File: 1563403956848.jpg (735.86 KB, 1024x768, vicky .jpg)

No. 681790
-Has decided to take up Twitch Streaming to "pRoVe tO dA HaTuRz" that she isn't fake. However, after farmers viewed her pitiful (and very grainy) stream, the only thing that was apparent was that she wears more makeup than a drag queen and got so greasy during filming that half of her makeup had shifted or come off completely, her gums are progressively turning completely blacker by the day from chain smoking, and she has barely any hair left. Featuring the same crusty leather jacket she's worn for the past 10 years to cover her lunch lady arms and seal in her B.O.
- Claimed to charge $3000 per hour when a neckbeard orbiter inquired about having her in for a photoshoot. She also stated that she picks her own wardrobe, which completely defeats the purpose of modelling in the first place (and will likely not allow anyone else to edit her photos, based on the Simon Hammond saga of 3 years ago). Despite the fact that nobody except her imaginary photographer Frankie (who must be loaded based on her "rate"), she used an absurd price to keep anyone from asking her for photos, as she wouldn't be able to photoshop herself into a completely different person.
- Despite being 10 years into her "career" as a tattoo "artist", she has learned nothing and has been getting progressively worse. Most clients leaving her shop can be seen with massive bruises, akin to getting hit by a bus after leaving her chair. She claims that those clients have "low platelette" blood counts, and the fact that they walked out of her shop looking like they got beaten within an inch of their life by an escaped gorilla was by no means her fault.
- Ongoing claims of "bulking and cutting", (despite "bulking" being the only notable achievement) and poorly editing her progressively growing, stumpy body to prove it.
- Began photoshopping her ass and hips in her photos to keep up with the youthful instagram models that are taking attention away from her, after previously complaining about that body type and asking how anyone could find it attractive.
_ Claims that she "invented" jewel and beading tattoos and everyone who does that style is merely copying her, as she was doing it YEARS before everyone else, of course.
- Getting fatter, saggier, visibly unhealthier and more desperate for male attention since her decade younger boyfriend decided to leave her crazy behind. Her shoops are becoming so unrealistic that they barely even look like a human woman anymore, rather some alien/pile of blurred mush that can only be described as projected insecurity mixed with delusion.
>Started dating someone nearly 10 years younger than her after being painfully single for a long time and thinks this is something to brag about. >Frankie the self timer photographer has gone MIA since boyfriend appeared.>The Google page for her scratch shack blew up with a slew of bad reviews from previous customers. This included the couple who had their deposit stolen after Vicky ditched an appointment, claiming to have been kidnapped.>Shingles has responded to almost every single review in a predictably unprofessional manner, accusing the customer of being a lying stalker>30-something year old scratcher who works in an unlicensed ‘tattoo salon’ comparable to a shack, blames clients for poor aftercare when her inability to tattoo competently results in permanent damage>Former MySpace ‘scene queen’ with a very poor grasp of Photoshop and After Effects>Narcissistic attention whore and self-proclaimed international cover model and ‘real life Final Fantasy character’>Incapable of talking about herself without making claims so outlandish only a total idiot would believe them>Claims to be not only well-versed but Ivy League educated in psychology, astronomy and quantum physics despite never enrolling in post secondary education and/or never involving herself in groups dedicated to those fields>Posts embarrassing videos of herself flailing around with a dollar-store katana because she is a ‘sword fighter’>Fakes an atrocious British accent>Outed by admin for selfposting and samefagging hundreds of times in her own thread, pretending to be people who know her/dated her in real life>Tried to DMCA lolcow and Kiwi Farms, claimed the Attorney General of Canada had to be involvedAll images property of Victoria Shingleton. All use of images constitutes copyright fair use, e.g. for purposes of critique or parody.
Facebook: Facebook: THREADS:
>>592255>>218886>>327539>>336817>>431342>>485956>>512412>>541833 No. 681814
>>>/snow/218886>>327539>>336817>>431342>>485956>>512412>>541833>>592255>>647324This should be the list we use in future threads because pt/218886 links to Himezawa #3 instead of Vicky's first thread
No. 681829
File: 1563408858968.jpg (53.9 KB, 1280x680, IMG_20190717_171248_568.jpg)

I love the Vicky collage anon. I loled hard when I saw "Im not heavy handed." floating among the pictures.
No. 681839
File: 1563412303429.jpg (327.16 KB, 800x600, _v r .jpg)

So after comparing Vicky and Ryan so much, I wanted to do an actual comparison. They both do the same style of tattoo work (ryans is obviously far superior) and I realized that Vickys delusions are very similar to Ryans real life accomplishments. Heres what I found:
Ryan: 32 years old.
Vicky: 31 years old
Ryan: Won the title of "Ink Master" in season 8. The first woman to win Ink Master since its inception in 2012.
Vicky: A plague in the tattoo community in her area and blacklisted by groups in her area dedicated to tattooing because of her bad reputation/many artists in the area fixing her work for dissatisfied clients.
Ryan: Is exemplary in her field: specializes in elegant jewel and bead work inspired by the Victorian era. Is very detail/symmetry oriented.
Vicky: Has delusions about her capabilities as a tattoo artist and is in fact the opposite (reprimanded, deservedly, online for her lack of training and attention to detail, no training, leaves clients with blown out, blurry tattoos that fade and age quickly due to overworking. Likes to imagine that she specializes in realism and "invented" jewel and beading "victorian" tattoos but gives clients messy, unlined, uneven tattoos.
Ryan: has judged two different tattoo competition shows in full view of the public, has worked in several famous tattoo parlours and has a long list of celebrity clients that are all available to the public.
Vicky: Brags about her "high end" clients with no proof, claims to have judged tattoo competitions across North America with no proof and no information available to the public to prove her claims. Has been rejected from doing guest spots in Toronto tattoo shops due to her bad reputation and shitty work.
Ryan: Has been featured on many well known, tattoo-dedicated magazines and paid for her time. Allows photographers to fufill their own creative vision for the shoots, ultimately putting out quality work with all of the photographers tagged in her posts, being humble and thanking them for the experience (despite being an ACTUAL celebrity).
Vicky: Created a fake photographer (Frankie) to label as her "photographer" in her shoots so she could narc out and edit herself to oblivion with no pushback. Doesn't do any shoots where she is not taking, editing, and styling the photos. Self-submits her photos to low end, online magazines for attention. Claims to charge $3000 for shoots where she takes complete creative control from the photographer.
Ryan: Is genuinely thankful for the opportunities she's been presented with. Has a social life outside of her career and posts photos of herself with friends, unedited and seems to be an actual human being. Has over 1m instagram followers.
Vicky: Believes she deserves more attention and fame, constantly fishing for attention and compliments. Talks about herself as if she is a celebrity, lashes out if anyone questions her "status", or her tattoo work. Can't take criticism and will personally attack anyone who criticizes her and call them ugly crack addicts or copycats. Has 7,000 Instagram followers.
I feel like Vicky is trying to skinwalk this girls entire career based on her own delusions. Correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 681842
File: 1563413608619.jpg (71.51 KB, 480x600, SweatyGem.jpg)

>>681839Yeah I remember a few threads ago some anons were talking about the same thing
No. 681902
File: 1563431240189.jpg (75.83 KB, 790x1279, IMG_20190717_232543_302.jpg)

What a strong, powerful, unbothered warrior goddess Vicky is
No. 681908
>>681902I’ll bet Vicky repeats to herself over and over again as she falls sleep:
“You’re a real life final fantasy character and totally not fat”.
No. 681928
File: 1563442226493.jpg (108.65 KB, 640x663, 1476745649451.jpg)

I was looking for anymore of the "travel" pics like the Spain one, found this gem
No. 681929
File: 1563442430489.jpg (132.75 KB, 640x804, 1477165954711.jpg)

These both are from two years ago. I wonder why she was so busy for both of them?
No. 681948
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I’ve hear of and seen Ryan Ashley before on Instagram, but looking at her page now I realize how much icky is trying to be this girl!! Icky wants to always talk about people coping her when she’s one step away from wearing Ryan’s face!!!
No. 681953
>>681929I looked up job posting for the Washington observatory over the last couple years and :
Four (4) months providing interpretive programs, lectures, or demonstrations on historical and/or scientific subjects in a public setting OR four (4) months in a theatrical, broadcasting, or post-production environment.
Valid unrestricted (except for corrective lenses) driver's license.
General knowledge of astronomy or earth sciences.
General knowledge of Native American History.
Experience operating optical systems such as telescopes, microscopes and cameras.
Experience with digital graphic design, layout, or audio/video editing software.
Experience in facility or grounds maintenance and equipment upkeep.
No. 681963
File: 1563459916005.png (1.64 MB, 1242x2208, C4FFFA73-6BC4-4816-855F-70B5D6…)

Why hate on other girls?
She’s been very vocal about her hate for sex workers( I know a few myself and they love their jobs)
She’s called other woman crazy, psycho, “nutters”, disgusting. And that’s only the stuff that’s shes published online. Accuses all women of “copying” her.
Destroys women’s bodies with her “art”
What she meant by this post is we should all be uplifting her and kissing her feet.
No. 681965
File: 1563460249076.jpeg (221.63 KB, 1242x599, 30325D57-F5D8-4D51-A4B3-F745EA…)

>>681963“Why hate on women when you can tell them how pretty their hair is”
Or blast them for wearing wigs. (Even though you wear dollar store extensions and everyone can tell)
No. 682031
File: 1563480463572.jpeg (107.38 KB, 478x597, 4F18689E-5040-41CF-B8A1-84344E…)

No photoshop.
Charges $3000 per hour to model her own clothes only.
No. 682046
>>682041Helpful reminder, only write SAGE in the email unless its new milk. We are anonymous here.
But that is my question too. It looks like she tries and fails at Elvira’s makeup and she ends up looking like a clown. How can she look and think that she looks $3000 an hour good? Definitely no offense to Elvira because she can pull it off and is legendary.
No. 682048
>>681948NEPA-fag here, Ryan is from my hometown and I have a few friends who have had work done by her. As well as my aunt sold her a property once. She truly is kind and beautiful IRL and her work is unmatched, especially in the area we're from. Icky is so pathetic and see through. Everyone "copies" her, even big celebs like Angelina Jolie and Christina Aguilera. Sad truth being that shes just a washed up has-been Myspace scene queen that nobody remembers or cares about.
I ALMOST feel bad for her, she has to have some bad self esteem problems to go to the extents that she does to lie and fabricate this "glamorous" life of hers. But then I remember how disgusting of a person she is deep down and dont feel bad.
No. 682126
>>682046I think the shitty heavy-handed makeup is partly because she's insecure as fuck and partly to emphasise that she's sooper alternative and not like the other girls.
I could definitely see her trying to go for an Elvira kind of thing though, she pretty frequently skinwalks women she finds attractive.
Off the top of my head I remember she's compared herself to Megan Fox, Christina Aguilera and Doro Pesch. But she totally wasn't going for that and Vicky was doing it before X famous person did but she still thinks they're a total babe though!!!!
>inb4 she reads your post and jerks herself off over reading any comparison of her to Elvira even though it's an unfavourable one No. 682143
>>682046I can see where you’re getting the Elvira comparison, but this is more like a child trying to do Halloween Elvira with makeup from party city.
It’s brutal. I feel itchy just looking at how much is caked on there
No. 682202
File: 1563544108084.jpg (491.08 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190719_094740.jpg)

This is so crappy. Girl cant draw for shit.
No. 682203
>>682202She literally never puts up her own drawings. So this is actually pretty interesting, it sucks, but interesting.
I’ve never seen a tattoo page that didn’t have the artists original art that wasn’t tattoos. Painting, drawing. Anything.
No. 682229
>>682202Dear Vicky- there are things called wet wipes. They are used to clean things. They can even be used to clean the lenses of your 1990 cell phone.
I think I used to doodle stuff like this on my high school folders.
No. 682271
File: 1563571307521.jpg (463.77 KB, 1080x1534, Screenshot_20190719-172127_Chr…)

>>682249It's THAT bad for someone who claims to be a world renowned artist. The only drawings we have seen from her is that doodletrash and this garbage.
No. 682286
>>682271Nothing about her adds up. She’s a tattoo artists that can’t draw and doesn’t showcase any of her talent outside of “tattoos” ?This girl doesn’t have a creative bone in her body.
I do t understand how she has any clientele. I would never want to go someone that literally could only trace from the internet or draw the same gem over and over.
No. 682287
File: 1563572573315.jpeg (332.95 KB, 1242x1856, 12D31540-AF8A-4AC4-86E0-B59D0E…)

JUST A SOFT LOOK. How many pairs of eyelashes does she wear when she’s not hanging with the fammmmm.
No. 682289
File: 1563572813569.jpeg (321.69 KB, 1242x1772, 18A57302-A1B0-4D69-B7AD-6D6EE9…)

>fun fact: I think sex workers are scum of the earth. None of them have any morals and every single one of them are crazy.
Let me show you random guys on my Instagram what I’m gunna do to that dick, though
No. 682301
>>682271Oh god, I totally forgot about that one! Isn’t this almost traced, too? She also posted the original picture on her instagram and claimed it look exactly like her without even crediting the artist.
And yeah, I guess I meant in the sense that she’s not completely shit as in can only draw a stick figure in reality, she’s just nowhere near as talented as she’s blowing herself up to be. Sorry I’m pretty drunk. Also I forgot to sage my last comment, so sorry about that too.
No. 682312
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No. 682329
File: 1563578939086.jpg (50.56 KB, 600x800, fuckit.jpg)

>>682271Vic has an entire album on her Facebook of drawings from "10-11 years ago" that she posted in 2012. So the drawings would be from 2001-2002 I guess related
No. 682331
File: 1563579253830.jpg (31.54 KB, 600x800, 270892_316299931795466_4786947…)

>>682329Samefag but most of these are obvious traces. Then there's a few pictures like this one
No. 682332
File: 1563579507048.png (6.07 MB, 1242x2208, DDEAA1CA-4171-454C-A34B-F53681…)

Wait the fuck up! So not only does she ruin people’s bodies with the tattoos, but she allows people to believe she looks a certain way and they TATTOO HER FAKE FACE ON THEM. This is too damn much
No. 682335
File: 1563580096086.png (1.3 MB, 1280x2800, bookexcerpt.png)

>>682332Haha yeah I almost made a post in the last thread about that album but I had already posted several times about her poetry, etc.
I didn't know her "immortal specters" poem was from her upcoming book. She's so talented
No. 682348
File: 1563581768649.jpg (135.63 KB, 983x1280, IMG_20190719_171552_041.jpg)

I found a pic of a stencil she posted
No. 682352
File: 1563582541364.png (367.75 KB, 1440x1385, 5D0AA37B-9CF8-468A-AF67-1DCD82…)

Wait a minute… didn’t icky say she charges $3000 per hour? This post was a year ago…
No. 682353
File: 1563582560201.jpg (484.21 KB, 1080x1226, Screenshot_20190719-202544_Chr…)

Just went through her albums and found a fan art album. Looks like she not only ripped off the artist she didn't credit when she posted
>>682271 but also ripped off her own fucking fan art. What a loser.
No. 682381
File: 1563585546569.jpeg (357.38 KB, 1242x1882, 587F8B01-D407-497B-9D09-C5A72C…)

What adult woman says shit like this? Serious eye roll
No. 682397
>>682352The fuck did I just read? Her word-vomit poetry makes more sense.
>but I have so much on the go as is in terms of that covers and such>modelling (kek)>modelling is more a fun for me sorta thing..a hobby >life getting in the way stuff~muh high IQ
No. 682431
>>682287the only soft thing about this look is how much blurring is going on.
>>682332second one in the top row is accurate lol.
>>682349most likely b/c she doesn't know how to design tattoos. this being on the hand and with the way she mashes in the ink, you're right, it would be a mess and she'd just throw some white on it and say it's great.
No. 682433
>>682426>>682426And the makeup is caked on, spider lashes.
True, there’s worse candids out there, but the fact of the matter is she looks nothing like her photoshops.
I don’t think anyone here is saying she’s the ugliest woman on the planet by any means(at least I’m not) but what we are saying is she’s fake and a liar.
No. 682501
>>682487Didn’t her boyfriend of awhile leave her for her best friend or something? Maybe that’s when it went downhill.
I’m not 100% sure but I feel like I read that somewhere.
No. 682505
File: 1563634570386.jpeg (162.94 KB, 1045x841, E6F05BC8-EE5B-41C4-9DAD-4E1106…)

Here’s a photo from abit ago. Again not TERRIBLE, but she needs a makeover to get her out of 2008. I don’t know what year this is from but she’s pretty much stuck in this MySpace world and still at 30 something can’t get out.
Her real hair is so fried. She should probably give her hair a break before she’s 40 and partially bald.
Again, not terrible, but nowhere near the “sex goddess” she tries to portray herself as online.
No. 682506
File: 1563634692920.jpeg (573.76 KB, 2010x1392, 8EE51191-6CB1-429C-98E2-EB601B…)

>>682505Honestly what I think about when I see her fried bangs.
No. 682516
>>682505>she needs a makeover to get her out of 2008You can say that again! The over-plucked eyebrows, fried bleach hair with bad extensions, and that bottom liner with chunky mascara.
She looks like the graduating class of 2008 lmao.
No. 682517
>>682510DAMN. I’m not up to date on her dating history. Honestly, that is really shitty and that cant feel good on her part.
That’s being said, for her to say she has to turn down all this marriage proposals from strange guy when she can’t even get her own men to propose.
No. 682518
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No. 682583
File: 1563656138653.jpg (87.67 KB, 826x1280, IMG_20190720_135423_955.jpg)

Some epic Aboriginal artwork ink
No. 682593
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>>682583Took me 5 seconds to find the design she stole lmao
No. 682621
File: 1563663307387.jpg (78.74 KB, 1280x826, IMG_20190720_155503_628.jpg)

Tornado kick Vic
No. 682692
File: 1563679239845.jpg (114.1 KB, 1171x1280, IMG_20190720_201918_151.jpg)

>>682686She posts this right as you say that, lol
No. 682693
File: 1563679381790.jpg (133.24 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20190720_202303_720.jpg)

Oh noooo
No. 682698
File: 1563679577574.jpg (148.03 KB, 1280x1251, IMG_20190720_202433_549.jpg)

>>682693This is a reply to this post
Are you shitting me? She's saying her S shaped eyebrows are her natural shape??
No. 682699
>>682692Her ex left her for her friend. And her friend did keep him. They’re married as far as I know.
As much as icky believes she’s the perfect woman … well reality has some news for you..
No. 682707
File: 1563680950398.jpeg (198.01 KB, 1632x1632, BC719A78-42B5-4AFA-B81A-C54330…)

>>682698They look like trash ethier way, but natural shape? Are you sure there Vicky?
No. 682729
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>>682694He tried to scratch her out but you can tell it's her haha
No. 682730
File: 1563686570356.jpg (218.35 KB, 1080x1012, Screenshot_20190721-012223_Chr…)

Top kek
No. 682764
>>682728Damn. She’s a fucking child. Can’t have a conversation with this girl without her name calling or acting a fool.
No wonder her partners leave her
No. 682767
File: 1563714638787.jpeg (214.74 KB, 1242x1808, 433440CB-FC1D-44EC-AE10-2B3A70…)

Is this her new man and are they fighting online like teenagers?
No. 682787
File: 1563725148273.png (197.03 KB, 510x477, Screenshot 2019-07-21 at 11.02…)

>>682767Hope not. Seems like he's got a lot of his own issues :/
No. 682788
File: 1563725330440.png (129.11 KB, 509x398, Screenshot 2019-07-21 at 11.03…)

>>682787Rest of that… whatever the hell was going on here. Really hope this person was not involved with an egomanic like Ick
No. 682813
File: 1563729789639.jpeg (76.87 KB, 640x640, 3D45EEDB-C43B-4143-BFA7-148A17…)

