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No. 1561022
Rachel Aliza Leeds-Minkin ("Sera Rosier", "Alruna", "Goose" and many others and "Bertha" to her detractors) is a 28 year old woman from California who has been terrorizing the Final Fantasy VII role-playing community for many years. Rachel has a long history in this community which is hard for outsiders to make sense of but she is a bit infamous and many roleplayers seem to have stories to tell about her. Rachel has been in these circles for many, many years herself, joining as a minor, which has lead to discussion about whether she was groomed in erotic role plays by an older woman named Jennifer.
Rachel's behavior has included harassing others in the roleplay sphere who do not ERP Sephiroth according to her very particular and autistic expectations but is also notable for
problematic sexual interactions with minors (which she tries to frame as "sex ed" or, more disturbingly, the fault of minors she has gotten into Internet slapfights with.) Other colorful antics of Rachel's include an obsession with disturbing-looking dildos of the "bad dragon" variety and pretending to be her own cat and trying to guilt people as "animal abusers" for making fun of her.
Rachel was unknown, however, to the lolcow/drama community apart from one hatch job of an OP made by a vendetta-chan which included attempts to cancel her over "transphobia" and "racism" and was started over a year ago andever really got off the ground. Many thought this was Fairsinfo (more on those 2 in a minute) but
>>>/snow/1549425 last thread we learned this was by "hardcore shippers" and hopefully we'll get more information this time around.
Thread #1:
>>>/snow/1095830Anyway, the OP was hot garbage clearly made by an outsider and there was not much milk to speak of. What happened? Rachel decided, with an outside possibility of being coaxed, to go on the Discord and beg for her thread to be taken down. She came off as arrogant and demanding and many nonnas thought she was a male and/or trolling. She sent her unredacted ID to one user and proved them all wrong and saved the trouble of actually having to dox her. As tends to happen, her attempts to bullshit around resulted in much, much more attention being paid to her than would otherwise.
Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1485119Kiwi thread: #2 resulted in Rachel getting a Kiwi Farms thread, which was a fateful event as it set in motion the events of the Lolcow Uprising. For reasons having nothing to do with Rachel, the Kiwi OP attracted the attention of two lolcows from the Commonwealtrh:
> Michael Robert Thurlow: Closeted AGP from Canada, serial abuser of women, unironic National Socialist who started his own failed Nazi party, lolicon and pedophile, looks like he smells awful.> Elaine Gertler Miller: Barely-drinking-age Brit, pickme devil child, Internet terrorist who has faildoxed, harassed and split her way to burning every bridge she ever had online. >>>/1360109/Both of these individuals are crashing and burning in their own amusing ways and are beyond our scope but for our purposes here it will suffice to say that they attempted to gaslight Rachel into attacking their own personal enemies. A wild ride ensued and related gayops abound till this day resulting in other threads needing to be split off, see below.
Other side cows/supporting characters of note:
> Jennifer: 10-ish years older than Rachel, introduced her to some seriously depraved material ERPing when Rachel was still a minor. Minimal online presence but looks crazy as hell.> Fairsinfocenter: Two women from the RP community (known by the names of characters they RP, "Zack [Fair]" and "Grogu") who maintain a twiter that tracks Rachel's antics and warns people from engaging with her. > Erika/Blaine/UnabashedHermaphrodite/"the tranny": tranny from AMB/OnionFarms who inserted into this mess to deliver milk on the gayops of others. Has a history of gayops and being a cow but also delivers good content.> Rachel's parents, Steven and Diane: Liberal Jews from San Francisco, a dentist and a former tech exec. Rachel has said her online drama keeps her mom up crying nights.> Rachel's mother, Barbara: nurse in Colorado, Rachel alleges she was a major drug addict and gave her up for adoption for this reason but this doesn't track wih what we know about her so far.Recent milk:
> Rachel gets in a slapfight with a 16yo girl, tweets gore and porn at her> She doubles, triples, and quadruples down, even yesterday, saying the minor is not a minor and if she did then tweeting gore and porn was Ok because the minor interacted with adult contnet before.> Rachel seemed to disavow Michael who had been LARPing as her e-bf, but she is back on Onion Farms going into quite graphic detail with him about her sex toys> Old RP content surfaced which seems to document Rachel's being groomed by Jennifer and also shows further problematic interactionos with minors on her part.> Countless Twitter accounts banned in a short period of time, is now hiding under a cat account which she posted on in-character, complete with meows and baby talk, until she dropped this facade only recently> Not much of note happened last thread as she was mostly hiding under the cover of the cat account but she is active again in her thread and the milk is flowing.Older milk:
> posts obsessively on LCF claiming to be various other people WKing her > banned from various platforms and basically everywhere Sephiroth related> drew the ire of the Encyclopedia Dramatica discord by going in with Elaine and then mass-reporting people who bullied her> has threatened to starve herself to get unbanned from RP Discords> has a whole tumblr group (Fairsinfo Center) dedicated to monitoring/alogging her> claims to be in a polyamorous relationship with 5 guys and 2 girls; no evidence these people exist> calls others "fatty patty" despite her (obese) weight being well-documented> has a disturbing obsession with Bad Dragon and similar exotic animal/fantasy dildos> harassed a cat blog about how DDLG fetish is awesome and valid because the cat blog made a one-off comment about it making her uncomfortableThe Lolcow Uprising
> 13 May 2022 … anon rolls the devil's trips >>1527666 and shows receipts of Rachel sperging out in Discord, thinks she is talking her usual melange of schizo nonsense when she refers to anti-Semites and pedos> a big tangled web of autism is revealed which you can read about in the last OP, but it has trannies, Nazis, Nazi trannies, Kiwi vendettas, and more. It has nothing to do with Rachel except people tried to manipulate Rachel into getting involvedLike many cows much better known than her, Rachel has attracted a universe of weens, failtrolls, and orbiters, who have been infesting her thread (or arguably providing many lulz of their own) especially since #7 or so. There is now not one but two threads for these worthies:
Rachel orbiter general and containment thread for the bullshit, it's a trainwreck but so is the topic at hand.
>>>/snow/1546635Michael Thurlow/Angry Canadian and friends - awful OP who's agendas and vendettas should be clear, but some interesting discussion here
>>>/snow/1560806Thread #1:
>>>/snow/1095830Thread #2:
>>>/snow/1485119Thread #3:
>>>/snow/1497013Thread #4:
>>>/snow/1508548Thread #5:
>>>/snow/1518588Thread #6:
>>>/snow/1529219Thread #7:
>>>/snow/1535186Thread #8:
>>>/snow/1538415Thread #9:
>>>/snow/1538415Kiwi Farms: No. 1561036
File: 1655260837602.gif (644.79 KB, 300x194, not-worthy-waynes-world.gif)

Thank you for delivering us back on track, fantastic work!
No. 1561060
File: 1655262214550.jpg (497.25 KB, 1050x1570, lokihorse.jpg)

Ugh, why do men even bother?
No. 1561085
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Let’s christen this thread with some amusing milk.
No. 1561104
File: 1655266010885.jpg (395.67 KB, 1075x1267, onionstaff.jpg)

I really want her to become staff just to see how badly she'd fuck them over.
No. 1561138
>>1561122What if onionfarms has their own merge when Kengle fucks his son and Naught covers it up while Rachel wants to tell the police?
We are playing with fire here people!!!
No. 1561147
File: 1655269515934.png (244.56 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220615-000207.png)

Rachel jannies fast.
No. 1561167
File: 1655271850051.png (195.69 KB, 1080x921, Screenshot_20220615-004158.png)

This is like watching small children talk about the economy.
No. 1561224
File: 1655279022062.jpg (270.85 KB, 1080x756, lmaololfat.jpg)

Miss denial queen.
No. 1561296
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Here’s her pretending she can speak Japanese. She got called a smelly fatass in Japanese before and thought that the person was calling themselves that LOL
No. 1561345
>>1561296Fuck now I realize what she reminds me of.
You know those horse girls that take "I ride horses" too far and make their entire personality that? She's like that but with cats and Sephiroth and general weeb shit.
Like the most insufferable privileged white chick who thinks that someone telling her she smells like a fucking barn is racist and they're traumatized by the experience. Those kinds of horse girls.
No. 1561348
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>>1561345She’s just one of those girls that likes things a little too much. She thinks she’s goth and a lolita but doesn’t know an ounce about either cultures or styles. Her bedroom is weeb shit and Japan trash all over the place. It desperately screams “ I’m not like the other girls”
No. 1561378
File: 1655298560898.png (37.48 KB, 1080x183, Screenshot_20220615-080626.png)

Never forget, she deserves nobodies sympathy. Rachel is a monster to her core.
No. 1561447
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Bringing this back because of the lol factor. If you run the Japanese through any translator it will say “I’m not smart, smelly fat” but to anyone who actually speaks Japanese will know it reads, “You’re not smart, smelly fatty-chan”
No. 1561452
File: 1655303164699.jpeg (135.54 KB, 750x952, 8321432C-7881-42D2-8F5C-3B0FAE…)

Notice how she only replied to the English tweet but couldn’t reply to the Japanese at all lol. Her LARP of pretending to be able to speak the language was so stupid lmao
No. 1561678
>>1561602For real. I didn't come here for the gayops gang, I came here for Rachel and her weirdness. It's funny to me that Rachel really
triggered all of this insanity to boil over into chaos but my interest dies there.
No. 1561726
>>1561722Worse person shouting their prison number(dead name), bitching about food theft(exactly the same according to Erika and the fine amount), worse person cannot let their vendetta go and kills themselves in the end, the criminal record staying as a badge of shame…
Fuck the merge.
No. 1561778
File: 1655321846079.png (36.31 KB, 400x400, cope.png)

Backpeddling from attacking a dead child by pretending it doesn't exist now, along with trouble in paradise between our two lovers.
No. 1561791
File: 1655322552311.png (51.9 KB, 694x530, already back to turning on eac…)

With their gay-ops buck broken beyond all repair they now resort to in-fighting with the two scavengers circling Rachel as she bleeds out unaware.
No. 1561839
File: 1655324903393.png (34.76 KB, 883x162, cope and lie about it.png)

Here is how Berchal spins showing her ID in her mind.
No. 1561851
>>1561839One thing they always teach you about internet safety is not to put your ID out there or anything that can absolutely identify you.
They've been doing this since the 2000s. Autism isn't an excuse to pull that kind of retarded move lol.
There is absolutely cause to be concerned that autistic people do get taken advantage of but she can't claim she was too trusting or didn't know any better because they've been saying that forever lmao. She was just a retard who got trolled into showing her government ID.
No. 1561865
>>1561860Problem is Rachel's lack of comebacks, and limited vocabulary really make it hard to care enough to be creative when all she will say back is "Nuh-Uh uh
ACKSHULLAY she is the best thing ever, not a pedo, not an obese diabetic drain on her parents, not a virgin, not the next CwC, cope and seethe about it and also I shit my pants".
No. 1561926
>>1559972the toxins from the jelly dildos gave her brain damage i guess.
>>1560021eugh this is all so embarrassing to read, imagine going to a scrote site and writing paragraphs about your vagina and what sex toys you use.
>>1560053good old rachel, we missed you.
>>1560094>>1560161>>1560169i bet she starves it so it will like her when she feeds it.
>>1560277holy crap. of course she doesnt respond to this because its hard evidence no one likes her loool.
No. 1561938
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hanging out with naught and the pedos is based
No. 1561941
>>1561932I figured she made her mom pay for it. Too bad it only gets rid of them on the website and not the public records.
She thinks she's getting away.
She also thinks that she could change her name to her OC and not be immediately sussed out. I really hope she does but name changes take longer than what Rachel has claimed. It hasn't been that long since her stupid ass posted that ID picture. There's no way she got a name change done that quickly.
No. 1561968
>>1561112probably jerk off to it
anyways theres a possibility to find her on here if she really did change her name, they have food service workers on there so i figure why not her? unless she was fired already.
No. 1561995
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Rachel thinks it's a new rumor that naught is a pedo…
No. 1562022
>>1562010Idk, they might be functioning but retarded like Rachel is and can still do menial tasks.
So I believe the theory that a social worker is tard wrangling Rachel since she
did have to attend a specialty school in her youth
It's not actually Stanford's bookstore iirc. It's a store associated with Stanford and this has been discussed many times in previous threads.
No. 1562023
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Dunno, the staff look pretty retarded to me.
No. 1562029
>>1562010Pretty much this
>>1562022, I didn't mean all of the staff are retards just that Rachel might've been placed there through a retard work placement scheme of some kind. It could explain why she's so insistent on saying she works full time and earns so much but has no idea how that would add up in the real world.
No. 1562063
>>1562054I mean, I've known a lot of autistic individuals in my life. A lot. Not one of them needed a literal tard wrangler like she did. She also had modified homework if that one homework google site we found is a reflection of her curriculum. She wrote two paragraphs max for those essays, who the fuck writes two paragraphs for a college paper?
I really think she's a lot lower functioning than she believes she is.
No. 1562069
>>1562063Your autistic friends are probably what they call high functioning, oftentimes it is just missing social cues or coming across as goofy but there is charm there if it's a good person. Low functioning on the other hand usually comes hand and hand with being completely unable to manage their overstimulation in any healthy ways so they will lash out in random fits of tard rage.
Know the signs, Rachel has many of them.
>>1562066Most of my younger siblings were at a stage of vocabulary that Rachel has when they were pre-teens, it is a very common for the brain to learn but it seems hers stopped devloping around that age and she was unable to build off of that like the rest of us were able to.
It would all be kind of sad if she wasn't a complete psychopath who eats live cats and shits her pants.
No. 1562071
When the brain is developing to learn like that*
No. 1562077
>>1562069Wouldn't call them friends. Not to power level but I work adjacent to an industry that seems to attract people on the spectrum like moths to a flame.
They don't necessarily broadcast it immediately but they all sus each other out especially if they get into talking about something spergy like their fandom interests. Warhammer always gets them though, you can tell who the speds are by how hard they go.
No. 1562099
>>1562095B-b-but I play Mechanicus…
Yeah I stepped into that one hard.
No. 1562154
>>1562141You need to go to her tweets and replies and read past all the cat spam she tries to bury her
toxic posts with.
No. 1562161
>>1562156They found her Onionfarms account(I think fairs found it through one of the Kiwis or Erika's twitter), get ready for the milk from her being canceled eight ways from sunday every time she tries re-joining twitter…
Oh god if they see what she said about that dead kid….
This is going to be very good, I am grabbing some wine.
No. 1562171
>>1562168My apologies nonna, I believe it's another rp fag, sorry I am watching this in live action, it's pure Rachel but fueled by her revealing her true face with her Onionfarms activities.
It's amazing, and worth suffering through those faggots who kept slapfighting.
No. 1562183
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>>1562176>>1562180Attacking a tranny while hiding on twitter, my god, this…she managed to feed herself to every wolf possible at this point. She IS the female CwC idc what anyone else thinks.
No. 1562199
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Oh my god I can’t stop laughing. Shows she doesn’t know any language other then English. She relies on Google translate. The person is saying “ try translating that” by pressing random keys to throw off the translator so she can’t read it.
I’m weezing.
No. 1562201
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>>1562199I think her subconscious knows hence why she used the same rebuttle twice.
No. 1562266
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No. 1562270
>>1562266This is proof she abuses her cat. Does she not clean it's litterbox?
She got so upset in the last thread that some anon said she was gonna kill her cat because she's a sociopath. They were not wrong. Urinary tract infections can be serious.
No. 1562302
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Lmao, this is why no one wants her in any community. She had two accounts defending her all while knowing she was doubling down on her shitting on people in the LGBT community
No. 1562303
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This isn’t on KF so this is fresh milk.
No. 1562304
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She claims that she can easily body people. There’s different ways to do that Rachel. It just isn’t through starting slap fights you can easily stay away from and have your timeline be free of your pathetic drama.
No. 1562314
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She honestly can’t help herself. It’s a compulsion to get herself upset and then cry about being “bullied”. No you fat cow. You bullied others first and with your tendency to go out of your ways to bother others with demands that no one wants to do for you. Stop being a bitch to others and maybe FairsInfo and other accounts would stop making alerts in their communities about your new accounts to warn them to block you.
No. 1562317
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Blocking and unblocking is the only thing she has to feel like she has some control over others. What a pathetic loser.
No. 1562320
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The same could be said of the profiles you stalk.. get off their profiles and stop starting fights that leave you looking worse in the long run
No. 1562347
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I have some more milk that Ghoulie from KF missed that I’m gonna add to the previous ones.
Rachel, no one is stalking your account when you’re going out of your way to respond to convos about how trash you are lol. It’s not “defending yourself” at this point any more. It’s feeding the fire and you absolutely deserve to get burned by people who decide to get involved.
No. 1562369
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This is her proof of her friend showing her proof of being “harassed” by Fairsinfo
These two are fucking idiots. That’s just them warning them. Now Stardyn will be known as the one who condones pedophilia, violence against minors, hate against the gays and general retarded shit from Rachel like her slapfights.
No. 1562376
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I still have more milk nonnies. Just slow because I’m making sure it’s not already on Kiwifarms
What involvement? The fact you have links to the CP? The feds don’t give two shits that you’re holding onto it for their investigation lol. They’re gonna burn you too, that’s what they do to retards like you. They know you slap fight and do shit like this. They already put a watch on you the moment you had those links and kept them
No. 1562378
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No. 1562383
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No. 1562384
File: 1655357941257.jpeg (33.33 KB, 750x205, 592DA4ED-8681-4AB1-A906-626756…)

