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No. 893423
General thread for altcows, notorious members of the alt scene who exploit their outsider status for asspats and Patreon.
Featuring in no particular order:
· Jake Munro &
Toxic Tears/Kaya
· It's Black Friday
· Adora Batbrat
· Kat von D & Leafar Seyer
. Of Herbs and Altars/Dorian
· Aurelio Voltaire
· Cassandra
· Psychara & Manic Moth
· Maimagi
· Sebastian Columbine
· Dre Ronayne
· Erin Micklow
· Avelina de Moray
· Drac Makens
· Ruadhan
· Julia Zelg & Eileen Van Arden
· Father Sebastian/Todd Hoyt
· Emily Boo
· Jude Bishop (thread with Rosie and their orbiters
Previous thread
>>>/snow/872515 No. 893501
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No. 893503
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No. 893507
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She’s back at this. It’s terrible. When will she stop?
No. 893514
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No. 893515
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No. 893542
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Nice nip slip Avelina
No. 893545
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Mai is still reselling thrifted trash for a ridiculous markup. But if you don't give her money you're killing the planet you guys! She's a poor struggling artist who just so happens to own a house worth half a million.
As someone who has gone thrifting in Sweden, I can tell you this is some bullshit pricing.
No. 893556
>>893491Even though she's an obvious poser, it's really hard to see that this is the same girl from that Snog, Marry, or Avoid episode where she seemed more put together. And true, her being compared to Raven is what made most people not notice that she has her weird sensibilities as well. I feel like it's been amplified since she started hanging with that one chick posted in the last thread.
>>893507Oh gee, I wonder what song she is gonna butcher next.
No. 893571
>>893484Her name is Cassandra Fazakerley but she used to go by Kitty Cass After we kicked her slag bum out of the North Island she went into social media lock down unfortunately
No. 893681
>>893615She's all about that frumpy dumpy aesthetic, and to me, she's gotten even more frumpy since she decided to become a Viking witch, or whatever she is now.
>>893649They all do it to some extent. They're all thrifting whores who think they're god's gift to mankind because they take someone else's mangy clothes and try to upsell them at a 500% markup to their retarded followers. You know, because shopping at a regular store and supporting the economy is total not environmentally sound. It's all about saving trees and not stepping on a dandelion while walking to the vegan coffee shop to get your oatmilk chai latte.
No. 893729
>>893649No. Manic moth is the one who got into some kind of legal trouble because of shady shit regarding her clothing line. Something about not paying the manufacturer I think, but I'm not sure of the details. They're a classy bunch.
>>893681I think thrifting is great. And pretty good for the economy, seeing how people (and often charities) end up making a profit off something that would end up in a landfill. But I'm not a fan of people using the benefits of thrifting to greenwash their bullshit and rip off their followers.
No. 893868
>>893777Eileen is a few years younger than my grandmother. There’s a good chance that her grandparent(s) were immigrants, especially if she grew up on the East Coast. I’m not even sure her actual last name, I assume it’s DeFreest, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she was the type to cling on to her ancestry as if she was an immigrant herself and choose aliases that fit that. It’s really not uncommon for people to do that on the East Coast. Especially if you’re Irish. At least that’s how it is in Boston, but I could also be completely wrong about that when it comes to her. Just some food for thought.
Also, not sure if this was mentioned here, but doesn’t Eileen have some type of visa for Ireland or something like that? I’ve been trying to catch up with the PULL thread, it was pretty inactive until the last couple months and it’s kind of blown up, so it’s a lot to sift through.
No. 893983
>>893542The nip slip tells you the dress is ill-fitting… nice try. Cringe.
>>893545She picked the cheapest and ugliest trash to sell to her followers, right?
>>893729Her clothing line is in Lila Chris' new shop, drama gonna be contagious. Classy bunch like you said.
No. 894187
>>893514isn't it funny how quickly jake and his fans do a 180 in their behaviour when the tables turn? like when jake gets mild criticism from goths he becomes outrageously butthurt, calls them cunts and bullies and generally overreacts and his fans applaud him for it, but when he offends someone else they're all like "pEoPLe ArE wAY ToO SeNSiTiVe"
also I never saw the video he took down, but I read his whole apology and it was shit. it was basically "sorry you were offended" dragged out in 3-4 paragraphs.
No. 894224
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No. 894285
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No. 894453
>>894285Yeah, now she is the biggest chicana that has ever chicaned in the story of Mexico. She dresses like she is playing a character everyday, and it's been what, like 6 months tops?
>>894321I went on a lil tour on her insta just now, was just cracking up about the "you bet your nalgas!" Probably reeeeaally upoing the accent when saying
No. 894538
>>894285I never was a huge Drac person but didn't know she dropped out of Goth. Not really surprised.
>>894326Well gotta remember that the
toxic twosome lack self-awareness lol.
>>894419I get seasonal depression but come on, they already don't do that much to begin with and Jake needs to get over himself towards the last point. Shitty music aside, a band is a team effort.
No. 894638
>>894419he made that video purely for asspats and to once again talk about the things he'll be doing. i feel bad for his band mates b/c they had to put up with him for however long and he's pretty much just ditching them so he can make the music all about what he wants. can't wait for the next print release and blah blah blah.
and yes, the two of them seem to claim depression and seasonal whatever that's just them being lazy, why anyone continues to support them is just sad.
No. 894724
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Back to calling his underage fans snaccs. Classy.
I actually thought he had quit doing that for a while.
No. 894736
>>891067Oh yeah, comparing it with his reddit posts, Nocturna on kiwifarms is almost definitely Kai Decadence pretending to be a woman - the exact same writing style, same interests (goth, trans stuff, has a particular obsession with Blair White). can understand why a gay guy would dislike troon bullshit, but Kai is turning into a cow - sucking up to Leah Tvery, most of his reddit is either complaining about trans or complaining that hot muscle men don't like him, posting selfies asking if people would date him, etc.
No. 894795
>>894724>brand worktf is that, what even is his brand besides obnoxious and full of himself.
>>894732fake looking like a purple haired kelly osbourne and pugsly love child, omf.
>>894766this is a different dude than that one but i agree with everything else.
No. 894824
>>894736Hm that's really a shame. I have seen his comment on Leah Tverly's video but I don't think that necessarily means he's a fan of hers. I've seen his other comments on other gender critical youtube videos like GNC Centric and he does explain a bit more about why he feels the way he does about trans. Haven't seen the Blaire white comments though to be fair, I don't really watch her.
>>894779I agree, I was surprised the makeup she did here actually looked good.
>>894766She's still doing that? Lame.
No. 895043
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local unemployed 29 year old woman spends all day playing pokemon go before hopping online to ebeg for more shit.
could you imagine what kaya could do if she put all this effort into finding a good job and working towards moving to another country
No. 895078
knew he looked familiar!
No. 895129
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>>894321Kinda sad to think about this 2015 interview where she seemed so into the idea of expanding her makeup talent as a career (like the answer in pic related)
Apparently she also has a fuck ton of Marilyn Manson tattoos (like 7 symbols, his signature, a drawing lol), and she doesn't even seem into his music and ideas anymore, wonder what she'll do about it.
No. 895161
>>895125She was born in 1993. If you look at older threads from 2 years ago people are still saying she's 29.
She looks older but that's because of the way she does her makeup, if you watch her kpop transformation video she looks younger in that one.
No. 895252
>>894785I unfollowed her for the same reason. Like
>>894803 said she is an airhead who sucks up to a bona fide cow. Recently rumour mills claim there are several police reports concerning Moth's legal trouble. Lilachris' next interview might be Prince Andrew style and it's cracking me up.
No. 895254
>>894766>>894795Is Drac fetishizing native americans? That's creepy. Good for her if she wants to embrace her roots, but that's just gross.
>>895219She was never friends with kat von d. She tried to suck up to kat and she failed miserably.
No. 895299
>>895259My thoughts mirror
>>895264 I'm not huge into makeup nor have the skills to do something dramatic and I caught a few of Drac's makeup and I thought they were pretty good, it seemed like she knew what she was doing and also like
>>895264 said, at least she did something that wasn't just hauls or unboxings.
But I do remember the Kat Von D. suckign up like how when Kat was doing the red theme, she then did it and so on. But I also agree with
>>895270 that you must have something wrong if you don't think anti vaxx/nazi stuff is reason enough to not support someone no matter how talented they are.
No. 895321
>>894736Well thats unfortunate cause Kai could have been a decent guy, but now he just looks completely nuts with all those obsessions. And I mean…really? Radfem groups are one of the biggest goldmines of insanity on the internet. I kinda want to know how a person can degrade into this lifestyle. All I can imagine about people who keep spewing unnecessary stuff like this 24/7 are still dwelling in mummy's basement and never socialize. You should only use sites like this for fun.
Didn't know his reddit stuff tho, dunno if I wanna look into it and give him attention, maybe later.
No. 895330
>>895294supposedly fraud and tax troubles. it's stuff people don't get arrested for unless they fuck up big time.
>>895321not asking to be spoon-fed but why is kai still relevant?
No. 895332
>>895315yea she went out of her way to say she didn't care they weren't friends and turned to sucking up to sugarpill instead. she went to that kvd beauty anniversary party and was genuinely upset she didn't get to spend one-on-one time with kat lel.
her makeup looks were neat but her attitude and whining in ig comments - mental illness or not - was a huge turnoff.
No. 895357
>>895330I don't really understand why you'd have to bring up whether Kai is relevant or not. He doesn't upload all that often anyway and he doesn't seem to be interested in becoming popular or well known like that of Freya or Kaya.
I started watching him in 2016 when he did that React video to men's fashion and I've seen some of his comments like how he's admitted he's not a fan of Jake. But I don't know, he just seems at most, just there.
>>895341That's true. At least when Freya was doing merch, she just used her logo on generic stuff like coffins. Cliche' sure but at least it can feign some sort of loose creativity lol.
No. 895365
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>>895341Hell even Kaya had decent merch with art she made. I think you can still buy it too because her store is still up (not that I would ever buy it) but at least she didnt just put her face on it and call it a day.
No. 895618
>>895341the latest design - if you can call it that - is not good. like i know it has to be simple for printing purposes, but it just looks off.
also can you imagine wearing it out and someone asks who that is and you're like 'this guy online that does xyz'.
he really had to drill in the point that he's doing all the packing/shipping himself, like it's so fucking hard when he doesn't do much else and sends out about 100 shirts. ppl have small businesses that do way more, shut up already.
>>895369unfortunately yes, he posts the customers that tag him on ig, and the merch he wears in the video always gets sold.
it's going to be funny with fake and kaya moving, he was talking about how the first half of the next year he'll be "on hiatus" and seriously believes that having sunnier/warmer weather is going to get him to be more creative. yea i get that being outside when it's cloudy/cold isn't that great but there's ways to work around it. he's also way too giddy about the possibility of living in the gothic quarter for them uber goff points. i can see him doing the "freak vlogs" there going real well.
No. 895669
>>895544But are we really sure that he is a radfem? I've seen a few more of his comments, one of which on a Magdalen Berns video where she responded to Ash Hardell. It didn't sound all that unreasonable though it's pretty clear he doesn't believe in transgederism after seeing a comment he made on a video made by GNC Centric's channel but is simply not believing in transgenderism automatic grounds for being a radfem?
>>895618> unfortunately yes, he posts the customers that tag him on ig, and the merch he wears in the video always gets sold. Ew… Well I guess that answers that. Just watch though. I can't help but feel that the young people who worship Jake will in 5 years regret buying his merch when they notice what kind of person he really is.
No. 895807
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Jake the Fake getting called out for his e-begging
No. 895822
>>895365to be fair, she DID have merch originally that was just hot pink text with XXTOXICTEARSXX plastered all over it.
i doubt she designed this line herself - most likely had it submitted by a fan or something. if she did, she'd have bragged about it, but kaya has never displayed a shred of artistic talent up until this point and i somehow have a hard time believing she's just been hiding it out of humility.
No. 895834
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Can anyone confirm the guru gossiper story? Maimagi has accused so many people of copying her and Manicmoth, honestly I'm not sure if she's simply a paranoid nut.
No. 895895
>>895834I am skeptical because there have been several posts claiming Psychara did xyz, she’s horrible, blah blah blah. And yet the evidence is shoddy and pulled from lolcow.
One minute they’re saying it was cameras, then she was jelly of Mai’s house, and now she’s an art thief once they all suspiciously start clothing lines…
No. 895899
>>895823And just watch him delete this post if that guy's reply gets more likes on it.
>>895828Yes lol.
No. 895986
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I think I might have found the alleged theft. Nina and Mara sell this…
No. 895987
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…and Mai sells this…
No. 896032
>>895987LOL Mai is fucking ridiculous! Of course she invented runes and she is the mother of all fucking vikings!
On the last WGT Mai caused a ruckus at an exhibitor's booth, because she invented braided necklaces, how dare someone else sell them /s
No. 896113
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>>895365>>895822She had a few designs in the past with her face on them, although the cartoon style one looked nothing like her kek
No. 896227
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lilachris decided to suck up to maimagi for publicity despite openly hating her. two-faced bitch is really shameless huh.
No. 896231
>>896078ur right, they don't really care about art. it's more show than actual skills which pisses me off.
>>896113kaya wished she looked like this.
No. 896256
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>>896232>like she's about to hulk out and deck the photographerwell you aren't wrong. actual viking women according to science:
>stifled laughter>i'd go to raid and never come back No. 896271
>>896227Yes because when I see bright blue hair and tons of makeup the first thing I think of is vikings.
Fr though, they look more like some type of hippie-raver hybrid rather than """vikings"""
No. 896281
>>896240It's as unoriginal as it gets. Only brain dead followers would buy them, but there are only so many. Mara and Nina can't be making profits.
I kind of suspect Lila Chris' business isn't going well, why otherwise would she tolerate Mai. Her disdain for Mai is so transparent. I wanna be a fly when they are in the same room lmao.
>>896271>""""vikings"""" No. 896321
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>>896281>>896292They were witnessed in a quarrel not long ago. Other people I talked to said in no uncertain terms that Lilachris has been very vocal about her bad opinion on Mai.
It's quite popular to hate on Mai, but everyone else just stays the fuck away from the psycho while this idiot is up her ass.
No. 896366
>>896359she'd be qualified for plus size modeling. anyone with a neck ain't really obese.
>>896306are anons here close to nina? i'd be dying to know whether your assumption is correct. it would a shame to let a friend do all the work in the background tho
>>896362post her stories?
No. 896443
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>>896256who knew viking women were just wallace from wallace and gromit in a wig
No. 896586
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>>896292what lilachris thinks she does kekeke
No. 896636
>>896588She talks about
toxic tears and jake in another q&a as well.
Unfortunately I only caught some of that stream because I was busy, but I didn't catch that part. Do you remember exactly what she said?
No. 896660
>>896588I remember the Sophie Lancaster calendar fiasco, it was the one for 2018 and I can't remember where I heard this but it pretty much mirrors what
>>896613 said. It started when Kaya posted a picture of a pile of makeup she was sent and the shop owner said something along the lines of Kaya being wasteful or something like that when Kaya said she didn't even need that much of it and instead of doing a giveaway, she horded it (for all we know, it's still gathering dust in her closet).
And then with IBF, Sophie Lancaster's mom asked her if she could spread a little awareness about the calendar (a short little tweet) and IBF refused because she wasn't asked to be a part of it.
So I'm not surprised that Angela doesn't like IBF or Kaya/Jake. IBF is a shady self-victimizer and Kaya/Jake are scumbag leeches.
>>896658I didn't know that part with the negative reviews and that's just petty.
No. 896665
>>896660>>896653Oh yeah, I remember the necromancy clothing thing. Wasn't the thing she said about Kaya a
private facebook screenshot that someone shared, and the she got dragged for it?
I also know Angela doesn't like TT/Jake because of the stuff she talked about in her q&a. The way TT handled that whole situation was pitiful.
No. 896672
>>896613At what point, in what I wrote, did I say it shut down?
Learn to comprehend
No. 896677
>>896676So froyo only cares about goth discrimination when it affects her? Wow, I'm shocked.
And let's be honest, most of the times she complained about goth discrimination it wasn't even that.
No. 896705
>>896672 was talking about
>>896591 Sooooooorryyyyyyy
No. 896710
>>896676This too. I remember IBF tweeted something about how she shouldn't feel guilty for not wanting to talk about something that didn't concern her.
>>896664Oh I'm sure that's the reason they weren't included in the Calendar portion. They do nothing for the scene, two of which aren't even Goths to begin with but seeing how IBF acted so stuck up her ass about a cause that she herself lamented about so much in the year prior, you'd think she'd have the compassion to spread awareness about an event where someone literally lost their life to it.
>>896703Pretty much.
No. 896862
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>>896830It wasn't a comment on Kaya's pic. It was a
private personal facebook post the necromancy chick made about that someone leaked.
>>896856Kaya is such a peace of shit. Like it's one thing to be a whiny neet beggar with a hoarding problem, but then to drag other hard working people's businesses on top of that. That clothing brand might have been her livelihood.
No. 896937
>>896856Ah okay, that makes even more sense. But it's true, having a gloat image of a shit ton of makeup doesn't do anything for the Goth scene but like I said before, she's not a Goth so I can't even complain.
>>896862So this is the picture. The person made a good point though and it just shows what a vapid scumbag leech Kaya really is. Me Me Me.
No. 897075
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>>897054>>897071She even became argumentative when she got sensible answers.
"not every shop owner is a cruel monster" - quite the implication what she really thinks about her boss. They should be happy they got rid of her. Pretending to be all nice on the front to them.
No. 897081
>>896713yea i don't like to question those sort of things, but if they had issues i would think they'd want to do something about it besides just bitch online. but there's a lot of ppl who do b/c they get asspats and an echo chamber of praise or whatever and the cycle repeats, it's gross.
also, i've noticed fake usually just brings it up when it gets dark early, but never see him or kaya really addressing anything beyond being "tired" or "busy" and it's like, so are a lot of ppl and they actually do stuff besides post on twitter and make videos.
speaking of which, his latest try not to laugh challenge was super cringe, he definitely failed but clarified what he considered laughing so he could declare himself a 'champion'. much like he made up his own definition of goth to constantly use the label for clicks and views.
No. 897083
>>897075cruel monster = my boss made me work full shifts on four days a week and I wasn't free on saturdays, pity me uwu
someone make this girl work in the sweatshops where her beloved shillstar clothing is produced.
No. 897113
>>897054I remember this video and she really was shooting herself in the foot quitting. Having a job where you like the environment, coworkers, and the customers while getting paid decently (I assume since she worked there for so long) is hard to come by and there's no guarantee her shop is gonna last. Alternative is a niche market and not all become the next Hot Topic.
I get that she wants to travel, it's normal but she should've just saved what money she could and made herself a safety net while working in a place she liked.
No. 897116
>>897019OT but I really like her makeup in this video.. a shame her instagram is so repetitive. she could really show case her makeup better.
also her youtube videos are sooo boring to watch. I want to like her but I just get bored with all those "uuum's". even kaya is more entertaining to watch..
No. 897260
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>>897113>>897152Not only that she has no business management training, her LinkedIn CV looks fishy as well. Every job position is under 2 years, it's considered a red flag in HR for someone who can't hold a job. Another red flag is her attempt to embellish her jobs' importance, implying a full-time position when it's not true. All her positions must have been either mini job (marginal employment, €450 job) or part-time, which also explains the reason Lilachris wasn't eligible for welfare, like she said in her videos. In order to receive unemployment benefits in Germany, you have to work for 2 years in a job subject to compulsory insurance to be eligible to apply. Likely she worked for very few hours in her jobs, which cancels the obligatory insurance, therefore she couldn't apply.
Then the fucking snowflake has the damn nerve to complain about her work… she never worked in a real job in her whole coddled life, for fuck's sake.
No. 897314
>>897260Yeah hearing all that makes it worse. I didn't know she that she didn't have any business management training and that is quite crucial for people who want to run their own business.
>>897152 is right, when it comes time to pay the rent and all the other expenses of running a shop, she's gonna get hit hard with a dose of reality about what really goes into running a shop. She was better off at the shop and holding on just a little longer to save more money.
>>897307She was most likely getting help from either her boyfriend, parents, or both. It's the only other thing I can think of that could have happened after she quit her corporate job.
No. 897349
>>897314I wonder who's fronting the money for this? Her business partners maybe. She can't have built up a lot of savings on her own and I doubt it would be easy for her to get a loan if she lacks formal business training and has a spotty employment history. I live in a western european country, and here startups can qualify for government subsidies if they are run by someone who was previously unemployed. Is something similar true for Germany? Even then your business does actually have to show promise to qualify.
Starting a retail business costs quite a bit up front. Hope she doesn't plunge her friends into debt or bankrupsy. No wonder she's got her head stuck up Manic Mooch's ass and is even willing to tolerate Mai. She needs all the help she can get.
No. 897387
>>897349She talked about a bank appointment with eerie_elli on Instagram, I'm afraid your fears are correct. If things go south her friend is going to pay for her stupidity, if she was naive enough to cosign the bank loan.
