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No. 661550
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
https://momokuncosplay.comFacebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/snow/644215General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/snow/705676Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
The basics:
>The original “Thicc Samus”>Has received 2+ lipo and coolsculpting sessions and in attempt to create some sort of figure, all while lying about weight loss through exercise and diet (and weight loss teas)>Is laughably bad at making own cosplays; buys and commissions 90% of her costumes and props, neglects to properly credit the commissioner or store (see: David Han/KoreanBarbq, Cookie Kabuki Cosplay, myOppa, “Waisetsu Missile” creator Taropun)>Rips off designs/ideas from smaller creators in the community then backpedals when she’s found guilty (See the myOppa Red Riding Hood drama) >Claims money is “hard earned” through her half assed, overly photoshopped sets priced at high marks; scams patrons by claiming 3-5 “teaser pictures” are exclusive when in reality they ARE the whole set and are all posted on IG>Has delusions of grandeur; beefs up certain things she does so she looks more important than she is. Isn’t above using her social media status for free convention badges or getting into “exclusive events”>Despite earning 10k+ a month through Patreon, she still ghosts conventions and begs for money>Likes to pretend to be a fan of a series, expresses warped knowledge of said series so she is in the right, gate keeps and posts spoilers despite hating it when others do so>Professional backpedaler with a lack of remorse; has lewded young characters for photosets, said she sexually assaulted multiple acquaintances due to her ADHD, makes controversial statements/rants that paint herself in a negative light, but won't accept ever being in the wrong>Preaches the false narrative of “positivity in the community” while she attacks and exiles people once they speak up against her. Surrounds herself with yes man and declares anything else a "witch hunt">Momokun has been proven to be a sexual predator, has assaulted multiple people in order to bully and assert dominance over them. Refuses to take responsibility for it, tries to pin it on her attention deficit disorder and both her and her lackey Vamp have publicly mocked her victimsRecently:
>Releases original and photoshopped version of pics in her Pochaco set >>658419>Finally release nip-nops but still holds on videos. Decides not to show face in the set itself>Anon who got scammed finally got his full refund>Intentionally posts a photo of her and Sensei together despite him having a GF. Has posted a photo on her story of the two together and Sensei has put up his own selfies of him and his GF together>"Hangs out" with sensei and his GF despite Vamps and co. going to Detective Pikachu>Posting on her IG story various call out and vague posts obviously centered around Sensei and other recent drama>Vamps removed Moo as her relationship on FB>Ran out of friends to pay so she's taking her hairdresser to Hawaii>Stealing from >>660339>said the last month, this past weekend, in particular, has been going rough>said she's self-reflecting, acknowledging things are out of her control sometimes and "that's okay…is it?">said this year has been truly amazing and she's felt the growth in herself and in her business. Is still learning and growing >made it a point to rant about how she's appreciating those who are loyal and respectful of her>"Get better, not bitter. Don't be a bitter bitch">signed up with a new trainer and is going to the gym after she comes back from Cali. Is practicing self-care>going on a vacation because she "has miles saved up">wants to "hike everywhere">is shooting with Cat (Azur Lane), Alex Drastal (Jiraiya and Tsunade), Misotokki (Sonico set)>is doing a fitting for a new corset (Bowsette), might do a video for it ("some big dog shit")>apparently has a new website being worked on by a team ((um okay?))>More shitty cosplays planned and being taken (MHX)>To sum all this recent milk up. Moo is in serious mental breakdown mode because Sensei got a GF, Vamps has pretty nuch ghosted out of her life, and the usual myriad of drama she has around herSolely posting in this thread to comment on Moo's weight will warrant a no contribution ban No. 661553
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No. 661558
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Patreon Tier changes to get her cucks to spend more
No Topless tier that she mentioned she was going to do for 75
No. 661559
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She is changing the characters of the promised 2 shoots and probably not going to do one of them.
No. 661563
>>661559Sensitive eyes says the woman who tried to layer two contacts on top of one another.
Wasn't it suggested that her Hinata 'contacts' were just photoshopped? And why do another character when you COULD just photoshop the eyes rather than a whole new character?
Man, the dodging she does to get out of doing (what's HER JOB) is amazing.
No. 661583
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she really just reuploaded her photoshopped ad when you can see her real hog waist one row below this is next level retardism
No. 661584
>>661558 Two key observations here:
>No more location shoots.
>No more videos.Aside from her screwing her subscribers over with the refusal to do a true topless tier, she's really taking advantage of the $10 tier idiots.
Just think. Recently, she was giving away that Silver Kitten set with the silver pasties on for $10. Now that exact set would only be available for $75.
No. 661589
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No. 661593
>>661591 Gaijin hunters
are brave with low standards.
No. 661600
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You can literally see the camera glitch as it’s trying to make her look smaller in this story.
No. 661607
>>661596It's extremely hard to do from what I've heard.
>>661599There are also a lot of requirements for the student visa, right? She hasn't even seen the inside of a classroom for years.
No. 661609
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>>661600slowed it down and gif’d it for us
No. 661610
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Inb4 she gets kicked out of Nippon and claims racism
No. 661612
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No. 661614
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No. 661617
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No. 661623
>>661609I take a bit of solace in knowing that not even a filter specifically made for people like Moo to feel better about themselves can fix her horrid body.
Each one of these shoots should just be fuel for her to realize that she is doing wrong in life, not encourage her to keep on.
No. 661626
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This is the opposite
No. 661630
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>>661609the mirror warping omegalul
No. 661634
>>661632 Hey! You just made me realize something else!
She also stopped offering her older sets in the new tiers!
No. 661637
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No. 661638
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No. 661642
>>661638Dude this is fucking freaky! What even is that?!
Seriously what is she on right now that’s making her be this spazzy and weird cause I’m highly creeped out.
No. 661646
>>661589She’s actually retarded if she thinks she’ll just be a able to pack up and move to Japan and purchase a house. Her dumbass doesn’t even speak the language and she hasn’t stepped foot in a classroom for years. Not to mention her taking shitty photos of herself isn’t a stable enough income nor will it even qualify for a work visa.
This is shit weebs grow out of once they graduate high school when they realize how stupid expensive and incredibly difficult it is to move to Japan. Christ she is so fucking stupid. Did her dumb ass really just think “I want to move to glorious nippon and live out my life just like my anime. I’ll torally be welcomed there with open arms among my people”. Hell, her last visit there had people physically cringing at her autistic screeching. Also, what happened to all the “horrible racism towards foreigners” you had to face while there Moo? Surely you wouldn’t want to live somewhere with that kind of
toxic environment, right?
No. 661648
>>661626Do you think we're reaching a boiling point here? Every day she's throwing vague shade around and she's so
toxic that anyone of real worth to Mariah won't be caught with her for more than a hello.
Are there cons coming up? Just curious what will happen without her precious friend by her side.
No. 661653
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>>661652I didn’t buy it at first but vamps is shooting with chibigains today.. anyway I’ll move my tin foil about that to the /w/ thread
No. 661654
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No. 661658
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collete is following both of moos accounts but momocunt isnt following her back on either account big yikes!
No. 661659
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did moo ever follow her, is this old milk?
No. 661660
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Saw this on Vamp's FB page(use the calves thread to discuss vamp)
No. 661664
>>661659 Gotta type out the full names. For some reason, the search feature doesn't auto-populate with Mariah or Vamp's accounts.
And I'm sure Mariah will follow for all of eternity, even if it means using a sock account. After all, she still keeps tabs on Thorne and Gabby Cooke in order to steal their ideas, live vicariously through them, etc.
No. 661667
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Moo is following her.
Its better to go to the person account and see who they are following vs checking who are their followers.
No. 661669
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She is still following her, you have to type in her whole name.
However, I'm with the tinfoiling that something happened between them. Moo lurks so much that she would have posted something about her waifu by now to prove the haters wrong.
No. 661683
>>661681I would love to see Moo try and go to real school in Japan regularly. On top of doing her shitty bare-minimum for Patreon.
Not to mention she'd triple in size because she'd need to drink more booze to compensate for no weed
No. 661687
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Then say it? This is what you did when you said you had so many receipts but never proved it
No. 661688
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Mariah acts like everyone is spying on her IG accounts, but here's the proof that the exact opposite is going on.
Take a look at the timestamps from when these were posted. Surely it's not a coincidence that Mariah posted her A&E plug an hour after Vamps made one. Such a petty bitch.
No. 661689
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>>661688Also, if memory serves me correctly, isn't Chibigains the same person Mariah gave her phone to at last year's AX in order to try and create the facade that Mariah was actually in attendance (and not solely hiding in her hotel room)?
No. 661691
>>661679Jesus Christ, you cannot sage on PT. Stop already.
Read the fucking rules.
No. 661692
>>661686This exactly. My partner speaks fluent Japanese and was rejected numerous times because they took one look at him and refused cause he was a gaijin. Can you imagine momo trying to get a inkan/hanko so she can stamp her forms for her bank account? Or going to the city hall to try to register herself in? Going to the conbini every month to pay her pension and health insurance?
>>661683I can imagine her being like that one girl from Sweden?? that spent 3 years saving up for a study visa in Japan and didn't go to classes after one week cause it was too hard and she didn't expect that she had to know what hiragana was?
No. 661694
>>661689See, this is how you model and drive sales, not mooriah's bullshit lol. Yeah she gets more likes, but it's CLEARLY designed attire for chicks.
Both are trash, but I'd sooner go with vamp, she at least TRIES in her cosplay. So yes, clearly something is going on with these two.
No. 661696
>>661692But Japan has to totally accept her. Haven’t you seen how much she loooooves anime? She should be able to just move there right now.
Fucking christ, is she literally still in high school? She’s like every dumb weeb who thinks they are going to move to Japan right out of high school and start working on their own manga and anime.
No. 661711
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Is her reddit down or is it just me?
Wonder if this has anything to do with her meltdown.
Her neckbeards had been spamming it with the nip nops and complaining about her business practices
No. 661724
>>661558 I have a suspicion that a lot of these tiers changed for two reasons.
1. Mariah hasn't been coming through on her end, especially with video footage. Either she'll scrap the videos entirely, or she'll only release about 90 seconds worth of footage after she reels in the neckbeards with bogus promises, like the 30 minute workout video that never happened.
2. I find it peculiar that she made these changes shortly after the Vamplettes theories are beginning to circulate. Now that she's literally only down to Cat/Antares in Vegas, and the California trio of Squarecuck, MisoTokki, and Aly, she has to modify her tiers to compensate for any inconveniences.
Kinda sad, since this is a stronk woman with a stronk team of loyal supporters who would never put themselves first before Mariah.
No. 661735
>>661731this. and since moo is
that kind of weeb she assumes she won't be totally isolated (if not more than now) in fucking japan of all places. she can't even do jet or anything and gaijin hunters don't go for that "high-test" body of hers.
No. 661738
>>661735Plus she wouldn't be able to smoke weed in Japan because it's illegal there, so there goes one of her favorite passtimes. Her calves wouldn't be able to accompany her to cons there, and no one at Japanese cons would recognize her, negatively or positively. None of her slaves would be able to make cosplays for her, so she'd have to start ordering everything.
The fact that she goes by "Momokun" would cause her humiliation there, because it basically translates to "Mr. Peach" at best and "peach dyke" at worst. If she manages to find someone who will rent out to a camwhore (because god knows she's not buying), moving all her cats and shit to Japan would be an expensive pain in the ass.
I really hope she actually moves to Nippon. The milk would be glorious.
No. 661740
>>661687 Yup. This is her "vendetta's" bullshit all over again.
Be better, not bitter my ass. And imagine being this full of piss and vinegar because one of your friends wanted to hang out with other girls.
No. 661756
>>661589she was talking about wanting to get into a relationship earlier, why doesn't she find a gross gaijin green card? lmfao
>>661617>>661638she looks like she's on meth, she's gotta be on something.
>>661738Holy shit, I cannot believe you're the only anon to point out that her own fucking brand name would be a subject of humiliation, on top of what she does in regards to how she looks. I can't decide which is worse, maybe Peach Dyke since she hates Dykes?
No. 661772
>>661738I guarantee that she hasn’t thought about any of this further than “I’m going to move to Japan and become a cosplay idol! I’m totally gonna get invited to all the cons and all the cute bois will be tripping over themselves to get with all this thiccness. They might even ask me to work on some of their anime and manga because I’m such a huuuuuuge fan with all these theories and analysis”.
Typical stupid weeb that doesn’t understand they will be completely ostracized from the moment they step off the plane.
No. 661782
>>661772Exactly. Bitch is high/wasted 24/7, she's just spinning her wheels because she can't do anything but lie lie lie. That and it impresses the retards still throwing money at her because all she has left for genuine fans
are autistic neckbeards. The rest are just money chasing thots and gross dudes who get off on her getting fatter, uglier, and more desperate.
No. 661792
>>661772And that will show Sensei how much hes missing out when all these Japanese guys are worshiping me and then he'll cry and I'll laugh and also a unicorn! and Collette will still be at a grocery while I live in a highrise in tokyo and am adored by millions!
totally what moos thinking.
No. 661801
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Why does Moo pretend to care about women's bodies when she sees each body as a competition?
No. 661809
>>661801>>661802Her dumbass I’d really about to dip her sausage toes into this political mine field? This will surely go well for you Moo.
By the way, may the girl who abused other women’s bodies without their consent should maybe sit the fuck down and shut up about this particular subject. You didn’t seem to care then about women’s bodies or whatever.
No. 661814
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I get what this dude probably meant but lol at Moo
No. 661816
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>>661815I'm rolling. She's in a fucking mood
No. 661817
>>661801 Misandry and Moo. Color me shocked.
I can't even take her seriously with this shit. All she's doing is using a hot button issue to disguise her true hatred for men, since nobody wants to sleep with her decrepit ass.
No. 661822
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>>661817If she wants to quit she can do it anytime but she'd rather be controversial
No. 661826
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No. 661829
>>661817She also thinks that taking on a hot button issue will magically absolve her of all the shit she is guilty of. She does this all time time where she’ll try to pretend to be an advocate of some movement or join in on the dogpiling of whoever the internet has decided to impersonate this week. All the while screeching about having “morals” and how “she isn’t afraid to call people the fuck out who think this way”. And when her transgressions get thrown back in her face she doubles down harder by saying “NEVER MIND MY BULLSHIT!! THIS IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT!!’”. Making it obvious to everyone she is just looking to get the heat off of her.
I’m sure after about a week we won’t hear about this from her ever again.
No. 661831
I find it horrible hypocritical that a woman who has used her fucking hands to violate other's physical autonomy suddenly cares about abortion. Why is she doing this? For brownie points. She's fucking disgusting and ill informed. As
>>661828 said, sexual assault still happens. What a fucking idiot.
No. 661832
>>661550Lmao at this dude though, “didn’t know you were a liberal”
Moo is a lot of unsavory stuff but did this guy really think an instathot he was following that sells her tits and ass for and video of herself dripping fake cum from his mouth for money is going to be… conservative? The logic here lol
More importantly and on topic Mariah thinks she’s some savior of the people by being a champion of woman even though it could ~hurt her career~ and she doesn’t care because she had to do ~what’s right~ lmao ok Mariah
No. 661837
>>661835Fucking this.
Imagine saying "ew boys lmao muh body muh rules" when everything from your house down to the toilet paper is bought using sticky dick money.
No. 661843
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Should've shaved
No. 661846
>>661843Isn’t.. isnt it year of the pig
Why wouldn’t you keep this in 2018, not 2019…?
No. 661848
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is there any update on her going to london? it's a week away and i haven't seen her mention it.
No. 661855
>>661815"I have my morals"
Fucking rolling here. Bitch, your morals are "will it make me look like the best? Yes>then do it" with your mental answer always being yes, sit the fuck down.
No. 661856
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>>661589I mean, if Moo did her homework, she'd maaaaybe be able to get a 1 year visa, but would have to work a real, not glamourous job 5 days a week and act as a functioning member of Japanese society. Which realistically, she knows next to nothing about.
Does she have any real accreditations, or just a highschool diploma?
Just stick to being a fat, screaming stereotype, Mariah. Your visa will only ever be tourist.
No. 661860
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I think this is backwards, moo.
No. 661865
>>661860Let’s see how well that hold up when she can no longer find trips to Japan. Or has to move back in when mom and dad because she couldn’t get a regular 9 to 5 job. Or when she’s forced to sell off all her figurines for rent money. We’ll see how much it was worth standing in her “morals” when her male fans begin taking their money away from her for being lectured at.
Also where were these “morals” when she was out sexually abusing and humiliating all those other women? Where was the “respect for women’s bodies”? You didn’t seem to respect them enough to not touch their privates or grope their breasts without consent.
Go sit your hypocritical ass down and pray that you haven’t somehow damaged your already garbage reputation even further enough for your neckbeards to start pulling out.
No. 661883
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No. 661895
>>661883I don't get it. She is screeching about how men should respect women but she did a photoshoot with a guy who broke into her ex girlfriends house and assaulted her.
But I guess it didn't matter cuz the guy was cute right?
No. 661897
>>661894You can practically set your watch to her stupidity. It’s always the same. Makes some stupid comment condemning all men. Her DMs get lit up with guys calling her out and sees she’s pissing off her her fans so she tries to walk it back by being like “I was just talking about those bitch bois coming at me in the comments. You cucks who donate every month are totally fine”.
>>661895Same with her getting “cat called”: Its totally fine when it’s some hot guy she’s desperately wanting to fuck. But if it’s some shlubby middle aged guy on his lunch break now it’s “All men are such pigs and I won’t stand for such disrespect!”
That’s her basic rule. If the guy is hot then it’s all fine.
No. 661909
>>661906Because it's always the
victims fault and the abuser is never at fault
She really does talk like an abuser
No. 661929
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No. 661930
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>>661929Forgot she had this listed as a cosplan MONTHS ago
No. 661935
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I guess Reiq is drawing her stickers. I knew it looked like his style.
No. 661936
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No. 661938
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>>661936Shes sperging about "men who would love her teehee" I suppose.
No. 661939
>>661846She doesn't need to dress like a pig because she already
is one.
No. 661944
>>661943Moo: “Love your body and all its flaws! Don’t let anyone tell you how you should look”
Also Moo: “Edit out the parts you don’t like about yourself and lie to everyone about how you look”
No. 661947
>>661945Moos best cosplay yet- cosplaying Senseicunts "girlfriend" at a wedding.
It wasn't a date moo- and he just isn't into you. get over it.
No. 661951
>>661933She said she hated/could never have short hair because it would make her look like a lesbian or something.
She's straight, someone post that dumb furry pj party she had with Sabrina
>tfw you actually have consentNever looks at women in photoshoots etc etc
She's str8 but tries to claim… idk. polyamory or something, but I haven't followed her in months.
She's had sex with three dudes. We know who 2/3 are. I guess the first is the guy she lost her virginity to and bitched about on some Higurashi forum.
No. 661957
File: 1558053387809.png (2.77 MB, 1242x2208, C427144E-6BB2-4238-B114-FC7996…)

