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No. 535067
Thread Image Credit:
>>531980Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/530011Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregma/Gurgles/Lainey's Gay Husband (abbreviated to LGH)/Shreg/Ogreg is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Taylor/Lainey/Plainey/Doormat/Greg's Straight Wife (abbreviated to GSW), is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
On the last episode:
>Onion continues to pretend to be his dog on twitter>Onion got a second strike on his Onision channel and began publicly trying to move his content all over the place and removing old videos >>530048>Onion then started targeting the DDLG community again, specifically BinkiePrincess >>530252 He made another video too featuring Maddie and crotch shots >>531131 Maddie later made a video stating her regret at making this and wants to be a "good voice for the DDLG community" >>534228> Onion tried to appeal "Chibi Eats Snow" to his dewilderment >>533361 anons discover it's cause the video showed him eating shit, vomiting on camera, and make a child molestation joke >>533528 YouTube disabled the channel for 3 months with its reevaluation >>533855>Lainey brings in her own FTM trans teen named Noah for a collab >>533707 Collab has not been release yet>Onion, Lainey, their children, and Lainey's grandma all went to Disneyland. Onion tried to bring in his wallet, which is also a multi-tool and against policy to enter into the park (pic for reference >>534307 ). Park security told him to either toss it or go back to the car and return it. Onion threw a fit and stormed back to his car to leave while his family stayed at Disneyland >>534146 No one sympathized with his first video so he's made a couple of responses begging for validation >>534262 and >>534805>Lainey queerbaits with Mercedes, featuring Onion behind the camera cackling as they read hate comments against him >>534536For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking. /pt/ no longer has the sage function.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
Gregma: No. 535069
File: 1529840785559.png (239.74 KB, 356x394, Screenshot-2018-6-24 Onision o…)

This looks like the twitter profile of a middle aged furry. You coming out of the furry closet Grease?
No. 535073
>>534857Except for the blatant racism, I find it hilarious! It once more shows his lack of education.Not even google can help you find definition if you don't know what to look for in the first place (e.g. stereotypes and prejudices). kek
>>534874It's amazing how much influence his "haters" and critics have on this incredibly intellectual man. Glorifying Leelu has been kind of a running gag here, so Lainey's husband uses her as a shield. I sometimes feel as if he reacts more strongly to his critics than to his actual patreons (I mean who blames him, his Patreon is an echo and circlejerk chamber).
>>534912I wouldn't be surprised if that comment comes from a sock puppet account so he can sperg about his "haters" some more, how mean people are towards him and how bad life is in general.
No. 535075
File: 1529843252774.jpg (83.31 KB, 612x612, 11357620_102917110045665_16796…)

>>535073I find it hilarious, considering Dobbs has always been their clear favorite from day one.
Dance puppets, dance!
No. 535077
>>535075Those sweet little eyes aw..
Its hilarious that grease pretty much proved he lurks and probably has the threads on tabs and constantly check them.
No. 535078
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>>535067This thread image, holy shit
No. 535081
File: 1529844248030.gif (1.08 MB, 251x782, F3BEC47A-ECDC-4005-B214-CED2B5…)

Paint me like one of ur veggie burritos
No. 535085
File: 1529846172521.png (678.97 KB, 572x717, littleswampprince.png)

>>535079Help her lose some weight while you're at it.
No. 535090
File: 1529846756495.jpg (260.27 KB, 1024x768, mrodd.jpg)

oldschool onion cringe wallpaper
No. 535102
File: 1529852464566.gif (7.45 MB, 480x262, 764E601A-60CB-4635-874E-F6EABA…)

When the milk is stale but the anon edits are on point
No. 535104
>>535075Aww what a cutie.
Their dogs don't deserve to live with them. They deserve owners who actually care for them and love them.
No. 535109
File: 1529855706154.png (711.63 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6034.PNG)

As it turns out, Onion went to the doctor last week for what looks like a fatty lipoma (lump) on his lower back, which he shows off in this video (barf). His doctor said it's a fatty tumor and nothing to worry about, basically.
Not sure how to reupload or I would do it. I'm sure our usual Patreon anon will come through shortly, anyway!
No. 535121
>>535109I got you.'t this the second time he's tried to get views for his nasty back lump?
No. 535188
File: 1529869080187.png (310.11 KB, 1440x1607, the criiiinge.png)

Jfc he is embarrassing. I can't imagine how that conversation went.
>Hi, nice to meet you
>I'm Onision, you've probably heard of me, I'm a BAAANAAANNAAA!
>(giggles nervously, calls security) Oh, that's nice. Well, here's your autograph, sir.
No. 535196
>>535195Not that anon. The boy stopped breastfeeding on his own. The girl hasn't. Makes sense she'd take them regardless. Especially with the grandmother there.
At the same time, she can always change her mind/make an exception. And also take advantage of having the grandmother there.
You can always ask her once she's back on YN.
No. 535211
>>535109Wow, another thing he's brought up again from last year. He is so out of ideas it's just stupid
>>535188Considering her age, if she was on YouTube, she was the right demographic for it to be possible she's seen a video or two by him and likely even the banana video. But honestly I can totally understand not recognizing him or remembering him at all if she did watch him, it's not like he looks the same as he did then with the filters. And who actually remembers the banana video? I legit watched Greg as a kid and I don't remember a thing from that video
>>535195Isn't clot around two or three at this point? Trot already got cavities from Lainey's over feeding of him, why hasn't she learnt it's just a bad idea? 16 year old mothers know better! It doesn't help the kids and if anything will create a bunch of issues for them and her
Also this is the first I've heard of her not pumping. Has she given a reason for it?
No. 535213
>>535211She'll wait until C decides she's done.
I figure she won't pump because it defeats the point of the physical/psychological mother-child bond or something like that. She's mentioned that she's stopped breastfeeding T save for comfort or to go to bed (so, stopped the actual feeding, just not the act of it).
No idea. All speculation + vague rememberings from YN streams. Nothing confirmed.
No. 535217
>>535118god damn I needed that laugh
No. 535221
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No. 535226
Whines like 'nision
Rates kids bods like 'nision
Shoves his baby carrot in a foot like 'nision!
No. 535229
File: 1529876934911.png (213.61 KB, 716x573, idiot.PNG)

>>535109Did this dummy misspell Mexican? His fucking wife lived in New Mexico, hes had to have seen that variation of the word spelled out. Im sure hes even spelled it out when he sent her stuff in the mail. Ill betcha he thinks its spelled this way because of the way he pronounces it.
If he some how blames the misspelling on Leelu again Im going to fucking lose it.
No. 535233
File: 1529878318883.jpg (55.8 KB, 750x407, disneyarenazis.jpg)

So the twit now thinks he's above company policy and if you have policies then you mUST BE A NAZI REE.
He's a fucking idiot holy sense of fucking entitlement bananaman
No. 535236
File: 1529878779827.png (Spoiler Image,361.03 KB, 487x528, onision2025.png)

>>535109Weird fatty lump/hump on his back
Liver spots and boils all over his head and body
Snaggle teeth
Receding hairline
Flat ass
Couldn't his body have waited until at least his mid 40s to start turning into Mr. Burns?
No. 535238
>>535236This is what happens when you are a terrible human being, your outside starts to look just like whats inside.
Interesting attempt at an attention grab though, made he will start becoming a munchie spoonie to get sympathy and money.
No. 535247
>>535234>>535233Didn't he argue the other side of that issue when he was a "cop"? When Greg was suicidal and depressed they put him on Relieved of Duty Squad, and his Lieutenant Colonel said that no person on the Relieved of Duty Squad had to clean anyone's post. A Senior Airman told him to clean the post and Greg said no because he was told by a higher ranking officer not to. Then a Lieutenant and Senior Master Sergeant told him to clean the posts and he still kept harping on the fact that he was told by a higher ranking officer not to clean.
Why be so petty, they just wanted him to clean the posts, they weren't ordering him to murder babies, but he has to scream he has ORDERS not to clean the posts. Im sure he didn't want to lower himself to being the base janitor and the Lieutenant Colonels orders was the perfect excuse.
The Disneyland security guard was just following orders, Greg argues he was just following his Lieutenant Colonels orders, same-o same-o
No. 535252
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Ive never understood this. What kind of sad lonely woman pays a washed up Youtube Z-list celebrity to spend time with her every week.
No. 535253
>>535252Who can neither spell nor bother to proofread before submitting a tweet.
(and is generally just a shit narc)
No. 535256
File: 1529882271248.jpg (106.07 KB, 970x546, TheOnions.jpg)

>>535238"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it."
No. 535260
>>535226I am expert in brooding and whining
My ego has plenty to spare
Not a bit of him’s modest or charming
And ev’ry last inch of him’s wants an affair!
No. 535267
>>535260When I was a lad, I kissed my sleeping Cuz
And another, well, I saw his dick
And now that I'm grown, I chain billie instead
So my ego is roughly the size of a barge
No. 535269
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>>535221This is what I see when I get sleep paralysis
No. 535282
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>>535279She has to be at least the second to highest tier at at least 250$
No. 535294
>>535282Do they have to pay $250 once for these wonderful perks, or continually for a year?
On his little outro, there's only one person that does that currently, but if it's just once a year, I imagine there's at least a handful of these outcasts that are willing to do it.
Also, I've never seen the promo or 15+ second thank you really. A few of his friends which are probably top paying Patrons sporadically.
No. 535296
File: 1529887871417.jpg (785.87 KB, 1440x1889, nazis.jpg)

>>535233>>535234Those Disneyland Nazis and their diabolical "policies". Definitely not about being safe, they're all about oppressing poor people like Shreg.
No. 535311
they think shes a farmer?
No. 535312
>>535289Ill say one thing for Bootyslayer, shes in it for the long haul. I think shes waiting out Lainey and Gregs marriage.
Booty was there during the end of Gregs 1st marriage, and was trying to get good with Greg during the Shi (Adr and Hannah) year. Shi could see the thirst and fucked with Booty in the forums, deleting her profile and generally messing with her.
I think Booty thought she was at the front of the line to ride the Gurgles coaster, but then Plainey swooped in. A ripe 16 year old with a blank slate trumped whatever Booty had to offer.
No. 535347
>>535333You're correct, if Onion man wanted her she would already have an invitation to his house years ago. This coming from someone who knew him psuedo-personally for years online (since age 14) and received a full fledged plane-ticket invitation to live at Casa De Greasa (I declined; I guess grease has bad hater-radar).
If Onision trusted any of these crusty patreon stans they would have already visited the house. It happened with GinerBeck and didn't work out.
(shitty bait) No. 535350
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I think her talking to people like Eugenia Cooney likely disqualifies her from ever being an onion girl. But then again, Lainey has done plenty of things Onision supposedly hated before the marriage so who knows
No. 535365
>>535347Do you have any screenshots? Provided it doesn't potentially put you at any risk of doxing or any of that of course
>>535356Also I'd agree if he didn't tend to try to fuck most of them. I'd say with Sarah that was totally to buy a friend (especially given lainey's grooming of her) but with poopbeck and vix it was 100% for him.
No. 535392
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>>535377I wasnt able to watch him on YN live, but checked out his moments. Seems like the LA trip depressed the fuck out of him. Hes talking about Calif being cancer, the people there being cancer, no ones real, every ones fake.
His mood seems very down and pensive. It may be the lighting but he has dark circles under his eyes.
No. 535402
>>535400He was really agitated on stream as well, Very shifty and acting all dark and brooding.
Narcissist extinction burst when!?
No. 535415
>>535113i can just imagine greg thinking up this video, feeling like he's about to finally drop something thats gonna get him Big Views again.
or does he know that there's no coming back from this point? i really wonder, since it's so painfully obvious to any sane person that he's crashing and burning and he'll finally have to get a real job soon. like,
does he know this?
No. 535416
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Lame seems to be sour because her gay husband will only take advice from his mother.
No. 535458
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Because you would never false flag somebody's video, right Gregma?
No. 535460
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The trans boy posted this after Lainey announced they were going to do a video together.
No. 535467
>>535392This guy needs serious help.
I still remember his "debate stream" a fan asked him why they blocked him after they said he should go to therapy and he said that isn't something people like to hear.
He needs to get off the internet and go to a therapist. We all know he'll likely never completely remove himself from the internet though, so maybe he should just live stream his therapy sessions. That would make him relevant again.
No. 535468
>>535416This shit is another reason I can't stand Lainey.
Greg might be a garbage person but who goes "I TOLD YOU SO" on a public platform like that?
I always got the idea that she and Tami basically hate each other.
No. 535477
>>535311Booty is such a shithead. In the old threads about the $$ flakes she always acted super smug and confident, but posted nudes for attention and cried when people reposted them here.
She just hides the crazy better than Amber/Maxie/Harley.
No. 535486
>>535252Booty is the one that Shiloh banned from the Onision forums as she was obsessed
With Onision. This is a mother of two , so fucking sad
No. 535487
>>535477Damn I missed the nudes?
I need a good laugh
No. 535510
>>535468Remember when Tami was talking some kind of shit about transgendered ppl and Greg piped in "maybe we shouldnt be talking that way because theres trans people in this house" and Tami says "who? whos the tranny" lol
and plainey went to cry in the other room
No. 535515
>>535512it was around the time Sam was staying there. I know on one of Sams gaming streams she talked about it, and how she comforted Lainey because it
triggered her, and Lainey talked about it on Younow
sorry I dont know have links
No. 535516
File: 1529943543251.png (240.23 KB, 632x938, laineys_briefs.png)

> I don't pay attention to drama because it triggers my anxiety.
(re-post for anonymizing the author of the tweet!)
No. 535597
File: 1529951802808.jpg (561.63 KB, 1068x1557, 3 thirsty groupies that want t…)

>>535221>>535269Didney wrod
I'm dying!! Ahhh!! So funny, please use this face somehow for the new thread.
>>535252>What kind of sad lonely woman pays a washed up Youtube Z-list celebrity to spend time with her every week.A sad one that always responds to his tweets and lame jokes. She's nit the only one, which is even sadder.
But the saddest of all is the foot. She knows how shady her man is, and turns a smug blind eye so that the bills get paid. She knows that these thirsty heifers are sniffin around her man, and while thats annoying enough, what Greg is doing is worse.
He's cultivating friendships and bonds with people he knows have the hots for him. He's taking their money and leading them on. While being married. That's super shady and not what a good, noble, person of integrity would do.
But Greg has never been known for being professional. At least hes got some backups for when Lainey takes him to the cleaners
No. 535603
>>535597Whats funnier still is that he seems really irritated with all of them as well. The novelty has worn off big time and that reflected last night while grease was waiting for dev to arrive. He compliments but its so deadpan and tired.
They absolutely bore him and I'm sure lainey does as well. He's getting bored of his entire circle.
No. 535664
>>535597> He's cultivating friendships and bonds with people he knows have the hots for him. He's taking their money and leading them on. While being married. That's super shady and not what a good, noble, person of integrity would do. This. Yet it takes two to tango - the one who leads on and the one(s) turning many blind eyes to that. I'm sure PoopySlayer still hopes for a chance to get with Lainey's husband, but man, she's keeping those peepers shut tight.
>>535603Well, he's been enticing this type of people for a decade now. He has made his own bed.
No. 535681
>>535672Jfc. Remember his pledge to start making exciting content again? Somehow I don't think people were imagining half-assed videos that he already made with his boring wife.
He truly has run out of ideas beyond shaming the DDLG community.
No. 535688
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>>535672Hooktube: pointed out that one of his eyes is getting more fucked was right. He looks more "deeply uncomfortable" than "afraid"/"in-pain" in the thumbnail.
No. 535689
>>535684The revenue on BeautyThot has got to be 90% from people hate-watching. Since Shreg decided to nuke all the even
slightly critical comments and ban them "FOREVER" (because his straight wife is such a tender lil bean) I can only imagine those views will go down significantly.
What fun is it to hate-watch if you can't discuss it with like-minded folks? He's truly an idiot who has no business on youtube, it's called the "comment", not the "compliment" section ffs.
He's chasing all their viewers away because of his insecurity. But he'll never disable the comments entirely because they're desperate on those asspats. And he'll never switch to only uploading on Patreon because he needs haturrz to survive and his Patrons will die off once he loses the appearance of relevancy on YT.
No. 535692
>>535688Even some of the comments are saying he looks more unstable or at least about to lose it.
I love that he's a very small youtuber at this point, He'll never be big again.
I hope it eats at him.
No. 535695
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>>535688He called his dick "Elephant Trunk".
No. 535712
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A face not even a mother could love.
No. 535716
File: 1529965077102.jpg (475.95 KB, 972x648, GregoryJacksonTheElephant.jpg)

>>535696>>535695You have to remember we're talking about Greg here. He didnt say which particular elephants trunk looks like his penis. He Googled elephants and after 10 minutes of scrolling found this picture and was over joyed that now he could compare his genitalia to an elephants proboscis.
No. 535721
File: 1529965658486.png (2.21 MB, 1459x1440, Shreggy Wonka.png)

>>535688Not only is his wonky eye on full display, but can we talk about how huge his head is in relation to the rest of his body?
It's confounding.
No. 535725
>exciting contentI'm gonna wax my legs today, guys.
Is that what gay men do? Is this what Shane earns his millions with? Guys? Guise pls.
No. 535732
File: 1529966409923.gif (3.12 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

>>535702Uncensored waxing video on Onisons Patreon?
No. 535737
File: 1529966690692.gif (3.38 MB, 700x285, KEEEEK.gif)

>>535702>>535732Y'know whats even funnier? Grease doesn't understand sarcasm at all so while lurking he's going to get his little carrot up at the thought of new pledges from here.
No. 535739
File: 1529966798724.png (2.83 MB, 1824x1440, Teen Heartthrob!.png)

>>535688>Calls his junk an "elephant trunk">Says the wax strips look like "tampons">Tells a hilarious story about ingrown hair where he blames an ex for giving him herpes>Does shitty Jim Carrey impersonation while simultaneously doing a poor rip-off of the "40 Year Old Virgin" waxing scene>Manages to reference his wang several times to underage viewers>Makes sure to advertise "unedited" version on Patreon>Pretends to be gay for Andy Biersack>Acts like he doesn't know how this works even though he literally made the same video with his straight wife around a week agoYep, we've hit peak Shreg. A YT sperg would've pushed this over the edge but I guess we'll have to settle for the "near naked teen dream" version of the Swamp Ogre instead.
No. 535742
File: 1529966923463.png (872.65 KB, 882x971, wonky af.png)

