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No. 651964
If you're new, here's a summary of why she's a cow: Kannibal, Lilou Vos, Kirsten Ostrenga, Sperg-Chan, Keeks, Dakota's sister, whatever you wanna call her, has rebranded herself… as an SJW! Just as her previous threads died out, how ironic.
Following her Wal-Mart candids, Kiki abandoned the internet, only stopping in here and there to warn against internet stalkers and to post animal gore in the name of saving animals.
Bored with playing Sarah McLachlan on Twitter, she's graduated to giving out advice to sexual assualt
victims and calling out every guy who has ever sexually assaulted her in paragraph long threads. Why now? Because #metoo.
Her new callouts include Romeo Lacoste, Jonny Craig (Someone's been
triggered from reading the TND threads), and some random Sony executive on a plane, which seems to be the most recent account.
She also posted a badly scripted, hard-to-watch, two part video on her Twitter regarding sexual assault.
Video:'s speculated she's still in Florida because anons recognized her Florida bedroom in the video above and there have been no signs of Bobby.
At least she's trying to do something positive? I think she's just going public so she can have an excuse to give if anyone ever uncovers the Sperg-Chan stuff.
Oh, I forgot, Room 8 finally came out and now we see why she gave up on acting.
See previous thread for links to the stuff mentioned above:
>>451592Active links:
YouTube: Access: Summary: No. 651969
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Here's some screenshots of her Twitter SJW tier ranting to start the thread off. 1/3
No. 651970
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No. 651971
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No. 652009
>>651970huh. whoever this is, it's likely not a celebrity cause he wouldn't be slumming it in coach with Kiki.
maybe it was just some creeper that told her he was working on some major project to impress her.
No. 652062
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>>651970>>651971ffs can't she just focus on doing something meaningful instead of just tweeting @ celebrities about some supposed sexual assault.
It just seems like another fanatical tactic to take shortcuts with her acting career. She probably has hopes of being in the documentary.
No. 652083
>>652062Her one and only goal has always been, and will always be to be a famous
victim pf a celevrity rapist. I think her parents convincing her Danny raped her as a teen just to cover the fact that they tried to entrap him & got him killed for dumping her really fucked her head up long term. It's like she only wants fame and attention based on pity and shame instead of passion or art.
No. 652467
>>652083If that were the case then why would she do this
>>652083 in addition to taking huge breaks from social media? Trainwreck as she may be, adult keeks doesn't have the same attention-seeking issue that most cows do. If you take any given threat on lolcow chances are that you'll see attention-seeking behavior that keeks hasn't displayed since she was a kid, if at all.
>>652136No that was after keek's peak and an 11yo girl, though allegedly they preyed on other girls too.
>>652172Well yeah, her parents are horrible people who didn't and don't give a shit about their daughters beyond living vicariously through them. The biggest thing that makes these 'i was sexually assaulted by this guy and this guy and this guy etc' stories believable from her is that she was put in a position to be exploited by her parents. It's not unlike the rumors of child actors getting passed around in the industry but much more pathetic given that it was for internet fame.
>>652464This is an imageboard for women…
No. 653441
>>653432things like poor boundaries, draw towards what is familiar (
abusive situations or people) and in general, abusers have a radar for vulnerable people. she is nuts but is probably extremely malleable to whoever she is attached to
No. 653637
>>653277she has claimed this 4 times that i am aware of.
- Danny, the reason being because her dumbfuck parents allowed a boy to come live with them in her daughter's bedroom (wouldn't have made a difference whether he was 17 or 19 imo. he was still going to fuck her when they turned their backs).
- the guy from the concert (?) whatever it was. Again her parents put her in that situation, dropping off their underage daughters alone in zone of strangers. Hell knows how he got her in a room alone with him to ask her to blow him.
- guy on the plane.
- a story of when she was working in retail and a customer tried to lure her into his car.
Call it slut-shaming if you want, but I think half of these scenarios happened because her parents were irresponsible as fuck and put her in dangerous situations. And the other half because well.. because she likes to dress like a anime dominatrix out in public, with short skirts and dog collars. If random everyday women get harassed by pigs for just going out, then it's not surprising that someone like her is a magnet for this kind of attention.
No. 653712
>>653637It's been more than 4 times.
I've been following Kiki for over a decade now, and every year she always tweets about new ones right after they happen. At least she did before she went into hiding.
Like once she was working in a store and a guy tried to drag her out. Idk if anyone remembers that.
No. 653714
>>653637>>653712Oh, oops. You mentioned the store one.
There were also countless stories of her being harassed by guys in her classes.
No. 653837
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>>653714right, i remember the one about her class too.
1. a brief story time video about how a guy physically forced her to sit on his lap.
2. a homophobe tweet about a lesbian teacher sexually harassing her and how disgusted she was.
a 3rd reason of why there are so many of these "stories" is probably because she is just over-paranoid that everyone wants her and exaggerates + lowkey loves to brag it. before PULL started mocking her for it, her and kooter used to make countless humblebrag tweets about strangers doing/saying all kinds of things to them for being "pretty". and that included a ton of supposed unwanted sexual attention.
No. 653863
>>653432Pretty much. Usually they come from broken homes with parents who were
abusive to them or just dysfunctional, and abuse becomes what they know. And of course certain personality disorders and addiction issues can reduce someone's ability to judge other people properly or make them desperate enough to end up in relationships that are bad for them. Predators, on the other hand, are good at reading people (at least with respect to how vulnerable they are to predation) and can detect potential targets very easily.
Keeks grew up in a fucked up family situation and may or may not have been molested as a child (including pushing random legal adults onto her as a teen), based on her recent social media posts. That would definitely make her more vulnerable to abuse. Her recent accusations are complicated by her previous(?) paranoid obsession with sexual harassment, but
victims of abuse usually are far from perfect. It could be that she was/is lying about some things and being truthful about others.
(armchair) No. 656418
>>653837frankly i think you're right about it being a humblebrag.
the assault survivors that i've known don't really bring it up on a frequent basis. even people that i know who are go-go dancers, cosplay models, strippers, etc., and have
countless interactions with drunk dudes overstepping their boundaries don't bring any of that up unless it's relevant to the conversation.
kiki equals being sexually targeted with being attractive. like 'ooh i'm so pretty men just can't control themselves around me'. in reality there are men who will just leap at anything that breathes and has a pussy, but to her it's a validation of how beautiful she is.
No. 663303
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I follow sherliza n she made a video of kooter it wasn’t offensive at all n kaka had it deleted lol bitch is alive
No. 663304
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No. 663359
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>>663304and now she's going to try to do something about it.
No. 663588
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Keeks have active on twitter trying to act all innocent SJW. Who is she trying to fool.
No. 663607
>>663588>>663588How is it possible to be this much of a hypocrite? It's certainly hasn't been a decade since she was spamming lolcow with gore and posts about wanting to gut Taylor R.
Never change Keeks, you will always be a huge bitch.
No. 663848
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>>663607to be fair, the "I'm going to gut this bitch" post was actually her falseflagging death threats about herself. though that's arguably even worse
No. 663930
>>653886Her family is fucked up, without a doubt. You don't have to be beaten to a pulp on a daily by your heroin daddy to suffer mental health consequences from
abusive parental behavior and neglect, just saying
No. 663933
>>663930Isn't kiki 30 nowadays so why are we blaming family, wtf? She's a grown woman or are you all armchairing womenchildren?. I've been reading her lolcow posts again ever since she has come up with a new persona and she legitimately makes me scared to death. Like I think we all would do this if we could, whiteknighting a lil bit for ourselves if we were in the situation of being e-bullied, but she's taking it too fucking damn far. Like the threatening herself part was fucked up, and proves she wants to victimize herself so much (well people always do that I guess but it's still scary to see it) just to get attention (or the thread deleted? Both? She knows it doesn't work yet she keeps trying and makes everything worse again and again to the point kota is starting to facepalm, I mean what milk did kota have? Muh homophobia when she was a fucking kid? Nitpicking? Having such an embarassment of a 30 year old balding sister?
Whoever dates her, needs to run as far as possible. I don't think after that weirdo Danny anyone harassed her at any more deeper level than catcalling, she is most definitely immune for any pervert or human being and if she continues her antics she will likely die alone.
And then I am scared even more when I see her new tweets, what the fuck? It is funny in a trainwreck way and scary at the same time. I just advice her to fix her shit and do something useful. The flagging videos and LARPing at age fucking 30 all to get infamous attention is so sad. Jimmy Star is some doing this as well but he's doing it right at least. We don't see your millions anywhere, kiki. Whatever you're doing, stop. It isn't being funny anymore. Her persona is just straight-out horrifying. I need to clear my history browser and I regret checking her out to see how she's doing. Jesus.
No. 664245
>>663933So much this. I just pity her now. Everything about her makes me cringe. We are about the same age, and I would be mortified if I was living with my parents, patting myself on the back for being in a couple of student films and thinking myself so brave for wearing my vegan leather bondage gear in public in a world full of sexual predators who want to assault me because of my
kira kira princess from mars beauty. Jesus christ dude I know some people are late bloomers but she seems to be perpetually mentally stuck at 14 years old
No. 664256
>>664245Her living with her parents makes me lean towards more that there was no physical/sexual abuse going on with them. I think she was talking about encounters she had on the internet and with Danny.
Yeah, still awful, but she hasn't grown through it or helped herself at all. Unfortunately the same things have happened to so many girls, at this age more often it has been at least worked on, have gotten therapy, and improved. She likes too much to be a
victim to be able to work through it healthily. She hasn't changed or grown at all. Most likely never will.
No. 668555
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How is she still convinced that she has been 'targeted by a small group of persistent predators for over half of my life'? Where did she even get that idea to start with?
>Hopefully one day the internet will be a safer place for freedom of expression without insane amounts of abuse
It's sad to say but that's simply never going to happen. It sucks, but people will always be mean on the internet. All content creators face this crap but they don't break down constantly, they learn to deal with it.
She's still stuck on the same old things, I really wish she'd get some proper therapy.
No. 668619
>>664256Wow some of you are so fucking ignorant. She’s obviously unstable and possibly schizophrenic, I highly doubt she can take care of herself and if she did live on her own there is such an increased risk of her losing it in a serious way. Abused people stay with their abusers literally all the time, especially when they’re parents and you want more than anything to believe they’ll get better and change because abuse is a choice, mental illness isn’t. She’s been rationalizing her parents abuse her whole life and clearly has cognitive processing issues that are constantly illustrated in these threads. She displays either hyper sexuality or this weird pure fairy shit which is splitting.
Kiki is a fucking asshole especially for telling people to kill themselves when she herself knows she has problems and doesn’t Medicare herself or get therapy, that could legitimately hurt someone with issues. But no she doesn’t deserve to have people being hateful about her mental illness, all that does is perpetuate not only her being crazy
triggered the stigma surrounding common illnesses that people do not choose and suffer from all the time. How can you criticize her for her issues when you obviously have no idea about the most basic things, are you of a much older generation that repressed this reality?
(k) No. 668728
Ah, good old Kiki. Somehow it's nostalgic to see she's still out there making a fool of herself. Some things never change, I guess.
>>668696I don't believe that, honestly. It would explain some things but the majority of traits autistic people have don't really line up with her personality (or lack thereof).
No. 670864
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Is she suicidal?
No. 671187
>>669062meh, go read some literature on how research (from healthcare to corrections) has ignored gender, such as by only using all-male samples. Plenty of researchers have called into question the generalization of findings pre-science-giving-a-fuck-about-women.
Sorry if OT
No. 672750
>>672745I only watched 40 sec cause its classic stale af, aint going no where, god damn bitch just get a 9-5 job, how are you even staying afloat type powdered milk.
>Says she wants to video "diary" dealing with and overcoming codependency, addiction or whatever to love etc>says she knows its risky to put herself out there on the internet with this stuff especially "with her history" (kaka ever the antagonist who wants to live like shes still a teen getting harassed 24/7 on myspace)>follows that up with saying what any up their own ass yt'er says which is ~"im sharing my story so hopefully someone out there can be helped or relate which totally isnt me admitting to my savior complex to excuse over sharing about mememememeShe starts mentioning that books exist and thats where im hopping cause shes just being quirky tm and sifting through her word vomit to make sense of whats inevitably "her story". She has time to impose clouds but can't edit out the constant tripping of words and not even trying to stay on track which just feels narc tier like nobody needs to see all the "funny" bloopers when it makes the vid 19minutes, you just think it makes you look approachable and attractive
No. 672751
>>672745>gonna video diary thoughts on overcoming love addiction and other shit in title to help other people with these issues>says she was targeted, groomed, raped and abandoned at 13 (danny?) used codependency to cope, cant be alone, needs to be told things are ok by other people>went to ER yesterday for heart stuff but no elaboration on it, does some kinda body awareness meditation spoken out loud>says the guy who abused her used her as a "calling card" and people were enamored with him cause he was with her (wut?)>used to tell herself she's worthless as a coping mechanism so nobody could "take anything from her" if she had nothing>felt she should have been able to control more things in her life despite unpredictable circumstances even as a kid>wants to become emotionally stable by herself>had a rape kit done and the councellor said she was either going to be very promiscuous or hate men. she says it was both only she didn't screw around but had boyfriend after boyfriend>kept falling in love with people super quickly and entering toxic relationships>gonna be restarting her websitesorry if its a shitty recap. overall very stretched out content with little substance. thought the way she phrased her falling in love with people sounded like she was aiming to paint herself in a better light rather than take responsibility for entering
toxic relationships
No. 672763
>>672745I don't follow this cow, but
Jesus Christ the combination of that hairline and fivehead. Girl, you need bangs.
No. 672770
>>672751Thanks for the recap, anon! She is still making "being raped and harassed online years ago" her whole personality.
>sounded like she was aiming to paint herself in a better light rather than take responsibility Never change Kaka.
No. 672783
>>672780cool story. i'm diagnosed with it. it does manifest differently at the high functioning end of the spectrum because women are socialized differently and learn to hide it better.
it's impossible to say without knowing her irl anyways, but if she's reading here i hope she looks into it.
No. 672784
>>6727451. The hoarding in the background
2. The cringy thing she did, @ 6:00 lol girl
3. Crazy eyes throughout the whole thing.
No. 673102
>>673082Right, if she did that here, who knows what else she posted/did on other websites? Wouldn't put it past her to create sock accounts and bully elsewhere (we already know they're good at making sock accounts)
Kinda glad she's back though, kek. My prediction is she's going to use this slow-moving thread about her to victimize herself about people "still being after her". Let's be honest, she constantly
wants people to talk about her and hate on her, otherwise that takes away a huge part of her "personality" and leaves her with nothing to be a
victim about and nothing to talk about.
I don't know about kiwifarms or other places or where else she is posted but as far as I know, nobody cares about her and at this point we're kinda just here to observe and for the nostalgia.
No. 673103
>>673082I think she never developed any sort of interesting life or personality…so she’s making her online persona 100% about this.
She thinks she’s some sort of personal growth guru.
No. 673117
>>673102True, and no one knows how she treats people offline either.
Yeah, probably. I don't understand who has been "harassing" her online either as she states? All I ever see are people talking about the fact she needs to sort her life out here and that's all. The actual threats happened up to about 2007-2009 when she was in that scene phase, max? Around 10 years ago or more. It's fucked.
Thing is, she could talk about her actual recovery… The issue is that she doesn't have one. Yeah, that's pretty much it, agreed.
>>673103Agreed. She could actually just recover, y'know, by using actual methods that are proven to work rather than spewing pointless shit on Twitter about abuse.
>>673106Seems like emotional pain. Looks like she's working on accepting it and letting it do its thing rather than distracting herself. As much of a liar as she is, that's a good way to start handling it. It still confuses me why she's not further on in her recovery though.
No. 673126
>>673106Supposedly she started to feel pain during the video (min 5-7) bc she recalled traumatic events (she literally
triggered herself into emotional pain).
And then she said she is addicted to love and is a serial monogamous bc of her trauma and hasn't recovered.
No. 673136
>>673134Ignoring other people is what makes it obvious she's doing it for the same reasons the scene queen thing existed. Publicity, attention, etc. It's all to make her social media look good and override any trace of her craziness.
Yeah, good point. Feels like she loves trauma. I can't ever recall wanting to stare at images of animal abuse. It's concerning that's what she chooses to flood her accounts with.
No. 673152
>>673133 Seriously. “Opening up a conversation”
Lol girl there are like millions of memes about mental health issues because they’re so prevalent. It’s more open than it’s ever been. You aren’t original
No. 673246
>>673152Everyone seems to want to "open the conversation" on mental health. This topic also became specially marketable if you add a sprinkle of either rape or sexual misconduct after #metoo
She's just bandwagoning again under the disguise of helping others
No. 673305
>>673152I know right? Don't get me wrong, the way her parents brought her up and treated her was clearly wrong even though we don't know the extent of it and she does seem traumatised. But just because that happened doesn't mean she gets to spew shit here against other people and attempt to solicit attention through opening up some "conversation" focused solely on her.
She literally is so behind with everything. People opened up that mental health conversation long ago, and now the majority are seeing the importance of going to psychotherapy and leaving things for those sessions only where it's safe. The biggest mistake she's made so far is opening things back up in the exact same spot she was traumatised in. Gets traumatised because of the Internet, runs back to the Internet she claims was full of predators anyway, I mean… Hasn't anyone told her that that doesn't make sense? You'd think by now she'd be smart enough to stop making herself vulnerable to a pool of people she doesn't know and stick to real-life interactions exclusively.
If she's gonna do YouTube, she could go down the route of showing people HOW she recovered (when she does) so people can try techniques themselves, or anything else that's interesting in her life, but she won't do that because she still has the compulsion to unload pain into the wrong place and try to gain sympathy. It's as if she's content with pain and trauma being her entire personality and existence.
No. 673433
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She updated her website
No. 673455
>>673433If she’s truly ready to heal i suggest she change her online name to simply “kiki” or “kirsten”. She so
triggered by that era yet can’t rid herself of it. Tragic
No. 673702
>>673102imo she hates negative attention unlike most cows, hence why she can disappear for years and why her most recent spate of bad behavior was all anonymous. She definitely doesn't live an 'all attention is good attention' lifestyle, at least anymore, which makes her kind of compelling.
>>673133To be fair, the vast majority of ~mental health gurus~ don't focus on serial monogamy; it's surprisingly absent from the discussion of mental health. However, like most people on social media who try to position themselves as an authority on mental health (or anything really), she is wholly unqualified to give any form of advice.
>>673455She did try to get rid of it; at this point she's probably given up and figures that embracing it is her only shot at renewing her e-fame because without her past and weird lolcow exploits she's unremarkable in a sea of wannabe influencers.
No. 674475
Quick question: her front hair pieces look gray ish?
>>674213She did. And added "the girl who played with fire" to the bios? So it's like, shes not Kiki Kannibal but she sure is the
No. 674485
>>674213Her handle is still the same, so it's not like she's not clinging to her old internet fame in order to stay just slightly relevant.
anyway she posted a new video on IG, it's boring though. No. 675063
>>674928I remember that. She'd said inmates (plural) often contacted her bc they'd read the Girl Who Played With Fire article. She's despicable.
I preferred when she did the humblebrags about people stopping her on the street to compliment her butt lol
No. 675514
>>675291This is so boring.
"I can't love anyone or anything because I'll get attached, and I'll be co-dependent," - shows that she has high expectations of other people and just wants them to do everything for her. People frequently disappoint her when they're not putting her on a pedestal.
Her joke accent is making her look like she's not taking the topic seriously. Why is she going southern all of a sudden? I get how she lived in Florida most of her life, but come on, just stop it.
Martyr? Really?
Not really an epiphany that you can admire anyone/anything without attachment. This is common sense, fucking hell. You don't check out random people on the street, or plants or whatever, and immediately get attached. Is she saying that's what happens to her?
"When I would fall for someone I would think, oh my God, what are the next steps? Are we gonna get married?" - this is just creepy as fuck. Can you imagine meeting her, being interested and she starts talking about shit like that when you're simply trying to get to know her? Just shows she isn't interested in getting to know the person for who they really are and bases everything on appearance. Remember when she was trying to get a Japanese husband? She would have dated anyone as long as they were Asian. Also referring to what her ex said, no, this is not in fact "ingrained in all human beings, especially women." Lmao, we're slightly past the "caveman days" and society currently views this behaviour as desperate and creepy. How the fuck is this a human need? What? We generally want to find the right person to be with, so will take our time in getting to know them.
How can it be a love addiction when love is defined by being selfless towards the person in question without expecting anything in return? She didn't love any of those people. If she did, she wouldn't be demanding that they put her on a pedestal. She wouldn't be talking to them about huge commitments before even knowing them at all because she'd realise that could scare and harm them.
She admits she was playing the
victim, while continuing to play the
"Don't let these issues define who you are," she says, while letting all of her issues define her entire existence.
The biggest issue is that she's so socially retarded that she doesn't understand that the majority of people are aware of all this shit, but ultimately realise they have to process everything with the help of a psychologist and move onto normal life activities as soon as possible. Once people achieve balance in their lives they generally stop spinning the same conversation.
Also, no, we don't "oftentimes" need a trauma to
trigger epiphanies. Plenty of people have never had traumas and they're still aware of how life works.
Wants to create a community so she can get attached to the praise of random people online, lol.
What a fucking piece of shit. I don't buy any of this until she admits to the crap she's been spreading on this site, as well as that site she dedicated to taking the piss out of Danny Cespedes years after his death. She's an abuser masquerading as some ethereal divine spirit healer. It's like, piss off. Maybe she can write to some more prison inmates and get herself a prison husband, that way when he gets out and has no one or nothing else, she can take full control and ownership of him, lol. Think she's generally trying to convince herself that the reason she doesn't have a partner is because everyone she gets with is disordered, when she's just a creepy, scary fucker, lmao. Can't wait until she starts making videos about how her exes are sociopaths because they left her.
No. 675633
>>675291I can't help but feel like she just read or watched war and peace and these are her retarded cliffs notes from Prince Andreis death scene where he finds forgiveness.
“Yes, love (he thought again with perfect distinctness), but not that love that loves for something, to gain something, or because of something, but that love that I felt for the first time, when dying, I saw my enemy and yet loved him. I knew that feeling of love which is the very essence of the soul, for which no object is needed. And I know that blissful feeling now too. To love one's neighbours; to love one's enemies. To love everything—to love God in all His manifestations. Some one dear to one can be loved with human love; but an enemy can only be loved with divine love. And that was why I felt such joy when I felt that I loved that man. What happened to him? Is he alive? … Loving with human love, one may pass from love to hatred; but divine love cannot change. Nothing, not even death, nothing can shatter it. It is the very nature of the soul. And how many people I have hated in my life. And of all people none I have loved and hated more than her.”
No. 678337
These vids are so sad and lame. Kirsten, pls just get off the internet and do some crafts or something. Make some swarovski bat jewelry and return incognito in a year's time with an instagram store selling handmade scene queen nostalgia accessories. I'd be down for that.
>>674089Literally the only way Kiki could be relevant or interesting now is if she went full 100% painfully honest and came clean about everything she’s done, as well as exposed how her parents exploited her growing up.
alternatively, this
>>668696>>672754>>672783I used to get dogpiled on lolscenequeens/efagz years ago for saying this but it's true
No. 679231
>>679218"Oftentimes we get addicted to unhealthy things, unhealthy media…"
Speak for yourself Keeker. It's funny that she said she consumes garbage on YouTube and she's part of that reality for me, lol. She is garbage and I watch her when I can't be bothered with anything else.
Major problem with what she's saying regarding how people make you feel; no one should be able to make you feel or do anything. She's missed the point again. Healthy adults can interact with most people, even if they have issues, and avoid seeing said person's issues as anything to do with themselves. This is why she's failed with so many things career-wise and in general. She's so quick to cut contact with people without knowing anything about them. How ironic it is that her slogan is, "We all have a story. What's yours?" when she doesn't even listen to anyone.
Everyone is a
toxic abuser, even if they just offer her their phone number again after she's said "No." We live in a world where most people have been traumatised, hence why there's such a huge need for psychologists, and she needs to deal with those people because they're everywhere. She just wants to control them rather than staying respectful and controlling her own words and actions.
Like, I get it. You're obviously going to cut contact with outright violent people who have you in their abuse cycle, but she stops talking to people for the smallest of reasons. She stopped talking to me because I knew what PULL was. Also how is a guy offering you their number despite you saying "No," a threat of any kind? Just politely explain to him you're not interested instead of being angry about it. She's literally punishing someone for attempting to have a normal human interaction. I highly doubt he was doing anything other than asking the same question multiple times which is honestly not a safety threat, nor a big deal.
I hate how she's instructing people on what to do like a psychologist. She's just spreading bullshit. She needs to address the fact that if she feels unwell after talking to someone, it's probably some kind of
trigger within herself that isn't based in reality. She continues to act like everyone is going to hurt her when that's just not the case. It is all her. All I hear is her justifying her behaviour as the product of outside causes; other people, energy, etc. She really needs to get fucking help because she does not understand that anything can
trigger a trauma survivor. A sunny day, a colour, etc. She can't keep blocking out people and things that
trigger her or she really is going to end up alone.
Again with the "
toxic" labelling. She doesn't even see everyone as a human being despite their issues. Nasty. She's fucking ill.
No. 683339
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>>681897You're right, they totally broke up. I remember her (ex)boyfriend had to deactivate some social media probably because some crazy people tried to get in contact with him regarding Kiki. Now he is up to something new apparently and started to post again this month which
triggered her current phase. I censored his name btw
No. 683794
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Late, but it hasn't been discussed yet: Kiki was apparently with Bobby for 3 years which would place their meeting during, or directly after, the great sperg-chan meltdown.
Armchair but she does hit almost every sign of BPD.
Was part of the reason she moved to LA for Bobby?
Will she ever get help? She seems to have an ounce of self-awareness in this post, but still no signs of actual improvement.
(Also how has it been 3 years since the sperg-chan reveal already?)
I was surprised she managed 3 weeks in a row of YT uploads and then, of course, she's totally missed this week. Some things never change.
No. 683913
>>683794>Kiki was apparently with Bobby for 3 years which would place their meeting during, or directly after, the great sperg-chan meltdown.Tinfoil:
She didn't want him to find out about her past, so she sperged all over the place to prove Bobby that we are all crazy ugly fat lesbian haterz and she's the poor
victim. It was all a show to get some dick.
No. 684340
>>684084That does sound like OG keeks but she moved past the 'lesbos' insult phase like a decade ago.
Jokes on that anon though, I appreciate keeks as a cow and still want her to make it
>>684289Japan has a completely different standard of beauty and values child-like looks; aside from her weight kiki had nothing to offer them.
No. 685023
>>683794was just about to post I think she might be BPD.
Also does anyone else get the vibe that she’s trying to move into some weird self-help guru phase. Idk I can barely watch her new videos but its reminding me so much of “””that””” sort of person
No. 685026
>>685023I don't think there's any evidence of BPD at all here.
Yeah she's clearly still trying to stay relevant in a changing era and make herself out to be a "self-help" guru/influencer. It's so cringey watching these videos because it's so transparent how much she's faking this persona. There's nothing genuine. She's just nearing 30 and hasn't put in any work into talents or whatever to be interesting, so she's forcing this. She posts like a million memes on her stories to get noticed and it's really weird.
No. 687384
>>683339He's literally using the same name as last time, why censor it? Bobbyhatanaka.
how old is this guy??? I thought he and Kiki were both 25ish, but this guy is obviously in his 30s. Given how she was living with him in LA for the entire 2ish years she went silent on SM after getting with him, maybe it was a sugar arrangement and he just got tired of her not actually trying to start her own career. Whatever the case, if she was with Bobby for the whole 3 years and that's why she wasn't online then good for her, but breaking up with him to move back to FL as kota's career finally sputters out is kinda funny. I know we don't know what happened but I'm sure some idiot will eventually get the story by trying to message him.
No. 687449
>>687384I don't think she has moved back to FL. In her vlogs she's in the same place she was in with Bobby. She might actually have a job that's keeping her there.
Three vlogs in and she's given up on her YouTube return again. Is this a new record?
No. 688079
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>>687456>>687780>>687384Nah he's very much the same age as Kiki. Probably only a few years older. I found an article about him dancing with other high schoolers during spring show in 2008. He's just old and haggard looking.
No. 689528
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What’s up with her IG username??
No. 689634
>>689330Yeah, shitty vegan diets age you harder than normal. One anon clocked him in his 30s, another said he looked 40+. He's more haggard without filters than kaka, which is generous. I would
never look at
>>687385 and guess that was a 26-27 year old.
No. 689646
>>689634Not to powerlevel or sperg but as an Asian-anon this guy genuinely looks like my Dad's friends who are all in their mid 40's. This has to be diet related because we, and especially men don't age like that with a hard face. I know a lot of Buddhist vegetarians and they still don't look that hard in the face so this guy must be nutrient starved or some shit.
I imagine Kiki has a similar diet from the looks of it. She doesn't look so bad to me I think a lot of it is just how her face is made, but with some weight she'd look a lot younger.
No. 697963
>>678337god, lolsq…. those were the prime LJ days, i miss them lmao.
anyway, i think it's interesting that you guys are bringing up the aspergers/autism thing. like obviously we can't really know, but kenna recently just made a video about recently being diagnosed with autism and she really reminds me of kiki in a lot of ways.
(necro) No. 723678
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lurks her social media once in a blue moon to see how she's doing
No. 737437
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Looks like she's still in LA, and still trying to fuck her way through life instead of supporting herself.
No. 737438
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>>737437Her post referencing high rent in LA. Still trying to be an emo/scene groupie since that trend is coming back.
No. 737613
>>737438It's hilarious that she's trying to cling to her past scene clout despite still looking like a cheap Taobao fairy, it's like she wants someone to dig her old ass up and make #kikikannibal a hot topic again without her having to do anything or return to the style herself. That's what always annoyed me about Kiki, she so obviously and desperately wants fame and attention, but rather than be real about it she wants to pretend like it snuck up on her against her will for being so talented and gorgeous. That, and her never-ending almost-rape accusations are why she'll never make it, she's too passive and sheepish and needs someone to literally show and tell her everything
and protect her from da hayturz and paying bills.
No. 737922
Her fashion sense is still awful, but she looks surprisingly healthy here.
>>737438Wow, she's directly referencing her old e-fame days? Something's up…
>>737683She will certainly disappear again after her current venture fails. Hopefully she sticks around for a while though.
No. 737926
>>737922>>>737922>Her fashion sense is still awful, but she looks surprisingly healthy here.Looks like she finally gained some weight, maybe Kaka dropped veganism for cheese-filled snackfoods as well?
>Wow, she's directly referencing her old e-fame days? Something's up…MCR just got back together, so everyone including their little sister is pretending they were the loudest, cringiest sceenie weenie in middle school because of it for clout.
No. 739120
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>>737922She's gearing up for something, after all her failures and overblown "opportunities" she wasted, plus with Dakota being silent and not working these days I bet our beloved Kaka is planning some comeback to her scene dramukween days sand hair and makeup. The way she clings to the name Kiki Kannibal after running that persona into the ground speaks volumes about what a no-trick pony she is. The only way she can get attention is if it's negative but because that directly opposes her love&light&positivity persona, well, she keeps going crazy when she doesn't become loved & famous for simply being pretty and sharing her interests online like she still tries to pretend her sister did.
Mark my words, she's planning another comeback for 2020.
No. 740136
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I guess it's Kiki's turn to try baiting for a SD with seminudes on IG? Her sister used to do that a lot when she was still getting decent work. I wonder what Kaka is up to? she keeps liking and RTi g shit about her and Kota/suing people/rebooting their scene fame.
No. 740464
>>740136i mean she still looks good and there's plenty of cringey autistic camgirls out there
it would certainly make her more money than anything she's tried in the past 10 years
No. 740483
>>740469oops. didn't know you could sage in kiki's thread again or i would have for my last comment
anyway, i honestly feel like she'd camwhore before being honest about her past at all beyond "i was always a
victim and the internet ruined me"
No. 740484
>>740469She won't try "profiting off nostalgia" because she won't actually
do anything for herself. She wants to be able to pretend the demand for 2009 Kaka Kannibal is so great that she has to abandon her glittering career as an actress and animal rights activist to become a colored-hair trendsetter again. Problem is, nobody wants to force her to do it so she'll just keep teasing and posting 10 year old selfies as she vaguetweets about her and Kooters' prime.
No. 740691
>>740679We have entire threads on camwhores who think exactly like Kaka, they believe they're too pretty and special to work retail or food service and thus, they cam.
The Ostrengas, however, believe they're even
more special than that and so they spend their lives mentally tucked away in their ivory towers waiting for Purinsu Chaamingu-san to come support them for the rest of their lives. Selling nudes to strangers online doesn't fit in with their princess mentalities, they want to be plucked up by someone rich/handsome/influential who tells then they're too special and gifted to do anything but play around all day. Two entirely different mentalities, anon.
No. 740705
>>737437How the fuck is she still in LA? So many cows mysteriously living in expensive places, there is no way that none of them are escorting or sugaring. At least live in a believable area if they don't want people speculating.
I guess I wouldn't put it past her to fake living in the middle of LA though, like she faked being in Japan the one time.
No. 741148
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Still doing the weird maybe-nude posts, this time she had an epiphany where she realizes she can't make avoidant people love her to prove her worth.
I wonder when Kiki will realize all her relationships fail because she's a pit of attention starved need that will never end or become self reliant? All she does is post PETA goreporn and talk about ~healing and forgiving herself~ on Twitter instead of getting a job.
No. 741161
>>741152And waiting for her rich prince charming to swoop her up out of mom & pop Kannibal's pocket.
Too bad Kiki doesn't realize that you can't fill the holes in your personality with psychobabble and fake humility while going through life with emotional blinders on, avoiding everything that challenges your self image and would actually make her grow as a person. It seems like she's kinda waiting to be "healed" but it'll never happen, because all her "pain" and "bad habits" are still rooted into her persona she can never let go of. She'll never be Kirsten, normal girl with an online following who shares her life and hobbies with her fans. She'll always be washed up Kiki Kannibal trying to rebrand herself as the "healed" version of Kiki Kannibal, with all the old clout sans the actual style. She doesn't get that you can't just dust off your old self while picking and choosing which traits to keep from it. Every time she seems to go away from that old persona, suddenly she's making references to it and posting old selfies again.
No. 741719
>>740136She looks so much older than she is. Not like 40+ or anything but definitely mid 30s. She doesn't look bad, just very… mature.
>>741148Forgiving yourself is all fine and dandy, but it's worthless because you didn't earn any forgiveness for the shit you've done. See an actual psychologist, do some work in therapy, make some apologies, and THEN forgive yourself. God, what a narcissist.
No. 741855
>>741719This. If she were focused on true healing she would be challenging herself, issuing apologies to people from her past and directly taking responsibility for her actions instead of just brushing all her past shit under the PC umbrella of "I was hurt & lashed out, but I'm better now sorry". She knows she'll never be able to convince anyone but herself that she's "changed" because in her mind, she can just pretend she wasn't aware of or responsible for calling people faggots and dykes and putting peope down for being ugly or poor, all because back then she thought she was a flawless, untouchable internet queen. Like you said, she's a classic Narc and that's what drives decent people away from her and attracts other narcs to her. She needs legit therapy.
As for her looks, yeah, she's not ugly but she looks older because she's probably malnourished from being a fad vegan for so long. her skin looks drawn across her bones and she has the Crazy Eyes, so all the winged eyeliner and falsies in tbe world aren't gonna help. She looks like those bonebags in the wannarecic thread.
No. 775512
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>>775018>>774624Just like Kiki that her big revelation after all these years is that there's absolutely nothing wrong with her and she's just amazingly awesome.
No. 776260
>>774624As someone who has read the Attached book more than once, and done the exercises it gives (not sure how you'd do the exercises via audio book): she has completely missed the point of the book, and of attachment types.
The book exists to help you find you your own attachment type, and what types of people you should seek to befriend and start relationships based on that attachment type. The goal is to become a balanced person who doesn't HAVE a skewed attachment type - but it gives you an idea of how to seek out healthy relationships when you might not be 100% healthy.
The book gives three attachment types: anxious, secure, and avoidant. The anxious are attracted to the avoidant, and vice versa. The goal is for the anxious and avoidant to seek out more secure persons, and learn how to adjust their behavior to normal based on therapy and having relationships with securely attached persons.
What I got from listening to Kirsten wild eyed rant is that all avoidants are WRONG and SHE isn't BROKEN. Nothing is wrong with her exactly as she is!
Which is absolutely not what the book says. It asks you to knowledge how you behave in a bunch of situations; classify yourself as anxious, avoidant, or secure, and to what degree; and then suggests how to not act out bad behavior patterns by seeking out more appropriate people.
This girl fucked.
No. 776326
>>776325Yeah but that's what I mean though. Therapy can help some people but she's not really doing that, she's doing the self help thing and diagnosing herself and going over old shit. I don't think I've heard her once say she is speaking to someone like a psychologist, counsellor or therapist, it's all links to articles are exercises she's 'read' about.
I wasn't saying she doesn't need ACTUAL therapy, I was saying that she needs to stop reading and giving herself labels and revisiting the past. If you read any of her old posts or watch her last few videos, it's all just her rabbiting on about her rape and trauma. I believe it's opening up old wounds that need closure. Like its all just revisiting shit and putting labels on everything.
No. 781435
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Googling cillian murphy to the right, trying to show that she talks to actual humans to the left, and pretending she looks like center.
Not pictured: her open lolcow tab
No. 782272
>>781435Wait, did she finally cut her bangs?
No. 792137
>>790489The way she talks is very disconcerting… she sounds more ill than ever imo, kind of scary. I tried uploading noted clips of the video but it won’t let me.
If anons want to watch without ig, you can also view the clips here: just type mmmkikikannibal in the bar.
No. 792191
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I am surprised she isnt trying to get tiktok famous.
No. 792863
>>792191Unless she find something to talk about besides animal torture, rape and entertainment industry predators then nobody is gonna give a fuck.
She's almost 30, she needs to go back to school or curate an actual hobby that isn't solely for the sake of her precious fake empath persona.
No. 792927
>>792908What kills me is that she tries so hard to be relatable, and to play off her craziness as normal-crazy, like when she says:
>when I see a hotti bugatti, I do risky things (like ride motorcycles with guys or drive crazy, can't rlly tell with her) >nothing about being a user, starfucker, wannabe star with no career who cries rape every time she feels badYet she's filtered to hell, full face made up & in her underwear with no bra, talking about dates and sex acting like she's trying to find herself
still instead of cockhopping around "LA" until she becomes Taylor 2.0.
No. 792936
>>792191It's kind of entertaining when cows like this are so out of touch with the present or have such an inflated ego that they don't understand that they can't just decide to return to youtube to earn money whenever they want and be successful at it. They don't understand they just lucked out to be able to make some money from the internet once for their 15 minutes of fame. Today's internet is not the same, people cannot fixate on anything or anyone for long anymore, or you have to be lucky with the algorithms. They need to accept that their time is over and that they need to progress in life off of the internet.
Judging by her recent posts she has made no progress at all with her mental health or anything else.
No. 792943
>>792936She had her shot as a teenager, when she was a Myspace queen before Dakota went viral, but she wasted it trying to play the
victim after chasing predatory band creeps and getting pump & dumped.
She played the baddie until it got real, then she switched to playing the
victim & crying rape on
everyone. Now she's permanently defined as a flake and a fake with a creepily overbearing trashy family, and everything she's done (or refused to do) since then has cemented that as her image for life. It literally doesn't matter how pretty she is, where she goes or who she fucks for clout now, because everyone knows that's all her life
is now. Desperately trying to claw her way back to internet relevance and favor.
No. 792944
>>792943Adding to this, she was a tough, sexy trendsetter baddie until Danny's family tried to sue her family for their role in instigating his death, then she became the permanent
victim she is now & called him a rapist after spending weeks online bragging about him and his dick.
No. 793028
>>793024>I can almost not get over that she actually finally got bangsI fucking know, right?! Even if they are the slightest face framing bangs. Already they do her forehead so many favours.
It seems like such a dumb and petty thing now but fuck, we were harping on about her cutting her bangs for years haha.
No. 793435
>>793349This is how I see her more than just being fake, I think she's legitimately nuts and doesn't really understand what she's doing/saying. When you consider what she did as sperg-chan, her love of animal gore, these manic rambles, and her constant self-victimization, the only answer is significant mental health issues. She's totally lost the plot. Please, please seek help Kiki, it doesn't always have to be this way.
Plus, in today's youtube environment people LOVE a good mental health story time. Seriously Kiki, if anything could ever make you popular again this would be it.
No. 793479
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>>793435Exactly, Kiki is truly bonkers and not in a funny way. Her audience is already extremely small so I doubt you even need the sperg-chan context to sniff out that she’s got serious issues, otherwise more than a handful of people would be paying attention to her weird vanity rant videos where she bulges her eyes and talks in that dumb pseudo-accent. She’s uploading more and all of the clips are strange and embarrassing to watch. But hey, at least she’s finally changing her shirt.
No. 793494
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>>793479Just checked her profile because of this post and I can safely say she's still bonkers
>Your life is a movie and you're the main protagonist.Unironically making this statement is all I need to know. She hasn't changed a bit kek.
No. 793529
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>>793479Her mannerism reminds me of the girls on tik tok who are always in and out of psych wards and doing ketamine on the regular
Plus, wtf is that caption.
No. 793555
>>793529She changed the caption, it was something about not wanting a handkerchief to mess up the background of her “zoom call”
>>793549She’s obviously got assburgers but we can’t armchair
No. 793557
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No. 793558
>>793518I'd pay to see how Kiki acts on a date with a guy with a little money. If she's this cringey just talking to her webcam, imagine her egotistical humblebragging after landing a date with what she thinks is a potential SD. My guess is every guy she falls for & gets comfortable with ends up being scared off by her behavior.
But, she really did seem to be doing better in LA when she was working on acting- she had friends, even. What happened, other than she and Bobby broke up? She moved back home & now this is literally all she can do with her time?
No. 793570
>>793563If she were in LA, she would at least be tsking selfies in fancy stores and restaurants by herself, or tagging pics of tourist spots. I doubt she's in LA
and doing nothing, she's a narc but she loves attention as much as she likes staring at herself.
No. 793637
>>793575Is there ever going to be a thread for her again?
>>793570Not necessarily true, she’s extremely paranoid but yeah wouldn’t be surprised if she was in FL doing these weird videos where she pretends she’s famous and saying things people actually want to hear because she’s got nothing else to do. That hotty bugatti mermaid video was truly her cringiest of all time, I’m in awe at 2020s small gifts.
No. 793666
>>793637Not unless Kota actually does something milky. Which she hasn't for years, not since the whole cancer lie. Her thread was basically anons arguing on whether she's married or whoring to get by living in Japan.
What do their parents do to be able to fund their kids?
No. 793685
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Her ig story. She needs professional help, not all the yes-man from her parents or the dismissive phone calls with her sister, she’s way too old to still be coping like this. She parallels queen PT minus the odor.
No. 793686
>>793666Years back, Scott had some sort of IT business and a bunch of loans.
Cathy didn't work unless you count filing those hundreds of takedown notices for Kiki and Kota.
No. 793732
>>793685>instagram psychologistOh no no no no…
Is she going to actual therapy?
No. 793782
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>>793732She’s letting you know in her recent anon, it’s a
holistic psychologist, ahem hem. She’s healing, you jelly hooknosed fatty!
>>793761She wears too much white, we’d see the yellow pit stains.
No. 793866
>>793864I mean… We been known
>>793859Watch her drop everything if she doesn't go viral with this dumbass title
No. 793869
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She is delusional and psychotic and this is literally just her roleplaying like she’s being interviewed in one big long rant of pageantry fluff! Holy fuck I don’t remember it being this bad.
No. 793875
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This is so random, she usually unveils these short bursts of mania when Kota is doing something. I wonder how she feels about Kota being thinner than her now? Pic related, a little over a week ago and unedited.
No. 793895
>>793894It’s way worse with Kiki because at least Brit went through a ton of hardship and is genuinely a sweet but misguided woman—Kiki dreams of being that kind of
No. 793899
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"my sex coach sounds just like you" - ofc she does
No. 793993
>>793990Adding to this, looks like Kiki's clmeback is
triggered by Dakota pulling another work visa reup- she just took a 4 month hiatus from her social media while she was supposed to be working for Fila. Oh, and she's wearing her dad's fugly pentagram & the D charm her family sent her.
>>793916It must burn Dakota that despite being a model in Japan, nobody gives a fuck about her ugly ass anymore because she
only looks good under 50 pounds of filters and shoop. The few decent jobs she can manage to get use her as little as possible and highlight how much she sticks out from their demographic, which is why she has to get so many smallfry IG collabs.
I just think it's a little
too funny that kota WK posts suddenly pop up in Kiki's thread as she makes a comeback. Kota obviously still lurks, is still jealous despite "winning" the sibling competition. Even if Kota is happily married in Japan, working steadily and laying low she can't resist coming back, she still will always want as much attention as her sister gets, and vice versa.
No. 794000
>>793875I doubt Dakota is thinner than Kiki. Kiki is wannarexic, and Dakota has a bulkier body type than her sister and is shorter as well, plus Kiki is slender whereas Dakota doesn't have ankles or a natural waist…
I can make a Dakota containment thread, but can someone tell me how to link to other threads?
No. 794001
>>793990>pics and info only she would have otherwise’s in her tagged on ig you lunatic.
Sugar connection? Not you again. She’s out here looking like a christmas cake with smoker lines and a fresh dyke cut and you think she’s an escort? Jfc
>>793993I’m a longtime lc user, and all I was saying that Kiki’s popups always coincide with her perceiving that Kooter is doing something better than she is. Do we really need to start in on the
hi kota shit for stating the obvious? Relax.
No. 794008
>>794001>>793875That's hilarious, that photog shot Vivi as well and seems to be for hire through DMs. This all looks like Dakota trying to come back and be relevant to lolcow just bc Kiki is, trying to network using over 5 year old tags she previously hid from her page? She's transparent.
Also, not for nothing, but Lescorts are a thing even in Japan.
No. 794016
>>794005Yeah, I just happened to check on her after the new kiki madness. I used to just scroll her thread occasionally because it always had all the updates, but now that it’s maxed I’ve had to occasionally look in on her ig since I don’t have the knack for finding things like other anons. That pic and this one (the third pic in the set, not posting a screenshot because I really don’t want to deal with bitching about kooter derailing) just made me notice that she’s legitimately thin now, was only wondering if it’s
triggered kiki’s inferiority complex. It’s always been a pattern of kiki’s, anyway.
>>794008Oh yeah of course, but she’s not very pretty and her lifestyle isn’t even like bare minimum extravagant enough for me to believe she’s pimping herself to pay for rent. Sounds insane.
No. 794018
>>794001Yeah Dakota lost a lot of weight and is embracing a dyke look.
She's not living Taylor R's wealthy life but she had a gig with Fila going on, so it probably
triggered Kiki, because what she has now are some bangs and not being a size zero anymore, since she got a pouch-y belly No. 794027
File: 1599407832227.jpeg (158.16 KB, 793x453, CD971960-B759-4E7E-837A-B96D70…)

