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No. 2032872

For all the attention seekers, grifters and other assorted idiots in the alternative community

Most recent cows:
-ToxicTears (Kaya), veteran youtuber, one of the OG "goths", used to get hundreds of thousands of views but her channel has dwindled, now she constantly makes excuses not to film and when she does it's usually an unboxing or a Q&A or GRWM. Has been pretty active on TikTok lately
-Jude Bishop, OF thot and ddlg pedo-pandering pickme who is also "goth", has her own thread but crosses over here too, publicly thirsts for Jake
-ItsBlackFriday (Freyja), goth youtuber, country hopper, terrible planner.
-Psychara, witchy instagoth who fries her hair
-Of Herbs and Altars (Dorian), goth youtuber who does videos on her ana and drugs past (now published about it too), believes she can fuck ghosts
-Adora BatBrat, instagoth who likes posting provocative stuff for shock value

…and other cows who are discussed but not necessarily producing significant or frequent milk.

Previous thread: >>2005900

>>2006088 Psychara is single again
>>2006307 Freya mentions in live stream she wants two more kids
>>2006645 Freya claiming she has dyscalculia after allegedly being diagnosed with ADHD
>>2007614 some of Freyjas white knights spamming the thread
>>2007647 some background info on Mr. Owl
>>2007717 Kaya is moving and is s0 StResSeD
>>2008186 Freyja asking randos to watch over her child in London
>>2008248 Freyja asking for London based videographers to work for her for free
>>2008465 Kuroasfuck flying to Belfast to literally help Kaya move her shit
>>2008823 three days after the eviction date Kaya has not managed to move out despite having 2 months to prepare
>>2008955 Severines syndrome
>>2009672 Dorians ex she cries about til this day
>>2010809 screenshots from Kayas Q&A - says she wants to move to London in a year (we´ll see)
>>2010860 Kaya still has the studio/storage unit
>>2013319 Freyja was hosting slimelight >>2014423 cow crossover with Kaya
>>2015839 IBF followers catching on to the film scam? >>2015841 her statement
>>2015899 a farmer found on Mr Owl Q&A where he states he doesn’t want kids
>>2016457 farmer put together IBF and Mr. Owls timeline
>>2016523 Dorian defending IBF
>>2018122 Random babysitter in Nottingham?
>>2018334 farmer reports Freyja to CPS
>>2018612 IBF broke her foot >>2018634 from being drunk
>>2019533 IBF looking for a babysitter to tag along her from the UK to Germany
>>2023043 Kaya video about her move and other stuff - acknowledges that people are pissed but won’t change a thing obv
>>2023126 urgent babysitter for Mera Luna needed!
>>2024296 IBF thinking she can get a last minute interview with London After Midnight
>>2024761 Victoria Lovelace dumped her husband for some ugly wannabe elf >>2024800 >>2029732 husbands insta story kek
>>2025658 IDF trying to buy a house but of course it’s only the banks fault!!1 >>2025902 >>2028681 mr owl post to the topic
>>2027733 IDF went to Stella Nomine Festival and exposed her toddler to an 18+ goth band >>2028118 the stage show
>>2029201 doco donators catch up on the scam
>>2031835 Kaya announcement it will be quiet from her side for a while
>>2032042 >>2032055 IBF wants to go to USA but needs more funding and plans to film a year

No. 2032874

It’s the first thread I made so please be kind nonnas

No. 2032878

Good job nonna. Still speculating where Kaya has gone, landlord dispute wouldn’t stop hr partying surely?

No. 2032892

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When we were away, IBF kept desperately sharing her uninteresting vlog begging people to watch it.
Recently she finally offered some of her clothes and it's sold (it was two pages). She also asked if there is anyone in Glasgow who would go to watch new Beetlejuice with her, prolly her friends are too busy maintaining their multiple houses, so she had to ask publicly of FB.

No. 2032916

Watch her come back soon with yet another "things are bad…" vlog in her car complaining for 30minutes straight about mundane issues everyone has to deal with

No. 2032919

Some anons were speculating it’s related to Jake and him kind of exposing himself of still stalking her and almost doxxing her. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t he hinting at that he knows where she lives now?

No. 2032942

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Thanks anon. Freyas pattern of dumb shit -> need a babysitter -> dumb shit -> babysitter is depressing to see.
The prices seemed pretty dear for what's mostly synthetic costume-tier crap but it sold out in a day. I was about to give her props for clearing her hoard, but it came at the price of her childrens' wellbeing, so I'm not going to.
Sincerely hope he's not stalking her IRL because I don't think she posted any pictures of/in her new place online. Absolutely would not put it beneath him, though.

No. 2032955

its so creepy how he stalks her

No. 2032981

I don’t think looking at someone’s public stories is stalking anon

No. 2032997

I don't trust men like fake. hes not just looking. not with the level of rage he has for her.

No. 2033025

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Hard launched her new relationship barely seperated from her husband

No. 2033027

Them together at mera luna was already in the last thread anon

No. 2033039

Good job nonna and thank you for your service.

This time it was an actual ig post that appeared on both of their accs. Everyone was telling them they're a ~cute couple~.
Note how she botched her face. People really need to stop falling for trendy surgeries.

No. 2033080

Sure isn't, but he also previously harassed her for a year post break-up and there was that weird time he rode his bike out to the sea she was swimming in right after she post that she'd be there. He hasn't taken his bike out to that exact spot since. The fact he's still keeping close tabs on her years later is obsessive behavior, especially when he's claiming to be happy in the new relationship with his was-married side piece. I don't have much sympathy for crybaby Kaya, but her manlet ex is a big creep.

Can't imagine this will last. His insta is full of him being handsy with various women. Unless Vicky pulls a "cool girl" and goes along with it. He was kissing on another girl that was in their group at m'era luna already.

No. 2033145

New video of Herbs: she tried to kill herself (OD) while she was staying in a Holiday Inn. I'll try to do a recap tomorrow. Basically she got super drunk at the bar and experienced a rather abrupt comedown that lead her to attempt suicide. She took 1 week worth of medication (methadone included), got sleepy and ended up calling a friend in the middle of the night to take her to a hospital. Once she was there she couldn't stand it and tried to get away despite the concerns of the friend(s) she had woken up and who were waiting by her side in the hospital. Of course she thinks her suicide attempt has to do with paranormal activity in that hotel room and not due to alcohol being a fucking depressant. She claims to be an ex-alcoholic that knows her limits but I think this proves otherwise. Although she makes a point at the beginning when she complains about how miserable it is to age as a female, most of the video is just munchie rambling about how hard her suburban middle class life has been for the past decade. This woman needs to quit playing dress up in her sad emo cave, move out of her parents home and start her own life already.

No. 2033181

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Some of the offers feature a yummy manicure!

No. 2033182

Jfc, just chip the rest off at that point

No. 2033416

This is a really weird fucking post. She didn't post on her public stories that she's living at her dad's house he's the one that tried to dox her. Also checking out your ex's socials two years later closer than an autistic altcow poster after they blocked you on everything and called the cops on you IS stalking and very creepy.

No. 2033419

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I posted her in the egirls thread >>2032611 but I feel like she belongs here more. Classic bpdchan projection on full display

No. 2033420

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She has like 3 other tiktoks just like this one. I can assure you no one gives a fuck, Tori.

No. 2033422

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Who wants to bet she was a Belle Delphine clone before hopping on the metalhead train?

No. 2033424

Poser pick me kek might have potential?

No. 2033444

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Vicwhoria supporting Shein instead of the original creator

No. 2033453

Can’t post minors on here but she makes super cringey tiktoks with this guy @dylxn.js who’s still in high school (she’s 20)(sage your shit)

No. 2033457

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Pickmeism off the charts

No. 2033458

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No. 2033459

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The top comment is “respect for the gaming headphones” barf

No. 2033461

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Sorry last post but among her most watched TTs are this thirst trap and a video of her presumably underage sister…

No. 2033464

zomg so edgy with a burzum cover.
thank god I didn’t have social media growing up kek this is probably all shit we did and it’s hella cringy but this girl is actually posting this to the world to see.

No. 2033469

Yeah I was definitely embarrassing in my youth and I’m so glad social media didn’t blow up in my childhood, but she is a grown 20 year old woman posting these. Not even just an edgy teenager.

No. 2033505

Is there anything remotely milky about this tiktok woman or is she just unfunny and cringe?

No. 2033509

just as figured, she's likely already blown through a big chunk of that money she so desperately snatched out of her indiegogo for her as yet unrealized "documentary" and is finally selling her clothing to pad out her balance again.

No. 2033526

There wasn't a new thread for a bit, but I added up what she sold - she made about $5,145

No. 2033600

Thanks for the sum up anon. This woman is just a mess. Y'know I was thinking back to the days when I looked up to her as a teenager watching her videos back in the early 2010s but having grown up and seeing her with a mature perspective, her life seems depressing for being so cushy. No job, all the free time in the world to pursue hobbies and even try to start an online business tied to said artistic hobby but yet she just spends her days reminiscing about her past and getting drunk. She's almost 40 and doesn't have a whole lot going for her. Not that you need to be all figured out but I just wonder how she'll be if her mothers passes away. How will she support herself?

I agree that she needs to get out of her emo cave and try to meet new people and make new memories instead of hyperfixating on her past.

No. 2033761

She's cow worthy but she would probably do best in the girls thread imo.

No. 2033765

Yeah, it’s clear that she’s always going to be depressed as long as she sits around with no clear life trajectory, and that lifestyle will always lead her to taking the path of least resistance, i.e. whittling her life away while reminiscing about when she was young and cool and super tragic and skelly. She’s in arrested development from this lifestyle and mindset.

No. 2033867

I apologize for not being able to post a source for this but I swear to god I literally saw a Tik Tok the other day where this girl said she met Tori in residential a while ago. She followed her on Instagram and she said she was constantly posting white supremacist stuff. Flash forward and now she’s an alternative influencer. I assume her old Instagram account has been deleted(sage your shit)

No. 2033926

>She's almost 40
Damn, not even 40 yet? Somehow I always thought she must be mid 50s at least, seeing how she always talks about the good old times decades ago and acts like a goth aunty/granny to everyone. Other women her age easily still have fun and feel good about themselves/how they look, because that really is not old.

No. 2034061

I actually grew up in the same scene and around Dorian, we were never friends but there is overlap. They're not a bad person but they do chronically fixate on the days when there was a Alt scene in Birmingham and honestly I get why it's gotten D so stuck.

Scruffy/The Gallows/Eddies/Subside/Subway City ect did very little to restrict ages or check ID'S, I went to all of those multiple days a week and was 15 at the time.

It's easy to put those days on a pedestal and overlook the bad. It was a era we won't see again. 100's of alt teenagers hanging out in pigeon park, wandering round looking for people you knew, nights out at Subside when they did an underage night till 9pm where they sold no alcohol but otherwise the same, the following Subside nights out, the amazing alt nights at subway city with punch cards where it was entrance and 10 drinks for £15 where you could find dropped/left part punched cards.

The scene was at it's peak then and nothing will bring it back even close. I get why D misses it, I get why they can't move past it, it gave the dysfunctional a community and unlike the generations before us who has us aging in thus continuing it and having it grow, new generations just didn't fill the gap because ID rules got strong, venues closed, the recession hit them big and it has never recovered and young people today don't need to get a bus to the city and walk around for an hour minimum finding people, they don't need to go to those lengths to find community.

D needs to find new people, new community but they never matured past that mindset, that developmental stage and they don't seem to want to because that would involve letting go of their idealised version of those days, focusing on the fictionised spin they've put on the bad, the romanticised 0.5% of those times.

I know this is a big blog posty but I did know them and we have had a lot of friends in common and I've not prior mentioned this anywhere so I figured I'd say.(blogging)

No. 2034149

Well said. Dorian may be cringe at times but I do hope that she manages to pull herself out of this and gets her life on track because I do feel a little bad for her. I just can't imagine living like her at that age. She used to make music, she should try making a new album or writing a new story, just something instead of wallowing about her past life that is long behind her.

Yeah if I remember correctly, she is about 37/38 so not 40 but nearly there. And you're right, there are plenty of women her age who are still into alternative subcultures and having fun and she could do the same if she just left her emo-cave.

The way you described how the scene used to be does sound like it was quite fun and sure, you can't have that again after the social media boom plus the economy and all that, it's depressing for sure. But surely there are still some things Dorian can do to do. I think she just needs to find people her age who remember those times as well and try to create new memories. They can go out and explore or save up money together so they can go to a neighboring town/city with a more active alternative scene. Just anything to get her back to enjoying life instead of moping because at this rate, she'll be doing this well into her 40s. IBF as crappy as she is, she's living and Dorian could do it tell and she has the luxury of not having children to worry about.