>>535688Wonky eye? Whatever do you mean, anon?
No. 535744
File: 1529967090352.png (38.13 KB, 801x660, ptosis.png)

>>535726Might be eyelid ptosis?
No. 535750
>>535739His head always looks photoshopped on.
>>535742I think I've read somewhere before that eyes can droop and change depending on psychological stress. I'm sure he's sperging out of his mind about his loss of relevancy.
I use to frequent him and GSW live streams but the last number of weeks I've lost interest. I think you can see from the thread its slowed down even with them doing on location videos and changing it up. They're just dull.
Lainey is a transtrender oddball with no personality. Greg makes rants based on twitter sperges, I don't need to see one of his dull ass videos to summarise a tweet he made. His content is shit. His messy personal life is entertaining but he's lost his appeal. There's no new characters. He's bored of his patrons I'm bored of them in the livestreams, madison is boring. They only film with people they trust and all the content with them is reading comments 'haters' make in mocking voices. Oh jokes on us guys. Not. There's plenty of cows. Maybe his old mate Cyr and Dasha will overtake interest. That probably upsets him too.
No. 535752
File: 1529967697485.png (424.56 KB, 792x556, gh755rg354g5.PNG)

>>535737Ive noticed that too. On his Stalkers Found My House vid hes reading through the thread and gets so happy when he reads "he was sexy as fuck" but doesnt realize it was a quote meant to mock and the disgusted face reaction pic that accompanied it. Does he not understand chan culture or he just sees or hears what he wants. Reminds me of that (fake) Shane email thing a while back where Onion says that he didnt even read Shanes last email but looked at the preview/peek of the email which gives the sender details and the first few words, and the first few words were "Im sorry___" So Greg tells his fans, "See! Shane was apologizing to me because he knows hes wrong" Even though the first sentence was probably, "Im sorry that you're a butthurt faggot"
Onion is so delusional I bet if you told him "you are pretty fucking stupid" he would bat his wonky eyes, do that high pitched girly "awww" and say "you think Im pretty?"
No. 535775
File: 1529969771692.png (139.05 KB, 1406x708, poll.png)

So GSW just tweeted that she's "finally back" and streaming on YouNow.
Out of curiosity, has she addressed the fact that she literally asked people where they'd prefer she stream and then completely disregarded their clear preference?
Like why even ask in the first place?
No. 535779
>>535775She's probably scared of the hat eon YouTube but smart enough not to block potential views from her channel. She needs her hug box.
Her streams are dull as fuck. Never addresses anything she's asked and watching her sway lulls you to sleep.
No. 535782
>>535781Remember that kid in 3rd grade who took your favorite toy during recess? No?
Thats how much Andy thinks about Onionboy
No. 535792
File: 1529971333286.jpg (38.85 KB, 340x509, Andy_Dick_8.jpg)

>>535788I peek in after seeing your post just to make sure I hate her boring streams as much as usual and I was hit with this gem
Laineybot: Greg keeps telling me I look like Andy Dick.
No. 535810
>>535802None of her meet ups happened. Shes sounding like her gay husband when he talks about Shane and Andy.
"they were all busy at VidCon… I get it" it looks like they had sour grapes about the convention and just went to Disneyland she sponsored? That was the whole reason for going to LA. Wouldnt the sponsors be pissed she didnt do something with VidCon?
No. 535812
>>535810Apparently she was yet they preplanned this whole trip for a year.
Such poverty much suffering.
Also her family came along for the trip and she was approving of grease calling the security guard a moron. She mocked the guard and stated that the guard said "Oo well maybe I won't let you in at all" to paraphrase here.
No. 535817
>>535597Kinda feel like she's ok with him being a piece of shit because he lets her fuck random girls whenever and she gets the double life without actually having a real polyamorous relationship and can just ditch him or whatever groupie is staying at the McMansion that week whenever she gets bored, offended or somehow
triggered. She's not dumb, she knows what he's like and what he does and uses him albeit not as much as he uses and abuses her. The kids were just a sticking plaster to secure the bag.
No. 535818
>>535812>preplanned this whole trip for a year.>>535809>they bought their tickets and hotel last year, Yet she didn't get the sponsorship till recently.They needed a way to deflect the hate if anyone brought up them using their fans nickels and dimes to take their kids and her family to Disneyland. Greg even tweeted something like "Lainey was sponsored thats why we're going to LA"
Having the family vacation on the same 3 days of VidCon, hmmmmmm. Greg plays out in advance how he can get backlash for thing. A small example- watch his debates, when asked a question he will pause and you can see he is playing out in his head how any answer he gives could trap him.
No. 535821
>>535810Ha! They were never, ever, invited to vidcon. If they had gone to vidcon, they would have had to purchase regular people tickets like all the rest of the fans, instead of being provided a spot on the creators table or having a youtubers all access pass. Only the successful youtube creators get those sweet perks. If the Swamp Onions had appeared at vidcon, they would have been diven out by the taunting chant of "SMALL MAN! SMALL MAN! SMALL MAN!"
Grrhhg is too insecure to ever step out from behind the computer screen and interact or play nice with the other adults.
No. 535827
File: 1529973735942.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1440, laineydick.png)

Lainey said Greg thinks she looks like Andy Dick in her stream today.
No. 535843
File: 1529975059616.gif (1.87 MB, 480x270, bahahaha.gif)

>>535827Holy shit for once LGH is right.
Whats even funnier is that he chooses to fuck the andy dick lookalike.
Guess he doesn't prefer women at all, Just footy looking old grandfathers are his type now.
No. 535893
File: 1529977278698.jpg (184.13 KB, 904x590, Steam.jpg)

So you have to dm him on Patreon to get readded on Steam?
Way to alienate your few remaining fans, dipshit. I'm sure Shreg will dismiss this person as a haturrr but it was a great point and I'm glad his fans are starting to see him for what he is.
Both of the Onions are only interested in what you can do for them. You're only their "friends" if you're paying them.
No. 535936
>>535908didnt you hear anon? she loves Leelu now (now that shes seen her fans and Gregs fans fawning over that dog)
Im amazed we havent seen photos of her hugging Leelu with little hearts around the borders and captioned "my widdle baebee"
Dafoot isnt human, she just looks around at what the humans are doing and imitates it.
No. 536098
File: 1529993896863.png (1.1 MB, 1186x913, Screenshot_2018-06-25-23-01-09…)

>>535809She didn't go to Pride? Kek. In her "androgynous lookbook" video she made a special point of saying she had
just bought this shirt specifically for Pride and this whole look was for going to Pride (hilariously the captions interpreted "outfit" as "oven").
She even paired that outfit with shades because:
>it's gonna be sunny and hot and ya know the sun is gonna be shining down on US GAYS!!!So wtf did she cancel the outing or was she lying about going in the first place? Because on June 14 she clearly said she was going.
No. 536104
>>535819If a grown man is throwing a giant, ridiculous tantrum about his tactical wallet, holding up the line and screeching incessantly about how unfair this is and that he's "NOT going to bring it all the way back to the car", I think it's perfectly reasonable for a security guard to tell him if he keeps it up he's going to be denied entry, which is probably closer to what happened.
Remember him shrieking "JUST BE A HUMAN" to Shiloh's manager over and over? I imagine this was a similar sperg. Lainey's a cowardly cunt for letting him get away with this nonsense.
No. 536151
>>536098Her going to pride would have been such an insult, I'm glad she didn't go
I'd hate for her to attempt discourse on bi/pan people in straight relationships still being gay or that we shouldn't assume a straight-looking couple at pride is actually straight and doesn't include a trans person or something of the sort. She'd destroy any of her arguments by being a fakeboi (and occasionally cosplaying a dude) and likely isn't even bi
No. 536157
>>535233"You know who does things because they are “policy”? Nazis.
Policy does not = right."
That's interesting coming from a guy who appeals to legality.
… regarding his penchant for 17 year old girls …
… regarding drugs …
etc. etc.
No. 536176
File: 1530007295042.png (933.25 KB, 843x843, Screenshot_350.png)

>>536173Bless you anon!
Also, why is Greg insulting Edwin's appearance when he's trying to defend him? Are you upset that Edwin has a more beautiful gf than your footfaced swamp hag? Newsflash Gronk! You're the one who looks like an old man!
He also lies when he says he has never tried to false flag "hate" videos.
No. 536178
>>535827>>535221These two have to be part of the new thread header. My fucking sides.
As much as Draineythot’s transboi larping shouldn’t be encouraged seeing her attempt to integrate with real LGBT people in a public space (inb4 “the reason why I didn’t go to pride was muh anxietuh!”) would have been potentially hilarious. I don’t anyone believes she’s even bi at this point. I’m still salty over kalvin backing out of dragging her.
No. 536182
>>536173he's looking like the eyebrow kid from maze runner whenever he trims/dyes his eyebrows a bit kek
it's not a good look gurgles
No. 536190
>>536178Kalvin probably would have dragged her to shreds if he wasn't aware she was married to the Grease lord cockroach of YouTube.
>>536173LOL. We've been making fun of Gronk for not taking Plain to Fiji or somewhere nice and now he can reee to the haturz that he took her to Disneyland.
"Ermahgerd we so poor gib us monies to patreon!!!!" Bitch where
>>535792LGH might be stupid but he's not blind - he's aware of how ugly his wife has gotten over the years and it kills him that he's stuck. What I don't understand is Plain's logic of making herself look uglier uglier with every haircut and dye if she really wants this fiasco of a marriage. Maybe she really is this much vengeful and grudge holding against Gronk and this is her tactic lol.
No. 536206
File: 1530013145427.png (392.86 KB, 391x534, swampasspeggingshreg.png)

>>536173Fuck shreg is completely unbearable in the disney video. Yelling fuck and oh god we're gonna die in a fucking park full of families and young children.
No. 536212
>>536202This! He also sperg about his relationship being totally legal. Then for some reason makes a joke about how Austin Jones should have traveled to Japan because the age of consent is lower there.
That's called sex tourism Greg! I would've thought that he of all people would be educated in that subject.
No. 536246
>>536189>just like the recent Shane video.There were rumors that Shane was going to do a video with them? With Lainey only? Greg only? or both?
Or was this just shit they hinted at in streams?
No. 536253
File: 1530021541169.jpg (128.74 KB, 961x577, ycqpoq.jpg)

>>536173many many thanks upload anon
No. 536257
>>536253jfc why stay with someone who compares you to an ugly man. Even Lainey with her whole trans aesthetic bs must think that's insulting.
Don't ever date or marry someone who thinks it's fun to tell you you look like shit. Fucking love yourselves.
No. 536260
>>536206Why was he wearing sunglasses the whole time?
"I dont want to get recognized, Ill be signing autographs and fending off little girls all day"
No. 536271
File: 1530023520031.png (413.88 KB, 425x716, bigfootsighting.PNG)

Who was in the hotel room with them. AndyFoot tried to pan past them really quick.
Her mom? The outfit colors look the same.
No. 536274
File: 1530023812035.png (2.38 MB, 1919x1079, laineycloseup_disneyland.png)

>>536173Did he zoom in on her on purpose? So that people start to pay more attention to her skin than his?
No. 536279
>>536274He used to take really unflattering pictures of her when Billie was still living with them and post them to his own IG.
So yeah, I wouldn't put it beyond him.
No. 536290
File: 1530025337947.png (854.31 KB, 598x599, sheisbeautysheisgracesheisswam…)

>>536279Billie doesn't have to be in the picture for Shreg to post unflattering pictures. This was posted May 13, 2016 to Shreg's instagram which is after Cuddlegate (January 25, 2016) and before the second coming of Billie (June 2016)
No. 536344
File: 1530030483847.jpg (896.74 KB, 1440x2276, 1530030483646.jpg)

No. 536352
>>536260Yeah, he asked Camila Mendes if she wore a cap to avoid recognition. She said that she just liked caps. Then he smoothly and suavely told her that he wore sunglasses not to be recognized.
She asked him what he was known for. He said he was a banana. She laughed out of courtesy, not getting it. He had to say he made a viral video on youtube singing he was a banana.
Let that sink in.
That's how he introduced himself to a Riverdale actress. He couldn't just say "Oh, hi! Are you Camila Mendes? My wife is a big fan of you in Riverdale :)"
No. 536371
File: 1530034062742.png (1.01 MB, 750x1334, IMG_7165.PNG)

Blair is doing a video with Shane. I bet onion will lose his shit and make 10+ videos about both of them when he catches wind
No. 536444
>>536408Normally I get a big ol' laugh out of seeing which tags the Onions choose, however this time I actually felt a little sad.
>First Family Vacation That's just tragic. They've been married for like 6 years. We all know they never go anywhere but seeing it written in black and white is so depressing.
>Reliving my childhoodHuh. When Lainey wasn't fixated on her appearance in the viewfinder, her gay husband acted either disinterested, or like a complete asshat hellbent on ruining everyone else's experience in the happiest place on earth. She must have had an interesting childhood.
No. 536453
>>536173Jfc. That unnecessary sperg out of the blue about Camila Mendes and the age of consent just highlights what an idiot he is.
>if you don't like it, go after the LAWS!Oh, you mean like the
policies, Shreg? So you're saying you should have taken it up with Disney brass rather than shrieking at that poor security guard who was just doing his job? Because I'm pretty sure you called him a moron and insinuated he was a
Nazi for blindly following the policies set by his employer.
No. 536463
>>536448It must be draining to be around gronk! He fucking RUINED all the rides being an obnoxious piece of shit.
It must be draining to be around them both.
Lol they also did THREE days of disney.. and Onion was clearly inside disney. So I guess he gtf over himself and left his can opener at the hotel.
No. 536494
File: 1530046505267.png (14.76 KB, 942x317, disney.png)

>>536442Wew lad those ticket prices. At least $3000+ for the whole trip if we assume they only paid for their own family and not Lainey's mom and sister.
No. 536521
>>536513Plainey is a female.
>>536512They possibly rented a car too. That's a lot of expenses for someone struggling to survive and getting "bullied" by the IRS.
No. 536540
>>536521>They possibly rented a car too.They did. at about 1:03 on Lainey's Disney video she said that Greg was getting the car (They were at the airport, having just arrived so, It couldn't have be their own car.)
Also, something tells me that his "Disney sperg-out" was all bullshit. He still went anyway
No. 536573
>>536408They went for what like 3 days and on the first night trying to get into the park Greg sperged and made them all go back to the hotel.
2 days in Disney. What an actual waste of money, he totally just arranged this trip to creep on the cons and use them as a business write off.
No. 536574
>>536408Sorry to be nitpicky but it bothered me how loud him and Lainey were being and their loud swearing. Like, don't get me wrong swearing isn't wrong and everyone does it, but it's Disney. There's a bunch of kids about who want to enjoy time with their family and see their favorite characters and enjoy the rides, then you have this odd couple: a grossly red man and a tom boy looking woman yelling and screaming and cussing a bunch.
Also I'm wondering if by saying the trip was sponsored, they mean that Lainey's mom paid for it along with money from patreon. hmmm
No. 536608
>>536585>>536591Imagine being Shreg's CPA.
>What do you mean I can't write off the entire $3000 for my family vacation? I FILMED it for a 10-minute video! Nobody told me I needed receipts to prove I was working! Be a HUMAN!!
>Yes I know Toby Turner donated $1000 to my Patreon, but that extra $1000/month coming in isn't technically income because I donated to his Patreon too so I shouldn't have to pay taxes on it! ..What? That's considered a gift? That's so UNFAIR, why are you targeting me for just trying to make myself look successful? You're a literal Nazi!
>Are you trying to tell me that buying views and followers isn't considered a deductible advertising expense? You just don't understand my career! REEEEEI hope Shreg hasn't exaggerated the amount he's paying that poor soul, because whatever he's charging it couldn't possibly be enough.
No. 536609
>>536606lame isnt trans, she won't be transitioning, summerfag.
she changes her gender about as often as her husband shoots ghost loads on the shower wall
No. 536627
File: 1530059744695.jpg (1023.14 KB, 1420x2178, Screenshot_20180626-203559.jpg)

>>536574I really don't care to know the difference between world and land but I assume the rules are the same.
No. 536736
>>536726But anon, she has to keep her ~I'm such a smol and fragile bean and can't do
anything by myself~ persona up.
No. 536743
>>536737>just a random pic of myself. So unposed and natural guiz. Please give me lots of asspats cause I can't handle the stress of judgemental people seeing how quirky and gay I am!
>Did I mention that I have really bad anxiety? Why are people so mean to smol, delicate, trans gay bois like me? I need reassurance, STAT!If you're a grown woman who is this insecure, perhaps an internet career based on half-truths and attention-seeking behavior with your lunatic husband isn't for you.
Maybe she should spend less energy worrying about the pictures she posts on social media and a little more on pulling her shit together to raise her children and instill them with self-confidence.
Ffs, she's a 23 year old mother of two who pretends to be a 12 year boy, treats being gay as some kind of contest to be won, yet parades around showing off the hickies her creepy husband gave her, lets him verbally harrass everyone, all the while acting like she's a fragile victim of society. She's absolutely ridiculous.
No. 536745
>>536737>Why do other people's opinions bother me so much?1. I thought you didn't read "hate" comments? How odd.
2. Because the people on your main page don't feel the need to blow smoke up your ass and aren't afraid to call you out on your bullshit. It "bothers" you because their criticisms are mostly true.
But go ahead and stick to your hugbox where you'll get those asspats you are desperate for, you smol, sickly, special, sensitive spaceprince, you.
No. 536760
All she wants is to be a tomboy. That's it. She doesn't want to wear makeup anymore (thank goodness, she's horrid at it), needs an excuse to not shave her pits (transmasc uwu) bc saying feminism will have her raked through the coals.
Apparently she feels the need to be a little boy in order for it to be ok for her not to wear makeup and grow her pits.
She doesn't need a label for that shit.
> I feel GOOD abt myself
If she were anyone else, I'd be happy for her. You be you. Fuck makeup, wear baggy comfy clothes, low upkeep, be fine and comfortable with body hair. That's awesome. And it would actually be a "meh, fuck what the media/people say women should be. I'm just gonna do me. Tbh don't like my boobs, might get a reduction if they don't get smaller after I'm done breastfeeding".
I would seriously be happy for her.
But holy hell, co-opting trans struggles and appropriating to justify that shit? Saying she has dysphoria? Fucking pathologizing every thing she wants to change?
That must be a fucked up way to tell Greg "lol I have a gender disorder, so ya can't say shit over my being everything you hate abt women roflcopter"
No. 536763
>>536753She needs her hugbox to give her ideas because she has no imagination.
Her sped up sections are uncreative and lazy. Just filler. Sped up cleaning a room. Organizing toys. Organizing her closet.
Inb4 laundry day.
No. 536765
>>536762Well, she liked Skye.
Probably because she was his only girlfriend who acted normal.
No. 536770
>>536760All her "dysphoria" came 1. After her first pregnancy and 2. After Billie. Cuddlegate and all the Billie drama probably shattered her self confidence. I mean this skinny little alt teeny bopper girl was cucking her. The Billie shit was probably traumatic for her and sometimes when people experience trauma they self victim blame and try to change themselves to prevent the trauma from happening again. Hence all the Billie skinwalking.
And then I think she browsed tumblr a little too much and got it into her head that feeling uncomfortable about the way her body changed with pregnancy meant she was trans. Like wanting smaller boobs and narrower hips would be more "masculine", but she's not fucking trans. No trans person would breastfeed for 4 or so fucking years straight if they had chest dysphoria. They just wouldn't.
Honestly I think when people go to gender counselors past trauma needs to be explored.
Repost because I totally forgot about her highschool boyfriend sexually assaulting her or some shit and also leaking her bra pictures. That is also traumatic and might make someone ashamed of their body and misconstrue it as gender dysphoria.
No. 536780
File: 1530105335196.png (990.59 KB, 1242x2208, B7555810-794A-41E5-82E3-0EB622…)

