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No. 1992015
This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.
previous thread:
>>1955417Tranny who got aang blacklisted ended up being a weirdo himself
>>1956372Colombian girl lied about working for hayao miyazaki, used traced art for her portfolio and charged money for classes teaching art students how to work for ghibli
>>1956743goosetranny old fetish account
>>1956807literal who cartoon reviewer releases shitty movie with a beatbox puppy
>>1958368aang now thinks she's an alien, drama starts
>>1962038new sperg cartoon pilot with a tranny cast for womanchildren wants your money
>>1964374Mr.Enter made a video exposing pedophile tranny ex editor
>>1976758Daftpina cancelled his pilot after getting bullied for sucking at animation
>>1976974Meanwhile LS mark releases a trailer for his pilot that might or might not release within this decade
>>1978755The Ramshackle pilot is out
>>1983914Saberspark releases documentary on butch hartman
>>1988044 No. 1992033
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Since we talked about VeronicaAndJelly a bit towards the end of the last thread, I recently found out she has a KiwiThread, some interesting milk in there related to her exes, it’s really shocking how much personal shit she just puts out there for everyone to see No. 1992260
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I can’t be the only person who finds the success of this show to be really weird right? Like even normal indie pilots don’t get this big, and I feel like the multiple language option isn’t enough of an explanation. I know that this show is partially funded by the media arm of the Aussie government so maybe that’s part of it?
No. 1992269
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It’s fucked up they’re feeding into their fan base like this.
No. 1992293
>>1992276I mean I thought I'd assume it's obvious
>Caine is an obvious tumblr sexyman whose a "quirky lunatic" but also all powerful>Jax is kind of a mean character that can be used as a "designed top" but will also attract a minority who want to see him in his place, think of someone like Bakugou from BNHA>Pomni herself is a character who is fetish bait for both male coomer who want to watch her get "broken", but will also be a self insert for specific naive teenage girls who'll relate to her breakdownsthen there's the colour scheme of the show and it's specific design and humour
No. 1992340
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I cant believe lsmark looks like this omg he's only 21
No. 1992472
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>>1992340Regret sets in fast
No. 1992474
>>1992472im the anon from ugly men psyop thread
i take it back i wouldn't. maybe if he lost weight
No. 1992509
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One of the original artists for Ren and Stimpy shared some disturbing info about the upcoming reboot that leaked recently.
No. 1992728
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Veronica has causing problems with other animation reviewers and even friends for thinking the made for children knuckles show might have been bad. Wonder how long until her toxicity drives all of Mark's remaining friends away and he's stuck with fat fuck sonny and his cheating wife
No. 1992754
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God damn it, I finally watched this stupid tranny show and actually liked it so far.
>This is dumb and weird
>You're still watching it!
I feel retarded for laughing at that wink to the audience and also the fact that it called me out
No. 1992842
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>>1992794Speaking of which, i know this might be a bit of a stretch, but i've also been noticing that ever since Vincent Waller (another former associate of John K.) became head showrunner for Spongebob, there's been a lot of jokes relating to Diapers and people acting like babies a lot of the time, both in Spongebob and The Patrick Star Show.
and considering one of Waller's only full writing credits for the original Ren and Stimpy series was the episode where they pretended to be babies really makes you wonder if this is all some weird fetish that he secretly has.
No. 1992863
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>>1992653if i had his money i would do nothign but draw all day. I hate how lazy his fucking art is, he clearly doesnt give a shit about art and animation besides a very surface, manchildren level.
No. 1992873
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>>1992870her patreon is filled with low tier degen shit like this. A professional shouldnt be drawing this shit for money.
No. 1992874
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>>1992852>I remember there was a FOP writer who mostly worked on episodes where timmy gained muscles. Weird as fuck.Kek this was the 4chan post that originally pointed that out. The writer in question is Steve Marmel apparently
No. 1992889
>>1992874I was willing to consider this could be based, some weird way to promote health and strength to young boys, Hitler style.
>look up the scrote behind that>He's fat and ugly as hellOkay it's just another homosexual putting his fetish into media aimed at children, more news at 8.
No. 1992962
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Noticed this but Veronica still follows Adam (supposedly the one whom she cheated on Chris with) A married woman following one of her past flings is awfully strange
No. 1992966
>>1992962 shestotally gonna cheat again it’s so obvious
onceshe does she’ll fade into obscurity
idk whatll happen to mark tho
(lrn2post) No. 1992973
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>>1992970I completely forgot about that lol, this is hilarious. I don't think I've seen someone as blind to red flags as Mark.
No. 1992977
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>>1992973The rabbit guy belongs to a webcomic artist name Nairda. Both Veronica and her friend Riley have made self inserts to ship with some of the male characters.
No. 1993004
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Quit it with the cowtipping
No. 1993020
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Saged as this is a new cow I’m bringing to the table but she qualifies for this thread. All this talk of Veronica reminds me of a similar cow, she was talked about in the personal cows and bad art threads a bit
>>>/snow/1924507>>>/m/333165 Her name’s LizieDoodle and she’s pretty similar to Veronica but worse. She had a situation of her flirting with Scott Falco and drawing porn of the two together while Scott had a girlfriend, speaking of which she’s another porn artist, primarily does self-insert stuff including zoophilia/feral porn of her with literal horses and her getting raped by Monty Gator from FNAF, she also does VRChat porn lately which is so uncanny it’s hilarious. She’s mutuals with lolicons and is friends with Daftpina too (or was, not sure if they still are as Daft took her out of his channels page on YT). Spoiled pic is about the Scott Falco shit, there’s no NSFW art in it but it’s still fucking weird basically IRL fetish fanfic shit fair warning.
Reposted because I’m a retard and fucked the links up No. 1993029
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sage for OT but I've always been intrigued by how pervy/degen western cartoonists can be. Not just now but for a long time, Where I'm from, cartoonists (up until the 2010s) were always serious individuals, quite strict and ordinary. At worst they were incredibly obsessive perfectionists, but they were functional human beings who didn't get off to cartoon mice. What do you think are the reasons behind this?(offtopic)
No. 1993047
>>1993038Oh yeah I’m aware of that
>>1768069 I should’ve put “was” but I find it funny still how so many of JS friend circle could turn out to be trash so quick and how quick he was to drop Daft (and Peaches but that’s for the art commentary cows thread kek) and talk about how
toxic and manipulative they were the second their shit makes him look bad
No. 1993084
>>1992260pomni's design is super cute, that's literally the only reason i clicked their pilot video initially.
i was a bit disappointed because it's quite boring and silly, but the only thing i truly hate is that they also publicly pander to the weirdos. i mean, pedos and trannies are known for engaging with any cartoon out there, but it's one thing to activelly engage and endorse them while knowing your audience is full of little kids and the show itself is labeled as 13+
No. 1993175
>>1993067wtf im stalinist now
we need vicious ideological officers regulating moid pervert expressions through violence
No. 1993602
>>1993546Not a cap but was part of the initial video by Juststop. The information was provided Mick and Smokey who were there so they could be lying / exaggerating but given Veronica's nature who knows. At the same family gathering she shit talked his pilot and said it'd go nowhere because hes untalented ( at 3:43)
(learn2embed) No. 1993740
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People are so pornbrained nowadays they dont see anything wrong with this disgusting shit. Why is the indie animation sphere filled with coomers?
No. 1993758
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>>1993644Archived because leaks always get purged from catbox. This sucks. The style is so ugly.
No. 1993802
>>1993758This genuinely feels like a bad amalgamation of 2000's Nick/CN cartoons, this is the kind of show I would've seen airing on Nickelodeon at 4 PM in 2008 before turning the TV off and going outside, the "oh it's this shit again bye" type of cartoon.
I don't even understand what the audience for this is, an adult clearly has no reason to give a fuck about this and would kids today really care about a Fairly Oddparents/My Gym Partner's a Monkey/El Tigre lookalike with infinitely worse production values?
No. 1993804
>>1993644The critic's curse is real. Is there a single example of a critic who produced even half-decent original content?
Nostalgia Critic had his god-awful movies and his shitty failed demo-reel. AVGN had his singular terrible film and a "band" (if they can even be called that) that only recorded four or five songs since 2021. The less said about Linkara's books the better. Growing Around is a skeletal horse. Ralphthemoviemaker's films are absolute garbage. Now LS Mark is making a mediocre-at-best cartoon.
No. 1993812
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>>1993758LSMark is freshly out of high school and it’s clear he doesn’t have a lot of life experience for writing a cartoon pilot. It’s basically the Miyazaki problem where these kids are making an anime inspired pilot without living life and gaining experience first.
No. 1993836
>>1992962That’s not the same Adam. Adamlikesrice is the castle character and him and Chris are very close atm. There is another Adam in that circle and that is the Adam that was probably him but to be completely honest, it could be this Adam as well cause they’re all weird like that
>>1993004Yep. Came here from that tweet so she probably has seen the thread too lol
No. 1993867
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>>1993836Eh I'd argue it was most likely Castle Adam because the two were much closer(don't know if she and Adam P even met). She appeared on his and Nialls failed live streaming channel and this picture with her retard dogs. Also if I'm being completely honest Adam P has a face only a mother could love. Adam is mids but has a better face card at least.
No. 1993919
>>1992736NGL, I loved it as a little kid back in the mid 90's.
In my adulthood, I find it terribly unfunny and ugly. Not stylish ugly, not appealing-ugly, but ugly-ugly.
And lol @ the moid feeling "heartbroken" about not being allowed into the writer's room. Not only did JohnK himself disdain Writing as part of cartoons in general, but also, everybody who worked with him knew he was a pedo and never did anything about it. I don't doubt the reboot with suck, but fuck this clown as his "feelz".
Agreed with others, the show needs to stay dead.
No. 1994452
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the character designs start off decent but then get lazier
No. 1994800
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pan pizza bought lolicon anime.
No. 1997280
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Mark is mad at the mixed / negative response he's gotten and blaming some random kek
No. 1997545
>>1997468Actually on second thought he probably has nothing to reference from. Newry is majority Catholic and it's very much within the realm of possibility that he doesn't even personally know a Protestant. No wonder he's incapable of making anything compelling, he's got no experience with anything even at home. Mark you're back in NI, go outside.
But he could make a series about the misadventures of an Irish suburbanite addicted to the internet and he still wouldn't have the charisma to carry it. Not without some serious self reflection and engaging with media that challenges him. I'd doubt he could even then because he doesn't have emotional intelligence either. How the fuck does anyone expect him to make anything funny? He gives me serious Holly Brown vibes, lol
No. 1997619
>>1992794I don't think Bob Camp or Bill Wray would've been directly complicit. They hated John.
Jim Gomez seems like a guy that just wants to live his life.
>>1992842lol I'd believe it.
No. 1997621
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Anytime Mark gets attention Veronica's inevitably brought up and more people find out about his shitty funny marriage to laugh at.
No. 1997902
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>>1997619Yeah, there was even an episode of The Patrick Star Show recently where that was nothing but Patrick, Spongebob, etc. acted like babies
> No. 1997904
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New Patrick Star Show had a joke about Beanmouth apparently
No. 1998141
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>>1997904they will never do what he did
No. 1998786
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the absolute state of adult animation
>>1997125these designs are so bland, they could benefit from thicker lines and less curves
No. 1998826
>>1997621I almost feel bad for him, he's such a retarded dweeb with no life experience compared to Veronica and got rushed to the altar by his alcoholic serial cheater BPD girlfriend. I've known guys that are exactly like him, they have no idea how relationships work so they don't know how to set boundaries and let the first woman that gives them the time of day to walk all over them, he can totally see all the crimson-red flags but has no clue what to do.
Best case scenario he grows a spine and divorces her, the situation will only get worse with time as Veronica's skeletons keep piling up and his fanboys are already on full force defending him while trying to explain how he's totally not a cuckold kek.
No. 1999181
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No. 1999198
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>>1998683Why does Moana look like Shrek now???
No. 1999334
>>1999313I don't want to defend the trannoid but stealth fetish shit in cartoons isn't anything new, I doubt it will affect kids any worse than the previous shit did (I hope), if he does something beyond the realm of acceptability I hope he gets called out, people seem to be getting fed up with trannies.
>>1999305Releasing direct-to-video sequels and TV shows of their iconic movies with shittier animation quality is something Disney has done since the 90's, if you don't remember them I don't blame you, because I too thought they were fever dreams and fake memories I had as a kid until I looked them up.
No. 1999673
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>A pitch bible has leaked for a reboot to Disney’s ‘Recess’ titled ‘Recess: Next Bell’. The bible is written by the creators of the original series, Paul Germain and Joe Ansolabehere. The bible is dated June 3rd, 2022.They introduce a new cast but we also learn what happened to the old characters
>TJ is a bored tech millionaire >Spinelli is bisexual defence attorney and is married to vince>Vince failed his sports career and is a coach now>Gus came out as a transwoman>Gretchen is a super model and super scientist and dated Elon Musk>Mikey died in India No. 1999676
>>1999673LOL nonna I posted asking if anyone saved the Bible at the exact moment you posted the reddit link! Deleted my post because it’s redundant now. Thank you!
I hate a lot about this but I think I hate them killing off Mikey the most. And the Spinelli-TJ-Vince love triangle? Who is this supposed to be for???
No. 1999734
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>>1999673>tries to be hip with the kids >makes the most outdated, rocket power tier characterThis type of ''dude, weed'' character is something total drama island was already parodying in the 00s
No. 1999765
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>>1999673>the Madisons>the gen alpha mean girl group>"but now including boys and non-binary kids as well">"they now have new weapon: Twitter, Snapchat and TikTok"Stop! Stop! It's already dead!
No. 1999805
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>>1999765The Ashleys (included Spinelli) are too BASED for this current world?
Apparently yes.
Fun fact: In the original serie exist a similar group named "the Tylers" (the Ashleys little brothers).
No. 1999806
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Monkey Wrench got a new plushie and it's the lizard lady with the obligatory pride month theme. Zeurel literally has no money and no one really cares for his project so I guess he's going for the gender special Twitter crowd now by making his lizard "aroace".
No. 1999820
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>>1999741Only imagine if this trend of trooning timid boys into AGP continues and Kim Possible is rebooted?
Poor Ron…
No. 1999835
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Here's the picture of Gus in the Recess sequel
No. 2000093
>>1999809Unfortunately, like every smart black kid ever. We need a nerdy black kid be super into dragon ball z or some other shonen slop.
>>1999824Mikey becomes a cult leader after a successful music career and this also implies him having multiple love children. Kek
No. 2000459
>>2000109The only head canon all my friends and I have for Spinelli is that she’s a lesbian. There was just no way she actually wanted to kiss TJ.
Gretchen and Spinelli 4ever these like weird wish fulfillment futures they came up with are so cringe. I wanna know where Randall (the snitch I think that was his name?) ended up kek
No. 2000645
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Ang is back to posting in yet another location. Her glazers being unable to accept that they were duped has been fun to see.
No. 2000684
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>>1999181whoa, she used to be kinda thin at one point
No. 2000748
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>the shows progression is 95% just character stuff
What a load of bullshit ,he keeps introducing a bunch of new characters no one keeps asking for instead of focusing on the main cast.we don't even know their own backstories yet or how they got there in the first place.
No. 2000833
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Every photo of Veronica and Mark is odd to me because all I can see is a little boy and his mom or aunt taking awkward selfies together
No. 2001024
>>2000833>>2000841NTA but Mark gives those same clearly fake smiles you see from Facebook/Insta parents who take their kids out to fancy places and ask them to smile and say cheese. I could only imagine Veronica going “I wanna take a selfie” and Mark going “No I don’t wanna!” Like a kid kek. It’s ironic because she’s like nearly a decade older than him from what I know, you can just tell she’s wearing some nice dress and he threw on some cargo shorts he’s been wearing the past few days
>>2000856Idk what LA means, I think you mean to AYRT or Samefriend but I agree, Veronica’s a cheating snake for sure but you can’t deny Mark’s basically enabling her, due to the age gap I wonder if she’s
abusive to him, I tinfoil that since she seem to function basically as one of those mom GFs / tradwives
No. 2001075
>>2001024>shes abusive to himhe's
abusive to her, she does all the housework while he sits and watches cartoons all day. He's probably a pan pizza lite and masturbates and sleeps on dirty sheets and ends up with UTIs and other diseases. Its funny that saberspark, the brony blue autist, ended up being less of a manchild than those two.
No. 2001087
>>2001075They're both
toxic but in different ways. I'm sure they get along ok but their relationship will break within a couple years.
No. 2001112
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Honestly anyone else think they might have some kind of degen Mommy Dom/MDLB relationship going on? It would explain a lot of why she’s coddling him and I’m pretty sure she’s a lolicon/shotacon judging by her new grounds where she’s drawing shit like Gregory from FNAF (who I think is like 12-14) getting horny for Vanessa FNAF and her porn of her beesona (who on the OneyPlays wiki is said to be 14)
No. 2001119
>>2001075people gave daft and juststop shit for whistleblowing but they were just stating the obvious lol
everyone knows this relationship is gonna collapse its so obvious
juststop backstabbed daft over nothing to save his own skin lmao
their relationship will continue for a bit due to their pride but eventually theyll get catty and just cut it off
No. 2001121
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>>2001113>>2001116Agree, being a coomer artist, even if you’re a woman, inherently makes you one on some level, plus she dates barely legal guys and now is seemingly into loli/shota, it would not at all shock me if she was into DDLG and whatever the fuck all the variants are.
Side note: She posted picrel to her story along with that pic of her and Mark on a date
>>2000833 We’re early but I vote it for the next thread header image cuz it’s Kek material
No. 2001146
>>2001132yeah if you look at the image it says it was done as a comm at worst it was just something she made for money the rest of her gallery doesnt have that stuff
shes an opportunist but I agree not really a groomer
No. 2001189
>>2001132Kek and they only ditched shad
after the he went on his cocaine fueled tirade. I understand their circle is from old school newgrounds but Shad took it way too far.
No. 2001530
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No. 2001615
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Veronica and Mark are still chummy with Shad so I don't get your point.
No. 2001708
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>>2001696he defended shad's art of real kids a while back. plus cory/spazkid from his clique has drawn loli porn
>>>/snow/1873629 so pedo shit obviously isn't a dealbreaker for him.
No. 2001742
>>2001696>He played it smart by never drawing attention to himself by acknowledging what happened to Shad just like he never spoke up about Veronica and Mick’s shit. Any apology or disclaimer about Shad would bring awareness to their past friendship You're overthinking it way too much, people like him or Zach simply don't like to make a big deal out of every single thing in their private lives.
He was friends with Shad, everyone knows he was friends with Shad, he just doesn't care, and now that Shad burned bridges with everyone there's a high chance that Chris will never mention him ever again, not because he's afraid of being "cancelled" or anything, but because he no longer considers him a friend anymore after he went rogue. The exact same shit happened with Stamper.
Cory is also a raging degenerate and he's practically a permanent guest in his channel.
No. 2001773
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Cross post but Vivziepop recently tweeted about Lily Orchard
>>2001771 No. 2001819
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Veronica and Mark are doing more let's play content. Immediately she tries hard to emulate her past on oneyplays and starts off with le funneh silly noises and zoomer meme references. Not saying that oneyplays or let's plays in general aren't the most bottom barrel shit but they are scraping DEEP especially with how much they rag on Arin / GG (rightfully but kek)
No. 2001915
File: 1717755923369.png (756.36 KB, 1073x511, lmao loll.png)