>>897314found her joint account with her boyfriend: pusher no. 3 is allegedly a journalist. Not exactly the profession to be rich sugar daddy to a womanchild. Can't shake the impression the MMs and her prey on the same kind of guy: never talking, low self esteem dude who thinks the airhead is a great catch when she is actually a liability.
No. 897605

I just watched Dorian's video about her gender queerness, and I'm honestly confused because she contradicts herself several times..
She says that some people think you have to feel dysphoria wearing the clothes of your assigned gender in order to be trans. In other words, she'd wear a skirt and people would say she's not really trans because she doesn't feel dysphoric in it. She says that it isn't really about feeling uncomfortable in the wrong clothing, it's about feeling more comfortable in the right clothing. She says that when she wears boy's clothing she feels like her true self, and looks in the mirror and thinks "yeah, this is what I'm supposed to look like" and that she can't step away from the mirror. But then she gets bored after a few days and wants to go back to experiencing with makeup, and going back to her "fun clothes" that are actually interesting instead of just "blazers, and tank tops, and jeans". She says that it's more important to her to look in the mirror and like what she sees than looking like a dude at all costs. Like… wouldn't that mean she's more comfortable in women's clothing…? I just…
She also said she's glad she never transitioned, but never says why. But she also said she knows she's a boy deep down.
I didn't summarize the entire video, there were a few bits I left out. I just don't have the mental energy for that, sorry.
No. 897609
>>897607I wouldn't say that, because she sees herself as a boy (says she "knows she's a boy deep down") in spite of wearing female fashion and makeup the vast majority of the time.
also she really does have an interest in goth music, or at least the subculture. she has a lot of videos about her experiences with goth clubs and the scene in general.
No. 897616
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Speaking of Dorian, here is her IG clip of her room decluttering for posterity. Let's see how long it lasts.
No. 897618
>>897609Agreed. Whatever else you can say about Dorian (and there's a lot…) she does have a real interest in Goth. She's been to a lot of gothclubs and concerts in her time, and recently made a video inspired by skullgirdle, talking about her favourite current goth bands.
You can be a goth and still be a trainwreck.
No. 897619
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Checking in on our other subjects:
Emily Boo posted her 10 Year Challenge.
>10 year challenge… Haven't changed thaaat much #10yearchallenge #glowup #piercings #gothgirl #gothgirls #alternativegirl #alternative #alwaysweird
2019-11-25 10:56:27 GMT
No. 897621
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Adora flaunted her naughtiness…
>What happens in a hotel room stays in the hotel room. …and makes my instagram! #goth #gothgirl #gothmodel
2019-11-17 15:53:27 GMT
No. 897624
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>>897621Her ana-physique…
>This bikini was also a finding from yesterday. 10 kr/$1 per piece!!! OK, don't know if I will ever be caught wearing a pink bikini, but now it might happen. #embarrassedgoth #bikini #gothundercover2019-11-22 08:32:15 GMT
No. 897626
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>>897624And her love of money.
>#Fridayboobs No money in the world can keep my heart warm, but I'm willing to try… #goth #gothgirl #gothmodel #capitalist #keepbuyingmyusedunderwear #ilovegreen #letitrain2019-11-23 01:34:32 GMT
No. 897630
>>897627No. Does that anon use the same format I am using? And if they post only Kaya's posts, why would they post anything else?
Emily is blatantly hungry for asspats. "Please tell me how much I've changed!"
No. 897633
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Kat launched @VONDSHOES on #WORLDVEGANDAY November 1st because of course she did. How deep does her commitment to eco-warriorism run? Where are her shoes manufactured? Is the PVC made with minimal impact on the environment?
And is she celeb enough for her shoe line to have the same filter down effect on the market as her cosmetics, ie will we see smaller brand mimicry and Chinese knockoffs?
She is "finally releasing my album in Spring and getting to tour the world with @prayers". I haven't paid attention to whether or not she can sing.
She has tattoo regrets and is simultaneously erasing and covering. "I'm currently working on lasering off both my upper arms — getting rid of a bunch of old tattoos that I got when I was young".
>I’m so in love with my new blacked out arm tattooed by @hoode215! Can’t believe it only took him 1.5 hours - and it’s the most consistent, true black I have ever seen!
2019-11-04 19:46:59 GMT
No. 897636
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>>897633A sampling of her shoe designs.
No. 897650
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Speaking of declaring oneself the arbiter of Goth subculture while also profiting from it, has anyone here seen Voltaire's book? 96 pages
Publisher: Weiser Books (August 1, 2004)
What Is Goth? dispels the false stereotypes and reinforces the true ones surrounding Goths and Goth culture. "To the mundane," Voltaire writes, "Goths are weird, black-clad freaks who are obsessed with death; they are sad all of the time. Take a closer look at the Goth scene, however, and you will find a rich tapestry of ideas and practices and a menagerie of colorful characters. Oh, dear. I said ‘colorful.’"
This illustrated answer to What Is Goth? shows readers how to:
• Identify the anatomies of different kinds of Goths: CyberGoths, Rivet-Heads, Romantigoths, Goth-a-billies, and more
• Write a poem (Mad Libs style) with the Gothic Poem Generator
• Properly dance the dances of darkness: "Cobwebs in the Attic," "The Gothic Tai Chi Dance," "Pulling the Evil Taffy"
Yes, Goths are pale, wear black clothing, love black makeup (on men and women), mope, listen to real downer music, and perfect the art of living in a perpetual state of ennui and melancholy. But there’s so much more to being Goth. Goths come from all walks of life. Many are teenagers who live with their parents; others are doctors, lawyers, musicians, and so on. Most Goths are highly literate and creative, but all real Goths have to dress the part. In other words, "Abandon all hope ye who enter a Goth club in khakis!"
Eerily illustrated, What Is Goth? is the perfect book for any Goth, Goth wannabe, or "mundane" who is hopelessly confused by all the gloom.
What is Goth? cemented Voltaire's place as an authority on the Gothic subculture and lead to TV appearances on Fox News, MTV and others. You can see those videos on the TV page here on (
No. 897661

>>897647>>897616I thought the video had been posted in the previous thread, but it had not.
Including the entire caption to document Dorian's self-marketing:
EXTREME TIDYING! Meet the WORST MESS You Have Ever Seen!
Of Herbs and Altars
72.3K subscribers
Published on Nov 5, 2019
I was NOT exaggerating when I said the mess was BAD! XD This is Hoarder to Order, version Do It All Yourself! Yeahhh - I've basically always been messy, with occasional intervals of extreme tidiness, though those have usually correlated with eating disordered relapses or amphetamine abuse; weirdly the more happy & functional I am, the worse the mess becomes? I think happy & functional, for me = writing a lot, & a day spent tidying not writing feels like wasted time. But the EXTREME level of filth this time around is by far the worst it's ever been, & had reached that level due to the year & a half of bottle-of-Jack-a-day alcoholism circa 2017, & by the time I got sober the chaos had become TOO daunting to even tackle, so I just…didn't… For two years! Plus, obviously, there is the Shame Factor in allowing others to help, particularly when you have crazy suicidal graffiti all over your walls due to being drunk & crazy in 2017 - so great to have that almost entirely gone now! :3
It took me, in the end, round about 5-7 hours a day, every day for a straight week, then a bit more time building furniture & painting, but dear god, it has been so ABSOLUTELY worth it, & I actually enjoyed a lot of the tidying, found some wonderful old clothes, photographs, mementos of youth etc, & now I feel like everything in my life is far better organised; I can't lose all my video & writing idea notes, I have desk-space to stick Post-It reminders, & having a calmer-feeling sanctuary has meant that actually, while a lot of this tidying was driven by 'I want this place in order so it's easier to MOVE OUT as soon as possible', I'm suddenly finding that my family are not driving me half so crazy, because it's far easier to unwind & let things go in a space that feels good, & in control :3 So, I shall be recording my second tidying video soon, with all my tips, both practical & motivation-wise, on how tf to get this done if you too are starting at EXTREME, daunting, GarbageLand level, heh, so stick around if you feel you need that - I know a lot of you guys relate on the Born Messy front, so this one's for you - my mess was almost certainly EVEN WORSE than yours, but it can be done, & you will be so happy when you get there! :D
Song at the end; backing track is from the YouTube Audio Library, called Free Dog, & if anyone has a particular fondness for my total bastardisation of said track, lemme know & I'll stick the audio up on Patreon or something! – where secret videos & dragon scale glove giveaways happen, & most of my YouTube content you will get early access to - $2 gets you in the club – join usssss! :D
-Instagram – ofherbsandaltars
-My book of horror stories, including a vampire novella, which is a prelude to the novel I'm working on currently: search Amazon for The Putrescent Vein, available in print or on Kindle! :3
-Music – Amazon, iTunes, Spotify: 4am Vampire Blues by Neon Midnight, iTunes linkiepoo is here: album number 2, Retribution, is here: Vampires –
-Short stories –
-FB –
IMPORTANT NOTE: I have a new PO Box, so scrap the old address if you have it, I’m now overr hyarr!:
Dorian B
Initial Business Centre
Wilson Business Park
M40 8WN
–if sending anything to PO Box, please mark as 'gift' so I'm not hit with customs charges! I appreciate everyone who takes the time, but customs charges are super hard to sort out via a PO Box and can sometimes result in the item being returned to sender before I get it sorted :-/ so yeah, mark as gift and all should go smoothly!—
No. 897703
>>897605Thanks for breaking it down anon because I did see that video pop up in my recommendations and when I saw the title, I just thought it was ridiculous with the implication that one would really kill themselves just because a few people out there will not give them their preferred pronouns, nothing but first world problems.
> She says that it isn't really about feeling uncomfortable in the wrong clothing, it's about feeling more comfortable in the right clothingWhat does that even mean? lol
> She also said she's glad she never transitioned, but never says why. Because she's knows that artificial testosterone is a powerful drug and it really does alter your appearance. She's obsessed with youth and taking T would age her to look more like a stereotypical man and this is what scares the trenders the most. That once you do that, there is no going back.
>>897618Yup. You can be a Goth and have your life more or less together like Angela or Skullgirdle or be an absolute trainwreck like Dorian or Freya.
No. 897706
>>897644It is a music-based subculture that literally came from music. Joy Division didn't even look like a "Goth" band but it was the music that did the talking lol.
>>897650The fact that he really put Rivet-heads in the same breath of Goth tells me all I need to know about it lol. Voltaire is provably the last person I'd want to hear explain what Goth is.
>>897652You're most likely right. Why is he trying so hard? Instead of trying to go somewhat viral again like he did during the IBF fiasco, he should focus on making good content and maybe he'd get somewhere.
No. 897763
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Is it me, or is the way Mara keeps pointing out how she's still really good friends with her first fat friend despite her second fat friend kinda weird? I know people have speculated about it on here and she lurks. But it seems like something people wouldn't worry about if they were secure in their friendship.
No. 897798
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Speaking of Ruadhan, someone posted this in an older thread, if anyone cares.
No. 897858
>>897751Well if he actually put more work into making actual good content instead of trying to have a second mini viral moment like he did with the IBF fiasco, he would find more success.
>>897792holy crap anon I actually do remember the second one about the certain family member who she said did "something" to her and who she still has to see during holidays. Thinking about it now, that can totally be where Dorian's "gender dysphoria" comes from. A troubling event that happened in her past as a child where she felt she had not control, especially if her mother didn't believe. Heck maybe her mom secretly knew but chose to ignore it and that's why she puts up with Dorian still being perpetually stuck as a teenager.
>>897852Most definitely but it doesn't seem like they'll be getting any help anytime soon.
No. 897874
>>897792I Always thought it was an uncle or something on here mothers side? As I recall she wanted to talk to him and wouldn't want the smaller cousins being around him, and was talking to some family members about it, and from what I remember the female cousins are on here mothers side? I think something about spending xmas with them some year.
Her bio father wouldn't be a problem there considering hi is not precent on that side of the family?
No. 897882
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>>897349>debt or bankruptcy>coalcandy: uh are you committing """financial suicide""">oh snaphe spoke what everyone else thought, oh gosh
coalcandy interview No. 897898
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>>897890This. And it's pathetic Annika keeps skinwalking Mara, look at the hand to face posture everyone makes. People can bitch about Mara all they want, she is the one to set the bar, the rest follows her.
No. 897912
>>897898Yeah, Mara is the first person in human history to take a picture with her hand(s) next to her face. No one had ever done it before her.
Also how do we know Mara's picture was taken before all the others?
No. 897919
>>897792Man I wish I would have been following Dorian back then and didn't miss out on her drunken videos. Anyway, her dad is a piece of shit, even if he wasn't the one who sexually abused her. I feel bad for her having to put up with that all these years. I remember her saying in her 90's internet video how being at her dad's made her miserable but I didn't realize how truly awful he was.
You might be right about this being just a coping mechanism for her, but she also has autism and there's a huge correlation with women who identify as nonbinary and having ASD.
No. 897939
>It's dead serious, believe me. They hate each other to the bone. It's avada kedavra if they were real witches. Thank god they aren't, and they are afraid to wash dirty laundry in public.Yes, they are way too bitter and angry about whatever happened for it to just be "bitch stole my shitty artwork"…if you can call anything these girls do "art" lol.
>Or maybe they just want to make her look terrible so people will credit her less if she decides to spill the dirt she has on them.I think this is a really good point because this is often what it seems like whenever some random post comes flying through 100% in support of Manic Mai but totally against Mara.
I mean, they're so fucking determined to make Mara out to be this disgusting person but at the same time, they can't come up with anything better than "she stole our art!" or "she slept over too many nights at mai's!" to convince me that she's any worse than they are.
If she really did steal their "art" or was a couch surfer, why be so secretive about it when directly confronted with the breakup? Why isolate her and other girls like Felvae and cat if she's just your run of the mill loser? They keep contradicting themselves by their behavior, like who goes on some wheezy site like Guru Gossip to post the same stupid shit that they were bringing here?
No. 897947
>>897941Sad if your only serious friend is someone you know you can't trust.
I don't like Mara. But she does seem like "the sane one" by default.
No. 897960
>>897952Her music wasn't bad but not good enough to put up with her bs personality.
Tinfoil: I'd piss my pants laughing if Mai takes free clothing from their swap
>>896227 to sell in her online shop.
No. 897988
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>>897945According to this, she'd be 21, which…. Yikes. I thought she was 26-30. I don't know how credible this site is, though.
No. 897996
>>897633 At least Kat actually does things with her life, but even with her ~proactive~ self her shoe brand I haven't seen much transparency about it? All Ive heard is 'apple leather' LOL
Saging mainly for this but I think the black-out look is sooooo ugly, the laser removal she initially got alone did a really good job after one session, she clearly has the access why not have just done that and then gotten your arms covered with other new stuff?
No. 898014
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Horse face is pregnant again. Can’t wait to see what downs child she births this time
No. 898019
>>898014downs child big
oof All her ig stories seem to point that she and her goblin faced hubby have had either had a major fight or even got separated.
If that's the case I wonder how she'd cope as a single mom of 3 and not being able to spend thousands on new makeup and clothes every single week.
No. 898029
>>897874Yeah I believe it was an uncle she was talking about. I don't remember her talking about her dad, at least not in that video.
>>897891That or osme place he found on craigslist lol.
>>897902Oh god Sebastian. Granted both are attention whores but Sebastian was even more ridiculous with that nonsense lol.
>>897960Never heard her music anon. Did she like only make instrumental stuff or did she actually sing in it and if so, was she about Aveline Moray levels or actually somewhat passable?
>>898019Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she actually did keep spending thousands on new makeup and clothes and then try to get extra money through donations to get the stuff she actually needs to support the kids.
No. 898060
>>898029>Never heard her music anon. Did she like only make instrumental stuff or did she actually sing in it and if so, was she about Aveline Moray levels or actually somewhat passable? Not the anon, but I find her music to be mediocre at best. It's mostly nature sounds with synth and her "singing" is heavy breathing, chanting and vocalising. It's supposed to make you feel like you're in the middle of a magic ritual, I guess? Some songs feel like a rip-off of Burzum's songs to me.
The thing that drove me away from her was her high-pitched "HEllo guys, Mai Magi here!" at the beginning of her videos, and the more they go on the more her voice lowers to her natural pitch. She's so fake, I really liked her early style, when she was still shortcuttothestars.
No. 898079
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I hope this hasn't been posted already, but I haven't read a lot of recent posts due to all the sperging. Victoria is a beautiful and nice seeming girl, why does she edit her photos so badly so she literally looks like a cross between Picasso painting and Casper?
No. 898103
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>>898079There she is with her natural face.
No. 898217
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>>897996Kat von D offers 16 different shoes, but only 1 is made of apple leather. The majority is cheap fake leather made of pvc, polyurethane and polyester. It's greenwashing.
No. 898235
>why be so secretive about it when directly confronted with the breakup? Why isolate her and other girls like Felvae and cat if she's just your run of the mill loser? They keep contradicting themselves by their behaviorExactly my thoughts. It doesn't make sense. It feels more like Manic Mai are jealous and petty frenemies whose ill will finally surfaced when they thought they don't need Mara anymore.
>I really liked her early style, when she was still shortcuttothestars.Me too. Shame she turned into this super fake person.
No. 898295
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No. 898296
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Kat is blatantly copying others designs.
No. 898303
>>898295>>898296superb work anon!
From which brand did she copy the laced platform wedge? They're horrible to walk on and they look hideous, jesus.
No. 898341
>>898334Exactly and I was bummed bc she has an amazing shoe closet
When I saw her line I’m like omg I know where all these shoes came from.
The black and white oxford wedges are Jeffrey Campbell.
When I wrote her shoe ig page about it and sent them the same pics they blocked me.
>>898237Just speculations.
She gets engaged to every guy she falls in love with, usualy after a couple of months.
The last guy, Madin-something she met in the states where she studies right now, cheated with this new dude and gets engaged to him instead.
She doesn't have to study now that they got married, to stay in LA.
She had a go fund me last year for her tuition, even though her parents are loaded.
Thank god if she stays in america, we don't want her back!
No. 898451
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Not sure if this really fits here, I just came across this and found it hilarious, hope some of you will appreciate it lol
No. 898512
>>898495Not anymore.
I've meet her many many times. The gothscene in Sweden isn't big.
No. 898746
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Nothing overly milky, but was scrolling through insta and thought adora had dyed her hair. She didn’t. There’s a skin walker and an overly photoshopped one at that. Nose is never the same and her waist in some pics is laughable. Just some cringe since this place is a tad dry…
No. 898774
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>>898746I had a look at her instagram and Idk, I don't think she seems like an Adora copycat. Her style looks different overall, more like she is trying to pursue the occult-y/Morticia goth aesthetic rather than… whatever Adora's style is called. Her waist is insane though and her face doesn't even look real in a lot of pictures..
No. 898822
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338k subs and less than 5k views…. ouch
No. 898832
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>>898451Lol it's true. Michael never died.
No. 898895
>>898810And of coruse this poser uses the tired and false "Goth is a person who appreciates the darkness" crap. I stopped after I heard that and of course she doesn't talk about the music, most of these chicks aren't Goth.
>>898833I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but… lol
No. 898899
>>898810>>898895she says in the video “you can like any music you want to! goths can like POP or COUNTRY” I wanted to scoop my own eyeballs out.
I’m so tired of these idiots. I feel like an outlier in my later 20’s having been listening to goth music most of my life when I feel like most people start dressing that way first and THEN figuring out that there’s even music attached to it.
Sorry to blogpost just ranting a bit.
Also unrelated but her wig looks like shit. hope she doesn’t keep talking about this subject.
No. 898974
>>898830Honestly, I can't recall. I want to say it starts with an 'E', it used to be on her facebook. She was on the swedish version of project runway, you might find it there.
Also Adora often feature pictures of the castle whenever she visits.
No. 899046
>>898833sorry if this is a nitpick but it's not even winter yet. yea it gets dark early and is colder, that happens every fucking year so why not address it instead of always complaining about the same damn thing.
she also thinks going to barcelona next month is suddenly going to motivate her to make content. yea, we'll get a couple videos and as soon as the trip is over she'll be back to whining about everything.
No. 899207
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>>898974>>898827>>898830>>899139>her father works as some sort of directorvictoria's father sven lennart eriksson is deputy director of six companies and board member of another four companies. her mother anna maria karinen has director and board member positions in the same companies. she has 17 director and board member position in total.
No. 899490
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She talks about Mai and Moth right? Is it bad if I want real drama and internet fight between them? Thats not gonna happen bc they want to be seen as the nicest persons on earth, but I wonder how the fights happened when they "broke up"
No. 899522
>>898899I can understand anon. And I mean yes of course Goths can and do listen to other music but the difference is that these idiots don't listen to Goth music and it's pretty obvious they only call themselves because it's trendy.
>>899046Yep she doesn't realize that moving isn't gonna solve her problems. She can kick her own ass and be productive without having to move to a place she doesn't even know.
>>899325Lol I have not seen these memes but that's a pretty good and accurate one.