>>536777Did some digging to make sure I was remembering right. This was her first announcement about her questioning her gender, about a month before she started tweeting Billie.
While Billie wasn’t the best partner to her I think more of her problems came by Greg constantly asking her to get a gf. Remember around this time was when Greg was really trying to convince her to come out as bisexual and suggesting she get a gf even though she explicitly said she didn’t want one. Having your husband who you love and trust constantly pushing you into an identity (bisexual) that you are not ready to accept as well as pushing you to physically explore something that really should be done on your own terms and at your own pace is what fucked her up. People put so much weight on Billie but compared to the shit Greg put her through Billie didn’t do shit.
No. 536782
>>536335>>536356I agree with you anons. It's maybe not the most flattering picture, but she looks more lively and natural here.
>>536354>>536760Underrated post!
>>536766I hope somebody turns this into a meme then, with the caption:
>>536780Well, apparently Lainey
can put her foot down sometimes. Why doesn't she offer to bring a young man into their relationship. I mean she's bi. That might help her creepy husband to finally rake in the views he needs so desperately - and since he's willing to try literally anything and everything…
But no, he suffers from penis dysphoria, hence won't accept any real men in his trailer.
If I was Lainey, I'd pull an onion on him and simply fly in a hot guy, she's the bread winner after all. And since she already oggles ftm guys, she might be on her way there.
No. 536783
>>536780I don't want you to think I'm blaming Billie. I'm not. But Billie has the desired body type that Lainey wants. And literally the same night cuddlegate happened Shreg was ready to sign away Trot and run away with his new alt teen girl. That is fucked and traumatizing. That is what I'm getting at. I am fully aware that Shreg manipulated the entire situation for his benefit.
I 100% put the blame on Shreg because he had the power in the relationship and he is the perfect example of why fans should not get into relationships with their idols. The unbalanced power dynamic is dangerous and Shreg takes advantage of this to manipulate his lovers.
I'm glad he's circling the drain, he's a scumbag and he deserves it.
No. 536793
File: 1530111212882.png (773.01 KB, 1440x2161, 20180627_105335.png)

>>536786People are as fed up with Swamp Prince as Shreg is lol.
No. 536807
File: 1530117436280.jpg (599.09 KB, 1428x1634, 20180627_123707.jpg)

>>536780> I think more of her problems came by Greg constantly asking her to get a gf. >Remember around this time was when Greg was really trying to convince her to come out as bisexual and suggesting she get a gf even though she explicitly said she didn’t want one. Yup. Being groomed by a pedo for years, like Taylor Elaine was, made the manipulation that much easier for Greg to pull the wool over her eyes. Most women, if their husbands or boyfriends suddenly try to pull that ol, hey, lets get a female unicorn for our beds, would put a full stop to that. Because you fucking love yourself too much to let some silly boy try to have all the cake.
Its so obvious for everyone outside the situation. She don't love herself. She don't know how. Add to that Greg always insulting her and putting her down, no wonder she's aged so terribly in 2 years.
>>536737That is pit hair. In nursing school they teach that bacteria adhere to the surface, and the more surfaces possible, the more B.O. will occur. Thats hygenically why you shave. To cut down on that, along with asthetics obviously.
So then, why, with Greg who hates B.O., why would he be okay with this??? I think he lies and tells her its okay, but secretly judges her for it, and makes her even that much less sexualy desirable.
Um okay, she can be whoever she wants, more power to that, but she lies. She lies so much. To her fans, her family, and to herself. Shes just a teen mom with no real identity, and has a husband mentaly stuck at 15, hell, 14, who wants to whine amd cry about not being famous, and who'd rather spend everyday searching for his next teen victim.
Fucking love yourself woman. You got 2 babes who shouldn't suffer the sins of the parents. Get away from the cancer pit
No. 536818
File: 1530119642562.gif (428.72 KB, 297x195, afd.gif)

>>536737No one cares you delusional lamp, get over yourself
No. 536822
>>536809I heard that his mom loathed the fuck out of Shiloh and liked Skye lol but it's the first that I hear of them being still in contact.
>>536793LMAO this is even funnier than LGH's downfall. inb4 "Where's muh support?"
No. 536833
>>536821Long straight hair can be super unattractive on someone with a long face like Lainey. However, the particular short hair cuts she gets are also bad for her face shape.
>>536826Typical Greg. Probably hates a girl not smelling fresh and clean, while he goes around loving the smell of his own BO.
No. 536834
>>536825Perhaps not, but it forced Shiloh to shave her head when they were dating just to degrade her. It's not too much of a leap, but I do think Lamey did it on her own.
>>536833Yeah, she needs a mid-length or chin-length hair cut. It'll balance out how horsey she looks.
No. 536849
>>536836>but do you think LGH could've been being obnoxious and draining on the rides as a way to tell Lame that they shouldn't take vacations?When men get smart enough about not wanting to do things their wives nag them to do, they learn to do it badly, very very badly. Maybe even break some dishes or stain all the clothes, or burn the food, or drip garbage all over while taling it outside.
I feel that LGH learned that long ago, hence why he is so cringey and humiliating to be with when out in the wild. Keeps his girl in check by making sure the amount of time away from his computer and hentai collection at a minimum.
No. 536852
File: 1530128682782.png (577.55 KB, 1440x2434, What.png)

Please, patreonfags hook us up if possible. I can't decide if he's really this stupid or it's another last-ditch effort to "go VIRAL" by yet again hopping on long-dead drama.
Kek what the fuck
No. 536856
File: 1530129272634.png (343.62 KB, 1440x1291, poor me.png)

So a patron takes the time to write him out a detailed video idea (and also suggests he enlists help with the script for a more polished result kek) and Shreg's only response is
>Waaah I can't upload videos on one of my five channels!
What a knob.
No. 536865
>>536807>That is pit hair. In nursing school they teach that bacteria adhere to the surface, and the more surfaces possible, the more B.O. will occur. Thats hygenically why you shave. To cut down on that, along with asthetics obviously.Partially true, it does help cut down on BO. Aesthetics are a personal choice. (same for both men and women)
But, Shaving can have adverse affects as wells. Such as shaving/waxing your pubes can lead to greater risk of STDs. (men and women) No. 536874
File: 1530131660520.gif (1.56 MB, 400x305, Xyykmst.gif)

>>536865Ah, of course. HuffPo, the obvious and shining example of objective and scientific journalism.
Gtfo here with this derailing shit about shaving.
In other news, Greg's back to doing what he does best: judging other people's bodies.
No. 536896
>>536862How ironic is it that this patron clearly spent more time thinking about and writing this suggestion out than Shreg has spent writing any of his "scripts" for his shitty videos.
Tbh it sounds like it'd be a cringy video, but you might think it would have occurred to Shreg to at least
thank the dude for his suggestion.
No. 536897
File: 1530135446490.png (1.55 MB, 1440x1895, going VIRAL guiz.png)

Here's his "Dear Fat People". Spends the first 5 min advertising his patreon, shaming "haturrzz" and sperging about YT while boasting about himself and giggling like a fucked up hyena. Then finally goes into the super current and relevant topic of Nicole Arbor before discussing obesity. No. 536907
File: 1530136523147.png (1.39 MB, 1440x2178, So relevant!.png)

>>536897Kek the tags. He's literally responding to a 2 year-old video.
>Quick, who's a fat youtuber I can reference? Boogie!Boogie made a reply to Nicole Arbour's video TWO years ago. And for the life of me, I can't find one by Tyler Oakley.
I'm actually surprised he didn't tag Shane, who also made a video on this 2 years ago.
I love how he just had to shoehorn in a sperg about how he doesn't collab with YouTubers because they always bail on you. Jesus he's a twunt.
No. 536916
File: 1530137321415.png (1.22 MB, 1420x774, Pay me piggies.png)

>>536897Wtf. In his rant he talks about what a bad person Cyr is and how he's removed all the vids they did together..
But then says they're ALL on his
Patreon if you want to see them!
>Cyr is a terrible person guiz so no one should see those vids on YT but pay me $12 a month and you can enjoy them!!What an absolute piece of shit. Does he not see how gross this is?
No. 536917
>>536897Greg's psych wiki investigation speaks such truth.
I see the "i'm programmed to be this way" as a preamble to his cheating on GSW. "I'm not programmed for monogamy!! I'm not programmed to be attracted to adults! It's out of my controllllll"
No. 536927
>>536897Holy Jeebus. That Nicole Arbour thing happened Sept 8 of 2015.
Damn near 3 years. Way to stay current and topical Gurg.
Hey Greg, since you read here, maybe you could make a video about Tron guy, or Chocolate Rain, or the dramatic chipmunk. Feel free to use that as an idea. My gift to you.
No. 536930
Coming soon: an expose on the Damn, Daniel kid.
No. 536931
File: 1530139766794.png (153.92 KB, 1440x831, REEEEEE.png)

Screencapped for posterity as he'll likely delete this, but I wonder who today's sperg is directed at.
No. 536936
File: 1530140256168.png (284.24 KB, 1440x1562, The persecution of Onion.png)

Poor Shreg. Relentlessly persecuted by those nonsensical idiot haturrrz. Why is everyone so unfair? It's a hard knock life being a fool in a world full o' sharkz!
No. 536947
>>536931I think he meant one syllable each but EVEN THAT IS WRONG TOO. FSDJKFSDFHJKSDHFJ
The fat people video was /almost/ backhanded at the way he kept saying what he assumed fat people say/feel about themselves. I liked the rolling ball analogy, though. Wonder where he got that from.
No. 536971
File: 1530143056672.jpeg (42.78 KB, 419x553, 3AC0E1D3-FB39-43C0-BCEF-554DC8…)

>>536955Holy fuck anon I didn’t even notice that… I was too busy wondering if this idiot knew what a syllable was! What unbelievable keks
No. 536975
>>536916he's probably hoping to literally cash in on the drama by thinking people who are just hearing about cyr because of all the dasha/edwin/mina insanity will pay to get access to the videos or something. but the other anon is right, literally nobody cares that much. if he really wanted to bait people he should make a video spilling "tea" on cyr (not that he has any i'm sure but you know what i mean) and make that patreon-only.
>>536807if removing pit hair is a matter of hygiene, how come men aren't expected to shave (and in fact are treated as strange if they do, vs women who are expected to have hairless armpits)? genuine question since this is apparently being taught in a nursing school. that seems very…incorrect.
No. 537012
>>536979>>536982I think he's trying to say that it's "so simple" even an idiot should understand. Not realizing he himself is the true idiot.
But then again, we're so bored we're picking on his normal illiteracy so whatever kek
No. 537018
File: 1530148997654.png (482.25 KB, 707x546, jackXonion.png)

I agree with Shreg that he doesn't look like Shane Dawson. He looks more like Jack Nicholson imo.
No. 537025
File: 1530149489515.png (271.85 KB, 469x405, bald.png)

Is he balding?
No. 537110
File: 1530164144565.webm (1.98 MB, 1920x1080, dude same.webm)
No. 537127
File: 1530165742661.png (952.47 KB, 746x790, lamey.png)

>>537106This is what happens to your skin when you put makeup on like you're cement rendering a wall.
No. 537141
>>537127Imagine being this ugly. Imagine being married to someone this ugly. Imagine being this ugly
and married to someone just as ugly.
No. 537157
>>537110Why Plainey isn't playing with Yoshi?
Or is because that Super Mario doesn't have that character?
And why Grug isn't playing with red Toad
Since those are the character they tattoo on
No. 537168
File: 1530170257437.jpg (184.36 KB, 1536x1536, 1530170019325.jpg)

Shreg setting Twitter on fire with those LIT memes from 2012. Seriously, the meme on the bottom is from fucking six years ago.
Jesus he's embarrassing.
No. 537227
>>537168Okay Greg why did you
Suddenly decide to forego
Punctuation at the end
Of all
you sentences
When previously you were
So anal about it on twitter
No. 537279
>>536947>>536953Well, technically he could be right if he had wanted to say that three of these word have only one syllable ("stop, to, me").
Maybe an insider?
No. 537292
>>537273>bisexual in no way means you wouldn't date someone trans.I'm aware. But the word "pansexual" is generally used by tumblrinas who felt trans people were being left out by using the word "bi" meaning "two" and excluding people who identify as being "bread" or something.
We know she's a big fan of tumblr and tumblr culture so she has definitely come across this debate at one stage. By saying she's "bisexual" she's saying she wouldn't date someone
like herself (by Tumblr's stadnards) i.e. someone who is genderfluid or agender or demi-boy or whatever the flavour of the month is for her.
That's what I'm trying to point out.
>most everybody falls into male and female categories, trans or notDid Grease not use this exact phrasing in a video before? Maybe an anon with good memory can remember the video.
>>537274>Whats the purpose of a pansexual label at all then?Basically what I described above. It's really a pointless debate but if you're someone who believes there are more than two genders and you want to include them in your sexuality, you'd use the "pansexual" term and it's just strange to me that she's implying she wouldn't date another agender demi-boy space prince.
No. 537297
>>537292Lame and Shregma don’t see trans people as real men or women lol
That’s why Shregma will date a trans man (hypothetically) and not a trans woman.
No. 537302
File: 1530199737043.jpg (480 KB, 3044x872, vichug.jpg)

>>536897Every time I see him he looks more and more like Vic Mignogna. Starting to wonder if Tami's been lying about her baby's daddy all this time. Same looks, same narc personality, same love of interacting with impressionable teenagers, same love of questionable physical interaction with teenagers..
No. 537319
File: 1530205495260.png (1.45 MB, 1226x685, greywalled.png)

>>536173Tfw your fam don't fall for your covert histrionic attention seeking. SO not blessed.
No. 537325
>>537323GSW is a transtrender, she uses it as an aesthetic cause that's what SJW tumblrina's use to get attention and as a scapegoat.
Lame is just another white, cis female and she hates that she's not "special" or unique in any way. She's about as interesting as a dried up fern.
No. 537326
>>537323A lot of Lainey's BS is most likely her keeping up a lie and trying to save face. She was too deep in the agender stuff, but once she realized that it's inherently nonsensical ("my gender is no gender!") it was too late to turn back after all of her insistence about it being
VaLiD so she had to latch on to the different, yet still super speshul label of transmasc (aka tomboy attention whore).
Coming back to the name thing, Greg always, in true cult leader fashion, renames his conquests. To convince herself and others that she likes and wants the name Lainey, she's insisted again and again that she HATES the name Taylor, and always has! (Just like she's always felt sooo oppressed by dresses, even though there's plenty of pictures of her wearing them into her adult years). At this point, she can't go back; the lie is too deep.
No. 537337
File: 1530208874614.png (367.12 KB, 622x622, ursulain.png)

>>537106Lainey rocking that Ursula look.
No. 537362
>>537351My sides, anon! Topkek!
No. 537368
>>537106Puts on a basic yellow t-shirt with green skinny jeans:
>I look FUCKBOI AF>References her "alter-ego" LandonJfc you look like a regular nondescript girl with short hair in a normal outfit you attention-seeking loser. What the fuck is wrong with you. It's literally just a t-shirt with a rose on it.
No. 537373
>>537315Ugh. This patron paid a bunch of money for this "perk", but instead of actually
plugging their stuff he barely mentions them and turns it into an ad for his Patreon.
You'd think he would take the time to check out their shit and actually mention what it is and why we should visit it. But clearly he does the bare minimum, hasn't even looked at it and basically says "I'm obligated to do this so I'm mentioning it."
What an asshole.
No. 537386
File: 1530216584961.png (601.4 KB, 844x473, gay must stay in the hallway.P…)

I noticed that AndyFoot and Noah were sitting on the floor in the hallway. Was it because her Gay Husband didnt allow her new tranny dudefriend in the hotel room. Or was Noah apprehensive about being trapped in a small hotel room with Shreg. I mean technically Noah still has a vagina and shes a teenager so Shreg is going to be all over that.
Lainey leaves the hotel room to get ice and Gronk tries to hug and lift up Noah while his tiny onion sprout rubs up against poor Noah.
No. 537401
>>537295Someone please shoop Greg's face into a mirror and Lainey in front of it.
"mirror mirror on the wall
who is the queerest of them all"
"you, you faggot, now come here and suck my dick"
No. 537405
>>537391Lol what a fucking tangent. Yes I smoke weed.
I actually live close to the swamp so if by misfortune I ever come in contact with Greg I’m going to try and talk to him about weed. I remember seeing someone saying he want to try pot brownies and I need to warn him away from that
No. 537408
>>537405he wants to try pot brownies and I need to warn him away from that
Why the hell would you do that? I havent ever done edibles but Ive heard they're way stronger and fuck your shit up. Id love to hear about how he lost his shit for a whole day because of a pot cookie or brownie.
No. 537412
File: 1530224585946.png (563.59 KB, 557x629, Moon over MiHAMi.png)

