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No. 618237
21 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her 32 year old junkie boyfriend Jonny Craig, and her creepy controlling mother.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/613294 (CURRENTLY BROKEN)
The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Several pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig is the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: of Taylor’s pets and history: Milk:
> Former friend Versatile Reptiles is now verified with a tripcode> Still never made an apology video for slandering South Texas Dragons> Admits to live feeding, and knocking rodents out with blunt force instead of a CO2 chamber (as recently as mid Nov, also leaving a live feeder alone with her snake for 20 mins, only checking on it once)> Mushu has been shown without much gill feathering left recently shown much more clearly with facial scarring, even less feathering and stressed posturing> Attempted to purchase two new crocodile skinks on the down low before a smaller pettuber ratted on the cover-up of the deaths> Claiming that she's one of the few pettubers that is actually up front with the accident and the issues they have, despite trying to continuous hide the deaths of her mantis shrimp, lionfish, skinks, pacman frog etc for weeks-months after they happened> More enclosures being shown with completely empty water dishes> Cheese died suddenly, convenietly when she released new merch featuring him, has been pushing her merch harder than usual> She has alluded to a ‘friend’ that has a cowfish twice the size of cheese that she may replace Cheese with (if she hasn’t already)> Gave Cheese a “viking funeral” then sent him for autopsy (put him on a boat during a monetized video)> Videos calling out her care have stated to take over searches for her> In combination with the call-out videos on YT, after she posted the video of Cheese’s “funeral” TND began to hemmorage subscribers> Other pettubers began making (monetized) videos to defend TND and claiming that they were worried that “the bullying against Taylor” might ‘make her’ self harm> Other pettubers begin distancing themselves from TND> TND shuts off comments on the videos and instagram posts around cheese amid mass criticism > Has been bouncing deactivations on her twitter and instagram during the controversy around Cheese> Animals purchased in the last ~ month: Texas Rat Snake, Halloween Crab, 3 Rats, 2 Crocodile Skinks, Sinaloan Milksnake, Scorpion, Ghost Mantis> Recent Known Deaths: Orchid Mantis, Mantis Shrimp, Pacman Frog, Crocodile Skinks, Zazu, CheeseAll Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/450408 3
>>>/snow/460352 4
>>>/snow/478685 5
>>>/snow/499810 6
>>>/snow/522836 7
>>>/snow/531836 8
>>>/snow/542328 9
>>>/snow/548305 10
>>>/snow/557047 11
>>>/snow/572819 12
>>>/snow/590174 13
>>>/snow/603765 14
>>>/snow/614641 15
>>>/snow/638664 16
>>>/snow/648895 17
>>>/snow/663922 18
>>>/snow/679440 19
>>>/snow/693293 20
>>>/snow/712298 21
>>>/pt/592820 22
>>>/pt/597713 23
>>>/pt/603048 24
>>>/pt/607955General Pettuber Thread:
>>>/snow/730730 No. 618245
>>618241 Thanks for the information! I have been out of the loop for about a week now.
Was there any other information about Gucci's supposed death?
Poor Kronos, whether he's alive or dead he is/was in about as crappy of a setup as you could get with (supposedly) knowing what his kind of monitor actually needs.
No. 618261
>>618251Why can't people provide proof or at least how they supposedly know this.
Even just knowing who said it is better than nothing.
No. 618274
>>618270I agree. A lot of people in the last thread kept saying this is the smartest thing for her to do. I disagree. Her refusing to show how her animals are cared for after promising it a month ago just proves how horrible her care is. Her radio silence is probably making even her most devoted fans annoyed or “uwu so concerned” for her.
She claims she’s taking a break to improve herself. But it just seems she’s avoiding criticism to just spend time with her rapist manlet. She’s a dumbass, I just can’t take her seriously. She’ll only be back when the money stops flowing in. Not because she truly loves what she does or cares about her stans. It’s always for the money/views.
No. 618282
>>618272That or her mum or jonny 'accidentally' post something regarding possible dead animals.
Waiting is boring I know but put it this way, when she runs out of youtube money we'll know and her race back to social media to fix it will be glorious.
>>618274Even the most unstable of special snowflakes on youtube don't just bail like this, they try to milk it for all it's worth.
Her underage fans will probably stay her fans but considering their attention spans are so short they probably have 30 other people they're subbed to and will eventually forget about Taylor since she never uploads.
As for the older fans they'll eventually get tired of the constant sob stories months after the problem had happen and she'd been silent during. People can and will be supportive but if you constantly bring yourself down and show no obvious signs of getting legit help they will just give up and tell her she can't be helped.
No. 618283
>>618259>>618261I've been talking to someone in the pet community that's in contact with some of Taylors "friends". I know it's annoying that I can't say who it is but I promised not to, those people need to come out about it on their own. I guess they think that if they stop supporting her they will lose the insider information and they will get kicked out of the group like Breeze did. Taylor really is the queen bee of Pettube, if you disagree with her you're not allowed to go to Petfest etc because she's the one that pays for it. Taylor literally pays people to be her friends, it's pathetic.
The thing about Bree that Jayce posted about is also totally spun in Taylors favor, imo Bree should come out with her version because all of Taylors leeches stopped talking to her because of those lies. Taylor also knows that Jayce posted on here but I guess that's not surprising.
(To my "source" if you read this: I hope you don't mind too much that I talked about this, I think these things are all pretty obvious.)
No. 618285
>>618283is there any possible way they could make names that is unrelated to their pet tube persona but obvious to us who it is?
Taylor could fact check current chats but if it's old the chances of her realising are low, I mean, she can never keep track of her own fucking stories so fat chance of her keeping up with chats.
No. 618290
>>618285Most of it isn't talked about over chat so there's not really a lot of written proof. A lot of those people lurk and post on here so there's a decent chance that some posts of "what's up with this animal, Taylor probably did this and this" are from them, especially if those topics are randomly brought up.
I just wish at least one person would speak out publicly but I guess they are worried about Taylor sending them a cease and desist. I still think that they could just contact me on Twitter or something so I can verify that they're telling the truth while remaining anon, it wouldn't help with convincing the rest of the internet but at least we would know what's going on.
No. 618343
>>618338If anyone doesn't believe it's really me I can tweet something out, I'm not sure how necessary a trip code is but if more people want me to have one I'll see what I can do.
I figured I'd share what I know just because these are all things that are pretty obvious but won't ever be totally confirmed unless a Pettuber that's close to Taylor comes out with it. No way will she admit that Ursula died for example.
No. 618355
>>618338>>618343It's getting confusing now, so I think a trip code is necessary for anyone in this thread. There were just so many fake screenshots posted in the last thread. Who knows what posts are faked, too.
I'm wondering what motive these people (person?) have? To discredit us? Or they think anons are so gullible, go with it, baiting what ever or someone else to make a video about it so Taylor can show that they are still alive to make us look ridiculous?
No. 618365
>>618355Literally to discredit this site. Could even be Taylor, without Twitter I bet she's got time on her hands. Likely might be her manbaby Jonny too.
Milk =/= rumours. Folks need to remember to back their shit up with evidence. That means tripcodes or screenshots with names + numbers. Pettubers too chicken shit to do this are pathetic.
No. 618372
>>618365Honestly ironic giving that whatever basically discredited the site in her last video by saying a lot of it was speculation (without mentioning the amount of evidence to point towards the speculation).
This whole thing is just becoming dumb, sooner or later it will be another Emzotic thing we had with someone saying it was a 'social experiment' lmao.
No. 618375
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This site looks like wouldn't let this thread exist for more than a few minutes.
This thread is garbage and OP is a tool with too much time on her hands.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 618376
>>618373The point anon was making is that anyone can claim to be anyone. Evidence in the form of tripcodes / screenshots / phone numbers etc is needed.
Sincerely Taylor N Dean.
No. 618387
>>618385I think people are just upset with random people posting potential milk without any proof.
Also, wasn't Ursula dying posted with the fake texts?
No. 618390
>>618237>>618387>>618387No, ursula is dead.
Someone is trying to discredit this thread, and this information did come out of a credible source that is choosing to stay anonymous.
No. 618412
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No. 618414
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No. 618427
>>618411>>618422Yeah, I have to question why Jayce is only coming out now about it all after trying to buddy buddy up with Taylor. Reminder everyone here; he's an awful pet owner too who handles hots and livefeeds + thinks it's OK to keep snakes in tubs. He has no formal education and hordes just as much as Tay Tay.
Now Taylor's blocked him, and he's vomited out all his info on her as some sort of revenge, what new info can he bring here?
No. 618432
>>618427Ok point but why does it matter if he is still telling the truth?
We are here to milk a cow, not to nitpick. You are chasing away milk.
No. 618440
>>618435No, you're right, he should be in pettubers general for his shit care.
>>618434There is no tea. Unless he wants to post some revolutionary screenshots.
No. 618446
>>618437>>618444A death was just confirmed and it's being derailed to talking shit about milk providers?
Is there a cow here?
No. 618452
>>618414I'm glad you finally got a tripcode so anons can stop sperging about it.
I understand how annoying it is to get potential milk with no evidence and then it turns out it's false, but some of y'all take this so seriously and seem to get genuinely
triggered about this stuff. I think it's better to ask those people to confirm their identity, and if they don't, it's best to ignore them. I also kind of agree that all the fake milk might be to throw people off. Though I don't know if Taylor herself would be doing that because, let's be real, a few of the animals mentioned are probably dead anyways. Could be a bored farmer or a screechy fan trying to discredit the threads.
>>618422If we're being real here and talking about clout, I feel like the Petfest crew would be better off actually coming out about Taylor's bullshit. The tables have turned and other than her 14 year old autistic stans, the vast majority of sane people are against her. I mean, what ever's video has 20k+ likes ffs. I don't know what they're so afraid off. If they want clout, they should come out, but I guess if they wanna continue mooching off Taylor then they should continue sucking her tit undercover.
Though I do appreciate the inside info that comes from people being fake so I ain't too mad.
No. 618458
>>618436Listen, I love lolcow as much as the next person, but "stay relevant"? Lmao. What would he have to gain from coming to a place with about 50 (give or take) people, who mostly don't seem to like him (or are neutral and only interested in milk). Even if he is just in to "stay relevant", his info still gave us something to discuss. He has no amazing, ground-breaking milk but eh.
>>618442She buys friends, a boyfriend, a bunch of animals to fill the emotional void etc. All she knows what to do is spend money and get something in return. She's a sad human being.
>>618448I can see why she doesn't, she'd just further show us she's a neglectful hoarder that should have her animals taken away. It is sad.
No. 618462
>>618453The screenshot comes from Whatever. I believe her, but I’m hesitant to confirm it because of how many degrees of separation are present. At minimum we have Taylor, Friend of Taylor, Person Messaging Whatever, Whatever.
Whatever is very likely being honest, but anyone else along the line could be lying. Allowing degrees of separation gives people new opportunities to try and fake milk. We need to keep some sort of standard, otherwise I see things quickly getting even more out of hand than before.
I think considering deaths to be confirmed should be limited to either Taylor herself saying it, or from someone verified with a tripcode showing messages directly from Taylor. Anything less should be considered rumors.
No. 618464
>>618462Completely agree, there's too much fake shit and stale milk being brought here.
However this stuff isn't going to be confirmed until Taylor is back on twitter, if she ever comes back… if she doesn't buy replacement pets. Ursula would be fairly easy to replace.
No. 618465
>>618427Alright, I'll take the bait.
Taylor killed the croc skinks, via dehydration.
Not an electrical malfunction. This was confirmed from Bree during our conversation.
Ursula is also dead, confirmed from Bree.
(although Ursula dying isn't much of a surprise, most people can't keep them alive in captivity for long, not an animal I support keeping in general personally)
Also, may not be groundbreaking, but I also revealed several issues with Taylors money management.
Shes 100k in debt to the IRS.
She makes about 30,000-60,000/monthly from YouTube depending on views that much and how consistently she uploads. This doesn't include any sponsorship or anything.
She has considered leaving Jonny multiple times and mainly hasn't because he has a key to their place.
Jonny hasn't ever been physically abusive to her, but emotionally? Very much so.
Jonny falls back into drinking heavily every time he leaves for tour. When he's on tour is when they fight.
When hes home, things go pretty well.
Jonny makes about 4,000/month from Slaves and other revenue from his music career. He pays their full rent. $2,000/month as his gift to Taylor and he spends the rest of his money on whatever he wants.
Taylor has a prior coke issue and when she went to Sacramento, Taylor brought coke with her. Taylor turned that blame on Bree as an out. Bree is the easiest one to target and exile from the group because she has no large platform to speak out on.
Taylor also confirmed multiple other drug habits with me at one point because I'm also a former addict. (over 6 years clean). So she felt she could tell me this info. Which at the time, it was safe. She has supposedly tried various pills along with heroin.
I'm willing to bet she most likely lied about trying heroin, but it's what she told me. Possibly trying to relate to me, being as heroin was my drug of choice that I was addicted to 6 nearly 7 years ago.
No animal of Taylors died during the time her and I were speaking.
Taylor did talk about how she has someone she pays to come clean the animals for her and watch them. She never confirmed a name to me either.
Taylor never blocked me. I have her blocked. I cut off communication because I don't enjoy being stabbed in the back when I'm trying to help someone. The only reason I'm coming out about this now, is because of all the info that's been coming out. The croc skink scandal and such, all pissed me off.
I wanted to give you guys all the info I had, that I learned while being friends with her.
Now, if you wanna try coming at me for MY pet care, you can sure as hell try. Good luck finding anything actually /wrong/. I'm not the topic of this post. Quit trying to make me the topic, if you wanna make me the topic, make a separate post and I'll have fun ripping it apart.
You don't have anything on me because I out myself on my social media all the time. All of my mistakes and improvements are public. I don't hide anything. I straight up 8 mile myself constantly because it helps me improve.
No. 618470
>>618467All of my conversations with Bree and Taylor were via discord or phone call.
I actually TALK to people. I don't sit behind a keyboard constantly.
I'm aware my info comes off as not "as good".
but it's what I have and felt like I'd offer. Take it or leave it, your choice.
You wanted people to start helping you guys, I was willing to do so. but If I'm just going to get attacked, then fuck it.
Take that long ass message, take what info of it you believe, and you can leave me out of the rest.
No. 618473
>>618470Do you have any other actual evidence though? Any screenshots of /anything/.
Last time you were here you just trolled, I'm not sure why you're so offended that you're hard to believe now.
No. 618479
>>618473I didn't "troll".
First time I was here, I was here to defend myself.
Second time, I confirmed Taylor and I were not longer friends because one of you posted about how we unfollowed each other.
This is the 3rd time.
None of the times, I was "trolling"
No. 618483
>>618477I don't use discord, but is it possible to screenshot how long you talked or something?
Don't listen to the people that are just rude fucks that don't believe you, they are just a vocal minority.
No. 618486
>>618483If he has a grudge against Taylor, it's entirely likely he'd lie.
If he's still talking to Taylor it's entirely likely he's providing false info to come out about later and 'prove' how everything else here could be false.
Some evidence is needed either way. It's really not that hard.
No. 618489
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>>618480Blocking out her discord name so no one can try and find her there.
I'm a massive message deleter. I delete messages and such with people all the time. I'm trying to see what all I have left.
No. 618491
>>618489Last Saturday?
Also you delete messages, why??
No. 618493
>>618491Some minor OCD? Idk.
I just don't like having messages filling my inbox. I constantly delete them after a couple days. Literally cannot tell you why. I just do it impulsively.
No. 618497
>>618486Why in the shit would I ruin my own reputation to try and debunk what I say later to help Taylor? lmfao.
Actually think about that for a moment.
No. 618498
>>618495Discord isn't like emptying your inbox though, it'd be more like deleting your MSN messenger history. Tbh it's shady as fuck.
>>618497Because you'd discussed this with Taylor beforehand? She knows what you're posting / saying about her so she knows what to debunk to prove this whole site is 'false' and you can come out as her white knight that proved we all just want tea without evidence? It's not hard to imagine tbh and you were sucking up to her pretty hard before…
Mate, we just want some evidence that's all.
No. 618503
>>618498I forgot how far some of you reach. lmao.
Granted, can't expect much from a website where people think rattlesnakes lay eggs.
but regardless.
I haven't had contact with Taylor since October 8th, since the falling out between her and I after the Sacramento show on October 1st.
She got mad that I confirmed her and I were no longer friends on this website and sent me a long ass message. Which I never replied to.
If you actually want to see that, then fine. Give me a few minutes to take screenshots and such.
No. 618515
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I never replied to the first message because it sounded like bullshit.
It sounded too far fetched to be a real story. I saw her group walk around the expo a few times. (never saw Taylor herself). Looked like they were having a pretty stress-free time.
Bree confirmed with me that she saw the entire event, walked the entire place four times to be exact and loved it.
Taylor told them that I wouldn't be working the show and that I wouldn't be there. Entirely ghosting me.
I don't do pitty parties. They bother me. Just own up to your real intentions and be honest or don't talk to me.
That's why I never replied. Has nothing to do with being "hurt". It has to do with the fact I just don't like victim complexes.
Nothing in her text says anything about her taking any responsibility for anything.
This was my last contact with TND.
No. 618517
>>618508Let’s get real, though. Last thread screenshots showing her number got provided and people still called them fake.
While I agree that there should be a healthy amount of skepticism when proof is posted, to be this demanding has the potential of scaring away milk, which is the opposite of what we want.
No. 618519
>>618515More of this. You have no previous texts from her?
>>618517Yeah but no one's calling screenshots fake here, just asking for them in the first place.
No. 618520
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>>618515Also, just to also prove that I constantly delete messages.
This is my inbox.
My fiance telling me she's working till 6:20 and the other message is the guy I'm breeding Argus Monitors with. He's incubating my eggs.
The only place I don't delete messages constantly is instagram, but I've never talked to Taylor via instagram. So that doesn't matter.
No. 618521
>>618515jeez lol, she's so manipulative. you had every right to be a little pissed at her and she spun that whole thing upside down. fucking hell no wonder no one will speak out about her.
blogpost but I used to have friends like this, it's a nightmare.
No. 618525
>>618506This is TND stans threadcopping for her, is my personal tinfoil.
There is actual milk flowing. Let people show what they have.
No. 618528
>>618515This is some crazy ranting. She's unhinged.
I don't know why people are questioning the death of Ursula? It's not unlike Taylor to neglect the animals in her 'care' till they die.
No. 618530
>>618525I wouldn't be surprised if these are Taylor or her leeches trying to chase away milk.
>>618515Does anyone remember when VR first posted the screenshot? I'd like to know how fast she reacted to it to see how much she lurks here.
No. 618532
>>618515She is pulling the Onision kek
Just because you decide to pay the expenses of your friends doesn’t give you the right of holding that over their heads and dictated what they can or can’t do,Taylor.
When Ursula died, straight away after getting the other crab? The setting to begging with was shitty so it isn’t a surprise she died, she hasn’t speak about her in a while wish always its a give away from her
No. 618541
>>618528I totally believe that Ursula is dead, the problem is more about drawing the line of what we consider confirmed information.
Let’s say some rando wants attention and tells a friend that Kronos was taken by Animal Control. The friend then tells a Pettuber they happen to know, and they embellish the story by claiming that their friend knows Taylor. The Pettuber believes them and tells another Pettuber that Kronos was taken by Animal Control, and that they know it’s true because a friend of Taylor’s told them. This Pettuber happens to be someone who is verified on Lolcow. They then post screenshots of the conversation they had.
Hopefully that helps everyone see how degrees of separation can lead to false information being spread as fact. It’s safest to stick to direct confirmation, as I said in
>>618462 No. 618550
>>618544>>618533samefag but here's the link to the first post if anyone cares to go see the timestamps/guess which posts are Taylor
>>>/snow/706982 (sorry I feel like there's a cleaner way to post the link but idk how and don't wanna do it wrong)
No. 618558
>>618541Literally anyone could come forward and we wouldn't be happy because by affiliating yourself with Taylor in such a close manner, you're probably a shit person and have your own agenda so you're therefore gonna spin something here or there. That and a lot of these people seem to have no solid proof or very little of it.
I'm all for milk but we all know this is gonna go to shit until Taylor comes back.
No. 618594
>>618585In one way I can kind of see where they’re coming from, not saying all of them think it but if some do see her as a friend and are trying to help they’ll do anything just to keep her happy. I used to do something similar and unfortunately it takes time to break from that mindset.
However she can’t be helped, she’s abusive and whether she means it or not she’s not putting their best first.
If she’s paying people to stay quiet she doesn’t care.
If she’s lashing out at criticism she doesn’t care.
If she threatens to cut you off because you shared her faults then she doesn’t care.
If she threatens legal action then she doesn’t care.
Even if it’s not about friendship and about the fact Taylor can send her fans after them, that again shows she doesn’t care. Not only are they defending a hoarder but they’re defending someone who’s mentally abusing everyone she talks to for the sake fame.
No. 618604
>>618601Around 2 weeks, she deleted it pretty shortly after posting her most recent video.
(Loosing Thread 26 is already proving to be a huge pain.)
No. 618606
>>618604It’s hard to say this is her plan but considering the amount of tweets she has that shoot herself in the foot the easier option is to just tear it all down. Besides we can’t rule it out either because there would be a slim chance that’s what she’s doing.
Whatever and Jayce (if you’re in contact with the inner circle) tell them to back their chat logs immediately.
No. 618635
>>618515Wasn’t she drinking vodka with the other two during this time? And making a bunch of Instagram stories with them fucking around? I understand it being personal but if someone fucked you over as bad as she makes it sound like wouldn’t she have publicly said something?
Also lol at the fact “I’m done with you but I want to tell you this, ok now I’m done but wat”
No. 618657
>>618652Aww yeah
I feel like Chelsea should have had a trip code as well, wasn’t she banned once for namefagging?
No. 618660
>>618652Oh man, I am looking forward to this milk!
I’m going to be very upset if people scare her off. I hope everyone will just let her share whatever information she is willing to share without bringing up any personal grievances with her or her actions. This is a thread about Taylor, not Bree. Let’s take the milk without adding in salt and ruining it.
No. 618686
>>618684To be honest I think Taylor was pretty when she was still living at home with her parents, without Jonny around.
But in a year she's managed to age like 5 years with all the shit she's done to her lips and hair. Not to mention that her skin has also gotten fucked up.
No. 618688
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No. 618693
>>618688sorry I can’t delete my comment to add on this (idk it won’t let me.) I just noticed he’s got the drug nail going on.
On the topic of Taylor, she seems as manipulative as that dickhead. Not saying she deserves to be in a relationship with him but shit….she’s not much better.
No. 618700
Alright I can't believe I am actually going to post on this miserable site that has caused so many issues for myself and my friends But it's come to a point where I can no longer tolerate things being spun around in circles and lies mixing with truths to a point where everyone has no idea what they're saying and it's just creating more problems. The hole has already been dug and I honestly doubt I could dig it any deeper at this point.
I am not an Anonymous poster, never have been but have been reading here for some time like the many others who do. I do not like to hide, if I have something to say I will say it directly and reveal who I am. So here I am and I'm sure you all have many questions for me which I find amusing cause only 2 of you have reached out to me through a dm to inquire. You all speak so boldly about things yet when it comes to your turn you fail to come through.
I'm an honest person, I don't like to lie and I prefer to keep it that way. I will not spread hate or misinformation where it's not due. I will stay true to my beliefs and character. However, Anything I tell you I will have no proof, no screenshots no evidence. I'm an honest person, if you speak with me I want you to trust that I will never share what you have said. Other things have been shared in spoken word and I do not carry a voice recorder around. I value other people's friendship beyond everything and preparing to turn on people would be a breach of trust. The reason I share things now is because it seems things were not the way I saw them and I was not as valued as I was made to believe.
The reason I haven't said anything prior to now and deleted previous tweets was not because I was scared, trying to get back into the group or just didn't care it was because I couldn't figure out if what I was saying or doing was right. It may not seem like i have anything to lose to you guys but to me an Instagram and a YouTube channel honestly mean very little compared to the people I've lost or will lose due to this whole situation.
Let's get things straight, I'm not a pettuber. I was invited to petfest to help out by Maddie Smith because we're friends. I had only a small pet Instagram. I thought it would be fun to meet some people who shared my passion. I was urged to start a channel and I thank them for helping me out with it but I was never there for clout, popularity or subscribers. I could care less if Taylor had a million or a 100 subs. I ended up being invited into their group chat and I'd like to say I considered them all really close friends, I have very little to no friends in general so they meant a lot to me. We all supported each other. I grew to actually really like Taylor, I saw a lot in her that was like me and we had a fair bit in common. I think you guys get this thing in your head where you think she is a god awful person to be around but she truly isn't. She is quite likable once you get to know her.
While speaking with her one late night during Petfest I had inquired about her halloween crab Ursula and she told me she had passed due to an issue with moulting, she was indeed saddened by this as it was out of her control as the crab failed to burrow before the moulting process. Moon crabs being wild caught are hard to judge the age or overall wellbeing when caught and most do not survive long in captivity but she was terribly worried of what everyone would think. Having a large fan base I could see her point.
Her croc skinks did pass away unexpectedly one night though I don't recall when. Taylor believed it was due to a hydration issue as Texas had been going through a heat wave and her room had been very hot and dried out the enclosures quicker then normal. She was extremely upset when she told us this, again she does actually care about these animals.
Her pacman died a couple weeks after I believe, again I am trying to go by old memories that I didn't think I'd ever use. The frog was oddly deformed with splayed legs and a flattened snout so I had reason to believe it was either poor breeding Or supplementation or a mixture of both that led up to the early death.
I honestly didn't expect Cheese to pass sòo soon, I was sad to hear the news. I was not a part of the group when he died so I can not tell you anything more then what you know. I do however have a fair bit of knowledge surrounding Pufferfish and Boxfish and believe his diet was to blame for his small size, NOT the size of his tank.
She can be a little lazy, stays up all night sleeps all day. I will not nitpick health issues. She does have an assistant that comes in for her, though she has mentioned that she isn't the best. She has also said that she had someone come to maintain her aquarium, though this was only a single time so wether or not this is consistent I am not sure. I do think she is over her head as needing that much help on a daily seems to be less like her pets and more like someone else's.
About the whole LA trip. Taylor was invited by Jayce who then invited Emilee Emma and I to California to go to the Sacramento reptile expo. I don't make a lot of money due to some medical issues and most of it goes into my animals so I told her I couldn't afford to go and she offered to pay for my ticket and the hotel. I was shocked that someone could ever do something that nice for me and I took the opportunity. (I will throw myself under the bus here and say outright that at that time in October I was having addiction issues with the drug cocaine but I have since made the effort and become clean following this event). Taylor also struggles with similar issues and while we were discussing the trip she dmed me and said that she was going to bring drugs to LA, me also being in that mindset agreed with her and didn't decline. She did indeed bring the drugs on the trip and we did do a small amount of them. I said that she did not have to, and never forced her to do anything (So to the stans dming me saying I did pls stop thanx). After a lot of them talking in private or avoiding me for the rest of the trip I was met with a 5v1 scenario where I came out the loser and was sent home early on a 12 hour connecting flight home in the middle of the night. I was made to believe what happened was 100% my fault and had never been more hurt.
I did send them a long apology letter for what had happened. I left it for 2 days until I received word that they wanted nothing to do with me. I therefore deleted my Twitter but left my Instagram open and they all had my phone number in case they wanted to reach out like I hoped they would. No one ever came, I made a mistake but so did she and just as bad yet I wasn't deserving of a second chance? Eventually I started to see all the vlogs getting posted, myself being cut from them like I was never there, collabs being refilmed…etc. While they told me our friendship still mattered before they shipped me home I knew then It no longer did. I also started to hear that the entire situation was being blamed on me. False accusations are something I will not stand for.
Taylor is skilled at manipulation, and blame. Id say lying but she isn't so great at it anyone can find holes in the lies. Ive spoken to her recently after i tweeted about going public she texted me. The first time even though i had been trying to contact her for months once again making me feel like it had been me who got the story all wrong. It wasn't long after I came across Jayces dm where she so violently threw blame on me like I meant absolutely nothing to her around the same time frame I sat at home crying because of how much she meant to me. I can't stand by and protect a person if this is how they treat their "friends" the moment they inconvenience you.
I'm not sure what else you guys want from me but I prefer not to post on this site. You're welcome to dm me on instagram or Twitter with any questions away from this anonymity bullshit
No. 618706
>>618700Jesus christ and over a million people look up to this psycho?
But I actually sympathise with you in some way, granted it was a role play community but I had to cut ties with so many people I thought/wanted to be friends with because it turned out all they wanted to do was pretend they were perfect and throw others under the bus instead of confronting issues.
It hurts a lot, it sucks but once the pain fades a bit you finally start to realise that those people would rather sit in a circle jerk than consider the feelings of the people being nice to them. Taylor simply saw an opportunity and took it, she might not realise what she's done but in a way she would have considering the amount of blame she shifted to you.
Bree honestly it worries me that despite other people in her circle knowing what happened none seem to have reached out to you to talk and clear the air. They simply took Taylor's words as fact and continued on.
A lot of the pet stuff we already got proof off when it was tweeted to Twitter so don't worry to much about that, it's several threads back but the point is it's still there.
In the end I'm greatful for this information, even without screenshot proof it provides more insight to Taylor's behaviour.
No. 618732
>>618274I think taking this "break" is the smartest thing she could do for her mental health. Not that it excuses anything she does, but that girl has to have some serious mental health issues to live the way she does. Constantly obsessing over 'hate" on twitter and lurking here can't be helping that for her. Taking a break is a terrible idea for her career, though. Youtubers with previously consistent upload schedules might be able to get away with taking a break, but she's been taking breaks from youtube her entire "career."
>>618295 I agree. King of DIY does live "all my tanks" type videos all the time, and not because of criticism it's just because showing his fish is what he does. It's very telling that TND has never and apparently will never do one.
>>618499 I think this is exactly why more pettubers don't come forward. If they're going to get hate from Taylor's fans for speaking against her and on top of that people here sure aren't going to defend them because they're all going to whine about needing more "proof" what good does coming forward even do anyone, even Taylor's animals at that point?
No. 618741
>>618740Exactly. They're not coming forward because of their own issues, not out of some blind loyalty towards Taylor.
Honestly I think it's entirely likely that Bree /and/ Taylor brought drugs to the meetup. Bree's sob story doesn't completely add up.
No. 618751
>>618749Anon, do you know how to read?
>Taylor also struggles with similar issues and while we were discussing the trip she dmed me and said that she was going to bring drugs to LA, me also being in that mindset agreed with her and didn't decline. She did indeed bring the drugs on the trip and we did do a small amount of them.Where does Bree say she brought any? She just said she did Taylor's.
No. 618755
>>618753>>618753Fuck off yourself newfag. This isn't an exposé site, it's an anonymous imageboard for observing milk
without interfering. If you don't like that, find another website to wage your stupid moral crusade on. We only care about leaks if they're entertaining, if people are put off coming here to chat shit with no proof then GOOD.
No. 618786
>>618779my favorite part of this is wondering how quickly Taylor found bree's post here, since in October she found jayce's post within an hour, and how much she is freaking out about it right now
we ALL knew your "electrical malfunction" was bullshit from the start, She preaches about how accountable she is, how open and honest she is about her mistakes, yet… three animals dead and she lies about all of them
No. 618794
>>618791She said she wouldn't post screenshots but I hope she does too. It would just make it all that more factual and concrete. I do feel like there's a piece missing from the story though, like the initial fight was about something else and Taylor made it about ~forcing her to relapse~
Bree, did Taylor ever talk to you about drugs besides cocaine?
No. 618816
>>618814What would you say is good and bad about Taylors husbandry?
I think most of us think her care is abysmal because, well, at least 4 animals have died because of neglect.
No. 618820
>>618814I her care was only subpar she wouldn't have such a high amount of deaths. And that's not even the main thing people criticize her for, it's the constant string of lies upon lies, bringing other people down and enabling that human garbage.
Unrelated but maybe Taylor was under some sort of influence when she came out with the story of the eletric malfunction? That's the only way that I can see her thinking that THAT stupid mess would be less awful than what actually happened.
No. 618821
>>618819Yeah but surely you can see 'working on becoming clean' isn't clean.
It seems for the 'Queen of Pettube' she's got a lot to work on to improve her care.
Did you see / discuss the amount of interaction her more demanding pets have? The rats for instance should be out of their cage for at least an hour a day.
No. 618845
My questions are:
1. Are there any animals we are not aware of?
2. Does Taylor and her gang blacklist people, like you, or VR?
3. And (not that I care to demonize it since it's legal in my state and I posses a medical card) is she lying about not smoking weed? (also its ok if you rather not answer this.
4. Did Twisty really come in injured, or is that another lie?
No. 618857
The old thread is restored:
>>>/pt/613294Please keep using this current one though.
No. 618869
>>618868That's all not that bad though, it comes with posting on the internet and associating with trash like Taylor. She made it sound like it's something that's ruining their lives.
I don't like that Bree is acting like we are all vile losers tbh, especially because she associated with a rape apologist and only stopped cause she got kicked out of the group.
No. 618870
>>618869>it comes with posting on the internet>I don't like that she's acting like we are all vile losersHonestly.
No one would want to read about themselves on here, and some people are more fragile than others. I'm not that deep into this particular drama but it seems that Bree wasn't a big internet personality anyway.
No. 618890
>>618878>She was confirmed by the mods with a tripAll that was confirmed was that she's who she's claiming to be. People shit all over people coming forward with no evidence because they have experience dating back years and years of people coming forward about other lolcows. It pays to be sceptical. We can't just pat everyone who comes to a thread with a story about a cow on the back
>There are three sides to every story and she's giving hers. Take it or leave it, but shut the fuck up about it.Who died and made you farmhand? You telling people, incorrectly I might add, what they are and aren't allowed to post is infinitely more annoying than people discussing how credible or interesting someones claims are or what motivated them to come here. You realise telling people to stop shitposting is still shitposting yeah?
It's funny how all the people minimodding and thread policing are obviously massive newfags. It bears repeating, this is not an exposé or callout site for making actual change in the world. It's a gossip offshoot of 4chan.
>>618887>In reference to not liking this site it comes mainly towards the fact where people choose to focus on nitpicking things like appearance or things so minor that hardly matter and choose to leave more concerning matters unnoticed.Please see the last paragraph above. If you dislike this website for those reasons, that's absolutely fine, but it's kind of like complaining flickr doesn't support mp3s; it's not the purpose of the site in the first place. We're here for entertainment value, this is kind of like a website equivalent of tabloid press. It's best not to take anything said here too seriously or to heart. Also worth noting pettubers are not the main focus of this site whatsoever.
(infighting) No. 618912
>>618865I outright at one point told Taylor that I don't believe shes ready for hots. She did express she has friends who keep them and she enjoys them but she doesn't feel ready for them herself, and I agreed with her.
I never personally encouraged the idea of owning hots onto her. I don't feel like anyone ever should. It's a dangerous part of the hobby the individual themselves and their spouse need to agree on, themselves.
No. 618924
>>618902If that truly is people's goal then they need to realise using this site to accomplish it goes not only against the spirit of the site but also probably hinders progress of their goal. I'm not saying that the fact this is a gossip site automatically invalidates any criticism posted here, but unless you're talking about someone as universally hated as say onision people simply will not listen if it comes from this kind of source. I also think it's extremely naive and to think this site would have any sort of positive effect on Taylor's care given the type of person she is, if anything it probably exacerbates issues she does have. Lots of people probably reconcile posting here morally to themselves by saying they're maybe ~saving an animal's life~ Taylor will never own up to her mistakes and anyone who thinks posting here is making it more likely that she will is a deluded fool.
>>618919>certain people How can you possibly know whether or not it's certain people.
>Why do you guys keep doing that to Chelsea, VR and now Bree?If you think it's something new or exclusive to these posters or this thread, then you're a newfag and of course you don't understand. Go and read some other threads and absorb site culture.
No. 618931
>>618924NTA but jesus christ settle down would you? “certain people” was most likely just the first turn of phrase that came to mind for anon. as for calling them a newfag, lmaowhat. they didn’t act like it’s a new phenomenon, they just asked why people are doing it in this particular instance.
i’m starting to see what people like
>>618926 ,
>>618919 and
>>618883 are talking about. the sperging is reaching a fever pitch.
No. 618945
>>618935Well you'll never get proof from Taylor so this is as good as it'll get. It's not wrong to be skeptical of things that are posted here, and to be honest the only reason Bree and Jayce are posting is because they were wronged by Taylor, but bitching about how the proof that's given to us is not tailored (heh) to your tastes gets old really fast.
I'm not talking about you in particular, but in general.
No. 618948
>>618945I disagree, Taylor can't keep quiet for long so she always gives us evidence. She might replace some of her pets but tbh that will come out too..
I think it's fair to be criticising both Bree and Jayce when neither have any solid evidence of convos with Taylor because 'messages were deleted' tbh that just implies they still have stuff they want to hide.
No. 618951
>>618948That and it's just odd that they would be so willing to spill stuff like this?
