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No. 797033
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>791146Website: (new), (old)
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (used to be xmariahmalladx), theragdollranch (used to be mariahthecatlady, momoscats),
Twitch: Stories Archive: (SITE IS DEAD)
Google Drive: keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/5855General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/w/33300Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking (and specifically titpicking), armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
Recap of last thread:
>redid her Bunny Bulma set from before but now with a suit way too small for her (like always) and has her clear straps cutting into her shoulder>got new extensions, let them get ratty again, took them out, and then put new ones back in>keeps wasting money on shitty halloween decorations probably for her new sets>technically belongs in the calves thread but it Mariah was supporting one her friends in anti BLM posts despite how much she claims to be a “woke queen”>has about 20 cosplays planned for the next 2 months, likely going to do none of them as per usual, but she seems more desperate than usual to try and sell herself as a cosplayer and not the low quality porn peddler that she is>she got lipo, again>Mariah recently got invisalign despite looking like she doesn't need them, likely to jump on the trend of other people around her having dental fixes to their teeth and not wanting to be left out>it seems her tattoo mystery man that was with her in the previous videos has disappeared, and is likely why she’s flipping her shit on instagram stories all the time and posting pictures of a children’s book to seem deep>claims to be miss mental health awareness and in the same breath tells people to “try not being depressed”>she's continuing posting cringy shit on tiktok>just turned 25, and had a party with no one wearing masks despite being in the middle of a pandemic. let the quarter life crisis begin.Sorry if this opening post isn’t the best, I thought someone else would make it after 3 days but I guess no one else wanted to after the OP of the last thread got chewed out.
No. 797050
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No. 797051
File: 1600909156110.jpg (Spoiler Image,673.23 KB, 1125x1687, oyBQs4Z.jpg)

>>797050I will bet anons money that THIS is the WORST self shoop to date.
No. 797055
File: 1600910994683.jpg (913.15 KB, 493x926, IQwB6E3.jpg)

>Put a finger down if in 6th grade you were very so much obsessed with the thought of Malcom X and his history to a point where you made a video presentation that was 20 minutes long and you showed it to your history teacher which she then loved SO MUCH that she would show it to every other class period, every other day and have you leave your class to come watch it with them every other day and then have me talk about Malcom X to everybody
No. 797060
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No. 797062
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>>797060Accurate cosplay 10/10
No. 797065
File: 1600917556869.png (500.72 KB, 495x871, 2934573409785.png)

>>797035NTA but thanks for making this! People always get mad, but they never make the new threads. If they really want the thread a certain way, they need to make it themselves.
In other news, Mariah is now playing YGO
No. 797067
>>797055X to doubt
>>797052>>797065Why yu-gi-oh all of a sudden? Its not suddenly become popular again, outside of the yu-gi-oh community, has it?
I look forward to seeing her sperg about metas and cards needing to be banned though.
No. 797086
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>>797059solid kek, anon. she'd be called the fupa demon.
No. 797111
File: 1600955135491.png (34.3 KB, 860x433, 120-1206686_transparent-saitam…)

>>797106Yes, everytime i look at her tits, i just think in the oppai logo. They're just 2d flatted tits lmao.
No. 797126
>>797065It's like she asks herself "Hmmn what do those filthy nerds like… Oh I know!"
But is she showing off someone else's childhood collection of cards? Who does this?
No. 797127
>>797126More like "Oh look, Critical likes this and he's worthy enough to date me"
But honestly the only time a popular youtuber wanted to hang with her the man was mentally off his rocker.
Which should tell something to Momo. But she's too in denial for that
No. 797138
>>797137He has a girlfriend anyway. Moo is just following trends again and he's in popular right now because of his Cuties and animal cruelty takedown callout to YouTube videos. Not because of fucking yigioh. He's always done those videos. Probably started following after that and then got
triggered to be the best duelist by sperging out and buying packs. Moo is a fucking idiot.
No. 797178
>>797159I wouldn't put full blame on the doctor. Her breasts looked fine once upon a time. But then she gained 200 pounds, lost 100, gained back 50
It's a wonder her body is holding itself together
No. 797208
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>>797067Kevin is heavily obsessed with ygo (you can see the tattoo on his arm here) and like clockwork she’s pretending to be super in to some guys hobby while acting publicly like their regular friend gestures are romantic like she did with senseis spiritual hobbies and that bun biting picture of them.
No. 797217
>>797208Imagine having to tell people you like yellow roses when you have a goddamn cheese rose on your arm. Her and her live in hangers on are the dumb leading the dumber.
Her interest in plants probably goes just as deep if she buys them at a bougie vegas whole foods of all places. There's a whole internet there and probably local shops with cool stuff on ig but she would have to actually care beyond "decorating" a basic ass aesthetic. At least she learned to turn the fountain off when recording? Such growth.
No. 797219
File: 1601004573161.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 1281x1067, h3PoJer.jpg)

From her "cat" set. Please compare to
>>>/pt/796704>>>/pt/796637 No. 797227
>>797221Lol nice jawline contour.
Her face and that brown lip…looking like a kid who regrets eating all that chocolate cake and might be sick.
No. 797229
File: 1601007954080.png (583.6 KB, 502x866, 9453408.png)

No. 797230
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Is this some tiktok meme? Or is she being serious?
No. 797231
>>797229I guess this'll be here new dbz sperg fad then?
How long do we reckon it'll last? I give it a week, two at most.
No. 797233
>>797221>>797219She edits herself like she weighs 120 pounds but these just expose her "Weight loss"
She's still above 200 pounds jfc
>>797231My question is how long before she gets a YGO tattoo. I can't fathom getting a permanant tattoo for a fandom I don't even like for a guy who doesn't like me. It's a step below getting your crushes name tattooed on you and showing them how unhinged you are
No. 797284
>>797244She walks hunch backed which is hilarious and perfect for one of the unsexiest people alive.
>>797219This looks disgusting. Just a fatso rolling around.
No. 797288
This is straight up awful
No. 797295
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No. 797329
>>797324Of course she's just going to be pissing.
I'm honestly not surprised at all how quickly she's resorted to this. She has to keep the paypigs interested. I'm sure she'll be doing bukkake in a couple of months, that's more her style anyway since it's uwu Japanese.
No. 797335
>>797243Do you mean Umineko?
It’s why she got that dreaded cheese rose tattoo lmao. And how could we forget her AMAZING COSPLAY VIDEO for it
No. 797337
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Additional notes about cat set:
>released a large amount of clips not extending past 20 seconds (around 20)
>in one clip she exclaims "I finally have use of this fucking baagg! 100 dollars" kicking the randoseru
>lots of lying on her back, feeling up her lurch tiddies
>she diddles herself but its distracting between the unwraveling underwear and discoloration.
>this is a actual still
No. 797343
>>797324Squirt is just pee anyways. It's something that pornsick males made up cause they need a visual representation of the female orgasm. So they just have women piss themself in porn and dumb women play along.
A little bit of pee came out after your boyfriend hammered on your bladder for 20 minutes? no shit. Not a magic fluid.
No. 797348
>>797339The face of a 40y/o using filters to make herself look like an anime baby abomination.
Off topic but is anyone else really sus about the randoseru? What if she starts making baby porn? I wouldn't put it past her.
No. 797372
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Castlevania cosplay apparently
No. 797416
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>>797219Her ass reminds me of this nasty mushroom I found while walking my dogs
No. 797428
File: 1601109062230.jpeg (231.77 KB, 828x1472, 6B34E121-6F52-4318-A276-D9E83C…)

Oh boy she’s looking rough!! And who is she trying to kid?
No. 797444
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>>797341It is a stupid nitpick. Her plants are either too far away to tell or clearly alive. Plants the size she has take a few weeks of neglect to start looking like shit and she has the money to replace them. If you're going to cosplay a concerned plantfag at least know what you're talking about.
>>797428Her titok should really be included while it lasts. She gets a weirdly large amount of view convincing teen virgins that her body is real and attainable.
No. 797446
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>>797444Some anon in the last thread pointed out how she deletes comments. Scamming on titok youths seems gross, but a natural evolution. They only know a pornified version of women, she pays good money to surgically turn into a melting sex doll, everyone wins.
No. 797448
>>797221She looks like a exhausted mom who just gave birth and is like
"What have I done"
No. 797456
>>797425It's not like she's banned, it's just she's so cheap she doesn't buy a badge for the convention hall and lurks outside or waits for someone to give her one.
That and she's chicken shit cuz the real cosplayers inside will kick her ass if she so much as looks at them.
As for the child shit I haven't heard of that either??? Like why would she spread rumors about herself? Unless she's talking about her weird ass behavior on tik tok?
Most of the people who follow her on tik tok are teens and it's weird because she links her socials and she produces porn.
It gets worse considering she admitted she doesn't mind if teens jerk off to her and that weird ass Mama shit. I know it was to seem kinky for her simps but out of context it looks bad
No. 797457
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>>797050But seriously, this thread is full of Momo using every fat girl angle and trick in the book. But damn those unedited pics of her are ROUGH.
>>797221why would she even post this?
No. 797478
>>797456So I think i figured out where the 'minor' picture rumor came from? I think it's a game of telephone from her posting pictures of kids without consent. There was a point where she was taking random pictures and video? of a random kid and I think they were in her IG story. You could clearly see the kid's face and people were weirded out that she was posting this kid she had no connection to and talking about how creepy it was (this wasnt at a con either)
So I think
'Momo was posting pictures of kids/minors without consent' became 'Momo posted lewd photos of a minor'
>>797473She did one once (Hal-con i think?) where she only got in because she harassed staff to make her a guest because she wanted to go with friends. This was the same time she 'cosplayed' from Destiny or one of those games claiming to have made armor that we knew her friend she leeched off of made.
She's not gone back since.
No. 797480
>>797478Oh fuck I remember! That was when she was pretending to like Loli and doing the gross Mommy fetish to appease her degenerate fans. She was even showing off Loli con comics at a park and kids were running around the background. That's when she took pics of kids callin em cute which just made her look like a creep piling it all together.
To make it worse she had to make it creepier when she went to Japan.
This is Moo being an inappropriate dumbass. But she isn't a pedophile
No. 797500
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In classic Moo fashion, she released 1 out of 3 clips of her diddling herself (instead of a full feature). First video was very dumb, just had her rubbing her body and saying shit like "I'm gonna fuck myself!". The video was beauty filtered and she never took the skirt off because her gut would show.
People are saying the dildo video that was indicated above might be like the Celestine set and never be released.
No. 797526
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Oh boy…
No. 797533
>>797528No. While that did happen, nothing cringe happened aside from her posting ~inspiring moments~ shit about it.
She's recorded children at the park or in Vegas at a strip mall multiple times. While it's true there was no "lewd photos", I can also attest to her implying she likes loli (wore lolicon inspired sweater alot) and also acted like a "mommy" character. She also posts alot of screens in her instastories of caps from doujins that are shota driven. Also remember the Kana situation? She made comments about it.
No. 797548
There is literally a character that is canonically dressed very skimpy and yet all these thots have to lewd Nezuko.
Of course they'd have to read the manga to see that character.
No. 797553
>>797526Momo isn't a pedo
But maybe she shouldn't lewd a minor right after the rumors she spread herself like a dumbass
No. 797555
>>797553Also sus she decided to talk about this on TIKTOK of all places? Not on insta?
Also also where are all these callout posts on tiktok peddling these kind of rumors?
No. 797582
>>797526The irony of her doing a rant on tiktok about "not going near minors" and posting this right after.
Never change moo
No. 797590
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Oop someone called her out on tiktok, let’s see where this goes
No. 797598
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The red yarn and lighting doesn’t do her any favors
No. 797602
>>797598She she's doing sets of this character without her most iconic item? The bamboo?
Honestly I think she only does these half ass cosplays in-between her disgusting porn to make herself feel better.
No. 797605
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>>797602She probably skipped it because she doesn't like it. A number of people pointed out Nezuko being a minor in the comments. She replied to one of them with a long ass reply about how she chose to wear the kimono this way because it looks better. So much for accuracy.
No. 797608
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>>797605I put both of them together for the full rant but it does it seem like it was written by someone else?
No. 797619
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>>797615There's so many ways she could of done this better, so don't go that route. I've seen other cosplayers who are about as busty as her magically be able to fit everything in an appropriate costume that fits the way it should, and if she didn't want to do that, Nezuko literally has a full demon form in the Manga that makes her look more "adult." She first said that this was supposed to be an adult concept of Nezuko, yet when she posted about the shoot she said it was supposed to be episode 19 specifically…and if thats the case, Nezuko is still most definitely a child in that.
No. 797624
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>>797590She's being called out on twitter too thats gaining a bit of traction
No. 797634
when did twitter antis invade lolcow, they're fictional characters
>>797632This is the creepy thing. She has a clear mommy fetish she brings up a lot and is posting to a very young audience weather she likes it/realizes it or not, she doesn't even tag her posts or account as 18+ which is pretty important etiquette over there.
No. 797635
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For someone who loves Japanese culture so much, you would think she would know how to close a kimono accurately.
No. 797648
>>797644I don't even care but why is so hard for some of y'all to grasp
>character is portrayed as small child>adult woman sex worker is portraying a character who is a small child in a sexualized way>character who is a small child is being portrayed in a sexualized way by a sex worker>gross and tasteless at bestLike if she was doing a sexy version of Lisa Simpson with her tits out, would that not be weird and tasetless but far from the worst thing on the internet?
No. 797649
>>797639The actual bigger problem is attracting minors when she’s a porn star. fictional characters don’t have rights and pedos don’t have rights either but she’s being extremely irresponsible about her content given every other platform she has is 18+
but also
>moo>being responsiblepick one lol
No. 797658
>>797651I don't care so much that it's a child character, just that she did it so badly. Even if it was an adult in a kimono and she opened it like that, I'd be annoyed. Especially when there is a literally a version that DOES show some cleavage, but Moo is too lazy to do the extra work for that version.
When people see people like Moo trying to shill themselves as "real cosplayers", it makes people think that all cosplayers are sex workers who occasionally throw on an inaccurate costume.
Of course, there's also a chance she bought the wrong size and can't physically make the kimono close, but she'd never admit to that.
No. 797659
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No. 797660
File: 1601237391158.jpg (1 MB, 522x921, 3w4AxHG.jpg)

