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No. 633584
If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.
Previous threads
>>>/pt/366110>>>/pt/486300 No. 634813
File: 1548954527517.jpeg (123.86 KB, 600x900, keynotesonalee.jpeg)

This is "The Fat Sex Therapist," Sonalee Rashatwar. She's a "decolonizer," gender non-binary, body positive/pro-fat acceptance, she really hates white people and has literally said that the world would be better off if more Jews had been killed, and also seems to have contempt for "skinny" and fit people. It also appears that she doesn't think her own South Asian heritage is oppressed enough, because the vast majority of her "de-colonization" material is on people from Central America.
I wonder how this thing would fare if it was left to fend for itself in the wilderness. I'm also very curious about its diet. She says fit people are "ableist," but she posts plenty of photos of herself eating fried food.
IG: No. 635316
File: 1549031393618.jpeg (104.08 KB, 634x793, 48F9389F-E710-46CD-AB06-3DDD9A…)

>>635289>>635305Oh ho ho ho this is GOLDEN. I endorse this suggestion. Pic related looks like she’s set to go play some pokies after a hard day’s work yelling “FUCK OFF WE’RE FULL” at the constituents of Lakemba
No. 635426
>>635289's a bunch of people talking about her antics early on til current day.
A lot of them suspect she's on drugs in her latest insta stories.
I remember she made a giant post about a daycare poster that told you to get off your phone when picking up your kids and she kicked up a giant stink about it and a lot of her fans disagreed. She has some diehard followers though, and she calls her fanbase 'queens'
I'm all for body positivity and I'm glad she shows candids of a post baby body, but she overshares gross nudes all the time under the guise of positivity and also shits all over mothers that don't have feral kids, lost the baby weight and keep their houses clean.
She thinks by being vulgar and a shit parent it makes her relatable, when she just comes off loud mouth and gross.
Ano ther scandal includes selling marked up gypsy style clothes from bali and marked up aliexpress sunglasses.
No. 635529
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I honestly think we should have a Sammie Violet Bushart thread here. This girl pretends she's pregnant with a new baby every 3 weeks, she thinks her cousin is Britney Spears, she claims she has Lil Wayne's baby, her mom has custody of her two actual kids because she cannot take care of an actual baby, she will date any guy who wants to fuck her and then create a fake Facebook of the guy so they can get "married". Also She Types Like This. It's peak redneck and completely entertaining to witness.
No. 635540
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>>635529Oh my god, please! I go to KF just to read her thread. It’s a wild ride.
No. 635728
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>>635624You would think! She's so outlandish to the point you can't believe she's real but she's 100% real. If it helps, she's from Arkansas.
(the one replying to her is her momma who has custody of her two kids)
No. 635738
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>>635540This girl's fucking hilarious. She googles photos of pregnant bellies, ultrasounds, and random babies and pretends they're hers. Most of her "pregnant" photos are just her eating way too much and being full.
This one would be kind of tough for photos mostly because of the random babies, but there's enough milk without any children.
No. 635793
File: 1549126343062.jpg (Spoiler Image,175.28 KB, 700x521, SammiePurpleHorrifyingtiddypic…)

>>635529I stan this suggestion. I have a bunch of caps from quite a few of her fb accounts (about 11 at last count), including the iconic "Getting My Tits Out At The Hospital Whilst My Daughter Undergoes Heart Surgery"*
Don't wanna spam this thread so I'll keep checking in the hope some based anon can provide.
The Sammie Purple Porn Star Saga was absolutely terrifying *pic related.
No. 635795
was the one named printhas iirc, Genesis Printhas-whoever was the daddy of choice at that moment's surname inserted here. She chose
printhas after her mom's dog's name.. cutesy spelling of 'princess' I think? She's like a whole new universe of crazy.
No. 637093
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can there be a thread on Peaches (@lovelypeaches4ever.2001) since she's 18 now?
>Likes running away from home even though she doesn't come from an abusive household
>Has very low standards, sleeps around with dudes much older than her
>Has a child she constantly "jokes" about wanting to abuse and kill
>Brags about having herpes, wants to be infected with HIV/AIDS
>Compares herself to Ariana Grande and Cardi B, calls them and other cookie cutter IG baddies her "twins"
>Brags about being ""lightskin""
>Constantly posting gross shit
No. 637126
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>>637093I think she's due a thead here, she turned 18 last month. According to her stepmom she doesn't have access to her daughter thankfully. Also she made this edit.
No. 637129
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Her snapchat is plovesya2 and she'll say weird things there but I think her grosser content is on instagram live.
No. 637135
File: 1549403541893.jpg (Spoiler Image,252.69 KB, 800x952, 20190205_135036.jpg)

>>637126Damn this is some strong self-hatred. This is sickeningly sad to me. Mental illness?
PIC IS NSFL. Jfc I forgot to spoil at first I'm so fucking sorry everyone
No. 637197
>>637093>>637126Coupla good things- she's now 18 and
finally people realise she doesn't have the kid. I wasn't really ready for a thread of "someone take this kid away / call the police" like they've had on PULL. Yes she's a total horrowcow, and if you have access to her insta accounts I reckon go for it.
No. 637574
>>637433why not start him and the squad off in youtubers general? the videos and news about them have been posted there already
>>>/snow/460232Would hopefully shut up the PDP fangirls who have taken it over again the last few days.
No. 637821
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Jayalalita Devi Dasi/Jillian Hoy/JS Hoy = runs Martinet Press, publisher of nazi rape porn for ONA neckbeard incels, notably including Iron Gates which endorses child rape, ex partner of Joshua Sutter together they were in Aryan Nations and the Rural People’s Party = a pro-North Korean militia group. She has become a bizarre pin up for her Atomwaffen division drones/edgelord fascists who fawn over her chinless selfies and pseudo-philosophical ramblings. No. 638025
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Plamondon comic’s anyone?
No. 638210
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>>638188Yeah. People have tried to make threads about her. They never end up getting many posts or going anywhere.
Here are the SEVERAL threads about her that are up atm!
>>>/snow/354694>>>/snow/150944>>>/snow/176435>>>/snow/208604 No. 638536
File: 1549762058472.png (833.28 KB, 877x591, Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at 8.26…)

>>638210Just made this. Sorry for any offense caused
No. 638596
>>638586What they mean is: why bother unless your one of onion's retards? Or one of those Ana tards.
Eugenia has no drama outside of onion sperging about her. She herself is quiet and apparently nice.
The girl needs to get off the internet and into hospital, but harassing her doesn't do anything
No. 638784
>>638779NerdECrafter has bugged me for a while since it seems her entire thing is like… complaining about the pisspoor quality of childrens' craft kits like… uh yeah duh it's a dumb trendy product aimed at kids of course it's gonna be shitty and cheap.
This new revelation is just… idk icing in the cake i guess lol.
No. 640919
>>640894To expand, exurb1a is a rapist, alcoholic, liar and a psychopath. He is a mod in his subreddit and deletes any posts and comments about allegations against him. His friends sends Pieke (the girl who accused him and had a miscarriage) death threats and constantly harass her. He is also known to make multiple accounts and spread lies. Pieke, despite having developed PTSD due to rape, is surprisingly strong, seeing that she calls them out constantly.
The whole thing is just fucked up, tbh
No. 641192
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Just started going down the rabbit hole that is HardRockNick aka Aly Ashley Jash. This dude is everything anyone could ever want in a cow.
No. 641424
I think Cyome needs her own thread.
>Is 24 years old who keeps being offended over everything, harasses her fans and acts like some 16yo
>Keeps self-diagnosing herself out of pity
>Has a broke s/o, charges big prices on commisions that she barely finishes while still spending all the money on expensive shit (and still complains over how broke she is) which led them into living in a car until ~ last week, when they rent apt with some people, and one of them has cat allergy but she keeps whining how its roommates fault for being cat allergic. Complains over everything just to get sympathy, especially money, talks about them all the damn time. Before apt they lived in a car. She oftenly whined over her bf in public, and once wanted to break up with him, but a week later they got married w/o still, having any money. Says that they are always in debts. S/o has no job.
>Using dead people in order to earn clout/gain fame (@princesstiramisugoi)
>wants to change her RL name to something ~ more special~
>always attacks her own fans, esp under IG comments and on her own livestream. Attacked a fan who told her to chill and banned every person who said she was too harsh. Is always rude towards everyone on her streams bcz of how special she is.
>One of her fans donated her on PayPal out of pity, in the end she went full rage-y and leaked all of her fans info on IG
>Is a 24yo cow, yet wears ~ uwu seifuku ~ and pedobaity clothing. When someone on twitter told her she dresses too childishly, she shown her misterss outfit.
>As mentoined above, she keeps taking commisions but it takes her months to finish or she does not finish them at all.
No. 641774
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Mirukupeach on instagram
Do you have informations about this girl ? She apparently recreate an Anzujaamu's makeup without crediting her and tought nobody will notice it, but besides a few comments saying "thanks for finally tagging her" or "thanks for deleting my comment" I don't have anything else
No. 641825
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>>641788>>641774She also stole a makeup design from a smaller account and apologizes on her story
No. 642275
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I'm thinking of making the thread myself but want to see if there's any interest, since this isn't the sort of cow we typically see here.
>40-something codeine and alcohol addicted welfare-leech living in the UK>Has a child with a man convicted of raping a young girl>Was banned from a bunch of opiate recovery forums for triggering recovering addicts and showing no intention of getting sober (more info:>Has the distinction of being banned from the biggest drug forum, Bluelight, simply for being insufferable despite not breaking any rules>Spends all her time online, her entire life is centered around the communities she joinsRecent milk:
>Joined and became obsessed with Reddit>Was a slur-dropping Trump supporter (proof: until she learned she could get more attention spamming bland #resist material on the various liberal subreddits, quickly amassed hundreds of thousands of karma doing so>Was modded to a number of liberal subreddits, most notably /r/fuckthealtright>Goes on massive, arbitrary banning sprees, bans anybody who criticises her or posts in communities she dislikes, seems to treat reddit as her personal playground in general>Supported the FTAR autobanning of /r/chapotraphouse users, accused them of cozying up to the right (source:>Goes on benders, posts and does dumb shit, deletes it out of embarrassment when she sobers up (examples:>Accuses users of being alt-right for no reason, doesn't seem to understand politics despite heavy involvement in reddit's politics sphere>Shows up in meta moderator discussions to try and get the reddit admins to do her bidding (example:>Left a mod position in one community after someone she disliked got modded (more info:, got remodded, and then complained across reddit about how unfair it is that she's at the bottom of the modlist (example:>Is likely kept as a mod due to pity, possibly threatening to harm herself, has an alliance with another insane mod (devavrata17)>Mischarcterises disagreements as stalking and harassment (example:>Accuses critics of being certain users ("stalkers") from her drug forum days without evidence, threatens police involvement (example:>Constantly instigates things and douses petrol on the fire and then complains or flounces when it comes back to bite herHer MO: uses communities to blather on about herself, accuses people who criticise her of stalking, mischaracterises criticism as harassment to get mods or admins to ban users she dislikes, talks shit about people behind their backs (even the ones that are nice to her), extreme (probably somewhat justified given how easily she makes enemies) paranoia, extreme thin skin
Current reddit account: website (forum currently down because of the current negative attention): Right now she's creating a ton of drama on metareddit and leftyreddit in addition to destroying powermod communities by turning them into her own personal blog and trying to drum up support for her various crusades.
No. 642604
File: 1550904693301.jpeg (117.83 KB, 1009x593, 6E3D72EA-7246-4906-B5BD-69EE51…)

Has anyone thought about starting a Tim Tracker thread? Tim and Jenn are theme park vloggers. They have gotten called out several times for not disclosing free trips or event invites. Jenn likes to start drama with other youtubers and is vying to be the next real Housewife. They kiss Disney’s ass in hope to get a paycheck to official Disney pr youtubers.
No. 642660
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Want a new cow? Bored of the same cosplay girls and shitty threads?
I present to you the mother of all cows
>Jamie Leah Perez
>constantly flaunts her wealth with stolen photos
>Runs fake charity and made children starving in Africa hold photos of her fat ass self with Snapchat filters captioned “Thank you mom”
>constantly posts for attention on whisper
>6k followers mostly thirsty men
> calls all women sluts
And much much more just spend 2 seconds on her instagram and you will see what would have happened if Luna had married a black guy.
No. 642662
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>>642660The photo that the poor children in Ethiopia were holding
No. 642671
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>>642669Did I mention she makes “music”
No. 642947
>>642604they are absolutely not cow material.
They're a sweet couple who make great content and I suppose have made a few mistakes.
Really not milky at all.
No. 643290
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Apparently this girl and a bunch of others are about to be exposed as being heavily involved in a pedophile circle on Instagram and Twitter, encouraging the production of CP. YTer twoon just posted this, says it’s a collaborative effort with other YTers. Thought I’d leave it here if anyone was interested.
No. 643293
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Is there a thread for soundcloud rappers or anything like that?
There're a few interesting things going on every now and then.
Recently one I stumbled upon on accident was Lil Xan and his girlfriend/fiancee faking their pregnancy. And people expect they will go further to also fake a miscarriage.
His fiancee seems shady as it is. She came from nowhere and suddenly started a youtube channel, and they barely dated then they were already engaged and getting a baby? There's no real info about her and I wouldn't be surprised if their whole rs was fake. It's weird-
More info: No. 643302
>>643293Here ya go
>>>/snow/759533The ultrasound has been mentioned.
No. 643904
>>643862>>643732>>643864I still hope someone makes one soon.
A lot of people find entertainment value in Onision and his wife's retardation.
Even if the thread is placed in /snow and autosaged, I think a lot of people would still frequent it.
If an anon decides to create one, please post it here! Thanks!
No. 643998
>>643944Well it sure doesn't seem like a lot of people know about it. No title or anything, the archive thread hasn't been updated either and it doesn't even look like a real thread. Instead of being a fucking smartass, post the link next time.
For other anons :
>>>/pt/643915 No. 644096
File: 1551649174160.jpeg (292.29 KB, 1127x688, 43A2D7B9-E529-4E28-9728-B0169D…)