An extremely hard sell
No. 1562386
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No. 1562390
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Almost done with the milk. One more. There’s a video on her page that’s “proof” of Stardyn being “harassed” so if someone can rip that to share with the nonnies, that would be great
No. 1562391
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No. 1562392
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No. 1562395
>>1562392This is what sends me about her. She thinks that people only know one language and multi lingual people don’t exist. But then also try’s to push off that she knows other languages like Spanish and Japanese in the past. She’s stolen others identities and even lied about her race and where she’s at in attempts to “ no be her”.
She couldn’t even fathom knowing fluently more then one language. Linguists don’t exist in her weird little diluted world.
No. 1562397
>>1562395She's the very definition of "Speak AMERICAN!" in this case lol. It's weird because she wants to pretend like she speaks more than one language and in the slap fight with Plonk and her girl friend who joined to defend her, she outed herself as using Google Translate as her way of "knowing" the languages.
Gaiasgod literally replied in Japanese and all Rachel could say "Lel you got me weebs, stop pretending to know Japanese/Korean/Vietnamese/Chinese"
No. 1562411
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No. 1562413
>>1562405I think so. Autistic people often have trouble grasping things outside of what they know in their box. I think her getting the grammar outside of English would have been too hard for her to learn.
I grew up speaking my country's national languages and learned several more due to personal interest and knowing it could help my employment opportunities.
Just because people might not speak them fluently doesn't mean they're pretending LOL. It's shitty to discredit people's efforts to learn and actually get to a decent level and KNOW that Google Translate is absolute shit for determining anyone's fluency level.
No. 1562486
File: 1655371602437.jpeg (188.46 KB, 750x829, F94F9531-C529-462F-9CA7-385698…)

Why does the carpet look so dirty… Does her family not clean it…?
No. 1562713
>>1562704That's the same person?
>>1562709It's really weird how that works out, almost like these people are examples of the inner ugliness manifesting on their outside.
Meanwhile from what I've seen most people Rachel attacks look either like normal people or decently attractive people.
No. 1562761
File: 1655398706348.png (359.51 KB, 616x271, Az1Nxjj.png)

Did a slight edit to another anon's work of all of Rachel's new friends and her.
No. 1562860
>>1562808A good friend would defend their friend when they're getting shat on. But I guess they don't want to be publicly associated with such a trash person because they're a smidgen smarter than the fat cow and don't want to out themselves as a racist, homophobic pedophile too lol
But honestly, it's probably because she rather stick her head in the sand and believe Rachel's squealing about how she's being constantly attacked by people who hate her.
No. 1562909
This was several threads back, but this relates to the topic of Stardyn.
She showed the same screenshots to this other person.
>>1528630>>1528340 No. 1562916
File: 1655408337260.jpg (197.1 KB, 1170x2532, dan.jpg)

And knowing Rachel, she can't keep a secret or avoid including people in her drama. That person probably isn't aware she's throwing their name under the bus. If you look at the two accounts she's saying fairinfo threatened, both of those accounts follow fairinfo. the only account that doesn't is stardyn.
No. 1562985
File: 1655412661507.jpeg (494.3 KB, 2288x1243, judenrat.jpeg)

I don't believe this exact comment has been posted so I decided to help paint the picture it paints with text in image form.
No. 1563040
>>1562985Lmao, I love how she claims to be part of minority communities but “uses slurs to offend the snowflakes.” Stupid fucking bitch doesn’t realise 90% of minorities are what she calls snowflakes.
I’d like to see her try that shit in real life around actual LGBT people in. A lot of people of in the community I know of would beat her ass.
No. 1563094
File: 1655419286769.png (949.44 KB, 1000x523, 7L52NTQ.png)

I got my edition of Crisis Core early thanks to being an IGN reviewer, here is a leak of the cover!
No. 1563120
>>1563094 get ready nonnas, the milk is coming
can’t wait to see who she goes after this time
No. 1563176
File: 1655427019808.jpeg (135.97 KB, 747x731, FE856DD1-0E09-4B6A-9DD1-09797A…)

Nonnies, she started tard raging again lmao.
It has nothing to do with cats, Rachel you retard. It has to do with YOU as a person
No. 1563178
File: 1655427097261.jpeg (139.25 KB, 750x892, DF2CF51D-DA3D-466D-AEC6-F6E34C…)

If you were immune you wouldn’t be stalking accounts you supposedly blocked. Sure you’re not talking about your intelligence deficit?
No. 1563209
File: 1655429267516.jpg (21.25 KB, 600x300, horror.jpg)

>>1563204You evoked this image in my mind.
No. 1563247
>>1563233Owner of said cat account goes out of their way to get upset over something that shouldn’t upset them lol. I
f Rachel were truly changing, she would have learned to ignore if and understood that’s her consequences of her past actions but no, she feels the need to constantly defend or attack on behalf of herself. People with bigger followings who are just as much of an asshole as her understand to ignore the people who tell others that the asshole is still around. Small dick energy on Rachel’s part.
No. 1563261
>>1563232Sure, if they’re not colossally obnoxious about it like she is and feels the need to act like she’s an authority on things she likes.
She’s the worst kind of weeb/Japanophile. Pretending she speaks Japanese when Gaiasgod and Plonk proved she couldn’t even read Japanese properly due to her using Twitters imbedded Google Translate function calling them weebs
No. 1563302
>>1563291Her previous account she started off pretending she had a poor grasp of English but since she stalks multiple accounts, she showed she isn’t an ESL person and the pinned tweet on the KILLINGJOKE account was in very awkward Japanese that didn’t sound natural at all.
On her current account she’ll respond to tweets that are in kindergarten/elementary school Japanese in the simplest Japanese because that’s what Google translate does correctly. This is how she claims she can “read” Japanese. Plonk has repeatedly spoken to her in Japanese to test her claims and sh keeps insisting that Plonk can’t even speak it despite some mistakes on Plonk’s part.
No. 1563323
File: 1655435103984.jpeg (77.37 KB, 750x419, 5AC9F805-D3F8-41DE-A304-81F25F…)

She really thinks she’s doing something…
No. 1563330
File: 1655435271565.jpeg (103.53 KB, 750x606, 790FD485-7443-4C16-93F3-2EF248…)

Lol, buying the ugliest shit from Japan lol. She’s spending 20 bucks plus shipping for this.
No. 1563360
File: 1655436762609.jpeg (45.45 KB, 1125x207, lol.jpeg)

>>1563330Too bad you cant view the account.
No. 1563401
File: 1655439713300.jpeg (183.72 KB, 2074x458, wrongagain.jpeg)

Found this. She's wrong, yet again. 'Mental Retardation' is no longer a medical term and has been revised in the DSM-5 and the ICD-11. Its also been changed to 'Intellectual Disability' on US government papers. She really doesn't know shit about almost anything she talks about besides Sephiroth. My favorite is her law sperging. She'll try to dox someone and fuck that up to the point she'll catch charges. Can't wait. Hope they hit her with those when she's getting charged for that CP she keeps.
No. 1563405
>>1563401Luckily they doxed a completely unrelated person according to Fairs, I want to see Rachel try to make a thread though.
>>1563402LMFAO you are so pressed!
No. 1563408
File: 1655440086324.png (19.73 KB, 554x200, redsec rachel.png)

> She'll try to dox someone and fuck that up to the point she'll catch charges.
This I doubt very much but I can see her escalating with her threats to getting in trouble, and now there is this, she is openly contemplating hiring someone to commit serious crimes to dox Fairsinfo. If she wants results maybe she'd better because if she thinks she's found someone in Michael who will be able to help she will be sorely disappointed and having only worsened her standing as one of the women who's names are now tied to Michael's bullshit online forever. And if Elaine is still in the mix then faildoxing is even more assured.
No. 1563411
>>1563408Jokes on her, we hold all the secret ultra special chocolateyhats who will hack her hackers in hackception.
Fuck I hate anyone who uses those words.
No. 1563418
>>1563410That is absolutely what is going to happen if she goes looking, like
>>1563411 says all that kind of talk is cringey and will not serve her in finding anyone credible, but she's hardly doing that right
>>1563413However this kind of talk though might be a little optimistic. Pride goeth. A
good thread, probably not, but there's very likely enough out there for a low-effort vendetta thread, and if I were the Fairs girl I'd take precautions because while this site and KF is mainly looking for laughs, these other people are straight up bad actors.
No. 1563453
File: 1655442810965.png (139.23 KB, 663x524, retards.png)

Hrmmmm I think I won't Mike, Onionfarms is a pile of shit and I am glad I don't have to lurk on it to wait for Naught to fuck up Chrishandling.
No. 1563456
>>1563453>Come join Kiwifarms, they say, while waiting to dox the IP and sign up info of whoever shows up. If you're going to Onionfarms for any reason, lurkers (don't recommend it), I would suggest using copious amounts of protection.
Protection would've made a huge difference if Rachel's bio parents had used it.
No. 1563457
>>1563456Aw man I fucked it up with a typing error again.
I am dubbing myself "Room Temperature IQ Anon"
No. 1563459
File: 1655443250030.jpg (63.48 KB, 1242x771, cryingberchal.jpg)

>>1563456But nonna if we do that we might make Berchal cry!
>>1563457Don't worry roomtemp, we all have autism sometimes, some of us just more than others.
No. 1563525
File: 1655450339808.jpg (370.21 KB, 1080x1432, trannies.jpg)

@ Erika, Rachel has something to say to you
No. 1563631
File: 1655467666622.jpeg (118.71 KB, 731x672, 04596CEC-0797-40D0-B6E0-5F7CF2…)

Your narcissism will kill your mother Rachel. It is so hilarious that you retweeted this yet you don’t understand the irony of it.
I think that’s what you secretly want since she tried to send you to therapy, that special school for five years and you still do the same behaviours that cause her to lose sleep when you got served the TRO. Right? You know deep down I am and other people who have been warning you about this behaviour.
You claim she knows and laughs at us with you, but the truth is, she hides the fact she cries over the fact she adopted such a sociopathic narcissist that wants her dead despite your claims you “love” her. She’s afraid of you. She regrets ever bringing you into her life and is mad that therapy and the fucking TRO didn’t teach you anything.
She adopted you for the woke points and this is how you repay her. Disgusting vile creature you are. Your father getting dementia and yelling at you all the time is the universe’s way of repaying you in kind for your crappy behaviour.
Remember, what you put out will eventually come back to you
No. 1563659
>>1563631This. 100%
To add, Rachel, remember…
This started because you were the one targeting people. Don't be mad because you're finally being held accountable for being a bully.
You attacked others unprovoked all over some roleplay shit. Any normal, well adjusted person wouldn't get mad at people pretending to be fictional characters. That Sephiroth (and many more) didn't choose your self insert OC so it's somehow everyone else's issue? No.
Boohoo bitch, you get back what you put out.
No. 1563686
File: 1655474463134.gif (4.81 MB, 540x450, tumblr_a07defec7060804d7954993…)

