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No. 2064623

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dimes Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Milk from thread #50:
Dasha begging trump to come on RS, Anna admits she voted for Trump in 2020
Comments calling out No Agency for Plagiarism and predatory practices
Ivy Worlk got released from the psych ward
Dasha smiling while posing for a pic with child molester Sam Hyde
Yarvin's new wife chased off twitter
Pariah Troon and his sidekicks in Romania with pedophile sex traffickers Andrew and Tristan Tate
Anna on Fox news with Vivek Ramaswamy
Anon's theory on why Thiel is bringing troons into this scene
Milo and Pariah troon meetup
Dasha's new bf

Milk from thread #49 (not updated last time):
Anna starring in a troon propaganda movie produced by lolcow Brianna Wu
Dasha starring in a movie with Chris Evans and Dakota Johnson
Aimee posting CP
Niccolo failed to get with all the skanks in this scene
Anon recounts Anna's entrance into the Thiel zionist network
Connection between The Collinses and Thiel
Monica, RFH, and brown pedophile Medgold on a podcast
Dasha retweeting a pedophile lolicon calling Marilyn Monroe fat
The Beast leaked and Dasha's scene went viral on X
Dasha is (one of) Charli XCX's muse(s)
BAP caught looking fat in Rio
Raw Egg Nationalist doxed
Pariah troon Sieg Heil salute
Default friend praising Richard Spencer, RFH calling for sterilization of minorities on TRS
VP JD Vance follows several of the freaks in this scene, including BAP, Aimee, Lomez, Steve Sailer, Raw Egg Nationalist and more
JD Vance is a Thiel proxy
Pariah running a groyper chat folirting with Nick Fuentes
Official Kamala campaign account tweeted a clip of Vance on Aimee's podcast

Previous Threads:
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Thread #50: >>>/snow/2029308

No. 2064626

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No. 2064627

In my next life, I want to be Hunter's ballsack(non-contribution)

No. 2064728

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There were several ups and downs for Ivy Wolk over the last few weeks. Anora publicity had people coming after her, Ivy went private for a while, Dasha circled the wagons a little on Twitter to avoid having one of her gen z dancing monkeys go off the deep end again to the psych ward.

While her Twitter was private there was some drama about Ivy accusing Crumps of being abusive or something but haven't figured out what the deal was with that.

No. 2064760

she was complaining about crumps writing about her losing her virginity

No. 2064805

it's ironic how malevolent dasha actually hangs out with and mentors other women while doormat anna orbits fags.

No. 2064832

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The main Hegelian e-girl Nikki Kirigin deleted her Twitter, supposedly according to one person because her benefactors/parents weren't keen on how she kept humiliating herself online. Guessing her project didn't take off with enough velocity to outpace whatever stipends she gets otherwise.

According to the chat screenshots she claims herself to want to try a different vibe. Her other accounts on LinkedIn and Reddit show her to be a very academia-brained person looking for attention and validation.

No. 2064873

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Merry Christmas

No. 2064874

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After the Kamala campaign posted Vances appearance on her old podcast Aimee posted the gamer word

No. 2064885

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Funny how everyone mistakes Dasha for 40 now that her unfiltered pics have been circulating for a while now. It’s even a joke among her simps to sarcastically call her 19 now that they can’t pretend that she looks 21 anymore.

No. 2064916

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but she's only 33 and posts like ballet outfit thirst trap pics for 80 dollar porn magazines and not lolita style actually, so it doesn't count as being accurate or funny or so she says.

No. 2064964

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three weeks between threads. is the scene dead?

No. 2064974

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really dumb milk but this instagram account antiart was involved in accusations of plagiarism and has been going crazy talking about his so-called journalistic practices. he also seems to have beef with some dimes square people maybe. really big doings for funemployed failsons in nyc.


i hope so

No. 2065020

She wouldn't even be that bad looking if she'd just dress more maturely.

No. 2065098

Funny how the only thing that moves men like Spencer and Hanania away from overt white supremacy is long term exposure to the average Trump worshiper. Snobbery might be a greater tool than we think

No. 2065181

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she does a ton of dumb bullshit, but really nona?

No. 2065228

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I wonder who she could be subtweeting

No. 2065239

are you actually that retarded to think that she didnt mean it in an n word way.

No. 2065241

are you actually that retarded to use "gamer word" unironically?

No. 2065250

Are you a newfag? Aimee is a retarded troll (in spirit, as well as appearance)—ofc she meant it that way.

No. 2065253

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Maybe she’ll start reading now that she has free time

No. 2065269

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She looks decent in some pics but awful here

No. 2065574

anna is a fullblown wokescold now

No. 2065587

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how so?

No. 2065627

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nta but she's on twitter virtue signaling about the memes of the CEO that got killed. Even their subreddit is saying they're sick of her now.
What is she even saying, so pretentious.

No. 2065629

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She was literally making jokes about inviting to the pod a guy who killed a Black Lives Matter protester. But making jokes about the CEO shit is too far. FFs

No. 2065632

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edgelord laughs at black lives matter protester getting killed but the CEO killer jokes are rubbernecking

No. 2065634

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No. 2065648

Her new shtick is pretending she’s all about hating dishonesty and just wants to be earnest and sincere. It’s hilarious how she completely melts down whenever someone calls out her contradictions—she doesn’t even have the spine to own being a bitch. This has been her pattern for years. She surrounds herself with freaks who enable her and who she enables to be cruel for her. Absolutely unhinged, narcissistic behavior.

No. 2065649

Remember this evil cow has literally spent the last year yuking it up with all the BAPist jews at pictures of dismembered and mutilated Palestinian children, laughing along with their jokes of pure racial malice thinking it makes her "one of them" too. She's lucky musk made the likes private to hide her shame.
She's a remarkable, shameless hypocrite in just about all aspects of her life and grand moral pronouncements. There's always a double standard when it comes to herself and her various victim 'identities'.

No. 2065651

It’s a clinical issue. Not to WK other cows, but the audacity to say this after everything she put Audrey through is genuinely astounding.

No. 2065681

She is so bitter lately. She doesn’t even try to be funny anymore, just constant bitching and moaning and tut tutting and wishing ill will on strangers. When is the last time this sow had a good day? 40 must be so hard.

No. 2065703

I used to think the whole theilbux theory was a joke but I think she's actually getting financed by him for saying all of these things. It's so bizarre too–sometimes you just have to just sit back and not have to interject with your gay little opinions on everything that happens. Her and her weird compatriots have truly lost the plot which is ironic considering that they accuse libs of doing the very same things. This kinda reminds of when she and that jack perfume loser were on twitter and sperging about insincerity and peoples lack of convictions a few months ago but it's like, isn't that literally you? I don't know why dasha doesn't grow a back bone and call her out because she doesn't seem to hold as extreme of views as anna, and has clearly been uncomfortable/disagreed with her at times on the pod. I'm so annoyed by her concern trolling.

No. 2065718

She looks like such a man in the face

No. 2065728

Nice misogyny, did your penis pick it out for you? In all seriousness though her and Dasha are diehard contrarians so of course she'd say this(scrotefoiling)

No. 2065729

I'd normally be against misogyny but if there's someone that deserves it, it's Anna.

No. 2065776

The guy he killed wasn't a "black lives matter protester", he was a drugged up homeless guy threatening to kill everyone on the train.

No. 2065794

To be fair ,no one in the 21st century uses this retarded word. This actually the first time I've seen someone use it, otherwise i only knew about it because of a Shakespeare book.
the word sounds like some weird slur that would be used on 4chan kek.

No. 2065822

She has to be self aware enough to know that people don’t like moralfagging from a snide bitch who props up antisocial losers.

No. 2065823

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peter vack and antiart had some sort of poetry slam rap battle gay-off the other night that seemed incredibly cringe. very fake and dumb like all the other events of this kind in ds, vack might be running on fumes as he slides into age 40

No. 2065835

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incoming realignment of the vibes for the ladies?

No. 2065842

I dunno, isn't JD Vance a fat queen married to an Indian beard? The only way Anna could be any more of a canonical right winger is if Eli was molesting the kid. She's 100% on brand whether it's intentional or not.

No. 2065938

A lot of their ex fans don’t understand that this breed of Trumptard conservatism is less about old conservative norms and more a mix of nationalist/racist beliefs, deregulation pushers and contrarianism. These conservatives are anti-intellectual and anti-science until it comes time to virtue signal on the achievements of the white race. Rapists, pedophiles, white collar criminals and felons are completely acceptable if it comes from someone with power from their side (this is how they justify being the “law & order party” while the leader of the republican party is a rapist criminal and is even allowed to corruptly appoint judges that will exonerate him). Fags, trannies, out-of-wedlock mothers and whores are all acceptable as long as they tow the line (i.e. are still in the friend group). The nu right is just a media class of low iq grifters propping up other low iq grifters while they’re being funded by RW billionaires and/or various russian operatives.

No. 2066021

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Guys Anna is not just retarded. She also has skinny legs. All the contrarianism of a teenager and all the proana of Dasha. Mother of the year.

No. 2066032

i can just imagine the dissonance between the dainty lace + white carel paris shoes and her gargoyle face.

No. 2066041

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Patiently waiting for the insta photos of Anna from her friends that aren't cropped to make her legs look long

No. 2066071

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Thielbux isn't even a tinfoil anymore, Thiel is funding this scene, directly/ indirectly, he funds Sovereign House, Polymarket, Praxis, all embedded in this scene and in turn funding others within it. https://indypendent.org/2024/07/j-d-vance-is-silicon-valleys-trojan-horse-in-its-war-on-whats-left-of-american-democracy/ Thiel backed Yarvin’s Urbit, which Yarvin was using to bankroll Dimes Square in the years following the Pandemic. JD Vance is Thiel's protege. He was nothing before Thiel groomed him, funded his Silicon Valley career, Senate campaign, and then convinced Trump to make him VP.

Is it not super weird to anyone else that the currently elected VP is following so many of these lolcows weve posted about for years? Sex pests, pedos, white supremacists, he just followed a pedo sex trafficker (Tate), and the gay billionaire puppeteering the VP is also funding said lolcows? Was there no more speculation about Thiel's boyfriend whose suspicious death got ruled a suicide when he supposedly jumped out of a window shortly after witnessing or triggering a fight between Thiel and his husband last year? And this demonic homo billionaire runs Palantir a surveillance company which works with and was funded by the CIA? It appears the overwhelming majority of Trump's uneducated, populist right voters who are the reason he was elected got duped into putting these tech oligarchs in power. I just didn't think I'd ever see one or two degrees of association between these cows and the white house ngl

No. 2066111

> It appears the overwhelming majority of Trump's uneducated, populist right voters who are the reason he was elected got duped
I think about this alot nonna. the trumpers in my family have no fucking clue the degeneracy going on in the thiel wing backing vance. these freaks go against everything they believe in, from cheering on pedophilia and murder to overtly mass spying on US citizens. unfortunately thiel was able to scare off most journalists from writing anything negative. how pathetic.

No. 2066119

America needs Korean style feminism. Maybe this will be the wake up moment reddit le equality feminists needed badly.

No. 2066129

is anyone else sensing a rift between jack and anna?

No. 2066156

the humorous part is she looked at least 40 in the porno mag photos

No. 2066176

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you're just jealous of the loli queen

No. 2066182

Hype house e-boy on the top, hotel swimming pool at the bottom

No. 2066205

i thought amy chua groomed vance and arranged his marriage before thiel took notice?

No. 2066263

can't imagine doing that at age 40

No. 2066295

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No. 2066296

Reminds md of first reformed(sage your shit/retard)

No. 2066317

>is the scene dead?
Yes. The only creature from this scene with any cultural traction right now, however slim or eyeroll-inducing, is Ivy Wolk. Anner and Dasher are officially over the hill after they couldn't pull Trump.

No. 2066319

>Even their subreddit is saying they're sick of her now.
The sub is completely overrun with front-page progs. Zero pro-Anna or Dasha content or takes there now except the occasional irony culture post. It used to be a meme that the Joe Rogan sub was the most anti-Rogan place on the internet (is it still that way? No idea tbh) but that's unironically what's happened to the red scare reddit community.

No. 2066320

Aimee trots it out every so often for a troll. Think she tried to turn it into a bit for others to use but haven't seen it catch on.

No. 2066324

>I just didn't think I'd ever see one or two degrees of association between these cows and the white house
Hunter Biden was listening to Red Scare in 2018 with his sex worker gf who would later guest on the pod herself and Ella Emhoff literally lived in Dimes Square.

No. 2066325

He's had some contentious exchanges with Dasha on xitter recently over her affinity for Faguentes

No. 2066340

Huh. What kind of tension are you sensing?

No. 2066367

he's constantly subtweeting anna

No. 2066375

but why? Why Usha and not one of her daughters?

No. 2066385

his ethnic pedigree is not good enough for her daughters who will marry other jews or jewish hapas

No. 2066393

Hapa caste when?

No. 2066395

ivy is a gross creature but she's at least charming and funny and deserves some happiness in life; everyone else runs on hate and unjustified superiority. A good ending to this propped up 'subculture'

No. 2066402

They met in law school

No. 2066421

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Scene adjacent moron StainedHanes (Thiel network organizer in NYC who fell out of favor for being Reddit) was banned from Twitter after being reinstated by Elon. Likely engaged in adult content that violated TOS and warranted a NCMEC report

No. 2066448

I need to do a deep dive into the Thiel shit. To be honest I naively dismissed it as tinfoil speculation irt RS but now that a large chunk of the “dissident” right wing pundits/influencers are being exposed as well funded shills maybe it’s time to pull on some threads. I’m also really curious about the schism between the lizard Russian-supporting techbro MAGAts and the more traditional wignats (with NAFO characteristics) like Richard Spencer.

No. 2066455

BAP and his crowd are Thiel funded. I think the right wingers got too close to being a vague threat to AIPAC, so they brought in the greek statue twitter types to distract and make it all about trump.

Spencer didnt like the blatant zionist shilling so fucked off.

No. 2066543

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Anna spends time with her son thinking about tweets to make later that include the word groyper

No. 2066558

I have to hand ot to Anna, all of Lenny’s outfits are very cute. That being said, Anna needs to log off and get a grip.

No. 2066577

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>"People on the internet are calling for my death again!"
>Look at my innocent child. Shame on you, you should forgive me now

No. 2066620

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the lil' nigga cute. shame he's a filthy misch.(racebait)

No. 2066631

Will Anna & co now support the assassin since it’s been revealed that he’s an rw tech guy?

No. 2066632

https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/55354261?shelf=to-read there’s no way he hasn’t heard of red scare

No. 2066654

It wouldn’t surprise me if they pivoted anyway because he’s hot. A “tee hee dumb girly brain” moment, an Anna New Jersey guidette moment assuming with a name like Luigi Mangione this guy’s Italian-American.

No. 2066689

The guy liked a Peter Thiel tweet so Anna looked like a fucking idiot for nothing KEK. Dashafags won

No. 2066734

A and D should get fake tits and BBLs. Only way they'll ever be above average looking.(nitpicking)

No. 2066758

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If this is the most charming export of a scene what does that mean

No. 2066774

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…what exactly am I looking at here…

No. 2066788

The only thing they like about themselves is being skinny. They would never get surgery, eat a burger or build muscle.

No. 2066830

ouch fuck, I may have to rescind my compliment. I liked her twitter posts and ugly-cute vibe but that's some hellraiser shit there

No. 2066906

Shouldn't it be concerning that an individual with such horrible mental health problem is doing a "comedy" routine while holding a gun to her head. jfc

No. 2066921


Which What's Left episode was JD Vance on? I believe it was before Roe v Wade got overturned.

No. 2066959

Honestly Anna's angle fraud never ceases to amaze me. We know she's been rocking that fridge bod

No. 2066963

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No. 2066968


Cars & Women is the most generic, uninspired zine I've ever read. Wannabe riot grrrl scrote drivel. Thiel really showed his ass giving that guy money.

Child clawing at mommy for attention while she takes a selfie is really evoking meme level bleakness

No. 2066978

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She's literally doing the meme the chapos are always spamming her. I'd like to give her the benefit of doubt, like the old anna, and imagine she was intentionally cognizant of this and sending them up right….

No. 2067143

God damn those goggly, droopy, huge eyelid eyes are ugly. She could look so much less subhuman if she put her cheap medspa filler in her upper eyelids and temples.

No. 2067187

File: 1733932675820.webm (2.86 MB, 1920x1080, sam hyde gay.webm)

No. 2067190

Sorry are you lost?

No. 2067306

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Aimee has abandoned the Groypers after becoming a BAPtard

No. 2067343

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Know this is an old post, but this thread took its time coming around. This was a big sign that the space is just getting smaller.
I'm also remembering a Substack(?) post of hers that was shared threads ago where she talks about trembling just being around Anna.

No. 2067346

how? these two have been fighting for years

No. 2067390

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samefag reply but there's been a collision of worlds between this mtf thread cow and ivy with terrible results

No. 2067413

Just what dimes needs more autistic troon nerds

No. 2067534

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No. 2067535

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No. 2067576

He really can't draw for shit can he

No. 2067578

>It's likely you've dated someone who paid a prostitute
This is why I don't date moids

No. 2067580

good move altho "being online is a big part of my expression" is code for "i'm hopelessly self-obsessed and i'll be humiliating myself online again by Christmas" and her complaints are completely disingenuous since she willingly gives people the ammo to attack her with.
funny thing is her pfp is genuinely more attractive than the best pics of anna or dasha with all their fillers, angle fraud and the best chinese face filters $4.99 can buy. and her acting career is going pretty well? unlike A&D ivy could probably be successful if she'd just shut up on social media and distance herself from this scene for eternal losers. she's batshit crazy but when has that ever stopped an actress

i love that you can tell what a shithole apartment this is just by the door, chipped paint, busted chain lock and all. all this shilling for billionaires and you can't even afford a nice condo somewhere, also thirstposting in the living room where your young child can see? so ghetto lmao, anna posting her Ls

No. 2067597

why are they always slumming it anyway? their patreon is past its peak but they still bring in like 50k a month. that's more than enough to get a nicer apartment, if not for herself at least for her kid. I'd get it if they were more committed to bohemian larping but anna's soulless pottery barn decor doesn't fit that image. it's confusing.

No. 2067611

I’ve always wondered this too. When the pod started making money Anna kicked roommate Leia out, took over the lease on their 2 bedroom, purchased a bedframe and bookshelf for the first time in her adult life and the Pottery Barncore wicker basket and fake tribal rug decor you mention. And Dasha finally got her own apartment after years of living in windowless basements and various dodgy hobosexual situations. But they still live in crummy neighborhoods, they regularly joke about being scared of gunshots and shady men outside Anna’s apartment which is right near the projects and Dasha lives in a no man’s land in midtown right across from the FDR. 5 years of making $50k a month and nobody buys a house or moves to a nicer hood? Either the numbers are fake or they’re spending it all on medspa filler, Sandy Liang skirtsuits and $15,000 horsehair mattresses and idk which scenario is sadder

No. 2067620

The building Dasha lives in is a historical landmark where the rent has to be something like 3500+ a month for a studio. You can say what you want about Anna but Dasha lives in what would be considered a VERY good area, It’s just not trendy or gentrified.


No. 2067631

>or they’re spending it all on medspa filler, Sandy Liang skirtsuits and $15,000 horsehair mattresses
Highly likely + drugs and alcohol

No. 2067666

i know where dasha lives, i'd recognize those casement windows anywhere and i like her actual apartment. but turtle bay isn't super desirable as nyc neighborhoods go. it's a dead zone at night with long bleak stretches near the highway and lacks restaurants, shopping and culture that make a neighborhood feel lively and cozy. like no one dreams of living in turtle bay one day lol and most people who make dashas income would choose to live elsewhere. i agree its much better than where anna is tho.

No. 2067790

Anon I know you wanna dunk in her but this is kind of ridiculous and you (if you live in my. Which you seem to) know it. You can’t even remotely hear or see the FDR where she is. There are tons of restaurants around 2nd and even $5 avocado toast cafes now on her block. You get peace and quiet because the amount of security/undercover cops there now is insane so unlike most of Manhattan, this is one of the minority areas where you don’t have crackhead tent cities springing up in public parks. Where should someone with her income aspire to live- LES where you can’t sleep at night because Jordan Neely is screaming underneath your window for hours? Soho where a closet apt will cost 5k? Park slope where stores are closed by 8pm and every brownstone has a minivan parked in the front filled with kid stuff? The area right above her between midtown/ UES would be less commercial/nicer but I looked at apartments there at one and it’s just not affordable for anyone who isn’t old money.

No. 2067796

Samefag I forgot to mention she isn’t the only dimes square refugee or even younger person that I know of that moved to that area.

No. 2067828


When people mention the 50k a month, I think it's important to remember Patreon's fees, taxes, there being two hosts to divide the amount between, etc. Don't want to sperg about the numbers but it's plausible after everything they live at a level of a moderately successful office job person in the area. And even at that level of success you need some planning for things like going from renting to owning and so on.

No. 2067893

File: 1734107392777.jpg (57.12 KB, 861x365, 1000023011.jpg)

Isn't this cow middle aged and childless?

No. 2067903

$5 avocado toast is a steal

No. 2068008

people are all roasting her for pulling out a thesaurus and using words she doesnt know how to use

No. 2068031

File: 1734135263383.jpeg (68.6 KB, 1200x630, Holzman-Jael[1].jpeg)

Chapos have all kinds of things to talk about
>Clusterfuck in the middle east - supposedly Felix' wheelhouse
>Trumps cabinet pics
Instead they get that Troon with the shitty band on for a second time to talk about how Trump is going to be horrible to troons. I only listened to a couple minutes. Looks like Felix spun off a podcast "…end of the world". Maybe Chapo is now going to be mostly troon content and film reviews while Felix' new podcast will be geopolitics?

No. 2068039

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No. 2068040

big eye lids are so pretty to me

No. 2068061

File: 1734142198424.webp (71.6 KB, 1610x1043, author-id-lists-for-metrics-tw…)

Peter Thiel also constantly compares the 2020's to the weimar era, it's very obvious as to why he does. Thielbux has been real and I can't believe it was ever considered a conspiracy. Even thiel adjacent fags haves been doing his bidding, in 2023 the xitter source code leaked only for it to split who it pushes specific content out to. Those categories being "democrat", "republican", "elon", and "power user". It's all been cooking up since the end of the 10's, I sound schizophrenic but alllll of these billionaires are buying out influencers, social media sites, and even big news networks. They're coming for everything. After jd vance was chosen for VP it pretty much confirmed the thielbux theory

No. 2068147

I think the Thielbux would have came if Burgum was the pick too. Everything would feel a little bit less gay though. My boy is stuck securing land for the regime for the foreseeable future.
There have been several examples of it playing out over the past almost decade, and even mores around the election. One of the most obvious one has been TYT pushing Polymarket (Thielbux) and then trying to act as if that sort of practice is perfectly normal.

No. 2068157

derail, but I agree. Everything else about Anna is what makes her ugly, not her eyes

No. 2068458

Oh no, is claire penis going to sperg out in her defense again

No. 2068459

It's pretty funny seeing him stay mostly silent on Syria since his team lost. At least Israel gave them all a reason to acknowledge it though

No. 2068518

wait til they all forget what Palestine is (like all leftoids forgot Tibet)

No. 2068634

Were the Chapo guys really beating the drum about Tibet? That felt passé by the time we had things like Shoutcast.

No. 2068757

File: 1734342299684.png (1.02 MB, 640x1136, FAEA6214-23F2-42F3-89E0-77F474…)

Didn't realize roommate Leia was MAGA

No. 2068758

File: 1734342356506.png (1.33 MB, 640x1136, 5396D3D8-02FD-4D5E-9C10-A0E309…)

Dimes Square turned out for the NY Young Republicans gala celebrating Trump's victory and Daniel Penny's acquittal.

No. 2068766

After 'Oct 7' she rediscovered her "jewishness" and became a tub thumping zionist. That said she's such a pathetic push over she'd probably just be following A+D anyway, she's like Maddie, another a talentless trust fund kid who's never had a job, now suddenly a Trump supporting RW zionist to avoid ejection from the group by Anna. They're both doormats.

I do like the idea of when she was living with Anna, Leia being legitimately Jewish, having to go along with Anna's delusional jew larping, unable to correct her on basic things, terrified of offending Anna.

Who up thread was saying Dasha's the moderate one who doesn't really like the RW turn, lol.

No. 2068780

Around the time that RS took the RW turn, Dasha was trying to shush Anna or steer her away from it. We can assume this was because of her ‘acting career’ of having less than two minutes of screen time in random indie movies

No. 2068791

File: 1734356239245.webp (230.43 KB, 1169x1932, 1914815.webp)

Her fundamental conditioning as an escort to go after the highest bidder never left it just evolved. Hundreds of years of her ancestors turning tricks in some Slavic shithole shtetl in Belarus prepared her for this.

No. 2068797

This is so cursed, fuck

No. 2068805


Common Eastern Euro L.

No. 2068831

no matter what your politics, imagine having any reaction to Matt Gaetz except disgust

No. 2068884

Weren’t they making fun of him on one of the last podcasts, agreeing that he was disgusting, sleazy ect.
This is the most naturally relaxed, romantic and tender I’ve even Dasha in a photo with a man. Too bad he’s married

No. 2068902

dasha looks bored

No. 2068903

bright watery gay eyes

No. 2068906

what is considered "young" ? dasha might cut it close with a stretch of the word but anna is 40

No. 2068925

>Too bad he’s married
Isn't he (in)famously a swinger?

No. 2068946

Given that the Republican Party is full of crusty old boomers, elder millennials are considered “young” by their standards. Plus gen Z right wingers are far too feral to invite to political dinners.

