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No. 847115
Have you found out that if you express anything about a cow inside their thread you get banned or dunked on? Well this is the thread for you!
Do you want to rant about how much you hate a cow without disprupting the thread? Go ahead!
Do you want to sympathize with the cow and talk about how it's not too late to change? Do it sister!
Do you want to talk about your life (blogpost) and compare it to the cow in question? Here's the place?
Express yourself etc. Have fun!
Post your pessimistic, optimistic, negative, controversial, rude, or relatable takes.
(Also this is not a thread to complain about threads, bans, or mods, do that on /meta/. However you can complain about the fanbase of the cow or the people who dislike the cow here.)
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/729850 No. 847167
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I think Pixielocks needs an intervention or something
That or I hope she gets into drugs. fries her brain, and becomes another Luna kek
No. 847376
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Pixielocks has always rubbed me the wrong way, I've been following her since her first thread (which now that I'm saying it sounds absolutely insane.) I think maybe it's because to me she embodied so much of what I hated about entitled selfish people who mask themselves under a veil of performative positivity.
I think for that reason the fact that some of her fans actually saw through the cracks and called her out over the neurodiversity video felt almost vindicating for me. She's infuriated me for so long but now I feel like I can finally let it rest unless she does anything truly egregious in the future.
This is kind of a personal thing but I feel like most of the tread has just descended into "look at this ugly clown, I hate trans people" and speculation about the "DID saga". I couldn't care less about the weird male character she's creating (even if it is relevant to bring up), that's not milk to me and I'm losing interest in the thread.
No. 847462
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>>847227Is there any other milk to her other than that she uses meitu filters and is a stuck-up onlyfans thot? I tried browsing her thread but it was spergs nitpicking her calves and spending way too much time "dephotoshopping" her selfies, pic related is really reminiscent of the autistic blogposts you would've found on PULL. I guess it's interesting if you're like 19 and this is your first rodeo tearing camwhores apart.
No. 847906
>>847605nta but anons said
>mid-30s…approaching middle ageso she is correct since most people die in their early 80s
No. 848312
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>>847901Tbh I think the rest of the world feels the same way. Personality aside, her ginormous nose is so unbelievably ugly.
No. 848378
>>848322It was pointed out by anon in a thread an /ot/ thread a few weeks back that the reality of the Shayna situation is that shes just kind of a morally dubious sex worker and that most of the anons who observe her "cowishness" are just other sex workers who are picking on a relatively average looking girl who has a bit of a shitty life. Her threads have 0 milk. She just moved to a few different places and drinks a lot while acting like a bimbo online to attract her demographic.
Shes making money from sexwork. If shes making enough money to have a living wage, shes already more successful than most idiots who get into sexwork. I'll bet my bottom dollar that sex workers dont like seeing her make money so they nitpick at her out of spite. Otherwise there would be absolutely nothing to talk about in the Shayna thread.
"Wow, shes a bit fat, so dramatic and cowish and interesting. Oh my God, she moved apartments? Thrilling. She e begs and is kinda dumb? This is some groundbreaking Chris chan level milk guys omg"
No. 848456
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Every time I go to look at the Venus thread in hopes that she’s finally getting the help she needs, all I see are is an Anon that goes on about how shitty their life is and it’s Venus’ fault that she ended up the way that she did because she didn’t end up that way!!! Venus could severely hurt herself and these weirdos would think that they helped cleanse the world.
I truly feel bad for this girl. She’s so far gone and none of her antics are funny like Gabbie Hannah. It’s just sick that she’s at this point of her life and I 100% blame her shitty mom. How hard is it to believe that she’s being abused?
I don’t know. That thread is sick.
No. 848457
>>848312I hate her so much just by looking at her.
I don't follow her thread, what did she do this time?
No. 848467
>>848378>"Wow, shes a bit fat, so dramatic and cowish and interesting. Oh my God, she moved apartments? Thrilling. She e begs and is kinda dumb? This is some groundbreaking Chris chan level milk guys omg"Tbf, Chris Chan, the myth the legend himself was never that milky either but I do find him a good parallel to Shayna. They both cannot help documenting absolutely everything about their lives, so it's natural that people will be fascinated by their compulsive need to overshare online. It's a car crash you can't look away from. Shayna is less retarded than Chris but that makes her an even better target, the solutions to her problems are very obvious to people observing her but she continues to piss her life away anyway. She is demonstrably not a good person so it's very satisfying to see. I find the anons in her threads much funnier than Shay herself. I'm fascinated by the lore they've managed to construct around this literal $3 whore.
Apologies for the tl;dr autism
No. 848519
>>847462The only good thread where the farmers were cows themselves was the Manson one and it eventually went to shit too. The schizoposting was amusing though, if you wanna get into some old milk.
>>848312I think she'd loosen up and not be as psycho if she just caved and got a nose job earlier on. Just a feeling but a honker that huge has probably caused her a lot of social pressure growing up, I've seen it a lot. Idk if it will help at this point since her social coping mechanisms are… well they don't exist.
No. 848540
>>848460>going after degenerate ass menIt doesn't work that way. People gossip about those familiar to them in some way - ethots gossip about ethots, anachans gossip about anachans, cosplayers gossip about cosplayers, artists about artists etc. And of course, women gossip most about women as seen on lolcow, and men gossip most about men as seen on kf, /cow/ and other male dominated boards.
Apart from the biggest cows, most snowflake threads will follow this pattern. It's natural if you think about it, like, I never go to ethot threads because it's too far removed from my life to even laugh at it.
So if you want to gossip about men, you can do it on one of the male-majority gossip websites, but don't expect a bunch of women to do it. That's not the nature of gossip, gossip is an in-group thing.
No. 848546
>>848541Imagine my surprise (NOT) when I found out that the moderator of KF's furry board was also a furry (the CIA NIGGER kid). It always proves to be in-group gossip.
Tbh I don't know much about Nick Bate except that he's a genuine horrorcow, the only KF thread I followed regularly is the Fit Vegan Ginger thread, and even that has gone to shit because their users armchair and blogpost until they've drowned out the milk.
No. 848603
>>848456To me the Venus thread is a collection of the worst, sickest a-logs of this site. I really can't fathom what kind of a person you have to be to be aware of her
abusive past yet still make the conscious choice to stalk her and make her out to be some psycho bitch when she's doing nothing more than self-injury. They're claiming that it was actually Venus who played the main fiddle and manipulated her mom because… I don't know, nonnies can't accept the fact that having a exploitative parent ruins your life? Sperg but I really, really hate that thread and wish it was closed down. I can't read it because the anons and their misplaced vitriol make me sick.
No. 848632
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>>848621I have more empathy for a cow like Pixyteri that is clearly mentally stunted (also has a messed up relationship with her mom), to Venus that DID get away but squandered every chance and chooses to rot, picrel sums it up pretty well despite the long winded autism
No. 848696
>>848631>Her abuse was publicly documented but there are people jumping through hoops to dismiss all of it.This. It was all dealt out in the open with Margo flipping shit like the monster she was, it's not like there's any missing proof of Venus being abused for a very long time.
>>848632>Um sure she didn't have the freedom to be a normal young girl and meet friends and go to school and develop normally but you know what freedom she did have? To dress up as a cute kawaii living doll with cute weeb clothes and lolita burando and be an online celebrity from age 13!!! unlike me!!!!! >in fact she was always a conceited bitch that thought she was sexier and cuter than other girls and actually manipulated her mother to do her bidding!!!!>Her current situation? totally faking everything!! she's just a drunk narc who got herself into this mess and bullying poor oppa Manaki-kun Jesus christ these are the ramblings of a sick person. The more you read this the more bitter and skinwalker-like it becomes. This anon needs professional help.
No. 848723
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>>848699Sympathy towards cows also has no baseline here, probably because different groups of anons focus on different cows but it's still jarring
>Don't forgive paedo men, always support groomed minors>Except yukapon don't have any sympathy for that slut>But it's not Pixy or Abby Brown's fault that they sometimes hurt people because they're just mentally ill and trying to get better>But everything Venus does is her own fault because she's a narc slut booly who was never abusedReading these twisted leaps of logic makes me want to leave the site forever, I can't believe this is the same board that claims to be the least misogynistic of the chans
my tinfoil is that every alogger in /w/ is a failed wannabe Nippon idoru No. 848843
>>848756There more than one poster on that thread anon, calm down and cut the moralfagging when you're at it.
>Wah! Wah! Farmers are so mean!Do you know where you are?
Many cows are mentally ill, had a shitty upbringing (Luna, Jaelle, Nika, to name a few…) but I never saw anyone defending them like you all do with Venus. I mean, Dakota Ostrenga have shitty controlling parents, her Dad used to take risquee photoshoot of her when she was underaged but there's no WK going "UwU grow some empathy. She's a precious flower and we have to save her!", even if her thread consists of 4-5 tinfoiling tards jealous of her modeling career in Glorious Nippon.
I don't hate Venus, I even rooted for her at the time and I still hope that she'll can turn her life around but I don't understand the double-standard.
No. 848892
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>>848843Do YOU know where you are?
I should really ignore your straw man but you sound dumb.
Have you considered that nobody who has empathized with Venus follows the people that you listed. Hardly anyone talks about Kotakoti because she’s not a cow these days and the hate for her was mainly jealous nitpicks from Nonnies that wanted to be her.
Venus Angelic is deteriorating and it’s being actively documented while you all tinfoil about what drug addiction she has instead of realizing she has a problem and is coping with the results of her abuse/upbringing.
Nowhere is she yelling slurs, harassing people online, editing videos in After Effects, lying about circle lenses or submitting DMCAs like the Ostrengas did (which is what originally elevated them to Cow status).
I bet you also believe Yukapon was the mastermind behind every shitty thing that happened to her and she was just a big ol’ slut from the age of 14!!
No. 848950
>>848843The Dakota thread is just as awful as the Venus thread and it's been mentioned in /ot/ plenty of times how the anons there are equally unhinged weebs with failed dreams of aidoru life in Nippon. The difference is just that Dakota is a relatively well-adjusted adult who escaped her family and has always had a support network provided by her job she immigrated for, Venus ended up eloping with her visa husband to get away from her crazy mother to a country where she didn't have friends or a job or expertise she could sell.
Also this "d-do you know where you are??? this is a gossip board!!!" reasoning is retarded, just because a cow did something stupid doesn't excuse you from being an embarrassment yourself.
No. 849116
>>849083i really don‘t get anons like you. she is insufferable, she has supportive parents and still she acts like shit towards her mother. what makes you think she would take any other womans advice? or even wanna befriend another woman? she’s burned alll the bridges in her life. there are over 60 threads filled with more or less constructive criticism and even encouragement for her to get her shit together. she is a fat unwashed pedo pandering codependent addict loser stuck in a
toxic lifestyle thinking she is somehow above other women all because she has a total of three ugly ass redneck simps. i do not root for her in any way, she deserves having zero friends especially female friends. kek sorry for this autistic spergout
No. 849141
>>849083Shayna is beyond saving. Maybe when she was younger she would have taken advice from someone. Now she's so far gone she attacks sex trafficking
victims and defends porn hub uploading rape and CP because she is that desperate for male attention.
No. 849612
>>848378I find her entertaining and moderately milky. Just because you personally don't think they're good threads doesn't mean that everyone must be a jealous e-whore. Also, you'd have to be really down bad to be jealous of Shayna, lol.
I really don't think most people in the Shay threads are sex workers. Anecdotally, I know several people who browse/post in her threads, and they definitely aren't sex workers. There is also a lot of sperging in those threads about how sex work isn't real work, and I just don't think a woman with an OnlyFans would say that, even anonymously.
>>848467I kind of agree with this take. I think the chronic over-sharing is what makes people like Chantal major cows. Shay leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.
No. 850962
>>850867agreed (going to go into my own ramble here). I tend to view "that" section of lolcow (everything but /ot/ /g/ /m/ and /meta/) as something separate, I know they're technically the point of this site but I suspect a different userbase on both sides. Not that many/most users don't overlap, but most cow threads are obviously full of other cows from the same community posting, or people who sometimes act radically different than over here. I know most of us probably use both but I still see a difference where that side is more ok with hating other women's bodies, etc where here some at least pretend to have morals lol. if only a little. I like our memes and positive moments here. personally I don't use the other side except the mtf thread because most of the pettiness and excessive hatred at the women bothers me. but troons are hard to hold back on at all when you see the pedophilia, misogyny, violence etc. …all that said, I'm starting to realize the mtf thread is pretty repetitive. it's not farmers' fault, actually it's almost impressive how troons follow the same behavioral mold every time (only differs between agp and hsts patterns). I'm starting not to find it milky or entertaining anymore because it's the same bimbo fetish, waifu/porno fantasy, rape threat, pedo enabling over and over, rinse and repeat. it's very educational about the mtf formula lol. I only check at this point because I need a gc source of troon news. I'm waiting for the world to wake up.
No. 851087
>>850862This, the only good thing about all the twitterfags flooding in is that they will inevitably peak just browsing LC and coming across the crazy troon cows here and there.
>>850993>This site is to laugh at cows and their antics, not “get justice” or “make them pay” or whatever the fuck.To be honest I agree on the front that the hate the cow gets needs to be deserved to a degree because otherwise it'll go to the "look at this fat hag being a fat ugly hag on her instastories" end due to nothing warranting a thread. I'd much rather discuss a cow that's being, for example, a narcissistic leech throwing others under the bus, being obnoxiously
toxic to people around them, never learning from their mistakes, being a hypocrite and so forth. But newfag anons keep saying that following a certified cow is too scary, it's much "funnier" to keep nitpicking a sex worker's vagina.
>>851077sure kek
No. 851095
>>850769>anons can't seem to grasp the concept of just not posting when there's a lack of milkI agree. This happened in Onion's thread when some anons were going back and forth about Lainey and I'm glad it died down.
In general it's really nice to see that thread dying down, the narc dumbass deserves to completely fade into obscurity.
No. 851119
>>851077Well put, I agree.
>>851095After years and years of phenomenal milk, I stopped browsing the onision thread when he started doing onlyfans. I think it should have stayed on autosage, mods lifted the autosage because the documentary rekindled interest, but it's just rehashing old drama, there was nothing new there.
No. 851203
>>851149The only reason I can't stop following shayna is that I acted just like her when I was younger
so it's like a confirmation of what would happen if you don't improve
No. 851262
>>851149I don’t think you’re alone given how often I have to read a “dear cow” soliloquy from some deluded anon who is balls deep in their parasocial “tough love” relationship with their cow of choice. Hats off to you for just lurking.
I also have a soft spot for Shayna. She’s not a bad person. She could get her shit together easily but refuses, and that’s where the frustration comes from.
No. 852344
I've been a shayna-fag for a while, but i'm so sick of the Fupa Cycle. It's not entertaining anymore, it's not milky, it's not funny, it's not interesting. Fupa doesn't even fucking TRY to get her back. He just comes around and shows her basic human decency and she looks at that as true blue love, instead of realizing she's lonely, clingy and depends on Fupa, Drugs, Alcohol and empty attention from scrotes to keep her boring life going.
I think regardless of if they are off or on, something will happen before 19 days and suddenly Shayna won't be able to move.
She's not going to leave that scrote who she says has "bad dick" but was has claimed to want to kill herself over, put herself in a mento hospital over and has constantly put her life on hold for. Just two idiots.
No. 852425
>>848456Venus is very ill and her illness is justified by the amounts of abuse she has recieved growing up from her mother and everyone else.
If any of the hoes commenting on her thread lived a life like hers they would be far gone from suicide. Her mom is insane, her dad was not in her life, her mom used her for money and fame since she was 13 and never offered her a stable environment, noboy cares about her and her fans objectified her as a product since her childhood. To them she is not a person, to them she is a product of the internet. The kawaii doll venus angelic. Very sick.
