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No. 1454244
Thread #11
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Last Thread
>>>/snow/1407141The basic rundown:
> jonny craig has a well-documented history of drug abuse and physical/sexual abuse toward several of his exes - pretty much any woman he comes into contact with he influences in an overwhelmingly negative way > most recently dated and helped with the downfall of pettuber & fellow cow Taylor Nicole Dean - is her so-called abuser, though it sounds like they were equally toxic in their own ways > after Taylor was forced into rehab, Jonny made it seem like they were going to be back together ASAP. as soon as Taylor broke up with him in rehab, he got with Sydney and started bragging about her, then got her pregnant immediately. > enter SYD, Aka sydsosmall/minnieskins. overdramatic groupie clout chaser who got pregnant with jonny’s heroin baby because she was feeling “old” & felt her biological clock ticking… totally mentally stable choice > since syd got pregnant there has been a steady stream of milky shit/stupid drama, most of it not related enough to TND to post in her thread > syd gave birth. this is a containment thread so people stop bitching about people posting Jonny/syd in the TND thread Old milk:
>syd starts a gofundme for "personal situations" >>1234541, >>1234881 but it seems to be going towards hair and lash extensions >>1244430 and amanda shows up on the donations >>1242157> Jonny goes to jail for domestic violence >>1088190 and pleads guilty his last court date was feb 1st at 9am >>1090762> >>1090779 Storm has unknown surgery but syd doesnt say anything and Jonny barely acknowledges it >>1091369> Jonny contracts cellulitis and ends up being admitted to the hospital most likely caused by IV heroin use >>1107260, >>1107262> Jonny posts two disturbing but typical (for him) videos to his instagram stories: one where he shows Syd’s bare but and then grabs it >>1109832 it’s also noted she has a mysterious and large bruise on her leg in a generally hard to bruise area >>1110293. Audio in second vid (which was of Storm with camera inches away from him as baby lays on bed) reveals a clearly super high Jonny slurring and unable to hold the camera steady >>1110163> syd vagueposts about someone (Jonny) cheating with someone you know. That someone posts in the thread revealing screenshots of Instagram DMs with Jonny and Syd >>1318548,Syd who accuses anon of cheating with Jonny for flirting on Instagram with Jonny and allegedly calls the cops on anon. Anon says she's known Syd since high school. In the screenshots Syd calls Jonny a waste,a fat junkie, says she'll show the conversation to Taylor so that she'll ruin anon's life, threatens anon. Syd doxxes anon on Instagram.> anon posts more screenshots, looks like she was carrying the convo with Jonny. Syd sends anon a video of Jonny wasted. >>1319574 Turtle Mom ends up leaking the video >>1320319 and says she'll go the TX shows to expose Jonny with flyers, never does.> tour starts, Jonny doesn't know the lyrics to his own songs so he's reading them off his phone. >>1322793> syd goes on stage to hug Jonny and makes sure everyone know he has a kid whenever he looks in the direction of a woman >>1320416, >>1320417 She also keeps complaining about how hard working at the merch table is. > jonny proposes to Syd again >>1332845, >>1333002 at a concert with the same ring.> syd makes her Instagram account public >syd, jonny, and the rest of their crew get awful matching tour tattoos >>1336731>anon posts screenshots from cps that imply storm is not in their custody >>1338649 and Syd continues to confirm this by only posting a photo of them in a public setting >>1346847>jonny goes radio silent on social media while syd's instagram use only increases, presumably because jonny is in rehab>syd buys herself an iPad and starts to vague post about a new project >>1346549, >>1363620 eventually announces a date she will announce the project >>1366535but does not announce anything.
>syd and jonny lovebomb announcing they have chosen a date for their wedding, 11/11/22 >>1367393, >>1367396>syd spergs out about a fake jonny profile >>1372049, >>1372050, >>1372054>syd and jonny traumatize us all with TMI about their (likely nonexistent) sex life >>1372165 and anon adds insult to injury >>1372206>surprising nobody, anon finds jonny on tinder >>1372864 syd responds >>1374232>surprising nobody, anon finds jonny on tinder >>1372864 syd responds >>1374232>syd still trying to keep up the facade of being a parent >>1373001, >>1376986, >>1388466, >>1390689, >>1391059, >>1392428, >>1393204>more information is found about the courtcase that likely caused JC and syd to lose custody >>1373075, >>1373156, >>1373401, >>1373420, and a previous DV case involving syd >>1373487>syd flirts with lolbro >>1373616, >>1374083, >>1374084>syd is alone on thanksgiving, trying to seem unbothered >>1375878 while jonny enjoys his rehab/sober living slop >>1375941 more sober living shots: >>1376927, >>1401281, >>1401284>sydsosneaky visits storm at her mom's house for xmas >>1401841, >>1401842, and shows a picture of jonny with storm from last xmas, since he's away in sober living >>1401843>syd is reading the thread >>1402818, >>1402823, >>1402826, >>1402828>a fan comforts jonny about the death of a friend, causing syd to go on a sperg about him cheating >>1406759, >>1406761>anon helps us ring in the new year by providing us with screenshots… sydsosmart gets caught cheating! and this message also proves that they lost custody of storm. >>1407044, >>1407062, >>1407070>jonny and syd vagueposting, hinting at a breakup >>1407170, >>1407172, >>1407171, >>1407167>syd psychotically harasses she-who-will-not-be-named >>1407204, >>1407205, >>1407217, >>1407235>more screenshots of syd cheating are released >>1407243, >>1407258 >sticking to her usual groupie tendencies, it's this guy >>1407304 >he is an abuser (shocking) >>1407340>syd harasses band-dude's ex-gf >>1407393>jonny will be out of rehab/sober living soon >>1408154, >>1408168>jonny wants a puppy >>1408355, >>1408449>syd lovebombs JC >>1408808, >>1408891, >>1410001, >>1410002, >>1410776, >>1412175>jonny begins the process of removing all signs of syd/storm off of his instagram >>1408893, >>1415883>syd gets a tattoo pen, the outcome is just as awful as one would expect >>1409121, >>1409547, 1411772>jonny is over syd >>1412293, but syd isn't over jonny >>1412296>jonny is on the prowl for a new girl >>1414061, >>1417679, >>1419177, >>1419188, >>1419932>syd goes quiet, leaving anons to speculate if she's been banned on instagram for harassment. she has been liking clothes on poshmark >>1421811>syd is (unsurprisngly) back, posts videos of herself and "friends" watching some shitty emo cover band >>1424827>have this terrible twosome finally broken it off? probably! grab some popcorn and enjoy the next installment of this trainwreckNew milk:
>jonny is out of rehab, no reunion with syd but sushi with da boyz >>1426972>jonny returns to the Sac townhouse with all of his shit >>1427985, >>1427987, >>1432441>syd says nothing about his return, ghosts and sadposts about her birthday >>1430578, >>1434657, >>1434774>cowtipper confirms that jonny is indeed big boy pimping, living the single life because syd cheated on him >>1430884>jonny starts his traditional post-breakup streaming career back up >>1434930, >>1439243>big boy pimpin starts liking tnd's instagram posts >>1436428 >>1436485>while jonny moves on to thottier pastures, syd starts posting her perfect bawd for validation despite calling every woman in a crop top a whore >>1438537, >>1439469, >>1440433, >>1443447, >>1445180, >>1445828, >>1445920>syd embarrasses herself explaining that jonny doesn't want her anymore >>1440188, >>1440189, >>1440548>syd's sad about her life, writes boring long story posts about how it's not what she wanted but it's so perfect >>1441750, >>1443451>syd onlyfans saga when >>1445197>syd kinda pretends to be a mom >>1445995, >>1446838, >>1447752, >>1448894>syd posts more cringe rap content >>1447402 >jonny's probably trying to pull a new girl with google translate arabic >>1447738, >>1447739>they unfollowed each other >>1448690 but syd will never take him out of her bio >>1448923>syd embarrasses herself harassing a random instathot that jonny follows >>1449879>jonny shows his inbox on stream, apparently paid rent 3 weeks late >>1450033>jonny has upcoming court dates >>1453819>jonny is big mad about his lolcow thread, posts and quickly deletes a rant about it >>1453538Previous threads:
>>>/snow/1082146 4:
>>>/snow/1426051social media links: No. 1454263
Last thread was actually
>>>/snow/1426051, it's correct in the link list
No. 1454287
Reposting this because it got kind of buried at the end of the thread before it was going to lock:
>>1453538 always compares his "bright future" to his teeth: the most valuable thing he owns, that he didn't earn or pay for, that he only has because of the generosity of a foolish girl who left him so he couldn't drag her even further down with him. He doesn't have anything else to compare success to because he hasn't achieved anything. Everyone in the scene only brings him up to laugh or talk about how much he failed his potential.
So there's Jonny, pacing the townhouse that he can barely afford with teeth he didn't pay for, angry at a thread that he knows is true and talking about how he's going to be great one day. So pathetic.
No. 1454289
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>>1454287Thanks for reposting
nonnie. I’m glad I was able to catch it before he deleted!
Also pic related that he just posted. Jonny you aren’t a daddy in any sense of the word, considering you don’t have custody of either child, but you do seem pressed
No. 1454301
nonnie, it was a great catch.
'So pressed' that he posts a multi part story to show how unbothered he is with a fake forced laugh as soon as the new thread goes up.
Jonny, you mad bro? You need money? Jonny, you really should pay your rent on time and then you might feel better.
No. 1454302
Thanks OP; Love the new thread pic.
>>1454289 "Daddy" wow. The delusion in that household is high. Syd sure has been quiet since the court date reminder… wonder if this will be the final date.
No. 1454488
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>"shut the fuck up" never gets her to shut the fuck up
Like this unmedicated horror show has any right to pretend that she understands healthy communication
No. 1454731
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I lurk the Taylor thread as well, and there is speculation that Syd is posting there. Also in our last thread, I noticed random nice Syd posts scattered in to… has syd learned to Sage?
If this is true, then its more pathetic than ever. She has no home, no custody, no job, no bf, but made time to integrate bc thats how vain she is. So sad that the narratives here impact her more than her reality there.
(Ofc tinfoil till proven but id bet money on it)
No. 1454763
>>1454731It does 110% sound like something The Empath Syd would spew out. Would even the biggest Taylor-hater care about whether she abooosed Jonny or not? Yeah no lol. If she really posts here I hope the mods out her like they did with Dasha and Creepshow
Sage for tinfoiling
No. 1454826
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Because you wanted clout and now someone you thought was beneath you doesn't even want you anymore and you realized you're pretty unlovable?
No. 1454828
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No. 1454830
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No. 1454866
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Jonny's story. They're both such immature weirdos: first, because they even agree with these dumb graphics and second, because they publicly share them. Go to therapy.
No. 1454869
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>>1454349>>1454326Jonny made it a point to show the camera that he was drinking nonalcoholic beer the other night btw.
No. 1454968
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>>1454869He’s lurking hard. Can’t screen record right now but he’s with Lolbro today
>here’s your milk, I’m with Dylan…bitch They must have been lurking for some time. About two weeks ago cobwebhead said something along the lines of
>it’s Super Bowl Sunday 9am and some of you are looking for milk already I thought I was tinfoiling but now I’m pretty sure that was directed at us. He was on the intensely debated Syd Pillow kek.
No. 1454970
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>>1454731It prob is syd due to all the self-harm talk. She's probably blacking out and slashing her arms due to bpd and depserate for fatboipimpin's attention
>>1454830>>1454828 No. 1455019
>>1454968He's big mad kek.
Jonny, are you a fan? I think you're a fan. This is fan behavior.
No. 1455040
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>>1454970"the darkness"
It takes a special kind of weirdo to put that much pressure on an infant child (go to therapy if things are so dark) and to continue emphasizing that she "made" him when she's done fuckall to raise him since.
No. 1455274
>>1455040>>1455040>me, he loves me, -I- made him, me me meThe way she talks about her son is chilling. It’s all about how he makes her feel, how he loves her, he she made him. She relishes that he connects her to Jonny forever, and that’s his main function as far as she’s concerned. He’s just a means to an end, a tool to break out when she needs it. Such as for keeping Jonny in her bio (the father of my child forever!!), a way to call out women talking to Jonny (he has a child!!), a way to be seen as a mother without actually putting effort into being one. I’m sure she feels some affection but it’s way overshadowed by the distant & vague way she talks about him. She doesn’t care about who he is, only what he represents to her. She’s fucking repugnant. Little guy deserves better.
No. 1455370
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I literally thought this was some lady’s feet for a second
No. 1455420
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Syd ate her feelings and is emoposting.
>Wolf Lyrics
>[Verse 1]
>I would kill to be
>Your clothes
>Cling to your body
>And hang from your bones
>But I could make a mark
>If you would let me start
>You've been feeling smaller
>Take a different number
>Like you do, like you do
>When you talk about it
>You don't want to hear it
>Tell me more, tell it all, can you take it?
>[Verse 2]
>I would kill to be
>The cold
>Tracing your body
>And shaking your bones
>But I-I-I-I, I-I-I
>Ca-a-a-a, a-an't
>Sle-e-e-e, e-eep
>At ni-i-i-i-i-i-ight
>I-I-I-I, I-I-I
>Ca-a-a-a, a-an't
>Sle-e-e-e, e-eep
>At ni-i-i-i-i-i-ight
No. 1455738
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No. 1455934
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Honest question: how much lower can her standards get?
Sage because I'm saving her bellyaching for posterity but the milk is powdered.
No. 1455936
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No. 1455939
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>>1454501More therapy memes.
No. 1455941
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It'll pass.
No. 1455956
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BPD in full swing today folks, get ready
No. 1455968
>>1455956This is embarassing, what is the point of posting this? Use a tissue for your issues Syd.
The tears and caption are so calculated and purposeful as an attention grab, like she just wanted to see how many people would DM her asking if she's okay.
No. 1455980
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"It's not becoming" ok schoolmarm Jonny thanks for the etiquette lesson
No. 1456010
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You know what they say about small feet, BBP.
No. 1456016
>>1456010"Good job Jonny you really pulled the ol' uno reverse on her"
kek what a mediocre man. He's twelve feet behind; what the fuck does he even mean, "keep up"?
No. 1456018
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Jessica found making cat vomit noises at being sexually harassed by a ginger dwarf with ugly shoes.
No. 1456026
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No. 1456042
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"The smoke" is actually just a burned bowl of Easy Mac that he left in the microwave for too long
No. 1456073
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It's still pulling up for me but in case anyone is curious, these are the rest of the screenshots. Nothing interesting.
No. 1456157
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What stage of "never giving up" is finding someone else and cheating while telling that person that there hasn't been love in your relationship for a long time and calling your current partner a junkie loser to strangers on the internet?
Make it make sense, Syd. Is that just you loving "so hard"? Who would want to be loved like that? Jonny doesn't even want to be loved like that.
No. 1456230
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>>1456178>>1456221Definitely Syd. The anons who still follow Taylor's dry thread don't care enough to freak out like that over nothing.
This follow-up comment is interesting too, because Syd is in a spiral and bpd symptoms can worsen during your period. No. 1456240
>>1456010>>1456026Did he really refer to himself as ´the boy’ and then ´a god’?
It’s been obvious for years that has some serious psychological issues, but this is reaching new levels of delusions.
No. 1456241
>>1454976Her ex came in the threads and mentioned that she cut her wrists right in front of him, and that he still has PTSD to this day because of it. If you look at her pictures closely enough, you can see the scars. They're viewable in pretty much all of them if you wanna go look so that's why I haven't attached a pic.
I'm also using shitty hotel wifi and this thread barely loads, so please forgive me for not posting a picture anons
No. 1456270
>>1455368I hear you, but you're kind of wrong. Recovery is different for everyone. It has been shown to be helpful to some addicts, but of course it's understandable how it can be harming. Think of taking suboxone for a long period of time to stay off opiates. It's saved A LOT of lives and kept a lot of people sober and from relapsing, but for some addicts, it just makes them crave the real thing. I know non alcoholic beer and suboxone is completely different but I was just trying to use to best example I could think of. Bottom line is everyone's recovery is different, everyone needs different things to stay sober individually. What works for some may not work for others. Some people don't like meetings because they're
triggering, but they're very helpful to a bunch of people. Some people don't like watching Intervention because it can be
triggering. I've been in recovery for almost a year now and honestly Intervention is very eye opening, and helps me want to stay sober. So yeah. He might be doing a good thing for himself, but I do agree that it's not always a smart thing to do. Only time will tell I guess. I feel like as long as Skid stays out of his life, he might actually stay sober because he doesn't have an evil psycho driving him absolutely mad. I know he's a chronic relapser and longtime user, but I've seen for myself people stay sober after their 50th try. Sometimes enough is enough. I actually commend him for working on himself and trying to do better, meanwhile Skid is just regressing on the daily. If she doesn't get her BPD in check real soon, she's gonna end up in a psych ward. Might do her some good. This bitch needs a lifelong therapist but she refuses to get help because she thinks she's an amazing emotional genius empath. She doesn't think anything is wrong with her or her actions are wrong and it's very alarming. Sad but at the same time entertaining to watch a cow spiral into insanity in real time.
No. 1456287
>>1455956this picture was purposely posted to look like she has any sort of boobs lmao
here's a wild idea sydney…
get a fucking therapist No. 1456328
>>1456279Well it’s definitely someone who knows them
Cobweb lolbro or skids exs. You’re right though sounded like a Taylor meth rant lol.
No. 1456404
>>1456298So have I, nonita.
I can't imagine, it seems incredibly manipulative.
No. 1456513
>>1456073Sorry, he honestly think he is doing something here?? I m getting secondhand embarrassment here. Like this goes to show how much more desperate and press he is about his small feet lmao!! Not to mention his limp dick, no wonder he is
abusive to women kek
No. 1456700
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Syd's story
No. 1456702
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No. 1456703
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No. 1456796
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Interesting that everyone in their house only has one pillow and is always laying completely flat on their backs if they post from bed. Not a headboard in sight.
Broke boy pimping has a townhouse full of air mattresses because a bed is out of budget. Really jealous of your mattress-on-the-floor affluence Jonny.
No. 1456807
>>1456796what's up with the smug look on her face? was this a photo she posted, or did she say something in a video post?
kek she dyed her hair back dark, how it was when her and jonny first got back together. and i remember her saying "guess i have to have dark hair and fake lips to be attractive for you i guess" on her stories months ago. it was posted in an earlier thread. syd, any type of makeover you do will not make jonny love you or want you back. like he's told me personally and others that he is never taking you back. it's pathetic that you even still live with him, just being an unwanted nuisance and a cockblocker for him.
No. 1456813
>>1456811ANONNN! LMAOOO!!!
she's got the most square face i've ever seen in my life. sad that she looks better upside down.
No. 1456822
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what in the flying fuck is this thing?
No. 1456898
>>1456866lol don’t be retarded. skidney is just as detestable as jc but he’s trying to get sober which isn’t that milky cause it’s good news. meanwhile, every day that skid keeps jc in her instagram bio is a milky enough day for me since we all know jc is stuck dealing with her. use your imagination
nonnie and stop standing up for that useless, feral midget.
No. 1456902
>>1456866how it nitpicking a person's looks, who has completely shitted on other women for their looks multiple times, told them to go overdose and die, sent them photos of their dead ex and tell them they should have been the one to pass, tell them to tie a rope around their neck, and completely stalk and harrass women who didn't deserve it, how does that make us desperate sad chicks talking to jc? that makes absolutely no fucking sense. syd is a vile human being and deserves to be shitted on. this is lolcow. idk if ur lost, but this is what goes on here. talking shit. and about someone who rightfully deserves it.
just because syd's life is boring to you doesn't mean we agree with you. she's one of the most entertaining cows for most of us because she is a special kind of deluded pyscho. if you don't like the nitpicking, then here's a crazy idea…. don't come to this thread maybe?
syd is the biggest bully on the planet and is getting a taste of her own medicine.
literally people nitpick jonny's looks every single day as well, calling him bloated and a fat corpse, sausage fingers, like him and syd are BOTH getting the exact same treatment. so what point are you trying to make here? they both get insulted the same amount.
there is no doubt in my mind that this is syd posting, or her one and only friend.
"who else could care enough to desperately stalk skids boring life this much"… anon what the fuck are you doing on this thread yourself then?! if her life is so boring then don't read the thread? problem solved.
god i would bet money that this is skid herself posting or she sent a friend here to come back her up.
No. 1456926
>>1456832It's a dermal. She fucked up her face so much.
>>1456866This has cow energy written all over it. Stalking her boring life? Are you fucking new here?
>>1456902>just because syd's life is boring to you doesn't mean we agree with you. she's one of the most entertaining cows for most of us because she is a special kind of deluded pyscho.There's always something interesting in the horizon no matter how well behaved they act (usually while charges are pending kek)
No. 1456947
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cope harder, poor
No. 1456948
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No. 1456964
>>1456950your original post was not correct… you literally have no one agreeing with you. your theory that people nitpicking syd's looks are girls that want jc is retarded, especially since we are nitpicking his looks as well. so are you saying that the people nitpicking jc's looks are desperate losers that want sid? give me a fucking a break. you made no point, you made yourself look stupid, just stfu and move on and accept that.
god syd you must be really bored today fighting with the lolcow farmers.
No. 1456996
>>1456966the only retard here is you. your post had no point and made no sense. love how you didn't answer any of my questions either which were very
valid. you're making it very obvious that this is syd herself or someone sticking up for her.
if we are all retards then what are you doing yourself on this thread? wouldn't that make a you a retard too? or are you some kind of special exception?
mods, please put this loser out to the pasture already.
No. 1457121
>>1456947He has not done anything for that baby much
Less spoil him. He begged his fans for hand outs so he wouldn’t have to buy him anything. He can’t even see the kid because of his abuse. There is a thread where one of women syd was going insane at gave him money to “buy diapers” and he bought fent with it. Hahahaha broke ass loser. Normal people don’t have to post things like that.
No. 1457173
File: 1646352504079.png (2.69 MB, 1170x2532, A85A8A78-66ED-4429-A8A9-816A82…)