>>2001819ls mark is the most painfully unfunny and boring youtuber ever. People only like his videos because they are 50 hours long and can put them in the background while they sleep/draw. He doesnt have real fans. So why the fuck is he doing something that requires the charisma he doesnt have? Its going to flop as bad as saberspark videogame channel. You need Jontron/scott the woz levels of charisma to branch out of your niche and still make it.
No. 2002118
File: 1717795149318.jpg (1.46 MB, 1284x2079, VeroniMark.jpg)

Reminder this is what Veronica and Mark want you to think of their relationship as: Some teen heartthrob romance instead of a very sad train wreck where one of them is fat and one is a serial homewrecker. It’s the way neither of them even look anything remotely like this lmao
No. 2002274
File: 1717822099721.jpeg (203.8 KB, 1200x947, IMG_0032.jpeg)

>>2002251yeah shes oneys ex
she used to make the same exact art when they were together
you can findalot of it online.
No. 2002291
>>2002280honestly when I heard they broke up I was surprised mostly because based off the art she seemed head over heels for him like she posted a lot of art of her drooling over him so idk what chris did to make her so mad
a lot of the art she did for chris is very similar to the stuff she does with mark, she even kinda draws them a little similarly
No. 2002293
>>2002103if theyre afraid of being canceled does it mean they’ve actually done something cancel worthy or is it just them nervous their edgy past will catch up to them
chris being afraid of cancellation is especially weird since hes said some pretty non pc stuff publically
No. 2002443
>>2000688People may look at what you said and think you're being racist but as a
POC, I agree. This kind of stereotype is so overdone with black characters. It's times like this where I think about certain black characters like Miranda from As Told By Ginger and Taranee Cook from W.I.T.C.H. who brought something different for black girl character. Miranda was a messy petty bitch and Taranee was a shy, slightly awkward nerd. I just wish that people would give individuality to black characters and not use the same "cool" confident black girl stereotype.
No. 2002578
>>2002291I heard Chris went back to Ireland to see family and clear his mind after he broke up with Veronica.
>>2002118It's a birthday card to Mark but she drew herself right in the middle. kek
No. 2002711
File: 1717948282517.png (5.41 MB, 1888x1883, veronicaandnojelly.PNG)

>>2002697She doesn't even look like that in real life either. I get it's her cartoon self but her hips to shoulder ratio are the exact opposite. Nothing wrong with her body though, it just reeks pickmeism.
No. 2002746
>>2001999>>2002003Won’t say too much but I’ve been to the oney house and the game grump house and they both literally smelled like cat piss constantly. I remember when Ross split with holly and Danny gave him advice to sleep with any and every woman he could so Ross could “get over it”.
And separately I recall when I was at the oney house, Chris and Zach were talking about getting shows on adult swim (bc Zach was barely getting smiling friends greenlit at the time) but when I had brought up that I would love to have my own show on adult swim as well, Chris said “There’s never gonna be any girl show because women are just inherently not funny.” To which Zach tried saving it by saying “it’s not about being a man or woman, it’s just difficult to get a show on the air.”
Chris saying that was kinda funny as a joke but the thing is he wasn’t joking lol I know Chris has an older sister that was
abusive towards him when he was younger and I know that’s where a lot of his issues stem from.
(sage your shit) No. 2002747
File: 1717955628538.png (364.33 KB, 597x822, TsOUwW8.png)

No. 2002752
>>2002456A long time friend of Chris named Alice iirc. She was “terminally”? I’ll and Chris had been in love with her even while he was with Veronica so I understand why veronica broke down if she was already insecure tbh.
>>2002578He goes to Ireland often to see his family but I know when veronica made that call out video about mick and everything, they met up again to talk one final time about how they don’t blame each ither/to make up.
No. 2002754
File: 1717956237633.jpeg (226.63 KB, 1278x565, IMG_2730.jpeg)

wonder who it was
No. 2002862
File: 1717982862117.png (277.63 KB, 598x733, 1717897323480.png)

I don't know why anyone would say that this is considered the proudest thing they've drawn for a kid's show…
No. 2002875
File: 1717986099001.jpeg (55.34 KB, 480x360, IMG_2208.jpeg)

>>2002862This is some Tamers12345 shit.
No. 2003117
>>2002746dannys always been a creep so no surprise there
and chris has always been non PC
what’s the deal with Zach is there any dirt on him? he seems like the most normal one of the sleepy cabin guys but I can’t help but get suspicious about him
No. 2003144
>>2002754I might be a bad person for this but I heavily doubt this is true and she’s just upset criticism of her is being to build up, we already know she’s aware of lolcow because people keep cowtipping her
>>2002862Big City Greens is alright from what I’ve seen of it, a bit too Disney Jr-ish for my taste but not bad but at the same time it very much gives vibes of one of those shows where one day it gets out that a depraved fetishist worked on it and slipped their weird shit into the show
No. 2003155
File: 1718052781588.png (223.45 KB, 1116x855, 1000019523.png)

>>2003117Ive never heard anything bad Zach other than his humor offends people. From the videos where retarded fans come at him asking for jokes he just seems really meek and tries to be friendly tbh. To add to the discussion Cory has been accused by grooming by a former acquaintance who used to be close to the sleepycabin guys. The anon provided pictures of Shad that weren't seen on the net before so it's possible.
No. 2003328
File: 1718081653284.png (391.5 KB, 686x380, Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 9.52.…)

>>2002118I hate how she draws his eyes half-closed, it reminds me of the Elon Musk-donkey character Tadano from Aggretsuko
No. 2003537
File: 1718135691772.jpg (933.53 KB, 2408x2568, 1000019535.jpg)

