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No. 661493
Thread Image Credit: >>
Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/652301Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comEDIT: Do not post about Lainey unless her content has some connection to Greg. If you desire to start a discussion about her, go to the fakeboi thread or make a new thread about her in /snow/. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
>>647967Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Kai/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
Last Time:
>The county gives Greg the terms he must follow to repair the damage he has done to the wetlands. >>652379>Even more hilariously they are requiring him to build a fence so that he'll keep out of the buffer area. >>652383>Kalvin Garrah makes a video exposing Greg's transphobia and abusive personality. >>652585Lainey does not defend Greg publicly and only vague tweets about it on her private twitter account.
>>652696>Greg attempts to manipulate Kalvin into taking down the video. When this does not work he proceeds to his next tactic - threaten to sue. >>653080>Since things did not go in Greg's favor, his new attempt to weasel out of any criticism is to release "I Am No Longer Married & 'Onision' Is Going Patreon Exclusive" where he states that he will no longer share his marriage or "Onision" publicly. >>655308>All exclusive "Onision" Patreon videos he releases during this time are just complaining about the haters and feeling sorry for himself. >>655983 >>656825>Greg goes on a copywrite striking rampage. >>656804 >>656842 >>656872 >>657453>Krimson Rogue releases a book review of Reaper's Creek >>657173>Allie, an ex-patreon and a bit of a cow herself shares some information about Greg and Lainey's relationship. >>657831 >>657855>Madison chimes in with her personal experience. >>657937>STRANGE ÆONS releases her review of Greg's second book, This Is Why I Hate You. >>659590>Just a day later Greg makes a video announcing that "Onision" will be returning to his youtube channels. >His first Onision video in 19 days is one which he defends James Charles because he's young and he his bound to make some mistakes. Oh yeah, and strait men can't be victims. He goes on to state that he believes that Austin Jones's prison sentence was too extreme and he should of been sent to a mental health facility. >>660125>Greg tries to ride the expose wave for attention claiming that Jeffree Star sexually harassed him. . >>660554 >>660671For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking (This includes HDR edits of Greg and Lainey’s faces
>>590295), derailing, or infighting, you will be banned. Please revisit the rules ( if you have any confusion as to what nitpicking, infighting or derailing consists of.
- Lurk before you post, asking to be spoonfed information will be banned.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here (cowtipping). You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.
No. 661527
>>661522his obsession with talking while flailing at that punching bag is so cringe.
>"boxing looks way easier than it is"okay but what you're doing isn't boxing you striped bag of lard.
No. 661535
>>661522he has a solid point here but lol if he thinks that video isnt already super famous, and double lol if he doesnt realize this video makes him look like a big bitch
"call me mister told you so. nobody listens to me. you should start" jesus christ
No. 661541
>>661530Please do this.
I also work with GDPR and this is 100% a violation.
Carries a pretty hefty fine usually too.
No. 661567
>>661522Honestly, the only thing I think about when I see him now is this
>>>/pt/661155I really hope J* keeps ignoring him. All Greg's good at is leeching off of drama and being sued might make him relevant again. Ignoring him has been much better, though. His videos do poorly, people aren't interested in him anymore, not even LC is giving the time of the day. Rather than seeing him poop out countless videos about a lawsuit, I'd prefer to see him vanish silently: no big bang to be remembered by, but just completely irrelevant and forgotten.
No. 661579
>>661572Bankruptcy wouldn’t discharge his IRS debt, probably wouldn’t discharge any outstanding fines for the wetlands massacre.
But he could just declare bankruptcy at any time, no need for him to lose a lawsuit as well. He just desperately wants attention imo.
No. 661677
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>>661576We dont see below his waist so he may be doing that thing he does when shooting hoops. He lifts one leg up like a lady being kissed.
Its the Alpha-Male-Onision-Fighting-Stance.
No. 661682
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>>661677it's a netball move, he just needs the cute skirt.
No. 661685
>>661567I hope js ignores him too, like Shane but unfortunately once Anus gets focused on slandering one person he can’t stop.
It’s odd too that he’s been hyper focused on js since Shane’s documentary came out. JS just made one tweet about the James Charles thing too so it’s not like he went out of his way to put James down. Weird Anus would focus on him when there were several other people who he doesn’t like that said worse.
No. 661754
To the anon that left that awesome writeup on the last thread about Grugly's birth defects, can you elaborate a bit more about that? I wanted to reply to your comment on the last thread, but it was about to be locked and a new thread hadn't been shared yet so I didn't wanna take up one of the last remaining comments. I found your comment super interesting, so I tried looking up more information on Google about it but couldn't find anything. I wanna know all about Gurgles retardation.
It's just hilarious when you consider the video he made a few months ago about retarded kids being shot-up at a school shooting.
I wish more than anything that J
would take Grugly to court. We all know that J isn't afraid of lawsuits and probably has a team of the best attornies around. Would there be anyway for him to do it quietly? I know he could do it without saying anything, I'd imagine he wouldn't say a word publicly about it. But is there a way he could keep Grugly from mentioning it publicly? If not, I still hope he brings on a lawsuit. I don't think Grugly would get too much attention for it, maybe just a slight spike in views. I don't think it would result in new subs or a newfound interest in Grugly long-term. Just think back to Shane's documentary on Graveyard Girl's channel dying. That was made in a positive light, plus Rachel isn't horrible like Gurg. She earned a lot of views and subs from that but fell back off quickly. So I definitely don't think a lawsuit from J would improve Gurg's career like, at all. It may even be the final nail in the coffin. For that reason, I really hope J acts. Every day Grugly keeps posting about him, pushing him. And I don't think he'll stop. Like an autist, he becomes super fixated on someone and obsesses about them for days. I doubt any video Grugly would make about the situation would stay monetized.
Come on J, let him have it!
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 661760
>>661759>what would he sue him forHe's saying Jeffree sexually harassed him, lol. That's at least defamation, but no one knows about Gerg or doesn't give a fuck about him, so his "sexual harassment" will never go viral, like James' did.
I doubt he even knows about Gergs bullshit, he has him blocked and I can't imagine Jeffrees fanbase keeping up with Gregs wheel of drama.
No. 661763
>>661762>Getting called a fag in a recording studio with Shiloh isn't sexual harassment. There would be no case.That’s the point. There would be no case for
Greg if J* sued him for defamation. It’s an easy win.
No. 661766
>>661759I would think the fact that Grugly said, and keeps saying, that J sexually harassed him. I feel like Grugly is being disingenuous about the situation 100% and also did the video for no other purpose than to harm j's career. Defamation. I do think if j wanted to pursue it, he'd have a huge chance of winning because he'd have the absolute best attornies for the job.
I know people keep saying a lawsuit would give Grugly undeserved attention, I'm just not convinced it would really result in much controversy. I'm positive J wouldn't mention it publicly, so it would just be Gurgle going on about it. He's hardly gotten noticed by the videos where he claimed j sexually harassed him, so it's reasonable to believe he wouldn't get noticed for making the lawsuit public.
I totally get where you and others are coming from, but he just keeps getting away with slandering and trying to ruin the careers of other creators and it's always said that doing anything about it would be counter productive.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 661804
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>>661754Anon here. Pic related and this YouTube link are where he admits these things. reading how he talks about it from his archived site, it's absolutely clear to me that no one has EVER discussed with him the long term problems of these sort of birth defects and injuries. In fact, his injuries seem to have exacerbated his already serious birth defects. And it appears that Greg's family did only the bare minimum to deal with these issues.
It explains so much about why he is the way he is. Why his comprehensive abilities, creative abilities, cognitive skills are so stunted for someone his age.
No. 661806
>>661804That would explain why his mother called him an "indigo child", she knew he was special, but dressed it up with a euphemism to make everyone feel better about it.
And it would also explain why his mother always dealt with his problems, e.g. in school. I think, iirc, a fellow high schooler of his brought up how his mother would save his butt back then.
No. 661872
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No. 661949
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>>661804Thank you! I 100% agree that he's completely unaware of the full scope those birth defects and injuries carry. I can sorta get why no one sat him down to explain to him what it means, but I am surprised he's never looked into it himself. Maybe he's willfully ignorant, we all know Grugly sees himself as god personified. He thinks he's the smartest man on YouTube. He thinks he's hilarious, and he proves this by constantly laughing at his own jokes. He thinks he's dashing, he went as far as comparing himself to Ian Somerhalder (I'm screaming)
I don't think his ego could take knowing the full truth of what his birth defects and deformities mean.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 662034
>>661872Wow so much for being "gay" liking videos of hot women in swimsuits.
Those girls are the exact opposite of Laimey, they are super feminine, attractive and have nice bodies. We all knew he isn't attracted to Laimey's "type", or to her in general for that matter, this is just more confirmation of that
No. 662049
>>661541 I don't see it happening tbh, the ICO has far bigger fish to fry, they'd look at him and go and vomit in a bin.
No doubt, and I don't work for the ICO, they receive hundreds of reports, especially in the first few years they're looking for the huge companies to make examples and hopefully shock others into compliance.
No. 662055
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No. 662080
>>662055Who exactly does he think he's fooling with this pose? The fact that he would stand in a way that's so obviously him trying to look slimmer while adding the caption about eAtiNg bEtTeR really demonstrates how delusional he is.
Y'all should look at the post on IG, he's getting dragged in the comments lol
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 662082
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>>662080Most comments are hilarious but a few need to find Jesus.
No. 662083
>>662082I get that maybe some of these are fans, but I feel like Greg is objectively hideous. And this is a terrible shot, he's clearly sucking in and trying to look thinner than he is. People who are complimenting him here are lying lol
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 662214
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He claims making an account on Cameo was requested. Who the fuck would spend $20 to hear his insufferable voice when you could just go to youtube and hear it for free?
No. 662337
File: 1558141043182.png (244 KB, 562x598, change.png) truth about my health problems how i caused them
I know this is a Lainey video but I feel that it gives a peak into the power dynamics of Greg's and Lainey's relationship.
Lainey originally wanted to become vegetarian at 14 because her cool friend was doing it. Around this time at a concert she received a video from PETA showing how meat was made so she really wanted to start this new lifestyle, unfortunately her parents did not support her. At 17 she became vegetarian. (Go figure, when she started dating Greg.) Salad and vegetables where out of her comfort zone and she ate a lot of vegetarian meat substitutes. Around this time she was losing a lot of weight and becoming very dizzy when she stood up due to anemia. She states at this time she didn't care about herself and was happy to be losing weight. She found out she had severe iron deficiency when giving blood and they told her she needed to see a doctor but she thought she knew better and decided an ensure a day would fix the problem. She continued on this course for many years. She went to the doctor and he told her she needed to supplement her diet. He suggested iron supplements and citrus, but she hates both of those and refused to use them. A solution she was willing to try was adding fish into her diet which helped quite a bit. (She ate fish about two times a month.) Ever sense she's been bouncing between being a pescatarian and a vegetarian. She really wants to try and stay a vegetarian this time because helping the environment is important. Part of her helping the environment is buying reusable bags but she needs to remember to bring them to the store. Apparently she has two foods that she likes and mainly eats but she's going to try really hard to branch out to more iron rich foods such as leafy greens and citrus.
tl;dr Lainey hates herself and allowed Greg to make all her decisions for her. This resulted in having ongoing issues with anemia. She never mentions Greg but it is well known that he requires the girls he dates to be on a certain diet.
No. 662340
File: 1558141580454.png (59.77 KB, 524x608, sad.png) the heck, did Lainey cheat on him or is he talking about some other girl? He only writes about his personal experiences so I'm really wondering what this is about.
No. 662345
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Dropping a mirror and a summary from our neighbors. Anon, if you happen to visit this site - Thank you for the great summary. Truth About The YouTubers I’ve Me
Onisionspeaks: The Truth About The Youtubers I've Met
(Tried uploading to KF but the file was too large… so I uploaded to vimeo - I try to always reupload to avoid giving Greg any views, even if it's only a small amount.)
Summary for those who can't sit through 11 minutes of bullshit
Greg plays the piano (really terribly I might add - I don't know if he did this to appear 'creative' or what the point of this was, but he clearly doesn't know how to play this instrument) while he talks about some random youtubers he has met over the course of his career - interestingly enough, he really hasn't met many youtubers.. or at least met many who are still around
He talks about Tobuscus, and he clearly wants to talk shit about him but because they are both supporting one another on Patreon, Greg limits his shit-talking to "Uhh.. you can tell there's a lot going on there. He is somebody you would want to be around to have fun but not be around for anything else."
He gets real salty talking about Jaclyn Glenn. He says that "she can never be honest because she is always living vicariously through other people and presenting [her boyfriend's] personalities, it's like she isn't a real person. She's never really been genuine, I don't think she even knows who she is."
States that he's better off not meeting other youtubers because he "psycho-analyzes them like crazy" and "I wear my heart on my sleeve and try to get to know people and bond with people." In other words he's a lonely loser who desperately wants to become soulmates with every person he meets, and when they show the slightest bit of trepidation in allowing Greg to exert power/dominance over them, Greg has to throw a tantrum and "drop" them.
Greg HAS to be the biggest fucking cow in the entire world and go on and on about how "honest" he is and how people are idiots for not believing him in the first place about Jeffree Starr sexually harassing him: "A lot of people are likely going to start coming forward, a lot of straight guys saying 'he did things to me' or 'said things to me' and 'went too far and put me into a horrible hellish world of me feeling violated' because when I had just met the guy… UGH gross." (He says 'me' here referring to these straight guys speaking in the first person, but the quote sounds off because of his shit use of the English language..)
On Blaire White: "I think she's kind of just a fucking bitch. I don't think there's much more to her than being kind of just a bitch." But he states that she is the "right" (?) kind of bitch and he would get along with her despite the fact that she is "kind of dishonest".
"This one girl I used to date, people said I was wrong in the situation and then it came out that she lied about the seizures and lied about the situations.. she will lie to get whatever she needs. It's tragic." Holy SHIT how many times does he have to repeat this.
"In time it will be pretty obvious that I have been telling the truth the entire time. It's sad that a lot of you guys don't like me but it sucks even more for you that not only do you not like me but you're also wrong and I'm right and you have to live with it…? How many times do I have to be Mr I-told-you-so before you realize I'm Mr I-told-you-so?" (????) Greg has been going off with this Jeffree Starr bullshit because a video came out of Jeffree copping a feel of some guys dick and saying to a camera that it's big and somehow that shows EVERYONE that Greg is always right and you're not. If you haven't seen the clip of Jeffree - no, it is not this huge insane 'gotcha' moment that Greg wants to pretend it is. Greg also uploaded a video a few days ago with only this clip included and then this sad mic-drop moment where he's just like REEE you should have all believed me I was right and you were wrong as always!!
If you thought this video would end without Greg mentioning how he was right about Social Repose and how wrong everyone was to doubt him about the guy… whoo boy you clearly haven't subjected yourself to enough hate watching yet (Save yourself while you still can.) Greg also notes that he was right about Cyr, and says "He was worse than I ever imagined, wow" which is bizarre because.. what exactly has Cyr done? Yes, his weird mail-order bride is a psychopath with 200 IG accounts created to harass people she doesn't like, and yes, she's a creepy slut, but why does that mean Cyr is so terrible? …I guess because he didn't respond to Greg's multiple sad attempts at reigniting their bromance.
TL;DR: Shitty boring video of Greg telling everyone they're wrong and that he's right and also the most honest youtuber alive (shocker, he's really keeping us on our toes). Also very briefly shit talks Jaclyn, Blaire, Shane, Cyr, Social Repose, Tobuscus, and most notably Jeffree Starr because Greg is desperately trying to get people to notice him and his 'sexual assault' allegations since they are relevant to the recent situation regarding James Charles and his straight-boy grooming accusations (because Jeffree called Greg a faggot ((he's not wrong)) 10 years ago. Yes, Greg has referred to this 5 second interaction as sexual assault.. which is painfully exceptional.)
No. 662413
>>662346>>662376So now Onision going to try to be next hardcore EMO, gothic, try hard musician? Such a blatant rip off of 'The Hand That Feeds'. His voice is so grating, honestly the song would be "better" if he wasn't screaming in the background. Otherwise, super repetitive and predictable. Like, I know exactly what he's going to rhyme, because its like a 13 year old is writing it. No creativity.
Like, after listening to it, I feel sick and got that second hand cringe going on. Honestly, I'd want him to do more of this just because of how embarrassing and edgy this old man is being.
No. 662452
>>662345I like how he skirts the issue with tobuscus>>662337
Exactly what I thought after I watched the video, how indecisive can a person Jfc but then I remembered how hard it must be for her to think for herself. Straight out I knew she went vegetarian because of Anus, he tried convincing Shiloh etc and it’s not surprising she has so many health issues lately… she is always sick it seems. Everyone who lives with him gets ill, gets acne it’s gross.
No. 662454
>>662345Lol, he said "If you're a youtuber, don't let me meet you because I will see right through you."
As if anyone actually wants to meet him What, is he trying to bait J* or something? Say what you want about Jeffree, but as disgusting as he is, he's a workhorse and I guarantee he's far too busy with his makeup line, his videos, and his meet-and-greets/paid appearances to give a shit about a has-been like Gerg. He doesn't spend all day hating the world in his house and sperging on twitter for 18 straight hours every day.
No. 662458
>>662455jfc what an idiot, not all paleness looks the same. You can always tell when someone is naturally pale vs when they're sickly and she ALWAYS looks sickly.
It can't feel good, either. I know if I don't take iron supplements when I get my period, I get headaches, nausea, and just overall feel like shit so I can't wrap my head around her being severely anemic every day and being able to function. Being around Greg is miserable enough without adding the physical effects and general weakness that anemia brings with it.
No. 662509
>>662337Appreciated, anon!
I agree with you. Lainey approaches certain things from a different angle than Greg, so evaluating their statements together (or in contrast to each other) reveals a more holistic picture (e.g. her openly confessing that Greg is (verbally)
abusive etc.).
No. 662563
File: 1558200989266.jpg (349.74 KB, 1017x1196, Screenshot_20190518-133453.jpg)

Did anyone catch this? In Lainey's video with her super totally legit trans friend where they're playing badminton, she points the camera at their dog and shows a pile of burnt garbage. It's illegal to burn trash and construction material in WA.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 662571
>>662563>>662564Well at least he isn't burning cardboard in the fireplace anymore.
It (along with bonfires) are illegal here but rarely enforced, it is a bit concerning though that it looks like he made a (shitty) bonfire so close to a treeline.
No. 662573
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>>662571Freaking burning starbucks cups???? They are SO lazy. Also, can anyone tell what this brownish thing is?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 662576
All that holier than thou bullshit and they eat and drink from a lot of single serving shit like juiceboxes, waterbottles, take away cups, and yogurt, burn waste, buy tons on unnecessary shit bought at Target but made under the same conditions as the shit at Walmart, and are generally thoughtless with their consumerism and produce as much waste if not more than someone who doesn't even think about it but, hey, they don't eat meat so, you know, it's all good.
>>662575idk it it is a tree stump, it looks like a still but is probably an upside down bucket.
No. 662582
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>>662571As far as I understand they were also asked not to burn anything in their yard. Shouldn't the badminton net itself be a problem? They were supposed to set up a fence in that area so that it doesn't get damaged even more.
No. 662640
>>662592Okay I see that now! And check out how it's halfway burned. Disgusting, they're burning fucking plastic. Illegal.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 662650
File: 1558226335938.png (115.35 KB, 768x1162, 5-18-2019.png)

A smaller YouTuber that Greg put a copywrite strike against had to resort to contacting him on his new website.
She states her case intelligently and without resorting to insulting him. Greg of course blows her off and in a round about way tries to scare her with hints that what shes done is illegal and she needs to speak to a lawyer.
No. 662657
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>>662650He's scum. Apparently he believes he's the only one allowed to use clips from other creators. Just two weeks ago he stole a good part of I Hate Everything's well edited and scripted video about furries and just slapped his retarded commentary over it. To top it off he didn't even credit IHE but the minute someone uses a clip of him in a response video, "I'm gonna sue you".
I Hate Everything's video's (Mirror) No. 662660
File: 1558228494930.png (114.21 KB, 577x389, Sad News.PNG)

Any Patreon Anons know what this is about?
My first thought was it was plain clickbait, but since its his Patreon he doesnt need to trick his Patrons into watching his vids.
Im hoping its truly something "Sad" and milky.
No. 662787
File: 1558249519839.png (Spoiler Image,291.75 KB, 720x520, IMG_20190519_100252.png)

>>662660He mentioned (or, EmO cHaRLiE mentioned) that he had a few sketches coming up on Patreon that were too inappropriate for YT. Other one was a BNHA sketch.
Also, what the fresh hell is this. D'ya think it's got to do with a sketch?
No. 662798
>>662787It looks like he ate out a girl while she was on her period.
>>662650He's so fucking pathetic. A bunch of people should copy strike his ass right back since he has no problems with using clips from their videos.
No. 662808
File: 1558260336549.png (32.94 KB, 372x264, May 15 - May 16.PNG)