>>1456809It’s really not worth posting the vid. It’s just a stupid story about her cat, which is the only living thing that loves her, while she smacks her lips every five seconds. I don’t wanna put anyone else thru that kek. Here’s another screen shot. I wonder if she meant pets instead of pests, we all know the dumb bitch can’t proofread to save her live
No. 1457257
File: 1646359949328.jpg (53.17 KB, 750x1334, 275063495_528527792039093_4427…)

Reviews are in. No one on Twitter appreciated Jonny's appearance at the show.
No. 1457543
File: 1646401299582.jpg (307.53 KB, 1080x1731, Screenshot_20220304-083714.jpg)

The absolute obliviousness of this idiot is wild.
No. 1457755
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Syd's story
No. 1457757
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Syd's story
No. 1457905
File: 1646426459311.jpg (471.12 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_03_04_12_34_52_010.jpg)

>>1457798That's exactly how I see it. She's just mad she isn't getting her way anymore. She's not devastated emotionally because she hasn't lost anything of value (her man, baby, home,etc.) she doesnt have storm, probably never has and she never had jonny on lock down even before she cheated, their home wasn't a success, none of it was real and we all knew that but now its just so obvious to anyone w a brain theyre done for good. She's bitter her ideal family image didn't work out and shes trying to get any sort of attention from it because the reality of what's shes done is too much right now. Anything off social media, actually being an adult right now irl, would be too much for her, so this is what we get just a constant moping about kek
No. 1458075
File: 1646439457556.png (4.09 MB, 828x1792, 67056F63-C4F8-4967-B154-13B723…)

Still claiming his exes are stalkers when he still uses a burner phone to harass them years after..
No. 1458120
>>1458101I’d agree with you but part of moving on from an
abusive relationship would probably include not posting about them everyday
No. 1458302
>>1458288You are not alone anon, there is just no real
milk at the moment and the farmers get too thirsty. It makes them start acting silly
No. 1458528
>>1458373I would never subscribe to her youtube. It would be painful and milky to watch, but her whole obsession would be eye fucking herself.
I would much rather her take motherhood seriously and take the steps to sobriety.
No. 1458561
>>1458373Genuinely hoping this is sarcasm
No. 1458666
>>1458561You are genuinely no better than a moid.
So JC is commendable for being sober after abusing women for over a decade and counting, but Syd is irredeemable for being a bit of a cunt?
No. 1458775
File: 1646520963725.png (272.86 KB, 371x639, storm.png)

Jonny is being a dad for a few hours. that baby is so cute, i feel so bad for him.
No. 1458813
>>1458288The milk is cold so most people are in read only mode, which makes the self-posting so much more obvious. Syd is getting the hang of things though.
>>1458373It would not be cool. It would be retarded. The only entertainment value Syd has is being a psychopath despite her delusions of grandeur. She looks like she's trying to keep her nose at the right angle and not to look fat in everything she posts, so trying to film around that insecurity means everything will look awkward and forced.
>>1458666No one is commending him for anything. His sobriety is an observation, nothing more. People don't 'commend' dog shit for drying out; he's still just dog shit.
>>1458780>>1458771It's an "everyone sucks here" situation, and because there's a kid involved, it's pointless to argue about who deserves who. No one deserves to be raised with either of them as parents. Jonny deserves jail and Syd deserves inpatient.
No. 1458823
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>>1458775Everything about the kid's body language in the photo and video reads as uncomfortable with being touched by someone he doesn't know and it's so sad. Jonny is holding him like he's an unhappy cat to get him to take a picture with him.
No. 1458827
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Syd's story. Alone it is.
No. 1458978
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I hate to play detective and hopefully I’m not breaking any rules but I’m just so curious. Is there any San Jose peeps in here? I live in the same area abut don’t recognize the sushi place. I thought maybe if it was in SJ then that would confirm that he went to Grandmas to see Storm since I’m pretty sure that’s where she lives
No. 1459054
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>>1458903I don't think she went. She was sadposting on her IG stories.
No. 1459082
File: 1646547438493.jpg (265.97 KB, 1170x2080, 275193447_497603998619493_7384…)

More Syd sadposting
No. 1459089
>>1459001Screen record shit, newfag
>>1459052Just a heads up, streamable always ends up deleting the videos. When I started following this thread 2 years ago, every streamable link said the file couldn't be found.
Like we've said a million times, even record using Xrecorder, cloudconvert to convert the file to webm. Yes, iPhone fucktards, you can see it, too when it's posted in the thread. Use Chrome.
Anons are making this the worst thread due to "did anyone catch ___? Sorry I couldn't record it!" And "omg, that stream was so annoying especially when Jonny Small Feet said ___ and sKiD said ___! (Posts only a screenshot of Jonny Goiter's face") That's going to be really useful a year from now when someone new comes in and it's just a conversation with no videos, and a ton of "did you see"s.
No. 1459102
>>1458326What's this Skid nickname a few use? Are you trying to say skid marks? Like she's streaks of s3hit in underwear? I regret to inform you but she's a pile of shit laying in the middle of the floor. She's not private enough to be hidden by underwear.
Everytime someone uses BBP, I only think of what that usually stands for - Bloode Born Pathologens. BBP really doesn't carry the hilariously embarrassing÷ weight of Big Boi Pimpin.
No. 1459140
>>1459115That's funny until an anon write BBB and suddenly I'm thinking of the Better Business Bureau.
BBP is just dry af.
No. 1459153
>>1459085Making a finsta is using social media. When I say I don't use social media it means I don't use any social media. Some people have literally dangerous stalkers (not what Jonny considers a stalker) and can't have any social media. This is the only access to anything close to social media I can get because it's anonymous.
And I hate bitching about it, and I've seen other anons besides myself pointing it out, too. Saying "did you see…" with no image or video rarely happens in any other thread. Just this one. If we're not trying to save evidence to preserve a story timeline on an imageboard, then we're just saving a written text record of us chatting.
No. 1459367
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She's mentally 14 (1/2)
No. 1459368
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No. 1459518
File: 1646597124559.png (2.71 MB, 1170x2532, 6AA0733B-10B5-43E6-A8B0-886FAD…)

Hey remember last thread when someone was doubting Jonny could read and we were discussing how he is a big fan of fantasy genre shit? Hmmmm interesting that you’ve never ever mentioned liking this type of thing f before, Syd. Almost like you’re trying to get someone’s attention with this, after all other attempts have failed
No. 1459715
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No. 1459772
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Jonny's story
No. 1459897
File: 1646623436033.jpeg (198.02 KB, 1242x546, C301212B-4C84-492B-91E9-087490…)

Reminder - tomorrow morning 9:05am PST is BBP and Skidmark’s next court hearing.
Department 26
Not exactly sure the nature of the court hearing. It just says “jury trial”.
And yes, Jonny is in San Jose taking photos with his kid because he has to go to court. Not because he’s a good dad and wants to see his son just because he misses him.
No. 1459991
File: 1646631267171.jpg (145.83 KB, 1440x2328, Screenshot_20220307-002943_Ins…)

From BBP's story 30 minutes ago
No. 1460006
>>1459991This is not the self-compliment you think it is big boi pimpin’
We all know Syd settled for you because she couldn’t get any better. Let’s not kid ourselves. She even tried to pawn you off a few times and she didn’t get any takers kek
No. 1460026
>>1459991I mean, he's not anyone's first choice either.
And "I cheat, I don't get cheated on" is a weird thing to be proud of.
No. 1460373
File: 1646674786439.gif (3.53 MB, 480x270, 699951CD-087A-41CC-B5F0-D92FCF…)

