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No. 686681
Thread Image Credit:
>>675140Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/673012Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comDo not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Kai/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
Last Time:
Greg releases a Julia video on his patreon in hopes of getting more interest and pledges for his Julia Lovedoll patreon. The ploy is a massive failure only bringing in one pledge.
>>686351In hopes to boost his tanking views, Greg announces he will be revamping his youtube channels for the millionth time.
>>674718Greg breaks his Emo Charlie persona on twitter to demand Mr. Repzion to stop 'stalking' him while vaguely threatening legal action.
>>675202Following his narc pattern, Greg continues to maliciously strike videos about him
>>686351 >>677506, writes fan e-mails to himself (Only
abusive people don't like Onision, reeee!)
>>676310, talks about beating up his dad when he was a teenager
>>677034, and describes his teenage sexual experiences.
>>680802Greg announces that his hosting fees are too much so he moves his form to a 'new free-ish' server where he continues to try to sell their chinese bootleg hauls.
>>680227Next on his agenda is to spend that saved money on a new Tesla.
>>681250With the return of EC, Greg starts an endless stream of tweeting and videos about EC and Shane.
>>682398 >>682514
Greg proves his mind has not matured past that of a 13 year olds by showing off his teenage journal. None of his beliefs have evolved or changed and he still continues his obsession of making lists of his ex's.
>>682687JG makes a video expressing concern about EC, Greg views it as an attack and makes a video to defend m'lady.
>>682773 >>683100
Being the 'hero' no one needed or wanted, Greg goes on to accuse Al J., Onion Dad, and Mr. Repzion of sexual assault with no proof.
>>683136EC's acknowledgment of Greg sets off another stream of obsessive tweets and video making about her. Due to the way he chose to share the e-mail he received from her it is highly questionable that she actually contacted him.
>>683541Greg is extremely hurt when a patreon jokes about his beer belly during the annual meetup
>>684080 >>684121 and he went on to harass her so much that she was forced to apologize.
>>684861Despite Greg thinking legal threats where a joke, it seems like he may be sued due to his unsubstantiated claims against Al J.
>>684868 >>684983
After time to reflect, Greg reveals that a patreon spoke harshly to him and drove aggressively during the annual meetup and due to that treatment he has developed PTSD.
>>685483 >>685486
In a newer video, it appears that Greg and Lainy's marital bed has been moved down stairs. Could this be a sign that their relationship is in trouble?
>>685574Still stewing over being called chubby, Greg comes to a realization that his 'fat or skinny' videos where hurtful. Although he claims to feel bad about making them, he continues to blame the girls who submitted their pictures saying they asked for his opinion.
>>685812Demo reels and auditions are discovered on Greg's Vimeo account. To no one's surprise they are poorly acted and contain jump cuts galore.
>>686180Greg comes out as 'kinda gay' after having a dream about kissing a mini version of Dan Howell.
>>686351For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking (This includes HDR edits of Greg and Lainey’s faces
>>590295), derailing, or infighting, you will be banned. Please revisit the rules ( if you have any confusion as to what nitpicking, infighting or derailing consists of.
- Lurk before you post, asking to be spoonfed information will be banned.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here (cowtipping). You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.
No. 686712
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>>686716We don't encourage giving this idiot views so please do not direct link his videos. A screen shot with a description or a reupload will do the job.
Here is a reupload of Dear Mr. Repzion No. 686727
Repzion should ignore this stupid shit just like everyone else does. He doesnt have to do anything Greg clumsily attempts to bait him with. It's all just stupid narc bullshit.
No. 686729
>>686727repzion SHOULD ignore it and say nothing… but we know he won't. he cant help himself.
Personally I don't have any problem with WHAT repzion says about Onion - its all just reacting to things onsion says and not throwing out baseless accusations as Onion himself does - However, we all know Repzion is just exploiting onion drama for money and that's pretty much his only concern. He doesn't create any actual creative content. So I don't have much respect for him a a "creator".
At this point Onion drama is recycled and stale. I just want him to go away, but that will never happen as long as repzion continues to take the bait.
No. 686731
>>686728I don't really see Repzion as a cow. He's always been cringey and sheltered, but he's not really dramatic enough and doesn't really do bad enough things to be a good cow.
>>686729This is an accurate take. I don't hold it against him, he's using the drama to pay for school, but it's sort of sad seeing his decline to basically just covering drama of one dying cow. It's actually been depressing seeing the decline of that whole clique of atheist YouTubers from 10 years ago. Now TheAmazingAtheist/TJ/Banana Butt is kind of a mediocre moderate commentator who randomly oscillates from progressive to reactionary and back, FakeSagan's gone pretty much full reactionary conspiracy theorist, and the saddest thing is that SaturnineFilms, who was a really talented photographer and videographer, has become way less ambitious, and he's virtually disappeared. I don't even know what happened to Mannix. The whole group of them might make for an interesting /snow/ thread.
No. 686735
>>686724Transcript of “Dear Mr. Repzion”:
>Hey, guys. There’s a fella online who has been harassing myself and my family for, like, the last eight years. It started out with him contacting my in-laws (or soon-to-be in-laws, then I wound up getting married) and now he’s up to involving children—members of my family who are children. We’re talking toddlers and babies. He’s decided to directly involve private people in the hateful videos that he makes on his channel. He’s made over, like, 50 now?>And some of you guys may say, “Well, okay, you’re like the same” because of my past with Eugenia Cooney. Well here you go, m’kay? (Closeup shot of a phone screen. Jimmy scrolls through an email conversation as he speaks) Here’s me talking Eugenia Cooney, and if you scroll down… there she is, okay? And if you actually read this, she thanks me for all the supportive videos that I’ve made. All right? So we got Eugenia Cooney—this person that everyone says that I’m some kind of, you know, villain of or whatever—actually being a wonderful human being to me and I’m being very nice to her. We’re being very civil and awesome to each other. So now that that’s completely out of the picture…>When I say this person’s been harassing me and my family for about eight years, uh, it actually means something. Because I’ve made good on everyone I’ve had problems with that I know of. Um, outside Social Repose, who I think we can all agree, uh, you know, he apologized for what he did and, uh, what he did was really terrible to Jaclyn Glenn and everybody knows it. I’m not still making videos on Social Repose because it’s not like… Jaclyn Glenn’s safe now, she’s better now so there’s no reason to continue going on and on.>Anyway, this guy sees me as a paycheck and I decided, y’know, because he’s repeatedly exploited myself and my family, because he’s gone after children, um… I think that we should first of all donate any proceeds to the woman who he allegedly sexually violated. This is Mr. Repzion we’re talking about. Mr. Repzion allegedly sexually violated a woman he allegedly met on Tinder, and he allegedly said that she is only saying that— He’s being a rape apologist right now. Uh, allegedly. He’s being a rape apologist, allegedly, by saying that she’s only accusing him—or implying, or allegedly whatever—that he sexually violated her because she wanted fame from him, this guy who is literally only famous because of the videos he makes about me. If you look at his top most viewed videos within the last, uh, what, five years or whatever? They’re all me, pretty much. If you look at his channel, his videos, the only thing that makes him relevant pretty much is talking about me.>So I’d like to settle this. I’d like to challenge him to a boxing match. I would like to personally put him in his place because y’know, there’s only one way to deal with bullies, and y’know, I’ve publicly asked him to stop, he refuses, so I’ve decided that it’s time to take it one step further. You know, he threatened to sue me a long time ago. Never did. But I will actually follow through with this boxing match, and I’m not gonna do this BS “let’s train for six months” crap, I’m talkin’ like next week or the week after.>So, it’s in his ballpark. I want to fight you in the ring. And you know, kind of… (text appears onscreen reading “Again, this boxing match is to financially benefit the woman he allegedly met on tender [sic] and allegedly sexually violated.”) this is kind of for my family, this is kind of for all the people in my life that you’ve harassed. And I think it’s time to settle this so you can finally move on with your life. So that would be great.>And if anyone thinks this behavior is acceptable, making around 50 or 60 hate videos about somebody—literal hate videos… Neither I nor Social Repose nor Jaclyn Glenn, none of us have made 50 or 60 hate videos about someone. This guy’s a… (shuts mouth and motions zipping his lips, with frustrated/disgusted face) he’s the… creme de la creme of stalkers. (text appears onscreen reading “Again, special thanks to Eugenia Cooney for sending me such incredible messages after everything. Wonderful person she is.”) So… have no idea why people support this behavior. But it’s time to put my money where my mouth is, and… let’s settle it. No. 686736
>>686733I never thought it was fake, but Onion is reading far too much into that email.
No where in there did she thank him for making videos or say she appreciates his videos. She didn’t mention his videos at all. She actually said she appreciates him being more positive, but in pretty sure she is referring to his “positive” words in his email to her, not anything outside of it.
But of course he decided to take her words and spin them into some insane thing that she loves all his videos about her.
He’s delusional as always.
No. 686738
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>>686727Well it’s too late
No. 686743
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is repzion jewish? what could this possibly have to do with the chosen people
No. 686747
>>686724I called it last thread. He is doing the same thing he's done with Adrienne as he's doing with Cooney.
She tries to be nice in an email or in Aj's case apologise, and he thinks that automatically means it's water under the bridge and he is forgiven for all wrong doing.
Eugenia is an idiot if that really was her. I also suspect it is fake because Eugenia wouldn't have an automated profile picture as her official email (the capital E)
She'd have a profile photo.
No. 686766
>>686752Greg did. It shows in the video he has an avatar and Eugenia's is an E. I know a lot of regular people don't, but YouTubers or influencers tend to have a profile photo or at least an image or picture of something.
It's only my opinion though.
Like if someone on Facebook or YouTube contacted me with the name 'Pewdiepie' and they had the default Facebook blank person as their profile picture, I'd instantly be suss. I figured Eugenia would have at least like a cartoon or photo or something.
Just my opinion though, it could be real.
No. 686770
>>686735Lol he keeps saying alleged to cover his ass from being sued but goes on to say the money from the boxing match is going to the
victim. For someone who preaches the
facts he's pretty retarded to believe some random on the internet that says they were assaulted by Repzion. For all we know he's just making that shit up and messaging himself using a sock account.
When anyone provides screenshots of his behaviour he screeches that they are fake but when one random unreliable source claims they were assaulted by his enemy, he fully just believes them and wants a boxing match in their honour.
What a crazy.
No. 686780
>>686778I would not be surprised if tinder girl is one of his sock emails and the money is going to go back to him. He's so weird about proof but if something makes him look good, he'll run with the narrative without any proof or documentation.
Just like that gofundme with the sick little girl that he donated to and was trying to spread awareness.
When people so much as tried to point out that there was not enough info on the gofundme, he flipped out and said no-one believed him purely because they were haters.
No. 686784
>>686778I noticed that too.
He even admitted that diesel was too fit and it would be a one sided fight.
He described himself as a 'geek'.
Later on he went to say it was because he didn't know him well enough to make himself look better but he already admitted it because he'll get the shit beaten put of him.
It makes me laugh because he wants to fight Shane Dawson and Repzion, picks on countless young women smaller than him, but won't accept a match from this guy out of fear.
It also makes me laugh because this is the same manlet that tries to impress the little teenies with videos of him tensing and hunching over to show 'abs', doing pushups and pull ups on camera and compares his body to people who are slightly overweight as if he's better.
If you rewatch that video with Sarah, Ayallah and Billie where they are smashing pumpkins, he's trying to show off his 'strength'by chopping the pumpkin in half with that giant final fantasy sword.
You are 30 something and wasted money on a video game weapon replica, it's not impressive at all. It's lame and pathetic.
He also has videos where he's lifting things like furniture and whatever but its so cringe and the most unimpressive thing ever.
No-one cares that you lifted a foosball table, you fat gutted loser, everyone lifts shit when they move house.
No. 686793
>>686788This. As much as I think Repzion is a skinny little twit, I think he'd beat him. Everyone has seen those videos where Greg is attempting to box angrily for the camera and looks like a full on sped, not to mention the Shane Dawson one where he's screaming I CAN TAKE A HIT but punching himself with padded boxing gloves softly. It's laughable how uncoordinated and retarded he is.
Hilarious too because he's deleting comments on the video and just leaving the ones that say stuff like 'omg a air force veteran vs Repzion of course daddy onion is gonna winnnn'
What a sad, sad man.
No. 686798
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Yesterday he was down to 1704$ and now is back up to 2039$. Gained four patreons who donate on average 83$ or a total of 335$. Mind boggling roller coaster donos…
No. 686858
>>686729Repzion did say he took the bait last time little JJ accused him of sexual assault. Then Repzion went on to say he wouldn’t be taking the bait again and responding to Greg’s videos. Let’s hope he keeps his word.
We all know Greg is doing this because his EC content was running out of steam so he’s just trying to stir the pot for more views.
God forbid he actually work on his “comedy” and production skills to improve his content. He’d rather be a drama producing channel. It’s so much less work.
No. 686874
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Can't watch right now idk if he shows the whole email
No. 686879
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No. 686880
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No. 686886
>>686743JESUS hes so pathetic it hurts. He cant even challenge right - why the fuck would rep agree to a match "in a week or 2" (lol Gurgs scared hed get outtrained poor baby) to benefit 2 things Rep denies negatively affecting?? Including one that may be LYING about him?? Wtf Greg really cant understand anyone else's perspective than his own. It's so pathetic.
I know it's been known Jimmy's fans are all fucking tards but I have to say anyone supporting him still through this retarded mess needs a fucking handler
No. 686897
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If they really plan on having an event like boxing there are all sorts of requirements you have to meet . . You have to have medical checks and it has to be sanctioned and you may even need a license
No. 686900
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You need a license in Washington state as far as I can tell . To acquire a license, you must pass a physical and submit an application. Medical tests, such as an EKG, various neurological tests and blood work, are often required, as well.
No. 686903
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Its official anons: Gerggy Gerg has officially backed out of his tearful promise to remove fat shaming videos. As expected, he has gone back to his classic "in a serious context" excuse. Back to blaming all his bad behavior on being "characters" or "jokes"
Hypocrite/wannabe manipulator of the motherfucking century.
No. 686914
>>686731back in the day with the "im gonna commit suicide because im a virgin" bullshit, repzion was kind of a cow, but not really anymore
i also like how he's only willing to box a scrawny white boy who likes comic books
No. 686915
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>>686892>>686914Jimmy is now claiming he "assumed" Repzion was 6'1" lol
No. 686921
>>686917i keep praying repzion will finally see the light and start ignoring him. Now that Onion has actually called repzion out by name, it would make him look like an idiot if his biggest "stalker" doesnt give him the time of day. Let Onion yell at the clouds.
also this entire boxing people shit is idiotic. no matter who is challenging whom. No one is actually going to do it and no one actually wants to do it. It's just a bunch of macho idiots pounding their chests for no reason.
No. 686933
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>>686878Okay, he shows the emails from Eugenia and in doing so accidentally shows that he has emailed her a few times since she replied, including offering to fly to her and interview her! She obviously hasn’t replied since because otherwise there would be another 10 videos about it, she’s made a rod for her own back here, he suddenly thinks they’re the best of friends
No. 686936
>>686933Aaaaaaand once again he proves his real intentions. Not that it’s any surprise to us, but he just couldn’t wait to attempt to use her for views.
He is such an idiot because he doesn’t realize one polite email chain doesn’t make up for the years of terrible stuff he said. Eugenia will never trust him enough to give him exclusive access to her, and the fact that he even thinks she could is kind of astounding.
No. 686938
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>>686933Good catch anon
>I'd fly out to meet you where ever.So fucking creepy. She already chose to be "interviewed" by Shane and said what little she wanted to the internet to know, why would she do another interview with Onion just to repeat herself. Of course he has ulterior motives
No. 686947
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So his "second job" seems a lot like being a middleman for shit-quality products from China and Russia? Didn't even know this was a thing. How profitable could this be if literally no one is using the site?
No. 686951
>>686949This makes sense. Its like those late night infomercials for house flippers. Those guys made big money doing that for a few years until the market dried up so now they sell books or sell tickets to their seminars teaching others to flip houses and thats how they make a living now.
Onision-"For just $19.99 I can turn you into the next YouTube cancer!!!!"
No. 686952
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Can the patron anon tell us if this was at all milky or just him bitching and whining. Thanks in advance.
No. 686968
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>>686952 doesn't know what to do about his 'stalkers'. He defends the making of his skinny/fat videos because the girls asked for his opinion. Also he open his store and he is encouraging his fans to check it out. Lastly he says he doesn't understand how someone can make so many videos about him and then he tries to defend himself doing the same thing with EC. But it's okay because EC liked his positive videos.
No. 686971
Do not link directly to Greg's videos. You can post that there IS a new video, but either reupload them yourself like
>>686968 and
>>686878 or wait until another farmer does.
No. 686981
>>686968Christ, retards who use the 'Just being honest' excuse to be insulting piss me off. You can be honest without being a nasty little bitch. If a friend says,"Do I look fat in this dress?" you can say,"I think that style doesn't suit your figure.We can do better." Subtlety? Tact?WTF is that? But Jimmy never fails to jump at an opportunity to prove he's better than literally everyone else & be a negging ass bitch. The'just being honest'shit is a textbook narcissist line.
As for stalking- he's made what, scores of videos on Eugenia & Shane? Set his sped fans on his exes and doxed them?
It's like he's wilfully stupid. What a cunt.
No. 686992
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I am not a stalker guys I just constantly talk about her all day long .
What we see publicly is probably only half of It . I bet he sends her dozens of messages and emails every week . His obsession is getting borderline dangerous
No. 687057
>>686933He's not doing it because he cares about her or any of the other bullshit he makes up. He's doing it to try and prove the hayturz wrong, "see? She wasn't offended at my sketch where I pretended to be her cooking a grain of rice and then quickly vomiting it up into the toilet, me 1 haters 0"
Oh and he also probably thinks Eugenia MIGHT FALL IN LOVE WITH HER HERO and suckmi if they meet
Hopefully she just ignores him From here on out. It was a mistake to ever reply. All it does is give him tard ammunition
No. 687093
>>686933Wow what a fucking loser.
She's not going anywhere near you for interviews and definitely not for sex.
No. 687104
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He can't let the beer belly comment go.
No. 687114
>>686961no he's stocking multiple relevant "products" using the same stock pictures with broken English that Aliexpress and the like have
No. 687130
>>687128Never mind Greg. A small dick is worse than a dad bod. Oh hey! You've got both!
ps. buy a bra for those saggy tits.
No. 687133
>>687104why won't he shut the fuck up
yes, someone called you fat
get over it
what a giant man child
No. 687139
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>>68713830 tweets in 50 minutes
No. 687142
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>>687139Worse than I first said, he must be raging hard right now
No. 687151
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No. 687152
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this was on Taylor's newest video with Greg
Something seems off about it.
No. 687163
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>>687152I didn't watch any of her videos. She's got IG, Twitter, and YouTube. Based on video titles and thumbnails she might be a little loopy but who knows maybe her videos on Onion are good but I'm not in a place where I can watch and listen to videos right now. Her handle is comfortdoll on IG and YouTube, twitter is @comfortdoll62.
No. 687164
>>687163Who cares?
>>687161To be that bitch; I really don't. He's been losing money and subscribers since 2017 when Billie left.
IRS didn't do much the last time and he's always been a maniac.
I can see him being 50 and still sperging on YouTube, but he's probably down to a few hundret fews by then.
No. 687165
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I am confused I thought him and Madison were back to being friends after their last falling out ? Or am I mistaken ?
No. 687167
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>>687154apparently he will be having another 'debate' later…
No. 687169
>>687165I dont think Ive ever seen him this manic. If I didnt know better Id say someone hacked his account, or someone in his house is fucking around on his phone, like maybe Billy or Joe swiped his phone and are pranking everyone.
I wonder what happened that caused this? He seems to wake up and immediately starts freaking out. Maybe a bad dream thats haunting him into his waking hours.
No. 687173
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>>687169Is it me or is this him admitting to what we actually thought about him? I am a little tired, sorry.
No. 687179
>>687164Based on her anti-onion videos I'm not sure where she could possibly be getting this potential legal issue surfacing that Lainey needs to protect the kids from him. She's not a patron or an insider. I don't think there's much credibility in her comment, unless she elaborates on
No. 687184
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>>687173God his spergouts are so predictable:
>I’M NOT GREG>MY HATERS ARE STUPID>I AM NOT A PEDOPHILE>insert tweet about bdsm or some other dumb kink. No. 687203
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He's live, the girl in the middle was insisting that Onision helped Eugenia even if he gave her negative attention. No. 687206
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>>687204The guy currently "debating"? That's someguy, he seems mad because Onision brought up A vaguely for no real reason.
No. 687209
>>687206omfg please tell me someone recorded this
someguy+onision interactions make me laugh so fucking hard
No. 687242
>>687203One highlight about half way through someguys guesting is grease claiming that Michael Jacksons alleged
victims wouldn't be
victims if they were gay
No. 687253
>>687210EC is pretty much his dream girl.
Submissive, alternative,thin, uber-feminine,child-like,virginal, mentally fucked up but super-repressed & endlessly nice so her problems or feelings would never inconvenience him.
I personally agree with Herbs & Altars that she needs to stop pretending she's endlessly cheerful, grow a spine & learn to tell boundary stompers like her mom to fuck off. Gurg would be a good place to start practising this skill.
No. 687263
File: 1564965348522.png (508.03 KB, 800x1246, Screenshot_2019-08-04-19-34-24…)

