File: 1657904486841.jpeg (2.06 MB, 3464x3464, 8DD2F95D-AB9A-4F18-8A75-6D83CE…)

No. 229309
Belle Delphine, a 22 year old ‘ marketing genius ‘ who desperately seeks out any attention from men, made a comeback in april 2022 after her failed porn and is just adding more failed marketing stunts to the list. Best known for shoving gummy worms up her snatch, lying about selling her bathwater, getting bolt on implants & photoshopping her nips, buying followers/likes to boost her failed marketing stunts, dressing in children's bathing suits, selling another girls nudes claiming it was herself, and bootlicking any youtuber or lolcow with a following.
Previous thread:
>Meme girl e-thot of "Gamer Girl Bathwater" fame>panders to pedophiles and neckbeard incels, desperate NLOG floundering>"hello fellow 4channers" meme humorRecent updates:
>Spent months hiding in the background on friend’s social media posts >>165089, >>168157, >>168156, >>168163, >Belle announces her return on Twitter, flexing that she’s totes a rich e-girl >>207697, and posted on facebook >>208342,>She had braces again. >>208018, gives her reasoning here >>210870, totes not for pedo pandering uwu >And possibly had a boob job >>208056, to appeal to her anime coomers >>212411, >Botched plastic surgery >>210516, >>212102, >>212068, >used twomad for a music video that flopped >>223837>doxxed her own house >>223833>put gummy worms in her snatch >>226603>went on holiday with sex worker besties and posted ugly photos >>225678Past threads:
>>>/w/212589#9 >>>/w/223624
Facebook: Patreon: No. 229359
File: 1657918346400.jpeg (139.82 KB, 602x602, 06DB030F-3B7D-4A52-B880-4180A5…)

>>229357You didn’t mention her fugly chode of a boyfriend
No. 229393
File: 1657930913029.png (969.53 KB, 1159x789, Screenshot 2022-07-16 032156.p…)

>>229372belle is not the one recording
No. 229394
File: 1657931247821.png (567.13 KB, 1186x781, Screenshot 2022-07-16 032709.p…)

she showed her accidently here for a split second sitting next to josh and she looks fat
No. 229513
File: 1657978671081.jpg (Spoiler Image,512.6 KB, 810x1080, 1657973808875.jpg)

found this edit of her on 4chan lmao
No. 229515
>>229504You anons have a severe crush on her boyfriend, this isn't healthy,
No. 229516
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No. 229518
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she really gained weight wow
No. 229522
File: 1657979652027.jpeg (39.64 KB, 203x275, E420E851-03CB-479D-B25A-E94443…)

>>229518That looks edited compared to the same pic that was posted in the previous thread..
No. 229525
File: 1657980131974.jpg (364.36 KB, 2048x1536, 1657979626827.jpg)

legit question but do you guys think belle looks like a teenager? i heard a lot of people saying she looks very young like 14-15 but i just don't see it? especially when she's wearing normal makeup
No. 229544
File: 1657983649874.jpg (634.72 KB, 1080x1581, 8362719198464.jpg)

>>229532She uses snow to edit her pics and vids
No. 229551
File: 1657985129607.png (18.88 KB, 646x160, Screenshot 2022-07-16 182528.p…)

belle crying stomping the floor rn
No. 229577
>>229513She looks like an autistic middle aged woman who had abused plastic surgery.
>>229522Tragic jawline.
>>229525Even with surgeries, wigs, fillers, heavy ass make-up, filters and absurd angles she looks like a grown ass and tall woman. She tries to look like a kid, though.
No. 229586
File: 1657992113911.gif (7.36 MB, 382x680, 20220716_100205.gif)

(do not post fanart)
No. 229589
File: 1657992336507.jpg (1.97 MB, 2880x2160, 1657981771470.jpg)

this is the only picture of her with no blurring/smoothing filter i've seen
No. 229621
>>229618Stop being so butthurt,
nonnie, and contribute instead. They were on topic talking about the picture posted.
No. 229685
>>229543Kek you're one of the
POC people that thinks your people don't age? We get wrinkles but your faces legit sag so seethe more
No. 229709
>>229543No1curr about your racial superiority complex twitterfag, nor did we ask what irrelevant shade you are on an anonymous imageboard.
>>229685Ignore the retard they want an excuse to unleash their race-bait manifesto, don't give them one.
No. 229741
>>229714honestly the nitpicking of her long face, skin texture, height, etc. is so stupid. she looks her age- no more no less. some of you in here must be equally delusional when you look in the mirror because apart from the obvious surgery she looks fine in these recent pics.
>>229516and it absolutely REEKS of male in this thread.
No. 229753
File: 1658054256490.png (481.97 KB, 956x720, 20220717_064112.png)