Just listened to a bunch of messy public defenders for 45 minutes before the judge called our cows. He called Syd “Cindy” kek.
Anyways. Nothing to report except more court dates. Typical court crap. Usually takes about a year for anything to happen so it’s not surprising.
No. 1460763
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She finally removed him from her bio.
No. 1460789
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Is Jonny going to go full Taylor Nicole Dean in his stories from now on?
No. 1460792
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Syd's story
No. 1460926
>>1460748Yeah…. Anon who wrote that “fun fact” as I called it, and I honestly don’t know how you misinterpreted what I said. Some of y’all are so cranky I swear.
>>1460788Thank you for understanding what I was trying to do anon. Sheesh.
No. 1460931
>>1460861Chelsea and Liz both came after the second time he was kicked out of DGD. Because he was writing songs for Chelsea on his album with Kyle Lucas and Liz was during Slaves like another anon said. Downtown Battle Mountain 2 came out in 2011, so I think that was even before Amanda if I recall correctly. So if he was calling an ex, it’s probably not one we really know much about. I remember him bringing some random girl on tour right after the DBM2 album came out because I saw them together at the show in Oakland. Could have been her. I unfortunately don’t know her name but I can tell you she kind of looked like a stripper. No offense to strippers, ain’t no shame ladies don’t your thang kek.
Anyway I’m ashamed I know so much about this scumbag’s history so I’ll go touch some grass
No. 1460934
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>>1460789Speaking of Taylor, maybe Jonny has also started doing meth? This looks kinda manic
No. 1461095
>>1460936He probably just couldn’t afford the used Rolex he was perusing in rehab.
Isn’t this MK watch the one Syd bought him?
No. 1461110
File: 1646743290281.jpg (75.83 KB, 500x333, larkin.jpg)

>>1460959Her name is Larkin. They were engaged
No. 1461140
>>1461136Four. Larkin, Amanda (Amanda proposed to HIM with a ring and a card, "Will you marry me?" I'm gonna try to dig up a picture, kek
Then Chelsea (chelsea had a very nice neil diamond ring he dropped 8 grand on)
and Sydney. Syd had the ugliest ring out of all of them, and I feel like he felt obligated to propose cuz of storm
No. 1461160
File: 1646749487228.jpeg (868.82 KB, 2560x1680, neil.jpeg)

>>1461140>neil diamond ringkek what a funny mental image. i think you meant neil lane tho
nonnie? regardless anything is better than the Halloween trinket looking trash he gave syd
No. 1461167
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Looks like she also took out all of her pics with BBP. Kek… cant believe they didnt even make it to the “wedding” poor storm has to carry that pathetic last name for the rest of his life. Oh god lets not forget the funko tattoo and SPMC initials tattoo syd got. What a train wreck…
No. 1461244
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>>1460934Does that say “pee” in his sunglasses? What the hell lol
No. 1461255
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>>1461134Not that it matters that much but even if it wasn’t LArkin I don’t think your correct that they weren’t together. There was an interview for AP where he said it was an ex girlfriend. And I also found this supposed post by the baby momma posted by turtle mom. I can post the two close ups if anyones interested
No. 1461345
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>>1461110Sage for old milk but she was the girlfriend during the MacBook era.
No. 1461356
>>1461255post close ups please :)
ugh im so nosy to see how the child turned out/if she turned out okay.
No. 1461364
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Speaking of the Larkin era, this post is indistinguishable from his stories in 2022. He has the psychoemotional development of an avocado.
No. 1461376
>>1461110He is unrecognizable here.
It took me so long to realize that's jonny that's insane he's literally the fat bloated corpse of his former self
No. 1461393
File: 1646771768016.png (1.36 MB, 1170x2532, 16F7E7A2-C48F-405F-BB3E-DFAEB9…)

>>1461356Okay here is part one
No. 1461401
File: 1646771937040.png (1.21 MB, 1170x2532, 23F2F8FD-AC9B-4E5D-AB35-23472D…)

>>1461356And part two. I’m very nosy too as you can probably tell haha. Im super curious to see what she looks like but mostly I just really hope she is doing so so so good without Jonny in her life. It kinda sucks that she knows his name and can google him tho
No. 1461421
>>1461408I think
nonnie was saying that this was an old tumbler post that Jonny made and it sounds just like how he still writes, so he hasn’t grown as a person at all lol no suprise there
No. 1461427
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Kadie, you dodged a bullet girl
No. 1461429
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Jonny's story cont
No. 1461437
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Jonny's story cont
No. 1461837
>>1461255Larkin is not his first child’s mother. He said it in an interview with KLSU.
“ KSLU: Um, I have a question from Mamma Misha- she asks, was writing Children of Divorce a healing factor for you?
Jonny: It was. That was probably one of the roughest moments of my life. I guess I can explain it. I was dating a girl, her name was Sarah Amalia, I’m not going to say her last name, but most people just by saying that will know who she is. I have no really hard feelings against her. I just didn’t feel happy in the relationship whatsoever, and I just decided to, you know, to break it off with her. At the time, it sucks, but she was actually pregnant, and she decided to keep the child. But she has yet to give me a blood test, and she won’t talk to me. She lives in Canada so it’s kind of hard to do anything legally. So it’s kind of just a big blank. So I wrote that song as a release for myself from like all the feelings that I was feeling at the time about the situation. Now I don’t feel so bad about it because I made an effort, I tried my best to tell her, you know it’s not my fault that I don’t have feelings for you but obviously I would love to be a father to the child, if it is mine. So, who knows.”
No. 1461901
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>>1461255>>1461837I'm not doxing the mom so throw whatever tantrum you want to about it, but thank God Jonny was a deadbeat. He would have ruined them the way he ruins everyone else. This kid's actual dad adores her.
No. 1461911
File: 1646811554010.webm (2.77 MB, 720x1280, 614E9BEA4BC58BEF77AFD4E9DAFA5C…)
"What happened to those late nights, where everything was borderline?"
kekekek jonny you shady bitch
No. 1461926
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>>1460686>>1461336Crystal was after the Children of Divorce girl, Sarah. 2009ish
>>1461136He also says he's marrying Crystal in the lj anon board.
No. 1461955
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>>1461901>>1461904>>1461906Wow. There really is no comparison between her and Syd.
Poor Storm. He could have had better.
No. 1461999
>>1461926Topkek at his band discussing his sex life and cheating at “In and Out”.
Also scary that he still writes the same way he did 13 years ago. “Watch me risseeeeeeee” yea yea we haven’t heard that one before
No. 1462149
>>1461955She sounds like a good mom and smart of her to bounce and keep big boi away.
Take notes Syd. This is what real love towards a child sounds like. Not “He LoVeS mE” and “He’s the reason I don’t kms”.
No. 1462301
File: 1646858915401.png (5.42 MB, 1125x2436, 6527A4AE-113B-4AA0-8C5E-4BC4DD…)

So jonny moved lolbro in with him? Wonder if that means he finally gave syd the boot or if they’re all gonna live together as a big happy family kek
No. 1462329
>>1462320Actually this anon is right
>>1462301 this is lolbro that Dillion guy. The guy syd was cheating with is another loser trashy band dude - sterling. And Cobweb guy is the uggo with the spiderweb face tattoo. But honestly they all look the same and I too get confused sometimes kek. But yes feels more likely that syd got kick out.
No. 1462381
File: 1646864192895.jpg (263.27 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220309-141445_Chr…)

xo_meganleigh reposted Syd's story about deep friend connections… (1/2)
No. 1462386
File: 1646864275735.jpg (21.77 KB, 1170x2080, 275415970_543334363629722_1789…)

>>1462381…and then Syd posted this. (2/2)
OnlyFans tinfoil?
No. 1462399
File: 1646864907505.jpg (93.45 KB, 750x1334, 20220309_103536.jpg)

Speaking of face tattoos, I saw this when I was trying to verify some other old girlfriend milk.
Jonny made Amanda promise to get a face tattoo?
Syd did you fuck up your face because he told you to??
No. 1462405
File: 1646865171974.jpeg (154.59 KB, 828x1469, D92F70DB-02F3-4A62-9138-FF5B2D…)

>>1462391Speaking of Taylor…
No. 1462416
>>1462405>>1462407This has to have been while they were together and he's stocking the bookshelf his new "roommate" built. He's only bringing her up to get a rise out of Syd (he's also posting his Syd-is-a-cheater song today so he must be upset about it) or because he's feeling nostalgic.
Now is Taylor going to go nuts over it or are the tinfoil reunion anons going to finally be right about them talking again?
No. 1462469
File: 1646869267488.png (12.09 KB, 857x293, Capture.PNG)

Somebody should update Jonny's wiki page.
No. 1462477
>>1462466Two bedroom; the three bedroom units in this property don't have the downstairs bathroom door visible the way it is in
>>1462301I think he kicked Syd out and that's why she's been moping for the last few days.
No. 1462546
File: 1646873284851.png (1.91 MB, 1170x2532, 5CA773F3-7DDA-4400-A163-37D7AF…)

This might've gotten ignored for a reason bc it's just another dumb cry baby post but I HAAAD to come back on this thread n post it because SHE! CHEATED! ON! HIM!! The fuck is she talking about posting this? Lol she did all those things to him now she posting this acting like she never did. Sorry af
No. 1462549
>>1462405Why do I feel like the only way he would feel comfortable posting this is if him and Taylor were on decent terms again?
Even if it was to upset skid he's never outright given Taylor and her family a shout out on his story to get under syd's skin. Part of me is hypothesizing that him n TND are at least being cordial
No. 1462560
File: 1646874497942.jpeg (90.6 KB, 828x401, 66001DCD-6112-4A9F-91AC-43AA82…)

>>1462549She tweeted about escaping him less than 2 weeks ago. I seriously doubt she would ever get back with him, it would ruin her
victim larp and the story she tells everyone about how
aBuSiVe he was.
No. 1462581
>>1462537Like why even post it? What is the reasoning behind it besides trying to either rile up Syd, rile up Taylor, or get Taylors attention? He does things that make no sense (prob cuz his brain is absolutely fried.)
>>1461955Yeah I was able to find her. I also don’t want to dox but just want to say it’s really heartwarming to see both the baby momma and his daughter doing so fucking good without him. He doesn’t deserve them and they are 10000% better off without him. His life is so sad and empty and is only getting worse and worse as time goes on. Seeing the first baby momma and daughter and how their life has been and how Jonny’s has been over the last ~decade, they are truly completely opposite
No. 1462616
File: 1646878274084.jpg (190.93 KB, 1170x2080, 275438064_336683888403926_4971…)

>>1458813>She looks like she's trying to keep her nose at the right angle and not to look fat in everything she postsSyd's story
No. 1462658
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>>1462654Samefag, sorry it was easier to find than I thought it would be
No. 1462682
File: 1646882871323.jpg (466.4 KB, 972x2851, Screenshot_20220309-093607_Chr…)

>>1462675The more old messages you read, the less unique his relationship with Syd looks until you get to the very end.
He sets these women up over and over to be the two of them versus people who try to warn her about him and it's always the same: the women speaking out about him are whores, they're not strong enough to stick around, he's changed, she's special because she sees it and brings out the best in him, they're going to be around forever. He isolates them completely and cheers them on while they burn bridges to isolate them even more. In every other relationship with receipts, he's still begging for her to fight for them as she tries to leave.
This time, she made him look like an idiot just at the right time where he's trying to build momentum on a perception that he's finally changed for good. He didn't like her much to start with and she was drama from the very beginning, so it was easy to cut her loose.
No. 1462746
File: 1646890312772.jpg (708.08 KB, 1080x2187, 123.jpg)

Who do y'all think think this book is from?
No. 1462856
File: 1646904031837.jpeg (109.26 KB, 828x1462, BAD0157D-142C-4588-91DD-6C1858…)

Well she is officially dumped. Kek wonder if she is moving in with her friend megan? Okay which anon call it that they are not going to last till the wedding? Lmao. Also what do we do with this thread? I want to keep seeing spiral but i dont know if her BPD ass could keep me entertain long enough without JC.
No. 1462954
File: 1646917055118.png (593.87 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220310-052722.png)

just for lols, because this is one of the funniest things she's ever posted. people who post this stuff are so goofy and almost universally are not smart or educated enough to have any kind of meaningful, interesting discussion on those topics
No. 1462969
>>1462560It's really not uncommon for the "abused" to completely humiliate themselves repeatedly by going back to their abuser over and over again after perpetuating intense "pity me!!!!" stories over the relationship. I've done it with an ex actually alarmingly similar to BBP kek.
Also wouldn't you think that maybe she can't get over him BECAUSE she can't stop talking to him??? If TND really hasn't been speaking to him at all since they broke up she would've moved on by now. They def still communicating.
No. 1462999
>>1462969Statistically it takes abused women 7 times before they leave an
abusive partner for good. Just throwing that out there.
No. 1463404
>>1463369I'm hesitant to call this the end of Syd. Breakups with insane bpd psychos are
never clean breaks. Something else – probably some idiotic drama – is going to happen before long. Let's keep rolling with Syd just a bit longer.
No. 1463407
>>1463369I vote to leave her in because Jonny is also pathetic and boring.
And because both of them have a history of trying to astroturf the conversation on anon boards, so I take any suggestion to erase her from future threads with a huge dose of skepticism.
No. 1463424
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No. 1463461
>>1463369Personally I only check this thread for skids antics, I think BBP is just a boring SoundCloud musician at this point. I could care less about what insta thot he’s chasing this week. I’m excited to see how skid is going to spin the storm situation now that they aren’t living together. Now that we know she moved out this post
>>1446838 is gold.
No. 1463462
File: 1646961129309.webm (834.01 KB, 720x1280, 524D693EC53DFBC428B9496EC79046…)
Syd moved in with xo_meganleigh
No. 1463600
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No. 1463616
File: 1646971627766.png (173.7 KB, 392x492, 1644716773829.png)

>>1462856>>1463369i disagree, for example h3h3 and trisha threads are still joint even though they stopped being friends a year ago.
syd should stay in the threads, if you read them all most of the milk comes from her not jonny. jonny is barely verbal at this point. if you do a jonny thread its going to die cause no one cant tell what hes saying most of the time. and if you do a syd thread its going to die cause she's a literal who. they should stay together so the threads continue.
No. 1463631
>>1463600Twitch… yeah right girl. Just like every other thing she says she’s gonna do, she will fail to do it. She’ll do what she always does, gives one half assed attempt and then never speak of it again. See: her art, her singing, her rapping, poetry, doing q&a Instagram lives, proofreading her posts, being a “tour/merch mama”, being an actual mama, being a band dudes wife… i mean the list goes on and on.
No. 1463774
>>1463600Twitch? What the hell is she even going to talk about or do? She's the most basic, uneducated and boring person who relies on 2007 pop culture for a personality.
Is this her way of competing with Jonny or sticking it to him by trying to prove she can do better? She will quit immediately when people in the chat start calling her out for the piece of psychotic shit she is. She tries so hard to act relevant but she's completely unaware how cringe, fake and annoying she comes across.
Not to mention she will be cancelled if she does get anywhere with it because of how misogynistic and nasty she has been toward other woman for no reason at all, she's a cunt, nobody likes a cunt.
No. 1463789
File: 1646982695869.jpg (172.08 KB, 750x1334, 275655874_524733185877407_6905…)

he looks a little high. cloudconvert is erroring out so here's the video of him blowing vape smoke into his friend's face: No. 1463791
File: 1646982817903.jpg (93.44 KB, 750x1334, 275521098_1037642927097440_298…)