I'm cackling(
No. 687272
>>687263Another channel to repost old shit
No. 687275
>>687263These are really old.
I hope he won't get any views on these since it is a desperate cry for attention and another attempt at grabbing money…
No. 687276
>>687267>>687268>>687272not that anon, but
could it be to start fresh like he always does? New name, new happy positive persona and this is his new channel to put that out there to a new demo.
Im guessing its okay to link to his new channel since its done at the top of each thead. I wonder if he'll get pissed that the haterz found it.
No. 687286
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He's back at it again, he rt her(niccimusic1999)
No. 687287
>>687279I assumed that Madison was subtweeting Onision.
Onisions videos are 80% about Eugenia
Onision used to be friends with Jaclyn Glenn who tried to help Eugenia
No. 687293
File: 1564968593802.png (139.59 KB, 645x654, Screenshot_2019-08-04-19-31-43…)

No. 687294
File: 1564968651194.png (247.34 KB, 671x801, Screenshot_2019-08-04-19-32-28…)

>>687293Jealous of the attention being off of him likely
(niccimusic1999) No. 687298
File: 1564969060196.png (609 KB, 825x421, cheers.png)

>>687285I'm not familiar with Twitch, how much did he just give her?
No. 687307
>>687298>>687303He's getting really thirsty.
If I was one of his patrons, I would be pissed. He simply shills out $300 like it's not a big deal. I'm strongly reminded of how he treated B, giving her quite some money and hoping he could buy her and her love somehow.
I hope EC just politely said "Thank you for the likes" or whatever without officially mentioning him.
I can't get over that level of thirst. Lmao
No. 687308
>>687307He can't just quietly support her, he had to brag about what a great person he is by posting a video of it up on his OnisionSpeaks channel.
Here is the reupload.
>>687285 No. 687311
>>687305She should keep the money and invite Shane to a luxurious dinner, film it and tell him that there was a "generous donor" in her last stream.
I'd like to see Greg's / James's face then.
No. 687328
Jimmy gave her a 100 later on in the video he gives her 24900.
>>687298 No. 687332
He certainly went in a different direction than some anons guessed. Instead of reaching deep into the cess pool of pay pigs, Gregory James is further spiraling in his unhealthy delusion re: Eugenia. Just like his obsession with Tifa, other hentai icons, etc… I guess it’s better for a narc to stay in his fantasies
No. 687359
File: 1564980088249.jpeg (110.01 KB, 923x413, A913E16D-C394-4DEF-9298-A3E843…)

Anyone know what this is in reference to ? Is he still patting himself on the back for donating to Eugenia or is this something else ?
No. 687377
>>687359He’s referring to using Lainey on his speaks channel in an attempt for rainbow brownie points.
“Trans guy reacts to cis quotes”.
It wasn’t that long ago grease was insulting lainey for being a tumblrwhore transtrender and now he’s trying to jump on that band wagon for acceptance.
He really is the epitome of cringe.
I was waiting for the day he would get his karma, but honestly, it’s been bitter sweet.
Seeing him cry over being called fat, after all the people he’s called fat publicly in the last few years, actually made me feel sorry for him. Not in an empathetic way, but more in a “wow, he is actually retarded” way.
No. 687422
>>687398not to say they aren’t both compulsive liars but sometimes SA
victims don’t “count” it since it wasn’t consensual, can’t really blame them for that.
No. 687427
>>687398She definitely wasn’t a virgin when they met.
I assumed he was referring to her anal virginity. But I don’t know.
No. 687447
>>687349It's hilarious how Billie has had numerous boyfriends since leaving the Grease Mansion yet Grugly still puts her old wigs on his sex doll, lmao.
>>687298Is he really that desperate for an alt girl? Jesus.
No. 687452
File: 1565008564941.jpg (446.13 KB, 914x1333, Screenshot_20190720-195255.jpg)

I think in the beginning Grugly's intentions behind the Eugenia content was to garner attention. But now, I 100% believe he is genuinely and oblivoisly obsessed with her. He's such a low IQ narc that his gross fantasies about her have completely clouded any judgment he may have had, if there was any at all. He's honest to God delusional. It's so evident that his attention is off-putting and creeps her out. Even if she didn't acknowledge him at all, it would still be clear as day that constantly tagging her, making videos on her, commenting on her posts, giving her money, sending her email after email, is so inappropriate and creepy. Most of us can tell when our feelings aren't reciprocated, even when dealing with people as nice and non-confrontational as she is. In what world does relentlessly contacting someone through all of their social media multiple times a day seem like something they'd enjoy and look forward to?
This behavior is one of the more disturbing indicators of how unstable and delusional he is. And that holds a lot of weight, considering who we are talking about.
As far as the supposed email from her, I'm on the fence. She's only been back on sm for a very small amount of time, and she came back with a bang. She earned something like one million subscribers in that time? She's very popular right now and I'm sure she's being contacted by tons of people in her industry showing their support or pitching projects. With that in mind, why would she take the time to respond to Grugly? Especially given how he treated her, and also how he treated Shane. She may be forgiving and nice when it comes to how's she's treated, but I can't imagine she'd willingly engage in a conversation with someone who has said such horrible things about her friends. Another thing that's suspect is the fact that he didn't tag her in the post he made on Twitter about the emails. Why not tag her? He tags her in literally every single mention of her and has for as long as he's sperged about her. Also, she did mention in a video that some people have gone to "drastic measures" to try and give their lies more credit. Lastly, the words she supposedly said to Grugly in that email. The words "helpful" and "positive" were used a ton. Those just happen to be two of Grugly's favorite words to use when talking about his Eugenia content.
Totally obsessive, totally unnerving, and I believe it's totally authentic.
Pic not related, Grugly pretending to accurately measure his height.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 687480
>>687396Funny how he'll happily shell out 300 bucks to Eugenia who doesn't even like him but he screeches at Lainey for leaving lights on, whines that she has too many clothes and never lets her use the heater. He also screeches about Billie wasting her money on makeup.
So he's a stinge and money is tight, but here Eugenia, have 300 bucks.
No. 687483
>>687447That's because Billie is actually kind of cute and still young.
He's ugly as fuck and gets worse with age. Honestly if Lainey left, he would have a harem to choose from but most of them would only be the uggis left. The most attractive he can score now is Mcfly. It's not getting better than that.
No. 687508
File: 1565024749284.png (592 KB, 1319x637, smallarchive.png)

>>687292But he did unlist a lot of archive videos.
No. 687516
>>687480Remember Lainey's recent video where she went to that consignment store, the park, and the library with the Gruglettes and went on about all the fun, inexpensive things you can do for fun? We know Grugly was behind her choice of activities that day, he's undoubtedly super controlling about their fiancnes. I remember one of her paypigs telling her in a DM to take the kids to sbucks to get away from raging Grugly and offered to send her money for drinks after she said sbucks was too expensive.
There's so many instances of Grugly's berating Lainey for spending money on even reasonable things. Meanwhile, he's sending $300+ to a successful youtuber pulling millions of views per video. I seriously can't fathom how Lainey can begin to put up with that. How humiliating and embarrassing it must be to watch your waterheaded husband obsessively and publicly reach out to a girl who's clearly creeped out by him. I can't.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 687538
>>687486It's not that far fetched to assume he could technically be fairly close to the height he claims to be but visually he's still a manlet. Honestly, it's no wonder Mama Onion was advised to abort him because of that gigantic head of his.
>>687534He's acting as if he hasn't been called out to be a transphobic racist cunt himself. Yet there aren't that many people calling him a dumbass - people are sick of him. Low quality bait, eh Greg James.
No. 687543
File: 1565035775625.jpeg (182.29 KB, 1212x512, CA7F7BA7-68E7-49EA-AA28-F671E7…)

Onision is sperging out about Germans for some reason . I guess he thinks he spent his time in the Air Force hunting Nazis
No. 687545
File: 1565035952697.jpeg (281.8 KB, 1216x681, D2168114-AF0C-448F-8E4C-A22D55…)

Another onion hot take
No. 687558
File: 1565036697430.png (171.96 KB, 1024x1137, manic monday.png)

Just another manic monday.
No. 687559
File: 1565036698372.jpeg (393.12 KB, 1193x846, D0EE52BF-CC40-4CFC-8440-6F4C41…)

He tweets like an edgy 13 year old that just stared using the internet
No. 687566
File: 1565037877515.jpg (269.38 KB, 1920x1080, onision is 17 per cent nazi fa…)

Let's not forget about this gem from Lainey's video a while back.
No. 687567
File: 1565037915117.jpeg (171.41 KB, 1444x789, 883DB622-F46A-48E4-B5C0-415D39…)

i guess he doesn’t realize German origin makes up a large part of the US population
No. 687569
>>687558Eh, let him yell at the clouds.
He's boring, especially when there's an even bigger cow like Jessica Yaniv garnering all of the (negative) attention right now.
No. 687571
>>687452So, he’s 5’10”/178 cm in heeled boots, and then his hair adds another 2”/5 cm?
That’s definitely the same as being 6 feet/183cm tall. Idiot.
No. 687579
>>687570He's trying to save face but doing it really poorly. Someguy pounded him yesterday in a YouNow stream out of nowhere and trolled him about Kai not fully transitioning and possibly transtrending so he threw out some "transphobe" accusation ICBM's which didn't work and then banned him from the stream. Afterwards, SG put out a video to clarify his position and then all this morning Jimmy does this. It's just damage control. He showed too much of the real Onion and has to reel that back a bit.
>>687576Anon you need to change the share settings on that. We can't view it.
No. 687596
File: 1565044279314.png (51.71 KB, 1606x194, german jewish.png)

>>687544he's so ignorant. not that it matters but Repzion's surname is not just a German surname but also Jewish. not saying that Rep is jewish, just that Jim-Greg is forgetting about the existence of German Jews and showing what an uneducated ass he is
No. 687636
>>687576omfg i'm so glad Someguy and Repzion are being more active
greg is so dull nowadays, but this shit is actually making me laugh again
No. 687637
File: 1565048915025.gif (4.99 MB, 400x220, EVtp0QX.gif)

>>687576Ok holy shit it's actually hilarious how rep is doing this like a wrestling reply - like on WWF and WWE, wrestlers used to (probs still do idk) send video messages like this to their rivals with their girlfriends doing exactly what reps girl is doing.
I dont know if its intentional but holy shit it's hilarious, if it is gj repzion lol
Good lord Gurggy Jim is so fucking pathetic. He is also literally being more openly racist than hes been in a while, but thinks hes proving hes not? Is there even a word or term for that kind of shit? Did Greg invent a new way to be retarded? I feel like there must be a term for that sort of fallacious idiocy
No. 687640
>>687579Are there any clips floating around of the debate between SG and Gregory Avaroe / James "JJ" Jackson?
I'd love to see what went down.
>>687576Thank you for sharing anon!
No. 687641
>>687640greg uploaded the entire debate and then deleted it not even a day afterwards
idk why
No. 687648
So he probably realized that the debate revealed what an unlikable and uneducated person he is.
That's the funniest thing about Greg / James, he always seems to shoot himself in the foot, we can just sit back and watch.
It's the only thing he never fails at. And no, Greg / James, that is not a compliment.
No. 687649
File: 1565050743800.jpg (Spoiler Image,345.44 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190805-201306_Chr…)

In the midst of James Jackson aka Gregory Avaroe having a severe Narc Sperg Tantrum and getting owned on Twitter despite banning all h8ers, the 33-year-old father of two is deciding to regress to a safer time, one he never mentally left. He changed his Twitter pic to the spoilered embarrassment (observe: an old creep trying to look like a 13-year-old boi).
If I was a 33 year old dude I'd be embarrassed to have a selfie like that in the protected file on my phone, much less fucking using it as any sort of profile pic. Hes very close to being like that guy who dresses like Peter Pan unironically, the bowl cut guy
No. 687659
>>687658Typical. His misogyny slips out when hes threatened.
Hopefully a kind anon mirrors all the juicy parts of that nasty trainwreck for posterity, as it seems we may be nearing another cleansing purge stage in his cycle
No. 687663
File: 1565053055638.jpg (475.26 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190805-205456_Chr…)

This greasy manlet little bitch just privated his entire Twitter account
I cant contain my keks for this
No. 687665
File: 1565053266887.jpeg (561.1 KB, 1125x1943, 53E3B017-7D8C-41C0-868F-04558B…)

He’s pulling a Holly Conrad
No. 687682
>>687665I wish it would stay like this.
I wish his bullshit was entirely held behind a paywall safe to be forgotten by everyone who isn't a moron.
Buuuut then he'd shrivel up and melt from attention starvation, because people with an IQ low enough to watch him are usually incapable of operating a computer or being in charge of their own finances.
No. 687683
File: 1565056063010.png (915.08 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190720-195336.png)

>>687486Look how far away he is from the base of the wall/ruler, lmaoooooo. Nobody who isn't lying and insecure about their height does shit like this. He's clearly a manlet, much of the height he does have can be attributed to his massive head. He's built like someone with achondroplasia dwarfism.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 687706
>>687704Hopefully some anon patrons (if there any left) can continue reporting his racist shit. Thatd
trigger the fuck out of little Jimmy Jim
(cowtipping) No. 687708
File: 1565060601760.png (69.26 KB, 800x467, Screenshot_2019-08-05-22-02-37…)

No. 687727
File: 1565066830581.jpeg (271.49 KB, 1125x1081, CE8D9154-06A7-437C-B863-B216EB…)

Imagine being this retarded
No. 687731
>>687727The only one who is gonna be dying is Greg in a week after he gets no interaction on his twitter.
What excuse will he use when he makes his twitter public again? Will he use his old standby of “trying to be more positive”?
Honestly I’m hoping he stays private forever. Based on this tweet he is still arrogant as fuck and the only thing that will knock him down is being utterly ignored.
No. 687732
>>687723Did he really refer to him as a stalker?
By his logic, anyone who has followed him or watched his content for an extended period of time is a stalker.
No. 687775
>>687723I hate to say it but Greg pwnd the fuck out of Stevie in that debate. Let this be a lesson friends, don't rage RRRRREEEEEEEEEE at Greg.
Keep calm and its only the internet.
No. 687782
>>687723@ 10:10
>Did you see the Shane Dawson thing?No.
>No? Oh, well–I don't watch anyone's video. I watch–I skip through it and I just see the–I do the highlights. I don't watch anyone's videos.
It's confirmed. He definitely watches people's videos about him, without actually "watching" them.
No. 687783
File: 1565095735705.jpg (913.02 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190806_083950.jpg)

IN WHAT WORLD?! Why does he always say this?! It's like one of his fans probably told him this six years ago and he's held onto all this time and has since deluded himself into believing it. Ian is so good looking and works hard to stay fit. His bone structure is objectively gorgeous. He was a male model for high end magazines, ffs. Plus, he seems like such a nice person!
I don't wanna get too nitpicky, but we all know Greg's bone structure is tragically (hilariously) awful.
I didn't try to find the worst pictures of him, either! But it's hard finding many that aren't from extremely choice angles, unedited, and without a million filters. I also only used pictures of Ian that weren't professionally taken.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 687785
>>687663>>687665>>687727>>687731Same here. He'd do humanity a favor if his twitter stayed private for the rest of his life.
But unfortunately he's super boring, so after a couple of days of tweeting the same uninspirational messages, no one will interact with his tweets anymore and he'll crave attention. Therefore he'll unprivate under the guise of "being the most honest youtuber alive, who's too important to not be heard" or "needing to help the poor and helpless, suffering EDs or being suicidal" or "needing to spread more positivity in this dark, sad world" yada yada yada.
It's always the same with him.
>>687783That's spot on, anon. I appreciate that you used quite normal pictures of both of them that are yet comparable. This really highlights the stark difference between Ian and Greg / James / Onision. Greg / James is incredibly detached from reality.
No. 687786
Yesterday someone pointed out that greggo had a brand new channel I went to look at it and it had literally 3 subscribers. Today it says he has 50Ksubscribers. Would it be safe to say that this is proof he “purchases” subs?
No. 687814
File: 1565105762864.webm (2.49 MB, 640x360, Onision_Translator_.webm)
This is all I could think when I heard him saying this.
No. 687816
File: 1565105874578.png (56.38 KB, 894x647, twitterpurge.PNG)

>>687809Funny how he was losing daily until he locked it up..
No. 687820
>>68778650k subs and yet only 30 views per video?
Sure, James.
If he really thinks he can start over he’s an idiot. He would never get the same amount of subs today. He’d be lucky to get 5k. He’s got like 500 brain dead patrons and maybe the same amount of broke teens that still care about him and that’s about it.
No. 687823
>>687816I honestly love it when he fluffs his numbers because it's very telling:
1) He can deal with being unimportant.
2) He's worried about his rep.
3) He's unable to realize that it has never worked for him and it is never going to.
3) He spends real money on a vain thing.
>>687775Eh, yes and no.
Imho SG came on a bit too strong and irrational in the beginning, but he had a lot of
valid points that pretty much threw Greg / James off balance. Jimbo tried to stay super calm during the whole debate but finally blew his cover when he started screeching about what a "transphobic cunt" SG was. That's basically how he was feeling about their debate the whole time, but only lost it in the end.
In contrast to SG, I wouldn't have brought up Jimbo's residential area or his family because it does seem a bit creepy but he kept lil Jimmy pinned down throughout the whole conversation. Jimbo seemed kind of timid and weak up to the point when his patrons chimed in and bashed SG for being transphobic because Greg just needs to be backed up to not break down like he did with Lucidia.
Additionally, Jimbo stated that he would keep SG in the debate because he would add "entertainment value" but I'm pondering whether he was too afraid of booting him because people would call him (Greg / James) evasive and a pussy. BUT he was hyperfocused on SG the whole time, up to the point where the other debatees were barely given any chance to talk. He was too happy to kick SG when his patrons started screeching and he thought he had a legit reason to boot him.
No. 687827
File: 1565109928506.jpeg (294.1 KB, 1125x1086, B956E9A2-6D31-4C87-B8D1-31E6CA…)

And in typical fashion.
No. 687828
File: 1565110332006.jpeg (384.71 KB, 1125x763, 3775D709-C729-498C-8FDB-9C4C06…)

No. 687833
File: 1565110572496.jpeg (94.02 KB, 1125x264, 7D9B54FF-D03F-4E49-A348-5E927D…)

And he’s still on the German thing
No. 687855
>>686724This is probably a nitpick, but did anyone else notice the stilted way he uses language to distance himself from the idea of being a father and having kids?
"And now he's up to involving children– members of my family who are children. We're talking toddlers and babies. He's decided to directly involve private people." Why not just say "He's involving my children"..?
No. 687858
File: 1565117088255.jpeg (309.04 KB, 1193x901, FE37B046-1F6F-46DC-9379-8B27B7…)

I am not trying to be spoon fed but I have looked through the threads and every other resource I know of and can’t find where someone has come forward with this lately . Maybe I am completely blind and missed it but can someone point me in the right direction to find this info
No. 687874
>>687858One of the girls in the reupload of the debate with Some guy asked about why he never took the video down of the minor when the sister contacted him via the forums and email saying her sister was a minor and to remove her from the video.
It actually annoyed me that no one could press onion about the video and he deflected saying he didn't all of a sudden know the video they were talking about although the image of the minor is fresh af as he can describe her outfit to a t. No one mentioned he deleted it after he got his ass handed to him by Blair when he wanted to define the term collect as in he collects young girls photos.
I know it would be fun af to insult onion directly on YouNow, but there's so much material on lolcow to back up all the arguments people fail to deliver on. He can call us stalkers all he wants. The difference between lc and his gay little forums is that the user base here is able to discuss a topic within specified parameters. Onion's whole shtick is moving the parameters at any given time during a debate or apology or recording a video. Him and his patronfags need to move the proverbial goalposts constantly if they're ever to score points.
No. 687879
File: 1565121592283.png (5.64 KB, 346x138, Screenshot_2019-08-06-14-59-20…)

>>687878Are you all on crack?
(niccimusic1999) No. 687882
File: 1565122045768.png (164.36 KB, 1046x400, Capture8_6.PNG)

