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No. 924402
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>>924397Same. Can we have another thread?
No. 924462
>>924407tbh i get what you mean - most of the cows here don't do much harm.
but i come here to let out my petty bitch side. so sometimes it's fun to just talk shit, even if it's about small things like a cow's latest dumbass take or disastrous outfit.
i don't pretend there's a moral justification for it lol
No. 924539
>>924533>>924523>>924519Those threads are just gc sperging containment zones.
They don't follow lolcow thread rules at all, every time I scroll by them there's blogposting galore. Someone I know did yadda yadda, this just happened to me yadda yadda
No. 924545
>>924539I wish it
was blogposting gc general but there are obviously people who think they're "gendercrit" only because they hate trannies. There's some strange anon who looks for any opportunity to complain about lesbians, then you got a sudden influx of people shoehorning bitching about FTMs in
every discussion for some reason even when it's a MTF thread, pure /pol/ spergs and "radfem" tradthots bringing up Da Joos, globohomo conspiracies and fanficcing about muh sodomites raping children. The original GC threads were what originally peaked me because the anons there were so convincing and always very composed. I miss Manifesto-chan serving a hot dish of basedness, the informative articles about the trans cult and analyzing the horrorcows and their handmaidens. Not this "actually we should side with right-wingers my fellow girls, they would totally accept us with open arms!" astroturfing.
No. 924590
>>924586I just scroll by the tradthot thread too. But I mean, what do you expect. These are all ideologically charged threads (which is why I avoid them).
Lolcow doesn't (and hopefully never will) cater to anyone's agenda. You're asking for double standards. I hope you don't get them.
But come all to the townhall and let's discuss it. I personally want lolcow to remain an oasis of petty lulz, among the entire rest of the politically charged and polarized Internet. I think a lot of others would miss such a place too.
No. 924596
>>924498god if i have to see another screencap of shayna's payscrote womack…
we get it, you think he's pathetic, but the thread isn't ABOUT him.
No. 924694
>>924665I know but kf is such a cesspool, i get no pleasure reading threads there.
She'd make a good /snow/ cow imho
No. 925367
>>925334I agree.
What's impressive is how much she's ballooned up in a shirt time though, if you look at pics from 18 months ago it's pretty incredible.
The anons acting like she's 500lbs are being ridiculous, but she should get there in a few years at this rate.
No. 925391
>>925334the majority of shayna farmers are anachans. i've followed her since her first few threads (right after the first removal when her family was posted) and they've been calling her fat ever since then.
weight spergs and vag spergs in shay's threads are actual trash.
No. 925475
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Sucks that Trisha/H3 thread has devolved into a safe space for H3 subreddit spergs to vent their wrongthink while insisting the H3 family has any redeemable qualities.
I've wanted a Trisha thread here for years. She is way more interesting than Fester and his broomstick wife.
I really enjoy Trisha's semi-self aware brand of crazy, but she puts out hours and hours of content weekly so I literally don't have the time to keep up with her. I just want a fun thread with highlights of her bullshit without constant blog posts about why she's literally Hitler. The only other place that follows her closely is guru gossip and there is some schizo level boomerism over there,you'd think she stole all their Nigels lol.
No. 925483
>>925475>broomstick wife Kek.
Tbh a Teisha thread would not have done well here. That is to say, she would never work as a standalone cow, because she inspires so much hate in anons that the thread would be constantly full of infighting and derailing. Annoying because I would have loved a thread on her, possibly debunking some of her claims along the way and all, but there is no way it wouldn't erupt into murder every 5 minutes
No. 925504
>>925334Her porn is cringey to me but she's a very attractive woman. Had she gone any other route like beauty or fashion influencer, she'd be one of the people that others would seethe with envy over.
In the back of my mind I always hope such disparaging comments about her appearance are just coming from a place of frustration out of contempt that she's squandering her looks by degrading herself. Like seriously I hope people calling her fat, ugly, and pretending she's got a radioactive-tier infected vulva are just getting a little carried away and aren't that serious…
No. 925544
>>925504She's not interested in fashion or beauty, she's always been lazy, Shayna isn't very attractive and has never been very attractive IMO, but thats just me. She was once average though, now since she's given up on even doing the little she once did…yeah.
Either way, she has no personality, no drive, no fashion sense and even if she DID attempt to do that, I'm sure nobody would "Seethe" with envy over Shayna, I mean seriously? She's average girl, in any city when she's dressed decently.
No. 925569
>>925561>i think he’s handsome in a…attainable yourself. and why would anyone be attracted to a man who reminds them of their dad
>>925565that wouldn't make him any less annoying/cringe
No. 925807
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Surprised this complete lolcow doesn't have a thread
No. 925958
>>925500Idk, I think so. He's a 40 year old guy who likes young girls, does cringey as hell cosplay and only eats chicken fingers. Threads have been made about women for much less. I think he will pull a chrischan soon and come out as a trans/enby "lesbian" to make it easier to creep on girls.
>>925682>>925502I don't think most of us would disagree that she's fat, it's just that anons seem overly focused on her weight and act like she is a Tess level hamplanet.
No. 926074
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>>925504>she's a very attractive woman. Had she gone any other route like beauty or fashion influencer, she'd be one of the people that others would seethe with envy over. She's just barely average looking and she would have never had a chance as a beauty/fashion influencer because she's tacky and trashy.
No. 926651
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>>926612I want to know where that anon lives. If this is the face of the average 24 year old there…. yikes
No. 926785
>>926782The one is still going off even though someone tried to explain whatever the original point was. It’s funny sometimes when they’re just being retarded and not aggressive but yeah, having the wade past hoardes of hostile aggressiveness just for one or two dumb posts from Shayna is
a lot.
No. 926829
>>926825this. the doghate anon in her thread will make MULTIPLE COMMENTS about shay's "retarded dog" until someone mentions it, too. then they start the "why do you care about a DOG" shit.
we care about you shitting up an already spergy thread. we have to deal with vag-nitpickers, why do we have to tolerate a random dog hater who never even contributes anything, just has to mention "hurr durr dog retarded" ten times a thread.
No. 927428
>>927314She'd be better off marrying elon
or something? Ffs that's bleak.
No. 927614
>>927299And has a child with him before he proceeds to dissolve the relationship like all the others.
It's pretty bleak.
No. 927620
>>927262choosing to believe it's only other stupid teens doing that bc that's gross otherwise
the shayna thread pic is so disturbing to look at whoever drew it needs to get off this site for a while, her anons are weird
No. 927684
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she's so gorgeous. I wish we could be friends, too bad she'd call me a fat dyke when she gets mad at me. her spiritualism is interesting to me and I fantasize about us sitting together on a round fluffy rug with crystals surrounding us and we're sperging about shit at 53141mph.
No. 927708
>>927704okay well the latter would be a problem if it was about any animal. like those people who buy guns in case a cat comes into their yard. or those people who buy guns in case a squirrel touches their bird feeder.
"i don't want to pet your dog and please hold its collar so it doesn't drool and get fur on my clothes while jumping all fucking over me when i walk through your door minding my own business" is equated to "this person is worse than hitler and paul bernardo combined and is a hideous freak of nature, what a piece of shit."
fun fact, hitler loved dogs like crazy.
No. 927724
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>>927704I can't even comfortably walk around my neighborhood because of the amount of people who dump their dogs in the wooded dead end near my house. Fuck dogs, Fuck dog worship culture, fuck the massive industry profiting off of it too. I can hate them just as much as you can hate spiders.
Pic related, more babies were killed by dogs in one year than COVID ever could
I'll take my ban with my middle finger up and my pussy poppin
No. 927738
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>>927727That's like giving her shit for hating guns and not the gun owners. Dangerous dogs are dangerous doesn't matter the circumstances. Also funny how if it's "the owner not the breed" but the bad owners can keep getting dogs. No checks and balances. Chaos and sadness
No. 927771
>>927718Giving them a containment thread really didn't do shit besides make them think they're welcome.
It's even grosser because they act like just being averse to dogs is the same as the insane shit they post and say. They're dishonest about it because they know they're unhinged, and they're rightfully ashamed, but not enough to spare us their mental illness. I wish they'd just fuck off.
No. 927806
>>927742ok so shouldn't you realize that "rabid dog haters" aren't objectively hating dogs or calling for extermination–they know it's the owner's fault, but the thing that causes the problems is still the shittily-trained dog.
and the problem dog haters are complaining about is that near 100% of dog owners do not properly train their dog. it's so common that it can be espressed as hating dogs.
No. 927852
Nikocado and Moist Critikal (charlie) are going back and forth, and it's dumb. Nik knows what he's doing, why he's doing it and it's all entertainment, YES he is harming himself. He's harming HIMSELF though, I wish people would stop this fake concern about his weight. You don't care, Nik is a lolcow, he's disgusting, he's a easy way for commentary channels to get clicks.
He's low hanging fat, I hate when people make it seem like they are concerned or, "OMG he's killing himself" You don't care.
Also, Nik had some points in his clap back video. It's just dumb.
No. 927881
>>927869But anon! it’s completely normal to be mad at people with dogs when they scared you as a child, totally not insane to keep a grudge on an animal that’s probably already dead, to the point of actually sperging about it on the internet as much as possible.
What do you want anon to do? Grow up? Kek, don’t be silly.
No. 927932
>>927869Yeah but no one gives a fuck about it or follows any rules regarding it. I have no idea what
>>927881 is sperging about but if you live in a shit neighborhood, a good amount of people raise (or, rather lack of doing that) their, often already aggressive by nature, dogs to be awful, untrained, unleashed shitstains while the owners act like their dog owns the world and can do no wrong, even when it starts jumping and attacking not only dogs but also people several times. I don't even dislike dogs but sometimes it's really hard not to when you live in those places.
No. 927934
>>927932animal control is who you call when animals are running the street, causing a nuisance, or not being cared for. If that doesn't work, call the cops. Everyone isn't a
victim, if you're too lazy to call someone about some aggressive animals around you, you're part of the problem. Idgaf if someone hates dogs, but if someone hates dogs "Because dogs are aggressive and I can't do anything about it", nah. Being in a shitty area doesn't mean you're powerless.
No. 927936
>>927932Dogs don’t even have to be aggressive to hurt people. My neighbors dog has jumped on me out of excitement, knocking me down, bruising and cutting me and stepping on my ribs. If I was a child, it could have easily been a more severe injury or the kids reaction could have escalated things.
Not to mention there’s always at least one asshole in the apartment or neighborhood whose dog yaps every morning at 5am and won’t stfu
No. 927950
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I deserved the ban. I knew what I was doing. Sorry for getting you banned nonnie but I did laugh pretty hard about it.
No. 927972
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Snow is going to get a pretty light sentence imo, there are plenty of witnessess that it was an accident and she doesn't have a previous criminal record and seems to "just" be an edgelord NEET, I don't think her tik toks matter that much or her lack of remorse (which is explained by her bajillion mental illness diagnoses, legally speaking) since there were other people present in the event.
They also did everything by the book, contacted law enforcement, didn't hide anything from the police etc.
No. 928006
>>927988I literally just told you my personal experience in both replies from living in a shit neighborhood for almost a decade, where everyone needs a dog for some reason despite having minimal living room and money. Cops and authorities ONLY care when they maul people. Not when they snap at people, not when they bite other dogs, not when dangerous dogs aren't leashed, not when the ones who are required to wear muzzles run around without it, not when they piss and shit absolutely everywhere including property, stairwells and elevators with the owners not cleaning it up, not when people that absolutely are not equipped for it breed races that need a lot of care, not when little kids walk naturally aggressive dogs they can barely hold and not when people hold dogs that are almost as tall as standing humans if prop up on your shoulder in 1 room apartments. Those are the other ones I remember at the top of my head.
>get tf up on out of thereworking on it
No. 928010
>>928006anon I hate
certain dogs as much as the next sociopathic monster but you're sperging in the wrong thread.
No. 928148
>>928006Okay, but why are you lot calling Shayna’s dog retarded while derailing her already boring thread? It’s kind of the theme of this thread, so what’s your reasoning?
I’m not talking about dogs in general, i really want to know why is Noodle retarded.
No. 928181
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Honestly? I would like to send Joshy boy a handwritten love note along with a lock of hair I gathered from a homeless man.
No. 928349
>>928157Not the same anon, but I also feel kind of bad for him. I'm not a fan either. I don't really give a shit about his content or him so I don't really want to start anything either.
Honestly most of his fans are unhinged teenagers and other weirdos so I wouldn't be surprised if some of them will try to show up where he lives and ask him to choke them or something else equally insane.
I also feel bad because some people found his family memebers, who have nothing to do with his online persona.
And I also get why he'd want to hide his face. Many other artists don't like showing their faces and rather use an avatar and that seems perfectly fair to me.
No. 928377
>>928369you don't want him to dump his
genetic load into you? god why ever not?
No. 928385
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>>928181He could be quite cute if he wasn't a fatty, tbh.
No. 928391
>>928349Nta but he's the one who wanted to pander to those type of fans. As it was said before, he brought all this drama upon himself.
>>928294>>928385Lmao even if he was thin and not retarded he still looks like a baby with downs syndrome. Love yourselves.
No. 928425
>>928393Tbh even if he was 6' he's still clinically obese at 300 pounds. And we all know that ain't muscle weight.
>>928385Null is fat and I would not have sex with him.
Speaking of fatties, does anyone else think that the majority of Kiwis like Null are actually flabbies and fatties themselves and that's why they obsess over fat women particularly more over there?
No. 928832
>>928826Nope, but the overreaction from some anons is equally dumb. A misspelling or lame joke should not
trigger homicidal rage
No. 930086
>>929547Thank you–Dawn was a fucking freak and you can really feel the "sexworker" energy in the thread when anons thought Dawn would encourage her and "turn her career around." Honestly the only sensible thing Shay ever did was get the hell away from that dog dildo nightmare house.
>>929758Please get bent, the people who shit up the threads are the nail/weight/vag-spergs, ASPCAnons, and Fupa-obsessed not those who make a joke once.
No. 930926
>>930086Don't forget the sped-dog anons who respond to every post about Noodle with "retard dog"
Or the Womack posters who, when he isn't even mentioned in a few threads, feel the need to bring him up with his full name as if it's some sort of 'inside joke'.
No. 930942
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>>930926seriously, stop trying to make womack a 'thing', it isn't funny in the slightest
No. 931123
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The bone rattling in Lori's thread is unbelievable. Every time I open /w/ this thread has been bumped back up with ridiculous anachan reaching.
No. 931217
>>931123I don't get Lori anachans because there are so many real and funny things to laugh at Lori and especially Kevin for, that making up some weird fake cope about her being fat instead seems so useless. Nobody needs to try to go out of their way to
trigger them when the lurk to get milk, those two will always sperg and fight unprompted eventually and show the internet.
No. 931285
>>931141Yeah celebricows has become rife with them too. I know it's been said before but I'm just so tired of the sperging. As a former anachan I know an ED is a mental illness that never fully leaves you, and body dysmorphia is a giant hurdle, but I hate bone rattlers so fucking much. If Gigi Hadid is a landwhale to you then you probably need glasses and a psych exam, I don't make the rules. Even Lana del Rey, despite gaining weight, looks fine to me. Shouldn't it be refreshing that there's more people who aren't bone skinny in entertainment? As much as I love 90s and 00s entertainment that was one of my greatest problems with the culture back then. Healthier young celebs were pressured into becoming bone skinny and it influenced thousands of young girls
in part including myself to want to starve and purge to achieve that figure. Why bone rattlers want to repeat that dark time in history and lampoon every woman who weighs over 120 lbs is beyond me
No. 931342
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Wow. Luna's thread is actually dead, lol.
No. 931346
>>931318edtwt is such a sickening and gross place so it makes sense why they'd annoy the shit of me
sometimes during my downtime I like to troll that side of twt and report them all into oblivion, I used to occasionally do the same thing with self harm accounts
No. 931358
>>931285>Why bone rattlers want to repeat that dark time in history and lampoon every woman who weighs over 120 lbs is beyond meIt's not even just that, they apparently have to nitpick what actual skinny anorexics eat in the pro ana scumbags thread. There was one ana chan picking on Gamer for eating 2 bagels, some eggs and salmon because apparently that's way too much food for a barely recovered anorexic trying to build muscle. This girl isn't a fat larper, she was deathly skinny and is still clearly underweight, imagine having the fucking audacity to suggest she should eat less.
Anorexics are truly the worst kind of mentally ill people, the combination of vanity and competitiveness makes them genuinely mean. Their entire life revolves around validation and they often get it from putting others down.
No. 931423
>>931403it very much feels like they hold contempt towards them for a select few things predominantly based in appearance. even the recent sperging about how diana was plain or ugly. not sure if you're the anon who said there is more to women than their appearance, but that post was on the nose. For as much lookism that goes on any sperging about people's actions feels buried. Again, in the context of silly outfits at the met gala it makes sense to sperg out, that's the point of the event, but the same points about these same celebrity women being wrung dry is ridiculous. This kind of shit is exactly what drives the infectious and incurable disease that is the current plastic surgery and diet machine, and women are spurring it on ourselves. Maybe I'm just at the age where I'm tired, but in my mid twenties now I don't have the desire to care about nesolabial folds, eye wrinkles, lines on my face or anyone else's. the only thing I miss about previous eras of celebrity is how people werent relying on quickie surgery procedures to look like clones, how people were at least differently lookist, it still occurred, but at least people were more distinctive, I guess? It feels like everything has been stripped. the fun and amusement of celebrity culture has been bleached dry. influencers like the kardashians pushing the trends they have has become a poisonous injectable if you will for young girls egos and psyches, universalized a boring and samey look like dead eyed and lifeless sex dolls. so now everytime someone comes along who doesn't fit that mold, people are far more critical than they've been, pushing for "unique" celebs to fall for those trends themselves. does it fare well for them in the end? not necessarily, looking at how a lot of these plastic surgery procedures have aged. I'm not confident in myself at all, body or face, but I can't help but feel like I need to be above the surgery culture that's arisen from this era of celebrity. it makes me sad to see women who I'd never thought fall for it change themselves into featureless and indistinct blowup dolls to appease the vanity industry. there was even an article awhile back about plastic surgeons who primarily do small work, often for older celebs, who said themselves that this kind of look and culture is harmful. ps wasnt something reserved for the younger, prettier person in the first place, it was targeted at older demographics prior to the influencer boom. it was meant to "enhance", not entirely change the face, and be done in tasteful and barely noticeable amounts. now you got dermatologists and non board certified med spas suggesting their twenty some year olds get fish sized anus lip fillers. I'm tired of this shit.
No. 932105
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This can't be fucking right. Steven is the one enabling Jillian retardedness and he's probably doing it on purpose to keep her under his control, probably laughs at it too.
Also what the fuck, she has become a full on munchie. She now talks to herself on twitter and just spent 1000 on an unnecesary brain scan, frivolous spending gone wrong. Imagine paying for something a cancer patient could be needing instead, just because you want to show the internet how (fake) mentally ill you are.
No. 932114
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>>932105Pixie is weird, it really feels like we're watching a woman tiktok herself into a genuine break from reality. And her clownish style reminds me more and more of Louis Wain's distorted cats.
No. 932359
>>932187You could have easily written this about me and I still can't tell you the reason why
A deep seated unhappiness with my life that can't be filled because it comes from within myself? An addiction to novelty? Lack of self control owing to an upbringing in poverty?
Shopping addictions are a common issue these days, who can say what really causes it
No. 932437
>>931141they're incredibly, infuriatingly annoying outside of their containment thread but weirdly fascinating within it. especially the ancient bonelords you can tell have been at it for a long time.
>>931342her thread has been a variation of 'luna takes drugs and is dirty' with short bursts of drama for most of its lifespan. the fact that she has a ''''job'''''''''' now at least means that things could get briefly interesting again.
No. 932673
>>931358I remember browsing one anacow's thread just to see what it was all about, I had to physically leave when she was in the process of gaining weight and recovering from being deathskinny anons started calling her fat and pointing out her "belly rolls" or whatever. Despite her still obviously being underweight at that point, just not a ghastly sack of bones anymore. It's sick beyond belief. I don't even know if it's fat larpers trying to cope with being overweight or do actual anachans really concern themselves with others' looks that much?
Whichever the case they ruin all threads in /snow/ with their obsessive weight sperging, every cow they ever come across is fat to them and they can't shut up about it. Fat fat fat. Every post has to be zooming in to any skin fold they might have to write a spergy post about how she's such a fat fuck who should stop stuffing her face and preferably cease to exist altogether. I can't imagine being that obsessed with weight unless you had huge issues with it yourself.
No. 932685
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I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face
I want to punch pixielocks in the face(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 932804
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At first I felt that anons were projecting when they claimed Pixie is jealous of the teacher’s victims and that she wishes she had some of her own deep-seated trauma were projecting, but then I remembered I used to be friends with a girl that would have this weird longing look on her face or straight up almost giddy whenever she heard about someone’s trauma and had a ton of roleplay characters she was obsessed with that were all rape victims that all were male prostitutes and/or drug addicts (cut her off when we were in our early 20s and she would more often bring any and all subjects back to her totes original characters do not steal). Girl came from a pretty comfortable background similar to Jill and had on record announced that she wished she wasn’t so ordinary, and have of course trooned out last I heard of her. So Jill wishing she had a more… “colourful” past is pretty believable with her mental illness shopping. They are both the same breed of insufferable
No. 932825
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despite her atrocious hobbit physique, she kind of looks nice in this, maybe my standards for how humans should appear in public is extremely low but meh
No. 932879
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>>932839She really does look pretty cute in this, if only she wasn’t ultra delusional and stopped larping as a brit with her bad teeth and all
No. 932922
>>932825>>932839 here, the only thing I don't like are the red spots that make it look like her panties and bra are visible through the dress (which I assume isn't what's happening, based on
>>932879). I wish it was shooped away
No. 933464
I'll probably be accused of being Loony Lori, but the anons in her thread are fucking retarded.
There's this constant talk about how embarrassing it is that she tries to pass for a teen, yet they'll mock the chest cavity issue (which isn't her fault, she's a shit person, but that's something someone is born with and its beyond her control), her feet size (also beyond her control), and her weight gain (.. uh, isn't this.. a GOOD thing?). If people want this bitch to quit pedo pandering and to start acting and dressing her age, screeching about her looking how someone would likely look at 36 isn't going to help that. They act like she's the fucking crypt keeper and that her skin is melting right off the bone. I swear, the same anons who frequent June's thread must also visit Loony's because it's the exact same type of comments.
Neither of them are melting. They have shit makeup, shit diets, and shit skin care routines. Change those and things would be a little better.
No. 933466
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>>932437Oh, I was talking about this Luna.
No. 933710
>>933464I agree that there's no point in picking at things she can't change, there's way too much nitpicking wrt to her in every thread when their lunacy is the real milk. However, Kevin does kind of look like he's melting, but that could largely just be due to how fast he let his mental health and hygiene deteriorate. If it came out that he dabbled in meth or something I wouldn't be shocked, he has that look these days. And I think the June thread is a different but similar case, anons point out her age and Lori's just because they know that's their sore spot and want them to get
triggered by lurking. I sincerely doubt anyone in June's thread thinks she looks old, she doesn't. But they know that
she thinks she's expired based on her own ideology, so they hope to press her buttons. It's annoying for sure tho when it fills the majority of a thread.
No. 936601
>>936469The Venus anons are bigger cows than Venus is, at this point. Venus is just depressing and disheartening to witness noe. The a-logging about how evil Venus is and how her mom is actually the
victim in this situation is a fresh crockpot of insanity.
I remember this one anon a-logging that her childhood couldn't have possibly been that bad, because she had the opportunity to go to Japan and received some nice gifts, as so many children want to do. It confirmed to me that a substantial amount of the sperging on her thread must be coming from people who are bizarrely jealous of her fucked up childhood.