We are allowed to talk about the cow, and just like the time when you whiteknights were clutching your pearls about the height thing, anons only talk about it because she pedo panders.anons are only talking about her skin because she edits herself to hell and back to look like a child. Her skin IS dehydrated it IS thin from said dehydration, rife with fine lines, and its obvious that many of you summerfag children here have no idea what aging skin truly looks like. Did we strike a nerve? Unless you're the cow herself stop taking shit so personal and go write about your dumb ass feelings in a jourmal or something.What DO you think the point of these threads are? For us to sit around holding hands, while we sing kumbia and talk about awesome these cow are ? Come down to earth and stop being delusional and samefagging yourself.. We ARE going to talk about how haggard and how horse faced and how tall she is because reality is a stark contrast from the fantasy character she depicts. This IS a gossip site. If this thread bothers you so much, log off the internet babes. If reading mean things about beefy belle bothers you so much, stay off /w/ or hell, the entire site for that matter. Nobody is here to coddle you or the people you like. There are subreddits and discord chats where you can talk yourself blue in the face about how awesome belle is and you can all sit there and soak up each others awesomeness.
No. 229808
>>229753you are a retard from pull arent you, its very obvious because none of you braindead morons know how to integrate.
This thread is filled with pull ''sex-workers'' who more so hate belle because they wished they lived her life instead of the fact that belle is a bad person, thats why this thread is filled with so much autism and nitpicking. Just look at the ban evading-editor for example.
No. 229817
>>229685why does it
trigger you so much to point out that white people's skin/face ages faster than other races? it's a literal biological reality. learn to cope retard
No. 229836
File: 1658070693827.jpg (Spoiler Image,160 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20220717_090751_208.jpg)

>>229513why did you also edit her face, butthole and vagina anon?
No. 229839
>>229836i didn't i literally said i found the
edit on 4chan. learn to fucking read retardddd
No. 229851
>>229841there is someone here here who keeps editing her pictures and tries to pass them of as real and, thats why we they ask retard.
>>229848pull literally made a belle server for you sex-worker fatties to sperg about belle, so go there until you learn to integrate.
Telling retards to fuck off and waiting for actual milk does not equal whiteknight, dumbo.
No. 229855
>>229851>pull literally made a belle server for you sex-worker fatties>Assuming quite a lot.Seems like you got
triggered by that statement. If you want to kiss belles ass, sub to her onlyfans and do it directly. This site isn't for that.
No. 229867
>>229855>>229858>just say you have a double roast arby down there.You sound like a moid and that you also just learned the word ''
trigger'' yesterday kek.
No. 229905
>>229901Lots of projection there,
No. 229923
>>229907>>229920>let me just repeat what you said back to you, that will totally make me win this argumentretarded pulltard just stop, but dw you will get banned soon, but it is in pulltard nature to ban evade unfortunately.
Did i hit a nerve or something, are you a failed e-prostutitute.
No. 229925
File: 1658080933896.jpeg (1.79 MB, 3464x3464, C28F8574-42E4-4F58-B580-F4058C…)

Big belles body irl caught on autism-chan’s vlog
Inb4 its not her - same bikini and everything stfu
No. 229927
File: 1658081000613.jpeg (70.78 KB, 828x579, 9AFA1A62-E5C5-4674-863C-F2A998…)

Big belle standing next to kai winter who is 6ft
No. 229936
>>229836Belle/Josh trying to get thread locked or trying to make these threads less reliable after her nipple slip up.
I also find it hard to believe that an anon posts an edited photo of Belle and right after that another anon tries to find the same OnlyFans photo without the edits and succeeds. This derailing has been going on for a while now, right after the nipple slip-up was ridiculed on 4chan.
No. 229937
File: 1658081798234.jpg (Spoiler Image,144.02 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20220717_121439_248.jpg)

>>229516really seems like you are obsessed with editing her vagina and asshole a little too much
No. 229956
>>229946aren't you the one editing Belle's vagina to look like an arbys roast, but also get offended when you got called out "roastie chan"
sounds like you are projecting your insecurities into editing belle's pic to look like your roastie
No. 229963
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No. 229996
File: 1658090719888.png (3.16 MB, 2305x1240, Titelloses 33_20220717234348.p…)