I always enjoy the drop his Patreon has on the 1st of the month, but Ive never seen this before. We're still two weeks away from the end of the month and in just one day he had a significant money drop. He lost only 4 Patrons, but lost 242 dollars. Those four patrons must of been high tier ones, which would make sense since hes had some of his mods and long time fans/patrons asking to have their membership and accounts deleted from his new website, so they must of pulled their pledges too. I hope this is a trend that continues.
Greg doesnt give a shit if he loses fans, he's said it himself. But to lose hundreds of dollars, that has to hurt. I wonder if we can expect a teary eyed video soon about how sorry he is and how he hopes anyone hes insulted or harmed returns to his Patreon.
No. 662825
>>662808Well, could this be linked to
>>662807I think that, yes, you can counterclaim, but if party claiming in the first place refuses, you would have to share your full name and address with said party.
I'm pretty sure she didn't want Greg to have her address and all - since everyone knows he'd doxx her eventually.
No. 662834
>>662825The way it works is you have the right to counterclaim and no negotiation is required in order o do that, and your name and address must be on that counterclaim. Then Greg is given an amount of time to answer the counterclaim with a court order. No court order from Greg means your counterclaim stands, video comes back, strike lifts and Greg gets a little more scrutiny from YT.
Margo abused this system to get Venus' address in order to attempt an attack at her house, and also in an attempt to kill Venus' channel. But even Margo had to stop, because there are only so many times you can lodge nuisance copyright claims before YT threatens your own channel with termination.
In short, Greg's bluffing.
No. 662889
i've always wanted to see a video compilation like this just because
he contradicts himself
so fucking much
i've never met someone contradict themselves on such a continuous basis
No. 662901
>>662834So in theory, if everyone he tries to copy strike just keeps fighting it to the point of him needing a court order, YouTube will eventually terminate him?
He's likely been copy striking dozens or possibly over a hundred smaller channels for income over the past few years since he knew they wouldn't stand up to a big channel. He made a big oopsie now that channels like blaire and rep have more engagement and active subs
No. 662902
>>662683You are our patron saint, aldlii! Always happy to see new content.
>>662787Shamelessly promoting stuff that is behind a paywall. Lol. Oh how I wish he'd get busted for this.
No. 662914
>>662889I am always baffled by his amount of hypocrisy and amazed he has NEVER addressed it. It sometimes makes me think he is a giant troll because I have a hard time believing anyone could be that unaware of themselves
Also recently when the kalvin stuff went down, Greg dismissed his transphobic tweets from like 10 months ago saying they were “so long ago” then turns around and makes an entire video on something Jeffree Star did/said like 10 YEARS ago
No. 662972
>>662834Well.. this is not the first time he’s gone on a string of false copyright claims. A few years ago he did the same thing and nothing happened to him then and it doesn’t appear Youtube will do anything about the recent abuse of their platform.
It’s frustrating seeing him get away with this t
No. 663009
File: 1558364847821.jpg (394.34 KB, 1919x1079, gregsabobblehead.jpg)

>>663005Of course he makes a video about making his mother come… and his teacher … as a 14-year-old.
Bonus: This classy picture of perfect proportions. kek
No. 663010
>>663005Don’t do it to yourself anons. Don’t watch this garbage. I don’t watch MHA so I don’t know who any of the characters are but I doubt it would make a difference.
Essentially Greg has the super power to make people orgasm. So he uses it on his mom till she sends him away to school where he uses it on his teacher who likes it. Teacher gets killed. Then tries it on someone who it doesn’t affect, so naturally he forces that character into his own crotch. That person gets killed. Then he uses his super orgasm power on himself. The end.
Such masterpiece.
No. 663013
Hard to believe this bullshit is produced by a middle aged father of two and not by a 14yo emotionally wounded virgin
No. 663054
File: 1558381258210.jpeg (194.72 KB, 750x1021, 47C26B39-DD75-4B05-BE39-B46971…)

>>662989I swear he’s doing all this shit on purpose so he doesn’t have to deal with the slow slide into irrelevance. He wants to go out with a bang so people will still be talking about him
He’s also been taking recent swings at Mikenactor’s channel as well (1/2 cap)
No. 663056
File: 1558381309676.jpeg (186.15 KB, 750x1174, 0F06C88B-0D3F-4891-9DE9-AECDA9…)

No. 663058
>>663016This is the only life he knows. He never had a chance to grow up. Even in the army/navy when he was in S. Korea he didn't have the chance to grow up either. Some entity was taking care of him.
Queue his Youtube carrier where he feels entitled to this life and success. He never had a chance to become a mature adult despite having children. So this behavior is because he's only been around kids and immaturity, and a dash of stupidity.
No. 663069
File: 1558384564195.png (454.23 KB, 1222x1168, onion.png)

He is so desperate.
No. 663072
>>663054Well all everyone will say is what an idiot he was.
Btw lol guys in his recent video he mentions the shower/shitting he does… Hey Anus, you sick pos!
No. 663113
File: 1558395824170.png (289.13 KB, 565x648, emo charlie.png) To My First Video Ever
The bonus video is showing unavailable. Apparently he had problems with the upload but never got around to fixing it.
No. 663116
File: 1558397324761.png (91.06 KB, 757x567, chart.png) Vlog where he makes a chart about his sexuality. He's attracted to women physically but he's totally gay/bi guys. Oh, and he also likes that Lainey doesn't have the same parts as him.
No. 663178
>>663158greg is as straight as an arrow, despite his fascination in dressing in women's clothes
he's trying really hard to appeal to the left by calling himself "gay" and what not because most of his fans are tumblr-using 14 year old girls that make asexual moodboards of the doctor from doctor who and shit
he called himself pansexual at one point, then, "Gynesexual" at one point too - it's on his speaks channel still
if lainey transitioned, he wouldnt be attracted to her lol no matter what he says
No. 663179
>>663178also because lainey's entire personality is 2012 tumblr
it's nauseating
they have such a lack of personality i honestly cant tell if she's genuinely trans or not
No. 663189
File: 1558416967474.jpg (18.58 KB, 419x161, tweet.JPG)

>>663178Pretty sure he's already not really attracted to her anymore. He rarely openly talks about how unhappy he is with how things developed with his former teenage cheerleader wife, but his recent tweet is pretty telling. Also, Lainey is growing her armpit hair now and iirc he at some point talked about how he hates body hair on women.
No. 663196
>>663113>my last parody was deemed inappropriate>fetishizes pedophilia, incest and murder once againYeah, I wonder why that is.
>this video was requested by one of my top level patron>I made it my favourite wayWhat a cunt. This person spent at least $50 for him to do one of their video ideas and he goes ahead and does it the way he wants.
Why are these people happy with what they're getting.
No. 663211
>>663116I thought this was for his future(, very female) child bride. You know, to let all of the cute alt girls, who stand in line for him, know that he's still into them, and to tell the James Charleses in the world to get lost.
But maybe it
is a friendly reminder for Lainey to keep her female parts.
No. 663213
>>663189 So… 19.8% cleaning your house and stuff
And by 'cleaning your house and stuff', he really means 'and stuff'
No. 663221
>>663216First of all, thank you for taking the time and uploading, anon! Rereading my comment, I hope it didn't sound condescending in regard to your comment. I just felt sarcastic.
I didn't know the video is behind his pay wall, that kind of makes it less likely to be catered to a new child bride, buuuuut it might keep his patrons sponsoring him since he's conveying that his female supporters still have a chance with him. I know that his patrons are usually frowned at and belittled, but I can't shake the feeling of being sorry if they are led on.
No. 663241
>>663116Lol he only included “cis” people on this graph. Why go out of your way to say cis rather than grouping cis males and trans males in the same category? Especially if he goes out of his way to call Taylor his husband but doesn’t even exist on his chart of attraction in the way he laid it out.
This is the same thing he always does where he tries to use all these terms to seem woke but skirts around the actual meaning by replacing “woman” with “afab”. He wanted a third that didn’t have to identify as a woman like his husband but was afab. This of course doesn’t legitimately include people like kalvin who have transitioned but only young people who are experimenting with their gender label as they grow up.
For someone who was so ragingly anti-sjw he must be living in his own hell rn.
No. 663261
>>663241He thought it would be classier than saying bobs and vagene, plus possible woke points. Instead it makes him look like a jerk to everyone.
>>663189Honestly that is true about marriage, especially when you have kids. Sex just isn’t the main thing going on.
On the other hand, most husbands aren’t jacking off in a boiling hot shower several times a day plus publicly drooling over teens on Tik Tok.
No. 663266
>>663116So I almost brushed this off, thinking "oh, it's just Gurg's bullshit, but then I realized how fucking weird it is. Not only in the "mysoginistic/transphobic" way, but in an abnormal way. Imagine ANY other youtuber doing this. Everyone would be weirded out by it.
You really start to realize how much weird shit he has pulled all these years, to the point where this kind of behavior is not unexpected from him. He's insanely not self-aware.
No. 663281
>>663113Anon from KF reuploaded and summarized 'Really Sad News'. Thank you again, I'm looking forward to the day when we get to see Greg getting everything he's earned with interest.
—————————- Sad News
-This is about that little girl Greg went crazy trying to promote on GoFundMe for her "heart surgery"
-Claims that the parents "Decided to refund everyone because of 'harassment'"
-This so-called harassment was people asking for proof that this little girl actually needed surgery and that the money was actually going towards said cause, which is absolutely understandable considering they were asking for tens of thousands of dollars and these "parents" offered zero evidence the kid was even sick besides a picture of her at the hospital - which she could have been at for any number of reasons. It isn't like proof is difficult to show, you would have countless evidence. You had no trouble uploading a photo of your little girl at a hospital - but apparently redacted medical forms are asking too much? Give me a break.
I'm sorry but how is it harassment to ask for proof? I truly 100% doubt that they were legitimately harassed. I think 90% of GoFundMe's (Greg only added further proof to this with his bullshit GoFundMe to turn his swamp into basically a water theme park) are more often than not SCAMS. But how DARE anyone ask for legitimate proof that this little girl really needed surgery. Why couldn't the little girl get medicaid? What exactly was wrong with the little girl's heart that required her to have a 20,000$+ dollar surgery? They included no evidence or proof of any of this. And Greg seems to truly believe the parents refunded everyone the 8,000$ that was raised because of harassment…? They did not include any email or information. Where exactly were they being harassed? I do not believe for a moment that they would have refunded that money unless there was an actual reason for it (like that it was complete bullshit and they were scared everyone was going to figure this out and they were going to get into legal trouble like other liars on that site have in the past.)
I bet money that these people couldn't show proof because they didn't have proof and they were scared that people were questioning the entire situation. Greg wants to play
victim and make all his "haters" seem like despicable horrible people - but lets be real here. It doesn't make sense for the parents of this child to not simply include some medical papers/ANY sort of proof which would shut critics up. If they'd rather refund everyone… I think that only shows this GoFundMe was not what they claimed it to be.
(Even Greg is low-key questioning their validity in this video)
No. 663285
>>663116Gerg and his massive IQ can't even do simple addition and percentage… 90+70+60=220
10+30+40=80 jfc
No. 663307
>>663281sorry kid. We made a lot of money to save your life, but we're just going to let you die instead because of harassment on the internet.
Do we need any more proof that it was fake?
No. 663332
>>663281Wow. Everything really has to revolve around him, doesn't it?
Or is this just a way out for him to never donate to anything ever again?
>>663285As much as I'd like to laugh about it, but I guess he means
90 out of 100
70 out of 100
60 out of 100
and so on.
Then again, it's Greg, so I wouldn't put it past him to be bad at numbers…
No. 663404
>>663397Still stuffing his little heart out, I see. Also, how can he post videos like this, but then claim that his instagram "this is what healthy eating gets you" post isn't forced?
It's gotta be a hit on the ego for Greg and Billy to be by a guy who actually looks healthy.
No. 663419
File: 1558502650782.png (2.38 MB, 1136x640, 836F218C-B616-45EC-8029-05E8FA…)

Because I refuse to suffer alone.
No. 663430
File: 1558505670517.png (43.07 KB, 771x548, 74653.PNG)

Ive been watching some of the threads questioning Gregs actions or not totally licking his ass and he is locking them down, including the thread a youtuber created to ask why he was putting a copywrite claim against her.
>>662650Two of the multiple threads that people created asking to have their accounts and membership deleted and passive/aggressively taking a shot at Greg have been totally removed and I now get a "this thread no longer exits" page.
Hes making sure that his new echo chamber is fully complimentary towards him, and any thread he doesnt like is removed or bump locked to be lost in the sea of mind numbing threads like "does Onision think Im pretty" and "whats the funniest incarnation of Onisions 12 Banana songs?"
The replies his fans are making in the threads are not full on attacking and sometimes agreeing or opening their eyes and I dont think thats sitting well with Greg.
No. 663461
File: 1558511315203.jpg (119.75 KB, 1083x1300, 17411465.jpg)

>>663419>>663420…and yet onion picks on eugenia cooney.
No. 663493
>>663397I love how he tries to make fun of people calling him a narcissist and the veg body meme, but he comes across as incredibly salty.
In general it looks like he's addressing his "haturz" instead of producing content for his patrons, or are his patrons nowadays exclusively people who watch him so they can criticize him later?
With the exception of the last video, maybe, that's a giant circle jerk.
Thank you uploading, anon! <3
No. 663499
File: 1558528775337.png (663.44 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190522-083150.png)

>>663397"When I don't follow the narrative, they'll either continue with what they call me or they'll act like they never called me in the first place and offer no apologies. There's no justice, there's no real idealistic outcome, there's just people being jerks online to each other"
No real idealistic outcome? What does that even mean? Lmaoooooo. I can't stand when people try to dress up what they're saying, usually those types of people aren't able to use words correctly. Grugly does this constantly, and it's hilarious. I would love if someone strung together examples of him smugly misusing words in the wrong context in a video.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 663611
File: 1558565486789.png (120.39 KB, 581x472, 57411.PNG)

>The Homewrecker
Is he really going to sperg about this again? Its like Drama-Herpes. He has certain topics that just out of the blue flare up and he has to rage about for a few days.
No. 663635
>>663621wtf this looks like the start of a porn
No. 663636
>>663621wtf even was that video
was that supposed to be funny?
it just looks like he's taking out his rage out on madison in video form by creating some alternative reality where she gets spat on and fired
No. 663657
File: 1558574380071.gif (574.22 KB, 498x398, tenor.gif)

>>663419>>663420I've never seen someone who literally embodies this gif of Zoidberg.
Then again I'm still shocked Billy the Fridge hangs out with Onision as well.
No. 663701
File: 1558589633442.jpg (80.3 KB, 595x511, shanehatesyou.jpg)

He seems to be in one of his moods currently.
No. 663714
>>663676what the fuck
>>663701I hate to admit it but that trisha tweet is kind of funny.
No. 663721
>>663676Some anons have been vocal about the only guys that were on his discord were creeps themselves and all the nudes that got leaked on the /snow thread of patrons were gathered from the severs Onion's mods were making that were technically nothing to do with Onion but were.
Sylar had severs with underage nudes. The guy that looks like a dyke Lt Lassie that was dating Booty released loads of nudes than threatened to kill himself on the snowflakes thread.
The German guy is a freak too. There was an underage 12 year old jew called Daddy Donald on twitter that tried to help harvest our IPs lol. They are all nuts but with all the allegations coming out against other you tubers I wish anons or former patrons would come here and dump info about all these servers Onion was using to groom girls. Fat Becca one of his highest paying patrons got into a ldr with Sylar and when that ended so it seems did her patronage. There's a lot of stuff that's been hidden I wouldn't be surprised if there's an Onion nude out there somewhere
No. 663730
>>663657You do have a point there and the comparison is kinda fitting. But if he's happy the way he looks, good for him. I'm more worried about his mental state and why he's still friends with Greg.
That's what he should be criticized for imho.
>>663621So, in short:
- girl seems to like her boss and flirts with him
- boss clearly flirts back
- girl is happy cuz she obviously has a crush but remains sceptical
- boss starts belittling her cuz he has children (>and
how is she supposed to know?) even though she tried to clear up the situation
- boss gets super pissed
- girl is very sorry
solid 15 (of 90!!) seconds of different angles of the boss spitting in the girl's face while she repeats how sorry she is
- boss fires her
In what world is that a conversation that would ever take place?
Whoever wrote this (and I feel like Greg's not the only one at fault there) seems to have some major anger issues and / or fetishizes humiliating other people. This doesn't even resemble a skit anymore, it's solid revenge fantasy. Or a really weird fetish.
No. 663733
>>663730Tinfoil but this could be greg’s version of what went down with him and the various actresses he has in his videos
He might’ve thought one was flirting with him (although he takes every interaction with women as flirting because of his ego and he doesn’t see women as people, only receptacles for his micropeen) and screamed at her when Lainey wasn’t home
she of course apologizes and tries to clear up the situation by stating she wasn’t flirting and had no intentions but of course Greg’s ego can’t handle the idea that a woman in close proximity to him might not be attracted to him, so he spins it into this
it’s sort of a “YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID” passive aggressive thing and it’s really transparent bc Greg is so uncreative that it would only make sense for him to base a video off of his own warped sense of reality
No. 663786
File: 1558633335588.png (273.51 KB, 564x663, what is more important.png)

What is More Important't watched so I'm not sure if there is any milk to be had.
No. 663788
>>663786Won't watch it either but we all know what it's about
His "job" is much more important than his foot and the kids, even though he wouldn't admit that, and ~family YouTube channels are evil and exploiting their kids~
No. 663816
File: 1558641098207.jpg (467.5 KB, 1367x868, onion boy.jpg)

>>663813i was browsing his forums and he has a topic called "what's your favorite laineybot video?" and he links his own comedy sketch video with lainey barely in it except for smiling awkwardly at greg toward the end
No. 663831
>>663804>>663811>>663813I think its cuz he knows fellow pedos will be joining his fandom and scare away his teen fans/potential underage gfs. And if your YT comments become a pedo breeding ground then your traffic suffers and you get demonetized if you dont just disable comments.
Basically projecting his ebebophilia or whatever he calls it.
No. 663832
File: 1558645967386.png (Spoiler Image,323.81 KB, 884x497, 1526104763454.png)

>>663721>I wouldn't be surprised if there's an Onion nude out there somewhereThere is and it wasn't exactly hidden. He was just as desperate for attention a year ago.
No. 663836
>>663834The closest we got to dick pick leaks was this
>>517761 which is close and scarring enough lmao
No. 663876
File: 1558663745426.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.18 KB, 884x497, 1526124166162.jpg)

>>663832I'd almost forgotten about his homage to our Queen.
No. 663891
File: 1558667163342.jpeg (154.47 KB, 750x390, 977B387D-C2F0-408B-90EB-8B4028…)

I wonder if he tried to copyright claim Strange Aeons’ video
No. 663953
File: 1558714299753.png (5.98 KB, 543x69, daddy issues.png)

Yesterdays Bonus Video:
My Dad old stories but this time he posted a picture of his dad on so people will know Greg thinks his dad is a sexual predator.
No. 663967
>>663953Wtf. His sisters definitely have to have disowned him by now. I get he thinks he is being high and fucking mighty by exposing his big old evil dad, but how scummy do you have to be to out your siblings abuse like that? Even if it is true, he has no place to keep mentioning the
victims. He goes out of his way to mention that the
victim is a BLOOD relative and in previous videos has admitted it's his sister. What a fucking asshole wow.
No. 663984
>>663967By all accounts, his sisters and his dad are close, so who knows.
Also pointing out that Greg has related his own experiences that sound like child abuse to me (mom giving him naked massages, older girl at church camp) and doesn’t see them as abuse, so his ability to identify abuse seems off.
No. 664024
>>663899Knowing how much he spergs about papa Onion, that would be the logical conclusion - that he was the one who was molested, not one of his sisters allegedly.
>>663953Why the fuck did he mention his father's name though. It's like he really wanted to name drop him.
No. 664057
File: 1558748560248.png (2.17 MB, 1136x640, 8A6C4347-1501-4B28-B2E9-420EA2…)

Gregma uploaded an old ass video from his Mr. Odd days on his encore channel. It’s just him looking “bored with melancholy” with his shitty music playing in the background. However, there’s a twist on the editing side where it becomes super creepy with the animation filter he puts on and his face disintegrates.
Ladies and gentlemen (newfags): Onion, age 19.
No. 664059
>>664057 samefag
He’s also back with his I-couldn’t-kill-a-rabbit-story once more.
No. 664092
File: 1558763751940.png (265.79 KB, 759x1129, Sieg Heil = Sehr Lustig.png)

Im seeing more and more of his fans turning on him. That little safe space he created for himself at is not the echo chamber he hoped for.
Im waiting for Greg to see this Sieg Heil thread and either make a short one sentence dismissive comment or locks/deletes the thread and hope everyone forgets about it like hes been doing with some other threads calling him out or bringing up his questionable actions.
I can also see him getting pissed and writing out a long confusing paragraph defending his humor. If you remember his gaming stream when those girls criticized his suicide jokes and he started using that overly calm voice he does when hes REALLY pissed. He ended up kicking them off the stream and refunding their Patreon pledge. If you scold him about his humor he gets triggers. Thats a major sore spot.
No. 664099
File: 1558776193357.png (88.3 KB, 886x637, 693505834275.PNG)

