist!
No. 288566
>>288488honestly, i'd be really grossed out if someone used my razor. I would tell her you dropped it and broke up and just give her money for a new one. You can get something serious from sharing razors because of tiny cuts and blood, so please dont do it again for her safety and yours…
I'm sorry to hear your family grew up with such weird boundaries, but i was taught to always ask before using someone's stuff or else it's stealing.
No. 288624
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I just popped my fucking head out of my first floor apartment at 4am cause it sounded like my neighbour was being bothered by some dude while she was on her way into the building. Eitherway fucking christ, it felt like my introverted ass was going into cardiac arrest once I realized there wasnt a conflict brewing.
I mean its better than thinking of what could have been if the dude was a 11/10 creep and my neighbour said she felt alittle safer living here yET THAT WONT STOP MY CURRENT SHAKES.
>wake up to a deepvoice slightly slurred talking about how he needs a slap and how he isnt leaving (generally the convo could be misconstrued lowkey) n my neighbour is essentially doing the curt girly "i gotta go" move.
>inb4 I climb on my kitchen countertop to throw my window open and with a stern voice go "Is there a problem????"
>drunk shocc & confusion
>Realising I might have entered the chat wrong, direct myself to the neighbour "You seemed uncomfortable, are you ok?"
>its all fine and im left profusely apologizing cause fucking christ on a cracker.
>She tells me she feels alittle safer for it, dude friend said I could call on him if something like that happens
>looking this drunkass straight in the eye just deadass tell him "I woulda decked someone" cause boy better bet there is no time for a phonecall or I wouldn't feel the need to pop out a window at 4am.
>return to bed with a stomach ache from the current stress juat running through my body atm
No. 288696
>>288690Why is someone calling when it's on eBay? You can do everything online. Definitely don't do collection only if that is who is interested though, that's bizarre.
Most people buying toys are normal people, that's just nuts
No. 288698
>>288697>the description says you're selling your daughter's toys as she's moving out.You were on the right track before this.
This would attract pedos.
Just keep it male and people would think you're the average MLP neckbeard, this doesn't encourage any degeneracy.
No. 288731
>>288721Went through the same shit at the start of the year anon, I'm sorry, just don't make the same as me and take him back, because I had the same convo about how I'm isolating him and how I'm the only one that doesn't see how he changed for the better. We're in a ldr so I can't isolate him lmao
Anyway, I'm pretty sure he's at a pool party with his brother and will lie about it, because he thinks I don't have instagram. Yey
No. 288734
>>288732>>288731>>288730He did this over text. I didn't even get a call. He's acting like this is a noble sacrifice, that in order to stop standing me up and hurting me, he's going to leave me and move on and hopes that I do too.
Fuck me right
No. 288736
>>288669>>288657Thanks you guys, I know logically that I'm not doing anything wrong but it's nice to hear it from other people. I'm a really sensitive and avoidant person so it's hard for me to have that "fuck the haters" mindset. It's pathetic but I really just want someone to be proud of me for improving instead of trying to pull me down.
>>288721Geez anon, that sucks. I know it won't help much but at least you can be thankful that he showed you his true colors before you got married. If he's not willing to work things and won't talk to you like an adult then he's not worth your time.
No. 288804
>>288769Honestly, in my case (ldr anon) I literally didn't do shit because how? It's not like I held him back physically or something, I literally encouraged him to go out with the few friends he has and I was always really happy and sort of proud when he did.
But what I did notice is that he was really depressed at the time and didn't want to go out, even when I was at his place, so I guess he associated the whole negativity with me?
Also unrelated to ^ but I'm making appointments this month with a derm and a psychiatrist and honest to god I hope something goods comes out of it because I can't really choose who to go to. I just want my skin and brain finally fixed
No. 288976
>>288384A faggot was a bundle of sticks that you throw on the fire.
Get it now?
No. 289127
>>288997why do orbiters make you want to hate yourself? anyways i already do this already and i don't get anything
>>288993seems like a big commitment. i'm not looking for a career or anything.
>>288992yeah i think i am cute a nerdy. i don't play multiplayer games but i do other things. for example i used to work in a Magic the Gathering store. seems like a place where a ton of guys would hit on you, right? i got nothing lol.
No. 289152
>>289127You might be cute but not quite cute enough… I think you have to reach a certain threshold to be worth the risk of rejection a guy faces when hitting on you in public, especially if it's a place they frequent often. If you approach them first or seem very easy/approachable the threshold is much lower.
I have no idea why you'd want beta orbiters anyway. They're a fucking nightmare of awkward moments and trying to avoid getting pressured into shit you don't want to do.
No. 289161
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I’ve been staying with my parents while I get situated with my visa and move back abroad, but I swear to god my mother is driving me insane. I cook every night because neither of them can cook worth shit, and when they do its the same bland basic 7 meals day in and day out. Tonight I proposed a new menu of stuff I found on Pinterest that looked interesting and wasn’t even too out there in terms of flavor. But before I could even list the first item my mom had her nose turned up and complained about how “that will probably turn out horrible” and “why do we have to eat like this?” You’d think I was trying to serve them some exotic dish or something when its a basic stuffed chicken breast with a side salad.
And jesus fucking christ, add any sort of extra ingredients for a kick and its “too much” for her. “There was way too much onion in your casserole, I could barely even keep it down” was a comment she made, when not only did I see her going back for seconds, but my dad said he loved it and my sister in law even asked for the recipe and makes it on the regular. I once made stuffed peppers for a family gathering, and she took one bite and ask if I even out any salt or seasonings in them. She took the same stuffed peppers as leftovers for her lunch for work, and when she came home the first thingn she said was “Why did you put so much salt in those peppers? It was way too overwhelming.”
I know I’m not a terrible cook, and I’ve had many people compliment my dishes. Its literally only her that has a problem with anything, and its a huge strain on my self confidence. She does this with any DIY, baking, cooking, knitting…ANY project I do as well. Its always something negative. I’m so fucking tired of it. Bless my dad for genuinely having an interest in all of this. I was genuinely excited about cooking this week and trying out some new stuff but now im wondering if i should just say fuck it all and let them go back to their bland pork chops and casseroles.
No. 289186
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I know this is fucking dumb but I like this guy so fucking much it’s affecting my academic productivity. Like, I wouldn’t have any motivation to do my works unless we talk or hit up. Our relationship is strictly platonic due to certain circumstances and I’m fine with that but FUCK, Its just hard for me to do anything when we don’t talk or if he’s busy. I always rely on him for emotional support (he’s the only one who actually listens and understand, or so I think) and for other fun wholesome bullshit. Whenever I go out with my other friends or when I’m super into what i’m doing, I don’t think of him at all. But when I don’t have anything going on, or whenever I have to do some actual bullshit, I have this NEED to fill that emptiness and irresponsibility with him. I do really like him as a person and I have organized/discussed my feelings for him with myself and I am aware with the whole situation-we-have-thing. But, I just can’t fucking quit him. Shit, maybe my lack of motivation and direction in life and the feelings I have for him are entirely two different problems and I have to fix myself first. But, I don’t know how to fix that one either lmao
No. 289263
>>289161Anon, she's jealous of you. Simple as that. She doesn't want you to be a better cook / baker / knitter than her because you're younger, hence you don't have that much experience as her and she doesn't want to be eclipsed by you and your things.
I know it pisses you off but try to take it as a compliment: if she complains, you must be doing something really good, specially when you know what you're doing it's perfectly fine, even some people flatter you.
No. 289425
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A reminder to be careful on the internet.
I recently joined a site with a private chat similar to discord.
In the chat there is a channel with a bot that posts some guy's browsing history. Apparently the guy tried making a userscript that embedded things from the site on all other web pages, he made it bad though. It doesn't work and he forgot about it, but his script is still turned on and it keeps trying to embed things.
While doing this, it sends the page it tried embedding things on, through the referral HTTP header automatically added by the browser.
So this site basically receives the guy's browsing history.
They have been posting it since half a year ago apparently.
I find it appalling.
I'd expect them to read it privately to get a giggle out of it every now and then, but not post it publicly.
He could've prevented this by blanking the referral header but it doesn't mean his naivety should be exploited, it's just some beginner programmer who tried making something cool.
I should try monitoring the history to find a way to tell the retard.
No. 289449
>>289161Are your parents older people? Mine are the same way. I get complimented for my cooking by friends and family a lot, yet when I go to cook for them they're really apprehensive about what I make. They encourage me to cook, yet they also really seem to dislike the things I cook.
I hypothesize their age is starting to make them comfortable in their routines, and so they don't like unfamiliar palettes.
If I were to make their usual meals and then add a few ingredients for taste and jazz, they'd voice a concern about the new ingredients. Wouldn't say shit if they didn't know about the new additions, though.
Also my mom is a cleanliness control freak, so when I lived at home another reason why she didn't like me cooking were the alleged "messes." She's particular about the way things are cleaned.
But that was the conundrum of living at home. I felt like I had to contribute in some way to the domestic work, yet my efforts were always nitpicked to death. Aging boomers are real hard to please.
No. 289575
>>289537Fuck off suicide baiter. Wtf
>>289532Life is a gift. You can always change your future. Often it is something like getting away from toxic family or friends, moving house. Get away from the things that are making you feel worthless and flourish. They are toxic sludge trying to infect you. Their jealousy is what you pick up on; of the wonderful future you can have away from them.
No. 289576
>>289575lol what are you 12?
life isn't a gift anon. grow up.
No. 289767
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I'm so fucking sad.
I found a listing on ebay for a knockoff Westwood horn tiara for <$10 that had some generic Engrish title (pic related), bid on it and won it yesterday only to receive a message from the seller today telling me it's no longer available and I've been issued a refund.
I've been dying for a Westwood horn tiara for so long but thanks to Dakota going viral with them they became impossible to find knockoffs of. Ughhhhhh they're so cute and perfect. I love horns/ears on headbands but other than the Westwood horn tiara it's so hard tp find cute ones that arent costumey.
No. 289778
>>289762anon, what you're saying clearly comes from someone who has never been in any kind of situation where they truly feel that way.
life is not precious, or a gift, anon is not wrong in wanting to die if she is going through severe enough problems, it's no one's place to tell others how they should feel about their situations, and it's selfish to try to guilt people into living just because you somehow think things will get better. sometimes they don't. also often times these feelings are indeed caused by things like cancer, which make you a burden. your idealized view of anon just simply being able to get away from the things that are causing her feelings and be cured is disgusting.
No. 289793
>>289778You clearly don't know what you're talking about.
>guilt people into living You're clearly a dangerous psycho, please don't offer advice to anyone.
No. 289795
>>289793Anon, if anyone like
>>289778"kill you with kindness" is in your life that is exactly the kind of toxic influence I mean.
Toxic anon: She didn't mention any chronic illness. It was a one line post. MOST things CAN and DO get better. But they can only get better if you're here. Don't try and validate your sadism by implying it comes from more experience or knowledge. You're just a fool.
No. 289798
>>289778>also often times these feelings are indeed caused by things like cancer, which make you a burdenoh my god. i was almost with you until you said that. please don't encourage suffering people with illnesses to feel like their entire being is worthless because they can't provide money or utility. people are so much more than their ability to use their bodies for utility and monetary gain. if you have compassion for the infirm and respect for the elderly you don't even think of things like "maybe people who can't give anything back
should just die!" it's a symptom of an increasingly dehumanizing society. it's fucking hideous.
No. 289814
>>289805alright, you're right about that, but you listed a very self-destructive, delusional reason along with reasonable ones.
like, it's hell to be in pain and suffering every single day with no hope of ever getting better, BUT, its even more of a hell to go through all that and believe that you're a burden and worthless as well. if you know in your heart that there's nothing wrong with you and you deserve to survive, it's a hell of a lot better than spiraling down into a bottomless well of self destruction. In fact, having a spark of self-respect and willpower is often what gets people through times of extreme suffering, instead of giving up.
The problem with suicide isn't that life isn't a hellrealm with countless fucking nightmare endings. It definitely is. If life needed to be guaranteed worth it in order for me to stick around, I'd be long fucking gone. But the problem with suicide is that you deny yourself the slim chance that you'll get a twist of fate.
No. 289815
>>289813that's what i'm saying.
being in pain and sick is not in your control
believing that you're a burden is in your control and is a shitty attitude that makes it even worse.
No. 289816
>>289814you're almost as annoying as the other anon because you got
triggered about the very specific way i said something.
No. 289819
>>289816i guess i did get
triggered. i'll shut up after this. it's just extremely relevant to something that happened to someone close to me and i thought you were giving legitimacy to the idea that being a burden is a valid reason to kill yourself.
No. 289820
>>289819no i was literally just saying that anon has no right to tell others that their lives can just be all sunshine and rainbows if they just walk away from the problems, who she believes 100% are people.
i'm sorry anon, i kind of had a similar situation and i'm sorry how i worried it. i was just so pissed off that anon seemed to think that suicidal thoughts are only for people who have shitty people causing them to feel that way.
my fiance has a mental issue and he tried to kill himself a few years ago because he thought he was being a burden on others by needing help often.
i definitely don't think it's a valid reason at all, but if anon is trying to be considerate of other people's suicidal desires, she shouldn't assume it's just cause "toxic people".
No. 289822
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>>289820that makes perfect sense. i read way too much into a simple phrase. i feel pretty silly now.
No. 289828
>>289824I mean the fact I flagged you up as toxic and then it turns out you made your own fiancé suicidal and feel like a burden? You obviously aren't a sensitive person. Words matter. Things get better. What anon said here is true
>>289814>having a spark of self-respect and willpower is often what gets people through times of extreme suffering, instead of giving up.
>the problem with suicide is that you deny yourself the slim chance that you'll get a twist of fate.I'm not saying run away from your problems. I'm saying the solution ISN'T SUICIDE. THE SOLUTION ISNT FUCKING SUICIDE. This should not need to be spelled out to anyone. It is NOT THE SOLUTION.
If you're ill, surround yourself with loved ones, find things you enjoy, and yes a positive attitude fucking helps.
If you're sad, yes it IS often insensitive or outright cruel fuckers around you. It is being trapped. It is finances. The solution is to seek positive change. How dare you assume I haven't gone through similar.
There are many problems. But the only way to fix them is to STAY HERE and work on FIXING THEM. Please stop spreading your toxic words without thought.
No. 289829
>>289828NTA but you're disgusting. Why are you implying anon
made her fiance feel like a burden when clearly she's saying that he felt like it cause of his shortcomings.
I cannot stand people like you. Stop with this fake caring bullshit, you care about anon's life just about as much as I care about yours (not very much).
No. 289838
>>289836there are more anons ITT that are talking to you.
also, if you actually read what some of the anons said, ones you are quoting in agreement with actually agreed that sometimes suicide is the answer.
No. 289840
>>289839NTAYRT but you know that there are many countries like certain US states and Canada, that have legalized assisted suicide for some things right? But I suppose all those places are just sick?
Also you're treating an anon who clearly just doesn't want others to suffer as a piece of shit and trying to blame her for her bf? That's really fucked up for someone who is claiming you care about others. You have a really twisted view of things. You kind of remind me of anti-abortion whack jobs who only care about keeping something alive and not whether or not the life will be good.
No. 289843
>>289828jesus, the fact that you think it's okay to say something like that is really fucked up, how can you think you are any better than anyone else here? let me guess, if anon commits suicide it doesn't matter because she dared to say that people who are suffering should be able to kill themselves and it's not just about cutting out "toxic people". you better go to fucking canada and crusade up there because anyone over 18 with an incurable, deadly terminal illness can get euthanized.
this site is for adults, btw, not 14 year old tumblrinas who crusade for "justice" while bullying others because someone with an opposing opinion doesn't matter amirite?
No. 289862
>>289859No, I really can't unless I want it to
look like handmade dollar store shit. I do not want that. Which is why I would rather buy it, as I have no crafting skills.
No. 289907
>>289883Wanting a halloween headband to look expensive in the first place.
The actual VW ones look cheap because they’re still just a novelty headband.
No. 289926
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I just hate how men have to shit on any woman who doesn't look like a model with 5 layers of makeup in a cute uWu dress and being ~feminine~.
No, I'm not a tranny, but this outrage over how Ellie looks from LoU2 hits close to home because she looks a lot like me and apparently I look like a man.
No. 289945
>>289926>outrageReally? I haven't heard anything yet but if that's true then hopefully it's just a vocal minority of fuckless no-neck men.
I found this character so refreshing, and I'm glad development didn't turn her sequel self into an aged up bimbo to please the entitled.
No. 289974
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>>289926I've noticed a lot of crying any time a female character doesn't have an ultra feminine hour glass body or sexy outfit lately. Just look at the shit show over the new She-Ra cartoon.
Any female character that wasn't designed to be nothing more than jerk off material for men is always accused of being some evil feminist attempt at "desexualizing women". As if A) women only exist to be jerked off to and B) any woman who doesn't have big tits is automatically ugly. It's fucking sad and bizzare.
Pic very related.
No. 290001
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Now I'm afraid the person that took my phone will somehow reset the password and access my phone and I have a lot of passwords and nudes. I tried deleting my files through google but it doesn't work.
No. 290017
>>289974I agree with you that women do not need to be sexualised, but at the same time I prefer the old She-ra design… She looked like a pretty american comic heroine. Now she looks like a typical tumblr reimagining. I do think that the teenage version is an interesting idea, but she looks so bland. At the same time, He-Man was a mountain of muscle. I do not think these characters were meant to be relatable teens as much as adult superheroes.
As a side-note, let's not forget that both He-man and She-ra were cheap cartoons meant to sell as much toys as possible. It's a miracle something this thrashy gets a reboot. It will be even bigger one if it's any good.
No. 290043
I know this isn't a major problem, but I am so fucking tired of looking like a kid. I'm 22 and apparently I look like I'm at most 14. I just transferred into University and have been trying to go out to have fun and meet people but I keep getting turned away from bars with my legal driver's license. No one takes me seriously and I'm constantly patronized by people my same age. A professor didn't bother telling me about a great research internship because "oh, you have to be 18 to do it, sorry". I had to stop wearing cute clothes and wear makeup everyday and even then I feel like a kid playing dress up. I act like my age, but I keep getting comments of "You act so mature," and having cashiers at the grocery store on weekdays ask me why I'm not in school. I don't understand people who see my legal license and accept it, then make a comment on how I look like a child. That's not flattering at all, why would you say that to an adult?! Sure, maybe I will like it when I'm 50, but now I don't even want to go outside anymore. I've been lifting weights, I hope that will help.
