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No. 961598
Doo wap a skeetily dee wah
Previous thread
>>>/ot/951895 No. 961797
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I went to verify that I was average height for an adult women (I am) and was floored by the average weight. I can absolutely not imagine myself being 65-70 lbs heavier than I am at this height. What the absolute fuck.
No wonder you all make fun of us burger chans posting holy fuck. I’m embarrassed.
No. 961869
>>961834Are you really pretending you posted what I posted?
>>961832Mostly because I don't get emoting so hard in the most mundane of conversations, the fast speed aging aspect of it comes second.
I have a coworker in particular who comes off cocky due as well who does it a lot so I've been thinking more about it lately.
No. 961914
>>961884Well, when the question was asked to my specific post I guess I just find it weird to reply to the question but not specify you're a different anon and not OP, that's what I would do.
Alternatively they could've just replied to my post and gone "I hate expressive foreheads too due to bad family genetics". Still contributing.
No. 961953
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Finally told my ex friend that I think her online clothing store is shit.
No. 962182
>>962128What if a girl's only male friends are her girl friend's spouses? These are the only male friendships I'm comfy with and can maintain for years, genuinely like the guys and talk to them one on one, see them as friends and not just my friends' plus-ones.
Being friends with single guys doesn't really work for me. Single men aren't interested in me unless they want to fuck me. I used to have male friends in my bar hopping days but I outgrew them when I settled down. And I don't like watching sports, tech or vidya so at this point, what can male friends add to my life that women can't?
No. 962183
>>962179Nta but it’s honestly also a redflag, if you can’t maintain a friendship with someone, how can you have the energy to have a relationship?
And it also usually means that the friendless one will have to stick around to their girlfriend/boyfriend like a tick or it will be awkward when there’s a party and friendless has to stay at home on her/his own. It just doesn’t feel right.
No. 962219
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a relative I don't even know just sent me €50 for my birthday let's go
No. 962245
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>>962241check out the half dollars
No. 962248
>>962245they taste like how blood smells like
>blood smell>moneyifykyk
No. 962250
>>962245Forgot about those bad boys.
>>962248I hope you're not putting coins in your mouth?
No. 962253
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>>962245Dont forget silver dollar which I think is thicker than the half…absolute unite coins.
No. 962384
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I wish anyone not using Girltalk a very mediocre day
No. 962391
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>>962384Based girltalk user.
>Girltalk user consoles a jungle user after being told that her theme isn’t as good as shitty keekweek or original lolcow themes, recolored, 1700 circa. No. 962392
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Please wish me luck for tomorrows exam because my future sort of depends on it and I'm stressed as fucked and have no one to talk to
No. 962397
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>>962392You will do great, anonita, have this picture of a party dog to cheer up.
No. 962408
>>962402Nah, I’m the one who loves
nonnie the most, you two should just stay in your lanes.
No. 962455
you, I can't describe the relief I feel knowing I'm not the only one aware of it!
No. 962467
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I just walked into my usual lunch spot, and there's a group of 25 white college kids and their obnoxious leaders ordering at the same time. They keep repeating the order numbers bc they don't listen to the worker calling them out
"WOOOOOO 225!!" Shoot me in the fucking brain
No. 962491
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>>962473It was about Kai the Hitchhiker, I think Google is blocking his name (Caleb McGillvary) even here.
>>>/ot/962413 No. 962500
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I love Study Bunny's concept, but the art style is so damn ugly. 2002 newgrounds tier. I wish it had the same style of Poupee Girl, but I know that's unreasonable. Just being cute would suffice.
No. 962533
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>>962503The rapist he killed in self defense, Joseph Galfy, was a well connected figure in NJ. They destroyed a fuckload of evidence and are treating the entire thing (9 years) like a murder trial saying amy sex that may or may not have happened was consensual. If you click the link in
>>962491 and watch the video, Kai did an interview in October saying Netflix was making a movie about it all to make him look bad. He can't get much support because despite his very best efforts, Google blocks him
everywhere. There are tons of links in the News Stories thread post, please please read it.
Picrel is Kai's last FB post before his arrest.
No. 962572
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I have a big exam tomorrow at 1pm and I barely studied. Currently considering whether the benefits of pulling an all nighter to study would offset the negative cognitive effects of sleep deprivation. It's half past 10pm here btw, and I've still got 150 very information dense pages left to cram.
No. 962602
>>962572I wish you luck
nonnie, I don't know if you will ace it but I will wish you well. I relate,
although I have to 3 days to write a long ass paper and I haven't even chosen the topic for it. It's fucking physics too, fml. No. 962659
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>>962554I remember wanting to buy one of those premium things on tinierme the year it shut down, ever since then I’ve sworn to never give money to any online game company, I’m glad I never bought the subscription thing because I would’ve been so pissed, I was kind of shocked, I’m glad my parents desisted from buying it right there right then and promised me to buy it for my birthday.
Kek at this komaeda.
No. 962689
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>>962687Disgusting. Imma end you right now.
No. 962705
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>>962491>>962533Those videos are fucked up, but icl he's sexy as hell.
No. 962722
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>>962674Of course it's cute anon, that Poupee Girl. Study Bunny is this
Again, great concept with horrid art.
I mentioned Poupee Girl, even though they are not the same, because both use actions (pomodoro in the case of study bunny and like, posting pictures or writing diary entries for Poupee Girl) for an in game currency that you can use to purchase outfits and decorate your room.
I already use Pomodoro for studying so that's why I love the gamification aspect of Study Bunny, but ugghh the art
No. 962750
>>962728LITERALLY. He needs all the help he can get with this Netflix smear campaign coming out, go check the posts and follow the links, theres a fundraiser and a petition also. used to be a LOT more videos of Kai from prison singing songs and taking calls and doing interviews but they all vanish in time, and every time he gains some momentum shit like this pops up:
>>962738Fuck Union County
No. 962763
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>>962491what a hell of a place to get a giant mass of symbols tattooed
No. 962779
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I don't get it
No. 962795
>>962790>AriesLoves normally like a normal person, this picture was probably made by an Aries.
>TaurusLol quirky only loves food and specially pizza! Omg pizza, yasssss
>GeminiSweet talker, express their love with words, probably can lick pussy properly.
>CancerAwwww such a sweetheart with a too big heart who is pwuuure and nice and adorable and everyone is too mean to cancerbabies who just want to give lots and lots of love and hugs and kisses ugüu.
>LeoThinks too much about love to the point that It’s overwhelming, perfect bpd-chan excuses “omg, I’m sorry for pulling your exe’s hair during her wedding day with some other dude, I’m just such a passionate Leo!”
>VirgoSadness and misery, will never let go of some crush they had on 3rd grade and who rejected them for some other sign.
>SagittariusOmg sweet baby but like, not that much? Just a relatively normal loving ugüu sweet lover.
>Capricorn Cold bastard.
>AquariusProbably rejected Virgo at some point and is autistic as fuck but in an edgy way.
>PiscesHas rare sickness that made them develop different hearts in different parts of their body, dead after being born, resurrected by the sadistic scientists of big pharma.
No. 962796
>>962790aries is a little romantic
taurus loves food, shows love through food related things
gemini likes kisses or daydreams about love
cancer has a big heart, is very romantic
leo daydreams a lot about love, very imaginative
virgo gets broken up a lot or likes sad romance
libra feels like love is in the air, has butterflies with love
scorpio feels love through sex or shows it that way
Sagittarius is very romantic, maybe honest or loyal due to it being in the center
capricorn likes bittersweet romance
aquarius is not romantic, or bad at showing it
pisces enjoys affection, aka the tiny hearts all over the body, physical attention
these are just guesses every tweet I found I could not read
No. 962798
>>962728They don't really know about him because all the articles with details about the rape come up when you google Joseph Galfy, and they contradict each other and Kai's accounts. The few I've seen spreading false info are, according to Google, privately owned and based in NJ.
>The two conversed on the ride home, sharing a common interest in construction, since McGillvary had been a carpenter and Galfy, a lawyer who often dealt with construction permits. They went home and had dinner and several drinks before sleeping in separate rooms, McGillvary testified.
>McGillvary woke up with a metallic taste and bodily fluids in his mouth, he said.
>Galfy drove McGillvary to the Rahway train station the following day, video surveillance showed. But after realizing he didn’t have a place to stay that night, he said he reluctantly contacted Galfy again.
>Galfy brought him back to Clark, poured McGillvary a beer into a glass, out of McGillvary’s sight, he said.
>The next memory McGillvary remembers is waking up with his pants pulled down and the lawyer on top of him, he said, adding he pushed Galfy away before the 73-year-old body-slammed him to the ground and started “grinding and humping” him.
>To escape from Galfy’s weight, McGillvary started hitting, punching and kicking him away while Galfy attempted to perform oral sex on him, he said.
>“He was suffocating me,” McGillvary said, his voice quivering. “I thought he was going to kill me.”
>A sexual assault examination, called a rape kit, was not performed on McGillvary.
>The eccentric YouTube star became visibly shaken while recounting his memory of the sexual assault, often times banging his fist, shouting and arguing with Union County Assistant Prosecutor Scott Peterson.
>McGillvary says he must have “blacked out” after the assault, and does not remember changing his clothes or leaving the home. He came to in a parking lot, he said, and went to the White Diamond Diner in Clark.
>He also said he threw his phone out because it smelled like urine — he had urinated in his pants during the alleged assault — and had a flashback to Galfy on top of him. No. 962814
>>962779Aries love normally, taurus loves food, gemini shows love by communication, cancer loves the most, leo loves themseves, virgo I don't get myself, libra loves everyone, scorpio is a hoe, sag loves ~the everything~, cap can't love because their ice heart, aqua hasn't got a heart at all and pisces is loved/coddled by everyone.
No. 962820
>>962816Which is why he deserves hashtags and more than 100 people in his support group! says himself the whole thing is a cover up and smear campaign, and from the outside as a watcher he has really matured and calmed down a lot since his interviews years ago. He has a real case, he's just literally stuck in a censorship bubble and people forgot about him.
(This would probably be better continued in the news stories thread? Or maybe not since it isn't bumping)
No. 962863
>>962851Honestly it doesn't even matter why he went back or wven THAT he went back, rape is still rape and still illegal and wrong. They still destroyed evidence and they to this day almost 10 years later are trying to turn him from
victim to villain to protect a longstanding predator network.
sage for blog and feels but Kai is kinds everything I ever wanted in a man so him sitting in Jail for this fucks me up, even if I never meet him.
(sorry for double post, I got excited and didn't see you made 2 posts!)
No. 962976
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Shocking. He's aged like 10 years overnight.
No. 963149
should cut them because bangs are dope
No. 963220
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Love all you lolcow dayshift (and eu nightshift) posters. Thanks for keeping it classy, lc keeps turning into a desolate bpd hellscape every night for some reason.
No. 963263
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me and the lolcow ladies
No. 963279
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>>963274i dont think so
nonnie No. 963288
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>>963279hell yeah forklift operator shirts. see also: forklift operator wife shirts
No. 963378
>>963365I’m mediocre and lonely. Just want a cute man who loves me.
>>963374I’d never suck a moid’s dick unless we’re in a LTR
No. 963389
nonnie!! they're a bit wonky but I love them anyway, and I look much better than before! i should have done this ages ago
No. 963424
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I swear once I figure out who the fuck has been so loud in the late evening/night for days now, I will go full Karen and start calling the cops but sadly I can't figure out from what apartment the noise comes mmmh. It is loud talking, shitty techno music and watching TV on full blast. It sounds like a bunch of young-ish men but in my building live mostly older people or families. If I catch my neighbors next door I will ask if they know from what place it comes.
No. 963516
>>963447It's a different experience
Condoms are more convenient because there's no mess but I hate having to stop to put one on and then stop afterwards to change it if he comes
No. 963553
>>963516nta but just to hook onto what
>>963544 said about you being adults, remember your bf isn't the one at risk of getting pregnant so I hope he isn't influencing you to do it.
Imo you should really just be mature and wise and not do it, pregnancy is a 20+ years experience if you don't abort it. (Nor is rushing to get a morning after pill or getting an abortion a pleasant experience)
No. 963564
>>963340Same anon
Jesus is the only good male
No. 963568
>>963544>>963553Don't worry anons it's entirely my idea not his and I'm not going to going to take any stupid risks, my first post shows I care about contraceptives but it's just a desire I keep coming back to
If the morning after pill was foolproof I would just do that but the statistics aren't good enough
No. 963635
>>963614Oh I think this has to do with this guy
who fucked a coconut and came in it multiple times over the span of weeks and left it under his bed and it started to rot from the inside and was full of maggots. He tried to fuck it again and the maggots went all over his dick and one even went in his urethra that he later pissed out. He freaked out and threw it against his walls and rotten coconut, cum and maggots went everywhere. I heard about it in a Whang video, this is just what I assume cum worms means.
No. 963683
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I just wanted to know when the lightyear movie was being released… There is no God.
No. 963764
>>963670Maggot girl made me afraid to be near flies for a month. It's isn't like I have a pussy that smells like rot but it gave me shitty intrusive thoughts for months with how grotesquely in detail she went in with some of the stories.
>>963720you know that's not as bad as I was expecting, I was expecting pin worms (or some other type of worm like parasite) in their seminal fluid.
No. 963799
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>>962860The way he aged, if he still looks like picrel he can absolutely get it all too
No. 963812
>>963799oh m g. i love him. but good lord that thing in jail? i hope he gets out and can get therapy once he's out. where the FUCK are all the men
>>962728 is right
No. 963822
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>>963820woops dropped my candy
No. 963900
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me every fucking day
No. 963919
>>963906I mean, bet, if we can manage to make him a thing again. bc otherwise daddy Kai stays for those 54 years he got.
(btw did u know he used to be a carpenter for a while and trained to be a paramedic?? he's like goddamn hippie Jesus)
No. 963924
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>>963812>>963906Picrel is an insta with a bunch of old pics of Kai, including ones from when he was younger.
No. 963937
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lol but no he really is such a fucking unit. He looks better at 33 than he did at 23 imo. I didn't like him as much in his viral days, but since seeing him in those videos from last month he is my new senpai.
No. 963938
>>963925ding ding ding ding ding!
+also the whole 'protecting a dead serial rapist who used to be a judge whose brother is a cop' thing
No. 963961
>>963960When you’re young, your upbringing and being bullied by everyone at school. But when you’re over 21 years old, it doesn’t make sense.
T.former pickme who opened her eyes.
No. 964089
>>963960When nobody else wants you, like you're bullied at school and have such low self esteem and also have come into contact with so much of their vile philosophy that you start to believe it
I knew a fat ginger girl who was very unpopular at school but wasn't a bad kid who fell into dating men from the racist national party, it's obvious she encountered a philosophy that told her she was valuable for being white and that changed her
No. 964169
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>>964161he’s got a lot on his megamind
No. 964192
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Also /fa/
No. 964193
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>>964185Yessssss the miltiple comings of Kai mmmm
But seriously, Kai needs a thread fr fr, admin is tripping hard. Maybe if he gets enough rhread requests admin will change her mind?? Kai's case is a huge deal for rape
victims and how their cases are handled in America, exposing the web of corruption he's caught up in would cause a maaaive positive chain reaction.
(avatarfag) No. 964205
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I'm so tired of seeing that Kai motherfucker, pls mods just let them have their own thirst thread or whatever
No. 964213
>>964209Help us help you,
No. 964316
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Who remembers this bitch.
No. 964324
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Should I get this, or is it played out now?
No. 964330
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>>964316I loved so much, I could spend hours playing those games.
No. 964416
>>964366K-12 is free in the US and there also exist private K-12 education options in literally every country except maybe NK so what are you trying to say exactly?
High schools that expensive could be one of the very few actually elite high schools (philips exeter, choate). But more likely, they're places for rich failkids who couldn't get into the better public schools in their city.
For example in nyc, if you're a richkid, either you test into one of the free magnet elite public schools (bronx hs of science, hunter college hs, a couple others) or if you fail at that, you get sent to a very expensive private boarding school.
Most people I knew who went to "private school" were actually going to catholic school, which is usually pretty affordable (10k-20k range plus a lot of scholarships) and other than hardcore catholics they mostly got sent there for misbehaving in HS.
Now also, in more rural states like the west and south, there's frequently one or two very expensive private highschools for an area or even the whole state, where all the rich kids get sent so they don't have to be around poor kids at their local HS.
No. 964490
>>964397A checklist for sexual and potentially illegal things you have, or haven't, done: There's also a more modern non-80s version: No. 964625
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>Let us strengthen our friendship for peace and happiness!
Sino Soviet Friendship poster 1954
No. 964642
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>>964634Yeah it's obviously fake with a massive breast form/ or just a fat girl in a corset + push up bra, which would explain the extreme loose cardigan despite trying to show off her body (covering arms/wrists)
Can someone please explain to me what could possibly be attractive about cartoonishly oversized body parts? At least most women are able to admit all the 13+ inch dicks in porn are fake and don't even find them attractive. Do men just hate women so much that they think the more unattainable a body is = sexier?? I also don't think these men who are attracted to this size has actually seen a woman of this size naked since they're referring to hentai and not the fact that having extremely oversized anything would amplify flaws they often complain about (cellulite and rashes for big butts, saggyness/floppiness and extremely large areolas, heat rashes under breasts, for larger boobs) although this would explain why despite the fact she's trying to hoe she's wearing a modest shirt and loose jacket since those would easily hide things like corsets, breast forms, etc
No. 964643
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>>964640samefag but I knew a poor girl in high school with breasts that big. I felt really really bad for her because guys would constantly bother her about the size of them. And she wasn't even a whale, but she wasn't skinny.
It's called breast hypertrophy. Pic is women from before breast surgery was possible.
No. 964649
>>964643I knew a couple of women with breasts this large, one of them being my mom and trust me the last thing these women would want to do would be to meme themselves since most of these women are usually disturbed from all the negative attention they get + being sexualized from a young age. I also don't believe most women or men find this body type particularly attractive unless they have a fetish like
>>964647 said. Also it just doesn't sit right with me when men or women fetishize things that lower women's quality of life and attractiveness to the general public, it's the equivalent if men have obesity or skelly fetishes. It's just extremely unhealthy and damaging towards women and usually extremely hard for most women to obtain and makes them unattractive to most people if they do obtain that figure, which just screams control freak to me. I could never have a partner who finds having 80 lb tits the pinnacle of attractiveness
No. 964677
>>964662The only person I know IRL who trooned out was an IRL friend of mine, honestly she was also very different from the usual type
she was outgoing, had friends, had some normie interests and I guess the only indication may have been her mild fujo interests but It was below average compared to the typical fujo
No. 964695
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>>964689that's nothing
>Sino-Soviet friendship poster: "Let Chinese-Soviet Friendship Live Forever!"they are sharing a socialist fraternal kiss No. 964698
>>964662Idk about anyone else but the only people I know who trooned out were quite
toxic if you got close to them, I've only known a couple of troons those both male and female so who knows
No. 964702
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>>964695Please learn about Russian culture before you speak
No. 964708
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>>964702>>964695truthfully speaking men in my third world country literally walk around holding hands, they hug each other and kiss each other one the cheeks but they would beat and lynch any man if they knew he was gay
homosexuality is viewed as so unnatural that If you see two men holding hands and think "they might be gay." cause homosexuality is considered a non-thing really
In the West , it's more of a tell, so people avoid it for fear of looking gay.
No. 964771
>>964737At least you
triggered some men by doing basically nothing,
nonnie No. 964777
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how do you manifestation nonarellas do it
I guess I am really bad at it cause I never got any of the things I tried to get so far, I'm the anti-manifestor
No. 964780
>>964737tbh, it's completely harmless, and doing anything genuinely harmless that men hate is kind of feminist when you think about it
joking btw pls don't sperg at me. i like to do the same with other random things, like pretending not to know what reddit and nirvana are, or collecting crystals in a way not related to geology, which is an instant
trigger for moids
No. 964786
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>>964778It’s nerdy roleplay theatre, you could even say that it’s theatre but for boys ™. Like, idk, the dnd people I’ve seen so far are the kind of nerdy people that are too nerdy, even for the theatre people.
No. 964800
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>>964790kek reminds me that when I was a kid a had a small crush on Valhallen. Perfect himbo
>>964778>>964786Yeah, it's basically adult play-pretend with rules so the fat kid doesn't come up with super powers out of the blue. I like non-fantasy TRPGs, personally
No. 964803
File: 1636550820769.jpeg (68.97 KB, 1080x1080, 1631780404284.jpeg)