>>664092>a short one sentence dismissive comment>or locks/deletes the threadI guess I forgot
>revokes their membership and deletes their profileGreg would make a great dictator. Can you imagine him giving one of his OnisionSpeaks speeches from a balcony above the Piazza Venezia in front of his adoring fans.
No. 664109
>>664099There goes the little sensitive manlet again:
the malet who judges people when they make Lainey cry.
The manlet who abandons friends like Cyr when they are of a different political opinion or disagree with him.
The manlet who screams at a girl and sends her home when she doesn't want to be kissed and touched by him.
The manlet who refuses to talk to his infant daughter because she cannot reply in full sentences.
The manlet who is too busy "working" all day just to avoid spending time with his family.
The manlet who can't take any criticism about his listless, bad, offensive jokes.
Poor Greg.
We should all pity him because his fans are so mean to him.
No. 664135
File: 1558800914021.png (147.02 KB, 566x715, touching greg.png) making videos about his favorite subjects, himself and sex. Who needs or wants to even know this stuff about Greg?
It's really not worth the watch.
He sees hand holding as childish.
Face licking is a-okay!
Back rubs and foot rubs are good.
Don't touch his arm pits, knees, shins, butt hole, facial hair, and body hair.
He likes kissing, licking, and of course his dick being the prime focus.
No. 664148
File: 1558804465813.png (167.62 KB, 629x658, discordnerds.PNG)

>>664110I guess he is busy emailing people again. A sperge and blocking is coming soon.
No. 664154
File: 1558804942616.png (51.49 KB, 635x435, Capture87027.PNG)

Is this an olive branch to Bootyslayer? We all heard she ended up in the looney bin last Christmas. Or its just vague enough so all the fans and Patrons that have been jumping ship will return. Its a given that any Onision fan has some type of mental issue, professionally or Google self-diagnosed.
No. 664160
>>664135I guess that might be another of his "gentle" reminders for Lainey. Maybe she wanted to cuddle. And he wanted sex.
Or it could be another "Christian Gray" thing, so his fans find him more appealing …?
Ugh, I hate when he steals my (bad) ideas
>>>/pt/659775 No. 664165
File: 1558810205389.png (43.51 KB, 1319x312, dating.png)

>>664154He thinks that dealing with people who have "mental" issues is "hell" but he needs that narc validation and money.
No. 664206
>>664135Wow, are we sure he was
not sexually abused as a kid?? Seems that Crazy Tami and JULAYYY really done a number on him.
No. 664207
>>664135>>664160i think the only reason greg is with lainey is for the sex
he calls her "boring" to her face, but then defends it with saying they're "passionate" 'cos he is sexually affectionate lol
No. 664209
>>664207he held shiloh in his videos and played with her hair but pushes lainey away when she tries to touch him
but……. she lets him have sex with her whenever he wants, and she's a doormat that bends to his every wish, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and he has said in videos that he "loves how much she loves him" (that's nearly verbatim) basically, he likes starry eyed fans that worship the ground he walks on
No. 664213
>>664209He did the same with Billie. He held her legs and let her sit in his lap, and there’s of course the infamous video where he was touching her under the blanket while Sarah looked on (now deleted). There’s so many videos of him shoving Lainey away or kissing her and immediately leaving.
It’s pretty sad.
No. 664238
>>664213>>664218There was also intimate moments with Skye like her comfortably laying on top of him with a blanket, sitting on his lap while kissing his right temple…touching his ass…yeah
I take it Lainey never touched his ass on or offscreen
No. 664263
>>664238He was also like that with Skyes little sister.. creepy fuck he has videos of them and he zooms in on her predatory like
>>664239 yeah a
victim or her parents will have to come forward and go to police, there’s really nothing much we can do. Tbh anon i truly believe it’s only a matter of time until that happens.
No. 664270
File: 1558892293743.png (32.22 KB, 795x492, ayalla.png)

No. 664277
>>664275i feel like a broken record every time i say this but: Greg, you're in your 30's. has nothing else ever happened in your life for you to be constantly festering in stuff that likely happened 10+ years ago and with people you haven't seen/talked to in decades?
nobody gives a shit about your first time or if you exaggerated the details for your terrible self-insert OC 2009 fanfiction of a book. these kinds of videos are seriously expositive of what little actually goes on in his sad life. imagine being in your 30's and still making youtube videos for your underage fans talking about something that happened when you yourself were a teenager and wasn't even as significative as you make it out to be.
No. 664282
>>664275Greg really enforcing it was a totally cool grown up experience for him at 11 to be sexual with a 15 year old. If only there were more considerate older mentors out there to teach the inexperienced how to be intimate. /s
Why did he feel the need to mention the 'random factoid' that he's wiped his hard drive? Was he deleting his collection of photos of girls with hearts of 15 year olds?
No. 664303
>>664282Yeah that was weird. A long spiel about writing non-fiction about an 11 year old and 15 having sex then juxtapose that with a quick word about how his hard drive has been wiped. Im not sure if he meant it to mean he did it purposefully or it was an accident?
One small thing that made me feel gross. Greg says about his first time with this 15 year old
>I for some reason knew how to do thingsat that age and it being the first time it should be awkward and bumbling. The first thing that came to mind was hearing stories from CSA
victims and them talking about being taught sexual techniques by their adult abusers and in the future their first consensual sexual partner being surprised by their sexual knowledge. I know Greg says he was never abused, to be exact he has said numerous times he "doesnt remember ever being sexually abused" which to me is a weird way to word a statement like that, but we all know how Greg likes to play with words to make sure he covers himself.
No. 664312
File: 1558912946767.png (111.63 KB, 803x329, gross.png)

>>664303They didn't have sex but he did finger her. I suspect that he was vague in hopes to keep the video from being demonetized.
No. 664314
>>664302Greg isnt very tech savvy, even with all the boasting he does about making websites for the US Navy.
He tried to say the reason his old website was wiped and removed was because of a DDOS. Im positive that Greg deleted everything because of all the heat he was getting about the underage girl photos, and his fear that the feds were going to be knocking on his door. Im sure he did get DDOS'd a couple of times through out the life of that site, but a distributed denial of service is basically a glorified phone jam. Its like having all your friends call someone at the same time so that person cannot receive a phone call from anyone else. It doesnt delete files and remove your website.
>>664306Greg thinks any man whos been abused as a child is weak and damaged as an adult so he wouldnt want to admit it or have his fans know about it. Look at the way he joked about Jeffery Star
>I think someone snuck into his bedroom late and night and makes disgusting sex noises
>>664307He said they "just did stuff" and "got to third base" when he was 11, so no actual P-V penetration.
No. 664317
File: 1558913688824.jpeg (361.48 KB, 1125x1227, EFA0A930-4193-46D9-901B-770521…)

Ayalla is calling Gurg out again
No. 664333
File: 1558916216510.png (58.1 KB, 472x455, shes 15 greg.png)

Anyone who's scrolled through Onisions Twitter replies has seen this love-struck puppy trying to get a like or reply from him. This may end up being trouble for Greg. I can see a ProJared situation popping up once he ignores her and she feels slighted.
No. 664336
File: 1558916882276.jpeg (456.41 KB, 2048x2048, BED965E6-E793-41DA-8F03-5AD2DA…)

>>664213Lmao, I’d say poor Lainey, but
No. 664348
>>664333I don’t see the comparison with ProJared unless Greg, like ProJared did, solicits nudes from her underaged self. The ProJared girls weren’t “slighted”, they rightly identified him as a supercreep.
>>664325Susan Wojicki isn’t Jewish. She is Catholic from a Polish Catholic background. Greg is such a goddamned moron he can’t even bigot accurately.
No. 664387
File: 1558927868339.png (1.49 MB, 828x1792, 7AC17D17-F06C-4DB0-B2F8-599720…)

>>664317Billie agreed, an angry sperg and/or fapping his baby carrot to B incoming. That former Lainey clone and now Billie clone replied, too, and Madison tried butting in. Anus just doesn’t charm the ladies the way he used to
sarcasm No. 664454
I don't necessarily believe Grugly about having sexual experiences with an older girl at 11. Is this the first time he's said this to be true? I feel like perhaps he's sick of getting heat (especially with the recent popular videos on YouTube where his books are being read/made fun of) about making up and glorifying such a disgusting scene. So just like with David in stones to abbifail, wHo yOu CaNt mAke fUn oF hEs a ReAl pErSoN, he decided to pretend the scene depicts true events so he can use it as a shield from criticism.
When he mentioned how he already knew what to do somehow, to me it just came off as bragging vs implying he was abused sexually growing up. Grugly and his tiny ego is definitely the type of ogre to brag about hypothetically being good at sexual activity as an 11 year old. And now I wanna throw up.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 664458
>>664454He's told this story before. Given his way of looking at the world, at women, and how is mother was with him, turning the incident into a sexual conquest is how his tiny ego deals with it. In his mind he has never been a
victim of a woman, ever.
No. 664497
>>664238just at tinfoil but do you think that he treats her different because she is the only one who got pregnant?
like we know he has an actual pregnancy fetish. but what if the infatuation disappears once an actual crying, fussy baby appears? we've already heard him talk about in mutiple "comedy" videos what a pain kids are.
No. 664505
>>664497He doesn't really treat her differently, he just doesn't want to lose at a game … that no one plays with him. Iirc, people on the internet, and even youtubers, warned Lainey not to get with Greg and even contacted her family and tell them that she was about to marry him. People predicted they would separate within a couple of months.
That's why every once in a while videos and "songs" pop up on his channel, reeeeeeing about how they're still together and how the haters were wrong instead of focusing on why he loves actually Lainey - which he doesn't do: We witnessed his behavior towards her and heard what he said to and about her multiple times.
Greg's limited, little mind is just not able to connect those bits, so he doesn't think (or even know) that everybody else can.
No. 664523
>>664390It is sad how they emphasize they're into consensual stuff as if it's another part of their kinks, and not normal and intrinsical.
The poor kid doesn't even expect someone to respect her boundaries, she only "hopes".
They're wording it in that way to excuse themselves to him for having boundaries. The poor kid quickly backtracks and shows how she'll bend and ignore those boundaries for a man.
He really couldn't collect those types of people on YT or Patreon or any other platform than his cultish forums. His chances of
obtaining new teen poon ending up with a prison sentence for the posesion of CP/grooming a minor/etc. have skyrocketed with this new forum.
No. 664531
File: 1558975734298.png (26.87 KB, 305x866, --------.PNG)

tee hee hee
No. 664551
>>664531Keep telling yourself that hon.
Greg is sooo unbothered by the hatuuurz, he solely talks about them, is married to a foot with children to show them and even gets a tattoo to always remember them.
If he was that obsessed with his actual fanbase, maybe he'd have one.
He is so incredibly dumb, I don't know if it's hilarious or just sad.
No. 664618
>>664275Has no one mentioned that she asked to shower with him nor that she basically raped his 11-year old friend the following year???
I wonder if this chick has made it to the sex offenders’ list yet, or at least stopped pulling a Michael Jackson on little boys?
I guess we now know why he (subconsciously) hates women.
No. 664643
>>664505i think in order to leave lainey, he'll have to A) get an alt teenage girl into their weird poly relationship to rebound off too when lainey is "2 insecure to deal with :("
or B) have lainey do something to him he can twist to make her out to be a terrible person, and then leave
>>664541he even admitted this in a video where they're playing jenga (playing it wrongly, might i add lol)
No. 664813
>>664648Well. Now I'm convinced he only stays with her to stick it to the haters. He KNOWS we'd have a field day if they broke up.
If only Lainey would wake the fuck up.
No. 664817
File: 1559062172877.png (304.56 KB, 566x715, ec.png)

>>664799He's ran out of topics and just retreads topics that where successful in the past.
Eugenia Cooney Update_ GREAT NEWS! (+ A Pic!) video on DDLG & Furries't watch but I'm assuming it's the same old opinions and trying to use EC's name to pull in some views in attempts to bring back his dying channel.
No. 664823
File: 1559062863142.png (1.04 MB, 1164x660, Untitled.png)

>>664817Click bait as usual, the "great news" is that she's alive, the pic doesn't even show if she's gained weight/etc. Takes him until almost the 3 minute mark of a 3:47 video to even talk about the pic because the rest is about how haters kept hating on his EC videos
No. 664855
>>664817He might as well start making a sperg series about furries now because the DDLG topic is dried up.
>>664852She's not even trying to like girls anymore, bitch knows she ain't fooling anyone. Meanwhile Grugly is crying in the corner because his 'trans' wife can't fish a new stupid teenage girl.
No. 664881
>>664817Im going to legit have a seizure with how many jump cuts he did in that DDLG video.
Does he think thats still something the viewers enjoy? I remember Laineys fans pissing and moaning when he was editing her videos and using a couple dozen jump cuts for no reason and then going to black & white over and over.
No. 664889
File: 1559082471964.webm (1.05 MB, 241x180, ohmygod.webm)
>>664817>I see kids, they irritate me both in how they look and act. Irritating.I was waiting for Greg to catch himself, realize how shitty that sounded and put a little tag on the end of that statement
>…I mean except for my own kids, they're the greatest!but I guess hes tired of pretending he cares.
If anyone caught that YouNow stream he did recently it was just a few minutes of him asking his fans the name of a song. Hes humming it and asking for the title. You could hear kids screaming upstairs and you just know if he hadn't been in front of the camera he would of been screaming at them to shut up like he does to the dogs barking.
No. 664906
>>664823>because her body is getting too healthyThat's phrased like they're purposefully trying to
trigger her, what the fuck.
No. 664908
>>664906Jesus fuck that passed over me, But it sounds like it, And greg is contributing to this as well.
This person and greg both have a weird ass death wish for eugenia.
No. 664913
>>664906I also thought that was worded weird. That whole twitter post is nasty though. A man took a creep pic of a girl and gave her location out as well as possibly
triggering her.
No. 664968
File: 1559097673388.png (206.06 KB, 678x753, Capture _2019-05-28-23-37-43~2…)

>>664878It happened hahaha. Get fucked you greasy cunt
No. 664969
File: 1559097822094.png (2.06 MB, 1136x640, D6DDD129-97B7-432C-B80A-D0FF56…)

He reuploaded to his encore channel again, do with this as you wish.
No. 665018
File: 1559107365048.jpeg (153.28 KB, 750x846, B0784AFC-3DE1-4F01-8B45-668DC1…)

Onision fan logic: there’s no way abuse is happening on grug’s swamp because “dogs don’t like abuse :(“
No. 665060
>>664889>see kids, they irritate me both in how they look and act. Irritating.Lol what? Kids look like normal fucking humans, just in small and well, act like kids
Is he trying to hide his pedo tendencies again by saying "kids irritate me, what even are they. So disgusting"
No. 665062
>>665061you know what
there's a video on lainey's channel where lainey and greg are talking about poly and greg literally says to her, "you need a girl in our relationship so you have someone to talk about your feelings with,"
he's so emotionally incompetent, he chalks it up to "hurr durr being a man," and that only a "FEEEMALLLEEE" can be emotionally empathetic toward lainey
i remember having to pause the video and actually facepalming
he's ridiculous
No. 665094
File: 1559139588661.jpeg (248.86 KB, 750x808, E13D624E-8BC8-47A4-9270-14756D…)

No. 665097
>>665094My best guess is that he wants validation and asspats from his "hayturzzzz" because he's not getting enough attention.
Tinfoil: It might also be his personality disorder showing.
No. 665136
>>665099True, but it was 2008 when he shot that video and I doubt Skye would’ve let show
that footage anyway as she had some agency unlike the other after her
No. 665186
File: 1559168142068.jpg (20.08 KB, 575x148, haturz.JPG)

it seems like the majority of Onion's tweets these days are just him convincing himself that he is above the haters because obviously they must be so miserable just because they dont like him right?
No. 665189
>>665186Yeah, well, anything to keep you him working on or improving himself, right?
Of course, it's always the others. Duh. Makes life so much easier!
No. 665203
File: 1559173145849.jpeg (86.7 KB, 347x400, A0251BE5-ED06-4ACC-A298-FB5BDF…)

He’s doing it!
>>665190Because Greg doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “sanitary”.
No. 665205
>>665094I mean … he did date some “hot babes”/attractive women in his day, god knows how or why, and how all he’s left with is his nasty foot manwife and their screeching spawn in a sinking swamp trailer riddled with thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of debt, barely making income, and having 8 fans left while his exes are all doing much better off without him.
Lmao, not only is Lainey by far the most a) boring b) untalented and c) unattractive girl he’s ever been with, but she literally has herpes, too.
No. 665225
>>665203 A Family Channel
He doesn't say anything new. Kids who are on youtube are 'employees' and the parents must only care about money. Oh yeah, and of course he doesn't have kids because he doesn't want to be called out or inconvenienced when he does something that makes people worry for his children safety.
No. 665384
>>665331Yeah, imagine the intense jealousy going on in that house when the comments are all about how cute his kids are and no one cares about him.
It would also make him appear his age - or "old" in Greg's words - because of the age difference and the fact that he indeed is a father.
No. 665391
>>665385remember when onion wouldn't change madison's baby because he didn't want "The haters 2 call him a pedo :(" maybe his retarded ass thinks it makes him a pedo to talk to or change his own female child
wouldnt want the haters online to think anything is susp :thinking:
No. 665442
File: 1559239123201.jpeg (156.33 KB, 750x364, 7CABC392-44D1-4C29-B53F-E23D01…)

Bit of a derailment/spoonfeed but does anyone have a mirror of this? Sounds hilarious
No. 665489
>>665391I'd bet money he thinks that.
I'm sure he also never changes clot's clothes because he could see her naked body.
He's so fucking disgusting. How Taylor sees this and enables it by saying "uwu the mean internet ;(" is beyond me. She's a mother, she should be the first one spotting a threat to her children, which is her husband.
No. 665586
>>665489there's mothers that side with their partners even knowing fully well they raped/abused their children. women like Lainey or Holly who know their partners/fuckbuddies are pedophiles and silently enable it exist and aren't as uncommon as we tend to think.
i hope to whatever deity is out there neither of his children ever get abused, sexually or otherwise, by anyone, esp. not Gregma.
No. 665614
>>665586This person
>>>/ot/410987 exists, so… (read at your own sanity’s risk)
No. 665705
>>665489This is one of the most gross things about Onion that he'd refuse to help an incapable child that can't even comprehend how to go potty. He doesn't want to be accused of being a pervert because he's so worried about the child hitting on him while she's exposed. He is fucking mental. Because he can't turn off his sick thoughts and the vagina alarm in his brain he would let a child stew in her own filth because HATURZ. I guess I mean he stays with his wife, that's now a whole new identity where she becomes the opposite gender of who she wants to have sex with (????), for the HATURZ.
Wouldn't be surprised if he does do porn for the HATURZ he's 0robsbly been dying for someone to ask lol
No. 665707
>>664852Does anyone have a mirror for this video I don't want to give the disingenuous cunt views.
This is something. She based her entire identity of trying to figure herself out. Kept making points about gender and sexuality are not the same and she feels actually a gender, non binary. She just called herself gay for sexuality but never really discussed it did she? She was hardly a fucking dyke being married to Greg and having mental breakdowns over him fucking another girl and then skin walking the girl for years.
Greg has made a fool of Taylor. She is a fucking doormat oh my god. No wonder she never told her parents any of this bullshit. Her Internet persona is just being Onision's wife and he had to set her up publicaly in such a way that he can have groupies that want to film and fuck him at their compound.
She's bi now, as opposed to what Taylor, straight? you stupid bitch. At least Onion let her appeal to the sex and gender she's actually sexually attracted to. Spit in my mouth boys!! I just want to be degraded by a nice man, save me from Onion and spit in my mouth uwu!! Girls.. Uh we can hold hands and if you turn my husband on too much I'm cry!!!
She's so fucking dull.
No. 665844
File: 1559342966733.jpg (639.42 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190531-184552_You…)