No. 290069
>>290020Idk if CBD oil helps that much with sleep, but it’ll numb that headache almost immediately. I use it almost daily to deal with migraines, but CBD oil usually doesn’t make me sleepy— indica/high CBD weed helps though, since it also has THC. I’m sure you’ve tried low-dose melatonin? That has worked pretty well for me sleep wise.
Good luck anon! Hope you can get some rest.
>I’m no expert on CBD, but I’ve used all sorts of products that contain it for different ailments No. 290153
>>290139Can I ask you what are your migraines like?
My headaches are behind the eyes, at eyebrow level and on the temple. My eyes get crazy red and watery. From what I've been reading it doesn't sound like migraines. But my GP is stumped (been throwing at me tramadol and zolpidem, there are not helping). I've just been to an eye doctor and he said that my eyes aren't the problem.
I'm really crossing my fingers on the CBD at least bringing some relief 'cause I'm at the end of my rope.
No. 290186
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>>290153EXACTLY THE SAME. Anon, I have been trying to describe these headaches to doctors for years, and no one has ever been able to help me get rid of them. They are always behind my left eye, make me light-sensitive, and leave me with a teary, bloodshot eye. They throb and could last for a whole day. They are immensely painful, and would sometimes even wake me up in the middle of the night. I’ve had them since I was 12, and just about a year ago started CBD to relieve the pain because nothing else worked other than fistfuls of Tylenol. Like, there was a period where I was so desperate for pain relief, I’d take 8 at a time.
For me, I can feel it “numbing” the headache as it’s happening. I usually take my oil as soon as I start to feel pressure behind my eye. Nothing has worked better.
I seriously hope you try it anon. I would absolutely say CBD has changed my life, and I don’t have to go through my day with a hand held over my left eye. Please, please try it.
(Also, the picture is the brand I use, a little more than half the dropper full, under the tongue. Hold it until it starts to numb)
No. 290259
>>290251I have very similar issues as you. We're you by chance ever neglected by your parents? I think that's why I'm like this. After a conversation is over I think of perfect things to have said back and it frustrates me.
I also read and type more than I do talk to others, so sometimes I practice talking while I'm in my car driving to work or somewhere else alone. I feel doing this has improved the way I speak to people. I usually just talk about my opinions/conflicts on certain topics or sometimes even talk about cow drama lol. It's a bit embarrassing at first but after a while I start being more open with myself, like being silly and doing hand gestures. Kind of like vlogging but no camera in front of you.
No. 290274
>>290251>>290259I'm the same way. I'm hyper-aware of awkward situations and when others miss social clues, but when it comes to myself, I can't help but act as if I've never spoken to another human before. I think it does have to do a great deal with neglect - I was pretty poorly socialized as a child, but consumed a lot of media (books, video games, TV, etc.) and as a result I tend to mimic the behavior of characters to fill in the gaps when I have no clue how to act. It's like, I know what is appropriate or inappropriate when observing the interactions of other people, but feel out of place when I participate myself.
I also have a strange cadence when I speak, and if I don't consciously add inflection into my voice I will sound "robotic" by default. But then, if I overcompensate, I come off as disingenuous or just downright strange. It's gotten worse with age, I think. I don't have any advice, unfortunately, but you're not alone.
No. 290305
>>290303I find the amount of salt coming from dog obsessed anons every time someone brings up not liking dogs or pit bulls hilarious
Same thing with the person raging about Ariana Grande every week
No. 290313
>>290309I hid the thread ages ago, and am not in the least upset about it. The people posting in it are the upset ones. Idk how that could have possibly been made clearer for you.
You one of the people who thinks having a pet makes someone an insane and awful person?
>>290311Precisely. It’s not the circlejerk itself, it’s how seriously they’re taking the jerk.
No. 290314
>>290309>if you're getting upset on the internet over someone having a different taste in pets you've already lost.…that's literally what the dog-hate thread is though. Also yeah, the site
is for talking shit, that's why anon is talking shit about the thread. It's not like people aren't allowed to bitch about shitty threads.
Why is it that whenever someone says "hide the thread" they always follow it up with something hugely hypocritical? It's like that tumblr shit where they get mad when people bitch about their pictures, but then they have a huge list of images that
trigger them and yell about blocking people over it.
No. 290335
>>289974I agree with you but I can’t help feel conflicted about the new She Ra. It’s kinda the problem I have with the Tomb Raider reboot. Both She Ra and Lara Croft were originally designed to be pure fap bait no doubt but there was something still undeniably badass about them. Like they
were mature and kickass women who were confident in their abilities. While I appreciate them for being less “sexy”, they seem less badass, more vurnerable, and not so confident in their abilities. Granted, that could change in later installments but am I the only one who feels less sexy = less kickass in reboots that involve female leads? Or am I just pulling stuff out of my ass?
No. 290338
>>290336There’s ruffled feathers and there’s wishing you could shoot a family’s pet in public because you’re a bit upset that some dogs are dangerous.
Idk why you guys keep choosing to miss the very obvious point that nobody cares if you don’t like dogs, it’s still insane to fantasise about killing them or to belittle a person for not holding the same opinion.
Be scared of dogs if that suits you, but don’t act like it’s a crime to take a dog to a dog park.
No. 290340
>>290339So literally one anon. There are no other threads at all then that have one weirdo anon that is extreme? Good to know.
>>290338Uhhh, what anon said they wanted to shoot a family pet in public? Can you guys be anymore hyperbolic? You know full well 99.9% of the posts in that thread aren't "I WANT TO SHOOT THEM IN THE FACE".
No. 290341
>>290340you're an idiot because no one is saying "NUKE THE DOG THREAD!" we've been saying the entire time that the extreme anons specifically are an issue. you need to learn reading comprehension.
we know the thread isn't a huge dumpster fire, no one is complaining about the
thread we're complaining about the
crazy anons.
this is some #notallmen shit that you're pulling right now.
No. 290342
>>290341I never claimed you or anyone else said to nuke it. I'm just saying that the thread is being misrepresented as if everyone posting in it is so crazy. Like
>>290328 >i hate threads like that because all the insan(e)ons come out of the woodwork to sperg and suck eachother's dicks about their opinion. then they try to gatekeep the thread to only be full of the same opinion like fucking reddit or tumblr, crying to mommy farmhands to get the mean old opinions out!Like, literally no one has done that in that thread, and it's, again, acting as if crazy shit like shooting them or whatever, is the norm.
And again here
>>290339>to "WE NEED TO KILL ANYONE WHO BUYS A PITBULL" as if those people aren't just misinformed idiots needing to be educatedThat's literally one person being characterized as the bulk of the thread, or at the least, many people. It's just dishonest, just saying. But I never claimed you said to nuke the thread, though I suppose you can't speak to people that disagree with you without totally warping their words.
No. 290347
>>290343Imo, it's not the same. There are like, 169 posts in that thread, and of all of them, like, 2 are truly extreme. You can't really assess men like that, and obviously, statistically and socially, men aren't that great, so it's dumb for them to not concede that too many are shit. 2 posts in 169 is not "soooo many anons are coming out of the woodwork to be craaazy and threaten to shoot family pets!!".
>>288742>Also, the amount of unleashed dogs in my city makes me wanna buy a gun.Are you deliberately being obtuse or? She's talking about for protection, because they're unleashed and she can be attacked because of that fact. She's not talking about just shooting puppies in the face, anon..
No. 290348
>>290342The hypocrisy is astounding.
‘You’re all so sensitive and can’t handle someone not loving your precious stankbeast don’t be so
triggered’ she said, unhappy that someone had called the comments (obviously she’s been posting or why defend the crazy) posted there excessive and a bit mad.
Just hide the thread is a two way street and only retards argue it as a valid point.
No. 290349
>>290345fucking THIS. there's no point because you aren't a specific user, it's not like people will go back and read your post history, you don't have any. the only reason to do this anons do this is because their fee-fees are hurt.
>>290342 is pissed off that people are mischaracterizing the other posters, but that literally is meaningless because everyone is anon.
No. 290350
>>290347The only obtuse one here is you.
Sorry you feel personally attacked because I posted that some users on that thread are crazy. All you’ve done is out yourself as one of the crazy folk.
No. 290353
>>290350imagine feeling personally attacked as
anon. the best part of anon is that you can be shit talking me over one post and agreeing with me on another. defending threads on anon is literal autism.
No. 290354
>>290353it’s why you never emotionally invest in anything posted on the farms.
Anon is so rabidly protective of their opinion that they literally needed to defend their anonymous bs, against an anonymous person who dared to disagree and call them a little excessive.
That might actually extend the entire autism spectrum
No. 290361
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>Going through hardest time right now
>Two appointments, one seeing psychoanalyst
>I’m fine going to my monthly appointments, but the psychoanalyst one is freaking me the fuck out
>Have no one, lost remaining friends due to my stupidity
>Ask boyfriend if he can come with me
>He keeps fucking saying yes but last minute doesn’t show up
>Ask if he can come with me to appointment
>”Yeah just remind me the day before”
>It’s at 10 am
>Know he won’t wake up for it
>He hasn’t been answering my messages
>I see he’s online playing games
>Last we spoke was on saturday and it was barely anything
>been trying to message him all week
>Freaking out because of appointment
>Also freaking out because he’s going to break yet another promise
I feel like I’m dating a fucking child. I don’t know how long I can do this.
He gets fucking sad at me when I tell him I can’t trust his words on showing up. How do you think I feel when you promise to show up to my appointments with me and the same day you’re on the computer telling me that you can’t go, but you’re able to sit at your fucking computer all day.
I know what you anons will tell me, and I hate hearing. I’m just venting
No. 290372
>>290361Fuck his sadness.
You’re sad too, plus whatever other shit that has led you to seeing a psychoanalyst.
You’re trying to get over that sadness by seeing the psychoanalyst while he’s sat on his ass making pixels go ‘pew pew’ and using his crocodile tears as an excuse to do it all over again next time.
He’s lazy, and he’s not supportive, and he’s happy to play guilty puppy to get his way again and again. You deserve better.
No. 290435
>>290398Same anon. What happens to me is, because i’m so boring and terrible at conversation, we literally just run out of things to talk about. I feel like my attempts at friendship feel forced and im annoying the other person.
>I want to make online friends because maybe that’d be different but im extra social-media anxious :(I feel you. I added someone on discord the other day and my hands were literally shaking and sweating. Why am i like this
No. 290466
>>290398>>290435You shouldn't blame yourselves or assume that it's entirely your fault that you have a hard time making/keeping friends. Friendships are like any relationship, they take time, mutual respect, shared interest and effort. You shouldn't force yourself to make friendships just like you shouldn't force romantic relationships.
It's cliche but finding friends is the same as finding a boyfriend, you have to just engage in things you like, meet people, and keep trying until things click. There ARE people out there who could be your potential best friend, you just have to find them.
No. 290488
>>290474I'm in the same boat with UPS.
I also work with DHL sometimes and boy oh boy do they fucking suck and there are ALWAYS issues with them and the customs papers and what not. Fuck em honestly.
No. 290494
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Kind of an odd vent. So I have a garden and the stone walls and paths have a lot of moss on them, which is fine by me. There's a sweet little cat who goes in my garden to nap, which is fine too. However, I have noticed that the moss catches all the hair the cat sheds. It's absolutely everywhere and I'm disgusted and annoyed. I'm not in the best physical health lately and I'm not looking forward to the many hours it will take me to slowly scrape off everything.
No. 290546
>>290458Hang in there anon. I'm 24 and only a junior in college while all of my high school class has graduated already. You shouldn't let your age deter you if you know you want to go back to university. In a couple of years it won't matter at all that you graduated late.
I'm glad my parents let me take a few years off instead of forcing me to rush completing school. Now I can complete college at a time when I'm more mature and healthy.
Also you never know when is the right time to go back. I failed three semesters of college in a row, but after I came back for the last time I made the honor roll both semesters last year.
No. 290552
went to optometrist today to get contact lenses and the dude fitting them manually put them in which was the most extensive physical contact i've had with anyone in over 3 years. this is supposed to be the best time of my life but i feel like a withered prune.
>>290398 is very relateable, haven't made any friends while at uni these past 3 years ad it's not like i haven't been trying so the fault is obviously with me being a huge weird idiot. honestly i think my social issues have been getting worse due to these constant failures as i can't handle even online interactions or simple shit such as liking stuff on fb for fear it will get shared on everyone's walls thus making me visible. it sounds really mental typed out actually.
No. 290637
>>290552>can't handle liking things on facebookThis is Real Shit.
I don't know if it applies to you, but the part I hate most about relationships/friendships is that I exist. I think I've grown so used to parasocial and anonymous interactions that I can barely handle anything more.
I hate existing as an individual. I hate people knowing who I am.
No. 290695
>>290637i'm that anon. i have always been weirdly secretive and paranoid (even in early childhood) but yeah, i think it has gotten worse, i don't really like most people knowing things about me or remembering that i exist.
in my teens i liked pursuing online friendships because i could just vanish when the feeling of "they know too much" got too strong but now i don't even try to get involved in online communities (specifically art related ones) because doing something like that is not as easy anymore.
i mean i do crave actual close friendships but i wish i was invisible to all the randoms. i think it boils down to me being afraid of judgement because i come from a very judgemental background so everyone must be like it.
>>290690i think i wold like to be in a relationship eventually but i can't even imagine it right now, that's way too intimate and involves waaaaay too much trust kek
No. 290874
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Sometimes I really hate being a lesbian, I feel like I get shit from all sides. In the LGBT community today you're considered "exclusionary" for not liking dick. Lesbians have the reputation of being a bunch of "mean dykes", men tell me how they've totally "fucked lesbians" or could "turn you straight". My family made it clear they'd hoped I was really bisexual. (so they could hope I'd choose a man) Dating is a hellish nightmare and in general it feels so alienating to be a lesbian. I was in denial of it for a long time, I kept thinking I could just force myself to love and be attracted to men. Even now, part of me feels like maybe I should just try again. It just feels so alienating being a lesbian, like there's no one else out there like you. Like everyone hates you for being you and asking you over and over why you don't want men in your life, or they ask you invasive questions expecting you to 'slip up' and admit your attraction to men or they wan to force you to submit until you like it. I feel like a lot of my depression comes from being a lesbian, and I can't help but continually think about how much easier my life would be if I could love men.
No. 290884
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One of the anons in the unpopular opinions thread is legit really disturbing me. She seems really mentally unstable and I hope she gets help. I'm going to watch cute cat videos to destress.
No. 290945
>>290938he sounds really shitty and not boyfriend material. that's something a friend would do "hey, come with me to NYC, i'll pay!" (like, basically paying for your company, but doesn't care enough about you to help you with your medical stuff).
not very good boyfriend material. he sounds selfish. imo, it isn't entitled. it's one thing if he did nothing for you at all, then you would have no expectations and nothing to measure it against, but because he's so willing to drop 3k on something silly like a trip to NYC on you and not help you with serious financial shit, tells me he's selfish and you can do better.
No. 290965
>>290945Anonymous now No. 290962
>>290945I feel bad saying this but right now I'm living on the floor at my sisters house and sleeping on a mattress on the floor and when he came over he wouldn't even stay one night because it was "too filthy" but he has no issue with me living in these conditions. Since he's willing to blow 3000$ on a trip to NYC he could have easily given me that money to move out or to help with bills…I feel bad saying this to him because I sound spoiled.
No. 290987
>>290985oh okay, you're her.
this is the vent thread, sorry you got too offended by someone's vent.
No. 290990
>>290985It's normal occasional infighting that goes on here, honestly, outside of the anons claiming they know who everyone is or claiming another anon probably thinks whatever, none of them seemed that crazy as the anon is making them out to be, as someone who was watching the infight
the anon sounds like a big baby
>>290987I'm not offended, I'm just annoyed someone thinks an infight, out of all things on lolcow is traumatizing and now you need a safe space to hide from the big mean lolcow crazy
srs, if you're that affected by seeing people infight how do you even live? don't even come to lolcow if you think that people bickering to each other is that big of a deal
No. 290994
>>290990Don't bring this fucking crap in here. No one gives a fuck what you are annoyed with someone being annoyed. She obviously isn't being serious. I also watched it and russian NEET is really abysmally stupid.
Also sage.
No. 290997
>>290994they're all stupid neets imo
no one gives a fuck about you giving a fuck about me being annoyed that someone else is annoyed, fuck off if you "don't wanna bring it in here"
No. 291001
>>290997>theyWho tf is "they"? We're all on the same damn site.
Atleast sage if you are going to infight like this…
I hate amazon drivers for being so incompetent. We have a secure package room for delivering packages at my building and they refuse to put stuff in it. Half of my stuff ends up disappearing and reappearing weeks later or just stolen. I'm going to stop ordering from them because it's super frustrating. I've been using them for uni books but I'm done after I get them all. I ordered 1 book 3 times now and have not gotten it and my classes start tomorrow.
Fuck amazon.
No. 291011
>>291001>Who tf is "they"? We're all on the same damn site. everyone who infights?
>Atleast sage if you are going to infight like this…they say as they're not saged
No. 291020
at least my country isn't filled with special snowflake amerifats who have ptsd flashbacks when people bitch on lolcow
well I'm annoyed
there's my vent
No. 291022
>>291011anon's post is in topic. enjoy your ban.
>>291001that sucks, i hope you can borrow until you find the book, does your school's store have it or is it too expensive?
No. 291026
>>291024>i am seriously laughing at you coming into this thread and pretending to be another user to bitch about anon venting about youand I'm laughing at special snowflakes who need to bitch about infighters
how did I pretend to be another user exactly?
>obviously anon was right about you being off.and I was right about them being mentally unstable if they're that traumatized from bickering, just like how you are off for bitching about me, same coin different side, literally doing the same as me
No. 291041
>>291037You are apparantly
If you "don't care" then fuck off with your entitlement
No. 291061
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I'm a bitter bitch but I hate how people have something going on for them but are still depressed and I know you can still be depressed if you have something nice going on for you but if I had only one of the things they had I'd be much less miserable and I tried to make my life nicer for myself but I'm tired and hopeless.
I know people that are academically successful, people that have good social lives, people that are rich, people that can sing and have a bright future ahead of them and those people are still depressed. I have failed everything I would make a pact with the devil only to be successful at something.
I know anyone in the world can be depressed for various reasons, excuse my bitterness, again.
Pic of Thom Yorke because he is a weirdo and a creep and a manlet but at least he could make music and sing, so I'm still jelly.
No. 291092
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>>291061Idk if this will make you feel better but I was the same bitter until a breakthrough happened in my dreams and I got everything I truly wanted. I was still depressed. I'm still depressed. It sucks even more to achieve what you think will make things even a little better and it doesn't. It made me more depressed for awhile lol.
