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No. 866144
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated.
Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank you
Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/831456 No. 867543
>>867241Speaking of misspelling, came here to post that it makes me viscerally angry when people write
masterbate. I don't even know why, but that particular mistake rustles my jimmies so much
No. 867687
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I hate men.
No. 868056
>>867955Weeb idolshit or all idolshit?
No. 868110
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This shit.
No. 868181
>>868115I don't think she's a pedo, either. She just doesn't recognize the grooming aspect, and all the other problems.
What she's saying makes sense if you follow the whole unwritten libfem/sex posi code that porn should be kept as some integral part of culture. That since most of us (well, most of us who are zoomers) have been exposed to porn from a young age, it shouldn't be seen as inherently bad.
What she doesn't get is that her idea boils down to this: It shouldn't just be an accident that kids run into porn anymore (a happy accident if you run a porn company and make money off clicks/site traffic, or if you're an actual pedo/groomer). Instead, it should be accepted and acknowledged. Kids should be trained to like porn. That way, when they're adults, they'll be full-on, dedicated coomer consoomers. The way she says "entry level porn" gets on my nerves. Like a drug dealer discussing how to get newbies into the habit, but I also see that she meant it in a benevolent (albeit naive) way.
She probably doesn't even realize that porn affects the brain, not just the personal values one holds, and that's not even broaching the topic of what happens to the performers. I don't think she ever even stopped to consider that the very idea of women
not being choked/brutalized/raped as "entry level"/"soft" is inherently fucked up.
tl;dr: She's one of many dumbasses who mistakenly play right into the hands of pedos, greedy corporations and misogynists
No. 868196
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No. 868211
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>>868207No, it's a jaguar.
No. 868215
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>>868207>>868211 is right; you can recognize a cheetah by the lines at its eyes.
No. 868242
I also hate when people like
>>868231 say 'i'm sorry you feel that way.' It's incredibly narcissistic and condescending. Possibly the most
toxic and gaslighting non-apology ever. People who say that should kill themselves.
And to address
>>868231 directly, I didn't feel anything making that remark. It's what I honestly think of you, no feelings involved you daft narcissistic pick-me.
No. 868358
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I hate men
No. 868385
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>>868373korean men are literally subhuman
No. 868389
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>>868358Makes me want to go to Korea and ridicule their tiny dicks with a hand gesture.
Pic related it’s literally Korean men
No. 868596
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These FUCKING SHOES. They’re called Rick Owens Ramones, uglyass frog husband has them, but I’ve seen a lot of people on /fa/ flex them. They’re the ugliest shoes I’ve ever seen, it makes me sick to my stomach looking at them,
No. 868604
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>>868596>look like knock-off converse >google and find out the designer has also worked with converse to produce pic related Wtf
No. 868607
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When men wear a suit jacket with jeans and sneakers. It feels like they either want to appear laid back but come across as forced or not making enough effort to appear professional
No. 868630
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I hate lumity. This fucking pairing was so god damned rushed and forced I feel zero chemistry from either. But I guess they’re kids and kids do impulsive shit but their whole thing could have been so much more interesting.
Honestly I’d rather Luz be with the Hunter kid. Its an opposing side side dynamic with a much better prospect for a good enemies to lovers slow burn.
No. 868646
>>868596I kinda like those
>>868604Now these are so ugly, it's like they were designed so you could kill insects when they're stuck in the corners
No. 868792
>>868752Op here:
Is it? I’ve been apprehensive about watching it because tbh I hate the noodle character design and it’s like magic knight rayearth but with frogs and stuff. I do love sasha from fanart I’ve seen though.
No. 868804
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>>868799I hate companies acting like that too. I always see adverts for this razor brand which lives for that shit, just makes me think shut the fuck up.
No. 868808
>>868799It's happening in my language too. Lots of ads in only English as well. The area I live in is overwhelmingly non-Anglophone, so English is
really not appreciated here. It just feels strange to me when an old woman is addressed with
No. 869120
>>868358I love this blog about south korea(klown in the context of the blog is Korea). just rips apart everything, especially korean men (ajosshi - uncles).
No. 869124
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>>868804>Hey sisterThat company, Estrid, is also owned by men earning money from their "empowering" shaving products aimed at women.
Link in Swedish No. 869218
>>869184I love cats to bits and don't let mine outdoors (not that she wants to leave my house anyway). But cats
do cause a lot of damage to wildlife, it's just not the cat's fault, because it's a fucking cat.
However, whenever I point this out to someone I know, they will say it's cruel to keep it locked indoors because they don't want to actually put in the work of entertaining a cat and enriching its life. Ten minutes later they brag how little Boots brought them a mouse, how cute!
Shit-for-brains catfags and cat haters start to converge at some point, it's bizarre.
No. 869630
>>869420Isn't it the fucking worst? And half the time I'm reading female oriented series so I obviously have no interest in fucking my step mom. The ones with real women are even more annoying though, who the FUCK falls for them?
>>869489Doesn't work, idk how it bypasses adblock.
No. 869899
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I really hate this meme which was obviously made by a man who has never talked to a woman before and only knows women's stereotypes from porn and anime.
No. 869908
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>>869900damn if it wasn't sad because it's true it'd be cute
No. 869960
>>869900This is great but needs more additions:
- schizo scrote (believes in every existing conspiracy theory, never goes outside, doesn't have a TV or a phone because believes the government is spying on him, very active on conspiracy theory sites, smells weird, doesn't have friends)
- self improver scrote (consumes 35 different brands of vitamins on a daily basis, only eats healthy food, his bookshelf only has books about self development, Insta consists of of gym selfies, food pics and 'inspirational' quotes, everyone who doesn't share his views is '
toxic', prays in the shower)
- guru scrote (vegan, obsessed with yoga, skelly skinny, either has a shaved head or a manbun, speaks in a slow, breathy Namaste voice, probably member of a cult, frequently uses words like 'growth' and 'transformative', often gazes in the distance while talking to people)
- entrepreneur scrote (has created 11 different companies in the past all of which failed, always working on a new project, impatient, doesn't sleep, looks down upon anyone who's not working 'hard enough', schedules 15 minutes of fun every day, only reads the summaries of book because doesn't have time to read, will probably die of a heart attack)
- amateur film critic/philoscrote (an 'intellectual', has a degree in humanities, works a minimum wage job, criticises every film he watches and explains how the director should have directed it, watches obscure foreign art films noone has ever heard of, looks down on people who watch mainstream movies, quotes Nietzsche daily)
There are probably overlaps but this was fun kek
No. 870163
>>869899My closest match would be 'thetomboy' and I always seem to attract
>>869960 >- schizo scrote (believes in every existing conspiracy theory, never goes outside, doesn't have a TV or a phone because believes the government is spying on him I also attract men who think femininity is the devil and they love the whole butch/andro thing for that reason and endlessly compliment me for not looking like a whore basically? They have this weird obsession with body counts and assume I must have a tiny body count because I don't wear make up and dresses. They're wrong but anyway lol, charming fellas. The femininity is the devil thing is almost a conspiracy in itself. WOmen use their sexuality to control the world!!
No. 870176
>>870164My least faves are
>calm down >stop reeeing >keep seething >stay madRepetitive but also.. usually used in response to perfectly calm sounding posts?
No. 870181
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i-D magazine, they are always producing such shit takes
No. 870186
>>869120Thanks! Native or expat? Do you know?
>> is a SK blog you might prefer, written by an expat.
No. 870203
>>870176i think it's projection on part of the
triggered farmer
No. 870257
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Sissy shit
Especially the sissy hypno video shit.
No. 870500
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I hate women.
Every time a foid functions as a cum-receptacle toilet for 6’4” men, it needs to be recorded by the 6’4” chad, and made into a short montage and played on projectors at the foid’s wedding in front of her husband and everybody she knows. That’s justice.
Picture a 30 year old roastie that by the skin of her teeth managed to get a chadlite to commit. She’s been functioning as a toilet for 15 years now, and this guy is about to guarantee she lives the rest of her life in bliss. She feels like she got away with murder. It’s her wedding day, she’s wearing white (like she’s a Virgin, lmao), and then the projectors come on and it’s her on her knees with a face covered in cum, spit, and piss, and she’s choking on a dick down her throat with puke and snot coming out of her nose. The guy pulls his dick out, she takes a breath of air, he slaps her hard as fuck, then pisses in her mouth.. and she thanks him for it. Then it cuts to a video of her being pinned down against the floor getting fucked balls deep in her ass with the guy’s hand over her mouth and nose so she can’t breathe, again face full of cum, spit, piss, and smeared makeup.
Her parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, cousins, friends, their kids, maybe her kids, her husband, etc.. everyone sees this. And the dichotomy between what she is and who she’s larping as couldn’t be clearer. Everybody cuts her off, the wedding is cancelled, her dad and husband probabaly rope, she’s back to square one. If she lands another chadlite a few years later, the same thing will happen at their wedding. Although ideally, she just kills herself after this whole ordeal.
This should be the game plan for every single blackpilled person that escapes inceldom, or anyone blackpilled in general. This is what ascended incels need to devote their lives to.
Last edited: Oct 23, 2018
AnonAutist said:
These femoids instinctively 'know' life is hard as a heretic, a wrongthinker, a leper, a misfit, a freak, a pariah and a recluse. This is what high school was actually all about: not becoming a misfit(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 870565
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>>866144My past lust for jack in the box’s spokesman, his voice made me tense
No. 870568
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>>870500These men instinctively 'know' life is hard as a heretic, a wrongthinker, a leper, a misfit, a freak, a pariah and a recluse. This is what life was actually all about: enforcing curfews for men and sterilizing them, making their roles in society delegated to simple tasks such as cooking and cleaning, admin-sama no longer trying to be a pick-me for kiwifarms, and gun rights only for women and minorities.
No. 870605
>>870601It's always the same repeated shit too from some pessimist philosopher. No wonder so many philosophers go batshit or off themselves or focuses on dissociation.
Once the scrote looks within he realizes he's a failed degenerated being with no higher purpose than hard labor and dying in war.
No. 870613
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>>870608nothing wrong with hating males
No. 870630
>>870621Bait or not, it’s a fact that men are statistically more dangerous than women. Men even kill each other at very high rates. Incels themselves are dangerous to the public because they’ve gone out and actually killed people. Women often being the
victims of these events. I really don’t see how you’d think women can just sit there and
not be pissed off about it.
No. 870641
>>870630I don't disagree with anything you're saying. Incels are a danger to the public and especially women, and men definitely have a propensity for violence.
Your anger is
valid, but I have to ask, what are you going to do with your anger at their actions? Are you going to try and understand them as the fucked up humans they are, or are you going to demonize them?
No. 870645
>>870641>Understand them as fucked up humans or demonize them?Men would never extend this benefit to women. Just look at kiwifags. They say how they understand how men can become bitter towards women, but ree about women who are ten times less vile then the people who are pro rape and call women roasties.
>Don't call shit people shit, try to humanise them!lmao.
No. 870654
>>870643That's your opinion, but I think their mentalities are a product of modern life.
>>870645You are looking at the extremes. Most men don't think like that. Like the vast overwhelming majority.
>>870650weak bait
No. 870655
>>870654>baiter calling me baitlmao
No. 870671
>>870660I mean the decision to sympathize is yours, I just think there are root causes for their violent behavior that can be traced back to industrialization. Not saying they don't have a hand in their own corruption, because they do, just that they are miserable people who are detached from reality, wallowing in their suffering, indifferent to the actual circumstances that got them in that situation.
>>870663I did do that, on 4chan, a literal cesspit, and had to stop because it started fucking with my mental health. I don't want to lecture anyone, I just want to offer a different perspective.
No. 870674
>>870671ok, tell them to go to therapy then. not my job to accept them and make them feel
valid in this world.
No. 870683
>>870674I tried to, when they weren't being total pieces of shit. You definitely aren't obligated to validate them, but as I'm sure you know, their thought process is to reject women before they can be rejected. So they are obsessively anticipating your lack of validation.
>>870675I agree, which is why I don't think society is completely to blame. I just think the situation with incels is analogous to other groups of people who are pathologically miserable. They are responsible to get themselves out, but there's more behind it than just a lack of self-discipline.