So I lowkey suspected that my boyfriend had porn hidden in his laptop cause he was very secretive regarding it, as in he actively hid his laptop from time to time and always seemed to be working on something even when the WIFI wasn't working
so a couple days ago I found his laptop unattended and he had forgot to close so I did some digging around and I didn't find any porn(I even downloaded a software recovery file to check for deleted files) and I didn't find any porn but I find shit like
>Al Qaeda Training Manual 1
>WN Military training manual
>Separate files filled with books for ideologies ranging from Maoism to Nazism to Jihadism
I have not yet confronted him about this
No. 964808
>>964803not sure what to say about this except, your boyfriend most definitely goes on /pol/
whether that’s good or bad is up for you to decide
No. 964818
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I like reading angst/comfort fanfics, but some stuff I see is just what the fuck?
No. 964849
>>964820>Did you also find other books on subjects like art, crime, history, language, martial arts, science, survival and technologies? Oryeah lots, like 200 GBs worth, the language file alone had 66 GB worth of files and filled with seemingly every language
I don't even know what he needs that shit for
No. 964863
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>>964818This is way too common in every fandom and I hate it.
>tfw you can’t look for cute stories about Snufkin’s mom and the Joxter because most of the stories are about the Joxter raping/trying to rape snufkin/his friends/literally anyone or about the Joxter in an incestuous relationship with his son.There’s no wining, these retards will try to get you fired and put in jail for shipping Diluc and Kaeya but it’s somehow okay to write about the Joxter fucking his son.
No. 964878
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I want a progressive mute ex-Amish bf who will literally tear down an entire gang nothing more then his bare hands and a stick
No. 964879
>>964863What the actual fuck? Fanfic sites have some unhinged stuff and it boggles my mind how vanilla erotic fiction gets cancelled but this kinda shit exists.
Also why are people cancelling Diluc Kaeya shipping? I'm not into Genshin so never heard of this.
No. 964906
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>>964879It has been a thing since people started reading the badly translated plot and such, they’re supposed to be sworn brothers, which is like a bond between two unrelated people who just want to protect each other.
But in the translation it says that they’re brothers, so all the kids into Genshin latch to the translation as a gotcha to spam people’s drawings with dumbass reaction images, even if they’re just in the same picture, just hanging out or being affectionate without it being sexy, they’re only happy if Diluc is being aggressive towards Kaeya because “LOL le funny siblings who hate each other 24/7”
No. 964930
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No. 964940
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>>964930I mean she was based but this post is very unture, Sirani painted mostly Historical and Biblical paintings, the few paintings she did of women murdering the shit out of men were commissioned works
The vast majority of her works however were almost all Biblical, relating to Baby Jesus and Mary and Adult Jesus
I really hate this "girlbossifcation" of various female historical figures cause it creates many false historical narratives of actual human beings, same thing witches, they weren't pagan proto-feminists who rebelled against the dumb Christians, they were also Christians who just happened to mix in various local folk practices that the Church deemed heretical
No. 964965
>>964950look up Folk Christianity, The Canon Episcopi written in 906 which was official medieval Catholic Canon Law declared "Witchcraft" a Fantasy and a delusion, saying that the folk pagan traditions practiced in rural areas were just that, folk traditions and they should not be seen as
valid to the Christian faith's what witchcraft and magic in general was viewed by the Catholic Church, the heretical but still inoffensive traditions of Yokels, it was only after the black death, the start of the Inquisition as well as the publishing of the Malleus Maleficarum by Heinrich Kramer did the witch hunts really start
No. 964987
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>>964965the story of Heinrich Kramer and the Malleus Maleficarum its self is pretty interesting, apparently he was "scorned" by a Nun named Helena Scheuberin who didn't think his Sermons were all that good and was very open about her dislike for them, for this he put her on trial for heresy and the Church sided with Helena cause Heinrich sounded like a bitter Incel
when he first published Malleus Maleficarum , he forged a bunch of signatures to give credence to his writings, including claiming that it was approved by the university of collogne. which it wasn't. in fact, they condemned the book as heretical. the fucking inquisition had a similar opinion, and viewed the text as so heretical as to be downright silly.
he sent a copy to the Pope, who approved the thing without actually reading it. he took back his approval and fully condemned it about 2 years later. unfortunately, the damage had been done. although the inquisition did not use it, secular courts (ie non-religious courts) adopted it as an official guide, particularly in germany where it was written. when the protestant reformation occured, the protestants kept the document out of spite against the Catholics and began using it in their trials, though ironically the Spanish Inquisition was one of the groups who refused to do so
the malleus itself had a number of issues. firstly, it treated the Illiad as if it were a historical document. second, it stated that women were the cause of the fall of all civilizations (with his only example to support his case being Hellen of Troy). third it claimed that women who were not constantly supervised by men would naturally become witches, including Mary the Mother of God (a statement which understandably made many theologians extremely angry and lead to them demanding that Heinrich get excommunicated). fourthly it claimed that any male who disagreed with him was an "archwizard", worse than a witch (which as it happens include saint augustine, who didn't believe in witchcraft at all).
he also stated that it was regrettable that women had to exist in order to keep men from being gay.
the book also included a series of stories to prove his case, which were all likely made up. they tended to be bizarrely sexual, including one involving a supposed witch that steals people's penisis and puts them up in a birds nest
I mean just read this
>“Witches collect male organs in great numbers, as many as 20 or 30 members together, and put them in a bird’s nest, or shut them in a box.” But the disembodied penises didn’t just hang around. “They move themselves like living members and eat oats and corn, as has been seen by many,” Kramer wrote.>Kramer reported that witches would sometimes take pity on their victims. When one man asked a witch to restore his missing member, “She told the afflicted man to climb a tree … and take which he liked out of a nest where there were several members >When he tried to take the big one, the witch said: ‘You must not take that one, because it belonged to a parish priest No. 964992
>>964940Thank you anon, I knew someone here could offer more info on her.
also I really hate the term girlboss
No. 965000
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>>964950You might be interested in watching this old, swedish documentary/horror film on witchcraft named Häxan(1922). Its quite famous.
No. 965046
>>964987This shit is funnier than an modern incel manifesto thanks anon. Also maybe he was referring to how some women would make secret groups where they killed
abusive men and castrated them to show proof to eachother.
No. 965048
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Man fuck every season except summer I want to be zooted off my ass next to the pool. Instead im reduced to getting a dopamine rush from intimidating incels at the comic book store why
No. 965059
>>964906correct me if im wrong, wasnt there a drama where a voice actor got dogpiled by fans because he retweeted and endorsed diluc or something
im not into genshin but i like to watch the garbage fire of the fandom from afar lol
No. 965091
>>965048let's go to Jamaica
nonnie. that picture is so freakin cute. kitty is so tan and I bet the watermelon is sweet
No. 965116
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mike stoklasa was so perfect when he was younger anons!!!! why did he have to get fat!!!
No. 965160
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This is stupid af but anyone who says "x hooters girl doesn't have big boobs!" Doesn't know that hooters shirts are unflattering and often minimize the chest area at least the ones made recently do, I assume to make the women feel more insecure and like she needs to go get implants or something to be a "correct" hooters girl. Shirt on an average proportioned manniquin for example, makes the manniquin look flat chested
No. 965206
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I feel like the tranny teacher was supposed to be a normal teacher who had a lost/dead sister and that the sister was supposed to be an important character for the story, but the people working for the shitshow decided to let their coom guide them and turned the guy into a tranny for woke points.
No. 965213
>>965171I was but I don't work there anymore. Thick straps + hard material that creates a flat "bridge" from your stomach to your boobs and a neckline that's not high enough to emphasize your shape but not low enough to show off a lot of cleavage is just weird to me especially since older uniforms really made breasts pop, ik my theory is a bit exaggerated but surely hooters knows how to make shirts that make boobs look good but now they're making shirts that minimize breast shape??
>>965172It was fine when it was a sports bar for adults only, it's really unsettling when people start bringing their families there but these same men would also flip out if their daughters started working at Hooters or something, I also believe this has been watering America's boob obsession since hooters in other countries are strictly adult only
No. 965574
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I'm 31 and I kind of wish my hair was turning grey but I search for grey hairs often and still find nothing. I just really like the color, all shades of it. It's even trendy now to have it but regardless of trends, I can't wait to have ashen hair.
No. 965683
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Daily reminder that Town Hall is in 3 days anons. Don’t forget to fill out the form and check for correct time.
No. 965689
I get mad thinking about the stupid shit my PE teacher used to put us through in high school. Sometimes we did sports, but sometimes we just did exercises for our exams like 20 situps, 10 pull ups, etc all under a specific time frame. As an adult, I now know how fucking shitty that is. He used to chastise me for not even being able to lift up the weightlifting bar, which is 40lbs!! How do you expect a girl with zero weightlifting experience, who does minimal physical activity, to lift a bar that is almost 50% of her body weight? not anachan, just short and was a bit underweight in highschool How am I expected to do sit ups when I've explained to you that I wear a body brace for the majority of the day because of my scoliosis, so therefore I have no core muscles? There was no "here's an alternative you can do that works similar muscles", it was just "do it or you fail" as if sit ups are the only core exercise that exist in the whole world.
I don't hate the gym and I don't hate working out, but I hate how we were all expected to just be able to do these things right off the bat. He would also only let a few kids do weightlifting instead of offering to teach people who wanted to and slowly progressing, like you should be doing so you don't injure yourself. I remember for one exam we had to do an ridiculous number of exercises and reps in like 5 minutes or something. I took so long to finish, and I was late to my next class. I remember my legs feeling like jelly and then no longer being able to move them as I got up the stairs, and then when I finally made it to class, I threw up from overexertion.
No. 965714
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I miss the old internet so much
No. 965720
>>965689We had to jump on tall wooden boxes and back down, up on to another. There were about 7 boxes and we would do this with all of the kids in a line, looping back through. Of course, the assholes set the boxes up on tile, making them slide around when you jump on them and a hundred times more likely to miss and rip your shins open on the bare edge.
>>965696It’s so retarded, kids will run around playing tag for ages, but they make you run laps in gym and now no one wants to run anymore
No. 965794
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i did some late spring cleaning (fall cleaning?) and accidentally threw out the charging cable for my favorite sex toy.
No. 965930
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Why did I buy into the cauliflower rice meme? It's nothing like the real thing and I'm never cooking with that garbage again.
No. 965942
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I just saw this pic in the Genshin Impact thread, but why is she holding her skirt up when the water is way below it
No. 965996
>>965939Aw I think he looks like a cute himbo. Very handsome to me. I think he looks huggable.
Also yeah he makes worthless piece of shit garbo videos about reacting to useless videos on youtube.
No. 965999
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>>965997now that was out of pocket
No. 966006
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I'm sorry but this is so fucking funny to me
Imagine all the powerless and bullied retard kinnies with neopronouns clicking on this video to fEel pOwErfuL like the anime guy portrayed, thinking this way they'll finally own up to the people who make fun of them… then going back to reality and being like "uwu don't hurt meee uwu"
I would go and check the comments but I just don't have the heart. It's funny but also sad.
No. 966017
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>>965995picrel for lowtax dead confirmation from Something Awful.
anon above already posted caps of shadman arrested for felony.
No. 966022
>>965995Thanks for the update.
>>966001Would you like a cherry on the top of your self-important request your honor? Since everyone on this website exists only to post according to your wishes.
(moid rage ) No. 966044
File: 1636671416687.png (1.49 MB, 2048x1536, muh_subs.png)