No. 899566
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Does her head look cartoonishly large in this photo or is it just me? I'm not even trying to be mean or anything it's just… weird..
No. 899616
>>899613Well that's unfortunate.
I'm not surprised that a shitty fan of his would do that. To be fair, making a video criticizing a youtuber with a substantial following that's comprised of idiots… you kinda have to expect some backlash in return.
I'm surprised the shitlord himself hasn't made a video about her, but I imagine thats solely because tGHe sUn goEs dOwN toO eArlY.
No. 899625
>>899616For me it's the fact that this dude is a 25 year old father… Like you
really have nothing better to do than go after a teenager on the internet who insulted someone you like? Like, y'know, spend time with your kid?
No. 899890
>>899625such is the way the internet goes unfortunately. like it's so far fetched for someone to have an opinion this guy doesn't agree with, he had to put up videos attacking the way she looks and so forth b/c he probably doesn't have a coherent thought or point.
no surprise that this is the type of person who capes for jakey boy, and if it were ever brought to his attention he'd find a way to say he's not encouraging or endorsing this type of behavior, blah blah blah.
No. 900029
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I don't know why she thinks she's anywhere near likes of Shelley kek
No. 900057
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>>899490>>899492100% about Maimagi and Manicmoth. Especially the part about mental illness. Heard something about Mai Moth made fun of Psychara's depression, allegedly they said it's not real and she blocked them. Mocking people with mental problems ain't cool or edgy, it's someone being a sad bully.
No. 900083
File: 1575215451068.jpeg (34.9 KB, 640x640, EKpB-VxWoAUWo6A.jpeg)

She seriously needs a bra
No. 900085
>>899845Is Angela a cow? Or do we just post all of her vids for discussion purposes?
Also love how she was like “no elitism” and then in the same breath said she didn’t want to be at a venue with hipsters that was very annoying. I’ll gladly share my music with people from all walks of life, if there were ONLY goths at a tr/st show I’d be concerned bc they’re/he’s popular in a lot of circles.
No. 900230
>>900087did she cure her fibromyalgia with herbal teas lmao? she'd be throwing a tantrum if anyone claimed her fibro isn't a real illness. look at
>>898408 she has ""anxiety"" because randos on the internet called out her hypocrisy.
No. 900246
>>899611I saw this a few weeks ago but tapped out after 3 minutes. When he started just just resorting to insulting the girl's appearance and not actually address her claims, I just couldn't be bothered. Though I knew the video would be shit because aside from her making the pedophilic accusations, the rest of her video was more or less spot on.
>>899616You're right, this was to be expected with the fanbase that Jake and Kaya have which comprises of clueless teenagers and useful idiots to spread their BS.
>>900239I thought that was Emily Boo haha Dang.. Yeah a bra couldn't have hurt.
No. 900252
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>>900250Samefag, but you have to wonder if these people have actual mental problems…
No. 900253
>>899499do not cowtip newfag. dig somewhere else if you want that milk.
>>899566it makes her look like a troon. it's close to reality though. she isn't any good without snow or whatever she's using.
>>900246i also thought it was emily…
>>900250>it's winter and youtubing is so hard, sooo stressed No. 900269
>>900085She's not a cow really but I've seen people post her videos here before so I didn't know if you guys would be interested. I guess there was no point in posting it really.
And yeah I'm not really sure what her issue with hipsters is. I'm guessing she had a back experience with one or something.
No. 900448
>>900250She is just so freaking ridiculous and is lucky a majority of her fans who support lazy ass are clueless sycophants because goly she is just a nauseating trip.
>>900369This. Angela isn't a gatekeeper. She knows her facts and if anything, is very welcoming to newcomers of the scene. But yeah the hipster comment was odd. Maybe she'll talk about them sometime in a future.
No. 900505
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Believe it or not but EB is much larger than Kaya
No. 900663
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>>900640Guess you haven't seen EB stuffing her face every chance she gets. In her videos you can easily see the double chin and she still looks pregnant because of her tum. Her kid is at least 5, so what? Not an excuse at this point. She's a self proclaimed snackaholic and so she's a midget, even more of a reason to watch her weight but she doesn't. Then again I forgot that unless it's Freyja or Kaya we're not supposed to talk about their weight kek
No. 900674
>>900477Oh I know lol That's why I said she wasn't a gatekeeper because a true gatekeeper wouldn't say something like that, let alone provide helpful tips for newcomers.
>>900640Kaya eats a lot of junk food and has been doing so for years. I remember in an older video she said that back when she was skinny, she used to eat whatever she wanted and she wouldn't gain weight but obviously that was back when she was like in high school and didn't realize that your metabolism slows down as you age and her body she has now is the result of that + antidepressants and a sedentary lifestyle all combined.
No. 900696
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>>900269>And yeah I'm not really sure what her issue with hipsters is. I'm guessing she had a back experience with one or something.She meant meme hipsters. I haven't meet anybody who'd use "hipster" unironically since 2010 when hipster plague happened. Maybe it wasn't a thing in your country or you're too young to meet those people. Anyway, comments about hipsters going to concerts are just silly jokes.
No. 900865
>>900742There was a time when I would have said Froyo was my favorite youtuber. But now knowing how scummy she is irl I can't enjoy her videos anymore.
I think this video was just an excuse to bring up depression as an excuse for not uploading. Like always.
No. 900882
>>900732Ah okay well okay then, if that's the case than I wonder what happened? Maybe she just got tired of the calorie counting and just went into a total binge and never looked back. I remember back in like 2015 where she said she would get nutrition tips from Jake which was just not a good idea because he was eating like a bodybuilder at that time and she had already been inactive so she wasn't burning off the calories.
>>900742Pretty much
>>900755 I wonder if her Patreon donations have started to drop because of her inactivity.
>>900865You're not alone with this mindset anon. If you asked me who my favorite YouTuber was back in 2013-2015, I would've said IBF but seeing how she really is, I just can't do that neither.
No. 900883
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This thumbnail is even more nightmare inducing than usual…
No. 901056
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Avelina going through it
No. 901057
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No. 901058
>>900839she went on a trip to "find herself", would like to know more. given how much she posted him and how they were such a ~punk couple~ i am curious as to what's going on that he's absent now.
>>900910i like how he said this look was him trying to be 'normal' or whatever but it actually worked for him and his personality way more than whatever the fuck he's doing now.
No. 901064
>>901052Simply saying that they're fat and the causes for their fatness where it's obvious from their eating habits that they show on Instagram is not "fatshaming". It's literally what they are dude, they're fat. And the anachan thing is dumb because when Dorian was going back to her anorexic ways, no one was celebrating it as far as I know.
>>901053It really makes you wonder what happened.
>>901058> i like how he said this look was him trying to be 'normal' or whatever but it actually worked for him and his personality way more than whatever the fuck he's doing now.He was just as much a cow back then but I agree anon, this look looked a lot better than the mess he does now. It's pretty clear the only reason he's doing this 99 cent store knock off Joker is because he thinks it'll make him look more GofFIc.
No. 901093
File: 1575406652224.png (4.89 MB, 1242x2688, 4FD2B6C0-289F-4B06-8E3B-E9DE65…)

Something definitely happened, it’s constant wallowing in her sorrows. Go eat a carrot. Can’t wait to hear her absolute shit music about these dark times
No. 901097
>>901093As annoying as horseface is with her gaudy and ostentatious hauls and flaunting of money, shitty covers and oversharing of her kids lives, I kinda feel sorry for her.
Its clear that her pig faced husband has left her.
She's in the middle of a pregnancy, with two small children and don't forget that they own a large business together.
I'd be losing my shit too…
Can any insider anons spill some milk on this?
No. 901124
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what's the brown shit that's always staining Kaya's nails
No. 901378
>>901373To be fair don't knock stay at home moms, raising kids and managing a home isn't easy work or lesser than any other job.
Even if your wife is a vain, materialistic horseface like Avelina its still hella low of him to leave two children and a pregnant wife.
No. 901445
>>901373+1 here. She seems like a lazy stay-at-home mum who only uses that as an excuse to not really contribute in a way that really helps her husband out and maybe he just the relationship's give/take was too one-sided so he left her.
>>901378Oh for sure anon, being a stay at home mom can be hard work assuming the kids are home most of the time and don't know how to take care of themselves yet but it feels like Avelina is one of those parents who may leave her kids watching YouTube or a movie and then just plopping at her computer or snapping her selfies in the bathroom and maybe make dinner every now and then. There's probably more to the story though because it is kinda drastic to up and leave when you have two kids who aren't fully grown and a third one on the way.
No. 901471
>>901378“Stay at home mom” Isnt a job anon and if they get a divorce (like people do) he’s still liable to take care of his children, its just poor Avelina has to get a
real job instead of faffing about in her goff house.
No. 901480
>>901473Yeah cuz she's totally not so far up her own ass to raise well rounded kids that won't absorb her baggage. Probably plops a tablet in their hands while she paints her face and boohoo to a camera.
It's hard work to do well, sure,but y'all chose that shit so chill with the martyrdom.
No. 901481
>>901480You weren't even talking about just Avelina though. You were coming for anyone who's a stay at home mom.
Good job backtracking though.
No. 901662
>>901588Yeah I have a feeling it may have to do with those tacky bags. If that's true with Drac, then it could also be the same for ReeRee and probably Froyo.
>>901568Wow. See that's pretty telling though I hope she only does that because she's filming and isn't like that behind the camera towards the kids because that kind of treatment is gonna ruin their self esteem.
>>901598Same. Again not dissing on stay-at-home moms or dads but if the kids are going to school for half the day, then there are ways to be productive around the home from the usual grocery shopping, food preparing, and cleaning and it's like the perfect time for the stay-at-home parent to try out self-employment, especially if they're creative. Avelina may actually be productive behind the camera and as much s cow that she is, I would hope that's the case.
>>901621Lmao nailed it.
No. 901745
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Avelina going thru it, crying on camera and saying she’s not ready to talk about it. Bitch you’ve been talking about you crisis for 2 weeks now.
More images coming
No. 901746
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No. 901747
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No. 901749
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No. 901750
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No. 901791
>>901767 said, and you can earn good wages in Aus for blue collar jobs.
>They honestly act like millionairesWhat makes anons think they are millionaires? Only Victoria's family has been proven to be very wealthy, though she doesn't seem to have access to their money.
No. 901792
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Not milky, just irritating. Kay just discovered GUNSHIP and bought tons of their stuff and vinyl of course, but now she wants to cover it. Please no. Just because you decided you love a song doesn’t mean you should butcher it.
No. 901795
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this happened and I just couldn't
No. 901797
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No. 901798
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this one skinwalked Psychara so much, even her followers made fun of her
No. 901821
prepare your eyes for the crappy contouring ._.
(._.) No. 901886
>>901817Yeah it was hard to tell with all the selfies with buck teeth and a couple lbs of highlighter.
It gets hard to tell who is copying who when every "viking witch" looks the same.
Dreads. CHECK
Random runes on your face. CHECK
Layers of oversized dresses. CHECK
No. 902021
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Adora has no fucking shame. She's such a narcissistic show off
No. 902043
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The Isa "lovely girlfriend" thread needs to be open again! Close friends with Dorian here. "Lovely gf" aka "Raven 2.0" left him. After Logan/Lydia moved in and they started having an affair, he proved himself to be pliable and controllable so Isa turned her attention to him and starting cutting Dorian out. She thought of Dorian as being toxic because he wasn't interested in a poly relationship and he was happy to be a male. Logan was easily manipulated and strong armed into becoming Lydia. Add the shitty tattoos along with full control and Isa's mask has fully disappeared. She and Dorian somehow got a divorce, they must have lied to rush it because it hasn't been a year, he's out of the picture, and her and Logan are together now. Dorian posts suicidal memes every day, poor kid. It's funny that her poly tendencies have disappeared once she got a hold of a spineless loser she can twist to her liking. Poor Dorian. He just wanted to be loved and he put everything into the wrong person. Isa had no business marrying him if she knew that he wasn't everything she wanted and Logan should just be ashamed of himself all around. Sorry didn't have any where else to post this.
No. 902197
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No. 902227
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No. 902238
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>>901975Jesus look at their bloated moon faces! Victoria was good looking before she went down the g0ffick rabbit hole.
>>902230Dumping Victoria's photos without heavy make up.
No. 902240
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No. 902242
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No. 902243
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No. 902248
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No. 902249
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No. 902279
>>901975this was so cringey, they're many years late on the wannabe vampire trend though i guess it keeps coming around. it's funny that she did this since she edits her face so much for pix, did she not realize ppl would see what she really looks like.
>>902197what a twat, making dumb reaction videos to tiktoks isn't "hard work" fake. the most recent one he was shrieking over something that was stupid and not really that funny, or i'm just an oldfag and don't understand what's supposed to be funny. at least he admitted he laughed.
>>902227why do you call yourself goth when your spotify playlist outed you for listening to mostly metal and a few other genres, none of which were goth?
No. 902429
>>902238Wow I never saw a photo of her wihtout the heavy makeup, she actually looks quite nice.
>>902242Eh okay well weird eyebrows aside, nothing really unappealing. I agree with
>>902262 about the clown makeup. Like it's possible to look dark without looking like a cartoon character and maybe she'll discover that one day.
>>902279> what a twat, making dumb reaction videos to tiktoks isn't "hard work" fake. the most recent one he was shrieking over something that was stupid and not really that funny, or i'm just an oldfag and don't understand what's supposed to be funny. at least he admitted he laughed.FR anon. Dumb reaction videos to TikTok is not hard work and the viewers won't stay when they get older because i'm more than sure the influx of subs he got were from young teenagers. He doesn't make actual interesting content, he's pretty much like Kaya only offering another low-form of video that isn't crappy haul/unboxing videos.
No. 902454
>>902055He was born in the US.
The thread was closed for "vendetta posting" under the previous Admin.
>>902067We don't discuss the current lives of Dorian et al in Raven's thread because that's what she wants. Current Admin promised to reveal Raven's posts but never did.
No. 902455
>>899207>>899209>>902114Just as 902114 said. Anna is not Victoria's mother. And Victoria is not of noble birth. Her dad married a woman who bought the castle and it is run as a hotel I think Adora said in a story.
Victoria grew up with her mum in a small town up north of Sweden and only visited it as she spent time with her father. Her mother is not loaded. Just normal.
No. 902461
>>902065>She's had a lot of work done.What else she done? Apart from probably the far too perfect boobs.
You can't just open the milk bottle without spilling the milk!
No. 902531
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No. 902542
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Nice to be reminded that a lot of goth youtubers have more class than Freeza or toxic twat.
No. 902653
>>902531Complete tinfoil theory here:
Toxic Tears is always complaining about everything being too loud/noisy, is somewhat socially oblivious and I believe her when she says she can't deal with crowds - I wonder if she has Aspergers as well as Herbs? Or maybe she's just such a recluse that she isn't used to sounds and people any more? There's more going on than just her being depressed and too lazy to seek help (although she really is lazy and I'm pretty sure she's depressed even if Fake Munro is just copying hers as an excuse)
No. 902679
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Are we really meant to believe there's no healthy options in Belfast????
No. 902693
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>>902679Googled, found as many as in other cities. This for eg.
No. 902711
>>902653You don't need to be autistic to hate crowds and loud noises (lots of people do, including me). She doesn't seem that socially oblivious to me either. It seems like anons are always overly eager to label every cow with autism, I've seen it in so many threads. I guess its possible though.
Other anons have been suggesting she has ADD or ADHD which I think is more likely.
No. 902736
>>902711Yes. I was thinking of Ada lovelace. Which might actually be where victoria got the name, because of the oh so dark and romantic lord byron connection. But that might be giving her too much credit.
ADD or ADHD makes sense to me. It often involves extreme sensitivity to stimuli as well. It would also track with her inabillity to focuss on her workload and her cycling through obcessions. It's also underdiagnosed in women.
Just hope she sticks to her plan to get help soon. Because something is wrong with her.
No. 902787
>>902740I feel like he relies on Kaya (and her mother, probably) a bit too much for practical stuff and ego boosts to dump her for someone more photogenic.
Now if he suddenly announces their newly open poly relationship, I wouldn't be surprised.
No. 902795
>>902794That is sad and Eileen gives me
abusive mom vibes. Also, someone made an entire thread for Julia and Eileen. I don't know why.
No. 902798
>>899337Week late reply but Dear Lord this was some cringey shit. You can tell this guy (Logan) takes himself super seriously just by the way he talks and his mannerisms. Then Voltaire asked him if he drank blood and he said:
>"I am someone who requires an alternative source of human energy in which to sustain their health and well being and that is the most traditional definition of vampirism when it comes to being a real vampire"So… yes? His answers are really long and dance around the question. I only made it through 5 minutes of this. And Logan looks like Armoured Skeptic.
>>902736>Yes. I was thinking of Ada lovelace. Which might actually be where victoria got the name, because of the oh so dark and romantic lord byron connection.That makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. I just realized her name is literally
Victoria. I wonder if Victoria is even her real name or if it's just a pseudonym she made to sound Victorian. Also, what is it with vampire LARPers and the Victorian era?
>ADD or ADHD makes sense to me. It often involves extreme sensitivity to stimuli as well. It would also track with her inabillity to focuss on her workload and her cycling through obcessions. It's also underdiagnosed in women. True. And some of those symptoms can be caused by other conditions too like mild psychosis (I don't think she has that though). Better stop now before we both get banned for armchairing lol.
No. 902801
>>902799I watched Kaya/MAG for years and Kaya has never seemed like the jealous type to me, but maybe you know something I don't.
Anyway, you don't have to be "incredibly jealous" to not want a polybullshit relationship.
No. 902807
>>902801I mean people like that vox girl just fading into obscurity. And how she used to glare at kelly eden. Though how jake was lusting over the latter was pretty shameless.
And I agree that you don't have to be jealous in order to want monogamy. But if you are very jealous it makes it significantly less likely you would want a poly relationship.
No. 902811
>>902807But there's no evidence that's why Vox disappeared, is there? I thought last time I checked Vox had moved to Japan? Maybe that's why she disappeared.
Also they used to have female friends over all the time (Melanie, Sophie) and Kaya didn't seem that jealous. In fact I didn't even notice her being overtly jealous around Kelly Eden, but I wouldn't really blame her anyway because Jake was flirting with Kelly so obnoxiously.
I think maybe their friends disappear because the
toxic twosome are shitty friends.
No. 902823
File: 1575690422984.jpg (61.55 KB, 594x436, vox.jpg)

Update: Vox is living in Japan according to her Twitter.
Kaya still follows her.
No. 902825
>>902679Well if she actually used some of her laze about time to learning how to cook some nutritional meals, this wouldn't be a problem. There are lots of simple recipes you can find online to make some delicious and healthy food but nope, gotta laze about and bitch about not being able to get things done.
>>902740I feel it's getting closer tbh anon. Though
>>902785 made a good point that to drop her now would ruin his chances of getting into Barcelona so he's probably gonna hold onto the soon to be dead-weight a little longer until they move and live there for a few months. And the break up is gonna be this big drama amongst them and their fans and Kaya is gonna pull the "I don't want to talk about it" yet post not-so subtle instagram posts that say otherwise.
No. 902827
File: 1575691830093.jpg (321.46 KB, 1280x1707, 865678945678.jpg)

This is a long shot, but does anyone remember in-the-flat-field/six-inch-gold-blade from the tumblr goth days? I've always been super curious about what happened to them. I wouldn't be surprised if e quietly de-transitioned back to female like Izzie Adams/ego-x and pretends the whole thing never happened.
No. 902873
>>902679Is she serious? Belfast has one of the most diverse and amazing food options of most Places I've visited, particularly the student areas. Treating Barcelona like some Holy godsend won't make you any less lazy and gluttonous if you move there, Kaya. You'll always pick sweet shit.
Her portions are huge, or is it just me?
No. 903047
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>>902679Yeh. She’s reeeeeeally craving for those healthy meals. This is her story on the same frigen day. Fried squid, alcohol, can of Fanta and some other side dish.
And she wonders why she can’t lose weight. A big ol bowl of “healthy” fat followed up by fried food.
Good one kaya!
No. 903124
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No. 903146
>>902429i agree victoria looks way nicer with her natural face, like manic moth
>>888366 and mai magi
>>888369. being cute blondes wasn't good enough, they had to be ~extra speshul~ by fucking themselves up with clown alt girl looks. dat amount of insecurity lol, must be pathological
No. 903167
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What kind of food even is this? It looks like moose poop..
No. 903170
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Avalinas depression/break on social has finally been revealed. she sent an email out
No. 903346
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No. 903475
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No. 903920
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what did TT do on tuesday to lose 2k subs? or is socialblade just inaccurate
No. 904048
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No. 904173
>>903150It's not happening if she needs his money, like other anons suggested. Jake is broke.
>>903170>6 months wait for coffin wallets>i dont need to apologize because family comes firstDid she just use her dead baby as an excuse for late customer deliveries?!! Right then when you want to pity her she does emotional manipulation out of the narc textbook.
>>903419You really took one for the team. Doing porn for shitty tattoos… I'm speechless.