>>794018Any anon up for making a new containment thread?
No. 794051
>>794036To speculate, we don’t even know if it’s
past behavior. Given how much she obviously loved posting on lolcow before, for all we know she still does but now she knows to clear her cookies. She’s had plenty of time to integrate and adapt, on top of this she’s just as isolated as before if not more so she has all the time to indulge. It’s also scary that she’s, what, 27 or older now and she’s creating videos like the one just upthread/ the recents on her ig. She genuinely thinks she’s a pseudocelebrity and she’s peddling all of that delusional crap to the only meager audience she has. She herself said that her and her sister “laugh” at lolcow while “eating vegan pizza.” She’ll never listen to anyone’s criticisms no matter how
valid, and at this point it’s so pathetic that I feel like I’m laughing less and just pitying her now.
No. 794102
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>>794096She just stares at herself the whole tome and puts so much painstaking effort into trying pose herself to make people think she’s attractive, it’s uncanny. Like she just tries
so hard and she still fails.
No. 794104
>>794102Her problem is trying so hard to present herself without therr actually being anything to present, except… a human body. She doesn't
do anything besides admire herself, make herself laugh and tell herself she forgives herself for being so hard on her (younger) self.
No. 794146
>>793854She looks surprisingly beautiful and this is a nitpick but I'm not sure why she still hasn't tried a different fringe style, I have a large forehead and have been told I look like I'm balding but once I started sideparting it or trimming them I haven't got comments like that.
Even though she's such a huge bitch this… was so uncomfortable and slow to watch and I feel concerned for her now. The way she's expressing her thoughts 1000% sounds like a disjointed psychotic episode.
From the tiny bits where I could understand what she's trying to say it seems like PTSD causes her severe dissociation but she's using culty psychotic bullshit to express it and seems to think everyone feels this way.
She really needs serious actual medical therapy for the childhood trauma, not people validating her delusions.
I can tell she was dead serious when she said she's jesus or some shit and that scares me tbh.
I'm sure you're lurking spergchan, if you want internet relevance and following for expressing delusions just become a twitter schiczoposter. They'll praise you for this shit and encourage harassing anyone that thinks even slightly differently to them.
No. 794157
According to her IMDB she was in a Movie called Vampire Dad in 2020. She isnt listed on the Movies IMDB site though. Havent had the time to watch it, yet.
>>794149 To be honest i can see how getting so much shit on the Internet could be traumatizing.
No. 794158
>>793875the hand holding the backpack looks scary.
kiki sounds like every failed actress in LA. this is such basic bitch southern california yammer, you hear it at yoga class while everyone’s packing up their shit. but i love the impersonations. she should take more improv. covid has brought all the greats back to us.
No. 794176
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It’s ok Keekz, you’ve given us more than enough to drink this week
No. 794177
>>794149Not that anon but I think being brought up by Cathy/Scott is enough PTSD on its own.
>>794146> She really needs serious actual medical therapy for the childhood trauma, not people validating her delusions. True AF, but therapists will probably call her out on being a narcissist and she'll drop it and film a video online about how therapists are wrong and aren't good enough to deal with her trauma
> I can tell she was dead serious when she said she's jesus or some shit and that scares me tbh.YES. One thing is "no, you take the wheel, take charge of your life" another thing is "YOU'RE JESUS". Like, no you're not. Shit happens, move on, don't become spergchan.
No. 794235
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>>794229She’s probably hurting for views lol. I’m assuming this one was an accident?
No. 794237
>>794235Holy shit lol yeah, it's a fuck up, it's the same video but it's all stretched out
But yeah, also her videos started being recommended to me after I watched the last one, so maybe she finally is trying to make the algorithm cooperate, instead of trying to restart over and over
No. 794394
>>794230Kirsten's parents are creepy. They pretty much lived through her and let her do so many inappropriate things back then (the piercings on their own probably weren't inappropriate, but the rest of it was). They're the ones who traumatised her and set her up for the things she went through afterwards (
abusive relationships and all the rest). It angers me because she could have been mentally okay if she didn't go through all of that. We're roughly the same age and watching this (including her new videos) now from an adult's perspective is fucked up. It's like she keeps going over and over what happened to her and completely misses the point which is that everything up to a certain point is her family's fault.
No. 794396
>>794394She was raised on this brainwash tho, she’ll never change. Her entire life her parents set her up to think she’s better than others, bound for stardom, and forever a
victim. They encouraged their daughters to put themselves before everyone and live like they’re undiscovered celebrities. Its a shame because had they directed their devotion to their daughters in a more productive manner, Kiki and Dakota could’ve had a really good upbringing—but they didn’t. They made them believe they were perfect and that everyone else was jealous, taught them to combat everyone online, and let them indulge in whatever stupid whim or obsession they wanted. They probably view themselves as the Kardashians or something.
No. 794414
>>794403>>794411I feel like Kiki's obsession with finding a man is just wanting to get out of her parent's house and away from them. When she was in LA with Bobby and working on acting she had real human friends and a life, but now she's back to being a regular Ostrenga. I think on some level Kiki knows she needs to get away from them, but also that she can't function on her own either thanks to them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones who got her on disability just to add to the delusion that she's a delicate Rapunzel who needs protection, and thus needs them. I feel like, even if Kiki did meet an amazing guy who did really love her and spoil her, that Scott and Cathy would still maybe try to have an unhealthy role in her life. Dakota being in Japan behind the language barrier protects her from their reach pretty well, and she seems to be able to scrape by with the help of friends, but Kiki will never have that until she's either dependent on someone else Venus-style, or miraculously becomes independent herself (which I don't see happening, she seems like the type to sit in an empty room alone spinning in her
toxic thoughts with nothing to distract her from her psychosis. I can't imagine her living on her own).
I can imagine this is the main reason why she became Spergchan when Taylor revealed Tom, she got exactly what Kiki wanted- rich, ephebophile Asian husband interested in infantilizing her and keeping her young looking while buying her a fake career.
>>794409I think Kiki's present day interpretation of rape is more like "I feel icky about what I did back then" than "I was coerced by predators & didn't know better". She absolutely knew the guys she was trying to cloutchase were all fuckboi creeps, and so did everyone else even then, so unless she was coerced/raped then the only logical explanation is cloutchasing, which Kiki would never admit to willingly.
No. 794421
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Kiki story I
No. 794422
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>>794421Kiki story II. Did this one happen the way she says or is it another one of her endless fibs?
No. 794424
>>794416Maybe, though. Knowing she needs to get away from her parents and be independent doesn't mean she's willing to provide it for herself, hence her bejanked celebrity housewife life goals.
And she absolutely knows how far behind and fucked she is, or else she wouldn't
still be pretending to be a fallen celebrity interesting enough to post endless vauge selfspeak at her age.
No. 794425
>>794422Another lie. Kiki leaked her own nudes after getting called anorexic and flat chested. Also, she obviously made this "Karen" meme herself.
This is the proof in the pudding, Kirsten, you retatded cunt: a real empath wouldn't
still be so bitter amd resentful that other girls were mean to her 10+ years ago on Myspace. Yet, here she is, posting ancient fake news with one of her former enemies' faces on it just to stir up shit & hope people notice her again. Truly pathetic, after over a literal decade of crusading against internet bullying. Typical Ostrenga lack of self awareness.
No. 794429
>>794422This is a very serious accusation, to be thrown around like that.
This and the being raped in January: she can fuck off. I'm usually all for believing the
victim but I'll open an exception for Kiki.
No. 794430
>>794426>>794425>>794422I wonder if the Ostrengas/this girl she posted realize this is a crime. Unless Kiki has proof of what she's claiming, that scene girl could sue her lying ass for defamation. Not only is this obviously a lie, but she went through the trouble to make a meme using a pic of someone she knew in a derogatory manner
and accused them of collecting and posting her underaged nudes (with no proof, or else she would have taken it to court and penned an article about it).
Pettiness and spite will always ruin you, Kirsten. No matter what.
No. 794432
>>794429If even half her claims were true, then what's her problem? She only goes after rapists? She walks alone with them down dark alleyways at night with no phone or weapon? She had zero issues posessing multiple
illegal self defense weapons in Japan "for creepers".
It gets to a point where it's like… okay, Kiki, either you're doing something
horribly wrong each time, or you just have shit taste in men, get dumped, and keep lying about it.
No. 794433
>>794430This meme is actually quite old (way back in 2019), even. She's not that invested, she just can't help playing the
This is still a massive lie though, and I hope she gets sued for defamation.
No. 794436
>>794432Right? I know rape isn't the
victim's fault, but after a certain point you have to be ignoring some very obvious signs. Nobody outside of human trafficking is "raped" as much as Kiki, jfc.
No. 794474
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No. 794483
>>794414I totally agree. She's been looking for the "knight in shining armour" who will come and save her, give her the love she never had from her family and acceptance she never had at school/success career-wise. I think she's searching for a man who will look after her in that case, rather than someone who she can have a normal relationship with.
She needs help from professionals to function on a basic level. People who function normally do not keep getting back with the same types of shitty people who caused their traumas in the first place. If I were in her position, I would not be going near dating at all and would instead focus on finding acquaintances, who could then turn into friends, so I could get to know whether they're safe to be around. Something's gone wrong where she's learned that she can't save herself and needs someone else to do it for her. She even mentioned in her new YouTube video that she pretends she's already in a loving relationship to attract or manifest one or whatever. That way of thinking reinforces to herself and everyone around her that she can't cope without a man.
I hope they didn't force her to be on disability; I hope it's just a way for her to get the time and space to heal before going back to work. There's no way she'll heal if she's living with them again. Totally, I think they'd even sabotage her relationship if they found out. I wonder if Dakota's plan was to do what she did all along just to get as far away as possible from them and start over?
Anyway, Kiki needs to date someone she becomes good friends with, not random people she has no clue about. Part of me thinks she has no patience for that though because she's so desperate to latch onto someone.
No. 794487
>>794483>People who function normally do not keep getting back with the same types of shitty people who caused their traumas in the first place. Kiki keeps reliving the same drama because she never learns the lesson: stop being so toxically codependent, get a job/source of STEADY income that doesn't rely on feeding her narcisissm, and don't worry about dating until you straighten out and make some real friends. Oh, and either admit to something juicy or stop with the endless "forgive yourself for the past" BS unless you have massive guilt over something you did back then, in which case come clean or forever suffer.
>>794486Yep. Kiki always wants to seem like the rule-breaking baddie, but it backfires bc the only rules she breaks are ones sensible people don't. A guy who is gonna take you to a rooftop at 1am for a massage on a first date is a fuckboi who definitely isn't trying to stick around. I hate to be "that girl" but maybe Kiki needs to try celibate dating, she seems like the type who thinks her pussy is magic & is always so hilariously flabbergasted when the guys she fucks off rip end up abandoning her.
She popped up back in LA the same time Kota popped back up in Japan, before that they both went silent after March when Covid took off. Florida and California are major hotspots, and much of LA is shut down, so unless she's living there alone (highly doubt it) then all she's doing is physically being in LA, which to a cloutchasing thot must seem like exactly enough to find a rich husband. The type of guys Kiki lusts after could spot her crazy from 50 miles and more than likely have swerved her hard. I can vividly see her making a cringey profile on seekingarrangement, then just sitting in her room waiting for messages, staring into her webcam.
No. 794490
>>794487I wonder if her therapist keeps telling her nothing is her fault? Sometimes they do that so they don't appear to be
victim-blaming. While it's not her fault that she was abused, she CAN stay away from creepy men now that she's learned what people can be like. She does have control over that, especially if she is in fact on disability and doesn't need to go to work yet, etc.
Totally, the steady income thing. She gets way ahead of herself with massive dreams rather than focusing on, "I just need to get a job to start with, any regular job." She needs to go back to basics and then build on those.
I don't get why she doesn't realise that. Going to a rooftop with someone alone at 1am so they can touch you? When she's about to be a 28 year old adult and is an abuse survivor? Her MySpace ex literally fell off of a rooftop. She keeps repeating everything in a twisted cycle.
They might have gone back to Florida temporarily back in March then, when travel was about to be severely restricted. It's probably better if she's actually living alone in LA with psychological help because at least that way she doesn't have her parents traumatising her further. She needs to not resort to seekingarrangement because that's going to drag her back into the same cycle of weird, predatory men. Any retail or cafe job would be good for her so she can learn how to communicate with different people at a distance and not get instantly involved.
No. 794494
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>>794490I think her family possibly moved to LA when she started her acting. The previously assumed notion was that she moved in with Bobby, but they broke up & she's still in that same bedroom with the wood floors. I tried going back through her old pics to compare her for-sure FL bedroom with the current one, but she baleeted all of them except closeups of the pets.
That's another thing- her pets are with her. Are we to believe she brought her whole life to LA to live with a BF, then stayed after he dumped her? Nah, but I can see them selling Sandra's paid-off house and moving to an LA suburb for one last ditch attempt to get Kiki to do something with her life or meet someone.
Also, bit of a gold nugget: Kiki went back and edited most of her captions, but left this one. k e k
No. 794499
>>794483>She needs help from professionals to function on a basic level.I think she's had that help, but hit a wall because she's got that emotional poltergeist always on her back. She can preach about forgiveness and hesling until the day she dies, but if she also continues to insist she never did anything wrong (Sperg-chan, attacking herself w/ blaming others, harassing other scene girls on cam, endless animal goreporn, her&fam causing Danny's death via entrapment then denying the relwtiknship to cry rape, sealing the records out of guilt bc Cathy collecting condoms & letting him live there means no way they were protecting her, sending nudes to Johnny Craig then trying to play the
victim when she herself admits he was a known predator before that, oh how the list does go on.
Kiki will never heal from being Kiki, because of how much of that past she buries or outright lies about to save face after the fact.
No. 794511
>>794499She’ll never be honest about what she’s done and she will lie to any and every mental health professional to make herself look like a martyr.
>>794494Tony Hawk-san?
>>794474Cramming as many phrases she thinks are “witty” in one caption as possible to try to sound like a quirky and intelligent talk show/ podcast host and instead sounding like schizo word salad.
No. 794519
>>794494Seems plausible. Also, that's definitely not her room in Florida. It's definitely the same place she was in with Bobby in LA like you said. Whether she's with her parents or not is what I can't figure out. I don't know where her older brother is either.
I agree, I doubt she did that, but then again it's her. I dunno, I honestly think Scott could still have that house in Florida as well as the apartment in LA, meaning they were able to send Kirsten there to stay on her own. Also she's had so many cats I've lost track.
>>794499It's not like she'll ever admit that she did those things, even though she did. She traumatises not only others but herself with the animal gore stuff. She could just be vegan, keep pets and do actual charity work instead of plastering that shit all over Twitter. What normal person wants to look at that? That kinda shit makes me depressed.
No. 794521
>>794519>It's not like she'll ever admit that she did those things, even though she did. That's what makes Kiki a true lolcow. She preaches forgiveness and accountability, but holds grudges against "haters" for not letting her bury her shitty,
abusive past behavior to this day while screeching that she should be forgiven for all
her past sins. That's why she'll be stuck and spinning forever, trying to find a new man to get her out of her parent's house.
No. 794522
>>794519During the eclipse, she posted that it wasn't visible from LA or FL, it coild be possible that Scott took an IT job in LA and Cathy and Kyler stayed in FL.
>>794516That was when Kota went home for New Years, which kinda makes me think she would have wanted to spend her time with her sister? but instead this "rape" happened & they both stopped posting until March when Dakota was back in JP.
I think "rape" is a Kiki coverword for "a social/life event happened for someone else that I wanted for myself, now I need a reason to be depressed and coddled for notnsoing shit in life".
No. 794528
>>794521Yep. She experienced abuse, but the mistake from her was abusing some people or at the very least bullying them in return (this could be explained as reactive abuse, though). She frequently bullied people who had nothing to do with her past which shows which path she went down. She can't continue to be nasty to people in the present moment due to her past. The way she's been speaking in her new videos is alarming. Like she's unhinged.
>>794522Their whole family dynamic is weird and it creeps me out. But yeah, possible.
No. 794533
>>794528AYRT, yes. She skipped over "taking accountability & apologizing for your past actions" and tried to cover it with "forgive yourself & be strong enough to forgive others", which is why she's not making any real progress. She skipped "I was hurt and lashed out at (specific people) by (X, Y and Z), but now I know that was wrong and I'm truly sorry!", the most crucial step. Until she faces the truth about Sperg-chan, using Danny & getting him killed for attention, and chasing known abusers then crying rape. Although, now the lies run so deep, I don't think Kiki believes she
can admit to them and still be considered a good person, but that's not true at all. Lying and hiding the truth is what's making her sick, not her past trauma- but the way she still tries to control how people perceive her, the wrong way. She's too disingenuous.
No. 794538
>>794533Totally. She just needs to make one video addressing all of that and then it's over. I feel like that would get HEAPS of views. But she'll never do it because she'll be hated. Seeing as cancel culture is now a thing, she'd be cancelled straight away.
Dropping "Kiki Kannibal" needs to happen, but she went back to that persona. Not to armchair diagnose if you know what I mean, but how many personas has she had? Kirsten Leigh Ostrenga, Kirsten Leigh, Kirsten Ostrenga, Kiki Leigh, Kiki Kannibal, Kiki Mimieux, Kira Kira, Lilou Vos… That's some level of dissociation. She does, she's always trying to control how people see her. It's pretty bad.
>>794534I can't figure it out then. I'm from a small country so my perception of the US is a bit warped. Just realised it's a 5.5 hour drive from Sunnyvale to LA, oops. I think she's in LA on her own and that Scott bought her apartment and stays in Florida with the rest of the family.
No. 794586
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>>794474If there’s one skill she does have, it’s concealing that toucan beak seamlessly
No. 794793
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>>794516>You're not codependent, addicted, or brokenwew, lad.
No. 794797
>>794793So I went to Goodreads to see what's up with the book she mentions and, there's a lot of 5 stars but also bad reviews saying stuff like:
> "I'm convinced that all the 5 star reviews must be from anxiously attached people because this book offers nothing for anyone else lol."> "Do not read this book. It may be comforting for someone to affirm that being needy or aloof is just your attachment style, but you're doing yourself a disservice"So yeah. Sounds like Kiki.
No. 795405
>>794422I am not the girl , jaime , in the pic but I did date the now convicted murderer shes talking about. He cheated on me with both of them. It's funny shes trying to act the
victim when she had a consensual fling with him and willingly showed her tits on stickam back in the day
No. 795414
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>>795405(Ok I know it's anon, can be anyone, but I'll bite) holy shit! but I don't put this kind of thing past Kiki
On another note, she posted a story saying she found her "old amp" so, I guess she's back in FL? The LA rooftop fanfic could've been an old pic idk.
And… Yeah, she's a cowboy now
No. 795416
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>>795414She posted a video doing sexy then "funny" faces during the music. 2007 humor.
No. 795418
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>>795416Like, you know… The "funny face" basic girls like to make
No. 795533
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No. 795534
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>>795533And then she posted this. Probably from
>>795416And a bunch of photos of the two actors she's always comparing her and Kota too.
No. 795562
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>>795414This is the guy, his name is sean lovins. Him and jamie are from Jacksonville fl. Kiki gave him this necklace when he drove down to see her. They had a falling out I guess over something and kiki made a fake profile of jaime and messaged me on myspace asking for his address for whatever reason it was weird. He probably did show her nudes to people out of spite but she willingly sent them and also flashed her webcam on stickam when she was a minor herself so I'm not sure why shes acting like he showed the world something they havent already seen before lol
No. 795578
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>>795534Once a cow always a cow. I love how that’s supposed to be the photo that shows that they look like each other when Kaka is the uglier one, still trying to piggyback off of her little sister.
No. 795579
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Kiki’s story, this is the Laduree in Beverly Hills. This must’ve really made her grifter hillbilly ass feel bouj.
No. 795582
>>795578I think it's even worse, bc Kota's shopped, so Kiki probably feels super special. Also, the caption is kind of a jab since Matthew McConaughey is more good looking than Woody Harrelson lol
>>795579I knew it from the moment she took a pic of a $8 macaron
No. 795792
>>795484She has several shirts in similar styles that are like the ruffle shirt from Seinfeld. Even with as many as she has it looks like she only has and wears 5 shirts for such a rich LA princess. It's weird she's only wearing the white and trying to look so pure and angelic when she used to wear black and studs. Lolcow said she looked like a weird BDSM dominatrix all the time.
>>795582Isn't that kind of backwards too since Woody's older than Matthew? She seems weirdly fixated on this now to the point of just discovering his filmography lol. I know she made this reference before on Kota's birthday years ago but she seems really bent on making it happen now and emphasizing that she's related to her. Kota barely acknowledges her on the internet.
No. 795830
>>795748>>795748I’m not talking about stories. You can view her story without her even knowing. I’m talking about on her feed. She shelfed the selfie she took recently and before that it’s just a long line of retarded videos.
>>795792Woody is almost ten years older than him. She’s just not funny and lacks any sort of awareness for referential humor that isn’t at least a decade old. Idk why she tries to fancy herself and her sister as some 50+ year old slapstick stoner men with lots of money, there’s no parallels whatsoever except that they have all gone to seed.
>cheeky kiki her humor literally just sounds like old men when they try to groom younger women it’s kind of bizarre
No. 795839
>>795830She does claim she was groomed online during her scene years. Problem with that is, her dad is/was tech savvy enough to monitor her shit- and her parents were, even. They just didn't care because the creeps were popular or in the music industry, which was Scott's dream job.
I wonder if Cathy ever dreamed about being a model? Maybe that's why both Kiki and Kota's lives have been centered around those two industries?
No. 795845
>>795839I think Scott and Cath really thought that their daughters were going to be the perfect cash cows. Remember when charms said Scott kept trying to sell her old merch and jewelry that was gathering dust and Kota was really embarrassed? I think they had a completely different idea of what was going to happen. It’s clear that the way they were raised is still deeply, deeply imbedded in Kiki at least. Instead of just becoming a regular account that posts things people would enjoy seeing (a good meal, a favorite skincare product, a fun outing, actual engagement instead of just talking
at people, etc.) everything she does is postured to make her act like she’s famous when she isn’t and never will be. She poses too carefully to look more attractive and it’s really off plus people know what her real face looks like, she talks like she thinks she’s a celebrity guru and that people really need to hear what she has to say, and everything she posts is just another tryhard turd that she keeps throwing at the wall in hopes one will eventually stick. She behaves like she’s trying to monetize everything she does instead of acting like a regular fucking person. The fact that she still does this pushing 30 is so Baby Jane that it’s embarrassing.
No. 795848
> everything she does is postured to make her act like she’s famous I think that's intentional. In her latest video she did pull up some law of attraction shit, where you have it in your mind that you already have the thing you want, next step is you have to act like it (she didn't say this second part in the video, but that's what this whole shtick is about) and it'll come to you. So I guess that's what she's doing…?
Fake it till you make it, and all that stuff.
No. 795854
>>795848Didn't she used to preach about Manifestation too? That's all that is, beleiving it until it becomes true, speaking it into being, etc. It won't ever work for Kiki though, because she won't
do anything, and she can't understand that she can't just fake it till she makes it with something like "being a genuinely interesting and likable human". She's too obviously shallow and self-worshipping for that.
No. 795910
>>795900Something to focus on that's not centered around looking at herself like modeling or acting, too. Something like jewelry making or art, anything where
she is not in front of a camera.
Otherwise, she'll just keep feeding her own narcissism by staring at herself through filtered pics like some fucked up Ostrenga-bouros.
No. 795941
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>>795533>>795534Ahh, nostalgia. Someone shoop Kota into sailor Mercury.
No. 795946
>>795942Sailor Uranus, the major sailor dyke lmao ironic
>>795910I remember that she was moderately successful when she decided to do makeup tutorials, she was getting +50k views. She could've a nice following by now if she didn't drop it right away.
But again, maybe her narcissism got in her way and she thought she deserved millions of views.
No. 795966
>>795953Nah, not even that would get her as much attention as she craves (for as little work as she expects to do).