>>797659Nezuko previews on tiktok
No. 797662
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Yet another call out on tiktok.
No. 797666
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At least they mention about her recent escapade with her liking posts about supporting the 17 year old protest shooter
No. 797668
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I've seen her being scrutinized in social media comments before, but never to this level. I wonder how she's planning to recover from this
No. 797670
>>797663This is such a dumb argument. Misty outfit is already fucking bizarre for a kid to wear. Someone older than Misty's canonical age wearing a crop top and shorts isn't making the character design sexy. SEX WORKERS did sets as sexy Misty like
Cosplay Deviants. Lazy bitches who wanted an easy closet cosplay threw on a yellow tank top and shorts. It was not common to do "sexy" Misty, no one was like "wow hot an 12 year old character but
grown and sexy" gtfo with that revisionist history.
The reason Nigri got popular in the first place was because doing lazy slutty costumes was a NOVELTY. The reason people get pissy about costhots is because cosplay used to be more than dressing like a ho trying to collect the most nerd boners.
>>797652I mean I literally did not mention real children at all whatsoever but keep on being deliberately obtuse. Why not go download some loli porn if it's fine and
not real children? Fucking dumbasses gotta come out of the woodwork every time this dumb cow cosplays a kid with her sad tits and ass out.
No. 797678
>>797664Fucking thank you.
There’s plenty of anime characters that are over the age of 18. Youre disgusting to excuse it off as a fictional character. It’s still a minor that you’re viewing as an adult. Why are you viewing a minor as an adult?? They’re not. Don’t age up. Don’t lewd. This is the same as ravioli ravioli dont lewd the dragon loli. Bitch is doing the same thing she did with kanna and feigning ignorance again. And like we’ve said, she’s never apologetic to when she fucks up. She has proven then multiple times now.
No. 797691
File: 1601254031750.png (3.12 MB, 1242x2208, 695A8738-4418-4CFE-BD1D-4A4A27…)

She’s already sinking her rachet nails into that fandom.
No. 797700
>>797698She tried to jump on that when it first came out, made cosplay promises and never did it. There are pictures of her in a onesie of the main characters It’s just the same shit again now that it’s getting popular again.
I am living for the tik tok call out posts though. I don’t think she imagined she’d get this kind of response. She will either keep deleting comments or just stop and go back to her IG hug box.
No. 797710
File: 1601262883500.jpg (854.66 KB, 522x923, BZFimzo.jpg)

Posted with the sound clip from Euphoria saying “Yeah I'm not supposed to be here right now because I'm dressed like a hooker and none of you like me”
No. 797711
>>797710well yeah Moo. It's not every day a middle aged
F grade porn star tries to appeal to the young people in hopes they will buy your porn. It's fucking weird
No. 797722
File: 1601266492509.png (863.42 KB, 539x939, 120033254_35456488267399393_30…)

she's using a lot of "I don't give a fuck" type audios in her tiktoks, not really the best look moo
she's also going braless to show off her sag bags
No. 797723
>>797704She's nasty and wants teen boys to jerk off to her and steal their parents credit card for her onlyfans. I just checked and she went from saying her of was on her ig to not mentioning it at all right after the pedobait shitshow on this thread.
It's next level degeneracy when your need for attention makes you get on a kids platform to make them want to pay to see you naked, but whoomp there it is.
No. 797729
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No. 797735
File: 1601274391971.jpg (38.44 KB, 512x384, lel.jpg)

>>797722Holy shit I just realized the top of the abs pattern is on her tits here. They're so saggy they're literally in the place where the manufacturers assumed peoples' stomachs would be.
No. 797742
>>797740This is not the place to ask.
However, what do you like about her? I’m actually curious
She’s so gross and hideous it’s weird to me that people want to wank to her
She has a creepy face, her voice is obnoxious, the things she says are obnoxious and stupid, she’s fat and her skin/veins/discolorations gross me out.
What’s the appeal?
No. 797746
>>797639you know what, fuck them kids nobody cares about how they feel when they shouldn't even be looking at 18+ content
>>797651this is the point that you all should be worrying about
>>797670i too hate to hell and back bitches who only put a wig and some lingerie on and call it cosplay/sexy up characters that would never indulge in that, but no child is suffering from nezuko being lewded on, i promise you that
No. 797751
>>797747giving fictional character rights has been a trend for kids to do these days and autistic adults have joined in. The anons sperging here are more than likely underage, the telltale sign is the use of the word "literal/literally".
>>797750Learn to integrate
No. 797757
File: 1601287044949.png (3.08 MB, 1242x2208, BC8403C7-F185-46E0-AF08-AF8CF5…)

I’m actually surprised the suit didn’t bust at the seams… this time.
No. 797786
>>797774weebs are big weird and this website allows them to frame it as 'YOU SOUND LIKE SJWS!!!!!!!!' and turn it around as though people who are mad are the same as eternally
triggered pansexual fakebois on twitter
No. 797793
>>797792Especially now since people are upset with others who were trying to use Etika for clout before his death. Which Moo did, and after his death too.
That and her suicide baiting others. That doesn't include her sexual assault claims, her breaking others cosplays, racist comments and jokes.
Now her baiting underage children
Like it would be one juicy video for any channel willing to compile it all together. Moo is the perfect example of a female predator and she can't blame her ADHD for this one
No. 797806
>>797804also to add since it's relevant
she recently told people during suicide prevention month to just stop being depressed cuz people have it worse than them. Sooooo yuh
No. 797815
File: 1601310740318.png (396.58 KB, 976x894, Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 11.3…)

>>797757This whole thread is becoming a debate about cosplay morality. Meanwhile Moo is acting especially desperate, flailing around on the floor to stay relevant. She's a shitty person either way.
At least the comments are funny.
No. 797826
File: 1601314648973.jpg (699.73 KB, 1500x1500, BeautyPlus_20200928123641607_o…)

I made gifs of all 3 vids but the file sizes were too big so here's some screenshots instead. You can see her black thong thru the costume and honestly it's just a lot of jiggle and rolling around out of breath
No. 797830
>>797826Did she delete this from TikTok?? It’s still on her IG but it’s not on her TikTok despite it having the logo.
I seriously can’t believe she even posted this. It’s not flattering in any way for her and she’s just telling on herself with how big she really is.
No. 797835
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No. 797854
File: 1601321558430.jpeg (27.37 KB, 332x340, FDE2C0AB-A6DB-4F78-883C-963CBE…)

>>797698Her last attempt at a mha cosplay was literally one of the previous thread pics
No. 797859
File: 1601322795310.gif (1.12 MB, 320x180, t996yn.gif)

>>797835This reminds me of the videos fat chicks make to say "See? I can do everything you skinny bitches can do" but right after the video they are wheezing and about to die
No. 797860
File: 1601322873089.gif (11.66 MB, 346x640, (1).gif)

No. 797863
File: 1601323013545.gif (11.39 MB, 346x640,

Version 2
No. 797864
File: 1601323185585.gif (11 MB, 346x640, (2).gif)

And the 3rd time
No. 797870
>>797864This unironically looks like when my grandmother had alzheimer's and thought she was a teenage cheer leader again.
Same level of Sadness
No. 797900
File: 1601339663496.jpg (428.6 KB, 459x906, Lma6uYI.jpg)

For some reason she's at a cabin with Umbran and Kevin. She's expecting more people.
No. 797906
>>797864I went to watch YouTube vids of this to see how absolutely horrible she did and a girl who's 400 pounds did it better than moo because she actually put energy into it and didn't just barely move her ass she straight twerked in sand too
Like damn moo you have no energy with anything sexy at all just dead ass starfish
( No1currs about a 400lbs fatty u saw) No. 797917
File: 1601346623776.jpg (567.04 KB, 517x906, tRZl4xv.jpg)

Dark Souls Firekeeper cosplay.
No. 797932
File: 1601359761614.png (3.24 MB, 1242x2208, 17DE72BC-6F1E-4F79-BA0E-953764…)