I have fallen down the rabbit hole of subliminals, after I found one by mistake and I am just kinda fascinated. I’ve heard about them, but I am out of the loop, so when I found ones that were uber ~aesthetic with “y2k” and kpop visuals and sounds I first laughed. I like to look at the comments (my real pastime) and while for some I can mildly laugh, I feel terrible for these kids. Hopefully they grow out of this.
>>966006Yes read the comments
No. 966049
>>965998>>966022Imagine being a simp for a website so rancid like kiwifarms
You are either new or a retard if you think saying "post screencaps" is "self importance", when in any other thread this is exactly what mods ask for and can ban you on that basis.
No. 966053
>>966039>Do this go there post thatWould you like a cherry on top of your even more retarded request too? What's up with idiots demanding the Internet posts like they want or bawwwing. Who gives a shit what you want and how you feel lol
>>966045>>966049This is the casual dumbass shit thread on the off-topic board, it's not held to gossip standards
No. 966058
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>>966054Literally not true
No. 966061
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>>966058I'm sorry I wanted to be funny but I just played myself kek
>>966059chill out edgelord
No. 966068
>>966058Absolutely disgusting. Why does he look pregnant
Himbos are supposed te be fit anyway. If he's stupid but not ripped then he's just stupid.
No. 966069
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>>966058>>966061>disliking fat scrotes is """edgy"""what the fuck is going on
No. 966070
>>962659>Kek at this komaeda.I can't believe you would post this without a
trigger warning.
No. 966090
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>>966006You could say that it’s a low hanging fruit.
No. 966154
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I gave myself curtain bangs the other day and they looked great but because I'm a retard i had to go in and cut more at 2 am and now I look like a mix between an eboy and season 1 chandler bing
No. 966185
>>966182I look conventionally attractive, I'm not special
nonny. I didn't say they were ugly, they're just average.
No. 966187
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God I hate how much gendershit has infested fandom, I just wanna look at art of a cartoon bunny
No. 966188
>>966056Lowtax was founder of the Something Awful forums. The edgy culture of the forums influenced and shaped 4chan culture.
SA culture itself was influenced and shaped by the previous BBS and USENET cultures that came before it.
The website was an important node in Internet History. (Still exists but has long been unimportant)
But make no mistake, if it wasn't for SA, a similar forum with a similar culture would have played it's role. The Internet was decentralised at the time so there were many many other such forums, and edginess was the zeitgeist of the time online.
This is how I remember it's userbase the demographics of the website completely changed since.
No. 966200
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I think /meta/ is getting a weird raid, so I wouldn’t go there if I was you, and I would honestly just get out of here for the night because I can smell the gore and cp that will get posted at some point tonight.
No. 966218
>>966187He's such a cute cartoon bunny. I hate them making him into a troon. What happened with the whole "men can be femenine too" that the sjw used to talk about?
Plus it's just a bunny… ffs
No. 966239
>>966212Why? Oh boy. That question is
way way outta my scope.
I can only talk about circumstances that surrounded it, but even there I don't know much. What I heard is that he killed himself after the court decided be should pay alimony for his child, and I heard he is divorced because he abused his partner. I also think I read she's not the only partner he's abused, but admittedly I am too lazy to check.
Like idk why any of that. Idk why people do things, man
No. 966279
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No. 966317
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I want a relationship like this
No. 966325
>>966006>>966090>>966104Fighting your bullies in IRL doesn't work, I've known kids who were tough and would beat up anyone who mocked them but they still got bullied not cause they didn't fight back but because they were weird losers who didn't fit in
My kinda-sorta boyfriend got expelled when some asshole made a joke about his dead brother and he just went fucking ape and beat the shit out of him, also this playlist sucks
filled with generic (c)rap that's not even about bullying
No. 966342
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Does anyone else think that each outfit item alone looks fine but when put together it doesn't look good? I've seen so many instagram posts where they dress this way but somehow their outfit just looks off. Maybe the beret and/or skirt is tacky or am I sperging over nothing kek
No. 966456
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>>966397I honestly hope these are good.
No. 966479
File: 1636723163683.jpg (109.59 KB, 877x736, Comfy.jpg)