At least Bree seems to be somewhat uncomfortable with it, Jayce just straight up doesn't care too much.
Idk it rubs me the wrong way sort of.
No. 618961
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Since Ursula was already dead by this point, I guess Emma magically lost the footage so she wouldn’t out Taylor. The next photo is supposed to be the female moon crab. Does anyone know if this is Ursula? (See next photo)
No. 618963
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No. 618965
>>618887>I did not bring drugs to this trip but I did agree to them being brought and therefore the group considered that worse then bringing them.Wait, what? What kind of stupid mental gymnastics do you have to do that agreeing with something is actually worse than actively doing said thing? Fuck them, honestly.
I don't even know you, Bree, but I'm honestly so mad for you right now. That flight home must have been awful and humiliating ugh.
No. 618974
>>618915This was never mentioned to me, no.
I don't know anything about her complex. Sorry.
No. 618980
>>618974And would you happen to know where all the cats really come from ? Ghost can’t be anything else than a purebred blue point ragdoll and she has shown many inconsistencies with the two rescues.
Have you also heard anything about the rats, their true origins and their spaying ?
Thank you for coming forward
No. 619000
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No. 619003
>>619000She can't even post her bullshit without taking a picture of some stressed out animal. I don't know much about snakes, but that posture looks very defensive to me.
Yelling snake is not going to take off as a meme, Taylor, you moron.
No. 619013
>>618515 I started reading her threads and I do not like her or how she treats animals at all, but she’s not throwing a pity party you self centered creep. You sound like a crazy fanboy that she brushed off and now you want to ‘go public’ for asspats from females who care about animals and hate jonny’s abusive ass. You’re a manipulative little bitch boy. You showing up here to run your mouth is a cringefest you’ll come to regret when your balls drp. Boo hoo she didn’t say hi, you’re a loser with an anime icon is this a joke
I never thought anyone would make me feel
sympathy for her, not even empathy, but you’re that autistic middle school nightmare that stalks girls who have to play nice so you don’t ruin their lives in every petty way possible; get a grip. She made the mistake of being NICE to you enough you got her number, she didn’t even say anything mean to you when she should have told you to shove it up your ass.
I get it people want the milk but Jesus lolcow shouldn’t stoop to gassing up this fucking fedora for it, Taylor has murdered animals she has actual shit on her. Fuck this cunt.
No. 619015
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With so many sensitive animals in her house in bewilders me why she would have giant scented candle burning in her apartment
No. 619017
>>619010Sorry I deleted and cleaned up spelling mistakes.
And no, not Taylor, I read these threads because I remembered JC from his MacBook days lol. I was just shocked af and it’s still weird, thought he’d be in jail. Like I said I’m not whiteknighting Taylor, im saying Bitch//Tits brought up no real dirt, she just didn’t say hello when they’re close enough to text? Shut up and write in your diary about it, attempting a smear campaign about that only waters down the real arguments against Taylor and diverts attention. Please take a moment to maybe look at this differently, I know it’s exciting when people who talk with cows post, but he’s making us look bad.
Everyone here has to have a memory of a Nice Guy just like him, come on. I don’t like her, loathe Jonny Craig, but this guy is a weasel.
No. 619026
>>619023I literally spelled out how I do not like her, she is a murderer, has
real issues that are getting diverted from like her replacing animals, and I read because of Jonny Craig. Don’t call me a stan, invite a dual perspective where you don’t have to like Taylor or this neck beard. Ignore me if you have such a problem so people can talk about her real issues then
No. 619030
>>618532>Just because you decide to pay the expenses of your friends doesn’t give you the right of holding that over their heads and dictated what they can or can’t do,Taylor. Just because you tell someone about an event doesn’t give you the right to spew your emotional diarrhea publicly when she made a decision to take care of other shit and not say hi; he doesn’t own her. How am I explaining this to a bunch of women.
Men never apologize for shit and socially aren’t expected to, she didn’t say hi that doesn’t mean she deserves to have private information leaked like blackmail. She wasn’t even manipulative she was rambling submissively about private shit to get him to understand and not be such a low piece of shit. He literally has a RECORD of being a neckbeard towards her, how are people defending him? Stop sucking his dick when she makes it so easy what is this
No. 619033
>>618921Taylor wanted to take drugs, she brought them with her, she took them with Bree, she felt remorse, she projected her own guilt onto Bree for also willingly taking drugs, thus absolving herself of any real responsibility for her own actions. You have to think like Taylor here:
Taylor doesn't take drugs, Bree makes her take drugs is the logic.
No. 619037
>>619029Thank you for responding logically. I respectfully disagree only because of his track record and how controlling he seems, a friend would just confront Taylor about being rude and solve it privately, not go spill to a message board about person affairs that don’t relate to her animal care. Everyone here agrees she’s lazy and incapable of basic tasks/exertion, why is it weird she (even admitted submissively) to being “intimidated” or overwhelmed to meet him? Things came up, she probably focused on the bare minimum.
Tbh she’s so image obsessed she probably didn’t want to meet someone when she was in over her head and dealing withal possible relapse and a friend having flashbacks? She’s surrounded by people accepting money to be around her, she has no real support. Which is her own fault but how is he not a meme when he can’t squash beef privately like a man instead of going to a gossip board.
Look I’m just saying we should laugh at Taylor and him, not look at Taylor differently.
No. 619043
>>619036I wrote about Taylor in every one of my posts, no need to be clueless and pendantic.
>>619031Fair, I can see that I just mean he really has no excuse and is a cow himself. She owes him nothing and any man expecting that after she set a boundary and talked to him privately is a bitch boy.
>>619033I understand. I missed where she brought drugs herself and I apologize, but that doesn’t absolve Bree. That makes them equal. We don’t know what Bree actually said and did, if Taylor lies she’d likely make friends with liars. Drug addicts are notorious liars, I think all people in this situation look like shit. I’m just saying Jayce and Bree with their ugly MySpace tier names are Where’s My Hug and the other a damn freeloader who both go to public message boards tied to her legal name to post private information and diary entries. All of them need to grow the fuck up and Jayse is a weeby creep ass, sorry I had experiences with clingers just like him.
No. 619045
>>619038He’s manipulating us to be on his side about petty drama that’s not milky and unrelated to her illegal practices and false rhetoric about mental illness. He’s a scorned reject and no one should care about his fee fees.
And don’t worry I’m done, just please stop sucking his pathetic little dick and Breezees drug addled brain they all suck.
No. 619050
>>619013>>619018>>619024>>619026>>619030>>619037>>619043Can you please stop shitting up the thread with you samefagging and blogposting? If you have a specific gripe with Breeze or Jayce you could take it to pettubers general.
Both of them were given trips to post here. One of them was given the trip today, so clearly the mods don't see anything wrong with them speaking here.
I for one see your posts as extremely sus and an attempt to shift the discussion that was taking place.
No. 619068
>>619066Ah, I see. Due to her condition, I had always thought that Mushu would've gone before Cheese.
And although I understand that she may be lazy/has too many animals, I still don't quite understand why she wouldn't make the small changes that would drastically improve their quality of life (aka, lessen their chances of dying). Was she good at taking advice? She seems selective of who she listens to, or maybe it's the timing…
No. 619069
I love how I'm constantly somehow called the "attention whore" or whatever, yet I'm not even the one focusing on myself.
>>619064I have no clue on Mushu. When I spoke with Taylor, as far as I know, he was in good health.
I honestly and admittedly don't know anything about his species. I lack knowledge on a lot of aquatic animals outside of Anacondas.
>>619067Animal hoarding is defined by the animals health.
A person who keeps 80 horses in healthy shape is considered a ranch owner.
A person with 80 neglected and sick horses is considered a hoarder.
Reptile welfare is different in a state by state basis on what is required for them and is even different based on species. The requirements for keeping venomous snakes is entirely different than the requirements to keep non-venomous in many states. I didn't have to have Fish and Wildlife check any enclosures of mine other than my rattlesnakes and get approved for them based on where I'm living since I live in a residential area. I would never need to do that for non-venomous in my state.
So, it's entirely up to the state F&W to decide what is required to own the animals and what is considered a good enclosure, and if the animals health passes, wouldn't be considered hoarding in most cases.
You could argue I'm a hoarder, but all my animals pass vet checks and so forth every year, and Fish & Wildlife has checked my venomous cages.
The idea of what's "too many" is different per person.
One person could consider 3 snakes too many, meanwhile I'm friends with people who keep and maintain over 300. Animal control really has no control over "too many" unless they're in bad health.
I live in a two bedroom and my apartment, among anything, smells like cats more than any other animal if we miss one day of scooping the cat boxes. Otherwise, we have no smells in my apartment otherwise. Reptiles hardly smell unless they've defecated or regurgitated. So I doubt it smells much unless she doesn't clean up after her cats.
and no worries, random anons who hate me, with no valid evidence on why, literally don't bother me whatsoever. I just suck at replying quickly because I have a life outside of posting here, lol.
No. 619073
>>618515Thanks for all the info Jayce! (And you too Bree).
>>618779Taylor has the biggest victim complex I've ever seen in any cow, and that's saying a lot. She can do no wrong, and even when she superficially admits she fucked up, she immediately goes on the defensive whenever someone blames her a little too much for her liking. She's fucking psycho and honestly, her and Sausage Hands McGee deserve each other. I have no sympathy for her. Does she deserve to get beaten? No. But she also knew better and chose to be with Jonny anyway. Poor little Taylor, always so victimized by the mean anons, her ex friends, her ex stans, literally every single human ever. She's such a littol victim. Taylor is the Regina George in sheep's clothing of YouTube.
>>618869>>618871>>618875Oh no, Bree is being a meanie to a bunch of anons on a gossip thread. I can't believe some of y'all are getting
triggered for being perceived a certain way when no one who frequents fucking lolcow can be a moralfag.
Spergchans came out in full force, this always happens when threads start getting good.
No. 619079
>>619077Not that anon, but just want to know one thing about what happened with Taylor.
Were you alone with her when you were doing drugs?
No. 619083
>>619081It makes sense that she'd spin it around to make it look like you were the one who brough the drugs, then.
Honestly, I don't know much about you or any drama involving you, I think it was rather shitty of Taylor to spring that on you.
No. 619108
>>619085Isn't there a picture of her crested gecko enclosures being covered in what looked like shit? This was a while ago, before the entire Jonny thing though.
Her rats are going to smell a ton though, especially if she doesn't do a spot clean in the most soiled areas though I don't even remember if she uses fleece/shavings/other substrates - that in it's own could be an issue since rats rely heavily on the smell to make them comfortable in their enclosure.
No. 619113
>>619111I don't know how much rats smell, but from someone who lives in a 3 bed house with three cats, a dog and a rather tiny hamster, it can really stink if you don't keep up with it.
Judging on how lazy Taylor is I can't imagine she cleans the cats' tray that often, so it must really smell. Especially as those cats are probably stressed as fuck and spraying everywhere.
No. 619133
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Perhaps it'd be better for her to stay away completely tbh
No. 619135
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Taylor responding to a comment and letting 50 stans attack this 14 year old girl. Guess nothing has changed in that regard lol
No. 619136
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I love that instead of educating people on what this type of behaviour from snakes means, Taylor memes it. She's probably encouraging other idiots to harass their snakes to the point they get defensive.
Yeah, it could be a yawn, but he shouldn't be doing that frequently either.
No. 619261
>>619076Late but thank you Bree for sharing! I was one of the anons hoping you would share. Losing most of your friends is very heartbreaking, I understand you completely. I'm glad you were able to turn things positive and got clean after the whole situation.
I'm assuming the rest of the group will fall apart in time. Shallow friendships like those just don't last.
No. 619263
>>619196Because her idea of self-care and recovery is doing shit like getting offline and fucking around with horses. She thinks that by “getting rid of the negativity uwu” she’ll be on a healthier mindset when no. The criticism and “haterz” are still going to be there when she comes back.
She’s pretty immature and, honestly, coming from such a sheltered background isn’t doing her any favors.
No. 619267
If she's only washing what's in the Rat cage once a week (if she's actually sticking to that) that's not going to keep it clean. Spot cleaning each day will, cleaning out any shredded material left outside of huts and hammocks, spot cleaning their poop if they haven't gone in their litter tray, and using a specific spray for rodent urine do break down the ammonia that causes the strong scent. Washing their hammocks once a week, and changing their fleece lining to new fleece will keep the oder down, also changing their litter everyday. The hammocks and huts will keep a light scent so they stay calm but everything else gets completely cleaned out. As well as food they stash any longer than 12 hours to avoid them eating off food. She didn't mention any of that in her video, even the actual cage itself needs to be wiped down because it can build up a smell. She also needs to put a couple more water bottles in for them because they stop working quite easily and need to be checked everyday and it's good to have several backups. Poor things are going to get so bored, also if she's handling the rats and not washing her hands and changing her shirt, then going to handle or play with her snakes that will make them aggressive towards her. As far as the cats go, you can make cats and rats get along, with patients, training and vigilant watching and proper introducing, but letting them lurk around the cage is not ideal. One of my rats loves my eldest cat, they chase each other around the house and sometimes sleep together so it is possible but I doubt Taylors going to take time to do that when she's got so much to take care of.
No. 619381
>>619267uh no. keep rats and cats separate thanks. otherwise you're just an idiot anon putting your poor rat in harms way like that.
at least taytay hasnt posted anything online in favor of stuff like that smh.
does she weigh her snakes? tofu looks the same weight and whatever from when she got him
No. 619386
>>619112Hots is a nickname used for any medically significant animal that could put you in a hospital via a bite or sting.
The term hot comes from "its hot, don't touch it or you'll burn yourself". it's essentially just a play on words to describe something as dangerous. Whether it be scorpions, tarantulas, lizards or snakes. If it has dangerous venom and it medically significant, it's a "hot".
No. 619389
I'll explain something for you guys in regards to Taylor getting more animals.
>>619127>>619132These comments being what I'm referring to.
Her entire job on youtube is revolved around views. Even if all of her videos were demonitized, she could still get sponsorship's from other places due to her having a high view count.
Her views rely on her animals more so than her.
If she stops getting new animals, her views will steadily decline and eventually hit a rock bottom.
The most attraction any pettuber gets on social media, whether that's YouTube, instagram or twitter is showing off their new addition. It gets some of the most likes, retweets or views when you announce a new animal, keeping sponsorship deals interested in you or keeping ad-revenue flowing.
To put it simply, Taylor wants to continue this career? She has to get more animals eventually to keep a large audience base interested. Even if she doesn't get a new animal in the next few weeks, it will happen at some point in order to keep her views up and social media active.
No. 619391
>>619381Agreed. With predator/prey interactions like that it's always fine until that one time it isn't and some pet dies.
Taylor hasn't said she supports it, but she seems to let her cats roam in the room with the rats and Jonny has posted at least one video in which he had Goose on the same bed at the same time as Ghost, so that's just a murderous accident waiting to happen.
No. 619405
>>619394listen. idc if some "popular" person is doing it. fact is its wrong. i wont take you at your word for how long you say you been doing this. common sense dictates that you cannot control your pets. all it takes is one accident. taytay shouldnt do it at all and frankly no one should.
i would feel its quite obvious that she needs new and more pets to keep her views. her all my pets videos and heres my new pet seem to gain the most attention. issue is shes got herself stuck in this cycle because she has no other back up plan outside of youtube.
No. 619432
>>619399I think a good solution to this problem of 'needing to buy a new animal for duh voos tho' would be if she went to places with exotic animals like zoos, sanctuaries, adoption clinics, rehabilitations centers, or even asking if she could film herself interacting with some pets in a pet store.
She could give facts on these animals and husbandry (if it is a pet animal and hopefully hopefully well researched) without having to add to a hoard of animals thats clearly overwhelmed her and led to the neglect and death of animals that could have other wised lived love, full lives.
But fat chance of any of that happening.
No. 619439
>>619389Which is exactly what a lot of people ITT are concerned about and exactly what they criticize her for, and have been criticizing her for all this time (I am here mostly because of her rape apologism as well as her misguided idea of addiction recovery and mental health recovery, although I also do care about the way she portrays animal care).
Many of us are actually aware that it's never been about the animals. At this point it's pretty much a given with Taylor and her clique. So we KNOW why she gets more animals and we KNOW that there's a big, fat chance she'll never change.
Many people want her to stop getting new animals because she absolutely cannot deal with any more additions. She lacks the hindsight to understand that a YouTube career is incredibly fickle. Not to mention that even with sponsorships and views she still manages to give her pets subpar care at best.
Her YouTube career will tank eventually. Like, that's not me being catty or negative. It's a fact. A million subscribers aren't exactly that big of a deal nowadays, and her content is not that entertaining unless it's "all my pets" videos. There's going to be someone who'll steal her thunder eventually. There always is.
And the problem with this is that her animals will suffer in the end, because her new additions are decade (or more) long commitments.
No. 619441
>>619432Another good solution would be to do something along the lines of "New Ball Python Enclosure".. basically doing new/upgraded enclosure videos with a strategic title. Also, I think showcasing the personalities of the animals would draw in viewers and would keep them watching her videos. And, doing big, fun enclosures for her pets and setting up outdoor enclosures for outside times for the applicable pets would be cool and would draw people in and would set a good example for younger viewers.
I hope she gets her priorities straight and gets back into animal care in general. But, I do think "pettube" is a new niche on youtube and that she isnt limited to just "New pet!" videos, as the super intelligent Jayce "explains to us" is necessary.
No. 619496
>>619307We all know she won't stop getting new animals even if she knows its an issue. She seems to have no actual attachment or 'bond' with any of her reptiles (as much of a bond as you could have with a snake really) and sees them as a collectable pretty much like anyone with 100+ snakes/other reptiles does.
Even with her mammals (other than the cats) she seems to have no fucking bond. They die? Ah, sad let me make a twitter post about it.
She's basically not a 'normal' person when it comes to owning pets. Not because she has way too many but because she has no fucking care about the animal outside of their daily needs (half of which she probably doesn't meet). She's like a child that wants a toy for Christmas but throws them away like 5 minutes later because it's not that interesting
No. 619542
>>619532She’s not taking a break for her health even, what she’s doing is pretty much sticking her fingers in her ears yelling “LALALALA” hoping all the drama goes away.
I feel like her mental health is shit because mama and papa dean never told her no. They handed everything to her and made her feel perfect but now she’s faced with the real world which, shocking, doesn’t hand everything to her on a silver plater.
For it to go away all she needs to do is address everything, PROPERLY, none of this “I’m sorry but…” bullshit. But lol nope, gotta hide like the mature adult she is.
No. 619568
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>>619550If you go waaaaay back, she did it once. Who knows how or why she did it with this class.
No. 619600
>>619553She flip flops with being an animal educator a lot, depending on what’s more convenient to her that day. Sometimes she tries to take the “animal educator/wannabe bindi irwin” role, but when called out, she switches to “b-but I just want to spread muh happiness to the world through muh animals uwu”. To my knowledge, the only times she ever took any animals to school was in high school and she brought them to fuck around, kinda like “hey look at my cool pet”.
She’s a hobbyist at best but people think that just because she has a fuckload of animals she’s an educator or whatever.
No. 619606
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So is taking out the tarantula in front of her two cats better than Jonny holding the rat in front of the cat
No. 619675
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She looks like a burnt out mother after a day of spoiling her obnoxious child
No. 619684
>>619676from the tattoos it looks like taylor, but ooof what happened to her hair? And she looks…swollen
Also i'm
triggered by his shoes being on the countertop
No. 619691
>>619686those shoes are definitely placed for the photo. It's weird that a 30+ year old man is boasting about shoes in every other post
>>619675>>619684yeah it looks like all of the hair on the back of her head has just died and broken off. She ought to cut it super short all around. it's rough honestly
No. 619714
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Guess someone has to explain thats vape is not safe around the animals either
No. 619745
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She definitely does sound fucked, not as bad as last time but still lol
No. 619769
>>619713her hair is so fried and damaged that the brown dye won’t stick. probably every time she washed her hair all the brown dye comes out.
she should just stop dying her hair altogether and wear wigs until it’s long and healthy again
No. 619781
>>619675Food and water bowl under the stools, because cats feel secure eating under people's dangling feet.
Should she be burning scented candles in her open floorplan apartment?
No. 619794
>>619675I know he tried really hard to make this picture a flex but it speaks volumes about how sad their lives seem to be.
It's just so staged and weird. Even the soda cans look staged haha what the fuck
No. 619808
Just to clear up the candle debate -
Facts on scented candles:
"Commercial candle scents are made from artificial fragrance components that 99% of the time are toxic or harmful to your (and your dog’s) health.
What types of toxic components are in the scents of commercial candles?
Benzene derivatives – linked to cancer
Aldehydes – linked to liver disease, cancer, and respiratory distress
Amines – linked to cancer
Ethers – linked to respiratory paralysis, unconsciousness, and respiratory irritation"
How is this considered nitpicking when it's literal facts? There is tons of research out there that shows scented candles are toxic. A good alternative would be beeswax or soy candles as they aren't made from chemicals. I can see how the shoes would be nitpicky, but the candles effect her animals directly. If she just took the time to do the research she would see the little things like candles do matter……
>>619802Exactly. They're also proven bad for cats and dogs.
No. 619847
>>619816honest query: why are some anons trying to tell thread what to talk about? candles aren't a nitpick, it's something that actually has to do with her animals, unlike anons tripping balls about her lip injections or jonny sneaker flexing or any one of the hundred other things we routinely sperg about.
both (all) conversations can exist concurrently in the same thread, no? threads are kind of organic and some people will talk about some shit that other people probably hate, it's nbd.
No. 619864
>>619861Doesn't she have her cresties, satanics and rats in the living room? It's very much a problem if she lights scented candles in an enclosed space with animals in it. She also had Tofu right next to it which isn't great since snakes lick shit to figure out their surroundings.
Also, can everyone stop sperging about nitpicks and telling others what to say or not? We would've moved away from this candle business in like 4 posts if you guys would stfu about it. If you keep bringing it up the topic will never end. The infighting in this thread has become insane the past few days
No. 619879
>>619869"candles are a big deal"
Please leave and stop shitting up the thread. Candle obsessed samefag won't shut the fuck up when the topic is beaten to death. Get the fuck over the candles.
No. 619889
>>619847This. If you don't like something, ignore it and just let it die. The threads always get shitted up with anons going back and forth on what is or is not nitpicking.
>>619779If there wasn't an actual screenshot of her sitting at the table covered with the same candy, I'd have thought the girl was talking in her sleep. This is alarming.
No. 619898
>>619897Rats with poor genetics such as feeders like hers can get URIs from just looking at them the wrong way basically. People underestimate how sensitive rats are, they can die from perfume getting sprayed near them or, you guessed it, scented candles.
Can we please just agree that Taylor is a moron that didn't even think smoking next to her geckos was bad and stop with this topic? Whether candles are gonna kill pets and give them cancer right away or not doesn't matter, it's not good even just because of the rats alone.
No. 619902
>>619897>But now that you mention mycoplasma is this something rats should be checked for when you get them or is it something to be assumed, that you probably got a rat born with it? What other things can cause a flare?I'm the different anon that mentioned Myco (wasn't involved in candlegate up there).
Basically it's assumed all rats carry Myco. In fact there are only certain lab strains that we know that are free of the bacteria.
Things that cause a flareup not limited to but including: Immune system response (immunocompromised), genetics, humidity, temperature (lowers immune reaction), age, irritants (smoke/room spray/air freshners etc).
No. 619916
>>619910Rats have a lot of issues due to the pet population's start as lab animals (which were bred to have an increased risk of mammary tumours). Both rats from breeders and 'pet stores' (feeder or pet) have this issue.
The main issue with 'feeder' rats is they're bred without regard to their temperament, if their line contains high white or any other genetic defects, or regards to their living situation (clean, dust free, females only bred 2-3 times and over 6 months old etc).
This means they have many 'disadvantages' over pet rats from other sources however it doesn't always mean they will automatically be more unhealthy. Sometimes you can get lucky… I would still expect her rats to live to 2.5-3 years if well taken care of and URI's/tumours treated promptly. I would however be surprised to see any of them over 3 years old.
No. 619961
>>619959Burning scented products is a huge issue with her having pet rats in particular though. idk about reptiles but it's not exactly the 'least' concerning thing she does.
Quit whining about anon's discussing it, folks like you make the topic drag on.
No. 619974
>>619957Working on a video rn
(video anon)
No. 619999
>>619974can't wait!
>>619977the trip is only supposed to be used when the information is vital, not for every post
No. 620012
Wait is that new video advertisement from what ever?
>>620003Also, can we get mods on this derranged person? Yeah we get it there's different people here we can tell. Thinking about the candle argument doesn't equal defending Taylor, you're not our lord and saviour jesus christ. Please put yourself to rest and leave candlegate behind.
No. 620014
>>620012yooooo shut the fuck. christ complaining nonstop about "nitpicking" and keeping the topic on candles.
just accept the fact that candles are bad and its another bad thing taytay is doing. and then go cry about johnny putting his shoes on the counter since thats what you care about
No. 620015
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Are we not going to tall about the fact the some if not most of her candy that she brought isnt safe for Celiacs that she claims to be??
No. 620030
>>620016same anon that talked about the candy shop- I used to work there. We buy wholesale and I can confirm the brand of most everything we carried was not certified gluten free- and if people asked we had to give a shpiel about how “technically” some products do not have wheat but because of the nature of the store we say all bulk candy is subject to trace amounts and we do not reccomend them for anyone with gluten sensitivity.
It’s been a while since I worked there, so it completely went over my head, but yeah, she shouldn’t be eating any of it if she’s super sensitive.
No. 620103
>>620099He's another case where people say "he knows what he's doing!" if you ever mention anything he does wrong.
Kinda tired of social media animal "experts" having ignorant children defend them.
No. 620119
>>620118I thought we all agreed to keep the Jayce stuff on here a bit back so as to not rile up her stans/cause shit for Jayce?
Anyway, I wonder if Taylor has any videos to release once she is back
No. 620122
>>620119Oops, I must have missed that. He did agree to an interview and asked multiple times for people to pick his brain so I thought it's cool.
I think she's gonna release some kind of all my pets video since she will need the money after being quiet for a month. Google must have paid her well for her to go quiet but if she really has been on drug binges like it seems from Jonnys stories she will need the money.
Her more personal videos don't even get 100k views nowadays.
No. 620139
>>620137Still doesn't mean they care about her personal stuff.
At this point, her high subscriber count means she's easily the most visible PetTuber. She would be more visible if she actually did her job and posted more frequently, but there you are.
No. 620150
>>620142I think we've all moved on from that guy.
Also didn't Taylor promise a video before her "break"? Maybe she'll come back with a late ass video with footage from 2018. For her money needs, she'd have to play smart and do an updated all my pets video. In their enclosures. But I doubt she will.
No. 620177
>>620175Well fuck. This is going to open up a massive fifty=one hundred post argument.
>Question: Is there such a thing as outdoor cats in this century? I thought we figured out how train cats and supervise them while outside.Yes very much so and it's absolutely pointless to engage with people who think it's okay. It's like arguing with antivaxxers. You can have all the science and statistics on your side but they wont listen because they perceive any argument against their actions as an attack against their moral character.
ps, please dont't redditspace or come here to report about petty arguments you're having with her fans in unsaged posts, especially ones that
trigger offtopic discussions like this.
No. 620197
>>620177depends where youre from, if youre in a more rural area or more small town residential (low traffic) I think its fine either way. my cats were never happier than when they were outdoor cats in a small town, never had any accidents relating to it, but i transitioned them to be indoor cats when I moved to the city. having pets is about more than just keeping them alive, its about giving them the best quality of life.
this argument also has nothing to do with taylor and should probably be killed.
No. 620198
>>620195I live in the UK as well. I'm not going to engage in your derailing beyond this; cats here are a non-native invasive species that decimate native wildlife by killing it for fun or directly competing with other native species such as foxes and Scottish wildcats, they have a much shorter average lifespan and often die painful deaths. Additionally they spread nasty diseases to people and wildlife and their faeces and urine are toxic. Keeping your cat outside isn't okay for it or the local wildlife, and anecdotes aren't evidence.
Just because it's culturally accepted doesn't mean it's actually okay or backed up by science or evidence. You wouldn't let a dog free roam, and cats do more damage to the environment and themselves.
No. 620204
>>620203comedy gold.
they need a picture of zazu somewhere though.
maybe picture of zazu ≠ picture of cheese
No. 620207
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Waiting for the necropsy results here like..
No. 620209
>>620206"comedy gold" anon here. not the same anon as the other two, I just liked the shirt.
also about the necropsy results you're gonna be waiting a while if you think that's ever happening lol
No. 620280
>>620273She's already said she contacted them because she hadn't heard anything. Taylor will absolutely play the "I never got the results" card.
Except when you pay for a service, especially a necropsy on a pet… you get those results one way or another.
No. 620380
>>620378I honestly think that she gets a lot of money/subs from her previous 'all my pets' videos so it could be that.
That and someone before said that social blade isn't the most accurate or something, so sometimes it just looks like an anomaly when it's 'normal'
No. 620381
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Has anyone else seen this? Apparently she's going in a documentary called "The Dark Hobby"
No. 620501
>>620426Because that's what happens when someone obtains a certain amount of influence in a community. PetTube is a relatively new concept, and she's the only one who has a million subs. And also because documentaries strive to get different points of view about a single topic.
This is the description of the docu (from their site):
"The Hawaiian Islands host many exotic fish species, and some of the most beautiful are now on the verge of extinction. Conservationists, scientists, aquarium fish collectors and breeders are locked in a controversy over the stunning “treasure of Hawaii” – the ornamental fish.
The Hawaii aquarium trade has been catching reef fish for U.S. and global hobby tanks for decades. There have been no catch limits, no limit on the number of catchers, and no constraints on rare, endemic or vanishing species. Fish advocates report that the number of fish has decreased drastically, decimating Hawaii reefs, and that taking fish from their natural habitat should be halted entirely.
Reef-based tourism generates hundreds of millions in Hawaii annually, and many Hawaii residents want aquarium collecting banned.
Others make their living from catching and supplying exotic fish to hobbyists, and still others breed fish in captivity to fill U.S. and global demand.
The lucrative trade who depend on reef wildlife to populate the tanks, and to drive sales of tanks and paraphernalia resist any change to the supply chain of reef wildlife caught in the reef.
The Dark Hobby is an entertaining expose on this crisis, and the ongoing political struggle. At any given moment, 28 million fish are in the aquarium trade pipeline from point of capture to home hobbyist tank."
Taylor will most likely argue in favor of capturing wild fish "for entertainment and education purposes", considering everything she does is the exact opposite of what a conservationist would do.
No. 620523
>>620501This was a terrible choice for her to make. No matter what angle they take towards her for this documentary, it is not going to be good.
I love documentaries and it's kind of disappointing to hear one like this is including her in it, which means they haven't done any research about her at all. Her cowfish died. Didn't her mantis shrimp die? How could she argue to keep wild caught, beautiful fish if she can't keep them alive, doesn't breed them, and they apparently don't do well in captivity anyway??? They don't belong in someone's fish tank where they
maybe can survive.
No. 620555
>>620381>>620501http://thedarkhobby.comThe film is complete and has already been shown in Hawaii. if this has been mentioned, but Taylor has been criticized on reddit. I found this when searching for
The Dark Hobby along with her name. She has probably been discussed in other subs, too. No. 620565
>>620523Robert Wintner aka Snorkel Bob, the man behind the film, is a researcher and writer. I doubt her poor husbandry escaped his notice if it was on display in her videos at the time. Production began sometime in 2017 and likely ran into 2018. What was Taylor doing before and during that time in terms of her reef tank?
The focus of the film is on the damage caused by the hobby. More than likely she was interviewed as a reef tank hobbyist rather than her husbandry being criticized.
About Snorkel Bob anyone recognize any of the other names in the cast? No. 620679
>>620565Snorkel Bob had already made many enemies in the aquarium trade long before he announced his film project.
I wonder if Taylor is known to the greater reef tank hobby community? Will she be further exposed once the film circulates and people in the scene inquire, who is this woman who was chosen to represent us? managed to get the film made despite his Indiegogo failing. aquarium trade practices have decimated the beautiful exotic fish populations and reefs in Hawaii and around the world. The Hawaii aquarium trade has been taking reef fish for U.S. and global hobby tanks for decades. When caught, the fishes' bladders are punctured with a needle and their fins are clipped. It is estimated that approximately 15,000 fish die even before they are transported to the mainland.
The Dark Hobby documentary film is an entertaining expose on this crisis. At any given time, 28 million fish are in the aquarium trade pipeline from point of capture to home hobbyist tanks— 1,800 species. 99% will die within a year of capture, generating even more demand. Several species are missing entirely, resulting in imbalances in the hierarchy of fish living on the reef. Predators, algae and fauna are acutely affected.
No. 620682
>>620679I didn’t think it’d paint her in a positive light given the name of it.
A lot of her stans say they won’t care unless an expert says something so this will be interesting.
>>620655Which is sad because the only reason she she doesn’t care about wild caught fish now is because she got called out having them during her “I will not own wild caught animals” drama.
No. 620857
>>620760I agree
>>620815True, she always was uncomfortable but at least a little less so that there actually were pictures posted of her without makeup in the beginning. I don't remember her looking
bad per se, but just looking like someone who had no makeup on and threw their hair up, nothing wrong with that. Or at the time it was "bad". It's always crazy looking back at cows thinking that at the time they looked bad but in the present have ruined themselves even more, you forget how much better they looked compared to now. I can only imagine what she would look like now, but I'm willing to bet its disastrous.
No. 620905
>>620860She looked pretty normal in those pictures of her horse back riding, and that was posted after the first weird "have you heard my mouth" video. The fact that we only see her through Jonny's lens now is a little creepy though.
As someone who used to be a big fan, I do still stupidly feel sympathetic towards her situation. No one should be in an abusive relationship.. But I can't really side with her until she puts those animals before her ego.
No. 620958
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Back to buying toys for her man child.
No. 620994
>>620941Honestly she probably can't afford it. Which is her own fault because she could have. I don't even know about her getting one in Texas now because of her being in so much debt to the IRS.
>>620958This is the equivalent to giving a dog treats
No. 621062
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>>620632Looks like he's using video footage from her video on Blue Tangs- specifically them being wild caught and how poorly they do in captivity with beginners. Ironically one of the first videos of hers I watched and was super impressed with how much she seemed to know/care…..
No. 621100
>>621062doesn't she
own a wild caught naso tang?
No. 621106
>>621100A lot of her fish are/were wild caught, cheese and Zazu were wild caught and I think everything in her salt tank except the clownfish are wild caught.
Don’t quote me on this though I’m not sure.
No. 621117
>>621100Apparently she thinks it's fine to own a wild caught naso tang and stuff it in a small tank, but BLUE tangs are just too much.
>>621106 not to WK at all, but I can see an argument that Zazu being wild caught might be acceptable because lionfish are invasive and harmful in many places so taking them from those places isn't a conservation threat like taking native, threatened species is. Taking an invasive species from the ocean to a less than 30 gallon biocube so they can die young because they're "just a fish" is definitely not humane, though.
No. 621126
>>620994She definitely can't afford it. A lot of influencers are placed in these big ass houses to share with others by management, or have to rent with roommates. She's nowhere near the ability to own property in L.A., and I highly doubt she's even able to afford a "MiLlIoN dOlLaR hOuSe" in Texas.
Not to mention that some of her animals might not even be legal to own in California.
No. 621178
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Every time I see Jonny post some dumb shit like this I feel more amused at how sad their lives really are. Eating heaps of candy and sitting in bed 24/7 either watching TV or reading comic books is Jonny’s idea of flexing on others that have normal jobs lmao. Honestly I can’t imagine how boring it must be just sitting at home all day doing nothing productive with your life
No. 621193
>>621130She was in two minds about moving there a year back because she didn’t want to have to give up her hedghogs, however it seems that mentality has changed.
Either way she’d be looking not only at rent or Morgage fees,l and bills, but licensing for her animals which would add up considering the amount she owns.
The moment she tries to moves there, not even YouTube reavenue will be able to support her especially with her (her Manlets) spending habits.
No. 621449
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This is a weird thing to flex about
No. 621457
>>621403the axolotl is indeed illegal in cali
>>621449that vacuum is LARGER than 5 gallons. looking at the companys website you can see on top on the lid how many gallons there are available. theres a 5 gal, 12 gal or 16 gal. they have a 12 or 16 gal because you can see on the lid that the number is a double digit number NOT a single digit number. you just cant see which exact number it is. this is the website
>>621454 No. 621461
>>621458correct info to the best of our ability is what matters. idc about the size of the vacuum
chances are they'll barely use it anyways. they should just get a roomba or something. johnny is going on tour at the end of january. wonder if taytay will start posting again at that time
No. 621473
File: 1546722890276.png (496.5 KB, 750x1334, 4B89CA5D-38A2-4435-A700-9FE87B…)