No. 2068950

“Young” anything in New York is “under fifty”

No. 2068956

latest school shooter supposedly cited RFH in her manifesto

No. 2068974

File: 1734389750385.png (52.21 KB, 1102x801, rfh.png)

No. 2068976

No. 2068984

File: 1734392209030.png (284.6 KB, 1162x714, 4732yrhfreuhe.png)

imagine thinking rfh invented being blackpilled

No. 2068987

File: 1734393228034.jpeg (643.71 KB, 1179x1394, IMG_9933.jpeg)


wonder who made Matthew delete since they all look awful except for Ryder

No. 2068992

>>2068984 fake according to Anna Slatz we will see

No. 2068993

File: 1734393989741.png (295.84 KB, 1179x1118, FA99098E-98A3-4B03-AE36-B6976B…)

The manifesto was faked by the moid who posted it and the girl was just a rw neo nazi

No. 2069003

File: 1734395852386.jpg (336.18 KB, 1350x784, s66YMDx.jpg)

So Anna and Dasha are still grifting on liberal publications with Dean Kissick even after going full blown trumpie without any "irony" attached to it

No. 2069005

File: 1734396748882.jpeg (908.38 KB, 3464x2690, E292792F-ED3F-46B6-B51E-33DE40…)

Actually it's still unclear.

No. 2069021

File: 1734401281164.jpg (424.45 KB, 1454x2048, Ge4EiTBWQAAU4Qp.jpg)

elena velez doesn't belong - she's gorgeous AND talented. she even has a job! i assume she's just going with the MAGA grift in an effort to secure some patronage.

No. 2069028

I hate slatz but I'm going to believe someone who actually has some journalism experience over some random groyper online who probably learnt that radfems call scrotes "moids" yesterday

No. 2069050

Stop sucking off Elena, she's just as much of a cow as anyone here

No. 2069059

interesting that someone whiteknights Elena Velez immediately every time she’s mentioned here. in this case no one even dissed her she just couldn’t handle having her candid pics looking like a chunky Dylan Mulvaney posted and tried to gaslight us with a yassified selfie lmao >>2068758 >>2068987

girl GTFO, your typing style obviously doesn’t fit in and you clearly can’t handle it here

No. 2069065

wasn't matthew donovan having completely meltdown just a couple of weeks ago over dasha/anna being "fascists"? i know he's a detransitioner but don't really get what he is going for as he's always a few years behind. so he gone from 2014 tumblr tranny to 2019 socdem conspiracy lefttard to 2022 MAGA communism (maybe?) in what, one year?

No. 2069067

File: 1734419939017.png (874.56 KB, 1204x1180, found it.png)

ok so it was a couple of months ago but still quite the turn around. bleeding heart moralfagging about eugenics and "race realism" just 6 months ago to begging for a group shot with them and Matt Gaetz at a Republican event. obviously for him its about getting whatever crumb of clout you can get I'm sure he'll try and just play it off as "ironic" but isn't he besties with that ugly bald commie junkie who was dating Crumps and has that shitty "Dimes Square exposed" Youtube show? what's she going to think?

No. 2069069

File: 1734420110340.png (605.44 KB, 1190x1428, anna and elena vs matthew.png)

just 6 months ago

No. 2069070

File: 1734420238576.png (317.41 KB, 1202x1368, waah.png)

4 months ago crying about their zionism now "ironically" attending the NYYR gala and begging for a pic

No. 2069081

File: 1734430341042.png (805.5 KB, 640x1136, 72C2A42D-4ADB-4D80-B9FC-15AA48…)

Anna's face is like, "I leveled up, why am I still hanging out with this loser?"

No. 2069142

I thought I saw a journalist with the NYT post it and the idea some blackpilled neonazi egirl would be in discord servers with these groypers who know of RFH were the only reasons I thought could be real, but it also made zero sense for the shooter to be a radfem. Often reality is stranger than fiction though and there's been so many simulation glitch moments that it wouldn't be the craziest thing. RFH is too obsessed with and her online persona revolves too much around men to inspire anyone to murder them, all she does is engage in gender war discourse all day as a form of narc mental masturbation hoping to earn a seat at their table ever since at least TRS. Radfem shooter would be funny though if she went after BAPists, groypers, or the Medgold pedo kinds who RFH meets up with for drinks. Though I suppose, unless they did a meet up, it would have to be a radfem serial killer instead of a mass shooter.

No. 2069180

Men can have unstable identities as bpdemons too

No. 2069183

God Anna's eyes are super fucking ugly

No. 2069185

It was just rightwing men trying to frame someone they don’t like. The writing in the actual manifesto is so ESL that people are speculating her online boyfriend wrote it and possibly groomed her into doing it. Who needs feds anymore

No. 2069187

The fact that the moid is probably a butthurt lolcow lurker makes me lol

No. 2069255

File: 1734471242205.jpeg (180.14 KB, 720x973, e-spWNXsAAmCh.jpeg)

any of this true?

No. 2069256

It also could just be that she's a little slow and doesn't pay attention in school. Kids these days have astonishingly poor grammar and can't write expository essays for shit.

No. 2069262

If the custody and jail stuff is true, I don’t know how no one has ever found any documents. Someone already doxxed her full name and she has enough haters for them to uncover more dirt

No. 2069277

File: 1734474983900.jpeg (256.13 KB, 1284x1041, IMG_4972.jpeg)

More moralfagging from Anna. I mean, she’s right, but she’s also not the person to be scolding others. Someone in the comments called her morally bipolar which is 100% true.

No. 2069284

I wouldn't really call the Alex Jones crusade on Sandy Hook as "making memes." Irony-poisoned trivialization and completely serious conspiracizing are two different beasts.

No. 2069294

I think the reason they come off as hypocritical is because neither of these retards is smart enough to have a consistent sense of ethics beyond "how can I scold other people (women) while sounding smug and superior today?" and it leaves them veering wildly between getting up on their high horse, endorsing white supremacy, telling people what's inappropriate to say, calling hot blondes fat retards whenever they get jealous, etc.

No. 2069325

File: 1734483294059.jpeg (1.13 MB, 3150x2338, 2F6C0EEF-3919-4E25-996D-8C36A7…)

There are paid services to remove links tied to your name from the web/search results. Her face leaked way before her name, which likely prompted her to do some preventative cleanup knowing it wouldn't be long before people found a full dox, so she managed to minimize the damage. With that said, I doubt she has a child, lost custody, or is a felon, she's just divorced. She mixed in truths, with half-truths, and outright lies to confuse people.
What I find funny is how these leftist radfems are bending over backwards to defend her. She didn't pick Hitler as a joke, she chose it because of her fascist beliefs, it's why she was Spencer's co-host on TRS laughing about castrating nonwhites at a time when he was like a poster child for white supremacy. It's like these libfem accounts found her within the last 2 years, the way seem to venerate a twitter account ran by someone who became popular because of her affiliation with the same kinds of white nationalists they call neo-nazis is so strange. The guy who claimed the manifesto mentioned RFH said he knew the shooter, he had the same document Slatz posted without the watermark. I still bet he made it up. RFH didn't tell anyone to kill men or promote murder in any way, she's not half as hateful as these scrotes whine about, they and her fanbase are all retards though.

No. 2069343

I dont think she has a kid either. People forget that she started out on trad twitter when the tradwife meme was at its peak. I think someone would have more proof other than heresay by now. Her haters only run with the story because they enjoy thinking she’s a bad mom. I would take it a step further, I don’t think she was ever married either, I think she lived with a boyfriend. Unless anyone can produce more proof, I don’t believe her

No. 2069359

Yeah I don't post in this thread much anymore but a few of us have distinct memories that RFH was a racefem and wignat. Her takes were lukewarm female dating strategy ideas even when she was racist kek. She'd call a few men browncels 2020-2022 then quickly delete, while remaining tight with ethnic men like Indian Bronson, MedGold, and verselalune. She has done a general disservice to feminism.. Slatz is annoying but more consistent/truer to the beliefs
Agreed, as long as I was aware of her web presence (2020), I never believed she had a child. She was spending hours on Clubhouse and Twitter spaces. Now she's claiming the baby's in Europe.
Her ideology is "the friend of my enemy is my enemy" that's all, really. And she makes sure to spend a few hours reading other RWers opinion before she puts out her own

No. 2069369

woah, dasha isn’t looking so well

No. 2069431

she is so bald

No. 2069434

File: 1734528355634.png (106.77 KB, 624x437, 1734443560345.png)

RFH is on par with slatz to me, they only care about minority scroids. I can't believe so many radfems eat it up because even when she's talking about moids generally it's always the most tame FDS shit ever. You can go on reddit right now and find 1000 RFHs. I never got the appeal albeit the moids throwing tantrums over her is funny to watch considering she's probably the most insane radfem in their eyes.
>What I find funny is how these leftist radfems are bending over backwards to defend her.
Saying this is retarded as fuck, nobody is wking her it's just insanely fucked up to post a fake manifesto vendettafagging against RFH after people have died. And it's even more fucked up how trannies are running away with it and using it to call all radfems fashies. Of fucking course radfems want to make this retarded rumor go away, the guy who made the fake manifesto literally posted this a day before the shooting in picrel. You're right about putting ladielabrys in the screenshot though, she's actually retarded as fuck. RFH literally has one of those retarded ass agartha pfps, she's atleast a littlleee thiel-adjacent

No. 2069489

File: 1734537507840.png (155.74 KB, 598x478, IMG_7287.png)

It's one thing to say she/feminism didn't influence the shooting and a separate thing to try defending her honor by going "akshually I'm a libfem fan she was jking when she put Hitler in her handle!"-that's the retarded wking shit. We didn't know if what he posted was fake, he was the first to post the discord and identify the shooter, he posted facts that turned out to be true so it's understandable people believed the RFH part. She is certainly a little Thiel adjacent, she went to Urbit conference in Miami years ago and Kaliacc accounts posted about her meeting up with friends of theirs, plus has connection to others in SV. So yea these are clowns for idolizing this woman and treating her as a poor "radfem" being attacked by evil neo-nazis. The alleged fake manifesto excerpt poster in your picrel is supposedly a 16 year old boy, this is an adult woman twice his age who's been in bed and slumming with white supremacists since that child was in first grade

Two last names of hers have leaked, the one in the youtube video from a few threads back and this. I'm not sure if one was her husband's last name or what the deal is. I think the marriage was real and it explains a lot of her nonstop seething over the same rw trad-leaning scrote types who maybe remind her of her ex

No. 2069496

File: 1734538940054.jpeg (1.52 MB, 3464x3092, E14D5BD9-BE2B-459C-A2FF-A036E5…)

Samefag and you'll also find some interesting stuff about her political involvement during her college years by looking up that name.
>member of Young Americans for Liberty
>vice chair of the University of Michigan College Republicans
That appears to be her in the yellow. There was a video of this ordeal but it was deleted or privated

No. 2069509

How old was she in this pic? Kinda looks like a frail 40 year old here. Unfortunate genes

No. 2069520

File: 1734544295538.png (190.55 KB, 932x1037, rfh.png)

No. 2069528

File: 1734546559633.png (1.2 MB, 667x1150, IW.png)


No. 2069545

i don't know if i believe it, a hapa with the last name "rice" is too on the nose

No. 2069551

People like to say that right wingers look for converts and that liberals punish heretics, but rfh and slatzism are both heretics being punished by right wingers because their experiences with these men made them radfem leaning. They are despised by both right wing and left wing men for their messaging and strong platform online so I would be very suspicious of everything said about them by anyTwitter cliques.

No. 2069553

This is exactly what’s happening and the scrotes are in this thread still trying to blame her. Right wing men online are insane

No. 2069560

women are never responsible for their actions, right? spot the misogynist.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2069572

Why is Pop Crave carrying water for her? This is the second time they've done this lol

No. 2069573

File: 1734557510956.jpeg (95.04 KB, 840x469, dd49dda10f1f77012e600a23407b5c…)

Nta but she's not responsible for the shooting in any way like objectively since that was fabricated.

I like how she chose "neo-nazis" and not "white supremacists", because the latter implicates her too but not the former given her support for Israel and love for Jewish men. Lied with dogs and got the fleas. She's responsible for that at least given right wing men including pedos are who she's chosen to be around her whole adult life.

Anyways guys I found the archived video. It's confirmed her. Voice sounds the same too.

No. 2069574

Radfem hitler didn’t do anything connected to this girl. Go back

No. 2069575

Calling it white supremacy alienates all the men of color involved in these spheres. Neo nazi is more inclusive.

No. 2069576

Women who have gone from trad to rad have almost as much rhetorical usefulness as detransitioners, why is the right trying to enhance her credibility by building this lore for her?

No. 2069611

File: 1734563801480.mp4 (2.79 MB, 1280x720, rfh.mp4)

I think she hates men because she's too average looking to get attention from the attractive ones and was maltreated by shitty college republicans.

No. 2069614

File: 1734565237245.jpeg (43.38 KB, 672x675, IMG_0625.jpeg)

She looks disabled

No. 2069624

Yeah this is totally her. I heard her on Twitter spaces a few times in 2021 and remember her voice, it’s so distinct and deep. She also has joked that white women don’t really have her name, which is generally true.

No. 2069631

Anna's arms look like she gained some weight… either that or she edits the hell out of her thirst traps slash bodychecks. Maybe both

No. 2069633

You're joking right? That clearly isn't Dasha.

No. 2069636

I (>>2069631) was talking about Anna, nonnie.

No. 2069640

The joke is that Leia kinda looks like Dasha if she had double downs

No. 2069652

she's better looking than dasha

No. 2069668

what does she say her name is? she mumbles too much for me to make it out.

No. 2069673

I think she said Alicia? (Pronounced A-lee-see-uh)

No. 2069679

now i hear it. i get she's been doxxed as 'Alicia Tjarksen' but in that video it sounds like her surname is Rice/Reis/Reiss… her maiden name?

No. 2069680

she looks like a deformed Grimes

No. 2069747

The trans rumors make sense to me now kek

No. 2069755

I called this months ago. I knew she was a mid mousy type with a boring Dasha tier body, judging off her tone and opinions on twitter. She had this one spergout that was thinly veiled jealousy about how everyone thought Britney Spears was fat in the early aughts and insisted every straight guy thought it too, and kept insisting so despite many straight guys arguing with her and saying it was gay men and women pushing that narrative, because it was

No. 2069786

File: 1734617582138.mp4 (2.67 MB, 1280x720, pancake butt.mp4)

No. 2069795

File: 1734620359569.png (180.04 KB, 553x601, 444-4448855_transparent-kappa-…)

No nonnie, people here who've been following Dimes Square scene for how many years cannot distinguish Dasha from any other blonde person in existence

No. 2069949

File: 1734657656315.png (166.54 KB, 1170x591, deleted tweet.png)

poor girl

No. 2069986

File: 1734666769274.jpeg (317.87 KB, 1536x2048, anna khachiyan bannonmaxxing.j…)

bucc'd or just sucking her cheeks in?

No. 2069999

The joke is that Aimee is an obvious daddy issues bippie, right?

No. 2070175

File: 1734735893950.png (410.39 KB, 1598x1538, annaredditarguing.png)

Anna spotted on her Reddit account telling people she's doing very normal and not mad on a rsp offshoot sub.

No. 2070177

she projects her daddy issues onto jack and lets him control her

No. 2070193

lol, In what universe was she an "art critic/art historian". She didn't even finish her graduate program, and was in her mid 30s when the pod started. The way the grandiose lies just roll off her tongue is incredible, I suppose it's hardly surprising giver her entire world is one false manufactured identity larp.

No. 2070201

The faux concern shit that Redscarepod does about the a&d will never not be gay

No. 2070212

anna on reddit: i'm not miserable and bitter i'm a good and moral teensy bean who just wants the best for humanity and idk why people think otherwise
anna on the pod: i'm literally a miserable bitter alcoholic bitch and idk why people think otherwise

cigarette grandma type beat. (also teehee at filename anon)

No. 2070406

File: 1734820854573.png (935.4 KB, 1460x1039, Screenshot.png)

No. 2070409


No. 2070435

File: 1734830235427.jpg (269.05 KB, 2048x1366, GfVWHqJaMAAyY88.jpg)

elena radiant as per.

No. 2070477

>Young Republicans
>All above 30
So every other Republican was born during the Big Bang?

No. 2070533

lol she looks chunky and plain

No. 2070592

Ywnbc (you will never be cool)

No. 2070647

I heard Alicia Rice as well, she looks like she could be part Asian and Rice can be an Asian name. If her real name is Alicia Tjarksen then she could be Scandinavian with some Sami descent like Amber Frost.

No. 2070658

Tjarksen might be her ex-husband's last name because she got married after college. She's not asian at all, retards still can't tell this was a troll kek. She said on her substack comments she's coming back to X soon and will probably facedox now to prove she had a glow up since a whole video of her face has now leaked. She looks like one of those pickme tomboys to me on there who only really hangs out with men. She apparently also does have a son and he lives with his dad

No. 2070660

That’s her mom’s maiden name. Her dad is Asian

No. 2070806

File: 1734985435609.mp4 (1.75 MB, 720x1280, monica juggies.mp4)

new via IG. are they real?!

No. 2070841

not the main topic, but you did remind me of that one time Ovarit was glazing Steve Sailer over his one essay on AGPs. I made a comment, it got removed and then I deleted my account that same day.

No. 2070849

They are fake. And she doesn't deny they are fake. Also why is she posting almost nudes? Too desperate for a husband?

No. 2070870

File: 1735009062003.png (286.46 KB, 636x476, 1000036304.png)

No. 2070876


No. 2070883

Why use her mom's maiden name on her little crypto gig? She also comes up with the last name Russo. Odd

No. 2070884

Nightmare vision trying to tempt Lea Seydoux into 10+ cosmetic procedures in The Beast

No. 2070887

Top left pic looks like Tucker "daddy" Carlson's wet dream

Are you under 25 or something? Most middle class younger women are performatively libfem anyway

No. 2070890

File: 1735016216693.mp4 (5.93 MB, 720x1280, SaveClip.App_AQPvkzCW2-nRtJTiZ…)

'i've just become a much softer or compassionate person' - anna 'aren't all palestinians bad palestinians?' khachiyan

No. 2070892

>"the pornhub podcast"
I can't.

No. 2070893

she's a bleeding heart. she's all about social justice. it's why she fits in so well down at dissident dialogues.

No. 2070923

What’s Audrey Horne’s ex bfs @ I lost it

No. 2070938

File: 1735043050639.jpg (191.29 KB, 1078x788, IDF Atrocities.jpg)

"ok like… until you become a mother you just couldn't possibly understand how compassionate and virtuous I am"

No. 2070947

comical how different she looks in person shes a midget with a filler face fat legs and bad skin who wears drugstore lipstick. and irrelevant now that pariah hangs out with Lia

No. 2070967

I'm wondering what the relevance of most of the characters in these threads would be in an year. I am specifically talking about Monica, Catherine, @verymoisturized, Bimbo Ubermensch etc. Bimbo is already a non entity, her book(just some substack posts) seems to have flopped. Her nudes failed to get her the attention or suitable mate she is so desperately looking for on X, her modelling 'career' seems to be over. Who know what she will do. I feel like Trump getting elected and the overall vibe shift ironically would end up making them irrelevant.

No. 2070971

what happened to Sandra? she has locked her account and is now living in NYC? What is she doing nowadays?

No. 2070972

she's still active on IG.
>Bimbo is already a non entity, her book(just some substack posts) seems to have flopped
her book has yet to come out, no? i assumed if it were released she'd be spamming it on X constantly.

No. 2070980

It hasn't come out, but her substack posts are just a draft of it. I think she is now coming to terms with the reality that she is not going anywhere in her career or getting any clout on X.

No. 2071007

File: 1735063905552.png (287.13 KB, 1550x838, crumps dispatch.png)

From the latest Crumpstack. Ryder Ripps is MAGA now, too.

No. 2071023

He appears to be completely destitute after his failed Ape lawsuit, the art world of the early 2010s that made him successful doesn’t exist anymore, and his attempt enter the music industry failed. Becoming a MAGA grifter seemsto be the logical next step

No. 2071027

I just gave her recent voicenote on her sub and it’s so desperately tryhard

No. 2071047

I won’t post it because I think posting addresses are against rules but you can find it if you know what to look for. Im assuming Russo was her ex’s last name, but tjarksen it’s obviously her mom’s maiden name in the info I found. Mom white, dad asian. She already admitted this, and she looks it too. I don’t know why people are trying to deny she’s half Asian when it’s very obvious. Maybe it’s her trying to muddie the waters because she’s afraid

No. 2071124

File: 1735097480725.png (1.09 MB, 1206x1240, Screen Shot 2024-12-24 at 10.2…)

"You are just jealous that these people have the money to do this" is quite the low IQ disparagement to make when someone expresses their distaste towards something like commercial surrogacy

No. 2071161

File: 1735134273415.png (350.55 KB, 662x1094, Frame Pod.png)

How is Aimee able to survive? Her paywalled podcast is really unpopular.

No. 2071164

It doesn't need to be, the whole thing is Thielbux powered. It was obvious from the beginning when she was instantly plugged into the network, and supplied with ideologically suitable guests, and became an overnight compliant zionist.
Although I think she does the israel propaganda thing a bit over the top, even for Thiel/BAP crowd. Sometimes it comes across as a big cry for help.

No. 2071187

File: 1735147885870.mp4 (4.88 MB, 720x1280, dasha riley boyfriend shoulder…)


No. 2071189

Indians love when women are built like preteen boys

No. 2071209

"Dasha uses photoshop"cels on suicide watch

No. 2071244

Videos have filters too, corkhead

No. 2071277

I don’t think anyone ever argued that Dasha wasn’t thin enough for some dude to pick her up? just that she’s scrawny rather than lithe and that she has a weirdly asymmetrical face

No. 2071303

File: 1735166282497.jpeg (431.95 KB, 1783x1338, IMG_7602.jpeg)

No. 2071306

she doesn't strike me as living on the poverty line

No. 2071332

She’s skinny but she isn’t that young looking or beautiful when you see real photos and video of her. Posting a video of a guy picking her up won’t change public opinion

No. 2071334

She has an eating disorder and looks super thin in that video.

No. 2071336

Disorder or not, she edits her photos to not look mid in the face. She could lose or gain weight, it won’t make her beautiful

No. 2071345

ED girls equate low BMI with looking beautiful. Given the fucked up corners of the internet she grew up on Dasha probably thinks most guys are pedos who think her look is hot

No. 2071349

If she thought thinness was the only way to beauty then why does she bother to edit her face?

No. 2071351

to look thinner

No. 2071421

File: 1735233391075.png (106.64 KB, 1198x310, Screen Shot 2024-12-26 at 11.1…)

She's complaining about paying for public healthcare through her income taxes and it's like… with what income lol?

No. 2071431

You think modern cameras are naturally that blurry?

No. 2071496

If anything she edits herself more baby faced and less gaunt

No. 2071521

File: 1735246926822.png (482.98 KB, 1040x1710, jack v dasha.png)

jack's kantbot arc in full effect, "read a book why do you care man" he's also openly coming for dasha now

No. 2071524

weirdest part is he would actually agree with everyone if he bothered to read the original vivek post that kicked this all off but counter signalling dasha/anna - the only people who ever supported him - is more important to him? extremely weird and self sabotaging for no real gain?

No. 2071540


No. 2071609

Has that manosphere actually ever read a book without accidentally eating it?

No. 2071724

Oh no they're countersignaling Elon Musk! God this fatass is pathetic

No. 2071743

File: 1735314263331.jpg (90.09 KB, 827x740, akdBZZw.jpg)

rachel sennot referencing Stavros in her film review(not milk sage your shit)

No. 2071811

File: 1735330686945.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.42 KB, 900x677, mc.jpg)

is Monica following Sandra's footsteps?

No. 2071823

It would kill me if I had so many posts loaded and ready to go shitting on all the browns, but my best friend and financiers would be upset.

No. 2071898

File: 1735348104941.png (2.73 MB, 4213x1370, popcraveivywolkmess.png)


Ivy picked a good time to go offline looking at the comment section this isn't even half of the people making fun of her on this Pop Crave tweet

No. 2071908

File: 1735353881354.jpeg (794.83 KB, 1170x1020, IMG_0425.jpeg)

No. 2071915

File: 1735355941832.jpg (123.19 KB, 1600x580, dasha x reilly.jpg)

No. 2071916

Why is she famous?

No. 2071918

She's cute

No. 2071943

File: 1735364972832.png (158.61 KB, 598x817, image.png)

Pariah appears to be teasing a detroon in honor of buttbuddy Milo’s new podcast. Idk if it’s just bait for publicity but “Miles Yardley” isn’t far off from the deadname “Miles Yves Salome”

No. 2071945

File: 1735365278499.png (309.98 KB, 978x1380, troon vs troon.png)

kek, this could get very milky

No. 2071957

yves salome are not part of the deadname

No. 2071992

File: 1735399931878.png (205.34 KB, 1028x741, immigrant.png)

No. 2072012

Miles Yardley is his real name

No. 2072015

File: 1735407124726.png (3.33 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_7334.png)

saw this ancient milk a few years back and assumed it was the deadname. maybe I am just retarded

No. 2072023

File: 1735409240656.png (341.03 KB, 1005x897, Screenshot 2024-12-28 190655.p…)

No. 2072029

File: 1735410608557.png (233.72 KB, 1198x950, perfumefatproustquote.png)

can't imagine how self-satisfied he felt copying and pasting this from goodreads only lightly checking to make sure the quote talks about what he thought it was talking about

No. 2072042

No it's not, his name is Miles Shore. and he grew up in Yardley, PA

No. 2072053


No. 2072069

Rich area

No. 2072087

No. 2072110

Is this bitch going to Antarctica? Why does she have to crowdfund her honeymoon from her rapidly dwindling simps when she makes like 25k a month

It’s her business weather or not to get married, but making it public like this is a terrible idea. Her entire brand was built on being the free spirited sensual nymphette to Anna’s more conservative post-hipster art critic, and statistically divorce for marriages where the woman is the breadwinner are all but inevitable

No. 2072146

File: 1735444290246.jpeg (315.01 KB, 1536x2048, dasha steve bannon.jpeg)

Bannon's guesting on the next Red Scare episode

No. 2072264

File: 1735500448794.jpeg (970.31 KB, 1179x2279, IMG_7303.jpeg)

>honeymoon fund
i bet she is buying her own ring too. all the bad decisions came around to bite her in the ass, now she’s marrying a guy who doesn’t have enough dough for a honeymoon

No. 2072266

i find it funny she’s panhandling online, for a woman who makes like 14,000 a month?

