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No. 478795
Previous threads:
>>>/pt/12332>>>/pt/20741>>>/pt/321974>>>/pt/400701>>>/pt/415881>>>/pt/438380>>>/pt/447573>>>/pt/462983>>>/pt/471830 the course of the last thread:
>On December 3rd, 41-year-old Raven and her 31-year-old fiance Josh were in a car accident while he was driving his mom's Ford Fiesta after lunch at Chili's and another toy shopping spree at Walmart. Raven was admitted to the ICU with multiple moderate internal injuries and spent a total of two nights in the hospital.>While in the hospital she recorded two short videos. In the second video she states, "The faults of the accident was on our side because of the car. Apparently because the car was in kind of bad shape and it had started locking up. Like, the transmission was slipping to start with…" She repeats this admission in a comment and in a subsequent video.>The greatest tragedy of the accident was the loss of her favorite Hot Topic Lip Service dress which had to be cut off of her.>In several videos she repeatedly proclaims that the accident has given her a new perspective on the value of life. But that dress was her favorite and she will never find it again!>She posted three videos to show off her collection of makeup including well over $1000 in Kat Von D products alone, most of which were purchased just before she departed New Zealand, and other products which she confesses to having no idea how to use.>She contemplated a giveaway of unwanted makeup and clothing, but the haters have ruined her plans.>She continued to add mall goth fashions and toys to her growing Amazon wishlist and to her Hot Topic wishlist.>She lost over half of her Patreon funding in less than a month.>Josh appeared in traffic court on December 21st. He was charged with driving on the wrong side of the road and fined a total of $155. In a video Raven thanks someone for sending them money which they will use to help pay the "big" fine.>Their address was disclosed in the online court records and revealed that their mobile trailer home is located on a rural highway in his hometown of Saluda and not 50 miles away in Columbia (where he is employed by FedEx Ground) as she has stated on her social media profiles.>At every opportunity she continued to disparage 21-year-old ex-husband #4 Logan and compare him negatively to Josh after saying, "I'm not trying to trash talk Logan or anything, but…">In a video in which she shows off her engagement ring she reveals that she was pregnant at the time of the accident and that she miscarried afterwards. Or rather, they were "ninety, ninety-five percent sure [she] was pregnant. All the signs were there." She attributed her weight gain to her "pregnancy.">They are planning to wed on June 11th which will be their one-year anniversary of meeting online. He will be husband #5.>In their video filmed on Christmas day [pic related] they show off the presents they got for each other including movie t-shirts and a horror movie icon jacket for him, several Funko Pop! figures for her, and a custom printed book she gave him entitled, I Only Have Eyes for You: From Raven to Josh, a fifty-page "story of why Raven loves Josh" illustrated with childlike drawings.>She thanks one of her subscribers for giving them a George Foreman Grill from her Amazon wishlist since "as far as kitchen stuff goes we have, like, nothing.">In all of their videos together Josh appears exhausted and talks about feeling tired. Raven talks to him as if he is a child, pets his head, and strokes his face constantly.>She posted a sponsored video review of clothing from Zaful and Dresslily. She received only a few of the items she ordered; they were all poorly made. She disagreed with the companies on when she should make the video; she wanted to wait until the rest of the items arrived. She deleted the video from Youtube shortly after she posted it, but it is still up on Bitchute.>She spends the majority of her "2017 year in review" video denigrating Logan (they had nothing in common and he neglected her) and her 21-year-old son Dorian (he lies and only wants attention). She says that she and Logan divorced in "September or October, I don't remember, I'd have to look.">She admits that she is not self-sufficient and that before leaving New Zealand she realised "to go home I probably need a boyfriend." She is estranged from her family, and she has no friends who could take her in or help her.>Describing her life now she says, "I just feel like a different person. And I'm in a different place and everything is different…It's like a dream," while at the same time, " I don't have anything to do. I've cleaned the house, the house is clean…But there's not really a hell of a lot for me to do here. I just I sit online or clean the house.">She is looking forward to getting drunk on Tequila Rose with Josh in their barren LTWMTL Shack on New Year's Eve!Facebook:
* closed or deleted accounts (community) (new primary account) * (old primary account) * * (community) (community) (community) (community) *
YouTube and Videos: (current) (current) (unlinked birthday 2014 video about being cyber-bullied by a fake website, now in the archives) * (10-part "My Story", some now in the archives) * (her pets and Ryan's dogs) of leaked videos from
>>>/pt/400701 and others: Media: * * *
Image Galleries:
http://starbl00d.deviantart.comhttp://starbl00d-stock.deviantart.comhttps://raven-revamped.deviantart.com * (ranking of her Patreon account)*/ * * * * (Amazon wishlist) *
Commerce: * * Manning Bradley: No. 478816
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>>478797Parody is the sincerest form of mockery!
No. 478847
>>478843In the last of her troll videos
>So many times he wouldn't get his snoring fixed, you know, or looked at. Because he snored, and not just a little bit of snoring, it was like sleep apnea, like he'd start choking in his sleep, and I, I couldn't sleep. I'd be so worried something would happen to him, and so, like, I'd stay awake to watch over him, make sure he was okay. And after a while it got so bad, like, I couldn't, I just couldn't be in the same room as him. And we, we slept separately.In the very next video about Thanksgiving
>And then Josh snores, and he talks in his sleep, and he kind of does this [motions with her arm] and then he elbows me in the face. So I don't really get a lot of sleep here, and so I'm just like, ugh.But in her next video in which she sings his praises
>Like, if he's asleep…it's taken him a while to get used to sleeping next to somebody because he's used to being by himself, so it's been a little, a little different for him, but um, now he's getting more used to me being here. So when he's asleep I'll reach out and touch his face or I'll touch his hair or I'll touch his shoulder or I'll kiss him on the cheek, and he'll still, like, be snoring, but he'll roll over and he'll just [wraps her arm around her neck] he'll, he'll hold his arm around me, he'll have me in a little chokehold sometimes, and he'll just, you know, cuddle me and kiss me and say, you know, I love you, love you babe. And then he'll [snoring sound] I don't even think he realizes he wakes up to do this which is pretty cool. No. 478867
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Compensating for the lack of milk with seasonal fan art. Those shadows are all wrong and make her look like she is pressed against glass.
Happy New Year, fellow anons!
No. 478868
>>478807No he didn't. Didn't you hear Raven clearly and plainly say from day one that they were just driving along and going to make a turn when this SPEEDING CAR came out of nowhere and hit them? They caused her physical injury and mental suffering from the loss of her unborn child, something she'll never get back… unless they can get $$$ from the people who cruelly made Josh admit to guilt to protect her…
Yeah okay, thinking like Raven is awful.
No. 478870
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The mystery of who sent the trash cans
>>477723 has been solved.
Although they already had at least a half a dozen pillows piled on their inflatable mattress.
No. 478873
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Can name only two bands.
No. 478877
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Raven has created a separate Amazon wishlist for housewares. there is is a couch on the list.
No. 478879
>>478877omg this bitch has an entire seating unit on her amazon list. too bad you can't buy entire pre-fabricated houses on amazon or she'd have her new love bungalow on there.
i still don't get why she left logan for this. she gets bored easily, clearly, but at some point she had to have realized that she was trading an established life with plenty of material possessions for a life of privation in the sticks. the only thing i can figure is that josh got her back into the usa so she's enduring the trailer boredom until she harpoons her next semi-retarded whale.
No. 478881
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>>478877Okay, why the fuck does she need a waterproof mattress cover?
Does she piss the bed? Ravey, are you an incontinent granny?
No. 478882
>>478877omg bitch, scour craigslist. Count yourself lucky you got some trash cans, you dirty whore, ain't no one buying you a fucking canopy bed or a sectional.
Seriously though, even things like sectionals are cheaper on CL, sometimes you can get great shit for free because people have to move suddenly or someone's passed away and the family doesn't want to bother with selling everything–I don't understand her at all.
Totally OT, but when I moved x-country I gave away a ton of old VHS and comics and action figures, took a picture, put that up with a note on CL asking people to please leave it tidy and not make too much of a mess, but otherwise help themselves, and everything was gone within fifteen minutes. Point being you can get nice shit, so I don't know wtf she's doing, or why.
No. 478884
>>478882Cos people buying her stuff = love. Free or cheap (who the fuck was IDIOT enough to pay that for fucking dustbins!) doesn't give her a narc hit.
And yeah, I'd rather have a bed than a narc hit. Silly cow.
No. 478890
>>478881Or maybe she’s a squirter(eeeeewww)
sage for +18 stuff
No. 478894
>>478879pretty much the entire time she was in NZ, she was complaining about being in NZ and how much she missed the US. she would've spent at least 3 years trying to find a Josh. it gave her pause when she realised he'd lied about everything, but the pull of 'home' was too strong. she would've settled for a literal hobo years ago if she didn't have ryan paying for her (ugh) 'services'
>>478882you expect a dearly-loved celebrity to go on CL like a fucking pleb? leave that for the poors.
>>478890*sage for a HR Giger nightmare
No. 478896
>>478877I deal with furniture for a living and you would be hard pressed to find a bigger POS than that couch, so it’s perfect for her and couchie. She’d do better going to Big Lots or Wal-Mart to get her garbage furniture.
Sage for blog Post but 95% of new furniture is disposable garbage, better to buy a quality sofa made before 1980 and spend the money to have it reupholstered than spend the same money on a new couch manufactured today
No. 478902
>>478901I know lol
When you see the money raven farts into the wind and you buy her something as cheap and basic as a bin.
No. 478907
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I can't sit through this latest dumpster fire of a video without smirking and laughing to myself like a complete fucking madman. For all the endless prattling on and monologing this sloppy old cow does about "z0mg troo luv 5eva" she doesn't know the first thing about love. She literally doesn't know what a relationship ACTUALLY IS. She is addicted to the feeling of falling in love, which is completely normal… if you're a teenager. Read a book Ravey, you're not in love, you're a hopeless and stunted junkie currently peaking on that sweet limerence. You're going to come down and crash, soon, and it's going to be hard
No. 478909
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She got a cat. Fuck.
No. 478913
>>478909Let the animal hoarding season begin.
Now, let's bet:
Which one of Josh's dogs will bite the cat and be sacrificed to the great fury of Cravy?
No. 478914
>>478909FUCK. Why does she have to drag innocent animals into her fucking shitshow of a life? It stops being funny and just becomes worrying cos we know damn well the poor thing won't get decent food, vet attention, shots or all the rest. Fuck you, Craven.
I hope it pops the airbed.
No. 478917
>>478909That cat is super cute.
Yeah, I bet the cat is either gonna escape their trailer and get hit by a car or get killed by a dog :( fuck, this is terrible.
No. 478922
>>478881She's said she has insanely heavy periods, so I'm betting that's why she wants a mattress cover.
>>478909>gets a cat instead of furnitureWhat are priorities?
No. 478925
>>478913>>478917I can see it escaping and getting hit, but I've always had dogs and cats together as pets. Cats out dogs in their place nine times out of ten, and then the dog is a lovesick doofus for the remainder.
I hate people who give pets as gifts during the holiday season tho. Irresponsible.
No. 478941
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The shop on this was so bad i spat out my coffee
No. 478948
>>478943She looks lioke she's trying to recreate the Pieta with her backdoor man. I guess.
That's one thing I find really repellent about these pictures with Josh and Logan, is her maternal air towards them. You are fucking them, Raven; you aren't supposed to fuck your children. (Having said that, I mean how could she not be maternal towards Logan, as he was literally a child, but Josh is a grown man who already has a mother. Quit being gross, Raven.)
No. 478997
>>478948>PietaJosh the white people jesus with his "luxurious" hair, Raven as virginal (in her mind anyway) as Mary. Yeah that makes sense.
Wait would Raven even know about that? Some goths get really into classical art, but Raven is a dumb hick so this is probably just coincidence lol.
>>478909Oh for fucks sake. That poor creature looks like a purebred too, something they paid money for instead of getting towels or a stove or a proper bed because fuck priorities. I hope she gets tired of it soon and gives it away to go live somewhere decent. Kitties deserve decent homes and this one won't get that in the trailer that was more than trailer.
No. 479094
And hopefully it is spayed/neutered so she doesn't get into backyard breeding to alleviate her boredom and compensate for her barren womb.
Please, no more "Pregnant kitty screaming" videos.
>>478930Keeping dogs outside year-round is another common practice in rural communities. Remember, none of the dogs in Josh's family were acquired; they were all strays that wandered onto their properties and never left.
No. 479101
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Another patron down.
No. 479104
>>478896wait anon why is the couch a pos ??? I’m confused
Sage for off topic
No. 479105
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Kinda late to the party but this was last year I think? Boo hoo no gifts from Logan for years :(
No. 479106
>>479105It's funny how all her partners 'pester' her until she opens her gifts early.
Logan that pic and she said Josh did the same thing this year.
No. 479108
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>>479102Gothic resin gifts
Published January 1, 2018
Hey, everyone. I'm gonna do a quick show-and-tell slash review. Not really a review cuz that's kind of [?]. But um, one of, one of my sweet subscribers runs a resin jewelry shop, and she had asked me before if she could send me a couple pieces just as a gift. And I said, oh that is so sweet, if you send it to me I'll make a video and hopefully get some attention going your way just as a personal thank you. Her name is Brittany, but she goes by Kalamity Kawaii. I'll link you guys in the description below to her Instagram.
She sent me this package today. I just got it. It comes with this little envelope that says, "Read me." Sorry, I'm balancing my selfie stick between my legs. And there's some cute little holographic stickers on the inside. And the note says, "Raven, thank you so, so much for giving me the opportunity to work with you. I really hope you love what I made for you as much as I do. As a little extra something I made matching bat pins for you and Josh, just a little something that is matchy-matchy for you both. I know you like to match sometimes. Thank you for all the effort and dedication you put into your videos. Best regards, Kalamity Kawaii." I thought that was so cute. So cute.
And so these are the items she sent me which are adorable. I'll start with the matching bat pins for me and Josh. So Josh's is obviously, is all black. He'll think that's really cute. It's very, very well made.
I've never actually held a resin anything in my hand, so this is a first for me. And I'd wanted to get into resin jewelry myself in the past, but I heard it was so hard because bubbles and there's…you have to get the mixtures right. And it was so expensive in New Zealand, I had no chance. So this is, this is interesting for me, especially because this is what I had been interested in myself. And I get to see kind of firsthand what you can do with it if you have the ability, which I probably don't.
And this is the one she made for me. I'll turn this light down a little bit. There you go. That is so cute. I told her I like bats and Ouija boards and stars and sparkles and green right now because of my hair. And uh…so this is just a holographic white sparkle bat, but it is so pretty. It is so cute. It really is adorable. Very, very well made. I'm actually quite impressed. I love these.
Josh is gonna be so stoked. He hasn't gotten to see inside the package yet. He dropped it off to me, and then he went to go get something to eat.
Then there's this hair clip. Oh my god, this reminds me of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup because at the outside. It makes me hungry. I'm gonna have to have him pick me up a Reese's Cup. But this is adorable to you. It's a star with this, like, a kind of like a holographic…it's not the same as a little bat…with a green bat and a star, a glitter star, and a glitter moon attached to that. So that's pretty awesome. Nobody else will have one of these, so I really love that. It's got shades of it looks like pink and purple inside. It kind of reminds me of an oil slick. So that was really, really interesting. It looks like it would glow in the dark, too, which is like, so it makes me hungry and it's pretty.
So this one is another hair clip, and this is gorgeous. It's the Ouija planchet. And it's green sparkle and a green glitter bat. And it's a, another hair clip which is so freakin' adorable. And I don't know how she made this, but all the little letters are filled in, um, black up here and white at the bottom. And it is so tiny. I don't actually see any painting mistakes. So I'm, I'm highly, highly impressed with this especially. And I think this is just so cute. I love Ouija stuff, but that is, that is just amazing, amazing, amazing. And it…they're so lightweight as well.
I've…like I said, I've never touched resin anything, so this is my first experience with it and, and it is really, really cool. I'm gonna put this on now, so that's why I wanted to make this video before I left. But this is my favorite bit out of all of them. Even though I love everything, this one stands out to me. This is a Ouija necklace, and it's pretty much the same design as the hair clip so I can wear them both. And it's got green glitter bats with black stars. It's got the Ouija…and see, like, I was…when I first opened this I was checking everything out. How the hell was this made? So I guess what she…because this isn't painted on, the green, it's, like, different kinds of resin? I don't know, but it is cute. And again, all the little letters are filled in. And it's got a little green star to it. I love the little bats. I think this is just perfect.
I didn't specify what I wanted. I just told her, well, I love hair clips and I love necklaces and I love, you know, stars and Ouija and all this. And so she, she put this all together for me out of my list of likes. And I think that these pieces are so well made. They are so gorgeous, lightweight. She's got some talent, she really does. And she is a sweetheart as well. I highly recommend that you guys check her out. And she does other things, obviously, you know, pretty much anything you want. I think she can do most things.
I have checked out her page before and I was like, oooh I like that I like that I like that I like that I like that. But she made me something special for myself which I appreciate a billion times more. So I feel very fortunate that she chose me to share these things with. And so thank you so much, so so much for these. I love everything. Josh is going to love his little bat, and I know he had already said thank you in advance when you said you were sending him something. But this was so sweet. And these pieces are so well made. I love them all. You, you got me spot-on. You, you made some really good choices. And um, thank you, just thank you thank you thank you thank you.
And you guys please go and check her out. You won't regret it. And let me know if you find anything that you like there and what you think of these pieces. These are just, like, one-of-a-kind. I feel so, I feel so special. Thank you guys for watching, and I'll see you guys next video.
No. 479110
>>479105She made a video about the dress and necklace. year Logan was laid off shortly before Christmas. But before he was laid off he arranged to get her the bat tattoo on her stomach, but they still had to finish paying for it.
No. 479115
>>479113Anon, with the receipts!
I shouldn't be, but I honestly am shocked. Her regurgitation of love tokens really creeps me out.
No. 479130
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Not to mention her penchant for matching clothing escalating to matching tattoos as well as insisting her partners get branded with her name or visage to prove their devotion.
Her parting gift to Logan was that extremely grim tattoo that seemed to be so symbolic of her control of him and what he became in their relationship.
No. 479170
>>479108ngl this is a pretty compelling review for this shop, even with how stupidly she talks and bounces around from tangent to tangent. i genuinely hope this person makes a couple sales and it feels so strange to want to endorse something that raven's tacky ass is into
>>479122so if she does the opposite of what the haters want, we reverse psychology this poor creature into a loving home, right?
>>479130laughing forever about how warped it looks on her hamhock
No. 479219
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No. 479223
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The hoarder truly has found her enabler.
No. 479224
>>479223Woe betide Josh the day he doesn't bring something home with him.
>5 month old RagdollHow much did this cat cost? And let me guess, not desexed.
No. 479225
>>479219Any cat in her hands is bad news, but a ragdoll has me especially worried. They'll follow their owners to the ends of the earth no matter what, and have difficulty sensing pain so it's less likely they'll flee from danger.
Please keep this one inside and away from cars or dogs, Raven.
No. 479227
>>479224A quick perusal of Ragdoll catteries in and around SC shows them priced from $600 to 900 but most are around $700.
Generally breeders do not sell intact animals to prevent competition.
No. 479229
>>479221Does the window appear to be open compared to
I picture him smoking in bed using an empty Coke can as an ashtray.
No. 479231
>>479221Classic trash by the window pane near the bed.
"I CLEAN THE HOUSE" yeah, right, Ravy, sure.
No. 479243
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>>479137>>479148Reminds me of the art from the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series.
No. 479245
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>>479243This one always reminded me of Cravy
No. 479247
>>479232When she announced that Marmalade was pregnant, Raven said that she would be "cut" after one litter, but that they would keep one of Marmalade's daughters and "let her have a one litter and keep one of her babies etc etc so we always have one of her bloodline because she is such an amazing cat."
In the end they sold all of the kittens.
Who uses the term "cut" for spaying? Is she just trying to be edgy? No. 479273
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>>479252>>478867That shoop, omg. My tinfoil is so sped up right now, kek. What if Ravey is trying to tell us that she's a victim of SRA with all those bloody mess photos and shoops where she's acting as the altar or whatever the fuck that's supposed to be?
I always kind of wished Cravey would get on the Satanic ritual abuse storytelling tip. I mean, that's pretty goff, right? She bitches and moans about being raped and treated like shit anyhow, why not take those florid tales and make them extra goffik and loads more interesting with a hearty dose of pentagrams, ritual penetration by long haired dudes who worship SATIN \m/ and being used as a breeder? I got this book called Michelle Remember for Xmas, it's basically like the template for those stories, if Raven ever read it I bet she'd take the ball and run with it.
sage for a tinfoil dream and a milkless cow
No. 479284
>>479273When she got her first Seal of Lucifer necklace, she didn't mention its symbolism, let alone Satanism. It's just an aesthetic for her. I ask if she even looked up the symbology of her new necklace?
Have you seen her book collection? She has a dozen pics of her book collection on her Official FB page. When was the last time she showed a new book? Logan at least used to give her books.
She has regressed to endless plushies and "Pop Funkos" (kek) that are safe for children 3 and up for her pillow nest.
So is Josh stacking cash towards the estimated $5000 it will cost to import her NZ Haul? Surely before the wedding. Put your $ where you're love is.
No. 479346
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>>479338She posted that it was already named when she got it.
No. 479348
>>479336I doubt someone would name a male cat Cassandra or Cassidy.
>He's such a loving kitty!>>479219>>479346Maybe she's lying because she had a moment of self-awareness and realized naming a cat Castiel is lame as fuck.
No. 479367
>>479364They have the small dining room table and chairs his sister gave them around Thanksgiving. And there was a plastic folding table in one of the Christmas day pics.
Presumably their stove has been repaired or replaced (by their landlord friend?) since she made a spread for Christmas.
Adding new pillows every week are just as good as a real mattress. But she needs to get a duvet cover for that comforter, especially with a cat.
But, yeah…
Get thee on Craigslist, Raven.
I will so laugh if Cas claws a leak in the inflatable.
No. 479375
>>479223This stuff is VILE. I drank a shot on a dare and became violently ill. It tastes like an unholy brew of Cremora, artificial strawberries, sugar and cut-rate tequila. Figures our gal Di would be partial to it.
But I thought she said she didn’t drink?
No. 479386
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>>479384What every 41 year old sleeping on an air mattress wants.
No. 479388
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I wonder how well the heater in the trailer works.
No. 479444
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>>479388These were some of the first items she added to her previous wishlist.
No. 479448
>>479445Ah yes, just what a struggling Gravy needs when she can't even afford trinkets, basic appliances and furniture–CATS.
What is it with irresponsible broke people and pets? I feel so sorry for these animals, history will just repeat itself.
No. 479457
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>>479443>lives in run down trailer>trailer skirt is falling apart>our pipes froze!No shit, Sherlock. They probably didn't even think to keep the taps dripping. I feel bad for their dogs outside in this.
>>479445>>479444Do you think she even bothers to budget shop or does she just grab the first thing she sees? Some of these prices are ridiculous for how basic an item they are, like the fan. You can get a box fan for under $20 in some places. I guess as long as someone else is footing the bill she doesn't care if it's wasting money.
No. 479472
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>>479442>>479465No kidding, she is making him look so stupid. They look like a couple of adults cosplaying as middle schoolers.
No. 479502
File: 1515110638908.jpeg (388.91 KB, 1242x2208, 43A58C9B-76D2-48C8-975B-4DF75E…)

Why is she asking about another cat??
No. 479526
File: 1515119447021.png (793.91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180105-152838.png)

Oh another one…
>>479522Its short for cashmere because the fur is so soft aparently.
No. 479527
File: 1515119581359.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180105-153212.png)

>>479502She got a new one already and she's asking about another one
No. 479534
>>479527I really can't with this woman.
her priorities are so fucked up, jfk. And she still doesn't have her NZ stuff yet! And you know none of it is furniture.
get. a. bed. not. more. cats.
No. 479549
>>479526>was annoyed because the kitten has been crying at nightAnon at
>>479225 you called it.
How long untill there is cat fur and litter everywhere in that red carpet floor? That house will never be clean again.
No. 479554
File: 1515137590383.jpeg (108.15 KB, 640x643, 1486453122573.jpeg)

>stray stuck in a tree, probably three months oldDid they take her to a vet to check for a chip and illnesses? Did the woman who found her attempt to find her owners?
>>479528It was Mr. Marshmallow who was a dick. Marmalade was being so damn bad.
I know keeping up is difficult because she has had so many cats, some for only a few days or weeks like Loki and Dante which she bought last year to keep Marmalade company when she seemed lonely after Raven sold her kittens
In April 2016 she adopted a dog and cat together to replace her dog Skelly which she had when she was with Ryan. In the video she says, "I'm always looking for new babies, so I'll take good care of them." rehomed them a week later after the dog bit Logan's grandmother, tried to bite Logan, and attacked Marmalade. March 2016 she uploaded a video of two kittens they were planning to adopt but didn't. acquired Marmalade in December 2015 along with another kitten, Mercury (Murky). in 2015 she acquired Marshmallow, Mystery, and Munchkin. Winter, another Ragdoll. in 2015, a kitten named Pickles made an appearance. also had several cats when she was with Ryan.
No. 479559
>>479527Josh wearing his work shirt in bed again and with his head propped against the broken blinds.
And did he bring home yet another plush bear for her?
No. 479562
Can someone please report her please? I know we're not meant to meddle with cows but it's one thing to treat humans like shit who can fight back, and another to bring innocent animals into your fucked up world especially when you have a history of animal abuse/torture and getting bored of them when they stop being cute/are too noisy/don't do as you say. It pisses me off so much, she truly is disgusting.
>>479553Yup she obsessively spies on Emily and copies everything from her, pathetic
No. 479563
>>479472The better to try and attract another 16 year old childbride with when she gets tired of couchboy. Probably.
>>479502There might be some reasoning here based on the misconception that one cat would get lonely on its own. However that's not really the case, and even if it was, if you're home doing absolutely nothing all day but playing fb games and adding more shit to your amazon wishlist, the one cat you've got has got you and won't be lonely.
>>479510It won't be 100 tho. It'll just be kittens that she'll get rid of when they get big and apparently less cute. i don't get this mentality cos mine's the most adorable still at age 10, but i've seen not only raven but others do this because cluster b shit.
>>479526>he was never alone beforeAND. HE. NEVER. IS. ALONE. YOU. NEVER. LEAVE. YOUR. TRAILER. EXCEPT. TO. SHOP. trybeingadecentpetmumforoncefucksakedude.
Kitten breeding saga when? Do we know if the boy cat's been neutered or no? The girl probably hasn't if they found her in a tree.
Honestly I wouldn't even want someone like Raven to have goldfish. Or goddamn sea monkeys. She should just get more teddy bears instead, since she seems averse to buying useful shit like a working stove, and not get real animals anymore.
No. 479567
>>479562Report her for what and to whom? She has two cats which she is not neglecting or mistreating. And this is rural South Carolina we're talking about.
>>479563She has repeatedly used "my cat is lonely" as an excuse to get another cat.
And she has experience with The traits of Ragdolls. In the description of the video of Winter she wrote:
>His name is Winter and he is an 8 week old 3/4 Ragdoll male. I've never had a kitten quite like Winter. He follows you room to room, hates to be alone, and curls up in your lap every chance he gets, or cuddles by your leg. Anything as long as he's touching you. I know a lot of cats/kittens are like this but you have to remember he's been here for 4 hours! No. 479568
>>479566Emily has two Maleficent tattoos, the second done in 2015
No. 479592
>>479528Here in the UK they do house inspections too. No fucking way would they allow a rescue into a shed with frozen pipes, an already unestablished cat (way to freak him out for life, bitch) and no damn furniture.
Cravy's been fun. But I can't even hate-watch or laugh at where animals are concerned. Raven, you obsessive fucknut CUNT, YOU are the sort of living situation cats are rescued FROM.
Pissed off. I know, I know, don't get angry. Cos we all know those cats are gonna have annual checkups and shots and decent food…
Fuck you, Raven.
No. 479595
>>479567But she immediately contradicts herself
>doesn't want humans when playingShe anthropomorphizes her pets. It's not about them being lonely (my single cat would be very, very unhappy if I got another) it's petty justification for what SHE wants. Instant gratification and the immediate buzz from "rescuing" animals. That buzz can and often is killed by the first vet bill.
No. 479634
>>479630Of course…d'oh! What was I THINKING?
Amazed she's not trying to dye the poor little things shit-green and tattooing random, incoherent nonsense all over them.
"I had to like get rid of the like fuckin things. Like i gave them these fuckin really cute like tattoos and they were fuckin like SO UNGRATEFUL. Then they like popped the fuckin airbed and fuckin Couchie hasn't like sorted out a new one AND IT'S ALL TERRIBLE AND WHY IS MY FUCKIN LIFE SUCH A SHIT FEST…."
No. 479664
>>479573aww I'm glad someone remembered this-
I don't use photoshop so fucked it up a fair bit but I do think it still captures her essence
No. 479690
File: 1515245213587.png (286.94 KB, 753x501, Screenshot_2018-01-06-05-18-39…)

Did he buy this for her or did she buy it for herself? Is the tattoo not enough? She should just literally brand her heifer ass.
No. 479692
File: 1515245595950.png (796.95 KB, 800x983, Screenshot_2018-01-06-05-19-19…)

No. 479698
File: 1515247954542.png (964.28 KB, 2625x2625, stoe-issue-36.png)

>>479693I would but I don't have my computer. But here is a large image from their website to work with.
No. 479849
File: 1515344106003.png (325.49 KB, 800x1170, Screenshot_2018-01-07-08-53-20…)

Bring on the cat trees!
No. 479850
File: 1515344722133.png (174.65 KB, 555x579, IMG_9509.PNG)

both of these pics she wasnt even 3 months along if she ever was pregnant.
as some one whos had 2 kids you do not get a bump until then! she looks bloated and fat. bumps arnt that low down its stretched skin from giving birth
No. 479869
>>479850Uhm…. Correct me if I'm wrong but the one on the right she has her goathead-not-copying-Emily tattoo, you can fucking see the horns.
She didnt get that one until recently, so when did she say this was taken? She got that tat last year..
No. 479891
File: 1515369003877.jpeg (119.7 KB, 1242x1330, CCEF7961-120C-4B53-99BE-2BB8E6…)

I zoomed in and it looks photoshopped to me. The angles of her stomach are sharp vs curved.
No. 479903
File: 1515376534778.jpg (713.32 KB, 1440x2960, 201801071610460447.jpg)

>>479891Anon that's clearly a screwed mount to hold her mirror up.
No. 479921
>>479910nah, too early in the cycle for that. this is still honeymoon territory, where the female sperm whale needs to make sure her mate is locked down.
this is just Gran doing her thing - some of her followers started commenting how fat she was getting, so she turned it into a drama about a (spilled period/) lost child.
No. 479931
>>479690Fudgecrackers, forgot to sage.
Her tattoos are so gross. They look like shy I drew on my hands with sharpie in high school. How could you spend all that money and time and skin and not put nearly the same amount of thought or research into what you want to permanently tattoo on your body? Just because it’s vaguely gothic, doesn’t mean it’s meant to be on your body forever…
No. 479934
File: 1515396585229.jpg (796.73 KB, 2250x4000, IMG_6409.JPG)