I know you're struggling financially Shreg, bit maybe it's time to invest in a bigger pair of pants.
Not only can we see your backfat rolls as you try to woo your teen fans by wagging your ass in every video, but you're putting quite a strain on the seams of your poor, overworked trousers.
I know you like to claim the title, but clearly those pants are the world's hardest working YouTubers.
No. 537414
File: 1530224863904.png (Spoiler Image,425.03 KB, 553x580, gibmedacarrot.png)

>>537412LGH finally found his perfect mate.
No. 537419
>>537414A+++ anon
Holy shit this made me kek
No. 537420
File: 1530225277522.jpg (18.53 KB, 199x266, landoncider.jpg)

>>537368Wonder if she stole that 'alter ego' name from Landon Cider, he's a pretty well known drag king who is actually gay and actually looks like a dude, everything she tries to be
No. 537423
File: 1530225685926.png (722.02 KB, 1440x2248, asspattery.png)

Imagine being so desperate for praise that you'd retweet something like this.
This girl literally gave him asspats for offering the bare minimum of communication and merely gave her a "heart", as he does with every positive comment, to drown out the critical comments.
Shreg is such a great person, guiz! Saving lives and brightening everyone's day with his amazing and thoughtful fan interactions!
No. 537432
>>537420Except for the fact that this is a grown
man, not a teen boy. GSW has never shown any interest in transitioning into an actual adult man, which was one of the first red flags that this was all for show.
Even with her latest stupid video, when she said she looked "Fuckboi AF" with that rose t-shirt she referenced Justin Bieber. You just know she was thinking "teen Justin".
No. 537438
File: 1530226577906.png (18.38 KB, 658x146, shamingshithead.png)

LGH deleted this tweet very quickly. Who the fuck would pay 7 dollars for a photo of lainey looking completely lazy jesus christ.
>>53741410/10 laughed my ass off anon
No. 537450
>>537438What the hell is he talking about? Most youtubers don't make perks to be "exculsive" picture sets of themselves, much less lewd or nude ones. Like maybe youtubers who just vlog about their family life but again, that's not done nude. What he's thinking about is instagrammers who post their adult content to patreon, but this is coming from the man who makes all sorts of sexual content for youtube (plus uncensored on patreon) and has complimented Moo for years
>>537432The irony of her trying to imitate the boy everyone joked was actually a girl when he was young is too much
No. 537454
File: 1530227137799.jpg (14.8 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg)

>>5374382 shitty polaroids. One of his ugly footwife sleeping, the second of him covering half his face.
Id pay to see Greg as the featured actor in a "special" 8mm film with co-star The Machine
No. 537455
File: 1530227207586.png (Spoiler Image,694 KB, 896x861, lameBBC.png)

Plainey finally gets a taste of real D.
No. 537468
>>537408Ahaha. Let him. It'll be like that time a cop stole a bunch of weed, cooked it, and phoned an ambulance
He's too retarded to make pot brownies properly though, it's a pretty long and involved process to do from scratch and it's not legal in his state, right? (UKfag here) He's in no danger of fucking himself up, the man can't understand syllables, which as far as I know seven year olds can grasp. He doesn't cook in any normal capacity, let alone bake.
No. 537469
>>537455Lol shreg would be so
triggered by this
No. 537485
>>537438They can't sell their nudes. No one wants them.
Lainey already posted her nipples and vag lips. Gronk already posted his bare ass and outlined micropeen.
No. 537487
>>537470Oh for real? That's a shame, means he can just go and buy edibles that will actually work.
Gerg really strikes me as the kind of person who could actually go properly mental from taking too many drugs. Like full on psychotic break. You can tell the kind because they're always really egocentric - you can't think there's a massive conspiracy out to get you unless you think you're special in some way. He should stay well away from psychedelics.
No. 537488
File: 1530229353023.jpg (242.27 KB, 1536x1536, 1530229227956.jpg)

>>537432When you realize she's been skinwalking Biebs all along
No. 537492
File: 1530229579586.png (1.13 MB, 904x1741, Screenshot_2018-06-28-16-24-14…)

>>537454>>537450>>537438Good god. They must really be hard up for money. Hope this sits with the rest of their shitty, unsold items that literally no one is interested in.
No. 537525
>>537518MDMA is one of the safest drugs you can take anon. Cause of death is always either hyperthermia because of dancing and too little water, or over-hydration because people think that
>Keep hydrated! applies to everyone, not just people dancing in hot clubs, and they need to force themselves to drink a ton of water. As far as I am aware, there is not a single case of MDMA being listed as the primary cause of death. It's always hyperthermia or hyperhydration.
MDMA is an entactogen though, which would be really interesting because everyone is in agreement with the armchair that gerg is a narc, or at the very least empathy-deficient. I wonder how he'd cope with a drug that actually forces empathy on you.
(derailing) No. 537553
>>537470He acts as if laws are never altered or changed as the years go by. If they never changed we'd still have segregation and gay marriage would still be outlawed
>>537492Who do they think they are with this instamax shit? Taylor Swift from a few years ago? Also I find it hilarious that Greg advertised 4 of his photos ruining the idea of a surprise "never before seen photo" just to show off his mug. Not to mention he only showed one of Lainey's and even in their shared photo Lainey is hidden at the back
No. 537562
>>537432Just so there is no confusion: Landon is a normal, cute “chapstick” lesbian out of drag, She is in a very loving, respectful marriage with her wife. She uses prosthetics and special effects makeup in her acts.
>>537438Why?! Why would this being appealing to anybody? It just looks like they’re trying to get rid of pictures they were just going to throw away.
>>537492These are nothing but uncomfortable creeper photos. Nothing personal for the buyer or aesthetically pleasing for collectors.
No. 537573
>>537553Trying to mimic Taylor Swifts 1989 polaroid gimmick is spot on. Im sure Lainey is the one who brought it up (4 years too late) They both have literally become those weird creepy parents who try to stay hip and hang out with their teenage kids, but always behind on the slang & trends.
>>537562Uncomfortable creeper photos is what I see too. Its something the cops would have found in Dahmers apartment or The BTK's shed.
No. 537582
File: 1530238291478.jpeg (303.45 KB, 691x556, E431E622-A10D-47F1-AED8-F2DF9E…)

So Onision was caught trying to visit Billie
No. 537588
>>537487>you can't think there's a massive conspiracy out to get you unless you think you're special in some way.that's … not how it works, anon. if you're going to armchair, at least pick something you even vaguely know about.
>>537492he's doing this to shade the fuck out of her, right? she never looks good but damn, that's some ugly
No. 537750
>>537492He's literally selling their memories.
Put the Love Books up for auction. That'd be some crazy shit.
No. 537788
>>537386Was her sister and mom staying at the hotel? She doesn't like to bring trans shit near the fam so that might be why.
Goodness imagine going on the Onion family vacation, sharing a suite with them, separate rooms of course, and then listening to your daughter or sister being fucked by a squealing shitbag and hearing "suk mi" in the middle of the night.
No. 537790
File: 1530270947572.jpg (113.17 KB, 1280x720, stefonknee.jpg)

>>537432This. She identifies as TEEN BOY. Even Onion mentioned this during 'debate' with Blaire.
Who else does this? well, this guy:
claims to be young girl, hides behind trans-tumblr terminology, uses it to fulfill his creepy fantasies, loves to play misunderstood victim for asspats, talks how hard it is to be him in this bigoted world…
but when Lameo does it, somehow she should be treated like special snowflake?
No. 537794
>>537790I really wanna know what's going on in her head.
Being a married mother of two and then deciding to become a teenage "boy" (I don't know any male person who runs around saying "liit. Fuckboii. Aesthetics") is not normal.
When Trot becomes an actual teenage boy I'm sure Taylor tries to hang out with him and his friends.
>Mom can you please leave us alone?>umm hello. First of all, you just misgendered me. Second of all, I'm a total fuckboi. Come on, let's go find some cute girls to date, I'm HELLA gay today. No. 537812
>>537811Her transphobia shows when she misgenders herself with her kids lol
It's the only time she'll acknowledge her womanhood
No. 537814
File: 1530284100892.jpg (1.15 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_4655.jpg)

>>537492This is literal trash. If you sell this shit for $7 you are a scam artist, and if you buy them you are an absolute retard.
No. 537817
>>537788I can't comprehend why so many anons are obsessed with describing them having sex???
>>537814I believe each of those photos are about $2 each to make (film cost). Then with the time and effort to mail them, it hardly seems worth it unless people are buying a few at a time.
No. 537828
File: 1530287162595.jpeg (226.8 KB, 1080x1154, 0F021179-BD82-43A8-9D26-8ECDAA…)

>>537814>>537817>>537821Greg has picked up a trick from the Patreons he (tax deductably) donates to, except like all things he fundamentally doesn’t understand it.
No. 537859
>>537814Who the hell would buy this and why.
These are the kind of pictures you maybe pin to your fridge, but selling them online…?
What's next, is he going to sell pictures trot and clot drew claiming he drew them?
No. 537940
File: 1530299170097.png (639.72 KB, 1205x677, Screenshot-2018-6-29 BLINDFOLD…)

New video. The video is 6 min, but he reads comments and e-begs for the first 3 minutes. A+ content LGH! No. 537958
File: 1530300511730.jpg (26.46 KB, 500x635, trSnwpS.jpg)

>>537814He looks like he's lost his dentures.
No. 538073
File: 1530312896074.png (Spoiler Image,474.73 KB, 739x607, blackedOnion.png)

I'm sorry.
No. 538087
File: 1530315237550.png (1.52 MB, 1440x2114, kekk.png)

>>537814>>537492>>537859Kek this is my favorite twitter response so far. Bless the person who did this.
No. 538090
File: 1530315418281.jpeg (92.55 KB, 750x385, FB8BF2DD-D530-4E73-9A36-7942D3…)

No. 538115
File: 1530318812818.png (1.27 MB, 1425x1899, Panic at the SwampCo!.png)

The relentless e-begging is starting to make sense now.
If you subtract the $1000 that Toby Turner pledged (and Shreg reciprocated in their brilliant plan to bolster their Patreons and look more successful), Shreg is at some of the lowest donation numbers I've seen in recent history.
Subs are plummeting, his Patreons are dropping like flies, and their dirty wigs and wrinkled clothes have been festering, unsold no matter how much he plugs his stupid shop of crap.
Now he's spamming his YT vids with Patreon shit and trying to sell Polaroids. Mark my words, a sex tape is coming soon, Shreg is desperate.
Frozen burritos don't grow on trees and he foolishly bought another pricey house assuming he could hit it big with a VIRAL video. Unfortunately for poor Shreggy lightening, unlike acne, rarely strikes in the same place twice.
No. 538119
>>537940Legitimately surprised he didn't put idubbbz in the tags after his spree of tagging successful youtubers in his crappy vids. Guess he decided this one was hilarious enough to stand on it's own merit.
I will never understand people paying for the privelege of sending these entitled whiny fucks packages of stuff in the mail.
No. 538262
>>538135I seriously doubt her being "bisexual" is the reason her sister isn't allowed to follow her (if that's even true). It would be her blatant sexual content and predatory nature, the fact that it sometimes involves girls is nothing compared to that (also didn't Lainey's sister actually stay with her once?). Also her not coming out to her parents is likely cause they'd laugh at her, not because of transphobia, but because they will know it's utter bullshit. They've known her all her life, if she actually hated dresses they'd know. Also they likely know what's up anyways. If they've ever watched one of her videos or even their titles, checked her twitter, etc they would have seen Lainey broadcast their ~gender identity~
>>538161The latter, her fans used to take a bunch of moments but they don't know. Likely cause she doesn't do shit on stream and even if you liked her talking about her pronouns the first time, no one will care after the hundredth
No. 538272
File: 1530342730298.png (12.96 KB, 695x88, 5648874.PNG)

Ive been noticing that more and more people on Twitter and in the YT comment sections of random videos have been insulting each other by saying
>dont act like Onision
>the female Onision
>Onision 2.0
I love that the name/word Onision has not only become synonymous with pedophilia, but with something horrible or of bad quality in general. Its like the opposite of the saying "The Cadillac of _________"
"oh man I ate too much cheese last week and havent been able to use the toilet for days, I finally took a giant Onision this morning and feel 10 pounds lighter"
This is your names legacy Greg.
No. 538374
>>538161Incognito anon here.
I haven’t been taking many moments, or even watching her streams for the matter lately because she’s a fucking yawn and a half lately. Even her haters are getting bored with her transtrending.
The good news is that there are still a few YouTube channels reuploading highlights, suffering so you don’t have to.
No. 538473
>>538272Seconding this notion, its something ive also seen increase over time, and its perfect. How else will people know since he's slowly disappearing from people's minds.
If a person can say Onision, and the only thoughts are synonymous with internet pedophile groomer and online bully, then mission accomplished.
Because in a few more years, Greg's gonna get antsy, and he'll find some jailbait. Here is an article about a 40 year old grooming a 16 year old. It mirrors Laineys story. Its scary that it still happens all over. (That's why all friends and co-workers get the Onision speil to know what to look out for when their kids go online. To keep the kids safe. It keeps them vigilant.) No. 538558
File: 1530397166332.png (141.43 KB, 1429x761, ha.png)

>>538545Apparently you weren't the only person who noticed that video.
And guess who's name
isn't among the 5 retweets/48 likes? Jessie. Kek
No. 538563
File: 1530397820643.png (1.59 MB, 1440x2221, patreon plug.png)

Translation: "My poor fragile sickly wife isn't feeling well, what a golden opportunity to advertise my failing Patreon!"
Btw, his cool new approach of spamming his videos and SM with begging for Patreon pledges doesn't seem to be working. He's down in donations about $40/mo since yesterday.
No. 538581
File: 1530399633548.png (63.31 KB, 800x426, Screenshot-2018-7-1 Onision or…)

Because you would never block someone and then talk shit about them… right?
No. 538586
File: 1530400321369.jpg (320.33 KB, 1536x1536, 1530399904071.jpg)

>>538563Kek after advertising this brilliant polaroid idea, the Swamp monsters have only managed to sell TWO pictures since yesterday.
>Limited supply guiz, better order these quick before you miss out! No. 538588
>>538386Exactly. Its human nature to be curious about seeing yourself on any kind of media. So you know she looked up Taylors channel searching for the Disney trip, and then got curious as to what all those other videos were about. I mean just on the same tier as the Disney video is RECONNECTING WITH MY EX GIRLFRIEND & TELLING MY FRIEND I LIKE HER, so that surely caught her mom (families) eye.
That reaction we saw from her mom and sister when Taylor was whining about being ugly and not looking as pretty as them and they TOTALLY ignored her. Taylors family is used to her being overly dramatic and attention seeking. Im sure they all think this non binary, searching for a female soul mate thing is just a phase and a way of getting attention and it will blow over, just like her fake emo phase in high school.
No. 538590
File: 1530400888191.png (310.89 KB, 1440x1274, give it a rest GSW.png)

>>538583She's been at this for awhile. Thankfully Jessie seems smart enough to want nothing to do with GSW.
No. 538625
So Ash Hardell is a YouTuber who talks a lot about gender/sexuality, non-binary, getting top surgery soon, but is tolerable because she seems genuinely kind and intelligent, and she actually has a job and life outside of YouTube.
Lainey's been saying again and again how much she wants to collab with her, brings her up as a YouTuber she really likes a lot, Tweets her, and was saying she was hoping to do something with her but she was busy.
Well, Ash just posted a video where she talks about people like her who are still not positive in what they are, puts it in an eloquent way Lainey never could; but the similarities are there: not a girl, wants top surgery, no bottom dysphoria, they/them… So anyway the THE BEST PART is she puts in all of these clips of random people expressing their feelings about this. Lainey is not one of them, even though she claims to be EXACTLY what this video calls for. Just thought it'd make her ree a little. Ha ha.
No. 538627
>>538619>>538619"Hi girls… whats going on in here?"
"Making a video? Want me to help? Ive been doing this YouTube thing for over 10 years, I know what makes a viral video… have you seen my Im a Banana Video Jessie?"
"No? You dont need my help… okay"
"Can I stay and watch then?"
>doesnt wait for an answer or approval, sits down on the couch and stares at Jessie like a dog stares at a slab of meat No. 538637
File: 1530405337499.gif (1.75 MB, 320x205, 44328D34-82DD-4027-A7EA-7053AE…)

>>538627Good thing that at 19 homegirl is too old for Ogreasion’s shriveled baby carrot.
No. 538654
File: 1530407423145.png (304.91 KB, 1242x2208, 03DF9FCA-BCA7-41C3-97F1-AF2581…)

He could ship these in an envelope with a stamp for $3 easily. Even $2.
No. 538671
But really, how full of themselves can they get? There's some YouTubers I REALLY enjoy watching, but the thought of buying a polaroid directly from them… no thanks? It's so personal. I only want pictures of my loved ones, and if I were selling these pics of myself I'd be sure to take note of the names that bought them so I'd know who to avoid/who the press should look for if I'm ever murdered.
No. 538672
File: 1530409935176.jpg (39.48 KB, 432x432, photo.jpg)

>>538671>if I were selling these pics of myself I'd be sure to take note of the names that bought them so I'd know who to avoid/who the press should look for if I'm ever murdered.That could be what Onisions plan is. Find out who the real creepos are in his cult of failure.
You just know that Respit weirdo bought a full set so he could squirt his tribute all over Gregs face.
No. 538674
i don't want to direct any hate towards the person i'm thinking of but does this not remind anyone of a certain fake-russian's least favorite person
No. 538702
>>538672Looks like lainey by the end of this year.
Ooooo grease how does it feel knowing your spouse is always going to look like this.
You'll never have a feminine woman again kek.
No. 538714
File: 1530415283432.jpeg (85.95 KB, 640x487, 5B70306C-B55D-4DC7-9CE1-CDA384…)