Congrats Moo on sending an image that has been shared countless times on FB to people who have lost a pet. A+ consoling.
She’s trying really hard to make it seem like her hairdresser is her new bestie.
No. 661978
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No. 661979
>>661965Vamp was there too. I believe it based off her coming off as someone who's never even seen a real penis before, let alone had one in her.
Then again, maybe she was only listing relationships that involved sex, since there is the whole "Nathan whoever raped me!!!11"
She might as well just become deathfat and eat herself to death, it's the only joy she has.
No. 661982
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No. 661984
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Guess she canceled London, also this confirms Moo is lurking here. She changed this after anon mentioned her trip this month.
No. 661996
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With all her inaccurate mistakes (some "intentional") she has the balls to say shit like this
No. 662012
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>>661996trying to pull her usual stunts
No. 662014
File: 1558063242138.png (2.38 MB, 750x1334, 37AF38EB-81AA-4015-B88C-9387A8…)

No. 662024
File: 1558065015562.png (835.67 KB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2019-05-16-20-47-30…)

>>662015She said it's a "refitting" aka "I got fat"
No. 662025
File: 1558065062627.png (865.98 KB, 720x1023, Screenshot_2019-05-16-20-47-55…)

No. 662037
>>662035Because they do the typical thot thing of fawning over each other on social media to try and snatch the other's paypigs. As mentioned here
>>662013 Moo was making BIG PLANS to come ~collab~ with Belle but that fell through. Maybe because she can't buy Belle, or perhaps couldn't snag a calf or three to tag along.
No. 662039
File: 1558067816367.png (519.3 KB, 720x1204, Screenshot_2019-05-16-21-34-23…)

No. 662047
>>662043Basically the kind of work she would have to do to obtain and maintain a work visa is something she has neither shown or is interested in doing. She thinks she can just pack up everything and move there and continue her cosplay “career” normal. With the added delusional that she’ll somehow be either more or just as “successful” as she is here. That she’ll magically get invited to all the cons and companies will practically trip over themselves to try to work with her. Photographers will want to shoot with her, companies will ask her to provide voices in anime, artists will want to use her as a reference in their manga.
She’s a deluded moron who doesn’t understand how difficult it is to move there in general and that the country isn’t anything like her weeb trash fantasies that she dreams up every night before she goes to bed.
No. 662066
File: 1558086282978.png (4.21 MB, 1043x1800, 307CD061-0B05-4EC6-B0A8-09046A…)

>me me me me me me
Might as well just spill it already instead of vaguely sperging for days on end on how you’re being victimized.
No. 662067
>>662066She reminds me of 16 y/o me when my first bf broke up with me after 2 months of dating and I felt like I was broken 4 lyf
Jfc, Moo. You’re a fucking adult. Act like it already.
Also, if I was a guy just following for the tits, I’d be sooo annoyed by this whole drama bs.
No. 662073
>>662066Dude. Moo. We've been saying from minute one that Sensei was a fuckboy.
She needs to stop latching on to dudebros who are way out of her league and have nothing in common with her. And to guys who are taken, obviously. Would it kill her to find a guy who is
already into loud, hyperactive fat chicks? I'm sure one of her paypigs would be willing to take one for the team, lol.
Just. Someone occupy this walrus before she annoys the shit out of any more guys in relationships.
No. 662094
File: 1558102374160.png (589.72 KB, 720x1195, momo.png)

>>661687She looks like the fucking Momo challenge on here, how can she put this out.
No. 662095
>>662066If these are new, aside her OBVIOUSLY lurking, it's fucking hilarious how she never misses a beat in her bullshit. Everyone called this out happening shortly after her "fuck everyone" sperg.
It's just too bad people are too busy jerking off to her to wisen up to her scams and leave her pennyless.
No. 662103
File: 1558106054275.jpg (209.23 KB, 1080x2027, Screenshot_20190517_111307.jpg)

"I'm just so sick of people using me and hurting my feelings because… I'm sensitive"
Lol using you how?? So weird and childish how she is broadcasting this drama.
No. 662105
>>662103She's trying to garner sympathy that she doesn't deserve.
I mean, literally the same chick that said "you have to better my life for me to be with you" basically.
No. 662122
>>662111Exactly. She sounds like she is confident the other person isn’t going to speak up, probably out of fear of what happened to everyone else who did. Where she’ll spread all kinds of disgusting rumors about them to the point where no one wants to be around them and she is allowed to play the poor innocent
victim who just loves people so much and her kindness and generosity is being taken advantage of. She always needs the narrative to benefit her.
>>662116Same as when she leaves a convention that she obviously ghosted. She’ll post over the top essays about feeling “Soooo loved right now and was so nice to see all your smiling faces greeting me”.
No. 662132
>>662066So here's the real fucking tea:
if she had her tires slashed, she would've taken pictures. She would've made a police report. Not sure if she meant it actually happened or if it was a figure of speech. She took video of Vamp's car when she asked for funds? When it was broken into?
Also, as anons said, you're a fucking adult. Grow the fuck up. What is this livejournal "woe is me" shit? Don't worry Moo, you'll find a new costhot to leech from.
No. 662155
File: 1558115499578.png (311.77 KB, 1230x1800, 24983898-85C2-4A67-B0B5-52860D…)