Here's some photos of your typical younger woman all knocked up, months 1 - 6.
Now, Ragoo isn't young and she's been up the duff several times. Both of these factors play into how a woman shows in pregnancy. Typically, the older you are and the more spawns you've contained, the later you are to show. Plus she's a porker. But ignore all of those facts for now.
If we are to believe this is her showing, and not a photo of her Slim Jim farts, according to the photos, she looks to be 4, maybe closer to 5 months along. Yes?
4 or 5 months ago she hadn't met Joshua yet and she was living with either Logan, or Ryan. Pretty sure it was Ryan, but maybe another anon can chime in if they know.
No. 479944
>>479934She's curving her back to look as "pregnant" as possible. Methinks more shackles for Couchie…
Kerrist. Can you imagine that hideous SCARRED tat all stretched out? Only Cravy not only doesn't hide her "self-harm" (light scratches she does on herself to induce guilt in gullible men) she has to advertise it.
No. 479945
File: 1515410035838.jpg (89.4 KB, 1192x466, w6JPbSA.jpg)

Once again, Gravy is imitating Emily. The perfume on the left was a gift chosen out by her from Couch Boy. I'm also fairly certain Emily used that same design for necklaces she made ages ago. Fuck me, thank fuck the fat hag isn't in the UK or she'd be wearing Emily's skin, she's so obsessed. Also who wants to place a bet for how long it'll take for Gravy to change her glasses in yet another attempt to copy her idol? kek
No. 479951
>>479934She mentioned having had her period since moving in
>>469952 which was posted at the end of November.
>And it's just…like, I've got this guy that treats me like I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, with makeup, without makeup, fat, not fat, on my period sick first thing in the morning, it doesn't matter.>>479945It wasn't from Josh. She used a gift card Josh's mom gave her.
No. 479952
File: 1515416636301.png (340.52 KB, 800x664, Screenshot_2018-01-08-05-01-05…)

She seems determined to cosplay the OP image from the last thread.
No. 480026
File: 1515461462156.png (2.63 MB, 1242x2208, 44953262-388C-4F29-9BB7-013137…)

I’m glad she is so modest.
No. 480027
File: 1515462316136.jpg (227.7 KB, 1054x860, Screenshot_20180109-144403.jpg)

Oxy fiend
No. 480064
File: 1515493898415.jpg (226.4 KB, 1080x1920, S80109-231937.jpg)

Raven has caused someone else to hate her because she can't handle any type of criticism!
More screenshots too come
No. 480065
File: 1515494138812.jpg (511.11 KB, 1080x1920, S80109-233356.jpg)

1/3 connected screenshot
Can't upload all together on my phone
No. 480066
File: 1515494190540.jpg (372.47 KB, 1080x1920, S80109-233403.jpg)

2/3 connected screenshot
No. 480067
File: 1515494220940.jpg (356.67 KB, 1080x1920, S80109-233414.jpg)

No. 480068
File: 1515494340740.jpg (528.26 KB, 1080x1920, S80109-232153.jpg)

LOL I wonder if this person is an anon
No. 480069
File: 1515494570446.jpg (449.23 KB, 1080x1920, S80109-231924.jpg)

Last screenshot I saved!
No. 480070
>>480069Is that the gal she named in that 'found a rat' video?
Raven showing her class as always.
No. 480080
File: 1515501691785.gif (1.91 MB, 268x268, 1477321890441.gif)

>>480065>>480066>>480067Oh this is a glorious thing to wake up to. Wonder what she'll do when she sees people are turning on her.
No. 480083
File: 1515503118197.jpeg (586.01 KB, 1242x2208, AD1F8BC7-6EE1-4449-8C92-AC42CB…)

Good old Raven is back
No. 480085
>>480083>I broadcast my entire life to the internet, how dare anyone form a negative opinion on what I tell the world!!Gravey you're going to run out of fingers to count your husbands on, you shacked up with your son's best friend when he was under 18, you've shown off a baggy full of fetus remains to the world and you claim you're the victim in every story while simultaneously calling everyone who doesn't kiss your ass a "skinny stick ugly cunt bitch hater" from your blowup bed in WhiteTrash, USA.
No one is jealous of you for having to eat Taco Bell off a plastic folding table. No one wants to be you or wear your skin like you do with Emily and that's what really ticks you off, isn't it?
You've gone from being a laughingstock in New Zealand with at least having a bad reputation to being utterly nobody in Hicksville where the only excitement you get is scaring small children in the local Walmart while you snatch stuffed animals out of their hands to add to your hoard.
No wonder you're getting so mad. Must suck to realize that moving back to the States and being stuck here was the worst decision you've made in a while.
Go pop a few Oxy and enjoy your new life as a future druggie because it's the most excitement you'll get in a while until you end up either on Hoarders or My 600 Pound Life.
No. 480086
>>480085Well said anon.
>the only excitement you get is scaring small children in the local Walmart while you snatch stuffed animals out of their hands to add to your hoardtopkek
No. 480089
>>480083She's really angry a few people took Gir's side. She really doesn't get it? She acts like this person personally assaulted her. She left a shitty comment and you told her to kill yourself. It's no longer the 90s you aging granny and suicide is a hot topic issue in 2018 on social media.
It's funny how Raven is still holding onto that one comment about being jealous she hunts emotionally vulnerable men. She thinks that's the mass of her haters? The amount of cuck she describes Ryan, Logan and Josh as, is by far nothing to be jealous of. Some sperg makes a random comment and Raven holds onto it harder than the stuff her actual "loved ones" say.
No. 480160
File: 1515544486424.png (439.39 KB, 1242x2208, ABE96747-3B7F-4D75-AC14-A9E9ED…)

I’m glad she is poking at her. Couchboy is going to love girl drama tonight. Maybe Raven will just get high and pass
Out from her drugs.
No. 480163
File: 1515546654365.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180110-010914.png)

>>480162 one is not deleted ,i can still see everything
And her "fan page " is still up also
No. 480164
>>480163Isn't the Official.Raven.Sparks community page her fan page?
What is the URL of her fan page you speak of?
She must have made Official.Raven.Sparks a private community. But why, when she can simply curate comments?
No. 480178
>>480173>>480173But this post
>>480065 was on one of her personal accounts, correct? She didn't tell Gir to kill herself on her Official.Raven.Sparks page.
Anons, when posting screencaps please include the URL handle since she has so many.
No. 480182
>>480179Which personal account?
>>480163 said that her Official.Raven.Sparks community page is still up. Before this drama it was an open community and visible without logging in; now it returns "Content Not Found." Is it only visible to members, meaning that it is now a closed community?
Is the "fan page" different from the ORS community page?
No. 480184
File: 1515599080885.png (100.73 KB, 1440x363, Screenshot_2018-01-10-15-39-20…)

She's posted an instagram about how she needs to loose weight as shes put on about 15 pounds since the split. Says shes conflicted as couchy loves her as she is. Then she posted this comment which is in the pic: (the post was too long for me to get the photo and caption on my phone clearly)
No. 480199
>>480186I think she's trying to say that she wishes she looked underweight (which isn't a synonym for 'anorexic' Raven you retard) but men probably wouldn't find that attractive.
Also there are a lot of health complications that come with that territory and she's unable to go 5 minutes without stuffing Taco Bell down her throat.
No. 480200
File: 1515606433539.png (211.63 KB, 1089x628, diana6.png)

saw this on the other farms.
>go kill yourself you ugly piece of shit
>waaah I'm being bullied
gg Gran. #notbothered2018
No. 480213
>>480206Anyone else find it ironic that she was so
triggered by someone reporting her videos for doxxing, yet she just reported someones Facebook page for "bullying" aka calling her out for her shit?
No. 480233
>>480222It’s hilarious that her big thing when she hooked up with couchula was he was going to be her white knight online and cared enough to defend her against the haterz. Instead we have crickets.
Guess Josh really doesn’t care what ppl have say about his goffix granny girlfriend being an embarrassing fat attention whore online.
Poor Raven is just going to have to keep telling herself that ppl are just jealous of her glamorous lifestyle of making rambling
videos and taking cringey selfies in a dirty trailer with an air mattress. We covert her glamorous Wal-Mart shopping trips for more junk to add to her sad hoard of cheap shit from China.
No. 480269
>>480206I thought most of that would be self-evident. thanks for the clarification … uh, Barb? lol.
el coucho is a real catch.
owns his own house = nah, don't even own the couch.
gonna defend the monkey on his back from all the haters = tumbleweeds
matching tattoos = lol nah j/k
"we're so alike!1!!" = "what the fuck is wrong with you" when she 'pranks' him.
You done well, Ravin. Keep it up.
No. 480273
File: 1515631963762.jpg (34.55 KB, 540x960, 26219741_838727266307679_67451…)

>>480200Gir posted on KF that Facebook republished her page.
No. 480287
>>480184>She posted about how she wants to loose weight but how Josh prefers her fat.Quick flashback to
>>463261 Q&A:
> R: Oh, and um are you a feeder? Are you trying to feed me and get me fat? J: No. That whole thing is I don't, I don't really care what way she is. I love her no matter what. I think she's beautiful just the way she is. She can gain a hundred pounds, I wouldn't care. She can lose a hundred pounds, I really wouldn't care.
Ok? Ok.
No. 480304
>>480273excellent, thought it would take FB a bit longer than that.
>>480287so in other words, couchie doesn't give a shit but she can't just admit she's fat.
No. 480307
>>480304Don’t be fooled, he does give a shit he’s just saying what he thinks he suppose to say because true lurv.
If he’s a chubby chaser (Which I don’t think but who knows. Was his last GF fat?) then he wants her to get fatter. But if he’s just average redneck dude he isn’t thrilled about Ravens ever expanding gunt.
Either way he does care but is just mouthing platitudes to appease Cravey
No. 480346
>>480341idk but from the screenshots up thread they seem like a bit of a cow, themselves.
Honestly kinda wondering if there's not some self posting/cheering going on, there. Yeah, she's 'telling off' Gravey, but she's also doing it in the most childest, xD 2003 tier level ever.
>I'm GirTheAlienGoldfish and I'm a lot fucking meaner than youI've never cringed that hard. Are you anons cheering this person on taking the piss?
No. 480349
File: 1515655700664.png (393.1 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-10-23-23-14…)

>>480346Tryhard or sardonic?
No. 480354
File: 1515656116456.png (330.64 KB, 600x1081, 121.png)