>>687879whos subs are those? Its not James Jacksons
No. 687888
>>687886The only odd man out is this post
>>687879 A random sub count with no upper header showing its James Jackson?
The ones talking about the 50K posts say they saw that number before he privated his sub count, which makes sense. If hes going to pad his sub count he needs to do it in with no one watching.
I personally havent seen screenshots of the sudden 50K sub surge, but I dont doubt it
No. 687892
>>687889Now thats REALLY strange. I refreshed quite a few times to make sure. And now that this post
>>687889 is made the count is at 4? Well if he had 50K and wanted to show us he didnt pad his subs and dumped them all… cool, truly a puppet on a string.
No. 687893
>>687891Yes, exactly.
Another thing I forgot - when SG said he was told the real story, Onion tried to get him to share it on the YouNow stream. He was like "oh really? then what did she actually say" or something. Disgusting
No. 687894
File: 1565123680544.jpg (110.62 KB, 699x536, 219noIO.jpg)

>>687298her faaaaaace i'm screaming
No. 687895
File: 1565123805741.png (103.51 KB, 800x1253, Screenshot_2019-08-06-14-59-20…)

>>687892Nope. Again, shown to just be compulsive liars.
(niccimusic1999) No. 687912
File: 1565125935513.png (156.89 KB, 571x638, oldpatrons.png)

Looks like James is being pretty thorough about keeping his tweets under lock and key. He's contacting old patrons to get their twitter handles then blocks them.
Its like calling all the friends you had a falling out with and saying "I just wanted to make sure this was your phone number, dont ever contact me again"
No. 687920
File: 1565126572217.jpeg (60.3 KB, 540x594, B7EC1D0A-D170-4B3D-81C3-6C0DFD…)

>>687895I guess Nicci was mad farmers don’t give a shit about her interactions with Greg.
-10/10 bait.
>>687560>>687294>>687286 No. 687922
>>687887"Onion then said that AJ has to contact him directly requesting he take down the videos"
I think he likes to hear them beg.
He has proven even if you come to him personally, that doesn't mean he'll comply.
My opinion:
Say E's email is real. They say "Thanks for being positive [in the last video]" and James takes that as "She means that across the board. She is thanking me for all past AND new positive videos I make about her. See, they said it. they are OK with it."
So now it doesn't matter they initally emailed him and said "No more videos about me."
No. 687933
>>687922Sh showed Gerg she didn't need to talk to him directly. Her manager handed her business for her. Gerg chimped out for a good while over that.
AJ should really follow suit.
No. 687948
>>687925Can anyone clue me in on who this Nicci person is and what that was about?
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 687983
>>687948Just wanted to ask the same question. She's never been mentioned before or I just didn't regard posts about her as important, up to now I didn't even know she existed. lol
Eh, lc will have forgotten about her in a week max.
Also, is she leaking his private statistics?
>>687893Speaking of, I just remembered that I found it very suss that Gregory / James / Onision started to get really pressed and wanted to get rid of SG asap when he started talking about how Greg would drop Lainey like a hot potato if she actually transitioned. It starts at around 1:36:00.
Rewatching the part Greg got quite mad a minute or two before actually, when SG talked about how Greg looks like a midget with a gigantic head. So either that or talking about Lainey might have actually hit a little too close to home. Or he was just sick and tired of never having the upper hand in that conversation. kek
Just recently an anon stated that "Gerg is a fuck-er, not a fuck-ee", but in this case, I beg to differ.
No. 687989
File: 1565135919315.png (45.1 KB, 640x403, dubioustweet.PNG)

>>687858KF could archive, so courtesy to them.
I can't really tell if there's something to it or if somebody wants attention. I'd be careful, those are some harsh accusations.
No. 688039
>>688000Don't worry Anon, I got you.
PATRON ONLY VERSION I Can't Believe This (Calling Sh's manger) No. 688060
>>687833Does he not know he is being Ethnocentric right now? Which might as well be in the same lane as a Racist. Being discriminatory against another ethnicity is illegal in the USA, so if anything he is being ANTI-AMERICAN by breaking civil rights laws with his discrimination. So much for his love and equality ideologies.
Good job hypocrite.
No. 688064
File: 1565145348055.png (73.48 KB, 300x174, German-TV-show-Allah-Muhammad-…)

>>687900You're a retard.
Maybe get your American news from somewhere other than vice.
Oh yeah, how's the immigrant rape cover ups going? smh. God bless America.
>>687900samefag but god you're a fucking idiot.
>people are dying because they can't afford healthcaremost states have free healthcare for the poor as long as they fill out the applications.
People in your shithole are dying because their fathers honor kill them or they get raped and murdered or bombed and acid attacked.Not to mention the wait time that comes with "universal"healthcare. People are dying waiting to get into the doctors.
I wish people like you would grow some fucking brains.
(derail) No. 688069
File: 1565145915327.jpg (122.63 KB, 1440x907, thisretard.jpg)

>>688068USA USA USA
In their latest video about who they would date, they really come across as creeps more than usual.
Lainey for someone sooo gay, doesn't really like any of the women except Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox. They are the most common choices for fake lesbians. The amount of normal cis women who say that they would go gay for Angelina is off the charts. She is so predictable in her choices.
Greg basically said yes to everything in the women category because lets face it, he'd fuck a corspe at this point, while Lainey said they all looked fucking boring. Apparently blonde, thin and conventionally attractive equals boring. She also showed how creepy she was by saying she likes 'big eyes and upturned noses' which describes Billie. There was also a mention of coloured hair at one point. Could they be any fucking grosser? She's not coming back, jesus. Move on.
Then in the guy category, Lainey happens to like most of them.
What confuses me though is that the men she likes are stereotypically handsome Hollywood types but the women are too normie for her.
I swear she wants either a child that she can control or someone uglier than herself to include in her retarded poly thing.
It's understandable to have a 'type' but in her case it seems like she just sees women as something to make herself seem more gay and interesting. She isn't interested in getting to know a girl, she just wants a teenager with a small upturned nose, big eyes, coloured hair that she won't get jealous of. She literally doesn't care about a person's personality, she's becoming exactly like Greg.
The girls he was showing her photos of ALL had upturned noses and big eyes but because they weren't fucking 13 years old and didn't have coloured hair, she called them boring. In reality she knows that if a girl that looked that way got into their 3 way, she would be thrown aside, where as if she gets a sceney alt teenager, she can play the 'oh she's unstable and crazy' card to Greg when she tires of being ignored.
No. 688103
>>688083The other thing is that she's so picky about these celebs that are way out of her league but in her old rate or date videos, she says omfg yessssss to like every girl.
If Greg had posted a photo of a black Victoria's secret model instead of Rosie Huntington Whitley, she would have been all over that shit, fake lips or not.
It's like they both think they are above people who have plastic surgery and are supposedly not attracted to them, when Gurg pumps botox into his melting face and Lainey wants her teats chopped off.
Hypocrites, the pair of them.
It's funny because you just
know that if Taylor didn't meet him and fall down the Tumblr rabbit hole, she would have ended up emulating those so called boring Insta girls that she thinks are so basic.
No. 688107
>>688039YOO in that video he says:
"If a person from over 6 years ago wants to go and try take everything that's mine just because it slightly involves them [is bonkers]"
LOLLL but you're copyright claims, esp for react videos…
"But it is different, the person that video was about cheated on me! It is OK for me to want to take everything away from content creators because it slightly invovles me."
No. 688123
>>688115It's extremely cringe. I swear they put this content out to show fans their ideal trinity member. Basically they want another Billie.
I love how Lainey says all her fans are dateable and hot in her videos as to not offend, but then bashes more than half these women who are more attractive than her patrons combined.
No. 688135
>>688076Yesterday the farms was having issues with ddos attacks. Happens occasionally.
>>688083In one of Lainey's recent videos "Revealing the Truth" or what the fuck ever Onion goes on and on about how he likes big breasts, girls who are "developed" (specifically while growing up). One of the specific questions was "what does everyone find attractive but you dont" and she responds boobs. Later on Onion answers the question "what you wish we had more in bed" with "have confidence". Sounds like a GREAT sex life. Neither of them are attracted to the other. Onion has tits, Lainey straps hers down. Just hurry up and get a divorce already.
>>688123It's also cringe for two grown adults who both claim to be a part of a community that embraces acceptance of others talking about how much they hate lip injections or how they wouldn't fuck them. And then posting this to their fans but still also probably riding the love yourself and everyone's beautiful band wagon.
No. 688139
File: 1565154862025.jpg (342.06 KB, 639x480, Theonethatgotaway.jpg)

It always comes back around to Billie.
No. 688148
>>688113There's a few times she's looked almost exactly like Repzion AND Social Repose. She's becoming everything that he hates.
Same with the titty chop. He ain't gonna be into that.
Speaking of which, as much as he says top surgery is totally fine, he's bitched before that anytime he faps and notices that a woman has a tiny scar from breast implants, he switches it off immediately. He's in for a shock if this confused twit DOES get top surgery. The scars from top surgery are very prominent, even the best healed ones are still noticeable.
I could also see him being completely horrible if she did get it since he's complained that her childbirth was hard on
him I could see him being a total dick with the aftercare and complaining that she's whining too much and to 'be happy' since she wasted so much of his shekels on her needless surgery.
No. 688152
>>688151Just like the dodgy doctor he sees for his terrible botox injections kek.
But Eugenia Cooney gets 300 dollars and Billie was paid over 10 grand.
He'll shell out if he thinks it's worth his while. If he ever does pay, it'll be held over Lainey's head constantly.
Probably even as a way to leave her. I could totally see him justifying it in a speaks video down the track.
>so sadly I tried to help Kai, I told him he was beautiful without surgery, I even paid for his actual surgery, but nothing could stop him from being jealous or complaining about everything. I get so much unnecessary hate online, I was sick of getting it at home from someone I CARED about, so I had to leave guys. No. 688170
>>688085yeah, but he can't say that 'cause it would invalidate taylor/lainey/kai. When will they be providing brain scans to prove lainey isn't a transtrender?
"brain scans show gender more than most anything" jfc he's such a moron
No. 688179
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>>687989If this is true, this idiot kid may have just ruined everything by not listening to his/her parents and saying apsolutly nothing. Round of applause for this idiot
No. 688187
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Waiting for some kind anon to reupload
No. 688203
> Is it creepy for guys to have real dolls?
> Calls self "emo dad", is wearing eyeliner(? black shit under his eyes)> Says he would "never" make a "creepy doll" his significant other, emphasis on never marrying the doll or anything> Kai asks why is she supposed to be answering that, why isn't he> James rolls his eyes very obviously> Jim shows image of a doll face, Kainey says it is a child> Jimbob is surprised, says he has met adults who look like that when Kai asks if he has> Jiminy shows another, asks what Kai thinks, asks if she wants to make it her… "bedmate"> "I don't want to make any of them my… bedm… ew."> Jimbo shows another doll, calls her Francine, says she wants to come home with them> "Burn it."> Another doll, looks like an actual child, both agree, Kai calls it disgusting, Jambo argues if it's a real thing, or "anatomically realistic"> Kainey reads description, both agree it's disgusting because it's a fucking child.> Greg wasn't sure if it was> Shows picture of an older man with a few dolls> Jenga laughs, Kai is grossed out> Make fun of a guy taking a selfie with a doll, another picture from a movie with a guy and a lovedoll, says he mentioned it to her> Kai says she saw it with him, says Joggers always forgets she's there, he blocks her off completely> More pictures of guys with their dolls. Boring, really. Greg calls one "cumdumpster" and Kai says ew. Some guy ones too> Lainey cracks a joke, Jango doesn't care> A dude sex doll, Jimp says it's Kai, she says she wants to look like that but real> Another doll, Jammie asks if it's his mom, Kai gags. "It looks like my mom"> Admiring the purple hair on a doll> More dolls, a childlike doll…> Jinkies asks why anyone would want a childlike doll, Kai says because pedos and that Jamboree doesn't get it, because he's not a pedo> Jackie calls doll attractive, talks about what the dolls are thinking, Kai shuts everything down saying that they're dolls, they don't have brains> Anime dolls. Anime doesn't really look like that, says Jabba, phD> Kai is increasingly pressed about Jinkies calling them "girls" and not dolls, calls him gross, rants a little about how they're not alive> Jimbles goes "doll rights, equal right for dolls"> Kai says she's leaving him> Guy/Girl vs. Doll discourse continues> Kai remarks "you shouldn't sit like that" at a doll and Jingo steps in with her argument that It'S a DoLl AnD dOeSn'T hAvE hIpS> Another child doll! Jinglejangle says he want to throw it out of a window, Kai mocks him with "doll rights!"> Calls a doll a girl again, Kai calls him delusional, he says "that's that" about the video and Kai says "good" before it cuts off. No. 688211
>>688193>>688187Did I get that correctly that Greg wants Lainey to have sex with the doll? Or at least include them in their sex life? Or am I reaching? (5:25)
And I also love how Greg already obsesses about sex dolls, calling them female pronouns and giving kind of a personality.
Tinfoil but: I wonder when Lainey will finally give in and add that doll to their bedroom. Greg won't lose any time convincing her that "Look, your into girls, let's look for a third." I bet even Lainey can see through this.
Thanks for sharing anon, you're the best!
No. 688217
>>688212Maybe Julia is already used, James does like his women damaged.
Edit: Before I get reamed, I only mean in the sense that you should not buy or use secondhand sex toys from strangers on the internet.
No. 688228
>>688110Thanks for the upload!
I think she was just experimenting with the idea of liking girls but wasn’t sure if she was actually bi until Greg latched onto it to actually make it happen so he could benefit. Now that she’s saying she’s trans she gets to stay “gay” for liking guys and not have to pretend to be into girls any longer. I’m surprised Greg seems happy and isn’t resentful I thought he would be crawling out of his skin to get a new girl or stop her from presenting more masc but he isn’t. Even in this video. Does anyone else find that strange? Maybe they really are soulmates and it doesn’t matter.
No. 688236
>>688212How is Lainey coming across dumb for rightfully being disgusted about sex dolls? She's coming across as an actual woman here. If anything this proves to Jimbob how fucked up the sex doll is that even his doormat wife won't accept it.
Greg Jimmy Fag, whatever, its so fucking unattractive for any potential trinity member to be aware you're fucking a silicone doll as a hobby. Women even the most mental don't like being reduced to just our sexual parts.
I actually kind of love the irony that a fake girl is killing Onion's marriage and career faster than a real girl. What a retard.
No. 688259
>>688247I mean she acts snarky towards him in this video but if she really feels that way, why would she even allow one of those dolls in her home? She's a doormat.
Also she's still in videos like couple haul where they make out like retards for the haters, so it's not like she's suddenly roasting him and standing up for herself.
I enjoy anyone making fun of this autistic mess of a man, but her taunts aren't amazing and she still chooses to live with him.
So many Lainey whiteknights in here. She was a
victim once but told everyone trying to help to fuck off so this is what she gets.
No. 688262
>>688257No they aren't. If you look at this
>>688110, there's the same backdrop and flooring. They're talking about a wasp in the room which both of them clearly see.
They're in the same room, probably at desks sitting opposite one another
No. 688268
>>688265I didn't do it on purpose, site was down for me for a split.
Also, please sage. Thank you.
No. 688270
>>686681>>688243He is unattractive but I'm sure he could find a trinity member if he was really putting effort into it. He still has orbiters around.
Lainey would never let another girl in their relationship again though and he knows it so he's resorted to a doll. I don't blame her for being disgusted but the doll is probably the only thing keeping him from cheating again at this point.
No. 688317
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>>688259Yep, she acts tough sometimes but in the end Jimmy is free to do whatever he wants and they both know it. Just look at her face at the end of the video. She tried to roast him but he just laughs at her, because he's still going to sleep with his feminine fuck doll.
The whole point of the video is Jimbo rubbing it in Lainey's face that he finds dolls more attractive than her and to make her mad on camera again.
No. 688324
>>688323People would’ve forgotten about it. Replacing boring ass no personality Lainey with cute and spunky Billie would’ve brought in a whole new demographic.
Their relationship wouldn’t have lasted though.
No. 688361
>>688323He absolutely could've scapegoated the fuck out of Lainey and retained a following of idiots, but like
>>688324 said Billie would've wised up sooner or later that she was dating waaaay beneathe her and run.
No. 688377
>>688324It’s pretty much what happened with Skye, she was cool and all, but Shiloh was a lot more interesting (and insane) and much more active in his videos. Billie is more beautiful than Lainey and thought she’s not exactly the brightest, she would have brought in a new fan base.
But yeah, she would have left him because unlike Lainey, her life goal wasn’t to snag a D-list you tuber and immediately get pregnant with his spawn and live out her days with the fantasy that she’d never have to work a day in her life. B’s actually spontaneous and travels and smokes weed and drinks like all other young people do, not domestic and submissive the way Jimmy John’s likes em.
No. 688414
File: 1565235401745.png (11.95 KB, 544x194, lainy's responce.png)

>>688411Lainey was not amused.
No. 688415
File: 1565235427039.jpeg (Spoiler Image,858.44 KB, 1994x1125, 7BB88513-352B-47B5-8B6A-AB176E…)

Jim Jones reuploaded his second spider video and it’s official; we know EVERYTHING about Greg, including the color of his own shit.
No. 688417
>>688411He literally killed a pet of his in the most gruesome death any animal can have.
Then he films his dog struggling in the water and also casually posts his dogs living in such a muddy and disgusting living space outside that is a space even an animal hoarder couldn't create.
No. 688418
>>688414Lately there's been a pattern of Lainey openly showing her disdain for Gurg only to have him react with a painfully fake laugh and act like it's all a joke. Newsflash Jim: your wife is disgusted by you and the entire world can see it. The spell is broken, she's grossed out by you and you dig the hole deeper every time you open your mouth.
>>688415Holy shit I fucking gagged.
No. 688428
>>688417Not to mention the guinea pigs he left to get matted and their claws were too long. Madison told him to clip them and he said it was too much work and that he's not going to do that. So he ended up dumping them on Madison and when she updated, said that they were in a nice big enclosure, but they are scared of people so she doesn't handle them as much. Not a Madison whiteknight as she is a cow as much as the rest of them, but kudos to her for rescuing the guinea pigs.
He mentioned not long ago he got chickens. God knows how long that lasts.
No. 688429
>>688415I know everyone is a little fake for YouTube but at least scrub your toilet before you film.
He always berates his ex's for being dirty, but there's so many clips of him with shit and rubbish and drink cans behind him.
I bet their house fucking stinks.
No. 688431
>>688400>>688398Holy shit I can see it now.
He even tries to do the whole annoying shtick that Julien does where he trolls Jenna.
Instead of coming across as a teasing boyfriend, he just seems annoying and Lainey looks done.
The gay hyena laugh and his hand movements are the most annoying thing ever. Lainey looks like she doesn't want to be there.
Also this middle part thing she's doing is not a good look.
No. 688441
>>688397Their entire dynamic together is so negative and
toxic, it comes across as regressive disdain for each other instead of funny or endearing bickering like some couples do.
It’s also just ridiculous how Greg can admit to something disgusting like finding child sex dolls hot .. and kai just passes it off.
Both degenerate scum
No. 688463
>>688411Not only was this painfully unfunny, but the parts where he pretended to fuck and receive oral sex from the dog were disturbing. He was loud enough that his kids undoubtedly would have heard if they were home. How do you get to be a man in your 30s who finds any of this remotely funny? Is he not embarrassed to be putting this out there under the guise of "the comedy he's always wanted to create"?
And Greg: if you can afford to give Eugenia Cooney $300 then you can afford to go to the doctor for whatever condition causes your skin to look beet red. We all notice you're hiding behind desaturated filters.
No. 688493
>>688479His reason at the time was that Shane said it “in his own voice” therefore it can’t possibly be a joke, unlike when HE does it as a character, obviously a joke.
He’s just a moron who thinks he can explain away everything. Stop means start again, remember ?
I just wonder how much of his own bullshit he actually believes or if he’s just hoping against hope that everyone else believes it.
No. 688505
>>688441That they're
toxic and miserable for/with each other is nothing new and if you wanna use Taylor's new snowflake name, at least call her Kai Jackson so this thread appears if you search her name online.
No. 688515
>>688411Peep those anger issues. I guess I'm starting to realize that if he didn't have his youtube channel and didn't create those weird, unfunny and often incredibly violent videos, he would probably have beat someone or physically abused them otherwise.
That's probably the reason why he likes his new sex doll so much. He can have sex with her and beat her up afterwards without being afraid of her calling the cops on him. I hope the kids and pets are ok, he comes across as even more sadist than before.
>>688415Is he really
that desperate for views or does he really think he's
that important and therefore people crave for knowing these things…?
No. 688610
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>>688559really dinks ur dink
No. 688637
>>688559buddy, you can spent a million years searching without finding out who i am.
just call me rumpelstiltskin.
(No one cares, newfag) No. 688639
File: 1565301476738.png (21.91 KB, 594x166, Capture.PNG)