No. 870717
>>870682It's true in a sense, just not the way that retarded handmaid thinks. Incels are a modern phenomenon because they're pissed they're no longer allowed to beat and rape us without consequences, limit our legal rights and protections, force us to be dependent on our husbands just to exist, etc etc. Those poor, suffering
victims, being unable to abuse and exploit with impunity. Thank god they have anon to white knight for them and teach us dumb, mean women to treat them better!
No. 870739
Industrialization and modern capitalism are actually the main causes for incels seething and raging because it has taken away their right to have a sea of female slaves that are not allowed to work and are traded like property and literally married by fathers at 16 with 50 year old men with no consent. Industrialization and modern capitalism has put women on the same page as men, if women can work, then they are allowed to work and contribute to society as much as they want. Women are now free and incels are seething. this article you can read about how women were regarded and treated in ancient times and this was pretty universal to most cultures, women were second class citizens just like slaves and they were not allowed to partake in any field or activity men partake in such as philosophy.
On the other hand, I've observed modern women turn more and more into men even on sociopathy levels and psychopathy levels. In first world countries the rates of female violent criminals are in rapid increase and unfortunately most female criminals target female
victims and they even commit sexual assault on them or literally invite other men to rape and torture them. I looked at the profiles of female criminals from 1st world countries and I was mortified at the severity of their crimes and 90% of these women had other women as
I think this is just human nature peeking through honestly. I think women were kept from being sociopathic psychopaths by socialization, by female socialization, but now since women have been liberated and because first world countries are very progressive and women are socialized with more masculine costums there has been a rise in their criminality.
I would say don't let ideology blind you as an advice to everyone. The opression of women in history and present is true, but do not ever forget that women do absolutely horrible things to others and especially to other women. From bullying, to psychological terrorism, to hateful rapes and killings. I sort of had my vision blinded and forgot how horrible humans can be and let myself be abused by other women. Also, beware of women that try justifying any of their sociopathic behaviors or short comings by pointing their finger at men and saying "men rape, kill and so on", those are the worst and most manipulative. If women become scrotes we are fucked
>>870739So you're admitting that incels have always existed but the modern times has just taken their right to abuse women away? Instead of beating up and raping their wives at home they're now left only seething with their entitlement all over the internet.
>On the other hand, I've observed modern women turn more and more into men even on sociopathy levels and psychopathy levels. [citation needed]
>I think this is just human nature peeking through honestly.No, it's just men.
No. 870758
>>870748Okay, where is this epidemic of female sociopath spree killers because I'm not seeing any. If we take the stats from the US since it's always the de facto place to base all these claims in, here's some choice numbers anyone can look up:
>Males were convicted of the vast majority of homicides in the United States, representing 89.5% of the total number of offenders.>Of children under age 5 killed by a parent, the rate for biological father conviction was slightly higher than for biological mothers.>However, of children under 5 killed by someone other than their parent, 80% of the people that were convicted were males.>Victimization rates for both males and females have been relatively stable since 2000.>Females were most likely to be victims of domestic homicides (63.7%) and sex-related homicides (81.7%)>Males constituted 98.9% of those arrested for forcible rape>Males constituted 79.7% of those arrested for offenses against family and children.>Males constituted 77.8% of those arrested for aggravated assault>Female serial killers are rare compared to their male counterparts. Sources suggest that female serial killers represented less than one in every six known serial murderers in the United States between 1800 and 2004 (64 females from a total of 416 known offenders) >A review of the published literature on female serial murder stated that "sexual or sadistic motives are believed to be extremely rare in female serial murderers, and psychopathic traits and histories of childhood abuse have been consistently reported in these women.">Since 1982, an astonishing 119 mass shootings have been carried out in the United States by male shooters. In contrast, only three mass shootings (defined by the source as a single attack in a public place in which four or more victims were killed) have been carried out by women.But sure because you took a drive down the True Crime podcast lane and heard about Shanda Sharer's case there's an outbreak of women committing violent crimes just like moids who are inherently violent by nature.
No. 870795
>>870792hush little
nonnie, don't say a word. mommy's going to buy you a shut the fuck up
No. 870826
I hate gaydens calling themselves homosexual and talking about T, mental illness
>>870795>>870797suddenly I found myself on 2014 tumblr
No. 871252
>>871249TRULY could not be estrogen. Just proved that anon's point tbh.
Neck yourself, moid. Watcha gonna do now? Post cp next?
No. 871264
triggered moid presents itself wanting to be noticed kek you sound so emotional right now so why don't you go back to your incel hugbox and cry it out with them dickless wonders. We don't care about your feelings here, we laugh at you. Kys.
No. 871309
>>871292This. Reminder: The female lifespan decreases when married, while the male lifespan only increases.
Meanwhile, the female lifespan increases when single, while single males die quicker.
They bring up marriage like this because they're projecting. Worthless existences, lmao.
No. 871321
>>871309not only that but they are also the type of men that women would avoid or reject when it comes to marriage because they are low value men.
Theyre not the type of men who women would want to marry no matter how much they threaten ''you will die with out me
No. 871327
>>871317There's this:>Marriage helps husbands to an extra 1.7 years, but it knocks 1.4 years off the average wife's lifespan, according to the study of more than 100,000 people across Europe.Men probably die sooner anyway because they're unhealthier/have shittier habits.
No. 871614
>>871359Well, I know I don’t moisturize much and have a tendency to skip meals then gorge, but it’s hard to list what else I think I’m doing wrong without knowing any other way of living.
What are basic things you do that you feel as though every woman should do to live a healthy life?
No. 871689
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God I hate the amount of gay twitter memes and reaction pics that have infested the Internet and I hate women who use them in any form, shit like this
No. 871697
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>>871689I posted that when talking about shia’s herpes…
No. 871726
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>>871718You got brain damage or something,
No. 871751
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The Y2K aesthetic stuff is absolutely horrible. It was cheap looking even back then, why would you want to emulate that???
No. 871765
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>>871751There were so many different subcultures and styles that it's hard to just say Y2K is one type of aesthetic. I love the futuristic look and the edgy emo aesthetic.
No. 871818
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I come bearing gifts
No. 871881
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>>871808Same, I'm not completely against tattoos and I think they can look good, but so many people nowadays get ugly ass tattoos scattered across their bodies and it's not a good look
No. 871972
>>871959Agree. Every time I see this gross euphemism posted I just picture a scrote typing it out. Coincidentally it's always used by the anon complaining about "femcels" and their anime husbandos or femdom kek
just be adults call it masturbation jesus fucking christ
No. 871973
>>871968To me wanking is international and unisex.
>>871971Pearl = clit
If you are destroying your pussy while wanking you're doing it wrong.
No. 871976
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>>871969'polishing the pearl' sounds so ladylike kek
No. 872014
>>872011>No one cares what anime boy anyone masturbates to. It's no different to men discussing what loli character they wish to stick their dick inAre you fucking kidding me? Anons aren't pedos at the very least. Also I support women enjoying their sexuality without pandering to moids, especially since husbandofags are marginalized when compared to pedo scrotes who have entire industry churning garbage for them.
I do agree that threads on /m/ (and /g/?) could contain the sperging, but I don't mind it here tbh.
No. 872023
>>872011>It's no different to men discussing what loli character they wish to stick their dick in.>loliPretty goddamn huge difference right there.
Although I think komaeda anon should chill at this point. She was funny for a while but save the sperging for scrote threads or something.
No. 872039
>>871955Entertainment shouldn’t be 20deep40you 24/7, sometimes I just want to see hot anime guys running around in sheer clothes as they interact with well written female characters that wear stuff that makes sense for the story and wasn’t designed for men to coom at.
Is that honestly too much to ask?
No. 872098
>>872084I think it's more that TV shows are written by rich people with equally rich friends. They simply can't comprehend how it is for everyone else. It doesn't compute for them.
If you've ever met a richfag irl you'll know what I'm talking about, they're several layers of in denial about their wealth.
No. 872268
>>872084I honestly prefer looking at wacky rich people doing zany shit over watching stories of people suffering because they might be homeless if they eat today because the next paycheck is in a few months.
Why? Because I want to escape from reality, I don’t want to see what I see every single day of my life, I want to relax at home and watch crazy shit or read about whatever some Florida man did because I’m sick of knowing that there’s a bunch of people dying of hunger in my third world country, the place in which I live and the reality I’m extremely aware of because I live it and see it every single day.
Let’s also be honest, when a suffering character has a good ending, there’s sperging because “muh it’s not realistic enough because we didn’t spend a whole 5 years looking at the character overcoming their issues”. And if a suffering character has a bad ending, there’s sperging because it’s too sad or too corny.
No. 872284
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I hate going outside
No. 872675
>>872655Apply emotional intelligence and understanding to scrotes? Why would I or any woman do that kek
Do you know where you are?
No. 873197
>>873078>>873081>>873086I hate to ruin it but my parents are more like
toxic codependent alcoholics kek. But when I was younger they were super in love and I could tell, miss them daaaays
No. 873400
>>871881I personally love tattoos and have a bunch of them myself, and I'm not trying to do any gatekeeping since I'm a firm believer that people can get whatever tattoos they want (and I know how annoying it is when people try to give you unsolicited critique on your tattoos and try to get you to regret getting them), but my theory is that this sort of scattered, uncoordinated sticker book-look is mostly for people who didn't plan on becoming heavily tattooed and had little to no interest in tattoos until it became more mainstream and socially acceptable. People who are more interested in tattoos and the culture and history around them, and knew very early on that they want to get heavily tattooed usually have more patience to plan their tattoos so that they'll fit well together, and they've seen what well planned, coherent sleeves look like. When I see these scattered sleeves where the individual tattoos seem to have no consideration about the direction, form and movement of the body part its on, and no connection to the other tattoos around them, not even some scribbles to fill the blank spaces, it kinda tells me that the person just wanted to look heavily tattooed as quickly as possible without really having much interest in tattoos as an artform.
No. 873410
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i hate HAES
No. 873445
nonny. It's so much bullshit, just to justify having no self restraint and eating everything in sight. Every HAES bitch I've met has something to say about muh genetics, muh size doesn't indicate health, or muh diet industry but you spend a day with one and see how much they eat and how they wheeze after walking up stairs, you know it's all bullshit excuses.
They act like every skinny bitch spends $500 a month on diet pills and is literally starving themselves, so they just CAN'T lose weight!! Honestly my tinfoil is that most HAES fatties don't even believe what they preach; it's only a convenient excuse for why they can binge whole boxes of little debbies cakes and still be heckin
valid. Sorry for sperg, as a former fatty who got thin and lost all my fatty friends in the process because I was engaging in "
toxic diet culture" this hits close to home.
No. 873473
>>873445ayrt, i'm a work in progress fattie rn and i find it so terrifying how they shame people for wanting to live healthier, happier lives. i ballooned during lockdown because it made me depressed not to be able to see my friends and now i'm working on losing it again. i miss how much lighter and happier and more confident i was at the beginning of 2020 compared to now. my roommate is one of those fatties who believe in fatty solidarity or something (every fatty who loses weight is a traitor to the fat folk) and whenever i refuse to eat something or politely decline anything she gets pissy and gives me the silent treatment for like a day afterwards. it's hilarious and gives me even more motivation to keep eating well and exercising.
congrats on your weight loss btw, i hope you found better friends now!
No. 873698
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Lucky Charms cereal. The texture of the marshmallows made me cringe.
No. 873734
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There is something about this woman and her face and name being mentioned that fills me with unbridled rage. I don’t even know or have watched her content but just thinking about how she was involved with TGWTG makes the feeling even worse. Reminds me of a very slimy and greasy canadian pickmeisha with facebook mom humor it makes me so nauseous. I hate her.
No. 873736
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>>873734I have that reaction but with this girl
No. 874026
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I saw the worst sweater on the train today.
>>873734I have the same reaction with Sarah Z, she's a giant handmaiden too.
No. 874100
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I hate this image I wanna sock that kid in the face
No. 874712
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Ren & Stimpy. Who greenlit this stuff for television?
I’ll admit the log bit is funny though.