If I ever leave my shitty Muslim country, the one and only thing I will miss will be the clothing
not the shitty Arab trashbag or Niqab or whatever created in the Sands of Arabia by inbred pedophiles
I'm talking about clothing like picrel, my ancestors were all farmers and we created clothing based on what was most practical
Its super comfortable to wear and you can wear it to work, to sleep, for a wedding or any public gathering and for just about any other activity you can think off
No. 966482
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>>966479This is beautiful, reminds me of my own country
No. 966516
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>>966485Baloch region originally, we have tons of cultural styles and their substyles over here
No. 966518
>>966516Those are all beautiful, I’ve always admired Pakistani art and architecture.
I’m an Australian but have Norwegian family. Lowkey always wanted a Bunad but they’re crazy expensive (like 3k AUD plus).
No. 966526
>>966518Thank you, you'd be considered a racist in Pakistan for that statement though
our Arab worshipping Prime Minister and large portion of the middle class in our country wants nothing more then to be wanna-be arabs and they actively despise their own ethnic histories and cultures, this is what the religion of the arab pedophile does to a population
they want to be Arabs, they want everyone to learn Arabic and dress like Arabs, my own mother is ashamed of the way she speaks and misprocess a language that is as distant as Chinese to our tongue cause she thinks its an insult to Allah
No. 966535
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>>966482aww this makes me miss my grandparents! she used to always wear more casual colorful prints of long skirts like your picture. my grandfather would always wear the traditional male garment in all white with a straw hat. ofc what they are wearing is a more glamed up version of whats casually worn, but i wish everything wasn't so americanized these days. seems like people have forgotten there are interesting clothes that are not uncomfortable.
No. 966537
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>>966533That's what I mean as well, in our country we had better civilization and greater warriors then Arabs, Its usually the Muhajirs and the Urdu speaking Punjabis who push for Arabization, they hate themselves wanna make everyone else in our multiethnic country hate themselves for not being Arabs
No. 966542
>>966539My ethnic group is simialr, we(Baloch), Seraikis, Gujjars, Jats and certain tribes of Pashtuns hold onto our ethnic identify and culture and refuse to assimilate to the Pakistan state homogenization for better or worse, their also also massive racists
like everyone in my family is an open racist who would probably support ethnic genocide against Punjabi's and maybe Pashtuns
No. 966561
>>966342it just feels tacky somehow
~like this entire outfit was bought only to take a pic ~~aesthetic outfit pic~ for instagram
No. 966605
>>966603it was supposed to be
nonnie, fuck
No. 966612
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I wanted to start some good habits for a long time and ever since May this year I have read a book and drew everyday without fail.
I'm very happy abput this and now I want to add some more habits like excercising and waking up early but I'm not having as much success as I did before.
Maybe it's cause reading and drawing are more enjoyable than excercise and waking up but they are healthier and I would benefit mkre from them.
I give up on excercise too easily and just keep sleeping after my 500th alarm
No. 966633
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>>966612wow congratulations
nonnie, with daily exercise always start out small and easy and gradually increase it week by week
No. 966634
>>966612Consistently exercising is hard nonna, as someone who struggled for years to be consistent with it. I really had to ease myself into it. I started off with just following morning yoga stretching videos, because they are easy and wake me up. It's not a proper work out, but I find that I would avoid exercise because I would dread the feeling of just working out. I
know it's good for me, but the whole progress of working out and feeling my heart thumping and being sweaty and tired is just not something I looked forward to, so stretching was a nice alternative. I find that I will let myself sleep in if I know I don't have anything to do, so I slowly started getting out of bed a bit earlier than I did before so that I would have time to follow a longer routine. Morning stretches went from a chore to just a part of my routine. If I wake up late, I'll try to even just do a quick 5-10 minute routine because it just makes me feel good. It's like missing my morning cup of tea or coffee, it just became ingrained in me. It took about a year before I started incorporating workout videos every few days or whenever I felt like it. Then it took some more time before I started consistently working out in the mornings. It's not anything extreme, just some easy bodyweight workouts, but I still work up some sweat and warm up my body and feel good. My progress is extremely slow and it makes me sad, but consistency is key and it's still better than where I was before.
I hope you'll be able to do the same nona! I actually would really like to read in the mornings, but it makes me fall back asleep kek. Maybe I'll take my own advice and ease into it with just a few minutes each morning.
No. 966644
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th3 ladi3s
No. 966645
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My mom told me it was going to be a rainy day and to bring my umbrella with me to work. So naturally I put on rainboots and my new raincoat and forget the umbrella and it's like Satan is pissing out there fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkk
No. 966733
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>>966633>>966634>>966635Thanks nonnies!
I did switch from excercise to streching but that proved to be tedious too. I hear excercise people always saying how they learned to love it but I never do. I don't even end up hating it more I feel the same lol
If it wasn't so cold now I probably would have switched to daily walks or something.
>>9666616am is my goal wake up time, inspired by sims lol.
But for starters I'd like to wake up before 10am.
I have no problem getting up if I have something early, but if I'm left alone my schedule just goes all over the place.
If you did it once you can do it again! Good luck!
No. 966951
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I suppose I am poopshy today.
No. 966974
File: 1636764632349.png (302.1 KB, 1033x583, image.png)

I'm about to turn 30 and spending my friday sitting on the couch listening to the Alvin and the Chipmunks remix of Saleel Al-Sawarim. No Regrets
No. 967044
File: 1636771782006.jpg (2.46 MB, 3024x2701, waffle.jpg)

>>967032Here's a waffle hehe
No. 967046
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>>967045Ohohoho jee wowie
No. 967049
File: 1636772414401.png (854.33 KB, 919x498, AmnesiaMemories.png)

Orion was the only valid character in this fucking game
No. 967053
File: 1636772648212.jpeg (81.62 KB, 960x600, F8ABE3EB-0868-4EBD-B274-936F80…)

>>967044That waffle looks delicious,
No. 967056
>>967049Agreed. Shin is an ass, Touma is… well, Touma
still love him tho, I don't even remember Ikki anymore but I think I couldn't ever trust him to be faithful iirc, and Kent is about as interesting as a brick wall. I loved Ukyo too, but like Touma he's an acquired taste. Orion was the only one who seemed to genuinely care for Heroine. I think he had a platonic route in one of the fan disks, so you could check that one out.
No. 967061
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>>967056How can you not love Kent and all of his 'tism nona? The dog thing at the end of his route had me cackling too
No. 967062
File: 1636773921797.jpg (2.7 MB, 1881x2558, cageboy.jpg)

>>967052Amnesia Memories, It's an otome game available on Steam
>>967056Ikki was an extreme fuckboy and his route felt way longer than it needed to be. Majority of it was just being cockblocked repeatedly by his army of fangirls. Thought I'd like Shin since he seemed kind of subtly sweet in other routes, but playing his actual route he was such an asshole. Kent was forgettable. Toma's route was great because it gets so absurd, his good end was dumb as hell though. I'm just starting on Ukyo's route, heard good things about it and excited to start it. I mainly got the game because I thought he was cute.
Thanks for letting me know about the Orion route in the fandiscs! I'll for sure look into it.
No. 967088
File: 1636775894953.jpg (1.4 MB, 2178x3036, hotchocolate.jpg)

>>967073You want a mocha to go with that?
No. 967096
File: 1636777913914.gif (558.7 KB, 220x220, facepalm-cute.gif)

I just wanted to buy some feathers. We went to three different craft stores, and they were all sold out. I decide to check one last store and literally as I get there…. the place is on fire!!! I guess a lighting fixture caught fire and the whole roof went up. My husband was joking that we'd see flaming feathers floating around in the sky if we stuck around long enough kek
No. 967097
File: 1636778126410.gif (136.8 KB, 250x250, 1406366157754.gif)

Told my roommate he has two months to leave, he agreed, and now that he's leaving I have zero fucks to give
He has a new girl in his room right now and I heard loud moans through his open door. Normally I would just deal with it but it's the second time this week and idgaf anymore, angrily texted him to shut the door and if he leaves it open, I'm gonna scream it at him instead and his tinder date can get embarrassed too
No. 967143
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No. 967163
File: 1636789824860.jpeg (18.74 KB, 275x275, 247F798E-7241-455B-BA10-71E013…)

Sometimes i’m reminded of the fact that rabbit from steam powered giraffe trooned out and i just fuckin hate this timeline
No. 967166
File: 1636790394172.png (716.94 KB, 1232x696, unknown (1).png)

Now that Avril Lavigne have released a new single that makes me instinctively want to steal my dad's dress shirt and rub eyeshadow all over my eyes with my fingers all we need is for Simple Plan or Green Day to come out of the shadows with a new banger and we'll just know these two shitheads are out there somewhere going "DUDE! WE'RE PUTTING THE 2000'S BACK TOGEHER!"
No. 967204
File: 1636797472102.jpg (95.94 KB, 1240x1622, 2288.jpg)

There is a new funny and cute guy in my friend circle I thought might tempt me to cheat on my bf (short relationship, long distance) and I was wondering if I should stay away from him. We got drunk yesterday and I made him spill the beans on what he likes sexually. Typical dominant scrote that wants to "push women to their limits". Told him I'm vanilla as fuck and only like men to focus on my pleasure, "y-yeah I love that too, anon, girls tell me I am their b-best". Sexual attraction to him is mostly gone, now I can keep him as an entertaining buffoon, big win
No. 967240
File: 1636803823842.jpg (71.06 KB, 598x598, 358e93c2.jpg)

I've had a revelation about the incompatibility of being (even mildly) autistic and being on the internet. I'm not being as much of a stupid shit online as I used to be, but the internet is still affecting me pretty negatively to be perfectly honest. I'm thinking of quitting the internet altogether, but I'd still like to access music that isn't on spotify and then online stores from time to time.
If I truly think autistics need to be kept offline, I might as well start with myself. Having had my share of venting, gossiping, discussing and shitposting anonymously - as well as embarrassing myself on other platforms - perhaps it's my time to go. If I ever have kids and they turn out to have aspergers, adhd or some shit, I'm gonna keep them off the computer until they're ready to go through a whole boot camp type thing on how not to be an ass on the internet.
I encourage other autistics to restrict their engagement online as well. Lock yourself down to the bare necessities (work, studying, supplies/purchases, contacting family) and don't let yourself be swept away into hugboxes, 'communities' or other types of idiocy. It's the right thing to do and you'll be better off eventually.
The ones who never even posted one single profile pic while having profiles up never commenting anything were absolutely right and truly ahead of their time. They're out there being themselves in the wilderness doing it right.
No. 967244
>>967242I overthink, overexplain, become more cynical of other people, get distracted from more important things in life, get high off of validation, can't tone down on the edge sometimes, so on and so forth. It's just not a great deal overall especially when I feel the stuff online seep into how I experience the reality offline. I feel like even my imagination is contaminated to a degree.
This whole thing just ain't it for me. Internet as a habit of mine needs to go if I want to be as put together and harmonious as I can be.
No. 967250
>>967248If the option to post is there and it's easy to use, an impulsive idiot sandwich will do it. Wish there was a lite or restricted mode for people with a lower ability to govern themselves. Since there are children online these days, maybe some platforms even have 'kid mode' or it's in the development, idek.
Anyway, I have to work against the temptation myself, and am a bit more capable of doing it. But most teenagers aren't, not to mention the fully grown lower functioning types with too much access per day.
No. 967328
File: 1636817286516.png (623.71 KB, 600x984, R.png)

I come on here once a week and without fail, paskistani anon is sperging over arabs every time. So tired of seeing the same posts over and over and over again.
No. 967336
aw nonna, I wish I could introduce my friend to you (though she's super anxiety ridden), I'm not interested in otoge but I'm aware that she's religiously playing each and new one being released and would talk enthusiastically about them. None of what she said stuck in my brain, she just seems to have fun with it. Hope you can find someone like that someday.
No. 967393
>>967330I haven't seen her recent posts, but she has a containment thread?
>>967360No one is saying she can't post, the problem is she always spergs/infights about the dumbest shit, can't bother to integrate, and has spammed threads. Living in a shithole doesn't mean anons can't call her annoying. I'm sure there are anons that are also from terrible countries that call her out too.
No. 967395
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God I really love poopin, what a relief
No. 967398
File: 1636824198027.jpg (153.78 KB, 1920x1080, Junkrat-1.jpg)

Valorant is a shit game and overwatch is better
No. 967406
File: 1636824683107.png (982.69 KB, 958x968, can't believe you've done this…)

>>967403Are you lying on the internet right now?? In front of mine eyes??
No. 967408
File: 1636824857470.jpeg (444.42 KB, 1242x1242, 1E2BC0D2-E3A7-458D-B048-360FC5…)

>>967399Silence, you fool.
No. 967438
File: 1636827524699.jpg (58.33 KB, 342x550, the_vendean.jpg)

tfw no Vendean bf uwu
No. 967439
>>967222Yeah I didn't think my post was that bad. Do anons avoid every man in their vicinity when they're in a relationship?
>>967206It's about willingly avoiding him, ie not spending as much time with some of my friends. Now that I know he's a pathetic scrote I am not tempted anymore.
No. 967460
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>>967451shoes for work nonna, he's a farmer
>>967448y u hate
No. 967489
>>967403That's a weird way of spelling overwatch
>>967476Honestly not surprised considering what soren's therapist was like
No. 967494
File: 1636832125023.jpg (1.78 MB, 1280x1707, FaceApp_1636832113857.jpg)