>>644084Yes please! There seems to be even more than what was covered in that article, I’ve seen a couple of posts about her, here’s one I could find.
No. 644194
>>644163This. I noticed that ppl from the US are often mentioning race (even when it is not relevant…even here on LC sometimes) and from a europoor point of view, it's pretty weird…maybe I'd better keep that question for /ot.
Anyway, I'd love to see a new Audrey Kitching thread, there was one in /snow if I remember rightly, but it is pretty dead now.
No. 644343
File: 1551755156204.jpg (141.87 KB, 1342x946, 52581061_2245082215766164_5647…)

Caroline Joy Henrichs
>23 Year old Suburban Illinois Woman who pretends to be Native American by
>Pretends by darkening her skin via shitty tanning booths/photoshop, lying about her native origins and even claiming her family are victims of TRAFFICKING when they died by other means
>Uses her sisters who are more likable than her as props for her lies of being Native and makes up lies about how they fuck her boyfriends even though one of them is gay
>Steals native american beadwork and passes it off as her own for profit and got put in a gallery for it
>makes fake accounts of supposed native american family members
>Harrasses people and sends her followers after others when they so much as ask why she's tanning so hard
>A literal fucking trainwreck of a human being with no personality
^ a group of people ended up making this blog about her with proof of all the ways she lies.
No. 644605
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Gothfruits is a mess and deserves a thread of their own
No. 644642
>>644605You mean HIS own thread.
Kidding, but I agree, please make it.
No. 645531
File: 1552305312203.jpeg (59.28 KB, 800x726, download.jpeg)

Hey my dudes!
If you want to save cows insta-stories for free and in an unlimited number use a throw away email.
This is what I use! this site
IG Stories Archive:
>oh and btw it doesn't matter if an instagram account is private because it overrides that. You're welcome! Enjoy!
No. 645896
Anyone want Chris Boutee/ The Rewired Soul?
Couple of things about him:
1. He has no licence but charged people around 100 bucks for mental health courses, which people thought was scammy.
2. Pushes his books on people, but again, he is not a mental health professional.
3. Has made a ton of videos on Trisha Paytas, and claimed Bobby Burns was on drugs when he crashed.. Even though he has zero concrete evidence.
4. Talked shit about the YT drama community, and insisted he is not a drama channel. Then one day he posted a video saying why he was leaving the "
toxic" drama community.
5. Got into A LOT of trouble for invalidating a man with bipolar, and diagnosed (an already diagnosed) girl with BPD. Despite this, he has no formal psychology education.
6. He says in a video he finds mental health funny, despite him trying to make a serious career out of helping people.
Some milk: is SO much more milk, also
No. 646006
>>644218Seconding this.
Nyxrising is full of former parle productions members, but whenever you bring it up they don't want anything to do with it. I'm guessing because jack used to be jen and broke up with Kelly (just a vague facebook post of jen leaving kelly all of the sudden) also the group is full of gender speshul people, 2 being ftm, nyx having to gender to her girlfriend being confused about her gender but still going by female.
No. 646734
File: 1552841772529.png (1.4 MB, 1194x1146, avcc-neonborgy.png)

averyconfusingcouple, the #tumblrrefugees
used to show off their heady ddlg lifestyle, now known as neonborgy on most social media. the girl, emily, had bpd depression… etc.(basically tumblr grrl starterpack) friends w/ brat grrl2 and all those types.
No. 646804
>>646734broke up with bf of 5 years
i sense that she will have a shit show.
No. 647454
>>647414She’s nothing but your general Ana with a vlog, uninteresting and not enough of a train wreck to be closely observed on her own thread.
She’s basically the same as she eats
Shitty and uninteresting content
No. 647475
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Can we please make a thread on mens rights activist Avishek Saha. He makes videos on YouTube spouting his bullshit on how women are ruining society citing psuedoscience for his reasoning. Not only is he hideous himself he thinks he is peak masculinity and continually cites his high testosterone as proof. He also posts gems like this on his Twitter.
No. 647584
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>>647514If we're doing threads on guys can we please have a thread on Russell Greer? He's a Mormon guy who's sued Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift (twice) for not dating him, pretty much everything he does involves harassing women and blaming his problems on his disability. He has a paralyzed face and unironically believes that it should be a felony for a girl to turn him down.
Tbh I wanna see how farmers would come up with ways to insult himPic related is his "book" on legalizing prostitution
No. 647649
>>647634i'm interested in them too, but i feel like for now they fit in the IG thots general thread? since internetgirl and similar accounts were discussed (more often in the first thread)
>>647647SECONDED, i was the one who brought it up in shane's thread. how he has the twitter fanbase that he does is beyond me… i actually used to follow him like two suspended accounts ago and lots of comedians/ funny twitter people followed him too, he was funny to me before his antics became my entire timeline and it got soooo grating. when his latest account popped up for trying to cancel the entirety of youtube i was like yeah….. not gonna refollow this time, saving myself the headache
No. 647742
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>>635289SOMEONE PLEASE, this lady is an absolute cunt and her existence and rants are never ending milk
No. 647769
>>647755I’m down for a new mommy bloggers thread since that one is so old.
I’ve been wanting to bitch about Jenna Jameson the self proclaimed “keto queen”. Claims she doesn’t photoshop currently (admitted it in the past) but it’s obvious she does even after weight loss , denies she’s had anything done to her ass (she clearly has, prior to pregnancy, but will use her breastfeeding as a way to deny it), turned Alt-right and anti-vax and is turning her adorable girl into a screen zombie. She posts about 30 IG stories all of her toddler starring at a tv or tablet screen.
Not to mention using her platform to push her terrible eating habits.
No. 647793
File: 1553232250335.jpg (45.37 KB, 480x480, 51014233_314665249399716_39669…)

Any milk on @tricksterkarkat / @essaere / @beebinch ?
They blew up over some Minecraft cosplays but they seem like thots
No. 647882
>>647869He actually had his own thread but somehow got it deleted
>>647876He is milky, you just haven't dug up well enough on him.
No. 647886
File: 1553283344117.jpeg (1.09 MB, 3840x2880, C39DA624-8051-42F4-A466-68FC18…)

Probably a long shot since nobody outside of the Midwest cares, but would anyone want a thread about Shutocon, conchair Stefanie Black (formerly Stefanie Shall), and Stefanie’s asskissers? Correct me if there already is a thread.
No. 647949
File: 1553302594894.jpg (85.61 KB, 990x622, nw4xwkj1irn21.jpg)

how about ice poseidon?
he just recently got raided by the fbi and is trying to say someone spoofed his ip to hack a church.
he posted this portion of the search warrant though… which might of confirmed what ppl said that he was being raided bc he was swatting himself, running a ponzi scheme, and wire fraud
No. 647989
>>647882We are not your personal army here to 'dig up info' and we don't care about your petty discord fights. The fact you didn't locate the perfectly good thread where you could have posted him is telling. Too late now, sperg.
>>647949There's a general thread where you can talk about him. None of these youtubers seem juicy enough for their own at the moment?
No. 648033
>>647876>doxxed people and already had a petition against him when his channel was tiny>stabbed his friend in the back and called him a stalker when said friend asked for credit related to video ideas>ironically accuses said friend of doxxing>always denies and never takes full responsibility>denied being biased in the rewired soul saga, in reality is a good friend of Chris>asked a very obviously unstable pregnant person (Leif E. Greens) for an interview, and basically sent his goons after her and leaked personal information of hers>all of the sudden denounced Chris from the rewired soul, blames him for everything instead of taking responsibility>Primink says he is going to make a video on Repzilla>Repzilla proceeds to go full damage control and DM's everyone he has done wrong or who might have some tea on him, even goes crazy in the comment sections ◦ An unhealthy desire for attention - Check
◦ Failure to accept criticism - Check (he even bans fans for criticizing him)
◦ A lack of self awareness - Check
◦ No willingness to improve upon their behavior - Check
>>647896I haven't been banned afaik so nothing to evade. I just have been following the Rewired Soul drama and that is how I found out that Repzilla is an absolute asshole. I became even more suspicious when someone tried to make a thread on Leif E. Greens, and it was obvious the person was a newfag.
No. 648066
>>647989ice poseidon isn’t juicy enough?
> works with a nazi supporter Brent Kaskel who tried to run other businesses which failed> ice poseidon himself has exploited homeless people for content on his streams by throwing food at them and countless other things> ice viewbots every stream he does> allegations against him right now include CP, hacking a church for donations, swatting himself, hiring people to beat up streamers he cut ties with, and much more> is insanely racist to black people> recently exposed himself for running a ponzi scheme> there’s a video that resurfaced recently where he was sexually harassing a girl streamer that was on his network, cassandra, and saying he has the right to touch her pussy> just got a streamer house like a month ago and is most likely getting evicted now due to the fbi raidall of this was just from the past two weeks
I feel like he does have enough to constitute his own thread. it just depends whether or not other farmers find him interesting, but whether you do or not doesn’t deny that he does have a lot of milk.
No. 648095
>>647793Beebinch is one of those cosplayers that is famous for her meme cosplays, and they’re always badly edited.
As for Tricksterkarkat, it’s been known that she and her twin sister both photoshop the fuck out of their massive chins. Most conventions they go to they wear masks or cover their faces when their picture is taken. There are a few where you can see their unedited faces
No. 648099
File: 1553376316277.jpeg (179.96 KB, 750x1112, 58E23F62-FC2D-4B69-A584-192C39…)

>>648095Here’s a photo from one of their accounts that they edited
No. 648100
File: 1553376352815.jpeg (189.16 KB, 750x1055, DEFA3E22-6E54-4701-80D4-C6E7CD…)