No. 230016
>>230007Because you can see her real body on the right side…? I mean, come on everyone knows or should how much most influencer abuse Photoshop.
It's 'mean' of them to encourage/normalize fake images on Instagram
No. 230028
>>229954>>229956>>229958>>229960>pol-anyone-got-that-wojack-hillary-shitting.pngStop samefagging you retarded scrote failure and what the are you talking about i was literally calling out the autistic editor who does that, seems like you are brain-damaged but thats just your genetics otherwise you wouldnt be fapping to filtered pedobait.
Go back to 4chan pol.
No. 230058
File: 1658103893867.jpg (12.32 KB, 317x267, 6feb2225c4efab2618f1ba79c2b3d4…)

Kek the whiteknight is in meta again crying to autosage the thread again. Some jokes write themselves
No. 230094
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No. 230096
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No. 230097
>>230094>>229925This is kind of based, actually. She should continue taking money from idiotic, seething men. Many of them will sit in this thread posting wojacks and talking shit, but at the end of the day, they're still going to crawl back to her.
When you make that level of money, you literally don't have to have an anachan body. Whatever the fuck British people eat, may she enjoy
No. 230099
File: 1658115999631.jpg (103.49 KB, 1080x605, 20220717_234819.jpg)

>>230097Deleting and reposting…taking a page right out belles book lol
No. 230119
>>230118Do you just come here to whiteknight belle, derail, and infight? Kek you sure are
very invested
No. 230123
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No. 230165
File: 1658134729607.jpg (513.59 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20220718-095045_Gal…)

found this on one of her friends insta stories.
No. 230167
>>230165KEK more like your own camera role.
Belle might not be pretty but she certainly mogs those two fat little goblins.
No. 230171
File: 1658136585888.png (605.94 KB, 1252x664, Belle.png)

>>229509And weirdly wide shoulders, that's 100% Belle. I wonder if Pixie wanted to hide her or it was Belle who asked for it because of her insecurities.
No. 230176
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>>229394Reminds me of picrel
No. 230187
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No. 230190
File: 1658139421536.jpg (5.41 MB, 4096x4096, 2626829283.jpg)

No. 230195
>>230192why does she look so different here??
i swear belle is posting these pics to just fuck with us
No. 230200
File: 1658144830679.jpeg (46.04 KB, 697x440, FF790B16-6551-4FAB-8A50-24057A…)

>>229925she looks like that one alien from Men in Black
No. 230218
File: 1658149802929.png (1.31 MB, 1156x952, 1551616335046.png)

>>230202She has this duck with her in a few old photos for some reason.
>>229512>belle got a chest infection on her holidayPost proof or stfu
No. 230231
File: 1658154219903.jpg (358.67 KB, 996x1722, Ducky.jpg)

>>230218It's an inside joke, I wonder what that Ducky means for these sex workers though.
No. 230234
>>230231Serial killer vibes from some of those drawings
>>230232>said she rents the mansion to a bunch of sex workers (which seems to check out) and Josh manages most of their onlyfans/contentThis makes a lot of sense considering that house and grounds are huge for 2 NEETs, and the kneejerk denial in the thread whenever anyone points out the obvious that a lot of/all of her content is directed, filmed, photographed or written by a scrote.
Weird how people can accept a pop singer doesn't write her songs or an actress doesn't write her lines, yet people deny that a sexworker might not generate all her ideas and content organically.
No. 230242
File: 1658156700153.jpg (4.07 MB, 4096x3072, 73625272892.jpg)

>>230232Pixie and Maureen live with her
i suspect emicat does too…
Perhaps all the sex workers that were on the Barcelona trip in general
No. 230243
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No. 230249
>>230233The whiteknight is very devoted aren't they? Lol
No. 230265
File: 1658162345409.jpeg (489.48 KB, 1170x2322, 1652491398960.jpeg)

>>230218Josh really got fat by pimping his girlfriend.
No. 230268
>>230265Why cant this tubby cunt buy some clothes that actually fit? He looks like an overcooked sausage bursting out of his casing.
Also he’s just one of those guys who you know has a chode just by looking at him. Clearly this is accurate because ive seen his pathetic excuse for a cock and not only is it a chode it’s crooked and lopsided, just like it’s owner.
I’m pretty sure he’s autistic or dyspraxia too because he moves so fucking weirdly and who stands like this? Looks like Halloween at the special needs group home.
No. 230271
File: 1658163591021.jpg (Spoiler Image,529.1 KB, 1920x1080, 163683890.jpg)