>>480349I find it really hard to believe she's not some tryhard 'goff' kid stuck in 2003 tier shit, especially given her pseudonym and the way she talks. If she's being sarcastic/putting on this 'persona', it comes off like pic related. Also somewhat hard to believe if she's 'worked on her page for years and needs it back' or whatever.
>>480351Ain't as bad as Gravey, but those replies were equally as cringe lmao.
If she's from KF or comes here or whatever, I honestly feel this is negative cow-tampering, too. Feels very attention-seeking.
But I digress, this is a thread about the whale graven and her couch more than couch.
No. 480359
>>480341I can find no previous cross-references to Gir or to Marionetta on lolcow or KF or in Google.
>wondering if there's not some self posting/cheering going onHow could
>>480064 be anything but a self-post?
I would very much like to read her comment that set-off Raven. Gir has only said that she called Raven a liar.
But notice that the screencaps are careful not include Gir's comment. If it was so innocuous, why omit it?
She was quick to appear on KF, proud of having needled Raven and basking in the praise of the KFarmers who didn't seek to verify her identity as they usually do.
Interestingly, she only just joined KF on Sunday and her first post in the Raven thread is timestamped 12:51am Wednesday in response to posts of the screencaps which were first posted here.
Since Youtube and Facebook do not display definitive timestamps, we can't tell whether the drama started before or after Gir joined KF.
Also, did she Google Raven and find lolcow and KF after the drama started? Or did she start the drama after finding the hate sites, intentionally antagonizing Raven into reacting in such a way as to allow Gir to play the victim?
Her post history No. 480361
>>480307Claudia was on the bigger side, not huge but big. And Josh has said he likes heavier women, Raven talked about this before leaving NZ iirc.
So yes, getting fatter is Raven's destiny.
No. 480364
>>480346yes. if she is a cow, let her sperg her way into a thread. in the meantime, she made gran chimpout hard so good on her. (I thought the 'meaner than you' but was hilarious. try harder, tumblr)
>>480359I'd guess it was the same shit she said in her retort.
I'd also say she found the farms (either) before the drama. she reeled off Raven's greatest hits and told people to search her up.
No. 480367
>>480359I can confirm that the screenshots are not self posts from Gir as I am not her.
I don't know where Gir is from but I live in NZ and come from the same city Raving lived and I definitely am not Goth.
I have no idea who Gir is and only came across her when I was facebook searching Raven. I tried to look for the original post that set off ravin but figured it must have came from her fan page which I couldn't see, even at the time that I took the screenshots. All the original posts are now deleted or hidden from what I can see.
I was about to ask how long Gir has had her Kiwifarms account..I don't even keep up to date/ check the drama there unless there is something mentioned here.
I am definitely not Gir lol
No. 480368
>>480367What was
>>480064 a reply to?
No. 480369
Based on the screencaps the drama appears to have originated on Youtube, and Gir migrated it to Facebook.
Both sites suck for not having definitive timestamps.
No. 480374
Can we confirm whether the Official.Raven.Sparks community page has been made a closed community or if it has actually been deleted?
And what is the URL of the "fan page" a few anons such as
>>480163 have mentioned? If it is not the same page as the above community, it has never been posted on lolcow or KF.
No. 480376
>>480372Agreed. Wishing you a speedy recovery, anon.
In her video about the accident
>And then they gave me the pills and I was like, ehhh…woo! [laughs] And it doesn't make me feel high, but it makes me feel really sleepy, like a sleeping pill, and no pain. It was like the accident never happened. I was like, woo yeah! And, you know, felt really good.Raven, you just described feeling high.
No. 480377
>>480368That comment was underneath either
>>480068 or
>>480069The timestamps on facebook are New Zealand time
No. 480380
>>480376Awww, thank you, that was kind.
And the post you highlighted completely bemused me. I knew the Big Bag Druggie Goffbag Granny was a massive exaggeration (she talkee about the effects of huge amounts of LSD on the daily, but it's what someone with no knowledge would THINK would happen, not the actual effects) but I thought she'd probably done something-or-other along the line. In my country, speed is ubiquitous with goff culture, for example.
Yet she describes that first shot with no recognition at all. Yes, Cravy, THAT is called "being bombed" and it comes with a secondary feeling you won't recognise; being happy. If you're a fool (huh) you keep chasing it.
And no, she does NOT need that level of painkiller for this long after her very mild injuries, even with the subjective experience of pain. I'm astounded an outpatient doc gave them to her, tho they are in Bumfuck SC - he probly thought she was a demon! (Jk, don't want to upset anyone.) Except Cravy.)
As for the photo….well THAT ruined my high. Jeeezus, Granny. Put it all away, nobody want to see it. Shuddder.
No. 480382
>>480380For the record the accident was December 3rd, five weeks ago this past Sunday.
Since she mentioned seeing a doctor, does she now have health insurance or Medicaid?
No. 480383
>>480069What was confusing me about this image is that it is a screencap of a post of a screencap.
Also, Marionetta Chan is Gir.
No. 480385
>>480382In context, one of my mates high-sided his motorbike - those spectacular bike accidents where you get thrown high in the air. Several broken ribs (including the top one she says was "flapping around" and Couchie says "cracked." Cos they'd just leave it flapping around, obvi) arm broken in several places, separated shoulder etc etc etc. He was on OTC pain meds after two weeks. But he didn't have a bit of a sore tailbone, I guess…
The bike wasn't very well at all tho.
No. 480387
>>480382Nah, she has Couchie. The human chequebook. After all, it was ALL HIS FAULT she's going to be incapacitated for life. The least he can do is work 30 hours a day to make up for it, whilst simultaneously being home to take care of her every need. And fight off the haaayduuurz on her behalf. With a pink teddybear.
Come on, Couchie. Not good enough.
No. 480432
>>480376Raven, you retard, opiates make you tired. That's why you see junkies falling out.
I know she has her little stories about drug "abuse". But is it just for pity points? Raven, I'm an exjunkie/alcoholic. It's obvious you're abusing your script. Especially with the "i dont even feel high". Trying to convince others that you're not enjoying that warm floaty feeling. Just start doing heroin now. Its no more "dirty" than getting high on pills.
No. 480448
It still floors me that this hag thinks she is living a life that others covet. Oldfag here. My peers have mortgages, educations, careers, long-time partners who left home before 30 and managed to acquire more possessions than a blow-up bed, kids they are assisting through college or sending to prom, old and new friends who celebrate holidays and birthdays with them, pets that die of old age, and I know Raven would look at them and think they were jealous of her because she's with a man who is younger than her who also has long hair so he's cool or something.
I genuinely cannot understand the mindset of someone who would who is middle aged and would want a bunch of mass-manufactured Hot Topic crap and poorly constructed clothes marketed at teenagers going through phases than a couch, a complete set of dishes, cookware, curtains. If I found myself living as Raven does I would straight up be suicidal. Raven thinks she's winning. It's amazing, her mindset.
Joshua, if you have time to read here after an exhausting day of working then appeasing your cow-wife and cleaning up after her latest furry acquisitions/victims, you can leave at any time. You bought a pig in a poke. You didn't look a gift whore in the mouth before moving her into your trailer of love. You've done reaped the whirlwind, son, but don't lose five years of your life like Logan did - get out quick before your bad decision becomes a permanent lifestyle choice.
No. 480491
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No. 480493
>>480485"If you tell me to spay/neuter my pets I'm going to do the complete opposite"
Do you know who uses that kind of logic? 5 year olds. Jesus fuck Gravy. Stop.
No. 480521
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>>480485Questions about Marmalade answered
Published on Jan 11, 2018
Hey, guys. Long time, kind of. This is a video addressing a lot of the comments and questions I'm getting on the Marmalade video where she was crying and about to give birth and all that stuff.
Now, I made that video, I didn't really think anything of it, I definitely didn't think it was gonna be a popular video or blow up the way that it has. But it is, like, my most viewed video out of all my videos, and as such there are a lot of comments, a lot of ignorant people, a lot of people that like to poke and troll, and a lot of people that don't know how to read the description. And as much as I write in the description trying to answer the questions, if you're not gonna read it, then it's not gonna do any good. So I thought I would make a separate video here, and I'll link it in the description hoping that some people will check it out. Otherwise I'll just upload it as it is for those that are curious.
Question number one has been, what breed of cat was she, is she, was she? She was a Persian Ragdoll cross. Her mother was a Persian and her father was a Ragdoll. I knew the owner, and I went and I visited many times so I saw both of her parents, and that is definitely a hundred percent what she was. She was a very beautiful color. I've never seen colors like her. She didn't even give birth to anybody that even looked remotely like her so that really sucks.
How did she die? I did post a video about it. I know I kind of rushed through it because I was really, really upset at the moment. But um, what had happened was, it wasn't negligence or anything like that. As you guys might or might not know my husband and I had split up. He went to his mom's house, I went somewhere else while I was preparing to come here to the States, and he took her because he was obviously staying in New Zealand. When he took her she was indoors with him, and she got out. Um, because she got out he was not able to catch her. She don't know where she was. She just didn't want to get caught. And as you know, if a cat's outside and does not want to get caught, they're not gonna be caught.
One day he was walking to work and she followed him further than she's ever followed him before. I don't know why she decided to, she just did. And he tried to shoo her back towards the house. She didn't want to go. And he turned around and she was, like, right there, and he was like, Marmalade, go, you know, go back home. And instead of running that direction she ran into the middle of the street. And she was over the middle line towards the traffic going the opposite way, and a truck came barreling out of nowhere way too fast and over the line. If he had been completely in his lane he probably wouldn't have actually hit her because she froze and just kind of stood there. And my ex was there. Like, he knew what was gonna happen and he was like, oh man, this isn't happening, this is happening. And it did. And he was really distraught, really upset. He ran and he grabbed her. The, the truck smacked into her, knocked her. She was pretty much dead on impact I would think because she was bleeding everywhere. He didn't know she was bleeding at first. She was twitching and moving and it was dark outside, so he actually didn't know what was going on. He just knew, fuck, she's, she's in trouble. And he called me up and he said, you need to get over here right now. And I rushed over and she was already dead. And he had ran her home and she died in his arms, like, completely died on his arms, although the impact would have been enough to to kill her in the first place.
The number one comment I get that I am deleting every time I see it because I'm just sick of acknowledging it because it's in the description and it's in the new upload is, who is that racist cunt in the background? That racist cunt is some dickwad that was living there. And I said, I'm gonna be making a video, Marmalade is in labor. It is not something that I could refilm or redo. If you have issues with your game, don't start screaming like a little bitch. Just don't play. Just stop playing for five minutes because I can't have you losing your shit and, and, and saying stupid shit because I'm not gonna be able to cut it out of the video. And he promised me that he wouldn't be saying that shit, and he did. And it was in the background so I was hoping that nobody would hear. I mean, I didn't actually even know that it was, it was there until somebody commented. And I was like, are you serious that that actually showed up cuz I heard it in person but I was like, oh it's, it's, like, down the hallway and in a room with the door closed, there's no way it would show up on camera. But it did on the video, and that's all everybody's focusing on. And for one, it's in the background. For two, it wasn't me or my husband at the time. For three, it's not something again I can cut out. Just focus on the video and stop focusing on some dumbass in the background. I did what I could. I tried to cut it out, but Youtube will not let me because there's, there's over a million views on that video. So the only thing they did when I try to use their editing tool to cut it was they saved it and uploaded it as a separate video. I did what I could. I can't do anything else. Stop focusing on it. I'm deleting the comments about it because I'm just sick and tired of fucking reading it.
Anyway, I get people hounding me for touching the babies. They say, oh why are you touching those babies, if you touch the babies the mama's gonna reject them. Marmalade did not reject the babies. I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to animals. I would not touch the babies if I thought there was any chance she would reject them and it would put them in any, any danger.
I've had three cats have kit have kittens in front of me. One was a cat that I took in that was already pregnant, and two were two sisters that I had with my ex-husband. And um, one I knew was pregnant, the other one we thought was a boy and the next thing you know she's giving birth. But uh, I've been there, I've watched, I've stayed, I've monitored, and I've actually helped. And I know I've saved the lives of some of the kittens because these first-time mothers don't really know what to do sometimes. One of them, the baby was stuck and I had to help, I had to help her, didn't hurt her. All the baby survived. It was, it was lucky I was there, actually. Another one, she didn't break the sack and the baby was sitting there couldn't breathe. I broke the sack and I stimulated its little chest and he started breathing and he..I think that was actually my Monster, maybe. It was one of, one of those litters were, were my favorite, one of my favorite cats Monster is from. And um, yeah, sometimes you have to step in. You shouldn't step in unless you see signs that you need to step in. But um, you, you should know your cat well enough also to know if they would tolerate you touching their babies or not. But again, I've never run into issues touching my cat's babies, so chill out and back off.
Another thing, you should spay and neuter all your pets, there's too many animals out there, yadda yadda yadda. Okay, this one I get where you're coming from. I know there's a lot of homeless animals, there's a lot of strays, there's over overpopulation, people just letting the cats have babies, cats and dogs and every other critter out there. But I had people asking me if they could adopt Marmalade's babies if she ever got pregnant when she was a baby herself before we even really thought about it. So I knew and I kept in contact with these people, they kept writing me. I knew that the babies would have homes. We actually were gonna keep all but one of the babies, and that baby went to my ex's mom. And uh, we ended up when we knew that we were gonna split and I was gonna come here, we ended up rehoming all the rest of them because I can't bring them here, it would cost way too much and it'll be so stressful on them and everything. And we screened all the potential families and they were all taken care of. We would not have taken them to a shelter or thrown them out on the street. They were, they were already sorted.
If you want people to spay and neuter their pets, there's other ways to go about saying that without being a total cunt about it because it's like the whole feminism thing. And I don't care if you agree with me or not, this is my own personal opinion and this is how I feel when people come at me. When you come at me nagging and being a total cunt about it, the last thing I want to do is spay and neuter my animals. I'm just like, fuck you, I'm just gonna let them all have babies. I'm not actually gonna do that, that's just the way it makes me feel in my head. Like, God, get the fuck off my back, who the hell are you to come here, you don't even know me and you're, you're hassling me and nagging me and judging me, you're…you don't take care of my pets. What if I wanted to keep all of them, you know, which we did. You're not one to say and to come here with that kind of attitude because all it's doing is the opposite of what you're probably trying to achieve. Some people…most people don't like to be talked down to like that. You could say it in a lot nicer, kinder way without coming across as, how fucking dare you, you irresponsible owner, what the fuck is wrong with you blah blah blah. I'm not gonna listen to you and I guarantee a lot of other people won't, either. And I know that's true because I've had this conversation with lots of other people in groups and boards. What do you feel about people who come at you like that? And they have all unanimously said it makes them not want to do it. Because nobody likes to be talked down to like that. So maybe you should think twice before you start nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah, you know. I just…it's just food for thought.
Actually what we were gonna do if, if my ex and I had stayed together is, we were going to you um, we were gonna have…keep one of her babies originally and then spay her and then when that baby got older keep one of her babies and then spay her and continue on and on and on, keeping one of the bloodline for the rest of our lives because we had wanted to keep one of Marmalade's bloodline forever, you know, only allow them to have one litter because we're not gonna kitten mill them. But her, her coloring and her attitude were so unique and so special I couldn't bear the thought of losing that forever, and so I wanted to keep that bloodline and that, that attitude, you know, kind of going and just always keep one of my baby's babies, and it just didn't work out that way, and now she's gone. My ex's mom has got her son but he's been neutered so there's no babies coming out of that.
Lastly, two in one, I guess. You should have left her alone during labor, and what's wrong with you, why didn't you have nesting boxes out? That's so ignorant to the point where I shouldn't even have to acknowledge or answer this. Because for one, you could see clearly in that video she was leading me around, she wanted me to follow her, she wanted me with her, she did not want to be alone. And secondly, and I'm pretty sure I said this in the video as well, I had nesting to set up for her all over the house. I had under her…under the table, in the corners, in the closets, everywhere that she usually likes to go. I had it covered. I had boxes, l had blankets. She never showed any interest in any place anywhere until the day she went into labor. She came, she got me, and she went straight to the one box under the table. So she had already known where she wanted to go, and she was just waiting for me. She wanted me there.
So it's like, I don't know if some of these people that are commenting and saying this stuff aren't actually watching the video or if you're just trying to be a dumbass. But whatever it is, there are a lot of comments that are just like…If this is your attempt at trolling, you fucking suck. And uh, if this is your attempt at being ignorant, you aced that. Like, one person said, and it's an obvious troll, is this a cat or a dog? Come on. Like, why do people feel the need to be so stupid, you know. But I know that there are some legitimate questions in there, like especially the one, who is the racist bastard in the background. So I thought I'd take this opportunity to explain that, hopefully clear that stuff up for you guys.
Thank you for watching that video. And unfortunately she is no longer with us, and her babies were all rehomed. I cannot update you on any of her babies because I don't have access to them. I'm in America now, not in New Zealand.
I do have two cats now, just got them. I haven't done a proper introduction video yet because I'm waiting for Josh. But he got them for us. Well, he agreed. He's never really been around cats so this was really, really interesting for him. And he is so in love with them. I have a pure-breed Ragdoll. He's all white. He's got the Siamese kind of points. He's about five, maybe six months old. And he came to us with the name Cas, like Castile, you know, Cas.
And we got a little girl kitten, and she was found stuck in a tree. And these people online really needed to find a home for her because they have, like, three cats and two dogs and they did not want her. And um, they were, like, begging, please can somebody take her. And she's quite tiny. She's about, I'd say, three to four months. And she's, like, this interesting tabby color. Like, she's tabby on top but she's got white legs. And her name is Meg. So if you're a Supernatural fan you'll catch the reference, Cas and Meg. [pic related] But I'll do a proper introduction with them hopefully soon. I will have an update video hopefully soon. Well, actually, I'll make it after this and upload it in a few days. And I hope that this helped answer some questions for those of you that had real questions and just, weren't just trying to be dumbasses for the sake of just having a laugh or whatever. But um, everybody else take care, and I will see you soon. Bye.
No. 480531
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>She was a Persian Ragdoll cross. … She didn't even give birth to anybody that even looked remotely like her so that really sucks.Marmalade did not come from pure bloodlines. Genetics of coloration and marking do not produce the variety of kittens Marmalade had without both parents having those genes: an orange tabby, a calico, a gray tabby, a black, two black and white. [pic related]
>I tried to cut it out, but Youtube will not let me because there's, there's over a million views on that video. So the only thing they did when I try to use their editing tool to cut it was they saved it and uploaded it as a separate video.Youtube wouldn't let you? No, you decided that having a video with over a million views is more important to you than presenting a video without the racist content.
>I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to animals. … One I knew was pregnant, the other one we thought was a boy and the next thing you know she's giving birth.kek
>We actually were gonna keep all but one of the babies … we ended up when we knew that we were gonna split and I was gonna come here, we ended up rehoming all the rest of them.Marmalade had her kittens December 5 and 6, 2016.
Raven and Logan decided to separate in May of 2017. All of Marmalade's kittens were long gone by then. And Raven acquired two new kittens in April, Loki and Dante, which she kept for less than a month.
>>479554 is a timeline of her various cats from 2015 through 2017.
>If you want people to spay and neuter their pets, there's other ways to go about saying that without being a total cunt about it because it's like the whole feminism wut
No. 480550
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>>480547>What if I wanted to keep all of them, you know, which we did.No you didn't, taking care of an animal means taking care of it for life, not just some temporary stint to ease housebound boredom.
There needs to be a list somewhere that people go on to stop them from adopting animals like they are just accessories.
No. 480564
>>480521Ok so Logan thinks saying to a cat “go back home” is going to make it turn around and go inside? Why allow an inside cat to roam around out in a new area. Pick it up and drag it back or bribe it with food. What did he think was going to happen?
And I like the way it’s all the truck drivers fault for not staying in the lane. Roads are for vehicles, not indoor cats to wander across when they feel like it.
No. 480575
>>480574At the original video ( ) aprox. 9:20 mark you can hear a male voice on the background saying “get away from me, fucking n
For me, it sounds like Logan shouting at Dorian.
No. 480599
>>480578And spaying and neutering eliminates their desire to roam to find a mate.
Has she ever described the cat Marmalade mated with to produce her litter? In the video in which she announces her pregnancy she says, "I took her to the vet, and the vet estimates that she's got maybe 3 weeks left."
Looking at the variety of kittens, she probably mated with more than one tom.
Judging by the fact that she had no idea how far along Marmalade was in her pregnancy, Marmalade probably dashed out the door in the frenzy of being in heat and, just as she recently said of managing her own fertility, Raven figured, "Whatever happens, happens."
No. 480603
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Don't get pets you can't afford to feed.
Alternately, she added this to her wishlist to make a show of feeding them high-end food while really feeding them 5 for $1 Friskies from Walmart.
No. 480612
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From the "2017 year in review" video.
No. 480627
>>480575I'd love it if Dorian and LG could weigh in here to help clear things up. The racism is such a fucked up thing with her. She calls her own kid a beaner, ffs. It's so clearly someone saying "get away from me, you fucking nigger" but the accent doesn't sound kiwi to me. I'd love to know who it was and in what context.
I hate Raven and her ilk with the heat of many suns but unfortunately it IS a thing people say when they're gaming. Doesn't make it right but it's like…if you've played an FPS ever in the history of ever you've heard that and probably much worse. The fact that she allows that shit to fly in her house just means that she's trash, which of course we all knew already.
No. 480634
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>>480626So, nothing to do with nazis then? A couple of desi friends have swastika tats, but they were all of the pic related variety.
Would be great to see it reclaimed by people, I think.
No. 480639
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>>480634No. It was from some anime or a game, and Raven said the tattooist did a bad job. But it no longer matters because he got it covered-up by a blob.
No. 480641
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No. 480642
>>480641Yeah, that's…not a nazi swastika. Also anime.
I don't care about Logan, apart from the fact that I hope he can get his head screwed on properly after having that hog be both mum and fuck partner.
No. 480660
>>480635lol calm down, I didn't say I thought the milk was shit. I said I thought that she was attention whoring on KF and it's annoying to me
No. 480661
>>480620I find it annoying too, we really have very little idea who Logan is. Gran makes people conform to her and her ideas, so we only ever saw him through a very dark lens. like the POW videos after he got busted looking at porn.
>>480643>>480660damn it anon, I'd just sworn off reading KF for several reasons, and then I saw your comment and jumped over there to see the show … nothing new. she started off cringe as fuck but she hasn't been too bad after that.
No. 480662
>>480643You're talking pants on head retarded again, anon.
Yes, CC is predominantly white. Therefore, CC and all its inhabitants are, by necessity, racist.
Like, honestly, just stop. For your own sanity.
No. 480673
>>480671It's so interesting to me how she flip flops on Logan so much. At the time when people first mentioned Logan/Dorian/both saying racist shit she threw him right under the bus (sorry, I can't remember the video right now) saying basically what she is saying now about Dorian. She said she told him she was filming and usually she is super careful not to say those words (wow, Diana, you're a saint for not saying nigger on camera!) and wished he would be more careful too.
Then she started defending him again, saying basically what you said. The haters twist his words and tattoos and he's not racist, he doesn't hate anyone, he just uses racist words in his everyday life.
Now she's back to the first story again, but with a side dish of blaming it entirely on Dorian.
No. 480681
>>480620Hear hear, nonnie. Perfectly said.
Logan may well turn out to be a racist dickhead who genuinely thinks all women are sluts. But he was in a very unequal relationship with a much older woman who was absolutely grooming him - we know Cravy uses this abhorrent language and he likely started it by doing what we do when we're first in lust with someone; mirroring.
He's was essentially stuck at sixteen in a lot of ways because she's so immature. And after awhile it was obvious he'd say whatever she wanted to hear for a quiet life, he was given no room to mature. Add in we only hear it filtered through Goffbag Granny and we don't have any idea who Logan really is.
He may turn out to be a complete arsehole who genuinely thinks this way. But Crazy was bringing up both him and Dorian, and if you don't bring baby up right…
I wouldn't want to be judged on my much younger self filtered through the mouth of a lunatic. So I'll try not to judge Logan until he is his own self. And I'm not sniping at anyone who sees it differently, we all know he said some atrocious things and I absolutely accept others disagree - I'm not in any way saying I'm right. I think I just want there to be hope for Logan away from such a hate-filled influence who HAD to be agreed with.
No. 480706
Never been on lolcow so if I dont reply or do this right or whatever. Dont judge me. To defend Logan (because he actually is a good guy) Logan is NOT a racist. Stop basing someone like you know them on details and things you have very little information about. I'm dark. Logan even says "sorry if this sounds racist", apologizes again, and it's not racist but to him it comes off as racist. NO he doesn't hate sluts or females or whatever lmfao.That was literally Raven talking out her ass of insecurity. As for his tattoo, watch his Q&A video and he shows the before and after picture and states Raven designed the whole thing. The video about Marmalade and the racist comments,that was Dorian, hence why in her new video she emphasizes "dumbass" and starts talking with a certain tone. I thought it could have been Ryan but it's Dorian. Leave Logan alone, hes finally out of this shitshow, away from drama and now has to deal with the public figure he put on because of Raven. Now, just like every other young adult, he's finding himself, learning to cope with everyrhing, is living his own life and I couldnt be more happy for him. Just leave him alone and talk about another one of Ravens shit exes that still drools over her or her couchpotatohillbilly.
No. 480713
The sudden Logan bashing feels sus to me. We're talking about the cats, and how shit she is with animals, and whoops! Wait! Let's talk about RACISS LOGAN instead, lol no. This shit happens often enough here that it feels forced.
Christchurch anon stands out because they always say the exact same shit in every thread where this comes up. Personally I don't trust word one from Raven, and I don't know fuckall about Logan that hasn't also been filtered through Raven.
The tat was not a swastika, and he had it covered, so that's…a dead end as to racist intent. If he was really racist he'd have gotten a) the right kind of swastika and b) kept it.
I have no clue who said nigger on that vid, but loud and clear imo they don't have a CC accent, so who the fuck can say? Maybe it was Dorian. Maybe it was Ryan. Maybe she was fucking homeless dudes for spare change and dude was having a psychotic break in the other room, imagining packs of rabid darkies setting upon him. I mean, come on. This is Raven we're talking about. She lies. She gets the library to lie.
They're not together anymore. Who cares about Logan?
No. 480716
>>480713I think you're a bit paranoid anon, it just seems like the usual autism flaring up a bit.
>she gets the library to lielmao
No. 480720
>>480716It's just annoying when it pops up, because it always does, you know?
t. actual darkie
No. 480724
>>480720yeah, it would be annoying af, not what we're here for.
>>480721you're the thirst-posting anon from the last thread, aren't you? getting all riled up knowing you can't have the big L …
(sorry. I agree, it's derailing as fuck. but I always find the sperging about it funny, in this and other threads. is fatso doing anything that can get us back on track?)
No. 480729
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Oh ick. Her top is too small.
No. 480730
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No. 480736
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>>480639Correction, an Avatar tattoo.
No. 480747
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>>480730Dear Raven, you will never be Emily, just stop it's embarrassing
No. 480755
>>480748god damn, she really is heartless about Josh's dogs.
pretty sure some anons here predicted that his dogs would be gone soon after Gravy arrived (too lazy to find the posts) and here it is. she cares way more about "pretty" white dog that is a random than about Josh's dogs which it seemed like he had taken care of for a long time and actually gave a shit about.
she's like welp lol guess my husband's dogs are gone. he went looking for them or whatever but they probably just moved on because he is all mine now!
fucking disgusting. so now he has only Raven-approved pets, Raven-approved furniture, a Raven-approved job…what a fucking life.
No. 480770
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Published January 13, 2018
Hi again. Obviously I'm making this video right after my cat video. I'm so happy cuz I got my pills from the doctor [shakes prescription bottle]. So I actually have been able to sleep at night. These pills are amazing. Like, I have Tylenol PM and I have, what do you call it, Zzz-Quil. But the way that they put you to sleep is a bit different. Like, you can feel your body being pulled into sleep, but it's a very unnatural gross feeling. With this it's like everything gets fuzzy. Like, I can't really hear and I get woozy and then it's just like, whoa, I can sleep. And, and I get to sleep. And I can, like, move. And my, my chest doesn't hurt anymore. And it's just…it's this amazing feeling. Like, oh my god, I love it so much. So he gave me 30 pills so it's good for another two weeks of sleep, so I'm super happy about that.
The doctor told me that I've got another, probably, six to eight weeks of pain ahead of me. I thought he'd say maybe, oh you've got maybe another week or two and everything should be fine. But no, I've got another six to eight weeks, so I'm not looking forward to that at all. [she drinks from her plastic skull cup and burps] Sorry.
Um, I haven't been around as much lately because I've just been really enjoying my time with Josh who…uh [burps] sorry sorry sorry sorry. He, as you know, he was working really hard over the Christmas holidays, and we didn't see much of each other because his work schedule was fucking crazy. So now he gets, you know, his normal days off. And we've been just watching shows together. Like, I got him into Stranger Things, so we watched all of Stranger Things, all of Wayward Pines, working on Doctor Who and Supernatural at the moment, and we are watching Adventure Time as well. So we've got those little things to kind of keep us busy.
We've also got two kitty cats I mentioned in my other video. When I make a video with him I will introduce them.
We were going to make a New Year's video, but the thing is is because he was working, the liquor stores closed and so he wasn't able to get the proper alcohol. What he got was, like, kind of beer, and I can't drink beer, it makes me sick. I tried and I drank like, I don't know, four bottles or something and over the course of the night, and it just made me sick. It made me sick before it can make me feel drunk, so that didn't go well. He did bring me this beautiful sets, I think I've got a picture [cut to picture] but he brought me this beautiful set of a Tequila Rose, and I thought that was the sweetest thing. He brought it the very next day, and I was like, oh my god, that is so sweet. And so we haven't done it yet, but we're gonna sit around and get drunk at some point. It's just uh, without my pills I haven't been able to sleep and so I've been tired and I knew it would just make me feel sick, and I didn't want to waste it feeling sick. I want to, you know, be able to drink and be happy and just goofy, properly drunk, not like, oh, I'm gonna throw-up kind of drunk. So we've got that chilling in the fridge.
Um, I'm thinking about moving my room around. I kind of want, like, I want to have a nice backdrop to my videos. Now, I've got this light that I haven't, I haven't used lately. I've got my little ring light that he bought me. And I kind of just want, like, this nice kind of area. So I might…hopefully you'll see a different background at some point if I can find a place to, you know, set everything up. I'll probably have my pillows with me regardless because I need it for my back and all that good stuff.
Um, somebody really sweet sent me a late, well, not too late, but it was kind of a late Christmas present. A couple of late Christmas presents did trickle in, and I will put together a video at some point of all those so that I can say a proper thank you to everybody. I probably won't remember names as such at this point because everything's kind of fucked up at the moment. I don't really know where I put stuff. I've just been in, like, a daze of pain except for the last, like, two days, and so I've opened stuff and I've moved stuff and I have, you know…we've kitten-proofed the house and things like that. And so um, I just don't really know where the packages are with people's names on it, so I'm really sorry ahead of time if I do forget your name.
Also, Josh's dogs vanished. They wandered off maybe three weeks ago. I don't know where they went. He's been going crazy looking for them. Like, first the big black one left, and we don't know where he went. He walked all up and down the road. He looked in the ditches, he drove all over the area, he went to all the neighbors. Nobody knows where he is. And the little one was here and then I petted him, sat down with him, and then he just up and wandered off, too, like that same day. Right after I petted him he just took off, and he hasn't been back, either. So nobody knows where they went or what happened.
Personally I think that they just wandered off to the next home because I, I think I told you guys that the way that he got them in the first place was they just wandered into his yard one day. They just kind of wandered in and decided they wanted to live there and stay and they stayed. He was always outside smoking. He was always outside with them. And when I came here and it got colder and then the accident happened we've been inside more than outside. And maybe they just got kind of like, alright, well we're not getting enough attention, on to the next place. And they moved on to the next place. That's the only thing I can think of. Because the big white dog, the beautiful white one, he does that. Like, if I'm not outside, me personally, if I'm not outside with him enough he'll just, like, take off, and he won't come back for a couple, like, a couple of days, maybe a week or two, and then pop in again. But if I'm outside with him more often he's here quite often, so he, he just loves attention.
And uh, [burps] sorry. He came by the other day when it was really, really cold, and, I mean it was freezing. Our taps froze. The water outside froze. It was, it was freezing cold. And this white dog shows up with a mini pack of dogs with him. And it was the coolest thing ever because I know he knows that he comes here and he can get fed because that, that's just what we do. And these are not his puppies. They were dogs of all ages, all sizes, and he led them all here and we fed them all. And it was like he brought his little friends here on the coldest fucking night to give them food. It was just the most amazing, like, wow kind of moment, you know. There was a little brown and white hound dog. She came back with him. So I've got a little thing here to show.
[cut to a video of her outside with the two dogs]
The beautiful white dog is here again, and he has a little friend with him. But I don't know where the little friend went, little puppy, maybe he's around back eating. Oh, there he is. It's a little girl doggy. So I don't really have any dog food for them, but I've got some wet food here. Hey! Here you go. Hold on, boy, there you go. Oh, you're gonna take the whole can with you, huh. All right. The pretty boy here is so pretty. You are so pretty just laying there. I'm gonna go say hi to you. You're so pretty, too. I don't know who you are. Oh, you poor little thing. I know, you're so cute. Oh, you want love. Oops, you just made me hit you in the head. Hey boy, look at you. Oh, don't sneeze on me. You sneezed on me. Big old paw. Jesus, you are a big boy, aren't you? Tummy tummy tummy tummy. I think you were in a fight. Look at your face. You need to stop fighting. Look, she likes you. Look at you two. [dog sneezes again] Are you allergic to me? You're big on those. Aw, you're a pretty boy. I love your ears. I love your white fur. You are so friendly, aren't you? You could turn around and take a huge chunk right out of my arm if you wanted to, but I know you won't do that. You're such a big baby. You could just lay there and get petted all day long, couldn't you? Ooh, just shocked myself. Hey! Are you gonna follow me? Oh, you coming with me, huh? Look at how big you are. You are such a big doggie.
And then it was a black and white puppy, two brown puppies, and it was an adult dog that looks like he had been in a dog fight because his muzzle was completely scratched up. He was all torn up and bleeding, and he was shivering, and he was trying to come inside the house. And I don't know, I don't know where these dogs came from, but I know he definitely brought them here. They…there's no other reason for those dogs to have been with him unless he brought them here. And nobody knows how dogs are, how they communicate, but that was the first time I've ever seen anything like that. Me and Josh were both like, wow, that was really cool.
So uh, I'm not sure how much I will be uploading or online because I'm just really enjoying being with him. I'm not really doing much online lately. I'm just…I play my game and that's about it. I just…being online has lost most of its charm for me. It has a long time ago, but even more so now. And when he's not here I cook, I clean. You know, I don't really like eating out, I like cooking. I'd prefer to eat my own food than going out and eating. There are a couple places I do like to eat out at, but overall I'd much prefer my own food. And um, when he's here I just…every moment we just want to spend it together. And being online isn't important like it used to be. And uh, I knew it was inevitable, it would happen at some point. I just didn't know when or what it would take. And obviously this is what it took was me to have somebody that, you know, wants to spend time with me and stuff. And so yeah, this is a great feeling.
But uh, I've got a lot of work ahead of me. I don't know if you guys can hear deedoo deedoo in the background. That's um, the washing machine beeping cuz I turned the water off. So I'm gonna go and finish doing the laundry. And I've got, like, the bed unmade cuz I need to, I need to make the bed, do the laundry. And I'm gonna make a pizza and go feed the kitty cats and start converting and trying to upload this mess cuz it takes days to upload.
But uh, I will see you guys soon. Hopefully Josh and I can get together and, like, sit down and make some videos. Usually it's because when it's his day off I don't like to bother him and say, hey, can you, you know, make a video with me? He's, he's all for it, but I just feel bad. I still want to do the um, the kiss test, the lipstick comparisons. This is a Kat Von D and it's her studded kiss lipstick in um, outlaw, I think. It's, like, one of my favorite colors. It's, like, a real bright red. But it's not kiss proof at all. Her everlasting lipsticks and the lip pencils are not really kiss proof, either. I can pretty much already tell you I think Jeffree Star's gonna win that. But it'll be a fun test, so I don't mind doing it.
Anyway, it's just…yeah, we just need to get our stuff together, get it sorted, and then, and then we'll start uploading again. I just uh…please bear with me. And I will see you guys soon. I hope you guys have been having a great new year. And I will see ya then. Bye!
Oh, PS. As somebody has written me and asked me, a couple people have written me and asked me, yes, I did dye my hair and this isn't my wig. I know I've got a wig that looks just like this, but this is, this is my hair. I've…I, I went ahead and did the half and half. I'm gonna ease it into black and green, into black and blue. So hopefully if everything works out for me and Josh, when we go to get married we're, we're probably gonna have a black and blue wedding or white and blue wedding. But there's gonna be blue in there cuz blue's his favorite color, and at that time I want my hair to be blue on this side again. I mean, it looks blue but it's not, it's green, but it's, like, a greeny kind of blue. But I'll do black and blue for him. And then I might go back to green or I might keep the blue, it depends. But I kind of, like, I kind of feel weird having black hair again. I am not used to it. Like, I know I said that last time, but I'm really not used to having black again. And my hair is at this weird length because it's grown out quite a bit. Like, since I've been here my hair is just like, poof, and it's just grown out, so I can't even style it the way I used to. It's just kind of hanging there, and um, so I thought, eh, it's long enough to do it so I split it. So to answer that question I've gotten that I've ignored in the past, I'm sorry. It's not a wig, this is my hair. Bye again!
No. 480772
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>>480748Ryan is watching.
No. 480773
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>>480748In the comments someone says, "I need that cup in my life.."
Raven replies, "It was $5 from Walmart. They had all sorts of colors so I wish I had gotten more"
No. 480775
>>480770thanks transcript anon, you the real MVP.
I have a feeling the dogs didn't move on from a lack of attention, dogs are loyal to whoever FEEDS them. Sage for tinfoiling but I think Gravy didn't feed the dogs and they moved on to somewhere where they can be fed and looked after better.
No. 480776
>>480770The pills appear to be Percocet 5mg oxycodone/325mg acetaminophen (Tylenol). No way would her doctor have given her 10mg. While it is the least strong combination opioid analgesic available, it will provide a very pleasant high and hypnotic effect (inducing sleep) to someone who does not take opioids regularly.
The sleep-inducing ingredient in Tylenol PM and Zzz-Quil is diphenhydramine, an antihistamine most commonly known as Benadryl.
No. 480778
>>480747Even emilies tattoos seem cleaner and better quality. Not dirty and ripped from someone’s vampire freaks page. I can tell she spends a good amount of money to ensure she gets good long lasting art that means something to her.
Meanwhile, it’s so obvious that Ravens tattoos are meant to be a “look at me and how goffik I am.” And most of them have barely held up over time.
No. 480783
>>480770>he wasn't able to get the proper alcohol. What he got was, like, kind of beer, and I can't drink beer, it makes me sick. I tried and I drank like, I don't know, four bottles or something and over the course of the night, and it just made me sick.So, she's drinking alcohol in addition to taking her percocets. That's really really smart SMRT, Raven, do carry on.
No. 480810
>>480803The chihuahua he was pictured holding at Christmas is blind. She never explained whose dog it is. Josh's dogs were both black.
Dogs roaming loose in the rural south is not unusual. The dogs were his only as far as feeding and watering them outdoors was concerned. I doubt he assumed responsibility for their vaccinations, parasite control, and check-ups or having them checked for microchips.
Anons who keep losing their shit over "teh poor abused abandoned animals!!1!" need to get over it. This is just how it's done in the south.
No. 480812
>>480810I live in the south and this definitely doesn’t happen where I live…
Whoever the anon who called the dogs going missing, Touchè
No. 480816
>>480809With what transportation? She's stuck in a trailer home on a rural highway miles away from the nearest stoplight, let alone an ABC store.
In South Carolina, the retail sale of liquor statewide is permitted from 9 am until 7 pm Monday through Saturday, and Sunday sales are banned by state law. However, counties and cities may hold referendums to allow Sunday sales of beer and wine only. New Year's Eve was on a Sunday, and obviously Josh was at fault for failing to plan accordingly.
Speaking of transportation, I wonder whose car he is driving now. Based on what she has said in videos since the accident, it sounds like he has to chaffeur his mom around as well as get himself to and from work. No more lunches and shopping sprees with mom-in-law.
No. 480821
Oh, so the dogs went missing right after she got the cats? Who knew? Oh, I did
>>478913Also, I'm SO waiting for Diana to go full Granny Slater. I never asked for anything, please.
No. 480823
>>480810saying 'everybody does it' is not good reasoning for something. and "he's been going crazy looking for them" sounds like a bit more than a casual attachment.
dark tinfoil: she did worse than just not feeding them.
>>480816good question … no wonder she has decided she doesn't like going out to eat. probably texts couchie to pick up stuff for dinner - gonna need 3 potatoes, half a pound of butter and half a pound of cheese.
No. 480841
>>480826And there's no point in wondering if Josh called Animal Control or the local shelter. Saluda County is so rural it doesn't have either.
Now do anons better understand why roaming strays are the status quo in rural areas?
No. 480849
>>480845me thinks people tried to show Ryan the shit she wrote about him and it got played off as "the haters making shit up and framing Raven"
because according to Raven we do that
No. 480863
>>480810>Dogs roaming loose in the rural south is not unusualI'll admit this is true. Odds are they aren't strays coming by but instead neighborhood dogs within a mile radius where the owners just don't give a fuck and let them do whatever they want.
But regarding Couchie's dogs, more than likely Raven did something to them because they've been missing three weeks now and shes just now mentioning it while constantly talking about her cats? Yeah, she definitely did something to get rid of those dogs.
No. 480872
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tfw have more cats than items of furniture
No. 480875
>>480754As a very wide generalisation, using nicknames or slang for meds can be an indicator of an unhealthy attitude towards them.
You never hear epileptics talk about their "carby" or diabetics refer to "insy" - if painmillers are part of a proper treatment programme they get referred to by their proper name, just as any other med in that programme.
And it's a dead giveaway if someone is talking about the general affects rather than how the drug affects their pain. If you have a condition which requires painkillers at this level, the ONLY thing that matters is how they affect the pain. Because they're only supposed to be used for over-whelming pain, and if you're in overwhelming pain that's pretty much all you care about. No way does she need anything higher level than OTC meds at this stage.
Same with munchies with their endless nicknames and personal relationships with all their devices - any underlying condition is waaaay down their list of importance.
I can't tolerate her monotone whine so didn't hear all she said, but she sounds like she's truly found the LTWMTL, whether it be through burgeoning addiction or jumping on the spoonie bandwagon for endless empty attention and arse-kissing.
No. 480879
>writes lengthy post regarding how to discern addicts and munchies based on how they talk about their meds>admits to not having watched the video but draws conclusions anywayNor could you be bothered to read the transcript
Also, please read
No. 480887
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>>480841South Carolina's code delegates the responsibility of establishing regulations for animal control to counties and municipalities. the Saluda County website "animal control" yields therein [pic related]. The county has made no further advancement on developing a plan as far as I can see; otherwise the search would yield a department of animal control services.
No. 480888
>>480879Actually, teacher, the transcript had not loaded. I was using my phone and it was lagging; many posts hadn't come up.
OTC meds in the US are not necessarily the same as the rest of the world (there's a rest-of-the-world? Fuck me!) nor do names correlate.
No. 480891
>>480888Yeah, I don't know what Anon's point is, since Raven says this:
>These pills are amazing. Like, I have Tylenol PM and I have, what do you call it, Zzz-Quil. But the way that they put you to sleep is a bit different. Like, you can feel your body being pulled into sleep, but it's a very unnatural gross feeling. With this it's like everything gets fuzzy. Like, I can't really hear and I get woozy and then it's just like, whoa, I can sleep. And, and I get to sleep. And I can, like, move. And my, my chest doesn't hurt anymore. And it's just…it's this amazing feeling. Like, oh my god, I love it so much. So he gave me 30 pills so it's good for another two weeks of sleep, so I'm super happy about that.Raven has a new refill prescription wherein she describes how she loves the high off them. This sort talk of seems pretty concerning to me (I can't stand Raven, but I don't wish her addicted either). I don't know what the point of the other post was.
No. 480894
>>480891Blogging, but I think it's pretty interesting to relate to Raven.
I had a friend who took 30mg of Oxycodone per 4 hours with 15mg per 2 hours. She wasn't supposed to live past her 20s. Her experience with getting them was to avoid withdrawal. She always felt like shit and was jealous of my high saying that it just gently soothed her pain.
i.e. My experience with someone who uses painkillers for chronic pain are not excited about them. It's like insulin to a diabetic. Raven had the attitude of someone who got a score at the ER and is enjoying getting high every day. The pain she's experience from the wreck could easily be treated with anti-inflammatory medications or NSAIDs (over the counter or high prescription). Another interesting notion is how she uses sleep as an indicator that she needs them and compares them to Tylenol PM. Those often release pleasant endorphins rather than actually helping with a pain problem.
Tl;dr - Raven is 100% getting these for getting high. I don't doubt that one bit. Her doctor should prescribe 800mg of Ibuprofen if not a complete hack.
No. 480899
>OTC meds in the US are not necessarily the same as the rest of the worldWhich is precisely why I posted
>>480776 : to identify the names of the compounds in the medications Raven mentioned and explain their effects for the wider audience.
>>480891Yes, she clearly is enjoying the euphoria produced by the oxycodone. More troubling is that she does not recognise the feeling as feeling "high." But she has always possessed an exceptional level of cognitive dissonance.
She is also relying on the oxycodone for its hypnotic and sedative effects which can be equally as psychologically addictive. These effects will also relieve any post traumatic stress she may have which is another facet of psychological addiction.
Come 30 days from now, her inability to sleep will be even worse if it was not caused solely by pain.
My point in criticising
>>480875 was that Raven did not use nicknames for her meds, and she did speak specifically as to their pain-relieving and hypnotic effects, contrary to the points the anon was trying to make.
>Raven has a new refill prescriptionIn the US since 2014, opioid prescriptions do not include refills. She left the hospital with probably no more than 5 days' worth. She received this new prescription for 30 days' worth a full 5 weeks after the accident which was December 3rd. In a video in mid-December she said that she would be returning for a check-up and x-rays, at which time she would ask about the pain and numbness in her hand. How did she get a new script 5 weeks out but not during this previous appointment? Most likely from a harried doctor who dashed it out to quiet her.
She hasn't spoken about her hand since. If she were to go OTT or munchie, I would expect her to continue complaining about her hand, as a diagnosis of nerve damage relies largely on self-reported symptoms.
No. 480901
>>48089430 days is long enough to begin developing a tolerance and psychological addiction.
Also, add her pervasive boredom to the mix.
I also wondered why she was not instructed to take ibuprofen or naproxen. The only reason I can think of for contraindication would be the damage to her kidneys, but not 5 weeks after the accident.
No. 480905
I know it sounds psycho tinfoil but she did something to those dogs - without a doubt. I hate arm-chair psychologists but to me it was crystal clear, the way she told the story and spoke of her fondness for dogs is a complete fabrication and I'm glad others got the same feeling. She's grinning and looking around the room, looking everywhere but the camera while talking about her "favorite white dog" like she's in on some joke. She reminds me of a child telling some tall tale, making up elaborate stories to cover a lie. The way she acts around the dogs makes me uncomfortable, I can tell there's no sincerity in her petting or baby-talking, she's like a child that hasn't been taught how to gently and nicely pet a dog. She's off. When she's showing off her clips of the dogs (gotta have that evidence showing how much you "love them") she remarks about how her favorite white dog could turn around and "bite a chunk out of her arm"… seriously? I know it's a feral dog but what? She's clearly not an animal person, this is obvious. The unnecessary detail she went into about checking gutters for the dogs was just that, unnecessary… liars will go into excess detail. Now I'm another anon who doesn't reside in an area with feral or roaming pets, but surely if you saw a dog "all scratched up that looked like it'd been in a fight and had blood all over it and was shivering" you'd call animal control? I know not everyone would bring an unknown animal inside but surely you'd do SOMETHING? Again, we clearly have a different attitude toward animal welfare in my country, but I find it hard to believe people turn a blind eye to that shit and do NOTHING. It would surely cost nothing to secure the dog in some fashion (tether it outside!) and call a local vet, pound, animal control or council - that's how anyone where I'm from would handle it.
Okay I'm clearly rustled and sperging out, I'm an animal-moral-fag (sorry to powerlevel but I work with dogs). She's just so off. I've known and heard of demented people, like goffic gran, who are that unhinged they get jealous of pets. There are people who are just that insecure that they'll kill or "get rid of" a partners pet. Couchie clearly cared for the dogs, our fragile little goff is feeling vulnerable at the moment and clearly needs couchie to give her all the attention. She's home alone all day with couchie off busy at work and nothing productive to do, no doubt she's going stir-crazy. She lives in an area where a doggy could just disappear. Those pills she was literally waving around like a kid with candy in the opening of her video would do it… although I doubt she'd part with any of her precious opiates.
I'm sorry, I'm done now. Sage for hysteric tinfoiling
No. 480909
>I find it hard to believe people turn a blind eye to that shit and do NOTHING. It would surely cost nothing to secure the dog in some fashion (tether it outside!) and call a local vet, pound, animal control or councilAs explained in
>>480887 Saluda County has no department of animal control services. Saluda county doesn't even have any animal shelters.
In the US, attitudes towards assuming responsibility for a stray animal's welfare varies greatly. Some people take great offense if a stranger or even a known neighbor were to take their stray pet for veterinary care or even feed it.
The tremendous cost of veterinary care discourages most people and, sadly, even the owners themselves. Treating a dog of unknown general health would involve complete exams and vaccinations. If the dog has bite marks, treatment may require quarantine and observation for rabies.
All of these scenarios would be mitigated by animal control. But since Saluda has none, stray animals are left to fend for themselves.
No. 480911
>>480891 Exactly. And she was already referring to "oxy" before this script.
I wonder though - can people who've had gastric surgery have meds like
Ibuprofen/naproxen/diclofenac and the other NSAIDs? They're all implicated in the formation of ulcers, so maybe they're contra-indicated with gastric surgeries that reduce the size of the stomach?
>>480894 I can't stand Raven, but I don't wish addiction on her either. Oxycodone is a terrible drug and I'm sorry for your friend, nonnie. These synthetic opiates are frequently far worse than straightforward morphine, and a month is easily long enough to get addicted.
No. 480915
>>480912Good point. I completely forgot about her gastrectomy when I posted
>>480911She mentioned oxycodone before this script because she was administered oxycodone just prior to being discharged with a prescription for it.
When she first mentioned it
>>472107, she wasn't even sure of what she had been given. She misspoke and said, "Right now I'm on oxy, oxycodin [sic] or something."
No. 480956
>>480955Remember, they aren't trying.
Or as she put it, "Whatever happens, happens."
No. 480977
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After she gave up on Dorian and on having a baby with Logan, she shifted her maternal desires to Marmalade. Her sperging over her plan to perpetuate Marmalade's bloodline generation after generation was next level.
Could she possibly be scheming to recreate Marmalade's unique coloring and attitude by breeding cats?
No. 481001
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The desperation to grow the long hair that Josh prefers is real.
Countdown to The Wedding That Was More Than a Wedding!
No. 481017
>>481009She got bored with him and rehomed him sometime in the beginning of 2017 after Marmalade's kittens were sold in February but before she got Loki and Dante in April.
Timeline of her cats
The kittens she was planning to get in March 2016 were Marmalade's siblings from a later litter from the same breeder.
No. 481024
Correction, Pickles appeared in 2016.
What happened to him? And to the other cats she and Logan had: Winter, Mercury, Munchkin, and Mystery?
When Marmalade was pregnant she reposted videos of all of her cats including the cats she had when she was with Ryan, so her Pets playlist is confusing. But her videos can be dated by which tattoos she has and how how fat she is.
No. 481031
>>481001Either that, or she is lurking and saw that we commented on how much damaged her headpubes are (
>>480560 &
No. 481038
>>481005Same here!
I don't know how many anons are doing it but it really makes them identifiable.
No. 481047
>>481005Fail_fandom_anon wants you to know that the correct spelling is 'nonnie' and also, anyone who thinks there's only one anon here who might use that phrase is high on all the dust.
>>481038You sort of proved the point that there's an entire subset that says nonnie instead of anon. They're mostly thirty-somethings originally from livejournal and not seagull.
No. 481087
>>481047I said I dont know how many.
It feels like 1 except for the one above that said 'nonny'. Also haven't seen it on any other thread tbh.
It doesn't matter anyway, it's just a bit jarring.
No. 481088
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Wow. Pretty sure taco bell doesn't offer an anorexic option
No. 481090
>>481088She has gotten so FAT.
I was rewatching some of her older videos from NZ and you can see how skinny she is in them compared to now. I don't know how she can say she hasn't put on an obscene amount of weight.
No. 481114
>>481087I've seen it in at least one other thread, and it stood out there as well. And yeah, it is cringeworthy.
>>481090the same way she can say a period was a miscarriage and the fat was a baby. She has definitely gotten bigger, but I remember at least one pic of her from mid-Logan where she was just front-on to the camera, and she looked like a linebacker and a fridge had a baby.
No. 481135
>>481133Yeah and now she's a twenty tonne hefer in America, what's your point? Quit getting
triggered over the word smaller. Raven is and has always been a fat cunt, I'm not denying that, just saying she used to be smaller in NZ. A smaller fat cunt than she is now.
No. 481140
>>481132Probably because all of ffa went over to tumblr after prolonged bitching about how they were too old to understand it or use it. Their migration was livejournal to dreamwidth to tumblr, but it's all the same fussy asshats. Which is why nonnie/nonny is a minor pet peeve, it looks so precious and twee. Did Raven ever use LJ? Curious. Seems like it would have been up her street; lots of constant oversharing to people who don't fucking know you, tons of fantasist bullshit, and she's certainly old enough to have been a user in the glory days. Whenever I read her Raven's True Confessions type shit, eh, I don't know. She def writes like an LJ user.
As for her lardy ass, she's got to be pushing–what? 180? She looks massive in recent photos. I can't remember the exact date when she got her gastric sleeve, but she's been stretching it out slowly and over time, all this bullshit about WAAAHHH I CAN'T EAT ANYTHING BUT A BITE is just that–bullshit. I'd say she's been taking a couple of extra bites with each meal. It's also a terrible idea for her to gain at this time in life because perimenopause (and the oxy, she's prob craving sweets like a madman) is going to work against her to get the weight off unless she was blessed with an amazing metabolism. Which I kinda doubt she's got.
OT but my grandma drilled it into my head that I'd better weigh 120 by the time I hit 45 so I don't get fat, all the women in my family are teapots who gained twenty to thirty pounds at menopause. I'd rather weigh 140 or 150 at my height than fucking 170 or 180, wew. inb4 wew, your grandmother sounds like a jerk, I prefer to see it as her looking out for my welfare. Also inb4 clearly
you used LJ, you fucking faggot. I know, it's obvious and annoying to me too. But if Dirty Diana did have an LJ? What a treasure trove that'd be.
No. 481142
>>481133>>481135I know! Go back and watch the video were she had blue and red hair and you'll see how much smaller she is there.
I don't know why you're arguing with the fact she has put on a ton of weight in recent months.
Also I think we're all agreed kek no more 'nonnie', it's annoying
No. 481177
>>481140Her gastric surgery was in March of 2015. She has a channel devoted to it.
No evidence of a LJ account. The oldest accounts which have been tracked down have been her blog at*/ and her Myspace account name.
No. 481181
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It must be fun to have had so many marriages you have to think of new ideas for what special thing your marriage is attached to.
No. 481188
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No wedding party, no honeymoon, no meal afterward. How very romantic.
No. 481194
>>481184It's basically everything that is already on her Amazon housewares wishlist. has had to start over with every relationship because she either abandoned her old lot or it was stolen.
Is she still planning to spend $5K on shipping her hoard from New Zealand?
No. 481201
File: 1516148569799.jpeg (Spoiler Image,277.8 KB, 1125x987, D34E6D81-7AD6-4D7E-983F-4DD7C5…)