>>648095And here’s one taken at a con
No. 648510
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Not sure if this belongs on lolcow since none of these are really online personalities and such, but reminds me of the Kero zoosadism situation. So there's mostly American people that comment hateful sadistic things on monkey Youtube videos, and some even upload dead monkeys/monkey getting hurt/monkeys in cages/etc, with a particular focus on hating baby monkeys. 4chan's /x/ has done some investigation and it's agreed that many of these creeps are using baby monkeys as a substitute for their pedo fantasies, especially since a couple of their avatars are convicted pedos and a couple users have ties to CP comments/vids and transsexualism. Thread-worthy for cows, or just leave it to /x/?
No. 648542
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But please post a thread about it
No. 648667
>>648460Meh, she could probably be grouped in with Kelly Kirstein, and her thread didn't take off too much (which is a shame cause she's still one of my fav cosplay cows.
Could we just have a thread for all the crazy SU/"gay" cartoon character cosplayers?
No. 648718
>>648716all threads need to start on /snow/
be mindful of spoilering the disturbing material, the zoosadists tread was a good example.
No. 649042
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No. 649043
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No. 649044
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No. 649045
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No. 649046
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No. 649189
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Potential new cow? I stumbled upon her after clicking the tag ‘kittenpits’ to try and figure or wtf that meant and now I am filled with regret. Will post follow-up justification for why she might be ridiculous and / or milky.
No. 649378
>>649276I vote for a new Kaka thread, I think it's funny that she gave up on being an actress right when she was starting to get jobs and do well, just to accuse known creeps she should've avoided in the first place of sexual assault so she can be part of #metoo. She wants so badly to be a celebrity
victim she keeps associating with known creeps and losers who happen to be famous and then when they try to get her to put out she cries rape and acts like an innocent girl trying to make friends. She's so insidious, and it's like she has this pathological need to be the blameless
victim who was preyed upon bc she's special and not because she's too socially retarded to avoid predatory men.
No. 651442
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Looking-for-a-mother-figure she has a YouTube I’ve yet to be able to find anything or reverse image search comes up with nothing
No. 651448
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>>651442Every so often I find her tumblr and it’s always updated and there’s too many pictures for it not to be her posting , it’s redunant a little unnerving her accounts are strange and she’s obsessive
No. 651449
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>>651442I’ve been wondering if anyone on here has seen her in other spaces before
No. 651451
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>>651442That’s all the milk I have rn
No. 651527
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Can we have a Tesah Jordin thread like yesterday? E-thot, dates pedophiles and then lies about it, makes false rape accusations (pic related)
No. 651529
>>651492She says she makes enough money off YouTube? This weird story about living with her brother too?
I’d make a thread but I don’t have enough milk pst her weird tumblr
No. 655031
Catholicnun is my dream cow:
(Victoria Nyguen, twitter @catholicnun420 and @victoriavu_, tumblr @catholicnun, countless IGs)
-21 year old junkie (addicted to heroin and xanax but has tried every drug but crack and pcp and cant stop tweeting proof of every time she does drugs)
-prostitutes herself for drug money
-accused of raping a friend while he was on xanax
-says she has every mental illness (BPD, bipolar 2, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, every ED possible)
-now claims she has an addiction to gambling bc she went to vegas once
-says she is asexual nymphomaniac and is constantly fucking people off bumble (banned from tinder for prostitution)
-kicked out of multiple houses for fucking her hosts boyfriends and getting too fucked up and causing scenes
-shitty artist who only sells her drawings when she needs drug money
-will meet up and become friends with/fuck literally anyone online
-then doxxes those said “friends” and "boyfriends" when they realize she's insane and ditch her, ask her followers to attack them
-will dox her sugar daddies and drug dealers
-tweets about stealing from stores and her dad
-her sister pays for her to travel the us to fuck randos and do drugs all day long instead of actually get a job or go to school
-has a bunch of preteen followers who support her every move
-wants to be skinny, cool, and white
-been doing all of this since she was 13 on tumblr, just gets worse and worse
-obsessed with Jovan and his clout and steals his tweets but attacks people for stealing hers
-cant take responsibility for an ounce of her life
-has hoards of people who hate her and lurk and archive bc of what shes done
No. 655722
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How about the Kragen Clan?
It's a kid named Jon Kragen who's a 17-ish autistic "Christian nationalist." He's completely obsessed with Neo-Nazi/white supremacist media, and he idolizes Steven Anderson. There are traces of him on pretty much all corners of the alt-right/white nationalist internet. The funny thing is that it's come up that I don't think he's a Holocaust denier, but rather thinks the Jews basically deserved it. But it's all kind of funny because he basically looks and talks like Forrest Gump. He doesn't really seem concerned about God's grace or anything like that, but rather puts all his attention on how evil he thinks Muslims, Jews, atheists, and gays are, and how they're all going to hell. A very telling moment was when he once wrote that he was standing up against "Muslims, Jews, and anyone else who bullies autistic people," as if those groups were distinctly focused on taunting autistics.
One of the other funny things is that he sometimes talks about how much he hates the Westboro Baptist Church, but this seems like a cover for the fact that he completely plagiarizes their "God Hates Fags" signs.
I have to wonder what his parents think.
His social media: also has a second channel, but I won't post that because he just uses it to mirror Steven Anderson and Neo-Nazis slightly pedantic, but well-intentioned atheist who responded to his incoherent thoughts on "science": that all Kragen's videos are pretty much him ranting in a fast but Forrest Gump-like way about how people are blaspheming and God's gonna punish them.
No. 655734
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>>655722More fun from this kid
No. 655843
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Karuna Satori
>ASMR cow turning into an amateur porn actress
>Leaves a link to her NSFW patreon and tumblr in the description of her videos for all of her underage fans to see
>Makes sex jokes and extremely inappropriate comments in her ASMR videos
>Has a husband who she cucks (open relationship) and two kids who she neglects
>Has a sugardaddy, "Dom" Dylan, and regularly abandons family to have sex with him
>Regularly abandons family when she's not even seeing him because she can't handle being a mother
>Addicted to plastic surgery. Has gotten a boobjob and multiple lip injections for Dylan, has fake teeth, botox, liposuction, failed lip implants which exploded her bottom lip and had to be removed, and more coming up
>Former heroin addict who has been on methadone for the past 8 years, can't kick the last 2mg
>Takes kids to festivals where she "safely" does psychadelic drugs while she leaves her kids stranded
>Claims to be "sober" even though she does the aforementioned drugs, smokes, and drinks alcohol
>Has had her kids taken away by govt. before
>Hated by everyone in her city/community
>Claims to have celiac or some shit (everything is self-dx'd) but eats Dunkin Donuts and other greasy foods containing gluten about every day
>Doesn't cook for her family, doesn't clean, usually doesn't even sleep under the roof her own kids do
>Quality of videos have taken a considerable nosedive in the past year
>Posted pictures of her and her kids on her NSFW patreon
>Abuses the welfare system and is probably on Section 8 even though she shouldn't be with their income
>Former serial scammer
>Old tweets surfaced where she called presumably white people "superior" or some shit, made fun of asians
>Spends thousands of dollars on designer stuffed animals and other worthless garbage
I'm really surprised she never had a thread here. I know there's an ASMR general, but she's enough of an abhorrent trainwreck on her own.
She recently bought or rented or scammed her way into owning a studio apartment and she's probably going to use it mostly for getting away from her family, which she already barely sees. Repugnant mother and human being. Sorry for the long post btw.
No. 655857
I don't know her but I hate her already and the milk looks amazing.
No. 655860
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Would anyone be interested in a Rooshv thread or discussion via pinkpill thread? He’s not the usual type of cow that ends up here but recently he’s fallen into some kind of midlife crisis that’s spawned all sorts of bizzare and self-contradictory lulz. For the unaware Rooshv is a 40 year old Iranian American who started out as garden variety pick up artist , later degenerated into an altright/redpill content creator (under his flagship site Return of Kings, famous for their “should rape be legalized” article) and is now trying trying to peddle some kind of alt warrior for god rebrand to his ever shrinking and exasperated fanbase. His ever increasing self hate of being a brown man even managed to earn him some pity points from Richard Spencer, who threw him a bone and recently did a video with him to help promote his new book.
No. 656141
>>655843Yessss. Been following this train wreck for years. She recently made a joke about buying a $300 stuff toy and said 'I could be using this for my kid's college fund but oh well'
She's also been spotted in onion's video comments along with commemting on other cow's videos.
She defended Lainey in a video. Like others have said, she's dodgy as fuck and tries to appeal to tweens. To be a junkie and turn your life around is one thing, but she still uses drugs and alcohol at festivals and parties.
Also suspect she's BPD as fuck because everyone she's had 'drama' with, it's always THEIR fault. Whether it's neighbours, ex friends or whatever.
Something that struck me as odd was in her stalker storytime she makes some guy out to be unstable, yet even after he and her fell out, she still borrowed money from him and even shows a photo in the video of her baby daughter sitting on his lap.
He sounds mentally ill and a junkie, but she doesn't exactly sound innocent either.
No. 656508

>>634813This woman just got a ton of attention, because apparently at a talk at some campus, she compared putting kids on healthy diets to sexual assault. She said science and dieting were white supremacist. It's all hilariously idiotic.
One thing that concerns me a little, though, is that it's pretty much all coming from right wing media figures (including Glenn Beck) who are basically attacking her as an example of a "crazy SJW"… which is true, but since it's just them, she and any followers she might have can just dismiss them as their right wing opponents.
tbh, I think the ideal troll would be to support her eating habits so much that she gains another 300 pounds, sending her donuts, pizzas, Panda Express, McDonald's, etc.
I find it hilarious that she thinks healthy eating patterns are somehow white supremacist, when in order to be that fat, she has to be gorging herself on corporate fast food.
In fact, on a larger scale, obesity is a major issue in parts of Africa, Asia, Central America, and the pacific islands because international corporate food companies introduced cheap fast food to people whose bodies couldn't handle them. Eating greasy, cheap, bad food became common-place, and obesity and issues like heart disease and diabetes skyrocketed.
No. 656511
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>>656508here's an image that does her form more justice
No. 656573
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Its a shame some anons were bitching about the quality of the skeptics thread because this fucker whos been around on the internet for years and been embroiled in a few online dramas is super fucking milky atm as hes been in the news for the past few weeks and the whole thing is a riot.
No. 656760
What a headline. I haven't kept up with him in a couple years, nice to see this is what he's been up to
No. 660153
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What about Lee Miller, aka Foxler, the self-proclaimed Hitler of the Furry Fandom?
He's a half-Thai bisexual white supremacist pedophile who has sex with dogs. Literally. I'm srs.
He's notorious for showing up at furry conventions and promptly getting kicked out for being dressed up like a Nazi and giving Nazi salutes. Despite comparing himself to Hitler and supporting "alt right" figures like Richard Spencer, he's told people to not believe their lying eyes, and says his Nazi armbands totally aren't based on Nazi uniforms.
He has a history of sexually grooming young girls both online and IRL, which ultimately culminated in him being arrested last month for "Enticement of a Child" in his native Fort Collins, Colorado. He's also an out and proud "zoophile," and has described having sex with his pet dogs.
His wiki entry and kiwi thread:, he sounds a lot like Chris-Chan when he speaks, which is fun. Here's him complaining about other furries being intolerant of his Neo-Nazi ideology (srsly): fun fun.
No. 660205
>>660180Is it public?
Would love to see proof of this for laughing purposes
No. 660853
>>660153Watching that video of him in a fursuit talking about being a Nazi was a surreal fucking experience. Like…people like this exist.
>>claims he's not a neo-nazi but joined their communities online and paid $25 subscription fee to join
>>first thing they ask him is "are you white?">>no, I'm a mutt, part German, part Thai.
>>second thing they ask him is "what's the fur suit for?">>I like animals. Also I think antropomorphic animals are hot, tee-hee.>>"Get the fuck out."lololol 10/10
No. 660936
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>>660853lol he's quite an odd character
No. 660957
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>>660954I checked KF and she died on April 29th. Not sure what of but she is confirmed dead and Janiece took Harlow.
No. 660958
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>>660957Nevermind I found a cap of her husband talking about what happened.
No. 660961
>>660954>>660957>>660958The Munchies General thread happened to get reopened while she was still alive (the subject is allowed again) and the news of her death was discussed there as it happened. Timely, huh. As she's dead she doesn't need a solo thread anymore.
Munchies General :
>>>/snow/799393 No. 662325
Does anyone remember euthanizeallwhitepeople? Old thread is here
>>12069Check out @muqingmzhang on twitter or search her name (Muqing / Muqing M Zhang) on Reddit/google/whatever. She has a raging hate boner for white people, and if anyone else also has the time to read through her tweets and read posts others have made about her, does she remind anyone else of Jun/euthanizeallwhitepeople? I know a lot of SJW types love shitting on white people but Zhang’s intensity of it reminds me only of Jun. I don’t know if there’s enough to sustain a thread but does anyone else think she could’ve been behind Jun? Or any threads we could hash this idea out further?
No. 662389
>>662338Interesting that
>>112180 says Jun was using an IP address in LA and Muqing seems to be located in LA as well. Obviously there’s lots of people in LA though and Jun could’ve been using a VPN. I’m not even sure where I could begin to try to find out anything else to link them, but I also think it’s curious that Muqing has virtually no photos of herself online as well as very little information about her background (you kinda have to really poke around to even find out she’s supposedly going to law school in LA).
Could just be me trying to fish too hard but at least someone else thinks there’s a similarity.
No. 662932

