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No. 1485104
Alice Bender is known on TikTok for being a barefoot crunchy mom, vegan, and self-proclaimed radfem tradwife.
FKA radfemalice / aliceandfern / comingupfern / aureliasmama
RECENT MILK>still “pregnant”>Caleb has been using toothpaste, body spray, and household cleaners while Alice is gone>Alice hates him>Fern still doesn’t talk>Blippi is now his father>Alice is “planning” another “trip”>everyone is still filthy>Alice still refuses to talk about that leaked TikTok>newfriends still don’t know how to integrateBACKGROUND>Allison Roza met Caleb Bender when she was 14; he was 18>says she left him for two years because he didn’t want to get married and start a family>had an abortion at 16; hasn’t said whether it was Caleb who got her pregnant or someone else>eloped with Caleb in Las Vegas as soon as she turned 19 (July 2018)>immediately got pregnant>Allison was in a car crash at 29 weeks pregnant (February 2019)>sent to the hospital in an ambulance; delivered the baby via emergency cesarean>baby Aurelia didn’t survive>Alice first blamed the C-section, later the vitamin K injection>announced second pregnancy in February 2020>refused prenatal care because she thinks ultrasounds have radiation>chose to “freebirth” instead>i.e. gave birth alone on her toilet in their apartment; fished out her own placenta from her uterus two hours later>Fern was born in August 2020>Allison believes all women should be willing to die alone in childbirth rather than go to the hospital or have C-sections>Fern is dressed gender neutral, except when Allison makes him wear her dead daughter’s dresses>vegan except for her expensive leather baby stroller>claims her parents were abusive because they fed her meat as a child>anti-vaxx; bragged about telling people not to wash their hands before holding her newborn, but she’s nervous around people who got the covid vaccine>lets Fern eat dirt, sticks, rocks, shopping cart handles, etc. because she breastfeeds>refuses to wear sunscreen or put it on her infant because she thinks vegans can’t get sunburns>believes she is smarter than doctors despite only having a GED & dropping out of college>hasn’t worked since she quit Victoria’s Secret during her first pregnancy because #tradwife>refuses to say what Caleb does for a living; according to a GoFundMe set up after the car crash, he previously worked at a sports bar in a strip mall>claims to be pregnant again as of December 2021; due July 2022>refuses to do a pregnancy test or any kind of prenatal care whatsoever>leaked TikTok in which Alice leaves early from a visit with Caleb’s family, claiming that he has screamed at Fern when he cries ever since he was a newborn, and that’s why she & Fern are always driving around>Alice refuses to address this>still having a baby with Caleb>still encouraging teen girls to do the same>still planning to “freebirth” this baby and “unschool” both kidsLINKSTikTok: / / / (inactive) / (inactive)
YouTube: wishlist: just kidding, but of course she has multiple
>>>/snow/1476840READ THE RULES: No. 1485113
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Ohhhh that mischievous look.
No. 1485136
File: 1648495106687.jpeg (717.07 KB, 3264x3264, 9B196762-2179-4ADE-8FFD-056E36…)

Nasty shoes ON THE BED. Ferns shirt. Ferns teeth. Did she try and whiten them again? Her getting pregnant again on purpose when she hasn’t even figured out how to parent fern. She’s having more kids for selfish reasons and all the wrong reasons and only the kids suffer. Save fern and potential fetus
No. 1485178
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She can’t even let fern play with another kid without being more than two feet away. Stop smothering your kid Alice.
No. 1485257
File: 1648505449858.jpg (348.34 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220328-180938_Tik…)

instead Alice just closes the door and lets her 19 month old run around the apartment unattended.
No. 1485288
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What has she fed him that’s spicy??
No. 1485300
>>1485288She’s in delusional fantasy land. She has the perfect idea of how she wants her life to go and how she wants fern to be. And reality doesn’t fit. So instead she comes to tiktok to share her fake life she wishes she had. Nobody seems to ever respond to this, but how come she did huge nursery prep for auriela and fern but has done NOTHING to prepare for this baby she’s having. And I feel like her bump keeps changing sizes and hardness. Sometimes it just looks funny. Something is def wrong if it doesn’t keep growing.
If this is all real, she looks dead and it’s likely her hemoglobin and Keon are low… when she loses all that blood and fluid during birth it’s going to be an awful feeling and experience for her. I hope she makes it.
No. 1485309
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Another way to contain her child. The next vid she says that she won’t have to worry about him ignoring a boundary such as staying within 20 feet because he’ll be playing while on the leash. Like he knows what “20 feet away” means
No. 1485310
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She… really believes that every man she comes across wants to leave his oldddddd 28 year old wife, have sex with her, wife her up, and foot the bill on her unbelievable spending habits.
No. 1485344
>>1485310girl. you're dirty and barefoot with your pregnant belly hanging out of the clothes you're purposely buying to look like a teen. dragging around a dirty, barefoot, screaming toddler while you dance in public for TikTok. it's not just the men who are staring, but it's not for the reason you think.
so much coconut water. still so thirsty.
No. 1485349
>>1485309Leash on the dog? No. Leash on her kid? Yes. So now we know fern doesn’t listen or come back to her when she calls to him, like he’s supposed to do at 2.
He can wave and bring her things on cue. That’s the extent I’ve seen. She is such a hypocrite for using a leash… before kids she would’ve called it lazy and “it’s a you problem” if you can’t figure it out. Fern must have worse behavior than I thought.
They should put “feral and unvetted” on the leash so people know not to interact with him.
No. 1485383
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>>1485310Fern be like, wtf mom
No. 1485425
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Now she considers playing on tt a job. Lol
Well Alice, when you break the rules you get fired so take it as tt has fired you.
Yes, they do not have to pay you bc IT ISN’T A JOB!
She’s such a dimwit.
No. 1485500
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She’s bribing gifts again. Such a grifter.
No. 1485724
Alice approving of and signing off on fan accounts being made for her and her infant really gross me out. Not to get horribly personal, and delete if this is breaking the rules about exposing yourself, but I’m Gen Z (18 y/o) and have spent the majority of my life with and on the internet. As a young teenager, like middle school age, I fancied myself a social media influencer and had a small account with >10k followers. People (other middle schoolers probably) made ‘fan accounts’ for me, and then eventually got bored and abandoned them. It’s now impossible for me to get them taken down because of Instagram’s shitty copyright claim system and the fact that I look a lot younger in those photos. So there are now photos of me on ‘fan accounts’, ones that will likely forever be on the internet and associated with the stupidass fandom I was in. This is what’s gonna happen with Fern. There will forever be baby pictures and videos and weird edits of his involuntary time on the internet, ones that will follow him for the rest of his life. Alice needs to be safer and smarter. this is what set me off. why is someone making edits of a baby as if he’s some celebrity?
No. 1485754
>>1485425All that hard graft she did aimlessly driving for days, all the non vegan sushi, the canoe saga,
the house plant phase ….all for nothing.
Maybe now she'll fuck off, parent her spawn, and do something useful with her life.
More likely she'll go extra batshit for a month or so trying to regain some followers
"Is this legal" made me laugh, I thought she was "extremely intelligent", surely she read the small print?
No. 1485756
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>>1485425 its so strange how these pants have the exact same v shape as all my “under the bump” undies from Motherhood Maternity brand…so like why are these juniors stores making pants to look like maternity underwear?
It’s giving undies out in chipotle vibes
(don't use emojis) No. 1485772
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She’s so annoying
No. 1485785
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>>1485772 which is more annoying? Her or her culty followers that thinks every word in her mouth
valid? Just like they did to kayak now they are doing the same exact shit spamming to this juice company. She censors and nitpicks for a reason cause she is really influental to almost every fucking idiot in tt. She is a fucking idiot but she knows how to control her audience and censor, just like Caleb's money and Fern, she loves controlling her little army of uneducated white moms and teens. But the funny thing is she thinks she is superrior of them but she is an idiot aswell
No. 1485829
>>1485754On her live last night, she said the next step for her was to start posting more content on YouTube. I guess since her TikTok’s been banned she thinks longer videos with an insane amount of ad breaks will give her a steady income replacement? Good luck lol.
Her YouTube videos are incredibly boring, she literally just records herself folding laundry in silence while Fern roams around unsupervised in the background. Plus I don’t see her gaining much of an audience on the tube, though doubtless her cult of personality will watch her videos.
No. 1485839
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Just saw this on my fyp looks like more people are seeing the leaked vid
No. 1485869
>>1485863She’s a grifter and her tactics are becoming more bold and not her just trying to be the sweet innocent
victim. Ppl really start to question Alice’s integrity when a video like that gets leaked and she avoids it.
No. 1485886
>>1485869Especially as shes always going on about breaking the cycle and
abusive parents her and Caleb are no different
No. 1486076
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>>1485785Tinfoil: do you think she buys her comments too? Somehow? Is what’s in the picture even possible???
No. 1486079
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No. 1486107
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>>1486076This was the stats on that account yesterday day morning. I think she is buying followers and likes.
No. 1486115
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Alice’s next vacation mom. This lady lives in an rv and unschools her kids but she’s actually smart and teaches her kids things.
No. 1486157
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Maybe stop spreading so much harmful misinformation online then Alice huh
No. 1486165
>>1486157Why are you having another kid if you can’t afford it? And using something unreliable for a “main source of income” is stupid as fuck.
Breeders are disgusting and she’s the type of person that’s literally everything wrong with the world. She belongs in the south where she can be racist and conservative unbothered. Be around your own inconsiderate kind. Screw you Alice. You’re ruining a little boys life. I won’t include the fetus because I think it’s dead in there. Tinfoil or whatever.
No. 1486169
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Sometimes you can’t help but love the little guy. Lol
No. 1486182
>>1486169This made my day. I’m not even joking. I even ate my favorite Mexican food today from a hole in the wall place. The broken glasses still win.
Anyone remember when she took her glasses off and said she was gonna fix her eyes by not wearing glasses or contacts? If that’s not karma in action.
If she’s on MA they are VERY picky about what you can and can’t get. One new pair of glasses a year. No contacts. So, yikes. It’s gonna cost her unless she’s ready for another pair. She comes off pretty broke begging on Instagram so if she magically shows up with new glasses we know she’s lying about her bank account being empty.
No. 1486197
>>1486136>>1486142because just reposting things from another shithole forum onto this board is stupid and shitting up the thread, especially posts like “I heard a neighbour called cps” and just copy pasting links.
>>1486146Why would Alice not want Reddit posts reposted onto here, do you think they have some secret special milk she does not want to be spread? Please think
No. 1486222
>>1486203This isn't a thread for you dumb bitch. No one cares that you have a job. So does everyone else. That's why we don't want to scroll through endless contentless reddit posts every day from you retarded newfaggots who refuse to integrate.
>Put this idiot out to pastureGod just shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. This thread should be locked so all these retards can go back to reddit.
No. 1486351
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How much attention does she need?
No. 1486356
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I could never in my life imagine buying gifts for strangers on the internet. Especially ones who spend 1k a day
No. 1486360
>>1486340I’m not a farmhand but I feel like it would be fine
IF people also post screenshots with it. some of us don’t want to click her tiktok to give her views.
but also, people constantly post screenshots from her tiktok without context or comment, or even a link to the video, which is just as bad imo. the rules don’t ban links (obviously), but they DO say no low-effort posts.
also it would be better to download and reupload the videos but I know that’s wishful thinking kek
No. 1486366
>>1486364when has she ever used a nursing pillow? anyone who’s breastfed one child will tell you it’s a waste of money, and wouldn’t buy it for the second.
tinfoil but I think Alice will just resell most of this shit on Facebook Marketplace
No. 1486378
>>1486366Ooof disagree. Had a csection and it was the only way I could comfortably breastfeed
I seriously don’t know HOW or WHERE she’s storing this stuff. Like Fern’s room is packed. It’s a tiny ass apartment.
No. 1486615
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Some education for Alice from a paediatric ER doctor.
No. 1486683
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I’d find it creepy a complete stranger on the internet making fan pages and edits of your child
No. 1486686
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Lol willow with her approve comments that Alice put her on like girl get a hobby why are you so concerned about trivial comments if you’re both so content with your choices
No. 1486692
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She has soooo much attitude in this video she’s such a mean girl
No. 1486807
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Her house used to be so nice and clean before she had fern it’s so sad
No. 1486811
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>>1486808I wonder what
triggered her from being the perfect stereotypical housewife who cleans and cooks for her husband to the complete opposite? Maybe her husbands abuse made her despise him
No. 1486813
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Now she doesn’t even wear her ring and Caleb is more like her roommate girl leave him already and start a new life
No. 1486815
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What the actual fuck?
No. 1486839
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Even in this photo from last year her carpets used to be so clean now she just lets the cats dogs poop all over them And leaves it there it’s gross. She needs to pull herself together wow
No. 1486840
>>1486836I agree with this, I think if it was true malnourishment she would not have the energy she does.
She is on her fourth pregnancy at 22 and has one delayed child. She’s awful, but her life sure has been traumatic and it’s just getting worse. It’s so sad she isn’t taking care of the fetus at all because I don’t think anyone knows what will come if/when the baby has issues.
No. 1486851
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Her hatred of hospitals and medical intervention is most likely a PTSD symptom She needs help it’s insane no one in her life pulls her away from the phone for a bit and gets her some help
No. 1486898
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Fan account unintentionally highlights their body odor
No. 1486913
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she used to look like a teen and now she looks late 20s. crazy how much fuller her face used to be
No. 1487065
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Looks like she doesn’t understand the meaning of “permanent”
No. 1487130
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I don’t know if anybody cares or is familiar with Carly but the other day I went to check Alice’s following and this was the first thing I saw.
For anybody who doesn’t know, she is/was another Mom “influencer” who exploits her obese toddler with a special secret medical condition on the internet for money and comments from pedophiles and freaks.
Her child is a little older than Fern I think? but neither does she talk nor is able to move properly.
Recently she decided to stop posting on her big account and made a private one which Alice follows. Makes me wonder if they are close since there are not many people following but I’ve never seen them interact.
Child exploiters stick together I guess
No. 1487145
File: 1648668651834.png (2.58 MB, 828x1792, 7E94E31A-7AD0-44B0-9A5B-03D535…)