No. 230272
File: 1658163698608.jpg (Spoiler Image,669.47 KB, 1920x1080, 163644701.jpg)

No. 230291
File: 1658166602579.jpeg (689.31 KB, 864x890, BA1872D1-30AB-4701-809F-47124D…)

this was so funny to me from their forest kidnapping weird roleplay thing. the face shes making lmao.
No. 230299
I love how we have retards so desperate to whiteknight Belle they resort to dumb shit like this:
>>230292No one says technical terms in casual talk unless they're being retarded (you).
>You should definetly consider dick"Ahem, no one calls it a dick, you would call it a penis or the part you're referring to, corpus cavernosum." See how dumb you sound?
No. 230301
>>230291 I think
>>230271 is funnier tbh
No. 230307
>>230271She looks like someones granny trying to lather up in the shower
>>230280I think she has to be, she shows so many typical autism behaviours and all her friends (emi, bella etc) are always screaming about how autistic and special they are
No. 230312
>>230291"Little face" lmfao
Her face is bigger than yours, Josh.
No. 230328
File: 1658173344517.jpeg (228.83 KB, 1024x569, Joshua John Gray.jpeg)

>>230218>>230231>>230190It's insane how much they changed in a few years.
Also, they have the "Ducky" here too. I think Belle just brings it with her to everywhere and dresses it up. Or maybe it's Josh doing it. Hard to tell since Belle can't leave the house without her boyfriend.
No. 230330
File: 1658173699359.jpg (133.45 KB, 1117x290, Ducky.jpg)

NGL it's cute and interesting. I wonder if Belle makes the tiny clothes.
No. 230342
>>230330honestly, that's cute but I feel like they probably sexualize it cause they're into ddlg…
josh's chode probably gets hard from seeing belle carrying that old duck plushie around
No. 230351
>>230328imagine calling this creature on the right daddy…
he is the most British looking fag I've seen and there is something incredibly homosexual about the way he purses his lips together.
No. 230354
>>229925She's not into weightlifting or fitness, so this is what a normal skinnyfat body looks like.
At least some of those popular twitch girls are actually really fit afaik
No. 230361
>>230321A few years ago she lied about her nudes/ used someone elses nudes
>>230352I think this content is because of laziness and she knows her scrotes will still pay.
>>230117Seems like Belle must be very walled in mentally with body dysmorphia because the only evidence of her existence nowadays seems to be specific approved photos from snow app.
No. 230362
File: 1658179158276.jpeg (139.82 KB, 602x602, 1657786261907.jpeg)

>>230328He thinks he is hot KEK
No. 230363
File: 1658179234791.png (3.2 MB, 1792x828, AFE8383A-F912-4267-85DB-8F585D…)

Belle brought the duck on holiday too… either shes autistic or shes trying to be a manic pixie dream girl who carries a toy duck everywhere
No. 230367
File: 1658180871862.png (138.63 KB, 583x428, 1658103761673.png)

>>230315Moids are so pathetic holy fuck they're now seething about her content being mid after they literally made her millonaire based on pure mid nudes just because they're obsessed pedo coomers that cannot let their pedobait e-girl go i genuinely hope they all go broke
No. 230370
>>230363>shes trying to be a manic pixie dream girl who carries a toy duck everywhereIt’s this. It’s a personality crutch. A really shallow and disingenuous one too. Also autopaedophillia.
She posted something not long ago about how when she’s going home in a taxi after a night out she listens to the RuneScape theme or some shit because it reminds her of a happy time in her life when she was 12. She just wants to be a child forever which is peak /snow/cow behaviour.
No. 230374
>>230007How? Pretty sure all anon is doing is evidence of belle's editing not bodyshaming, not sure why half the anons here are mad isnt this what the past threads were about?
>>230198This. Ironic the anon who calls you a retard is the
triggered retard here.
No. 230378
File: 1658183872129.jpeg (79.01 KB, 564x279, 196BE9E0-BE69-4862-8401-13F8B5…)