No. 1463796
File: 1646983549365.jpeg (720.75 KB, 3464x2136, 8D117460-029D-4FCE-870A-FBF944…)

>>1463791Very bold choice to post selfie with a beauty filter right after posting a raw selfie.
No. 1463857
File: 1646995286978.png (4.25 MB, 1284x2778, FA99477E-FDDC-46E3-AF88-F33932…)

No. 1463971
>>1463907She has never posted a single complete piece of art lmaoooo it will never happen
Her bpd ass is just lovebombing megs and when thet tactic no longer works then we will see her fishing more seriously for a man to take care of her.
No. 1464039
File: 1647018040889.jpg (59.61 KB, 1080x427, Screenshot_20220310-183944_Ins…)

>>1463907This was posted 9/12/19 and it's the oldest public interaction between them on Megan's page. Megan was in a tour photo from 9/10/21. Syd told the dude who she tried to cheat on Jonny with that she wished he could come over and that Meg was out of state in 6/2021. It seems like they got closer in 2021 but met online a couple of years earlier.
No. 1464063
File: 1647019077231.jpeg (23.65 KB, 487x169, 2492A40E-027A-4516-855E-68C8E2…)

>>1464039The Meghan she refers to in those texts is actually sterlings gf not her friend. In one of the other texts she’s making fun of his gf and calls her a groupie.
No. 1464094
File: 1647020215291.jpeg (7.06 KB, 180x73, EC660278-38DB-4E92-BE75-43BDE3…)

>>1464075The second part of the name is blurred out here the first text. It very clearly says Meghan…
No. 1464168
>>1464094Spelling is Meghan and
>>1464063 says "mega".
She really going to cry about Meghan out of state and promptly after saying like a "Megan-lastname- groupie"? Makes no sense.
No. 1464169
>>1464063Honestly I don’t think this said “mega fucking groupie” it doesn’t look like there’s enough room for “fucking” where it’s blurred.
I don’t wanna post her IG but it’s been posted before a thread or two back, but sterlings gf’s name was Meghan. Maybe Syd misspelled her name and put “I don’t want to look like a Megan’s bf groupie.”
Either way it’s odd that it was blurred out, whatever it was.
No. 1464214
File: 1647028777662.jpg (12.71 KB, 750x1334, 275627131_985244418556550_2358…)

Jonny's story
No. 1464218
File: 1647028893611.jpg (491.03 KB, 922x1788, Screenshot_20220311-115919_Chr…)

>>1464214>I’ve made a lot of bad choices>Not necessarily, like>You know, the worst mistakes>But there’s definitely been>A lot, a lot, a lot of bad choicesWhen the Genius annotation burns you harder than your "killer" lyrics
No. 1464291
>>1463600 syd: can't wait for you to see what's coming next!
nothing ever comes next>>1464102 they might be close, but we all know syd loves to exaggerate her relationships with other people as well. so that post could've been the usual delusion and megan is in for a big surprise lol.
No. 1464415
File: 1647040226082.jpg (206.85 KB, 750x1334, 275725629_117993984153099_1263…)

omg ew
No. 1464417
File: 1647040291412.jpg (190.78 KB, 1075x1910, Screenshot_20220311-150915_Chr…)

No. 1464424
What a fucking hater. He's not even funny. They're the only people who will spend time with him and he can't even be nice. is still giving me an error, sorry about the streamable link)
No. 1464523
File: 1647046643603.webm (1.46 MB, 404x720, unfunny asshole.webm)
>>1464424Hope you don’t mind, nona. Teamwork etc.
No. 1464630
File: 1647051408552.jpg (127.71 KB, 750x1334, 275568549_386972166599756_6938…)

Beauty filter abuse
No. 1464632
File: 1647051491843.jpg (65.03 KB, 1170x2080, 275635247_504683721022739_5409…)

No. 1464832
nonny here- the only ladies in Roseville that might possibly be interested in hooking up with Jonny would be literal teenagers/early twenty something’s looking for some clout and even then, I doubt they’d want him either. Sucks to suck Jonny boy.
No. 1464847
File: 1647068709610.webm (1.8 MB, 720x1280, 5441C1194CB15B68895F4DCE8F3F9D…)
The Used in the background. Petty.
No. 1464872
>>1464850So you're telling us that this
>>1464847 is the venue security? Shouts to mans drinking his High Noon Sips. Sounds about right for Emo Night if so
No. 1464881
>>1464878Totally agree
nonnie, I'm the one who commented that. But imagine him for all he is, with a typical 35-40 year old male head/hairline kek I think that's how he manages to snag these way younger women and probably why he's constantly ruffling up his hair on his snapchat vids. Of course it's the worst men alive who maintain their hair lol
No. 1464884
File: 1647075331836.webm (1.95 MB, 720x1280, B8493CB4DF6B886AAC7E84B87C7252…)
>>1464424>>1464523The guy Jonny was being a hater about reposted the story with the audio muted.
They've only hung out a handful of times over the last couple of weeks. Jonny's already wearing thin.
No. 1465006
>>1464872I think
>>1464850 is saying he needs to hang with enough people that it makes him look like he has a security and friends posse. That's not the venue's security. It just makes him feel secure to surround himself with people to protect him in case Syd shows up.
No. 1465439
File: 1647117421206.jpg (134.14 KB, 750x1334, 275614617_536015311213027_1924…)

No. 1465598
File: 1647126676821.png (785.79 KB, 1284x2778, 904790C5-4F6F-49E9-B94F-A432D9…)

Why do I feel like tbis is about this thread
No. 1465800
File: 1647137066350.webm (1.85 MB, 720x1280, D345770979D499EA959915AA759278…)
No. 1465837
File: 1647139926805.jpeg (140.97 KB, 828x1448, 97436785-1C57-4CE3-B8D1-A1593C…)

Syds started to flip the narrative. It’s not like she’s obsessed with him, has been begging for him back and refused to admit he dumped her for months or anything…
No. 1465986
>>1465837I knew she would pull the “I’m a
victim of Jonny’s abuse too!” card sooner than later. Somehow I just don’t believe she dealt with any actual abuse like some of his exes have. I honestly think Jonny was a little scared of her crazy ass kek
No. 1466027
File: 1647154324566.jpeg (436.02 KB, 828x830, 66353031-209E-412F-9DD8-253702…)

>>1465943Not surprised since he’s into dudes
No. 1466076
>>1465837Good luck. There are 10 threads of receipts that show that she's a nasty, cruel, explosive, obsessive abuser to total strangers and the people she's closest to. There's no doubt that Jonny was
abusive to her. He's admitted it. I don't think she deserved it because no one deserves it, but I think that she's an abuser in her own right and she won't get any sympathy from anyone who knows her true character.
No. 1466083
File: 1647159775388.jpg (61.19 KB, 750x1334, 275629374_501084671462422_6814…)

Sac town hide yo kittens
No. 1466151
>>1466122Are you?? I m asking when did he ADMITTED it. Because he never did. Yes he is
abusive to skid, but he never once in his life admitted being
abusive to anyone.
No. 1466334
>>1466292Its a prop, just like everyone else is.
Storm was his prop, the lil puppy never adopted was a prop. To show the world how caring he is. Like; how TND owns so many animals, but does not love them. Just props them up for a few selfies to secure his little redemption narrative.
No. 1466745
File: 1647216280035.jpg (582.23 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220313-170305_Chr…)

Oh great we can all get rise n grind affirmations from Jonny Craig now
No. 1467225
nonnie. And yes I have never seen a man so insecure about his tiny feet and the need to flex on his shoes every few seconds. Is he 15??
No. 1468665
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No. 1468996
>>1468811Kek I am also sad this didn’t happen. Big boi pimpin took the first opportunity to bail and he did it without hesitation. Not surprised after her freak out with
that Liz chick from texas. That was so embarrassing.
I think the milk will be stale until JC or Syd get a new
victim. Bets that JC will find a girl in the next couple of months and Syd will join OF shortly after.
No. 1469038
File: 1647377799869.png (1.69 MB, 1170x2532, 595C81B4-685D-4EEC-900F-815BB6…)

Screenshot from his story. Is this person dumb? “Cuz I got sober?” Nah more like “cuz I’m using a filter.” He looks nothing like that and is still bloated and not hot at all haha. next victim perhaps? You’re being catfished, boo
No. 1469039
File: 1647377956755.png (5.52 MB, 1170x2532, CD283F19-360E-42B1-93FC-FD7448…)

>>1469038Pic of the story that person replied to. It even says the filter he’s using, it’s not rocket science Allie kek
No. 1469184
File: 1647385033146.png (1.9 MB, 750x1334, 64F9A170-A269-4D43-B354-776080…)

You’re not “shanked up” nor do would you ever shank anyone. You ain’t about that life. You’d cry your eyes out and run off like a little bitch
No. 1469268
File: 1647387734766.jpeg (223.1 KB, 1125x2191, F76A51EF-DFFD-4422-89E0-F0C0DC…)

>no tits club
No. 1469344
>>1469184Wow so hardcore I bet Jonny is just
shaking in his boots. Fr skid is so embarrassingly cringe it hurts, the only person she’s ever cut is herself.
No. 1469483
File: 1647400756127.jpg (79.29 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220315-195112_Chr…)

Syd's story
No. 1469738
File: 1647421718504.jpeg (160.27 KB, 828x1483, 836BAF9A-C96B-42DE-90B8-5B0E1D…)

Kek BBP out there still using Skid’s headphones. He so broke he cant even afford his own. So not only skid got knocked up, lost custody of their kid, got kicked out by BBP, even lost her headphones?? Lmao what a bargain. At least JC didnt try to steal the cats this time. Hope you get to pawn of the cheap engagement ring for a new headphone syd
No. 1470288
>>1469962Singing and art streams most likely. She's going to be so
No. 1470440
>>1470306 i don't know if she's capable of embarrassment, considering how long she kept jonny's name in her instagram bio after he dumped her lol.
not to mention all the other shit she's done that should've produced feelings of shame.
No. 1470920
File: 1647483766770.jpg (232.73 KB, 1170x2080, 275854585_965332281018344_1965…)

Or maybe you're just a bad person Sydney
No. 1471023
File: 1647489168779.jpeg (697.78 KB, 2048x2048, 0F66C5F2-8F1F-4A3D-BF9D-A361A0…)

>>1470920Kek she’s unhinged. I feel bad for her roommate.
No. 1471109
File: 1647499088779.jpeg (96.66 KB, 750x591, AD101D39-9EBF-422D-AAF9-A20848…)

Jonny is following Taylor on Instagram
No. 1471270
File: 1647520504502.jpg (33.02 KB, 640x1138, 275850939_1009275156370529_674…)

>>1471109he unfollowed her. probably doing it for attention
No. 1471601
File: 1647536761690.jpeg (86.12 KB, 1125x312, 9DDE4866-911E-4C25-A69B-BDDFE6…)

sydney is hemorrhaging followers. i started following this drama a little over a year ago when she had about 15.3K, and now she’s about to dip below 14K. embarrassing for her that the clout train is ending.
No. 1471662
File: 1647539487204.jpeg (560.96 KB, 1119x1026, 708842F9-3C60-4C44-95DF-E8460D…)

i couldn’t resist
No. 1471810
>>1471616 said, plus his likes were on pictures of taylor's that were fairly recent (aug 2021 i believe). it's not like these were likes showing back up on pics from when they were for sure in contact before the breakup three years ago.
No. 1471917
>>1471814 you don't get to vote if you can't follow proper etiquette.
>>1470920 Ironic of her to post this. She treats people terrible, says awful things, all while she's the one pretending to be some high and mighty saint. However I doubt she feels guilty for doing so. She's so god damn contradictory and lacks even basic self awareness.
No. 1471927
File: 1647552611930.png (2.9 MB, 1284x2778, F7027165-C0AE-431B-90A7-254360…)

No. 1472040
>>1471880Is it one anon samefagging or is this thread full of misguided TND fans who think she'll return to pettubing if she gets back together with jonny?
Jonny's known for harassing his exes for years and even got new girlfriends to harass exes. All of the "conversation" between jonny and Taylor has been one sided. Him trying to
trigger her on social media with his presence, while she tweets about having ptsd and not having healed from his trauma.
Idk what "y'all" are trying to manifest with all this fake milk, but jonny liking her Instagram posts and following her doesn't prove anything. Definitely doesn't prove that they're going to embark on a sobriety journey together, rebuilding jonny's music career and Taylors YouTube career.
No. 1472268
File: 1647564686652.jpg (216.24 KB, 750x1334, 276046631_331835492302462_5136…)

He looks like he just got his new playground fit at Oshkosh B'gosh kek
No. 1472280
File: 1647564895096.jpg (493.96 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220317-175222_Gal…)

A 3 star Amazon polygraph for a YouTube video
No. 1472283
File: 1647564953047.jpg (270.75 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220317-174554_Chr…)

Syd is fishing
No. 1472359
File: 1647568981061.png (288.54 KB, 662x680, bigoof.png)

Oh god…
No. 1472877
File: 1647620235777.jpg (254.72 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220318-091655_Gal…)

You named him Parker because Syd didn't let you name him Storm Trooper.
No. 1473158
>>1472280I kinda want to watch how he lie through his teeth about all the abuse allegations. Tinfoil that he is going to make a video about Tnd’s claims on her video and clarify all the allegations with the shitty lie detecter.
Assuming it works at all kek.
No. 1473228
>>1472877Kek I’m sorry but how does this make any sense?
>he would rather lose the ones he loves to save people he doesn’t even knowI mean, I’m no Spider-Man lore keeper but I’m pretty sure that’s wrong? Peter wears the Spider-Man costume to protect the ones he loves so that he can save the innocent without it falling back on the people he cares about most. That’s like …super hero 101 kek
No. 1473326
File: 1647645094818.png (1.51 MB, 828x1792, E95F87EB-8D82-43E0-81FD-9C0AA1…)

No. 1473504
File: 1647652406983.jpg (215.65 KB, 750x1334, 275946226_662587971625215_2138…)

You can tell the difference between someone with money and broke posers by looking at their body art and Jonny looks like he paid two cans of Monster & a hand job to his cellie for his ink.
No. 1473508
File: 1647652640084.jpg (82.26 KB, 1170x2080, 276014224_340902911331047_5100…)

No. 1473509
File: 1647652699829.jpg (47.17 KB, 1170x2080, 275858124_156431740079836_1865…)

Syd's story
No. 1473551
File: 1647655062936.jpeg (360.9 KB, 828x1447, 26CB13CD-E486-47F1-BD14-C212CF…)