>>1563525Ah Mrs(Ms)Nonna I don't feel so good…
>>1563659>>1563631Never forget I helped you at first, never forget that instead of wanting help you lashed out at me, I wondered why at the time but after learning more about you I honestly think you just resented my help and lumped me into a group of others instead of thinking about what I as an individual have done.
Stop chasing trannies Rachel, you don't respect us, we won't date you.
No. 1563699
>>1563418i suppose she could try, but she said she doesnt have enough info for one, and i seriously seriously doubt shes going to get more.
>>1563456ive just stopped going there altogether. nothing of value was lost.
No. 1563701
>>1563631People with dementia generally tend to remember specific feelings, not the memories.
I’m guessing Rachel’s dad only remembers the anger and frustration that she gave him. He never loved her. He loved his wife and put up with her putting them through hell for the sake of her mother. It’s only natural that he would default to yelling at her.
Her mother probably tries to comfort her by telling her that she’s still loved by her family. But deep down, Rachel knows that’s not true which is why she keeps insisting she’s loved online when people tell her the truth that she’s not liked.
No. 1563732
File: 1655477926759.jpeg (116.67 KB, 780x1024, FJ2AHlvWQAcYZgR.jpeg)

This reminded me of Bertha but this girl has a cute face, Rachel does not.
No. 1564389
File: 1655511984245.jpeg (19.94 KB, 747x156, BBBA20FC-730D-4371-9E4D-80EB1A…)

And yet you still choose to be retarded as ever.
No. 1564581
File: 1655532608702.jpg (324.39 KB, 1075x1092, npc.jpg)

Oh my god.
No. 1564646
>>1564630She might as well be a troon because she sperged out when she was told her alleged "vaginismus" could be because of an out of control yeast infection.
Whined about that not being how vaginas worked, touting that she's an EXPERT despite being a virgin.
No. 1564749
File: 1655551101061.png (340.68 KB, 1080x1493, Screenshot_20220618-061546.png)

I clipped this without an account at all, they're fucking retarded.
>>1564630The actual tranny acts far more womanly than she does too, Rachel is the most pathetic thing I've seen.
No. 1564902
File: 1655566187823.gif (819.41 KB, 500x232, virgin.gif)

She has no where to sperg if they move it to the "dumper".
>>1564749Typical Rachel, always a coombrain. No one needs the promise of nudes to see how hilariously retarded you are, Rachel. Any of us could go get screenshots, its public. We dont need to send nudes to do that, gifrel just add the word fat in front of virgin.
No. 1564973
>>1564749I can post your IP if you want. There was only one guest online in the Rachel thread last night at the time
>>1564581 ← This was posted.
I have literally zero moral compunctions about leaking your IP. Just be honest lol.
No. 1564976
>>1564646I love how she keeps insisting that she spent years studying vaginas but she has no experience or actual knowledge of them.
She might as well be larping as a woman. The hairy legs, the man face, lack of knowledge about vaginas all point to the signs of her being a tranny. My theory is that she was born a hermaphrodite and her parents decided to raise her as a girl.
No. 1565012
>>1565009He's so
trigger happy he blew his load over someone laughing at Rachel, miss true and honest gamer who wrote an essay about female gamer discrimination, not knowing what an NPC is.
God what a sensitive little baby bitch.
No. 1565025
File: 1655572981658.png (186.54 KB, 1843x862, hypocrisy.png)

>I've seen multiple posts bragging about getting Rachel driven out of different communities
Sit down, faggot. Pic related.
>doxing website
No. 1565033
If you're going to shit up the thread with unrelated stuff, go here you fags
>>>/snow/1557351Rachel gets herself banned. Idk why anyone would WK her the way that >>1565022 would. Sage your fucking shit newfag.
No. 1565479
File: 1655621350525.png (91.8 KB, 841x743, rachel1.png)

Trolling Rachel, just another day on onionfarms.
No. 1565674
File: 1655645322868.jpeg (115.86 KB, 750x859, 4DAC8B5B-C7F4-4218-AD6C-3963DA…)

Stop retweeting shit like this for the woke points Rachel.
You literally said with your KillingJoke account that brown/black people were ugly and being white was the best. You also went around saying the n-word at people and calling black folks hair nappy you fatass.
No. 1565679
>>1565677No it's worse than that, Rachel est ein Judenrat, she turns on her own kind to be a pick me for Nazis.
>>1565674I wonder if she can hit every minority virtue signal while also undermining it with her own words spouted from the pure part of her heart when she's in full fatty Eva Ralphina Rage Pig mode.
No. 1565713
File: 1655649020216.jpg (317.67 KB, 973x928, 1508232378305.jpg)

>>1565677To be fair, all kikes pretend to be white when it's time to advocate against the interests of white people and call themselves jewish when it's time to advocate for jewish interests.
File: 1655659832463.png (50.51 KB, 603x511, Rachel's creepy Janny.png)

Okay had to rush a tad, so give me a bit to compile the caps but just so I don't tease too bad, and I kinda hate to do this ladies I am so fucking sorry for adding another cow to this but it was organic, I have not tipped, I lurked and just pretended to be a person to blend in with the rest of them. I did not verify so I could not get into the 18+ stuff where a bunch of gross milk is, so I am sorry if some consider blowing my load early but uh, Rachel would recognize me.
So, this guy…
He is the Discord 'owner', so Rachel is his janny and has done most of the legwork. There is so much milk that I cannot possible cap all of it, and his twitch is already deactivated so it would need to be a lucky catch from the wayback or something akin. This man is creepy just from the get go but when you get to his twitter, you will see why I say he is doubtlessly a cow and I honestly have not had the time to read through it all yet.
Old Twitch- Youtube - Twitter - No. 1565869
File: 1655660040661.png (27.22 KB, 300x337, How he looks in the server.png)

I will not redact any messages from him or Rachel but I will be covering up the rest of the names and avatars of the users.
No. 1565900
File: 1655661724396.jpg (94.21 KB, 1080x239, onionthread.jpg)

No. 1565921
File: 1655662920873.png (1.78 MB, 810x6862, Rachel milk pile 1.png)

A lot of stuff that I covered in the imgur comments below each image. Easier to read in this way imo after the different image collages I have been attempting.
I honestly cannot believe the luck in my time I have had here.
So glad I got there before Mike but I can almost say with certainly that he knows. Plate Gang is around Elaine, Elaine is around Mike, Rachel is lusting after her lost childhood friend named Mike.
I need to lay down.
No. 1565924
File: 1655662986115.png (419.55 KB, 790x1822, Rachel milk pile 2.png)

And the rest, if she makes more organically I will cap. If Mike comes in I may blow cover to chase him off but only as a last resort, Rachel is best by herself.
No. 1565934
File: 1655663593996.png (1.01 MB, 1060x1440, meme (3).png)

No. 1565937
File: 1655663940452.jpg (11.23 KB, 190x265, mike.jpg)

>>1565921>Mike knowsYou just know he's going to be pic related
No. 1565940
File: 1655664014194.png (88.21 KB, 918x626, extra rachel 1.png)

Just got into the interrogation chamber, gonna try having a local friend verify for me. Rachel says it is to screen for age of 18 but this is all she says in the channel. So she really only cares about screening for 'trolls' not how old someone is before they view porn and are in channels where adults are sexually rping and other gross shit.
No. 1565987
>>1564973oh no not the ip address!
>>1565022rachel being shunned by entire communities is no individuals fault except hers, and its obviously never going to drive her off the internet because shes STILL going after people on twitter and posting here. stfu.
>>1565024youre literally just responding to a random person though, you doont know who they are or what they may or may not have done, and besides why would anyone "support" someone so retarded.
No. 1566002
File: 1655667470743.jpg (185.48 KB, 1440x2037, Screenshot_20220526-202749_Gal…)

I hate to break it to you but this 'Michael' is one of her big brothers LMAOOOOOO
No. 1566004
File: 1655667568882.jpg (153.34 KB, 1297x669, Barbara_redacted.jpg)

Sorry to samefag but I needed this to back up. She mentions having a big brother on her OF thread.
No. 1566042
File: 1655669589065.png (167.94 KB, 800x800, oldfag meme.png)

No. 1566053
>>1566046>Ops>Lurking in a Rachel server until it's publicly made known and scrambling my ass off.Legit question, in my sphere we do not call that an op if it is literally just one person. Have I ever actually oped? what is an op in this space?
I am confuse. Why is one Kansans and the other not Ar-Kansas? Nonnas explain!
Nah on the real none of the other scrotes that wear pink(loved that name)were with me so I don't think it qualifies. I think us raiding small imageboards with Sheriff memes are ops but not this, can someone clear me up?
Go ahead and rate me puzzle pieces and clocks.
No. 1566069
>>1565921hold up hold up hold up, where are we getting that she sexually assaulted her bro's controller?
she says she played n64 smash [bros] and caused drift on the joystick, meaning she broke it by being a spazzoid, what am I missing here
No. 1566100
File: 1655672059544.png (7.95 KB, 274x82, hormonal inbalance.png)

>>1566092Another user hits her with the thinking face and she immediately switches the subject, the context clues all lead to incestual cooming, do not forget that Rachel has others to astroturf for her now.
Also def a hormonal imbalance.
No. 1566103
File: 1655672198541.png (79.18 KB, 757x545, in general....png)

Samefag, More context, this is more recent when Rachel ignores a user's pleas not to make a FF7 NSFW for once. It's in gen chat where minors and unvets are.
No. 1566111
>>1566078or just someone who's never heard that before soz
>>1566092I want to believe she's not that gross, eugh
No. 1566225
>>1566121Doesn’t PCOS also have the symptoms of excessive hair? It might explain her insistence on her hairy legs (and her moustache looking at her ugly selfies) being fine and she doesn’t have to shave them.
I had a random thought that Rachel would try to be a surrogate since she wants kids so bad and insists she’s going to have a child in a years time, but the thing is they look at your medical and educational history. Then I realised even on a personal level, no one would want her genes for their baby. And she’s not healthy and her scoliosis would cause problems for her.
No. 1566237
File: 1655684401207.png (247 KB, 1920x1080, nsfw1.png)

Thank God I was pretty much asexual before this, please remember me by the milk I delivered and not my enormous amounts of autism, I am dying nonnas…
It's funny, but highly disgusting, you have been warned. Idk if it gives me away at this point, I am a changed person from this experience.
Important note, she did not require to see my face just birth date on an ID so these all could be minors in here, I was smart enough at that age to borrow an older friend's ID, and if I had older siblings it would be easier. As a moralfag, I really do not know what to do at this point, this is horrifically primed grooming grounds. So much of it was bad that I essentially have the whole channel capped, I avoid most images and considered using a channel stip but this will be easier for you all to read. It's not grosser in concept than using your brother's controller and then lusting after an older man with his exact name…but it's pure horrid degeneracy. user that is 18+ or so they claim, have fun.
No. 1566240
File: 1655684519468.jpeg (Spoiler Image,217.41 KB, 1920x1080, nsf2.jpeg)

Im spoilering these two actually.
No. 1566242
File: 1655684556317.png (Spoiler Image,681.31 KB, 1920x1080, nsfw3.png)

Like was so just unphased I'm like yeah just upload uncensored porn, fuck it.
No. 1566253
File: 1655685089262.png (Spoiler Image,71.06 KB, 477x323, oh yeah I forgot this.png)

Why did they have to draw this, why?
No. 1566259
File: 1655685250634.png (18.99 KB, 576x171, fun nugget.png)

This got posted while I was compiling caps, it's just a regular funny about Rachel fucking up a simple thing to do on discord.
No. 1566325
>>1566300She’s like a child mentally.
Why would any 30 year old brag about drinking booze? Why can’t she talk about anything normally and stay away from inserting sex into everything? It’s not cute
No. 1566339
File: 1655689549054.png (96.22 KB, 981x540, ridiculous.png)

This is insane, watching Cannibal Holocaust with minors? Just wtf dude, like how?!
No. 1566350
File: 1655690113428.png (27.12 KB, 827x318, gay indoctrination.png)

File name says it all.
No. 1566364
>>1566362Luckily they are streaming games instead as like, I can handle that tomorrow but not right now, not after what I saw today.
Sephiroth mpreg.
No. 1566432
File: 1655695297057.png (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 1284x1763, cockandballs.png)

>>1566240is that the same artist who drew Seph's dick with the balls on top?
No. 1566440
File: 1655696017874.png (50.69 KB, 789x278, malk 1.png)

She doesn't know about the leaks yet so I find it hilarious she is hating on the Info Center when it's the least of her worries.
No. 1566473
File: 1655698570433.png (Spoiler Image,225.27 KB, 613x791, not in the nsfw.png)

Porn in the minor channels, was only a matter of time.
No. 1566478
File: 1655698870252.png (Spoiler Image,79.13 KB, 782x700, 16 year old.png)

Heres the 16 year old, there are a few other users who sounded off ages 13-15.
So ate least 4 minors claiming to be minors, and she has porn in the general areas and wants to stream yeah an actual gore video.
This is grooming.
No. 1566521
File: 1655703913040.png (85.56 KB, 659x759, malk2.png)

No. 1566522
File: 1655703968270.png (122.77 KB, 662x712, malk 1.png)

No. 1566529
>>1566528Yupp, that's the thing with manipulators, so often the
victim has to save themselves as anyone trying to will be painted as a monster out to consume them…while they're being consumed by the monster saying it.
No. 1566621
>>1566620This genuinely sounds like astroturf to try and undermine all the unintentional truths someone told. Btw haven't you noticed how very few people here use first person pronouns?
The user base does.
I do.
How's it going?
No. 1566631
>>1566628>>1566630She lives on her threads usually. Maybe she stopped looking, but it isn't a stretch to believe she hasn't at least had a peek especially after Fairs Info Center posted about it. She knows FIC has posted here and is also potentially posting on KF, under what user we don't know but it isn't a stretch to say FIC could possibly have an account there.
We also know that she's looking for any way possible to have a "gotcha" on the people she thinks are harassing her.
It'll be interesting to see how it pans out after all.
No. 1566633
File: 1655717840358.jpg (211.6 KB, 1080x680, Youweremybrotheranakin.jpg)