There’s a lot of screenshots of messages with her here that someone posted, including her claiming she was kidnapped. i’m cackling. No. 682815
>>682813I’ve heard of this before, she was kidnapped. Okay, girl.
You were too drunk from the night before to show up. Vic also said she would provide proof she was kidnapped to this person as well and she never did. Surprise, surprise.
No. 682822
>>682693she talked about doing scar coverups before but i don't remember her ever posting any examples. and yea, with how terribly she applies her own makeup combined with shooping, i wouldn't trust her with permanently fucking up brows/lips.
>>682698>its a diff ph than normal tattoo inkwhat…ph levels have nothing to do with how long the ink will last, it determines whether the ink is safe for use or not. if she actually did tattoo her brows and they faded in a year and a half it's b/c she's a shitty artist.
No. 682880
File: 1563749929880.jpeg (149.68 KB, 750x811, 51217308-663C-414C-ACDA-2BC4D8…)

>>682767This is such a narcissistic thing to say in the caption of this post. Basically saying your boyfriend thinks of me. She can’t even keep a man her last two were way way younger than her. Keep living in your fantasy world, Vic. Whatever eases the pain of your failure of a love life.
No. 682883
>>682880Well from the looks of it the only guys she can get to think of her are weirdos she’s added on Facebook that have serious issues and don’t know her in person.
Not really a surprise.
All her men leave her for other women.
No. 682914
File: 1563754972087.jpeg (190.98 KB, 1242x1258, EA48EAD4-BD6B-4931-B043-3791D7…)

> I love this top, I made it. I’m a professional photographer and fashion designer. Hope you like what you see.
BITCH WHERE? I’ve seen clearer photos of the Loch Ness monster.
No. 682917
File: 1563755440104.jpeg (221.88 KB, 882x1419, 2D15271E-071B-45AB-8911-35CD9D…)

>no photoshop.
Her eyes…. this is the best shop she’s done to date.
No. 682925
File: 1563757149916.jpeg (56.91 KB, 750x484, E8C0BB99-FA1C-447A-BB43-8BB44C…)

>>682917Reminds me of this. She would say some bull story like this too
No. 682926
>>682925When I was seven I was in an accent when visiting family in Northern Ireland, which is also where I picked up my accent and kept it ever since.
Sounds about right
No. 682943
File: 1563761894239.jpeg (223.7 KB, 1242x1395, D1EEF671-BFC8-4216-9DA0-25C4A5…)

Her portraits are always ice blue.
This is a mess.
No. 682956
File: 1563762887247.jpg (76.79 KB, 779x1280, IMG_20190721_193452_136.jpg)

No. 682957
>>682943“Older tattoos that turn green – that's because they were made with India ink, which is not a true black but a a dark, dark green – so that's why they look like that. … The inks we use now are pretty high quality, they have a higher level of pigment so they are less susceptible to aging and sun.”
So yeah, it’s cheap old ink
No. 682962
File: 1563763207165.jpeg (62.76 KB, 470x354, 81990771-3AD2-45B0-B364-19CFAD…)

Icky is Amanda from friends.
No. 682973
>>682960I couldn’t even watch her first one. It was a slow moving train wreck.
She has so little to say for some that does “so much”
Explains why she drinks so much, to make herself more interesting.
No. 682988
>>682962oh anon I was thinking of this exact thing whilst reading through the recent posts.
Smell my neck. It's not perfume, it's my natural scent.
No. 682989
>>682956So unbothered yet reads here often.
>>682692Was posted just as we discussed the topic of her ex’s leaving her for friends of hers.
Totally unbothered but has to always talks about dA hAtUrZ. We see you, sticky. Go floss those chompers and get an actual job
No. 683004
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No. 683010
>>683004This was proven to be bullshit. But of course she would feign knowledge and agree to make excuses for her scratcher tattoos.
“Bella-Morte Studio Tattoos: if the tattoo I gave you is shitty, it’s your fault!™”
No. 683071
File: 1563803805432.png (2.86 MB, 1242x2208, 1A55D118-7ED5-4F82-9FFA-00EC08…)

How inflated is ickys ego?
Trying to give someone advice, but also has you put in how she a sword ninja.
And maybe she should take that advice. If you want to be a tattoo artist, work at it. And not with photoshop and victim blaming
No. 683178
File: 1563831671174.jpg (160.11 KB, 1112x1280, IMG_20190722_144028_455.jpg)

>>683004She'll probably delete this reply, or write a long rant in response
No. 683205
File: 1563835836297.jpeg (251.16 KB, 1242x1030, 3A8F6A5A-82C8-4D5B-9AE1-2CFEB7…)

Nobody said there was a magical tattoo editing app. They said there was apps to edit videos, which there are. So you can edit stuff in the videos.
Apps in 2019 make things pretty easy, and our dear friend icky knows tons about editing things to look better.
Her followers are about as dumb as she is if they believe her lies.
No. 683206
>>683004I have tattoos, bright colors, and I’m pretty garbage at the after care portion. I actually don’t do much besides sunscreen later on.
My tattoos have not faded at all in 5-10 years. Maybe they have, but not enough to really take any notice.
My tattoo artist is a professional and went through years of being an apprentice. Imagine that.
Must be slim pickings for tattoo artists over there in butt fuck nowhere Ontario
No. 683248
>>683235Oh, yeah completely understand. Toronto has great enough talent that people shouldn’t be getting their tattoos done by her at all at this point.
And she doesn’t have to go so far to get a proper education from someone willing to train her. It’s like an hour drive.
She has no damn excuse and either does anyone else.
No. 683250
File: 1563847412189.jpeg (288.23 KB, 1242x1677, 1362BD66-437D-4BAF-B442-EBFC61…)

THAT TAIL! The hand !! I feel so bad for whomever had this on them forever. Unfortunate.
No. 683251
File: 1563847512262.png (1.69 MB, 1242x2208, A00BB995-F5A4-4EBA-8339-EE7F47…)

I’ve seen her in person. She may be arrogant, but secure isn’t a word I’d use to describe this 35 year old scene kid.
No. 683264
>>683250The eyes look pretty decent.
Other than that the rest is a mess….
The fingers look like breakfast sausages
And the tail looks like it’s been lit on fire.
No. 683299
File: 1563864276139.jpg (104.43 KB, 680x1279, IMG_20190722_234355_677.jpg)

I love her unnecessary, desperate captions on stuff like this
No. 683411
File: 1563908142678.jpeg (473.13 KB, 2048x2048, 6958420D-C6B9-447C-B59E-F1C9DA…)

Shoulders are for commoners
No. 683471
File: 1563928644778.jpeg (433.74 KB, 1242x1723, 0C179E9F-58F4-4FA7-B234-F314B9…)

>if you want inked
I wonder what a “massive deal” would be? Does anyone know what she charges to ruin people’s body’s?
Also, it seems like she gets a lot of people rescheduling on her. If she’s so sought after, she wouldn’t be handing out massive deals and people wouldn’t be cancelling left right and centre. They can’t be that limited if people are willing to lose their spots that easy.
Actual tattoo artists that judge real tattoo competitions are booked MONTHS in advance, if not years.
This girl is so full of shit.
No. 683480
>>683478Or if she’s making so much money, get a receptionist.
Instead she uses her free platform of Facebook. It’s so unprofessional.
“Want inked.”
No. 683482
File: 1563931910027.jpg (154.12 KB, 831x1280, IMG_20190723_183121_425.jpg)

Vicky makes lots of money. She doesn't like to see others suffer
No. 683484
>>683482Well she’s lived in many of mansions.
There’s texts out there( can’t find them at the moment) where she begs a client to send her $70 ahead of time because she’s too broke.
I wonder if she lives at home with her parents.
No. 683485
>>683482Inflation doesn’t effect Vicky. Of course not. She lives in buttfuck nowhere, her rent is probably low( if she doesn’t live at home with mommy) She takes cabs everywhere so she doesn’t pay car insurance.
She wears the same makeup for weeks at at time.
No. 683487
File: 1563933113922.jpeg (178.77 KB, 1242x1175, C71D2503-8AF4-49DA-89B2-875937…)

Regarding her mermaid tattoo.
“Sucky tattoos”
It’s not on there… it probably should be.
No. 683554
>>683525I know. It's bizarre. Also how hard is it to get someone's name and number and write it down in an event planner? Why would you make a fb page and tell people to message you 'inked' and weird phrases like that?
I get that she is trying to boast like her inbox is filllled with letters from admirers and people wanting her business, but really it just makes her look unorganized and weird.
It makes her look even shadier when she announces that she's lost details and needs people to message again with the word inked or whatever retard lingo she asks.
Seriously, it takes a few minutes to write down some details in a book and then delete the message in your fb mainbox. There should be no reason that she's losing people's details like this.
You would think if she's sooo rich like she claims, she would hire a secretary or book keeper.
No. 683618
File: 1563971205079.jpeg (434.08 KB, 750x1258, B98399AB-6FFE-4A26-9D88-D4B4E2…)

Proof that Vick never had a late Sunday appointment available. In her original post she never offered this, but then edited to say the spot had been filled. She’s just not getting bookings.
No. 683639
File: 1563980091952.jpeg (312.83 KB, 1242x897, 8C37EF61-3598-4B35-B881-D3FA29…)

Vicky’s “friend”
Why do I have a feeling icky is a sugar baby for one or a few of her neck beards?
>>683624That would answer your financial question.
No. 683640
>>683639Lol, Victor is getting liposuction. Finally!
"Asking for a friend."
No. 683641
File: 1563980392410.jpeg (224.1 KB, 1242x1095, 9E1723CF-042C-4C83-B370-EA56D6…)

>>683639As long as it promotes health and happiness.
But also don’t get too much in your face.
Some people like looking over done and if they’re happy leave them alone.
I don’t understand why icky thinks she can dictate what makes people happy.
Like sex work is a mental illness, you cant be happy
If you get one plastic surgery, and it doesn’t fit into the mold of what Vicky thinks is pretty, you can’t be happy.
Well I think ickys “friend” would be a lot happier if “they” actually went to the gym and put some hard work in .
No. 683646
File: 1563981614385.jpeg (346.14 KB, 1230x1234, 032A32CE-A995-416E-AB75-3CF9EC…)

This is just awful
No. 683647
>>683639Wow Vick. Way to out yourself.
We all know this is not true because she doesn't have friends to pass on messages to.
Also, someone getting lipo is obviously going to research some surgeons themselves or they'd ask on some forum as themselves/anon name.
Who would ask their friend to ask for them on a Facebook post? In this age where everyone has phones and internet, It makes no sense to ask friends to post things for them.
I second the prostitute/sugar baby theory. Explains also why she's trying to get into streaming. She wants neckbeards to pay for her surgery.
She used to go on about being natural while wearing makeup and was constantly bitching about girls who get surgery and wear wigs,that they look fake and now she's acting like being fake is okay as long as people can't tell.
She's a proper but not to the point she needs lipo. She just needs to quit the alcohol and exercise more.
If she's going to waste money she should fix her teeth or get a tit job.
No. 683650
>>683639>>683647i doubt she has a sugar daddy, she made up the "boyfriend is paying for it" part so the "asking for a friend" part wouldn't be so obvious.
be serious people, even within neckbeards from guelph or surrounding areas, which of them would pay a 33 yo flabby scene-wannabe and which of them would have the money to sugar daddy if /that/ was their standard?
No. 683651
>>683641>Body mods that promote self esteem are good>heavy plastic surgery mods are badShe's an idiot.
Fillers, plastic surgery, Lipo.
People get that shit to be happy with themselves whether it's minor or major. All of it. Some people just like to enhance things and others are unhappy and want to change something.
Just because something looks fake doesn't mean it makes the person unhappy. Some girls like that style.
It seems really hypocritical coming from someone who tries to shoop themselves into a fake imvu character.
Everything she does is projection.
She calls us narcs even though she's one.
She's against sex workers probably because she is one.
She has the same approach to plastic surgery as clueless neckbeards. The ones who drool over the
naturally pretty celebs who have had equal amounts of surgery as the Amanda lepore types but it's well done so you can't tell.
Also note that she keeps using the words 'body mods' as a way to separate herself from the words plastic surgery. She's aware she's bashed girls in the past for being fake when she's now wanting surgery. Probably the same logic Greg would use if he was found out for using botox 'but it's not plastic surgery!
She's tried so hard to show that she's sooo different and not like the other Insta girls who get things done when in reality she wants those things but not the label.
No. 683653
File: 1563983171786.jpeg (527.03 KB, 2048x2048, A7F231DD-AE51-437F-A2B9-103794…)

I’m sure this has already been posted along time ago(not sure?) but this is still my favourite Vicky story.
No. 683656
>>683650Sugar daddy sites don't always have wealthy dudes on them anon. Sometimes they are just married guys or weirdos that pay girls for a girlfriend type arrangement where they bang every now and then.
I could see Vicky doing that.
Hooking up off and on with mediocre Splenda daddies. It explains her crazy statuses about stealing boyfriends. It also explains why a clingy retard like her is able to stay supposedly single.
She's probably got a few middle age dudes on her roster.
No. 683660
>>683653>It was before Isis was a big thingLol. She always knows about everything before it's a big thing.
Such a trend setter.
No. 683665
>>683659Not sure how it is in Canada, but in a lot of places in the States, as long as you have decent credit and verifiable employment, you can get financing. If she were looking at financing lipo, she's gonna have big hoops on the income.
Vic, put any money onto a dentist and periodontist first. You will be in so much better shape dealing with that stuff first.
No. 683706
>>683699Lipo is for people that aren’t obese, but over weight and want to shape their body.
You absolutely need to eat healthy and exercise after you’re healed after surgery.
“…it’s still a stretch to say that the procedure alone makes a person healthier.”
It’s just the quick way of getting thin, without putting any real effort forth. You have to work afterwards.
If icky is lying about this information being for her friend she should just go to the gym, lift weights and get those teeth or tits fixed
No. 683714
File: 1563995292849.jpeg (396.94 KB, 1242x1939, B1F40259-EE68-440D-8635-DAEBAA…)

“This was taken yesterday”
Why would she be taking this is the first place? She kills me. How many people does she send these kind of photos to to prove she’s “oh so super skinny”
No. 683716
>>683714She’s pathetic. She’s always needing to prove herself to other while saying people opinions don’t matter to her. She’s actually getting worse.
Why do I have a feeling nobody is getting liposuction. This was literally a status hoping someone would say something so she could put up that photo saying how skinny she is.
The shop can’t be that busy.
No. 683718
>>683714Lmao she’s sucking in so hard.
Vick, give it up. Everyone knows you’re built like a refrigerator and there are candid photos to prove it. You’re basically screaming from the rooftops that you’re overweight and insecure about it.
No. 683721
>>683718“I’m too skinny for liposuction”
Even if this photo was true to her body( which it’s not, she’s stretching out her body, she’s sucking in and it’s grainy / bad quality)
She still wouldn’t be too skinny.
I’ve seen her in person, she’s not skinny, let alone too skinny
No. 683725
File: 1563996697771.jpeg (54.93 KB, 401x604, 6E055967-08EF-43CF-828B-7F9E0D…)

ToO sKInNy fOr PhOtOsHoP
No. 683763
File: 1563999128887.jpeg (94.31 KB, 498x413, B959DD91-B103-4E13-AF84-10044B…)

>>683714Lmao that picture is shooped and the line of the wall to the right is warped being pulled towards her what a stupid fat lying cow. She really is something else
No. 683771
File: 1563999772641.jpeg (182.87 KB, 1632x816, E0B5A67C-B73D-4400-94CC-1A9576…)

>>683763Really not hard to see the line where she shaved off half of her lard body. I took the liberty of putting it back for her. She’s such a god awful liar.
No. 683774
>>683763why are all her fit/thin body check PROOF photos super grainy with limited pixels?
why did she crop the photo like this, and why did she put it in black and white? it's so obvious she's trying to cover up bad chop. she should be better at photochopping since she spends so much time sitting in front of the open program
No. 683793
File: 1564002017718.jpeg (209.95 KB, 1632x816, 033E1C88-81DF-4AC8-8D35-50AE94…)

>>683771Sage for a better comparison
No. 683798
>>683554she does have that ~apprentice~, it wouldn't be hard or difficult to have him do it if she's that fucking lazy.
>>683618>for videos of my workdon't think i've ever heard a tattoo artist say this or direct ppl to their instagram for examples of what they can do, that's what portfolios are for.
>>683641she has no room to talk about anything being over the top with the way she shoops herself.
>>683646wow that looks really irritated, must have low platelets. all that white and grey will fade into nothing, it's like she enjoys wasting her time.
No. 683819
>>683806Honestly. Her twitch proved she looks nothing like her photoshopped photos, she’s boring and is an idiot.
For someone that has so much going for her,
She has NOTHING to say
No. 683839
File: 1564007277342.jpeg (120.3 KB, 1242x664, 4025C05F-B097-444F-B5C6-A363C8…)

Please don’t tell me she’s pretending she plays now
No. 683891
File: 1564014182202.png (1.8 MB, 750x1334, 80252ACB-CC48-464A-B25E-844027…)

Did anyone notice she’s offering coupons on her Google review page?
No. 683980
File: 1564026577417.jpg (257.3 KB, 809x1069, Screenshot_20190724-234733_Chr…)

>>683714Dat transparency doe
No. 683999
File: 1564028621356.jpg (99.12 KB, 779x1279, IMG_20190724_212215_356.jpg)

No. 684034
>>683891She doesn't even state how much off, just says "Deals".
So professional
No. 684130
File: 1564062909030.jpeg (335.35 KB, 1242x2052, D5F1795F-FDCA-4BCA-A50C-D3746D…)

Without what? Without a tan? The only time this girl “tans” is when she photoshops one on, it seems.
This caption is so weird.
And she’s so busy at her studio, but she’s out in a Wednesday night getting drunk and putting up weird status all day about plastic surgery.
No. 684243
>>684206Anon, don’t you know her eyes change colors depending on how the light hits them? She’s special like that.
I recall a post where she went into impossible detail about exactly why it happens. Trying to sound smart but came off as very dumb.
No. 684248
>>684246Same fagging because maybe I shouldn’t say color. The hue can appear different. Like a medium blonde can appear dark blond in low lighting.
Any normal person shouldn’t give it a fucking second though. But ol Vick would include a whole paragraph about why her “icy hair” looks dingy blonde in a photo.
No. 684258
File: 1564092777265.jpg (81.97 KB, 792x1279, IMG_20190725_151224_388.jpg)

No. 684260
File: 1564092827669.jpg (75.96 KB, 791x1280, IMG_20190725_151408_324.jpg)

No. 684436
File: 1564105581031.jpeg (139.12 KB, 1242x713, DFAB0D08-E021-488A-8494-C86865…)

>>684271She should have deleted it. She’s so boring and looks NOTHING like her shopped photos.
No. 684443
File: 1564106339634.jpeg (84.67 KB, 725x740, FD459298-E8B6-4634-8CCD-EB1F9D…)

Jesus Christ
No. 684454
File: 1564108323014.jpeg (Spoiler Image,49.37 KB, 721x460, 2A32543F-B3A6-400B-93C0-0ABD83…)

>>684443Double post but Jesus Christ i just sharpened this and i really wish I hadn’t. Fucking GROSS.
No. 684469
File: 1564110700181.jpg (363 KB, 720x981, IMG_20190725_220938.jpg)

LOL!!! Wtf with that pose?
No. 684482
>>684469What the fuck is going on here. I literally cannot figure out what is going on with her body/pose.
Those overlined poop-colored lips. Woof.
No. 684486
>>684469>my lashes are super long and naturally blackkkkBITCH WHERE
also that overline caused me to physically cringe. Just get lip injections for Christ sake. Skip a few nights of heavy drinking. There’s no excuse for this.
No. 684490
File: 1564112797469.jpeg (22.25 KB, 452x679, images (1).jpeg)