No. 852565
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>>852556Then there are the unhinged anons who moo about how she deserves every bad thing that happened to her because she saw an opportunity to escape her abuse via one of her pedo fans. They’re delusional for thinking that the poor girl wished for any of this.
The way they ride Manaki’s dick just makes me believe they’re just jealous.
No. 852568
>>852344>shayna-faglolwhat. Anyway, I disagree that Foops doesn't want her. I've unfortunately witnessed on-agaim-off-again relationships irl and it's frustrating, it's annoying, and it's absolutely a two-player game. We never see screenshots, but I would bet all kinds of money he's written hundreds of lovebombing "I miss you, kiddo" bullshit messages. If he truly didn't want her around, this would not have lasted this fucking long.
Unrelated, but I'm sick of how in every single MTF thread, somebody comes and brings up that Goldfinger bar drama. Every single thread someone shows up to summarize it and post that dude's face. Milk gets reposted so much in that thread, I don't get it.
No. 852623
>>852425No anon you don't understand, she got to be a kawaii living doll paraded around in fetish-y clothes since she was 13, what young girl wouldn't love that?! I would've loved to have her life! and also she was the one abusing her poor mother because she's a master manipulator conceited slutbitch!!11
>>852556Agree. I really, really don't understand how fucked up do you have to be in order to make fun of her for what she's become. Anons in her thread are probably projecting their stacey bullies into her simply because she's been coined as the attractive j-idol living doll all her life. Her mother practically prostituting her somehow fails to phase them.
>>852565>Poor Manaki-kun just slaving away for the wife he loves so dearly without asking anything in return, he's not at all an opportunistic gaijin chaser creep who struck when he saw an opening!!! if I was Manaki's waifu I would totally respect my beautiful nipponese husband all the way No. 852708
>>852623anons in the Venus thread are mostly scortes and ex pull fags. I tell you there are salty scrotes in there that get off hating her after she's started an OF because she's not the innocent waifu they thought she was.
The worst part is that she reads the thread and because she has an unstable sense of self which is caused by the abuse she suffered she starts thinking and feeling like she is a terrible person, when objectively speaking she's still quite innocent and more sincere and genuine than your average Japanese YouTuber. There's two outcomes for kids that grow up with cluster B abuse. They either end up with cluster B disorders or end up being very sensitive and having PTSD as adults.
If you compare her to your average Japanese YouTuber she is quite literally less narcissistic. It is very funny to me that the anons keep on saying that she is NPD just like her mom, when Venus is quite selfless. Look at all the YouTubers in Japan. They larp personalities that they do not even have trying to make themselves seem relatable to gather a big audience. They use each other for views and pretend to be friends when they are not.
It's even normal that she has some jealousy and anger towards that rich white girl in Japan. Let's stop acting like people Don't have feelings of jealousy or hatred. Even successful people do, but they are just good at hiding them. It's even more justified to have feelings of jealousy or hatred when you have less than others, when you are in a bad environment or were abused your entire life. It's funny to me how the average person literally runs on more narcissism than Venus does.
Most humans run on narcissism, we constantly manipulate and decieve one another, hide our true self, our true intentions, just to climb to the top. This is how our society has been consolidated. Again, Venus literally runs on less narcissism than the average person does.
It's also sad to me how YouTubers are just products to their audience, they are objectified and reduced to being a commodity. Nobody truly cares about who they are or their personality. Once they stop pumping out the content their audience expects they are dropped just like you would drop any product in your house that does not satisfy you any longer.
Very sad and soulless world we live in. I think Venus has potential. I think that she should change her real name in Japan. I researched and it is possible to change your real name in Japan. If she changes her real name she could try applying for a real job. Who knows, maybe someone would hire her at a minimum wage job. That would help h her mental health. She should also make more genuine and "elevated" content to attract a more genuine and mature audience. I also think she should move somewhere outside of Tokyo where rent is very cheap. I researched and rent outside of Tokyo is amazingly cheap, like eastern europe tier. You can get a decent one roomed apartment for 300-400 euros outside of Tokyo. Nature would also do her mental health good and she does not need to live in Tokyo because she does not go outside nor make content outside that much. She also needs to fuck off from that Manaki pedo and whatever
abusive boyfriends she's had. She needs real people in her life. Not more
abusive narcs or immature viewers that don't care about her well-being and see her as a product. I apologize for the long sperg.
No. 853554
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Pixielocks looks so freaking cute here, I feel blushy and like I want to kiss her.
If she only kept this look…
No. 853599
>>851776I'd say she's done enough that makes her a bad person. Belittling sex trafficking
victims comes to mind
No. 853713
>>853706That thread is definitely a-logging central. It’s full of anons who are probably exactly like Shayna if you knew them irl. It also pisses me off when they never spoiler her NSFW content and it shows on the front page, it’s desperately waiting for other people who don’t care about her to join in their autistic obsession. It’s always the anti-sex workers too who think they’re fucking angelic for believing it “exploits women,” but they clearly aren’t doing a heck of a job being rude to one and they are the same as tradfags who only object to it because they think shaking your ass on camera is morally grave because these poor little country flowers would never do such a thing like
her, I’m not like that other girl I’m a pious radfem! Kek, it’s pathetic really.
No. 854074
>>853882It's the same shit Brittany Venti tried to do in the past, and she'd get angry and call anons in threads "jealous" when they called it out.
They're all losers with no personalities or charisma of their own. All they can do is siphon from here.
>>854057They're just tradthots/NLOGs from /pol/ who dunk on trannies and pretend to hate men, in stark contrast to the PP/GC anons from here who actually do hate men and trannies. Any actual ire those types have for men is a direct result of them personally being undesirable (or being mad that virulently racist men would also be misogynistic, kek), rather than allegiance to women.
The alt-right thing Lauren Southern and co were doing is too obvious, uncool and non-lucrative, so now they're grasping at LC culture for some semblance of an identity.
No. 854106
>>854074all these whores deserve to get the guillotine, they have pandered to mysoginistic scrotes for years and have made a living off that, they have pandered to the same group of people that want to ban abortion.
These whores truly deserve nothing but death coming their way I was in Brittany server and all the simps giving her money fought against abortion and were against it. You call yourself a radical feminist meanwhile you let simps say abortion should be banned and dont tell them anything because youre afraid to lose the hand that feeds
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>>852565Just visited her thread for the first time in years and jesus, you weren't wrong. Venus threads must be full of some of the craziest fuckers who've ever shit up lolcow, which is saying a lot given that there's a thread full of unabashed anachans. It's one thing to hate on catty e-celebs, but a-logging someone who's clearly severely mentally ill to the point of non-function is deranged.
>The way they ride Manaki’s dick just makes me believe they’re just jealous.Whether or not they are jealous of Venus now, they were definitely jealous of her during her glory days. When it comes to gossip sites, it's pretty easy to tell when there's a self-serving motive behind the comments; for example, pixyteri and abby brown's threads are light-hearted and supportive because there's nothing to be gained from tearing them down, degenerates like shayna and luna's threads are a mix of people making light-hearted comments because they're there for the spectacle, people who've developed a parasocial relationship with them and want to save them, and fellow who use them as a vehicle through which to convince themselves that they're not
that bad, and threads about extremely boring but (relatively) successful people like Mariah are populated by less successful people within the same subculture who nitpick to boost their own self-esteem- i.e. are jelly and can't handle it.
Venus threads are probably populated by weebs who fell into the latter camp and are so incapable of managing jealousy that they're celebrating someone's descent into a state of immense suffering. Their comments convey a weirdly visceral hatred that you'd expect directed towards, you know, someone who actually did horrible things, like pedos and stuff. Sage for metasperg
No. 854493
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>>854397The posters in that thread would warrant its own thread at this point. Imagine being so full of malice for someone you don't even know, someone who has absolutely no effect on your life or anyone else's except for her own that you write these fanfics about how it was all Venus "spinning everything into abuse" despite Margo's lunacy being documented and witnessed by everyone following them during their mother-daughter break up. Did these anons just forget about Margo overtaking Venus' instagram account to post slanderous shit about her and stalking her for months on end suicide baiting and reeing about what a "bad child" she is while living out of an airport bathroom? That isn't just an "overbearing mother being worried about her daughter eloping" or whatever they're trying to push it as.
She was ruined by her sick ass stage mom using her for her own gain to make money and live through her daughter and bitter anons keep pointing out how "spoiled" Venus was for being bought all the weebshit she could've asked for as if it wasn't practically props for her ~living doll~ image. Anons in her thread are so thoroughly marinated in their jealousy they really do think that being given cute frilly dresses and being a online celebrity at 14 is a privilege and not something that will fuck you up irreversibly in the long run.
No. 854506
>>854493Sometimes i wonder who those anons would be. Ive been on lolcow for years and lolcow is still mostly women and i think most of us know how much abuse can ruin someone.
I dont understand how they can be like this when her abuse has been documented for years. this is creepy
No. 854564
>>854558Living in Japan
Did an episode on TLC
Modeled for bodyline
Dated japanese men
Dresses in cute clothes
Is known as one of the original living dolls
There's clearly some things to get some envy from even if her life is a trainreck
No. 854790
>>854493>>854506It's pretty incredible that those weirdos will armchair for days about how Venus it an evil narc for committing heinous acts like livestreaming and getting into friend drama while somehow managing to miss the abundant signs that she's suffering from severe depression and poor social/life skills.
>>854545Honestly, they're probably older PULLfags who never managed achieve nor grow out of their weeb dreams. Scrotes can be cruel, but there's no reason for them to have the extreme emotional investment that the posters in the Venus thread have towards her.
>>854705I'm worried about how those threads will reflect on lolcow if Venus sudokus, which looks like an actual risk given her condition.
No. 855367
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Anisa the Pearhead looks objectively better with the new buzz haircut than with the Lord Farquaad haircut she had that one time.
You can be all shocked that a woman shaved her head, but ancient stereotypes aside, this is not nearly the worst thing she did to her hair/style. The absolute worst was pic related.
No. 855456
>>855367I feel like we should nearly all just buzz our heads once in our life to try it out, to see what our heads look like underneath there and to experience not having to even think about hair as part of our getting ready routine. It's not going to suit everyone (and some people will find it ugly on any woman) but it's an experience in itself and I wouldn't shit on any woman for doing it.
I'm not a fan of her choice of tatts but simularly I still hate to see (mainly scrotes on KF) sperging about how women are ruining their once hawt bodies.
No. 855534
>>855467Thing is it's subjective too.. heavily tatted, shaved head, piercings…plenty of people dig that look and yet men who don't like that look.. can't just let people be. There's one less woman on earth that you'd bang, oh no. I mean it's not like most women would want to fuck those guys either.
As the saying goes, your yuck is someone elses yum. Even a woman with a shaved head will still get laid easier than those whinging guys.
No. 855550
>>855534>your yuck is someone elses yumDo you think there are people out there who dig the Lord Farquaad look here
>>855367 Hmmmm idk
I stand by saying that's
objectively her worst look (so far)
No. 856224
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The anons in the celeb thread are truly a different a different breed.
No. 856772
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I always thought Momokun was really pretty until she pumped her face full of filler. I used to be highkey jealous of her life, traveling for cons and eating expensive junk food every day and not having to work. I know it was all fake all along but still I bet most farmers would have traded places with her in a heartbeat (at least before she started posting pics of her asshole)
No. 856783
>>856772I tend to agree that early shitposting about her looks was absolutely ridiculous–and ofc now that she is in fact actually huge and monstrous, farmers are walking back when they used to call her a hideous planet at her peak.
But idk, cosplay tends to attract narcissism and I personally can't stand the hobby for the fact. Getting to eat expensive junk and traveling may seem glamorous to outsiders (what the narcissists want to project), but it appears that lifestyle has left her a chronically empty person given the choices she's made.
Fulfilled and happy people don't choose that much cosmetic surgery and show their buttholes for money.
No. 857169
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>>856772I think the issue people have with Momokun is that she has all the opportunity and money to do things the right way but instead she spends money on the stupidest things. Even if she’s a terrible person, squandering her money and ruining her body because she’s lazy could be frustrating to a lot of people.
No. 858435
>>858419I really highly doubt Shay or Fupa are posting in the thread. Shayna wants to live in her narc bubble where everyone worships her ass and if Fupa cared about anons posting shit from his Facebook he wouldn't keep it public. I agree that the thread is a shitshow but I never have an issue with retarded anons going at each other's throats and posting tinfoil. Keeps the thread entertaining while we wait for milk from Shaynus.
>>857947I agree anon, Shayna always provides for us. Even on dry days she still posts cringy and hypocritical shit. The commentary in her threads is usually hilarious and some of the best on this site. I sometimes wish that someone would put together a wiki like the one CWC has but I like that she's a lolcow exclusive
No. 858535
>>858524>She doesn't need yet another man in her life ffsThis.
>>858513>I hope she will fall in love with one of her simps from her homecountry and have semi stable lifestyleShe married a simp last time too but now all we get are the abuse stories and how he held her back. Another scrote isn't going to change her behavior.
She is where she is because of really lazy choices and believing she's entitled to an income for appearing on camera.
Plus she'd never leave Japan for a man lol she's willing to be a ho just to stay in Japan. The only way she would ever leave is the government forcing her to at this point.
No. 858548
>>858535Japan is her entire identity. Venus has known nothing but Japanese culture for so long that if she leaves, she’s going to self implode and hit a new low. She has no sense of identity at this point and being in Japan is all she left.
What she really needs is stability and the best place for that is either with family or a facility that can help her deal with her severe issues and trauma. The only problem is that you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped and that’s where she’s at right now with all of this self destruction.
No. 858549
I love how so many anons ignore the fact that enduring enormous amounts of abuse in your childhood and formative years will affect your decision making, skills and personality for the rest of your life. They act as if Venus got away from Margo and she could have suddenly become a normal functioning person by making a couple of good decisions, when in reality even our decision making skills are affected by the way we are brought up. The formative years literally define you for the rest of your life. Yea, now you may cope and say Venus has gotten everything she has wanted as a child like clothes and fancy stuff and lived in nice places, but this is absolutely irrelevant to our issue. There are parents that are very poor and have children, but those parents still succeed in socializing their children properly and teaching them life skills and coping mechaninsms. The socialization of a child has nothing to do with the material part of life. Margo is a narc and she made Venus codependent because this is what narc mothers do, they dont want their child to ever leave them, Venus was not taught any valuable adult skills, was not taught how to deal with her emotions or how to make proper decisions. Mama has literally only taught Venus how to be a prostitute since her childhood, has taught her the only valuable thing about herself is her body, sexuality and that's about it.
She has been away from mama for not that long anyway, but I don't think it is over for her, she's only 25. She could live for 40 more years, she needs to start making progress little by little with small steps. She needs a proper schedule that does not involve taking OnlyFans pics or eating and sleeping. She needs to put effort into something to get back some of the happy hormones in her brain and her self esteem. The onlyfans thing is bullshit and a prime example to why sex work is abusive. A girl like Venus that is full of abuse, sick and dysfunctional has ended up having to rely on that sort of shit. I personally think SW made everything worse for her. She needs to start making proper videos again and getting a Patreon and living off that income. She doesn't even have to live in Tokyo, she could live on the outskirts of it where it is much cheaper to pay for rent. She could also change her name in Japan and start job hunting, even a part time job would do her mental health wonders.
No. 858855
>>856559>>856637She (smartly) has not been broadcasting anything about her personal life beyond gigs and heavily curated pics of social outings, which leaves a lot of room for speculation, I guess. The fact that she's until now managed to stay in Japan with so little work is a bit puzzling, but scores of weebs have settled there while offering even less to society (see: the jvlogger epidemic) so it's not like it's that out of the ordinary.