Samefag, begun the meltdown has.
No. 1566634
>>1566631It is a stretch actually, not gonna leak their DMs but that is a very weird implication for a
nonnie to make, are you new here perhaps?
AC is harassing her, so is Naught, she hasn't gotten any gotchas and anyone. She tries, she will come in here and go "only I won, cope and seethe about it" but she scaled back since opening the discord. Exactly at the same time, so she learned to stop posting or she has her janny friend come in to defend her now.
Yuuuuuupp I can just say she found out about the leaks two hours ago from what I can tell.
No. 1566635
File: 1655717907837.jpg (197 KB, 1080x573, thisreadsasashitpost.jpg)

Right as I was capping the last one she posted this.
No. 1566637
File: 1655718227911.png (19.61 KB, 590x170, lol said the scorpion.png)

>>1566636Look at who she's off blaming for the leaks, that's all that anyone needs to know about Rachel's intelligence level but it's all G I just know people are gay-oping atm so I am very suspicious of anyone giving Rachel any benefit of the doubt lol.
No. 1566643
File: 1655718991093.png (185.98 KB, 602x649, kino4.png)

Oh and one last thing, in her tweets you can see shes using the twitter account of the guy I doxed up above.
Pay more attention to him, I doxed him for a reason and haven't released all I got yet.
No. 1566677
>>1566643She been using that account to spy on people that have her blocked for years. It’s the only account she doesn’t interact with anyone. FIC has made posts dating back to 2020 warning about this account. Just got to dig deep into their posts for it.
I don’t think she’s known that guy that long. And the full version of that image is porn.
No. 1566686
File: 1655726294982.jpeg (35.4 KB, 750x208, 0E125C8E-C9BC-4F28-9D79-21CB65…)

Someone forgot to cap this.
No. 1566697
>>1566689She alluded to no longer working at the bookstore, and cat sitting isn't consistent enough to even provide any income worthwhile. She's flat broke and jobless.
I really think she did get fired because of her threads. She claims she left because of pay, but I highly doubt that. The timing of her "leaving" her job after bragging about how great it was seems a little too suspicious to me.
No. 1566846
>>1566677I was saying they both have used the account and display picture, same pfp when you dont know another fan makes sense but if you know someone you dont use one of their pfps. Wildly socially offensive, so they are using it to hide that account from time to time. Not saying hes known her for years but saying they are probably account sharing now with how she suddenly shifts in the discord into a formal persona she could never pull off before. It's subtle, but it's there.
>>1566730I have a KF thread, no employer cares because my account isn't in my threads harassing people. I can play it off as yeah i pissed off a couple terminally online people. Rachel can't say that because she has so many, so many instances of "Cant work on a team" and thats what matters.
Was it the only reason she was fired? No.
It confirmed a pattern her boss saw imo.
>>1566740She's got a thing for guys named Mike that look like her brother you see, also she would rather coom to Genesis than Sephiroth, there was a lot of shit to come through.
>>1566808Read the Rachel shit containment and Mike threads and then come back and join us so you realize how silly you sound right now.
No. 1566862
>>1566856Really, you can't determine who this is from the context clues I left all over this thread?
You dumb or something?
All you need for a KF thread is to piss off a scrote.
No. 1566946
>>1566944If you are
>>1566936 and thinking you're not talking to an anon being passive aggressive about you being passive aggressive then yes as you are clearly vying for some crumb of attention.
No. 1567009
File: 1655752243461.jpg (110.92 KB, 1052x959, fun twitter meme.jpg)

Right well really fucking lame how people get when there isn't fresh milk even like 10 hours after two glorious dumps. Here is something on topic, legit that nonna who is being passive aggressive we fucking see you and know who you meant. It's all ladies here, remember?
>>1566928 - kill yourself, laugh at this funny twitter meme and don't try to chase clout by attacking someone with a thread, you only look like a pick me.
No. 1567122
File: 1655758593776.jpeg (188.2 KB, 815x1304, 4DE9A8B1-C708-4279-94A4-955FC7…)

Not sure if this is milk but it’s updates from the server. There hasn’t been much and I haven’t gotten into the adult area since I don’t want to go though the “proof” process. So I don’t know if that area has any more milk.
She seems to know that there’s spies though. She mentioned it last night before going to bed at 3 am her time.
No. 1567137
File: 1655759106951.png (28.2 KB, 648x148, nice gay ops.png)

>>1567122Inb4 you say this again
>>1566620 No. 1567181
File: 1655761532114.jpeg (57.92 KB, 750x314, 3854F537-94F6-4276-B7A5-338F2A…)

Doesn’t this fucking dumb bitch have a non-con kink? She’s been begging for ERPs where she gets raped
No. 1567183
File: 1655761587977.jpeg (83.36 KB, 750x542, 5D557B73-1AA8-4D98-A8C4-003039…)

You aren’t a victim though. You’re nothing but a masochistic, sociopathic, and narcissistic bully
No. 1567220
File: 1655764477635.jpeg (164.21 KB, 750x902, 184E9801-5572-4AC2-A7D7-7D1322…)

It is not your cat’s Twitter if you keep going out of your way to respond to that shit you fucking dumbass. It makes it your Twitter now
No. 1567221
File: 1655764643036.jpeg (129.49 KB, 750x637, EC6992EE-7C05-4D26-906E-B6A040…)

Not you saying “Let’s indoctrinate the baby gays (who are minors btw) with gore movies”. in your Discord server. Keep defending yourself. It just makes you look worse and gives the authorities more shit on you
No. 1567231
File: 1655765241463.jpeg (118.65 KB, 734x590, FBD1FD55-957F-4919-B407-A2AF35…)

You’re victim blaming, Rachel. How disgusting. Children that young in your server do not have the full understanding of how messed up it is you’re exposing them to explicit topics like masturbation UNINVITED. They didn’t consent to hearing you whine about how you would have masturbated if the power in your ghetto ass house didn’t go out
No. 1567235
File: 1655765297597.jpeg (160.26 KB, 750x745, 6520EABF-1EEA-4866-86DC-696C63…)

No. 1567241
File: 1655765490290.jpeg (20.34 KB, 750x205, FC69D7DA-26C9-4FC3-AF5E-BACF63…)

She’s on her way to getting this account suspended too
No. 1567243
>>1567220your cat cant use twitter rachel.
did anyone happen to cap the one that just got auto deleted for violating the rules?
No. 1567455
>>1567441>>1567439sorry I have multiple threads open in different tabs and picked the wrong tab. Deleted it
also fixed sage
No. 1567811
>>1567759The thing with Rachel is the fact that she'll always be easy to follow because she craves popularity. She wants attention and to be able to say she's popular and more liked, so she'll fall into the same trap of making her shit public every time. It's why her accounts get exposed so quickly, she craves the attention.
She hates people, yet she wants to believe people are envious of her.
No. 1567844
>>1567836I sent a list of the people in that server to Fairs to pass around in case any RP fags knew any of them, a lot claim to be underage or borderline age and you are exactly right lotta poke-furries and made up genderkin in there, cooming and grooming, smh. I think the Elainetroll that slipped in is someone closer to Mike and I am so tired of dealing with his bullshit that I am not putting any effort into getting back in there.
>>1567821Def, I'd say that the server was the final conjecture nail in the coffin for incest but it's not the 'proof' that it occurred, probably will be the thing most people think back to when someone does have solid proof of incest with her bio-brother. Besides that though, I think most tinfoils on Rachel were all but confirmed, Rachel is gonna go far(keep her away from)kid.
No. 1568250
File: 1655852217828.png (91.13 KB, 813x251, lessthantree.png)

>>1567844>I think the Elainetroll that slipped in is someone closer to MikeMike is in the server on a new account, pic related.
No. 1568283
>>1568250>"deeply closeted weeb and otaku"kek
Asukaposters are sus by default tbh
No. 1568312
>>1568250Proof? I'm uncomfortable with possible randos getting doxed. How do you know that is Mike? And why isn't this in his thread?
Fixed missing sage
No. 1568331
>>1568324>tries the high road then gets salty afYep
Pick one:
It wasn't posted for your personal benefit so lol calm down you spastic
It's funny to watch you get paranoid about whether your new account is 'provably' you lmao
No. 1568385
File: 1655862826058.jpeg (120.54 KB, 750x1105, B177D8AF-FF60-4EE2-9319-A0ACC4…)

What do you know, her sending those kids to FIC actually ended up with this
No. 1568824
>>1568804More likely however, some of the users can tell when Mike, Naught, or Rachel are in the thread.
One should not have to hi cow them every time, and if you have not picked up on their unique writing traits they refuse to change, I have no idea what to tell you.
No. 1569042
File: 1655926330630.jpeg (177.13 KB, 750x872, 741783ED-2AF2-4B81-AC71-EBE83F…)

Ma, the crazy bitch is off her meds again
No. 1569043
File: 1655926400949.jpeg (96.03 KB, 750x608, E049042C-CFD5-48B5-B2CB-5BFF5E…)

No. 1569046
File: 1655926519068.jpeg (79.59 KB, 750x317, 81818753-FE7B-4C01-AE5F-5CC1FA…)

Nah Rachel, you’re gonna eventually get kicked out once the trannies you follow and retweet realise how much you hate them. Trannies are the most vocal out of the LGBT community, and once they start sounding off alarms about how much of a drama whore you are, you’re done for.
No. 1569054
>>1569044She thinks anyone on Twitter is Gen Z when the majority of users are millenials tbh.
It’s so hilarious she thinks Gen Z don’t know struggle when she has no idea how bad the housing market is right now, how bad inflation is and how it’s gonna fuck over both millenials (she’s one) and Gen Z
No. 1571740
>>1571349No that's actually Mike, instead of posting to LCF they have chased Erika there where all of a sudden her friends are crawling out of the woodworks.
Pure bait, I wonder if she knew Mike was there before registering, this shit always gets so crazy and I do not know what the fuck to even think at this point.
No. 1571758
File: 1656174796931.png (215.89 KB, 1363x820, projection.png)

Michael: Still haven't teamed up with anyone
Also Michael:
No. 1571776
File: 1656176540199.png (69.08 KB, 1195x370, we know how it is.png)

Naught = Random
Mike = X3R0 Ring
Both are super obvious but made it more so by posting to OF while active there, like the morons we know they are…
No. 1571790
File: 1656178110190.png (192.73 KB, 1804x578, retard.png)

Michael replied on onion farms because reasons I guess
also the lack of self awareness is physical cringe
No. 1571866
File: 1656183138610.jpeg (222.24 KB, 1064x1600, blaine is a pain and that is t…)

A meme to help sum up things from the site linked above for anyone who does not wish to visit it.
No. 1572141
File: 1656203276405.jpg (206.88 KB, 1080x869, Rachel with a hard r.jpg)

She confirms the thread is hers and Sourpuss is her account, then she drops this.
No. 1572151
A user by the name of "Tard Cum Chalice" keeps asking about the tentaclerape account with all of those very suspicious likes. is the only one who uses the Yzrch name. To further confirm, some of those images have her little autistic one liner attempts at humor.
No. 1572174
File: 1656205805949.jpeg (126.08 KB, 1324x686, bartholin glands.jpeg)

Vintage Rachel on the Metokur site (1/2)
No. 1572176
File: 1656205874329.jpeg (51.43 KB, 1024x471, apisophilia.jpeg)

>>1572174(2/2) I guess the tranny wants to fuck bees, now. That's a new one to me.
No. 1572220
File: 1656209267710.png (411 KB, 426x725, 1656207014772.png)

This was posted on the Metokur forums on Rachel's thread, is this actually her?
No. 1572236
File: 1656210457948.png (28.14 KB, 1163x186, rachel mike and naught always …)

>>1572231File name sums up how to take anything any of the three main morons say.
No. 1572241
File: 1656210678730.jpeg (30.23 KB, 750x187, CA22ED71-4A8F-47AD-984F-64EEB1…)

100% she thinks she’s a 10 across the board
No. 1572247
>>1572245Rachel is so fat when she sits around the house, she sits
around the house.
No. 1572278
File: 1656215271451.png (167.04 KB, 328x402, Screenshot 2022-04-25 234212.p…)

that thread already has 17 pages?!
No. 1572290
File: 1656216153140.jpeg (35.14 KB, 901x227, no words for this.jpeg)

Well, Rachel just admitted to possession of CP.
No. 1572306
>>1572302She is melting down there
hard (feat. Michael, the tranny, and a nonna or two), I don't know if she thinks she isn't being watched or what, but on top of it all she is there coping on Elaine's behalf repeating the same stories Elaine is telling across three+ sites about deepfakes and revenge porn. All of these freaks are hanging out on a Discord together and trying to run the lolcow uprising again, kek.
No. 1572381
File: 1656224002643.jpeg (82.79 KB, 750x526, 97FEFC2E-0951-4EC9-85A2-D5B2EB…)

Bookstores affiliated with universities generally don’t have corporate and multiple offices. At least the ones where I live.
No. 1572385
File: 1656224179917.jpeg (96.78 KB, 749x644, 27198276-3273-410E-9967-4E9F81…)

What happened to her polycule? Lol
Apparently since she makes 15$/h according to a Discord post, she was able to afford her house has to be big enough to have an acre backyard in California… something’s not adding up here.
Also the photos of Bello from her Twitter give away that her house is old as fuck and gross.
No. 1572498
>>1572241lmao i love when she posts her delusions like this.
>>1572290maybe if she hadn't had access to the internet or hadn't literally lived on it for a decade and a half she'd be a normal-ish sperg with her protected tardjob at the bookstore, a social life with coworers/at her synagogue, maybe even a roommate or a bf.
her parents must be terrified of when they'll die and she'll have to be responsible for herself.
>>1572385it's her parent's house on the bello pictures
No. 1572510
File: 1656240258940.jpeg (141.45 KB, 750x870, C8912DC5-B7F5-4D20-B9FB-22D48A…)