>>684469She reminds me of those Alexander McQueen birds. I can't find the pic of the one with black lips but her mouth looks like that
No. 684515
File: 1564116380344.jpg (109.29 KB, 1024x768, sh1.jpg)

>>684469I think it's a similar pose to this just from a different angle?
Jesus it's still confusing
No. 684517
File: 1564116430376.jpg (92.33 KB, 314x538, pt2019_07_25_23_47_08_mh156411…)

She explained her stupid pose in the comments, still retarded.
No. 684518
File: 1564116522164.jpg (76.44 KB, 799x1280, IMG_20190725_214837_926.jpg)

The "full body version"
No. 684521
File: 1564116962816.jpg (93.04 KB, 1280x720, AqxHvaG.jpg)

>>684436the only thing i think about when i see her streams tbfh.
No. 684526
File: 1564117315023.jpg (87.65 KB, 1280x694, IMG_20190725_220035_975.jpg)

>>684469One of the comments. She gets some really out of touch neckbeards commenting on her shit
No. 684527
File: 1564117598419.jpg (115.2 KB, 817x1280, IMG_20190725_220628_373.jpg)

This shit again
No. 684589
File: 1564139659969.jpeg (138.93 KB, 330x500, E3B4D794-5097-4DFF-9274-164355…)

I see a bit of a resemblance of her and this dude
No. 684593
File: 1564139906747.jpeg (125.93 KB, 639x643, F853C245-477E-4745-9F60-A70839…)

Because all criticism means jealousy.
No. 684594
File: 1564140105423.jpeg (97.78 KB, 640x645, 3222D997-621E-4F30-8247-D3D12A…)

No one’s staring at you because you’re pretty, Sticky.
No. 684595
File: 1564140306894.jpeg (96.37 KB, 640x769, CF7BCD53-C88C-476D-B1B2-187938…)

No. 684596
File: 1564140764139.png (161.59 KB, 500x610, D4B24FB6-287D-40A7-BE17-9DB609…)

She’s in random memes ha
No. 684599
File: 1564141318984.png (386.13 KB, 442x600, C72BA515-9953-432C-91BA-4F4245…)

No. 684600
File: 1564141404662.jpeg (99.22 KB, 640x1038, 168954F9-4AA3-409F-8EEA-45383C…)

Why so much goopy makeup in her eyes? Gross.
No. 684601
File: 1564141440716.jpeg (78.9 KB, 402x600, 4BF0F389-BFDA-4FB4-94B5-EB5D64…)

apologies if these have been posted and i missed them.
No. 684603
File: 1564141942173.jpeg (402.91 KB, 1241x1883, CF6DA3D1-3E4A-4138-8484-71CA7D…)

The best part of this post is the caption.
No. 684606
>>684527“Faux tan” so spray tan. Those things smell so bad. Not only that, but they never fade evenly. That explains a lot.
And it’s really funny to me that it feels so weird that she’s not tan? Yet she’s always talking about how beautiful and milky her skin is? Which one is it
No. 684610
File: 1564143083733.jpeg (69.9 KB, 450x338, 1F855F77-9446-4C7B-B8BE-7B9605…)

>>684469She looks like a budget version of Manson
No. 684613
>>684611Took me awhile, but I get it.
What I’m concerned about is someone that all about health and safety at work, allegedly, is standing on a kitchen counter for a photo.
No. 684632
>>684517>get glassesthat's not how glasses work vicky
No. 684633
>>684603>>683999Every shoop, her face looks nothing like the last set of pics.
Vic, this is your face
>>684436 Make peace with yourself
No. 684658
>>684517Lol she's so hostile to someone who didn't even bash her. This person just seems confused with the pose and says pretty much that and she's like GET GLASSES and proceeds to explain the pose in like a bunch of different comments.
She acts like everything is a bitchy comment and then when the person says they were joking or didn't mean to be rude, she acts like she knew that all along. It's happened on multiple occasions.
No. 684698
>>684658That’s because she knows everything she does is a pile of garbage covered with a tacky tablecloth. She knows most people can see the garbage so any little bit of questioning comes off as an attack.
Makes sense that she’s an alcoholic.
No. 684819
File: 1564186321141.jpeg (536.58 KB, 750x1051, 51CD9BB7-3991-4737-881B-6D572E…)

What a train wreck. Someone commented “love the more natural pictures”
Natural? Bitch where?! All I see is numerous shoop fails, a butter face with ratty weave and the classic inflate one pancake tittie bigger than the other. Her arms and legs are almost the same size as well. Her tattoo skill is like her photoshop skill. Has been doing it for ages but it is still sloppy and shitty. I guess all that constant drinking has fried her tiny brain where she can’t learn or advance in anything she throws herself at no matter how many years she’s been doing it for. My condolences to her life (but not really. She deserves it)
No. 684843
File: 1564190072889.png (228.45 KB, 364x428, thisbitch.png)

There are websites like photoforensics that can show you where a pic has been edited by irregularities in borders and shit like that. But then there's this where Vic just outs herself
No. 684858
File: 1564192588420.jpg (42.19 KB, 720x480, 4._The_Withered_Lover.jpg)

>>682943the client wanted the burn
victim mother from Thir13en Ghosts
No. 684864
File: 1564194474360.jpg (170.09 KB, 1280x1259, IMG_20190726_192810_004.jpg)

No. 684865
File: 1564194708243.jpg (115.38 KB, 892x1279, IMG_20190726_193201_707.jpg)

No. 684880
File: 1564197669100.jpg (91.02 KB, 823x1280, IMG_20190726_202101_767.jpg)

>>684872Sorta. It was a reply to this post she made lol
No. 684887
>>684864"drew" lol.
Just another photoshop disaster.
Get fucked,Vic
No. 684888
>>684865Just when I didn’t think she could get more embarrassing.
>75-100 timesIf you want your lies to sound more believable Vic, just say “a lot”.
>I’m sooooooo pickyInsinuating she’s alone and single because no one meets her standards. When in reality, no one wants her in real life.
No. 684901
File: 1564206514528.jpg (99.53 KB, 893x1280, IMG_20190726_224847_580.jpg)

>>684469A comment on this photo
No. 684903
File: 1564206810049.png (1.21 MB, 1207x734, vickyyoulazycow.png)

>>684864It's fucking mirrored! She drew half, mirrored it, and fiddled with it a bit so it wouldn't be so obvious.
No. 684913
>>684908Too bad every tattoo she does isn’t symmetrical or even.
Just like
>>682583Which was a stolen design
>>682593 No. 684919
File: 1564210813346.gif (592.24 KB, 1077x657, mirrorred.gif)

>>684903She DIDN'T mirror it, though! I noticed that immediately and it makes me irrationally irritated. ALL THIS BITCH DOES is get drunk & edit images when she's not doing her three tattoos a week. She should literally have mastered it by now. She really thinks she's so talented she doesn't need to pay attention or be diligent about anything she does .
No. 684920
>>684913Of course her tattoos aren’t symmetrical, she’s a shit tattoo artist.
>>684919And to think I gave her slight credit for mirroring her image. It’s amazing how much (and it pains me to say this because it’s literally an “I’m on hold with customer service” note pad doodle) better it looks actually mirrored.
I still stand by the fact that that anon was nitpicking something stupid. Your image will come out much more pleasing when you mirror one side if symmetry is your goal.
No. 684936
is mirrored, anon. She just skewed the right side a little in PS. I can tell because I'm an artist and when I was a lazy teenager I did the same thing.
No. 684944
>>684865Just when I thought she couldn’t get anymore pathetic, she surprises me.
75-100 guys.
Like it’s such an accomplishment.
Too bad she can’t keep anyone.
No. 684950
>>684945Yeah, you can tell she’s bigger. Nothing wrong with that, but she clearly thinks theres something wrong with it. Always shaping her body, talking about “friends” getting lipo.
She hates herself and and fuller set bodies.
AND she never photoshops her arms smaller.
No. 684976
File: 1564250015854.jpeg (102.62 KB, 651x600, 05A89EB1-07B3-46BB-9FA0-4BC963…)

“I only have one of my cards”
I’ve never heard of or met a rich person that had to beg for $70.
>I’ve lived in many of mansions
No. 684977
File: 1564250327321.png (11.1 MB, 1242x2208, 922B6E50-CB10-4FA2-9F2A-B438E4…)

Looks like icky forgot the photoshop her neck tattoo
No. 684980
File: 1564251096878.jpg (103.14 KB, 1076x312, Screenshot_20190727-140403_Ins…)

Implying that a law student with over 200k followers is not as successful as she is.
No. 684982
>>684980A law student, a beautiful one at that. Not as successful as a pathological liar that’s built like line backer.
And probably has half her bills paid by her parents if not stealing from potential clients
No. 685030
>>684980Kudos to the law student but she can't be too intelligent if she stans Vick, come on now.
Hilarious that Vick backhand compliments her though.
>You are well on your way No. 685036
File: 1564274413471.jpg (141.02 KB, 1280x1226, IMG_20190727_174005_895.jpg)

No. 685037
File: 1564274494489.jpg (108.29 KB, 1280x1030, IMG_20190727_174149_974.jpg)

No. 685054
>>684517The move is DESIGNED to make her LESS OF A TARGET.
1. “Im nIcE” but also insults women out of pure saltiness
2. I hAvE a hIgH iQ
3. I CaN fIgHt lIkE a NinJa WiTh mY KaTaNa
4. MEtAl HeaD
5. Metaphors and “poems” that make ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING SENSE
6. Chubby, dirty, stinky, spends too much time online
Good Lord the similarities are substantial and I’m sure I’m forgetting various other similarities.
No. 685056
>>6850547. “I’m not like other girls”
8. Mooches off of parents
9. Attracted to people 10 years younger than her
No. 685065
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>>684469This is the reason Vic was posing with a sword on the kitchen counter
No. 685074
File: 1564279446162.png (616.08 KB, 1242x2208, ED638F03-F9DF-428C-8DE9-B88300…)

Or you don’t like what you hear so you become mean.
OR you don’t like bad reviews because you did a terrible job so you become a complete psycho.
Sounds like a narcissist to me.
What year was Vicky born? Does anyone know her actual age?
It’s actually disgusting that’s shes a 30 something and would even post a status and makes comments like this.
She’s so unbothered by peoples comments, but drags it out for days on Facebook.
No. 685084
File: 1564280866323.jpeg (191.56 KB, 750x1022, E5656120-C251-4F95-AB95-B19BF0…)

>>685074She is about to turn 32. That’s fucked up how she’s going to be that old and acts the way she does. She leads a really sad life where she refuses to ever grow up
No. 685089
>>685036I would put money down that this conversation never happened.
and wait, didn’t she say she had clients today in a previous post? For someone that has a job she sure has a lot of time to sit on Facebook… make status and talk to neckbeards that wanna date her.
No. 685096
>>685089i mean i can imagine some guy who she just knows thru friends and thinks flirted with her to become annoyed with her, but this does sound like one of those vicky things where she pretends its an insult but it's almost a compliment to her
oh and ofc he's saying that because she didn't date him..
No. 685102
>>685100>>685088What guy wouldn't be chasing down a 32 year old woman with no career, car, assets, any kind of personality, friends, and a sex offender in the family?
And that's not even factoring in her gum disease,sagging body, and narcissism.
"I'm so hot, hundreds of men are asking me out all the time." bitch, do you even hear how crazy you sound? Your ego won't even let you lie convincingly.
No. 685105
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>>685100>>685102At least she’s making her british namesake proud
No. 685144
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She seems extra thirsty for male attention these last few days
No. 685177
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No. 685182
>>685177I swear she just likes correcting people. Sometimes for no reason.
Obviously the first guy was being a neckbeard.
Almost like 'what talents do I need to qualify?' Or maybe it was just banter, I can't tell with the weirdos that frequent her pages.
Anyway, the second guy took it literally and explained the definition, even specified it's what it means to HIM and she has to correct him to HER definition.
Anytime someone corrects HER however, she'll pretend it was a typo or say that she already knew.
Same as when people say something normal and she reeees over said comment and then when the person says they didn't mean it, she'll act like it never bothered her and she was just
explaining and that they are a baaabe/cool dude.
She's insufferable.
No. 685183
>>685145Lol your post just reminded me of when she self posted that she smells like Jack Daniels and vanilla.
Jack Daniels is such a trashy liquor. Tastes like shit and only trash people drink it.
She thinks she seems badass with the smoking, drinking and rock and roll type aesthetic when in reality it just seems so dated and trashy.
Her taste in everything from hair to tattoos to alcohol is outdated, tacky and gross.
No. 685186
>>681790Good riddance. World is a better place without such cunts.
The only thing sad about this thread is that there are so many no-life retards who care so much about some literal who. I barely bothered to reply.
>>685186Neckbeard or newfag spotted.
She's a literal who nowadays in comparison to her
MySpace fame but many find the thread funny because of her crazy narc antics.
It also helps save dumbasses in her area from getting their skin butchered. I would all be for letting her be forgotten, but the reality is that she is still to this day mutilating people and sometimes stealing deposits from unsuspecting clients.
Sage your fuckery
No. 685191
>>685189Holy shit they did. I wonder which one of her neckbeards posted. It's definitely not Vick because
1-There's no hidden compliments about herself and
2-Not enough spelling errors.
No. 685196
>>685186This thread helps people air their grievances about someone that may have mangled their or someone they knows body.
If you don’t like her “art work” there is no way of contacting Vicky because she only does her bookings and business through her personal Facebook which is apparently filled to the brim with neckbeards trying to date her.
If you do have her phone number she says that you’re stalking her and you didn’t take care of the end “product”
She also has stated that people only leave bad reviews because of jealousy or family of other tattooers in the area being mad that “she fixes their work”
The amount of truth, people WITH receipts, that has been posted here I hope one day Vicky actually does well and gets some actual training and people come across this and don’t have years of heartache covering or removing what she has done.
No. 685198
>>685177HE SAID “TO ME”
This girl needs to step down from her high horse. She can’t even get through an entire sentence without at least two spelling errors and now she’s the knower of all things? Only her definitions apply, guys.
No. 685217
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>>685054Vic is one of my fave lolcows for being the rare female neckbeard. While most other cows has died down, Vicky keeps on giving and getting better, like fine wine lol.
>pic related, it’s Vic. No. 685274
File: 1564349641737.jpeg (135.4 KB, 1242x895, 2CBAF22A-2560-450B-AE3E-A9E063…)

So she IS looking for a new boyfriend on Facebook it looks like.
No. 685304
>>685274It’s a vicious cycle with her.
>posts super photoshopped ~sexiiiii metal girl~ pictures constantly >hooks a much younger guy who isn’t experienced enough in relationships to see the red flags>dates guy and drools all over him on her social media, talking about how desirable she is to her bf and how much he’s obsessed with her>guy inevitably leaves when he realizes how crazy, insecure and fake she is >back on photo shoots with “Frankie photography” to post more photoshop disasters Rinse and repeat.
No. 685322
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And by “from the uk” she means her great grandparents were born there?
Has she specifically said when she moved to Canada? And landed in Guelph? Give me a goddamn break.
No. 685323
File: 1564363697292.jpeg (87.77 KB, 1242x436, 2DA6325E-9499-4021-862F-DCE8E4…)

“Fine ass grape drank”
What 30 year old uses the word drank?
And calls themselves that? She’s thirsty as fuck right now looking for someone to sleep with her. It’s so obvious it’s actually getting sad. Can we confirm daddy issues?
No. 685329
>>685327I have a friend that moved to Canada from Australia 10 years ago and his accent is almost gone already, to the point his family says he has a Canadian accent now. He’s 33… so like….
“From 18 to 24 Months
Most (but not all) toddlers can say about 20 words by 18 months and 50 or more words by the time they turn 2. By age 2, kids are starting to combine two words to make simple sentences, such as "baby crying" or "Daddy big."
My two year old can put a few sentences together. So how does this girl have an accent going through the Canadian school system and being around mostly Canadians( probably in some sort of daycare) when she didn’t even speak yet?
No. 685335
>>685322As someone that knew her in real life, she moved to Canada when she was around 2 or 3. None of her siblings have accents. Her dad still lived in NI but her mom doesn’t.
She doesn’t live with her mom so she can’t use the excuse that “it comes out when I’m around my parents”. It doesn’t take many syllables before you realize how bullshit her accent is.
I’ve been around her many times in the past and there was absolutely, without a doubt, ZERO “British” accent. It is completely put on in an attempt to make her more desirable.
She’s a dumbass who only cares about male attention, it’s manifested in weird ways and I honestly wish she would seek therapy for it. It’s If you think it’s Insufferable online i can guarantee you wouldn’t be able to stand her for 60 seconds in person.
She’s a sad, delusional human being. She also takes the “the camera adds 10 pounds” to the extreme and genuinely believes that she looks like her shoops in real life. She thinks she’s “making herself look like she does in real life”.
She’s a mentally ill, narcissistic idiot who suffers greatly with delusions of grandeur. This isn’t her online persona. This is who she is. It’s sad, but painfully true.
No. 685340
>>685335It’s actually really sad. I hope she reads this and realizes how sick she really is.
I’ve seen her in person, I live in Toronto and have been to the bovine while she’s been there. I can confirm she doesn’t look like her shopped photos.
And from what I saw she didn’t have any men around her trying to seek her attention like she would make people in the internet believe. I wouldn’t even say she’s ugly, she’s just so generic. She looks like any Toronto used up alt girl with bad tattoos.
That neck tattoo is something else.
You were friends with her?
No. 685372
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No. 685373
File: 1564382128727.jpg (198.72 KB, 794x890, 20190728_233532.jpg)

More neckbeard Vic
No. 685375
>>685335> She also takes the “the camera adds 10 pounds” to the extreme and genuinely believes that she looks like her shoops in real life. She thinks she’s “making herself look like she does in real life”. Even if that 10 lb myth was true, what's the justification for totally reshaping her nose and other features? (said rhetorically)
The fuckery is this 'the camera changes the way I look so I need to re edit the image to look how I actually do'
No. 685403
>>685372Picture vs twitch
This is 100% her…. damn
No. 685443
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No. 685444
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She’s been in relationships where the men have left her for other people. Are we suppose to believe that these guys were so head over heels that they proposed before hand?
I think she means she been proposed to by neck beards that haven’t met her in real life. Typical icky making it seem that nobody meets her standards, not the fact that nobody wants her.
No. 685451
File: 1564416477378.jpg (121.25 KB, 800x395, 20190729_090500.jpg)

I love how often this happens. I also noticed, on her Facebook page where you can book appointments, she has a slot for 4:30 in the morning. Is that normal for tattoo parlors? Imagine getting tattooed by a drunk Vic at 4:30 am.
No. 685454
>>685451She likely meant 430 PM, that's what she has on her google page.
>>685446Yeah didn't she blame his ex somehow?
No. 685456
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Omg she edited her post about marriage to include that she's been proposed to so many times. This is hilarious
No. 685479
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“Haters make me famous”
A grown adult has this tattooed on his chest. I think Vicky found her soulmate.
This would be someone she has on her friends list
No. 685480
File: 1564423133400.png (439.96 KB, 1242x2208, 02D1A007-BC15-4179-AE52-58BE17…)

>>685474She definitely came on here, realized how stupid she sounded and edited it.
Email the fucking email attached to the etransfer girl.
No. 685491
File: 1564425443195.jpg (270.15 KB, 469x1245, 20190729_113631.jpg)

Nobody named Alfredo even commented on this post, yet Vic immediately commented to a ghost Alfredo that she's never been raped
No. 685520
File: 1564432164954.png (693.72 KB, 750x1334, BFBD947A-44F0-4153-949F-EB88AF…)

Imagine posting/sharing this to your social network/publicly with these fucking words attached.
No. 685597
File: 1564445306212.png (1.17 MB, 1280x2509, HOT.png)