I reckon she did it right after Dakota went viral with the KotaKoti persona, she probably expected the same amount of attention (if not more)
No. 796094
>>796083I doubt it, unless Cathy or Kota woild have been willing to be her shop slave, making and shipping everything while Kiki plasters her face all over the site and apends the money on herself.
The reason Kiki never became anything with all the help in the world isn't because she's lazy, it's because she's delulu, self centered and thinks she shouldn't have to do real work.
No. 796203
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Today’s story features when she peaked
No. 796370
>>796341She said she got addicted to cortisol which is why she stayed with someone
Holy shit read a fucking book kiki. That is not how cortisol works.
No. 796372
>>796370Yes that'd be… Adrenaline.
I'm in the part where she says she's allergic to latex and has a reaction when she uses condoms, so that's why she's tempted to not use protection.
No. 796374
>>796372I guess she doesn’t know there are condoms without latex…? At least in my country we have, since there are a lot of people with this kind of allergy.
This isn’t an excuse to not wear protection.
No. 796396
>>796378Wow, so all her problems
are self inflicted! She knowingly chases fame-hungry losers like herself who fuck around unprotected and pretends to not know about latex-free condoms (remember the box of condoms and lube she had shipped to Japan so she could fuck Fangophilia? She definitely knkws about safe sex), and jokes about catching a lifelong STD to be woth a guy who is an actor.
She's gonna end up like Syd, and tbqh given her history of poor sexual hygeine I wouldn't doubt she already has a lifelong STD.
Also, how crass that she is still gushing over someone she claims was
abusive just because he allegedly has a movie on Netflix. She's probably jealous of idiots like Lindsay Usich who wre in
abusive relationships with assholes just for the clout.
No. 796404
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>>796380>>796381Tan skin + blue eyes… + Lawyer + actor
Ok, Kiki.
No. 796453
>>796446something really set my mind on AIDS because she said he has to disclose he has it to partners and she says something along the lines that she thought it was okay nowadays, that no one dies from it anymore, there are medications, etc. But could've been anything else and she just played it up.
But makes sense she already might have something else.
I remember she got a STD when she was younger? She mentioned it in a stickam live, it was chlamydia I think.
If this didn't scare her away from unprotected sex, nothing will.
No. 796486
>>796453>>796396>>796378HIV/AIDS, HPV, Herpes, and Hepatitis C are incurable and can be caught from rawdogging.
>>796482Syphilis is curable.
No. 796489
>>796486Yeah, you were right. Could've been any.
>>796484I wouldn't be shocked if she thought "it's ok, I'm on meds"
No. 796506
Yeah checks out
No. 796515
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"no cap" ma'am you're 30
No. 796516
>>796515Interesting that her sense of humor is… exactly the same.
>no capgot insecure we said her humor is extremely dated and instead of sounding younger, she sounds even more like a 40 year old man trying to keep up with the times. Can this woman do anything right.
No. 796557
>>796515Guarantee Kiki wastes the rest of her 20s trying to relive her teens via nostalgiaposting, hoping to gain popularity for being "randumb". Everyone has seen it, Kiki, and there are funnier, cuter and younger girls doing it
No. 796562
Fucking hell, I'm not being funny or anything, but she gives me major creepy vibes in both of her new YouTube videos, especially the second one.
So, as soon as this guy she met told her he could kill her without anyone knowing, she didn't run the fuck away? Is there something seriously, and I mean seriously wrong with her? She's been through stuff like this before. I've been through a bunch of traumas and even I would run for my life if anyone said anything remotely similar to that. Does she not realise that all it takes is meeting people in public and not getting into bed with them in their fucking homes to stop getting into these situations?
I'm starting to think she likes the feeling of being abused. S&M comes to mind. It's a different kind of fucked up at this point. Her issue is that she WANTS to be the victim and she enjoys being treated badly.
What is she talking about, playing along with the abuser? You might do that the first time, second time, max. third time to protect yourself, but after that, especially after going to therapy, you'd fucking get help to go home and lock your door.
She's addicted to the chemicals that go around her brain after someone tells her they're going to kill her?! Where are her parents? She needs to admit herself to a psychiatric hospital, or at least some kind of outpatient programme. She's pretty much admitted she's addicted to being abused and this is a severe problem. It's like she's so far gone she actually seeks it out on her own instead of running in the other direction. I don't even know how to begin explaining that, because a normal response is to want to be treated kindly and with respect, and to be genuinely loved. Her parents abused her and they started this off. Where even are they right now? I'm done.
No. 796564
>>796562PS I had been watching her for years and genuinely believed she was a
victim, and that I could relate to her. The reality is that she's in the same category of creeps that normal people try to get away from.
No. 796567
>>796564Just adding more, but she keeps trying to get with high-profile men who are more likely to have narcissistic tendencies (actors might want all the attention on them, but obviously it doesn't guarantee narcissism - just makes it more likely). Sorry, but half the shit she goes through wouldn't happen if she talked to a bunch of "average" people and by that I mean people not trying to become famous. Would she get with a guy who works in an office, a builder, nurse, electrician, plumber, waiter, etc? Nah, they need to be famous because her standards are set ridiculously high and she's ruining her life because of it. She isn't suited to that life and needs to think like a normal person. Does she not want someone who she can connect with on an emotional level and live with? Then again, she might be in the right circle, because she's clearly surrounded by narcissists and is one herself.
>>796566yeah, it's so fucked up and creepy. Have you seen her creepy eyes in the video? She's unhinged. Never actually been terrified of her before until I saw this. Maybe she's projecting. Maybe she wants to kill people, so hangs around with people who talk about that. Who knows at this point.
No. 796577
>>796576Well, this blows all her rape-claim credibility out of the water for me. Being nice to predatory men and seducing them "to get away"? No, that's exactly backwards. Kiki only ends up a
victim because she chases after predators and then signals to them that she's into them, instead of clearly communicating her discomfort and leaving safely. What happened to all that "communication is key" shit she used to spew? She's literally saying that when she, a self proclaimed rape survivor who loves doling out safety and self care tips, has the chance to communicate clearly and walk away for her own safety she chooses not to bc of some thrill it gives her. That sounds so masochistic, and adding to that WHY then does she always go telling everyone she was raped afterward? Does she not realize that everything she says and does is starting to feel like she seeks out certain scenarios so she'll always be in the position of a pitiful
victim instead of a slutty bully like she was in her scene days? Because she's unintentionally contradicting herself with this video.
No. 796580
>>796562>You might do that the first time, second time, max. third time to protect yourself, but after that, especially after going to therapy, you'd fucking get help to go home and lock your doorI don't believe Kiki was ever in therapy, unless it was to get some bullshit PTSD diagnosis for her disability so she won't have to work. If she is, she's working her therapist and lying by omission or telling them what they want to hear, because the shit she keeps spewing is the total opposite of what a legit therapist would tell you to do and would say to you. A real therapist would have told her parents to keep her off the internet, get her a real hobby or a part time job, and stop dating until she stabilizes and has her own shit for herself, away from her parents and their influence.
No. 796581
>>796580Gonna add to this, I just had a thought after I submit: what if Kiki
was told by a shrink to get offline, but S&C still think she's an undiscovered starlet so they enable her? They have to be the ones paying for everything, they could easily cut her off from all her
toxic triggers and all the anon threads she reads about herself, but part of me wonders if they don't get skme sick thrill from prostituting their kids for so long? The way they handled Dakota going viral was disgusting, the way they handled the Danny drama was disgusting- everything feels like, no matter what really happenes, they want Kiki to be both adored and victimized instead of seen as an unstable NEET skank who won't do anything with her life.
No. 796583
>>796573Well, maybe that's why she's acting insane? Because she has no one to talk to besides weird men?
>>796574Lmao, she actually is. She always been copying someone. She literally has no personality of her own. But him, why? So fucking strange.
>>796580Probably not. Anyway, PTSD doesn't do this to someone. It's centred around avoidance, fear, etc. Someone with PTSD wouldn't repeat the same patterns this many times, they'd lock themselves away in their home before doing anything like it again. She's just a sadist. I mean even if a therapist told her to do that, she'd probably just switch therapists until she found an enabler.
>>796581I think they're enabling her to some extent. But she's in her late 20s so they can't have as much input as they did before. True about all that, imagine whoring your children out like that? The images Scott took of them… Fucking hell, makes me wanna boke.
No. 796585
>>796583She has no one to talk to because she
chooses to have no one to talk to. No one is good enough for her. Name a single friend she has actually had. It’s a choice.
No. 796588
>>796583>The images Scott took of them… Fucking hell, makes me wanna boke.Yes. And it was always weird to me that the pics of young Kiki were sexy and risqué, but pics of kota were cute, edgy, and stylish. It's no wonder Kiki ended up the more fucked up one, she was sexualized the most early on while kota was just the chubby comic relief.
But Scott taking those pics, posing her and then putting them online, while homeschooling them and letting them be so wild and party at shows with predatory band guys… All the weird, creepy little things put together make me feel kinda bad for Kiki, she and kota really didn't have a chance at a healthy childhood because of their parents' creepy obsessions with their kids. The whole Ostrenga family dynamic seems very schizoid and creepy.
>>796585She wants friends to fill the kotakoti-void from when she went viral and moved away, but despite them being sisters and "BFFs" their dynamic was clearly unbalanced. Kiki was the scene queen, koti was the sidekick and I bet Kiki wants that again, to be in the spotlight with a bestie that she never has to compete with.
No. 796594
>>796589She can't decide if she wants to
be a creepy man or if she wants to
fuck a creepy man, so she goes for both and cries rape when she contradicts herself.
No. 796595
>>796588True. I think because Kiki was the skinny one back then and had more potential to be a model, so that's why her photos were more risqué. I think their parents caught onto that a bit more and exploited it. Dakota was definitely the cute one to begin with, but was self-conscious. I now wonder if that was due to comparing her weight with Kiki's like I originally thought or because she sensed her parents were acting like predators. Still fucked up though.
Yeah, I feel sorry for them too. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from their parents.
I don't think Dakota wants to be close to Kiki and knew from the get-go she needed to get away from her and her entire family, but keeps talking to her/them out of politeness. She probably knows she needs to keep the mental case at a distance. Totally, but Kiki's never gonna be in that position again. She only managed to because it was her little sister who didn't know any better. Now that everyone's an adult, that shit won't go down.
No. 796610
>>796566>she's like a lizard trying to wear human skinThat's exactly the vibe I'm getting. Hugely unsettling and I hate the thought of what this type of talk does to actual
>>796598Kaka is never going to top Dakota yet she keeps trying a new thing each year. They've both peaked, if you can even call it that, so so long ago.
No. 796630
"Stay healthy, stay safe, take care of yourself, protect yourself, have boundaries, and stick to your boundaries because people are going to push them. They always do and they always will. And no one's gonna save you but you. No one's gonna protect you, but you. When the sky is falling, is that person gonna be by your side with you? No. It's just you, and you have to weigh what you can handle by yourself…"
Fuck, she really needs to talk to some normal people. The fact she feels like no one is there for her speaks volumes. She thinks everyone is out to get her which isn't true. Imagine being this traumatised and paranoid. How can she assume that everyone will push her boundaries when she doesn't know everyone? What a generalisation. Not everyone will do that. Does she not want some friends before trying to jump to finding a husband? Also, she said it herself. Don't date actors. No shit. She needs to go back to Florida and be normal.
No. 796632
>>796630"have boundaries, and stick to your boundaries because people are going to push them"
yeah, like she did when an extra on a Netflix movie told her he could kill her. Also, it speaks volumes that she says "everyone" will do that. Does she include herself there? Her family? Does she respect other people's boundaries?
>>796576Sounds like she is Vanessa Hudgens in The Frozen Ground. "Seduce" them? Were you hitchhiking in the middle of the night, in the 70s, when a truck driver picked you up? That's movie shit.
Also, the entire "going after abusers because you were abused" thing happens a lot, but she said herself she went through that when she was 13. How did you not pick up you were acting like when you were 13?
I don't even think it's masochism, she just likes being abused so she can be a
victim. Like a munchie, but with abuse instead of illnesses.
No. 796633
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Holy shit, literally living through her peak time
No. 796634
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No. 796639
>>796634Right, so she wants to bring back MySpace where she met Mr MySpace AKA Danny Cespedes who supposedly abused her. She is into S&M, she really is. I don't know why she keeps referencing her scene phase besides the fact she's finding it impossible living in the present with all her traumas, or she's trying to make people think, "Look, I was once relevant!"
Can't she just change her style to alternative and shut up already? Like, just go to a salon and change her hairstyle, change her make-up and clothes, and done. It's like she's going, "I uSeD 2 B LiEk diS" every few days when no one gives a fuck about the past.
No. 796641
>>796633>>796634Why is she acting like she's still scene? She gave up on that shit for fairy elf goddessu-kei when kota went viral & never went back. This feels like she's trying to tease scene into coming back bc she thinks she'll have her old fans begging her to come back and be their kira kira scene queen again.
Problem is, nobody would go for that shit now- not the way they did it before. It's not cool to randomly be a cunt anymore, and people get burned out on fakes faster than ever.
No. 796653
>>796639Hilarious, considering how she dressed when she was in Japan for the Taku/Fangophilia drama- all black or all white ethereal bondage skank, complete with garters and harnesses and collars.
No joke though, I can see her being into sadistic shit and trying to normalize it/shrug it off way more than I can see her just being this painfully unaware.
No. 796683
>>796672she's def lying through her teeth. remember all the many lies she made up on twitter over the years about people asking if she was a model? or the time she claimed she dated an actor from cabin in the woods? she's desperate to recapture her childhood fame. she clings to kota desperately but koots doesn't seem to give her the time of day back. the time she was in japan we never even got pictures of them together. i think koots keeps her at a distance because she knows her famewhoring sister would try to fuck her way through everyone she knows.
it's probably too much of a compliment for her but she has a weird mulholland drive thing going on where there's the dream world in her head how she thinks it is and then there's the cold ugly reality.
No. 796692
NTA but
> you’re worthless and you deserve to be in pain (…) might as well have fun with itSounds like a pretty masochistic mindset to me.
>>796689No one said you can't be raped under these circumstances.
I watched the whole thing, had to skip through her repeating herself. I'm into BDSM and tbh she really doesn't sound like she's into it, she wouldn't be able to victimize herself, since it's all consensual.
No. 796703
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>>796598>>796610dakota is irrelevant, a washed-up old hag by actual model standards, yet she's still "accomplished" more than kiki in recent years. lmao at kiki namedropping her on a recent post for some attempt at clout.
No. 796709
anyway damn is that real? lol ouch
No. 796716
>>796484>>796653Anyone remember timeline anon? We need her back to summarize with the new milk again.
From what I understand Taro/Fangophilia wouldn't have hooked up with her at random but may have expected some social media marketing out of her. Did she even get to keep the stuff she wore from him?
>>796687Doing gods work, anon.
No. 796740
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I know in my soul that this thumbnail made Kiki spiral into rage about Taylor copying her
No. 796785
>>796716She bought those finger claw rings from him when she was in Tokyo, because for PR he likes to meet his clients in person. She met up, hooked up with him, posted the jewelry in a ig post video tagging him, saying "thanks for giving this kitty her claws" or something like that. Later she apparently met up with him again, probably to discuss a custom order (he does that, meets with potential clients) and she likely just threw herself at him. She walked around in public in featherd, wings, stripper garb amd platforms with bondage harnesses and garters during this time, too. Soon after she posted pics and videos of him drunk and in bed with her, anons made the connection so she changed the caption on her ig video, removed the tag and topk down all the pics. She went from trying to cloutchase a guy who was trying to do his job to erasing him from her social media when she failed to woo him with her antics.
IIRC she may have also written something on his back or posted some other type of pic similar to the Jack Cash "i love kiki" bootycall pics, but it was years ago so I can't be sure.
No. 796841
>>796840i thought about that, but there's 3 problems
1. the CA location only showed scott, not cathy. and if you're wondering, it is him. full name, age and previous city all matched.
2. kiki's ebay location is still orlando, where her parents ship out her listings. she also went to visit them there when walmart anon took the pics.
3. it's most likely a one bedroom apartment given the prices in LA. and i seriously doubt all 4 of them could comfortably share one bedroom.
also remember one or two years ago when she said she was waiting on her "birthday money" to buy filming equipment, that shows she does rely solely on her dad's money for some things.
No. 796845
>>796837Different anon, but this is what I think is happening. Either that or Scott does actually live there with her, but I doubt it. It wouldn't make sense because I'm 99% sure Cathy still lives in Orlando with Kyler (unless he moved out), so them living separately doesn't make sense. I think he's just paying for it without living there and she's there on her own. It's not out of the question that he bought it for her either.
>>796841You're right. She's probably on disability and gets extra money from him. That would explain why she was able to spent time on student films without getting paid.
No. 796869
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>>796860Ok idk why it kinda reminded me of this old tweet of hers saying she "had" to turn down "almost" every job at the industry. It makes me wonder if she was ever actively looking for a 9-5 position in entertainment.
No. 796876
>>796836>nobody comes in here and accuses her of being an escortKaka isn't showing off the way escorts do. She seems barely mentally functioning, much less enough to be as an escort
Knowing her, she'd write on her clients backs with sharpies and instagram it.
>>796869>try living on that in LASaying this while living on parent's money at her age kek
No. 796877
>>796875I agree wages for some roles are ridiculous, but she paid 5k to be in a Z-list horror movie. To be paid for her work is an upgrade.
>>796876I also didn't get her point. You look up "LA minimum wage in 2019", it's pretty much $12/hour. Kiki, a lot of people are living with it in LA.
No. 796880
>>796873I don’t think you’re Kiki, I meant suspicious as in sometimes it just sounds too vendetta. I think it’s weird that we’re automatically “defending” her by saying the tinfoils are just that and don’t hold any weight to them. You thinking she could be an escort isn’t the issue, it’s the way just a (I’m assuming) couple of anons continually talk in circles and have been for years. They bring nothing to the table, just beating the sugar baby meme into the ground so aggressively that it seems like a hyperfixation.
It’s not difficult at all to get a job or place to live in Japan when you’re fluent in Japanese btw
No. 796885
>>796881>>796881Oh, you know she absolutely does.
I wonder how much of "turning down an offer at a major co." is true. You'd have to have skills just to be interviewed.
She mentioned assistants being underpaid, I wonder if she ever applied to be an assistant in LA? Sounds like the kind of job she'd find to be beneath her.
No. 796886
>>796860It wouldn't make a difference if they split up. Cathy doesn't work and probably has to look after Kyler who is heavily autistic. Scott still has to provide for the whole brood. Plus I'm sure moving Kiki to LA was partially to make it seem like she finally got independent and is at least living on her own rather than being a 28 year old neet living with her parents.
There's no way she's paying for it herself. She has 6 roles in total in her imdb, one of them being an on-set photographer. Her only degree is for audio engineering, and minimum wage waitressing won't pay for any of that.
What's crazy to me is that I don't think it sounds like Scott should be able to afford to pay the living of 2 households. If he is, he must be leaving very little money for himself and Cathy just so Kiki can play hollywood.
No. 796901
>>796898i doubt it since all of her previous money schemes involved the internet, like patreon and lilkitten, because she has no real life skills and half-asses everything that doesn’t bring instant success. Maybe she’s hoping on marrying a rich hot actor and be set for life with him. Could explain why she’s so insanely desperate about being in a relationship with one. I think she planned on marrying Taku after only meeting the guy in person like two times.
>>796894you sound like you got problems. lay off the drama for a bit, familia.
No. 796908
>>796906That makes sense. Shes on disability and Scott is paying rent, so she can rely on these things to chase her Hollywood dream. Maybe she gets to perform odd jobs as a photographer, like in her IMDb (which sounds kind of hard to get regularly if you don't have a solid portfolio - plus, her ego is so big, she'd probably go nuts from not being in front of the camera).
I also agree that Kyle is probably a lot more functional than people assume - but I think his family would be more than glad to use his autism to get checks from the govt.
>>796904Oh shit, me too. Won't happen this year, thanks to 'rona.
No. 796952
>>796951nah i think the ostrengas are just irresponsible as fuck with money and prioritize Kiki living her dream above anything, and are probably funding her whole lifestyle hoping she'll make it big any day now and they're just giving her a start-up.
remember the kickstarter? they wanted $20k just to show up to LA with music equipment and as soon as they stepped foot there, they would instantly become celebrities doing music tours. Like they and their parents are literally that delusional about what ungodly special indigos they are. Funny to see how the kickstarter plans would have flopped just like Kiki's acting career
No. 796970
>>796869Most people who live in LA to break into the entertainment industry have like 2 jobs and 3 side gigs. She’s pathetic.
I also kinda doubt she’s on disability. The gov’t does
not want to give it out, and when they do, it’s barely enough to live on. If she’s getting income from her parents, any attempt to get on disability would be rejected
No. 796975
>>796941sort of. there was a video of them all on splash mountain on kiki's old myspace or something and he was sitting behind them on the ride. there was a picture years later of them all on tower of terror and by then kyler had been given scene hair.
>>796948i always took that as a dig at farmers. she thinks we're a handful of people on disability posting all day. her past comments and behavior shows she doesn't think highly of disabled people even though she tried to make it look like she did by tweeting something about making carbon copies of her notes for the students with disabilities office at her school.
>>796955lmao anon those idiots spent $5k to buy kiki a role in a b horror movie thinking it would get her a break. they are not accepting that their kira kira princess is a flop anytime in this century.
No. 796977
>>796975>she thinks we're a handful of people on disability posting all day. her past comments and behavior shows she doesn't think highly of disabled peopleHoly shit I still remember a video of hers on stickam (very old, she had scene platinum hair) where she was basically making fun of the disabled, slouching like "why do all retarded people eat like this?" And laughing at a girl in a wheelchair at her college because "she was so fat"
God I wish we still had those floating around.
No. 797022
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>>796981>>796956Are you….making that up? I searched the words Japan, cost, travel, trip, expensive, and luggage in all of the spergchan posts and didn’t find anything like that. didn't find anything at all about money, except some bitter comments about Taylor using "her daddy's money to play celebrity" which is fucking hilarious right now
No. 797047
>>797022It definitely happened. Search "baggage", for some reason she called it that.
It stood out to me as such a strangely specific thing for her to complain about when it costs nothing to check a bag and is usually included in a ticket.
She outed that she basically had to use some super cheap discounted airlines to get to Tokyo.
No. 797053
>>797047oh ok, sorry i saw it. this is what she said:
>Is she flying business class? And man, that hotel… Look at me flying cheap economy class for ~17 hours to Tokyo in August and worrying about my hand baggage sizeWow that's a very honest display of jealousy at Taylor.
No. 797061
>>797057God, I miss this era
Although her “big actress in LA” era provided some amazing moments, there was something about her Japan era that was just
chef’s kiss No. 797076
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>>797047>>797053NEVERMIND. I went down a Kiki rabbit hole today and found this in an old thread. She had just copied and pasted that baggage comment from someone on PULL at random… I also didn't find any evidence that she went to Japan in August 2016.
also this shows, like admin said, that she was leaving red herrings here and there to throw off the scent. I think the disability claim was one of them too.
No. 797121
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LMAO her 15min are back
No. 797122
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Kirsten, you're fucking cringe
No. 797125
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>>797053It's specially funny when she was low-key hinting she had rented her own place in Tokyo. Meanwhile, she's seething with envy of Taylor.
No. 797158
>>797080Orlando to Tokyo can range from 17-21 hours. The same is true for a billion cities in the east coast, I checked Atlanta, GA and Charlottesville, VA at random and they said the same, even some cities in Canada. That PULL user doesn’t have to be from Florida. Also the admin said they and the PULL mods confirmed that person was not her sockpuppet. She actually copy/posted several posts from various random PULL users including the mod Apple, I guess in an attempt to sound normal in between her rage posts. And I said there’s no proof she even went to Japan in August 2016. If I’m not mistaken the last time she went was in 2014 with Taku
seriously what is it with the kiki/kota community wanting to believe things based on the single absolute weakest link and ignoring a mountain of strong evidence that points to the contrary.
No. 797197
>>797181Here's the first actual Kiki thread:
>>>/pt/82No mention of Taku, so that was probably 2015.
No. 797204
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>>797182autumn/winter 2015 I think. Anyways, I was looking for the first taku posts and found again this gem
>>45355 Kaka's threads used to be a wild ride
No. 797306
>>797204God, the Taco era
No wonder this girl still is my favorite cow after all those years
No. 797310
File: 1601051658370.png (459.1 KB, 845x477, BD0B4FD2-EA90-44B5-A1B5-0765AF…)