>>662152I went to check because anons have been claiming for days that they unfollowed despite not putting in their full username for it to show up. But today it’s finally confirmed.
No. 662161
File: 1558116911716.jpeg (232.05 KB, 1242x2151, 98E34424-05A7-4F31-A5F7-C898D3…)

No. 662163
>>662103Using you how? You literally throw money at people, there isn't much they can do but accept it. It isn't their fault you use money as black mail "I gave/paid for this for you! So you belong to ME!!!" If you were truly kind Momo, you give without expecting anything in return.
Also the money you're rolling in isn't deserved. You are using your own pay pigs, constantly lying to them and throwing out shitty boob selfies. You're the one using THOUSANDS of people. But nice projecting Moo
No. 662165
>>662066lol i hate when people cry disassociation
like, fuck off you attention whore
i guess that part is redundant
but seriously, is it some tumblr thing or just a cow thing to always claim that?
No. 662166
>>662111True, but the korean BBQ incident is different now. Momo hasn't taken anyone down because she knows she isn't loved anymore. If she tries taking either Vamps or Sensei down, others will defend them now. The ONLY people Momo has now are cucks who wont defend her and orbiters who only wanna be near her.
Momo knows she has to be very careful about publicly calling either Sensei or Vamps out because they have endless dirt on her being so close to her. Even if Momo shows she paid them both a large amount of hush money, it just proves Momo PAYS people to shut their mouths about the shit she does. She loses no matter what
No. 662167
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going off the rails on a crazy train
No. 662168
File: 1558117530182.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, FF56B1A4-BEA9-4FD5-9A7E-B4EE25…)

>>662167crazy but that’s how it goes, millions of people living as foes
No. 662175
>>662167>>662168She's in full narcissistic range mode right now. She's slowly reaching Margo levels of manic.
Whoever she is trying to push, I assure is the
victim and will destroy Momo further. If it is Vamps then Vamps can show the countless times Momo has molested her, pretended to be in a relationship with her to cover up her homophobia and for fetish shit, the abuse, using Vamps…. all the cover ups she had Vamps do for her. Momo, stop being stupid
No. 662177
>>662111I don't think Sensei gives a fuck about any of this childish drama, which makes it the best.
I hope he moves in with his new girlfriend.
If Vamp had actually committed to school, this probably wouldn't effect her as much either.
No. 662179
>>662167>>662168well she was over that manic episode in
>>662161 for a whole 10 minutes. it's funny when she tries to pretend she's clear-headed when she clearly isn't.
also anyone notice the 14-year-old words within words thing? "I'm" "still" "hurting" is made bigger?
No. 662182
File: 1558118396608.png (2.21 MB, 928x1800, 669B2253-84F6-4855-8042-00F976…)

Poor, poor Moo. Always the victim… in her head. Get a fucking grip Mariah. You aren’t 18 anymore, take responsibility for once in your pathetic life.
No. 662184
>>662182Too bad her witch hunt schemes don't work anymore against anyone except herself.
Boo hoo, Moo.
No. 662192
File: 1558119476168.png (569.49 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-05-17-11-56-09…)

Wow its like this was posted when she was outed at AX?
No. 662193
>>662191Sry for samefag but I guess that could be why vamps was depressed on facebook saying she was a horrible person.
Don’t worry vamps, we’ll take you in. Just give us that milk!
No. 662199
>>662193She probably didn't even do anything horrible, but in Moo's eyes it must have been since Mariah is an
abusive, controlling kind of friend.
No. 662201
File: 1558119778578.jpg (8.08 KB, 236x249, ooboy.jpg)

These manic posts and soon to be milk. What a nut. she thinks people care about this or she's gonna cancel someone, then actually cancel herself. im laughing.
No. 662202
File: 1558119808306.jpeg (39.93 KB, 750x133, A8A84DC8-716C-47FF-9051-1EDF99…)

I’m confused, my insta still says Mariah is following her. Is it just slow perhaps?
No. 662208
File: 1558120035578.jpg (66.74 KB, 1080x638, Screenshot_20190517-130618_Ins…)

>>662202Must be slow on your end. Definitely not following each other on my end.
No. 662212
>>662208I got tired of people going back and forth on whether they were following each other or not so I just took an hour and a half to go through moo’s main acct, bts account, and vamp’s full following lists to be sure — neither are following each other. Moo is still following Sensei and other calves.
Can’t wait for the expose by vamps.
No. 662219
>>662168for all the things you’ve done for HER? vamps dragged her own name through the mud to defend YOU when you were outed at AX, and has defended you every time you decide to act a fool this entire friendship. she could’ve dropped you then, or dropped you countless other times you decided to act stupid, but you had it good having a friend so loyal to you.
what have you done? payed for dinners, payed for vacations, bought whatever vamps little heart desired. no one ASKED you to do that. you claim you do it out of the kindness of your heart, but money =/= love. you can’t buy someone’s affection. when you dangle cash in front of someone’s face, what else do you think would’ve happened? of course she would get used to that lifestyle and eventually get greedy.
you create lasting friendships by being someone people actually want to be around, not by trying to earn that respect by throwing money at it. money won’t fix an ugly, manipulative personality, mariah.
No. 662221
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No. 662222
File: 1558121135446.png (1.12 MB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-05-17-12-20-42…)

>>662221Moo sits in her messy ass house half heartedly talking about her overtone and halo purchases boo fucking hoo
No. 662231
>>662182Tinfoil but I'm afraid I don't remember all the different Sabers: Mariah wants to witch hunt and burn Vamps.
Isn't this the version of Saber Vamps cosplayed? This seemed like passive aggressive shade.
No. 662232
File: 1558121746929.jpeg (479.73 KB, 2048x2048, BB5CE071-0AAF-4311-A361-DD2832…)

Maybe my app is glitching but she deleted this one really fast. Saykng someone was scammed 3500$ for a quick cgi clip
No. 662237
>>662232 She's been deleting the shit out of her IG stories within the past 24 hours.
You can tell Mariah is desperately trying to get some attention, but she knows there's far more incriminating dirt on her. So while she wants to start a war, she also knows she can't go unscathed this time.
These are gone on my end as well, and I just watched them live a few minutes ago.
No. 662249
File: 1558123317712.jpg (732.69 KB, 1080x1920, x0712wu3bqy21.jpg)

From Reddit. Did she really list herself as a "gravure model"?
No. 662253
File: 1558123574110.png (233.41 KB, 974x1516, vamp 4chan r9k.png)

>>662191Are you thinking of the old 4chan post?
No. 662256
>>662244 Vamp won't serve the tea, unless it's retaliatory. Same for Tattoo-kun. Gotta give them credit where it's due.
The only combustible element here is Mariah, who clearly has trouble keeping things under control after people managed to break free of her spell. It goes to show you that people probably only stayed friends with her for as long as they did due to fear or pity. But once the fear is gone, Mariah no longer has anything credible to dangle over someone's head.
But don't worry. Mariah has a team of website specialists and round-the-clock lawyers to keep her company, and she has 4 cats that are incapable of opening windows or doors to escape.
No. 662257
>>662255I though Gravure was mild sexiness with an air of it being kinda being innocent, not full out photoshopping your chooch and butthole.
No. 662259
File: 1558124101375.jpg (274.4 KB, 1364x2048, DXLij3CU8AADz2Z.jpg)

>>662231Your memory isn't as bad as you think. Holy shit.
No. 662261
>>662168I have 2 theories on what’s going on.
A) Vamps got caught either telling someone or saying that she has stuck with Momo cause of the money, clout, trips, etc (“I’m not a golden goose”)
B) Vamps and Momo went at it and in the heat, Vamps blurted out the above saying she’s had enough and doesn’t need Momo anymore cause of the toxicity but feels bad she stayed this long cause of the gifts (“I’m a horrible person”)
No. 662263
>>662103Now you know how the people you bullied and drove to suicide in high school feel.
Disgusting bitch.
No. 662266
File: 1558126071838.jpg (181.36 KB, 720x1107, 20190517_134603.jpg)

That awkward feeling when Tripod-san gets caught in the middle of the Mariah vs. Vamplettes drama
No. 662267
>>662259No that's not the same. Moo posted Jeanne Alter and Vamps cosplayed Jeanne. I don't think it's a dig at her cosplay but I do think Mariah is trying to paint herself as a
victim here.
No. 662268
File: 1558126325620.png (119.27 KB, 2724x220, Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 6.50…)

>>662208I saw this not long ago in OT and thought it might be about Kelly Eden (like Phi or someone) but now I'm thinking maybe it's Vamps or one of Moo's crew, the timing seems to be alright. maybe this should go in calves though
No. 662269
>I'm just so sick of people using me…Remember when Mariah couldn't keep viewers satisfied on Camversity, and she had to constantly rely on Vamps to twerk and interact with everyone on the live chat?
I can't understand how Mariah thinks Vamps only took, but never gave anything back. Vamps is also largely responsible for the creation of numerous costumes and accessories Mariah pretended to create over a year ago.
No. 662273
>>662272But even Momo said that Vamps NEVER opened any doors for her! How dare you.
Sarcasm aside, Momo really should have been more grateful to Vamps for sticking around as long as she did.
No. 662276
>>662272Mariah's first Samus costume was Vamps, and thats LITERALLY the costume the started her career
Besides Diane from 7DS which was sewn by Vamp
Also her job at the anime store in Vegas was because of Vamp, hmmm… almost like there was a pattern
If Vamp was mooching off of Moo its only because she wanted to reap the rewards of HER work that moo was being credited for
No. 662285
File: 1558129076643.jpg (173.08 KB, 1024x1820, 58858160_613913149125412_51972…)

An anon was speculating in the calves thread something might have gone on between Vamps and Moo's cousin Brandon, which I think they might have been onto something, as we haven't seen him around either since this started blowing up, and recently that dude was around all the time…
This could be entirely unrelated but it looks like Brandon also posted this as an IG story in the last 24 hours
No. 662290
File: 1558130148904.jpeg (335.71 KB, 1242x1090, 4249E1F8-7917-4D7B-BDE6-DECD58…)

I’m sure Diclonious has been waiting ages to take Vamps’ place as Moo’s personal doormat.
No. 662304
File: 1558133419141.gif (1.84 MB, 424x240, giphy.gif)

Just checked this thread and holy shit moomoo has gone completely mental. Finally the milk we deserve!
No. 662305
>>662302 One is a person who understands the importance of delivering satisfactory content to fans and subscribers on time, and takes pride in the craftsmanship of a costume.
The other is some person named Mariah Mallad.
No. 662309
File: 1558133777408.png (227.71 KB, 1242x2208, CBC5CFE7-9F7C-4C60-A50C-A7B936…)

I’m a bit iffy because Vamp is still following her since her SFW still shows that she’s following her but of course, it could be because she doesn’t go on it much
But Moo still follows that account
No. 662313
File: 1558134119012.jpg (162.13 KB, 800x600, byevamps.jpg)

Oh boy I hope this is legit. Can't wait to see what milk awaits if it's true.
No. 662317
>>662312 Agreed. By keeping her mouth shut, Vamps has the upper hand here.
The only problem with that is how Mariah has shown no remorse in the past for people like Nana, the girls who stepped forward and brought Mariah's grabby hands issue into the spotlight, Nathan Deluca, and several others. The less Vamps knows about what Mariah is saying behind her back, the better. If she plays the game the same way as Mariah, then they'll both look stupid. At this moment, Vamps still has a shred of dignity left, in spite of the numerous times she went to bat for Mariah.
We may never get the full story, but it seems evident that Mariah crossed a line that even Vamps couldn't forgive her for.
No. 662324
>>662245Didn't things backfire on Moo the last time she tried this with Janet? If I recall, Janet ended up working with Blizzard soon after that.
>>662269Yep, people were even asking for Vamp to come back when they saw that they were left with Mariah on her own channel. Vamp has way more personality than she does. Vamp even tried to get those fans to be nicer to Mariah, so if anything,
she has done a lot for her, not the way Moo claims.
>>662272Yep, and then Mariah had the absolute nerve to say, "She didn't open doors for me". She's such a cunt when it comes to showing gratitude and being a friend.
No. 662408
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>>662232It's super fast at 1.58 her tail opens behind her like a peacock. Where'd she find the price of it tho?
No. 662445
File: 1558158293508.jpg (16.51 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