I honestly just feel bad for Venus. There's no entertainment in her as a cow, just watching a traumatized person downward spiral with little to no panache.
No. 936731
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>>936730they look exactly the same
No. 937100
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i'm sad the royal drama thread died. they're all cows
No. 939307
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Effina is just some 4chan pickme who got picked by an ugly white scrote. I feel like she should be interesting in theory, but she's quite boring. It's crazy IMHO that her thread is always on the first page of /snow/. The PS on all her pics is ridiculous, yeah, but it's overhyped at this point
Also, I always see posters in that thread complain that she's racist and misogynistic, but they're also both of those things themselves. Like, they say she needs to stop hating herself for not being white, but at the same time, her skin naturally getting darker from pregnancy is "vomit-inducing"? And they called another girl a "spoiled whore" for escaping abuse/honor killing in an Islamic country? They remind me of Brittany Venti or something. They're probably just like her worst aspects, except they didn't get impregnated by the MDE moid so they're mad
No. 939562
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>>936526>>936526>>936557Same happens with Lori, yeah. I said she had a mature face with a strong jaw and there's one yeast infection ridden anon who won't let it go. I never said that Lori was the spitting image of Usagi Tsukino, but like a few others have pointed out her face does suit mature aesthetics such as renn faire and witch or even Marvel/DC cosplays better than this weeb shit she's been on. Some anons there really do act like she looks like picrel and sorry but no matter how much you hate her that's simply not the case. Even without filters and shoop she looks her age, but god forbid you say that and a million anons suddenly pour in with how they know a geriatric who looks younger than Loony.
No. 939565
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Pixielocks is creeping me out so much and I don't even read her caps anymore and just focus on what other anons say because she's both infuriating and slowly becoming an horrorcow.
This is a picrew image of someone literally LARPING a new "DID persona" based on her and she was like "AMAZING SWEETIE I SUPPORT -emoji-" and I'm just like. Oof. What the fuck is going on.
No. 939598
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>>939565Inch the beanie baby doesn't deserve to be involved in this degeneracy
No. 939602
>>939565I left Jill's threads for about 2 years and came back to all of
this. And like, holy shit she is spiralling so hard. She has like no boundaries with her "fans." Someone itt said she was beginning to turn into a member of her old Confetti Club fandom with the mento illness, gender confusion, and woke fishing and I 100% see it.
No. 941008
>>939679It seems like that one anon has shut up and realizes that the introduction of Sol and his wife gave us a bit of milk. Even cowtipper anon gave us some because otherwise the thread would've been the same usual sperging about her vag and her gross kinks and Ellen. Anons whine about groundhog day but something comes along to mix it up and then they get
No. 941274
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>>940621I was one of the frequent posters and was considering getting back into it, but now that that other anon posted her
prolapsed uterus porn I don't think I can do it.
Uterine prolapse has been my biggest fear forever. It makes me want to hang upside down for the rest of my life so the fucking thing can't fall out like that. Mary, why? No. 942038
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Does anyone else get amused/annoyed by the anons speculating about whether or not the cow visits the farm on like every thread when outside of the celebricows:
>the vast majority of cows are literal nobodies outside of their tiny niche and don't have a team to shield them from criticism
>for the e-celeb cows, their livelihood depends on knowing what their audience thinks of their content
>they're people, and people get distressed when others are gossiping about them
>a large proportion are pathological attention-seekers and lolcow = attention
>there have been numerous cases of e-celebs and even real celebs getting caught on gossip sites
like no shit they've read the thread, there's a good chance that they're reading your dumbass comment at this very moment. Do farmers really think that internet people with a few thousand or even a few million followers are above watching people fling shit at them, or even flinging shit themselves?
No. 942520
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I'm beating a dead horse with this, but I've gotten the time to waste while thinking about this along side with other old stuff, so here it is, I guess.
Mr. Enter is a person I'm very conflicted with. I believe he can say and create good stuff is he tries to, but at the same time I understand why many people used to and still consider him a cow. Everytime I see people making fun of him, I think that people are being too harsh on him and that he doesn't deserve to be treated like that, but then I watch one of his videos and then I began to remember why people dislike him so much. Similar thing with Growing Around; when I see all of the youtubers making fun of his proyect, I began to feel that they are being pretty cruel with someone's passion proyect, but then I read the actual scrips, look at the marketing or even the way Enter keeps talking about other people's works and then I don't know anymore if it's actual cruelness or just karma.
As much as I don't like Daftpina, I think that Enter should take his advice and just work on something other than growing around, or just start with something more simple than a 20 minutes episode show. Honestly, my biggest issue with Growing around is that it feels more like if was created for other animation critics on Youtube instead of children; like, Enter is trying so hard to pressent it as some form of uber-subversive piece that it might feel very boring and tryhard for an actual kid; and it seems like if he knows it because most of the time he tries to shoehorne stuff like ponies and rainbows into his works thinking that it would make it more appealing to a kid, but it just makes the presentation feel corny and out of touch.
I also want to create my own proyect one day, and I'd like to go full indie with it, but seen Enter's situation with GA, I've decided to do a better planning with my own stuff before jumping into the water.
No. 945027
>>944932I always wonder about the skinwalker in cases like this. It's one thing to be jealous in secret and lack the creativity or confidence to do their own shit, but when they know literally everyone knows that they're copying, including the
victim, why still do it? Do they get a thrill out of making the other person feel like they can't have anything? Is it just stubbornness? Don't they feel ashamed?
No. 945413
>>945371Agreed She's vaguely annoying and I don't get good vibes from her, but just scrolling past I saw one comment tinfoiling about how she must secretly be jealous of a girl because she laughed in a fake way, and a post criticizing her parents for calling her a 'weird' (foreign) name. That's supposed to be milk?
Skinny, (debatably) pretty girls in Japan attract seething pulltards like flies and they grasp at any tiny straw to keep their bitter little party going.
No. 947874
I used to think Shayna would eventually get out of this lifestyle. Go home, maybe even shack up with a scrote, have a baby and just live the same but offline.
Now i just think she'll end up like Ellen. Except she's still going to keep chasing this dream of fame, chasing scrotes she meets through sex work and not taking care of herself.
Shayna moves like she grew up in a crackhouse with terrible parents, like she was never shown love or affection. Like she suffered some horrible tragedy.
Except she didn't. She could find any lonely scrote to date, her standards aren't high. She dates losers anyway.
There's so many easy ways she could fix her life, not be miserable, not using porn to have basic interactions with people, not depend on twitter likes/attention to validate herself.
But I feel one day I'll stop checking, come back and she'll be 35 still doing porn, still calling herself a bimbo. Probably "ThiccBarbiebimbo", still pedo-pandering and maybe she'll be stuck on another fucked in the brain scrote.
No. 948123
>>948054The 'i-i can't take moar uwu' and anons sperging about the furryposter that one time (their post was stupid, but so was the grandiose reaction) are all retarded. You can tell who is new because imagine getting so shitter shattered in a shat thread. She's done this nasty pedopandering shit before, it isn't anything new, and sure that doesn't mean its acceptable but we don't need a million posts with the same response. Imagine worrying about delicate sensibilities on lc in a shayna thread. Fucking wild.
At the same time, I wouldn't bat an eye at anons who want to cowtip on either shat or ellen because they're both disgusting and ellen shouldn't be near kids. Call it moralfagging if you want but its revolting.
No. 948288
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Jillian Pixielocks is larping as if she was a villian that everyone is jealous of.
No. 948309
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>>948176This is harrowing, I skimmed through the thread but holy shit I feel sick.
No. 949360
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The anon who thinks this thing is a real human being and not a sex doll in the lori thread creeps me out. It's like this anon is defending their oh-so glorious "petite looking asian girls", like imagine thinking that comparing asian women to disgusting sex dolls is a good thing
No. 949442
>>949366I'm kind of torn. On one hand, she
is one of those guys. On the other hand, her life has been truly and unironically FUBAR, and essentially when it had just begun. Most of these MDE fagets are going to grow out of it once they finish puberty and spend a few years getting tempered by reality. Effina is bound to a miserable, unemployable schizo until he nosedives off this mortal coil and has extreme BDD to boot. SAD!
No. 950803
I feel so guilty for finding Elaine so entertaining. She's clearly suffering from some sort of serious mental health issue but it's hard to look away.
>>949581Million Dollar Extreme, a far-right '''comedy''''''''' group.
No. 951227
>>951203Me either. It's not really milk. Especially if they were, like, making a joke in 2011 that could
now be interpreted as racist. Like, who cares? Feels like the same people who come here from Twitter to "cancel" some micro-celebrity only they care about.
No. 952649
>>952637My bad, lol. They get b& for a reason though. This isn't PULL and some anons take it so deeply and personally when a cow gets a thread and that leads to them shitting up the place because they secretly relate to the cow. I'll concede that some things just aren't milky, like I personally don't get why shoeonhead still has a thread because all she does now is thirst for Vaush and she hasn't been particularly interesting since her engagement ended. She's a washed up pick-me and a grifter who used to run this site with a scrote in order to find out who talked shit on her. Lori's threads are also stale because all she does now are make stupid faces and have seizures and shoop her photos while her manslave makes an appearance here and there. Moo is also pretty boring nowadays, even with the studio business venture she's trying to pull. She's just botched and a bitch, but you can find a million of those on IG. Not saying that none of them deserved threads in the first place, because they did, but they haven't been terribly interesting for a long time now.
Semi related, but a lot of anons who seem newer don't seem to understand the difference between a cow and a snowflake so you'll see people aping when their favs get posted.
No. 952714
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>>952629I recently dove into Natchan/yukapon's past threads and drama, I have to say that it's probably one of the most depressing stories I've read on here. She was basically shipped off to be lolibait and pay back money for her innocent dreams as a tween. Reading about the scrotes that chased her and the men that groomed her just made me feel overwhelming sadness. After reading about her and lolicomplex; how it evolved from him stalking her and saving her CP into into her being obsessed with him and latching onto the loli thing, I had to take a two day break from here. It really messed with me thinking about what it would be like had I been in her shoes. I shared the same cringe dreams and interests as her, she lived my 12 year old dream and it fucked me up to see how it was really just a lace doily covering up the fact she was chucked into the pedo grinder and psychologically scarred for life by it. You can tell she's dead inside from it despite doing her best to ride her music career and channel out. I know a lot of anons feel negatively about her. Maybe it's cause my dates are mixed up or I'm missing information, but it seemed like the whole piss thing and what people hated her for was all stuff she had done in the peak of that fucked up time as a tween/teen. I felt physically ill watching her Nico Nico streams that had been archived. It felt illegal and dark. Like someone was off camera watching her and guiding her or that she had been instructed by fans and viewers to spread her legs and shit. Gives me the chills even now. The entire situation is so depraved and depressing. Truly, a microcosm of pedophila within idol culture and weeb circles. Reading old posts shredding her and perpetuating the things said by her scorned pedo simps was just too much. I don't feel an attachment enough to defend her, but from what I've looked at it just looks fucked. Is that WKing? I need a whiskey, girls.
No. 953437
>>953424I think it's hard to figure out where the male attention part of it starts and ends is the only thing. a lot of people see it as a kind of 'she does it for male attention, so she's into it for male attention, which means she's not really into it herself' situation, I think.
on the topic of shayna - I've been cringing at all of her weird tweets lately, but I've never really felt as disgusted as I have by the one she posted today about the birthday cupcake. it's hardly different to her others so I have no idea why this one is so vile to me, but eugh
No. 953839
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I really hate that farmers constantly doubt Shayna's sexuality. Like sure she's a pickme, misogynistic whore but that doesn't mean she isn't legitimately bisexual. The bitch literally has been in multiple relationships with women and fucks women. I don't mean to sperg about "bi erasure" but I just feel like it's such a retarded hill to die on.
No. 953846
>>953839agreed, anon. straight women and fake bi’s are “totez attracted to women but would never date one!!1!1!!!”
seriously annoying as hell how many “bisexual” women say they would never date or have sex with a woman, like??? how are you bi then??
No. 954059
>>954050sometimes, yes
when I say pickme it doesn't always mean pickme for men, plenty of lesbian who make themselves desperate for women
I also believe gay men cater a lot to women for attention but don't necessarily want to be in relationships or have sex with them. Just look at how many gay men put extreme efforts into their appearance and use steroids, attention whore online, work as male strippers, etc. Most of them know what they're doing
No. 954064
>>953989Do you have any milk or info on your experience with Soren that you would be okay with sharing?
>>954059>I also believe gay men cater a lot to women for attention but don't necessarily want to be in relationships or have sex with them. Just look at how many gay men put extreme efforts into their appearance and use steroids, attention whore online, work as male strippers, etc. Most of them know what they're doinggirl…
No. 956317
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No. 956361
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Shayna’s retarded dog is so cute and I love her. Shay really doesn’t deserve such a sweet dog. I wish I could adopt Noodle.
No. 956645
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>>956572She fits the criteria. The thread is allowed to be there. /pt/, /w/, and /snow/ all have different standards.
No. 956805
>>932879 "Pretty cute"? hell no. Those elephant legs aren't cute. The way she tries so hard to look cute makes he hideos.
Farmers simping to Lillee probably look like her. rip
No. 957779
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God, why does the proshipping/anti drama comes out so often and cause infighting? Both sides are filled with cows, but when an anon brings up one of them, it always end up being boring. Specially for the obvious twitterfags not being able to integrate. Now it's not only the art salt thread, a few of them have tried to bring their stuff to other boards. Luckyly they get called out when they try to bring they twitterfaggotry, but Jesus Christ is this all that's happening on the art/fandom comunity anymore? Just racebait and muh shipping? So boring…
No. 958094
>>958004I've been subscribed to Angela for over 2 years now. I agree she isn't a cow and there is probably at least one anon who has a vendetta against her (although I think the same is true of a lot of "cows" that get posted here). There was also an anon who tried to say that Angela was never goth and was making up all of her 90's and early 2000's goth story time videos purely for attention, even though she has posted several photos from that era of her looking goth and seems to have a pretty extensive knowledge of goth music. Not to mention most people who are "goth" for attention aren't even aware that it's a music based subculture and think it just means wearing black and being spooky or whatever.
All that said, I think that in her video about her ED mentioning specific numbers was a mistake. She found proana forums sharing her video and were using it to lose weight so she made a follow up video saying all the reasons why you shouldn't do what she did, like how it gave her permanent acid reflux. I think if she was that concerned she should have edited into her original video and reuploaded so that it was all one video or just taken her video down altogether. I definitely don't think she was trying to promote an ED though, that assertion is honestly ridiculous and she wouldn't have anything to gain from that.
No. 958177
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>>957779They’re underage and/or autistic NEETs, either side. It’s that simple kek
No. 958522
>>958094Ayrt I've also been subbed to her for a while. She told the story of how she became goth and how it was actually a family member who introduced her to the music and the clubs, so I don't understand why that one anon would claim that she faked anything. She's literally shown video footage of she and her friends at parties from the 90s. She's genuinely enthusiastic about her style and even went through a period of not dressing goth or listening to the music when she was in an
abusive relationship. So, not only did she rediscover herself, but she did this in the midst of something terrible. The woman is in her 40s, she is old enough to remember the actual scene from NYC and when goths could be seen wearing blue denim with their blacks. I do think that whoever keeps posting her is salty as fuck that she got to experience a time which they haven't and she's aged gracefully. She also isn't terminally internet poisoned like the other alt cows because she barely uploads and has a life offline.
No. 958803
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Jillian Pixielocks is trying to befriend Drew Monson (Shane Dawson goon) and it's fucking cringe
No. 960111
>>960102Her repertoire is so admirable that she makes me feel insecure about myself. I… I must bully her! I can't help it, I'm only a jealous lesbian who cannot stand to see a woman who is better than me!
On a side note I miss that one chick who was obsessed with her bus driver. She was pretty disturbing because of the way she was constantly posting about some innocent middle aged guy just trying to do his job, but she was hilarious
No. 960162
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I still can't believe this bitch actually became a crazy islamaboo for fucking dick. I was going through older threads and from the first thread she was eyefucking the guy.
I thought her uwu muslima san phase would last 1 year tops, but this inbred shit is so damn prideful and mentally ill that she actually kept the act until she realized she could be a nasty bitch to others in the name of her religion. I am still not entirely sure if she actually drank the Kool aid or if she's just larping still, but either way it's boring and depressing.
She threw literally everything she had (which wasn't much, already) for dick, and when the dick rejected her, for pride. She's so fucking stupid.
I am secretly hoping for the return of hakujin nihonjin3, but everyday it grows more unlikely. I hope she regrets her stupid dead end life everyday.
No. 960163
>>960131Autistic young "adult" that got into everyone's radar by getting involved with Lillee Jean. Pretended to be rich, tried being e-famous and failed. Currently pretending to be a hacker.
Stupid, pathological liar, thirsts for male attention and so, ends up attracting low IQ scrotes to her orbit. Has been repeatedly told to stop being retarded online and get help. She refuses doing so and continues being retarded. As of now, she's stopped schizoposting about Admin on /meta/ and has stopped spamming gore on /ot/ and /snow/ whenever anons
trigger her because KF scrotes are giving her attention in her thread over there.
No. 960185
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>>960174Yes, it's her.
She had a crush on this hapa guy for literal years, even when she was married, I reckon - and the guy is a haafu and I don't remember what the other half was, but he was from an islamic country and was a low-key muslim. Mira tried many times to be with him and he kept rejecting her advances, and I am not entirely sure on this but I think he said something like he'd prefer dating a muslim girl? Or something? Which was totally a soft way to tell her he's not interested
in her, but mush brain Mira then became a total masurimu desu but not because of him, obviously! It was just because she read the Quran and realized how beautiful and based it was!
Rodi still rejected her. I think he lost her shit and didn't give up the Muslim shit because it would've been too obvious how desperate and stupid she was.
No. 960330
>>957779What it comes down to is people who spiral hard when they're made to feel bad about themselves in any way.
On the one side you've got edgelord coomers, the most insecure and simultaneously the most self-serious demographic on the planet, for whom a single anon saying their fetish is weird is justification for yards upon yards of sperging on any social media they're not banned from.
On the other side you've got twitter moralfags, who need to believe their cows are the most evil people on the planet so they won't risk feeling bad for making fun of them on the internet (this is why people who enjoy making fun of terfs online have to try and convince everyone the ideology is secretly rooted in Nazism, incidentally).
So whenever any of these people see someone disagree with them, they freak out and start vomiting out unsaged paragraphs until the other person concedes or they get banned.
No. 960381
>>960264Agreed 100%. She seems like that level of unhinged.
My lolcow opinion is, as a csa survivor, I kind of wish the pedo-panderers and abdl cows like shayna would die slow, painful deaths, tbh. Thank admin for the option to hide threads.
No. 960398
>>960264I don't think elaine's the cp spammer tbh. The thing to remember is that despite all her elite haxxor posturing, she's basically an internet illiterate normie. All of the cp posts include a btc address, which is already more than she's capable of. Like other anons have said, the spam seems to be coming from a bot or something that targets imageboards.
Now the person spamming non-gore gore (weird photomanips and haunted house props)? Definitely elaine kek
No. 960403
>>960398I was totally under the impression it was her, but you make a good point about
>All of the cp posts include a btc address, which is already more than she's capable ofIt's not that I don't think she's detached enough to do something so vile, but it's true that this would probably be beyond her capabilities unless someone else was helping her
No. 960617
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Didn't want to derail Shayna's thread with this but several anons have brought up how for a self-proclaimed bimbo, the men she gets with are gross but uhhh picrel is Alicia Amira's "daddy". The bar doesn't exist for the men bimbos get with whether they're real ones or fake ones like Shayna kek
No. 960798
>>960185thank you for posting this guys. She makes me want to A-log so bad, I contemplated posting here. Also, she still has many fans, mainly Muslims from places like Indonesia and Malaysia who still idolize her, I just hate how uneducated Muslims look up to white converts, yikes. Also I think her best milk era was any interactions with Rodi, but she's completely unhinged now, it's not that funny anymore.
I really miss her old content tho. RIP
No. 960819
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This is one of the most schizo ass posts I've read on this site. The anons insisting on Billie Eilish actually being a 30something year old woman need to get therapy for their obsession with youth, it doesn't even serve any purpose to tinfoil about it. She looks exactly like a 13-year old in the 2014 picture and a 14-year old in the 2015 one, how warped does your perception of human features have to be in order to call her an adult looking at them? Seriously, what the fuck. Billie Eilish-anon who keeps zooming in and sperging about her "fine lines around her eyes", please seek help.
No. 960884
The Lillee Jean thread spends too much time talking about her mom's samey Twitter rants and how they're both compulsive liars. No fucking doi, ladies. I think the more interesting situation about LJ is that her mother definitely seems to have, let's say, impure thoughts about her. All the creepy photo captions, the fact that she happily takes these type of sexual photos of her daughter.
>>932879 Also, that LJ was once seemingly a LOT more normal, and lived in a normal house. At some point her lifestyle took a huge nosedive, and I do wonder why. I really feel bad for her because something super fucked up likely happened to her. I hate when anons think they're owning her or something by saying she isn't really a CEO or running her own business. I think she is an abused young person and was an abused child under the care of a complete headcase.
No. 960913
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Lunas been looking kind of cute since she brushed her hair, she almost looks like a scene girl here and I think she should try to be a shein scene queen
No. 960967
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>>960950>most ppls o-faces look dumb af anywaytrue. but there was this time I let a guy fuck me a long time ago anyway he made a face that looked like a japanese hyattoko mask and every time I see it I cringe, literally, and I wonder if I'll ever be able to forget.
No. 961015
>>960881My tinfoil about boring e-whore threads like Shayna and Moo is that the core farmers are genuinely fapping to the cow's content but they are so self hating BPD that they justify it by saying
>I'm not actually into this mess, I just give her money for mastutbation videos so I can share funny caps with my friends on lolcowOr they have humiliation fetishes and get off to how pathetic and gross the cow is. Either way it makes for extremely low quality, creepy unfunny threads
No. 961277
>>961015That would make some sense. Especially the level of unnecessary vitriol that spews from some anons if you say one thing they don't like. I compared Moo to Yaya Han the other day and got aped on and of course, they defended Yaya, who is literally no better and had a large role in turning the modern cosplay scene into what it is today when it comes to boob jobs, buying likes (which she's done), and passing off subpar costumes as quality.
The point of my comparison was that they were both women who started off looking normal and even ruined their body with tons of surgeries they didn't need, then developed massive egos for no good reason. I forgot that you can't make a coherent point on lc and even when you clarify that point, at least two people will chimp out at you and one will go even further to samefag and pretend to be several more people just to alienate you from the thread.
No. 962159
>>961312I don't even understand the psychology behind caping for another costhot who's just as bad or worse as Momo. Jessica Nigri exploited her and her boyfriend's connections and selfposted aggressively to gain notoriety, denied her breasts being surgically enhanced, lied about sponsorship deals being gifts from fans to go around the sponsorship disclosure rule, advertised bogus products fully knowing that they are such (such as Fit Tea), sold prints without the consent of the photographer, was overall a self-centered thot that along with Yaya Han turned cosplay into the subcategory of porn that it is today. And not to mention the pushing of Swimsuit Succubus in Momo's threads being the Mother Mary of cosplay when she was literally no better and faked a lesbian relationship just for scrote bucks. Momo was just doing what she saw the predecessors do before her but added her own retarded "bad bitch" spin to it.