>>2003505I think she's just a puta tbh. She talked about making out and straddling with other guys while Chris was watching (kek). And then there's the whole cheating on Mark. In her video she included the text from the weird Christian guy (Joe Barra) she cheated with and he goes on about how she complimented him on his big dick and skill in the bedroom and sent said info to Mark lmao. Extremely low quality but everyone in this drama has no awareness
No. 2003585
>>2003512I hope he’s seething but her fan base is kinda making that shit a laughing stock. Smiling friends is getting a way bigger and broader audience unfortunately,
Although I wonder if he ever gets jealous so Zach now kek
No. 2003709
>>2002784I compared Bluey and MLP:FIM in a positive manner and got flamed for even thinking about comparing the two. They were like, "Have you even watched the show?!? How can you compare solving issues with the MaGiC oF fRiEnDsHiP with something that covers heavier adult topic?"
I'm a fan of both shows, but how can you be such an elitist over a fucking PRESCHOOL SHOW?
No. 2004383
File: 1718373862956.png (Spoiler Image,1.4 MB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20240612-015308.png)

When did Pan Pizza's gf got her breasts cut off? (spoiler because of very visible chest scars)
No. 2004451
File: 1718388915841.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1125x1105, IMG_2246.jpeg)

>>2004383Also looks like Pan lost weight. This was him last year.
No. 2004671
>>2004653Erm acktually invincible is imitating 90s super hero shows that are animated in Japan. There’s a lot of overlap between west/east but there are distinct tropes and style that has been exclusive to anime until recent years lmao. Animators who grow up loving anime cannot emulate what makes anime good. Sure you can get a Japanese cast, make it look like it’s on a vhs tape but at the end of the day there’s more things to be inspired by.
>>2004601I agree. Vivzie is just an autist who loves furries, broadway and Kesha. She fumbled a bit but you look at her art and it’s like “oh yeah that’s a vivzie piece”
No. 2004738
File: 1718450369785.jpg (200.79 KB, 1080x640, Tard.jpg)

>>2004641Panty and Stocking was literally influenced by western animation???
No. 2005646
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>>2005426NTA but relevant image.
No. 2005666
File: 1718670962739.jpeg (380.09 KB, 1268x2048, IMG_7116.jpeg)

>>1992259BlackGryph0n is getting a lot of attention again.
No. 2005779
File: 1718717657288.jpg (240.28 KB, 1079x603, 1000019550.jpg)

More previews of Mark's cartoon and why does this guy overrely on composition as if that's gonna make these boring designs not dull
No. 2005789
File: 1718720412466.jpeg (359.01 KB, 1000x1397, IMG_7143.jpeg)

>>2005666BlackGryph0n was a popular Brony musician who met his wife at 14 while he was 24., they are married now. He claims they didn’t see each other from age 15-20 just only for work.
He is currently voicing a lead character in the video game Billy Bust Up. The games creator is bending over backwards to prove he isn’t a groomer. They are claiming all of those tweets are doctored.
No. 2005843
File: 1718733905127.png (1.73 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7122.png)

>>2005811The people who tried to talk didn’t end up sticking around the fandom to much longer. He showed so many red flags. Bronies seem to look up to him in a way.
No. 2005916
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>>2005666The VA of Applebloom has made a statement about this
No. 2005956
File: 1718752895596.mp4 (237.9 KB, 1280x720, tom and jerry reboot.mp4)

>>2005779it makes the show look tacky and cheap
No. 2006030
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>>2006021Saberspark was at the wedding writing this out to her father on Instagram, her father is Ian Corlett the original English dub voice of Goku from Dragon Ball Z. Him or his wife weren’t invited to the wedding.
No. 2006040
File: 1718766501472.jpeg (723.66 KB, 1170x1577, IMG_7168.jpeg)

>>2006030So BlackGryph0n swooped into save her right when she was getting “fed to the wolfs”? Interesting.
No. 2006049
File: 1718768980888.jpeg (942.93 KB, 1170x1715, IMG_7170.jpeg)

>>2006040>me trying to understand the mental gymnastics required to defend somebody who preys on childrenfucking faggot
No. 2006081
>>2005789The response text alleges that Katie has been “misgendered” which. Then the creator of this thing is a tranny. The fucking art looks like furaffinity cub (read: poorly disguised furry pedo) art. A tranny hiding behind being autistic and lgbtttqqqzyx to defend something that is so weird that even the people caping for it have to say “it was weird but it was legal” is not a good look.
Which is par for the course for a tranny furry. Kek
Also something about Michelle describing this guy nearly a decade older than her as “an autistic bean” feels so off. That’s a man in his thirties, Michelle
No. 2006091
File: 1718779184693.jpeg (423.16 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_3716.jpeg)

>>2005916>>2005917>>2005918“He’s just a smol autistic bean!!!” Cringe. Fuck off.
>>2006013>>2006015>>2006017>>2006020Source? This is a good response and I’m so glad Michelle and Katie’s bullshit “statements” are getting pushback
>>2006030Saberspark was IN the wedding.
No. 2006179
File: 1718817286627.jpeg (636.57 KB, 1170x1578, IMG_0660.jpeg)

love how his views tank whenever he can’t talk about drama lol
No. 2006281
>>2006179i hate the drama whore to cartoon youtuber pipeline. We get it, you like to grift and talking about cartoons is easy, get an honest job.
>>2006214Holy fuck he's hideous. I hate how men can be ugly fatsos and still score cute women. I hope she leaves him before giving him children.
No. 2006308
File: 1718851058534.webp (37.44 KB, 640x545, IMG_7195.webp)

>>2006293I just don’t understand why a 25 year old man would want to spend all of their time around teenage girls.
No. 2006317
File: 1718854457873.jpeg (139.98 KB, 1280x720, IMG_7194.jpeg)

>>2006271I know a lot of the fandom “joked” about his OC dating Apple Bloom’s VA (also a minor at the time) the voice actor herself Michelle Creber and her parents even joked along. It was really weird.
No. 2006323
File: 1718854874542.png (228.18 KB, 473x576, IMG_7199.png)

>>2006317“he’s just a small autistic bean” -Michelle Creber
No. 2006331
File: 1718856620629.png (Spoiler Image,199.6 KB, 525x342, IMG_7200.png)

>>2006323This is a man in his mid twenties squirting chocolate syrup on the voice actor of Apple Bloom for a YouTube video. Her parents were fucking ok with this shit?
No. 2006334
File: 1718856966342.jpeg (711.96 KB, 1170x1658, IMG_7201.jpeg)

>>2005789Found on Tumbler.
No. 2006408
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>>2006349They lived together?
No. 2006410
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>>2006020She thinks this person is her dad. Pretty sad.
No. 2006443
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>>2006323I wonder why Natalie Sharp stopped working with Michelle Creber and BlackGryph0n in 2017? I wonder if she saw something.
No. 2006493
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>>2005800Weirdo was on Americas Got Talent getting sympathy votes telling them he’s autistic.
No. 2006501
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It's so jarring seeing Veronica talk about her dead cousin and then the first art she posts is her beesona with massive tits and ass (that she doesn't have kek)
No. 2006511
>>2006410That’s the only clapback she has because everything they posted is spot on and or easily provable.
No. 2006518
File: 1718930466146.jpg (89.38 KB, 250x432, 5884339-c18b0fedf9027eb72d6b52…)

Claire's father's open letter on her wedding day
No. 2006523
>>2005789hardly the worst thing he's ever done, but I'd like to point out the tit and ass curve-lines drawn on the goat here
kind of gross for a kids game
No. 2006634
>>2006569She’s safe because she’s over 25 now.
>>2006518This shit is sad but a tale old as time.
No. 2006680
File: 1718984958214.jpeg (440.2 KB, 1164x2385, IMG_7240.jpeg)

>>2006030It really got to him
No. 2006681
File: 1718985254715.png (37.71 KB, 588x268, IMG_7241.png)

>>2005666What label do you think he hates the most? A white supremacist or a groomer?
No. 2006766
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>>2006692Creepy fuck has a gender swap version of themselves.
No. 2006767
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>>2006501This gave me a jump scare
No. 2006772
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>>1992269glitch as a whole gives me coomer vibes, and neither murder drones or tadc are very good so I don't get the hype. Murder drones writing is near incomprehensible and the jokes feel like they belong in a children's show, yet the girls are all obviously designed as light coomer bait. Can we get a confirmation if any women work at glitch because the whole thing smacks of moid writing. Tadc is only slightly better.
Looked it up for curiosity and found a company photo yeah its 90% moids with 3 women put together in the center.
No. 2006791
File: 1719011444177.jpg (559.92 KB, 1080x1199, 1000019574.jpg)

>>1992728They uploaded a new podcast where Veronica is totally not mad at this old convo from a month ago l. She insists the forced comic relief character Wafe was actually good and anyone who criticized is a big baby ( don't point out her immediate sperging when confronted)
No. 2007021
File: 1719085532611.jpg (366.85 KB, 1080x1884, 1000019598.jpg)

>>2006947Most of the fans left because Veronica is living radioactive runoff with no personality except her past lays. Half of the new ep they mock just anyone for saying that the knuckles show sucks (she gave it a 9.5 of course) including the other animation sperg who used to be their editor. It all feels so targeted that even the most liked comments are about how aggressive it feels and that it's strange Veronica/Mark are so up in arms over this kids show.
No. 2007309
>>2007048It's such a shame a nice artstyle/lovely animation is wasted on this dogshit show. Checked out their other merch for Apology Tour and it's just a white blanket with red spots for 40$ and art of Blitzø being lynched. Good thing their target audience are underage fujos and drooling porn addicts or they might have a mob on their back for hanging the
POC character, rather than his rich white slave master kek.
No. 2007344
File: 1719157425043.jpg (37.08 KB, 540x540, 548dae9b8db1399f0716e53f5f81fc…)

>>1957296Super ancient response, but I would like to point out that the middle cat is not Victoria, but is the princess peach cat from Mario.
No. 2007357
File: 1719161471824.png (17.25 KB, 515x196, IMG_7294.png)

>>2006408Remember when Blackgryph0n was trying to sell $100 “30 min voice acting consultation” video calls?
No. 2007405
File: 1719169254960.jpg (896.99 KB, 2106x1533, 1000019600.jpg)

>>2007266I can easily see his autist fanbase use the "he's getting unfair criticism because he said [thing] was bad in the past" Rather than his cartoon just being the most milquetoast nothing burger. These designs are so devoid of charm and just seem like Hartman clones with the weird scooped hands. Why did he even bother spending thousands and 5 years for something no one's gonna remember and will just have people go "hey didn't you marry a narcissistic whore who cucked you twice?"
No. 2007411
File: 1719169813627.png (400.21 KB, 477x610, lsmark mouse.png)

>>2007405He doesn't have any motivation to create besides having tons of disposable income thanks to youtube. He doesn't animate and draws once in a blue moon. Its honestly depressing that the best he can come up with is ''tom and jerry…but in high school!'', his life is so sad. He's also delusional and thinks this boring shit is going to be the next hazbin, there is even merch already. He's going to be crushed when this crap flops.
No. 2007466
>>2007451none, that channel belongs to ACRBeast
he’s in sabers circle but they don’t share a channel
No. 2007492
File: 1719182412801.png (Spoiler Image,4.35 MB, 994x2778, Eyebleach .png)

So is no one else gonna mention that Daft’s best friends with a wannabe camgirl, scat and vore fetishist named HappyLikeAWall who is a cow in the making herself. Sorry if OT but she’s also getting into a slap fight with a YouTuber named Streamline Workshop for making a video criticizing her for slapfighting some teen
>>2007481 Daft’s friends are even more retarded than he is lmao
No. 2007558
>>2007492this slap fight is more the commentary cow scene tbh but yeah
it’s like you can’t get popular without befriending a weirdo online
No. 2007766
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>>2006271GRYPH0NBELLE was a popular ship.
No. 2007934
File: 1719274983641.jpg (646.91 KB, 2048x1536, GQ0pg0gaQAA3MeQ.jpg)

>>2006772Speaking of Glitch Productions, Mr. Beast and his friends apparently visited their studio today.
No. 2008005
>>2007633Nah that was Lizie Doodle who draws herself fucking Dolphins and Horses and shit, Daft seems to have replaced her with Happy though as his coomer best friend. I think Happy got fanart of her fucking a dog and drew herself fucking the Penguins of Madagascar though kek. Like
>>2007558 said though her current beef is in the art commentary community space with that YouTuber I mentioned. If there’s ever a thread on the animation meme community discussion about her might be more worth there but since she’s hanging with Daft I figured it was worth a mention who he hangs with just for some context lol
No. 2008024
>>2007879>>2006772wait, isn't the asian tranny in this picture doug/Liz fong-jones, the "consent accident" motherfucker who has repeatedly tried to take down Kiwifarms because they have dirt on him?
What's his connection to this studio? or am I seeing things?
No. 2008543
File: 1719437534372.jpeg (247.66 KB, 922x2048, 5C85A923-FF79-49E3-8BBC-3F5955…)

Remember the last email like this that was sent out, except it was a really awful rude one that was supposed to be from Husk? They've changed their tone up now but are still essentially saying the exact same thing they said in their last email.
No. 2008868
File: 1719522995515.jpeg (242.42 KB, 1125x1130, IMG_4270.jpeg)