>>662168>>662155>>662167i hope vamps keeps her mouth shut as long as she wants and/or needs because the looming fact vamps could throw her under the bus is clearly what is causing this milky as fuck breakdown. shes paranoid as fuck cuz vamps prob knows more then anyone else. moomoo is gonna go on a big down fall its evident even now.
>>662312>>662317i do wish vamps would do some vague apology for supporting moomoo for so long it may clean up her image some for those who r aware of her and moomoo being butt buddies (that arent farmers obvi). yet, waiting and letting moo make a damn fool of herself first is cool too. more fun for us. lmao.
No. 662459
File: 1558161592086.jpeg (268.41 KB, 1242x2312, 5A9C44AE-3F1E-4359-A5F7-A9313E…)

She’s trying to shade vamps so badly lmao
No. 662467
>>662459“with people who don’t expect me to pay for everything”
oh yeah the same people you literally bought plane tickets for? who will get their room covered by you as well? just so you don’t have to go to paradise alone with the absolute misery of your own thoughts? bitch is so dense and narcissistic she can’t even be grateful going to such a beautiful place without making petty slights about collette every 5 minutes. you’d think with how concerned she is about getting ‘used’ for her money, she’d put a little more stock into the value of even having it. no respect or gratitude for anything.
No. 662478
>>662469 Pretty solid theory. Vamp has been selling private twerking videos and using her Onlyfans money to finance her nose job and dental work.
Mariah, being the insecure petty bitch that she is, probably told Vamps that she'd have to pay for her own shit in Hawaii. This way, it would set Vamps back a pretty penny, and Mariah wouldn't have to immediately worry about being severely upstaged in the looks department by Vamp. Not that it's hard to look better than Mariah, unless you're one of her fans.
No. 662479
her lack of self respect and respect in general was always obvious but its starting to show physically, BIG time. the lack of morals and discipline are catching up to her. her relationships, her personality, her body are all worse for ware. hyperpigmentation and blemishes on her face, dark under eye bags, stretch marks on her thighs and bikini area that will inevitably travel up her stomach. what then moo? what happens when you get to the point beyond your friends, your photoshop, your ego saving you? when you have to face the consequences of your own actions? where the damage you’ve caused is irreparable?
mariah, i know you think you’re all that, but when the looks fade, the cash flow slows, and your absolute dogshit attitude has driven everyone away, just know, you did this all to yourself. you’re a sinking fucking ship, and i don’t blame vamp for saving herself.
No. 662483
File: 1558165993930.png (5.05 MB, 1800x1663, 668FC579-CA9E-4581-8934-CF6269…)

It’s almost 1am in Vegas and she’s dragged Cat over.
No. 662502
File: 1558171279402.jpg (115.71 KB, 1080x1279, tumblr_pr8bmpLaDE1veuntao6_128…)

>>662459>"LOOK HOW NOT BOTHERED I AM!"headass.
imagine having all your friends ditch you so you have to resort to buying your hairdresser's friendship. holy shit girl get it together.
No. 662510
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No. 662517
File: 1558184791207.jpg (220.14 KB, 720x1169, 20190518_080608.jpg)

No. 662518
File: 1558185376226.png (396.18 KB, 540x438, 1532637041898.png)

>>662517Cow's raging harder than ever to vent from Vamps not being her loyal lap dog anymore.
Ironically her clapbacks at these guys go against shit she claims to be into or badly pretends she's not against.
>people who get rid of their kids for being gayShe had a freak-out over the idea of being seen as a butch lesbian and can't even fake sexual interest in another woman for paypig funds.
>Women are not fucking breeding machinesHasn't she claimed to be into breeding kink before? She's certainly into the mommykink.
No. 662524
File: 1558192137439.jpeg (902.03 KB, 1242x1807, 2BEF72B1-B83C-4979-A2DE-EF8F2A…)

She’s still going on with her tough girl bullshit (comments)
No. 662529
>>662459MOmo didn't you pay for everything for your hair dresser because you have no real friends?
You were miserable with no money, and now you're miserable with money. All your ex friends decided all the money in the world isn't worth it if they have to spend time with you. That speaks volumes
ClapsThey don't need you or money to be happy!
No. 662532
>>662524Her retarded view on gun rights that "they're gonna take my guns away!!" when it isn't even about her shitty hand guns
But she's gotta keep that dick interest somehow
No. 662541
>>662539Here's Momo, thinking Gucci and money is worth more than enriching friendships. Objects can't love you Momo, but go ahead and hug your fanny pack, see if that makes you feel better
And Moo since you lurk… You didn't make Vamps happy throwing money at her. She's hanging out with others who don't even have to pay her shit. It's you
No. 662566
>>662539That’s the way to do it. Moo wants this to be dragged out in public for everyone to see. So that she can play the
victim who is tired of her generosity and compassion being exploited and sic the public on Vamp. She wants there to be a bi nasty public fight so that she can feel justified in retaliation.
Better to let her sit in her own bitterness and tear herself apart from the inside. Now all her anger and insecurity has nowhere to go except inward and she actually has to deal with it. Which she only knows how by lashing out and being passive aggressive.
No. 662616
>>662602I feel bad for whomever Vamp is hanging with now. Tbh she's just getting a taste of her own medicine with how vamp treated Nana, Steff, and others for moving on.
I'm sure we all are happy they are separated, but they are both still full out cunts who deserve each other.
No. 662617
>>662539 Vamp went to EDC, and Mariah couldn't even be bothered to go to IHOP.
Now Mariah is trying her best to channel her inner activist. After all, nothing says cool, calm, and collected quite like bitching about politics while lying in your filthy bed all day.
No. 662623
File: 1558216937606.jpg (444.45 KB, 1440x2504, Screenshot_20190518-150123_Chr…)

>>662558The video was partially crowdfunded–the 3500 was their estimate
No. 662630
>>662628Mariah’s ridiculously overkill budgets for her cosplay videos are reminiscent of Adella’s “The Zelda Project” where she even had a 10K donor yet still “didn’t have enough money” and the end result is still shit. If Mariah actually had someone on her team that was good at budgeting and wasn’t snubbed in the cosplay community, then
maybe her passion projects wouldn’t be so damn shitty. Then again, anything she touches is doomed since her fanbase only want to see her do porn and the other half are ugly chicks with bad self-esteem.
No. 662649
File: 1558226298864.jpg (43.95 KB, 540x696, madman.jpg)

>>662517I applaud this behaviour because I think this abortion stuff is fucking bullshit,
and because her numbers will likely drop.
No. 662651
File: 1558226751576.png (1.63 MB, 1385x2048, Screenshot_20190518-174427.png)

She's finally gone out with some people, and she posts this… Just why.
No. 662658
>>662628>>662408>>662232Not that it really matters cause its not relevent to Moo, but yes thats the price that covered the entire music video including all the editing and CGI throughout the video (and while more was subtle, there was alot throughout the video)
Also Moo only cares bout this because she wanted to be in this video because it was an open casting invite for extras (which is why she suddenly was going to cosplay KDA despite not playing league) but she cancelled when she found out that the extras werent going to be in it for very long
She probably thought Dom needed main members to join her but Dom was just trying to get as many KDA cosplayers to join as possible for the final ensemble scene
No. 662668
File: 1558230428232.png (4.8 MB, 1242x2208, FFBE39D9-1501-4107-ADFD-522157…)

>>662663It’s an old pic (she doesn’t have her Apple Watch on like in the pic above from today) But she definitely just proved how often she lurks by posting it.
No. 662692
File: 1558232708482.jpeg (506.73 KB, 750x1042, 4BAE624B-A0EB-47B0-9D04-E238E2…)

Not to be nitpicky but didn’t she buy a shit ton of Jeffree Star makeup recently? Why the hell does she do the same blotchy eyeshadow look and make her nose too small with over contouring. Someone get her a makeup artist. (Then she’ll have two friends along with the hairdresser awww lmao)
No. 662717
>>662711She never really hung out with them until this moment.
I imagine it's annoying. Oh well, come a couple weeks/months they'll realize she's shitty then dump her.
No. 662752
>>662692With all the money she makes, your think she’d at least either learn how to use all that makeup she bought or go to a fucking professional for her photo shoots. She lives in fucking
Summerlin. We have several salons that offer full face makeup services, there’s a Sephora at Downtown Summerlin
and let’s not forget the MAC counters. She’s just fucking lazy and would rather do that same unflattering unblended white and brown eyeshadow.
No. 662754
File: 1558239561439.png (785.8 KB, 720x1183, Screenshot_2019-05-18-21-18-11…)

Made up, I guess?
No. 662763
>>662754 Yes, these two idiots are really following each other on Instagram once again.
But this snippet lacks context. You don't have Mariah blurting out like her bad mama bear bitch self. And it's a very short video, which doesn't prove much.
I'm still leaning towards the possibility that they've decided to be civil, but it looks like Vamp is taking shit out of Mariah's closet like a scorned lover. I could be wrong, and I probably am.
No. 662764
>>662754And here we were ready to give Vamps some credit for finally ditching Moo. Collette, you’re pathetic for going back to that emotionally manipulative bitch. Hope the money is worth it now because it won’t be for long with the way Mariah alienates her cuck fanbase.
They deserve each other. Fucking pathetic.
No. 662772
>>662771The milk hasn't stopped yet – we still have Sensei.
I wonder if hairdresser is still going to Hawaii or whatever then.
No. 662778
>>662777Same honestly.
This is the first time they've unfollowed one another and moo went on a tirade about people using her this long and hard. Something definitely happened and I think they're either just trying to save face or one of them offered a peace treaty (probably Vamps considering all the recent posts she's made about being the bigger person type of thing).
I'm interested to see if moo will keep up her sperging over how she's being used, she's been manic as hell recently and it seems highly doubtful that this is the end of it.
No. 662788
File: 1558249823600.png (685.48 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-05-19-00-08-42…)

At Sssniperwolf's house
No. 662797
File: 1558251000306.png (2.87 MB, 1242x2208, 7117445A-F36E-4157-9A7A-F09062…)

She’s there with Vamps as well.
No. 662812
>>662804She never will, she's just as bad as moo and will do anything for those saggy teeth bucks.
Remember,Vamps is the same person that when other MUCH POPULAR cosplayers tried to separate her from moo (cause she used to be a decent cosplayer before lol) she made a tweet making it seem like they were evil skanks.
Because, sure they were actually pretty, successful, and normal people. But who needs actual connections when you can just leech off a cow who's so annoying and mentally handicapped they have to pay you to stick around?
No. 662816
File: 1558267401579.png (612.69 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20190519-200309.png)

Something about this picture ain't right yo
No. 662818
>>662816Maybe its the bikini bottoms disappearing into the crack?
Maybe the back fat eating the strap?
Whats the strap round her thigh supposed to even be?
Maybe her general position/shape/angle?
Pick your choice
No. 662829
>>662816All that blur and Photoshop
It barely looks human
No. 662837
File: 1558279576885.png (763.67 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2019-05-19-08-17-58…)

>ordered "Ibaraki" cosplay, can't wear til Fall
>said Asian Large is US extra small so it won't fit her. She will need to "remake" it
No. 662840
File: 1558279861282.jpg (297.25 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190519-102925_Ins…)

She's trying to do these jojo poses when the only ones she could possibly ever do are polpo and all he does is sit and eat. Which I guess is what shes best at.
No. 662841
>>662816Can‘t tell if her butt is actually that bumpy or if it’s just bad photoshop like
>>658419>>662837She’s delusional to even think she’d still fit in a large. Maybe next time try your actual size, so there’s a chance it might fit to begin with.
No. 662845
File: 1558281465462.jpeg (454.21 KB, 1242x2102, FCF0B4D4-6AA3-42C8-B5A9-578187…)

>>662842Even in US sizes a large is usually pretty small. Pic related as example.
Just because her saggy sweatpants that she’s wearing 24/7 are a large doesn’t mean she’d fit into a regular one.
She’s delusional. But… nothing new
No. 662849
File: 1558284429374.png (1.1 MB, 720x1196, Capture _2019-05-19-03-06-23.p…)