But I guess it's like you said, newfags who haven't been around long enough to really remember what happened before Momo and even the current residents in her thread seem to know her only from the explosive "sexual harassment" drama that was, in my opinion, a conducted psyop by other thots to drive her out once and for all. You just know during that time her thread was full of her equally snake friends dishing out, further proven by the fact that Sabrina and others were outed as selfposting. There is no such thing as a virtuous costhot, they are all narcissistic opportunists constantly sharpening their back stabbing knives.
No. 962172
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>>962159momo is not even that bad and a lot of threads that were made back in the day were 100% made by vendetta chans within the field of the cow. Susu lurks in here and used to post herself praising her own cosplay and how real she is and how Momo sexually harassed her lmao what a fucking cow Susu is. It's very funny to me since most cost thots are bigger cows than momo and the only reason momo is targeted is because she is not extremely manipulative and by that I mean being super fake like most influencers are now and she doesn't care about being cringy or appearing as bad. Susu is a huge fucking cow, liar and manipulator, but the only reason she's not discussed as Momo is it's because she's manipulative enough to keep a clean image. She constantly deletes her tweets. She's a full blown cow. She used to post on lolcow, still obsessively checks for her name to see if she's being posted and gets her friends to white knight her. All her pictures are edited and she's even uglier than moo used to be. She got big pandering to the woke crowd and saying she's "le sex worker" when she's never even done sex work. Pretending to be a lesbian and dropping the act once she got married. The only reason people like Moo become cows is that they are sincere and not narcissistic enough or manipulative enough to keep a "clean" image. Basically a requirement of being an influencer or celebrity is being a manipulative sociopath that only cares about their image. Susu is even jealous of her ex best friend Bunny because she has a natural following and a bigger fan base. Bunny got a following without endlessly pandering to the woke crowd. Susu is the epitome of the grifter that becomes famous from pandering to the leftist woke crowd with no talent. She deletes her Tweets non stop because she's so scared they're gonna cancel her. She even hopped on Hasan's dick and posted a video about him and he made her take it down lmao. The girl is more pathetic than Moo and if you see how hard she tries and how little she gets back it's incredibly funny. She's literal worse than Moo. At least moo is honest about being a sex worker cow and doesn't do the streamer grift.
It really shows the true colors of lolcow that people like her don't have threads. Lolcow is built upon mysoginy and hatred for ugly or mentally ill women. If you're manipulative enough to keep a "clean" image no matter how big of a cow you are you won't get posted.
Lolcow is fucking shit and it only targets mentally ill people instead of targeting the actual manipulative and sociopathic cows which are literally considered normal citizens. Like hahah Venus Angelic was abused her entire life or Shayna suffers from extreme mental illness or Lucinda has schizophrenia. What huge fucking cows they are. Meanwhile people in media that are considered "normal" are on the level of sociopathic narcissists with the fake images they build and strings they pull
No. 962233
>>962172>Lolcow is fucking shit and it only targets mentally ill people instead of targeting the actual manipulative and sociopathic cows which are literally considered normal citizens. Like hahah Venus Angelic was abused her entire life or Shayna suffers from extreme mental illness or Lucinda has schizophrenia. What huge fucking cows they are. Meanwhile people in media that are considered "normal" are on the level of sociopathic narcissists with the fake images they build and strings they pullexactly my opinion. the anons bullying and finding happiness in those "cows" suffering must be at rock bottom. pointing out and criticizing hypocrisy, immoral and shit behaviors should be what this site is used for, not making laughing stock out of mental illnesses and disabilities. this is why i only use /ot and /g. one example i remember when mckenna was called out for stealing art and lying about her originality despite her best attempts at deleting posts and changing her username. i still don't think these are that bad and anons jealousy definitely plays a part but the fact she was caught in 4k shows these sneaky cover ups.
the corpse husband thread was good when they revealed his lies about le edgy past but the fact they doxxed someone who tried hiding his face from fear people will think it's ugly and then went on bullying his appearance is just fucked up.
No. 962276
>>962257I don't understand the mindset of anyone who comes on lolcow thinking like that, if they want to call out people for ~
problematic~ behavior or give takes on disability/mental health then that can fly on any mainstream social media website and doesn't need to be done here. This website is for entertainment, it's just not that serious.
No. 962290
>>962172> the only reason momo is targeted is because she is not extremely manipulative and by that I mean being super fake like most influencers are now and she doesn't care about being cringy or appearing as bad.I gotta give it to your
nonnie, you hit the nail on the head with this take. Momo has a special place in my heart for keeping it "real", despite being a full on bipolar basketcase for the better part of her early 20s and currently a husk of a human being with a severe body dysmorphic disorder and plastic surgery addiction, she always gave sincere vibes. She was openly autistic about anime and her husbandos and most of her drama was just her being too stupid for her own good, someone like Susu or Jessica Nigri would've gotten away with lying about plastic surgery (as they did) or stealing costume designs from some random French costumer but Momo was simply too much of a "nice" to manipulate her following into taking her side. The only "manipulation" she practiced was throwing money at her friends to stay by her side and even with that you need to take into consideration if it was actually her friends using her for her money instead the other way around.
I also agree about the mental illness vs maliciousness, I get that dissecting someone exhibiting mental illness is interesting and I do it too like any other autistic armchairer but there's a line to being an a-log to someone who doesn't fully comprehend her own situation and someone who's just being a borderline sociopath. I think what Venus is going through is fascinating from a cautionary tale point of view but I can't stand anons who willingly choose to ignore the amount of abuse and exploiting she has had to go through since childhood and accuse her of being a cartoon villain manipulating her mother and husband when she can barely take care of herself for a day.
No. 962291
>>962276I think it's Twitter and Tumblr migrants who are scared to be mean on main so come here to talk about their
problematic faves.
Weak bitches who anonymously call their mutuals fat untalented retards but think they have the moral high ground because they respect pronouns kek
No. 962441
>>962159>sold prints without the consent of the photographerSaid photographer also had their watermark removed by Nigri and when he contacted her about it, she sent her fans after him to the point where he gave up. Like I said in
>>961277 when I brought up the comparison between Moo and Yaya, some people in that thread went apeshit a few days ago and defended the latter just because they hate Moo that much. Yaya Han is no better and has her own checkered past, there is no "w-well at least she didn't do xyz!1!1" This Game of Thots shit is annoying because they all suck and are all equally responsible for the hobby turning into what it currently is today.
>newfags who haven't been around long enough to really remember what happened before MomoEssentially.
No. 962645
>>962325>>962424it was an example based on the latest cow thread i read. i wouldn't want to go near corpulent in real life. his lyrics show what a piece of shit man he would be in relation to women.
>twitter spergingand i hate twitter for being woke the point of blindness. horseshoe theory. everyone is a
victim. liking the wrong cartoon ship gets you doxxed. letting the whole world see your nudes for $3 a month is empowering. not reblogging obese selfharming tranny art makes you a bigot.
No. 962657
>>962488>>962291"Hey I'm a douche for gossipping but at least I'm not an actual
monster who misgenders cows like some people!!!11!one1"
No. 962680
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i had a schizo moment where i read a gossip that venus was not swiss-german but from hungary instead, and pretended to not be from there because it is a shit country compared to fancy switzerland. her father was hungarian and mother polish so she could be either of those culturally unless they only spoke to her in swiss-german and english. this was after i watched the horror movie greta and read the tinfoil that she was some kind of master manipulator of her mother. in reality i think she is actually cool and i want her to get better.
No. 962978
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I need to know who this guy is. I’ve felt uneasy since I saw his pictures in the mtf thread, and I need to figure out his deal once so I can exorcise him from my life.
No. 963089
Is everything in ask a mortician thread from like 2016? Ok, she's a cow but what she's been doing in the last 5 years?
>>963082Really let himself go
No. 963182
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>>963150>You were told several times throughout the threadlmao, you paranoid freak, why don't you hide this thread yourself?
No. 963740
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Belle Delphine makes me sad. Whatever she has done wrong, I really don't care, I feel some empathy for her and I'm no one to judge. I think she could had been a great influencer, tiktoker, or youtuber, she had it all: quirky personality, recognizable persona, she's cute (I'm sorry, I find her very cute specially in some old pictures -also creepy because of the gross shit she does but that's besides the point-) and I liked some parts of her room tour. I think she had everything going for her.
It was when she started getting pimped out by her boyfriend that shit hit the fan. Instead of real sucking dick videos she should had just made more youtube videos and tiktoks, kinda how that one tiktoker Bella Poarch does, maybe even launch a music career? Idk. I feel like Bella Poarch is the continuation of Belle Delphine but with less bait and switch for scrotaloids
No. 963754
>>963740she's shown signs of mental illness, she's very young too I recall. Only 21 years old. She seems burnt out from her career too and like she didn't actually enjoy it, in her interviews she comes off as really soft spoken and like an abuse
victim with low self esteem. She had some questionable videos uploaded to her Youtube channel where she'd make jabs at being dead inside and broken from not having a dad in her life. There's something clearly wrong with her. She is beautiful and creative imo but does come off as someone with a lot of self hatred. It must hurt a lot to see other uglier girls literally skin walk her and make huge amounts of money on Onlyfans, with basically her fucking persona. We also don't know how much money her boyfriend has taken from her, it seems she's a grooming
victim since she's really young too. Even their house seems to be on her boyfriend's name.
No. 963882
>>963740>she had it all: quirky personality, recognizable persona, she's cuteShe actually has some talent in an artsy-crafts kind of way. When she did her bedroom tour she showed a few dresses she made.
When she was on the Cold Ones podcast she gave the two scrote hosts handmade gifts. She's actually really creative. I feel like she went the porn route just out of pure laziness or wanting to cash in too quickly, but mostly to please her bf. Maybe she's still using her creative talents tho, who knows.
No. 963978
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>>963916>>963740Tbh she doesn't have the personality you think she has, she's sadly always been her boyfriend's puppet and it's just his dumb meme humor. Also she wore this shirt and I hate her, I don't care if she's "owning the scrotes" (she's not) for their money she's fucking gross. Stop falling for scrote projects and calling them empowering
No. 964022
>>963978>>963990Unfortunately there's a lot of real and cautionary shit to discuss regarding Belle, but it's impossible to have a constructive conversation about her anywhere on this site
because there are so many whiteknight farmers AND mods who will defend to the end for some unknown reason(kinda pathetic for a site like this to be honest)
I can't even take this comment seriously after reading
>Compare to all the dollar store Belle replicas who look dumpy or outright horrifying compared to her because they can't work angles, colours, settings, emoting, styling, staging or makeup like she could. No. 964084
>>963740Why does this feel weirdly like bait? Someone also posted this pic very recently in the dreaded Belle thread.
Who feels bad for Belle Delphine? Everything she's done was literally a choice.
No. 964098
>>963997>redeemThey have nothing to redeem themselves from, they're not criminals on trial. They're just getting laughed at for doing stupid shit more often than most of us and broadcasting it. If they stop, we find new amusement and forget about it.
You sound relatively new here, with that moralfagging mindset. We don't "cancel" people here. We just point and laugh. Nobody important takes us seriously, we're just some fringe gossip imageboard.
I really wonder what kind of person you are newcomer, when you'd be totally ok with someone having to resort to serious surgery to get away from you. There is a very good reason all cowtipping is banned. Someone like you might take things too seriously. You're taking this all too seriously. You think this place and others like it gives you power to ruin people's lives. The really concerning thing is how readily you took that power to abuse.
No. 964107
>>964098What was that sperg for?
I’m just saying that cows like Onision, Shane Dawson, the SW cows who post about wanting to be abused little girls, and such are kind of crazy and that if workplaces do try to do background checks, they would look at all the crazy shit they post with their real names and pictures attached.
You’re moralfagging quite a lot for something hypothetical, you sound mad as well, did you get posted in here?
No. 964125
>>964107Oh I'm mad alright, I'm sick of Twitter culture invading my imageboard culture.
I detest them/you looking for what cows did "wrong" instead of what they did funny. I come here to be entertained, not outraged. I can get outrage on literally every other website.
Go ask your question on Twitter, you'll get answers more to your liking.
No. 964203
>>964176I don't know why you cherry-picked those two, but you damn well that the cosplay community was up in arms about Nigri, Bellechere, Yaya, Ai-Honey, Ivy Doomkitty, and other coswhores ruining the hobby. There were posts nearly everyday about how halls of cons were getting full of washed up, blatant porn stars masquerading as cosplayers/nerds and beginning their grift, helping to turn cons into the shitshows they are now. People stopped being able to discuss that on /cgl/ because the costhots who also aggressively tripfagged knew the jannies and would materialize whenever something was said about them and they deemed it as vendetta posting and banned it. The same ended up happening with j-fashion drama, even when it was legitimate criticism. You're acting like this is some new twitter phenom and I get that the place is shit, but don't sit here and lie to everybody when I've been here since 2015 and remember what it was like to stop being able to talk about shit. Even the 8chan board for cows had similar comments about cow behavior. Were you even here for the original HAES threads and the initial pushback for quirkyloverosee to get a thread of her own? What about WannaBlaze?
No. 964228
>>964203>>964224That's all hobby drama, the discussion of which this website was created to cater to.
It was not created for you or that anon or anyone to play moral police.
>You're acting like this is some new twitter phenomIt is. It's very new and very annoying.
Look, what do you want? To turn lolcow into yet another witch-hunting social media? No thank you. We have enough of those.
To prove to yourself you're a moral person? You're fucking not.
No. 964234
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>>964228I think you need to relax, anon.
No. 964275
>>964269It's just a typical point and laugh case.
I hope none of you are genuinely outraged some person that is not you is being fat and stupid.
No. 964352
>>964325Because she was selfposting a fuck ton, Emily too. They liked the attention.
>doing OFOh god
>looked godawfulYea that's kind of standard since forever
No. 964516
>>964156I don't think there's anything wrong with having threads about cows who are shitty people, that can be and often is part of what makes them cows and is even sometimes funny in itself even if they are scammers or whatever (Vicky comes to mind.) But I don't like the unintegrated twitterfag posts that seem to crop up lately or cows whose only milk is being "
problematic." There should be something interesting about them beyond just someone thinking they should be cancelled. I have been here for over five years so not a super oldfag or anything, but have noticed a lot more moralfagging in the last year. Cows like Creepshow and Corpse Husband have obviously attracted a lot of twitter users to the site recently too. I don't agree with all the other anon's points on what is/isn't being a twitterfag, but you can't deny there are some around and that they don't bother to integrate.
No. 965909
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>>962172i agree with you, plus she's such an annoying pickme. she'll never have a thread though
No. 965940
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>>965909she constantly browses lolcow and spergs the fuck out when someone calls her out on here she also constantly deletes her tweets she's literally worse than Moo and I'm not even whiteknighting for Moo but I really don't get why Susu isn't discussed just because she is liked by twitter fags. Can someone that terrible picture where she's not photoshopped where she looks like an orphan indian child?
No. 966783
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Picrel is how catching up the the Jillian thread is making me feel and yet I am simultaneously laughing my ass off. I thought she was going to vaguepost forever but instead she announced DID with a fucking rainbow sprinkle cake and is creating detailed OC bios for her "coconcious" alternate selves coded via emojis, this shit is going to get so good but I am still in utter disbelief. It's also just still wild to me because DID is such a disputed illness in the first place, and in the one landmark case where even skeptics tend to think it might have occurred (and I agree this seems like the only "proven" case to hit the media) it was a young girl who was physically restrained and abused by a male family member incessantly from the time she was a baby with no normal care or input, so it basically emerged from a severe detachment disorder. I can't even imagine what kind of backstory someone like Jillian whose cushy spoiled islander girl life has been extensively documented will try to craft to make her mental state comparable to someone who was raped and tortured daily as a toddler to he point where the brain shut down to preserve itself.
No. 966917
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I'm sorry but I can't go on. This is so infuriating. I'm quitting lolcow beacause of this
No. 967006
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>>966917i can't believ e she found a quack willing to diagnose her woth did and ptsd. i can't believe there's an entire subset of a generation that thinks these diagnoses are something to flex on twitter. fucking clown world
No. 967019
>>966917I wish I could hire a hitman to kill pixielocks
I won't but yeah
(a-log) No. 967036
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>>966917She’s so happy about it too, bet she’s loving that influx of attention and validation from internet weirdos
No. 967040
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>>967036The LARP characters are also so obviously just different phases of her life, this whole mento Illness of her is just a LARPed scrapbook of memories and things that she wishes/wished she could/ve done in her privileged, boring ass life.
I’m curious about the “35 years old” character though, I wonder if it’s going to be some sort of “when I grow up, I want to be like this” kind of thing, or if it’s going to be some sort of “lol girlboss hot milf” caricature.
No. 967195
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>>966917I've been waiting a month for this milk.
No. 967213
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Somewhat irrelevant right now but for years I've been certain that Alex Mahan (yandere dev) has both ADD and assburgers. It's not just the homeschooling isolation thing that made him this way. Unable to get meaningful shit done yet feeling overwhelmed with work, inflexibility, can't delegate tasks to others properly, gets stuck on insignificant bs, can't filter out irrelevant or useless information/ideas, the online melties, always spending excessive amounts of energy to explain stupid shit in detail… One could just keep going on. Being kept in a cellar all his youth made him an out of touch with the world twat but the rest of this train wreck really looks like the result of an unaddressed disability.
No. 967409
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This is autistic but I think Lori should try to skinwalk vanilla from Nekopara, it would work with her hair and outfits. Though honestly I just miss her skinwalking days.
No. 967490
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I hope Jillian fucking suffers. I hope she fucking dies in a fire.
I have dissociation (not straight-up DID, but a dissociative disorder of some kind) and mine came from being fucking raped as a kid and getting beat up to a pulp and starving for most of my childhood to the point where I wanted to kill myself before I was even out of the kindergarten.
But of course DID diagnosis you paid for is grounds for a happy smily celebration and a cake!
I hope you choke on the cake and fucking die, because Stebiepoo doesn't know how to do Heimlich (and because his faggot noodle arms are to weak to lug his hambeast of a sugar momma around)
Sorry for a-logging, but this bitch doesn't know what trauma is, and certainly haven't experienced it in the way that would cause a dissociative disorder.
I hope she rots.(calm down spaz)
No. 967564
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In hindsight this is so gross and makes me want to fly all the way to PEI and hit her so hard
No. 967626
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Why do anons in shayna's thread look for reasons to cause infighting? Holy shit.
No. 967695
>>967658Have you never heard of hatewatching? I thought part of the fun of lolcow was in trash talking unlikeable e-celebs.
>>967688She's infuriating in the same way that your most annoying coworker is infuriating. She's not hurting anyone but herself, but her faux cheerful persona + munching makes her easy to hate. Plus as
>>967690 mentioned, her munchie saga hits close to home for some people.
No. 967720
Shoe and Shayna are weird pick me's. Shoe has obvious Simps who'd love to date her, Shayna's standards are so low that she could find someone on her same level or loser to date, who'd honestly be what she wants.
I just don't get why they pander, especially Shayna, at least Shoe gets a lot of attention for it. Shayna barely gets attention and it's very clear she just wants a scrote. She doesn't want a rich scrote,successful scrote or even attractive scrote.
Just a scrote who'd like her, like what she likes and who'll do boyfriend things. Take her out sometimes, buy her snacks and cheap shit. Though if given the choice I think if she could choose the man of her dreams but no twitter/sex work or going viral once and becoming somewhat known she'd choose that.
There's no reason for these two women to be as miserable as they are. Lonely, depressed and thirsty. If you break it all down, all Shayna wants is someone to care about her, but thats not enough. She can't have a normal offline life with offline friends/lovers. She needs everyone to KNOW someone cares about her. Whoever told Shayna she was "Special" needs to be slapped. Most people aren't special to anyone but the PEOPLE who love them. It's like a sick joke, Shayna got the attention she wanted but from the wrong people (lolcow or hypocritical angry jealous sex workers).
Shayna depresses me, bores me and disgusts me but I can't look away, because I am rooting for her. She does disgusting shit but it's very clear WHY she does them. Thats what pisses me off the most, she panders to the most disgusting people on Twitter, for a pinch of attention.
No. 967729
>>967720Same Anon- Maybe "rooting" for her is the wrong thing to say because thinking about it, she's been unapologetically disgusting and more so lately. However, I'd say that I would like to see her do better because it'd be so EASY for her to do better. She is mentally ill and depressed, I honestly liked her better when she was with Fupaul because she seemed slightly less deranged. Now all she does is pedo-pander and go on dates with dudes pretending they are her "Sugar Daddy".
Ellen is also disgusting and at LEAST I felt like Fupa somewhat cared about Shayna and was sexually attracted to her. Ellen creeps me out in how she HAS to beat or do weird shit to Shayna everytime they have sex, she's only doing it because Shayna's not a scrote and the only way she knows how to interact with a woman who ALSO is barely into women, is some fake BDSM that NEITHER really like, but do just because.
No. 968397
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Sage 4 no1curr but I've been reading Tuna's old threads and her art is so adorable. It's not good on a technical level but weirdly endearing, picrel is esp. nice imo
No. 969616
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>Oof ouch looking very narcissistic here cringe
The audacity of this bitch, can't believe she's saying this to her own fans
No. 969803
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No. 969857
>>969845she is like that picture that says:
I AM CRINGE BUT I AM FREE. except thats her entire personality and shes been like this for at least the past 14 years.
its kinda crazy how thats jills ""personality"" too but shes not goot at it. shes like rainbow and positivity shtick but shes too passive aggressive and always complaining about something. with her aunt i can actually believe she is this fucking unhinged and happy all the time and no haters can stop her.
No. 970001
>>969909Yes, and he is totally encouraging her in this shit by congratulating her on it with his social media/seems happy about it. He is also an enby now and seems to be close to fully trooning out if you ask me, since on Halloween he dressed as "a hotter version of himself" and basically just cosplayed as a tiktok egirl.
>>969975I was thinking about this earlier today, all I can picture is Louise sitting in her designer cat patio crying over every time she ever burnt Jill's tendies or forgot to buy some limited edition Peeps, wondering if that was the straw that broke the camel's back
No. 970029
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The tradthots thread has devolved into such a shit show. Full of derailing, essays, bait and obvious males. I can't even be mad because I contributed to the derailing at one point but now I'm just sick of it.
No. 970058
>>970041They're trying to say that misogyny is better than racism because at least different races and cultures can bond over misogyny. Hands down one of the worst takes I've ever seen on lolcow, and that's saying something. I genuinely can't tell if this is a troll or not.
>>970050I don't usually follow the tinfoil thread, but you're probably right.
No. 970147
>>970114 Newest Varg followers only acknowledge his carefully curated twitter persona – the traditional man "fighting" for trve evropean values, not the 50yo criminal turned into NEET who's just another leech on French welfare, living on his in-laws land and doing nothing but shitpost… while Marie takes care of the kids and slaves away on their farm (when she's not placentaposting). He can't go full neonazi because he will get suspended, so he tones down his narc sperging and settles with blind worship coming from mentally ill pagan tradthots/pickmes and incels. Mind you, an audience he can't berate for not being as TRVE as he is (read: pale skin, blond, blue eyed) like he used to do on his YT channel, otherwise he will lose them.
In the end, everyone gets what they want: attention and a sense of community.
No. 970176
File: 1637119852225.png (182.53 KB, 259x309, screenshit1.PNG)