>>856772She's a fatty with a vacuous consumption-based lifestyle funded entirely by coomers. There's not much to envy. That said, I think she's a good person at her core and could live a meaningful life if she learned how to maintain self-esteem through intrinsically fulfilling pursuits instead of filling the void with plastic crap and purchased friends
No. 858870
>>858855Agree about Momo and I honestly think she's chilled out and matured, one needs to remember that she was like 19-21 during her peak drama and she's 26 now. Looking back I actually believe her when she recently said that the drama she got into was largely her being naive and ignorant and that she's grown past it. She's now a terminal consoomer doing cringey amateur porn, yes, but she's not getting into twitter slapfights, stealing designs or charity money or trying to be the Bad Guidette Bitch anymore. In retrospect I also have to admit that I find it impressive that she actually threw thousands of dollars and hours of effort into making cosplay music videos and even delivered on them like she promised, some other costhot would've just released a lazy lingerie photoshoot calendar or something.
I'm also pretty sure the harsh comments about her looks got to her during her crazy years which is why she's so addicted to plastic surgery now. It's so sad, I never thought she was as ugly as anons often made her out to be. Her face looked fine, at least it had character.
No. 859053
>>858868I feel like the anons in that thread would've bought that Soren was a CSA survivor too. The only time I was convinced a cow was actually schizo was Robyn from the Nicole Dollanganger calf thread. Lucinda seems exciting precisely because she
doesn't have schizophrenia. It's always the LARPers that do the craziest shit to prove they're sick. I have no doubt it will be a thread to watch
No. 859138
>>858972>>858975The sexual assault claims were cringey as hell and I dropped the threads at that point because it got way out of hand. She got touchy with people because she was an autistic idiot who had no idea of physical boundaries and thought it was peak comedy to grab someone's ass, not because she was some evil lesbian predator raping people left and right. It doesn't make it right but there's a huge difference between ignorance and negligence. The people pushing the narrative of her being a predator were people who wanted her gone for good and took their opportunity, a good share of the people pushing the cancel momokun tag didn't even know where the sexual assault allegations came from.
>she has learned to keep it low.That's part of growing up, anon. Everyone is a petty bitch in private but most people learn to keep it to themselves and not go around picking fights on Twitter like she used to. But don't get me wrong, I still seethe when I think back to how she treated KBBQ for example, the charity scam and how she kept attacking Steff von Schweetz over her old butthurt vendetta for example, or her weird flexes on her hAtErZZ and the grandiose delusions of her own cosplay making skills. But the milk has run dry, she grew up, the show's over. Her threads have been boring and dead for ages and now it's just thots a-logging over what shade of her asshole is or how fat her arms are. There's nothing left.
>>859055Before she had her first round of lipo she had a huge pot belly which sort of started her spiral down into PS addiction. She originally hid it with a waist cincher.
No. 859268
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Every time Luna says "cheap" this song from Parappa the Rapper gets stuck in my head
No. 859678
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>>858868Exactly this! Actual schizo manifesting on the internet looks like pic related. Lucinda's utterly lucid self-aware jokes at her own expense followed by "crytyping" quirk just don't feel legit. She's totally good for snow, but not because she's Ackshually Schizo uwu
No. 859982
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lucinda's thread is making me want to launch into a spergout about paranoid schizophrenia and a-log other anons. someone pls hold me back
No. 860178
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>>860007If you insist…
Lucinda's online behavior doesn't reflect how people who suffer from paranoid delusions, let alone paranoid schizophrenia, present themselves online.
>her appearanceLucinda looks like a trainwreck, but she dresses herself with care and consistency, e.g. coordinating colors, wearing accessories
>>>/snow/1281191, and putting on makeup. She even does her nails
>>>/snow/1281157. People with schizophrenia typically have major trouble with grooming and hygiene. From>The patient displays less attention togrooming and hygiene than normal. Clothing may appear sloppy, outdated, or soiled. The patient may bathe infrequently and not care for hair, nails, or teeth, leading to such manifestations as greasy or uncombed hair, dirty hands, body odor, or unclean teeth and bad breath. Overall, the appearance is dilapidated and disheveled. In extreme cases, the patient may even have poor toilet habits, with soiling.
The fact that she's very put-together and follows a consistent aesthetic that is influenced by popular trends is one of the biggest red flags wrt the schizophrenia diagnosis, as even those that are on the mild end of he schizophrenia spectrum tend to be not-so-concerned with appearances and grooming.
>her typingLanguage impairment is a key feature of schizophrenia, and people with schizophrenia may have a variety of different types of language impairment (see the review here…but making random typos is not in any way shape or form a part of that (see for an analysis of differences in schizo vs. non-schizo text).
For the sake of brevity let's look at one robust example of language impairment in schizophrenia- deficits in referential cohesion (see the review and compare it to Lucinda's posts.
Referential cohesion is more or less your ability to stitch a narrative together by referencing a concept that you've introduced earlier or will introduce shortly after, e.g. by using pronouns and nouns. People with 'thought disorder' schizophrenia are more likely to use 2nd-person pronouns like 'you' but there's consistent evidence that they less frequently use first-person pronouns and comparatives (see Lucinda frequently uses "I", he, she, that, it, etc. in her posts and in general has no problem directly connecting point A to point B in her writing, e.g.
>>>/snow/1281555. Deficits in referential cohesion are even found in non-'thought disorder' schizophrenics and family members of schizophrenics, which suggests that strong referential coherence is a decent clue as to whether we have a faker on our hands. And issues with referential cohesion are just one of the many characteristics that prevent people with schizophrenia from communicating their thoughts effectively - this paper lists a few examples under 'Disorders of the Form of Thought', and none of them, nor any of the any of the language breakdowns mentioned in other the papers above, apply to Lucinda's writing. She can communicate clearly and effectively, but for a few typos. Although there are variety of ways in which schizophrenia may present and different levels of severity, issues with language are one of the central aspects of schizophrenia, and Lucinda doesn't seem to have any.
I'd cont'd into the paranoid delusions part but I fully expect to get banned for this shitpost and it kinda scratched my itch
No. 860190
>>860178Thank you for sharing, anon. I would also encourage newfag anons to read the first Kelly Chompurrs thread (the following threads require a heavy, heavy
trigger warning). She's a notorious munchie and selfposted all of her diagnostic papers. She convinced several doctors that she had some rare mystery illness that caused her to bleed profusely and it was quickly debunked by anons. It's worth noting that a paper from a doctor doesn't prove much of anything, especially a mental illness dx. The goal is money and doctors are very willing to push medication at the slightest whiff of a mental disorder
No. 860230
>>860221>>860190It's bizarre that the munchie and anachan threads never had this level of white-knighting when their many of their subjects are just as or more deranged than lucinda seems to be. Especially the anachan threads given that some of the wks seem to come from there. I mean, there's been a ton of cows on those threads who've let everyone know how uwu sick they are, self-harmed, reopened their wounds, posted their pill hauls, attempted suicide, died…are these a bunch of tourists or does someone only become fragile enough to defend when they become a vampirefreaks-era edgelord?
I wonder what would happen if Lucinda's wks stumbled across the thread of someone who's deteriorated in an authentic and very unaesthetic way, like Venus or Shayna. Would they afford them the same sympathy? Probably not given that they've been throwing Soren, who actually killed herself, under the bus to defend Lucinda's honor or w/e.
No. 860242
>>860230Lucinda is VERY similar to Soren. Gender confused, cutting, age regression, obsession with a piece of children's media, hell, even a fandom past. It's bizarre that they feel the need to shut down any comparisons.
Also, no one has ever killed themselves because of a lolcow thread. Not even Soren. The fear that this girl will because of some stray comments is unfounded.
No. 860249
>>859574Same, I don't think it's too crazy that she might have schizophrenia too or at least has been dx'd with it by some wack doctor in PR.
I feel really sad for her that she has a thread and I just want the best for her and for her to get better
No. 860255
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you cannot convince me this bitch isn't self posting. Every time I see her brought up it's very random and reeks of anachan attention whoring
No. 860307
>>859482Always get me that the most definitive proof against “lolcows has ALWAYS been a transphobic* enclave” claim is sorens thread tbh until max 2 years ago not using he/him for Soren was an anomaly lmao
*half the bird brain tranny haters that are here now are not feminists never mind radical ones and I refuse to call them that
No. 860336
>>860315Soren was always up front abt the gender stuff. Even in the very first threads it was mentioned it was a tranny being posted. because being a transman was a reoccurring theme in all the narratives they posted.
>>101968People knew they were a fakeboi, mentioned it even,
>>102239 and still almost everyone used he/him because it made the most sense until the very recent busybody trannysperg invasion
No. 860390
>>860336Using male pronouns for a fakeboi doesnt make sense to me at all. This was also 5 years ago, the culture has changed which isn't always that bad. Lolcow used to have a lot of male posters right? That also has changed and no one is complaining about that.
Anyway i honestly do not give a fuck what pronounces people use to adress a cow, just ignore it instead of getting
triggered by it.
>>860306I just checked it out and it honestly read like a pull thread. So many people who don't sage and write paragraphs about how they feel so bad for her and that she needs to seek help. I do think she's mentally ill but so are many other cows posted here so i dont see why so many people are saying that the thread needs to be removed.
No. 860406
I know lolcow is not as bad as kiwifarms because it does not push people to suicide, but reading the stumpy Kelly thread makes feel evil. I genuinely cannot read the posts about how she used to pick at her legs because my imagination is very active and it is almost like I am experiencing that on my own skin. She's ill, very, very ill, you cannot tell me someone that ends up literally amputating their legs because of the self harm is not a victim, because some anons act like she is not a victim. She's the victim of her own fucking horrible histrionism and munchausen. I dont think anyone willingly chooses this, something beyond her comprehension has happened, some factors have influenced her to end up like this, factors outside of her control. A combination of bad genes and environmental factors. No sane person suddenly decides "Oh today I will start self inflicting illnesses on myself and posting it on the internet for attention". I genuinely see these people as victims of something outside their control and comprehension. This reminds me of how I've found lolcow through that extremely anorexic girl, ahh I'm missing her name, the very spoopy one. Ah, Ashley Issac. I wonder if she's still alive and I also wonder why there's no threads on her anymore. I just cannot blame these people. I can be angry at pedophiles and people that end up seriously hurting others, but I cannot be angry at these women that punish themselves until death.
No. 860447
>>860406Ashley is still alive (moar like undead).
>I just cannot blame these people. I can be angry at pedophiles and people that end up seriously hurting others, but I cannot be angry at these women Well good, because this isn't a place to get morally outraged (the rest of the Internet is for that), this is just a place to gossip about weirdos. We're not here to be mad, we're here to be entertained.
>>860418The rule has stayed the same all this time and says "any posters with a phallus, do not come here for validation or to announce yourselves".
There was never a hard no men allowed rule for the simple reason that it's impossible to implement. The rule was always if you're a man, shut up about it.
No. 860543
>>860527A lot of threads are super repetitive but that's part of what makes a cow a cow, they don't change. As the other anon said, just hide her threads.
I do agree that her threads are more on the extreme side of that, I only look occasionally and then get bored quickly. I think it's crazy how fast her threads go considering that she is a more harmless and mild cow compared to others, but I guess it's just due to how much she posts online. Other cows will be inactive for days and then their thread dies. Shayna seem to always have something stupid to say or a gross nude to share
No. 860556
>>860178I don't follow that cow, but schizophrenia symptoms vary a lot from person to person. The main part is psychosis; hallucinations and delusions, then there is disordered thinking and behavior which
can include being unable to dress normally and look put together, but it is absolutely not a big red flag if a person with the diagnosis is able to look put together. Nor is having no issues with language. Not all cases of schizophrenia are so extreme. A lot of schizophrenic people are able to mask their disorder as long as they aren't completely caught up in their hallucinations and delusions.
I know this because I have the diagnosis (been in remission for years though) and aside from experiencing it myself, being fed a lot of information from therapists, psychiatrists and classes about the disorder, I've been around a bunch of others schizophrenics as well, and while many of them did behave more or less weirdly, some of them appeared completely normal, unless they were in the middle of some intense delusion or hallucination.
Again, I don't know the cow you refered to and I'm not judging whether or not she is faking, I just wanted to share my thoughts on your post because a lot of it is wrong.
No. 860620
>>860541The thread is crawling with idiots threatening to "call the bar." It's one thing to sperg, it's another to cow-tip. I tried to remind them of the time people called animal control on Shay and got called a whore.
I hate that stupid creepshowart person, the YouTube vid exposé that came out recently brought a bunch of moralfag Twitter users to lolcow who are too young to understand board culture. It's awful. Styff like "We should screenshot and send to their work" pops up in like every thread now. I don't think it's a coincidence.
No. 860641
>>860620Re: creepshow newfag
I actually have high hopes for them. Nobody is born a pearlclutching twitterfag. They just need to lurk a bit to become a regular farmer. It'll be like a breath of fresh air to them, and to us.
No. 860668
>>860556>The main part is psychosisSomebody needs to experience at least one of the following:
>hallucinations>delusions>disorganized speech to qualify for a schizophrenia diagnosis. These are the core criteria, but there are also secondary criteria such as poor self-care. As you mentioned, not all cases of schizophrenia are extreme, but poor self-care is prevalent enough to the point where it is included in the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. Poor self-care doesn't necessarily amount to dressing in mismatched piss-soaked clothes like a bum, but it can amount to difficulty maintaining an organized grooming routine and sense of style. Many of the people you've met may have looked normal, but how many of them were meticulously accessorizing according to some cutting-edge aesthetic trend on a consistent basis? Also keep in mind that the cow in question is pretending to be experiencing delusions while presenting herself in a very deliberate manner.
As for language, again you're right in that there are different levels of severity in schizophrenia (which I mentioned myself). However, language impairment also has different levels of severity. The reason I gave referential cohesion as an example of language deficits in schizophrenia is because it's not only present in schizophrenics with and without thought disorder but also in family members of schizophrenics and high-risk individuals who haven't developed schizophrenia. The cow in question connects point A to point B through 1st and 3rd-person singular pronouns and comparatives as is appropriate even within the throes of wanting to be a unicorn and taking a selfie with a knife because of a stalker or whatever the fuck she's roleplaying. Okay I'm going to stop sperging about this for good now.
Glad you're in remission
nonnie No. 860677
>>860518Telling Anons to get the sand out of their vagina and to stop saying Venus chose to be the way that she is, is not white knighting. No one is saying she’s not making her life a complete dumpster fire but it’s so annoying to see you all say that she’s not a product of her environment or even claim that her narcissistic
abusive mom didn’t whore her out for fame; things that are all documented on the internet for everyone to see.
The hate for her in that thread is unhinged and just reeks of jealous weebs who think “she’s living in japan!! her life wasn’t that bad!!! i had it much worse!!”.
No. 860678
>>860664We just used to laugh at bad cosplay.
Yes, the original board culture is extinct now, but the spirit lives on. So easy to become just another moral outrage hub. But it never will, our role was always been the one of the vent. The stricter the morals, the bigger the vent.
>>860670The jannies have been fucking heroes in how they handled the onslaught of clueless newfags. Their reaction is one of the reasons I'm so hopeful.
No. 860709
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>>860694Have you considered that everyone who visits this website are only aware of a handful of the people posted here? Your argument doesn’t make any sense.
People are products of their environment but some are just terrible people.
Do you think someone who had a perfect childhood and was given everything they want would go out of their way to get a surgery that would’ve nearly killed her? But wait!! Venoos did that because she was lazy, not because her mom put the idea in her head that unless she was skinny, she wouldn’t be valued!!