No. 2034317

I bet her discord server is overflowing with milk, the link in her linktree says it’s expired though

No. 2034397

Honestly she needs to join a club. She crochets, likes walking, there are loads of social things around those hobbies that you can turn up to alone. There are tons of groups on places like meetup for people who want to go to gigs. She could volunteer even one day a week. Anything to get her out and around other people. She probably doesn't realise how much her isolation is fucking with her mental health. I feel bad for her but it's like she's addicted to holding herself back then feeling crap about it.

No. 2034498

You're both right, there is stuff D could be doing but I think the lack of drugs/alcohol/boredom that prior allowed D to overcome the severe social anxiety to try new things, the lack of an obvious path to follow behind others, being an adult and having a developed brain which makes it less likely for them to make impulsive/poor decisions that prior guided their actions.

The scene was awesome back then in its good moments but D has romanticised it so much and built it up so much that nothing shines so bright, even though I doubt she notices how those lights sparkled then either, it's 10% reality, 90% romanticised spin but I think D believes it because she has told the stories so many times.

The scene still exists in Birmingham, its just not in the city center anymore, it got priced out and is in King's Heath now, there are still awesome gigs in Wolvo and lots of travel able places and lots of cool social clubs D could get involved with but that would require risk taking and I don't think she knows how to do that anymore, especially after Covid, I think its something we have all struggled with.

Honestly I don't see how D counts as a cow anymore, they're cringe for sure but cringe don't make a cow.(integrate)

No. 2034685

Kaya's back, she had to put Sebastian down due to heart failure

No. 2034691

Damn, imagine being able to take a month off work because you cat died lol

No. 2034692

Yikes. I actually feel bad for her. Though she really should’ve anticipated it. That cat was old as hell.

No. 2034693

This was very sad to watch. Losing your cat is hella painful no matter how much you're prepared for it.

No. 2034696

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The face when you realise you can’t milk your dead cat for plushie dollars any more

No. 2034699

she probably could, actually. I bet her followers would purchase a Momento Sebastian plush. But it would really be in poor taste.

No. 2034705

Right, I actually think being an influencer/internet person is very bad in situations like this because you get to just stay home and wallow in your own sadness and self pity. When you have a real job and real responsibilities you have reasons to push yourself forward and keep going. Im not saying people should just get over it immediately when loosing a pet but not doing work for a full month is not gonna help you in the slightest

No. 2034717

Oh shit that’s actually really sad. I didn’t know her cat was this old or he was sick. Poor kitty

No. 2034759

She a cow, fine. But these posts are fucking disgusting. The death of a long term pet is like the death of a family member. You both sound like fucking psychopaths.

No. 2034762

Watching this made me so sad. You can tell she's heartbroken over it from how her voice keeps getting cut up.

No. 2034766

She said the cat had been her only constant source of comfort for 10 years
I did feel for her

No. 2034772

Fucking thanks for restoring a bit of my faith in humanity and this website.
I know this is a gossip board, but
some motherfuckers here can be heartless degenerates, who have something horribly bad to say in every situation.

No. 2034780

Same. I don't want to be insensitive because losing a beloved pet sucks but like… She's so freaking privileged to have been able to take a whole month off just for a deceased cat. She would've been fired from her job if she had one. ?And the cat was old so it's not like he died early and through something like an accident, it was just his time to go and he lived a long life.
I know it sucks but I dunno, I just feel like a month is a little much. At most a week, maybe two.But at this point, whether she uploads frequently or never, her content isn't good anyway so is it really that much of a loss if she doesn't upload frequently? Clearly her fans don't mind to continue to pay her way when she barely gives them anything in return so it seems like everything is working out.

No. 2034853

Lmao imagine getting this upset and defensive over a cows cat you have never met? It’s a social media cat lmfao, get a grip it’s a gossip forum, go to kayas comments if you want to talk about how much you care about a random cat

She took the cat home twice while it’s fluid filled up with lungs because she is a selfish cunt

No. 2034857

Lungs filled up with fluid.*(learn to delete)

No. 2034867


losing a pet sucks, it doesn't mean you have to like Kaya to sympathise with the situation. Ya cunt

No. 2034876

I get that losing a beloved pet is heartbreaking, we have all been there. I'm sorry but this is a super normal experience that even kids go through, none of us receive hundreds or thousands in donations though. Kaya has a bad relationship end badly, gets freebies. Kaya had like 3 inconveniences in a year related to her car or rent increase, just beg for sympathy and get more freebies. Kaya's cat died, more freebies. She constantly acts like she's the most unlucky and unfortunate person in the world when all of this is super normal life stuff, we don't turn on a camera and record a blubbering ramble about how we're "going through a time!" every month for the past 5 years. Sucks to be her right now but I have no sympathy for this woman, she's the most self centred and entitled of all the "goth" YouTubers.

No. 2034890

I mean her job is talk about her life no?

I feel like some people on here get off on other people's misery, isn't the point of this thread to discuss milk? Not laugh at tragic events

No. 2034892

IBF is most certainly the most selfish, those kids don't deserve what she puts them through

No. 2034894


Who said I was laughing? We're not exactly here to lick her wounds either, go donate if you're so hurt for her.

No. 2034895

Maybe I should donate to your mental health fund. You need it sis

No. 2034901


Yes how mentally ill of us because we eventually stopped feeling sorry for a self absorbed leech for the hundredth time since 2020. Are you almost finished fucking yourself over how much of a empath you are to anons on lolcow?(infighting)

No. 2034906

"Us" bitch I was talking to you, trying to rally others while you have the charisma of a cum rag kekw(infighting)

No. 2034928

It was tough to hear about all the vet visits and the shock of being told your cat is dying and needs immediate euthanasia. She said that Sebastian was put to sleep in her home by a house call vet and that some of her friends were present - rip Sebastian. To Kaya's credit she raised him as an indoor cat and would take him to the vet for check-ups time to time, sadly that makes her better than 90% of cat owners in the world.

Unfortunately the video was ruined by the last 4 minutes which just came off as an excuse letter to explain why she's been so inactive on her channel for the last year. Spruiking her Patreon was an especially tacky touch.
She spoke about how she doesn't like doing raw, emotionally heavy videos because it's 'not why people come to her Youtube' when she knows the stats on her channel disprove this. This isn't the first time she's said something like this and she continues to play dumb. It's obvious she went radio silent for 3 weeks before dropping this in order to generate worry and milk sympathy out of her increasingly frustrated audience.
She also weirdly rambled about how if she was a coder working in an office it would be easier to manage her grief as if IT professionals aren't expected to put their big girl pants on and continue talking to colleagues and attending meetings and zoom calls despite a death in the family. Shut up you deadbeat lmao.
She would have been better off ending the video with a montage of nice Sebastian moments over the years sans talking or overly shmaltzy music. Keep the focus on the dead cat rather than blubbering about your career failings and the super tough year you've had.
Let's be real, Kaya has been on a downward slide for quite some time now. Since mid last year she started this pattern of scraping her hair back into a greasy bun and filming her pity party excuse videos. Miseryposting, as she called it, is the only thing keeping her fans around.

No. 2035036

So much mincecore is leftist af. Stick to goregrind and pornogrind.
What a pick-me. I've never been to a show where this would fly without everyone talking shit about her, but I don't go to gay black metal shows so idk.

No. 2035094

It’s a fucking cat lol. Bitch doesn’t work. Get a job Kaya you leaching chav. Maybe this will hit home that you can’t just party and do nothing and be supported and have drunk parasocial relationships. Once her mum dies she will be completely alone.

No. 2035118

Waiting for the ~go fund me to keep Sebastian’s skull and make a cheap gothic shrine with it~

No. 2035143

Get therapy you autistic fucking sociopath. You can express empathy over a tragic event without liking her.
>she's the most self centred and entitled of all the "goth" YouTubers.
Imagine going through all the posts about Freezer and then saying this shit. You're not the sharpest knife in drawer are you ? kek >>2035094

No. 2035146

I know kaya is a messy ass individual but I'm gonna tolerate her spiraling hard after this.

No. 2035148

Where can I donate to your go fund me for Sebastian’s replacement? We need to pay for Kayas time off and London trips too!

No. 2035159

you might wanna step away from the phone if youre this hot and bothered over an influencer

No. 2035174

I’m not the one calling someone a sociopath and crying over an influencers cat

No. 2035177

Some of you are as callous as it can get, and honestly have no right to call these influencers cows when y'all behave like this.

Lacking basic empathy and resorting to spewing vitriol at any given occasion is very telling.
Being terminally online does that to some mfs.

No. 2035182

in black metal shows is no moshpit
Also damn some nonnas here are really bitter. However putting the cat down isn’t milk so can we please move on?

No. 2035183

It’s a gossip forum, if you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen

I’m glad her cat died(infighting)

No. 2035184

>imagine going through all the posts about Freezer and then saying this shit
At least Kaya didn't abandon her cat when it became too inconvenient to travel with him.

No. 2035189


>I’m glad her cat died

Get help, you sociopathic fuck.(infighting)

No. 2035190

Who's the edgy queen? who is it? yes yes you are. What an embarassing fucking retard. You're an even bigger cow.(infighting)

No. 2035192

Nobody's crying over the cat they're just pointing out how awful some of the comments are. Some of you are the type to be glad someone died or has lost someone dear to them cause they bullied in you highschool or cause you dislike them. Get some bloody therapy.

No. 2035201


Ding dong the cat is dead
Quick make a plushie
Before she stuffs his head!

Ding dong he’s gone to cat heaven
Chasing all the mouse
Smells better than being lumped at her mum’s stinky council house!(infighting)

No. 2035238

Did Frigo ever say when was the documentary getting released or is she working on it without a deadline?

No. 2035250


>>2032055 froyo properly planning something? Come on. That's too professional for her.

No. 2035255

Let's be real, while losing a pet is sad, what she did the past year, spending more time away from home than with the cat probably also didn't help. And I mean especially when it comes to stress factors of having to be babysat by her Mom every so often, especially since Kaya's mom has a dog and we don't know if Sebastian and the dog got along, if her mom fed him well etc.
I don't remember how old the cat was but yeah, I blame her a bit in part for not being more present and doing things with her cat, besides binge watching Netflix shows.
Most people who had a pet quickly dying in their lives didn't have three weeks off to mourn em, they had to keep going while trying to not feel too emotional about it, like regular adults.
Her whole adult life can't be centered around going to London to forget about responsibilities and promising people content which never comes kek when it's supposed to be her main source of income.
All that attention on this is only reinforcing negatively the dumb ass life pattern she's onto since moving from the freezing studio.

No. 2035289

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This is so embarrassing. There's a cat hate thread in OT if you really need to sperg out like this anon.

And Freyja is turning right back around to buy more shit for her flat hoard despite "needing to save money" and planning to "move out". She really can't seem to help herself.

No. 2035327

Cat hate? I’m not the one who refused vet’s suggestions twice to put the cat down and instead took it home to have my goffik friends round for a goffik time while my poor pet’s lungs filled with fluid and it suffered.

I’m glad she is suffering now for the neglect she inflicted upon that cat. For half of the year she has been away in London and poor Sebastian has been back and forth to her mums or trotted out for outdoor vlogs which you can see stress the poor indoor cat out.

You can really tell who are animal people or not, lol. He was a convenient toy she picked up when she needed money or views. She didn’t care about his needs.(derailing )

No. 2035490

Yeah I agree, she's been partying and playing house with Duke2 in London for half the year and feels super guilty that she didn't have more time with the cat. It's possible that she could have caught the signs of heart issues if she was around more. Instead she was probably too busy sleeping or doing her acrylics after coming back from her clubbing holidays.
I think most of us are sympathetic to loss of the pet but we've seen Kaya deteriorate long before all this. It's just tiresome to see her overact to any event that's slightly stressful and use that as an excuse to stagnate or distract herself with hedonistic pleasures for weeks on end. Break ups, car issues and moving house suck but it's not a healthy or normal to behave like she does. Instead of taking initative and responsibility she lets situations get intolerably stressful then begs for validation and sympathy until people come to her rescue. It's a learned behavior that gets reinforced by the lovelies and her (remaining) friend group who are overly soft and scared of upsetting her. Every now and again Kaya makes half-arsed promises of change in the form of therapy, meds and new filming schedules but nothing actually eventuates. She's not interested in doing the hard work to improve. We're watching her becoming more set in her self-destructive ways and become more and more dysfunctional in life and it's sad to see.
If her new bloke insists she doesn't have to change and that he's happy to carry her through life then he's just enabling her and that relationship will turn to shit.