No. 291216
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I miss my old online friend. We got on really well, but over time I started noticing discrepancies in her constant sob stories and stopped trusting her as a result. She's the type of person that absolutely hates conflict and I knew that no matter how gently I brought my concerns she'd shut me out and go into "everybody betray me im fed up with this worl" mode. Feeling unable to fix things, I cut contact. With all that said, she was creative, witty, eloquent, and compassionate. Her emotional insight (that she sadly couldn't apply to herself or her own relationships) helped me understand my own feelings better, I learned a lot of things from her in general. Idk maybe I'm the asshole, maybe I didn't try hard enough and I should've confronted her despite everything.
No. 291217
>>290335You hit the nail on the head. I couldn’t really put what I wasn’t thinking into words until I read your post.
I like that she ra is not being designed as a toy to be sold. But she doesn’t have the same charm and appeal as the old she ra. I hate how a lot of women now seem to think to be a perfect badass strong woman you have to give up your femininity/sensuality.
No. 291224
>>291217Maybe her not being designed to be sold as a doll/figure is the reason
why her design is so bland and uninteresting. The old She-Ra and her friends and enemies looked cool and fun to look at (I do not mean it in a sexual way). Sort of like the (also teenage like the new She-Ra) Sailor Senshi - they also have beautiful and fun designs, which appeals to girls (men obviously sexualise them, though there was nothing inherently sexual about Naoko's designs). I do not see myself owning a poster of the new She-Ra while Sailor Moon art (both manga and the old anime) always makes me smile.
No. 291241
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>>290335>Like they were mature and kickass women who were confident in their abilities. While I appreciate them for being less “sexy”, they seem less badass, more vurnerable, and not so confident in their abilities. My thoughts exactly. As a kid I loved mature, bold, even sexy female characters, not teenaged young girls I was supposed to identify with. And I was a massive tomboy too, still am. The She-ra reboot is such an obvious piece of calculated virtue signaling too what with the pic related so I just can't take it as a sincere attempt to inspire girls to be strong. I'm way too jaded with the whole "If you don't buy our product you're a misogynist!" scam.
I also hate how they have to make detailed, intricate designs simpler in these reboots. You know you can have decorations and imaginative clothing while covering their bodies right?
No. 291244
>>291217this is kind of my issue. fap material or not, being badass and strong AND sexy/feminine is super cool. i'm really feminine myself so i think these characters are great. i guess i just personally hate the idea of changing existing characters instead of making new ones.
like ellie from the last of us, isn't that feminine, but is still a strong cool character, everyone would be up in arms if they changed her to be feminine. like what happened with merida.
i know a lot characters are overly sexualized and it's a huge issue not having any variety, but it seems lazy to me to change preexisting characters rather than making your own.
No. 291281
>>291241>As a kid I loved mature, bold, even sexy female characters, not teenaged young girls I was supposed to identify with. Same. As much as representation and relatability is good for making people feel normal, aspirational, fantastical characters are also important for kids to have something idealistic to aim for. it goes for male and female characters and it's not so they can literally try to grow up and become a curvy ripped warrior princess with a genius level iq and the stoicism of a monk, but maybe that slight bit of influence will make you interested in staying athletic, or make you want to be more assertive, or more of a leader etc. What are you going to aspire to if all the characters you see are awkward, emotional, immature, average looking young people just like you? what might it inspire you to improve about yourself or become one day? fucking nothing.
There are characters that show you it's OK to be what you are, and characters that show you the fantastical possibilities of what you could become, and both are very important, but these shows are only concerned about the former for everyone
No. 291394
>>291382Of your bf wanted her to fuck off he would have told her to. If she's in your business it is because he's allowing it kek
Also if you're off and on all the time you probably shouldn't be with him in the first place.
No. 291396
>>291391forgot to add when i finally called him so we could talk, she got mad at him for wanting to leave the room. she said his drama was also her drama.
lord give me strength to not beat this bitch up
>>291394exactly. i've been telling myself that. however, shit went extremely well last night so im gonna give him today to come to his senses.
we aren't on and off tho. i just mean every couple fights. i think it would be fine if he wasn't being a moron for some random girl right now.
thanks anons. im excited to get over this shit.
No. 291411
>>291405>>291407i should also make it clear i told him she made me uncomfortable before we called yesterday, and he essentially said "she's not going anywhere." but then on our call he started crying and telling me he's been trying incredibly hard to numb the pain of losing me by distracting himself. i think she could be a weird coping mechanism. im gonna have faith in that for now.
i can keep y'all updated later because i think this drama is fucking rich but thanks for giving me the attention i so desperately needed
No. 291459
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I'm so fucking over my "best" friend/Flatmate, shes such a jealous, insecure drain on my self-esteem and worth.
She's always been jealous of me, i'v never "rubbed" anything in her face and have always encouraged her no matter what.
A few years back she went to this school and had a male friend there, now she is completely delusional and thinks everyone in the world likes me, lol, not the case.(obviousy wtf)
Anyway, i met the guy briefly when i went to hang out with her, after i left she asked him what he thought of my apperance for some reason and he had said "she uses too much make up" super innocent comment i know, but i was in a dark place at the time, my ex just cheated on me and my self-esteem was in the gutter.
She told me this in a very smugly without mentioning that she had asked him herself, and that she was shocked that anyone thought negatively about my apperance!!(maybe, idk, keep it to youself?) making it seem like he just randomly commented on my apperance for no reason.
Well this made me sorta salty(i was only like 18 at the time) so i said something negative about him back because idk, thats usully what immature people do when they feel "attacked"(lol, i know) she obviously(i didnt figure it out at the time) told him this and he then said something negative back, this started some retarded cycle where she would go back and forth with stuff we said about each other, making it seem that it was just out of nowhere and not her starting it.
She finished school and i moved country, now not having a reason to talk about him or the other way around.
Fast forward to this day and age, we live together.
She invites the dude to stay with us to party, this reminded me of all that garbage and also made me rethink it as an adult, i finally
figured out that she purposefully tried to pit us against eachother to make herself feel better by having someone, A MALE put me down! (I think this is her reasoning lol)
Well, he came, we bonded and he slept in my room (We were super drunk and slept with clothes and didnt do anything at all, and i told him i didnt want to)
She is super butthurt and is indirectly putting me down all the time now kek.
Also apparently he thinks im pretty now, even though i look almost excatly the same, she is suuuuper pussled by this, even though the only reason he ever said anything bad about me(this goes for me as well) was because of her shit starting.
This is only one of many things.
I feel fucking stuck living with such a jealous, negative shitstain and i wonder why i ever considered her my friend. (This isnt the only thing she has done, she also likes to put me down alot in "subtle" ways)
Someone… help lol, i might explode soon(super calm usually) and i feel super fucking stuck.
also i dont have this issue with any other female friend, and never tried shit like this before, and thats the reason i didnt realise sooner. Now im paranoid to greet or meet any of her friends due to fear of her getting jealous or angry at me and shitting on me all the time, albeit "subtly".
How to deal?
No. 291497
I almost ragequit my job on the phone today. I work at a cafe in a retail store. We have a huge turnover rate (I've been there since late March) so we have a ton of new people who haven't been properly trained because they keep fucking calling out. Like, four new people have called out at least three times each and they've all been there less than a month. The fucking audacity. I didn't call out until I had been there for two months and I was so sick my manager told me on the phone to stay away because I sounded so bad. And I've still called out less in my whole time there than our "oldest" new guy. So basically my manager and his under…person are the only super qualified ones. There's only one other barista that's been there longer than me and it's by like three weeks.
So I got a call right before my classes started today and I honestly was not able to call back until they were all over three hours later (back to back with no time between except to sprint to the other building in like five minutes). I listened to the voicemail and I was SO LIVID. It was like "Hey, ___ called off and you're the only other available person who knows how to close so we need you. The new people aren't trained enough. Also, I'd like to remind you that you called out last week so this would make it up to us because we don't have anyone else who can do it and ___ is already on overtime this week."
So I called back and I was gonna work it but I called and my manager was super pissed. I was like "I can work tonight" and he said, "You took too long so (overtime person) picked it up." I said I was sorry and that I was in all my classes so I couldn't call but he was not happy with me and now I'm mad. There was still about 4 hours until the shift would've started, I could've done it, sorry I have other fucking things going in my life and I can't drop everything on a whim because you called. This plus the guilt-trip (it was worse in the voicemail) made me so livid. It's not my fucking fault that you hired dumbasses that won't come into their brand new jobs and get trained and that you didn't think far enough in advance to hire new people who would be ready for when the seasoned barista's schedules change. It's not my fault you guys suck as managers so bad that we have the turnover rate we do. Why aren't the new people getting berated and fired for calling out this much but I call out for legitimate reasons and I get yelled at and I have to "make it up" to them? I am early for every shift and I do a good job. The new people call out frequently, are late, and have no-showed before. And since they haven't been trained and they end up working with me, I have to train them which is not part of my job and makes MY job harder because I'm still trying to get through my own tasks. I'm still learning and I don't know everything yet and yet I'm expected to teach new people.
I want to put in my two weeks now but I really want to find another job first, but I don't know how much more of this I can take. This place is gonna crash and burn soon and we might go out of business so I need to find something else.
No. 291500
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I've been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years.
Problem is, I don't like him anymore. I care about him deeply and love him, but I'm not romantically or sexually attracted to him. In fact, I'm not attracted to men at all anymore.
I've always preferred girls, but as time has gone on, I've found myself losing any and all attraction to men. And now it's happened.
The man I love is someone I can never truly love. It's hard. I don't want to hurt him and leave him. He does so much for me.
I'm sad. I'm trapped. I'm also afraid I'll never find a girl to love me, so I stay with him because I don't want to be alone.
I hate what I've gotten myself into. I feel so terrible for him but I can't end this relationship now. This relationship was supposed to last like a month, I never thought it'd last this long and now I feel like it's too late to leave.
No. 291535
>>291494You sound a lot like a close friend I used to have.
Maybe try to make friends with people who are more quiet listeners than talkers themselves. I don't personally see anything wrong with oversharing and being so open, if anything it's a virtue. It really helps break the ice when someone just dumps who they are with ease instead of you having to awkwardly grill each other over the course of several weeks.
That's just my opinion, though. I'm not sure if your problem is that your personality is turning people off or if you just want to change yourself. If it's the latter I'm not sure you can change your personality easily, but if it's the former you just need to find the right people.
No. 291553
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I want to quit my shitty entry level job and take like 2-3 months to get myself together. This job as been the cause of so much stress, depression, nervous breakdowns, nightmares, physical injuries, etc. and I'm just done with it.
The problem is that I'm scared that my next job will be worse somehow or that it'll take awhile to find another, though 1.) the job market around here seems okay and 2.) I have ~$100k to fall back on should something happen like that.
I dunno what to do. I just want out asap because I feel like I've lost myself as a person working here.
No. 291602
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I'm housesitting for my sister and I look into my video history on YouTube to find videos I clearly didn't watch. Turns out my brother took my PS4. I'm so fucking livid. How many times do I have to tell you not to take my shit without talking to me about it first? This fucker made me feel like my Google account was compromised. I am so tired of this giant man child taking things from me because he never asks and he either misplaces shit or breaks it. You are 24 years old. Act like it.
No. 291665
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my roommates are throwing a big party at our place to celebrate the start of the semester and without thinking i invited a friend who i recently became pretty chummy with over the summer. the problem is that he doesn't know anyone there and doesn't really do well in super crazy extroverted situations, which is exactly what this party is going to be. i don't mind staying around with him the whole time to make sure he doesn't feel awkward, but i'm getting so much anxiety just from thinking about it. i'm afraid that i won't be able to talk to my other friends much during the party which would suck for them, and i'm afraid that my friend who i invited will have a shit time regardless because he won't like how intense it'll be (he already expressed reservations about it but said he would come for sure). i think he's only going because i asked him multiple times (when i was super drunk and didn’t think about how uncomfortable it would be for him) and he wants to be a good friend, but now i regret it because i feel like inevitably we won't have a good time… not to mention i'm also pretty introverted and not socially conscious so i won't be able to introduce him to other people. all this anxiety is coming from a big fear that i’m going to disappoint everyone. that my friend will be disappointed that this party i invited him to sucks (for him at least) and that my roommates/other friends will be disappointed that the friend i’ve been hanging out with so much might make a bad impression if he’s in a bad mood because the party is too overwhelming (which i wouldn’t blame him for). i just can’t stop thinking about it and now this event i was looking forward to is becoming so anxiety inducing.
No. 291683
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>>291680Anon you dodged a bullet. Any person willingly putting up with that shit and encouraging that kind of behaviour is not right in their own mind.
If he does come crying back to you, please update us so we can all enjoy his tears.
No. 291688
I got raped a couple of days ago by a stranger. I feel so stupid and guilty though, it was my fault.
I got drunk after work, (10/11pm or so) went to the park near the station to use the bathroom and ended up missing the last bus. Sat down to think what to do, some man came over, asked if I was ok, said he'd walk me back to the station and help me get a taxi (my Japanese is shitty so he could help) but I realized he was taking me in the wrong direction, he said something about a hotel, I thought oh ok, I'll stay at a hotel, take the bus home in the morning, I pointed to a business Hotel sign that showed a room with a single bed, a room for ME. But I was so drunk I didn't realize he took me into the hotel next door instead, I got the room, passed out on the bed, and drifted in and out of consciousness, I heard the shower running, a few minutes later, he was on top of me naked, ripping my clothes off, I was crying, quite loudly, and ugly, yelling, saying "please stop, don't", in English and Japanese. He didn't stop.. I was constantly begging, trying to push him off, crying, nothing worked.. when I tried to get my phone to call the police he threw me in the shower, I ran for the bathroom window, he dragged me out of the shower and pushed me down, I hit my head on the wall.. I tried getting my phone, I couldn't, he stopped me every time.. there was blood on the sheets.. I have a lump on my head, scratches, bruises, cuts.. logically I know it was rape, but I feel it was my fault for walking with this strange man.. being drunk alone at night.. he seemed ok in my drunken mind, he wasn't flirty, didn't try to touch me, seemed just concerned.. it makes me sick to think what kind of person could continue having sex with somebody who's wailing and begging them to stop though…..
No. 291697
>>291415in case any of you were wondering how it ends, he called me this time and we basically came to an agreement that she's insane and we need some time away from each other for a while. we've both got mental shit to work out. we're expecting to get back together in 3 months or less.
sorry this is the least satisfying answer ever, but i did indeed call her insane and he came to a realization about her. so that's cool! thanks for the courage y'all gave me.
No. 291699
>>291688Jesus anon I'm so fucking sorry that happened to you. Please take it easy and give yourself time to recover. Don't even get into the mental analysis right now and let your body and head recover.
Can you make a police report? Were there any cameras at the station or hotel?
I wish I could hug you and support you irl, fuck.
No. 291704
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>>291688Anon, almost this exact same thing happened to me when I was studying abroad in Korea. This is actually a "common" occurrence for foreign women in Japan and Korea (probably everywhere tho, tbh).
Reach out to people you trust when you feel ready. Take care of yourself. Practice a lot of self-love and care right now. Eat and drink things that you really enjoy.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm sending you a lot of love <3
No. 291710
>>291688Go to the police. Now. The longer you wait the bigger chance he'll get away with it.
t. Lawyer anon
No. 291758
>>291688I'm in Japan right now and I've never been happier to be a bitch-faced fat fuck with a boyfriend to get drunk with. Holy shit anon!
The men here strike me as conniving. Just the other day I saw an attractive white woman in a dress get catcalled in broad daylight by two men skulking behind her on bikes.
It's fucking creepy and I feel many are opportunistic. Would the hotel be willing to work with police to find the identity of this man? I can't believe there's nothing to be done…
No. 291786
>>291758>>291777I suddenly remember the weebs always pushung the "Japan has the lowest amount of sex crimes reported so guro loli rape porn obvipusly works" meme. What a bullshit.
I am so sorry, original anon. It was not your fault at all. A normal, kind person, men or woman, would help you out so that you would avoid getting taken advantage by some creep. Your rapist is a disgusting predator and I hope he rots.
No. 291798
>>291782I only stay in /ot/ for the venting, gender critic and stuff. If I lurk for more than 30min at the other boards I also start to feel icky.
I don't really have friends so I can only vent here or with my therapist once a week.
>do you only care if it's happening to you?I don't really gossip about other people, it makes me feel very unconfortable and guilty afterwards because I know everyone is fighting their own personal battles, even if what they do hurt me in some way.
No. 291804
>>291801Sorry you feel that way about how I browse this anonymous board anon.
I don't think that people that wnjoy gossip are morally corrupt or anything like that, it's just that it makes me feel kind of depressed.
No. 291947
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I'm in love with a broken man while being a broken woman. I've never felt as comfortable as I am with him. No my heart doesn't flutter anymore for anyone, but he makes me the happiest I have ever been in ages. When I get the chance to talk to him I get so happy, I can never stop smiling. He's so cute. He's all I ever wanted from a man. I want to make him happier. He tells me how undeserving he is to have me, but if only he could realize I'm the undeserving one. I really love him and I hope all goes well that someday we marry.
No. 291956
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I think I'm getting ridiculously obsessive over my inability to look good in photos. I'm pretty confident in with myself in every day life; I think I generally look pretty cute, I'm just very unphotogenic. I've avoided cameras all my life but in the last few years I've tried to stop it just because it'd be nice to have some group photos with my friends to keep as memories. But the truth is, I look fucking hideous in every single one – and it's not all in my head since my friends often agree and say stuff like "oh don't worry, we can crop you out of this, it's not a flattering photo" before uploading it to Instagram or whatever.
It's gotten to the point where I'm googling stuff about fillers and plastic surgery almost daily, I'm thinking about losing weight even though I'm usually pretty happy with my body otherwise.. all this because, what, I want to look in selfies? It makes no fucking sense and I know it but I can't stop worrying over it.
No. 291988
>>291956I feel you, anon. I remember reading somewhere about certain camera lenses really fucking up your face, but it's not like you can get professionally photographed each time lmao. I also think people with prominent features look strange in photos no matter what. I don't know if that's the case for you, but it certainly is for me.
Do you look better in video? I remember for years just thinking I was the ugliest person until I saw myself in a video. We were doing some high school nonsense and I remember realizing "oh? I'm not entirely irredeemable."
No. 292037
>>292030These are great tips. Phone cameras suit those with wider and rounder faces as they make them look more elegant. However longer distance photos make them aka me) look like we have moonfaces. In the mirror my face is just normal proportions so cameras really do a fuckery.
One thing is to note what specific thing is exaggerated or shrunk, and when you go out with your friends wear some makeup or do your hair in a way to oppose that. If your hair looks flat: Big hair. If your features look prominent, heavy eye makeup and or lips to distract.