I don’t remember seeing anything about her cholesterol levels unless that was more than two threads ago.
Mensa? Really? Then why were her essays mid quality and too simplistic. Mensa people are generally excellent at pattern recognition, which Rachel is not very good at.
No. 1572629
>>1572529Rachel always refreshes my palate when Elaine makes things uncomfortably dark.
Did you see Mike try to taddle to the owner and get overwhelmed by 5 different people telling him he's wrong and projecting?
Shits hilarious to see him try his same dance on Erika that worked on KF, he still has people hating her from that(very easy to puppet a moid tho, lets be real), so it was carthatic to see it not work at all once people knew more about the two. Idk who this hugbox or black hand is and I thought it was jokes at first, and they're probably all people who cannot take themselves seriously but they produce some funny stuff with their cow poking.
Rachel flat out using the gamer word as soon as the venom pfp dude talks gets me everytime and then she turns around and calls him Erika, she is so insane, it's the best!
No. 1572692
>>1572690Elaine uses Rachel to spam here with CP, Rachel admitted she will do so and has CP last night in a fit of rage to try and get her thread taken down on the Met forum. They have all been found working together, Elaine sells some crazy story that it's a second Null, then that it is her own family that leaked her cutting and piss videos, when asked if it's Michael she suddenly knows
it cannot possibly be him so yeah I know he is responsible, I know that she is covering up for Michael, Mike has done this kind of shit before, but hell if I can prove it short of when he eventually tries to claim credit(he won't he always tries backpeddling when he abuses a woman this badly), I don't know the details but this is just a step up from what he did to one of those KF girls with her nudes.
Same song and dance down to tempo, pace, and footwork.
No. 1572701
File: 1656258980721.png (63.11 KB, 885x671, jesus fucking christ.png)

Oh fuck me
No. 1572708
File: 1656259294846.png (116.63 KB, 1174x785, already onto the prove it stag…)

No. 1572721
File: 1656260214660.png (98.25 KB, 1187x655, but never credit for his own w…)

No. 1572747
File: 1656261341077.jpeg (29.21 KB, 727x157, F526F27B-D240-4AAB-BE72-0B27CC…)

She’s so fucking stupid omg lmao
No. 1572749
File: 1656261381685.jpeg (75.74 KB, 750x463, 1C5B0E2B-7A9C-4C57-96CD-88C5EB…)

No. 1572751
File: 1656261504791.jpeg (136.8 KB, 750x616, E9C96819-61D7-4FE1-B999-F4889D…)

Wait until she gets bodied in jail for being a pedo lol. She won’t be able to talk like this to any of the inmates because the reality is that pedos usually are away from gen population to protect their disgusting asses.
No. 1572769
File: 1656262097176.png (60.95 KB, 1163x472, he did it.png)

No. 1572983
File: 1656276322508.png (50.67 KB, 1174x467, from the horses mouth.png)

Some Mike milk that is a bit relevant, how is Rachel going to react to him being so open about le jewish question and pedophilia?
No. 1572988
File: 1656277016465.png (386.42 KB, 478x460, Asylum_Demon.png)

>>1572986Just wait until we see Josh's name carved into those thighs, pic related.
No. 1573235
File: 1656299778436.png (204.63 KB, 1715x522, Rachel sending death threats i…)

Rachel in private really does not like to own up to anything, and honestly cannot give a good reason for any hate boner towards Erika so we have to just assume that it is actually transphobia, and she would be based if she just owned up to that but no, she wants her cake and to eat it all too like the fat little piggy pork pie she is.
No. 1573321
>>1573305Yupp, Rachel is dumb and people at her intelligence level have a seething hatred for people who outsmart them, that was the only thing Rachel could truly blame Erika for so she went with a bunch of bullshit to try and paint Erika as a monster and her as the
victim, fat manipulative little fingers just flying across the keyboard.
No. 1573350
>>1573335I mean, is it that much of a stretch when all she does is use slurs and plaster pre-transition photos of Erika? Looks pretty bad to me nonna and I am a big scary
terf who likes bullying trannies.
Be a real shame if this got more eyes on it.
No. 1573720
>>1573702Hi Spooky!
That pfp is Venom, and nah I have way too many simps it's dumb to play me as a
victim but hey that would be funny.
No. 1573969
>>1573943Besides being against the rules, all of that is on KF, lol.
>>1573965Why would that be surprising?
No. 1574009
>>1574005Nigger use reading comprehension, I didn't say to do it. I said it could happen because Rachel has made direct threats to Erika using doxed information and there is a solid case there. Something like CP is dubious, but she's provided endless evidence of her harassing a trans woman.
Her parents should pay attention
if they don't want her to end up down that route. No. 1574017
>>1574009Yeah, one user is calling everything cow tipping lately, don't worry too much about it.
I just can feel in my gut that somehow her parents just had some kind of wakeup call to try and steer this out of going down a dark path too.
Just some weird tingles, something in the air, I don't know.
I hope so as frankly all my cows are getting dark lately.
>>1574016No the actual death threat towards what california classifies as a protected class. Settle down please, it's the internet and you are getting critically srs.
No. 1574027
>>1574025You are one clearly
No. 1574110
>>1574100No, welcome, pull up a seat to one of the threads with the most unique users in it on this site.
Rachel is summed up rather well at the top of the OP as well as on a Metekour Forum that is linked above which compiles everything she has gotten up to since coming back to complain about her having a thread that was dead.
No. 1574115
>>1574110She is not but she is another great demonstration of the lunacy that Sephiroth fan girls tend to be. Interestingly enough it seems like Rachel was groomed at a young age with Sephiroth porn by another degenerate named "Jennifer", but
not that Jennifer (Jennifer Cornet) from the FF7 house. Anon who doxed "our" Jennifer (Jennifer Maben) here, and I really wondered until I found her when all I had to go on was that first name and the grooming accusations, lol.
>>1574110Isn't the Metokur forum OP just a compilation of .farm OPs, all of which are linked in the OP here?
No. 1574128
>>1574115Nah it is some more things as well as the best milk from threads from here and KF, so it is worth a check and honestly a decent digestion. Surprisingly the tranny actually removed a lot of the bias, missed some, missed some things that are slightly off, but overall for anyone new it's a good intro.
Big props on the Jenn dox, ngl that really helped me form how I think Rachel thinks in my mind and understand why she does some of the dumb things she does.
No. 1574827
File: 1656450751459.jpg (2.46 MB, 4096x7151, Blaine.jpg)

Oh my, it seems we have a cowtipper on our hands
No. 1574829
>>1574827Yeah I think Erika was rather up front about it.
>>1574819It's been on the Met forum lol
No. 1574830
File: 1656450925453.jpg (215.12 KB, 1440x1321, Screenshot_20220628-205056_Twi…)

Samefag, but 'social worker'
No. 1574831
>>1574827> hated even worse than MichaelIn one corner we have a wife-beating tranny lolicon Nazi who has released revenge porn of multiple women
that we know of and (according to the person making the comparison at least) may have been involved in making Elaine self-mutilate. In the other we have an insane Sephiroth shipper who's made edgy statements around children, pretty fucked up stuff let's be clear, but claiming that Rachel is the one more hated/deserving of hate. So can I just ask: what the fuck?
No. 1574835
>>1574831Reading comprehension level: Did not see how UH was asking How are you more hated than Mike as it baffled them too…
>>1574833No shit, is that like some gotcha? I really don't get this level of like "OMG burn the tranny" they legit are not even here anymore Spooky…
No. 1574838
>>1574833> uses the same character as a backdrop that has been posted multiple times here by either Erika or the venomposter from metokur.usI mean it's pretty clear what's going on at this point. And these people slipped up pretty bad saying Rachel is more hated than Michael imo. That's just deranged.
>>1574835> Reading comprehension level: Did not see how UH was asking How are you more hated than Mike as it baffled them too…But who would ever think that in the first place? It's a ridiculous comparison to make and just shows that someone is getting way overboard with their Rachel-related gayops.
> legit are not even here anymore Spooky…"She's not here", "everyone I hate is spooky" this is really Rachel levels of crazy
No. 1574840
>>1574835HAHAHA I'm not even Spooky but I love the reach.
I'm skeptical because Erika has made lots of claims, but for every 5 claims she makes she can only back up 1. I've been patient and held onto hope that she'd actually deliver receipts but the amount of things that have gone without receipts towers over the things that do have receipts.
If something big with Rachel is underway imma need some hard evidence.
No. 1574843
samefag but
>>1574837 yeah spooky is definitely known for calling Erika or any other tranny by her preferred name/pronouns, lol fuck off
No. 1574861
File: 1656451878727.png (32.65 KB, 360x290, c'mon ladies.png)

Really c'mon please just come to Met instead of sniping me here.
I don't want to be yelled at continually for breaking rules so I didnt dump anything, should I record my phone calls?
What the fuck do you want from me?
Just make an account on Met and talk to me there.
>>1574849Hunny, I was making a joke because I was baffled how defeated the cops were when I was talking to them. They sounded so tired of her shit, it was a joke.
Especially with Elaine cutting herself I am trying to make things light hearted so it isn't so fucking dark. I completely agree with the assessment you made here.
Whoever is attacking Spooky or me, please stop we are both adults and can fight our own battles.
Whoever is anon posting about me here, you are a coward, post about me on Met or shut the fuck up, or necro my KF thread. Nobody has posted on it since I returned because it's embarrassing as is alogging me like this.
It's a year old, let it go, it's ancient news.
>>1574827That is the person that posts on the Venom pfp, they were trying the friend route with Rachel after I called her mother. When they were blocked I called the police for the child porn threat, because, of course I did.
>>1574833Yeah he is not a social worker.
>>1574838Who are 'these people'? To you nonna, who are they? Who is in my grand personal army?
>>1574840It's a one to one if you ask me in private, idk why I would release all info ever at once and in public, that's some cow behavior right there.
>>1574852What is wrong with you?
>>1574860Fully agree.
No. 1574886
>>1574879Unfortunately it is there too lol
>>>/snow/1569894>>1574881Okay coward.
No. 1574889
File: 1656452727489.jpg (274.19 KB, 1440x1440, Screenshot_20220628-224312_Dis…)

>>1574834It definitely happened
No. 1574917
File: 1656453622879.jpg (72.23 KB, 1100x618, sings.jpg)

No. 1575015
>>1575013She's on the Met forum as well, based off the stamps Rachel is claiming this from Erika's post alone, as Erika is always baiting Rachel or Mike I won't believe that until I see actual evidence. Glad some idiots jumped the gun and claimed a W on a nothingburger tbh.
People believed Rachel over Erika, that was why she was acting hurt earlier.
No. 1575035
File: 1656464278348.jpg (404.62 KB, 1284x1271, calls.jpg)

proof Blaine called me pretending to be a social worker.
No. 1575041
File: 1656464605243.png (101.36 KB, 1284x1267, pixelized blaine ross.png)

Also farmhands may object to the phone number being visible as 'doxing' so here is the same cap pixelized and a note that the number matches.
No. 1575045
File: 1656464963299.png (166.22 KB, 1357x832, it was from elaine, mikes brag…)

Nonnas are being taken for a ride by Mike.
No. 1575048
File: 1656465023993.jpeg (64.77 KB, 679x389, 507588.jpeg)

>>1575043Glad you asked as I was just coming here to post. I would start with the fact that's the right phone number and whether it is or it isn't it is a paid cell phone (non-VoIP) and from the right area code.
No. 1575054
File: 1656465246196.jpg (59.47 KB, 1080x753, 20220618_053839.jpg)

>>1575035The date format being DD/MM/YYYY gives away that this is Britbong gayops.
No. 1575056
>>1575053Yeah, everyone involved is a proven liar, so what.
>>1575054And as I type that you know what I missed that and I will admit when I am wrong. So he harassed Elaine not and/or in addition to Rachel. Much better?
No. 1575072
File: 1656466137344.jpg (129.04 KB, 944x923, original.jpg)

You gayop for updoots and asspats, I gayop for things that make me laugh and serve only myself.
We are not the same.
No. 1575073
File: 1656466154806.jpeg (193.5 KB, 750x1033, A8B06AFD-6570-4C4B-8356-8D46EB…)

It’s funny how when she’s larping as her cat and describing it, it comes pretty close to describing herself.
No. 1575074
>>1575071Well it was milk brought by cows so really should tip you off on it.
Despite what NPCs who swallow bait want to think, learning is something that is very enjoyable for most people.
>>1575068That is kind of funny ngl, pretty harmless, I am curious though what is 'bad' about baiting Mike, Rachel or Elaine? It's not much of an op, it really is just lying and see what they come up with to spin their wheels. I am often accused of this.
>>1575072So you should love Erika's ops then…
>>1575073Bless you for milk, she does look so topheavy, saw someone post Mike's ex looking like Hank Hill and I think that applies to Rachel as well.
No. 1575097
File: 1656467924503.gif (1.12 MB, 376x250, animated-angry-cartoon-cat-2i4…)

>>1575039This user is the biggest fool ever!
I hope you're one of the idiots that rushed to push Elaine and Mike's gay op on Rachel's thread, all of you look so retarded now. It's amazing the lack of impulse control 4 Kiwis had.
Amazing way to give a W to a person you are calling a cow, just eat the gay op from actual cows like a cow would.
No. 1575110
File: 1656469030971.jpg (61.62 KB, 800x445, final-fantasy-vii-genesis-800x…)