I don't know who this is or why she's a cow, all I know is I saw her as a Thread picture on snow, but I think she's cute.
No. 970180
File: 1637120491195.jpg (24.7 KB, 500x500, 1636185778326.jpg)

Does it make anyone else mad that in the case of Lucinda, Chris-Chan, etc the psychologists never step in to cut their internet access? I'm not sure if Chris was ever under supervision but Lucinda sure is and her doc doesn't even try. Severely mentally ill people should not be on the internet with the ability to harm themselves. Lucinda's thread is legit doomfuel but I can't stop looking.
No. 970217
>>960819Late to this so my apologies but I'm really tired of all the billie sperging taking up the celeb cow thread. It's been said before but honestly all the comments being made aren't even milky, just commenting on her body that she's clearly self-conscious about and it does nothing to just go back and forth about her appearance which she's still figuring out. I remember going through multiple styles around her age, still coming to terms with my body and how to dress for it, but she's doing it in the public eye.
Although it seems to be the norm that when threads start to get dry the infighting starts.
Just even looking at some of the threads in /snow/ that have devolved to infighting and racebaiting.
No. 970221
>>970217>I'm really tired of all the billie sperging taking up the celeb cow thread.How new are you? the best proven way to get anons to stop sperging about things you don't want to hear is to drop and ignore it yet you dig up an 11 day old post? Sounds like you're just trying to continue the conversation
as for her looks go, from what I've seen it's just people tinfoiling about how she's a lot older than her claimed age which is
valid considering it's a common thing in hollywood
No. 970970
nonnie I'm posting about it in this thread because I'm one of the few anons that doesn't bother engaging with it on the celeb cow thread. I stay out of the weight sperging in general because it's boring imo.
No. 971088
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I know she’s a shitty person and an alcoholic but to me she’s honestly really pretty, I probably just think this because she looks a lot like a close friend of mine
No. 971219
File: 1637237639377.gif (6.72 MB, 240x426, ezgif-2-15da43dd69ae.gif)