No. 292164
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I'm so ugly most trooners look better than me. Lol.
No. 292182
>>291956I dunno why, but i look horrible in most photos. I look fine when i look in the mirror, but as soon as i hold a camera lens to my face, it looks weird and off proportion.
Sometimes you just gotta find your angles and work them
No. 292287
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i got a new job recently (retail shit but whatever it's money) and now i don't get as much time to talk with my boyfriend as i want and i KNOW i'm being a little bitch baby about it but i love him and i miss him
No. 292355
>>292344>that pisspoor sentence structureShe's fucking everywhere, the ESL shitbrains europoor
she's crazy, don't reply
No. 292369
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I've come to the sudden realization that I fucking hate my job. I want to quit so badly but I know it's a bad idea. I make above minimum wage + tips at my job and if I quit I'll have to start out at minimum wage again which sucks, because I'm trying to save up as much money as possible before I move out next year. But God, I've become so disillusioned with everything at my current job. This is petty, but part of the reason why I really wish I could quit is because I know it would fuck them over so hard because I'm the most experienced employee they have here and finding someone to replace me for all the hours I work would be a nightmare for them.
My sister has some connections and one of her old coworkers is a manager at a clothing store that recently opened up. She told me that they're hiring and I would almost certainly get the job if I applied. She also said that I would probably make at least a dollar above minimum wage… (plus in Jan 2019 minimum wage in my state is going up by a dollar, and I know my bosses at my current job won't give me a raise to adjust for it.) I'm so tempted to take that job and quit my current one, but I think I'm too much of a pussy to actually do anything. Ugh. I also have to leave for my shift soon and I'm dreading it so hard. I'm so fed up with this shit.
No. 292374
>>292355Im the op of that post…anon what are you talking about?lol
I'm not even European, I'm from Detroit.
No. 292383
>>292379Cliche response incoming:
>dump himIf you're financially stable on your own, going your own way for a while is better than spending your life with someone who hates you.
No. 292479
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I moved to a foreign country to live with my boyfriend and his parents and I feel like I made a mistake.
I'm trying to learn the language as much as I can and some people speak English, but I just feel so isolated and like I've lost all my freedom.
To make matters worse, his parents don't really speak English so we constantly have to use bf to translate things, which makes it extremely awkward when it's just his parents and I alone. His mother doesn't work and stays home all day, so I never ever feel like leaving my room because I just feel so judged and like I'm intruding on her space because her "room" is the living room. So I pretty much spend all day in bed watching stupid fucking YouTube videos or go online. Not to mention I feel like I can have no privacy with bf because his mother is constantly calling for him to talk about stupid shit.
I'm just so tired of not being able to have conversations or even just understand them with his family. They are also extremely emotional people and often they all fight with one another.
I just don't really know what to do. I'm hoping that when I get a job it will get better and I won't have to worry about money so much/I'll get to leave the house more, but I can't shake the feeling that I should just go back home (not like I have any family/friends there either though).
Tl;dr I feel socially fucked and uncomfortable in a foreign country and I feel like I've lost all my freedom.
No. 292493
>>292382If you can't respect your partners decisions then why don't you find another partner that you will? Do you want validation that it's fine to keep dating him or something? kek
>>292391You sound dumb. You deserve him.
No. 292507
>>292344You need to dump him or fully communicate properly to him that his behaviour is hurting you.
If he refuses to work on it then you really shouldn't wait around. I wasted a year with a man who was alcoholic hoping he would change but he refused to get help. I then wasted 3 years of my life with a controlling asshole. People who just yell at their partners instead of communicating disdain are a huge red flag. The fact that it's his first relationship can excuse a few things, but only so much, and a few things you've mentioned about him already make md think he isn't a very nice person. He sounds insecure and controlling which is toxic as fuck.
Unlike other anons, I think you sound more young and naive than you do stupid, but trust me when I say if it isn't making you happy leave.
I also understand not wanting to speak up in fear of causing a fight, but you really need to talk to him, he's never going to learn otherwise
No. 292508
>>292499Yeah, in general, I feel envious of younger people because I think that they have so much more information on disposal that can help them in many ways, not just beauty, but things related to education and work.
I also wish I had discovered lolcow sooner.
Now, the internet existed in my teenage years and there was something comfy about, as in, not everyone used it and it felt like a closed circle of e-friends, but the internet lacked much of the info it has today, which makes sense. But still, it kind of sucks.
Related to your post, I don't know how I'd cope with these insane beauty standards, it may be one of the few things that makes me glad not to be a teenager post-2010s.
No. 292512
>>292508Same. I've always been quite body dysmorphic and used to compare my body and face with celebs constantly, but now celebs and models basically look like mannequins and naturally pretty almost kind of seems homely now.
I'm a sensitive person but definitely wouldn't have coped being a teen in this age.
No. 292514
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>>292507I've already tried to communicate and it lead to him telling me this, I guess he's right that I shouldn't throw trash on the bus floor(I dropped a candy wrapper on the bus of the greyhound.). Anyway I took your guys advice and broke up with him because I realize we just don't pair right with each other.
No. 292517
>>292514Really, littering public services?
He should be the one dumping you, good riddance for him
No. 292518
>>292517Pretty much this.
Littering is subhuman behavior.
No. 292525
>>292524Good job. He's an asshole, hey you might be a bit dorky and unaware but saying your moles look nasty and calling you stupid and controlling what you wear is fucking awful. Trust me anon, I am an introvert and I managed to eventually get myself friends and a partner. I also had a boyfriend in the past that sounds just like your partner. I thought I was ugly for years even though I would work out and try and look my best. Eventually I worked out it was only him that said these awful things and the people that actually mattered to me would tell me all the time that they like things about me. Good people build you up, toxic selfish insecure assholes break you down.
I kind of wish I could be your friend anon, only because you sounc so sad. But trust me, you've made the right choice in dumping him.
No. 292529
>>292514Chinese dog? He sounds racist af.
Are you or him asian? Also, more screen shots of his complaints, I'm intrigued and he sounds like a wanker.
No. 292531
>>292479Do you mind saying which country it is?
Do you go to college or work there?
If you can, take some language classes, it will help you meet people and learn.
No. 292533
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>>292531The Netherlands.
I will have to look into that, I hadn't really thought of going to language classes since I'm worried about money. I lost a lot of my savings (almost half) because of my home countries horrible dollar and conversion rate to Euros.
Dutch people don't really fuck around with small talk etc. which makes it so much harder to "cold approach" people too.
I feel like such a baby complaining about this because I've been able to go to a new country but I've literally spent 80% of my time in bed. I just lost so much independence and freedom (my own place, a car, my job, my hobbies) and it's killing me.
No. 292552
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>>292546Yeah he's not mad that I littered he's madthat I don't litter the way he wants me to
>>292529No we are both white
>>292526Sometimes I don't even know what exactly he wants me to do. I met him on lol.
>>292528People always complain that I'm too shy/immature or I just don't connect with people in the first place
>>292525I feel like I'll probably never have any friends or a relationship because I'm too socially awkward to connect with people even online
No. 292559
>>292549Wat lol
Obviously I pay rent, I buy and cook my own meals and I clean my own messes. I'm unsure of how you assumed I didn't do any of that from my original post. I treat this house as if I were renting it myself.
They also do not speak Dutch at home, they are immigrants themselves.
>>292547I don't really talk to anyone online either, besides the farmers on this board.
No. 292607
does anyone have a history of emotionally mistreating your prospective romantic partners/never taking them seriously because of the way women are treated by men, and because we're seen as so disposable and hated, so you assume your actions don't matter at all and they never cared about you? like, leading them on, ghosting, dropping them, etc? i would usually ghost because i assumed they wanted me gone but were afraid to tell me so.
i did this to my now SO years ago, for years, and i know i damaged the relationship because of it, and it feels like he'll never understand. it feels so shitty now. he acts like it's because i never liked him and preferred other people, but it had nothing to do with that and he refuses to listen.
because of the way het relationships are, and just because of the way people are selfish in general, i think it's reasonable for us to not take men seriously and for us to assume our actions don't really affect them, imo.
obviously, it sucks if you do this to a good one that did care, but i think it's understandable for women to do this, because men are taught we're disposable and often treat us as such, and i find that most men don't typically care about their 'interests', girlfriends, or even wives, on a human level.
No. 292639
>>292634Thank you, that's what I felt and still feel. I also grew up being physically and mentally abused all my life by my dad who has slept with, used, and physically abused literally hundreds to thousands of women (not an exaggeration, that is literally all that my father lives for: to pick up, use, and abuse women), and having seen this, I obviously have issues.
I still feel like all they do is manipulate especially with "oh I loved you, you hurt my feelings!!" when they forget about us the next day.
Idk, I just feel like my SO should be more understanding of the reason why I didn't put much stock into him and why I seemed so uncaring and aloof and acted bitchy, etc. Admittedly, I really treated him like shit, but its not like women don't have a reason to be ESPECIALLY afraid of being vulnerable - let alone women that have grown up with abuse and seen firsthand exactly how fucking disposable we are to men, and how they'll try to fuck with us and pretend their lives are in shambles and try to make us feel guilty for nothing, just to be spiteful. I'm really tired of not being listened to though. He treats me like Ive lied about all the abuse I've endured and acts like I don't have good reason to have acted aloof, and then insane, at times.
No. 292655
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>tfw pretty but autismo
>tfw nobody approaches me (girls and guys alike) because i'm "intimidating"
and i wouldn't even think i was pretty if i haven't heard a bunch of variants of "i was afraid to talk to you because you're pretty/i was nervous around you/i didn't expect you to be so nice" throughout my school days
it doesn't help that i go to an engineering school so everybody else is turbo autismo like me. i just want engineering gal pals but they all seem scared of me. when i'm probably more intimidated by everybody else…
No. 292685
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>visiting foreign country
>got sick
>have to walk/stand for more than 12 hours a day
>weather is humid, hot, and gross
>for some reason the city I'm visiting doesn't believe in public benches or selling otc pain medication
My feet are fucking killing me. I have arch support insoles, but they're not helping anymore because we do so much shit. Every day I develop new blisters and they pop during the day when I'm walking, even if I bandaid wrap them. It's painful. My pinky toe blistered over so badly that the skin shred off, it's slightly swollen and I can't find any antibiotic ointment in stores because apparently you need to visit a pharmacy and get prescribed for everything? Even aspirin.
To be fair, my feet have always blistered easily even as a child but at least I had access to some fucking pain relief if needed.
Worst of all I feel like my bf is low key begrudging me even when he says he's not. I ask him to slow down or tell him we gotta call it quits. He does it, but I can tell he loathes it.
I wish he'd be more caring and sensitive, and understand how painful it is. He walks ahead of me and leaves me practically in the dust. Doesn't help that I'm short and have a small gait to begin with.
He has no problem because he's got nasty callused man feet and is used to being on them all day because of his job.
Yet it's too much for me. We're out in the daytime for 9+ hours (with less than an hour of breaks including eating, sitting, and drinking), and then he wants to turn around and go for nighttime bullshit. It drives me crazy because he never has a plan for what he wants to do.
>hurr let's wander aimlessly!
Gee bf, if I didn't feel like someone took a sledgehammer to my feet and immune system that would be grand! If there was a plan? Sure, at least I could count down and act like there's a goalpost for when I can finally saw off my feet. But nope. He just expects me to move indefinitely.
I think I'm being a good sport all things considered. Most people I know wouldnt even fuck with walking a single mile in this weather if they had to deal with no pain relief while being sick, and fucking forget the foot issue. Most locals aren't caught dead commuting in the day like we are.
We just have so much to do and see though, by night I've had it.
By the time we get back to our hotel I'm in tears. Bf gets whimpy because I get snappy from the stress of pain. He's too beta and cheap to get us a taxi anywhere, even though it's my money too.
I mean I want to do all these things, but physically I'm limited and it's very frustrating. On the other hand, I also feel like I'm doing plenty and maybe bf just had too high expectations for what we could reasonably accomplish.
No. 292727
>>292533>>292559Ah, Ive heard about the small talk thing, that sucks.
I still think you should take up some classes, not only will you have more reasons to learn the languge but also meet new people and break out of your shell more. Hell maybe you could help people out who are learning your language? And later get job as a tour guide or something like that
No. 292728
>>292685It doesn't sound like you're very compatible traveling partners, but your post is so passive, you talk like only he can make decisions.
>It drives me crazy because he never has a plan for what he wants to do. Can't you make the plans?
>He's too beta and cheap to get us a taxi anywhere, even though it's my money too.It's your money, why do you let him dictate how you spend it?
And finally, why don't you just split up? There's no reason to be joined at the hip, he's a grown man and he can go do shit on his own without dragging you along. I can understand wanting to pack as much stuff as possible into a trip to make the most of it, but it's pointless if you're just going to suffer. Just go recharge in your hotel for a few hours and meet back up for dinner or something, I'm low energy and that's how I survive trips. Also hydrocolloid bandaids if you can find them at a pharmacy.
No. 292798
>>292728>Can't you make the plans?It's annoying to be the one always having to make them for 4 years going, that's all. It's hard to explain. I just wanted an easy vacation, and some consideration. Someone else to call the shots for once. I know how it sounds though.
>it's your money, why do you let him dictate how you spend it?I found out the city has Uber.
I put my literal foot down and I'm in an air conditioned car as we speak. Yay!
No. 292826
>>292797Not even the anon you were replying to, but you are probably a cunt.
>>292655I've known a few girls with similar problems. Quite attractive but find it hard to make friends because even though they look the part, they are too introverted to approach other girls and in some cases being quiet and attractive can give off vibes of intimidation because people usually assume cute or attractive girls are bubbly and outgoing.
If I were you anon, I'd keep trying to socialize. Working in retail helped me fake confidence and learn to approach people. Keep practising chatting and small talk and try asking someone about their fave tv shows. I understand being terrified of other girls especially the attractive ones but they are probably just as nervous as you. Once you get talking, they should open up a bit more.
No. 292853
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I feel like a selfish bish shit older sibling cos I blew off my little bro's plans to come hang out with me cos the football finals are on and I can't miss it. I'd rather watch finals and get pissy drunk by myself instead. Feels bad. He was really looking forward to it.
No. 292905
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I woke up with a bad lower back pain yesterday morning and immediately told my boss before going into work. I asked her if i could do lighter work load (like clothing)- i work at a thrift store.
She told me if i didnt go to my station to do my usual heavy lifted, she'd make me go home and i'd lose my entire day's pay.
I fucking hate this bitch. she went on a rant on how she's doing everyone favors and i should be grateful. I want to call HR about this. Today is my day off, but i'm still in so much pain.
No. 292906
>>292893Please dont kill yourself anon. Are there any other jobs lined up that you can try for/work for??
At my home, i get told to smile more by my male coworkers and i want to punch them in the throat.
This job isnt the end of everything. Please try to look at the bigger picture.. I'm sorry you have to work such long days though. that would take a toll on anyone.
No. 292953
>>292951Unfollow her, write a cryptic status about her and her assholery one last time if you feel like it in case she decides to check your account when she notices. It’s petty but seems like she’s been petty for ages so who the fuck cares.
Losing a best friend sucks but living with toxic in your life sucks harder. You were there for her, she treated you like shit. You deserve better. She made her choice and now it’s time you make yours.
No. 292964
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I wish some farmers would get a grip, there's a couple threads that I've scrolled by and are just a cluster fuck of infighting.
it's really embarrassing.
No. 293014
>>292918Hey anon, I know how that feels. I've gone my whole life hating everything about myself. I was seriously considering investing in plastic surgery for a plethora of all the "wrong" things about me. My insecurity about myself melts into how I see my whole being, so I often have trouble with making friends because, well, if I don't like anything about myself, then surely no one else will either.
I know you've probably heard this before, but have you considered talking to a therapist about your self-image issues? I see one for mine and they helped me realize that even if I woke up one day with all the "problems" I saw in my appearance suddenly fixed, I still wouldn't be happy. Plastic surgery won't fix the way you feel about yourself inside. Accepting the way I look and figuring out that I needed to work on the person I was internally was probably the most important decisions in my life.
People, the right kind of people, will like you for who you are. Not how you look. I know it sounds ridiculous when you hate everything about yourself, and those thoughts of self-hatred are so all-consuming that you can't even see past them. But I promise that working on yourself to become a better person will make you feel a million times better than plastic surgery ever could.
No. 293019
I had to finally cut ties with my best friend because she had been lying to me and treating me like shit. A little bit of background on her is that she is an only child with a control freak mother who was taking advantage of my own mother (as in we would go places and she would conveniently not have money on her or she would dump her daughter at my house to go out with her rich boyfriend. Also, she had a holier that thou complex. Seriously, fuck this bitch). So, the mom finally used up my mom's patients and they had a falling out, which started to impact my relationship with her daughter but this was just the start. So this girl knew that I had a crush on one of our guy friends and I told her about it. I am very hesitant to get into relationships with people just due to having lost a good portion of my family to various diseases and accidents are a kid, so this was a huge step for me. So, rather than encourage me to try like a friend should, she told me to not even bother because he liked a different girl in our group. So, because I trusted her and she had a different boyfriend at the time, I believed her and just moved on. I am still kicking myself for being this stupid but that what I get for being a dumb ass. So, what do you know, when we graduated and the boy I liked and my best friend hooked up. By this point I was like "yayyyy, I'm glad my friend is dating a great guy!" and tried to be supportive, because that's what friends do, but slowly these two started to alienate a bunch of our old friends because "they were asking too many questions about their relationship" or would get extremely defensive over their relationship as a whole which struck me as odd but being a dumbass I just accepted it because I cared about them both. Fast forward to our second year of college and I was going through some family drama so I forgot to say happy birthday to this girl and holy shit did her boyfriend attack me and call me some shit things. Keep in mind, these assholes are only children and have over inflated egos so they can't stand not having all of the attention on them, and never mind that I was going through some awful shit on my end. At this point I was both hurt and pissed off but I didn't want to ruin my relationship with this girl because we had known each other for years so I apologized (looking back I wish I would have told them both to fuck off but oh well). So, a couple months later it comes to light that this girl had been lying to me about the whole guy thing and some other stuff and I finally decided I couldn't with this girl anymore. Maybe I was being an overly emotional ass but these two have a history of doing the same to other people, so I wanted to end this bs on my own terms. So, being a petty bitch, I decided I wanted to get some sweet vengeance on them both since 1) they are both only children and are spoiled af 2) she has a superiority complex and felt that since she's travel to other countries that she was an all knowing intellectual (even though this bitch screwed up her grades and is now in community college lol) 3) I was fucking hurt. So, we meet up for coffee and I started messing with her by talking about how vegans are retarded (she had recently converted and was very snotty about it) and how excited I am to start my own family (keep in mind the "imma world traveler and i never want children cause imma so much better lol fuck breeders." Also, during that conversation, she was giving the dets on how her bf had been trying to keep other guys from asking her out during high school and gushing over that shit. So, being the shit I am, I was like "oh, well did they ever asking about me?" and she got super defensive and was like "oh, well, I never asked." Very dismissive, but it felt good to see her stupid face get all pissy. Also, I basically called her out for treating people like shit and ignoring her other friends for some guy (for the money), which I could tell pissed her off too. Probably the main kicker was I basically called conservatives retarded as well since I knew it would bother her boyfriend and I know that she has a deep seeded hate for them yet stays with her boyfriend because "reasons" and because he's financially well off. She's a gold digger at heart. Basically, I wanted for her to leave that coffee shop feeling as uncomfortable as possible, because she had been doing that to me for YEARS. Anyways, haven't spoken to the bitch or her bf in months and I can honestly say it feels freeing. They weren't healthy and I honestly don't see their relationship lasting, because it was built on a lie. Also, it was a good learning experience for me since it taught me to not blindly trust people and to surround myself with people who are spoiled brats. So, yeah, lesson learned.