Infinite in audacity is the caucasity of these bitches;
We seek the milk, and take to the farms.
Gayops form on the pasture's surface
The wandering cow knows no rest.
No. 1575119
In the first chan, in the first slapfight, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood, burned by the embers of Armageddon, his/her soul blistered by the fires of autism and tainted beyond ascension. He/She chose the path of perpetual torment. In his/her ravenous hatred he/she found no peace, and with boiling blood he/she scoured the gayopping planes seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had made his/her thread. He/she wore the crown of the weens, tippers, and those who tasted the bite of his/her slap name him/her the Coomslayer.
Tempered by the fires of gore and goatse, his/her iron will remained steadfast through the passage that preys upon the weak, for he/she alone was the hell walker, the unchained predator who sought retribution in all quarters, dark and light, imageboards and xenoforo, in he beginning and the end. And he/she hunted the slaves of coom with barbarous cruelty; for he/she passed through the divide as none but cows had before.
And in his/her conquest against the blackened souls of the coom, his/her baiting was shown. In his/her crusade the oldfags bestowed upon him/her terrible power and amphetamines and with his/her might he/she crushed the obsidian pillars of the gayoping lolcows. He/She set fourth without pity upon the beasts of the gayop gossip circles. Unbreakable, incorruptible, unyielding, the Coomslayer sought to end the dominion of the jersh realm.
The age of his/her reckoning was uncounted, the archivers carved his/her name deep into he taverns of anyone else's thread but hers lmfao across eons, with each battle etched terror in the hearts of cows. They knew he/she would come, as he/she always had, as he/she always will, to feast on the milk of the wicked.
Despair spread before him/her like a plague, striking fear into the gossiping gayopers, driving them to deeper and darker pits. But from the depth of the abyss rose the great one, a champion, mightier then all that had come before; the Titans of immeasurable power and ferocity. He strode upon the plain and faced the Coomslayer, and a mighty battle was fought on The Titans fought with the fury of the countless that had fallen at the Coomslayer’s hands; but there fell the Titans, and in their defeat the gossiping bullshit was routed.
And in his terrible rancor between worlds and through time came the wretch who shall not be named, but in his heresy was loyal to his evil cause. The wretch adored the Coomslayer in a mighty armor, wrought in the fortress of hell, impenetrable and unyielding, with slap and skin of adamantine strength, the Coomslayer sent to banish all that were left unbroken by his savagery to the void.
Yet as the mighty Titans fell and dread engulfed the armies of coom, the demon priests of the gossip forum laid a trap to capture the scourge of hell, insatiable, even by the vanquishing of the great one, the hell walker sought to prey in the fields of farmers, and blinded by his/her fervor, the lure drew him in. The gossiping gayopers brought down the temple of the Coomslayer and in his/her defeat entombed him in the cursed thread. The mark of the Coomslayer was burned upon his/her crypt, a warning to all of kiwifarms that the terror within must never be freed. There he/she lies still, and ever more, in silent suffering.
They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and tear, until it is done.(autism)
No. 1575161
File: 1656474522897.jpeg (66.1 KB, 750x482, C2D18FFC-0D10-4782-95FA-7AD134…)

No. 1575196
File: 1656477958137.jpg (392.2 KB, 809x1715, targeted ads.jpg)

Even the algorithm knows. I was checking her twitter for my own curiosity and this giant ad hit the bullseye.
No. 1575199
No. 1575213
>>1575199If that is Rachel, this is gonna be field day for when this comes out to light lmao.
I don't think her mother would ever let her even post here though because it would be just inviting more problems to their family.
No. 1575277
>>1574838Wait what, these characters are from the same series, are you the same person that assumed Erika was Internet Explorer?
You seem like it, if not, you're more retarded than fucking Burnbook congratulations sped, retard of the fucking decade trophy just for you!
No. 1575352
>>1575199sad but that's not her… i don't think rachel would admit to still living with her parents and being allowed only 1 hour of internet per day. she'll die pretending she has a harem and a big house etc.
also that's not her typing style
No. 1575366
>>1575352No she lost her shit, that is her typing style when she does so and that is how her house looks from the many pictures she has uploaded, it's just laughable how she went see? It's proof I typed a doxed person's name into the phone!
Mike was concerned about alogging spooky at the time so it was not him larping as her either.
No. 1575540
File: 1656518124474.png (340.15 KB, 672x561, EfGrrZ9UMAARRBV.png)

That is a picture from inside her house but nonnas are right, I cannot determine who's hand it is, it could be Michael.
No. 1575639
>>1575630If that's the case, that would explain why her mother lets her daughter run wild and doesn't give a shit that she's terrorising minors and all sorts of shit unless the authorities are involved.
Now she's implicated in any legal mess that's happening
if it's actually real and now she has to give a shit because she doesn't want to end up shanked like her daughter.
No. 1575649
>>1575567> If her mother approved of her using slurs that would implicate her as well if there was any sort of charges brought against Rachel for her behavior.How? She can call the tranny a tranny (or much worse) all day and so can the mom. People overestimate the capacity or interest the legal system has in dealing with internet bullshit even by the main actor
themselves let alone her mother. Even in mega-woke jurisdictions.
No. 1575655
I think this is potentially Rachel's. has used the moniker of Innisdeceit (her YouTube url, for example).
What's interesting is the sheer amount of pedo jokes and memes she's got. Yeah I know internet culture back then was a thing but it's pretty sus from what would be a young teen girl.
No. 1575663
>>1575655Gee I wonder who made that Ulquiorra twitter account now….
UH uses Aizen like the nonnas eating that up were hilarious, it would be like seeing someone with a superman pfp and saying oh thats the person who uses batman pfps.
They fell for a Rachel gayop, incredible!
No. 1575668
File: 1656526350122.jpg (36.8 KB, 376x381, pixel cleavage.jpg)

>>1575655> What's interesting is the sheer amount of pedo jokes and memes she's got. Yeah I know internet culture back then was a thing but it's pretty sus from what would be a young teen girl.That looks like pretty generic or even relatively tame 4chan/ED material from that era, really. From a young teen girl it might be a little unusual but they existed at the time and still do (Elaine, Bella) I don't really think you can read anything into it other than she was in that milieu. Pedobear for example was a massive meme on ED and often not even really on subjects that related to pedophilia. She has talked a lot about ED including in those old Facebook caps and she went to their Discord towards the beginning of this saga to try to PA them. Nice find, though. I think it is her too, she uses picrel somewhere else I remember.
No. 1575671
File: 1656526560756.png (286.95 KB, 1185x564, this is why.png)

>>1575668Yeah a lot of circumstantial evidence but based on the twitter with exactly one tweet that just popped up, that's Rachel and she had so little evidence of cow tipping that she made two shitty attempts at fabrication.
Which again retarded kiwis ran with, and should be embarrassed about even if we know the tip happened, there is a clear reason why.
No. 1575674
>>1575671The tip
definitely happened, self-admitted, and it is unacceptable, which makes it even funnier that Elaine, Michael, and Rachel all seem to have run their own gayops to "prove" it when the culprit admitted it already.
No. 1575677
>>1575674That and like it's funny straight up that she was reduced to an hour of screen time and after over a decade of abusing others one simple tip was all it took it seems to get Rachel to be monitored.
Unacceptable on this site sure, but, if you thought Mike having Rachel on Onionfarms and gassing her up would end well, then uh, you're fucked in the head.
No. 1575722
>>1575711Neutron keeps wanting clout for drama chasing and said the milk would dry up but looks like we can just find a boatload of Rachel's old accounts and her restricted time gives her less chance to DFE…
Sorry BP thots, you're wrong here, not encouraging a cowtipping but you ladies chimping out with EFM just proves who has been de-railing this thread and I'm so tired of it, just post to the Kiwi thread, it's already off topic as hell and utter shit even compared to here.
No. 1575960
File: 1656548837316.jpeg (184.41 KB, 750x1027, 54DE20FB-EB1B-48BE-86C1-5E968A…)

Figures, since the tweet that this was replied go was limited to a select number of people.
No. 1576146
>>1576137Yeah I assumed that's what Rachel had said, didn't mean to sound confrontational. It's just another thing where her lack of any real world experience really shows through.
>>1576138No one cares.
No. 1576208
>>1576198>>1576199>>1576201If you retards want to alog spooky just do it next time, you don't need the cover of accusing someone here is spooky, or do you? Bitchmade lmao
>>1576204No get fucked >>>1569894
No. 1576570
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No. 1576642
File: 1656605855885.png (66.41 KB, 1364x391, huge if true.png)

This could be baiting Mike, grain of salt, but it makes a lot of sense. Erika made a thread inviting Neutron to Metokur to gayop better, and Mike thought she was calling him a lolcow so he sperged the fuck out like any time Erika says anything.
No. 1577281
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No. 1577294
>>1577274According to the Met forum she did not set a date on it but rather when she was given the green light.
Also the person from before said that it's what Rachel claimed so I am guessing it is from her discord server, do you want that cap now and lose any further milk by risking the mole or do you want to rethink that one there lil buddy?
No. 1577297
>>1577294Sounds a little gaslightey to me, honestly. All I'm asking is to see some evidence that this isn't a gayops.
If their opsec is bad enough that a single ss would give them away, maybe they shouldn't be trying to sneak into Discord servers.
No. 1577314
>>1577304Does seem a little disingenuous to tease it and not share. It makes me wonder if Mike was right in regards to all of this being hot air, because she already mentioned having it. If Rachel really was gonna DFE she would've at the mention of someone having a screenshot of her confirming it.
Unless there never was anything of the sort.
No. 1578720
File: 1656779049848.png (90.75 KB, 761x587, yeah spooky you did admit that…)

>>1578704Well as you namefagged I think I can post the relevant caps to help explain your motives.
(tranny samefagging) No. 1578721
File: 1656779090799.png (118.94 KB, 761x746, spooky saying failed nazis are…)

No. 1578723
File: 1656779185503.png (61.48 KB, 768x425, cool with ILJ lol.png)

What did you mean when you said you were cool with ILJ now? I think people will really want to know.
No. 1578761
>>1578755It has to do with this thread.
>>1578759Exactly so can everyone stop buying anyone posing as them or the tranny? I am just saying at this point it's pretty clear it's not them and it's been going on for a while.
No. 1578769
>>1578764>I am tired of the accusations and tinfoil when there is clear motive for someone to pose as bothsame but I'm talking about
>>1578720>Well as you namefagged I think I can post the relevant caps to help explain your motives.what does any of that have to do with this thread
>What did you mean when you said you were cool with ILJ now? I think people will really want to know.what does that have to do with this thread?
No. 1578770
>>1578769Completely fair, simply covering both bases as if it actually was Regina namefagging those are things I would like to know. If it's not, they can be entirely ignored. (95% case it is not them, they would have written a lot more)
Do you think I should delete those posts? If so I will, I would rather go on the "this is a gayop angle" and take the L if it was them, as is I am CoA'ing on an off chance.
No. 1578796
>>1578770I don't think I've ever seen Regina type out mean girls things like "Why are you so obsessed with me?" like
>>1578720 instead of posting a pic/meme, might be wrong but stands out as odd to me, just my 2 cents
>What did you mean when you said you were cool with ILJ now? I think people will really want to know.>How can you be so obvious that even Elaine Miller can call out your socks? Jw>if it actually was Regina namefagging those are things I would like to knowok but this isn't the debate Regina thread, that's my point, there's 100% chance of gayops and fake Regina and fake Erika posts in all of the associated threads on this site. even if you get a reply from 'Regina' about those things there's no saying it's real. but you could probably just like ask them on discord or something
No. 1578928
>>1578904Hrmmmmm pinned on the tranny again tho right when EFM is complaining to T&H yet again.
I'm hitting my fucking X button so hard because those are the caps that Erika posted to .org so it's quite obviously a moid.
EFM is not doxed but I think what's going on is he also lives in that chicago hub that covers 75 square miles so he pings as the tranny. Just my guess as I am also in that area and got pinged on another thread for just joking around. I don't consider this ban evasion as I am not a tranny, and I would love to see farmhands try to prove that I am. They cannot, so I know that they are handing those out left and right like award stickers for kindergardeners right now. Moids are making it very hard for me to use this site and I am starting to get annoyed.
No. 1578938
File: 1656792937598.png (46.95 KB, 1180x160, price is right fail horn.png)

>>1578937Ah yes a big W of, hey look the Met thread was an invitation not a halal. read it before you give Mike a W in your mind.
No. 1578944
>>1578943Why are you accusing me of being in a cabal for providing more evidence of what you brought up?
Stop being so hostile for one second please and think.
No. 1578953
>>1578952That is one question yes, not the others however.
You are consistently hostile so I am inclined to believe with your hate of UH and Spooky you just displayed that you were the one doing the gayop and now trying to blame UH.
Simple logic.
No. 1583404
Alright these threads have become outright biased and I saw jannies sweep a ton of shit and leave an obvious Elaine comment. I am done following this here, LCF is adminned by a man and the jannies are rushing about to erase women's experiences. This is unacceptable behavior and why these threads have been so hostile for so long. I will spam this comment if Jannies Erase it, I will take a picture of this and upload it a million times if they try to silence me again!
They have turned this into a one sided bias bash where they enable unironic psychopaths Elaine and Mike to come in, hurl their shit and leave. Jannies erase any pushback towards them and any posts explaining things to them. Instead they are allowed to act like little children. The tranny never was the problem, the lack of staff and their lack of ability to not display clear bias towards men is and always has been this site's problem. Now you got all of Rachel's orbiters minus the tranny shitting up other boards because you hyperfocused on the one bringing milk instead of the ones trying their best to prevent it.
Well guess what?
No milk.
I bet no original milk will ever be posted to these threads again because they are not filled with discussion but instead the jannies pet scrotes.
Jannies have moids they favor and it is super obvious, I will spam this comment if Jannies try to silence me. Everyone needs to know why people are not here, and it's not why Mike or Elaine will say it, of if they do, their janny friends will clean it up for them.
As such I am done with these threads here until the jannies can remove the actual moids and actual hate. I am probably done here forever however as it became clear that siding with a man who beat his one month old son half to death over any milk delivers has soured my view on the entire site which to be clear was already getting low thanks to this last year.
A man is admin, we need new staff, this site is corrupted by moids and scrotes who silence women.
The site's issue has always been staff and now you have staff that are clearly biased towards the cows. Good luck everyone else, you'll need it!(wrong board)
No. 1583408
>>1582633The milk was posted and then deleted, Mike was right about what?
Beating his one month old son to death?
Fuck you jannies, you deleted the fucking milk
File: 1657307181323.jpg (49.06 KB, 411x439, jurassic cringe.jpg)