>>230315She fumbled the bag doing porn and I’m convinced it’s all Josh’s bullshitting. “You’ll make millions off of porn and then I’ll invest it all in crypto!! We will be set for life!!!” But then they chickened out once everyone laughed at their pathetic performance, and I’m sure Josh fumbled the bag with the crypto just like so many others who are less retarded and more financially savvy than this hunchback of notre dame looking fucker, and after blowing through all of their money with rapemobils, Aliexpress home decor and botched surgery, they both went into hiding. Belle in her menagerie of faux-child/adolescent bedrooms, Josh doing whatever Scrote shit keeps him occupied. I think their relationship is deeply co dependant. She has thrown everything away for him, he parasites off of her pitiful internet “fame” and “image” (which is not only intended to appeal to the very worst of society and the epitome of sexual deviancy, but is also a filtered mirage and a farce). I wonder does she resent him at all? Is she too stupid to see it or is she just too ashamed and codependent to leave? Admit that she made a terrible decision? All of this for a meagre chode.
No. 230388
>>230381Is it more depressing than being a junkie with rotting teeth and a rotting arm and drinking piss that looks like egg yolk? Is it more depressing than having a physically, emotionally and psychologically
abusive parasocial relationship with your mother? Is it more depressing than being a bodychecking anachan on deaths door or a body positive obese queen also on deaths door? A grown woman attention seeking isn’t that depressing and a lot of women don’t have dads in their life.
No. 230389
>>230362You're just attracted to him.
>>230367Jealous-chan, the issue isn't her content "being mid", it's that she lied about what she was hyping up. Sage your retardedness next time.
No. 230394
>>230389Why do you accuse people of being attracted to Josh? Especially when they mock him on You are genuinely retarded. Piss off, pedo. Defend this 30 year old fugly man leeching on his girlfriend on reddit and take a shower.
>>230384Exactly. She is skinny but she has fat on her belly and she has wide shoulders, so she doesn't look petite at all. That's normal, editing herself to look completely different is not.
No. 230396
>>230394>Why do you accuse people of being attracted to Josh?>Proceeds to make accusations and sperg.Touched a nerve there,
No. 230399
>>230393because we had an anon constantly editing her uglier in the previous thread you silly goose.
Too bad, she used to be pretty cute but she's not aging well at all with everything she puts her face through. I wonder if she even uses sunscreen daily
No. 230403
>>230397>>230394I'm pretty sure comparing these 2 post, (230394) is the one mad. Take the infighting elsewhere.
>>230401I mean, she's nothing special but nothing horrendous either.
No. 230461
>>230321Honestly, that telegram probably produces more milk than lolcow since everything there is sourced directly from her onlyfans and out of the grubby hands of faneditors. Ironically, her obsessors are usually the quickest to point out her bullshit/lies and edit mishaps faster than we do.
>>230322Her last minute excuse was that it was too “bdsm” for onlyfans after a month of hyping it up and promising a trailer/full video. You’d think she’d learn the TOS since the gummyworm set removal. Frankly, it was pretty scammy and not a good look, especially when there are plenty of avenues to release it even so.
>>230439 You’re both correct. It is true there was an anon in the last thread fanediting her pictures, as if she wasn’t already fake enough; However, you can fault Belle completely for the photoshop fails and sloppily posting both edited and unedited versions of the same photo by accident.
No. 230550
File: 1658231156705.jpeg (612.29 KB, 3464x3464, 5281C188-940C-40C2-9D37-4C6DF4…)

If anyones interested i found the perfume belle uses to smell like playdough/ my little ponies. she uses 2 body mists and layers, theyre the strawberry and vanilla body mist from the uk brand ‘Bodyshop’
No. 230560
>>230550Thank you
nonnie! This is valuable info. Now I can smell just like my idol, the bathwater pedo panderer.
No. 230608
>>230378her doing porn , bad one, basically destroyed the fantasies of a lot of men who thought she'd be this kawaii top tier sex goddess. Instant turnoff
Goes to show yet again that just because a girl is cute, or perceived as cute/good looking, that doesn't mean she'll be good in bed
No. 230635
>>230632Belle is
cheap as fuck, she shops from Aliexpress and Amazon. If she were to use expensive perfume, it would be a knockoff kek
(learn2sage) No. 230639
File: 1658254179172.jpg (108.03 KB, 890x859, 20220719_141239.jpg)

Anon in a previous thread was saying its christian dior. probably one of the SWers that live with her posted it kek
No. 230674
File: 1658261600969.jpeg (232.94 KB, 921x1009, F12E3673-F93D-4371-B25F-40AC1E…)