This piece of shit retard made yet ANOTHER EC harrassment video. He really is so desperate, those videos are the only ones he can break 15k with anymore. He is beyond shame now and must realize how sick and creepy this is? Right?
I think it's mostly to scrounge any money he can, but also to get attention from people like Jaclyn Glen (who tweeted about the one a few days ago). Someone needs to put this sick dog down for fucking good already
No. 665862
>>665797>>665834I know the mods want to keep this thread focused on just onision which is fine but could we make a different thread for both of them as well as this one? I know Lainey has her own snow thread but I don’t think anyone really goes there and there’s enough overlap with the two of them that it makes sense to have it in one thread somewhere. I understand not wanting it to derail with nitpicks about how she looks but the gender and bi thing are likely a result of her being with onision because it seems like his abuse has stripped her of identity and his need for fresh girls has pushed her to identify as bi.
Idk i’ll shit up if this is detrailing but want to find something that works for everyone lol.
No. 665876
>>665862Lainey is 100% relevant to all Smegma threads because she is a living example of what his manipulation and abuse does/did to an impressionable and lost young girl. Shes definitely a milky cringe cow in her own right at this point but it all ties back to the living Chucky doll Smergenstein and his abuse.
Making her verboten here was always a fucking stupid choice.
Anyway, has anyone been keeping track of all Gergory's new sock puppets on Twitter? They're fucking hilarious, excepting one proven to be a 14 yr old which is just sad and worrying. "Proud onision fan" is 100% Greg and it's hilarious. Hes so pathetic it hurts
No. 665881
File: 1559348763956.png (334.92 KB, 563x671, patron only.png) had a meeting with people he can't name about something he can't talk about and now he knows whats gonna happen in the future. He bought some drums from Costco so now he is all hyped to make more terrible music.
I bet everyone is holding their breath to see more of his musical masterpieces. Here is the most recent one:
Family Channel Song No. 665885
>>665881Thanks for upload anon. I tried, couldnt stand more than 2 min 40 secs of him. Some observations:
a) his head is literally the width of his ribcage
b) the meeting and plans he "cant talk about" are definitely him meeting with a crisis PR team to try and salvage his dumbass trainwreck
Sorry Gergles, you got lucky on a viral fluke and your retardation and personality disorders took your easy monied life from you. Your lack of talent ensures you'll never see that kind of notoriety again bitch lol
Even if he got mildly middle class successful again in 6 months hes just gonna sperg again and show his small dick energy to the world all over again.
I feel bad for the poor professionals hes paying to help him
No. 665912
File: 1559353905476.gif (1.56 MB, 325x200, 9f3c7883c3.gif)

>>665881He's so afraid of his "haterz". He even tries to instill that fear into his fans/patrons by saying that engaging with haters is like fighting a bear or playing with fire. So the haters are now this monstrous flaming bear trying to kill you.
Is this just a way to keep his fans from having any kind of conversation with people trying to show them the true face of Onision? Ive seen in his Twitter threads many of his fans shocked about his history of bad behavior when someones shown them proof via links to videos or websites, because they've only been a fan for a couple of years.
If you make the haters into monsters then you dont have to worry about your fans having any kind of conversation with them. Reminds me of the movie The Village. You're kept in this isolated community and not allowed outside contact and if you dare try to go beyond the borders then the monsters will get you, in this case the
Inferno-Bears. No. 665977
>>665907Sam said all they talk about is Youtube. Truly the most exciting house you could even live in.
I think the Olive Garden date was basically a dream scenario of the best these idiots could generate conversation wise by this point.
No. 666012
File: 1559367777704.png (1.27 MB, 1363x899, Screenshot_34.png)

here's greg's retarded Eugenia Cooney video
can't wait to see how angry Jaclyn Glenn gets this time. No. 666014
File: 1559368042811.png (325.51 KB, 571x746, idiot.png)'s sad that Greg has to twist legitimate concerns into ridiculous claims just so that he can prove the h8ters wrong. The only one that said he wasn't married was himself in attempts to dodge criticism about how dysfunctional their marriage is.
Too bad the haters aren't stupid enough to fall for your elementary school level manipulation tactics Gregma.
No. 666028
>>666014Why is he trying so hard to convince us about stupid shit lately? He knows we’re not stupid and too hard-headed to be manipulated anyway.
Please stop, Gregma. Nobody buys into your bs - not now, not ever!
No. 666029
>>666012He so self righteous. He criticizes the person who shared that photo of EC on twitter but was more than happy to make a video about it? (Also Greg gets photographed in public, I guess that makes him kind of famous.)
His defense on making fun of EC is that he has basically done it to everyone else in his life. He likens it to a brother making fun of his sister; just because you made fun of her once (or several times publicly so you could rake in those youtube bucks) doesn't mean you don't care about her. Also he considers it 'petty middle school drama' if you try to call him out on his behavior.
On to how to help:
Be supportive. Like what he's doing right now, supportive can be making all sorts of monetized videos about a person who has reached out and asked you to stop. I'm sure that really-really makes her feel like you have the best intentions.
Ask people to take down any old pictures or videos that show her body. If Greg can't make money off of those no one else can.
Have Greg make fun of the person with the eating disorder. This will push them into making positive changes; if it worked for Lainey, it will work with EC.
Oh yeah, and Greg's videos couldn't of hurt EC's mental health because she called him 'irrelevant' once.
Again, remember to badger anyone who has an EC video until they take it down. We don't want the algorithm to suggest her any hate videos. Of course she would need to be searching for herself on youtube to get those sort of recommendations, but I really don't think she's the type to seek out negativity. You would have to be one heck of a narcissist to search youtube for the newest videos about you on the daily.
Also EC should cut out anyone who hasn't been supportive in her healing.
The rest of the video he just reads out helpful advice for anyone struggling with an eating disorder.
No. 666057
>>666012I hope Gherkin doesn't try to spin that the haters re-uploading his videos are trying to hurt Eugenia, because they're re-uploading his awful videos because he shouldn't be able to slink away and hide his bad behavior.
If I was Eugenia I'd be fucking offended by this video. Part of recovery is being able to handle
triggering stimuli and learning how to cope with it healthily. Obviously people shouldn't be throwing shit in her face on purpose to
trigger her, but she also needs to be able to navigate the world without people shielding her from everything.
Also Gherkin studies have shown that when kids are bullied about their weight they actually gain weight so fuck right off with your idea that your comedy influences people to improve themselves, the only thing his videos make me want to do is travel back in time and convince Onion's mom to get an abortion.
No. 666212
File: 1559415423557.png (1.61 MB, 1922x1050, Screen Shot 2019-06-01 at 20.5…)

gregory's spouse mentions wanting top surgery in the "Naming Trans Guys" hairdye vid they just dropped, but not for a second would greg permit it. gotta have tits to keep the grease!
looking like an emaciated guy fieri also probably doesnt help
No. 666226
File: 1559417866948.png (6.98 MB, 2208x1242, 0DFDDBF8-96AF-4CC3-8EF9-D87E0C…)

>>666212I’m not so sure anymore. If she publicly states that she wants it and Greg doesn’t allow it then his whole persona of being a supportive spouse will be thrown out.
In a recent Laineybot vid she clearly has stopped shaving under her arms and Greg hates hair on his partners.
No. 666227
>>666226exactly what i think
i think he'll let her go through with it to keep the persona of being the "TrAnS AlLy" but find some sort of scapegoat reason to leave tbh
billie set the bar pretty high tho but i think he' ll take whatever he can get at this point
No. 666241
>>666239Well. That’s what comes with letting this become a Taylor-thread.
Better get used to it.
No. 666253
>>666241Lmao, ok. Pretty sure when this was an Onion and Laundry thread people got called out for using her speshul transtrending pronouns, now people like you call out anyone who mentions her? She’s always relevant to Onion, plus milk’s been pretty dry now from him.
>>666014No one ever said you weren’t married dumb fuck. I know you pretend you’re not Anus, just like you pretend you’re not a father, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re tied to a swamp foot manwife and two spawn that you can’t stand. It also doesn’t change that the whole internet is aware of this fact.
No. 666311
>>666253Rehashing nitpicky topics is one thing but using her transtrender pronouns just reeks of plain and simple newfag.
>>666226Her content is even more boring than usually. Anybody else noticed she doesn't really have Grug in them as she used to?
No. 666554
File: 1559464704741.png (311.61 KB, 706x564, Capture _2019-06-02-05-33-16.p…)

So gargoyle re-uploaded I'm a banana but made it 10 minutes long and put more ads on it. His desperation for money is just sad to watch. Btw so much for "quality content" re-uploading videos from 10 years ago
No. 666561
>>666554 serious question and not cow tipping but rather abiding by all rules and terms and agreements on lolcow; the latest upload is 10 minutes long and has already been viewed 6.5 thousand times!! Is there any way An anon can provide USELESSFUL ADVICE on how a ghost can report this video to YouTube’s terms and agreements as a violation since the video is literally a decade old and literally on repeat for ten minutes! This has to be a violation of YouTube’s terms and agreements.
Can any anon provide USEFUL ADVICE to report this clear and obvious violation on the advertisement agreement
No. 666629
File: 1559495483907.png (303.14 KB, 570x753, ec.png)

>>666377Anon, you where right.
>I gotta say I told you guys before in multiple videos that EC is a beautiful woman and you know what? I was proven right with this photo.I can reupload on request but it's just a 2 minute video where he calls her beautiful and talks about how wonderful it is that she's getting better.
The Shane video is one where he compares their facial structure.
No. 666665
>>666629What a fucking stalker. That thumbnail makes him look like several women and children already have restraining orders on him.
Every time he does this, there's a chance that she'll see or hear about it and her recovery might stop. He's deliberately trying to fuck it up for her.
No. 666673
>>666629To be honest in
>>665881 he does look a bit like Shane. I think all this rage is because he wants to skinwalk Shane and live his life. If he can't be Shane then he can destroy Shane and bring him down to Greg's level.
Of course a good deal of this probably has to do with Greggo's closeted homosexuality.
No. 666693
Here is a new link to add.
Cameo :'s so disingenuous. He focuses on how long the person has been a fan and one he didn't even know who he was congratulating for graduating college.
No. 666747
File: 1559515748332.jpg (334.67 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190602-173428_Fac…)

Greg finally found the picture Eugenias hairdresser posted and had to go on about her…again. i should note I'm not following him and his ass showed up in my feed.
No. 666753
>>666750kek no
it just gives him easy views
No. 666802
>>666747Aww she looks so cute and
alive here!… and looks strikingly like Skye
Killing two birds with one stone if you know what I mean
No. 666806
File: 1559523561581.png (1.1 MB, 828x1792, DD9D15D0-BC63-48CD-AC62-AE531C…)

>>666747He posted it on Twitter, too, and BW is ripping into him. How long before he makes another angry vid about her, since she’s another person he wants to hate fuck.
No. 666811
File: 1559524587624.jpg (108.65 KB, 900x1200, IMG_20190602_211015.jpg)

Imagine being so unlikeable, random people in your local area start calling you out on social media. related. Feeling second hand embarrassment from seeing he goes out in public like that. Are those crocs on his manbaby sized feet?
No. 666824
File: 1559526472193.jpg (32.14 KB, 610x480, 1501090322268.jpg)

>>666806>you know what you did to her>what you ignored behind the scenesSomeone please spill the deets on this. I want another foot dug in the Greg grave.
No. 666900
File: 1559541419624.jpeg (330.54 KB, 1125x1099, 81BA10A0-5509-4DF6-BD98-703FFA…)

No. 666933
>>666811Thank god for that cone we now have the scale of smol boy Onion.
How the fuck would anyone mistake that for Shane Dawson. He's not a fucking red head jfc, he has child proportions.
No. 666964
>>666900Honestly shit like this
triggers relapses. This might be one of the worse things hes ever done to someone clinging to life and she's not even someone who once entertained him, even for money, clout or peen.
God, this is the one of the most neutral people he's ever interacted with and he's being such a piece of shit.
No. 667002
File: 1559570820021.png (1.46 MB, 828x1792, 0336FD61-D710-4144-96EE-45DECA…)

He’s deleting videos that underperform. I saw last night he had a video a couple days old that had barely broken 4K views. Another video was seven or eight thousand views and almost a week old. Did anyone else notice this?
No. 667020
>>666964Greg doesn't want her to get better. period.
He needs her to pull in views, she's the only "controversial topic" that he can talk about and which generates him money. As soon as she'll have recovered, he'll only be able to make videos about how "horrible her condition was in the past and how great she looks now". It won't be controversial and dramatic anymore hence, it won't pull in any views.
Triggering her and hoping for her to never recover is a lucrative business for him, no matter how many times he tries to spew
HIS truth about wanting her to get better.
No. 667049
>>667020He definitely doesn’t. He already admitted in the past he’s wanting her to die so he can make a video about him being “right” about her condition and how he did more to help. He’s definitely trying to
trigger Eugenia into having a relapse. I can only hope she’s keeping away from social media or has at least finally blocked him so she won’t see his shit.
No. 667055
File: 1559580541488.png (1.91 MB, 1334x750, 096057DB-4E10-4A24-8F4F-714682…)

>>666933Are we sure footwife isn’t skinwalking Shane to keep Grug interested?
No. 667067
>>667049Is it possible that he could go to jail for this? It’s almost like attempted murder.
If Eugenia does die because of relapsing - God forbid, wouldn’t he be held liable for this and would her friends/fellow YouTube colleagues report him to the cops?
No. 667070
>>667067Not really.
If I were her family though I would seriously be looking into getting a restraining order to stop him from talking about her and harassing her online.
The court costs would be worth it if it really is as damaging and
triggering as it seems to be.
No. 667073
>>667067with a good enough lawyer.
I doubt EC & family has that type of money though
No. 667146
File: 1559595568187.png (33.03 KB, 559x383, Capture _2019-06-03-17-53-01.p…)

>>667002It looks like he deleted or privated a lot of videos, he lost almost 300k views according to Socialblade
No. 667159
>>666811Look at how the "famous" Onision, "the most honest YouTuber", is all alone. No one wants to stand next to him.
Iirc he had a bit of a reputation of being smelly in high school… well, just wondering…
No. 667212
>>666811That cone is 26.5" according to the listing, he's roughly 2.5 cones tall (taking into account the rough distance between them)
So that makes him between 67-71" in height which is consistent with his height next to the Spiderman statue
I.e onion is about 5'8-5'8.5, and most of his height is his giant head.
But we already knew that.
No. 667326
File: 1559622901433.png (71 KB, 578x741, interviews.png)

Joe Interview Interview've only watched the first few minutes of the Joe interview. He says he didn't kiss his cousin and just remembered it wrong. If some brave anon wants to see if there is any milk feel free.
Billy's first few minutes are sucking Onions dick so I doubt there will be anything too juicy there.
No. 667352
>>667326These were actually pretty good. The first one critical-but-not-really of Onion and in the second one, Billy mirrors Onion back at him.
Back in the day, JoySparkleBS made a THIRTY MINUTE video railing at Repzion, MundaneMatt and Jeff Holiday ("Mundanematt, Jeff Holiday, Rezion [sic], & Chris Ray Gun Mock Those Flagged At Pax") OVER A PHOTO of them all sitting together at a restaurant while at PAX. Also at the table was Billy the Fridge. She goes on to say something about how much she loves him (and totally isn't kissing his ass, guys! lol) and how he is a sweet boy who needs to choose better friends.
Pretty sure Billy calling Onion a "sweet boy" was a reference to this. But could also be coincidence.
No. 667365
File: 1559631504433.jpg (636.59 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190604-024346_You…)

Not sure if anyone else noticed this, it looks like Onion has renamed a bunch of videos on his OnisionArchive channel to "" and based on the thumbnails I'm assuming he has done it on any possibly controversial video except weirdly enough not videos concerning his drama with past relationships. Also he's been playing with diapers since like 2009 so maybe he does have a fetish.
No. 667386
>>667326Id say good job Joe making Onion squirm but he's obviously hanging out with him and went easy enough to not sever any business ties.
Greg's constant deflection was reminiscent of this article how can he not confirm he killed his turtle Wtf. "Turtle's are really good at playing dead." Did the stupid cunt not check before disposing of it?
He refused to talk about his mum. Said his Dad molested only girls and was molested as a child himself. Greg all of a sudden claims he can't remember his childhood before age 11,and your man Joe insinuates that's common for abuse
victims. He said he misremembered kissing his cousin, he tried but he freaked out. He was 13. The interviewer said was it not your cousin freaking out cause she wasn't in to you and Greg got annoyed and face went red lmao. Cockblocked by his own cousin yeehaw!
Anna Minx and Billie were in the background not even going to watch Billie's interview. And then the interview ends with Joe Reading out a private dm from a group text with Onion Billie Anna Jessica and Jo in which Onion is mad no one wants to collab on a Saturday, slags them all off while sucking up to Jessica. Joe says Onion does the because Jessica slobs his knob all day. Onion got uncomfortable and it ends with Joe appeasing him with a hug. Is Jessica the patron that looks like Lainey?
No. 667387
>>667386Sorry for edit on phone:
- onion claims his dad was also molested as a child, he doesn't claim he was.
- group dm is Billy the fridge not Billie.
No. 667449
File: 1559668159768.png (228.38 KB, 629x458, kissing cousin.png)

>>667386If I remember correctly he kissed his cousin while she was sleeping. Does he think his new story makes it any better?
No. 667476
File: 1559674040039.jpeg (374.81 KB, 750x958, 41361AA7-0193-40F4-9BC6-5A25C0…)

He is so fucking unhinged and autistic, sitting in front of his computer all day looking at what haters have to say, so obsessed with the fact that he’s a has-been that he sits around making charts.
>>667449…Sir, this is a Wendy’s… He genuinely reminds me of Chris Chan & Nick Bate
No. 667482
File: 1559675597785.jpeg (128.4 KB, 814x795, 31D9BDEC-C73F-4344-95E2-064E63…)

Sebastian Williams, a popular drama YouTube channel that is relatively positive though has some satire, uploaded a video about Eugenia, just showing the picture of her getting better and encouraging positivity, but also slammed Onion at the end of the video. All of the comments are basically saying they’re happy for her and how irrelevant and awful Onion boy is, lol.
See Anus? Nobody likes you.
No. 667576
File: 1559694489779.png (314.44 KB, 1270x1027, Onion trying to sell secrets t…)

New poll, apparently Onion is getting desperate for money.
No. 667579
>>667576"to the highest possible tier so nothing leaks"
some cow is going to pay greaseball $$$ in search of huge milk just to hear about him biting lainey while he huffs and puffs on them for 5m ,
hes too easy to see through lol
or who knows, some patreons might get to hear about his secret diaper fetish
No. 667580
>>667576Pretty sure he’s hoping the haterz will be desperate enough to pay him for the possibility of dirt.
Don’t fall for it, anons. He won’t share anything worthy of milk because he still knows it will get out. Or hopes it will, rather.
No. 667582
>>667579>>667580As a patreon anon, I wouldn't give any extra money for details on his boring life.
He is still mentally in his teens so I imagine it's just things a 14 year old would find important.
He'll probably share more of his family life. Most likely complaining about how Lainey and the kids hold him back.
Take photos of himself covered in fake blood.
or brag about how 'good' he is in bed.
No. 667630
File: 1559707062899.jpg (299.59 KB, 1080x990, Screenshot_20190604-234255_You…)

>>667496I'm not really sure of what his motives are here. Could he just be really lazily plugging his patreon? Probably. But could he also be obscuring the titles so that searching through his videos is mindnumbingly tedious. That's what my main theory is. I think he's trying to make it hard for people, like Mikenactor, to pull old clips of him looking like the real ass he is.
A lot of videos with overtly sexual clickbait thumbnails had their names changed to the patreon url, these videos were one of his biggest scandals. He didn't change the tags for some of them at least. I clicked on one video with a busty asian babe in a bikini for the thumbnail and lo and behold the tags: bikini, best bikini haul, women, swimsuits. Searching "onision archive best bikini haul women swimsuits" brings up that video.
And then I found one of his videos where he did rate his fans, keywords: rating, fans, forums. When I search "onision archive forum fans rating" that video shows up. Either way its fucking weird to change a bunch of videos on your archive channel to your patreon url.
No. 667668
File: 1559723252100.png (372.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190605-091748.png)

>>667326He's getting SO MAD throughout the video, it's amazing
Like Joe is clearly joking at times and you can just see the rage on shregmas face that he's trying so hard to disguise by fake laughing and shit
No. 667684
File: 1559736086871.png (639.11 KB, 675x491, jessica.PNG)

>>667395>I wouldn’t be surprised if Greg was fucking around with her.I really don't think so. Unless shes able to out doormat Taylor and let him do some really deviant sexual shit to her.
No. 667690
File: 1559738037768.jpg (64.59 KB, 594x469, capondesign_dc4cat0-250t.jpg)

>>667386>Joe Reads out a private dm from a group text with Onion Billie Anna Jessica and Joe in which Onion is mad no one wants to collab on a SaturdayWhen trying to prove his point about people only wanting to be his friend when hes famous he says "I just want to establish I was right, about a certain person… the one who's not here"
This isn't really milk but it does show another long time friend leaving the fold. My theory is that hes speaking about Eugene (CaponDesign) I haven't seen him in any of Onisions new videos besides a recent re-upload of Balloon Fight-Death Note Battle.
No. 667697
>>667582Yeah, I don't think it'll be milky, so you're absolutely right saving your money, anon!
He'll have falling outs with his top tier patrons anyway, so whatever he posts there will come to light eventually.
>>667630That makes a lot of sense, thb. But he might shoot himself in the foot again: If someone who just recently became a fan of him has to click on numerous videos with the same title, they will get confused and bored soon and stop watching.
Less views = less money
I'm waiting for him to realize this and sperg about how he's so totally indifferent about making money on youtube "you guys. Look here, see how my views plummeted. I'm so poor, guys. Pls send munneh, must buy instrumentz and veegun meat."
>>667684She looks a little bit like young Sarah here.
No. 667768
>>666780tbh the atrocity that is grease's books are a HUGE insight in greg's mind and how he thinks/views the world
he even admits they are self-inserts
and the main character is a "uwu damaged girl" with self harm scars that he "saves" as well
No. 667829
>>667744He’s probably going to:
A) Bitch about Shiloh being the worst relationship he’s ever had while simultaneously trying not to smile and laugh like he always does when he talks about her.
B) Go back and forth about how much of a druggie loser Billie was, but also how great sex with Billie was, since he’s openly stated he likes “underdeveloped girls” and tweeted after their breakup how she came to him self conscious about her chest size and he reassured her he loved her smaller chest (i.e. he’s sick of Taylor’s massive droopy milk jugs).
and C) complain about his wife and kids and how Taylor never cleans up after herself and the kids always scream and are so annoying, and also how Taylor won’t go out and bring another girl home for them to share anymore.
No. 667830
>>667326I appreciate how Joe was able to highlight many of Gregs nervous reactions and 'tells' for when he's lying with this comedic interview.
Joe: "what about your mom greg?" Greg: Anxiously plays with hair.. ""
Joe: asks simple yes or no question Greg: "Well… Let me put it to you this way.."
Joe: "Greg, d'you know what I see under your make up? You turning red." Greg: Gets into fetal position on couch.
No. 667882
File: 1559785709624.png (42.15 KB, 644x657, so little votes.png)