Looks like they have been on a bender.
No. 621505
>>621473Your icon is showing nonny.
Seems like the typical part of the cycle. They probably have had intense fighting and drug binges during their absence on social media (besides Jonny’s couple of stories). Now it’s time for the apologies and the promises to get better. He’s so predictable it’s not even funny.
But don’t worry guise I bet he’ll be so sObEr over his month long tour without Taylor.
>>621461I’m sure as soon as he goes on tour she’ll start posting again. What else is she going to do all day by herself? She is slowly losing her source of income. That, or if she still can’t handle the “haterz” when she returns she’ll go dark again and desire to follow Jonny all over tour. It’s a given that he’ll cheat and drink and use while he’s on tour either way.
No. 621516
File: 1546725903915.jpg (670.63 KB, 762x652, Inkedtwitterpic_LI.jpg)

It definitely looks like she has smaller lips. Maybe they really were fucked up
No. 621547
>>621543Oh, ok. Sorry for posting and old pic then.
>>621542If you're talking about that one post from "VR" then that was a fake before he got his tripcode. Who knows what's going on otherwise, but I doubt she would give him away after going on and on about how she can take care of him.
No. 621548
>>621542There's been lots of speculation ACS took him, that he died, etc. We have literally nothing to go on except that he was mentioned on the ACS form she posted. As of now San Antonio ACS doesn't have anything online indicating that they have a monitor up for adoption, and I'd think they would if he were there.
Most likely he's not dead or gone, just chronically neglected and underwatered like all her pets.
No. 621883
>>621473So they didn't celebrate Christmas or New Years, which I'm assuming her mother hasn't heard of them during the holidays either? Has she posted anything about it? And so she has no problem with it and it isn't an indication that something might be wrong?
It's weird that they weren't flaunting their relationship for Christmas or New Year's. It's the biggest excuse and time to show off.
This post
almost confirms drug use for them both to me.
No. 621902
>>621457Oh my god could you be more nitpicky about what people are posting. Anyways, it's a 14 gallon one, different model than the 5/12/16 gallon version.
>>621883I find it odd that Taylor wouldn't celebrate Christmas, there's so many things she could do "Christmassy" with her animals. Christmas pictures, take them to see santa (for more handle able less easily stressed ones), get them gifts, etc. Good way to get attention
No. 622045
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No. 622501
File: 1546784111617.png (311.17 KB, 750x1334, E3CEA422-05E2-4577-87C9-5AAC46…)