No. 874934
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>>874817i did about prometheus and bob from kablam on nickelodeon
No. 874942
>>874934Oh shit I loved that show. I think any show that uses claymation can make it
Creepier. I remember being super weirded out by this Emmett Freedy short. Dude would also do similar stuff for the Amanda show. It’s too bad this kinda thing doesn’t really exist anymore. They’re ugly but they have their charm.
No. 875019
>>874138Agree. I did watch the Elliot Rodgers series because Mumkey was the only one talking about what a pathetic incel he was but besides that he's just painfully unfunny and had the worst case of male e-celebrity syndrome ever.
>Socially awkward NEET leeching off his working girlfriend>Girlfriend literally funds your life while you're too busy becoming an ~internet comedian~>Gain a fair amount of niche fame >Immediately cheat on your girlfriend with a drug addict pedo furry degenerate because your girlfriend was too well adjusted and you wanted to fulfill your choking DDLG fantasies >Yes this happened>Leak your own sex tapes just to brag about being a big dick daddy dom or something>Suicide bait and "it was the drugs" blame shifting when people call you outI don't know what he's up to these times sans the podcast but god he will never be able to escape what happened in 2019.
No. 875045
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I hate kinksters so much
No. 875056
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>>875045Is it wrong I want to beat the shit out of all these people.
No. 875137
File: 1628345645318.gif (2.24 MB, 695x392, B4075A2C-C3B1-47E7-8BF2-AA248F…)

>>875045We all thought it was bad when these freaks began bleeding out into normal circles online… now they’re out doing it in public places where there’s definitely children present. Slippery slope doesn’t exist though! They keep it in the bedroom! Can’t wait until this world gets nuked.
No. 875246
>>875244just become NEET and live off grid,
nonnie. if you lose all your shit then you can go live in the woods far away from it all. life in the city is different but it's only what you imagine it to be since you will never return. it could be 2004 for all you know.
No. 875276
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>>875045I saw a post about this. This guy isn't even a garden variety kinkster, he's an entire pimp advertising content. Fucked.
No. 875306
>>875297its actually from the woman's account
>>875299I'm a NEET, what do you expect of me
No. 875339
File: 1628358949683.webm (9.24 MB, 576x1024, 88.webm)

This guy is not a twink in any way, shape, or form and even if he was the stereotypical gay guy it would be still be a straight relationship
Why do these hyper woke women so desperately want to make themselves seem "gay" or "queer" when their in a heterosexual relationship
No. 875343
>>875339So he's a twink because he threw on PROBABLY her shirt, with some cargo shorts? He looks autistic not like a twink. In fact looks like he threw that shit on for the video and is pretending to be what he thinks a twink acts like.
Either way it's a straight relationship. Her being bisexual means she's apart of the LGBTQ+ more then her scrote wearing a crop top does.
No. 875350
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>>875339That video made me nauseous.
No. 875369
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>>875045It is time to put down both of them
No. 875374
>>875339I have gay friends who were only recently bitching about how the word twink is being watered down even within the actual gay community, that guys who aren't that slim, hairless, young or well kept will just label themselves as twinks because twinks are seen as desirable and.. they tend to get treated like sugar babies. It comes with massive perks if you actually are one and you keep up that presentation.
They were saying that if you're desirable enough then others will give you that label but to label yourself as one is often just being delusional about your own attractiveness level. Or in this case delusional about that and your sexuality too. Words have no meaning anymore.
No. 875428
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>>866144Why does adult women's underwear have to have bows on it? Every fucking time. This shouldn't be acceptable after the age of like 4.
No. 875542
File: 1628376119077.png (16.22 KB, 678x119, WTF.png)

Man I'm so tired of this, why is it always attention seeking with these people? And, yes, it was not at all related to the video.
No. 875628
>>875542Anyone with short hair is a male or nonbinary retard by their logic. If a man has long hair? He must be a trans woman or totally not "cis" at all! This woman thinks her hair looks cute when it's short? Sweetie, that's no longer a woman, that's a they/them!
Their logic is genuinely so retarded, I wonder how they can listen to themselves.
No. 875721
>>875670>implying we HAVE to do eitherJust being plain, ugly, and confident is absolutely doable and a huge power move.
I care for my skin to reduce painful acne, but fuckers can suck it up and vomit over my acne scars, eye bags, and massive pores. People who are hypercritical of women's faces deserve to suffer when gazing upon me.
No. 876269
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>>866144okay i know i shouldn’t care about this but why do these panhandling grifters think they should get money from other struggling people just for existing.
>rent, food, dental bills, car billsare all these things more expensive if you’re queer?!
swallow your pride, move back in with your parents and get a job at starbucks
No. 876275
>>876269Sorry but I don't believe anyone who says they can't find any sort of job when pretty much every food service/retail job is desperate for workers right now. Granted it's probably harder in rural areas and may not be well-paying, but you can't tell me not one of the 3 people can find a job at McDonalds for some income?
Also wtf kind of car needs over 10k of work? at that point you should just start over with a beater? Or suck it up and take the bus. But if you say that then they always say they're too disabled for that.
No. 876365
>>875244Literally just log off then.
Why come here if you don't want to revel in the ashes?
No. 876439
>>876402I'm sure you still have things you worry about that you could frame as "being stressed" if you were less honest. That's the thing… stress is completely subjective. People complain about being stressed in college, then they start their first job and complain about that. They're stressed when they have to prepare for a holiday trip to Europe and when they return they consider "getting back to work" stressful.
I don't mind having a one-on-one conversation about these things.
I just don't need a Whatsapp essay that boils down to "being an adult is hard" every time someone cancels plans or misses a deadline.
I do treasure people who are open about having free time. They're rare.
No. 876451
>>876352>>876406Thanks for the reminder of something I hate, using random names to address some archetype of a person you don't like. Like, we're really supposed to relate to a stereotype of both the name and that type of person? Am I supposed to know a bunch of stressed out Ambers or nihilistic Coreys?
'Karen' was driven into the ground by the most basic, corny normies and the joke is no longer clever nor funny in general but especially obscure unrelatable versions.
No. 876613
>>876505It sorta makes sense on Twitter because you can get your account suspended just for using certain words, doesn't make people look any less retarded when they write shit k-wording instead of killing. But I agree, when they do it anywhere else (especially here) it's fucking stupid.
On the same note, I hate when people abbreviate words when there's no need to, somebody writing "ppl" is an instant red flag to me.
No. 876626
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Men's fixation on a specific type of beauty and youth (preferably under 18) is an age old issue, but the internet has made it so much worse. Porn, costhots, instagram filters… The men who hang out on imageboards and look at anime lolis all day while nitpicking any woman who looks human
No. 876880
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I hate when people talk about lolcow on other websites like it makes them seem quirky or something
No. 876905
>>876897Definitely not me, I have a
terf blog. Should I have cropped it? I just didnt think this person deserves anonymity if they're going to be embarrassing and posture like this.
No. 876980
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>>876880Reminds me of this
No. 876993
>>876950It's trendy with zoomers on TikTok to be a femcel/doomer/4chan kind of person now. They probably went to /r9k/, got told to fuck off to one of the female boards (like here), got curious and hopped on.
95% seem like weirdo pick-mes with obese white supremacist boyfriends.
No. 877159
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>>877147ntayrt but the worst of the worst is found in the celebricows thread. Low quality, inane, bitchy posters. Where are these retards coming from?
No. 877218
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Beards, especially goatees. Women are expected to be fully groomed and we pull it off, but men can walk around with pubes on their faces and be called "stylish" or "handsome". Shave your fucking faces, you look dirty and your beard is shit-ridden.
No. 877219
File: 1628538116360.jpg (575.56 KB, 620x413, bhRXmof.jpg)

Why are so many girls into dad bods? Is it some fetish?
No. 877300
>>877219They aren't. It's a meme pushed by the media. Very few would willingly pick Seth Rogen over a man who's at least somewhat fit with a handsome face.
On the other hand, I've seen a few pick-mes online whose obsessions range from wanting to be "the hot one" in a relationship (that way, they can feel like the man can't/won't ever dump or cheat on them) to having a full-on ugly bastard kink (shoe0nhead and gimpgirl). There are also some ana-chans who are looking for an easy way to feel smol and delicate next to their partners.
No. 877332
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>>877251Fuck ottermode, more natural muscular bodies like luchadores look tons better tbh
No. 878315
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these fucking buttons
No. 878372
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>>878348you wouldn’t slap a yawning cat though would you
nonny No. 878663
File: 1628694633481.jpg (1.96 MB, 4209x2367, 527175-istock-514622028.jpg)

No. 878834
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Someone paid 65 GBP for this custom funko
No. 879559
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every day r/progresspics becomes more and more infested with this shit
No. 879787
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>movie exists where female relationship is more than the mean girls movie expectation of how women treat each other
>youtube media commentary channels: THIS MOVIE IS QUEER/GAY!!!!111111
Characters can’t be friends anymore?
No. 879861
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>>878834God, I fucking hate these things and rooms filled with them. They're so cheap and ugly looking
No. 879924
File: 1628816860872.gif (4.85 MB, 400x300, giphy.gif)

When people sperg about how much they love sundresses. Just shut the fuck up about it already.
No. 879947
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>>879924Nonny I know you’re probably a woman but your post is giving very… yeah, kek
No. 879993
>>879955That's weird, maybe it is because I am an ESL-chan, but sundress is the way we got taught how to call that dress, like gown or similars.
>>879861Oh god, I just remembered when zoom classes started and one of the guys turned on his camera. His wall was full of those things, it was bad.
No. 881448
File: 1628977077551.jpeg (65.83 KB, 473x553, 8DB5CE05-E855-4DB2-8E16-3029C6…)

I hate these sort of messages in cute games, fuck off, nobody cares about American politics, specially not if they’re trying to play a cute game with cute characters to have a good time, not to do some faux social work.
Like, what compels someone to be like “Yeah, this cute sanrio game is perfect to express my sociopolitical worries” fuck off, seriously, it’s not funny, quirky, interesting nor intelligent.
If these retards have a fuck about the police and other shit like that, they would go to protests and maybe they would fistfight the police, but it’s too easy to be on the internet polluting anything and everything for the sake of it.
Seriously, shut up.
No. 881527
>>881479Dickhead speed demons on the highway are the fucking worst. They think the fast lane is the crime lane and if you're not speeding you deserve to get tailgated then overtaken, maybe with a flash of the highbeams first just to piss you off.
That said, I really hate slow drivers too (excluding learners, heavy vehicles etc). There's a slow lane for a reason, stay in it instead of forcing other people to either change lanes to get around you (needless risk) or go 10-20km slower than the speed limit. Everyone should try to go the speed limit exactly.
No. 881725
File: 1629018059537.jpg (55.29 KB, 640x427, woman-cant-sleep.jpg)

I HATE the neighbor that lives across my apartment that has the habit of watching TV in unholy late hours, usually from 11pm - 4am during the week aand weekend on full blast with his balcony door open, which echoes in the garden area between the buildings and makes it sound like I the TV in my own bedroom. It's every summer the same fucking thing. Some weekends I'm lucky and he is not at home or so, or I have the chance to fall asleep before he turns the TV on but last night he started his TV watch session the moment I went to bed and made it impossible to fall asleep with this noise. Sometimes it is even so loud that I wake up from it. Fuck this guy. I also do not understand how the people in the apartment building where he lives are able to live with that? I can't imagine that some people did not complain about that. They are either deaf or just sleep with earplugs at this point. I just fucking hate it. Make it stop, fucker.
No. 881734
I also hate when someone uses "tasty" to describe music, films, colors in the photo/painting, etc., but mostly when it's used in my native tongue. Almost makes me want to puke.