Looks like all his gym days are paying off, just look at those flabby bingo wings!
No. 1473764
File: 1647671213319.jpeg (343.51 KB, 1125x2196, A8EF3111-5A0F-4B21-9D99-B39244…)

oh pUHHHleas. get a fuuucking grip skid. this is the most unhinged and delusional list of excuses for not holding yourself accountable and going to therapy skid. just because you say being unhinged makes you spunky and spontaneous doesn’t mean people have to put up with you, and they won’t, cause all this list tells me is that you’re still in denial about needing to go to therapy—the only thing that might help you keep the people you deem “loved ones” around.
i swear whoever makes these bpd things she posts is either memeing or also looking for some major copium. christ.
No. 1473834
>>1473764She's romanticizing being mentally ill, just because you have a mental illness doesn't mean everyone around you has to support you and put up with your shit skid.
She's so in denial, also kids don't want chaotic, angry, spontaneous manic pixie mothers, they need stability, calm and routined mother's that are dependable.
No. 1473888
>>1473846Its syd’s comment from this
>>1473508 she is such a loser lol
No. 1474218
File: 1647719444718.png (341.41 KB, 1170x2532, C7DCABD9-4F1F-4574-8851-3ACECF…)

So syd posted this almost immediately after posting just a single word “chances” but I see it wasn’t posted about here so… who is she even talking to? Like I highly doubt a bunch of people messaged her commenting on it or something. She is so weird lol
No. 1474334
File: 1647725870297.jpeg (991.18 KB, 3464x3464, 9D800C54-CC71-48D8-A3E7-FBBC05…)

Wish you guys could see the look on storms face because he looks terrified.
No. 1474376
>>1474334 you're being ridiculous. The child does not look 'terrified'
in the least. He literally looks like a normal baby looking down inquisitively into the phone. Grow up.
No. 1474385
File: 1647729794767.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1867, 7307CD11-DD7A-42F1-B9CD-3E35E8…)

No. 1474386
File: 1647729905136.jpeg (290.84 KB, 1170x860, 627653E8-DB86-4701-BDDF-F9C4FC…)

No. 1474415
File: 1647731631096.jpeg (105.24 KB, 828x420, EECBBDE3-5B28-42D7-9BE4-985B4B…)

>>1474411BBP is killin it, clearly
No. 1474450
File: 1647734767264.jpeg (134.76 KB, 828x1429, 1BAE2EDF-B19C-4C6C-9A03-40838E…)

He posted a video w/storm and you can see that he’s not at his condo. I think he’s at skids moms house. Skid must be having a breakdown right now lol.
No. 1474720
>>1474633what are you talking about once a month? not to wk jonny but get your facts straight. he has posted pictures with storm every weekend (in different outfits, more than syd could do) for the last few weeks except for last weekend.
think about it. jonny has his bros living with him. bros with cars. jonny posted videos eating sushi with a friend after his visit a few weeks ago, and jonny said he was buying. why do you think he bought his friend sushi after that? mayhaps a way of saying thank you?
meanwhile, sydney has no one willing to do that for her and her life is probably even more of a mess now that she moved out.
No. 1474752
>>1474720STFU carissa. Every weekend? That’s not a fact sounds like YOU have to get YOUR facts straight. We all have seen how many pics and what does it prove?? You seemed very
triggered and the need to stick up for jc SMH
No. 1474755
>>1474708Your tinfoil isn't fact. He didn't harm the ugly chiold. He pushed Syd.
Anons, if your heart is bReAkInG over the spawn of 2 cows that's cared for by Grandma in an actual home, you really gotta get out more. You cry over those commercials where "for less than the price of a cup of coffee, you can feed these (slow montage of children playing) children who don't know where their next meal comes from? You handing out food to poor kids in the inner city that often can't secure food on the weekend? Cow Spawn is in a stable, loving home, yet you want to sound like a bleeding heart idiot because your heart breaks that he sees his real dad more often than he used to. If he didn't see the kid like Syd doesn't, you'd talk about your hearts breaking over not having a dad that cares to see him. Take a break from Lolcow if you're getting that emotional over a cow's family.
No. 1474763
>>1474752Ntayrt, but wtf is a Carissa when we're all anons?! Quit playing the guess-an-anon game. No one cares who's who.
I don't care if Jonny sees down syndrome looking baby once a year- it's still more than Std is because we should all know by now she'd post about it, along with a caption about how much baby God saved her and how much he loves her.
No. 1474780
>>1474720The last time he posted him was when he was in San Jose for his court date. Not because he -wanted- to visit his son. Maybe this time sure he visited just because? But he has not been visiting storm every weekend.
He might have friends and he might have a roommate but you really think they’re taking 4 hours of drive time every weekend for Jonny to see his kid?
No. 1474792
File: 1647754877183.jpg (911.31 KB, 972x2391, Screenshot_20220319-223930_Chr…)

>>1474763Interesting and specific accusation,
>>1474752 No. 1474794
File: 1647755123117.jpg (278.41 KB, 1080x1614, 1631329490808 (1).jpg)

>>1474755Someone is periodically pushing a narrative that Storm was taken away because he was positive for fent. Either (or likely, even) tinfoil or the local rumor mill. Enough people have problems with Syd in town that I can see how that kind of gossip would spread quickly.
No. 1474801
File: 1647756456722.jpeg (57.47 KB, 828x616, 36794B05-8899-4AF3-A2AC-9A1742…)

>>1474794Are we sure this isn’t just a skid burner account. It looks brand new and she’s definitely batshit crazy enough to do that kinda shit.
No. 1474847
File: 1647761371735.jpg (512.6 KB, 1054x1528, Screenshot_20220319-223707_Chr…)

>>1474801It's from six months ago, before they broke up and before rehab I think? I don't think it's Syd.
No. 1475082
File: 1647792853133.webm (2.04 MB, 746x1398, FullSizeRender.webm)
>>1474450Sry it was hard to blur out the kid—prob because he was trying to get off the lap of a strange man..
I dunno bout you, but I think telling a 2yo what to say/do for an IG video is the definition of using your child as a prop.
No. 1475088
File: 1647793242081.jpeg (633.14 KB, 1169x2051, CEDE86CF-E7F8-4772-9BAA-D174BE…)

>>1474415Wow it’s really obvious that BBP doesn’t give a fuck that everyone thinks he’s a joke /sarc
No. 1475094
File: 1647793537578.jpeg (138.61 KB, 1169x1618, EF7D6A3F-F746-4589-8FAA-9318A2…)

>>1475088So much so, that he has to keep posting about it…
also trying to shame ppl for having actual jobs now?? Bahaha big boi goiter couldn’t get/hold a min wage job if his fentanyl supply depended on it
No. 1475159
File: 1647796450781.jpeg (196.37 KB, 1170x1625, 82332A9F-756C-4902-B4F6-F31691…)

I love that he can’t post his goiter mug without a beauty filter anymore
No. 1475160
File: 1647796555261.webm (2.46 MB, 888x1534, FullSizeRender.webm)
>>1475159bleh I literally gag when I watch this
No. 1475164
File: 1647796889105.jpeg (107.37 KB, 1168x1749, 2B3CF8CC-8773-47FD-B6ED-23FCC0…)

>I aM tHe CuRvE
Ok bud we're all very patiently waiting for you to SHINEEEEEE. no pressure.
No. 1475208
File: 1647799987939.webm (7.38 MB, 888x1578, FullSizeRender.webm)
>cmon lolbro be a team player n wear this SpringBreakers-era cheugy ski mask with meeeee
These are real people y’all. Claiming to be sober. And still doing this shit n posting it for potentially thousands of people to see.
No. 1475290
>>1475094coming at his tinder matches kek
>>>/snow/1474386 what a catch you are, Jonny.
No. 1475341
File: 1647811352684.png (161.37 KB, 750x1334, B20BE329-CEF1-45AE-8F9B-A88068…)

The fuck?
No. 1475375
File: 1647813684079.jpeg (226.73 KB, 1170x1461, 95D341F1-2167-4E69-A35D-5ED79F…)

No. 1475437
>>1475030There was a case like this a couple years ago where I live in California, the dad OD’d and the baby
died and it was all over the news. Shit like that gets traction in the media even if storm didn’t die. There would be proof somewhere.
Last time JC was in court for charges someone came in here saying he was arrested for selling drugs or some shit and was going away for 20 years. Turns out he assaulted Syd. So you can’t come here without proof.
No. 1475483
File: 1647819390555.jpeg (292.59 KB, 1284x1801, 9A90EC0B-7F3B-4BE6-A247-E7D5F3…)

This was BBPs post 20 minutes ago, could things start to be heating up?
No. 1475487
>>1475483God, he’s so pissed about being told the truth, ugly as fuck. Literally one of those
nice guys that says your so hot then insults you after denying him
No. 1475502
File: 1647820450194.png (3.17 MB, 1170x2532, BF3E48FB-59E2-4BF4-87B1-BADFCE…)

Someone’s reading the thread again! Everyone say hi to Sydsopsycho. She probably came here to see if we were discussing her previous vague post story about “the last 24 hours have been quite the experience!” which I’m sure she posted to get attention
No. 1475521
File: 1647821303215.jpeg (161.73 KB, 1170x650, 7F325A13-3503-4BB7-8D07-756E51…)

No. 1475525
File: 1647821405404.jpeg (217.42 KB, 1170x785, 229435B2-AA24-4663-81B2-C2CD2D…)

No. 1475534
>>1475528AND he was blowing up her phone at that. ->>>
>>1474386he's so desperate
No. 1475571
>>1475521>>1475525Jonny is a known loser just like SydSoStumpy now is, but this other dumb bitch is clearly trying to get attention from this. She just had to tell Twitter that he swiped right (and so did she) and how younger her would be so impressed/ashamed of the clout she thinks she'll get from this, then rushes to Twitter to say how he's just not worth it "sorry girlies", and now they're both playing like Jonny and Syd before he dumped her, both sharing their butthurt feelings about one another on social media.
It's also a known fact that men often swipe right on EVERY girl on Tinder because they can see who likes them and weed them out from there.
>>1475502SydSoSingle has definitely been here this whole time so no need to hi cow her. Where else did you think the "Jonny got his chiold high on fetty" accusation came from? She's just hoping she can fool da trollz and make herself look better when she's the only one who never sees that retarded baby that didn't help her have the shotgun wedding of her dreams.
No. 1475610
File: 1647826689800.jpeg (1.31 MB, 3406x2675, AEFD560C-1F00-49BC-8F57-F38F55…)

>>1475483>>1475521They should stop throwing around the f word. They both have the same untoned lumpy body type lmao.
No. 1475787
File: 1647836343007.png (55.62 KB, 475x598, lol.png)

>>1475525None of this aged well, lol
No. 1475821
skidmark we get it, you’re jealous big boi goiter is swiping right on girls when he should be with the mother of his choild. 11:11 and all that crap. Grow up.
No. 1475895
>>1475483Broke bitch shit. Show the statement that says you paid for your own teeth, you lumpy goblin.
He's so low value that he can't even find some dumb groupie to be impressed with his secondhand Kors anymore, so he had to move in another low value manlet for the emotional intimacy. KEK.
No. 1475947
>>1475483Omg he is so pressed about some rando he matched on tinder. How many times does he have to use the shoe rent line? No one is impressed jonny. You leech off every single women you dated and you were still in your dad’s apartment before syd stupidly offer herself to you. Lmao.. this dude will never stop being
abusive to any woman that crossed path with him.
No. 1475999
File: 1647865219202.jpg (75.04 KB, 640x1138, 276172839_505903031249710_8948…)

syd's story
No. 1476088
>>1475999Hate to break it to syd, but shes not better than jc, and the mental gymnastics are not fooling anyone.
Quit trying to change the narrative for the select few people who have receipts on your harassment and stalking.
She must be so lonely. She has one friend and this thread. Oh, and court mandated child time.
No. 1476107
File: 1647875795597.png (2.06 MB, 828x1792, F102E26F-AB6F-4676-8E3D-326021…)

Omg is this why he always buy sneakers?? Cause look at how small his feet are in slippers lmao. Like its not enough that his legs are so swollen and looks even chunkier in skinny jeans. It actually makes his feet even smaller to proportion. I m loling, jonny shops in the kids section for his shoes.
No. 1476489
File: 1647899621691.jpeg (273.08 KB, 1166x2011, BB2CB72A-0BE1-4233-8F59-BA8E59…)

Jonny has bigger titties than syd does
No. 1476492
>>1476355This thread and a couple other cow threads always have a couple of annoying anons that say shit like "the timing of this is… iiiiinteresting", "veery suspicious that this is being posted with this language, hmm, I wonder who this is" and everytime it's literally just an anon. Cows and cow adjacents/friends are either religious about reading and then post obvious lies on here, post rebuttals on their page, or just don't read this shit because they don't care.
There's more than a couple of anons that get their feewings hurt over people not giving 2 fucks about the damn kid- nothing to hmmmm about.
No. 1476509
File: 1647901359341.jpeg (388.27 KB, 1170x1458, B1A0170F-D5BE-4128-9096-AD7F24…)

The fuck is he talking about now
No. 1476561
>>1476509Idk but this sounds like Vicky Shingles and how she has to state that she doesn’t want to fuck your man, he’s just a friend/tattoo client. And that women are totally threatened by her and she won’t steal yo man.
Except it’s Jonny and he’s so hot but don’t worry he won’t steal yo girl jealously isn’t a good look pussio
No. 1476691
>>1476509Sounds like he’s paying a girl for nudes? Based on the money/jealousy thing? Just a shot in the dark here.
Unrelated to the above, do we know what the deal is with Syd and JC in terms of them living together? I know Big Boy Goiter was still there, and Syd was out cat sitting, but are they still cohabiting?
No. 1476697
File: 1647913627767.png (1004.44 KB, 1284x2778, 9D0583CB-F583-4B60-AACC-D81DE0…)

ok so i’m trying to dig,
in my county you can literally look up every info on someone’s case. does anybody know how to do this in the county they’re in(newfag)
No. 1476698
>>1475375Lol in this triangle, Sydney is still the most pathetic of them all. At least that Mars girl had the sense not to pursue BBP further even for the lulz. She took her myspace goggles off, unlike Sydney.
Jonny is a fat, stupid, washed up druggy and Sydney the pick-me still wanted him and shat out his ugly choild.
I'm glad this girl provided us with some 2% milk kek
No. 1476746
>>1476509Twitter chick mars is a queen, she sent him fucking spiraling KEK. He's trying so hard to cope.
>>1476723>>1476727He's in the 7 stages of grief now. He knows his career is dead. He probably will go back to syd once he reaches "acceptance"
No. 1476753
>>1476691I thought this too, he’s paying for nudes from a girl who’s in a relationship
Jonny Craig confirmed cuck
No. 1476769
File: 1647918689832.jpg (68.12 KB, 1170x2080, 277030326_328288572666313_5722…)

Syd, your magic is a pending domestic violence charge.
No. 1476833
File: 1647924104127.jpg (78.14 KB, 1080x1440, Skydmark.jpg)