No. 2072267

Nick Mullen has brought up on the show how Dasha just plows through her money.(sage your shit)

No. 2072268

thats fucking insane to me. what do you have to be buying to go through $18,000 a month?

No. 2072269

This confirms she has a shopping addiction. She’s talked about overspending on clothes before. Maybe a drug addiction in the mix as well because how else would she blow through that much money. What a sad woman

No. 2072270

samefag i just did the math and deducted all the taxes (NY state tax 10%, NYC income tax 3.9%, Patreon tax 12%) off of the $49,100 they make a month, that’s $37,409, 18,704.74 for each of them..$224,456 a year.

No. 2072282

Cocaine is an expensive habit

No. 2072288

File: 1735504731981.jpeg (119.98 KB, 939x704, IMG_7613.jpeg)

No. 2072310

That's not a ton of money in NYC tbh

No. 2072312

Must be why she’s abusing the selfie blur tool. Coke makes your skin age like shit

No. 2072323

eastern european women stereotypically don't age well

No. 2072325

funny because all the 00s blonde babydoll anachan models (dashew's inspo, presumably) are like 45 and look exactly the same

No. 2072349

File: 1735519525193.png (385.51 KB, 1228x1316, return of the queen.png)

She's back but locked, don't know what happened

No. 2072351

her mattress cost her $17,000

No. 2072359

Anti-Indian/H1B posters have been getting banned the last couple days

No. 2072364

If you assume she orders takeout every night that’s a solid 1-2k a month on just takeout, she uses maid service, membership at the most expensive gym in nyc, Amazon instead of going to store to buy household goods, uber everywhere, expensive alcohol is a huge money sink too…. I wouldn’t be surprised if she spends 3-5k a month on just convenience and up priced goods/services, without adding in her realreal addiction

No. 2072365

$200,000 after taxes is definitely still a lot of money in NYC anon kek, you don’t need to be a millionaire to live comfortably in major cities
are we sure that wasn’t just meant to be a joke

No. 2072367

lmfao Elon Musk really pulled the biggest bait-and-switch in history

No. 2072369

File: 1735522319639.png (479.9 KB, 620x668, 0.png)

>membership at the most expensive gym in nyc


No. 2072381

Can’t believe she is a grown woman. Acting like a little teenager in high school. And her moid is going along with it. So embarrassing. That video made me cringe so hard. Pathetic(learn2reply)

No. 2072386

>live comfortably
you think that is what dasha cares about? the woman with known past drug problems and a body count over 100? not trying to slut shame, only trying to illustrate that she is an impulsive moron

No. 2072390

does anyone remember when she was asking for xanax on twitter years ago and some guy scammed her? she sent him like a 20 on venmo i think. she talked about being addicted to ketamine at some point and that stuff isn’t cheap

No. 2072392

I thought socialists hated Amazon?

No. 2072398

File: 1735532759294.webp (61.93 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3394.webp)

I can’t buy into that she’s a hardcore drug addict because that destroys your appearance especially your teeth. ButI can believe she could be a alcoholorexic in the genre of feline fawn. they kind of have the same lifestyle of spending hours on the internet a day, heavily edited body checking selfies, the occasional low rent photoshoot and being an aging edgelord.

No. 2072400

you might have a point if dasha’s teeth were really nice but they aren’t. her skin isn’t that nice either. if she had child star level money like lohan, her teeth would look much worse from the perpetual access to any drugs or alcohol she wants, at all times. her bank account is limiting her from going off the deep end

No. 2072402

> choosing the most unflattering zoomed in picture of lilo and comparing it to airbrushed dasha pictures
nonna…not every hard drug fucks with your teeth.

No. 2072412

Every drug addict I’ve ever met (weather they where active or sober) were heavily addicted to sugar and their hygiene (including brushing and flossing) was in the gutter, because they have problems with complex multitasking and setting and keeping schedules.

No. 2072421

>and a body count over 100
not trying to wk but i don’t know what her body count has to do with how much money she wastes on shit from the realreal
i wouldnt go as far as calling her socialist nona kek, that ‘sailor socialism’ shit was almost a decade ago and now she identifies as a 'right leaning centrist'

No. 2072429

all impulsive behaviors that lead back to lack of impulse control

No. 2072447

File: 1735558066062.jpg (90.68 KB, 1216x822, dasha vs nick fientes uwu.jpg)

this christmas season keeps delivering, but i'm still waiting for anna to get her due, when you keep betting on the wrong horse, you inevitably lose

No. 2072497

The delusions of grandeur from this former concierge lmao. It's funny how his tiny homo clique is so put out by MAGA shredding Vivek for shitting on Americans on Christmas Day. I can't imagine the puny Estee Lardass following would attract actual Thielbux so his purity spirals are sad even for a queen. His personality is built around the idea that the rabble need "elite" gay tastemakers like him to explain the world, but he hitched his wagon to a populist movement. Therefore he can't integrate the fact that the people going hardest against Elon and Vivek were MAGA, not his dwindling "dirtbag left" bugaboo. What did he expect from Trump's followers? Vibes? Papers? Wonder how his numbers look

No. 2072576

two children of immigrants having this argument is fucking hilarious ngl
especially two people actively ruining America

No. 2072577

it’s the bulimia with LiLo as much as the drugs

No. 2072625

Sorry anon but while she's genetically unfortunately built, that picture at most shows that she doesn't eat enough. Butt looks round and firm, quads very visible… her body is alright, to the extent she can manipulate it.

No. 2072626

I was poking fun at her for wasting thousands of dollars a year on a gym membership while looking like that

No. 2072654

>Wonder how his numbers look
Good question. Just checked his Patreon and subscriber stats are hidden

No. 2072668

Also I'm interested to see if it will get milky between him and Monica Mommy Milkers. She's been going all in on H1b-gate

No. 2072707

It's not genetics, it's lifestyle, poverty, bad food and pollution

No. 2072760

Lmao are you blind or ?? Round and firm I’m dead. Visible quads I’m even more dead. Ma’am that is just a skinny body.

No. 2072859

She has the body of a teen boy

No. 2072861

That's a skinny body with a decent amount of muscle. She's over 30, women her age rarely look like that just from dieting. Though yeah, she definitely doesn't need an expensive gym kek

No. 2072865

Where is this muscle you speak of?

No. 2072878

It is funny now that there is a vibe shift, most of the dimes square orbiters are no longer pretending to post encoded racism, rather are now full fledged racist posting. Like look at tweets from Monica, Catherine, Circe (Maria) and to some extend even Anna and Dasha.

No. 2072879

I see a possibility of an imminent collapse of Redscare and other Dimes Square personalities the more Alt-right becomes crazier. No way to sustain it.

No. 2072887

File: 1735684603479.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1179x2017, IMG_7495.jpeg)

pariah has fallen. pronouns in bio are he/him.

No. 2072888

This is so funny actually. I just know the rightoids are cracking up about "destroying" the larping troon.

No. 2072891

This is pretty much an angry gay guy's fantasy.

No. 2072892

looks like a more attractive sean mccarthy

No. 2072894

These people are such a joke oml

No. 2072898

Miles is an AGP, except instead of getting sexual thrill from pretending to be a woman, he gets it from attention. This is just the next logical step for him.

No. 2072900

he should go back to playing the bassoon or whatever it was and get attention from doing something well rather than making a fool of himself in the company of other fools

No. 2072910

I'm happy for him, i hope he doesn't crash out and do anything to harm himself. i don't know why people are shitting on him. isn't this what anti trans people want?

No. 2072911

groypers are mad because the can't jerk off to him now

No. 2072921

This man - trans or otherwise - is a menace so desperate for attention that he got memed by neo-nazis into detransitioning. They’ll bat him around for a while, but when they get bored I imagine he will crash out. My most optimistic projection is he hangs himself this time next year but if it happened as early as April I wouldn’t be surprised.

No. 2072936

Hunter's next. The zeitgeist has shifted…

No. 2072942

File: 1735702643715.png (Spoiler Image,11.07 MB, 4032x3024, diaper nekrasova.png)

new dasha nude just dropped.

No. 2072944

File: 1735703166937.png (Spoiler Image,384.51 KB, 528x472, sailor socialism soy.png)

she's got a thing for diapers

No. 2072945

Good for him, I hope he continues to excel at classical music and finds a loving partner.

No. 2072946

such a gross body

No. 2072948

"It's no longer cunt to me…I'm doing this for Jesus, my Lord and Savior"

Uh okay I guess

No. 2072949

sorry if this sounds retarded but is she not wearing normal underwear in that pic?
how do we know this isn’t AI generated fap material

No. 2072957

A great reminder to never trust whatever a moid says he is. They don't know who they are and what they want.

No. 2072958

If Shayna is sped porn, this is sped erotica

No. 2072959

I swear i saw this earlier on the Frontpage and thought it was shayna

No. 2072960

Shame Fuentes is such a flamer cause it'd be hilarious if they hatefucked. Speaking of which, is Dasha's body count entirely moids or is there a woman or two in there somewhere?

No. 2072961

File: 1735709889127.png (172.47 KB, 700x896, jonandtroon.png)


even sam hyde's pet retard sperg from fishtank piling in. the types of accounts in his replies would be a sign for anyone else to wipe all web presence and try to start your identity from scratch

No. 2073034

kek(non-contribution/sage your shit)

No. 2073040

File: 1735740851538.jpeg (256.21 KB, 1196x1080, IMG_9733.jpeg)

Nazi “tradwife” Rebecca who can never seem to keep silent but run her nagging mouth on podcasts had a falling out with her Boys’ Club buddy Matt Christensen. He played her out, undermined her work on the show, and said she contributed less than.

She was not happy even though she says “foids are less than” but apparently she thinks she’s “an exception the redpill men should pedestalize”.

Now shacked up with 2 other dudes to yak some more.
Why does her ‘strong patriarchal husband’ keep letting her make random male friends, work on podcasts and get horrible cheek-filling, mouthbreather jaw-shaving and face-tightening surgeries?
Seems her talk about being submissive natural beauty and her actions are a big egoistic double standards lies.

No. 2073045

Something about this photo is off. Idk if it's real, but if it is, jesus christ. She looks like she just got freed from a concentration camp

No. 2073057

Diaper Dasha

>She looks like she just got freed from a concentration camp
Thats how shes always looked

No. 2073070

this doesn't belong in the thread. nothing 'post-left' about it. and learn to sage.

No. 2073133


No. 2073183

Her body is just weird and gross. Some women look much better in clothes

No. 2073232

Why? She's still ugly

No. 2073233

Her legs look like misshapen chunky q-tips

No. 2073349

He passes as an aging FtM now.

No. 2073461

File: 1735852803321.png (839.63 KB, 1208x1642, ch.png)

if this guy didn't luck out on gaining a weird twitter following there's no way he wouldn't be a garden variety /mu/ trans pipeline victim incel

No. 2073589

File: 1735895198705.jpeg (470.56 KB, 1389x876, IMG_7630.jpeg)

No. 2073699

File: 1735929049078.png (1.07 MB, 720x1280, dashourglass.png)

No. 2073705

Bizarre little boy outfit and shooped body

No. 2073725

Trinidad just declared a state of emergency over cascading gang violence a couple days ago. US travel advisory updated to level 3: "Reconsider Travel"; "Violent crime, such as murder, robbery, assault, sexual assault, home invasion, and kidnapping is common.

Gang activity, such as narcotics trafficking, is common. A significant portion of violent crime is gang related.

Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas."

No. 2073868

No aging FTM would have that good of a hairline tbh

No. 2073888

File: 1735979621005.jpeg (25.4 KB, 228x283, 1a6cb124d957d257730c59ce79fa20…)

She"admitted" to being asian the same way she "admitted" to being Latina or Israeli. Rice is an English, Welsh and German last name. She has hooded eyelids which white people often have. Pretty sure she's white on both sides and these kinds of multiracial lies and deflections are part of the reason why libfems unfamiliar with her recent wignat racefem past support her reverse manosphere discourse shit which is really less about feminism than it is about how rightoid moids consume her brain and always have. She was their Token female Trump supporter in college and what I've heard from women who used to be mutuals with her 4 years ago is she was sexually assaulted during those years and didn't receive much support. She'll be back to being a niche internet micro celebrity soon enough, since posting took precedence over allegedly raising her own son you know it's too important for her to give it up for good.

No. 2073914

Does anybody know who her current boyfriend is? I remember her bragging about him earning half million as a software engineer.

No. 2073915

is she unemployed as of now? Wasn't she let go off in her Crypto Startup?

No. 2074062

File: 1736005484446.png (325.79 KB, 748x593, Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 02-43…)

new aimee just dropped

No. 2074142

she looks insane. and you know she lives in a hovel. so pitiful to podcast for no audience. damn.

No. 2074227

She looks like a burn victim

No. 2074229

File: 1736029144344.jpeg (335.23 KB, 2048x1538, aimee terese wedding.jpeg)

She appears healthier than in the past desu; she used to look much more dreadful
>inb4 white knight

No. 2074240

File: 1736030984463.jpg (112.77 KB, 936x945, GTcQFlHWcAEB8BF[1].jpg)

There's a real uncanny valley aspect to all her photos. They're images an AI might produce if you fed it all her podcasts and specified that the audio was from an evil supernatural being.

No. 2074274

If you can’t tell immediately
this woman is half Asian then there is no hope for you

No. 2074276

File: 1736036328224.png (2.52 MB, 2507x1003, hapa.png)

She's a weird looking white woman

No. 2074281

she looks like grimes(learn to sage)

No. 2074293

What is she hiding under there

No. 2074294

Ain't no fucking way this woman is trying to pass herself off as half Asian

No. 2074308

File: 1736042888726.jpeg (491.32 KB, 1378x1033, IMG_7635.jpeg)

No. 2074324

>I don't want the world to pay attention to my big naturals so I will just tweet about them on a regular basis

No. 2074327

Are they on top of her head hidden underneath that party city wig or something? What big naturals

No. 2074333

File: 1736051853332.webp (12.25 KB, 720x360, IMG_7332.webp)

Her hair is dyed

No. 2074335

She’s not. She made one comment about her dad being Asian on Twitter then never brought it up again

No. 2074354

Anna did say that Aimee has big naturals. This was when Aimee, Anna, and Moche were all on a podcast roundtable and Anna said that both Aimee and Moche had bigger boobs than her. It might have been the RWA podcast.

No. 2074370

She looks slavic which may have Turkic or Mongol admixture. She has the textbook lower facial structure of a slavic woman. Probably not a hapa

No. 2074388

>turkic or mongol
So, not white

No. 2074398

No you're crazy

No. 2074572

What is "Viscala Trinitat"?

Possible water shortages too. I suppose if they spend most of their time on a resort in Tobago they should be fine.

No. 2074615

File: 1736134123179.jpeg (371.65 KB, 818x744, IMG_2654.jpeg)

Nikki Hegelian egirl 2.0 just dropped

No. 2074645

Sage for blog, but I’m turkish and eurowhite and she could be my sister, anon you should be a race scientist! She’s definitely not a hapa. At least not a Wasian hapa.(blogging)

No. 2074659

Turkish people aren’t white. If she’s Turkish then she is not white like that other anon was claiming she’s a ‘weird looking white girl’(derailing)

No. 2074689

late but this looks extremely shooped. what's the source?

No. 2074699

File: 1736173214402.png (4.02 MB, 3020x1672, cfsubstack.png)


Her publication amounts to a Substack with middling numbers, overall looking into it seems her platform is maybe at least partially organic. I find the Thiel ops schizo theories to be fun rabbitholes for these orgs but maybe a faildaughter art project is just that, in this case

No. 2074744

haywire is like 50 and has been orbiting thiel circles for a long time. i wouldn't be surprised if she self-posted. she used to date michael anissimov.

No. 2074747

Christ, she has to be much older than I was thinking. Most recent podcast dork interview I can find of her is from 2024 and she is crying about Pax Dickinson losing his job.

No. 2074787

She was an early thiel grant recipient now she’s back from the dead for sov h I guess(learn to sage)

No. 2074822

She’s obviously not Asian, but people like Paul Skallas and Anna K have met her and called her attractive. I’m a little confused bc I’m not sure how much she could have improved her looks from here, she’s not very pretty

No. 2074825

It's called being nice. She presumably looks worse now.

No. 2074833

So hilarious how half of these supposed radicals online are just rich little shits wanting to get famous. Academia is just full of sociopaths

No. 2074860

File: 1736214507635.png (136.77 KB, 1040x521, noah smith.png)

No. 2074887

Dreyfuss is the fucking worst, even by nepo baby standards, and he is ruining Mother Jones
as for the self-styled Futurists, if the new ones are rich fash-curious brats, that matches the Italian OG Futurists 100%

No. 2074907

Paul and Anna are not very attractive. I don’t know why you would trust their opinion

No. 2074912

are anti-semites correct?(racebait)

No. 2074920

It blows that there are so few places online where anybody can admit this, because most places have poorer versions of these people trying to prop up their own grifts or vanity. I always smile when I remember the bitter rage of secretgamergrrl after he got locked out of the grifter girl club.

No. 2074935

The other organizer of National Futurism with Rachel Haywire is Nick Dolinger who used to be Curtis Yarvin’s roommate aka it’s just some SovH shit(sage your shit)

No. 2074946

Low cheekbones and weak jaw is not textbook Slavic. You are retarded

No. 2074993

no, weirdo, assholes abound in every ethnic group

No. 2075005

File: 1736269066989.mp4 (2.84 MB, 320x568, ptd.mp4)

Are they dating?

No. 2075008

In what world did he ever pass?

No. 2075040

the nikadoavocado mannerisms are atrocious

No. 2075076

yeah this has to be ai because i refuse to believe it lmao

No. 2075101

File: 1736284758142.png (285.96 KB, 592x473, jpm.png)

Any milk on Justin P Murphy? I remember seeing an old tweet Kantbot about his "party house" and connections to Peter Thiel.

No. 2075115

Mr. Necrophilia? What's he up to these days?

No. 2075117

I hope, if he's actually sincere about this lifestyle sea change and doing it to comport with his faith and not just for more clouty trend-chasing, he'll stop being such a weird queen about it. Humble thyself.

No. 2075161

Detrans with humiliation kink? Predicting suicide in one year

No. 2075187

File: 1736304247191.jpeg (319.01 KB, 719x765, IMG_2671.jpeg)

JM has worked for Curtis Yarvin for a long time, and uses his podcast to promote Urbit/Thiel world. Every time Yarvin does a ‘war address’ JM is the host

No. 2075191

File: 1736305237688.png (1.81 MB, 982x1374, where did she go.png)

Speaking of Urbit…
>2025…I am forgotten

No. 2075200


crashed out and went back to LA I think?

No. 2075203

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Passage Press is hosting a Coronation Ball on the 19th at the Watergate in Washington DC to celebrate Trump winning the election. Yarvin, Anna, Dasha and others are set to attend. The Ball is being funded by Remilia Corporation which is ran by Indian pedophile Rohit (also known as Krishna) Okhandiar, also behind Miladymaker

No. 2075287

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Third stringer podcast drama really makes you appreciate how the big ones put the money before anything else

No. 2075311

File: 1736353418251.png (1.12 MB, 1908x1093, lmao.png)

I wish this scene would completely die so they'd have to get real jobs.

No. 2075322

File: 1736355015490.jpg (114.83 KB, 1080x648, 1735507545200.jpg)

wasn't she shitting on techies like two weeks ago during the ramaswamy h1-b thing? crazy that she's already turning her back on that just to go pal around with moldbug (the very definition of an ugly tech nerd with freakish unamerican beliefs) and an indian groomer.

No. 2075330

how has this open pedophile not be disinherited by his family yet? it should be illegal for him to even touch a kilt. his vibes are so rancid trump is going to take one look at him and his snaggly teeth and deport all indians immediately. they destabilize their own movement with their obsession with bpd pussy, yarvin should know better.

No. 2075331

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No. 2075339

Lot's of milky drama surrounding Sean McCarthy. He had the Grubstakers podcasts with 3 other nerds and they had a major falling out and shut down the podcast. The Indian cohost was on reddit bitching about him I recall.

No. 2075350

Does anyone have the screenshot of Liz Bruenig calling him out for creeping on her underage babysitter?

No. 2075433

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I feel bad for Sean. He's a talented tweeted but will never experience mainstream success because he's too socially awkward and ugly.

No. 2075434


No. 2075435

File: 1736372199026.png (99.56 KB, 339x541, liz bruenig sean mccarthy figh…)

I gotchu

No. 2075450

These people are incapable of sincerity.

No. 2075455

File: 1736377153543.png (1.37 MB, 1614x1540, joshcitarella.png)

congrats to this guy for landing another name in the coastal podcaster universe

No. 2075457

What's up with her face? Fillers or botox?

No. 2075464

He hates women so I don't feel bad for him at all

No. 2075468

100% chance Kelly/Audrey Horneshows up since it's in DC and proves yet again that her 'you can't fire me i quit' schtick was indeed cope. Forever be the most shameless and hollow cloutchaser.

No. 2075470

File: 1736379906590.jpg (24.75 KB, 491x489, incel.jpg)

Getting rejected by the fairer sex is extra infuriating when you have a high opinion of yourself

No. 2075473

He’s a lame interviewer

No. 2075477

File: 1736381170417.png (91.02 KB, 1093x545, he lives.png)

No. 2075479

Likewise most of the e-celebs discussed in these threads are misanthropic because they were losers in high school and college

No. 2075481

No just kinda ugly

No. 2075543

File: 1736397974430.png (1.42 MB, 1100x1328, who from whoville.png)

Why is her mouth like that?

No. 2075544

did she get a facelift? under her chin is weird too

No. 2075563

Jeff the killer lookin ass

Anna and Dasha have both had an upper blepharoplasty and mini facelifts at minimum in addition to the filler Botox lasers and tret they admit to. And yeah something went very wrong with Dasha’s mouth area because this cartoon villain lip curl is new as of the last couple years. All that money to go from a haggard 4 to a bogged 6

No. 2075565

This guy has less charisma and lower verbal IQ than Lex Fridman and that's saying something

No. 2075577

i like how he had to keep his eyes furrowed for the whole hour so we'd know he doesn't approve of her bog standard conservatism. the capitalist accelerationist who also is in the thielverse working on urbit got more grace than she did, it was a smart play for her to give him nothing. dasha attempts to flirt for the girlies' sake but the host is too concerned with how his patreon simps will perceive him to engage in any banter, and they all still cried in the comments anyway. i wish he'd have jensen or lierre keith on to give those marxbro radlibs something to really cry about.

No. 2075582

I think she just has cheek and jawline filler that’s migrating, the lower third of her face has that textbook blocky jowly thing going on especially in motion. I seriously have no idea what’s up with her mouth though like wtf is happening there?

No. 2075587

bell's palsy from alcoholism or herpes inflammation?

No. 2075588

God Felix is so fucking repulsive

No. 2075641

She’s always had a weird face, even back in her sailor socialism days. I have a hard time believing she’s had any major work done. She just looks more and more unsettling with time because long term malnutrition is turbo charging loss of bone density, leading to a more and more sunken in, elongated old lady face. Additionally I think long term retinol is literally blanching the natural contrast around the eyes and mouth that a youthful female face should have, making her look even more crypto-elderly and cursed. Finally, the little girl headband contrasting with the bleach damaged and thin hair gives it that extra chief’s kiss of ick.

Also, what was up with Citerella in this video? He looked like he just got back from a three day bender, unwashed hair, purple moons under his eyes, sallow skin tone. I’ve never seen him look so bad.

No. 2075657

File: 1736428867313.png (105.86 KB, 1032x478, chapo.png)

Matt Christman was on the latest Chapo? Did anyone listen?

No. 2075659

saw The Beast a few months back and I remember her character making this exact same expression/mouth thing. Was so bizarre looking it caught me off guard and I actually paused the movie for a second. Thought it was a weird acting choice but guess not. Anyone else remember what I’m talking about?

No. 2075677

Your image pretty much sums it up, he didn't sound as fucked up as you might think and interjected every so often. I don't think he'll be doing the rants that the fans love for awhile though. Before that they've started featuring him reading poetry at the end of episodes.

No. 2075718

>the little girl headband contrasting with the bleach damaged and thin hair gives it that extra chief’s kiss of ick.

Lmao this is spot on. That plus the dowdy cardigan is giving granny autopedophile.

>long term retinol is literally blanching the natural contrast

I think she’s using a high coverage foundation thats washing her out. The jawline contour also looks bad and unnatural.

No. 2075722

heterodorx has a jensen interview

No. 2075733

File: 1736445873201.png (462.81 KB, 730x837, teh.png)

40 year old Anna sending her moid followers to harass a teenage girl on edtwt as if Dasha isn't a notorious wannarexic and they both didn't pander to that community on their podcast for the longest time

No. 2075736

fasting and purging, wow so retarded so sad unlike me, a middle aged alcorexic

No. 2075742

File: 1736446827525.png (490.44 KB, 1982x715, hitler.png)

RFH used to appear on The Right Stuff nazi podcasts?

