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No. 733685
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This rising star has great potential
No. 733713
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No. 733818
>>733682Isn't this kind of just the screen cap thread and the opinion on cows thread mixed together?
This reminds me of when a show runs out of new content so it just starts releasing clip reel shows
No. 733822
File: 1612816464318.png (208.72 KB, 1142x466, amandasthread.png)

>>733806>>>/ot/314597scroll down near the bottom and click on the following threads. still makes me lol.
No. 733885
Well, most of them, I guess lol
The Sam thread had me cackling all night long as farmers shitposted live
I also laughed at the houses thing, it's kinda cute
>>733822I love this classic, I wonder if amanda-chan is still around? The hate was so random lol
>>733728I always see this anon mentioned but I think its peak was at a time I was working a lot so I missed it. What was it about?
Also this truly is the year of cow. Samanthaprater and Anorectal Violence in the same month was great and made me laugh more than almost all of 2020
No. 734762
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not a meme but i always laugh when anons shit a thread with a picture of a random person and say
>"Doesn't X look like cow?"
and then everyone on the thread goes
cause they NEVER do. it's a LC curse.
pic unrelated as it's milky and true
No. 734766
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>>734762>>734764actually, she looks like a young pixie locks they have very similar features
No. 736155
File: 1613013963927.jpg (30.74 KB, 537x400, ua4gic3ogj.jpg)

Not really a lolcow-reknown meme but there's a sweet Polish(?) anon that sometimes replies to me with Moomin pics and idk I'm probably bitching her out in different threads but sometimes when I recognize her replies it sparks a bit of joy because she's said some sweet things to me before. I don't use lolcow discord/friend finder/etc so spotting a rare bit of comradery is always nice.
No. 736196
>>734762idk who that is in the left pic but the comparison has me crying
>>736155this is so sweet
No. 738947
File: 1613286599409.png (402.19 KB, 693x390, 1613031172807.png)

When I was reading the KT thread, I was thinking this meme to myself and the next day some based anon made this.
No. 740399
File: 1613434734703.gif (1.58 MB, 275x275, 1593640937734.gif)

Shhh.. it's all over now
No. 896678
>>896597I felt bad for her although she raged for days for being called a scrote. I hope she's having a good day
I loved the Amanda Pratther (or whatever it is spelled) thread, I hope she's also in a better mental space now lol
The infight thread was amazing, the diydildo anon was amazing, also when moids post and jannies take hours to clean it up and it basically becomes a shitposting thread.
No. 896721
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Not exactly an inside joke, but I like the Venezuelan anon. If you're reading this, I appreciate your posts and shitposts.
No. 896802
File: 1630444161378.png (164.46 KB, 1849x349, gurrrrl.png)

sis go off
No. 896966
File: 1630456826128.png (97.86 KB, 1381x941, 1617638092231.png)

>>896930>>896947You had one job.
No. 897035
>>896871The one and only daddy dom—Kyle Nathan Perkins from Tulsa, Oklahoma.
(AKA: Shayna Clifford's… ex: Fupa)
No. 897083
File: 1630467133301.jpg (200.13 KB, 800x1183, MV5BNDgxNjZlZDYtZGJmZC00Mjg0LW…)

Sometimes you just gotta shit, fart, and pee all at the same time. Hit that triple combo Street Fighter move, SHIT FART AND PEE YEAH!!!
No. 897603
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No. 898174
File: 1630534898558.png (251.81 KB, 1456x2221, 160532789543.png)

>>896597was that the same anon in picrel who made the "things that make you a scrote" thread?
No. 898673
>>898174I'm sorry for being such a stupid dumb and autistic cow. I've since then read some DBT books and I know I was just very dumb and reactive and stupid so I cringe looking back at my post history as well. I know I have some stupid bad traits and don't know how to handle certain situations so I always fuck up. I'm sorry if I caused anyone any inconvenience. If happy if anyone laughed at my stupid shit, I'm fine with it.
I'm just too much of a dumb stupid cow, so I'm leaving this place. I'm sorry for causing so much trouble.
No. 898715
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No. 899289
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No. 899295
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this whole saga
No. 900246
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>>733682I fucking love him so much
No. 900365
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Dante from Aly threads
No. 901501
File: 1630884916558.jpg (184.93 KB, 319x1010, StefworksAnimation.jpg)

i know this isn't a popular meme but I love this picture and I love this Cow
No. 903639
>>902810thing is it isnt even me who posts him
I think an anon here legit likes him
No. 903683
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This guy from the covid thread will never not be funny
No. 1433431
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>>1433430This is the meme I wanted to post.
No. 1433490
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Don't let this thread die. The legend of Shaytaan. I'm too lazy to find the screenshot
No. 1433492
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Bunker Nonnies can relate
No. 1433654
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This movie is entirely unwatchable all because of this
No. 1442623
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danobf. sorry anon who posted him but i actually laugh out loud whenever i remember this pic and the reactions that came after. what were you thinking KEK
No. 1443569
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Don't know if it counts but Mozposting obviously.
No. 1448258
File: 1671198797156.gif (8.9 MB, 942x567, 1667712544394.gif)

>>1433490When anon posted this gif, I legitimately laughed until there were tears in my eyes. Same with her Hartley Hooligan TikTok.