No. 904209
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Mummy, Uncle Fester's been at the makeup again
No. 904235
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The yellow press published an article about Lilachris' store and it's cringeworthy af:
>They worship the devil and slaughter animals in the cemetery: There are many prejudices about the Gothic scene. Most of them, however, come from old superstition.
>"What I wear is not a costume for me. I do not dress up. This clothing shows who I am ", clarifies Christin Leibing (29). She is one of the owners of the goth shop "Nyctophilia" in the street Landwehr and will turn me (the reporter) today into a real goth.
>Her colleague Elisabeth Unger tells me that the 29-year-old needs about 2 hours in the morning for her complete look including make-up. I calculate, when I would have to get up every day before work and I feel a bit scared.
>A quick glance and Leibing has captured exactly what things could stand me. "Something romantic would be good. A dress, perhaps. "She holds a ruffled dress with bows collar and long sleeves under my nose. I can accept that.
>For this she chooses a velvet leggings with crescent-shaped slits on the legs and a belt with matching pendants. In general, accessories for the right gothic outfit seem to be very important. Another bag is needed and a hairband with horns.
>Gothics in Hamburg: All Satanists? Not even close! "Many people have prejudices and make silly sayings on the street or believe we are Satanists," says Christin Leibing. "We also have fun going to parties and we do not necessarily have anything to do with religions like Satanism."
>As a teenager, she herself had a rather "pink" phase and only later discovered the so-called "black scene" through metal music. The similar taste in music is the connecting element of many gothics. "Not every goth has the opportunity to make-up in the office or in everyday life and to dress as he wants. Nevertheless, they are all part of the scene. photo is the reporter after goth make over
No. 904282
>>904235>>904252The whole text is god damn awful. She made it all about herself, her friend who owns half of the shop isn't allowed to talk unless it's about HER 2hrs worth of make up. Then she put the newspaper woman into this dumbass poser outfit with shitty horns and she's so proud to have this dumpster fire published for the world to see.
>but gothics aren't satanists>they ALSO have fun going to parties>does it mean we do worship the devil and slaughter animals in the cemetery for the rest of the day or what?>also gothics listen to metal music>and wearing horns is gothic fashionFuck off for fuck's sake!
No. 904388
>>904213Haven't heard Snowy Lowther in a minute. honestly it seems like ever since Angela did that response video to her, she'd kinda fallen out of Goth. I'm even starting to question if she even was one. I know she likes the Cure but has she ever actually talked about any other Goth bands that weren't them or Siouxsie? It just feels like she's another Kaya in the sense of thinking dressing in black and dark makeup makes her Goth only Snowy is not a gluttonous laze-about since she actually has ambition with her personal life and does things.
>>904235Anon I curse you but at the same time am thankful that you shared this hot trash. Not even a mention of actual Goth music in it, just goFFIck clothes and of course, Metal music. Hey Fake Munro would fit right in lol. The reporter doesn't even look like a Goth. No hate but "goth" isn't the thing that comes to mind when I see this picture or Lilachris and her cohorts for that matter.
No. 904429
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Kaya' friend Amber is a pretty successful artist.
she's gone work for gamegrumps and Jhonen Vasquez but honestly what is her deal? is she autistic? she never brushes her hair..ever.
she acts like a child
I can understand why her and kaya would get a long to be honest.
I wonder how it feels for kaya and jake to be surrounded by two successful people in the goth community
No. 904496
>>904388These aren't even g0fFick clothes. It's like somebody's eccentric aunt did
>>901896 and gothic lolita and weird sailor moon cosplay at the same time.
How could this get any more comical… oh wait
"we do not necessarily have anything to do with religions like Satanism"
>religions like satanismI'm fucking crying
No. 904608
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Most people would focus on the nice holiday, rather than whinging about having to go home and get back to work.
No. 904642
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>>904608watch her find reasons to either not make videos or put out subpar ones.
also i like how she still finds a way to bitch about the lack of sun/daylight hours. [it's not witner yet either ffs.] how about get up earlier and spend less time getting dressed ~gothy~, especially when you just bitch about not getting any "cute" pictures of your outfit.
No. 904736
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>>904696They are such accurate altcow archetypes. Every time I watch IBF I'm reminded of [gif related].
The fb page has the rest of the eps except for No. 904753
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Kaya found this boar's head in a trash pile on the side of the street and just decided to take it home.
who wants to bet she does nothing to clean it and just throws it into her pile of shit in her living room
No. 904800
>>904795NTA, but if you really don't understand and you're pretending to be thick, it's the ethics behind the animal head. Same way ivory isn't something you'd want to own (?) because of the barbarity involved in acquiring it.
There's probably a good reason it was thrown out. It'll be a magnet for carpet beetles.
No. 904833
>>904764Newsflash- you can love animals and collect oddities. “It was hunted” - unless you’re vegan, do you know how your meat is prepared? The animals live in torture and squalor their whole lives just to be slaughtered in a horrible way. When you hunt (and a boar like that would last a family 6 months), you know the animal had a free life and the death is quick.
I honestly think there’s nothing at all wrong with getting a second hand boars head that was perhaps hunted
gasp Hate to WK, but Kaya did nothing wrong here
No. 904837
>>904833Even some vegans don't have a problem with thrifted or found oddities. But I completely agree that Kaya is morally in the right here. She wasn't involved in getting the boar killed. Her taking it home won't make it any deader, and her having left it won't undo the fact that it was hunted. If anything, this way it doesn't go to waste.
I have a lot of reservations about the hygiene of what she did. But I think ethically it's absolutely fine.
No. 904847
>>904843It's not about "respecting the boar" any more than you would "respect" your shoes or a chair or your phone. It's about not harming any animals by taking that head. If anything, it's good that she's reusing decor rather than buying new stuff which would have required additional resources to make.
If you want to call Kaya out for being a hypocrite, focuss on her eating meat or flying to barcelona several times a year or creating a huge synthetic fabric hoard.
Like I said, the hygiene aspect of this makes me cringe. But she's not harming anyone or anything.
No. 904865
>>904601>>904736>>904696oh yes! they were so accurate about freya, victoria and many others. somebody needs make parody skits about alt cows, i'd pay to watch.
>>904496imagine the reaction if the pope said we catholics ~do not necessarily~ have anything to do with activities like fiddling kids. sheeesh this girl is so stupid. her defensive answer made it so much worse.
>>904638i agree it's embarrassing. she can't be arsed find normal work because she needs to look ~goffick~ 24/7, but she barely listens to gothic music from what i saw in her instagram stories. imo she's actually clueless and doing it for attention.
>>904756>>904800kaya just got herself parasitic pests for pets to live in her musty hoard pile, yiiikes!
No. 904905
>>904608Is this chick serious? How are her regular boring ass Haul or Unboxing videos "Fun"? She's deluding herself and plus, no. She's just going to go back to the routine of lounging and occasionally farting out low-effort unboxing video while whinging on Instagram.
>>904638Agreed anon. I mean I do like horns and moon insignias but these things don't make you Goth but of course Lilachris and the others of her ilk will think it's the Goffest thing ever lol.
No. 905074
>>904800This is what I was thinking. If you find something nice in the trash there's probably a REASON it's in the trash. And I wonder how she plans to take it home? It's not gonna fit in her luggage.
>>904816Lmao, ouch.
No. 905137
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>>904753Inb4 she joins our other taxidermy cows.
No. 905544
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I know not milk, but Erin Micklow thinks she is so creative. Her mercy “shop” is the same old shit and everything she calls custom just got bleach sprayed on it, how original. Really think Joe is gone too, tons of shots of the house that seems more empty. Also while we are at it, every photo and makeup look is THE SAME. I can’t.
No. 905762
>>905544this is pretty cringe though b/c she just poured some bleach on an already existing shirt and goes on with her "made by me" bs which is annoying. like she wants ppl to buy this but also shills for dollskill as if they've not been called out for a bunch of shit.
and yea, she's got a serious case of same face but tries to push herself as an actor. i saw a movie she was in and didn't even know she was in it until after the fact b/c she's that boring and forgettable. if she didn't go round to gigs with the spikey hair and punkmart look, no one would know who she is. /rant
No. 905849
>>903645Not that I don't agree with you but what do you do when you have a kid? Do you have to stop doing and saying anything that has the potential to offend or shock anyone just in case your kids acquaintances might see things that they might not like?
I mean, people are pretty prudish in this thread, in the boards in general but Idk man, not talking about sex pubicly in a casual way like she does is not really a stain on your life's legacy, it's not like "omg have you seen jane doe's mother? She's in the kkk/racist/thief/whatever"
Gross? Sure! But meh… a lot of kids will have parents who overshare in the internet in the near future
No. 905907
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"Please stop calling me fat"
No. 905921
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from his Facebook it looks like they're still together
No. 905922
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Anyone know what pick it was?
No. 905929
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>>905922Maybe this one? None of the photos with the hip belt were very flattering.
No. 905941
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>>905922>Deceptively bigKeep kidding yourself Kaya
No. 905961
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No. 905987
>>905762"Punkmart" lol Nice.
>>905873So it's more about how much she shares, like going into hard specifics. I can understand that. I don't think talking about sex is bad but it's usually when you get into hard specifics that can make the talk get a little weird if your content is not centered on that particular subject.
No. 905989
>>905929Eugh… She's not very good at color coding. Maybe it's just preference but I just don't think the gold works with that look. I agree with
>>905936 though, if she just ditched the belt and the new rocks, it could've looked nicer.
>>905941Lol yeah, she needs to just accept her reality and that if she takes photos of herself highlighting her fatness and posting it on public sites, she's gonna hear things she may not want to hear.
No. 906074
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Erin and Joe seem to def be over
No. 906545
>>906226Wtf she said
>write down toxic people's names and burn them>but you shouldn't wish death upon someoneFreudian slip spotted.
No. 906594
Does anyone here follow Onision/Lainey? I've only just noticed the parallels between them and Jake/Kaya, minus the pedophilia and child grooming.
Kaya aka Plainey - boring, no real interests or personality, lazy, can't come up with any creative videos, just wants everything handed to her
Jake aka Onision - extremely narcissistic, can't take criticism, thinks highly of his average-below average looks and body, backtracks and flip flops a lot ("hates goth" now claims to be one, "hates halloween" now likes it, etc), clearly isn't into Kaya anymore and very likely treats her poorly, and talks overly sexually on his SM knowing his fans are underaged
No. 906643
>>906594>boring, no real interests or personality, lazy, can't come up with any creative videos, just wants everything handed to herThat's a lot of youtubers tbh.
The stuff you said about Jake is true, but I think it would be a stretch to say that Jake will ever be as bad as Greg. I think Jake will more likely be the next Social Retard.
No. 906652
>>906643Jake is very short and ugly IRL. Walked past him and the Kaya plenty of times around Belfast. SR has height going for him and can actually sell tickets to his shows. Jake had an ego attack and quit his band and they couldn't even get gigs anyway.
Jake is a narcissist. He speaks in a put on accent and is pretentious and constantly comes across as looking down on others. Being that obnoxious could be mistaken as confidence for unsocialised retards but I don't think Jake will ever have considerate clout. It's why he has to stay as a double act with Kaya. And Kaya is too depressed to be a competent YouTuber. Doubt they'll be living in Barcelona anytime soon, I doubt they've any savings.
No. 906730
>>906630It's mostly because she still dresses like she would if she were slim. She really should look at tutorials on how to dress for her new body, there are fashionable ways to dress for a bigger body.
>>906643Gotta agree with this. Jake is a narcissistic parasite but he's not as bad as Onision. The only way he'd ever get there is if he coerces his fans to do "things" for him but that hasn't happened and most likely never will. I think grouping him with Social Repose is the better angle. They're not monsters, just attention-whoring assholes.
No. 906742
>>906682In a recent update video. Something about "wanting more creative control." So he probably threw a little bitchfit when his bandmates didn't always want to do his sad sad bidding. Wonder if any of those guys has any tea to spill.
Or possibly they were done with his mediocre musical abillity and giant ego, and dumped him. But he claims to have left of his own free will. I can see either scenario being true.
No. 906789
>>906749It was the way he treated Jaclyn Glenn. Like the other anon said he was a serial cheater. If you wanna know more you can watch the video that Jaclyn made crying about it (called 'I'm such an idiot' I think), and then Ritchie's god awful response video. I hate Jaclyn but even I could see what a piece of shit Ritchie is. He is like Jake in that he tags all his videos with goth this, goth that etc but has nothing to do with the actual music/subculture and just uses the label 'goth' to get attention.
>>906652>jake is a narcissistAnd Ritchie isn't?
>>906742Not surprising. He named "his" band after himself too lmao. Clearly he wanted all the credit for every thing they produced.
No. 906838
>>906682Jake talks about ending the band here. The actual explanation starts at about 7 minutes in. The rest is just him complaining about seasonal depression.
His stated reasons for ending the band sound like a huge fuck you to his bandmates.
No. 907012
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No. 907091
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Tell me if I'm wrong - but this is Mr BatBrat, right?
Both looks like they have fun
No. 907150
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No. 907200
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>>907091They were at the badminton court, as 2 of 3 kids I belive plays badminton….
Co-parenting you know.
No. 907413
>>907206Even though it was sponsored, at least it was something different and not another boring try-on video. I get what you mean anon, if she didn't have a sponsor she most likely wouldn't have done the video but at the very, it was somewhat creative.
>>907012She always references that one song but it doesn't change that she only posts this because she knows people outside her fanbase don't think she's a Goth.
No. 907600
>>907473True and it's mostly because she doesn't like how a lot of Goths don't consider her an actual Goth and that she and her boyfriend are just posers in the actual sense of the word.
>>907592 said. I don't care for Psychara but her dark witchy forest look was certainly different at the time and it's not surprising that it inspired others but to be inspired to the point of skinwalking is just sad.
No. 907634
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No. 907635
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No. 907679
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>>907091>>907139Yeah, might be him.
They will never get back together! He is butt ugly now, and Adora likes pretty boys we've seen.
His Instagram avatar lol
No. 907685
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>>907635Clearly that’s all thanks to Patreon cause she doesn’t make shit on YouTube.
No. 907718
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>>907701His reddit is such a guilty pleasure goldmine.
No. 907872
>>907592Psychara should be freaked out, but judging by her past choice of friends she is too stupid to pick someone normal. People in their right mind wouldn't be BFFs with Mai Magi and her stooge Manic "Blackface" Moth.
>>907634>>907665That tree is a reject like Jake. Ugly and fake as fuck.
No. 907944
>>907679To be fair, he doesn't look too bad for a 50-something year old. Dudes hair is thinning but that's the downside to being a man.
I wonder who spilt it, himself or Adora. She really seemed to love him but I remember in an old post on her where she said she would find a new, cuter boy if her husband got old and ugly…
No. 908041
>>907876manicmoth used to be anorexic.
>>907897not only fake woke, manicmoth and maimagi have barely hidden alt-right and tradthot tendencies.
No. 908093
>>908001i remember in a video he mentioned wanting to tidy the house but couldn't and didn't give a reason but made it seem like kaya was holding him back from doing it. who knows with those two, she organized the attic and he usurped it for photos and now it seems like neither use it, unless she's posting pics of that fucking skeleton.
where's all the content from their barcelona trip? kaya posted some pics and fake put up nothing, real creative boost for them.
No. 908122
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>>907944He is 50? Well, yes, then might be OK. But think Adora was the one making him beautiful. I saw them on Mera Luna years ago and he was hot!
Stole this from Facebook. From this summer. He looks so empty somehow
No. 908124
>>907855What kind of stuff was he saying on r/goth? Were they cringe posts?
>>907897I've gotta agree. These three are pretty much nobodys outside of the alt scene and are not goths so they aren't relevant to Goth. They're just snooty girls who think they are more important than they actually are. Contribute nothing interesting.
>>908034Not surprising, she hasn't done a video in like a month since that one and her depression video and she may be losing patrons due to how inactive she is so gotta fart out something for some money.
No. 908242
>>908150We could bring in Jude bishop. Someone made her a thread for no reason I can see (it's in the op description) but it it used, and it was agreed there that when it maxes out she'll be brought here.
But i agree nobody's that milky now because we've dug up the main stuff. However i di think Jake and kaya's relationship is something of a ticking clock, as is IBF and Mr owl.
No. 908248
>>908242That may be but until Jake leaves Kaya for one of his fan-girls or IBF ditches Mr Owl for a new Visa husband, there's just not much to go on for now.
>>908150To be fair, there were all kinds of other alt cows back then that brought something different from Dre Ronayne's and Hello Batty's poserdom to SebastianColumbine with her "I'm not a woman" crap to Dr and so on lol.
No. 908253
>>907979I made the post you're replying to, and I agree, who cares that Kaya is fat and badly dressed at this point? It's been literally years since there isn't any milk of her. Both she and jake are not the most interesting people but at least jake still kinda shocks me with his recent re-try at being goth, we laugh… the foresty goths, not so much, they basically exist there while playing viking pagan naturey dress up
>>908041Now THAT is interesting, tell us more…
>>908108Awfully sensitive aren't we? Since when making a comment about in a forum where we basically just comment shit is bitch? As long as it is saged, it's okay. It's a discussion board
>>908121It's not that, I'd love new cows and new dramas, it's just that these people are just not interesting
>>908124Not all cringey, no. He is a regular, discusses things, specially music (he knows his shit) but if you've seen his videos you know how he's like… so he goes all the way in any petty argument, lasting forever. To be honest, if you don't click any of the style posts, there are interesting discussions and good advice on music
>>908242Nah, IBF and mr owl will be together for a long time now, I bet. There is literally no other option at this point for her, and I think that's what she should do
It doesn't count as exactly alt by these thread standards but I reccomend Julia Zelg's milk nowadays, shit is wild, that's the kinda milk I wish we had here
No. 908259
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(Im a stupid fuck, sorry)
No. 908268
>>908147>>908150I personally blame cowtipping for some of this, same with the Kelly Eden thread. We know Jake lurks here, he probably googles himself and would have found this thread anyway, but I know for a fact people send them links to here and then they stop acting cow-ish.
>>908253Julia Zelg/Eileen had been discussed here forever and then some newfag went and made a whole separate thread for them.
>>908257Pretty sure you're thinking of Kady Rae. That might have been a selfpost though. Not sure what ever happened to her.
No. 908351
>>908295It might have been posted by Raven but the milk was way more interesting than "manic moth don't talk to viking jane doe anymore!!2 can you believe it? AND Kaya is fat!!1!"
Idk, but I think this time Raven actually found a good cow hahahah
>>908268Eh, I just blame googling themselves. But it's kinda part of the job of being youtuber/influencer that you take what people say about you in consideration and try to be as neutral as possible, so isn't it kinda good that the threads make them act less cow-ish?
I'm here since thread 2, Julia was briefly mentioned some times because of her bad singing and cringeworthy attempt at a pop music carreer and fucking old ladies but it wasn't something we got too deep into. What is happening now is so bizarre, the milk never stops flowing even for a minute, I agree that they should have their own thread. People are discussing everything about them, trying to find out the truth about Eileen's past… if we had it here, people would be complaining and saying that it deserves its own thread. There's also a Pull thread and a subreddit!
>>908289Yes! I gotta say that Kai being transphobe really surprised me because for the longest time I thought he was a trans woman. As for Rhuadan, I think he's kinda crazy but neither of them are cows. Rhuadan's behaviour reminds me of Emily boo (also the appearance, hadn't thought of that kek), but she is just cringey…
Something I realised is that some years ago for one to be a cow they just had to display outrageous behavior online, now we take into consideration if they have a following to qualify. The fake vikings clan is a good example: they're only discussed because they have a following, there is absolutely no milk there, ever!
Are we just discussing influencers, no matter what they do or are we looking for people who do/say outrageous shit and maybe have like 5k followers tops?
No. 908387
>>908351>isn't it kinda good that the threads make them act less cow-ish?No. I want the entertainment.
Besides, they probably don't actually stop acting cow-ish, they probably just stop showing it on social media.
>>908295Hahaha. I didn't know that. I wonder why Raven did that. But I agree with the anon, Kady isn't really alt other than having tattoos.
No. 908450
>>908364This is ALT cows, not goth cows. And yeah, being an outrageously bad parent, saying stupid shit because she clearly thinks she's way more than she actually is is pretty funny. More than "kaya fat! Jake fake! Where's IBF?"
Whats your point?
>>908352Oooooh! I want this milk. Yeah, you convinced me, he's a cow
>>908387Oh that's not what I meant, I want to see milk too, it was more in sense of "better for them"?
So, does this whole discussion mean that the thread is accepting suggestions for new alternative cows? It would be a breath of fresh air to say the least.
How about the Proserpina? She photoshops her face like she has a syndrome or something and started a makeup brand that tries to rip off kat von d. We used to talk about her
Maybe goth drama is dead now that everyone stopped using tumblr… remember deathrockets, patsy marian, eris anageini, etc? Those were the days for drama…
No. 908534
>>908450Ruadhan sexually harrassing people:
>>897798Also the IBF accusations are made in the video he made about her that went semi-viral.