I don't think you gals understand it I find her very attractive, I thought it was a meme at first but I don't know anymore
No. 971249
>>971219I adore her, I'm gonna chuck Jill off the Confederation bridge and that lady is going to be
my aunt.
No. 971479
File: 1637261663028.jpg (68.35 KB, 720x720, 1478435733676.jpg)

I like to believe that in an alternate timeline, Jill still dresses like this (or more cohesively) and went to Japan on a student visa for language school or/and Bunka and works part-time at 6% dokidoki, often gets street snapped on her way back to her dorm.
No DID larping sexy clown bullshit, that was all a dream
No. 971525
>>971507Samefag, but the thing that makes me hate her the most is that she has one of the most supportive lolcow mom's (most supportive goes to Shayna's mom imo because I'm sure even most of us here don't have parents that would support such an ungrateful degenerate sexworking slob). Louise would never let Jill walk around with fucked up teeth like Laur, she'd never put Jill to work and basically pimp her out like Margo did to Venus. She wasn't a sexworker like Ariana's mom, not a druggie in recovery like Luna's, the list goes on.
Most of these cows have reasons as to why they're the way they are, Jill and Shayna however, don't imo. Outside of being too coddled ofc
No. 972035
>>972032Ellen is a predator as far as I'm concerned and as long as Shayna continues to interact with her, she's just as disgusting.
The only reason people even looked back into Ellen's job is because Shayna reminded us she's a "caregiver" and tried to sexualize it.
Even if Ellen is lying,she's still disgusting and should'nt be trusted around kids.
No. 972058
File: 1637300179099.png (62.36 KB, 767x401, gj.png)

>>972048Good job anon. /snow/ is now appearing as the top result for "ellen dresel nanny" for some search engines.
No. 972110
File: 1637310607531.jpg (667.54 KB, 2209x2177, norm.jpg)

Barely cows I guess but I was watching a Norm and Chris video and paused on this frame before getting up.
No. 972466
File: 1637337705926.png (1.31 MB, 1296x636, ttt.png)

I thought micky moon had grown up and not been a noteworthy cow anymore because she's boring as fuck but she's back posting loli shit on her tumblr blog
No. 972663
File: 1637348945737.png (406.21 KB, 1080x1643, Screenshot_20211119-140748.png)

>>972071this could just be influenced by my browser history but it's pretty high up there on google too
No. 972878
>>942055>>953989really dead. the grave is real, under her legal name and documented in the cemetery records. I've been there to see it. the grass was still regrowing over top the new dirt from the start of the year.
looks like the memory is alive though.
No. 972921
>>972899I didn't visit for lolcow. soren's lazy parents haven't decided on a design for the tombstone and I hypothesize they never will out of shame. so there is nothing there but a coffin-sized patch of growing grass. not the photographic feat you're looking for, sorry anon.
really dead but believe what you want.
No. 973017
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>>972565>almost a year I don’t understand the Ellen whiteknight trying to downplay any piece of evidence against her. Probably the same anon that said the venmo payments from 2020 were from 3 years ago therefore irrelevant
No. 973044
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>>973017…. you’re actually retarded. That is the greater than sign meaning she’s been inactive for more than 1 month.
No. 973060
File: 1637375153311.jpeg (510.83 KB, 1242x1932, C812A6F7-15F8-4D77-806D-FE2417…)

>>973017>whiteknightWho do you think reported her to That’s the most that is going to happen at the moment; her account getting deleted. And it did. Nothing more is going to happen unless you have definitive proof she’s currently working with children and can get the attention of the hypothetical children’s parents. It sucks but that’s how it works. Ask me how I know.
Ban me for cow tipping, I don’t give a shit but I’m not going to be accused of whiteknighting a paedophile.
(cowtipping) No. 973077
>>973060I hope you don’t get banned though you probably are but thank you for reporting her anon. They talk a lot of game in Shayna’s thread but hardly know what they’re actually talking about. Nothing in your original reply was whiteknighting or downplaying what’s going on. You were being realistic about the situation. If something comes out about current nannying and not just caregiving, which she’s doing for her parents, then hopefully something more can be done.
And to the retard anon, further down on her profile it said she hadn’t been on there in over 6 months and was not currently taking on jobs. Saying that she hasn’t been active isn’t being a whiteknight. Go back to zooming in on Shayna’s shit flakes.
No. 973899
>>972921>>972984So there is no tombstone or anything? That's sad, especially since they blew so much money on her when she was alive… It's like they gave up or it was too painful, IDK.
Sorry for your loss. It must have sucked to see Soren spiral out of control (assuming you knew her when she was normal)
No. 974184
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>>974176I used to think she was cringy af (baby talk, being spoiled, wanting to be ~kweer~ while trying to hide her 3 month girlfriend but spotlighting all of her scrotes, pretending to know shit she didn't know like japanese, french or how to sew, general attention whoreness, etc) but she was never super cowish, I'd check her threads now and again cause it was usually the same old stuff. But now she really got milky.
I still wish she followed through her dream with living in Japan, it would be fun to see her as a jvlogger interacting with Sharla, and I believe it would be way better for her mental health. It would probably be even less milky and anons would just keep tabs on her out of habit, most likely.
No. 974439
>>973952Anon, please have more confidence in yourself. I'm the anon who said I hadn't read her threads but none of the stuff mentioned ITT seemed like a reason to assume someone was lying about their sexuality. All you said was that women who willingly have lesbian relationships are generally not straight, and that it's possible to be a shitty person who also happens to be bisexual, and anon said you needed help. The things you said were completely normal, the thing she said was weird. You shouldn't so quickly jump to self-depreciation.
Also I never checked the replies after writing my original comment, lol at the anon going I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU and saying that some random bi chick being a whore is the reason people are prejudiced against bisexuals as though making it so absolutely no bisexuals play into negative stereotypes is A) possible, and B) would stop people from being prejudiced anyway.
No. 974895
>>974859Why doesn't she put lipchap on? why doesn't she do her hair in cute styles or have someone do it for her? Why doesn't she attempt to dress sexy instead of in 2 sizes too small clothes? Why Doesn't she wear a bra to make her breast difference look better? Why doesn't she cut back on food and take a few walks to tone up/lose weight? Why doesn't she get a tan? Why doesn't she save up to get a car? Why does she constantly hang with ugly old men/women? Why doesn't she make men pay her more or at all for her time? Why doesn't she try to create a life outside of sex work?Have friends who aren't connected to it? Why doesn't she just do feeder porn? Why does she think the issue is everyone else except for herself?
We ask all day WHY shayna doesn't do this or does do that, the question is very simple
Nonnie. She doesn't give a shit, she's depressed, mentally ill and self-destructive.
No. 974946
>>974859doesn't she always make posts about getting waxed? also waxxing doesn't cure bumps/burn, if anything it makes it worse and takes your skin forever to get use to as well as ages skin from stretching and ripping + causes microtears in the skin. The best option is either laser hair removal or old fashioned shaving if you use the proper techniques.
>>974895lol this. the least of shaynas problems is her damn cooch irritation
No. 975515
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What the fuck are people like this doing on lolcow
No. 975611
File: 1637616894649.jpeg (217.21 KB, 1240x494, 1637616785554.jpeg)