What you first type on Google
No. 538743
>>538626More like he is scared of Taylor's father. He probably screamed at him over the age of consent and, well, you don't scream at a successful lawyer without getting your ass handed back to you. He's not going to try to be around that guy again, because he knows lawyer logic trumps onision logic.
Greg can't control her dad, but he still can control Taylor, and when she gets to visit her folks. God did Billie dodge a bullet there.
No. 538746
File: 1530417086059.jpeg (293.18 KB, 750x730, 95FCA425-08FF-4BC3-9427-FE5E1B…)

I found this on Twitter about this pic. It’s true though, they do give off serial killer vibes(selfposting)
No. 538755
File: 1530417555682.jpeg (160.03 KB, 663x604, 85F86BDD-431C-4015-B5CD-347A1E…)

>>538671>But really, how full of themselves can they get? There's some YouTubers I REALLY enjoy watching, but the thought of buying a polaroid directly from them… no thanks? It's so personal. I only want pictures of my loved onesIt’s derived from camgirls; who would sell polaroids to their followers to sustain the fantasy that they have a personal connection and a one-of-a-kind photo of their waifu.
I wonder how Greg learned about buying polaroids…
No. 538758
File: 1530417624216.png (47.19 KB, 728x390, Screenshot_2018-06-30-20-43-03…)

most all accomplished authors, instead of working from an outline and having editors help with readability and continuity issues, he's literally just been winging it and sharting out a few paragraphs when he needs money/attention.
He has no idea what he's doing and at this point I think his novel/manifesto/jackoff tome may never be finished. It is destined to slowly sink into the spergy swamp, much like his YouTube career.
No. 538762
>>538588I would bet money her family talks often about that situation and her parents are heartbroken over her histrionics since she married Greg. They probably are only a few steps away from staging an intervention.
>>538609I wouldn’t be surprised if some people have warned her. It seems a lot of the YouTube crowd is well aware that no matter how sweet you think Taylor is, her husband is absolute scorched Earth, and one of the quickest guarantees of entering a very shunned crowd of YTers. It’s career suicide to associate with them.
No. 538772
File: 1530419122155.png (1.16 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1682.PNG)

Peep that D-. Shane's got an A.
Looks like he did some deleting. I thought only people do that when they have something to hide?
No. 538774
File: 1530419494159.jpg (Spoiler Image,221.77 KB, 967x701, Gregs2ndJob.jpg)

>>538755>I wonder how Greg learned about buying polaroids…>It’s derived from camgirls; who would sell polaroids to their followersI think we just found out what that mysterious "second job" is Greg keeps alluding to.
No. 538805
File: 1530423705517.png (48.2 KB, 230x230, onisions spoiler.png)

I just realized how much the general spoiler image looks like Greg when he showed his ass on that Trisha video.
I wonder if we can have a specific spoiler cover image for the Onision/Laineybot threads.
No. 538846
the woman in the video directly in front of him on the rollercoaster was CLEARLY pissed off.
No. 538853
>>538829He is sooooo fucking fat.
Those man tits are disgusting
No. 538860
File: 1530437697616.png (23.38 KB, 1051x375, Screenshot_2018-06-30-21-00-10…)

>>538662I feel almost like he has more pictures and then made the number of them lower to make it seem like they were selling or that they really are exclusive (Greg probably hates the idea of limited edition because it means not everyone who wants to give him his money can). Or of course your theories and potentially people had two in their carts and didn't buy. Greg's and the duos are at 8 now and Lainey's at 5, I'll keep an eye on it to see if it jumps up again
Also, I checked out a pair of shorts they were selling of Lainey's because I was interested in seeing the size (can't fake that) and this was the description. I just can't with these people
No. 538862
File: 1530439607631.png (208.37 KB, 1104x537, lol.png)

>>538714Lmao, you're right. And to think he got angry at people just retweeting that drawing
No. 538883
File: 1530452388104.png (1.16 MB, 882x990, eww.png)

>>538873So with a bit of effort images like this could be all that is retrieved…
No. 538886
File: 1530453726993.png (791.1 KB, 1319x457, Im So Happy.png)

A bit of fun with his Mystery Box Opening footage.
No. 538889
File: 1530454608483.jpg (68.82 KB, 1173x473, Capture.JPG)

There's a when you order vs. when it arrives meme here, but don't want the ugly man thinking anyone is thinking anything positive about the black and white pedo on the right. He LOVES pulling this picture up in videos.
This is the same guy who made a "career" (lolololololol) shitting on people for their looks and/or their attempts to appear more attractive.
No. 538901
File: 1530457330139.png (93.07 KB, 898x393, 888.png)

>>538898Did an image search to see if I could find it and this is what I got lol
I'm pretty sure it's just a screenshot from one of his videos
No. 538907
File: 1530459935859.jpg (9.59 KB, 275x260, 1529785033910.jpg)

>>538886Bravo anon, bravo
No. 538925
File: 1530463749768.png (23.04 KB, 735x237, Screenshot-2018-7-1 Onision or…)

No. 538926
File: 1530463824218.jpg (404.88 KB, 1055x839, Meltyeyes_onion.jpg)

This is another iteration seen around.
No. 538976
File: 1530477157119.png (442.64 KB, 944x564, babycarrot.png) the recent speaks video he accuses binkieprincess of being pro ED because she promotes flattummyco on her insta. Which is… quite a stretch.
He's also back to overstuffing his pants. You can stop pretending now Greg! We all know you have a micropeen.
No. 538995
File: 1530480765270.png (1.51 MB, 1225x686, patreon only.png), does he think this content is worth paying for? Who knew that you had to pay a buck to watching a video of a guy cleaning up his yard. The only reason youtube wouldn't monetize it is because of all the copywrited music.
No. 538998
File: 1530481117622.png (313.32 KB, 556x796, my ex.png)

Perhaps no one leaves comments on Laineybot's patreon because she never responds, and when she does it's short and comes off really rude.
No. 539000
File: 1530481942707.png (95.6 KB, 1056x994, patreon poll.png)

No. 539002
File: 1530482334361.png (96.09 KB, 1070x1020, patreon poll 2.png)

No. 539009
File: 1530484192805.png (1.22 MB, 1250x797, my father.png) I know my dad doesn't love me
1. He made me get my hair cut shorter than I wanted!
2. He called the cops on me because I wouldn't eat and I was having a bad attitude.
3. I had to go on a road trip and I had plans with my girlfriend. I called my step mom a bitch and flipped him off while he was driving. I was being a snotty teenager and he pulled over the car and probably told me to knock it off but I kept on provoking him so he attacked me.
4. He lied to my cousin about why I was in Juvenal hall. He said I 'punched him' but I was kicking him.
5. He looked at my computer files and lied to me and said he didn't! That was my property.
6. Even after I told him I didn't want to talk to him he still tried to contact me and make up with me.
7. He shouldn't talk to me but still send me a birthday gift and a Christmas gift every year. (I haven't gotten a gift from him in 12 years!!)
8. He's a sex offender and a monster.
No. 539014
>>539009So hes just a whiny baby that didn't get his way with his daddy so he throws out accusations like a little bitch.
Fucking daddy issues.
No. 539023
>>539009What an obnoxious little cunt.
Can't wait to see the Troy version of this video tho.
No. 539062
>>539009Legitimately trying to wrap my mind around the fact that a grown man in his 30's is crying about his daddy making him him get a haircut he didn't like when he was a kid.
He has zero perspective. He truly believes he is a victim because his dad doesn't buy him presents. Is he retarded? I think he's actually retarded.
No. 539082
>>539062It's cause he's still had the mind of a teenager. He can't wrap his head around why a parent would want their child to look like them, discipline them, and not send gifts after the child asks them to leave them alone.
He's a grown man who has kids and still doesn't understand that his father was parenting him. Then he accuses his father of being a child molester and defends his mother who gave him naked massages.
No. 539166
File: 1530503252854.png (77.71 KB, 561x306, downdowndown.png)

Damn, what happened? Is it because its the first of the month? Just yesterday he was at almost 950 patrons and over 4K.
No. 539179
>>539172yeah that would make sense with a 1K drop, but he lost 109 patrons, did his fake patrons get found out by Patreon and dumped?
No. 539203
>>539181Except his #'s never bounced back from the beginning of last month like it usually does.
Also it still shows Toby Turner's "Panda God" donation, so the drop definitely isn't from him. Will be interesting to see how much changes in the next week or so, Shreg has been hemorrhaging patrons lately.
No. 539248
>>539002Notice that people would rather he make “hater” videos than fan ones.
That is sad AF.
>>538998Admission of actually being a trender? Seems like it.
No. 539273
File: 1530521716048.jpg (175.39 KB, 1917x269, Screenshot_20180212-172421.jpg)

>>539254Greggory Jackson Daniel doesn't care about black people. He also made a list ranking all the races on his old forum.
He thinks he's not racist because he pops boners for Asians, but he's too misogynistic to be self aware thst he's just fetishizing a whole race.
No. 539275
>>538976gag, stop flaunting your crotch to teens you fucking weird ass old man.
>>538995What a generous man Shreg is, pay him and get a video of him doing house chores to copyrighted music.
>>539002No fucking way would Shreg want to strap on his bulletproof vest and go in to a city to interview people. He's too autistic for that, not to mention no one wants to talk to someone wearing a bulletproof vest.
>>539009Comparing hair cuts to sexuality lol okay. Fuck Shreg, you expect your father who you accuse of many crimes to send you gifts? Fuck you lol.
No. 539279
>>539273>the only thing I have against those born in Africa is their ignorance of disease FUCKING KEK.
But seriously, fuck this racist cunt. My god.
No. 539306
>>539023Probably Onion will make video in the future about his 'ungrateful' son…
maybe Gurg is jelous that doormat still receives gifts from her parents?
No. 539333
>>539281Like a toddler on a plane.
Like other anon said, I wonder if he's actually retarded. Not even trying to be mean here… He literally has the brain of a very slow teenager and he's in his 30's.
No. 539335
>>539281I feel sorry for his dad.
Imagine how long Gergle must have provoked him and pushed his buttons by behaving like the biggest asshole on this planet and constantly harrass him and his wife to finally go too far and make him snap so bad that he choked him.
But of course Gerg thinks everything he did was ok, but how dare his dad leave him in a cell for a weekend after he started kicking him like a maniac until he bled all over him.
I really hope his dad has a great life with a not psychotic wife and loving kids.
I can't even imagine what it must have been like being married to crazy Tami and having Gerg as a child.
No. 539351
>>539333Well, his mother's doctor had wanted mama Tami to get an abortion while pregnant with Greg, because the ultrasound (not sure if she had amnio test) had shown signs of physical and mental disabilities. Predominately the super large head was the issue. Also, down syndrome and other chromosomal syndromes have many physical attributes that are identifiable, and it can include a micropenis.
So the doctor saw the really large head and super tiny micropeen in the womb, said oh no its retarded, and suggested an abortion for Tami.
Note that Greg has never said the doctor wanted his 2 older sisters to be aborted, just him. Per his own admissions. This is also why he hates doctors, because 1st they wanted him aborted, then they circumcised him, makin his peen even peenier. Just fyi for your musings.
No. 539374
>>539373Fucking hell, I wonder why Greg is SO obsessed with eating disorders? He's made so many videos on them, freaks out on people that he suspects has them, and says that he can cure them. That he, almighty Greg, can cure eating disorders.
Just, why? It seems so out-of-left-field compared to all his other obsessions.
No. 539461
>>539374>obsessed with eating disorders>It seems so out-of-left-field compared to all his other obsessionsIts a two-fer. He gets to make videos about one of the most popular YTubers and disguise it as concern while he rakes in the adsense nickels. And he also gets to pretend he cares about his teen & preteen viewers and "help" them through a difficult time of their life. Then tweet "how has Onision helped you with cutting" then delete the tweet 20 minutes later and sit back as the little girls send (what seems like unsolicited) praise about how great a person he is.
And his words of wisdom are always so insightful, if I remember correctly there was one spergout where he just said "Stop cutting, just stop it"
Super helpful.
No. 539464
File: 1530563965842.png (129.5 KB, 561x612, 806 patrons 2896 dollars.png)

I know another anon said that its a beginning of the month thing, and it always happens.
But it just seems to keep dropping day by day this screenshot is 6/30 - 7/1 7/2
Could the Patron loss be because of his freak out about his dad? His fans think its unsavory the way hes trying to use this drama for views.
Or could he be pissed about the patron loss and thats why he had to find something to be angry about and his dad is what the Wheel of Drama landed on?
Im just so happy to see the Patreon tit slowly dry up.
No. 539469
File: 1530565279979.png (39.84 KB, 515x221, screencap76209.PNG)

Even his fans unconscious minds are telling them to run.
Taken from the Community section of Onision's Patreon.
No. 539472
>>539464His numbets do tend to drop at the first of the month, but in May he was bringing in around $4100/mo.
On June 1, it dropped down to $3750 (this was prior to Toby's $1000 pledge) as recorded in this post
>>526640and unlike other months it never came back up. It just kept dipping lower and lower until Toby's "donation".
I'm very curious what will happen, although I have a feeling he will pad it again through Lainey's Patreon.
I think patrons are getting tired of the repetitive content and haterz are even getting bored of him.
No. 539480
File: 1530567033348.png (343.16 KB, 1200x1741, Screenshot_2018-07-02-14-25-17…)

So Shreg just completely restructured his Patreon, lowering all the prices, probably in a panic because he's been hemorrhaging patrons.
Tinfoil: he also did it to cover up the fact that Toby is still injecting $1000/mo into it. I just looked on Toby's patreon and it lists Onision as someone he pledges to, so that $1000 drop hasn't come from him pulling his pledge.
No. 539485
File: 1530568409111.png (319.8 KB, 709x526, bootyslayer.PNG)

Am I wrong or is she the only one that continuously requests one-on-one face time with Onion every month. Where as his usual gaggle of giggling teenies are cool clumped in a group as the laugh at his dad jokes.
If I was Lameo, Id keep an eye on that lady, or shes going to end up as "that ex from New Mex" in Onions future videos.
No. 539499
File: 1530570582000.png (86.53 KB, 743x480, Screenshot_2018-07-02-15-25-30…)

Asking for money advice from someone hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. And Shreg ironically suggests not eating out, having a gas-efficient car and shopping at cheap grocery stores.
Shreg, who eats half his lunches at Panera Bread, drives a truck and shops at Whole Foods ffs.
No. 539504
File: 1530571238406.png (475.48 KB, 905x969, Screenshot_2018-07-02-15-38-35…)

Kek so he was so upset he had to sperg to YT about this, but you can clearly see from the red line at the bottom of the video he watched almost the whole thing.
No. 539513
File: 1530572448590.jpg (215.28 KB, 924x632, 3vtdlv.jpg)

Hes tweeting about how we as a society are now taking women's allegations of sexual assault seriously.
Has he forgotten the type of people he buddies up with and gives over a thousand dollars via Patreon? And lets not forget what hes done to ex-girlfriends and unsuspecting teens who have visited his house.
No. 539517
File: 1530572813225.jpg (8.12 KB, 355x226, 41kQUuGSY7L._SX355_.jpg)

>>539506He could use a finger cot. Im sure they would fit snug tight.
No. 539520
File: 1530573068420.png (794.91 KB, 1190x888, Screenshot_2018-07-02-16-00-46…)

Shreg is really hard up for attention. He just uploaded a fake apology to the DDLG Community, making sure to say "I hope Binky Princess's boyfriend doesn't get upset with me."
The drama channels have been ignoring him, his patreon is down. Shreg is desperate. Sperg incoming, I guarantee. No. 539524
>>539520I feel creepy and weird for noticing this, but…
the last two times hes been in a diaper hes had his tighty whiteys on underneath. When he first wore a diaper on camera he was laughed at for the lack of bulge and how his "peen seemed even peenier" So I guess thats the reason for him trying to add bulk to that area with his underwear.
No. 539550
>>539485booty has been around longer than lainey has.
does lainey show her patron numbers? just curious where her moneys at vs greg
No. 539551
File: 1530575893997.png (50.08 KB, 250x234, 54534543.PNG)

>>539550Cant find anything about how much cash is rolling in.
No. 539608
His Patreon going down at the beginning of the month is for two things, if someone leaves mid-month they technically stop the subscription which goes into effect the next month plus the people who's accounts bounce but I don't think the latter actually takes up all that many and they usually re-subscribe within a week (plus any new Patreon). Any loss past that is people who left
>>539469A dream about Greg kidnapping a group of young girls? Well that's basically a nightmare scenario of what he does/tries to do with stokholm and abuse
>>539480Interesting he got rid of the tier to be in a video with him plus the ability to meet him. Too bad he kept that you have to spend 1200 dollars a year to be invited to the annual theme park gathering where you probably have to pay for everything (I doubt he'd even buy ice cream for the kids who go). Though now we might get more people getting that tier since you no longer have to pay 250 to Skype with Greg and he unfortunately has lots of bootyslayer-type fans that would love to still. So it might help for the fans in 75 tier thinking it's a good deal to upgrade
>>539551It was decently recent she made it private. She and Greg privated theirs after some tumblr had a popular post on their Patreon scumminess. It was 1400$ then, it's likely much lower now
No. 539612
File: 1530590963345.png (262.75 KB, 905x712, Screenshot_2018-07-02-20-56-26…)

The fact that Shreg liked this tweet is pretty ironic considering his straight wife has been doing nothing but fetishize the gay and trans communities for years and
has been trying to profit off their legitimate struggles.
No. 539621
File: 1530593780329.jpg (194.48 KB, 571x711, dzGxQAAuZJL.jpg)

>>539464>>539472>>539480>>539481>>539501>>539592>>539608Im sure Gregs Patreon numbers will go up as long as he keeps giving them such great entertainment.
Last week Patrons got to watch Greg cut down trees and trim weeds.
We can only guess what next weeks Patron-Exclusive Video will be.
No. 539626
>>539612Lainey and Greg both have fetishized girls kissing, and pretty recently too. How many times has lainey done a gratuitous girl-on-girl kiss? Or as her "gay boy" self where she very gayly loves boys
Hell, Lainey fetishized the most tame dating simulator "Dream Daddy" that she turned into a daddy fetish thing despite it just being a cute gay dad dating other gay dads filled with dad jokes and father-daughter parenting issues
>>539621Please anon, he's only just beginning, next video he'll show off his great vegetarian body and cut the logs shirtless! His sexy rosacea, acne/backne, inevitable sunburn, lack of any definable muscle, and sweaty armpits will get all the girls screaming!
No. 539653
>>539503No one should be getting sex advice from a guy that wants dry pussy because a "wet pussy is nasty".
>>539481He supports Shreg and Charles Trippy and Allie 3.0? Yeah Toby has no taste kek.
>>539626Not "gayboy" she's fuckboi.
No. 539660
File: 1530602917646.png (561.52 KB, 619x539, Untitled.png)