No. 2075762

Scrotefarms claims they aren’t gossips unlike girlcow and only post caps yet still won’t post any proof about her that substantiates their rumors and will desperately try to attack her reputation anywhere they can online, but tear their hair out and scream about their e daddy sammy being a good boy who dindu nothing even when null gives them a reality check with a full breakdown.

No. 2075764

There was a podcast episode on TRS where it was Jugs (former cohost of Perfume Nationalist) and another woman along with Eric Striker. They talked about wholesome things like avoiding Jewish businesses. The podcast was going to be a white nationalist version of Red Scare but fell through because the two women got into an argument and one of the doxxed Jugs. I don't believe the other woman was RFH but I could be wrong.

No. 2075766

File: 1736452009105.jpeg (698.5 KB, 1424x1068, IMG_7646.jpeg)

Weird post suggesting both her father and brother have died, simps reading it that way but she doesn’t confirm
Very sad if it is the case

No. 2075769

You're clearly new here since the past few threads have included recordings of her on the Daily Shoah. Stop coming on here to defend an alt right woman and go back to where you came from

No. 2075774

it’s illiterate newfags incapable of reading the OP before commenting some retarded shit. that screen cap was about call her daddy though

No. 2075775

Just reads like the stims wore off tbh.

No. 2075803

File: 1736459223580.png (1.32 MB, 748x1490, dasha the beast.png)

No. 2075809

She was posting the other week about finally extricating herself from all abusive relationships for the first time in her life, and also (in a separate thread) about how she'll always have love for the men in her life even after whatever relationship she's had with them is over, so maybe they were abusive and she definitively cut them off? Idk maybe I'm reading into it too much thoughever

No. 2075810

Almost a month since the shooting and she hasn't reactivated her twitter account. Are we sure the manifesto is fake?

No. 2075812

Please go back to the subreddit

No. 2075819

This tweet made me realize Khachiyan writes exactly like a self-hating misanthropic faggot

No. 2075823

Jack writes her tweets

No. 2075834

She has always been a strange looking woman, I think her edited selfies are what confuses people because she makes her face prettier. She was getting lip injections for some time too- appears to have stopped since her lips are back to paper thin. Not sure why her mouth would be turned up like that, though. Maybe some kind of mini face lift

No. 2075835

File: 1736463479231.jpg (492.61 KB, 812x1250, Stinkwife.jpg)

Yarvin's stink-wife that got bullied of of twitter (right) with Victoria Campbell of Spike Art at some palladium event

No. 2075836

File: 1736463899412.webp (139.09 KB, 1193x1297, annatweet.webp)

would be very funny if this is actually honest and she's ruining her (and her son's by extension eventually) life for nothing

No. 2075837

What is a stink-wife? I searched for "Rachel Horvath" and moldbug or yarvin and couldn't find anything. Last I heard moldbug's wife had died and he was playing "hide the sausage" with Pariah the Troon for a short period of time.

No. 2075839

>Really young anorexic and possibly underage girl doing extreme dieting
>Anorexic "art critic" woman with a child calling her retarded cause she can't do that level of extreme dieting anymore
Whose the jackass here again?

No. 2075840

File: 1736464572553.png (40.9 KB, 718x350, mjhgfvbn.png)

They desperately want to still be seen as edgy, new, and alternative- and to be frank her addressing this reads as extremely vague. I'm sure him backing projects THEY'VE hosted means nothing since our immigrant queen anna would totes be open about it!!! It's so fucking gay, they think we're stupid. Also her shit isn't really that "niche" since she has that whole connection with charli xcx lol. Pathetic

No. 2075841

everyone in this scene has jaw problems

No. 2075852

File: 1736466510733.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1179x1638, IMG_7366.jpeg)

this is her main account, she’s chewing and spitting. ed bitches so disgusting. all this to be some mid skinny bitch(spoiler this)

No. 2075857

Please spoiler this nonna

No. 2075867

File: 1736468537810.gif (4.54 MB, 500x375, BAOB0UF.gif)

Jim carrey ass

No. 2075868

Hoooooly fuck! why doesn’t she throw then out when they’re full at least

No. 2075891

File: 1736470586701.png (3.06 MB, 1628x1358, 'just tret' anna.png)

>Guys these are my own original opinions that just happen to 100% align with the billionaire who funds all my friends. I say this as the most truthful person on the entire internet: I do not take money from Peter Thiel and I will inform you when I do.

No. 2075893

But nonna, she's an autist for the truth. Of course it's only skincare–not fillers and plastic surgery and expensive treatments. Why would she lie?

No. 2075897

More likely they’d cut her off if anything
They both might just have left Sydney too
Whatever the case making out like they died and knowing that’s how it’s being read if they haven’t would be truly nuts

No. 2075910

Do you think insurance covered her nose job because bifid tips are technically deformities?

No. 2075911

Dasha says the cultural shift to the right is in part due to the trans stuff and the host says nothing

No. 2075921

File: 1736480960298.jpeg (851.39 KB, 1706x1958, 0236AE0D-975F-45FC-9FAB-816305…)

Idk if this retard actually thinks she's making any point or she's just being purposely obtuse, but the claim isn't that for you to be Thiel funded it means you're necessarily directly receiving a wire transfer. Everyone has already caught on that the scene she and Dasha have essentially been spearheading, as a whole, is entirely astroturfed, and Thiel is their biggest backer.
>Thiel funds Urbit, Urbit funds Dimes Square
>Thiel funds Sovereign House, Sovereign House throw events to be attended by the Dimes Square crowd, it's used as their hangout spot
>Thiel funds film festivals and other events to be attended by the same crowd
>Thiel funds Praxis, they draw in the Dimes Square crowd to their events
>Thiel funds Polymarket, they draw in the Dimes Square crowd to their events

Your appeal isn't niche, it isn't organic, and what appeal you do have comes largely from sponsorship by bad actors who at the least themselves are being funded by a tech oligarch sodomite

(A sodomite who was probably involved in foul play when his boy toy fell out of a window last year: "Thomas , the name of the 35-year-old man, was found dead in front of a luxury apartment complex in Miami on March 8, 2023. Although friends, colleagues and followers of Thomas attested to his consistently positive attitude to life and Thomas posted pictures of a relaxing spa stay on social media at 11:43 a.m. on the day of his death, just a few hours before his unexpected death, the male model is said to have thrown himself to his death shortly after this relaxation session. Without any discernible motive. Without a suicide note. The police still classify the case as suicide There is no evidence of external influence."
https://www.regenauer.press/gestatten-peter-thiel –Nevermind his connections to Epstein and NSO Group. Good primer on this satanic faggot from a German source)

No. 2075931

No. 2075942

File: 1736483110558.jpg (219.81 KB, 1080x1109, Gg409SoWcAAbM7x.jpg)

Something that I took note of is that these people also justify taking thielbux even if they say they aren't taking it- anna says there's nothing wrong with it in her tweet. What kind of fucking gayop is this

No. 2075947

i think sometimes she purposefully curls her lips in a weird manner in an attempt at looking quirky and faerie esque

No. 2075953

Consensus across the board even from the hangers-on is that the Harper’s event was dulll and the Red Scare hosts were incoherent.

No. 2075972

I think it is an affectation too. It looks a bit like an anime smile, or an egirl expression. I think Belle Delphine’s lips curl like that. Dasha is nothing if not constantly 5 years late on what’s hot in uwu aesthetics.

No. 2075984

It’s basically a mainstream position right now even among liberals/leftists/marxists unless they are troons themselves, troonbrainrotted handmaidens or aging millennial liberal activists. No one wants to deal tranny shit anymore but especially straight men in leftist spaces in nyc, I’ve seen it with own eyes

No. 2076025

>BPD hag that always tells everyone to let it go and get over it can't let it go and get over it
>"I'm not whoring for sympathy but I'm whoring for sympathy tee-hee"
Many such cases!

No. 2076030

Thiel and Vance are living proof that male homosexuality isn't real

No. 2076034

She was finally facedoxxed. Can't go back to pretending to be hot on Twitter.

No. 2076043

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No. 2076057

she has been so insecure lately

No. 2076075

No. 2076078

She’s right though

No. 2076154

it's kinda funny seeing the subreddit hate A&D like lc now

No. 2076157

I mean Eli is a Jewish man so mommy issues checks out and if ‘trust fund drummer’ doesn’t scream self-indulgent idk what does, Annas just mad her salty little projections are so easy to clock

Also I love Anna’s larp that she’s so tight-lipped and stoic about herself, Ive listened to maybe 5 episodes of the pod and I know she’s a self-admitted alcoholic, her psycho mom beat her growing up, she craved her brilliant but remote alcoholic dad’s approval, she got ran thru by Indian and black men as a teen, claims she was sex trafficked and worked as a prostitute, and she and Eli have (had?) a dramatic relationship with public drunken slap fights. She’s so desperate to be NLOG but she traumadumps constantly like a mentally ill redditor. Surprisingly Dasha is the one actually pretty tight lipped about her background and relationships, she doesnt seem to share Anna’s compulsive need to self disclose while insisting she’s not hung up on her past or desperate for approval

No. 2076213

Not true re: Dasha. She used to spill sm about herself back when she was dating Adam. She shared her body count back when Kaitlyn Philips was a guest and some guy clipped it and put it on youtube (taken down by now?), talked about shoplifting, talked about getting ‘raped’ by a director in la (surely a low level one, since she didn’t hint at his name) and having a drunk fight with adam because their friend Cameron (i forget his last name but i know he was mentioned here before, maybe another nonna might remember) told Adam she cheated. The last one, I couldn’t tell you the episode, but it was while she was with Adam

No. 2076255

Dasha would constantly talk about her private life all the time on the pod, especially when she was with Adam. To the point where she would disclose details of their sex life, usually without adam’s consent lol. She is certainly not tight lipped at all and is just as big on oversharing as Anna. Unfortunately, I know too much about her indiscretions and sex life.

No. 2076268

File: 1736559089009.png (200.43 KB, 2444x375, marie calloway.png)

From a pervious thread.

Does anyone have recent (post surgery) pics of Marie Calloway?

No. 2076277

Reddit is always years behind on imageboard meta

No. 2076289

What’s her real name?

No. 2076404

RFH is back on twitter acting like nothing happened

No. 2076544

File: 1736634373934.png (136.36 KB, 1063x504, drama.png)

No. 2076605

I might be in the minority here, but I find her kinda cute. She’s one of the better looking women in this scene, which is not saying a lot, but at least she’s decent looking

No. 2076609

nothing happened in terms to her being guilty of inspiring a shooting, that was a fake screenshot. what happened was female farmers here leaked a full facedoxx of her, better than the blurry clubhouse pic scrotes already had (you know if they had it they would've already posted it) where she looks like a low tier mid, and the daily shoa podcast recordings where she's sucking up to neo nazis and talking about neutering nonwhites have been out for a long time. it's funny cause she posted about checking lolcow but she will pretend she didn't see it and continue lying about ever going on TRS and keep talking about how hot she is. calling herself a radical feminist while being a part of this thiel adjacent crowd of rightoid pedos bit her in the ass but she's better off ignoring it or she will alienate half her retard followers

No. 2076615

She speaks entirely in stolen tpot memes. I saw a post that said basically "guy who believes in the JQ but thinks theyre doing a great job" but now cant find it". Same with the landshark oneshot theory other ppl posted about Luigi. 0 original thought

No. 2076638

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No. 2076726

Lmao describes her perfectly

No. 2076895

File: 1736711118919.jpg (31.41 KB, 382x358, FtyqurqWYAEy_4S.jpg)

Her appearance has changed so much over the years

No. 2076933

File: 1736719147463.jpeg (163.4 KB, 1170x1136, GhHqjXpWgAALvXm.jpeg)

Anna is full-blown posting in her Reddit form over this.

No. 2076936

No. 2076939

File: 1736720369525.png (234.27 KB, 1212x1038, sacrificed art scene that shou…)

No. 2076940

File: 1736720435943.png (223.94 KB, 1178x984, we lost southpaw and now we ha…)

No. 2076947

She has a meltdown like this every single day now.

Btw any milk on citarella?

No. 2076993

File: 1736726745941.jpeg (129.98 KB, 1500x1125, IMG_7412.jpeg)

Bangs change up your face quite a bit like in picrel. The drugging over the years and weight loss (when she didn’t really need to lose weight) made her look more gaunt too

No. 2076997

In a few years Dasha will look worse than pre surgery Anna

No. 2077041

Riiight for Dasha it’s the bangs and for Anna it’s the tretinoin and definitely NOT the plastic surgery they’ve both very obviously had

No. 2077046

I am sure they had things done but they were always weird looking people. Not like plastic surgery is the only reason

No. 2077092

His father Kenneth is a criminal prosecutor in westchester which I’ve always found ironic. Family get togethers must be awkward

No. 2077094

Tony from DrugCultGang was talking shit about him in a recent pod. Also claims to have fucked his ex.(sage your shit)

No. 2077125

Jesus, imagine getting intellectually mogged by Dean fucking Kissick
the saddest douchebag on the scene still outshone those cunts

No. 2077198

>words words words words words
Unbothered as always

No. 2077235

Must run in his family

He is a fed for redirecting any potential left wing radicalism https://donotresearch.substack.com/p/joshua-citarella-how-to-plant-a-meme

He made a reading list he charged$$ for and sent legal threats to some Catboy deleuzean (?) for reposting it lol

No. 2077237

What podcast?(sage your shit)

No. 2077269

the reading list in question was an episode of red scare and an Adam Curtis movie

His whole persona is pretending he’s the same as a terminally online teenager

No. 2077327

File: 1736785243883.jpeg (710.69 KB, 1125x1031, IMG_9350.jpeg)

No. 2077449

Unga bunga chimp looking ass bitch

No. 2077501

File: 1736805685091.jpeg (118.88 KB, 1025x600, IMG_0799.jpeg)

word is Pariah was banned from passage Ball due to the Man’s World drama and now his daddy is lashing out

No. 2077519

File: 1736808473976.mp4 (3.03 MB, 720x1280, maddie grimes oblivion.mp4)

Did Maddie get bucc'd?

No. 2077524

What drama?

No. 2077568

Madam Lanza

No. 2077572

File: 1736813485984.jpg (785.99 KB, 1080x1967, Screenshot_20250113_191015_Fir…)

No. 2077575

>calling a stomach-turning account of sex abuse ‘smut’
Anna telling on herself again

No. 2077590

Networks, publishers and even individual journalists do make those accounts intentionally ~titillating~ and outside the scope of necessary knowledge to draw in moid readers. That she practically admitted that, to those same moid readers is fucking hilarious though

No. 2077595

righties freaking out about a troon being on a right-wing ladmag, lefties freaking out about a troon being on a right-wing ladmag, apolitical people laughing at the cringe

No. 2077620

anna is correct here. the article read like one of those booktok gooner novels.

No. 2077649

>"stomach churning account of sex abuse"
>he fucked the baby sitter then didn't leave his wife for her
nonnas you dont really believe this whole thing isnt just classic bpdemon shenanigans right?(derailing)

No. 2077651

Is this what he looks like now or did they intentionally choose a photo where he looks like an aging lesbian middle manager for visceral ick?

Haven’t read the article yet but just this cover design does indeed prop up Anna’s argument

No. 2077730

This article made me feel uncomfortable as fuck, even as a sexual assault victim myself I’m having a difficult time comprehending these weird “I just got raped” selfies that are paired with the story?

No. 2077761

File: 1736834287865.png (Spoiler Image,697.9 KB, 883x647, Screen Shot 2025-01-13 at 11.5…)

>I was excited to have a sober, sedate and serious discussion about the state of contemporary art with one of its last standing critics.
I don't think she realizes that people who are like that just are. They don't need to shit and cry and write articles about it. If you care so much about art critic you could just focus on that instead of reeing about current meme of the week.
Fuck Anna but that article is very odd if you actually check it out pic related

No. 2077782

File: 1736882980271.png (45.87 KB, 629x519, anna.png)

Very predictably, she called the victims "BPD art hoes". Picrel is correct, her need to see mentally ill art hoes everywhere makes sense if you contrast it with her non-career in art. Most of her statements on women are really statements about herself or what she would have loved to be, had she not been busy doing nothing, taking selfies, being afraid of her own shadow and monitoring her weight all day long. Aimee is exactly like this too
The article's weird but this is not the first time she tells on herself by saying real-life rape is a fantasy. She's just a sensually diminished masochist at the end of the day

No. 2077811

>inb4 this bait works and Anna starts trauma-dumping about some sexual abuse she experienced but was soooo big girl unbothered by it

No. 2077836

>the state of contemporary art
What contemporary art is this hag even aware of? She, the "art right", and this entire gay scene think being edgy and throwing parties with all the affectation of culture with none of the substance constitutes some form of "performance art" to cope with the fact they cannot produce anything but podcasts and twitter takes. At least retarded Tao Lin managed to put a few paragraphs together.

No. 2077840

File: 1736890517796.jpg (827.38 KB, 2048x1411, dasha berlinale awards 4.jpg)

>they cannot produce anything but podcasts and twitter takes

No. 2077881

File: 1736897109384.jpg (340.27 KB, 1794x1062, delusions of dasha.jpg)

oh yeah Scary, great little flick and so funny how it won a berlinale the year a billionaire started astroturfing you haha anyway good for you still riding that high 5 years later. anyway can a nonna please post pics of dasha's Times Square Chanel billboard, Cannes pics with Gaspard Noe and copious upcoming prominent film and television projects on IMDb? i must have i missed them

No. 2077892

In 2019, Anna claimed that she was sexually trafficked as a teenager on one of the podcast's Epstein episodes.

No. 2077985

Kekkk bet it's because it added drama for a trendy, acceptable subject matter (every other moid likes discussing Epstein in-between blaming victims of rape). If Epstein wasn't a safe subject she'd glaze him and there would be no trafficking anecdote

No. 2078009

And to think just recently Jen called it a compliment to have her Redfem podcast compared to Anna and Dasha's. Jen can be a contrarian as well (moreso than Hannah) but apparently Anna is too much for her now as well

No. 2078052

you're totally right. rs would hold water for epstein in 2025

No. 2078111

As a shockingly ugly woman who never experienced proper courting and simping, Anna innately believes that being "worthy" of rape and trafficking means you are desirable and therefore attractive. For ugly women, this is as good as it gets. They don't get worship and desperation, the only indication of sexual interest that's available to them is men being willing to fuck them, doesn't matter how or on what terms. When any woman dares to take issue with being raped, women like Anna feel unfathomable indignation (similar to watching a billionaire whine about their "struggles" while she can't pay the electricity bill), or perceive it as bragging. This is harsh but true.

Ultimately this is the reason why she can't help but scold every rape victim in this distinct tone of envy and competition, followed by something along the lines of "a-and I was once hot enough to rape too btw and I don't complain!".

No. 2078117

>who never experienced proper courting and simping

Both of them have experienced simping since their right wing pivot. I think this is why they have such disdain for the left. When they were leftist art-hoes they got no male attention. Now that they're post-left edgelords they're getting the money fame and male attention they feel they've always deserved.

No. 2078120

Being occasionally treated as worthy of one shameful fap? Indeed and like I said, this is as good as it gets for ugly women. That's not what true simping is.

No man does anything for Anna and Dasha. No man is infatuated with them. There's not even any elementary stuff like commitment, let alone gifts or favors. Anna can't even get her baby daddy to stick around, let alone do anything except deign to nut in her. Literally no one has ever courted them with the most basic of gestures. Hell, even the attention from their self proclaimed internet simps is intermixed with "ironically" disparaging them.

They're no one's prizes and no one's goddesses, except perhaps to ugly Midwestern women who want to move to NYC.

No. 2078121

File: 1736952880394.mp4 (1.27 MB, 888x1920, RPReplay_Final1736952705.mp4)

It was actually the "Tell your Kids This Is a SWERD" episode.

No. 2078145


Nonny this isn’t serious right? Neither of them have ever been the object of desire of rich powerful men in the arts, culture or politics (Gaimen, Weinstein, Trump whatever) and are way past the point of ever being, even as the house wife. That’s what really grinds their gears.

No. 2078146

>the only indication of sexual interest that's available to them is men being willing to fuck them, doesn't matter how or on what terms
Nailed it. Normie ugly women develop standards nonetheless and often learn to value themselves outside of sexuality, but Anna is still stuck in her ugly girl complex. She's a mentally ill OF model in spirit
Not intended bait, but she took it and replied after lurking here. You know it stung her since her only response is a faux nonchalant 'umm you're crazy! grow up!'

No. 2078149

Bingo, but the tragedy of A&D is that they do not have the dignity, pride or the braincells to be able to establish an identity outside of (miniscule and begrudged) male approval. Thus they are stuck in a pit of mid - too ugly to be dream girls, too dumb to be intellectual icons, getting neither infatuated simping nor stately respect.

No. 2078150

Yeah she’s quite literally jealous (as insane as it sounds) of the raped woman as evidenced by her barely disguised seething about “evil bpd attention whores” (also projection).
She’s the type to be jealous of her own daughter for getting molested by the father.

No. 2078166

I agree. My point was that they've been consistently rejected by men their entire lives. Now that they're b-list e-celebes they have hordes of ugly guys on X simping for them.

No. 2078180

Do you remember any details?

No. 2078183

and dated a marxist guy who was so obnoxious she became rightwing and fell into the clutches of a yandere jew

No. 2078184

stop making me feel bad for them

No. 2078186

File: 1736966207847.png (275.42 KB, 598x1107, former chapo listener richard …)

Fair criticism. Crazy that Chapo has been a thing for almost 10 years. I remember in the early days thinking they would be as big as Joe Rogan, and 2020 when they convinced a lot of people that Bernie could win. Now it's just an unfunny comedy and movie review podcast hosted by petulant rich kids.

No. 2078187

>They romanticise one of their midwits - though a midwit who was fully psychotic - Luigi Mangione
The weegee anons aren't gonna like that kek

No. 2078239

the dasha doomscroll interview has a part two that's paywalled, is there an upload anywhere?

No. 2078253

>they romanticize…mangione, while denouncing violence. they won't…intellectually justify [terrorist acts].
Dickie Spence is engaging in some delulu wishful thinking here; Chapoids aren't exactly at WU levels of "direct action" yet, but they will, to a man, justify any and all historical or hypothetical instances of left-wing terrorism.

No. 2078336

not even a leftoid and I felt a pang of asspain from this, 10/10

No. 2078464

OT but does anyone know what A&D actually do all day with their time besides chain smoke and shitpost? Neither of them work outside of recording the podcast once every two weeks, Dasha hasn’t filmed anything or done a shoot in at least year, and Anna’s kid is in preschool half the day. Yet they have no hobbies, no passions, Anna never wrote that book she was talking about, Dasha’s recent depop pics show she can’t even be bothered to clean her apartment and still lives in semi squalor. Like what do they do for the majority of their day everyday?

No. 2078488

>Chapoids aren't exactly at WU levels of "direct action" yet

Good one

No. 2078490

File: 1737030977042.png (158.44 KB, 1031x735, sad life.png)

Hot women make 7 figures on OF because they're narcissists

No. 2078507

Your penis math for today, brought to you by Gender of Accountability:

Moid is a degenerate gooner sex pest: he is a sex addict and a victim of the sex cartel;
Moid is an obese spheroid: he is a food addict and a victim of food dealers (women bringing cookies to work);
Woman is a promiscuous whore: she is a whore and a bad person with no dignity or self control;
Woman is an obese spheroid: she is fat and a bad person with no dignity and self control.

Literally nothing people of penis do can be their fault, they're meat automatons responding to stimuli. For example, when a man is a pedophile, it's because children are gaming his endogenous pedophiloid system, which is exactly the same as getting addicted to fentanyl. This is precisely why everyone should trust them with limitless authority.

No. 2078511

>Dasha’s depop
Link pls? I love her cowish body edits, you know it kills her to have finally achieved an 18 bmi and still look bigbacked with no waist

No. 2078530

> They don't get worship and desperation
you say that like these are good things and not just moids being bottomless pits of need and willing to pay to be tolerated by actual humans
but I agree that the bitterest things on Earth are pickmes who never get picked

No. 2078565

Anorexics spend most of their alone time in torpor

No. 2078681

No. 2078740

File: 1737078309468.jpg (451.54 KB, 2762x906, size 36 lol.jpg)

thanks nonna, not this tacky bitch trying to sell old Brandy tees for $20 (arent they cheaper new) and offload her tragic ambien RealReal buys. the sheer dresses she models showing full pussy lips and butthole are still languishing at $200+ lmao, guess dasha's slutty Picnic at Hanging Rock fantasy was lost on her simps

and as expected the body edits are wild. wavy arms in every pic trying to give herself a waist. picrel at left is so bad - she gave herself weird long ape arms stretching her torso and fully obliterated the negative space between her arm and body in search of an hourglass. the pic at right at least resembles her real body but looks nothing like the waif in the left two pics. someone needs to delete her facetune asap

No. 2078914

File: 1737126391168.jpeg (95.52 KB, 828x468, IMG_2394.jpeg)

I do get the vibe that the whole point of her having a depop is “look how tiny I am” when so much of it is NWT/never worn because it doesn’t fit her.

Picrel she’s taking potshots on a listing for a skirt she likely can’t fit over a single thigh. Classy!

No. 2078936

true about the chapos, I have always considered Dickie the least retarded of his ilk. but he clearly doesnt know what neoliberalism actually is, judging by reductionist "gas prices high" take.
Weegee fits the bill of the ideal archetype for this type of rightoid. STEMcel valedictorian, looks attractive and lifts: they wish they were him, hence the seething. he reached a conclusion about the American healthcare industry most of Dickie's cohort are too cowardly to confront. Instead they either go into deranged rants about the jews or pick a soft target like a school to shoot up.