No. 860984
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>>860709what I really hate are the weird responses like this if you say anything less than pure a-logging, it comes off so psycho.
No. 861571
>>861151I remember when she first showed up in Taylor's thread and there was the, "WOw she looks so much better then Taylor!" thing that people love to do.
It didn't last long though.
No. 862216
what the fuck is wrong with the anons whining that Venus doesn't do porn on Onlyfans? and scams the uwu poor scrotes? Like what sort of person do you have to be to wish someone did porn. Onlyfans is not even for porn, mostly lingerie pics or nudes at best.
>>861773anon, don't be delulu. I'm not talking about prostitutes, but sex workers. As in girls that sell their body on the internet. They don't have to go through the abuse real prostitutes have to go through. Again the term
sex work is way too general, because it includes girls that suck dick for 20 bucks and girls that make bank off selling lingerie pics which is totally different. I prefer using
sex work for girls that do stuff on the internet and
prostitution for real escorts.
No. 862355
>>862217Yeah, but the girls on the streets are actually facing abuse. The fact that camgirls appropriate that for their own spergy ends doesn't change that or make it "uwu oppression."
>>862216Those camgirls do still face some harassment from men, men just tend to not enter public slapfights with them but instead DM or try to stalk them. I see what you mean but they're not actually accepted by men since men usually heavily disdain them even as they're jacking off.
No. 862959
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>>862590Genuinely no one would think Anisa was an actual cow if she wasn’t associated with iDubbz. She’s definitely lame and boring but that’s not really a crime. Ian’s a hypocrite for going after cringe woman and then marrying one but is that really enough to carry 4 years of milk? Her body really isn’t that bad she just has no charisma which is why they feel so weird. She would only get a the occasional post in the E-thots general thread at most if she wasn’t with him.
Also everyone clowned on picrel but this was her most flattering haircut IMO
No. 862982
>>862216i can't stand when people do this to sex work cows, it's one thing to say what they put out is trashy, unsexy or gross (Like Shayna/Ari), or pointing out scamming to go, "See? She's a liar and lazy"
But to legit feel sorry for scrotes being scammed and mad a woman isn't showing her asshole for
poor scrotes is retarded. It reminds me of those twitter sex workers who get mad that famous women join Onlyfans and aren't selling their nudes for $5 and are using the platform for something else.
It's weirdo behavior.
I think pointing out scamming should be done to show character in these sex workers, who claim it's so empowering and they LOVE what they do so much. Like Shayna. rather then giving a FUcK about the scrote.
There's something so disgusting about how I see people openly shaming anyone on the platform for NOT doing porn.
No. 862990
>>862982Attacking Anisa, Venus, etc and other celebs/e-celebs for "scamming" is actually less about pandering to the men, and more about how it makes these other, far less popular OF creators feel.
A lot of them feel cheated because they sold asshole pics and/or did other humiliating shit. Seeing other women not having to do the same things even though they're using the same platform, and watching them get money anyway (sometimes way more money) is like a slap in the face. It's like indirectly being told that you're so unattractive or worthless that you
had to do all those things, and you'll
still never catch up.
It's actually even worse when you think about the fact that it's not a deliberate insult. None of the cows these SW anons are attacking have any clue who they are, and that just drives the feelings of "inferiority" even further home.
I can't really blame them. If you've fallen for the "Sex work is empowering" cope and need to keep it up just so you don't neck yourself thinking about all the shit you did for money, of course this sort of shit would make you seethe.
No. 862996
June thread is barely about June
>>862959She looks really cute here, honestly.
No. 863579
>>863544It’s definitely more petty than usual
The constant nitpicking in these threads are a dead giveaway
No. 863638
>>861663I agree. It’s like watching a David Attenborough documentary. She’s been kind of boring the past few weeks which have really brought out the crazy anons, but her inability to learn from ANYTHING is impressive. She’s done some really bizarre shit over the years (Dawn saga for example) but right now she’s been quieter than usual. I have no doubt Seattle will be a rude awakening for her.
Sometimes I wonder he’s literally stupid or has some other mental disorder because even the most burnt out burnout stoners have some moments of clarity.. I truly wish I had her confidence. Or maybe not, I need the workout motivation.
No. 863678
>>862982Venus and a lot of women that use the platform have never promised to deliver actual pornography in the first place anyway, so she's not scamming anyone. How malicious and disgusting do you have to be to say some women that sells lingerie/boudoir should do real pornography? Selling pics of yourself in lingerie is miles away from spreading your asshole in front of a webcam.
>>862990Yea, but even so it is still fucking disgusting and predatory and this is how women are part of the oppression of other women. You should accept you have failed, instead of wishing some women did real porn. A lot of these girls that do boudoir type of pics are labeled as sluts and literally pushed by everyone to do real porn which is disgusting. You cannot equate the degradation and harm of selling pics of yourself in cute lingerie and actually getting your holes rimmed on cam.
If you failed to succeed, don't try taking other women down with you.
No. 864004
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I wish Lucinda discovered Utena and decided to larp as Anthy instead of Amalthea, cause she would make a mean one. She already looks so much like her without any characterisation.
No. 865315
>>847376Okay, I take this back. I was naive to think that having her actual fans call her out would make any difference to her. If anything the fact that she worded her apology so as not to directly address the real issue of appropriating the term form actual neurodivergent people just proves that she needs to make everything about herself.
If anything she infuriates me even more now, the way she sensationalizes mental illness makes my blood boil. Idk if her therapist is truly as unprofessional as she makes him out to be, but imo even if she had the best therapist in the world it wouldn't help because there's only so much you can do for someone who doesn't want to get better. I think she's fallen quite deeply into the trap of entwining her disorder(s) with her identity to the point where she's just going there to look for affirmation of the symptoms that make her feel unique and special.
No. 865316
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Pixielocks is so fuckin insufferable and ugly I've never been so hateful towards anyone before in my life
No. 865445
>>864146Same. I've probably said it a million times by now, but she's the only cow that genuinely makes me want to a-log.
>>865301Miranda Constable. Never would have expected anything unique or interestining in her thread. She was just another one of boring a dime a dozen weeaboos discussed here who were all pretty similar. Then out of nowhere one day she turns into a hard-core sharia-pushing hijabi, literally overnight. Watching that go down was surreal. Biggest personal wtf moment on lolcow.
No. 865983
>>865301I used to love Nika and Jaelle. I ignored it for months and then randomly tuned in for the crazy ride. Zoomers, man.
Also Ginger Bronson. I started with Sor and fell down the Ginge rabbit hole. I wish she would make a comeback!
No. 866005
>>865578I love her tbh.
Also I really need to get on her level. I don't fucking read enough.
No. 866064
>>866017I love the interplay, it's cute and funny when you get used to it.
Sidenote: I have never seen anyone take a cow's words at face value as hard as anyone does in the Lucinda thread. It's crazy, I keep waiting for them to wake up and smell the bs. Reminds me of everyone in the mtf/ftm threads using the preferred pronouns of each cow years ago.
>>865445It's hard not to a-log with Tuna when you know she's only gotten more and more horrible and selfish with time. Especially if you've tapped into those threads since like 2016.
No. 866090
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I randomly remembered the whole autism as soon as I woke up. "The artist counts himself among the broken" was literally ringing in my head. Insane that years later, everyone saw Onion's dick (it ended up uncut, right? I didn't hate myself enough to look for a long time). I wonder how Brother K is doing, he was kooky as fuck
No. 866160
>>865301Definitely the Katherine McMahon thread. It was a really pleasant surprise how milky she is.
>>864966Would you feel the same if it turns out she aggressively white-knights herself in the thread and shits on anons?
No. 866200
>>865578I was surprised she was even remotely controversial on here. I guess it's possible she's a little ana chan but otherwise she's so harmless and her vids are comfy.
And yeah I mean if you actually LIKE reading (as opposed to liking the idea of being 'a reader') 150 books in a year is not that hard.
No. 866230
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Artcows scare me. Everyone I know who is a drawfag including myself is autistic in some way, but I know not every artist is maladjusted in some way. It does make me wonder how much eccentricity is cool, adds value or inspiration, and how much just makes you a frothing idiot.
I miss the shoplifting tumblrina threads though… I wonder where the sephora shoplifting girlies are now. That's where I discovered the farms, I was a seething poorfag living in a society. And I had no expensive makeup from sephora.
>>865301Not gonna lie 99% of my entertainment from the shaynus threads are seeing her face. She looks legitimately disabled and I hope that bitch gets help
No. 866277
>>866259I've been lifting on and off since I was 17 (25 now) and never been caught. It's honestly very easy if you can act totally natural and calm to avoid attracting the attention of loss prevention. Dress in a way that's typical for your area and doesn't stand out. Don't walk around the store with the item you intend to steal like an idiot before concealing it. In fact, don't walk around the store much at all. You want to be in and out as quickly as possible (not so quickly that it's suspicious of course, don't fucking run or anything like that). Don't hit the same location more than once every two weeks or so, less if it's a store with less traffic where employees are likely to recognize your face. Do research on store policies before lifting from a specific chain (never lift from small businesses, it's shitty and they WILL call the cops) so you know which are high risk-for example, target has a notoriously aggressive LP division and high quality ptz cameras and they WILL prosecute, so I avoid lifting there.
Personally I never lift above the felony limit in a single trip, so if I'm caught the consequences likely won't be too bad-first time offender and a retail misdemeanor is a slap on the wrist where I live, but make sure you know your local laws because each country (and state) has different penalties. One more thing-if an employee tries to call you back to check your bag while you're leaving , do NOT turn around, just keep walking quickly and leave. 99% of the time they won't try to physically stop you (target LP will tackle you to the fucking ground though, I've seen it.) Overall I think lifting from most places is extremely easy but I never get too greedy which is probably why I haven't been caught yet. Lots of lifters get cocky after awhile and stop being vigilant and that's what gets them busted.
No. 866507
>>866259My friend's been shoplifting a lot when she was a teen but I'm too chicken for it. She used the changing stalls method: for cheap jewelry or things without the beeping tag, go into the changing stall with it (with loads of clothing items so no one will really notice if something is gone) and hide it in your bag there, no cameras in stalls.
She would shoplift the weirdest shit, I still have a stolen shuriken she gave me.
No. 868394
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I had a dream about Shayna last night. We went out for dinner because we were friends and despite all my pleading she would not stop making googly eyes at Fupa from across the room. Then randomly she stood up and lifted up her dress and frumpy body in front of everyone and I was mortified to be sitting next to her. She was absolutely wasted and when I took her home she made herself a ham sandwich then I tucked her in bed.
I think I need a break from this website.
No. 868396
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>>867872Ditto. I've gotten so used to nitpicking /snow/ girls that I've forgotten how truly horrifying cows can be. Like
>>868394 I think I need a break from it all too kek.
No. 868475
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i know lainey is as bad as him at that point but it gives me chills thinking how different and happier her life would have been if she hadn't stumbled on greg's shitty banana video.
No. 868775
>>868759If the internet hadn't exploited him for cheap, lazy luls he would probably still have ended up doing something deplorable sooner or later. He was a narcissist already before his rise to fame, and a sexually frustrated one without any social skills or critical thinking whatsoever. He wouldn't have raped anyone, much less his mom, but it wouldn't surprise me if he would have ended up molesting someone.
Had he been sent to special ed like his parents were recommended he would perhaps been that weird autist with a low-paying job living in a small, dirty apartment with no friends. Still not much of a way to live, but way better than this.
No. 868974
>>868775>He was a narcissistThis is true, I always felt in general that Chris Chan has always had an huge ego AND he's just naturally dumb. Autism or no Autism, I feel like he'd still be dumb and have a huge ego.
He'd also still have this obsession and entitlment to women. CC is one of those people who was made worse, by the internet but there's no doubt he'd still been an asshole lolcow without it.
No. 868997
>>868544Except for that one that stole a baby, or my absolute psycho aunt.
But honestly it should be legal to kill someone like Chris chan.
No. 869099
>>868759He (apparently) raped his own mother. I don't think there's a force in the Universe, not all the trolls on the internet, not all the armies of all the nations, that can influence someone to do that. It shows he's deeply rotten to the core. There's no way his story wouldn't have a bad ending with or without the Internet.
>>868949Please step away for a while, I had to do the same yesterday and I don't even have mental health issues. Take care of yourself, you can read it all later, its not going anywhere.
No. 869265
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>>868759I thought the cows were pretty dry and been longing for some milk, but not this.. not like this. Chris-Chan is probably the darkest example of internet gone wrong.
No. 869689
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Wow. Was she this desperate after digibro cut ties with her?
Is she this stupid? Or easily manipulable? I think she could do better than him, but I guess that's too many expectations coming from someone who dated digitroon. I will be expecting the inevitable domestic abuse divorse in the future.
No. 869698
>>868759On one hand, without the internet as a social outlet, he would've regressed into total social isolation and been even more alienated from society. He's too sociopathic and narcissistic for anyone to really tolerate after the age of 23. It's an unpopular opinion, but I think he enjoyed being trolled and relished in it deep down. It was his only social life at the time and he enjoyed the manichean struggle between him and the darn trolls. I think without him being online shoving medellions up his ass, he'd be out on the street still trying his lovequest in person. The early trolling seemed to run off him like water off a rainjacket. The reason he acquiesced into a lot of the horrific stuff was because he was lonely and behaving like a clown kept his troll friends around.
On the other hand, he fell into troonery through the MLP community. I think the hormones and sex change stuff didn't help, and made him more isolated from society and unable to be seen as anything but a freak.
The Idea guys just sped up an already happening process. He was already set for a midlife crisis and if it wasn't that, he would've sunk into schizo make believe bullshit as a cope all on his own.
He's too unlikable, too self centered and too disgusting to be anything more than tolerated. Without porn, the hormones fucking his sex drive over and the trolls to keep him company, I think he would've been compelled to rape/sexual harassment ten years earlier. The idea everyone has of Chris Chan being able to function if he ignored the trolls and got offline is just ignoring the unfortunate combination of autism and narcissism he possesses.
Outside of the troonery and the ideas guys, I think the whole trolling experience has actually done no lasting harm to Chris.
No. 869710
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>>868759>how he would've turned out if he just quit the internet after the first sweetheart sagaI'm not sure if that's early enough to really turn things around for him. He was already very much ruined by his upbringing by the time the first sweetheart saga happened. Imo the only way he would've had a chance of becoming a semi-normal and functional autist was if he had completely different parents who set healthy boundaries and didn't have any psychological issues of their own, and specialized care/education for his autism from an early age.
He would probably still be an egotistical sperg but if he had been kept away from the internet and taught to mind other peoples feelings from the start, he might have become a fairly harmless autist in an assisted living unit, bagging groceries at walmart and maybe obsessing over trains or comics or playboy magazines at worst. Instead of becoming the living horror he is today.
No. 869721
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>>868759>he's in the system as femaleI wonder if this is going to have an effect on his trial. I really hope he gets put away forever.
No. 869726
>>869718He isn't cute though…
>>869721>femaleClown world. Fuck that shit
No. 869759
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>people ITT who think a women's prison is some sort of rapist paradise where if you have a dick you can do anything you want
>people ITT still holding on to the repeatedly debunked fantasy that CWC will go to a women's prison at all
It obviously won't go down like that and yet people are disturbingly fixated on the idea
No. 869840
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I know the Margo thread is dead because people don’t want to give a narc any kind of attention but seeing this sort of thing just solidifies that she is a terrible mother. Imagine still seething about your daughter and posting this on a thread about her.