Posted by Fairs Info Center.
Isn't she monitored? This doesn't seem like she's being monitored.
No. 1583777
>>1583745Far as I’m concerned, she’s redeemed or not worthy of attention. This is just the tranny and FIC invading her spaces because they’re obsessed with her and FIC wishes they were ever relevant.
Also fucking raptors? Who cares. Furries love raptors and there is a bad dragon raptor dildo or something of the sort.
No. 1583781
>>1583776We won't really know until someone goes looking, will we? But I expect some mega-cringe. When we get alogs of that calibre I usually start rooting for the cow.
>>1583777Trips speak the truth.
>>1583778Everyone I don't like is (insert whoever you don't like)
No. 1583856
>>1583816I wrote
>>1583812. I’m not Blaine, I agree in that he’s an attention whore and a despicable nonperson.
No. 1583925
Ok tranny. Nobody gives a singular fuck about her, but you literally stuck your fingers in a dog’s ass. Stop bothering the cow. You already deprived us of her.
No. 1583947
>>1583943Only you use those mild ass comebacks, Fatty Patty. I get a better burn drinking milk.
If you're so sure I'm the tranny make a thread about it. Better yet, sign onto your account on the Metokur forums and message Blaine directly if you're super certain.
No. 1583958
>>1583953I'm not Blaine, Rachel. You keep trying to score a win while hiding the shame you feel at being a virgin. By the way, your mom confirmed you're a single virgin who still lives with her. No harem, not even a tidbit of interest in you.
People have bought Blaine's onlyfans shit while people would pay to never see you again.
No. 1583959
File: 1657345228472.png (41.12 KB, 300x291, 4414BE9C-BCB1-4914-86EE-3C38DF…)

No. 1583970
>>1583967Bet her mom was busy today or got tired and her piggy ass waddled in thinking she could get away with using the same style of posts.
Her defending the dinosaur thing was the icing on my cake, she admits to being a zoophile thinking it'll make her look "redeemed."
She's the only one who talks about redemption too. Mike and the usual suspects dgaf about her perceived redemption, they enjoyed laughing at her.
Okay Rachel, we get it. You traded child porn for zoophilia.
No. 1583978
>>1583780>Besides pre mentioned stooping and the times they’ve been outright wrong or violated their own code. For example, using chimping on Twitter and in their posts on LCF. It doesn’t matter that you would and could say chimping here as it’s part of the normal lexicon, but that believed they were above it (or so it was perceived) and then proceeded to use it anyhow. This is retarded gobbledegook.
>>1583777We care Rachel you sick raptor rapist fuck! You're obsessed with FIC and the tranny, what happened to Ines and Spookybones huh? Tubby brain only has capacity for two targets at a time huh fatty patty?
No. 1583982
>>1583968Probably did attack her mother since Rachel has been proven to have rage issues. Being a spoiled brat is her mother’s fault.
It’s only a matter of time before the police come around again and whatever happens will absolutely be in the news.
No. 1584004
>>1583967Doubtful, given her mother never had any control over her to begin with cuz she doesn’t even live with her parents anymore.
>>1583987>>1583983If you had behaved like you were told to, we might have actually gotten a scale pic, you retards.
>>1583963Proof she’s a pedo and touched a child already or gtfo. No offense? No proof? Not on any registry? No pics? No recordings? Conjecture on the part of unmedicated, schizo farmers. Not a pedophile.
No. 1584008
>>1583970Imagine being so insecure in your own weight that you have to belittle someone on an anonymous image board to feel better about yourself.
It’s 2022. Get a life.
No. 1584136
>>1584004>Doubtful, given her mother never had any control over her to begin with cuz she doesn’t even live with her parents anymore. Oh why did you leave the internet then?
>If you had behaved like you were told to, we might have actually gotten a scale pic, you retards. We order you around, not you order us around, you are a cow Rachel you are being milked for laughs that is your life forever now, retard.
>Proof she’s a pedo and touched a child already or gtfo. No offense? No proof? Not on any registry? No pics? No recordings? Conjecture on the part of unmedicated, schizo farmers. Not a pedophile.You're a pedophile, you whinged about the cops threatening to take your devices over it. Did you kill your mother to get back online?
No. 1584146
>>1584083Assuming she’s even here
>>1584136No proof, no pics, no videos, no recordings, no convictions and not on any registry. Conjecture, not a pedophile.
Ok tranny. You will never have a uterus or children. Take your meds.
No. 1585358
>>1585349Preferably ones not known for pinning things on others so easily as at least two of those have been caught doing, one obviously did in this thread to dunk on Neutron for being dumb enough to glow enough for that story to be plausible (that is why you dont fucking alogg kids) and the fourth is clearly the most skilled.
She would be better served going after soft targets but it's her jealousy that drives her, not a desire to clear her name, a desire to harm others who held her to responsibility.
As for Berchie getting the Tom Tom and B-Train mixed up, it's very obvious Mike told her about AMB in onionfarms DMs and Rachel melded the information together much like Elaine does, and any true cow does.
I legit believe Rachel is trans, she attacks UH the most and is clearly seething with jealousy, the whole believing he was using his ex
's pictures not only proves her autistic face blindness but just adds to the pile of things like saying she would use his picture to fucking catfish, like c'mon a natal woman using a femboy's picture to catfish?
Lunacy or trannyism and from the way 'she' describes vaginas, I doubt she has one. Knowing Rachel if she was a true and honest woman she would post her bloody tampons as proof or an own on Blaine, but she has not, will not and cannot, because Rachel is a man, plain and simple.
No. 1585912
>>1585693If Erika’s claims are true about her phoning her mother, I’m sure she has a clearer idea after the temporary restraining order.
Rachel, trying to do some weird fucking vigilante justice on behalf of your mother because you’re an awful person isn’t helping anyone.
In fact, you doing that is harming your mother more than you think is helping her. It’s killing her because if that claim about her staying up and losing sleep and not eating because you got served is true, think about what will happen if you actually go to jail because you can’t stop being a narcissist for once and think about other people. I wouldn’t play with fire if I were in your shoes.
No. 1586001
>>1585972Most parents would have kicked their demon spawn out, autistic or not, if they got served and had the police come to their house. She has no idea how good she has it. I have friends who did time and the stories I hear, especially that of pedophiles are not pleasant ones.
It's hilarious how she keeps on saying "Oh I bodied you haha" online, she has no idea of the fucking hell that's waiting for her if she goes to jail. She thinks it's cute saying "I bodied you" wait until she says that to a guard or an inmate, they're not gonna let her go to a low security prison with her history.
No. 1586007
>>1586001She was saying it to someone who grew up in south-central chicago and had to body people to survive which makes it extra deliciously ironic, Rachel doesn't even know what an online bodying is, she just parrots the people who shit on her to declare her own Ws that nobody else acknowledges because only Chris-Chan would believe a word Rachel says. The tard with an IQ or 45 thinks none of us can't spot her lies and it's truly the most egregious thing about Rachel that she always assumes she is the smartest in the room.
>>1586004Uh said they would not tip again unless there was solid evidence to lock her up, so once more discord leaks surface of her being a pedo to minors, expect her to get bodied in prison and learn what happens to chimos in the fucking block, regardless of bars being there or not.
God I feel lame for using 90s lingo, I'm so outdated.
No. 1586653
>>1586001She did body the people she said she did though.
>>1586007 Then what happens to people falsely accused of being a pedophile?
>>1585969Tell me you’re insecure in your own weight without telling me you’re insecure in your own weight.
No. 1586728
>>1586653How did she body any of them?
She threw a tantrum about the cops coming to her house on Discord, she made herself look like a fool in front of people who speak Japanese (hint: there was a Japanese person who told her followers to watch out for her), she had a temporary restraining order.. what else is there, she got clowned for not knowing the Lolita subculture in her first thread…
No. 1586735
File: 1657659672121.jpeg (28.13 KB, 750x205, 364DD709-F133-43B3-978D-F04537…)

Either she’s conned her mother into thinking she’s finally on her best behaviour or she killed her mother in a fit of tard rage so now she has full reign of the internet.
Love the subconscious slip here though. She really isn’t afraid of any consequences that will affect her or her mother.
No. 1586942
>>1586935We know Rachel gets violently angry when she doesn't get her way, but there's nothing to suggest that her mom is at risk at the moment. That's the problem currently if anyone were to try to do a welfare check.
All we have is her tard raging she got a warning from the popo and trying to go on a hunger strike because of that.
No. 1587372
>>1587238Probably the lack of actual milk that the discussion devolved into school yard gossip.
Her twitter is eh in terms of content and there was a photo with her dad(?)/mom(?) hands with Bello so we can probably infer that Rachel isn’t the only fatass in her family.
No. 1587638
File: 1657764402434.jpeg (137.21 KB, 750x776, 1273B858-E3AC-4188-B80A-3E1CE3…)

I guess this can be milk. I wonder if she actually understands what’s going on in this graph lol
No. 1588716
File: 1657900225628.jpeg (75.36 KB, 640x637, 1643737119152.jpeg)

>>1586942i'm quite optimistic, her mom monitors her more now that she got an idea of her online antics.
one anon talked of a group home, that'd be the best ending. she'd have to be social with other patients under the supervision of nurses and doctors and all of that, seems like a good balance of potential for growth and of a safe environment.
her mom will die at some point though, and i can't imagine Rachel on her own. we don't even know if she can make herself food but i guess she'd probably be arrested before starving. if she can get her anger in check, she'd fall prey to scammers eyeing her tugboat and people with bad intentions in general looking for gullible prey.
her spiraling down is also due to what sick shit is on the internet and her unaware boomer parents allowing her to access it. she'd be sewing or hiking or collecting pins had she not stumbled upon animal shaped dildos and writing sephiroth porn with randos.
rachel, if you're reading this, try pottery or gardening or something. it's so rewarding to do something yourself and feel accomplished. find a part-time job or volunteer somewhere. allow yourself to let go of grudges and lies and cultivate relationships with real-life people. i think there's more you can do with your life and you'd make your parents proud.
No. 1588816
>>1588716She’s often moaned about how her autism makes her guillible but it seems like she’s being willfully ignorant at this point despite being told. She loves the autism crutch too much.
She claims she has a better job now but I highly doubt that. Any HR or company worth their salt wouldn’t hire or promote someone who’s probably had complaints against her or have her temporary restraining order or the checks the police had to do come up in background checks.
Girl’s a mess and she wants to stay that way. Let her sink since no words are getting into her thick skull.
No. 1589312
>>1588976We’ll see. She’s not online as much so that’s a bonus. Maybe she does have a conscious after all when it comes to her mother.
As for her unemployment, she still has a cat sitting gig. So that will help her touch grass and learn about the outside world. Maybe wise her up on how to treat people and take rejection like a big girl. Unless she’s just terrorising unsuspecting people in real life.
Then that’s for the people around her to deal with like her.
No. 1589819
File: 1658023667365.jpeg (166.99 KB, 1270x708, 2PVZTnA.jpeg)

>>1588976It's just being ahead of the curve, two more weeks, trust the plan
No. 1590463
>>1589034Orrrrr she works a lot and you’re not worth her time. lmao
>>1588976 Her parents have no control over her bc she. doesn’t. live. with. them.
>>1588816Imagine actually trying to make taking advantage of people look honorable like you are. Hmm. No, the truth is if you do it, you’re worse than any cow here.
No. 1590466
>>1587638You obviously don’t if you don’t understand the point of retweeting it
Why are you so obsessed with a fucking cat account? It’s so obvious it’s her mom running it. She’s probably made another account and is using the cat one as a means to take attention away from the new one
No. 1590469
>>1586728How is this not obvious
God you faggots are retarded
No. 1590532
>>1590465Rachel, are you confirming that your parents finally sent you to live in a group home because they got fed up of dealing with your autistic bullshit and didn’t want to deal with the cops coming to their house anymore as a result of your own actions?
Nice to see the group home has internet access and you finally got all settled in there
No. 1590578
>>1590466Really, her mom’s running that account now and the previous outbursts about her getting pissy were all her mom huh?
That makes her mom guilty of any harassment then and liable criminally for the gore and porn being sent. Thanks for confirming that.
No. 1590580
>>1590463Orrr maybe she’s trying to be slick and use the internet when mama’s not awake.
Rachel, you really want your mother dead.
No. 1590900
>>1588976 i live in sunshine and sparkles land.
Rachel, get help. get off this website. live your life. we are random bitches on the internet and our opinion should mean nothing to you, so stop being a cow and making your parents sad and do stuff that actually matters.
No. 1590978
>>1590900That’s impossible for her. She has no way to actually go out and touch grass like many of us have been telling her.
I normally feel sorry for people who have been bullied but with how Rachel turned out, I think it was very much warranted if she’s documented her raging irl online since she was
fifteen or so…
She has anger problems. She refuses to work on herself. She needs to sink and hit rock bottom and jail seems to be the only place where any sense would be knocked into her.
Her parents failed her massively.
The fact she has no regard for her parents or herself needs to be repeated everywhere.
She plays like she cares about her mother but being hurt but she’s a fucking sociopath because she still does the same things that hurt her mother in the first place.
She does not love or care for her mother because she feels that her mother does not care for her due to any restrictions to help her daughter.
It needs to be repeated:
Rachel will not care if her mother dies due to stres despite her repeated squealing that
“we” hurt her mother. She’s too much of a narcissist to realise that she was the one who hurt her mother. No one did. Her stupid actions led to the life she currently has.
No. 1592641
File: 1658355826182.jpeg (202.07 KB, 750x904, 949C180A-14EF-444C-872C-D00561…)