Scrounging off her fans now for cashapp tips omd
No. 1487150
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Her YouTube is so boring as well she’s never gonna make money off it
No. 1487318
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Her I’m mysteriously ridiculously wealthy persona breaking down
No. 1487325
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Oh dear she’s such a crazy government conspiracy theorist like girl you break the rules you get suspended grow up
No. 1487327
File: 1648679255541.png (1012.46 KB, 828x1792, 2E0DE852-6E8E-4BD2-887F-B5E634…)

Why’s this so funny lmao
Yeah go on and sue tiktok
No. 1487342
>>1487318"i don't care about my followers i only want money"
LMAO she's becoming unhinged. if you're poor just say that Allison.
No. 1487508
>>1486789Maia’s kids aren’t clean and well taken care of. She changes their sleepers like once or twice a week, leaves them awake in the crib for an hour every morning with dirty diapers and last night’s bottle of curdled milk to sip on, they sleep on puked on sheets because she can’t be bothered to change them, she was told by the FBI that CSAM is being made with the content she posts of her kids, and carried on as normal, and her entire house is a hoarder saftey hazard. She even drives after drinking, with her kids in the car. Not to mention the fact that she won’t comfort her kids when they cry because they’ll apparently cry either way, even if it’s been an hour+z
Maia uses the conventional aspects of parenting to disguise how she neglects her kids.
Alice neglects her kid with delusional anti common sense practices.
I don’t think you could pump out a single non neglectful parent even if you put all of their good traits together.
No. 1487552
>>1487541It’s clear you don’t understand a lot of Maia’s videos.
Either way, her kids are clean and well taken care of. Where’s the proof of the CSAM thing? I’ve heard of it but where’s the proof? Leave her alone, this thread is about Alice. Go make a new one if you wanna bitch.
No. 1487670
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this is my first time using this so excuse if I’m doing anything wrong but she put her PayPal in her bio now, she’s really desperate
No. 1487741
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Ngl im surprised tiktok didn’t ban her sooner she blatantly breaks the rules
No. 1487747
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He’s so unstable walking with his legs poor fern
No. 1487761
File: 1648704634673.jpeg (1.11 MB, 828x1425, 99574D62-2C7B-4745-A000-A4505C…)

Making fern sleep in a dog bed in the car omd
No. 1487774
File: 1648704983086.jpeg (938.97 KB, 828x1561, BFA8DBFA-8B52-40D0-B8D6-0CFEF6…)

His legs in this video are sooo so bad he can’t even walk normally Jesus Alice take him to the doctor you’re the worst parent ever
No. 1487776
File: 1648705111138.jpeg (190.63 KB, 406x644, C8AEA101-1045-4143-ADB9-AE6C1E…)

He walks like he’s learning to walk for the first time
No. 1487782
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Someone commented she’s got a pregnancy glow
No. 1487799
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Lol at the girl Alice collabed with
No. 1487807
File: 1648705930175.jpeg (375.38 KB, 421x1274, 4BC77930-AFE7-499D-BF2A-128D99…)

Not Alice trying to dress like a teen.. the skirt looks like a school skirt
No. 1487808
>>1487797same here
nonny, especially with the new baby on the way I just feel like more neglect will happen. I feel so bad for that baby it’s unsettling
No. 1487816
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Men speaking when they’re not spoken to????
She’s such a weird man hater maybe she just needs to leave her groomer abusive husband n get therapy jesussss
No. 1487846
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i feel like his legs are just getting worse!!! this is medical neglect and just abuse to sit there and do nothing about it. how can you watch your child struggle?!! how do the other moms she sees not say something!!?? I feel so bad for Fern, he deserves better.
No. 1487852
File: 1648708729318.jpg (19.39 KB, 320x240, 76B.jpg)

I feel someone's gonna end up calling child protective services on her, they'll take fern away for his own safety and she's gonna lose her mind, It will destroy her
No. 1487860
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He trips all the time from what we can see
No. 1487862
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Poor baby.. why would you even risk the latter
No. 1487865
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No. 1487867
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His ankles are so thick as well……
No. 1487892
>>1487864yeah, I used to be skeptical of the rickets talk because my baby had bowed legs when he was very young but by Fern’s age they were definitely getting better, and they’re fine now. Fern’s look to be getting worse, or at least not improving at all. I’m not sure it’s rickets, but something is wrong.
just take the kid to the fucking doctor, Alice!
No. 1487910
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Could be a reach but he’s likely b12 deficient too gonna cause so many problems
No. 1487915
File: 1648714050263.jpeg (304.56 KB, 828x1669, 9ED8A48C-C58B-4852-B2D2-FABCE4…)

Difficulty walking..involuntary arm movements
No. 1487928
File: 1648714893324.jpeg (244.91 KB, 1170x408, 43850EE2-70DF-4E90-85DE-74BEC6…)

Alice liked this comment on a video about her birthing location, which she said she wouldn’t give away for safety reasons.
This woman is about to give birth in the fucking wilderness
No. 1487929
File: 1648714942762.jpeg (837.59 KB, 828x1446, DCDFDEDF-923F-4102-A431-A3209D…)

She definitely reads here Ahahahaha we were talking about blippi
No. 1487941
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Alice: I’m pro choice and respect other peoples decisions
Also Alice:
No. 1487948
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I think one of the funniest thing about her is that she acts like her son will grow up trauma free just bc they’re vegan & she uses gentle/attachment parenting. fern If he makes up to adulthood will likely grow up feeling smothered. undeveloped body, loads of phycological issues. She needs to stop acting like the gold standard of a mom
No. 1487949
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She loves to talk about the risks of hospital births but never informs people of the risks of home birthing very contradictory of her whole ethos
No. 1487951
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Have such a bad feeling about this birth woweeee especially as she’s not exactly the pinnacle of health rn
No. 1487961
>>1487948>undeveloped bodyWhy would that be? I don't agree with her on many things but I don't think she's doing bad in the physical development department.
I'm not a frequenter on these threads so apologies if this is repetitive but what bothers me the most about her is definitely the unassisted pregnancy. It is so stupid to me that we've come so far as a society medically that we've decreased the death rate and complications rate of mothers at birth yet some retard tradhags refuse to use the medical services that are there to ensure the safety of themselves and their babies, just because they want to do it the "traditional" way. It's infuriating, especially when there's cases of these types of mothers ruining their childrens' lives, like the Empathetic Mamahood woman.
No. 1487967
>>1487816surprised no one's pointed out "my babies growing up", she proffered when fern was a immobile baby who just drank breastmilk and had no freewill. Now that he is a fussy, visibly unwell toddler, she has no idea what to do with him.
I’m scared that when the new baby gets here Fern will be neglected even more since she’ll have a fun new baby to use as a prop.
No. 1488167
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Is her main account gone? I've never interacted or followed it so I'd be surprised if I was blocked.
No. 1488170
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i snorted at this
No. 1488316
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Lol she definitely reads us, “all the vitamin d” after we just talked about ferns Vit D deficiency
No. 1488326
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Why is she so far away from him
No. 1488388
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1 week after giving birth to fern she was having sex?!? I seriously hope she’s joking
No. 1488668
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Feet prisons!
No. 1488771
She posted this video explaining why she unplugged her four (???) hydroponic growing systems, saying that it’s hard to take care of them when traveling, and that it takes an hour to water them. She said that Caleb WOULD water them, but she “wouldn’t ask him to do that.”
What? You wouldn’t ask your spouse to water your household plants while you’re traveling for a week? Such an obvious lie, she has no problem asking for much grander things. It’s clear that Caleb is just fucking lazy and won’t do it.
No. 1488776
This video is hard to watch. It’s Alice with a box of the wellness shots that she bought before—the ones she offered Fern in the past and he disliked because it was spicy. She asked hie if he wanted the shot despite knowing that he finds them spicy, and smiled and laughed when he tasted some of it and seemed to dislike it, and then continued to ask if he wanted more.
He also waddled into the room, threw a hunk of tofu that he had in his hand, dumped out a wellness shot, and visibly started to fuss and freak out whenever Alice tried to take something out of his hand. I know toddlers are like that sometimes but he’s acting feral and Alice just seems to find it funny. The only audible word out of his mouth was ‘no’ in response to the shot: everything else was just squawking. No. 1488804
File: 1648796276625.png (2.99 MB, 828x1792, 39C84E0E-A69E-4F8C-A398-A64196…)