>>797308It was so weird, why not take your own photos of Japan? The delusions of grandeur were really gripping her, she desperately wanted people to say she was coming to Taylor’s career.
Also decided to revisit past threads like other anons, she really favors Woody Harrelson actually.
No. 797380
>>797378at 2:30 she is filming a tv appearance by Dakota while reciting "I wandered lonely as a cloud"
I hope this was intentional, somehow
No. 797388
>>797370that sounds accurate, Kiki was super defensive over it in a comment, saying "these are not for the internet it's for family photo albums" etc. She was just pissed Kota was better off not being affiliated to her.
>>797315Which makes the fact she ever worked as a photographer (even if it was just once) weirder
No. 797389
>>797370Kota probably didn't want Kaka to steal her thunder. Pretty certain Kaka would have LOVED to Kota's coattails in Japan.
I tried searching for pics of them together during this era but found this snippet from the Lilou Vos resume instead…
>"Special talents": Acupuncture, Beginner Japanese, Beginner Mandarin, Botany, Chinese Medicine, Herbalism, Metal Fabrication, Qi Gong, Hula Hoop, Martial Arts - Tai Chi, Roller Skating, Rollerblading, Running - Sprint, Trampoline, Yoga, Comedian, Guitar, Improvisation, Licensed Driver, Modeling, Piano, Asian - Chinese Accent, Asian - Japanese Accent, Australian Accent, Scottish Accent, Southern Accent, Spanish Accent, Texan Accent No. 797391
>>797389Yeah… We've seen her attempt at accents, they'd only work for a very offensive stereotypical comedy bit.
Unrelated but seeing her like tweets from Ricky Berwick with
this on mind
>>796977 just feels Soo weird. She's sick.
No. 797397
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>>797378I never watched this but wow it's dark. She's lonely as
>>797380 said. Who is taking the video when it's not a selfie? Her father?
The trip looks like it was across 2 or 3 nights and looks like Taco was just around on the last night sumo watching.
No. 797405
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Imo it has nothing to do with Dakota’s manager. She has been sliding away from Kiki since the end of the stickam days, and for good reason. Kiki has done nothing but jeopardize her
Off the top of my head, some shit kiki has done to her:
-copyrighted a video belonging to a company Dakota modeled for, used her name to do it, and left a mortifying “This video belongs to Dakota Ostrenga” floating on the company’s official website
-made a bizarre tweet once saying “Hey you Dakota Rose fans, ask me any question about your favorite model?” Then deleted it.
-I think the first time she went back to Orlando she left her twitter open and Kiki made a series of “joke” tweets pretending to be her with her unfunny humor while she was trying to look professional
-Admitted on here as spergchan that she photoshops a lot. The Taylor, Sharla, Meimei and Audrey remarks must have also been mortifying for her since Dakota just likes to stick her nose up at these people and pretend she doesn't know they exist.
-posted this bizarre jab at Dakota on Instagram. Like what the fuck is #sharpfacerepresentin’ and “holla at my angular guys and gals” when she knows Dakota hates her square jaw and is bullied for it more than anything
It’s basically a risk keeping Kiki around
No. 797406
>>797405Holy fuvk I had forgotten all that.
Good on Dakota, I guess I think the angular shit is her trying to assure herself she doesn't care about her manly face (like with the forehead shit) but apart from that, the rest sounds like a nightmare. Dakota finally gets away and she pulls that shit?
No. 797408
>>797405I forgot how hard Kiki clung to her when she moved to Japan, suddenly her
entire persona was weeby, elven, pure ethereal goddessu of happiness and innocence. A full 180 from the real Kiki, as seen by her actions like obsessively tweeting at her sister, especially that tweet about Dakota's secrets.
No. 798739
>>798733The video is basically about her saying she's been fucking around a lot and the energy from the men she sleeps with affects her because of the energy exchanged through sex, which results in birth.
Basically, by sleeping with a guy, she's taking in his energy and birthing it into her life.
I refuse to believe she isn't on shrooms.
No. 798749
>>798732I can't even watch a few seconds of this. She's so far gone.
Did notice that she still never turns her head all the way to the side to hide her hump nose.
No. 798760
>>798732I feel like she should be with Titanic Sinclair.
They're both unstable and narcissistic. Maybe he can breathe new life into her career.
No. 798765
>>798749Yes, she does! Plus filming at a distance and on her phone. Meanwhile, Taylor is rocking her bloated face on a yatch by the beach. But I'm pretty sure Kiki got her "spiritual teachers" to guide her thru, right…?
>>798760That makes sense. I can envision them doing "~art~" together, her starting drama, him feeding into it etc. Now I want it to happen, really bad.
No. 798769
>>798763LMAO thank you for the summary.
> someone so obsessed with identifying abusive men and self-love wouldn't be in this same predicament over a decade laterShe's putting it all on being raped in Jan 2020 (supposedly), instead of being an adult and not falling into the same self-destructive behaviors she had at 14, when she was literally half her age.
No. 798825
>>79873228 years old, has been living in LA for almost 3 years and doesn't have to work for anything, is spoiled rotten and yet the only thing she can think to talk about is… her sad sex life where she fucks user losers over and over again? She's so stuck on
victim worship/fetishization that she doesn't see how sad this is. After all this time, the great Kiki Kannibal ended up an LA hoe with nothing going for her. Is she just gonna keep fucking her way through guys until she finds prince charming? How does she plan to keep him if she does? Stay naked 24/7 and suck his dick 5x/day? I think Kiki is just a sex addict because of her fucked up attachment to her family/never having friends outside of them, so the only non-Ostrenga interaction she gets is with guys she jumps into bed with.
No. 798830
>>798828She's way too proud to get naked for commoners, even if they pay. Part of the
toxic Ostrenga mindset is their holier-than-thou-ness.
Although, that would be the only way for her to be in control of her lighting and shoop… She could be to sex work what her sister was to modeling in Japan.
No. 798843
>>798749Neither could I, she sounds like a crazy old woman talking to herself in the mirror.
>>798763Bless you anon, I don’t know how you did it.
No. 798858
>>798857I don't believe she interacts with anyone her own age unless she's putting on an act, and we know she isn't in real therapy bc if she was she wouldn't be back on social media and wouldn't be a serial pump n dump. The only people she could mean have to be her parents, bullshit online empaths she can lie to bc they know nothing about her, or self help books.
As far as her parents go, I think it's pretty obvious that part of the reason Kiki is so hypersexual and codependent is because of them grooming her into a tween thot for attention.
Sage for blog, but as time goes on, I actually dislike Kiki less and less, yet the constant cringe and eyeroll every time she tries to post like she's happy and living life is saddening. I feel like she definitely has enough character to have her own life and friends, maybe even a job at a vegan cafe or something, but her parents endless coddling and ego-inflation have her always at war with herself as a wannabe-adult. Given that we barely know anything about her family, yet what we do know is so shady and sus (plus kota escaping and ending up rather normal and calm) makes me think that staying on her parent's teat is what's making her crazy and sick. Could also be why she's always desperately trying to fuck her way into a new living situation- she's not stable enough under her parent's care to be in a stable relationship bc of all the possible emotional damage and immaturity caused by her cringey, pervy parents and their lack of boundaries.
No. 798872
>>798859And the fringe too, but only the eye makeup makes her look more psychotic.
I know colorful glittery makeup are trendy, she could do something like this with minimum blush and lipstick. If you're gonna look crazy might as well look fun.
No. 798875
I think this
>>798809 seems to be a habit from her father and this
>>798823 seems to be something enabled from her mother, with parents taking pics.
I'm following a cow who has potential to be as milky as Kiki and they have the exact same things going on. It seems to stem from them believing their self worth comes from being a victom of being desired by ~
toxic~ men for being soooo hot.
Normally I wouldn't blame parents for a 30 year old cow behaviour, but Kiki definitely showed the signs of someone in need of serious help since an early age and only got worse.
No. 798919
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>>798906i didn't mean her actual leaked nudes. i meant from a photoshoot like this one.
No. 798920
>>798919Not that anon but there were other pictures of her around that age that were much more revealing, more sexual, taken by her parents. Maybe that's why farm hands took it down.
Either way now this
>>798906 is ingrained in my mind and I'm forever disgusted. Not the point, but Kiki's tits are saggy and small. What man was she talking about? Scott?
No. 798958
>>798950>bagging a 10/10 rich guy in LASo not happening, since she is far past the age of even just securing a SD. Kaka is too much of a liability for anyone with sense to attach themselves to her.
She comes off as a walking red flag and two minutes on google tells you everything you need to know.
No. 798962
>>798960….could it be??
>saw her wrinkles frkm a distance I remember that post and nobody said this, they spotted her by her cringey elven waifu outfit. It was a harmless post apotting a cow in thw wild, it wasn't even insulting, but you sure are bothered by both someone spotting Kiki in Chicago 3 years ago, and thebidea that she's too old (and more importantly, too
toxic and crazy and needy) to get the kind of SD she wants. She doesn't look or act like a SB, she acts like a middle aged kidult and refuses to choose a career or hobby that ahe doesn't give up on. Good, wealthy SDs don't just want a pretry fuck to stick their dick in, they want something they can flaunt.
Also, most "millionaire" SDs who go after much younger girls to keep are freaks sexually. Being kept by an old rich man is only a preferable alternative to living with your parents forever. Kiki is just mad bc despite finally earning the farm's pity, she's still Sperg-chan over the favt that she'll never get what Kota or Taylor got.
No. 798964
>>798960Imagine being this bothered just because someone said a 28 year old NEET still living with her parents, who has no ambitions in life, won't score a rich sugar daddy just for being in LA.
Who does this? You should be more offended by the idea that all Kiki is good for after a decade of trying to be famous is an old man's cockwarmer. Even if being a SB was desirable, Kiki will never become one because rich men don't take risks with dead weight dependas like her. At least Taylor pretends to do shit like Toat, what does Kiki do except verbally masturbate herself on cam for being promiscuous with shitty men?
No. 799008
>>799007I can't imagine what hanging out with Kiki would entail other than scouring lolcow, talking to herself through her webcam, or playing dressuo in one lf her 200 layered white outfits. What does she have to offer
anyone aside from sex?
No. 799102
>>799098I doubt she'd even sell feet pics, the Ostrengas seem so paranoid about what they do being exposed (despite doing nothing) that I just can't see her stooping that low. She's too conceited to wver compromise her ego that way, she'd rather let her parents fund her forever than do anything that would actually get her anywhere in Hollywood. Sex sells in LA because every desperate wannabe star tries to shortcut their way to the top on the casting couch, but few actually make it because with that much shady shit going on a liability like Kiki wouldn't be worth the risk with her lack of talent and nobody family. She's just too
toxic, broke, and burned out to ever make it in LA.
No. 799119
>>798964Nta and I agree with
>You should be more offended by the idea that all Kiki is good for after a decade of trying to be famous is an old man's cockwarmerBut would a SD even care that his sugarbaby has no ambitions? It's just prostitution after all, as a client he wouldn't give a fuck about her thoughts and dreams
No. 799347
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No. 799349
>>799347I'll take a guess and say that she was date raped in Jan 2020, now it happened again.
OR she was lying about being assaulted Jan 2020 and needs to bring it back, so she's saying it happened again.
No. 799350
>>799349Kaka only makes a comeback when she's ~raped~ it seems. Does she really think people are out there waiting for rape
victims to pop up out of the woodwork so they can swoop in and rescue them? That rich men are trawling Twitter looking for used & abused wannabe stars to deliver into a life of luxury??
I still don't get what her rape
victim fetish is or why she feels so comfortable broadcasting all these rape claims, what's the purpose of them other than to be pitied? And why would she want that? Actual rape
victims who were traumatized don't want to walk around constantly sharing it with strangers.
No. 799351
>>799349I guarantee she had some brilliant scheme planned for 2020 that didn't pan out, then Dakota got the FILA job and she came back with another rape story in the middle of the year.
Yeah, by the way, if she was raped in January, why wait until her sister hits a lull in her work to announce it and plan a comeback? Kiki pops up when kooter is inactive for a while, usually with a new rape claim or breakup (or both), and milks it until kooter starts posting again. It's like the internet isn't big enough for both of them to be active at the same time.
No. 799365
>>799358>>799358Kiki is too pure to have Covid, anon! Joking aside, distance dating/virtual dating is huge right now, but Kiki would never do that bc she can't try to use pussy to manipulate a guy over Zoom or Skype without the guy being able to record her.
Yeah, on that note, if Kiki keeps getting raped so much, why does she not try virtual dating? That would keep her from being alone with a brand new guy she literally just met.
I'm beginning to think Kiki herself is the serial pump n dump who just plays the
victim when she can't use her pussy to enslave a man. God only can imagine what type of shit Cathy and Scott must have taught her about how to attract men, considering the secual photoshoots and Cathy's comments about her daughter's underaged topless pics THEY took.
It's well known that Cathy was in school to be a lawyer before wannabe-bandman Scott knocked her up with Kyler, then they failed their way to Florida to live with her mom and try to sell their daughters to perverts online. I promise that Kiki is still under her parent's roof, and that's gotta be a big part of why this same "date rape" shit keeps happening to her despite how much she claims to want it to end- they might be pushing her to get with fast guys, hoping she gets pregnant and marries out of the house. Too bad that never works out for white trash…
No. 799370
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WTF she just drops a hint that she was, supposedly, date raped again this year on Twitter and then carries on to RT kitties? Like, getting raped, just another casual Thursday for Kiki.
No. 799372
>>799370This is a pretty obvious tell that she considers something she keeps doing/that keeps happening to her to be "rape" that actually isn't. If she really was raped, what, a dozen times since puberty? she wouldn't even be able to walk off into the night with strange men, and I doubt her overbearing parents woukd keep letting her. All their creepy shit aside, she is their daughter and if they still fund her they obviously love her, so I don't think these rape claims are as
valid as she thinks they are. They wouldn't allow her to keep getting hurt the same way over and over again for nothing, and the #MeToo stuff blew over before she jumped on the bandwagon so I doubt she's trying to trap her way into a settlement.
No. 799382
>>799347I thought she had given up on being an actress and is back in Florida again?
As for the date rape thing, Kiki attracts some bad energy. Like how does one get sexually assaulted this much? Not to
victim blame, but it has to be something she's doing. Unless she's lying of course.
No. 799392
>>799382This is pure tinfoil, but here's what I think happens:
>Kiki meets guy with some kind of performance hobby/job, flirts way too hard too soon, rushes to meet him>guy picks up on red flags for an easy lay, follows through and beds her>ghosts Kiki bc of her spergy cringelord sense of humor, lack of social etiquette, and obvious starfucker-ism>Kiki can't accept that she signals herself as a trainwreck bc of how she acts and blames it on the guy, even if she previously vaugeposted about him to brag, then cries rape bc she knows the guy is gone and won't call her on her shit to defend himself We won't ever truly know what happens unless one of her many many dates finds the farm and spills milk, but I think this theory is pretty close to what keeps happening.
No. 799405
>>799398She's actually 28 now, anon. And remember, she did give acting a decent try in those student films, but given her track record with men + her delusions about her looks, I can see her fucking her way
out of acting opportunities.
>>799394She would have never made it to LA to meet Bobby in the first place if her family hadn't moved there. Kiki can't go anywhere or do anything without a blood relative nearby, apparently. Maybe her Chicago spotting was her family driving to LA and stopping to visit family, which would be why she looked so happy- she was
finally moving to LA.
No. 799409
>>799394I think you misunderstood, the room she's in now is the same room she moved into back when she moved to LA and hooked up with Bobby, she's been in that same rolm the whole time, even after breaking up with Bobby.
They probably moved to LA and enrolled her in some acting school/program, which might be where she met Bobby. Her first year in LA was her most successful and least active online, because for the first time in her life, she actually
had one.
If they stayed together for 2 years and it was a "live in" relationship like she claimed, it must also mean they made Bobby into Danny 2.0 and moved him in with Kiki, which would explain the mess of moving boxes and the clothing rack that disappeared after they broke up. Now, her room is empty and she's slowly filling it with girly stuff, like the angel wing lights and elf goddesu microphone.
No. 799413
>>799408It doesn't seem like she's attempting to do anything else with her life.
I wonder if she'll end up taking care of her autistic brother when their parents die.
No. 799446
>>799438It would be no surprise if Kiki was autistic.
>>799434What's the toaster incident?
No. 799464
>>799446Oh 100% I’ve never not thought she was a complete ass burger
>>799358She posted a story about her ~sunset rooftop massage date~ upthread
>>799409This makes a lot of sense because I can think of no other reason a man would put up with Kiki for that long unless it’s for a place to stay
No. 799528
>>799503The grandmother's pictures no less, it was her house that the Ostrengas had taken over by that point.
The police report gave us the enduring speculation about Kota's true age because it listed her as two or three years older than she says she is. This could have been an error of course.
No. 799539
>>799347This is kind of sad.
I don't think she got raped but I get the sense she's sleeping with dudes and they are ditching and as a result feels used and upset after.
I get a low self esteem vibe from her.
No. 799640
>>799638I agree with you guys but it is a "normal" outcome that survivors of sexual abuse or any kind of abuse (especially at a young age) are more likely to re-experience the same issues or allow themselves into these dangerous situations because their brains have normalized it or missed the red flags. I also somewhat understand what she is trying to say with the seducing or pleasing thing. It's not OK and she said it all very poorly but I do think she's attempting to reiterate known
victim responses.
I don't think she was raped in the true definition of the word. I do think she misuses it because she doesn't understand why men don't stick around after she puts out. I also think that's what she thinks is all she has to give them and she gravitates towards
abusive men because of her past trauma, though. I don't think that's an excuse either, especially when she has some awareness of it: she has every reason to seek help and get out of this self destructive cycle, but she's never been allowed (or allowed herself?) the opportunity to learn or really grow. This outcome is typical of how her parents raised her imho, but it's up to her now to seek help.
I'm also getting weird schizophrenia vibes from her at times though. She reminds me of an ex who I was with as they developed it in their teens to early twenties sometimes. I don't think she actually has schizophrenia, but kaka definitely needs some big psychiatric intervention. I don't think she's ever had a real relationship with someone either, I think that adds to her maladaptive crazy vibes
No. 799641
>>799640I think Kiki is one of those patients who hops therapists until they get one who just agrees with them or tells them things they want to hear. I'd give anything to know if any of her past shrinks knew about her online activities, past
and present.
No. 799814
would make sense if she did, but I don't think she has. She was very anti smoking and drinking back in the scene days. Plus I could totally see her spouting nonsense about drugs being bad for your energy and soul or some shit.
No. 800402
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No. 800406
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>>800402She already changed the caption. Doesn't make a lot of sense? You fought him but then you exited your body and that's why you mentioned being date raped in LA?
She can't get her story straight.
No. 800418
>>799640I think you make a good point about abuse
victims ending up in repeat situations.
But she’s using SA like a personality trait and it feels weird, as someone who has a history of abuse.
No. 800453
>>800414I stopped believing her when, after a decade after Danny was charged with statutory rape, she started making claiming how he used to sneak into her house to violently violate her, when her parents made it clear they were ok to have him living with them.
And now her claims just don't make any sense
>>800406She's a pathological liar and since we're encouraged to always believe SA
victims, she's just running with it.
No. 800455
>>800406Just got raped. C’est la vie.
What a weird fucking reaction.. like it’s just a normal every day issue?
I really don’t want to
victim blame.. but.. why does she always seem to get assaulted everywhere she goes. She must be the problem.
No. 800476
>>800458So not only SA-ed 2x in one year, but her response is to post a video of her dancing in her underwear and flash her bare butt at the end?
Like girl, if you're gonna blame it on energy, maybe be more aware of what ur putting out there
No. 800511
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>>800402Someone says she never films outside of her room, she posts a video in another part of the house for the very first time. I also don’t believe this at all, and it’s frightening that she will go to these lengths for attention. Picrel, her body.
No. 800512
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>>800406The rest of the caption for posterity
No. 800522
>>799382>>800455Predatory assholes can indiscriminately choose people to hoist their assholery on, some are even skilled at picking out vulnerable targets. Getting raped is not her "fault", but she probably doesn't have the skills or basic knowledge to say "no" forcefully or pick up on douches. Some people just get the shit stick in life.
Some people get raped a ridiculous number of times. It's cuz they can't see certain shit mostly, or maybe bad luck, or it's "vibes" or something. But mostly they can't pick up on the signs that bad shit's about to happen.
No. 800533
>>800528I think she's willingly fucking these guys on the first date and then getting mad that they're all fuckboys who dick her around don't instantly fall in love with her. So then she regrets hooking up and calls it rape.
I mentioned this upthread but bars/clubs/etc aren't open right now in LA. There's no normal public places to go on dates rn. So she has to be going to their houses and sleeping over on the first date and then wondering why these guys think its all about sex. Never go to a guy's place unless you're 1000% comfortable with sexy stuff happening bc scrotes have a one track mind
No. 800538
>>800522That's true but she's not keeping her story straight.
Twitter: "omg you guys I was date raped??? lol is that a LA thing?"
Instagram: "I was SA in my sleep. But I fought him and I had to exit my body. C'est la vie."
Like, make it make sense. date rape and being overpowered and disassociating during SA are completely different.
No. 800544
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Not to White Knight dancing in your underwear does not attract rape?
Comment section: "yeah he's a serial offender, but I'll be the brave soul that puts a stop to it."
Wonder how she found out about it.
No. 800545
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>>800544Ok so this guy was raped himself, raped her and is a serial rapist
>>800544 . And apparently she'll be the first girl to press charges on him.
See, it's very hard to believe her when she seems so blasé about very serious allegations.
No. 800547
Calling fake on this new "rape", and calling bullshit on her pressing any charges.
Being a serial rape victim is the only thing Kiki has left to five credibility to her victim persona. I think she's honestly choosing toxic and abusive men, playing coy and innocent like a tween just discovering sex and then allows them to assault her so she an run back to the internet with it.
Think about it, unless a man outside her family is raping her or has recently raped her, she is radio silent and not doing anything. It's almost like this is a fetish of hers or something, getting raped by shitbag predatory men on the first date and then putting up a front on SM about how she's stronk and tuff and will be okai u guise!!!
I think Kiki maybe has a rape/NC fetish that she hasn't properly learned to express, so instead of admitting it and owning it she goes for obviously shotty men obviously looking for hookups, pretends to be after twue wuv for her image, then runs to Twitter and IG to sell her newest rape story.
It's funny as well how she always talks about these rapes/assaults, but that's it- no details, she only ever named her popular/famous rapists, and she won't ever say when or how it happened. I think she and her parents know it's probably 100% on her that this keeps happening at this point, because there's no way she keeps going out with guys alone after she keeps getting raped unless she gets some kind of sick, ass-backwards vindication from it.
No. 800548
>>800546Danny was a dumb, horny teenager who moved in with his GF after his parents kicked him out of their house. That GF and her helicopter parents then used their relationship for online clout until he dumped her, ao they set him up to be arrested for drugs and soliciting a minor until Kiki and her parents popped out of the shadows with the police and chased him, so he jumped off a roof and died.
She didn't "successfully kill a pedo", she and her parents manipulated a teenager with some online popularity into a horrible accidental death because he dumped her. Ostrengas have always been pure and utter trash, so don't go back and rewrite history according to their self-worshipping narrative.
No. 800551
>>800548And they kept a weird-ass website with photos of him and some very horrible shit for many years after.
And Cathy bragging about it.
>>800549She gets a lot of attention from it, too:
This new Instagram post: 99 comments in less than 20 hours.
The post before that: 14 comments in 2 weeks time.
No. 800554
>>800551Kiki Kannibal: Rape fetishist, professional
victim, attentionwhore extraordinaire.
Imagine having all the support and resources she does and still endjng up as such a pointless, talentless nobody that being used by shit tier men is your only bragging point.
No. 800555
Even if we give her the benefit of the doubt and she was raped, honestly what does she gain by sharing that shit online? She thinks she's creating awareness but I'm pretty sure every girl is aware that men are creepy and can rape thanks. By sharing it online all she's doing is making herself look crazy. Go to therapy or something. It's also damaging to herself because she's just reopening the issue. Also any potential love interest can just Google her name and see all this weird rape metoo shit online and avoid her like the plague. Not for reasons of damaged goods or anything, but more so that she doesn't seem emotionally stable in her rants. She seems like the type to dump a lot of emotional baggage on the first date whilst simultaneously bitching about her previous boyfriends or lovers to the person.
I agree with
>>800533, she's hooking up with men who aren't putting her on a pedestal or thinking long term enough, so she goes nuts after she's rejected or ghosted.
No. 800770
>>800593Yeah, she
used to be funny to laugh at, but it's not the same now because her behavior is so much worse now. She used to have that eyeroll-inducing fake confidence and charisma, now it seems like all she wants is to be seen as a
victim of a brutal rape… but why?? That's not something to be proud of or flaunt for attention, and being raped has nothing to do with attraction or looks, it's all about opportunity and taking what you want after being told no.
No. 800898
>>800545I'm on the fence with this like everyone else. It's common sense to
not go by yourself with someone you barely know, whether it is just out, in their car, in their house.
And with how call out culture is nowadays, rapists deserve to be outed and publicly shamed because of lack of consequences in the justice system for them. If she doesn't give a name, then she's faking this. It also helps other women who may know him to know that he is dangerous or to not interact with him.
No. 800955
>>800883it's kiki we're talking about. she does think rape is a sign of how attractive someone is. she's been at this for ten years or more now where she can't leave her house because everyone wants to rape her. she got pissed at some article that suggested less attractive women weren't