surely someone has some milk on this australian e - thot! have been following her delusion for years and surprised that more haven’t called her out. needs her own thread tbh.
> @blaidebabi and @pcpcents
> user was originally @pcpcents but changed it to @blaidebabi after she got hate because she hasn’t done pcp
> archives / unarchives photos constantly whenever she gets hate / gains confidence
> name is Constance Wilcox but refers to herself as “Cents”
> “sadist so unless you want to bleed GTFO my dms” in her Instagram bio (so cringe)
> wannabe BPD, Soundclout, E- Thot, Goth GF Sadistic, Psychotic, Knife Slut, Bad Bitch, Blood Fetish but is really a 5ft 40kg little girl that hasn’t been in a psychical fight in her life
> apparently makes “music” and has been “dropping her mixtape soon” for the past three years. has made excuse after excuse as to why she hasn’t dropped it. multiple people have called her out on not releasing her music because she posts about it like every week but doesn’t show any snippets, beats, process or anything.
> 19 nearly 20 no job lives at home and leeches off parents and buys $70 worth of weed a day (WHICH HER PARENTS GIVER HER THE MONEY FOR) yet couldn’t afford to buy a new microphone / cords / equipment for her so called music career that she continuously lies and makes excuses about
> tried to start premium snapchat / private instagram. seemed like it had little interest anyway but just took peoples money and didn’t post
> copies everything she posts. her whole aesthetic is taken from other e-thots
> literally mimics ppls photos, selfies, art styles, tattoos etc because she can’t come up with her own ideas
> takes personality from lilith levisis (and her recent friend blayde), lil bow weep, too poor and other similar accs
> not sure if coincidental but just so happened to change her user to @blaidebabi right after blayde passed
> takes LITERAL quotes from e-thots and posts them on other social medias claiming to be her own thoughts
> claims to be against dd/lg when she has photos on her tumblr in full dd/lg
> claims to be against “putting negativity into the world” when she body shames and bullies people who aren’t “edgy” enough for her
> claims to be against abusers but doesn’t say anything when it’s a rapper / music artist she listens to
> apparently releasing her first single when she reaches 5k followers on her main and 1k on her spam however she continues to loose heaps of followers because she is so cringe
No. 662996
Would anyone be interested in a carnist youtubers thread? I'm not a vegan, but I find them way more cringey and illogical than vegans. In this video, this guy spergs that coffee, BROCCOLI and GARLIC are manmade and "
toxic": No. 663006
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She was a weird lady who was pretty active in the Transformers fandom in the mid 90's, even organizing the first few Bot-Cons.
>Hated Beast Wars with a passion. "Beast Wars was irredeemable any way you turn it, of course. Even had Megatron’s name not been besmirched by the presence of the Pretender, even had the series not spit upon everything that was ever excellent about Transformers, there were no worthwhile characters in the mix.">Felt that the Decepticons in the original cartoon were an oppressed minority driven to acts of terrorism by their Autobot oppressors.>Despite being in her 30's at the time she admitted she had never kissed a boy>she writes fanfic where her self insert character has sex with alternately Megatron, Soundwave and Cyclonus. >Legally changed her name to Raksha.>Snake handler. >Harassed the voice actors of the original G1 Transformers often with sexual remarks her own wiki page homepage No. 664787
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>>655031and it's all under the guise of twitter drink-water self-care tweetdeck culture and somehow people buy it. i feel bad because people seem to use her for sex and drugs. i can barely make out her incoherent twitter rants but you summed it up pretty well
yeah her art….is uh..
No. 664917
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>>655031It really is sad seeing what happened to her, we used to talk occasionally on twitter when she was still an ok person. Personally I feel the decline started with her current group of friends. Not sure when that started but they all seem absolutely insane. Pic related this guy is close to her and posts shit like this all the time but I don't know enough about him to tell if he's serious or not.
No. 664991
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>>633584I’ve been holding off asking about this - but Clowngender on Instagram - I don’t know if they’re for here or a snowflake - there’s … a lot. Lots of gender related stuff, and a lot of white guilt - and I wouldn’t even know where to start.
No. 666674
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New General Suggestions/Complaints thread in /meta/? Here is my humble offering of an image uwu
No. 667354
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>>642660Is anyone interested on this cow?
Just found her again begging for someone to call her on whisper smoking weed in the same room as her newborns
No. 667535
If anyone's brave enough, there's a vorephile woman on twitter who seems pretty active and vocal about defending her fetish. She has several different accounts where she spergs out in disturbing detail about the specifics of her fetish, like how innocent she likes the
victims to be and how painful the eating process is. always spergs out if anyone says anything bad about her fetish and will make multiple posts about being accepting and shit.
She seems like a good potential lolcow deserving of her own thread. And if anyone here has a Kiwifarms account, this might be more their speed too, since her content is pretty offputting to say the least.
No. 667637
>>667594That's fair enough. Her stuff is definitely worthy of the horrorcow title. I didn't look all that deeply into it, but from what I saw, the art and descriptions really speak for themselves.
>>667615From what I've checked, no, you still need an account for Animal Control. And I don't know if she would fit the bill either, since most of her work seems to feature good ol' fashioned cannibalism than furry stuff. But I have seen some art that shows half-animal people, if that counts. Most of it is just her self-insert character getting killed/eaten by anime bishie boys.
I would make a KF account myself, but I'm hesitant on expanding my internet footprint, since you can't delete it after you make it, ever.
No. 667644
>>667637I found it: the thread still looks to be open.
Yeah don't make an account there unless you really feel a need and wear three condoms when you do.
No. 667672
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Would anyone be interested in a natural recipe thread?
Rosemary wash for hair etc
No. 667945
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does anyone follow scumtier on insta? she claims she is so thin because of a disease but posts very thinspo esque photos. she claims to hate being so skinny but all of her photos emphasize how skinny she is. not sure if any other cowlike behavior is present but i haven't really dug too deep into her posts and accounts
No. 667947
>>667945Lmao that torso is so pixelated
Pls don’t tell me you think is real
Just throw her in the Ana scumbag thread e
No. 668260
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since this woman is beginning to get milkier, I humbly request a KT thread if things get worse. not sure there's enough at the moment but when she drops this mess maybe?
No. 669020
>>635529Took me 2 days to read her KF.
She is my new favorite cow and I’m really hoping she’ll get her own thread!
No. 669426
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Wayne Lambright
He's a shameless self-promoter, failed entrepreneur, far right theocrat "politician," conspiracy theorist, and alleged con artist.
He's been campaigning for his presidential run by posting on 4chan's /pol/ board, actively trying to appeal to Neo-Nazi types - he isn't one, but one of his favorite conspiracy theories is that Israel did 9/11, so he figures that will appeal to them. He's also been trying to prove the earth is flat (literally). He keeps pushing his pseudo-scientific inventions, which he says will revolutionize energy. Unfortunately, he appeals to zero investors (no one will give him money for his bullshit).
Supposedly, according to himself, he once got rich off the stock market or something, but he lost all his money and has been depressed and misanthropic ever since. It doesn't look like his presidential campaign is going well, since he has about 25 social media followers.
Presidential Campaign Twitter: Twitter: page: realized Kiwi Farms has a thread on him: No. 670387
>>669426Imagine thinking being attracted to other adults = attracted to children. Moron.
That being said, there's dozens if not hundreds of others pushing similar positions in politics/doinf equally shitty things. The board would be pretty crowded if a thread existed for every fool like this one.
No. 670999
>>670986>>670998Last solo thread I can see:
>>>/snow/163049Current ana general:
>>>/snow/814082 No. 671928
>>671531When does someone stop being a celebrity?
I would consider Jimmy Kimmel and someone like Miley Cyrus celebricows but what about people who aren't really relevant anymore like Amanda Bynes?
No. 672602
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Would anyone be interested in a thread about Ryan Kopf? He runs multiple anime conventions in the midwest and has been accused of raping multiple women. He's pretty dramatic as well.
No. 673411
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>>673353is that post bait?
No. 673550
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Can we please talk about this idiot?
No. 680171
Potential lolcow: Brandi Nicole Morales, mother of a minor youtuber (not 16 yet so will not name)
• Exploits her daughter's histrionic behavior, in recent drama with her ex best friend, her daughter reportedly vague posts about how her life is ruined and Brandi snapchats to her fans about how she admitted herself and her daughter to a mental hospital because of "cyberbullying" by daughter's ex best friend
• When smaller youtubers make their own videos about her daughter, Brandi (and occasionally her husband) whiteknights in the comment section, bragging about her daughter's success for being so young, while also victimizing her by threatening to track down the youtubers and their subscribers (sometimes threatening to have them expelled from their school) for cyberbullying a supposedly mentally ill girl
• Has her own youtube channel and when she isn't posting about her daughter, is posting her own covers and original songs
• Other stuff: lets her daughter treat her like shit in multiple videos, daughter posts about how Brandi and husband aren't understanding, some theorize Brandi and her husband exploit her daughter for that sweet youtube money, daughter complains about how poor they are yet owns gucci and other designer items
Hope this isn't a bad idea for a thread, just havent heard anyone talk about her here, probably because her daughter's content is geared towards younger audiences (but is still risque), but both display very cow-ish behavior
No. 680183
>>680171We need a bad mom shaming general thread. There’s a lot of IG moms who aren’t milky enough for their own thread but collectively could be a milky thread.
Maybe just avoid posting pictures of the kids or censor/cover faces. Maybe an admin can lay ground rules if it’s made.
No. 680262
File: 1563101982663.jpg (125.47 KB, 691x672, 20992552_1901043500158482_5796…)

At first she seems okay, but more you see of her - more she reveals her egomaniac personality.
Always keeps muttering about "leaving her mark on the world". Keeps saying how original she is while riding the classic blood necklace Angelina Jolie/edgier Alida Simone merged with Russian-but-actually-not type of hoe. Insecurely rants about others being unoriginal but she herself just copies the common edgy niche. Seems to be insecure as fuck.
Lies about her age - claims to be sixteen while she's actually eighteen.
Pretentious as shit, has no substance under her whole poetry/writer/singer/pornstar gimmick.
No. 680480
File: 1563155701213.jpeg (4.29 KB, 194x259, images.jpeg)

a thread about lil lunchbox (if there already is one I'm sorry) Shes a "clown" with a wacky shaved head and cringey YouTube videos and obsessed with her swedecuck husband who's cheated on her and made fun of her on camera with his girlfriend.
No. 680568
File: 1563181317744.png (589.1 KB, 874x609, puking on her son.PNG)

Yes, please, if she's still milky. I recently read the KF thread, but it died at the beginning of June, and I was wondering what she's been up to. No. 680676
File: 1563220293304.jpeg (479.71 KB, 750x727, D250B666-E8BD-4411-A963-16393E…)

I elect Acacia Kersey for a mom shaming thread. I came to just request a thread about her but she’d def fit in with mom shaming. here’s a short overview.
> got famous as a tumblr thot with underage nudes leaked (she traded them for shoutouts from popular tumblr guys)
> stole her husband (a mid 20s fading rockstar) jairus from one of her friends, olivia when she was 17. he has a multitude of cheating rumors
> is literally dumb as shit and has no talents, had failed music career and modeling career
> was friends with TND and other milky people back in the day, neglected the shit out of her hairless cat to the point of needing all of its teeth removed
> got caught yelling at her dogs and trying to make them live outside
> now has two kids (one with clear physical disabilities that she refuses to acknowledge) highly prefers her first born child over the younger disabled one. before she had the second born she went on & on about how she wanted 4-5 kids, suddenly “doesn’t wanna talk about kids anymore” and gets pissy when people talk about her not loving her younger daughter
> lives in a trailer on her husband’s family’s property for free
> scams her way through not having a job like a typical IG thot. makes youtube videos when she gets sponsored and recently started streaming on twitch as a cash grab
> like 2 weeks into streaming on twitch she has decided to get a boob job because she isn’t successful as a titty streamer. yet doesn’t get physical therapy for her disabled daughter.
No. 680686
File: 1563222442533.gif (1.09 MB, 828x828, DOHoInS.gif)

>>680676>neglected the shit out of her hairless cat to the point of needing all of its teeth removeddis bitch
No. 680693
>>680676I second this!
She's getting fake tits since streaming on twitch, instead of the continuation of PT for her disabled kid.
Preaches veganism, but buys brand new Gucci purse made of baby cow.
Acacia is full of milk.
No. 680734
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>>680686The pics are horrifying. Luckily a girl named Linabugz took over and he’s so healthy and gorgeous now.
No. 680744
File: 1563234148009.jpg (207.69 KB, 900x675, 5LMOaiS.jpg)

>>680734GOD FUCK UGH
sage for catsperg but Sphynxes are so delicate and need a lot of extra care due to their skin and propensity to develop HCM. Not to mention they can be SO expensive when purchased from a proper cattery and not some backyard craigslist breeder.
What kind of worthless POS buys an expensive and delicate cat as a status symbol and then neglects it to the point of malnourishment?
No. 680775
>>680735This is honestly one of the most gorgeous sphinx cats I've seen which is such a far cry from
>>680734 I can't imagine the cat wasn't originally quite expensive.
>>680751She sounds disgusting. Does anyone know what type of disability her daughter seems to have? I'm definitely interested in a thread.
No. 680797
File: 1563241090984.jpg (341.9 KB, 1200x630, 14-caroline-calloway-cambridge…)

Would anyone be interested in a thread on Caroline Calloway?
>rich white girl who flunked out of NYU>applied to Cambridge several times and finally got accepted>built her social media off of being an American who hangs out with posh people>had an adderall addiction>graduated with a 2.2 degree in art history (which is apparently the British equivalent of graduating with a C average, but I'm not sure)>got a book advance based off of her instagram but never wrote the book>in January 2019, she went on tour to have workshops with her fans but completely fucked up booking the venues and organizing the events>eventbrite refunded the tickets but Caroline asked for the money back >continues to have a social media presence based on being an "artist" and a "writer" despite spending most of her life on social media>openly talks about using cocaine on instagramI love to read threads on her on /r/blogsnark but I'm tired of everyone there ragging on how she isn't a ~true feminist~ unlike them. (Seriously, I read one comment there about how Caroline should be supporting professional WoC astrologians to work at magazines) Anyone would be down for a thread here?
No. 682566
File: 1563649484937.jpg (52.8 KB, 439x810, tumblr_pr1jcp9elK1rzv15l_540.j…)

>>682555Imagine sayimg that you wear a fashion style based on movies about pedophilia. wild
No. 682643
File: 1563668569479.png (597.38 KB, 1394x786, whitney"dogfucker"…)

shes back, pretty big uproar in the community, theres some controversy as to wether or not the admins there are on her side or not. given that she fucks dogs, killed her puppy, showed a minor an a porno and got arrested, she shouldnt be allowed on the site. her year of parole is up and shes back. if yall hear bad abt the bdsm community bc of her, please dont judge us all.(
No. 685874
>>685765you'll need to ask about it in /meta/ since it must have been for a reason.
possibly that it was absolute trash and the previous thread still has room in it?
No. 688745
File: 1565321017135.png (100.47 KB, 1152x342, mammals cant fly.png)

Can I get a whitney wisconsin thread, is she really this dumb or trolling?
No. 689650
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>>680480Lil Lunchbox has been churning out videos. Is she for real, a try hard, or a ruse?
No. 690610
>>690534I feel like she's growing as a cow and will possibly make it to /pt/ level of fuckery one day but having her insta cancelled isn't quite enough for me personally yet.
the threads do still have issues at times, like
>>690589 says.
No. 691301
File: 1566183905756.jpg (136.13 KB, 768x1024, ECIZpg0XoAALrpX.jpg)