Is it just me or is it weird that he’s still tagging Taylor even though her twitter doesn’t exist anymore
No. 622535
>>622501Sounds like
1. Making being "lazy" sound cool
2. Because neither of you have cars
3. Drugs and isolation
No. 622549
>>622538Lmao seriously, I can’t stand people who make a big deal out of the “weekends” when literally they have no normal jobs so every day is the weekend for them?
>>621780I can see where you’re coming from but I still don’t understand where the pity is coming from with people… Taylor was warned that Jonny’s 1) raped his exes 2) a drug user 3) an abusive and manipulative person. The list could go on. Why feel bad for Taylor when she was warned SO many times over and over, even by he very people he hurt? Please don’t say age because I’m her age and would never choose to ruin my life with a scumbag like that. And definitely don’t feel bad for Jonny. Don’t pity rapists like Taylor does
No. 622572
>>622549Agreed. I feel like a lot of people that pity Taylor also pity Laineybot, and look what kind of shit came out about her recently.
Taylor is also an awful person. Not gonna say she deserves Jonny cause he's on a totally different level of human scum but she's definitely not some naive little girl, she knows what she's doing and she knew what she was getting herself into.
No. 622621
>>622603It might make me a shitty person but I don't feel bad for Taylor at all. She knew the guy for a month before seeing him irl and was warned before she even met him by his exes, their friends and random people. I said this before: She has many more opportunities to leave him than a normal person, she could just fuck off when he's on tour and never tell him where she went. I'd say she can afford a second appartment for a bit if she has a salary of 50 fucking thousand dollars a month.
But, she won't leave cause he has dirt on her and THAT'S her own fault for being a shitty person. If she was a decent human being he wouldn't have anything on her other than nudes or something (which he already posted anyway lol).
No. 622749
>>622494Homecooking a large meal means there would need to be more food/ingredients around in the kitchen, the house would smell like food, cooking would take up time, all things you may want to avoid with PWS. Taylor's video said they try to avoid making food a special or emotional event so I'd assume that's what they were doing.
Chipotle definitely isn't a healthy option, but there isn't much open on Christmas, and who cares? This is such a weird thing to nitpick. Maybe they just wanted to relax on the holiday instead of cooking?
As far as gluten free
>>622534 is right. The only ingredient that actually contains gluten is the flour tortillas, so if the employees change their gloves and use all materials that haven't touched any flour tortillas to make your food it's theoretically safe. Risky if you can't tell for sure that they did that, but overall it is possible to eat gluten free there.
No. 622761
File: 1546820290493.jpg (599.78 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190106-161602_Ins…)