victims of harvey weinstein because it sounded resentful of women for being desired. maybe she's insecure about her looks because she doesn't look the same as her pictures without filters and crying rape is how she asserts she's a beautiful delicate flower goddess. she probably has rape fantasies in the bedroom.
No. 801068
>>800949Sorry for semi blog post but this is exactly what happened to my ex friend in her late teens when she developed schizophrenia. It's fucking uncanny vibes how they remind me of each other with the behavior/claims.
It's been over 10 years now since I last spoke to her and she thinks she was satanic ritual gang raped one summer when she stayed at my house (I found out after getting a call from the police because she reported it last year…). Reminds me a bit of how kiki keeps moving the goal posts on her past traumas, I think in her demented brain she's reinvented the memory and think that's actually how shit went down.
Her weird inappropriate casualty and her spergchan shit also hard reminds me of that.
Once again not saying she's schizo or schizophrenic, but I seriously wouldn't be shocked if that ended up being the case. I'm on the fence between that and weird maladaptive attention whoring, but there's some unique oddities to the latter for sure..
(Armchair) No. 801275
>>801068I totally agree with you and think it's a weird schizo obsession, like the anon above you said as well I think it's Kiki's way of telling herself and everyone, she's still as attractive as she was when she was raped as a teen.
She's getting older and looks are fading. Her personality is so crazy and annoying that no man sticks around her for long, so sex is the only way she gets noticed. Like she said in one of her latest videos, she's super promiscuous. Sex is the only thing in her life since she has no career, husband, kids, hobbies or friends to focus on. Her family are far away. She must be incredibly lonely and it's visibly driven her insane. If she'd just got over her superiority complex / fame chasing and got a normal life with a normal job she wouldn't have turned out like this.
No. 801325
>>801306What gives you the authority to claim she's living alone?
Seriously, a serial rape
victim who can't keep friends or a job, spends hours talking to herself in her webcam, and has meltdowns online when
other people do well is o way living alone in LA. If she had real roommates, she'd have developed some kind of improvement either in her behavior or social life in the last 2 years, but she hasn't. She's been the exact same Kiki, doing the exact same shit, just in a different cage on the other side of the country. Even if she was on full ride disability, she couldn't afford to do
literally nothing all day every day in LA, and knowing what an unstable snowflake and mental case she is I don't believe her parents would be that far away from her. Kiki can't leave her house without being stalked or raped, can't work, and thinks literally everyone is out to get her. You think a NEET hikki nutcase like that is really living alone in LA, just because
she wants people to think so?
Just think, when Dakota flies home to visit she only posts that she's going to America, not Florida, and after those pitiful 4th of July pool pics in Florida we never saw any new pics from their old house or bedrooms. I think it's way more likely that they all moved there for Kiki, since she's fetishized Hollywood culture since she was a preteen. It would even make it much cheaper for Dakota to visit more often, which she has since Kiki's move to LA.
No. 802771
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No. 802772
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>>802771Does she know Medium Exists?
No. 802776
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>>802775I'd make a TLDR but I'm cringing too hard. I've read well-written abuse
victims' reports, but this just feels like an angsty fanfic.
No. 802782
>>802776It really does sound like fanfic. It seems like she’s trying to romanticize the situation.
Would this be about Danny?
No. 802795
>>802786That's EXACTLY what it feels like
No. 802879
>>802812She's mental. All she does is talk about rape and having meaningless sex with random guys.
I actually do think she got raped by Daniel at this point since she seems legitimately mental about it. I mean it was 15 years ago and she's STILL obsessing over it.
She needs help. She's trying to empower herself by talking about the rape but she's just reliving the trauma over and over and meeting up with random men as if she's subconsciously trying to relive the rape over and over because she's not over it!!! She thinks she is but she's not.
God I just feel sad for her at this point. That pic of her in walmart that anon took a while back just showed her mental state, you could see it in her eyes. What a mess.
No. 802884
>>802879She did say in the video that it feels like "she's always picking up at a closed wound and worsening scars" but in reality she "is just taking care of an infected wound" yadda yadda
And it's like, no. You're doing the first one. Not the latter. Specially if what she wrote down as a fanfic actually happened.
Plus her casually throwing in about a supposed energy guru that molested her, and laughing about it, it just feels so wrong. If you're going laugh it off, why bring it up? It makes it seem like being molested is not a big deal.
No. 802887
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>>802812The most sad thing of all is that it seems she treats her own tragedies or whatever you call them as her only redeeming trait. Like mate you gotta let go and make a new life for yourself.
No. 802888
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Is she…? Is this her trying to buy subscribers? Like, I remember from Laura Lee's BS, that YouTube simply takes them away right as their system notices they were bought.
No. 803000
>>802771I didn't even have to read past the first part to see she turned it into a fanfic. Sickening. I'm genuinely worried that this might influence others who are open to suggestions to romanticize that shit, too.
>>802888Looks like it, that number is too specific.
No. 803032
>>802879She was not ever raped by Danny. They dated, made out, fucked for attention and clout from other Myspace scene kids and even bragged about it to their friends- both of them. The ONLY people against DannyXKiki were HIS family, he ended up living with Kiki and sharing her bed because his fam kicked him out for refusing to break up with her, and that's when Scott started adding him to their photoshoots and Cathy started collecting their condoms.
Kiki never had a single issue with or complaint against Danny until
after HE broke up with HER so he could go back home to his family to get out of the Ostrenga house. Kiki went aggro bc her cloutboi dropped her, and that's when she and her parents lured him to the mall and called the cops on him, claiming he was there to sell drugs to and fuck a 13-14 year old bc they set him up. He panicked, ran, and was killed after trying to jump into a dumpster from the roof of a parking garage bc he was scared and being chased by police over an outright lie.
The rape lie was a backtrack to keep the Ostrengas from being legally buttfucked by the Cespedes family, hence their filing bankruptcy around that same time AND Kiki suddenly going from an alternative sex-posi badass to an uwu floral waif baby empath.
>>802771>>802772>>802773>>802774>>802775>>802776 This bullshit is nothing more than Kiki's mental gymnastics trying to rewrite history to escape the guilt of causing the death of her first real live-in boyfriend, over a lie, all because she got dumped and was embarrassed and hurt. Danny died because of her and her parent's fucked up revenge plot, and they only barely managed to escape responsibility for it by aggressively crying rape and deleting fucking everything.
Her entire life ground to a halt when Danny died, because everyone knows she and her family were responsible for his wrongful death all because she wanted all the attention for herself no matter what. What Kiki doesn't understand is, until she comes clean about all the fake rape accusations against Danny specifically, and until she comes clean about herself and her Myspace days, she will never escape the hell she lives in.
Everything goes back to Myspace, rape, and Danny. Despite all that being over a decade ago and her having plenty of opportunities since then, she's stuck spinning in the same dysfunctional circle again and again because she's still running from the truth, and her parents allow and enable it because it protects them as much as her, if not more, since they were the adults and homeowners and they were the minors. Scott and Cathy may be keeping Kiki in this fucked up "fake-empath rape
victim 2 bootiful 2 function IRL" state to avoid any of them having to face reality.
No. 803038
>>803032>Kiki never had a single issue with or complaint against Danny until after HE broke up with HER so he could go back home to his family to get out of the Ostrenga house.Adding to this, he wanted to go home bc the Ostrenga house was filthy, and there was a bedbug infestation bad enough that he and Kiki kept waking up covered in bites.
>>803034Basically yes, because Danny turned 18 while dating Kiki
and because Scott and Cathy allowed him to stay in their house, sleep in her bed, and knew they were having sex.
Danny wasn't responsible for Kiki being fucked up, Kiki and her parents and their fucked up famewhoring are responsible for his death and Kiki's trashy psycho reputation. Scott and Cathy should have kicked him out, not collected his condoms. If he HAD actually raped Kiki, they would have called the cops for him raping her instead of luring him to the mall and calling the cops on him based on a lie, which is a crime.
Scott and Cathy allowed an 18 year old to live in their hoise with their underaged daughters.
Scott and Cathy allowed him to share a room and bed with Kiki, and knew they were dating and having sex. They had no issue with this, statutory rape or otherwise. Kiki consented, and during this era she never showed any signs of trauma and was quite happy showing him off on and offline.
Danny broke up with her to go back to his family, Kiki went agro bc she was an emotional teen, but Scott and Cathy colluded with her to entrap him at the mall and called the cops on him based on the lie that he was trying to solicit sex and drugs from a minor.
That is a crime.Danny died running from the cops bc he had no reason to be chased by them, so fear is a natural reaction. He was a kid, he made a mistake and it killed him, but that would have never happened if S&C had been sane adults and told Kiki to get the fuck over it. Instead, they just
had to get back at him.
Then, suddenly Kiki was raped by Danny. Suddenly, his age mattered. Suddenly, Kiki's entire persona was just a "front" to protect her "vulnerability" and they filed for bankruptcy as the Cespedes family tried to take them to court over it all.
In other words, yeah, but ~statutory wape~ is not ever as big a deal as "I caused the death of my 18yr old ex bf by lying to police bc he dumped me". Really, can it be more obvious that being 18 and fucking with Kiki before she was 18 was all Danny actually did wrong? Not that he was a saint, but compared to the Ostrengas? Goddamn.
No. 803039
>>803038>Scott and Cathy should have kicked him out, not collected his condoms. If he HAD actually raped Kiki, they would have called the cops for him raping her instead of luring him to the mall and calling the cops on him based on a lie, which is a crime. This is how you know her rape fanfic is fake. It could only be about Danny given the timeframe, and the way she writes it is definitely not consensual, but when this allegedly happened she acted like the same old Kiki until they split and shit hit the fan. If he did rape her the way she wrote it, her parents would have absolutely kicked him out and called police on him for
that, not trick him into meeting up and calling the cops on him ambush-style.
No. 803045
>>802884Or the "emotional infection" is her knowing deep down that her victimhood is fake, hence the endless rapes she needs to justify acting like the world's most precious and vulnerable
Kiki is obsessed with rape bc her entire identity post-Danny is built on the lie that he raped her so she can halfass justify his death being caused by her family and pretend they aren't the trashiest and most selfish piles of shit ever, but her mental illness probably comes from knowing it's all just that- a lie. So she's forever trying to end up in that situation again so she can reenact it and finally become the blameless, innocent
victim she always claimed to be, and then nobody can ever say anything against her or else they're bullying a rape
victim who did nothing wrong. Kiki thinks being raped means you can't be a POS or that anything you do before or after being raped is excused, but that's not true at all.
No. 803055
>>803046Is this pearl-clutching all you have?
He wasn't "fucked", an 18yr old fucking a 16 year old isn't a jailable offense unless it's nonconsensual or the parents want to report it. Stop acting like Danny being 18 makes him the same as a violent predatory rapist who breaka into people's homes and grabs women in dark alleyways.
You really seem like you have a personal interest in placing all the blame for Danny's death on him when it was all really on Kiki and her family. Nobody forced him to move in with them, he never forced her to fuck him based on the way she bragged about his dick on MySpace. Danny was only guilty of being a horny dumbass teenager, Scott and Cathy were the predators who moved him in just so they could use his popularity to boost Kiki's.
That's why it wasn't rape until
after he dumped her. Pearl clutching over ~statutory rape~ is no kind of defense given the context and nobody will
ever give a shit about it because Kiki was using him for MySpace clout and she and her parents got him killed when he broke up with her in a jealous rage. Context matters, and in this case, 18 year old Danny fucking underaged Kiki was not his fault bc he has both her parents pushing the relationship as well as slutty Kiki throwing herself at him and bragging about him in bed online. What egotistical 18 year old is gonna pass up the chance to live with his GF in her parent's house where they are allowed to fuck and run wild while being praised? They used Danny until he wised up and left, then they made a plan to get him arrested that got him killed and then they were proud of it. How, in your mind, is that a smaller fish than "hurr Danny 18 Kiki not 18"?
That's why everyone stopped following her, the disgust over her saying "the last person to mess with my family ended up dead" after the Danny drama cemented her complete lack of humanity in everyone's minds, which is why she spent the last 15 years LARPing a hippie dippie empath indigo bby.
No. 803067
>>803063This, forever. She wasn't even ashamed until she realized she was cancelled and Dakota was going viral without her, then she was reborn as the 5th element indigo goddess and they went crazy DMCA'ing fucking
everything that ever made Kiki or Kota look bad. Lucky for Dakota, she was young enough and her parents were thorough enough scrubbing her past that she actually got something out of it (being in Japan, Bravo). Kiki wanted that same chance and kept trying to force it, but her sins were too great in her case.
No. 803068
>>803065The sad thing is, Kiki
is a
victim, just not of a rape by Danny. She's the
victim of her fucked up pervy parents trying to sell her as a prostitot since she hit puberty, so of course she values sex and fame over everything else. Her problem is, she had multiple chances to get a job and get away from her parents and chose not to. I believe her parents would rather Stockholm her into beleiving she's a blameless
victim of evil rapist Danny to cover their own asses. Kiki's testimony against her parents regarding the Danny Drama could put them away for quite a while considering the shit they did (filing a false police report, lying to police, extortion, impersonating a minor, blackmail of a vulnerable party). She was a stupid cunt about it all, but she
was also just a 16 year old shut in who was groomed by her parents to fuck her way to fame by any means necessary, and fuck whoever gets in the way.
No. 803071
>>803058I'm 3 months younger than Kiki & I was a wannabe sceenie back in my tweens, so I remember all this shit vaguely. It's beyond fuck up how much was erased and rewritten after all this time, no wonder people get so annoyed at Dakota and Kiki threads while foaming at the mouth over stale milk from blank cows like Mickey- the Ostrengas literally killed a teenager for breaking up with Kiki and Dakota sugared her way to Japan with obviously shooped selfies and got her ego hilariously checked by the Japanese since setting foot in Japan. The only reason these two aren't the top cows on the site is because in later years, they somewhat learned to not post as much online. Kiki and Dakota are selfish, self interested garbage people who don't feel remorse and their current mediocrity and premature aging were well earned.
They had huge following s in the beginning for just being kooky and fun and not giving a shit, but as their popularity grew they got more conceited, bitchy, self absorbed and focused on famewhoring and starfucking, and the lies and get-rich-quick schemes began.
Stickam Kiki & Kota before Danny was best. They used to get on cam while watching TV and just chill, and they played off eachother well and had a good sense of humor. Too bad they both ended up being deep as a puddle.
No. 803077
>>802887Her entire identity revolves around being a rape
victim because lying about rape ruined her life and prevented her from being able to make a living as an influencer now. Kiki really would be a fascinating case study for a psych student.
No. 803079
>>803048Because it higlighted how filthy they lived, like true white trash. The Monstrengas used to get massively
triggered by being called trashy rednecks, but they really are. All the pics and streams that showed their house and bedrooms showed clutter and trash all over the place constantly. The bedbug infestation was why Danny broke up with Kiki, he really did seem to care about her, but allegedly her parents refused to deal with the bedbugs and he wanted to go home, which he couldn't do unless he broke up with Kiki and shaved his head, so he did. The rest is unfortunately history.
If she had just cleaned her fucking bedroom, they might have stayed together and Kiki might not be the fucked up, dysfunctional shizoid she is now.
No. 803081
>>803053Even IF, and it's a big fat if, the Monstrengas had reported Danny for statutory rape, nothing would have come from it because of the context of the situation. They took him in and pushed their consensual relationship with Kiki, he never forced her. And, IF the cops did give a shit, which in this case they absolutely
wouldn't have due to the fact that it was consensual, it would have paled in comparison to everything Scott and Cathy did to get him to the mall to be arrested to begin with. Why do we keep glazing over the fact that two grown adults and someone he trusted committed multiple felonies to lure him to his death, just because he was 18? Fuck off, for real. It's obvious you don't give a shit about the law, you're just trying to shit on a dead teenager… And for what?
No. 803083
>>803079This is why you can't find pics of their house or bedrooms anymore, unless they're outside or up close. They lived like pigs in a sty, and rather than clean it up they deleted everything and started calling everybody jealous haterz.
>>803068Danny did nothing wrong, Killer Kaka is the ultimate predator, feigning helplessness and innocence until you get her into bed so she can use you as the rapist in her
victim fantasy.
No. 803089
>>803079Yeah, it kind of explains her early LA videos and how messy it was, even for a "recently moved in" place.
As far as we can see, it seems tidy and alright, but God knows what's up with the rest of the house.
No. 803093
>>803062He was never facing a rape charge, they never reported him for rape. They called the cops on him after luring him to the mall by pretending to be another MySpace scene girl who was 13-14 and promosed him sex and drugs if he met her at the mall. When he got there, Kiki and her parents popped out with the police to get him for solociting a minor for sex and drugs, NOT statutory rape of Kiki.
How, in your mind, does Danny being chased by the cops for a lie equal "he was facing a rape charge"? Nobody is ever "facing charges" before the charge is ever filed, dumbass, and they never reported Danny for statutory rape.
And again, the statutory rape is not in any way the biggest legal issue with the circumstances of his death. You also seem to think FL courts give a shit about statutory rape cases among teens, which they really fucking don't. Hence why they had to set Danny up instead of just… Reporting him for statutory rape. The only people insisting he would have faced jail (have you SEEN how crowded FL prisons are?) need to believe it or have some very sheltered ideas about legal technicalities regarding context and intent.
Only in Kiki's fantasy land where he shares blame for the actions of her and her family can that reach ever be justified.
No. 803100
>>803096Are you dense? It was Cathy and Scott, not an actual meetup with a kid.
The Monstrengastanning begins via aggressively shitting on Danny for becoming Kiki's
victim after 13 years of her lying about being his
Say what you want at this point, but the truth is Kiki and her parents killed a dumb teenager for revenge with a felony, and only got away with it by lying and erasing everything. Nothing you say now is gonna change the narrative. You can call Danny a druggie pedo scrote all day, but Kiki is still the rancid twat who refuses to move on past him and refuses to grow up and admit her & her family's responsibility in his death. She buried it all pretty well, but still never was able to male a Kiki Kannibal comeback bc the crowd that would appreciate that already cancelled her for the Danny Drama.
No amount of trying to shittalk a dead teen and throwing insults is gonna change the fact that Danny was a
victim of Kiki and her parents, and he didn't deserve to die just because he was 2 years older than her.
No. 803117
>I believe her parents would rather Stockholm her into beleiving she's a blameless victim of evil rapist Danny to cover their own asses. Kiki's testimony against her parents regarding the Danny Drama could put them away for quite a while considering the shit they didThis is a very interesting take, might explain why they're so eager to support her into her 30's.
I wonder if Kiki realizes the key to her comeback as an influencer is a massive MySpace drama tell-all. Part of me still somehow thinks she might have a chance at redemption if she can get away from her parents and stay away, she could even make some good money and followers with an Ostrenga exposé. She'll never be seen as blameless in everything, but she was a dumb kid too and her parent's actions and self preservation are what ruined her life, not the internet haters. The internet loved Kiki and Koti before Danny came along, and their fame hungry parents groomed them into performing for the internet since puberty. If Kiki really does want to be a loving empath type, she can start by coming clean and takinf responsibility for acting so shitty.
Too bad this is Kiki we're talking about!
No. 803118
>>803116He died because two white trash rednecks got offended that he dumped their white trash daughter and they lied to the police to have him chased off a roof to his death. Keep digging though, only 3 people in this world could possibly see Danny as anything other than a POC
victim of privileged, entitled white trash rage.
No. 803123
>>803118he was an adult man in a relationship with a 13 year old girl. He was a stauatory rapist, he literally only died because he went to meet what he thought was another 13 year old girl for sex, he deserved what he got. The ostrengas are shit, but let's not pretend a fucking rapist is some innocent little
No. 803133
>>803131Well, yes she kind of did. She had her viral fame, her jewelry store, the Stickam streams. She had everything she wanted until she just
had to get revenge on Danny and boast about it like a sociopath.
She's eternally buttmad because the same guy who helped make her efamous also indirectly caused her to cancel herself, and she'll never be able to slander him enough after all this time to get it all back and make a cushy living as an influencer.
No. 803137
>>803131yeah I remember Kiki was the "eew how can people do that to themselves" while Hanna Beth and Zoe Kimball were the "omg I wanna be them" characters, or even brokelle bones.
>>803133There's that. Up to this day there are a handful of poor motherfuckers still have Kiki Kannibal necklaces. So, she made money back then, but now she's butthurt because making money is as easy as posting a story on Instagram.
>>803126Oh, shit. That's true. She takes so much advantage of being able to tell only her side of the story (because Danny's DEAD), I kinda forgot he was only 3 years older, not frigging a 18 year old dating a 13 year old.
No. 803145
>>803137>I kinda forgot he was only 3 years older, not frigging a 18 year old dating a 13 year old.The Sperg is ITT trying like her life actually depends on it to make it seem that way by fudging facts.
kiki was born 09/1991 and Danny was born 05/1988, so really they were only 2 years and 4 months apart- less pf an age gap between her and Dakota, who was right there during all this as an 11-12 year old.
No. 803155
>>803097Anon made more legitimate points than you did and you call them retarded? Wtf even
>>803145Exactly. Danny himself was a teenager. Kiki is truly a monster, and her entire life revolves around hatred and jealousy because she missed the boat and all the trashy and immature things she did never brought her anything. She deserves how empty-handed she is. She has never worked an honest day in her life and believes her own delusions of grandeur to the point that instead of getting a real job (she’s too above that) and moving on with her life she’s been sitting in her room for the last decade thinking she’s going to become a celebrity for doing nothing.
No. 803179
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>>803173>>803170Yeah, Kiki is disgusting. And Danny still groomed other underage girls. His actions caught up with him.
No. 803223
>>803179Did you really have to post that here?
>>803198This. If Danny was really that bad, it makes no sense why S&C would ler him in their house with their underaged daughters. Except it was all consensual and Kiki loved the attention she got from being with him.
Interesting note, every article thst mentions Danny is a copy/paste of the last, they call him Mr MySpace and claim Danny was chased off the roof by cops for forcing himself on Kiki like she claimed in her rape fanfic. Those articles are from 2011-2012, around the time Dakota went viral, so that's ehen they changed the story to protet Kiki and her parents from being discovered when her sister went viral, because there's no other reason for a half dozen nearly identical articles from a handful of local community papers to outright lie 4 years after he died. Kiki and family used to be so proud of the fact that they lured Danny to his death by pretending to be someone else.
No. 803227
>>803179Why did you feel like posting this? What are you trying to prove? No one here is a sicko who enjoys this kind of shit.
>>803223Kiki keeps saying they didnt know, that he tricked her parents etc, but we NEVER heard a word of other girls who "reached out to her" because they were
victims too. Kiki's story is full of holes
No. 803232
>>803179>posts pic of Danny in his casket>"he was a predator who groomed other girls, he got what he deserved"Who
ever could
this be, I wonder.
No. 803241
>>803223To this day if you search "Danny Cespedes Mr MySpace", the pics of him with Kiki and Kota by the pool are some of the most common results. They could EASILY take those down, but they won't because Kiki will take any scrap of attention she can get, even from her "monster, predator rapist".
>>651964Is this another reference to the Danny "rape"? Because she was 14, not 13.
No. 803351
>>803053That's actually exactly wrong.
>In Florida, the age of consent is 18 years old, sexual intercourse with someone who is under 18 is considered statutory rape. There is a close-in-age exemption (Romeo & Juliet Law) allowing minors who are 16 or 17 to have sex with someone no older than 23 years old.Scott and Cathy would have been in more trouble for setting him up than him being arrested for being set up or fucking Kiki. No. 803377
>>803100Ok, but it sounds like he still showed up to the mall to meet a 13 year old, so who cares? He's been dead forever and it sounds like he was equally trashy as Kiki and her family. Idk why people are getting so
triggered over this, he sounds as bad as every other lolcow on this site. Sounds like nothing was lost.
No. 803380
>>803377I still would prefer to have him properly face due process for statutory rape accusations made by the Ostrengas instead of having his corpse dragged into rape fanfiction for more than a decade later without a chance of rebuttal.
I mean, maybe I'm insane for thinking that it's better than posting pictures of a dead man and hating on him on an anonymous forum, who knows.
No. 803381
>>803380…Are you willfully being this dense and ignorant?
>Florida’s Romeo and Juliet law applies to individuals ages 13 through 17 years old who engage in consensual sexual activity with an adult who is no more than four years older. was not a statutory rapist. Kiki and her parents were and remain soulless, petty killers who ended his life over nothing. Quit thinking you can still cast blame and doubt just by saying "yah Kiki, BUT STACHUTORY RAEP!!". Florida did not recognize it as such, being the pedotrap that it is.
No. 803383
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Ok apparently she posted two videos playing guitar but the audio is off? Like, I can't hear anything
No. 803392
>>803388Saying “no once cares” every time someone is right doesn’t invalidate what they’re saying. I guarantee you the rest of us do. You also said who cares here
>>803377Stop trying to shut people up just because they disagree with you, we’re all engaging in civil conversation and we’re not going to quit because you think pretending to be dismissive and aloof when you don’t have the upper hand will make people stop posting
on a board meant for posting.
No. 803426
File: 1604491684523.png (629.48 KB, 720x1380, Screenshot_20201104-070125~2.p…)