Skid the narcissist justifying her outbursts as "healing".
Also lol@her deleting ig sprees. She must be so paranoid of all the people who watch her story.
>>1476697Doesnt she have court soon
No. 1476912
File: 1647932257207.jpg (257.21 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_03_21_23_57_10_725.jpg)

No. 1476918
>>1476833They have court in may I believe
>>1476912I feel like skid is building up to a narrative that explains why storm was taken away. And of course she will be the
victim and JC is the whole reason. Eventually it will come out in court what happened. The state seems adamant about pushing charges and they hired an outside attorney. So the charges seem pretty serious.
No. 1477023
>>1476769No matter what tattoo is on your face syd. You are still a stalker. Acting like you dont make finstas to harass women please get your life together
Also where are the mods? The namefagging is getting old.. 3 from last night?
No. 1477426
>>1477024AYRT and I just looked up to see if JC was represented by the same attorney but he has a public defender which I found interesting. I had assumed they were both represented by the same lawyer but that’s not the case at all.
Big boy goiter should stop spending everyone’s rent on his shoes every week and hire a real attorney kek
No. 1477512
>>1477426That's a big indicator that std will try to spin it as Jonny's fault.
That's also a big indicator that's collecting crazy money, I mean,
disability, as there's a large network of free lawyers for anyone who gets disability. Syd is perpetually jobless and Mom is financially caring for the calf.
No. 1477522
>>1476833Sorry for having a touch of the 'tism, but I remember the day an anon called her "skid" and a few others seemed to think it was hilarious, but I'm still befuddled everytime I see it. I don't really get it, or maybe I do, but just don't find it as funny and clever as anons using it all the time…
Is the joke that she's a streak of shit on (Jonny's) tightie whities? Or is it because of the speed at which Papa Goiter skidded to a stop when she unleashed her crazy beast too many times?
No. 1477531
>>1477522It’s just a nickname it’s not that deep.
No. 1477571
File: 1647985809027.jpeg (89.31 KB, 828x412, 454968C2-C308-4688-9FCD-6AED01…)

>>1477522I’m the one who actually stated it and it’s because where I’m from skid is a term for like a emo loser and it sounds so similar to syd. I think a lot of anons think it means skid mark which also makes sense and is jokes af.
No. 1477762
File: 1647993084154.jpg (488.67 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220322-165105_Pho…)

Skid so enlightened
No. 1478382
File: 1648025488995.png (245.89 KB, 1440x2621, Screenshot_20220323-044842.png)

Hate to break it to ya Jonny but if anyone tells you they don't think you're stupid, they're lying
No. 1478442
File: 1648031761797.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1284x2232, 836C234E-4B32-4A17-B9F5-90BABC…)

goes to the gym for two weeks dAmN iM cUt
Ok BBP how about you flex that bloated belly for everyone
No. 1478684
>>1478382lol seriously only a stupid person would be concerned about that. people who are confident and know what they're doing couldn't give af if others underestimate them.
>>1478442how HOW could any sane female come within ten feet of that thing!?? no wonder he's gotta pay girls for their company/nudes (allegedly, or whatever the fuck he's talking about here
>>1476509 No. 1478717
File: 1648053069069.jpg (303.32 KB, 1080x1524, Npdskydz.jpg)

>>1478693I wish I could be a fly on the wall during her mentally ill blocking sprees. I think it will get to the point she will start blocking friends if she suspects them. She must live with extreme paranoia to go out of her way like this. She hasn't and will never block me so her ig stories will continue to be posted here KEK. Keep on suspecting Sydney, you narcissistic twat.
No. 1479064
File: 1648067862835.jpeg (1.85 MB, 1284x2375, 6C29F989-9590-4184-A799-1D7515…)

stumpy boi pimpin at it again
No. 1479131
File: 1648070483017.jpeg (427.5 KB, 787x2041, F907D05F-0ECE-4D66-8533-1DB36E…)

>>1479064Confused, what’s going on with his lower body? Is it just a perspective thing?
No. 1479400
>>1479298sorry incoming for OT sperg but yeah, it's called a longline shirt & is quite popular in streetwear rn, but usually for tall people as
>>1479307 said.
personally think they look dumb as fuck regardless of what body type they're on but we all know jc gravitates toward stupid trendy shit (funko pops, these-cost-more-than-your-rent sneakers, etc) so it's not surprising this is what he chooses to dress in kek. keep turning out lewks old man jonny!!
No. 1479404
File: 1648083107352.jpeg (59.67 KB, 828x1213, 769B1CF7-994D-4974-8214-65B533…)

They’re not really unfortunate events if they’re just consequences of your own actions skidney.
No. 1479744
File: 1648123309359.png (1.24 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220324-075904.png)

pfff, you literally cheated on him and talked major shit every chance you got, but yeah, you were so good to him
No. 1479897
File: 1648137804628.jpg (470.82 KB, 1080x2220, Ig screenshot.jpg)

Syd trying to show off her fridge body on IG. She also keeps posting infographics with about her self-diagnoses adhd. Homegirl needs to diagnose herself with narcissistic personality disorder first kek
>>1479450If she really had storm she would be posting about it nonstop. No way would she have him and not post every miniscule milestone even to "protect his privacy" shes too narcissistic kek
No. 1479976
>>1479897Two mentally ill narcs thirst-posting their ~gains~ after poorly working out and sweating. Funny tho how skid decided to “work out” after JC posts a couple times about going to the gym and how “cut” he is kek
They’re so transparent.
No. 1480405
>>1480185The only way I could have written it differently was to put the “unsent messages” in quotations and maybe added a word or a comma. I’m really sorry if you don’t know how to read. Let me rewrite it for you since you’re having so much trouble.
She probably spent hours scrolling that “unsent messages” IG page looking for a post with her name on it, kek.
Didn’t realize lolcow was so adamant about grammar or punctuation being correct but I’ll do better friend!
And yes I’m going to talk about providing milk when I’m being called a new fag, it has nothing to do with my grammar being “roasted.” Going to touch some grass now, maybe you could try too.
No. 1480593
File: 1648181010951.jpeg (467.28 KB, 2399x1919, C9D3D562-A28B-41B1-B2FF-2347F1…)

jonny breaks up with sydney.
jonny says he wants a girl that reads.
jonny says he loves lotr.
jonny starts working out every day.
sydney doesn’t know how to read so she starts posting multiple lotr memes every other day.
sydney starts “working out” and has “always been about it”.
jonny still wants nothing to do with sydney.
sydney sleeps alone again while jonny out here living his “best life bruv”.
does that mean if jonny gets high on heroin, sydney will pick it up so me might finally notice her uWu? please do. i pray every day.
this shit is down right embarrassing to watch. why don’t you invest time in discovering your own personality for once instead of globbing you little midget hands onto shit you think people will like you for. even her most confident posts scream insecure.
No. 1480604
File: 1648181499111.jpeg (506.05 KB, 1009x1839, DDE96733-656C-4575-BEA6-749C10…)

>>1480593Embarrassing is right. She posted this to her story so I fixed it for her. Dumb cunt.
No. 1480615
File: 1648183625968.jpeg (200.59 KB, 1170x2169, 5FB66905-4100-46A3-B4B2-E53044…)

Syd did a “what’s wrong with me” filter and got “nothing.” I wonder how many times she had to refilm the story til she got that answer. Well I paused it on the correct answer for you syd!
No. 1480719
>>1480607it’s a fake cover-up tattoo that says “embarrassing” over her already embarrassing “ethereal” tattoo. sorry you guys are suddenly too cool to make fun of her dumb fucking face tattoo.
>>1480618i thought i saged. my bad, you sour virago.
No. 1480900
>>1480670Ok syd, the only person who keeps commenting “shes really pretty” through this last thread. Funny how it started after the breakup?
Shes so narcissistic its pathetic. Too busy to take care of storm, but plenty of time to eye fuck her reflection.
No. 1480959
>>1480719Sage or not you’re still being embarrassing, your edit is just not funny or clever
nonnie. Just calm down.
No. 1481017
File: 1648220446379.jpg (118.98 KB, 416x600, tonsure.jpg)

>>1480615>>1480604KEK she butchered her bangs and looks like a monk now. Maybe she can shave a patch on top next
No. 1481034
>>1480670ur right, she's really pretty for a single deadbeat mother who lost custody of her only child because staying in an
abusive relationship with a heroin addict was more important!
No. 1481061
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No. 1481097
>>1481087NAYRT but doughy doesn't have to mean "fat as fuck". i dont see anyone here calling her "fat as fuck", so keep your own securities to yourself. doughy as in NO muscle tone, flabby, not as in "fat as fuck" - something you just made up.
"i hate anons acting like normal sized girls are fat as fuck" - again no one called her fat as fuck. she's one of the worst human beings on the planets so anons are just calling her out on whatever they can. if it bothers you don't contribute and ignore it? posting stuff like this won't make anons stop.
No. 1481111
>>1481089 and yet… here you are.
Didn't you say you've been here since first thread? You had enough time to come back and check to see if people responded to you. Clearly, you had nothing better to do, right?
No. 1481128
>>1481089>insulting the cows>insulting the farmers>sucks own dick Kek imaging coming here of all places to feel superior. Take your sad life-projections somewhere else. Like, to a therapist.
>>1481087NTA but I think doughy is a perfect description? She’s “skinny fat”. Doughy. Average. She’s acting like she’s “been about” the gym. She’s posting her body, it’s fair game to talk about it.
No. 1481266
File: 1648237499162.jpeg (1.16 MB, 3464x2098, 1145FFD4-00EC-43D8-B150-808AE7…)

BBP never posts without this “bad cats” filter anymore, he’s still desperately trying to get woman and failing so he’s hoping using a lens that cuts 15 years off his ugly mug will help. Big boi catfish.
No. 1481403
File: 1648248347356.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, B72A6490-9902-4987-B8BC-066657…)

Worlds hottest mom, you guys. Watch out
No. 1481408
File: 1648248754461.png (1.59 MB, 750x1334, C373DDFE-CC1C-4A64-B9FD-8572DC…)

I just noticed that not shortly after Larkin was first mentioned and posted in this thread, syd is now skin walking and try to cut her hair like hers?
No. 1481464
>>1481061Kek she posts shit like she's thriving and doesn't need the guy she dumped her chiOLD for, posting memes about moving on from a man that failed to keep such a lOyAl and lOvInG whooaaa-man, then Jonny shatters her larp by admitting how she's just annoying tf out of him like a stalker.
You know you're looking extra retarded and immature when Jonny is the most mature between the two.
No. 1481480
File: 1648255279721.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1300, 4D0E1C1D-736D-4ECB-A8D0-FC65D9…)

Hey Jonny I know a merch mama if you’re looking to hire! Kek syd is probably having major “fomo” right now
No. 1481492
>>1481464I would've killed to see her face when she read
his post, she tried larping as an abuse
victimand BBP put her in her place reeeal fckin quick
>>1481480Bet syd is throwing a tantrum rn.
No. 1481544
File: 1648260869152.jpeg (266.34 KB, 828x1461, 50E308D8-CEDA-4F88-B14A-D58E27…)

Or maybe they just don’t larp that their life is perfect and lie to everyone about the truth. Skid should try being real for once. Where’s Storm Merch Mama kek
No. 1481633
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No. 1481638
File: 1648269687260.jpeg (123.67 KB, 410x446, 3CCA52F7-2CBB-4C0B-84A0-CF9B9A…)

>>1481633Them eyebrows tho
No. 1481645
File: 1648269908261.png (924.95 KB, 828x1792, 98A993CC-C533-458E-9CE3-3A6B0B…)

anyone want to pay to go to a BBQ didn’t think so
No. 1481718
File: 1648276155108.jpg (11.86 KB, 210x300, s-l300.jpg)

>>1481633why she looks like a lego
No. 1481733
File: 1648277294899.jpg (157.39 KB, 1080x1215, Screenshot_20220325-234515_Ins…)

She's so frightening when she's in love bomb mode. These people have no idea what they're in for when she crashes.
No. 1481869
File: 1648289549478.jpg (104.93 KB, 1080x1664, Screenshot_20220326-100740_Chr…)

she still thinks she's a hot mom
No. 1482039
File: 1648306599846.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x1999, F47D41C5-C0CD-4A69-AE75-231CB8…)

I love that his “friends” let him walk around like this. You’re your own woman-repellent, goiter boi blimpin.
No. 1482092
File: 1648311312368.jpeg (158.44 KB, 750x568, B9479EFA-D80E-4C37-88F1-1C26FF…)

Hottest mom in the world
No. 1482126
>>1482092There are sexy ways to do side boob…. But this is NOT IT.
Imagine having parents who only eyefuck themselves on a stupid app that wont matter in 10 years instead of growing up and accepting the real role as mom and dad.
That kid is going to have so many self esteem issues when it clicks for Storm that he was aways a prop and never important enough.
AND neither of them are hot.
No. 1482229
File: 1648319680018.png (171.22 KB, 828x1792, FBE7C771-9E74-4808-8425-B0812C…)

No. 1482314
>>1482303You'd rather go thru the hassle than type sage?
You want an award?
No. 1482333
>>1481412This haircut was appropriate for the time kek
>>1482092Then we get this larping the scene days 10 years later
>>1481733Embarrassing. Imagine how gross and creepy she'll act towards storm as he grows up. Storm will be a future reddit user posting in "raisedbynarcissists"
>>1482229>posted 12 seconds agoI wonder if lego faced syd comes to lolcow as a form of self harm
No. 1482347
>>1482252That’s exactly what I thought, they look sooo weird…. but better watch out you might get a “tit sperg” warning (even tho that was my only comment about them?)
These mods are retarded as fuck
No. 1482356
>>1482242Who are you even talking to? Lmfaooo this comment made no sense.
Funny Syd posted this tho, first Jonny embarrasses her with his story now it’s her turn to call him out for being broke lmao
No. 1482427
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No. 1482433
File: 1648330881929.jpg (103.25 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220326-142606.jpg)

No. 1482434
File: 1648330911203.jpg (159.63 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220326-142609.jpg)

No. 1483012
File: 1648357958576.png (801.42 KB, 1440x2569, Screenshot_20220327-005702.png)

Barf. Can't believe men in their 30s talk like this
No. 1483013
File: 1648357994037.png (387.11 KB, 828x1792, 1112AD31-CED2-4EBC-BAE6-9C3960…)

Actually my bad, she just posted more passive aggressive stories about one of JC’s friend Tai and calling his partner/gf hefty, saying tai is trying to sell his car before turning homeless - in response to his post. Also syd you literally have no ground to make fun of someone careers and being homeless?? You are squatting in someone elses house rn?? (Also she deleted the 2nd post way too fast)
No. 1483015
File: 1648358039171.png (1.59 MB, 1440x2568, Screenshot_20220327-005706.png)

Looks like BBP may have set his sights on his next victim
No. 1483104
File: 1648364027938.jpeg (7.52 KB, 483x161, 1a8.jpeg)