Bill enjoying a crisp sandwich
No. 230685
>>230674That pic legit?
Looks so weirdly fake and uncanny-valley like…
No. 230699
File: 1658265562456.jpeg (37.3 KB, 828x291, 66E1720E-A52E-43F7-92A0-2D87D2…)

Belle tweeted about having siblings in 2012, the account is definitely hers as she posted selfies on there
No. 230726
>>230718No, she doesn't. The pedophilic barely 18 sister stunt was debunked the day she came out with photos of her "sister"
It was proven to be one of her IRL's named Katie, going under a fake name "Connie Delphine" and pretending to be 18 when she's 22. The fake photos of her sister are just heavily edited pictures of Belle's friend.
On Belle's fathers Facebook, there is a photo of a young boy from like 10 years ago who has similar features to Belle. She probably has a younger brother, but that's all that we've seen of her family.
I would add photos of Belle's friend next to Connie and some of the proof of the two being the same person, but I'm not sure if it's against the rules. Everything is public information and anyone could find these IRL photos on legit anything
No. 230783
File: 1658276649852.jpg (364.71 KB, 1080x1920, 20220719_202647.jpg)

The cats that live at belles house have a tiktok and im not surprised to say her house is generally pretty filthy
No. 230796
File: 1658281847775.jpg (2.79 MB, 3072x4096, Kek.jpg)

No. 230797
File: 1658281917305.jpg (85.09 KB, 594x913, IMG_20220720_034423_598.jpg)

No. 230826
File: 1658297441065.jpeg (31.11 KB, 828x212, 5ACAFB2D-6D16-48BF-AAA2-BB2D34…)

>>230822Its def belle, reading these tweets actually humanises her for me
No. 230830
>>230783None of them live together,
nonnie.. you're either belle trying to hide where she lives or just plain retarded. Belle lives in the large white house and pixie lives in her old house.
No. 230876
File: 1658316558392.jpeg (272.6 KB, 640x838, E527FC13-CAEA-4874-AD74-625CFE…)

>>230797Look at the size of that gut
No. 230885
File: 1658325062186.jpg (62.08 KB, 796x772, IMG_6458.jpg)

Her face is suuuper bloated
Ig it's all the fillers adding up
No. 230897
File: 1658326856274.png (1.94 MB, 1280x960, unknown-10.png)

No. 230942
>>230914to be fair remini does
clear up photos and by chance took out the braces as an
object needing removing. Other than that it looks exactly as what can be mostly seen w/o using that application
No. 230959
>>230885Her eyelashes have been removed in this picture by some app. I imagine it may be one of those de-makeup apps that scrotes loved using as a gotcha against women a few years ago. You can see in the photos from the same outfit here that she has big fake lashes on.
>>230897this weird anon editing is so dumb. Most people here don't like Belle but this thread looks really retarded, jealous and pedantic because of these edits.
No. 230965
>>230962Just shows how normalised this shit is in our culture that all her friends, boyfriend and everyone are all okay with it
- i expect thats why all her friends are autistic because the normal people realised how sick shes being
No. 230972
>> do know that's because people who leak content tend to remove that kinda stuff, right?
>>230950People want to whiteknight the cow.
No. 230987
>>230885can we see the original photo she posted?
I have the same (bulky) upper body neck and shoulders structure and I gasped, I never thought her physique is this 'strong'.
No. 231031
File: 1658347979809.jpeg (141.08 KB, 1656x902, 87A1E384-5B20-43F7-933F-EFD3B1…)

>>230992I’m not same anon, but I ran what I saw of the video through remini and this is what I got. Idk how to attach a video here unfortunately.
No. 231034
>>230983But there's edited shit in this very thread?
>>229836>>229937Look at these pictures vs what they're replying to
No. 231040
File: 1658348608732.jpeg (248.55 KB, 828x451, E6990258-1E06-4290-8EC0-7C6E45…)

>>231037I think this is the one. I took like three caps lol
No. 231043
>>231040 is the blurry original from her Onlyfans…
>>231031 is what the A.I enhances it into?
If so she legit pulled a BadBunny. Guess we know why she´s so paranoid about being filmed.
No. 231045
File: 1658350177739.jpg (432.92 KB, 1280x960, 8765432345667.jpg)

No. 231050
File: 1658353894294.jpeg (966.13 KB, 3464x3464, AA273461-21DD-4AEA-95B3-FB2F44…)