Flashglitz made a parody where the Bluey family is gunned down by a warhammer 40k character offscreen. They’re currently bitching on twitter that it got taken down by ludo studio for a copyright violation
No. 2008870
>>2008638Him and Kevin. Haven't apologized for it to this day, or even replied to her. Heard they got people talking about it harassed off the platforms using their staff and fans, but not sure on that one, to be honest, sounds pretty unprofessional. Though it's pretty clear they have both the time and money to settle this, just choose not to. But they have time for opening up shops selling overpriced clussy coom shit, and private discord servers for the price of regular streaming services, for their coomer 4chan scrote and twitter TIF fanbase, kek. From what I heard there's not even anything new in the "exclusive material" they show, it's almost all old BTS and concept art shown years ago. Take all of that with a grain of salt, though. I'm not in that server, no way I'll pay these moids a penny for stuff that was free months ago.
No. 2008888
>>2008874It was a promo for their new show and I think that was one of the only things they've done that actually made me laugh.
>"There's plenty of independent animation targeted at mentally ill teenage girls…but what about mentally ill teenage boys? And 30-year-old men?"With a helluva boss imp/Pomni looking thing standing there, kek
No. 2009014
File: 1719555326288.jpg (183.74 KB, 2000x1334, 1719521775229249.jpg)

>Hi, I'm here for the job interview.
No. 2009045
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>>2009014"Chaggie socks"
(sage your shit) No. 2009305
File: 1719626287371.jpg (428.18 KB, 1077x2182, Screenshot_20240326_214432_Tum…)

oldish milk but figured out that the supposed artist behind the deadspacedog (incest larp) account was polygotplatypus / nullbackdoorho, a french animator named adrien perret and that whole stunt was most likely a very elaborate wish fulfillment fantasy of her own father who had killed himself when she was 12. was a comic artist / animation director & worked on the og Totally Spies, W.I.T.C.H, other french based productions ( His work activity stopped right around the time of his death seen on this comic posted to adriens vent acc. there's even a arc in limerence where the father tries to kill himself in the same way Iusse did, very unnerving shit
No. 2009916
File: 1719784340704.jpg (500.97 KB, 1080x984, 1000019743.jpg)

as someone who used to table at cons this setup is really pathetic. the table looks empty of actual merchandise and just seems to be strung together with memes and 3 art pieces. even at niche events you usually can put art from other fandoms as long as it doesnt overshadow the fandom youre coming for. I guess she doesn't have much art output that isn't her or her idealized not fat husband
No. 2010044
>>2009514I was surprised/relieved that Angel Dust ended up with less screen time and they made the character more likable and sympathetic than in the pilot. Based on the pilot you could tell that he was “the favorite” and I was worried the whole show would just be snarky gay shit.
cough No. 2010269
File: 1719877784573.jpg (365.93 KB, 828x709, 1000019757.jpg)

>>2009916Veronica get your hubby on a diet or a divorce
No. 2010352
File: 1719902375091.png (43.72 KB, 598x561, Nicodaboy.png)

Apparently an artist for Sony Animation by the name of Nicolas Santos was accused of Grooming multiple women in a document that was posted recently.
> No. 2010369
File: 1719910242092.png (1.67 MB, 1170x2379, IMG_2680.png)

Speaking of grooming allegations: new allegations against Sean Chiplock (VA of Diluc and Revali, and one of Glitch's regular hires for voice work) surfaced: No. 2010370
File: 1719910829942.jpeg (319.31 KB, 1170x1022, IMG_2681.jpeg)

>>2010369Samefag, this was in the thread regarding the callout. Even if this is a "joke" it's pretty gross to say that, IMHO. What do we think of this guy though, it's obvious he's a gross moid, but is this Twitter being Twitter or does his reputation as a weirdo have a very good reason? There's been "callouts" on him here and there the past few years with wildly variable credibility, ranging from "he's been weird to me at a con" to BS like "he made edgy fandom jokes 10 years ago".
No. 2010420
File: 1719927053435.jpg (356.94 KB, 1080x1408, 1000019770.jpg)

>>2010369His response. I call bullshit on his part and will say that weird stories about him are not uncommon at all. He's been a VA for deviantart / furry projects(he played a gay mightyena on some pokemon project lol) until he got industry role. Why was he even messaging / befriending minors in the first place? This feels like it was inevitable
No. 2010546
File: 1719953537923.jpeg (647.13 KB, 1170x1801, IMG_2716.jpeg)

>>2010420After a spree of hiding replies asking him for proof or calling him out (totally not suspicious), Sean replied to the
victim, and basically admitted he was weird to her. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
No. 2010561
>>2010269Mark WAS p cute. This is so sad, Veronica ripped away his youthful glow.
But also Irish genes are all fucked, he’ll probably go bald within the next 10 years
No. 2010810
File: 1719999584959.mp4 (17.11 MB, VID_38090611_065755_042.mp4)

New animated super very creative animated series being pitched…Thoughts? (Found on Instagram,comments are off!)
No. 2010865
>>2010810Just based on the designs I can see how it will never reach that budget or that if it ever reaches that goal, there will be only one pilot episode that will be forgotten forever.
There's pilots of cartoons with actual plots and decently designed characters that never could become full fledged series because of lack of support. If that qwerty slop ever becomes something I will blame it on the qwerty cult acting like a creepy church that will support anything as long as it has a shitty "pride" flag attached to it.
No. 2010987
>>2010984I'm honestly believing that people think of action as something that should never have any sort of lighthearted moments, because then it would be a comedy.
Or that if a comedy has any resemblance of plot, and has any kind of serious moments, then the comedy can't be considered comedy and it should be something else with comedy.
I would blame it on autism but I'm 100% sure it's plain ignorance.
No. 2011030
>>2011010Smiling friends is more early 2000s humour and even if all the
genz references were taken out it'll be still be funny.this shit is just pandering I'm betting this cartoon will have a "deadname" joke
No. 2011051
File: 1720048233416.mp4 (11.71 MB, VID_43100903_021025_519.mp4)

>>2010810I guess this is what they mean by GenZ humor
No. 2011056
File: 1720048549464.png (519.54 KB, 720x627, Screenshot_20240703-155346~2.p…)

They posted a bit about the actual show atleast. Looks like it's a very Voltron esque sorta setting. The character bios leave much to be desired.
No. 2011320
File: 1720125987859.png (1.71 MB, 2150x741, ew.png)

>>2010810Genuinely surprised to learn that the weird alien guy isn't nonbinary
No. 2011392
File: 1720138196124.jpeg (1.57 MB, 1290x2290, IMG_6152.jpeg)

>>2011320Lol, what are you talking about? Of course the shapeshifting alien dude is an enby. Honestly it looks like only Rosaline and Perri are the only non-troons. Elias and Erobus look like tifs to me and the rest are some form of enby.
No. 2011522
File: 1720177053779.png (222.3 KB, 580x728, 1000019783.png)

Vee is back on social media, albeit the pedololi site and she's hocking her alien schizophrenia. Most of these freaks only really care about getting porn out of her so no one on that end really cares she lied and scammed them. I wonder if her defenders will just say "y-you should just be happy they're alive!" As if they didn't act like she was dead to use as their martyr kek
No. 2011556
File: 1720187979224.gif (3.35 MB, 498x498, goodbuhbuy.gif)

>>2011522>They were deeply in love with each other, but it was so wrong to touch each other in a reproductive way and be brothers on their planet.My honest reaction to that information picrel.
No. 2011566
File: 1720190653589.png (2.82 MB, 594x2849, Hearts-of-Titan-Animated-Short…)

>>2011392>Lol, what are you talking about? Of course the shapeshifting alien dude is an enby.I didn't see an enby pride flag anywhere and also in the crowdfunding page they only use masculine pronouns, but I should've suspected he was one of those gender specials with various pronouns, my bad.
Speaking of the crowdfunding, 50k for a 5 minutes short is insane, also these pledges are awful No. 2011671
>>2011320it's funny the white people get the most "tame" sexualities.
>>2011056This is giving me war flashbacks of Gen Zed.
No. 2012331
File: 1720375029978.jpg (58.39 KB, 936x330, Self insert.jpg)

>>2011566I can not imagine someone actually paying a thousand dollars for them to draw their self insert making out with one of these bland cookie cutter characters with that generic anime style. What's worse is five people actually bought it. Guarantee that they could have found someone who read a how to draw anime book and makes that same art style to do the same thing way cheaper.
No. 2012366
>>2012339Those 5 people have to be friends that know the characters previously because otherwise I don't see how anyone can waifu/husbandofag a character from a pilot that doesn't even have any dialogues.
Because I have a friend that makes OCs and I kind of husbando a few of her OCs, so yeah, since she's my friend and I love her stuff I would pay 1K just to support her, but otherwise it's just a way to throw money at some randos.
No. 2012999
>>2012979Something that these retards don't understand is that the fact that the whole plot is moved on the fact that the character is gay/whatever else, is what makes them unable to succeed.
Why can't he just turn into a macho man? Or grow a tail or grow multiple arms? Or just become ridiculously strong while still looking skinny? Why does it have to be a strong woman?
Like, why not make it about a woman and that's it?
This is why qwerty shit never gains enough popularity outside their niche circles, it's all just very vague and somehow specific bullshit that even in fantasyland isn't that logical.
Also, the whole stuff of the friend making him swallow a rock is such a retarded way to give him powers, at least make the rock look like a dick if you're going to keep making retarded "Huhu I'm a degenerate gay moid" jokes, so it makes some fucking sense, because even as an absurd "haha how funny she made him swallow something from the floor, isn't that funny? She's sooo crazay I love her" is idiotic.
In the end it's quite obvious how he one day woke up thinking "gosh I wish I was a woman wearing tight super hero clothes" and made a shitty story with a shitty plot that isn't even following that many plot points from super hero comics, did he ever even read a fucking comic in his life? Did he even watch a marvel or DC movie before making that ugly waste of digital space shit?
No. 2013072
File: 1720560844642.jpg (303.7 KB, 1079x908, Screenshot_20240710-072935_Chr…)

>>2011566Late but the Lovers runtime is going to be 12 minutes and has a very high quality animation level and they were asking for nearly the same amount as this slop
No. 2013379
>>2011056>This show is for people that grew up with meme slopGood lord where's the plot? Even shitty or mediocre animation at least had characters with goals- even if it was "kill da bad man".
This shit couldn't even think of that, and worse uses subculture alone as a selling point.
When video games in the early 2010's starting featuring memes, they were widely shat on by the audience for being a cheap replacement of humor or clever writing. And I believe this sentiment will never change. There might be dummies out there, but there's also plenty who are smart enough to see the bullshit behind the curtains.
(sage your shit) No. 2013484
File: 1720664664914.jpeg (108.87 KB, 1024x612, IMG_1493.jpeg)

What the hell is this
No. 2013498
File: 1720669555765.jpeg (107.07 KB, 1080x650, GR-203iaMAMBIFm.jpeg)

>>2013484Im guessing Charlie is the black kid. This is Grandpa Joe and "new character Josephine"
No. 2013561
File: 1720695530034.png (462.75 KB, 630x969, charlie chocolate factory.png)

>>2013498To be fair, Charlie was originally meant to be black. That doesn't make this hot mess any better.
No. 2013571
>>2013498I’m really confused because
>>2013484 says “‘Gel taller than Charlie.” Like this purple haired kid (Nigel) is taller than Charlie so Charlie can’t be the black kid, right?
No. 2013690
File: 1720721804078.jpg (95.51 KB, 1024x625, 1000013384.jpg)

>>2013632There's a /co/ thread about it being a Netflix series where these images and more were posted. Plus some tweets repeating that, but nothing from official sources.
I do find it a bit odd that all the images have no studio logos and looks like it could be ripped from someone's privately shared visdev/character design portfolio. But given the references to established artists (Peter DeSève, James Baxter, etc) in these, that wouldn't make much sense. I wonder if this project has actually made it past the conceptual stage.
No. 2014045
File: 1720801514753.jpeg (406.54 KB, 964x529, IMG_1540.jpeg)

Wish we got to see more of this guy, you have to admit this character design goes hard(sage your shit)
No. 2014050
>>2013690That Oompa Loompa design is actually really cute and I like it a lot.
>the images have no studio logos and looks like it could be ripped from someone's privately shared visdev/character design portfolioMy theory is that these were for a pitch. Like, somebody pitched this and it didn't get picked up. Pitches get shopped around to different companies, which would explain why it has no copyright on it.
No. 2014087
>>2013484it isn't something i'd watch but at least it's different from the post-steven universe/voltron flat-colored calart blobs with 23 different sexualities and no remarkable plots or characters. obviously i cannot judge the writing since this is only concept art though, but shit i can bet this had more effort behind than stuff like
>>2011671the punk guy and black guy characters are so ugly, the black guy doesn't even fit with the rest's art style.
No. 2014474
File: 1720912385394.jpg (90.2 KB, 1464x457, 1720911942516496.jpg)