Does…does she think this is a burn?
No. 1483153
File: 1648366214661.jpg (278.35 KB, 1170x2080, 277416290_1434236290327515_697…)

Dillon is such a weird little sycophant. It's strange that he's so down for such a trash human. Like, who wants to be permanent passenger Jonny Craig's live-in driver and emotional support groupie? Is he just a really bad clout chaser..? Like a hound dog with a broken sniffer..?
No. 1483206
>>1483184Yea. Having a kid could be an amazing feat… when both people actually become parents. Theres nothing impressive about throwing “motherhood” in anyones face when you lost custody of the kid.
In this case her and JC use the kid as nothing more than a tool for manipulation.
In reality, for two idiots glued to their screens, they couldn't bother to learn safe sex to spare the kid the tragedy of growing up knowing their parents cared more about insta clout than raising/loving him.
But sure BBP; all the ladies want you in your lil tee shirt dress. Syd, we all cant cope with the envy we get seeing you eye fuck yourself in insta filters. And self posting here is not cringey at all.
Friendly reminder, both of you could stop adding fuel to the bonfire that is your drama, but you are so desperate for any form of attention you’ll do anything to keep the milk coming.
No. 1483312
File: 1648377862192.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1903, E54AEB40-90CB-4015-A39B-5826C7…)

No. 1483339
>>1483056>>1483243Jonny has been a cow longer than Syd, the JC fanboys need to make their own fandom space elsewhere. Weird what this thread developed into the second they broke up.
Jonny's filter abuse, selfie spam, and teenager drama has been just as bad as Syds, he's not cared in "looong time"? He was literally posting their drama on Snapchat 2 days ago
>>1481061>>1483030Interesting that she has a daughter. I was surprised to see him sticking to the "I'm the best dad ever" stuff, but maybe it's to impress her.
No. 1483363
File: 1648382020444.png (1.78 MB, 1284x2778, F2890458-DE6D-488D-A17D-996836…)

Looks like Syd is talking about Taylor.
No. 1483364
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No. 1483365
File: 1648382068874.png (8.88 MB, 1284x2778, 4538AB49-C450-4837-B339-3C137F…)

No. 1483476
>>1483298>>1483339Am I the only one who isn’t understanding how this person
>>1483243 is a “Jonny groupie” for stating a fact, aka that Jonny probably hasn’t cared about syd for a long time?
Is this still just Syd posting in the thread calling people Jonny groupies/fans or what?
And why was Syd’s post replying to Tai deleted when so many anons here replied to it? What’s happening in this thread lately lol
No. 1483684
>>1483363Kek she’s so mad big goiter has a type. Filler isn’t permanent, unlike her garbage face tattoos.
She’s aware nicki minaj is like 90% plastic right?
No. 1483836
File: 1648407658403.jpeg (166.62 KB, 828x1457, 1648357627105.jpeg)

>>1483818NTA who posted it originally, I just haven't refreshed the page yet. This is the only one missing and it's not even that interesting. Looks like it was in response to
>>1483013 No. 1483842
>>1483363Taylor is still better than you in every way, shape, form. Taylor was the real love of his life. She bought him whatever he wanted, NEVER lashed out at a friend or fan of his out of jealousy, she wasn’t an insecure psycho mean twat like you, she genuinely enjoyed his fans and was supportive. Yeah she got hooked on H but I could have happened to you too. Where is your income, career, what are your goals? Taylor has YouTube. Okay so we’ve already established that inside she is a way better person than you don’t even get me started on the outside. Yes her lip fillers are kind of bad but that it THE ONLY thing you have on her. With your square ass body and underdeveloped boobs. Have fun with those THREE tattoos you got for Jonny that just make you look like a psycho now who can’t move on unless you cover them up.
Fuck I am tired of this cunt spewing hate then calling herself a special emotional genius empath; and she came for Taylor’s looks so I did the same to her. Sydney is a sack of dog shit so I don’t feel bad at all. Remember when she posted that long story about how much she hates her “ugly monster goblin appearance”? It was a long rant and posted in one of the earlier threads. Well that’s how Syd really feels about herself. She knows she’s nothing to look at so that’s why she’s so hateful.
No. 1483863
>>1483363 "caking on makeup" says the one with the worst sharpie ass eyebrows I've seen. "Blows my mind people strive to be fake down to their personality" says the one who is actually a nasty, jealous, insecure cunt, but puts on a facade of being this sensitive, empathetic, spiritual being. She's literally projecting. She's ugly on the inside, and the outside, and with all the posts and comments she's aimed at women, especially, it shows how truly jealous she is.
Also, as someone else stated, she worships nicki minaj who's whole public persona is an act, and almost all of her body was bought, not God given.
No. 1484037
>>1483818I didnt managed to get the one syd was talking about tai’s gf being hefty and tai being homeless it cause it was like seconds she posted it and immediately deleted the story along with this that I shared that the mod deleted so thanks another anon for posting this
>>1483836 you are not missing out anyway its just syd being her BPD ass and pussied out at the last minute
No. 1484104
>>1483312Not to WK but i genuinely believe he’s sober. Who knew it took a kid to bring out the (somewhat) best in him… meanwhile, his bm is psychotic, his other ex is a meth/heroin addict.
I feel like Chelsea and Amanda post in here, they were equally as crazy yet the evidence isn’t here cause it was long before lolcow
No. 1484247
>>1484104I also believe he’s sober rn but I don’t think it will last. Over the last ten years or so I’ve been following him, he has had many times like this where he seems to be doing good but he always throws it all away. I actually hope I’m wrong because I don’t wish drug addiction even on the scum of the earth like him
Also everyone just stop replying to “ur all Jonny groupies” anons who are clearly syd or Syd’s friends or just plain retards. They want your attention and it’s better we don’t give it
No. 1484532
>>1484080go on a crazy twitter sperg for days, made a 90 minute video about him on her channel, still posted. changed the name of the video several times…
"My experience with Jonny Craig"
"My experience with my ex and why I think he's dangerous"
"Oh brother, this guy stinks!"
No. 1484544
>>1484104Chelsea 1000% posts here, even with having a new serious bf. She's the reason I found out lolcow existed. When it was just TND and Jonny on here, she posted on twitters for all of her followers to google search "lolcow jonny craig and taylor". I remember that tweet specifically.
Amanda no doubt posts here, how else would she know about the go fund me to donate? She also has a longterm boyfriend. The only ex that has seemed to move on is Liz, and btw she just posted a pregnancy announcement with her husband. I'm super happy for her.
No. 1484657
File: 1648450291805.jpg (65.82 KB, 640x1138, Cmbcix0OeV.jpg)

Side boob didn't gather any takers? Gotta make it a little more clear that her DMs are open I guess kek
No. 1485108
>>1484104Not to WK but to WK, lol. I mean come the F
* on! his first kid didn’t stop him from being the junkie that he is. Jonny has been to rehabs before. Once this sober flex gets boring for him and he doesn’t get anymore out of it he will be back shooting up again.
No. 1485191
File: 1648499087800.png (3.91 MB, 1170x2532, 21052982-018B-473F-9731-B17756…)

Lol mr big boi pimpin my shoes cost more than your rent is still using Syd’s beats solos instead of buying his own
No. 1485298
>>1485244you all look dumb every time you guys nitpick the headphones. he obviously bought them for her or they came with the ipad he bought her and he didn’t let her keep them. they are red. his favorite color. i doubt syd picked them out.
i wouldn’t let that bitch keep anything, would you??
No. 1485323
>>1485298I agree with you
nonnie. She certainly didn't buy those for herself
No. 1485327
>>1485298Yeah I’m all for tearing both these twerps a new one because they both belong in jail but it’s pathetic and cowlike when nonnies defaul to the same boring non-issue things like looks and headphones names.
Unless it’s like when we call Jonny out for his used watches because he’s always trying to stunt, or rip on Sydney’s doughy exterior when she posts her posterior because she called women whores for doing the same thing… Hypocritical conceited shit like that. I miss when we were smart and mean, and not this retarded version of obsessive nitpicky mean cause the milk is not flowing. Touch grass.
No. 1485393
>>1485353Yeah I stopped frequenting here as much because of that veey reason. You comment anything here and they're either telling you to preach or attacking you for fucking nothing lol.
Some of you anons are so invested I can only imagine how often you're lurking here to be so upset over actual nonsense.
No. 1485415
File: 1648514771719.jpg (65.51 KB, 640x1138, vsLhaX0I8m.jpg)

No. 1485434
>>1485415"I never act or speak this certain way to anyone else in the world"
Oh brother, that's too good.
No. 1485567
File: 1648523829834.jpg (26.15 KB, 640x1138, syd.jpg)

>>1485353It reminds me of the tiffany/star power thread where the anons posting are people she knew personally/was friends with at one point. I do think the majority of bullshit posts in this thread are from syd/jonny/their white knights. Pic related from SydSoSquare's ig. I wish "time will tell" us her post history soon, i feel like it will happen eventually, like with kiki, elaine, etc.
No. 1485775
File: 1648547072723.jpg (53.78 KB, 680x424, darvo.jpg)

>>1485705Johnny and Sydney are both narcissistic and equally
abusive towards each other. I almost always side with women, but Sydney is such a pick-me who has shown her awful, manipulative side, over and over again.
I saw someone mention this DARVO in another thread and it sounds like Sydney. Jonny's behavior and deflection isn't surprising, and I think that Sydney is trying to shift all the blame to him. That being said, they're made for each other and they deserve each other. 11:11!
No. 1485820
File: 1648554153500.jpg (1.09 MB, 2048x2048,…)

No. 1485976
>>1485820Guys it was just her ABOOSERS POISON in her making her say these things…. the Empath would never…
Syd, sweetie, apologize to anyone you've harassed, called disgusting names and/or wished death/harm upon. If you truly feel like THIS isn't you anymore, PROVE IT. You won't but I still double dare you.
Syd enjoys hurting people. She has never shown annnnnny remorse or even self awareness about how seriously terrible things she says. And the one time she tried she just shifted all the blame on someone else lmao
No. 1486064
File: 1648576484902.jpg (404.63 KB, 1080x1752, Screenshot_20220329-134701.jpg)

Just like how you used that band dudes dick to forget BBP skid? Did your delusional ass forget that you cheated? Kek this is rich.
No. 1486292
File: 1648588573912.jpg (228.68 KB, 1080x1182, Screenshot_20220329-141441_Goo…)

>>1485820Rulebook one word btw kek. Syd, you moron
No. 1486532
File: 1648608010565.png (11.81 MB, 1284x2778, 91A4B85B-67B9-4A39-BB45-9D5994…)

nice clothes and empty beer bottles everywhere
No. 1486602
File: 1648613101554.png (562.39 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20220330-000232.png)

Oh boy!
No. 1486609
File: 1648613433472.jpeg (111.94 KB, 387x516, 89671BE9-BCAB-421D-8FD4-256822…)

>>1486532Big boi goiter
>>1486599Kek was this farmer bait? No one thinks she’s a sweet person.
>>1486602She would have done it already if she was really going to. Literally what’s stopping her?
No. 1486643
File: 1648618907823.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1125x2162, FB3A5183-9AB7-4AFA-9381-86AED6…)

No. 1486656
File: 1648620433847.jpeg (298.98 KB, 1170x2532, B56EB35D-1DA2-4F25-8545-B40493…)

Sorry for my shitty cover up job on storms face but
Hmmmm wouldn’t she post a current pic of them two if they were sick in bed together? (She posted on another story that Storm is sick too.) This is definitely an older pic because her eyebrows look the same in every other story before and after this one, and look different for this one. And what’s with the weird black void where her shirt would be? Weird black line near her neck? Looks like she’s trying to cover up that it’s a different shirt. Nothing new about these tactics tho.
Sorry, I know I don’t have to prove it to you guys here, like…we know. But I’m just so sick of this bitch pretending she has custody when she doesn’t and pretending to be a mom when she’s not.
No. 1486658
I know most of you might know this, but it’s been brought up that people are getting banned recently, I think it could be (if she is able to look at who you are following) that she might be blocking people who follow her, JC, and probably TND. I used to follow all three, then when everyone was getting banned I decided I’d rather follow the BBP and skid saga, so I unfollowed taylor, have been liking some photos and of course always watch the stories. Don’t know if this helps at all, but just thought I’d put it out there since I know most of us are invested in all three, luckily trailer can be spied on without a follow, but sydly likes to go private, so that she can air out her dirty laundry to a more “private” audience like a sane adult. Sorry if this is pointless and stupid, but that’s what Sage is for right?
No. 1486668
>>1486643Doughy midget stumps
& seconded anon, she’s defo sending herself some of these cuz she’s irrelevant
No. 1486722
>>1486650analyze away!
sydney’s q&a with herself: far she has posted 63 responses over the last 7 hours, majority of which are heavily filtered selfies. that’s an average of 9 selfies an hour… that’s 1 picture every 6 minutes…
and she expects people to think she has storm? lol she must actually be legit retarded.
No. 1486804
File: 1648644357745.png (9.13 MB, 1284x2778, 74E7EA58-506D-427A-9811-DC2B6F…)

BBP that filter and face combo isn’t doing you any favors lmfaooo
No. 1486845
File: 1648647065191.png (3.69 MB, 1170x2532, 3990527B-7B6F-4AF2-A4C2-A94934…)

>>1486656Shortly after this was posted, she then rubbed off her eyebrows and posted this. She must have been running to lolcow after every response she posted lol.
Almost all of the responses had something to do with her looks. Interesting…
No. 1486907
>>1486658babby's first stalking venture, aww.
all of this is common sense when it comes to following cows, especially paranoid psychos who are prone to block random people like syd.
No. 1487040
File: 1648662142946.jpeg (86.13 KB, 1242x228, EE373A87-2065-4393-9C83-C3565D…)

It’s time. The milk has been dry, but, I believe it’s now time.
No. 1487132
File: 1648667081334.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1284x2200, C0D3EFDF-9CD5-41B3-904D-D60A99…)

Idk if I’m supposed to sage cause I’m new but this is on Syds story rn…
No. 1487176
>>1487132Oh yeah! Slowly suffocating to death and writing melodramatic paragraphs to instagram about how you might not make it. With a pretty background of course.
Everytime I think we've seen her at her cringiest… Girl what the fuck is this. Even her closest, most delusional friends HAVE to look at shit like this with eyebrows raised. Right?? This word vomit beyond laughable
No. 1487187
File: 1648671154696.png (13.73 MB, 1284x2778, 23CEA747-EFA3-44E9-8DC2-300C76…)

Love that he scribbled over his mess of beer bottles and clothes instead of just picking up he’s clearly lurking
No. 1487188
>>1487176Yes I guarantee her closest friends are side-eyeing her. A lot of group friends have that one drama Queen that’s overly dramatic and almost dies every couple of months when she gets a little sick or something. And the rest of us try not to feed into it too much but there’s always an enabler.
Totally on her death bed with her paragraph of me me me. And a voice clip of her last dying breaths.
No. 1487337
File: 1648679940541.jpg (99.55 KB, 1170x2080, 277604692_545218676928661_8337…)