No. 882383
File: 1629068628849.jpg (71.9 KB, 250x247, 1626450937270.jpg)

I hate insects so much (inside) and i hate even more that humans act like its normal and fine. It is not and it is just another proof of how we waste our intellect. Why do we allow billionare to steal labour to like go to space for fun or design stupid gun but i can not in a well off developed country have both lamp on and window open during August. Why are there not mosquito net built in Windows always. Why is there no tool to fast, quietly and at a SAFE social distans remove a spider from corner of a room. We have failed as society. At this point My dream house is like a Steel cube with a drain in the middle i can just hose it all off every day like a jail. Not acceptable
No. 882699
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I despise the Irony culture of twitter, like women's right are literally going to be based on 7th Century Arabia and they will be treated as subhumans, you can't just joke about it, trying to be Ironic and smug all the time is a cancerous part of the Internet that needs to die
what is even in the minds of these people, I'll say the Taliban have "little dick energy" that'll show them and be such an epic own
No. 882725
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>>882699>>882720Yes people try to add their own sort of personal interpretations of terrorists and mad men, trying to make them seem pathetic so that they seem like less monsters and more like jokes, the 9/11 Hijackers weren't hypocrites or cowards those guys lived and breathed Islam. They were not like your average Muslim who criticizes jihadists while ignoring every aspect of the Quran and the Hadiths. They knew their religion inside and out
No. 882752
>>882748>I mean there is no God and death is the end of our consciousnessThat's what I'm leaning to, but to be fair none of us know that. If somehow there is a God, just hoping it's not Allah as Islam is literally the worst
>in their last moments that paradise is what they were thinking off, they died happyHopefully an animal part of their brain was still chimping out.
Only kinda related, but weird how normies jump to call a coward anyone who did something harmful they didn't like whether it makes sense or not, ie the terrorists high on indoctrination or people who committed suicide despite their survival instinct trying to stop them. What is this cope
No. 882768
>>882758I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm not saying someone who commits suicide is the same as a terrorist, just as bad etc. Just saw normies call both of those kind of people 'cowards' even though it doesn't apply in either case. They especially love to use the word against people who throw themselves on train tracks. Cause fuck that someone was in so much pain death was the only option, they are 5 minutes late to their shit job! They must be cowards, even though killing yourself requires… I don't want to say courage, but determination for sure.
I hate that.
No. 883118
>>882725I have never seen a muslim criticizing a jihadist
No. 883235
File: 1629153491169.png (2.19 MB, 1078x1332, 84293.png)

I hate pictures like this. Ugly, hairy moid ruins the whole aesthetic of the grainy webcam and cutesy outfit.
No. 883249
File: 1629154139109.gif (2.34 MB, 450x250, BouncyHomelyHamster-size_restr…)

>>883235I hate all isn't my gf hawt!!! aaaaand it is I who gets to grab em boiiis!!! ;) pics. Why are moids so goddamn homoerotic? They're thinking about the man who's looking at her. It's ghey.
No. 883263
File: 1629155532246.png (141.28 KB, 719x425, Screenshot.png)

I hate 4chan. Edgelords can say "nooo 4chan is more than /r9k/ and /pol/", but they are the same people all over the site, you will find similar content on every board (picrel is from /trv/).
No. 883272
>>883263I used to go for /cgl/ (mainly lolita threads) and I go for the do thread at /toy/… It's surreal how much better the quality of the threads is when it's female dominated. Yet there's still scroteposting the ruin it. Yesterday while visiting /toy/ one of the first threads I saw was some putrid coomer asking for "toys that would make good rapers for breeding those anime dolls into submission"
Fuck 4chan
No. 883319
>>883248Man, I just like cute girly things. I hate that scrotes have successfully marred nearly all forms of femininity with their hideous sexuality, and that so many women also go along with it.
Like, try to name a single aesthetic that men haven't turned into a fetish. Literally impossible. We can't enjoy shit. Not even GNC women are safe (tomboy fetishism).
No. 883725
File: 1629203461260.png (233.02 KB, 540x416, tumblr_16ddf68015bf3a9352933e9…)

I hate this meme format and seeing it applied to every goddamn piece of media I like
No. 884095
Men making casual off-hand comments about how much they'd like to fuck and impregnate women they aren't dating. One of those things that will always enrage me. I've never overheard something like this irl thankfully, but I see it on reddit sometimes. Those comments always have a lot of upvotes and the people calling them out are usually downvoted. I hate reddit moids.
And what's with the recent sundress obsession, where did it come from? "Sundress" is so oddly specific and yet really vague.
>>883725The original was the only funny one.
No. 884327
File: 1629240006487.png (223.23 KB, 734x603, boxd.png)

Thinking of deleting my account
No. 884331
>>884327Is this for porn or erotic movies? (Considering the headliner could be clickbait)
There's a difference, but if it's the first indeed, that sucks a lot
No. 884413
>>884410i find it slightly funny because of how disgustingly repulsive it is
but i do find troons who constantly make dumb references to a stupid youtuber very annoying
No. 884426
>>884095I hate hate HATE HATE when people point to sundresses and it’s a bodycon dresses. And I hate bodycon dresses, they’re so fucking ugly. Sundresses and usually short and flowy, and they're characterised by having somewhat of a dynamic silhouette (no i don't recognise the legitimacy of tight sundresses, if its tight it IS NOT a sundress, those tight sundresses with shirred bodices or puff sleeves should be hatecrimed, women wearing them should be arrested and thrown in jail for subjecting us to that disgusting display, and the men drooling should be attacked with tear gas for being so dumb that they cannot pinpoint a good article of clothing to save their lives, i fucking hate how high fashion trends dilute into fast fashion and now we have this ugly and gaudy distilled trend of puff sleeves and weird off shoulder dresses) anyway the way men talk about it is truly TRULY plebeian and peasant-like, they always come off sounding like American fedora-donning retards attempting to converse at some gathering, with their heavy breaths and disgusting mid-sentence burps, and then there’s the “when the light goes through a sundress” retards, who are surprisingly to find out women have legs, which reminds me of someone from the middle east who said a friend of his used to live in a village where all the woman wore long, loose garb, so he never realised women have legs too until he started going to the city when he saw women wearing pants for the first time in his life, until then he’d thought that women shared the anatomy of a penguin’s
No. 884485
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>>884451i just really hate to even witness it, it’s like seeing a dog try to play the flute, most of these people with their ugly itchy bodycon fabric (which is so unflattering, oh my god, the way it clings to the female form is a body horror film being broadcast live) do NOT respect clothing or fabric or detail, they do not cherish their belongings or treat them or their selves with respect, these people do not weep at beauty, they can not grasp, it does not resonate them no matter its nature. take picrel for insane, it’s a Sandra Mansour piece, for the retarded woman and spiritually ill loafers-wearing slim fit pants man it is a mere dress, but with the right woman this dress will resonate very, very strongly. never mind its craftsmanship, what i’d like to discuss is its girlish, almost deceivingly infantile quality. The geometric cutouts almost resemble what young girls draw in their sketchbooks after school, the glittery embellishments whimsical and girlish, reminiscent of hot sticky summer days and female adolescence. this reminisce is important because it sets up the idea of the dress’s call to elevated, feminine purity (pulling you back to the past when you were a girl bearing no worries of your place in the world) against now, specifically against YOU, the viewer, tight now, and the impure, almost forbidden knowledge acquired by the adult, whether sexual or existential. in this the Dress ceases to romanticise childlike femininity, and aligning the Woman with the Child, instead of the Woman with the Man, as popular societal discourse tends to do, and becomes a budding ground for female grief: it represents the end of childhood female freedom, of lack of societal expectations, of being unaware of a “gendered” experience. children and responsibility and self diminishment aren’t particularly fun to look forward to, and there is a grey area where grief seeps in at the end of adolescence that various media has tried to capture, but none resonates as well as this dress. so NO, i will not try to hide my gag reflex when i see an ugly, horrific, disfigured sundress, and men on reddit clapping and gathering around that disgusting display like dogs gathering around a bone, they do not weep at beauty or understand it; they OFFEND it, by even attempting to participate with their opinions, and worse are the women encouraging them by buying these cheap imitations of clothing. trends are for anxious women, and i hope you are not one of them!
No. 884494
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>>884485Thanks for this anon. I'm kind of curious: What are your thoughts on pic related?
No. 884520
>>884494I do admire the fashion-conscious methhead lc user sensibility she displays, but when i always get a bad feeling in my gut when i see a forced transgressive self-expression, this is not organic at all. she is a rich, middle-upper class lc user with probably eating disorder issues, she is trying to be contrarian to a type of confirming self-expression/aesthetic ideal, and she is, although trying to undermine it, legitimatising that established ideal by pointedly acting against it, recognising it when it does not deserve her recognition. usually once this transgressiveness is established it loses its cheap seduction and the original ideal is set up as transgressive, and this goes on for years years, and we remain in an aesthetic ouroboros, which is why i take problem with it. i would be more interested if her fashion sensibility was more organic, less of a reaction and more of an action, more proactive. I even think it would be interesting to propose that her forced self-expression IS organic, because being a tryhard is the only thing that comes naturally to her and is a direct product of her comfortable circumstances, in this case I would like to see her become a parody of herself, that would be visually interesting
No. 884522
>>884508I have a very shallow knowledge of j-fashion, but I am interested in dolly key, and that idea of of European decadence presented in clothes. i’ve read that Lolita was established to avoid being sexualised, Japanese women taking back control by being so aesthetically retarded, which sounded very interesting to me
>>884520I made a lot of typing mistakes here, so do forgive me anon, I’ve been up for too late and I was typing feverishly
No. 884867
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>>884823Here let me help you
No. 884869
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>>884823I've adopted this pic as a warning. If I post picrel it means there's CP somewhere. I'll name the board if I know where.
No. 884901
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>>884885there's a risk that raiding moids might post cp/gore in the raid alert thread, however, some moids may not even lurk enough to realise it's a raid alert thread. If we do make a raid alert thread, we should probably make the OP pic look innocuous (in the sense of it not looking like an obvious raid alert thread)
No. 884981
>>884485I was gonna say New copypasta but
>aligning the Woman with the Child, instead of the Woman with the Manis an interesting take and I like it. Thanks for taking the time to write this out.
No. 885004
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>>885003Punch him in the back of head
No. 885015
>>885003I posted earlier but I was in really small park with 6/7 benches in it today. I was the only one sat on a bench. 6 free benches in sight… no huge distance between them. Old man sits not only on my bench but suuper close and then expects to start a convo with me. He's so uncomfortably and unnaturally close to me. Wtf
I played deaf, which I seem to be having to do more often lately. Why do they do this shit? He left and I can only assume he went on to talk to some other stranger about how rude young women are now lol
No. 885162
>>885148Why is that though?
I was a vegetarian for years and started eating meat when I was around 17/18. Never in my life I ate fake meat so to me that is strange as hell and I don't understand (excuse my dumb)
No. 885237
>>885174My mom brought home a meat substitute once for no particular reason and I absolutely fucking loved it. Something about the texture was so god damn good. I'm not vegetarian but I don't care for meat, it's okay. My dad can't eat beef so he can't have regular burgers, but because of the impossible burger patties, he can have them again and there's nothing about the taste/texture that I see others complain about that bothers him or that he even notices.
I do like trying vegan recipes now too. A coworker of mine made me vegan alfredo with coconut milk and it was great. Tasted so damn good and it made me realize I could have alfredo without any dairy products since I'm lactose intolerant kek. And lots of other substitutions for other recipes! Sometimes it's just a practicality thing too. I think meat substitutes have their place in the world, even for meat eaters.
No. 885309
>>885132>Or is the only violent rapists men form other nationalities?This is literally exactly what they think. Or they try to convince people anyway, men are all violent rapists when it suits them (like when they want to
victim blame women, when they want to justify racism). I'm not sure how aware of the hypocrisy they are, it's convenient for them but they also seem to genuinely think any woman in a western country is lying about rape but also any woman who dares exist around a non white man or dress a certain way is inevitably going to be taped.
No. 885762
>>885715My sister is potty training my niece and I keep getting pics in our family what's app of the potty filled with shit and comments like "she did a big one today!"
Lost my rag the other day and just commented "thanks really needed to see that while I was making dinner".
Why the fuck do we need documentary evidence? Just say your kid successfully used the potty, there, end of discussion. Nobody in the family chat is going to accuse you of lying FFS
No. 885767
>>885715>>885762Imagine you are that kid and you will find the pictures of your potty training online when you are in school or later.
Sometimes I'm very glad that I grew up before digital cameras, the internet, social media and that stuff and that there is no risk of me finding pictures of myself on the potty online because there are just none.