Lol You can buy her phone number on for £15.99 if u have no life(cowtipping)
No. 231056
>>231052NTA but it isn't doxing, that website is a bit inaccurate for one since it mixes records of people who have ever lived at a property, ages are wrong too iirc, I looked up myself and fanily on there before ages ago and none of it was accurate.
but I think it's just public records for the UK from multiple sources that the website tries to charge for.
No. 231079
File: 1658358933298.jpg (48.83 KB, 596x358, 56774172736367282.jpg)

No. 231082
>>231079Before any of you autistic bitches make yourselves look retarded, yes belle herself writes like this, so don't even attempt to say 'only a man could write this.' Even if I were a guy I don't see the point of this, is this supposed to make me horny or something to read about her getting horny going
checks notes walking?
No. 231088
>>231086What 10 year old are you talking to you fucking creep that comes off in conversation like Belle is typing? You guys come up with the dumbest reasons to post this stuff when it's not even true. Nothing about
>>231079 comes off as a child. Wtf is wrong with you? Do you honestly sexualize everyone's typing and call it childish and this assume the person is a child or larping as one because you already internally sexualize children? Get some fucking help, anon. No one wants you greasy cock here. Go back to reddit with your disgusting takes on what a 10 year old would type to you and sound like.
No. 231096
>>231094This post isn't sexualizing kids. Why are you bringing up external factors when talking about this milkless post where you are bragging about how a 10 year old would type and Belle totally types like that while using terms like 'horny'. it's fucking weird, anon, and extremely gross. Going out of your way to try and connect everything Belle does with children, when posts like that have nothing to do with it, its ridiculous.
>how sunny it then says she’s horny from walking is creepyActually to add some extra info for you, working out can cause people to be horny, so can being outside because it puts you mind in a good mood. This has nothing to do with kids and you infantilizing basic shit like the sun and calling Belle a child because of it.
No. 231114
File: 1658362532509.jpg (135.92 KB, 594x490, 425106-^2022-06-28_princess_fa…)

Milk or not, the drivel she writes is hilarious
No. 231119
>>231114> owwwwuuuuch> kinda an innocent girl> my little holesboy, who could ever possibly accuse Belle of pedopandering & combining childish things with sexual things through text? Let me guess the next WK leap
> but all pornstars talk like this!and all pornstars, including Belle, pedopander and it's milky and disgusting.
No. 231181
>>231055Tbh my main beef wasnt that her braces vanished, its that she apparently looks borderline 35 at just 22 without filter-magic.
What kind of ingredients are in a cocktail that allow you skip like 15 years? Stress? Drugs? Alcohol? Surgery-abuse? Boy o boy…
No. 231217
File: 1658388754181.jpg (4.44 MB, 4096x4096, 664368765.jpg)

>>231194we saw her unedited and unfiltered on the cold ones pod cast a while ago wym
No. 231222
>>231217These pics are apart how far? Like a year? 1,5 years no?
Damn, looks like that bulimia pendulum came back full force.
No. 231226
File: 1658392738478.jpg (2.33 MB, 4096x2304, Jinkies.jpg)

No. 231232
File: 1658398374607.jpg (4.14 MB, 4096x3072, BellevilleGoblin.jpg)

No. 231234
nonnie shine on you crazy bitch
No. 231251
File: 1658403478312.jpg (818.09 KB, 1920x1282, belle-delphine_1396.jpg)

No. 231261
File: 1658406810083.jpg (Spoiler Image,371.91 KB, 1200x900, Bellend.jpg)