>>803418So you can't use Google? This takes almost no effort, you realize?
Google "Florida Romeo and Juliet Law, look at the secind result, a 5 page PDF all about the law and when it was signed into effect- July 2006, the year before they ever met.
So no, he wasn't even
technically a statutory rapist. Kiki is just a petty little murdering cunt whose karma is gonna be "raping" her for the rest of her miserable life for killing her boyfriend over nothing.
No. 803427
>>803418>So please just shut the fuck up alreadyWhy? Are you personally offended by the idea that Danny is a
victim and Kiki is a heartless, soulless petty killer and the truth is finally being uncovered? Does the discussiom of the thread moving that way personally offend you? I know kaka and her sister want their threads to die unless anons envy them, but there's nothing to envy about those haggard shitstacks. They spent their lives making a spectacle for the internet, they don't just get to delete everything, censor everyone and cherry pick people's opinions of them becsuse they couldn't comprehend their actions ever having consequences. They made their big infested beds, now they must lie in them. All we are doing is pointing and laughing.
No. 803429
>>803426Can you even read or are you just a spergy troll?
It's only about the registering as a sex offender, not about being convicted. Fucking hell.
No. 803430
>Danny is a victimIf he is this innocent angel it just makes it that much more retarded that he tried to fly away from the police. Darwin award tier retarded.
Are you some kind of relative of Danny? There's no 'moving of the discussion' it's just you spamming the thread with your white knighting for a dead MAP nonce. Kiki is a cunt and doesn't give a shit that she got him killed. Give up.
No. 803437
>>803429Ok, then try this:
>(2) If the victim is at least 14 but less than 16 years of age and the person convicted of child molestation is 18 years of age or younger and is no more than four years older than the
victim, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall not be subject to the sentencing and punishment provisions of Code Section 17-10-6.2.
He wouldn't have been nearly as "fucked" as Kiki needs to believe. The technicality of Danny "raping" Kiki by being a certain age will never outweigh the circumstances of their relationship being beyond fucked. Nobody who has all the info is gonna see him as the only one at fault, because to everyone but the Ostrengas it's apples and oranges, but to them it's "not us, HIM!!!". They need to believe it's black and white like that because that's the only life raft they have to cling to and avoid the true depths of their shittiness. Remember Kiki bragging about being invited onto Dr. Phil over all the online drama, but then realizing they would have been absolutely picked apart instead of applauded as poor
victims of an online meenie. actually does have an age gap provision, btw, it's just not as black and white as it used to be pre-2007 when it was just "hurr no more than 4 year gap allowed", now they actually take things like
context into account. If you'll notice too, there's also a provision in there regarding consent when living with the other party or in their household.
No. 803483
>>803445Prime yourself for the Tacomas rape fanfic then if she's going with holiday-themed storytelling.
>>803480I get that she is attention-seeking, but that account of her past "rape" really just sounds off. Like she's getting off to it and romanticizing it for others to get off too.
No. 803505
In all honesty, people express their genuine trauma in ways that don't appear the slightest bit logical.
If you have some kind of background in psychology and kind of 'armchair analyze' any of her recent videos, her speech patterns and facial expressions reveal that she's really struggling, and genuinely attracting the same kind of trauma repeatedly due to being fixated on it fearfully.
She even mentions the kind of women that lie about it for attention/not wanting to identify as a victim, and there was a steadfast honesty in the way she described these things.
Shortly before I started lurking here, I was considering being slightly more open about my own story of domestic abuse, as mainly keep it under lock and key for fear of multiple things, one of which being the scrutiny caused by the type of women Kiki mentioned, who are diabolical and entirely willing to defame an innocent person for sick validation.
Whether rape or other violence, many legitimate survivors (word 'victim' makes me want to punch a hole in a wall),
have stories so outlandish, coincidental and complicated that even they themself would have been suspicious believing it, prior to experiencing it.
Honestly, she's one of the few people brave enough to be forthcoming about it and vulnerable, and clearly wants to help other people going through similar situations.
Be easy on her, she clearly has a big heart and is trying.
Also have a self proclaimed 'cluster B' radar, and she is not one, nearly certain. Narcissist is a heavy term and should not be thrown around, especially when mental health comes into play.
Glad to have lurked here albeit painful, because it made me understand the dehumanization, heartlessness and cruelty might've experienced, if i were to be open about my story.(armchairing autism)
No. 803523
>>803491Does Taco even speak English or keep an eye on English speaking social media? Would seem like an easy
victim if he doesn't. Also, has she ever claimed Taco did anything to her? was so long ago I can't fully remember.
No. 803526
>>803505Can't wait to hear how rape fanfics on Instagram can help survivors of abuse! And also, how common it is to romanticize abuse. Also, direct yourself to the thread on why she's a cow, you'll see it's not the first time people are saying she's narcissistic.
>>803523She did say it ended "horribly", so who knows, if he doesn't keep up with her social media she might as well say he was
abusive, write a fanfic about being abused in Tokyo.
Didn't she say make up some story about a "Karen" in a meme, saying her and her bf extorted nudes from her back in the scene days? We know nothing's stopping her.
No. 803619
>>803617>>803604hoping you're right, I miss sperg chan
incidentally I was perusing the old threads and comparing walmart candids to her most recent video and it's like a completely different person. I know filters a good but goddamn.
her talking about rape constantly is what does it for me, she's gonna try and ride that train to the moon even though she's technically involved in manslaughter.
some people have actually been raped kiki and your waxing lyrical about it helps nobody but you
No. 803627
>>803604>>803490Could be a garden-variety misogynist or someone who just really, really hates keeks to the point where they're willing to defend a predator. Whoever it is probably needs to take a break from the internet and think about what they're saying tho.
It's hard to imagine that Keeks just stopped posting here after the reveal, but her posting style was super distinct so if she is then she's likely figured out how to blend in/got on some better meds.
No. 803635
>>803604Yup, the three parties:
> The Danny vindicator> The sadistic anti-Danny posting Danny's pic in a coffin> The random, enlightened anon that comes here to shine a light on how ~horrible we are and that Kiki is just trying to helpAt this point Kiki could be writing screenplays about lolcow, being raped and bullied.
No. 803643
>>803627>really hates keeks to the point where they're willing to defend a predator.I’m confused, people are saying the anon who posted that photo
is Kiki, it appears you have it backwards.
No. 803654
>>803526>She did say it ended "horribly"So we might actually get another KeekmasxTaco sperge + storytelling rape fanfic. I sometimes wonder if Kota has thrown in the towel when it comes to helping her sister. I wish admins had Kota's IP back then.
>>803643>>803645In all honesty, I just took it as anons who highly dislike the Monstrenga's. Why not make the already shitty family look worse by claiming they killed an innocent man. Kiki could be clinging to this story/event either because she does feel guilt or because she's a narc feeling like a hero/
victim. Non the less I don't buy the rape story.
No. 803940
File: 1604783884616.png (991.88 KB, 1118x2048, Screenshot_20201107-161107.png)