>>974439well since you insist you dont read the threads… for example, she does diaper shit. has done it many times throughout the years. but she also on tumblr admitted she doesnt enjoy it. but she still does diaper stuff every few months when shes desperate for coomer interaction. shes known for this type of thing. she lies for attention and to seem "kinky" because she thinks sex is a personality trait. all the tweets from her """""gf""""" make it clear shay is distant to her and shay only mentions her for scrote attention never in a romantic way. she has faked being into a lot of stuff for attention. she is a sex worker after all, anon. this has been known for years. no, we shouldnt put it past her to lie and milk that """relationship""".
if it was a different cow, and you had read the threads, yeah sure maybe who knows. but faking shit like this is literally what makes shay a cow in the first place. this is a girl who lies and fakes shit for coomer attention and has absolutely zero limits, this is not a good hill to die on and thats why other anons called you out. like jesus anon out of all bisexual women to defend fucking fighting about sexism and homophobia against shay the pedo pander
No. 975901
>>975880>Young girls don't lurk lolcowAnon…
I get it's crazy but surely some celebrities research boards about themselves? It would be Billie if anything since she's undeniably the most insecure celebrity
No. 976974
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this is super random because she’s only a minor cow but dasha’s friend Maddie annoys me so much every time I see her face. She actually annoys me way more than Dasha or Anna. I don’t even know much about her because I don’t follow her because her face and vibe annoy me so much even through pictures. I dislike her because she reminds me of Dopey the Dwarf. She could be the most amazing person in the world and I wouldn’t care because she looks like Dopey took too much Xanax and watched New Girl and tried to skinwalk Zooey and then watched an arca video and tried to skinwalk him too. Imagine constantly looking like you’re about to say “…who, me…?” in some soppy tone. Why she is considered cool in NYC is a mystery to me.
No. 978290
File: 1637906307233.jpeg (274.95 KB, 1080x1466, 1637885083582.jpeg)

i dont care about mickey threads i dont find her enterteining. but i scrolled through /w/ and saw this and i think its really cute! her digital artwork is kinda ugly to me. but this traditional thing looks cutesy. i like it. he made the ugly guy look nice and his dog turned out cute as well. i would follow for her art even.
inb4 it looks like shit. luna ALWAYS gets one faggot to say "her art is nice ASKHSUALLY she just needs to…-" when her art is legit middle school tier and all looks the exact same. i have no idea why anons die on that hill every two months. but i will die on the hill that micky whatever the fuck can draw shit id buy.
No. 979127
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>>978592And now this fucking hours-long argument about eye area shapes which morphs back into talking about MGTOWs
No. 980564
File: 1638161956950.jpeg (Spoiler Image,148.77 KB, 750x1190, 1638156137610.jpeg)

I gagged when I saw this picture, it brings flashbacks of Shayna eating what looks like white discharge on a spoon, saying it was cum.
Either this is the thickest " Yeasty Cum" a woman even created, or this idiot used fake cum. Regardless, the whole picture just smells like Mayo. People always say "Shayna looks melted" and I was sick of it, then I saw the pictures in the field she took, I finally saw what they were saying. She does look melted. She has no muscle tone. It makes sense. Maybe she literally produces butter. This is retarded and I know I sound like a idiot.
I don't know why this is getting to me as it is but..yuck. Just yuck. I honestly think her face is more disgusting than the glue looking "cum". She looks sweaty and stank.
I've been trying to not go in on Shayna or any woman on here that hard, but this picture just drug it out of me.
The picture alone with the caption comes off like a joke. I don't know whats sadder, her using fake cum and thinking, "Well female and male cum is the same"
Or her thinking this is normal. Like, "Wow, I'm so wet, look at all this creamy white cum!" It's not normal.
No. 980985
File: 1638205979369.gif (Spoiler Image,5 MB, 600x338, 1638086894354.gif)

Not an OF hoe, just genuinely think Shay's weird tit is an implant and it fascinates me. Try and tell me pic related is a normal thing and they're "just 2 different sizes." I have small tits and they still move. It's just frozen in place like a block of cheese, no idea why some Shaynons assert that this is normal kek.
No. 981087
>>980985Honestly, it's the shape of the breast that makes me think it's abnormal. It looks stiff hard and like a tiny implant. She even has some weird "Under tit fat".
Buttt more then likely it's just..unfortunate. I don't think she has a implant, I think she just has a weird stiff boob.
No. 981091
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>>981087sa- This smaller breast looks odd here, implant like, though I don't think it is. So I can see why some anons think somethings up. Though it's probably just how she's built.
No. 981109
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>>981091She had a small scar too on that tit that showed up a lot more when she was younger, now that her tits sag they cover any remaining scar there might be unless it faded
No. 982531
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Spanish speaking cow (Kind of? I don't know how most of the farms feel about him but he has a kiwi thread)
I believe that Doomentio is a very ambitious person; making a comic editorial and his experience with media is something I respect, I even got to know new pieces of animation and writing advice thanks to him; it's also interesting that he is some of the few semi-well-known people who are critical of the transgender ideals, but I'm legit tired of his political ramblings. He can say interesting stuff, but these past few years have been pretty /pol/like, and it's genuine annoying, even as a cow. His entire Twitter is filled with edgy accounts sperging about jewish people, how we are all doomed to hell, that women (And JUST women) aren't "pretty" anymore due to some weird jewish race mixing conspiracy or something. I remember his early videos and he wasn't this extreme, the /pol/sperging is consuming most of his online prensence now, and it's making me feel very tired. I don't understand how someone can keep up with such negativity after a while, let along years. I just feel that my mental health would be better if I forget about him at all, he just isn't funny or interesting anymore.
No. 982534
>>982531he is one of the few semi-well-known people*
I'm sorry
No. 982566
I don't know how girls like Shayna do it, I made a comment about twitch thots and it really hit me.Like imagine doing what Shayna has been doing for years. You don't have a car, nothing designer, just nothing.
Then you go on twitch or even Instagram and see fully dressed girls, dancing, playing games or just in bikini's, having men simp on them.
There's so much free porn, so many sex workers willing to do whatever for that $500, yet they'd rather give it to a fully dressed twitch thot, who wouldn't even piss on them if on fire.
All this for scrote attention, but the women doing less gets it.
No. 982571
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The idea that we would refer affectionately to each other as "precious cow" gave me a good laugh. What a milky day.
No. 982610
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>>982606I love you too precious cow
No. 982709
File: 1638368272755.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20211201_150704.jpg)

>tfw found out this girl that used to have a thread here is now having bitchfights with Lucinda
Once a cow, always a cow. Don't have anywhere to post this since I don't want to derail threads so I'll dump it here, kek.
No. 982774
File: 1638376474812.png (193.64 KB, 720x1560, Captura de pantalla_20211201-1…)

This fake positivity is cringe when everyone was telling OP that they did a bad job. Glad mods saw and agreed on closing the thread
No. 982789
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Luna looks like Aiko Punpun, especially when she smiles
No. 982899
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>>982735I love it! edtwt and zoomers delivering the milk directly into the thread. The lolcowfarms reviews are flourishing
This and Jill getting that DID diagnosis are early christmas presents.
No. 982904
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>>982832you tard rage just like Papa Punpun lol
No. 983868
File: 1638477077778.png (520.09 KB, 1066x1044, imagen_2021-12-02_142942.png)

I'm actually angry.
I have an uncomfortable relationship with loud sounds because my dad actually shot a gun towards my mom once.
She's saying she has trauma out of nowhere. I fucking despise you, Jill.
No. 983888
>>983868I had a friend years ago whose parents coddled the hell out of her. She never really grew up and she got diagnosed with bpd as an adult. I initially thought bpd required trauma too but I guess a certain type of coddling can sometimes cause it too. Jill reminds me so much of that girl.
I really think she just has boring ole bpd and not much more than that. The type where she just makes shit up and starts to believe her own crap after a while.
No. 984283
>>982709I don’t follow her threads because she’s the kind of pretty girl I can’t make fun of and the threads are full of weird noobs but if it’s whatever this is &the fakeboi vs lucinda i might have to finally dive in
>>982203She’s so cute. Obviously an annoying person but idk she’s got a charm despite it
No. 984747
File: 1638571032673.png (215.44 KB, 354x368, imagen_2021-12-03_163705.png)

hey jill shayna clifford called she wants her face back
No. 984843
>>984814This. She's pretty much harmless imo but all the ~Yass Unicorn Queen~ going on in her thread rn is super cringe.
(Also there were suspicions of her self-posting a lot since thread 1 and I'd like to see a Munchinda post reveal)
No. 985295
File: 1638633736437.gif (1.59 MB, 500x279, giphy.gif)