>>667580I think you're 100% right. The first half is about his new top tier patreon. He says:
>On top of that this top tier is going to include things I want to say to people but I can't say because I don't want people to hear it if they don't want to hear it.The really sad thing is hardly anyone even replied to the poll. I'm sure he'll do his normal lazy thing. Make content for a week then drop it in favor of pushing out more videos everyone can consume.
A Serious Topic & Other Stuff No. 667893
File: 1559787973867.png (2.56 MB, 1136x640, F38C47BA-0521-488D-9BD5-F872A0…)

Onion reuploaded one of his autistic songs featuring his ex on his main channel.
Here’s a quote from her before she left the interwebz:
>”Please remember that we had nothing at the start of everything…”
And now he is truly alone with no one by his side (unless you count Taylor kek)
No. 667906
>>667904I went back and forth with both ideas.
But think about how many times hes put out information he thought was benign or that put other people in a bad light or was "edgy humor" and it ruined him and he had to either defend himself or delete all evidence of it.
Im sure he thinks this is some how making his haters impotent because its flipping all the stories and arguments about how hes a garbage human being, and trying to turn it into a skit. But the way Joe drilled him, it was funny and you could see Gregs unease with the whole thing.
No. 667928
>>667779It's hilarious too because all Billy said was that he couldn't make it. Politely through text. It's not like he was ghosted or told to fuck off rudely and instead of being like 'oh okay we can reschedule' or even voicing his hurt rationally 'well that's a bummer, you guys have cancelled a bit, maybe we can all agree on a date?'
Instead he chucks a tantrum like a toddler. You don't wanna collab because I'm not famous anymore! Wahhh!
God what a loser. They are losers for even hanging out with him. I do get the vibe they aren't really into him though and all laugh behind his back.
Also I noted that he said 'trying to kiss someone isn't molestation!'
Uh it is if there isn't consent.
Maya doesn't quite fall under that category, but yes, kissing someone when they are asleep is molestation ya weirdo.
No. 667949
>>667073I’m in Massachusetts and recently was in a very similar situation and had to go through the police to get a restraining order.
It is free, she doesn’t even need a lawyer and the videos Onision has made are literally the ideal kind of evidence.
He would be so fucked and it would take almost no effort.
I’ve posted this maybe a month ago and I don’t expect one post on here to clear up misconceptions about the law. I really can’t stress enough how it would take a quick trip to the police station and Onision would be totally screwed. I
really fucking hope someone close to her lurks and sees this, it would take ten minutes at most to compile evidence and even her gaurdian could report it, though I think she would find it personally very empowering.
There is no maybe, he broke the law multiple times and her case is black and white. Really sorry for obnoxious formatting, I’m legit begging at this point for this to be communicated. She has the perfect kind of evidence there will be no cost and no battle. It is criminal law.
No. 667960
>>667953Don't even get me started about his fans. There's SO many comments complaining that the Joe individual was too harsh and rude when it came to talking about Greg being molested jokingly.
Why do these retards get butthurt over his own friend roasting him but asking very
valid questions but they'll screech
honesty whenever Gurg decides to make hateful videos on anyone else? Like these are the same people who pretty much cheered him on when he dragged Billie's private life everywhere but whinge that his feelings are being hurt in a retarded skit.
It makes no sense.
Also I find it funny that he's saying the worst thing he's ever done was what he did to Billie.
So breaking the trust of your wife and contemplating isn't the worst?
No. 667964
>>667949Just people need to leave her alone, and I’m certain the last thing she or her family need to deal with is stuff on the internet. Half of what is keeping the drama about her is Onision and the other half is all the people who say they care about her..
.. also joe is another predator of young girls so of course they’re friends and why they support each other
No. 667995
>>667964Not doubting, but what did Joe do? Tbh, I thought his interview was pretty interesting. Might not be accurate, but he seemed to have genuine disdain for onion. Especially when he was accusing him of being an
abusive liar who wouldn’t take responsibility for his actions.
No. 667996
>>667961Proposing** the idea of leaving your baby and wife behind to start a new life’s with her teen girlfriend.
He was the one suggesting it, it was t just like he thought about it, remember.
No. 668005
File: 1559851364765.png (114.61 KB, 258x539, plsno.png)

>>667882>attractive photos that push the boundariesfucking disgusting
No. 668009
>>668005I mean.. hes already showed us bare ass, bare chest, underwear shots. What else is left? Surely he wont show his tiny peen. then his sock fantasies will be over.
I guess he is just really hoping his teen audience will be thirsty enough to pay in hopes he will post nudes
I shudder just thinking about it.
No. 668012
>>668005Lol is he kidding? $250 for that bullshit?
His "secrets" get leaked anyway, probably through him, cause he can't handle not everyone knowing everything about him.
His photoshoots are probably just ~super seksi~ pictures of him cosplaying as God knows what, cause he's the actual queer faggot in Lamps and his relationship.
And the last one, kek. 250 Dollar for him putting in someone's first name (so no one can find them online) in
most videos. For that amount of money he should be dedicating at least five minutes of every video thanking every Patron that pays that much.
No. 668151
File: 1559882699326.png (159.56 KB, 405x253, joe-tobuscus.png)

>>667964>joe is another predator of young girlsAre you mistaking Joe for Toby/Tobuscus? Greg hung around Toby for a hot minute last year. I think they bonded over the accusations of being sexual predators and abusers but they both realized neither of them had anything to offer in the way of a boost to their YT popularity so they ghosted each other. If you're already YouTube cancer you dont start associating with similarly
toxic people.
I know this thread isnt about Joe. But Ive only been watching the drama for a few years and I dont know the origin of this friendship. Any veterans know the backstory? I remember about 2 years ago everyone praising Joe in hopes it would fuck with Gregs head.
No. 668196
>>667944He probably literally dreams of it, but I doubt they even mouth kiss.
Also, doesn't he still hate her?
No. 668209
>>668151Seeing the two next to each other, the other anon might have confused them.
I'd also like to know where the accusations about Joe stem from. I don't want the mods to get funky about the thread getting derailed again, so it might be a good idea to discuss the matter in snow:
>>>/snow/691458 No. 668322
File: 1559948286574.jpeg (163.69 KB, 750x629, CD0363E7-4728-4D22-91B6-5AEEA8…)

>>668267I don’t wanna give this bitch views, can someone pls mirror Lainey’s two latest vids? Also is there anything interesting on her private Twitter?
Offering up a dumb Onion tweet in hopes that it’ll make my post relate enough to Gurg for me to not get banned for talking about Lainey.
No. 668334
>>668268I could no longer watch the entire podcast. All Gruckenstein is doing is the usual derailing, gaslighting and bending the truth for their approval as well as being a socially awkward faggot.
I’m glad joe molested him.
No. 668355
File: 1559953264592.png (2.34 MB, 1136x640, 26382209-4154-491A-A633-2BF145…)

He uploaded the Billy interview today.
~Ur A sWeEt BoI gReG~
No. 668370
File: 1559954807330.png (240.08 KB, 566x570, vcard.png) Lost My V-Card
Greg lost his virginity at the age of 14 to Sheree who was more sexually experienced than he was. The first time they tried to have sex he couldn't get it up. Second time she gave him oral to help him get it up. They ended up having sex in a wooded area near a church. She accused him if not being a virgen because he did her from behind. Their relationship suffered after she got into weed culture because it cut into Greg's time. I mean, God forbid that something get in the way of those 9 hour calls. He laments about her becoming a normal boring person. It's called growing up Onion.
No. 668386
>>668361It's such a shock to see just how doing shit she genuinely enjoys makes her slightly more tolerable. It still pisses me off to see how much Shreg RUINED this person. This girl could've kept up with her tumbling, kept her friends, maybe tried YT if she wanted to but nope she had to get sucked in by Shreg and ruined her life.
I still hold out hope for Lainey deciding to finally leave him and expose his shit.
No. 668420
File: 1559965145061.jpg (536.08 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190607-233548_Chr…)

Guys, Greggles got triggered so much by repzion commenting on one of his inane tweets, he immediately logged into a sock to let his impotent Narc rage flow (since emo Charlie cant engage ofc), and his quivering bitch emotions got the best of him and he outted his most aggressive sock. 2 pics
No. 668421
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No. 668433
>>668361The dating girls video is so dumb. It's not like she really has experience with real relationships with several guys and girls, she married Greg right after turning 18 and the only experience she has with girls are from being poly. She never had a real relationship with a girl except B maybe, but even then B was more in a relationship with Greg than with her.
She keeps on talking about how soft and gentle girls are compared to guys and that she misses this. If she wasn't stuck with Greg she might realize that most guys are gentle and considerate too, she just married a total scumbag who only cares about himself. But I bet Greg loves this video, because it gives him hope that there will be another girl in the relationship at some point again. I hope no girl falls for them again, Greg only wants a new sex toy and Lainey wants someone that will listen to her complaining all the time.
No. 668436
>>668435Samefag. Duh I see it now. He said “me”.
Could be a mistake it lets just hope that Greg was just stupid enough to forget he was posing as a fan
No. 668447
>>668438"Don't like the truth? Leave." That is verbatim what Greg says. His narc ass isn't even being
No. 668466
File: 1559981746386.png (91.6 KB, 918x559, Capture35228.PNG)

A fan that has been very vocal in support of Onision the past few days got flipped in a thread and made the mistake of agreeing by saying "you have a good point" when an Anti-O brought up Gregs collecting underage girls photos and traveling cross country to have sex with teenagers and Gregs only defense is-
>Is that illegal?
Gregs mask of being a character cracked and he immediately replied with a threat. I never realized he watched bottom-shelf fans so closely to make sure they toe the line.
No. 668473
File: 1559983802870.png (83.71 KB, 349x281, top tier patrons.PNG)

>>668370He wants to have private chats with his top tier patrons where he reveals secrets about himself and if it gets leaked he'll know who did it.
Am I reading the Patreon levels correctly? There are 8 memberships available but only 4 Patrons have pledged for the $250 tier. How could he possibly know who was the culprit if his secrets get out if there are 4 suspects. Is he going to have them sign NDA's and then threaten legal action. Maybe brow beat them all via Skype sessions.
No. 668504
>>668361Quite unironically, she's good! I like that she's got that going for herself, being out and about, but especially out of that hellhole of a house is a good start. But of course she needs to cry about her ouchies in the end…
I wonder if Greg's ok with his wife being good at something while he sucks at everything he touches. kek
In regard to
>What It's Like To Date A Girl,it's quite funny to watch because she only has Greg (and her ex) to compare, so everything she says about being in a relationship with a guy basically refers to how things go with Greg. It's very telling.
Thank you for uploading these, anon.
No. 668516
File: 1560001737276.png (52.35 KB, 1193x426, gregoryjamesdanielavaroeisanac…)

>>668466Nobody crosses state lines for that reason? Oh really Onion? They just created 18 U.S. Code § 2423 (b) just for kicks and gigs, you fucking predator? I bet when he contacted a lawyer about fucking minors (something's fucking wrong with you if you have to check the legality of fucking someone and you're not within 3 years of them) I doubt he disclosed he intended to travel across state lines to fuck then 17 year old Lainey and kept the inquiry as vague as possible.
We also know you did this with Shiloh when you were still married to Sk so fuck off you predator.
No. 668522
>>668516Anon don't be so harsh, he's retarded.
No one crosses statelines for minors, boys don't get raped and women can't be predators
No. 668523
that's literally all he has
No. 668556
>>668438Wow, this "fan" has the same birthday as Greg? What a coincidence!
He's not even being smart about this.
No. 668624
File: 1560050669222.png (89.65 KB, 686x761, lainey reddit.png)

found Lainey's old reddit account where she vented about Greg
No. 668739
File: 1560101726872.png (18.03 KB, 496x374, asdjiosa.png)

>>668737>>668646there were reddit posts under the username ''xxuire'' where the user would talks about regretting polyamory
they could be fake too tho idk
No. 668790
File: 1560121792289.png (247.87 KB, 1136x640, 4130D979-5EE1-4392-982D-9BA790…)

Save your money anons, no dick pics
Nothing to see here folks, move along.
No. 668791
File: 1560122309207.png (24.31 KB, 566x356, 9045475.PNG)

A video request made by a fan on his forum. What the fuck is wrong with these people? This made me very uncomfortable reading. If he replies with some gross pedo joke I wont be surprised.
No. 668821
File: 1560134880067.jpg (89.04 KB, 648x662, fakeapology.JPG)

he's spent all day raging on twitter about some apology he supposedly received from a "hater". He went on to make about a dozen tweets about this same screen shot. Whether its real or not, its clear he is obsessed.
No. 668823
File: 1560135141284.jpg (37.07 KB, 763x355, whereistheapology.JPG)

>>668821meanwhile, he expects everyone to accept his supposed apologies for all the things he's said and done (apologies no one has actually seen, mind you)
No. 668841
>>668806>>668816Not “in the nude” we haven’t.
Speaking of dicks, why do male lolcows have tiny cocks like this faggot, amazing atheist, Chris-Chan and Nick Bate?
No. 668859
>>668739Nah, Lamp was too delusional to see what went on with Billie
>>668791That is fucking disgusting. Pedos attract pedos, I guess
>>668821>big youtubers like Mikenactor or Repzionya ok
Ugh so easy to figure out he wrote it himself, I don't even need to read the whole thing
Talking bad about other people, sucking his own micropeen again, listing things and his infamous "everyone: x ; onision: x" dialogues.
Boring Greg, try harder if you want our attention again.
No. 668861
>>668841plz no, literally this and his asshole are all we have left
also why does he keep wearing jackets in like every vid (or a lot)
No. 668891
>>668841If he starts sharting out nudes, I'll officially resign from following Onision drama.
That being said, I don't believe he will. My best guess is that he's starting to hunt down people who leak his content, probably because he wants his lil secluded echo chamber where he can freely hunt teens and tweens.
With people having an eye on his forums, discord on patreon from the inside, he always needs to be careful not to let his predatory views slip (too much).
Hmm, maybe I'm giving him too much credit, though, maybe he's just broke and urgently needs the money. Speaking of, is there any news about his IRS debt or the wetlands disaster? That could be the reason for him to start begging for money as well.
No. 668905
File: 1560175242985.png (306.7 KB, 556x695, smaug.PNG)

>>668821You can tell he spends A LOT of time in his head having vivid revenge fantasies where he turns out to be redeemed and his haters get humiliated. You know those fantasies are as cringy as the ones he wrote down in his books.
In his mind, he will rain just fire on those who wronged them. He posts this fantasy online thinking it sounds as intimidating as in his head.
In reality, he gets two major blockbusters mixed up and embarrasses himself online (posts picture of Smaug, talks about Danaerys)
On another note, I am amazed at the number of sock-puppets this guy has, imagine how much time that all takes! Time he could be using to teach his daughter to talk or learn a skill for a real job.
So now that his channels have failed, he spends half of his time in his head fantasizing about being successful again, an the other half on the computer pretending he's successful again with his sock-puppets.
No. 668909
>>668821Twitter discovered this Gary Fuller person has a brand new anti-o tumblr account (made only a month ago). So it seems a bit unlikely someone would go from hating onion enough to create a hate blog to suddenly seeing the error of his ways so strongly he feels the need to send Gurg some overly detailed apology. In less than a months time.
Even if it isn’t Onion himself who made this account (and I’m on the fence, because I doubt sometimes he has the forethought to create some fake account a month in advance) I do believe this account is just some troll in any case.
No. 668965
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>>668909I've talked to "Gary" lol, he denies he's Greg obviously, but he types (example in pic) exactly like him and hates repzion, kalvin and mikenactor. Anyway I think it's Greg or an amazing troll.
No. 668967
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His slip up with his "fan account" is so funny, he's so mad about his own stupidity. Of course he's a guy named David and 40 years old, as if any 40 year old man would create a fan account of Onision. Not only does he want to convince everyone that he has fans, but also that not all of them are underage girls.
And he misspelled rumor.
No. 668970
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>>668967Sounds like classic Greg. Isn’t David the name of someone in one of his books? And Davis in another? Why does he only know like 20 names?
…He’s literally losing it.
No. 668977
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>>668967He's back sperging on this account because the one he used to insult people got suspended. Can't take long until he loses control on that one too.
No. 668982
>>668967He’s going so far into his damn head with these Twitter personalities. It’s like he’s trying to recreate Split. What happened to removing it from his phone because it was soooo negative?
If Greg snaps one day and actually does something violent, I’m really going to regret my inaction.
No. 669018
>>668905Greg you should probably finish the series before talking this shit.
And no one is saying sorry for jack shit. You're the only one who wants King's Landing in this dumbass scenario, and you burned it down yourself.
No. 669025
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Go Fluck Yourself is losing it. He made a song for the haters. Apparently he got that tacky clip art 'Do not engage' tattoo for no reason.
Also it's hilarious that he refers to himself as a comedian, activist, and a hero at the beginning of this song.
No. 669034
>>669033understandable newfag and possible bait, but I think we should bite. This seems oddly specific enough.
anon, would your friend be willing to grab screenshots of her emailing or messaging greg? Are they still a patron of greg?
No. 669036
>>669033>>669033While I would be zero percent surprised that Greg said these things, I also know he is aware nothing online is ever secret. So saying these things in texts/messages would be tremendously stupid on his part. He may not be smart, but he is paranoid of the haters and tries to keep his worst stuff a secret if he can.
But if it is true, Lainey will never take it seriously unless you have actual proof. So take screenshots. Greg will of course say they are faked, but I am pretty sure they can never be removed from someone’s account so it can be proven with video.
No. 669041
>>669035Assuming this is real, don’t anger your friend and say you’re against what she’s doing, then she’ll never spill.
I’m guessing one of his sycophants will be monitoring this thread and will warn him, and he’ll sperg out on her for telling you stuff they discussed in private. If he stops speaking to her, hopefully she’ll turn his back on him.
No. 669048
>>669033>>669041>>669042I can totally see him doing something like that where he ends things on “friendly” terms even though it’s something he actually just springs on his partner. That’s pretty similar to what happened with Skye in that he said it was totally good and she was the greatest until “they were just better a friends” and had to split up when it really sounds like he dumped the divorce papers in her lap one day and left.
So while it’s in line with something he would do, without any proof, you can’t take it as truth.
If it’s true, we’re just as likely to find out by him announcing his divorce via insta as we are to see screenshots.
He would get off on the child support but isn’t it more lucrative for him to stay in the marriage right now? She seems to be the only one pulling in a real income and they have to both shoulder the burden of his tax debts. So ??? Also, does he have a new girl lined up? He’s unlikely to bolt without one but there hasn’t been anyone that seems like he’s taken an actual interest in like he did with billyie.
No. 669072
>>669048>Also, does he have a new girl lined up?if
>>669035 >>669033 is telling the truth, maybe anon's friend?
No. 669083
File: 1560231426548.png (349.25 KB, 650x512, Onision talks to ProudOnisionF…)

>>668977Onisions use of multiple sock accts to defend himself recently has gotten bizarre yet hilarious.
No. 669087
>>669054If they filed taxes separately, they’re not responsible for each others’ debts.
There’s also something called “innocent spouse relief” which is if your spouse cheats on taxes, you may not have to pay (I am simplifying this because tax chat is dull).
No. 669122
>>669025Well, since there's apparently no one around anymore who supports him he needs to console himself, I guess. Some of his patrons have had the audacity to critcize his humor or have a mind of their own, Lainey now goes tumbling and seems to have somewhat of a life outside of the swamp trailer plus she's not pulling in any girls, his "youtube friends" roast him in interviews and probably laugh behind his back, no cute alt girl wants to stay in their shed and get chained up in the basement. Maybe repeating what a "great" guy and what a "winner" he is, might make it come true one day! lmao
And yes, he did get his clip art tattoo for a good reason. It's great advice for anybody to stay far, far away from him. Well done, Greg.
May I suggest adding "
TOXIC PERSONALITY" as well? It would be such a great match.
No. 669298
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He’s bitching about Skye walking away with his money and never taking her place staying in the kitchen making sammiches and that he was scamming the military with his marriage for benefits again whilst his eyes were shifting when talking shit about her (while uploading footage of her on encore). He doesn’t mention much about Shiloh other than “she was exciting and inspiring” and that the relationship was “a madhouse” and is glad to find stability with doormat and that they’ll be together 5eva.
He also upped the filters to where his hair is a darker shade of brown and his eyes are bright blue like his ex-wife has. Fuckin’ creepy yo
No. 669320
File: 1560307114662.png (879.63 KB, 1070x621, i can't spend over 500 dollars…)