Why not get a 3$
The exercise will help your bingo wings you dreadful woman
No. 481202
>>481186She has all this expensive shit on there, like a $1400 washer/dryer set, a canopy bed, sectional, $100 waffle iron, $70 silverware set, $35 can opener. It's clear she doesn't know shit about cooking though, because amongst all this expensive stuff, there's a $20 kitchen knife set.
Mostly this is all shit she should ALREADY HAVE as a 40-something year-old woman. Her wishlists just show how entitled and trashy she really is.
No. 481203
>>481202What is wrong with you people? None of you have bought her anything yet. You only have eight months until the big day. Get shopping.
Yes, she is a greedy cow.
No. 481205
>>480905Oh she absolutely did something to those dogs. I got the MOST CREEPY feeling when she started her story I turned the video off and haven't finished it. It scared the shit out of me. She was clearly obviously lying.
She's said they have treats for them. A little draino or anti freeze in a water bowl, or some other poison in a pile of treats will easily kill a dog. They go off Ian's hide from the pack when they're dying, so she wouldn't have to do anything with their bodies, they handle that for themselves.
To her, animals are objects. No doubt Joshua is waking up to her issues and distancing himself a bit. He seems devoid of a personality but the one thing he really likes and seems passionate about is dogs, mostly stray dogs, and helping them. Well, Raven needs more passion and if the dogs were competing with her for his affection then they gotta go.
No. 481216
>>481181How does this work? Can any kiwis weigh in, because I thought she wasn't legally divorced yet and would be committing bigamy with Josh.
Is there a notice posted in the paper or anything, like for dissolution of a marriage or something? Just seems bizarre, I can't see her doing anything about the fact that she's actually married right now because she's lazy so why bother.
No. 481221
>>481216Dissolution of marriage or civil union is not a matter of public record in New Zealand.
>>481217As has been noted many times with citations and links in at least the last four threads, only a signed affidavit is required.
Why wouldn't they have lied? No. 481222
>>481216I dont get why all the fuss (for like, four threads) about the bigamy stuff.
Yeah, she might be commiting it. Will someone report her? Will it change anything?
No. 481225
>>481149How about you shut up, if you have nothing interesting to say or add to the conversation.
>>481181Oh man, if they had it at a park or something I would find it hilarious to watch from a distance. I just keep imagining this giant whale squeezed into a tacky blue and black dress while Josh and his family stand there with regretful glances. I imagine the whole thing to be tack-a-rama.
>>481201Holy shit, this makes me so mad. An electric can opener that cost over 30 bucks? Really? I understand her being a lazy e-begger but when she puts shit like this on her wishlist, it's just taking the piss. Like another anon said, a normal can opener would be cheap. Plus why get something like that which just takes up room? Grandmas with bad wrists buying one, understandable…oh wait, Raven is pretty old though. Maybe she's getting early arthritis in the wrists from all those handjobs she used to give out for pop funko figurines.
No. 481229
>>481181Fucking lol! I wonder if Josh decided to make the wedding date for her birthday because he knows she's the type to bitch if she doesn't get enough presents and by having it on her birthday he can lump it all together plus get it all over with while he has time off work. A wedding sans the birthday with cut some expenses if he combines the days.
Just a theory though, I don't know if couchie is that smart.
No. 481231
>>481201Because if she uses a regular can opener, the effort might cause her to have a miscarriage or hurt her tailbone or something. Think about poor frail Raven, geez.
>>481188Such a special day wow. IDK maybe there's no need for a party or even a special meal if they've got no friends to invite, but what about Josh's family? Josh's mom should be excited to marry off her son, you'd think they'd plan more for her sake. Or for Dorian? Is Dorian even invited?
>>481229It also makes it harder to forget the anniversary date. I can't imagine how she gets if one of her husbands forgets an anniversary. Of course, if he forgets one he forgets the birthday too and that's probably a recipe for disaster. #Pray4Josh
No. 481232
>>481229She is such a materialistic whore that I'm sure she would make him say which ones where for which event and would count it.
>>481231>Is Dorian even invited? I would bet on Ryan being invited over Dorian.
No. 481233
>>481232A video in the future-
'So anyway guys, this table is where Josh put all my anniversary gifts and this one is for my birthday gifts. I'm really disappointed this year, no offence to Josh, but he really outdid himself the year before and only 3 gifts this year is kind of disappointing.'
She would be like that fat little dursley kid off harry potter, counting all her presents.
Anyone else think it's lowkey narcissistic of her to agree to have the wedding on HER birthday? Like sure, maybe Josh suggested it or agreed to it, but I don't know, I just think it's another reason for her to make this wedding more about her.
No. 481235
>>481181I can picture it now. THE WEDDING THAT WAS MORE THAN A WEDDING.
The paper cups and plates can have spooky spiders and skeletons on them. The plastic real doll baby can be her flower girl. Lots of shitty black and blue satin. Raven waddles down the aisle to some old school freestyle (or whatever oldies non goth shit she listens to)
Josh, scratches nervously at the scabbed tattoo that Raven made him get days before. He looks nervously at his whale of a bride as he stands there in his blue and black chucky/halloween printed tux.
A live streaming of the wedding will be available to Ryan (the only guest on Raven's side, apart from her little facebook friends)
She makes a video 2 days later saying it was the best wedding ever but then slipping in minor complaints here and there about random things and compares it to all the other times she got married.
Raven gets bored, moves onto new dick.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
No. 481246
>>481240Raven seems to identify with shitty slogans kek
The love that was more than love
I'm not here to fit into your world,im here to make my own.
Raven is a walking snack slogan.
No. 481252
>>481204She will at least serve slimjims that were more than processed meat.
>>481249In BPD Land each successive relationship is The One and a chance to start over.
No. 481253
>>481249That's the thing, Raven thinks in be in a healthy relationship, you have to be OBSESSSSSSSED with each other. She's so insecure, she needs marriage as validation. Everything she does in relationships is creepy and over the top obsessive. That's why she has to get married straight away. Does anyone remember that cringey facebook comment when she was trying to boast to Josh that she would 'bleed for him' and he politely said something back like 'there's no need for blood haha'
In Raven's head, the tattoos, instant marriages and 'bleeeeeeding' for someone is romantic, but it's really not.
Raven, this whole vampiric Angelina Jolie thing you got going on with the marriage,blood and tattoos is CRAZY. No dude really ever wants that, unless he's getting Angelina Jolie pussy.
And you Raven, are no Angelina Jolie.
No. 481256
>>481250I totally agree. It's not the fact that she even has a wishlist that gets to me. It's the fact that this bitch will put pyrex food containers, coat hangers, soap caddies for the shower,bath mats and many other normal household items…hell, she even had trash cans on the wishlist for random strangers to buy for her, yet she/Josh will happily buy shit like skeleton cups and ursula plushies on a day to day basis. Like I'm not saying you can't buy your knick knacks and your dollies, but at least have some goddamn priorities.
Raven needs to know the difference between a want and a need.
The bitch would probably fucking go out and buy 30 dollars worth of glittery spider headbands from walmart before she bought toilet paper. She would probably argue 'But…It's a wishlist! you dont HAVE to get me those things!' Exactly Raven, it's a wishlist. You put things you might want on it. Not things that you or your hick boyfriend are perfectly capable of buying. Also it pisses me off that she picks the most expensive things for the list when they are the most basic items. Like the food containers…she could get a 10 pack of them from walmart for cheap if she just gets plastic ones, but NO it has to be the $30 pyrex ones. Coat hangers? A dime a dozen at her favourite shop of choice, walmart. But NOOOO Raven wants us to buy her a $44.95 pack of the ones off amazon. I know for a fact you can buy a pedestal fan for 10 to 15 bucks most places… but Raven wants the $39 one.
I hate this greedy bitch so much.
No. 481257
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>>481253But Josh does have a touch of Billy Bob a la Sling Blade.
No. 481258
>>481257The couple that WAS MORE than Brangelina.
Hahahaha fuckin lost it at the slingblade reference
No. 481327
>>481262She had two or three washing and drying machine sets on her original wishlist in the beginning of December.
But in her last video she mentioned that she was doing laundry ("That's um, the washing machine beeping…"). In November they were washing their clothes at his mom's and taking it to the laundromat to dry.
Sounds like the shack was already kitted with machines and they were in disrepair when they moved in or they recently acquired a set that aren't good enough for her. Either way, they already have them, and she wanted to replace them with a more expensive model.
Oh, and in red or black or gray only, please. Priorities!
No. 481399
>>481389Of course at the trailer. Where else could they have it?
No. 481414
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The pet hoarding continues! A puppy!
No. 481415
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>>481414Ok now I’m starting to get hella pissed of
No. 481416
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Wew. Well this is why she removed that function..
No. 481417
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>>481416the rest of the status
No. 481418
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>>481417>>481416Saucy.. Shes gonna have security, at an outdoor wedding, in her backyard? Really?
No. 481419
>>481417Whoever wrote that, many kek at "Shiznit will be lit af".
No. 481424
>>481419I giggled at that. It's not even that bad, just a harmless troll in comparison to what they could write and her reaction is so over the top.
Troll- it's gunna be lit af
No. 481429
>>481427So what are you guys gonna wear? Better start rustling yo best blue and black attire, I heard that it's going to be the wedding of the year. The wedding that was more than a wedding.
I heard it's going to be the shiznit and lit af
No. 481430
>>481414Why the fuck would Josh be happy about a new puppy when he's heart broken over his dogs going missing?!!?!?! She's a fucking psychopath, void of empathy. Josh isn't missing his favorite hot topic dress you fat cow, he misses his friends/companions.
And if Josh is anything other than angry she got a puppy without his permission while he's still hoping to find his dogs then he's just as fucking bad as her. He enables her to hoard a few cats, well okay…but to let her get away with replacing his pets is absolutely infuriating.
I've never hated a cow like Raven. I think I'd kill myself if all I had to look forward to was cheap walmart toys, being ugly as fuck and being stuck in a shitty trailer. I'm aghast she honestly thinks a majority of us are jealous of her. People watch cheap reality shows to feel better about themselves because the comparison is so dismal, most can feel almost accomplished.
Fuck. She's excited about a puppy while those poor dogs are missing. She should have died in that car accident.
No. 481435
>>481432I'm a big dog lover and I couldn't get a rescue for at least a year after my dog passed away. Most people are like that. They give them time to grieve. And the dogs aren't even dead. Well at least as far as Josh knows, Raven on the other hand…
You do have a point. I guess it's not that fucked if Josh softens toward a puppy, so I'll calm my tits.
However, how the hell does Raven even get a puppy without contacts, no car and stuck in fucking bum fuck? Josh's family got the dog and Raven takes credit for it? At least I'd feel a little more at ease if Josh's family was involved.
No. 481443
>>481434According to her timeline, they began talking online on June 10th of last year and announced their engagement on Facebook on the 12th.
She posted the video announcing her break-up with Logan on the 17th. Later she said that they decided to separate in May but that they had been "going through the motions" since at least the previous October or November.
Nearly all of her relationships similarly overlapped.
No. 481448
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InB4 she decides to have another gazebo wedding.
No. 481450
>>481443Yuckkkkkkkkkkkk. Seriously every dude that's been with her truly has no standards. Her shitty history is but a google away and it's so easy to see she jumps dick to dick. Like if I was Josh and talking to her that long, I would have checked out lolcow before I even flew her over. I reckon it's going to get to a point where Josh will say he doesn't want her to post online anymore because I get the vibe he truly doesn't like it, (despite what Raven says) and Raven will either comply until she feels neglected and needs validation from her fans because josh is working, or she'll make a secret account orrr she'll hunt for a new 'fan' to be her worshipping husband.
I have a theory if shit doesn't work out with Josh, and she cant leech off a new american internet bf, she's going to plonk her giant hairy goth fanny back onto Ryan's dick. Because he's her backup plan now, Logan sure as shit aint going back to her.
No. 481453
>>481449I agree. Someone getting stood up or used like that would suck for anyone else, but she truly deserves it for leeching off all the men in her life.
He's clearly a bad person, but to see Raven get her share of karma, it hits me right in the giggle dick.
No. 481459
File: 1516235164749.png (2.34 MB, 1440x1803, Screenshot_2018-01-18-00-12-40…)