No. 869951
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Mr Peanut Butter is such a handsome cat, I wanna squish his cheeks
No. 870361
The Chris-chan drama brings out the worst newfags who don't know even the 101s of deepest layer Chris-chan lore and it's fucking frustrating. I've been following his online adventures since 2007 and it's absolutely impossible to have a discussion about him with someone who maybe heard him in passing when the Geno Samuel docs hit big or worse yet only know him from the current incest saga.
And yes I know I'm being autistic about this
>>869710Train enthusiast Chris-chan is such a wholesome thought. I really wish he had gone down that route instead of the current nightmare we're collectively living through.
No. 870545
>>870531And they'll attack you for saying it. People are gonna compare cows in a similar aeshetic and Soren is a traumacore legend. I think it
triggers them because Soren wasn't a bone rattler
No. 870851
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I hate Syd so much (the Jonny Craig thread). She just decided to get rats instead of trying to get custody back for her toddler.
Her and JC are going on tour. If I was anywhere close to the venues I’d walk in wearing this shirt.
How do any of these cows lurk the thread and still rationalize their shitty personalities and choices?
This poor fucking kid is discarded for a shot tour, a junkie, and some rats
No. 870995
>>865301>jilian/pixielocks for years it was a boring nitpicky totes-not-jealous guys thread, and then she went off the fuckin rails and destroyed her presence to LARP as a kweer disabled persxn.
>anachan threadA lot of the cows are boring, but some of the farmers are actually pretty funny and it's worth it for n2f alone
>Taylor Nicole DeanStarted out with a bunch of psychotic nitpickers and now boring again, but for a year or two it was just pure, unadulterated drama
No. 871038
Shayna will join them eventually, you can only binge drink shit on livecam, gain weight, and utterly humiliate and degrade yourself for so many years before it's like glimpsing a homeless man shitting in a bucket on the subway before pretending with everyone else that you don't see it
No. 872847
>>872126Kiwifags are not
our userbase, they're kiwifags. They're just visiting one thread and shitting it up. GC fags are one of our own. They constantly shit up the entire site and that's what I was whining about.
Of course lolcow's worst posters are better than KF's average posters. You'll get no disagreement from me there.
No. 872895
>>872847>They constantly shit up the entire site and that's what I was whining about.I'll never understand why some anons get so torn up over GCfags but don't care that like 90% of this site is just tearing apart women's looks.
Actually no, I'm pretty sure I know why. Nevermind.
No. 873783
>>873331Oh come on they shit up nearly every thread. First, sperging isn't "discourse". Second, while the discourse itself
could be sane, none of the gc posters are sane, they all suffer from clinical paranoia to a greater or lesser degree.
No. 873838
>>873783define sperging, because most of the times I've seen anons accuse other anons of "sperging" they essentially just mean "expressing an opinion/sentiment I don't like"
>>869759>people ITT who think a women's prison is some sort of rapist paradise where if you have a dick you can do anything you wantif prisons could so easily keep prisoners from raping each other there wouldn't be so much male on male prison rape and they wouldn't need to have separate prisons for women in the first place.
No. 874582
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I’m astounded Lucinda’s thread is thriving the way it is. There’s a really bizarre amount of reverence for her, calling her a queen etc. Maybe I’m insane, but I’ve only really seen that sort of treatment of a cow with Pixyteri or Abby Brown. It’s incredibly suspicious to me because her chicken run and farting posts are completely unremarkable detached from her image, and most cows have to have a pretty strong legacy to have that much love. Just today I saw someone in the thread say something was “too mean for lolcow” and it was bizarre. Am I alone in this? Not that she’s not an interesting spectacle, but her thread could basically be a fan forum, and it’s just kind of suspicious to me. I stopped posting in there. Reminds me of the Kelly and Chompurrs threads, where it was all Kelly roleplaying with herself nonstop. (Sorry for the delete, fucked my formatting up.)
No. 874605
>>874582I think that whether her schizophrenia is faked or real she's refreshingly insane and fun to watch, yet she doesn't seem like a bad person like nearly every other cow on here. This combines to make her kind of pitiable and endearing, hence why so many anons are affectionate. She kind of reminds me of N2F in the proana thread; N2F looks like a feral child and gets nitpicked like the other cows but she's so out there and interesting anons are generally cheering her on when she improves. I think the Lucinda thread is babby's first cow for a bunch of edtwt users who can't integrate as well, the outfit recommendations for example are retarded
Although you have to admit the chicken run 3 times a day thing is actually crazy kek
No. 874610
>>874582yeah, what the fuck? when i saw they were on a second thread i was very confused. shes boring as fuck. mentally ill, but nothing remotely interesting was happening there. like Abby was very fucking mentally ill but she did interesting things and was very unhinged. it was entertaining and people started actually rooting for her cause she actually could do better than the pig she was dating and the bad makeup and hair she was doing. that Lucinda girl isnt unhinged like Abby, it feels very forced and like every other munchie kid on tumblr or twitter. why is she special, the things she says arent even funny, she acts the exact same way most nameless munchies. if youve been in that side of twitter you know Lucinda is pretty tame and predictable.
people comparing her to soren are so weird? soren was unhinged and wanted to force everyone to believe the shit she was spewing non stop. the lucinda girl isnt delusional like that and the unicorn shit is just trying to be quirky and shit. while soren wanted to pretend to be a
victim of sex trafficking as a child and refused to admit she wasnt. the fuck are anons talking about comparing a run of the mill ana larper to a real horrorcow. like are we forgetting when people used to pretend "Ana" was a god and compare themselves to butterflies and fairies? its the same lucinda shit and shes old enough to remember it. she is just not that interesting. what the fuck are people even discussing. its boring as shit even for /snow/. like fucking /w/ has more interesting stuff than lucinda and thats bad.
No. 874633
>>874610If you are
still convinced that she is a larper, nothing will change your mind. You just don't get it and that's ok.
No. 874949
>>874582Anons just talking about her watching chicken run again is fucking boring. I think Lucinda could be cute if she would stop butchering her hair and get proper help.
I swear /snow/ is getting worse by the day.
No. 875734
>>874974I’m getting to a point where I feel bad for her again. I just want to encourage her to drink/smoke less and go on walks or whatever exercise she finds that she likes, help her understand her problems and begin to process/cope with them, fucking block Fupa and get her shit together.
Then I remember that she doesn’t want to do that. She actively chooses not to. Unless everyone around her is truly just shit. Idk. I’d like to think a good friend could help her but I don’t think Shayna is capable of being a good friend/healthy in any type of relationship at this point. She’s so mentally degraded and addicted to cheap attention.
No. 875809
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>>875734I think Shayna is retarded. Not lolcow insult retarded, like actually slow. She's incapable of taking care of herself and her dancing and attempts at "sexiness" show a lack of understanding of what people find attractive or titillating. She doesn't seem to understand social boundaries, I really think she thinks public nudity is socially acceptable. She's like the special needs people who are under 24/7 care that fuck each other like rabbits. Literally this bitch from Gummo
No. 876324
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>>874629>>874610>>874582Lucinda's little fan club are absolute creeps. I have no idea wtf if going on in the thread. Like, what IS THIS?
No. 876416
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>>876324So glad I’m not alone in thinking this. Going on her thread feels like visiting an entirely different website. None of this is milk, it’s all pretty high praise and none of it reads like lolcow users, and the smallest insults are being called “tasteless even for lolcow”. The post they’re referring to, the anon calls her a “dumbhead”. It’s just bizarre, and I don’t know if it’s all her or her and a couple edtwt people but this isn’t the place for people mindlessly being sycophants for this really very unremarkable girl. Is this really the state of /snow/?
No. 876423
>>876417The posts she makes are all shit-tier twitter/tumblr humor regurgitated (no pun intended) and the phrases people are parroting from her tweets aren’t even close to funny to me. It feels like the thread is trying to convince me she’s funny and interesting but she’s completely unremarkable, even with this spotlight on her. Reading that thread makes me feel like I’m in an alternate universe or something because that is
not my lolcow. It’s basically just a fan board now and it didn’t come naturally, the way PT’s “fandom” did. Something is very off about that thread.
No. 876597
>>875873It's the repetitiveness that depresses me. The way she's trapped in a routine, emphasis on trapped. At least the fakers pretend to try new foods all the time.
Something is happening in their life. With Ganer it's just the one same day on repeat. Her life is so empty of all but a couple of obsessive behaviours. No love, no learning, nothing but her food and exercise compulsions. It's so fucking sad.
No. 876807
>>876423They think they're fitting in by calling her disgusting or whatever, but if you even try to poke holes in her sick bby narrative they descend on you like flies. That is deffo not the attitude down on the farm, that's for sure. I feel like I'm gonna see spammed kpop gifs for their "queen" before too long.
>>876789Anon, I loved Nemu drama too. She just kept getting worse and worse with every update and I lived for it lol. I had mutuals back in the day who were at least friendly with her and she always skeeved me out but it was so much worse than I imagined.
No. 879148
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Most of the "cows" here are fucking tame and boring…just sex workers/lolita/whatever normal women that teen farmers endlessly nitpick. The most interesting cows here are never posted in snow enough…gimpgirl, Nika and Jaelle, Nicole Kuhlman and Jeremy Putman for example…truly mentally ill/fucked up people. I fucking hate what snow and w have become. They're so boring.
No. 879696
>>879665>>879347funnily enough, I know who you are talking about, but I couldn't remember his name and I couldn't remember the name of the drugs. All I know is the dude used to be hot, and he drank some dude's cum…he's crazy
>>879665shayna is boring. I like her thread, but when the highlight of the last few days is videos of her unfiltered body with her flat ass and small beer belly, you know it's something.
I do feel like she's going to fall out with that roommate eventually, and she's going to sperg about Fupa eventually, but is it really different from what's been going on for years?
I can't look away but at the same time, it's annoying to watch. i'd love for her to just settle into life where she is and start branching out.
Maybe realizing she can get validation online without showing her unimpressive body and she can have normal relationships with women and men, but it won't happen.
No. 880336
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I kind of hate the Shaynus threads because she's really not that interesting and her whole situation is just kind of sad. There is essentially zero real milk, but it's one of the most popular threads. I also hate that I can't stop myself from reading them. I feel like she really could turn herself around with just a little bit of work.
Reading through all the backlogged Bel Delphine threads made me pretty sad. She clearly has extremely low self-esteem and she blundered terribly on actually making porn. And her "fans" are the absolute scummiest moids that exist outside of prison. I can't imagine what she must feel when she looks at her actual face in the mirror, untouched by seventy-filters and photoshop.
She and Shay are excellent examples of the dangers of sex work.
Bella the fungus has actually triggered me. She's a truly horrible human being and I sincerely wish that bad things would happen to her. Some horrible things must have happened in her life for her to be so irreparably damaged at such a young age, but that's no excuse. Every day, her case gets worse. I seriously think if she flew under the radar and got older, that she would have started to kill homeless people or poisoned Halloween candy. What a horrible human.
No. 880744
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didn't know whether to post this in the confession thread or here but i got drunk one night a few months back and gave shayna like $100 while she was camming. i consider this to be the biggest waste of money in my adult life.
No. 880999
>>880744oh that's understable to a degree. even if she's terrible with money and certainly blew it on takeout and eleven am booze at least some portion could have gone to her taking care of the animals or maybe you were worried about the wellspring on her income drying up or
>>880754bitch what the fuck
No. 881373
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I think Portobella has ruined lolcows for me. I was already getting so sick of the nitpicking and constant hovering over randos acting dumb on Twitter but just how extreme she is has really fucked with me. She’s an awful, awful person and reading about her antics has just been extremely depressing. It’s terrifying just how destructive one person can be even if it’s mostly targeted towards your other terminally online friends. This isn’t fun anymore it’s just soul crushing. Maybe I’ve gone soft but maybe that’s for the best. I don’t really feel the need to keep up with these sorts of people to feel better about myself anymore, I just want to move on.
No. 881389
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>>881373Same same same. The whole ordeal has really been a great motivator to get offline and start treating myself better. The grass truly is greener on the other side in respect with leaving this hellsite. It's been a lot of fun and games at times but there's just too many people online all the time now.
No. 882513
It fascinates me that Luna Aquaphine is as bland of a person as she seems to be and chose to go into what would have, at one time, been considered an extreme profession. She seems to have no personality, her eyes are lifeless, her voice is basically flat unless she's doing her e-girl schtick. She seems like a dime-a-dozen girl-raised-on-the-internet. I'm a decade older than her and it would have been perfectly scandalous if a peer of mine did with their life what she's been doing with hers, but with the new generation it's been so thoroughly normalized that even a girl as average as Luna will sink time, money, and dignity into the dream of becoming financially stable through sex work.
I don't like or dislike her in any significant way, and think she's sort of cute unlike most of the posters in her thread. I like her little snaggle-tooth and when she's just talking to her camera in her monotone voice, she gives me (very) low-key Enid Coleslaw vibes. I think it's a shame that she seems to have foregone developing her natural skills and personality and instead is prostituting herself online. It's not as if I think she would have been a genius or mover/shaker if she hadn't gone in this direction, but she seems to me to just be a shell of a person, guided more by society at large than her own internal compass. I think OF and it's ilk is a racket being perpetuated against a generation that was groomed through pornography, and I hope that Luna finds something better to do with her time than exploit herself.
No. 882515
>>882513Wait until you see the other e-whores
What do you think about Shayna?
No. 883103
>>882434The people who sperg over Venus being Literally The Worst Person Alive and still frequent her thread are skinwalkers who unironically think she's being a spoiled ingrate because she got to be a pedo-pandering online living doll celebrity pimped by her mother at 13. They've said it multiple times themselves.
>>882513Fully agree. It's disturbing how dead her eyes and smile are and how little personality she has despite attempting to copy the extremes of Belle and lashing out at people. She must have some severe mental problems or an intellectual disability, I don't understand anons who a-log her so much since there's really nothing to be so mad about besides her being a dumbass pet owner. She's just a sad OF thot desperate for attention and that's punching so far down it's depressing. I guess it's funny to see someone being so yearning for internet fame grasp at whatever straws she can and having meltdowns afterwards but she's still harmless.
No. 883381
>>882434Thank you. I hate when people on this website think it’s funny to make fun of
victims of abuse (i.e. “yukapee”, venus ). Like do you think it’s funny to keep bringing up how these girls were groomed and pimped out, as well as raped (inb4 anons say Yukapon wanted to be groomed) or called a slut by people who are clearly jealous that they never went to Japan and live their aidoru dreams. It’s like they take some kind of sick pleasure in mocking people who are clearly sick like Venus. Venus keeps to herself, doesn’t talk to anyone and seems to only really hurt herself. I just wish her threads were banned altogether. It’s depressing.
No. 883395
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I didn't want to derail the Breadtube thread with Tumblr drama, so I believe this is a better place to write it, excuse me if it's a bit sloppy, I'm going on by memory
I like Sarah Z's videos and I don't think she is as annoying as a few anons say. However, I do hate the handmaiden-ism that she forces on her videos and how much she tries to justify a lot of the events that happened on Tumblr. I do have fun memories on Fandom Tumblr, but I can't lie, people there weren't/aren't as innocent or vulnerable as she claims.
The situations she talks about are not as black and white as she makes them seem to be. While I don't doubt that at least one person has been a dick about making Homestuck characters people of different races, there's also a notorious amount of people who whine about others making them too pale. While I can believe that there are young gay men or lesbians who might feel upset about their ship not being canon because it represented them, a huge group of the people throwing a tantrum at Sherlock and Supernatural are just bratty kids who are mad for not having what they wanted. I don't think that the people who use the Pan or asexual labels needed All or Nothing that bad, if anything, if All or Nothing actually had came out, it would have been a massive war by how none of those people seem to be pleased by anything, they would have written posts upon posts about how it's not THE right representation or something stupid like that. And let's not even talk about the TRA shoehorning, as if even back then trannies hasn't been insufferable.