>Natalie is asleep
>anyone wanna make a thread about this larping bitch?
>Natalie wakes up
>oh my god stop discussing her, this is her selfposting, I am reporting everyone, she doesn't deserve a thread she's boring
I never wanted to "hi cow" so hard in my life, but I have to be civil.
No. 985314
>>985304nope, that's really jill
>>>/w/185560we're heading towards lolcow singularity
No. 985447
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>>984843Luncinda's stans were always obnoxious but now her thread is virtually impossible to follow because they're so far up her ass. I've never seen so many people take the words of an obvious chronic liar at face value before. She must be having the time of her life
No. 985823
>>985775I just bought Veva's book even though I'm not into magick (kek). It's very nice visually and you can learn from it how to market yourself (by following Veva's example). It's also nice to have a book by her for old time's sake. Feels like she made it, publishing a book with Gaiman's quote on it (I know that apparently they were friends for a long time even though I forgot it lol). Her witch business is booming (I assume – sidenote, but funny how it seems inspired by the Love Witch movie). She was such a big part of Emilie's shows and world, it's really sad to see her go. Weird that there will be plenty of people who only know her as a Love Witch and not Veronica the flirty crumpet. Of course good for Veva that she built her own brand and that she isn't just orbiting Emilie… but it's like another door closed.
EA also was my first lolcow, or a celebricow at the very least. WVC used to be my protololcow kek. BTW, the new book version cut out the best parts of TAFWVG aka cutting diary, drug diary etc.
No. 985976
>>985447>>985726>>985705I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that her thread is mainly her WK-ing herself and underaged anachan rattling their bones (and now she even wants LC to participe in her little feuds with other twittards. (Huh…not your personal army, anyone?)
And every obvious bs she spouts are being taken at face value:
>I'm a True & Honest schizo, here's my diploma!>Me typing like a retard is real and valid>My brother is taking my pics>I didn't eat anything for 6 months>I tried to kms yesterday but I'm fine now lol>I'm a real unicorn and certainly not a sped playing dress-up>I'm retweeting shitty edits made by farmers but I'm not lurking my thread, I swear! And the thread is like : Yass Queen! So true! You're so
valid and beautiful!
(Also, it might be me being a grumpy oldfag but I hate the fact that they're comparing her to PT.)
No. 986500
>>986231It's funny watching anons continue posting normally while she has cocaine psychosis all over the thread. Like a bunch of people in a mall food court quietly walking around a retarded child having a meltdown.
Are the GC containment threads even moderated?
No. 986608
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I don't care for Chris and Sharla speculation sperging but I really enjoyed their dynamic in Sharla's newest video. It was fun and felt natural, kinda reminded me of hanging out with my brother kek.
No. 986654
>>986500Kek that analogy is spot on. At least now we know she's having coke induced rampages and that's why her fag bashing posts are so spergy and foaming at the mouth. I'm tinfoiling that she became a polilez once her Nigel was cucked away from her by a HSTS because there's literally no other reason for her to be projecting so hard and continuously calling other anons fag hag handmaidens for saying that AGPs are more dangerous than HSTSs despite both being misogynistic.
>Are the GC containment threads even moderated?I don't even know anymore, it's so weird that anons who forget to sage are banned instantly but the schizo fag-chan gets to throw a tantrum for hours despite being reported.
No. 987142
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>>982571I'm late, but ily all my precious cows
No. 987168
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>>987142I…I need that doll. Or I won't survive.
No. 987269
>>985700You know what else is cow behavior? The fact that this shit same shit happens in /ot/, Moo's, Lori's, Shay's, and even in the tradthot thread. I don't give a fuck if you or retards like this
>>985755 think that its samefagging. Its not. I'm sick of tired of how threads will always devolve into infighting just because one sperg chooses to reply to another anon which they could have ignored but refrained from doing so and then when they get told to shut the fuck up, they samefag while accusing others of doing so or backpedal with a 'no1curr'. If no one cared, there wouldn't be a fucking chimp out in the first place. The burlesque retard could have easily been ignored and this is in the rules. God forbid someone tells anyone else to shut the fuck up though. You both sound like newfucks who desperately try to integrate and fail at it.
Both of you know that it wasn't about stupid beads or whatever. It was about either your or someone else's inability to ignore something you didn't agree with, because god forbid you don't have the last word.
No. 987285
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>>986400this is the right ending but we are not getting it. lainey has been doubling down on this shit relationship since day one. even during the time she was being literally cucked by greg with billie while she was fucking pregnant and greg (according to the harem) yelled and insulted lainey all the time. even then she didnt divorce him. she is not leaving. i agree though, that would be the best way to go. but theyve hated each other since the first year married they are just going to continue hating each other till death do apart.
>>985775>>985823>BTW, the new book version cut out the best parts of TAFWVG aka cutting diary, drug diary etc.anon, my beloved, please help me. my best friend loves EA and i dont know shit about her. i got her that book for her birthday but i didnt know there were different versions. when did they change the cutting/drug stuff? she loves edgy shit like that, she is a fan of EA after all. do you know which version/year censored it? im retarded and i cant find it. i need to get her the real deal i feel so stupid now please help…
No. 987345
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>>987285Sure! I hope your friend treasures you, cause it's clear you love her a lot. If you have the book with black cover with legs on it, it's the changed/censored one (picrel is original). The original one had a (supposedly) true story consisting of EA's diaries about a stay in a psych ward, taking different medication, self-harm… They are quite visceral. Also interesting because she alludes to her
abusive exes in a rather straightforward manner. The other part of the book is a fictional story about a victorian girl called Emily that ends up in an asylum that resembles an concentration camp more than a psychiatric hospital. The two parts come together at the end. The biggest difference between the editions is that the new one tries to show EA's story as fiction too and removes as much of the harsh content as possible. Bits and pieces of the original diaries made it to the new edition, in an appendix called "Proof of madness"(or something like that). The quotes from EA's original diaries are pasted there with a fictional doctor's comments, making it feel cheap. On the other hand the new version trades hints of a heterosexual romance for a relatively full-blown lesbian one (don't expect sex though, a kiss is as far as it goes).
Here's the post about the entire history of the book(s): were two versions of the original one, but they only contained small changes (fixed cut off line, a photo and name of EA's exfriend changed to a random Asian one — she's a character in the fictional story).
Due to relative scarcity and the fact that it was already expensive as hell when it came out($50), the original version is quite pricey (starting at 70$, but I usually saw it being sold for ~100). I was lucky to buy it for cheap after a BLM drama when fans were turning on Emilie and her content ( if you want to know more about it). IDK how much time do you have though — deals require patience. Oh, and in case you would consider getting the audiobook — it's even more butchered (EA is suddenly 17 years old in it vs 27, because she tried to go mainstream and her editor suggested selling the novel as a YA story).
No. 987383
>>987361You're on a real opinions thread. I'm not sure what you expect if you're
triggered by someone disagreeing.
No. 987442
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I wish Samantha Prater threads didn't get deleted. I find her very… entertaining. I know she breaks rules with her autistic self selfposting, but I enjoy it, goddammit. Anyway, here is her latest vid, letting the world know she is not transphobic (sadly).
No. 987914
>>985976She is kind of like PT though, isn’t she? Or more like Abby Brown, who was like PT. They’re all genuinely retarded. I think anons that touch the poop nowadays are different than poop-touchers of yesteryear, but it all comes from the same place: they see a well-intentioned retard who with only marginally less retardation (I.e. some gentle guidance from anons) would be a functioning member of society. The same used to be true of KF and Chris Chan.
Lucinda is a little more mean-spirited than Sarah, though. She’s also (un?)intentionally hilarious, which makes me think she’s a lot smarter than she lets on.
No. 989360
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>>989320The cast is slowly getting together.
I don't really follow Lucinda's thread, she actually scares me a little bit, and like some anon above said, I dislike how they compare her with PT, it feels like a newfaggy selfpost, but her whole presence on the farms is fascinating to me. One day she suddendly got a thread and then a lot of anons fell creepily in love with her, even just casually reading her thread when it gets bumped feels like being in a different place other than Lolcow. No. 989689
>>989320Lucinda's new partner:
>tranny>edgy>drug addict>prostitute/escort>gymbroAmbrose:
>exactly the same No. 990277
>>985976 I agree with you anon.
I feel like I can’t say this in the thread but I don’t buy any part of Lucinda’s story. At the beginning maybe, because of past blog posts with little engagement about her schizophrenia.. so I stopped engaging with the thread.
But I think she’s just full of shit like everyone else clapping for her on edtwt and off.
And I think m, to be fair, some anons are like “Yass our queen” to be really tongue in cheek about it (or at least that’s what I’d like to think) but other anons seems to have a fucking explanation for everything when really she’s just lying. Like oh her pupils / eyes look weird? Yeah that’s jaundice from liver failure. Is her family THAT fucking negligent? There are so many unanswered questions I have..
No. 990282
Shayna is a year younger than me but we share the same birthday.
I've had massive problems with alcohol, weed, and other substances but was more self-aware than her to stop half of them and limit weed and alcohol. Had a (less popular) blog than hers and anons begged me to do porn and I was just like no lmao that's dumb. I ballooned up around the same time as her (8 stone to 12) but took weight loss seriously and sit at a comfy 9 stone now (good for my height). It weirds me out because mine and shays issues align so well, bfs that dont give a shit, being arseholes in our own right, only I had more friends than her and I'm not as fucking repulsive as a human (if I do say so myself, it's not exactly hard) it's like she keeps choosing the wrong path and no one shakes her. Never growing up from her teenage mindset, rather than facing hard truths, maturing and learning shit. I sometimes feel bad, but then she does/says something that drains all the sympathy away. Who she is, is like me at 16 on steroids, a fucking dickhead that needs to learn.
No. 990438
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>>990418>>990277yes thats why i cant read them either! like for example she obviously can type right, she has typed sentences with normal grammar before. like a day ago she accidenty posted a tweet written normally. and some anon asked how she could type like that if she cant write without msuhsh typinnggGG issueS3. and immediately a different anon goes
>ITS OBVIOUSLY THAT SHES USING ONE OF THOSE APPS THAT DO SPEECH RECOGNITION. SHE HAS EXPLAINED THIS BEFORE. NOTHING how fucking retarded can you be? everyone knows text to speech fucks it up all the time. plus she wrote "fatphobia" in the tweet which i doubt is recognized as a real word by any speech to text, for fucks sake.
i have no idea how they can believe the most basic and classic munchie ever and to compare her to actual horrorcows kills me.
No. 990707
>>990438I think that ~know it all~ anon is Munchinda herself (or someone who's very, very naive)
I like reading that thread, it's such a trainwreck. Between the obvious self-posting and manipulation (like I've stated many times before : a post reveal would be glorious), the ironic fangirls and the new-farmers slowly morphing into big fat cows…Idk why but it's really entertaining.
Also, how convenient that the Ambrose thread is getting bump with useless teenage pics when anons are starting to doubt her with le troony-bf revelation. Kek
No. 991642
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Think I found a few more Felices abandoned profiles. Girl is still trying to be an artist. Wish she would come back, she was interesting even though she was also up her own ass a lot.
No. 993675
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I’m still not over ChronicallyJacquies death. I was hate following this munchie cow, hoping that one day she’d get her comeuppance for being a scammer and a phoney, wasting medical resources and faking medical conditions…and then she just up and dies of fucking sepsis in her early 20s. Really not what I wanted to see. Be careful what you wish for scenario.
No. 993679
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>>993675Here’s her kiwi farms thread. Her thread on here was deleted because of all the “med sperging”. In fact I’m not sure if she ever even had her own thread, I think she was always grouped into the other “spoonie/munchie” thread with lots of other cows.
No. 993682
>>993675I see guilt in this post.
She was a very exhibitionist personality. She didn't spend nearly as much time thinking about how her actions she posted online would affect her followers, as you now think about your actions.
She loved that you got to see her. She didn't give a fuck how it affected you.
No. 993718
>>993703We got to witness someone's personal hell that drove them to death.
I think the answer to all your questions is yes.
No. 994016
Despite everything Shayna is, I used to feel guilt talking shit about her. I'd still talk shit but I'd feel bad, because she's clearly very depressed, she's clearly very disillusioned and she's clearly mentally ill. Though, hearing about her step mom's offer and the story she told about her dad & then she started pedo-pandering and talking about incest right after it…yeah, I have nothing anymore. I used to think the only thing on here that makes me real life mad is Troon/scrote shit. Now it's troon/scrote shit and shayna. I know there are millions of women out there, who'd love to have a family like that. A offer like that.
What makes me even more mad is that Shayna knows how fucked up she is, because she didn't post it on twitter. She knew if she posted that on twitter she would'nt get hug boxxed. She'd either get ignored or theres a chance someone would be like, "Wait? What? Your parents can PAY for you to get an education?"
I think this is a new level. She was honestly better when she was with Fupaul. Dating a woman who she KNOWS stole a child in her care, pacifer & involved them in kink. Ugly disgusting scrotes who pay her in dinners, Build a Bear and ONE pair of uggs. Back to posing in diapers and writing disturbing shit she KNOWS she doesn't really want to happen to her. It's just too much.
No. 994360
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>>994289When you look like this you don’t need to hate yourself to know you need to do something that isnt only sitting around and throwing tantrums when people around you are trying to help
No. 994621
>>994360ive watched a fair amount of my 600lb life and 1k sisters (and also hoarders and intervention) and literally everyone on those shows is a huge baby with a massive
victim complex. none of them ever take responsibility for literally anything. nothing is ever their fault. other people always owe them more. i started out with a lot more compassion for the people on these shows and ive completely lost it, that's what happens when you never accept responsibility for yourself ever in your life. your brain fucking rots from lack of use and everything around you rots too, your body and your home. unless someone can make them understand that they have to put effort into something, they will stay like that and antagonize everyone around them, forever.
No. 994653
>>994621The one with Schenee Murray is crazy. She told her husband, "All you do is wipe my ass" and had her husband give her a Bed Bath in BLEACH.
She's still online to this day even after her episode, she's still obese (though she lost some weight). She constantly pretends to be pregnant to get money from youtube commenters, then she's ALWAYS finding men to lay up with but none of them take care of her.
She even had a pornhub page/video but she deleted it all. She was probably one of the most ungrateful disgusting people on the show to me.
No. 994845
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>>994653kek i hadnt seen this episode so i just looked into it
her GFM raised $300
No. 995019
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>>994945Skinny queen amberlynn is insulted that you would think that
No. 995283
>>990282I am not close to Shayna in age, but I feel like I’m very similar to her too. I don’t really use weed or alcohol but her dorkiness reminds me of me, in a weird way. And yeah I’ve had my share of shitty boyfriends, attention whoring. I was never popular on social media
thank god tho because I’d probably be on this site if I actually were a few years ago but I would try to be sexy, and a lot of her trying so hard and coming off as dumb reminds me so much of me, though I’d never be into diapers and cages. Reading shaynas yhread is entertaining but get a disturbed feeling in my stomach after a while especially when anons who have it better compare themselves to her like “Shaytard pls some of us are in college or have a husband”
Or when they bring up the fact that she doesn’t have a car or friends, I don’t either. So I feel attacked kek.
No. 995318
>>991398Stefan seems like one of those covert narcissists, I'm sure it was easy to get in her ear and convince her to drop her whole social media profiles (other than a few Tweets a month) despite that being what drew him to her. Reminds me a bit of
Toxic Tears where the boyfriend seems to be a problem, or Pixie.
Her art has improved and it's good to (((not literally because she doesn't make content anymore)) see her working at it, but people are interested in her as a social media personality and she just dropped the whole thing.
Silent dodgy boyfriend awards 2021 go to Stefan and Stevie imo (Jake is no longer a boyfriend it looks like, but I think he contributes to Kaya's lack of motivation due to being such a selfish prick, but in his case he's an overt dodgy boyfriend rather than a silent one.)
No. 995436
>>995283So… You have nothing?
>I feel attacked kek.You should.
No. 995463
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This is annoying, being told by others that you’re dumb and that you’re not capable of doing things on your own is fucking annoying and tiresome. It’s idiotic how she has to cope with not getting enough attention as a kid by posting stupid shit like this, but it’s funny because she’s too insufferable to ever get any sort of attention.
No. 995846
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The only anon that posts in the Micky thread needs to conceal their typing style because it’s becoming obvious that thread is just vendetta and no milk. Same posting patterns
No. 996600
>>996307at least we have finally reached End of Onision. Though now that I said it, I'm concerned about what he is doing when no one pays attention… mostly to his children. I do not wish for this to happen, but I will not be surprised if we will see "breaking news: ex-youtube star shot his wife and children then himself". He is a ticking time bomb.
Also I'm worried about Omission 2.0. It's only a matter of time before the reign of another pedo shitbag begins
No. 996609
>>996603It was rumored that Lainey got a job — I highly doubt it honestly because I feel like if she spent
any time away from that house she’d see how normal adults act and gtfo… Who knows, though? The fact that Lainey wouldn’t just leave with the kids was always the frustrating part that kept a lot of people engaged. Her leaving the Internet sort of dried up the wells. Nobody cares about Greg, they care about the people who have dealt with his crazy ass.
No. 996613
>>996603 Wasn't he caught ubering? No job is shameful etc. but that's such a fall from grace for a retard that got millions (?) for basically farting in the general direction of his adoring fans. Also imagine just minding your business, being late to work or doctor and fucking Onision picks you up. Would straight up cancel if I saw Gregory's/James'/whatever ugly mug coming for me… unless I wanted a cow tale.
Wonder if he still has those 5 discordfags. Also if Lainey kept the retarded volcano tattoo she got after being tipped by her fans (what even was the name of the streaming site? I don't remember, everything changes so fast)
No. 996684
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>>996623It's simply incredible how awful the relationship was right from the start, and yet it kept getting worse and worse with each passing year.
I warmly remember:
>tempcow (was so cute to see everyone type in real time, too bad that it wasn't archived)>tumblrfags analyzing Greggum's shit books line by line while making fun of them (tbh this also happened here, but much less than on anti-onion blogs)>all the twists and turns throughout the years that I've observed along with other farmers No. 998328
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Another Shayfag nonnie here. My opinion is that Shay is the Chris Chan of SWers.
No. 998371
Out of curiosity, which threads do other anons think are underrated for how funny they are?
>>998333I feel like a lot of people have already warmed up to Luna over the years. She was how I found the site and there's way more benefit of the doubt given to her now than back then, especially in these threads.
No. 998491
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The Chrishar discussion is the most boring shit ever. It was amusing for like 3 posts as fun speculation, now it's just spergy and annoying.
No. 999100
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Idk if it's because of my own insecurities/bad experiences with men, but the Kaya/Jake breakup really struck a nerve with me.
For literal years anons were noting how disinterested he seemed in her, how he seemed like he wanted to cheat, was going to get caught hitting up young fans, was gonna abandon her etc. don't get me wrong, I knew their relationship wouldn't last, especially since they had been together since their teens. But like, damn, I really thought that he at least cared about her and that their eventual breakup would be amicable. Instead he kicked her out of their house, made her sleep in a cold studio with no central heating and no shower and says she doesn't even feel safe. There is such a stark contrast between their videos. She said she didn't even see the breakup coming and that it wasn't amicable and kept trying not to cry. Jake on the other hand was super cheery about the whole thing, kept saying how he checked out of the relationship years ago and that their relationship was more like friends/roommates… yet he waited til NOW to breakup with her? Despite "not being in love anymore" for years? Gee I wonder why. You'd think after 12 years and Kaya & her mom taking him in so he could leave his supposedly abusive household would count for something. Shit like this really makes me afraid to build my life with a man. Imagine building him up for all those years only to be thrown out like yesterday's trash.
I dislike Kaya for a lot of reasons, notably how much she complains and e-begs (though she hasn't seemed to beg as much lately) but I still hope she can lose weight and become financially independent again.
No. 999531
>>999100lbr it was over the moment she stopped being his physical type. Sticking around for convenience, money and comfort is common in moids but those things don't mean love to them the way a hot gf does.
I am rooting for Kaya to improve herself and her life, hopefully this is the push she needs to get out of her comfort zone.
No. 999532
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(posting the screencap directly from the thread)
Jillian Vessey is so fucking ugly and bitter and I fucking hate her for calling her ex gf predatory. Uma is so freaking cute and attractive. It makes me so angry. Just look at her, ugh why does she have to be slandered this way?
Does anyone else feel angered by this?
also reposting because maybe this is the correct thread
No. 1000115
>>999564No he wouldn't, his channel was shit and got shit views for the longest time, she was always advertising him and their gaming channel on her main channel (which was more popular back then).
Also I'm pretty sure his snaccs have made it to the thread and are saying she deserved it. Ugh.
No. 1001922
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Anyone remember the shoplifting threads? Pinklyft or whatever he fuck etc, holy shit that was a wild ride.
No. 1002125
All the talk of troons stealing the identities of their siblings/relatives, literally wanting to become them instead of being an individual…
I can't share this in that thread bc blog, but I have a functioning autistic sister (30 yo) and although she remains "cis" gendered, her entire life is about being me. It makes me sad, and I've tried to talk to her about it but it's useless. I could go on about her exactly copying my hair, wardrobe, major in college, job choices, and tattoos. She moves when I move, to be closer to me. I'm not being insane, it's far beyond normal siblings emulating each other.
I used to be kind of a "party gal" and ran with a pretty crazy circle of friends. She has slept with no less than twelve of my single, male friends since the 20 teens. I have been happily married for going on 3 years now but, still, when I introduce her to a male friend of mine I know it's only a matter of time before she "bangs" him and tries to get into a long-term relationship. To get a sweet, sweet taste of the Me life.
Sorry for rant, but reading about the troons attempts to take their sisters' names is wholly believable. I think the posts are real.
No. 1002249
>>1001922Literally why I discovered lolcow. I used to be an actual shoplifting roleplay blog. That is to say, I never shoplifted a thing in my life cause im a pussy
I wish lolcow was fun again
No. 1002455
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>>1002423you right, my bad
No. 1002921
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I think shoe looks pretty. I know she’s got no hair because of trichotillomania or however it’s spelt but she’s not fat or old looking or ugly. I know she photoshops but she still looks cute in picrel when she’s not photoshopped. I think nonnies just try to say the most offensive thing possible about her to hurt her feelings because she likely reads there. She’s shallow and has arrested development and bullied women’s appearances in the past so it’s clearly the worst insult as far as she’s concerned and why they go for that. I don’t like her but I do think she’s cute. It’s not her fault she has trich but everything else is her fault. It’s her responsibility to get therapy too. Im not being soft on her but I do sympathise with her to a degree about that. She sucks but she’s not like a serial killer or anything so she deserves a bit of sympathy having such a horrible mental illness.
No. 1002938
>>1002921>>1002925I think she's pretty, but she clearly never learned to dress herself. I feel like the word cheugy was made to describe her.
Also wig0nhead was the superior nickname, that seething retard Brittany Venti got everyone to call her "Shuwu" instead which was stupid and gay
No. 1002983
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>>1002921>>1002935idk she looks kind of scary in picrelated..
No. 1002990
>>1002921I think she looks perfectly fine, not attractive to me personally but she definitely doesn't look old, fat etc. I've stopped reading her thread because seeing anons calling her those things and circlejerking about it annoys me to no end. maybe I'm being autistic but seeing pepople lie like that
triggers me, it's like when handmaidens all call disgusting looking troons stunning and brave, or when scrotes do the "2/10 would not bang" thing
No. 1003084
>>1002409The infighting, sperging, and samefagging there is… a lot. I was the one who made the threads and provided all the older milk caps in the first two threads but left after making this third one once actual milk was being ignored and the paragraphs started.
To the anon that just doubled down on burlesque not being stripping: learn your history because it is and your queen Dita
Still takes the people in her shows to small strip clubs to perform for fun.
No. 1005153
>>1004912>I think a lot of the contributors to those threads are femboy twitterfags to start withBingo.
Like said itt many times, gossip is always in-group. It's the same across all threads. It's been the case with the fakeboi thread too with mostly fakebois posting, and in all others - artists post in artist salt thread, ewhores post in ewhore threads etc.
No. 1005192
>>1005160Sure it is. I'm not going to gossip about drama in curling sports circles or gossip about notable people in robotics since I don't know two shits about any of those things or people. I can only gossip about things that are familiar to me. Hobbies I also have interest in. People who are known in my personal circles. Others, people with no connection to those things like I have no connection to curling, don't care and won't read about that drama.
It's the nature of all gossip, not just here.
No. 1005199
>>1005195It's you that's the odd one out.
Most posters in the ethot threads are competing ethots. How have you not noticed this?
No. 1005215
>>1005208Tell me, why were you driven to gossip about that, instead of for example chess drama (there's a lot if it, believe me). One is definitely closer and more familiar to you.
>>1005206Oh come on. Are you going to tell me most of the pro-ana scumbags posters are fat too? The core of a thread, the majority, those who started the thread and keep it alive, are always in-group. You wouldn't have a thread to read and post in if it weren't for them.
No. 1005236
>>1005224There's shitty people everywhere. Why not gossip about shitty chess players? Because you've never touched a chessboard. That's not your in-group.
>>1005228That thread used to be banned because the skellies wouldn't stop self-posting. The mods threatened to ban it forever if the skellies don't stop rattling. That's why they keep it on the down low. We had the same self-posting problem with the muchhausen thread, but they didn't stop munching, so the thread was forever banned.
Just look at how through the years it's been a tough battle for mods to curb self-posting sitewide, that wouldn't be a problem if things were like you said and most weren't in-group.
No. 1005272
>>1005239It's easy to find if you just search "chess drama". I'm personally not invested in it, but I enjoyed reading summaries about it on the hobby drama subreddit>>1005260This
website exists because a bunch of cosplayers wanted to gossip meanly about other cosplayers and 4chan wouldn't let them so they made this website. It literally started as in-group cosplay gossip.
And cosplay is just a nice hobby. They're not pedos or whatnot. Pixyteri is just funny, not shitty and evil.
There has been a tendency lately to paint all cows as bad people™ from newfags from Twitter. But the only requirement for a cow is to be funny, not necessarily a shitty person.
No. 1005292
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No. 1005323
>>1005265>Just like Shayna anons are not necessarily sex workers but they've had the urge to get into it so they still have some personal connection with the cowI participate in the Shat threads and I have never considered becoming a sex worker. I don't even have any social media and I have never posed a picture of myself online. I follow her thread because it's mildly interesting and sometimes amusing. It also provides the satisfaction of seeing someone wreck themselves doing sex work which proves that I was right to never get involved with it.
>>1005280>lolcow has grown and changed into its own culture far removed from seagullsPart of this is that the LC user base got older and their interests changed.
No. 1005830
>>1002921she's average/cute, she just acts like a thristy pick me. She acts
almost as thristy as shayna and dates
slightly better looking men then Shayna. Except Shoe actually could do better. She has so many simps, not all of them are dad bod weirdos. I'm sure at least 4 are decent normal guys.
She just picks the shitty ones. She's not on Shayna's level though.
No. 1006377
>>1005831That's true, but those people do have a greater connection to the trans stuff than the average person.
Those threads don't interest me personally because that phenomenon is too far removed from me. Posters in those threads either have trans people in their circles, or are otherwise exposed to it, or even in many cases used to struggle with their own gender identity. They have a connection to it I don't have. Similarly how it's mostly recovered anorexics or people struggling with ed or people exposed to ana culture post in the pro-ana thread.
It's not exactly the same as hobby in-group drama, but very similar - there always is some level of familiarity and connection with the stuff you're gossiping about.
If they were a total outsider they wouldn't read or post there.
No. 1006424
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>>1006391Why do I feel like this anon gets off to Taylor R's pregnant body…
No. 1006479
>>960114Wait, what? I guess I missed that.
>>984552Thank you anon, I bite my tongue always about this, but it is real and whether people want to accept that or not there's anons here with it too. Probably not many but at least I know I do. It's pretty entertaining watching people argue over the validity of it but god damn Jillian makes me irate. I think I've typed out 5 different essays I wanted to drop on her thread that I just wiped every time cause it's not even worth it. I agree though. DID is real but it's not like Jill's LARP and most people who claim it are terminally online NLOC's (not like other crazies) who want gibmedats. Would be lying if I didn't say this happening has made my life way harder and also forced me into uncomfortable situations IRL where real people faked having it to my face just to like, I guess impress me and make a friend or something. Fuck Jillian and this whole era of SMI larping.
No. 1006768
>>1006759Yes she's aware of it, that's why is always mentioning stalkers or haters.
Her ex texted her during one of her livestreams about lolcow that was shown to the screen unintentionally.
No. 1006872
>>1006860What gets me is that threads will be chock full of nitpicks like the one you described which is apparently fine, but those same posters get SO
TRIGGERED whenever anyone says anything that isn't 100% unhinged demonization of the cow.
Like, they literally can't handle non-hateful reactions so they had to create a safe space (this thread) because these fragile bitches can't handle anything more thoughtful than "she fat kek"
No. 1007407
>>1007339Onion is genuinely mentally unwell and was severely abused as a child and the men in the YouTube circle he used to run around like Cyr are as weird as
abusive or narcissistic but they are manipulative enough to keep their wrong doings hidden
Cyr is so weird he literally gifts everywhere he goes. At least Onision made his true self and insanity public. Also, Billy or whatever her name is was also a grifter and took advantage of the situation to build a career from it. She willingly jumped on youtuber cock knowing he was married trying to get famous from it. There are 10 of thousands of Youtubers as shady or even shadier than Onision they keep their images clean but if you look a bit into their careers you can tell that they are narcissistic, opportunistic and manipulative grifters. Same with Moo. Other costhots are even worse than her but she was targeted and demonized for being ugly and genuinely disturbed
No. 1007415
>>1007339The "literally" banner is one of my favorites. That has to stay up.
I also love the one of Moo dancing in the Santa outfit and the one of TND's snake striking her.
No. 1007776
>>1007548>>1007570I still feel a lot of sympathy for her, especially knowing that
victims of sexual abuse often become hypersexual and do porn. AFAIR she went through some difficult stuff before onion, and then we all know what happened… It's still infuriating to see a girl reduce her worth to looks and sexual attractiveness. Wouldn't say it about other make-up influencers, but in Billie's case it looks like an unsettling pattern. Onion said horrible shit about her and I hate that she acts like it's true ("she's dumb but so hot it's worth suffering through that"). It's so fucking sad and gross
No. 1008245
>>1008127>This statistic I pulled out of my ass with no sources at all or a bogus study from a shady websiteIn the most recent thread there is information and articles from Forbes, Harvard, Google COVID case measurements, an official statement from American medical boards, and the CDC.
Sorry you're regretting the vaccine,
nonny. But you don't have to close your eyes to facts and information you don't agree with.
No. 1008263
Genuinely don't get the appeal of speculating about the 'real' sexual orientation of cows. Usually, the things about them that are funny would be funny whether they're gay, bi or straight. It always just leads to a bunch of muh bihets derailment which is nigh incomprehensible to anyone not heavily invested in radblr idpol.
>>1008251You can be my special little supreme gentleman anon
No. 1008267
File: 1640788946950.png (317.56 KB, 1682x877, kekk.png)