Ophelia Brown (opheliajcbrown on twitter)
>Made a huge thread about how youtubers tailoring plus size clothing they find in thrift stores to fit them is fatphobic and classist
>"they/them" and claims she's not a girl when she's clearly a girl
>Gets mad when people call her sis
>Shitty artist
>Complains all day about the backlash she got from the thread
>Claims that she's oppressed because she's fat
>Tries to make it seem like the people who are calling her out are transphobic because they don't use her prounouns (although most people probably don't know)
>Talks about how much of a "handsome boy" she is
>Is a NEET who does nothing but draw and tweet all day
No. 691644
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I really want a thread on Timothy Heller, the girl who claims Melanie Martinez “raped” her and then dropped music on spotify when the SJW follow influx came. Regardless what anyone thinks of the MM controversy, Timothy is an eternal victim, hot mess, pothead with self diagnosed bpd and is now essentially e-begging wearing lingerie on instagram, selling ugly clothes on Depop. She’s been known to cry on Instagram live and Youtube about how uwu hard her life is. She promotes the trans activist agenda too and just incredibly irritating
No. 691684
>>691646no-one starts in /pt/ anymore.
she hardly sounds milky enough for /snow/ these days if crying in lives is her main thing.
No. 691701
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>>691646If other people are interested I’d love to see her on snow
No. 691732
File: 1566279273253.jpeg (Spoiler Image,223.21 KB, 1242x1682, 4DED6688-2BEC-43CA-A7A2-97EF40…)

she was mentioned in this thread but i think peaches / @lovelypeachesmusic100 is deserving as a horrorcow
>joined skai jackson's (17 y/o) instagram live and began masturbating, closeup of her pussy
>verbally abuses and insults her five month old daughter, captioned one photo of her "i wish you would die already"
>joked(?) about prostituting her daughter
>makes horrible music
>posts shit like picrel all the time
>was/is a prostitute
>ate shit and drank cleaning products on instagram live
>has AIDS
>recorded herself shoving a remote inside her AIDS pussy
all milk comes from her social media but the only people discussing it are PULLfags and twitter nobodies so it's hard to actually know what she's up to.
i posted a thread request a while back for karuna satori. it got a lot of replies did anyone end up making a thread for her?
No. 691746
>>691644timothy is another weird tumblr throwback i used to follow back in like 2011-12 with that whole jovan crowd (and i think i used to be mutuals with eve, her trainwreck super
problematic bff) all the tea on her, melanie martinez, and yungelita to a lesser extent is super contradicting and i never know wtf to believe… like she acts fishy but i'm not about to listen to any of the crazy shit melanie stans spew.
tldr i would be interested in seeing a snow thread too lol
No. 692259
>>691497i'm scandi and i would totally be in on this, however i dont know if there are enough scandis to keep it going.
i wish we could have a "not like the other girls" general in /ot/ or something, where you could laugh at peoples contrarianism.
No. 694751
>>694606No one actually cares about her highness uwu doll
She already has a thread
No. 694919
File: 1566942015688.png (Spoiler Image,651.95 KB, 558x846, NW9F0za.png)

Surprised nobody has made a new Belle Delphine thread. She's back at it with her antics.
No. 694999
>>694919No milk until she puts on weight/fucks up and slips on drugs
Right now she’s just a successfully lipo’d momokun without the depression
No. 695079
>>695007She had a thread full of white knighting and infightings
Until she does something outlandish or goes downhill no one will care
No. 695544
is there a thread on Globelamp yet, or has it ever been requested? I don't have a ton of milk or receipts because I literally just found out about her crazy ass but she's an absolute trainwreck
>complete nobody who desperately wants to be a successful musician despite her… underwhelming… amount of talent> thinks that attacking LITERALLY every pop girl/ indie darling under the sun on twitter will help her get the clout she craves> gets into drama like this on a constant, regular basis and is completely wrecked by the fanbase of whoever she attacks every time it happens> years of obvious bad sockpuppetry/ pretending to have fans (mainly twitter/ reddit but apparently it's on nearly every platform)> complicated abuse accusations against the dude from foxygen (i believe he got a restraining order against her) in addition to abuse/ manipulation allegations from several other musicians and people in her past> lying about abuse on her gofundme to get her busted teeth fixed (claimed her ex broke them but she apparently just fell out of a shopping cart drunkenly)> her wikipedia page reads like she wrote it herself so i'm sure she did> apparently infamous in the Washington music scene for her behavior and burning every bridge she's ever had > has attacked musicians who were initially trying to help/ sympathize with her, like sean lennon, waxahatchee etcmore info: (one of her sockpuppet accounts, info in comments)
i would love a thread exposing her years worth of bullshit, but i also know she's absolutely the kind of cow that would find it in a heartbeat from her daily self-google and proceed to go on a deluded Vicky Shingles level rampage, so there's that risk
No. 695916
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No. 696025
>>695544i was going through this thread specifically to see if anyone suggested globelamp yet. it's also worth noting she went out of her way to become bffs with timothy heller after she accused melanie martinez.
she doesn't just feed her trolls, she invites them to dinner and gives them tea afterward, she really NEVER learns. she def needs a thread.
No. 696218
>>696025 omg yes I didn't bring up the melanie/ timothy stuff since they're also cowish in their own ways, but melanie is one of her more recent
victims. it's actually still weirdly worded on her wikipedia page that she was opening for/ supporting melanie's new tour, but i guess she must have jumped ship and turned on her pretty fast.
she also recently tried to lead a tirade on lana del rey (probably because lana's new album just came out and she's a masochist for being attacked by literally the hugest/ most dedicated fanbases she can possibly rile up), it's all over twitter when you search her up.
puzzling to me is that the ONE artist she herself is a fan of that she consistently defends and has never dragged is Taylor Swift
but yeah i mean plenty of receipts on globelamp are out there, but they're spread out around different random sites and can be conflicting and the narrative's hard to follow. would be nice to have a good collection of her bullshit somewhere like a /snow/ thread, and i think she's milky enough for her own/ don't know which general thread she'd fit in elsewhere.
No. 696265
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>>696218I’m op who made the Timothy suggestion, esp with Mel’s new album dropping soon I’m sure there will be more milk but I’ve never made a thread on here so I don’t feel experienced enough to make a post.
Didn’t want to doublepost but I’d also love a thread on nyc brooklyn art cow Alexandra Marzella @artwerk6666, (pic related)
I went to college with her worked with her a few times on videos and she was outrageously obnoxious, threatening to leave the set if we don’t shoot right this second etc. Her ig posts are really gross and I know she’s friends with the soundclout crowd.
No. 696323
>>696311I was thinking the same thing! Maybe even a seperate board for musicians. Musicians are some of the craziest people on this planet.
Die antwoord, Poppy, Bam Margera, Azealia Banks… There are so many.
No. 697613
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>>691732Peaches needs a thread, top tier horror cow shit. The shit she posts about her daughter (killing her, selling her, prostituting her) is the most attention seeking behaviour, not to mention when she has sex with guys on instagram live and eats her shit out of the toilet. This chick is unhinged
No. 698845
File: 1567990227497.jpeg (963.46 KB, 3464x3464, 992D8E66-29F3-4E2B-ACB9-D91469…)

Alright so idk how many of you know of nauseadoll (now bunnypurin) of ig/tumblr but seems like she has a insane skinwalker that could rival Emalee. Here’s what I know
> nauseadoll had to remake as bunnypurin due to the psycho known as hwospitl
> hwospitl has been constantly harassing bunnypurin and her husband about how SHE is the one coping HER
> hwospitl tries to provide “proof” of how she’s the victim whilst posting screen caps with the time cropped out
> bunnypurin provides caps calling out hwospitl tampering w screenshots as well as how despite her claiming to be anti kink/whatever she exchanges + posts nsfw content w minors (unsure about the last bit as the screenshot she posted isn’t the greatest bit of evidence and hwospitls IG and spam are now private)
> bunnypurin has apparently been taking some sort of legal action as hwospitl harassing her family is putting a great deal of stress on her pregnancy
Some screenshots will be provided (1/3)
No. 698846
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No. 698847
File: 1567990337965.jpeg (1.07 MB, 3464x3464, 5112DD86-62A3-493F-82C2-A8A8E2…)

(3/3) bunnypurin/nauseadoll on left, skinwalker hwospitl on right
No. 700267
File: 1568114899257.jpg (14.91 KB, 300x280, 1 a wolfer ad_resized (1).jpg)

>>633584has anyone here heard of Damian Wolfer he goes Hockey_Sweater by and spams reddit with his skitzo blog also made a sub that only he posts on
No. 709366
File: 1569423802728.gif (698.54 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

Banner request!
A before and after pic fade of a few of our fastest fallen cows like Taylor, Luna, Shay. Drugs. Not even once.
Or maybe a banner devoted to before and after sausage lips. So many to choose from. It's like a butcher shop!
Cheers to our art anons!
No. 709670
File: 1569469042609.jpg (78.46 KB, 900x506, tech-imagination-age-illustrat…)

Any anons interested in an electronic music thread?
No. 709710
File: 1569484936587.jpg (239.41 KB, 670x435, 1569161202869.jpg)

I haven't made a thread before, and I don't even know everyone's names by their Twitter handles. Here's a copy/paste of what I threw together so far, in case a better OP can use any of it:
Thread Image Credit:
>>707969Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/706718Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comDo not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onionflakes in a way that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup know-how or personality.
Last time
Unknown parties attempt to discredit
victims. Lulz ensue.
>>706915[@hahan0bye] shares conversations they had with Lainey
>>706982 >>706983
Gurg shades critics
>>707054 >>707058
>>707169[someone] Shares blurred images purported to be Lainey’s nudes
>>707458 Sarah posts texts of Onion pressuring her to do a damage control Q&A
>>707580 >>707582
>>707583 >>707585
>>707587Art Tube Leafy Madame in WA for lawsuit filed by Onision
>>707957Onion takes pseudo-edgy bloody selfies
>>707992 >>707993
Lainey’s Patreon is dead
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
Links: (private, for now.) (private, for now.) No. 709712
>>709710I dunno this dont seem right.
Anyone else or just me?
New thread or ?
No. 709713
File: 1569485909927.jpg (247.21 KB, 670x435, 1569252796092.jpg)

>>709710This was the final edit pic
No. 709718
>>709712No worries, this isn't meant to be the new thread. If a new OP uses it at all, it needs work.
>>709714Yeah, I feel you.
>>709713>>709715Thank you!
Another draft before I go to bed:
Onision: [X] Edition
Image: Image Credit:
>>707969Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/706718Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comDo not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onionflakes in a way that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup know-how or personality.
Last time
Unknown parties attempt to discredit
victims. Lulz ensue.
>>706915[@hahan0bye] shares conversations they had with Lainey
>>706982 >>706983
Gurg shades critics
>>707054 >>707058
>>707169 >>708480
Regina shares blurred images purported to be Lainey’s nudes
>>707198 >>707458 Sarah posts texts of Onion pressuring her to do a damage control Q&A
>>707580 >>707582
>>707583 >>707585
>>707587Art Tube Leafy Madame in WA for her lawsuit against Onision
>>707957Onion takes pseudo-edgy bloody selfies
>>707992 >>707993
Lainey’s Patreon is dead
>>708003[Billie] posts emails from Greg to her and Ayalla
>>708021 >>708025
>>708029Lainey makes wild claims about Billie
>>708203Onion harasses Skye over alimony, likens himself to a slave:
>>708510 >>708512
>>708514 >>708516
>>708707 >>708712
>>708722 >>708932
Repzion plans to debut new video
>>708646 >>709189
Sarah expresses interest in legal options
>>708834Greg writes narcporn
>>709131Reports of predatory messages from Taylor
>>709413 >>709414
- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.
- No nitpicking.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
Links: (private, for now.) (private, for now.) No. 709787
File: 1569512779749.jpg (324.73 KB, 1110x832, muhknowledge.jpg)

>>709781I made a new emergency Greg thread:
>>>/pt/709785The staff here is quicker with banning people than they are with actual thread maintenance.
No. 709790
>>709787if you would have waited a thread would have been up.
don't make halfassed threads.
No. 709793
>>709790when? why the fuck does it take over a day to make a thread? meanwhile either post greg related shit in that thread or shut the fuck up
why are you attacking me in the first place when im trying to do your god damn job?
do it faster next time or fuck off
>>709790when? why the fuck does it take over a day to make a thread? meanwhile either post greg related shit in that thread or shut the fuck up
why are you attacking me in the first place when im trying to do your god damn job?
do it faster next time or fuck off
No. 709808
>>709787It would be nice if all of the references to the individual posts were clickable, so you can take a direct look at the posts yourself.
I always thought this to be a great feature because it makes statements more transparent, comprehensible and believable.
The link to the picture (credit) and to the last thread are wrong (old thread before last one).
As much as I appreciate your passion in regard to the topic, I'd rather would have waited a bit longer and have the basics right, especially since there hasn't been happening much.
Even if anything spectacular happened, I think that anons here are well aware of the fact that thumbnails, tweets etc. can be archived and uploaded later.
No. 710322
File: 1569595688849.jpg (45.16 KB, 853x478, top_greg.jpg)