Kyle Carrozza (Creator of Mighty Magiswords) was arrested for possession of child pornography. Kek, rot in hell dirtbag
No. 2014475
File: 1720912413222.jpg (784.92 KB, 1077x2509, 1000042045.jpg)

Kyle Carrozza was arrested for possessing CSAM.
No. 2014488
File: 1720914783083.png (23.69 KB, 583x188, dgfdfgdfgdf.png)

>>2014475Btw, Charge 311.11 A (PC) means Kyle owned either a dozen CSAM videos and/or over 600 images of CSAM. Specifically, BDSM material of children under the age of 12. I hope they throw the book at his pedo ass.
>>2014478>>2014483I was thinking about Ang too. She must feel so vindicated right now (can't wait for her celebration dance video kek). I always thought he was a creep but this news adds context as to why he went after her so hard.
>>2014482>the first thought that came to my mind after looking at this guy for longer than 2 seconds was "yeah, this guy definitely has a folder full of kiddie porn sitting on his computer."Exactly. Picrel, neckbeard pedo moids are already making this about them.
No. 2014501
>>2014488i love how all the white narcissistic fat ugly bearded guys in animation are somehow twisting this horrible situation into "wahhhhh don't make me feel bad for choosing to look like a living stereotype!1!" instead of focusing on his
victims that are trying to tell their stories.
way too many manchildren in this industry.
No. 2014504
>>2014475He was in my social circle. I heard about him being a pedo from someone I now realize is one of his
victims a decade ago but she was pretty vague about her experience with him and I didn’t want to ask for details so I had no idea how bad it was. He got charged TWICE. And BDSM???
I know Ang’s IZ porn was weird and creepy and she’s obviously a weirdo or whatever but this has to be so vindicating for her
No. 2014506
>>2014495Tbh the idea that you can identify a predator by how they “look” usually does
victims more harm than good so I’m not surprised people pushed back on that.
No. 2014507
File: 1720918593979.jpg (130.66 KB, 1100x739, 1720912705777323.jpg)

I feel so vindicated. I remember when the whole vee thing happened i was 100% he was just firing her because she had dirt on him or did something to her.
Oh, the irony. Remember that there are no good scrotes out there they are pedos regardless of if they are pro loli or against it.
No. 2014516
File: 1720921873620.png (302.42 KB, 594x780, dsfdsfdsfsr.png)

>>2014501It's literally all of them.
>me and every other fat white guy just got a fucking target put on our backsBoo hoo.
>>2014506Nona, I get what you mean but moids who look like Kyle are immediate red flags for me. They're either pedophiles or troons or tranny chasers. Or all three. No thanks.
No. 2014518
>>2014516thou doth protest too much
Most normal people that aren't pedophiles/groomers don't get this fearful of just being accused of something they aren't.
No. 2014523
File: 1720923344040.jpeg (268.87 KB, 1440x1139, GBxLq2abwAEA8Uy.jpeg)

>>2014516What a bunch of insufferable retards they are.yeah this Nico guy definitely has skeletons in his closet.
No. 2014568
File: 1720940709587.png (42.68 KB, 1528x227, jane troon.png)

>>2014567some anons in the /co/ threads were saying that this troon was the one who wrote the original greentext about aang, now i wonder if it was true. Would explain why there were suddenly so many anons defending him when nonnies were shitting on him for being so weird towards aang and lying about his mom having a foot fetish and molesting him
No. 2014569
File: 1720940862327.png (16.14 KB, 1434x144, keklmao.png)

also, apparently kyle wrote his own wikipedia article that got deleted for being too irrelevant kek
No. 2014605
File: 1720964340528.jpg (106.8 KB, 1080x1248, IMG_20240714_103840_815.jpg)

>>2014474>height 5'7>weight 260Every single time
No. 2014680
File: 1720976639274.png (153.07 KB, 1561x421, 8g1.png)

>>2014567This is from March, but I'm not sure it was posted in the previous threads or KF (my bad if it was). Jane/androgynefiend/omegajane/jamber is into loli and shota, despite having tried to get Ang and Kayli (who was into Beavis and Butthead yaoi) cancelled over art of minor characters. post itself was in reply to a testimony from one of his former roommates - dude is a cow, but we knew that
No. 2014691
File: 1720978568641.png (286.61 KB, 752x821, c2.png)

>>2014680And here's the OP thread with the former roommate talking about him.'s not letting me make an archive of the whole thread for some reason, so I saved all the images and put them on imgur (there are far too many to dump here one by one conveniently): No. 2014754
File: 1720993275418.png (215.73 KB, 2483x879, milk left in the sun.png)

>>2014752so many posts from 2 years ago aged like milk left in the desert
No. 2014762
File: 1720993990993.png (16.6 KB, 1203x169, so based amiright.png)

>>2014754>kyle is basedlmfao
No. 2014769
>>2014474>>2014475I’ve clocked this guy ever since I saw his putrid looks, I know stereotyping doesn’t always work but it seems like it does 90% of the time with neckbearded lardos like Kyle. I’m happy people are feeling vindicated from this (and apparently tipping him off to the feds has been going on in the background for a while) but it’s depressing to know how long this loser has been getting away with it. Especially just because people wanted their jobs, why are disgusting people like this do well connected?
I’m betting his campaign against Vee was solely due to her not wanting to go near him or because he thought he’d get caught in the crossfire with her eventual exposé.
>>2014680 >>2014691Is that the troon that was obsessed with Vee and turned on her the instant it could all because she wouldn’t spare it any attention and out of jealousy?
No. 2014772
Samefag from
>>2014769, but how did Kyle even find out about Vee? She was working from home right?
No. 2014894
File: 1721011768093.png (318.7 KB, 577x675, 1720981635826.png)

>>2014523You might be onto something.
No. 2014898
File: 1721012014164.png (Spoiler Image,337.13 KB, 1201x1297, 9.png)

>>2014894What is it with weirdos and Lisa
No. 2014954
File: 1721021981483.png (202.12 KB, 423x383, 1720957954381.png)

>>2014754>>2014475Ripped from the other farms, so we can all appreciate the level of over-correction and subterfuge without having to smell sac. (1/2)
No. 2014978
>>2014754This level of cluelessness pisses me off, but it's a good lesson about why moralfagging doesn't work for women. Your average animator is a nerdy degen, Vondra really isn't that creepy for a cartoonist. And it's a red flag when men are too invested in pro/anti debates, whether they are moralfags or invested in "exposing" moralfags. For women it's often a matter of social/professional death so it's not surprising they make up the majority of participants in this retarded debate. But a man? If he's obsessed or takes action IRL it's genuinely alarming. Most of the time they can just debunk a cancellation, ignore it and fall back on their supporters, anything else likely points to a guilty conscience.
>>2014894KEK holy shit
No. 2015020
File: 1721045884977.png (1.62 MB, 724x3290, m00.png)

More about Jane the tranny, from a former KF mod. He wanted to try and get his thread deleted by bribing the mod with nudes, got mad when the mod he told about this idea talked him down, and added their name to his autistic callout. He also claimed that his 5 year old sister molested him when he was 10. No. 2015025
>>2015020nonmilk and ot retardation but wtf is his thread called? couldn't find it by searching androgynefiend, omegajane, or jamber
Unless it actually went down and I'm living under a rock.
>>2014894Can't say I'm shocked.
I'm sure saberspark and his 'australian dog daughter' would understand, though!
No. 2015223
File: 1721082206406.mp4 (7.4 MB, 1280x720, 6176281-c42d0f4ea139423ac556ab…)

>>2015199i forgot about this crap. Gross.
No. 2015301
File: 1721095802671.jpeg (68.27 KB, 676x326, IMG_2086.jpeg)

>>2014482Vaguely remembered that Arin (gg) was involved with this show at one point ages ago. I wonder if he knew something beyond the fact that Carrozza looks like what ai would generate an image of for a textbook sexual predator.
No. 2015336
File: 1721105816620.png (148.28 KB, 1282x1642, 1.png)

Vee responded
No. 2015337
File: 1721105884267.jpg (273.4 KB, 1358x1640, 2.jpg)

No. 2015338
File: 1721105944593.png (83.03 KB, 1250x996, 3.png)

No. 2015404
>>2015336>>2015337>>2015338The actual CP hoarder/groomer/abuser and the enablers (including the lying,
abusive tranny) really make her look the sanest here. What a fucked up situation. She's cowish, but I hope she gets the help she needs with picking up her life.
No. 2015436
>>2015375been working in the industry since the 90s on shows like animaniacs so probably used his experience to intimidate newcomers (were there any experienced crew mates on his show?)
I'm sure most people that weren't newbies knew right away this guy was a self absorbed creep in some way or another.
No. 2015458
File: 1721137526289.jpeg (651.5 KB, 1170x2183, IMG_3961.jpeg)

>>2015436He worked one job in the 90s and had all his work thrown out lol. He didn’t have steady employment until the 00s. MM was his big break and once you’re a showrunner you’re almost untouchable in the industry.…until you get busted for CSEM of course. He really didn’t have a lot of clout, a lot of his peers couldn’t stand him, but people (mostly newcomers like you said, but tv hires younger than feature in general) put up with it in hopes of working with him should he get a show again.
No. 2015551
>>2015336Where was this posted
No. 2015574
File: 1721161185268.jpg (71.99 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500 (1).jpg)

>>2015565The allegations that came from the tranny who also claimed his 5 year old sister molested him when he was 10? I think so, yes. Same guy also admitted this (about his allegations toward someone he was interacting with at the same time as Ang and accusing of the same things).
No. 2015632
>>2015577>women cannot sexually harass menYou’ve been scrolling for a while,
nonnieWhy don’t you take a break ?
(sage your shit) No. 2016051
File: 1721262391329.jpg (28.12 KB, 250x381, 1000020279.jpg)

>>2015404Sorry Nonna but there's no fixing Vee. She's surrounded by people who enable her alien delusions and she's already far enough gone.
No. 2016284
>>2016279name and shame
nonny. I only know about that tangled the series storyboarder who used to post on the tangled threads.
No. 2016410
>>2016284I think Ian q did as well; specially when /co/ did that whitewashing the
POC characters in Steven Universe and he used the whitewash of his self insert character as his Twitter icon
No. 2016709
File: 1721426291620.jpeg (1.27 MB, 2614x4800, jzqvI9n.jpeg)

raye rodriguez(creator of high guardian spice) drew a short comic about her experiences dealing with the failure of her show
No. 2016839
>>2016709>uwu peoole are pointing out its flawsyeah that's what happens when you put anything out there with the expectation of people waching/reading it.
don't put shit up for public consumption if you don't want critucism. ESPECIALLY if you're calling yourself a professional. fucking baby
No. 2016867
File: 1721463044703.png (742.29 KB, 752x812, breastcancer.png)

meanwhile moids still keep their careers and all the support even if theyre pedophiles or rapists
No. 2017002
>>2016988Dw anon I didn't get it either until anon above green texted their shitty reasoning
Still doesn't make sense, her looking for work is kinda irrelevant considering Star was shit and not a great portfolio to be hired off of
No. 2017062
>>2016988nta but I think they meant that women creators are more easily let go (even though the image states she had breast cancer so that would be a
valid reason to stop working) as opposed to a man who could keep his job despite being a pedo?
Still makes no sense lol
No. 2017130
>>2017106Based lol.
Exactly what I was thinking.
No. 2017215
File: 1721581034564.mp4 (6.84 MB, 1280x720, PsB3L-phO7AFIl3J.mp4)

Pan has uploaded the intro of his upcoming cartoon.
No. 2017243
File: 1721586180560.mp4 (333.86 KB, 1280x720, that horse has seen things.mp4)

>>2017215at least its more original than tom and jerry in high school. Speaking of ls mark, he keeps posting these ugly ass clips from the show and it just looks horrendous and cheap.
No. 2017272
File: 1721589848611.jpg (1.01 MB, 1809x2868, CaXEBejBVvFCj5vJ.jpg)

>>2017227>>2017218I read the first two and last two chapters of Pan's comic and it's not very good. The art would be fine if It was just illustrations, but in motion the characters move like they're underwater(awkward and slow). Also it's hard to differentiate between IRLs and the organics(the humans are multi-colored in this world), and the story doesn't have a strong foundation for a good plot
No. 2017330
File: 1721604328602.jpg (864.94 KB, 2980x1676, 1000044033.jpg)