No. 293038
>>285472Slight update/vent regarding this.
Some of my friends rent the upstairs of my parent's house. My brother is friendless, he used to have friends at his church but he said that he wants nothing to do with them now that he is transgender. I wouldn't really care about him, except he's taken to trying to invite himself to everything the people who rent the upstairs do. He is a NEET right now so he has nothing to do but bother other people I guess. Anyways, he's been inviting himself to things like dates with their boyfriends and it is difficult to say "no" to that sort of thing when you don't know the person very well or how they'll react to it.
I'm just tired of having to babysit him. I'm tired of having to tell an autistic person about basic social skills he's too retarded to get. I'm tired of having to clean his ball and leg hair from the floor of our shared bathroom, because he never cleans. I'm tired of having to tell him to turn off his shitty music because I'm trying to sleep at 1 AM. I don't like being rude, I don't like having to tell someone "Please do not bother the other people in the house. They do not want to talk to you or be your friend". But he won't get it any other way. I expected to never see him again, until he lost his apartment and job. I don't want to move out because I like living with my mom, I just wish he would be out of the picture.
No. 293086
>>292964Same. Some threads you can't say anything without a snappy response.
Sometimes it's not even what they say, it's the cunty way in which they respond.
No. 293253
>>293210I understand how you feel. It took me the longest time to accept the fact that I was solely attracted to women. Even now, I can only admit it to myself.
When people ask I usually just say that I'm bi, or that I don't know since both of them are more acceptable answers where I live.
The only person I told would rather believe that I'm just not attracted to anybody than to believe that I'm attracted to women.
It makes me feel discouraged to come out because I feel like nobody will be there for me.
No. 293335
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I'm sick people acting like I'm 10 years old when they find out I was born in y2k. I'm 18 now. Sometimes when older Millennials do it, it makes me feel like they don't want to accept that they're getting old.
No. 293341
>>293335It's just the human mind being stupid.
We've compartmentalized centuries in our mind despite them not really existing, so having someone born in a "separate" set of years to ours feels weird. I'm only 3 years older than you but hearing about someone being born in the year 2000 or later still feels surreal to me. And yet if someone is born in 1999 it feels like dramatically less of a gap (even though it isn't). This is sort of the same reason why corporations price things as $99.99 instead of $100.00. It's idiotic, but that's what we've done to ourselves lmao. I'm sure kids born in 1900 got the same nonsense.
Anyway, don't take it personally.
No. 293345
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I should probably post this in the annoying friends thread but I have to vent here, I'm sorry. There's that friend, she won't stop spamming group conversations on line and facebook with the most stupid things I've ever seen. She derails conversations to make everything about her and her friends that nobody knows or met or will ever meet in our friend group. She's talking so much about her crush and pretending that her life is a tragedy because their love is supposedly doomed because she'll travel a little soon even though they seem to really care about each other (according to her, since nobody ever met him either). It's really repetitive really fast. She makes everything about herself. I'm still pissed that for the first time in years this summer I went on holidays and she accepted to come with me even though I told her exactly what I planned to do, and she just kept complaining about the sun, the heat and the beach, saying proudly that she was a contrarian and that "she hated the beach sooo much lol xD I'm such a hater, not like these normies." Even though she said she would love to go to the beach and nice restaurants with me and shit.
Anyway, I asked friends in a group conversation where she is if they're available this week for something and instead of posting that she won't be available because she lives in another city, which is common knowledge anyway so no need to even do that, she immediately spams the conversation with great details as to why she can't be available. If it's going to be as usual, she'll spam even more and nobody will be able to find my message, so that means we won't be able to organize anything again. I should probably create another group chat just for that but I know someone will add her in just so she'll feel included. I know it's a dumb thing to complain about but it's like that all the time and it's getting way too annoying.
>>293335My little sister is closer to your age than I am, and I changed her diapers and fed her when she was a newborn on a regular basis, among other things. I can't help seeing people born in the 2000s as kids because of that. And your post isn't helping your case regardless of how mature you may or may not be.
No. 293346
>>293341Thanks, that's pretty interesting
>>293338I never said "literally everyone who makes a fuss about it is an old fart," calm down. Most of the people who've done it to me
have been very immature themselves (i.e. the last person who did it to me was a neet fakeboi in her late 20s).
No. 293480
>>293335just laugh it off, if people are treating you that way seriously it's most likely out of shock at how fast time's gone by. most people don't do it maliciously
the age difference between you and them might be to blame too, people in their mid-late twenties are always going to see people who are barely in adulthood as babies, it's not necessarily always about the year you were born just about being on a different wavelength entirely
No. 293565
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Got my new work schedule and I only got three shifts in a week. They gave the girl who doesn’t even bother to show up half the time more hours than me.
Also 2 out of the 3 are during the weekend and I have to dip out early to go to my other
I hate having 2 part time jobs instead of one full time job.
No. 293635
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>>292858No one cares but I have no one to talk about it so a little update ;
I spent my afternoon with him yesterday and it was really nice, he kinda confessed right before I was supposed to take the train and it made me miss my train. Since I had to go to school very early in the morning today I started freaking out, he immediately offered me to drive me to my destination (1h30 away by car) and he did it without complaining, he actually seemed to enjoy staying with me a little longer. I'm freaking out because I legit never met such a kind person, I also expected him to try to get into my apartment (with stuff like "I'm so tired, you're not going to let me ride back alone at night?") once we got there but he just gave me my luggage and a hug and was on his way.
I have no idea why someone attractive, kind, laid back and successful like him would want to date someone like me. Life is weird, but I'm not complaining.
No. 293641
>>286372You sound like me, all the way down to the NEET, no GED, and no license. The worst part is it's so hard to pull yourself out of that funk that you've been in for so long. The NEET part is what scares me the most, because the older I get, the less likely I am to get jobs and shit.
As for the GED thing, you can look online. I dunno where you are, but I can get my GED at a community college in my county. I think you can take the studying online, but you have to do the test in person. I may be wrong though.
I totally understand you though dude. Hopefully those of us in the same boat can get out of this funk.
No. 293655
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>always getting mocked for walking manly in the past
>spend teenage years doing my best to walk more elegantly
>Doctor: anon, you seem to be pigeon toed
No. 293665
>>293655i feel your pain, anon
>everyone was crazy about thigh gaps when I was a teen>pushed my butt back so it appeared like I had one>now my lower back hurts after standing/walking a lot>have to consciously strand/walk in a normal position>it still hurts because my muscles are not used to thisfuck this shit desu
No. 293685
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>>293665different anon but high five for self-imposed hyperlordosis to make your thighs appear cuter! sorta calming/sad to know I'm not the only one retarded to that degree
No. 293721
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>why are you watching your calorie intake anon, you're not fat
>my scale doesn't lie, I gained weight
>hahahaha don't be silly anon
one week later, wearing less flattering clothes
>euh…anon I should tell you that you gained weight, also here's an entire lecture about eating less and doing more sports
No. 293761
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my mom has been verbally and emotionally abusing me for years. my childhood was awful and i deal with a lot of trauma. she is the main reason for me being mentally messed up and unable to pursue a romantic and sexual relationship.
she came out as bi a while ago, and everyone is constantly telling me how brave she is. i don't care about which gender my mom dates, but the entire process of her coming out has affected me in a negative way. when she moved out of her house/my childhood home and in with her current girlfriend, she just threw most of my things away.
whenever i talk about her behavior towards me with some of my close friends, they make excuses for her based on her sexuality. as if her being in a lesbian relationship justifies her hanging up the phone on me when i called and told her i felt suicidal.
No. 293838
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Does anyone else have problems with these bloody suckers?
I can't get decent sleep, I can't even work. They bother me day and night. Tried with citronella and then tried with those Raid products, nothing. I just get a headache.
I also shower at least twice per day and wear clean clothes.
No. 293845
>>293841I live inside a house but there's a lot of windows. I keep most of them closed but I need some fresh air so I do open like two or three windows slightly open.
I don't have intact screens and they don't sell them in my country online.
>>293843I will try.
No. 293846
>>293838cold air keeps them away mostly, blast your a/c 24/7?
i'm dealing with them too, i think a couple laid eggs in my room or something, always see one flying around and get bit every other day. shit sucks fam.
No. 293850
>>293846Thanks, fam. Will try.
The most annoying part is their buzzing. They buzz straight into my ears. I wish they worked on their stealthiness so I could sleep.
No. 293877
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>>293873Just be cool man. No big deal.
No. 293879
>>293873What's a skinner?
google search brings about the occupation, a psychologist, and term used for incarcerated pedophiles.
I guess it's a drug.
No. 293883
>>2938793 papers to roll a longer joint
The high came down I'm away to get a shower
No. 293922
Years of self neglect and fear of doctors has predictably come back to bite me in the ass. Apparently, I have tinnitus and now whenever I talk above a whisper, I hear this terrible static, makes it hard to communicate and harder still to focus on what others are saying to me. I’m not going deaf quite yet but feel like it could happen any day now. Tbf it’s making me suicidal and there’s no real solution even on the medical side. I try to avoid “stressors” that could set it off, but everything seems to set it off. Hot weather, caffeine, stress, essentially things I can’t control or cut out of my life. Honestly I’d rather be deaf instead of suffering through another conversation that sounds like a broken radio. It’s fucking painful and getting worse everyday and I feel so alone in it, because it’s made socializing completely unbearable. When I end up going deaf I’ll probably kill myself, in all honesty. I won’t be employable (save a few niches that rarely hire people entry level), I won’t be able to talk to my loved ones or hear their voices, I won’t have the money to cover my bills, won’t be able to do anything the way normal people do. Honestly, I’m ugly anyway and can’t see a life worth living without one of my senses, as they’re the only things holding me up right now.
No. 293929
>>293922I'm really sorry anon.
Maybe you could find joy in something that doesn't require the sense of hearing, like painting or something visual?
I know how you feel though, I'm losing my eyesight, I'm nearly blind and I don't qualify for laser surgery.
I guess I could look into eye transplants but that's expensive and not a common procedure where I live.
Please hold on.
Look at the bright side, at least you won't have to listen to people yapping/nagging.
No. 293931
>>293922That really sucks Anon.
Do you know what caused your Tinnitus?
Depending on what the underlying cause is there are different treatments.
Have you tried masking devices or medication for it?
Also even if you eventually do go deaf there are plenty of jobs and hopefully with the help of cochlear implants/hearing aids you wouldn't be completely deaf.
Also if you can't work because of your illness surely you would get welfare/disability from the government (depends where you live though).
Please tell your doctor this is making you feel suicidal, this is something they should take very seriously as they should know it isn't uncommon for people with severe Tinnitus to feel this way.
I went to a school with a visually impaired department so there were many students who were blind/almost blind and some of them also had hearing aids and other issues, they attending a normal school and led pretty normal lives and had equipment/support to help them when needed, losing one of your senses doesn't necessarily make life not worth living.
My father in law went blind from diabetes in his 20's but lives a pretty normal life (and he wears hearing aids now), got married twice, had kids, had a few different jobs over the years, he lives alone and manages fine with his dog.
Most us will eventually lose our hearing/sight/smell/mobility/control of our bladder or bowels if we live long enough, thankfully technology has many solutions to these issues or is at least able to make life easier for those affected.
No. 294029
>>293922Hey so ive had tinnitus for a whike now, i know how much it can drive you crazy. The first week was pure hell for me.
But you get used to it. Like yea its still there and annoying, but it doesn't stop me from doing anything.
No. 294143
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There's been a rumor going around that they might cast a black/asian woman as Ciri in the Witcher netflix series and I really hope ir's just a dumb rumor because it doesn' make sense for her to be non white.
No. 294154
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>>294143So BAME literally means everybody but white? Isn't it racist to not care who it'll be as long as she's not [insert one race]? I get looking for one specific race but only excluding one…?
No. 294170
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>>294166post 2 video of her stabbing shit with a knife. ow the edge
No. 294175
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>>294166lol this is tame for her
No. 294205
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>>294143I honestly understand the frustration with the lack of melanin in fantasy but Ciri is described to be white. She is a white character. Usually I'm cool with race swapping – for certain characters, it makes more sense than for them to be white – but I think people are justified in being upset over this. It's such an… odd decision? I hate /pol/tards and the forced diversity meme but this screams it and it's insulting.
No. 294308
>>294205fuck this bullshit, there are black people mentioned in Witcher and Ciri aint one of them. They live in Zerrikania, the Africa of Witcher world and Ciri aint one of them (The SJW will scream if the story with the Zerrikan girls will be depicted in the TV series, as its pretty stereotypical and maybe a bit racist in its depiction of wild black people).
If Americans take another thing from a culture that does not belong to them and make it all about ~muh diversity~ I will scream.
I get representation, I do not mind mixed/black/whatever people in media but I do not want Witcher to be ruined just cause Americans have to bend everything to depict their culture and society.
And before someone comes at me, Im Polish so yeah, Witcher has been a part of my popculture before amerifags caught a whiff of the first CD Projekt game.
No. 294333
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I hate that even when my collarbones, ribs and hipbones protrude, my waist seems stuck at 26-27 inches and my hips/thighs/stomach are still wide and chubby. My breasts are only down one cup size too. I know it's not just my ED/BDD playing tricks on my eyesight, because my boyfriend commented that he thought I was very small/petite until he saw me naked, and now he considers me "thicc".
It's like I haven't really changed from being a 160lbs whale after all, even after losing 50lbs.
I just want to be skinny, or at least as skinny as people think I look with clothes on. I don't care about having an ass, big tits or juicy thighs or whatever the fuck. I don't want it. I never asked to be "womanly". I'd rather be small, lean and androgynous or cute.
No. 294389
>>294168>>294205It's still only a rumor, so there's that. But it would literally make 0 sense to make her poc, especially lore wise. They also said they'll stick to the books, which this is not.
>>294308As a fellow Slav I really couldn't agree more
No. 294500
>>294308As another Slav, I hate this too.
I was lowkey looking forward to the series but after hearing all of the things that happened, it's obvious I will just hide it and ignore everything around it.
No. 294618
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The guy who works at the starbucks I’ve been going to every saturday night totally has a crush on me. Last time I saw him he remembered my name even though I had only seen him twice before and also complimented my outfit. He’s very cute too. He’s got curly hair and just great features, and dresses really nice. But my brain is making this out to be more than it is. I can’t stop fantasizing about going on a date with him or something. But i know baristas at a place like Starbucks probably would get in trouble if they were to ask out a customer. I’d just have to build the courage to give him my number someday. But I know I’m too shy for that. Guess I’ll just keep to my fantasies.
BTW, i don’t know why i have a huge thing for baristas but i do. this is like the second barista i’ve had a crush on. luckily the first one asked for my number at some point but turned out to be a crazy national socialist vegan weirdo manslut so i ghosted him.
No. 294622
>>294418Honestly I don't get why representation is such a big deal anyway. There's a lot of different ethnicities out there, not all of them get represented in the media at all, not all whites and Asians are necessarily going to resemble one another.
Like yeah, I'm considered "white", whatever that means (and even that is up for debate according to some Americans) but there's no women in the media who look like me. At all. Unless you count Toula from MBFGW, which is a shit movie and she was too old and ugly for my 13 year old self to care about.
I'm sure it's the same for countless people out there who don't have a large diaspora in the States, some of us just grew up either feeling like shit about ourselves and wondering why we had nasolabial folds and big noses at age 9 but those girls didn't, or looking up to our moms and cousins instead.
No. 294670
>>294622I'm white and nobody in movies or series looks like me either. Agree about representation. It's GOOD, but the idea that one person of a race is in something suddenly empowering tons of people who look and act nothing like them? As if all black or Asian people can be represented by one.
And I do admire my female relatives over celebrities, which is probably a good thing.
No. 294672
>>294625Don't let that get you down, I mean it's good you got the stupid shit out anyway.
If your ex was male, they are bad at reacting to situations they haven't planned for, hence silence. Doesn't mean he thought bad of you, just that he doesn't know how to react.
One small setback is not a failure.
No. 294689
>>294670>>294622100% agree!
Can't stand this bs of "there are only white people in movies"
I am considered white and i am kind of yellowish. A friend of mine is more on the pink site.
Sometimes the sex or color of the skin from a character is not set, then i don't care who gets the role in a movie. But this "musst have" is so annoying.
If you want diversity than make a new movie ffs.
No. 294714
>>294711 said. There are good people out there, but it's a giant pain in the ass to find them.
>>294711I pretty much will after having a conversation with him. He doesn't think it's "real cheating" since there's no physical contact. Even if that would be true, it shows how he doesn't seem to have any respect for me.
The whole thing is a bit complicated since I don't have friends and family so it's difficult to just cut out the only person that's left in your life.
No. 294748
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It's kind of dumb and historically inaccurate when people say there were historically no black/brown people in any part of Europe whatsoever. It's even sillier IMO to use that to insist this Hollywood movie or TV show or video game must have absolutely no non-white people. It's not really that deep, I don't think anyone will suddenly start believing literally everybody in Europe was actually black/brown because some American movie/show has a brown actress playing a fictional character in a fictional piece, or some fantasy video game has a dark-skinned NPC here and there. Who really cares?
I'm not that into historical fiction or fantasy, but I feel like some people only try to argue about historical accuracy as a veil for their own, largely personal issues. The gag is, these same complainers will probably spend money just to hate-watch, so the industry will keep doing it, in part, to get money from the fake outrage.