Is jimmy shitting on his husband right now?
No. 688646
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>>688639It was a reply to this
No. 688813
>>688786i don't think he's attracted to her, and i don't think he'd go for her due to the backlash he'd get tbh
he cares too much about his image to go that extreme
he sent her home one time because of stupid internet rumors and he got that scared lmao because he knows how inappropriate lainey has been with sarah
No. 688844
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>>688110Is onion boy going against Repzion because his wife is looking more and more like Repzion?
No. 688852
>>688850Same, anon. The similarity of the two in these two shots leaves me speechless.
>>688814That was one of the most meaningless and bland videos in a long time. Except for the topics, do they even plan and structure the videos in advance?
I liked how Lainey tried to get back to the initial topic in the end, trying to find a conclusion and Greg James Avaroe Jackson was just like: 'If people don't believe me, I can't do anything about it.' But hey, it takes him 16 minutes to make a statement that could have been dealt with in 45 seconds.
No wonder he "works" all day. If he tackles every problem / issue like this, it's no wonder that creating videos takes "so much" time for him.
No. 688879
File: 1565384983014.jpeg (214.9 KB, 1125x2346, C093F9EF-3317-4984-ABD5-3FC23C…)

>>688815>according to some sources from a while ago on kiwis she still lives with them and babysitting their kids ..maybe some anons could find them and that videoSarah has been out of Taylor’s life for a while. They’re no longer friends on Facebook nor are they following each other on instagram or Twitter. On her tumblr she’s made it very obvious that they ended on bad terms. Jess is the only girl that’s been there recently.
No. 688884
File: 1565386479608.png (32.53 KB, 380x549, uhohbro subs.PNG)

I had been watching uhohbro with eager expectation for the inevitable drop below 2 million, I guess James has been watching too. A couple hundred subs lost daily for months, then it ramps up to 500 unsubs a day and suddenly hes gaining close to one thousand in one day. Yeah hes totally not buying subs.
No. 688893
>>688886Sarahbear8500 is her Tumblr. Shes also remade her twitter account at but it seems like she's distancing herself from Greg and lainey.
No. 688993
>>688942he tries so desperately to silence anyone who talks shit about him - as seen with him copy-striking anyone who talks about him
but proceeds to provoke "THE HATUUURRZZZ" and invites them to debate with him and is constantly doing stupid shit for attention
i have no comprehension as to why he does this stupid shit lmao
No. 689048
>it seems like she's distancing herself from Greg and lainey.Good. It is hard to imagine a more fundamentally damaging relationship (mentally and emotionally, anyway) that thinking those two awful people are your friends. They really did a number on her (just like they have done a number on
literally everyone who has ever crossed their paths) so I am glad she is moving on and I hope she does great at college and in whatever career she chooses.
No. 689079
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Obesion's age seems to be hitting him a little harder than usual.
Also isn't it funny how despite getting diagnosed with ""acute depression"", he wets his baby diaper at the thought of someone wanting to self-harm? Love that empathy.
No. 689100
>>689079His daddy’s bald too!
I wonder how he’ll handle looking like his father as he ages?
No. 689189
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>>689134Of course he will.
No. 689271
File: 1565560151641.png (145.04 KB, 467x523, 563846586.PNG)

So with that small bit of praise Im sure we can expect podcasts every other day now.
And is he going to milk the Brooke Houts drama since its the only video in over 6 months that's gotten him a quarter million views. The last video that did that for him was the TikTok Hit or Miss girl. I hope Greg understands the two similarities with these high view videos.
1. It was him jumping on a popular story/thing bandwagon with clickbaity titles.
2. He either left his face off the thumbnail or made himself so small you didnt realize its Onision. Greg is so despised now that when people see his face front and center in a thumbnail and it isnt an expose or roast, they wont click.
No. 689283
New videos on Patreon. I haven't watched anything as of yet but let me know if you want any reuploads.
Brooke Houts Uncensored (Podcast)
This is the uncensored version of the podcast being released actually on time due to the time-sensitivity of it ~ Most future stuff will be early for patrons :)
About The "Divorce" (Uncensored Podcast)
Brand new uncensored Podcast with Kai and myself… Kai's so rad :) on putting up another video today for all patrons, uncensored :D
Emo Charlie Dated Belle Delphine
Emo Charlie talks about what it's like to date Belle Delphine… obviously because this isn't an 18+ Patreon, I had to censor some stuff out ~ The LoveDoll Patreon has the full on stuff because it's 18+
Anyhoot! Cringey! That's my name.
Kai Isn't A Belle Delphine Fan? (Uncensored Podcast)
I wanted Kai to react to Belle Delphine… it was funny :)
No. 689284
>>689283I'd be interested in the last one:
>Kai Isn't A Belle Delphine Fan? (Uncensored Podcast)Hmm, I kinda have an idea about his "dating" video with the doll, so I except a lot of cringe and Greg Avaroe James Jackson Onision getting horny with his sex doll again…
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date, anon! Much appreciated!
No. 689288
>>689283You’re a saint, anon!!
I would be interested to see the podcasts. I actually have not hated those as much as his normal horrible screaming sketches.
No. 689334
>>689294>About The "Divorce" (Uncensored Podcast)So Onion proves he reads all his hate comments because he knows exactly what the haters say about him and Lainey's relationship.
He reads the word "retarded" and starts laughing hysterically.
Lainey lies and says Onion never cheated on her.
But she admits that he Emotionally/verbally abuses her. However when she does, he starts whining about all the times she hurt HIS feelings.
Conclusion - Lainey knows he treats her like crap but has no intention of leaving. Greg still just wants to prove the haters wrong and cant stop bringing up how no one thought they would last and they sure showed everyone, didn't they?
No. 689343
>>689323the whole doll patreon was an excuse he gave to lainey so he could go on and buy a doll to fuck
he'll keep updating the patreon otherwise he'll have to get rid of it
No. 689390
>>689294lol he's always trying so hard to pretend he isn't attracted to teenagers
No. 689408
>>689284Billie is into the whole e girl aesthetic and often posts ahego faces in photos here and there.
She hasn't gone full Belle Dephine but I can see how the whole anime aesthetic would piss Lainey off.
Same goes for the reason she supposedly hates Billie Eilish.
If Billie Eilish was a random not famous teenager in her dm's you know her and Shreg would be up in that
No. 689410
>>689319I don't want to nitpick but, in all honesty, he said "I wouldn't have gotten along with you." but the statement is still strange.
I do find it incredibly disrespectful to call (all) children and teenagers "cunts", though.
>>689294>Kai Isn't A Belle Delphine Fan? (Uncensored Podcast)All I hear is Gregory Onision Avaroe James Jackson sperging about why his love doll patreon doesn't make the amount of money that Belle makes. kek He's probably hurt that men aren't stupid enough to confuse a plastic doll with a real human and throw their money at Greg because he is supposed to be more intelligent than everyone else and knows best what all men want.
I wonder if B still stayed with them, would he have coerced her into making a patreon and thotting herself out doing ahegao faces by now?
Oh, and I also think he's into Belle Delphine but tries to play it down. In that regard, why did he choose the title "
Kai isn't a BD fan?" instead of "
We aren't BD fans?"?
TL;DR Everything screams jealousy and "why can't we have that?!".
No. 689436
>>689410"I wonder if B still stayed with them, would he have coerced her into making a patreon and thotting herself out doing ahegao faces by now?"
LOL absolutely not, had B stayed he'd have absolutely wrecked her looks, cut her hair off, forbade her from wearing makeup, and sucked all the life from her skin and light from his eyes. Look at how awful she looked in his videos compared to how she looked before and after him. He's such an embarrassing faggot.
No. 689452
>>689436she looked unwashed and greasy, with that faded blue hair, no extensions, no makeup and the sweatpants
i can only imagine lmao
it'd be sh all over again
No. 689467
File: 1565631646953.png (54.6 KB, 1440x144, A parenting.png)

>>689294Did anybody catch how Taylor just scoffed at this question? She didn't deny that they argue in front of their children, she just snorts and says "Ew no". Of course Jimmy calling her every name in the book isn't damaging to their kids, it's just damaging to
her. Every time they take these quizzes Taylor always obeys Grease's gaslighting: He never cheated on her with Billie, it was the counselors fault that counseling didn't work and totally not her narc husband rage quitting after one session, their fights are normal and definitely not damaging to the kids. Sure Jan.
No. 689489
>>689467I also love how he was saying they “both” are verbally and emotionally
abusive but you know it’s just him. Like he withholds affection and will call her a cunt and crazy and that is not the same as her reacting and saying he’s being an idiot or whatever. Ignoring brining in all the girls and all that, just the stuff we know he’s said to her is horrible. He breaks up with her again and again and says he doesn’t want to be married to her because she isn’t doing what he wants. He thought she was abusing him when she said she was hurt by the Billie situation. Like she can’t have feelings without having to nurse his hurt feelings about something HE caused…I don’t know why she’s accepting that it’s the same level when he’s clearly and legitimately
abusive. People don’t have to hit you to be
Just because she can weirdly tolerate all his abuse doesn’t mean it isn’t happening or that the kids aren’t going to be negatively impacted at some point by it. She’s just kidding herself if she thinks that.
Also, just because he “admits” that he verbally abuses her doesn’t make it right? He said he was trying to be better but that was like a year ago and he’s still smirking and joking about how lol I’m so
abusive but uwu.
No. 689500
>>689436Oh, absolutely true. Sorry for that brain fart, anon.
It totally slipped my mind that Greg James loves to wear "his" women out mentally and emotionally.
And even if he had tried, he'd probably have become jealous and called her a slut.
>>689467Yeah, I also thought there was a lot of gaslighting going on when they took the quiz.
There were a couple of parts in that video that got me thinking.
The video is very suggestively edited when Lainey starts talking about "the right time" for getting a divorce would be now because she'll turn 25 (or is 25?), thus is old, and she's turning into a man. Then she talks about Greg looking dumbfounded, the video cuts to a black screen and they start taking the quiz. So, he either might
want people to continue to talk about their divorce or they edited out things they didn't want to be included in the video.
Greg doesn't answer a lot of questions which, if answered honestly, would show his horrible personality. He just lets Lainey answer those (or edited his answers out).
When both agree that, yes, they are verbally
abusive, Lainey fears for a positive outcome ('It's bad. It's [the test] gonna say yes now [to get a divorce].')
Lainey can't get over one of the questions which is 'Are you bored and unhappy?' She says 'That planted a seed in my brain, you're gonna hear that question a lot.' She doesn't seem to say it teasingly but is rather serious about it, so it might be a topic that's bothering her. That, at least, was my impression.
No. 689503
>>689500She did genially question him if he was bored in the relationship, she knows he is out and it’s just a matter of time until he finds another girl to cheat on (which I don’t see happening in at least another 5 years if it ever happen)
I don’t understand why they insist in taking quizzes if even when Lainey does answer truthfully he just change the answer when he knows the answers won’t be what he want, he is lying to himself.
No. 689510
>>689407>He looks like a gay creepy magician. Top kek anon, your whole post had me cackling lmao. I thought the same thing when I saw him in that Party City bargain bin outfit, the most hilarious thing about it is he actually thinks he looks hot in it. Watch out Ian Somerhalder kek.
>>689489>Also, just because he “admits” that he verbally abuses her doesn’t make it right? He said he was trying to be better but that was like a year ago and he’s still smirking and joking about how lol I’m so abusive but uwu.He has admitted to being verbally and emotionally
abusive several times and it's like he really believes that being aware of how much of an asshole he is makes him better somehow. Actually it's worse because you know you're being
abusive but you still choose to do it anyway.
No. 689513
>>689294Watching the Belle video it’s so obvious how much Lainey doesn’t even enjoy Jim/Greg’s company and how annoyed she is at half the shit he says.
I got trapped in a relationship with a narc for a year and a half and it was like I actually forgot what it was like to enjoy another person’s company because I was just around him all the time. My “good” mood around him would just shift between irritated about being degraded/spoken down to or a tense neutral because in that exact moment I wasn’t hearing narc shit.
She’s visibly annoyed when he’s making fun of Belle’s underbite and obsessing over the braces. Even when they’re mutually joking around Lainey seems miserable and jokes incessantly about hating herself. But she claims not to be miserable in her marriage.
When your opinion of yourself is horribly low because you’re being degraded by the only adult you see in person everyday, you just assume your miserable life is random depression and not the terrible circumstances you subject yourself to everyday.
She’s never getting out of this until he cheats on her again, and even then who knows. I honestly hope he drops her so she has a chance to get some therapy and fix herself so her kids can experience a healthy environment for once.
(blogging) No. 689539
File: 1565654017154.jpeg (272.69 KB, 670x575, 24656D35-3D3B-4AFF-B9A4-AAEBA2…)

>>689452Compare this to how cute Billie is now. Gurgly would’ve wrecked her.
No. 689590
File: 1565671301852.png (92.21 KB, 887x470, Body Video.PNG)

Looks like some more die hard fans are leaving ranks.
No. 689597
File: 1565674153589.jpg (84.52 KB, 600x576, privacypolicy.jpg)

>>689590Correct me if I'm wrong but I think they could do something about it. Although I doubt if he'll face any penalty other than being forced to take 20 minutes out of his day to blur/censor that kid's face or else YouTube might take action against his channel by like striking it or taking ads off the video. Would be funny if he's forced to do it or face demonization and he throws a fit. No. 689611
>>689513there's clips from her YouNow, 7 months ago, where lainey admit that greg has repeatedly asked her for a third, but says she doesn't care if he resents her for it because she doesn't want one
also, she claimed she never slept with Billie, and only slept with Greg and David - the
abusive dude who raped her in High school
which confuses me because what about all of those ~CrAzY~ threesomes they had
No. 689614
>>689513It's because she herself clearly has an underbite too. Bit awkward watching your husband rip the shit out of an e-thot for something you yourself have, I imagine.
On a side note it's funny as fuck watching him make out like she's ugly when he's sitting there in that clown outfit with his humungous chucky doll waterhead visible from all the side camera shots
No. 689697
>>689658She's clearly so done with him and his bullshit. But she put countless people in their personal hell of a home to let her greaselord humiliate them, including her family. She's not even protecting her kids.
If she really thinks enduring that marriage is better than finding a job, going back to her family and properly caring for her kids and herself, she deserves all of this.
And with Jimmy's latest sperg about how ugly he thinks braces are, I hope Clot won't need some. He'd probably rather let her teeth get all crooked before she's looking "ugly" and "like a dumb bitch"
No. 689717
>>689700I can see this happening unless Shane would prefer to ignore the onion so he doesn't get any views.
That would be so sweet though, even if I don't like Laineybot. Ultimate revenge
No. 689722
>>689696Thank you for the clips.
Do you have a clip of her saying
>she claimed she never slept with Billie, and only slept with Greg and DavidIve always suspected that she kissed B and maybe touched her only in the way you touch someone while making out. Taylor has never touched a vagina and for sure never got her lips on one. Id love to have video proof of her saying it since Greg likes to imply they were having 3 way orgies every night.
No. 689727
abusive ex who graduated 2 yrs before her but she would go to his house for sex 2yrs straight after he raped her for the 1st time
No. 689749
>>689735Yeah I think the extent of their threesomes was Lainey sitting in a corner while Greg took B to poundtown lmao.
>>689738So there's literally nothing she finds attractive about women.
No. 689769
>>689749>So there's literally nothing she finds attractive about womenThe nail in the coffin that proved to me that she was faking that she was into girls was a single question and her non-answer while on YouNow.
Someone asked her what she was sexually attracted to on a womans body. She sat there dumbfounded for what seemed like an eternity. She tried to dance around it by saying shes attracted to their personality and whats in their heart, but never answered what part of a womans body was sexually attractive to her.
I assume everyone reading this post no matter your sexual preference would answer that question within seconds and probably have multiple answers in order of importance. Lainey has confused an attraction to girls for friendship and that emotional relationship that she doesnt get from Greg as being sexually attracted to them.
No. 689777
File: 1565758736654.png (467.56 KB, 849x557, bored and unhappy.PNG)

>>689771Remember how hurt she was that he said she wasn't "exciting" while playing Jenga. She knows that once hes bored with her, Greg is gone. I wonder if she still freaks out when hes not in the same room and frantically goes looking for him because anytime she cant find him in her head hes packed up and left.
No. 689858
File: 1565783123611.jpeg (191.4 KB, 1125x546, C1762E34-2E02-4750-84DC-9B738F…)

Some choice tweets
No. 689860
File: 1565783405620.jpeg (576.92 KB, 1125x1766, C3B770A5-254D-4C77-A98C-3210EC…)

>>689859Imagine being so retarded that you think that because you changed your name means your birth name is no longer existent. Wasn’t he angry that people called him out on changing his name? Calling people stalkers for doing so?
No. 689861
File: 1565783596563.jpeg (300.88 KB, 750x1024, 43FDF944-E702-47B9-9B2D-97F7BB…)

Billie is officially becoming a patreon thot(offtopic)
No. 689863
>>689861>>689862people whitenight billie bob too much lol she was hated here on lolcow when she was in a relationshit with greg and lainey and now that she is on negative terms with them, everyone kisses her feet
people forget she is a lolcow in her own right
No. 689868
File: 1565785429626.jpeg (250.7 KB, 1440x1789, 92B9220F-EF9E-4480-A1D0-77050D…)

Greg is defending Jonathan Yaniv, because of course he is.
>>689862Billie is an e-begger e-thot who will start posting nudes on Patreon in six months guaranteed.
No. 689870
>>689862>>689868billie dated a guy who sodomized a minor and later killed himself. someone called her out on it on an instagram post years ago and she replied "so, what bitch?"
the screenshots used to be in her thread before it got deleted for whatever reason
it doesnt surprise me kek
(offtopic) No. 689922
>>689905I just finished watching her video and it's pretty entertaining and also quite informative. I like how she puts the focus on his views about women and casts a light on what kind of horrible videos he seems to hide behind his paywall.
Hopefully she won't completely focus her channel on him Repzion-style, but I'd come back for more videos.
No. 689923
>>689777>I wonder if she still freaks out when hes not in the same room and frantically goes looking for him because anytime she cant find him in her head hes packed up and left.Holy shit I forgot about that lmao how can you get to that point in your relationship and not realize how pathetic you're being? She only does that shit to guilt him into sticking around with "muh anxiety" and "muh dysphoria".
>>689905I watched this last night and enjoyed it. I was hoping somebody would post it here because just the little snippets she provides in her video from his Patreon are exceptional. My favorite was the audio from his podcast where he whines about his lack of asslickers since adpocolypse. People are really paying for this shit.
No. 689938
>>689932What? When did that happen? I mean, Billy telling Greg Jay-Jay James the accusations are baseless?
I usually keep an eye on the thread but haven't read that.
No. 689994
>>689957Thank you, anon, you're a life saver!
Quite some tinfoil, but I do have the feeling that Billy is setting Greggo Jimbo up. Same with the interview he and Joe did, first Billy kissed Jimbo's ass and then he subtly started to make fun of him. I wonder if he's still secretly siding with Madison.
No. 690001
File: 1565820315020.jpeg (654.43 KB, 2000x1500, 411647C8-30BB-4435-B31A-4985F6…)

>>689801Either she was larping then or she's larping now
No. 690010
File: 1565821250417.jpeg (38.73 KB, 750x655, EB9fLJOWsAIibbA.jpeg)

I had the impression this is a jab at Plainey for being such a doormat
No. 690012
File: 1565822033732.png (1.36 MB, 1680x1050, onisiontoiletfetish.png)

while i love the cartoon onision, this should be the first image result.
No. 690038
>>690034>>690022Lainey might be stupid but not on this level to go full Grug with the typing style and "mOsT eVeRyOnE". It's more than just a meme, it's a part of Grug's identity, almost like a trademark. Just as licking the toilet seat is, topkek.
>>690010I wonder what inspires him tweet this over and over again. We've already established long ago that his wifesband is mentally fucked up to be morphing into an actual doormat. Does he just have compiled a draft list of bullshit to tweet?
No. 690087
>>690064I am beyond grossed out. This is as disgusting as when Luna drank Matthew's piss, but at least she did it
on accident.
No. 690097
File: 1565872729096.png (409.5 KB, 564x592, sex game.png)

So Jimmy is trying to bring back gaming to his UhOhBro Channel. I'm not surprise that he picked a game like this. No. 690099
>>690097We are only going to get more and more of sexual depravity from him.
As Oscar Wilde said: Everything is about sex except sex itself. Sex is about power.
The lower he falls, the more irrelevant he gets, the more he'll channel his impotent frustration through sex.
Grab your popcorn in one hand, and a vomit bag in the other, this shit' s just started.
No. 690124
>>690097He really still has the mentality of a hormonal teen boy.
"I can finally post a fuck video, not that kind of fuck video though. I have made those but you'll never find them."
We get it Greg, you can stop reminding us you aren't a virgin. He's absolutely obsessed with sex and like most incels only values himself as a man based on his luck in the bedroom.
Even his example of something that would shock you when he's customizing the character's face is "your daughter walks into the room pregnant and you're like…"
His brain is so simple and weak.
No. 690132
File: 1565891315836.png (465.15 KB, 546x801, megamilk.png)