>>669298He still doesn't understand why his channels are dying. He thinks it's because he removed his tags and descriptions when youtube changed the algorithm.
He also said his house is confirmed 'half business' by the government. Oh really?
Accuses his haters of having BPD. Also thinks the white people that go after him are racist. (Joysparkles and Repzion's GF)
Bitches about being called out on his sock accounts.
Says it's okay if he gropes someone because he's doing it as an actor.
Greg goes on to say he was right about the wetlands and he can't spend more than 500 dollars on plants. Completely ignores the barrier requirements.
Confirms he divorced Skye to be with Shiloh.
Claims he only married Skye because he wanted more money and off base housing.
Complains that Skye wasted time and didn't do things a housekeeper would do.
Calls Lainey 'stable'. He brings her on camera to show they're still married. He still seems to be telling her what to say but in a more light hearted tone. Lainey appeared to be having a nicer time filming with Greg and she was giggling and joking around.
Note, I'm not sure what is different but I watched the patreon version that had a extra minute in it.
No. 669332
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>>669298One of our neighbors has noticed that someone on twitter claims Onions shots of his backyard in this video are not actually his yard. Not sure theres any way to confirm this but ooooooh boy if its true, then onion has truly sunk to the deepest depths of patheticness
No. 669362
File: 1560322836007.png (379.56 KB, 710x389, wetlands agreement.PNG)

>>669320His combination of shitty reading comprehension and attempting to convince his fans that its not as bad as everyone is saying pisses me off.
He keeps calling the red osier stakes "sticks" Im not sure if hes just misreading it (likely) or hes trying to make is sound trivial.
>its just tiny little sticks Im having to poke in the ground no big deal guysBut if irc he had to buy a pallet or two of these "not so important" red osier stakes and they were not inexpensive.
Then he just totally misreads the next part. They say he must provide $500 to guarantee the installation of the buffer enhancement. And he reads it as
>they dont want me to spend more than $500, thats the limit dont spend more than $500.When Greg reads something he cant help himself but automatically spin it so it favors him. I remember him reading something during a livestream and it was on screen so us the viewers could read along. He totally twisted the persons intent by adding words and only corrected himself when half the viewers were screaming at him in all caps about his mistake.
No. 669411
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>>669332I looked at photos of Battle Point Park and maybe? I just don't see Onion going to a park because people might think he's a pedophile, kek. In all seriousness, they don't have neighbors to their left so it's possible he's just filming the wetlands a bit to the left of his property. When Dobs is in the shot it doesn't look nearly as clear as their backyard actually is and you can see what looks like the swamp in the background.
>>648227 No. 669422
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>>669332>>669411It does look like he's probably standing at the very edge of his property and also hasn't mowed anything so of course its going to look lush and not like you maimed it. If he showed us the same yard in winter and there's going to be puddles and mud again. He even admitted he did a bad job removing the blackberries since they've grown back. He never got the roots. I also don't think that's stock footage he does have that lavender in his yard.
>>669362$331.67. Though that's only one species of plant and he's supposed to have a total of three and fence that shit in. He seriously needs a lawyer on retainer to read everything to him.
No. 669424
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>>661493He slipped again on his sock account! Repzion is
triggering him hard. The tweet is deleted aldeady, of course.
No. 669454
>>669424Ok starting to think this is a troll. Gurg has never been one to make direct comments to his haters before. He always just subtweets them.
I’m not sure what sort of troll would go to this amount of effort, but I am leaning towards all these “slip ups” being on purpose
No. 669481
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>>669461>TallvideosBesides Greg slipping up on sockpuppets, it seems Sarah (once again) is disgusted by people like Greg. Or she's vaguely calling him out.
No. 669527
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Conversation between Greg and freshly minted 16 yo about how she lost her virginity.
The forums.
A hunting ground for this pedo.
No. 669551
>>669534>>669525Oh hi Gerg stans trying to damage control. Proudonisionfan, which is now suspended, fucked up again in a reply to repzion AND there are videos on Twitter posting proof.
Gerg apologists fuck off, you're embarrassing. He has proven over and over again how thoroughly infantile and retarded he is, and anyone with any sense sees right through his pathetic attempts at manipulation and damage control.
Go home to your sad little reject forum and tell daddy Greggy to cut his losses, burn "onision," and get a fucking job for the sake of his unfortunate kids.
No. 669555
>>669534Also, how is that a "bit"? Lol. He didnt have to comment at all, and the fact he did comment such an inane empty response shows it was literally just to make his current groomee feel uwu special and noticed, and to normalize sexual talk to make her feel like a real mature big girl.
His comment added absolutely nothing to any interesting discussion, everyone over the age 18 has heard similar losing virginity stories, it is not unique and it's not something to be surprised or "wow!" About.
Literal grooming and its fucking obvious
No. 669557
>>669551Not a Greg stan, but you sure are retarded.
No one you replied to is defending Greg.
>>669555Judging by the context of the post they probably meant that the comment seems like it's from a bot. Calm your autism, twitterfag.
No. 669558
>>669483I wish I could remember the video and the exact details. I apologize in advance if I make a mistake about the specifics. This video is from a year or so ago.
Greg says in the video that he knows how VPNs work because he had to buy one. It was when there was some kind of poll/contest for worst person on the internet or something like that. He said that the haterz were stuffing the ballot box so he would end up being the winner of the title, so he bought the VPN and used it to vote multiple times. He seemed to think it was ok and not dishonest because he was going to be given a title that he felt was not true, so him using a VPN to vote over and over was perfectly fine.
He was willing to do that, and admitted to it years later. Im sure in the future he will reveal that he make Twitter sockpuppets because the haterz were spamming him and he needed to defend himself.
No. 669658
>>669639I think its deeper than that. Greg thinks everyone finds him attractive and wants him sexually, women, men and even children. And if you hate on him that means you REALLY want to fuck him and your pretending to hate him to hide your true feelings.
If you're so delusional that you think everyone wants you and a woman blows you off it can really fuck with your head. Just watch that stream where he first talked about Maya not finding him attractive. His world came crashing down.
No. 669679
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I know this is old milk, but I've heard NO ONE talk about this.
Why did Greg never get in trouble for cuddling Sam (holding her in his lap,) is it because he used manipulative language? "Hugging comfortably while sitting,"
if he is a cheater for doing it with Billie, why wasn't he a cheater for cuddling Sam?
No. 669763
>>669679He manipulated (really badly) that situation and made Sam look like an evil homewrecker who smacks kids.
He talked about it in a video and he mentions that he and Lainey spoke about it in the shower about Sam 'trying to kiss him' and he asked Lainey (although he obviously knew) if that indeed is what she was trying to do.
He brought up hugging being something friends do and went on about how he's so great because as a male the normal thing to do is spread your seed and leave your other half for a younger woman.
So yeah he just spun it that way and Lainey just agreed to it.
The video is called 'The girl we sent home Sam'
No. 669804
>>669791You can tell he's replying so nonchalant about it as to not appear 'creepy'
Like he's distancing himself in a way but all it does is make him look like he has no empathy.
No. 669943
>>669930Not sure if you are trolling or not but as much Sam wanted the grease peen, Greg led her into these situations and allowed them to happen. She only got sent home because Lainey wasn't into her and snitched for 'hitting their kid'
Had Lainey said yup let's add her to the poly thing, Greg easily would have kept her there.
He was at that desperate stage after Billie where he was creeping extra hard and trying to find a replacement. Pretty sure Sam said somewhere she was into Lainey (obviously she was just an obsessed Greg fan) but Sam strikes me as a mentally ill fan who who say anything to please them. I get Amber vibes from her, possibly autistic.
But yeah as much of a weirdo she was, Greg is not innocent there.
No. 669946
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Eugenia Cooney Confession (+ My Stalker & The Truth About Copyright)
>Hey guys. You know that phrase, go big or go home? Well, I'm tired of going home [laugh] so from now on I'm gonna try to go as big as I can for most every single video that I do and that means a lot of, yeah, crazy stuff for you. But today we're gonna discuss a lot of things. We're gonna discuss copyrights. We're gonna discuss a creepy stalker who has been stalking me since the day I met my husband, Kai. I'm gonna discuss other things. I might forget some of these topics. I might not even mention them later on. But I also want to talk about how my life is a mess. And when I say my life is a mess, I mean my whole house is like a disaster, as you can see here. This makeup table is a mess. I'm showing you another thing that is a mess [shows messy areas in house]…
[talks about what he’s going to do, cleaning, etc.]
@ 2:00
>Okay, straight up. My history with copyright is a crazy one, really. And what I mean by this is I’ve been claimed countless times by countless people. Like, people will look at my videos and they'll say, hey, this has my copyright material in it. And they'll hit me, and they'll hit me hard unfortunately. And something I want you guys to understand is that when someone tries to copyright claim you a lot of times right now they use a system called Content ID. So, for instance, I had a lot of TikTok videos on the UhOhBro channel but unfortunately they were copyright claimed. Like, most every single one of them. And I would appeal some of them and say, hey, I think this is fair use because I didn't use a hundred percent of your creation. I didn't deter traffic from going to your site. I didn't trash you or anything. I wasn't hurting your business. I wasn't doing anything that basically affected your copyright whatsoever. And it was, you know, a review or otherwise a parody or something that would make it, you know, re-inventively entertaining. And, of course, they would always say, no, it’s not fair use, and they would strike me down. When I say strike me down I don’t mean like copyright strike me because that would only happen if I were to appeal it again. If, for instance, I did a TikTok video reaction and they claimed me and I, in response, said, hey, this is fair use. And they said, no, it's not. And then I said, no. Yes, it is. And they said, no, it's not. And then I finally again said, no, it is. I'm really mad about this. Then they could either give me seven days to say, okay, you know what? I'm not going to appeal this. Or seven days to remove my video, or I would get a strike against my channel. My, like, whole YouTube channel.
>If I was actually that confident in my comprehension of fair use. But unfortunately I did some research on fair use and it turns out that fair use is very great. And what I mean by this is there have been cases—legal cases—where the judge will say, this is actually not fair use because, first of all, you don't necessarily have the rights to monetize something. Like, I can't necessarily monetize those TikTok videos because they're not my original creation. I may be able to criticize them or share my opinion on them and so forth, but actually running ads next to them, that seems to be pretty debatable.
it all sounds like he’s trying to justify his copyright striking spree on other channels recently.
>And maybe that's what they were thinking when I appealed these cases where they copyright claim my videos. I would say, hey, this is fair use. And maybe their response was, yes, you can use it but you can't profit off of it because I would be using it. I would be using it fairly. It wasn't getting stricken for these things because I didn't push it so far where they'd be forced to strike me. Or essentially voluntarily strike myself with how many appeals I would have had to file.
>But it's not necessarily fair monetization. You know, profiting off using someone else’s content. That's a little bit more grey. In fact, it seems that fair use is most protective over educational content and not so much just, like, commentary and parody and so forth like I've done.
>So, the question kind of becomes, like, what kind of content do you want to make? Do you want to just be the type of person who takes other people's content and comments on it? Is that really inspirational to you, or do you want to do something that's a lot more original and awesome that can never be copyright claimed? And the second option actually sounds a lot better to me because it's kind of depressing to put a lot of work into something and then just have it claimed. And then you're like, well, crap. They kind of had the right to claim it. Unless, of course, I wanted to spend thousands of dollars on a lawyer, and then go to court, and then try to explain to them how I, with my limited knowledge of fair use, am somehow justified when it's simply not that simple.
simply not that simple.
>Like, for instance, there's this case where somebody was, like, making Disney grotesque. Like, they were making very, very Gore versions of Mickey Mouse and so forth. And the judge decided that it wasn't fair use because obviously you drawing Gore Mickey Mouse, and I guess maybe they were profiting off of it, that doesn't help out Disney in any way. In fact, it could only hurt Disney. And when you have something that you created that people are just perverting and turning into something, like, horrifying, especially children's cartoons and so forth, you can kind of see how the judge would be like, no. You're actually just being a jerk and you're trying to hurt Disney, or so it seems. So, no, it's not fair use.
or “Gore Mickey Mouse” could be, idk, a comment on consumerism, marketing to children, and corporate greed…? I don’t think Disney needs much help considering they’re a $130 billon company lol
>Like, a lot of people don't understand and good faith is a huge part of most any weighing in the legal system. If someone knows that you have good intentions when you use some’s content, then you're gonna be way better off in court. Most likely, just based on whatever researched, then say somebody who just wants to make Disney look terrible and make their cartoons look terrible and just make people depressed, you know? Like, nobody really wants to see that, except for twisted minds and people with sick sense of humor. So, me occasionally. [awkward laugh] I do have a twisted sense of humor.
>But overall, like, with these cases where people copyright claim me, I've just kind of let it go. I've decided to make content that is just better and more fun for me to make because I really don't think anyone deep down—they may on the surface be cool with it but deep down I don't think anyone wants to see someone just whine and complain all the time about all of their copyright issues, which is why I haven't made video after video after video complaining. I'm sure I've complained at one point or another but that was, like, the years ago. No, I think you guys would be much happier if you just, like, saw new content from me that was enjoyable and not just me cursing the name of all the music companies and all the TikTok associated companies and even Brittany Louise Taylor. I don't mean to name drop. I'm not trying to be negative towards Brittany Louise Taylor, but I did a commentary video on Brittany Louise Taylor and she copyrighted me and I didn't make a huge deal over it because, you know. I just—I don't want to be, like, a fighter, you know? I mean, I look at the copyright claim I got from Brittany Louise Taylor and I think, okay, did I use her content? Yes. Was I trying to help her out? Not exactly. Was I kind of criticizing her and trying to make her look bad? Well, not exactly. I was more so just making fun of her, which is more so like parody. But in court if I tried to explain to them I was like, listen. I used this thumbnail of Brittany Louise Taylor crying because she used clickbait, right?
>She had herself crying in the thumbnail and the whole video was just, like, hi guys. You know, it's classic YouTuber stuff. I’ve done it. Most everyone's done it, but it was so ridiculously over dramatified. And the video started out with her book, like, she's like, buy my new book! And it's just, like, I clicked on a thumbnail of you crying and you intro with promoting your book. It just seems a little bit too hard not to make fun of. Anyway, so I don't know if Brittany Louise Taylor used Content ID system and the Content ID system is something that goes out to text people's content and then sends it to you and says, hey, do you want to claim this because it's using your content? Or maybe she manually, like, filed a claim or something but I think that would have struck me. So, it's most likely Content ID. Point is, she definitely claimed the video. I was no longer able to monetize it. And, you know, I don't really like that. [awkward laugh] I like my stuff being monetized so I think I just removed the video and moved on with my life.
>And you might be thinking, hey, that's censorship. She cancelled out your freedom of speech. It's literally not true. Brittany Louise Taylor did not attack my freedom of speech because if that were true, I wouldn't be able to say all the things I am right now. Like, there's no way Brittany Louise Taylor can copyright strike me now, okay? There's no way because I'm not you her images. I'm not using her videos. I'm just telling you a story about her, which is my right to do. And that's why it's not an attack on freedom of speech at all in any sense whatsoever.
No. 669950
>>669946>Now, the real question is—and I think this is what a lot of people get upset about in regards to copyright—is will I be able to get as many views if I just talk about Brittany Louise Taylor verse actually have her footage in my video, thus doubling basically the length of my video and increasing my ability to rank high in the search engines. And also when you cut from yourself to somebody else that increases retention typically. So, ultimately, you know, it comes down to, oh, crap. I'm not gonna get as many views talking about Brittany Louise Taylor as I would if I had her footage and so I think that's why I would be upset about that and why I didn't make a follow-up video or anything like that. Like, you're not gonna get as many views. Not as many people are gonna care because it's just not as stimulating to the mind.
>But, uh, anywho-zzle. I think it's about time we clean some more now that we all know a little bit more about fair use and copyright. And I guess how frustrating the process can be in general for everyone. Even the people claiming. I mean, the good news is in regards to, like, copyright claims and so forth, the future of YouTube—it's looking up, okay? Like, as far as the people who are claimed and the people who claim and so forth. Like, it—there's a huge win coming and I'm not allowed to talk about it other than saying things are looking good for creators of both copyrighted contents and people who use other people's content, so forth. It's basically an everybody wins scenario. So, stay tuned for that. I can't tell you how I know it. I can't tell you why I know it, oranything like that. I can just tell you that things are looking up for everyone—both claimees and claimers. So, that's a good thing. All right, let's clean the upstairs.
[cleans more]
>I am getting sweaty. This is a rough task especially since it's becoming summer I have no air conditioner in this house.[cleaning]
>Had to wheel a whole recycling bin up here just to take care of the recycling and the trash I just threw over the railing for the bears. I'm just kidding. I put it in the trash can.~~~~DO NOT ENGAGE~~~~
>Alright. So, the next thing that we should discuss is my stalker. He’s talking about Repzion.
>A long, long time ago—like, seven or eight years ago—this dude found out that he could get views from putting my name in the title and just talking about me in just the meanest way possible. But unfortunately for him at the time I actually was getting pretty popular. In fact, I started getting, 100,000 to 300,000 views per video, so it didn't really look good on him to continue trying to destroy my marriage, like, by contacting my to be in-laws where he tried to convince them that I was some kind of horrible monster, when, in fact—I mean, look. We're still married happily. We're really, really happy. We fight, like, maybe once every thirty days it seems. And then I just stop talking to my spouse for like an hour and suddenly everything's better. It's kind of weird, actually. So, yeah. Like, once every 30 days I get huffy and puffy and I’m like, you're not being brutally honest to me. You're not—you're not, you know, typical Scorpio stuff.
>Anyway, so this stalker guy will pretty much say anything he can to get views so it seems. Like, in the video titles and so forth. They're very, very clearly misleading and no one seems to care that they're misleading. Like, I want you guys to imagine you have a YouTube channel or something like that and every other day you see this same methed out looking, pale, pasty dude who's going on yet another rant about you for anywhere from 10 to like 30 minutes. It's crazy. And while you don't actually sit down and watch these videos through…kek
>…you do have to hear about them a lot. Like, people write you and they say, hey, so-and-so is harassing you. So-and-so’s attacking you yet again. And what's annoying is the same guy constantly tweets at me on Twitter and I'm like, what are you doing? Like, I don't talk to you I'm not interested in you. I don't like you like that. Like, get out of my life. And what's bizarre is this guy actually apologized at one point. When I started getting really popular he apologized. He's like, who am I to judge your relationship? It's like, that's the whole point, you know? Judge not lest ye be judged or something like that, right?
>Like, the people I've gone after in the past, turns out I'm right about. Like I said a certain someone, who will be discussed later in this video, had ED, and while I encouraged her as a person to, like, get better and so forth I also educated people on how dangerous ED was. Turns out I was right about her and she wound up going to rehab and now she's doing so much better.
>And there's also Jaclyn Glenn. I talked about Jaclyn Glenn and how she was in denial. How she would not listen to me despite the fact that I was right about this guy who's gonna cheat on her and then he wound up cheating on her. And that guy was Social Repose. And I called out Social Repose as well. Right away. And I was warning people about not getting with him but Jaclyn Glenn didn't listen to me and Social Repose wound up being exactly what I said he was. Actually worse because he cheated on Jaclyn with four different people. And, you know, it's a terrible thing what happened to her.
>And, you know, maybe these are, like, fleeting thoughts. Like, maybe there's some psychological reason why Jaclyn Glenn, to this day, lashes out at me despite the fact that I'm on relatively good terms with her. Like, we apologized and we grew and I thought that everyone was getting better. But then she'd make video after video about me just being like angry. I don't have beef with Jaclyn Glenn. I'm fine with Jaclyn but she has beef with me. But she never, like, actually says, hey, is this true? Or, hey, I have an issue with you about this. Like, I would appreciate an e-mail. Wouldn't you guys appreciate an e-mail if someone has a problem with you? Just email you that you have a problem with them? I know I've reached out to people and I've said that I have a problem with them. Except there are the rare instances where there needs to be, like, a PSA. Like, don't date this guy he's gonna cheat on you. Nobody date this guy. And some people would perceive that as mean and ugly and none of your business, but if you're right about someone doing that, then aren't you trying to help people from getting hurt?
>And I think that's maybe the biggest problem with people who stalk me online. You know, give constant unwanted attention, is they think the right about me yet here I am in a happy marriage. Here I am in a happy life. Here I am with friends and family that love me that love spending time with. And there they are just being angry and alone with other angry people.
>In fact, there are screenshots that heavily imply that the guy who's stalking me has a girlfriend who is an anti-semite. Who is an anti-semite in 2019? Like, really that's so a hundred years ago. Anyway, so every little thing I don't do, and sometimes kind of do, winds up being a video title on this dude's channel. It's like, I don't understand how a person can respect themselves when literally you have X amount of recent videos and more than half of them are about one person. You know, like, you have, let's say, the last 20 videos, right, and 13 of them are about the same dude, I think you might need therapy. I really do.I like how he has to qualify “recent” videos, because he knows he’s made countless videos about Shane and Eugenia.
>But what I really really don't understand is how people support people like that in the thousands. Like, imagine somebody is really, really mad at anyone, really. Any one person who is not a political figure because that affects us—that actually has a direct impact on our own lives—but just someone who has nothing to do with you. Who wants nothing to do with you. Anyone who obsesses over someone like that you don't want in your life and the reason you don't want someone like that in your life is because one day you might be in the cross hairs of them. projectionnnnn
>Like, I myself used to have super toxic behavior. It was bad. It was super bad. Not quite as bad as this freak guy who's obsessed with me, but pretty bad. And on my patreon I think I actually found a solution to a lot of my problems. And it was totally unintentional, by accident. So, I have my discord on patreon and basically what that means is that every other day—pretty much almost every other day—like we are very good about this. I talk to people. I interact with them and having done this—and I know this is gonna blow your guys’ minds, but we've been doing this for, like, two years now having discords and skypes and so forth—but having done this for so long, I feel like I've become a better person talking to people and just being less socially reclusive. And so I feel like that's made not only my discord get better and just like a more enjoyable experience but also skypes and so forth as well as noticing my own toxic behavior in the past and improving myself as a human being. Oh, by the way, quick side note.
>It's at this point if you're still watching to not only comment what your favorite Avenger is but also comment your favorite DC character. And if you don't know DC characters, just say Batman so after whatever comment you leave or if that's all you want to comment it should say Iron Man, Batman and a lot of people won't know what you're talking about and that's because they're phonies. I'm just trying to root out the phony comments or is not on patreon because those guys are awesome. But there's a lot of people who aren't awesome on YouTube because it's free and they're basically here just to troll. So, I wanted to see who the trolls are and who the trolls aren’t.
>So, with all that being said let's clean a few more rooms and then talk about Eugenia Cooney. Like, honest confession, no BS Eugenia Cooney, which is, you know, what I do anyway. But it sounds nice. [more cleaning]
>Let's talk about Eugenia Cooney already. First off, people say I am obsessed with her. And people say that, you know, I’m a bully. And this is what I'm confused about. First of all, I make fun of everyone including myself. So, if I dislike that person then I super hate myself. But then people say I'm a narcissist, which is confusing because obviously I don't hate myself if I'm a narcissist, right?he clearly has no idea what NPD is.
>I love self-depreciating humor and I love humor that takes the wind out of, you know, everyone's sails because life is too stressful to be serious. But, no, how I really feel about Eugenia Cooney is—I don't like love her, you know? Like, I'm not, like, in love with her or anything like that but if she died I would sob hysterically. I would—I would—I would be more miserable about her dying than I would about people I've actually met. And I think part of it is because I've actually invested so much time and energy into Eugenia Cooney getting better. Like, I've really wanted her to get better for such a long time. And, again, I know people are gonna be like, but you made that video where you joked about her. God, talk about not being able take a joke. Like, spoiler alert. If your dad goes, hey, that dress makes you look like a pile of cancerous cotton candy. Just a terrible thing to say. By the way, don't say that to your daughters. But that doesn't mean he never loved you. It doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. It means he's a jerk with a very insensitive sense of’s called abuse.
>But, no, like you guys saw with Hannah Minx, like, way back, okay? I would make a bunch of videos about Hannah Minx and I also dated Hannah Minx, okay? Like, Hannah Minx really, if you think about it, is very very similar to Eugenia Cooney. And, you know, I actually confessed my love for Hannah Minx at one point and then she dumped me. She didn't want me to love her, but she wanted to date me. It was a weird situation.
>Like, one time she called me when she was drunk and said she wanted to F my brains out, which was an amazing thing for me to hear because I was like, oh my god. Hannah Minx just said she wanted to F my brains out. But I think that we were both not necessarily compatible because obviously we were not on the same wavelength. But what I'm saying is is, like, I cared about Hannah Minx about the same as I care about Eugenia Cooney and I dated Hannah Minx, okay? So, for anyone to say that I don't value her life? For anyone to say that I don't actually mean it when I say I care about her? The fact that I always feel like crying when I talk about Eugenia Cooney. I mean, not always but when I think about, like, not caring about Eugenia Cooney I feel like crying. And people off-camera, my friends in real life, they know that I bring her up when nobody asked me to. I'm like, hey, did you see Eugenia Cooney got better? And people are like, oh, yeah I saw that. That’s cool. And then we have a conversation about it because it matters to me. Gurg genuinely thinks this makes him less creepy?????
>But you guys don't really know, do you? You don't really know all you have is I made a joke or two about her. Probably four or five jokes actually. And people can't take a joke. And I joke about everything. I joke about my own spouse. Like, I'm literally married to Kai and I've made entire videos just crapping on Kai in a comedic fashion. This is what I do to people I love, okay? I just do—I do it to everybody pretty much. Anyway, so, like I said, I'm not saying I love Eugenia Cooney. I'm not saying I'm in love with Eugenia Cooney, but I would take a bullet for her for sure. I'm just saying though if you think I don't care about Eugenia Cooney you don't know me every single time I find out she's doing well or that I see a picture of her doing well I feel like the world is just so much better. Anyway, so that's my confession on Eugenia Cooney and—oh, God. why did that feel so embarrassing? You know what that felt like? That felt like I was drunk and talking to Eugenia and I was like, you know, I've always thought you were great. But what I will say, and I know this is gonna upset a lot of people. This is gonna upset so many people. I think that Eugenia’s last picture was hotter than any Andy Biersack photo I've ever seen in my life.
>Just saying it she in her healthy state is one of the most gorgeous people on planet Earth. I need to stop this is so creepy, Greg. You know, I tell you guys too much. I really do and this is gonna wind up being some anti-onision video in a minute. Like, someone's gonna use this against me but, you know. It doesn’t—screw it. Whatever. You guys know the truth about me and that's just how I feel. So, if you want to hate me for caring about someone too much—you don't know how I really feel unless I just admit it to you so that's how I really feel. And I really wish this girl the best. I think she's so beautiful and I think that she has nothing but amazing things to share with the world. And she's just a person who has suffered a horrible condition and she's recovering from it. And to me, she's like an angel on earth, you know? Mind you, my spouse is an angel on earth. Not LIKE an angel. My spouse IS an angel. I'm just saying, like, Eugenia Cooney is also just an incredible looking human being and she also has a great personality. It's just this whole thing has been holding her back for a long time and now that she's getting over it she I mean she's stronger than you or me or anyone. I'm in awe. Yep, okay, so this video is creepy now. then like and subscribe outro
No. 669966
>>669946Look we know Greg's a liar but let me point out a few things about the mechanics of YT copyright strikes that show how everything at 2:00 is fabrication.
How it works is:
Party A notices Party B is using their material, and uses the YT system to report a DCMA claim against Party B's video.
YT either takes down or monetises Party B's video, depending on what Party A requested (Greg often did the first just to get money off people, till he snapped and tried to use it to suppress criticism).
Party B earns a copyright strike on their channel. Too many of these = termination (at least till any false strikes are lifted).
Party B sends a "counter notification" stating that in fact, it's fair use and they aren't violating copyright.
Party A then has NO CHOICE but to get a court order, obtained in YT's jurisdiction, to keep the video down.
No court order? No bueno, video goes back up, case closed, strike is also lifted.
If an account was terminated through an accumulation of strikes, it comes back as the strikes are lifted one by one. The main issue being lost revenue in that time.
There is no 'back and forth' as Greg is claiming here. It's a cut and dry process, Youtube isn't involved with assessing any of it from the first claim to the counter notice. It's between Party A and Party B only.
No. 669968
>>669966Oh and one more thing, as each strike is lifted by people sending their counter-notices, Party A runs a higher and higher chance of having their own channel scrutinised and terminated - for abusing the system.
This is why every small youtuber affected by Greg's strikes should send counter notices and not take their videos down.
No. 669983
>>669946All he cares about is money and being right. Also I don't believe a word of what he says, youtube has been his life and his career for years and he acts like he's in the dark about this shit. Even in this video he talks about how to get longer watch times by cutting away to another video; really he knows about that but not about copywrite claims and fair use? As for complaining about Repzion, he is so hypocritical. Not only has he done the same thing to EC but the videos he made could of actually harmed her mental health to a point it could of led to her death.
>I think that Eugenia’s last picture was hotter than any Andy Biersack photo I've ever seen in my life.The way he talks makes me think he's using EC as masturbation material. GROSS.
Thank you so much for transcribing this because there is no way I could of made it through this video with out several strong drinks.
No. 670046
>But, no, like you guys saw with Hannah Minx, like, way back, okay? I would make a bunch of videos about Hannah Minx and I also dated Hannah Minx, okay? Like, Hannah Minx really, if you think about it, is very very similar to Eugenia Cooney. And, you know, I actually confessed my love for Hannah Minx at one point and then she dumped me. She didn't want me to love her, but she wanted to date me. It was a weird situation.
>Like, one time she called me when she was drunk and said she wanted to F my brains out, which was an amazing thing for me to hear because I was like, oh my god. Hannah Minx just said she wanted to F my brains out. But I think that we were both not necessarily compatible because obviously we were not on the same wavelength. But what I'm saying is is, like, I cared about Hannah Minx about the same as I care about Eugenia Cooney and I dated Hannah Minx, okay? So, for anyone to say that I don't value her life? For anyone to say that I don't actually mean it when I say I care about her? The fact that I always feel like crying when I talk about Eugenia Cooney.
LMAO. Keep crying about Eugenia another emo girl who doesn't love you or even wants to fuck you drunk!! Oh poor Greggles. Lainey dye your hair dark and get a big fuck off emo fringe so Greg can stop having to fantasise about all these other ladies.
No. 670058
>>6699461) YOUTUBE
>Like, for instance, there's this case where somebody was, like, making Disney grotesque. Like, they were making very, very Gore versions of Mickey Mouse and so forth. […] In fact, it could only hurt Disney. And when you have something that you created that people are just perverting and turning into something, like, horrifying, […] You're actually just being a jerk and you're trying to hurt Disney, or so it seems. So, no, it's not fair use.That sound like Greg saying that anybody reporting about his misbehavior is wrong for painting him in a bad light, and an appeal to people to stop making videos about him, especially when you also take the following part into consideration, which sounds like people (Repzion) should stop complaining and making videos about him claiming their videos.
>these cases where people copyright claim me, I've just kind of let it go. I've decided to make content that is just better and more fun for me to make because I really don't think anyone […] wants to see someone just whine and complain all the time about all of their copyright issues[…].I also get the strong feeling that he tries to spin it that way that using footage (of him) is a no-go whereas talking about people is absolutely fine and in accordance with copyright law. Maybe I'm reaching, but might he be trying to intimidate all the youtubers who make videos about him to not show his original footage because deep down he knows that it's always his own videos that reveal what a horrible person he is?
>And you might be thinking, hey, that's censorship. She cancelled out your freedom of speech. It's literally not true.[…] Like, there's no way Brittany Louise Taylor can copyright strike me now, okay? There's no way because I'm not [showing] you her images. I'm not using her videos. I'm just telling you a story about her, which is my right to do.>>6699502) REPZION
>And what's annoying is the same guy constantly tweets at me on Twitter and I'm like, what are you doing? Like, I don't talk to you I'm not interested in you. I don't like you like that. Like, get out of my life.Is he really implying, Repzion has a crush on him. lmao
>Here I am in a happy life. Here I am with friends and family that love me that love spending time with. And there they are just being angry and alone with other angry people.Well, his narrative doesn't really fit with him looking for a third in their relationship, telling Lainey she's bland and he just married her because she was there and accusing his parents of being predators and abusers.
>First of all, I make fun of everyone including myself. […] I love self-depreciating humor and I love humor that takes the wind out of, you know, everyone's sails because life is too stressful to be serious.… says the manchild who can't deal with the slightest critcism. smh
No. 670059
>>670046Yeah, I also found that part really disturbing. He talks about dating Hanna Minx who wanted to "F" him, rambles on how much he likes Eugenia and then compares her to Andy Biersack, who, if I remember correctly, he has made a
life-size doll of and raped in one of his "comedy" videos.
How does that convince anyone that he's not totally sexually obsessed with Eugenia? Geez, it's always him who actually reveals shit publicly.
>>669946Thank you for taking the time to go through half an hour of Greg's BS and transcribing it, anon!
No. 670069
>>670059Didn't Hannah deny ever dating that ogre? I think they were friends, and Grugly started catching feelings since he's a caveman and can't have a platonic relationship with an attractive woman. If I had to describe it, I'd say they were "talking" for like a week? And Grugly ended up scaring Hannah off, he probably creeped her out the whole time, but he really sealed the deal when he told her that he loved her. His ego was shattered when she didn't reciprocate and stopped communication.
His story is that sHe jUsT wAnTeD mE fOr sEx, which wasn't okay since nO sEx WiThOut lOvE. His out of control narcassism and delusions compelled him to create this lie that she lusted so much for him and treated him like a piece of meat and wasn't in it fOr lOvE to help soothe his fragile ego. Grugly can't handle it when a woman doesn't feel strongly for him, but what Grugly thinks is worst of all is when a woman doesn't find him attractive. So lying and making it seem like she found him unbearably sexually attractive is how the Gronk was able to pretend publicly that he was coping well.
The truth, though, is that Hannah was never really into him. I'm pretty sure he pressured her many times to be with him romantically, and many times she did not. I think she finally sorta…gave in and tried…and could only put up with it for a week. Keep in mind, that their "relationship" (as Grugly calls it) was entirely through Skype and phone calls. They never saw each other during their actual "relationship." We all know how Grugly handled talking to Adrienne via Skype and stuff before they met, demanding constant contact with him even to the point that she wasn't able to follow a normal daily routine. I imagine it was even worse with Hannah, as he had actually met her in person prior. I'm surprised she last as long as she did.
So she pretty much ghosted the Grug and a while after that, she stopped appearing publicly on social media all together. Grugly, of course, had to audacity to ask his followers to find her or to update him on where she was and what she was doing. What he wanted was for them to bully her into contacting him, which thankfully didn't work. But for years after, even today, he refers to Hannah and their rElAtIoNsHiP. He uses her images for thumbnails, makes videos about her. FOR FUCK SAKE, he even found a lookalike and named her something very similar (like Alanna Spinks or something?) He did this to such a degree that MANY people assumed it really was Hannah.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 670071
>>670069YES lol
he fucking named her Annah Minx
which is super creepy
No. 670120
File: 1560534960836.jpg (Spoiler Image,547.01 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20190614-195220_You…)