From Moo’s IG. They’ve procured a cart full of booze. I don’t know if she’s renting that cabin in Nevada or not but they’ve been cracking down on people holding house parties in Air BnB rentals during the pandemic. I can see Moo being stupid enough to get arrested at one of them since it’s clear she never gave a shit going by all the outings/gatherings she’s done lately.
>>797927Got secondhand embarrassment reading this. I wonder how many of his coworkers talk about it behind his back. That’s awkward AF.
No. 797966
>>797932"Don't drink your calories guys" "I don't drink or party"
I guess she's feeling pretty good now that she spent the whole summer sucking the fat out of her gut
Now it's time for the winter weight gain
No. 797969
File: 1601391056824.png (709.81 KB, 492x817, Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 10.5…)

Serving up some target clearance rack realness: Moo's Fire Keeper cosplay.
No. 797970
File: 1601391129854.png (642.27 KB, 1107x691, Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 10.5…)

It's like this woman can't do anything without trying to 'pwned the haters'.
No. 797971
File: 1601391452930.png (423.81 KB, 864x583, Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 10.5…)

uwu kewin stays ouwside wit me I'm scawd.
No. 797972
>>797970She already made a few videos of her flipping off the tik tok community.
Cuz ya know, getting therapy from a wannabe guru tattoo artist is actual therapy
No. 797976
>>797973Yep, when you're just taking pictures from your chest up you can just throw on a shit ton of filters to make yourself look better and thinner.
However what filters can't fix is the quality of the costume. That shirt looks like she got it at a lane bryant.
No. 797977
File: 1601392251821.png (143.36 KB, 346x426, Screen Shot 2020-09-29 at 11.0…)

Saged due to this being about Umbran but is she a natural blond? Maybe that's why she always looks like a corpse. Black box dye hair from the drugstore doesn't look good on people who are naturally blond.
No. 797978
>>797977She is. It is kinda like what PT did where she thought she looked more asian or exotic with black hair.
She wont admit it now and will claim she looks better with black hair and that's it
No. 797995
File: 1601397377251.png (5.14 MB, 828x1792, B72A6EFD-A805-46B3-A0F2-53E750…)

Why did she use the same sound twice for two tiktoks? It wasn’t cool the first time. Also: this one reminds me of Trisha paytas.
No. 797997
File: 1601398736105.png (11.45 MB, 1242x2688, 60E4FE40-0BF5-438F-9CB5-1CA817…)

>>797995Anyone else laughing at how hard the filter is working on her chin yet it’s not enough.
No. 798026
>>798023I believe she's given them money in the past, but using the word "support" is an over exaggeration on her part unless she's paying all of their bills.
One thing that can be said for Moo is that she's willing to front money for people, even if it's for the wrong reasons. Helping out her family now and then to keep them off her back makes sense
No. 798056
File: 1601428046056.jpg (952.41 KB, 526x923, c3Ie2le.jpg)

Yes she did that dirty ass contour to her nose
No. 798059
File: 1601429024564.jpg (1.21 MB, 652x746, OLZFTFQ.jpg)

>>798058Here's a closer look but I dunno. Castle Corsetry made it
No. 798069
File: 1601432987360.jpg (758.74 KB, 463x894, 1QpYGsg.jpg)

obligatory "so much content coming" post
No. 798079
File: 1601448014821.png (3.47 MB, 1242x2208, 6D6E8FF0-5272-4B2F-BA97-77F9DA…)

No. 798080
File: 1601448161262.png (3.79 MB, 1242x2208, 3D7A315A-EA2F-4B8A-927A-42896C…)

No. 798081
File: 1601448264783.png (3.7 MB, 1242x2208, FFF764AF-F88F-4C34-84A3-4A7457…)

No. 798083
File: 1601448608023.png (2.08 MB, 1242x2208, EEF6FE43-83CB-4055-B150-A3437B…)

These look so uncomfortable.
No. 798101
File: 1601462922251.png (3.41 MB, 1242x2208, A6DE18CB-C42C-4D95-BEEB-57A10B…)

>>798099I guess this is the person playing Link (I have no clue who they are) but I’m shocked Moo is doing a pov type shoot with a chick in a silicone chestpiece. I thought she reserved those types of shoots for guys she thirsts after.
No. 798115
>>798101Because she's running out of guys who will tolerate her molesting them on set
"Hey since I paid you a bonus how about you give me something special?"
No. 798133
File: 1601484921595.jpg (222.67 KB, 1080x1880, Screenshot_20200930-105451_Ins…)

I like how her fans are equally problematic, terrible cosplayers, and also despised on tiktok.
No. 798137
File: 1601486854144.jpg (Spoiler Image,580.96 KB, 1440x2270, bBcsZwe.jpg)

Why did she do a set with Aly right after Vamps did a set with Aly?
No. 798151
>>798150Beat me to it. Cheap joke, but not as cheap as Moo.
>>797995She'll always come for your fandom. Reminds me of all the sperging when she was 100lbs lighter about her cosplaying their favorite whatever. I honestly like parody of things I like. It should be a dollar tree challenge.
No. 798152
File: 1601492469443.jpg (Spoiler Image,167.75 KB, 873x1566, 20200930_150227.jpg)

No. 798178
File: 1601502903632.png (5.22 MB, 1242x2208, E217DD72-9E6E-44E4-8C69-DB697C…)

>>798176Oop forgot to drop her newest cosplay
No. 798197
>>798191This. Like…if you want to make money being a "cosplayer" then throw more money at craft slaves for costumes or actually learning to make literally anything instead of sex contraptions and obviously gay men to make really bad porn?
If I was making her kind of money for doing jack shit I would like…actually indulge in my expensive nerdy hobby? Because making things is challenging and interesting? But she has no interest in cosplay itself besides the attention and $impbux. She's going to regret this sex work moment so bad in like 5 years. Why thots can't develop a skill beyond being thotty and getting surgery when doing that could actually give them some career longevity or alternatives is the wildest thing to me. Just use. Your money???
No. 798217
File: 1601527460909.jpg (982.98 KB, 1418x760, q0Ty1Zg.jpg)

its not a hijab, Mariah lol
No. 798230
>>798178oh no she is back to the 'altered by me'
>>798217$100 for something with cheap fabrics and that anyone could sew?
No. 798233
File: 1601539305601.gif (1.55 MB, 382x215, tumblr_pfv3fvXuv11xylde3o4_400…)

>>798152If her friend is doing this to look better in comparison it's not working. They both look horrible.
No. 798246
File: 1601549434150.jpg (133.93 KB, 843x960, dog.jpg)

>>797219Why does her gooch and cunt area always looks so fucking dirty. also imagine the smell.
No. 798250
File: 1601550487341.jpg (34.11 KB, 567x564, 1601266239011.jpg)

>>798248Interesting and disturbing to know anon. if not much oxygen gets to her cunt and gooch would that lead to some form of cell death or like weaker/less sensitivity of said areas.
>>797932do you think shes ever put veggies in her shopping cart?
No. 798257
>>798250To my understanding, it's surface level hyperpigmentation. So the cells on the top layer of skin have more melanin than others for one reason or another. Meaning the affected area's shouldn't be deep enough to cause sensation issues.
That and my lady bits are still sensitive as hell so, I don't believe so.
Of course, this only applies if she's got the same type that I had; related to being overweight and insulin resistant as a result of obesity. But, since it's Moo, I'm gonna take a reasonable guess and say she does.
No. 798338
>>798178Jesus Christ, trim the bangs on that wig. Does she not own a pair of scissors?
>>798137How is sitting next to and ignoring each other "girl x girl?" By that logic, every woman who sits next to another woman on the subway is a lesbian.
No. 798445
>>798444In mooriah logic, this is "special" and "something I had to push through so you have to pay me well."
Getting fucked by a guy that ghosted her was likely so cheap so she didn't have to pay him anything. "I didn't make enough on these videos."
No. 798457
File: 1601659534701.jpg (Spoiler Image,590.35 KB, 454x735, 5xYyqAF.jpg)

>>798447>>798448Certain people are not happy she is charging such a high amount of what might be shoddy quality. They are aware but simps will be simps
No. 798481
>>798465Isn't it only possible from a penetrative orgasm as well? You're not going to squirt from clit stimulation Moo.
Call it what it is, the fetish aspect of just pissing herself may actually justify the price to some cucks.
No. 798486
>>798457Truly racing to the bottom of the barrel at this point, Can't believe how quickly she's escalating her "content".
Also someone needs to add the "I don't think what I do is porn" quote to this image
No. 798487
>>798465Every study ever conducted has proven that "squirt" is literally piss, "you moron".
Jesus fucking christ the way scrotes have made women think that involuntary loss of bladder control via spasm during orgasms is some mystical fluid from <insert vaguely clinical-sounding organ discharge> is hilarious.
There has never, in the history of humankind, been squirt that was not either a: literally JUST URINE, or B: douche water, forcibly inserted, and used in porn.
(derailing) No. 798548
>>798459I think she may have cut herself. At 1:40, you can see something on her middle finger after she "squirts."
So, somehow she found a way to make this even more disgusting.
No. 798566
>>798565Trish is a troll and is actually hard to
trigger, most of her shit comes across as an act for views/attention. Moo gets butthurt and rages over everything.
No. 798569
File: 1601726351494.jpg (Spoiler Image,29.25 KB, 497x444, ss (2020-10-03 at 04.59.31).jp…)

No. 798593
File: 1601745862428.jpg (Spoiler Image,440.11 KB, 1500x1125, 20150706-anchovies-primary.jpg)

>>798569 Proves she isn't really taking care of herself when her pussy looks like anchovies
No. 798595
>>798593this is cringe incel-tier shit. Her vulva looks normal. Go outside.
>>798457The quality looks horrible. I will never understand how she can continue to rip off her fans. Seriously– even if they're basement-dwelling coomers, there are other fatty sex workers who put out high-quality content that they could sub to.
No. 798600
>>798599incels don't like
anything to stick out cause they're nuts.
No. 798605
File: 1601753511480.gif (1.46 MB, 448x252, tumblr_p83a7rdbWC1xrqgt2o1_500…)

>>798602How the fuck is she fingering her self with those fucking claws jfc
No. 798609
>>798602Someone paid $80 for this
Eighty dollars
>>798605Ikr, seeing those claws in action gave me anxiety, especially considering how much dirt is underneath them.
No. 798611
File: 1601754410089.jpeg (Spoiler Image,185.24 KB, 467x636, 2C2845B6-7665-4533-B671-D941E8…)

>>798548This is blood? I’m scared
No. 798617
File: 1601755923566.png (Spoiler Image,2.38 MB, 1242x2208, 72934BB9-C588-492E-8559-2CDB2C…)

>>798611It took me a sec to see that her nail was discolored from something in your pic, that has to be blood, right? There’s no way she isn’t slicing up her cooch when she’s ramming her claws in that hard. Holy shit…
No. 798624
File: 1601757419724.png (Spoiler Image,2.16 MB, 1626x2048, Screenshot_20201004-063710.png)

>>798617At first I thought maybe she had done that thing where girls have one nail a different color, but nope that is either blood or bloody discharge? The fact it's kind of brown and not bright red like a fresh cut reminds me of the end of a menstrual cycle.
No. 798645
File: 1601767993730.jpg (916.45 KB, 598x747, fAbN1gU.jpg)