Vicky's drunken Facebook status edits are amazing
No. 685622
File: 1564447104728.png (8.88 MB, 1242x2208, 023A0A4F-CEC8-4C2A-B515-E37500…)

another chapter from this girl has no artistic ability.. her hair looks like garbage.
It’s patchy as fuck.
And I bet she’ll say there’s no filter.
Also, I thought she was super busy at the shop? People were flying into see her and “spots are limited” yet she’s saying home to ruin her hair further and spend all day online taking photos and set thirst trap for neck beards?
>please date me?
No. 685661
>>685641>>685643>>685654Anon who knew her in real life here.
Her accent is 110% fake. Drunk, sober, around her parents, it’s all fake. It’s a new development over the last decade to make her seem more desirable and mysterious. I cannot overstate how thirsty for male attention she is. At every single party I’ve ever seen her, she can be seen drunk and hanging all over any man that is too polite to throw her off. Hell, she was putting her hands all over my boyfriend at the time, whispering in his ear and ham-fistedly trying to embody the “~sultry British metal gurlllll~” and the only thing she managed to accomplish with that pathetic display was making my boyfriend incredibly uncomfortable, and making herself the butt of many jokes we made on the way home. She smelled like absolute shit, body odour and cigarettes. She was mooching alcohol off of everyone to the point that it was discussed by other partygoers who avoided her like the plague. She would interject into lighthearted conversations with controversial opinions or personal attacks on other women that were there, and immediately tell everyone that she has an “IQ of over 200” so anyone who didn’t agree with what she was saying was an idiot.
She’s constantly sweaty, narcissistic, and unhinged. The attention she’s begging for online doesn’t come close to how pathetic and desperate she is in real life.
Sage for blog posting, but my (ex) boyfriend actually told her off at one point and she acted like he was only being salty because he wanted her.
Girl is fucking delusional, detached from reality, and has created her own world in her head.
No. 685668
>>685661So the girl that doesn’t even have a handle on basic English has a higher iq than Stephen Hawking?
And everything you just said about her in person is exactly how I would expect her to be. Pathetic and thirsty.
No. 685681
>>685676Well she posts nonstop when she has boyfriends. Two of her men left her for other women( one of those women being her friend) and the other, most recent guy, was ten years younger than her. Too young to be getting married. So even if he did propose, being 22ish, with no REAL job .. I’m going to say he didn’t buy a ring and said it in a drunken stupor.
I agree. It’s probably proposals from people that have never met her in real life and are stupid enough to believe her lie
No. 685688
>>685661Can also confirm this is entirely true. She did the same shit at a party with my ex. After realising the company my ex kept I promptly left them. Also, her shitty extension tracks kept falling out of her head and she kept running off to fix the issue.
She also stays silent when a dude is beating the shit out of woman to keep drinking lol. She's a fucking mess. But who knew!
No. 685738
>>685661I’m curious about who’s house party this was? Like what type of person is friends enough with icky, doesn’t see past her bullshit and invited her places?
I’m not surprised at all that’s shes hit on someone’s boyfriend in front of them though
No. 685793
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what the actual fuck is this. who let her do this to them??
No. 686093
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I’m assuming her sister didn’t even invite her. I wouldn’t want that drunk, b.o smelling mess at my wedding
No. 686094
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No. 686155
>>686079Accept that your post was stupid and move on.
>>686094Coming from someone that is such a cheap narcissist that she only has tattoos from herself, that's hilarious.
No. 686187
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No. 686211
File: 1564658542952.png (270.84 KB, 801x610, Uwah!.png)

>>686093>>686159a single tear for the missed opportunity of milky wedding selfies and candids.
No. 686221
>>686093"back in the UK"
Is she incapable of saying Northern Ireland?
No. 686289
>>686211Pretty sure this is almost the true reason she’s not going. Imagine flaking out on your sisters overseas wedding because you can’t control the photography.
Her mom is wealthy. I have no doubts she was willing to pay for a ticket/passport for her to be at her sisters wedding. And why would Vic turn down an opportunity for “UK” clout?
Imagine being so self conscious about your appearance you’ll avoid a family function with heavy photography. Fucking sad.
No. 686290
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Incoming self butchery. Although we still haven't seen a clear pic of the stomach tattoo she did on herself which was originally supposed to be a flamingo iirc but ended up just another indecipherable mess.
No. 686294
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>>686227>>686293It's not even that expensive
No. 686317
>>686290She’s tattooing herself at the shop on a Saturday? Oh ..”.I’ll be around “ ?
Her shop can not be that busy if she can’t even fill up a Saturday
No. 686386
>>686369She’s got to be mooching off of someone. May not be her parents, but we all know there’s no way she’s tattooing enough to pay rent of her place and studio.
AND the jack and smokes. Cigarettes are like $20 a pack now.
There’s no way she’s doing that on her own.
No. 686388
File: 1564712379989.jpg (75.31 KB, 777x1280, IMG_20190801_191922_076.jpg)

New ink!!!1
No. 686441
File: 1564724886482.jpeg (395.58 KB, 1632x1632, 0DACC11A-5A92-4907-B6D6-2E2468…)

>>686388Vicky is (unfortunately for her clients) dumb as a stump and doesn’t even have a tenuous grasp on human anatomy, let alone anything else. Between the clock with the Roman numerals done wrong, the gun with no
trigger and the countless horrors she’s scratched off on her paying customers, any person with 2 function brain cells can see that she’s inept and borderline mentally stunted.
The saddest part is that her captions to tattoos of this quality were along the lines of “you would think I know why I’m doing or something”, or some other bullshit stroking her ego to these absolutely pathetic tattoos.
No. 686588
File: 1564785762521.jpeg (316.7 KB, 1241x1786, 6B17DA44-68E7-47BA-A21F-127271…)

>i have opening for ink
Not how many, just “I have opening”
The dude that answered her, seems like privately and she needed to announce it to the world, is the definition of a neck beard. An old man neckbeard. She’s already brutalized him with her “art” so obviously he’s not too brilliant if he’s going back.
Imagine being so self involved and bored you have to announce every time someone booked in with you.
No. 686591
>>686588His arm. It’s blurry as hell, like usual. The detail is weird.
If he wants to continue ruining his body with her, that’s on him
No. 686592
File: 1564786474198.jpeg (495.13 KB, 1242x1552, 188016F3-31F9-44ED-AAEF-C449EA…)

Anytime she wants to argue she doesn’t use filters or photoshop on her tattoos……
No. 686684
File: 1564798737247.jpeg (136.38 KB, 750x490, E0F05DC4-CC59-4B08-A0B0-213140…)

Why would someone put down a deposit on a tattoo without even speaking to her? Or even discussing the piece he would like done? If anything he probably googled her and seen the reviews and said fuck that. Her “business” is such a sad joke. She legit doesn’t understand how the real world works.
If this was you plz gib sheckles.
No. 686686
>>686684Or maybe they just saw a sign (assuming she has any signage) and wanted to enquire but it’s such a shed of a building they couldn’t even figure out if it was still open.
Or maybe this was just an excuse and she no showed another appointment cause she was too hungover to show up and her neighbours saw a pissed guy outside and she’s covering her ass.
Can’t wait to see the review on this mess.
No. 686701
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I like how obvious the fake positive reviews are clearly written by her. Only one review as well. Same words she uses
>talented and wonderful woman
No. 686806
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No. 686836
File: 1564832827974.png (3.44 MB, 1242x2208, C1A732C5-B798-468F-8753-891B13…)

>>686701Well I found someone with roses with that name.
No damn outline
No. 686837
File: 1564833163173.jpeg (267.63 KB, 1242x1379, C731E3E4-0D2F-4F9E-8926-AFBA2F…)

>>686836The more I look at these roses, the weirder they get
No. 686851
>>686848I agree, not every tattoo needs an outline.
In Vicky’s case, she pretty much NEVER uses an outline, even if it should use one.
I’m starting to think it’s becuse she doesn’t want to buy different sizes of needles
No. 686870
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>….it would be so over for you guys.
Not only is she better than all women, but she’s better at being a man than men.
No. 686905
File: 1564859271190.jpeg (283.34 KB, 1242x1370, E0B314D4-9B72-46DC-B830-DAC0A6…)

That’s really rich coming from a girl that’s probably never been to a therapist / thinks she’s smarter than everyone so wouldn’t take advice anyways.
Even if she has seen a therapist, she isn’t being honest with them and it’s clearly not working.
I don’t think any professional would let her know it’s okay to lie profusely online, ruin people’s bodies and fish for compliments every chance she gets.
No. 686909
File: 1564859757136.jpeg (87.37 KB, 1242x337, C889380A-5B31-49F7-AF26-32808C…)

>>686905If she ever went through therapy to feed her mind and soul…. well …. this explains it
No. 686910
File: 1564859841267.jpeg (134.99 KB, 1242x490, FF369457-A3D4-488F-97FF-A559BE…)

She’s been the same person since 2006, tf she talking about
No. 687101
>>686910This is typical NPD behavior.
Tells people nice things just to seem cooler and a better person than she is (also every time she compliments women it sounds so fake my teeth grind), has to display how good person she is and what not. Declarations of change and improvement despite absolutely no signs of any change and actual good intention.
Sage for armchair.
No. 687250
>>686910“I wish you all the best”
Well isn’t that a load of …..
This is a girl that says all women want to be her, calls people mentally unstable every chance she gets and disfigures people bodies so she can afford liquor.
No. 687529
File: 1565032951267.jpeg (95.85 KB, 750x259, 560EAD14-0348-4BE8-A3DC-EA46C3…)

The way she uses the word “ink” continues to make me want to punch a wall. 4 times alone in this one status.
No. 687535
>>687529 There’s no photos yet of ANY of the tattoos she apparently did and she usually throws those up pretty shortly after appointments.
It was a long weekend in Canada, I’m doubting she showed up for these appointments.
No. 687589
File: 1565043094343.jpeg (141.57 KB, 750x752, E3F522D3-0783-4CAE-98E6-D03135…)

Comments on a post about not being cuddled in a while.
>that’s very brave of you
What a fucking narcissistic
The bar of Vic is lower than the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Who wouldn’t want an out of shape lazy alcoholic with an inflated ego?
>you will find a hot babe
When only appearences are the focal point of a desired partener and not being loving and respectful with a good job and head on their shoulders.
No. 687612
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>>687589on the same post. the thirst is real
No. 687630
File: 1565048320838.jpeg (213.9 KB, 1242x1565, 36DBB606-5EAC-481D-8C33-AD3470…)

> at least I’ll let him near me.
Along with other girls boyfriends at parties their girlfriends are at, ever guy at the bovine in Toronto, guys that just came into their 20s….. but you know… you’re super picky Vic.
No. 687657
File: 1565051944660.jpeg (73.85 KB, 1242x453, 99B9B9AF-1E7A-447D-8709-E186CF…)

>>687535Looks like this was correct, she seems to be (probably) giving herself that tattoo she was suppose Saturday.
Put money on she cancelled on people and got drunk for the month weekend
No. 687726
File: 1565066094738.jpeg (193.86 KB, 640x1007, 760FFE5D-37CC-43AC-B140-4B3D9A…)

Ok victoria. saged for no milk.
No. 687773
>>687742you must be vaguely intelligent too to think that.
hate speech can't exist alongside free speech.
and how fucking disgusting for such idiots to give their two cents about something that actually matters. smh
No. 687804
>>687726Any site promoting racism, bully IS wrong.
Unfortunately the platform isn’t the problem. If 4chan was gone forever do you think mass shootings in the states would stop?
If 4chan was shut down would Native American women stop going missing?
Racism and gun control needs to be put to rest in OTHER ways. While shutting down 4chan closes that platform, hate will still spread.
That being said, I’m from Canada and have heard Vicky is a racist. She’s also stated that she believes (therefore it is true) that women that do sex work are mentally unstable and don’t enjoy their lives. ( how many women in sex work have been murderer because of this train of thought, They are nothing but low life’s?)
She has made fun of other women that don’t agree with her, even men, saying they have mental illnesses and need to “seek help” because they are sick in the head and only want to be her.
Attacking the world of mental illness.
While I believe 4chan leaving the internet wouldn’t be the worst thing, it’s not the problem. Hate is. And if you’re full of it, you’ll find a place or way to spread it.
No. 687815
>>687804 AGREED
Honestly why protect the rights of people who shit on others, this is society's problem as a whole. Now this priveleged white heffer knows a fraction of a percent she put others through that's karma, not bullying first of all.
>>687742 >>687726 SHES an idiot trying to have an irl opinion and it is jokes… articulating herself like 2 percent shouldent be mistaken with any sort of intellegence the mute point she's making is stupid, and only affects her in HER world, No actually… censoring free speech would do nothing ACTUALLY positive for the world but ppl like HER AND cover her ass and cover up more shady bullshit in general, She still sounds like a right wing idiot to me, an angry botherd incel even, look how botherd it is, because she is everyone else has to be (lol no) same old vick…. Just get an ACTUAL APPRENTICESHIP STICKY. Stop trying to sound intellegent, and make your problems other people's problems, and go actually try and exersise your fucking intellect then, oh and stop butchering people's skin… The only repeat customer was her ex she
probably tattooed for free. Bullying sucks but taking away free speech won't solve the problem, I could actually see the bullying in a way on a larger scale if freedom of speech is taken away that in, itself. Is bullying.
>>687726 oh hi Vick, either that or some even more brainwashed incel. No one is right if they want to censor free speech, also people are stupid if they think that would affect bullying in a positive manner, also no one is bullying her, she's RUINING PEOPLES SKIN and GETTING AWAY WITH IT and STEALING deposits but ya "she's right"
No. 687876
>>687804Didn't she posted incessantly about how bad migrants are, how violent they are, all sorts of vaguely white nationalist shit until a review on her shop called her out for it then she started posted how great some black scientist was yadda yadda….
My point is, it doesn't matter if you think she sounds intelligent or not, it means fuckall with Vic. She's racist.
No. 688090
File: 1565148097590.jpg (142.89 KB, 1136x1280, IMG_20190806_201845_748.jpg)

>>687529How does this make u feel, anon?
>Want inkes No. 688310
>>688209Wow sounds like u dodged a bullet, anon. Are you going to get any free small tattoos?
You should get a tiny Vic tattoo for us, for lolcow. I might do that if I lived nearby and it was tattooed on a place I could easily hide.
No. 688459
File: 1565253327333.jpg (205.59 KB, 1218x1279, IMG_20190808_013517_256.jpg)

This was the lady with the really bruised arm and rose tattoo
No. 688460
File: 1565253390966.jpg (88.54 KB, 792x1279, IMG_20190808_013649_014.jpg)

No. 688482
>>688460Purple doesn’t wash out that fast, unless she bleached it out. If that’s the case, her hair is going to fall out sooner than later.
I’d hate to see her hair in person after this many years.
No. 688483
File: 1565267614146.png (336.01 KB, 492x737, 3B2F3F3A-FDD5-4A4B-ACD0-DC4F6F…)

>>688459That’s a great excuse and if it is true for this lady, what about all the others? There’s SO many of her clients that have major bruising.
I have tons of tattoos and have never bruised like this.
No. 688485
File: 1565267906053.jpeg (173.06 KB, 1242x577, 0C16AA58-E295-40E2-BA83-0BED9F…)

“Message me today or tomorrow”
She sounds desperate for clients to be honest, begging people on social media to book with her.
And she won’t be answering her phone this weekend because she’ll be too drunk. With her no bookings. Funny how we haven’t seen anything artistic new from her for a bit.
The girl is broke and desperate. It’s obvious
No. 688486
File: 1565267973192.png (9.4 MB, 1242x2208, 3EA02315-50FD-465F-8BD0-BE97C1…)

> we went to court and we won.
I really hope this doesn’t have to do with her pedophile of a brother. He deserves to be locked up, that sick fuck
No. 688494
File: 1565271409579.jpg (59.59 KB, 684x270, tattooreceipt.jpg)

Sorry for double post - but here is the receipt I got from her.
No. 688504
>>688492Oh man, I would love to see the finished product of what you got.
I love how she says “grown as a person and artist” but this was in 2013, and she still no shows / shows up late
No. 688509
File: 1565274093640.jpeg (115.71 KB, 1242x572, 056EC0A6-14C8-40E4-9CAB-C240CB…)

I KNOW I LOOK 22!!!! This woman is so delusional. She looks 42. She looks like the drunk aunt that just shows up at you birthday party hitting on all your friends pathetically.
No. 688528
>>688485>growth as an artistliterally where, most of her finished pieces look aged, she still doesn't post any flashes or other drawings and continues to carry the same haggard scene girl look that she edits to her ~true form~ from when she thinks she was myspace popular.
>>688494did she spell tattoo wrong lol.
No. 688608
>>688494>ToottooMUH HIGH IQ
>>688459Her insecurities are astounding.
>jealous bitches! All of them!! No. 688624
>>688459Even if she did look like her photos, there’s nothing to be jealous of.
Beauty is one thing, but she’s a terribly insecure person.
She’s a racist, her work ethic is less than desirable.
She’s uneducated, not well traveled.
Besides her trips to get drunk in Toronto, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of her out of her apartment, let alone Guelph.
She’s a right fighter, even when she’s so very wrong, mutilates people bodies, still won’t stop talking about her exes wife, tries to steal other girls boyfriends, steals from people.
The only thing she puts value on is her looks and those are fading. She has nothing to land back on. She knows nothing of other cultures personally or through books.
She’s coasting through life at best.
That’s not the type of female I inspire to be. Not at all.
No. 688652
>>688485She has been pushing for bookings more frequently outside of the usual end o' the month 'dealsdealsdeals' tripe.
You want us to believe you have internationals flying in for work but no wait list for first availability ? vic, c'mon
No. 688680
>>688624You're right she had a HORRIBLE ridiculous attempt to steal my bf and say I was copying her (copying what idefk) when I'm her only reason for interest in swords. She has terrible form btw. I refuse to involve myself any further and receive 11.5 billion inboxes from a heffer before anyone asks for the screenshots. Just take the validation for what it is, no one has any reason to make this up, she's a horrible business person, says she's nice but is so cunty even if your just generally trying to be nice or getting to know her, she is manipulative, seeks attention online and even validation for her relationships but in reality talks shit about her BF's, she is super jealous and insecure, but will talk to any guy she wants even if she's dating another, she doesn't date often due to the person she is, she's jealous even of other relationships in general it's creepy, she's stalker material, I'm glad I avoided getting tattooed by her. I don't need her warped sense having control of any image on my body thank you! This blog saved my skin, quite literally.
No. 688685
>>688680Honestly, she proves all of this herself.
The fact that she still brings up her exes wife saying she’s a stalker, when she’s the one that continuously talks about them. Doesn’t make sense why the wife would be jealous of the girl that was so terrible she couldn’t keep her man. She treats people like crap.
No. 688690
File: 1565308614214.jpeg (90.95 KB, 1242x512, C67D4A95-4A97-40C1-A227-5151A3…)

This poor, unfortunate soul.
No. 688691
File: 1565308769893.jpeg (171.42 KB, 1242x781, BEE1D79E-257F-4EBA-B4C9-433BDF…)

>>688690So this just proves she doesn’t EVER come up with her own designs. She never had her own art up, she’s been caught copying from google and now this? She’s not an artist, she’s a scratcher and thief. Neat.
No. 688715
File: 1565316528686.jpg (262.5 KB, 1080x1043, Screenshot_20190808-220040_Chr…)

Admitting that you have forums discussing how shit you are is a good move. Sad, insecure, "mentally ill" stalkers can totally get tons of people to make fun of/critisize you out of jealousy. You showed us!
No. 688716
>>688483Fun fact about this bruised as fuck tattoo. If the client indeed had low platelets, they would have bled a ton and struggled to clot. With a tattoo of this size, any decent tattooer would have noticed early on and stopped immediately.
Lying or not, she’s an unsafe tattooer.
No. 688719
File: 1565317248089.jpeg (58.69 KB, 540x892, 62B2E9AF-4197-43B0-99A1-3EBD1E…)