>>2017272I'm sorry, what?
No. 2017364
>>2017272Even when it first came out, it was hard to tell what the story even was. It's… Pan's OCs fighting each other because to him it looks cool? He's not the kind of guy that enjoys anything with a deep story, and is a massive coomer at heart, he'd honestly do better with a Paul Dini to his "Bruce Timm" to balance out the absolute nothing that happens.
even if his art is admittedly dogshit Or better yet, pull a Monty and have everything be a blatant excuse to animate cool fight scenes.
No. 2017405
>>2017242try this hack next time summerfag: google dot com
He was found in possession of over 600 videos and pictures of BDSM porn of kids under 12.
No. 2017824
File: 1721744425113.png (1.14 MB, 963x1280, sister.PNG)

>>2017459I found out that Kyle has a younger sister who also does art. His ex said she was being vague and then mentioned his family. I'm censoring her name for her protection.
No. 2017845
File: 1721752579836.jpeg (524.05 KB, 750x832, IMG_0853.jpeg)

A big ol cow crossover.
No. 2018090
>>2017851For me it was when he started being overly cynical. I feel early saberspark was more positive but then it turned into CONSTANT "THIS SHOW SUCKS".
Made him just another soyboy pngtuber for me. I actually did used to like him.
No. 2018198
>>2018189LS mark is winning the worst one so far. It fits right in with the modern cal arts slop he ironically bitches about.
Pan's loki atleast has some 'originality' in its pop-like art style, even if the execution is sloppy. It just needs more visual signals (you should be able to differentiate between irls vs humans in a glance rather than 30 secs). Also there needs to be more thought into the world building (How do irl and human breeds work? Are there regulations and laws set in place so criminals can't make characters who can easily steal banks etc.?) I feel like there's some potential but he hangs around with failartists like DaftPina so the prognosis isn't looking too good- but he can still turn it around.
I haven't seen the other 2 though so idk.
No. 2018420
File: 1721867492790.jpeg (935.82 KB, 1242x1612, IMG_6566.jpeg)

Slight update on Kyle, we now know how much CP he had on his computer. 16 TB. For reference, 1 TB is about 250,000 photos. I hope he doesn’t go into protective custody. He deserves death.
No. 2018479
terabytes? Most people don't even have that many files on their computer period. How much time was the weirdo spending downloading pictures of kids and gooning to them?
No. 2018481
>>2018479nona why are you saying gooning
>>2018434boring, looks like that dinosaur western vn. next.
No. 2018487
File: 1721877234329.jpg (423.87 KB, 2048x1381, GGfLmkeaUAAHYIO.jpg)

>>2018434I'm getting some real donut steel vibes from these character designs. It's pretty bold to name your OC after a character from Homestuck (and Dune, and Game of Thrones). Plus they share a color palette with that whole genre of ugly tif art.
No. 2018506
File: 1721882498530.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1042x1657, IMG_2635.jpeg)

>>2018434So the rabbit is supposed to be her self insert?
No. 2018532
File: 1721889182869.jpeg (129.95 KB, 1125x696, IMG_4811.jpeg)

>>2018420Reminds me of when I saw pic rel the other day
No fucking shit you’ll no longer be working with him he’s going to jail for a long time
No. 2018534
File: 1721889387623.jpeg (212.91 KB, 1170x1900, IMG_5039.jpeg)

>>2018531I actually like the design a lot ngl. Way better than Hartman’s picrel
No. 2018565
File: 1721901736394.png (1.34 MB, 1366x1647, izzzsperg.png)

>>2018487>>2018506Saged for nitpicking, but my autsy brain couldn't let this go. The designs are at least better than LS Mark's, but that really isn't saying much.
No. 2018629
>>2018565to me it reminds me of mission hill.
>>2018487i hate how they look like they are under different lighting
No. 2018644
File: 1721921772218.png (83.34 KB, 691x558, Kyle.png)

>>2018420This person here claims that Kyle was a close family friend of hers and has been posting a lot about it. She says the 16 Tb claim is wrong, and also said the bail is only until the trial, he'll still get judged and probably sentenced.
She also has a post on Newgrounds about her theory that he was found out because he thought it was a good idea to store CP shit on google drive No. 2019214
File: 1722035669163.jpeg (175.42 KB, 997x715, IMG_2422.jpeg)

>>2019114Yeah, about that nonna.
No. 2019366
File: 1722086171360.jpeg (3.22 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2416.jpeg)

>>2019220you’d think he’d advertise both all the time. He drew his character too and Veronica did her own as well. I’ve been sitting on these pics for a while because newgrounds fags are weird when it comes to this stuff.
No. 2020397
File: 1722294366311.jpeg (407.29 KB, 746x420, IMG_0149.jpeg)

Pan posted a new video on Primos
No. 2020510
File: 1722311292897.jpeg (245.67 KB, 1500x2250, IMG_0989.jpeg) of Marks pilot lol
How much money did he spend on this thing?
No. 2020512
File: 1722311849603.png (3.66 MB, 2879x1606, 673575739.png)

>>2020397The fact that they made this change made me burst out laughing
No. 2020513
File: 1722311886180.mp4 (2.74 MB, 1280x720, totally original joke.mp4)

>>2020510this is going to be so awkward, his attempts at humor feel outdated and lazy. Does this feel poorly timed for anyone else? like i feel it would be slightly funny if once the bunny turned against him the music restarted again, but instead the scene remains in silence.
No. 2021099
>>2007492I think one of the reasons why she's getting harassed to death is because of her fucking inability to chose one type of content (she does too many bs things at once), she expanded into onlyfans for no fucking reason (probably to steal as much money from her extremely loyal fans as possible)… As an animation meme creator, which probably made the stalkers and haters explode, the fact that she's outdated as shit (egirl in 2024, why?) and her defense of lolicons on twitter.
I feel that she just doesn't know what audience to target. Why did she purposely did the mistake of splitting her two completely different fanbases? What a lolcow.
People may make comparisons with her and Delphine and the difference is that Delphine is just a character while Happy always acts like an annoying egirl.
(sage your shit) No. 2021315
File: 1722464759173.jpeg (44.58 KB, 481x458, IMG_2855.jpeg)

he’s so hot(non-contribution)
No. 2022587
>>2022433agreed nonna the shorts are an overall smart idea
it’s a good way to make up for the weaknesses of the main story by having side episodes make up for lost time so millies characterization and more IMP stuff
cunnalingus joke was lame though I agree
No. 2022683
File: 1722815303161.jpeg (467.94 KB, 738x1049, 08B510C0-1769-4990-A7F5-C30E59…)

Posting this here too I guess, Brujo Ari (who made the TIF Kakyoin and Jotaro ocs) is getting her own indie cartoon
No. 2022701
File: 1722820565299.jpg (271.6 KB, 936x1600, 1000015267.jpg)

>>2021099Happy is a highschool dropout (extremely anormal on YouTube animators from her age range), yet looks like a nerdy girl and she's apparently gifted irl, she never got accepted into art school because of an absolutely shitty drawing she showed the school (the one on the left, what the fuck did she expected), despite her being able to draw relatively well.
It's just so funny how the most nerdy looking and smart girl ever turns out to be a hs dropout.
(sage your shit) No. 2023131
File: 1722961937542.jpeg (45.72 KB, 300x300, IMG_1037.jpeg)

Thoughts on JustStop?
No. 2023500
File: 1723064905166.jpg (80.91 KB, 570x881, MV5BZTMwMWY3YTEtNzQ4Ni00NjEyLT…)

>>2023491It's also very boring and unfunny.I literally see no one talk about her show,Satina it's just really forgettable and it doesn't help that some people see it as a Helluva Boss knockoff.
No. 2023568
File: 1723082411093.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.18 MB, 1080x2057, 1000023884.jpg)

Veronica is posting softcore porn of her bee persona again but this time on main. The thing that gets me is that the captions are obviously charged to get people to reply & interact sexually. Poor Mark fat & perpetually cucked kek
No. 2023614
>>2023552>It wasn't even goodIt won an Annie and two Emmy awards and it did well enough to have a short-lived spin-off. I've followed Atoms on Tumblr for like a decade and he seems like a decent guy. At the very least, he's a hell of a lot more talented than the retards who pitched shit like
>>2022683 and
>>1997125 No. 2023619
>>2006214She could've scored a good-looking moid her own age, but this creep brainwashed her into finding his obese pedo ass desirable. I believe it when they say her father was an abuser, because unfortunately women abused as children are more likely to end up with men who are
abusive like their fathers. They're raised in an environment where they have no idea how men should behave or what a healthy relationship looks like. I guess at a certain point, she has a right to fuck her own life up by being with this guy, but there seriously need to be guardrails in place to prevent this sort of shit from happening to child actors. As others have said, there's zero reason for minors to be alone in a hotel room with a moid who isn't in their immediate family. I think that Claire is just doing the thing people often do when people criticize their relationships, which is to double-down and defend their shitty s/o because they're too proud to admit how bad they fucked up. In ten years, she'll be divorced from this dirtbag and writing sob stories about it.
No. 2024254
>>2024247Yeah so assuming this is actually Happy between this and a post in the art commentary thread
>>2023034 you’re on your way to Hyojin-tier cowdom one day, good luck to ya, I was thinking about if there would be a thread on you earlier but in 5 years we’ll know I guess
No. 2024257
>>2024254I hope that is not the case for a lot can be cleared up if people are just willing to listen, I guess.
The whole problem with the current online climate is how "cancel culture" is so rewarding, along with a complete lack of media literacy.
I'm able to provide evidence with all my claims too, while everyone else just has assumptions that they retroactively seek confirmation to, derived from bias and anger.
Unfortunately, anytime I do dispute claims, they'll have lost their interest, or push the goal post. A lot of allegations that are constantly regurgitated has been disproved a number of times.
The most "lolcow" aspect of my online being is that I find it hard to ignore false allegations leveled at me, as I know how they'll snowball and spread like a wildfire. There's only so many accounts and so many awful comments you can block out before you want to try and just exterminate the source, so to say.
One example I can list from the top of my head is how a lot of NSFW consumers repeatedly harassed me and made a point out of me not being okay with nsfw art of me, while this is something I've actively encouraged as long it's not just sent in my dms unsolicitedly.
(newfaggotry) No. 2024258
File: 1723253550600.png (1.72 MB, 607x2778, Whoop.png)

Nvm this is Happy lol. Little tip but this isn’t KiwiFarms, despite the name there’s 0 association and there’s quite a few people on the other farms who dislike it here and vice versa.
No. 2024280
>>2024258Don't let kiwifarms know about her existence. They're in fact, way more dangerous than lolcow farm or 4chan.
Users from KiwiFarms have driven many people to suicide so please don't fucking bring this to kiwifarms
(sage and integrate) No. 2024294
>>2024280Are the people they killed here with us?
Fag, kiwifarms is a gossip anon website like us, except they are incels there and we are
femcels here but we all hate trannies. We are the same, no one is better
No. 2024346
File: 1723277474286.jpg (64.32 KB, 540x720, This_kitty_I_hate_it_when_they…)