I think that's pretty much what keeps me away from watching her videos more often, I don't mind long videos but I dislike how much she tries to push these things into each and every thing she puts on her channel.
No. 883407
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>>882628Hard agree, I wish these people would learn what a cow is supposed to be, they probably never even heard of PT or would say that she 'doesn't count'.
No. 883990
>>883977Manaki is obviously a
victim of mean ol’ Beenos!!
No. 884111
>>881373>>881477>>882517I don’t really have anything interesting to add but I’m relieved that I’m not the only one that feels this way, so I’m grateful for your posts, anons. Thank you.
Spending less time reading about internet drama is probably a good thing, so although the threads are fucking depressing and I’m currently feeling a little burnt out, it’s maybe for the best.
No. 884362
>>884025She seems to just be trying to do both at once, which would be hard if she had people trying to hire her but it's doubtful that's the case. Either way it was kind of pointless for her to do.
>>88431990 Day Fiance Shayna would be hilarious wtf, I wish
No. 884971
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I will commit a-log I don't care, but, I want to punch her on the face so fucking hard. Specially here that she looks like a fucking clown balloon or inflatable person. I want to hit her, punch her face so hard that she recoils. She's so disgusting to me, looking at her face makes me go feral. Shatna at least looks funny and retarded, this bitch just looks like she needs a good smacked. I've had fantasies where I go to PEI and hit her and she stays on the ground crying. Then I'll film it as she asks for mommy to help her. I obviously won't do that but one can only dream.
No. 884980
>>884971Is taking unflattering pics 'to show the haters you don't care what they think' a bpd thing?
A few cows that I follow who have bpd do this shit too. A couple of them are deathfats and so they make sure they look as fat and have as many chins as possible and pull this face. They obviously read the looks criticisms and then think that degrading themselves like this is getting one up on the audience of hate watchers.
>If I do it first then it looks like I don't even care about muh chins for days >I'm totally in control and unbothered It's like self deprecating humour gone wrong.
No. 886979
>>886526Would a celeb nitpicking containment thread help? I also want
actual celeb milk.
No. 891459
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please… just stop
No. 891468
>>891462IMO it all goes back to the theory that only people from these niche circles care about these dumb cows.
ie. I'm not a cosplayer so I rarely hear about Moo, have no reason to run into her presence naturally online or irl, and am not concerned by anything she does enough to capture or comment on any of it.
No. 891638
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>>882513>>883103Genuinely curious if she (Luna) happens to have aspergers/HFA. Her mannerisms, her trying to be belle delphine but missing the mark, how stereotypically she conducts herself on social media etc. This is my armchair headcanon for her at least, because I don't know yet if she's ever said she's nd or something.
She's giving me major autismy impressions, it's not easy to ignore when you see it.
No. 891695
>>891638She misses the mark because shes similar to Erin Painter, by which I mean she's a very basic girl who has adopted the Belle Delphine pickme personality for attention. She isn't actually
like Belle Delphine or really any egirl, she just pretends to be, and she's bad at pretending. She ends up being more try hard and awkward looking more reminiscent of Grimes when she attempts to be artsy or Shayna when she tries to be uwu
No. 891711

>>891695And she's unaware of how absolutely abysmal she is at pretending. She's probably autistic and egirlism is her special interest, and she'll do it purely out of the lack of awareness of why her content sucks, why she's unpopular and why she gets roasted.
It's like she lacks basic energy in her delivery and she doesn't fully understand why things are done the way they are - she just see some cool egirl shit, thinks she wants to be cool because she likes cool stuff, and then acts it out. She has demonstrated before that she's not good at learning or applying knowledge (by admitting that she flunked school and such, alongside the rest of her behavior), BUT she seems to have an affinity for patterns which she replicates if they align with her taste (belleisms, the color scheme, this whole egirl aesthetic checklist, her jokes that are supposed to be funny etc.). She does these risky and embarrassing things in a safe, lukewarm, methodic way even if it's irrelevant and kinda makes her look out of her element.
Sage for extreme samefag but I truly think she's autistic and it won't be easy to unconvince me of it.
No. 891804
>>891638The feeling I get from her is similar to when meeting people who have mental issues, drug addiction, low IQ or, as mentioned, autism. Especially autistic girls are prone to mirroring their peers' behavior but only on a very basic surface level instead of understanding the nuance which we can observe in her trying to ape Belle. It's like someone trying to imitate someone else's dance moves but only making a fool out of themselves.
>>891685I have to admit that this was sort of funny but should've stopped at 4 minutes and a lot of the jokes were ruined by overexplaining. A very autistic trait in itself. She could've worked as a girl streaming on twitch but she simply doesn't have what it takes to be an onlyfans e-girl. She feels more like a clown than a prostitute.
No. 891905
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I was waiting for the FtM thread to reach its post limit because the thread picture makes me unbelievable uncomfortable I don't know much about who is the person spamming those squizo drawings, aside from what I have read from a few anons here, but those and the FtM wojacks disgust me, like the Crazy acey in spacey drawings on Tumblr, something about them feels so gross, but the new one is equally disgusting to look at, I really don't like to imagine what will happen to those poor babies once they born, or if they even make it far in life.
No. 891934
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>>891933NTA but they're talking about this nasty shit in picrel someone was really trying to push in the fakeboi thread.
No. 891955
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>>891943Me too. Ignore the mental illness and they're adorable. The small one reminds me of this guy.
No. 892802
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>>882628Case in point.
Comes here to shit on "morally reprehensible people".
Since this is not the Fbi's most wanted but just a gossip forum, she'll do her damned best to convince both herself and you that all cows are Bad People. An average thot becomes a Disney villain to those types.
It's less hypocritical and malicious to just call someone fat when they are then to try assassinate someone's character because you put them in the Bad People bin.
No. 893014
>>891940Kikomi-chan is cute and
Tbh I think that most of the cows are very boring and most only still get nitpicked into oblivion out of sheer habit because they used to be entertaining years ago for a while. Imo most of them are just mentally ill idiots who overshare their life without doing anything really interesting or are so deranged that it’s not fun anymore like Kelly, so I mostly lurk the other boards. Overall the one I enjoy the most hovewer is Vicky, she’s such a massive idiot and the people she attracts are really something, that protein bar guy was hilarious. I think she will never change because the short lived attention she seeks from bottom of the barrel moids satisfies her too much.
The others are bratoutofhell and Lilboweep, because those two are second-hand embarrassment inducing trainwrecks who just continue crashing. I can’t look away especially because they try to be alt so hard but are absolutely detached from reality and live through their smartphones.
No. 893038
>>893024Even in context, she's washing her own hands of the shit she's talking. See, her shittalking is moral, unlike other shittalking.
You fall for that?
And it is just a gossip board bruh. It's definitely not a model citizens chastise morally reprehensible people board.
No. 893333
>>848631Honestly I think it's residual fallout from the whole Manaki elopement drama, when a lot of anons and PULLtards seemed to think Venus was going to somehow magically turn into a normal girl and settle down to live a somewhat normal weeby life in Japan. Despite all the shit that gets flung at her, I do remember even some of the meaner anons were hopeful she would get her shit together and cut Marge off completely. At that time, too, Marge had been predicting her inevitable downfall and it sucks that a lot of the things her mother said did eventually come true. I do agree that her mother fucked her up big time, but she's also not doing herself any favors by sitting up online, drunk and unwashed, freeloading off of whomever it is she's currently living with and basically giving everyone a front row seat to her eventual liver failure saga. Whatever happens, it's not going to end well and I won't be surprised to hear about Venus dying intentionally or unintentionally; there's no way she's going to get better without intense psychotherapy to change all those years of brainwashing her mother inflicted on her from a child, if she can change at all. Some people are just fucked for life and there's really nothing you can do.
>>849612Sorry anon but Shay's threads are infested with sex workers. She doesn't produce any milk, other than sticking dildos up her ass and drunkposting at 2am, and none of the posters who sit in her threads all day go anywhere but there. If you lurk on twitter, you can find the thots who are bullying her constantly just by lurking a little, that was how I figured out that she was basically being picked on constantly by a bunch of pressed wannabe e-hoes.
No. 894759
>>894321Idk but there's at least 1 person doing it out of jealousy that she's with Charles lol
Those "Charles deserves someone so much better" posts are hilarious. Like what the fuck are you on about do you have a brain. You think you're shaming her, you're just coming off as an even bigger cow.
No. 895344
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I wonder what gamegrump stalker Katie is up to
No. 897494
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Jonny Craig is gross and brings misfortune everywhere he's around. I think Jonny and Syds thread is /pt/ material now and that Taylor Nicole Dean should be switched to /snow/.
I find Syd more entertaining and desperate than Taylor and Jonny should be in /pt/ in general because he has been awful every second of his life. Just my thoughts though id like to hear what nonitas think of the three and who is the most interesting
No. 898747
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Not exactly true to thread topic, but the people in the tinfoil thread scare me a little bit. It's an interesting window into the mind of the conspiracy theorist, but I have to wonder what their families think of their paranoia. Kinda sad.
No. 898913
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>>898747Me too. Those silly, silly anons and their schizophrenia. I hope they get the help they need.
No. 899250
>>899189Many cows who are made fun of on lolcow live horrifying lives honestly. I don't understand how one can find Kelly Chompers' amputation or Venus' stay in mental wards entertaining. Not moralfagging though, they do enjoy being seen as
victims themselves. I joined in 2017 and I remember that thread on /pt/ of that self hating black girl who kept picking at her skin and was obsessed with having a mixed baby or something like that, anyone knows what she's up to now?
No. 899265
>>897494They’re not in PT because the thread is full of samefag newfags that post every Instagram story (see V Recorder anon who finally learned how to screenshot I guess.) Turtlemom lives on the thread while she eats herself to death. Every time the thread reaches post limit someone bumps the Taylor thread asking someone to make a new thread for them because they don’t know how, like a child asking an adult to tie their shoes. Her rap was genuinely hilarious but the thread as a whole needs to learn to integrate.
Agree that Taylor’s not milky anymore though. She hasn’t done anything but be a depressed piece of shit junkie for like two years. Very one note.
No. 900447
>>900435My best friend in high school had one boob that was a c cup and one that was
maybe an a. I could see them just being naturally fucked up like that.
No. 900641
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Jill has always been one of my fave cows but I touhght the milk had run dry until she gifted us with the DID drag edgelord fakeboi saga. Absolutely hilarious.
No. 900691
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>>900675It's such a crazy coincidence, like who ends up achieving internet notoriety for two completely separate things? It reminds me of when people figured out 6ix9ine was the guy in the pussy nigga streetwear picture. I guess weird people pretty much do weird shit until everyone notices.
No. 901477
>>901449Damn, case-in-point. We're all here browsing between lunch breaks, after a class, and with our morning coffee, aren't we? Lolcow is a passive thing like reading a tabloid. It's not that deep.
>>900644Getting fat is stepping over a line for some people. It's moving into a realm some people decide to never come back from–Phoebe was probably the most interesting case of it.
No. 901531
>>901506it's alright
nonnie, she said "case-in-point" it's not like she's smarter than us
No. 901575
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Lucinda seriously disgusts me, everything from her appearance grosses me out, and everytime I came across her thread the updates are just toilet-talk related.
I don't get why there are anons who like her, I understand feeling empathy for her, she is sick after all for what I understand, but anons in her thread are so weird, especially
>>895034 I hate throwing around selfpost accusations, but I wouldn't get surprised if she has posted a few times. Something gives me a weird feeling about her.
No. 901939

I don't wanna post this in the Venus thread because I will get picked on for "white knighting" Venus. Her life is literally horror movie tier. This video is so creepy too because the peephole of her door is covered in duct tape, so either her flat mate peeks through it or she has very bad paranoia. Realistically speaking after the levels of abuse she's been through I don't think she will ever be able to fully recover or have the mind of a functioning individual. Abuse affects all your cognitive capacities, your attention span, it gives you anxiety, hand tremors, paranoia and many other symptoms. Abuse cannot possibly give you one mental illness, it gives you a wide array of symptoms that fit into the diagnosis criteria of various mental illnesses.
The anons in her thread saying she's "faking" her hand tremors are very stupid too, hand tremors are very common in cases like Venus's and mental illness has ruined her career and she's obviously embarrassed of her tremors. There's no real reason for her to fake something like that. I wonder what she could do because there is nothing really. I think she should stay off the internet for a while. Her fans are very brain dead too, they want to feed off the entertainment of this girl who's psyche has been destroyed by her very own mother and by the internet itself. It's very hard to put up a persona as an internet figure, only narcissists can keep a persona consistently because they don't care about being honest, they just want to manipulate. Another way that you can make it as a Youtuber is by just being a normal person that didn't have to endure tremendous amounts of abuse. Most of the time abuse victims are blamed and looked down on and they are being shunned from social groups.
What could she even be doing? She seems too mentally ill to take up a normal job. Has no skills or proper socialization. Has to live with a pedophile most probably that she has to provide sexual services to. Does Japan even have benefits for disabled people?
No. 902026
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I like this tattoo unironically
No. 902097
>>901939I think both Marge and Venus are in the wrong for some things, but yes after the level of grooming/abuse she went through it's not surprising she ended up like this. And let's say she is faking her meds and tremors, what level of metal illness do you have to be to have to pretend to be physically ill in order to have people say nice/comforting things to you? She can't get that comfort from Manaki? Do fans really think he's just 100% some poor lonely dude shes taking advantage of (even while she's unsocialized/emotionally stunted/breaking down?). He probably gets her to fuck him in exchange for living there.
She obviously had a mental breakdown and became an alcoholic ethot, and ppl are just ragging on her to "just get a job, log off, go to therapy".
I mostly stay in /ot because having to read that shit is unironically
triggering, her being isolated/not socialized/not taught skills is very similar to me and while I only became a neet, I'd probably have ended up an alcoholic ethot too if I was hotter and didn't throw up at the taste of alcohol.
No. 902214
>>902134Don’t worry, anyone not retarded knows a scalloped tongue is associated with a narrow palate. I haven’t payed attention to Shay threads in over a year and I’m shocked that the quality has gone down so much. I’d prefer posts nitpicking her appearance over Twitter fags attacking each other and constantly derailing.
It’s making me kinda mad that so many farmers won’t accept that she’s actually sick. The disgusting bronchitis sounding cough she’s had for a long time now realllyyy isn’t normal, even for an asthmatic. She’s going to have a hard time recovering living somewhere so damn humid.
No. 902471
>>902463Comparing Nik to Shayna is interesting to me. Nick is actually smart and there's a glimpse of a person who actually lived life and can hold a conversation. He's a gross scrote, but he actually has a talent (violin) and I honestly feel like if he wanted too, he could lose the weight and turn his life around. He's in control of the fuck show he's creating.
He's just as repetitive as Shayna, he has this persona that blurred into his real life like Shayna. (His mukbangs making him gain weight/Shayna's "Dolly Mattel" persona is basically her only personality)
People tune in because it's entertaining, he's entertaining.
Shayna has been chasing fame for YEARS and a feeder scrote who could've done anything else with his life has more going for him then she does. Even if Shayna DID start doing Feeder Porn, I still don't think it'd bring her the fame she wants.
She thinks she deserves this or that because…reasons. She knows she's very average, she knows she has no personality, she knows she could never get much attention without showing her naked body. She knows this but at the same time
she doesn't. She thinks she's this special bimbo barbie. She's becoming boring and embarrassing to the point where…I barely want to watch.
I thought the Fupa era was cringe, but watching her do anything and a redo of what got her Fupaul in the first place…is the dumbest most Shayna like thing in the world.