No. 908550
>>908259 Avelina's song is a cringefest.
>you taste like freedom and sunshine>from a fine italian crimson wineShe has zero talent, neither in singing nor in song-writing.
>>908450Can you post a summary about Proserpina?
>>908351The fake vikings clan was discussed because they refused to explain their milky fall-out to the public. Their hardly profitable businesses are also milky, for they don't impress anyone but their teenage following. It's really pathetic to have families/boyfriends pay for their lifestyle when they could actually find proper work to pay for themselves.
No. 908560
>>908450Yes it's alt cows, but there's nothing really alt about Kady to my knowledge other than having a lot of tattoos and plenty of other cows (Kelly Eden, Vicky Shingles, Skye Purdon etc) are heavily tattooed and not considered alt. That being said I wouldn't complain if we brought back Kady, the milk has been so dry lately.
I feel like there should be more metalhead cows, seems like metal heads (especially the black metal ones) are some of the spergiest people in existence.
No. 908573
>>908560You are the future, you know that? Yes, we are focusing too much on goth women, we should find some crazy wannabe edgy black metal guys, everyone knows the type…
Also, Ruadhan being the person he is, I am 99.9%
sure that he follows/post on this thread, he loves to obsess and nitpick over little things in the goth scene and has a strong hatred for IBF and TT (who can blame him tho, kek). Kai decadence must be all over this thread too. I suspect that they do as someone said earlier about cowtipping: being aware of the thread must make them more careful about what they say online so they don't end up here kek
No. 908593
>>908450>This is ALT cows, not goth cowsTake your meds, anon, we've only been talking about (faux) goth cows this entire time. IBF, Kaya, Jake, Drac, Avelina, Emily Boo, the Viking clan, even Voltaire, they all want to be associated with goth and Jake's most criticized attribute lately is that he wants the label but has nothing to do with it.
As for Kady, the fact that you believe her "pay attention to me!!!" posts says more about you than her.
No. 908686
>>908601>Can summon lucifer at willsure jen
> talking about the dark evocative role of the occult in animushe masturbates to bible black got it lol
srsly what the fuck.
No. 908691
>>908638>sell off the clothes she gets gifted by companies to promotei remember other cows like manic moth doing the same thing. why bother to work if you can sell punk rave's tacky shit on depop.
>>908552plus you forgot to mention both mms sell low quality stuff (mai's frumpy braids and moth's fashion jewelry) for insane prices.
No. 908714
>>908636>>908643I get a friend request from his new accounts ever two or three months. He's a Trump worshiping "goth" who thinks he's a vampire. If I recall correctly his ugly, pig face managed to cheat on his girl friend a year or so ago and he was
abusive to her.
Basically he friends you and then spergs about Trump. I'll see if I can dig up some more milk.
No. 908726
>>908714>>908601Dying for more Chuckula and Orlee, that's the kind of shit that entertains me, this brand of crazy. That's why I liked kady kek
I just watched a tutorial on how to sell your soul to the devil by Orlee. It's mindblowing how serious she is about it, and more mindblowing how there are 300+ comments on the video and almost all of them are treating her like she is an authority on the subject, a badass, etc. A lot of people actually asking for her help, there was a guy saying that he'd use the ritual to become the high priest on the church of satan and that he would marry her then, he wasn't even a cringey goth… a lot of people kinda thirsting over her, that's so weird! I mean, she is beautiful but
obviously completely crazy, she's not even that kind of impossible beauty that makes you ignore the craziness, she's just… a regular pretty girl. Besides that, these people are
actually taking her beliefs seriously. I just can't with people, honest to god…
The attached pic is a screenshot from the comment session of this very video ( ). What power, bitch? I guess her soul wasn't worth much kek
Now, since the past cows were ruined by cowtipping, please please don't go and follow her on YouTube or instagram to keep track of the milk, she WILL notice the sudden influx of people all at once and it'll be only a matter of time until she finds out why. Keep it cool, my friends. In my country we have a saying that goes "one who eats alone and quiet can eat twice".
No. 908728
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Hit the "new reply" button by accident without the pic or saging, urgh (in this case, did I need to sage since it's the first time this video is mentioned?)
No. 908743
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Apparently Kaya's now selling signed pictures of herself.
No. 908787
>>908726>>908731Orlee is hands down the best new cow. I mean she is completely crazy judging by her videos… yet her audience is even crazier for taking her seriously. Using ritual candles from Shillstar… bwahahaha.
I agree with anon, please PLEASE don't ruin this one by cowtipping!
No. 908810
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I've always thought vforvoid has cow potential. She's a ~non-binary~ utterly pretentious wanker with one look; generic and uninspired Manson rip-off.
She also has a storeenvy where you can buy shirts with her face on them, and clay pendants with her hair baked into them. No. 908832
>>908642she did but it got full and a new one was never made, i think she can be integrated here if ppl are over hearing about the others.
>>908668yup, she goes from loving her roomates/friends to saying she has none, visits her family, goes on trips, gets her nails done regularly and lives by herself but can't afford her dog's vet bills. speaking of nails, she was getting them done by deadlynails on ig for the longest time then up and switched to another person for some reason.
>>908743>been meaning to do this for so longtranslation: saw ppl buying fake's pics so wanted to jump on the bandwagon. they're not even that interesting but anything to make a buck i guess.
>>908810yea i always thought the hair pendants were tryhard, much like that misspelled poem there.
No. 908930
>>908550> The fake vikings clan was discussed because they refused to explain their milky fall-out to the public. Their hardly profitable businesses are also milky, for they don't impress anyone but their teenage following. It's really pathetic to have families/boyfriends pay for their lifestyle when they could actually find proper work to pay for themselves.Wait so are you telling us that none of their merchandise even sells? Like they don't even make a profit from their stores?
>>908573>Also, Ruadhan being the person he is, I am 99.9% sure that he follows/post on this thread, he loves to obsess and nitpick over little things in the goth scene and has a strong hatred for IBF and TT (who can blame him tho, kek). Kai decadence must be all over this thread too. I suspect that they do as someone said earlier about cowtipping: being aware of the thread must make them more careful about what they say online so they don't end up here kekThat may be true but since people are mentioning Kai Decadence, is him not believing in trans ideology that noteworthy of making him a cow? Like has he actually said something like wishing violence or death on a trans person? I saw his comment on the Posie Parker interview with Triggernometry and he didn't make any threats though that's the only comment of his I've seen so maybe I'm wrong.
>>908601That's quite the description lol I'll have to watch this when I get home.
No. 908960
>>908930I only mentioned kai because I think he posts here, don't think he's a cow, never seen him make any threats or offensive comments towards trans people, but if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me
>>908947Radfem does not deny the existence of trans people
per se, is much more complex than that. And please, no "terfs are trash" bullshit… Go read a bit beyond the teen transtrender tumblr bubble. You shouldn't have to feel like you have to change yourself because you don't fit gender roles and stereotypes, it's not about wishing trans people dead, if someone says that they are a fucking horrible person, a monster. But you know that, and you and I know you are baiting, so here it is something for you to be mad about and reply angrily to. You're welcome.
>>908912No, absolutely. We are surprised that this chick is claiming to do the most outrageously powerful invocation shit, like summoning Lucifer
himself and basically commanding incubus and sucubus around. Do you think we'd be this shocked if she was just lighting candles while chanting for some demon to give her strength or something? No, this is next level crazy. You gotta agree with
>>908942 . Do you actually believe that even "occultists" deal with supernatural beings in the flesh just because they said so? For fucking real…
Trump supporters in any rock n roll subculture except for neonazis is really fucking weird, my dude. If you don't see why, there's not even a point in explaining.
Idk, maybe you should just stop reading the thread if you think that anime loving vampires who
totally fuck incubus(incubi? Kek) and refers to demons in weaboo terms are completely normal, your garden variety occultist. She's fucking selling you the service of giving you your personal inccubus or succubus, really, is this plausible? Does it sound like aomething a sane person would do? I swear that if I had the money to spend on shit I'd order her my own personal incubbus with a coke can dick and I'd pester her to death about it actually appearing.
>>908892Thank you for your service hahahah
Also, huge thanks to whatever anon that came up with Orlee, I love you. I'll send you a sexy incubus or succubus as soon as I learn how with Orlee.
No. 908974
>No, absolutely. We are surprised that this chick is claiming to do the most outrageously powerful invocation shit, like summoning Lucifer himself and basically commanding incubus and sucubus around.Summoning whatever she refers as Lucifer (historically name/term used for multitude of beings) may be piece of cake for her depending on her relationship with given being. Looking at her history online she has presence for about a decade and seems to have at least basic knowledge of western Jewish and Arab influenced ceremonial magic traditions. Commanding beings - depends what you specifically have in mind and what she understands under that term if she uses it is not something new to even most traditional (pagan) practices of Europe and Asia. It's not only present in Ars Goetia and Co. A set of tomes dedicated exactly to summoning and commanding such beings. It has been a part of everyday for magic practitioners of all continents. So it's not exactly the highest form of rocket science. Especially considering that for contact you mostly just need to enter trance state to hear/see supposed answers from beings. We can see that in Afro-american syncretic religions, we see that in syncretic pagan-christian traditions of Slavs in Europe, we see that in Ceremonial Magic of the past and more recent Crowley influenced movements. Heck, she was a member of Candian O.T.O.
>Do you think we'd be this shocked if she was just lighting candles while chanting for some demon to give her strength or something? I'm sorry but I'm n ot you. My tolerance is quiet high after having experiences with many different occult involved personages.
>No, this is next level crazy. You gotta agree with >>908942 . Do you actually believe that even "occultists" deal with supernatural beings in the flesh just because they said so? For fucking real…I don't recall her mentioning in videos about flesh, physical form from what she was talking mostly refers to changes in smoke of incense burning she interprets as answers or seeing them while scrying. But maybe somewhere she mentioned that she saw something standing in a summoning triangle that looked like in flesh and bone being. Which would not be that impossible if that would be trance state "hallucination" a.k.a. not real solid form in material sense. Human brain is capable of doing such things. If you have seen her mentioning materialization in form of touchable matter - that would be interesting tho. As for physical sensations or hearing voice - it's not uncommon for example during meditation. Which is a form of trance state in some meditational practices (meditation is an umbrella term for truckload of practices). Also
>Trump supporters in any rock n roll subculture except for neonazis is really fucking weird, my dude. If you don't see why, there's not even a point in explaining. I have seen a good share of conservative oriented rock and roll fans of different genres - punk, ska, gothic rock etc of far more extreme orientation than current president of the USA represents. I'm European tho. Our societies look and work dramatically different than USA society I do think he behaves like a huge asshole on certain ocassions. But I also see at least occassional support for Ukraine in their war with Russian backed terrorists. I do see neonazis tend to support Trump in the USA - but be honest they currently have no alternative in president seat to support. Mussolini was supported in elections by Conservative Liberals - but that don't make him conservative liberal. He was typical post socialist central planed economy dictator not even close to free market. I don't agree with Trump on many fields. But I don't agree that level of hysteria caused in some parts of USA society by his presidency is not over the top. And yes I also don't like Hillary either. I dunno who I would vote if I would ever had a chance to take part in voting Trump vs Hillary. But my point of view is far from the USA and in totally different society with problems that are very abstract to many citizens of US of A.
>Idk, maybe you should just stop reading the thread if you think that anime loving vampires who totally fuck incubus(incubi? Kek) and refers to demons in weaboo terms are completely normal, your garden variety occultist. Honestly? I have seen far weirder people into occult. She seems pretty normal in comparison to people involved in many living magical traditions. Take a deep consideration about the fact that interacting with supernatural beings was for freaking ages part of any path. Dang look at Slavs they had multiple beings living in every part of their homes, in barns, wells, bania, forests, fields. To be honest I'm surprised how such beings are almost completely absent in modernized occultism. Yet it's everyday in traditional (here I mean anything that is not western "nobility grade" ceremonial magic) magic paths.
If you deny such presence - what legitimacy is in other parts of magic? Of course if you deny existence of any forms of magic whatever magic related is pointless bullshit for you.
>She's fucking selling you the service of giving you your personal inccubus or succubus, really, is this plausible? Does it sound like aomething a sane person would do? It's a touchy subject good for general discussion should such things be done with payment. I personally am from region with long living traditions (syncretic European traditions with pagan roots and unrelated to "mainstream" western occultism) where local witches perform even rituals that aims at healing even illnesses as cancer but they mostly as far as I know if take any payment it's in form of offering from "patient". No price list for services involved.
>I swear that if I had the money to spend on shit I'd order her my own personal incubbus with a coke can dick and I'd pester her to death about it actually appearing.Whatever floats your boat.
No. 908977
>Wait so are you telling us that none of their merchandise even sells? Like they don't even make a profit from their stores?It sells, but what little they make off of musty rags and cheerio necklaces immediately funds their perpetual teenage lifestyle of drinking and festival hopping, so there are no discernable returns of their “work”. Plus, they are all seemingly adverse to normal employment and are not talented enough to actually make a living off of their “art”. They all end up either latching themselves to a man or do lots of random and sometimes questionable shit to make ends meet, like Mara.
Mai for example is always belly aching about how poor she is, but then she up and buys/inherits a house out of the blue and still moans about how poor and broke she is on social media despite her lifestyle contradicting her statements.
No. 908984
>>908960Clearly, you and I disagree on the meaning of TERF. But I'm pretty sure having it out on the lolcow threads isn't going to change either of our minds.
And you're welcome for Orlee. I can't wait to summon incubi and succubi at will. If this actually worked she could make a fortune. Her incubus sounds super needy though.
No. 908992
>>908974The only thing I'll bother answering you is: so she
totally summons demons and stuff BUT they are things she sees in smoke and or hallucinations.
I'll answer another one just for fun: you do understand that this is a joke meant to say that Id like to order the service to test and confront her, don't you? But yeah, a thick dick floats my boat
>>908980Chill the fuck out!>>908984
She's not being "targeted" because of her vast knowledge and power. It's because 1- magic is not real (I wish it was though, now I want my own incubi and sucubi to fuck on demand, goddammit!)
2- she is cringey as fuuuuck with all the animu shit.
>>908984I know the kind of terf you hate and I hate them too, those tumblr edgy radfems who actually hate trans people, wish them harm, etc… But every radfem being called terf while not even behaving like those stupid ones is ridiculous. I'm all for trans people being respected, it's just that gender had to be eliminated for the good of everyone. Clothes and colors and mannerisms etc etc does not define your gender, you don't have to change your body or say you feel the other gender just because you like things stereotypically associated with the other gender… "looking like a woman" is not being born, raised, perceived, treated as a woman, it makes a difference of experiences. Their experience
is valid and needs to be respected, but it's a different fight…
Yes! Her incubus is so needy because it's imaginary so of course she makes him being head over heels for her hahahah
>>908989Well, she is so fucking powerful, and summons Lucifer at her fucking will, this bad bitch. It's easy to just shut us up showing a video of her calling him and, of course, Lu showing up, kek
Anyway… I know we are not supposed to "hi cow"… and I won't… but can we just… er… agree that this
>>908974 is such a detailed and through response that it seems rather implausible that anyone other than her would bother to go into these lengths?
I gotta say, it was pretty fast, I guess she was already among us as an anon or maybe this is a self post in hopes to be known, idk… fuck, these people are so fucking weird (and most of us here seem to be goths so…)
No. 909000
>>908998Agreed. So for their benefit:
Magic isn't real. We would all like it if it was because I would love a shitload of money and power and all the demon dick a girl can handle. But it's not. You like to think that it is, because it makes you feel powerful. It's a lot nicer to think of yoursrlf as a powerful mistress of demons than just a chick with an extensive candle collection. But you are either kidding yourself or very delusional.
If you want to feel like a powerful mage, go play pathfinder like the rest of us.
No. 909002
>> 908992
>She's not being "targeted" because of her vast knowledge and power. It's because >1- magic is not real (I wish it was though, now I want my own incubi and sucubi to fuck on demand, goddammit!)It is but not in a way you seem to think of it. But whatever discussing this is pointless.
But I would agree that even being into occult some aspects presented by her on 1st sight could rise a brow in many die hard practitioners. But as I said there are numerous more controversial cases in existence.
>2- she is cringey as fuuuuck with all the animu shit. Whatever I may just have higher tolerance. Ever seen Melonpan's video? He rised bar so high I barelly react to anything weaker in dosage of weebnes.
>Anyway… I know we are not supposed to "hi cow"… and I won't… but can we just… er… agree that this >>908974 is such a detailed and through response that it seems rather implausible that anyone other than her would bother to go into these lengths? I discovered her vids like over month ago during searching materials about evoking and invoking supernatural beings. I must say I agree with many stuff she says despite being experienced in different forms of practice and had kinda similar occult related exepriences myself. I kinda find it pretty darn interesting that I found her mentioned here recently. But I would criticize some aspects related to Goetia itself and her vision of history of that system. Which she firmly believes to come from King Solomon directly and I see that rather as Greek-Babylonian-Arab-Jewish hybrid with some random influences. In case you care. Which I doubt. Whatever. I have spoken.
>I gotta say, it was pretty fast, I guess she was already among us as an anon or maybe this is a self post in hopes to be known, idk… fuck, these people are so fucking weird (and most of us here seem to be goths so…)C'mon. Beeing occult involved or at least interested weirdo is not rarity among goths. At least here in Europe. Tarot, grimoires etc. are owned by many even if just for aesthetics.
No. 909007
>>908930It sells but it's a lot worse than they want people to believe. Take a calculator, check out their Etsy sales, then make reasonable assumptions about average checkout, rate of returns, fees and taxes, insurances, then you'll see they'd earn more working at Starbucks. Plus full time workers don't have time or nerves to start that level of drama.
>>908977Before Mai got lucky she cried so much about being poor to friends, at the same she bought the newest gadgets like a TV with ambiance lights. After she got inheritance she spent everything on the house and more gadgets like a robovac, still cries she's broke and keeps mooching. Let's be real, she doesn't need more money to enable her spending habit, it's killing her.
>>908912>>908974>>909002Congrats, you are a cow. Endless sperging about magic doesn't do you any good.
No. 909012
>>909008Damn, you're thicker than the dick I want my incubus to have!
NO ONE is saying that if it isnt Orlee writing it's paranormal shit…
You completely missed the point, but I'll do my best: it's not that goths into the occult are unlikely at all (why do I have to say this? Am I having a stroke?), but you gotta agree that most goths who have this kind of interest range from just reading because they are curious to actually practicing rituals. You DON'T see people around claiming to have achieved the outrageous things she claims to. You see people with all kinds of different religious views in this subculture, a LOT of pagans, occultists, etc. But is
this behaviour common? Seriously, is it? How many people who are bff with Luci and have demon fuck buddies do you know?
Let's even pretend that magic is real, do you believe her just because she says so? Wouldn't you like proof of such far fetched claims? Don't you wanna see the demons? How can you believe that shapes in smoke is a demon who is there to fuck you? You're just masturbating while playing with/looking at smoke, the demon part is all in your head, you explained to us yourself like 2 hours ago so I'm not getting this info outta my ass. How can you be so certain of all of this as a person who simply watches her?
For real, I know you'll say that we need to
believe and
feel and stuff… but feeling is not proof.
Your english is pretty fucking good for a non native speaker!
No. 909025
>>909017It's kinda shocking if this isn't even Orlee. How fragile your beliefs have to be that you willingly start this argument just because someone with similar beliefs to yours are being laughed about it on the internet? Make a post or two… but all this?
But I think it's her from the way they talk about some things, like
>>908839>>She's not crazy. She seems to me like a canadian jew who wants an alternative to what she was born into.
Then links the video kek. Who talks like this about other people? Sounds like the obvious jokingly way you use when you're gonna say smth positive about yourself
No. 909039
>Let's even pretend that magic is real, do you believe her just because she says so? Wouldn't you like proof of such far fetched claims? Don't you wanna see the demons?
I didn't watch her pact related videos first. Just some where she mentioned she made a pact with Satan. But had feeling that's not the precise name of being. As Satan is just a title meaning adversary and does not refer to any specific of so called goetic demons. Some certain name came to my mind and attributes of that being. Later it came to light that it was indeed that name used by her when forming a pact.
>How can you believe that shapes in smoke is a demon who is there to fuck you? You're just masturbating while playing with/looking at smoke, the demon part is all in your head, you explained to us yourself like 2 hours ago so I'm not getting this info outta my ass.
I didn't watch the succubus video so far so I don't know what she exactly states there and would watch it later and relate eventually if you are interested. But IMHO the most straightforward scenario of getting that thicc dicc would be during sleep in lucid dream ideally or during so called Oout Of Body Experience state that is kinda like lucid dream except you enter that state willingly trough deep meditational state. In that state you are fully aware in dreamlike settings and all senses are receiving vision of these settings as hyperrealistic - I mean razor sharp vision, super sensitive touch, perfect hearing, intensive sensitivity to smells. Erotic experiences in such reality are increased by intensity of sensations. Plus partners seems to always look like ideal representation of desired sexual partners with perfectly soft warm skin. soft hair, prefered body type etc. And you can do things you can't physically do in real life as you don't have need to breath and there is no gag reflex. Other than that everything seems to be more or less on it's usual place - you can put hand in mouth of person u see in such state and feel warmth of their wet tongue, solid teeth and warm soft skin, deeper in the body somewhat higher temperature.