I hope she quickly learns not to bark or ask to go on a walk whilst couchie is out at work…. Y'know just incase…..
No. 481461
>>481416>>481417Really, What does she have that anyone would be jealous of? The “you’re just jealous” retort is what stupid bitches say when they don’t understand why other people have a problem with them.
And Raven loves us watching her now? She must be on the manic upswing of her delusion cycle. I watch Raven for the same reason people watch fail videos: schadenfreude and thinking ‘I can’t believe that dumb fuck just did that’.
No. 481464
>>481459Can we just take a moment and notice that the dog is scared shitless in ALL the photos she published? tail between the legs, showing stomach, no direct eye contact, and ears back.
All signs of submission and fear.
Not that that's not strange living with raven and all, but I mean when they get held and cuddled aren't normal puppies happy?
No. 481466
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>>481464Forgot to add this related picture.
No. 481469
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>>481467You're probably right. I checked her page and she posted some video of it, and wrote this:
"Raven Sparks
3 hrs ·
Ok, she's a Chihuahua (mom) mixed with a Jackabee (Jack Russell plus Beagle) and Chinese Crested daddy. Born July 13, 2017, so she is actually 7 months and 4 days old"
And in the comments, pic related.
>JOSH LOVES EVERYTHING!He sure as fuck would since he loves you kek.
No. 481472
>>481466>>481464Of course. I sort of think well of dog lovers and I respected that he tried to start up a lost and found for his area, but trailer trash is trailer trash.
I still hope our theories are outlandish and those dogs either come back or better yet, were adopted by some nice family that knows how to fence them in, vaccinate them and keep them out of the cold.
No. 481473
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>>481470Just gonna leave this here.
That's a lot of pets in JUST 17 days.
But, then again..
>Josh loves everything. No. 481478
>>481475Yea, that's why his name wasn't covered.
Don't know why he doesn't just use his actual name when we all know who it really is.
No. 481481
>>481459When couchie doesn't look at you the same way he looks at his new pup ..
Let's hope her jealousy doesn't act up cause the pup might disappear.This bitch has no shame that she even begs her haterzzzzz to buy stuff off her wish list. I can't believe someone actually bought them something. She couldn't settle for a regular bed and just had to have a canopy. Can a canopy even fit in a trailer ?
No. 481489
>>481416the puppy had me raging and then this made things a bit better. I love her tantrums so much.
she doesn't just have zero self-awareness regarding how this looks, she's somewhere in below zero territory.
No. 481490
>>481469Oh boy, the poor thing is scared and traumatized now but give it a few days and that mix will make for a super hyper, yappie little dog. It will not last long in granny’s trash trailer of doom.
It’s gonna disappear sometime in Feb while Josh is at work.
No. 481494
>>481450Your posts are obviously all written by the same person. You're super identifiable. That's bad.
Just talk about you, your feelings, what you would do, what you would say, how you reacted once in a similar situation, etc a little less.
No. 481495
that poor dog
she doesn't even like dogs
i can't
i try so hard not to get mad about lolcows but when they bring animals or children into the mix, even if we know they're just gonna give them up when they get annoyed with them, it's just too much
No. 481498
>>480891I see red when I hear of people abusing prescription painkillers and making light of it. I have had 4 spinal fusions and live in constant pain. I too take prescription pain meds for my condition, but on the road to a proper diagnosis I had to endure side-eye from several doctors and pharmacists that believed that I was chasing a high when in fact the discs in my back were squishing out like the innards of a pbj. It was humiliating and a near barrier to diagnosis. Fuck her.
Sage for fury
No. 481508
>>481507Make sure they are attractive skinny women kek.
Raven hates stripper sluts. Was gonna say send fat-a-grams, but she'll probably like that she isn't the fattest thing in the room.
No. 481511
>>481464the dog's clearly been abused
>>481494fuck off Nancy Drew anons
No. 481526
>>481508Well, I can't make any promises as to how beautifully faced they will be, I have a feeling that the local crop of Sluts aren't full packages. I will request best bodies available- big tits are a plus, black and blue lingerie according to dress code. Maybe I'll call a few different clubs and get a successful succession of slutty slippery strippers.
I was thinking of having a bunch of porta potty's delivered around start time too, just in case anybody has to poop. Columbia has 6 different options.
Pretty sure I'll have to pay for the strippers up front (I would anyway though, I mean, I'm not an asshole) but I know the toilets don't expect payment until they arrive.
No. 481528
>>481526Sounds like a classy affair anon! Make sure it's the shiznit!
>>481511This. There seems to be a sudden influx of salty bitches in here lol.
No. 481530
>>481473'Isn't it you that likes tiny dogs?'
Translation- 'Aren't you sure you didn't get this dog as a present for yourself?'
Kek even Ryan knows she's a selfish cow.
No. 481533
>>481528Seems like sudden saltiness always occurs when people start really catching on to her bullshit or are up to top kek shenanigans.
Like how its obvious that she killed Joshua's dogs and cute anons fucking up her Amazon wish list by buying all her most expensive shit then canceling the orders.
Shit like this gets people all riled up.
Did she really think strangers would sincerely RSVP to her wedding? She has no friends, only a few sad sack mentally disturbed goobers and a bunch of us. Like, bitch, YOU KNOW THIS.
No. 481535
>>481473You can really tell Ryan still remains friends so that he has a chance with her if things go pear shaped with Josh. He's definitely still got a thing for her.Note how he's like- I figured, because I know you don't like abbreviations and aren't you the one who likes small dogs. It's like he's trying to assert her that he knows SO much about her. Like he sounds like a kid in primary school boasting that he's better friends with someone because he's known them longer.
I actually kind of feel a bit sorry for him because who knows what she's said to make him hang on her every word. At the end of the day though, it's his fault for being such a dumbass I suppose.
No. 481536
>>481535Not really disagreeing with anything but Ryan is the dude in all of this that I feel the least…I don't know, empathy for, I guess. He's her ace in the hole and they both know it and both play into it. I kind of see them as equally reprehensible, whereas I kind of like dumb Josh. He's not very bright and he likes dogs a lot. He's not all bad kek. Logan is just a sad product of her mothering.
I think Ryan is super into her for whatever reason and it's weird.
No. 481537
Personally, I like it when the Raven thread moves faster, she's my fave cow to hate on. I mean, I get it though, sometimes when it's dry, it does get boring listening to the same old drivel about her shit tattoos and weight, but I feel like every board has a dry waiting period where peeps knit pick until new milk. Nothing for anons to reee about however.
>>481534She seems like she'd take the cat's side in any scenario imo
No. 481538
>>481536Samefagging but I see this
>It's like he's trying to assert her that he knows SO much about her. Like he sounds like a kid in primary school boasting that he's better friends with someone because he's known them longer. as him being up her ass because he wants back in or some shit. I truly believe she is telling him that she still loves him best. Remember how Josh had to address his feelings about Ryan in the one vid and say that though he didn't understand it, he knew everything was aboveboard or whatever? Who gave a shit? No one was interested in that or talking about that. It was like she made him go through all that because she felt guilty she was already doing it. I don't know but I've seen narcs pull that kind of shit in relationships all the time.
No. 481540
>>481538Wouldn't be suprised if she was spinning him some 'You are my longest oldest friend and sometimes I still think about getting back together' schtick. 'We've been through so much' ect…
Sage for blogpost, but my bitchy gay friend in high school used to do the same thing in an all girls (except him) group. He would put everyone down constantly and make really horrible comments, but one on one he would be super affectionate and for some weird reason, even though you felt hurt/sad/angry, he had a way of drawing you back in.
Classic narc behaviour, I agree
No. 481545
>>481541I think most everyone agrees with you here. I would rather the semi boring blog posts than no new post. I mean, it takes two seconds to see where they are going so if people don't wanna read it, don't. And don't give me that shit "people think there's new info and it clogs up the thread blah blah blah" because SO WHAT.
Now watch people get mad and read this whole thing and blog post about their wrong feelings about my right feelings.
No. 481546
>>481545and then endless accusations of samefag i checked your ip bullshit durrrrr
also creeper ryan tho
No. 481548
>>481540It really is super narc shit.
It's funny because I would never even have thought of this, but I now really do want to know what Josh thinks of Ryan always sticking his head up and sniffing around. Very tinfoil, but I am interested. Thanks Raven.
No. 481549
>>481546Are we for sure that is Ryan?
It's so pathetic I have a hard time believing it's him and not Ragoo just pretending to be undercover Ryan the always and forever supportive and sprung semi stalker ex.
Maybe they have a casual friendship where she sucks his dick sometimes for cash or for a few months for rent, but I can't see dude like all up on her social media embarrassing himself all the time especially now that he can't dump a load down her throat anymore.
No. 481552
>>481549His first known handle in the early threads was Acid King.
His current Instagram handle is graveflower426. He comments flirtatiously on many women's pics and has identified himself as being in New Zealand in comments.
His name on Youtube is Grave Flower. His uploaded videos include one of Raven with his dog Tovah. I asked for verification a few threads back an anon said that the Dmitri Romanov account has the same user pic as his old Acid King account.
No. 481562
>>481459This is making me so anxious lol he doesn't look at Raven the way he's looking at that pupper. Quick, Josh, buy her some cheap plushies so she doesn't narc rage kill the dog.
Necessary Ravey thread reminder that the cure for antifreeze poisoning in dogs is regular booze, vodka works great until you rush them to the vet.
No. 481569
>>481568Orrr maybe she's been ranting so much about the haters, them ruining her wedding ect screeching and being hysterical, that Josh is getting sick of it and suggested she disable comments. Logan kind of used to do the same thing. Like you could tell he got to the point where he was like-Just turn off the computer then
rolls eyes He was done hearing about her harp on about it.
No. 481571
>>481569fucking this.
she'd always claim loudly that he hated social media, and it was like, maybe he does, but I'll bet everything I have that he's so sick of fucking hearing about it all. the. time. Whining, yelling, droning on about her latest troll plan … it's amazing he's not in an insane asylum.
Josh seems a bit more assertive in an oddly understated way, like he's trying real hard to keep playing along but holy fuck can we talk about something else PLEASE.
So she throws her idol party on fb, and removes the most convenient way to reply. Take that, haters! After all those status updates and videos and pretty much everything that has her name on it literally addressing the haters and telling us how much she was bothered by it all, she actually secretly loved it. So there.
#MissSouthBumfuck2018 #justidolthings
No. 481578
>>481577I just had a quick look to see what findom was. Why on earth would he want Raven though? All the findom women seem to be bimbo barbie doll types. It goes with the whole high maintenance thing. Lip injections,hair extenstions, expensive shoes ect.
Now that I think about it, Raven is pretty high maintenance… all those tattoos, pets, plushies and overpriced hot topic shit. She's just a goffik, bargain bin version of those girls and Ryan is a splenda daddy instead of a sugsr daddy kek
No. 481581
>>481578The animal stuff is really
The cats look relaxed but the dog is stressed as fuck, poor little thing.
No. 481584
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>>481583Haha forgive me, like I said, I didn't know about this fetish and only just looked it up. Raven didn't seem to fit the profile is all.
No. 481605
>to the haters: don't forget to send a gift or some cash…haaaaaa greedy bitch
>…and be useful for once in your miserable livessays the fat greedy goffick bitch who doesn't cook, clean, probably didn't raise her own kid, doesn't do anything to better herself like idk take a yoga class or something at the local junior college or w/e, hasn't held down a job in a decade on account of every excuse in the book, leeches of ex-husbands, welfare, "fans", etc… I bet most of us her have got jobs, college, families that actually like us, have taken care of the same pet for more than a year, but no, we're the useless ones in this equation and she is better than us. kek.
>>481473That poor dog looks miserable. And heaven forbid it should need to be neutered, walked, be trained properly, etc., cos Raven's probably having no part in any of that. Enjoy having piss and shit soaked puppy pads around the trailer for a couple months along with all of Raven's other hoard, Josh, until Raven gets tired of Azzie and probably gets rid of her while you're at work.
>>481559Tequila Rose comes in a black bottle, so it fits the theme. For an alternative drink, they can have Boone's Farm since IIRC there's a blue "flavour" of it. There that's their drinks sorted.
No. 481615
>>481530>'Isn't it you that likes tiny dogs?' > Translation- 'Aren't you sure you didn't get this dog as a present for yourself?' That helps our theory of her vanishing with the big dogs, she got rid of the ones she did not like, and got one she "tolerates".
>>481414>she doesn't barkBut when she does? Is she wandering off too, Raven?
No. 481621
>>481585The theory of him being into findom is probably wrong, but remember, people are not perfect.
Just because someone is into findom doesn't mean they're not an idiot. My friend is a sex worker and she deals with idiot "slaves" everyday. Not everyone will just be willing to throw money at a girl just because.
Even if Ryan was into it, doesn't mean he would wanna buy furniture for her.
Some of my friends clients insist on buying sex toys as "payment" etc. People are different.
Sage for stupid sex work shit.
No. 481624
>>481607I mean I know we all hate Raven and have no fucking clue why anyone would touch her, let alone love her - it isn't so crazy for me to think someone actually loves her. I am pretty sure Ryan is just a poor baboon still in love with his ex wife but can't do anything about it. Plain and simple. And he gives her money because he's weak when it comes to her.
Nothing totally crazy for me tbh.
No. 481629
>>481607Yeah! And maybe we could buy her a $500 gift card to Hot Topic and shut this thread down!
She would totally hate that!
No. 481636
>>481634He may be dumb and friendless but he's loaded, and could easily pay for another cum guzzling whore to be cucked by. Literally any other skank off the street would be a better person than Raven.
Don't feel bad. He'll get there.
No. 481661
>>481659Waiting for Transcript anon. I have ad block, but I still don't want to hear this horrendous fat, racist cunt. Until then, anything good?
Transcript anon, I love you.
No. 481673
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>>481607He took semi naked photos, you say.
Well, better get your bleach out. And pour directly into eyes after seeing this.
No. 481677
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>>481675>>481607>>481673Also lets not forget this gem. It's supposedly from when she was with Ryan.
Shiznit be tacky and awkward af.
>>481675That was taked YEARS ago, see how she barely has any tattoos.. And like she said herself,
>EVERYTHING LOOKS DIFFERENT NOW. imagine how discolored and low hanging her labia and everythign else is by now, all these years later down the road. And all those beatings it took from Ryan so she could get tattoos or whatever.
No. 481680
>>481673>>481675>>481677Never forget she admitted to photoshoping her vagina. (
>>467136 )
No. 481683
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The ragdoll that was more than a ragdoll…
No. 481692
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Update with kittens and Josh
Published on Jan 18, 2018
[the opening fades from "I LOVE YOU" to "Joshua, my one and only"]
This is a requested video. I've had a lot of people who keep asking how Josh is doing…Josh is very tall…and um, wanted to see him again. And of course everybody wants to meet the kittens. So I guess while they're here in the room kind of woozy we will introduce the kittens first, and then we'll get on with our update and stuff. So you can grab and introduce the babies. [Josh picks up Meg] This is his girl.
J: This is my girl Meg. Say, hey.
R: She just decided to get attached to daddy here. She loves him, she's always with him, follows him everywhere. You can probably hear her purring. Meg! She knows her name.
J: Yeah, she does.
R: She was found in a tree in the cold. I think I explained that in another video. She was found in a tree in the cold. Nobody knew who she belonged to, and they really needed to get rid of her. And we took her in. I wasn't sure if we'd keep her. I just wanted to at least take her in for the moment, and then maybe we could have found her a home. But then he fell in love with her and she fell in love with him, and that's all there was to it. She's so happy. She's grown a lot already. She's gonna be a big girl. Look at that tummy. She's spoiled rotten. She's a fat happy girl.
J: Yeah, she is.
R: Aww. And my boy, my boy. He loves everybody though.
J: Come here, buddy.
R: But he does come over to me a bit, a little bit more. That's Cas. His name that he came to us with is Cashmere. They called him Cas for short. He was called Cashmere because his fur is so super soft, never felt anything like it. And he was so lonely, but he's so happy to have Meg. All they do is they just play, and they love each other so much.
J: And they messed the blinds up a little bit.
R: Yeah. Well, I messed those blinds up because there was a fly on it and I hit it and they were so brittle they just shattered. But they do knock the blinds because they want to see outside. They weren't that bad. And they keep looking over there. I had…I mistakenly had the window open one day, but there was a screen door there. And so they're like, oh outside. And so now all they do is try to go and smell outside.
But um, Cas is beautiful. He's a pure-breed Ragdoll, about five and a half months old, I'd say close to six, he should be six months now cuz we decided to use, we decided to use the 10th as his birthday because they had no idea. He's very noisy, he loves to talk. And he's not talking as much lately which is good. And him and Meg just…they love each other to death, and we love them. They're just adorable, adorable. [to Cas] What are you doing? She didn't follow you. He's over here like, what the hell? [Josh calls to Meg and she climbs onto his chest] Aww. There's Cas. He left the room but now he's back. Are you gonna purr now? He is so soft. I wish you could feel through the camera how soft he actually is.
But they got along, they got along so well. From, like, day one they were kind of playing. He'd smack her, but he was smacking her because he wanted to play with her. And then they just…
J: Now she smack him around.
R: Yeah, she chases him and smacks him around. And he's a good boy. Aren't you? He's got these beautiful blue eyes, kind of cross-eyed. He looks…
J: He's not cross-eyed.
R: He's cross-eyed.
J: No, he's not.
R: He looks a little bit like Mr. Marshmallow, if you'll remember my old cat. Um, it's just he's got a normal face. Mr. Marshmallow's, you know, a squished Persian. But Cas has got a normal kitty cat face. But the coloring, sometimes it gives me a start when I see him walking around. Oh, it's Mr. Marshmallow…oh, wait. It's weird. He's, like, my little baby. He's here trying to…
J: He's almost trying to look at the camera.
R: He's a good boy. So we've had them for only a couple of weeks, but they're, they're at home for sure here.
So uh, I had said that I was gonna probably quit making videos for a while because I was just enjoying spending time with him. And then we're just trying to catch up on sleep, trying to catch up on sleep and just time together. And everybody's, like, writing me saying, don't stop making videos, we love watching you. So Josh also…you said we could keep on making videos together and updates and little things. We just have to find time cuz, I mean, it's like the days go so fast. It seems like you have a lot of time, but in reality you kind of don't. Like, the time just gets away from you. And like now it's already fucking 5:30. I don't know where the hell the day went. And we just, I don't know, we just want to spend time together. And then to have to go and get dressed and make a video. It doesn't take a lot of time but then it seems like it does. So uh, it's just managing our time a little bit better to do something like that. And then, you know, this one, obviously [she strokes his chin]. You've got bags under your eyes still [she laughs]. Can't get rid of those things.
J: Nope.
R: Aww. So um, yeah, I don't really know. I've got a Q&A that we had made the day of the crash, and I don't want to use that obviously, so we'll probably do that. And other than that I know I've got a lot of stuff I need to do, makeup videos and blah blah blah and I just need to utilize my time and get around to it. I'll do that so I will have a couple of videos coming up. It just won't be like, like it was, like every two days boom boom boom, you know what I mean. [looking at Cas lying on her stomach] Aww. He's just chilling out. He knows mommy's stomach hurts. He's been on me, like, more than usual since I've been in pain. [Josh makes a face and pulls his arm away, pic related] Oh, I'm sorry, was I on your sleeve? [she says in a mocking tone and smirks]
J: [mumbles] Naw.
R: Do you have anything you want to say? Because everybody's been asking about you, how are you doing, how was our new year.
J: I'm fine, it was fine. Working hard, sleeping harder.
R: Not sleeping hard enough.
J: Yeah, naw, not enough. [unintelligible] I've been fine. Just working hard, working all the time. [cut] New year's, it was good. We didn't go to any parties or anything. We just stayed in and enjoyed each other's company.
[cut to New Year's Eve]
R: It is almost New Year's. It's 11:40 something. What? 11:45 p.m. Been trying to drink, but [she burps] my body is not happy with the choice of alcohol, so um, we're gonna have to have our proper New Year's celebration probably in a few days when we get a chance to get some better alcohol. He can drink it but I can't drink in so it's kind of… [she burps]
[cut] But uh… [he takes out his ponytail] Oh yeah, there you go. Happy New Year's to me. [she laughs]
J: Crazy.
R: Um, do you have any New Year's thing…things that you want to say to me? [she grabs his hand and rubs it against her cheek, s
slurring her words] This was our chance to have our New Year's [she kisses his hand] post to each other or something.
J: Just that I love you and that I'm glad we get to bring in the new year together.
R: Aww. [cut] I'm really happy, too. Uh, even though it didn't go at all as planned. We had actually a pretty good day today. We got a dryer. We got a kitty cat. We tried to drink.
The beautiful white dog showed up a couple, like what, an hour ago? And he had four puppies…well, one dog and three puppies with him. Like, probably the puppies might have been about six months or so. They weren't little, but they weren't adults. And um, it's like he knew that there's always food outside for the other dogs. And he brought this whole pack of dogs with him to, like, feed them. And it was the craziest thing, but it was so cool. We went out there and fed them all and they're drinking water. And they're real skittish and bony, and one of them had been beat up, his face is all torn up and…But it was just amazing that this dog just brings these other dogs here and shows them where there's food. Like, what the fuck. So that was uh, that was…I just burped, sorry. [she leans away and fans the air and laughs] It's Christmas miracle!
But you are the best thing that has ever happened to me [she strokes his hair] and coming here was the best thing I have ever done. And this is just gonna be first of, the first of many New Year's and birthdays and Christmases and all that together. [cut] Not much to say for our New Year's, but at least we're together. And [in unison] that's what matters. Aww. Almost Happy New Year's to you. Happy New Year's, everybody else.
J: Yes, Happy New Year's.
R: And uh, we'll try to add on to this after New Year's, I suppose, because this isn't all that great. But we just at least want to document it because it is the first, regardless of if it's good or not. [cut; she cuddles and kisses him] I love you.
J: I love you.
R: For real? [he mumbles] I love you, too. [to Cas] He's looking at us like, shut the fuck up, I'm trying to sleep. Have anything else to say?
J: Just Happy New Year's. [mumbles] We're gonna add on anyways, right? [louder] We're going to add on anyways, right?
R: Yeah.
J: I'll say more then, I guess.
R: Yes, yes, me, too. So we'll say bye now. [they wave]
J: So our first New Year's, we just wanted to spend it together, so we did.
R: Yeah. We were gonna get drunk, but the liquor stores were closed. So beer's a no-no. I couldn't, I couldn't do it. I tried.
J: We got some of those…
R: Just gross things. [cut] Fizzy, it didn't work well with my stomach and everything. And he drank…you drank, like what, eight bottles or something? Just bare…barely caught a little buzz. And then it comes and it goes. And I was like, I feel sick, I can't, I feel sick. I was trying so hard. We still have that bottle of Tequila Rose in the fridge.
J: Two shot glasses.
R: Yeah. Don't need the glasses, I'll just [she makes a downing the bottle motion].
J: We're probably doing that tonight?
R: Maybe. [motions to Meg] She'll sleep and then she'll just hold hands with him.
J: Yeah. She makes sure she puts her paw in my hand.
R: She does what Marmalade did to me, hold hands and stuff. She's got these really cool tufts on the points of her ears. I really wonder what breed she is. I know she's just a mixed breed, but I wonder what she's mixed with cuz she's quite big, and she's got those really big tufts. She looks like a little wildcat almost, with a lot of white.
And this boy here. He's just…I can't lower the camera cause he's… [Josh tries to adjust the camera] Don't, don't, don't you're gonna knock the whole camera off. I think you just did. You're gonna break it. [she adjusts it] You gotta do that, see? He's just, he's just happy. He's a happy boy. Big babies. We're lucky that we got two with very similar personalities because they act almost exactly the same. They're both real cuddly. They don't really care if you touch them or what you do. He needs his little nails cut again cuz he keeps on being naughty.
J: He sharpens what he's got left.
R: He's only got, like, one or two, but then he, he kneads, and when he kneads those claws get stuck in my pants and my, in my legs and stuff and that doesn't really feel very good.
So I guess that's about it. It's not really a lot to say in this update. People just wanted to see Joss's face…Joss's [she laughs at her error] Josh's face.
J: I've got my hair up this time.
R: Unfortunately. [he pulls out his ponytail] Woohoo, Merry Christmas to me! [to Cas] Do you see yourself in the camera? Do you see mommy in the camera? [he combs his hair with his fingers] Aww.
J: It's a lot of hair, I'll tell you that.
R: Oh yeah. Um, what was it, last night? I put my head on his shoulder and if I wrapped his head…his hair around and it, like, fit around my head. And he said, that doesn't look right, don't do that. That was pretty funny. Aww. You have some beautiful hair.
J: [shaking his head] It's getting long.
R: It is long. I'm obsessed with your hair. [she grabs it] I hate it when your hair's up. Gimme.
Alright, I guess we'll move on to doing the Q&A so we can move on with our day. And uh, [in a mock scolding tone] you should thank everybody for worrying about you so much.
J: Yeah, thank y'all, but I'm fine, everything's fine, just working hard. [cut] Working too hard sometimes.
R: Yeah. But um, I guess you're missed online. You don't really have time to be online. I miss you online, too, sometime…a lot of the time. But it's just work, come home, eat, go to sleep. That's basically day and night [he mumbles] Right now we're got…I got him hooked on Adventure Time, Stranger Things, Wayward Pines, and now, um…
J: Ink Masters.
R: Ink Master. I was watching the…
J: Doctor Who, too.
R: Oh yeah, Doctor Who and Supernatural. I was watching the end of Ink Master Angels and um, he likes Ink Master better.
J: There's more stuff going on, I guess.
R: [towards Meg] Big baby.
J: [he picks up Meg] Good girl.
R: Purr purr purr purr. [cut] Alright, I guess say bye.
J: Bye.
R: I love that you say bye. [towards Meg] Say bye bye! She's like…
J: Yeah, Meg and Cas, it's funny.
R: Yeah. She's like, pet me now. Aww.
J: [he waves] Bye.
R: Bye. Oops, I took a picture. I didn't mean to take a picture. [laughs] That won't be very nice.
No. 481693
>>481676Her cats aren't special enough to satisfy her narcissism unless they are some rare, exotic breed.
She claims that Marmalade was a Persian Ragdoll cross. But in the video of her siblings from a subsequent litter to the same parents, the kittens are a mishmash of colors and patterns.
>[about Meg] She's got these really cool tufts on the points of her ears. I really wonder what breed she is. I know she's just a mixed breed, but I wonder what she's mixed with cuz she's quite big, and she's got those really big tufts. She looks like a little wildcat almost, with a lot of white.She's just your average domestic shorthair tabby, Raven. Get over yourself.
No. 481752
>>481621findom is mostly a myth created by sex workers who don't want to admit that's what they do. normal dom / sub shit is a whole different thing.
even if he was into that, it would involve raven being more controlling, harder to get, and none of the bit on the side stuff that got her a lot of tatts etc in NZ.
I understand your point, anon, I just get my back up at that particular term because there's what people think it means (almost never happens) and what it means in practical terms.
No. 481755
>>481702I took it from some weird page where some guy had downloaded the image from the internet, printed it out, had a wank to it, and then jizzed on the image. He then took pictures of this and reuploaded it calling it "tribute to Starbl00d."
But the best part was she commented on his tribute with her account and said "Thanks that's nice" or some shit.
Wish I remember where I got it from because a screenshot of that would be pretty funny in regards to all of her comments on the issue.
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Did she put rainbow sprinkles on the French toast in an attempt to "unicorn" it?
No. 481782
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If her "whatever happens, happens" approach to managing fertility is good enough for her, then it's certainly good enough for her cats.
No. 481785
>>481782Dear god, it leaves a scar on their lower stomachs which is clearly visible even through the fur, because the fur will not grow there.
Flip her over and blow on her fur and it will separate and you'll see a clear ca 1.5-2 inch straight line.
And if you can't even do that just take the cat to a vet and they can tell just from looking at her. Really sooper difficult to find out.
Sage for rage bc stupid is as stupid does.
No. 481790
Piggly Wiggly prolly wouldn't put that image on a cake for us though. Damn conservative hick town.
Maybe we could make Joshua a HAPPY WEDDING t shirt using it though. I mean, he works at FedEx. So there would be no chance of Raven intercepting our package and ruining our good times if it was sent to his warehouse for pickup instead of their shithouse.
Gotta put the whole image on it so he knows it's been around forever.
Boobs on the front and beaver on the back.
I wouldn't. I don't think. Maybe I wouldn't.
I do like craft projects though.
No. 481851
>>481837She didn't get her new prescription until the 9th
No. 481865
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>>481771that's the worst fairy bread I've ever seen
No. 481926
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I sorted her videos by popularity, and these two happened to be in succession.
How eerie.
No. 481927
>>481252Plenty of people with BPD work hard to make having functional relationships possible and plenty chose to stay single because they acknowledge that they are better off single.
But not craven raven.
Which I don't get, because under the neediness in BPD is the inherent belief that you are unlovable, which is what all the hot/cold stuff is about (I want you to want me… oh, you want me? I don't believe you, I'm going to be impossible to live with).
Raven doesn't have that classic relationship insecurity- she legit thinks this guy loves her.
IDK, it's like BPD doesn't quite quite fit because of her level of narcissism (regardless of her obvious insecurities WRT other women, she doesn't doubt couchies commitment to her, which your classic BPD-er would).
saged for arm chair stuff
No. 481940
>>481916I love having my hair down when I'm out because I feel the most attractive like that.
But fuck off if you think I'll have it like that at home. It's super annoying and I can't wait to just put it up.
Imagine him coming home from a hard day of work and you just wanna chill and relax and that goblin comes to you and tells you how she hates and likes your hair. Ughhhh. Exhausting.
No. 481984
>>481927She could be self-aware enough to edit out signs of relationship insecurity. In the beginning she certainly tested him to prove his devotion, most evident in the leaked videos (eg. their dual harassment of Claudia). She also tested how much he is willing to tolerate in terms of her OTT behavior (eg. her telling Josh about threatening to kill herself in front of Logan). Her relationship with Ryan comes across as a test to elicit jealousy.
>>481946His hair appears to already be thinning in the front, and his hair line looks like it is receding when he pulls it back.
No. 482117
>>481916When in the video is this? Do you have a timestamp?
I don't wanna watch the entire thing, it'd do drawn out and boring.
No. 482130
>>482117Each time he pulls out his ponytail he runs his hands through it, shakes his head, and constantly fusses with it. His discomfort also comes across in his facial expressions and the tone of his voice when he says, "It's a lot of hair, I'll tell you that."
I noted these instances in the transcript.
No. 482199
>>481677Why would her labia be discoloured and low hanging? I'm close to her age and nothing has changed down there wrt shape/size since I hit puberty.
Sorry for the TMI but there's some pretty funny assumptions made about the aging process here at times.
If she has labial piercings, especially heavy jewelry then that will cause stretching, but otherwise labia tend to stay the same.
Maybe by your 70's they start to give up the ghost but not in your 40's- I mean, most women that age aren't even through menopause, there's still plenty of time for stuff to start flapping in the wind
sage for labia tangent
No. 482244
>>482134The laugh wasn't his, I don't know where farmers got that from. It's a laugh often used in memes to make fun of people.
Doesn't change the fact that he's a pretty awful guy, mind you.
No. 482285
>>481636>>482196he's not loaded, mummy and daddy let him live in their house for free
i bet he doesn't own a couch either
No. 482399
In the chat logs between Raven and Cj in the first thread, she tells him that she is using a debit card funded by Ryan's parents to pay for the phone and other things she got for Cj.
No. 482401
>>482244In the transcript
>>463264 I noted
>[shows pictures over canned mocking laughter and music] No. 482453
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Because posters, and not furnishings, are what their trailer that is more than a trailer needs.
No. 482528
>>482499i didn't know it until now, but evidently it is.
jfc this trailer is going to be a giant garbage fire. Raven's taste has got to be some of the worst ever.
No. 482530
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>>482199She does have piercings there, or at least used to. You can see that in this image.
I'm not saying that it happens to EVERYONE, just that with what we all know about Raven that it's not really unimaginable.
Also she DID admit to using PS on her vagina, why would that even be necessary unless there's something off about it?
Vaginas are what they are, and there's nothing to be ashamed of I think, we are all different. Why would one ever need to PS a vagina if it wasn't looking particularly odd in some way?
No. 482533
>>482530If what appears to be a glint of metal between her outer labia is a piercing, it is a clitoral hood piercing and most likely a vertical hood piercing. A hood piercing will not cause either inner or outer labia to stretch.
>vaginaSince we are nitpicking, the correct term is vulva.
Sage for piercer fagging.
No. 482544
>>482530She probably used PS on her vagina because she uses PS on EVERY photo she posts, bitch uses every angle, PS trick, filters and massive amounts of war paint to try to make her fat Sumo wrestler looking ass look more attractive.
It’s always hilarious to see her and Private Piltdown next to each other - she looks like a 2-D cartoon character next to him. She uses amounts of make-up normally only used for broadway.
I wonder if Josh has seen her out of full war paint? Even when she was in the iICU kek she had it on layers deep
No. 482545
>>482533I know it's not a labia piercing, but for all we know she might have had them pierced, or even has them pierced now. There is after all no ends she will not go to to be goffik.
And vagina is a commonly used and accepted term for the area.
And we were not nitpicking, we were just discussing Ravens female nether regions appearances.
(That's a sentence I never thought I'd say)
You're the only one nitpicking here.
>>482536The rational thought was not meant for Raven but for
>>482199 because I didn't want her to think I was trying to offend her.
Raven is a special kind of crazy, and nothing about her is applicable to other women.
Let's all just move on now, and kek at Raven instead of this silly infighting please.
>>482544She keeps saying that he "likes her more without makeup on". So at least HE thinks he's seen her without it, but you do raise a valid point, has he really?
Also kek at the ICU thing.
No. 482552
>>482545The subject of her genitals is in itself nitpicking.
Having average gauge inner or outer labia piercings for a few years will not cause them to stretch.
No. 482559
>>482552JFC you just can't help yourself can you.
It's Raven. What about her is ever average?
No. 482596
>>482565As I noted in
>>481553, she disabled comments on all of her videos except the "2017 year in review" video in which she asks for her viewers' opinions of Logan and their relationship.
She manually approves all comments, so why disable them and lose all of the asspats she did approve?
No. 482621
File: 1516500169631.png (696.87 KB, 1242x2208, 9B88BBED-EE65-4D4A-AF20-C861E6…)

Yeah no shit the dog was abused you could see it from the photos. Not sure why she wants to take a video of a dog being scared. Nor do I get why she is asking like it’s a maybe, you would have known when you got it.
No. 482698
>>482621If the dog was so obviously neglected physically, the likelihood that it was also abused is very high. Raven couldn't perceive this?
Oh, right, how stupid of me to ask. This is the woman who similarly neglected and abused her son.
No. 482729
>>482621the puppy KNOWS.
poor baby
No. 482748
File: 1516525787078.jpg (141.53 KB, 1119x1471, 71IOfu2PbRL.jpg)