Seems like maybe Taylor was trying to break up with him over the break. wonder if he relapsed, cheated, or if she's just done with his general negative impact on her life?
No. 622791
>>622789true I don't see a single fish, but that doesn't mean it's
completely empty
No. 622818
>>622806She had a blue Toby puffer, a blue dot jawfish and her maroon clownfish in that tank.
No idea if she has moved them since, however the puffer and jawfish were in there because they were predators.
No. 623013
>>622749That's depressing to think about. Mama Dean is a fucking psycho, but I'm sure living with someone like Tanner must be miserable as fuck.
>>623011It's just further proof of how shit Taylor is with money. I don't know how she's staying off YouTube/social media and why she thinks that's viable when it's her only source of income and she spends like she's a billionaire.
No. 623016
>>623013Because most of her sales come from merch. Didn’t she have Christmas themed merch? That’s probably where the money is coming from, plus sponsorships.
She’s still shit with money, though.
No. 623030
>>623023NTA, but Jennifer spends all her time with Tanner, every single day. I imagine that having to be 24/7 with someone with PWS eventually takes its toll on you, considering people with that syndrome need to be heavily monitored so they don't eat shit they shouldn't, and they're also prone to outbursts due to delayed mental development.
It's not Tanner's fault to have this condition, but it must be a really stressful and frustrating situation to live in.
No. 623033
>>622858I don't think Taylor's mim has it but you can totally still have Munchhausen by Proxy with a kid with disabilities. It's quite common, actually, since kids like Tanner are so mentally demanding.
>>623030You, now that you mention it, Taylor's personality makes a lot of sense. Having to grow up with a brother like that (plus her mother, of course) must have been quite hard, no wonder she is an attentionwhore.
No. 623036
>>622858I don't think Taylor's mom has it but you can totally still have Munchhausen by Proxy with a kid with disabilities. It's quite common, actually, since kids like Tanner are so mentally demanding.
>>623030You, now that you mention it, Taylor's personality makes a lot of sense. Having to grow up with a brother like that (plus her mother, of course) must have been quite hard, no wonder she is an attentionwhore.
No. 623037
>>622858I don't think Taylor's mom has it but you can totally still have Munchhausen by Proxy with a kid with disabilities. It's quite common, actually, since kids like Tanner are so mentally demanding.
>>623030You, now that you mention it, Taylor's personality makes a lot of sense. Having to grow up with a brother like that (plus her mother, of course) must have been quite hard, no wonder she is an attentionwhore.
No. 623038
>>622858I don't think Taylor's mom has it but you can totally still have Munchhausen by Proxy with a kid with disabilities. It's quite common, actually, since kids like Tanner are so mentally demanding.
>>623030You, now that you mention it, Taylor's personality makes a lot of sense. Having to grow up with a brother like that (plus her mother, of course) must have been quite hard, no wonder she is an attentionwhore.
No. 623049
>>623041Yeah, no reason to be talking about him right now.
Also I will never feel bad for Taylor because of her relationship with Jonny unless he somehow does something worse than his ex's have described to her. Imagine after having every kind of warning possible and still going through with a relationship like that. Yeah, I would maybe understand if this guy were a celebrity, rich, or something, but he's not. He's some washed up singer with no teeth. They literally walked her through everything that would happen and her parents tried to get her out of it in the beginning. She deserves what's coming.
Also I like how she freaked out at Bree blaming her for the drugs but having an addict boyfriend was always a-okay.
No. 623287
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No. 623294
>>623292Let's be real, if he TRULY wanted to reform and be a better person, he would speak up about the shit he's done. He'd apologize and make a statement regarding the abuse. No, it won't make his exes feel better and it won't suddenly make everything okay, but he'd at least be honest.
However all we hear from him is his exes are "psychos" and "bitches". Go fucking figure. He won't change, won't own up to the sick shit he's done and overall, will continue to be a man child who manipulates and uses people. He deserves to be called out and he deserves to never live it down. Fuck him.
No. 623348
>>623343Yup. Everything will be deleted. Every time she slipped up. Every time she was caught in a lie. Every DM she ever sent. This is intentional.
I thought she might be in rehab, but Jonny's posts have made it obvious she is on an even worse drug binge than usual. I wonder what the death count will be if she even comes back.
No. 623378
File: 1546979621579.jpg (66.82 KB, 576x1024, D2kVqG3U.jpg_medium.jpg)