Big ol' yikes on that zoom in
No. 670144
>>670122>Like if he wants to argue that Jefree was a creep for making those comments to him, wouldn't someone that made a video comparing EC to people they WANT to fuck or have previously fucked in the past…wouldn't that be classified as sexual harrassment? Nah, I wouldn't say it's sexual harassment, at least not in that video, he just said he finds her hot. So basically every fan of any singer / actor / star publicly saying they find that particular celebrity hot, would be guilty of sexual harassment. I'm sure he meant it as a compliment and if he only had made that video, I'd even give him a pass.
To me it's the perpetuity and the obsession that make Greg so incredibly creepy. He just won't let go of her, first bullying and making fun of her like a 10 year old who secretly has a crush but denies it, and now the fact that he calls her hot and compares her to people he wants to shag.
>>669974>>670124I get strong Amber-vibes from that person… anything to get any attention at all.
No. 670146
>>670142>>670145That's a good point!
She might just have felt sorry for Greg because he is / was a fellow youtuber who was (starting to get) shunned the the entire community.
No. 670149
>>669950He really doesn't have ac in his house? Is that normal up north? I live down south and couldn't imagine living in a home with no ac
also why does every cow here think that intent is more important than outcome, have these people really never heard the saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"?
No. 670157
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Got a bit lazy with this one at the end
No. 670167
File: 1560549177441.png (592.92 KB, 1174x753, gerg1.png)

>>670166You made me remember a detail I missed, thank you anon
No. 670234
>>670142Well it seems like he believes anyone who collabs with him is obligated to fuck him based on the way he treats the girls he flies in. He probably asked Hannah for a collab they probably tried to iron out the details for the week they "dated" and then she ran when she saw crazy.
>>670149He doesn't even use the heat in winter so I really doubt he'd splurge on the electricity required to cool his home if he did have AC. Pretty sure he mostly illegally burns cardboard to heat his home in the winter. Its kinda odd though how in his McMansion he installed solar panels and still there's videos of when Sarah, Billie, and Ayalla were around where they're huddled under blankets because poor Onion "invested" all his money in "business" and couldn't afford to heat his mansion with two small children living there.
No. 670286
>>670149I’m from the south but have lived up north for two years now, and I’ve had AC in both places.
Anus just doesn’t want to pay for something as ordinary as heat and ac for his house where his wife and small children live, because plane tickets for 18 year olds are a much better investment.
No. 670305
>>670144Tbh my whole take on the JS thing is that yeah he probably had a bad experience with him but it sounds to me like JS was being an ahole to him because he didn’t like him not because he wanted him, like Anus implies. They were insults lol not pick up lines and from what I know I know about JS he wasn’t into sleeping around.
Anus is jealous that Shane is friends with him and supports him I’m pretty certain that he would be jealous of anyone that gets Shane’s attention like that… he just can’t stand that Shane was run off by his obnoxious behaviour, I’ve seen tweets in those days where Shane actually calls him out for talking about his exes so much.
No. 670354
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Idk if anyone noticed but Sarah and Lainey no longer are friends on Facebook nor do they follow each other on IG. I’m really hoping Sarah’s new best friend opened her eyes to how shitty the onions are.
No. 670429
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>>670412You mean its weird and inappropriate for two adults to string a 16 year old girl along for like 3 years or so…
Don't blame Sarah for what the Onion's pretty much allowed to happen. No. 670500
File: 1560706732277.png (301.38 KB, 570x778, sad greg.png)

He didn't say much in this video because he didn't want any details leaked. Here's a quick summery:
Greg has been having issues both financially and emotionally. He was also upset that someone asked him to say specific lines for a cameo. He felt like that was not what cameo was for and it felt like it was just a 'business transaction' and not something real. He had put on makeup for the cameo but was so bummed out about how things where going for him that he didn't take it off or film any other videos so his face broke out in pimples. He spoke to his mom and 'financial professionals' about 'stuff'. Things are getting better.
He doesn't look sad so he just tints the whole video blue to show he's depressed.
No. 670511
File: 1560709077451.png (332.87 KB, 565x486, sad lainey.png)

Lainey is stressed out. Things she has planned are seeing her mom, going to pride, seeing tilian live, and dental surgery. She seems to be doing things that are more cost effective such as going to the park, library, and a secondhand childrens store but of course old habits die hard. She went out for treats and boba tea with the kids and has all those outings planned. She feels stuck in her life and she needs a change so she wants to redecorate the house.
The money situation must be getting rough for her to start changing her daily spending habits. (If you want a mirror just let me know and I'll reupload.)
No. 670551
File: 1560719933198.jpg (380.24 KB, 1962x1594, d985bd01090113d5c682cff917f71c…)