>>688715I don’t think any “dumb cunt” thinks his tattoo washed off.
She doesn’t know the difference between a tiger and a lion.
He better hope this comes off with soap and water.
No. 688727
File: 1565317999239.jpeg (164.84 KB, 786x1220, 0054A19D-1006-4272-BA66-94EFD1…)

Although this photo is still edited, not as much as they usually are.
And what are those plastic hair extensions?
She’s a top tattoo artist and people fly into see her from overseas, but she buys plastic hair?
And that nose!
No. 688732
>>688727"not as much as usual" …what is this comment? this picture is horrifically airbrushed. it looks like a bad painting from the early 2000s with 10 shitty filters applied
this is sad>>688727
No. 688763
File: 1565324324160.jpg (875.79 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190809_001603.jpg)

Guys stop being jealous, this is exactly how people age. But not. Cause she hasn't. She still looks 22.
No. 688836
>>688727Run through a photoshop detector app or site. you'll be surprised. Aside from whatever the fresh hell is going on with those extensions, she's reshaped her jaw and nose, airbrushed her skin, the borders are weird at the waist line so I assume she tried to edit herself thinner, which makes no sense for this outfit, the legs and arms have borders pulled in so she reshaped those too.
It's Vic so always assume massive edits.
No. 688842
File: 1565363916257.jpeg (308.46 KB, 786x1220, 6999683A-EA1A-4E89-B0AE-50A22C…)

>>688727Built like a fridge
No. 688938
File: 1565404252347.jpeg (154.59 KB, 1242x1694, D1112A0E-D79C-4937-B53B-0F7171…)

The type of person that would mutilate people’s bodies and victim blame?
No. 689085
File: 1565489808769.jpeg (366.26 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20190811-140759-01.…)

Saw this blurry masterpiece on my tl and was fondly reminded of Vic.
No. 689089
File: 1565491846888.jpeg (335.2 KB, 1242x1795, EEEDBA55-F7C9-41A9-957E-2F677B…)

Icky is drunk posting again.
No. 689099
File: 1565494544214.jpeg (95.36 KB, 750x622, BAAE1F3C-085D-4725-B70B-825E14…)

>treat other woman with kindness and build each other up!! Makes a post degrading a woman based off how she looks. Vicky, your shoops are the advertisements on wish and your true form is what you get. It’s funny because she orders cheap trash off wish all the time and uses them in her “photoshoots”. This post of hers screams projection.
No. 689132
File: 1565505333587.png (71.92 KB, 473x493, desperateoldhag.png)

eye rolling at the relationship advice stuff she's reposting. Vic, you can't manage one long term relationship, try working on that first
No. 689320
File: 1565580064511.png (3.16 MB, 1242x2208, C82E8F45-758C-4621-A83B-BE733A…)

Imagine being so bored and in need of attention that anytime anyone says anything nice to you in a private conversation you need to share it?
This happens on the daily and this person seems to be putting their trust in her by sharing some private information.
This girl has serious boundary issues / how do people still even speak to her about anything
No. 689516
File: 1565645804801.png (54.25 KB, 734x776, Untitled.png)

I am going to hazard to guess she was drunk off her ass 9 hours ago when she edited this reply to review.
No. 689520
File: 1565649267784.jpeg (494.42 KB, 1242x1609, 0CC60D93-CEE2-4C46-AFA3-73CDF1…)

>I only look 22.
Her face!! This is officially the worst photo shoot from Vicky I have ever seen! The background, her face! I’m actually really afraid for her mental health. This is scary…
No. 689521
File: 1565649481508.jpeg (539.75 KB, 1242x1739, 5F1D423C-C594-4931-A650-58E1B1…)

>>689520>I have a figure under those big T-shirt who knew?Well it’s photoshop, so it’s fake. Even if that was your real figure, everyone and your dad knows because you post yourself naked online every chance you get. Which would be fine, love yourself but it’s your FAKE photoshopped body.
The only thing more photoshopped than her body is her tattoos
No. 689522
File: 1565649506351.jpg (100.29 KB, 669x796, whatisthis.jpg)

What the heck is even going on in this pic
No. 689523
>>689522The lipliner and those teeth…. my god…
She can photoshop herself in front of a body of water but can’t produce any tattoo work she’s done…. Interesting
No. 689529
File: 1565650282934.jpg (109.23 KB, 1123x1280, IMG_20190812_155034_231.jpg)

Vic got tiny again
No. 689530
>>689520this is confusing b/c she left in her real smile but likely edited other parts of her face. the lack of lashes is really weird, why is the one part of extensions wavy, that background is probably fake and holy shit, she finally showed of the ~tummy~ tattoo but i still don't know what it is.
>>689524that part was great, it's like she forgot that she was talking in first person for the entire rest of the reply.
>>689526it's totally a beach umbrella, lol. i like how the sky just abruptly ends.
>>689529>leaned accidently [sic] for this shootwtf does that even mean? she's not even leaning and hiding herself behind crappy magical warping extensions.
No. 689535
File: 1565652380976.jpeg (72.75 KB, 935x433, 90467F04-5FEB-4C48-8695-2A5A35…)

Her teeth are getting worse.
No. 689536
File: 1565652475503.jpeg (360.45 KB, 1242x1718, D60F3C84-BB48-4E28-8E38-0806F0…)

>>689521A woman on this photo says “I’ll only get tattooed by you Victoria”
Yet has this on her body forever…
No. 689540
File: 1565654030677.jpg (842.6 KB, 1079x1672, Screenshot_20190812-195208_Chr…)

Stop drunkshooping
No. 689548
File: 1565658143515.jpeg (333.28 KB, 1242x1708, D9F8B5EC-B89B-49AD-83A7-16299F…)

>>689540I love how this guy is totally calling her out being an idiot and she’s so thirsty of male attention she just makes a joke out of it.
There’s NO company that’s ever paid her 3k or even close to that for her “business”
No. 689549
File: 1565658337701.jpeg (343.77 KB, 1242x2090, 7451DE14-2858-4F35-80B5-0F6CBD…)

So the guy you employ won’t admit that you treat him like shit?… oh yeah… that puts it to rest. Not the fact that there’s multiple people say you’re a complete psycho
No. 689550
File: 1565659088248.jpeg (95.01 KB, 1242x816, C2618FBE-2FE6-441D-A473-1C5741…)

>from an actual client … this is cool to hear <33
So much profession. Implying the other people aren’t actually clients of yours. Give me a break. So only the good reviews are real and the rest are fake haterzzzz.
No. 689560
File: 1565661779805.jpeg (177.18 KB, 1242x964, 5CD6E0D1-8A49-41D0-A574-0FB216…)

Vicky is drunk posting again.
“That’s quote the compliment” hearts and a rose emoji?
“You’re the only one I’d be down to let shoot me”
So she admitting she uses a timer and photoshops herself into backgrounds.
And didn’t she just say above that people “pay it” referencing the 3k an hour. Obviously not if this random photographer that nobody has ever heard of is the only person Vicky would allow to shoot her.
No. 689562
File: 1565661859654.png (2.67 MB, 1242x2208, 7200F425-EC9C-4ADE-AB46-5C9755…)

> Some are rock n roll tho.
You mean classless and disgusting
No. 689573
>>689522Getting 90s trash porn star vibes from this, just missing the rock-hard bolt ons.
I feel like this is the closest to her actual body type she’s showed up. She still pinched herself an hourglass figure but doesn’t look as ridiculous as usual.
>>689548You know if this was a girl she would have clapped back like a venomous snake.
No. 689600
>>689530She edited her smile, it's just less overt than usual. There's also been a touch up on the teeth which means they're worse than this beige-y color.
Vick, please at least cut back on the smokes and go see a dentist. A lot of them will work with you on a payment plan. gonna be painful if you keep putting it off.
No. 689643
>>689577I’m not sure if you know how to read, if so please go read from the beginning if you’re interested in knowing the reason behind the thread. It’s really that simple?
We have a female that lies about being kidnapped to save her own ass because she got to drunk to show up to work. That’s the lowest class citizen right there.
Imagine having a family member that was kidnapped and raped or murderer? Imagine being a
victim yourself and had to live with the ptsd for the rest of your life and then had this cow come in and piss all over that because she’s a lazy sack of shit and likes to steal money instead of actually doing her job?
Instead of her taking ownership of her own faults she then ( not giving people proof that she was actually kidnapped like she promised and it’s no where in ANY news outlet that a girl ninja kicked a kidnapper) Vicky blames and uses mental illness as a way of shaming the person!
So yeah. There’s a lot of toes that she’s stepped on. You can speak to her about it because she’ll harass you until the end of time. Does that help?
No. 689644
File: 1565699036481.png (4.22 MB, 1242x2208, 5DF36F32-7C00-4CD5-971D-7C8064…)

<I don’t try and cut out to be a role model
Hold shit. She’s killing braincells, this girl needs to stop drinking.
No. 689669
>>689644Lol this looks like some Vic sock puppet account. What’s with her posting screens of her DMs lately? She needs to feed her narc I guess. Just comes off as pathetic and disgusting.
We get it Vic. You’re gods gift to all mankind. Uplifting and empowering weaker and emotionally broken women. And men propose to you almost DAILY.
No. 689698
File: 1565723271919.jpeg (1.5 MB, 750x1046, A78E7D91-1A5F-40D5-9E82-6E0229…)

Literally the only thing not heavily edited is the brown blanket.
No. 689731
File: 1565738662159.png (955.14 KB, 828x2567, HeyDumbBitch.png)

No. 689744
>>689731“Makes yourself look stupid to me”
Honestly, all icky does is make herself look drunk to everyone.
Maybe if she spent more time apprenticing and less time smoking, getting wasted and calling out people that don’t exist online she’d be in a much better place in life.
No. 689747
>>689731So she “ban” someone but they can still comment on her Facebook? And nobody else saw this comment but Vicky? She’s drunk at home alone looking for attention and wanting to call out her “haters” aka people she disfigured again.
Nobody commented shit.
No. 690053
>>689990she's been in internationally published magazines and judged competitions, that totally qualifies her opinion.
this video is what vicky thinks she looks like sword training.
No. 690100
File: 1565877093115.jpg (92.64 KB, 1280x1070, IMG_20190815_065111_025.jpg)

This was a comment to a post Vic made about how ladies can be smart AND hot and don't have to choose just one
No. 690117
File: 1565887592492.jpg (107.57 KB, 1204x1280, IMG_20190815_094609_220.jpg)

>>690101>>690114Omg you guys it got better
No. 690119
>>690117If brah is so smart how can he not figure out how to maybe, introduce a topic his date would like to talk about?
I'm clearly too stupid to understand why a man of his intelligence is a fan boy of Icky Vicky. He must have a thing for ninjas.
No. 690121
File: 1565888336459.jpg (76.93 KB, 1152x1280, IMG_20190815_095822_846.jpg)

Last one, promise. Looks like he has the same type of high IQ as Vic
No. 690174
>>690117Wow. To be SO desperate for male attention. Does she know this shit stays on the internet forever? Lollll
I wish I had more to say because these two deserve to be roasted.
>muh high IQ People who claim to be extremely intelligent are usually complete idiots. Most people who are actually intelligent are humble about it. But this has been my experience.
No. 690183
>>690168 acc. to
>>685661 she walks up to people at parties and tells them that. It's stupid and embarrasing which makes me think it's the truth, she randomly tells that to strangers
No. 690184
File: 1565902618418.jpeg (319.46 KB, 1242x1597, 44E2378A-1F82-4512-A580-0861CA…)

“And your stripper status…”
“This was about prostitutes not strippers but whatever”
Always a class act and profession Vicky is.
She should really leave to keep her mouth closed, she doesn’t have clients to lose
No. 690185
File: 1565902902397.jpeg (59.91 KB, 1242x286, 862AD8BF-3400-4E21-83A2-FCABD0…)

Spoiler alert; you fail art twice because you’re drunk all the time and a terrible artist.
No. 690205
>>690185That they’re doing their job? That tore an incompetent artist and always have been?
But no, Vicky is never wrong. Of course it’s the teachers who were wrong. The clients who are wrong. The doctors who are wrong. Never Queen Vicky. What an absolute narc psychopath.
No. 690227
File: 1565911785008.jpeg (157.44 KB, 1242x559, 70C4EF88-C7F5-4176-9E9D-E5D9C0…)

Vicky needs money to get drunk for her 35th birthday.
This is the saddest post she’s ever made. You can tell she’s not doing well in her career when she’s begging people to give her money right before her birthday.
No. 690256
>>690255We used to speculate that it was her end of the month rent $ push but it's started 2 weeks earlier for the past 4 month. Yea, things are looking grim the way she's hustling for business
Barreling towards middle age with jacksquat to show for it
No. 690257
>>690256My tattoo artist in Toronto never has deals, she also has a pretty steady clientele.
I understand having deals when you’re just starting, but as Vicky says … she’s been tattooing for 11 years. She has deals once to twice a month.
No. 690260
File: 1565916021223.jpeg (347.74 KB, 1242x1316, 55563522-8B6B-457A-8938-8237CD…)

Sorry if this has been posted. So this girl has been in a cab and given secret info from isis, she’s been kidnapped when she was suppose to be at work and someone broke into her house?
It’s all super annoying because “my house is messy”
This girl is reaching for attention badly
No. 690262
>>690259Nobody that actually respects their own work would had out deals as much as she does.
I don’t go into work and biweekly tell my boss he can pay me less for that day?
She has about as much confidence in her work as we do, she just won’t admit it
No. 690264
File: 1565916245184.jpeg (184.11 KB, 1242x841, 808C9917-6FA2-4EDB-97B3-63103C…)

>>690227Imagine having to brag that a friend got you something for your birthday.
No. 690267
File: 1565916398168.jpg (81.2 KB, 419x1280, IMG_20190815_174621_356.jpg)

No. 690269
>>690267She doesn’t even know how to spell “maybe” and she wants us to believe that she had the same IQ AS STEPHEN HAWKING!?
This girl has officially lost it. No wonder her sister didn’t invite her to her wedding. Damn.
No. 690273
File: 1565917203162.jpeg (179.02 KB, 1242x1159, 4B8BA5BF-5640-4517-8C37-3A4FCB…)

Now her hair is magic, guys.
No. 690278
>>690273>this time I curled my hair, but all I have to do is sleep with wet hair and it would look like this on its own. This is why Vicky is my favorite cow. Imagine having to humble brag about going to sleep with wet hair and waking up with it curled.
>>690267I love it when her stupidity is called out by randoms. Of course he’s a guy so she didn’t fly off the rails.
No. 690294
>>690273i mean it magically warps with her various body parts so of course it can just curl itself if she sleeps on it wet.
aside from that fucking eyebrow and weird shadow on the hairline that makes it look like her face is a mask, her hair is actually nice this length and curled but she insists on the cheap extensions.
No. 690301
>>690294I agree! She looks much better like this. Why she insists on wearing those old, crispy extensions I’ll never know. They don’t look good or realistic. Imagine how yellow
They are from ciggerette smoke
No. 690431
>>690294This is an old photo from before she entered her 30s. She has a list of lies that for whatever weird reason stroke her ego:
- hair naturally curls perfectly if she sleeps while it’s wet
- Eyelashes are naturally long and dark
- Eyes look like they have eyeshadow when none is worn!
- Eyes are icy grey but in certain lights look so dark… mesmerizing!
- skin is ghost white
- natural hourglass figure
- used to be obsessed with her height and say she was tiny but the height has varied between 5’2 and 5’6.
She’s just so fucking weird lol.
No. 690434
>>690267Did she seriously just say that Mensa tested her before she even started school? Why Vic?
>>690260And I don’t know what the bigger lie is here, that somebody broke into her home or the fact she said she was packing to go on a trip.
No. 690482
File: 1565990719617.jpg (219.56 KB, 1080x943, Screenshot_20190816-172107_Chr…)

"My birthday gift to you is that you get to pay me for more bad tattoos!"
No. 690484
File: 1565990808254.jpg (39.83 KB, 746x308, Screenshot_20190816-172336_Chr…)

Sorry for double post but lmao which one of you did this, this is on the birthday post
No. 690488
File: 1565991712506.jpg (366 KB, 1080x1071, Screenshot_20190816_174004.jpg)

As a birthday gift I present this, icky shooped her face onto this poor woman lol
No. 690513
File: 1565994806964.jpeg (180.56 KB, 578x430, 451C2BF3-B6D0-4D3A-8CBB-232358…)

>>690488Wears a bra with a bathing suit and still has to shoop those titties
No. 690530
>>690527Adrian is married to Sam now as far as I know.
Can’t blame the guy for choking her over icky. The photo above of the two girls says it all.
First, you can tell Sam is actually in shape and Vicky is heavily photoshopped.
Second, Sam looks super uncomfortable to be in that photo… like Vicky paid her off so she could post it online to convince people she has friends
No. 690572
>>690488She shooped herself and left the other girl unedited. Also let me guess, she chose that pose to leave her arms apart from her waist so she could have enough space to push it in while photoshopping herself thinner?
That's some 4D chess tier insecurity. Extremely pathetic, and with all that work the other girl is still more attractive somehow.
No. 690577
File: 1566012466164.jpeg (138.49 KB, 1043x395, 71E9FBD8-A071-42A9-A150-40C3DD…)

>>690488I like how the water around Vicky is all warped and fucked up but near the other girls it’s normal
No. 690582
>>690278>>690267i think it's more like she's not smart enough to see that he is calling her out.
she just sees a chance to brag, and boy does she love it
No. 690653
File: 1566046479217.jpeg (343.36 KB, 1242x1635, AA82539D-9C51-464D-901C-70497E…)

Either these people don’t have an internet connect and have never left Guelph or are just blowing smoke up vickys ass for deals on tattoos and don’t care what they look like because this is straight up GARBAGE. She’s obviously too cheap to buy a liner.
No. 690655
File: 1566046618657.jpeg (445.79 KB, 1242x1686, B6BF1EC5-8D93-436E-9E46-7A9AD5…)

Also looks like Vicky and her child of an ex might be getting back together.
She’s never be able to find someone her own age that would put up with her lies, so if she doesn’t want to be alone forever she may wanna jump on board
No. 690674
File: 1566052277012.jpeg (503.19 KB, 1242x1559, 08065923-FB3F-4C68-ABDB-0EB3B0…)

>>690653More of Vicky’s scratching on this poor kid
No. 690675
File: 1566052554366.jpg (200.78 KB, 1080x2157, Screenshot_20190817_103055.jpg)

Was in university last year?? While getting kidnapped and being a ninja? Oh, Vic.
No. 690676
>>690674Placement is shit.
That crown looking thing is going to fall off that elbow skin so fast >.<
(>.<) No. 690685
File: 1566058122855.jpeg (209.83 KB, 750x1159, 389DF6F7-DFA2-4E0C-AA05-7F272A…)

>>690675You can’t find anything for her fake clothing line when you look it up. For someone who made 175k off 135k people? (I can’t really make sense of her horrible English) you can’t find jack shit about it online only a hilarious Facebook page that has a bunch of scene kids that are shooped to hell wearing clothes that have aweful shooped designs on them. Enjoy this Vicky shoop where she claims to have made this jacket and a boob is coming out of her armpit
No. 690696
File: 1566063367920.jpg (279.38 KB, 1080x1366, Screenshot_20190817_133603.jpg)

No one asked. She's so delusional.
No. 690707
>>690653that piss yellow is a great color choice and you can see that there's redness around the tattoo b/c she's ham handed.
>>690676yea idk why she put it there. also the wonky dagger tip and blowouts are nice touch.
>>690696so much blur, that's like cow's favorite tool and they expect ppl to believe that's the way the photo is.
No. 690717
>>690712>>690714No doubt she’s giving him free tattoos. That’s probably why he’s sticking around. Despite the fact that he’ll regret it later.
Vicky has tattooed all her ex’s for free. Probably something to do with the fact that she wants an “edgy inked up metullll scene bf” and the guys are just broke asses who are happy to get free ink. Vicky doesnt have a lot to offer aside from free, mediocre tattoos.
No. 690721
File: 1566069956222.png (981.62 KB, 960x734, lolthiswasserious.png)