I guess her mom finally sat her ass down to do something productive lol.
“For fun”, no one in their right mind says that. They take multiple jobs cause they need money.
No. 1593017
>>1592641Orrrrr she’s not lying and you’re retarded. But okay, show how worthless you are to society by obsessing over a cat Twitter.
10406 days Rachel has been on this earth.
121 days since has “discovered” her and failed to get her arrested. So much for her being a “pedophile”.
No. 1593018
>>1590900She’s not here. Seethe harder, ragepig.
>>1591402When did she say that?
No. 1594668
>>1593223It is a cat account and you’re obsessed with her. It’s almost like you’re jealous she’s better than you.
>>1593228They are Ws tho. Keep crying, faggot. Why the fuck would I care about her parents? They’re not mine. Go obsess over someone else, she’s nobody’s CWC.
>>1594229Only she isn’t. We never got a scale picture. So if anything, she weighs 140 like she says she does. And before you go “hurr durr that must mean she weighs more” bitch look at her fucking unedited pictures. ALR weighs 500. They’re nowhere near the same weight; Rachel weighs like 1/10th of what Amber does.
No. 1594718
>>1594668Why would anyone be jealous of someone who has the reputation of a pedophile and who has had the cops come to speak to her and her family? Lmao
No respectable person would be. I guess she’s proud of being known as a pedophile.
No. 1595139
>>1594668take a look at any other cow's thread : nobody, and i mean nobody, is defending them. that's why nobody believes this isn't you.
Also Bertha, 1/10th of 500 is 50 lbs, which is skelly thin, and maybe the weight of one of your forearms. if you knew elementary level maths maybe you'd have a job.
No. 1596848
>>1595534>for yearsOh? Since when? When is the oldest instance of this? She isn’t in trouble, because she doesn’t live with her parents and she isn’t in jail. She’s told us she is being monitored by her mom, yet somehow she has two jobs, and still supposedly finds both the time to post here without her mom knowing and monitoring her activity. You think her mom doesn’t know about these threads?
The only retarded people here are those who thinks she deserves all this happening to her. Those who hope she falls down the stairs and ends up in a wheelchair. Those in the fandom (FIC and the other faggots) who are in on this and still try to claim the moral high ground. Rachel was and still is better than all of you, and she wants to be left alone. It was and is and always will be only your fault if you don’t grant her that.
No. 1596995
>>1596848>Those who hope she falls down the stairs and ends up in a wheelchair. no need to wish for that, with how you're going, in 5 years you'll probably be too fat to even walk up them
>she wants to be left alonethen stop feeding the trolls in your own thread rachel. take your floppy udders off the internet and there won't be any more for us to laugh at. or stay, it's funny idc
No. 1597883
>>1597761>>1597879only FIC spells her name like that, confirmed
so much for the moral high ground.
No. 1598043
>>1597882The bank statement she released herself doesn’t lie. She doesn’t pay rent, she spends all her money on shitty ita lolita shit or cat shit or remotely racist shit to try to be a Japanophile.
She doesn’t have a drivers license so she can’t be spending money anywhere to go. She has a minimum wage job at best.
Bertha has no ground to pretend to be making decent money.
She’ll kill her parents if she doesn’t stop trying to attack people online and trying to make friends with minors to be able to talk to anyone about erps. She’s disgusting.
No. 1601070
>>1598043The bank statement she released shows she has over 16 grand in her spending account alone. Nice try.
>>1598063>>1598196Anon making it painfully obvious they’re obsessed with Rachel who isn’t even here. God, just how retarded can you be? The moment someone says she isn’t here, you immediately sperg out. It’s hilarious and pathetic.
>>1598043No, you’ll kill her parents if you don’t stop obsessing over her. Here’s how to fix it.
1. Fill your sink with hot soapy water
2. Throw all your electronics in
3. Leave to sit overnight
4. Check yourself into a psych hospital, you fucking ugly aaa tard
No. 1601084
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>>1601070This is what she released two years ago. Unless her parents died and she inherited that much, I suggest you quit talking out of your ass.
16k is impossible to have in a bank account with two minimum wage jobs if we factor in mortgage, going out, medical bills for both her and her cats, paying for her parents shit…
No. 1601932
File: 1659159967497.jpeg (132.46 KB, 750x803, F585559B-EE76-4C5B-982D-1474C0…)

She just can’t stay away from being online and saying shit
No. 1601933
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The CIA and FBI would like a word with you.
She copied and pasted it but the fact that she’s disseminating the info…
No. 1601934
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No. 1601936
File: 1659160202013.jpeg (263.13 KB, 750x1180, 18C144C0-F0C5-4A04-92D6-0D91F4…)

And this bitch was retweeting shit in support of Juneteenth on her cat account lmao
No. 1602162
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What the fuck, Dawg.
No. 1604174
File: 1659333379485.jpeg (73.11 KB, 576x667, no idea what she is dealing wi…)

When the pet troon has to get put down for biting the hand that feeds…
No. 1604258
File: 1659347258210.jpg (356.84 KB, 2448x2208, 2765302727_76a4ce19aa_o.jpg)

from KF
No. 1605703
>>1604325She is tho.
No bitches, Spooky Bones, Blaine, or Ghoulie?
No. 1605704
>>1605603Proof it’s hers?
>>1601936Nobody cares.
No. 1606868
>>1606267Lmfao I've been wondering that too.
Inb4 they magically show up now.
I'd actually be a little impressed if Rachel was willing to admit they were never real but she's too proud and high off of her own farts.
No. 1609506
>>1605348> She looked like a normal nerdy teenage girl back then, what happened?Fucking kek, nonna, are you legitimately blind and/or retarted? She looks like she just got dropped off to her special Ed class by her mom, who had to apologize to the teacher for being late again because Rachel had yet another autistic meltdown in the parking lot after refusing to take off her smelly and stained “special comfort hat” that she swearz is soooper kewl, mom!1!! This pic captured her face as she watched her mom fast walk out of the classroom to make her much-needed escape from her retarded daughter for a few hours, and she didn’t respond or even look back towards Rachel once as she yelled out “I luv yew, ma!” repeatedly… she probably just didn’t hear her, though. Right?
And what happened, you ask? Well, she never learned how to wash her face or her body so she accumulated tons of filth and bacteria in every crevice and fat roll that crept in, and now she has a permanent stench that is just barely tolerated by anybody forced to be within a 10 foot radius of her. She never fully mastered potty training, so that of course doesn’t help with the smell situation… but she also shits herself daily and requires the help of real adults to make sure she “got it all back there” when she insists she’s able to wipe herself this time. And of course, she gained about 140lbs and is now morbidly obese with the appropriate nickname of Bertha. Hope that answered your question!
No. 1611803
>>1607454So. Not only are you an obsessed faggot, but you have no life.
like who the fuck else throws these kinds of autistic attention whoring temper tantrums but Blaine?
No. 1613272
>>1608996Kek nah Rachel thinks she can bully his voice into being the truth, it's simply easy to see who is the janny for anyone above the age of fourteen kek
>>1609506 completely agree with this.
>>1611803 uh you Rachel, you get much angrier in this post than the person in the one who you quoted. Sorry your witch hunt failed janny.
No. 1614398
File: 1660355846609.jpeg (87.66 KB, 750x405, A6BF0F18-F174-49C1-ADB8-2EDD4C…)

Still out there begging for friends, but refuses to beg herself and pretend she’s doing it on behalf of another cat
No. 1615941
File: 1660509296443.jpg (609.91 KB, 1080x1236, Monkeyhate.jpg)

Samefag but this is my contribution
No. 1616356
File: 1660544612866.jpeg (144.72 KB, 750x987, D6A81FC1-0B59-4C9A-B21A-7FCDB0…)

I don’t know what she’s trying to do with this but seems like she’s headed for a meltdown on Twitter soon.
No. 1618330
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No. 1619839
>>1619127Nobody cares tranny. She’ll do as she wants and she’s never going to jail for any of the shit you faggots have accused her of.
If you weren’t obsessed with her, you’d leave her alone.
She’s going to have as many children as she likes with her harem and there’s nothing you can do about it.
No. 1620293
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Semi related. I can’t believe anyone thought this person was a minor and not a farmer too?
Edit: Oop, their account was suspended.
No. 1624068
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No. 1624953
>>1624287Looks like a pedo? Can you explain what exactly a pedo looks like?
Tl;dr really, you’re just jealous and Butthurt that she might get out of the country and out of your reach.
No. 1624955
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>>1624291Imagine thinking a completely normal human being looks like a pedo.
No. 1624961
>>1624953Lol, if she's so secure in herself that she's done nothing wrong, why is she trying to get the hell out of America?
Sounds sus to me.
No. 1631152
File: 1661894243414.jpeg (158.36 KB, 750x864, EE51FD11-97A7-4FAB-BBDE-00141E…)

Brand new house eh? That carpet looks old as fuck and disgusting
No. 1631155
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No. 1631157
File: 1661894621025.jpeg (234.14 KB, 750x889, 5DA0C291-4C2F-4507-ABD1-4C7BAA…)

Explain why a Japanese Bunny and Tiger fanpage on Twitter was warning people about you Rachel.
No. 1631159
File: 1661894666716.jpeg (169.29 KB, 750x867, 52C5E218-50A5-4B3A-976B-F0B789…)

Still living with your parents…
No. 1631537
>>1631531i don’t think they’ve ever actually proven she’s a pedo, just goes to show they don’t know what one is. if rachel talks to literally anyone, they assume a) they’re either a pedophile or b) romantically involved with her. assumptive feminazis who never outgrew their mean girl phase at their finest.
>>1624961bc literally any scandinavian country is better fatso
>>1630681only cow here is you moo moo.
>>1631157simple. it’s easy to complain about something when you don’t understand it or speak english. if you’re not obsessed with her, stop trying to follow a literal cat account.
No. 1632549
>>1631917Tl;dr nobody cares, tranny. If you’re not obsessed or jealous of her, stop following her literal cat account.
On another note, it’s hilarious you’re trying to take responsibility for taking KF down. You’re struggling to stay relevant and it’s pathetic.
>>1632163Lmao she literally has her own car and brand new house. Imagine being that jealous of someone better off than and better than you?
No. 1632812
>>1632549>>1632551Rachel you're literally too retarded to drive, you don't have a car or house and you have to have your mommy as your personal tard wrangler because they can't afford to hire someone else to do it.
You can't even hold a real job. You're far too lazy to do most things required of you so the pity hires you've had haven't lasted.
No. 1632824
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>>1632812Bitch is so lazy she can't even chase me off with a fucking broom
>>1633023Why are you so insistent on defending her if no one cares? lmao
Just let people talk if no one cares and she's that unbothered. You coming here is a you problem cunty.
No. 1633276
>>1633182she’s not here she’s at work earning more money than you’ll ever have in your entire life cry more about it lol
>>1633126you are obsessed though and you are just stalking her at this point
did you not even see someone hoping she gets raped, or cancer? it’s only ever alogging now. let the threads die, she’s not your female cwc.
(WK) No. 1633688
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which?? they both look perfectly normal and healthy to me, and I work at a vet
the black one has no social skills but cats are strange
No. 1633694
File: 1662141484048.jpeg (131.79 KB, 750x874, EE340F46-2058-40C2-8D87-AB5BE5…)

Still trying to push the agenda that everyone needs to be hypersexual.
No. 1633695
>>1633683Excessive shedding is a byproduct of stress at best, and a symptom of cancer and FIV at worst.
Your cat is sick, Rachel.
No. 1633708
>>1633699I used to use one of those old school irons as a door stop, so I can't really judge for that. They're heavy enough to hold the door but not so heavy that you'd break your foot open on it in the dark.
The rest of that pic shows how deplorable her living conditions are. Poor cats.
No. 1633720
>>1633711Those aren't longhairs, fatty. So the excessive shedding is indicative of an issue and your denial is disgusting. You could be grateful that people are concerned about your cat and take the advice to go get him checked out but you double down and cope harder.
When you find out your cat has a serious illness that you refused to treat because people said mean words to you on the internet, that'll be your bed to lie in and your grave to dig.
No. 1633724
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Carpet is still dirty in this photo of Mischka
No. 1633725
>>1633722You wish it was one person, fatty.
Just because you're the only one coming to WK doesn't mean only one person comes to post in your thread.
No. 1633729
>>1633725Tl;dr trying to reflect insecurity in your own weight on someone else
Welcome back from your “honeymoon”
cough Ines!
No. 1633732
>>1633726You still fuck with Keffals even though it's confirmed he fucked his dog and groomed minors. Birds of a feather flock together, Rachel.
It doesn't look good for you.
No. 1633738
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>>1633729Last I checked Ines is in university doing things with her life. She was still on the journalism page for her uni. Someone’s just jealous they weren’t retarded and could actually do something with their degree unlike what was it, an art history degree?
No. 1633745
>>1633736You're supposed to be a roleplayer and yet you can't even pretend to be someone else. On top of that, you've got Blaine mixed up with Tommy Tooter because your reading comprehension sucks.
You're so fucking bad at this, it's no wonder you haven't found a Sephiroth desperate enough to write cyber sex with you if this is the best you can do.
No. 1633750
>>1633745Bro she ain’t here. Cope.
How would you know that? Do you have your nose that far up Rachel’s ass?
No. 1633755
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No. 1633760
>>1633721gl that cat is perfectly healthy and shows no actual signs of abuse.
>>1633720your cat could literally have cancer or something wrong with it and you could “treat” it at home and there’s nothing anyone would be able to do about it unfortunately because nobody is required to bring their pets to get regular veterinarian care.
>>1633719the cat could have lost its cat mom quite young. some bottle fed kittens don’t even learn how to purr.
>>1633708same my grandmother used hers as bookends and doorstops
>>1633690if it’s a new animal we’ve never seen before we typically ask for any kind of previous documentation on it, any medicines taken in the past, past ailments, vaccine history, what kind of food they eat, eating and drinking habits, toilet habits, any recent travel or tick bites.
(WK) No. 1633770
File: 1662143221249.jpeg (21.12 KB, 184x318, 0967C343-D474-4652-BDE2-02806C…)

How to ensure she always feasts on YOUR misery 101
Nobody even likes you Blaine. You will never be female. You will never experience the joy of conceiving, carrying, giving birth to or holding your own child in your arms, or having a kid with another woman. You will never be a parent, let alone have your own biological child. No adoption agency will ever adopt out a child to a schizophrenic trans faggot with a felony on their record.
No. 1633998
Rachel is far too high off of her own farts anyway, she'd be banning everyone.
She'd also be able to see that there are multiple people posting and not just one person. She wishes it was only one so she could know who to direct her hate at. She's had singular targets this whole time. Jennifer and David, Bri, Margo, Hyde/Villain, Fairs Info Center, Nics, Eve, Ines, Blaine. You want it to be one person or people you can name so you can get your weird little revenge. Cows like you draw interest from all sorts of people because you're so blind and ignorant and refuse to change. People want to laugh at you repeating the same mistakes over and over expecting different results. You refuse to be a better person and have even gone so far as to possess and distribute child pornography to own your haters. You don't need to be attracted to children to be a pedophile, but you sexually exploit kids despite denying it. It's never been a win, and your attraction argument has never had validity; it just means you're pathetic enough to aid in harming children in hopes that it will make your problems go away.
I'm sorry jannies, I had to have my moment to say it. You're doing God's work cleaning this thread up.
No. 1659460
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