Well I have heard about sexual experiences and experiencing sensation of being touched during sleep paralysis. And some cases of being pulled down from the bed by invisible force. I rather doubt in possibility of long time full bodied apparition of succubi/incubbi.
>How can you be so certain of all of this as a person who simply watches her?
As I said I don't agree on all she says. But most of time she keeps compliance with common tropes in occult so she is at least well educated on the topic if she can confabulate with this level of compliance and don't rise brow too high. There is no scientific method in occult. All we have is trustin or not some guys who did some practices and claimed they worked then try by ourselves if it work.
>For real, I know you'll say that we need to believe and feel and stuff… but feeling is not proof.
I agree and I always say that myself. Unfortunately from my practice it seems that's the exact way things seems to work.
I would be much much happier if that didn't work tat way - some spellbooks and instant actions in response to spellcasting attempts would be easier to research.
It's also unfortunate as you yourself are not always sure are you calling a correct number even if you are seasoned occultist with decades of practice. It's often hard to tell the border between what could be messages from outside with messages from your imagination leading to going full coo-coo.
It could be a some sort of wicked collective hallucination but the more I "research" topic the more practices and their effects look interconnected. Even if hoards of occultists worldwide are deluding themselves something potentially useful for science of psychology or psychiatry can be brought from our experience even if we are just bunch of lunatics trying to make our lives less boring.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 909082
>>908960 said. From what I've seen, these people don't deny their existence, they just don't think it's possible to change your sex. And even if I don't agree with everything they say, I just don't think it's right to condemn someone who hasn't been shown to spiteful for simply having a different opinion. Like I said, if he's actually being antagonistic and doing something like wishing death threats or violence on trans people then okay, he's definitely a terrible person but I just haven't seen much evidence towards that.
>>908977Ah okay, so they;re just irresponsible with their money. And yeah I remember reading about the house Mai got which was expensive so if she's really "poor", how is she able to keep the house? Something is not adding up.
No. 909136
>>909125Yup. Remember the 2008 financial crisis and all those people getting evicted?
Though I wonder how strapped for cash she really is. Might just be an excuse to ebeg.
No. 909159
>>909125You're right, i haven't bought a house so I apologize for my ignorance. I hesrd about the inheritance but not the loan, I don't follow much on Mai because I find her boring so again, I done fucked up and I apologize. So now knowing all this, yeah Mai should just get a part time job or something to help supplement herself.
>>909140It's pretty clear that the only reason she thinks she's the walking epitome of Goth is because of the Snog, Marry, Avoid episode she was featured in with her ex-boyfriend/husband being called a "Goth couple" in it. Ironically they even played Marilyn Manson in their segment so… kek
No. 909188
>>909159if mai finds any good job that isn't beneath her. ifaik she didn't finish college, her employment history is spotty, decent companies won't take her. i doubt she would settle for a call center job to pay bills. i agree with
>>909136 she might be fine if she was frugal and not playing the big spender.
No. 909198
>>909136>>909159I don't think she's as poor as she makes herself out to be honestly.
I think she just says that to deflect from people's curiosity as to how someone can go from living in a basic apartment in the city to out in the boonies out of nowhere.
It wasn't like she was saving krone for years and years - she just one day bought a house and then got mad at people for asking her how she was able to afford it lol.
>>909188These girls don't want to work. They just want to party all the time, drink, go to festivals, and dress up. Lila was the only one who admitted up front she doesn't like working at all, that she wants to party and be lazy and travel; they're the same way, they just don't say anything because they know it makes them look even more retarded than they already are.
No. 909253
>>909042>>909054the dogs bark the hearse goes on
pro tip: wanna avoid such discussions - don't post seriously occult involved individuals here
No. 909312
>>909253"Seriously involved". Seriously delusional, seriously in need of help…
I just can't understand how people believe with all their hearts in things like these. You get nothing in return for all the rituals and invocations, etc besides you feeling something you already wanted and expected to feel. It's like you are all 8 years old believing in fairytales and imaginary friends, except that the friends are demons and are here to fuck you
No. 909317
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The no racism sign at Lila's shop… she might as well as take it off if she worships Blackface-loving Manic Moth and White Viking Power Mai Magi. The fake wokeness is nauseating.
No. 909325
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Almost every review on Google and Facebook is faked by Lila Chris' family and friends. Found only 1 real review which pointed out correctly they are mainly reselling overpriced Shillstar.
No. 909326
File: 1577162436952.jpg (110.65 KB, 721x424, deflection.jpg)

Their reply is PR speech, completely missing the point. They want a pat on the head for featuring a handful small labels when the majority of goods is still generic crap.
No. 909349
>>909188Hm right. Yeah the big spender shtick is not helping her at all. I forget, does she have a boyfriend or husband who is providing for her?
>>909198> It wasn't like she was saving krone for years and years - she just one day bought a house and then got mad at people for asking her how she was able to afford it lol.Which doesn't make sense why she'd get mad at a simple question lol.
>>909317The cringe is just too much… She actually posted that on the store? Yeck, Nauseating indeed.
No. 909389
>>909379This is how the free market works. Who are we to judge them and their clients? I doubt myself in certain BALG rituals sold on their page, but who cares.
>>909383>Woof, woof!Good boy!
No. 909410
>>909389What the actual fuck are you trying to say loooool, nothing is off limits, go back to your hugbox
>who caresYou, apparently
No. 909419
>>909410>no, you!nice failing at logic
>>909408Volenti non fit iniuria
>>909413Interesting that you are literally proving otherwise.
No. 909421
>>909413Interesting that you are literally proving otherwise.
So you're severely autistic. Got it.
No. 909430
>>909425Someone just used a
latin phrase you'll have to google, scrub as a sick burn comeback, all unironically, so if that doesn't speak for itself when it comes to occult retards I don't know what will
No. 909509
>>909503I was wondering the same thing. I get treated like a childkiller with leprosy for having a non-standard haircolour. Yet this girl claims to have literally sold her soul to satan, and only gets gullible fans and people wanting to bone her. Maybe she scrubs her comments? Not tthat I wish that kind of attention on her. She's a cringy scammer, but fundamentalist biblebashers are no better. Besides, I bet she'll love that kind of attention. It'll probably make her feel like more of a dark powerful badass.
I think that's part of why she irks me. A lot of us goths and spooky folk spend a lot of time dealing with prejudices about us being evil or dangerous. And here this bitch is performing satanic rituals in a church and blasting it all over the internet for cash and attention.
No. 909544
>>909451She seems really unhinged, can't tell if she's acting or not lmao. But I actually like her tattoos.
>>909317Lol, I love it when people come out against something that most people are already against but act like they're being revolutionary. You're against racism? Wow how edgy. Also imagine a bunch of fascists walking up to the store and then seeing the sign and being like "we can't shop here? Well, gosh darn it!" And then leaving.
No. 909702
>Vulnerable and/or mentally ill clients will look to her to solve all their problems and in most cases if she plays them right they will keep coming back and run thru their savings for ever more "readings", " magical work/special rituals designed just for them/ paintings imbued with lilths power" or whatever other bs she is selling.She's mentioning such scheme in one of her videos (more recent ones) and warning about people using such tactics. So you are not the best at forming your opinion strictly or just all you know about her is that she do "crazy stuff" you don't believe in and takes money for it.
Be honest with yourself - you don't care for her clients. All you care about is her being sacrilege to your ideology of "there is no magic/paranormal". You don't have to be vulnerable or mentally ill to pay for such services by the way.
(derailing) No. 909716
>>909702Not that Anon, but no. As someone who practises ritual magic myself, I find what she does deeply upsetting and exploitative. You don't ask for money. If you want to help someone who explicitly asks for your help, that's between you and them. But what Orlee is doing is tricking people into giving her money in exchange for things she can't possibly deliver on.
Warning people of "other occultists" who might scam them while continuing to charge high fees in exchange for obvious lies just makes her look like more of a conwoman.
No. 909733
>>909730If you don't consider magick to be real you are honestly wasting your time by writing such posts. The point about your denial and superrior rational mind was taken already.
But if you consider it to exist - goetic entities are supposedly sentient at some level and posses ability to recognize people that are interacting with them. So that's not the rocket science why I came with such way of proving. In this perspective such post would be playing dumber than you really are.
If you are something in between - a denialist of a lot of occult stuff yet using some part of it - well you have a lot to learn or to make up your mind finally.
>>909733So… what you're saying is we shouldn't judge the beliefsystems of others. Unles they don't believe what you do. Or do believe what you do but engage with it in a way that is different from you. In that case we should tell them to change. Got it.
Tinfoil maybe. But do you guys think the autistic anon paid a fair ammount of money to eithet Orlee or someone similar, and is now super defensive about it because of the sunk cost fallacy?
No. 909739
>>909735>So… what you're saying is we shouldn't judge the beliefsystems of others. No. I say that there is per definition clear to anyone involved that belief in occult is ridiculous to someone who deny existence of "occult stuff". But if one is into occult and deny one or another aspect of occult activity for sake of consistency it is good to explain why. As there should be reason for such thinking other than "I just took it out of my ass that X can't be done, now I'm back to my sigil work and necromancy".
>Tinfoil maybe. But do you guys think the autistic anon paid a fair ammount of money to eithet Orlee or someone similar, and is now super defensive about it because of the sunk cost fallacy?These are questions asking for clarity of argumentation - not to don't discuss her at all. I don't see any defensiveness.
No. 909741
>>909739Lol. Not a trace of defensiveness.
How much did she take you for?
No. 909884
File: 1577322751044.jpeg (180.95 KB, 1851x933, 6C097DAE-C546-4E0F-B816-FE8E2F…)

Elitist Joe hinting at the Voltaire tea
No. 910011
>>909933It's called a british accent. Yeah, it's weird hahahah
>>909884This isn't saying anything
No. 910336
>>909544> Lol, I love it when people come out against something that most people are already against but act like they're being revolutionary. You're against racism? Wow how edgy. Also imagine a bunch of fascists walking up to the store and then seeing the sign and being like "we can't shop here? Well, gosh darn it!" And then leaving.That's what I find so obnoxious. Like do these idiots realize that being against racism is a minority viewpoint? lol
>>909933Back when I used to watch Dorian like in 2015-2016, yeah her voice always sounded congested or something, I think it's just how she naturally sounds.
>>909961I think she feels smug because she's older and has been through a rough life with drugs and eating disorder. I mean it's cool she shares about her past but it's the extra curricular stuff like the gender crap that I have a problem sitting down with. That and she does tend to ramble a lot and while I used to have the patience for it back then, it became harder to sit through as the years rolled on.
No. 910593
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Nitpick. But am I the only one who thinks Dorian's contouring looks like crap? She always contours her cheekbones heavily. But that makes her jaw look super wide, which actually makes her face look wider and really weird. She just constantly looks like she has a swollen jaw.
No. 910609
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>>910593Nevermind her contouring. Her stephmom sounds awful.
No. 910616
>>910505fucking. get off of it.
Can’t the mods throw the butt hurts into another thread?
And if you really want to be butt hurt, don’t know why this cunt is in the desert when “the old ones” are under the deep sea.
Thought this was an alternative thread? Why are we bring in the crazies now?
No. 910628
>>910505He wouldn't care, he'd say that Lovecraft was
actually just revealing the ancient gods to the world or something. These people only believe what they want to believe, no matter how illogical, ridiculous and absurd it is.
Also, I noticed a pattern of (imaginary) sex with demons with these people. Just fuck each other, ffs! I'm not even judging weird sex, but with real (consenting) people. Seems like they are all edgy and sexually frustrated so they have to make up those stories of how they are so fucking good at witchcraft AND sex that their fuckbuddies are actual demons. It doesn't make them look super sexual, makes them look retarded.
>>910616These kind of crazy often consider themselves to be part of the goth scene because of the stupid association that goth=evil. And you gotta admit that it is mostly something found within the dark scene, you won't see as much satanist Karens as Ravens…
>>910609I gotta be honest and say that I kinda understand why Dorian came out the way she did. Her family is fucking crazy, she was super abused, even sexually… Yeah, she's kinda insufferable but I can see why, she's always in such a bad place mentally… wish she would get the help she needs one day, because she seems to be a good person after all.
>>910593I've always thought her contour sucks too, it's the color. It's too warm for her skin, she has to get a more grayish one, at least taupe. And blend it, looks like she just applies it in lines, if it makes sense. You're not supposed to see the contour, all these instagram fake MUAs are teaching everyone wrong.
No. 910761
>I gotta be honest and say that I kinda understand why Dorian came out the way she did. Her family is fucking crazy, she was super abused, even sexually… Yeah, she's kinda insufferable but I can see why, she's always in such a bad place mentally… wish she would get the help she needs one day, because she seems to be a good person after all.As much as I hate to admit, I agree with you. I never hated Dorian personally, I just found her to be utter obnoxious but as she spills more about her life, it kinda makes it easy to see why she is the way she is. But really, it feels like she may not be able to get the help she needs unless she breaks away from her family.
>>910629Yep add her to the list next to Kaya, Jake, Bish0p, and Emily Boo lol.
No. 910897
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Apparently Orlee wrote a book. Good for her. It doesn't look tacky at all…
No. 911059
>>910897>it's only $19.99i'd rather burn 20 bucks to hail satan than to buy her shitty book lol
>>910488>manifesting Cthulhu in the desert and having psychic sex with female demonshe's worse than orlee, he believes in a made up cult from fucking lovecraft books. when is he going to claim he managed to conjure a patronus kek? people like them don't need social media, they need a shrink.
No. 911125
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>>910616I agree. He isn't an altcow, he used to be a mallgoth back in the day, but he isn't one now. I don't particularly care about the Orlee chick or anons sperging if what she does is real or not, she's alt though. There should be a thread for these types (so I can hide it).
No. 911284
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More Abigail Zerry being fucking delusional.
No. 911286
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No. 911287
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No. 911291
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>>911284Here's her doughy "model body".
Can't find anything about this chick anywhere else.
No. 911305
>>911294I've looked her up and can find very little about her. Her following is tiny. Also, the main things that would make her a cow would be the transphobia/racism stuff, which hasn't been screencapped. She certainly seems conceded. But so far pickings are slim. Maybe
>>911167 is the person who's kid she slagged off?
No. 911432
>>911284Geez what is with this bitch? Does she have a broom shoved up her twat or what?
But I have to agree, with an attitude like that she's not gonna get big, even in the Goth community because popular to contary belief, it doesn't stand by racists and people with inflated egos who don't do shit. Andrew Eldritch is one thing since he actually made good music but this bitch? She looks a dime a dozen like any other Deathrocker and hasn't showcased any talent worth looking at. She's like IBF only outwardly crass.
No. 911488
>>911284>>911287Oh my god, is she on drugs?
>>my aesthetic is rare as fuck, you don't even see deathrockers anymoreI bet she's less than 20 years old and she's been looking extreme for less than 2 years. Patsy #2
AND, maybe you don't see deathrockers in her little town, but this day and age? There are tons like her everywhere, specially on instagram. This look she sports isn't even extremely deathrock, I'd say it's a common goth look that is deathrock-y.
Bitch, please
No. 911994
>>911286>>911284Ugh, she thinks being child free is personality and is
triggered at the thought of kids. Not surprised though, many cows are selfish twats who doesn't want to spend a single dime on anyone else but themselves. Maimagi is the best example. She also did the child free rant on YT.
No. 912067
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Anyone remember synthetic doll aka Eva? I cant quite believe how normie she is now. It's just quite suprising. I wonder what put her off goth. Anyone got any deets.
Her instagram:
No. 912073
>>912067She was dating a goth guy when she looked that way. The breakup was a messy one apparently and she disappeared for a few months. The next video she made she had blonde hair, and normie/ glam clothing and makeup. If I remember right, she explained that the outward image of a goth girl attracted a type of guys to her and she didn't want that anymore because her goth ex was
toxic and
abusive. She wanted a stable normie guy. Bad excuse but whatever.
No. 912146
>>912067Oh wow Synthetic Doll, that's a name I haven't heard in years. Yeah I remember her, I actually liked her aesthetic when she was going for the dark look and was quite surprised when she shifted towards something that made me think of Taylor Momsen Edgy/Normal.
In hindsight, I wouldn't call her a Goth but she was a very notable Dark YouTuber from those days and I did actually like her. I can't recall if she was ever what we would consider "Cowish" but I might be wrong.
>>912073I didn't know this. I heard she split from her ex but I didn't know about the abuse she had to endure, that's shitty and assuming she was actually into the Dark stuff and not because of who she was dating, that's pretty sad that it turned her off from something I'm assuming she liked.
Though I understand what she means about Darkly-Inclined girls and Goth women attracting creepy or shitty guys, I think we've all had at least one of "those" kinds of men express interest in us.
No. 912191
>>910628>she was super abusedYou got all that from that one post?
>because she seems to be a good person after allSomeone being the
victim of alleged abuse doesn't automatically make them a good person, especially when on numerous occasions they have been shown to exhibit similar shitty behaviour and have tried to find ways to deflect being called out.
No. 912238
>>912191Not from one post, I used to watch her a lot so I take it from a lot of sources over the years.
And no, she isn't a good person
because she was abused, but
despite of it. Dislike her whatever you like but to say she is as bad as the people who were shitty to her is a lie. She isnt a incestuos
abusive pedophile, for starters
No. 912400
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Not milk at all but I watched a lot of Angela's NYE live stream, and saw a familiar face
No. 912403
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(Talking about Jake)
No. 912427
>>912353No problem and I goofed, I mean Tumblr, not Instagram, Patsy was popular on Tumblr back in those days lol.
>>912403I missed the stream but yeah, interesting that they brought Fake up. But yeah not really milky to be honest. I'm curious what 2020 is gonna bring.
No. 912625
>>912507Yeah, Jake is cringey as fuck amd I honestly kinda hate him. Can't stand the guy as much as the next goth, but to be honest, these grown ass people act like they're 12. Ruadhan and Angela(who I like) are adult people into their 40s, who know their shit musically (ruadhan has a lot of opinions on subgenres that I disagree with but he knows amd likes good music regardless) and yet, they act like they're on the same level as Fake and TT, always mentioning them on videos, reddit, comments…
Yeah, I understand that they are insufferable fake goths who act like they are Goth's gift to humanity, I understand laughing at them with your friends but they treat the
toxic twosome like they are their sworn enemies… Like, don't angela and ruddy think they are better then them? Because I totally think they are, even ruadhan being kinda outrageous, he isn't a fake goth, why give the TT attention? Validating their existence will make them feel even more like martyrs, THE persecuted by the mythical
gatekeeping elitists. And with proof enough for their mallgoth fans to see them this way.
I find it really funny that people are called gatekeepers when they're practically begging people to just listen* to these actual goth(and adjacent) bands and proceed to give a list of bands, some even give full playlists you just have to click on. They're about to open the gate, grab you and shove you inside the subculture if you just let them hahahah. I don't understand, for real
No. 912631
>>912625>to be honest, these grown ass people act like they're 12. Ruadhan and Angela(who I like) are adult people into their 40s, who know their shit musically (ruadhan has a lot of opinions on subgenres that I disagree with but he knows amd likes good music regardless) and yet, they act like they're on the same level as Fake and TT, always mentioning them on videos, reddit, comments… I don't think this is fair to say. I've seen Angela's past three livestreams including her latest one, and the only reason she mentions Jake is because people ask her about him. She doesn't just start a livestream and go "hey everyone remember Jake? Fuck Jake". What happens is usually a few hours into the livestream people will come along and ask "how do you feel about Jake/TT/IBF?" in other words she would never even talk about them if people didn't ask. It's always some new person who missed the previous livestream and didn't watch her video where she mentions him and TT(that was in a Q&A and she was only talking about it because, again, someone asked). Can you really blame her for answering people's questions? I'm not defending Ruadhan though, she/he/they(????) is a nutcase, I'm pretty sure she went after IBF for attention more than anything. At least she's a real goth though.
No. 912654
>>912631You know that's a very fair and
valid point. It's true that Angela doesn't bring up Jake/TT/IBF on her own and she mostly doesn't talk about them unless people in the livestream chat ask and Angela tends to be one of those people who tries to acknowledge all the people who try to interact in them so it makes sense why she'd answer their questions and be honest.
And since she doesn't keep her livestreams up on her channel, it makes more understanding how new people who show up to the chats may not know how she feels about the poser brigade.
I can't comment on Ruadhan though, I kinda stopped watching him after his project goth playlist video, he tends to make videos that don't really grab my attention enough to want to watch. But yeah, even though he's one of those people who conflate Industrial and Goth as the same thing when they aren't, it's clear that he at least knows actual Goth music so he's more or less legit.
I'm just curious though, anyone have any predictions for what 2020 will bring? I'm still anticipating if IBF is gonna actually move to the UK or Scotland and just how she plans on doing that his time since the Germany scam didn't work.