>>710040lol why are you still talking about this? i'm over it and I started the emergency thread. I don't give a shit who makes them, next time be quicker about it.
meanwhile, have a coke and a smile, and you know lighten the fuck up.
(ban evasion) No. 710509
>>710322NTA but you're clearly not over it seeing as you ban evaded to make your stupid post about how not butthurt you are over this, after having been put out to pasture for your entitlement and newfaggotry, and guess what chief, you replied 16 hours later which is more than double the time between your original post and anon's reply, so who's still talking about it? You deserved to get called out, and to reiterate what others have said, none of this (making threads etc) is anyone's
No. 710677
>>710322muh emergency thread
do you need to speak to the manager, hun?
No. 710813
>>710322Looks like summerfaggotry is going into overtime this year.
Are you the same anon who keeps making shitty Momokun OPs?
No. 712019
>>712017It was locked because retards were too eager to post their autistic opinions despite the LOCKING IMMEINENT warning so no room was saved for whoever to post the new thread link.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 712049
Hope its cool if I post, if not feel free to remove (if they have that feature). Ya’ll seem to be Onision experts. I’m in my late 20’s so I’m clearly out of his demographic and don’t know much about YouTubers except the beauty stuff I’ve followed for ages, but I have a cousin I’m worried about. To condense- huge fan of this dude. She’s a female, college age but VERY immature, autism spectrum disorder. She’s like a little sister to me, no father in her life, mom did shit job of raising her so she would live with my family intermittently. She’s been following this man for 2 or so years and is on his “Patreon”. Has part time job at school so a good amount of money must be going to him because she’s at a level (sorry if that isn’t the right word?) where she has access to talk to him personally and she does some chat and video game thing as a group and privately? The only reason I even know of this website is from her talking about how her, Onision and other members of that little crew troll here, and I guess Onision will sometimes post here pretending to be someone else but give real information? I don’t get the half of it. My question is, do I need to be concerned? She’s a legal adult but still a teen. The more research I do about him the more concerned I get. I stay in touch with her though Facebook, text, and phone and what worries me the most if I’m the one bringing it up (as in “hey, that’s cool and all but there seem to be some oddities here…”), I get pushback from her. Was the girl who he was in the most recent relationship with from his Patreon? I’ve watched the Blaire White video and she said she was a fan- does he have a history of doing this stuff to the girls who pay him or is it just girls online? She’s what I would consider a vulnerable young adult. Thanks.(Awful trolling attempt )
No. 712053
>>712051Is someone making it? If not, I can.
I'll get it started pending another one popping up or someone telling me not to.
No. 712696
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Anyone interested in bluepotionco/blueherbco/steph?she recently mass blocked over 20k people on twitter for calling her out on tracing artwork, and had a big spat with another cow syrencove. She loves to be passive aggressive and play as a knockoff belledelphine.
No. 712948
>>712696iirc bluepotionco never said a thing to syrencove, just blocked her and her entire following on twitter. blue later tried to copyright one of syrens videos which caused a public spergout from syren. THEN syren got called a whale by bluepotion whiteknights and lost her shit on twitter, even going private lol. but that lasted a day cos she's an attention whore.
are there any syrencove threads?
No. 713126
>>712696She also has around 24.9k followers on twitter, and gets almost zero interaction compared to someone with only 6k or Less. She's been accused of buying/faking her followers, and has made multiple etsy stores which are always getting banned. Currently shes using a switch stock photo to do a "giveaway" to try and lure people back in. If she's questioned she gets very passive aggressive and "sweet" in her replies. She's very
problematic, and has just recently been accussed of stealing a boyfriend through comments, and has some dirt that could make her look even worse, allegedly.
No. 713149
>>713126I checked out Bluepotionco's Twitter and all she posts is photos of products she's trying to sell. Do we really need a thread for yet another artist who has traced and bought followers?
I smell vendetta. Wouldn't be surprised if you were the girl who's bf left her for Bluepotionco kek
No. 715234
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Jessie thread? She’s so annoying
No. 715318
Anyone interested in this horrorcow?
There’s more than enough dirt on her and she spergs like every day on social media.
Instagram channel: No. 715323
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>>715321Did I mention she finds her life with her “charity”
No. 715324
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>>715321Did I mention she finds her life with her “charity”
No. 716048
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>>716045Back in the day she was your average trailer rash girl with one kid.
>She went full insane in all platforms of social media once daddy #1 left and got with a sheltered Tongan dude
>Completely lives off the government and brags about getting money to build a house in Tonga so she could raise her kids free range.
>She’s had 2 dogs die in the past six months and acts like the island version of raven sparks
>She now spends her days spamming the internet for attention scamming people to save “starving children” (aka scamming) She made a hashtag #jlp trying to be famous and it’s honestly hilarious to watch her try have a music career
No. 716049
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>>716048Backstory to daddy #1
It’s literally all in her insta she has 0 self awareness
No. 716054
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No. 716207
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i skimmed this thread and didnt see her already, but if she’s been posted i apologize. lil lunchbox is absolutely mad. loves to start fights with everyone, thinks everyone is obsessed with her. mad defensive, 0 semblence of self awareness. not quite sure whats wrong with her but her makeup and neologisms (this my my CLIFE!! CLATERS!!) are interesting enough. everyone is calling her a scammer right now because she asks for money but can’t seem to get a job. wears clown makeup to interviews. moves between her familys place in the usa and sweden where her on and off boyfriend, robin, lives. i cant tell if shes faking all of this. once robin showed up at her doorstep in america unannounced and her mom had to mediate the situation. too much going on with this one to even summarize. she’s on youtube and fb and probably everywhere else as lillunchbox. not sure if im supposed to sage on this thread so im not going to sorry.
No. 717908
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I don't know if this has a thread anywhere or who might care - do we have a breaking news on random cows kind of thread? - but Gwen Hartley is calling for thoughts and prayers for Lola, who is hopefully about to pass away peacefully in an ICU somewhere in Kansas.
No. 717911
>>717908the Hartley Hooligan thread was locked
for no reason after the first potato died, don't know if it became a banned topic too
No. 718996
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Not really a cow, but weeaboo waifu Stefanie Joosten, who originally became known for playing Quiet in Metal Gear Solid V, has spent the last two years or so paying Dutch talk shows to feature her. Usually, this wouldn’t be that weird. However, what makes it weird is the strange things she claims during the interviews. It’s very clear that she’s telling the hosts what to ask her, but her answers are odd:
>all the interviews are her promoting MGS V, a game that came out over 4 years ago
>she hasn’t had anything but cameos in low budget projects since
>claims she’s a superstar in Japan who’s unable to go outside without a massive team of bodyguards, which she “proves” by always showing the same video of her walking next to some security guards at a nearly empty anime convention
>claims to live in Japan, actually lives with her parents in The Netherlands
>deleted all her old livestreams, most notably the ones in which she gives a tour of her parents’ house in The Netherlands. All her new pictures are very clearly just her parents’ house and not Japan.
>is getting lots of awkward plastic surgery
>started publishing boudoir thotshots at the age of 31, taken by some Japanese Terry Richardson copycat
>tells the exact same story in every talk show, always ending with a shout out to producers to hire her
>claims her lack of work as a video game actress is due to her new career as a mainstream film actress, despite her only roles being in student films, with her last role shot years ago
>some waifuists uncovered all her old forum posts, revealing her to be a fujo
>(not at all her fault, but still worth mentioning:) participated in the promotion of a MASSIVE crowdfunding scam for some Dutch amateur sci fi film that was never intended to actually be made, she probably got scammed too
She seems like a very nice girl, but her behavior combined with the plastic surgery are turning her into something strange.
No. 719131
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Anyone think a thread on these two should be made? Jon Jumper and Roxanne Wilson? You probably know him from Unicorns Killed My Girlfriend memes of emo rappers.
No. 720607
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> 40 something year old Floridian that lives with his mom >spends most of his time making reaction tik toks to women and children > reuses the same suit that he thinks makes him look attractive > his room is filthy and seems to be the only place he posts about aside of private Snapchat > overall creepy and weird > divorced Not milky enough for a thread but we could have a general creeps of tik tok thread
No. 720646
>>720632Is there anyone else you’d like to add to the thread?
I just know of this guy
No. 720764
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>>720646You could probably add euc benitez. He creeps on children through tiktok as well and openly baits incest with his little sister for views.'m not sure how this would work with lolcow's rule on no posting about children due to how involved the little sister is, but he is definitely creepy.
No. 722692
>>722010While I'd love to talk about the shit show and how Madame has been a huge cry baby ever since she's gotten any sort of relevancy - I think it would be pretty dead in the water since there isn't much to her outside of the drama with the 15 year old. Not to mention, she deleted her old twitter and that's where some of her real meltdowns happened.
If you have any more milk on her it'd be great to see so we can start piecing together a thread for her if there still is anything.
Always it's early but, I'm attempting to update the thread summary for Mickey in /w/ since she's had the same barely edited summary for years now. Would it be alright to post it here and anons tell me if it's alright? It'd be my first time doing so, so I'd want to make sure I did it right.
No. 722886
>>722848Good summary! I think it needs to be mentioned in there that she did hand out the kid's number to her fans to get them to harass them.
Also another important tid bit is that at the end of her 2 hour video, the dude interviewing her just so happens to be the only person defending her on instagram and made a yt video defending her too ( )
I still think if there could be anything found out from her past twitter/discord that would also help - since threads tend to die pretty fast if it's only around one, now considered 'old' subject. But, like I said, I haven't made a thread before so if like doing so go ahead!
No. 722940
I'm on mobile only but if you're willing/able you could make the thread and add in the other details of her attempting to dox Slimurz and the white knight bit.
A good pic to use would be the one someone drew of her avatar being angry and conniving and whining, haha!
No. 723070
>>722976everyone think their blogs are relevant though, it's already a board rule that they don't follow because they think their pov about cat utis is special.
a good idea idea is to report for derailing.
No. 723243
>>723222You're either severely autistic or trying to troll - either way you're an idiot for trying to start this up again.
>>723233We can't have shit dude. Of course an anon calling it dumb would prove my point lmfao.
No. 723493
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No. 723679
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Is it possible to have a thread surrounding the topics of Barcroft TV? So many of the people they interview are not milky enough for their own threads but are still remarkable snowflakes. They would be so interesting to discuss.
Some fascinating videos include:
>>My Girlfriend Identifies as a Cat
>>We're Proud to be Bimbos
>>My Boyfriend is an Aeroplane
>>My Dad's Big Boobs and Me
>>Caucasian to Asian: My Jaw Bone Surgery To Look Korean
>>I Inspired My Parents To Be Polyamorous
>>Too Fat to Dance
>>I've Transitioned into an Alien
I just don't know how this type of thread would be or if anyone would be interested in discussing these weirdos. What do other anons think?
No. 723882
>>723679Only if other cow-doc discussions are allowed, limiting it to barcroft only is boring. Vamp don anyone? Or wait: god I love cow-docs more than anything else.
No. 723979
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Would anyone be interested in a thread about callmekarizma? I just found out about this guy and he seems super messy, but I'm not sure if he's milky enough to sustain his own thread. Is there like a music artists general in /snow/ or something similar?
>knockoff TOP sadboy artist>sensitive to criticism about how he portrays mental illness and will almost always respond/complain about it >has a bunch of pedo/rape allegations from former fans>leaked some girls nudes as revenge for her talking shit about him on social media>more allegations that he doesn't compensate the people who open for/endorse him on social media, has some beef with someone called anthony amorim over this>claims he has never taken a sip of alcohol in his life in some interview, also has lyrics talking about drinking alcohol and cheating on his gf while drunk>claims he was a champion wrestler/athlete/jock or something back in his highschool but is built like a stick>uses doing nice stuff for his fans to virtue signal and defend his other shitty behaviors on social media>he has been kicked off a bunch of venues/albums for the pedo allegations, is telling people it was his choice to not go on tour and that he just wanted to "work on himself">also claimed all the pedo/rape allegations happened when he was a teen but I think he would have been around 20/21 at the time?>throws tantrums in other twitter users' dms if they talk about the pedo allegations at all, demanding proof even though there is already a fuckton of screenshots floating around>has sent out baseless cease and desist letters to people talking about the pedo allegations on social media the interview where he contradicts himself on the drinking: thread on the anthony amorim beef: website giving a basic rundown on his pedo allegations: medias: No. 724726
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Defff would love a thread of Sade Hickman!
>Was a landwhale, lost weight/had surgery, now is fat phobic.
>overuses beautycam/meitu to the point nothing looks like her real self.
>lashes out at EVERY SINGLE woman who has a single ounce of self esteem.
>Obsessed with Chibi-Usagi and posts lewds and child chibi-usagi.
No. 726073
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Thoughts on Kristen Leo? She's so passive aggressive all the time and a major shopping addict while being a vocal sustainability supporter. Honestly I can't with her attitude.
No. 726101
>>726073honestly i like kristen, but it might be because i used to live in greece and kinda "get" her, i also like that she pushes the vegan movement there.
i really dislike the "thrift clothes and sell them for a markup" thing that she and mai magi do. i don't consider it sustainable tbh, the packages still have to fly across the globe. if they only sold inside their own countries or even just inside europe, it would be much better.
it's also really inconvenient and expensive to travel to other countries from greece by train, so i don't blame her for flying.
No. 726168
>>726073someone needs to shake her by the shoulders and get her to realize what she’s fucking complaining about. bitch, you are