>>482741Many people say "pat" when the action to which they are referring is "pet." Also, in some countries "pat" is used to refer to both actions. IIRC "pat" is the term used in Australia, so it is probably used in New Zealand.
No. 482761
>>482565What a fucking bawbag!!! Out of all the makeup she's been flaunting she reviews that crap?!?
I. Can't. Even…
>>482756Can't tell a cat is pregnant untill it starts birthing but can tell a kitten has been neutered. Fuck off Diana you piece of imbecilic shit
No. 482808
>>482763My cat is both spayed and has a chip, and she does indeed have a tattoo in her ear.
If you look at the ears with a light behind the cat you can see it very clearly. (She has dark fur, on white this would be very visible)
The vet told me she did this to all pets she chipped so that if they went missing it would be easier to know that the animal has a chip, so the owners could be found easily should the animal ever get lost.
Maybe they do this differently in different places, but that's what she told me.
No. 482821
Eyeshadow comparisons Supernatural vs Interstellar
Published on Jan 20, 2018
>>482565She has enabled comments on it now. When asked what brand it is, she replies that it is unbranded and won't say that it is from Hot Topic.
Her Official.Raven.Sparks page is still included in the description, so she must have made it a closed community rather than deleted it. Is no one here a member to confirm?
No. 482928
>>482910I think it's okay to enjoy these things as an older person, but i think anon might have been getting at the posters being tacky. It's the same feeling people get from Greg and Lainey. Like sure, you can like anime at 32, and sure a few nostalgic posters can be put up in your home. Normally though, you would think that you'd keep the posters to the study/computer room or even maybe like the theatre room to make it feel like the movies…but it's kinda immature and tasteless to have posters all through the house. It screams 'dorm room' and looks very teenage. Posters and kitschy/pop culture items can actually work in arty or industrial styled homes but it's rare. I think a 40 plus woman should probably focus on all the things she actually needs, like a bed first, rather than filling it with animals and hot topic garbage as another anon said.
Sage for home decor nonsense.
No. 482934
>>482821She's soooo annoying. She always fiddles with the zoom,focus and camera.
Raven. You have so much time at home alone when Josh is at work, why don't you actually EDIT your videos? She knows how to, she's just so fucking lazy. She repeats herself constantly in videos, rambles ect, which again, could be cut out. If she spent as much time editing as she does talking about lolcow, she could have some okay content. I mean simply kenna is a fucken dildo, but at least she tried really hard to edit everything and make it look good. I don't know why anyone but a hater would guilty pleasure watch Raven tbh.
No. 482937
>>482821She's doing them as a 'comparison swatch' but literally gets halfway through and the colours don't have dupes. Why wouldn't you just do them on separate videos if they aren't alike? Also, she says she doesnt highlight and contour at all, then goes on to say she hilights her brow. She says she is wetting her finger before she swatches…whats the bet she's licking her nasty fingers first?
Also another pet peeve is at the beginning she says 'sorry for the ugly nails, thats what you get for using dollar store nail polish' Her nails are short and stumpy…it would take a second to put a coat of polish or even be lazier and colour the chips in with a felt tip marker. It's not that every video on youtube can't be raw or whatever, but her nails would have taken 2 minutes and then it would have saved her apologizing about her shitty nails. She always apologizes for shit whether its noise outside or the room being too dark or some bullshit like her nails. Fix the issue and edit it out of your videos…damnnnn.
No. 483066
>>482928I don't know why people get such a stick up their ass about this stuff. some people don't give a shit about Better Homes and Gardens coming for a visit and just decorate to their own tastes. might look like shit and be worth a giggle for others, but again … what does it really matter?
we've already got stuff like plushies that trump actual household goods to laugh at, why get so analytical about some stupid poster?
>>482934it's kind of impressive that she has spent all these years cranking out videos and they still always look like a first attempt every time. for me, it's the voice. that monotone drone littered with 'uhm' and 'like' makes me want to rip my ears off.
No. 483093
>>483092But anon that would require furniture set up her camera.
I'm actually wondering if her weight gain is way worse than she's letting on and she's embarrassed by it. In her palette video she seemed overly concerned about showing up in the mirrors. Add in the fact that those rings were practically cutting off circulation to her sausage fingers it's pretty obvious she's had a huge amount of weight gain.
No. 483192
>>483126In some pictures she posted she had somewhere around 6 different blankets that I could see, and I couldn't even count the pillows. NOTHING had covers over it or any sorts of sheets at all.
And this is the only place they all (including the pets) sit/slouch/lie all the time.
Imagine how filthy that bed is.. It wont be long now and Raven's bed will start to rival Vicky's bed.
No. 483196
>>483071actually, I haven't had posters on my walls since I was a teenager, but thanks for diminishing my point anyway.
>>483192there's been a couple of times people have referred to her as Raven Slater and it's getting more apt as time goes on.
No. 483530
>>483514Ah yes, there were some good moments in this video.
1st question was about food. She complains that NZ ruined her taste in food and now she can't eat the finer things in life, but still enjoys bologna (fuckin kek), premade ravioli, and hot dogs (which are just "ok"). Also claims they both agree they don't like eating out and they (Josh)
chose (makes her) to eat in because it's cheaper.
Calls Dorian horrible things and complains that Lovely Gf turned him against her. Wanks on for awhile about how horrible he is for leaving her and her BPD toxicity.
Rants about how women who call men they barely met "husband" are stupid, but then admits she did exactly the same thing with Josh but it's ok because he's different.
Logan didn't want any part in her online life, so it's his fault she was unhappy the entire relationship.
Raven then treats us to a an extra clip sporting her shitty black/blue wedding hair! She starts by thanking her "fans" for supporting her (12:00). And anyone who doesn't like her is either A. Interpreting what she said/wrote incorrectly, B. Judging past Gravy who has
changed and therefore is forgiven (even though you've never apologized to the ridiculous amount of people you've hurt, taken responsibility for your actions, or shown any change in your behavior, Raven) or C. They are "just generally negative, disgusting, ugly people inside."
She concludes her Q&A with a rant insulting cancer patients, transgender people, lesbians, refers to a person as "it", brags about getting Gir's SM pages shut down, and takes a few more jabs at her son. But PEOPLE LIKE HER DAMMIT - she got belated Christmas presents sent to her as proof!!1!
Oh, and guys, if she doesn't respond to your comment it's because "it hurts to write and reply as often as I used to." keeeek
No. 483541
>>483530Probably the most ultimate hypocrisy was her talking about Lovely gf and how much of a "slut" she is. A couple things that made me kek.
1. Raven, you have taken a ton of naked pictures of your self for other men to oogle at. But someone who may or may not have cuddled with someone else is a slut.
2. In one fatal swoop, Josh admits that he and Raven have both read private conversations between lovely gf and dorian, yet denies that she ever responded posing as dorian to lovely gf. Yeah, okay sure.
3. Who are you to dictate what someone looks like? Considering how much you talk about how you have been judged because you "dress differently", you think that you'd understand that people like to dress differently. I guess you're the only one who gets to dress "different". At least lovely gf has style.
No. 483575
>>483513This is one of my favorite 'new' videos of her.
Her BPD is on fire. She addresses A LOT of small talk that went here on the farms, proving she still stalk us, and goes full blown on Dorian, Logan and Gir.
OHBOI, missed ya Ravy.
No. 483629
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>>483513Overdue Q&A and some real talk with Josh
Published on January 23, 2018
[recorded in the same session as >>481659]
A very very very very overdue Q and A. So he's gonna read the questions like you did last time in the video we didn't upload, and then I…we are going to answer. It's questions for both of us. Okay, go ahead.
J: What do you think of the food now after being gone so long?
R: I guess I can answer a lot of these better cuz now we're, you know, kind of sitting here. But um, I thought that I would come back and be in love with everything, everything. But it turns out there's a lot of food that my tastes have just changed. I got used to the really boring, bland New Zealand food, and a lot of the stuff here is too strong for me. Like, I don't actually…I don't like sweet, I like salts and savory stuff, but more. I don't really like Kraft cheese as much as I remember. I don't like Borden almost at all. I like the more, uh, like, the stuff that he likes, the sharper, which is still softer than the New Zealand cheese, but it's more, I guess, real cheese than the stuff that I used to love when I was here. I still love, like, provolone, love that stuff, muenster, shit like that. Still love bologna, hotdogs are alright, I can't find nachos…[Josh starts playing her game on her laptop, pic related] Are you play my game for me? Some of the potato chips I like. I don't know, I don't like what I thought I would like just because a lot of it is so rich now it's really hard for me. But I still…the thing is is that there's so much variety here that even if I find stuff I don't like, there's a million other things I do like.
And both of us agree we actually prefer when I cook at home than going out to eat because the stuff that I can make tastes so much better than the stuff that you can buy. And even if it's something simple that's, like, frozen ravioli, it's like two dollars…
J: And it's good, too.
R: It's good, you know, plumps up big, it's got lots of filling, and you just buy a, like, a two dollar, dollar-seventy-seven bottle of sauce, and it's, like, for under five dollars there's a whole meal for two people. You can't do that in New Zealand. So I don't mind that there's stuff here that I don't like anymore because there's other stuff yet to be discovered or to make. Because I didn't really cook a lot when I was here before, I ate fast food all the time, and now I don't really like fast food as much. I prefer just to eat…like, I'm real excited about making catfish again soon. I've made lasagna, I've made spaghetti, meatloaf, French toast, turkey, corn, mashed potatoes. I've made quite a bit of stuff, and he loves most everything I make.
J: Everything you make so far.
R: That's good. Okay, next.
J: Josh, how is life with Raven? Is she the same in person as you thought she'd be?
She is. She's much better than I though she'd be.
R: Aww.
J: Life is great right now. We have our ups and downs, but it's more ups than downs. She is…she is a…she's better of a person than I…well, than I'd think she'd be…I knew she would be. I love her and I love our life. [he appears to be distracted by Raven playing her game]
R: Aww. [she strokes his cheek]
J: Will you guys do couples tag videos?
R: I told you what those are. Like the whisper challenge and the boyfriend does my makeup.
J: Yeah, we can. I'm sure we will.
R: He won't want to do things like I do his makeup, stuff like that.
J: No. Maybe, maybe, but I don't know.
R: [laughs] You're not that kind of guy to wear makeup so…But you could…I don't, I don't see you being able to…my makeup…
J: I could do it for the fans once, I guess.
R: My makeup's simple, but I would still think it would be pretty interesting to see you try to do it.
J: Yeah, I might not. I'll sleep on it.
Have you spoken to your son at all?
R: What son? [laughs] Nope, have not, will not. He's dead to me. By now…by the time I made the first one we hadn't explained what had happened. But by now I have explained a little bit in my Christmas video what had happened. Was it Christmas or Year in Review? I think it was my Year in Review video. And um, that little piece of shit backstabbed me in a way that I will never forgive. So yeah, I have no son. And I hope he doesn't try to come…well, I kind of hope he does try to come crawling back to me one day just so I can laugh in his face. You don't forgive something like that, and you don't do something like that to somebody. I don't care who the hell you think you are or what problems you think you have, especially if there were no problems, just a bunch of made-up bullshit that a bunch of mindless sheep decided to jump on the bandwagon because it sounds good and persecute me for when I didn't actually do anything like that. So, nope.
J: And lolcow were…lolcow was talking about me like, how could you say that to him? I had a good reason for saying everything I said to him.
R: You didn't even say anything bad. You're the only one who's ever defended me. He, he wrote to Dorian and said why, you know, how dare you treat your mom like that and do that to your mom, whatever family problems you have you don't do stuff like that…
J: And that was a bad thing.
R: You keep it between yourselves, and then to dump his stupid little girlfriend because she's the cause of all this. She is…she would be the one talking in his ear and making him do that because he's changed ever since he got with her, started disrespecting me, lying even more, just fucking throwing me under the bus for shit I didn't even do, just all kinds of shit. I know it's all her.
[Cut. She has edited the video since she first posted it, but not before I downloaded the subtitles. Youtube censors obscene words in the auto-generated subtitles. I did not listen to the video before she edited it so I do not know what words she used. Since I was not able to verify the transcript word for word, words may be missing or incorrect.]
And he said get rid of her, she's no good for you and if she's not. And they think they're gonna get married [?] have some kind of wonderful life. I highly doubt that. You can't do that when you're with a [?] and she is a [?]. So uh, good luck with that because it's not gonna work out. Although it might because he's such a little [?] he'll just let her do whatever she wants to do because he's too scared of [?] so he won't, he won't be able to stand up. Instead of manning up to her what he did was he blamed me for everything, everything that he said. And it's like, wow, these were your ideas and your words but you told her it was me. Nice, nice way that you can't even come and confront your own girlfriend about your own problems. That's, that's really gonna last. I mean, if you allow your girlfriend to cuddle with her friends male the female, takes pictures with her friends in their underwear, like, bra and undies. Like, wow. Calling herself a lesbian. I know she looks like one but you know, god, tone it down a little bit. You're supposed to be dating, you know, a male.
I can, I can go in that topic way too long and I really don't feel like doing that.
J: Did you guys get married already? You say husband and wife.
No, not yet. But we like to consider ourself husband and wife. I have two rings now, actually.
R: Aww. I've got my beautiful ring as well [engagement ring] and then the matching band underneath that ring [on her index finger] that matches his love ring.
J: The big one is really shiny. It always catches everybody's attention. They always ask me about it.
R: That's the engagement ring that I got him. And then I got him this love ring. And then I've got the girl version of that love ring here [on her index finger]. It says…it's engraved and it says something something on it. Where's the engraving.
J: "Forever love."
R: Yeah, it says "Forever love" with a little diamond in the middle. So um, it's probably not gonna show up, but it says it there.
I've never ever said husband and wife if we're not actually married before. I've always been the kind of person to pretty much judge people for saying that because I know quite a few people that are like, my husband, my wife. [he puts his head on her shoulder] And I'm like, you're not fucking married yet, you, you have no right to call the other person that if you're not married. Like, I've, I've been pretty snarky and bitchy when it came to that topic because there's just so many people that take it so lightly and they think every new guy they meet's like a husband and like, I'm in love with this guy this guy this guy this guy this guy that guy, no I love myself. And then the next day, now I love this guy and this guy, oh why does everybody break my heart? It's just…it just gets a little old. My husband this, my husband that. That's not your fucking husband, you've known him like two days, you know.
But then when I met him I found myself doing exactly what I hate. I don't know how it happened and why. I think it was you. He, he started saying "wife" and uh, and it's just kind of…our relationship was so different, it just felt different, and I ended up feeling like the biggest hypocrite in the world because I started doing what I said I would never do. But we're gonna end up married very shortly, so it's all good in the end.
J: Hoping to be married by…
R: Our anniversary.
J: Our anniversary, our one year.
R: Yeah. Which isn't actually that far away already, believe it or not. We're already seven months, we've been together seven months. So I don't know how the fuck time has passed that fast, but it has somehow.
[pic stating that they have pushed back their wedding date to September 17th]
J: Next one? Are you used to being back yet? Does it feel like you never left?
R: It feels like I never belonged here, like I never lived here. I haven't really been out of the house enough to feel like I never left. But even when I've been in very familiar places like Walmart and stuff. I've got, like, the memory of when I was here before, but I still feel like an outsider. I do and I did when I first answered that round of questions because I still get startled by the prices. I'm getting a little bit more used to it now to the point where if I see something that's, like, five to seven dollars and I'm like, oh my god, that is expensive. But at the same time I, I can appreciate how cheap so many things are. Like, dollar stores are, like, a blessing, you know, you get so much stuff. And it's just, you know, again, like getting groceries. And sometimes when we go grocery shopping it'll be like a hundred, hundred fifty dollars. It's like, oh my god, that's so much money. But then when you look at the amount that we're getting compared to what we would get, a hundred dollars in New Zealand would have gotten us, like, two grocery bags, maybe. Here it's a shopping cart full. [pic of full shopping cart] So in reality we get a whole bunch of stuff. And there's a lot of savings.
And I'm still, like, in the honeymoon phase as far as being here, but I do still feel like an outsider. But I don't feel like I belong in New Zealand. I don't feel like I belong in America. So it's just kind of really weird for me at the moment. [he mumbles] I don't know if I ever will. Ten years of being away is a long time to kind of work around.
And especially being in this area where there's nobody that looks like me. And so I get, you know, when I get stopped, it's not as often anymore, but when I do get stopped it still makes me feel like I'm just really different from everybody else which I know in this area I am. That's not a bad thing, though, because they don't treat me badly. It just, you know, it just brings home the fact that I'm kind of out of my element here more than I was over there, because over there they were kind of used to it, nobody said anything about the way I looked, ever. But here they're just always like, oh my god oh my god oh my god. I get stopped for my hair, I get stopped for my tattoos all the time, piercings, you know.
J: Yes, you do. That was the last one.
R: That was the last question? Wow, that wasn't very many.
J: No, it wasn't. Thanks for the support. And like we said on the other video, I'm fine, everything's fine.
R: Yeah, um, I had made a separate video but I never uploaded it cuz I was waiting…
[fades out mid-sentence and cuts to Raven alone wearing a different shirt]
I didn't expect the kind of comments I got. Honestly I, I didn't at all. I thought if anybody answered that question of why, why you all support me and Josh but you don't…you didn't support me and Logan. I thought it was gonna be all based on age; just, it was wrong, it was disgusting, you guys should have never been together blah blah blah. Like, negative, even if it's written in a not as negative way, if that makes sense. I thought the general feeling of it would have been still bashing me. But unanimously every comment on there that I've gotten has said it's because you can tell I'm so much happier with Josh. Josh Josh Josh Josh, it's all about Josh. Like, he's the reason pretty much you guys are supportive because you can tell he's a great guy, he's, he's loving and caring and he treats me well and I'm happy and he's invested in my life. [cut] I, I don't know. Like, I'm overwhelmed in a good way that people actually care if I'm happy or not. And not trolls. I mean, they, they want me to be happy. You guys who want me to be happy want me to be happy. And I, like, I've had it in my head for so long because of all the hate that I get and all the, the trolls and the bullying and stuff like that, you know, I've built up this wall and this defense and, you know, I've told myself, you know, like 90 percent of the people that watch you are from those sites and they only watch you because they're looking for signs that you're miserable or they want to see you fail, they're…nobody actually cares about you. And so to be confronted with or faced with people that are like, we just want you to be happy, we're happy because you're happy, we're happy that you, you finally have someone that loves you and, you know, positive, positive feedback. I'm like, these are real people, these are people that care about me? Like, if I'm happy or not? Like, they don't want me to be unhappy? And it's just, it's…it takes a lot to get my head around because I'm so used to people just wanting to see me fail, just wanting to see the worst in the world for me for whatever reasons they've built up in their mind based on either them misreading what I've written or based on who I was in my past or just because they're generally negative disgusting ugly people inside. I've had a lot of negativity around me for so long that I'm always on edge and on guard, I guess. Not really on edge, more on guard, like, yeah, that person's probably them, that person is probably them. And especially when I first moved here, the people that were writing to me pretending to be my friends which I've exposed in previous videos, it just goes to show that you can't really trust anybody. They just try to befriend you and get information from you.
But on YouTube I, I do get an overwhelmingly amount of positive people and support. I do still get insults and trolls and, you know, them trying to turn me against Josh and all that, but I just delete it and move on. Like, I don't respond to it, I just, whatever, it's just, you know, it's it's old is what it is, it's just old.
And every day in every way I'm a different person and I'm growing and changing and I'm happy, I'm content. I keep saying it. I'm, I'm just, I'm happy where I am in life. And, you know, I've seen that I've had support, but it's never struck me the way it struck me just now. I don't know why, but it has. Like, I know I always say thank you guys for your support, and I know I've got a lot of support and love out there. But to see that the reason I didn't really get support in my, my previous marriage was because it was obvious I wasn't happy and he looked just sullen and kind of angry most of the time, and he didn't want to be there. He wasn't like that with me in person, by the way, that was…he just hated being on camera. But there were a lot of problems. But he, he really didn't want any part of my life like my online life or things that were important to me. That, that is true. And for you guys to be able to see the difference between him and Josh and to welcome Josh with open arms and to love him for me the way that you guys do, it's, it's pretty amazing, it really is. And I just, I just wanted to say thank you. Like, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you so much for caring about my well-being and my happiness and wanting good stuff for me. I'm just really not used to that. I'm not used to a lot of this.
And I tell, I do tell Josh that all the time, you know, you're, like, you're too good to be true. I, I've never encountered a guy like you before, there's got to be a catch. And I'm, like, waiting for, you know, the anvil to fall on my head and for everything to be blown up and…But he's assured me plenty. Even his mom has told me, you've got a good guy there, he would never cheat on you, he'd never hurt you. And um, I, I do believe that deep inside my heart he is different and I know that I will be happy with him. I am happy with him. And I know that what we've got is something really special. And um, the best decision I ever made in my life was taking that risk and coming back here.
And, you know, having him and his family and you guys, it's just I've never felt important or truly loved or truly accepted or truly wanted before. I used to have to work so hard at trying to get people to like me or not, not see me as this horrible monster, this disgusting creature. And um, I stopped working at it and just started trying to do what I needed to do just to make my life better. I started this in 2015. And ever since then everything's just gone up and up and up. And at times it still kind of bowls me over because I never thought that I would be here, like, feeling like this. And by here I mean, like, in this place emotionally, mentally, having people give a shit about me and not just watching me just to make fun of me. I mean, I know that there's people out there that do, but I know that there's a lot of people out there that watch me because they care for whatever reason. They don't see what the trolls see. You guys are really, really great, honestly, the ones of you that are true.
Even though it, it hurts to write and reply as often as I used to, I do like all your comments. I, of course, read all your comments, and I appreciate every single one that is a true and honest comment. Thank you thank you thank you for being so accepting and understanding and just for continuing to be here and supporting me. You really don't have any idea how much it means to somebody like me who has had nobody and nothing for most of their life. It is, it is a gift, it really is. And um, I feel like the richest girl in the world having you guys and having Josh and what I have here. It's a, it's indescribable, and I don't know if I'll ever get over this feeling. It's just, it's beautiful.
[cut back to her and Josh]
The video is mostly, like, kind of like a wow because we get so many people that are like, Josh Josh Josh Josh Josh about everything. And, like, that there's so much more support here because they like you a lot better and because you seem more invested in the relationship and interactive and like you want to be here and, Iike, I thought everybody was gonna bash because I asked why did I not get the same kind of support when I was with Logan that I do with him. And um, I thought it was gonna be all, cuz you're a pedophile and all that shit. And I didn't actually get…
[She then talks about her interaction Gir the Alien Goldfish / Marionetta. Josh interjects monosyllabic expressions of support and agreement throughout.]
I got, like, one snarky, ugly ass shemale that tried to be a smartass and bring me down. And I responded back, got her page shut down for sharing my information and stuff and attempting to bully me. And then she's like, I'm meaner than you. Wow, yeah, you're than me because you can recycle the same tired old insults everybody else has been saying for the last six plus years. I don't think so. You just want to be mean because you're, like, this fucking want-to-be cancer survivor-looking fucking dykey-looking bitch. I couldn't even tell if it was a male or female at first. This person is fucking disgusting. Like, really, really disgusting. And then it posts a photo, "Still prettier than R. Sparks." Like, in your fucking dreams. I mean, I'm not, like, the best thing in the world, but I know I look a billion times better than that thing does.
J: I couldn't believe it.
R: I know. Like, talk about delusional. So uh, it's just that these people think they can come to me and abuse me and I'm not supposed to say anything in return. Like, come the fuck on. I usually don't anymore. But sometimes something needs to be said. [Josh puts his head on her shoulder and fusses with his ponytail] And that doesn't mean that I'm the bully back. It means I've got something called self respect. I'm not gonna be walked all over and just harassed and called names for no fucking reason. I don't care what you say. If you don't like me talking back to you, then how about you don't talk shit in first fucking place. [he takes out his ponytail and puts his head on her shoulder] Ooh, you're pretty. Aww. I've got you…a picture of you. [she rubs his forehead with her index finger] Aww, so pretty.
Um, so yeah, uh, aside from that all I got pretty much unanimously was that I got all the support. I get so much support now because of him because, cuz you look like you love me a lot.
J: I do, I do.
R: I know you look like it. [she laughs, he mumbles] Oh, so you don't look like it. [sarcastically teasing]
J: [sounding tired] You know what I mean. [she laughs] Crazy.
R: But um, yeah, so that was really nice, that's…that was shocking. And I read him…he doesn't really get on and read comments anymore because he's working all the time. But I read him the comments when there's like some really, really good ones. And you were pretty like, wow, as well. Like, it's just pretty wow because I didn't think that anybody out there gave a fuck if I was happy or not because I get bullied so much and talked shit about so much, that was, like, the last thing I expected was to hear that people actually gave a shit if I was with somebody that cared about me or not. So that was a really nice surprise.
J: A lot of people do care.
R: It's hard to remember sometimes because I get so much shit. I mean, even when your own flesh and blood turns on you and lies about you and, and feeds into what everybody else is saying, you've got no loyalty anywhere. So sometimes it just makes you question everything and it…you know, you start thinking that everybody's against you and you've got nobody. And I told myself that the only people that followed me were the trolls just to watch my life and hate on me but I didn't really have many real subscribers on there. And it turned out I actually have more than I thought.
A handful of people sent late Christmas presents, too. I keep saying that I need to gather everything together and make a video, a thank you video. So I'll do that, too, as soon as I'm able to walk around a little bit better.
But yeah, there's, there's so much support out there. It's still kind of hard to get used to, even for me, definitely for you because you're not used to having your life kind of online.
J: No, not at all.
R: You adapt to it pretty well, though. You haven't had an issue with anything so far which is pretty cool. [she strokes his cheek]
So I guess that's it. I did a lot of little venting which was good. That felt good. [she laughs, he mumbles] It always feels good to bitch. I have to censor myself so much nowadays because I don't want to be that kind of person anymore. But I do have a lot of that I, I really wish I could just fucking say about stuff. There's just kind of like…and then it's not worth the effort sometimes to just go off and have a fucking rant cuz, you know, you're just talking to a fucking wall a lot of the times which we know that's no fun.
But I guess that's it? Wanna say bye?
J: Bye.
R: [she mimics his quick "Bye", he kisses her cheek] Aww, look at your smile. [she kisses him on the cheek and leaves a lipstick print] Yeah! Looks like you got punched.
J: [looking at camera screen] Oh, wow. Oh, my god. [she laughs and wipes the lipstick] It's alright. [they kiss]
R: I love a guy that doesn't care if he's wearing lipstick.
J: Nah.
R: I love this color, too, but it's not fucking kiss proof. This is Motorhead from Kat Von D. I wish it was kiss proof. I think I'm gonna like leaving my mark on you.
J: I like having your mark on , so…
R: Oh, yeah. [she laughs and points to a hickie on his neck next to the tattoo of his mom's name] Oh, yeah. [she strokes his chest and looks towards his crotch and giggles]
No. 483633
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>>483629Look at how much we can buy for $100!
No. 483635
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>>483629The "Forever love" ring on her index finger.
The "Death Dealer" slogan on his military ring takes on a whole new meaning when she wears it.
No. 483636
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No. 483637
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No. 483638
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>>483635His matching "Forever love" ring and his engagement ring.
No. 483640
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No. 483644
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sausage fingers on display
No. 483647
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>>483639She is not exactly a shining example of maturity and eloquence herself.
No. 483651
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>>483649She seems overly aggro and well on her way to becoming a cow herself. The bottom post refers to yet another person whom she is in conflict with.
No. 483668
>>483639The long silent pauses are really awkward to watch.
>>483653So ready for Raven's response to this, I can imagine it now how she's flying off the handle at the trailer home that is more than a home..
Running around screaming in a possessed state of anger in her dirty house that she cleans all day, adding new additions to her collections of holes in the walls, and potentially raging under the table waiting to scare up a new response to the haaydur that was more than a haaydur.
Perhaps even for once she will bless the few suckers who are on her Patreon with a video.
Then again I think all the accounts are probably Ryan. Or her friends at the library.
Can't wait for all the angry posts on facebook, and I really, truly, hope that she will make a video response.
With josh on the side nervously twitching and fingersniffing and you can hear him every once in a while mumbling in agreement in between all the twitches.
No. 483686
>>483651she's definitely been on her way to her own thread since she first appeared. gir the alien lolcalf.
>>483668one of the few things I like about Josh (other than the lies he told to get her over there, unintentionally doing a huge favour for D / L /etc and providing many keks for us) is that he still occasionally tries to correct her and get a little bit of truth in there. She tries not to show it but it bothers her so much and I love it.
No. 483687
>>483633That's it?
It's a lot of crap and pop and name brand shit too like… if you're struggling so much you need to put a can opener on your amazon wishlist because you can't even afford that, you can probably eat generic cereal and skip the pop aisle idk. Raven's got posh tastes for someone who's apparently struggling.
>>483629>dollar stores are, like, a blessingSometimes. Sometimes you just get smaller packaging sizes and inferior product that needs replacing. Dollar stores are really hit and miss unless you're dumb and just see a small price sticker like craftybeautydiva… or Raven I guess.
>I'm a different person and I'm growingyes raven. yes you are growing. widthwise.
>>483647Yeah she might be a bit cringe, but she's a kid, and Raven's a 40 year old woman bullying a kid online, wishing the kid (who's already got cancer) would die of cancer in a move that's pretty fucking uncalled for even by Raven standards, and bragging about shutting down her fb page. All because the kid called her out for pretty legit reasons. plus what
>>483649 said. Gir's got a chance to maybe grow out of the cringe. Raven's clearly a lost cause. I don't see Raven being like 70 and becoming a sweet old lady, even if a tacobell-induced heart attack doesn't put her out of her misery before that time comes.
No. 483718
>>483687>Yeah she might be a bit cringe, but she's a kidI don't really agree with this. I mean, yes, Raven is worse than her, but Gir is still a fucking grade A snowflake. There are plenty of people in /snow/ who get criticized for being adults around the same age as Gir who aren't even half as cringy.
Beyond that, it seems like she's more interested in 'clapping back' at Raven for attention, which is cringy in and of itself outside of, well, everything else.
As much as I dislike Raven, I can't bring myself to 'cheer for' Gir just because she opposes her. It's more like seeing two separate cows collide lmao
No. 483775
>>483701I don't think she has any knowledge of fresh foods, fruit and vegetables or cooking a real meal yourself from scratch.
Like, she considers boiling a pack of some frozen processed crap and tossing in a can of ready-made sauce an act of cooking?
No. 483783
>>483718They're both cringey as hell but watching Raven flip out over this will be hysterical and I'm fucking here for it. A 40 minute long video of her bitchy face filled with "uhhs" and "insertslurhere" even though she ~totally won~. I've followed Raven from the beginning and can't remember a time where someone made such a fuss over her. Emily just brushed it off without names and was done with it.
God help Josh when she sees the video, the trailer won't be able to contain that amount of rage. He's better have a handful of oxy's ready to go for himself.
No. 483797
>>483787except he seems ok with the idea of gravy doing HIS make up but does a complete turnaround when he realises he's meant to do hers.
R: [laughs] You're not that kind of guy to wear makeup so…But you could…I don't, I don't see you being able to…my makeup…
>J: I could do it for the fans once, I guess.
>R: My makeup's simple, but I would still think it would be pretty interesting to see you try to do it.
>J: Yeah, I might not. I'll sleep on it. No. 483826
>>483797When she says, "But you could…" she motions to her own face. I should have included that in the transcript.
But, yeah, he rolls over for her as much as Azzie does.
No. 483832
>>483786If those are self-posts, she didn't get the unanimous reaction she was probably expecting. She seems to know better than to post her video on KF; if she self-posted here, she may have done so hoping a duo-farmer would see it and post it there.
Scrolling through her posts and videos, I get the impression that she is the type of snowflake who provokes women who are known to be aggro in order to play the victim and be counter-aggro for fun. Who goes out-of-their way to antagonise a cow after reading about them on KF unless they themselves want attention?
And again, we never actually saw the post that so offended Raven (a Youtube comment, iirc). We only know what Gir claims to have said in her post. What did she say that ignited Raven's wrath over every other negative comment that Raven simply deletes or, at most, rants about in a video? Has she ever attacked someone in the comments of their videos or posts?
No. 483843
>>483769I don't think she would care about NZ cops now that she's in the US. I really hope it's because her viewers read her the riot act after the horrible shit she said about some teenagers. God I hate her.
>>483786>>483832I posted the screen caps from KF and her youtube video, so at least some of them aren't self posts. I hate Raven and am excited for anyone to call her out in front of her "fans". I love it when she complains all her fans come here and believe our "lies".
No. 483882
inb4 anyone gets on my ass, sage is now disabled so pls no bully, I saged.
No. 483937
>>483843To be fair, I was kind of a "fan" in the sense I felt sympathy for her, and found her somewhat interesting when I first found her.
But her incessant nagging about these websites made me go here and read everything and then I did in fact believe all the "lies" here.
So she was right about that. But the best way to stop it from happening is to just shut up about it.
She digs her own grave with this stuff, kek.
No. 483955
> I kind of hope he does try to come crawling back to me one day just so I can laugh in his face.I hope you try to come crawling back to him so he can tell you to fuck off.
> shit I didn't even doHe told us that you physically and emotionally abused him. we don't believe you Raven. Just going by your Facebook alone shows us that others are not believing your bullshit as well.
> Instead of manning up to her what he did was he blamed me for everything.Wrong again dipshit. She probably gave him the courage to finally tell someone about the abuse you inflicted on him you waste of oxygen.
> He would never cheat on you, he'd never hurt you.Neither did Logan, yet you ditched him (imho, watching porn is not cheating).
No. 483960
>>483937Same. I found her fascinating at first and an interesting story teller. I forgot that there is always another side to her stories, and found them when she started ranting about the hate sites. Hardly anyone would come here if she didn’t continuously direct people to the site. She must secretly love the attention.
Now watching her getting into an internet slap fight with Gir is going to be most entertaining.
No. 483978
>>483887Pretty sure she wants the attention and would love a thread.
Raven continuing to mommy all the people she has sex with is unnerving as hell to me. I'm surprised that Josh has stuck with her because I always think I can see him chafing at the yoke now and then. Agree with the anon who wrote that it looks like he's attempting to reel her in or at least tell the truth part of the time.
I wonder if he'll make it to the wedding that was more than etc.
No. 484112
>>483978I'm really interested to see how this plays out tbh. 8 months is a long time to be putting up with the likes of Raven, and since she's bringing in … what, like $5 a month? from Patreon, he must be feeling drained financially as well as emotionally.
I'm wondering if he will bail out before things get a lot more complicated and entangled in September. I'm also wondering if she'll be the one to jump, after finding what she hopes is an upgrade. Like someone who owns a couch or has their own friends at the library to help defend her.
No. 484227
What is a snow thread, and what difference would it make if she were on it? She’s hilarious. The more the merrier.
>>483960Double same. She’s a total idiot. She basically sends off sympathetic fans to these sites that she never shuts up about, and then whines about the haterz later.
(lurk more) No. 484239
>>484113I think the exit part is a convenient bonus, though.
Raven happy: listing off all her complaints
Raven sad: listing off all her complaints
Raven bored: listing off all her complaints
Raven on the happiest day(s) of her life: listing off all her complaints
it's like breathing to her.
>>484227>what is a snow thread…
No. 484251
>>484239Sorry but I genuinely don’t know haha. I haven’t been able to find a link which explains the differences in all the different thread types (like pt, snow). Anyway…
>>483978Reminds me how creepy she is, even when the difference in age isn’t that bad. She always seems to baby them. Josh seems annoyed whenever she does it to him, and puts up his hair at times and has talked about him cutting his hair. All which Raven hates.
No. 484347
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>>481186They have a set of curtains!
No. 484641
>>484246thread requested. you're welcome.
>>484251it's OK, just made me have a moment because there were some changes introduced yesterday that included a bit about newfriends blending in better.
>>484347good on ya, ryan.
No. 485085
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No. 485166
>>485085Why is she even surprised? She’s always calling other women
“whores” so her phone remembers. Gotta love it when she claims to have “changed.” She’ll always be a jealous ugly fat pig. Lol
No. 485187
>>485092>>485166Her phone is auto-completing the phrase "call me…" not "call her…" or "call them…"
This points to how many times she has typed "Don't call me a whore" or similar when defending herself.
No. 485706
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I don't recall this sighting being posted in past threads. Her Myspace photos were hotlinked on this forum, and she demanded they be taken down.
Never change, Raven!
No. 485796
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Wonder who paid for it? (Not really, we all know who her pimp daddy is.)
But I do wonder why she didn't add 24 pictures and 2 videos on or about it yet, like she normally does.
With all the gross old blankets and pillows, and all the pets.
You know Raven, there ARE such things as sheets, pillow cases etc, that you put on your pillows, mattress and blanket, which come off so you can wash them. You know, to keep it more clean and sanitary.
You should hurry up and put some on your wish list.
No. 485823
>>485799It's not fair.
How can we achieve such life goals as to have a mattress and box spring of our very own by age 40?
I wish she would write a book or make a life hack tutorial in which she shared her tips to achieve dreams as great as hers.
No. 485839
>>485823those days are gone, anon. previous generations knew that if they worked hard, they could realize the great American dream of owning their own couch (and even having enough to set aside a few funko pops for retirement)
the younger generation has to scrape and save just to make their burritos last 3 days.
We'll just have to live vicariously through our idol and take what joy we can from her achieving life goals like owning a $35 can opener.
No. 485883
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>>48573710k subscriber giveaway
Published on January 27, 2018
Hey, guys. Well, I have hit over 10,000 subscribers somehow. I don't know how in the world that happened, but I have I never tried to get to 10,000. I tried to get to 5,555 because five's, like, my favorite number. And I just suddenly just poof boom boom poof ended up at over 10,000. And I've had just, you know, like I keep saying in almost every video, I know it probably gets really old and tiring to hear, but I have so much support nowadays I just really kind of feel like giving something back. I had made a video around Christmastime debating doing a giveaway or not. And I was saying, well, I don't really want to do a giveaway because I know that the hate sites are entering…they've mentioned that they've tried to enter my giveaways. I don't know for what reason to try to get something from me. And so I didn't want to have a giveaway and end up sending one of the trolls something. But I don't want to make the people that do follow me have to pay because there are idiots out there who have got nothing better to do with their time than to stalk somebody and to go through all the trouble of entering a giveaway that will accomplish nothing except they get sent something that they probably could have bought themselves, you know.
I'm not a rich person. I don't have, I don't have money. I don't have nice things. I don't have anything I own really here with me except for a few clothes. I'm living out of…I'm almost virtually living out of suitcases. I only have what I brought over here. And we are still trying to get our lives together here. I need to save to get my stuff sent from New Zealand to here which is going to be around five grand US, knocked down from 11 grand. They gave me a deal.
So um, I will have a giveaway for you guys. And it's an embarrassing giveaway because I don't have the money to give away awesome prizes or cool stuff or anything really great. But I figure making the effort is better than not making the effort because there might be somebody else out there that just wants something free or that would appreciate a little something or can see the meaning behind what I'm trying to do here and won't judge me on the fact that I can't exactly give away really nice things. I'm sorry. Being in the States now, though, shipping will be a lot easier and a lot cheaper, so I do have that going for me so that is…that'll be easier.
So I have a few things here. None of them are expensive or great or anything like that. I have a few different ways that I could have done this giveaway, but what I wanted to do is have a bunch of really small prizes so that I can have more than one winner. So I think I've got seven groups of things here.
I've got a website that I will be linking in the description, and there are different ways you can enter on there. You can…I, I wanted to say comment on any video but it wouldn't let me do that. I had to choose a video so I just chose one random video that whatever people can just comment something on it that will give you an entry. You have to subscribe to me, of course, it's mandatory. That's another entry. If you follow me on Instagram that'll be another entry or two or three. If you're on my Patreon that'll give you five entries. And the details will be on there.
Again, like I said, these are nothing big, nothing special. But I just wanted to at least make the gesture. I've got some makeup here because people have mentioned that they are really interested in the makeup I have. I have a dress here that I, I got, I had made a video about. I did not like the video so I took it down within the day that I had it up. Some people caught it, some people didn't. I don't like this dress whatsoever, and so I feel really shitty for offering it in a giveaway. But I figure if somebody out there likes it and wants it, it would do much better being given to somebody than sitting in my closet or being thrown in the trash, so that's my reason behind that.
Once you enter the giveaway be sure to comment on this video and let me know, you know, what name or email address you've entered under and what prize you were after if you were to win, just so I can kind of get an idea of what people are after. I will have this competition open for one month just to give enough people time because I hate seeing competitions that are open for, like, three days or a week or two, and it's like, by the time you see it it's over. So I want to give enough people time to enter and, you know, get their entries in there and just see what you guys want.
So I'm gonna start off with the worst and that is the dress. So I had ordered this dress because it looked so cute. But when I got it, it didn't look like the picture to me at all. This is a size XXL because it was ordered from one of the Asian sites. It does fit. It's not overly tight or anything. I'll see if I can get the measurements, and if I can I'll add a picture of the dress itself and the measurements with it here. So this is the dress. It's got this cute little polka dotty top to it. It's got a lace up front. It probably needs something to poof it out to make it look a little fuller. But it's got a cemetery scene at the bottom. Now, this is a one of the reasons I don't like the dress. So you can't really see it because I'm sitting down, but the cemetery scene to me looks kind of blurry. Maybe I'm being overly picky, but I don't really like the scene. And the back is just plain black. It is a cute dress, not for me, not for my body type. That's the back of it. But somebody out there might like it, might want it, might appreciate it. So it's not great, but um, I don't know. If somebody's interested in this, this is prize number one.
Secondly, the next lame thing is…Everybody always asks me about my eyeshadow, what eyeshadow do I use, because it's very pigmented, very glittery. So I've got a brand new eyeshadow, L'Oreal. This is what I use. This has not been used. It's completely new. You have this little thing here. You squish it down because it is loose. It's a loose eyeshadow but then again it's not. You, you push it down it makes it solid. It is so pigmented and so sparkly. I ordered these online so I have a couple of extras. And so this is prize number two. Now, to go along with this just to stop it from being one stupid little thing I will also send this sample Sephora lip gloss and this lipstick. I know it's not much, but I'm sorry. These are actually really good, though, trust me. Like, I've got my own. So this here, this is the lip gloss. It smells like candy. Not very strongly but it does. You put this on and it colors your lips. This will color your lips a nice pink color. It makes your lips really smooth. I mean, this is actually…Pink is not my color but I love this, I love it. It's called Kiss Me. But uh, even though it's pink I actually I use this quite often. It's not staying closed for some reason. Oh, turn the lid. This lipstick, when I got it I was like, this is not a color I like, but it is actually really pretty. It's a very very gorgeous plum color. I don't know if you can see that. So this is the color and it's like a reddish purplish, but it stains your lips as well. So what I would do is um, I put it on and then I wipe it off and my lips are just stained so my lips aren't…because my lips are usually kind of, like, white when I don't have lipstick on. And so that is a really nice, nice color. So, you know, I'll throw in those as well. I know it's not much.
Again, I feel really stupid and embarrassed having such a lame-ass giveaway. But like I said, it's just a small gesture. And if it's small packages it'll make shipping a lot more manageable for me as well, and I can give more things to more people. I don't have a lot and I can't afford to go out and buy stuff so this is all I can do. I'm really embarrassed. I, I would debate not even doing this, but I just…I really, really want to give something back, even if it's nothing major.
Next I've got this. Now, this is just gonna be on its own because this brand [Guerlain] is very expensive. So this is some very expensive lipstick. The box is a little munched up, but this is brand new and unused. I've got another one right here. This is mine. So this is in here, it just got…they got squished a little in shipping. But it's the same thing. And I've not used this, I've not tried it on obviously because I have my own. But this is a…it's just liquid intense liquid matte lipstick and it's called seductive red. And so this is the color of this. This is a very bright, bright red color. So there's that. It's, like, fluorescent red. Um, it lasts ok. It's not kiss proof or anything. But the color is just so in-your-face. And again, you know, this brand is a top brand, so there's something at least, at least a little less lame.
Next I've got a Kat Von D studded kiss lipstick, and this is in nayeon. This is the color I'm wearing right now. This is brand-new unopened as well. This is my opened one here. This is a beautiful gunmetal sparkly black color. I don't know if you can see that. It is just a really, really nice color. So I'll just slide that on there. It's got, like, shimmer in it. You can probably see that it's just, like, a black shimmer. But this is what I'm wearing. From a distance it just looks black, but it is a really, really nice color. So I thought since I had an extra one of that I'll offer that. That's prize number…one two three…that's prize number four.
Number five is this one. I've not opened this. I don't even know why I ordered this. But this is unused. This is Kat Von D and this is Lolita 2. So it says online, "Lolita 2 is the terra cotta nude. It's double the Lolita, double the fun." So this is her kiss proof. This is just uh…I guess you can look it up to see swatches. But Lolita 2, it's not a shade I would ever wear and I do not actually know why I have it. I have not opened it. I will not swatch it because I don't want to open it, since I don't have one of my own to show. This will be the next prize.
Next. This one I have tried but I've only tried it once and it hasn't affected it at all. But this is also very expensive. This is the only one I've got. This is Marc Jacobs genius gel foundation. It says it's supercharged foundation, and it just says radiant finish buoyancy gel sheer genius. I don't like sheer makeup myself. I like really high, heavy coverage. I feel like, if you're wearing something sheer you might as well not be wearing anything at all. This is what it looks like. It's still completely full. It's got a pump like I said, so I haven't touched the inside. The inside hasn't been compromised. I squeezed it onto a beauty blender and I used it once, did not like it, have not used it again, so it is 99 percent full. This here, when I got it this was probably about 70, 75 dollars New Zealand so this is also not a very cheap gift. And this is in color ivory light. So that's the next prize.
Last two are also very simple, but I thought they are quite cool. You guys might have seen me wearing this. I don't have extras of these, but these ones I will order before the competition is over. It's another reason to give me a little bit of time so I can order these and have time for them to come in. This is a rib cage pendant. It's actually a pretty good size and it's, it's sturdy, nice. It's simple but striking. I really like it. It comes with the chain and that's really all there is to it. So I thought this is just something quite cute that other people might like. I've had people already asking me where I got this from. So I took it off for the video to show you guys. So there is that. And so I will be ordering one of these for you guys to add because I am keeping my one.
And lastly I have this which I would also have to order. But I thought it was so cute. I knew people wouldn't want this. So there's this. This is the cutest octopus necklace. And I…like I said I will order another one. When you get it, whoever wins it, it might look a little gray and cloudy, and I only just realized because I accidentally showered with it yesterday, but it comes with a film on it. You can't really tell there's a film on it. It doesn't look like there is. But the film started to peel away and I was like, oh my god, did I break my necklace already? But it was just plastic on both sides. So be sure to peel that off because it is shiny black and is not gray. And that is just really nice. So that is the last prize. There's another one that I saw that's bats, but I haven't seen that in person so I don't really want to offer it in a giveaway unless I've seen the quality and seen what it looks like. So, you know, if I have another giveaway I might just buy a whole bunch of, like, jewelry and things like that and give it away.
Now, there's an extra bonus. It's not really part of a giveaway, but I will give it away. I ordered this J [necklace] for Josh. I ordered an R for him for me, and they sent a G. So I've since ordered an R. But this is obviously the wrong letter. I cannot do anything with this. If anybody has initial G or wants it please let me know and you can have it. I'm not sure. It depends how many people ask for it. If there's more than a few then, you know, um, I'll, I don't know, I'll just write down your names and draw a name just to be fair. But it comes with a chain. It is stainless steel and it's a pretty good size, pretty well made. Mine hasn't tarnished or anything like that. I love the way it looks. This is beautiful, too, but, I mean, a G looks nothing like an R. So again, I've got nothing I can do with that, and I didn't want to just throw it away, so let me know if you're interested in that as well.
And that's about it. Again, I am really sorry I don't have much. I just…I don't really have a lot of stuff. And so I, I went and I grabbed what I could that I could spare that I thought people might like to own, even if it's, you know, if it's free it's like you're paying for it. All it takes is, you know, a couple of entries, the subscription, and I'll do a drawing in a month's time.
To recap, the prizes are: the dress is prize number one. The eyeshadow is prize number two, the eyeshadow with the lip samples. The expensive ass liquid lipstick is prize number three. The studded kiss lipstick is prize number four. The Kat Von D long-lasting lipstick is prize number five. Marc Jacobs is prize number six. The ribcage necklace is prize number seven. And the octopus necklace is prize number eight. And then there's the G for whoever wants that. I thought that I only had seven prizes but I guess I have eight. I was trying to add but I guess I'm not too good with numbers.
Anyway, please let me know. Thank you guys so much for being here. Thank you so much for putting up with everything. I know, like, my videos get so repetitive because I've really got nothing else to say. I mean, ever since I got here I've been in an just a kind of, wow support wow support wow support kind of phase. And um, that's all my brain's going through right now. It's, it's trying to overcome going on now seven years of bullying and coming to the realization that not everybody is like that. It's gonna take me a while to adjust to that, and so I'm still kind of in la-la land as far as that goes, and that's where my head has been at.
But um, I just, I want to apologize again that my prizes aren't really all that great. They're nothing to write home about. They're nothing to be proud of. I'm certainly not proud. But I thought any gesture is better than no gesture so I'm gonna do what I can do and hope that somebody out there appreciates it, you know. It's a chance to try something you might not otherwise have been able to try or to afford or come across or might just be a little free something to liven up your day. I don't know. But thank you guys for watching and please don't hate me too much for this. I'm really sorry, and I look forward to seeing your entries.
No. 485884
File: 1517190804478.png (844.62 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-01-28-17-42-10…)