A actual photo she posted thinking it looks good
No. 798648
>>798647I'm dying over the hem on her cosplay. She said she "altered it herself" but she couldn't even hem the edges?? Even when you cut up parts of a cosplay to make it look ripped or rugged, actually good cosplayers know to protect those raw edges by hemming. she cant even manage to do that?
saged for nitpick/diary entry
No. 798651
>>797666This is kinda a retarded take though. BLM is cancer and every protestor that got shot deserved it. The problem is that Momokun decided to act woke for
victim points because she's a """Muslim""" woman, then a few months later decides to do something based.
>>798651Take your edgy shit to another thread. This was 6 days ago.
>>798624Does she not vet everything she posts? This would be embarrassing if she wasn't already pissing herself on her bathroom floor
No. 798662
>>798647>>798645What in the FUCK is going on with the skin blurring in these pictures? What am I looking at???
Did she shoop these herself?
No. 798672
>>798645The makeup is too heavy
The hair looks heavy
The editing is heavy
The bitch herself is heavy
No. 798679
File: 1601792317919.jpg (24 KB, 450x731, 30f0ec3560d54b16b4d77414777921…)

Serious question. Is there a reason she went down this full-fledged porn road? Was she losing money?
Jesus christ she's come a long way from when she first started. I actually thought she would never go the porn route, especially how she talked about others who did porn
No. 798680
>>798679- Money
- Too lazy to get a real job
- Desperate to stay “famous”/ relevant no matter what
Pick one
No. 798686
>>798684People used to be really starved for non size 2 content I guess?
She was always a butterface at best. Like does her body look way healthier and less mangled by surgery here? Yes, but I can also smell her smugness and stank attitude from here. If you need 4" heels to give your ass a semblance of a shape you don't and will never have an ass.
No. 798687
>>798569So this basically proves that she was editing her genitals like we suspected.
And god…….I see why. I'm literally in hell right now.
No. 798690
>>798602Oh Lord… I really, truly didn't think Moo would stoop to this. This is beyond filthy. As some anons were pointing out, seeing her bloody nail get shoved right back in to come out clean made me want to cleanse myself with holy water. This is bad…
The fact that it's recorded in this angle so we can't see her atrocious thighs is something, too. And for fuck's sake… you know she didn't clean the floor nor her hands. Her rings will forever reek of piss. This whole thing is nightmare fuel. As much as I wanted to see Moo hit bottom of the barrel, I take it back now.
No. 798697
>>798679Porn has become a lot more socially acceptable with the popularization of OnlyFans, etc.
When she started to get attention cosplaying 4-5 years ago she was a novelty, now every other girl has an OnlyFans. If you can’t beat them, join them. Who knows what the consequences will be in another 5 years?
No. 798707
>>798690I remember back in the day where anons didn't believe Moo stank despite Moo's obvious disgusting habits like… come on she even admits herself that she doesn't shower every day. Some people can get away with that but Moo is a big girl stewing in winter clothes in the vegas heat all day because "I like my make up so I wanna keep it for a few days"
Yes, Moo is obviously going to stink and her covering herself in perfume isn't going to help.
No. 798714
>>798711exactly, she's super pissed it has come to this. That she has to take her clothes off for attention.
She reached her peek super early in her career when she was invited to cons as "thicc Samus", getting sponsorships, and pulled in 30k some months without having to show her titts her butthole.
You can't really call her a cosplayer anymore and it's laughable she labels herself as a pro. Anyone can cosplay yes, but on pro levels? I've seen high schoolers in anime club do better than her
No. 798716
>>798714Yeah, instead of a cosplayer who does lewd content she's now a sex worker who does cosplay.
If she had put in more effort and hadn't burned so many bridges she could have at least slowed the downward slide.
No. 798719
File: 1601832404475.jpg (47.61 KB, 640x640, 9f11a70677907935038d448dc2b52d…)

>>798679To be more specific she dumped Eric Matos, the greed in this picture, who was pretty much being her Dad by keeping her to a gym routine. She dumped him because he advised not jumping fully into cosplay without a backup plan or actually learning how to be a seamstress. In order for this inevitable thing to not happen. He's the progenitor of people giving her advice that she has completely disregarded. Be it learning how to make cosplays, don't binge drink as much, don't hang out with douchebags, save money for rough times, and overall when she's drunk keep her hands to herself because that makes people uncomfortable. The just of it is she is a
toxic narcissist who is vampiric to everyone and anyone. She's the Mia Khalifa of cosplay in the sense of she has no credibility so she has to siphon it from either the company she keeps or people she fucks.
No. 798737
>>798728I would say it's fine to shower your body everyday when you live in Vegas or other hot ass places. It's your hair that really shouldn't be washed everyday.
Mariah has taken it to the extreme where she's so unhygienic she has to get new extensions instead of just taking care of them
No. 798766
>>798762so much make up, so much face tape
at least she was smart enough to layer it on instead of showing her fans the horror of her natural face
No. 798768
File: 1601862225031.png (754.27 KB, 777x638, man.PNG)

wow she looks awful
No. 798771
File: 1601862382701.png (1.24 MB, 1215x665, c66aef6476Yb7774f2aaeed4f00daf…)

all her friends are chatting without her, and she still hasn't set up her screen yet, so were just uncomfortably looking at her up-close
No. 798772
>>798771She needs to stop making duck face since it shows how much her fillers are spilling out of her lip and around her mouth
Also whoever did her make up and tape needs to be put down
No. 798835
>>798624This confirms Moo is definitely that girl who won’t suck your dick after its been in her disgusting, muddy pussy.
Uploading yourself scraping old, congealed blood out of your pussy while pissing on the floor is just… vile.
No. 798851
>>798771It is clear that Moo is feeling herself after getting attention from clueless tweens on TikTok. Yet like every time she tries to fashion herself into anything but a z-tier porn star it fails horribly because she's a lazy, spiteful bitch with no passion for anything but chasing dick, getting high, and pigging out.
This is what, her fifth attempt at trying to be a Twitch thot? At least our cow had the sense to not and try to show off her saggy udders this time.
No. 798855
File: 1601909552265.png (87.49 KB, 274x291, 1580948993896931.png)

>>798832I know you inteded to reply to a different comment, but holy shit if this isn't an excellent analogy for how she presents herself vs what she actually is than I honestly don't know what is
No. 798861
File: 1601913381989.jpg (215.89 KB, 1400x1050, Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09…)

>>798851The fact she's already flipping off the teeny fans over on tiktok isn't a good thing. The fans she has now only like her because she can fake being/looking younger with the filters and make up.
Cosplay tiktok are dicks about only youthful looking people getting attention.
Probably why she only does school girl and teen characters.
No. 798867
File: 1601916801294.png (Spoiler Image,317.37 KB, 454x736, squirtispee.png)

this bitch is pissing herself for money
No. 798871
>>798868I'm sorry you couldn't coom due to this being pointed out. Also lmao @ tranny mods banning
>>798487 because it ruined their fap session.
(continued derailing) No. 798876
File: 1601918384993.jpg (92.37 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f485…)

>>798835This is literally the most vile thing I've read holy shit… I can't believe she actually did this exact thing and didn't even think twice…
No. 798896
File: 1601930007604.jpg (5.88 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>798893>>798894>suck on her finger>Mmmn! BBQ sauce!Satan is that you?
Moo should be nominated for horror cow this 2020, next time I wanna kill my apetite I'll just browse this thread.
No. 798900
>>798897I know right!!
Damn then thats some dedication for them simp bux lol ugh gross! what if its not even old period blood and it's something else… Would not surprise me at this point
No. 798914
File: 1601940697584.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1242x2109, 6DC4ECAB-84F7-412A-8294-A00A04…)

What is going on with her boob? The skin looks so weird
No. 798926
File: 1601949272119.png (1.49 MB, 1242x2208, 25AAACE9-591A-466F-9488-D27419…)

Wasn’t she naked when doing these? I know you can’t really tell because of the silhouette (and until you see her flapjack tit in profile) so wtf is she doing posting it to tiktok?
No. 798927
File: 1601949321842.jpg (878.49 KB, 471x894, ljLRzh1.jpg)

No. 798936
File: 1601953679492.jpg (659.88 KB, 470x895, UEN95qv.jpg)

I mean what does she need a gaming laptop for? She doesn't stream anymore nor uses a laptop for games since she and Vamps "split"?
No. 798946
>>798945hear me out
I think Momo is just that dumb bitch who never lets her computer updates or cleans it out, basic maintenance
so when it slows down she gets a new one
No. 798971
File: 1601983616494.png (7.63 MB, 1242x2688, 4AAF5AAA-7451-4C78-9D01-07B752…)

this bitch really bought a gaming laptop to play among us on
No. 798999
>>798997A game you can also play for free….on your phone….. Hilarious.
Keep spending, Moo. You're just looking foolish!
No. 799005
>>798999For games she doesn't even play
Like when has Moo ever completed a game past the intro? She only does these things to pretend to be a nerd.
I guess it's for her brand and whatever. But no one gives a fuck about her cosplays, she only got famous for her lewd shoots and porn.
She's the only person I know of to spend thousands on things she isn't even interested in. But she was like this in high school. Like how her whole personality changes based on who she wants to fuck
No. 799057
>>799055No one is helping her, she already bought the setup. They are just pointing out how impulsive and stupid she is.
Also, sage your post if you have no milk.
>>799049I'd bet she just wanted to drop a bunch of cash to show how much of a serious gamer she is. Its more convenient and ~flexworthy~ to get a whole new setup rather than wait for geeksquad to show up.
No. 799068
>>798936She just pissed herself and showed the world her dried bbq sauce period blood and
>>798971 she's going to drain her bank account on shit like this thinking she's rich until the money stops and she has nothing to show for humiliating herself and becoming a gross pig inside and out.
No. 799097
>>799064It's almost as if Moo had no real
interests or hobbies besides eating, clout chasing and being a fat autistic hypocrite.
Moomoo honey, dear, precious; regular people can see through your shtick, you're not a model. You're whore. Now piss on the floor walk the dinosore.
No. 799123
File: 1602083008656.jpg (125.11 KB, 1392x854, FDRJhEP.jpg)

Bulma previews
No. 799125
File: 1602084169314.png (309.32 KB, 412x406, dirty girl.png)

>>799123If her editor shoops her to hell and back… why not remove the dirt/bruise from her ass?
No. 799126
File: 1602084321146.jpeg (59.58 KB, 281x325, 4B324593-F93E-4850-8484-56271F…)

>>799123Top tier editing per usual
No. 799130
File: 1602084798031.jpeg (707.68 KB, 1053x1037, E1B1CD42-C6FD-4422-83F8-5CB973…)

>>799123Mariah you can’t get your lips plumped to the size of sausages and then still do your signature mouth breather pose like this.
No. 799134
>>799123Her eyes look blood shot. Combined with that facial expression…yikes.
And the pose on this…it’s like shes high on a bunch of drugs and trying to figure out how to get up off the floor in those heels.
No. 799151
>>799149That's not how stockings work, sorry to say.
But I will say it's probably a buildup of fabric that she forgot to adjust when she was pulling it out of her ass.
Still my point still stands, it LOOKS like dirt so why would the editor leave it like damn.
No. 799186
>>799184300 dollars for a game she didn't know how to play and dropped right after she bought said account.
She burns through everything she spends
No. 799206
File: 1602126184264.jpg (871.64 KB, 472x895, j8y79Gx.jpg)

i wonder if she'll shoop herself tan again
No. 799215
File: 1602131413083.jpg (96.79 KB, 512x724, 1441.jpg)