on a plane. you’re already doing something luxurious especially with being willing to pay the insane premiums that exist when eating on a flight. you know what smart people do? they bring snacks. stop fucking complaining about your privileged ass life, hate to say it but there’s people starving to death every hour of the day and her biggest problem on earth is that she ONLY got pasta??? jesus christ.
No. 727107
>>726073How about an Eco-warrior Hypocrites General thread?
Eco-warrior Youtubers love to call out celebrity EW's on their hypocrisy, so the thread could incorporate discussion of celebs as well.
No. 728247
Whoever makes the next Moo/Momokun thread, you need to add that the admins/mods have said that body weight/fat nitpicking, armchair, nitpicking her tits [including vein, sagginess, stretch marks.. etc], and any pedo talk and tax talk are bannable and some of these were said to be instant bans.
OP removed these from the description a few threads ago and they need to go back up along with the added ones mods have talked about.
>>717930 No. 728659
>>728247The OP is shit in general. The few things that were added as a ‘recent’ aren’t even for the most part true or relevant.
>Went to a Oiran shop but couldn't fit anything therewtf that’s clearly something someone said as a joke or speculation, don’t state it as if it’s a fact
>btsmomokun account is currently downIt has been deleted due to a farmer being dumb enough to report it. They even posted the screenshot.
Jfc if you suck at updating, don’t write an OP. There was literally no rush; the new thread didn’t have
any new posts for hours and even now there’s only a few screen caps of her usual bait and her blowing up condoms.
No. 729694
>>726073Aw I like Kristen. I’ve been following her since her fashion bloggeur days. She’s not particularly engaging and her “concept” videos are very hit-and-miss, but I do think she puts her money where her mouth is and I can empathise with her frustration at the world in general.
>>726101A large part of my income comes from upselling thrifted items kek. I understand opinions can be pretty divided about this. The vast majority of my stuff remains in the country because I’m not an ~influencer, I agree it’s probably not great to be sending a lot of things internationally but as I understand it int’l mail utilises free space on passenger & cargo aircraft. There’s an argument there for avoiding anything imported by air altogether, but that’s a lot easier said than done.
>>726168Obvs feel free to correct me but it sounds like you’re maybe speaking from experience of domestic US flights. Here in Europe you almost always get a (shitty) meal included as part of the airfare for any flight longer than about 3 hrs and in muh current year I am surprised they didn’t offer a better vegan option
No. 730437
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jeffree star
I’m tired of only seeing him in the Shane thread in /snow/
I don’t get what makes him exempt from judgement on here of all places? It’s be nice to see since everywhere else I go I see people like “BUUTTT HE WAS LIKE THAT 6YEARS AGO THAT DUZNT COUNT HES QUEEN REEEE”
>documented racist who used slurs like “n*r” and “poor dirty Mexican”
>called Jackie aina a gorilla
>made thirsty tweets to a 14 year old Justin Bieber at around the age of 26
>made a “comedic” skit saying that dark skin people are ugly and should put battery acid on their skin to lighten it
>fueled the James Charles hatred and sex offender allegations/harassed his teenage brother
>claimed he had receipts of James Charles being predatory then backed out and basically said “uwu love not hate”
>has a history/ currently displays nasty behavior to fans
>got people to hate some guy who made a racist comment by doxxing his name (hypocritical considering this racist ass thinks he’s in any position to sit on a moral high ground)
Pretty sure he’s done even more vile things this is all I can think of from the top of my head. I hate how much he gets away with bc of his rabid teen fan base.
No. 730571
>>730539Hopefully it won’t be a mess of Jeffree stans. Shane thread is definitely bombarded with j* milk but it seems mostly free of his asslickers. The last beauty guru thread was full of them if I’m recalling correctly.
Also, keeping Shane and J
in their own threads could be confusing as where to post when they’re both involved. Maybe if it pertains to make up, J thread and if it’s shane’s Series, Shane’s thread?
No. 730576
>>730437How new are you?
He already has a thread 1
>>>/snow/144554 (probably full) and then he was moved to and been greatly discussed in the Youtube Beauty Gurus thread 1 (now full, someone can make a thread 2 of this anytime)
>>>/snow/268688 He's now very involved with Shane so naturally, he's discussed there since the Shane thread is not only for him, it's for everyone within his orbit.
By all means start a thread but at least do some research.
No. 730749
>>730576how new are you?
the op in
>>>/snow/144554 is complete shit & and needs to be remade…
the new beauty gurus thread was linked 2 posts above you
>>>/snow/806516 No. 730818
Please, make thread about Cyome. She is the greatest artist snowflake of all time now. Mother of Erin and Hyojin. PULL decided to step back after she faked 'suicide' stream with her ex-husband, she can't get away with it .
No. 732290
>>732212there have been a few in the past but nothing consistent or good. here are
some I found:
>>>/snow/663556>>>/snow/109130that might not be all of them.
something up to date with a good OP that is not platform specific might be ok? the thread do tend to attract the fakers though.
No. 732980
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What about the Aaron Carter drama?? Boy's having a meltdown, and begging for money on IG, because he "exposed" Nick as a rapist. Says his family wants to murder him and make it look like a suicide. He's crazy.
No. 734093
Need a new Vicky Shingles thread.
previous thread that reached limit
>>706367 No. 734909
>>724799>>724843>>724889There's a page on FB called Exposing Sade Hickman, trust me, she's worthy of a thread.
She harasses women, doxxes SWs, is transphobic, homophobic, pays people to be her friend, begs people to post on her wall in support, harasses anyone who even questions her actions, etc.
No. 735671
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I don’t know if globelamp (Elizabeth le Fey) is worth a thread. I haven’t had twitter or instafor a long time so haven’t bore witness to her narc rages for some time. Lots of conflicting statements about the “abuse” she suffered from her ex (from the bad Foxygen) seems like he managed to get a restraining order against her…but she not him, so she’s at the very least just as bad as he is, yet thinks she’s some kind of advocate for battered women. She also insults other women’s bodies yet claims to be a feminist. first thread is so full of milk of her unhinged and hypocritical behaviour.
No. 735673
File: 1575038083334.png (338.78 KB, 1280x1269, EFE220B8-E792-499D-8BAC-8930E7…) for samefagging, I’m shook she doesn’t have a thread already, she really is so nasty.
No. 735681
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>>633584>>735673She’s a horrendous bully, her antics rival Phoebe tickner. So much contempt for other females and manipulates her male partners
No. 735690
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Admits that she abuses him here, and all that he did to respond was to swipe out at her face. She would wake him up in the middle of the night to scream at him for irrelevant stuff. I don’t usually pity scrotes bc enough people do already but she seems like she’s been really fucking evil to her ex partners, bullying them for sex, stalking them, threatening their family members, posting revenge porn, pressuring for sex, outing them as bi against their will….all stuff she screeches about on her socials day in day out. If she isn’t a fucking narcissist then nobody is. I really want to make a thread on her but it would be so shit if I did it, she needs a decent timeline of her cow behaviour in both bands she was in, meowtain and Foxygen (she kept battered men from both of those bands during her times, and would bully the females in the band. Then when they kicked her out she went on a vendetta campaign, has violated restraining orders)
She’s not even that far off being in /pt but she prob should go in /snow
So many people (including herself most of all) think she’s a feminist hero but she treats everyone around her like shit
No. 736093
lopholora and hofmannita
they seem pretty milky and i remember some drama involving lilith levisis No. 736433
>>736269Someone made a pretty good summary upthread a few months ago
>>695544The Jenny Lewis tl;dr is that (as far as I can tell at a glance) globelamp kept harassing Jenny for support, and then harassed her for a lack of support.
No. 737096
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>>735690I went way too far down the rabbit hole and this bitch is absolutely batshit insane! Constantly contradicting herself when it's convenient for her. Bitches about "queen bee syndrome" and how it's only girls that are me an to her when it just so happens she only attacks women.
Every time she makes a video ranting and trying to sound tough she stuttering and stumbling over her words like a little weasel.
No. 737223
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>>735671>>736269I posted a few up thread, check out twitter is insta is’s a manipulative brat and always goes after women that she’s clearly jealous of, she has picked fights with Kathleen Hanna and other musicians before just because they wouldn’t share her made up version of events about her bf Sam from band Foxygen. It’s all on the website made about her
No. 737238
>>737230It's terrible. Her main insult to other singers is "learn to sing" but she sounds like she can't hear herself. Reminds me of a friend I had in middle school who always sang in the car and thought it sounded amazing but it was so off pitch and grating.
I guess she thinks this sounds like Kate Bush?
No. 737242
>>737238lol don't do kate dirty that way, anon.
wonder why amazon would choose to associate with her when she has an actual record? seems like it wouldn't be worth it to get involved with an
abusive lunatic. i'd read a thread, seems milky.
No. 737259
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>>737238 she straight up has delusions of grandeur thinking she’s so much prettier and more talented than all these people she cyberbullies
Go wash your dirty ass hair Elizabeth. Get a vocal coach too.
No. 737267
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She really sits around all day mentally projecting. She’s absolutely insane.
No. 737301
>>737259The vocal coach would end up being another person gaslighting her and holding her back, of course.
She really needs a thread in /snow/ if anyone feels up to it.
No. 739052
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Checking interest on a topic for Alicia Day, the infamous "animal rights activist" who made the news for trying to keep a pig in her London flat and feed it fast food while taking nude bathing photos with it along with animal cruelty to her former pet chameleons and claiming a demon tried to take one.
At first she just sounds like some PETA-tier nutjob but turns out she's also the femcel mastermind behind a hydra of Reddit sockpuppet accounts all joining long distance and dating subreddits in order to harass and stalk female Redditers. Most recently she's started impersonating users and claiming their significant others are pedophiles, along with claiming that the female OPs messaged her with admissions of pedophile behavior.
She's currently active on at least four accounts while lamenting in the forever alone subreddits how she believes women in relationships in public are all purposefully showing off to her how happy they are while she's never dated or even been kissed at age 30-31.
Someone compiled a really good evidence Imgur against her in the Personal Cows thread: >>899773
No. 739054
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>>739052Sorry formatted the post link wrong. I'll just save time and link to the Imgur: of right now she's joining literally any relationship oriented subreddits in order to post remarks ranging from claiming one female poster's boyfriend was going to make her kidnap children for sex to proclaiming in another that the female OP had confessed to her in private that she was fired from her job for masturbating to her manager's children.
Pedophilia claims seem to be her latest mode of attack because she's been using them a lot lately.
No. 739061
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>>739059Yeah some of what she replies to is cringe but she deliberately goes out of her way to join these communities. She's been banned from the long distance one several times according to caps and mentions of her because she's never even been in a relationship, much less a long distance one.
Recent updates include: claiming shit has a split personality that writes all those awful things, impersonating a female user to claim that her boyfriend was an
abusive pedophile, making another account to pretend to be a fan of herself as an animal rights supporter, and making a "pig rap" about her three pigs that were taken from her and then getting mad when no one liked it.
Also she made several posts asking for friends. Because that won't go badly at all.
No. 739125
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>>739061I'll make a thread for her if mods can tell me whether they think she's /pt/ worthy. At this point she's rivaling Raven for hating women and sheer number of sockpuppets.
I found out through a source that she trolled MyProAna's forum and sent nudes to a girl's workplace to try and get her fired. I have links but you have to have an account to see the posts apparently.
As of right now she's shifted to targeting ED girls in relationships after making several topics herself about how she's been mocked for being fat.
Up until now it looked like she was operating solely on Reddit but now it looks like she's been femcelling on several websites and authorities have been involved at least twice.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 739260
>>739204they only get locked if the OP is shit/thread is a vendetta, so avoid those things, put it in /snow/ and all will be well. maybe look at the gimpgirl thread as a comparable OP?
>>>/snow/884793 , maybe Erin's as well?
>>>/snow/900685 No. 739293
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This fucking sex worker girl and her morbidly obese neckbeard boyfriend. She posts pics of her toenail clipping collection and shows herself pouring out literal gallon jugs of his old piss onto the ground
No. 739294
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>>739293samefagging to add this pic
No. 739502
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>>739293and yet, even poly lollipop finds grug and kai disgusting
No. 739955
Don't know if anyone is interested in this guy, but some farmers might be, or might remember hearing his name here and there. Russ McKamey ran a 'haunt' called McKamey Manor in both San Diego and Tennessee which is now closed down. He was featured in a Netflix film called Haunters: The Art of the Scare which brought him forward to a wider, normie audience. The Manor was a topic of discussion more than a few times on plebbit, Facebook and YT due to the very obvious sexual pleasure he was getting out of having young girls in onesies be hurt and humiliated for as long as they could stand it. He had people sign waivers which weren't legally binding, he put spiders on them, half-drowned them, etc.
It turns out Russ was outed by his ex-girlfriend who alleged he was a pedophile. She then retracted her statement while still claiming he had abused her. It seems like she was the one who set the recent wave of interest in him off.
He had Facebook groups where girls who had previously taken the tour with him would act as moderators and flying monkeys for him to attack 'haters' who were telling the truth about him, which is that he's a sick fuck who got off on beating girls up and filming it. Said haters found out that some of his 'actors' were ex-cons and sex offenders. One of the dudes had an erection while running some people through if I'm not mistaken but I can't find the FB links any longer. I'm terrible at collecting milk but here are some links: goes through the haunt. This is an hour long edit of her tour. years later, Gabi and a friend talk about how she helped Russ for years after her abuse, running his FB pages and moderating negative youtube comments. She does not remember all six hours of her tour. Life (terrible, terrible fucking youtuber, but he somehow got interviews with everyone) does a series on Russ, talking to his ex-wife, his ex-girlfriend, people who went through the manor, and his estranged daughter who says that her father is a bipolar OCD narcissist who was extremely
abusive to both her and her brother growing up. She denied any sexual abuse but admits that her dad is a manipulative POS.
He always stood out to me because it was so obvious that he was using these haunts to get off. He sounds like a literal pornographer whacking it to these vids. I can try to make a thread but I suck at it. All the drama just came out this past month and it's not huge, but he's been under the spotlight enough times that it may blow up into something big. Hopefully this will ring a bell for some anons; I had followed him on and off for years and was shocked to see this blowing up but in no way surprised to hear that he was a pervert.