If we were playing the Dakota's Sister drinking game this one would take us all out
>Muh food sensitivities
>I'm totally still in LA guiz
>Foreign men love me
>Networking with moviefags
>Light and healing
>Dakota has bangs so I need bangs
No. 803942
File: 1604784300681.gif (4.03 MB, 480x342, 4C7D8463-A56A-4784-841E-19B84F…)

>>803940Kiki sweetie, go get a job at a farm or something, pick up a shovel, anything. Pick yourself up and stop living in the eyes of others. Damn.
No. 803959
File: 1604796948877.jpg (32.76 KB, 349x466, 4a4989833b6e193d0dfb4a6552458e…)

>>803946idk she has a lot in common with daisy
No. 803980
File: 1604802985160.png (726.71 KB, 796x798, Screenshot_20201107-233201.png)

>>803959LOL true, but you know she thinks she's the main character
No. 804033
>>803980I’m playing the villain baby, just like you wanted
No. 804051
File: 1604843641658.png (42.55 KB, 275x112, 1486857187092.png)

>>804033Lol 2007 Kiki thinking she looked like Angie has gone full Sara mode
No. 804076
>>804055Imagine being the poor hairdresser and unhinged Kaka comes in, rolling on matcha, with a picture of Angelina in girl interrupted lol
No. 804082
File: 1604860095360.png (558.63 KB, 796x1311, Screenshot_20201108-152618.png)

The irony of Cathy sending her memes about being sheltered from reality…
No. 804101
File: 1604870614504.png (610.92 KB, 796x1132, Screenshot_20201108-181800~2.p…)

I love the irony in the caption.
Yes honey, you did create a lot of stories about yourself but you're not letting them go
No. 804122
File: 1604881206352.jpeg (45.55 KB, 391x785, images (1).jpeg)

>>804120Truly the Angelina of Florida
No. 804157
>>804122I still can't believe this is an outfit she wore to an event to promote a film. It was a shitty Z-list film but that's not the point. Could she be more desperate for attention?
>>804101Slowly inching closer and closer to Baby Jane status.
No. 804162
>>804156Nothing can convince me it
wasn’t Kiki who said that Danny lost the fight with gravity and Darwinism
No. 804173
>>804162I lean more towards Cathy. That's a very Cathy thing to say.
>>804150cringier: she changed her bios to "alright alright alllright"
>>804157I'm not against wanting attention or her outfit, but trust Kiki to make a see-through lace top look frumpy.
We've seen her candid pictures in Japan, Walmart and in this event, and she manages to look crusty and tired no matter what, in all of those candids.
No. 804174
>>804157it honestly looks like a $2 thing she found on wish
>>804173"alright alright alllright" ooof
No. 804221
>>804181Her face and nose isn't great outside of the highly specific angles she aims for.
I can't believe it's been years since the nose was exposed in that puppet porn thing. This thread was great times.
>>440083>>434913 No. 804317
>>804239You don’t have to accuse every farmer of being a man for assuming she has saggy tits when she looks like she has saggy tits, Jesus
>>804194She should have done something about those eyebrows as well. She does not have the face for natural makeup.
No. 804326
>>804317Natural makeup would look okay it her hair was a bit more wild. Her problem is that her theme is all over the place. Even her ridulous ice skating white uwu anime girl outfits would be fine if she did the makeup to match. Over the top outfits with lump hair and minimal makeup looks weird. It's like when you see a cosplayer with the entire outfit but they still have glasses on or no makeup.
She needs to decide between a natural boho look with something done to that hair, or angel e-girl whatever the fuck she's going for with more makeup. The in between shit makes her look unhinged.
No. 804344
File: 1605026653240.png (827.54 KB, 796x1309, Screenshot_20201110-134214.png)

it's bait at this point and I don't even care
Sperg chan, Dakota wants nothing to do with you.
No. 804345
>>804344Kota barely ever mentions her but she's always mentioning Kota in recent years.
I bet Kota still doesn't truly like her as a sister but they are literally their only friends so they have no choice. Like no normal person ever reposts or needs to get memes from their mom.
No. 804350
File: 1605030969253.png (438.84 KB, 796x1339, Screenshot_20201110-145458.png)

Ok she's basically posting about polyamory, as if her narcissist ass could live with not being the center of attention
No. 804354
>>804345Kota has friends in Japan, which explains why she doesn't bother with her sister much anymore. She got a taste of normal and is going to cling hard to it and her sis ain't it.
>>804350Kiki always gives me the vibes she's going to be a crazy cat lady. On welfare and stinking of cat piss and knock off Chanel perfume. If she truly is on her own, when will she ever learn to clean?
No. 804375
File: 1605041955632.jpg (167.81 KB, 960x960, dokb9oeyefb41.jpg)

was looking for old kiki pics to compare heavy makeup vs natural and found this, kek
No. 804376
File: 1605042131385.png (1.35 MB, 993x629, Untitled.png)

anyway, yeah. heavy makeup definitely suits her more
No. 804377
File: 1605042910370.png (476.95 KB, 796x606, Screenshot_20201110-171123.png)

>>804373Ok now she turned around and said she took a celibacy vow (she probably meant she'll stay single for a while)
No. 804448
>>804428Yeah, I remember people called her out on not using 100% cruelty free makeup, and in return she went paranoid and started refusing to disclose the beauty products she used because "the haters would try it themselves and it'd not work, but it's because they're so full of hate". Basically.
2012 Kaka was a wild ride. I miss that.
No. 804499
>>804488It’s funny that she drops how she dates ‘actors’ and ‘script writers’ because she’s probably an LA 3 at best, maybe 3.5. No higher than a 4. I don’t live by the /10 thing but they sure do, and she is
not pretty there. She’s the kind of girl they pass around for a quick fuck. There are too many girls that are better looking for men in the entertainment industry to ever settle for her.
No. 804529
>>804499I find it odd she's going out with people in the industry without working as an actress. She did a Z-list horror movie and students films. Her last movie gig was as a photographer and it was a WHILE ago. She posted a couple of tweets a year ago about assistants being underrated in LA, that she had to turn down a $15/hour job, so go figure.
Those guys appear out of nowhere… The
abusive actor from a Netflix movie, the Brit (>>803940 love how she doesn't even take note on which country he's from lel it isn't that special for her yellow fever), the scriptwriter (>>803940), guy who recently raped her, dude with a STD she was totally down to get infected with because of him, etc.
Is she finding those people on hook-up apps, swiping right on anyone who works in Hollywood?
No. 804582
File: 1605183912643.png (530.7 KB, 796x1286, Screenshot_20201112-092316.png)