Angry toddler? Anemia? Kinky sex? What is the excuse for this today? I think it is crazy, excluding the "kinky neck bites," how many bruises she gets.
No. 670554
>>670519>>670500>>670530>>670511Thank you for the mirrors and dedicating time to it, anons! Much appreciated!
Greg does look kinda unhealthy and tired with the sunken in eyes and the flabby cheeks, so this time I do believe him since his haggard appearance gives it away.
It's beyond me how Lainey still pretends that her bad mood and fatigue is caused by a house in need of decorating when there's so much else wrong in her life. It almost sounds like she's starting to feel sad about her lost teenage years because something "is missing" in her life.
No. 670557
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>>670500>>670530>Cameo isnt literally for me to have a cameo in one of your sketches, and somebody asked me to do a bunch of things I didnt want to do.This right here is why Greg will never be able to hold down a 9 to 5 job. He's lived too long as his own boss not having to answer to anyone. A Cameo video request is whatever the purchaser wants (within legal and ethical limits of course) If you feel weird or suspicious of what they're having you say then you dont accept the 20 dollars. But we know how desperate Greg is so he took the cash like a reluctant prostitute and cried in the shower afterwards as his ass bled out. If he ever got a job at some big box store he'd last a couple of days before getting fired or stripping down naked in front of his manager.
No. 670578
>>670530So basically he's "depressed" because someone paid him to act out a sketch, and to Greg that's telling him what to do so he's having a salty tantrum because I dO wHaT i WaNt
If he's going to alter and change what people ask him to do it's not really doing what they're paying him for so he shouldn't be lying and saying they can write the script
Imagine being such a pissbaby you'd get DEPRESSED over that
No. 670607
>>670511This video makes me wonder how Lainey addresses gender with her kids. She buys her kids highly gender specific clothes and you can see her following around a little girl in a pink frilly dress on the playground, and I'm assuming she's not just following random kids around a park filming because that would be fucking creepy.
>>670551She's anemic probably bruises easily, I know the mark under the "you are my strength tattoo" is a burn scar from a waffle maker according to her most recent tattoo video. No. 670611
>>670530Thanks for making the mirror!
This video was surprisingly refreshing and seemed genuine unlike a lot of her other videos.
It does seem like she’s genuinely making an effort to go out and do things with the kids and while she doesn’t show them, she is able to talk about things related to them in a healthy way that acknowledges she has them (rather than only bringing them up to shield himself like Greg). It’s sad that she filmed that part about getting frugal toys and clothes for them with greg’s big, expensive massage chair in the background. Why don’t they sell that if they are hurting? It’s like 9k new or something like that.
Does anyone know why comments are turned off for her channel? Did Greg turn them off when he turned his off?
>>670607My guess is she’s not forcing anything on them and counting on them to make their own decisions with gender (like they also decide when to wean). They haven’t shied away from typically gender-conforming things like they had a race car bed and a princess bed but they let the oldest son paint his nails and experiment. It doesn’t seem too extreme either way. What has to have affected them most gender-wise is having to call their mom a new name and a new gender. That has to be really confusing at their age.
No. 670616
>>670557Haha, when he started with cameo, I knew he was too much of a bitch to do what anyone else wants, because he wants to be in control about everything, cause he's such an ~alpha~
He really thinks people want to give him money so bad he can do whatever he wants.
Glad to see he's having a breakdown because he had to do something he didn't like for the first time.
No. 670630
>>670616Wait, did he really push through?
I understood it that way that he didn't record the cameo and was too upset about it to record anything else.
No. 670733
Lainey said in her video that she looks hideous away from her ring light when she doesn't have makeup and is just sorta filming on the go. I couldn't disagree more. She actually looked really pretty and seemed like a nice person hanging out with her kids. It makes me think how much better off she'd be back with her parents and away from Grugly. I think if it were up to her she would include her kids in filming. I think she could really do well doing that as she rebuilds her life away from the swamp trailer and Grugly.
Then she gets to the very end of the video back in front of her ring light and looks like she always does I remember her stupid gEnDeR iDeNtiTy iZ eVeErYtHinG nonsense and I strongly dislike her all over again.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 670772
>>670769That's what I am thinking.
>>670745Taylor is so excluded from the real world that it feels extraordinary to go out and do normal things. Before Greg, Taylor had an social life, went out and did things all the time, and experienced life. All until that was cut short by choosing to be with him. I feel like many of us always hope that these are little signs that she sees the problems and gives us a glimmer of hope that she will up and leave. But maybe, just maybe, with the financial issues and the pressure to bring in a third, and the wanting to redecorate the house, and obvious want to show the kids, maybe it is just stacking up and little by little… who knows? Please let me have hope, as much as Taylor's been a spoiled,
toxic brat, pleaseeeee.
No. 670785
>>670772Despite everything, I really do feel sorry for Lainey. She was groomed by Greg when she was just 17 and now she's stuck with him. She never got the chance to be her own person (literally everything she does can be traced back to him, otherwise we wouldn't even be discussing her on this thread).
I do hope eventually she realizes how fucked up her situation is and gets the hell away from the greasy onion boy, but unfortunately her track record hasn't been stellar so far
No. 670787
>>670519>>670530She would be so much better off if she would continue to get out more and do stuff like this. Plus, I agree with people here, I think she would be a great mommy vlogger, even if she doesn't overly show her kids.
As for Greg, maybe he's depressed because Lainey is going to be having surgery and he knows he's going to have to actually watch the kids.
No. 670826
>>670519i would've loved to see Lainey interact with her kids on camera or talk about them. despite the shitty circumstances they came in, the kids are basically the only people lainey interacts with every day and she must feel like she has a duty to protect them from Greg the Sperg and his narc rages. idk if she loves them or not, but she's the only person in that house that's ever cared for them and gave them the love and attention they deserve.
parroting several anons before me, I hope she leaves. real talk. i hope she waits for the split second Greg leaves the house, packs up her bags, buckles the kids up in the car and drives for the hills. it's not like Greg would notice his own kids are gone anyway
No. 670894
>>670785ever see Lainey's draw my life? it's since been deleted (it was a Patreon-exclusive that got leaked, but I can't find the mirror anymore.)
her only boyfriend other than Greg was the David Goodman guy (she talks about him in her stalker video)
he leaked her semi-nudes, she dated him anyway, he stalked her and verbally abused her, she stayed anyway. She only left because she started talking to Greg over Skype and said she didn't even acknowledge it was
abusive until after Greg. I honestly feel like shes never going to leave Greg. she doesn't have enough life experience as result of being groomed so young to acknowledge how abnormal her relationship is
No. 670899
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He types so childishly, and I can't tell if it's because he's genuinely mentally stunted, or he's trying to appeal/groom his 16 year old female audience that watch him
Like who the fuck writes shit like this unironically as a 30 something year old
I thought I was watching someone mock Onision, but nope, Onision says shit like this actually thinking some 16 year old with blue dyed pubes is gonna see this One Direction reject, and be like, "omg <3 the perfect man. So open minded. So sweet… he likes me in sweatpants, and he's a trans ally <3 xox"
No. 670924
Just a reminder to the Lainey sympathizers, time and time again she's proven (and said in many cases):
-she doesn't feel bad for how her husband treats friends, family (I can't control Greg)
-she doesn't feel bad for how she's treated friends and family (where's my sympathy)
-she doesn't care how shitty Greg is; rather she enjoys the fact that people take about their concerns as she wants to be pitied (and then laugh)
>>670911The boychild can't take input/criticism for anybody, remember when he was supposed to work on a project with some group and he fought over control of the camera work?
No. 670990
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Onion released another (cringe) compilation of his old music videos on his main channel and in the bully video he gets fondled and jacked off by his then-wife on-camera.
No. 670991
File: 1560835742970.jpeg (106.62 KB, 1125x465, 2B0A4550-750F-41F8-ABEB-8CCD21…)

>>670990Oh and I found this comment:
Not sure if he’s trolling or not but it wouldn’t be surprising at the very least.
No. 671025
>>670954Holy shit, has anyone here managed to scroll through his entire Instagram feed? It's almost entirely selfies and there are SO many photos I scrolled for 10 minutes and didn't get to the end. He posted 'comparison' shots of 2 photos 10 yrs apart at least TEN times to 'prove' how 'young' his aging ass is. It's the most blatantly narcissistic feed I've ever seen. He REAAALLY thinks he's hot shit.
You're not, Greg. You're a pimply man with a personality disorder who coasted on a viral video for a longer than you should have. But's it's over.
You will NEVER be a YT success story. NEVER again.
No. 671026
>>670924lainey is like the complaisant wife that shrugs when the husband molests the kids
her only ex before greg raped her repeatedly and she still stayed
she's hopeless tbh
No. 671030
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Please be about the cameo please be about the cameo
No. 671038
Grugly mentioned talking to people about his finances and said he thinks it's going to be okay. I wonder who exactly he means?
For some reason, I feel like it's not financial advisors or investors. It doesn't seem like there's enough income to warrant such things, though I do realize those sorts of professionals don't JUST deal with the wealthy.
I wonder if there's a possibility it could really mean he's been talking to the bank who owns his house. I wonder if he's been attempting to modify his loan or something, or maybe he's been trying to work out getting caught up with his mortgage. It's the way he said "I think it's gonna be okay" that makes me think it's more to do with losing assets vs figuring out how to gain assets.
What do y'all reckon he meant?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 671039
Sorry for the double post, but I forgot to mention the fact that when the IRS stuff first came to light, Grugly said in reference to speaking with an IRS rep that he thinks everything is going to be okay. And we all know it wasn't and that he was in H U G E shit.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 671068
File: 1560873886793.png (686.67 KB, 997x853, 20190618_120401.png)

>>671050Ah. I hadn't considered that. Now that you mention, I remember reading somewhere that he had IRS business to take care of this month. The fact that he mentioned talking to crazy Tammy in the same video makes me wonder if he's begging for the house back he gave her or maybe he, Taylor and the Gruglettes need to move in with her. He hasn't mentioned speaking to her in forever, so now that he has while they're having financial issues is pretty suspect. Also, he literally looks like a sasquatch in this photo from his gross poshmark.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 671078
File: 1560876918891.jpg (507.73 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190618-125015_Chr…)

>>670892It has been truly a pleasure seeing Grugly squirm while his actual male peers attempt interaction and banter. He really just cant handle it. I dont watch youtubers, but fpsdiesel and the likes responses to Greggy's hypocrisy and cowardice have been excellent.
Btw, anyone know what this person is talking about from the patreon? (Image). There was also a recording of one of patrons saying she was 16, and Greg almost trying to cut her off…the video was linked on Twitter I wish I had saved it.
No. 671086
File: 1560879966138.png (37.42 KB, 576x410, stalker.png)

>>671078I took a quick look, maybe this one?
No. 671093
>>671086God, it pisses me off how he types.
smirks. “Yeah . . . It’s tough. It’s . . . Something really deep.”
Only 11 year olds type with ellipses and narrate actions like a dunce. I can’t believe this fucker even passed high school.
No. 671123
>>671086And that's the kind of communication people pay for to have with him?
Patron: "Hey, that's a really bad thing that happened to you, fellow Greg-patron."
Greg: "Yeah, whatever."
Patron: "Good that you're feeling better now."
Greg: "Yeah, whatever."
Even my pets show more interest in my life. lmao
No. 671128
>>671038Grug started a fake company called neisimuto or something like that and he was using it as basically an undeclared tax shelter.
That's what he set up with his cpa. He had to renew the company earlier this year and didn't. More than likely the IRS sniffed this out.
No. 671186
>>671056Let's be real, the only decent thing the gergles have done in their lives is not put their children on camera
Whether or not it was for the right reasons, it's the right thing to do
No. 671191
File: 1560908765424.png (24.81 KB, 568x287, sc1.png)

Either Greg or the 16 year old deleted the comment about her losing her virginity. A bit suspicious since it was up until it was shared here.
She's been commenting on all his patreon post and they appear to be friends. This comment makes me think there is something to the claims that Greg has been complaining about Lainey's translarping and is considering divorce.
No. 671198
>>670500How narcissistic do you have to be that you think Cameo is just for a 'quick shout out or hey'
If he wanted to do that he should have just put down personalized videos. He doesn't wanna put in effort because he's a control freak. Plus it doesn't matter who it is, he believes he's giving that person traffic by making an appearance in their shitty video and he can't stand people 'making money off him' even if it's a shitty fan who's videos probably won't even be seen.
He'd rather make quick personalised hello videos for his female fans so that he can feel special.
He thinks he's that special that people would want short videos of him saying hi to them. Wow.
No. 671231
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>>671128>>671068>>671050>>671039>>671038Update, VERY likely that Onion is about to hit IRSGate 2.0. Pic related is from a publicly available listing for his somewhat hidden second business "Nesiamotu". It's been noted as delinquent since February. As it is listed as a c-corp, this means mainly he has defaulted on income tax for this company.
Ever since discovering this I've personally kept an eye on it, especially since he has often refered to himself as an "investor". With no money to invest in literally anything worth a fuck, and no equity built in anything he's ever done with his YouTube ventures to be worth anyone else's investments, this entire thing has screamed "tax shelter" to me.
He's fucked.
No. 671242
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>>671233Set house was 6803 133rd Street CT E Puyallup, WA 98373 sold 6/30/2017 for $246,144.
But finding this info I stumbled upon James Jackson aka the new Onion. They also renamed the Onion bulbs. Fucking Cloey Abbigale really?
No. 671267
>>671260Pretty sure you can change your name as many times as you want but it does make the background report take longer.
>>671264And if the application asks you to disclose all previous names and he doesn't that could allow a prospective employer to disqualify him from employment.
No. 671269
File: 1560931480820.jpg (20.87 KB, 313x499, 41GYbyfcMYL._SX311_BO1,204,203…)

>>671242Wait, Abbigale… His book. That's all kinds of creepy.
No. 671277
>>671231He probably tried to use the corp as a way to shield further income streams from the IRS or something. But if he doesn't file taxes he's going to pop up on their radar again real fast.
Really it's staggering how ineptly Onision has been managing his finances. He exceeded the expected lifetime earnings for a guy who graduated HS and trained to become the Airforce version of Paul Blart Mall Cop several times, instead making something like a few million off Youtube thanks to the accidential exposure of his Banana suit dancing.
Now other people, smarter people, would probably use a CPA, file correct taxes on time and invest substantial sums so they could live frugally off rent and capital gains while only working to supplement their income.
But not Onision. Having the spending habits and impulse control barely above of a bum who just won the lottery, the Greaselord opt for pissing away unending amounts of money on trivialities, expensive consumer goods and flying out barely legal girls to stick his third little finger inside their (hopefully dry) vaginas.
Discounting probable lies about his financial situation, he's still saddled with IRS debt, enviro restoration fines and dwindeling viewership and less potential recruits for his next teen bride. He's going to lash out again soon, maybe after his next manic phase?
No. 671309
>>671299Lurk more newfag.
>>671287Cloey’s name is just a reminder that Taylor will never be number one to Greg and it’s funny that she refuses to see that. Especially since she was such a big fan of his before they were dating. Abbigale is essentially Shiloh, and it’s why Taylor hated the Stones to Abbigale so much.
No. 671316
>>671311I didn’t either. That must mean they are telling the kids she has a new name and presumably a new gender.
I wonder if top surgery comes next.
No. 671324
>>671316>>671318While it was never proven:
>>669033Stated that Greg was doing it so he could divorce Lainey and get out of spousal support by saying she defrauded him.
Take it with a grain of salt, but it seems to be a plausible reason for him to be supporting it so much.
No. 671325
FYI according to Pierce County changing all of their names cost them close to a grand. The filing fee is $204 each, I don't think the "family name change" fee applies because they got rid of their middle names.>>671323Wouldn't she have it done in New Mexico since she was born there?
No. 671354
>>671264Wait, so if I write down that Gregory Avaroe aka Onision is now called James Jackson and his wife, Taylor Elaine Anderson, who has been known as Lainey Avaroe and is now called Kai Jackson, will google pick that up then?
Would that inform people looking up his name to have a quick background check that Gregory Avaroe and James Jackson are the same person?
>>671277>Really it's staggering how ineptly Onision has been managing his finances.>Now other people, smarter people, would probably use a CPA, file correct taxes on time and invest substantial sums so they could live frugally off rent and capital gains while only working to supplement their income.That's because he has delusions of grandeur: He knows everything and is better at anything and everything than any professional and if something goes wrong, he just blames everyone but himself.
No. 671362
File: 1560961259434.jpeg (138.45 KB, 750x966, EAE20C2A-A666-438E-855B-C337BE…)

The entire google front page for James Jackson has to do with a white supremacist murderer… kek, but also maybe purposeful. Gurg thinks he’ll get buried in search results. Too bad he’s too stupid to know that you usually have to disclose any past names for anything legit.
No. 671364
>>671354Maybe connecting location like James Jackson of Gig Harbor or Pierce County, Washington.
Kiwifarms is on the second page of james jackson of gig harbor
No. 671368
File: 1560963063867.png (898.67 KB, 1080x719, clairebanner.png)

>>671367I think you mean the Claire banner, I think the first time we saw Cloey was a decal over a crib.
No. 671369
File: 1560963118248.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1125x1924, 34BAF847-1F79-4CFA-9E61-5B25C4…)

In non-name change related news, looks like Repzion is serious about suing James Jackson.
No. 671384
>>671325Wtf, why would they spend so much money to change their names for fun, when they're ~~struggling~~ so hard
>>671316>changes her fucking name to her new boi identity>won't tell her parents she's a snowflake>>671318I think legally changing your name is already pretty far gone if you're doing it for snowflake points.
Imo she's just a totally lost woman who threw away her life and happiness at 17 and I think any decent therapist can see that too.
No. 671396
File: 1560971618905.jpg (535.06 KB, 1066x1531, Yikes .jpg)

Gregory James Jackson naming his kid after his ex's skit name is like one step away from this dude
No. 671399
File: 1560973275699.jpeg (650.46 KB, 1125x1647, 27E511A9-51C9-4C76-AD25-5D9EB2…)

Do any of you lovely ladies want to debate James Jacksoff? Also lol at his quote retweet.
No. 671507
File: 1560993879220.png (40.43 KB, 760x356, name change.PNG)

>>671362>>671242They're asking questions about his name change on his forum. I dont think unbrit is a troll or spy, "she" seems to have a history on the forums before this topic was made. I wonder if Greg will ignore then lock the thread/topic, or do some kind of "stepping in and out of the truth" like Joe eloquently described when it came to Gregs "truth"
Onision: My middle name has always been James.
No. 671515
>>671511If Greg thinks changing his name to something that's equivalent to John Smith is going to help him get a high paying job in the near future hes just as wrong as hes been with everything else in his life. The interviewer is going to see he was enlisted 2005 to 2008, and then he'll need to explain how he supported himself the past 11 years. If he says says YouTube then all this cloak and daggar shit with changing his name was for nothing because you know they will look up his YT history.
The end result of him working for someone is all I care about. Lets pretend he gets a decent job as an editor for some video company, he wont last. He will rub everyone the wrong way, he'll tell his bosses how they're wrong and hes right, and probably do some creepy shit to the female employees that causes HR to get involved.
No. 671517
File: 1560995615231.jpeg (158.09 KB, 1242x981, D9daAuGWsAAnf89.jpeg)

This YouTuber is saying she can and will take anus to court for falsely copyright claiming her videos. I hope this works and the smug ogre gets his ass obliterated in court
No. 671524
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What is he up to? I really do hope he's digging himself a deeper hole.
No. 671544
>>671524It's not like this is an inherently bad business model or any typeof fraud. Where it becomes those things is if you don't pay your damn taxes for the company.
Trust Greg, uh sorry Jimmy, so use a cpa to set up a business model then defraud that model to land himself in more hot water.
No. 671557
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>>671507welp, I guess James didnt like them giving away his secret name change
No. 671562
>>671547This kid made himself look like an idiot during that “debate” and didn’t have the smarts to ask any real relevant questions.
But are we sure Greg isn’t just referring to “onision” as his business? As in he spends all his Patreon money buying himself new instruments for his shitty music instead of using it on his family? Cause that’s what it sounds like to me.
No. 671582
>>671524Hmm tbh I’m thinking that perhaps he is saying that all the revenue from patreon goes to his accountant to pay his tax fraud bill. That’s plausible and then I’m left to assume they live off Lainey’s channel and whatever else money they’re pulling in.. Anus still makes some money off Youtube, not a lot but if they combine their income I’m sure they’re not hurting too much.
The name change is just odd.. I’m going to agree with the other anon who said maybe it has something to do with them seeking employment elsewhere or to hide their online stuff.
No. 671631
>>671507Why can't his fans just google pierce county public auditor records ( and look it up themfuckingselves? The only reason why Lainey's name is on a separate screenshot is because the search goes Last Name, First Name Middle and whoever put it in their system fucked it up. His fans are dullards, they need to stop letting Onion spoonfeed them bullshit.
>>671517This chick has been extra annoying on twitter kinda being a whiny bitch when Repzion didn't just instantly respond to her tweets when it was late at night and early morning for him. Saying that Repzion probably hates gameplay channels and that's why he won't help her(???). I don't trust her enough with my money because of that kinda childish attitude, but if Rep sued I'd throw some money at it because he's a bigger youtuber and has more accountability because of that. Good luck to her if she does it, but maybe don't act so melodramatic it sorta makes it seem like your motives aren't pure.
No. 671633
File: 1561028945165.png (201.58 KB, 788x985, swampshackfullreconveyance.png)

>>671631Sorry to double post but you need to copy and paste the link, clicking on it doesn't work.
There's also more recent shit from "avaroe gregory". In April it looks like they purchased large lot next to them for $19k Funnily enough they still list Lainey and Greg as husband and wife. They also received full reconveyance on the swamp shack. I don't speak legalese but it sounds like they don't owe on the Swamp Shack anymore?
No. 671636
Is there a way to help Grugly's Onision identity and all its terrible-ness come up when James Jackson is searched on Google? Like, if we enter James Jackson Onision into Google and stuff will it help whatever algorithm Google uses to correlate those search results?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 671642
>>671633Well, I wonder if Greg Avaroe's / James Jackson's Patrons know that the money they give him fully goes to his company and he's
still able to spend $20,000 on a plot he doesn't necessarily need.
No. 671651
File: 1561037212819.jpg (118.29 KB, 953x307, newplot.jpg)

>>671633Samefagging, I'll just leave that screenshot here (adjacent plot).
No. 671652
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>>671651Another one of the trailer, just to have both in one place.
No. 671654
File: 1561037589968.jpg (90.43 KB, 945x823, newplotmap.jpg)

>>671651$19,000 might have been kind of a bargain actually.
But it's quite interesting that he bought the plot April 16 when his last official application / permit dates back to April 11.
No. 671718
>>671706there's no actual proof of this. so he'll just sperg about people making shit up again.
the only actual course of action when "debating" Gurg is to use his actual words against him. He can deny anything else and you will get no where