No. 2035496

Wonder how shit she feels basically abandoning her cat for weeks at a time the past two years

No. 2035498

She also didn't have him while she hid out in the studio or some property of her dad's that's been speculated. She should have let her cat settle at her mums. Kaya lives in filth and too embarrassed to let workmen in because of it. That poor cat had to live amongst that filth. I really doubt Kaya's ability to even keep on top of a litter tray. She'd had other pets mysteriously vanish.

No. 2035511

I agree, they're acting big and bad when it's actually just unhinged. Wonder where these Freaks came from, 4chan maybe?

No. 2035552

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She also attended the Black Rose Ball in York over the weekend. Still no word of when exactly she's planning on returning home or even where Monty is at the moment.

>says they are glad the cat is dead
>writes a poem celebrating the cats death
>acts shocked when an anon suggests they should consider the cat hate thread
I'm sorry nonna, but you weren't coming off very concerned for the cat. You seem more giddy if anything.

Doubtful, but judging from the reddit spacing and lack of integration it's an obvious newfag. Maybe another snacc wandered in.

No. 2035565

She said in the other thread it might take a year and she is trying to film in the US too if she gets the funding. So I’m guessing selling her rubbish was to get a flight ticket.

No. 2035594

All of this. I have empathy for losing a beloved pet, I'm sure we've all been there. But Kaya is an adult just like the rest of us and we have to develop coping to get on with our lives. Though I guess maybe it's because we're not privileged and can't afford to lose grip of our lives or else we'll pay for it financially. But Kaya whinges and sulks so much for an adult who's now in her 30s and she needs to be an adult. What you said about how her life shouldn't be centered around partying in London and not keeping up with her responsibilities is very true. And if she continues like this, what's it going to be like for her if for some reason Patreon closes down or her mum passes. She's getting older and she really needs to start a backup plan.

During the aftermath of her breakup with Jake, my heart felt for her greatly and I was hoping she would finally turn her life around and move in a positive direction but it feels like the opposite has happened and it's depressing to see.

No. 2035604

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>Maybe another snacc wandered in.
Or joke since he still hates her with a passion and still keeps a close eye on her plus he hated her cat too and was throwing and smashing plates while the poor thing was on the floor.

No. 2035605

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What doc lol? looks like she already spent the money partying and buying worthless shit. How much did the retards donate again? like 15K max? that's nowhere near enough to make an actual doc if you're a broke ass bitch and is using it to survive for months with a baby plus party and travel all over the place.

No. 2035646

>>2035605 OK so she's only had 15k to travel the world go to hotel to hotel pay for baby sitters and food for her and kid while also buying shit from primark, alcohol Binge drinking streams, tickets and travel to events and locations, petrol, hygieneitems like nappies for the baby. Surely buy now she running low on funds how long had it  been now 5 months?  And there no sign of her returning yet. Will she miss her daughter 3rd birthday? Christmas?

But realistically she's going to upload it to YouTube then what? It will have her regular view count maybe some extra but all those new subscribers will sub for more videos like that which she won't be able to do again as she said it was a once in a life time experience and they eventually unsub. I know she can milk the content to be about 20 parts long and bloopers she will have a lot of content for a probably a year but is there like some out come from it? Does she think she get a job offer out of this? Does she expect to make big money from it?  Or was it just a excuse to live her life young and free one last time? I doubt she regret leaving her daughter while she was having major surgery and dragging her son giving him attachments issues cause she had a great time living her life. I just don't get what the outcome is for this doc and if it for them to say oh we can afford a mortgage now we'll if she kept that 15k she probably could of too.  Don't get me wrong I bet she got some great footage and interviews so far but what is she expecting the outcome to be from it all? No way she will make the money back that she has spent

No. 2035662

When laid out like this, it's even more obvious that this was yet another ploy in order to live the grandiose goffik life that she loves so much, but this time, by visiting as many spots and attending as many goff events as possible.

She definitely misses the autonomy and accessibility to all the cool festivals and locations, that she used to have when she was back in Germany/Scotland.

Sincr she mentioned before that the epicc doco will take at least a year to complete, it's more than likely she won't see her daughter any time soon nor attend her bday.
Her kids are really struggling with such a selfish mother.

Regarding her recouping the money, that will depend on views. I do think that it may be a good addition to her portfolio; if the doco gets finalized properly and published, that is.

No. 2035681

sadly i don't think she will ever change, or grow, or get out of this perpetual partying and faffing around london stage. she'll just keep going until she can't anymore. as long as she has friends and people around her who will support her, she will continue to live her life as selfishly as possible.

>Or was it just a excuse to live her life young and free one last time?

yes, you hit the nail on the head. all this is is one big excuse for her to run around the world, drink and party, while pretending that she's actually "working" and doing something useful and hopefully manipulate people into feeling sorry for her and mr owl with the sob story that they can't afford a house because wahhhhhh we're poor. at times i wonder if they might be both in on it, too.

>Don't get me wrong I bet she got some great footage and interviews so far but what is she expecting the outcome to be from it all?

hit the proverbial jackpot, make a lot of money for the least amount of effort possible, and then blow it on stupid shit like alcohol and trips around the world and whatever other junk they could purchase. i've begun to doubt either of them really want to actually buy a house…they just want easy money.

No. 2035685

What’s even the audience for the doc? Nobody will buy it so it will be free on YouTube, I can’t imagine people caring that much to watch it. You can go and find vlogs/interviews on every goth festival already. It won’t make any money!

No. 2035699

At this point, do you really need an expensive ass budget to make a documentary? I'm not sure about the details but that person who made a documentary on that YouTube Boogie2988, did he have a big budget to make that because I heard he didn't and it still turned out fine.

No. 2035701

Man hearing it put into perspective like this, it's her fucking wedding scam all over again. For those who remember, she requested donation money to have her wedding with Mr Owl, she received a decent amount (I can't remember the exact number but it was quite a lot) and coincidentally the wedding was called off and she started traveling around Europe. Sure she stayed in hostels and traveled by train (and one plane ride) but the woman worked a regular job before she quit to do YouTube full-time and though she was getting quite a bit of sponsorships, I can't imagine it alone could've endorsed her travel expenses

As for the documentary, at this point I'm just wondering what's the point of a goth documentary?

No. 2035703

>sadly i don't think she will ever change, or grow, or get out of this perpetual partying and faffing around london stage. she'll just keep going until she can't anymore. as long as she has friends and people around her who will support her, she will continue to live her life as selfishly as possible.
That's really bleak. "Til she can't anymore", I picture her in her late 40s early 50s doing this still and developing healthy problems and can't physically go out anymore confined to her house (and that's if Patreon is still around and her fans are still supporting to live her lifestyle).

>and hopefully manipulate people into feeling sorry for her and mr owl with the sob story that they can't afford a house because wahhhhhh we're poor.

Which wouldn't have happened if she continued to work and/or at least save the money from her sponsorships and not spend it on goff junk. But let's be real, I feel like if they did have a house Freya would absolutely hoard in it. She'd be eligible for the show Hoarders though in her case, she'll be known as the "goth hoarder" (which I'm sure would oh so delight her kek). And the kids would be living in said hoard which wouldn't be great at all.

>at times i wonder if they might be both in on it, too.

Yeah I'm starting to wonder as well. I know it's been hypothesized that he's doormat and that might be true but you gotta wonder how he's okay with his wife being gone this long. Then again, maybe he hates his cleaners job and was talked into supporting his wife to pull this scam so that if things work out, they'll be set for a good long while (to them anyway).

No. 2035711

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To make a doc all that is needed is video material and plan when and where to film it. Costs would be travel + place to sleep + food + tickets to events if required. That part could be done first and requires travel.

Highest concentration of goth festivals in Europe are Germany, Poland and Czechia. These could be filmed from late May (WGT anf GPF which take place at same time in same city) to early October (RTtB). If she wants to film anything in the UK - she could fly to London from Wrocław which takes 1 hour of flight alone + additional formalities on both airports. By now she should have video material from at least 4 festivals and could have visited smaller events (there was a huge amount of events in Poland alone this year) and local scenes in many other countries as most of Europe is easily available in 1-3 hours of flight from that triangle in whatever cardinal direction. So she had more than enough time to collect a really impressive amount of material from Europe alone.

No idea about logistics of filming material in Asia, Africa or both Americas , but at least some material from there could have been done this autumn and winter or filmed next year if that allows better timing with events and festivals there.

And that's a maximalist plan that means she would film all major festivals + many small local stuff.

The rest of production process that does not require filming could be financed and done later and does not require to move far from your home.

No. 2035718

I have to wonder about this too. Sure there is somewhat of an audience, but it's fairly niche and her filming ability isn't anywhere near good enough for it to grace Netflix or a similar streaming service. It's going to take multiple years for her and owl to film and edit an entire years worth of film. And that's if they ever actually follow through with it once she's done meandering all over the place. I fully suspect that once it comes down to it, spending all that time, shut in reminiscing about the good times, she's just going to want back out. I geniunly believe this "doco" isn't happening in any real sense. Not after the fun part is over. Those dvds aren't being made and sent out. It's more likely to end up fodder for her YT channel eventually.

Honestly the smart way of doing all this would be to team up with various goth influencers from around the world and make it a team effort. Have them film events and get their name on it, split funding, etc. Instead freyja is so focused on scamming a free world tour under the guise of making this documentary.

No. 2035721

>until she develops health problems
I'm sure she already is tbh. She's obese and regularly binge drinking (and eating nutella by the spoonful kek), waddling around drunk and breaking her foot. Her lifestyle is going to catch up with her fast. It's already showing in the wat she looks.

No. 2035763

She got about 12 thousand euros in donations? (That's how much it shows me there, I thought it was more, but that was probably in different currency.) How does she want to live in western Europe for a year from that amount? Even when she has that flat in Scotland, travelling and festivals and hotels, food, care about toddler and everything costs so much and I doubt YouTube income is high enough for that and Owl has to work to survive with disabled kid in NZ. And also she bought equipment for it and when they had problem to return to NZ from Europe and begged people to pay then tickets, it was expensive, so she already spent a lot in the beginning and she is Europe for about 4 months already.

No. 2035858

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I wonder what her yt income is, and if she has some patreon bucks too.

According to nonna's calculations >>2033526 , she made around this amount from selling her clothes. She may keep listing more items since the two previous drops sold out pretty quickly (minus one coat).

Just checked her storenvy page, and I found that she posted more stuff.

No. 2035862

Plus just the cost of getting there and back is probably $6000 or more just for her unless she secretly bought the tickets well ahead of time - I'm not sure how much they charge for small kids on flights but Monty is big enough to need a seat so it would be at least another $3000 for him I guess.

No. 2035904

It's possible she's already bleeding that housing fund her mom gave her to help pay for things with the intention to "pay it back". Doubt owl would have the balls to stop her from doing so too.

No. 2035910

I tried some online calculators and it estimated her YouTube income to be only few hundreds, but I don't know how accurate it is.

No. 2035965

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It's difficult to say exactly how much she is making, but it's likely somewhere around 1k a month off YT views and Patreon subs alone. If she has paid subs on YT or other sources of income, she might be making a little bit more, but I'd honestly be surprised if she's breaking 2k a month at any rate with these numbers.

No. 2036069

No fucking way 12K is enough for her to stay there that long let alone create a decent doc.

No. 2036538

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Beggy greasy chav

No. 2036546

Ok this is getting a bit silly. Sebastian is not a human that needs to be stored in a fridge for weeks while funeral arrangements are made and people are notified.
If her family don't have a garden plot for him then they should consider pet cremation. They are usually quite affordable, it shouldn't be more £100 for a small creature like Sebastian. She just wants to stretch out the process and revel in the art of mourning because it's goffik.
At least she's going to try fund it via Vinted rather than just posting links to her PayPal and Patreon

No. 2036555

Gosh of course it has to be the most extravagant solution for our princess Kaya!! If she can’t afford it she can’t do it. Nothing bad about an urn or something but oh no she HAS to have the bones of Sebastian. And how does it take weeks? Meanwhile the cat is waiting in some fridge? Tinfoil but he’ll be there in a year still considering how lazy and broke she is.

No. 2036564


Damnit l was actually quite upset over Sebastian's death and sympathized with her quite a bit.
Why does she have to be so extra when she can't afford it? As
>>2036546 said, l hope it doesn't turn into full blown e-begging via stupid crowdfunding.