>>799206oh this will be horrible
No. 799217
File: 1602131604366.jpg (881.04 KB, 479x892, TLgs2qP.jpg)

Don't know if this is a new set up or what but
>this happened
>Moo says she's moving at the end of the year because she bought a new house
>was talking about her new "streaming room" in the new house
>talking about how she was going to put a faux neon peach sign in the back of her streams but since she's moving there's no point. Wants to make a "Momo" neon sign for her backdrop as well
>had to buy HDMI cables since her Mac wasn't integrated to her new (?) tower she says
I wonder if she bought that ~Umineko victorian house~
No. 799226
File: 1602141537437.png (3.51 MB, 1242x2688, 16C03F4F-024E-4CA8-B4E9-18E1CE…)

>>799217She bought this pre made from Costco. They just released them at costco, so I know this is a new computer.
No. 799230
>>799217>'bought' a new houseSo she's renting another house.
We know our moo and if she bought a house she would be bragging about it before this not 'i bought a house' in some random ig stories. She bragged more about renting her current place than her supposed new home.
She couldnt even afford the bougie home she was originally bragging about renting for her uwu Umineko shoot dreams (For newer anons she claimed she was getting a house with an amazing staircase that would have been so high class and totally exactly like the umineko staircases or some garbage)
No. 799238
>>799123at least they finally gave her a nose job via shoop. but what in the ever loving fuck is this pose?
>>799124why are her tits the only thing out of focus? Photographically and spatially and visually it just makes no sense. lazy editing at its finest
No. 799267
File: 1602178009686.jpg (375.21 KB, 472x893, AeUfYto.jpg)

This is so embarassing.
No. 799270
>>799267even with the white background you can see where he re drew her body to make her appear 100 pounds thinner and in some areas he just completely gave up and just blurred the fuck out of the picture or just over exposed the area.
Like this picture is so brightened up it hurts the eyes. At this point just pay for an art commission
No. 799276
File: 1602186393274.jpg (1.01 MB, 2880x3840, eDdfe1D.jpg)

if anyone forgot the original
No. 799287
>>799284She has uneven breasts. She is too cheap/lazy to order special bras with different size cups. She could also buy a bra that fits her bigger tit and an insert to support the smaller one.
It’s easier to just wear a sports bra.
She’s also a top heavy (meaty back, shoulders, arms) heifer so the underwire and straps digging into all that fat is probably uncomfortable.
No. 799288
sage for no milk
>>799282she'll never do that because she'd have to get fitted and she'd rather live in denial of how big she is
>>799287they make plus size bras without underwire, she's just lazy, trashy and in denial
No. 799300
File: 1602201431647.jpg (660.06 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201008-165819_Ins…)

Moo is with Nicolemjean and Kevin right now
No. 799332
>area15christ, she's even giving weed the "overpay for shit quality product just because of brand" treatment.
No. 799378
>>799332Idk what u think area 15 is but it’s definitely not a dispensary?? Unless I’m reading your post wrong.
It’s basically an art installation space with a lot of different interactive exhibits, except they have a lot of other things like games, food, alcohol, some zip lining shit.
No. 799380
File: 1602260291543.png (2.34 MB, 1242x2208, D33BF223-9CA3-4F92-8844-930B96…)

Lol sure Moo.
>>799378I think the anon got it confused with the Planet 13 dispensary near the strip.
No. 799452
File: 1602292009076.png (3.3 MB, 1034x1800, E53F5455-55FC-4C62-ADE5-EBE490…)

Those filters are really working overtime
No. 799453
File: 1602292215724.png (3.88 MB, 1242x2208, 6AF7C0B8-59B0-45F8-8F90-706822…)

No. 799465
File: 1602297982445.jpg (1.07 MB, 525x923, LHSHmVL.jpg)

No. 799469
>>799465I love how between
>>799452 and this it looks like she got a breast reduction. Stuff like this is what REALLY shows the size of her udders when she's not trying to use every available trick and filter (or straight up shoop) to try and make them look bigger.
No. 799471
File: 1602298794255.jpg (1.08 MB, 602x750, a09FQoN.jpg)

>>799469Compare to what she posted on insta after.
No. 799473
File: 1602299024768.jpg (87.35 KB, 1486x293, yJtpkFr.jpg)

>>799471Farms post. Null says this has been a ongoing issue where her "team of lawyers" try to DMCA a variety of posts in her thread. This request was in regards to her personal Facebook post about kicking that cosplayer's tail at Katsucon.
No. 799505
>>799465Yeesh, light pink is
not her color. It makes her skin look really sallow. Those sleeves are unflattering, too. The emphasize her lunch lady arms.
No. 799530
>>799506She's probably waiting on the perfect excuse to go dark for a few weeks for the recovery period.
That or she doesn't want to deal with the inevitable backlash she'll get when people realize her tits are actually smaller and the sag was what made them look bigger.
No. 799544
File: 1602352218764.jpeg (204.99 KB, 1200x1200, 440FADC9-1A53-4C41-ADC2-A700A0…)

>>799465Just because Lirika Matoshi makes this dress in moo’s size does NOT mean it flatters her. Jesus moo, those sleeves are doing you no favors. If it were a long bell sleeve she might even come close to looking halfway decent, but fat girls just don’t fit this shape or sleeve well at all. She looks like fucking Tess holiday
No. 799576
>>799559>>799471Actually its the real thing cause it has the Lirika Matoshi name/logo on the bag. Plus the real thing has glitter painted strawberries on tulle (4 layers of tulle I think) instead of the cheapo screen printed (or sequined) strawberries on one layer tulle with a fabric slip that you see for the knockoffs.
Its about 500 bucks for the dress so I wouldn't be surprised that Moo got it for her usual flexing.
>>796003 No. 799581
File: 1602367534776.jpg (900.49 KB, 476x896, xJ9P3HZ.jpg)

At the sanctuary with princess rabbits, looks like
No. 799752
File: 1602529129497.jpeg (19.87 KB, 168x300, F02A3B98-5E32-4D37-8DF4-C98F6E…)

>>799743She did sperg about it when it was announced. Her IG stories were littered with weeby Inu-Yasha bullshit to prove how big a fan she was. I don’t know why anons said she wasn’t hyping this other show’s remake when she posted nonstop cringe about it in her stories when it came out.
Countdown to when she posts select shots from her failed Higurashi video. We never forgot the Genji oni mask, Moo.
No. 799790
File: 1602558806797.jpg (61.37 KB, 418x240, 20201012_221350.jpg)

More and more like a crackhead every day.
No. 799803
File: 1602566790846.jpg (264.56 KB, 427x405, YzmP0Gj.jpg)

No. 799836
File: 1602608808449.jpg (20.54 KB, 275x261, 1602566790846~2.jpg)

She made a tiktok about how she's a catfish bc of cosplay but only took off her wig for the after part. Would be a lot more dramatic and realistic if she compared in cosplay to her natural jowl hobo state
No. 799865
File: 1602624881184.gif (13.96 MB, 346x640, 20201013_162858-min.gif)

No. 799887
File: 1602648346694.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1263x1756, BQ3FZZW.jpg)

Someone forgot to delete her ghost elbow
No. 799891
File: 1602652240354.png (3.45 MB, 1800x1672, C49CA607-4FB7-4306-B569-5F1B29…)

Maddie kissing Moo’s shoe. Well I guess this is one thing Vamp didn’t do in her tenure as Moo’s lapdog/doormat. Their relationship is really fucking disturbing.
>>799887Oh god, I thought that was her elbow too until I zoomed in. She’s just that wide! Usually Squarecuck shaves off the part of her body that sticks out.
No. 799974
File: 1602733049571.jpg (702.04 KB, 470x895, KhFBbgu.jpg)

Fat kween updates:
>says she misses her paypigs
>alot coming in the next couple weeks including cosplays
>bought a shitton of manga from Barnes and Noble including Demon Slayer, Fate/GO and Elfen Lied
No. 799978
File: 1602736253054.jpg (185.41 KB, 511x937, Screenshot_20201015-003158_Chr…)

>>799974She really spent hundreds on that gaudy ring that looks like it came from Forever 21, it just amazes me. I know she's trying to brag but it's just embarrassing, she has awful taste
No. 800016
File: 1602777168093.gif (2.02 MB, 480x270, source (1).gif)

>>799978That ring is the physical embodiment of Xerxis from Southpark…
No. 800041
File: 1602799934080.gif (8.16 MB, 255x450, videotogif_2020.10.15_18.09.52…)

Cringe, she's posting to her stories about missing her skinny days when her family still loved and were proud of her and then coping by flexing the "house she's building"
No. 800042
File: 1602799951589.png (3.56 MB, 1800x1454, 11226AEF-BEF5-4EBC-B98D-B8ACB9…)

Is this the new house she’s getting? Not the “Victorian” house that totally exists in Las Vegas? I figured it was going to be some newly developed cookie cutter piece of shit on the outskirts of Red Rock Canyon.
Funny seeing her sperg like this as if it’s the best time of her life and pretending like she isn’t doing bottom of the barrel, overpriced amateur porn. Don’t you have a mirror to piss on Moo?
No. 800046
File: 1602803341116.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, 6D8A2DF9-22D8-4263-855C-6F2A6A…)

dropping a ball of tinfoil from Juliette’s stories, I tried to think of other costhots who are “copying” her look and couldn’t but again take this with a grain of salt
No. 800063
File: 1602812423252.png (2.34 MB, 1242x2208, 902649DA-C2AC-4B58-AC0D-43BC76…)

Stay classy Moo.
No. 800064
File: 1602812933105.png (3.22 MB, 1111x1800, DEC3594F-BF93-4B20-941E-BA1CAA…)

Hard to believe she’s 25 when she looks like she’s pushing 40. Her filters on this can’t even decide wether or not to remove her eyebags for each one.
No. 800074
>>800064Holy shit this looks so bad.
I don’t know if anyone’s told her you can get filler to help with those under-eye bags. She blows so much money on injections, why the fuck hasn’t she gotten the one procedure that would actually help her appearance
No. 800114
File: 1602831151854.jpg (80.46 KB, 758x853, 20201015_234848.jpg)

No. 800123
File: 1602833235333.gif (212.05 KB, 174x359, B59C3869-12B0-47EB-8A07-8317CB…)

>>800114“Can’t sleep, Moo will eat me”
No. 800152
File: 1602844965574.jpg (467.65 KB, 1079x1428, Screenshot_20201016-063907_Chr…)

>>800064Lmao what is this face
Her wig looks like emo phillips' hair
No. 800164
File: 1602852395922.png (766.88 KB, 767x997, Screenshot 2020-10-16 084755.p…)

>>800147besides umbran lmfao…
No. 800259
>>800258where from?
For a friend.
No. 800262
File: 1602891190505.jpg (Spoiler Image,109.87 KB, 620x930, oHEOBur.jpg)

No. 800272
File: 1602895752233.jpg (423.82 KB, 1166x558, MWVP0IO.jpg)