No. 294749
>>294748> It's kind of dumb and historically inaccurate when people say there were historically no black/brown people in any part of Europe whatsoeverThat's a stupid argument. Just because medieval europe was 0.00001% black doesn't change the fact that for all intents and purposes there were no black people in Europe.
"But there was a couple of dozen blacks in a nation of 10 million, therefore france wasn't completely white, so what we're going to do is make full 20% of all NPCs in the game black. Diversity, y'all!" - every amerifag ever
No. 294751
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>>294749If they were there and people in that period saw fit to include them in media like paintings, what gives you the right to undo it all and deny it? Because you don't think it was enough? Clearly, those in that society disagreed. Sorry.
No. 294754
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>>294751Forgot to add: I haven't seen any adaptions make more than like 1-2 characters brown or black. They're not changing the entire cast's race or anything. So, what's the issue?
Most games don't make millions of unique background NPCs, they just make a handful and they get cloned/distributed throughout the game. If you're sitting and counting each NPC that has dark skin, you're really wasting your time and obsessing over nothing.
No. 294762
>>294761My mistake, I thought they were replying to
>>294751 for some reason.
No. 294768
>>294758>>294762It's ok. I would say that overall I agree with you. I was wondering if you were also lowkey referring to the Witcher controversy or speaking in general about tv series? Cause I don't mind PoC being there, just don't want a race of character that is very much not PoC changed cause it makes no sense to the plot… well, unless they will also change the race of her father (but this would have some ugly connotations) or her mother (which could mean even more changes).
Yes, Witcher is a fictional story, but it's normal to want the adaptation to stay true to the source material that you grew attached to for years.
No. 294771
>>294748>>294751Born in Egypt, become a soldier for Rome, leader of the Theban legion, later regarded a saint. That's the reason they accepted him, he was Christian and died for his belief.
>>294754Literally not Europe. The three kings who visited Jesus after his birth.
There might have been a tiny percentage of non-white people. But they were not in positions of power, they did not contribute to anything. So why make them kings and heros in movies?
This reminds me of the people claiming Mozart, Beethoven and co were black as well. But later some evil racist painted all their portraits white! kek
No. 294780
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>>294771You literally just explained that one was accepted and had a heroic role in history as a saint, kind of undercutting your "Why should they be heroes or kings?? That never happened" point right there.
If you think Mozart, Beethoven, etc are the same as fictional characters or video game NPCs that can do anything and have any appearance the creator chooses (and in the case of the second image, it's clear a European artist thought of black people being involved in such a scene, which should be impossible in your POV), I don't really know what to tell you, except to step into reality.
>>294774What makes that different from including them in currently made media, then? They're certainly generating a good amount of buzz and pearl-clutching, even though since there's more diversity now by now, it shouldn't really matter. Would you want to have the paintings changed or censored to protect certain sensibilities?
No. 294784
>>294780Why do you want to include black people in stories from/about white countries so badly?
One could argue that you're jealous of Europe and therefore try your hardest to somehow be a part of it.
Why don't I see you in the K-drama thread whining about how there are no white people in their historical dramas? White people have been traveling the whole world for centuries already, yet nobody pushes for them to be included in the media of those countries - especially not in historical settings.
I have never heard of that game, but it apperantly means a lot to Poland, so why do you have to take that one little thing away from them? And not just for some oppressed black acress, no, they'd literally take everbody as long as it's not a white girl…>The popular role-playing game series "The Witcher" is beloved in Poland — so much so that back in 2011, the country's prime minister at the time Donald Tusk presented Obama with the collector's edition of "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" to commemmorate his visit. No. 294794
>>294784Wat. You sound insane. I don't care for historical fantasy, I've never been interested in being part of some medieval European shit because I have my own rich culture and history (I also wouldn't be bothered if some Americans made a fictional piece based on it and changed races because I'm not insecure lol), and it doesn't bother me one way or the other what race whichever character is, I just don't see why it gets people like you so pressed that you throw huge tantrums when there's like one (1) dark-skinned character in a fantasy game or movie or TV show. And then you pay for the media piece anyway, which means you rewarded them both publicity and cash for making you upset.
I don't care for K-drama either, but since Korean stuff isn't really popular outside of in Korea and with Koreaboos, I'm not surrounded by any controversy around their shit the same way I am with things like this, which is why I don't engage with it. I also wouldn't understand if I saw people screeching over there being a white girl in some Korean video game or drama. It's fiction. There's no agenda to hurt your fee-fees (except, maybe on the part of the creators, who are probably doing it to get a rise out of you).
You've really just confirmed my suspicions with this weird post. There's no logic behind it. You have personal issues, and you're not living in reality. Fiction won't help you, only therapy can.
No. 294820
>>294811Imagine the anger if
they changed the race of Emhyr aka Ciri's father to black when first he's a cursed half human, half hedgehog who fucked the underage princess and later on it's revealed that he is actually the big evil who murdered his wife and hunted his daughter, among other thingsI could see sjw screaching that of course the one black person is a freakshow and evil to the core and that's racist… all that so black/mixed Ciri can happen
No. 294986
>>294974Fuck them, most doctors and health professionals are utterly incopetent.
What was the situation that made you want to kill yourself?
No. 295045
>>295039of course not. I'm a woman. I'm even forcing myself to not care about their politic stance or their whole non binary/genderfluid/whatever spiel, that's how desperate I am.
>>295044I am, I'm on three different dating apps. I didn't have issues a year ago, now it's hard as shit to get a date. I'm not even ugly, I'm thin, conventionally attractive, have an ok fashion sense. I guess they can sense I'm desperate.
No. 295232
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i’m a 19 y/o neet high school dropout with bulimia and agoraphobia do i just fucking kill myself at this point? i can’t see myself ever amounting to anything. i don’t want to traumatize my siblings but i can tell my parents are getting to their breaking point with my shit.
i’m such a fucking failure. always have been always will be.
No. 295261
>>295232>>295232anon you're only 19, you still have your entire life in front of you and it's only going to get better.
People don't tell you this but as you get older, you also stop caring as much about the little things and you will find yourself more.
But you're gonna have to do this yourself, you're gonna have to pick yourself up and either go back to school or get a job. You could even work for a year and then go back to school if you're not sure what you want? Having a job or going to school will also give you a purpose and make you feel a lot better about yourself. And after a while you can even move out and start your own life.
If you're not already doing it, I also suggest you to see a psychiatrist (or psychologist? I don't know, the one that talks with you, not the one that just covers it up with medicine)
Don't give up until you've tried everything, killing yourself might seem like the easiest way out right now but in a few years you will be happy that you didn't.
Besides, your parents and siblings love you, don't put them through the pain of losing you.
No. 295385
>>295232anon I went through agoraphobia/emetophobia anxiety but during high school, at 17. I fully understand how helpless you feel, and how tiring it is. It's hard but you can get through it if you push yourself to do so. I know everyone is different , but please seek help, see a therapist if you can afford it, or go to a psychiastrist to help you with medicine. I spent 3 months scared of going out, but everyday I tried to go as far as I could. If you can dress up, shower, eat normally, it's great. If you want to sleep, sleep. Don't force yourself but do as much as you feel mentally able to at the moment. idk if it makes sense, but try to live during the moment and see day by day how you feel, it'll give you an idea of the extent of your problem.
Try to go to public places with someone you trust (if possible), but only places from which you can exit fast without causing a fuss (the mall, and such) .
(blogpost but knowing that I could escape immediately if I wanted helped me tremendously , the thought made me feel safe. It's not an immediate result but a work you need to try. I was very lucky and I'm not denying it, my teachers let me stay next to an open door and would allow me to exit without asking if needed). What I mean is don't force yourself too much or you won't want to try, but do as much as you feel comfortable to do at the moment it's happening you know ? sorry for the long ass rambling, if you want I can give you a throw away email if you wanna talk. (btw I'm 18 and I relapsed a few months ago, I'm still on Zoloft and it helps tremendously, so please consider a treatment))
No. 295388
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>tfw becoming more productive because the new shitty porn ads on 4chan made me stop phoneposting
No. 295484
>>295390Good for you, anon! Health is important
Anyone who smokes cigarettes should not be allowed to give health advice. dumb as hell
No. 295570
>>295527I had the same issues and one thing that helped me lots was the "pomodoro" or timer method. Basically you study for 10 minutes until the timer rings, then you completely stop and do 2-3 minutes of break (where you do literally nothing, no reading anything or music just resting) until it rings again. This is great cause once it starts mentally you're thinking "boy can't wait for my break soon" and actually do the 10 minutes of work. Do 12 of these and you've done a lot of studying without even realising it.
Anyway I find it helps to figure out how long your concentration lasts, most people can only stay concentrated for 20-40 minutes at a time before dozing off and going online, skipping sentences, or having to reread things again, like you said. So it's good to time your breaks accordingly. My sessions for instance last 23 minutes and I do 2 minute breaks, I can go on for hours and it never tires me out.
It's scary having to relearn how to study, but I promise it's something everyone goes through and it doesn't mean you're not or never were smart. Don't feel like there's something wrong with you.
No. 295612
>>295603If you feel sexually attracted to other women, chances are you like women. It's a better life anyway. Not needing to deal with men has been a plus for me. I've been with my wife 10 years.
You can always talk to her and tell her you're new at things and still trying to figure it out. Go on a date, maybe?
No. 295619
>>295552I feel you anon. I always force myself to go on dates with people I don't even like, problem is I never catch feelings for anyone.
Last time I went out with a Chad-type and started ghosting him right after. Bet my friends would kill me for letting this hot guy get away if they knew but I just can't do it. It's exhausting tbh.. I don't mind being single but it sucks seeing everyone but you dating around
No. 295638
>>295632 said a TON of people lose their virginities in their 20s, they just lie and say they aren't virgins bc it's seen as socially unacceptable. another thing is, guys probably aren't going to ask if you're a virgin (don't think people ask that past like 16 haha) and a lot of dudes may even find it hot. if you want to tell them you're a virgin go ahead, don't think any dude will find it to be a big deal, but also you're not obligated to tell them you're a virgin. I didn't tell the first guy I had sex with that I was a virgin
No. 295668
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>>295638Same! When I lost my virginity, I was too embarrassed to tell the guy, so I just told him it had been a while.
We’ve been dating for 3 years now, and he still has no idea kek
No. 295718
>>295628I'm nearly 30 and I'm a virgin too.
Get on my level.
And no, I'm not a guy.
Also, I don't think being a virgin by 27-28 years of age is a big deal but I think after that, such as in my case, it's already weird.
But I'd rather be a virgin than get rushed into sex in order to have a bf and it seems every guy is impatient to have sex. There's no more waiting to get to know each other.
I don't understand why there's a shame in being a virgin. It's not like it's harming anyone, right?
No. 295721
>>295619The thing is that I am very attracted to and interested in him. I was even the one who asked him out. I just feel like we're very different people and its too intimidating to me. He's not even a Chad type visually (he's quite small and his face is equally as awkward as my own kek. Which appeals to me, I should add), but he is extroverted and funny. Chances are he's more experienced than I am despite being younger. Although if he follows up by messaging me I might go along with it just to see how it goes.
Anyway, what I've moatly learned from this experience is that the bots/incels are wrong about brown manlets doing the worst in the dating scene. I've been rejected by one and another turned out to be a fucking Chad lite personality-wise. I've also learned that I'm going to die alone most likely.
>>295713I'm pretty interested in men and big chiseled Chad don't appeal to me either. But I'm also bisexual. idk maybe pure straight women are more likely to be into a full on masculine type of guy due to the polarization?
No. 295741
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I've barely left the house in 2 years cos fat and ugly but there's a chance I might be getting a job now cos my sibling referred me and I'm freaking out I just want to drink into oblivion. I know I'm gonna go back into my anachan ways again to lose all this weight (yes I'm actually overweight and I'm suffering for it) but fuck there gonna judge me so hard I'm not gonna be able to do the job properly. I need to lose weight the proper way once and for all and stop this madness of restricting and binging but I don't know how. I don't know how to stop thinking and behaving this way. It feels impossible. Drinking everyday for 2 years too, don't know how I'm gonna stop that I literally need alcohol to leave the house. Maybe I'll have a glass before going to the job to stop the heart racing. I look like the walking dead cos I've been neglecting basic health care for the last 2 years. I just don't know how I'm going to be able do this.
No. 295746
>>295741You can do it, anon!!
For the weight loss I would suggest finding out your TDEE/BMR, downloading MFP, and just start tracking everything. I've been doing this since June and gradually have gone from 160 -> 130 with out much effort. Sometimes I splurge on weekends but I don't let it destroy me and just keep on with tracking the next day.
For sobriety, I think this is much trickier especially if you have a history of addictive behavior. You either have to REALLY REALLY want it or you have to hit rock bottom. For me it was crashing my bf's car and very narrowly avoiding a DUI, I had been a daily drinker for several years up until that point. I know, I'm a piece of shit, but it was a real turning point for me because I never want to feel that way again. Basically getting "scared straight" can be very effective. It is possible to get and stay sober though, even if you're using it as a crutch of sorts your body will eventually adjust to the new reality of no alcohol.
No. 295747
>>295746Thanks anon.
>For the weight loss I would suggest finding out your TDEE/BMR, downloading MFP, and just start tracking everything. I've been doing this since June and gradually have gone from 160 -> 130 with out much effort. Sometimes I splurge on weekends but I don't let it destroy me and just keep on with tracking the next day.I've done that failed every time not with losing the weight but just staying happy and normal like not weighing every lettuce leaf and not going places cos food. It's ALL OR NOTHING.
No. 295828
>>295822I'm with you on this trip, too. People either disappoint me or I disappoint them. Usually both.
Feels bad.
No. 295843
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>>295838I love you, anon! You made my entire afternoon
No. 295846
>>295747Ya, I feel you. Counting calories is definitely not my favorite thing to do lol. I eat a lot of frozen and pre-packaged food with the calories already labeled, so that makes things a little more manageable.
Tho when I make my own meals I almost will always end up over-eating because it's too much hassle to research the calorie content of every single ingredient and then calculate the portions.
But.. if you can practice teh disciprine and track your intake even 75% of the time, you'll see results! It just takes effort and that's the first and main hurdle. Once you start seeing losses on the scale, that in itself will become your new motivator. At least that's how it's going for me.
Good luck to you and your new job! You'll do great either way. Remember most people do not give one single fuck what you look like - they are usually more concerned with themselves to care. And the ones who do care? Who would judge you for being fat?? FUCK EM!!
No. 295858
>>295843I'm so glad that I cheered you up!
I have just read this quote yesterday in an unrelated book, can't believe that I stumbled on your post which reminded me of it <3
>>295846NTAYRT but how do you make sure you eat the exact portion of the frozen food? I need to start doing this too, I suck at not binging mood food and eating correct amount…
No. 295968
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>>295858Gah hoping not to get crucified over diet choices here lol, but when I say frozen I mean stuff like pic related. This one is my fav, but I like it best in the oven and it takes like 35m.
It just says 420 cal right on the box. Easy peasy! Or like frozen edamame packs you can just heat on the stove/microwave, or frozen veg burgers from Aldi are pretty decent imo. They had like 10 different varieties last time I was there!
Also most calorie tracking apps have a barcode scanner which makes it even more simple if you're eating packaged things.
No. 296074
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>hate fakebois
>follow the thread on the regular
>one of the flakes in the thread is someone i knew irl
>follow the thread pretty hard
>realize over time that my close friend's perfect girl is just a fakeboi
i don't know what feels to feel.
No. 296101
>>295826I already see drama because he is getting judgemental towards me and my mental health is already really bad. When she doesn’t wanna talk to me he is probably gonna say
“you should talk to her more, it’s obvious that you hate her” and when I talk to her I just feel like I am lying to myself and to her.
She is fat, a liar and stinky and I don’t think he wants a relationship with her ever again, but I am really anxious of her starting drama and ruin our day in the end, just because she is still salty that he has me
No. 296146
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i've gained weight and everyone is okay with it because I look "healthy" and good for my size/height. im on the higher end of correct bmi for my height but I feel so disgusting with my new body. My boobs, ass, and thighs are bigger and it grosses me out being possibly perceived in a sexual light more often than when I was what they considered skelly. some of the things I had when I was thinner were pretty low cut and now I have a good amount of cleavage wearing normal bras I absolutely hate it. tank tops, sweaters being tighter around my chest, etc, all of this makes my skin crawl. I hate feeling this way because seeing other girls with huge chests wearing tight or low cut clothing doesnt bother me at all but when I see myself it feels wrong. My chest isnt particularly big to begin with (I'm a b-c at most) but seeing myself in the mirror with a more "womanly" body is giving me anxiety. I want to wear pretty cute bras but I feel happiest wearing sports bras. Debating cutting calories like woah and working out like crazy again because of it…
No. 296150
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I love hanging out with the girls in my comm, but none of them host meets, and when I host a meet they only want to come if it's something dainty like drinking tea. The moment anyone suggests anything more out of the ordinary than a potluck, no one wants to come.
I booked a restaurant for 45 people since that's how many were interested.
Five are coming. FIVE!!!
I almost want to cancel and say FUCK IT, host your own meets!
No. 296186
>>296167I love Bojack and am after 3rd episode of the new season. I plan to binge watch the rest today. I would love to talk to you here about it, maybe in a tv show thread if it exists? If not, we can make a new tv series or even western animation thread.
Glad you mentioned Diane cause the 2nd episode destroyed m
No. 296188
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>tfw you go to a mental health forum and anonymously talk, for the first time, about mental/emotional abuse you went through as a child in a bid to seek advice on how to get rid of the aftereffects
>tfw people who aren't even part of the demographic you were chiefly seeking help from decide to insert themselves into the conversation, mock you and accuse you of making things up
I just told them if I wanted to lie, I'd make up something that's actually sensible and way more interesting, and that the fact that they simply can't relate is kind of good, because it's a shitty experience. One insisted that parts of my story "weren't adding up" because my parent's actions didn't mirror their words (I guess abusive, semi-narc parents who come from abusive backgrounds themselves are known for being beacons of logic and not complete hypocrites, right?) and then gave me some fake BS apology. The other person just didn't respond.
Literally everyone else in the thread said they understood, because they were from similar family backgrounds/upbringing. Some had even heard the exact same shit my parents had said to me, verbatim. But somehow, these two chucklefucks from completely different backgrounds thought they knew better. All this has done for me is further affirm that I should keep quiet about my life. I don't know how I would've reacted if I tried talking about this to a therapist and they told me that.
Expecting empathy from 99% of the human race is idiotic. Unless you know for a fact that the person you're talking to has been through something similar or even worse, they'll just internally disbelieve you, or accuse you of lying, because it's too far outside of their experience.