>blocks your path
No. 967496
File: 1636832240257.png (248.12 KB, 880x908, 977736f50d90f1592006619f0c407a…)

I just want a ticket to the grand galloping gala it's not asking a lot
No. 967528
File: 1636835223026.png (1.1 MB, 1052x1216, Untitled1.png)

No. 967538
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I can't decide where I should eat later today
No. 967606
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>>961598Get in the robot, Elliot
No. 967617
File: 1636843356284.jpg (21.47 KB, 640x360, scooby-doo-in-wheres-my-mummy.…)

I'm on my period, rather bored and about to go to sleep but I want something to look at and to feel entertained with, like a gameplay of a cool game. I want to eat chocolate. I usually fall asleep while thinking of food but I don't want to be reminded of food in reality, I want to watch something cool while I fall asleep. I wish I could eat cheesecake while watching some cool gameplay of something mysterious. I think I could look for that Scooby Doo Egypt film. I wish I was still a teenager. I want to eat something sweet and go home.
No. 967766
>>967722That’s amazing
nonny let all the nerds know about fucking. They need first hand fucking experience and you are just the fucker to clue them in.
No. 967841
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sometimes i’ll be talking to a dude and i have such good lines i’ll be thinking “damn i’m smooth as fuck”. men could never.
No. 967887
File: 1636877634164.png (207.66 KB, 526x503, imagen_2021-11-14_021417.png)

No. 968094 >Negative and inaccurate portrayals of men and boys have permeated mainstream media and online knowledge repositories such as Wikipedia, where the bias is particularly evident. Wikipedia editors routinely write negative commentaries about men and Wikipedia admins protect those commentaries while censoring counter-narratives that might show less biased, more accurate information. This practice is reinforced by feminist editing gangs who congregate
.. feminist editing gangs who congregate! What in the absolute kek
No. 968096
File: 1636908889571.jpg (52.06 KB, 680x709, Tumblr_l_517562607222928.jpg)

>>968094When your sex constitutes virtually all of criminals and abhorrent figures throughout history, then innocuous attempts at editing can seem like digital feminist harpies swooping down on you, trying to digitally castrate you.
No. 968133
File: 1636912371935.png (58.41 KB, 677x210, 1635890516278.png)

>>968094I don't know why this reminded of this post on r/MensLib where they got offended over Himbos
No. 968176
>>968096I found the site when I was looking up a case of a mother killing her severely autistic son. He was 10, the supports they should've been getting… they just weren't. They were entitled to something like 60 hours of help a week.. they got 3. She was depressed, her father had died and she was dealing with the kid acting up when she snapped and killed him. I was looking for more details on the case and that site popped up with it's magnificent 2 sentance long write up on it.. My post gave more detail than their page did. What's the point?
A woman killed someone… but we can't give any details because all the details ruin our aim here, nice lol
No. 968260
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1 like = 1 high-4
No. 968288
File: 1636926916742.jpeg (28.37 KB, 236x236, B43E3890-9E73-44AB-A185-272E0C…)

I can’t stop laughing because my mom told me about this gym where, she says, are lots of hot guys, and she said that she’s sure that most of them are British, but the idea of a hot guy with busted teeth makes me kek.
No. 968303
>>968291Nairobi, Kenya,
nonnie, I’m moving there soon, it’s kind of hot to think about a shy bri’sh guy who is self-conscious about his busted teeth.
No. 968325
>>968314Nope, I’m from latam,
nonnie. I mean, the main focus is working out, getting to look at hot bri’sh men is a bonus.
No. 968386
>>968333>this post will be too long if i mention every instance lol. it just makes me wonder what kind of impression i gave off to receive those reactionsthis is what I meant. Other instances where people just stared at you weirdly and such.
I think as teenagers we tend to have very little self-awareness (for me at least).
I am someone who would desperately try to hide my presence at school and in public, hiding my face and such. Though mostly at the time I was extremely gay closeted and didn't want to be hit on by male classmates, or being perceived by men in general.
No. 968414
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it's curretly Should I go be a fatass and have some snacks or should I just go to bed?
No. 968427
>>968386the other instances were during adulthood strangely enough, although i do kind of act the same as i did in hs…one of the times was at a pharmacy, i was just walking through an aisle to get to the next one and another woman walking next to me did that similar stare the whole time we were walking, and also seem kind of scared? she looked at me as if i was gonna rob her or something. the other time was when i went to a bathroom at a train station, there were 2 other girls just chatting normally then suddenly went dead silent and stared when i got there. it's not like i took a loud shit or something. in both these cases we were the only people around too.
the other times were during childhood although not as often as later on, it was also around the age when i started becoming more self conscious so maybe my body language has to do with it? one of these times was when i had to leave the class with a few other kids and a different teacher in order to go to a different room and finish a test i missed, it was the teacher staring while we were walking in the hallway. she seemed concerned or confused. another time was at a store waiting on line with my mom, she asked if i wanted the clothes that were next to us, i just shook my head 'no' and the girl in front turned around and did this same long stare. but i figured maybe she thought my mom was talking to her and misheard but she looked like she was disguised for some reason.
i also acted similarly to you, in trying to hide my presence a lot so maybe that contributed to it? but i don't think i purposely did it 24/7, i didn't always feel tense or maybe don't notice it. i remember once at church when i was 13 this woman asked "are you okay?" but didn't think much of it since that was just one person. and someone at my middle school said i looked scared all the time. but during highschool a different student said that i always looked tired (around that age depression got worse and my eyebags became massive), but surely i couldn't be the only sleepy looking person there? idk
No. 968457
Yeah I can sympathize, I think the more we purposely trying to "blend in" and hide our presence makes us stood out more.
This is my speculation, but I think the correlation between the people that just stared at you in confusion, especially after you were addressed to (the case with your mom for example). It probably just them being.. confused at themselves whether you were actually there or not, like I sometimes found myself doubting my own eyes like "is this person actually there all this time??"
You might've given the impression of a creepy, quiet kid that is always up to something (to some people at least). And there are some people who just can't stand being around someone who doesn't speak their mind. So there! May you one day master the craft of being invisible nonna (lmao).
No. 968480
File: 1636944689108.gif (1.53 MB, 245x245, 285C8525-0462-4DC3-B59A-F1B2BC…)

be the acceleration you want to see let your life be destroyed eat grovel piss in a jannys mouth born to die world is a fuck kill em all 1989 millions of cops and citizens just dead
No. 968503
>>968435I very clearly only said some, not all, but good job identifying yourself as one of the annoying ones
btw, what's the point in greentexting and using quotation marks, seems redundant
No. 968512
>>968508Yes, even though we have free dental healthcare
I think it's partly because our celebs don't do the super bright white veneers thing
No. 968559
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No. 968656
File: 1636963852371.jpg (4.35 MB, 2592x3872, Cauliforous_flower.jpg)

>>968655I accidentally typed Grias while looking up Gris and came across this flower I had no idea existed. Gris looks really pretty, I think I might grab that on PC.
No. 968658
>>968652the swotch lite is great.
if you like pokémon, UNITE is pretty fun to play casually. there are in-app purchases but it's still really fun to play as a free player
No. 968662
File: 1636965708526.webm (1.48 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_r2jzbbPEm71y54s2v.webm)

I thought this was satire, turns out it's 1000000% real
No. 968665
>>968656That flower looks nice
Like I imagine it tastes like custard or something sweet and comforting
munch munch munch
No. 968685
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>>968681Literally as soon as I posted that I got a text about it being delayed. Guess I'll get high
No. 968830
File: 1636989581073.jpeg (66.8 KB, 640x360, F4C7579F-9335-4C2C-9EFD-201ABB…)

The new splatoon game is basically
>abandon calamarity
>return to monke
No. 968903
>>962798Why can't I find these posts in the site search? I used both names but even when I hit "find in page" it says 0 results, but then I scroll upthread and here they are. WTF??
The more I look into that case the more interesting it gets, but it really is like nobody is allowed to talk about him anywhere online at all, even here?
No. 968917
>>968913I'm not trying to talk about him, I'm trying to find out more about him, but every time I even ask it's like he's being shoved down everyone's throats when he's actually really hard to find. There are more than half a dozen posts upthread, ITT supporting him and asking for more, but the blowback on it doesn't make any sense. And whatever happened to "if you don't like it, hide the thread?" NGL my main interest isn't even Kai himself, it's the fact that for some reason nobody is
allowed to talk about him positively anywhere online.
No. 968924
File: 1636997039617.jpg (103.78 KB, 683x1024, overnight-oats-17.jpg)

Can't stop thinking about making overnight oats and all the possibilities. I usually just mix in bananas and call it a day but… pumpkin pie overnight oats, chocolate overnight oats, overnight oats mixed with my favorite protein powder (thats "munchies" flavored and delicious). The possibilities are easy and endless and so yummy.
No. 968926
File: 1636997101572.jpg (121.24 KB, 828x878, E_vkzgjWEAUkGFB.jpg)

It's been bothering me, the amount of newfags who think that because I responded to an anon who quoted them, that I am pretending to be them. How fucking stupid can you be. This is a public anonymous imageboard, not your Facebook DMs. People aren't replying to you as an individual, but the content of your post, and others will chime in if they want.
No. 968927
>>968917>my main interest isn't even Kai himself, it's the fact that for some reason nobody is allowed to talk about him positively anywhere online.I don't know much about him and I don't really care, it's just that Kai stans have been posting about him basically since the start of the thread
and at some point it gets old when anons keep posting about some story you know they wouldn't care about if they weren't attracted to the scrote. I'm sure you can go ask in the News Stories thread.
No. 968933
>>968927>I'm sure you can go ask in the News Stories thread.I'm scared to even do
that though because, if you scroll up, the Kai poster made their first post in an old news stories thread, then asked abut making a Kai thread, then made one in M only to have it locked pretty much immediately. I'm not trying to get a ban for this, but it's so fucking sus I can't put it down.
>Kai stans have been posting about him basically since the start of the threadI mean, the thread is barely over a week old, there aren't that many posts, sooo that's kind of a nitpick. Again, hide the shit you don't like maybe? I do it all the time with camwhore threads.
No. 968945
>>968933the conspiritard in me wants to look into his case more, but at the same time I'm not trying to catch a ban for it either.
>>968941tbh maybe should have tried the conspiracy theories thread.
No. 968954
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>>968926As long as you don't do shit like pic related. There is a schizo that keeps doing it, that's why we are sensitive to it
No. 969000
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>>968978Good one Auntie you really bamboozled them
No. 969046
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>>969000go do your homework
No. 969058
File: 1637003979311.gif (4.74 MB, 268x380, Tumblr_l_246051581693169.gif)

Anons are we in the mood to go to the dog park or smoke a bowl and clean up a bit
No. 969238
File: 1637017041220.jpg (93.45 KB, 768x468, marina-joyce-prompts-fears-dom…)

That Marina Joyce shit was so dumb
No. 969258
I think that most mental illnesses are socially constructed. After all, so many of them have overlapping symptoms and co-morbidities. And it's not like doctors can just give someone a blood test to diagnose what mental disorder they have (OCD vs. ADHD, BPD or CPTSD, etc.) - I think it's possible that 2 different psychiatrists/therapists/whatever could come to 2 different conclusions about what illness(es) a patient has based on their own personal biases. Plus, the therapists don't have firsthand insight about what goes on in the patient's head 24/7 (or what outside factors/life circumstances might be causing the symptoms (trauma being caused by a 3rd party)). The therapist makes the diagnosis based on what the patient says is happening… and obviously plenty of unwell patients and munchies can lie to the therapist about symptoms. IDK, I'm high and spending an immense amount of time on social media, and lowcow, where all kinds of people are claiming to have all kinds of mental illnesses (and gender dysphoria, DID, and Tourette's are all trendy right now), plus my personal experience changing my dosage of SSRIs while being stressed out by my job, has me thinking deep thoughts lmao
No. 969280
File: 1637021716514.jpg (48.18 KB, 1040x237, Screenshot_20210530-211410.jpg)

Found some old AI dungeon screenshots
No. 969284
File: 1637021852049.jpg (45.05 KB, 1080x242, Screenshot_20210530-213236.jpg)