Obviously about moo
No. 662855
File: 1558285832636.png (192.11 KB, 327x340, 24635D95-DB72-4EE9-8202-8386B8…)

>>662854I thought that was Holly Wolf?
No. 662856
>>662855this is the panel
>>662854 is talking about
No. 662871
File: 1558290340121.png (3.51 MB, 1242x2208, 14B0A1F1-1128-4FC7-8F33-A39D38…)

>>662870Then maybe the anon who posted it could include the account name next time to avoid confusing things. Goddamn…
No. 662874
>>662873Yup, they’re friends with each other on IG as well.
>>662816This photo is legitimately frightening. Her back tits are swallowing everything up. How can she think this looks alright?
No. 662877
>>662816imagine photoshopping this bad, and thinking it looks good. i cant imagine how horrifying the original was.
broken lipo bodu + photoshop was a mistake
No. 662882
>>662816She looks frightened and about to piss herself wtf even is this
What is this for???
No. 662925
File: 1558320920666.jpeg (457.33 KB, 720x1280, 5839317D-2964-4847-924E-BF8FC8…)

>>662692She did, but it was all concealer (taken from thread #97). But with how much she stans Jeffree you'd imagine she'd have at least one eyeshadow palette or something.
No. 662937
File: 1558333723417.png (913.68 KB, 1235x2048, Screenshot_20190519-232708.png)

Looks like she's starting to hit the gym again… kek
No. 662940
>>6629391. she blamed the last gym/trainer for her weight gain
2. she was banned from her last gym for being a lurker and taking pics in the bathroom
take your pick
No. 662946
File: 1558342828331.png (802.85 KB, 720x1054, Screenshot_2019-05-20-01-59-03…)

No. 663011
>>662947So much editing in this. She tells people she's body positive but shops her obese body down thinner.
And yuh, I noticed the weird camel toe add on
No. 663037
File: 1558373750105.jpg (11.77 KB, 200x207, 409.jpg)

remember at blizzcon she said she was totes inside doing work with blizzard and said something like U KNO, MY JOB
and thats why no one saw her
still waiting to see that work you did, ya fuckin liar
You may have been able to live a life of lies easily with your parents, but the internet never forgets.
No. 663039
>>663038It's simple – she only goes to them for attention (hence lingering outside) + to get blitzed (I mean, play board games)
Also her fat ass can probably barely tolerate the always exactly 2 hours she spends outside ghosting
No. 663042
>>663041I truly believe she makes a lot of money and can do whatever she wants. But every week she spends thousands and her plans fall short because she forgot to save up for the shit she said she was going to do.
Except when she forgets to ask the person and then gets pissy when they say no because of the short notice.
No. 663043
>>663038 She hates her fans.
She gets people hyped up by saying she'll be at certain cons, all while avoiding giving details on where she'll be located (even if she's ghosting outside), and she never indicates how long she'll be "in attendance" for.
This is why a lot of her IG uploads about the "totes great time" she had at conventions are usually followed up with neckbeards commenting about how they paid money to get inside a con she said she'd be at, but didn't actually see her.
She keeps talking about being a big dog, but she can't even gain entry to cons. How pathetic is that?
No. 663046
>>663043Well, she did get away with using her IG count to get in at least one con. I forget which.
But now everyone knows she's trash and hates her sooo
>>6630403k to ruin the shitty thing by going into the ocean/waddle around the beach, not to mention all the cat hair it probably earned via being on the ground
No. 663065
File: 1558384024744.png (685.37 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-05-20-13-24-54…)

Oh god no
No. 663101
File: 1558391804439.jpeg (290.26 KB, 750x1325, 84D0AE35-C15C-4566-B1C8-AB461A…)

She’s really out here listening to peak sad boy music like she’s 14.
No. 663104
File: 1558393199395.png (1.02 MB, 750x1334, 1642EA0F-59FC-49EB-BFE1-2A10B7…)

Thought this comparison was funny
No. 663106
File: 1558394200727.jpg (1019.52 KB, 1080x1886, 20190520_161505.jpg)

Gotta show that she is eating healthy again! Like damn, does she not know a fucking thing about portion control!? Doesn't matter if you eat healthy if you over eat.
No. 663111
>>663104Well if they're fat, all they need is photoshop. And maybe some botched lipo.
She's so gross touting this frankensteins monster as "beauty at any size". Go fuck yourself you friendless cow.
No. 663122
File: 1558400938552.png (2.7 MB, 1242x2208, 05576843-C9C1-439F-B948-D418EF…)

While Vamps is having a spa day with chibigains, Mariah is hanging around while this happens. Yikes.
No. 663128
File: 1558401337162.jpeg (51.46 KB, 450x450, 5DA3E643-7F46-4275-A499-1A3B60…)

>>663122It's like Moo pumped out a minicow to create more cringe.
No. 663129
File: 1558401403854.png (194.15 KB, 352x352, 586E2DA1-185A-4363-8206-A9F677…)

>>663124I mean, she could be the frog to Moo’s turtle.
>>663126I know some fat girls who can pull off being sexy, because they know how to model and actually style themselves. This here is just embarrassing. Like a damn bullfrog.
No. 663130
File: 1558402401638.png (832.06 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-05-20-18-30-44…)

No. 663131
File: 1558402536617.png (789 KB, 720x1036, Screenshot_2019-05-20-18-31-02…)

>>663130This is so embarrassing. I know Moo has 0 taste but she could've lent some tape to snatch that neck
No. 663134
>>663129Jesus what is that? Is this supposed to be sexy in any way?
How much you want to bet moo paid for it. That's probably why she made the comment as to how SHE'S the director
No. 663144
File: 1558405219419.png (186.01 KB, 293x468, 2019-05-20 22_20_21-Window.png)

>>663129her face and neck are one entity like fucking humpty dumpty
No. 663153
File: 1558409237251.jpg (42.53 KB, 373x500, 5282d775-c560-4b0c-a035-649d45…)

>>662840She trying doing the boa hancock pose. Where she looking so far down at someone that she actually looking up
No. 663155
File: 1558410178695.gif (813.7 KB, 300x170, bzaflp0rp3bmcdh6noxn.gif)

>>663129 look like she's about to blow in an 80's flick
No. 663162
File: 1558411566611.png (720.25 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2019-05-20-21-03-30…)

No. 663167
File: 1558411860554.png (290.08 KB, 720x1047, Screenshot_2019-05-20-21-04-14…)

No. 663170
File: 1558412282551.png (1.11 MB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2019-05-20-21-16-17…)

No. 663180
>>663168She edited out her "abs"
I guess the rolls were unflattering. But the way she edited it makes it look like her panties are holding her fupa in a weird way.
No. 663192
File: 1558420032528.png (787.48 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2019-05-20-23-23-58…)

Over at Vamps with Brandon?
No. 663210
File: 1558437863559.png (210.74 KB, 280x689, momo.png)

>>663206according to her tiers, $1 gets you:
>Personal Thank you, Gain access to Patron only updates and posts>High Res photo per Set/Cosplay so yeah, sounds like shes scamming but i'm not surprised at this point.
No. 663222
File: 1558441852111.jpg (566.38 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190521-070817_Ins…)

No. 663223
>>663130>>663162You figured she'd have a different personal IG for this shit and not her public hair dressing one? fuck
>>663170 she's really pathetic tagging Guy tang in this.
No. 663227
>>663222No wonder her disgusting ass is still single. She thinks guys are nothing more than accessories to dress up like dolls to play out her retarded anime delusions.
Also what happened to “I don’t need/want a boyfriend cause I’m too busy being successful and they have to make me or my life better”. Sensei too busy with his hot girlfriend to give Moo even a pity look and now she is desperately hoping some guy gives her some dick.
No. 663229
File: 1558445081559.png (561.66 KB, 506x900, 33d.png)

>>663104Are you sure you want this? lol
No. 663230
File: 1558445288578.png (485.36 KB, 431x841, pls dont 1.png)

new mei skin came out and momo is going hogwild (1/4)
No. 663232
File: 1558445354101.png (330.84 KB, 445x850, pleaSE DONT 3.png)

>>663231i'd say poor antares but…. (3/4)
No. 663235
>>663229before it loaded it was nothing but pixels..I wish it had stayed like that
>>663234How can anyone see that and think "yes, I will post this" she looks deranged and i'm pretty sure her eyes are about to pop out of her head
Can't wait to see this train wreck of a cosplay though. Moos long since lost her "mei body" so it'll be good for a laugh at least
No. 663237
>>663230So she’s back to pretending she gives a shit about Overwatch?
>>663234Fucking Christ why would she post this? She absolutely looks like she is on something in this.
No. 663239
>>663238I try to recall it rn as well, I might think that it was the wings of the morrigan cosplay? She bragged about painting them in the wrong colour and later they felt off the cosplay because they were that bad made. As a whole outfit I only remember that one girl from Dragon Ball where she wore no panties underneath (idk the name of the character) but I think this was the last whole outfit she did, which was also idk how long ago.
But correct me if I'm wrong.
>>663230All those frills will make her look even shorter and wider than she already is jesus. But I'm curious if Antares will shit this together in one day as usual.
>>663192hurr hurr much gamer with only four games on it which are also basic af and have prob less than 5 hours of gameplay lol
No. 663240
>>663238Which would be just fine if she simply gave up any pretense of being a creator. But her ego won’t allow others to get credit. She gets complimented on a piece she obviously didn’t make and she doesn’t have the stones to just say “You should check out the person who actually made this and give them some support”. Nope, just “Thanks, glad you like it”, vaguely alluding that she actually had any hand in creating it and not correcting anyone who assumes she did.
All because of deep seeded insecurities about what it is she does to make money. Actually making the cosplays would imply she has talent beyond spreading her legs for the cameras and pretending to deep throat bananas. That once her “looks” fade she’ll have a career to fall back on and that she won’t be desperately looking to make ends meet flipping burgers. That’s why she desperately needs everyone to think she is actually capable of building the shit she wears.
No. 663249
File: 1558454254350.jpg (432.77 KB, 1080x1843, 20190521_085728.jpg)

No. 663257
>>663231Bitch you throw away your cosplans all the time what else is new.
>>663238I'd say it was Lancer Artoria for AX 2018, Moo made a horrible lion mane helmet thing that looked like dangling sausages, the shitty crown, and added the dress part and gold bias tape (also horribly) to the torso part Castle Forestry made for her. Then the sexual harrassment scandal broke and she just gave up making an effort to pretend to be a crafting professional cosplayer.
And she didn't even take the helmet out of her house, claiming it's unfinished, and it never saw the light of day. Moo was about to lead her Round Table group to the Fate booth to try to gain a new claim to fame, but as we all know she got rekt, most of her group bailed or kept quiet about their association with her. She was supposed to have a location shoot with her group at the Palace of Fine Arts too, and of course that never happened. After period of brooding she just shat out a Lancer Artoria lewd set wearing just the corset part, with puffy eyes to boot, looking absolutely miserable and obviously had been crying.
>>663239She painted Miso's Lilith wings, not certain if it was Moo who painted the inside of the wings blue (it's supposed to be green) since we only have her word for it, but it's slathered with her trademark weathering technique. It was Cat that made her Morrigan wings, and in typical Moo fashion tried to pass it off as her own work.
No. 663258
>>662546I remember a few threads ago, someone made a shooped up prediction of what post-surgery Vamps would look like and how bitter our cow would be over it.
If you ask me, she seemed bitter enough in her streams where Vamps got attention, she has always been bitter, two-faced, jealous and manipulative. Glad to see Vamps is finally leaving behind this whale-sized Vegas version of Margo.
No. 663267
>>663258There's no doubt Vamp will be a babe after this. Hell, she's already cuter than Moo- that much we've established.
With a nosejob and a little bit of dental work, she'd be a force to be reckoned with. Honestly, I don't think she even needs the breast augmentation. Big tits wouldn't look good on a delicate frame like her's imo.
I often wonder if Moo only befriended Vamps in the first place because she (wrongfully lol) thought vamps made her look better by comparison. It's not out of character for a formet high school bully to do something like that. Unfortunately for Moo, it backfired, 1) Moo's completely let herself go and 2) her personality is so insufferable that it actually makes everyone
but her look better. There's nothing sexy about a woman in her twenties acting like a spoilt preteen. Also, Vamp's nose and teeth are easy fixes and the only real problems with her body, whereas Moo's problems could fill a book: jowls, turtle mouth, damaged hair, bad hygiene, eye bags, acne, botched lipo, lunch lady arms, ugly tattoos, and pancake tits, just to name a few.
I don't like Vamp, but I want to see her succeed simply because she's put the work in and deserves it. Also, it would piss Moo off lol
No. 663269
>>663267Can you take the Vamps asskissing someplace else. She’s still a garbage human being for sticking with Moo after everything that’s happened. As far as I’m concerned, Vamps had her chance to redeem herself and she fucked up. They both deserve to fade into obscurity.
>>663235Don’t worry, her eyes won’t pop out because her eyebags will hold them in place.
No. 663274
File: 1558468159190.jpg (247.52 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190521-121759_Ins…)