No. 296217
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This post might be disorganized and long but I really just need to get this out.
First of all, I'm considering joining the Navy, my step father is the one who gave me the idea for it. I just graduated in August (yes, August..That's a vent for another time) and I met with a recruiter who clicked really well with me and wasn't super pressuring or anything like I was expecting after reading stories on the internet about them. I got all my paper work in and the next step I have to take is my ASVAB (she said I have a month after the I take the test to go to the next step) So, I haven't done it yet since I had plans I didn't want to miss. (keep in mind I just graduated last month and all of this took place a week or two after) My step dad is now on my case about the whole thing, I was dumb and didn't do as much research on it as I should've and now I'm having second thoughts about the whole thing. I'm a very anxious person and have been depressed before, none of these things have been enough for me to go to a professional about it.
I just don't know if Military is for me, I really just was listening to all the good things he was saying about it while not looking into the bad. It just got to much for me to decide right now, I'm 19 and the thought of making the choice that I'll have to deal with for at least 4 years is scary as lame as that sounds. It's not even all of this but he keeps pressuring to make the decision right now, when I'm just trying to enjoy a month of vacation. He thinks just because I haven't talked about it in a coupe weeks that it's just gone from my mind completely, even after I reassure him it's not. I just want some time to cool down, and have fun before I do something like this. This is the only time he seems interested in my life, or what I do with it and keeps telling how proud of me he will be, he's never been this nice or supportive with anything else in my life…it feels odd.
I'm just going to ignore him and focus on my vacation. Not sure if that's the best thing to do but I just can't deal with him right now. It's too much.
No. 296220
>>2962174 girls walk into the army
3 girls limp out with physical trauma
make of it what you want
No. 296255
>>296238I have the same problem sometimes anon, it was worse way back in highschool, I think it has to do with your facial expression.
Try to do some mirror work, distance yourself and try to understand what people are seeing when you make your default look or question look, then try to change it to one of a confident person. At first it will feel like playing a character, but then it will become your standard facial expression.
(also mind your blinking, not blinking enough or blinking slowly makes you look "special" in a bad way)
No. 296278
>>296272People are insane about women aging. It doesn't matter how wrinkly a mans face is compared to a woman, he is just rugged and manly. A woman has a couple of smile lines and she's an old hag who hit the wall.
Gonna go on a tangent here about something I've noticed, I have long since accepted that men despise women over 30, but I truly can't handle when they bring skincare into it. Most women put 10000x more effort into their skincare routines, spend less time in the sun, smoke and rink at lower rates, and men have the fucking nerve to claim wearing makeup causes premature aging and therefore the woman is at fault for daring to age even a little. Men do fucking nothing for their skin so they physically age far worse, people just don't hold them to the same standards as us - wrinkles are acceptable on men, but anything less than a perfect, doll-like face on a woman is heinous. And if they DO manage to maintain their skin better than a woman, it's more likely because of their extra collagen and melanin than anything they did themselves.
No. 296304
>>296272I agree. It really saddens and scares me. At 21 I already feel old (I know that's not true, but I feel like my good years are going). I think wrinkly men are just as likely to look good or bad as wrinkly women, but george clooney is a hunky silver fox while nicole kidman is hitting the wall.
Everything to do with appearance is so much harsher on women. Sure, someone's going to butt in with a 'MeN hAvE iT bAd ToO', and sure, whatever. But there's an obvious difference in attitude towards the genders. There is.
No. 296315
>>296208Am I the only one who found the obvious feminist filler episodes in season 5 (
well, maybe not so filler as they were setting up shit for Bojack choking Gina and realizing that he's just as big piece of shit) the weakest ones? It feels to me like preaching to the converted.
Yeah, praising ~male feminists~ for reaching the bare minimum for being a decent human being while women who say the same shit are being harrassed is both idiotic and angering. Now can we please move on with the plot?I felt like Bojack the Feminist did not say anything new about the issue or was not particularly clever about it. At least Thoughts and prayers nailed the hypocrisy and Hank after Dark felt more fresh (IMHO). I did not enjoy this season's Very Special Feminist episodes, but I love that Bojack embraces the feminist narrative while luring in neckbeards just to kick them in the balls.
As much as I appreciate the depiction of Todd's
asexuality (cause it will inform and help a lot of people find themselves) I also found the episodes putting it to the front a bit too anvilicious for their own good. But whatever, still enjoyed 5th season
the Hanoi and funeral episodes were the best, dunno yet how I feel about the two final ones >>296209Spoilering this for the sake of people that might want to see Bojack - mild spoiler about plot direction in seasons 2-4
if you kept watching, you would find out that people being sick of Bojack's bullshit cut him out. You do have to wait for it, and the main characters do get together later, on but there are definite consequences of Bojack being a shitbag. He does try to become a better person, though each step in the right direction is followed by two missteps hindering his progressObviously you do not have to slog through the Bojack hoping that you will like the show someday, just felt like mentioning this
No. 296330
>>296323I’ll admit, I probably took the relationship a bit too seriously. Not that I never seriously thought that he was “the one” or that our relationship would go anywhere but he at least seemed to care about me beyond sex. Occasionally, I would yell him about my problems and he would at least try to give me advice. Maybe at the end of the day, he just saw me as a warm tight hole to put his dick in. I don’t know. I guess the reason I indulged is because I’m lonely and I don’t have a lot of friends. I’m used to this shit happening with guys which is why I’m not
even that disappointed. I’m not even mad at him. I just thought he did was kinda shitty and that he needs to grow up. I’m willing to talk things out but he’s probably to dense to get my hints. Oh well.
>>296325Agreed. I feel like I’ve should’ve figured out he was immature the way that other coworkers talked about him but I guess I learned the hard way.
No. 296335
>>283640I moved to a new country on a whim and finding a full-time job that isn't a minimum wage under-the-table kind of deal is so hard. I'm not losing hope but damn, it's hard.
I'm sharing an apartment with girls and I thought they'd be all from different countries but they all ended up from the same south american country. So they're sometimes acting miffed when they have to speak english around me and stop their jajaja, like I'm the one who made them come to an english speaking country.
And holy fuck are they LOUD. They have no concept of inside voice and will downright yell just speaking to someone in front of their face. Why, just why.
Also they just turn up the TV randomly loud at like 2am when they can't even understand what's going on and take their calls on speakers. I just don't get it.
Besides that they're nice so that's cool.
No. 296384
>>296330you're thinking of this in way too black and white terms imo. i'm sure he likes you
somewhat and doesn't dehumanize you that badly if you've had some nice conversations, but he also doesn't want a relationship which is why he's not going out of his way to remember your birthday. He's probably just trying to have a fun fling doesn't want to think too much about it. That doesn't mean he thinks of you as a blow up doll, it just means he doesn't think of you as a potential girlfriend. If that grosses you out, end it and make that clear.
No. 296406
>>296344Not an illegal, and eurofag but not in Europe currently. I don't see how I'm retarded, I'm a freelance and I'm making good money, sorry to disappoint. I moved countries a bunch of times so it's not my first rodeo.
Freelancing is chill but securing a visa would allow me to stay longer than what I'm currently allowed and I want a good international reference.
No. 296436
>>296406sounds like you're trying to live and work there illegally to me if you don't have an actual work visa
>>296407 is right, you're a fucking retard and you brought your issues on yourself
No. 296441
>>296310drop him. This shit doesn't ever end well. Like the other anon said, casual sex or Friends with benefits never works out for women. I dont wanna sound like i'm assuming here, but we tend to get a bit more emotionally attached when it comes to sex, even if we know it's only casual. It's better to stop right now before it gets worse, esp if you're fucking someone are your job.
Don't shit where you eat.
No. 296442
>>296441Samefag, but i had a similar experience in my mid 20s. I was doing friends with benefits with a guy who was about 5 years younger than me and it was okay for the first week, but then it got really bad.
I bought condoms once and the next time i came back, they were almost gone because he fucked some other girl without telling me. I felt hurt, even though it was stupid and none of us were dating anyone else and had no reason to tell each other. But yeah, it felt bad– like i was being used. Next time i know, he stopped answering my calls or email. No idea what happened, but it bugged me for a year. Never saw him again.
So just get rid of this dude and love yourself, anon
No. 296448
>>296436You guys are retarded. I'm on a legit visa that allows me to stay and work there but I can stay longer if I get a sponsorship. And I can apply for a sponsorship by directly searching for a job and going through interviews.
The struggle is finding a company that is ok going through the paperwork and motions to hire me instead of a local cause it's a process. I'd rather do that than be an expat bartender or just freelance for 2 years then be back home.
No. 296555
>>296441tbh it's not even an issue of emotional attachment. Even if you really don't like the guy, you WILL see it as a rejection when he doesn't eventually fall for you and want a relationship. Your feelings will be hurt even if you don't want him, because it's an insult if he 'only' wants you for sex, regardless of whatever the arrangement is, and it's an insult if he wants other women at the same time.
Men won't see it as rejection because just sexual acceptance alone is enough to satisfy their egos, it's meaningless for us.
No. 296618
>>296554Ya I'm done with arguing with your retarded ass because you couldn't read my first post properly. Casual jobs or under-the-table jobs are really common for foreigners. Lots of people study and officially work 20h but do the rest cash in hand, which I'm not interested in. So finding a proper full-time job in a specific field is difficult, as opposed to casual illegal ones.
I'd still encourage anyone to try their luck and move countries if their financial situation permits it. Look into visa lotteries, work visa and skilled occupations. Esp. if you're not a native english speaker, that can be a really good opportunity to live abroad and open doors for you back home.
No. 296652
>>296642 same anon.
Except I stop liking them because I'm afraid once I get into the relationship that my lack of experience will fuck me over again. I've only been in one relationship and it ended badly because I didn't know what to do as a Girlfriend. I thought It would just be being a friend with commitment. Guess I was wrong lol.
No. 296670
>>296669I was in a very similar situation way back and I'll give you my advice: drop the bitch. She won't kill herself. People who are actually suicidal rarely talk about it, she's just a BPD mess looking for attention and uses the suicide threats to keep you under her control. I know it's really hard and takes time but just trust me, she's not going to off herself if you start telling her to stop messing up your life. You deserve better.
>She cries and wakes me up in the night so she’s not alone This especially is just sick and another sign that she wants to be in complete control of you.
No. 296732
>>296714Macbook keyboards are fucking shit. I know, because since my "e", "y", "r" and "t" keys stopped working (one by one, they spazzed out just before dying, and I ended up having each letter appear involuntarily whenever I typed, much like what you're dealing with now), I've been forced to use the on-screen keyboard. This sort of thing never happened on any of my Windows laptops.
Once, my space bar temporarily stopped working and I freaked the fuck out. It came back after I restarted a few times, though, so I recommend you try that. To avoid a headache, if there are any spaces or "/"s in your password(s), get rid of them.
Know that in all likelihood, you'll either lose manual use of the "/" key, or the space bar (hopefully it's the former). Your best bet is probably to buy a USB keyboard, or a new laptop altogether, if things get too tiresome. Fuck Apple for this, honestly.
No. 296739
>>296732The new butterfly keys are terrible. Why the fuck do they have to make everything thinner to the point where it becomes complete shit? I can already throw my laptop across the room with one hand, why does it need to be smaller?
I am thankful that my 2015 macbook doesn't have the piece of shit keyboard the new ones have.
No. 296740
>>296719This, plus make a sharp and loud sound like 'oh!' before pushing it away, it'll make easier for the kitten to understand that it's not ok.
Worked all of my cats to make them stop biting/clawing at hands.
No. 296768
>>296759Why do men do that? It makes more sense to get the girl who is best fit for you and have sex with her regularly. Non-stop supply.
I only want a male partner for sex, he would serve no other purpose for me. But getting one to use whenever you both want is easier than having to go out there an introduce yourself to a new stranger every time.
No. 296786
>>296783I'm not about to abandon a dog because it barks. My problem with this dog is that my roommate refuses to teach his dog to not bark bloody murder every time our upstairs neighbors drop something.
Most dogs can be taught not to bark and I'm willing to train a dog not to bark so much, or find a place to stay somewhere where I won't get evicted because the dog is too loud.
>>296779I actually like the breed. I have tried to tell my roommate to take the dog out more because I feel like most of the problems stem either from the dogs boredom or roommates shitty and lazy attitude.
No. 296803
I know there are probably some good men out there but some irl experiences and a lot of time spent on the internet made me too wary.
I like ASMR so I went to visit and it was a really bad mistake. Hatred and vitriol against women everywhere.
I wasn't surprised to learn that those incels started a witch hunt and managed to get some asmrtists that they deemed whores, funds frozen/accounts banned in PayPal, Patreon, and Youtube.
Here's the link know it's just the internet and supposedly a minority but I can't shake the feeling that a lot of men are like this.
I'd like a relationship eventually but there's no escaping the manosphere.
It's literally everywhere and a constant reminder that you don't have much good men left.
Or so it appears.
I feel like romance doesn't exist.
No. 296815
>>296803dear god
idk whether to be amused because a lot of these girls really are complete and utter cunts and are actually useless to asmr and giving it a bad rep which is a legit concern, or disgusted because the messenger putting a stop to it is disgruntled sexually frustrated retards
No. 296829
>>296759This is bs in my opinion. Many men will happily wait a long time until you put out, just to drop you immediately after because they weren't interested in you as a person in the first place. If a guy thinks you're awesome and is truly interested in you it does not matter whether you sleep with him on your first date our your 8th. In that case he'll only want more from you instead of losing interest because he ~got what he wanted~.
>>296785It really sucks that this has happened to you, but I really don't think the fact that you slept with him on your second date had anything to do with him not being interested in pursuing anything further than that, so don't beat yourself up over it.
No. 296853
>>296759I have a different theory. Most (especially single) men will just try to fuck anything (ok, almost anything) they can get, and worry about endgame later, since that's the biggest hurdle they usually have. They will happily have sex with women they don't find that attractive, and of course will never have a relationship with. It's a predictable strategy to pick. If the challenge is how to get women sexually/romantically interested and you have to throw many hooks into the water, so to speak, then it's best to try with everyone and if you by sheer chance find one you like, then it's typically easy to go from being sexual partners to being in a relationship. The other direction being friends first, sexual partner later is less likely.
if you're waiting for months to have sex, then consider that there's nothing stopping the man from trying to open up other new leads on tinder while you're counting the week. At least in my personal experience, since I've seen cases where they had sex after months and the girl still got instantly dumped.
That being said, I think it's still a smart move to wait a little, but for other reasons. Namely, it hard to spot all the red flags in just a couple of meets. By waiting longer you have more opportunities to see if there's anything wrong with him, which can save you tons of problems.
No. 296855
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When I was young I always thought dark circles under the eyes were cute and charming, and that I would love to have them. Now that I'm 20 I have the dark circles of a dehydrated 70 year old insomniac and I hate it, I look so dull and worn out. When I first noticed them I thought it was eyeliner residue but it just wouldn't wipe off.
No. 296873
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>>296618>im not the retarded one YEW AREEEsays the imbecile who thinks that anything under the table is legal. you know why they call it under the table right?
No. 296892
>>296783I mean..Theres a good chance anon will be fine with their own dog because they won’t neglect to train it or care for it like anons roommate has with the schnauzer.
>>296852That would be weird as hell. Were you close to them previously?
No. 296908
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>>296622>>296623>>296873It's sad to be this retarded at this point I'm legit worried for some of yall. Yup I know that under-the-table = illegal. That is why I won't do it and I'm not doing it. Still, it's extremely easy to find cause that's what they offer to a lot of foreigners.
Wait I'm gonna type it again for some of you short bus riding inbreds : I'm not working illegaly, I'm doing freelance work under a legit visa, I'm searching for a legit job not an illegal one.
It's basically the usual soul-crushing job search with some added difficulty, because I'm not local.
No. 296987
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>>296985you will do great. i believe in you.
No. 297038
>>297037Sorry to hear that anon.
I'm an agoraphobic NEET too (5+ years agoraphobia) and I have interviews coming up next week so I know very well how you feel.
I had one interview this Monday but I chickened out. Went straight to the building, wore my finest clothes, then I saw people in there through the glass door which made me vomit.But I believe in you. I believe we can both do it. It might take some time, but eventually we'll get there.
Though my father will probably kick me out before that lol
No. 297049
>>297048I mean… I actually want to try and transition out of agoraphobic NEETdom and salvage my life.
>>297038I'll keep you in my prayers, anon. I really understand what you're going through.
No. 297054
>>297048I honestly wouldn't mind it as something temporary. If I could have a small source of income while trying to slowly integrate back into society. That way I could continue to do my job search while improving on my social skills. Alas, I'm in Europe and remote jobs are scarce.
>>297049Thanks, anon. I'll pray for you too. Please, post a success story once you make it. I'll do the same but I have doubts in my case.
No. 297117
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>>296908cracking up because you’re so fanny flustered over a bunch of anonymous fucks calling you out on your stupid wording. the point still stands you’re an idiot for moving to another country and bawwing about roommates when you’re the dumb fuck who moved there with no real job prospects. theres no rule that says we can’t reply to your post, retard. maybe try thinking for a change before uprooting your life and making shit hard for you?
No. 297253
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Yep, just confirmed my package is indeed MIA and very likely stolen. Man, fuck the assholes who do this sort of thing. I'm going to report this to USPS but I doubt anything's actually going to be done.
No. 297302
>>297254i’m sorry but why would you want to be part of a greek system anyway
from what i’ve seen all there’s to gain is date rape and eating disorders
No. 297306
>>297302Greek life is pretty big here. It just doesn't seem like you can really participate in the school culture without being in it. It's also good for networking and meeting people.
The girls at the sorority were rushing seemed pretty nerdy like me. And some of the girls I met were kinda fat. kek
No. 297328
>>297315maybe not, but you sound so insufferable to brag to a group of outcast women.
>assuming all men are secret pedophile trannies, no one is assuming they're secret pedo trannies, they're assuming they're pedophilic because it's common as fuck and popular media grooms children and men prey on them.
No. 297355
>>297315>feeling the need to tell a bunch of weird autists how much better off you are than themNot even the weirdest autists here try to have dick measuring contests like this, anon. That's some real loser bitch behavior. Do you not have friends you could've said this to that can relate, or is social isolation one of the reasons you came here, only to bite the hand that feeds?
At least the insane spergs here dress however they like, and can tell wild stories about their lives. They have seen/done/learned things outside the conventions and expectations of society, and lived to tell the tale. It sounds like all you have going for you is not being crazy, but it's not really a trade-off, as you also have so little social standing that even you consider yourself a "huge loser" in the real world, and you seem to have come here solely because you couldn't really manage to make it among "normies". Feel free to keep misrepresenting your own mediocrity as a strength on anonymous forums if it helps you cope with the reality of things, but understand that no one else is fooled.