>>969280I have too many of these.
No. 969304
>>969258Tbh I agree
and I'm planning to work in the mental health field. Doesn't mean that people don't deserve help if they feel like shit, but a diagnosis is less important than helping someone address the specific things that are bothering them. People get so caught up in fitting a diagnosis when really the main question should be "are you able to function in your day to day life without feeling distressed?" Diagnoses are so categorical, but I think mental health is more of a spectrum and some people are just better at functioning in accordance to societal norms than others. Thomas Szasz wrote a book about how rather than being mentally ill some people are just "disabled by living," which sounds edgy but kind of checks out to me.
No. 969361
>>969356It's a
valid question. We don't know if you mean piv or your man's putting a massive bad dragon dildo in your ass.
No. 969380
These youtube "playlist" videos really creep me out
>POV: The Internet was Your Childhood - A 3AM PlaylistWhat the fuck
Here's another one
"POV: The Internet Ruined You - [ FW ]" was debating posting this on the tinfoil thread but unironically the dumbass shit thread is way less autistic. No. 969382
File: 1637037972667.jpg (159.9 KB, 640x853, 8atj3ku428711.jpg)

Had a random memory about whipping stinkbomb mushrooms at people
No. 969384
File: 1637038070545.jpg (22.13 KB, 600x403, Step-2_Large600_ID-3052353.jpg)

>>969351no dumbass we're talking about knitting. Scrotes won't understand
No. 969397
File: 1637040093589.png (152.29 KB, 500x374, 1588326401321.png)

damn, I was temp banned for not posting an image with my post, but I couldn't see where cause the ban page went away too fast. The thing is, I haven't posted in a cow page in forever. Is my scrote roommate on lolcow??
No. 969412
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i hate how much i'm attracted to pre hrt aidens
women that look like guys that look like women, that's my ideal type
No. 969420
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Having friends makes me feel DRAINED. I'm talking a simple lunch date with one other person makes me feel completely drained. I don't fit in anywhere. I will probably sound like an edgy high schooler for posting this but I just can't. I can't connect with people I work with, I'm literally autistic, I'm overly cautious with offending people and it feels like simple humor and cursing nowadays has people overreacting
No. 969425
>>969420That's not edgy, that's just textbook introversion.
I'm not autistic or worried about offending people and socializing still drains tf out of me, partly because I'm awkward and feel pressured to be entertaining, partly because I need excessive amounts of alone time. If I go out for dinner with friends I end up staying up several hours later than usual just to regain the 'me time' I lost.
No. 969430
File: 1637043357316.png (30.25 KB, 681x308, imagen_2021-11-16_001611.png)

how can anyone say this and want to be treated seriously
No. 969492
File: 1637049589096.png (130.03 KB, 372x302, imagen_2021-11-16_020005.png)

Wtf is this shite?
No. 969501
File: 1637050136138.png (846.62 KB, 1404x683, Screenshot (255).png)

>>969492Coomer Gay/Bi furry dude who likes Yaoi, not much also to explain
No. 969504
File: 1637050573102.png (273.41 KB, 812x435, imagen_2021-11-16_021633.png)

I unironically think this sometimes
No. 969509
File: 1637050968821.png (983.21 KB, 750x1334, imagen_2021-11-16_022258.png)

Uh-oh. Some people from tiktok want to take tumblr back.
No. 969575
File: 1637056486761.png (495.43 KB, 750x422, imagen_2021-11-16_035510.png)

No. 969584
File: 1637057602101.png (1.76 MB, 1280x1309, imagen_2021-11-16_041343.png)

Do you ever just think about the ancient cavewomen who loved other cavewomen? book is Feminist Fables by Suniti Namjoshi
No. 969587
File: 1637057959871.png (1.57 MB, 1280x1274, imagen_2021-11-16_041944.png)

All these new weird singing shows like the masked singer and alter ego are so weird like they don’t seem real they seem like a parody of a bad tv show in a dystopian world. I just completely forget that I inhabit the same universe as ppl who would watch that
>>969585My deep condolenses
No. 969590
File: 1637058222693.png (1.1 MB, 960x720, imagen_2021-11-16_042356.png)

No. 969596
File: 1637058471129.webm (3.64 MB, 648x576, tumblr_qzsrg3WAoX1ujaqcj.webm)

I thought this was doja cat for a hot minute, click to play
No. 969690
File: 1637073026034.png (445.98 KB, 500x740, imagen_2021-11-16_083052.png)

More and more convinced that the fact that everyone seems to have symptoms of adhd doesn’t mean “we’re starting to be aware of mental illness” and more “the internet and the way we work melts peoples brains”. Pic unrelated I just think it looks cool
No. 969702
File: 1637074405976.png (118.42 KB, 344x310, what the fuck.PNG)

No. 969708
File: 1637074789496.jpg (129.41 KB, 1000x1000, wax-bottles.jpg)

>>969706People who eat the wax on Babybel cheese probably also eat picrel.
No. 969756
File: 1637078379344.png (209.8 KB, 500x613, imagen_2021-11-16_095958.png)

This wears me out so much
No. 969785
File: 1637080259984.png (77.42 KB, 500x275, imagen_2021-11-16_103126.png)

No. 969788
File: 1637080391801.jpg (160.79 KB, 1400x850, taco-bell-grilled-cheese-burri…)

The grilled cheese burrito from taco bell sucks. Usually their limited edition gimmick-y items are ok, but this was just horrible.
No. 969920
File: 1637093415131.png (53.27 KB, 300x100, imagen_2021-11-16_141028.png)

I made a cool banner, pls check it out, I made it with all my love for every nonnie ever
No. 969922
File: 1637093471498.jpg (119.36 KB, 757x1069, Screenshot_20211115-214548.jpg)

No. 969930
File: 1637094015349.png (5.23 KB, 161x187, d3.png)

>>969922this is fake right,
No. 969953
File: 1637095857840.gif (1.09 MB, 480x368, xcvbn.gif)

I just wish I could fuck Jay Kay (from jamiroquai) while another Jay Kay dances at the end of the bed, sigh..
No. 969971
>>969956We have a decent family car but I'm scared of fucking the car up (dad says it'll be fine but I know it won't), I'm scared of him backseat driving with me, and the cost of owning a car in my city is too high for me to just buy a used one to drive in. My dad says I should just get my license and never drive so the insurance see me as someone who doesn't get into accidents… but wouldn't it just be better for me to drive to get used to it??
>>969960>>969966Thanks nonna! I worry a lot about weird small things, like what if I can't make my turn or drive across the intersection because there's cars in the way and there's tons of cars behind me being mad and honking at me? Or missing signs like "stop here on red" and stuff that my dad sees but I don't. I guess my christmas gift to myself will be driving lessons… My friends have said that things just click when you're behind the wheel, I'm hoping that'll be me one day. I really want to be that person who goes out on long drives for fun, and to visit lots of sights outside of my city.
I will keep the 4-5am thing in mind! But I think my city has restrictions on when/where permit holders are allowed to drive (though I guess if I don't get caught then it won't matter kek)
No. 970125
File: 1637113887902.gif (6.25 MB, 480x480, giphy.gif)

me in the vent thread telling you to dump your scrote
No. 970156
File: 1637116232057.gif (400.67 KB, 400x300, 1578305774458.gif)

ahhhhhh!! saw beach bunny a few days ago and I still can't get over it. They were even better live
No. 970307
File: 1637141551274.jpg (213.53 KB, 1212x1487, 20211117_103124.jpg)

All of these memes with Sasuke in Fortnite make me want to play it, can't take it seriously
No. 970433
File: 1637157456299.gif (193.07 KB, 480x291, 1395771816242.gif)

Guess who strained her neck last night while sitting and reading webtoons? Fuck but I got things to dooo
No. 970520
File: 1637162223304.jpg (50.22 KB, 570x576, 20211117_101615.jpg)

My mom and I were watching this shitty reality TV show called vanderpump rules, it's about people working at a bar and having dramatic fights etc. I don't really watch it so I don't know the names, but in the episode they were having a party and playing a drinking game. One of them got a card that says "stroke something phallic for 30 seconds or take a shot" her boyfriend proceeds to pull his actual dick out. In front of everyone. It's censored of course and she's clearly embarrassed and everyone is laughing uncomfortably, but she does it anyway and they just move onto the next scene like nothing happened. What the fuck was that?? he was already hard and everything, both of us were fucking disgusted, I can't believe the producers put that in. I probably sound pearl clutchy but it was really gross. The audacity of scrotes
No. 970658
File: 1637175365965.png (88.02 KB, 280x201, 1593414935826481-0.png)

Need me a friendship like this
No. 970713
Plastic Love finally getting a full music video added at least five years to my life
>>970658I will be whatever you want me to be,
nonnie No. 970736
File: 1637180298287.jpg (198.7 KB, 1000x1333, photo-1529778873920-4da4926a72…)

SPAM. Don't scroll down!!
No. 970742
File: 1637180517129.jpeg (533.18 KB, 750x712, 32579ED0-6027-43AD-929B-624A1A…)

bla bla here's an image
No. 970743
File: 1637180548502.jpg (6.29 KB, 225x225, hair cover.jpg)

And this is another.
No. 970745
File: 1637180599110.jpeg (32.01 KB, 600x400, 1613676560391.jpeg)

And a third, now to go back and check. I wish you didn't have to click on it to report it. Are mods on it already?
No. 970750
File: 1637180877126.jpeg (23.59 KB, 400x332, 45B5F620-84AB-4645-9C58-D5FA42…)

Cp being spammed
No. 970751
File: 1637180920388.png (218.43 KB, 640x588, 1619191099917.png)

is it still on the home page
No. 970756
>>970754I want to draw your witch,
nonnie, I got a cool and autistic idea.
No. 970759
File: 1637181468695.jpg (77.09 KB, 722x946, hissing booth.jpg)

No. 970762
File: 1637181741825.png (784.04 KB, 750x717, EAACC08C-121C-453B-95CD-A4087C…)

aaaand it’s back on the home page again
No. 970768
File: 1637181960477.jpg (85.28 KB, 640x1136, catmechanic.jpg)

I'll just post a bunch of reaction pics I have
No. 970776
File: 1637182130868.jpg (115.94 KB, 1024x1024, 70s dancing.jpg)

>>970773is it still on the home page?
No. 970783
>>970757But just in case I don’t post it here due to my awkwardness, it’s a witch made of feminine stuff like makeup and lace, she has a nose made of a makeup brush and her eyes are those annoyingly useless purse hangers with tears at the end. She’s what males made women turn into and she hates it, so she destroys anything that resembles or even smells like a male, otherwise she’s helpful to others.
Her name is Valerie.
sage for incontrolable madoka autism, I just love creating witches, they’re amazing No. 970801
>>970777 !! Here's my throwaway ♥
No. 970907
>>970892Also I know there’s a replacement waterproof liner but my issue isn’t whether it’s waterproof or not, it’s if it’ll not smudge from all day wear from my oily face.
>>970902I’ll try it out but I’m looking for a single eyeliner product to reduce as many steps/products as possible lol
No. 970968
>>964145the one in the very middle looks like an ex scrote friend i had. he was typical edgy i hate feminism and i am so edgy scrote. but then he kinda grew out of it. i thought he was chiller. sometimes he would say really weird shit but i would let it go cause he had bad social skills and i didnt think it was malicious.
then one night he raped me while i was drunk and i have him blocked everywhere but the mere mention of him or seeing this ugly bitch ass 4chan scrote makes me remember him and hate myselfliterally never give edgy scrotes a chance they are rejected by society for a reason.
No. 971081
File: 1637214811783.jpeg (57.19 KB, 960x720, 59990B0F-6352-4ED3-86F3-A6532B…)

>>964145also (he's not on my list) the guy with glasses looks like vector
No. 971305
File: 1637249062208.gif (6.18 MB, 400x500, sable.gif)

i could read every book and watch every movie and play every game in the world and i would never find a character i felt as much affection towards as sable from animal crossing. she's the best
No. 971309
File: 1637250018298.jpg (112.24 KB, 1200x628, benefits-of-kale-1200x628-face…)

>>971294Veggies are good. I made kale pesto the other day and it was delicious. Broccoli has also never let me down, so easy to steam, boil, or stir fry really quick for a good simple side when I want something green.
No. 971310
File: 1637250113997.jpg (38.38 KB, 497x497, meet-nana-the-cat-that-s-so-ex…)