No. 2079012

>he reached a conclusion about the American healthcare industry
What conclusion is that? That guy was replaced in a day and nothing changed.

No. 2079243

File: 1737225820105.png (528.12 KB, 914x603, goon.png)

No. 2079259

She's not wrong about most of the OF "entrepreneurs". My understanding is that only the top 0.1% make any real money (like most things). Matt Walsh is a dweeb despite being right about troons.

No. 2079275

She's being cheeky with it, but a "gooner" is a nickname for an Arsenal fan, nona…

No. 2079336

>not to whiteknight dasha buuut ackshually fellow farmer…

No. 2079652

File: 1737335938731.jpeg (468.42 KB, 640x894, 2D477C62-9714-423B-B92B-3E74A0…)

Nature is healing

No. 2079664

Who's on the left?

No. 2079668

Miles the De-Troon

No. 2079673

Jesus Christ these people go crazy with the facetune/photoshop(sage your shit)

No. 2079834

Old but I didn't see it in previous threads.

The Safide Brothers went on Chapo to promote Uncut Gems and Felix spent the entire episode unsuccessfully trying to impress them with his autistic forum bro humor. At one point he brings up Dan Quinn, a mentally unstable old guy from some obscure MMA site he's been obsessed with for years. Toward the end of the interview Will encourages them to hang out with him. It was sad witnessing a socially awkward e-celeb trying to act cool in front of real celebrities.

No. 2079844

File: 1737383529216.png (482.05 KB, 1391x883, GRAid2RWQAAPmk5.png)

Male /r/redscarepod users…

No. 2079846

wtf is this lesbian? How did lesbian even come to mind?

No. 2079850

Seems like felix has become somehow more autistic in recent years, ever since covid with the obsession with animals and fighter planes. A lot of his recent tweets are just all caps yelling with no irony anymore. Maybe the stress of actually having to help carry the show with matt talking much less is getting to him.

No. 2079870

It's the drugs

No. 2079876

File: 1737394111765.jpg (185.27 KB, 1170x2080, elenavelez 474147454_132439592…)

latest elena velez sighting. this woman is incredible.

No. 2079879

She at the inauguration?

No. 2079880

Nothing fabulous about this literally who

No. 2079891

incredibly ridiculous, but certainly on the hustle

No. 2079904

boldly flaunting the back rolls

No. 2079910

File: 1737405732293.jpg (174.79 KB, 1170x2080, 474378749_1830049231076423_310…)

she's a successful designer.(whiteknight)

No. 2079931

She's a laughing stock who's pathetic efforts were rightly cremated upon arrival by the few people that even noticed. Her pitiful snippet of a career is entirely astroturfed by Thiel money and everyone knows.
Like the rest of this dying 'scene'.

No. 2079957

File: 1737412622274.jpg (113.34 KB, 1170x2080, 474573248_1148692903282394_385…)

via cernovich's wife's IG

No. 2079969

Anna looks terrible. What happened?

No. 2080112

Why aren't mods redtexting obvious selfposts? Did they just give up on the leftcows thread?

No. 2080214

this bootleg ripoff of Wicked looks terrible

No. 2080216

any pics of Audrey Horne at the Passage Press ball?(unsaged spoonfeeding request)

No. 2080374

File: 1737495412817.png (2.25 MB, 1914x1292, trapped.png)

No. 2080438

File: 1737507615629.png (3.74 MB, 2118x1424, mulldawginterview.png)

exciting new commentary from nick mullen - wondering how much longer he's gonna make it

No. 2080444


Either the light is hitting Felix's hair weird or he's dyeing it

No. 2080451

Why do they look so shiny and greasy?

No. 2080463

They collectively weigh about 280 lbs soaking wet kek

No. 2080476

File: 1737519261938.png (2.91 MB, 1982x2414, gqpassageball.png)

new gq article on this very dumb event. faildaughter maddie was reduced to 'with friend' in the image caption on the gq article with dasha.

No. 2080490

does nobody clip nick anymore? no way i'm watching over an hour of destiny

well that was a whole lot of nothing. cowardly to blur the guests.

No. 2080526

File: 1737533204543.jpeg (194.46 KB, 946x2048, IMG_0549.jpeg)

She was an object of desire to Weinstein. But it wasn’t Harvey!

No. 2080573

Has no one seriously told Weinstein that she isn't actually jewish, like at all. I would have thought he'd have been furious after the last time when she duped him and made him look a fool.

No. 2080589

File: 1737549124195.jpg (332.87 KB, 2372x1126, anna b4 thielbuxx.jpg)

anna's always been a chincel with a giant schnoz and creepy little rat teeth, all the filler and ablative lasers in the world can't make this bitch not look like Count Chocula

lol good one nonny, never forget what anna did to make Red Scare pop off. a year or so ago on the pod anna admitted to doing a threesome with "a right wing personality and his sidekick" around this time and she made it clear she found it humiliating, i was surprised that admission didn't get more traction here

No. 2080591

Isn't she like 12% Ashkenazi according to her DNA test?

No. 2080625

Destiny accuses Nick of being a DB leftist. Nick says he never was and that the label stuck because he was friends and roommates with many of them.

No. 2080635

How is it that the guy who blew nick fuentes got the most unironic candid interview out of mullen? Also lol at nick distancing himself from the dirtbag left "those were just my roommates" like he wasn't knocking on doors for bernie and adam wasn't a literal card carrying member of the DSA.

No. 2080641

File: 1737559279351.jpeg (52.55 KB, 1064x593, GhvsAOraMAA_3cw.jpeg)

They realize the left has no future and that most of their fans are chuds

No. 2080648

are you sure it was Weinstein?

No. 2080655

File: 1737562341169.jpg (303.24 KB, 1658x1008, i have no idea what you're tal…)

no of course not i wasn't there and anna lies about everything but Weinstein seems likely given the timing, his status as gatekeeper to Peter Thiel's money, and his obvious interest in Anna. watch the episode of weinstein's podcast anna appeared on, he's clearly into her and she gamely flirts back while playing up her "exotic Jewish intellectual" persona that Eric fixates on and they were both wine drunk by the end. anna also acts very squirrely when Eric mentions their recent dinner with Blake Masters, maybe he was the "sidekick" she banged.

picrelated a reddit thread from 5 years ago, the first time Red Scare's involvement with Peter Thiel was outed. interesting that the anon implies the meeting was sexual, and anna's response is pretty psychologically revealing lol. also proof that anna lied for years that she "never met with" Thiel before finally copping to it a year or two back.


No. 2080717

imagine being a billionaire and this is the caliber of media shill your money buys. wew

No. 2080757

File: 1737577165949.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1307x1272, IMG_7690.jpeg)

No. 2080759

I hate his bitch with a passion, i want to drown her like a witch.

No. 2080762

dark. you would think that would be dasha's task. at least anna gets her hands dirty too. hard not to respect her successful risky maneuvers.

rewriting history and attempting to siphon a new audience. is destiny also managed by night like mr. beast? are there any other rival talent firms in the indie entertainer/streaming space?

No. 2080803

File: 1737582114401.jpg (141.36 KB, 900x1200, adam friedland cumtown commie …)

It was a different time

No. 2080806

File: 1737582462448.png (433.95 KB, 576x530, dasha adam bernie rally babe w…)

No. 2080808

The Chapos tried to commiepill the cumbois. They never had a chance of converting registered republican Nick Mullen. Stav stayed stayed center-left and Adam continues to have no strong political leanings.

No. 2080835

File: 1737585755708.jpg (604.69 KB, 1283x2144, 1000029753.jpg)

do we know who the secret DJ was at the milady afterparty?

No. 2080837

GQ article said Grimes was rumored to be there, so maybe her

No. 2080841

Will Menaker on Doomscroll

No. 2080843

Conservatives are organically incapable of being cool, fashionable or desirable even when they have elite status and money, it's actually incredible

No. 2080849

File: 1737589029739.png (792.69 KB, 863x950, wm.png)



Will is now the best looking Chapo

No. 2080858

File: 1737591123068.png (2.79 MB, 2640x1338, passageballpoopooaccident.png)

fav part of the GQ article is the dog at the party violently blasting diarrhea all over the floor. sets a good tone going forward i think

No. 2080859

10 minutes in and he's on the verge of tears. It's so over.

No. 2080864

shut up and stay in Australia you dumb wigbitch

No. 2080882

Knowing this crowd, probably a grown man.

No. 2080894

Back to twitter, chud

No. 2080920

You live in Australia just shut tf up

No. 2080944

Her hair was sm nicer and thicker before she lost weight. Sad

No. 2081017

It's so funny that most of these strongman-worshipping, contemptuous-towards-betas-type of women are either drug addicts, anorexics, or both. Aimee is such a fascinating, self-loathing black hole of a person, who only values being contrarian and upsetting people because she has never received an ounce of positive attention in her life. In a weird way, I kind of admire her commitment to being miserable. I feel like she normally hides how she looks because she knows that her evil and abyssal depths of sadness shines through. I legitimately wouldn't be surprised if she sometimes scared herself when seeing her own reflection late at night. If there is one word I would use to describe her energy, it's def HAUNTED. Even that picture of her that she willingly posted looks like an In Memoriam-post for a Tiktoker whose entire brand was being a "former" heroin/meth addict who lived in a trailer on their mom's lawn, who regularly posted GoFundme campaigns for her fake ailments so she could secretly fund her addiction. Rest in peace PatriotGirl84 — you were the most valiant defender of Johnny Depp that the world has ever seen.

No. 2081092

File: 1737647544271.jpg (15.49 KB, 320x320, altjk.jpg)

radfem hitler seems to be active on instagram as well.

No. 2081093

She seems to have given up on her opsec by the fact that she now has an insta account. She does seems to look better than her UMich days. Late bloomer.

No. 2081095

What's her ig?

No. 2081110

how did you find this?

No. 2081133

She's cute, but I can recognize the turbo autism stare when I see it

No. 2081148

File: 1737659185319.png (1.23 MB, 1503x1028, fatty.png)

I'm enjoying Stav's weight loss series

No. 2081150

If they don't reveal it I'm going to assume this is one of her mutuals following a private account doing damage control for her pics leaked earlier itt. Looks the same but older with straightened hair. Is this from the passage press event?

No. 2081152

>damage control

Still looks like shit

No. 2081175

does stav walk around nyc barefoot?

No. 2081181

Why are we seeing his posts constantly here? He doesn't belong here, no e-girl orbits him.

No. 2081183

Her account is private. This is her profile pic.

No. 2081188

Does anyone follow audrey horne on insta(@bettyblonde)? She seems to have deactivated her twitter account.

No. 2081218

so what is the fucking handle? quit gatekeeping, faggot.

No. 2081227

lol, you are a guy.

No. 2081233

I mean, good for him if he does lose weight, but 2 pounds is nothing for a guy of his size. He was in the 330s back in the Cum Town days and that was years ago.

No. 2081280

File: 1737676784731.jpeg (370.42 KB, 1797x2081, E9F849EF-9E3C-4E62-828B-36786C…)

nta but i found her just searching anna's followers, anglicized name

i also listened to part of a space she was in when she came back
>"very white" suburban background
>was with husband 5 years and all throughout college (so was already dating him here >>2069573 )
>currently unemployed
>goes to events at sovereign house
>"doesnt care about politics"
>started out in the manosphere. billy scrote says she's "not fully cleansed of the manosphere" to which she replies "duh"
>"a lot of my positions are quite the same as someone like BAP" but different conclusions
>more misanthropic than a misandrist
>men and women both engage in hypergamy but men want youth and fertility, women want money. male hypergamy less kind, "i cant age in reverse"

she and pearl didnt debate but it was kinda funny listening to one after the other how much they sound alike. nothing new just confirming what everyone already knew that her thing is manosphere bullshit reversed

No. 2081311

Idk how they still deny this, it is well known that Thiel has literally invited obscure Nazi podcasters to his house before. If he can give them a chance, why not the Red Scare, a show that actually had potential to shift normie opinion.

No. 2081320

Big chapo piece in vanity fair. It covers virgil's disappearance, while confirming he still gets money from the show. Amber moved to LA to set up a production company to adapt a show out of their miniseries about george hw bush but all they've produced so far is that low budget baseball movie menaker's been shilling that was co written by amber's boyfriend. Big lol at the writer including a quote from jake flores out of nowhere slamming the show.

No. 2081353

you can tell she had some eye/eyelid procedure or upper face lift to look wildly different from whenever this was >>2073888. she had sleepy-looking hooded eyes before. the only time I’ve seen people’s eyes look more alert (without any work done) is when they lose a lot of weight, but we can see that’s not the case here

No. 2081398


It's hilarious that Will, Felix, and Amber think they can transfer Something Awful references into Hollywood screenwriting, but it's even funnier that they still have to give a five-figure monthly allowance to Virgil Texas

No. 2081457

>men want youth and fertility, women want money
this trope is such bullshit honestly. so many women shack up with broke moids and so many men shack up with ugly and infertile women. even with endless accesses to such resources, most people do not select their partners based on looks or finances

No. 2081458

sorry but she's hideous

No. 2081466

she is such a loser, she has spent so much time around pedophile moids that she’s absorbed their retarded justifications. notice youth is the first thing. let’s put our thinking caps on why that is

No. 2081468

>By March 2020, the podcast was the highest-grossing podcast on Patreon and was bringing in $174,000 a month on the site.

Holy shit it's only gone up $6k in 5 years

No. 2081483

>None of the Chapos who would talk about their former cohost could say what he’d been up to since the split, but they indicated that he’s still receiving subscriber money. “We all want to have a Chapo pension for anyone who, no matter what conditions we part under, helped build the show,” says Frost. Wade confirms that Cass receives money, albeit a smaller share than that of the current hosts; he describes the arrangement as “somewhere between pension and contractual obligation.”

No. 2081486

>“Looks like Jon Lovett’s just another screenwriter now,” said Biederman, calling out one of the cohosts of Pod Save America, the rival show started by former Barack Obama aides that speaks to the Democratic establishment.

Coming from a failed screenwriter

No. 2081490

I feel like there was a several month long period where felix was making a bunch of ironic tweets about writing terrible screenplays. I guess he couldn't even accomplish that.

No. 2081492

File: 1737728108815.png (95.85 KB, 1531x337, homebody.png)

Guy makes bank working 2 hours a week and never leaves his house despite living in LA/NYC. His life would be almost exactly the same had the pod never taken off, he'd just have a slightly less powerful gaming rig.

No. 2081499

File: 1737731451372.jpeg (452.59 KB, 1105x2306, ABEE5D13-F4DF-4F31-9222-6F7737…)

Upper Blepharoplasty, she's too young for a facelift, and botox too perhaps, but peatards usually claim to be against it.

She has openly said that many moids are pedos, it's not like she doesn't see that, she's a misanthropist who deals with it by accepting it and still affiliating with explicitly pedophilic ones like medgold and miladys (because she justifies it as every moid is like that, so might as well). But "doesn't care about politics". No one said you have to feel represented by the two party system. But you can't be a radfem, or a feminist for that matter, if you don't care about the structures, systems and power dynamics that govern society and affect women and girls' lives since radical feminism inherently challenges these systems for the liberation of women and girls.

>Thiel funds Sovereign House
>Goes to Sovereign House
>Thiel is funding the ascendant far-right and the idea that political apathy is edgy and interesting
>Only "radfem" in this scene went from being a die-hard Trumpist on nazi podcasts who wanted to build the wall and sterilize minorities to politically apathetic
It's almost too convenient.
>it doesn't matter where you come from, or if you're a pedo for that matter, as long as you support her you get her loyalty

No. 2081506

>she's a misanthropist who deals with it by accepting it and still affiliating with explicitly pedophilic ones like medgold and miladys
I think believing all moids are pedos is a cop out for why she associates with these losers. She associates with them because she wants/needs attention but she’s too retarded to get it from more normal men and sticks with these losers

No. 2081509

>She has openly said that many moids are pedos

Because she associates with terminally online rightoids and assumes most men are similarly inclined

No. 2081514

>this woman
She's only a "radfem" insofar as she was smart enough to realize the right wing woman market was oversaturated and reversing manosphere logic was a better niche. Her 'politics' is brainworms.

No. 2081516


He had a podcast before Chapo that was the same concept, "band of left-wing Twitter characters make fun of the news," and he even did all the same bits. It didn't get off the ground because none of them had the media connections Will and his family had.

Without the show he'd probably just write about MMA for Defector or something but he sure wouldn't be writing for TV.

No. 2081525

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand jokes like "what if Travis Scott and the King of Saudi Arabia were playing Elden Ring, and Eminem was also there?" or quote tweeting Matt Walsh with pig poop balls

No. 2081557

What was it called?

No. 2081567


It was like "The Emo-Prog Hour" or something. I don't remember who else was on it but it was the same general concept as Chapo but with more inchoate pre-Bernie politics and much much poorer execution. Good luck finding it at this point

No. 2081595

File: 1737748678203.png (461.92 KB, 543x778, coronation ball.png)

Does anyone know who this women(on the left) is? She's the one who brought Saint Bernard to the Ball.

No. 2081596

Obvious Lip-fillers, LOL.

No. 2081618

File: 1737752310012.webp (9.07 KB, 300x450, IMG_8239.webp)

Her name appears to be Roxana Soukup (previously Roxana Stirb) from Chicago but idk her relevance/why she was invited or if she just bought a ticket. How do you know she brought the dog? It doesn't say in the article


No. 2081632

is marxist lynchist sean mccarthy?(learn to sage)

No. 2081633

My favorite part:
>Biederman, who once appeared on a show hosted by Lovett, articulated the core of Chapo’s critique of the centrist-left podcast in 2018. “All these people have ever done is subscribe to the news and work at a comms department for 30 years and then tell you how to argue with your racist uncle,” he said.
Like, bro… that's a mirror

No. 2081635

posting about football and the account is unverified so probably not

No. 2081637

File: 1737755825130.webp (132.16 KB, 1920x1280, PassagePressBall.png)

just compare the dress, its obviously her.

No. 2081647

she could just be holding his leash as a favor or something, i see her posting a different tiny dog on her ig and she doesn't live in DC (most people wouldn't travel with a large dog, especially just for a party, the owner might live closer by). good for him for shitting everywhere at this nonce sponsored event though

No. 2081650

Bunch of now boring losers who are conceding that they are just taking up so much of the oxygen in the "do something/organize" room. But at least they can pat themselves on the back for serving as a soft landing relative to the kids listening to Joe Rogan.
Cool. You're much better than the Pod Save guys you spend considerable time bashing.

No. 2081702

Is it me or do Anna and Dasha never take pictures with women who are stunningly gorgeous and who would clearly mog the fuck out of them? They always take pictures with Beckies on their same level.

No. 2081736

File: 1737784098396.jpeg (573.52 KB, 1047x1185, IMG_7487.jpeg)

she looks like she’s morphing into a horse

No. 2081738

He also had that extremely lame carl diggler thing he was doing

No. 2081742

File: 1737786509749.png (1.58 MB, 1170x1426, IMG_1414.PNG)

she's never escaping the school shooter lookalike allegations

No. 2081747

File: 1737787500165.png (543.43 KB, 720x1322, 1000015722.png)

No. 2081751

Why does she look so AI generated in this interview?

No. 2081760

How the heck someone educated and working in Stats and Science be such a superstitious and religious nutjob? She should have gotten over her parental brainwashing.

No. 2081762

What do you think statistics is about? Solving tough integrals and finding estimators is not challenging anyone’s religious beliefs.

No. 2081786

They forgot to include Matt had been married for 10 years before Amber stepped in.

No. 2081819

She literally works in John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in data science.She doesn't have to do physics to get over the bullshit that she spouts on her TL.

No. 2081822

Her instagram pics are so heavily edited that she looks completely different from her Coronation Ball candids.

No. 2081864

she is better looking than most of these trolls with or without editing

No. 2081898

Nick is leaving TAFS and adam is going to try to do weekly interview episodes. It's over.

No. 2081902

If they were smart they'd find a Stav replacement and do cumtown 2.0

No. 2081910

Haven't followed Cum Town/TAFS since Stav left but Nick Mullen is clearly too mentally ill to do anything that would help him build a career. At least it's not 2021 anymore and we don't have nonnas popping out of the woodwork about how they can fix him and he's uwu misunderstood whenever he's mentioned.

No. 2081914

Making 250k a year joking with friends is an acceptable substitute for mainstream success.

No. 2081925

this was her best era though

No. 2081989

File: 1737844316979.png (549.93 KB, 1033x978, hat mullen.png)

Why is he always wearing a hat indoors?

No. 2081997

File: 1737845282591.png (108.13 KB, 1109x1069, p.png)

Their numbers have been going downhill for years now and they rent a whole TV studio space in Manhattan. they have actual costs, compared to 2017-2018 when they would record the 'pod from a dingy apartment Nick shared with Amber and Felix in a part of Bed Stuy tech bro gentrifiers were afraid of. Not like there's a risk of Mullen being on the street or anything but Peak Podcast was years ago

No. 2082007


No. 2082029

I always wonder how her life-long socialist friends who supported Bernie, hated Trump and America feel about her being called "ultraconservative" and hanging out around openly racist and nasty people. Do they just think it's fine for her to sell her convictions for money?

No. 2082030

>her life-long socialist friends
She has life-long socialist friends? Where?

No. 2082032

>Do they just think it's fine for her to sell her convictions for money?

Wouldn't you?

No. 2082033

>They did acid and watched Scott Adkins’s nonsensical thriller Avengement

>In June 2020, Frost took a Xanax and boarded a socially distanced flight to Los Angeles

Wow they're so cool

No. 2082041

They think women are dumb and she's a woman doing stupid shit.

No. 2082076

File: 1737860257688.jpg (67.64 KB, 480x640, dasha dvd picks.jpg)

No. 2082083

>berniefags hating trump
good one

No. 2082090

>Cum Town undoubtedly dead
>Chapo limping around aimlessly, losing one member, possibly on the verge of collapsing also
Who would have thought Red Scare would win the podcast fight by aligning themselves with whatevers popular.

No. 2082096

they've lost momentum too

No. 2082104

Their patreon stats have been slowly but perceptively drifting downwards as well esp in the last year. A+D were just the last to get started, they were able to buy themselves extra time by horseshoeing into ironic right, and are partially buttressed by the fact that they can cycle between political ragebait vs cultural commentary so their subs don’t get too bored. But it’s also obvious they are running out of material and have reached the planetary limit of what they can do with the pod. Every episode now is the same lazy recycled takes about waaamin/meetoo and once Dasha gets married and becomes boring it’ll be the final nail in coffin. It’s happened with countless flash in the pan music trends and bands in the past (punk, disco, glam rock, SoundCloud rap ect) and it’s happening now to the majority of dirtbag left.

No. 2082133

How long do we think the marriage will last? If they do get married. The guy being too broke to pay for the honeymoon >>2072264 doesn’t look very promising

No. 2082172

Omg an unedited pic of Dasha where she looks good

No. 2082178

She should've tried to keep up the slav carey mulligan thing she had going on
>>Chapo limping around aimlessly, losing one member, possibly on the verge of collapsing also
I wish but their patreon is the highest its ever been and they just sold 18k copies of christman's book. They have the loyalest paypigs in the game.

No. 2082185

>buttressed by the fact that they can cycle between political ragebait vs cultural commentary so their subs don’t get too bored. But it’s also obvious they are running out of material and have reached the planetary limit of what they can do with the pod.

Chapo has been bad for 5 years and they're still making bank. If your a fan of their kind of content there aren't any commensurate alternatives.

No. 2082198

She knew them long before she met Adam and I am sure she is still in contact with some of them

No. 2082227

File: 1737906270716.png (1.12 MB, 853x1119, dasha x brace.png)

No. 2082240

agraybee, is that you?

No. 2082241

Isn’t that pic like 10 years old kek

No. 2082272

File: 1737913167968.png (2 MB, 1582x1130, stav won.png)

No. 2082290

brace is such an instigator

No. 2082298

I believe it's a joke similar to when he use to joke that he had replaced Adam and Stav on Cum Town. Who knows, maybe he is leaving and Adam gets really successful after he leaves.

No. 2082299

He got fat because he hurt his foot and got into a fight with his dad. I'm sure he'll get back down to a health 280lbs.

Because it's funny lol

No. 2082500

Dasha is truly only kinda attractive for being blonde. Put her in brown hair and she's no one you'd look at twice >>2081742

No. 2082504

reminds me of when dasha had that strange falling out with annie hamilton, who is both blonde and a little prettier than dasha. dasha stayed friends with maddie, who is sorta weird looking and autistic, and of course brunette. anna had a falling out with meg who was hotter than anna, at least in the eyes of men. I don’t think anna anticipated that meg would be considered ‘the hot one’ of the trio

No. 2082524

File: 1737969995291.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1284, IMG_8293.jpeg)

How transparent of her making it clear yet again she supports this scene, BAP and the Thiel thing. OP posted this unironically and was defending Thiel not being an Israeli asset (which he is) in the replies

No. 2082526

File: 1737970403340.jpeg (478.13 KB, 2378x1147, A60510F8-3C33-4494-A5AE-47DB21…)

Thiel attended the Passage Press event and hosted his own party in DC a day prior. They didn't want Journos photographing the ball but Jack Posobiec's wife accidentally(?) leaked a video including him

No. 2082529

File: 1737972515201.png (539.79 KB, 640x1136, 326E6339-A027-4BC6-884C-9B5434…)

Can someone who speaks Catholic explain what this is?

No. 2082576

She probably has two deceased relatives called Evgeniy.


Anyone know the names of her parents? Says they're acrobats on Wikipedia.the fact that they were allowed to migrate out of the USSR is super sus. Sounds like a spy family.

No. 2082579

Dasha was born after the USSR fell, nonna.