>>485883This is the plastic octopus necklace that is so cute.
She has traded wearing Josh's military ring for a garish eyeball ring.
No. 485896
File: 1517202715325.jpg (406.39 KB, 716x1065, this_is_just_lovely_by_murders…)

I found a gallery of images which haven't been posted here before, including photos from her wedding to Ryan. No. 485897
File: 1517203376872.jpg (86.96 KB, 900x600, happiness_is_key_by_murdershan…)

>>485896I have seen only one photo of her smiling and no photos of her complete profile. This is the unicorn of Raven pics!
No. 485899
File: 1517204824147.jpg (141.71 KB, 774x1032, raven_in_hell_by_rukavinafree2…)

She's wearing the same bra she wore in her Christmas pics last month, but this pic was taken nearly ten years ago.
This is from a different gallery.
No. 485901
File: 1517205490567.png (369.75 KB, 800x698, Screenshot_2018-01-28-21-50-46…)

>>485896Is this her reason for marrying a new husband every five years?
No. 485902
>>485896I never got why she divorced him.
She lived the good life with the money from his parents. She remarried and kept fucking him for tattoos and shit, it makes no sense to me.
No. 485904
>>485902didn't you know that he raped her and abused her and controlled her and whatever other bad shit she could think up?
or at least he had until she decided to retcon everything yet again so she could keep using him.
so yeah, in other words, it remains a mystery.
No. 485910
File: 1517216750694.jpg (319.2 KB, 762x1049, want_to_play_with_me_by_nitchw…)

She looks exactly like Boomer from Left 4 Dead.
Someone edited her to look like Boomer! kekekek!
No. 485911
File: 1517216843583.png (705.2 KB, 600x800, boomer___left_4_dead_by_jhonyh…)

>>485910For those who don't know this is Boomer.
No. 485912
File: 1517217762031.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.94 KB, 836x956, a_darker_shade_of_pale_by_nitc…)

I wonder if it was Ryan who forced her to post all of these pictures AND keep them up too.
I also wonder if he forced her to leave all those comments on everyone who edited one of her "more dressed than most women"-images.
>What a sweet thing to say about me and my work! As always I really appreciate your support and am really glad to have met you on here. Thanks a lot!!!!
Actual comment she left on this picture.
Ryan was surely hard at work keeping tabs on hundreds of naked pictures, and making sure she was forcefully posting them. No wonder he was sooo abusive, probably stressed to death with all the work of keeping tabs on all of this.
No. 485913
>>485905I asked myself that question too. It's ok if you say "hey they're not that expensive or great but bla bla" BUT NAH, THEY ARE SHITTY YOU GUYS, ENTER MY GIVEAWAY!
da fuck
No. 485943
>>485926Logan was the porn addict.
Ryan was an abusive mouthbreather who habitually sharted himself and fist-raped her. See the first thread.
>>485938 No. 486005
>>485997Transcipt anon here.
It's almost like a controlled stutter; she doesn't actually halt when she repeats herself.
Her speech has some characteristics of pressured speech. She speaks very fast. Her sentences run together without breaks between them; at times I don't know whether to include her interjections of "you know" at the end of one sentence or at the beginning of the next. The auto-generated subtitles do not include punctuation. Even after editing so many transcripts I still must listen to each video to determine where sentences begin and end.
No. 486068
>>485897Woah. She actually looks happy there.
This is tripping me out.
No. 486094
>>486076Because she IS a hoarder.
Also, I'm counting on you guys to enter that giveaway so we can have her address/Joshs familys address to send some classy Raven postcards to.
No. 486100
File: 1517327829642.jpg (27.24 KB, 400x400, 27332481_1929358727105859_4622…)

saw this and instantly thought of logan
No. 486123
File: 1517339801850.png (421.54 KB, 800x614, Screenshot_2018-01-30-11-10-45…)

They just got a dryer at the beginning of the month
>>481692 and she was doing the washing in
But those machines probably aren't red to satisfy her aesthetic.
No. 486142
>>486123Josh is probably buying the "gifts." I mean you need fucking shit in your house!
I think I'll enter the giveaway and if I win I will dump that shit right in the trash. I'll post a short clip of it.
No. 486175
File: 1517377873936.png (93.7 KB, 800x625, Screenshot_2018-01-30-21-46-44…)

>>485737She has more entries than I expected. She hasn't gained any new patrons, if that was what she was angling for. No. 486408
>>486390They received the curtains from their wedding wishlist.
Of course she just had to buy another necklace for herself when she ordered the ribcage necklace for her giveaway.
No. 486413
>>486390"I'm not rich, I dont have alot of stuff"
But she can buy more and more shit on a daily basis. Never change Gravy, never change
No. 486587
File: 1517629916257.jpg (633.07 KB, 1076x1208, Screenshot_20180203-164910.jpg)

Here we go
No. 486590
File: 1517630858337.gif (772.82 KB, 260x221, 131787DB-E3B7-4160-9435-BF3C6F…)

>>486587Did she really give up one of the safest countries in the world to live in buttfuck nowhere El Paso?
No. 486597
>>486587Wow. The bloom is certainly off the rose if she needs to move this quickly. She's getting bored…
El Paso is a shithole. No, really. I lived there. It's a toilet.
No. 486607
>>486594>>486600I remember her somewhere claiming that before she left to NZ she was living with some "friends" in El Paso that made her sleep on the floor like a dog and would abuse her and try and get her to kill herself….
my bet is her next meal ticket is in el paso and she wants to drag Josh along so he can be cucked.
No. 486612
File: 1517650781809.png (78.79 KB, 293x378, Screen Shot 2018-02-03 at 09.3…)

No. 486618
>>486612Looks like
>>486592 was right. So they’re going to go from one town with a shitty job market to another??? I bet Josh is regretting spending all his money on stupid shit for Craven Raven like plushies and… more. Plushies.
No. 486626
Drivers for FedEx Ground work as contractors; they are not directly employed by FedEx. A contractor can buy a route and hire drivers (subcontractors) to work on that route.
Josh must have been a subcontractor and the route he worked was sold and the new contractor chose not to take him on.
South Carolina is an at-will-employment state.
>>486621He was charged with driving on the wrong side of the road
>>477245. Combined with his previous convictions he has 8 points on his license.
How does Mama Bradley feel about the prospect of her son being dragged so far away by the sea hag? Generally old southern families value their kinship and roots and keep close.
No. 486628
>>486600Tinfoil here, but wasn't her second husband from El Paso? The only one she never put a video up or shittalked that much because he was the love of her life?
>>486612Poor poor giveaway, now she wont be able to do it and no one will win her used dress and plastic jewelry.
Also, in
>>486390 she said she was switching internet bundles. With what money?
No. 486632
>>486628That would be Chris Perez. She sang his praises in her 10-part "My Story" videos which were filmed when she was with Logan but which were written while she was with Ryan. In part 10 she emphasised how she no longer yearned for her life with Chris since marrying Logan because
Logan was truly The One.I posted the transcript of that portion of the video in
No. 486635
>>486618Better start a Go Fund Me so and can move her new bed, washing machine and plushies to Texas.
I hope this doesn’t mean the wedding will be postponed. Maybe they can move it up.
She better get refills on her pain meds.
Craven - you better make sure no accidents happen involving all of those animals.
No. 486636
Just how unemployable can Josh be? The greater Columbia metropolitan area has an estimated population of nearly 820K.
>>486635But if they move before the wedding they won't get the haul of gifts she undoubtedly expects from Josh's extended family.
At least three of her regular followers on Youtube have said recently that they live in Texas and have asked if she and Josh would be visiting. Surely one of them has a couch.
Either way, looks like Ryan will be stuck with her hoard occupying his garage for a while longer.
No. 486647
Actually, Christopher Rivera was her first husband.
Andres Perez was her second - the 'we were like the same person' - husband.
(see )
I just don't know if he is still in El Paso, Tx.
No. 486652
>>486647>as you will see he was my closest match>we were virtually the same personliterally based on appearance only. she's so shallow, never change graven.
Also she used to have old photos of herself on her FB and I'm pretty sure husband no. 2 was the ex she said would tell her she looked ugly without her eyebrows drawn on, among other things. What a catch eh
No. 486766
>>486663I can't believe it's happening so quickly. I mean, I know the shine wore off when she found out he's just a big fat liar, and she was always going to use him as a stepping stone, but damn she is moving quick. must've had a hot run of chatting up new prospects.
>>486719pretty much all of this, esp the part about Josh getting his just desserts. looking forward to some sperging from him after it happens, too.
No. 486784
>>486766I think she finally realized she traded down from NZ.
She had an idealized memory of loving everything on US but the truth is nothing is how it used to be for her. Now she want to go back to a familiar place, like El Paso, so she can try to feel something nostalgic.
Guess no-couch-couchboys dick isn't good enough for our goff queen Diana, uh.
No. 486869
>>486766After leaving her young husband with her dead cat and fucking with her estranged son, she comes to America thinking her life will finally be easy sailing. It's funny because almost felt entitled to it because of karma.
She calls her son's teen girlfriend a whore, let's her boyfriend call her a lesbian, insults a cancer patient while staying home and taking pills all day. Now that she's hoarded pets and spent whatever money could have been saved on shitty walmart plushes, her current sucker has lost his job. Raven you deserve this and more. Goes to show that you won't get ahead of your haters. Because you're a horrible person and hated for all the right reasons. No more, walmart shopping sprees and expensive tacky christmases for you. You should have stayed with Ryan. I'm sure there were chilli's equivalents in NZ.
No. 486870
File: 1517791738925.png (127.03 KB, 800x606, Screenshot_2018-02-04-16-45-30…)

>>486390InB4 they break-up and she says,"We were nothing alike."
No. 487329
File: 1518115431827.jpg (24.01 KB, 768x576, 817-13.jpg)

how much does josh look like the druggy weird guy from Friends s8e17. bet they act the same too
No. 487347
>>487329oh my god!
I knew I knew him from somewhere kek
No. 487402
File: 1518150123208.png (253.26 KB, 716x554, Screenshot_2018-02-07-19-02-38…)

Corn mom is Raven.
No. 487417
>>487352i wonder how alimony works if your fat hag wife absconds to the us without divorcing you
poor kid
No. 487421
>>487402How is this funny? Raven uses any opportunity she can to buy things. And corn is not Slim Jims.
If this is supposed to be funny because all Asians look alike, don't be racist.
No. 487434
>>487421calm down, tumblr. if you can't see the resemblance, OK.
>>487428what a great turnout by the fans.
No. 487446
>>487434>>487443Yes, they look alike, but why is that funny?
Imagining the growing pile of Slim Jim wrappers accumulating under their new bed from her hours spent watching Supernatural is funny.
Countdown to their first Valentine's Day together. I hope Josh bought her presents in advance before he lost his job, or his failure to declare his love materialistically will be a nail in the coffin of their relationship when she inevitably turns on him.
No. 487533
>>487421Well I hope I don’t get hate for this, but I want to politely say that I used to be quite sensitive like you. I’m still a bit sensitive but it’s way better now. Anyway, you’ve gotta understand that the majority of people generally don’t have racist intentions when sharing jokes (including those you find unfunny) etc. If you accuse someone of potentially being racist without even hearing out their explanation, it won’t help anyone. Learn to relax and not let little things get under your skin. I’m Asian myself and it was clear to me the OP didn’t mean any harm. Again, I truly mean this all politely :)
— I wonder why Josh
still hasn’t gotten the tattoo for her. She boasted so much about an immediate marriage upon arrival as well. Plus his unforgettable reaction when she told him she’s officially coming -I can’t help but to think he feels regrets but is in too deep to turn away now kinda thing. Smh.
No. 487536
>>487533this is the most polite and thoughtful thing I've ever read on here and I don't know how to feel about that. you're way too nice to be here anon what are you doing.
I think his reaction when she told him she was coming explains the lack of tattoo. He wasn't really prepared for any of this, and she is still mostly in honeymoon mode, so he's been able to dodge that bullet so far. I'm positive he feels regrets, and I'm wondering if the el paso thing will be the dealbreaker. I mean, she has all her super best friends that totally stood by her for decades and yet are somehow incorporeal, but what's there for him? I really want to see him go and then it all blows up in his face but I wonder … how far can she push him?
No. 487579
File: 1518305032736.jpg (479.05 KB, 978x1208, Screenshot_20180211-122035.jpg)

A regret that was more than regret
No. 487583
File: 1518307899831.jpeg (870.25 KB, 1242x1896, B6114C05-7023-4FD2-A8BE-7821FD…)

Either some guy is exceptionally and unusually generous or they’re now driving around in some stolen murder vehicle
No. 487584
>>487583another defective vehicle so they can try to clean up some more innocent motorists? although looking at
>>487579 I wouldn't be surprised if couchie swerves into oncoming traffic on purpose.
No. 487596
>>487592They must pay to register it, too. Has she finally gotten her new Social Security card with her new name so that she can get her license?
I'm surprised she didn't mention that it happens to bed red to match her aesthetic.
No. 487607
>>487583No chance, especially from a "religious" person who I imagine would not take kindly to Gravey's wannabe satanic emo appearance kek. It's probably shot to shit or stolen
>>487579off topic but this bitch can't apply lipstick for shit and it BUGS me
No. 487609
File: 1518349032300.png (919.36 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-02-11-03-29-44…)

>>487607Her lipstick in the last video drove me to distraction.
No. 487610
File: 1518349539820.png (5.23 MB, 1242x2208, 1FD5D4A5-044A-4B2E-B1BE-6FBE3B…)

Why are they still buying plushies? They need car insurance and more narcotics. Plush sheets for their love bed.
No. 487611
File: 1518349715168.png (6.63 MB, 1242x2208, DB15667E-C7E2-4726-A82A-BDD4D1…)

Cravy missed the talks about diet after weight loss surgery. I hope josh likes really big woman.
No. 487901
File: 1518578204088.png (1.32 MB, 1088x741, xxxx.png)

I'm bored, anyone want to add to it?
No. 487905
File: 1518581896463.jpg (38.58 KB, 640x460, 10-15cm-Ty-Beanie-Boos-Collect…)

>>487901She doesn't do Mickey and Minnie. Ty unicorns are her favorite. The only Disney she cares about are the villainesses cuz goffik. And she seems to want to cosplay Ursula with that wearable tentacle plush she posted. More arms to caress Josh with!
No. 487939
File: 1518619637356.png (169.39 KB, 554x454, Screen Shot 2018-02-14 at 14.4…)

another one bites the dust
No. 488051
File: 1518717450805.jpg (117.66 KB, 785x743, imsothin.jpg)

>>488048 (samefagging as I watched it)
How much photoshop can you get in one thumbnail? Ask Raven.
She is getting huge, pic related. Her arms disgusted me in that vid.
Showing the gifs, talking about the 'new' car, talking about the giveaway, his unemployment etc.
Fav moment: when he is playing with the rubber thing and she goes FULL MOM on him, yells STOP IT, get it out of his hands and start playing with that herself.
No. 488055
>>488048Not a word about the dog or the cats.
I will post the transcript later today.
No. 488060
>>488048From his gift
>We'll get through it, like we always do.They've only been together in person for a couple months. If they're already out of the honeymoon phase and "getting through it," there must be trouble in shackadise.
>A Husband… He's the one who understand you - his smile can light your day, and his laugh can always lift your heart in such a special way. He's someone very special whom no one could replace - A husband is the one who makes your world a happy place.She has, what, 3 or 4 ex husbands at this point? And is still in the divorce process with the last one. Her heart is super lifted!
>Talks about almost buying a car but getting it for free "only 40 bucks in gas". >Goes on to say "I'm glad we didn't pay money for it. It's pretty rough." while Couchy mumbles "Yeah, I'd be in a bad mood if we did."
>Looking for work online from home.>Still hasn't got internet access. Using her data to upload.>>488051I love that moment, she takes the little band from him and he looks at it so sad/longing while she's playing with it. Anyone think Lainey would donate some of her fidgy spinners to Couchy? He needs something to take the edge off.
No. 488069
File: 1518729977630.jpg (64.35 KB, 610x452, nearly there.jpg)

>>488051I wonder how large Josh likes his women, cos I'm betting she has a lot of growing still to do …
>>488060I don't think the "getting through it" means much, it's always Sloth+handbag vs the world. Then again, the accident, loss of job, and now the gifting of the clunker must be taking a toll.
>looking for work from homepity she gave up the 'job' she had with Ryan. Can't imagine anyone else fronting up much for that.
No. 488079
File: 1518736605241.png (139.93 KB, 977x552, Untitled.png)

I actually laughed kind of hard at this.
No. 488082
>>488060typical gravy
> gets something she wants> gets it given to her for FREE> bitches about it when it isn't perfectbe grateful, fatty. someone gave you a car. how many other actually needy people in the world have had a car GIVEN to them, for nothing?
selfish, gross, entitled cow.
No. 488089
File: 1518743197721.jpg (71.04 KB, 1061x786, sherisberries.JPG)

Her coveted Shari's Berries and Josh's lurv note that was more than a lurv note to her
No. 488090
File: 1518743230458.jpg (70.72 KB, 1062x803, sherisberries2.JPG)

Lurv note expanded for your viewing pleasure
No. 488099
File: 1518744413490.png (737.44 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-02-15-17-22-29…)