No. 885769
>>885768no but that’s what social media parenting does. i gave a kid and i barely show them on Facebook and Instagram—partially because of how many creeps are on the internet but also because the world doesn’t need to know every waking moment of my kid’s life.
I don’t get parents who talk about their child like they’re a pet; “oh brayden just did a big poopy like a big boy!” Okay? Just say you’re potty training and move on. “Mikayden Leigh loves taking a bath!” Why are you posting your kid in the tub on your public social media?
As another anon said, I’m so thankful to have grown up before social media parents were a thing.
No. 885771
>>885769Every time I see people aware of what posting your child online could do to their future and how many creeps are online, I'm so happy that there are still "normal" people out there.
I know, it's not part of this topic, but your child can be happy to have you and not a social media mother.
No. 885778
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>>885770Not literally kek. She's worried her daughter will conform to female socialisation.
>I must make this confession. My daughter has recently become obsessed with the size of her poos – and they are all big, according to her, whether they look to me like they came out of a greedy Jack Russell or a sickly church mouse. "Big poo, Mummy," she says, in awed tones – awed by her own bottom. "Big poo." This is not my confession – it's all pretty normal, according to Freud and co. My confession is that I, in turn, have become desperately proud of her pride. I'm so in love with her big poos that I can't bear the idea of them stopping. Of her realising that they aren't things you want to show off about. Of the day when somebody makes it clear to her, whether by accident or design, that sweet little girls aren't supposed to describe the massive steaming achievements cruising out of their bums, propelled by the wonders of peristalsis, into the marvels of the plumbing system. That curly little blondes such as she should desire to be small, and contained, and clean, and dress up as pink princesses. And shut up about their dirty selves; already, enough. I dread the day those whopper turds have got to go.>A friend told me yesterday that her four-year-old announced she had done a poo "like a brown dolphin". Another friend remembers her little sister sitting on a potty and saying, "Look! It is a beautiful golden sun!" before they all waved it goodbye, discussing the beautiful sunset as they flushed it down the loo. I know I must, but I am resistant. I do not want to flush my daughter's beautiful sunsets down the loo.It would make great copypasta.
No. 885926
>>885778I have milk on this woman!
Met her briefly in 2016ish, at an event in London run by an online startup for teen girls (not Rookie Mag, but similar, and some ex Rookie contributors were there).
One of the invited attendees was, for some reason, an 'alt' dominatrix (think it was Reba Maybury) and Heawood's little girl was, with her mother's full knowledge, being taught by her to rehearse lines like 'You are a disgusting little worm' and to pretend to be a dominatrix. She must have been only 4 or 5.
I wasn't of age then, and I recognised this writer from her newspaper work/admired her a little bit at the time, but knew instinctively that something was a bit fucked.
No. 885994
>>885964I hate how some guys have it in their head that PIV means the woman will be coming over and over again with every 10th stroke or so getting you off again. The same shit they see in porn. The expectation it gives them. And then they start to misread the signals right in front of them when they get laid for real.
When I was younger and stupidly hooking up with men, even older men would assume I came 3 times during sex when I just didn't. Why did they think that? Because I made noise and making noise equals orgasming? Patting themselves on the back over orgasms I didn't even know I had.
Laying in bed post fuck
> Did you come 3 times or 4? You really enjoyed that huh? > I didn't come, I felt close at one point but I don't generally come from penetration so.. I did enjoy it though. > I heard you, like 3 times. I know what I heard!Thanks porn. I also think partners before me must've just played along adding to it too, but in fairness what an awkward disgreement to have to face post sex.
No. 886004
>>885964>>885994>I get kids are curious but don’t normalize that shit>I hate how some guys have it in their head that PIV means the woman will be coming over and over again with every 10th stroke or so getting you off againdads brazzers account as sex ed
No. 886060
>>885994I had an ex who was offended and said I was destroying his self-esteem by saying he didn't make me orgasm. He asked me btw. Apparently all of his one-night stands he had between relationships always came from being with him PiV-only.
It's possible he hooked up with the horniest women, but honestly having first-hand experience of his skills, I'm pretty sure they lied to his face.
No. 886067
>>886028I've been sexually active for maybe 12 years and playing with toys for a few years longer than that.. whenever I meet a guy who is obsessed with being that magical person who somehow makes me have PIV orgasms I want to scream, and not in the good way lol.
Just give me the clitoral orgasm that I want. I know how my body works by this point and you're not going to unlock anything that I couldn't find myself in 15 years of fucking myself silly with toys.
No. 886077
>>886046I don't think it's unreasonable but at the same time I wouldn't believe any man who claims to not watch porn at all.
A few anons have hit up the vent the relationship threads before.. in bits because their super anti-porn bfs were caught and had lied for years (some even quoting all the harm that porn causes and claiming to be staunchly against it) Anything to convince you they're not doing it. They just cover their tracks better.
No. 886747
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I hate oversized coffee mugs, I have a few this size but i never use them. By the time you finish drinking it the coffee is cold. Wish I could find some cute, non-Andre the Giant sized mugs
No. 886779
>>886758nonny if I wanted to do that why wouldn't I just grab a smaller mug in the first place kek
>>886758The US, you usually find them in gift shops at tourist spots. I've gotten most of them as gifts from those kinds of places. I went to disney world recently and struggled to find a mug that was cute, not some weird novelty shape, and not fuck huge so if you're a disneyfag you might find something you like. I sip my coffee so smaller cups I can refill often are my favorite, guess I didn't consider the coffee chuggers out there
No. 886782
>>886779Makes sense, my fav mug is a Hello Kitty one from Universal Studios.
Anyway you've inspired me to go make a big coffee now kek
No. 887071
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i hate women that sperg about men that make a huge deal out of sundresses but flip flop onto making women feel bad about wearing sundresses (like the retard up on this thread that made a huge deal out of puffy sleeves… talk about genuine autism).
No. 887074
it doesn't sit well with me when i see people, but especially men, wearing red sneakers. i have been seeing it everywhere recently and it's very, very distressing for the eyes, i feel genuine distress when i see a man wearing red sneakers, like my vision is being assaulted. i have been seeing lots of lanky men wearing them too, which doubles the distress, because the way they move and take the stairs and skip reminds me of how cockroaches jump and scramble when you open the kitchen light, very agonizing to see them in motion in real life, like a rope with limbs pulled taut and wearing god awful red sneakers. these people are very suspicious, i don't trust them
No. 887079
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>>887074suspiciously sonicphobic…
No. 887108
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Bumping, careful out there
No. 887116
>>887071hello, i am here, and i want to make my position clear: i love puff sleeves. i love victorian puff sleeves, i love edwardian puff sleeves, i love love LOVE the 1930s puff sleeves, i love the 1970s puff sleeves, and i am generally a big fan of the 1970s silhouette (pinched at the waist, broad at the shoulders and at the bottom, with moderate long puff sleeves), in fact the only puff sleeves i don’t like are the 1980s puff sleeves, and regency-era puff sleeves, which are very unflattering and bothersome to look at, especially coupled with that atrocious empire waste, it doesn’t look good unless you have a certain type of body, tall with long graceful limbs, but aside from that no one looks good in it, every time i look at it i want to mourn, no wonder so many jane austen film adaptations refuse to include accurate costumes, they don’t want to terrorize the viewer’s eyes. i like the puff sleeves in your picture, they’re very 1970s, very reminiscent of gunne sax, i think you’d like his work
the puff sleeves i despise and gag at and would like to destroy are the ones you see on shein and similar places, all very disgusting and cheap looking, they’re so unanchored and soulless in their style you can tell RIGHT away they were manufactured by some miserable overworked third world woman who has transmitted her misery into the sleeves, they’re ugly, it’s in its soul. you can never mistake a 1970s puff sleeves for a shein puff sleeve, i can always tell the difference from 10000 miles
as for “making women feel bad”, i refuse this accusation. i have no respect for anyone who performs this type of helplessness, no one “makes you feel bad” about anything, especially in this corner of the internet. if you’re easily affected by what a retard (Me) says online, then maybe you never had that much confidence in yourself to begin with. i can not make anyone feel bad about anything, unless they grant me that power. i feel almost filthy having to state something so obvious: wear whatever you want, you should not agonize over it. i do not care for appearances or materiality as my posts would make you think i do
No. 887143
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>>887116anon shein clothing would dematerialise in 6 months probably after buying it and a lot of the stuff is ugly, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with dresses like this
>>879947 and it looks very flattering and pretty too. sperg however much you want but most people can't afford $200 dresses and they will happily buy fast fashion that looks nice and flatters them…
No. 887160
>>887143Sadly, even many $200 dresses are fast fashion and produced under horrible working conditions in the same factories like stuff from shein or aliexpress, they won't even last longer than many cheap clothes.
There is no real solution, except you find a brand that tells you every single step of their production, from the fabric resources to the people sewing the clothes and you trust their information.
No. 887232
> I agree. Why make such a big deal of something she can't even show proof of? i’m just not really interested in fetching pictures or installing a gallery, have some manners girlfriend, i’m not your internet house slave
>Where are these horrendous low quality things people should be avoiding? If they're so bad, people wanna know what it is exactly they should be avoiding. no one should avoid wearing anything, if people are so retarded that they’d want to avoid wearing something someone said looked bad on the internet then ohhhhhh booyyyy, please have more faith in yourselves
>If she's gonna be a sweaty fashion history nerd wannabe she should at least do it properly instead of flinging her opinions that hold zero weight arounddon’t know enough about fashion history to be a nerd, if something is visually upsetting to me then it is visually upsetting to me, and i can do anything, actually, and so can you, it’s almost amusing you’re taking this to heart
(autism) No. 887249
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>>887232does this
trigger you nonita? does the flattering feminine silhouette get under your skin?
No. 887256
>>887237My parents quit smoking after over 40 years and they always want validation from me. Well, no, I never smoked because you were such a good example and you act like dicks when other addictions are mentioned, for example something like an alcohol addiction is easy to overcome, while stopping to smoke was so very hard.
At my last workplace my boss told us that we should take a break, too, because there is no reason why the smokers should have a break and we shouldn't. She was nice and it's not common.
And in my country, they get free cancer treatment (while endangering everyone else with secondhand smoke) and I won't even get fucking glasses, I didn't decide that I can't see well enough.
And then you go shopping and they stand in the entrance and you can't pass without holding your breath. Or, you are waiting for the bus and then someone comes and stands beside you and starts smoking…
I'm sorry, I hate smokers so much, wish cigarettes would cost a fortune.
No. 887261
>>887253>>887249completely different anon here, kek
It's not that ugly, the waist is too high and the skirt is too short, fix that and it would look okay, not perfect, but okay.
The pattern on the other hand, there is no way to fix that, in my opinion.
No. 887274
>>887116>you can tell RIGHT away they were manufactured by some miserable overworked third world woman who has transmitted her misery into the sleevesLiterally true. You can honestly tell some items were made with extreme levels of sadness and misery, and for that reason, they literally can't look good.
The girls don't want to hear it, though. I like your clothing autism posts, anon. Never change.
No. 887298
>>887287Because it's profitable to churn out shit quality polyester dresses. People are apparantly buying them.
Ideally we should all vote with our money and demand flattering, well-made stuff.
In the meanwhile I'll be sticking to thrifting and vintage.
No. 887320
>>887311So, you knowingly wear ugly, sad clothes with pride. Just affirm that to yourself and stop being mad about stranger's opinions.
You don't even need to be "rich" to have "nice" clothes/style. You just need to know what you like and do some digging. Thrift stores, vintage, independent brands, local stuff. If you don't care, what's your problem?
No. 887322
>>887317I've posted in the thread like two times kek. I didn't know that qualified as caring so much.
Are people not allowed to post now?
No. 887339
>>887333That 100% depends on the specific item being sold and the brand, you're generalizing a lot.
I don't understand what makes you so pissed off about people pointing out that there are clothes that were so obviously made in grueling/painful conditions that they don't look good.