No. 663283
File: 1558473691354.png (600.43 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2019-05-21-14-15-48…)

No. 663284
File: 1558473751573.png (474.14 KB, 720x956, Screenshot_2019-05-21-14-16-08…)

>>663283Can't shake that she looks like a fat toddler
No. 663289
File: 1558475457074.png (3.78 MB, 1242x2208, EA169928-366A-4ABE-BC77-6B8DEF…)

No. 663290
File: 1558475571253.png (73.14 KB, 720x534, Capture _2019-05-21-12-50-19~2…)

No. 663317
>>663289Hahaha I love that she's abandoned her weeb tattoo aesthetic to get one of Sensei's signature mandala tattoos – she's that thirsty for it.
Mariah, he does'nt want you.
No. 663318
File: 1558479250495.jpg (16.33 KB, 483x359, Jan.jpg)

>>663289Oh honey, I think your money should go towards lipoing your arms rather than getting big, ugly tattoos on them.
>>663284The other girl is smiling and bringing lively energy to this image while Mariah looks like she's about to throw up some spittle.
No. 663324
>>663314Oh god I‘d love to see her be a suicide girl hopeful for like a month tops and being furious for not getting picked immediately.
She‘s in no way determined enough to be a SG. And that’s ignoring the fact that she doesn’t have anything to offer to begin with.
No. 663339
>>663334>>663335that's called blowout. It has to do with a couple of factors such as how deep the tattoo goes, where it's located, rate of healing, etc.
>>663289Since the linework is going to be so thin already, I can imagine that if her weight changes or she doesn't allow it to heal properly, it'll end up looking like shit by the time it heals. I can't imagine it's fun for the artist to try and tattoo all that fat.
No. 663351
>>663234B-but, Moo, what about Zelda, your all time favorite character everrrr???? Remember two weeks back???
I would say I hate how she cosplays the flavor of the week, but she literally never cosplays the character shes hyping. Its almost like she announces it to get neckbeards hyped and to sign up for her patreon in hopes of seeing that sepcific charater, but that would be misleading and Moo would never do such a thing.
No. 663354
File: 1558484083518.jpeg (650.82 KB, 5375x3583, meGgdAhg.jpeg)

Can't photoshop out those fat rolls
No. 663361
>>663289 Anyone under the impression she's doing this to get out of visiting the gym? She always brags about being this weight lifting champion of the gods.
My take is that the tattoo is nothing more than a get out of jail free card for her. And the fact that she's getting something that's in correlation to Sensei makes it seem like she's back on her "I need dick, because everyone around me is getting laid but me" bullshit.
No. 663373
>>663283 This is such a contrast in styles. You have Miso Tokki lying there while doing a decent job of working the camera with a wry smile.
Then there's this grotesque sea monster hovering above her, presumably upset about something Tokki did without Moo's permission.
I don't understand the creative direction of this photo. What is it supposed to be? Angry Pocacho comes in contact with gamma rays and tries to slaughter an innocent girl a third of her size? Why does Moo have this stupid expression? What
is this?
No. 663412
File: 1558501458544.png (632.15 KB, 720x1194, Screenshot_2019-05-21-21-44-34…)

Went with her personal sweatshop to get fabric
No. 663413
File: 1558501508821.png (743.7 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2019-05-21-21-45-38…)

>>663412Her hairdresser left her hair two different colors
No. 663415
File: 1558501744524.png (793.26 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_2019-05-21-21-47-12…)

>>663414Sensei and his gf are in the kitchen when Moo starts to record. Sensei "stair steps" behind the island to avoid the recording and Moo screams "IS THAT A PIE??". Sensei even tells her to jokingly stop when she continues to record in the second story. Maybe Sensei wants a normal interaction with his gf, sheesh
No. 663416
File: 1558502336553.png (270.2 KB, 720x1016, Screenshot_2019-05-21-22-16-13…)

Two purchases from EBay. One is private and one is this.
No. 663427
>>663416my sides are in fucking orbit right now.
its just going to look like a lace band around her, god. I can't wait to see these in a "cosplay"
No. 663429
File: 1558505621111.png (595.59 KB, 720x1184, Screenshot_2019-05-21-23-11-32…)

Some of Moos "directing". The guy tagged is the actual photog, not Moo
No. 663445
File: 1558509410734.png (3.79 MB, 1242x2208, C49F0C77-6284-44BF-A0A3-A77C8C…)

>>663361Now that you’re mentioning it… not even 24hrs ago she was bragging about how ~sore her arms were from working out and how she ‘couldn’t move’ them.
>>663289 looks like her arms are doing just fine and getting tattooed on an already sore arm would be an awfully bad idea, doesn’t it?
Looks like her arm workout wasn’t so intense after all. Not that I’m surprised.
No. 663451
File: 1558510183336.jpeg (423.44 KB, 2048x2048, 73BB9AB6-939E-41B6-BF33-8A4725…)

>>663234No offense to Doris from Shrek but…
No. 663534
File: 1558538489280.jpg (29.13 KB, 426x249, 0_urXb0UKzJZuG7nhN_.jpg)

>>663234spot the difference
No. 663561
>>663294lmaoooo i think you are absolutely correct. Moo cant even be subtle about her abhorrence for this girl
>>663289mandalas are the worst tattoos possible, all the little lines will blur together and turn to ink blow mess. plus, SJWs will point out that its cultural appropriation
No. 663574
File: 1558552658002.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 29DA54A5-FDF6-4BA9-BFD5-4C0134…)

a review will never come, this is her buying more fad shit she won’t use. didn’t Elizabeth get her on the ~expensive skin care train? if throwing that much money at your face won’t help you skin…I don’t think Kylie and some glorified st. Ives is Momo
No. 663575
File: 1558552986730.png (65.43 KB, 630x1030, IMG_4798.PNG)

>>663416Dear god help us all
No. 663576
File: 1558553185706.png (1.8 MB, 1242x2208, 0335343C-30B2-4AFD-B734-3B2E3D…)

No. 663578
>>663575The baiting is becoming more and more obvious with each month. She’s not going to post shit wearing those unless she censors the shit out of it or strategically covers it up.
Inb4 she only shows her ass swallowing up the pearls.
No. 663584
>>663368She’s too fat for those placements to look good
Imagine tattooing her cottage cheese thighs
No. 663585
>>663289Omg , I just realized she had to have her arm up light that with her armpit in Sensei’s face for probably hours as she got sweatier and sweatier. EW.
No way Sensei is gonna tap that after smelling her swamp pits .
No. 663589
File: 1558556850697.jpg (197.72 KB, 500x550, IMG_20190219_125004.jpg)

>>663574Kylie's "skin care" isn't going to make your skin and face look like Kylie's, Mariah. Just get plastic surgery and go.
No. 663608
File: 1558565102547.png (3.05 MB, 750x1334, C3618F3A-F3CB-4D7F-A94C-6E07F2…)

she’s on another abortion sperg
No. 663623
File: 1558567713916.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, C62EA5D3-297F-4150-8488-439CE8…)

>>663619don’t worry she’s a strong woman with a mute button
No. 663648
>>663289I just love she's making herself more and more [redacted].
Yes, please get more tattoos, dye your hair vibrant neon colors and gain more ~curves~! You should consider facial piercings as well, to own the haters!
No. 663650
>>663602Of course that didn't happen because it's just an excuse to splurge, she also said she'll be comparing bootlegs with real ones but she never bought the real version of the bootlegs. Instead what we have is her IG story of stabbing boxes.
She always say she wants to do something in the heat of the moment but she's too lazy to actually carry them out, or never even had the intention to.
No. 663668
>>663614Uhhh she understands how periods work right? Periods are when the lining of the uterus sheds AFTER ovulation which is when eggs drop, ya dumb bitch. Jfc it's like every day now she's showing more of how retarded she really is. Can't even rant properly about woman body function.
I know Momo isn't the brightest crayon in the box but come the fuck on.
No. 663685
File: 1558587220193.png (1.18 MB, 720x1200, Screenshot_2019-05-22-21-51-30…)

>inb4 "muh OC"
No. 663695
>>663689Oh, Moo. Moo, Moo, Moo, you precious, special needs child. You're REALLY waddling your flat, lardy ass over to AX again? If you thought people shunning you, flipping you off, and joking at your expense at Katsu was bad, ooh gurl, you're going to LOVE AX this year.
No. 663698
File: 1558589106344.jpg (77.69 KB, 600x956, MM1gK5a.jpg)

>>663688This looks like Sheryl Nome's "Kindan no Elixir" nurse outfit
No. 663707
File: 1558595869932.png (1.4 MB, 975x1488, originalitypersonified.png)

>>663688gg moo, "redesigning" something which has been done a million times. who wants to bet she saw something like this on ebay and is "modifying the design"
I seriously can't with this bitch. you can buy literally the same thing online. not that she made her own shit to begin with.
No. 663708
>>663689 Wouldn't be surprised if she flakes out on Tokki. I can't remember the con that took place right before or during the beginning of Mariah's second Camversity stint, but Tokki was trying to get Mariah to attend, and she obviously left Tokki hanging.
Also, this looks like a rehash of the turquoise Lucoa dress she wore with Antares and Vamps once before. The lack of originality is on full display with these bitches.
No. 663709
File: 1558598004885.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1242x1238, 7986C67B-4C75-4804-BAAE-69BE4C…)

pic related BunnyAyumi just posted this today and now suddenly our precious cow is doing a pink nurse outfit as well… it wouldn’t be reaching to assume we know where she got her idea from.
Still trying to skinwalk your victims, moo?
No. 663710
>>663689why would she post this shitty edit lmao
It's embarrassing
No. 663711
>>663575I can see this go two ways
a) She realizes how terrible it looks on her and finds some excuse how she totally tried shooting in them but XYZ happened
b) ‘They’ve sent me another small, totally would’ve loved to shoot them my dudes’
No. 663772
File: 1558629048635.png (1.07 MB, 720x1196, Capture _2019-05-23-11-26-41.p…)

Honesty it's probably more spite aimed at mai ¬ bunny. Lots of ppl compared their Pochaco when she first did it & "improved" hers after praising mais (ordering the same wig &necklace) plus her just trying to make Pochaco HERS like with Mei &whatever other halfass "trademarks". General moo being a cunt bc another girl is better than her
No. 663787
>>663715I'm pretty chubby myself, have been overweight for at least half of my life (doing a lot better handling it now) and I've had 2 kids in less then 3 years and that's with history of PCOS so it is possible for her. Also considering her size, she would most likely have to get a c-section which takes up to 3 months to heal and is EXCRUCIATINGLY PAINFUL for the 1st month.
If she SOMEHOW manages to get knocked up, I'd be worried for the fetal development with her poor diet of junk food, alcohol and weed. She would have to give up sushi, her alcohol and drugs, maintain a healthy diet, prenatals, regular doctor visits, even exercise is crucial for soon-to-be moms. Hopefully Nevada doesn't pull this abortion ban bullshit or she gets her tubes tied to save some poor kid from being born to her as a mom. (sorry for ranting)
(no one cares) No. 663806
>>663772These cosplays actually match are (to my knowledge) unique and cool redesigns
Moo just put a bow on the back of hers and wants white pockets.
A lazy and vindictive cow
No. 663822
>>663632remember when she steamed her face once earlier this week and thought her problems were fixed in one day? She has no skin care routine. She just buys hundreds in product, uses it once and wont wash her face until she feels insecure/threatened again.
Most of her problems would be fixed if she drank water and took a shower on the regular
No. 663825
File: 1558643018502.gif (925.23 KB, 500x281, giphy (1).gif)