>>690097When is Jimmy's drop in testosterone going to happen so he can stop scarring people with his retard like hypersexuality? He can't talk for 5 seconds without making some painfully autistic sex joke or just been straight up vulgar and disgusting. His needle dick obsession with aggressively dominating women only highlights his cluster B like Mommy issues. No wonder Taylor doesn't want to have a vagina anymore, I wouldn't either if I was married to a raging manchild who watches hours of fucked up hentai and psychotically humps anything with an orifice 50x a day.
No. 690146
>>690097I just wanted to compare whether the 30 bucks he charges on his lovedoll patreon are somewhat reasonable or if the whole game just costs 9.99 (and if that's the case then why would anyone throw money at him instead of buying and playing the game themselves?), but all I find is a Malaysian site selling it and a dozen sites offering a ripped version.
Either I'm seriously blind or the game hasn't been licensed yet (?).
No. 690274
File: 1565917358089.png (Spoiler Image,3.12 MB, 2242x1210, Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 8.59…)

>>690248Bless. Although I wish I could unsee the videos. I don't understand what demographic this is supposed to be for. His humour /might/ appeal to 13 year olds, but this is definitely a 18+ patreon with videos that are neither attractive nor funny.
In one of them he pretends to be a business man (not sure if that's a reoccurring character) and shoves baby wipes in the dolls private parts. Later on he pretends the doll is Andy Biersack.
I could only skip through, don't watch while eating, anons.
No. 690298
>>690248Thank you so much!
>>690274I totally agree with you anon. I can't imagine anyone over the age of 18 would pay for this shit because they thought it was quality content. Also there is no way you could convince me that he hasn't fucked that doll yet.
No. 690325
>>690298I think it's pretty obvious that he does a lot of things to that doll and sticking his dick in it was the first thing.
A lot of adults and minors would find these "Julia" videos disturbing and gross and Onion is the only one who's actually amused by them.
No. 690337
>>690248holy shit
i didnt expect full pussy
No. 690343
>>690248how does he have all that expensive camera equipment and yet everything still looks like it was filmed on a phone camera with the flashlight as the only lighting?
and even worse, how has he been doing this for 10 years and yet everything is still so amateur looking?
No. 690401
>>690248Expect a massive sperg incoming…
I only watched the video which was archived on KF, but I took a look at the photos. So
that was his dream all along? Taking pornographic photos?
If that was a freaky art project at least, I'd kind of turn a blind eye to it, but there's literally no artistic value in this. The lighting is bad, some photos are blurry and out of focus and the overall composition and aesthetics are horrible.
This just boils down to hormone-driven voyeurism.
Anon, as thankful as I am that you did this, I wish you could demand your money back (Greg should actually pay
you, kek).
Oh, and thanks for the reupload, I just realized.
No. 690441
>>690401I feel like I should be turned off by the concept of the whole lovedoll patreon alone, but I am most offended by the low quality of it. There is literally the most minimal amount of effort put into it.
I mean, even if he had nice artsy photos it would be a little weird, but at least taking pretty photos of women is an art form. And hell, there's an entire genre of people that take nice photos of their dolls and shit.
But this? It's trash. I am still trying to wrap my head around his actual goal here. WHY is he doing this? I only watched the one video that is just crappy shots of the doll at various angles to porny music. There's no comedy here. No art, no skill. I really wanna get into his head long enough to find out what he thinks about when he makes this content. But I don't wanna be in there too long cause that'd be like staring into the mouth of hell.
No. 690469
>>690462Well, he already has quite a round and big butt, man boobs, a lot of wigs, an effeminate laugh and also those terribly cliche traits like being bitchy, (overly) dramatic and endorses in drama.
I'd say we're already half way there.
>>690097I really and truly wonder what his kids will think about this whole situation in 10 or 15 years. There is no way that you, as a child, are completely unaware of that doll or the way he treats it (and Lainey). Imagine a twenty-year-old T or a seventeen-year-old C telling their friends how they grew up with a sex doll which their father introduced as Julia (and a "mother" claiming to be a boy).
Listening to your dad yelling and screaming all the time must be intimidating as heck. I really, really hope they haven't developed any (more) weird behavioral patterns. Apart from remembering that T apparently is allowed to hit Greg, I also clearly remember their dog peeing herself whenever Greg comes close to her.
No. 690486
>>690469there's no way that Troy isn't going to call some other kid a "cunt" at some point as soon as they let him go to actual school.
Which reminds me, shouldn't troy be in actual school by now???
No. 690493
File: 1565992619175.png (768.06 KB, 1345x713, IMG_08.png)

>>690491source? from videos filmed in the kitchen you can see school send-home flyers on the fridge and a child's schoolbag by the front door, implying the oldest attends school outside the home.
No. 690564
File: 1566010304817.jpg (111.9 KB, 1080x1100, IMG_20190816_174429.jpg)

He been sperging like crazy the last couple days even though his twitter is basically a echo chamber now
No. 690565
File: 1566010394239.jpg (149.3 KB, 1080x1199, IMG_20190816_174434.jpg)

No. 690602
File: 1566018556041.jpeg (209.74 KB, 1121x1107, 22319D28-76C4-449E-B168-32EA64…)

Personally I hope he keeps doing this stupid shit because eventually he will have no one left.
Also I think him making his twitter private is the best thing that could ever happen, because if he keeps it that way long enlightens, people will forget about him and the last slivers of his dying career will finally dissolve.
unfortunately I know his patterns all too well and he will be back to Mr Positivity Never-blocks-anyone in a month’s time.
No. 690605
File: 1566018993454.png (Spoiler Image,176.18 KB, 345x419, mm julia.png)

>>690274Yea. Pretty sure he has his dick tucked in his waistband
No. 690609
File: 1566020612095.jpeg (307.83 KB, 1118x1417, 843D563C-437E-4CF1-B10F-19D6F6…)

>>690602Also uhhhh WTF at this response
No. 690620
>>690539Nah anon, Jimmy's got a lot of skills
Geography: "so Germany is where the nazis are, Britain - everyone there is ugly and they always get in fights because they always drink alcohol." "See, that's Africa. Those people are smelly because they never wash their hair" "Fiji? That's a water brand Trot."
Biology: so my first time was with a girl named Julia. I couldn't get it up so she ro-
Taylor storms inEnglish: English is literally our language. Most anyone speaks it.
Math: ok so, my new video about why babies should wear burkas so no one finds them attractive got 100K views. Jaclyn Glens response to that, saying i'm a total dumbass.. which someone told me, got 1M views. How many people should've watched my video to hear my side, but didn't because they're dishonest cunts?
No. 690637
>>690601I find those 'funny' photos worse than the clearly sexual ones. It's unsettling how he tries to cover his obvious lust for vinyl pussy with 'lol random xD' humour. I know it's a doll and not a person but it feels really psycho and disrespectful to take photos where she looks like a retard. Who would enjoy such photos? It reminds me of a serial killer humiliating his
victim into before ending her life.
It's like Onion wants to say 'look at this dumb fuckdoll, only good for sticking a dick in it' cause he's ashamed of his lust.
No. 690641
>>690637I sometimes wonder whether he's thinking about his "creations" at all. It often seems that he's a spur-of-the-moment guy who does something that comes to his mind and that he thinks is cool and then, after taking photos or making videos, he just completely lacks any capacity to reflect about whether it's good or not. He might also be of the assumption that just because he "put time" into a project and "worked" that day it should be good enough for the public. Maybe it's a mix of both, lack of creativity /artistic knowledge and laziness.
The few videos of him that I watch don't really upset me or gross me out that much, but I can't get my head around the fact that doesn't understand how cringy they are. I'd be super embarrassed to put things like these online because they'd for sure make me look bad.
I also can't get my head around his idea of doing creative work: Every artist reveals a part of themselves by creating art and even though some artists never explain their pieces, from reading their biography you can make a lot of
valid assumptions. Greg puts his private life out there for everyone to see and clearly sees himself as an artist and when people start to put these aspects together he completely distances himself from everything he's created and says he plays a character. And it's always the same with him: I put a lot of work into that, so you better like it and if you don't like it, then haha, the joke's on you because it wasn't actually made be but by a character I play and it was a joke anyway.
It really must be fun to be around him. /s
No. 690642
File: 1566041571786.jpeg (76.12 KB, 616x513, 4CEA6A60-2F58-4258-8F2D-0CBD54…)

>>690609It’s in response to these tweets.
No. 690643
File: 1566041627228.jpeg (95.72 KB, 626x592, EE3E01A8-D2F0-4F32-A35A-ABA3E0…)

No. 690644
File: 1566041689097.jpeg (48.58 KB, 625x267, 04382178-59FC-411E-943B-3A8EA3…)

No. 690645
File: 1566042042886.jpeg (135.41 KB, 630x700, 05634FC6-6330-4F9B-8B99-00E161…)

The advice was sarcastic
No. 690662
>>690657You’re giving Jimmy Greg too much credit/ If a patron suggested the lovedoll stuff - he wouldn’t have made an entire new page for it and claimed it was “the content he always wanted to make”.
This garbage came directly from his own creatively stunted brain.
No. 690670
>>690664>>690667The toilet licking video was all his creation and you can tell because he's much younger in the video and it's not a toilet in the McMansion or the Swamp Shack.
Also he would never put that much effort into something requested of him. Remember when someone requested more than a hello and a thanks on Cameo? He cried and threw a fit about it like they where treating him like some cheap whore.
No. 690679
File: 1566053859536.jpeg (522.31 KB, 750x712, 2670A09D-CED5-4F79-A974-C01507…)

No. 690680
File: 1566055379306.png (114.77 KB, 552x532, md.PNG)

>>690605Im sure you're right and he was hard while filming that.
Madison mentioned he would get hard when she was doing any type of sexy character in their videos together.
Its sad that's all he's packing when fully erect. Its barely reaching the top of his waistband.
No. 690681
File: 1566056737850.jpeg (206.49 KB, 750x923, 329414BF-C6C2-4403-8BF9-81124E…)

No1curr about your weekly existential crisis, Gurg.
No. 690683
>>690681I swear he made a post almost exactly like this months ago.
Also I guess this means his apology to Shane was BS? Cause right now that apology is all his fans are clinging to. “He’s changed, guys! He apologized!!!!”
No. 690694
>>690689It's just the image that mayacidshowers posted in her original tweet
>>690643 without the twitter crop. The other anon who posted the image pasted it next to a related tweet that has the share icon instead
>>690602But back to Onion, I'm glad his face and body are still completely different colors even when it's dark as shit
>>690676 It's weird he's not flexing; we can see his saggy man tiddies and all.
No. 690753
File: 1566077526180.jpg (59.39 KB, 1080x590, ECMwV-zWkAAqPMF.jpg)

>>690643pretty sure this is his response to people on twitter telling him about this poor poor fan who is so upset she was blocked.
LOL Keep digging your own grave, Jimmy. Keep on going until you are all alone.
No. 690766
File: 1566082330802.jpg (43.22 KB, 800x533, ew.jpg)

>>690764who looked like this to boot
No. 690768
File: 1566082726352.jpeg (369.27 KB, 750x1032, B4D37EF7-E38D-4530-A0A7-4C8D67…)

Onions got another dog? Posted August 9th, where is Caterpie, Leelu? Also you can see pathetic Onion prime exclusive pictures on pic related Instagram account.
No. 690769
>>690766It’s funny how she said that David, her ex, would tell her she was lucky to be with him, because no one else would ever want her and even her own friends were more attractive to him than she was, but then claims that Greg never says anything like that and ~took all the pain away~ from being with a monster. Greg has outright said she wasn’t his first choice, he never would have noticed her if she hadn’t stalked him, he wasn’t into her for her looks at all, he thought she was plain and boring, and cheated on her or tried to cheat on her several times with younger, prettier women (Billie of course, Maya, Sam, Ashlyn/MacnCheese Fairy, and even Madison to an extent). He calls her a cunt, he makes fun of her all of the time, and I don’t doubt that he said things like “if you leave me, no one else will want you” also. Lainey said he’s threatened divorce more than once (especially when he was fucking Billie) to boot.
All she knows is narcissistic, psychotic abuse from insecure older men.
No. 690780
>>690771Anus’s hatred of women extends to his dogs, too. The only dog he ever likes of the three of them was Dobs. Same with Lainey, she said Dobs is her favorite. Caterpie was a wild little puppy, I’m sure the AvaHoes never walked her or played with her enough, just like their other dogs, so they just assumed she was a bad dog and gave her away.
Poor doggos.
No. 690804
File: 1566094333171.png (Spoiler Image,1.96 MB, 1795x2270, taco bell bod.png)

Jimmy is living his best life.
No. 690807
>>690804lmao that shitty clip art tattoo and the 2011 emo haircut and the flabby arms
big yikes
No. 690811
File: 1566094894527.jpeg (266.27 KB, 750x784, B6CF9B90-07F5-4EEF-8A4E-150D16…)

Gregory Avaroe / James Jackson / Onision cries in the shower…. bath? About haterz.
No. 690827
>>690804Look at that fucking manic manipulative smirk. I've had a breakdown in the shower & it fucking looks NOTHING like this. He has fucking mascara on, FFS. How long do you think it took him to artfully arrange those strands of hair over his eye Veronica Lake-style?
And the amazing thing is Jimmy thinks he's SO clever & outwitting the 'haters' at every term(God how childish is the term 'haters'.Adults have CRITICS you dolt)
We see you for EXACTLY who you are Jimbles. You fool literally NO ONE outside Kaibaby. Even your husbando looks sick of your shit.
(autism) No. 690854
>>690804God he looks fucking fat. What about that diet Gruggles? You're not losing that food baby anytime soon sitting on your ass in the bath eating taco bell (sounds like a trailer park hot tub kek).
>>690753>you got blocked for being a CUNT reeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!This is why I believe it doesn't matter if we still acknowledge his autism or not: this dumb fuck shoots himself in the foot at every opportunity. His Patreon numbers will continue to dwindle until eventually he will have to resort too drastic measures to make money (like getting a job).
>>690609If this isn't a troll I would tinfoil it's Jimmy himself.
No. 690876
File: 1566110846707.png (297.81 KB, 571x745, darkness.png)

WaaAAaaa! People who smoke pot are evil and every 'stoner' that I've met has screwed me over. Insert dramatic music -literally- For reals, that's the whole video. I don't know why he's going on this rant but really? Get over it Jimmy. No. 690879
File: 1566111573019.png (248.75 KB, 571x638, reason to divorce.png)