No. 902632
>>853882>steal takes or termsThis sentiment rubs me the wrong way. I get what you're trying to say, but I find it retarded that observations, opinions and terms have to be 'owned' by a(n extremely) specific group, and that using them means instantly that you wholly belong into a camp. I get that women should have their own lingo for female-specific shared experiences to bring out and distinguish the feminine perspective instead of just adapting into a mute extension of a forced androcentric collective bias.
For example I'm not radfem myself but I'll keep calling men scrotes because as a derogatory term, it's not only fitting but useful. Is that theft? Why not have at least 90% of all women openly expressing distrust and contempt towards scrotes for being how they are.
Sage because unsure if this should've gone into a different thread instead, and I really do not want to derail or start petty shit.
No. 902732
>>902326>I see her dying relatively youngI don't want to place bets on her death like a proper scumbag, so I will try to say this as respectfully as possible because she's a person.
She either will not outlive her 20's, or she will fail to live through 2020's. It's one of these two. If she doesn't turn herself around she has the absolute maximum of 9 years left to live. That illegitimate surgery already made her irreparably more frail, and the way she seems to not care for herself physically, surrounded by sketchy people, all the alcohol, possibly meds or drugs, being a prostitute. It's looking grim.
No. 902784
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I think she should just get help
No. 902805
>>902784 Pixie is definitely ill, just not in the way she thinks she is. I think she's being manipulated by her therapist and is going to look back at this phase of her life with immense regret.
>>902787I think she self-posted as a form of elaborate self harm and now carefully monitors the thread to see what anons say about her. Half the things she posts on curious cat and Twitter seem tailor made for this weird audience she's cultivated. It's against the rules to "hi, cow" but there have been a few weird moments involving screenshots that everyone just ignores now lol.
No. 902828
>>902784she's applying this shitty make up to pretend she's more mentally ill than she actually is. She just has bpd like most other cows.
Which cow does NOT have bpd in your opinion?
No. 902849
>>899385Lillee is annoying as fuck and quite ugly but I feel like her ugliness is really exaggerated.
Like I feel like if she lost weight, fixed her teeth and wore a bra, she would be like prettyish. not a stunner but okay.
The way people nitpick in that thread is insane.
>man jaw, balding, huge nose, fucked up head blah blah blahShe definitely has midget proportions but if she lost weight she wouldn't look as dwarfish.
Tits are saggy but if she wore a bra it would look okay in photos.
Teeth are definitely worse thing about her but fix them and stop her from making retard expressions and she'd pass as pretty.
They act like she's a disfigured burn
victim or something beyond repair.
No. 903043
>>847115I think the proana cow threads are just filled with cows lurking and insulting the competition, and the self posting from all of them is cringe.
The eating disorder gatekeeping is retarded, and top that with anachans mini modding? So pathetic.
No. 903055
>>903043 samefag
I forgot to mention, the stalking to the point of connecting where most of them go to school and work?
Every single poster needs to go outside and get some Vitamin D
No. 903641
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she disguts me.
No. 903673
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Why do these anons give a fuck about a pedophile. Can these fucking morons stop giving a shit about Manaki? The dude is a literal groomer/pedo who jumped at the chance to marry the girl he’s been obsessed with since she was underage.
No. 904167
>>903673>her mother is doing better then herwow the narc abuser that leeched off a human being for years is doing better than her
victim? Amazing!
>it seems that the more degen she becomes the more people protect herJust no. People don't watch her videos anymore, her career is dead because of her mental illness.
No. 904450
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>>903641She used to be cute.
She used to be cute. It devastates me.
No. 904511
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This guy scares the living shit out of me. I don’t even follow the thread he just appears on the front page occasionally and it always has a profound affect on me.
No. 904529
>>904511Fuckin hate this dude and how his presence dragged the Ana thread into shit tier. I swear he self posts, because he's honestly not milky and most posts about him sound autistic, ESL and weirdly sexual in that classic scrote way. Thread will be having a good time discussing N2F's latest concoction and suddenly total tone shift to
>hurr durr pencil neck, more like pencil dick, ja? His dick doesn't work! Did he jizz on that doughnut teehee?? Look he made a silly face, what a skeleton! He's too skinny to have the butt sex!!Like just fuck off.
No. 904539
>>903641She weirdly reminds me of chantal marie (a deathfat cow) here. Not in similar weight brackets but the behaviour. Getting fatter, acting more sexual and doing bad make up all just to stick it to the haters and show how 'free' and unbothered you are… ruining yourself to prove some point that nobody else can make any sense of.
Ugly, crazy, fat, sexual, crude bpd style rebellion. A cycle of being criticised for certain traits.. then playing them up to piss people off… getting more criticism. Where does it end?
No. 904596
>>904529I'm the opposite, I really enjoy his addition to the thread. It was getting stale. The only other ones I like reading about from that thread are nourisht0flourish and gainer gains. I couldn't possibly care less about the rest of the thread which is just anachans talking about how that other anachan is lying about her weight/hospital stay because
they know,
they were sicker,
they are real anachans etc.
No. 905506
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>>905082She reminds me of a lot of anons with the combination of insanity and intellect but is brave/stupid enough to put her identity and real face behind all the shit she says. A lot of her comments are funny, she doesn't play into wokism and barf up meaningless PC bullshit, and she has some sick radfem moments particularly when it comes to troons, which I appreciate because that's rarely voiced in mainstream society (I know she is not radfem overall).
No. 905793
>>904626>no real life skillsWhat life skills can you confirm she lacks? Do you think most 16 and 17 year olds who start their first job as retail workers or fast food employees possess more life skills than someone in their 20s? How do you explain other people stunted by familial abuse and controlling parents being able to obtain and keep jobs?
She's never even tried.
>is only doing what her mom taught her to do from the moment she posted her first youtube videoWill this be the go-to excuse when she hits 30? 40s?
Eventually you gotta grow up anon…even if the shit hand your parents dealt you left you with disadvantages and set you behind peers.
No. 906050
>>905793You are such a moron. Do you expect abuse
victims to have life skills or to know what the fuck to do with their life? Would you go to someone who is quite obviously mentally ill and receiving little to no actual support outside of Japan's shit mental health system and her pedo groomer husband to "just get over it and get life skills"? For you to assume that she even has the brain capacity to do something that's not what she was literally taught to do growing up is fucking stupid. I'm so sick of anons like you ignoring these facts and blaming her for 98% of her life choices. If she had grown up with her dad's side of the family with structure and with a parent who wasn't a narc peddling her to the highest bidder, we would have never known who Venus Angelic was. This is just barely guised
victim blaming. Quit comparing her to a regular person when her circumstances were anything but normal and ignoring the long term effects her shitty
abusive mom left on her, along with shit we will probably never learn about.
No. 906058
>>905926 i couldn't agree with you more anon, it annoys me to no end whenever an anon is nitpicky about a cows appearance, it isn't nowhere interesting and it sure isn't milky i agree. Plus them bashing on a cows outie is disgusting, you can't just put yourself on the same level as a cow and call yourself better than them. Plus i don't see any problem with any woman having an outie, not all vaginas are supposed to look perfect, it's a literal organ lmao.
I wanna add my own two cents here, i think anons are just projecting their own insecurities on other cows and its retarded, no one wants to see your insecurity on public display, add actual milk to a cow or just don't comment at all under a cows thread, im here to see milk not sperging.
No. 907405
You can't even answer the question honestly because you know she does have skills and she refuses to apply them. She knows how to count and handle money. She knows how to handle the public. She knows what marketing is. She knows a language beyond her native one. She's not "mentally ill" enough to refuse putting on makeup, playing dressup, and streaming on a camera all day hoping scrotes throw her a tip.
She's flat out said she doesn't get a job because she thinks she's above working. Even if you want to argue she can't be around people because of the aboose there's plenty of remote or introverted jobs she could get to make money.
You must see yourself in her to be such a pathetic whiteknight over such a lazy, entitled person who still wants to pretend she's a sm0l princessu in Japan. Other lolcows actually have diagnosed mental disorders and yet I never see anyone stan for them as hard as you do for this bitch lmao.
No. 908526
>>906167He burnt down churches were I lived as a kid and I remember how people were scared of the insane satanists.
And look at him now. Fat dumb serial tweeter.
No. 908625
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I honestly don’t get why are whiteknights always going
>muh yur bullying cow
>muh cow suicide baits 24/7 n yur jealous
Like, maybe stop posting every single, little thought that goes through your dumbass head on the internet for all the world to see? Is that really so difficult?
And like, the most pathetic idiot on this game is that one who keeps trying to one up the haydurrs by going full retard and posting their idiotic takes as if they’re interesting at all.
Just go back to your goon cave and disconnect the router, loser.
No. 909100
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Sorcha's self posting has circled back around from annoying to funny again, I especially enjoy how she can't come up with diverse insults for herself and calls herself Irish like it's a slur, makes me think of picrel
No. 909252
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Trisha is having a turbo meltdown on Twitter right now and as I’m reading I’ve come to a point where I just want to put Trisha, Ethan, gabbie Hannah and keemstar in a fucking spacepod and blast them into space so they can bicker endlessly into the void.
No. 909337
>>909316My favorite is, "She looks like she lost weight!" anons, she's been posing to hide her belly and weight gain for MONTHS now. She didn't lose weight, she just posing.
I also get sick of the "Yall want to fuck fupa" anons, I sometimes feel it's Fupa trying to distance himself from Shayna. Not all of them, but it reminds me of the, "She's not with Fupa!!!" anons when she clearly was.
IDK the thread is dry, Shayna is dry and gives you second hand embrassment and annoys the fuck out of me because she's so sorry & it's just a re-do.
No. 910376
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>>910302Same, her twitters and sockpuppets just read like one giant navy seals pasta.
No. 911032
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I’m in a competition with myself to see if I can finish writing my master’s thesis before Taylor Nicole Dean finishes setting up the enclosures for her hoard. Me finishing my100-page document vs Taylor doing half a day’s real work, who will win?
No. 912094
>>912056I just don't get why they seem so enthusiastically mad and aggressive about it? I see a fat celeb, I just feel pity and secondhand embarrassment. When I gain weight I can barely stand to leave the house, I can't think of anything worse than having it broadcasted to the whole world at a big public event full of beautiful celebs. I'm not gonna be like OMG LOOK AT THIS FAT BITCH, CHECK OUT HER ROLLS - we can all see she's chubby, I don't get joy from rubbing it in (though I'm also not gonna pretend she isn't chubby).
There is really no excuse for Billie's hair though, it's absolutely hideous and aged her about 30 years. The dresses aren't bad but again, age her a tonne. Styling is fair game for insults and hers is atrocious.
No. 912205
>>912149You're right because that person never even acknowledged my point because then she'd have to admit she just did the same fucking thing to some anon (calling a size 10, 8 for UK) fat when that's an average adult woman's body. This is the same poster complaining that celebrities are called fat.
People like that anon want to pick and choose whether to follow some virtue signal code or when to do the same thing if someone hurts their feelings enough. I'm so sick of it.
No. 912249
>>912238Who gives a fuck?
A US 10 and a UK 12 is not large is the point.
Yes Americans are fat, WE GET IT.
No. 912420
>>912292It feels like a vendetta thread for sure. Might as well integrate w the ethot thread
>>912352Agreed. I feel bad for Venus specifically because she rose to fame for “being a human doll” at an early age and used by her mom. Now that image may haunt her for the rest of her adult years unless she gets off the Internet and rebrand
No. 912544
>>912539I'm sorry that me stating my body type upsets you but I don't expect everyone to look like me. Most of the reason why I made fun of Billie is because she's a hypocrite about body positivity. How do you even survive is someone being fit upsets you?
>Billie eilish bullies are fat>I'm fit>Wtffff you're an evil narcissistic insane god complexed creatureHoly shit some of you are so sensitive
No. 912547
>>907405NTA but honest question, what's wrong with you? Do you consciously choose to ignore that she never had a chance at normal life thanks to her insane stage mother isolating her from learning the crucial skills you usually learn interacting with your peers in your teens? Do you just not take into account that her mom was pimping her out at 13 and she had to take the first pedo scrote forcing himself onto her just to get away from her? God knows what else was happening behind closed doors that hasn't just surfaced into public.
The anon who commented on the Venus a-logs being disappointed that they didn't get a satisfying Disney brand ending when she left Margo to live out a kawaii life in Japan was right. Who knew a traumatized person that never had a normal life would not magically become a functional adult leaving without a proper support network and in a country she's not native to? The a-logs in her thread just keep making shitty excuses to take out their frustration at her just "not quitting it and living right" because they wanted that reward for feeling basic human empathy towards her once.
No. 912576
>>912575Cope. Sorry a body type
triggers you
No. 912578
>>912576Cope. Sorry that me calling you out on your bullcrap
triggers you.
No. 912592
>>912576sorry that a random celebrity that doesn't give a shit about you
triggers you
No. 912741
>>912540It's the same crazy WK (probably one of her simping scrotes) who were banned from the Venus thread and tried for months to have it banned.
Look up the previous post about Venus itt, it's obvious.
I don't understand why they feels the need to read on that specific thread everyday if it's so ~heinous and evil uwu~ (and apparently, they don't participate in any other thread either)
No. 912971
>>912956It's not. You're being deliberately obtuse since you'd be reporting if you actually meant what you say.
Nobody cares what you think we should talk about. Give it up, control freak.
No. 912986
>>912872This is why I will never understand the anons who insist that they're here "just for fun to laugh at the pathetic cows" and that "cows don't have to be horrible people". Bitch you're here nitpicking a celebrity woman's body for not conforming to your insane standards and overall practicing obsessive vitriol that isn't justified by "just a cow being cringy kek", it's petty shit you'd direct towards someone you had a personal beef with. It's absolutely pathetic to seek a dopamine rush out of talking about Momokun's tit vein and Donkey Kong body but then shut up and back off crying when a true horrocow emerges.
>Well my abusive piece of shit narc mom told me to clean up my room once traumatizing me for life but I'M not the one posting nudes on the internet! This bitch had the privilege of getting kawaii burando dresses for free at 15 and she's not grateful at all! What a brat! No. 913117
>>912975Then why bans were handed? Unless some celebrities are holy cows and cannot be called ugly. Talking about the forbidden man also isn't against the rules, yet also is a ban-worthy offense.
IDC, go sperg about Billie if you want but don't pretend like nitpicking has recently been seen as a positive part of lolcow culture.
And yeah, I was reporting. I assume no bans happened (?) for the same reason infighting isn't penalized ATM.
No. 913253
>>912522>I have empathy for someone who was dealt a shit hand and doesn’t know how to cope. So you should also have empathy for other cows on this site and yet you don't, only your precious Penus. Hm. Funny. Who else on this website do you vehemently whiteknight in this way? Oh wait, according to the other posts you're a newfag who only looks at her thread or something. Guess you don't know what you're talking about, you're ridiculous.
Anyway, I've never a-logged a cow, I don't post in Venus's thread, and I certainly don't give a shit of that ugly micropenis she used and disposed to secure her Japan stay.
You're the one who keeps replying to every one of my posts with some new goalpost change so don't whine to me about "strawmans."
At this point you're arguing with other anons too and it's hilarious how you think it's all the same person.
>>912547>ignore that she never had a chance at normal lifeLmao, by what fucking measure?
>but her mom!She hasn't been under her mom's control for years.
>learning the crucial skills you usually learn interacting with your peers in your teensWhat are these life skills and why do you whiteknights never elaborate?????????? Literally what skills are you talking about? You're full of shit.