She sounds like a weird televangelist in this
No. 804602
>>804597Anon I am literally in the industry and no, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The vast majority of people who live in LA are just regular people. The actual working film industry is very small, insular, and cliquey. She wouldn't just show up and start getting dates with famooose writers or whatever day one.
However LA is also full of fake hacks like kiki who move here to try to get into the industry and never make it. So it's also possible she's meeting up with transplants who are just as delusional as her and say they're writers or actors when they really work at starbucks. There's a loooot of that here.
(blog, derail) No. 804613
>>804611Agreed. She probably thinks the people she met making student films are all in the ~industry. It's not like these guys are all working in blockbuster movies.
>>804591Yeah this video has insane cult vibes. She's in the Matthew McDonald's/Scientology era
No. 804634
>>804615I'm not lying?? The fuck lmao
>>804629Yeah that's is more or less what I think is happening. 'Screenwriter' doesn't necessarily mean this guy is actually selling scripts.
No. 804726
>>804669she goes around circles trying to be deep but all she's saying in the video is:
- society says if we do everything right we'll get the things we want but this is not true
- what if we want things other than what we were told to go for? (Probably talk about wealth, fame etc)
Sounds like she's projecting what her hunger games parents wished from her in her teens
No. 805665
File: 1605965247285.png (772.88 KB, 796x1270, Screenshot_20201121-102641.png)

our girl is horny on main
No. 805666
File: 1605965321802.png (553.25 KB, 796x1200, Screenshot_20201121-102654.png)

she's posting a bunch of those
No. 805680
>>804734You’re posting here.
You and all your friends as wastes of space, 30x more irredeemable than the people you make fun of
You aren’t fooling anyone
>>805666her stories are increasingly bizarre and deranged. I feel she's on the cusp of a psychotic break, or maybe she is becoming schizophrenic. It's uncomfortable to see her unsettling posts and stories.
She says she is temporarily celibate but she's completely obsessed with sex. She is obsessed with rape, showed her bare butt in an IG video about dancing to heal from rape, and wrote rape fanfic. Now she's posting comics about self-gratification.
Kiki please get therapy.
No. 805774
>>805680You’re posting here too bitch, except your old dried up ass got put out to pasture, now your online comment can relate so much more to the real life you!
Back to the topic: Kiki clearly needs her phone taken away from her
No. 805973
>>805685that's the reason why I believe her. Sexual abuse
victims often want to get back control of their bodies while sleeping around/doing porn/nudes etcetera. The message is: it's their body, so they can do whatever they want with it. Later in life they will notice what went wrong with their lives, eventually. Some people stop behaving like that and get help and others go literally crazy.
No. 806212
>>805973But Kiki wasn't a traumatized rape
victim until she turned 25 and didn't have a career handed to her- and was conveniently raped again in her sleep by a live-in BF, just like in her Danny rape fanfic!
Kiki is just a crazy, friendless slut trying to fuck her way into everything her trashy attitude and entitlement cost, but with an excuse to not be seen as a crazy golddigging whore ("muh trauma!! Reclaim mah bodeh!! Fuck therapy, I need to a-log my femceldom on social media for people who only follow me to laugh at all my many wasted opportunities!") while she tries to fuck her way into a new life like Taylor and Dakota did. Say what you want, but both of them used their youth and sex appeal at just the right time on just the right market, but Kiki is just being a cringey NEET internet troll with no friends.
No. 806213
>>806031Wouldn't she have been 15-16 at the time she claimed Danny raped her? Remember, they were closer to 2/3 years apart in age, not 5 like she claimed. If he was 19 then, she couldn't have been 14, so at the
very least she's lying to make herself seem younger for the fake rape to seem worse.
No. 806291
(Bloggish, sorry)
Kiki's behaviour reminds me of how I used to react to heartbreak/whatever emotional when I was in the depths of alcoholism. Posting a lot of memes, weird vague shit on IG story not giving a fuck.
None of this really means shit since as far as we know, she doesn't drink? although she mentioned being hungover here
>>803940. She used to go on and on about being straightedge and shaming others for drinking/smoking/drugs. That is literally the first time I've noticed her mention consuming anything "mind-altering".
Maybe she's finally embracing her mentally ill side, fully. All the oversharing about promiscuity, "Girl Interrupted" bangs, semi-disordered eating habits (Kiki's insisted for a literal decade she doesn't have an ED), I'm sure there's a lot more my idiot brain missed, but hopefully you get what I mean? She's always had this better than others, pure vegan goddess persona so whatever she's doing now is a total 180. I don't know, she's messed up anyway.
No. 807106
File: 1606886952637.png (161.6 KB, 569x638, keekz.png)

she's still trying to flog her ugly clothes on ebay lmao
No. 807807
File: 1607213103664.png (422.61 KB, 796x1357, Screenshot_20201205-205928.png)

In today's news: white girl is too different and diverse
No. 807808
File: 1607213156415.png (365.81 KB, 796x1095, Screenshot_20201205-210005.png)

>>807807Blah blah blah I peaked at 13
No. 807809
File: 1607213211986.png (214.76 KB, 796x836, Screenshot_20201205-205822.png)

Part 2 - I'm kinda relieved this isn't a rape fanfic
No. 807811
File: 1607213333428.png (314.14 KB, 796x1314, Screenshot_20201205-205901~2.p…)

>>807810> How we treat others is truly a reflection of ourselvesOk spergchan
No. 807865
>>807807>>807808>>807809She writes as if anyone in the general public outside of small online communities remembers Kiki Kannibal, much less Kirsten Ostrenga.
>>807811>How we treat each other is truly a reflection of ourselves.We know that, Kirsten. We saw your posts years ago.
No. 807955
File: 1607292871364.png (1.5 MB, 998x986, getatherapistkiki.png)

>>807807>>807808>>807809>>807810>>807811I know she'll relish the comparison, but her deluded ~love and light~ social media scrawlings paired with vapid, thousand-yard-stare selfies are so reminiscent of the bullshit other early 2000's washed-up tarts post. If you look at Lindsay Lohan's, Britney Spears's or Amanda Bynes's posts, they're all spouting the same "reiki love shaolin energy light healing vibes finding myself the universeeeee" word salad while, much like Kiki, their careers continue to flop and flounder. There's something about being popular during the aughts that gave these women permanent brain damage. At least the others had actual fame and wealth to show for it.
No. 808188
File: 1607427161681.png (800.58 KB, 796x1317, Screenshot_20201208-081854.png)

She posted this with a bunch of screenshots from Hell raiser and other edgy selfies in a red light.
The martyr complex is real.
No. 808189
File: 1607427228252.png (783.98 KB, 796x1125, Screenshot_20201208-082951.png)

The edgiest 30 year old
No. 808354
>>807807To be this narcissistic and clueless
>>808188What the fuck is wrong with her. Oh my god. She is legit entering schizophrenic territory with this bullshit.
No. 808613
>>808188>french screenshotanon…you've been at this for years. you come on lolcow everyday, and follow kiki on instagram and twitter diligently, even when she goes radio silent for months, the second she posts something, you're there. i have long periods of absense being busy with life and come here every 2-6 months, and every single time, your last screenshot was a few hours or a day or two ago. i know i'll get massive shit for this and probably banned for "wking", but it's just ironic seeing you insult the object of your obsession when you must be one of the saddest creepo stalkers on here. i love seeing what kiki's up to, but if were up to me to keep lolcow updated by posting the latest thing she did, these threads would have died out years ago, bc i just don't give this much of a shit. go ahead and hi-kiki me now, i know you must have a cope to deal with this weirdo shit.
No. 808728
>>808726We have been getting weird posts from a dramatic anon accusing people of "being at it for years" this time
It's like he/she is trying to "I know who you are" @ other anons?
If that's Kiki she probably has a few people she knows of in mind and is accusing lolcowers of being such people.
ie she probably came across a frenchie once
>>808613 No. 808730
>>808613ok so kiki posted a whole text wall of milk with needles in her face looking deranged, and you notice a single french word in the screenshot?
You act like you only visit here once a millennia, and yet you waste brain space documenting the languages of insta screenshots posted here.
You know who else likes to keep tabs on her "stalkers" and would notice something as boring as that? lol
No. 808881
>>808613>i have long periods of absense being busy with life Maybe stop shoving unsterilized needles in your face, kaka.
>>808823>It's getting boring>efagzThread is giving more milk than ever, her recent activity aligns with the things she has always posted and done, and oddly you're trying to deflect.
No. 809016
File: 1607801418569.jpg (66.84 KB, 1080x372, IMG_20201212_143006.jpg)

We already know sperg-chan has it out for the french
No. 809058
File: 1607816379737.jpeg (625.66 KB, 1242x1530, 9FF7A02F-AB15-4658-9D3C-DE5EB6…)

Girl… there’s like fourteen videos of her spazzing out to music, fucking around with her golden cat statue and just being a fucking autist. She’s drunk for sure. Oh how our queen has fallen.
No. 809161
File: 1607870154614.png (393.42 KB, 796x1299, Screenshot_20201213-113115.png)

Bonjour lolcow!!
> Back in my daaayyys
No. 809162
File: 1607870262976.png (262.1 KB, 796x863, Screenshot_20201213-113146.png)

>>809161also, lol at her saying she was seen as a coquettish Lolita? And went viral? Genuine question: did it actually happen?
Also, Kiki's dancing skills changed nothing from this video.
>>809058 is right, she was sperging so hard.
No. 809165
File: 1607872145921.jpeg (165.63 KB, 495x464, 5CAB6A4E-92FF-45B5-8DF0-B3D285…)

>>809058I don’t know what I was expecting, but fuck these are painfully autistic.
No. 809168
File: 1607872438769.jpeg (189.26 KB, 550x460, FC4C3416-3BA2-42FD-8ECE-EE0FF2…)

>>809167These are funny with the context that she’s 30, has literally no friends, didn’t leave the house long before the pandemic, and spends all of her time condemning gossip forums while definitely “secretly” being a major contributor to them.
No. 809171
File: 1607872839920.jpeg (670.76 KB, 828x1281, CEB7C74C-F5F2-4858-96AC-7090AE…)

Since this one wasn’t posted, here’s a shining example of her word salad and how, try as she might, she will never be able to blend in with everyone else. Not because she’s special or an ~alien~ as she so flatteringly called herself, but because she’s an autistic psycho.
>>808188Nobody told her this. Not a single person ha spoken to her like this. She’s having a psychotic break lmao.
No. 809173
File: 1607873059711.jpeg (532.77 KB, 828x1025, E2064376-39FA-47DB-8B7F-AC53EA…)

>>809172I just realized that when I opened her next pic. Still cringe. Also taking caps because I know she hates it and for when she inevitably archives all of that and we are left with the distant memory.
No. 809185
>>809183that'd explain her psychotic self
>>809179The videos themselves with her dance… I get posting something like this
>>809161 as a teen, but 30? Girl.
No. 809190
File: 1607883262423.jpeg (505.43 KB, 828x1390, 0C50B766-D564-4BC2-B620-C221A3…)

Posterity caps. Alien I 1/2
No. 809191
File: 1607883360151.jpeg (428.88 KB, 828x1272, FCCDCF49-447C-41C1-88E8-F04C55…)

Alien I 2/2
No. 809193
File: 1607883525131.jpeg (733.73 KB, 828x1450, DA610781-B013-430F-991D-BE6F86…)

Alien II 1/2
No. 809194
File: 1607883642758.jpeg (627.66 KB, 828x1402, 9EF92380-678A-4368-BB56-D5659D…)

Alien II 2/2
No. 809196
File: 1607883704666.jpeg (587.71 KB, 828x1265, D4E6E3D6-EE4A-4A5B-8B26-B54A7C…)

Alien III 1/2
No. 809197
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Alien III 2/2
No. 809198
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No. 809212
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>>809202the large population of Hispanics in FL watching Kiki call herself an ~alien~:
No. 809244
>>809162Kiki's imaginary version of the past is alwaysa lot more interesting than reality, bc the reality is that they spent all their time at home, online, or cloutwhoring. They moved from Chicago to Florida, but not around "a handful of times" like she claims, and she was pulled from school for being a sperg and failing to adjust and fit in with her age group, not for bullying. Nobody ever called her a "coquettish lolita" outside her own family bc those pedo-adjacent whores are the only people trashy and clueless enough to
still think haters use florid phrases like that, that they might consider
compliments, to insult themselves. No wonder she's on disability and has to live with her parents, and no wonder she can't find a man to keep her.
No. 809277
>>809248Yep. It's one of their original, lasting trademarks: they are their own biggest haters, but also total narcs, so every time they fake harassment and bullying there's always a compliment snuck in there.
Literally who would ever think to call someone they hated and thought was a slut "regal"?
No. 809378
>>809375And if pedos were saying it, it was because she and her parents were
actively inviting it,
actively pandering to them.
But no one was saying it.
No. 809448
>>809375She calls herself a coquettish lolita. Not a single person has ever thought about her that way.
>>809387No. You aren’t missing anything either, she posts nothing but corny memes.
>>809411Does anyone still have the video where they were acting soooooo sooper sad and stressed about the vandalism and then they show it and it’s obvious they did it themselves?
No. 809514
>>809489No kidding, their parents were pedo as fuck- Kiki was going to go on Dr. Phil to shill her rape
victim story until anons rejoiced at the thought of them publicly trying to defend taking risqué pics of their 11-13 year old daughters and letting them play around on stickam in their actual underwear. Suddenly, Dr. Phil was never mentioned again and they stopped trying to get Kiki on TV.
No. 809518
>>809161Kiki showing she not only invented hair stripes but also tiktok. She walked so charli d'amelio could run kek.
The 2005-2008 scene era was pedobait af now I think back to it, like it was just normalised for everyone on myspace to be taking selfies in their underwear?
>>809514Wasn’t her parents also allowing pedobear incarnate Mr Myspace stay at their home? What parents let their young teenage daughter who is home schooled bring round a grown man. Thank god he died.
No. 809544
>>809500it's ok anon
what was it about?
>>809518Yes it was normal for teen girls taking pics in their underwear bc teenagers
Kiki's case was special because of Scott taking the pictures for their teen daughters and both parents celebrating them doing it.
No. 809611
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Seeing her video on being sexual assaulted often and then remembering these pics it gives me a big yikes! Did anything ever happen with BOTDF or was she too old/well known for the child catcher?
No. 809630
>>809611Honestly, I thonk the Dahvie shit is what has her so obsessed with being a tween rape
victim. He never touched her, but he did touch several other younger girls than Kiki, who weren't as popular as her and maybe that hurt her ego, since we all know Kiki believes rape is about being so beautiful and attractive that a man loses control over himself. Funny how she will lie and drag Danny's name through the mud by fudging birthdates and erasing details, but she never claimed Dahvie messed with her.
Funny too, how in her scene fame peak she was sorta in with a few big scene bands but nothing ever came from that, either. Kiki was everywhere and seemed to rub elbows with everyone, but she always ran back to her bedroom to dance in her underwear for stickam pedos before anything ever happened.
No. 809633
>>809620Its because she was young, that’s literally it. She had features that were harsh and she concealed them with heavy makeup and distracting hair. The youth is what helped make her look glowy and pretty compared to now. She was never going to be an attractive person, without all the cake and extensions she’s just a washed-out pallid hook-nosed hag
No. 809636
>>809619This was in 2008. She was supposedly 14.
Here they are at the same show busting a Jeffery star pinata.
No. 809639
Let’s chill with the speculation that she’s jealous she wasn’t assaulted by Dahvie. She’s an actual kid in these photos and he’s a violent rapist. He was victimizing girls who had no following or clout, so I think that’s why she made it out ok. The pics of his
victims looked like really young and naive kids wanting to fit in. A lot of them also seemed like they were from poorer families. Kikis ability to look older, act older, and be well known in those circles prob saved her.
>>809630( No. 809646
>>809641Kiki can't accept her own age & thinks she can keep changing dates and ages to make herself into a lost
victim instead of a washed up thirsty scene thot.
For posterity: Kiki was born September 1992, she's currently 28. Basic math can handle any other age issue that comes up re: Danny, Dahvie, whoever.
No. 809705
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>>809693You’re either blind or too kind, either way I’m not reading all of that. Call a resounding opinion a
cope all you want, being thin doesn’t automatically make you attractive.
No. 809725
>>809702According to her sperg-out, which was almost unprecedented on lolcow, she's on disability. The fact that she was even able to be sperg-chan is a testament to how fucked up she is. She can't even speak like a normal person; every post she makes is like a time warp to the mid-late 00's but narrated by her own weird slang.
>>809705She doesn't even look that bad at all aside from the ratty hair.
No. 809750
>>809725She went to Japan
twice with Scott, to try and fuck her way out of her parent's house and still failed despite getting with Fangophilia (who knows several JP and western celebs) and posting him all over her IG, and bagging Taku. Her behavior and style are just way too isolated and performative, too loud and obnoxious, so nobody can relax around her or get a read on her. That must be why she jumps into bed so quickly, she hopes her pussy is good enough to keep them around for the crazy.
No. 809764
>>809762Guys find her plenty attractive- she can get guys quickly. She just can't keep any of them around and claims most of them rape her afterward.
As for her fake persona, it attracts creeps because it's a cope. She
wants to be an innocent
victim od the world, but the reality is she's just a washed up spoiled brat with no ambition who expects to be babied for the rest of her life while pretending to be a boss bitch and posing for attention in her webcam- that's why she can't keep a man or do anything with her life. She's too crazy and hollow to realize there's nothing in her that normal people would want.
No. 809788
>>809762Guys won't take her seriously because she's easy.
>>809751she'd be very cute with a nose job, but not now
No. 809796
>>809794I suppose when your parents have put you on a pedestal and give you everything you wanted -
kewl hair, piercings, clothes, “business”, boyfriends, validation and worshipped by the internet at such a young age with no boundaries you’re bound to get main character syndrome. Must do your brain some damage when your peek was when you was 14, well done for not being on meth tho kek
Random but is it documented anywhere how much the Kiki Kannibal business made in profits?
No. 809797
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Sooooo kawaii moderu!!1 My god, she doesn’t even have the bland unconventional appeal of Elizabeth Moss. A nose job isn’t going to save her at this point.
>>809796I don’t think so. Judging how they’ve burned through cash and have been completely irresponsible with their money, even if they did make a large sum from selling the necklaces they lost it all when they pumped it into the bunk “clothing line” that consisted of those weird ano creatures that Dakota drew. You know they have 100s of those shirts going musty yellow in some hall closet.
No. 810002
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>>809797She has a typical witch skull
No. 810036
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She's posting cat memes to her story again in her usual high-low fashion. One about being proud of someone (Dakota, obviously) then another one about "sinking in sadness". Maybe Koots got back into a Rakuten show since promo is happening all this week for the upcoming shows, and Koots did post a story recently from inside another taxi, which she only does when she's going to auditions. Kota scored another repeat job to keep her in Japan, and now Kaka is fighting her own jealousy?
No. 810161
>>809016I am catching up on kiki's thread after recently having surgery and I swear, this vintage post of hers just made me hurt myself laughing. Kiki wtf were you thinking
ya betch
No. 810165
>>810098I'm only "doubling down" on pointing out that I'm not disagreeing with you, we are saying two differen things. I said she could look
better, not that she would ever look pretty like her Insta pics from just a haircut. I said she would look slightly less crone-ish if she changed her hair, then you came in saying nothing could ever make her look better, period.
No. 810196
>>809762She still acts like a randumb xD rawr 14 year old, the thing is she’s 30 now and if guys want to date a girl with the personality of a teen, they can just date teenagers.
Kiki reminds me of this aunt I have who is a classic HPD/NPD Karen cunt, always getting into drama, constantly butthurt because she is getting older and can’t use sex or her looks to manipulate men as much as she used to, claims she was raped and pretends to have an eating disorder, has 4 divorces under her belt, always claiming her exes were
abusive (she cheated then claimed my uncle pushed her down the stairs which turned out to be bullshit, she even drew bruises on with makeup and tried to take pictures lel). I have met a handful of very similar ‘emotional munchie’ women.
These bitches always manage to find some poor masochistic simp with a ball busting fetish to sink their claws into and drain his life force. Those are the only type of men who can tolerate these women for more than 5 minutes. Of course they always end up getting cucked anyway.
No. 810197
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>>810193She's one of those bitches who say they're French, Welsh, Scottish, polish, German, etc you know, 50 shades of bege.
As to whether she'd EVER look good, I'm with the anon that said she has the off-putting crazy eyes. We said she'd look better with bangs for years and less white clothes. She's following the advice! Does it look better than before? Yes, you're welcome Kiki. Does it conceal the crazy? No.
No. 810206
>>810165Yup ! And I meant it.
>>810201She’s beyond help, nobody can reach her beyond the barrier of that thick domed skull full of bullshit.
No. 810208
>>810193anon, there are misogynistic memes about how every nationality/race ages.
Kiki's aging has fuck-all to do with whether she has Polish blood.
No. 810374
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>>810193she doesn't have the typical flat, babyface slavic look to begin with so this argument is moot. Yeah that doesn't work out in people's favour sometimes depending on their lifestyle, there isn't bone much structure so everything collapses by late 20s-early 30s. But she doesn't look like that at all, Dakota kind of does but not her.
No. 810462
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>>810197Anon, you weren’t going to mention that Kiki is in her hotep phase now? Damn
No. 810572
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>>810501ah yes… It always comes back to it
No. 811047
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Maybe one day Dakota will acknowledge her existence
No. 811054
>>811047This meme is so interchangeable for the both of them except they aren’t nearly as attractive as the girl pictured.
>>811028A grab from a student film she did.
No. 814518
And just like that, our kawaii kira kira hotep goddess has retreated back into her cave again.
>>814455Anon… that’s what lipstick on a pig means. Kiki looked better because she was a teenager and her features hadn’t fully matured yet.
No. 814569
>>814455>>814518She also had the benefit of grainy early-00's webcams amd a lack of easy editing (snow) helping her out back then. She was styled well and looked good because she was thin and young, but her personality shone through and now she looks as ugly as she is inside, and her current life is a reflection of her karma.
Aside from that though, why doesn't she go back to an OTT style like scene or something? She teases it all the time, and obviously she loves dressing up like a fairy tart and prancing for the camera, and she only started the nude elf goddess stuff because Dakota was able to lie about being natural when her shoops went viral. It
still doesn't suit her at all, and even Kota chsnged styles at least twice since then. It seems like such a waste for someone with unlimited time and enabling parents to do literally nothing day in and day out while still clawing at online relevance for… Nothing? If she wants to be popular for beong pretty, not many people would care that she's a messy, lying bitch as long as she sits there and looks good. Is she just too afraid of her past being dredged up again?
No. 815128
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while we don't have a new thread, Kiki posted a handful of stories acting like a crackhead with a playmobil haired girl. is that Dakota?
Does anyone can tell where they are? I can't imagine seeing someone acting like that in LA, unless we are talking Skid Row.
No. 815236
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>>815128It seems wrong for the thread to die right as Kaka decides to start posting again, I mean she even gave us the PERFECT new thread pic!
Seriously though, I think there's something to be said about the queen of false rape claims posting this (is that irony?).
No. 815307
>>815236lmao there were allegations that this guy was into "non consent consent" sex aka fear play, even the girl that accused him of rape said so. He was also accused of eating an animal heart while it was alive… not vegan friendly
but yeah Kiki, go on. It's not like you're good with keeping track of your multiple personas.