Ridiculous reasons why they would get divorced. The only real world situation is if he had a 'secret real life girlfriend' and yes, she would leave him. Also at the end he says she was a 'freeloader' for the first year and a half. Couple goals, am I right? No. 690881
New Podcast:
Punishments In DDLG (Uncensored Onision/Kai Podcast)
Today I focused listing items on and making this podcast ~ Hope you love this one…
Uncensord Burglary Podcast + Bonus
Kai and I researched what our car does with burglary… it was very odd :P
Also, bonus video for everyone, a rant on privilege & success: me know if you would like a reupload.
No. 690895
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Kek, guess she couldn't find a dumber new channel name
>cool guy kai
Why not "softboi kai" or "fakeboi kai" lol
No. 690896
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>>690895and her Beautybot channel is now Laineyboy
No. 690903
>>690876I COULDN'T finish this. Let's be real, despite Grugly's cries that "iVe dAtEd lOtZ oF MEAN sToNeR wHoReS!!!" this video is 100% about B. This video is full of misused phrases and words as a result of Grugly, in his own mind, sounding super smart and deep. Typical LOW IQ Grugly nonsense.
The worst thing though is his claims that B was only able to be MEAN to Grugly because she could numb herself by going to get high later. That's the only reason! If not for weed, there's no way she could have BARED to say anything negative or hurtful to innocent Jimmy. It was only the devil's lettuce that compelled these girls to, in a daze, verbally state their disapproval of Grugly's actions and words.
God, he's truly and honestly the worst.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 690908
>>690893I honestly don't think there was anything wrong with Rep sending snailmail to Lainey's parents back in the day to let them know about Greg. Isn't that the whole point of exposing his shitty behaviour so people can intervene and help their loved ones?
Greg's only mad Rep is one of the few with convictions in following through on what he states. How many times has big fag Jimmy went back on his word?
I wouldn't call Rep obsessive anymore than an anon who catalogues this shit. Rep gets the bonus of directly peeving Onionboi off.
No. 690909
>>690903Haha, so Jimmy thinks weed is like alcohol and lowered Billie's inhibitions to stand up for herself? What a loser.
As a smoker myself I could not imagine having a conversation with the Onion fam and not want to take the edge off immediately afterwards. Billie is like the only 'girlfriend' of Greg's that didn't end up isolated and demonised for hanging out with him. I'd take the weed over a poorbois Laineybot lavender tattoo to 'deal'. Fucking retards.
No. 690910
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When you wake up in a damp musty basement this is what you look up and see.
No. 690911
>>690910He lives like someone suffering from addiction issues. Unkempt appearance, disaster of a residence, poor hygiene, deranged, paranoid, irrational, highly emotive and explosive.
If he wants to score, he probably should think about buying drugs to coerce some party girls.
No. 690926
>>690903His demonization of weed is ridiculous.Paul McCartney smokes weed. John Denver smoked weed. Two of the nicest dudes in music.But no,weed makes you a monster apparently. ::eyeroll::
I fucking hate people who are puritans about booze or weed.It's totally fine you don't partake, but don't be a sanctimonious bitch about it.
God Grug is such a child. Yet another example of how he's hopelessly stuck in adolescence. Most people outgrow such ideas about stimulants once they get out of high school & into the real world.
(cool story bro) No. 690957
>>690926this is your opinion. some people cant tolerate drugs or alcohol. its called being allergic. plus, onion has been around enough drugs to form his own opinion. to me he was a heavy drinker back in the day. then add on his mental health issues. he probably cant smoke weed so he is gong overboard. look at ice poseidon. when he smokes he almost goes non-functioning.
lolcow has a rule about what you just did but i cant think of it. i think its called stick to the facts. or maybe just sage.
No. 690963
>>690908he did more then send a letter. this was a whole ordeal. how do you think he got her address! there are sites that catalogue onion only when he is starting to act crazy. rep should just catalogue but stop engaging. rep will be back to crossing lines eventually. I saw it the last time and its not good for him.
you seem new. repzion went crazy/overboard almost a decade ago. I think rep was a fan who wanted to join up but then found he could have his own fame. it got bad. and it wasnt just onision drama. i think this joy sparkle thing restarted rep. I think he needs to branch off so its not so onision and drama focused again. his fans even told him to find something else.
No. 690967
>>690876For ducks sake, how many times have we heard this before? He always goes off on how he’s gonna step it up and make bigger and better videos but then he makes the same shit.
He doesn’t actually want to improve the quality of his videos - if he did, he would watch some tutorials on lighting and filmography or something. Use that expensive equipment to its advantage. But nah. He is just pissed his current garbage isn’t getting the attention he thinks it deserves. That’s his only gauge for “better content”. Screw quality!
No. 690968
>>690961you know how long he has been on the internet. then you have his life with his first wife. i wrote it seems to me he use to be a heavy drinker. im not going to rehash this mans past. plus, what i find heavy you may think is light. I cant remember if he ever smoked weed but he had a lot of pot head friends.
he has really isolated himself over these last few years with relationship drama. he was a very outdoorsy active guy. another reason why he cant find decent collab partners anymore. him and his girlfriends used to hang out. ever since lain came into the pictures his friends dropped off one by one. and the only time i see him interact with old people is when lain isnt there. lol.
if you are new to him you would be surprise at the old him. he had multiple friends, went outside, and had jobs.
(autistic tinfoil derail) No. 690972
>>690968>if you are new to him you would be surprise at the old him. he had multiple friends, went outside, and had jobsCool fanfic anon kek. Jimmy is the same asshole he is now that he was then except now he is older, fatter, and swampier.
>>690876So "Giving Into The Darkness" is thinking about his run away dream waifu Billie choosing pot over him? I wonder if she still gets desperate e-mails or DM's from him every now and again trying to rekindle all the "good times"
No. 690982
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>>690876how stupid that he literally tweeted this hours after posting this video.
No. 690987
>>690893repzion used to be pretty lulzy, not just with the snailmail. he used to be pro-suicide and romanticized it all the time on tumblr, and was a sex-obsessed incel … not to mention, he currently sells his feet pictures LMAO
a lot of the Anti-O commentators are cows in their own right too tbh
i really encourage a "debate" between the two of them. would be hilarious
No. 690994
With his next
victim, it's gonna be a bunch of manipulative, "WELL, LAINEY USED TO LET ME DO ____,"
and then crying because "lainey was so loyal :( why can't anyone else's personality be summed up to them bending over and letting me fuck them into submission and echo-chambering everything I say"
Lainey has no fucking self respect once-so-ever, and unless he finds someone as fucked up in the head, i think he knows he'll never find someone as complacent and thats why he stays, that and also he is ageing like spoiled milk and still is picky in that his
victims have to have the exact same "MORALS" as he does (aka being a straight edge vegetarian, not being sexually promiscuous, being 17, kek)
No. 691003
>>690982Yeah this is pretty exceptional considering he has devoted a good majority of his content to reliving his past and all his ex's past. But when other people bring up his past they are "stalkers" and "haturz".
>>690967>He always goes off on how he’s gonna step it up and make bigger and better videos but then he makes the same shit. He also keeps eluding to "old Onision" like his old shit was something to be proud of lmao
No. 691011
>>691003He also keeps eluding to "old Onision" like his old shit was something to be proud of lmao
In his mind, it was.. but only because it got him views. He thinks it was the quality of his content that got him views and not the fact that the trend was for low-quality cringe humor at the time. Everyone was doing it, and standards for video quality were much, much lower back then.
I can't believe after all this time of trying and failing to recapture his fame, he hasn't once thought to try something different. Well… unless you count shitty porn videos of a sex doll different.
No. 691086
>>690968Alright anon, I’ll bite. Did you know this loser irl? If so, how and please tell us moar
The only thing that is somewhat true is that he used to go out a lot when he was with Skye and a little bit with Shiloh. Idk about him being an alchy but I don’t think he’s a lightweight when it comes to drinking; in her Twitter (or was it Facebook?), Skye blatantly admitted to liking/drinking red wine. She probably started drinking afterwards (who wouldn’t?) but I digress.
No. 691106
>>690968Have you been on the internet long you seem underage. Onion married his highschool girlfriend before going overseas with security forces. Skye was with him in South Korea.
Greg has also specifically mentioned how he has never drank in his many first time drinking alcohol videos. He was a straight edge douche in high school. He left Skye for a 17 year old pop singer from Canada who has more experience and exposure to drugs and drink than Jimmy. She didn't use while with him. It was with Shiloh Jeffree Star called him a faggot at a recording studio and there are photos of him and Shiloh at a party and Greg using Shiloh as a human shield from socialising.
He has worked in security forces and worked in a day care at some point at complained the toddlers were manhandling him.
He was never a heavy drinker or reformed drug user. He's an immature 34 year old man that panders to kids and has sex with a plastic doll.
No. 691168
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>>690967He's so stale and predictable, and does the same three cringy nonsense identity crises every so often.
"I wanna reinvent myself. I'M A GOOD PERSON, AND I'M SORRY NOW," and making 5 new channels, and referring to himself as "Character" and talking about himself in 3rd person. How many times has he done this shit
No. 691305
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But Jimmy - why oh why can’t your fans be “honest” with you and speak their minds? You wouldn’t want any dishonest fans that only tell you what you want to hear, right?
Jesus. He lives so far inside his own asshole that he’s blinked into another reality
No. 691331
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So anus keeps trashing people who are into ddlg even though his ugly wife is admittedly into it, and there's proof? I'll never understand these hypocrites
No. 691347
>>690921Yeah but compared to Jeffrey Epstein Onion's an amateur sex addict.
>>690926He also forgot another common denominator when it comes to his relationships, pot smokers, and infidelity which is him. Perhaps its his fucking attitude that drives women to "infidelity". Remember though how sitting on some dudes shoulders is considered cheating. I'd think I would need pot to be able to stand the Onion though.
No. 691382
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I know that Onisions tirade against weed usually stems from what happened between him and B. But could this spergout be another attempted swipe at Repzion? Hes tried so hard to discredit Daniel in just the past month.
Implies Repzions g/f is a racist - no one seems to care and the anti-o's just start filling his Twitter replies with all the racist things hes done in the past.
Says a friend of a friend told him that Repzion raped a woman he met online. Turns out it was Billy the Fridge that told him that story and James twisted the facts and embellished the fuck out of it. People call him out about the discrepancy in his account and Onision stops pushing the rape story.
Thinks Repzion is German because of his last name and slanders the population of a whole country by calling them all Nazis because he has a vendetta against a single YouTuber. Turns out Repzions surname is Jewish. James tries to double down on his statement for a few days but eventually resorts to his tried and true "it was a joke"
And now he knows/knew that Repzion & his g/f smoke. So why not try and demonize that and see if it gets the reaction he wants.
No. 691463
I don't know where you're getting your idea that he was this sociable, cool, out-doorsy, normal dude until being ruined by a string of bad relationships but unless you know him IRL, it doesn't seem at all accurate based off everything he's put online for the last decade plus. He's not a heavy drinker, and he has no real life experience. The only job he ever had as a real adult was the Air Force and we all know how that ended. Besides, sitting at security gate is not at all how Grugly represents his military "career" to have been, yet that's the reality of it.
He treated his first wife just as he's treated every significant other since her. The difference is that like others have pointed out, Lainey is a total doormat and let's him live out his worst, most disgusting impulses without objection.
I think his hatred of drugs and drug users (even pot users) stems from his experiences in highschool. It has been said by former classmates that Grugly was just as he is now; a narcassitic, abrasive, socially inept, critical, self-obsessed, judgemental, uneducated, friendless loser. And also the "stinky kid" who wore trench coats and behaved like he was truly superior to his peers. For this reason, no one invited him anywhere. He probably envied, to the point of obsession, the classmates of his who seemed to easily make friends, go out on the weekends, get along with everyone. In a lot of schools, the type of kid who is both popular and nice to everyone/friends with everyone is kids who party on the weekends. I imagine Grugly, just as he does now, truly felt that he was so great, funny, likeable, good-looking, interesting, witty and was flabbergasted at the fact that he wasn't able to make friends. He probably stewed in this idea and began to resent his peers. It couldn't possibly be his own fault that no one liked him, nope. The problem is that everyone was stupid drug addicts who only wanted to party without the intellegence to have dEeP mEaNiNgFuL conversations about things that matter like veganism and sesesca.
IMO Grugly has held that grudge ever since like the delusional narcassit that he is. He acted out that grudge on B since he was never able to at the time as he was and is a pussy and it's easy to punish and bully a teenage girl as a 30 year old man.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 691606
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Is this why Greg is sperging out about weed? He @lost” not just Billie but Sarah too kek
No. 691607
She’s probably just making fun of him for being an idiot. I don’t know if she and bil have rekindled their friendship after greg got pissed at sara for letting bil be on her livestream but I hope so. That means she’s def over them and will never be back. I think all the girls that have been burned by Greg loosely keep in touch and probably talk about the dumb stuff he does. Bil has been posting a lot of weed stuff which could just be a coincidence but.
No. 691624
>>691608>>691623>>691606i really wish she'd spill the milk. You know damn well there would be a BUNCH with the shit she had to go through with them.
I always found it super weird how he has to TRY SO VERY HARD to portray to everyone that he's not a pedo - by not changing Madison's daughter's fucking diaper because he would have to touch her vagina to clean her up, and admitting to deliberately being mean to Sarah, so she "wouldn't develop feelings for him" aka so no one would suspect anything
No. 691659
>>691650Lainey was/is subbed to BinkiePrincess (who makes videos masturbating with a fucking pacifier and shit), and was DMing her back and forth at one point. I'm 100% sure Lainey is into. We know she for sure calls Onion "Daddy"
I hate that I know that
No. 691689
>>691664which youtuber did he steal this weird blinking/grainy light effect style from?
It looks awful
No. 691693
>>691664Thanks so much for the upload!
Tinfoil because I don't think Onision Greg James actually lurks here that much but this video feels like a hedge against Sar8500 coming forward and revealing all the horrible stuff she probably went through with those two.
She just posted that thing on tumblr mocking him so if he did happen to see it he might be worried. We know she said she had BPD and a lot of his video seems to be around people will "misremember" events and try to destroy your life by telling lies about you. Total tinfoil but it feels like he's trying to say anything she might come forward with shouldn't be taken seriously because she has BPD.
While BPD can be tricky honestly Sarah never publicly showed any symptoms of the disorder and that might be because she experienced symptoms privately but she also was claiming to have it before she was 18 but no psych would diagnose someone with a personality disorder before then. So it's possible she had a lot of emotional baggage from all her family trauma stuff and thought it was BPD when it really wasn't? Unclear but possible.
Either way the timing of this seems interesting.
No. 691694
>>691665does he have dirt/grime on his face?
god his face is so punchable. I havent watched any of the other "podcasts" but he comes across so unlikable. Talking over Lainey, continually looking at himself in the camera, just.. everything
No. 691695
>>691693Samefag but if it isn't obvious, the public would most likely believe sarah if she did come forward with anything. Not that she should reinsert herself but greg's track record speaks for itself and people know he is
abusive and a liar.
No. 691709
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No. 691711
>>691709they live a pretty thrilling life don't they.
next week: someone backed into our letterbox! - a podcast.
No. 691718
>>691693"I need to talk about pot smokers… all of the people I've met that are pot smokers were liars and cheaters… so all pot smokers are liars and cheaters."
"I need to talk about people with BPD… all of the people I've met with BPD misremember events, and therefore all people with BPD (…)"
What a dumb-ass
No. 691719
>>691709it’s almost like car alarms don’t really work or something
imagine finding this out in your 30s
also super relatable content for the teen girl audience once again, how do the jacksons do it?
No. 691753
>>691664 Ahhh, Jon Jacobjingleheimerschmit has become an expert on BPD. I like how he is preemptively gas lighting people now.
If this isn’t aimed at Sarah, then surely it’s aimed at someone else. He wouldn’t make a video like this for no reason. I can’t wait to see how this unfolds.
No. 691759
File: 1566289449091.png (861.6 KB, 840x524, dev_c.PNG)

>>691753I can see this being a preemptive strike against Sarah, and just another jab at people who made the mistake of letting him know very personal information about their mental health and have spoken against him like Ayalla.
My take on this videos is I think Dev C is still in contact with him and threatening to reveal private and damaging information. Shes been to his home in Washington for a weekend last year and has had 1-on-1 conversations with him every month for the past 2 years because its a perk of her top tier patron status. She might know some very personal information, more so than some other rando patron fan.
He says-
>I got some friends of mine we went through some stuff recently and we got to see this first hand. Somebody who would take our traumatic experience that they subjected us to and they would turn it around like we were somehow worse than they were because the moment they're confronted they try to divert it into why everyone else is more horrible than they are.Just Onisions vague retelling of how he, Blasian and McFly were terrorized by Dev C during the Patron get together. That statement tells me he has Dev on his mind while making this video, and hes afraid of what she might spill in the future.
No. 691778
>>691759She TERRORIZED poor Jimmy by driving a manual through Boston, the constant changing of gears violently sloshed all the water in his head side-to-side. The tsunami in his skull must have made him seasick.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 691783
>>691736>>691759The end of the year draws closer. That's usually when things go tits up in the swamp shag, or at least that's how it been over the last couple of years iirc.
I wonder if things will finally implode with the IRS on his heels, his wetland destruction, Sar8500 and Dev, or Lainey finally getting verified by a real doctor. If she goes on T, I'm going to unironically call her Kai and use male pronouns, I swear.
No. 691784
It definitely seems like he's "low-key" directing this towards someone. I put low-key in quotes because Grugly is never subtle in anything he does, even when that's what he's going for. He's always transparent as fuck due to his low IQ. But yeah. The way he keeps going on about hAvInG rEcEiPtS and trying to preemptively crazy-make Sarah/Dev is an obvious threat.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 691795
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>>691759It’s funny, he’s used Ayalla’s BPD diagnosis against her when defending himself and Kai Jackson from allegations of grooming Sarah.
And now he’s using Sarah’s BPD diagnosis to intimidate Sarah from spilling anything? What a pathetic sack of shit.
No. 691814
>>691799I couldn't agree more.
I'm glad she's turned her back on that house and I hope she will never ever get (emotionally) abused by the Avaroes / Jacksons again.
No. 691830
File: 1566322009981.png (490.2 KB, 750x1334, E3D7C11B-6F5B-4A1C-81E9-83C0B7…)

She posted that most recent tweet last night. I had a feeling she’d delete it, and she did.
No. 691941
>>691693Grease is talking so much about BPD in part because he admitted to having it on a voicemail to Adrienne back in the day. I wouldn't be surprised if that was true because his behavior is really similar - splitting, raging, impulsivity, swinging between super low self esteem and total arrogance, etc. Whenever he accuses someone of something, it's almost guaranteed to be some flaw of his own.
Also farmers - I had a friend diagnosed with BPD at 16, stayed in therapy for a few years, and is a mostly stable adult compared to people I've known who are untreated. It's a myth that a therapist won't diagnose before 18. They will when they're confident of the diagnosis.
No. 691950
>>691945None of them would surprise me. That's for sure. He's completely unhinged on a good day and a raving lunatic the rest of the time.
>>691665I love how he looks like the dog just shat on the floor the entire time he's talking about how he met Lame and how happy he is. Would it kill you to smile even once, James? Can't even pretend to be happy about your smoll pretty boy husband for even one second on camera?
No. 691965
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Seems like Sarah is finally wising up. Even though she was a bratty kid,as expected from a kid who was in love with their idol and wanted to protect them, I'm glad she's finally out of their clutches.
No. 691966
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No. 691971
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Sarah tweeted this meme where the woman yells “You are going to jail, period” without context. She posted a picture on her Twitter before this of her at a courthouse. Wonder if this could be about Onion with all the vague posting she’s been doing about him today.
No. 691972
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sarah pls you shady bitch
i'm kekkin
No. 691977
>>691976They could just be taking it personally. It might be about them but they’re also dramatic teenagers (just like Greg)
Either way, this could
trigger Sarah to say something. Looks like she’s getting close
No. 691978
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>>691976these are in Sarah's 'likes' on Twitter, so yeah, the manipulation and weed tweets are def about Greg
No. 691979
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>But like with this recent video about BPD. Some one actually wrote me and they're like 'how could you? how dare you?' And I'm like this is something someone with BPD would do. Like this huge essay you just wrote me. This is exactly something someone with BPD would do. They would immediately assume there is nothing wrong with them and immediately attack someone else for saying there is something wrong with them. -laughs-Says their is so many things wrong with him. Like he has depression and he had a shitty childhood and fucked up parents. (Way to pass the buck Jimmy)
>There is a lot of self awareness that people don't want to see here, because the moment I actually start making sense, that means they actually have to evaluate themselves. So anyways, I just want to make this video for the fact that there are so many humans in this world who are in denial and freak out about shit despite how wrong they are because they been like training themselves, almost like they are in a cult where they're brainwashing themselves. 'If somebody says this, we gotta say this, this, and this so they can't further analyze the depth of our wrongness.'
>A lot of people I know who smoke pot, they also have BPD. For some reason it goes hand and hand. Like I don't think I've ever met a single person with BPD who doesn't smoke pot. I'm not saying everyone who smokes pot has BPD but everyone I met that has BPD smokes pot. You could say a lot of people have BPD because they smoked pot before they turned 21 and it damaged their brain to the point they have BPD. So clearly being a man baby who blames everyone else for his bad behavior is much more enlightened that a person who admits they have issues, gets help, learns about their condition, and treats it accordingly. How dare they try to educate Jimmy!
No. 691983
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>>691982i hope she spills the milk lmao
No. 691986
>>691979This level of stupidity is astonishing.
>smoking weed before 21 gives you BPDYet 90% of women you had a hard on were/are stoners, Grugly. Why is he shitting so much on something he is attracted to?
No. 691987
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In Sarah's Likes on twitter
No. 691989
File: 1566349950867.png (391.94 KB, 630x598, weed is bad, m'kay.png)
>And you got all my relationship trauma where every other fucking stoner I dated was like 'I'm not addicted' and they can't fucking quit. They can't fucking quit. They say I won't smoke pot because I understand your annoyances with the drug and then a couple of days later their like 'Some one offered me some so I smoked it. I guess we're broken up now.' Idiots! You're addicted. So anyone Jimmy dates loses free will? Not everyone is like Lainey who had changed countless times in a desperate attempt to fit what he desired. She's still unappreciated and unloved and on top of that now is so fucked in the head that she doesn't even know who she is anymore. In my opinion, those girls are better off not being a 'Lainey'.
No. 691994
>>691971This would be absolutely poetic if it was about the Onions since Cheatsion always projects his pedo behavior onto others.
>>691972>>691966I will never understand why they treat people who are sitting on milk like shit. Are they fucking crazy? It's like kicking a bomb and yelling at it to not explode.
>>691989>Please stop doing normal body functionsJimmy's retarded.
No. 692001
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I think this is all the confirmation we need. Should we get our glasses ready for milk?
No. 692003
>>692001not quite yet
it seems that Sarah is nervous about taking a stand against them (she tweeted "is this smart" and deleted it), but hopefully she realizes that James and Kai Jackson have a flimsy fanbase now and she'd get tons of support.
No. 692036
>>692028Sage your autism.
I don't give a fuck about anyone's motives for the milk spilling, honestly.
I'm gonna assume anyone trying to villify and discredit the groomed minor in this thread is some sort of onion Stan trying to be subtle.
No. 692045
>>692041Wasn’t Sarah already starting to say stuff before he put out that video?
The email could’ve come from a fan with BPD or he’s just making shit up. I don’t see why Sarah or especially Ayalla would be writing him an email trying to appeal to the morals they know he doesn’t have.
No. 692074
File: 1566364981026.jpeg (375.72 KB, 1125x1318, A2E7C79E-8527-4296-AC9B-F58BAF…)

>>692045Sarah was definitely talking shit way before the video but something set her off about that video that made her come forward about Greg (and Taylor by extension?) being manipulative shitheads.
>>691830 is worrisome though. We already knew that the onions were planning on dating her but if the ex is Taylor it only confirms they did date and they possibly dropped her because she started smoking weed again.
>>691972Cap attached is old.
No. 692081
>>691966not to armchair, but man I really doubt sarah has bpd, and actually has some ptsd shit. It's one of the most misdiagnosed, and over diagnosed disorders in the past 10 years.
That being said, it's clear she's never even said any "manipulative" shit to lainey and greg, as much as they wanna try to be the
victims in this fallout. You know what sounds like a real BPD move? Giving your teenage "best friend" the silent treatment after they said something that kinda hurt your feelings, and forcing them to send gifts as an apology.
No. 692096
>>691979>>691989Holy aspies Batman. Originally I thought he was targeting Sara but now I'm wondering if Sara is just responding to his manic autism cycle:
>Stoners should smell my farts because it's natural like weed! spins and makes fart noises like a preschooler Jesus Christ Gronk does Taylor need to call Tami so she can come over and change your diaper? Who are these imaginary stoners trying to peer pressure you into eating weed brownies and breathing in their skunky smoke? And stop acting like you're a mental health professional because of your wife's sketch psych degree. The bitch doesn't practice and she certainly doesn't give a fuck when it concerns anybody's mental health but her own. Taylor allowing you to use her "education" as a way support your moronic views on people suffering with BPD should make her fucking ashamed.
No. 692115
>>691989"sMoKiNg aRoUnD KiDs iS lItErAlLy rApE"
It is so typical of this waterheaded mongoloid to conflate recreational weed consumption with blowing weed smoke in a child's face. He'll go to any length to try and demonize consuming pot because what he's actually trying to do is demonize and discredit people in his past (Billie, Sarah, Ayalla) who just so happen to smoke weed.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 692124
File: 1566390168536.png (119.51 KB, 1654x670, Screen Shot 2019-08-21 at 7.22…)

It seems like she has accepted she has made some dumb decisions.
No. 692141
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No. 692146
File: 1566396384673.jpeg (511.19 KB, 1125x1677, B1BFB659-5B54-4880-AC59-470A61…)