No. 800349
File: 1602945781108.jpg (23.73 KB, 445x340, trying to stare at both tits.j…)

>>800262Jeanne… My poor sweet Jeanne… What have they done to you
No. 800371
>>800264Under eye fillers, your doctor might not have been willing to do it because it's not considered sage in many area's. Not FDA approved, if that means anything to you.
>>800272The lack of shading on the bottoms of the suit really show off that she has no forethought or willingness to work to make her costumes look good.
No. 800413
File: 1602974628294.jpg (759.43 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_2020-10-17-19-44-49…)

No. 800441
File: 1602984650145.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.9 KB, 1072x1903, 20201017_183124.jpg)

Hot mess coming soon
No. 800456
File: 1602988411615.jpg (155.69 KB, 720x1153, 20201017_213449.jpg)

By far one of her worst looks. She's been looking extra old lately.
No. 800478
File: 1602992150364.jpg (11.86 KB, 225x183, thisrighthere.JPG)

>>800456I know it's the fabric but it just looks like she's wearing boobie pillows since it looks like her tits have fabric folds. It's bothering me to no end.
No. 800498
>>800456Same droopy ass pig ears she uses for every pointy ears character she butchers. Never change, Moo!
That outfit looks like pure hell though, good god.
No. 800517
File: 1603020726937.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.75 KB, 264x520, why.jpg)

This is the saddest tit I've ever seen
No. 800520
>>800492I don't know why, but it kinda looks like her
Semiramis wig just with shorter bangs.
No. 800550
>>800517What makes its sadder is in the original you can see she cut and pasted that nipple from lower (you can see where it was bc it's pixelated as fuck) &it didn't even line up right bc she made the width of the tit bigger too. But that pic also smoothed her back rolls into looking like it's part of her arm and raised the right side of her panties to cover her gunt
>>799887 really just more of a cgi painting than a legit photo
No. 800580
File: 1603058901186.png (617.68 KB, 803x585, Screen Shot 2020-10-18 at 6.09…)

When she calls them 'womb tattoos' it makes me want to throw myself out of a plane.
No. 800585
>>800580Did she “alter” those panties herself? lol
Literally every set now features a droopy eyelid weighed down by a chunky lash. It makes her look fucking retarded.
No. 800596
File: 1603065736879.jpg (Spoiler Image,331.58 KB, 640x853, U9eFNEu.jpg)

>>800585I dunno anon! Let's look closer!
No. 800603
File: 1603069850794.jpg (245.43 KB, 800x776, lord save us.jpg)

>>800580She blurred this area and it still looks absolutely awful
No. 800608
>>800604Put your dick away for a second, this isn't good at all lol. Even with photoshop shenanigans this is horrid.
You seriously can't think her squeezing the life out of "tits" and crotch looks good?
No. 800615
>>800613lmao. She really hasn't had any plastic surgery. The lip injections and slight lifts she has do not count. Now the thousands on lipo is another story. That being said-
Are you fucking blind? This is by far one of her worst outfits she's done. The hair is awful, her droopy eyes due to her multiple lashes, her crotch blurred to fuck but still managing to look like a dead fish, the shitty ass frayed ends, the horrible lenses, the fact that she's hurting herself squeezing into this mess… yeah, it's bad. Stop looking at this through your dick. She got Umbran to make her wig, bought some 10$ lashes and lenses and threw together some cheap ass, frayed pieces that aren't coherent together. Not even mentioning the fact that she looks ungodly old for some reason, more than usual.
>>800606No fam. No, it doesn't.
No. 800616
>>800615Good point, I meant lipo when I said that. And her arms do look huge when compared to her body, so it's not subtle at all.
Idk. I was actually repulsed at some of her previous stuff, like that fingering video, and some of that green set from earlier in this thread. This just doesn't repulse me, and the tits barely fitting into the outfit seems like it could have been the goal.
This bar is very low.
No. 800618
>>800616Alright, I see your point given we had to look at that atrocious, appalling "squirting" video. That was the lowest. And when compared to that, I don't shiver in disgust, but this is still bad for a "professional cosplayer." Other costhots are doing overused crap like this but don't them as repulsive as Moo.
I mean ffs, she just straight looks like she has down syndrome with the usage of multiple lashes. Really do not understand why the hell she thinks it's a good look.
No. 800634
>>800580she looks so unclean, i can smell the dirty pussy from here
>>800621the questions are to get interactions with her posts in hopes of getting more of a reach. it’s why the questions she always asks are dumb stuff like “what’s your favourite colour!” and “what’s 2 + 2?”
No. 800638
>>800596 I was trying to figure out for the life of me how this was fraying. If you look at the straps connected to the o-ring on her stomach the ends are folded outwards to show the raw edges, when usually they're folded in towards the body.
She seriously is wearing this thing inside out.
No. 800660
>>800639 I realize she's wearing two pieces for coverage, but the extra thing is under the harness' bottom. If you look at
>>800603 the strap from the o-ring on her hip holds the attached bottom over the separate piece. The whole harness part is inside out.
No. 800847
>>800066They're maybe real because she's wearing cheaper entry priced items, unlike the items with diamonds. The colour on hers looks off maybe due to the filter but the matte look is what's throwing me off. There's no way someone lets their ring get scratched up that much without polishing.
It's hilarious that in
>>799974 it's likely she bought a new ring for her middle finger bc it's less matte and scratched, since the other had to migrate to her pinky.
No. 800893
File: 1603133534747.jpeg (Spoiler Image,699.04 KB, 750x932, 966814E3-141B-4402-A35C-9A9774…)

New ig post. not sure who finds this attractive but ok(repost)
No. 800958
>>800950I expect she has fake knockoffs but the colour of each piece in her pics is surprisingly close to the real thing. Fakes look more orange and I've yet to see cheap fakes come close.
The real set looks pale yellow on photos though not as matte. She is probably maxing the skin smoothing filters. Still wouldn't be surprised if it was fake in the end.
No. 801025
>>801010You're ignoring the point lol. She can do a lot of things properly, she doesn't want to because she can't flex.
Why spend 180k when you can drop 440k to show the haterz?
No. 801195
File: 1603238208507.jpg (517.46 KB, 480x896, 7keppmO.jpg)

No. 801197
File: 1603238352267.jpg (1.28 MB, 748x750, 4KQBlU5.jpg)

>>801195I know this is Umbran's fantasy but it looks like Moo gave less effort as usual
No. 801205
File: 1603241314678.jpg (451.96 KB, 471x893, 8ZcM3VU.jpg)

Speculation but either:
>Moo's Halloween project is scissoring clowns with Umbran
>Umbran passion project for herself
Not confirmed in the video, just recorded Umbran doing playbacks of her twirling around pipes to music
No. 801221
>>801205Umbran look
huge with that costume.
No. 801222
File: 1603244625020.jpg (727.09 KB, 474x891, C02pC81.jpg)

Eric, squarecuck and alivealf are there too.
No. 801223
File: 1603244733862.jpg (560.66 KB, 459x890, EmjmfRw.jpg)

>>801222Eric's side account
No. 801239
File: 1603248914066.jpg (525.67 KB, 465x888, 7WTRJHX.jpg)

No. 801260
>>801197The false lashes are actively trying to crawl off her face.
I'm having the strangest deja vu, didn't Umbran do this clown makeup on Moo before?
No. 801326
>>801197is umbran's collar a diy buttplug project?
>>801321Come on people tell us your personal experiences in the calves thread. God knows I haven't held back on a lolcow i knew.
No. 801348
>>801257>>801278>>801297- Her family are millionaires. She lives in what's basically a mansion in rich white peopleville
- Despite this, she cries poor and begs for things and asks gets people to do any buy things for her
- Again, her family are millionaires and despite this, she is a notorious fucking shoplifter. She openly brags about doing it.
- She always claims Commissions are "closed". They're never open. They're only for open for Moo or other famous cosplayers she wants to clout chase with.
- Cosntantly cancels any commitments if one with a famous cosplayer opens up, leaving whomever high and dry.
There's more but this is what I've witness before I noped out. It only took a couple interactions ar some Midwest cons lmao
No. 801357
File: 1603317744686.png (139.09 KB, 550x550, TOLcCC3.png)

>>801356Rich people steal too
No. 801508
File: 1603403392688.jpeg (723.43 KB, 1242x1373, 03D47278-4666-473E-AF88-A1F29C…)

Her saggy tits in printed zentai suits will never not be hilarious.
No. 801517
File: 1603408660751.jpeg (649.62 KB, 828x1247, BA7526DA-340A-41B7-AE39-E2E960…)

Think this is just an empty promise or she might start making YouTube videos? Good lord, that would be a trash fire.
No. 801532
File: 1603412248567.png (3.27 MB, 1800x1007, D6E882E7-AB5F-4E3B-98E2-E04ADE…)

She looks more like a clown here than her actual clown shoot from the other day lol
No. 801564
File: 1603417715671.jpg (806.55 KB, 468x890, FVTI2hY.jpg)

Some choice shots
She cut off the cuffs of her shirt. I'm assuming she did it to fit in it
No. 801593
>>801566God she looks like a fucking Neanderthal…
>>801564She turns up to a shoot looking like this and still wants to be known as a professional cosplayer. Lol ok Moo.
No. 801703
File: 1603495396122.jpg (738.05 KB, 522x923, 38MZaTQ.jpg)

More of this cosplay. She keeps bending over in most of her tiktoks, however
No. 801742
File: 1603507794196.png (3.54 MB, 1242x2208, 21D5221D-A00D-4335-BFE8-0D2A3A…)

At least she’s giving fair warning now that her ADHD is acting up… you know, before she goes out to sexually assault people
No. 801756
File: 1603517214535.jpg (8.73 KB, 284x178, images.jpg)

No. 801792
File: 1603566068985.png (638.25 KB, 904x588, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 2.46…)

Watch out, she's wearing a wig that wasn't made by umbracalf
No. 801793
File: 1603566143700.png (304.38 KB, 339x503, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 2.47…)

No. 801794
File: 1603566177950.png (300.82 KB, 369x553, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 2.47…)

No. 801797
File: 1603567058540.png (427.42 KB, 498x586, Screen Shot 2020-10-24 at 3.16…)

This is also her face after she gets off the jeep and 'accidently' almost runs into the male photographer.
"Surprise heheheheh"
Is this the new guy she's going to obsess over?
No. 801842
File: 1603598584165.jpg (Spoiler Image,636.59 KB, 594x1059, lCiH5wW.jpg)