No. 297359
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>>297355holy shit
absolutely fucking destroyed, GG anon
No. 297419
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>>297315>>297355Farmer status: B T F O
No. 297465
>>297315wow that's so… fucking rude.
I'm also "normal", I have very few cool stories to tell as the other anon said, I'm boring, mediocre and content with my life, but I love reading farmers' experiences. It makes me feel like… it's okay to fuck up sometimes? You know, the bad experience after a while becomes just a funny story to tell people on the Internet. I also learned a lot, I think. I never thought about others here as insufferable losers. The community in /g is so supportive. Jesus. Anon, I gotta tell you that
you are not normal. You must have a horrible personality. Don't lump us normies with you, you're just a vile person.
No. 297468
>>297315the lack of empathy and need to state their mind regardless if it's necessary or not as well as the fear she's not a normie made me think of an aspie in denial kek
sorry to the quality aspies for armchairing this trainwreck with your condition
No. 297475
>>297469Nta, but I'm what the majority of people here would call a normie also. In my case, as a kid, I was part of the outcast group and found imageboards in junior high or so. Grew to love the anonymity and freedom to say whatever, but also found a lot of like minded people. Over the years, I've shifted from 4chan to here even as my real life got more normal some time during high school. Now that I've been out of school for a while, have a man and a child, I'm still that outcast kid on the inside, I guess. Still love anime as a secret hobby (because I remember when I was bullied for it and it was far from hitting the mainstream) and have that obligatory weird, internet humor. You guys keep me laughing all the time over in the random image threads and around the site in general. Obviously, I also have a flake thread or two that I lurk. I can't relate to any of the mental illness discussions, but for the most part, I feel a sense of sisterhood here in vent, gender crit, and makeup/skin care threads.
No. 297482
>>297478That's exactly it.
But anyway, I look forward to all the "normie" replies insisting to the contrary, even though normies don't really do this or should care about what losers say on this website anyway hm.
No. 297485
>>297469I tried to look up something about the Youtuber I liked, ended up on PULL, saw lolcow being mentioned there, ended up on here, liked it a lot more. I was shocked there's an internet space like this for women only, this really impressed me.
I've never used any other imageboard.
I'm not anal on insisting I'm such a normie uwu, it also depends on your definition of it. I just called myself that based on sperg-anon's "definition" and what an anon that rekt her wrote.
I agree with
>>297484 No. 297486
>>297478Normies use Reddit?
I'm starting to wonder what it means to be a normie here.
No. 297487
>>297484>there's overlapThat's exactly what I said though?
Being a part weirdo doesn't make you completely normal, hence the definition of "overlap" and why it's so silly for one of those posters to act like they're that much better than the other weirdos here.
Sounds more like you hate to admit you might be more weirdo than normie. Not autistic, sorry.
No. 297502
Thank you all for proving my point about how you're all easily
triggered autists
>>297355wow you fuCkIng rEkT mE! nah i'm not socially isolated, like I said you guys help me realized I'm -not- a loser! so thanks for that. I came here to gossip about a youtuber, not because I have no social standing and "can't manage to make it" hahahahah stop projecting
The fact that you think what you wrote is gonna hurt my feelings or something shows how fucking autistic you are. Yeah I also dress how I like and have plenty of stories about my life, I don't dress like a 12 year old school girl or fuck dudes from a 4chan board tho. It's kind of funny how upset I got you all honestly! I never claimed to be a ~~good nice girl who is perfect in every way~~ just not an unemployed, uneducated loser who still lives at home and fucks smelly fat dudes out of desperation.
No. 297504
>>297502Maybe you don't dress like a 12yo but you sure sound like one.
Take a chill pill and fuck off.
No. 297514
>>297502I didn't read all that shit after the caps lock BS, but the fact that you really came back to try and defend yourself after pretending to be above us just proves all our points. Someone who really doesn't give a fuck would have made exactly one post, then bounced, and maybe sat back to enjoy the flames. Instead, you got upset that everyone mocked you, and that even "autists" who dress funny and have dated insane 4chan guys find you pitiful. You really, really care what we think.
The truth is, only a pathetic human needs to surround themselves with people who they perceive to be "worse" than them for reassurance.
You may not be able to accomplish things in real life that can actually give you some self-esteem, and you may also not even be a fascinating enough person to be worth paying attention to for the "what the fuck, this is peculiar" factor, but at least you can enter venues full of questionable people and RP that you are somehow better than them for being wholly unremarkable. Good job, "anon". Keep doing what you're doing.
No. 297531
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>>297502>I'm -not- a loser!You ain't fooling anyone.
No. 297607
>>297531>>297514>>297507>>297505>>297504>>297502Wow guys leave her alone. can't you read, She said she's NOT a loser.
Surely a loser wouldn't feel the need to make 3 post (assuming the anon in the /g/ bad relationship thread is her) about how she is NOT a loser, super interested and better then the posters on this site (despite being a poster herself), right?
No. 297613
>>297502Wew, lad. No ones
triggered except you. We're all laughing at you because you're the retarded, autistic sperg and you know it but you're trying to desperately say you aren't while also admitting in ur first post that you indeed are. The fact that you're still here and came back to check for replies is even more hilarious. Stop embarrassing yourself. You do sound incredibly hurt.
No. 297619
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>>297502How does it feel being laughed at by a bunch of losers? If we're such losers, you must be bottom of the barrel. Please come back!
No. 297702
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i know complaining makes me sound like a lazy cunt and everyone’s going through it so i should just shut up, but i’m so exhausted by beauty standards especially re:weight. it feels like a battle some people are destined to lose. i’ve been at a healthy bmi my entire life besides when my eating disorder got bad in high school (bulimia weight fluctuations!!!) but i still feel like a landwhale because my wrists and collarbones don’t jut out. i’m so tired of losing weight to gain it back because real life gets in the way and i can’t handle the combined stress of depriving myself and also working through chronic depression and anxiety so i can just function in the real world. there’s no escaping it. i know this is the wrong place to complain, but still.
i’ve had a string of illness this year that made me briefly grossly underweight and i’ve never received so many compliments in my life. now that i’m back to my regular weight — 125 at 5’1 — i feel like i’ve let down everybody and become invisible again. eating disorders run deep in my family so it’s basically ingrained in me to have a terrible relationship with food. i’m pathetic!
No. 297748
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im so tired of the girls going on and on about how uWu xqc is
i dont really care about his personality and the so called "shitty" things he says which were nothing everybody else doesnt say when they are an immature spergy kid
but look wise he looks disgustingly like aaron carter at the height of his first round of drug issues and eating disorders back when he was on the family reality show
it grosses me out so bad
No. 297751
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>be me, dating guy online for 3 years starting when i was 17
>voice chat everyday and video chat, we are "in love"
>his mom knows my mom and we are very involved in each other's lives albeit from different states
>we both plan on moving to the same state for different reasons
>he is going to college in ohio, i am also moving there because that is where my family is from
>we are so excited to be in the same place at the same time
>he moves there with family (before me)
>i thought i was moving there at the start of the summer, soon 2 months go by from when i thought i would leave all because i cant find a job there yet
>working my ASS off trying to get an interview at companies there but no luck
>LDR bf is finally growing impatient
>he essentially says "this is taking too long" even though it has only been about 3 months now since i said i would move there
>"i promise ill keep looking!!" i assure him
>he starts college
>i am still looking for a job, i got 2 interviews but no word back yet so still can't move
>he stops messaging me as much
>i try to talk to him but he leaves me on seen and stops talking to me on voice chat
>meanwhile scrambling to find job
>messages me out of the blue "i hope you will get to move where you want and that things go well for you, but i'm moving on now"
>i am crushed over this
>i basically tell him "fuck you for not being able to wait a couple more months until i find a job" "fuck you for wasting 3 years of my life and not being able to wait just a little longer for me to get there"
>block him on everything but forget to block his number
>he texts me days later trying to be friends
>i tell him to fuck off
>weeks go by of me feeling sad and lonely and purposeless and no longer excited to move to this new place
>check (ex)bf's instagram when i knew i shouldnt have
>i see that during the time he was starting to ghost me he's posting pictures of some russian instagram thot that he met in ohio with hearts
>check her instagram and they have been interacting since he started college basically
>she's been posting tons of photos of him with little romantic comments
>cry in my pillow and block him from my instagram so i don't check it
i just nailed an interview for a job there too so fuck that guy for not being able to wait THREE MONTHS. he wasn't that great anyway. he constantly emotionally abused me and disapproved of everything that i enjoyed and my passions. also it's funny he's dating this russian chick now after he told me in the past that "russians are mongoloids." the worse side of me wants to message her and show her things that he has said about russians but i know that's petty and i'm just working on forgetting his ass now. i am just so disappointed in myself for being hypnotized while this guy treated me like i was worthless, for years! here's to a new start though. i'll move there but i'll live my life without him and find somebody better.
No. 297756
>>297751I'm sorry, anon. Work on giving yourself a beautiful life and finding someone who will truly love you.
I totally would message her, maybe from a dummy account, with something like "Hey, not to intrude, but in case you didn't already know, [ex's name] is kind of a racist and he attacked Russian people around me and others in his personal circle for some reason. Since you're Russian, I thought you should know (assuming he hasn't already talked to you about it). Stay safe", then just dump all the screenshots. If I was dating a guy that hated people of my ethnicity, I'd rather know and handle it in my own heart/mind. I'd feel like a damn fool if I had no idea. There's like a 50% chance she'll just lash out at you and call them fake, or ignore it, depending on what kind of person she is, but she should still know. It's almost like a favor.
No. 297800
>>297751you guys weren't really dating, online like that isn't dating. online dating like that is only for people who have
careers and ones that make it easy to just get a job elsewhere or transfer. get over it.
No. 297829
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>>297820yeah for real.
it's 2018, isn't it finally time we move past the idea of linear development and realize history constantly repeats itself?
No. 297842
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I’m so tired of people crying over spoilers for tv shows, movies, etc. Most of the people bitching about spoilers never make an effort to watch new movies or episodes of tv shows even somewhat relatively around the time they are released. I’m mostly annoyed by this because me and a group of friends all watch a reality show, and one of my friends never watches the episodes on time but still gets triggered when I accidentally mention a “spoiler” in the group chat. It’s not like they’re constantly busy that they can never watch the episodes, they just don’t want to. If you cared so much about a show to shit your pants over spoilers, then you wouldn’t wait to watch episodes that aired weeks ago. This spoiler culture is cancerous and sucks the life out of media.
No. 297843
>>297829what i want to know is why is this shitty highschool relationship suddenly "real" just because it's online? relationships between high schoolers rarely work out IRL, let alone states away. and it sounds like anon was trying to move
for the guy, i'm surprised people are being so sympathetic.
No. 297876
>>297842God my boyfriend is such a bitch when it comes to spoilers.
He's such a lovely person but his anger at spoilers annoys me.
I was reading a book that he wanted to read after me and I was saying 'it's really good' I gave away literally nothing to do with the story but he still screeched at me to stop talking about it because he wanred to read it.
He also gets pissed off when he walks past a poster of a new franchise because he'll claim the poster gave shit away. I asked how and he literally doesn't want to know ANYTHING about the movie including even seeing new characters on the poster.
Like if there's a girl on the poster he'll be like 'oh great…now I know there's a girl in it'
I hate it.
Mind you,he tends to guess the endings to movies almost everytime correctly so maybe spoilers are frustrating to him because of this reason.
No. 298006
>>298000honestly i prefer duchovny in californication because i feel he's literally just playing >himself the character
but man did that show jump the shark after season 4 glad they cancelled it
No. 298017
I'm actually getting genuinely annoyed at how my boyfriend treats his family. We're both young, he lives with his sisters but his mum moved out a few months ago so they all pay rent to her. I still live at home too. While he's at work some days I'll do the washing up, and he always tells me "you don't have to, you're a guest", but if I don't do it his mum comes around on her work breaks to do all their chores. I get we're all young people (his youngest sister is 18, I'm 20, he's 22 and his older sister is 26, though she does actually chip in) and don't always have the motivation to do chores, but I can't bear the thought of taking his mum for granted and letting her clear up after me so I end up doing a few chores so she doesn't have to. She was really grateful this morning and it just really struck me how used to doing it she is, like she doesn't even expect it to be done. And whenever his sisters ask him to help out with chores he'll always get annoyed at them and say "I'm not the one who made all the mess". He always has to have the last say when it comes to them and always thinks he's right which is why I usually avoid conflict with him in general. I get having arguments with family, I've had my fair share with my own, but he always interjects on my (very poor) relationship with my mum, yet if I try to calm him down or help him see their side he gets mad that he feels like we're all ganging up on him.
I just remember that phrase about how seeing how your boyfriend treats the women in his life shows how he'll treat you, and it almost makes me NOT want to do the chores so he doesn't ever get used to it, but his mum is so overworked I feel bad not doing the chores before she gets her break and making her a cup of tea if she comes in so she can just relax. He hates it because he says he feels shown up and guilty but I'm genuinely just doing what I would do for my own mum and I don't understand how he just doesn't seem to think about doing the smallest tasks to help her out a bit, like it doesn't cross his mind. He's actually really thoughtful when it comes to me as well, I know he has the ability to be, he just doesn't seem to want to be.
and he's so annoying when it comes to spending money on food. There will be loads of stuff in the house and we'll be really broke but he will STILL go out to the shop and buy his own food because he "fancies" something specific. He doesn't even check the cupboards for stuff, he just looks in one, pulls a face and goes "I want chips". I've literally had to lend him the last of my change because he wanted something and I felt bad saying no because I still want him to eat, even if he is a child about it.
No. 298020
>>298019i havent watch xfiles in a really long time i dont even remember which seasons ive seen or not
No. 298128
>>298000they are absolutely not worth it and honestly i'd even say they ruin the story some (to think i was looking forward to them kek). there was one legitimately good episode but it was only good in the context of those two seasons and not the entire thing. also yes, duchovny got real fugly, he looks like a blobfish or something, in scully's place would be going for skinner lmao
imo it got shit in season 7 (the one where mulder gets abducted, i think that's the 7th).
No. 298137
>>298130Why do you suspect that?
It's really difficult to have any kind of relationship with someone who is borderline.
I became friends with a girl with BPD. It was nice and intense, then she started to act rude and uncaring towards me and not call me for months. Finally she called me just to vent at me (literally just talking at me) for a hour about people she didn't like. Whew….
No. 298139
>>298128>imo it got shit in season 7 (the one where mulder gets abducted, i think that's the 7th).Yeah, I agree. I don't know why they went that way with the story.
>also yes, duchovny got real fuglyIt's devastating.
Oh well, guess I'll just watch for shits n gigs. No doubt they ruin the story. The X Files just doesn't suit an aesthetic outside of the 90's.
What about that X files movie I think they made in 2008? was that shit?
No. 298150
>>298141Yes, it is painful.
In the end I stopped wanting to spend time with her since she acted so rude towards me - I basically got dumped as a friend then used as a human venting thread. It made me lose interest in ever hanging out again.
It doesn't have to be a romantic breakup to hurt. Losing a friendship you thought was good hurts too.
No. 298161
>>298150Exactly! My friend found a new person and I was phased out. I thought maybe it hurts so much because I accidentally fell in love but no I truly treasured them only as a dear friend. It hurts equally. I've lost interest in meeting new people but I know this will pass.
I'm sorry that happened to you anon. It's really not fair to be drained like that. Thank you for understanding.
No. 298169
>>298161Thank you as well, hope you find a good non-BPD friend in the future.
I recommend everyone here to look up red flags for personality disorders. Best thing I did.
No. 298322
>>298272Our bridesmaid group had 7 of us not including the bride in one hotel room. Two beds, one pull out futon, and I think someone took the couch.
Idk, we were too busy getting drunk and having fun to worry about the accomodation. I barely even remember the hotel, and I was quarreling with one horrid bitch in the group too.
I don't think it's gonna be as big a deal as you think. Unless your party trip was centered around spending the majority of your time in the hotel. Without knowing where this hotel is or what rating, $100 for two nights could be a deal. Hope your room is nice.
No. 298329
>>298283>secret santa>pointless and stupidI agree with your mama. Unless the ss is done with an intimate group of people who actually care about finding out each other's likes and needs, someone always gets the shaft, a thoughtless gift, or a white elephant.
Better ways to Christmas homie.
Why doesn't your family have a gigantic bash for all three of you at the same time if your birthdays are so close together? That way no one feels left out or assblasted, and save money too.
No. 298337
>>298322I only know of one event planned, and it's not until late afternoon on Saturday. So it may end up in the room for a lot of the time. And the other bridesmaids (or the bride, for that matter) aren't really the 'drink to get drunk' kind of people so I probably won't be able to get drunk enough without being the odd one out lol.
It just doesn't seem planned out all that well and we should have communicated more. The reason why she didn't get two rooms was because she wouldn't be able to pay the upfront charge. Had I known that, I could've put them on my card, or at least had one room put under my name nd she could have taken the other. There were ways things could've been solved, but she didn't ask anyone for input. Even a simple "hey, do you guys want one or two rooms?" and we could've gone from there.
No. 298353
>>298337She doesn't sound like a party planner, and you know what, that's okay considering this is a group of friends pulling something together for you on their own time because they care about your special day. They're not professionals and probably not involved in the bridal industry at all. Her first time being a MoH? Expect hiccups, it's a learning process for the people putting things on for you.
Usually bachelorette parties are a surprise deal, so I think it makes perfect sense why the MoH wouldn't have asked you for your credit card for the deposit. She probably should have asked someone else in the group, but to ask you would've been tacky. None of the planning should ever fall on one person only, communication needs to happen in the bridal group and tbh if none of the other bridesmaids have seen problems enough to speak up then maybe you're having a bride moment. It'll be alright.
No. 298356
>>298283She couldn't even bake a cake from a box? Wtf it's like 10 minutes of effort and a few dollars/euros. I'm sorry anon that's so shitty. If it was me I'd bake my own cake and ignore her, but
>>298329 is the better advice. Happy birthday anon.
No. 300374
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Don't know what's up with me.
>woke up today feeling nauseous
>threwup mostly water and a little of last nights meal (maybe it was bad)
>feel better for an hour afterwards but nausea kicks in again
>have that ill pit in my stomach for the rest of the day
>laying in bed and almost literally sleeping all day
>every time i wake up my eyes feel painfully tired
>body aching, esp lower back
>super cold all day, shivering, but head feels warm
>feel dehydrated all the time
I'm worried I'm going to have another vasovagal syncope. I feel so miserable.