A quick search on youtube shows that there are a number of other smaller channels discussing it.
No. 740037
>>739955This Mckamey Manor shit is a goldmine.
One of the exposers who watches kiddie porn on YT appears to be a scammer and a thief
The manor is boring next to this drama.
Beware of Nicolai from Russia tho
No. 740049
>I can try to make a thread but I suck at it.Your post is pretty much an OP already.
Why do so many anons put themselves down like this re writing an OP?
No. 740115
>>740049Thanks for the vote of confidence, thought it needed more links or images to be a strong OP.
>>740056Glad anons are interested! The guy definitely is a creep. I found a few more points of interest I'll add to the thread.
No. 740263
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Can we talk about these trashy folks (Tesah Jordin and Canyon Monfrado) advertising their content on fucking TIKTOK?! Also Tesah is sexting known pedo Dahvie Vanity on the side
No. 740363
>>740115I gotcha with the links, anon!
I'm a researcher/ archivist by hobby and profession. If anyone needs help farming links for a thread I can whip up a fairly comprehensive list pretty quick. Just give a shout here.
I wish would get a new log-in for Facebook already. I've submitted two asks but they haven't replied. I'll try emailing them.
No. 740364
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>>727107>>726073>>730938Now that [pic related] has happened and in light of her controversial and contradictory statements (criticism of Time notwithstanding), should we finally have that Eco-Warriors Drama thread?
No. 740384
>>740383who's milky in that scene?
>>740364greta isn't milky just by existing, surely
No. 740472
>>740384I don’t know for sure. But I’m sure you can find some crazy people if you look hard enough.
>>740470>Hitler YouthUh, what anon?
Also no one is forcing you to listen to her or abide from what’s she’s saying. Again, she’s annoying but not really a cow.
>>740462Okay, how is she a cow? If you're Nordic, then can you post some examples? Thanks.
No. 740505
>>740470Look, I’m just as annoyed with the faux woke eco friendly - but still does other harmful things to the environment people too. But she’s a kid.
Relax anon.
No. 740522
>>740505what does she do? get me a picture of her boarding a private jet, that would be milky.
you can be angry about climate change all you want, you still have to wear sunscreen.
No. 740765
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>>740677she is nothing but a spoiled sperg whose rich and influential parents came up with a new way to make a quick buck knowing that no one will dare to criticize because 1) they will be called boomers, karens, scrotes, misogynist, trump hitler nazi fascist etc etc 2) she is JuSt A cHiLd!!1
literally all of her shit is scripted as fuck lol she is just a gullible tarded parrot being exploited. the only people who fall for this are retarded and mentally 12 themselves or just being pc
No. 740775
>>740765Don’t act like a scrote/Karen/nazi then?
Also kek at the anon whining about not being rich or a corporation. You’re a consumer, so go join a protest to put pressure on the rich corporations instead of whining online about Greta conspiracies
No. 740892
>>740263yes PLEASE
Michael Canyon Monfrado is from my hometown and is pretty much the number one lolcow and joke here.
He’s a trucker, a fake woke feminist, does a shit ton of drugs but talks about how he’s sober, preaches about taking care of your mental health but doesn’t do anything beneficial or constructive for his own mental illnesses, in a relationship every two weeks because he’s demanding, controlling, and
abusive as fuck (if you don’t drop everything to reply back or if you reply before he gets a word in, he’s done with you), he posts thirst trap pics and fb posts and then he makes up posts about people propositioning him for sex, he posts pictures of his ass in truckstop bathrooms and sells them, thinking that’s enough of a reason to make a onlyfans, he just broke up with Tesah (longest relationship he’s ever been in at seven months) because she cheated on him and girls who look exactly like her are already on his dick.
He is the epitome of a clout-chaser—has a fb fan page, and a group on fb called #thecult where it’s pretty much a huge echo chamber where girls post nudes to get senpai to notice them and guys join bc they want to glom onto whatever notoriety Canyon has to try and get a big tittied goth gf. Canyon has “killed” the group multiple times bc he didn’t like the lack of attention he was met with.
Don’t know much about Tesah though, other than she ignored her parents’ texts long enough for a relative to comment publicly on Canyon’s post about how she should’ve wished her father a “happy daddy’s day” instead of Canyon.
No. 740969
>>740904NTA but
>>740364 specifically says Eco-Warriors Drama thread, not a thread about Greta.
Learn to read.
No. 742207
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Ally Marzella/artwerk6666 is pregnant. maybe milk to ensue
No. 742332
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I've always been really interested in James Cage White since he got popular on Vine years ago. He's a Chinese guy who posts a lot about his very sad, mundane life - msotly whining about how desperate he is for a girlfriend and how he has disappointed his parents. I used to find his content quite wholesome but his incel-like behaviours tend to slip out and his lack of ability to function as a normal person slips out sometimes. Recently he revealed he was appearing on a Chinese dating show and I'm interested to see how he actually acts around other people.
No. 742376
>>742334Why a white girl?
I’d be interested in an incel general thread tbh.
No. 742480
>>742438alt-righters tend to attract wks and those threads taper off after everyone gets tired of the "person who constantly does thing never did thing there is no proof" routine
not a male cow but the Candace Owens thread is a prime example
No. 742487
>>742480A good example of this is the ProJared thread which is usually only bumped either when 1. Some stan has to come blaming the ex he cheated on for him cheating on her or 2. When its milk about other GG creators - and it's usually the former and farmers have to go through the whole cycle of explaining why Jared is a predator not a
victim of cancel culture
No. 742607
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So update to Tesah Jordin: apparently she was caught cheating on her BF, including with Dahvie Vanity. Has she been discussed in the SW thread in /snow/ at all? Since she’ll probably go back to Dahvie and is approaching Dolly Mattel levels of cringe, does this warrant her having her own thread?
No. 743276
new TND thread
>>743273 sorry for the quick post and delete just before, there always seems to be a problem with the links in the 'previous thread' list breaking, I had hoped a repost might help (but it doesn't), also pic swap by request!
No. 744389
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I've been browsing these threads here and I cannot decide who is the saddest, the individuals you troll or yourselves?
You've made 1000's of posts following, commenting, nitpicking, gossiping on the lives of some sad often deluded people.
But the dedication and time you put into it is on the autistic spectrum.
I really cannot make my mind up who is sadder.(nobody cares)
No. 744428
>>744427of course it is, yes. is it a
valid opinion?
there's so much effort going on just to get a laugh at the retarded/delusional/etc.
i think maybe some of you get comfort in knowing/mocking even more dysfunctional people than yourselves?
No. 744446
>>744428I think the saddest people are those, who like you, come on to a website they are apparently very morally opposed to to fight for the dignity of people who CHOOSE to have their lives on display specifically for others to react to (and arrogantlyy expect everyone to react positively).
What great efforts are we going to? I'm just taking a shit, man.
No. 744497
>>742376Yes, like R/inceltears but not full to the brim with tranny pandering and cuckery. Call it “incels say the darnest things”. Have it feat midgy-toes as well as they’re basically the same thing, but will argue till their blue in the face that they’re not. Honestly they say the funniest shit and ridiculing Them with anons here will be ideal.
Just don’t respond to anyone who comes to WK or
trigger le femcels.
No. 744541
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I don't have the time, experience or archived material to make a thread on her, but I've seen a lot of posts about @bratoutofhell (ig) AKA Amanda Bret on the instagrammers you hate thread and also on r/instagramreality. She's a great cow, always spouting her personal business and calling out "abusers" to her 63k followers. Constantly over sharing, burns through more boyfriends anyone can keep track of in record time yet they're always the love of her life, accused her ex if being a pedophile. Plus she edits her pictures till she looks like a triangle faced alien. Recently she was on a giant bender after a good amount of time spent sober and now she's claiming sobriety again. She's just a goldmine of milk.
If someone else cares to make the thread I'll happily turn on post notifications and contribute, but I don't have the old screens or backstory (I've seen posts about old but relevant milk I had no idea about) to make a fully fleshed out thread.
No. 744731
>>744446i came here because i was browsing img boards, didn't know what went on here beforehand.
I'm not defending who you follow, i've had a quick look through the threads, i can see why they are funny.
But you do go to great effort it seems, you go over every word they come out with on social media, there's 1000's of posts going into minute detail about the actions of fucked up people.
I just don't see the appeal man, but hey if that's what get your kicks.
>>744499definitely not a tranny.
No. 745482
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Anyone follow stickersonmylaptop?
Incredibly full of herself.
Maybe mentally unwell, at least she constantly talks about conspiracies involving the government usually.
Mutuals with Lilith.
No. 745846
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Shes a semi successful model obvi, she gets work. But my god her mind is gone. All of those caps are literally just one day of looking at her story
No. 746025
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Shes been insane and full of herself for a while now.
Followed for a few years and heres a pic of her and lilith. Just realized she doesnt follow lilith back so maybe shes not too crazy.
New here! My vid is too long. How can I post it here?
No. 746026
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No. 747022
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Someone should make a thread of this sperglord who streams on Youtube, his name is Jordan Long and he speaks through this doll that represents him, I guess. He is currently livestreaming right now and is answering questions. Livestream: No. 747027
>>747022It's just an autist with dolls.
I'm all in for a thread, but with that puppet I thought it was something more creepier tbh.
No. 748454
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>>747065speaking of the shane universe this woman/methhead named shannyforchrist was featured in one of shanes videos and shes a trainwreck. shes had a lot of drama with foodie beauty who has threads on kiwifarms and LA.suicide baits on twitter, goes on 2+ hours livestreams whining about how much she doesnt care about the internet, got arrested for domestic abuse and it was all recorded on police body cameras, bible loving boomer, terrible hair dye, racist, shes got the works. her husband runs a youtube podcast called † revelation news † where he streams mostly himself scrolling through shit on his computer, sometimes breaking out into schizophrenic-tier rants. just thought she might be interesting for /snow/
No. 749541
>>633584Can we please have a lolcow thread over Disney & the outrageous things they have sued people over for?
The outrageous things they have sued for goes as far back as the 80s.
No. 750900
>>724726She’s been starting up again, so I checked to see if she has a thread or not yet. She’s not only fat phobic, but also transphobic and apparently has been posting other girls’ nudes as well. Although some people have said she doesn’t post full pics, so I do wonder if she did actually lose weight or if it’s entirely Meitu editing tbh
She’s one of those girls who acts sweet and uwu, but she’s vile. She makes tons of alts and constantly tells her friends to act on her behalf and send hate messages. It’s so messy, and I feel like she’s ripe for super milky material, especially if she got a thread
No. 750930
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Can we get the Anisa thread back? Recent happenings:
>posted a video about how instagram people are fake, then posts pictures of her new "improved" body but in her candids she looks nothing like her photos.>quit "titty" streaming, but is back to showing her chest. Has a breakdown weekly about how she's not making enough money and should quit.>Mentioned lolcow and said the pear thing came from us, when timestamps showed she asked to be roasted as a pear(while putting celestia vega down for e-points)>opens up an etsy to sell her traced artwork, complained about not making enough money but buys a $1000 drawing tablet to trace better>anisa's BPD triggers her so much, idubbbz is buying her a boob job>Despite Anisa saying Grossgore triggers her, she goes on to have a long rant about his wife and child>A different clip from the same rant gets posted onto LivestreamFails and everyone hates Anisa.>GrossGore has killed Anisa's career not once, but TWICE now No. 750937
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>>750930forgot to add she made another lolcow cameo to show she's totally not bothered by mean comments No. 750989
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>>750930Pls she's so tragic
No. 750990
>>750930Yes please!
Anon can you give more info about the boobjob (sponsored by idup)?
No. 752994
Is anyone interested in a thread about Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka, the founder of SomethingAwful? He's been involved in a lot of drama over the last 20 years, but recently it's been particularly bad.
Right now, he's in the process of divorcing his third wife while banging a 25-year old "marketer" for his forum. The twist is that his wife is Canadian and has been having immigration issues, and is currently in a domestic violence shelter with their kid. On the other hand, there doesn't seem to be any proof that the marketer has any capability of helping out the forum besides sucking Lowtax's dick.
Here's the Kiwi farms post I've been following but I'd like another place to discuss the issue without people continually commenting on how fat Lowtax's sidepiece is No. 753576
>>753574lol. they're not at all opposed to posting on evil terven imageboards, anon.
do what you gotta do.
No. 754301
>>753810made the thread
>>>/ot/508920>>753866this one is meant for youtubers who cover the topics in a documentary style
No. 754863
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There is this scat fetishist called David Lee Foncannon that posts videos of himself shitting his pants, claims he's got a mind of an 8yr old, blames his autism for it and apparently has been innapropriately messaging underage girls
No. 754908
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>>754863>754898Some photos
No. 756409
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Wondering if anyone would be interested in a thread on bonskinnyy? I started looking at her stuff a couple days back (she’s now stanning onion pretty hard on ig), and seems like it could be potentially milky.
>tried starting an arg, ultimately failed
>always wearing a mask, speculated she may have cruzons syndrome
>spergs about her face being disfigured
>constantly getting into slap fights on ig
>has actually threatened to find and kill a couple of teenagers who were rude to her, tried mobilizing her 17k followers to do this with her
>filmed herself miscarrying (supposedly) in the bathtub, has played with and eaten her own period blood
>has filmed basically all bodily fluids and functions at this point tbh or taken pictures
>constantly acting like she’s autistic or something but guessing that’s part of her arg bullshit
>so much more tbh
If not a thread in snow, wondering where I could put her? Not sure where she really fits, she’s pretty well a horror cow.
No. 756534
>>756451As far as I was aware she gave up on the ARG thing. Had some breakdown and left insta for a bit and now that she’s back she’s not doing the arg, just being totally ridiculous and still posting gross content.
But thank you for pointing me to the /OT/ thread anon. Will check it out.
No. 763208
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>>763080Is it really that hard?