No. 887348
>>887342it’s not a shitty salary at all, it’s just my country is fucked financially, so fast fashion is considered expensive, and its consumers are considered middle-upper class, this is a very common theme outside of first-world countries, things that might seem cheap to you/middle class to you are expensive/upper class to me
and it’s not really the tailoring that costs a lot of money, it’s the fabric, the price can really vary from one fabric to another
No. 887365
>>887256>At my last workplace my boss told us that we should take a break, too, because there is no reason why the smokers should have a break and we shouldn't.That's the case in my current job too, but I was thinking about my internship when mentioning smoking breaks because everytime I had to go to the bathroom a bit too "often" because I had to change pads very often during my periods or just because I had to pee sometimes like a normal person my manager was side eyeing me, but I had coworkers doing literally nothing all day long expect go on break to smoke.
>And then you go shopping and they stand in the entrance and you can't pass without holding your breath. Or, you are waiting for the bus and then someone comes and stands beside you and starts smoking…Or when you get out of a restaurant after having a nice meal and someone ruins it with their shit smell.
No. 887374
>>887348even in first world countries tailors are at the end of the line with salaries, my salary would only be minimum wage, still a dress with good fabric wouldn't cost less than 300 € with adjustments and stuff like that. In fact I would have to work over 30 hours to pay for one of those dresses. Don't know if you can't find a dress cheaper than that in your country and don't get me wrong, I dislike fast fashion, but it's what many people can pay.
And I'm not middle class, I'm lower class, so everything is somehow upper class and expensive to me.
>>887370Africa is the new shit for clothing companies, they can get their stuff there even cheaper than before… no one even notices because there isn't a label with "china" or "pakistan" on it and no on cares.
No. 887377
Damn this thread is making me hate the fashion industry all over again. Fuck the fashion industry.
No. 887380
>>887370Is it really so out there for you to imagine that some factories have even worse conditions than others, and the ones with particularly bad conditions reflect that in the quality/design/appearance of the clothing they put out?
Here's an example: All Macbooks are made in China, but a shittier knock-off from a horrible factory will inevitably run worse than the one made in the "official" company owned by Apple's people. I don't think anyone would disagree with that, so why would the same logic not apply to clothes? You've seen those "What you ordered online vs What you got" pictures, right? Well, it's not always that extreme, but it's still noticeable.
Why is this difficult to understand?
No. 887382
>>887365Exactly that, I wouldn't except it if I wouldn't get a break to not smoke like the smokers get a break to smoke. I'm not harming my health or other people, so I deserve an extra break.
And remember the time they were allowed to smoke inside the restaurants. It's only been 13 years that they aren't allowed to smoke in restaurants anymore in my country and it's so nice now.
No. 887384
>>887370this x100
if everyone on this board opened their closet and read all of their clothes tags, everything wouldn't be ethically sourced
i would bet NONE of it was ethically sourced
people are just so stupid and looking for reasons to act better than others… they don't even know about the dozens of countries other than china that make all their fashion
just buy what you want and don't bitch, because at the end of the day, the same person making your £500 dress is the same person who is also making the £20 dress
No. 887392
>>887386>Workplace conditions don't matter for item qualityIf this is what you honestly believe, you're definitely the one who's misinformed. The "It could be the same person behind both" argument is extremely weak, too, because there's no way of actually verifying that, and there's a shitton of factories. No one mentioned "happiness" when it comes to factories, either.
Literally, any time, try your "It's all the same anyway" argument with electronics and you'll rethink what you're claiming here, lmao.
No. 887393
>>887380I once bought a coat over Aliexpress, it was one that looked like a coat sold by Zara. The Zara price would have been 200 €, Aliexpress was 15 €, the coat arrived and it was the exact same coat as the Zara coat.
Same thing goes for more expensive stuff, I've been eyeing a designer bag, the original bag is 1,500 €, made in China, the identical bag is 100 € on aliexpress. Same material, same design, probably the same factory.
Guess it's time that I make my clothes myself with good fabric, because having a look at the cotton production doesn't make you feel any better.
No. 887403
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>>887396(Samefagging, fucked this up the first time)
To be clear, if you had coincidentally clicked the wrong listing on Ali from an actual shitty factory, you would see the difference and feel ripped off, even if you paid $10. That's where pics like this come from.
No. 887405
>>887392Lol your argument is retarded
nonny sorry. Electronics and fashion are not comparable. The quality of the electronic is dictated by the company selling it, and it also depends what you're buying. You would get GPU from NVIDIA but it doesn't really matter where your monitor is from so long as it looks fine. Fashion brands are outsourcing absolutely everything, and there is no "luxury" factory workers. Factory workers are factory workers everywhere. Do you think the bigger price tag is going into the factory workers pockets? The answer is no. Like another anon mentioned about Zara and aliexpress… you don't even have to use Zara as an example. Use a more expensive brand. Take Ralph Lauren. 50% of their clothes are made in China and 50% are made in countries Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Vietnam and Pakistan. Do you genuinely think there is a difference in any of the factory workers conditions?
No. 887406
>>887405I don't really feel like reading all this, but if it makes you feel better to cope about fast fashion, you're free to. Just please stop having meltdowns when others say it doesn't look good and they can tell where it came from.
>>887395 is right, arguing about this is pointless.
No. 887411
>>887408What high horse? I'm literally a third worlder, kek.
If you care this much, you can make better choices. Essays about this don't BTFO anyone, but it's your business in the end.
No. 887415
>>887411It's not an essay it was barely one paragraph. You must be retarded and never read in your life if you think what I wrote is a lot, you're just acting like a child because I blew up your "points" and your only response is "I'm not gonna read that".
And I'm a third worlder too, and I can guarantee you none of your clothes are truly ethically sourced and nobody would tell the difference if they are or not.
Get off your high horse lol
No. 887418
>>887393Nta and just scrolling past
>Same thing goes for more expensive stuff, I've been eyeing a designer bag, the original bag is 1,500 €, made in China, the identical bag is 100 € on aliexpress. Same material, same design, probably the same factory. This is not true at all. A high quality leather handbag, even a lower end £1500, cannot be reproduced for so little. A lot of quality is needed in aspects such as stitching, leather, hardware etc
No. 887419
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>>887415>you rnAll this from guilt lol
No. 887434
>>887409I was saying that it's the same with Zara as it's with some high end brands. I know what Zara is as a company and I don't buy anything from them. And like I said, look at the conditions the resources of the fabrics are being produced, it's not like all these expensive companies use organic cotton and stuff like that. The problem with clothes doesn't start at the production of said clothes, it starts way before.
>>887418I know what it takes to make a high quality product, but the bag I'm speaking of is originally made in China, why wouldn't they sell a knockoff made in China for the same quality? Workers are cheap in many countries, sadly it is just what it is and I could make you said bag with material costs for not more than 200 €, not including the time and effort it takes me to make it.
>>887430I don't own any designer bags, just said that I've been eyeing one and I'm not the anon that started this discussion. So, calm down a little.
No. 887448
>>887433I haven't lost my shit kek we exchanged three fucking posts
nonny. You are so insufferable… go take a Valium and just accept you're wrong jfc
No. 887466
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>>887463>P-ProjectionYou spent this long flinging insults because I didn't read your posts. Miserable.
No. 887477
>>887476I really hope when you type things like this, you're taking at least half of your advice, since the same would apply to you, kek.
>Take your medsThis is the half I have the most hope for, since you kind of bungled the first part.
No. 887479
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>>887477The fact that you're still responding and trying to "gotcha" me when it would've taken less effort to just reply normally in the first place an hour ago instead of getting yourself into this mess…
No. 887481
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>>887479>The fact that you're still…Stopped reading there.
Reminder: You can quit responding at any time and take your meds
No. 887482
>>887405Nayrt but this reminded me of the 2013 Dhaka garment factory collapse:
>The factories manufactured apparel for brands including Benetton, Bonmarché, Prada, Gucci, Versace, Moncler, the Children's Place, El Corte Inglés, Joe Fresh, Mango, Matalan, Primark, and Walmart.The cheapest clothes around being manufactured in the same factory as high fashion. I had no idea.
No. 887492
>>887489nta but she's literally right… clothes are all made in the same place unless you're buying fabric and taking them to a tailor and getting stuff custom made
why are you choosing this hill to die on ?
No. 887494
>>887491>not knowing what a blanket statement is>"muh projection" x2 when you have no argumentThis is why I said I hope you take your own advice. Your meds must surely be waiting.
>>887492They aren't if you're not lazy about where you go to get clothes and you support locally made goods. Most won't, and that's life, but people aren't wrong or trying to shame you for saying it's bad.
No. 887497
>>887494I hope everything in your closet was made by your local tailor.
Also it's a bit cringe that you're so unoriginal that you have to steal my insults every post lol…
No. 887498
>>887497>I hope everything in your closet was made by your local tailor.This isn't exactly impossible for people who aren't completely metropolitan first worlders.
TIL insults can be "stolen", kek. What happened to "Have a nice day", by the way? Are you really that desperate for the last word? You can take it if you really need it, I won't stop you.
No. 887499
>>887498I live in a second world country, some might even consider it third world. So everything in your closet is made by your local tailor right? Otherwise you'd be a giant hypocrite…
It's kinda odd that your mind is on having the last word though ;)
No. 887504
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me reading this right now
No. 887512
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I hate when people make endless excuses for buying things they know are bad for the environment and society as a whole. We've all heard the "There is no ethical consumption under late stage capitalism", but when it's not just a "What can you do" shrug, but actual rage, like you can literally feel the seethe about their mindless consoomerism and know it's an emotional thing for them, it's just cringy and sad.
Shein and Zara don't make cute clothes, most big coffee chains make shit quality coffee for all the people they exploit, etc. It's just embarrassing to defend them or yell about how it doesn't matter when even you know the actual truth.(stop being autismo)
No. 887532
puppies? those are some big ass dogs
No. 887537
>>887532They're enormous. They call them 'puppies,' no idea if true, about a year old each. One is 90 and the other a bit less, allegedly. Male German Shepherd Malamute mixes.
Fun note, her cat hates the dogs so much she is now drugging him on gabapentin to help him 'integrate.'
No. 887592
>>887539Yeah, they took the dogs into the house with no introduction, just dragged them in and let them herd and terrorise the poor cat. I had to grab him and basically throw him over the dog gate a few times to get him out of that, the sight of how afraid he was trapped against the wall with dogs on either side made me want to cry. He hides outside my door most of the time, and now is being drugged into oblivion because for some unknown reason the most loving cat I've ever known is now stressed and jumpy all the time and hates my sister, I wonder why!
>>887541I might have been lucky, but in the four apartments I've lived in, I basically never heard any objectionable noise except really loud upstairs footsteps in the one paper-thin 'luxury' apartment I was in. I think as long as I could get a top floor apartment that doesn't allow dogs it would be okay? I don't care about people playing music or sometimes hearing talking. I just can't bear constant banging noises and disgusting slobbering animals.
Earplugs and melatonin don't touch the noise in my current household. I think a more reasonable noise level would have it work, though. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's so loud I can put black metal on my speakers on max volume and the dogs crashing around on the hardwood upstairs is still louder.
I'm also scared about 'service dogs' since both of the dogs in my household are 'service dogs in training' that they can legally take into work with them for some reason, with the service they provide being picking things up for them and helping them stand up because they are fat, and for some reason the VA pays for that.
Thanks for your advice, helps put into perspective normal noise levels - think what I'm experiencing here has to be a lot worse as I never imagined I would be as bothered by noise as this.
>>887545I have, but she keeps saying weird infantilising things about how much I love the dogs even though I can't show it because I'm allergic to them. I just say like no I hate all dogs including your dogs and they wake me up every single day. She then says she can't deal with any more aggravated people and storms away. Completely denies it's a problem at all, probably because she hates how they have destroyed her life - can't ride off into the sunset on your motorcycle when you have dogs at the house that will shit on your floor and destroy your furniture if you leave them alone for five minutes.
I wish I could take the poor cat, but I'm allergic to them too. He's the sweetest, smartest cat I've ever seen.
A relief to post about this without people that adore dogs saying it's to be expected or people just getting awkward when I talk about it. Can't live like this!