No. 2036628

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It costs 450£ btw

No. 2036637

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No. 2036647

She's a whiny baby always, but if she's not begging for the money and actually sells her shit to pay for it I don't really see the issue with that. The real milk is how she drags her feet to do literally anything in her life.

Tbh I get not wanting to chuck him into a garden plot that may be difficult to visit in the future. The grandiose casket thing is a bit much though, just get him cremated and put into a nice urn. It's plenty goffik and this poor lady wouldn't have a dead cat in a freezer for a month.

No. 2036667

She’s waiting for people to say “set up a go fund me, I’ll donate” and she will tomorrow post “I don’t want to but some people have asked so here’s a go fund me” and she’ll have the money within a few days. Professional begger

No. 2036678


Ffs get him cremated (£250 for an individual cats ashes) in a little urn, she can transfer the ashes into a gOffiK coffin if she needs to. Why does she act like she has no money when it comes to necessities? There's no reason why she can't have a side hustle or a part time job if she's so broke all the time, she clearly doesn't earn enough from YouTube if she can't afford £250 to put her dead cat to rest. This is insane and why I really don't like Kaya. Always a victim, always begging for money, high standards but refuses to do anything but beg for donations to react these standards. She's disgusting

No. 2036797

She used to have a side hustle by running a little craft shop where she made buttons and I think some simplistic plushes (I'm not too sure about that but I could've sworn she made some little simple plush doll creature but I know there were buttons and stickers) but she got too lazy to even follow through with the orders and even making more of them when she did make some sales.

The woman is just a lazy ass as she can't follow through on anything. She has 0 work ethic and she's better off just trying to sell her clothes (and actually follow through in mailing them out if they sell). Though I agree with everyone else, just get a cute little urn and get the cat cremated, you don't fucking need his skeleton, especially when she can't even afford the process.

No. 2036856

Reading the screenshots after reading >>2036538
infuriates me. The person offers a cheap alternative to having the whole skeleton by just doing the pets' skull for £95. She could get just the skull instead of being extra. The costs of the full body are of course more expensive, there's a whole process of removing skin, muscles and tendons from the dead cat, and sanitizing the bones. That's not done in a jiffy and it requires the know how of cat anatomy not to nick anything.
If she didn't wanna pay, she should have taken the cat back to handle all of this herself, as grim as it sounds

No. 2036862

Keeping your eloved cat's skeleton sounds grim af and depressing just bury him somewhere so you can visit and put some flowers there.

No. 2036887

Exactly. Imagine desecrating your pet's body like that just so you can have its bones for goff points. Horrible.

No. 2036888

'Other people have said'. No they fucking haven't. She's back to passively e-begging again.

No. 2036889

'The process of bringing Sebastian home'. It's not a fucking person. Yes pets are part of the family but the process of bringing them home is going to the vets and getting the ashes. What about all of the other animals she's had over the years?

No. 2036946

In some countries what she wants isn't even an option. The vet asks you if you want them to bury your pet in a pet cemetery or if you want to cremate your pet colectivelly or individually and then keep the ashes, and that's it. Actually, I believe if she had been living in Barcelona she wouldn't have been able to do any of it.

No. 2036997

selfish moron as usual making everything more difficult than it needs to be. just bury your damn cat with dignity and love and stop making a spectacle out of it. really cannot stand her stupid ass.

i'm really beginning to think that they're both in on it. i was one of the people who thought he was just a doormat being taken advantage of, but now i'm getting suspicious. everything about this whole situation, from her flouncing off at the most random moment to film a "documentary", severine's health issues, and then all those posts of them whining about muh house, muh foreign investors reeeeeee, is starting to come off like they were laid up in bed one night and plotted this out. i could be wrong of course and she really did just bounce but yeah, it's starting to smell like some trashy attempt at milking quick money any way possible because i really cannot see why barns would be ok with her leaving like that unless they both agreed to it somehow.

No. 2037012

She definitely wants to beg people to pay her to live in Europe and convict them she is poor victim.
All that crying about how she can't afford living in NZ and everything together, maybe even that Owl had to stay with disabled kid in NZ and she took healthy kid with her and dragging him across countries. I have dark conspiracy that Severine's life expectancy might be short with her condition and she might be just waiting and running away from her. But that post about her imaginary European friends have multiple houses is just pregame to next begging for money.

No. 2037029

>I have dark conspiracy that Severine's life expectancy might be short with her condition and she might be just waiting and running away from her.
I think Severine might live a long life, but it will require a lot of medical care and time from her parents, that's why Frodo is running away from her, she doesn't want to take the responsability of raising a daughter that will need her 24/7 for the rest of her life. Severely disabled kids can live a very long life and, sadly, it becomes a lifetime burden for their parents. She has clearly not formed any kind of emotional bond with her children, specially with Severine. I'd even go as far as suggesting she would be happy to leave Severine behing in NZ and move permannetly with Mortimer and Barney to Europe while leaving Severine in a medical facility.

No. 2037060

Maybe she's hoping Barnaby finally cracks and they can split with him keeping the disabled child while she takes the healthy one. She obviously doesn't care about Severine what with the way she's abandoned her and the longer she's away the less she seems to even bother to mention her. After riding the high of festival/event hopping for half a year (or more) she's not going to suddenly quietly settle back into a quiet life in NZ happily.

Honestly thinking the same thing. What kind of mother would ditch her toddler during a dangerous surgery to go party instead. She's scum tbh. Barnaby is a piece of shit for allowing it too. How is he also okay being away from his infant son for so long?

No. 2037077

I'm genuinely shocked she still hasn't gone home yet, this beyond ridiculous now

No. 2037098

Even for humans, it's impossible to "bring them back home" when they pass and keeping a skeleton of your dead relative would be just as grim. The ashes should be the limit tbh but that's just my own opinion on the matter.

No. 2037183

She doesn't like Severine imo, would rather be anywhere else

No. 2037211

Where I live 'bringing them home's used because some religious families bring the dead back to the family home for a few days before the funeral. Still don't keep the body though.

No. 2037279

>the background music saying "I need a goth bitch with wrists slit"
Ugh so sick of shit like this. Pickme egirls who pivoted to goth for more male sexual attention have made the objectifying of all goth women even worse than it already has been, fuck them all

No. 2037327

Didn't she mock Severine on a livestream before? Or was that Monty?

No. 2037359

She's probably a boymom now that she got those microchimerism genes, even more since she's been traveling with Monty for months.

No. 2037503


Not to WK but a lot of Kiwis show love via teasing and imitating and don't necessarily see it as bad.

I'm sure she "loves" both her kids, she's just making extremely shitty parenting choices.

No. 2037544

Yes, I'm sure it's also normal kiwi culture to hand off your kids to strangers and leave them crying in the other room while doing shots on livestream. We should stop judging her. It's just kiwi things. (kek)

No. 2037660


Sorry but if she's so goth she has to have her dead pet's skeleton + has no money to have it done by someone else she should just find a place to bury it and then retrieve the skeleton and clean it herself later. But I'm sure she'll milk this as much as possible & expect hand outs

No. 2037737

You want her to azealia banks her dead cat nonna? kek

No. 2037763

I didn't expect a pop culture crossover nonna. Topkek.
In all seriousness she should really stop with this shit, it's so damn cringe and disrespectful to this poor cat.

Didn't she think about how disorganized and messy she is? The poor cat's remains will just be lost among the pile of rubble she hoards, and also trash since she sucks at keeping a place tidy.

No. 2037768

Taxidermy also requires upkeep, and I can bet she won't do that at all, she'll just toss it on a hoard pile and never clean it like all her other trinkets. I wonder if she let other things fall to disrepair, not just her shower, and that's why her landlord had such a big problem with her.

No. 2037796

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Sebastian columbine is so desperate kek I remember when she used to try to collect questions for her YouTube and didn’t make a video because nobody was interested in her anymore. She comes off as so bland nowadays.

No. 2037801

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Froyja blessing us with more photos of her gross living conditions. Also she's apparently guzzling multiple monster energy drinks everyday?

If it's just a skeleton in a casket upkeep would be minimal. She's not getting him stuffed. Still think it's a really stupid idea though.

No. 2037806

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Monty playing with one of the empty monster boxes with no other toys in sight. His pacifiers left on a visibly filthy vanity beside his mum's collection of half a dozen empty monster cans and some kind of blister pack of pills. Grim.

No. 2037808

Good points nonnas. Also notice how this is far from being decluttered. If anything, she's accumulating more PR (she posted another story, promoting her latest vid where she received some stuff from lush).

She can't even be bothered to throw away empty cans and boxes?
Ofc the poor kid wouldn't have anything to play with: it has to be goff toys or PR related stuff/junk.

No. 2037840

She's sold several times yet it hasn't made a dent in her hoard, and what's more is she's filling it right back up with useless shit from PRs and shopping. It really couldn't be more obvious she's just larping her old life
Also I've noticed she rarely if ever mentions Severine, I wonder if she still has any attachment to her?

No. 2037842

these photos are so trashy and bleak. she thinks they make her seem relatable and down-to-earth since that's her schtick, but it's the total opposite. this looks more like the nightstand of a teenager after having an all-weekend rager than a mom with her young son filming a "documentary" around the world.

>She can't even be bothered to throw away empty cans and boxes?

she's probably too drunk and hungover in the mornings to care. just stumbles down to the store to grab another box to gluck down at breakfast to wake her up.

No. 2037989

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She could barely do her share of the housework back when she lived with Jake so it's no wonder she got overwhelmed with basic house maintenance and let the rental turn into a tip. I wonder if we'll get any more updates about the landlord drama.
Now that her Dad is potentially her landlord (reluctantly I'm sure) I bet he's got measures in place to protect his house. Maybe he's hired a cleaner to come in once a fortnight or asked the neighbors to check in on Kaya and stealthily report back to him about the state of the place. Kaya doesn't have the adulting skills to deal with landlord so it should be easy now she can just text her Dad if something breaks as he'll sort it out himself and foot the bill.
In other news it looks like Kaya is finally trying to start good habits after feeling sorry for herself for the last 6 months. I'm sure she never cancelled her gym membership from 2021 so she finally got out her keycard for the first time in years. There was nothing stopping her from regularly working out ever, she's had the Jeep and mountains of disposable income all this time. Let's see how long this lasts, spooky party season is around the corner after all

No. 2038004

Why is he so fat? He’s shaped like a pumpkin, is that normal? Hope she is feeding the poor kid healthy food

No. 2038025

Of course he is fat. I’m sure she doesn’t cook healthy there or anyways takes much care for the child. She’s probably one of those mothers who give their child a donut for breakfast. It’s insane to me how she basically has split from mr owl and severine already. You can’t tell me they videochat often or she cares much about her life in NZ.

No. 2038032

Nah, she’s doing it on purpose for the Pugsley appeal. Wouldn’t put that past her.

No. 2038043

I was wondering about this too. I know babies are supposed to be a bit chubby, but he already looks pretty overweight at this point. Can't say I'm terribly surprised when his mother has been seen eating Nutella by the spoonful, is apparently slamming multiple monsters a day, and seems to regularly binge drink on top of it all. Childhood obesity leads to adult obesity, between this and dragging him to parties and bdsm shows poor Monty is going to have plenty of his own issues growing up despite being the "healthy" one.

No. 2038045

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Better than her previous story of rolling in bed watching TV I guess. So is her cat spending its third week in someones' freezer still?

No. 2038149

Calling it now, if froyo does go back to NZ and Barnaby she's going to put some of the load of caring for Severine on him as soon as he's old enough, and the older he gets the more it'll be shoved off onto him
Monty will grow up to resent her, she's taking away his childhood and it's especially important for him to spend time with his father

No. 2038183

Can't say I'm surprised. She's not all that active anymore in recent years, she deleted most of her videos, and she just doesn't really say anything particularly interesting these days. It's sad to admit but I feel like the only thing that was interesting about her was when she was a goth. When she did her 180 (which is fair enough to do), her bland personality became a lot more noticeable.

It's sad too because she did go to film school and she expressed interest in puppetry and stop-motion which are interesting art forms and she should've made more videos talking about it and/or even making her own stop-motion project.

She shouldn't be surprised that not many people wanted to participate in her Q&A, she's barely active and has given nothing for potential new fans t ogo off on. She should make a few new videos first to revitalize her channel and then try again with the Q&A.

No. 2038185

Agree with you anon. It's so obnoxious and it's gotten so much more annoying in recent years since these pickme egirls have multiplied and actually play into the stereotype (that they're not a part of).