>>663707Moo's fat ass is just sitting on her ass while Anteres is googling nurse designs to rip off. Moo is literally the Eric Cartman of cosplay.
No. 663847
File: 1558650406006.png (7.34 MB, 1242x2688, 45B58DD4-6AA9-47AF-B944-722A9E…)

Ladies and gentleman. We got em
No. 663851
File: 1558651308572.jpg (929.31 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190523-174104_Ins…)

No. 663854
>>663851"Please use your heads sweethearts"
How does this woman manage to ALWAYS come off as an arrogant cunt? I swear, Mariah's fans must be on another level of special because they constantly endure this irritating arrogance
No. 663855
File: 1558656147232.png (978.15 KB, 750x1334, E3AE9ED2-C476-4E75-94A6-867047…)

>>663847I know someone already posted a cap of this but I still can’t believe it
No. 663856
File: 1558656825601.jpeg (104.43 KB, 1242x434, 7133710B-DE9A-402D-B5EA-1BB6AA…)

No. 663869
File: 1558660170383.jpg (239.5 KB, 549x536, luscious lips.jpg)

>>663856I'm sorry anons I can't work wonders on Moo like I did with Vamps nose. It's hard to find a hq close up of moos face
No. 663871
>>663869I know this has been said before, but she legit looks like jontron and she's probably one of the ugliest women i've ever seen (inside and out!)
I can't wait for the botched lip saga to begin. Did she already get that hideous tattoo from the IG stories last night?
No. 663877
File: 1558663900496.png (345.83 KB, 500x602, spandex.png)

>>663869Maybe she should work on her hound jowls instead lol
>>663871Jon is prettier
No. 663889
>>663869The "afters" in these make her look like Jazz Jennings lmao
The solution to thin lips is NOT augmentation, it's more flattering lipstick colors. They also MAKE lip glosses that plump your lips- no surgery required. Also half the reason Moo looks like a turtle is because of the weird faces she makes- its not solely because of the thin lips.
>>663825The jokes been made. With this exact image even.
No. 663907
File: 1558676195504.png (656.6 KB, 1194x720, Screenshot_2019-05-23-22-32-24…)

No. 663911
>>663906 Did she actually get the tattoo though? Or was it just stenciled on her arm for consideration?
I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if she got a tattoo, because I was the one who speculated that she would do anything to get out of going to a gym, citing a sore arm from a new tattoo. But I haven't seen anything set in stone. Usually she brags about her tattoos for days and days. She hasn't done that yet, so I'm weary.
No. 663915
>>663911I was the one who posted the image. I’m pretty sure she was asking people’s opinions for attention. She might as well have asked us directly because I doubt she got it done, we’d have heard her bitch about the pain in a million IG stories by now.
>>663909That backfat spillage is sickening. It’s only going to push her back tits even higher than they were when she wore the Tamamo at Katsu. She looked like a fucking ogre.
No. 663921
>>663856I can’t fucking
wait for this! Everyone looks fucking stupid with lip injections so this will be a real treat since she’ll look especially bad.
No. 663929
File: 1558688261642.jpg (47.13 KB, 600x572, dahvie-vanity-no-makeup-1.jpg)

>>663869she looks like dahvie vanity
No. 663948
>>663919i meant one for front and one for back, but that works too
>>663936shhh let her continue to destroy her frankenstein body
No. 663957
>>663936Her turtle lips are thin but also an unfortunate shape. Hopefully she gets someone who knows good placement or she'll end up botched like Taylor Nicole Dean where they filled too much at the front, making her look like a parrot fish.
Moo's lip shape has a high chance of becoming parrotfish.
No. 663985
File: 1558724051896.png (2.81 MB, 750x1334, 8D51CD5B-DFEB-4DAD-9A51-9EB748…)

SHE HAS absolutely never used the word ASIAN to describe her heritage, it’s always been Italian or Arab from her Twitter to the cam shows.
No. 663992
File: 1558725479635.jpeg (112.36 KB, 461x403, C2A8CEC6-206B-4ED1-86EE-566CD3…)

>>663985Bitch about as Asian as Panda Express. Whose the cuck who has yellow fever she’s trying to dig her ratchet claws into now?
No. 663995
>>663985conspiracy: tattoo-sensei’s gf has naturally cute squinty eyes
None ever:
Momokun “Im Asian now look at my “non-existent squinty eyes”
No moo you just have fat eyebags
No. 663997
>>663985im p sure shes used lebaneze before
i just forget when
lol stupid white american. why cant they just accept theyre white bread
No. 664003
File: 1558727965896.png (123.94 KB, 329x283, mootwo.png)

>>661556re: lip augmentation: I tried to Nigiri-fy Moo (because obvs that's what she's going for) and it was harder than expected. if she fucks with her face enough and loses a shitload of weight we might see a cute moo one day. clearly not on this timeline though.
No. 664015
>>664004please read
>>663994 comment and fuck off.
No. 664023
>>663985My initial thought was that she’s saying that just so she can‘t be accused or has been accused of yellowface when she’s cosplaying Mei.
It would still be yellowface though because she’s not
that kind of Asian. It’s like a white person saying it’s not blackface when they’re cosplaying a black character because they’re from South Africa.
No. 664030
>>663985 This is the same person who has devoted the past three years of her life trying to replicate Jessica Nigri, and now she's trying to show everyone how proud she is of "her heritage".
Can't wait until she starts buying a bunch of Lebanese-inspired decorative pieces to show people how proud she is of her lineage, much like she went on a recent shopping spree to show everyone how much she loves Zelda games.
And as others have pointed out, she can't even spell 'Lebanese' correctly. So much for trying to nab those POC points for the sake of trying to gain more clout on social media.
No. 664037
File: 1558740048787.png (733.53 KB, 720x1203, Screenshot_2019-05-24-16-18-37…)

Question: if her hair comes from Asians does it make her Asian?
No. 664040
File: 1558740950957.png (938.08 KB, 720x1035, Screenshot_2019-05-24-16-34-31…)

Thank you slaves!!!!
No. 664046
File: 1558743821909.png (1.42 MB, 750x1334, A7F3D7F6-2804-49D2-AE3D-B15F04…)

Bitch’s hair looks fried who is she kidding
No. 664050
>>664046fuck those extensions are way too thin and you can see where her natural hair ends – the colors don't match at all and there's no layers in the ext to blend it in.
Her frogdresser did her a disservice if this is the end product…
No. 664051
>>664041Shitty at-home haircare is how. I doubt she’s using the proper weekly and daily care products. Getting her hair professionally done and doesn’t do shit about it after she leaves the salon is the
stupidest thing you can possibly do, especially after going from a natural level 3 to a 10 color. Olaplex only does so much and honestly, it’s not even that good compared to a few alternatives. Mariah’s hair will forever look fucked up unless she sees a stylist twice a week to take care of that rat’s nest. She lives in fucking sweat pants so we know she’d never go for that.
No. 664052
>>664046>strong hairIt looks like it would crumble in your hand
Also shit is yellow as hell where the natural hair starts
No. 664053
File: 1558748226854.png (5.41 MB, 1242x2688, 4B685B24-4887-4C0F-825A-C88BB0…)

Another pet?? Isn’t 4 cats enough?
No. 664061
File: 1558749837836.png (852.53 KB, 720x1185, ACF95678-C2D5-47A0-95F1-3B3F28…)

>>664053I’m surprised her fat bloated hooves didn’t stomp it to death like she did to this poor gecko several months ago.
No. 664062
File: 1558749889351.png (740.39 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2019-05-24-18-58-26…)

>"guys I am living for this. It is literally white", says the frogdresser as she flips the ends (the extensions)
Is she claiming her work was the already blonde extensions?
No. 664063
File: 1558749961415.png (1.02 MB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2019-05-24-18-57-46…)

>>664062Don't worry gaiz shes getting it dyed even more
No. 664079
File: 1558754803587.png (769.34 KB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2019-05-24-20-23-59…)

No. 664083
>>664078 Mariah has a history of associating with people who will bend the knee and disregard their own vision and sense of professionalism.
Mariah probably insisted on getting things done her way, against the advisement of others.
For comparison, she does the same thing with Squarecuck during her photo shoots. When he works with other models, the shots actually look pretty decent, to his credit. But as soon as Mariah is around, she likely chooses to do things her way, and takes away his creative freedom. Now she's probably doing the same thing to her hairdresser, and the hairdresser is compliant because she's getting a free trip to Hawaii out of the deal.
No. 664090
>>664079She’s really going for the Tana Mongeau/Trisha Paytas vibe:
problematic, idiotic and entirely fake. Finally, the true Mooriah.
No. 664095
File: 1558764638163.png (1.02 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-05-24-23-07-46…)

Who is this? Moo's new roommate?
No. 664097
>>664095Brandon already lives there with Sensei.
Alia, other female cousin, doesn't look like this chick. This doesn't even look like the chick posing as GOTMP.
No. 664124
>>664123In Momo's case it is kinda racist since she was filmed screaming "chin chong ching chong" while in a Mei cosplay.
I'm sure she's going to remember this now and bail on Mei to avoid that can of worms
No. 664180
File: 1558822323114.png (4.07 MB, 1242x2208, FEF167C0-BB6D-47E2-8C68-D0EF34…)

No. 664181
>>664180Did she just upload this again?
She's really gonna go for it isn't she
No. 664186
>>664095 Looks like Tattoo-kun's girlfriend to me. This girl is very short and petite. Same color hair and build. Only difference is that she has her nose jewelry in, which seems to be throwing a few people off.
She's dating a guy who works at a tattoo parlor, so it's hardly shocking that she would have her own tattoos and piercings.
No. 664200
File: 1558834645058.png (828.6 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2019-05-25-18-35-14…)

>I'm so blonde gaiz
>said she got chemical peel and her skin is reacting negatively with "cystic acne"
>hopes her skin will clear up by Hawaii time
No. 664230
>>664211I don't think we'll need to wait that long.
Part of me thinks she'll be dead before then, but aside from her behavior she's pretty boring. Cows seem to be more like cockroaches when it comes to death anyway.
No. 664261
Do we know what kind of holiday that trip to Hawaii is? Because I sure as hell hope her freshly bleached her is introduced to pool water and turns green.
And even if she just goes to the beach; salt water (plus sunlight exposure) will make her hair look even more damaged/dried out. And it will make the grey fade, too so she’ll end up with really light or platinum blonde hair again which looks fucking terrible with her complexion which is why we haven’t seen a single shot of her face with the new hair that hasn’t a filter on it. (But in
>>664079 and
>>664063 you can tell how it makes her skin look very red-ish and it highlights all the blemishes.)
It’s a shit show and I live for it.
No. 664278
File: 1558897694830.jpg (892.94 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190526-140829_Ins…)

Oh no
No. 664291
>>664278cosplan No.2324834 that will never happen.
This shit would make her look like a damn american football player lmao all that overflowing fat around her upper arm and breast area would be way too much to handle and shoop jesus
No. 664295
File: 1558905963092.jpg (264.58 KB, 768x1024, 1534638367572.jpg)

>>664292There is only so much image editing software can do.
It makes me wonder how is she going to get by after her body gets completely ruined cuz' of her shitty lifestyle choices.. moving back with her family? prostitution? flipping burgers? living on welfare and child support checks? marrying and then divorcing as many paypigs as possible? homelessness? only time would tell.
No. 664297
>>664291I like to add to my post:
Which ex-calf of hers is planning or currently doing Urbosa? She always throws this idea around when somebody which she hates with passion announced or plans to do it.
Where is her meib by antares on the other hand? Where are all the other plans, moo?
No. 664320
File: 1558914458801.jpg (1.07 MB, 1836x2388, moo.jpg)

2016 and now
No. 664349
File: 1558919214564.jpg (292.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190526-180431_Ins…)

Look at the positioning of her left arm while she's sitting there eating.
Who does this?
Huge thanks to the hairdresser for sharing this wonderful footage. The filter actually makes her look like a wildebeest.
No. 664359
File: 1558921891399.jpeg (444.71 KB, 640x1035, F35929BE-2311-4EAE-B6ED-4EF361…)