No. 912656
>>912631Eh… maybe angela is like this nowadays but she did mention TT by name several times on videos, called them out, mentioned them on YouTube comments etc…
Ruadhan(he's a guy) is borderline obssessive with kaya and jake, I've seen him asking on reddit for specific videos where kaya and/or jake talk about specific subjects relating to goth, don't know exactly what for… but surely to keep talking endless about them
No. 912702
>>912656Ruadhan just likes attention. He had some
valid points about IBF, as well as some not so
valid ones. But he's really just looking to promote himself and plug his amazon wishlist /patreon/tipjar/paypal/ whatever gofundme he's running at the moment. I remember him making a video complaining about Dorian just starting drama for attention, which was pretty funny.
It's a pity that the Ruadhan controversy destracted so much from frightsummer's original video, which got the ball rolling. She did a lot of research for it and made some really great points. But it sort of got snowed under and she hasn't posted since.
No. 912776
>>912753The thing is, Frightsummers was just making a "you don't have to buy all this stuff to be goth" video. She was illustrating that all those hauls IBF and
toxic tears do are expensive and outside of most people's budget. It wasn't really a callout video or a personal attack. She just wanted to provide some perspective for people new to the scene. Ruadhan's video was a lot more personal and angry.
I think Dorian is a cunt and is mostly full of it. And I don't see any point in defending IBF, except maybe on the racism and tax evasion stuff Ruadhan just made up. But I think she might be right about Ruadhan. He really seems to make videos on other youtubers to grow his channel and his income. Dc o many of his videos target other youtubers.
No. 912959
>>912656>she did mention TT by name several times on videos, called them out, mentioned them on YouTube comments etc…What video(s) did she do that in? What comments? I only remember her making one video referring to Jake called "All Goths are Elitists" and at the time I didn't even realize it was about Jake, because she was pretty vague in that video. I only realized later when the drama happened. I don't remember her naming either of them. I know she made comments about Jake, but that was a comment on a facebook post by Elitist Joe that was about Jake. Were their older videos about TT? I didn't see them apparently.
>>912702Yeah, Frightsummers' video was good. And even though she was super polite in that video and made it clear she wasn't attacking anyone, I still saw people from IBF's and TT's cults on YT commenting about how she was being immature and viciously attacking IBF and TT.
No. 913025
>>912056>Telling other people their kid is deformed is cow-ish.This. Being child-free by choice but hating on others who chose to have kids is cow-ish. Why the hate if they feel good with their choice?
>>912073Normie guys can be psychos, too. She shouldn't have blame it on being goth.
No. 913027
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FYI Psychara is still throwing shade at Mai Magi and Manic Moth.
No. 913060
>>912776Oh I know anon, I know that it wasn't meant to be a callout, just a reminder and it was a fair video. I just think it's shitty that when Ruadhan got involved furthering the message of that video and redirecting it into a call out video that could've been fine had he not included non-relevant stuff like the racist accusation, the message got muddled when Dorian's smug ass got involved. But yes in hindsight it does seem like Ruadhan is just trying to be a drama gossip channel of the Goth scene and it's a shame because while drama rakes in views, as soon as there's nothing left to gossip about, you have no content.
>>912959I know that she mentioned them both in a Q&A video. I'm not sure if it was Part 1 or Part 2 but in it, she mentioned how she never liked Jake and thought he was an asshole when he was talking shit about Goths back in 2017 (this was a callback to her "All Goths are Elitist" video which was a nod to him and when she was conversing with
Toxic Tears at the time, she didn't know that he was her boyfriend and when she was giving out about her feelings about him, Kaya got pissed and demanded that Angela retract what she said and make a public apology to which Angela refused because she thinks Jake is a shitty person. Aside from that though, I can't recall her mentioning them outside of the occasional livestream.
No. 913081
>>912990Exactly. I know he's poor, but it's pretty shameless. I tried to google the gofundme he started to hire an exterminator because his apartment was infested with bugs but he's started several gofundme's. As well as a paypal tip jar, a "buy me a coffee", an amazon wishlist, and a patreon. On top of his button store, which doesn't involve any original art. The one thing I have to give him is that he seems to work on a lot of music and writing.
Honestly, I have a hard time sitting through his videos. He rambles on forever. He also keeps implying salacious stuff and dropping vague hints about people. But then when the comment section asks him about it it's all "I never used those exact words so don't put words in my mouth."
He's a prime example of how you can be a true goth and a major cow at the same time.
No. 913129
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No. 913130
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No. 913131
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No. 913135
>>912959Just search the other threads.
>>913081Agree 100% with you. Ive seen on reddit that he asks for non financial help too because he is disabled and can barely do physical activity, had no family at all and offers to give back with things he can do like cooking etc. I mean, guess he
does need help and that's okay to ask etc etc but he has gofund mes kinda shit for EVERYTHING. He is literally an e-begger. He talks so much about kaya and jake getting free shit but at least they have some sort of job that makes brands send them stuff and they're not asking for every little penny they need. So, for someone who actually reeeeaally needs people to pay for everything in their life through donations, Ruadhan seems awfully judgy of others.
>>913094Yes! It does make him look dishonest. Makes you think how much does he need all this financial help for real. Like, couldn't he find ONE job that allows him to work in a way he can endure? It must have something, even if it's low paying, just to help him get out of this supposed misery. Try to cat sit, idk
No. 913136
Looks like the exterminator fundraiser is still up.'m a bit confused though. Because according to his updates the appointment with the exterminator was the 20th of march 2019. But you can still donate right now. Is this normal? I don't have a lot of experience with gofundme.
No. 913147
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8 campaigns on indiegogo
No. 913185
>>913168A mighty combo of
>Who knows, maybe a millionaire will see one of these and take pity on meand
>Let's throw EVERYTHING at the wall and see what sticks No. 913209
>>913060Yeah, I know about the Q&A video. But a few things- that Q&A was quite recent and again being as it was a Q&A she only mentioned them because someone asked about them. Secondly, that anon said "she did mention TT by name several times on videos" and that Q&A was only one video. And in the livestreams you mentioned, again, she only talked about them because she was asked. I've never seen her bring up Jake or TT by name without being asked first and I don't believe she ever did. The only person I remember her responding to by name was Snowy Lowther.
>>913135Except I've read through pretty much every thread and there is no evidence of that. I think you're just remembering her videos wrong.
No. 913257
>>913081So true anon, his rambles are just as bad as Dorian's, if not slightly worse since he adds here-say comments and then pretends like he never said it. I didn't know that he had more than one Gofundme start up though, that just makes it all the more obvious he's just in it to make money but he's going about it the wrong way. He could try selling his music or even take on commission work to make music for other people and make side money that way.
>>913209Oh I know, I wasn't saying she did casually talk about them, I doubt they are on her mind since she has a life outside of YouTube. I was just trying to think back to the last time she did mention them even if it was a response to someone asking. I think Angela hss the sensibility to not give those twits attention because that's what they want and she has better things to do.
No. 913330
>>913257He does try to sell his music and books. He also sells buttons, though I think a lot of them enfringe on copyright.
If he really can't afford something like dental work I don't have a hufe problem with him crowdfunding it. But he starts so many crowdfunding campaigns it's kind of wild. And he certainly shouldn't be accusing others of Ebegging.
I think he might actually be worse than dorian. They both ramble on for absolute hours about vapid shit. Dorian ebegs less. She has a patreon now, but does make content for it. Also they both really enjoy getting semi-nude on camera for no apparent reason.
Mind you, I haven't heard Ruadhan say anything racist. But I've also never heard of Dorian sexually harrassing anyone. So maybe they're just different flavours of awful.
No. 913397
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Looks like the artist formerly known as Sire Plague and Adora are officially on the outs. Tea?
No. 913877
>>913330> He does try to sell his music and books. He also sells buttons, though I think a lot of them enfringe on copyright.Ah okay then, well at least he tries. And yeah, a crowdfund here and there is fine but if you have numerous amounts of them, that is when it becomes a problem and yeah, in a situation like that, he shouldn't be getting on people who e-beg when he does it himself.
And I agree with you. If I had to choose to listen to Ruadhan or Dorian, I'd rather listen to Dorian because while sje rambles, she still manages to somewhat stay on topic unlike Ruadhan who gets sidetracked and it breaks the thought cycle when trying to listen to what he's saying and he does it a lot longer than Dorian most likely because he doesn't edit his videos to cut out the unnecessary parts. But I do think they are both different kinds of awful for share. Dorian for her special snowflake attitude and Ruadhan for his thirst for fame.
No. 913926
>>913330True. Though
>>897798 suggests he's also just bad with money. Still, it is harder to budget and save on a fixed income.
No. 914009
>>913940Yep, another poser for sure who pretty much has the same audience as Kaya and Jake. I wouldn't care about her oversharing but
>>913944 brings up a good point of if her kid ever finds it. Like will it bother her if her kid stumbled upon these kinds of videos? Or like
>>913966 mentioned, her kid can find out from classmates and you know how kids can be… I agree, I hope violet doesn't become a
victim of bullying over something she has no control over.
No. 914010
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surprised no one has posted Kaya's new merch
No. 914011
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>>914010annnd jake's new merch.
perfect for all his young fans
No. 914033
>>914010probably b/c it's not really that new, i wonder who did the design though since she likely didn't credit or mention it.
fake's shirt is just laughable, that generic drippy font and some stupid shit he said in a video that he thinks is going to be a thing like ~joker goth~ so he can humble brag about it in his twitter bio.
all that time they spent in barcelona and neither of them could be bothered to compile a video about it, great way to start off the year.
No. 914044
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No. 914161
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>>913397No tea, but this can perhaps explain something?
Perhaps "differences" is spelled "heartbroken", Sire?
That Adora is a cheat is no news, I'd say.
No. 914297
>>914161I'd guess that the "heartbroken" part is about his GF.
He wrote something like "she lost her feelings for me while I was hospitalized" about @nyctobat in an earlier story. Seems to have been a short romance…
No. 914426
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I wish I can reply with this in every comment section where Adora claims she has not had a boob job.(namefag)
No. 914733
>>914724Don't tell her. She'll be thrilled, given her clownfucking fetish.
>>914456No. She wasn't. What the hell.
No. 914803
>>914724kek. I really dislike her now
She used to be tolerable and somewhat likeable but somewhere down the line I began to dislike her and she just seems to be getting worse. I'm not a prude but no one wants to hear about your sex life, sex toys and how wet you get over the latest Joker. Bitch has never been goth and never will be, but I find it funny how she would say she "used to be" goth in videos a couple of years ago, but now insists she still is. or some retarded version of it like "grunge goth" or "mermaid goth" though she hasn't used the latter in awhile. She changes her hair constantly which is fine, but it almost seems like an actual identity to her and she even said she changed from blue because "everyone in her town started having blue hair" which is just a pathetic reason to change it, like she wants all the attention and thinks she's so unique. When she wanted green hair she was trying to convince her husband to change his because he has green hair himself. The ONLY thing I can give her credit for is that she does call out brands if their products are poor quality including Shillstar
and before anyone says, no I am not Raven thank god lol.
No. 915047
>>914456>>914628>>914665She is not fat-fat, she is pregnant in the photo. I remember these pictures. I think one kid sat beside her as well.
Will try to find it.
No. 915171
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The toxic twosome are back in Barcelona. I wonder if Kaya's dad is sick of them yet?
No. 915210
>>915182This dress definitely isn't brown, it's kind of a warm black. black clothes have undertones depending on the fabric and/or the dye used. In some cases, the clash with other blacks is wild, this one not so much. But yeah, what a fucking ugly outfit! Why did she felt the need to add
flared pants? If it was leggings with the same pattern it would've been ugly but not as unfortunate. And the cyber-ish platforms? And as always, she doesn't learn that chubby girls look way better with a defined waist because it balances the shapes, avoiding that you look like a potato sack.
Also, she is
not one of the people who look good with shaved sides, the shape of her head is not slim on the sides so instead of a slimmer looking head, the lack of hair accentuates the melon shape of her whole head, including face. Just grow it out, Kaya.
God, what a trainwreck. I really believe that if she followed the free style advice we give her here, she would look better.
>>915204It's so extreme! I really think all those e-famous people who photoshop to hell and back have some kind of deep seated mental issues regarding body image. Because fuck, of course they know people will see them in person and realize they do not look even close to the PSd image but can't resist anyway. I'd be mortified every time I walked out of the house fearing someone would see that I'm a huge ass liar
No. 915243
>>915238They've never been a couple, at least officially.
I assume that they stopped being friends after Nyctobat showed.
Based on what Sire wrote recently on his story it might've been her initative to split.
No. 915315
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>>915204It says "video unavailable" for me.
His actual face is much more interesting than the photoshopped one. For once I'd like to see goths being
actually weird and flaunt their unusual traits rather than try to be like beauty queens dressed in black with dark-ish makeup. I mean, you see some but it's super rare. The icy handsome prince look he goes for definitely don't go with his features
No. 915349
>>914944That's a shame. I watched her when she first started her channel and she was still new to the scene. She was slowly learning and it was like watching a little sibling come into their own. I hope as well that IBF's fans and Ruadhan didn't get to her as well.
>>915140Well she mostly sits at home and hardly goes out unless it's for booze and clubbing or probably grocery shopping so what more can you do? lol
>>915204Holy crap anon you're right, he does look different from photos… I wouldn't even think it's the same person….
No. 915351
>>915315I figured when I read
>>915204 that we were talking the difference between "fey elven prince wannabee" and "plain looking dude." But what the hell man. He looks like a melting waxwork dummy who's face is sliding off.
No. 915361
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>>915315I dunno, watching the video, it looks like you just took a really unfortunate screenshot.
Still from same vid.
No. 915370
>>915315He's not a troll, he seems to look decent as far as goth guys go, but completely different from the shooped photos. Angular, pointed nose, eyes quite round and far apart.
Good silver hair. But just an average city boy in my country.
No. 915490
>>915235I don't want to say that he's crazy or anything because everyone has their certain look they shoot for. It's unfortunate that he photoshops himself to oblivion but it's his body. As long as he only holds that doll-like standard to himself, then he's pretty much harmless.
>>915315Eh I feel like an asshole because I think the photoshop version looks striking and his unedited one looks… Odd. But I feel that if he learned how to compliment his real face, he could find a real look that would suit him well.
>>915361This is from the video? Oh well yeah, it could've just been a bad angle shot He still looks different from the Photoshop version but it's a flattering angle.
No. 915547
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>>915315Try click on the DL link below the thumbnail to download the video.
>>915361It seems there is a flattering angle of his face from the front. Any other angle is nightmare fuel.
No. 915548
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No. 915550
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No. 915552
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No. 915557
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No. 915561
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alleged boyfriend
No. 915567
>>915562oh I found him, his name is @required_malfunction. They also celebrated new year together
Some years ago he mentioned that he and @maru_xu were dating
No. 915598
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>>915567well his taste in men are "interesting" bwahahaha. the maru guy literally wears valentin's skin, the other guy skinwalks the gazette down to the username. it's like a freakshow where everyone has a mental illness. i never realized how milky the guy is..
No. 915599
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No. 915603
every butterface can be a model with enough editing
No. 915647
>>915612At least he sews his own clothing, he isn't like the other cows who claim they are ""fashun designurs"" and all they manage is to print tshirts. His face on the other hand, omg, I agree with
>>915325 it's incredible he got away with it. I used to think Mai's shoop or Moth's was bad, but this is a whole new level of fuckery.
No. 915724
>>915547Nightmare fuel is such a reach lmao
We're only talking about him because he shoops so much, if he just owned his looks and didn't try to look extremely different from his actual face, he'd be just a guy
I don't even think his face is ugly, he could look good with the right look, makeup, etc. Unfortunately,
he is the one who makes people hold his face to such a high standard when he himself provides the edited images with all his "flaws"(unconventional features) fixed. So yeah, obviously everyone is going to be shocked to see his actual face and will perceive him as almost deformed. Daniel Ash has a huge fucking nose and still, what a hunk…
Idk, I think that the worst you can do regarding your appearance is trying to conceal a perceived flaw to fit the beauty standards, everyone realizes it, makes people see you as kind of pathetic, as if you are shining a light on the flaws, and at the same time letting everyone see right through you, know all your insecurities…
When you refuse to accept your facial features you end up always wearing makeup that makes you look bad because you paint and contour for the face you want, not for the face you have. It's always disastrous
No. 915928
>>915724>Daniel Ash is a hunkAsh doesn't do anything for me, whatever floats your boat anon.
Valentin just has the most unfortunate face of a middle aged woman, yet he made us think he is a handsome ice prince. I feel betrayed man.
>>915668>and I was like "Oh wow, he's so freaking handsome"…. hahaBe glad he wasn't your tinder date, haha. I would fall over laughing if he showed up with that face.
No. 915982
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>>915325A lot of thirsty girls in the youtube comments, even after they saw the video. How do people not notice his completely different face?! Are they in denial? I don't get it.
No. 915983
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This thirsty girl is a cow herself.
No. 916423
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>>916390>If he has the moneyI doubt it. I heard he blew tons of money on his obsession with dolls and gothic decoration while barely earning any money from instagram. His single mom is unlikely to fund him either. He gossips a lot, then turns around to complain about malicious gossip in the scene. Pic related since he trashtalks about Victoria and Adora each chance he gets. Not that we would disagree, it's just he is such a hypocrite he shouldn't be the one to talk.
No. 916665
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No. 916815
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Good old Mai, the queen of “I don’t wear makeup I’m not like other girls uwu” and “my skin is perfect bc I drink a lot of tea and water” but every selfie is airbrushed and Facetuned until she can’t anymore. So NaTurAl Mai!
No. 917024
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>>916815Her face-tune becomes worse the older she gets. “All natural” my ass! Her real face is crap and clowns do better make-up than her.
No. 917025
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No. 917026
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No. 917030
>>893423>>916982Finger prints?? Idk it's gonna look like a blue mole in a couple of years
>>917026That girl on the left annoys the fuck out of me, one of those 'hail odin' Norse 'pagan' types that just larp n slather themselves in face paint
No. 917036
>>916982The photo on the left side was an official Punk Rave shooting. It's not hard to guess why they didn't work with Valentin again.
>>917030Anon, it's the same person as
>>916815They are both annoying as they only paint their face without doing any wicca.
No. 917158
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>>917036I hate the fashion that Mai/Psychara/Moth promote and wear, irks me to no end. There is absolutely no nuance. You like Vikings? Witch stuff? History? Cool, but that doesn't mean you have to slap runes and occulty symbols all over everything. It cheapens the look - the pagan goth equivalent of of an early 00's "SEXY BABE" t-shirt.
Frankly, they're trying to hard, and I have a difficult time believing that people who wear such shitty jewelry and polyester crap with all those runes on them study the meanings of such symbols in earnest.
It's the same tactic fast fashion goth companies like Killstar sell boring things - just slap a pentacle on it! It's goth! What's hilarious is when they start using symbols that look cool, but don't do their homework . . . because I dunno, money? . . . and appropriate icons that have nefarious histories - I once saw a shirt with a backwards Sonnenrad on it ffs.
I mean, look at this nonsense. Not only has the original meaning of the stave been stripped in this context for the sake of "fashion", but what a better way to "honor your ancestors" than dressing up like a fucking toddler.
No. 917309
>>917231The witchy goths’ woke perimeter only extends to saving rocks and trees, things that cannot talk back to them.
They don’t care about people, which you can see in how they treat each other.
No. 917766
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Heh catinawitchhat vague calling out the 'woke qweens'
No. 917795
Speaking of fake wokeness.
As a Dutch person who is actually involved in planning environmentalist campaigns, I would like to point out that this is some bullshit. The forests she is describing were originally planted to produce timber. This meant that the trees that were planted were the ones with high growth rates, in order to yield more profits. These days these stretches of woodlands are no longer dedicated to timber, but to environmentalism. This includes the desire to nourish more diverse, native species, rather than the fast growing, often non-native specied. But in order to allow the species with a lower growrate to get the light they need, large sections of the faster growing trees have to be taken out.
The reason, Mara, why you don't see this in other places, is because those wooded areas are either not manmade, or made with other aims than lumber production in mind. Nature does not "sort it out" because the original situation was manmade.
And yes, staatsbosbeheer (the dutch forestry service) does sell the lumber for profit. That has always been part of their role. But that isn't why they cut the trees down. And the profits are being used for conservation work.
Fuck all these environmental scientists. Mara is upset about it! And of course she just "knows" what's best for the forest. She's a nature witch y'all.
No. 917985
>>917158The vegvisirs have the worst position ever. They look like Russian mobster tattoos which were meant to send the message to the administration that the person wouldn't cooperate, or "brought to his knees".
tl;dr Mai ripped off prison tattoos because she's sooo edgy.
No. 917994
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>>917231The super woke dipshits never tell their sheeps how the crystals were color treated with heat and chemicals. Treated gemstones are worthless and they are $2 if bought in bulk. The stuff sold by Manicmoth is just polymer clay with paint, which is going to fall off anyway. It's horrible to scam naive people who believe they were paying for quality jewelry.