>>1488802If you look up alicellani or Alice and fern on tiktok loads of people have stitched her vids and she’s deleted them all hmm
No. 1488805
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Feeding him a whole grape that barely fits in his mouth while she’s swaddling him as well and he can’t move should he start choking
No. 1488808
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Ferns dinner
No. 1488906
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>>1488776Just a heads up to you anon and everybody else posting links: TikTok shows you who shared the link like your whole account, you can disable it in your settings I think but be careful since Alice could lurk in here and then block you
>>1488878Videos need to be in WebM format. There are lots of converters online but you can’t view them on mobile iirc
>>1488881Picrel are first three searches that come up for me when you search “Alice bender” I am not from the UK btw. CPS sucks and I doubt they will look through these threads but if they actually do she’s kinda fucked
No. 1489042
>>1488966U mean tiktok sharing your account? It’s only if you send links, so when you use the share option. Downloaded videos are fine
>>1488959I used a private browser that’s doesn’t have search history and such but I looked it up on a fam members phone and it was still there. I think it’s because it has a lot of visitors per day idk tho
No. 1489336
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She’s live rn I’ve been watching for a hot minute and you can hear fern whining in the background but he’s no where to be seen. She’s asking for fruit name suggestions for her new baby and so far she likes the name avocado.
No. 1489565
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More overcooked, bland food for tonight.
No. 1489624
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People are saying to name the baby sage kek
It’s fitting I guess
No. 1489627
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I didn’t get a recording of what she said but she held up a stained onesie and said “aw this one was so cute i guess it’s toilet paper now” that’s rancid
Imagine your mom wiping her ass with your baby clothes
No. 1490094
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She went to see her “house” in the middle of the night and is walking around an active construction site with no shoes (and her dog off-leash as usual).
No. 1490144
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>>1490077She’s such a fucking dumbass. Fern can’t consent to being on camera either
No. 1490240
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She’s complaining about the pregnancy now and how overwhelmed she is lol. Good luck.
No. 1490242
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Can’t even take the “nature baby” out anymore without electronics. Apparently Fern doesn’t sleep until 3am. She’s walking around her ghetto apartment complex in the dark
No. 1490333
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According to this tiktok Alice's leaked video has been reported to Arizona DCF. She blocked me on her crunchyipadbaby account when I asked her if she was getting investigated by CPS? I hope it is true and she and her husband would be investigated. Hoping best for Fern No. 1490735
>>1490242Watching Fern grow up is both the funniest and the saddest thing ever. Sad for incredibly obvious reasons, but funny because all of the things Alice said Fern wouldn’t do because of her ‘superior’ parenting style, he’s now doing. Throwing wild tantrums, having a horrible sleep schedule, being overly dependent on her, not talking nearly enough for his age, not sleeping through the night…. he’s worse off than other ‘normal’ toddlers and I hope it’s killing Alice knowing that she did this to him. That her lifestyle choices aren’t helping, but are harming her child.
(To clarify, none of the pain and suffering that that poor baby is going through is funny—seeing Alice contradict herself and her ‘beliefs’ is what I find humorous.)
No. 1490949
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legs. they’re looking more and more painful. sorry for the reddit repost, but this is the clearest photo I’ve seen of Fern’s legs and I haven’t seen this photo in this thread.
No. 1491095
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she would really benefit from a daily vaccum rountine
No. 1491112
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God it is so fucking annoying how hard people simp for Alice even in the snark sub. Imagine believing that Alice, after all she has said and done, isn’t a completely free agent with the ability to leave her skid dishwasher husband any time she chooses. She is obviously the breadwinner in the family and even if she wasn’t she could easily start a podcast or some other scummy influencer grift and make enough money to live independently (if she stops blowing $500 a day on organic bananas or wtf she buys). Idgaf if it’s “victim blaming” she is actively choosing with her retard rat brain to stay with slack jaw goat man
No. 1491131
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wonder if this is true?? I think that would be aganist the law to run away from cps? I see this just causing more issues with her case if it's true wtf is she thinking
No. 1491134
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this person claims to have talked to brianna and gained information about alice from her. i don’t know how believable this is but they’re certainly speaking with confidence. does anyone know if they’re the OP of the video of alice talking about caleb “hitting fern’s tummy?” their tiktok is opwdjrh
No. 1491135
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also claiming that caleb deals
No. 1491146
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Why does Alice constantly block people whenever they offer help or advice that is in her best interest
No. 1491323
>>1491318I don’t believe for one second Caleb is smart enough to be a mastermind manipulator
abusive groomer like Alison and her stans make him out to be. He’s not very bright or educated, and drunk/high all the time. You can’t tell me Alison doesn’t wear the pants in their relationship.
I’m not defending him at all, he’s a piece of shit for taking her up on her offer of ~teenage pregnancy tradwife barbie~ when that was her persona. And a poor excuse of a father for not stepping up to the plate and doing better for his son.
No. 1491411
>>1491328Kek anon but to me he seems like one of those men that like to complain about cancel culture and freedom of speech like Joe Rogan, very much “I do my own thing, don’t tell me what to do” so when people tell him (or Alice) to take their disease ridden child to a doctor, he would do the opposite just because.
In one of her tiktok, Alice said he didn’t like going on camera because he didn’t like people telling him what to do or how to live his life, sth along those lines.
A lot of men seeking tradwife type women or grooming them into those are like that. If we found his twitter it probs would be full of retweets of free speech, anti sjw anti liberal gov etc stuff
No. 1491412
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>>1491411sorry for doubleposting but when I was looking for potential twitter usernames (I didn’t find any) I stumbled across this Alice fan recreating her gourmet soup and cheese tortilla. Spoilered that abomination
No. 1491565
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Lazy neglectful parent who just lets her child walk around with a soaked full diaper while she open packages.
No. 1491608
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Lol imagine Caleb searching Alice on tiktok and seeing this in the drop down search
No. 1491626
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No. 1491653
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>>1491646Well that 18 year old Irish OF whore Gxcc1 claims to have watched “about 50” videos of Alice detailing the abuse, his drug dealing etc
No. 1491752
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didn't see renew her lease for her apartment for another year? therefore they can't move out until the year lease is up??
No. 1491784
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Her lives are so boring. She just stares at the screen and thanks people for sending gifts. And yet I can't stop watching.
No. 1491787
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Nasty ass carpets for sure
No. 1491810
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Posted with a sound saying “people get exhausted trying to figure me out, and I just let them.” Is that a nod to the thread + subreddit?
No. 1491864
>>1491852literally i was just thinking it was cancer. like because alice
may be being abused it now excuses the fact she’s a shitty person and mother? lmao nope. at the end of the day regardless of caleb she is the one actively abusing Fern.
No. 1491906
>>1491810I'm seriously grossed out by her wearing these low pants and crop tops purely to show off her "pregnant" stomach. literally no pregnant women do this.
HONEY if you are really pregnant, for fucks sake get a check up because that baby is probs dead in there.
(imo she's just getting fat from the copious amount of fruit sugars, her arms are getting big too)
No. 1491931
>>1491864Yeah it’s pretty mind-boggling how they trip over themselves to “believe all wahmen” in spite of the fact that we all know that Alice is a compulsive liar, an unreliable narrator and a BPD attention seeker. Literally why
should anyone believe she’s being abused by Caleb? It doesn’t make any sense given the personality that she has shown everyone, and it’s not anyone’s responsibility to look past the surface and try to assume/interpret things that she doesn’t show us. Alice has deliberately cultivated a public persona as some kind of zoomer girl boss who trapped a paypig who lets her wear the pants in the family, and she basically runs this image as a pyramid scheme/sex trafficking op by trying to convince other young women to follow in her foot steps. Obviously as a woman I understand the issue with
victim blaming, but at the same time women are not invalids and we have accountability in our lives.
No. 1491994
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I think I'm losing it, is this a green screen?
No. 1492009
File: 1649050598979.webm (3.49 MB, 576x1024, 078015930b8cfc8437af407f020a94…)
Just in case she deleted these videos here's another fake house. I guess she thinks her dumb teenage followers will fall for this shit.
No. 1492012
File: 1649050944702.jpg (173.05 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220403-223925.jpg)

>>1491678Completely agree. Posting for others here, not even a bellybutton. Complete BS. TikTok doesn't take down videos of babies kicking tummies (actually how I learned how my placenta was positioned) and neither would insta. She's okay running around half naked like trailer trash but won't upload a real video of baby kicking? You'd think she'd find that magical and post a stupid romantic clip or some shit, but no.
No. 1492018
>>1492016Great question
nonny, I have two reasons
I am about the same height and weight as Alice and my husband and I were musing about this so I pushed out my stomach as far as it would go… And what do you know, it looked the same.
Also, all she has to do to make a video like she did on insta is cause her skin to move outside of the frame. Boom. Super tiny baby movement. And if I'm wrong, I'll eat crow.
No. 1492020
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She’s pregnant stop all the tinfoil she posted a tiktok that the baby was kicking so much it was annoying her
No. 1492036
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Trying to be Rihanna dressing like this kek looks like trailer trash
No. 1492075
>>1492009I know she's not very curvy but MAN those pants are not doing her ass any favors. Too bad some of her baby weight didn't go there instead of her flabby arms. She could've gotten some thirst traps in before fetus arrives.
Should her bump be growing by now, though? Like I swear it's the same size as it was over a month ago. I don't think she's "not pregnant" but I do believe something is really wrong with the growth of the baby and/or it's dead. (NOBODY is wishing death upon the fetus, we are making educated guesses based on her behavior and life style choices during the pregnancy. She has not been taking care of herself or taken the baby into consideration this whole pregnancy, so there is a chance that this is an outcome)
No. 1492099
>>1492055>>1492047I don't believe the fake pregnancy either but you need to keep in mind ANYTHING is possible with this lying bitch. For gods sake, she prances around a house build as if it's her own. She claims she's broke yet splurges on everything. (but nothing for fern or the new baby, and there's a lot you need to prepare for a new baby). But she spent all of this money on kayak bullshit, because that's necessary when you're on a budget. Get fern a fucking bed and some new clothes that actually fit and aren't stained you selfish cunt. And some healthy fucking toddler food that he actually likes and doesn't eat because he has to (like a dog/cat)
God I fucking hate her for abusing her son. Feed that kid some almond or soy milk so he can get some calcium. Ever notice after we started saying that, she suddenly feeds him tofu, seaweed, and figs, which are all online as "calcium sources"? She's worried too, you can tell. But not about fern, she care about fixing his legs so people won't talk anymore. Still a selfish motive.
No. 1492102
>>1492036Those fucking awful shoes. Her feet look like kayaks.
I can't believe she spent good money on those outfits, they're so so bad
No. 1492115
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Alice has a couple of girly outfits on her baby registry Amazon wish list. I wonder if she did something to find out the gender. Or, since the 19 year old with 4 kids that Alice was so jealous of she was literally crying just had her baby girl, Alice is competing. Either way, if she is pregnant, I hope for the sake of the baby and Fern, it’s a boy.
No. 1492124
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>>1492115Well the baby will be all set. Wont she? (Forgot to crop my pfp out. I don’t follow her and I don’t care)
No. 1492127
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>>1492123All of her “tours” were mostly on her other account but I pulled a few things.
Sept 25th: “most likely our dirt” — nothing concrete (ha-ha) yet.
Dec 8th: lumber, still no “closing” on the house announcement. So we can assume it didn’t happen bc she would’ve made a huge deal about it. (Cont.)
No. 1492139
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>>1492127Yet this here says 2 years. Contradicting. Also she was apartment hunting AFTER the house was being built. (Cont.)
No. 1492148
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>>1492139She said “we won’t close till 9-12 months” “it’s not official-official” “most likely be our dirt” that was in September. But here she is in November claiming they already purchased it.
If any of this is true, and she wanted a newer nicer apartment before the house was done, she could’ve had time to do that. But she didn’t because she can’t because she doesn’t have the finances. I remember her saying she wanted a bigger place before she had more kids. Guess that went out the window. She will get that much more $ from the govt for having another kid too. Probably a motive.
And I’m sorry, but (correct me if I’m wrong) affordable housing, which we’ve established they’re on, will NOT cover apartments like that or mortgages on houses. If you can’t buy necessities for your kids, how are you going to afford a mortgage and upkeep on the house?
I agree. She went somewhere to find out the sex. But I know she still has all those clothes stashed away. It’s weird to see how much more excited she was for fern and auriela than this baby.
When you scroll the Instagram from bottom to top you can see her decline from the effort she puts into fern. and it’s really kind of sad.
No. 1492157
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Pancake gets a whole setup and fern gets nothing kek
No. 1492160
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>>1492127Same concrete wall in both
No. 1492161
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Mouth prison. Hand prisons. Feet prisons.
No. 1492165
>>1492160What part of the house would that be? She said she paid extra for side yards “to put fruit trees” she was like “our house won’t look like this because it has side yards”
It’s likely she’s going back to the same spot because it’s progressing in the same timeline as she said hers is. Wonder what happens when she can’t move in.
Also. If this is real. Can someone please explain to me in what world a one income household on WIC and every other govt program known to man, can get a mortgage on a house like that. Because id like to apply.
Did they maybe put a down payment down with the settlement money? Are they aware what happens to the house when they can’t make the payments? Good fucking luck.
They’ll for real be homeless living in their cars bc it’ll be hard to get a new apartment with the state of the world and also the state of the one they have now. Def gonna get something on their record for destroying the carpet with animal feces and cat piss and not getting their deposit back.
No. 1492166
>>1492162Ummm are you fucking new here???? She has bashed binkis and shoes (and the equivalent of shoes are on his hands)
The point isn’t what he’s wearing. The point is the hypocrisy. Dumbass.
No. 1492185
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>>1492175So because he can hold a cup that means his legs and language must be fine too! LOL go scroll through tiktok with the hashtag “22 months” or however fern is. He. Is. Delayed. Had he gained ANY new words besides one syllable sounds. He is almost 2 and has no way to communicate what he wants. You think that’s normal?
Maybe he’s delayed because his mom doesn’t take the time to teach him anything and he’s not supposed to be on an iPad most of the day without any purpose or supervision. Blippi is melting his brain.
No. 1492188
>>1492179But does ONE low wage income cut it?
Why is she buying a house with her abuser?
No. 1492191
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>>1491994lmao it really does look like it, picrel is what i found for "house construction site" looks really alike all the stock photos
No. 1492194
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>>1492160Sleep paralysis demon. Is that her attempt to be sexy?
No. 1492199
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>>1492160I find it weird she’s flat as a board when she claims her milk comes in so early.
Even if she keeps it, frozen breast milk is only good for 6 months. Does she think that whole supply in her freezer is still good?
No. 1492206
>>1492191>>1492185Yes I do think it’s normal. I have 3 kids. Everything is up in the air until they turn 2.5-3. If he wasn’t walking at all, or making any sounds, or not smiling or making eye contact, that would be an issue.
She’s a ignorant filthy disgusting piece of human garbage who puts fern in danger everyday it seems. But he doesn’t have FUCKING RICKETS! Jfc!
No. 1492227
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>>1492179I agree with you. I’m also in disbelief that someone with zero knowledge or interest just throws that much faith and commitment into being able to finance a house and everything that goes in it. I will be glad to see a house for her growing family, but why the non-stop spending on everything BUT things for their new house? Reminder Her last two baby prep looked like this (and more if you look)
Not saying she’s not preggo or without house…but it says a lot about her mental health tbh. She doesn’t care about anything anymore. Spending gives her dopamine. Risk taking makes her feel something. She’s sick in the head (in the kindest way possible) and needs help bc it’s starting to affect the well being of fern and a new baby. Maybe she thought a little girl would fix her pain and she found out it’s a girl (tinfoil per the girly clothes on her registry) and it hasn’t fixed the pain at all and she’s losing it even more. (Sorry for the pic crops. Hard to fit in all of them)
No. 1492229
>>1492208Well that’s fucking unfair to the rest of us, especially when seeing someone like HER benefit from it when she votes against programs like that and spends her money in the way that she does. Poor people get better benefits than the working class. I’m quitting my job. Fucking twisted. But I guess we’ll find out for sure in about a year. Remind me to come back bc my belief is they she’ll be completely irrelevant by then.
She may have bought a house but what about everything that goes in it? Ya know? It’s like she’s physically incapable of being responsible with anything. Including money and her children.
No. 1492293
>>1492206You clearly don’t have delayed kids. Fern has less words then my autistic toddler did at that age. It’s concerning. It is possible to have severe delays at his age. The myth that some kids just talk later is ableist af. As for the rickets it might not be. But his legs are extremely concerning. Again I had a kid who had to see a dr because he walked the same and had bowed legs. It requires monitoring and if it is not better by next year he will require surgery. Fern is not being checked by a dr like he should be at this point.
No parent in there right mind can look at him and say something is not wrong.
No. 1492301
File: 1649091289552.jpeg (2.64 MB, 4032x3024, 78C3FF5E-A841-4FDC-A879-FCF648…)