Yesterday I heard a french song on the radio at 11am and didn't manage to catch it on Shazam, so I tried to find a radio playlist. There was no playlist for that day, but there was for yesterday so I thought they'll post it later.
Well they did. They posted all the song from 2pm onward.
No. 971311
>>971305I love her too
Only real fans love Sable
No. 971313
>>971152i can't get over how a certain celebrity
megan fox said some of these things completely unironically, yet is still hailed as some feminist icon
No. 971455
>>971427same. I also only ever got ignored by girls because they were probably too afraid to associate with me and then also get bullied. Boys stole from me, they called me names, spread rumors, tried to hit me, block the way, mocked me every time I tried to say something and generally made my school time a horrible experience. I hope they all have shitty and horrible lives and get untreatable illnesses that cause a lot of pain. I hope their spouses cheat on them and are
abusive, that they get fired from their jobs and that their houses burn down
No. 971457
>>971427When I was a kid boys were worse and more violent
When I was an adult women tend to be harsher and more immature in the workplace and among friendships. Not to sound "not like other girls" or anything. Women are just way too nitpicky even if they under-peform themselves. I also find other women tend to really hate reserved women? Idk I guess it varies from place to place
No. 971487
>>971476I wasn't being serious
hence the, "like they want to fight" but thank you anyway, nonna.
No. 971488
>>971462 I guess you're right, I'm reserved myself and it takes me a while to warm up to people and be more open, I've had some places where women were just cold and nitpicky towards to me the point where suggesting I even get fired because I wasn't as outgoing as them. I also feel like a lot of social norms play in and some people get too offended or easily judgemental towards small things
like the anon who says it's weird to compliment strangers which is why I tend to stay quiet since I've been judged, mocked, or gotten dirty looks over the smallest things
No. 971503
File: 1637262716075.jpeg (923.36 KB, 1242x1132, 691DB466-A7F5-4B4C-8599-718580…)

I’ve peaked my best friend which thank god bc now we can mutually make fun of retarded trannies we know instead of tiptoeing around it
No. 971571
File: 1637266237635.jpeg (87.13 KB, 700x736, D94D895E-F52F-4304-8CDC-A87FA9…)

Cp spam front page
No. 971573
File: 1637266283396.jpeg (123.54 KB, 640x623, B8EA9AD9-84DC-4C4E-AED7-2BC900…)

No. 971574
File: 1637266321421.jpeg (77.3 KB, 780x780, BD5B8C3A-4149-4FDB-8824-73642B…)

No. 971577
File: 1637266353748.jpeg (63.73 KB, 500x568, AB703D8A-093C-4357-BFC8-95E107…)

Hopefully this puts it off the front page
No. 971579
File: 1637266401194.jpeg (28.63 KB, 464x348, E17F536F-D730-4CCA-B2AC-9495BB…)

No. 971580
File: 1637266450196.jpeg (142.45 KB, 1000x763, pua-visits-granville-island-va…)

No. 971584
>>971581It’s always the same bullshit
>male finds “4chan for women”>doesn’t get his dick sucked >tard rages>gets ignored>posts CP or Gore>???>profit I guess?It would be funny if their IPs could get tracked after they post child porn, just to make them sweat a bit with their names on a list.
No. 971586
File: 1637266719700.jpeg (Spoiler Image,12.57 KB, 225x225, A9A1F516-FFD9-4B5A-A437-010FCC…)

>>971581Yeah I noticed the anons responded to his bait and clicked out to see the front page filled with it jfc. I thought jannies were a bit quick to ban anons that responded too?
No. 971593
File: 1637267010856.gif (1023.68 KB, 287x268, 700.gif)

No. 971595
File: 1637267193849.jpg (347.59 KB, 567x850, Abitchhongry.jpg)

ANYWAYS what are yall having for dinner tonight
No. 971598
File: 1637267336389.jpeg (298.88 KB, 1200x1200, CBDCC18B-CF56-48EE-B10C-EFCB4C…)

>>971595I kind of want something light like a salad with cashews, but I might have noodles with cashews instead.
No. 971602
File: 1637267435867.jpeg (148.02 KB, 715x715, 1616705738621.jpeg)

No. 971604
File: 1637267488660.jpg (161.25 KB, 724x483, Fibre-is-the-new-protein-Food-…)

random shit to get it off the home pageeeeeee
No. 971633
File: 1637268553214.jpg (55.26 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg)

>>971613mmm healthy fruit
No. 971643
File: 1637268818383.jpeg (35.05 KB, 334x400, 48AD7CC8-6BC7-4DE7-B389-935A10…)

>>971633I’ve never been so excited to try a chocolate since I first saw the milka chocolates that had this cow.
No. 971655
File: 1637269530262.jpeg (52.83 KB, 1000x563, DEF53F69-6D5C-424F-8909-F390CF…)

I threatened the jannies with posting the forbidden man and the blue spiky animal, then they banned the ejaculator, does that mean that I got the power?
No. 971658
File: 1637269612337.jpeg (31.91 KB, 223x180, 11514F22-747B-4D73-96DE-2C1484…)

>>971651Go away, Shayna Clifford.
No. 971671
File: 1637270079907.jpeg (47.38 KB, 357x398, 0C5C4707-B4B8-4D74-8633-706973…)

hummuh hummuh faggot
No. 971673
File: 1637270128499.jpg (127.92 KB, 736x802, 842819e2ced9de5fe24681881693f4…)

>>971665If you absolutely can't resist the urge to respond, it's a dominant move to post fujoshit instead of being a clown and arguing with them
No. 971679
>>971665Those anons must be fun at parties
>>971671I remember when this was used as a vent thread pic and anons got pissed, they were right because it was unfitting but then they started saying this dude was ugly which is just bullshit
No. 971685
File: 1637270537768.jpg (153.64 KB, 1280x1280, _re2r__leon_needs_some_break_b…)

>>971665I'm always up for some husbando posting
No. 971703
File: 1637271125073.jpg (31.29 KB, 736x414, f9fd763e1e4348a7c80cebdb302887…)

>>971698yeah bb that was me, kek.
No. 971710
>>971703God I just got the best idea, what if I could make more realistic models like
>>971685 and we could make hot shirtless mercenary photos too, in sfm? I don't really know how to make 3d models (yet) but I know how to use blender and gosh darn it I'll try my best and learn
No. 971715
>>971707>>971705i love you both and i miss the cute
nonnie who later demanded in the tf2 thread that the nice medics be handed over
No. 971722
File: 1637271918530.png (601.44 KB, 680x520, e80.png)

>>971715You don't have to miss me, I'm right here
No. 971724
File: 1637271989393.png (663.62 KB, 660x660, 4bcb0a939c49f78b71ddd43c562240…)

Damn anons i'm very tempted to shitpost again
No. 971743
File: 1637272543507.jpg (323.15 KB, 1700x2300, 1622915957756.jpg)

Another classic husbando
No. 971753
>>971727You are making me blush
uwu>>971749This is frustrating me I want to pet him for real and not only tickle the tips of his hairs.
No. 971756
File: 1637272887136.jpg (215.13 KB, 1280x1280, leon_kennedy_in_shibari_by_gra…)

>>971746Dante from DMC.
Just found some naice Leon cosplay I had saved.
No. 971769
File: 1637273385868.jpeg (39.41 KB, 442x694, images - 2021-11-19T000819.158…)

>>971743I want to fuck both dante and donte on the same bloody bed.
No. 971773
File: 1637273528341.jpg (61.6 KB, 600x411, o0600041110275600811.jpg)

>>971769Blasphemy. Donte more like Don'te do it
No. 971782
File: 1637273796586.jpg (56.46 KB, 540x540, ac8ce821d44d4de237974810066f80…)

>>971305this exactly sums up how I feel about picrel
No. 971846
File: 1637278717666.jpg (47.8 KB, 573x585, Tumblr_l_107003369376523.jpg)

No. 971890
File: 1637282172036.jpg (45.6 KB, 600x514, 1d6fdafd8ecbe1624410aa21c5c019…)

No. 971948
File: 1637286387320.gif (3.11 MB, 320x234, 1F022FB8-7F48-48A8-9DFB-9EEBF5…)

No. 971950
File: 1637286430655.png (267.93 KB, 1242x745, 9B81A8E2-9BB4-486B-80AB-63B64E…)

No. 971960
File: 1637286803474.gif (809.89 KB, 500x281, 1557283922463.gif)

>>971948you posted one of my favourites nonner
No. 971971
File: 1637287427141.jpeg (31.03 KB, 622x357, F984F52E-9D72-4A63-8B71-AC4F91…)

Jfc the porn on front page caught me off guard, I thought the scrote was being desperate for attention and posting gay porn
No. 971983
File: 1637287958078.jpeg (18.44 KB, 256x400, E3983E74-2AA1-403E-8C7C-8D0C11…)

>>971979They’re cute,
nonnie, and shrek is sexy.
No. 971984
File: 1637287994179.png (95.2 KB, 1000x743, inshallahmayitrise.png)

No. 971986
File: 1637288070119.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1080, B6CB163A-B0BE-4075-8F97-6C4C2C…)

No. 971989
>>971983I can't believe he is disrespecting fiona like that
She should've listened to fairy godmother and married prince charming
No. 972003
File: 1637289590537.jpeg (19.16 KB, 194x260, 6BE54946-8634-4DDA-8E60-AEABEE…)

>>971989I mean
he’s kinda hot No. 972020
File: 1637291811256.jpg (106.85 KB, 642x524, votes_for_men.0.jpg)

>>971986Honestly I love these types of memes againt men, I've always argued that the best against scrotes is using their arguments against them
simply insulting a moid even with the worst insults will never actually cause real harm or even change their ideas, but using their own arguments against them will get stuck in their minds
No. 972082
File: 1637304432405.jpg (899.09 KB, 1080x1580, Screenshot_20190702-171921__02…)

I enjoyed this ancient scrote seething about Cleopatra
No. 972132
File: 1637313902947.jpeg (314.62 KB, 1024x1024, A70DA857-CF02-461F-AAB8-135BEA…)

>>972100it's the fullest it's been since the 1400s!!! I'm really happy I woke up for it. pic unrelated, it's the hourglass nebula
No. 972255
>>972226This is why I love history regarding women. There's many similar letters from him and other roman officials, I believe the resentment from another guy started when he asked her for a book from Alexandria and she simply said she'd have a scribe send a copy. He got offended at that because a RoMan SeNaToR should obviously be able to behold ancient texts in their original format or something, and she just ended up never sending anything at all kek.
It's also interesting to me how they all gossip about her being a seductive witch and how she didn't seduce
them (yet is still a whore). She was plenty charming but just had none to spare for common chucklefucks who were conspirators and detractors of her and Cesar from the beginning. I can imagine how frustrated they were that a fabled queen of charm and sensuality is in the same room as then and she doesn't even give them the procedural asskisses they expect.
Regardless, I find it a good lesson that in all of human history, to live as any notable woman you have to just deal with men sperging and really not give a fuck about it. Better yet if you find them amusing, troll them, and walk around as of you're the living manifestation of a goddess.
No. 972290
File: 1637330808902.jpg (86.02 KB, 1024x817, 1637096901331.jpg)

Bumping to get rid of nasty porn
No. 972303
File: 1637331150452.jpg (354.5 KB, 801x1000, finalfantasyvi_character_villi…)

>>972290This crap again? I'm going to post Kefka
No. 972338
File: 1637331976858.png (971.9 KB, 1024x576, aprince.png)

I'll take the opportunity to post my beautiful husbando who levelled up and got a new outfit.
No. 972382
File: 1637332828508.jpeg (38.46 KB, 473x648, images - 2021-11-19T163732.970…)

>>972338i fucking love him, he is my favourite wakizashi. i hope i get him soon.
so i got picrel naginata 2 days ago, i keep leveling him but he still deals like 1 damage to each enemy.. when exactly is he going to ditch his milk glass? i won't tolerate him just because i want to drum on his tiddies
No. 972403
File: 1637333416260.png (776.93 KB, 724x980, 83C9889D-5B8B-4A2D-ABC4-E8EBAC…)

>>972338Touken boys are just perfect, I wish I had a bodypillow for each boy that I like, but this one is probably my favorite one, look at his beautiful body.
No. 972427
File: 1637334686698.jpeg (205.1 KB, 670x612, BFA382C8-9768-4B96-8EEF-6E5CE2…)