No. 887603
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I just want off this ride. Everyone’s like YAASS KWEEEN THIS IS SOOOOO FEMINIST. I can’t. And then people are on IG like why don’t we just make an onlyfans platform ourselves but run by LGBTQ+ and women only. Do these people understand how absolutely nonsensical they sound? Also if you REALLY wanted that why the fuck hasn’t anyone just done it yet? E whores have been more than happy to shell over a percentage to the internet pimp until now. I fucking hate internet sex workers. Why doesn’t anyone care as much about women who are sex trafficked and forced into ACTUAL FSSW and helping them? They only care about fucking onlyfans.
No. 887626
>>887603I 100% agree with you.
Also, I saw this tweet this morning and had to get off the internet. Made me rage how twitter feminists think being awful to other women and men's bad actions is something to celebrate.
No. 887665
>>887603So you'll have to go from an e-prostitute back to being a real one and you consider that a W?
>why don’t we just make an onlyfans platform ourselves but run by LGBTQ+ and women onlySo they want woke pimping kek. Maybe a TIM programmer can make it for them.
No. 887670
>>887603I absolutely hate how little concern they have over the reasons
why OF is banning adult content. Literal rape, pedophilia, beastiality and spycam material being spread and the monitoring their legality is next to impossible. You could always fake someone's age or claim the rape is just roleplay, it's much easier to just ban porn altogether. This isn't like people uploading pirated mp3s or sharing whole TV series or something that causes financial strain on companies, this is literally about human rights and protecting the safety of the vulnerable demographics. Get a real job, flipping burgers or shelving products is miles more dignified than spreading your ass cheeks online.
No. 887689
>>887672Their only mental hangups are their attitudes and entitlement. They can hold jobs fine, they just don't want to.
Sex workers who were already out there working the streets won't be impacted by OF clamping down, it's the spoiled cam girls who want to be paid to sequester themselves in their rooms and have no real responsibilities who are screaming and bitching about this.
No. 887712
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I hate it when I love an artists artwork but they're awful people and/or gender specials. At this point I'm just saving the art so I don't have to sift through their retarded word salads on twitter.
No. 887720
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Whoever keeps typing like this.
No. 887840
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Him and his crusty nail polish acting like he accomplished anything. It’s like putting makeup on a hairy ass monkey, disgusting. I wish all leftist males to die, honestly can’t fucking stand them they just exist to have their ass patted for being smartbois~ like literally go to the grave
No. 888417
>>888381high school math is useless if you dont connect your future with it anyways. i know its easy to say but i also have a problem with math, but really dont worry about it
nonnie. stay focused on what you do best
No. 889194
>>888619It’s funny how different places can be, I went to an affluent area for secondary school but the calculus classes were more mixed in terms of economic status, one of the best girls in my grade was kicked out by her mother and was living with a friend around final exam time but she was the president of our math club and the valedictorian, then ended up getting a full scholarship for aerospace engineering.
A lot of the girls like that at my school were poor since they wanted to study STEM at university as a way out and plus being able to tutor math is easy money, so the constant review you get from that helps.
No. 889196
>>889185Your post makes no sense, tradthots and leftthots cannot be hot. You've already seen them.
I'm just stating a fact.
No. 889210
>>889203thanks for the encouragement
nonny, I want to love math but I suck cuz my teachers sucked so thank u I have hope
No. 889215
>>889196They're dogs, but saying that you can't do math because you're hot is the type of pickme shit that trad/left thots think it's cute to say (I swear I've seen like half of those cows say it verbatim).
It's also just not remotely true. All of the cute put-together girls at my school were at least in honors math classes, and the people in remedial math were always unappealing pyjama-pant wearing weirdos.
No. 889255
>>889215Anon, it's just a joke about being bad at math. Chill. I'd be lying if I said I relate to your experience (it was pretty much the opposite in my school, most of the "hottest" people were good at history, science, English, etc and ranged from actually bad to passable at math, while the people who excelled most at math were average or below-average, a few were scrotes with signs of possible autism or OCD), but in the end, it's not really that serious, kek.
No. 889314
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>>889282That's what everyone's been saying in math classes globally, and yet, they're ignored every time. Wake up and cancel math now, zoomers.
This is a joke, but unironically, anything past very basic math shouldn't be mandatory to learn. It's only worth the time/stress if you actually enjoy it, or if you'll use it in uni.
No. 889694
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>>889693>It's some weeb assholes using an anime avatar but also playing a dumbass scripted role doing dumb shit and creating even dumber commentaryyes, that's the whole point. What did you expect?
I personally dislike twitch streamers, especially female ones, but i love Vtubers. Vtubers, at least the ones from Hololive, Niji and small companies have talents, most of the sing, draw and can voice act.
No. 889697
>>889694>Liking that design unironicallyWhat's wrong with you anon, what the fuck
>>889696>Hololive is the Disney of vtubing.Absolutely accurate
No. 889699
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>>889696those two were my favourites too. The other ones except for Green Lammy i will check from time to time.
>>889697I don't like her design, i am not even male or a lesbian to give those watermelons use. I really like her bitchy, dom personality and her boomer tastes. When she sang the Digimon OP i knew her karaoke streams were going to be fun.
>>889698Anons point is pure subjectivity. She paints Vtubers as being the worst thing ever when it's just a group of weebs having fun. I have the same opinion about Jerma, pewdiepie and other ADHD zoomer content creators, doesn't mean my opinion is right, it just means i am not the audience for that content.
No. 889704
>>889699Sounds just as cringy as predicted. Honestly my biggest prolem is that they're toppling the line of being an actual person and playing a character without doing either one correctly. I'd much rather watch a realistic streamer
or a full on anime character instead of whatever mish-mash vtubers are, especially the English vtubers who make me experience so much second hand embarrassment it's unreal. It's like watching Chris-chan sperg about the dimensional merge and then going back to playing video games except much more artificial and less entertaining.
No. 889713
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Anime looking BJDs were a mistake
I like some of them on occasion, but they are now mostly pandered to gross moids who invaded the hobby with their semen crusted sweaty hands and these dolls are just fucking cursed now
The uguu loli ones are the worst offenders, even worse then super 32DDD hentai waifu ones
Melt them and just recast it into actually pretty BJDs please
No. 889738
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Why are all of these talibastards so sinfully ugly? Are they really just sand incels? They truly have nothing going for them except being born male and Muslim. They make Osama Bin Laden look sexy by comparison.
No. 889747
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>>889742They’re so hairy as well, can you imagine how much their ass stinks? How much dried fecal matter is entwined in that thick ass hair? All those dingleberries, many probably larger than their own ballsacks. They eat so much meat too. I bet it smells like they’re smuggling a 3 month old skunk corpse between their asscheeks. And they walk around probably with no underwear on, wearing those faggy tunics. I bet you can smell it wafting out from under their skirts as they march down the streets with their air of self righteous importance almost as pungent.
It’s almost depressing how little they have going for them. I bet they’re so fucking angry at the world. Why are they not angry at god? He is the one that decided to make them look like inbred bridge trolls. Truly the lowest of the low.
No. 889756
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>>889713Anon I don't know how to tell you this, but the ones who customize, own, photograph and sell most of these, including the one in your pic related, are japanese women.
No. 889841
I am sick and tired of women refusing to intellectually and mentally engage in anything that requires actual stamina. You whores read your Reddit posts and your manufactured “contrarian” (make no mistake; they’re in no way contrarian, they’re manufactured to appear so, which is part of their seduction and why so many of you retards think they’re 240 IQ opinions) tweets and keep uncritically regurgitating that bullshit. No wants to anything that would require them to honestly engage if costs them more than 2 braincells. You don’t want to read history, you don’t want to read theory, you don’t want to read rhetoric, you don’t want to gain a thorough understanding of anything, you just keep repeating the same talking points; and when these talking points become Established Talking Points, a new manufactured grifter talking point os established, and that’s the new flavour of the month for everybody! You want to be a retard? Fine. But don’t speak on things you don’t understand well, because your opinions and phrases and arguments have their own distinctive physiognomy too, and anyone can instantly tell what type of person you are and what spaces you hang out in and your familial situation at home.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 889891
>>889846snarky retarded dog
>>889858Of course I’m not talking about the average woman. I’m not so mentally handicapped as to ask her to read history or rhetoric. I’m talking about some of the women here and others who linger in similar spaces. If you’re going to try to advertise a certain type of self-image, at least have something to show for it instead of becoming an imitation of a retard. They don’t even have the privilege of being retards themselves.
No. 889911
>>889903Put down your meds and stop screeching, retard. I’m talking about the women here who engage in threads discussing politics. And yes, if you’re going to discuss these things on, I still expect you to have something to show for it.
>>889898Oooooh, who’s she?
>>889906Yes. Imageboard culture blah blah blah, you can still inadvertently and temporarily advertise a certain self-image especially if there’s lots of sperging. It’s greatly decreased here, of course, but I was thinking of other places when I said that.
No. 889919
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>>889911ok anon show us the amount of incomprehensible transcendental knowledge you have aquired. I think a lot of nonnas on here have based and informed opinions. You also sound like you have not read a book in your entire life.
>>889915You are very slow anon. I was joking because the
intellectual and historically politically knowledgeable anon sounds like the depiction of the INTJ type which is a stereotype. Don't make assumptions about my beliefs, I'm interested in MBTI but I know it is a fringe theory that holds no objectivity.
No. 889925
>>889919Reddit tier meme, I expected better, but eh.
>You also sound like you have not read a book in your entire life.This is very true. How did you know? I’m illiterate.
No. 889929
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Stop. Engaging. With. The. Male. And. Start. Making. This. Number. Higher.
No. 889984
>>889938the person you're replying to is not even me, it is someone LARPING as me or you have instrumentated all of this in an attempt to get to me because I am the object of your obsession. Thinking that a woman is interested in philosophy for male approval sits in the same line of thinking with scrotes that accuse women of being "fake gamer girls. You are faking it for male approval"; "You cannot even understand Spinoza you are faking it for male approval". There's no point in faking something men would hate you for like philosophy anyway. Men hate women that are interested in philosophy because most men in that field are very self righteous and believe every woman interested in their field is inferior and does not have the inborn capacity of understanding their special sigma male interest. No woman pretends to read 3000 pages of Spinoza for scrote attention or approval and it will have the opposite effect. If you actually want scrote approval or attention you show your ass and tits or pander to some of their universal stereotypical opinions like the right winger rethoric of "Im not like the leftist whores. I want to settle down and have children" or the leftist rethoric of "Sex workers are real workers subscribe to my onlyfans." Trying to get scrote attention reading Spinoza makes no sense lmao.
Also you do hold mysoginistic perspectives yourself as you are failing to accept some woman might have a male interest such as philosophy.
Also, if that is in fact a person LARPING as me, it is bad. I do not even hold most of the beliefs they are displaying. I think this place has literally exceeded it's intellectual purpose. A gossip board where critique over performative modern tranny Marxism is posted and many other interesting intellectual things. And that person uses "physiognomy" to refer to phrases and sentences. That's funny, "physiognomy" is used to describe human physique, not abstract entities such as phrases or sentences.
No. 889993
>>889984>the person you're replying to is not even me, it is someone LARPING as me ???
Anon replied to
>>889841, who is the OP. Who's LARPing as you while making standalone anon posts? Are these schizo hours?
No. 890039
>>890025True. Years ago after my marriage very suddenly ended.. I went to a therapist. My mom had died, my dad had moved away and now my husband had walked out all in the space of a year. I was isolated and in crisis and had alot to unpack… 3 weeks in and my gender feelings were being discussed because I think I mentioned me and my husband not fitting traditional roles. That's all it took.
Between the state I was in, the heavy meds I just started and this therapist wanting to explore that above all else… I got the diagnosis of gender identity disorder and went with the professionals advice (her and a seperate gender therapist) for 2 years before pulling back and asking how I ever got there. One year into hormones I had a 'what the hell am I doing' moment.
No. 890076
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>>889756I know. I am a part of the hobby myself, and as I said, I do like some of the anime BJDs, even some that are coomerish, like the one in your pic or picrel, but it's undeniable that moids are starting to appropriate this hobby and that they have now more waifu dolls catered to them. Slowly, but certainly. Look at Danny Choo, he's the living proof of this.
>Anon I don't know how to tell you thisAlso this is so patronizing. I hope I don't sound rude, but I don't know if you're ESL cause it just sounds like you're looking down on people you're talking to.