Today I made peppermint tea. I unfortunately put it in a mason jar and now I can’t stop thinking that it’s alices dehydrated road-trip urine. There’s even lid for it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1492311
>>1492175If your sister works in that field, what does she say is wrong with fern’s legs then? If it’s not rickets then it’s something else and a consequence from the lack of calcium (which he def has if Alice doesn’t secretly give him supplements) would be rickets, wouldn’t it?
Not a medfag so i don’t know what else could be wrong with his legs but they really do not look right
No. 1492444
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>>1492206Why you so angry babe
He’s vitamin d and b12 deficient cos of their diet and has the symptoms of rickets.
I won’t post the screenshot cos I’ll get banned for posting it again but you’re vitamin b12 and d deficiency on a strict vegan diet with no supplements and if you get breastfed by a vegan mum.
He has the symptoms of rickets. She’s always carrying him or putting him in a stroller and when he is walking he hobbles about and trips all the time. He has bow legs that are only getting worse over time and thick ankles.
No. 1492454
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Kids who are breast fed and don’t get vitamin d supplement too are at risk
No. 1492459
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The absolute irony that Alice thinks fern won’t sleep till midnight and will stay up all night is natural.. it’s a symptom he’s vitamin d deficient
No. 1492495
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Wtf is Alice doing taking over this girls tiktok lol
No. 1492501
File: 1649099996976.jpeg (498.04 KB, 828x1558, AF42EAE1-6D5B-4437-8C6D-5FBFAE…)

I wonder what Alice had said and deleted….
No. 1492510
File: 1649100928001.jpeg (439.71 KB, 828x1275, 51DB96B3-DB6B-4387-96BF-AE6C1A…)

>>1492502Right! Seems to be opposite of fathers beliefs but they’re still close I wonder if Caleb is the black sheep of the family
No. 1492511
File: 1649101049532.jpeg (511.39 KB, 828x1591, 16131660-8275-48DD-BEEB-07C38A…)

Calebs brother adopted his son as well and Alice is very publicly anti adoption bet that’s an awkward family thanksgiving
No. 1492543
>>1491626She looks so much better without the ghetto lashes
>>1492480>I love that my 2yo learns and is having fun but he gets really upset when it's time to turn blippi off.This is pretty fucked up tbh and ofc Fern is the exact same way
Also sorry for blog posting but my SIL tried raising my newborn nephew as a lazy vegan (but breastfed) and he didn't start making words until I told my brother they need to to knock it off. Coincidence? Perhaps… It really made me mad because my sister-in-law would often "cheat" with her veganism for funsies or convenience, but my nephew wasn't allowed to do so. They started feeding him off their plates and eventually he was allowed to eat normally and he's fine now. Babies' brains need fat for development. I found an article or two about veganism in babies delaying speech in particular but I can't find them anymore. Poor fern, if that is indeed what is happening. I'm a little bit skeptical like the medfag sister anon but time will tell.
No. 1492545
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She made a post talking about narcissists other than her awful family. More Caleb shade?
No. 1492570
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Why does she read with one eye squinting
No. 1492575
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She definitely knows she’s having a girl cos
No. 1492812
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Why does she lie all the damn time
No. 1492843
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>>1492833I know where how ultrasounds work, but if you read the rest of that sentence she is not denying that she's had an ultrasound. Somehow the one or ones she has had, according to her are "safe" but ones done by doctors are not.
No. 1492851
>>1492843But that’s still a huge misinformation lie? All ultrasounds are the same. She knows this because she’s deleted hundreds of comments of people educating her.
Ultrasounds are only okay when Alice wants to know if she’s having a girl replacement or a boy she’ll hate and neglect. But any other diagnostic ultrasound would fry the baby like an egg, right then and there.
Maybe if she skipped that ultrasound fern wouldn’t be so slow. (Joking of course bc ultrasounds DONT cause issues. They find issues and fix them before they can be a danger to mom and baby.) Alice is a fucking troll. I won’t stop till she’s off her platform. I can’t believe tiktok is letting her go on. Shes not a good look for them spreading misinformation and influencing teen moms to have two kids by twenty and give birth alone in their bathroom.
Alice would rather have an in sanitized ceramic toilet bowl catch her baby than a doctor or nurse or midwife or even her husband etc. Let that sink in. We are maxed out on crazy here. Can it go any lower?
No. 1492858
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>>1492669Too bad she doesn’t still put in this effort
No. 1492888
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No. 1493103
File: 1649135910936.png (738.4 KB, 828x1792, EB9E640B-6855-4A85-80E3-828C6A…)

Ferns wish list?? If she can afford $2000 of groceries every month can’t she buy her son a $3 book on her own
No. 1493107
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He’s gonna be so embarassed as an adult
No. 1493109
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The caption.. it’s his choice Alice
No. 1493291
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>>1492501Here was the old screenshot from another thread.
No. 1493312
File: 1649159625342.png (112.72 KB, 320x260, it never ends.png)

>>1492597>except when putting him in his dead sister’s super girly dressesexcuse me, she did what
No. 1493313
>>1493208Romanticizing child relationships is gross and uncomfortable. But so is everything Alice does.
It’s weird she invited kids over to clean her kids room for her? Even they are more clean and motherly than her and they’re like 8 years old
No. 1493319
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>>1493109This is from an old video but from when someone asked her what she’d do if fern chose to start eating meat and if she’d teach him it’s okay as long as he’s informed about what it is. That was her response.
She doesn’t actually believe in informed consent, she believes in manipulation and control. She’s probably losing it that she no longer controls everything her husband does. (Like the shampoo and bleach)
No. 1493322
File: 1649160451411.jpg (123.33 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

sage for OT but as a south asian I notice a eerie similarity with the way alice interacts with fern and most south asian households, a codependent mother-son relationship where the son(usually the eldest) becomes an emotional stand-in for a woman's husband
No. 1493324
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>>1493322Omg stop I just was googling this trying to find the right words to put my thoughts into. Came across this that reminded me of her to fern.
No. 1493417
>>1492669>damage already done from not maintaining a circadian rhythm and waking him up at all hours of the day/night to "adventure" will effect his sleep and stress hormones for the rest of his life. ECE student here, and I totally agree with all of your observations. My psych of learning class this week is literally about self-regulation, and the importance of having a consistent sleep routine for the crucial role sleep plays in the development of self-regulation skills, and general cognitive development in childhood and beyond. Poor Fern is being set up to suffer.
I want to be encouraging for Fern's sake, and say that it's not too late to change for the better, and a little goes a long way. Simply putting him on a regular sleep schedule, reading to him, or even putting some toddler language learning videos on the iPad instead of Blippi, would be helpful! And give him a vegan calcium supplement while you're at it.
No. 1493450
File: 1649172954618.png (9.01 MB, 1242x2688, 3997B908-4AFB-4291-90EA-C37B9A…)

>>1493352She has no idea what age appropriate toys to ask for, because she’s an idiot. So much for early education college courses. She has the entire internet to help her to help her child and she chooses to be lazy and willfully ignorant. It’s so sad to witness. Someone else should make the list for her. Maybe she needs to just sort through the toys he already has and not be a pack rat and add more.
No. 1493473
File: 1649175329053.jpg (59.92 KB, 374x424, 66045378248320.jpg)

I choose to have hope about this, I have a feeling in my gut that despite all the retardation of his parents that Fern might be able to overcome it, that he might become a decent human being
No. 1493564
File: 1649181200006.jpg (202.59 KB, 1080x1760, 20220405_125140.jpg)

alice is asking for this toy set for fern.. which clearly has an egg and cow's milk. wonder if she'd take those away before he could have it
No. 1493590
File: 1649182905549.jpg (167.44 KB, 720x1318, Screenshot_20220405-141829_Tik…)

she said this is the cat's litter box?!! Is she just gonna let the cat go to washroom on it! that's so gross, that smell!!! just get the cat sprayed ffs
No. 1493591
>>1493590Wtf?? My cat use that kind of thing
That is for scratching! Oh god just buy a goddamn litter this is so fucking disgusting.
(sage ) No. 1493611
File: 1649184502293.png (205.7 KB, 640x427, scream_cat.png)

for the love of god, please someone take that cat and baby away from her, she will fuck up both of them
No. 1493615
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You know she smelly when laundry detergent is the worst smell to her. Why is she so repulsive??
And clearly her cat needs to go to the vet if it's peeing outside it's box. They don't do it just for fun
No. 1493643
>>1493590No wonder the cat pisses all over the house if it doesn't have a proper litter box or the ability to go outside.
Most cats like to dig in the litter/dirt, I have heard of some cats getting confused with fluffy surfaces and peeing on them too (something to do with the feeling of the texture for them) so no wonder it pees everywhere if it thinks its normal to pee on soft furnishing.
Also all the cat trees I have had have removable and washable padding so you can actually clean it, this is a cheap ass cat tree which you can't even clean if your cat pisses on it wtf why doesn't she buy a new one and a litter tray.
No. 1493714
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>>1493702Yet here we are lol
No. 1494038
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Anyone else wonder if she's cleaning for a CPS inspection?
No. 1494145
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The people in the comments asking her where she got her pants. You mean the ones stuck between her crack? No thanks. What a weird angle to film yourself in such ill fitting clothing, Alice
No. 1494222
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dishes on her floor??
No. 1494238
>>1494145Jesus who's she pretending to be now? She's gone for the retro cool aesthetic mommy, must be sick of being pregnant trailer trash teen.
Either way her bum is absolutely starving in those god awful things.
No. 1494247
>>1493645I go into 100s of less than desirable homes with my job. It's ALWAYS the smell of cat piss that hits first and clings to your clothes. The homeowners don't smell it anymore.
I can absolutely guarantee the place reeks, especially as she won't be attempting to clean it properly.
Make it look as instagrammable as you want Alice, you stink.
No. 1494312
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Little girls?
No. 1494315
File: 1649234612628.png (4.65 MB, 828x1792, 6ED2A590-945D-4A69-B059-73B75E…)

She’s so blatantly disrespectful to her husband making fun of using his card when they’re fighting definitely not a happy marriage
No. 1494319
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What even is this outfit
No. 1494320
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Her hair omg??? Why does it look all matted at the top
No. 1494322
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No. 1494380
File: 1649243207362.jpg (118.56 KB, 1246x336, Untitled 2.jpg)

Not to mention most doctors recommend pregnant women stay away from cat piss and shit because it can be very harmful to a pregnancy. No. 1494382
>>1494377Shut up, Alison stan. If you’re going to believe everything this bitch says as holy gospel, go back to Reddit. I’m so sick of people believing her
victim narrative. We’ve only heard that, that happened because of a sympathetic video she posted on her friends only. But you know what we have SEEN? Her smack Fern’s hand away in a livestream, and that Tiktok she uploaded where she was BLATANTLY pinching him with her acrylic nails.
Caleb is her scapegoat.
No. 1494396
>>1494382> Her smack Fern’s hand away in a livestream, and that Tiktok she uploaded where she was BLATANTLY pinching him with her acrylic nails. NTA, but funny how nobody posted screenshots here because it was not blatant at all and the other off-camera and just assumed without proof. So you’re willing to assume shit that makes her look bad (which she does a fine enough job by herself btw), but won’t take her word that she’s exposing Fern to an
abusive KNOWN groomer and substance abuser?
Sad, this was such a milky thread before the tinfoil went off the rails.
No. 1494400
>>1483400 and it’s not proof of anything it’s not a ‘pinch’ she is literally just moving him with her hand to stop him kek
No. 1494407
>>1494396I did post a whole reel of screenshots here of the pinching. It was at the smoothie shop. I would’ve posted the whole video but I don’t know how to embed the link and she’s probably deleted it already.
Yeah her husband sucks, but that doesn’t take away from her abusing fern too. Her AND her husband can both be abusers. It’s not unheard of. Neither of them care about ferns well being. We’ve established that much.
Substance abuse? She buys him the alcohol. And weed doesn’t even count. If anything it would help him chill out and deal with a screaming toddler.
And despite his substance abuse problem and hitting their child, they both decided to have another baby. They’re both fucked up in the head and need therapy not a new infant. Babies don’t fix relationships, or resolve trauma. Good fucking luck to them. Praying for their cat who is clearly sick and praying for fern who is growing up in they awful fucking mess. He’s going to grow up to write a book about this horror someday.
No. 1494411
>>1494405She says that he mistreats fern and then goes and purposely has ANOTHER baby with him? Her answer to one child getting abused is to….have another?
Get fucked alice stan. Nobody is saying she’s lying but she may have been over exaggerating considering the fact she’s still buying a house and having kids with him.
She’s over here making long term plans with the person who hurt fern, yet you’re saying WE aren’t enraged enough?
There’s like 1/2 a thread of just talking about that leaked video. We were and still are upset about it, but Alice clearly isn’t concerned about it anymore so why should we???
No. 1494412
>>1494405Don’t sympathise with his substance abuse FFS. A screaming baby is not an excuse.
But I do agree that both of them are equally irresponsible when it comes to Fern, although I have to say I personally think Caleb is the bigger abuser - he groomed Alice, isolated her from her family, from his family background, I believe he’s responsible for making Alice go against medicine. If Alice is THIS fucked up, it’s probably because of Caleb.
No. 1494413
>>1494396There were screenshots of the pinching, and I personally watched the livestream with my own eyes. Other anons have commented that they saw it happen, too. Scroll up. I wish I had recorded it. I’m not assuming anything, going solely off of what has slipped through the cracks of her editing. Also - I don’t doubt that Caleb is abusing substances and is very
toxic to Alison and Fern! What I won’t do is believe her poor me I’m such a helpless
victim narrative. She has so many resources available to her if she wanted to leave her situation. She’s part of the problem, and she’s pulling the wool over her stans eyes by blaming her retarded alcoholic wageslave, just like she does with her other controversies.
Fuck Caleb, fuck Alison, save Fern and Fetus.
No. 1494416
>>1494400You can say Alice didn’t swat his hand or pinch him with video evidence…but you believe her account of Caleb’s abuse from only a video?
What the fuck is this trash? I believe the Caleb thing but I also clearly see where people are seeing glimpses of what Alice is truly like. If you don’t wanna believe those screenshots, fine. But She neglects and abuses him physically, mentally and emotionally in tons of other ways that have worse and longer effects (some life long) than pinching and swatting. Get it together. We’re in this for fern. And taking her account down so she can’t spread dangerous lies anymore.
No. 1494422
>>1494416Did you even watch the video? She clearly did not pinch him and acting like he is being smacked and pinched on camera is just doing a disservice to helping him because once you actually see the video it’s clear he isn’t. It just makes people claiming this stuff to look bad. Like that anon above, when talking about finger bruises on Fern’s legs, trying to say Caleb might “press his finger into him” kek. You just sound retarded and everyone is going to write whatever you say off as tinfoil because you keep coming up with these stories even when it’s on video it’s not.
I’m not contributing to the infighting after this post. She does a hundred things and documents it herself that are horrible, and you anons are really incessant on tinfoiling? Come on.
No. 1494437
File: 1649250359585.png (Spoiler Image,4.46 MB, 750x1624, 13A10A8F-9403-4FA1-B8ED-5AB2E8…)