No. 2038190

you don't even need to speculate on this, this is very common in families with a disabled child. particularly if the potato kid is really fucked up…the other, non fucked up sibling(s) often end up having to shoulder the burden of care because the parents check out mentally and can't be bothered anymore. either that, or they put the child into a full-time care home once they turn eighteen and go on about their lives.

No. 2038194


She probably is feeding him crap because that's what she eats, but kids do pork up a lot before growth spurts. He's definitely a little bunker though.

I feel like IBF has made more content in the past few months than in the last five years. She made hardly anything in Germany because she was depressed and then NZ was taken up a bit with baby production and not enough Goffik stuff to do. (Which is bullshit BTW if they're living in Dunedin there's a spooky castle and some cool cemeteries and NZ in general has loads of haunted sites).

It seems like she suddenly realized it's time to make some income/prove her trip is about work.

She fell into a pit of despair without Owl around. I feel like she's unlikely to split with him but I could imagine some kind of perpetual "work trip" happening, u less he gets sick of it.

No. 2038213

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I just can't help but think "your kid is on the other side of the world surviving fuck knows how and you're playing hurdy gurdy in a garden".

I watched a bit and from what I could see Monty is near her, their only interaction is her going "shhhh" when he makes some noise and rocking his stroller or something with her foot, no fucks given. Like, I get that's what moms do sometimes and the vid may be cut to focus on its main subject (painfully boring BTW). But you know he's not sleeping when she talks or tries to play this loud ass instrument and she looks like she doesn't care at all… Mommy's working!

No. 2038346

So true she needs to post more things on her social media that are personal. If she shares something on instagram it’s art (not hers). She recently showed some behind the scenes puppetiet work which was actually interesting but it’s true what you’re saying she was always more bland. I think beginning of the year she uploaded a video about showing her favorite plant pots kek

No. 2038397

I totally see Monty being in some kind of documentary about narcissistic influencer parents (if he makes it to adulthood).

No. 2038486

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Plottwist shes doing cremation and an urn plus fur in a frame and his whiskers. Damn.

No. 2038521

Just fuck… Kek I guess I'm not le goffic enuff since I find it unnecessary to keep that much of a dead cat in your house, the urn would've been more than enough but what do I know? kek.

No. 2038523

Well Monty has been with her for like 4 months now and maybe she's doing what >>2038025 said that she might be giving him donuts or pastries for breakfast. You know this woman doesn't cook (or at least not at this time) so she's probably giving him something quick, easy, and sweet or not as healthy and that's why he's gaining weight.

No. 2038530

AYRT, yeah I haven't seen her posts on Instagram in awhile (though I'm not on as much as I used to) but the behind the scenes thing is a step in the right direction.

>she uploaded a video about showing her favorite plant pots kek

KEK I forgot about that. I didn't watch it but it popped up in my feed and I was thinking "girl what are you doing?" If she was a botanist channel I'd understand but what makes her think her fans would want to see that? But as is, she only has 6 videos on her channel and she needs to do a little more. She should try getting into horror movie reviews or something, it's hard to give tips for her because she's so bland at this time. It's like I said, at least when she was doing the goth thing, you could get more a feel of what she might want to talk about (and I feel shallow in saying this but her goth look was lowkey cool to look at, the death-hawk looked good on her lol).

No. 2038537

>cleaned skeleton in a casket
>fur and whiskers in a picture frame
>urn with ashes
I get loving your cat but this is turning into a whole rigmarole, not to mention the expenses even though she keeps claiming she's broke. Can't help but think this is a part of her arrested development, not knowing how to let something go.

No. 2038846

whatever money she gets seems to go towards this. doesnt exactly shock me since broke people can still somehow make it work, but I hope this gives her some type of closure….but liquor seems to be het go-to route and I bet thats right around the corner

No. 2038855

Is it just me or is this fucking sick? Why would you want to display body parts of your dead cat like it’s art?

No. 2038875

Ngl putting your cats actual whiskers onto a framed picture of your cat is a cute idea. But if she's cremating him I don't know why she also needs a casket of his cleaned bones, unless she plans on disturbing him often and opening it…

No. 2038897

I don't know why she didn't opt for normal taxidemy, so she could still see the actual cat that she recognises (they empty out the body and put the skin on a mannequin of a cat I believe) because she is not gonna recognise his skeleton as his. It could be any cat. Since the skeleton is expensive anyway it doesn't make sense to me to choose the thing that doesn't look like your pet (skeleton instead of taxidemy) if you insist on macabre memorials like this.

No. 2038943

>>2038897 in her vid, she stated that she was afraid the taxidermy would be an utter failure and Sebastian would look disfigured. Also his fur was shaved in a few spots during the vet trips, and she didn't want to preserve that image of him.
All in all, very weird; I don't agree with any of these methods
But that's just me.

No. 2038946

While I think it's a bit weird to do for a beloved pet, collecting bones/specimens/taxidermy isn't a shocking hobby in many alt scenes. There's even entire conventions for it.

What >>2038943 said. Also, full taxidermy requires more care due to the fur/skin present. It's possible for decay or infestations. While I still think her super goffik casket idea is a bit much, I'm glad she isn't opting to stuff him at the very least.

No. 2039045

Just imagine if Jake had died when they were still together. Perhaps she'd have had his skeleton mounted.

No. 2039064

I really dont understand the hate some nonnas here have for her and being nasty about her cat dying. I think shes cringe and an e-beggar ok, but what horrendous thing has she done to attract so much hate?

No. 2039068

I'm not sure either cow-wise, I just think shes a messy drunk at best who makes stupid decisions and whines too much. and I cant ignore the trauma that is/was Fake that still affects her since hes not been subtle whatsoever about checking her socials and ranting about women when its really her hes talking about.
people process death differently but the one constant is 1.) its messy and emotions come out at full force, and 2.) it only ever makes complete sense to the individual.

No. 2039241

I only watched a little bit, but she doesn't even sound interested in what the girl has to say. She was too busy staring into the distance and making sure the kid wasn't making too much noise. All of her videos that would be cool lately aren't watchable because that baby is making noise in the background. You just know he won't stfu in the documentary either. It just makes the whole video sound cheap and unprofessional.

No. 2039242

There was no chemistry and she looked like she didn’t want to be there. She looks pregnant too but I guess just fat.

No. 2039266

Fucking kek

No. 2039406

I don't understand why she even made that video. She can't actually play any instruments well, she only uses them as decorations. Maybe the girl paid her for promotion and Freyja was already thinking about all the booze she'll be able to buy.

No. 2039480

Don't tell me you forgot her musical masterpiece life update on the keyboard nona

Though I can't find it on her channel, maybe she deleted it

No. 2039490

Nah, it’s still there in all its shrill, off key, ear bleeding glory. “A Song of Unfortunate Events”, posted 5 years ago.

No. 2039498

>>2039490 did her keyboard also get stolen? I remember her saying that her guitar was gone, among other things.

In this new hurdy gurdy video, she claims she is a drummer. I wonder how much of that is true.

No. 2039578

SAME. She's a boring cow with being messy, lazy, fat and an e-beggar her worst offenses i guess? still when you keep in mind that she's diagnosed with ADHD and was living with a cheating abusive door punching narc for 11 years you kinda feel bad for her. She doesn't hurt anybody other than her self unlike that selfish cunt Freyja or whatever. I really don't get the level of seething and malding directed at her. Maybe it's Joke the broke since he made it clear he still stalks her every move.

No. 2039618

I’m with you on the hate regarding the cat situation - but this isn’t the “let’s feel bad for Kaya” thread. Many choices she has made have been questionable. Even the ADHD diagnosis can be debated. if there’s a reason to talk shit, we talk shit. That’s why we’re here.

No. 2039738

Just don't get the level of hate. She's so fucking boring. She is a mess but isn't malicious or evil. compared to Fake and Freezer she's very tame.

No. 2039743

Well I think for some people, it might be rooted in disappointment. She has had so many chances to turn things around, has been given so many resources that she has squandered, and has had so much good fortune to live a “influencer” life, yet complains constantly about it all. I’m sure there’s plenty of people here who used to support her, who are now disgusted with her (lack of) actions. no one‘s denying that she had a bad run with Jake. we just don’t see that as an excuse for all of her continued nonsense. at the end of the day, yes, she is self-destructive. And that’s what pisses people off. Many of us wanted and expected her to do better, and we’re sick of seeing her sabotage herself while blaming everything BUT herself.
That said, we are not a hive mind. Everyone has their own reasons for throwing shade at her.

No. 2039771

>Maybe it's Joke the broke since he made it clear he still stalks her every move.
or one of his orbiters. lady allura practically stalks fake and seems way too attached parasocially

No. 2039794

i am one of the anons who has begun to dislike her as i find her selfishness incredibly off putting. i also do think she's a lot more malicious than she comes off initially, but because she moans and complains and acts like a derp, people don't always notice how manipulative she is. i don't hate her, but i do think she gets way more passes than she deserves off the basis of her looks, her put-on persona of sweetness and passivity, and the fallout from everything that happened with jake/the breakup. she's one of those people where if you tally up all the bullshit she gets involved in, you see a pattern of her being lazy and manipulative and an all around shitty individual. things like her constant landlord issues (big red flag), her inability to do anything meaningful with her life, her constant coasting on her appearance and the near cosmic excuses she comes up with to describe why she can't pick up her camera and film. and the way she has treated her supposedly beloved cat isn't really making things better in my eyes; it all just feels like theatre to me and says a lot to me about someone's character when they make their grief a spectacle.

No. 2040122

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No. 2040123

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No. 2040133

Maybe I am nitpicking but I think that selling polyester clothes that haven't been properly stored for a long time for what seems to be their original price is another scam of its own. Most goth clothing brands are overpriced to begin with. Besides, she's probably only selling her hoard because things don't fit her anymore and she knows she will never lose the weight. I don't know, maybe I am pissed about thrifting becoming more and more expensive in regular second hand shops and online.

No. 2040161

>>2039743, >>2039794
Well written, she's just a pathetic online figure who's behavior seems to irk some of us more than others. There's a reason she's been an altcow for years and there's no sign of that changing anytime soon.
Has anyone noticed she never hangs out with her Belfast crew anymore? They used to make frequent appearances on her instagram (esp her bestie Fifi) but I haven't seen them for months. They continue to post their Kaya-less outings to social media and even went on a group holiday without her, something definitely happened.
It's standard for Kaya to fall out with friends every few years so I guess it's not that shocking but it's definitely indicative of Kaya's inability to maintain friendships long term. Shes probably worse in person if there's an established pattern of driving away IRL people with her immaturity, she's always the common denominator here. Running away to London to be with her shiny new friends and chase her clubbing dreams is not going to fix the problem.

No. 2040166

Given the inflation trough the years selling for original nominal price is a discount in real terms. Most of this stuff is like 7+ years old now.

No. 2040191

Anon I don't think inflation has any repercussions whatsoever on the price of polyester/viscose black clothes made in china. I'm checking Punk Rave's catalogue and Froyo's pricing of her Punk Rave stuff seems to be extremely close to similar items that are actually brand new.

No. 2040245

Viscose is a pretty nice material.
As for polyester unless she stored them in direct UV light I have no clue what could have caused damage to them. The wearability of polyester is a separate question. for sure is much worse than viscose.(sage your shit/derailing)

No. 2040275

It must be weird men buying some of these because who is gonna pay those prices for used clothes which you know have been in a dusty pile for years
However I do think it's good she's selling them since anons have been saying she should for years, I just question who exactly is buying them so fast.

No. 2040300

Weren't alot of her clothes gifted from hauls too?
Iirc Killstar back in the day let "gothic" youtubers like kaya and freyja have £200 in free items for videos, I'm certain it was similar with punk rave.
So it's a cheek that she's selling items for this much of a mark up when they're freebies

No. 2040343

I took the time to look through the listings, and indeed, most of the stuff no longer fits her or just didn't suit her style.

It's just as you said: almost everything is either from killstar, punk rave or dark in love (extra shitty quality, just from the pictures alone).

>>2040123 that, or just some consoomerists who still fall for the whole ~high goff fashun~ and ~rare pieces~ shticks.

No. 2040508

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Is she for real? She has a child in the house!

No. 2040516

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She's working overtime on the documentary guys, I can feel it.

No. 2040542

hahaha a strange male with obvious boundary issues is coming over to my home where i am alone with my baby and wants to know if i'll suck his dick for money, isn't that hilarious facebook friends?! anyway how should i do my makeup

No. 2040566

Did jude ditch social media? Shame, her instagram stories were hilarious. Is she finally saving the world?