>>2018506I don't know why, but it reminds me of picrel.
No. 2024351
>>2024269Her Twitter but some farmers like me have been using Sotwe cuz we don’t use it since it became X, fair warning have a VPN on or cookies disabled cuz it gives you a bunch of pop ups and opens ads when you click anything
>>2023131He’s so boring. He got his start in the commentary community and defending all the cows of the ACC thread, he went against Creepshow cuz she was low hanging fruit, and now he’s making meh cartoon reviews that I don’t care about. His video about Mr Enter was pretty good but honestly all his new stuff is so boring, like a video on Hazbin Hotel that claims the 5 minutes of backlash Vivziepop got for her gay rape fujo scene was “The Death Of Media Literacy” because cartoon community people are whiteknights who hate the kids these days on Twitter and TikTok. He’s only noteworthy in his past actions with other creators and cows like Prison Mate Luke, Creepshow Art, HopelessPeaches, DaftPina, Veronica, Mark, Kittydog, Vivzie, Antoons, Kittydog, etc. He clearly just jumps on to hot topics for views which is why his content changed, the moment everyone stopped giving a fuck about the art commentary stuff he claims some drama with Prison Mate Luke and HarleyTBS (which was legit a storm in a teacup that was made way too big a deal at the time) was so mentally draining and changes to cartoon stuff, then when Veronica and Mark are relevant he goes against them for Daft (despite claiming to have quit commentary), then when Daft is disliked again he goes against Daft, now he’s making videos on whatever the fuck is popular for relevancy. He has done good (like calling out weirdos like Antoons and Cosmodore) but most of the time I can’t bring myself to even care about his videos. When he’s not making a video parroting the popular opinion about whatever the fuck he’s making retrospectives that no one watches. You either die a cartoon community critic or you live long enough to go into that cancerous community yourself
No. 2024361
>>2024321Least I can do is explain the situation and amount of blatant lies or extrapolated fantasies that are in circulation when it comes to me. I've always been a very open person and I just know 90% of theories wouldn't be there if people had only asked clarification. They're also regurgitating that I'm a child now cause they learned I'm short, information that's already incredible known amongst fans.
Something funny that happened recently,
I had a child email my boyfriend regarding the onlyfans, demanding him he breaks up, blatantly unaware he took the pictures and 100% stands behind it all. So if they're not straight up fantasizing, they're just regurgitating collectively known facts and publicly available information as if they stumbled across some sort of hidden artifact.
Then there's tamer stuff like on these websites which more or less stems from experiencing 1-2 of my arguments and then filling in the narrative that could make sense to some capacity. It doesn't change that it's objectively incorrect, though.
See, some of y'all proceed to send me emails regurgitating this nonsense, and that's where it gets annoying lol
Ps. I'm unfamiliar with the lingo this website uses. Just putting it out here. Already found 4chan a pain in the ass
No. 2024370
>>2024366Being behind my onlyfans isn't some type of flex but rather just to defeat the implications on here that I have regrets, which I just don't. I find it fun, and it does bring in some money. That's all. I never get why other people get so worked up about whether or not I have a good time doing onlyfans or if it resulted into me resenting the SFW aspects of my work.
Oh, another thing that I never mentioned. I've held down a long term job during my active times on OnlyFans, as a back-up, but I can't deny that "whoring myself out" pays off so much more. You're not going to believe when I say that originally I started the whole r-girl thing as some sort of stunt, but it immediately was perceived incredibly well, so I had no reason to not continue.
I've never exposed more than I wanted to and there's boundaries I won't cross such as full/complete nudity. Maybe I'll change it up in the future, I just don't see a reason to at this moment.
It appears as if people mistake my complains regarding false mass reports and faulty YouTube algorithms sending my shorts to kids looking up "roblox girl naked no blur" as me being discontent my Onlyfans following (?) doesn't care about my YouTube.
Frankly, I'm aware some of them don't care. Most of them love both (or so they say, but I've got numbers backing this up too).
Twitter/X is the platform where I advertise everything at once, which might also be where it sparks confusion to you. Twitter is simply the only platform ATP that's viable for me.
Tldr: Goal post is being pushed from claiming I am a SFW youtuber gone off the rails, to saying I've been brainwashed into making NSFW content, partly cause I'm allegedly a neet. A lot of this debate wouldn't happen if people were to actually research the thing they choose to complain about.
That's all though. I don't feel like further explaining myself just for my counterpoints to be deflected with emotional attacks. I just think it's insane that you people would rather dwell on your faulty assumptions thank actually grow as a person. I guess that's the point of this site though, so who am I to judge.
Some visitors will choose to read my side in this and adopt it into their imagine of me, and I'm satisfied with that. :D
File: 1723291473015.jpg (18.59 KB, 396x269, 1716698421681.jpg)

>>2024280>Users from KiwiFarms have driven many people to suicide Troons will kill themselves whether there's a thread on them or not so not really kiwiscrotes fault and also the ones who supposedly "died" weren't much worth alive anyways
No. 2024402
File: 1723296389592.jpeg (709.21 KB, 828x1005, IMG_2558.jpeg)

>>2024370Bitch how do you live like this lol
No. 2024431
>>2023618Not to blogpost but as someone who was assaulted by an autistic man as a teenager I couldn’t agree more. People I trusted WKed for him because he “didn’t understand social norms.”
>>2023619This, her parents were shitty stage parents who allowed her to spend one on one time with adult men all to capitalize on her brony fame. And fuck Creber’s parents too, for allowing this guy to LIVE with them.
No. 2024518
File: 1723319652575.png (1.07 MB, 1939x1333, kyle gone.png)

retards aside Kyle Carozza deleted his tumblr.
No. 2024703
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>>2024615He’ll never get the name back because I scooped it lmao.
No. 2025209
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>>2006214It’s crazy how fast her religion changed once they got together. She was calling herself an atheist the same year they officially came out as dating.
No. 2025260
File: 1723497023526.jpeg (1001.11 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0154.jpeg)

There was an animation strike rally that happened over the weekend.
No. 2025301
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>>1992015The creator of Bee and Puppycat called out Saberspark.
No. 2025313
File: 1723506546891.jpeg (1004.79 KB, 1170x2150, IMG_8193.jpeg)

>>2006214I don’t know if this is worth sharing but they have a podcast together and it seems pretty weird to me.
They discuss psychology, philosophy, and physics. No. 2025316
>>2025301>too relaxingthats just a kind way to say boring
>too prettythe art in that show is hideous and generic, its like sailor moon and steven universe butt baby. Competly devoid of any real unique personality of its own.
No. 2025333
>>2025209This is so disturbing, it just screams grooming,
what the fuck
No. 2025378
File: 1723522463208.mp4 (12.16 MB, 1920x1080, Angel José Pronoun is Non-Bina…)

This might be a bit off-topic, but is it just me or has voice acting gotten worse over the years? Growing up I watched shows like The Powerpuff Girls, Rugrats, etc., and the voice acting was great in those shows. It seems like in modern cartoons they just have people go into a booth and read their lines with little emotion or, y'know, acting.
Take the vid for example.
No. 2025379
File: 1723522525970.mp4 (3.08 MB, 640x480, Rugrats - The Bogo Block Villa…)

>>2025378Samefag. Here's a clip from Rugrats for comparison.
No. 2025389
File: 1723523840165.jpeg (64.16 KB, 630x420, IMG_2782.jpeg)

>>2025316Bee and Puppycat was better when frederator owned the IP but I’m glad it got picked up by Netflix.
No. 2025403
>>2025389same nonna
i thought it was really cute
its admittedly a big inspiration for my own art
(blog) No. 2025428
>>2025389I actually enjoyed the netflix adaptation, it was a pretty relaxing watch that didn't demand too much from you as a viewer. It's the stuff you watch with a cup of tea on a rainy day when you're done with your chores. You can see the Steven Universe inspo except it doesn't suck it's own dick with it's lore, the lore is there but it's not trying to be overly deep and seems to have more of a dreamlike element to it.
But with that said, I agree with you anon. I preferred the original style and I hate that they dumbed Bee down so much, I don't really get her appeal with how they rewrote her. She was dumb in the original too but not straight up retarded as she is in the netflix adaptation.
No. 2025673
File: 1723593754132.jpg (113.77 KB, 1078x1150, StephenCarver.jpg)

Imagine listening to a walled 35 year old obese neckbeard's opinion on cartoons. Imagine BEING this neckbeard. Coom chimps have truly forgotten shame, like THIS thing has fetishes and airs them out? With a form like that, you're not allowed to be anything but a castrated asexual being. It's an abomination when something this hideous not only has carnal desires, but also acts like they're important and must be seen.
This pigslob should have his tongue surgically removed and be legally required to wear a full niqab so no one can see or hear him. Someone throw acid at him so he spends the rest of his life in obscurity and shame as he should.
No. 2026005
File: 1723661561498.jpeg (336 KB, 1170x1398, IMG_8246.jpeg)

>>2025978NathanButlerArt a trans furry
No. 2026032
>>2026010>>2026012Are we certain this is a she?
In other words, tim or tif?
No. 2026077
File: 1723676394606.jpeg (378.75 KB, 1284x879, IMG_0538.jpeg)

>>2026032Definitely,she just changed her user and left the account two years ago
>>2026040Yeah,as far as I know it’s an obsession over non reproductive parts (like feet)that aren’t used to create or provide for a child (beasts provide milk)
No. 2026121
File: 1723691215157.jpeg (116.88 KB, 800x434, IMG_8252.jpeg)

>>2026010her icon looks like Sabersparks icon
(sage your shit) No. 2026649
File: 1723820616662.jpeg (70.91 KB, 446x446, IMG_8270.jpeg)

>>2026201Sabersparks furry OC is getting pretty close to Rishi in this art Rishi drew.
(sage your shit) No. 2026766
File: 1723841976244.jpeg (929.46 KB, 1170x1432, IMG_8273.jpeg)

>>2026649Also the actual post. Sorry I should have posted this instead.
No. 2026783
>>2026782Just going on what
>>2026201 mentioned about the long term gf. I have no interest in actually going to his socials to dig this shit up.
No. 2026788
File: 1723846523563.png (381.33 KB, 1128x1706, gay.png)

>>2026783>>2026782I went digging for gf proof, found some from 2022 but also found these.
No. 2026826
File: 1723855703402.png (23.71 KB, 160x70, wtf.png)

>>2026765its so weird to be like this with someone you arent dating, are we sure she isnt his gf?
No. 2026899
>>2026782If he had I guess my info is outdated kek I want to remember him saying sometime within this year or last he mentioned having a girlfriend in his sponsorships but honestly I barely watch his videos anymore so it all really blurs together. So he could possibly either be fucking or dating the furry, would explain why they keep posting childish stuff like this
>>2026766 maybe it's me but it feels like the kind of art you post of you and your partner when you're in high school kek does anyone know how old Rishi is?
and what she looks like? No. 2026907
File: 1723881951072.jpg (86.14 KB, 774x1034, GVCsrmqWEAE_H85.jpg)

>>2026899it says she's 29 on her twitter bio No. 2026979
File: 1723899145609.jpeg (322.37 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2834.jpeg)

>>2026907Maybe she is dating him. I guess they went to momocon together.
No. 2026995
>>2026910With furfags it isn't so much how attractive someone is but how willing to participate online in their larp and how attractive their shitty sona is. Plus pretty sure straight moids are not the norm, so she's just jumping on the first one to invest in her autistic interest.
>>2026979If he still is with his SO this is gross. He's definitely the fucking weirdo who never got anywhere with girls before so his new internet "fame" bringing in ppl like the furry fawning over him. He won't refuse anybody getting flirty and will ultimately cheat or have a ProJared situation.
No. 2027318
>>2027052Lmfao she’s cute but I can kinda see it
>>2027127Maybe there was some overlap and he’s trying not to draw attention to it? He doesn’t seem like the smartest
No. 2027541
File: 1724031422829.jpg (281.79 KB, 720x907, 1724030758324548.jpg)

No season 2 of TADC according to Gooseworx,what do anons think of this?
No. 2027719
>>2027541I doubt he will stick with this. That show's given him way more money and attention than ever before. It seems unlikely he would give that up…unless he's bored of jerking it to pomni already.
It feels so disjointing to see gooseworx refered to as "she" as well. The sentence sounds ultra clunky just because they had to shoehorn in his pronouns and be cool special allies
No. 2027952
File: 1724144731269.png (40.17 KB, 426x204, saberfart.png)

Saberspark is making a video on Kyle Carroza. I wonder if he's going to talk about Aang.
No. 2028458
File: 1724260757760.jpeg (592.75 KB, 1170x1627, IMG_8350.jpeg)

>>2028426Slapping a shoe sponsorship on a video about a pedophile?
No. 2028505
>>2027719>>2027833Nah, you're being too tinfoily. "explains her answer further of" isn't just forced pronouns, it's flat out grammatically wrong word order, and "answer" doesn't feel like the natural word to use at all. "further explains her dismissal of a second season" "further explains her reasoning for not wanting a second season" or something else would at least passably readable.
I think it's more likely to be just an ESL guy that can't write for shit. This doesn't look like a reputable news site like Catsuka or anything, so I find that more believable than "5D chess TRA writer wants to force in pronoun usage and is unable to come up with more ways to use pronouns without making the whole phrase look like it was written by 4th grader".
>>2028492The quote doesn't even mention not wanting a season 2, it just says he doesn't want to stretch it indefinitely, so I wouldn't be surprised if the writer did some creative "reading between the lines" (ie pulling shit out of his ass).
No. 2028606
File: 1724290445047.jpeg (653.2 KB, 1170x1158, IMG_8356.jpeg)

>>2005666This comment Gabe made on the first video they made together is giving me the creeps. It’s apparently the first time they met as well. The wink. Paused on the timestamp he’s referring too.
No. 2028612
File: 1724291373211.jpeg (830.66 KB, 1170x1561, IMG_8357.jpeg)

>>2028606They made a follow up video a couple years later, the way he acts like they are all peers.
No. 2028631
>>2026979He looks like Dobson in this picture kekkk I miss that bastard so much.
Rishi is super cute. I dug around and there's really no confirmation if they are dating or not, but I'm pretty sure they are tbh at least she's around his age
No. 2028738
File: 1724333848115.jpeg (390.82 KB, 1170x720, IMG_8362.jpeg)

>>2028426Saberspark is a whole idiot
No. 2028760
File: 1724338877374.jpeg (313.75 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_8364.jpeg)