>>1494421>>1494422Anyone else extremely weirded out by this TikTok? The crochet is cute, but did you hear the audio she put with it? “I think she’s coming back?” Does she think this baby is going to be the reincarnation of Aurelia? Tinfoil, of course, but that’s the only thing I can think seeing this.
No. 1494451
>>1494449Fern was the rainbow baby, not this new one. it really does seem like she found out she's having a girl (or has just decided she is) and is projecting her dead daughter onto the new child.
bitch, go to therapy!
No. 1494646
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his feet…
No. 1494906
File: 1649288312807.jpg (73.92 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg)

The cloth wipes are next to the sink to dry your hands!
Why would nasty ass Alice think its ok to wipe your ass with them!(newfaggotry)
No. 1494913
File: 1649288462034.jpg (58.37 KB, 750x1000, o (1).jpg)

The cloth wipes are next to the sink to dry your hands!
Why would nasty ass Alice think its ok to wipe your ass with them!
Also clearly these are outside of the actual bathroom stall.
No. 1494948
>>1494906>>1494913I'm fucking cackling, she carried the towel with her into the bathroom? then brought it out and threw it in the bin? how is she this stupid?
sage goes in the email field btw
No. 1495006
>>1491852those simps are getting banned now
>>1494397do you know which thread? i'm trying to find them
>>1494397im trying to find them
No. 1495182
File: 1649311736081.png (347.58 KB, 828x1792, 9C1E5E6F-6CE0-4C09-AF79-A303C5…)

So weird
No. 1495184
File: 1649312182514.jpeg (777.47 KB, 828x1365, 09195E98-B1D5-43DC-98AA-E733B5…)

Fern looks so tired in this video let the poor baby sleep Alice
No. 1495185
File: 1649312286981.png (5.14 MB, 828x1792, 8FC2D8ED-D90E-4795-AA2C-3B908A…)

Look how long his trousers are he’s gonna trip wtf
No. 1495188
File: 1649312459407.jpeg (822.61 KB, 828x1469, CFF4FACC-0A25-4E1C-B38A-3B21A2…)

She definitely has already done one
No. 1495191
File: 1649312656525.jpeg (68.04 KB, 368x796, 0E97D97B-3812-4D2A-980E-879A95…)

Howwwww does her bump go that flat if she’s seeing full limbs already
No. 1495197
File: 1649313114324.png (4.67 MB, 828x1792, 0A4341DB-0F3C-46EF-B27B-AF9CEE…)

He looks so grumpy lately she’s just gonna neglect him for the new baby who will be a better prop for tt videos
No. 1495205
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they now gotta add a "please use for hand washing only" sign because of Alice lmaooo
No. 1495207
File: 1649314249563.jpeg (537.64 KB, 814x1512, 8FE49D2E-9CC9-4D24-BE43-92199A…)

>>1495188She probably means this she just followed on insta
No. 1495208
File: 1649314358867.jpeg (620.23 KB, 828x1558, 8D97925F-2EB3-4B9D-9091-EBD210…)

Ooooooh she recently followed a chiropractor maybe she’s gonna take fern kek
No. 1495212
File: 1649314545218.jpeg (138.56 KB, 828x459, F1FE6448-94E8-4E28-9768-FF2810…)

So many people are commenting omd
No. 1495297
File: 1649321697227.jpg (994.15 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220407-025322_Tik…)

And back to destroying the couch.
No. 1495343
>>1495207Why does she have to wait for the new baby? She could make fern one? In shades of green would be super cute. Why does she care about this baby way more than fern? Someone really needs to go and save all her tiktoks from the beginning of her motherhood journey where she said only old moms get tired and if you needed a break from your kids she said “iF yOu DiDnT wAnNa Be a MoM jUsT sAy ThAt”
Tinfoil and new topic from that: but I think the reason fern likes the car so much is because Alice can’t bother him and he gets to sleep.
No. 1495367
>>1495343She is a hypocrite of the highest order. She is constantly changing her opinions based on what is convenient for her. She can do this because she filters out comments that call her out or deletes videos that go against whatever her belief of the week is.
Tinfoil: her newfound excitement about the "fetus" this week is because she actually did go to a doctor, had an ultrasound, and knows the baby is ok. Probably found out the sex too and is going to pretend she found out from an at-home blood test.
(learn2sage) No. 1495387
File: 1649335503872.png (2.93 MB, 828x1792, 232317B1-C75B-4ACA-A2E1-5A08E5…)

Look at Caleb’s pupils gah damn
No. 1495418
File: 1649339312479.png (4.34 MB, 1170x2532, CC9489B2-58C1-4E6D-9A86-0AA99A…)

why does she say stuff like this as if she’s proud of it? you aren’t unique or special for depriving your child of sleep
No. 1495423
File: 1649339515141.jpeg (339.75 KB, 827x1393, 427B8012-2A37-4445-8DCD-50C189…)

They look so awkward with eachother
No. 1495447
File: 1649340834896.jpeg (452.3 KB, 1745x934, DB81A9F8-7BF0-4481-8B46-B629A2…)

>>1495442Thanks anon I found it. Just want to make sure everything is on the board here where it won’t get deleted.
No. 1495503
>>1495423Holy shit he looks ugly and musty kek
>>1495473Yeah i agree, it’s kinda clear to me she just meant a towel but the way the first anon who wrote about it described this wipegate shit made me think she just waddled out the stall with her pants around her ankles and took a towel from the sink to wipe her ass, also
>>1495447>Your poor child has rickets and never has a clean diapersounds like somebody from here so a reminder to not interact with cows; do not touch the poo, even with disposable wipes
No. 1495546
>>1495500And no mental stimulation. We’ve already established blippi doesn’t count. I’m still wondering what happened to her road-trip.. the thing is, is she used to show him coco melon and curious George (in Spanish
eye roll) but still… it’s like she really really doesn’t care. Kids his age are NOT supposed to have more than an hour of screen time and supervised with educational stuff. Common sense. Blippi is hypnotic and probably brainwashing (tinfoil). But it shuts him up so Alice puts it on 24/7.
No. 1495617
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do any of y'all find this odd?
No. 1495681
I am wondering if her actions could constitute medical neglect under AZ law?
Here is the definition of types of physical neglect that could apply to her.
Refusal of Health Care - Failure to provide or allow needed care in accord with recommendations of a competent health care professional for a physical injury, illness, medical condition, or impairment.
Delay in Health Care - Failure to seek timely and appropriate medical care for a serious health problem which any reasonable layman would have recognized as needing professional medical attention.
Other Physical Neglect - Conspicuous inattention to avoidable hazards in the home; inadequate nutrition, clothing, or hygiene; and other forms of reckless disregard of the child's safety and welfare, such as driving with the child while intoxicated, leaving a young child unattended in a motor vehicle, and so forth.
source: No. 1495879
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No. 1495926
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>>1495620>>1495617can someone please explain to me where she is politically? she makes so many contradictory statements and life choices, like on one hand she presents herself as a pink-pilled all natural vegan radical feminist and on other hand she's part tradthot and wants teenage girls to be barefoot pregnant, I have legitimately never seen someone be this much of oxymoron
No. 1495944
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No. 1495973
>>1495944that poor cast iron skillet will be another
victim of Alice’s retardation. at least she didn’t wipe her ass with it
No. 1495978
>>1495926Read previous threads she follows patriot az party on insta trump supporter
Calebs dad veryyyyyyyy pro trump anti vax too
No. 1495989
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Does she have to say girlfriends every time just say friends the kids 2 it’s weird
No. 1495994
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No. 1495998
File: 1649394653470.jpeg (250.57 KB, 828x480, 090905D7-DA65-46DF-8217-919D39…)

No because he can’t talk only the word no because he’s all about informed consent and saying no to healthcare
No. 1495999
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You just know the cat is suffering so much it’s so sad
No. 1496002
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People have commented this before but he always has finger like bruises on his legs … is that maybe why she kept him in trousers when it was boiling in Florida cos she needed to hide them when they were obvious there’s bruises alll the way round
No. 1496003
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>>1496002She photoshops on insta but can still see
No. 1496021
>>1495973You're supposed to season them and she obviously didn't.
Cover it in cooking oil and then burn the oil on.
No. 1496037
File: 1649402083147.jpg (97.42 KB, 720x619, Screenshot_20220408-031326_Tik…)

not Alice shaming a mom for letting her child play outside their apartment with another kid when she lets her 19 month old run around the house at night while she sleeps
No. 1496061
>>1496037so Alice is making a 5-7 year old girl into a villain for not wanting to play with a dirty toddler that can’t talk?
And this little girl also lives in low-income housing, and apparently is left unsupervised outside for who-knows how long, with a mother that noticeably ignores her?
And all Alice can do is post tiktoks accusing a child of not being a good enough friend just because she wants to play with a toy car…
No. 1496099
>>1496061Isn't she always the
victim, though? She's always being followed by some creep; other moms are always mean, other kids, are mean to Fern (there was an incident at Great Wolf Lodge). She's a professional
victim….her parents, doctors Caleb, when it's convenient…
No. 1496189
I’m not an expert on early childhood development like Alice so I could be totally off base here, but this video was so strange to watch. Alice is talking and trying to engage him and he just…. hardly talks, only waddling around. I’ve worked with toddlers and their mamas around Fern’s age before: they usually are able to understand what's being said to them and reply back, and can string together small sentences. They also talk constantly. Fern said……the word alphabet, maybe? This video, more than anything else, has convinced me that he’s significantly delayed and it makes me so sad. He’s clearly a smart and excitable little kid and it sucks to know that he could be thriving if Alice actually tried.
Also, here’s a link to the video: I converted it to the proper type of file and uploaded to dropbox, but can’t figure out how to attach it onto this thread. I’ve been posting for a month but am still kind of a newfag. No. 1496535
File: 1649460227195.png (3.92 MB, 1870x1384, Screen Shot 2022-04-08 at 5.22…)

>>1494784>>1494906>>1494913>>1495879the bin where she threw her shit cloth was in the middle of the restaurant KEK
No. 1496597
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blocking the kid's face doesn't change that she is creepy taking a photo of someone's kid in public without the parent's consent
No. 1496600
File: 1649467524031.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220408-192411_Tik…)