The Breadtube thread is almost never about the actual cows. I scroll on /snow/, notice people posting solely about politics, sexuality, the economy or some other subject that'd be a better fit for /ot/, and it's always that particular thread kek. What is it about breadtubers that causes side-fights like this? Are they just that boring?
No. 1008281
>>1008267Seeing that thread while scrolling is literally what made me make this post
>>1008263. My understanding of breadtubers is that they tend to go dormant for a while and then make a big comeback with something incredibly stupid (often trooning out). So yeah they're boring most of the time. Plus, most of the people in that thread are probably current/ former breadtube fans. Breadtube is all about race, gender, sexuality, etc. so it makes sense that the people in that thread would also be invested in those topics and thus constantly down to sperg.
Honestly, all snow generals are prone to derailing though, not just the breadtube thread.
No. 1008286
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>>1007407>Onion is genuinely mentally unwell and was severely abused as a child. Also, Billy or whatever her name is was also a grifter and took advantage of the situation to build a career from it.I dont see why youre trying to make it seem like onion was the good guy in this? Onion was a fully grown men with a kid, a pregnant wife who wanted to fuck barely legal teenage girls without consequences. Also, Billie had mental issues just like Onion did, and Onion made public that she had an abortion, had an eating disorder, was a drop out and that his grooming pedophile ex bf killed himself. Billie said Onion was mean to his wife and that the kids were neglected but didnt do low blows like that.
If you want to say that Billie only wanted to be with Onision for attention like thats one thing. Like you can ignore that onion pressured billie to run away with him but only stopped because Billie felt bad for Laineys kids. She could have easily been Mrs Onion if it was all show and she didnt feel anything. But even if that was true, how is Onion not the worst guy ever in this? You act like poor onion got abused and taken advantage off. No, he was older and is known to fuck very young girls over, and he gave 0 shit about his own family as long as he could fuck emo teens. Billies crime was being groomed since before even meeting Onion and liking attention and being under 21. This is some pick me logic holy shit.
what a random shit to lie about.
No. 1008900
>>1008776Moo before she went overboard with the fillers and started doing NSFW content.
Luna Slater is also extremely beautiful to me.
No. 1011881
>>1008831I never followed her in the past but saw some of her instagram reels recently and thought they were cute, so I went to skim her thread out of curiosity and was so disgusted by her husband
>>1010411I also want to know the deets of this
No. 1012802
>>1011888Checked peetzes kf thread over new years and tbh I find it weird how much some users are praying that he ends himself in 2022. Dude's a hermit with some annoying twitter opinions and no real zest for irl life, he doesn't actually affect the real world much. He couldn't affect it less if he tried. Compared to other cows he just does little to really warrant the constantly crossed fingers for suicide, imo. 'weakling men'
trigger other men on a level I might never get.
Noticed in general that the hate for chantal kinda gets misplaced and landed on every last person around her too. Like the people around her are usually dysfunctional but users are always jumping to wanting them dead? Lol the chantal effect. Makes you want the whole world to burn.
No. 1012852
>>1012798it is if you are born in poverty. There's no social help the country offers if you are born here in poverty/if you are sick. If you are born upper middle class or middle class or if you come to visit from another country with money then you are fine, but if you're born here poor or sick you're kinda fucked. We have the highest poverty rates in Europe. The highest rates of people with no toilet in their household. The highest rates of people dying in hospital due to corruption and horrible health care. There is also a lot of sex trafficking due to poverty and capitalism. We have the most camgirls in the world. It has become a social problem and most camgirls are trafficked and they are not even aware of it because nobody teaches them that's fucked. We have the highest rates of illiteracy in Europe. There are villages after villages after villages if you go to the country side of kids that do not go to school, barely have any food and most of the inhabitants of those villages are like in the middle ages. The lack of education affects them forever. They do not know even how many days a week has or how to do simple calculus like 2+2 or how to write. If you are sick or born here the government will never give you proper financial/medical support. We are behind all European countries even developing countries like Bulgaria because of corruption. There are ads that tell teenage-18 year old girls to become camgirls. They are everywhere in the capital on the streets and even on YouTube(if youtube knows you have a girlssearch history you get ads from camming websites, I've been getting them since I was underaged). The so called "camming studios" are hidden sex trafficking rings and the woman or man that owns the studio gets a favorite girl to go to places where she can find vulnerable, barely 18 girls to groom them. They run like cults. You know, taking advantage of vulnerable people and brainwashing them to stay there forever. They are the same in Ukraine and Bulgaria too and it makes my skin crawl because they specifically send women to mental hospitals to groom the most vulnerable women in society. It's almost a technique or common practice to do that. A girl that works at the camming studio is put on mission by her "mommy" or "daddy" (studio owner) she self admits at the mental hospital and approaches young mentally ill women that are desperate for money and in a bad situation and then the groomer gets a money bonus from mommy or daddy for completing the mission. All the women that get involved with camming turn evil, groom and hurt other women non stop. I was friends with someone that is not even Romanian but from a neighboring poor country and she told me she brought 5 girls to her daddy's studio by self admitting herself to the mental hospital. All the girls work on the same website under her daddy's studio and her daddy gets 30% of their profits. I also think there is a connection between a specific camgirl website and camgirl studios in Eastern Europe which are basically trafficking rings, the website protects the trafficking rings bcuz they bring in 18 year old beautiful girls that make a lot of money that otherwise wouldn't end up there. This website literally makes money off trafficking
victims, but most trafficking
victims are unaware of it and not willing to admit they were groomed or victimzed. Until I came across radfem stuff I was not aware I had been groomed and in complete denial. I thought the girl that groomed me at the mental hospital was my friend and that the man running the studio I worked at was my friend too. They brainwashed me and offered me a community since I was 18 in the worst phase of my life they also convinced me to do drugs with them to brainwash me even further and make me tied to them forever. When I left the studio both the owner and the girl that groomed me began threatening me with death and suing me for "leaving the camming studio with a contract". I emailed the website I used to work at and told them the studios and the girls I knew were groomed working on their website and they banned me lmao. Isn't it suspicious?????? The man that runs OnlyFans also runs this website where the top earners are mentally ill women groomed from the mental hospital at 18 and the audience doesn't see anything wrong with it although those girls are obviously unwell and it was suspicious that they banned me after I mailed them telling them what happened. If they were normal they would have basically not let the studios with groomed girls run on their website anymore. This world is sick. When I used to work as a camgirl I paid a therapist and he would praise me for being a camgirl. Tell me I should be proud of making my own money and not care what others think. I will admit now that I've quit I don't really know what to do with my life or how to make money, I feel like my entire life will be dictated by me ending up camming when I was literally still a child. Also, the world literally has two main reactions to sex work "wow so braveeee" or "stupid whore prostitute". Nobody truly wants to discuss the underlying issues and factors of it. I also do not forgive all women in the industry, some of them truly become abusers and are not "le poor
victims" and they do have access to information.
No. 1012879
>>1012867Yeah I like Alice’s outfits too. She has an addiction but she’s sweet. Sometimes she goes overboard with the accessories, and the clusters of stuff she has kind of gives me an anxiety attack, but I would be happy with a portion of her bags. Like five of those Chanel bags would be more than enough for me.
I used to think Mikan is cute too, but one anon shared the candids from her hairdresser and her nose & chin looks nothing like her edits. Her personality is super annoying tho, can’t stand her