No. 1487373
File: 1648683491338.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, 3B1AD046-3F63-4D06-921A-EA3C7A…)

Lmao all about the gym and that healthy lifestyle guys!
No. 1487417
File: 1648687488915.png (5.48 MB, 1284x2778, DF9B0985-2C73-48A4-A060-A9DBA6…)

anddddd another of him scribbling out beer bottles and clothes everywhere????
No. 1487423
File: 1648687615346.png (925.5 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220330-204603.png)

This reminded me for some reason, doesn't she have a Funko pop Jonny tattoo?
No. 1487459
>>1487373Dying at the hospital but can’t stay off Instagram to save her life.
>>1487423Damn I wish he would reciprocate the shit talking and out her for pretending to have custody of their kid. The ultimate blow but he’s too puss to do it.
No. 1487490
File: 1648691025107.png (2.16 MB, 828x1792, 359A8AE6-BF00-4F45-BDE3-CCE53E…)

Comments like these make me think she writes this shit to herself. She probably has multiple sock accounts
No. 1487751
>>1487591We don’t make it our personality to let everyone know what an uwu empath GOOD PERSON we are and then treat people like absolute garbage. I don’t think I’ve ever verbally attacked and harassed random women because I thought they were prettier than me. You’re mentally ill if you don’t know the difference.
I also never chose a junkie dead beat over my kid.
>>1487636They’re not all from her but at least half. You can tell the ones without emojis are from moids. Also who tells another women they have feminine features? Kek
No. 1487777
File: 1648705151654.gif (251.25 KB, 200x200, 41032251-B3B5-4E32-93CC-5430CA…)

>>1487772Oh, ok “anon”. I’ll be sure to do that.
No. 1487885
>>1487855Making fun of anyones appearance has the collateral damage of any woman reading here with a similar body type leaving feeling sad about her body for no reason. Use your critical thinking skills anon. Syd deserves it but women who share her "manly" features or "stumpy body" do NOT deserve it.
Being born into a certain looking body/face is not a moral failing.
No. 1487902
File: 1648712952273.jpeg (6.35 KB, 225x225, images.jpeg)

>>1487837Omg that's like so humerus to me right now
No. 1487905
>>1487893Whatelse does she have? Not her son, not a bf, not a job, no family or any friends kek
Skid your life is a joke
No. 1487914
>>1487885Omfg anon you are so annoying. I know you are coming from a good place but this is a gossip forum and if anyone is so uWu sad about being loop in as sydsostumpy then they can just leave the site. Stop getting savior complex for anonymous people online, you are not obligated to save anyone.
I for one am enjoying people making fun of her appearance because all the features nonnies are pointing are defo her own fault - sharpier eyebrows, stumpy pixelated full body pic and her terrible thirst trap pics. Which all of them are posted by syd herself btw.
No. 1487925
File: 1648714585969.jpeg (785.31 KB, 828x1515, 37587E17-D133-4E93-A207-AD3BF1…)

>>1487187Lmao he did that again this morning, like jonny are you retarded?? Just take it from another angle is not that hard
No. 1488004
File: 1648729454774.png (8.25 MB, 1284x2778, AAD8E0DD-572F-4419-B9BB-DDC924…)

I love seeing all of these filtered photos of him bc when his friends post how he really looks it’s even worse
No. 1488044
>>1488030Pretty sure it’s just her and her one and only friend/roommate tag teaming the thread.
>>1487837Yea we’re all waiting for the truth to come to light. Since you can’t just simply take a picture of your kid living in the same household as you and prove it in 5 seconds. Not gonna get much sympathy for him being taken because of jonny after lying about it for like a year and leading your blind followers to believe you’re a good mom.
No. 1488106
File: 1648740283729.gif (1.04 MB, 270x270,

>>1487591>>1487772>>1487837Syd and her friends are more obsessed with this thread than anyone else passing by
No. 1488431
File: 1648764568695.gif (1.87 MB, 500x500, FBDFE765-9378-42B0-90AA-9ECAAB…)

>>1487789>You have no idea what's comingIdk you guys are painfully predicable so I think we do.
No. 1488600
>>1487837Do you actually believe we would believe a fucking thing you say? Like how you are a good mother and how you live with your son, or those times you kept posting like you and Jonny were still together when we knew you weren’t? If you come out with a Tay style video about your abuse, do you think you will be taken very seriously? We know Jonny is a piece of shit but it’s hard to cry abuse when you were so desperate to stay with him, and of course we know it wasn’t you who left, you weren’t strong enough to leave, you needed the “clout” from a loser so that your life had any significance at all. You will only be remember as the stupidest, worst, most worthless ex of a trash bag human being. Even after having his kid, you aren’t the one he would go back to given the choice, you were always second choice, even if the choice is a washed up, addict YouTuber
No. 1488622
File: 1648778951534.png (626.38 KB, 1170x2532, 1E7E48F6-8C71-4C3A-91E9-BEC432…)

Ironic coming from someone who is giving all her attention to this thread lately
No. 1488626
>>1482422Is this the perma drunk streamer that verbatim admitted to “going out of her way” to follow Joiter and “get his attention” meaning message him with nerdy things and shocker he responds to anyone especially a girl if only for engagement, and that you did it just to “piss Sydney off” because your brother “can’t fight his own battles and gave her his lunch money for five years and all she gave him was dermatitis/dandruff” and that leaking the convo and a video of Jon Jon blitz on fent was a great way to communicate behavioral growth to the criminally undermedicated or something? You said she “fucked with the wrong fox/wolf/alcoholic” and something like “you were going to blow up her chicken coup” or “she fucked with your chicken coup (therefore) you were going to blow her up” or some other very ironic statements because that was all in reference to filing police reports(?).
Was that really worth it and do you by any chance also have hundreds of glamor nudes that have amassed thousands of followers and would/did you declare yourself the hottest person posting here I have a hunch I would like to settle
No. 1488833
>>1488626What? No. Why are you being weird? I sage my shit and and I rarely post unless I got jokes, but if you’re gonna call me out…
The last thing I posted was
>>1486042 and before that I made the picture for the previous thread, if you must know. Can I go back to my hole now?
No. 1488933
File: 1648819106589.png (4.38 MB, 828x1792, 1235E929-E310-46C6-912E-96547B…)

Sorry for the quick delivery but ig2g to work, something neither JC or Syd could ever comprehend.
BBP looking like a fag clown with the hair color
No. 1488937
File: 1648819274287.png (Spoiler Image,5.78 MB, 828x1792, F0EF247A-3F62-40B3-96DE-FC80DC…)

Here yall go, cheers. With the dress length shirts and pink hair, hes awfully comfortable looking like a femboy kekekekek
Anyways, enjoy the update nonnas see you later
No. 1488984
File: 1648824281940.jpeg (425.77 KB, 828x1657, 6FD9BD61-3D74-47CE-AC0D-2E1B30…)

Taylor deleted or privated her video talking about JC abusing her from yt. Definitely not suspicious at all.
No. 1489002
>>1488933Looking like a used tampon. KEK
>>1488998Gumpy Syd will be nourishing us with delicious milk I can feel it. She wont let drama die
No. 1489114
File: 1648832378627.jpeg (811.26 KB, 2458x3072, 08DF7F40-51E1-4358-9F80-7130AD…)

Is someone gonna screen record Syd eye-fucking herself while crying about Selena?
No. 1489129
>>1487837I am once again asking WHERE IS THE KID SYD?
Prove us all wrong and post a pic of storm's hand
No. 1489166
>>1489149To be fair, Syd tells on herself once again. All of her socials are tied to her name and she feels comfortable blatantly and sloppily lying like this because there is no one in her life she has to call her out. No one there to say "wow this doesn't add up". That's why she thinks she's so crafty - she's stewing in social isolation and her narc brain says "this is winning" as a result.
>inb4 Syd starts manically posting about FrIeNdS. Strangers you lean into with that stank breath aren't friends Skid.
No. 1489259
File: 1648842463972.webm (12.11 MB, 720x1274, 153632-720x1600_011 (video-con…)
Fucking ew… No one cares about your tears skid mark.
No. 1489269
File: 1648842764744.png (1.48 MB, 1284x2778, 8C2A6D76-3445-4382-9628-D302B3…)

what does this even mean
No. 1489275
>>1489259I think something people don't understand.. About me.. oh the drama.
I couldn't do it. Checked out for the sake of my mental, this bitch sure loves to fucking hear herself talk. How about you talk about your son who is very much alive and living without his mother?
No. 1489309
File: 1648844438115.jpg (669.51 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220401-131856_Pho…)

Were really taking this direction huh? Hmm.. points to the farmers who called it before it happened.
No. 1489312
File: 1648844488565.jpg (646.7 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220401-131836_Pho…)

>>1489309Coming for you goiter boi
No. 1489316
File: 1648844625922.jpg (348.07 KB, 1080x1080, 2022_04_01_13_22_47_646.jpg)

No. 1489327
>>1489312Yeah syd, mothers who abandon their children for drug addict rapists are pieces of shit, I don't think that, I
know it. It's sort of common sense, right? kek.
No. 1489385
>>1489368Dont know if she's arabic but she must be at least muslim (arabic≠muslim). Relationship outside marriage are illicit so most couples "broke up" or talk less during this month to focus on the relationship with Allah (God)
Sorry I have no idea how to sage, if someone could explain it
( No. 1489389
>>1489368People speculated on this post
>>1452292 that it might be someone named Ava with the username @scxmbxnny
No. 1489450
File: 1648851848634.jpeg (75.89 KB, 828x628, 09315DA3-13BB-46AF-8C1A-80C814…)

>>1489389>>1489368She changed her @ to ohbabygirlxox shortly after she was mentioned in the last thread.
No. 1489497
>>1489309This girl cannot take accountability for herself AT ALL. Every BPD post she makes focuses on her being the misunderstood
victim, when people with BPD can very much be emotionally
abusive to their loved ones if they don’t learn how to manage their emotions, seek therapy, etc. I honestly would feel sorry for Sydney of she had been at least TRYING to understand her mental health, but she just uses it to make people feel bad.
Not to armchair psychologist but look up the symptoms of psychotic behavior. It’s scary how much closer her behavior resembles that than BPD. Regardless, she needs to get diagnosed by a real doctor and stop making shit up to garner sympathy for her piss poor treatment of other people and understanding of herself.
No. 1489500
>>1489450I’m okay with tinfoiling and speculating sometimes in this thread but only when there’s
any sort of proof or logical reasoning. So cough up whatever is making you think this is his girlfriend, or don’t post it.
No. 1489579
>>1489550have you actually lost your mind?
people with borderline personality disorder are if anything less likely to be special or gifted than the general population, not more so
No. 1489679
>>1489579I think moreso it’s that the simpletons who self-diagnose BPD are, without exception, some of the dullest, most talentless nonentities and generally lacking in anything that even mildly represents a personality, which sounds just like our stuck-in-2009 scene kween womanlet. Not to mention deliberately getting knocked up asap by the closest thing to clout she’ll ever get, this made painfully obvious by the fact she’s only ever treated said clout-offspring as a prop for attention, and something else to masquerade in lieu of the gaping void where a personality should be.
Also the “about to die any second” earnestposting followed by the tragic Q&A/selfie op where it was toe-curlingly obvious most of the Q’s were written by herself made me want to die of embarrassment by proxy, so once again a fascinating insight into how the mind of a narcissistic sociopath truly works.
No. 1489777
File: 1648878143992.jpeg (671.26 KB, 1242x1946, F69125AB-5270-444C-936B-DC59E1…)

is self posting but the whole Ava thing was discussed last thread. And he didn’t say her name once, he mentioned her multiple times in a stream.
He kept saying “baby” and anons thought he meant his kid. Then he said “Ava” multiple times. We put two and two together with all the Arabic posting. And now mentioning Ramadan…she’s clearly relevant. Idk why you seem so salty.
No. 1489782
>>1489259Her eyebrows are so lopsided and close to the middle of her forehead.
Has anybody else noticed how manic she's come across lately? The Q/A where she posted tonnes, talking about onlyfans and posting body shots, crying over an artist, being positive one minute and depressing the next, posting in LC and we know she's been harrassing Jonny still, she's completely lost the plot recently, she's all over the place, too much time on her hands to be focusing on a child which should be her main priority right now.
Who knows what psychological problems she has but bitch needs to see a psychiatrist.
No. 1489833
>>1489252Oh thank you
nonnie, sorry for being autistic coupled with Aspergers when it comes to sarcasm comments sometimes..
No. 1489844
>>1489316I looked at her friend’s insta (its public) and i went to the tagged photos and saw that Megan seems to be active in mom groups because she has (2?) kids?
I cant wrap my brain around the fact Syd is crashing at her place with kids around and is not getting called out for faking motherhood on instagram all day while her friend is actually juggling motherhood and life while supporting a bpd pyscho
>in b4 leave meg aloneAll my observations are from her public page; not interacting.
No. 1489864
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No. 1489866
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I really hope i saged properly, been reading along for awhile now.
But Syd wheres your kid? That you're so grateful for! He's not with you.(you forgot to read the rules tho )
No. 1489899
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Don't know if this is appropriate but I saw this and laughed.
No. 1490213
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Is this what we have to look forward to for onlyfans? Syd posting thirst traps of her areola flaps and expecting people to pay money to see
No. 1490252
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Syd posted this. Anons, feel free to reply to my post with all the times syd judged or talked badly about other women/people lol
No. 1490257
>>1490213>anachan larp editing >myspace angleJust like with her “art page” its not creative, thought through or unique. She’ll abandon this as soon as she doesnt get the attention she feels warranted.
Girl, dont you have a child? Why dont you stop eye fucking yourself and do anything for that kid. Anything.
No. 1490288
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>>1490283Speaking of which. Burnout from what? Taking selfies and browsing Instagram? Looking through Jonny’s follower list and all his likes? Coming up with new ways to get attention?
No. 1490310
>>1489550Sorry the other anons are being rude about this, but I think you might be thinking of bipolar disorder (and the acronym is BP). BPD actually stands for borderline personality disorder, and seems to match with Syd due to her impulsiveness, unstable relationships and chronic anger and explosive meltdowns.
It's super easy to get them confused though, especially with those acronyms
No. 1490314
>>1490213This and everything else she's done is what psychosis and desperation looks like.
She should give up, she's never going to get famous like she wants, her grandiose ideas always fail her.
No. 1490471
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No. 1490473
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No. 1490855
>>1490806This is exactly what I imagine skid do. It's what Ashley (vivadrag) did immediately after making a gofundme for her smashed in teeth because she was driving drunk from a concert.
Literally no narc is going to spend their donation money as they advertise its pretty much a free for to them all once they get it.
And she'll probably flaunt it online and become super aggro when anyone mentions it. I feel like Sydney may have even done this before at some point but feel free to let me know if I'm imagining it.