>>539655>>539656So who ever Shane kissed at that creator meet-up would be the person Taylor would of stalked and hunted down?
In an alternative universe we could have a Drew-Taylor relationship.
No. 539663
>>539660>>539660She fuckin wishes, Drew is such a lovely dude! Remember when Greg felt the need to go on about thinking he's ugly, and didn't get why Shane wasn't cool with it? Guess poor ugly Gruggly's never had a real friend to stand up for him.
But for real Lainey's such a blank canvas sponge, she probably would have ended up at least a bit kinder and more tolerable had she ended up with such a sweetie.
No. 539713
File: 1530620490072.png (271.55 KB, 547x638, the 100th age play video.png)

>>539581I really shouldn't of voted for 'Weird Kinks'. It seems like Onion has taken all those votes for it as a green light to continue on his ABDL spurg.
No. 539727
>>539612Ha ha miss ladyflatass telling Shregg over here to stop fantasizing about girl on girl, because once she hooks shreggy in her booty chamber, she ain't gonna stand for his polyamory shit lol.
>>539504Lo aww, he's confused, because all his porn starts this way, he doesn't understand the difference between cartoons or hentai, poor thing.
>>539481Toby is supporting the ctfxc? He's really throwing his money on all the dead lame horses. That channel never did well or the same after Charles replaced his popular old wife with a DUI convicted new wife… of the same name!!!!
Seriously, the ctfxc has had so much drama, but at the end, his vids have tanked in views so bad. They are on Onision territory of abysmal views.
But i can say this:
people just do not like it, and these men wondering where their popularity and fans go, like they can't be self aware to know their actions make them look like shit to everybody.
No. 539739
>>539738Them stretch marks.
No. 539769
>>539612“There is nothing in this world that is more beautiful to me than two girls kissing”
- Gregory Jackson
No. 539855
File: 1530645615293.jpg (277.42 KB, 1080x1807, Onion likes em underaged.jpg)

>>539802>>539811Wasn't "Laine" the name of an old guy friend or ex of Laney from high school, or an early fan she used to speak to, amd had a public falling out on social media?
>>539730Don't want to shame a natural biological body process, but I see why an imature guy like lgh doesn't want to face her during sex anymore. She's physically changed, grown and matured into an adult mother of two, and Grease prefers the minors still going through puberty.
No. 539858
>>539855Lane was an underaged kid who sarah and lainey used to chat with. Sarah confessed wanting to be in a relationship with Lainey to Lane the kid, and they both used her for compliments and someone to whine to.
Lane said she didn’t agree with how Greg and Lainey treated Billie and Lainey said she betrayed her etc.
No. 539882
>>539653I meant before her fuckboi persona (who's straight I think?) when she basically claimed to be non-binary but wanted boy pronouns. Her space prince era basically
>>539655Oh yeah, he seriously fetishized his career with Cyr, always making gay jokes and queerbaiting a potential sexual relationship between them. In the middle of it all he had made a video confessing he was questioning if he were bi or not but "knew" he would enjoy sex with a guy.
>>539670If she had never dated Greg, in order to grow up into a good person she'd have to learn to be less attention-focused and expecting everyone to basically worship her, not use guys and climb up her partners until she got someone more prestigious, not act better than her peers, stop making up stories that make her seem special even at the cost of her family, and likely more than just these things she's told us!
No. 539922
File: 1530652158322.png (427.33 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180703-160406.png)

Daddy Greg reporting for cleaning duty
No. 539929
File: 1530653049206.png (965.7 KB, 1217x679, knockonwood.png)

>>539714I think its strange that throughout this video she keeps mentioning "If me and greg split up" constantly, even flashing her vag to knock on wood.
Lainey you tard, He's always going to cheat on you somehow.
No. 539982
>>539739She pushed out two kids dude, no shit she has stretch marks.
No. 539993
>>539987Because it was public/admitted lmfao.
No. 540003
>>539904Plus the fact that Shreg is losing roughly 10,000 subs a month while Shane gained nearly a million this month.
I feel like there's definitely an angry sperg headed our way. He must be fuming about how "unfair" YouTube is being to him.
No. 540005
File: 1530661801283.png (127.34 KB, 843x643, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at 7.46…)

>>540003>>Shane gained nearly a million this monthHoly fuck your right anon. Can't wait to see what dumb shit Shreggy's gonna complain about this time.
My bet is he's gonna just talk about the stupid shit Tana's done and somehow find a way to blame Shane for it.
No. 540006
>>540001And yet Gurg calls Shane a pedo…
They both should be locked up or put on a list.
No. 540012
>>540003I bet he's also going to ignore that Shane gets a lot of his videos demonetized too despite actually trying to keep them g or pg and cherry pick his worst videos that might have ads (ignoring that yellow monetization still means some companies are fine with running ads on them)
>>54000The worst is that after this and the many sexual exchanges between the two of them Lainey was able to become Sarah's legal guardian
No. 540013
>>540012Was there any real evidence of Taylor having actual legal custody? Obviously Sarah's mother knew where she was but I doubt there was any real legal document marking her as a legal guardian. Shit is a long process.
I bet that Sarah will be back in August. She will be freshly 18 and ready to party.
No. 540034
>>540026I think they (or at least just Lainey) said that Sarah's mom had to sign some papers but that might have been something else. Is joint custody a possibility? Or were these potential papers just something she had to sign for Sarah to go live with strangers in another state/travel as she was still only 15 or 16 then. Now obviously that could have been a lie but it's possible those papers were just an exaggeration of something else much more minor and they left it vague enough that people would assume legal guardianship to try at shut the "haters" up.
It's probably also why they could dump her so easily too
No. 540058
>>540046Yes, I did mean LGH and GSW are the ones that should be locked up or put on a list.
Not Shane, the pedo accusations against Shane were false and pure bullshit.
No. 540062
File: 1530674790364.png (561.77 KB, 1242x2208, DDE26FF9-E888-4A44-82A0-639774…)

>>540034It was probably a temporary guardianship form then. It’s not as intensive of a process and usually used in emergencies or if a parent is going to be gone for a period of time.
No. 540067
File: 1530675043364.png (9.58 KB, 436x305, Capture74987.PNG)

>>539802>>539811Taylors new tranny-boi name is very appropriate.
No. 540070
File: 1530675134368.png (387.69 KB, 1407x1043, We're psychic!.png)

>>540005Kek we must be psychic. I didn't watch this so who knows what he said, but he definitely watched Shane's 3-parter. And he alwaus finds a way to make everything about himself so I'm guessing thete was a good sperg or 2 about Shane in there.
No. 540112
Ya huh, Purposefully* eh?
Very interesting tinfoil anon, I watched him rush tweet this live. Don't think much thought was put into it at all.
No. 540134
>>535067>>540062I looked a bit into Washington's laws and it is a more lengthy process, you still need to go to court for temporary guardianship. But maybe because Sarah isn't from WA it was different. But I'd imagine going from state to state it would be an even more complicated process. If we asked for proof now it would be a situation of "Oh, we didn't hold onto those, oh well."
Has anyone seen any Sarah action at all lately, anyway? I still think she lay low for now and may make an appearance in August after her birthday.
No. 540152
Not sure if anyone has heard of this, but it reminded me so much of Onision.
Youtube famous
The emo-dad look
married 30 year old man looking for teenpuss No. 540164
>>540070Oh, I was wondering when this wound came.
Of course he can't resist watching Shanes videos.
But I'm sure as always
I didn't watch it myself, my spouse/patrons informed me/asked me to talk about thisAnd of course he has to spell her name wrong. Every time he wants to show how little he cares about someone/something he intentionally misspells something.
He thinks it's degrading, but it just makes him look like a uninformed retard.
No. 540170
File: 1530696539355.png (1.91 MB, 1521x759, swampqueen.png)

"swamp queen"
the jokes are writing themselves at this point.
No. 540172
File: 1530698073655.png (380.83 KB, 772x513, outside looking in.png)

Poor Onision. Never invited to the cool kids sleepovers.
No. 540175
>>540165>>540166>>540170Why oh fucking why does she keep persisting with this beauty guru bullshit when she is clearly basura caliente. She can’t be
that lacking in self awareness to not comprehend how much of a cringefest this is. And so much for being a 12 year old boy, she’s still beating her face like a 52 year old tranny lot lizard.
No. 540178
>>539730i wonder when lainey got those stretch marks because i recall onision making videos about how stretch marks were ugly and could be reduced by "if the woman just started
taking care of themselves"
No. 540182
File: 1530706492513.png (697.13 KB, 700x699, Screenshot (1188).png)

>>540165It's so fucking bad. This bitch can't do anything!
No. 540193
>>540170Why does she insist on this kind of washed out gross blue undertoned lighting? She would look so much healthier and alive with a warmer lighting set up.
I just compared her newer videos with her older ones on beautybot and they have gone from having multiple angles and noticeable editing to single angles with sloppy minimalistic editing. Somehow the laziest woman in the world got even lazier
No. 540197
>>540182When she first started her channel her excuse was "don't hate on me, I know I'm bad, I'm just a beginner". She's had this channel for a while now with no improvement, what's going to be her reason to not being good now? What grand reason is there for no one to still be allowed to even give her advice on application
Side note, Lainey, that trend's over. You're late and using a tutorial of Jeffree won't bring the trend back to life. Though I appreciate the dedication of having your hair stuck to your forehead like Thomas Sihtbert lol
No. 540198
>>540180>>540178I recall one of her earlier streams, in the carport, with clot, she spoke about rubbing lots of coco butter on herself. So she learned for the second one. But I think she indeed, did not use any coco butter while pregnant with trot, because bitch is covered with stretch marks.
At least Lamey
can learn.
But only after ignoring sound advice, going through with it, and then experiencing the results afterwards, and recognising the value in the soumd advise that was ignored. Then, and only
then, when presented with the exact same situation again, she chose to follow through with the sound advice. But most of the damamge was already done the first time.
But too bad she can't realise that meeting Onision was her biggest mistake.
No. 540208
File: 1530719744679.png (364.08 KB, 538x549, don't talk to me about my dad.…)'s such an insufferable little cunt. He was bragging about how he beat the shit outta his dad in front of his wife but the truth is he was laying on his back and kicking like a toddler throwing a tantrum. He also says that there where three people who brought accusations but from what we know in one of his previous videos he confronted one and she changed the subject. That action itself does not confirm any truth to what he is saying. There is a good chance the family member was like 'oh, there he goes again talking about sexual stuff - it's best to ignore him.'
No. 540209
>>540182 I don't understand. You know how the Shitty Watercolor guy accidentally got kind of good because of how much he was painting? How is Lainey only getting worse and worse???
Regarding getting Jeffree's attention: Oh boy, I know she doesn't deserve an audience but I would
love to see him react to her trash video, could you imagine?? Just silent judgment then staring into the camera as if to say, "Did this bitch really just…."
No. 540307
>>540201Yeah, either that or because Thomas following his tutorial was what kicked off the trend and she couldn't come up with anything better
Jeffree would have none of her bullshit claims to being lgbt though even if he saw it (unlikely since Garret is popular and Shane's friend unlike Lainey). He doesn't even use any labels for himself and has donated thousands to lgbt youth shelters. He'd smack her up as she takes a breath to talk about how ~gay~ and ~transmasc~ she is. It'd be a waste of time but he'd throw the best damn shade at her
No. 540308
File: 1530731649411.jpg (733.53 KB, 1920x2997, When you order it…)

Samefag but I just had to do a comparison of hers vs Jeffree's tutorial. She should have followed his foundation routine instead kek
No. 540310
File: 1530731933937.gif (3.06 MB, 500x300, 1530378797579.gif)

>>540308Jesus fucking christ when you put it side by side like that, No fucking contest.
Lainey, How? Just fucking how did you manage to screw this up THIS badly?
Bitch, I know you and the redfaced monster are reading this, Delete your channel.
Its worthless, You're worthless. Do shit you're good at instead of larping as Billie because this is desperate.
No. 540323
>>540208someone please make a nice little collage of all the times his thumbnail said "i'm done",
it's like every second vid at this point
No. 540337
>>540182ppl who put foundation w/e on their lips
trigger the shit out of me, it just looks sloppy - esp when lame does it
>>540193im 99% sure she ONLY uses the ring light
No. 540343
File: 1530736774610.png (300.39 KB, 1440x1544, Indepence day sperg.png)

Someone must have triggered Shreg. Nothing like a good old fashioned Independence Day sperg!
No. 540345
File: 1530736980617.png (1.17 MB, 1440x2076, clapback.png)

>>540343Interestingly, he had no response for this.
No. 540360
File: 1530739484761.webm (2.01 MB, 194x180, stepmommy.webm)
>>540350He does that all the time.
Its either-
"Hey guys what do you feel about _________?"
"Have you guys ever _________?"
But always inappropriate or fail edgy.
No. 540368
>>540343She took back the apology and not only that, it seems Greg still hasn't read it. The apology was for it becoming public and leaked, not for the contents inside the leaked email. I love how he doesn't read facts so he can still tell the "truth" but the truth doesn't work that way. Like with his discharge papers, he hadn't read them until a year ago so he could keep saying he was honourably discharged. Also just cause she said in her email she didn't think she was raped doesn't mean she wasn't at least taken advantage of and sexually assaulted. Greg pushed past her boundaries and her refusal of consent many times. Not to mention he refused to use a condom and nearly prevented her from using the day after pill
>>540347It was sketchy but basically her mom didn't care enough and let her go live with her crush. Sarah went on and on against her parents and home life. While we don't know how much was true it was clearly at least mildly fucked since her mom let her communicate freely with adult Lainey and then live with her after
>>540199He'll kick you. He doesn't like it when his Patreon a are better than him and either throws a shit fit or blocks them or both
No. 540453
>>540443iirc this was at a recording studio when he went with Shi. Jeffree was there at the same time.
I doubt Jeffree even knew who he was, other than he was Shi boyfriend and did Youtube videos.
Jeffree probably had the first impression Onion was a douchebag and just wanted to fuck with him knowing that Gronk wouldnt fight back face to face.
No. 540458
File: 1530748391735.jpg (475.24 KB, 2048x1534, IMG_20180704_184458[1].jpg)

Poor Lainey, she's actually putting some emotion into the kiss while Greg stares into the camera because this is just a product he's selling to make money (and an ego boost for every sale) haha. Also I'd like to point out that they still haven't sold out, have removed Lainey's sleeping solo picture as an advertisement and replaced it with what was a picture of a duo and Lainey solo but Lainey's solo is cropped out, and are now trying to sell another type of polaroid where the backing is some weird hawaiian theme for a lot more money.
>>540453Ok, that makes sense. I couldn't understand why he may have met Jeffree cause I sure as hell doubt he would have gone to Warped Tour.
I think Greg probably gave Jeffree a look or Jeffree could sense the homophobia from a mile away and since he's super sensitive to that sort of thing went off on Greg (tinfoil for conspiracy though)
No. 540464
File: 1530749377614.png (654.43 KB, 860x535, cropped pic.png)

>>540458 (samefag)
This is what replaced the Lainey pic (as you can tell, it's cropped from above) as well as the new hawaiian theme that's going for 9.99$ for solos and 10.99 for duos plus the 5$ shipping charge within the US. I'd like to point out that Lainey get's this fridge photo she clearly wasn't expecting while Greg's are all properly posed (shit photos but at least he tried with his)
No. 540471
>>540208So, your mom sent her children to spend summers with a molester?
it's not just his mom, his mom's side of the family is crazy. and he is crazy.
No. 540508
File: 1530751429746.jpeg (59.85 KB, 662x510, 48C228CE-E991-4E37-A4B3-442D89…)

>>540464You could use her chin as a can opener.
No. 540618
File: 1530756709518.jpeg (170.68 KB, 750x747, 8588F2C3-BD0E-43F1-A98F-3AA2FB…)

Mah dsyphoria
No. 540624
File: 1530757178995.png (344.73 KB, 1185x844, shutupcarrot.png)

Grease having a mini shitfit on twitter yet again.
No. 540698
File: 1530761251172.png (183.89 KB, 731x625, shutupcarrot.png)

>>540624He's jumping around being righteous as fuck. Someone must have bruised his ego today.
No. 540701
>>540681He's talking about A. Because it was her rape/cohersed sex that
triggered him recently since it was brought up when he mentioned being against rapists
No. 540780
File: 1530767193873.png (444.26 KB, 774x782, patrondox.png)