>>690685The Facebook page that gave us this absolute masterpiece
No. 690724
File: 1566070100647.png (1.04 MB, 960x755, 32428_119542004877008_11769265…)

>>690722srry pic forgot pic
No. 690725
>>690721Is this the only bathing suit she owns?
That's Adrians moms car, licence plate is poorly edited
No. 690738
>>690727photoshop antigravity magic
>>690675for those new to this, she'll watch an online lecture and add it to her list ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 690750
File: 1566075772279.png (2.97 MB, 1519x2048, Screenshot_20190817-165943.png)

>>690698>>690699I mean it definitely looks like she flattened Sam's left tit
No. 690754
File: 1566077557815.jpg (543.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190817-183250_Ins…)

the nerve
No. 690784
>>690721Wtf she made Bunny look so bad here. Does she just shop the women around her to make herself look more appealing?
Did anyone else notice that Sams boobs look exactly like how Vicky shops her own?
No. 690786
File: 1566089101898.jpeg (93.77 KB, 475x272, F7F22707-928F-4575-8E21-147487…)

>>690724Both eyes are clearly shopped though. Maybe she wanted everyone to think she has two different colored eyes at one point but gave up on that lie. I wish she’d give up on ALL her lies.
No. 690815
File: 1566096133276.jpeg (408.11 KB, 1632x1632, 7EE798BE-CF42-4976-AA23-3C83AD…)

Just some vickypics I haven’t seen posted here before
No. 690830
File: 1566098750434.jpeg (197.09 KB, 682x436, 706E6FD6-5D6C-4D7C-B2E1-C3862C…)

>>690815Holy hell those pupils! Looks like she was rolling hard on something
No. 690835
File: 1566099211226.jpeg (54.15 KB, 750x622, C727907D-FF8F-44E3-AE92-61176D…)

Sorry for the double post but also that SCHNOZ
No. 690913
>>690741As far as I know, outliner needles are more expensive than shaders. She rarely does an outline and when she does it’s so thick and wonky.
So either she doesn’t want to spend the extra few bucks or doesn’t realize there are different needles for different things
No. 690917
File: 1566134812835.jpeg (133.26 KB, 944x985, 298EA4E3-8CEE-42F6-9444-A7DB28…)

>>690754Beyond “this is rich coming from her”
I find it really funny that she’ll put down sex workers and say it’s not because she’s jealous it’s because she wants ALL WOMEN to have a better quality of life and not live in a life of mental illness. ( which I know some sex workers and they are the happiest, living their best life) yet she cuts down women every chance she gets, with things that always apply to her.
Does she not remember her live video SHE did? Which she took down cause she knows damn well this is her.
No. 690937
File: 1566137562374.jpeg (1007.82 KB, 1564x1564, F194540B-ED74-4492-BFD3-0573B9…)

>>690754“When they live chat without a face altering filter”
No. 690970
File: 1566144297159.jpg (244.75 KB, 1080x1511, Screenshot_20190818_120500.jpg)

>>690965She definitely does not have that canine tooth point in real life. A numb at best.
No. 691026
File: 1566159661748.png (9.88 MB, 1242x2208, 5A037A52-57C3-4155-A430-77E668…)

>nO fIlTeR
No. 691035
>>690914I don’t have bald spots. That’s the point, I’m not 17 anymore.
I was stating why someone at her age wearing extensions, and taking terrible care of herself (smoking, drinking, beating the shit out of her hair) would be going bald.
But fuck yourself. Thanks.
>>691026Laughable at best.
I wonder if this was her birthday makeup, could there be a "photoset" coming??
No. 691252
File: 1566180603409.jpeg (252.59 KB, 1632x1632, 0EB0A114-2458-40C9-A18C-6AE511…)

>>691026I attempted to remove her lipstick moustache everywhere she went past her lip line.
Oof, do everyone a favour and just get lip injections Vick.
No. 691518
File: 1566228659506.jpg (127.18 KB, 773x1280, IMG_20190819_083053_031.jpg)

No. 691539
>>691537Agreed, the candid Vic didn't post or edit, her teeth look different. She reads here so the dental comments probably got to her.
You still need to see a dentist, Ick. You cant photoshop periodontal disease
No. 691576
File: 1566239405462.jpg (847.89 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190819_143025.jpg)

Never the same length
No. 691588
File: 1566242804729.jpg (65.48 KB, 480x600, teeth.jpg)

She uploaded this to Instagram. Does she not care to Photoshop her teeth?
No. 691590
File: 1566243312275.jpg (84.21 KB, 660x960, FB_IMG_1566243244201.jpg)

>>691588From the same photoshoot and she definitely shopped her teeth in this one
No. 691591
File: 1566243412936.jpg (23.89 KB, 268x259, IMG_20190819_153714.jpg)

What is this mouth situation??
No. 691636
File: 1566256429762.jpg (61.73 KB, 530x663, VickyOnABoat.jpg)

She just posted this confusing pic to Instagram
No. 691638
File: 1566256658927.jpg (126.89 KB, 952x1280, IMG_20190819_161614_439.jpg)

Here's the description and tags
No. 691656
>>691588>>691590I always thought this ugly-ass necklace was one of her questionable photoshop choices but nope
Of all the things to keep wearing
No. 691666
>>691636>>691640 Is this absolute fucking dunce trying to insinuate that this is a candid picture? Oh Vicky, you’re so dumb you don’t even realize how dumb you are.
The reflection in the glasses, the lighting umbrella in the background, the unnatural and inhuman body positioning, the concept of her actually being invited anywhere to brag about her “Stephen hawking iq”.
This shit might have gotten her by in 2006 before the concept of photoshop was widely understood.
Get with the times, dumbass. Be real or be a fucking laughing stock. Your edits are so hilariously transparent a 12 year old could do Then better than you. You’re not fooling anyone you relentless retard.
No. 691674
File: 1566266306063.jpg (75.18 KB, 895x1280, IMG_20190819_185731_309.jpg)

New innkkkk
No. 691678
>>691636The blurred edges on her body are always a dead giveaway. Run it through a photo forensics site or app, and it lights up like a Christmas tree. Vicky you are so damn lazy.
And lol at this larping like she ever goes anywhere.
No. 691697
File: 1566269443236.jpeg (516.19 KB, 1632x1632, 3A54C3E8-8888-4109-8076-94841A…)

Based on a few things (such as “how gravity works”) I’ve “reverse edited” Vicky’s more resent Instagram picture. The only thing that didn’t fit together was the umbrella handle, which she likely patched over to help hide her dumbshit shop to make her look like a ~curvy goddess~ instead of a dumpy barrel.
No. 691741
File: 1566282875121.jpg (188.68 KB, 909x807, Screenshot_20190820-023328_Chr…)

>>691636You didn't even try, you orange hoe
No. 691831
File: 1566322194436.jpeg (362.39 KB, 1242x691, B0DAA59E-6074-492A-B3E9-89A903…)

>>691791It was some limited edition Macy’s giveaway garbage when you bought perfume or cologne. It’s not really official Versace merch. You can find them on posh mark for $60.
No. 691954
File: 1566341231975.jpeg (111.25 KB, 1242x610, 56AA2BB8-2405-4DBF-8DB2-8E7315…)

Aka nobody wanted to hangout with her and she doesn’t want to show her true form.
Or her little boy of a playmate just used her for a free tattoo and she’s too upset to deal. Or all.
No. 691957
>>691954Or nobody took her up on her birthday deal and she’s flat broke.
You’d think she’s realize this as katana and straighten her life out, but I’m going to assume nothing will change in this new year of hers
No. 692020
>>691674the sunset looks ok but will probably blur together eventually. whatever that winged figure is already got there. composition is bad as usual.
>>691910have noticed she does this frequently. like why even put a tattoo on a body part you're going to constantly edit.
No. 692032
>>691954Can’t attend what? Is she claiming that someone else planned a birthday party for her? /doubt
She probably ethier couldn’t scrape up enough unfortunate souls to tattoo so she would have money for booze and cab fare. Or, of course, she planned a birthday party herself and nobody RSVP’d because she’s a
toxic, awful person.
Ethier way, what a whiny 13 year old, attention seeking status to post.
No. 692116
File: 1566387080846.jpg (151.06 KB, 1079x757, Screenshot_20190821-072841_Chr…)

>>692032No one planned anything, it was just a Slipknot show that she's too broke for.
No. 692152
File: 1566397534961.jpg (316.56 KB, 1070x2109, Screenshot_20190821_102501.jpg)

I've always wondered if Victoria stole her "last name" from this song. Either spelt it wrong cause she's dumb, or so no one would notice.
No. 692222
File: 1566418077440.jpeg (108.5 KB, 1242x465, 16D6D6B7-35F2-4810-878E-993E58…)

Classy lady. “Most likely retarded…”
Proving those IQ points daily.
No. 692284
File: 1566437017393.png (1.55 MB, 810x3931, vickyhavingfun.png)

No. 692286
File: 1566437404696.webm (1.9 MB, 480x792, worstfilterever.webm)
No. 692288
File: 1566438088434.jpg (109.75 KB, 1037x1280, IMG_20190821_183930_782.jpg)

>my stalker makes up stories about me not letting my clients pee
No. 692289
File: 1566438109594.jpg (68 KB, 1280x951, IMG_20190821_183949_659.jpg)

No. 692292
>>692222>>692287>>692289This is based on a review that was left by one of her
victims a while back. Why is she still harping on it?
I re read the review and it seems the OP actually deleted that section of the review, and a few other parts as well.
Vicky has re-edited her response to this review about 5 or 6 times. As far as i know the person who left the review hasn’t posted anything in relation to it in almost a year since the edit to review.
It seems like Vicky is trying to bait conflict/attention?
No. 692295
>>692288She keeps bringing up stuff that was said years ago because she has no life outside getting herself attention and the internet.
She has about 4 clients and no friends. For someone that isn’t bothered, she sure acts bothered
No. 692315
File: 1566443844566.jpeg (142.57 KB, 750x959, 35F45B99-8B30-4884-BB57-B288B0…)

K but can we discuss how this “video” shows 2 edited frames of Vicky?
No. 692346
File: 1566448644867.jpeg (63.03 KB, 472x700, 837BC3DE-58F8-477C-82ED-903EEB…)

Also haven’t seen this posted here
No. 692350
>>692346I can’t imagine how her friends in these photos must feel.
Clearly the girl on the right is much thinner than Vicky. She always photoshops herself smaller/thinner than whoever else is in the photo. I’m guessing that’s why she has no friends, and when she has its only lasted for a few months.
No. 692351
File: 1566448874999.jpeg (75.68 KB, 625x900, BE5C41E9-16EB-45E5-9F2A-6A6FA7…)

>>692346Same fag but wtf is this shit
No. 692354
>>692346Great Value Marisa Tomei looks thrilled to be there, ha.
Dammit, get a new bikini, photoshop a new one onto yourself…something.
No. 692404
File: 1566475990921.jpeg (155.52 KB, 1242x559, 47427310-7FC8-4CDE-B5EA-375019…)

In the comments she said she was poisoned with soap. That explains everything!
Who wrots a statues like this at midnight? Oh right a drunk person that has nobody to talk to and in dire need of attention.
No. 692407
File: 1566476365082.jpeg (340.23 KB, 1242x1706, 78D1D1CD-1397-4115-B377-5ACFEC…)

>I dont need to lie to look cool.What is this comment? This is the same woman that has been faking an English accent for years.
It was
toxic is large amounts? Wha sort of home soap has …. I’m so confused. Is she trying to prove that she bathes? I have a feeling she probably smelled really bad at slipknot and now she’s trying to make up lies about how she uses so much soap it almost kills her.
No. 692414
>>692404So we’re suppose to believe that she was “poisoned” but she still went to slipknot.
She looks nothing like her photos, people
saw her without a filter so she needed to come up with a lie and excuse why she looked so bloated and awful.
No. 692415
>>692407I love when she's so obviously
triggered by a comment like she can't help herself he's making a joke about ninjas but she thinks oh no he knows I'm making up some soap poisoning story (???) and over compensates
also any large amount of soap would be poisonous right? if you idk…ate it? or at least make you sick? like why would they make just some hand soap poisonous to the touch ahh vicky you crazy, crazy bitch
No. 692459
>>692404Whenever she talks about being sick I automatically think she makes up this shit so a client sees her status and it's an excuse she's given to cancel.
Why not say she had an allergic reaction and instead says poisoned?
It makes no sense. Did she eat the soap or something? Wtf
No. 692463
File: 1566494344275.jpg (Spoiler Image,545.11 KB, 1920x1454, AirBrush_20190822131940.jpg)

No. 692512
File: 1566504886810.jpeg (442.47 KB, 1242x2036, 7CD3CC3D-BED2-4CC2-8DCD-032231…)

Not exactly something I’d be proud of, but okay.
No. 692514
File: 1566505275049.jpeg (260.7 KB, 1190x1264, 7CEFCA9C-C86E-406F-90A3-8CD5AD…)

So we’re suppose to believe that she has an IQ around 200 but isn’t smart enough to know that’s youre not suppose to breath in cleaning products like oxyclean?
No. 692524
>>692407How much do you want to bet that she tried bathing with pure lye? She probably read that it’s a common chemical used in certain kinds of soap (mainly detergents), but like the absolute dumbass that she is, completely glossed over the fact that it’s highly corrosive.
She's the perfect example of natural selection. The
truly intelligent will live on, while the imbecilic will die off.
No. 692555
File: 1566513323172.jpeg (274.11 KB, 1242x1732, 8A309437-2034-42D9-A9A2-19EE53…)

Disregards people with mental illness and intellectual disabilities by using slags (retard) to put people down.
Puts down sex workers for their choice of life style.
Attacks women for commenting simple stuff, even if it’s a compliment.
Photoshops women in photos with her with smaller chests, etc.
Nobody has a unique style, everyone copies ickys looks and tattooing style.
No. 692567
File: 1566520214973.jpeg (365.23 KB, 1242x1378, 7810F98E-A185-4359-9BBC-A4147E…)

What the fuck is this garbage mess?
Just that blur effect so people can never really see how wack your work is.
No. 692581
File: 1566525444853.jpeg (89.04 KB, 1242x522, 815AB59F-0B7D-41BE-86C5-4D7F33…)

She most definitely cancelled on a client and is using Facebook to pretend to be positioned by soap when she’s actually just super hungover.
Not sick enough to not get drunk at slipknot.
No. 692597
>>692589Several days, except for concerts. Healthy enough to do that.
So full of shit and liquor
No. 692602
File: 1566530554142.jpg (80.49 KB, 1280x949, IMG_20190822_202134_874.jpg)

Poison soap update!
No. 692621
>>692602She was clarifying her hair with household cleaner? And it’s somehow the product’s fault for not having a warning label telling her not to do this?
This is like one of those trash stories on daily mail that you can’t believe is real because no one is that stupid.
No. 692632
File: 1566535342704.jpg (55.8 KB, 1280x765, IMG_20190822_201935_829.jpg)

>This was soap poisoning
No. 692662
>>692602Her inability to take a joke is probably my favorite thing about her.
Also, is she suggesting she was “clarifying “ her hair with….oxiclean? I mean I’m just going to assume this whole soap poisoning thing is a complete lie and made up. But her lies just never make any sense.
True story: Vicky got wasted and sick and since she’s over 30 and doesn’t take care of her body, she doesn’t bounce back like she used to. And had to come up with, yet again, an elaborate and made up story to tell her clients as she tells them she can’t tattoo them on the day they scheduled.
No. 692688
>>692645WHAT? So because they didn’t label it properly by saying “don’t wash your hair or body with this” it’s not her own fault?
They have actual clarifying shampoo! If she’s ever been down any hygiene section of the store she would know this.
I can’t. She’s one of the dumbest people… and she’s in her 30s.
No. 692724
File: 1566576182863.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1951x1472, 3D2D1D43-DD2E-48D7-9418-D9DEB0…)

>>692602So I just had to google this to see if it’s a real thing (not a beauty fag here) and I found this comment right away. I wouldn’t put it past Vic to believe it is safe enough to eat so it must be fine to put on your head and bathe in. Of all the dumb things she has said and done I’m pretty sure this takes the whole cake. She can’t really be this dumb, can she?
No. 692730
>>692567this is tragic, doesn't even look like there's any black, just a lot of dark blue. and then that one yellow flower, where are the fucking details.
the soap poisoning saga is just as funny as the attempted kidnapping one, she'll keep putting out details that don't make sense but never tell the full story b/c it's just a bunch of bs.
No. 692739
File: 1566581916529.jpeg (180.94 KB, 1242x916, CD52AF00-8C92-420D-BB84-CF4220…)

Women do NOT DO THIS. Please stop lying Vicky. Young girls are going to read this and think it’s okay to be this stupid.
People commonly use dish soap. Not poison
No. 692740
File: 1566582053371.jpeg (239.48 KB, 1242x737, D91CFF01-C619-475E-ADA5-5368C7…)

>>692739>as women do from time to time From a hairstylist
No. 692741
>>692740Didn’t this dumbass, icky, claim to be a hairstylist at one point? And she’s claiming women do this.
If she knew anything about alkaline and acid levels in hair… well… you know the rest.
eye roll No. 692851
File: 1566605863279.jpeg (652.13 KB, 750x1334, 0638CBC2-511B-4DA3-93EC-455335…)

Oxy clean. Literally states on the packaging to flush with water if it makes contact with skin. But I guess it’s their bad for not adding “Victoria don’t take a bubble bath in this”
No. 692895
>>692882But anon, icky is a
fully qualified, world renowned, uber respected hair stylist dontcha know and she has an iq of over 65!!!
Soap poisoning is truly a silent killer and icky is warrior goddess for highlighting this vicious and insidious assassin.
I genuinely can't believe somebody knowingly cillit bang'd their own fucking head. Honestly she should have at least started with her manky phallanges.
I lol'ed. A lot.
No. 693244
File: 1566650044465.jpeg (191.89 KB, 1142x1457, BC1C1738-8A53-41C8-B18A-B5F702…)

One of her clients came back and have did a “healed” shot. It’s so faded. I checked and this was only done 9 months ago…
No. 693249
File: 1566650313114.jpeg (138 KB, 768x960, FC2FE207-08E1-48D5-97D7-EC22EE…)

Vicky stated this is her natural habitat and she doesn’t live to look glam all the time and she’s “more than just beautiful”
I don’t think anyone is saying she’s is UGLY. But she’s slightly below average.
Those teeth. Her hair. She just proved to everyone she looks nothing like her photos
No. 693301
File: 1566656576993.jpeg (60.21 KB, 1242x323, BE15D2FA-4D72-443B-8269-6A99DD…)

But chain smoking, drinking excessively and bathing in oxiclean is….
No. 693303
File: 1566656653819.jpeg (188.13 KB, 1242x1099, A80A2509-259D-414C-BA40-2C51AF…)

She always says she has people travelling in to see her but she’s always broke, putting up deals( couple times a month now) and the only people she ever posts is white trash from small town Ontario. She’s so full of it.
No. 693319
>>693244looks like it's nine years old. the shooped vicky face is always a nice touch.
>>693249what is this hair style, might as well just comb it over her face so she won't have to edit it as much. why is there just one long piece next to a chunk that barely reaches the corner of her mouth. also like the spencer's tier necklace.
No. 693401
>>693319It's because of two reasons.
1- She cuts it in that outdated scene crap style
2- It's snapping off in parts due to bleach and the current revelation that she clarifies it with fucking oxyclean.
(Although I personally think it was a lie to save face from a cancelled job.
She tends to lie first and think later. Otherwise she's take a photo and say the exact product. The fact she said 'oxiclean or some shit' shows that it's just a lazy lie.
No. 693539
File: 1566684270133.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1242x2079, FC7410B4-FD10-4E4B-80BD-B5EB81…)