Someone had wrote me a Twitter dm on 2nd of December and said that they reported Taylor and sent me this screenshot. Idk if it's fake or not but the person seemed genuine so I wouldn't be surprised if it's true. They had also argued with Taylor and she sent her stans after them so they might've reported her for bullying or something.
I've never been locked out of my Twitter accounts or anything, is it possible that Taylor actually lost her account cause of mass reports?
It seems weird that she didn't make a dramatic goodbye post on Twitter and just left.
No. 623383
File: 1546980885832.jpg (159.96 KB, 1079x718, Screenshot_20190108-215404_Sam…)

Including screenshot of chat just in case so some anons won't get their panties in a bunch again
No. 623385
>>623383I feel like it’s fake because usually when you report an account you can select tweets that are offensive and they have the account name in the tweet. I also usually get updates in my notifications tab, I’ve never gotten an email before. The language also seems off.
Personally think she ran from twitter on her own because she’s been getting exposed and is too high to come back. I also wonder if she’s reactivating then deactivating again because she’s gonna lose her verification and I don’t see her willing to lose it because she’s so full of herself.
No. 623395
>>623383I don’t know man, this is kinda questionable because it’s just a screenshot saying an account got removed, but it doesn’t mention which one.
If they provide something that links this removal to Taylor’s account, that’d be different.
No. 623435
File: 1546988986397.jpeg (8.32 MB, 4032x3024, 6B425FD3-4DEA-4525-869D-192B08…)

>>623418It’s not deleted yet.
No. 623451
File: 1546991943088.png (24.63 KB, 654x188, deany.PNG)

No. 623455
>>623451Then stop lurking here, Jen.
If Taylor's intentions are to make her thread stop, and the milk dries up, that's fine. However, I hope she knows that as soon as she comes back, even if it's a year (she'll be back soon, this is her income) her thread will just be bumped again. You can't escape lolcow unless you actually make an effort to be a better person, and people
have escaped it, their threads buried with time, it's not impossible. But there are some people that will just never change.
The general pet tuber thread always gets buried, and that's including every other pet tuber. Even after the milk that was Emzotic. Taylor's never dies. That should say something to her.
No. 623473
What on earth would her twitter get suspended or permanently locked for? Unless she told someone to kts like Momokun did, this is just an example of pernicious reporting and if the account was ever locked, it was probably for an extremely short time until the reported tweets were reviewed by a human.
This happened
>>623385 because another well-known animal died or Kronos was removed by ACS, or both. She just can't face up to it and show the animals that remain.
No. 623541
>>623378If her account was suspended then the page would say so, not that the page doesn't exist.
For an example, check the twitter account @dory which was banned not long ago. If she was suspended, it would look like that page.
No. 623829
>>622761I’m guessing Taylor has been spoiling her man child because like VR said, when Jonny is about to leave on tour is when they fight the worst. She’s probably trying to keep him from the violent outbursts and arguments.
I really don’t see how she could leave with him on tour for an entire month. Regardless of how much she makes, she is shit with her money and has already been gone like a month. Every day she is gone she’s most likely losing the interest of her army of tween followers. So I’m assuming she’ll be back as soon as Jonny’s away for tour.
He’ll be gone an entire month. If she had any shred of intelligence and actual desire to better herself and her life, these next few weeks are the prime time to get him the fuck out of her life.
Taylor we know you lurk here daily, I really hope you’re smart enough to leave him. I have no sympathy for you if you continue to be a rape apologist and support him in your life. Life must be so miserable with him.. gtfo of that relationship.
No. 623855
File: 1547085349519.jpg (14.38 KB, 236x354, 08e726fe77373b92ba88afb3136f74…)

>>623838My, how the mighty have fallen. This song sounds extremely auto tuned in an obvious, bad way?
No. 623867
File: 1547087929082.png (3.98 MB, 750x1334, 0443BF82-7D3E-4E53-98D0-C19E12…)

No. 623870
File: 1547088630634.png (11.85 MB, 1242x2208, EE94BB5A-1B8F-45BF-A222-7896A2…)

By posting it on social media
No. 624053
>>623870Aren't those carnations? They're toxic to cats.
The roses are fine, and her cats might not eat plants, but chances are fairly high with three of them in the house.
I know Jonny bought them but idgaf, he should know better and Taylor should have told him if he doesn't. I know they're only mildly toxic to cats, but still, having anything around that can make them vomit and have diarrhea is bad.
No. 624259
>>623867Nail biter??
So sad to see her waste away her young life by doing NOTHING but sounding high as hell, playing switch and doodling all day. Must be so fun to burn so much money and time without any selfawareness of where you see yourself in the next 10 years. Isn’t she like 21? I understand if you have a debt due to college but $100k at the age of 21 due to your lack of common sense is hilarious
No. 624260
>>624259Was the $100k owed to the IRS from college debt? I thought she didn’t go to college, just basically said “hurr hurr school isn’t for me” without even trying it.
I do believe school isn’t for everyone, but it’s sad that she calls herself an animal educator and has 0 backing to it. She doesn’t attend anything or branch out with programs to learn more, she acts like she’s so knowledgeable when she literally just Googles everything, and still gets things wrong… hoarding a bunch of animals in a little apartment doesn’t make you anything special.
No. 624264
>>624260No, the $100K is from fucking up her taxes, which anon was saying is much worse than being in debt for a real reason like getting an education.
Also, I totally agree with you. College isn't for everyone, but she can't say she's an "expert" when she has no form of animal care background. There are so many ways to get something (associates at community college, online college, traditional, part time, etc.) as well as accredited animal behavior programs that she could do that aren't full degrees. She could also just get involved with local keepers and breeders, or volunteer/work with local shelters, but she's so shit at keeping animals none of them want her near them, plus she can only make enemies of local breeders like she did with the Bearded Dragon situation so many times before they don't even sell to her, let alone work with her.
No. 624278
>>623870Since we're in nitpick mode cause of lack of milk, florist anon and these are worse than grocery store tier wrap up flowers. There's no greens or added flowers to make it look pretty, and they're also the cheaper, lower quality roses and not full carnations but mini ones. He also put them in empty drink bottles (kek)
He must have gotten them from someone selling them from the side of the road or something
No. 624287
>>623820Yes, but that isn't until March. So if things keep going the way they are; he will go on world tour for a month or so, she will begin posting again. She will be increasingly active as he is 'busy' or whatever is going on. Then, when she is at the point of maybe leaving, they will spend a honeymoon trip in Australia together and he will talk about how she's saved his life again.
Tinfoil hat moment: anyone wonder if she deleted Twitter and is staying off because JC caught her talking to people about wanting to leave him?
No. 624332
File: 1547165013828.jpg (359.52 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190111-010146_Ins…)