Can’t tell if Greg is avoiding the subject or he truly doesn’t know.
No. 692155
>>692146he's avoiding. Having people like ex patrons, or B and ayalla come after them is manageable for them. Having a teenager who has been documented to be living under the same roof as you when they were a minor, AND there's video proof of plainey and greg saying they've "considered" dating her… kinda hard to paint sarah as the manipulator.
They're both in deep shit if she is deciding to press charges.
No. 692165
>>692155it took him some time to lash out at Ayalla at first. He's got to think of some way to discredit sarah further before he responds.
If sarah keeps talking, I am sure it wont be long before we hear Grugly making a video about "this person who we gave a home"
No. 692175
>>692111Sarah was a minor when she was groomed. No one apart from Onion fans would
victim blame her.
No. 692177
File: 1566404728787.png (331.92 KB, 631x761, The true victim.png)
>A lot of people take what I say personally and I don't like that. It would be nice if I could just say things and everyone would be chill about it, but I'm pretty aggressive in my opinions and people for some reason don't like allowing that.
>Sometimes I forget it's like 2019. It's not 2012 anymore. Like in 2012 I could say my opinions with out everyone trying to destroy my whole lively hood or otherwise put my whole life upside down.
>It just seems so evil because your talking about a person that has an opinion or has lived something you don't understand. Like me talking about my experiences and having bad experiences, when I say 'hey, I went through this really bad thing' that shouldn't turn into we should destroy this guys life. It's not my fault that things happen to me. It's my fault that, you know, if I punch someone - I get punched back, right? If I directly punch them, I say so and so is a whatever, I specifically and directly punch, I get punched back it makes sense. Basically he's upset that people have been reporting his twitter and patreon.
No. 692178
Did Sarah's birthday already pass? I know it's in August but I can't find what day it is. Because I'm wondering if they reached out to her on her birthday and that's what got this whole things started. It's a total tinfoil but I wonder if Grug and Taylor were trying to reconnect by doing something for her birthday and then possibly initiate a relationship again but they found out she smokes weed now (maybe for her BPD) and it caused this shit storm. Because I know she has talked about having BPD but I don't remember her ever being a stoner. However this
>>692141 is pretty good confirmation that she smokes.
This whole thing is very reminiscent of Billie and how Jimmy sperged forever about her weed smoking because he had no control over it and used it as a way to paint her like some dirty drug addict. They kept reaching out to her after they broke up too, so who knows what kind of creepy shit they have sent Sara: "Kai misses you…she can't stop dreaming of you uwu".
No. 692186
>>692177>It's not my fault stuff happens to me uwu Holy shit a 33 year old man is saying this kek. Yes it is Jimmy. It's all your fault and you have nobody to blame but yourself. People can have opinions about your opinions, if you want to speak your idiotic "truth" to somebody without consequences social media isn't the fucking place Megamind.
>>692180Thanks anon
No. 692214
>>692209i'm not sure what dirt he could have that would be worse than anything she could share on him. She was a child during her stay there. Anything questionable she might have done could be chalked up to being young, stupid, and manipulated. She'd have to have done something pretty bad to make it worth keeping your silence.
What else could there be? Mental health issues? so what? it's common to share your struggles with mental health these days. She'd just get even more support.
Family issues? No big deal. She's a child and can't help if her family is fucked up.
No. 692225
>>692214I agree but it doesn't make dealing with Jimmy's shitty retaliation tactics easier to deal with. I think back to Ayalla's break down over using her in his battles with Richie and Billie, she has BPD too and it obviously took a toll on her mental health despite the support she was getting.
It's not even Jimmy she should be focusing her attention on: it should be Taylor. Taylor was the one grooming her to come be involved in her fucked up marriage when she was supposed to be acting as her guardian. She flirted with her, allowed her to be bullied by her creepy ass husband, made her apologize for God knows what with a fucking ring of all things, and kicked her ass back to the home she was supposedly trying to rescue her from when the pressure to hold up their "NO DANGER TO MINORS HERE" act got to be too much. Fuck Jimmy and his retardation, it's time Taylor started reaping her karma.
No. 692235
>>692229He can still be charged with abuse even if he wasn't the guardian. He failed to report abuse of a foster child and facilitated said
abusive relationship. And he was the one who lied to the cops when they showed up for a well visit for sarah back in late 2016
No. 692262
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>>692177>It's not my fault stuff happens to me And there you have it, a variation of the Narcissist's Prayer. And he wonders why we call him a narcissist.
No. 692264
File: 1566429283631.png (532.03 KB, 928x354, yikes.png)

No. 692305
>>692293Which would explain her inching towards spilling the beans on them after Taylor led her on for years and pretty much forcing Sarah to do sexual things with her ugly husband just to have her. I'm surprised she kept her sanity intact after all of that. Now she's friends with Billie, someone else who escaped them. I doubt Onion is going to back down for long. He'll be sperging about it soon enough because he's an idiot.
>>692302Nobody gives a shit about Repzion.
No. 692307
>>692305…she's lived with him since she was 14
there's no way he wouldn't get into legal trouble
i really hope she didn't do things with grease
that's fucking beyond gross
No. 692309
>>692291I think so, honestly. She moved back in with them for a few months shortly after she turned 18. Tinfoil, but I think they were trying a weird poly thing, or at least Kainey and Sarah were doing weird shit, but kind of like with Billie where they would just cuddle and awkwardly kiss, but then Grot wanted to insert himself as usual and make it sexual, Sarah said no, and she was kicked out for the last time.
They knew that they were being called out for grooming allegations, so they kept it under wraps, barely featuring her in videos or talking about her at all. But yeah, the matching banners, I forgot about that, too.
No. 692316
>>692307if she decided to press charges he would absolutely be found guilty. there's way too much evidence against him, and a lot of is is all over the internet publicly. billie and ayalla would probably testify against him, maybe even other exes.
it might be better for her sanity to just leave it alone, but it sure would be nice if a lawsuit happened. at the very least i'm sure she could get a judge to rule that greg can't talk about her in videos.
No. 692318
File: 1566444080570.png (75.6 KB, 663x439, gregg.png)

>>692307>>692310>>692312>>692313this screenshot is old; just bringing it up for relevance, but if this turns out to be true, that is disgusting tbh. i hope a shitstorm comes his way
No. 692325
>>692321This is different. They (Taylor and Sarah) seemed to stop being friends over what happened.
Tinfoil: Greg and Taylor changed their legal names because of this.
No. 692328
>>692321This doesn't seem fake like that was. Especially because it's not only a touchy subject, but people who used to be held hostage in their house is getting involved. It's still creepy to think about Ayalla and Billie having to try to sneak away in the middle of the night and Greg trying to convince them to stay in an
abusive household when he caught them. How fucked up are your hosts/boyfriend/girlfriends when you have to sneak away in the middle of the night?
No. 692358
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No. 692359
File: 1566450492871.jpeg (850.6 KB, 1125x1887, 5EE5B416-69D1-4BA2-9081-C330C0…)

>>692358He’s really trying to silence her with “kindness”.
No. 692361
>>692359enough with the passive aggressive tweets and JUST SAY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
No. 692363
>>692361This isn't about you and your obsession with milk. Why should Sarah care about you needing drama?
It's up to her if she wants to spill. I hope she does since it would bring a lot of justice to both her and the way other people have been hurt by that household.
But I promise you that your own thirst will never be important in anyone's life.
Just show support, and if milk happens do be it. But it's way way less important than Sarah safely getting away from those abusers and healing. That's the highest priority.
No. 692366
>>692365Saying she owes it to the world is Gregthink.
Sarah can talk when she's ready. She's had years of manipulation at the hands of these two and talking about it must feel like a big fucking step. I hope she does do it though, for her own sake.
Everyone already knows Greg's a lecherous shitstain, this would only add to his terrible reputation, not make or break it. But Lainey would finally join him in the public's eyes.
No. 692368
File: 1566453144693.jpg (36.78 KB, 602x295, malkpleathe.JPG)

>>692359some tweets from before that I didn't see get posted.
The top tweet sounds like she's replying indirectly via twitter to whatever it is lainey/greg are trying to speak to her about.
No. 692452
>>692363Agreed anon. It would do a lot of good but at the end of the day people aren't obligated to publicly expose their abusers and some prefer to do it in private. I have a feeling she told them to fuck off recently and Jimmy John is trying to
trigger a response from her so he can have another subject to randomly bring up when he's bored. Lord knows he only has 5 topics to sperg about. It's obvious him and Complainey only kept her around as a plan Z at most. Her not coming back and not engaging past a few memes and vague tweets instead of talking to them directly must really be sinking in how Jimothy really has no power over anyone outside of the trailer park.
No. 692456
>>692453Agreed… I think 90% of the Sarah situation is on Taylor, as she started the whole thing. Greg wanted a part of it because he utterly can't stand Taylor to have something that is hers alone (a relationship, friends, whatever… he has to be part of it). But Taylor is the one who befriended Sarah at a very young age, and she is the one who followed through on the friendship and took advantage of a person she knew to be very vulnerable. And Taylor was not a child when she did all that, she was a married adult with a child of her own at that point.
This not to say that the part that Greg played in all this isn't awful and terrible– but it evolved into awful and terrible shit from him
because of events and things that Taylor put into play.
No. 692457
>>692453>>692432How do you get all of that from "The ex was Greg?"
There's no doubt that Taylor and Greg groomed her. No one is doubting that, but there's a good chance that it was only Greg and Sarah dating based on how her tweets and likes from her friends
only mention him.
No. 692481
>>692457Simple, the ex-girlfriends rarely go after Plainey, they only go after Greg even though his wife is the one who lured them in. They should both be held over the fire to roast, but most of the time Plainey escapes the heat.
No. 692540
>>692453And we all know greg can't have a conversation about other people's genuine thoughts, beliefs, and passions. She is literally starved from joyful mental connections, that she can't find it inappropriate whatsoever to have befriended a 14 year old when she was in her 20s.
>>692457Sarah has more than hinted to not liking greg over the years, hell I'd even say she hated him. The "Dat booty tho" situation highlighted her discomfort with him. She definitely saw him as an eventuality if it meant being with lainey. She's probably one of the few girls to have actually wanted lainey, not greg.
No. 692546
>>692430The really funny thing is how true this tweet is
>>692074 A lot of girls like to do the "well look at me now!" but in Sarah's case it's fucking justify rather than just satisfying. He did treat Sarah like shit (for the pedo reasons he listed) and did a 180 when he realized she was not only groomed, but suddenly grew into her body and matched a lot of the qualities. Sarah was NOT an early bloomer and looked child like instead of like a teenager. I wonder how pissed greg is now that he could have had a pretty girl like her but fucked it up? Greg is only getting flabbier and his skin isn't getting better nor his finances.
No. 692558
>>692141These are all things Greg said. If Lainey said anything he’d make sure to through her opinion about stoners too. Just to hurt Sarah even more. It’s been said on more than one occasion that Sarah has feelings for Greg and Lainey when she was a child. The infamous “the feeling he gives me when he comforts me” or something along those lines was posted when she first lived with them.
No. 692642
File: 1566537308859.jpeg (269.1 KB, 996x2047, 208FEC95-3808-4375-AA85-1CB405…)

Greg shows his hypocritical retardation again with this tweet nestled in amongst rants about eating meat. Eating meat isn’t illegal so……
No. 692660
File: 1566543510629.jpeg (75.96 KB, 1242x583, B1F610DC-7565-41E7-8A69-5FC7EF…)

Sarah just posted..
No. 692663
>>692655This is all misinformation. Sarah was not a fan at 11 as lainey was not known in 2011 when sarah was 11.She became a fan when she was 13/14.
Her parents did not kick her out for being LGBT. Her mother was fine with it. Sarah left because someone in the home was
abusive and her mother was a drunk who didnt care that her daughter moved in with virtual strangers from the internet
No. 692665
>>692660Ah, so he is avoiding the issue in public, but harasses her in private.
This trailer trash always goes for the most classless possible thing to do.
No. 692670
>>692660Holyshit, what an absolute scumlord. Also to note, maybe this belongs in Taylors' thread but,where is the support from that "parent"?
Fucking a real doll (we all saw the easy access hard on tucked into the elastic waistband of his pants) now harassing a teenager. Either he is done or we are looking at the beginning of a fine milkmas.
No. 692673
>>692642even if sarah did consent at 18, does he really not think it's wrong to be in a relationship with someone he knew since she was 14 years old? assuming this is about sarah at least.
imagine being in your 30s and wanting to have sex with a teenager. he's so gross and embarrassing
No. 692676
>>692673He really doesn't.
As long as it's the law, it's fine under his morals.
If he wanted his way, he could have just let Lainey do her thing with Sarah and maybe he could of gotten his greasy peen wet. But he is a horny imbecile and can't wait. He always scares away potential trinity members like Maya etc, because he forces shit too fast. And in the case of girls that like him more than Lainey like Billie and Sam, he uses/flirts with and gets rid of because he can't get a threesome out of of it.
Like if you don't fuck him straight away he gets butthurt and acts rejected, and if they like Lainey more, it's the same deal.
It's pretty insane though that he thinks it's okay to fuck her despite knowing her at 14.
That's Woody Allen shit.
Also hilarious he is probably mad she doesn't wanna fuck him even though he called her plain and ugly and talked to her like shit the whole time she was a kid. He mocked her constantly when Billie was around. He's probably giving her an ultimatum, either HE comes with Lainey, or you get nothing at all.
What a fucking creep.
No. 692680
>>692677YES! He berated her, made fun of her, constantly insulted her ADMITTEDLY to keep her from dEvElOpInG fEeLiNgS for him. Nobody thinks this way!
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 692691
>>686681Did she have short hair when she lived in the shack and mcmansion? That would explain her post about finding her cute now that she has long hair.
Did creepy fuck msg her about how hot she looks now?
No. 692697
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>>692691there’s a huge physical difference.
No. 692705
>>692673The whole reason Lainey stopped livestreaming and using the laineybot twitter was because she was getting accusations of being a groomer. A lot of people are aware of why Sarah was there, and the muddiness of her being jealous about Billie too, and all the miserable faces she pulled when Greg was flirting with Billie on camera.
After the whole day booty tho thing, Sarah was too controversial for them to discuss publicaly and Lainey was getting called out for grooming her.
This has just all been bubbling up.
No. 692707
>>692691She's been with them since she styled herself. There were videos of her with them with long ombre hair, and not looking like a young teen. Iirc there were a lot of close ups on her almost to flaunt how cute their conquest was.
Think it's fair to presume Sarah is out of there league and she knows it.
No. 692731
>>692686Pretty much. It's how we can tell who he wants to fuck cause he makes it extremely obvious by denying it in a way that makes people question it. He over-explains when he's lying.
>>692660Can't get more obvious than this.
No. 692737
>>692660Not to kiss ass, but this made me go check how she looks now and I can 100% see why they were trying to pressure her back in. She went from looking like an average plain jane nobody to looking like a cute voluptuous teen like the type he faps to during rate videos
She's come off as weak minded many times in the past, so I hope she manages to hold onto her common sense this time around. Greg has already set up the blame trap. Next he'll probably start luring her back to his place with promises that he'll play nice if she just comes back one last time to come see LainyIsCrying and support her during her tough and lonely transition. Then once she's there, he'll call her every name in the book, dip his dick in, then present his favorite ultimatum which is "shave your head and stay here forever as my fuck doll or else I'll tell the whole world every dark secret you've ever told me and lainey". The man is an absolute predator.
If she were really on top of it, she'd post what he was sending to the public not only to show the world he's still a monster, but also to show him that he no longer possess any kind of control over her. because no matter what, he's GOING to air every thing she's ever said and make her his next target. It's just a matter of whether she plays his games first or not.
No. 692742
>>692737That’s because she was a child and most children look normal or plain before the really get into self expression in their teens and early adulthood, which is totally normal.
She supported them through a lot but so did Madison until she got burned. I hope she stays away and really hope she takes some kind of legal action. She must know that the abuse will continue. She probably still cares for Lainey and their kids but must know that that’s all be better off without Greg verbally and emotionally abusing them while trying to bring in teen girlfriends even now.
Isn’t she a lesbian too? I hope so because then she will really want nothing to do with the husband duo.
Greg is probably regretting privating his Twitter so he can’t blast his timeline with passive aggressive stuff lol.
No. 692746
>>692743No one knows for sure but knowing Greg, he probably started posting the anti-weed/BPD stuff after something went down with Sarah in private as that is his MO.
There's a thread with a long timeline of all the drama that says Sarah was in and out of their house/good graces a lot but they always tried to downplay it.
No. 692747
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>>692743I’m fairly certain that she’s either been visiting on the down low until recently or she moved to Washington as we know she had been wanting to move there anyway. It would explain why they kept the bed in the basement that they set up for her in the first place.
I say so because the park in pic related is a park in Puyallup where they used to live. Granted it’s a relatively generic name for a park, but looking at it in google maps the background seems to match. So as much as everyone involved wants everyone else to think they’ve been out of touch for months, I don’t think that’s the case.
No. 692755
>>692747God I hope she's not still staying there. I'm getting so tired of him pumping and dumping teens who are warned a million times not to go. If you know they're so
abusive maybe stop being their personal cumrag or whatever you are to them??
No. 692758
File: 1566588567597.png (1.16 MB, 1193x960, oh no.png)

>>692747Lainey was visiting family. So Sarah was alone. With Greg. Something happened.
>>692755She's not. She was visiting Lake Michigan when she was subtweeting Greg.
No. 692759
File: 1566590121676.png (Spoiler Image,1.19 MB, 1468x596, Untitled-2.png)

Going to go ahead and assume Sarah got her new tattoo with Lainey too. The shading style is the exact same.
(spoiler bc large image)
No. 692767
>>692759I could have sworn that Lainey pointed this tattoo out and either said it didn't have a meaning or that she doesn't feel the need to discuss the meaning of every little tattoo she gets. Does anyone else remember them? I'm trying to find the video she might have talked about it.
And to clarify I'm not saying you're wrong anon just kinda sounds like a coverup story or a sore subject for Lame.
No. 692769
File: 1566592354088.jpeg (422.2 KB, 1125x837, 843C0288-F2B5-421B-94C1-BF8C60…)

>>692764Don’t have access to Lainey’s but here’s Greg’s.
No. 692770
File: 1566592384576.jpeg (91.02 KB, 1125x317, 4EC12918-508A-49C4-9E60-C6B42A…)

>>692769Hopefully this can help with a timeline.
No. 692812
>>692769>>692770Thank you anon! You're the best!
>>692772Yeah, that's also what kinda rubs me the wrong way. Should he really have learned and keeps (parts of) his private life secret now?
>>692759Interesting. I vaguely remember Greg / James write to one of the girls who stayed with the Avaroes / Jacksons about being their life boat or something along those lines.
If Lainey and Sarah really got their tattoos together, I hope the boat was Sarah's choice, and Sarah's only.
No. 692816
>>692747that was pretty recent. I'm guessing she stayed there one last time and some serious shit went down. maybe greg gave her the ultimatum of "both or neither of us" and she bailed. maybe being in college around other adults has made her realize how ridiculous they are when she went back. who knows?
I'm fairly certain this time it's for real though. she's never even really hinted at exposing them, probably scared of losing lainey's trust for good. whatever happened really knocked some sense into her
No. 692818
>>692769Leave selfharmers alone, Greg, you piece of shit. They need therapy and compassion and not your gaslighting.
It's disgusting how he exploits mentally ill (and usually young) people for youtube bucks and to present himself as a caring individual when he's anything but.
No. 692843
>>692747Even if you pretend all the creepy grooming and barely legal wasn't in the cards, she's more gurgs type than lame at any point.
Not that divorce gate is going to happen, because then he's have to pay child support.
I really hope she's learned what
abusive children those two are, and stays away if nothing else.
No. 692865
File: 1566607942655.png (1.28 MB, 1106x980, views and uploads.png)

>>692847There is a small chance but in the past they usually tried to stir up the drama for those sweet views so I really doubt it. With Jimmy's twitter being private and his not uploading regularly it doesn't seem like that is the case. He has always put out multiple videos daily but lately it has just been the podcast with Lainey, somethings up.
No. 692871
>>69275Horrifying tinfoil:
Remember when onion compared one of the potential 'trinity'
victims (luxymoo?) to a boat that left the onions to drown [bc she didn't want gurgs micropeen] and how they desperately
needed their third to be the boat that saved them instead??
The farms remembers
No. 692888
>>692854Not the same anon this reply was to, but it's absurd to think there's any milk yet when no one has yet to directly confirm there was a fall out. Ayalla, Lane, and the Twitter Anti-O's could very well be jumping to conclusions, and it's a possibility that Sarah and the Onions could have schemed all this up for their own jollies. I'm not saying that scenario is what's going on for a fact, but most of the thread has become speculation.
We'll just have to keep an eye on the situation for now.
No. 692901
>>692847I don't know, I feel like in the past lainey and sarah have been the one instigating that stuff, and lainey doesn't even seem to care about youtube or social media in general anymore. I'm not sure what she would gain out of it.
regardless, it doesn't seem like she's going to spill anything. I think she's just kind of venting and maybe trying to freak greg out a little. I doubt she wants to get dragged back into their bullshit now that she has school and a job to focus on
No. 692903
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No. 692905
>>692903A set up for who? The haterz or Lainey and Greg pretending they cared about her and didn’t want to sleep with her?
Yikes if this is supposed to be a joke she’s in on with Lainey or something.
No. 692914
>>692903Also, she's making it obvious that she's currently lurking here since her tweet is a response to what's been said here.
If you have something to say to us Sarah, just say it and stop pussy-footing.
No. 692918
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No. 692920
File: 1566615223644.png (32.53 KB, 596x267, Screenshot at Aug 24 04-54-12.…)

It's going down
No. 692923
>>692920If this is true and Lainey STILL stays with him…like…
I’m sorry you had to deal with Greg though, Sarah. He really is horrible.
No. 692925
File: 1566615431370.png (278.16 KB, 591x589, vhOCSeJ.png)

Sarah liked the tweets
No. 692927
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No. 692928
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No. 692934
File: 1566615809980.jpeg (283.21 KB, 1242x538, F2C07EF1-7C65-40C2-9677-A06AFD…)