No. 2082582

No. 2082584

File: 1737993661753.png (322.09 KB, 1080x790, 1000030151.png)

Not true nonna, tho accidentally you made a good point, her parents migrated when she was 4 which was after the collapse. They were still good little soviet citizens or they wouldn't have been allowed to perform

No. 2082587

AYRT, my bad I confused when the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR ended (+ thought Dasha was a few years younger than she actually is), thanks for the correction

No. 2082680

File: 1738011864148.webp (55.57 KB, 1206x1205, 75146703-03cf-4c17-841d-e59596…)

Anyone have access to the full thing? No new milk in the free section of the article

No. 2082686

I can read part of it but there's a paywalled section

No. 2082687

>Only children are to sibloids what Americans are to Europeans, our aura is just more powerful and it irritates the children of the longhousing matrix that is sibling relationships.


No. 2082699

>I think i'm more mature enlightened than you
(for understanding that people would rather believe the lie i put out myself, that i'm an obese hapa)
>classic midwestern mix of autistic protestant German-Anglo-Scandinavian blood runs through my veins
Only retards believed she's anything but a white woman anyway, so she's bragging about being more enlightened than the lowest common denominator
>I got a tiny bit cooler in college[…] got really into politics but quickly learned that I needed to separate my online life from my real one. I'd spend my week nights staying up until 5 AM posting in Facebook groups that were centered around 4chan tier politics, being a lolbert, Donald Trump, and arguing with liberals while I spent my weekends at the bar with my normal friends who had social skills. I enjoyed my "double life," it was the only way for me to live out different parts of myself, namely the part of me that feels male and the part of me that feels female. I think the biggest reason I get so many trans accusations is that people are very much encountering my spiritually incel animus online

You often got trans accusations because youre so into manosphere shit and hang around rightoid scrote pedos, which repels normal women. You realized you had to lead a double life because online you were a neo-nazi groupie laughing about programs to keep people who aren't from reproducing and obviously a lot of the normies you hang with irl don't want to be associated with that

No. 2082707

File: 1738016249177.png (2.98 MB, 1604x1071, 811720507349.png)


>The night before the inauguration, the event to be at if you were under the age of 30 and very online was the Power 30 Awards, designed to honor the influencers who most successfully shilled for Trump this election

No mention of A+D

No. 2082720

you forgot the word white >>2010113

No. 2082722

>You often got trans accusations because youre so into manosphere shit
Her retarded Kermit the frog voice didn’t help either

No. 2082723

File: 1738018405724.png (207.77 KB, 1234x778, the dog vomit sausage fest.png)

Unsurprisingly, they only got invited to the loser party. A+D's only remaining use for the right is to get NYU students to buy tickets to events, they aren't inner circle.

No. 2082725

File: 1738018598439.mp4 (1.12 MB, 1280x720, MJ6qUvInnX8zBT5K.mp4)

i know she's doing it on purpose and the gum smacking doesn't help but i normally don't mind jersey accents. this is one of the most annoying things i've ever heard

No. 2082727


>>2010113 doesn't sound like RFH

No. 2082730

>Menaker, who is 41

most shocking reveal

No. 2082760

File: 1738027498239.mp4 (8.96 MB, 852x480, 950498f4-8e08-bb98-1471-59a671…)

Are you deaf? It is her and sounds exactly like her. Here's another one

No. 2082804

File: 1738037147123.png (84.46 KB, 1188x346, tired of winning.png)

No. 2082813

>being a debatelord loser = male
>being well adjusted and having friends = female

No. 2082821

Who is gonna tell Dasha her career is over?

No. 2082898

Anon the opinions of professional acrobats would have meant almost nothing in that time. It’s wouldn’t have been a high status entertainment profession (like ballet or ice skating) and not even one that would be on tv (singing or acting). Short of screaming in the middle of the street no one would be monitoring or caring what they said or did in their private time

No. 2082935

Lol yeah I would've guessed he was 41 when the show started

No. 2083139

File: 1738119712116.jpg (583.74 KB, 1838x1454, dasha on her main, dasha on he…)

dasha knows her career is dead, picrel is her coping about it on r/redscarepod. love the implication that she's just too quirky and free-thinking to succeed in Hollywood (NOT too ugly and untalented!) and the miss america-ass comment "i was never under the delusion i'd be a movie star and i'm sooo happy for rachel sennott" when she spent all of 2021 posting her delusional career aspirations on lolcow and having narc meltdowns at anyone who implied she wouldn't be a world-famous actress and chanel supermodel by 2023.

No. 2083140

She sounds really gross..

No. 2083152

>a cultural icon
I laugh every tiem

No. 2083155

File: 1738123694971.png (1.1 MB, 1178x792, dolls.png)


she wrote all that teeth clenched white knuckles and all. at least she can still get casted by failson peter for his flop projects. realizing he has perfect porn addict gooner physiognomy.

No. 2083178

Kek i remember last year there were fake rumors about her being the main lead in My Year of Rest and Relaxation. She spent one of the pocasts talking about how she loved bedrotting and was rode the Mean Girls high. Now? Crickets. Absolutely delusional from her.

No. 2083188

>i was never under any delusion I was gonna be a movie star
her actions don’t reflect this at all, like when she elbowed her way into frame when the main cast of succession was accepting that award, despite her appearing on the show for less than two minutes. she could have been replaced with a cardboard cutout and the show would’ve been no different. if she is so humble then why would she elbow her way in like that? more lies from the horse’s mouth

No. 2083237

she makes up all these rumors herself

No. 2083240

how much of her delussion was caused by loser fans? they saw her midness, desperation, and lack of talent, and saw themselves in her, then they told her she was beautiful and talented and she believed it kek

No. 2083255

why was she even at the award gala and on the stage?

No. 2083256

File: 1738158947750.png (1000.29 KB, 730x911, me.png)

I think Thiel spent a decent amount of money trying to launch her career but gave up after it became apparent she's too ugly and talentless to make it big in Hollywood

No. 2083397

File: 1738183806815.png (495.46 KB, 1034x1668, thot drama part 1.png)

filthy armenian vs thot topics on the timeline (team Armenian here because thot topics is crying about "troon kids" while at the same time constantly denying he is marrying an obvious F2M troon)

No. 2083400

File: 1738183921875.png (148.15 KB, 1008x570, thot drama part 2.png)

this leads to monica coming for thot topics fag

No. 2083402

File: 1738184022835.png (380 KB, 1044x1272, thot drama part 3.png)

and finally zack vs monica

No. 2083410

Mommy Milker's podcast is a complete flop. Totally irrelevant within the 'Discourse'. Do the other two cows even have job? I am talking about Catherine and Veronica.

No. 2083413

Is Catherine a trust fund kid? She dropped out of her PHD program last I checked.

No. 2083415

i don't think they are on good terms, huge gaps between episodes, last one Dec 21, then Oct 30, then Sep 21

No. 2083427

I think Monica and Catherine are on good terms. No idea about veronica. The lack of content is just that they don't have anything to add. All these right wing e-girls are dumb and they usually have nothing worthwhile to say other than gossip or pick-me content.

No. 2083429

isn't she married and apparently converted to judaism? She just might be a housewife.

No. 2083433

Catherine got a divorce

No. 2083435

Link to her podcast?

No. 2083439

Already? Is this confimed, wasn't she recently married? If true then its funny that both her and Monica being divorced.

No. 2083476


No. 2083522

File: 1738202662880.jpg (137.09 KB, 1170x2080, Dasha OMG.jpg)

depop's latest - already sold. you have to hand it to her: she looks fucking incredible here. damn.(posting milkless social media post just to thirst over the cow)

No. 2083525

her bulging foot and hand veins are gross

No. 2083527

she is basically attractive. this thread wouldn't exist if she wasn't

No. 2083557

Looks like if you gave Margery Taylor Green the substance

No. 2083560

she’s mid and looks bad naked. if she wasn’t a whore with no morals then i don’t think anyone would talk about her at all

No. 2083561

File: 1738216411368.jpeg (167.44 KB, 407x640, IMG_7497.jpeg)

>basically attractive
are we looking at the same person? her body looks creepy and old. no wonder only jews and brown guys will date her(racebait)

No. 2083563

File: 1738216826786.jpg (199.46 KB, 1280x1280, seethe dork.jpg)

objectively, she looks incredible.(whiteknighting)

No. 2083567

this pic is edited, retard and she’s covering her weird bony/veiny feet too

No. 2083571

File: 1738218216943.jpeg (144 KB, 536x421, IMG_7499.jpeg)

stop with the babyface photo altering and embrace that you look like a trollhag

No. 2083573

File: 1738218781619.jpg (158.36 KB, 1000x800, wl_34524_4710419.jpg)

kek I thought so at first too but now agree with these anons

No. 2083574

File: 1738218834989.png (80.64 KB, 347x288, 876543.png)

samefag, same face

No. 2083578

i’ll be honest i think shes a solid 7. the blonde washes her out, she needs to gain 10 pounds, and maybe brush her eyebrows so they don’t push down her eyes so hard. makes her upper face look masculine

No. 2083580

>with these three not-so-small changes, she is a 7

No. 2083581

>makes her upper face look masculine
kek guess we're just giving up on the lower part then

No. 2083582

keeek i apologize i didn’t word that super well, i meant to say i think shes about a 7 now but those are changes she should consider making. if she was like a medium-brunette with a bit more meat on her bones we’d have to see what it does for her
LOL her lips are quite small so i don’t think a little pump of injections are even an option

No. 2083584

>overinflated lips
oh sorry, I'm not a zoomer kek I meant her massive man jaw

No. 2083586

nonnie i said a little pump! also i didn’t really notice her jaw as being abnormally large but i’ve also only ever seen images of her, has anyone here seen it in person and care to comment?

No. 2083588

It's the combo of the top part of her face, with the stronger jawline. Countless celebrities/models have nice strong jawlines but they don't look masculine because it balances well with the rest of their face. It makes her face look oblong

No. 2083590

are u a newfag? shes had a good 10 pounds on her before and the weight goes to her waist, face, and arms. now without the weight she looks veiny and older. she can’t win

No. 2083592

>she can’t win
She wins by being born in a functional working, female body. I don't know why everyone believes they should be beautiful. Some of you guys really missed out growing up in the 90s

No. 2083595

oh so you are retarded. ok

No. 2083596

No i haven’t had the opportunity to search through older images of her when she was a normal weight yet if thats what you’re asking kek

No. 2083597

File: 1738221374683.gif (399.78 KB, 498x348, f727edf3eb3c2b59024b8760a3a291…)

>triggered anon
Average people used to say things like "I have a great personality" or "I have a skill". It won't be the end of the world anon, I promise

No. 2083598

did you wander into this thread from somewhere else? most people who post here are aware of what she used to look like. catch up

No. 2083599

Kek i’ve been keeping up with red scare since 2019 but my apologies for not being familiar with whatever she may have looked like back when she was a normie? i haven’t seen anyone post any image where she isn’t underweight

No. 2083600

you’ve been 6 years and don’t know what she looked like before? either youre trolling or seriously retarded

No. 2083601

File: 1738221724979.png (1.69 MB, 994x1007, daria 2014.png)

It’s not really that much of a difference, I think this pic is from 2015?
>asking if you’re new to LC while using “u” instead of spelling out you

No. 2083604

she looks kinda busted either way but she does looks pretty different to me

No. 2083605

ok so i’m talking about a time when she looked normal , not just what she looked like in the past in general kek. im saying like is there a picture where she doesnt look halfway through detransitioning
oh so basically the exact same

No. 2083606

>She wins by being born in a functional working, female body.
What are you babbling about? We are on a gossip board and you have troon vibes. Please go away

No. 2083607

the only difference i see is being less skinny

No. 2083609

…in response to "she can't win" because instead of being beautiful, she looks like a funny little roided out midget. Maybe follow the discussion so you know what's happening grandma

No. 2083610

was talking about her entire body, not only her face. fuck off already. you’re retarded(infighting)

No. 2083612

nta but do you wanna post or at least tag an example. this is an imageboard after all

No. 2083613

you want me to go fetch from some older thread for you? go find it yourself

No. 2083614

ok so you don’t have an example, got it

No. 2083615

>maybe brush her eyebrows so they don’t push down her eyes so hard. makes her upper face look masculine
seriously, are you a troon or a dumb guy? because this sentence is nonsensical

No. 2083616

that’s called spoonfeeding. I don’t know how you found this place but you don’t understand what’s going on at all

No. 2083617

Jfc you’re being unnecessarily rude
I can’t find any images of her entire body from before 2016, sorry anon

No. 2083618

how is this sentence nonsensical or troon sounding in any way? when your eyebrows are brushed downward it pushes your eyes down…

No. 2083619

File: 1738222972667.jpg (132 KB, 1200x630, Dasha-Nekrasova_Press-Photo_20…)

I couldn't find one but did stumble upon this breathtaking portrait photograph of Dasha. Who cares about her rigid skinny body when one gazes into the lifeforce of a million burning suns emanating from her playful and mischievous eyes. Here you can truly see the carefree "joie de vivre" of the soul at play, her life's work as a muse in full bloom

No. 2083620

I’m being rude because that anon is a fucking idiot. Who comes to a gossip board of all places and then defends the subject by saying they have a ‘functional female body’

No. 2083621

>EHM thats spoonfeeding11!
you really seem to be the one who isn’t understanding what is going on, because the reason i am asking for you to provide images of what you’re talking about on an imageboard is because i have actively used and continually lurked these threads over the years they’ve existed and cannot find an image of what it is you are referencing, anon. does that paint the picture more clearly for you? kek

No. 2083622

she has hooded eyes, that’s how her eyes look. brushing her eyebrows won’t make any difference you fucking idiot

No. 2083623

Anon I said that in response to the idea that a rich useless turd like Dasha isn't "winning" at life because her dumb face isn't beautiful but average. She objectively has everything else going for her in life, including a perfectly acceptable average face and body. I still think she's an ugly troll because she sucks

No. 2083624

nta but i never said anything about functional female body shit? my original post is this >>2083578
a lot of younger users seem to forget that lolcow is not a small imageboard, the last statistics we were presented with said that theres upwards of like 6,000 users. please keep in mind that you’re having a discussion with a group of people.

No. 2083625

eh i don’t know. changing the styling of your eyebrows and eyelashes can massively alter the way your eyes look. also dashas eyes aren’t hooded? they’re round

No. 2083627

what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense. probably some loser fan trying to fit in and failing

No. 2083628

I thought we were talking about if gaining weight would improve her appearance?

No. 2083629

>also dashas eyes aren’t hooded? they’re round
holy fuck. you are the dumbest person I’ve encountered on this entire site(infighting)

No. 2083630

NTA but did you even read what that post says? In what way does that post sound like a fan comment

No. 2083633

File: 1738223864752.png (360.95 KB, 1500x919, mongo.png)

Mongolian heritage. Nords, Fins, Irish and Icelandics have them too but it's naturalized

No. 2083634

You sound scatterbrained and idiotic. Please stop posting

No. 2083635

this is such a weird cope. most cows are gross and/or ugly.

No. 2083636

I'm just going to do what everyone else in your life does and ignore you anon

No. 2083638

>asks you to post an image of what you’re talking about
>hm. what you’re saying doesn’t make sense
ok anon

No. 2083639

it’s probably the same idiot anon who thinks she doesn’t have hooded eyes kek

No. 2083640

nta but wtf is wrong with you? i said she’s a 7, in what way is that calling her attractive? i’ve gotten really exhausted of newfags who think they’re talking to the same 3 people over the last year

No. 2083641

File: 1738224258246.jpg (93.94 KB, 1000x1000, jennifer-lawrence-hooded-eyes-…)

Are hooded eyes supposed to be bad? Leo DiCaprio has them too. Her dead emotionless eyes are pretty unattractive though imo(derailing)

No. 2083642

File: 1738224322428.png (1.49 MB, 966x1246, St. Bernard.png)

her eyes don’t look very hooded to me in this pic, also that friend of hers is so retarded looking. you can literally see the autism on her face

No. 2083643

They are not a positive trait. The eyelid naturally falls as you age, makes you look tired and old

No. 2083644

File: 1738224538392.jpg (409.98 KB, 3337x2343, eyeshadow-for-hooded-eyes-v0-a…)

is this whats considered hooded eyes now? i thought this was hooded eyes(derailing)

No. 2083645

she got her eyes done. that’s why she can’t pay for her own honeymoon

No. 2083646

wait wym 'got her eyes done’? you think she had a surgery?

No. 2083648

you are so stupid it’s unbelievable

No. 2083649

File: 1738224860593.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 2031x2050, 1736647441820.jpg)

I Lanza'd the thread without a spoiler so deleted that. I've made up for it with an actual great beauty with perfect youthful looking round eyes(derailing)

No. 2083650

What the fuck does this have to do with the thread

No. 2083651

>I can't read. I can't read!!

No. 2083652

lurk moar

No. 2083654

You sound like an ugly troon who got denied their estrogen(infight bait)

No. 2083655

File: 1738225431514.png (40.29 KB, 188x250, 26164862.png)

I make my own estrogen, more than I know what to do with anon. Does that make you feel nostalgic?

No. 2083656

Thought there was some schmutz on my screen and kept wiping at it. Nope, just had a lil bit of shit on her face when that pic was taken kek
NTAYRT but what is troon esque about thinking round eyes are pretty?

No. 2083657

File: 1738225604931.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.56 KB, 630x430, fat_eyelids_Dermatochalasis-43…)

I was actually saying her eyes aren't pretty and the anon sperging about hooded eyes aging poorly is projecting about an obese relative or something. One of the things I hate about autistic trannies is how much they hyperfocus on certain features and think they can never look good or features (resembling their own) always look better

No. 2083658

Oh. I personally don’t think that hooded eyes always age worse per se, that depends on a wide variety of factors, but I do agree with the anon who thinks dasha would look better without her eyebrows so low. And those hooded eyes obviously look like shit because her eyes are pointing down sideways in a weird way; not all hooded eyes are like that

No. 2083659

Honestly in the pic I posted >>2083619 she has one partially hooded eye and one that's not hooded at all. So maybe she's trying it both ways and seeing which she likes best

No. 2083660

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No. 2083661

>freshman's dad drives all the way from Indiana to Ohio to meet her at Starbucks, she gets offended when he orders hot chocolate for her because she drinks mochas now

No. 2083672

No offense but why are East Coast American women so ugly? Every New York party photo snap is hagsville/mulesville. No wonder 90% of the scrotes in NYC are gay or prison gay. And EC women get just as much surgery, beauty treatments and nip tucks as West Coast women, so there's no excuses, they're not any less vain or shallow or something.

No. 2083674

>doesn't know being thin and blonde in America automatically makes you a 9/10 and that's that
You can keep going on and on about her looks but you're not going to affect Dasha's confidence or lower her simp count.(whiteknight)

No. 2083675

File: 1738235664005.png (1.27 MB, 1178x885, Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 11.11…)

Both hooded and hollow eyes can be extremely attractive on a woman, completely depends on the rest of the face. Hollow eyes give a high trust, innocent, princessy vibe, hooded eyes give a more low trust, sultry, mysterious vibe.(derailing)

No. 2083709

>marrying guy who can’t pay for honeymoon

No. 2083714

i have this in my hands, is it over for me?
am i just supposed to Blow up so that my body fat % doesn’t allow for the veins to show through??

i guess on the flip side it’s a sign of being thin (Yes i’m coping)(sage your shit/blogging)

No. 2083726

File: 1738248127031.png (1.6 MB, 1080x1080, %229 out of 10%22.png)

>you're n-not going to affect my - i mean dasha's - confidence or lower her simp count!
the simps in question…

No. 2083753

Dasha has simps?

No. 2083763

File: 1738257330895.mp4 (13.28 MB, 1280x720, pretty.mp4)

No. 2083778

File: 1738260578448.webp (18.83 KB, 512x512, jerma.webp)

>>2083619 she looks like someone cut jerma's head in half and surgically attached it to the lower half of her face. if she wasn't so repulsive i would feel really bad for her, she's never known how it feels to be pretty. pic rel

No. 2083779

File: 1738260835578.png (363.29 KB, 611x507, stav.png)

No. 2083783

She's only 30/31 but seems to be aging badly.Adam dumping her seems to have taken a toll on her.Her tweets became more neurotic which is a feat in itself.

No. 2083784

who's this guy?

No. 2083786

Their relationship was destined to fail. Tolerating her is not everyone's cup of tea. Her unwillingness to move to NYC despite working as a data scientist may have contributed in ending their 'long' distance affair.

No. 2083789

There are some dregs still leftover from the 4chan days in her mentions, they are basically down to a bottleneck population atm though

No. 2083834

kek, you have incredibly low standards. Sicky thin woman with a weird face. I wonder how an average woman looks like in your region when this is someone outstanding

No. 2083845

anon the reason there's been so much bickering over her appearance is because she is literally just mid with an inflated ego which is what's drawn so many people to her. it's a testament to what a display of ridiculously high confidence will get you (despite her insecurities becoming obvious in the pics she posts of herself where she's SNOW'd to oblivion). nobody here is jealous of her looks, i know i wouldn't want to look like her

No. 2083846

samefag meant to respond to >>2083527

No. 2083864

I don't think this is true.Post proof.

No. 2083876

some context: 99.9% of redscare simpettes are flyovers (same population you see soyfacing at times square or gushing over nyc in general). dasha is a flyover 10 simply by not being 600 lbs

No. 2083907

nonsense, she looks like half of the girls in any Nebraska strip club, just with better teeth

No. 2083957

Adam Friedland? Since when were they dating?

No. 2083979

File: 1738300383494.png (1.05 MB, 1200x1246, depop.png)

wonder how much tension is building over paying for the wedding and honeymoon given all these depop posts. if it even gets there, further than she did with adam. where's the patreon money

No. 2083996

i’ve lived in flyover states, trust she wouldn’t be a 10 anywhere. she is too awkward and her face is weird

No. 2084001

Adam Gluck

No. 2084003

i dont get why she needs to keep plugging this depop so hard? she makes a pretty significant amount of money monthly from patreon alone, even after all the taxes and splitting it in half. but i have noticed it has gone down a little, they used to make like 50,000 a month and now its down to 47,000 she must be wanting to have a big wedding

No. 2084005

>she makes a pretty significant amount of money monthly from patreon alone
Don't forget nona, her spending habits are absurdly out of control. She spent $17k on a mattress!

No. 2084007

she is terrible with money

No. 2084015

Her uncle I guess

No. 2084029

lol just found out the easiest way to troll this thread(non-contribution)

No. 2084033

people try to defend her looks by saying she has simps but they leave out that they are all hideous and heavily autistic

No. 2084063

her and anna are both cunty mids who found this niche of depressive women and gays, and autist simps, to exploit for patreon bucks. weird subculture

No. 2084132

dasha has a genuine facial deformity AND a decade+ long trail of being a messy retard online. if she was plain-looking but extremely online, her simps wouldn't all be pajeets and viscerally disturbing freaks like perry the pedo.
remember, you don't hate moids enough

No. 2084253

File: 1738373963353.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.95 KB, 635x1200, IMG_8429.jpeg)

Is this really what MedGold looks like?

No. 2084291

ntayrt but whats the deformity nona? i never noticed that

No. 2084294

belarus 3.

No. 2084297

scary what 137 moids can do to a woman.

No. 2084300

Idts, there's a pic he posted of his eyes posted some threads back and they don't look like this

No. 2084308

she also used a decent amount of her own money to produce scary. don't forget she went into debt over used clothing that can't be returned. she only had a few items she was able to return to the realreal for store credit at a fraction of what she paid for. when she talked about this on the pod anna had zero sympathy, said something like "thank god i have never purchased anything second-hand since i got rich".

No. 2084326

File: 1738393278865.png (137.08 KB, 487x664, 5cd4bc3015ba31c246ae09a6ccc606…)

Hey Aliceea say hi to your pedophile friends for us

No. 2084333

In which thread was that pic of her with her skinnyfat norwoodcel hairy bf again

No. 2084359

Gays and haggish women have a natural alliance. This inspired the term fag hag

No. 2084401

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No. 2084474

Very feminine of him to use other people’s words to provoke conflict and instigate drama.

No. 2084496

File: 1738442148785.png (284.94 KB, 1170x1230, oh dear that’s not good.png)

samefag from here >>2084003
guys i just read the comments of their newest episode, and they were full of unhappy fans expressing how lazy they feel the podcast has become funny they think its “become” lazy kek so i decided to take a look at their stats and i literally said yikes out loud. they lost almost $2,000 just over 24 hours. assuming that they’re all the $5 tier, that means they lost around 400 paying subscribers just a single day after posting another halfassed episode about how they’re scared of their maids getting deported.

No. 2084499

File: 1738442577030.jpeg (882.55 KB, 3224x2380, 6D7E0788-108C-4A89-B45F-39854B…)

looks like he just knew why she has a bone to pick with anons here, but that's the least of it.
few days ago this woman's tweet went viral after this beardson scrote attacked her looks and she did it back. she doesn't like lolcow because many women here are feminists who see right through her, like how rfraud shitler spent hours in a space with scrotes and pickmes who were digging into this woman's appearance, calling her fat and debating how fuckable she is because she dared call out misogyny. then pat herself on the back for being "too nice" because she said the woman was too "well groomed" to be his looksmatch. but yeah focus on a few anons calling you a troon instead if that helps, your actions are far more revealing than your words

No. 2084505

How do I view the negative comments?

No. 2084506

Suicide baiting by threatening to regress into a full blown autist is actually a pretty good bit. He’s encased in a cocoon of old brick economy magazines with the spider man mini figure in his eBay cart, cursor hovering over 1-click buy.

His humor is very good at exploring the negative aspects of the human experience but still different enough from like Connor O’Malley’s unhinged exuberance mired in the bleakness of the default scrote experience or the stunted in childhood purgatory autopilot that Kyle Mooney succumbed to, there’s gotta be more out there than pandering to incels in the MDE/null universe or the npc uncreative online gaming Costco guys zynternet.