No. 2040571

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Nonna >>2040275 was spot on!
It's indeed creeps >>2040508 who are picking up her overpriced crap.

She loves to post this shit on her socials cuz she knows it drives engagement.

To think that mr. Doormat is happy and supportive of her choices is truly mind boggling.
I really feel for her kids…

No. 2040616

Anyone knows what happened to Amy Nekrotique (industrial DJ) channel? All her youtube vids are set to private and social media pages and mixcloud were removed. Looks like she removed all traces of her activity she had under personal control. She was like one of older alternative channels with noticeable following.

No. 2040712

There are multiple comments she should let Mrowl answer the door, her fans don't even know what is happening in her life.

No. 2040809

She’ll occasionally post on her stories and I still see her trying to enter comment/follow-based giveaways every few weeks. I just haven’t cross-posted anything here because it hasn’t been particularly milky.

No. 2040817


Surely he's not happy with this situation by now.

They probably speak daily but this is just horrible. Even if she was a man abandoning her kids for vague "work" people would be critical and most parents would miss their kids too much to do this for long if they didn't have to. Plus in her case she's dragging a toddler around festivals etc while she works.

Even if she wasn't ignoring his cries while getting drunk for money, this would be really deplorable.

No. 2040949

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At least he has colorful toys? The bar is so low with her istg.

When I learned that she wants to clear her Paisley apt., l thought she'd get rid of most of what's in there, not just clothes that don't fit her style or bodyshape!
She's something else I swear.

No. 2040959

It's crazy she's been out there what, half a year already and only managed to clear out what is likely half her closet. Guess the filthy furniture is going next to fund her drinking her way across Europe the second… third round? I wonder if Severine will still remember her (or will Monty remember owl) by the time (and if) she bothers to go back.

No. 2040973

Stop stealing poor birds from the park Kaya you fat spotty cunt

No. 2040978

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She just picked up a duck and took it home. Is she drunk again, like that time she thought a healthy pigeon was injured and just took it with her

No. 2040979

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Yeah she took it home

No. 2040980

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She's also pretending she's gonna get a video done, kek

No. 2040994

Was the duck injured or something? Most birds (even if it's in the park and they're used to people) wouldn't let people get so close that they could just grab them.

No. 2041003

The reason why she has so much ire is because some of us were fans of her at one point in time only to see just how horrible and entitled she is, some of us were fans before the Jake split . But another thing is that when she went through her messy slip, many of us were rooting for her to get back on her feet and improve herself but this didn't happen and she only got worse.

And I suppose another part of the irritation is that she has so many opportunities most could dream of but instead she squanders it and it's just pathetic to witness. As far as the cat thing goes, most of us can understand that losing a pet can be hard but most of us also understand that we can't dwell on things like this because we can't afford to. And her doing all this unnecessary shit beyond getting a nice little urn is just frustrating because all this other shit is just not necessary, especially when she can't even afford it. Like >>2039794 said, I don't hate her neither but I find her to be insufferable.

We get that her being with Jake was a scary time but it's been 2 years(?) now and it's time to get over it. The two split, they don't see each other anymore and so what if he still talks about her? She just needs to ignore him and move on. Same with the socials, block him and move on. And I'm not saying that you can just snap your fingers and have the drama gone and that is what therapy is helpful for, something that people had been suggesting since the breakup and it's not like she has nothing else to do during her day so there's no excuse why she hasn't done full sessions and instead wastes her pay pig money on alcohol, partying, and traveling.
So come now, you've gotta at least somewhat understand why she's such an irritating person for a lot of us, especially those of us who used to be fans and wanted to see her do better.

No. 2041005

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I was reading through the comments and saw this. Glad someone called her out finally

No. 2041011

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>>2040994 apparently she's taking it ''to get it fixed''.

>>2041003 the disappoinment in her and her actions is justified, but some retards here act as if she owes them money or some shit.

>>2041005 watch her sycophants go bat shit insane and ballistic over this perfectly reasonable comment.
I'm betting mr doormat and her crazy mom will chime in too!

No. 2041017

Based tbh. Her attitude towards everything and the complete and consistent disregard for her child's safety is insane. Glad she met him "outside" at the very least, but it sounds like it was still at the flat where she is currently living with her infant son. Hopefully the creep won't come back.

I don't get it either. She's annoying and whiny, but also incredibly boring and runs in circles. I don't get the repetitive mile long essays about her itt or the seething spergs either. Can't wait for her to actually do something new and interesting finally.

No. 2041039

How much halloween decor does one person needs? Theres no way her home isnt FILLED to the brim with cheap halloween shit already

No. 2041157

well since she was forced to move out her hoard piles, she has to rebuild them with something. Is it too soon to make the room to swing a cat joke

Disney Princess wannabe kaya back at it again, when she's not collecting weeds from the sidewalk she's handling mangy wildlife with bare hands and a scarf, so kawaii

No. 2041169

Sheesh this video was so lifeless I can see why she took months to post it, the first half is so awkward. Her mystery friend jankily films as Kaya whispers to the camera and her friend doesn't say anything in response. Kaya does this awkward Shane Dawson hop around Homesense and anxiously looks at stuff super quickly. It's a super awkward way to film a vlog and it's not a great experience for the viewers. Christ she's been doing Youtube for 10+ years and she's still so uncomfortable with vlogging.
Honestly I respect Kaya for giving a shit and trying to help injured wildlife that would otherwise die slowly in the wild. No good deed goes unpublished and she's always posting her bird and insect rescues like she's proud. I just don't understand why she doesn't do the training to work with animals as it's clearly suited to her. It'd be good for her self development to move away from doing consoomerist youchoob as a job and do something that's fulfilling and put that concern for animal welfare to good use.

No. 2041281

Does she really think she is some wild animal rehab queen? Idiot doesn't know shit about animals, proven by the swan in a park episode.

No. 2041422

Oh yeah she was so autistically obsessed with that damn swan, arguing on twitter to a park ranger about what gender it was because she was special and the swan chose her

No. 2041428

This whole video was awkward. Stores didn't have goffick enough Halloween decor in Belfast, but the ones in London apparently had the coolest things. Why didn't you just pop out your camera and film, then? Awkward milling about, terrible volume in some places and the only "fun" part of the video was the boo box opening which she got to do in bed, in pajamas. Riveting content.

No. 2041430

Following this up the one thing I will say is she did not make a bunch of stupid purchases. At least not on camera.

No. 2041433

She literally lives in the original home of Halloween. Carve some turnips and be done with it.

No. 2041439

No. 2041447

Is there anything milky in this video? I don't wanna sit through an hour long interview of Kat and her annoying voice

No. 2041463

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There was nothing wrong with the duck btw. I hate her uwu animal whisperer larp sooo much

No. 2041567

Clicked on a random timestamp and she's saying "we were blessed with poverty because it gave us a sense of value-"
Yeah never mind

No. 2041584

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Kaya made it awkward because it was clearly her new beau that was filming. For some reason they thought that him not speaking was a good idea but it just made it weird. It made the lovelies in the Youtube comments go wild, I screenshotted just some of the comments about the mystery cameraperson. Also the 'Boo Basket' that she gives zero context for was clearly sent by him too.

I was curious when this was filmed in relation to the dying cat drama. In the video Kaya said this was first filmed in Sep (early in the month because she said it was not quite Autumn which starts 22 Sep). In her other video she said that Sebastian was rushed to hospital with breathing issues on the 28 Aug which means that at that point Sebastian was at home dying or had just died. You'd think that filming a Halloween haul during that time would against her principles, in her dead cat video she specifically talks about how 'gross it is to pretend to be happy' in videos and how guilty she'd feel. From what I could see Miss Inconsistent seemed very happy shopping for cheap Halloween shite.

No. 2041593

>mile long essays

most of the longer critiques are a paragraph at best. people can finally express themselves about her after the intense whiteknighting post breakup without getting nasty replies so of course they’re going to be a little longer. she’s annoying.

but realistically most of these cows have fallen off hard and even freyja’s baby mama drama is getting kind of dull.

>when she finally does something interesting

none of these cows are interesting anymore if you really think about it. the milk has slowed a lot over time as everyone gets older and it isn’t going to get better anytime soon. angie is actually more boring than kaya, but collectively everyone has become really dull.

No. 2041595

She probably won't answer them, she'll tease new potential partners to get people asking, and then becomes all tight lipped and coy when people ask.

No. 2041625

Fingers crossed it's a moid taller than joke.

No. 2041638

There really are anons here that post multiple paragraphs rehashing old milk or long winded "she's lazy and fat!" multi paragraphs regularly nonna. You don't even have to scroll up very far to find one. I get that the milk is dry for nearly every major alt cow of the old threads with the exception of our child-neglecting queen froyja though. By all means keep posting Kaya, but I also get some of the nonnas complaints.

It's probably that lanky troon named Ashley posted upthread. So yeah taller than Jake. kek

No. 2042755

Kaya WK killing the thread again, if you don’t like it then fuck off?

No. 2042896

Wow, this is actually a Kaya video where she isnt whining the entire time about how hard and awful her life is, but actually focuses on the makeup. I mean its really boring but its refreshing not having to skip over 20min of just whiny ranting 2 to 3 times in a video (thats prolly also why this video is so short)

No. 2042909

No one is stopping you from posting milk if it exists anon. Nothing I said is even close to WKing her either?

Honestly this was an incredibly boring 11 minutes, but she does seem to be on an temporary upswing as far as her mood and content schedule goes. Still the same old boring unboxings and makeup videos though. Guess we'll see how long this lasts until she's falling off the rails again.

No. 2043157

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>she does seem to be on an temporary upswing as far as her mood and content schedule goes
I think she's trying to force herself to post as much content as she can before she stays in her boyfriend's flat in London for weeks at a time for spoopy clubbing season. Her output has been really shit this year and she knows it, it's hard to feel sorry for her when we know she's mostly spent it lying around procrastinating and holidaying in London.
She's been in Belfast a while now but hasn't been going out with her Belfast friends at all so I guess she's spending all this extra time editing content? I saw that her (ex?) bff Fifi invited everyone but Kaya to her birthday party, it definitely looked deliberate. That crew used to be on her social media all the time but haven't made an appearance since Kaya's birthday in June. Maybe this is the thing that 'would never go back to the way it was' she spoke about in her hair crimping video?

No. 2043263

OK, so how many festivals Freya did attend in last two months?

No. 2043288

Dropped by yet another friend group, what a surprise. They already seemed done with her when only one of them wanted to help her move house, I guess its official now. Things were really looking up for her a year ago when she was finally free of Jake and hanging out with people in the scene, but kaya if you don't grow as a person every friend you make will keep getting tired of your whiny lazy ass. Does she know who she is as a person beyond collecting plastic junk and being goffick?

No. 2043376

Kaya's been a shit friend forever. She just uses people, but what would anyone expect from kaya except some whinging bollocks? Also wtf is up with her accent she's so fucking weird.

No. 2043444

She's been using vague language but I think you're right. I bet she had a bed rot breakdown over it during her long absence from YT. She thought she could subtly drag her friends online for asspats from tens of thousands of people but they finally got fed up and dropped her rude arse. She'll probably say these breakups are always due to always external factors and people turning out to be boolies but I highly doubt it - the problem is largely her and her selfish attitude. I think the money and clout from a breakup three years ago made her more entitled, lazy, whiney, unlikeable and somehow even more depressed.
It's the accent of someone who spends all her time with their online hugbox and doesn't engage with society or family beside her yasss queen mom. I still can't believe she's Belfast born and bred.

No. 2043501

I think being a “YouTuber” is largely incompatible with having irl normal friends. Imagine going to work every day, busting your ass and your friend is rotting in bed for a month and crying about her dead cat. I know I couldn’t handle being friends with someone like that

No. 2043534

File: 1728396192274.jpg (355.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20241008_145216_Chr…)

Missus is ~busy~ clearing the apt. The real question is: is she packing it to ship it to NZ?
Imagine holding onto such junk, that doesn't even work properly, just for it to collect dust among your endless pile of shite… But muh aesthetics come first l guess.

No. 2043546

Shipping a container worth of stuff to NZ will likely cost 5-10K, guess we know where the donations are going

No. 2043564

It's totally not broken nonna, it's "haunted". kek. She's insufferable.

Is froyja the scammiest alt cow so far? I know there's been a lot of e-beggers itt over the years, but she just can't seem to stop.

No. 2043568

I thought she was raising funds for halloween in the US?