Grease decides instead of helping a patron with their situation, Post their situation to twitter with their real name. Not offering to help in anyway but very willing to reap the likes and sympathy asspats for himself.
No. 540869
>>540198Stretch marks can just happen to some people, no matter how proactive they are. Some people get huge fast. Some people are genetically predisposed. Some people don’t stay hydrated enough. There are a ton of factors, but most of it just something that happens no matter what you do.
>>540201I definitely think they’re both watching a lot of popular channels and scrambling for ideas, especially recently.
>>540172This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen.
>>540392Yes, he claims it kills his boner to be rejected but it’s really just him gaslighting people into feeling bad about their real feelings towards him.
No. 540954
>>540947Don’t forget about holding Caterpie over the railing.
Imagine if they slipped up and talked about the kids. I bet it would be similar slip up stories of hilarious and totally not abusive situations.
No. 540958
>>540903Transcript of this horror show
L - why am i so white?
G - And buff, big boy (laughs) alright we started this video off with cringe Let’s talk about more cringe.
L - more cringe
G - (mocking lainey) More cringe! Alright so we don’t know what we’re gonna call this video yet but involves rules in our relationship. I’m not exactly into DDlg although sometimes I do get called “daddy”, because–
L - It’s my daddy. (greg cringes) Well, you are.
G - It’s- it’s just– it’s complicated
L - it’s not complicated– (greg talks over her as she says something about not having to be into ddlg to call someone daddy?)
G - (cutting lainey off) Well, it’s comp- it’s complicated because i’m not a huge fan of being called daddy just now. (laughs)
L - yeah just because you’re on camera. It never bothers you otherwise.
G - Anyway, what are the rules of the Onision-Laineybot relationship? Rule number one–
L - No smiling, no laughing, no having fun. (laughs)
G - When did we have this rule?
L This is what the internet says it is.
G - (feigning surprise) Ohhh, okay, ‘cuz I was like “you’re really making me look good here now”. Anyway what is a rule you have for me?
L - Don’t fucking cheat on me.
G - Good rule. My rule for you is turn off the lights after you leave a room.
L - Hm. That one’s broken as we speak, I’m sure. There is a light on somewhere in this house.
G - What’s another rule you have for me?
L - Tell me where you go, like, if you’re gonna leave–
G - ( yawning) You really need to know where I am at all times?
L - I don’t need, but I like to, like it’s not like thing (?), but if you’re like “hey I’ll be in here”, I’d be lke “cool”
G - My rule for you is pick up after yourself.
L - ditto.
G - cool.
L - cool.
G - Another rule I have for you when I ask to be left alone, please leave me alone.
L - (cringes, sighing) Oh my god.
G - What’s your rule?
L - I just think your rules are hypocritical. ‘Cuz if I’m like “okay stop talking to me” you’re like “(weird incoherent gronk impression), y- talking to me from down the hall over there.
G - Well, you use that one moment in our life to–
L - It was not one moment!
G - A good rule to have in a relationship is don’t s–hack into my bank account, spend all my money and run away. What’s the rule?
L - don’t call me names.
G - Yeah, okay.
L - “Yeah okay” (or “not okay”?)
G - Yeah. You know, easier said than done. Doofus.
L - It’s not. It’s literally not easier. It’s easy as fuck, you just don’t do it.
G - Dinglehoffer.
L - Stop.
G - Dwight Schrute.
L - That’s.. a compliment.
G - A rule for you is don’t cut my manhood off in the middle of the night.
L - I’m serious. Rules that are like “okay don’t throw me in the woodchipper, that’s my rule”, like obviously I don’t want you to murder me in cold blood.
G - What about warm blood? I could throw you in a tank of heated up blood and just drown you in it, and like kill you in warm blood.
L - Rule number five - don’t kill me in warm blood either.
G - How about boiling blood?
L - How about no blood and no killing.
G - how about we just not specify the temperature.
L - Yeah, let’s ju–just blanket statement “no killing”
G - A rule we have is don’t forget our anniversary. That would be upsetting. Don’t say the wrong name.
L - I don’t have another name on my fucking brain.
G (over lainey) Ohh mashed potatoes–
L - Okay, that might be a name I have on my brain.
G - (over lainey) Oh, toaster strudels–
L - Can you make mashed potatoes?
G - Always eat healthy amount of foods.
L - What does that mean, specifically?
G - It- it- means, don’t eat nothing. Basically. No more smearing iodine on your own legs and your partner’s legs and then trying to convince them that–
L - I didn’t do that - that was the aliens.
G - (continuing over Lainey) That they were abducted by aliens.
L - That was the alien. You would’ve dumped me if I was weird like that.And like, was like “oohh look babe, the aliens got us”
G - Stop treating Leelu like a football.
L - That’s you, if that’s anybody that’s you. I’m nice to Leelu.
G - She’s.. puntable.
L - Wow.
G - No more dangling Caterpie over the balcony when she poops in the house.
L - Rule - A real rule is no yelling. Which I break a lot. I don’t yell, but I get loud–
G - (cutting her off) I don’t yell, I just screan with tears in my eyes, Lainey says.
L - I don’t scream, I just raise my voice.
G - While…
L - because I’m mad and crying.
G - no sleeping with women I have not been briefed on. (laughs) He’s a rule, stop making more money per video than me.
L - No.
G - Damn.
L - Why would you want that?
G - I’m saying I need a raise.
L - But why would you want me to not have a raise?
G - I want you to give me your money.
L - I essentially do. I buy your food. (laineybot.exe crashes momentarily) Hm. I buy your food.
G - There you go. We typically agree on a lot of things so rules are.. ehhh– It’s for people who aren’t really necessarily hugely compatible a lot of the time. Like if someone has to say “I have to look at your phone all of the time” and stuff like that or “I have to GPS locate you” and all that stuff, sounds like a real issue.
L - I mean, we look at each other’s phones, but it’s just li- it’s not really, like, a thing, like “ohh it’s Tuesday, time to lok through your phone”
G - I don’t–
L - “hand it in”
G - When do I look at your phone?
L - You use it sometimes.
G - I use it, but I’m not like, looking through your text messages.
L - I know. But if you wanted to, you could - that’s the point.
G - I don’t want to. You’re boring.
L -That’s rude. You’re boring. You’re more boring than me. Let’s talk about our punishments.
G - (stares creepiy at camera) Spankings.
L - It’s rare. It’s happened a couple times, where he actually uses it as a punishment. I can name three times.
G - Real quick, I wanna explain why we’re so low energy, we’re both very sick. Medically.
L - As opposed to what? Mentally? That too.
G - (annoyed) Cruel (?)
L - Your punishment is that you don’t talk to me. For hours.
G - Yeah sometimes when Lainey does something that really frustates me, I will literally leave the room. Take that. Whatchu gonna do now?
L - Cry.
G - Follow me?
L Yeah. That too.
G - And what do you do to punish me? Leave me?
L - I don’t do anything to punish you, you think that my crying is a punishment towards you but it’s not. It’s just my feelings that are pouring out of me. I don’t punish you, I’m a nice human being.
G - Is there any rule that we should have, like, that we don’t? I feel like just being energy-conservative–
L - Oh, we’re back to the lights are we?
G - Yeah.
L - Wow.
G - Energy conservative and cleaning up after yourself, that would improve most everything.
L - Dude, I clean up after you, like ninety percent of the time. You–
G - Like if we could both - if we could both be more consistent, and I say “both” - more consistent with laundry and dishes–
L -(over greg) I’ve not seen you do the dishes in months.
G - Like, you haven’t - you haven’t done laundry in like a day, I haven’t done it in like four years so we both need to be more–
L- (over greg again) I literally transferred the laundy five seconds ago
G - Right. That’s a while ago so I need to be more consistent, you need to be more consistent. I know when I did laundry, when you were in New Mexico.
L - You put your own stuff away, and nobody else’s stuff away. Just yours, so when I got home, I had to do the rest of it. But literally, a year ago, you made me a promise that I was gonna do dishes and you were gonna do laundry, and since that day - not touched the laundry.
G - I think from now on, we should have punishments for not doing stuff, so do I have laundry or do I have dishes? I prefer dishes.
L - I prefer you have dishes.
G - okay. So from now on, I’m gonna do the dishes. And if I don’t do it, you will put insects on me while I sleep.
L - No.
G - And you will drag me don the stairs while I sleep.
L - No. You’re too– way too heavy for that
G - You’ll pour water on me while I sleep.
L - No. It just gets my bed wet.
G - You will roll me off the bed and then dump a bucket of water on me.
L - That’s mean.
G - And you’ll say “wash the dishes”
L - (doing a bad accent) “Get up and do the furken dishes. Right now”
G - I think that may have happened to me as a child. Yeah.
L - I think you have some unspoken trauma, sir.
G - I’m pretty sure my mom poured water on me while I slept at one point.
L - That’s horrible.
G -(laughs) Okay, so that’s what we established. New rules, is that you must push me off camera as much as possible.
L - (pushes him and stares into the camera) “Hiii, welcome back to my channel”. Anyway guys, that’s our rules that aren’t really rules, but are rules. Hope you liked the video, if you did, thumbs up bitches..
G - (mouthing something “please help me?”)
L - Thanks for watching. Byeee
No. 541036
>>540903Pretty much admitting grease does fuck all, wants laineys money and he hits her.
No. 541052
>>540958Thank you for doing all this.
This is amazing: documentation from Greg and Taylor's own mouths of everything we've suspected, emotional, mental and now physical abuse– FFS!! It honestly boggles me they posted this thinking it was quirky and cute or something. It just goes to show how fucked up both of their thinking is.
No. 541117
File: 1530808793013.png (118.66 KB, 800x480, 47BD968D-D938-42DC-8FC5-271228…)

>>540624I feel dumb for being baited by him, but his ignorance of everything outside his bubble is so frustrating.
>”send the immigrants to Alabama so they can learn to integrate!” - guy from Washington state who has videos about which races he wants to fuck No. 541187
File: 1530815036446.png (565.12 KB, 785x678, 4311.png)

Id like to make a request of the Anon who tweaks the Onions photos to expose how bad their skin is. Could you sharpen a screenshot (not this cap Im posting since its not that great quality) of Gronk wearing that stupid hat in his newest video? I think that once his red blotchy, scarred skin is brought out, the connection to Freddy would be almost complete, all he'd need is a red & green striped sweater.
The comparison between both is eerie
-wears shitty fedora
-lures young girls to his basement lair to be chained up
-horrific scars on face
-enters the nightmares of teens
-accused of pedophilia
-deep-seeded psychological dysfunctions including Oedipus Complex
No. 541191
>>540464>>540458Oh shit, polaroid collector sperg here, I have some shit to say about their awful spending habits -
That film with the hawaiian pattern is a limited edition from Polaroid Originals, formerly Impossible Film Project. They retail for $18.99 a pack and you only get eight shots, not ten. So ~$3.30 a shot
Unless they went to a thrift shop, car boot or yard sale they bought a refurbished polaroid600 type from PO, probably with the film bundled for slightly cheaper. Cheapest they do is the one step2, which is ~$120 and most polaroids can't focus at arms length for selfies, so I suspect it was this model. if it was a refurbished 600, we're looking at between $120 - $300 dollars on a camera that is absolutely pointless for them to own.
9.99 x 8 = 79 - they're not even recovering the costs of the camera. They are actually retarded.
No. 541263
File: 1530818511267.png (304.42 KB, 585x561, 856343.PNG)

Im amazed and disgusted.
Someone actually bought his shit and is happy about it.
And by the avatar its a late twenties hipster dude. He should know better.
No. 541300
File: 1530820236361.jpg (489.12 KB, 1000x667, Chris-Gampat-The-Phoblographer…)

>>541280>>541290Yes, 100% sure. Fuji instax square film is smaller much smaller than polaroid 600
Pic related is not mine (Don't have any instax square to compare) but it's a size comparison. left to right
>Polaroid 600, instax wide, instax mini, instax square, fuji 100cThey're not interchangeable. You can only use fuji in fujifilm and lomo cameras, only polaroid in polaroid cameras. That particular frame is only being made by impossible atm
> only works in vintage polaroids or the one step2.>>541280
>>541290 No. 541315
File: 1530820723638.png (24.44 KB, 735x287, Screenshot-2018-7-5 Onision or…)

No. 541374
File: 1530823125625.png (87.53 KB, 421x817, Screenshot_2018-07-05-13-32-45…)

>>541315>>541348Interesting. That means Shreg has been hiding people he "mutually pledges" with to "promote" his Patreon. For the past month he's only listed these 4 accounts as people he supports. One is his mom ofc. I'm not familiar with Stepanka, but her Patreon offers "sexy" photoshoots. And we all know about Toby's $1000 pledge.
I wonder how many other people he mutually pledged with but doesn't tell anyone about.
No. 541387
>>541374Stepanka is a girl I used to subscribe to, uses her boobs and really over the top clickbait titles (her most recent being "raw uncut raw dog) titles to live off YouTube. Lost a lot of subscribers recently because she got sick with some illness and none of her subscribers wanted to click on a boob thumbnail only to hear that she's dying. Wish I could sage for OT, but
TL;dr: attention whore probably grasping at some sort of patreon dick ride to fame
No. 541468
File: 1530828516510.png (107.29 KB, 735x692, Screenshot_2018-07-05-15-05-34…)

Oh great. Another video of Shreg telling marginalized communities what to think and feel with his uneducated opinions no one asked for.
Normally I would ask our patronfags to hook us up but I don't think I can stomach another of these.
No. 541470
File: 1530828846324.png (796.52 KB, 744x545, transphobia-incoming.PNG)

>>541468Good luck with this one anons, it's a whole lot of bullshit.
tl;dw Cis Heterosexual Dude Tries to Talk Over Trans People. No. 541545
>>541506Why all their clothes have cum stains btw?
I attribute to the baby and the stains being from milk or even threw up but now Clout is too old for that, so?
No. 541553
>>541315Isn’t it Greg’s DUTY to inform us about this possible predator lurking around? Why is he protecting their name?
Shreg, always contradicting when it suits him.
No. 541562
>>541470Who hurt Laineys feelings?
This happens all the time. Someone talks shit to her, or bring up valid points that make her question her fake trans ideas and she lays in bed, depressed and crying. So Greg has to fire up the camera and yell at those people making his wife cry.
And its not even because Greg wants to defend his wife. Its because hes pissed that shes laying in bed all day overcome with depression, so now Greg has to watch the kids all day.
Stop making Lainey sad and whiny, because then Greg has to listen to her cry all day and he has to actually play dad because shes to blue to watch Trot and Clot.
No. 541580
>>541470Translation: Your comments are making Lainey
triggered and I don’t want to hear her scream-cry anymore. Also, you’re hurting my bottom line- wait a second, this is perfect! I don’t have shit for ideas on my dying channel anymore! Thanks for the content idea. I thought I was going to have to spin the wheel or make up more salacious accusations about someone from ten years ago in my past.
No. 541625
File: 1530839311751.png (2.1 MB, 1429x1710, stuck in time.png)

>>541470Kek the video got stuck right after he said "
Trans people need to.." which is perfect as I didn't want to hear anything that came after those words.
This picture is a great metaphor for Shreg. Stuck in the past, with the same repetitive content, same idiotic logic and refusing to grow or educate himself.
Also he looks like a retarded duck.
No. 541651
File: 1530840296252.png (293.12 KB, 1440x1412, Wokeness.png)

Interesting that he uploaded that video telling the trans community what to do while simultaneously dismissing their concerns about Scarlet Johannson taking on a role as a trans man.
He's so arrogant it's painful.
No. 541653
>>541651Does Shreg not understand that
he and his idiot wife are literally the poster children for "social justice warrior bull"? It's remarkable, no matter what side of the issue you stand on.
No. 541669
>>541651He really talks out of both sides of his mouth.
To all the real trans bean anons out there, you’re not suffering alone. Your allies here mad AF for you.
No. 541673
File: 1530841779208.jpg (17.79 KB, 336x357, 9535df5776bfe94.jpg)

>>541663>due to rumours of them fuckingYou just made me conjure up a mental image of Shreg fucking Momo from behind like a little Chihuahua frantically trying to hump a Pitbull.
Damn you anon.
No. 541708
File: 1530846519881.png (558.67 KB, 1440x702, Oh Shreg.png)

>>541690It's just so deliciously ironic for Shreg to be sperging about "SJWs" when he literally spends his days vitue signaling and sharting out tumblr shit.
>Eating meat is literally murder!>Feminism is too tolerant of men!>If you refuse to date someone because of their gender you're a bigot who doesn't understand love!>Send immigrants to that racist shithole of a state, Alabama!
>REEEE Stupid SJWs ruining my movies! No. 541729
File: 1530849741805.jpg (302.72 KB, 1002x1032, Onisions views sunk for a reas…)

>>541708>>541470>>540903Hey Greggles, edgelordy much this week? Too bad that no matter what controversies you try to dig up, no matter how inflammatory your comments are, you will never ever regain your past glory.
Your 15 minutes were up years sgo, you've aged out of relevancy with the age group you desire. No famous or popular youtuber wants to do anything with you.
Ps. Whats up with your lipsticks as of late? Your make-up color choices make you look like a puckered butt hole.
No. 541748
>>541708>>541729>>541733In case anyone isn't aware, this Blaire White tweet was from awhile back, I forgot to mention that. Sorry if I caused any confusion.
Just thought it was a nice compliment to his "Listen up, Trans people!" and tweets today.
No. 541770
File: 1530852530863.webm (603.12 KB, 320x180, We Must Be Tolerant.webm)
I could of made a 10 hour loop for those of you who would like to use it to get to sleep or meditate.
No. 541790
File: 1530854502480.png (232.53 KB, 1036x992, Rules_first_page.png)

>>541470>big death note rules poster in backim fucking dying
No. 541886
File: 1530861925440.jpg (96.28 KB, 1008x1634, FB_IMG_1530861832363.jpg)

Lame is that you?
No. 541904
>>541673holy shit that description of how theyd have sex is too on point
but i dunno, greg likes them hentai tittys, he might even do mariah from the front!
No. 541938
>>541470Thanks Onion, today I decide I'm gonna be a demiboy because you basically say no one should be allowed to judge me so I'm gonna be like Lainey and collect genders and sexuality like girlscout badges.
Also you know the implant thing is a slight dig at Jaclyn because he believes Social Repose forced her to get implants.
No. 541954
File: 1530876344960.png (86.53 KB, 800x626, Screenshot-2018-7-6 Onision or…)

Yet you accused Shane of being a child molester without any shred of evidence.
No. 541977
>>5419721. Lainey you're a grown fucking adult, stop sitting like that with your feet on the chair other people have to sit on
2. Sarah I know you're lurking. I know you think it's cool to get attention online, but someday you'll be wishing you'd never met this freak. Guarantee it.
I have no doubt Lainey is gonna try to keep Sarah from having fun at college and making new friends. I see many a guilt trip in Sarah's future.
Wow Sarah, you seriously want to go to a party with ILLEGAL drinking instead of watching my children as promised? Looks like I'll have to make my gay husband make a video about you… sorry! No. 542002
>>541972Oh well… is Sarah finally 18 and can now be a part of the trinity?
Sarah, you shouldn't share a drink with herpes Lameo.
No. 542111
>>541972Wtf Sarah? They already did subtle digs at you when you left to go to college, you were being happy and independent there. You had friends, you partied… Why go back to these assholes? Please stop being manipulated by these people and think about what happened in the house while you were there. You were there as a toy and personal therapist for Lainey to distract her from Greg cheating on her and flirting with the rest of his harem. None of those girls are there still because they were treated so horribly, Greg barged into your livestream and forced you to block Billie because "Lainey was crying" when she saw Billie was spectating. Is that a house you actually want to live in? Lainey doesn't love you, she likes that she can use you. Greg never liked you (you pretty much said so yourself) and used you to take care of Lainey because he didn't want to.
Please go back to college in September, get some better friends, get a career and a life. You're already on the way to having a better life than these two shits with no future by going to a physical college and interacting with other people
Sarah has no excuse if she came back to stay, she already went through shit when she left last time. Lainey acted like Sarah betrayed her for focusing on her future (sorry Lainey, but a young child should not be your cry pillow), and the fact that she left at all was wonderful. She clearly knows better, I hope this is just a quick visit
No. 542128
File: 1530902310533.jpg (44.56 KB, 332x219, old_man_gregory.jpg)