No. 692938
>>692933When did he go private again? Do you think he did that in anticipation of the backlash he knew he would get when this eventually came out?
Ironically he was so aggressively trying to play this down with his “people with bpd will like and ruin innocent lives uwu” that it blew up. I’m glad he got outted though. I hope we get more details because the more that’s out there the less of a leg he has to stand on.
No. 692940
>>692934So was this a trinity part two or did this happen when Lainey was away? Either way she was clearly complicit and I’m glad Lane is pointing that out.
I’m still confused though, isn’t she gay? I really hope not or that’s just another shit later on this shit cake.
>>692937Honestly what can he say though? He’s SO in the wrong on this one that I feel like he might just tuck his tail between his legs and shut up. I wonder if he’s taking heat from Lainey too or she was so in on it that she isn’t even mad.
No. 692943
>>692940I think Sarah would have done anything for Plainey, even if that meant touching her husband's vienna sausage. Plainey of course repaid Sarah by being an emotionally
abusive cunt.
No. 692948
>>692925Shout out to Ayalla for helping so many girls find their voice and get away from Greg and Lainey. You da real mvp.
>>692946Anyone have backups of all the incriminating stuff he’s done in videos? I wouldn’t be surprised if he went on a deleting spree like he did when he was outted for his kitty stash on his forums.
No. 692952
File: 1566617076770.jpeg (260.88 KB, 750x670, 30C71F91-F7E2-4396-97AC-8C832C…)

No. 692953
>>692940it sounds like the same thing that everyone who’s been to that house has gone through: Sarah was 14 and only interested in adult aged Kainey, Kainey groomed Sarah for years for the sake of Jimmy’s trinity bullshit while telling Sarah that it was only going to be the two of them together, Jimmy got involved and fucked/possibly forced Sarah into sex, Sarah was uncomfortable and was told either she has to include Jimmy in their fuck fests or she doesn’t get to be with Kainey at all.
It’s an ongoing cycle with girls who are solely interested in Kai/Lainey/Taylor, for them to be told in order to be Kai/Lainey/Taylor, they MUST be attracted to Jimbo/must be willing to fuck him and it’s sad for her to think that she was any different.
sage for tinfoil/theory
No. 692955
File: 1566617103522.png (455.04 KB, 2048x697, Screenshot_20190823-222309.png)

Ayalla, luxy and lane made tweets about basically the same time. Makes me think these girls have had a private message going and planned to drop this bomb. Basically it's real. But it's refreshing to see these girls stand strong together.
No. 692957
>>692951I’d believe it. I don’t think Lainey would admit to not knowing about it though even if she didn’t just to save face and not have to acknowledge that she’s been cheated on multiple times now by Greg and not the “other person only”
My tinfoil is that he invited her to come visit Lainey but aligned the schedule with when Lainey was out and talked her into (coerced) a sexual relationship, probably promising that Lainey was into it and when she got home they could all be together.
No. 692958
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No. 692964
File: 1566617641169.jpg (73.68 KB, 849x421, ayalla.jpg)

Adding this here as well as Lainey's thread since I found it in the replies to Ayalla's tweet. No idea if this person knows it for sure or not.
No. 692966
File: 1566617706510.jpg (505.32 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190823-203353_Chr…)

i hope this is the beginning of the end for this piece of shit. he belongs in jail.
No. 692969
File: 1566617779098.jpg (54.39 KB, 438x749, 2019-08-23_23-36-57.jpg)

This is getting so good.
No. 692972
>>692968God bless this solidarity. These girls be really going through it.
I wonder if they’ll do a YouNow or something.
No. 692979
File: 1566618639766.png (170.97 KB, 546x511, 1oTJlJ6.png)

Went to check if he was already dishing out damage control on his safe space and here we are
No. 692986
>>692972It's good that Sarah is doing this with their support since Greg is going to go all out to assassinate her personality any minute now. She needs that backup.
Meanwhile Lainey somewhere "where's myyy supppooort". You're not gonna get any.
No. 692993
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lane posted kai’s new super duper secret twitter account, i’m living for this. kai is just as disgusting as james/greg
No. 693007
>>692986Lmao he’s going to try to smear her but honestly no one’s on his side anymore. He doesn’t control hordes of 12 year olds like he did in 2009. Everyone is going to be on Sara’s side because he very obviously groomed her and fucked her over. People may have been on Lainey’s side after cuddlegate but after she screwed every girl over after that and now this? No one is going to believe either of them.
Nothing they could say could be worse than what they clearly got caught doing. Horrible people.
No. 693011
>>693000Anon said here
>>692985 that it's an unrelated response to a question from his forum
No. 693016
>>692989This is Onision we're talking about, who once made a video calling out Andy Biersack for wanting to hang out with his friends and family instead of collabing with him. It's fairly rare that he ever has an actual reason to fly off the handle. But I wouldn't be surprised if Sarah decided that she no longer wanted in on the trinity after having sex with him.
Tinfoiling here: Sarah probably told Greg that she wasn't interested in having sex with him before the alleged sex took place, and eventually she felt cornered and coerced in the situation, like AJ did during her brief relationship with the doofus. Sarah also has a potential case for child grooming and sexual coercion, if she wanted to go to the police. Or she could tell Twitter. Greg probably wanted to gaslight her into silence and make Sarah think that her weed-induced BPD made her delusional.
But fuck him and fuck Kai.
No. 693027
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billie is liking tweets, i hope her and sarah get on good terms. sarah was kai’s personal fly on the wall since the beginning and they seemed to get along well living with the onions
No. 693029
>>693024Seeing as she doesn't even take testosterone or any kind of medication for transition, she'll be put in a women's prison for sure.
Either that or she'll have to be monitored from home with an anklet tracker and no access to the internet.
No. 693033
>>693027I don't think Billie was on bad terms with Sarah ever. I think she realised the power they had over her and couldn't really do anything until Sarah realised herself.
Also Billie has more deals and stuff as an influencer so usually Ayallah makes the videos and tweets and she just likes them. I have no doubt she's all for it, but just doesn't like to talk about it on her social media. Like Ayallah's video is still there but Billie's one about Greg, she took down really quickly. I feel like Billie is kind of shy if that makes sense.
No. 693034
File: 1566620828685.png (292.5 KB, 615x534, you never loved them anyways.p…)

>>692979 all know he makes videos that are vaguely related to whats going on in his life so although it isn't directly about Sarah, some of the things he says may be telling.
It's really short an annoying but here is a bit of a summary:
"I want to be with one man until death, but I understand that humans aren't meant to be monogamous and it makes relationships hard" Jokes about how he's poly so that gives him the authority to give advice in regards to monogamy. Also calls the writer a 'wanna be slut' and a 'whore'.
"and it makes relationships challenging, that love sometimes fades or stops,"
>Yeah, that's because you find out who they are and your like wait a minute. I don't want to be with this person, they smoke crack and have sex with goats. But it's okay because you didn't really love them in the first place because you didn't know who they really were. No. 693038
>>693034Thanks so much anon!!
Ofc he couldn’t stay faithful. Taylor thought she could say they should just be with each other and that would be enough but ofc there was no way he could put that genie back in the bottle. Deny him a third by not dating anyone anymore? Well, he’ll just have to sleep with someone who will because he’s groomed them over a period of years since they were a child and totally betray their trust.
No. 693044
>>693041That video was definitely a dig at Sarah. I felt sick watching it because almost all of the girls were 18 to 23 and she went on about liking short girls.
Yuck yuck yuck.
Fuck an adult for once.
Greg said a couple of videos ago his favourite thing about Lainey is that she likes girls and she laughed and called him rude. What's the bet she secretly fucks these girls and they film it for gurg to watch. Or he watches through a peephole in his swamp shack.
No. 693047
File: 1566622819648.jpg (390.85 KB, 674x800, onision deathproof.jpg)

For those who have never seen the movie, it's about a group of women who get revenge on a sadistic man after he tries to murder them with his car.
Let me know if you have suggestions for how I can improve this image.
No. 693050
>>693047Love this movie and HOLY shit what a good choice. It fits the onion narrative so well.
You could alter the silhouettes slightly without giving full on features. Like Sin city style.
Blue hair on one, glasses on another ect.
No. 693051
>>693048There's enough silhouettes there to put a bunch of girl's heads on.
Blaire white, Shannon, Lucinda ect. Was going to include Jaclyn, but that bitch flip flops on everything Greg related.
No. 693053
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No. 693056
>>693052Same anon.
He's always been a creeper and predator but I never thought he would got there because although he's dumb as fuck, I thought he had placed Sarah in the too hard basket. Like after he got all that heat over grooming allegations, I thought he would have dropped it but instead he pursued it. And I know Sarah is trying to make a joke of it, but I feel really bad for her. Imagine losing your virginity to that disgustng monster. He was God awful to her growing up.
I feel sick thinking about that old tweet about him saying goodnight to her where he likened himself to squidward and her to spongebob.
No. 693058
>>693054It's easy to travel these days and they could probably inform the FBI since his shady deeds go across state lines and in another occasion, the border.
>>693053His NDAs don't mean shit and I highly doubt it got a lawyer to make it legit.
No. 693061
>>693058Lmao could you imagine that meeting? Yeah, could you help me draw up a contract to keep my adopted foster child quiet about the kind of sex we have together? Don’t worry, she will be legally of age, I’m not a weirdo or anything.
I do feel bad for Sarah for having to go through this but the good news is she got away and without getting pregnant, which I’m sure Greg would have loved. She’s got a supportive group of friends. She’ll come out on the other side better off.
No. 693063
>>693053>>693058This could be why Sarah won't come out and say anything herself and instead posted memes of herself at a courthouse. Maybe she's actually getting the law involved, but still wanted to utilize the onion slayers to spill the milk in the meantime?
I can't wait to see what comes from this whole shitshow. I feel so bad for Sarah though, being groomed by these sick fucks since she was an actual child? Absolutely disgusting, but we all had our suspicions.
No. 693064
>>693061He would be laughed out of the office and met by the police outside.
If she signed it when she was a minor then it definitely doesn't matter now.
No. 693068
>>693008While the NDA is absolutely not something that can be held up,
I don't think there's much if any legal recourse that can be done unless gurg or lame were sexual with Sara before she was 18.
I say this because I recall Lame tweeting something about how no papers about guardian ship were signed, and gurg putting emphasis that he wasn't her guardian. This was around the time people were first speculating hard that they were being fishy with Sara, and that they were trying to hide the fact that she was living with them. (Way after Billie gate. I want to say…6-8mo ago?)
Can't say it might not matter, but she'd have to speak with a lawyer who's educated in local and federal law regarding minors, sexual exploitation, and guardianship because of the above.
No. 693069
>>693062so, while Billie is legally bound from speaking up, Sarah can go off and put the Onion family in jail?
Thank you for the explanation, anon.
No. 693074
>>693069I don't think his agreements are legally binding at all. But maybe Bilbo
thinks they are hence she always likes tweets and Ayallah does her talking for her.
I get what you are saying but that's not what I meant anon
No. 693076
>>693072Get sleep!
I do think if it looks okay to identifying symbols rather than faces if possible. I just feel like they don’t need to be dragged into it that way if it’s possible to not, you know?
No. 693078
File: 1566625314558.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.15 KB, 600x280, lainey.jpg)

>>693071I wonder if anyone can cite the law this anon mentions
>>692229 that supposedly prohibits sexual relations between legal guardians and their wards until the child turns 21?
>>693047You forgot Haylee/Luxymoo. Is Lainey the unwitting/dumb blonde Rose McGowan character that
he traps in the car with him and kills? No. 693080
>>693079All that shit he would have done would be to test the waters. He pushed his boundaries with her.
Wouldn't be surprised if he tried to test the waters with Ayallah in subtle ways before he realised she was never gonna go there.
No. 693082
File: 1566625606312.jpg (13.33 KB, 628x115, 2019-08-24_01-47-28.jpg)

They must be blowing up her phone.
No. 693083
>>693078Hahahaha fuck now I just keep likening characters to the people in this whole saga.
Ayallah and Billie are like the Kiwi stunt double and her sassy black friend. Sarah would be like the cheerleader girl that gets left at the hillbillies house.
It's bizarre too because Blaire white actually kind of looks like the Arlene character from the movie.
Anyways, I think the deathproof anon is genius and I vote it for next thread pic.
No. 693084
I hope she keeps ignoring them. They fucked her over so bad. They will try to bully her or make her feel sympathy for them but they did this to themselves plain and simple.
He wants to fuck teens and not deal with the consequences? Lainey wants to bait someone into a relationship so her husband that she loves more than anyone (and she shows it) can get his rocks off with someone who trusted her? Nope.
Be honest Greg. Don’t hide or lie or minimize. You did this.
No. 693088
>>693082Sarah has the one advantage none of the other girls had: She's been there for so long and has witnessed all of their relationships and friendships fall apart, all the legal threats, and that none of them led
anywhere. She knows the ins and outs of his bluffs. She might have gotten duped into the relationship or sex or whatever it was because she thought that she truly would be the exception, but now she sees that she ended up the exact same way as all the other friends and partners who were ever "dumped" and she knows shit-all ever happened to them outside of some salty tweets and videos. He raised her to be his perfect enemy, I just hope she realizes that.
No. 693090
>>693085Did Greg too? He was the only one we know was physical with her.
I also really hope some of the former stuff is cleared up now that Sara isn’t brainwashed and can tell the honest truth. I was rewatching Lainey’s old stream about the grooming and she kept stating that they never had a relationship with her when she was a minor (very careful wording). When did Lainey take a bath in front of Sar? Only when she was 18? If there’s any inappropriate behavior when she was a minor I hope it comes out of better yet doesn’t but is brought to court.
Speaking of the onions. Are they on vacation? Has anyone seen anything from them? When’s their next scheduled patreon interaction?
No. 693091
>>693087They would most likely get charged since Sarah would have a lot of evidence of their grooming her. Way more than we would, so let's not lose faith yet.
>>693088Exactly what I mean. She pretty much knows all of their secrets and can spill. She probably already did when she went to the courthouse.
No. 693094
>>693088I agree. Sarah has lasted even longer than Madison. She's seen Lainey's pregnancy, she's been there for the Billie thing, like the whole nine yards.
I liked it when Shiloh and Madison hung out but Ayallah and Sarah pairing up is fire to the onions.
What's the bet Greg and Lainey are telling her that's she's ruining their kid's lives?
No. 693099
>>693090they’re presumably hiding and laying low on social media. People are posting stuff from discord, so if either of them said anything, it’ll be immediately posted on twitter.
Lainey is supposed to be on vacation in New Mexico, visiting family while Greg is watching the kids at home, but if
>>693082 is anything to go by, they’re blowing up Sarah’s phone still.
No. 693103
>>693089They both make me nauseous but there’s something extra disgusting about Lainey and her fake vulnerable soft boi act. This whole time she masqueraded as a shy lonely misunderstood emo plz love me uwu! to get attention from girls for her own pathetic ego and so her Neanderthal husband wouldn’t leave her. She will show no emotion or remorse about it because Greg did the exact thing to her and she enjoyed it. She’s a worthless shell with no grip on reality or morals, only doing what benefits her just like Greg/James does.
Maybe they will turn on each other and try to blame the other for everything….Actually, I can see this going there since neither of them can ever face anything. inb4 “i don’t control Greg!!!” Fuck you just as much Kai Jackson Taylor Elaine Avaroe. Now all of the sudden name changes make sense.
No. 693106
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>>693068>>693085>>693086Old milk but relevant:, please look up what legal rights Kai had when they had when they were your guardian.
No. 693107
>>693105I'm hoping she says 'lol be mad'
That would fucking make my day.
No. 693109
>>693106"Her mom trusts me to take care of her…and fuck her. With my husband."
>>693107I know you're lurking Sarah, please say lol be mad!
No. 693113
>>693112Ayalla is a bad bitch lmao
she knocked a lot of sense into Billie when she was getting manipulated by Grease, and is a big reason as to why Billie got away, and i recall watching a vid where she claimed greg wanted to fuck Sarah and greg responded by calling her a "pervert" but now look where we are
No. 693114
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>>693107LMFAO, YOU CALLED IT! she's really lurking huh
No. 693115
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No. 693117
File: 1566628107517.jpeg (37.32 KB, 640x430, F8FBFEE1-68C1-466C-9705-517E92…)

>>693107Sarah if you start a go fund me for legal battles I’ll donate
No. 693118
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No. 693121
File: 1566628166686.jpg (74.03 KB, 750x423, 1557441921180.jpg)

>>693114She's about to turn a white onion into a red one, she's great hahaha
No. 693126
File: 1566628629949.jpg (13.6 KB, 800x156, 2019-08-24_02-37-42.jpg)

>>693125>>693124Ayalla retweeted it
No. 693129
>>693128Omfg I love them all!
Actually laughing right now.
The Avaroes/Jacksons are fucked.
Team Billie/Sarah/Ayallah
No. 693131
>>693117Same here.
Sarah and co, if you provide the proof on the gofundme that you are indeed doing something legally, I will chip in money for the case.
No. 693132
File: 1566628997620.png (2.04 MB, 1152x2048, ECtI69KWsAA4v-Z.png)

a quick edit
No. 693135
>>693129On the one hand I hope Sarah isn't too traumatized and I genuinely don't want to make like of a
victim of grooming
On the other hand,
I'm so sorry that Sarah had to take the pig in a blanket
No. 693140
>>693135Having to see Greg's minidick is traumatizing alone. Sarah has a pretty good support system to get her through the trauma of having him all over her.
>>693139Might wanna throw a spoiler on that, anon
No. 693141
>>693135>>693131she deserves compensation just for having to have his 2-inch-wonder anywhere near her
can you imagine how disgusting that is
No. 693142
File: 1566629289853.gif (Spoiler Image,1.84 MB, 300x367, 19912443.gif)

all of us right motherfucking now!
No. 693146
>>693126I’m loving their united front and the support system they’ve formed. I’m guessing Sk has put everything completely behind her given that she’s not even on the internet anymore, but it’s nice that her and Sh are getting some long deserved retribution for being his abuse
victims at times where he had hoards of fans supporting him that he could send after them.
No. 693147
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No. 693148
File: 1566630086596.jpeg (29.78 KB, 386x256, 8B3CB4B9-39E9-438C-88A7-53E498…)

>>693117Former queen crowns new queen
No. 693159
>>693148I'm fucking dying at this image
So glad she tweeted be mad I'm weezing
No. 693163
>>693162Lol'd at
'most' sad.
No. 693169
>>693162Let me add a story Anon:
"I am the most honest", cried the poor sad onion king
"I tell the brutal truth at most everytime, about most everything, with most anything!"
As much as he hollered, as much as he reeeed,
There were oh so few psychophants who would listen to the poor old onion king.
He called on his minions, and refrrnced his fakeboi wife.
Oh dear, is there not anyone who will listen to his strife?!
"She was legal, I not her guardian! Who can say I am in the wrong, except that damned Aryan!"
He screamed and he whinged, scrambled and tweeted.
But oh my, it seems the poor onion king was defeated.
No. 693171
File: 1566633087930.png (149.48 KB, 520x427, julia love doll.PNG)

I dont want to divert from the current milk. I just thought Id post this to document it.
I guess Greg was disgusted enough he pulled his own $2 pledge before the end of the month.
No. 693174
File: 1566635750005.png (43.73 KB, 1391x221, chrome_VexFSI19Ld.png)

>>693106There's not too much of a difference between legal guardianship and a power of attorney (which Sarah says Lainey was). If Sarah's mother applied for a change in legal guardianship there would have been a huge chance Lainey wouldn't be able to get the right to Sarah's financial or medical needs. Since they chose the Power of Attorney route Lainey was able to be an option instead of Sarah's other family members. It also requires less paperwork. Don't know how that would have anything on Greg's creepy relationship with Sarah though but it may look bad on Lainey.
No. 693178
File: 1566637012007.jpeg (604.09 KB, 1125x1781, 784456A8-B4C0-4045-B1A2-C7DE28…)

Good on Sarah’s irl friends for also taking a stand.
No. 693179
File: 1566637243242.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x1753, 636B25A5-2A17-4B1E-B158-47A647…)

>4 hours ago
She’s watching lol
They’re really hoping this dies down
No. 693180
File: 1566637364901.jpeg (907.32 KB, 1125x1630, 1686E3A6-312B-4293-BE53-F33F82…)

I bet after this photo he spammed Sarah with text messages.
No. 693185
File: 1566638369144.png (591.28 KB, 460x709, lolwutdude.PNG)

>>693180I feel a sperg coming on.. I can feel it in my bones..
No. 693189
>>693180Bet this faggot had to apply his joker makeup so he can feel like an evil mastermind while threatening Sarah.
>>693179No signs of remorse. She's so disgusting. One day she'll help him murder someone.
Please god let this be their final blow. Those kids have to get out of there and Taylor and Jimmy have to go to prison. People go to jail for not even pulling half the shit of what they've done, all those girls deserve justice.
No. 693205
>>693204>>693203She tweeted a lot about not being able to trust someone who lied to her face
I wonder what he lied about
No. 693209
>>693208I wonder how he spun the story to Lainey.
Lainey is dumb enough to take his side though.
No. 693211
>>693209Is Taylor still at her parent's? Maybe she went to NM after he slept with Sarah. I can't see her leaving her alone with him while she's gone.
I wish Sarah'd do a livestream and spill everything that happened. But she really should stay quiet and take them to court.
No. 693213
>>693210Thought the same thing. She looks like she's been crying. Either that or she's high.
Poor girl. (Not about potentially being high)