Literally had a crib. Wonder if she'll set it back up/get a new one for the fetus.
No. 1496765
File: 1649485461888.jpg (150.05 KB, 719x1465, Screenshot_20220409-022242_Tik…)

this account is gold lmaooo
No. 1496987
>>1496820Write sage in the email line before posting
Elaborate.. Video? Link?
Not doubting it, but if it’s confirmed, I’ll be shocked if people continue to buy her things on her wish list despite those types of videos.
Fern is such a snot. She gives him what he wants so he doesn’t throw a fit. It’s gonna get harder to appease those wants as he gets older. Eventually he will learn to speak, right?
No. 1497060
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She has like one braincell
No. 1497262
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am I seeing things or wtf is on her cheek
No. 1497364
>>1497060I like to think that her whole account is satire because theres no way someone out there really thinks having a premature baby at home with no medical professionals is safe.
Those minutes between the baby arriving and an ambulance arriving is so vital and I really hope her idiot followers don’t take this advice on board.
No. 1497521
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so plastic bottles are bad but plastic ziplock bags are okay? maje it make sense
No. 1497603
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Yikes (old comment)
No. 1497681
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>>1495976Looooooool the irony her posting this after months of not.. definitely lurks here her content always aligns with stuff criticised on this thread
Surely if she was so content with her parenting choices she wouldn’t have anything to prove and wouldn’t feel the need to heavily censor criticism and comments
No. 1497684
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Why are her under eyes like that
No. 1497687
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She looks beaten up af
No. 1497694
File: 1649588559078.jpeg (1.06 MB, 828x1437, 488122AF-2177-46F3-B21B-923920…)

Non clout friends only … says the one that only met up with tt creators with huge followings kek
No. 1497695
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No. 1497696
File: 1649588726565.png (3.7 MB, 828x1792, 0E48094E-3BF9-4ECB-8FB6-E2E39C…)

Passive aggressive anti covid
No. 1497697
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Smh she just followed this insta
No. 1497705
>>1497697 why is she still so hung up on that when the mask mandates are over and all the vax mandates drama is over too?
Pour your energy into preparing for your kid. Or paying attention to the one you already have.
It’s like she loves giving birth but actually hates kids. That’s the vibe I’ve gotten by the way she treats fern.
No. 1497706
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>>1497702Ya the diabetes insta accounts are very pro fruit
No. 1497712
>>1497706Fruit isn’t bad for diabetes. IN MODERATION. Fruit can be bad for diabetes who consume too much and who only eat high sugar fruits (bananas, kiwis, mangos, grapes, watermelon, etc)
If you’re someone who is undiagnosed and has diabetes…fruit will NOT help treat or cure them. Fruit does NOT “prevent” diabetes. And that’s the disconnect Alice is having. That is saying “fruit isn’t bad for diabetes” which is true, but she twisted it to mean whatever she wants it to mean. I’m sure she’ll post a tiktok about it soon.
Thought she said fern couldn’t have diabetes because it’s not in their families?
No. 1497713
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Are toddlers supposed to wear gold chains around their neck? Is this a fashion statement? Lmao
No. 1497716
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>>1497714It’s still detrimental to his health babes
No. 1497725
>>1497715 My diabetes app: log your meal:
ten gallons of apple juice lmao
No. 1497818
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No. 1497896
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>>1497818She knows it’s a girl and is gonna crochet it stuff. No way she’d buy pink yarn for anything else.
No. 1497971
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Fernie for life hahahahaha
No. 1497978
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She should be due in 8-10 weeks since she’s seeing a limb up that high
No. 1497980
>>1497978Why would you not get an ultrasound to see the baby is okay I don’t get it
Ultrasound is bad but phones and WiFi 24/7 isn’t????
No. 1498006
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Not her at some anti vax rally
No. 1498013
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>>1498011She looks like such a weirdo in public man
No. 1498019
File: 1649621073258.png (2.54 MB, 828x1792, 02D9D49F-7266-4BE2-A926-18F5D9…)

She’s at an anti mandate rally in LA
No. 1498187
File: 1649634096474.png (13.21 MB, 1284x2778, DD352598-ADDD-4FE7-BFB9-771733…)

She’s absolutely starved for attention she’s getting it from crack heads on skid row
No. 1498344
>>1498131While I do believe that she’s pregnant (and liken the lack of bump to her supremely deteriorated health & diet), I’m going to say that I still wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out she wasn’t and she tried to semi-casually write it off as some medically-faulted accident again to further her agenda. “Medicine has killed 2/3 of my babies.”
>>1498187Honestly, she’s the type of girl to see a male on the street and question if they made eyes at her and then imagine them approaching her and this will be the story she tells. Alice is so ugly that it’s almost offensive. If someone got close enough to her, they’d get a whiff of her likely putrid stench too. Nobody is approaching this girl in public. I don’t doubt that they are looking, but that’s probably because they are wondering why she has no shoes on and is dressed that way.
No. 1498397
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The teeth
No. 1498403
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No. 1498406
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>>1498403She literally has no care about her safety or her children’s always putting them in dangerous situations. Walking about alone barefoot wearing revealing cropped clothes at least her comments have sense
No. 1498435
File: 1649660113069.jpeg (257.58 KB, 1170x1392, B5E58A36-A9A9-4201-AF3E-B92564…)

got blocked on Instagram just for liking this comment kek(touched the poop)
No. 1498443
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>>1498011this image is so fucking hilarious, fern in his likely dirty diaper walking carelessly with a leash attached to him, while alice checks herself out in her skimpy outfit, thinking to herself "damm I look hot" while being literally barefoot
No. 1498586
>>1498143Probably telling everyone she>>1498424
I mean… he’s only two, ya know? The more he explores when they’re around bodies of water the more I worry he might end up a drowning
victim No. 1498590
>>1498573Her registry says July 31 and we base the dates we think she’s due off of the actual information she’s given us from her own tiktoks (I think I’m x weeks along. The app said x weeks along, etc)
Nobody is guessing how far long she is bc of the bump.
No. 1498604
>>1498435The caption…that’s not HER element, that’s HIS element. Anyone taking pictures of them were laughing at them and how ridiculous they both look.
I think fern is probably showing (tinfoil) some behavioral and authority issues and it’s gotten pretty bad for Alice to use A LEASH of all things. She lets him be so far away from her, even when it’s knowingly. That’s why I think the leash is for her convenience and not as much caring for ferns safety. She can be as absentminded as she wants taking TikTok’s without having to
actually pay attention to him.
No. 1498649
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Guesses on who these people are?? Looks like she may not have slept in the car? but found some people to use for the night
No. 1499182
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Her teeth whitening game is strong….
No. 1499183
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….but not strong enough.
No. 1499208
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Yall are just jealous because she looks so young /s
No. 1499387
File: 1649752254396.jpeg (161.65 KB, 828x517, 26C0D796-0CF3-4D43-9D17-C82FF7…)

Lol did she mean to delete this and accidentally pinned it
No. 1499389
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His whole leg is facing outwards so he can’t walk steadily one foot after the other he does this weird hop bounce thing like he’s taking his first steps
No. 1499391
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No. 1499907
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Look at our main goof Caleb. If there is a house his pops is the one that’s buying it.
No. 1499933
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>>1499182I think this all of the time and agree with anons who have since responded.. she is SO conscious of their teeth in photos, to the point of making them look unnaturally white. It’s as though she thinks that she can spoon feed us lies about scratching at your teeth every few days with baking soda can make them whiter than a hollywood smile..
No. 1499953
>>1499907I forgot about the house!! kek
Since you mentioned it here she will probably do a house update soon now. It’s like clock work
No. 1499958
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Day in the life of baby fern…Baby fern plays in his poopy diaper because his mom doesn’t give him any other toys or stimulation. He skips the hand wipes and dives right into a bag of veggie puff chips his mom considers a meal. Cue the coconut water.
No. 1499964
File: 1649809385799.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1242x1547, C784C58D-96D3-487F-83AF-380D10…)

Surprised we didn’t get any “this man made eyes at me while I was there and his old middle aged wife was so jealous of me and my feral toddler and trashy maternity wear.” Posts from Alice from this rally. Lol
No. 1500361
>>1499969everything Alice “knows” came from Freelee. Alice claims to worship her.
>>1500003she’s not at the level of crunchy yet where she’s heard of microplastics kek
No. 1500392
>>1500361All of Alice’s ideas come from other people. FreeLee’s frugivore diet, and bauhauswife/Yolanda’s free birth radfem philosophy come to mind as the most obvious examples, but I’m sure we could find more evidence of her skinwalking.
I was watching some of Alice’s old Tiktok videos where she promotes being a tradwife as some feminist power move, back when Fern was a baby and she used to clean and actually cook. That version of Alice is like a mix of FreeLee and Mrs. Midwest, lol. She’s like a Crunchy Classically Abby but instead of shaming women for dressing immodestly she shames women for not being barefoot and pregnant totally dependent on some scrote.
No. 1500464
File: 1649867819861.jpeg (398.93 KB, 960x1792, BE9F7952-6E5A-45CF-849F-1C0B2C…)

She’s actually delusional.. I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 1000
No. 1500764
>>1498649That's Racheal Oberlin AKA Bree Olsen AKA Charlie sheens pornstar ex girlfriend who he dubbed one of his "godesses"
How in the world they know each other is beyond me.
No. 1500906
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Oh I hope Fern can get some help!
No. 1501036
File: 1649905797838.jpg (457.8 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220413-230905_Tik…)

Why is she blending up whole potatoes???!!!
No. 1501284
>>1501280Fucking hell can't believe she thought sticking potatoes in a blender would work at cutting them up. |
Can't she just cut them up by hand?
I'm not sure what type of hash browns shes trying to make but you can mash or dice up potatoes by hand, it's not that hard.
No. 1501286
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No. 1501289
File: 1649927317454.png (4.69 MB, 828x1792, B220117E-489A-46AD-87BB-2A0CE2…)

How will it when he’s too young to understand what’s going on
No. 1501290
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Seems like she’s trying to look like that zapressa girl
No. 1501292
File: 1649927811539.png (4.17 MB, 828x1792, 71F88942-3C0B-4623-8723-38303C…)

Won’t use a pregnancy test cos of animal bodies does she know iPhones use animal products gelatin etc lmao
No. 1501298
File: 1649928358520.png (4.55 MB, 828x1792, 61F125FA-6547-4A9F-974C-AFB266…)

>>1501292Neither is printer ink kek Or is it organic vegan toxin free ink
No. 1501383
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>>1501382Sf they sell these at Whole Foods
No. 1501413
>>1500906As many anons suspected, now we know why she was cleaning her house. Here I thought the dimwit might actually be nesting.
>>1501282It would have taken her less time, energy, and frustration to do this by hand instead of doing using a tool that she’s obviously unfamiliar with (ie. a basic blender smh). This is a small testament to how absolutely stubborn and bullheaded Alice is. She refuses to admit she had a bad idea or did something wrong. Hope her potato water was worth it kek. $500 grocery hauls, just to eat fucking potato water for supper.
>>1501289>>1501355Agreed. It’s going to be a horrifyingly traumatic experience for him and, even if he can’t coherently keep those memories, he’ll still store them + the trauma.
if she has a flawless birth. We all know that she won’t, the way she has continued to neglect herself and deny the child prenatal care. Tinfoil, she wants something to be wrong with it. She wants all of her babies to be dependent on her and her will. Dependence is top tier compliance for Alice.
No. 1501518
File: 1649952044283.jpg (309.17 KB, 1010x1948, Alice.jpg)

Omg. This picture is her responding to the comment you see. She isn't saying someone called CPS on her. Jesus.
No. 1501610
File: 1649959955860.png (818.56 KB, 828x1792, 4CDBA6E5-A5DF-49F6-94DA-D754A7…)

Someone on Reddit messaged Hoover, (she posted that vacuum video yesterday cleaning her carpet with one) bye bye sponsorship
No. 1501739
>>1501610and here I thought that they were all about neutrality on reddit kek. love both the ambition and outcome here, here’s to hoping we see it acknowledged by alice & what kind of narc rhetoric she’s going to angle it with..
“actually, i cancelled my own partnership because animals cAn’T cOnSeNt tO mOdElliNg iN aDs”
No. 1502433
>>1502246And never makes the room dark and quiet and calm for him. She could’ve transformed his nursery into a such a cute calm space if she cared about him. The baby will co sleep so it doesn’t need a nursery so it needs to be ferns room. And he’s so ready for it too.
Also side note: I’m still skeptical about this pregnancy being healthy enough to survive…and frankly concerned about Alice surviving too if her hemoglobin is low…I have GI bleeds and when you get too low it’s very life threatening and you need blood asap! And imagine the blood and fluid loss pregnancy requires. Sheesh! She will be half dead asking for Caleb to shove a banana down her throat to cure her blood loss.
Still wondering if she’s secretly been to her naturopath to make sure she’s in well enough shape. At the same time I just don’t know. Her packing a hospital bag just seems very hypocritical to me. “I know better than you now save my life” she’s gonna sue them no matter what. She’s just an awful person I hate her. But I also hope for her to have a safe birth and healthy babe. Sadly we’ll watch post partum depression because she is not physically, mentally or emotionally or financially ready for 2 under 2 and the stress or moving into their new house and clearing out their apartment all without any help since they have no friends to help.
No. 1502621
File: 1650067854069.jpg (1.24 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220415-180738_Ins…)

I am not vegan or anything like that, but there is no way I would put non-packaged food in a plastic Easter egg and then let my child eat it. Alice confuses me so much!
No. 1502683
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Why would she buy this!
No. 1502810
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Omg she says she thinks she can do an Easter egg hunt for under $700 in what world is she on tf
No. 1502812
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Homegirl paid $100 for a bunny suit
No. 1502813
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I can’t stop laughing wtf
No. 1502814
File: 1650085657994.jpeg (899.4 KB, 828x1405, 44A0104F-1937-4DD6-A78A-84F81F…)