No. 2043584

File: 1728405621523.jpg (156.31 KB, 1080x1314, 433970920_18023203421101631_66…)

I think that crown of scammers goes to Nicholas vel Nicolas family from the UK. They are behind Retroshu, Fantasy Shoe, Gothic Shoe Company and now London Retro Footwear. I wonder how much time left until London Retro Footwear disappears with clients money just like previous iterations.

But I do not know what is more fucked up - them scamming people for at least well over a decade or the scene barely discussing that topic publicly which ends in multitude of "thanks for shoes" posts and comments (from blissfully unaware) or the fact that people are buying from them despite them not publishing any address data/contact data/phone number at their page. And yes, no member of Nicholas family have ever published any public explanation or apology for never delivering people's orders. Several times.

No. 2043706

sage because no real milk, but boyinaband's ex's video came in my feed, she's a goth now? I only know of her from her diss track on that fag, she seemed a bit alt but not goth or metalhead or anything of that sort. Wasn't sure whether to post here or in the breadtube thread, she already had her titchop. Doesn't seem to be associated with the gothtubers, but showed IBF in the intro of this video very superficially

No. 2043898

Isn't part of her Germany hoard in indefinite transit for years?

No. 2043908

File: 1728477035057.jpg (195.42 KB, 1440x1327, 1000027919.jpg)

IBF recommended the Gothic shoe Company, for example in her video "where to find the best pikes", what a surprise…the video is still online

I think
>>2043564 is right about the scammiest e-begger

No. 2043918

There been comments on instagram of few so called goth youtubers that were mentioning GSC in their videos warning about GSC scam but none of them reacted in any way.

No. 2043926

>Nicholas vel Nicolas family from the UK
wait who this is family?

No. 2043928

Goth is an international scene with members of all races. There sure are areas of the world with different racism issues where people of different or even same races are racist toward each other (multitude of examples in Asia alone). If she is making video titled "Goth is White" she is addressing what exactly? There are barely any white goths in Japan. Lots of South American goths have native roots. Also the claim that goth is not music based only supports how clueless she is about the international scene. These who claim that goth is not about music above all does not understand that the music is in many places of the world the only common denominator. It's music, not some Hammer horrors or Edgar Ala Poe and other stuff that is barely known outside English speaking countries. Clothing styles also used to differ a lot between countries. It's less pronounced nowadays but there are characteristics typical for some countries that are absent in others. Claims of dominance of the UK in development of the genre are also not exactly giving the justice to actual history when we figure out that most scenes are richly taking from local rock traditions and the genre itself spawned mostly from (post)psychodelic rock / krautrock (which descends from psychodelic rock) inspired punk experimentation that were not limited to the UK. Joy Division was strongly krautrock inspired. I can continue enumerating reasons why she is speaking from a perspective of own bubble but differences between scenes in different countries been already discussed in the >>>/g/86956 thread so I'm stopping at this.

Andreas, his wife and son. They are involved in numerous iterations of pike shoe making companies (going back to at least early '10s) that all ended in the same way after just a few years of activity when they suddenly stop realizing and shipping people's orders. Then few years of silence and then reemerge again. Every time they never mention why the fuck they closed their previous business with unrealized orders and money they get from clients were never returned. There were details in a thread from 9 months ago and article on Spontis.de site.

No. 2043932

TBH she needs to claim that goth is not music based to make most of her claims related to "goth is so white and European". Well, if she associates goth with European gothic cathedrals and English fashion of 19th century - then she would have hard time making such points if she would understand goth as purely music oriented. BTW gothic architecture is mostly inspired by Muslim architecture (which was inspired by Byzanthine, Persian and ancient India architectures). So things are not that easy if you dig deeper than common stereotypes of "white stuff by white people".

No. 2043938

And that part about white pale makeup - I can't tell for others but to me it was about looking like spectre/ghost/sick/dead (yes dead white people are more pale than living one, I know as i have seen few dead white European bodies in my life) not some sort of strange celebration of being fairly skinned.

Reactions of people seeing me coming back from events well after midnight seems to suggest that they were seeing the ghastly aspect of my makeup rather than seeing that as some celebration of racial characteristics.

At last I think that they been scarred because they thought they have seen a ghost rather than they thought they have seen some [insert here name of your favourite Member Of Fanclub Of Being White].

No. 2043944

The deeper in that video the less I see connection with goth itself as she enters the generic societal issues. Making even harder to understand why she titled the video "Goth is White".

No. 2043952

I don't know her but I've checked her yt channel and her content apparently consists of videos with clickbait titles that are mostly vain ranting. Like all enbies, she seems to have no personality at all and some munchie tendencies. I'm not sure if she's actually milky though.

No. 2044217

Also maybe it’s a nitpick, but the “companion playlists” she linked aren’t even goth. Goth adjacent? Sure. But it’s not goth.

No. 2044507

Fur in a frame with his whiskers? Fuck, she's building another cat.

No. 2044711


time for me to be Autistic here, but that's impossible. Part of the standard practice for cleaning and prepping a skeleton for display is putting the carcass in with dermestid beetles.
I have no idea how Kaya expects this to work.

You skin the animal, gut it to get as much of the muscle, fat, and organs out as you can, then let the dermestid beetles feast on the rest until just the bones are left then you carefully sift it out of the beetle enclosure.

Tissues, organs, fats, those kind of things burn off they don't cremate. Either she has Sebastian cremated, or she turns him into a display piece. Kaya cannot have both unless the taxidermist is lying to her or has a stack of dead cats in the freezer.

No. 2044734

If she wants major goffik points she should have him mummified.

No. 2044764

I was thinking this- it's the bones that produce the ashes- without the bones everything burns up. Is she that stupid?!

No. 2045015

A scammer will be scammed? Hilarious, just a shame the cat is involved.

No. 2045091

File: 1728741648307.jpg (25.36 KB, 533x222, FW9i94C.jpg)

She's too thick to do the minimum amount of research and planning on anything which is why she's such a failure at life. Just look at how little she accomplished this year apart from going to The Box TWICE and drinking her weight in cocktails.

The fat lump posted a ditzy tiktok before and I noticed she's already back in London with her gangly caretaker. Once again she was super disorganized before her flight despite being at her daddy's house for weeks and having so much time. No amount of charity and support can save this idiot from herself.

No. 2045108

How many times has she travelled to London now, and how many times has she left the packing till the morning of the trip? She says it like a quirky oops silly me thing but she just comes across dumb as rocks.

No. 2045339

File: 1728774878796.png (1.84 MB, 1352x1066, etsy cat skull.png)


I think she is, unless I'm misunderstanding her post and she's having his skull displayed while the rest of Sebastian's body is cremated. Some people do have their cat's skulls displayed in those little glass domes surrounded by crystals and mosses.

No. 2045480

but anon dont you know she has adhd?? She is the only person in europe with this very rare and elusive disorder that makes you very unique and unable to act like an adult or take responsibility for your life! Its not her fault she cant do anything!!

No. 2045691

File: 1728863532310.jpg (445.93 KB, 1080x1756, ibf.jpg)

Freyday is tagged here (it's zoomed), she looks like mummy of 90 years old Baba Yaga. I wouldn't even recognise her without tag, I was confused first when I saw she is supposed to be on those photos

No. 2045734

She genuinely looks elderly here what the fuck. It looks like she's gained a lot more weight during her last six months of partying too, her gut sticks out just as far as her chest now. She'd almost look pregnant if not for all of the copious amount of booze she's been drowning herself in.

No. 2045793

File: 1728893267065.jpg (1.86 MB, 1364x1356, 7A4s5PZ.jpg)

Well in the original post she said she was going to have the cleaned skeleton in a casket, a framed piece of fur and the whiskers >>2038486
It's implied that it'd be the full skeleton so maybe Kaya didn't quite understand the taxidermist and thinks she's going to get an urn full of ashes as well lol. The whole thing is just so absurd and irritating coming from someone who whines about being poor.
Kaya got diagnosed with ADHD 4 years ago and what has she done about it? She hasn't gone to therapy, her channel continues to decline from lack of routine and increasingly sporadic uploads, she continues to resist accountability and she stopped being serious about the medication route years ago. She sunk so much money and effort just to give up and let her brain rot instead. The retard can book a flight and host an event but apparently she can't book a therapist or volunteer once a fortnight - is she too irresponsible and low-functioning to grow up and look after herself? She's lucky her Dad had a spare house lying around that she can have to herself and she's lined up a 20-something caretaker in London for next year who's too young and inexperienced to foresee that Kaya's going to make his life unbearable. Thank god for the enablers so Kaya never has to change or be independent!
Ahh retards chasing their indulgent goff dreams overseas, Kaya with her constant clubbing trips and Freyja with her strung out documentary project. Any excuse for a drinking holiday because they love to make life hard for themselves and run away from reality. This lifestyle clearly doesn't agree with them - they look sickly, fat and awful in photos. Is this self-obsessed goth influencer life really worth it as they lose friends and let family suffer?

No. 2045795

She looks like a brothel Madame here, gender-swapped current day Robert Smith too.

No. 2045803

Damn this outfit really shows off her linebacker shoulders lol

I was shocked at how manly she looks in person, especially with her goth boots which make her 6’4, lack of hips and huge shoulders and gut

No. 2045807

She just cannot dress for her body type. Halter necklines are terrible for broad shoulders, and while it's personal preference it's peculiar to wear massive platform shoes when you're already tall.

No. 2045828

Damn Kaya needs to hit the gym, the arm squish is getting out of hand. But she’s been always great at make up so idk why she’s not doing more creative looks on YouTube? There are a bunch of “makeup artists” who just do it for social media plus it’s the beauty field so there’s a lot of money in it. Instead she’s crying in her car once a month.

No. 2045861

Damn, what happened to Freezer?! She's aged 20 years, completely unrecognisable.

>It looks like she's gained a lot more weight during her last six months of partying too
She's subconsciously preparing for harder times. Eventually her following will realise she conned them again and stop donating. The fake docu was never going to happen, she's turning into a pathological liar. What started out as a small lie has become a story that she can't keep up with. She's like Pinocchio but instead of a longer nose, she gets a fatter stomach.

No. 2045919

File: 1728929095919.png (531.94 KB, 1059x521, OHAHIG.png)

Thought I'd post a piece of Dorian's latest ig rant. It's surprisingly lucid, I hope her 40s put some sense in her. On her last VLOG she talked about having met a guy in his late 20s that same night around the 6:50 mark. As much as I enjoy some bits of the Nostalgia Project, a new potential date could help with her limerence towards James (assuming she doesn't exaggerate it for views, which I doubt).

No. 2045927

File: 1728931608500.jpg (64.4 KB, 1070x713, img_1_1728931161242.jpg)

Here's another picture that must've been taken on the same day (I Believe this is the same outfit).

>>2045691 is quite unforgiving,but if she keeps drinking incessantly like this, she will achieve this look permanently in no time.

So much for the epic doco
.. how her fans didn't catch up on this scam is a real wonder.

No. 2045932

File: 1728933165186.jpg (576.11 KB, 1022x1554, 1000027781.jpg)

Where did you find this one, nonna? It's not on the event page or in her tags. You know it's bad though when even the most drapey and layered gowns can't hide just how massive she is now. Her face still looks alright from the front, but she's definitely painting on a jawline to try to cover up her turkey neck judging by all that grey smudged around. She cannot be feeling good about herself and once this doco scam hits the wall/isn't making her money anymore she's not going to have the energy to turn things back around or finish the project. This is definitely her "last hurrah" and she must know that deep down. Really have to wonder how Barnaby copes with his life choices too at this point. Here's another from the same post >>2045691 came from.

No. 2045938

It's no wonder that she had to flog her clothes. All that party weight and she can't fit into any of those cheap rags anymore. She cleared her hoard only to refill it with more shit. What happens if she loses the weight? Ask her fans to send her clothes back to her?

No. 2045952

File: 1728936073645.png (667.86 KB, 720x1012, Screenshot_20241014-205346~2.p…)

Kek, you're right.

No. 2046000

She ain't losing that weight nonna. Froyja isn't going to suddenly turn around and stop drowning her sorrows in booze and energy drinks or pick up a exercise routine once she returns to NZ (if she ever does that is). It's obvious judging by the way poor Monty looks that he isn't eating well or getting enough exercise either. Funny because both Severine and Barnaby are normal weights in comparison.

Kek. Reminiscent of that time froyja and kaya finally met in person tbh.

No. 2046052

>>2045932 I found it on the ''Zeitgeist zero'' fb page.
This page name can be found on one of her latest fb videos, the one where she holds her camera and… Ofc a cup of alcohol!

I noticed that many of her recent pics all feature booze! I guess she's not too happy with the money drying up quickly, and not having her dear ~belfry bats~ open their wallets to support her epicc endeavors.