$130 for $2 cheapo crystal and Mai's ugly braids, holy shit!
No. 918047
>>918014IMO they totally think they are artists who aren't doing anything wrong
>>917985What a fucking reach!
No. 918071
>>917985I agree with
>>918047 that this is a reach. I think it's assuming that Mai is informed enough about something outside of her direct interests to rip it off. And that more thought was put into this design than "things on the knees would look cute."
No. 918081
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>>918078The milia on her forehead..
No. 918083
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>>918081Sage for nitpicking photo edit skills. I can't fathom why she would leave the glaring pimple on her face..
No. 918094
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>>918083She accidentally photographed someone else. I'm screaming.
No. 918112
>>918078>>918081>>918083>>918094Holy nitpicking, batman!
I read
>>918075 and was like "eeewww", saw the photo and couldn't find any of those things. FFS, they do so much cowish shit, this is nothing. Sometimes I see why those cows think the boards are just hAtErZ, because of these insane reachs anons do often. This woman is literally using the australia fires to promote herself and make money, these reachs give them a reason to be like "see, they just hate on me for no reason"
No. 918183
>>918112I admit I find
>>918094 quite funny. It's obvious these selfies aren't worth 40 bucks if the model can't be arsed to dye her hair, or make sure her family isn't in the background. It's plainly unprofessional.
>>918145No, it's a pimple. And
>>918081 is whiteheads, not milia.
>>918175Then get some milk and don't complain.
No. 918192
>Go spend time with your kids or get a hobby. Maybe you should take your own advice lmaaoooo, site's closed everyone, rando anon said it's over
No. 918234
>>918175Lack of milk doesn’t mean y’all should screenshot closeups of these cows faces. How does your skin look up close? Do y’all really have nothing better to do?
I like gossiping about these idiots like most of you but this is some middle school shit. Grow up kek.
No. 918381
>>918234It's been hard though to find good milk that people here will enjoy discussing. I've tried and I know other people have too; I feel like we may need to just take a break and let things calm down so that the cows think we aren't interested in them and start producing again.
I was hoping the Orlee drama would continue but that fizzled out after a few days. The three faces of fakeness are pretty much the only semi-interesting and slightly relevant duds we have left, but they've been cutting back on their drama (or have been unable to produce any?) since they cut off Mara and we started discussing them in earnest. As the days go on, I begin to doubt Freyja will be coming back anytime soon, and I have given up hope that Kaya or Jake will ever accomplish anything as the year progresses. Everyone else just seems to be coasting along at this point.
No. 918480
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Nice photoshop skills… It's ridiculous
No. 918490
>>918234Mine looks better than this; check your skincare standards. I'm rather gobsmacked that no one pointed out how much of a self absorbed dick Manicmoth must be to make an entire calendar of her own face. Her skincare must be awful and she should have washed her hair, but these are her least glaring issues.
>>918094At least the buyers got to laugh about her photobombing.
No. 918500
>>918238Again she only brought them up because she was asked, not really milk.
I watched the whole video before it was taken down, and when she was asked she said she never really watched IBF's channel much, but she didn't like IBF because IBF accused Onision of exploiting Eugenia Cooney but then it turned out she had been exploiting Eugenia too. And by that Angela meant that IBF had been tagging all of her videos, like her mohawk video, with Eugenia Cooney.
And with Jake she essentially said that she already answered this in her last q&a, but that if Jake admitted that what he said about goths (that all goths are cunts) was douchey and that he just likes the fashion she wouldn't have anything against him, but that he said that combined with the fact that he tags everything with "goth" (therefor representing goths) is why she doesn't like him, and that he is a good representation of a poser.
No. 918895
>>918490Yeah, it was pretty obvious that it's ridiculous to make a callendar only with pics of herself .Who cares about your skincare routne? Since when not having perfect skin is milk? This looks like you just dislike her in real life…
>>918591Yeah, past the initial shock, she is pretty boring, there isn't constant milk flowing
>>918813The background story is exactly what I expected from them, to be honest. To be this delusional about being a rEaL sAtAnISt, it just
had to be because of trauma coming from a fundamentalist family. It's the way they found to rebel against their families…
On the crack/fentanyl addiction, congrats for just smoking weed now, I guess? Usually people end up homeless or dead.
About the healing shit: this is milky as fuck…
Do you guys think they know they are scammers or that they really think they are satan's gift to the world who are just offering their amazing (imaginary) powers to the unenlightened(or is it undarknessed? Kek)
No. 919181
>>919128Part of that makes them more sympathetic. I can see that if you grew up in a super repressed fundamentalist religious environment, you would rebel by going the other way HARD. But partly this also makes them more culpable. Because if anyone should know the dangers of a delusional beliefsystem and grasp the exploitative naturr of using religion to get money out of people, it should be them.
Also, good for JD for getting off crack. But his current coping mechanism isn't that healthy either. Better, but not great. I think he needs therapy more than tarot cards.
I've heard Orlee talk about her "husband" but not ex-husband. Is she referring to the guy she married for citizenship? Are they legally divorced?
No. 919467
Exactly, the BALG group of occult scammers are as bad as money grubbing mega church pastor's.Only difference with these would be occult cult leaders is the Alt/mall goth image window dressing. They prey on desperate, lonely and vulnerable people.
AFAIK offering "healing" as a paid service is legal in UK/US(?) if no explicit promises are made about curing cancer etc.
BALG definitely has a lawyer advising them what sort of language is legally acceptable..from what I remember about JD's videos he didn't claim to cure specific medical problems.
However he did claim special "powers".
Definitely it was all a cash grab as he pushed his pricey healing services and super chats (quite amazingly he got a lot of those, before winding down his occult con artist activities and removing most of his videos).
BTW EA Koetting doesn't run BALG,his boss is a loathsome creep/alt looking business man called Timothy Donahue, Timothy comes up with all the click bait titles and handles all the tacky marketing. Timothy has published his satanic screeds via BALG.
He splits the profits with his more relatable to "normies" on camera shills, Orlee, JD, EA.
As a side note a money grubbing cult leader new age "healer" ( Peter Aziz)
Based in Devon,UK
, did eventually go to prison for a year after repeated warnings from the police to stop saying he can cure cancer on his website.
Both EA Koetting(also with a LONG history of addiction, AFAIK he is off meth these days) and JD do come off to the general public as at least somewhat likeable ,both born salesman really. A bit different to the typical fat, ugly creepy loser, supposedly powerful, "satanic" occultists that are common on the greater pagan scene.
Orlee ticks the marketing box of the "powerful" sexually free alt/goth witch, that lame teenage boys dream of cursing their hated teacher then fucking them.
Orlee is either divorced or separated, maybe she has to stay married to her husband in California a certain amount of years for emigration purposes.
These BALG people probably have self hypnotised themselves to believe they communicate directly with Lucifer or whatever deity/demon and quite possibly they try to convince themselves that these self created entities will help their paying clients.
I'm sure IF they are not total megalomaniac,sociopathic criminals they choose not to think too deeply about the lack of ethics regarding charging people loads of cash for rituals/psychic reading/healing or whatever other crap Timothy dreams up.
No. 919585
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Oh Kaya.
It's always "tomorrow" isn't it?
No. 919852
>>919467What a great summary! THIS is the kind of thing that's milk, not Kaya posting about starting a diet for the nth time. It really seems like only 2 anons care and the thread is pretty much dead
How do you know all those things about BALG? You seem like you know at least some of these people personally or are a damn good stalker. What exactly is BALG? Like, it's a "company" or is it more of a cult/sect? Do all of them practice the same thing or each one of them follow their own belief with magic/satan being the common denominator?
Would you say that Orlee isn't even the biggest cow of BALG?
No. 919921
Thanks, anon.
If others here don't consider the BALG crowd cows, up to them I guess.
I won't keep posting about them after this post, it's all there on YT/FB for anyone interested.
BALG is, a multi level marketing cult and they all practice roughly speaking black magic/satanism but with their own twists.
Most have tacky, mall goth OTT looks, (especially Timothy). Orlee's the only one of them actually claiming to be a Goth. They are a pretty alt looking bunch or at the very least dress up for photos.I consider them all to be cows,Timothy being the most contrived/annoying.
IMHO some of the BALG videos are far, far funnier to "hate watch" than Kaya,
who is so damn dull/predictable.. I won't post up specific videos but a lot of them are more along the lines( especially older videos, EA has been on YT 5/6 years)of Jake's OTT style and definitely aimed at teens(or just idiots generally).
The stupidest video was from years ago when a shirtless EA fake whipped himself as part of a "ritual" and made a lot of porn noises. The ritual videos seem especially contrived and fake, their tone generally reminding me of Jake's " online persona" . I wouldn't be surprised if he mirrored BALG, along with the dreaded social repose.
No, I don't know Orlee or the others personally..I followed their activities a lot years ago, I was never their fan or involved in any way. I only hate watch occasionally these days.
No. 919934
>>919921Thanks Anon. I'm the anon who first brought up Orlee here. At the time I was only interested in the cringe and obvious conning. But all this MLM cult stuff adds so much more milk.
In my opinion, they are altcows. They use their alternative image to promote themselves and grub for cash without actually engaging with the subculture.
No. 919958
Makes sense that
>>919921 Describes it as an MLM. Look how desperate they are to shill for this site. I thought IBF's killstar hauls were shameless. But jesus. And they claimed to have paid for this stuff themselves, which must sting a bit.
No. 920060
>>919958Couldn't get past 8 minutes, they are so bored in the video it makes it boring as fuck. They really look completely unenthusiastic, JD doesn't seem to know of what he is talking about saying he's not sure, that he doesn't remember… like he has zero confidence saying those things, to me it seems that Orlee is much more delusional about this, by seeing other videos on her channel (never managed to watch a whole one, I guess it's impossible for someone who isn't believing them)
SO cringey the way they started the video, JD doesn't even know which day is it
No. 920323
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Kat von D is posting details of her gaudy new home and there’s a mural of schloss drachenburg painted on her bedroom wall. It’s hilarious that she’s keeping up with the charade that her family has anything to do with that castle.
No. 920458
>>920323Dude, can't she spell? Her name is drachenBERG. The castle is called drachenBURG. Berg is mountain and burg is castle in German. The castle owner's name isn't drachenberg either:
Stephan Sarter was born the youngest son of a Bonn innkeeper in 1833. Following his apprenticeship at a bank and several stays abroad, he made his fortune by speculating on the stock exchange and, incidentally, helping to finance the Suez Canal. In 1882, he was ennobled by Duke Georg von Sachsen-Meiningen and, by 1882, Baron Stephan von Sarter had already laid the foundation stone for an imposing residence, namely, Schloss Drachenburg – a mixture of villa, mansion and castle. Two Duesseldorf-based architects, Leo von Abbema and Bernhard Tueshaus, drew up the original plans which were subsequently revised by Wilhelm Hoffmann, an architect resident in Paris and a former pupil of Ernst Friedrich Zwirner, a Cologne Cathedral architect. The historical architecture and splendid furnishings of Schloss Drachenburg were to find much admiration amongst contemporaries. Yet Sarter was never to live there. His chosen place of domicile was Paris where he died in 1902, still a bachelor, without having regulated his inheritance. Jakob Biesenbach, one of his nephews, bought the castle from the state.
from No. 920482
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>>920474It seems her grandfather, source of the Drachenberg surname (notice it's without the pretentious addition of "Von") was born in Argentina and her great grandparents on that side were from Russia, not Germany.
No. 920530
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>>920482There are people with the Von Drachenberg surname, but KvD invented hers to make people think she has ties to members of German nobility.
No. 920541
>>920530Oh yes, not disputing that German nobility exists, just that she's not it. I wonder if she added the Von or if her parents are also full of shit.
I do doubt her family were Nazi refugees though, seems they were in Argentina in the 20s rather than leaving Germany after WW2.
No. 920550
>>920489>You aren't tinfoiling that hard. I stumbled upon manic mooch's family members online and they were some sort of right wing christian republicans. I thought nothing of it until weeks later anons complained she went full blackface for halloween and it didn't happen for the first time.What do you refer as "Blackface" here? Just putting dark grease paint on you is not racist per se. At least not in Europe. USA and different European countries are separate cultures with different cultural codes.
BTW according to European nomenclature
both Republican and Democrats parties from the USA belong to center-right wing.
No. 920602
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>>919974Apart for the rivethead/goth/alt influenced look I don't see too much special about them. Recent decade have seen far more radical and otherwordly claims than they are making. TBH goth look apart form punk heritage was strongly influenced a.k.a. ripped off from the 70's horror movies psychic mediums and related occultist dressing style. Yes - all black and truckload of silver jewellery. So we kinda have influences running backward. Just my opinion.
No. 920633
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saged for non milk but it made me laugh, Allison Eckfeldt out here looking like an early 2000s movie transition effect
No. 920635
>>920323Does it actually matter? Either she's lying about her family, or she's glorifying a past that she herself had nothing to do with and that doesn't reflect on her in any way.
A staggering number of people are descended from some kind of nobillity. Either through being a legitimate child or a bastard. I am, and there is nothing rich or noble or grand about me. I know several people who are. And all it means is that at some point a) a bunch of people had a title and b) they fucked and made babies, and those people made babies, and finally you were born. By some estimates about a quarter of all Europeans have some nobillity somewhere in their family tree if you go back far enough.
It means jack shit. And the fact that Kat seems to think it matters is kind of dumb and desperate.
No. 920649
>>920632>>We know what hammer horror movies look like anonNot even single one of these movies was from Hammer.
>despite not caring about the music. Does she not care? She stated that openly?
Hmm, she in one of her vids mentioned that she met a person who introduced her to Ordo Temple Orientis in goth club in Canada. So unless goth club has really wide meaning there she at least had something to do with the scene.
>And this crowd embraces other aspects of subculture related dress, like new rock boots, wool dreads, and (sigh) killstar clothing to promote their "occultist" image.So? Many goths use occultist symbols to embrace their goth image. Is that OK only one direction?
And New Rock Boots are not goth only. Not even goth and rivethead only. They were used in one of Aliens series movies.
Wool dreads - hippies did it too. Rastafariians also do dreads and they BTW adopted them from Hindu hermits. And there are also other examples of dreads in even archeological cultures from Stone Age.
TBH I most often see wool dreads on rivetheads than goths. But that may be just local thing.
TBH not a single aspect of goth fashion is goth exclusive - well maybe band patches and other merch if we consider a goth to be a person who listens to goth music.
Black? Color know for ages. Rebels wore it since at least Romanticism period. Not so long ago before goths beatniks did it.
Retro clothing? New Romantics also did that.
Teased hair? Known for ages. Even different variations of so called mohawks were known as far as millenias ago on at least European, Asian and American continents.
Also things like ethnnic clothing of all continents, art deco era influences and mentioned horrors.
So what's the fuss?
No. 920714
>>920649You are so annoying. What is your point exactly? It kinda looks like you're Orlee
>>920656>>920659>>920667It's simple: for it to be blackface it has to have the intention of mocking or trying to pass as a black person.
If someone is just painted pure black, without making it look like a black person, specially if they are actually dressed as "shadow", "demon", "ghost" or any magic/folkloric dark creature then it isn't blackface. It's just a body painted in an unusual color
But if, like said in the original post in the last thread she was indeed dressed as Black Peter, it is racist, because, guess what, it's a caricature of a black person
Also, I bet you guys are white
No. 920986
>>920953Exactly. You can be as horrible as you wish, as long as you claim it's just ironic or an interpretation. It's a tactic racists use constantly.
Best case scenario, manic mooch is painfully, unbelievably oblivious.
(racebait derailing) No. 921018
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>>918480Well said. Shame her real face is decent.
No. 921027
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>But if someone really likes to do blackface on the pretext it's a demon or any magic dark creature? It's blissfully ignorant and they would always have plausible deniability to say look you are overreacting, I'm not racist I'm just a shadow, how dare you.This is the most ridiculous "logic" presented in these threads since quiet a while.
(racebait derailing) No. 921087
>>920953"Blackface" is literally painting yourself black or brown to mockingly represent a black person. Go look on wikipedia. Someone just painted black as a character that isn't a black person is not blackface. Are you dumb? (And white)
>>920986No, honey. If they claimed it was ironic or an interpretation of a BLACK PERSON it is indeed appalling. But black body paint isn't always to mock or impersonate black people.
What are you offended about when someone is literally painted completely black for a character that is NOT a black person? If someone wanted to do a costume as coal, or a rock, or a black hole, are they prohibited? Why?
>>920916Yes, me too, I loved the addition of Orlee and BALG in general. We should research them more in depth
(racebait derailing) No. 921095
File: 1579567518498.jpg (438.86 KB, 1024x1024, Blackface.jpg)

(racebait derailing)
No. 921120
File: 1579571422258.jpeg (264.15 KB, 800x420, actress-apologizes-for-blackfa…)

>>920953>>920986This is just like the Lilli Reindhart thing.
The truly racist thing here is to see a literal demon cosplay and immediately think "Looks like a black person".
(racebait derailing) No. 921562
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>>921304they're just reacting to piercings and seem to be generally kind and calling out things that should be. probably could've put a better title on the thumbnail but there's plenty of ppl who comment on other's mods, it's not a big deal.
anyway, fake is working on new music, apparently coming out with a collaboration and "heavy as balls" song, confirms as being a solo project. i feel for the other guys that put their time and effort into his vanity band but hope they move on tho bigger/better things b/c his ego is definitely always going to get in the way of going anywhere musically.
No. 921791
>what the fuck did just watch. she can't be serious with that fully lit room,What's wrong with fully lit rooms?
> awkward walk and awful makeup. are other parts of ritual OK sccording to you tho?
>jesus christ.are you christian? lol
>>921791Same Anon with the same typing style and the same obtuse arguments keeps showing up like clockwork whenever Orlee is mentioned.
Blessed be to google alerts!
Look anon, I don't know if you're Orlee or one of her clammy teenage boy followers. But either way, keep it up. You're a treasure.
No. 921802
>>921786This is so awkward. It would really look a lot more impressive if she didn't just stumble through it awkwardly.
Also is it me, or has she put kn a few pounds recently?
No. 921810
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>>921786This is the kind of serious occultists she attracts.
No. 923120
>>921995The scribbles are probably her own sigils.
Lots of magick users do that type of stuff.
No. 923601
>>923368>she should never wear that outfit again. ever.Why? She looks hot.
>>923515Ah right, ideal women is BMI below 18 I guess?
No. 923622
>>923603Hi Orlee.
The problem with the well-lit room in my opinion isn't the efficiency of the ritual, since I think it's all bullshit. But from a staging perspective, it's a bad move. Dim lighting may have disguised how incredibly clunky and awkward the ritual looks in full daylight.
(hi cow) No. 923651
>>923603>>921800>>921791Damn, the fully lit comment REALLY
triggered you, huh?
No. 924050
>>923987There's a grim thought. Maybe JDs old ways are back and have rubbed off on Orlee. Time for pupil watch I guess.
Either that, or they're intoxicated with the power given to them by their dark lord. But I doubt it.
No. 924053
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She should be able to afford it. This is her price for a "custom ritual." So I guess we got a great bargain with whatever the fuck
>>921786 was.
No. 924101
>>923987I'm a pothead so I'll say fairly confidently that they are potheads too. They are vaping during the whole video, I think there's thc oil in it. They have the slowed mannerisms and speech of people who are high since the time they woke up.
If this isn't weed, it could be psychiatric meds for depression and/or anxiety that leaves you kinda slow and "calm" in higher doses, but shouldn't. If your meds are making you like this, you gotta tell your doctor so they'll substitute them.
Either way, no matter what they are on, I don't think it's the substance that is causing these delusions, they both have severe psychological problems
>>924053699$ buys a loooot of killstar and drugs kek
No. 924755
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New thread pic suggestion.
No. 925024
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>>924755>>924834Not the same font, but close enough kek
No. 925092
>>925024I love it haha
Also does Orlee actually identify as goth?
No. 925184
>>925048>>925092Thank you, anons!
While looking through their videos to get a screencap and do this I ended up watching a bit of the video where this still came from: caught Orlee bragging in a very serious tone about how she is absurdly knowledgeable in black magic because she read so much, got close to the "most asshole black magic boys" to learn from them etc etc while JD has literally read 3 books on the subject in his life and everything he knows about magic comes from a video or 2 on the subject!
Orlee say that this is why they complete each other: while she "is almost perfect" because she reads everything, JD "is a natural" that makes magic from the heart… it's hilarious and fucking cringeworthy hahahah
It starts at about 31:22 (can't mark on my phone, sorry)
Can someone make a new thread?
No. 925229
>>925184Can't make a on mobile with spotty internet. But thanks for posting this with a timestamp. Glad to hear Orlee is about to exist outside of linear time.
Apart from Orlee clearly being the brains of this couple, the EA Koeting worship and MLM pushing is very strong.
No. 926661
>>926615You don’t need a computer to make a thread, newfag.
>>926414All the cows have gone into hibernation.
I say give it a few months.
>>926610At least we tried to discuss something different lol. Maybe things will get better with time.