She was having a flash sale but I don't know what that entails. I don't doubt her videos are weirdly priced, as it's normal for her.
Anyways, the video:
>7:07 minutes long
>Same schoolgirl outfit
>can hear Umbran harpy screech in the background
>same beginning scenes of her showing off her toes/stripper heels
>jiggles and smacks her pancake ass
>attempts to spread cheeks but there are none
>got a brown male dildo torso from Amazon, assuming because it has Archer's skintone
>sucks it in so her fupa doesn't flap in the wind
No. 801875
File: 1603636568314.jpg (62.42 KB, 1029x879, Dom0xjZUUAAY9Uw.jpg)

umbran watching moo scrape her vaginal lining from the doorway
No. 801876
>>801847Yeah I'm not 100% sure of umbra's sexuality (which the idea of exploring that makes me want to stick my hand in a blender), but she makes a lot of 'haha jokes! totes gay!' with Moo and the ones Umbra was obsessed with before Moo.
>>801871I'd bet money on it. Moo is so desperate for attention that I think she would hook up with Umbra just for the validation. I mean, she let's Umbra have her super creepy obsession with her and actually seems like she gets off on it when it's clear it's def not healthy.
No. 801877
>>801855Oh yeah, it's a power move. Moo is super narcissistic and enjoys the attention but also enjoys hurting them.
I honestly think she enjoys enjoying people's lives after their 'trysts' end more than the actual fling itself. We've seen this time and time again. When the Umbra and Moo falling out happens, which is only a matter of time, it's gonna be REAL ugly. Mostly because I think Umbra is just as crazy if not more so than Moo herself.
No. 801878
>>801877*enjoys ruining people's lives
God I'm dumb
No. 801903
>>801890At least there was something redeeming about her video.
Also she hasn't mentioned her covid cat in a while. Give us an update, moo.
No. 801933
File: 1603680452463.jpg (268.13 KB, 472x887, v0zuzjG.jpg)

Teaser is out but its really short
No. 801938
>>801928Sorry if I'm being ignorant, but why doesn't she look as fat as always, is it because she's using a filter or she's using some trick to look less fat ? or did she get more lipo?
Is she really less fat or I'm going fucking blind ?
No. 801944
>>801928The effort she puts into these videos is so low compared to her cosplay shoots (which is saying something).
The way it's filmed on her phone makes it shaky and low-quality, not to mention that 99% of the time she's staring at herself and making faces. Plus the dildo looks like a weird CPR doll.
It's strange that she finally caved just to make very basic OnlyFans level of content.
No. 801964
File: 1603745981110.png (Spoiler Image,8.45 MB, 1242x2688, 5B9B6963-C4B7-4288-A172-04745D…)

>>801938She’s still big but uses her clothes to hide or make an illusion of being smaller. But this fucking cpr dummy makes her look fucking huge. I love it
No. 801999
>>801964I gagged when she kept saying
"Oooh fuck"
It's so corny.
No. 802006
>>801964She stares directly at her phone for most of the video and looks like she’s disinterested and just going through the motions to get it over with. I’m sure the guys paying for this crap would pay less for an actual hooker, and the hooker would probably be more engaging.
Moo, for the life of her, isn’t convincing enough to act sexual and it’s honestly hilarious seeing her fail at it.
No. 802112
>>802096Have you even followed this idiot for more than a topic?
You think the same person that barely has any proper hygiene would actually be wise enough to do this?
No. 802190
File: 1603841718875.jpg (27.29 KB, 409x304, HCT3u8y.jpg)

>pro-BLM but buys from dollskill still
wow great
No. 802221
File: 1603856411530.jpg (231.09 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20201027-223846_Tik…)

It still amazes me that she can cover her whole face in makeup and face paint and STILL look lumpy and dumpy
No. 802223
File: 1603857168870.gif (1.2 MB, 320x192, 6quM15.gif)

>>801928trying to fondle her own butt like…
No. 802258
File: 1603888280840.png (214.78 KB, 459x676, thanos.PNG)

who's excited for her thanos cosplay????
No. 802278
>>802258You're taking the piss, but with how bad she is at body paint combined with a bald cap would be such a delightful trainwreck.
I mean yas queen Mariah, go for it, snap at all the haters.
No. 802299
>>801938Combination of lipo, filters, clothing choices, and angles to all make her look smaller. Also notice how we don't see a whole lot of photos where she's standing profile. There's a reason for that.
Now she is less fat than she was at the start of this year but she's also had face lipo and another round of stomach lipo done. Which honestly, girl is running out of fat cells so she isn't going to be able to do this forever.
No. 802315
File: 1603916473082.jpeg (232.28 KB, 750x407, 35AA22D5-BFD5-4046-A6B8-619234…)

>>802299You get a glimpse of her side profile in the clown OC music video on her Instagram. This is the best shot I could get but it’s at the very beginning. Got to love how quick everyone but Umbran and Squarefuck are to expose her like that. She can keep getting the fat sucked out, won’t change the fact she’s built like a fridge.
No. 802317
File: 1603918483385.gif (5.18 MB, 521x360, (1).gif)

Her clown is supposed to be anger/rage but she's all smiles most of the vid
No. 802319
File: 1603918594931.jpg (196.77 KB, 1387x1500, BeautyPlus_20201028154951964_o…)

When you think clowns, do smoke bombs come to mind?
No. 802320
>>802317well this explains why she hasn't been bragging about her weight loss. Even with the corset, shape wear and clothes that obviously don't fit her she's slowly gaining all the weight back
Like jfc Moo, it hasn't even been 2 months
No. 802321
>>802317I can’t tell if she’s acting bad on purpose to fwart Umbran’s long time dream OC or if she just genuinely doesn’t understand how to act angry. Even the comments pointed out how flat Moo’s acting is compared to hers. (Would post but most were deleted by Moo last night before I could grab them, my bad.)
This whole project reads as Moo throwing money at it and sloppily executing so that it’s out of the way. She probably has something set up for the 31st that will outshine Umbran’s clowns and prove she’s ~actually skinny~ from all the tire throwing.
No. 802372
File: 1603955086145.jpeg (202.22 KB, 750x481, 417F108B-9842-4214-A55A-28C8E9…)

fat toddler
No. 802377
File: 1603958772430.jpg (58.56 KB, 696x418, bom.jpg)

>>802341Who could ever forget when she was a business-marketing-linguistics-Japanese quadruple major?
>>802372Moo's face here reminds me of Park Bom. Both of their faces are fucked up beyond repair due to fillers and rapid weight gain.
No. 802425
>>802372this is the worst character for moo to try and cosplay ever lmao. all kakegurui characters are very naturally pretty (or supposed to be anyway, the important characters are all rich heiresses) so it already comes across bad to do a heavy makeup look.
"heavy" does not come close to describing that caked up mess all over her fucking eyes. her foundation and weird blending to the sides of her nose leading into the cheek exaggerate her already disgusting doughboy cheeks. the wig she has on is not accurate in anyway and the shitty plastic hair look maddie LOVES doing makes this look like such a shitty recreation of yumeko
why did she bother doing this character
saged for nitpick obviously
No. 802448
>>802441>>802427She literally did a line of coke in the background of someone's instastory a while ago when she was doing conventions still. It was posted and speculated on in a previous thread
>>802430Moo doesn't do it regularly like weed or something but she probably does whenever one of her friends bring it cause she has to flex and be cool/fun or whatever
No. 802459
File: 1604013036116.jpg (367.45 KB, 1080x1892, IMG_20201029_200654.jpg)

Is this a princess Fiona cosplay?
No. 802472
>>802459makeup isn’t bad, actually, too bad about the crappy wig
she really does look like an ork
No. 802507
>>802496>>802459it just looks like she's trying to emulate art which would just be another example of her not crediting artists
No. 802508
File: 1604024475239.jpg (46.02 KB, 807x990, VklkLzO.jpg)

>>802507I thought it was the orc from the failed warcraft movie
No. 802509
File: 1604024613431.jpeg (479.19 KB, 750x1002, F27CF901-DCF0-4710-B1F2-E56231…)

Caption on this tiktok is “The dwarf getting a bit too handsy” and she’s laughing at this comment calling her out for being handsy???????????????
No. 802523
>>802510#dnd since WHEN was Moo playing dnd lmao
if she was you KNOW she'd be talking about it all the time and saying she'd been playing since she was a child and how it changed her life, posting pictures of her character sheets and sessions, and posting spastic stories about buying dice because that is how she treats everything, always
not to gatekeep I hardly play myself but hearing about critical role in passing conversation does not count as being into dnd mariah
No. 802524
File: 1604033833689.png (1.23 MB, 1357x765, Orkun.png)

Basic outline of the bit of the stream Among Us. Times are listed in real-time rather than stream time.
>2305 (roughly 30 minutes into the stream): Recieved mobile notification. Notif: COME TO MAMA <3 - Steam Title: ORC MILF IS AMONG US
>2309: Allyssa joins dicord call
>2309-2314: Misc chatter about irrelevant shit regarding money and anime - Players: MOMO, Leah 2, ay ytup, Meat (Maddy), grette, lia, brandon, kevspeed
>2316-2327: Game 1 - Skeld
>>2324: Shouts Maddy down during a voting session(apperantly they are physically in the same room)
>2327-2340: Game 2 - Skeld
>2342: Allysa leaves discord call
>2344-2342: Covid gets brought up. Apperantly a girl that Momo known and her boyfriend got Covid.
>2347-2354: Game 3 - Skeld
>>Maddy SIMPs the entire game
>2355-0005: Game 4 - Skeld
>>Everyone shits on Maddy for dick-riding Mariah the entire game
>0007-0011: Game 5 - Skeld
>0012-0028: Game 6 - Skeld / Imposter
>>0019: Gets voted out
>0030: 57 viewers
>>Cat break with dumbass mouthing and facial expressions
>>>Cat looks uncomfortable
>0034-0039: Game 7 - Skeld
>0040-??:Game 8 - Skeld
>Stopped watching at 00:46.
>Green face/hand paint and cronchy black wig. Fur-shouldered black vest with a plastic brooch.
>Pretty much ignored chat the entire time
>Shitty mic quality; constantly peaking
>Weird ghetto accent
>Constantly adjusting wig and vest.
>Likes Maddy's dick riding and has a 'great' relationship with her.
>There's something peculiar about Mariah's bargaining as an imposter; and something even more peculiar when she's attempting to get others voted out. She lies as naturally as she eats.
No. 802527
File: 1604036036660.jpg (426.71 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20201030-003030_Tik…)

No. 802533
>>802527This is honestly her best cosplay yet. It looks nice, and it perfectly suits her and her body. This is a first.
Fitting that it's an orc.
No. 802558
File: 1604067462971.jpg (241.21 KB, 1080x1890, 20201030_071526.jpg)

Posted on her bts account. As always, ultimate cringe for the second slide when she's doing this weird ass lip quiver.
No. 802561
File: 1604068098727.png (1.57 MB, 640x1136, 53056195-073B-4599-9AB4-AB05F3…)

Maddie posted a tiktok of her, damn she is wide
No. 802569
>>802561I love how… even when she secretly gets lipo and cool sculpted so that she regains her waist she ALWAYS gains it back and more. I swear moo is the biggest poster child for the doctors who agree that you shouldnt get lipo until you are at your ideal weight but just want to deal with problem areas.
But money fixes everything for moo: her body, having friends, getting laid, being a cosplayer. Too bad she's hilariously wrong and she's just building the world's saddest house of cards with cum drizzled money as a weird mortar
No. 802591
>>802519one or two of wear makeup, maybe, you sperg. the president is actually noted for not wearing makeup outside of school or to professional outings, its purely a school look
beyond that, yumeko has never done red eyeshadow, mary doesnt wear a fuckload of makeup, etc. the op and eds are artsy as fuck and dont represent how the characters actually present themselves in the show. what are you even on about here? arguing to argue?
No. 802603
File: 1604093838850.jpeg (Spoiler Image,645.08 KB, 750x1042, B10F539E-0DE3-416C-9EA2-C079AA…)