She ain't traumatized enough to stop asking scrotes for their handouts and pandering to them in every fucking way just because she doesn't want to be a cashier at a store. Stupid excuses, such stupid excuses. Clearly you're the type of leech who thinks a trauma entitles you to not have to work for a living even though other people with similar or worse traumas seek help or work through it so they can support themselves. If she didn't have simps and whiteknights like you telling her that her adult choices weren't her fault and throwing her charity, she wouldn't have a choice.
I pity you, you're too stupid to realize you're getting duped by a person who learned from the master of manipulation. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Tsk.
No. 913280
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No. 913293
>>913279You trying to tell me a bitch who constantly grates on the appearance of other women doesn’t have some sort of retarded tragicomic origin story? You’ve never looked at an NPC and wondered what made them fucked up? Please.
>>913282Most posts end up hidden that way, even the ones that aren’t weightsperging about Billie.
No. 913300
>>913291What's going to happen to you if you read a nitpick? You hair is gonna fall off? You'll have a breakdown? You'll an hero?
Maybe if you can't stand reading things you don't like this place isn't for you.
No. 913304
>>913297I think you missed my point, anon. If anons want to sperg about Billie's body for the millionth time then fine, but we can't just hide saged posts because then we end up hiding a majority of the thread, even if it's not nitpicking or Billie discussion. It's not like there's a seperate sage feature for nitpicks.
>>913300…wtf are you talking about? It's just annoying when most of a thread is nitpicking. Is it an issue that I don't want to read it all the time? I'm pretty sure a lot of anons had the same complains for Shayna's thread for example.
No. 913305
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>>913256I don't even follow the celebricows threads because it's always been sperg central so I actually had to look up how she looks like and what the fuck? She looks completely fine, just the hair looks like a bad wig. She's turning 20, of course she won't look like a neotenous teenager anymore. What the hell is wrong with you ana-chans obsessed with youth? Do you get sick pleasure from calling some stacey celebrity fat to get back at your high school bullies? Is it mommy issues like
>>913270 speculated? I'm trying to understand the psychology here. Picrel is the insanity I found in that fucking thread, an adult woman looks like an adult woman and BDD-chan has a meltdown over not looking like an IRL facetune filter and apparently the rest of them are tinfoiling over her being actually 30+ because of muh fine lines
No. 913333
>>913326It started now. Celebcows was always a supremely petty thread, and she's been torn down before, but not for this specific thing. Anons are just laying in on it because it
triggers other anons and that's where the fun comes from.
No. 913371
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>>913253Are you fucking okay? Maybe some of us aren’t interested in other cows? That’s the beauty of lolcow? What kind of idiotic mindset is it that I have to read all the threads to have a
valid opinion? You sound like you need to take your meds. It’s “hilarious” that you think every single person who disagrees with your mentally ill takes is the same person.
No. 913375
>>913250the problem with ccc is that it's mostly boygroup stans sperging about their ugly plastic twinks and I find the majority of them repulsive to look at and the girlgroup and critical thread are slow af. I hate navigating the board and having to see those uggo men plastered all over it
>>913333It's more fun to poke at what she says than her physicality. It's like anons said "she's milky in other ways" and don't actually talk about what she says or mentions whatever they think is "milky" once, then it goes right back to age and weight sperging
i don't even think she looks bad and I've always thought she was adorable even though I'm not fond of the styling of her current era I think she's pretty and doesn't look busted, no worse than the plastic filled idiot samefaces in hollywood, at least she's kind of got uniqueness left in her face that I'm hoping the industry doesn't try and strip away. Like nobody talks about how a lot of the other Gen Z girls are busted and botched who look way worse than billie No. 913381
>>913375I didn't even participate in nitpicking Billie, whom I totally don't care about, I just had major fun poking anons who want to police what people say about herWe all have different ideas of fun
As long as we're all having fun, it's all good
No. 913438
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I personally think her issues boil down to HPD and affluenza, aka rich spoiled pathological attention whore. That's it. Also I want to kick her in the face.
No. 913660
>>913460i always figured she acts the way she does because of the constant drug/alcohol use, we've never really seen her consistently sober but that's still an interesting tinfoil
aquaphine on the other hand definitely seems autistic though, it comes across in everything she does
No. 913668
>>912752Wow, calm down. You're way too emotionally invested in this.
No one wants her dead (and the scrotoid derailing the thread lately doesn't count imo), I don't wish harm on any cows for that matter cause I'm not a a-logging cretin (except, maybe on gross predators like Yaniv, Chris-Chan or the zoosadists…but this is another story)
Since I've got nothing of substance to contribute usually (also my English is shit kek) I mainly a lurk.
I like that she has a thread here cause it's allowing me to keep tabs on her, still hoping that she put her life back on track, without having to deal with her retarded pedo-scrote fanclub.
I was there during the infamous ~I'm goint to the river!~ Maggot's saga and I think I keep reading by pure nostalgia for my own cringy-weeby days.
Yeah, sometimes we are nitpicking bitches (and you can still report posts that goes too far, that's what I do) but that's lolcow for you.
Look up the Lillee Jean thread for example: she's pretty much an ugly non-weeb version of Venus but no one is making excuses for her and anons are even super cruel.
Gossip boards aren't the place for stans to congregate, there's Instagram/Twitter and the likes for that.
Idk, maybe that place isn't for you? I'm not trying to be antagonistic or anything, but if reading her thread is so hard on your feelings, maybe try not to ?
It can't be healthy in the long run.
No. 913757
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>>913668well you replied to that anon saying it must be one whiteknight here that left Venus's thread or a simp. When in reality there's like 3-4 women showing empathy to Venus here, so I clarified. Venus's thread is cringe as fuck and the people that post there are like 3-4 women obsessed with skin walking Venus and some newfags and a couple of scrotes. It's genuinely one of the worst threads. Also, I don't think Lillee's case is as bad as Venus's, but I agree it is still narc abuse, so it is a good comparison. I never even said Venus shouldn't have a thread, but this is the auxiliary real opinion thread for cows and anons should be able to express empathy towards her without being called "whiteknights". The thread is not hard on my feelings. Why did you assume that? I just think the thread is cringe as fuck and Venus is absolutely milkless. At least in Lillee Jean's case she's producing milk non stop with Laur. Venus is just entirely stale and the people posting in her thread are fucked in the head, she's not saying or doing anything funny or cringy, she's very ill and shaking, that's about it.
Pic related is the kind of girl that would post in Venus's thread, a skin walker and obviously unwell. I found this girl's Youtube channel and she comments on absolutely all videos made about Venus with how Venus is a huge huge liar and she wasn't even abused.I looked at her profile picture and I thought it was Venus, but it was actually her skinwalking Venus. These kind of people are fucked in the head and cows themselves. They cannot accept a girl was abused and is mentally ill because her mom bought her 3 burando lolita dresses at 14.
No. 913869
>>913653Seethe, fatty.
Just kidding!
No. 914160
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Is it just me or does this really sound like Luna selfposting?
No. 914596
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>>913757There's nothing wrong with expressing empathy for a cow and that thread is the right place to do so.
No, what's bother me is that (these?) weird anon actively trying to have any discussions about her banned for months (picrel)
They're even goes to the thread to derail/nitpick/a-log and then to/meta and whine : ~Wah!Wah! See? That thread is evil! Shut it down immediately!~
From their own admission, they're here everyday to read the only thread that enraged them. That's super deranged and creepy but hey, I don't give a damn about how they waste their time.
But it's become a problem when they try to censor shit (like the trannies depicted in the MTF thread trying to shut down any discussion with derailing and spam)
I took Lillee Jean as an example cause I feel the same way about her than you with Venus.
At first I was very interested in her, the weird beauty guru persona and the fake followers seems milky af.
But as details about her sad life started to unfold, I felt for her and stop reading.
(Crazy Momager, don't have any friend, homeschooled, heavily neglected, stay in a bleak attic most of the time, regularly evicted and on the verge of homelessness every 2 months…etc)
But if anons want to nitpick her makeup skills/teeth/overall apparence for the umpteeth time, I'm not gonna try to stop them or ruin their fun.
And yeah, of course there will be unhinged skinwalkers seething in their respective threads but it's not specific to Venus.
There's sexworkers in the Shayna thread, ~Not like the other addicts~ BPD fags in Luna's, Anachans rattling their bones in Lucinda's…etc.
But some of us are just nostalgic oldfags or casual farmers/lurkers and it wouldn't be fair to punish everyone for the actions of a few deranged users. That's why the report system is here, to sort the wheat from the chaff (Idk if it's an common expression in English)
And no, her thread isn't the worst. Did you see the state of /w or /snow lately? I mean, that's your opinion but yeah…
No. 914729
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>>901939holy fuck thats bleak.
i stopped checking her threads cause i didnt find them fun. and damn this video is not fucking fun. so sad that her family is fucked and she doesnt have a support system so its just going to get worse. its so sad. so many of the cows in this website larp mental illness and muh trauma abuse. venus is part of the select cows that are actually are fucked in the head and not just some borderline 19 year old ethot. anons acting like shes faking shit but will believe a different cow is bipolar cause they tweeted something wacky.
No. 915633
>>914596Seethe more, Anonette. Why do you care that people genuinely want a thread to be banned because it attracts your sorts of people. It’s almost like this thread is about posting your thoughts and not conforming to whatever asinine bullshit your harpies screech about in the Venus thread. Vtuber thread got banned for no milk/nitpicking/scrotes, why can’t hers be banned too? Just go jerk off to eachother in the PULL discord. The only place I have ever posted about that acid vat of thread is here since it’s a designated place for (you guessed it), opinions that usually get shut down in the main thread because the moment you don’t sit there and cry about how Venus is the real
abusive one in all her relationships, you’re a white knight. It’s hilarious that you’re convinced that it’s only 3-4 anons that feel this way. Touch some grass,
No. 916667
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If the namefag sperging in meta is really elaine, she might be my new favorite cow kek. I haven’t seen this tier of hacker-named-4chan tech illiteracy for so long, it’s almost charmingly retarded
No. 917441
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I am still not convinced that Cecil Mcfly is a guy. Maybe she doesn't have the most femenine features but her photos don't seem very male or TiM looking for me. Her voice doesn't sound edited either, unless she has someone else to do her voice on the videos, but I just find it kind of unlikely for now.
No. 917929
>>914596Your screencaps are from at least two people because one or two of mine are in there. Of course multiple people are going to call out something that's easy to observe upon opening the thread. Do you think that any post that's called PULLtards bitter jealous weebs was been written by the same person too?
>>917902She reminds me of a regular of a subreddit who developed bipolar 1 and spent the next few years weaving conspiracies about and trying to dox the mods. Hopefully her parents can make her take her meds before she gets herself into too much trouble with this superhacker LARP
No. 918072
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>>918036The facial surgery bit destroys me
No. 918382
>>918351because she’s even more desperate now than she was back then because fupa has finally cut the cord, there is literally nothing shayna won’t do at this point to degrade herself for validation. she also has this “gotta prove lolcow wrong” attitude so she won’t back out now
(another anon itt said it would be sad or whatever if she wasn’t a paedo fetishist so i’m half wondering why i even care)
No. 918667
>>918610Ikr, me too. Thread should be renamed from
>Delusional Bitches Near U!to
>Creepy Bitches Among U! No. 919211
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I don't know shit about Corpse other than him being an eboy sensation, never listened to his gay songs either but his thread has me hysterical right now holy shit.
No. 920344
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I don’t give a fuck about Elaine she’s just a name to me.
I just hope nonnis in her thread call her Elaine the pain
No. 920346
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>>919523Drake is fucking sinfully ugly. He looks like one of those potatoes that mysteriously looks like a human face. The best thing he ever did for himself was grow an extremely thick beard to hide most of his fucking hideous face.
No. 920854
>>918327I just think she doesn't care if she lives or dies, getting attention from someone is enough to risk her life. Getting a few likes and the thought of going viral is enough to risk everything. She's in a place where she's doing whatever she can to get over Fupa.
Or maybe she genuinely thinks it's not a possiblity, all the disgusting shit she says online she never expects to truly happen and if it does, she expects the scrotes doing it to not actually harm her.
No. 921333
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>>920346kek at you randomly bringing up Drake, but true, he is pretty gross. Beards are just makeup for men, but I'm sure its been said plenty of times on this board already.
>>920386>Good thing he's successful and his pedo tendencies get swept under the rugHonestly annoying. Cardi's stunt gets brought up by XY creatures anytime she does anything yet those same brainless hogs get a raging boner whenever he lifts a finger.
No. 921530
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not to sound dramatic and i feel like some farmers might think i'm exaggerating but shayna is legitimately one of the ugliest women i have ever seen in my life, i don't even know if plastic surgery could "fix" things bc the base she's working with is so terrible and maybe that's what i mean by "one of the ugliest", like she seems unfixable even in spergy photoshop attempts that i've done. this photo is terrifying
No. 921609
are exaggerating, she looks painfully average
>photoshop attemptsffs go outside. this bitch isn't interesting in the slightest, idk what anons see in her
No. 922387
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I'm glad someone posted picrel in RtG's thread because it's the first thing I thought of when I saw her dressed as Buttercup. I only didn't post it because she's uninteresting and unattractive, but not like, a bad person afaik.
No. 922465
Hate whenever I see the updates on how much lower B. has fallen thanks to OnlyFans. I remember when she and her bestie started, farmers were like "they are so smart uwu, they are clearly selling photos in bikinis that are censored to look like nudes!" and look, turns out that now she's whoring herself out more and more. I hate that is what she decided to do with her life, even though I know it may be a result of trauma, sexual abuse etc. I just want to shake some sense into her. It disturbs me how she willingly embodies the "dumb fuckdoll" stereotype. First it was make-up, then it was getting fucked by Onion, now it's (apparently) sucking dick on OF. Girl, please get out of the internet and do something with your life. I don't care, get fucked by your bf or hot randoms, but not on camera and not for money.
I usually don't care about thots (beyond disagreeing with their choices), but somehow Billie's case disturbs me. It's like she thinks that her face and body are all that she has to offer to the world.
No. 923498
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Laughing like a maniac because the Corpse face reveal is starting to make its rounds on Twitter. I love seeing rich men fail.
No. 923539
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>>923520Yeah it is actually somewhat trending now.
No. 923554
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Trying not to shit up his thread with screenshots, but fuck this got me.
No. 923558
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>>921530I hate that pic of Shayna so much. Her beady little rat eyes and witch nose haunt me.
No. 923996
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I don't really care about Mikan or see her appeal as a cow, she just kind of seems like any whiny weeb girl on twitter to me, but I can't get over her resemblance to Yanderedev, especially before the nose job.
No. 924162
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Was wondering why Grimes' actions sounded so familiar with all the
>bullshitting her way through life by coming up with lies and convincing herself they're true
>also dropping little lies and here and there when I'm sure she didn't intend to lie. They just come out.
>being so retarded
>not being able to speak properly
>wanting to run away from reality
>being a martyr
>being bitchy
>switching up so easily
when I realized she's me… Cringe but we're both Pisces. I'm just 13 years younger than her and I'm not an addict. She makes me want to get my act together. Anyway, I'm kind of scared she's going to OD one day. I don't think she has any friends that want her to be healthy, but if she does and knowing her, she probably has the No one understands me! That's why I do this! mentality. She has had this child for a while now so it's really scary how she isn't taking this so seriously. Her kid is going to resent her when he's older or is only going to see her as a drugged-out-delulu-older-sibling. I love and hate her and I just hope her story ends well, but I'm keeping my expectations very, very low.
No. 924305
>>922188>Sometimes I think the anons are more unhinged and guilty than Lori or Kevin.Lori truly is fucking insane, so she'd be hard to beat. She's just extremely boring right now because she and Kevin have apparently learned how to stop airing their dirty laundry online.
>>922532I don't follow them but they both seem like the distilled essence of millennial.