Wow so she both looks AND acts like a neck beard. Can someone shoop a fedora on her? (Please have better shooping skills than Vicky)
No. 693551
File: 1566686537636.jpeg (207.95 KB, 962x1624, EE123342-D838-4363-A61D-F39D04…)

I clarified the details on her teeth and goddamn.
No. 693553
File: 1566686672174.jpeg (211.78 KB, 1242x910, 8D9B2EA8-9BEC-45CD-A852-763A17…)

>spots go fast
She so full of it. It’s last minute because she had a cancellation, but she has two more openings. And look at that, just in time for the end of the month! Not surprised.
So many clients, some that fly into Canada to get tattooed by her… but she can’t even fill up next week.
No. 693555
File: 1566687514558.png (5.15 MB, 1242x2208, D5C969AB-A9E1-4F29-86E6-22169E…)

I’ve seen clearer photo evidence of Bigfoot.
Bet she’d say “I don’t need your approval therefore you don’t need a clear photo” while she posts her lame ass online.
Also, this totally disproves her lie that she’s a curvy athletic body type.
No. 693603
File: 1566694944835.jpeg (570.03 KB, 750x933, C908AE78-D0F0-4CB8-8AF0-F26B3D…)

My theory is she’s shooping herself to look more and more like Bunny. This is a pretty recent photo of her.
No. 693645
File: 1566700215421.jpeg (163.27 KB, 1242x862, 51B88347-B26A-4B43-B055-B23334…)

Imaging being 32 years old posting shit like this.
>please look how famous I am on Facebook
No. 693759
File: 1566706592396.jpeg (294.86 KB, 750x710, 91974FBA-072E-472D-B990-220B5C…)

Every successful artist totally uses their personal fb to reel in new clients. What a ditz
No. 693871
>>693868I've never heard any tattoo artist speak like this. "Want inked up" is just so weird. It's like a boomer.
Like the people with stretched ears talking about their "gauges". "I "gauged my ears".
No. 693898
File: 1566729204210.jpg (126.51 KB, 1109x1280, IMG_20190825_033307_610.jpg)

>more than just beautiful
No. 693916
File: 1566736686200.png (4.4 MB, 1242x2208, 906A21C2-73B1-4A24-9480-21716A…)

>please remember that I’m the alpha female and every other model buys followers while everyone actually loves me.
Why does she lost her conversations with people? It’s so damn weird.
No. 693933
>>693759Sign up to be scarred for life or gtfo off my personal page. That’s sort of a marketing strategy.. I guess…
How many tattooers do you know who post asking for bookings so often? Especially after tattooing for 10 years.
No. 693944
>>693933It’s her personal page, but also her professional page. “Want inked” is how she books.
So how is she suppose to get any new clients by a) “cleaning up” her page every 2 weeks
B) acting like a know it all brat
No. 693952
>>693933That makes sense. In order to still be her Facebook friend you need to be a serious business contact.
The end of the month is coming up quickly.
I wonder if she pulls this, along with tattoo deals, around the end of every month.
No. 694102
File: 1566769467503.jpeg (198.63 KB, 1225x680, D576DE9D-9E13-41AC-8391-608F46…)

>I’m booked until next August.
She’s officially lost it. She comes up with bookings multiple times a month. And if she leaves spots open monthly for new clients … and she has some many new potential clients she just added, she’s not fully booked until August 2020. That’s not how that works.
So she’s fully booked for a year with previous clients?
And she only has 22 reviews online?
That soap poisioning has really gone to her head.
People wait a fucking year for an appointment but cancel on her last minute?
No. 694107
>>694102Holy shit she's posturing so hard
She says she's booked for a year then says she's not booked immediately after. If she actually were booked till next year she wouldn't have "flexible dates" open at all
No. 694114
>>694107She has flexible dates, out drunk all the time, posting non stop on social media, colouring her own hair , tattooing her ex for free, tattooing white trash from Guelph constantly.
But she’s fully booked with people flying in. But she never had photos of these people.
Full of it
No. 694121
>>694102Imagine being 35 years old, congratulating people on Facebook because you accepted their friend request.
I can not.
No. 694165
File: 1566776010173.jpg (541.07 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190825_192553.jpg)

>>693916her engagement vs her numbers. You bought followers, you're only drawing attention to it when you project, you sloppy drunk hoe.
No. 694172
File: 1566777926682.jpeg (344.18 KB, 1242x1855, E7105AFF-D062-4E7A-8655-F26832…)

>>694165Followed by over 6,000 people and 5,000 friends on Facebook. 67 views on this monstrosity.
Those numbers don’t add up, by her logic she’s buying followers.
This tattoo is fucking awful.
No. 694177
>>694172It’s so dark and bound to become a mushy mess. She literally has no concept of how to tattoo whatsoever.
She’s probably clearing out her Facebook of people who’ve gone to her once and never come back to make room for randoms who want her to tattoo them because they don’t know any better.
No. 694186
File: 1566780636301.jpeg (237.54 KB, 1242x790, 1704785A-03B2-4DDA-8DFF-4CEEE8…)

>>694165>congrats all my new friendsOnly has 66 people like it in five hours. But totally doesn’t buy followers.
No. 694213
File: 1566784102841.jpeg (507.79 KB, 1242x1584, 7C8E50C6-A8A6-4E9C-AEBE-E77085…)

Icky is drunk posting again.
No. 694221
>>694102I honestly believe she might be booked for an entire year. It seems like she only takes roughly 2 people per month, though.
She can probably scrape together that amount of neck beards per year.
No. 694239
File: 1566789312712.jpg (411.19 KB, 1068x1020, Screenshot_20190825-231144_Chr…)

unprofessional douchebag
No. 694347
File: 1566814959362.jpg (740.85 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20190826-181256_Ins…)

>>693603>>693711Wouldn't be surprised if these were bunny self posts tbh
Being a stripper she probably has a better body than Vick but she seems just as up herself and her style is just as dated aesthetically.
Bunny is prettier than Vick by yards but still an extremely hardfaced woman with damages hair.
No. 694385
File: 1566828603733.jpeg (24.76 KB, 1242x245, E2F6504F-E340-4E49-A3C9-4301F9…)

>>694172At least one of her followers is being real with her. That tattoo is fucking awful
No. 694392
>>693868IIRC she did it once by mistake and started pretending it was super normal and how she had always spoken.
Same thing with the double L in words like "wonderfull", which she kept stubbornly doing for a while to normalize it after somebody had called her out.
Some other farmer who pays more attention to her milk could probably confirm.
No. 694396
File: 1566830578844.jpeg (307.23 KB, 1772x1854, 6502E8B7-1C82-4AF9-A27A-559ED6…)

No. 694425
>>694390She does look younger than Vicky, but she doesn’t look 18 as she claims.
I’m starting to think the main reason Vicky hates sex workers so much is because of bunny.
Bunny is a stripper that has photos of her actually in the gym while Vicky lives with a hog body and no motivation besides editing her photos to look better.
Does anyone know why they stopped being friends?
No. 694495
>>694454No way she would have approved these for posting, they don't fit her Final Fantasy photoshop delusions
>>694492NTA but enjoying the irony of this post. Good work, anon.
No. 694545
File: 1566853335204.png (5.67 MB, 1242x2208, B1ABE1F4-FAD8-4CD8-AD7B-89AA7F…)

>>694396The hair! That’s going to be a mush on black by tomorrow
No. 694597
File: 1566863445756.jpeg (287.41 KB, 1242x1219, C004D400-AA8C-4A90-AFAF-127FDE…)

If she really wants anyone to believe someone travelled to the UK specifically to get this garbage tattoo from her, she’s shit out of luck.
Either she posted it on Instagram knowing the person won’t call her ass out because they don’t have an account
Or it’s her sister
No. 694600
>>694597“A wonderfull gal who came from the UK who came in to get inked up after flying in.”
There’s those two l’s again.
And you would fly in from the UK… you probably wouldn’t walk. She had to put that in because she reads this religiously and needs to “show da haterz”
Nobody believes this word salad
No. 694607
>>694396It's like a car crash. You can't look away. And the longer you look at it the more things you find that's atrocious.
>>694533I'd say more if Scarecrow and Chucky had a baby
No. 694616
File: 1566866351022.jpeg (213.48 KB, 1242x956, 7BBB62AC-EE74-49E7-B980-3B61FE…)

>>694600Like stated, it wasn’t someone that flew in to see her… it was a family member that happened to be here and she fit her in between napping and drinking.
No. 694620
>>694617Yeah I don’t understand the Bunny thing either. She’s not a cow and even if at one point she was, she isn’t now.
But I think we have had some Vic sightings here recently if that tells you anything.
No. 694623
>>694617If you’re so concerned, let it die. That was 6 hours ago.
No. 694634
File: 1566869877618.jpg (177.49 KB, 1058x1280, IMG_20190826_183800_662.jpg)

No. 694649
How's this bitch gonna act like she's calling out a CUSTOMER like this? I mean this is obviously a completely delusional fantasy scenario but she's pretending like this is a person with a working relationship to try to make herself look desirable.
She's photoshopping herself into beach scenes rather than being on an actual beach and she's gonna act like she turned down a billionaire. She's just too damn much.
No. 694653
File: 1566872641267.jpeg (323.01 KB, 1242x1670, 46499A9A-EA07-4E3D-A9AF-199343…)

>>694634Her responses to these people on her recent post! She’s so drunk right now… I don’t think she’s understanding what these people are saying at all.
Also.. if the spark is there? Her last boyfriend was a child that washed dishes for a “living” Definitely the caliber of men she’d have a connection with.
No. 694654
>>694634I love how she’s been posting on Facebook all day, including this novel, but she’s so busy in the shop.
Guess it saves sometime considering she just butchers people and traces stuff off of google.
No. 694659
File: 1566873316874.jpeg (320.85 KB, 1242x1607, 98818966-D361-44AD-897E-3FC67B…)

This 35 year old mess keeps pumping out the hits.
A) Vicky has never worked on herself passed her online persona.
B) she’s insecure as fuck and everyone can see it
No. 694661
>>694653i, think, jeff, might, be drunk, too
>>694634vicky you're so basic just ugh go out with jeff
No. 694685
>>694597So she did this on a family member but instead of saying that, she acted like a random person flew into to her humble shack for a tattoo? Lol. Has she ever said anything honest? I’m genuinely curious at this point. & the billionaire thing….
No. 694771
File: 1566912046810.jpg (128.19 KB, 1043x1280, IMG_20190827_062024_652.jpg)

Lmao I love that she wrote how much she looks like a Barbie on a post about Rosa Parks Barbie.
No. 694828
>>694653I can’t tell if Jeff here is making fun of Vic’s way of writing or if he just writes like that.
>>694634And this will be a classic. She definitely enjoys tooting her horn and it always comes out looking dumb.
The Dunning-Kruger effect sounds just like Vic.
No. 694858
>>694849Right? I only posted that one screenshot with Bunny's Insta where she has the cringey 'I look 18' or whatever only because there was some weird anon comparing the two constantly and they seemed weirdly fixated on complimenting Bunny. It seemed so self posty with the ass kissing comments like
she looks like khaleesi so basically I just posted it to take them down a notch because it was cringey/reeked of self post. I continued to ignore any other posts related to her and thought it would die off, but people (or the same person) keep defending her and posting shit and who the fuck cares if people think they are both hideous.
I regret posting that screenshot, now the thread is full of the same anon getting butthurt even though no one is even discussing her anymore and it's just causing infighting with what I suspect to be the same retard.
Back to Vick, that post she made about dating clients was retarded.
She basically prides herself on being professional and apparently hates being hit on while she inks even though movie stars etc are obsessed with her. Then she contradicts all of this by saying she'd still date a client if she liked him enough. What the hell.
No. 694881
>>694873That's exactly why she has no sense.
Otherwise she'd delete or never post her cringe shit to begin with.
She won't grow or change from her cringe, she refuses and tried to cover her tracks.
Her deleting posts or her constant editing of her statuses isn't because she has sense, it's either because someone called her out, she needed to add something else to her story, or she's lurked here and realised whatever lie of the moment has been unearthed.
Absolutely no self awareness.
No. 694907
>>694881Don't forget the time she tried to cover up her old LinkedIn account that said she went to Harvard and Yale… By creating a brand new "fake" LinkedIn with super obvious fake info, then she posted the link to the newly created fake LinkedIn and made some status along the lines of "Haha I created these for fun along time ago" in order to pretend she was just joking the whole time.
Classic Vic!
No. 694944
File: 1566952128565.jpeg (207.89 KB, 1242x1070, A4FBD190-8F39-44F7-80A8-AAE5F3…)

>>694940This is regarding her LinkedIn pages.
No. 694948
File: 1566953311895.jpeg (219.23 KB, 1238x1749, B8881958-F87D-407E-BD8B-D2F7F6…)

Most recent candid of Vicky tracing her “art”
The fact that her candids get more grainy over time tells you something
No. 694950
File: 1566953911779.jpeg (30.69 KB, 384x293, 68C47DD7-CF9A-4A25-AB3A-0EF07E…)

>>694949She legit looks like the ningen.
No. 694956
>>694948Omg you can still see how hard those socks are squeezing her hammy calves - her legs are bulging out of both socks and shoes even in a phone camera shot from 2004.
No. 694958
File: 1566957544000.jpg (170.1 KB, 614x1066, Screenshot_20190827-185853_Chr…)

The slightest bit more clear. Y'all, her schnoz. It's enormous.
No. 694969
File: 1566960311140.png (8.46 MB, 1242x2208, 2810337E-3BB8-4777-A0DD-109B1D…)

Um… you sure about this Vic?
No. 694970
>>694969She has shared/posted this exact same thing before on Facebook.
Like ages ago.
No. 694976
>i look like a tomboy when I ink bc I don’t care about being glam Has anyone noticed that the only time she brags about being a “tomboy” (gag) is when she’s tattooing men?
The Korean schoolgirl hooker cosplay, completely with crispy hair extensions and full makeup. It’s like she needs to feel like the most attractive girl in the room (keep trying) all the time if there’s another girl there, but hides her barrel body and face (with her combover) to try to be” just one of the guysss” when she’s tattooing men.
No. 694986
File: 1566969883555.jpg (117.21 KB, 1111x1280, IMG_20190827_222117_758.jpg)

Lol what past self
No. 695004
>>694841 lol'd irl
>>694969Hasnt she posted this like seven times now???
No. 695017
>>695004She's definitely posted it more than once for sure.
She probably gets so drunk she forgets what garbage she shares.
No. 695076
File: 1567019286339.png (12.52 KB, 543x326, Mjollnir-Norse-Mythology.png)

>>694958It looks like she's wearing this.
[pic related]
No. 695342
File: 1567122101939.jpeg (115.19 KB, 1242x470, FD5CDC77-6F07-4BBE-BA20-C44A1B…)

>message me ablut it
Super professional. I thought she was booked for a year.
No. 695372
File: 1567132144564.png (1.01 MB, 1417x1973, Screenshot_20190829-222736~2.p…)

What an absolute fucking monstrosity
No. 695377
File: 1567135464619.jpeg (203.74 KB, 1241x1405, A8FC32C8-5C3F-4683-8CA7-B453A9…)

More unclear photos and videos.
Trying to hide that face.
She looks like someone 45 year old drunk mom
No. 695378
>>695377She dresses like a “Tom boy” for work cause she’s there for the art work, and not to please men.
Yet, she’s so busy… booked for a week and takes photos in full makeup and hair.
She can’t be that busy if she’s getting ready for home photoshoots
No. 695396
File: 1567143975440.jpg (136.62 KB, 1280x1185, IMG_20190829_224607_195.jpg)

What in the world
No. 695447
File: 1567168986106.png (519.57 KB, 1242x2208, 4C8BB18C-63C6-4D9C-A899-95F3B5…)

This is so unprofessional.
If I ever saw an employee or owner of a shop make a comment like this, if they’re right or not, I would NEVER go.
Its cringey as fuck
No. 695460
>>695425The “my ideas are so unique “ poor grammar and “exactly like a snapshot” made me think this is Vicky.
Also insinuating that they are coming to Canada JUST to get her first tattoo by Vic herself.
No. 695461
>>695425Surprisingly enough this doesn't seem like a sock. From profile pictures it looks like she/her daughter were definitely into the whole Warped Tour/scene kid aesthetic. Maybe the daughter is just lazy and thinks having her mom want inked up by one of her old MySpace sceneqween idols is cool.
Or she just hates her mom
No. 695523
File: 1567196184330.jpeg (3.69 KB, 112x79, 834FBE73-74A4-437A-9253-BE9453…)

>>695377Fucking disgusting
No. 695533
File: 1567199787655.png (632.12 KB, 1242x2208, 7A2DE16B-8177-4866-B67A-0A6998…)

A double feature from Vicky.
After long wear? Well makeup should only be worn and taken off before bed. But considering Vicky here drinks for days on end and just passes out she probably wears the same face for days.
>I don’t bother to follow it.
She’s literally on here everyday and has posted in old forums pretending to be other people.
Maybe guys are sending her lewd comments because she’s been known to sleep around, try and steal other girls boyfriends and she adds the kinda guys that would send girls those kinda messages?
She’s so thirsty for male attention she adds whatever neck beard, no matter where they are from.
Why is she surprised? She’s in her 30s and makes posts like this, it’s actually sad.
No. 695535
File: 1567199964137.jpeg (464.55 KB, 1242x1801, 7B31D170-CEBD-48ED-B408-A162E7…)

>>695533Stephen Carter, the only man with half a brain cell on Vicky’s page
No. 695540
>>695535There are no messages,Vicky.You post these 'low key' self aggrandizing stunts very couple of weeks.
>>695523And that's been touched up and 'whitened'. We've warned her to take this shit seriously, she's determined to get mouthrot to prove the haters wrong
No. 695546
File: 1567203447608.jpeg (84.03 KB, 750x335, EA15120E-E7C6-465F-8E78-21E953…)

Nobody wants a grown woman who’s IQ is lower than a used condom
No. 695569
File: 1567212489131.jpeg (37.85 KB, 750x288, 14F7A246-4F15-48CC-AA3A-F03F34…)

How is she getting more retarded
No. 695689
>>695546so…. it's a g-eazy song that she slightly modified ('beautiful' instead of 'carefree').
Isn't it slightly offbrand of her rock metal final fantasy goddess? Or maybe I am wrong since she also likes to wear the fake Supreme shirt…
No. 695716
File: 1567266490160.jpeg (296.05 KB, 1242x1797, 0EF88AB5-B11C-456B-97CE-5DF697…)

Makes posts about being cuter without makeup.
Makes posts about being so busy/ booked for a year
Posts about being a sought after high end ($3000 perhour) model.
Posts about not wearing glam makeup to work.
Yet she’s always posting these grainy photos or videos of her lounging
No. 695757
File: 1567285724513.png (1.83 MB, 1280x3920, InARelationship.png)

This isn't new milk but I don't think this was posted in the last thread. I didn't see this until now. Her ex, Matt, commented on one of her recent posts and I went to his profile.
No. 695793
File: 1567296487807.jpg (91.37 KB, 1280x1162, IMG_20190831_170723_223.jpg)

>>695769Not really. She does mention potentially having kids with him though.
Here's a future
victim I found today
No. 695794
File: 1567296965478.jpg (137.87 KB, 1110x1280, IMG_20190831_171615_279.jpg)