>>889760Sorry you like pedo dolls
>>889849Hopefully there aren't too many yet, but when I lurk BJD threads on /jp/ and see a hairy hand holding a moe blob doll I die a little bit inside.
No. 890100
>>890070Go to therapy is like the new "Ill pray for you (so shut up and don't bother me with your problems)". Isn't it basically like modern day church confessional, I hate how you're expected to spill your innermost self and traumas in therapy. It's so masochistic. Plus it gaslights women to hell and back.
>>890092And in general gaslighting about misogyny, as if a woman who was raped should get over her fear of men and hurry up and get back to fucking.
No. 890280
i hate it when i see other girls calling women in their twenties and thirties old. listen, i get it, when you’re 17 you don’t think you’ll ever reach 27, we were all the same. i used to be the same up until i was 18, and thankfully a cool friend who’d instantly call me out on it. she had this saying, “from 25 to 35, you’re still taking off your adulthood training wheels.” i mean, eventually you grow up a little and come to grips with the passage of time and try to enjoy each phase of life with its different joys and anxieties, no? because i’m a “zoomer” (whatever that means), and every other girl my age or younger keeps saying shit like “adopt me” “you’re so old wow” to 24 and 25 year old women? and oh my god, 30 year old women. that’s a whole other story. they act like they drop off the face of the earth, like technology and internet is new to them, like they lose everything that makes them bright and interesting and…die?
it gets on my nerves because it’s so dehumanising. once i saw this girl saying about talking to an older woman with wrinkles gave her distress because it reminded her she’s going to be her one day. it’s so, so dehumanising. they’re not women at all to them. i get freaking out about the passage of time, hell, i’m turning 20 by the end of this year, and i was anxious about it. but everyone has anxiety about the passage of time, family and friends growing old, death ceasing to be abstract, having to make peace with mortality, mourning childhood, disillusionment, loss….it’s just part of life. that’s the fun of it. it’s a character development arc everyone has to go through. but these girls would rather die than stop projecting their neurosis on every other woman they see, and i hate it
No. 890299
>>890294And then when you call them out on it they say "Um well actually, 30s
is middle aged! 60 used to be old age back in the day!" Ah well shit, better start calling myself middle-aged at 20 then, since people used to die by 40 too once upon a time. Then you prod them some more and it turns out they're mentally ill, insecure 25 year olds who try to make themselves feel better by dragging older women down, because at least they're not 30! Straight out of the Shoeonhead playbook.
No. 890316
>>890100I was literally thimling the other day about how therapy now serves the exact same function as confession for catholics. You get to "get things off your chest" to someone who is required to be supportive, and in return for the most part they give you a broad blanket "solution" to your problem, be it saying hail marys or taking pills. And it does feel relieving to get things off your and to have someone tell you you're doong the "right" stuff and that everything will be ok. It's a literal security blanket, because it is scary that there is no one actually capable of or responsible for helping ypu but yourself.
But the relief of unloading your issues doesn't last when you aren't actually changing the things in your life that ypu don't like. This is why therapy & confession both have a schedule of "once a week, forever". This is why it's exhausting to know people who unload on you like this, it feels like the same thing week after week no matter how much you "talk it through" every time. Change is only slow; you will have to convince someone of something abour a billion times before they actually are able to change their behavior & mental habits. And it's still rare that it ever happens. And this is when it's you & a close friend or partner you care deeply for & know deeply as well. A therapist, who has what, fifty, a hundred clients? More? Yeah, they don't know you, and will never, and it's not even their fault - if you only see someone once a week, you won't even get to know them as fast as that person themselves is changing. You just can't form the deep emotional understanding it takes to even grasp a person's deal in once a week meetings. And it's a rare therapist who even tries to see you as an individual rather than trying to slot you into a diagnosis box as fast as possible so they can give you pills and tell you what you're supposed to feel. The sole value in therapy is that you can pay some0ne to listen to you vent, which is really worth a lot actually. But don't expect anything useful from them. If they say something you actually find useful, that's wonderful, but don't expect it, and treat them & their so-called diagnoses with about as many grains of salt as you'd take for internet weirdos diagnosing you; they both know ypu about as well. In fact the internet weirdo probably is more insightful because they can be truly honest.
No. 890318
>>890305>it’s weird because so many older teens now look no different from people in their late 20sthis. i see women saying shit like “25 looking like 18, flex” retard, this is how you’re supposed to look. it is not a flex.
but i thought it was only online too until i saw women in their twenties irl. they absolutely cling to that whole idea of youth, freaking out whenever someone reminds of their age, glowing with happiness whenever someone tells them they look younger than they are. you ask them what they look forward to in life and it’s nothing, it’s grim.
No. 890326
>>890316>This is why therapy & confession both have a schedule of "once a week, forever"It’s hard to trust someone whose entire business depends on you being mentally ill, no honest incentives. although i’m impartial about the matter because i know a lot of people who have benefitted form therapy, especially bpd girls and sexual assault
victims. it’s hard though because for the most part it has the potential to make you enter a feedback loop where you mentally jerk yourself ad infinitum. to be honest, i’d say i’m a bit suspicious of “anti-therapy” people right now, it’s a very trendy anti-popular opinion opinion, and i’m generally wary of trends
No. 890332
>>890280The expiration date set for women is like 17, after that you're over and should start pushing out some motherfucking babies already. I pray that the anons who think a 30-year old dressing in alt fashion is peak milk because she's a "middle-aged hag" will go through the worst age crisis in a few years when they hit their 30's and realize they're not ready to put on that mommy gear and abandon everything that makes life fun.
>it gets on my nerves because it’s so dehumanising. once i saw this girl saying about talking to an older woman with wrinkles gave her distress because it reminded her she’s going to be her one day. That's awful. I get the fear of becoming legitimately old when you're thinking about your health failing and your loved ones dying but becoming neurotic over looks is absolutely the last priority you should have.
>>890318It's so weird seeing women at 25 gloat about how "well-preserved" are for "looking the same they did at 18". Bitch you don't turn into a mummy in 7 years, what the fuck. You're still a young adult. You're a baby. Aging is a long, gradual process that allows you enough time to find your worth in something else than looking like a teenager.
No. 890338
>>890318nta but I could sperg abput this basically forever. To be brief, I think movies, music & YA has basically had the main characters/stars get younger & younger, to the point where in music for example ypu have billie eilish, olivia rodrigo, etc get famous as 16-17 year olds and get dropped by almost everyone as soon as they're 19, god forbid 20. Even with things that I like, like harry potter, it's all about tweens & teens, while LOTR for example is all adults afaik. I guess I don't know how old the hobbits are but they arent teens anyway. So people get enmeshed in all this teen-centric media as a teen, and theres no avenue for being an adult. They get stuck in the "teens are cool, adults are lame" mindset, and the feeling seems to be "I don't pass for a teen anymore? Guess I'll die." As a result I think people lack role models for healthy, normal, non-parent adult life.
Best example I can think of: cinderella & snow white look solidly 30 or at least 25, while ariel looks only like 15-18, jasmine maybe 20 at most, and that was in the 90s, and now we have anna/elsa/tangled perma-chibi monstrosities. There are exceptions like pocahontas/nani but the trend os younger. It's terrible really, because if your role model is older, you look up to them for longer, rather than having to recognize yourself as now past where that's appropriate. Men get to imagine their future self as 50-yr old han solo for most of their lives, and after that they get to imagine themselves as clint eastwood or any number of "old cool dudes". In this discrepancy we see the influence of male domination in the media industry.
No. 890544
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>>890338Hobbits aren’t even considered adults until they’re 33, truly the most advanced society.
>mfw people shit on Elijah Wood Frodo, the most accurately cast of the hobbits No. 890554
I hate phoneposting on lolcow, even if litemode it's slow af, my typing won't show up as I do it, have to wait ages just for the down scroll arrow to show up, etc etc. It might be my phone idk.
>>890547>>890544I never seen anyone complain about Elijah as Frodo either, and I think I'd remember because I'd be very offended. He was an absolute angel and perfect for the role.
No. 890593
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>>890544I know this is things we hate thread but god you reminded me how cute young Elijah was, had the biggest crush on him when Fellowship came out.
No. 890809
>>890463Not British but imagine these people getting famous today. Or Joni Mitchell, or any of the family bands like the Osmonds. It's so jarring how
normal they look compared to today's musicians.
No. 890895
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>>890809I'm gonna cry about Mama Cass forever. You know she died in the same apartment as Keith Moon and they were both 32? The media said she died choking on a ham sandwich, because she was a big woman and apparently there was half a sandwich on the night stand. But her close friends and family are certain it had to do with her substance abuse.
No. 891151
>>891145reaction images as a whole aren't a twitter thing, it depends on what kind. this is an
imageboard after all.
No. 891496
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when scrotes get mad at a simple wholesome cooking video lol
No. 891513
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Braces with headgear. My teeth weren't even that bad but my dentist forced me to wear a headgear together with my normal braces every day for two hours per day & every hour I was sleeping at night. Turned out, that I wasn't sleeping that much the ages I had to wear those godawful torture machines. They even wanted me to wear those to school but I thankfully threw a tantrum and avoided it or else I would have probabaly been bullied even more than I already was. This shit huets and is uncomfortable as fuck. Every time I see this I feel bad for my 12 year old self.
No. 891541
>>890280I never got the obsession with age. Being an old hag is cool. Got my job, got my husband, got my house. Less creeps on you, too. Once you get over your awkward years life is easy mode
>>890299people dying at 50/60 in old times is fake, too. Most people reached their 70/80s no problem. Just kids were a lot more likely to die, sadly
No. 891664
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These bitches, but especially the green one
No. 891671
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bigger women who walk around purposely looking a mess to prove a point, what point? I don't know, but you can't tell me Lizzo thinks she looks good in the shit she wears.
She knows she could be sexy in something that fits.She walks around in Shayna Tier ill-fitting cheap looking clothing, as well as doing Shayna Tier ass shots.
No. 891787
>>891775>ana-chanReally, faggot? Anon said that she could be attractive if she wore fitting clothes. Besides, the average person thinks obese people are disgusting, that has nothing to do with-
>I'm a fattyOh. Kill yourself.
(a-log) No. 891883
>>891671I'm torn on this. I don't think lizzo looks good with her clothing getting sucked into her rolls, but I also don't think it's anyone's responsibility to dress in a flattering way. You should obviously avoid public indecency, but it's clear that dressing in clothes that flatter your body isn't an expectation for most people (if it was, everyone would basically just wear those paneled sheath dresses that weather girls wear). The whole "tailored slacks and a structured top" look that everyone tries to push on fat women is really aging, and makes you look like a makeover contest winner on a boomer tv show.
Basically, lizzo looks bad in this but a lot of people look bad. As long as she isn't exposing her ass to kids (which is sometimes the case unfortunately), I don't think her showing a little chunk for the chubby chasers is any worse than regular thot stuff.
No. 891906
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This style
No. 892045
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>>891906this just reminded me how ugly the leather skirt trend is
No. 892053
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>>891664Samefag, I just remembered Grace's ugly sculptures. Hate these too.
No. 892155
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I hate how in the past few years, so many youtube videos have this grey/white aesthetic. In the past youtube videos were more vibrant. I feel depressed watching videos now with everything being grey. Am I the only one who noticed this happening?
No. 892184
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>>892160its two mangakas and they draw a lot of shota bait, honestly sometimes just straight up shota, a lot of promotional art of tbhk had hanako in shibari bondage and the characters kinda groping eachother.
No. 892255
>>892148…I hope the people who are outraged by this grow out of this.
There's a huge difference between handling uncomfortable and harsh irl topics in a simplified manner and making nazi propaganda.
Sometimes I wonder for mangaka feel who deliberately want to comment on topics like war and racism through their stories just to have it taken at the flattest layer possible and turned around on them.
Same shit with SNK, it's so ridiculous.
No. 892311
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I know she is a literal who to most people but I hate how the only celebrity I ever liked is binging her career away and now literally doing porn…. I want to kms. They are really going to make her white Lizzo and she is pushing away both her male audience with the obesity and the female audience with the porn. Rip her career I guess. She was so fucking beautiful with top-tier songs