Does anyone know who runs the Petfest accounts?
No. 624793
>>624287It's possible, they could have fought over it and then made up hence stuff like
>>623870. But now she's caught in a corner with little or no outlet away from him. It'll be interesting to see how things progress from here.
No. 624863
>>624807Bc they're both abusers whose victims werent believed/supported? Either way it doesnt look good for Taylor, so its convenient that shes off Twitter atm.
>>624811Exactly this
No. 624901
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No. 625050
>>624901I still don’t get why people pull the “oh I feel so bad for her, abusive relationships are horrible and I feel so terrible she’s with him!”
Like fuck dude she has had more opportunity than most to gtfo. Jonny is gone for days at a time. She has plenty of time while he’s on tour to get the locks changed so she and her animals are safe. Get his shit dumped outside the door and with a police officer when he gets back so he get get his shit and leave without anyone getting hurt.
I wish an abusive relationship on NO ONE. But when you were warned prior to getting into it, excuse the fact that he’s raped other women and continue to support him when you have plenty of opportunity to get out - I don’t feel bad for you.
No. 625169
>>625133I've personally always thought that she's not leaving him out of mere stubborness and also because in a way they enable each other. I feel like the dirt he has on her isn't related to animal care because he knows jackshit about reptiles, unless it's something extreme like confirming she's constantly replacing animals or something that would be noticeable even to the most inexperienced pet owner.
Considering he has the mentality of a high schooler, his dirt is probably along the lines of nudes, her admitting to doing drugs, videos of her doing drugs, or screenshots of her shit talking her clique. Even if it's been pretty much confirmed by other sources that she does drugs, it's still easier for her to say the screenshots are fake. It wouldn't be that easy to weasel out of shit posted by Jonny.
Not to mention that on top of everything, he's emotionally abusive. She's manipulative as fuck but she's still being abused, so he's probably thrown a couple I'll kill myself if you leave me's here and there.
No. 625170
>>625166Except BLT isn't scummy like Taylor. BLT is very oldschool youtube. I remember seeing her in Shane Dawson's videos. She also had a young child involved and it looks like she lost thousands from this relationship.
I really do not have sympathy for Taylor. If she's being abused then she needs to get out and take better care of herself. But her animal husbandry will not change. She wasn't a glowing example of husbandry before JC and unless she massively downsizes, she never will be.
We all know if they break out, Taylor will milk the situation for all it's worth and we'll get the entire sob story. She doesn't deserve the attention off it. JC's exes warned her. They went through hell and their voices were trampled on by Taylor. She's literally going to speak up over his victims so HER voice is heard, but not theirs. Taylor is an awful person. I hope she gets nothing out of this relationship when they break up, I do hope she's safe and happy but that's it.
No. 625194
File: 1547301666476.jpg (162.68 KB, 1080x567, Screenshot_20190112-131708_Sam…)

i wonder how taylor feels knowing that a lot of her friends not only follow emzotic but also jayce
No. 625195
File: 1547303288712.png (335.13 KB, 750x1334, 8F6CB593-EFE0-46F2-896E-B2D781…)

jens twitter is pretty interesting right now.
No. 625220
>>625198She doesn’t go anywhere unless a party is involved or she can flex how much she’s spent in one afternoon.
Slightly more serious answer is Taylor has never been to a gym and given how much she complains about how doing anything gives her Cronic pain I don’t think she will.
No. 625221
>>625166I have to kind of agree with this. Remember the first time she spurged on Twitter about how she was done with him, fuck boys, basically outed his abusiveness and whatnot? So many people were happy for her and supported her. She would honestly probably have a lot of support if she left him and yeah she could milk the hell out of getting out of an abusive relationship. And if he did pull the crazy ex thing on her, she could totally do the same and just say he is lying because of the drugs he takes and whatnot. He may have dirt on her, but if she was smart she could counter/own up to things and gain support from people by making a full turnaround of her life.
But instead for whatever reason, she chooses to sit and fester in this toxic, abusive relationship. They do enable the shitty behavior from one another, so I’m guessing that’s a big reason she won’t leave. Who else will pat her ass and give her attention besides her teenage stans? She’d have no one else at home in her life to enable her terrible behavior and habits. It’s ironic how she got her “by myself” tattoo when she really can’t handle being alone still.
No. 625247
>>625236If she was actually half decently taking care of her pets yes. But let's be real here, we know she can't be bothered to refill water bowls or mist cages since we have confirmation that the whole electricity surge was a lie. So if she doesn't bother to do things that take seconds, do you think she's actually socializing her animals at all?
Plus she has an "assistant" she pawns them off on to.
No. 625262
>>625247Of course I don't think so lol, her poor rats are probably bored to death and infighting cause of it. But even if she doesn't spend time with her pets or do anything other than the bare minimum for them they'd still take up a considerable chunk of the day. She was whining about it in the Reply All interview and when she was still living with her parents and that was 30 pets ago.
The rest is spent doing what we know she does - sleeping for 15 hours, fucking around on social media and spending time with her gross man child aka doing drugs.
No. 625293
>>625236That’s the crazy part. I don’t underestimate how many hours in the day you could spend taking care of 50 pets by yourself. Which is why they’re so badly taken care of. She’s not a professional sanctuary, she’s a young girl keeping all these pets in an apartment. She has way too many to properly spend plenty of time with them and also have time to take care of herself.
I think she really went in over her head with the mass accumulation. From both not being happy with her life and her relationship, so it’s the only thing that gave her that rush of happiness, and feeling like buying new pets was the only way to keep the social media attention up. She’s such a god damn mess. I just feel awful her animals have to suffer because of it. If she wasn’t such a terrible person to others she’d actually have good people in her life that give a shit about her, not blind defenders forming an echo chamber of yes-men around her.
No. 625438
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One of her videos was used in a report by BBC news
No. 626076
>>626060If she quits youtube, reality will hit her with a sledgehammer sooner or later. The only way she was able to afford getting 50+ animals in the first place was through youtube, not to mention the upkeep.
She may be getting enough views for now to keep it up, but those will slowly trickle down into nothing if she's not producing content.
Her options are either return, or give up most (if not all) of her pets, probably within the next year. I think she might be too busy nodding out to notice or care about any of this, though.
No. 626098
>>626078>>626079That’s the weird thing is her upload schedule (or lack of) was so shitty but people still wanted to sponsor her… or maybe she reaches out and begs for sponsorships.
But maybe then, she got more views to make up for it. Her last video which was sponsored didn’t even break 100k views in an entire month. That’s some really shitty performance for someone with over a million and a half subs. People have lost so much interest in her. She’s going to have to do better and kick her ass to get a normal schedule going if she wants any hope of reviving her channel. It may be sustaining her now but it won’t in the next year or two at this rate.
No. 626101
File: 1547484931346.jpeg (193.7 KB, 750x888, C1E8E848-8715-4485-B484-B75DBF…)

Double post but I just saw this on Twitter. Anybody know what’s going on? I’m not sure who these people are. I’m assuming just another generic pettuber blindly defending Taylor?
No. 626183
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Idk why at this point whenever I see these stories I still have a little laugh. His stories consist of the same shit over and over. “New comic books” “damnnn new shoes” and that’s it. Honestly if I didn’t know how old he was and never saw his face, I’d guess that he’s a teenager. He sits at home all day reading comic books and flexing with shoes lmao. It’s really sad, imagine thinking this is the life worth flexing on people
No. 626198
File: 1547505920500.jpeg (402.03 KB, 1242x1237, BF6EC42D-9C1C-4596-82BD-FE2BEE…)

He also posted about spending $440 at GameStop and how he spend 50k on his new teeth. Why does he always have to point out how much money he spends or how sober he is? Seems so fake
No. 626278
Definitely having mixed feelings about TND and people here.
She's definitely proven beyond all doubt (IMO) that she is a toxic narcissist. The way she talks to Bree and Jayce, and the degree of DARVO and triangulation by this bitch? She's a screaming, flaming narcissist. Probably learned it from her fucking nutjob of a mother, TBH. Not that that absolves any of her sins whatsoever. She 100% ghosted Jayce and just used him. Bree was a convenient scapegoat to blame for cocaine usage to her friends, because Perfect Miss TND can do no wrong, she is a perfect human being, the rest of us are trash.
We're never getting the necropsy results. It's halfway through January, still nothing from anyone. I doubt it even occurred at this point.
Her deleting Twitter is both smart and dumb. I get it, you don't want to deal with bashing. It keeps you low-profile and out of the eyes of the public…but at the same time, if you're SO changed and take ownership of mistakes, why run and hide? Because bitch hasn't, and won't, change.
And to the people here "why didn't TND and Bree leave Jonny sooner, they had outs, etc etc" that's not how escaping abusers work. It's not easy. It's not as easy as just walking out and not turning back. Abusers are MASTERS of manipulation. They effectively brainwash their victims, and that is incredibly hard to escape. Shaming people for being victims of abusive SOs does not help them nor anyone else. Just don't.
I wonder which of the pets is next to be the sacrifice to get more attention? I'm betting Mushu doesn't have much longer, judging from the gill damage and spots. I feel horrible for the poor thing. That much damage to its gill stalks must be quickly decreasing what life it has left.
Also just a word to the above, but fluconazole (which taylor used in Cheese's tank) is safe to use with fish. It would not have killed Cheese.
No. 626326
>>626278Most people here do hope Taylor gets out of her relationship and would even be supportive if she did. Some of us are just saying that she doesn't deserve the sympathy for this Jonny shit show because she knew EVERYTHING he did. She knew it a whole month before she even met him, she was told when they were just talking online for a few weeks. She chose to have a relationship with him knowing that he raped and beat women.
And flucanazole does effect sensitive fish like cowfish. I know axolotls are not fish lol but you're not supposed to use it with them either for example, it's not a safe medication. If that's what even happened but whatever
No. 626332
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No. 626333
File: 1547537159350.png (663.58 KB, 1125x2436, C6937BAA-6E2F-4E13-8E48-05D0C8…)

same anon as last post. Looks like he’s really taking care of those teeth that cost 50k
No. 626391
>>626332No sober person is going to sit there and eat 16 of those. Not even Momokun or Amberlynn would eat that many in a row.
>>626333So 16 gogurts in a day and 3lb of jellybeans in a week plus whatever else candy they hauled back from those update pics. Dude has to be on something to crave that much sugar.
No. 626424
File: 1547570237280.jpg (466.75 KB, 810x1728, 20190115_173202.jpg)

I've been talking to a Pefest member, they didn't want to talk about Taylor but gave me some info on how Petfest is organized etc. Nothing crazy but I figured I'd share since the thread is dead rn anyway
No. 626425
File: 1547570287062.jpg (565.36 KB, 808x2194, 20190115_173432.jpg)

Hid their name cause they don't want to be involved in drama
No. 626497
File: 1547585254741.jpg (220.72 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190115-221125.jpg)

lets see how long it ll take for this comment to get deleted
No. 626523
>>626198Because that’s usually what people who aren’t really wealthy do as a means of validation. Taylor and Jonny are painfully new money, which means bragging and flexing on trivial shit as well as mentioning how much everything they buy costs.
It’s super boring and gets old fast, but Jonny genuinely thinks he’s above people for wearing ugly yet expensive shoes.
No. 626530
>>626527Think about it guys.
They had a falling out with Bree, and she has brought many lies to light. Why else but to make her look like an angry hater? They continue to discredit her, and while editing a video, I realized they threw her under the bus time and time again. That's why when Jessica came out with the skink story Taylor said: "we know exactly who this came from because she is no longer in our group." That was a dig directed at Bree to make her feel bad, so she would stop talking. Taylor had no issue throwing her under the bus for the Sacramento trip, so why is this any different?
They have been bullying Bree right in front of our noses, but they are very cryptic to avoid backlash.
No. 626634
File: 1547610259758.jpeg (174.52 KB, 750x1133, CEB4BC11-6BEA-4022-AC74-022CFE…)

i.e. “Jonny is finally leaving & the money is running dry so plz give me views when I come back”
No. 626649
>>626645That is ghost….his eyes are dilated and cats with Siamese markings can get darker over time (especially in their extremities)
She didn’t replace her cats, stop reaching
No. 626765
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More childish gifts. He posted another pair of shoes after this.
The timing (Taylor announcing she’s coming back the second Jonny leaves for tour) is hopefully a sign she’s going to make some big changes while he’s gone. Jayce mentioned they fight the most when Jonmy is on tour, though. I wonder how this is all going to play out.
No. 626771
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No. 626772
> Jonny is leaving to tour> Tay reconnects with her family Could it be…?
If she is going to throw his ass out then I’m rooting her. She might be insufferable bitch but no one deserves Jonny.
No. 626792
>>626789I thought the same, she looks a little chubby to me. It could just be the angle though.
Frankly, many MANY people have overweight cats and dogs. If her cats are free-fed and she's not able to track how much each of them are eating, I'm not surprised at least one of them would be overweight
No. 626793
>>626789I thought the same, she looks a little chubby to me. It could just be the angle though.
Frankly, many MANY people have overweight cats and dogs. If her cats are free-fed and she's not able to track how much each of them are eating, I'm not surprised at least one of them would be overweight
No. 626994
>>626987Cat anon here, I've worked in cat rescue for over 8 years. It's not hard to "measure food," but if you have multiple cats it can add extra steps to feeding. Cats, especially competitive cats sharing small spaces like hers are, are prone to stealing each others' food. Especially if one tends to graze and leave leftovers. Cats can be trained to eat meals rather than graze, but they're rarely like dogs that finish their food in seconds and can be fed completely separately. No one as lazy about feeding their animals as Taylor seems to be should have three cats.
Plus all cats don't do well on all diets, and cat genetics play a role in cat weight, which makes exercise important. That means playing with your cat or otherwise getting them to burn calories, and given all the other animals she has I can't imagine Taylor has that kind of time to devote to Star.
No. 627044
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No. 627048
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No. 627049
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No. 627090
>>627048She looks so much like Blaire White in this picture, those lips are absolutely ridiculous.
I don't really buy her 'getting clean' crap since we know they have been drug binging this past 2 months but would be honestly glad for her if it's actually true.
No. 627104
>>627091She does look fine for someone who is getting clean.. I used to use years ago and have seen plenty of people getting clean, so I know how it is.
If she isnt getting clean, then i wouldnt say she looks fine.
To me, at this point, after hearing her in those recent vids.. she is clearly struggling with addiction. And I do think she is trying to get clean in these photos, which is great, and which is why I say she looks fine. However, I don't believe she will be able to maintain sobriety if she doesn't get away from the manlet for a while, which is unfortunate.
No. 627115
>>627104Sorry, I know what you mean but I don't think she's getting clean. I think she's just avoiding social media and hoping all the drama will blow over while saying she's "getting healthy" and alluding to her mental health. In reality she's on a drug binge. She has a toxic and destructive personality. She's going to ruin herself and no one will tell her otherwise, because Taylor is so incredibly stubborn.
Just watch. She'll come back and not actually talk about why she took a break, but subtly hint it had to do with her mental health so no one will question her animals or care anymore. I sincerely hope people don't forget what happened to her skinks or frog or Cheese. Not to mention Zazu and Larry who weren't shown for months and then Taylor casually mentions they're dead.
No. 627131
>>627115Agreed anon… personally I think she really looks awful. Her fucking lips are atrocious… at this point I wonder if she can’t stop getting them done because imagine what they’d look like when the filler dissolves? But honestly they’re way too big, she needs to take a step back and actually become happy with herself.
Staying home doing drugs, sleeping all day, playing Switch, eating several pounds of candy a week and buying dumb kids shit with her manlet isn’t getting “healthy”. I’m sorry but I will never be able to take her seriously while she’s dating that rapist. I sincerely want her to get help and turn her life around for herself and her animals - but she’ll never do that with him in the picture. Just look at how isolated he’s kept her from family until he leaves for tour. That’s honesty sad
No. 627132
>>627090>She looks so much like Blaire White in this picture, those lips are absolutely ridiculous.So glad someone else sees it too, I thought I was tripping. It really must be the baboon anus lips.
At least she left the house for once.
No. 627136
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No. 627157
>>627115You absolutely could be right. It's hard to say at this point. But either way, it will be a lengthy process getting clean and back into good mental health.. it'll take more than a month or two, and she will def need to be away from the pos that is jonny for more than just a month while he's on tour.
>>627131 I agree that it's more than doubtful she will get healthy or maintain sobriety with him around.
She got herself into a really tough spot, and it'll take work to get out. I think part of the reason she let jonny drag her down so far is because she was sheltered thru school and was homeschooled, so she was naive and probably felt she missed so much. She likely didn't have a real understanding of addiction or what she was getting herself into.
No. 627159
>>627044Do neither of them care about the health of their cats? Lilies are SO toxic for them!
At least the carnations were only mildly toxic, I would NEVER have lilies around my cats, even if they left plants alone.
No. 627222
>>627215As much as I want her to dump that POS and I truly want her to get better for both her sake and her animals’ sake, I’m with you anon. Idk how people think her disappearing on social media for a month = her getting “healthy” like she claims.
In fact this has probably been the most unhealthy, abusive time she’s had yet, I mean Jesus look how much they desperately tried spoiling each other lately. Like VR said, this is typically when they fight the most - so buying each other material things is the only thing they can do to even try keeping the peace.
No. 627225
File: 1547794275625.png (798.46 KB, 1080x1796, Screenshot_20190117-212041~2.p…)