I hate toxic masculinity and how it makes the less retarded men go full retard.
Like, I was on a trip with my brother and one of his friends, so, my brother wears whatever he wants, like different colors and prints and such, but then this faggot goes “hurr durr yur wering a t-shirt with flowers yur a foggot” and I couldn’t hold myself back and told him that he was letting his toxic masculinity seep out, making him judge my brother for no reason other than for being insecure of his own self. He then got all pissy because my brother and I bullied him for being a retard, but I think it still sullied my brother’s mind, because some weeks ago he didn’t want to take a random salmon colored towel to the pool because “it’s pink uwu I don’t wont it!!” I told him to stop being retarded and to take the damn pink towel, but Jesus Christ, males are so fucking easy to manipulate that it makes everything look even more bleak than usual.
No. 972428
File: 1637335001110.jpg (149.89 KB, 868x1151, EBRXsldU8AA0Tr0.jpg)

>>972382Oooh nice to meet another nona of culture! I hope you get Nikkari soon! I felt way too excited when he came home from his kiwame journey.
Naginatas are shit in the beginning, it takes some levelling until they become good. And when they become good they're awesome, my Tomoe can wipe out multiple enemies at once. I haven't had any luck getting Shizu-chan yet, pls come home sexy abs guy.
>>972403It's incomprehensible why there aren't any official body pillows. Imagine the amount of money they would make.
No. 972437
File: 1637335720162.jpeg (35.27 KB, 475x645, images - 2021-11-19T172738.938…)

>>972428at what level, though? i saw someone saying at around level 50 they become really powerful. aah I'm a new saniwa, that seems like a long time. welp, hope you get him
nonnie! the new event will sure help, thanks to it i got him in my 2nd try, kek.
No. 972438
File: 1637335747359.jpeg (786.79 KB, 1242x947, 31C55258-7746-47FA-9651-52B397…)

Reading the vent thread this morning has been so depressing, why don’t women love themselves more? jfc ladies
No. 972462
File: 1637337470530.gif (913.84 KB, 500x273, 3f346006f2177e421cc9df99cfd37a…)

Haru is such an idiot. Why would you give up being a cat in a magical kingdom to go back to being a huge dumb human? I wouldn't have married the Prince, because he should be with his true love, but I certainly wouldn't have gone back to being a human. What a wasted opportunity. What a dumb ass. Haru you fucking silly dummy.
No. 972463
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>>972437I don't remember which level, but keep him in your team and give him konpeito and you will see the change after a while.
Would anons be interested in a Touken Ranbu thread btw? I don't know how many we are but I've seen some saniwas around the farms.
No. 972473
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>>972463I'm in, there is so much I want to sperg about. It will be a good place to share info too, since there isn't much in English when i look around.
No. 972515
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>>972462She could’ve just kept the baron. And maybe she could’ve tried convincing her mom to join her in the cat world.
No. 972527
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I feel like the medieval peasant’s tongue would literally dissolve
No. 972538
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>>972522I particularly hate the “escapism is bad”message when the character is getting bullied or has an overall shit life in real life and they’re like some super power being in a fantasy world.
Would anyone seriously choose to go back to being constantly depressed if they were told that they can be anything they want in another world? It’s ridiculous and unnerving.
No. 972543
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Does anyone else really hate the sound of bells? I think something about how the ringing seems to go on indefinitely really freaks me out. I also hate similar noises like gongs. I also really hate shit like pic related. It's like the visual equivalent of what I hate so much about bells. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
No. 972553
Whew hope this works this time I'm like Jiji with tech.
No. 972677
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>>968142i was scrolling the previous celebricows thread and idk why but this reply makes me die laughing every time i see it. I think its because it came out of nowhere and
nonnie probably thought she was helping by posting it and mods just banned her. I CANT STOP CRYING HELP ME
No. 972717
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All I’m saying is if Kyle’s verdict is fair then a lot of women deserve to be free
No. 973107
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>>973094No I'm alone, just watching Downton Abbey and eating a burrito, contemplating homicide
No. 973110
>>973098>soundsSounds comfy
>bad connectionOh no. No games to play?
No. 973116
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>>973094It's peanut butter jelly time
No. 973119
>>973110Last storm made my computer and half of the electronics in the house explode, if not for that I would be playing mass effect 3 for the 100th time now.. or stellaris. Free phone games sucks and I don't have money to pay for them right now.
Might read something before going to bed though.
No. 973121
>>973116are you
>>973114you're so cute enjoy your toast im going to have to start buying bread so i can too
No. 973148
>>973143NTA but
>Stop seething when I twist your words into things you didn't sayWut
No. 973151
>>973143I'm not seething, I just disagreed with the anon I originally replied to.
>Who the fuck caresClearly you do.
>>973146It seemed like a rhetorical question.
No. 973179
>>973151>Who the fuck caresBut you do too? Or else why did you reply
Are you in a bad mood?
No. 973205
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There is no such thing as a non-retarded human being. If you think you're smart, you're just an even bigger gigatard. Are you good at math? Are you a biologist? Maybe you've written a famous novel? Who cares? Are you happy? I'm designating myself Viscountess Retard, the unimportant oaf, and I'm going to be useless to my heart's content. Maybe I'll become fat and lay in pond water, laughing and crying as it suits me. Maybe I'll eat silica packets and draw asses on cave walls.
No. 973226
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>>973205That's that on that
No. 973295
>>972677Kek the best part was that they wrote BUMP underneath. It was probably during one of the raids, or because
nonnie was distraught over the tense Taylor Swift conversation. Maybe we'll never know
No. 973341
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No. 973444
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Obey Me! is adding new characters and one of them is female (or nonbinary? but I have no idea where that rumor came from, I guess they just really don't want a woman in this game and can't stand the idea of a nb amab character) and the response to it makes me so mad. I've never wanted to get into internet arguments so bad, I haven't posted anything on twitter ever, but this makes me want to engage in the fighting. I was already a little annoyed by the fandom around it because it's of course mostly yumejos that spend their time worshipping some of the worst characters (mostly Lucifer and Leviathan) and basically no one will pander to my specific flavor of fujo brainrot, but I still found some nice and funny people to follow. Now I want to block anyone that even mentions it. The arguments of "She's going to steal the main character's spotlight!", "She's going to be a villain" are so fucking stupid. The main character is a sheep, god damn it. And how do you feel threatened by a single female character in your little gacha game that barely qualifies as otome? Not to mention that there will still be 13 male characters to choose from, even if there is one other woman for the few LGBT players. None of these characters get much development beyond simple traits and I can already feel that she's going to get criticized for it the worst. It's all so annoying, I won't make the mistake of seeking out fandom spaces again, they really ruin all the fun.
No. 973467
>>973341Please don’t be that white lady today.
Please don’t ignore this.
Because it’s not “on brand” or you don’t “talk politics” or you’re not “well educated enough” to discuss this.
If you have a platform of any size, welcome to 2021.
Silence is violence.
Please don’t offer up thoughts and prayers. This is not a “cosmic great awakening”.
Welcome to 2021.
That’s called spiritual bypassing and we’re not available for it any more.
Please don’t just post “disgusted” and call that empathy or advocacy.
Please don’t act like today is just another Fri-yay on your stories or in your email.
We are the problem. White women. We raise them and act shocked when they keep shooting.
We marry them and elect them when they keep killing.
And we continue to turn a blind eye when it’s staring right at us.
We only advocate for others when we too are oppressed by the very same system.
Please see that this system is working perfectly.
It’s built to protect you and me.
Keep us blind.
Keep us “safe.”
As long as we’re “good”.
As long as don’t ruffle any white man feathers.
Reprogramming and decolonizing can’t just start when it’s inconvenient to you.
We are the problem. And the responsibility is on us to fix it.
Please don’t be that white lady today.
It’s 2021.
That shit isn’t cute.
No. 973475
>>973463In Whistleblower, trying to turn a man into a woman is seen as a medical impossibility that only a psychotic and violently misogynistic butcher would attempt, and could only result in horrific mutilation. In Outlast 2, there are two villanous groups, the church and the heretics. The church is obviously analagous to religious fundamentalists, but the heretics seem in line with far-left extremists (think TRAs and the kinds of Antifa/BLM people who are just using the movement as an excuse to commit acts of violence and terrorism, rather than actually caring about their talking points), and are even led by a sexually predatory TIM. Both groups are portrayed to be very violent and centered around male misogyny (both are obsessed with the concept of pregnancy and birth, and do terrible things because of it). They're shown to be morons whose hate for each other is completely overshadowed by their hate for women and obsession with sex, more similar than different, despite what they say.
No. 973477
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> becomes friends with a random guy on discord community
> he reveals he wants to transition soon
> spent an hour talking about how he is going to kill himself before 30 because "I don't know I got nothing to do I feel nothing??"
> keeps saying how he hates women while still wanting to become one
> reveals he gets money from jerking off and using lovensce for people on VRchat
> proceeds to use this vibrator up his ass in VRchat in front of me and other people
Holy shit I hate Discord
No. 973483
>>973444I honestly don’t get how more inclusive do they want to be, sure, a girl for lesbian gamers… who are somehow playing a game for straight women? Why? It doesn’t make sense tbh. There’s already 3 dark skinned guys who are hot, a young kid for the younger players and different flavors of guys.
I feel like the game was already completed, but since it’s bringing money, they will keep on adding stuff until everyone gets bored of it.
And yeah, the guys are not exactly the best examples of a realistic boyfriend, but it’s fiction and you’re honestly supposed to be playing a game like that when you’re over 16 years old because of the obvious bdsm dynamic of the game.
No. 973485
>>973478Yeah, I don't even play the game honestly. The only thing I know about it is that Mammon's a retard. But it's the principle of it that I believe is wrong. Male-oriented media never aims to be inclusive towards straight women, yet of course straight women have to be inclusive of men, lesbians, trans in what's supposed to be wish-fulfillment for them. It's development time/money taken away that could've been used to flesh out the main characters like
>>973479 said. Hopefully that makes sense.
No. 973487
>>973478The issue is that it’s a gacha game, unless they make an exclusive gacha for her, you’re bound to get her and she will appear in the story wether you want it or not.
This isn’t the first time that ShallWeDate has added female characters to their games, but it’s annoying because she wasn’t even mentioned through the story or events.
If they’ve made the queen, from the crossdressing events, a character, I would even welcome her because she was an amazing character even if she didn’t even have a sprite, but a random student makes no sense.
No. 973495
>>973485>Media for straight women shouldn't cater to lesbiansI agree with not catering to moids or trannies, but frankly, having one lesbian option in a game otherwise catered to straight women shouldn't be considered "catering" to lesbians, nor should it cause such an upset. There will never be a big enough market to create this sort of product exclusively for lesbians, and lesbians are still women, so I don't see the issue.
>>973487And you also get male characters you don't like, no? Why is it different to get a lady?
No. 973496
>>973171thank you
idg the veneration for radicalized spawn. if he were a few years older I can’t say it’d piss me off as much then, but Americans fetishize their right to guns so much, their whole-ass country watched this trial to take the temperature on the protection of their amendments and what specifically they can get away with. cause arm them kids, right? “he killed a pedo and a woman beater” he was a scared kid, radicalized and sanctioned by his own mom dropping him off there, lying about his status as a medic. the whole thing was sad and pathetic and ameritards fucking frothed at the mouth during this whole thing.
No. 973500
>>973495What bothers me is that the character is a token, not a genuine character that was already mentioned. Again, if the female character was someone that got mentioned during the first parts of the story, I wouldn’t mind, but she’s just a new shiny toy added for representation points, in a game that was made for straight women.
Like, if a game with a bunch of cute girls suddenly added a guy, everyone and their mother would throw a fit over it, but of course we have to make sure everyone is happy.
No. 973543
>>973444>I was already a little annoyed by the fandom around it because it's of course mostly yumejos that spend their time worshipping some of the worst characters (mostly Lucifer and Leviathan) and basically no one will pander to my specific flavor of fujo brainrotWhy the fuck would a joseimuke for yumejos pander to you? LMFAO. Where is the straight route in Dramatical Murder?
>>973483I don't mind the lesbian character that much, but it also pisses me off that (straight) women can't have anything. There is plenty of scrote material, yet women as always are shoved with everyone else. We can't have our own content, it has to be inclussive. Because we are basically the other
No. 973572
>>973476I'm bisexual and would be happy about a dateable female character, who aren't created to pander to male coomers like in other gacha games. I don't know any otome media that panders to bi women.
Obey me is crap though, I rage quitted after the terrible writing
we were supposed to not only forgive but help a man who tried to murder us and how money hungry the game is.