She hasn't been happy about her weight ever since she started gaining some. I checked a vid from a decade ago, and damn she barely looks the same anymore. No wonder why she needed to get rid of so much shit (only to keep getting new crap).
And no, she lacks the discipline to properly try and shed that extra weight.

No. 2046062

She always looks so huge in candids, really unfortunate. Because of the fishnets her arms looked like wrapped up sausages.

Also is the person next to her the new tranny she's dating, or someone else?

No. 2046069

thank you nonna, I'm just beginning to wonder how much she wears the same outfit over and over now that most of her wardrobe surely can't fit her anymore. She used to have such nice outfits too?

yeah it's the same troon she's been seeing since the break up with the duke. Outside of being a tranny, he seems as "decent" as he could be considering kaya's dating history. The duke was such a ghoulish skinwalking and clout chasing creature, this "ashley" seems pretty boring and benign (again outside of being a troon). Guess we'll see when and if Kaya actually makes the move to London if he has the patience for her melodrama long-term.

No. 2046094

Yw. Now that you mention it, she indeed wears mostly the same stuff (esp. those sheer cardigans).
When she was still in NZ, she used the excuse that most of her cool clothes were in Paisley; and now that she's there, she sold a good chunk of that hoard.

When l checked that page & other related posts, all of the attendees looked cooler and quite creative.
Her creativity has gone down the drain ever since she became a shill master.
Her outfits are now just a mish-mash of designer goff crap, and the few interesting accessories are made by talented creators.
So yeah, long are gone the days where she'd make a tricorn or alter a garment.

No. 2046187

To be fair to Froyo, she's pushing 40 and had two kids in rapid succession so she'd probably be struggling to lose weight anyway but the party lifestyle can't help. I guess she doesn't mind that much.

Monty was a really huge baby iirc compared with tiny Severine so him being a little chunker is not surprising. He needs good food though. I hope she's not feeding him energy drinks.

No. 2046211

File: 1728980008083.png (1.74 MB, 1466x868, freyjagains.png)

Honestly she looked better closer to when she had Monty. Probably because she couldn't binge drink while pregnant. Her weight gain became more noticeable around summer and her overall appearance has taken a scary turn in the past few months.

No. 2046224

October 2023 looks kinda shooped though.

No. 2046265

Pardon my autism, but gothic architecture draws inpiration from classical Greek-Roman proportions, Byzantine domes and mosaics, early Christian architecture elements and yes, pointed archs like in Islamic architecture. But the main base is a direct evolution of Romanesque architecture which is distinctly European, probably her point IDK.
Her face has been like this for a while, it's a black and white photo that accentuates all the shadows and other stuff. She really does know her angles, plus she uses makeup tricks to disguise the double chin a little. There's a reason why she practically never shows her profile in pictures (her own ofc) and is always filming from above.
But according to her she was going to the gym again and that's also why she was so tired no?

No. 2046268

The uglier her actions get the uglier she looks.

No. 2046278

>>2046211 good point. Iirc, in her date video with the stupid cat backpack, she did mention that she didn't drink for a year or so (wonder if that is true).

She's known to get hammered at events,and she can't seem to grasp that she's not getting younger by any means & should really pipe it down.

No. 2046358


I don’t really see the milk, most people look worse in profile candids, she doesn’t look heaps bigger or anything. People are allowed to gain and lose a bit of weight it’s not milk.

No. 2046391

There are other photos from around that time where she looks similar, though she did obviously smooth out her face. She definitely gained weight from the pregnancy, but still had at least something of a waist when wearing something that could cinch it in like that blazer. The biggest difference now is how anything she tries to wear to cinch just lays on top of her bloated tummy.

No defending against nonnas pointing out kaya's fatass too anon or do you save the wking solely for freyja? A bad candid is milk if it's exposing her heavy editing. Her weight gain is worth noting if it effects her ability to wear more than the two same outfits to events and is fueled by alcohol and monster energy.

No. 2046401

She’s always used top down MySpace angles in her photos and videos, it’s no secret she is fat. Just don’t think gaining 20lbs and a bad candid is milky enough to make a compilation image for gossip.

No. 2046402

>events and is fueled by alcohol and monster energy.
Not to mention publicly getting pissed for money on livestream while her child was in the back. Nonna's in the previous thread said Monty was crying and the chat told her many times to go see to him. Mummy's an alcoholic who drunkenly fell and broke her foot. Then pleads to randoms online to mind her kid. At this point >>2046358 is wking for no good reason. Freyja's antics are well known around here.

No. 2046404

>>2046402 that's exactly the reason we're ''gossiping''. Nobody cares if she gains weight due to pregnancy, or struggling to lose it due to different and understandable factors.

The issue at hand is her guzzling down alcohol and energy drinks like it's nobody's business, while having a toddler in tow.
Not only it's messing up her body and appearance, but it's also hella irresponsible and very reflective of her refusal to grow up and change her ways.

No. 2046418

>Pardon my autism, but gothic architecture draws inpiration from classical Greek-Roman proportions, Byzantine domes and mosaics, early Christian architecture elements
That's not austism. That's you being misinformed. There is a lot of ideological bullshit created in western Europe around that style.

>and yes, pointed archs like in Islamic architecture.

They ripped off far more than arch - whole construction solutions of various elements and heavy use of flying buttress. Also obsession with towers has it's source in minarets of mosques.

>But the main base is a direct evolution of Romanesque architecture which is distinctly European, probably her point IDK.

Gothic is big windows obsessed Arab Muslim and Syrian, Persian architecture ripoff which was in turn based on est side on Byzantine architecture (which has been strongly influenced and strongly infuencing Persian architecture) and on east side on architecture of India (obsession with arches). Built on top of existing Euroean traditions. But Islamic Arab architecture is built on them as well trough Byzantine link. Muslim architecture influence began appearing thanks to Spanish Islamic style, Crusades and Muslim influences in romanesque architecture of Southern Italy. It's obvious when you compare pre Gothic period Islamic and Persian architecture with gothic architecture. There been a lot of delusion in Europe about uniqueness of gothic style when neogothic architecture come into vogue. Some were even calling gothic style "the most European". KEK. Ironically a lot of buildings in neogothic style were incorporating a lot of even more obvious Islamic and Indian architecture elements.


No. 2046433

File: 1729013627617.jpeg (221.56 KB, 828x1493, IMG_9507.jpeg)

Kaya trying to social media blame a delivery company while making herself look like a ‚useless customer‘ kek AITA?

No. 2046434

What are you even on about anon? The two left photos are from her own Instagram posts and aren't even "top down MySpace angles". It's certainly no secret she's fat, we all have eyes, but she's clearly on a downward spiral in regards to her appearance and health.

Honestly I have to wonder if it's become this bad this quick, just how much worse is it going to be. I fully expect a health scare to be her next crowdfunding scam once she returns home after the "doco" money dries up.

No. 2046498

And? We know she’s fat. Where’s the milk?

No. 2046534

I agree. If there is one thing IBF is honest about, it's being fat. No milk in that.

No. 2046546


I don't think it's from pregnancy, she was obese even before, when she just returned to Mrowl. She was always overweight, but I noticed in that dumb pizza challenge she was extremely fat.
But about that first, profile photo, mostly that makeup is horrible, she looks terrible and she is not even young, sure understandable, but I think that attempt to contouring is horrible exactly because of this, she do her makeup to looks good only from front and from upside which is stupid idea. It just makes her look even worse from every other angle.

No. 2046609

I used few examples because I didn't want to rant too much. You're right in some things, others like the towers coming from minarets in mosques is debatable (the tradition in Europe also had other influences like bell towers and defence structures) and the large windows thing oversimplifies the blend of influences that also included local innovations. The point is that is considered a distinctive European style that started with the foundations of European Romanesque architecture, while it and gradually incorporated various influences from
Middle Eastern and Asian architecture, its roots and development were fundamentally European and it retained a distinct european identity. I mean, even in the article, you look at that and don't go ' Ah yes, it's exactly like Notre Damme', you can see there are lots of similarities but at the same time it's very different. I'll leave it here because off-topic.
I mean, some of it is alcohol bloat, and then eating crap like how she eats Nutella like it's a youghurt. I don't know if she ever cooks, maybe it was Mr Owl and now she's eating mostly junk food. So it's really not that surprising.

No. 2046666

Severine's birthday is tomorrow (17th) and she will be 3, she might even will remember this already. And her mother is on opposite side of this planet, barely considering that kid which is with her. If she wouldn't run out of money and if she wouldn't be deported again, I wonder if she would even return to NZ even if Severine will stay there with Owl. She definitely cares more about goth events and about being in Scotland than about her kids.

No. 2046760

Freyja obviously has no self control and is a pleasure seeker to the point it's ruining her life (and body). Kaya seems very similar in behavior except she has no children to ruin alongside her. Honestly surprised they aren't actual friends since they seem so similar, but I suppose one major difference is that kaya has friends (as shallow as those friendships may be) and freyja doesn't really seem to have anyone outside her mum and Barnabas.

No post from her yet, but she's probably still sleeping. It's so sad she couldn't be assed to try to be home for Severine's surgery, her birthday, etc.

No. 2046835

File: 1729095358927.jpg (430.09 KB, 2880x2880, 20241016_170920.jpg)

Frœyjæ posted an insta story about one hour, like the great saleswoman that she is.
She really sold most of what she posted, can't say I'm not impressed.

No. 2046837

File: 1729096182400.jpg (758.55 KB, 2160x3840, 20241016_170832.jpg)

Apologies for samefagging.
She's selling three of these skull brooches, and she already sold a bat one.

She's truly lucky to have a clientele eager enough to buy whatever she sells.
I'd rather have this than the multiple scams.

But we all know she'd rather party on the fans' donated dime than actually working for it.

No. 2046868


She could have been doing this from nz - making and selling these broaches. Same in Germany. This is the most active she's been in years but now it's at the expense of her kids.

No. 2046902

>great saleswoman she is
>can't say I'm not impressed
>reddit spacing samefag
Can you at least pretend to integrate?

It's already 8pm in Scotland with not the slightest mention of Severine, just shilling more sales posts. Hope she at the very least bought the poor girl a gift with some of that money.

No. 2046931

The >great saleswoman that she is was pure sarcasm but go off.
I can write everything in one single block if the spacing bothers you so much. Istg some of you retards always have something to bitch about.

We will see if she talks about her kid tomorrow. For now she's busy securing her bag, which will be spent lavishly on drinks and parties.
If she has a few coins left maybe she will send her a postcard.(integrate)

No. 2046939

>Severine's birthday is tomorrow (17th) and she will be 3, she might even will remember this already. And her mother is on opposite side of this planet, barely considering that kid which is with her.
>We will see if she talks about her kid tomorrow.

She doesn't care about Severine, she left knowing she was going to have surgery. She couldn't make it more obvious that she dislikes her kid. She probably forgot about her birthday.

No. 2046958

Nah, nah. I see it coming two ways only. First - her fans will comment "happy birthday Severine" or some social media will remind her of posts from a year/two ago and she will eventually join with a short/reel. Second - she will hit us with "MoMmY iS wOrKiNg I-miss-you-dear-Severine" post the moment she wakes up from her alcoholic slumber. Does she even mention her anymore? She has to tomorrow. She's such a great mom

No. 2046981

Reddit spacing can catch you a redtext ban, anon. We were all newfags once, but it's better to read the rules and integrate.

She hasn't mentioned severine hardly at all for quite some time now. The only recent posts with Monty are the one of him with the monster energy box on his head and her boasting about taking him to a hardcore bdsm show. As of today, it's been exactly six months since she landed in Germany for WGT and made that post featuring Monty looking both miserable and filthy in his stroller.

No. 2047007

All 3 brooches sold out, in less than a day. I really wonder what her current budget is…

When laid out like this, it's rather painful to read. I can't believe mr. Doormat is ok with this situation; and even going to great lengths just to wk her.

>>2046981 she also featured him in her Stonehenge video and some other simple ig stories. Basically milking him for content and using him as a prop to get on the good graces of sponsors/bands/her audience.

No. 2047568

File: 1729210557553.jpeg (Spoiler Image,515.54 KB, 1179x1512, IMG_2845.jpeg)


She hasn’t posted anything on her fb about her daughters birthday yet but was able to ask for somewhere free to stay.

Looks like she’s going back to New Zealand but not in time for her daughters birthday of course.

No. 2047595

Well thank God she's going home.
I saw a comment where someone wished S a happy birthday on her moat recent IG photo but… seems to be gone now.

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