What the fuck. Why would you post this
No. 802605
File: 1604094960833.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1242x2019, 5D35C7B7-EC54-4727-A04A-DEF44D…)

>>802603I just upchucked. What is even going on here?! I can smell the desperation off this pic.
No. 802609
>>802603holy shit lol
how unfortunate
No. 802617
File: 1604097949142.jpg (Spoiler Image,235.62 KB, 720x1184, 20201030_174207.jpg)

images you can smell
No. 802620
>>802605I legit thought it was both boobs in the close up, then realized it was just one, dear god the mass of this woman.
Sage for not contributing
No. 802624
File: 1604099829801.gif (Spoiler Image,518.89 KB, 292x250, HJco7aa.gif)

>>802603I finally figured out what Moo always reminds me of.
No. 802650
File: 1604112769578.png (3.07 MB, 1242x2208, E0A81EAC-54CF-47FD-9792-907E02…)

Fucking yikes…
No. 802655
File: 1604114573931.jpg (417.92 KB, 1080x1519, 20201031_032156.jpg)

Do as I say, not as I do, typical Momo.
No. 802659
File: 1604116495415.png (2.47 MB, 1800x1554, 865EDA58-0E7C-4E78-B442-90497E…)

Of course Moo would ruin plague doctors for everyone.
No. 802660
>>802650this is so tone deaf since Corpse (if I remember properly) has literally lived out of his car, been hospitalized several times and has a chronic illness which is why he disappears from his channel for months on end several times in the past. To say you're gonna 'ruin' someone's life who already has a shitty life is just really tone deaf imho
but then again when has our dear Moo ever cared about anyone's boundaries
No. 802664
>>802654OT but he played an AU game with JC not too long ago and you could tell he was simping hard for Corpse, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to shoehorn her way into playing with him too with her new gaming setup
>>802660To be fair this is how he titled a few of his songs so she's probably just making a shitty joke of it, but I agree that its tone deaf, not that she would put any thought into this other than 'how much clout can I get from this'.
No. 802667
>>802665I wonder if she'll try to buy his attention and friendship like she always does with men
I already have a low opinion of Corpse since he'll collab with any cow for attention, but if he streams with Moo I'll really start just hating him proper
No. 802682
File: 1604138359817.jpg (8.75 KB, 73x368, itchy.jpg)

>>802603yeah, rub that ass against the houspelants
No. 802689
why isn't she "into" dnd? Crit role has famous voice actors - we know her history with those, it has matt mercer from ow which she has a history with, and it's the ultimate nerd game, not to mention it's super popular rn. Yes she doesn't have friends who actually play it, but can't she just force cat to learn how to dm?
No. 802726
File: 1604164666567.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.28 MB, 2160x2880, 8DxzYGV.jpg)

No. 802779
>>802726Lmao, I thought the candle was a dildo at first.
I can't believe how old she looks for a 25 years old woman
No. 802801
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No. 802830
>>802815I don't think it's nitpicky, you have to be seriously lacking in braincells to not know what that means at this point.
>Shout out to my black and brownie homies lol hope u get curb stomped!The real joke is that
>>802726 and
>>802801 are supposed to be the same person.
No. 802831
File: 1604198371616.jpg (749.86 KB, 472x893, ORWtdwx.jpg)

No. 802840
File: 1604206178702.jpg (722.63 KB, 460x889, RnSTKr4.jpg)

No. 802848
>>802836This is such a stupid take idek where to start. Good thing cute little internet jokes exist in vacuums and never have irl consequences!
>>802840Is he not even subtly dragging them for looking like dumpy lesbian vampires? Where was square when the ass acne photo dropped? These are the kinds of friends simp money buys.
No. 802850
>>802836except that white supremacists have been photographed irl making the sign, like the new zealand shooter. yeah I'm sure it was funny and ironic once but when someone who has killed 50 people uses it it stops being facetious.
she's an idiot to make it, everyone knows that its serious usage as a hate symbol has increased.
No. 802855
File: 1604212903760.png (3.16 MB, 1242x2208, EE1C38BA-BFC8-4A80-953F-8CDA4D…)

Jesus fuck lay off the lip fillers girl
No. 802857
File: 1604214022676.jpg (736.57 KB, 1080x1735, Screenshot_20201101-015835_Fac…)

Love seeing this shit in the wild. Literally nothing positive said about her in the comments.
No. 802861
File: 1604215552551.jpeg (438.65 KB, 1099x1719, 11855CBA-27C9-4411-8387-36FAE0…)

>>802857I had to look this up to see the comments and you’re pretty much right. There’s a few comments favoring her but out of the 64 there, that’s not a lot of support lol. Glad to know even most normies are tired of her shit.
No. 802901
>>802840Why is she standing hunched over with her arms like that looking like the dress is too small and she will hulk out of it. Such an unflattering way to stand
Noo forever the dumbass
No. 802914
File: 1604257730033.jpg (362.73 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20201101-130652_Tik…)

She thinks she's so cool for owning it, admitting to being trash and deleting comments but any same person would look at that behavior and run
No. 802960
>>802946>>802916>>802914She's already deleted every negative comment that was there last night. People were calling her out for showing her tits constantly on an app for children and telling other people to look her up.
Honestly the positive comments are gross af. Like you're a grown ass woman Mariah. Why do you need teenagers "simping" for you? Who the fuck gets turned on by like 14 year old boys jerking off to them?
No. 802978
>>802914They aren't accusations Moo. You even made a fake apology video where you were giggling your butt off. Then deleted the video and the apology post after blaming ADHD and started gaslighting your
victims. THEN you're saying it was all made up.
No. 803001
File: 1604292934770.jpg (428.21 KB, 1080x1668, 20201101_205342.jpg)

So busy.
No. 803016
File: 1604301370506.png (2.27 MB, 1800x599, D6F24E74-EA53-4193-A571-AEA6D0…)

Wow Moo, such range. She must have really gotten the most out of those “Skype acting classes”. /s
>>803001I love how most of her schedule are parties and self care and still has the audacity to say she works “every day”. At most, she probably works (and I use that term loosely) 2-4 hours tops whenever she gets off her ass. She really had no excuse not to vote early.
No. 803019
>>803016There's so much to dissect with this image, I genuinely don't know where to begin..
Where do you even begin?…
No. 803054
>>803047This is the Moos weight loss saga v3.0. She and Umbran were lamenting being fat and decided to lose weight together, to help motivate eachother. Umbrans parents wouldn't fork over cash for lypo, so she went the moderation and exercise route, Moo said she would do both.
Umbran was losing both hard and soft fat at a healthy rate, and it was making an obvious showing that even us mean old farmers could see and congratulate her for. She was sliming down all over and it was proportional.
Moo got fat sucked out on her gut, upper back,inner thighs, and under arms. She never made a true try to moderate her intake or even get her heart rate high enough to burn calories. Her scale was showing weight loss so she thought she was doing great.
…….. and then the fire nation attacked. By that I mean she was feeling confident enough to post her deformed body and lurk lolcow to watch us eat crow. Only thing is we pointed out how off she looked and how hilarious it was. That started her binging again followed by more fillers, botox, and extreme fat girl angles.
Moo doesn't like to work for things. Moo wants instant results. Moo is a dumb fat bitch, don't be like moo.
(genuine autism) No. 803094
>>803092Since literally always. It used to be, of course adults etc would be on it too but it was PREDOMINANTLY for kids/teens.
For mooriah, as long as there's a platform that's popular, she's gonna show her tits on it.
No. 803132
>>803001Just so everyone knows. Early voting in nevada takes maybe 30mins TOPS. We arent in a place that has hours of waiting in line to vote. And she could have voted early in person.
No matter where she goes it will take longer on election day to vote.
PLUS early voting has been open since the 17th. She had time, she's just lazy.
If she doesnt post an "I voted" sticker selfie I'll assume she just forgot to register and didnt vote at all.
No. 803172
File: 1604366713773.png (239.13 KB, 1686x1028, Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 8.22…)

>>803162>>803161it looks like she isnt registered to vote, but her family is.
No. 803187
>>803139NV automatically sent ballots to all registered voters this year, so she didn't even have to sign up for it.
>>803172 you could register online this year too, so she really did the minimum.
No. 803188
File: 1604379513179.jpg (3.41 MB, 3035x3315, Untitled7.jpg)

Voting dumbness aside….how is this not considered predatory?? She needs to get fucking banned, this is legit gross groomer shit. Like maybe don't constantly post your tits and joke of an ass and promote your only fans to minors?
No. 803200
>>803172Nevada allows registration on election day (and through early voting). so really it should be checked on/after 11/3 to know if she actually voted
>>803187oops yea you're right. I forgot about that since I signed up for one before that happened.
No. 803202
>>803200Lol anon, even I knew this and held off from posting it as to not give Moo free advice. Great job. /s
Even if she does choose to do this option, that doesn’t excuse her for not registering for the primaries at the very least. Plus, this would take more time out of her precious schedule that she couldn’t afford to do previously. She doesn’t give a shit about the state of the country or doing her civic duty because she lives comfortably and nothing has negatively affected her thus far.
No. 803204
>>803202She has absolutely nothing at stake lbr. No one is fucking her so it doesn't matter that abortion is about to be illegal. As much as she loves to flex, is she making $400k+ a year that her tax money is even on the line?
I doubt she has any political opinions other than regurgitating what the idiots around her say. This is embarrassing but completely on brand. Maybe she can work on why she's such a fake lying cunt in
thearpy No. 803263
>>803188Doubt she’ll ever get banned without mass reporting and an angry mob. Ex-Tiktok anon here, only bringing this up to point out that groomers and horny posting thots bring them too much money and traffic. They won’t ban accounts that generate a lot of clicks and shares, the algorithm can’t tell that Moo is a bad person. Unfortunately, these kids will have to keep blocking her and flushing their eyes with bleach.
>>803258Lets be real. The only way Moo could lock anyone down is with a baby and a prenup-less Vegas marriage. She probably wants one. Also, would any of us be surprised if she was a pro-lifer?
No. 803302
File: 1604434835370.png (4.26 MB, 1242x2208, 62E063E0-E57F-4494-81DA-3C9C8A…)

No mention of going to wait in line to vote lol, typical. Only mentions that she didn’t have time to do all of what she wanted to do cosplay-wise in October (sure Jan) so she’s pushing it to this month. Announced Howl yet again, rehashing Mememe, some Higurashi bullshit, a Demon Slayer character and Striga from Castlevania. I’m calling it now, she’s going to reuse her orc wig for Striga.
No. 803306
>>803302>mememe rehashYou know she's only doing it to prove to the haters that she's "still got it!" just like she did with her bunny Bulma. Nobody has cosplayed that since like 2017. It's such a dead horse.
Can't wait to watch her do her best to Crisco her rolls into that miserable get-up and tear it.
No. 803322
>>803310tried to look for it in threads from 2017 and later, seems like we all missed our chance to archive/download.
>>803320kek, close the tab retard
No. 803335
>>803330The milk spilled here:
>>>/pt/439516Comments apparently. She didn’t use the original song and she looked a mess. I thought it was also uploaded to YouTube briefly before being unlisted and subsequently deleted.