Why does she have to say girlfriends everytime it’s weird. God forbid she has a baby girl she’ll make her get a boyfriend so young and sexualise it the freak that she is get help Alice you were groomed
No. 1502816
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Does she not get worried with such a big following posting her exact whereabouts 24/7 especially with a big following and a young toddler you need to be careful like wtf
No. 1502825
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All the comments she’s yet to delete are like why would you need your husbands permission for that .. her stans are arguing it’s because it’s his money and a big purchase? But she happily spends hundreds daily anyway
No. 1502827
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Fern isn’t even a cute prop to use for videos and views anymore he’s gonna get straight up abandoned when the new tt baby comes
No. 1502829
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No. 1502830
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>>1502829Who posts this like girl clean up and train your animals
No. 1502831
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Lol this girl posted nothing screams neglect more than letting your baby walk barefoot in DTLA
No. 1502833
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>>1502832This would be Alice comment section if she didn’t block everyone
No. 1502838
File: 1650087633058.png (457.56 KB, 828x1792, 96624772-6BFF-4F15-9ECA-EA19C3…)

How anyone can praise alices parenting is beyond me fern is showing basically every sign of neglect
No. 1503039
File: 1650121516254.jpg (219.91 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220416-095958_Tik…)

Newfag here,
Has anyone else seen the account posting in her comments, pretending to be Allison's MIL?
It's only following other crunchy creators, maybe a weird alt account for Alice to snoop or spam her own posts? Tinfoil, of course but it's weird.
No. 1503099
File: 1650126420043.jpg (238.77 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220416-100032_Tik…)

>>1503078I don't think it's his mum, the account really only follows the women Alice tried to collaborate with. I doubt Calabs mom is that obsessed with Alice's content.
No. 1503215
>>1502594>>1502606Robyn has a thread here, she's fucking batshit
>>>/snow/1446741>>1502825I thought Alice was anti-coffee? she said people who drink caffeine just need more fruit. wonder if there's a TikTok barista she's trying to skinwalk or something.
No. 1503275
>>1503222It isn't supposed to be Alice based on the comments she has left on Alice's videos. They said things like, "You know he loves to spoil you, Alice!" on the video with the dragon fruit, and something about how big her grandbabies were getting in one of the weird exposed belly dancing videos inside of their new construction house.
Tinfoil, but I believe it's someone (Alice) pretending to be Caleb's mother. It's weird as fuck.
No. 1503318
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Has he really regressed back to crawling? Poor little guy.
Check out father of the year in the back not wanting to be in her Tik Tok.
No. 1503332
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Easy… cat pee.
No. 1503440
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Why will she address asd but nothing else wrong with him? Maybe she's trying to play it off like his delays are from asd (which wouldn't be her fault) and not from malnourishment. But didn't she say that vaccines cause autism? I can't find it now
No. 1503446
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>>1503445Except she'll share everything else about him before he can consent.
No. 1503454
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Not that he’s winning any father of the year awards anyways but I can’t imagine he even wants to try when his agency over his own child is constantly disregarded by Alice. I really think things could’ve been different for fern, maybe even Aurelia if she’d listen to the other parent involved. She literally just uses him for his money and his sperm.
No. 1503478
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But Alice babe you censor your comments
No. 1503481
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He’s so exhausted girl let him sleep messing him up so bad
No. 1503484
File: 1650170276495.jpeg (164.16 KB, 828x258, B5452D1B-F3CF-4779-8696-2BCD76…)

The irony like she posts every second of his life without his consent on the internet to millions of people
No. 1503622
File: 1650197392450.jpeg (Spoiler Image,474.67 KB, 1242x1175, 90E39F6F-19FE-4C31-9167-D2825D…)

>>1503481Aside from sleep deprivation being used historically as a mind control method… (idk if Alice is smart enough to know this and is purposely using it to keep fern on a mental leash) there are a few other things I wanted to address. Tell me if my tinfoil hat has one too many layers.
Clingy - enough said. we see him seeking her for sleepy time comfort all the time.d he likes him exhausted because he comes to her and “needs her” and bc he’s exhausted because he sleeps probably 8 hours a day instead of 14 like he’s supposed to. TODDLERS CANT REGULATE! They can’t recognize that feeling as tired and to put themselves to sleep. Developmentally they cannot. Get the fuck up and be a parent Alice. Shut down your page and focus on your precious baby and help him get on track physically and mentally. You owe an explanation to nobody, everyone will support you. SAVE FERN!
Tantrums- she says he doesn’t have them but has also slipped in some tiktoks about tantrums…tantrums would be likely considering blippi is on next to him 24/7 (watching the same show over and over again is an ASD trait, btw)
Fists: he always seems to have shit in his hands. Do you think she does this to cover those weird motions? And to help with the tantrums too?
Frequent falls: bruises, we blatantly watch him trip over his feet and fall. I think he can’t really walk and that’s what the baby carrying and stroller and her helicoptering him 24/7 are for. He’s going to need those arm canes that go on your forearms on both sides. Tinfoil.
Completely unrelated: does she maybe treat food as a reward for good behavior and that’s why fern gets so excited over food? Also it’s kind of like starving the zoo animal out till it eats dog food instead of his proper diet? She feeds his rabbit food only? (And we all know what happened with that…may Peter cottontail RIP this Easter Sunday)
No. 1503626
File: 1650198386400.jpg (286.46 KB, 1060x1776, Screenshot_20220417-132419_Tik…)

I'm definitely choosing to believe that this is a dig at Alice
No. 1503674
>>1503628I haven’t followed Alice from the beginning but started recently and reviewed her past threads. I’ve seen identifying the double diapering before and, by her nature, I can assume she’s on board with the crunchiness of a cloth vs disposable (hence concealing the disposable) —
BUT, she’s also posted him many times clearly in a disposable (sans cloth coverup). Has she addressed and given one of her golden Alice explanations for why disposable diapers are “sometimes” okay, or is this one of those “glitches in Alice’s matrix” that we’re expected to ignore.
Again, sorry for the spoonfed request. I can only recall seeing the double diapering but no stories around it other than board exposure.
No. 1503680
>>1503674She blocks and deletes comments of anyone who mentions it. I remember seeing a video of her saying his poop was too nasty after he started solids or that she needed a bidet to clean them otherwise she “couldn’t”
I feel like she likes those outer shells because she can neglect his full diaper even longer than she already does. We can see full neglected disposables blatantly in some of her videos already. Imagine when we can’t see.
No. 1503757
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Aside from obvious problematic and kek items in this basket, at least she somewhat cleaned a minuscule section to take this video in.
No. 1504046
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My sleep paralysis demon
No. 1504182
File: 1650243683331.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1008x1394, 68E1B9FD-C409-4BC7-8076-E72C66…)

Change your kids diaper you lazy fucking bitch
No. 1504199
File: 1650245126494.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1763, F068C0F1-91D4-497D-9D52-3D0FB8…)

Probably easier to just photoshop the cat and dog shit out of the photo than to pick it up.
No. 1504257
File: 1650250691751.png (570.58 KB, 1125x2436, 7D3E5103-1D1D-4907-99AC-1AD7E2…)

She deleted it once the nasty comments started to come in faster than she could erase them.
No. 1504269
File: 1650252202279.png (12.24 MB, 1284x2778, 11EE52D0-EBD1-4974-A44C-56A8D8…)

What in the actual fuck? No salt oil or butter just nasty ass dried potatoes “for everyone”.
Also ferns main course is 100 calories of avocado? She has to be trolling
No. 1504352
File: 1650268640414.png (5.2 MB, 828x1792, 360DCD29-FB6D-4798-AD96-F3A23E…)

God why is she such a weirdo she can’t even be civilised around people who eat meat passively aggressively saying carcass easter. I’m vegan veggie but she is the crazy ones that give us a bad name Jesus Christ
No. 1504420
>>1504354I reckon it was deliberate - bring awful burnt unseasoned sweet potatoes, mangoes and some mushed avocado, guilt trip the hosts for not catering to them. Alice is once again a
victim and everyone else discriminates against her.
She gets some more drivel content, and is a vegan martyr again.
No. 1504436
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His family needs to call her out more and make her accountable for her words and actions
No. 1504459
>>1504454but anon! she bought him
multiple motorized plastic ride-on cars! Maria Montessori once said that all babies need is a Power Wheel and an iPad
No. 1504654
>>1504514I think they are aware that she posts about them online, no? I’m almost certain that I’ve seen mention of it in previous threads. It can be hard to keep count of everything with this nut because nearly every day, she’s doing or saying something new online that’s mind boggling. It’d be a fluke if they didn’t know, as Alice literally has reddit threads dedicated to her. The information would have had to find its way to them at some point.
>>1504257I’m glad she got called out, unsurprised she deleted it, but confused that she left it on.. like we’re supposed to ignore this child with piss soaked pants so you can feel like you’ve achieved your money’s worth with that pedo-bait suit?
No. 1504766
>>1504762Ok I sent this before I finished the video. She also put the video on a look to make the egg hunt look worse than it probably was. Also none of the local schools near her have woods. Plus wasn’t she a child development major?
I know we can’t but someone please make sense of all the nonsense she says.
No. 1504866
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>>1504433slept in it too…this video showed her getting him out of bed in the outfit. he looks exhausted, I don’t know why she’s bragging about this
No. 1505005
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No. 1505006
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No. 1505010
File: 1650339135823.png (4.37 MB, 828x1792, 36DC429A-3285-4184-87AC-3D3F52…)

Did she pull them out of a dumpster or something kek
No. 1505016
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I thought his bow legs were getting better over time but Tf(nitpicking a baby)
No. 1505035
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Poor baby will have no basic table or social manners when he eats dinner like this
No. 1505039
File: 1650340806257.png (4.28 MB, 828x1792, 59A3CC39-E05A-4824-A49D-8D4136…)

This is like a snack not dinner omd how can you be full from this no protein or fats whatsover
No. 1505041
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Where’d the bump go
No. 1505380
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Alice got a speeding ticket 3 weeks ago lmao
No. 1505450
File: 1650381100329.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x1925, C87BD1A4-9BB8-4B38-866F-CBC1D5…)

I am fucking dead.
No. 1505482
>>1505382Alice is dealing with her trauma by taking the most stubborn “counter-phobic” approach. A healthy person would become receptive and reflective: trying to do better through awareness, pro activity, and reflection. Alice thinks emotionally and draws her conclusions by going inward and forming opinions based on how she feels about it. Unfortunately, Alice has a lot of anger and her head is a very hostile place. This gives life to these aggressive views and dangerous actions. She’s convinced the doctors and modern medicine killed her baby, thus she can speed or drive as recklessly as she wants to.
I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet (excuse if I’m overlooking), but something needs to be said for how strange it is that Alice lost her first child in a traumatic car accident and yet has spent almost half of this pregnancy (speculated to also be a girl baby) in a vehicle. I think that it would an indication of a normal personality to have some anxiety being in cars while pregnant or with your young children if you incurred that initial loss. She seems to be deliberately immersing herself in constant driving and even SLEEPING in the car. Again, counter-phobic af. She must put herself in fear or harms way deliberately as a way of coping or silencing the trauma.
No. 1505518
File: 1650386755492.png (2.83 MB, 828x1792, 140FFF54-6D78-4790-BAE7-ADCAB4…)

So she has no idea how pregnant she is? Or if her child has genetic disorders?
No. 1506065
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>>1506058Alison’s tradwife persona is back on the scene. Damage control.
No. 1506200
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No. 1506201
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No. 1506202
File: 1650423467986.png (692.87 KB, 1100x992, redacted 1.png)

redacted information of non important people
No. 1506219
File: 1650426430027.jpeg (1.01 MB, 828x1460, 4583FB5E-EB4B-4E5B-A019-2B4226…)

She switches between different personalities so much.
Also kek giving you an allowance off his minimum wage job?? Hahaha
No. 1507131
File: 1650488936788.jpg (1.11 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220420-220631_Tik…)

There is no doubt in my mind that she follows this thread, I actually can't stop laughing at this video and the barefaced lies she's spouting. We all know blippi is his real parent
No. 1507536
File: 1650517535412.jpg (879.4 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220421-055936_Tik…)

Moaning Myrtle buying him another car for absolutely no reason.
And having a toddler in the newborn bassinet is just next level stupid. It's a miracle that kid has never been injured.
Imagine going shopping and seeing this thing flailing in woolen socks with her belly hanging out filming herself. This whole wannabe cute prepubescent pregnant girl vibe is fucking rank.
No. 1507621
Just a rumour
No. 1507860
>>1507779I agree with this. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if “her” house turns out to be Caleb’s parent’s house. She is so desperate for that house and it only makes her more dependent and beholden to an
toxic relationship. She is really wedging herself up hard between a rock and a hard place. Even if she does want to leave, it’s his house, and he’s going to get the kids because she has no resources to provide food shelter or clothes for herself or her kids on her own. She’s basically useless, so screwed.
if this thing is ever closed on, the record are easily searchable, so we’ll know who owns the house.
No. 1507971
File: 1650564550122.jpeg (975.04 KB, 828x1792, 717C6749-E16C-45F0-941B-6E22F8…)