>>2028426Saberspark is a special guest this weekend at a My Little Pony convention. Perfect timing for all of this BS to come out about him.
Do MLP cons not have other YouTubers they can invite? Or do they only respect men?
No. 2028871
File: 1724361601063.jpeg (699.22 KB, 1170x1512, IMG_8372.jpeg)

>>2028855I’m so confused actually. Fans ship them?
No. 2028873
File: 1724361944025.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x1772, IMG_8373.jpeg)

>>2026979Is this the same girl?
No. 2028875
>>2028871I don't understand why fans support him cheating on his gf
>>2028873Like seriously why do guys always cheat on their girlfriends with someone who's uglier? I guess that isn't the point of cheating. But seriously, I'm embarassed for her. She should dump him.
Most of the shame is going towards Saber of course. He does nothing to stop fans from shipping him and Rishi and seems to encourage it.
No. 2028916
File: 1724372210132.png (133.83 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_2881.png)

>>2028855I think you’re onto something. He used to do the drunken reviews with his gf but they haven’t uploaded since 2022 and that’s when we last got pics of them together. I clicked on his gf’s twitter account from the YouTube description and it doesn’t exist anymore.
No. 2028918
>>2028916I think a perfect ending is if Rishi cheated on him with a more famous youtuber or if he cheats on her with a man. Kek
Both of them are scummy in a lot of ways.
No. 2029093
File: 1724416192663.png (440.46 KB, 567x833, UnionYaoi.PNG)

>>2029080>>2029018Nothing burger, Copypasted from r/outoftheloop
it's a couple of layers in quote retweets, let's add some context.
1) A community Twitter account called AWorkersIgnited (apparently not actually affiliated with the Animators Guild. But likely has several interests in common) made a short cartoon raising awareness about ai imagery in kids entertainment, seen here:'s got this mid-century American cartoon style. We can tell from the credits that Alex Hirsch was a producer for it.(the Gravity Falls guy if no one recognizes his name that always looks like a typo to me)
2) In the comments below, Hirsch asks if they ever gave the characters names. A few Animators and general Seqa/storyboard people go back and forth, joke if someone's drawn ship art of the characters.
3) Another animator joins in, and on her side account, waiting for stuff to render, doodles said ship art. (It's very tame).
4) At least 1 other artist then draws the art linked above. How far will this meme spread? Idunno. Animators are just very silly sometimes.
No. 2029158
>>2029141Seems more likely he broke up with Melody in mid-late 22 and started dating Rishi in early 23, he hasn't mentioned his live-in girlfriend for years now.
I think it's a bit overkill to got straight to the projared comparison when there seems to be a gap between the last time Melody is mentioned on his socials and when Rishi started posting couples stuff, there isn't even a noticeable age gap between him and Rishi.
No. 2029162
File: 1724429078621.png (332.11 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_2893.png)

>>2029158I found this interaction from 2023. It seems they were seen together.
No. 2029171
>>2029158What makes it
sus to me is why not just fully say he's dating Rishi? It's obvious he is and he's clearly not shy about his relationships since he use to broadcast it in the past.
>>2029162Makes it more weird. An innocent answer is he broke up with Melody but they're still friends. Weird if he's still dating Melody while obviously with Rishi.
No. 2029353
File: 1724457423026.png (363.83 KB, 714x430, Screenshot 2024-08-23 175538.p…)

>>2029349Exactly. Reminds me of Imallexx. Moral fag who was outted for abusing and beating his gf. Everyone was convinced he was this innocent lil angel but it was all an act.
No. 2029408
>>2029158Idk maybe you're more willing but everytime I see these ugly moid youtubers who makes media their personality it always devolves to degeneracy/mental illness. It might not be on the scale of Projared or Kero but there's something gross about saber no doubt. I think it'll be something like that animator Schmorky tbh.
>>2029345 Exactly.
>>2029353People have been calling him a two faced snake for years, but nothing as bad as the abuse on his gf. So his rep was kinda shit. He was barely tolerated this was just the nail in the coffin.
No. 2029430
File: 1724473148121.jpeg (915.81 KB, 1170x1626, IMG_8394.jpeg)

>>2028871I don’t quite understand this but thought it might be interesting for someone.
No. 2029443
>>2028612Here is yet another video provided by Claire herself of them together. At 4:01
In it, Gabriel asks Claire if she "just asked if they want to make out". She was 16 at the time.
No. 2029451
>>20288736 years ago. Means nothing in current year
>>2028916People are allowed to end a relationship and start another? Doens't mean there was cheating involved. She could have just got tired of his fat ass kek
>>2029158Seconded that.
>>2029390I don't really understand what's up with some nonnies who can't grasp the fact that drawings aren't the same as actual images and videos of real children being tortured and raped. Just because what Ang drew is gross doesnt' mean it's ilegal
>>2029171He probably doesn't want to say they are dating yet because he has weirdo fans with parasocial relationship with him who may dogpile on her etc. You need to be careful with Internet weirdos.
No. 2029460
>>2028849One harmed/groomed actual children for years, on top of collecting nude photos of his
victims and other kids being sexually assaulted. One drew ugly yaoi. There's a big difference, it's vile to try and put them on the same scale
No. 2029465
File: 1724488709081.jpg (203.42 KB, 564x250, pedocow.jpg)

>>2029460>One drew ugly yaoi.youre a shotafag arent you, i never said that both kyle and angs crimes were comparable, the only thing they have in common is them both being into pedoshit. dont know why youre trying so hard to absolve angs pedo art where anyone with a brain can see its pedoshit. sure she was harassed by kyle but that doesnt make the shit she did disappear.
No. 2029483
>>2029467This. One of these people has
victims, the other doesn’t.
No. 2029488
>>2029483The one who doesn't is still fueling the pedo industry that makes moids like Kyle make
victims. She's no saint
No. 2029650
File: 1724531081126.png (1.47 MB, 3202x2368, IMG_8404.png)

>>1992015Just discovered he has a crazy amount of porn fanart.
Sharing the tamest one.
No. 2029659
File: 1724533837804.jpeg (351.69 KB, 1170x1238, IMG_8405.jpeg)

>>2028426R34 porn = bad
Sharing vintage bestiality = fine
No. 2030266
>>2030240pedophiles who offend and rape often start with drawn cp (lolicon,shotacon,cub,toddlercon) since they also consider it "a lesser evil" like some anons here, "its fictional!! it doesn't hurt anyone!"..until it eventually does it should be a hint enough how many pedophiles who get arrested are found with that shit in their hard drives. ang might or might not molest a baby or a child but just because shes a woman doesn't mean all of a sudden it makes it ok for her to draw baby porn
and who knows what kind of content she is also consuming behind the scenes but dont try to delude others that she isnt a pedophile
No. 2031208
File: 1724806745868.jpg (54.78 KB, 500x430, adam-conover-with-girlfriend-l…)

Imagine my shock when I learned that Lisa Hanawalt (cartoonist/producer from Bojack Horseman) has been dating Adam Conover from Adam Ruins Everything for like 14 years. I used to read her little autobiographical comics and I never put 2 and 2 together that her boyfriend was the same guy. I could have sworn on my life that he was a flaming homo
(Sage for nonmilk but I had no idea where else to mention this)
No. 2031234
>>2031216now that you've mentioned it, have any nonas seen the new fop? unlike other reboots (like the ren&stimpy one that is being aired around the same time)that get forgotten or dragged to hell, i've seen this one get a fair amount of love online.
i watched a lot of the pre-poof seasons when i was younger so i'm kinda attached to the og show.
No. 2031251
>>2031216>cartoonshi>alpha jay showof course
not saying I think the video is right but the take is just a bargain bin conservative opinion you can ignore
Idk why the cartoon community feels the need to make a mountain out of a molehill
No. 2031264
>>2031259the FOP reboot is fine mostly I don’t really agree with the idea that race is trivial because it absolutely affects how some of us live
the video kinda plays into the idea that white is the default and that race is something interchangeable rather than something that affects some of our lives.
the fop reboot is decent now that Hartman isn’t on board and making the protagonist a black girl doesn’t really meaningfully harm or help it, it largely succeeds on its own merits imo
No. 2031447
>>2031234ive seen an ep. it seems fun though average.
I think people are overhyping it a bit because of the hateboner against Butch Hartman.
No. 2031702
File: 1724882093683.png (4.27 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8451.png)

>>2029707His merch looks so shit.
No. 2031744
>>2031264The new show is fine, but not something I would watch on my own time. I've been watching it with my niece and nephew however and I'd rather watch that than other kids shows with them. Though I can't enjoy it because so many people are going crazy for Peri (aka Poof). Like tumblr sexy man levels of annoying.
>>2031702This is weird considering how many fans of his are kids. He's reminding me of Pumpkin Gentleman at this point. The fact he rips on Kyle Corrozza for looking like a predator. He needs to look in a mirror.
No. 2032214
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sage for old/no milk but I just saw these pics of Veronica and Mark at the Sonic Cafe at SDCC, it makes me laugh every time I see them together.
>happy lil camper
kek, if I didn't know any better I'd think it was a single mom chaperoning her autistic son to a nerd convention
No. 2032299
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someone found this on /co/, it might be from a pitch bible that failed to get investors interested. He genuinely tried to call his cartoon ''besties bois''.
No. 2032318
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>>2032312not much else. There are insiders who worked on the show who have filtered stuff on /co/ before, maybe someone will filter the whole pitch bible eventually.
No. 2032360
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I was browsing 4chan the night it came out and someone alleged this about Veronica. Sage for not milk but rumors
No. 2032410
>>2031742>I guarantee you he wouldn’t sell this of his male character, he wouldn’t dream of putting his male character in a speedo on all 4s or some shit and then selling that as a pinIt's because women exist mainly to be eye candy as far as moids are concerned.
It's only a matter of time before he troons out, like every other moid who tests the waters with female versions of themselves.
No. 2032457
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It’s because she’s light skinned Latina, babies her moids, beautiful and draws gross art. There’s also the fantasy of them being the superior male and cucking Mark. I think Veronica is really pretty but it’s her actions are what make her ugly.
No. 2032490
>>2032366I actually think it’s the opposite
I think she gravitates to them since they’re scrotes who are easy to manipulate
She’s fit attractive and takes an interest in the obsessions of her current partner
so they’re functionally putty in her hand
Her taking them out to the cleaners is funny
If they breakup i fully expect her to spill tea
No. 2032507
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I've said it before, but moids like pan and mark could have found women who were equally obsessed with cartoons and nerd stuff like they were, but they were too obsessed with wanting to date e-girls who were out of their league and were only with them for social clout and so of course these relationships were going to fail
No. 2032625
>>2032360I wouldn't take this with a grain of salt with the simple fact that
>some anon on /co/ said he was a friend of a friend from that group came out mentioning Veronica would make out with men drunkenly to spite Chris at parties>months later on a stream, Veronica bragged about kissing men drunkenly to spite her ex/then bf at the time (Chris)Moids crying about Chris being cucked fail ton understand he's a weirdo on his own.
No. 2032694
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>>2032638Pretty certain it's Kellan Goff, a FNAF VA that they've been close with & frequently their podcast. She appears in promo vids meant for Kellan but still tries to eat as much time as she can. She's weirdly touchy too compared to other friends. Veronica isn't as close to Chris's circle anymore but it'd be funny if it was Zach because Nikki makes so much damn art about the two
No. 2032770
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>>2032694It's most likely someone who was at her birthday party or it's the Adrian guy who was in this same podcast episode you took a screenshot from. He happens to be the creator of the webcomic with that bunny MC that Veronica draws herself having sex with.
I can't say it'd be Zach because he's madly in love with his gf, but at the same time, Veronica is the NG pass around. She fucked Adam, Chris and Mick. It'd be crazy if Zach was one.
No. 2032848
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>>2032266There's too many consecutive visual gags, the pacing is horrible, overuse of have-been newgrounds animators/voice actors, inconsistent art style among the character designs, and the autistic dialogue is grating. It's clear they were going for some Fish Hooks/TAWOG humor but it falls short. The random cussing felt forced and they managed to make Joshua Tomar and Zach Hadel sound like alien spergs. The mixing of the audio made the voice lines seem like they were recorded off a slightly pricier aliexpress microphone. The frames focused on characters in amateur ways, as if nobody on this project has ever storyboarded. There were too many moments where the frame lingered awkwardly on a character before they spoke. That little mouse will never be Darwin Watterson. Picrel looks like they couldn't decide on the art style but tried to pass it off as being abstract like Gumball.
I get a feeling that these female characters are coombait for the worst type of tranny cartoon fans, they're animals associated with trash and stinkyness. No. 2032875
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>>2032839Actually they used to meet frequently because Nikki is one of the "best" friends she continued to parasite off of after the breakup. I can't even imagine Mark & Zach getting on well other than awkward boyfriends that are kind of just there because Mark is so dull & lifeless. They do interact way less publically though (after the drama got leaked early 2023ish).