>>664346Yep, whenever you bleach your hair, the strands get thinner and thinner every time it’s lightened as seen here in the attached photo. The higher the developer, the more damage but everyone knows that. So much for “that strong hair.”
>>664349Wow, that’s a big bitch.
No. 664364
File: 1558922373905.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, 41053BD2-E636-4C84-8D72-AE6FCF…)

>For the gays my dudes uwu
>Isn’t fucking gay
No. 664366
>>664364Devilman Crybaby Part 2: Electric Moogaloo
Can't wait for her to throw back at people calling her out on this about 'I TOTES DATED WOMEN, MATES!!! VAMPS IS MY WAIFY FOR LIFEY!'
No. 664368
File: 1558924033575.png (298.07 KB, 438x627, f75a5950_213c_4a2e_8c96_8b57af…)

>>664364Urbosa was a mother figure to Zelda because the queen (who was friends with Urbosa) died when Zelda was a little girl. Urbosa even calls the princess "little bird" like her mom. Also, Urbosa is way older than the pricess.
Kind of weird to ship this with that context.
>>664366Interesting, that. Ryo and Akira were canonically in love and Moo bitched about people shipping them. Ryo and Akira aren't big tiddy waifus, though, so trashing them is fine.
She only supports gay people insofar as it appeals to her base. So basically, gay men are gross, butch lesbians are gross, but femme, attractive lesbians are OMG AMAZING MY DOODZ!!1!1!11!
No. 664385
>>664346It will take years of recovery, hair care, scalp messages, whatever to get the hair she lost. The striking black hair would help show people she's more POC and it did make her look more exotic
But Mo doesn't actually want to look POC irl. It must be really nice to switch from being "asian Muslim" to "Christian Italian" whenever she pleases
No. 664406
File: 1558931096355.png (889.59 KB, 720x1202, Screenshot_2019-05-26-21-18-54…)

>complains about being a "golden goose" and buying shit for people
>does this and is back on her bullshit
No. 664411
File: 1558931962690.png (4.15 MB, 750x1334, E34E1405-E11C-45EF-8604-1F25CE…)

>>664406she’s fully back on, a subtle ~Gucci slide~ flex.
No. 664413
>>664411She has that fake rich flare going for her. Who wants to bet she constantly hobbles around Guccie stores and when the clerks tell her to buy something or get out she gets scared because everything is out of her budget so she gets their socks/cheap sandals/fanny packs.
Oh wait, she does do this!
No. 664417
>>664413Forgot to mention she can only get acceories because their clothes only go to XL. It's funny how her morals flop. Didn't she attack a brand because they didn't carry her size?
As for price, a full Gucci outfit can easily be 2.5k and she can't drop that kind of cash unless it's for a crap cosplay.
On a more important note… wtf gucci? I always thought the brand was over priced garbage. Like 90 percent of what your paying for is the brand name, so much of their stuff I wouldn't be caught dead in
No. 664424
File: 1558934098074.png (602.75 KB, 720x1203, Screenshot_2019-05-26-22-04-27…)

More info in calves thread but TLDR: exclient of frogdresser said her hair was fried, frogdresser said she's a liar and is no longer taking black to blonde clients because of exclient. Moo makes it her responsibility to "advertise" her own fried hair to be catty and to butter up frogdresser
No. 664427
File: 1558934210425.png (883.4 KB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2019-05-26-22-04-45…)

>>664426Moo loves being catty lmao
No. 664428
File: 1558934338878.png (651.53 KB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2019-05-26-22-04-57…)

No. 664431
File: 1558935293873.png (1.3 MB, 1296x768, moovinonup.png)

>>664349>>664406only three hours after mowing down that massive sandwich this is what Moo got at that steakhouse
No. 664433
>>664430So they are both catty liars. But god damn that's low quality BS. Moo if you wanna advertise show unfliters high quality pics of your actual fried hair.
>>664431 no one is surprised. The girl gains 50+ pounds a year. It's like she's trying to beat her own personal binging records or somethin
No. 664437
>>664434She has always done it, she's just recording it more lately because she is more shameless than ever. She also needs to fill the void with something.
Next up will probably be a 1-3 am resturant run with one of her calves again. I remember the last time she dragged Anteres when she was in the middle of her manic episode earlier this week. She ate out like 4 times that day vague posting about Vamps
No. 664442
It's been about over a week since we've seen Moo & Vamps together, Did Vamps actually take all her stuff back from Moo's closet and leave for good?
>>662754or was it just false milk?
No. 664479
>>664381i wish i had her "busy month" calendar page, with like over a week blank
i just remember it was in the fall sometime
No. 664483
>>664477Who? That femme-y construction guy by Link's house? The dude you buy the Gerudo armor from? Those are the only clearly-canon LGBT characters I can think of.
I mean… a lot of people headcanon Sidon as gay, the Great Fairies are very drag-inspired, and it's fair to infer that lesbians are common in Gerudo culture. But that's not gay representation.
No. 664484
>>664480 Didn't she just use a similar excuse as she was returning home from her second visit to Japan? She said that she couldn't make arrangements with Squarecuck to get her photoshopped sets because he happened to be in Thailand around that same exact time.
Maybe someone will purposely forget to piss on her if she steps on a jellyfish.
No. 664487
>>664457She doesn't actually make crafts anymore, so aside from whatever dumb hippy shit is going on, they're probably average.
I'm surprised Jaeda isn't dead yet.
No. 664496
File: 1558962004049.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1242x1838, 3F7092DD-4D39-46F6-BFAA-B886A7…)

>minimal breakagemy ass. That’s why you can tell so easily where her crusty ass hair ends.
Plus what
>>664050 said: If you get extensions at least layer them and even TRY to make them blend with your natural hair.
Her hair dresser is literal garbage.
No. 664518
>>664503 She shared a snippet in an IG story where she advertised access to a collab set with Tokki for a dollar. So most of these new followers are likely only there because of that.
Next month could be interesting with her new tier system. But she'll try to bolster her numbers with stupid little dollar promotions like this to make it seem like she's doing so, so well.
No. 664529
>>664525It's not a premonition, it's called statistical obviousness. I don't wish for this now though. She's young and can recover by going back to her parents and it's still socially acceptable.
Let's keep her delusional til 30 when she is pushing 250 lbs and her face has more crags than a fucking mountain range.
No. 664534
>>664532Not only collossalcon but just so she has an excuse not to do anything this month. This months rewards are going to be delayed per usual
"Tee hee! Hai guys! So last months sets will be released on the 14th of this month!But don't worry! I will also be releasing 50 hot steamy sets THIS MONTH! I'm not lying this time gaiz! For realz"
No. 664548
>>664529 I think she's already past this milestone.
>>664525 I suspected something like this right after she registered for a business license. I know a lot of Instagram thots have done something similar just to say they're a CEO and business entrepreneur, but in Moo's case, I feel like there's more to the story.
>>664532 She always finds excuses not to go to cons. Claims she's busy working on projects, but everyone knows she only devotes three days out of an entire month to her "full-time job". And besides, she does more ghosting than actual attending, especially if the con takes place outside of Vegas.
>>664539 I'm ashamed that it took me this long to make the connection between this anime and the alias she uses with her Girlonthemoonpro account.
No. 664550
File: 1558982299122.png (894.12 KB, 1080x1272, IMG_20190527_203455.png)

Such strong, undamaged hair.
I had the great idea to bleach my (dyed) deep red hair at home in order to go pink years ago. The same fucking thing that can be seen in this screenshot happened: it breaks the shit out of your hair. The top layer of hers looks exactly like mine turned out, about 15cm 'long' and completely dead. She's delusional.
No. 664566
File: 1558988127692.jpg (625.91 KB, 1028x1974, Screenshot_2019-05-28-04-10-25…)

>>664537She even said so herself that May is DB month, May is nearly over and she did none of the plans, nothing even DB related, she really is the biggest fan guiz!
She even bought the stupid chair that Android 18 sat in in that fanart, just another excuse to splurge.
No. 664577
>Albedo cosplayAh yes, her absolute biggest dream cosplay that she wanted to do since so long because she is the biggest fan of the series ugghhh …
I swear by the end of the year there should be a list of her cosplans of what she announced and what she actually did. The only cosplans that really happened were the ones when Antares started to work on the them the same day Moo told her to do it. Every other long time plan never happened.
Bowsette, Howl and all the other dream cosplays, guyzzz.
No. 664579
>>664576I think she was gonna do Albedo to one-up Bunny Ayumi who did the cosplay back in August 2018. I don't understand her thought-process on a character she plans to cosplay. She comes up with these ideas and characters that she's "super excited" to cosplay and then falls back on them and never touches them again. 10% of the characters she wants to cosplay are characters she has SOME interest in, but has to look up their info just to give the impression she's a fan of the game/anime series. These same cosplays are also redone but with crappy last-minute decisions like bikinis and cheap lingerie. Now 90% of the characters she wants to cosplay are characters an ex-friend/
victim cosplayed and she figures she's fast enough to outdo them and look better then them. IE: Mariah's Velma location cosplay that was done to outdo Thornechan's Velma cosplay.
Overall, Mariah puts too much eggs (cosplay ideas) in her basket and expects to fulfill each one. But in reality, each egg cracks overtime and falls apart when she doesn't do a single cosplay she promised. Instead, her patrons get half-assed last minute cosplays with Tripod-san or get Antares to shit out an outfit within 3 days or a week which will look like shit at the end of the day.
No. 664584
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Saying she spends 200+ on those ebay/Amazon bikinis.
No. 664589
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>>664584>>664586Because workaholics are known for working three days a month and paying someone else to do almost everything. Moo really works herself to the bone, you guys. She even broke a nail putting on a corset once.
No. 664603
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>>664584 There's a follow-up comment with a hard hitting question about her workaholic comment. Someone is asking for a breakdown of how many hours she spends doing actual "work". In her world, she probably thinks browsing Amazon and Etsy after spying on the accounts of other cosplayers counts as hard work.
Anything to keep those Patreon tier prices inflated.
No. 664613
>>664603She will probably delete this I block the person and go play the
victim on her IG story about how people only question her work ethic because she’s an ~NSFW model~
No. 664622
>>664614bitch still owes sets from last month
Topless Hinata, topless onsen bath video are the biggest ones she pretend she never promised. Then she owes her followers a full work out video and a lewd Over Lord set of her dry humping a bone daddy body pillow. There's A LOT she owes but pretends she doesn't have to do
No. 664649
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another month of sElF rEFLeCTIoN
No. 664658
>I just don't care about material things and do enjoy giving so much of everything to others.This is coming from the girl who buys Gucci, spends excessively on figurine knockoffs, and just accused Vamp (and likely others) of mooching off of a golden goose.
These contradictions are really something.
No. 664678
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>>664658>>664667guys that wasn’t “buying material things” that was obviously “self love” are you saying an independent queen can’t love herself????
No. 664680
>>664584>workaholicA "professional cosplayer" who doesn't make her own cosplays, commissions everything, doesn't send out physical rewards, doesn't fulfill their cosplans, rushes out shitty bikini shoots at the end of the month, and constantly pads with recycled old content, then when she can't fulfill all of her rewards, instead of actually using her time to do her job, she charges people more and provide even less. To top it all off continue to post IG stories chronicling her lazy day to day life of splurging, pigging out, and fucking around not doing her supposed job.
I know people with full time jobs that not only are able to pump out regular cosplay content for social media, but also create their own cosplays on the regular, and even be able to create and sell photobooks. If even people who does cosplay as a side gig can do a better job than Moo who supposedly does this for a living, that's just pure laziness. Moo has all the time in the world for their job and choose to contantly find excuses to not do said job, yet still expected to be paid and respected, and have the audacity to call herself a workaholic. This level of delusion is expected from a cow.
No. 664688
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No. 664690
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>>664688Wasnt this two months ago
No. 664700
>>664690Her hair looks like frayed string, deep fried at the county fair then it got moldy YIKES
So “silky smooth” my gaiz
No. 664703
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Threw a spoiler on here just in case, but do you suppose this has anything to do with the line of people questioning her workaholic claims?