Aaaaaaand we're back to her joking about hoarding animals.
No. 627241
File: 1547797233968.webm (2.43 MB, 639x1136, StorySaver_taylorndean_5048054…)
posting the whole video to show how many fucking funko pops these people have. they can afford several hundreds worth of plastic but not a chiller for mushu
No. 627244
>>627225>>627227>>627237Funko pops are the Beanie Babies of the 21st century. Worthless crap a company tricks idiots into thinking has speculative value.
But Beanie Babies were at least cute. Funkos are just plain ugly.
No. 627287
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Anyone read the lyrics to Down for the Ride by Jonny’s band Slaves? lol
No. 627302
>>627297This is TayTay, you think she's going to bother to keep an eye on them full stop? She genuinely wouldn't even know if they were trying to eat the thing because she'd be asleep or drugged out.
I have cats that avoid plants, but anything that could be remotely toxic to them is kept shut away and completely out of reach. It's reckless to leave those kinds of things within reach even if your cat doesn't typically eat plants because it only takes looking away for a second for that to change.
No. 627314
>>627044Her face is looking as bad as Johnny's. Look at all the places she's been picking at that have scabbed. Also looks like she's got a flea bite on her breast as well.
>>627049Johnny's on tour. She's going to Disney World for 3 days. Who the hell is watching her 30+ animals?
No. 627320
>>627297Sorry to break it to you, but your cat absolutely does go on counters.
Lilies are serious toxins, why would you risk it, even if you're "sure" that your cat would never touch it?
No. 627353
>>627136And not one word about her animals. Always gotta be about her.
Also its funny that once Jonny leaves, she goes straight to mama. At this point, she should just cover up her “by myself” tattoo at this point. That reminds me, what ever happened to “oh im getting a sleeve soon!”
No. 627355
>>627225Wow nice to know she hasn't FUCKING changed at all!! Leave again Taylor, you obviously have learned nothing.
>>627044Drug binge confirmed. Nobody picks their face like that.
>>627049>>627136And just the fact that she doesn't mention
anything specific with what is wrong with her. Not gluten, not depression, not her ~invisible illness~. Nothing. Double confirmed.
real help, Taylor.
No. 627371
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>>627365nta but here you go
No. 627374
>>627355What I don’t understand is her angle behind posting these totally unflattering photos of herself. Is it to make it seem like she’s honest and has nothing to hide? For pity from her fans because she looks so rough and “must have been really really sick!!” Like….no. She’s obviously been going through a botched lip job. Certain she’s using something based on how scabby she is, combined with Jonny outing her on her spending spree and munchies. Which sounds like the absolute opposite of “getting healthy”. This is reeks of BS.
We know she knows how to use Facetune, she could have made herself look a bit more presentable without having to put makeup on her scabs. Or she could have just made her statement and didn’t have to start dropping selfies at the same time. There was no need for her to post these sad looking photos other than for some manipulated sympathy out of her fans or attempting to look like she’s fearless and honest, I’m really trying not to tinfoil here. It seems calculated or else why do it at all?
No. 627376
File: 1547839443600.jpg (882.02 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190118-141845.jpg)

>>627365Different story with clearer marks
No. 627381
>>627355A lot of people pick on their face when they're stressed or going through a withdrawal
>>627376Could very well be from IV if she's not lying about health issues
No. 627383
>>627376wasn't sure from the other two pics but these def look like track marks. why would she shoot on the backs of her hands, though? that's probably one of the most painful places to shoot, but if her other veins are completely blown, then i guess she really did go full junkie with jc.
don't like her at all but wish she would get rid of him.
No. 627385
>>627376Ugh those really do look like track marks or bruises from when a shot misses the vein. I posted earlier about her looking like she could be in early recovery, but I'd now say she more than likely is just in the middle of a binge and her "getting healthy" is just regarding mental health from being off social media.
How unfortunate. She doesn't seem to realize how far down she is. She won't be able to regain what she's going to continue losing from YT. I don't see her actually getting healthy any time soon. She needs to do what's best for her animals and rehome.
No. 627388
>>627383I agree hands are more of a last resort meaning her arm veins are prob too fkd up to use.
It's 100% clear she's using, a lot. Her money will be gone soon. People will catch on. She will lose everything. But that's her choice.. she's so naive it's unreal.
Smarten tf up Taylor, u have every opportunity to turn this around. A weak ass mind is so unattractive.. there's absolutely nothing cool about using. So, so naive and childish.
No. 627404
>>627355While I am with you in the belief that drugs are the reason she looks so sickly, I don’t think that face picking can be used as a surefire sign like that.
Blog posting to prove a point but my face is in way way worse shape than hers and I’ve never done drugs in my life, it’s because I have pretty debilitating anxiety.
No. 627432
>>627342Of course. That’s the alarming part is her stans don’t even see that, they will just lap up her story about taking a break to “get healthy”. She’s only allowed contact with her family and she only gets her ass to (somewhat) do her job when Jonny isn’t around. Stupidly huge red flag
>>627396Sad part is her source of “anxiety” is criticism. Which shouldn’t be the way you think like a normal person. Criticism on being a better person and taking better care of your animals is healthy and normal so you can improve. Problem is she can’t take criticism, so she just temporarily escaped it for a little while.
>>627339I’m truly hoping she’s doing exactly this as well. Sadly I have a feeling she isn’t smart enough to actually do all this; she wants to encourage this cycle of bad behavior with Jonny.
No. 627465
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No. 627470
Seriously what non-lip-injection-excuse could she have? "Oh it's just Jonny sucker punching me in the mouth again"
No. 627529
File: 1547856049802.png (1.83 MB, 1080x1727, Screenshot_20190118-165907~2.p…)

Clearly something is up with her lips, I can't believe she thinks anyone believes there isn't.
No. 627657
File: 1547868094763.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.57 KB, 1000x500, 1441881774-what-it-feels-like-…)

Sorry to blog post, but I hope this adds some clarification.
I get lip fillers quite regularly.
She has injection points in her lips, and light bruising which is common with fillers. Outside of that, last thread her fillers looked like they had been dissolved. Now they're huge again. Her lips don't look like that naturally. So no, don't buy the bullshit. They're filled. Image attached is not TND, but use it for reference.
No. 627660
>>627657What I don't get is why she would lie about lip fillers when it's so obvious?
Like, sis, it's 2019 nobody fucking cares if you had plastic surgery or not.
No. 627710
>>627529Without all the makeup and excessive filtering, she actually looks closer to 21/22. But those dead eyes age her.
>>627048She looks so yellow in this photo. I hope it's just a filter, but I can't say I'd be surprised if she does have liver damage/failure.
No. 627747
>>627565>Focusing on little scratches on her hands proves only that she may actually be spending some time with her pets. I'm not of the idea those are track marks, and I agree they're most likely bite marks from her pets.
However, I don't think it's because she's been spending time with them. I think she's more prone to get bitten because she DOESN'T spend time with them. If I remember correctly, she even got gloves because she was always getting bitten by her animals. So I think it's just her usual "getting bitten because my animals don't know me" marks.
No. 627973
I'm not sure if I agree it's from her pets. But it could be from something else?
>>627376Here it looks bruised where the marks are. I've never had rats but I have a skink. And their nails aren't going to puncture you, they will leave light scratch marks like a needle dragging across your skin. And I don't think her snakes are big enough to leave a mark like that by being bitten. Her cats, though, could puncture. I don't believe by handling any pets should you have something that looks
that bad. You're handling them wrong, then. Maybe every once in a while by accident but geez the amount of stuff we see on her skin.
You're also supposed to cut or file your pets nails, too but that's kind of besides the point and nitpicky. However we know from her hedgehogs she doesn't do that for them…
Who knows though, I mean she could have had an IV in for a different reason?
I just don't really get all the "injuries". There's been quite a few. Yeah she has pets but so do everyone else? The other pet tubers have tons, do they always have marks on them? And she doesn't do anything and most of the time stays home.
>>627636And I agree with this anon. They are right on her veins. But oh what ANOTHER COINCIDENCE with her.
No. 628013
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From whatever's new video around the 7 minute mark
No. 628034
>>628013holy shit! this bitch is having pets eat other pets and is still claiming she owns up to her mistakes and isn't in over her head? what the fuck? AND she was trying to replace Gucci so no one would know. She's truly fucked up. She does not care about those animals, only the image they give her, and she can't possibly admit mistakes because that would put cracks in the perfect front she tries to keep up.
I want to know how many animals have died while she's been off social media. Sadly we'll never know because she's probably already bought replacements for them.
No. 628040
>>628006Thank you whatever! This is a golden time for you to post that video. Also she is right, she
should be allowed to be monetized, all the other drama channels are. Just because she talks about Taylor shouldn't mean anything.
>>628029And this, she has those fancy enclosures that lock. There's no reason why Gucci should escape. I don't know if he was in a rack though?
Waiting to see who else will come forward about it for more credibility.
It's a good point that there isn't a reason for her to get two of the same snake. She really never would. Thinking that Gucci wouldn't show up somehow later is so dumb. Did she just assume he died and didn't care?
No. 628046
>>628013That's horrific if it's true. No wonder Taylor didn't give a shit about Gus when she talked about his death and was pushing how "he lived his full life" so much. She damn well knew he didn't.
What a shit show. Snake escapes? Okay, not too big of a deal if you commit to looking for them, but the fact she just gave up looking for Gucci in an APARTMENT of all places, knowing she has prey animals and he would get hungry soon… what the fuck. Then instead of trying to find Gucci, she just buys another snake to pass off as the OG Gucci. Taylor is in waaaaaay over her head. Having pets eat other pets is NOT normal and proof that she should not have this many pets, or prey/predator animals under the same roof.
No. 628054
>>628013holy SHIT this is horrifying yet somehow not at all surprising. I can't imagine having a snake escape for TWO MONTHS in an apartment full of mammals and not finding it. We don't know that she didn't turn everything inside out to find Gucci I guess, (but given the amount of fish she's had disappear on her and not find I would doubt she tried that hard.) God I wouldn't have been able to sleep worrying that the snake would come out and one of the cats would try to play with it, resulting in an injury for either the snake or the cat.
Remember when Taylor recommended weights on top of snake cages as a necessity in basic care, and everyone was like "uhh not really?" I wonder if this is why, she just can't set up an enclosure so that a snake can't escape and therefore thinks that's more common than it is.
No. 628078
>>628066Yes, I'm skeptical, too. Wasn't Gus in a wire enclosure, if I remember rightly? Mice can squeeze through pretty tight openings. It's not like Gucci opened the door and slithered in, so he would have had to go through the openings between bars. If the openings were big enough for a snake to get through, then they were more than adequate for Gus to escape from his cage.
The thing is, "Oh my god, my escaped snake got into my mouse cage and ate him. It's so not my fault, guys. Snakes sometimes get loose and I didn't know he could get to poor Gus" does sound so much like a story she'd cook up to explain Gus' death.
No. 628158
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Mamas at it again
No. 628160
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No. 628167
>>628159Then why didn't she bring up Gus' death earlier when she was sharing everything else she knew? Why would she not mention that the first time considering how big of a deal it is. It's just
a little sketchy that's all
No. 628209
File: 1547969724815.jpg (56.71 KB, 2000x343, tnd-googlesheet.jpg)

relevant highlights from the google sheet in the OP
No. 628222
>>628167I can at least confirm that Bree didn't just come up with the Gus story because I was already told that he became snake food around 2 months ago. I just didn't know the full story behind it.
There's no reason to lie about this and it all makes sense imo, looking at the timeline and things Taylor said about weights on snakes cages, Gus living such a great life etc, it's all just way too coincidental.
No. 628238
File: 1547978511936.jpg (413.13 KB, 1080x1848, Screenshot_20190120-110109_Twi…)

Already back to joking about animal abuse
No. 628241
>>628186Not to defend, but I've had a hamster escape artist get out and we lost her for hours and at the time, had 4 cats. It is possible for snakes and small animals to sneak around and get into small spaces to be safe. It's their instinct.
If snakes have been fed recently, they won't go on the hunt iirc. So if Gucci escaped after a feed, it wouldn't have gone to Gus right off to feed but instead found somewhere else that's safe to hide in.
No. 628258
>>628238Has she not seen all the confirmed evidence of animal neglect we have now?
Or is she just that fucking arrogant that she thinks she can get away with it.
I'm not stopping until her career is crushed and her animals are removed.
No. 628366
>>628364The picture anons thought she looked "punched" in was
>>627044I assume some people don't think exaggerating potential signs of abuse as funny.
No. 628373
File: 1548016681595.png (670.61 KB, 635x781, D74D3CA4-F1DF-4F90-8599-CA2B47…)

Thread OP again. This is what I came up with, unless someone else wants to make something with more effort this is what I’m going with. In the meantime I’m going to start working on the next thread, I’m going to add an unconfirmed information section since we’ve been getting a lot of that lately.
No. 628378
>>628371No one specified the type of editing.
>>628373Great captioning anon
No. 628393
>>628348>>628363yep I mean she
looks like she has been punched in the photo, not tryna say that she actually
was punched by her boyfriend, or that thread OP should edit it to look like she was. I'm not making light of abuse here, I was merely saying she looks busted in the picture. I don't think she literally got punched. if she did, that's awful, and she doesn't deserve it, but I'm p sure it's just a combo of drugs and fucked up injections.
No. 628424
New thread will most likely be coming tomorrow morning.
>>628380Won the unofficial caption contest.
No. 628454
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No. 628455
>>628454… So… she's basically doing the same she's always done?
She's always ignoring comments about her lack of proper animal care and instead makes snarky comments about it.
No. 628464
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As usual she’s a hypocrite. She can’t be expected to take PETA’s word for it that their organization is good (it’s not, and I’m not defending them by saying this), but we’re expected to take her word for it that her animals are fine.
No. 628467
>>628454Cause yo dumb arse won’t address the rumours seriously unless backed into a corner lol
Also most people would want to address them taytay cause animal abuse and drug addiction is a rather fucking serious issue.
No. 628473
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But you just came back???
No. 628475
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>>628473Same person but scrolling through replies and I found this, you don’t think she’ll go right?
No. 628477
>>628473I remember seeing a comment somewhere, I think it was under whatever’s new video, saying “Taylor is the only person I know who takes breaks from breaks.”
And it’s so fucking true. She’s been off, completely not making videos for OVER A MONTH - but she needs this vacation so bad?? Holy fuck the lack of work ethic in this girl is scary. When YouTube fails to pay her bills and real life hits her in the face, she’s going to be in for a rude awakening!
>>628454“I know I’m wrong and I’m incapable
of being an adult and actually taking criticism so I’m going to do what I’ve always done and just ignore actual concern and pretend nothing is wrong”
She’s out of her mind, she truly is delusional and such a coward. I can’t wait for reality to hit her one day. She desperately needs it.
No. 628482
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>>628373Why did Taylor randomly put a white dot on her head lmao.
Anon, you inspired me
No. 628500
>>628477Honestly I wonder if her need to escape to Orlando with her family for a while is because Jonny's kept her cooped up in that apartment way from them for a month or two now. But that's what you get when you date an abusive control freak.
But if she was smart, she would film herself at Disney because her brain dead fans would lap it up.