No. 2084512

he's trying to communicate that his death won't be an accident or suicide to his most loyal fans. since he won't be bought out through money or favors, represented by the lego x-wing, a shadowy cabal is going to eliminate him through defenestration which is symbolized by the bohemian grove owl and what looks like an accidental AI hallucination is an intentional placement of him being positioned outside of the window. /s

No. 2084525

File: 1738449997001.png (2.09 MB, 1896x628, ivywolkinsta.png)

Ivy has made the move over to Instagram after giving up on Twitter for now. watching her stories you can see her talk about her father abandoning her, her step-father abandoning her, and all sorts of other interesting facts

No. 2084550

>father abandoning her, her step-father abandoning her
Which is the one that's the lead camera operator or something on Jimmy Kimmel Live?

No. 2084559

NTA but they’re on their patreon, they’re just the comments under their most recent post

No. 2084569

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No. 2084574

It feels like they both have checked out of the internet politics scene and don’t really want to do the podcast anymore but have no plan B. Also might as well milk the pod money as long as possible before the well drys up completely

No. 2084587

Anna and Dasha easily could have been illegal if they didn't arrive in the US at the right time and place. There are tons of illegal Armenians.

No. 2084589

To be fair, it is the 1st of the month so automatic Patreon payments just went through, there is always going to be a decent amount who unsub from any Patreon around the payment date. I don't think a 5% drop in Patreon income means anything to them when they have a billionaire writing checks to them.

No. 2084607

Who is she?

No. 2084632

i think both of their parents had work visas? i know A’s dad was some famous mathemetician and D’s parents were acrobats in Cirque du Soleil, so i doubt it had anything to do with timing

No. 2084633

File: 1738474654511.png (161.99 KB, 1194x906, comento.png)

ntayrt but these too, their simps seem to be sick of their shit
i don’t know, i’m starting to really think they’re not getting any thielbux nona. if Dasha was getting support from random billionaires i don’t think she’d need a depop that she plugs all hours of the day and a wedding/honeymoon gofundme

No. 2084638

Why is Dasha begging for honeymoon money online if a billionaire is writing checks for them?

No. 2084639

As mentioned before, she's bad with money. It's hard to fix that with more money because she'll just spend it on more shit.
Isn't the whole thing about thielbux accusations is that they're difficult to prove because it's all dummy Patreon/Substack accounts paying in?

No. 2084642

Her being bad with money doesn’t mean they’re getting money from a billionaire

No. 2084645

i feel like if that was the case then we wouldn’t have seen such a steady decline in their income, if thiel was paying them via patreon then i think a) the monthly amount they cash out would be much higher and b) they wouldn’t keep losing subscribers every few hours kek.

No. 2084646

it’s funny that dasha’s extravagant retard spending is what’s making people think they have thielbux. the truth is they have 10,000 morons from around the world throwing 5 bucks at them a month, and they get to feel like they’re apart of a little community and comment. i dont think it’s anything more than that

No. 2084652

Nick still suicidebaiting well into his 30s. BPD is truly strong with him.

No. 2084653

another maybe less obvious expense is paying for rides. that would add up. dasha and anna both have stories about getting mugged in their first few years in nyc and ever since the subway violence has escalated i doubt they take the subway often

No. 2084660

he doesn't need them anymore because trump and vance got elected

No. 2084661

something I find funny that gets repeated a lot in the red scare world is the whole ‘wealthy guys prefer tiny tits’ thing. meanwhile dasha has some of the smallest tits of any adult woman on earth and she couldn’t get a guy to pay for her honeymoon kek

No. 2084672

File: 1738482875463.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1026x1060, the ghost who walks.png)

>meanwhile dasha has some of the smallest tits of any adult woman on earth
you aren't kidding kek

No. 2084675

the argument about concrete buildings being cheaper than beautiful buildings was probably true in the last century but not today. why would anna think she has any insight about the state of western architecture today? i think her attempted phd was in soviet era architecture.


i assume the thielbux was a one time non-renewable deal. how old is that pic where anna is cozy with weinstein? was thiel capital investing into anna only? did dasha get an equal portion of that thielbux many years ago? why is dasha struggling to pay for a vacation and used clothing on realreal when anna is buying a house, raising a child, and hasn't touched second-hand clothing in 4 years?

No. 2084679

File: 1738484884797.jpg (Spoiler Image,275.39 KB, 1280x1216, yte6guxoekzvihlvkhwk-103572291…)

"The champagne glass breast" (picrel is modeled after Kate Moss) is probably what they mean but have no idea what they're talking about, as usual. Having absolutely no breast tissue would be a sign of fertility issues or "frigidity" in families wealthy enough to consider another person's "breeding"

No. 2084680

i think anna drives herself these days and lives in the suburbs some of the year. ive also seen anna post about riding the train with a bag of zara purchases to return. i guess she's really cheap. dasha supposedly can't drive and must spend significantly more on transport.

No. 2084683

I think it’s more they don’t like obnoxiously large cartoon tits, and that gets wrongly interpreted as them prefer surfboard chests

No. 2084684

parking and insurance in NYC aren't cheaper than uber

No. 2084685

even that troon that milo keeps in dov charney's basement has bigger tits and that is a male with a pituitary tumor that took estrogen. i always wondered if being on birth control for so many years since 14 fucked up dasha's endocrine system or if she was born this way. birth control usually makes tits bigger so i'm leaning towards the latter.

No. 2084688

wasn’t there a black actor in this scene kek. the fact that she gets called racist all the time but will stand nude next to a black guy for some shitty little indie show is pretty funny to me

No. 2084702

Friend of the pod Amalia Ulman's new flick with Chloe Sevigny and Simon Rex is getting bad reviews at Sundance.

No. 2084703

File: 1738495178695.png (Spoiler Image,1.13 MB, 1214x1004, foreshadowing.png)

if anything she prefers dark men, brahmin especially.

No. 2084709

File: 1738496833552.jpeg (428.17 KB, 1179x1390, IMG_7508.jpeg)

this is from wobble palace and that guy is indian. This one >>2084672 is from another shitty indie ‘the ghost who walks’ (picrel) where the main character is a black guy. very funny and ironic that she’s been topless or done sex scenes with brown and black guys but gets accused of being a racist nazi. they are not aware of her full resume kek

No. 2084715

she is a nazi who has broken 107 jewish men's hearts. even hitler couldn't rack up a bodycount that high.

No. 2084723

Very high level of milk available on this cow if the right people are willing to talk

No. 2084766

anna probably saved. thiel wrote her a one-time $500,000 check.

No. 2084807

File: 1738518898100.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1080, dasha x antwon.png)

don't forget her days as a low rent video ho, i can't imagine the desperation that'd lead dasha to nuzzle this morbidly obese moid with giant tits and teeth visibly caked in plaque…imagine the smell. love the champagne shower scene where they pretend they're balling with a $12 bottle of Korbel and dasha's skinnyfat physique and unfortunate double chin (that she recently had fixed) on full display. nonnas do you think they…?


No. 2084815

File: 1738520084587.jpg (1.72 MB, 1201x1860, rfhfatbf.jpg)

Was this her bf?

No. 2084820

File: 1738520725672.jpeg (1.81 MB, 1170x1746, IMG_3769.jpeg)

Since everyone is dropped pre-pod Dasha pics, don’t forget this banger. No fillers or plastic surgery though. Just tret

No. 2084823

this just looks like a pic of her without makeup and a little heavier, am i retarded for not being able to notice whatever plastic surgeries she’s had kek

No. 2084832

File: 1738522081314.png (1.06 MB, 1477x715, blank stare .png)

She legit has fetal alcohol syndrome

No. 2084833

TBH, I notice the weird hole in her dress more than anything else

No. 2084839

little known thing about exogenous hormones is that they often produce a paradoxical rebound effect, birth control resulting in hirsutism from PCOS being one of them

No. 2084841

that anon posting about Florence Pugh looking like a pig has to be her. UNBELIEVABLY porcine features, her perfect role would be a pig furry in live action Blacksad

No. 2084846

Everything checks out minus the cats. Sorry, what was the point they were making again?

No. 2084858

Does Anna get child support?

No. 2084876

buying a house? where

No. 2084898

File: 1738537346519.jpg (668.63 KB, 1800x1801, 00ANNIE1-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg)

googled her and oof, she's like a better version of dasha. has kinda weird face, but actually sexy and has that je ne sais quoi. meg was very average, but the most normal looking one.

No. 2084926

her and eli still live together

No. 2084934


Dasha's parents aren't spies.
I believe her father suffered a back injury and was no longer able to perform with the circus.

If you really care you can listen to Dasha talk about it here:


No. 2084938

when did they get back together

No. 2084943

Wow it's too bad that didn't work out. We could have been posting about how her body is actually perfect for trapeze or ideally, not being aware of her at all.

No. 2084957

Truly the face and body of a woman that should be posting "девчонки записываемся на ноготочки и реснички" in a Minsk telegram group, and yet here we are thanks to immigration.

No. 2084962


It's a meme in online trad right wing thought.

Notice that one of the Trump Executive Orders in the first couple of days ordered the government to build Beautiful Buildings.(sage your shit)

No. 2084978

absolute fucking retarded nonsense, their idea of “beautiful buildings” are either college campuses from 1930 or Bass Pro Shops

No. 2085003

i don’t recall them ever separating, they mention him on the podcast all the time, sometimes you can hear him in the background or he’ll come in the room, and anna posts pics of him on her story

No. 2085005

more like selling chebureks in one of those underground highway crossings but yeah kek

No. 2085055

men like normal looking women, there used to be guys calling meg ‘the hot one’ before she left the show. they ramped up the ED talk ‘size 6 is fat’ after she left to try to soothe the pain, even though both would have been at least a 6 if they were taller women kek

No. 2085056

she looks like a teenage boy here. so weird. some women really do need longer hair to look even vaguely feminine

No. 2085064

kek whoever said her parents are russian spies. it’s well known now that the spies came to merica with fake wasp names to blend in and her parents didn’t do that. someone posted in an old thread the website to a sorta gaudy looking company in vegas that has aerial performers and the like. think her parents own the company but it doesn’t
do that well financially considering they live in a little condo in vegas in an average area

No. 2085065

The woman on the left used to be her roommate in that disgusting room in LA

No. 2085066

People have straight up seen him with other women around town but maybe they got back together

No. 2085074

yes I know of girls who dated him. Maybe it’s open? I thought they weren’t together at all

No. 2085101

I thought someone said they saw him on grindr

No. 2085172

Pedocels has been engaged for like three years. What's he waiting for?

No. 2085185

that was coochiebone and he was definitely trolling
he's gay, his dick doesn't work due to his yo-yo weight gain/loss and freakish diet, money's gotten tight due to the negative IRL press he's received, too internet poisoned to spend time with his fiance, she left him because he's a complete psycho, all of the above.

No. 2085246

His fiance is really ugly. I assume he's trying to use his clout to find a better looking wife but that's obviously not going to happen.

No. 2085255

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No. 2085283

It's funny that there are multiple separate connections with this scene to that specific rap clique. Lil ugly mane mentioned on brandon wardell's podcast interview that adam friedland introduced them.

No. 2085315

Deleted my post before I saw a response to it because I felt too whiny about stuff that happened like 15 years ago now. I couldn't figure out if LUM was in the wavery group or not, but his old warehouse songs were fucking awful-awful (have you heard these??) and he only started getting big (for the right reasons) around the same time that everyone in that group was sort of coordinating their releases. Even if he was, he stands head and shoulders above Kitty Pryde, Yung Lean, and other lames in that group.
It was such a dumb scene taking up oxygen in the room from artists who weren't in some weird Facebook group chat.

No. 2085324

File: 1738639065281.png (161.7 KB, 1090x318, no screenshot tho.png)

this just reminded me of this post from the last thread, i see so many claims of anons who say they’ve ‘personally’ seen him out in public but also didn’t take a picture when they saw him with another woman? kek, and not only that but this anon coincidentally never uploaded a screenshot of caroline polacheks ig story

No. 2085333

File: 1738642327582.png (515.53 KB, 1204x1318, protect trans kids.png)

lmfao why are the chapos so obsessed with trans kids?

No. 2085339

File: 1738643664845.png (1.37 MB, 1012x1182, groomers.png)

No. 2085344

File: 1738646368617.png (78.5 KB, 1272x448, dasha bianca.png)

She wants to be Kanye's muse (read: sex slave) so bad

No. 2085348

File: 1738648183574.png (294.4 KB, 534x735, Screenshot 2025-02-04 at 05-44…)

When a+d eventually tire of him and block him he's going to kill himself.

No. 2085352

children need medical intervention to be fuckable to adults and it needs to be federally funded

No. 2085365

If it wasn't for Trump going after trannies they wouldn't give a solitary shit about any of the other stuff he's done ("muh democrats are worse"), so I'm glad he's hitting them where it hurts.

No. 2085376

Didn’t Anna fuck Weinstein while she was Eli kek. Either they’ve had an open relationship this whole time or they were both cheating on one another

No. 2085378

File: 1738665733681.jpeg (335.69 KB, 1179x1000, IMG_7516.jpeg)

Redscarepod continues to be a nest of morons spouting birdbrained ideas, like suggesting Dasha go on Real housewives of ny because she’s broke kek. The whole point of the real housewives show is they have, or once had extremely rich husbands

No. 2085430

File: 1738684592800.jpeg (370.84 KB, 602x998, IMG_7510.jpeg)

Dasha’s future hub has retard eyes too? Damn their kids are going to be ugly

No. 2085443

chinless mouth breathers having children, tragic
if anybody in these people’s retarded circle was a true eugenicist they would put a stop to this with their own calipers if necessary

No. 2085447

Women with eating disorders are 30% more likely to miscarry

No. 2085452

No one is gonna doxx themselves for 5 seconds of internet glory on lolcow lol

No. 2085474

I hope she doesn’t miscarry, that’d probably be traumatizing as fuck and I can’t explain why but I’m getting a physical sensation that this wedding either isn’t going to happen and if it does they likely won’t and up having kids together

No. 2085479

They don't actually care, it's the ~thing~ right this moment. VCU's decision was the canary in the coal mine for this and they were (all of them, collectively) silent about it, despite the story having a large amount of traction on Twitter. They're not under informed morons, they're connected with enough trans activist to have seen this coming and warned about it, but they did not. Guess they're almost acting their age now.
I hope they all found time to comment on the DSA speed dating event, though.

No. 2085484

I guess she has a type, but the Matt guy was slightly better. I’m sad that she and Adam didn’t tie the knot and reproduce, these goblins would be monstrous.

No. 2085485

she looks infertile

No. 2085489

NTAYRT but how would posting a pic of Eli and his date be doxxing yourself…? If you’re scared of nonnies tracing your location from the pic you can just screenshot the original image and save it as a file instead of a photo, then if someone saves it to their phone they won’t be able to see the location the pic was taken at

No. 2085491

And samefag, there’s no excuse for not posting a screenshot of Caroline’s story kek. If you’re gonna come talk about it on an imageboard then it only makes sense to upload the image you claim to have just seen

No. 2085495

something smells off. i bet she panics and cancels. or they get married and it flops by the end of the year

No. 2085505

there are a LOT of chasers andcoomers in the chapo extended universe. and troons have a stranglehold on all mainstream internet discourse still. the combination of these two things means hundreds of thousands of twitter leftists have adopted "protect trans kids" as a meaningless shibboleth, because chapo fans and reddit types in general are the biggest fans of groupthink on earth.
the fact that things like childhood transitioning, trannies in sports, etc. etc. etc. poll very badly with the average person who isn't glued to twitter, including educated big city liberals, means that chapo fans dig their heels in. since a disdain for normies and "fuck you dad"-ism is crucial to their worldview.

No. 2085509

I didn't keep up with them during the olympics. Did any of them really jump on the Imane Khelif grenade?

No. 2085516

Put glasses on him and it's an indian matt christman

No. 2085521

off topic but Kitty's Frosbite EP is better than anything LUM ever made

No. 2085529

I don't listen to Chapo, but Will was doing their standard deny, deflect, "why do you even care you big mean TERF" routine that they all do whenever a tranny does anything normal people might dislike, and their fans were all following along.

No. 2085542

I’m the one who said I saw him out with other women. Yes shoving a phone in the face of near - total strangers in a dimly lite room where there are like 7 people would have doxxed me immediately. Farmer who has digital dirt is a different farmer

No. 2085543

>I’m the one who said I saw him out with other women. Yes shoving a phone in the face of near - total strangers in a dimly lite room

nta but who said you need to shove your phone up in their face nona? also on iphones there are settings where you can take a pic in a dimly lit area/dark place and the light can be brightened on the phone without using the flash also
>where there are like 7 people would’ve doxxed me immediately
not to sound mean anon but i don’t really think anyone reading this thread for gossip is focused on whatever you’re doing in the same room as eli, i also don’t think i’ve heard of anons who share images of cows in public getting doxxed or people trying to sleuth out who took the image, just for posting a picture

No. 2085548

trueanon did a special on the zizz rationalist cult murders without once mentioning that all the she/hers are troons and that transgenderism and autism have an overlap with delusional psychotic tendencies, clustered paraphilias, and dangerous anti-social behavior.

No. 2085551

At this point the dirtbag left championed trans rights way more than they ever did socialized healthcare.

No. 2085585

I mean, they do this with any social issue that affects women. Whenever a woman makes a tweet about an interaction with a crazy homeless guy that gains any engagement, the remnants of irony twitter pounce on it.
A year or two ago when Roommate Leia asked if some Chicago neighborhood was safe for a woman to walk through alone at night, she had the failson incel brigade screaming at her for days. They did it to Audrey Horne during the Daniel Penny thing because she didn't want him burned at the stake without a trial. Liz Bruenig, back when she was on twitter, did her whole pickme act about how she thinks it's fine if bums are shooting up on the subway next to women or kids going to school, and since she's such an uwu smol defenseless innocent tradwife, everyone else has to be too.
It's all abut moid solidarity over class solidarity. And it always has been.

No. 2085624

I love and share your taste in music nonna

How much of this youth trans care would be psychological care for those experiencing genuine distress and how much would be chopping up a teenager's arm to make a misshapen sausage?

No. 2085629

File: 1738731308743.mp4 (1.29 MB, 720x480, she_could_certainly_say_it_in_…)

That came out a few years after the whole scene died down. She was the biggest Wavery denier of all though. Wrote like a giant ass Tumblr post about it being a real thing after spending a few years talking about how it wasn't.

No. 2085635

File: 1738732081976.png (76.89 KB, 611x402, liz bruenig heroin addict shoo…)

>Liz Bruenig, back when she was on twitter, did her whole pickme act about how she thinks it's fine if bums are shooting up on the subway
actual insanity

No. 2085668

Remember when she had the teeth of a homeless person kek

No. 2085672

What makes you think they want children?

No. 2085700

muh based class-first leftism is when the Cambridge-educated New York Times journalist who lives in a $10 million townhouse in Georgetown and won’t leave the house without a personal security detail guilt trips you on twitter for not wanting your kids to get sprayed with junkie blood on the subway. fuck this bitch forever im so glad she stopped posting

No. 2085701

not the anon you replied to but dasha has stated she wants kids most memorably on a twitter space with pariah the troon I recapped in an old thread if you want to look it up. they discussed at length all the things dasha was doing to enhance her fertility, that’s why she had a sudden obsession with Ray Peat (well that and the anti seed oil discourse was raging and dasha’s a slave to fads). I can also recall dasha referencing fertility concerns on the pod then saying to Anna something like “but you know me, I’ll GET children” it was so strange and acquisitive and made it clear she sees children as lifestyle accessories. I genuinely pity her future children she’s such a cliche unstable cluster B nightmare it’s depressing to think about her trying to parent

No. 2085739

talking not the same as doing

No. 2085742

seed oils don’t cause infertility in women kek. she must have some weird hormonal problem going on that she’s too retarded to fix

No. 2085762

She use to talk about her irregular cycles and how she never had a real period until very recently when she got off of birth control after several years on it. She said she started birth control before she ever even had her 1st period at around 13 or 14. I don’t think she looks underweight enough to be infertile due to weight alone but she tries to imply this. She has less breast tissue than a troon, I honestly think she has a disorder of some kind.

No. 2085776

duh. but you asked for evidence Dasha wants children and I gave several instances where she talks at length about wanting and physically preparing to have children. is there a reason you’re trying to cast doubt on it? Gee I hope Dasha’s fiancé isnt the “no kids” type or he’s in for a big surprise… hey baby trapping kinda worked for Anna right?

No. 2085778

gullible. she was pregnancy baiting for attention

No. 2085783

Do you need to see the creampie with your own eyes or something? Plenty of women talk about wanting kids without actively trying to have them, it doesn’t mean they’re baiting. I don’t see a reason to not believe her (this time). If you have proof of the contrary, feel free to post it.

No. 2085788

lol not so gullible that I don’t know exactly who I’m talking to. hello “fellow farmer” nice of you to spend more time here on lolcow now that your acting careers dead and good luck getting that broke builder’s grade Bushwick man of yours down to the courthouse. he’s no OPN or Nicolas Braun but a girls gotta be practical when her clocks ticking right?(hi cow)

No. 2085814


I think not mentioning that about the Ziz stuff was actually interesting, troons and handmaidens refuse to critique the rape and child murder troops do all the time. So presenting these insane people as insane without mentioning gendie shit forces people to say they are insane and can't fawn and dither and make excuses. Some people on the subreddit were butthurt over it.

TA literally never ever addresses gendie shit in any form (or even rape and male violence as an overarching force which is Inchresting/cowardly when you consider the genesis of the pod). I'm fascinated to guess what their actual takes on it are. I think they're mostly not on board and avoid the topic entirely as a result

No. 2085851

How bad is Chapo now? Is it just Will reading the news and Felix cracking unfunny jokes?

No. 2085854

They're somehow plumbing new depths of purposelessness these days

No. 2085867

Yeah, I've noticed their lack of stance as well. I largely don't expect TA to take a stance because of that. Maybe the pendulum'll swing so hard that they'll get to hang out with Taibbi again.
I just find CTH surface-level support of trans to be performative for reasons I don't understand, an overcorrection or something? It's so easy to just pick an aspect of trans strife and care about just that, but I haven't seen any of that. It's just a load of rapid fire "I care about ALL OF THIS and I'm catching up with all of you!" when they know better.

No. 2085873

The proof is she’s a bpd retard who does and says things for attention and not any real conviction

No. 2085893

>source: trust me bro

No. 2085902

shouldn’t you be rubbing your putrid herpes pussy all over your 17,000 dollar mattress? ugly pajeet fucking bitch(sperg)

No. 2085903

He also has an extremely gay lisp. This is him in college. Extremely gay mannerisms too.

This is sample of his brother’s voice which is somewhat high pitched but not gay sounding at all imo.

My point here is that Reilly’s gay voice isn’t some peculiar accent in his sri lankan family, it is unique to him.

In conclusion, Dasha is engaged to a gay man, again. When will she learn her lesson?

No. 2085912

dasha’s brother-in-law is a real chess master. does anyone remember when dasha had a chess phase? I think it was a few years ago, i wonder if that phase was connected to her boyfriend.

No. 2085954

Kek who are you talking to? Are you ok nona?

No. 2086057

all her exes sound gay. looking and sounding like a troon attracts men with gay voice. who knew

No. 2086081

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No. 2086152

Not sure if we covered this, but RS just hemorrhaged over 60% of their patreon subscribers in January. So much winning. The dropoff was so dramatic it doesnt look organic and looks like maybe Thiel pulled all his fake subscribers.

No. 2086157

This isn't reflected in the numbers here: https://graphtreon.com/creator/RedScare

Where are you getting this?

No. 2086162

1/6 isn't 60%

No. 2086181

they're still grifting over 45k a month to sit in a room for two hours a few times a month. what are you celebrating about? instead of focusing on creating content they're just paid that much to get drunk and say dumb shit. the most recent episode sounded like they were both in bed trying to fall asleep with the tv on. if it continues to rapidly drop that's fair but i wouldn't break out the champagne just yet.

No. 2086223

File: 1738883801005.jpg (219.68 KB, 876x1049, ew.jpg)

For someone who prides herself in being blonde so much her roots barely look blonde they're more like light ashy brown, and that's not her bf, picrel is

She was trying to convince herself that women don't like muscular guys, she had another post with pictures of scrotes built like her bf saying this is really the ideal male body kek. Curly long body hair, her height or shorter, chubby with love handles, low muscle mass and not buff, lean or toned which is most women's preference
Most women also don't like this level of body hair, she has a tendency to generalize what she particularly has as what most women want to make her life and standards seem desirable

No. 2086249

Is she taller than him?

>She was trying to convince herself that women don't like muscular guys, she had another post with pictures of scrotes built like her bf saying this is really the ideal male body kek. Curly long body hair, her height or shorter, chubby with love handles, low muscle mass and not buff, lean or toned which is most women's preference

She takes Vyvanse which can cause narcissism and grandiose delusions(armchairing)

No. 2086303

Is he brown?

No. 2086328

File: 1738913437030.png (293.3 KB, 1934x1470, dropped.png)

weird… the 5 year stats are bugged showing a drop from 32k subscribers in Oct 2024 to 10k now but they never got that high ever. the highest per daily stats was 13k in March 2022 (not sure why as no major guests during that period, maybe Russian-Ukraine war news bump?) and then 13k in Sep 2023 (BAP episode bump) then sliding down to same levels as Aug 2021 currently. it is the worst subs they've been in a while but they've been so lazy lately, no guests, no stunts, just endless recapping of latest news cycle 2-3 weeks later once everyone has forgotten about the subjects they're discussing and have moved onto the latest thing

No. 2086339

trueanon will occasionally stumble upon an accidental reference to red scare (never by name; that podcast, that downtown New York scene ) and then they do an awkward laugh or pause. The recent chapo episode w brace is funny because theyre talking about the edgy ex bernie bros at the gaudy trump party like thats not their prodigal son(sage your shit)

No. 2086346

selfposting and whiteknighting via factcheck bc i am a listener but they did mention it in a vague hand wavey way and i think it was brought up on chapo w brace as well i dont remember which ep but i think it was mentioned in relation to their transhumanist tendencies(sage your shit)

No. 2086408

she has PCOS but there is something else going on that is related to her absence of breasts and deep voice

No. 2086418

she looks and talks like she was born with both parts

No. 2086419

Dasha is intersex. This will be revealed.