Vicky is the ultimate woman
No. 695840
>>695757I am kind of tickled by the fact that she mention he went for blood tests. Like did she require that of him? Or he just happened to have recently had it done at a routine dr visit and he mentioned it to her. Maybe he was a slut and Vicky is so insecure it drove her crazy hahaha.
I wish we had the milk on their relationship other than the gross “we had sex” and body massage postings on FB. /gag
No. 695867
>>695858Yeah, you're supposed to get tested with each new partner and usually twice so you can take into account any incubation periods. It's probably the least stupid thing she's ever done.
Plus they've both got some shady looking tattoos so blood tests aren't the worst thing to get.
>>695838Her ugly work wasn't already enough for them?
No. 695894
>>695867>>695892That was more what I was pointing out- I think it’s smart to get tested. I found it interesting she didn’t bother to say she was tested or even use it as an opportunity to humble brag about not sleeping around and never having an STI.
She only mentioned HIM getting tested and decided to tell everyone about it and the results.
No. 695926
File: 1567369318038.jpeg (234.82 KB, 1242x1690, B152DA99-E3DD-48A5-BD9D-1ED7A8…)

Someone asked her if it’s been a long night and that’s hitting on her?
I love how she continuously disproves herself with her posts.
People can’t be kind to her, it’s hitting on her.
More proof she doesn’t leave the house or have friends.
No. 695927
File: 1567369374703.png (5.68 MB, 1242x2208, 38F62F72-D682-4E0F-A92F-158AFC…)

>>695926Imagine being in your 30s and having to make posts like this to validate yourself.
No. 695928
File: 1567369469573.jpeg (331.22 KB, 1242x1130, 55F0FE1A-4666-4420-BAA9-664FB2…)

>don’t bother hitting on me.Jesus Christ….. a grown ass woman’s profile.
No. 695934
>>695926>>695926>>695926 >Mr awesome rock starI'm weezing.
her customers and suitors are doctors and engineers and milionaires and educated folk.
Hahaha what a conceited bitch.
No. 695959
>>695958it's because she's TERRIBLE at photoshop, and grainy, low-res, blurry, difficult-to-see pictures are the only way she can hide exactly /how/ much chopping is going on in the photos
this broad is sad af. her online life is an embarrassment. i've never seen anyone, fat or thin, hot or ugly, try this hard to convince other people that they're actually hot. even the average people i've known who do light photoshopping and filters to go from a 7 to a 9 or 10 aren't posting things like "I GET SO MUCH ATTENTION, I AM SO HOT, I AM A DOWN-ASS GIRL, I AM SO GREAT". no, they let their actual looks do the talking.
bitch is sad
No. 695972
>>695926>>695927>>695928OMG will all these men stop hitting on me? Look, everyone, all these guys want me. Seriously, don't message me, silly boys.
Just keep posting your 2003 logitech web cam quality 'candids', vic. the reverse psychology crap isn't working.
No. 696043
File: 1567392585700.jpeg (142.34 KB, 750x539, A1B51CA2-C4DE-4BAE-B88D-067EE7…)

Even a prince is after this hag you guys
No. 696117
>>696043"Sod off"
Using Britishisms clumsily like an American teen writing Harry Potter fanfiction again I see.
Oh Victoria, you daft wanker.
No. 696216
>>696043“Remessage me when you’re ready for one”
Except you are fully booked for the next year….?
No. 696227
>>696216“One of my fan pages” kill me now.
She’s fully booked for a year, except for the spots she left open for new clients.
This bitch makes no damn sense
No. 696397
File: 1567516815605.png (7.32 MB, 1242x2208, 25A007F3-D523-4BEE-89A6-B7830F…)

This was two years ago and already you can see the damage smoking has done on her teeth
No. 696408
File: 1567519145222.jpg (184.06 KB, 808x790, 20190903_095853.jpg)

>>695535posting about the "harassment" makes it stop, which is why she's constantly posting about it, i guess? ok vic
No. 696418
>>696408“It stopped the harassment”
Who wants to put money down we hear about this “harassment” in a couple days because Vicky here can’t keep her lies straight.
No. 696419
File: 1567523593498.jpeg (134.82 KB, 1242x498, D0223B81-4833-482F-BDC2-DA7368…)

How drunkass do you have to be to, first of all, need other people to carry your purse but drop it and not even notice.
No. 696456
>>696419They probably looked inside and saw a bunch of garbage, a couple lighters, cigarette pack wrappers and a few coins, and didn’t want to risk getting poked with a potential needle. Not that she does IV drugs, but a wouldn’t rummage through a nasty ass purse.
I’m also assuming it was a black purse and not the easiest to see on the ground during a concert.
No. 697115
>>697108It probably was Vic. The post they commented on was from 4 days beforehand. I wonder if this Luna person is a past scratcher
victim? I definitely don’t see cow like behavior from what I can find online either. Nor have I seen anybody refer to Vic as Victoria very often. We have much more appropriate names for her. The last few weeks we have had a WK popping in here from time to time so maybe we were just graced with a new sighting?
No. 697168
The spelling was too normal for Vick and she definitely would have written something like
>this girl wanted to copy Victoria for years and it's no wonder she is on this site she was jelous because her bf would always hit on Victoria and she died her hair blonde just to be like Victoria I heard. No. 697171
File: 1567614467635.jpg (116.43 KB, 920x1279, IMG_20190904_092820_524.jpg)

Vic sharing this meme for the 80th time
No. 697172
File: 1567614576077.jpg (87.2 KB, 828x1279, IMG_20190904_093013_929.jpg)

How noble
No. 697174
>calling women ugly won’t make you prettier and it makes people uglierVic: I’m actually very beautiful because I would never call another woman ugly, but anyways, Its always ugly broads who are mean to me.
She literally just defeated her own point in one sentence. Good job, you absolute idiot.
No. 697175
>>697172It's such a retarded post in the first place because it's so black and white. What about circumstance?
So it's not possible for some people to want a certain person to suffer but generally don't like suffering? And Vick is definitely not the latter of those two options. She has no remorse for the people who have suffered her shit tattoos.
No. 697433
File: 1567646402516.jpeg (95.53 KB, 750x224, F4784B06-856F-4EE2-82B8-C5B193…)

I love how her Twitter has status updates she deleted off fb
No. 697461
>>697433She's basically the female version of this though.
>loads of men fight over each other to be with me >I'm super choosy>Guys turn their heads wherever I goIf I was a guy on a date with her, I'd probably think the same thing.
Is this meant to impress me?
No. 697537
>>697463Yeah she constantly brags about how she's beating all these rockgods and movie stars and doctors off with a stick on the daily because she's sooo hot but when a guy says it she sounds insecure and jealous.
Shitty behaviour is only okay when Vick does it.
No. 697634
File: 1567697220839.png (166.17 KB, 493x455, Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 10.24…)

No. 697635
File: 1567697269570.png (287.24 KB, 506x517, Screenshot 2019-09-05 at 10.21…)

>>697634sage for additional pic
>am I 18? No. 697639
>>697635I like the jacked up eyelash shoops especially on the right.
Someone start working on a new thread!
No. 697702
>>697635She looks worse than a woman I know who just got her 50 birthday. She has that typical “I am old but have somewhat less wrinkly face because my face is fat, and covered with makeup” face.
In her pics without makeup she looks slightly younger but still like she’s pushing to 40.
No. 697918
File: 1567735841491.jpeg (82.24 KB, 750x255, 59B22B27-2DDE-42D2-AD09-79D781…)

For someone who was totally booked up until August 2020 she sure has lots of free spots. Guess she needs money for the weekend to get drunk and buy smokes.
No. 698058
>>698037That's like one tattoo a week.
Wow. But she's always
fUllY BoOkEd guys.
And you are right, she would only post the ones she does. She posts all her work no matter how shit and even if she knows it's shit, she simply just writes 'still in progress, needs more white
No. 698110
File: 1567799475082.jpg (80.45 KB, 1012x1279, IMG_20190906_124907_629.jpg)

No. 698114
>>698110Oh no.
That shit is going to bleed and spread. It looks like a child tried to copy a henna tattoo with a sharpie
No. 698343
>>698323Alcoholism and no training.
She’s like a “talented child” who drew really well compared to others when he was 12, but then never did any exercise or training, never was taught by others, so he spends entire life drawing the exact same way, and ends up being 30+ and still drawing like a good twelve years old, while every other artist has made spectacular improvement. And alcoholism is dumbing her down even more with age, she gets shaky hands, fogged brain, and is more and more lazy.
No. 698492
File: 1567908666772.jpeg (504.19 KB, 750x1162, CBE4A4E1-2E0A-4509-AF65-E88865…)

She recently reposted this. The caption is so great. No jealous competitors have their work covered by you, Vic. It’s literally the other way around lmao
No. 698499
>>698492I would love to meet the “jealous competitor” of ~ Bella morte studious ~. Considering almost every other tattoo shop in a 30 mile radius of Guelph has had to fix her god awful work, the only tattoo artist that could possibly Vicky as competition are crackhead basement scratchers. Imagine being this bold with your lies when you A: have never had any real art/tattoo training and B: have a reputation in you industry that’s so terrible that every other REAL professional in your area has covered your work or has heard horror stories from their clients about your work and refuses to work with you.
She should not be allowed to tattoo without an apprenticeship. It’s basic training and a right of passage for anyone who is to be trusted with an invasive cosmetic procedure. Not to mention she’s a mentally unstable loon.
No. 698510
File: 1567913877623.jpg (74.56 KB, 804x1280, IMG_20190907_202534_285.jpg)

She just keeps reposting these pics with different captions
No. 698541
File: 1567921689324.jpg (68.99 KB, 1280x1122, IMG_20190907_224716_543.jpg)

No. 698651
File: 1567949635733.png (2.7 KB, 178x79, face-body.png)

>>698510She's wearing two different skin tone shades.
No. 698740
File: 1567967914832.png (2.19 MB, 750x1334, F3A52DC2-71FA-4F94-8C2B-5F7C4E…)

What the fuck is this absolute mess. I wouldn’t be proud of this chicken scratch that’s blown out to hell
No. 698741
File: 1567967979588.png (2.44 MB, 750x1334, 80205AA1-47B2-4BE8-926E-90769A…)

No. 698812
>>698740>>698492yea, re-posting b/c she's not getting many new clients despite being booked full until next year, lol. she's obsessed with letting ppl know the videos are from her clients phone but i doubt they're letting her log into ig so it's still possible to edit the video. a filter also counts as editing.
pretty sure her ~apprentice~ did those finger doodles, idk how you can teach someone something you haven't properly learned yourself.
>>698740looks like it has chicken feet lol.
No. 698822
>>698740There is a tiger in that mess? WTF?
Vic, please find a new career! Maybe something with a lot of grease just like your salmon. Long John Silver possibly? Just stop butchering people!
No. 698839
File: 1567988747676.jpg (59.55 KB, 1280x818, IMG_20190908_172622_768.jpg)

No. 698840
File: 1567988988375.jpg (94.9 KB, 1106x1280, IMG_20190908_173004_270.jpg)

No. 699493
File: 1567998297136.jpeg (220.17 KB, 750x1007, 5F454D45-56ED-44F8-BDE6-D7989D…)

The top ten list of tattoo shops in Guelph for their readers choice is up and surprise, surprise Vic’s shack didn’t make the list. I’m sure the other “jealous” tattoo artists had something to do with it No. 699938
>>699742No, never. There's something very funny about her wording up her captions with ambiguous ~ink/softening/blackssss~ words to sound like she knows everything about tattoos to her idiot followers, but people who actually do tattoo read stuff like that and are just like girl what the fuck
>>698839Similar with stuff like this, notice you'll never really see a massive tattoo artist who knows what they're doing spout random shit like this with no basis. She knows literally nothing about immune systems, bruising, or how to handle a humans skin. Nobody who tattoos even says "inked up" and shes saying it more and more, it's such glaring cringe. I'm really surprised her shitty scrawlings havent garnered more attention via tattoo shaming pages and the like
No. 700042
File: 1568074812042.png (1.95 MB, 1564x1564, AEAF7240-AC4D-4EA0-93F4-8F4B46…)

Apologies for bad mobile picture
No. 700658
File: 1568168620490.jpeg (197.55 KB, 598x667, 97C7D3D1-B658-40CF-A64E-2AD92A…)

She tried to save herself from sounding absolutely retarded and made herself sound dumb as fuck anyway. So you don’t use gloves when handeling hair bleach? For someone who was a TOP SYLIST in a salon that’s not very professional of you slicky vicky
No. 700664
File: 1568168836399.jpeg (106.59 KB, 750x438, 0C5A8688-56ED-49E3-8FDD-75A349…)

Too busy drinking and sleeping of course!
No. 700738
File: 1568180713039.jpg (78.43 KB, 810x1279, IMG_20190910_224404_015.jpg)

No. 700741
File: 1568181616785.webm (1.33 MB, 540x892, media.io_missvictoriamurder_20…)
Here's that grainy video from her insta stories
No. 700779
File: 1568192212529.jpg (86.83 KB, 1280x1271, IMG_20190911_015616_729.jpg)

Vic is going to have a shoot soon!
No. 700819
File: 1568210911342.jpg (90.96 KB, 1280x789, IMG_20190911_054536_690.jpg)

Another early am drunk post
No. 700823
>>700819I love it when someone lies, manipulates, and makes an idiot out of themselves online, and when people call them out, they victimize themselves to pretend they’re tough and so against the sheeple.
Vic, you only had to develop “tough skin” because of our own insecurities and because of how you just don’t accept that people see the truth about you. You’re a nobody, average soon-middle-aged party goer, with obsession of taking pictures of self and photoshopping it into oblivion, and a shitty tattoer. You’re unintelligent, and one of many. The sooner you deal with it and drop the grandiose delusions, and all the lies, you’ll be able to have actually happy, normal life, and be able to connect with other people.
No. 700835
>>700658hair bleach can also be irritating, but funny she admitted to dying her hair and not trying to pretend she's naturally piss blond. maybe she actually learned not to use oxyclean from her ~soap poisoning~ incident lol.
>>700738i don't know a single artist who tattoos while wearing a leather jacket or fucking sunglasses. she still looks boxy but that's just the lighting right vic.
>>700779can't wait to see which version of her face/body we'll get.
No. 700958
File: 1568227941716.png (287.06 KB, 365x535, skinny-legend.png)

#atheleticbuild #fit
No. 701888
File: 1568312016557.jpg (53.17 KB, 1280x630, IMG_20190912_111324_327.jpg)

>madd stoked
This is so cringey you guys
No. 701894
File: 1568312220299.jpg (126.3 KB, 986x1280, IMG_20190912_111707_618.jpg)

I think Vic is trying to ask for free meals/drinks in her follow-up reply
No. 702353
File: 1568368428305.jpg (106.82 KB, 991x1280, IMG_20190913_024301_009.jpg)

>Old school / new school eel
No. 703567
File: 1568532558812.png (1.73 MB, 1583x2576, VickySuitors.png)

We really need a new thread.
Vicky is currently posting screenshots of dudes hitting on her in private messages. These are from her insta stories
No. 703750
>>703642Didn’t she date a guy 10 years younger than her?
And any female with self respect and a hobby would just block and move on with their lives.
Really goes to show how much free time icky has
No. 703753
>>703567“Prototypical preppy thot version of me”
Here we are with icky putting down other women again. Can’t miss an opportunity.
No. 704064
File: 1568581969516.png (1.37 MB, 1569x1280, handbyface.png)

She posted these to her Instagram story. Every single candid has her hand by her face like this. It's so awkward.
No. 704087
>>704064Wearing the same outfit she always does, sunglasses inside in the dark to cover her face and using her hair to cover her face.
I couldn’t imagine being this insecure. No wonder she never goes out. Shit has to be exhausting.
No. 704134
>>704064I love how she posts candids and proves she’s built like a fridge every time.
The photo where she’s clearly in someone’s nasty basement show being so “buzy” standing around doing dick all is so blurry you can barely make out there’s people in the photo.
No. 704148
File: 1568588396005.jpeg (410.16 KB, 1242x1689, 0C0DDE0B-B442-4E19-ABD9-724E9D…)

This was the show she was the “buzy” merch girl at. A fucking Thai restaurant. Only high quality for Vicky. Didn’t she state she only models for $3000 an hour and gets proposals from billionaires and real rockstars?
But when she leaves her house it’s to places like this.
Anything for a quick buck
No. 704189
File: 1568590708749.jpg (42.52 KB, 1280x840, IMG_20190915_163829_966.jpg)

>>704148Looks like we missed out, anon
No. 704294
File: 1568596253486.jpeg (310.18 KB, 1632x1632, 4C06ACFB-FCF1-4E64-AC3F-5F587D…)

>>704064What she posted vs the actual picture kek
No. 704295
File: 1568596383959.jpeg (281.47 KB, 1632x1632, 49D85E5D-9AF7-4563-B4EE-067A44…)

>>704064Also “super busy”. Sitting at the bar alone while no one gives a single shit about her.
>so famous No. 704296
File: 1568596719704.jpeg (225.91 KB, 721x1332, 094058F0-3D38-4CD1-A764-D89654…)

>>704295Full photo for sad reference.
Everyone enjoying the show/their friends while Vicky sits at the bar alone “proving the haturzzzzz wrong”
No. 704298
File: 1568596877837.jpg (62.85 KB, 1280x817, IMG_20190915_181855_900.jpg)

No. 704301
File: 1568597368457.jpeg (276.91 KB, 836x1242, FC41C6D0-255B-4473-A47A-6E8172…)

Girl needs to find clothes that fit. Those shorts look like they’d rip if she bent over.
No. 704350
>>704301Bitch Is wide like a redwood.
~muh hourglass figure and tiiiiny waist
>>704296What a loser kek. She’s so insufferable online I can’t even imagine what she’s like in person.
No. 704460
File: 1568607321168.jpeg (388 KB, 1242x2208, AF45CB12-ED22-400D-AB88-EF8FB7…)

Black clothes are a strategy and all, but they aren’t immune to turning the brightness up a little
No. 704549
File: 1568611088427.jpeg (485.16 KB, 1632x1632, 8B7A66F3-F384-42F1-88C0-86642B…)

Some more unedited, facecovering Vicky from his fb page
No. 704587
>>704549Whoa that top middle. What am I even looking at? It’s like the profile of a fuzzy haired clown with literally no ass. There’s nothing there. It’s just flat. I’ve never seen an ass that flat before.
These candids are giving me life.
No. 704613
File: 1568615767619.png (1.04 MB, 1119x2711, leavingwasnotmychoice.png)

Vicky larping as English again
No. 704694
>>704460My fucking sides.
I actually feel sorry for her. She’s such a pathetic, lonely loser, and she seems to have no mental capacity to change her life for the better. The lies on the internet is all she ever had.
No. 704960
File: 1568658249494.jpeg (164.18 KB, 750x924, AC6903CB-2E5F-4E6F-ACC8-E5E384…)

Holy fuck. What a tiny GODDESS
No. 705146
File: 1568690309619.jpg (41.33 KB, 1280x393, IMG_20190916_171743_270.jpg)

Is it normal to offer tattoos for renovation work?
No. 705155
File: 1568692481139.jpg (80.12 KB, 1280x777, IMG_20190916_171317_756.jpg)

No. 705205
File: 1568698215049.png (3.16 MB, 1280x6645, DragonBallV.png)

>>705155The replies to this status
No. 705266
>>705205>so fast certain cameras stop picking up both you and the weapon with lower frame ratesWow Vic, you're telling me that your trash ass 10-year-old phone with a potato quality camera struggles to capture your gracefully swift sword swinging in decent FPS?
Well I never.
No. 705532
File: 1568746115319.jpg (64.53 KB, 480x792, ARE-YOU-SURE-ABOUT-THAT.jpg)

Did she make a sock to mssg herself this and then post it? Every single one of her pictures is edited into the fucking ground lmao anyone with half a brain cell can see that. She is seriously the Queen of cringe. "I've gone live on twitch" Yea and you looked NOTHING like the pictures you post at all! Nice try tho you hammy saggy hag