>>488048Happy Valentine's Day, and a quick catch up
Published on Feb 15, 2018
R: So it is Valentine's Day. We haven't made a video together in quite some time because stuff and stuff. And um, so we're just doing a quick little Valentine's slash other update.
So for Valentine's Day he bought me this beautiful now empty box of chocolate-covered strawberries. I'm pretty sure they're hand dipped. I showed a picture on my Instagram and people knew the company already which is pretty cool. I didn't tell you that.
J: Sherry's Berries.
R: Yeah, they were like, oh Sherry's Berries is the best. So I had never heard them before. But then again I've only been back in country for a couple months. But um, they were really good. [he fusses with his hair while looking at himself on camera] I have pictures of them, of the box and the strawberries so I'll put the pictures there. And he said he got me something else but it hasn't come in yet, it didn't come in in time. And then I got him a couple of things. [he nods but doesn't move] you can show what I got you. [laughs] You're just like, yup.
J: I got a Zippo lighter with our picture ingrained [sic] on it.
R: And a quote.
J: The quote says, "Josh and Raven twin flames. I will always love you. June 10th, 2017." It's a Zippo lighter. [he holds it close to the camera, she guides and strokes his hand] The pictures kind of faded out. [pic related]
R: Yeah, they didn't put the picture on very well. Quite ironically that he…that I got him that because then I got him something else.
J: And it came with this.
R: What is that?
J: I think it's the Eiffel Tower.
R: Oh yeah, like a little charm.
J: It's a charm, the Eiffel Tower charm for some reason.
R: I had ordered that and a personalized bracelet, but after I paid for the bracelet they said, oh sorry, the bracelets not in stock, so they gave me a refund. And I was looking for something. I was like, what else? And I thought of this because this one here is a heavy smoker, and I don't want him to die of cancer or anything, so I bought him this other thing.
J: It's a Juul. It's a…
R: J - U - U - L.
J: It's like a vape kind of thing, but it's better I think. It runs on these cartridges. [he drops it in her lap and she laughs when he retrieves it] It has different flavors. I chose the cool mint because I used to smoke menthol.
R: The starter pack comes with creme brulee, fruit melody, Virginia tobacco, and mint…cool mint. And he did not like the tobacco.
J: The tobacco was harsh. Ugh. It made me sick.
R: I did a lot of research and this one was really good. It's a…you can charge it with the USB. It charges fast apparently.
J: In 5 minutes.
R: It has this little light here. If you tap it you can see. It's almost dead so it's red. And it's an all-in-one so you just pop it in and this becomes the mouthpiece.
J: And it's handy, too.
R: Yeah, he…walking around Walmart and I just see little white clouds of smoke and I'm like, are you serious?
J: [he puffs] It's nice. It works.
R: It's got 5% nicotine so it's actually the same as…one pod of those is the same as an entire pack of cigarettes. So you get a pack of four pods for like 16 bucks so that's like four packs of cigarettes for 16 bucks. That's pretty good. He loves it which is awesome. I thought that would be a nice…
J: It's nice. It saves a lot of money, too.
R: [she strokes and pats his chin] Not a love gift but a "I love you I don't want you to die" gift. And then we got cards. [holds up envelope] Here's the card he gave me. Aww. And this is the actual card. My nails look like shit, Jesus Christ. My nail polish bottle was empty so I kind of had to scrape it out. That looks really bad. [shows the inside of the card] Aww I love it.
J: Here's mine. The actual card. It's beautiful, it really is.
R: You're beautiful.
J: You're beautiful.
R: You're beautiful.
J: The inside.
R: Show the words.
J: It's really nice. I love it.
R: So it's our first Valentine's together. And we also had some pretty big news. I posted about it on my Facebook page. So for those of you who missed it, Josh will explain what happened. [she grabs his hand and kisses it]
J: We uh, we were in dire need of another vehicle.
R: A vehicle.
J: A vehicle. And uh, we found one for 700? [she nods] 700 and uh, I was able to talk him down to five and then all of a sudden an hour or so later he decided to give it to us free which is pretty amazing. It's not in the best shape but uh…
R: It's free.
J: It's free. And it's kind of minor problems. It's the negative battery cable that needs to be replaced. I've already bought that but I bought it too long so we'll have to go replace it. And uh…
R: There's no air conditioning or heat.
J: There's no AC or heat but that can be fixed, though.
R: There's windows. Inside it's real cushy, it's real soft. We had done a video outside the day we got it, but the video had no audio so I can't use it. But I took a picture, so I'll put a picture of it here. And then I took a picture of him standing next to it. And while it looks really big, it's a 2005 Jeep Cherokee…
J: '95.
R: Oh '95, sorry. When he stands next to it it looks like a fucking Hot Wheels toy or something cuz he's so tall. He makes it look like itty bitty. So I'll put, I'll put the pictures there. But um, I was talking…
J: It's good on gas and all that.
R: Yeah. I was talking to the guy and I was like, thank you so much for holding it for us until we could find a way to get it because it was actually located in Georgia, we're in South Carolina. And he delivered it. And he had told me, you know, about a year ago he was talking to his wife and he was saying that when they get a new vehicle they would actually give that… [he kisses her shoulder] Aww. They would give the Jeep to someone in need. And we happen to cross his path then. And he said, you know, what, what I'm gonna do for you is I'm gonna offer it to you free, no charge. And we were like, what? Why would he do that? We couldn't believe it. We thought there's some kind of catch. And he did. And um…
J: No catch.
R: He didn't even…he was like, oh god, I've got to give you at least a hundred bucks or something. He's like, just pay for my gas and probably maybe $80 or something. And he tried to knock that down to 20. And he was like, nope you've gotta at least take 40. So, you know, basically we got a new car for $40. It's not even…I said it's not even $40. That was more delivery fee if anything because they drove all the way from Georgia to here to bring it to us.
And it's just has problems with the battery right now. And oh, there's an oil leak. But you know, any money we put into it to correct these things is just to correct it. I mean, we haven't sunk any money into the vehicle itself and it gets us from A to B. I've had people on my Facebook question me like, what condition is it in and how is it and be careful. And I've had people write me saying like, you know, if it's not in good condition. [he puts his head on her shoulder] And it's like, it's like, who cares if it's not in good condition, it's free? Who, who's gonna say, this vehicle is not perfect but it's free, I'm not going to take it? And especially if you're in the position we are where we need a vehicle. We're not gonna turn it down. I mean, who would do that? That's just dumb. The guy was completely honest with us, told us all the problems. Yeah, he didn't try to say it was perfect. He said it's, you know…
J: He told us right away what was wrong with it.
R: It's got a rebuilt engine and the engine is strong.
J: It is strong, it's fast.
R: Yeah, it is good. It's just um…yeah, they…
J: A few minor problems. One could be a major problem, the whole battery thing, but that's not a really big deal.
R: But couldn't you just replace the battery and correct it maybe? I mean it charges up, you know. You put a battery charger on it, whatever, you jump it and it's fine. But again, it gets us from A to B. It's a vehicle and it was free, so you can't ask for better than that. And that, that kind of thing just doesn't happen to you every day. I mean, it doesn't happen, so…
J: Every month. [in unison] Every year.
R: So we're just, like whoa.
J: And we're still like, whoa.
R: Yeah, it's aggravating sometimes when it won't start, but it's it's an easy fix. I mean, you know, I'm glad we didn't pay money for it. I will say that. It's pretty rough. I'm glad we didn't buy it.
J: I'd be in a bad mood if we did.
R: Yeah, but um, it is still a very selfless and kind thing because he had the price that he wanted for it actually written on the back still and he was asking three grand for it. Yeah, so three thousand to seven hundred to five hundred to free. So…
J: That's pretty amazing.
R: Wow. Anything else? [she kisses him] [cut] What, okay. So most…I think the stuff that I ordered for the contest has come in. [he shows his necklace] Oh yeah, he got his "R" finally. So we got the "J" and the "R". Woohoo! Aww. [she shows her spider necklace] And I got this as well which is pretty cool. This keeps flipping around. But uh, that's really pretty. But uh, so I've got the stuff for the contest in. There's been quite a number of entries which is pretty cool. Um, I had mentioned that I had a couple of other necklaces that I hadn't seen in person yet so I didn't want to offer them. So I've gotten two of them here so if I have another giveaway I might add these to it if I can still find them and if people are interested. So this is the brain one that goes with the rib one I was wearing. And you quite like the brain one. It's got a little, you know, thingie. [referring to the hasp] It's pretty solid, really well-made.
J: It's kind of heavy, too.
R: Yeah, it's kind of heavy. It's pretty adorable. And this one. This one I just got.
J: I like this one a lot.
R: And this is uh, big…and it's quite 3D. It stands out. It's hollow in the back. It says that. AVP. And it's pretty well made as well. It is quite nice. And so I had this on in a couple pictures. That's what it looks like. This is even, like, a boy necklace. [she hold it up to him] You're boy. Put the boy necklace on. It's just hard because it flips around sometimes because it's big. But it is pretty eye catching. I quite like it. And I have an alien one that I'm waiting for to come in that hasn't come in yet. But if people are interested in these and if I have another giveaway I might include two new ones of these.
So yeah, I think that's about it. My videos are few and far in between now.
J: We're gonna make more though.
R: Well, I had warned we weren't gonna make many because we don't have internet at the moment. I'm just using my data for everything. And we're just enjoying spending time together and stuff and stuff.
And I'd mentioned on Facebook about your job. That's a big thing right now for, you know, stress. And also it's letting us spend a lot of time together. You want to explain what happened?
J: Some guy, he came in and bought us out and he just started firing people. Don't really know what happened.
R: Probably he had his own people come in. Yeah, he fired like, what, like would you say like 12 people or something? He fired like half the staff, people who have been there for years. And so he's been looking for work. And without having a job it's really stressful.
And I, I have been running into issues getting my ID card here, my license. I've actually got, like, no identification except for my Social, and they're just really giving me a hard time because I've been out of the country so long. So I can't really do much. I still…I've been looking for, like, work online kind of stuff, work from home because I still have, like, a New Zealand license that's not valid in the States. But an international kind of online thing would probably take it. But those are all usually scams or they want you to pay first and I'm not looking to do anything like that.
So um, we've just been kind of stressed about that. But also it's given us, like, crazy time together. So we've been staying up til, like…it's 3:40 a.m. right now. We've been staying up til about 6:00 in the morning watching Supernatural, like, all day long, all day, all night.
J: I have been applying to jobs and all this. I mean, I've gotten a few call backs.
R: You applied for what, like 20, 30 jobs already?
J: Yeah, twenty, twenty something.
R: Twenty something? Yeah. So um, but at nighttime, that's in the daytime, and nighttime we're just Supernatural. All night long. And um, before he lost his job we bought a PlayStation 2 and some games. And so we've got, like, Tekken and Soul Caliber, Under the Skin, Bombastic, and Kingdom Hearts.
J: Get my Xbox One over here.
R: And I'll kick is ass a little bit.
J: Yeah. I'll keep you posted on that.
R: You'll be over there like, she beat me. [laughs] But um, looking forward to that. We're just waiting for cords to come in and for him to get his TV from his mom's house and the memory cards to come in and everything else is here. [he is twirling a large rubber band in the air] Stop it. [she takes it away from him] And uh, that'll give us something else to do together which is pretty cool. And that's about it, I guess.
We do want to make more videos together, but it just seems like the day just goes, you know. We're watching, we're watching and the next thing you know it's, like, daylight. And like, aw shit, we should have made a video today because I know everybody wants to see the, the couple's challenge videos. And so kind of thinking about those. [she pulls and snaps the rubber band on his hand] Did that hurt?
J: Naw.
R: [she snaps it again] I don't wanna hurt you. [she smirks and strokes his face] Alright, I guess that's it. Got anything to say? You look tired.
J: I am tired. [she clasps and kisses his hand] Just Happy Valentine's Day to everybody and uh, hope it went well, hope you got what you wanted.
R: You've got who you wanted.
J: Who you want. And we'll see you next time, I guess.
R: I got who I want.
J: Me, too. [they kiss]
R: Yep, I guess that's it. I wanted this to be like five minutes long so I could upload it and it ended up being almost 20 minutes but I haven't added a video in, like, fucking two, three weeks or some shit, so I guess it's alright, I guess the evens out.
J: We'll do more. We'll do the challenges and all that stuff.
R: Yeah. We'll do, we'll do the whisper challenge for sure. I guess we'll try one when he tries to put makeup on me. Maybe, if you think you're good enough. I think you'd probably do pretty good cuz he watched me do my makeup quite often. I think that one would end up boring cuz you'd probably ace it. [she wraps the rubber band around his fingers] And um, yeah I don't know what else, what else we could do. I couldn't do like the chubby bunny one because I'd probably choke. Oh, you know that one?
J: We'll figure something out.
R: Yeah, there's the um, the boyfriend tag or whatever, the boyfriend girlfriend tag, the couples tag where you answer questions about each other, but I think we know each other pretty well so I think we probably ace those as well. And the challenge ones when you ace them they get kind of boring. I guess people want to see people fuck up.
I guess it's all for the fifth time. You see how easy it is to say bye and then you keep talking? That's why I always did it. [they kiss] Yeah, all right.
We just passed our eight months together, too. [she counts] Yeah, eight months together last week or a couple days ago. So that's cool. That was fast. We're almost at a year.
J: Almost.
R: We're four months away. And we're supposed to get married in four months. How the fuck are we gonna manage that.
J: We will.
R: [she sucks his finger] We'll see. No wait, not four months. We changed it to my birthday.
J: Oh, yeah.
R: So it's um, seven months. [she counts] Yeah, seven months away. In seven months we're gonna get married. I don't know, once I have my ID card I don't know if I can wait that long though.
J: Yeah, we'll figure something out. We'll figure it out like we always do. [they stare at each other] I love you.
R: I love you, too. [cut] All right I'm gonna shut it off now. [they wave]
No. 488100
File: 1518744482731.png (632.58 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-02-15-17-21-37…)

His scrawl in his card to her.
No. 488102
>>488082>typical gravy<Made me kek so hard
-The haters have informed her that her nails look terrible, and gives some bs reason as to why. Sure Jan.
-Josh rips vape hits inside Walmart
~They discuss Josh's job: "That's a big thing with stress, and also it's letting us spend >
A LOT< of time together (she realize emphasizes the amount of time they are together). Josh claims that "some guy" came in and bought the company he worked for, and fired everyone (according to them 12 people). Raven then speculates that they fire Josh in order to replace him with a friend.
-She has no ID but her social security card. She can't work because she can't (is too lazy to) get her shit transferred to USA. This is stressing her out.
-While Josh has applied for 20+ job, Raven has done nothing but stay up until 6am and watch Supernatural.
No. 488121
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Josh making the car look itty bitty.
No. 488123
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Her new AVP Predator necklace.
No. 488124
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And the latest addition to their mutual love branding.
To review, so far they have:
- an engagement ring each
- matching love rings
- each other's initials on chains around their necks
- she has his name tattooed on her finger
No. 488128
>>488124He is choking with love kek
Now, take a look at this pic and the thumbnail. The size of her arms… I can't even…
No. 488135
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>And I, I have been running into issues getting my ID card here, my license. I've actually got, like, no identification except for my Social, and they're just really giving me a hard time because I've been out of the country so long.I don't understand what the problem is. She has a valid US Passport which she needed to re-enter the US. It probably bears her old name (Diana Sparks). But she has her documentation for her name change in New Zealand which she needed to get her updated Social Security card. She could use her cellphone bill for her proof of residency. No. 488140
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No. 488141
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No. 488143
>>488100That looks like a kid’s handwriting. Ravey def goes after people she can control. Josh is too simple to get her game plan.
This fucking hambeast, wtf.
No. 488147
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>It just seems like the day just goes, you know. We're watching, we're watching and the next thing you know it's, like, daylight.
His askance eyeroll at 15:30 is priceless.
That rubber band is such an apt metaphor for their relationship.
No. 488168
File: 1518770443437.png (628.49 KB, 711x830, Screenshot_2018-02-16-00-37-20…)

She's wearing the "I CAN'T SAVE YOU" dress.
You can't make this shit up.
No. 488175
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kek where the fuck do I start? She is getting so fat, look at those cheek piercings practically disappearing into her face chub. Her arms are HUGE.
>>488131see pic. she's not quite there yet anon but give her a month or two and she will be
No. 488182
>>488110Right? And staying up until 6am every night watching TV. Why don't they use this time when they're both free 24/7 to do something productive, like adults? Decorate their place, maybe look on FB marketplace for some free furniture or paint or buy some from Walmart instead of tat. Or pick up a new hobby or sport together, any nearby groups they could join and make some friends? Or just do something together, they've got some land outside the trailer, do some gardening maybe plant some food and flowers, go on walks together and take the dog out (where is the dog?) somewhere nice, or spend some time with Josh's family and friends.
The weirdly isolated and unstimulating environment Raven creates for herself and her partner time and time again is pretty creepy.
No. 488194
>>487579lol omg he was unattractive before but now he’s fucking ugly. what the hell does she do to people? maybe her vag is filled with corrosive poisons or some shit.
josh, let her go free to the old texas town of el paso, you need this slow decay like you need a hole in the head, think of your mommy! or something.
No. 488227
>>488138She also posted something from a fb game, you know those things she said she would stop doing so much now that she is in the US.
>>488170It’s old. She says it’s a 2005 (Josh corrects her and says it’s a 95) Jeep which makes it 24 years old. I’m surprised it works, at that age cars are either going to go towards scrap or towards vintage if it was kept nice/collectors want it.
To make it even clearer, the car is made in 1994, and I believe Logan wasn’t alive when the car was first sold.
No. 488236
>>488227I was referring to the age of the battery.
Also, batteries that seem perfectly fine during warm months will fail in the cold. Repeatedly jump starting them will hasten their demise. Running a car with a dying battery will also damage the alternator.
No. 488287
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>>486539She has made her subscriber number visible just for you, anon!
No. 488421
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I was starting to read the old threads and I cannot believe this is real! So she gets thier name to show her “love”?
It’s so sad that she has to repeat the same “romantic gestures” she did before with someone else with someone new, so creative!
(Pretend sage for old milk)
No. 488429
>>488421Yep she's beyond pathetic. Tattooing your partners name is so tacky anyway, no matter how long you've been together. It just screams insecurity anyway, if you were truly in love and happy with each other you don't need grand retarded gestures like this to prove it.
(anyone else think that looks like she's holding a dick?)
No. 488448
(Sorry farmhands, i’d sage if i could! [old milk])
I’m reading her old messages to Cj & there are a few things I’m posting that are kind of related to recent events. Apologies if you’ve read all this already!
>(paraphrasing) i couldn’t imagine getting anyone else’s name tattooed on me. (but she got her next two)
>i’m really picky with who i marry. (goes on to getting engaged to Josh after being together for under a year)
>Cj says he hates jealousy because his ex fucked him up mentally with her jealousy
>i never felt you were jealous, quite the opposite actually…tho i like jealousy and i wish you would unleash that a bit. i know it isnt healthy or good but i really feel a lot of the time like you just dont care, and sometimes im tempted to say things to see if it even affects you.
>i hate thinking of you as hers, in my head youre all mine and yeah i am very jealous and fucking possessive, i stalk your every move and im not ashamed to tell you. i follow every comment you leave, every friend you add, everyone who comments you.
>i try to handle my jealousy and i think i do a damned good job, i really am proud of myself
>(literally in the next sentence) ive tried to befriend the few girls ive felt were threats, and 1 started ok but now ignores me, which pisses me the fuck right off!!!! and the other sure can comment you but when i said hello the cunt blew me off as well.
>(again, literally next sentence) i have my steps i take to keep my jealousy under control.
The amount of alarm bells in this chat of ~a month is ridiculous! And I bet she’s said the exact same thing to everyone after him! Wasn’t Cj the ‘abusive’ one? Reading this is making me feel sorry for him.
(Pretend sage again)
No. 488467
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>>478795>>488214This was posted last Friday. Now we know what happened to the animals and that things are not so good in couchland.
Wasn’t the landlord a friend of Joshes?
No. 488501
>>488491it doesn't outweigh most of her sins, nevermind other cows. stop being so melodramatic.
>>488497given they were that hard up just getting that shitbox, I was wondering if the new 'landlord' was couchie getting pissed about too many animals in their new vehicle-home. Ah well, one step closer to el paso, or something. kek.
No. 488504
>>488467Omg amazing. Shout out
>>488214 who called it before it happened. I, for one, am happy that the animals are getting out of the hell hole. Fuck you, Raven!
No. 488575
>>488451Yaaaaas. It’s like buying your kid a used 2008 PT Cruiser for their first car. I really wish we had a car discussion thread tbh.
I’m not surprised they got the boot. They probably couldn’t pay rent after spending all their money on toys and clothes when Josh lost his job.
No. 488581
>>488518>>488501as disgusting as everything else is it's still subjective and we don't know the details of anything, it may as well be a fictional soap opera.
Raven's adopting and re homing of pets is a consistent reality; documented multiple times, year after year
No. 488604
>>488578She talks about it in various videos and her sons gf has spilled some milk in previous threads. Lurk through the last few threads and watch some videos.
>>488581Anon, she has said herself that she "has no son", she shit talks him and his girlfriend in her videos. If you think leaving your son behind in another country, openly shit talking him on the internet and saying you have no son isn't worse than rehoming cats, you're an idiot. Please never have children.
No. 488651
>male tabby mix>who was a female named Meg last month>I've had cats all my life, I'm an expertEarly on Josh said he had a friend with a place available that needed some repairs, but it was never confirmed to be the same place they moved into.
>>488518You mean abusing and neglecting her son and allowing the men in her life to abuse him.
>>488578Which she admitted to in several videos. She also said that her mom took him from her immediately and would not allow her to hold him, nurse him, or change his diaper.
Even if her stories were fabrications or even just exaggerations, making these claims is abusively manipulative of everyone involved as well as her followers.
>>488626A lot of people in rural areas keep their dogs outside, and Josh's dogs were wanderers and strays already.
>>488497>>488615I doubt she is willingly giving up Cas since he was a love token from Josh.
I wonder if his mom moved out, too, considering the water was so bad?
No. 488796
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>>488711>>488604>Anon, she has said herself that she "has no son", she shit talks him and his girlfriend in her videos. If you think leaving your son behind in another country, openly shit talking him on the internet and saying you have no son isn't worse than rehoming cats, you're an idiot. Please never have children.ref. pic related is what you need to do.
>>488677>>488711exactly, Dorian
wanted to stay in NZ.
Her constant rotation of living creatures is one of the most consistent examples of her bizarre selfishness.
No. 488817
>>488677he turned her down because of the previously mentioned life of abuse from her and others, as well. the rift already existed because of same. her asking him to come to the US was her bizarre fantasy and a way for her to continue playing the victim.
>>488796look, why don't you fuck off to the Nicole Taylor Dean (animal hoarder) thread. you can sperg your little heart out about animals, and we can get on with this thread.
No. 488858
>>488121If josh's new jeep is the same as mine, it's a piece of shit. 00 or 01 Cherokee. In the last 2 years I've replaced the battery twice, the starter, the fuel pump, radiator… and i take pretty decent care of my car. It gets like 18 miles/gallon too. Would have been better off getting a mid-2000s Honda for cheap.
Also, hey gravy you have the same car as tailor trash. Except you actually live in a trailor and I'm doing something with my life:^)
No. 489011
>>488124Nothing says insecurity like needing multiple different brandings of luv. My boyfriend and I dont need jewelery and tattoos to know we love eachother. She associates material wealth with love. Has this bitch ever even been in love?
>>488491She reminds me of junkies that get animals and then remember that animals cost money and they give them away on Craigslist for some quick cash. Except instead of dope, its pop culture toys, cheap jewelry, and shitty tattoos.
>>488878Oh so worse than my jeep and still a gas guzzler. If they spent a little more on a decent car that gets more miles/gallon, they'd save in the long run. But critical thinking isn't their strong suit.
No. 489025
>>489011She has been in love many times, but it has always been the BPD codependent variety of love. The tattoos, jewelry, portraits, and bespoke books serve to both validate and reinforce her relationships. None of her relationships have lasted beyond the honeymoon period.
She is addicted to acquiring men, pets, clothes, and things in the sense that she craves the momentary thrill of acquisition to fill the emptiness of her life. It's more about getting the thing than it is about the thing itself.
No. 489586
File: 1519268079597.png (45.9 KB, 800x245, Screenshot_2018-02-21-13-13-07…)

She finally took a break from her busy schedule of playing video games to reply to comments today.
This reminds me of their first Q & A when Josh said that all he does is play games.
Only 6 days left to enter her giveaway! She has 568 entries now.
No. 489788
>>489682doesn't she have super small prizes so the cost of shipping is affordable?
disclaimer: this could be a figment of my imagination
No. 489794
>>489788Yes. It's all jewelry and make-up. Domestic first class package rate starts at $2.66 for 1 to 6 oz. has eight prizes.
No. 489849
>>489682well, she's ahead of the curve on that this time …
>>489794holding out for some international winners. Ryan would be at least 100 of the entries, but he'd pay his own postage. (assuming anyone actually wins anything)
No. 490849
>>490837Good eye, anon! I love when she accidentally confirms the shit we talk on here.
>>490843It is really interesting how she went from singing her praises to never speaking of her (or his sister/rest the family) again.
No. 490850
>>490837Congratulations winners!
Published on Feb 28, 2018
[No pic related because she didn't grace us with her visage. She only showed the contest drawing page on her computer screen.]
Hey everybody, and thank you so much for participating in my 10,000 subscriber giveaway. I am about to do my drawing. It just ended in the middle the night last night, and I haven't even checked out this screen. Yeah, I don't even know what it's gonna look like or how this is gonna work, but I figured I'd try to do it live now.
As you guys might know, Josh has lost his job. He was working for FedEx, and some random millionaire bought the routes and he just started firing people left and right, and he let go of about half the staff. Um, one lady had worked there for about ten years, this older woman, and she woke up and she didn't have a job. There's no benefits, no severance, nothing. So he left, I'd say, about a dozen, half a dozen people out on their asses in the cold. And since then he's been looking for work. And so we do not have the money to send this stuff just yet.
We just paid our rent, but we don't even have money for the power bill. We paid a phone bill, but we don't have money for insurance. And we don't have food. We have a little bit of food right now because I have a very, very, very close friend and she lives nearby me and she's helped us out, her and her dad have helped us out, and we told them no, but she's very, very sweet and she has helped. And so aside from that we're just at the bottom right now, and we're just trying to pick ourselves back up.
I only just got my ID card. They were giving me such a hard time, such a hassle about my ID because I was in New Zealand and my New Zealand driver's license doesn't count here, nothing really counts here. And so uh, it's been back and forth, back and forth since October. And last week I finally got it, so now I can look for work as well. But we live like very, very, very, very, very far from everything, and so there's nothing here.
I have no way to get around. They won't take my license and give me an American license like they do in Texas, so I'd have to go through and take all the test again. And we just don't have a vehicle that's up to date, you know, up to par to do that. And I don't even know honestly if I would pass the test at this point. I know how to drive. I've never been pulled over. I've got a completely clean record. But, you know, 20-something years later trying to sit a test again, it makes you nervous. I just don't know. And I would never be driving anywhere alone anyway. So I'm just, I'm not even gonna have a license in America anymore, only an ID card. And so that's gonna limit me a little bit. But I can't get around anyway.
It's me or Josh right now who can work, not both of us at the same time because of our location. And so he's far more qualified, and he's worked. I haven't worked in over ten years. But if we can move to a bigger city, which is what we're trying to do, then I'm gonna definitely start looking. But until then I'm gonna see if there's anything online or whatnot. But enough of my crap.
The winners, please be patient. I cannot tell you when I will be able to send this stuff out. It could be weeks, it could be months. If you are not willing to wait, please let me know when your name is drawn, and I will choose somebody else. Remember, first come, first serve. If you see your name, comment and tell me what you want. I will update the description for this video with who has chosen what, and we'll just take it from there. So let's get started, see how this works, draw winners. All right, so we've got [names redacted to protect the innocent from being associated with this thread]. So these are the winners. And if you see your name here please email me at starbl00d at live dot com and title it "winner", and I will have your email addresses of course, and I will reply to you. Tell me what you want, and I'll update it, let me know. Congratulations to everybody who has entered. Thank you so much. This was actually a lot of fun, and I hope I can do it again once we get back on our feet and I had another milestone if I do.
I know I'm not really uploading videos anymore, but um, I'm sure I'll upload some here or there. And take care you guys. I hope you have a great day, and I will see you around.
No. 490852
>>490850>[names redacted to protect the innocent from being associated with this thread]And she even show their emails and hometown in the vid.
She is the worst doxxer ever.
No. 490853
>>490850The irony of her being unable to ship out the prizes because Josh lost his job in shipping.
Here are some links for you, Graven. The least you can do is your lazy ass in the welfare line and not panhandle on the internet.
To any of her sympathetic followers who may be reading, do not give her a bloody cent. Remember, she kicked her son out of their home for not signing on or getting a job.
SNAP Carolina Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) Carolina LIFELINE Program No. 490867
>>490863A passport will work for job interviews, and for most things
You can even enter a Rated R movie with a passport
The only need for an ID is for convenience, and to Drive
No. 490887
>>490863Her passport does not have her current legal name. She changed her first name to Raven from Diana while she was in New Zealand. When she reentered the US, the only valid photo ID she had with her current legal name was her New Zealand driver's license.
Getting a new state-issued ID should not have taken more time than normal once she got her new Social Security card with her new name. See
>>488135Social Security cards do not have photos and are not intended for the purposes of identification.
No. 491422
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Courtesy of KF. She is still making plans for The Wedding That Was More Than A Wedding to take place in SC.
The business hasn't posted on their page in over two years. Far be it for Raven to pick up the phone and call. No. 491428
File: 1520131201271.png (33.7 KB, 800x169, Screenshot_2018-03-03-18-24-45…)

But Raven, in November you declared
>But, um, I'm happy here. It feels like home.
>Like, oh my god, like, I feel like I'm a part of a family for once, and it's just amazing, it really is.
No. 491470
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Courtesy of KiwiFarms bc I don't follow any of Gravys social media.
The way she photoshops Josh is creepy. I think she intentionally tries to makes him look child-like in a way? But only succeeds in making him look like more of a momo than he already is.
No. 491477
>>491470Yes it's definitely weird that she edits his appearance for photos. Every photo they have together she has edited him to look younger, almost teenage like.
I've never met anybody that felt the need to edit their partners pictures like she does.
No. 491494
>>491422Bitch cant even pay her power bill or afford food but is trying to rent a carriage for her wedding? Not to mention not sending her so beloved subs her used trash give away, like, there is no money for shipping but a carriage? Top priority here guys.
A part of me would wish for a carriage, and a video, of her falling, to the mud. 10/10 would top kek.
No. 491531
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Raven ranting again. Gonna add the pictures she uploaded too.
No. 491535
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No. 491537
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Top comments in her comment section for that post…
Noone ever needed nor wanted to know that. gross.
No. 491597
>>491593>We can't pay our power bill!But you can rent a carriage?
No. 491617
>Not hard to believe that you've never gotten one.As much as Raven likes to bitch about "creepy guys" sending her dick pics and harassing her on messenger, she clearly sees it as a compliment by saying something like that.
I honestly think her complaints about creeps messaging her is kind of her weird insecure way of humblebragging, as if being harassed by creeps isn't something that happens to pretty much every woman online anyway.
No. 491618
>>491593[Anything of interest in her browser tabs or desktop files?]
New winners drawn
Published on Mar 4, 2018
Four more winners drawn due to people not coming forward.
Four people have not come forward to claim their prize. It has been over three days so I'm repicking four prizes. Please check the comments of the last winning…err winners drawing to see what has been chosen and what has not. Remember there's also one more resin, gothic resin donation that it has not been claimed as well people might have forgotten about. So the four new ones [names redacted]. Is that four? One, two, three, four. I know two of the four. So congratulations, you guys. Please step forward and let me know what you would like. Remember that there are the…I guess I'll put it in this video, too, I'll mention who has won or who has claimed what. But um, remember that there's also the additional gift that was donated. So please let me know. You have three days. If you do not come and claim your prize in three days, then I will do one more drawing.
And if the last prizes are not claimed, then I'm just not going to give them away. I'm just gonna keep them and probably, I don't know, I feel like scrapping the whole deal to be honest with you. I probably won't do it because some people have come forward. It's just that uh, the majority of people that have come forward haven't exactly been nice or excited. They've just been kind of like, here's my address. And it's like, I don't have to do this, you know. Josh doesn't have a job. We cannot pay our power bill. We cannot pay our rent. We only just got food. We are fucked. And when we do get money we have an entire month of catching up to do plus to keep on top, so it's gonna be really hard for me to send this out. I didn't even have to make the video. It was suggested to me that I push it back and push it back or just cancel it altogether. But I didn't want to do that to you guys, so I went ahead and did it.
And the people that have won, not all of them mind you, but most of them have just been quite, like, rude about it. Like, oh here's my address, I want that. Like, wow, where are your manners, you know? I'm sorry, but it's just, it's really rude and it really got to me. And then of course for the fact that a chunk of them haven't even come forward. It was like, what the fuck, you know? You just…you obviously entered for a reason. And I don't know, if I, if I enter a giveaway I'm gonna check back and see if I've won. Maybe that's just me. But I'm in a really foul mood. I'm really sorry, you guys. I know it's not your fault. Please excuse me.
I hope to hear from the winners. I know at least the two people that I do know I know that they'll write me, and I know that they'll be excited. It's really cool for me to recognize some of these names on here. But I'm sorry for my attitude, and I hope to hear from you guys soon. Remember, as soon as you email me your address I will mark it down on a notepad and send it to you as soon as I can. And don't forget to tell me what you want. But please check the comments…err the description of the video first to see what has been taken and what has not. There's still the dress available, some makeup, I think, and the resin donation that is awesome that I wanted to keep for myself. But let me know, and I will see you guys.
I'm gonna make another video now to just kind of catch up. I don't want to make this one too long and boring so I will do a separate video and upload that in a few days. I will see you guys around. Take care and contact me.
No. 491644
>>491643So agree, she's my fave too! Just waiting for her to start uploading more frequently when things with couchie start going more south.. It's gonna be a fun ride.
Is anyone going to make a new thread? She did promise us an "update" video in "a few days" though.
No. 491645
>>491644OP anon here. I write the summary as events unfold, so the next OP is already written. I have also written a new "About Raven" section for newfags.
Should I post it before the promised update video?
No. 491647
>>491645You, are the real MVP.
If you think this post is going to exceed 1200 then I would say yes, but I do think you would know this better than me, so do it as you like.
No. 491648
>>488955She has deleted the video with Dorian and Ryan dangerously playing with ice on the side of the highway.
She just cannot stay away from either farm!
No. 491661
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o the irony
No. 491666
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No. 491667
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>>491666Comments, to that post. TOP KEK.
No. 491669
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>>491667More comments, why tf are they publicly stating they almost got scammed?
Then again it's Craven.. Self explanatory really.
No. 491682
File: 1520246942433.png (214.28 KB, 800x916, Screenshot_2018-03-05-02-41-41…)

>And the people that have won, not all of them mind you, but most of them have just been quite, like, rude about it.What is she even talking about? Four of the winners posted comments, and they were all grateful and excited to have won and sent their hopes and prayers.
No. 491683
File: 1520247131480.png (199.11 KB, 800x1079, Screenshot_2018-03-05-02-46-20…)

A new link has appeared on her Youtube About page, "Click here for awesomeness."
Could this be the scam? No. 491686
File: 1520247273171.png (546.07 KB, 800x832, Screenshot_2018-03-05-02-36-01…)

Another one bites the dust!
No. 491689
File: 1520247712843.png (46.52 KB, 800x309, Screenshot_2018-03-05-02-58-18…)

Because you can never have too many lipsticks when you are unable to pay rent.
No. 491716
>>491667>>491686I can't stop laughing. by which I mean, I'm very jealous of Raven and her glamorous lifestyle. Work at home mom makes $6,795/month working part-time from home www[dot]lazyandgreedy[dot]co
>>491682yes, but right after that, they raped and abused her, then stole her stuff and made her live off a taco for a week.
No. 491850
>>491682Literally every comment was positive and said 'take your time posting it out'
Why does she think it's rude that they are simply supplying their addresses and letting her know which item they want? Isn't what she wanted them to do? How else would she want them to write it? Like what other way could they be more polite?
No. 491854
>>491850because that's how she'll wriggle out of sending the prizes. she'll claim something ridiculous and childish like "all the winners were rude so i decided to withhold the gifts" even in the face of nice comments like in
as if the winners' attitude has any bearing on anything. such a pro Youtuber, that Gravy.