This is probably just my OCD, but I noticed that Lainey continually stares at Gregs neck. Maybe she can see something up close 1 foot away, thats not visible on video.
We already know that hes slowly turning into Mr. Burns with his receding hairline, boils/liver-spots on his head and body, and that weird hump on his back. Does he now have middle aged man turkey neck? No. 542129
File: 1530902452533.png (187.73 KB, 704x747, IMG_20180706_204103.png)

No. 542132
File: 1530902631803.png (90.42 KB, 1204x278, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 2.43…)

>>542129Ryan's going off right now on twitter about him. Anus-on as a nickname is amazing.
No. 542156
>>542129You just know lainey was the one that found ryans tweet and set her fucking lapdog grease off on him. Just like kalvin.
Hey lainey you bitchy little cunt with fat tits, You aren't trans you'll never be trans, Just because you want your fat tits lopped off in order to look like greases precious billie doesn't mean you're trans. The truth will come out one day about you bitch and you will lose everything including your social media because you'll be too damn ashamed to show your herpes crusted worthless ugly foot face again.
No. 542224
>>541470lol he doesnt want anyone calling his wife a transtrender or fake gay since thats her selling point to get them money. Otherwise, he could give less of a shit. He himself knows shes using it to be a unique snowflake and that shes not actually a dude. Shes too dumb to realize that though.
And he calls it "mutilation" to have surgery. Nice! That's what trans people want to hear about their surgeries!
>>541954Theres multiple ex's of his who called him abusive, but he calls them liars and asks for "PROOF". Yet we are supposed to believe anyone else as long as they are not accusing him right?
>>541977Guarantee lamey is trying to convince/help her go to college in washington. She definitely wants to use her as her tissue and only friend and will keep her from having a social life. Hopefully their "poorness" will stop this from happening.
No. 542241
>>542227The fake deep voice. The cognitive dissonance. The hypocrisy. The mental gymnastics. The stupidity. Just when I thought it wasn’t possible to hate him any more than I already did…
Never change, Grugly.
No. 542299

>>541972>>541972Oh Sarah, honey, no.
No no no no noo….
These people are so toxic for you. You really don't know, because these predators messed with your head at 14. When you are 28, you're gonna cringe at the thought of trying to befriend 14 year olds.
These people will only use and abuse you, and when they've squeezed the last drop of friendship out of you, they will toss you under the bus and use your friendship ending as their next career move.
You think you will be happy with them in 10 years?? Sweet summer child, no. If they invite you into their triad, you wont last more than 2 years tops, and they will not permit you to have real peers as friends outside of their swamp shack.
If anything wrong should happen, they will not stand behind you. Lainey will not stand behind you. She will pick her husband everytime because she likes the attention from the internet. That will always trump any friendship of theirs.
Just honestly think about it seriously, would you be content with investing everything of yourself into these parasites, to only come away with a tarnished reputation blasted online by Greg and have the Onion Herpes forever to show for it, is that a price you are willing to pay???
(Pretend this video is your conscience, warning you to get away from the awful predicament you seem to be entering into.)
No. 542310
>>542199Greg himself is her debt.
I wonder what the IRS expense to college cost is.
No. 542353
>>542172Nah she sits like that because she literally WANTS to be a little boy. It makes her appear more 'child like' or that's what she thinks. That's the kinda fucked up shit her and her gay husband are into. Wouldn't be surprised if thats why old Gerg is so "supportive" over her being "trans" because he can at least somewhat fulfill his fantasy to fuck a teen boy.
Also wonder when Lame officially comes out as "trans-age" when being "just trans" isn't specul enough anymore and she has to up her tumblr-identity (aka hopping on whatever's trendy with her target audience of little snowflakes) again to keep her audience interested.
No. 542356
>>542227Looks like Shreg hasn't deleted the haturzz yet. A lot of the comments are very critical at the moment.
Also the fact that he used "Trans Cringe" as a tag is just too ironic.
No. 542444
>>542199>Not only does she have a degree Greg paid her way through school so she graduated with 0 debt.I'd also wager that she used that shady EduBirdie site to do her essays that Gurg was spruiking for a while.No one with a psychology degree who has actually done the coursework would look at their marriage to a malignant narcissist and go,"Yep.Based on my knowledge of psychology this relationship is totally not abusive.'
No. 542504
>>542227god he obviously doesn't know or care about any of the shit he's rambling about
he just doesn't know what to talk about anymore and it shows through so painfully
nice work, anus-on
No. 542588
File: 1530946705585.png (896.04 KB, 963x536, oh yikes.PNG)

>>542585"That's what you get for being a transtrender and not like a real transgender like me."
How long is he gonna keep doing this for?
No. 542597
File: 1530948776682.png (66.78 KB, 342x411, 243511.png)

They took Respit to the trampoline place with them?
No. 542613
File: 1530951303067.png (229.82 KB, 782x435, 436577.png)

If this German freak harmed one single hair on our dear Leelus head, Im going to smash his face in with a fire extinguisher Irréversible style.
No. 542623
File: 1530952028264.png (697.91 KB, 957x661, screencap56.png)

What was Oscar the Grouch and Chubby-Laineybot doing at the Swamp Trailer?
Doesn't Respit live in Germany? Did Shreg fly in his biggest Patreon tricks for a sad thirsty collab?
No. 542640
> harmed one single hair on our dear leelus head >our dear leelu >our what
don't get it twisted - she's not the new farmers mascot or anything
No. 542661
File: 1530962204757.png (1.18 MB, 697x902, Screenshot-2018-7-7 Onision or…)

Greg using homosexuality as an insult. Ironic considering just a few hours before this he was WK'ing transtrenders.
No. 542682
>>542444Honestly I doubt she used that. Most professors have access to sites that can scan papers and tell if it was plagerised or if the paper was bought. Those stupid essay writing sites have been around forever and people get expelled for using them.
But she obviously didn’t take many actual psychology classes since she got BPD and bipolar confused. We literally went over that in my intro to psychology class in fucking community college.
No. 542697
File: 1530975636031.gif (2.25 MB, 363x269, 1523978355132.gif)

>>542623Ew. Congrats grease, Instead of attracting billie tier fans, This is now your loyal fanbase, A fat very old sow and someone with serious crazy eyes.
No. 542739
>>542201This honestly. She's being a dumbass at this point.
Sarah, if you're lurking, you are running out of pity points.
No. 542748
File: 1530985242904.gif (2.73 MB, 370x331, f7f585.gif)

No. 542750
File: 1530985928616.jpeg (1 MB, 2048x2048, 462AFB72-065C-44EE-9138-5391A1…)

>>542739It’s abundantly clear that both Sarah and Anus-ion lurk there. Anus because he’ll make a video or go on a Twitter spreg about something said on here literally a day after it’s been posted, and Sarah because she sucks so much old lady Plainey ass and reports everything to her.
I feel literally not a single ounce of pity for Sarah. She was compliant in letting Anus and Laundry try and humiliate Billie, who was an idiot until she wised up and left. Sarah is also blatantly a Billie skin walker, too. She wants both of them, and knows that Billie was the best thing to ever happen to them. Just look at her:
No. 542822
File: 1530991830385.png (940.65 KB, 839x839, Freddy-Krueger.png)

>>541187Hey! Took me a while, but here it is. The original video had too much blur filter and I couldn't get a good screenshot, so I did the next best thing.
No. 542837
File: 1530992848957.png (51.03 KB, 1232x276, VaLiD.png)

No. 542850
File: 1530995313875.jpeg (136.5 KB, 750x1334, A495A513-11B9-453A-B025-018A6D…)

Reupload of comment on foot faces new video
No. 542874
>>542858Would like to see that link if anyone has it handy…
>>542822>>542748OMG this is gold!!! Photoshop anons on point today!
No. 542888
is a huge attention whore, but I honestly wish she had had enough sense to steer clear of the Washington cluster fuckery. But like some anon above said, she's been groomed since she was 14, so I guess it makes sense, even though Sarah has lent herself to some pretty unsavory stuff already (the Billie stuff, doing Taylor's bidding like she's Taylor's servant, pining after fucking LGH of all people (who has flatly said he finds her unattractive… I mean how could anyone with any pride or self-esteem resubmit themselves to that. For God's sake). I don't feel sorry for her (because of the unsavory stuff she lent herself to, so I guess karma is a bitch), but I had hoped she'd mature in her ~time away~
No. 542893
>>542750Eh I don't quite see it as Billie skin walking (like Lainey did) as much as it looks like she's trying to look like gerg and lame's dream pixie girl asthetic
She doesn't really try to copy Willie's makeup or wardrobe or photos like stalker Lainey
No. 542895
>>542893>>542750She looks like she is trying to channel Chloe Price from
Life Is Strange in that second set of pictures.
No. 542936
>>542888Yup, I don't feel sorry for her either. She doesn't have the "she's a stupid child" excuse anymore.
As for the attention whore part, fuck yes. Still can't forget the way she pushed her face towards the camera in her stream with Lainey so people could see her single dramatic tear. I can see her name popping up in future thread titles.
No. 543030
>>542818Whenever anyone comes over they go to that place to seem like they are fun. They've literally taken everyone who visits there. But her and onion rarely just go there by themselves.
>>542858You could see it as banter I guess, but how do you ignore the fact she told lane onion told her she might be part of the trinity when shes legal and the fact she clearly wanted to be? Then she freaked when lane leaked that, basically confirming it was true and then the onions immediately kicked her out when it was found out. I hope shes not stupid enough to try and "date" lamey.
>>542888She should have remained friends with billie instead. At least she'd have more fun since she goes outside. But guess billie isn't rich enough to fund her life. if she actually moves to washington, guarantee she will finally start her youtube channel, since she also is an attention whore wanting fame and money.
No. 543143
>>543140Thank god.
Congratulations Sarah, you're going to be a cow soon.
No. 543154
File: 1531018036559.png (1.01 MB, 1440x2125, patreon perks.png)

>>542706According to this, looks like both of these ding-dongs flew themselves out for the privelege of appearing in a shitty video designed to WK Shteg's straight wife.
Oh, and also to cash in on that promise of the "theme park" perk which no doubt they had to pay for their own way in.
I can't imagine what theme park, maybe Wild Waves? Hope they all left their tactical wallets behind so Shreg doesn't leave them at the gate in an angry sperg.
What kind of dipshit would pay actual currency for this? It boggles the mind. I would pay
not to encounter Shreg at a park.
No. 543159
File: 1531018753984.png (378.06 KB, 1413x1071, Triggered Shreggy.png)

>>542588Looks like people calling Shreg's straight wife a transtrender is hitting too close to home.
Out of all the tags he used to promote this one, I kekked the most at "short film".
Is that what we're calling shitty, hastily put together videos, whiteknighting your wife by having
patrons screech and wave guns around?
No. 543188
File: 1531021332853.png (511.8 KB, 1425x1073, fragile bean.png)

Aww.. While Anus-on is feverishly wking her and entertaining his patrons, the poor fragile spacebean is sick again.
Maybe try eating some actual fruits and veggies and going out to get fresh air every now again instead of eating cereal and hiding out in your closet "studio" contemplating your dysphoria and gender crisis of the moment.
No. 543270
>>543031It's taken two weeks to even fill the thread. I remember where there'd be two a day.
I agree with the an on who no longer feels bad for Sarah. She's heard enough about Shreg to stay away. Good for Lamey, tho. Personal servant right there.
No. 543271
>>543159He's probably using "short film" because he finally realised nobody cares about comedy YouTube as much as they used to anymore. The new kids like "flexing" and people who are freely douchebags (not Greg level though for the most part, mainly they're younger though)
>>543206To be honest that's probably the best response to Greg. Ignore his bullshit and walk away, it'll actually affect him because he's always prepared to fight back. If Sarah keeps this up and actually stays tired of the onions and how they treat her they'll either kick her out or she'll be right back at university this September. Hoping for the latter cause I'd love to see them sperg out at being rejected by the girl they groomed for four years
No. 543290
>>543154Is that bouncy gymnastics place considered a "theme park"?
Respit was there
>>542597 No. 543443
>>543431Do y'all think they were "friendly" massages, ie. topless nude ones like Greg gave Billie?
Taylor already sent Sarah topless pics…
No. 543467
>>543443As if Taylor would do
anything sexual with another woman (besides kissing her awkwardly) without Shrek initiating it.
Even if they'd stay having a relationship, Taylor wouldn't do anything more than kissing Sarah, because she's not into women
No. 543477
>>543443Giving massages must be the initation ritual into the trinity!
>>543473The threesome is just greg getting to fuck the new girl while lamey watches and occasionally half-assedly kisses her.
No. 543538
File: 1531075434801.jpeg (466.06 KB, 1242x2005, 0D53ADB8-57D1-4914-AAF2-DA99E6…)

shreg blocked maddy lol gee what a surprise
No. 543551
>>543538If their little patreon idiots don’t wake up after this then idk what to tell them. No, I’m not talking about the ones who don’t follow Onion drama closely enough to care. I’m talking about the big spenders. They think they can BUY friendship, but even the “real life” friendships these two have are discarded at the HINT of any discord or disagreement. Anyone keeping up with them for even a small amount of time should be able to see that unless you’re a Billie 2.0 that Greg wants to have sex with, you’re out at any moment.
Hey Sarah! This means you too! Anything you do that they don’t like will get you the boot. You suck up too much and do enough for Lainey so it’s not a problem right now. But it will be when you finally do start having your own opinions or your actions stray from what they find appropriate. But you already know this, even if you deny it could ever happen to you.
No. 543567
>>543561*greg has gone on lainey's accounts and blocked her too
No. 543568
>>543547>>543538Hm, kinda feel sorry for her.
Gurg gets butthurt over her not liking a video they made together and blocks her and fucking Taylor probably tells her
I dont control him and blocks her too.
Fuck them both.
Who do they think they are to kick
every person out of their life if they don't like their opinion.
Yet their friends have to live with all of their bullshit, trying to still be their friends.
They can probably count their number of friends they have together on one hand.
Oh and a new onion "leave the kids i might or might not have out of this" video incoming because Madisson wrote that they have kids and that Onion is ruining their friendship with her kids.
Poor things probably dont have any other kids to play with than hers.
No. 543573
File: 1531077169088.jpg (245.52 KB, 1079x837, Screenshot_20180708-211115_Twi…)

What a fucking cunt.
She doesnt deserve a single friend.
Madisson was a great friend to her and all she does now is pick up to hang up again?
Madisson did nothing to her. What a bitch.
No. 543582
>>543206lmao this is too funny, it's like his man-child sperging intensifies when other people are around and he can't help himself.
poor sarah, she can just ignore shit like that at this point lol. she seems adult cause she does these grown people's chores and appears to have more emotional maturity than grease and foot combined
No. 543583
File: 1531077876029.png (686.15 KB, 750x1334, 877DC7D6-8EB5-4D2B-8FA5-0775CA…)

Not sure if this has been posted
No. 543593
File: 1531078487022.png (41.06 KB, 607x320, Untitled.png)

>>543538Repzion chimes in.
No. 543596
File: 1531078588427.png (178.54 KB, 581x705, sperg.png)

No. 543603
>>543596He already deleted it.
What an idiot.
No. 543607
>>543596What this signifies to me is Onision trying to manipulate Maddie into STILL not giving dirt on the Onions bc somehow it would reflect badly on HER in his mind? Ooookkay Grease, sure.
Sadly Maddie was desperate enough to fall for that crap line and said she won’t talk bad about them.
No. 543610
>>543573Unbelievable. This kind of behavior is expected from Anus-on, the ultimate manchild. But this just showcases what an absolute cunt GSW is.
Claims to be such a fragile bean, who hates beef and drama and just wants to love everyone and be a "role model" for transteens. She is worse than her idiot husband at this point and I hope Madison lets all the old milk spew forth.
No. 543621
File: 1531080347207.png (415.58 KB, 1429x2150, way to miss the point.png)

This made me kek. Way to miss the point, Shreg. Like did he really think was about "feeling sorry" for slave owners? One quick google search would tell him that Auberon Herbert spoke at length about human rights. But I guess he's way smarter than philosophers. And sharting out opinions on Twitter makes you morally superior.
No. 543644
>>543624Thank you!
I watched it, and seriously there was nothing in it insulting exept the ogreg himself trying to be funny, no structure, random jokes about diapers and for some reason there is billy the fridge in there.
Madison spand half of the video apologizing to her fans, just like she said for hurting ddlg community feefees, and other half to actually DEFEND anusion! repeating that this is comedy, and she is not offended. wtf greggy?
maybe he is trying to bring back cyr-like drama, from what I remember Onion was butthurt that Cyr refused to dress like hitler in his video and gurgy was upset and ditched him.
No. 543695
>>543467>>543473>>543477Ive always said that.
When they did have threesomes, it was Greg pounding Billie, while Taylor squatted on the corner of the bed, knees up to her chest in her favorite smol bean pose… watching.
And maybe holding Billies hand as Greg hate fucks the poor thing.
No. 543705
File: 1531086887869.png (1.33 MB, 849x737, fatnision.png) video by Anusion bashing DDLG, and he's fatter than ever.
No. 543715
File: 1531087375306.gif (2.2 MB, 200x173, 1524039428267.gif)

>>543705He's a fucking porker, No wonder his insecurity is in overdrive. This is age catching up to you fatty
No. 543808
>>543568I don't like her, but yeah… She was probably the closest thing to a real friend they had.
I think I feel sorry because it affects the kids. "Sorry I disagreed with Troy's daddy, so he said you can't go over and play anymore."