No. 2086420

isn't her voice just vocal fry plus smoking?

No. 2086422

do you look like a little troon like her?(infight bait)

No. 2086423

File: 1738949940039.png (891.48 KB, 1202x1667, posting the needful.png)

aging Left Twitter superstar Sridhar Ramesh posted his college transcripts for … some reason lol. no idea what he's trying to get at with this but it's kind of sad and extremely pathetic that a failed STEMlord like him is arguing with Dasha and Anna every day on twitter

No. 2086447

I think she did mention sometime back thats her boyfriend is 5'6 or 5'7.You need to understand her POV.She is in her late 20's, never had a decent job. Probably grew up UMC. Now divorced and unwilling to compromise her lifestyle. She had no choice but to get in a relatioship with a 500K earning 42 yrs old tech guy even if he is short.

No. 2086459

a fairly common story. life is so bleak

No. 2086484

File: 1738960526924.jpeg (830.25 KB, 1426x1480, IMG_7772.jpeg)

He very clearly posted it in response to the muskrat simping

No. 2086490

File: 1738961007900.jpeg (1008.12 KB, 3464x2002, 01205F93-F37A-4844-A771-45FE17…)

stimulants don't cause but rather exacerbate those who are already narcissists' more inhibited narc behaviors, which is her case

there was an anon itt saying she can't be a white supremacist because her bf is "brown" but she "only dated whites and jews" and is hell-bent on gatekeeping who is/isn't white

you only see this fixation from wignats who don't understand genetics or history like her, she spews complete bs like "the portuguese are arab". the frequency of r1b in portugal is 56-78%, often >90% in the north, reflecting indo-european, including celtic and bell beaker migration. they're 5% avg north african, in the south 11% due to moorish rule (moors who were mostly berbers, not arabs). also part visigoth, suebi and roman which reinforces portugal's european genetic profile. they've never been "arab", genetically they're far closer to spaniards, french and other western europeans. she must be "straight up" jewish according to her retardation though with 6-7% (i'm assuming ashkenazi) admixture. also
>borderers aren't white
>gaelic people aren't white
>russians aren't white
lol thanks for clearing that up supreme arbiter of trve whiteness alicia shitler

No. 2086504

That explanation doesn’t make him any less retarded lol. Probably everyone else in his graduating class is a director or manager at somewhere like Facebook making hundreds of thousands a year, while he’s an internet addict without the podcaster money Chapo has to show for it.

No. 2086520

all that sucking up to Richard Spencer got her nowhere

No. 2086521

She’s talked about her mom having health issues from chernobyl. Maybe she really was born deformed and intersex

No. 2086544

I hate this cornball xkcd humor ass nerd

No. 2086601

File: 1738982948308.jpg (28.41 KB, 400x400, gkpBAR1y_400x400.jpg)

>tfw you're unemployable because you physically cannot go two hours without posting, but you get free tickets to every chapo live show!

No. 2086651

File: 1739000253117.png (1.01 MB, 697x1187, beautiful man.png)

No. 2086724

You don’t think he got dei hired somewhere

No. 2086727

when you think about it, probably is exhausting to edit every single pic you post while maintaining an ‘interesting’ Twitter presence and have the ugliest men alive simp for you (and stalk you at times)

No. 2086738


why are you shitting up this already bad thread with this literal nobody. who the fuck cares

No. 2086739


why are you shitting up this already bad thread with this literal nobody. who the fuck cares(doubleposting/learn2delete)

No. 2086743

File: 1739033978533.png (129.1 KB, 739x715, Dissident Dialogues.png)

shit's all retarded.

No. 2086752

KEK someone doesn’t want us posting pictures of Sri, I wonder why that is?

No. 2086757

lol he's far from a literal who, he's come up in these threads before because he's a recurring character in the chapoverse with like 60K followers, and gets into it with Dasha and Anna on Twitter a lot. Here's one example: >>1820626
It's extremely embarrassing that he is a 40 year old man who's addicted to Twitter and doesn't have anything to show for it. Posting your college transcripts from 20 fuckin years ago for no reason is like definitional lolcow behavior. When CWC would post videos of himself fucking blow-up dolls, he had the excuse of being literally retarded and having other literal retards goad him into doing that shit.
If you want to talk about A&D or Audrey Horne or Felix or someone else, no one is stopping you from posting about them, retard.
will she ever get off the "erm ackshually sweaty, if a man doesn't club you over the head like a caveman, it's not rape" pickme bullshit? It is extremely tiring.

No. 2087005

The sum total of all Dimes Square associated art is a few podcasts that grow less relevant by the month, some blogs on Substack, and a dozen movies I wouldn't watch if I could find them on Tubi

No. 2087006

Dimes-Square coded Anora already won at Cannes and is currently the frontrunner for Best Picture and half the crew and extras are from the scene + Ivy Wolk.

No. 2087009

Fair enough but would really call The Brutalist the forerunner.

No. 2087055

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No. 2087060

The scene where All The Things She Said plays felt so shoehorned in

No. 2087099

Michael and Mia both have better and less cringe taste than Dasha.

No. 2087117

File: 1739125516197.jpeg (315.83 KB, 840x923, IMG_7520.jpeg)

rename it photoshopping roastie coin

No. 2087131


Listened to zizian episodes they do talk about how all of them are otherkin/neopronoun users

No. 2087171

its actually outrageous that hundreds of thousands of dollars cannot buy you a more attractive face than this. Dasha out here single handedly disproving “you’re not ugly you’re just poor”

No. 2087174

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No. 2087175

File: 1739143292834.jpeg (411.57 KB, 640x788, F8C01519-A28E-4286-A06F-3EF7E0…)

No. 2087184

she spends it all on clothes and drugs instead

No. 2087187

no she’s very obviously had significant work done it just can’t make her pretty

No. 2087214

woop woop moid alert

No. 2087224

this was one of the most delusional things he’s ever posted

No. 2087255

is it in the paywalled part 2, is there an upload of it somewhere?

No. 2087328

File: 1739179049120.jpeg (321.09 KB, 1125x1576, gross witch stew.jpeg)

Average tradwife stew(sage non-milk)

No. 2087339

She’s quite literally a bogwitch

No. 2087353

Prolly just meant thyroid issues

No. 2087363

I’m not a moid and I think she is one. The “I’m just a little school girl” and all the editing to look younger seems like an overcompensation for having bad pussy

No. 2087374

File: 1739202538264.png (157.79 KB, 1042x673, moron.png)

pot kettle black

No. 2087379

>porn is ruining marriages and healthy relationships, causing men to become so addicted to zero-effort dopamine and warped concepts of female bodies from videos of 18 year old drugged-out girls being brutalized, that they completely lose sense of healthy intimacy and the value of actual sex with a loving partner, to the point the way their brain registers women is even warped to categorizing women as tools
>this is somehow because women are STUPID, and they’re just jealous!

No. 2087391

>ackshually these women see themselves in competition with porn!
Isn’t this the woman who remade her entire face and body to look like a blowup doll coomer fantasy? project harder

No. 2087419

Getting older hurts people in different ways.

No. 2087420

adrien brody would absolutely be in this scene if it wouldn't make him so obviously a creepy old man. I remember the pictures of him at the bronx is burning themed real estate party.

No. 2087425

the father-daughter incest scene in splice ruined his career, just being a creepy old man would be an upgrade

No. 2087447

>ruined {Adrien Brody’s} career
he is probably going to win the Best Actor Oscar for The Brutalist, whether or not he deserves it
men never actually get canceled, only women

No. 2087465

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I agree those big conservative accounts are coordinated but all these people suddenly having pro-porn as their Current Thing is the same

No. 2087466

bap/jack/dasha/anna have always been pro-porn/degeneracy, its what helps them feel special and distinct from "ned flanders" style conservatism (much like palestine is for dirtbag/conspiracy leftists who will never the less vote straight Democrat ticket every single election cycle)

No. 2087467

Is there a term for this little subsection of the Dimes scene that's explicitly pro-porn? Jack, Milkers, Anna (remember when she went to that Pornhub party?) The Porn Right

No. 2087481

>women don't care how an addiction to hurting women affects the wellbeing of men
scarewhores are so brainrotted this is a shocking realization to them

No. 2087495

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No. 2087506

it's crazy how podcast millionaires live the same lives as wretches who collect disability.

No. 2087508

File: 1739231580164.png (971.05 KB, 994x661, no pussy.png)

Brace Belden seems to be the only one to land a half decent looking girlfriend. I guess money can't solve your problems if you're freakishly ugly or on the spectrum.

No. 2087553

wait, whom is Brace dating??

No. 2087554


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2087559

Can someone who understands crypto explain what's going on with this dashacoin business?

No. 2087579

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No. 2087581

She's not that old, just deranged.

No. 2087583

Your standard pump and dump. Except all the simps are really invested in the pump because of her and I don't really think she's smart enough to know how to dump. Figure it's a scheme to raise money for her wedding(sage your shit)

No. 2087622

What do you mean? It's a pump and dump. People buy some coins and hope to sell them for a profit before the scammer (in this case Dasha) runs off with most of the money.

It's also illegal. People have gotten in legal trouble over shitcoins like this.

No. 2087623

Some stripper

No. 2087720

What demographic is Dasha going for now anyways?

No. 2087735

It was set up by that gay art hoe talent agency. I think they get some of the money

No. 2087739

How old is she? Isn’t she an escort? Taking old guy sperm must have really aged her a lot

No. 2087765

File: 1739298167839.png (273.58 KB, 621x620, ick.png)

Even with facetune she looks like shit

No. 2087785

She is 1992 born.She isn't an escort,she is an accountant. But she did work as a bottle girl when she moved to US.

No. 2087786

okay monica chmelev

No. 2087787

She's desperate for a boyfriend.Most of her friends are either married or in a relationship. Anna,Dasha,Catherine. Even @verymoisturised has/had a situationship. Don't know about Veronika.

No. 2087825

File: 1739308813367.png (977.38 KB, 1188x1032, dysmor.png)

like A+D she thinks low bodyfat% = hot

No. 2087831

kek, apt file name nonnie

No. 2087846

Her face is really bad.

No. 2087850

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Hegelian e-girl going after A+D, BAP and Rohit Krishna Okhandiar of Milady/Miya/CharlotteFang77

No. 2087853

File: 1739312257036.png (673.45 KB, 705x736, fc.png)

The beef seems to be a marketing ploy for their substack.

No. 2087858

Serious question,how do these egirls survive in NYC? They don't look like trustfund girls.

No. 2087859


No. 2087863

do they realize Rachel haywire is a Nazi?

No. 2087864

Wow she has really unfortunate proportions, a big round belly even as an anachan. The kind of girl who just has no ass whatsoever. Being badly built and anorexic is a prerequisite to be part of the dimes square crowd

No. 2087865

lots of people are willing to accept shitty living conditions in order to live in NYC or LA. if you're willing to accept not being on the lease (so like, less recourse if your landlord wants you out, or the plumbing or heat is fucked) and having three roommates in a sketchy area, $40k a year can go farther than you may think.

No. 2087888

wursties really spend their whole day tweeting about their standards and rating supermodels as 5/10 only to pay to fuck whatever this is

No. 2087911

File: 1739321851792.jpeg (649.09 KB, 1179x2075, IMG_1571.jpeg)

Monica Chmelev AKA Fidan Mahmudli is impressively only 32 despite looking 46 in person pls subscribe to her flop podcast so she can afford olaplex and toner

No. 2087914

its clearly liposuction / ab sculpting that’s why her bottoms are pulled up that high she was fat last year

No. 2087915

File: 1739322314717.jpeg (2.02 MB, 1179x2135, IMG_1631.jpeg)

>what the fuck

No. 2087923

File: 1739323352146.png (1.79 MB, 1510x839, anna before surgery.png)

Dasha and Monica ended up with botched results because they went for cheap plastic surgery. Monica, being middle class, couldn’t afford a top-tier surgeon, while Dasha, despite making good money, is so bad with her finances that she couldn’t swing a quality procedure either.

Meanwhile, Anna looks miles better because she had the sense to save up her Patreon cash for a proper procedure.

No. 2087932

File: 1739325090221.jpeg (Spoiler Image,305.59 KB, 1179x2096, 480D1CB9-5563-4E17-BC5E-F9F109…)

Didn’t even post the best one jump scare warning

No. 2087942

>dyed blonde hair
>fake tits
>part of a nazi adjacent subculture despite being nonwhite

So much self hatred

No. 2087954

wonder who she saw and why she didn't advise dasha to see the same surgeon/injector.

No. 2087957

what's the point of having abs when you don't have a waist

No. 2087961

Different deformities. Dasha wouldn't benefit from facial feminization.

No. 2087968

this is what safa looks like IRL

No. 2087974

i'm really fascinated by the fact that she hasn't killed herself yet despite being so botched and terrifying even though she clearly has extreme self hatred. what an interesting woman i'm glad she's here for us to study kek

No. 2088009

File: 1739337508011.png (1.23 MB, 1216x1064, itsover.png)

Red Scare has reached its late stage grifting phase.

No. 2088015

Her name is Fidan Mahmudli? This sounds Tatar or Azeri? I know she goes by Monica Chmelev but did she lie about her father being Armenian?

No. 2088018

Awful and cringe but I'm forced to appreciate a little what seems to be making fun of ebegging scammers ("help me feed my family" when posted by 300 lb tumblrtards)

No. 2088032

not sure what that subreddits got going on, but for her to call a community of autistic females depressing whilst slobbering over many extremely autistic moid’s balls is so telling of how bad she wants to be picked

No. 2088043

>2088018 True but also so gross knowing there are no repercussions
Will be funny to see whether A or D's coin goes further

No. 2088074

Because old middle eastern or Jewish men love this look

No. 2088077

If it wasn’t for the huge fakes i would think this is Dasha. They both have that hooded belly button..thing

No. 2088079

>wow haha fellow farmers totally AWFUL and CRINGE
>but actually heres a detailed explanation of this joke and why its hilarious
Hm interesting reminds me of Anna’s constant urge to overexplain and defend herself

No. 2088104


>Matt married a stripper

>Brace's gf is a stripper
>Felix creeps on 6/10 OF whores

Even with fame these losers can't get women without paying

No. 2088112

File: 1739377314436.png (1.68 MB, 1218x1462, 19321024.png)

the indie sleaze dimes square aesthetic of trying to create the most dispassionate anemic aloof candid snapshot in the city is so tired. i can't blame any one person or organization but matt weinberger, cobrasnake, noagency etc are easy targets to start with

No. 2088116

Dasha putting her face directly on the subway seat is a purer expression of self loathing than even her catching over 100 dicks and whatever social diseases and Hepatitises she did not previously have, she does now and so does her entire depop inventory of ugly Peter Weir film wardrobe castoffs

No. 2088130

Literal jumpscare holy fucking shit. She looks like she squeaks like rubber when she moves

No. 2088131

How is she still so wide though? It’s like she has a beer belly under the sculpted abs

No. 2088137

File: 1739382818676.png (43.4 KB, 1826x224, MM.png)

Does she go by the surname Chmelev because she married(and apparently divorced?) and got the green card marrying Vladmir Chmelev? Her name is really contradicting her Armenian roots. This is an Azeri name.The marriage dates confirms her story of getting married soon after moving to US at a really young age(20 in her case).

No. 2088170

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Aesthetic medicine only works if there is something to salvage. Hidden under years of smokers skin, saggy cocaine undereyes, horrible mullet and permanent look of displeasure was a 7, maybe even 8, gothy art school hipster that was possible to still partially excavate by skilled professionals. Dasha was always bizarre looking, sallow and cashew shaped, has just grown more and more into those features and nothing short of Korean bone shaving surgery can really change that.

No. 2088172

why does someone come & post whenever she does a depop drop it feels like an ad

No. 2088185

this entire scene is inundated with russians and chicks from countries w/putin's dick in their mouths. Sus.

No. 2088190

girl on the left with the retro haircut looks like a tattoo artist from the 90s who needs a drummer for her circus band(sage your shit)

No. 2088200

Kaitlin Phillips used to post in these threads to boost her clients btw

No. 2088201

when you go to school in hijab but take it off before homeroom

No. 2088203


New stuff about Matt's recovery(this is an imageboard)

No. 2088209

Does she think she’s being cute and quirky by advertising her clothes like this? pretty gross

No. 2088224

I don't understand this. Why does the work they get done look so much worse than the stuff from cosmetic surgeon clinics that set up shop inside of military towns? They could have taken a few months of Patreon cash and gone to Cherry Point, NC or something. Is it all a referral scam?

No. 2088226

File: 1739399854619.png (253.36 KB, 878x415, 992ssow.png)

Curtis Yarvin says the n-word at the 1hr16min30sec mark on podcast hosted by Dimes Square orbiter who went though messy public breakup over the past year with a scene-adjacent right wing latina with acne scars.

No. 2088231

>As hard as this has been, with the leg twitches and hip pain and bathroom issues, I do look at our life and I’m happy. I love how much time we get to spend together and how much we really see each other.

wtf is wrong with her

No. 2088234

Starting off three paragraphs about how she's mad she doesn't have any complaints about their landlord beyond having to pay rent, in one of the most expensive cities in the country, easily paid with money they do nothing to earn. What will it take for these losers to grow the fuck up?

No. 2088235

File: 1739401402452.png (670.97 KB, 879x904, friendly landlord.png)

>“I saw the ramp is no longer installed in the front, I hope that’s good news!” My landlord texted me. As far as landlords go he’s relatively harmless, but he’s still my landlord. Him knowing my personal life makes me feel kinda gross. In the past he has offered to send us his realtor’s information to “help us buy a house” when we are ready, because that is “something he likes to help his renters do.” I thanked him politely but I felt weird about it, if he really wanted to help couldn’t he charge less rent? He charges the going rate in our neighborhood, which is not cheap

>I want to suggest to him that perhaps decreasing our rent would relieve some of that guilt, but I’m sure he would offer to help set up a gofundme. Listen, I’m not saying all landlords are evil, but I just don’t want to be his friend. I’m paying him money to live in his house, I’m paying the going rate in money, I don’t want to pay friendship too. I actually have enough friends, I’m very lucky in that way.

>The next thing he texted was “I’m praying he makes a full recovery [repaired heart emoji] as it sounds he is determined to get back to where he was before the incident.” Which, I know is very nice, and I sound like a jaded bitch, but it hit a nerve. He’s not the first to say something like this, my most favorite, most cherished loved ones have said similar things and I never know how to respond. I know everyone means well when they wish Matt a “full recovery” but it’s simply not possible, some parts of his brain are dead and never coming back.

what a cunt

No. 2088237

File: 1739401673494.png (604.45 KB, 1082x690, ugly shame.png)

lmao of course Felix refuses to cam up

No. 2088252

The faces of failure. Whatever political movement they were trying to build is completely and utterly dead.

No. 2088294

File: 1739413161935.png (400.22 KB, 440x538, benzo bloat.png)

he hasn't posted a picture of himself on ig in over 2 years

No. 2088296

the shame the daughter will endure growing up knowing she is the product of these feckless retards

No. 2088323

do you think these losers warrant the interference of hostile nations

No. 2088325

Will looks like shit

No. 2088344

Some people are just determined to not let anyone get away with being nice to them.

No. 2088350

Wow poor woman imagine taking care of an adult baby along with your actual child(sage your shit)

No. 2088398

I can't believe he's only 41

No. 2088454

Nah, no sympathy for clout goblins. Matt was married to his first wife of 10 years and left her for an obvious gold digger (All strippers are. Miss me with that “empowerment” shit.)

She got exactly what she deserved.

No. 2088472

I noticed the vanity fair piece didn't mention matt's ex wife at all

No. 2088499

Didn't Matt cheat on his first wife with Jacobin writer Alex Press?

No. 2088506

That was rumored, yes.

No. 2088512

File: 1739485499398.png (62.18 KB, 612x662, Annabowl.png)

Anna on Anna violence!


No. 2088522

She's trying so hard to sound like old kantbot kek

No. 2088528


Kristine Rose/Kristine Militello, Curtis Yarvin's wife, was also on this podcast


Explaining her path to fascist radicalisation, she says society is becoming "too communist". Basically admits to being racist: "I lost most of my friends because they all went crazy about George Floyd and I had gone in the other direction" - around 11:33:00.

Nicholas Dolinger, who jokes about violently raping a woman seconds earlier, writes for chudsy news outlet Epoch Times. They’re known to churn out articles aligning w Qanon and constantly lickin Trump’s dump. Yarvin promoted his book. Who wants to bet Thiel and/or Putin keeps media orgs like this in their pockets?

No. 2088545

>calling Anna a 7 or 8
Pure delusion

No. 2088551

Post surgery Anna is a 5. Dasha was a 5 before she fucked up her face with treatment.

No. 2088798

This essay really shows who the terminally online millennial left is. She complains about her kind and reasonable landlord, who she even admits isn’t overcharging her, simply because “landlords bad.” She clearly hasn’t read Marx, but knows she can gain sympathy and clout by venting about her personal grievances while occasionally throwing in vague references to the evils of capitalism, whatever that even means to her. It’s a pathetic excuse for a “movement,” full of whiny entitled antisocial children.

No. 2088876

How did that rumour start?

No. 2088918

File: 1739560896103.jpeg (166.3 KB, 1179x752, C7B1662F-D8D0-49CF-AB09-948272…)

any guesses?

No. 2088936

probably martin/captive dreamer he's the only notable anon left and the sebastian frank dox wasn't convincing. could be some random doge staffers again

No. 2088945

File: 1739565770465.jpeg (200.66 KB, 1401x459, IMG_7810.jpeg)

Anyone confirm ?

No. 2088946

File: 1739565909507.png (196.42 KB, 1051x806, oh no.png)

Aimee getting almost no engagement. Were the Thielbots turned off?

No. 2088953

File: 1739568318960.png (68.45 KB, 1208x400, AnnaRUOK.png)

No. 2088958

Why continue to bankroll these ugly losers when they already served their purpose?

No. 2088984

maybe Eli’s finally going for full custody

No. 2089001

File: 1739576712529.jpeg (231.45 KB, 1283x1570, IMG_2065.jpeg)

Sam Pritchard (maybe a better fit for the MtF thread these days?) is being a creepy troon about bisexual women and even some other troons are telling him to shut the fuck up, so he’s doubling and tripling down. https://x.com/hecubian_devil/status/1889148195927671082

No. 2089025

Dasha looks like a fucking mii

No. 2089032

Jail tier tweet

No. 2089033

thiel blew it all on dasha's "career", he doesn't have the money for the bots anymore kek

No. 2089060

File: 1739588427211.jpeg (149.06 KB, 616x603, C73B1E5F-BFCD-4B1D-A85E-BFCF93…)

How has she been playing this long and is still at this skill level? This is a beginner's score lol

No. 2089061

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No. 2089091

kek dasha so badly wants to be a beautiful, high iq chess thot, casually moving her pieces around the board while eye-fucking and impressing her handsome wealthy opponent in his fancy upper east side apartment, but in reality she's a fucking dumbass with the same score as a 12 year old and can only find ugly gay guys who want to use her as their chain-smoking rent-a-womb

No. 2089093

>just use people as starter experiences bro
The scrotiness of the moid brain effortlessly reveals itself time and time again.
Men literally cannot fathom a sexuality that's not about using people for instant, selfish, throwaway gratification. Just another reason troons will never pass as real women.

No. 2089117

800 elo in chess isn't bad but you aren't really "good at chess" til like 1000-1200 if I remember right

No. 2089208

You’re not remembering correctly 850 is a score associated with children who are just learning the game - not total beginners, but not understanding much beyond how the pieces move and some basic openers, and who continually make very basic avoidable errors. For an adult who’s played chess for years as Dasha has - and a lot of chess, like 1000 games in a year - it’s a surprisingly bad score. It indicates someone not capable of learning from their mistakes or even fully understanding the game, perhaps someone not very smart

No. 2089209


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2089212

File: 1739628898610.jpeg (684.39 KB, 1179x1619, IMG_7528.jpeg)

>successful in her career despite being retarded
for her willingness to be naked in movies and fuck any gross scrote under the sun, she hasn’t been very successful in her career. her crowning achievement was succession but she was a side character and had less than two minutes of screentime the entire season. unless she’s talking about her podding career, even so that was boosted considerably by scrotes as well

No. 2089215

they haven’t figured out her meager success is due to being a whore. pray for redscarepod

No. 2089261

No. 2089275

the real ones know how to hit a russian larper where it hurts by coming for her chess.com elo kek

No. 2094080

Can anyone tell me why BAPs, fervent Zionists and even some of the Hollywood Jews do this weird ok gesture over the eye? It's not white power, like the media likes to claim, it's something else I'm assuming.

No. 2094084

I honestly get nervous where this corporation (country) is heading. You literally have the president and vp supporting pedos and child traffickers.

I'm under belief that Karp and Thiel are reincarnated Epsteins, but using surveillance to blackmail people. They are both into nanotech and want a world where they can bring everyone else under subjugation by spying at the molecular scale. We are fucked with these scumbags. Fucked. And everyone supports Trump cause of a fake assassination attempt.(unsaged schizo)

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