Girl is barefoot in a Walmart making TikToks while her child is sleeping under a pile of merchandise
No. 1508273
File: 1650587873220.png (5.14 MB, 828x1792, BB8E5A5D-B494-4609-878E-605BBB…)

She’s pushing him around a store in this thing clearly made for infants. He is wayyyy too big for it.
No. 1508318
File: 1650591443565.jpeg (1.07 MB, 828x1792, 170A16DA-0DB5-4A5A-8D97-D1D998…)

>>1508273He has 4 baby cars and no toddler stroller. She said she wanted to take him to the store so he’d fall asleep. He fell asleep as soon as she started the car, why not just go home then? The rate she blows money I don’t believe they could ever be building a home.
No. 1508490
File: 1650604930278.png (6.85 MB, 1170x2532, 828A52EA-E40C-42F7-B076-3B07A4…)

Who tf makes people not wash their hands to see a newborn?!!! She knows this is how babies die right?
No. 1508509
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She’s going to bed share with her baby day one kek I have no idea how fern is even alive
No. 1508659
File: 1650628469988.png (9.24 MB, 1170x2532, 4C5280A2-3FF6-4FFD-9ACF-FAE59B…)

Alice taking romanticising Fern and the girls’ friendship to the next level.
No. 1508731
File: 1650639059544.jpg (929.03 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220422-154949_Tik…)

Surely having zero growth and change over the years isn't something to be proud of??
No. 1508735
File: 1650639270043.jpg (845.46 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220422-155218_Tik…)

Tinfoil but I reckon they're cleaning for a CPS visit. She looks like she's trying to make an effort with the food and cleaning recently. But one main meal a day is still ridiculously little.
No. 1508771
>>1508735I agree with the CPS theory. From my experience with CPS as a child, if there's no immediate threat they'll do a walk through and tell the parents exactly what needs to be done before the next visit.
Or maybe Alice is in a better head space and she's finally seeing what filth her life has become and making an effort to fix it before Fetus Fern arrives.
No. 1508779
>>1508735I had this exact same theory when I saw this video. Plus she keeps doing the cleaning in spurts. Like she knows cps is coming soon. General upkeep isn’t happening.
Also side not in her follow up video about the canoe return, she lied about almost everything!
No. 1508841
File: 1650651585359.jpeg (420.87 KB, 828x1442, 41B07DD9-C6A0-4F0F-87C2-5E6AFB…)

this came up on my fyp and all the comments are “i’m so happy to finally be on alice slander tiktok” kek
No. 1508861
File: 1650652630779.jpeg (716.91 KB, 612x1594, 0129414D-CC0A-482C-8169-7B6794…)

her socks are filthy. I can’t even wear socks that have a wet spot on them and this makes me shudder.
No. 1509144
File: 1650680127041.png (3.41 MB, 828x1792, 9D8FCB77-BF2B-403C-8E1F-7F64ED…)

Is the brand aerie crunchy?
No. 1509224
File: 1650689447699.png (4.19 MB, 828x1792, C50D918C-442A-4EF7-8A51-758018…)

Idk if this is a nitpick, but the children her baby is playing with are like a lot older than him? It’s weird enough to call them his girlfriends but they can’t possibly really play with him much due to the age difference.
No. 1509246
File: 1650693654110.png (637.77 KB, 828x1792, 25ED5368-B08F-4D4E-8470-3439FC…)

>>1509237This is an image board anon
No. 1509336
>>1509246The fact that she doesn’t consider a car accident and potential placental abruption “risks for pre term labor” KEK!
Also: “Magnesium sulfate occurs naturally in seawater, mineral springs and in minerals such as kieserite and epsomite.” She should’ve been happy about that since it’s all natural.
No. 1509506
>>1509466The death of an additional child would serve as nothing but fuel for Alice’s spiral. She wouldn’t feel guilt or take any responsibility, because she lives in
her reality. She makes the rules in her own world. It can be as outlandish or nonsensical as she needs it to be in order to support her agenda and fragile ego.
No. 1509527
File: 1650734527918.jpeg (250.94 KB, 828x1761, D69C83E0-5915-4B13-8DEC-B32A6E…)

>>1509466this is how she feels about maternal mortality. #saveFernAndFetus
No. 1509990
>>1509380thank you! she’s never been breastfed and was only sick with a fever for one day and has been fine ever since…makes me laugh at alice’s formula slander.
also, am I pronouncing Aurelia right…. Is it “or-eel-e-uh” It just sounds like such an annoying name to say that I’ve been saying Aurora in my head every time I read it. Not trying to bash on a dead babies name, just doesn’t roll off the tongue so I didn’t know if I’m saying it right.
No. 1510012
File: 1650770690855.png (7.54 MB, 828x1792, 1ACD8217-DFC0-4B14-A9B8-02E70B…)

Lol 4000 for every two weeks for food.
>>1509990I honestly thought it was ah-rel-ee-ah but idk if that’s what you typed exactly.
No. 1510164
File: 1650787528271.png (6.22 MB, 828x1792, D9D83652-231B-44C5-8540-15F1AC…)

>>1510148Even still she buys a fuck ton of fruit now, there’s almost no way even as a vegan you can eat all of the fruit she has in her cart. She spent 500 on this, hoping it lasts 2 weeks. There is a way to eat vegan on a budget but I don’t think it’s shopping at costco. I have an infant and a husband and realistically I’ve never filled a cart like this.
No. 1510414
>>1510311what are they? I know she claims to have an associates in something and minored in “multiculturalism” but that’s all. I’m working on the new thread so y’all let me know if I should include anything else specifically.
also claiming your grocery bill is $4k+ per month is NOT how you convince people that veganism is better.
No. 1510527
>>1510420I’m in Arizona and go to the same school or one of the ones in that district(it’s weird there are 3 community colleges that are separate colleges but ran by the same people). You cannot get a minor in an associates. You can take the classes for when you transfer to university but you cannot get a minor.
Also the time frame she did her associates is literally impossible. The school limits all students to 16 credits per semester. I knew one girl who was doing 24 but it was through special permissions due to her dual majoring when she transferred. She also had to prove for an entire year she could handle it by doing 16 credits semester 1. Then 20 credits semester 2. Then 24 for her second year. And she still needed 3 years at community college
No. 1510879
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>>1510730Poorly done, but I'd like to throw this into the running lol
No. 1511007
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Just me or does she look worse lately? Older more tired n ugly
No. 1511010
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Her insta comments
No. 1511117
>>1511111His face was printed on a shirt and is sold on the internet on her own Etsy shop. She took away his privacy, not us. I think since SHE publicly posted his face, they assume she doesn’t care.
I agree that we should try and be better and cover his face anyway, but I personally haven’t been doing it so I’m going to start now. Don’t try and get others to, Reddit requires their followers to cover his face. Maybe you’d fair better over there!
No. 1511124
File: 1650890298885.jpg (410.16 KB, 1071x1691, Screenshot_20220425-134122_Tik…)

I'm sorry I'm no fashion guru but what the fuck is this
No. 1511272
>>1511124A tragedy.
She's back to dressing in earth tones so she can have the crunchy aesthetic without actually being crunchy.
She keeps buying more and more nonstick pans. 1) how on earth is she going through them that fast. I know nonsticks don't last forever but they last longer than she uses them. And 2) Teflon isn't crunchy and there are so many alternatives. Apparently cast iron and stainless steel are too hard for her, even though they are safer, cheaper, and last forever.
No. 1511356
>>1511106Lack of vitamin b. Or deficiency… I have that problem even I don't get enough of that. I eat fish a lot and I don't have that rn but when I didn't have fish for a long time mine got real bad.
She needs meat badly.
No. 1511382
>>1510879Did I miss the part of this saga where she uses those towels she was folding as toilet paper? I saw her do it but I thought surely not.
>>1511146Kek very underrated comment
No. 1511391
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This particular TikTok was weird she’s like showing video of her son sleeping uncomfortably lipsynced to cartman from southpark talking about aborted fetuses?
No. 1511725
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This claim is such bullshit. She says it’s a 16 dollar pint of ice cream, and while I agree it probably is really expensive per ounce of comparable ice cream if it has 8 mangos in it but .. she’s paying 2$ for one mango? She’s gotta get a new mango guy organic or not.
No. 1511775
>>1511725Actually that’s a reasonable deal. Regular mangos are $1 around me, but the organic ones are $3. The frozen organic mango chunks are also about the same price per ounce, maybe a slightly better deal.
I do live in a different part of the country than her, but I live in the Midwest so it’s not like shipping and storage is harder than to Arizona.
No. 1512103
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do you see how blue the bottom of his feet are? they look like bruises but i really can’t tell, this is so sad.(namefagging and tinfoil)
No. 1512145
>>1512103I'm gonna guess it's either blueberries, dirt, paint, or some sort of shit. Her floors are filthy so it could be anything. You can see whatever it is smeared into the floor next to his foot.
And please write "sage" in the email field and don't write anything in the subject field next time you comment.
No. 1512282
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He is such a filthy vid. Fair enough with your crunchy diet but why does that mean you can’t be clean
No. 1512612
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Mathematically what she says in this video isn’t possible.
According to her she spends $2000 a month on groceries. Which would mean their income is $2500 but that would not leave enough for rent. Which we know is around $900.
But I guess no one ever said she was good at math.
No. 1512873
>>1512612She says it’s 80% of her income after rent and bills like what..
So you earn over $5000 a month Alice cmon we all know you’re in subsidised housing, husband on minimum wage kek
No. 1512878
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No. 1512882
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No. 1512886
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NOOOOOOooo this video is so embarrassing she’s trying to dance like a little tiktok teen girl you look 40 give it a rest
No. 1512887
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Why is she dancing like a ballerina IM DEAD
No. 1512889
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Poor cat she doesn’t deserve animals why is she throwing the cat around for the sake of a video when it’s clearly uncomfortable and was trying to get away I hate her
No. 1512891
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SHES SO EVIL OMGGGGG SAVE THE CAT it definitely has a million health problems
No. 1512893
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Sucking in her stomach
No. 1512895
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No. 1513330
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Where’d it go?
No. 1513332
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What the fuck is that.
She’s pooching put her stomach 1000%.
That’s a chipotle & mango belly.
No. 1513516
>>1513332That's a pregnant belly and she's just relaxed her abdomen/breathing out.
Unless the bitch has been getting lipo on the rest of her body except her stomach.
No. 1513572
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“Codependent on clean juice” hm… momentary self-awareness that she’s trying to fill the void with shopping?
This, and the “Tiktok distracted me from my true purpose in life - being a tradwife” is interesting.
No. 1513889
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Her latest thing is shoving these dang cashew drinks down his throat because we gave her a hard time about the coconut water…
Well they can cause weight gain and joint swelling if he has too many cashews, not to mention the amount of sugar she puts into those drinks.
She really needs to learn about the word moderation. The healthiest food in the world can still kill you if you have too much.
No. 1513961
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Sluth on reddit found out Calab works at union bar and grill. Photo of him in the background of the most recent reveiw. Some of the reviews have replys to them from "Caleb the manager"
No. 1513969
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This'll be why he wants to use shampoo and deodorant occasionally.
I can't believe he's got a customer facing role with the hygiene levels of a cave troll.
No. 1514136
>>1514123learn to post, and then post your
valid criticisms yourself, newfag
No. 1514262
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her subreddit is blowing up, which partly explains the sudden influx of newfags. No. 1514412
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No. 1514445
>>1514434He is more strict on the family's health care, apparently. I remember Allison stated it in one video and the comments about him refusing to let her go to the doctor while in labor kind of point to that as well.
Their labor plan probably includes Caleb playing video games, annoyed by all of the labor noises, and mad at Baby Nurse Fern for repeatedly trying to escape the bathroom whenever he's supposed to be helping deliver his sibling.
No. 1514460
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screenshots for the speeding ticket lol
No. 1514462
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No. 1514466
>>1514445I saw a tiktok where she said caleb was sleeping the entire time and she woke him up “so he could meet his son”
You can’t believe a word out of her mouth. Caleb didn’t wanna take her? She could’ve dialed 9-1-1 so stop with that. If you’re in that kind of emergency your wife comes before a 1k ambulance ride you can obviously afford. (Ex. Kayak and coffee machine and shopping sprees and $500 grocery carts)
No. 1516221
>>1513961I have a feeling someone had to say something to him as a condition to keep the job tinfoil
So EVERYTIME she bitches about his hygiene we know she’s a mega-cunt because he’s doing it to feel more confident, and not turn off the customers appetite. He’s going into work everyday to sponsor HER lifestyle and all she can do is bitch about his hygiene products. They need seperate bathrooms and he needs to padlock his, good god.
No matter how shitty of a person you are it’s a human right to have a shower with soap. That’s why even the shitiest prisoner gets brought out for showers. It’s a human right and she’s trying to take it from him. What happened to informed consent?
No. 1516293
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What’s up with the left eye? She could’ve fell in the bath or Caleb popper her. She knows she could’ve given birth with no meds somewhere safe and comfortable instead of this, right? Why did she choose this.