>>231093Belle constantly frames herself as childlike though. What 22 year old wears an Elsa shirt with a plastic tiara, or carefully constructs an entire collage for a photoshoot full of mlp, Powerpuff Girls,Lizzie Mcguire, Pokémon cards, SpongeBob and "I survived camp" badges?
No. 231266
>>231264I literally said she has free will to make decisions, let me spoon feed it to you:
>Yes she decides to do it but she can also be manipulated.Are you 22 also?
No. 231272
>>231264>She can make her own decisions.Can she doe? Could she just decide she doesnt want Onlyfans, Sexwork, her pimp-boyfriend anymore?
Yeah but what would she be then besides out of a "job", prob about to be homeless, close to skint and single?
What to do then? Beg her mum to let her in again, register with her local jobcenter trying to get a GCSE?
Belle "I´m lazy dont want a job rather party until 3AM morning" Delphine? Unlikely.
No. 231273
>>231272>Can she doe?Yep, just like Mia Khalifa decided she didn't want to be a slut anymore yet still thirst traps. Does that mean she's more successful now? No, but not one person on the planet will give up easy money even if they don't want to do it. So regardless of:
>she just decide she doesnt want Onlyfans, Sexwork, her pimp-boyfriend anymore?She won't stop it because that's giving up more money than most people who ACTUALLY work make.
No. 231290
>>231273>She won't stop it because that's giving up more money than most people who ACTUALLY work make.Are we talking about the same planet with the same economy?
The way you say it sounds like Belle´s guaranteed to get whatever job´s in the pot. She just needs to reach in and take what she fancy´s most.
But SHE decides not to because SHE decided the paychecks to small.
And then the CEO runs away crying, hiding in the closet, ashamed of being rejected by the multimillionaire business genius memequeen…
Fat Chance for a 22-year old highschool-dropout with no formal education and a work-history consisting of dishwashing, babysitting and Onlyfans.
No. 231300
>>231251"How dare she not have a 50 inch thigh gap !1! Reee."
She looks natural and cute here I'm glad she didn't edit these ones as much.
No. 231314
>>231101>7ydoesnt this mean she was 15 in this comment, not excusing but it really shows how much the ddlg community destroyed and groomed young girls back then and yes belle was groomed too since she was 15.
I remember there were even ddlg facebook groups backk then filled with grown men trying to contact underage ddlg posters.
No. 231340
>>231308You seem confused, friend…
The topic was how Belle could probably be easily controlled/manipulated/pushed into even more escalatory/degrading things…
Because she REALLY needs to keep the Belle Delphine spiel going as long as possible, since she really doesnt have much other options career-/make-a-living wise…
Because if the Belle Delphine enterprise were to die out, UNLIKE Josh, she would basically fall buttnaked into icy water. You know, Future-wise…
Nobody specifically mentioned him but you.
(obnoxious typing style) No. 231346
>>231079going outside really is a big deal for her isn't it. that is sad.
>>231192can't really blame anyone for nitpicking how she looked when you see the effort she puts into hiding her real appearance. she looks fine, but the difference between that and her edits is so stark.
No. 231386
>>231383>"She's from a broken home, she's manipulated into all of this."That's basically saying she's innocent, you manipulate people to do things they normally wouldn't, so people are saying her entire porn career even before people had confirmation of her boyfriend's existence is through manipulation rather than her wanting to make money off horny men.
>>231380Exactly. The fact she's so edited to hell and back and sometimes almost a different person, seeing unedited photos will be talked about. That isn't really "nitpicking", it's pointing out observations on shit we barely see.
No. 231476
File: 1658464334727.jpg (418.98 KB, 1088x1282, m00.jpg)

she has to be doing this on purpose lol
No. 231493
File: 1658468808132.jpg (2.16 MB, 4096x4096, Malding.jpg)

Not sure if it's the wigs or the anorexia (or both) but she is balding so badly
No. 231496
File: 1658469171328.jpg (5.37 MB, 4096x4096, MaldingWITHFACE.jpg)

>>231494>>231495Simmer down lmao its only so you focus on the thinning hair im talking about and not "nitpick" anything else but since you wanna REEEEEEE so hard here you go. Also yes thats alot of balding for a 22 year old woman
(nonstop nitpicking) No. 231514
>>231511Why are you so mean? Why do you call women whores? That's what moids do.
It's a cute picture with defined shadows and in direct sunlight, I'm learning to use colour and light because I'm having trouble rendering outside of black & white.
You're so needlessly rude, what have I even done to you to make you act like this?
No. 231534
File: 1658494797833.jpeg (182.25 KB, 432x518, 9BE533B2-6ED2-418D-8BAC-D88615…)

>>231522Kek these people are fucking losers
No. 231563
>>231558White knights really are impressive to the point of thinking women don't have the ability to think for themselves. My generation must be the last ones then.
>>231561According to those types of people, as long as a guy is involved in her life, a woman has no autonomy or ability to think for themselves, especially if it has anything to do with porn.
No. 231697
File: 1658523263595.jpeg (362.69 KB, 1078x684, DFEB6A4C-3C02-4D92-A5F4-3E5A0F…)

>>231684That was a very fast reply…
No. 231705
File: 1658523819380.jpg (27.7 KB, 594x188, 425106-^2022-06-28_princess_fa…)

Kek, not sure which is more pathetic;the fact Belle DM's this shit to her simps in hopes of tips, or the fact her fans believe she is single/would want to fuck them
No. 231715
>>231705This would work before she got caught having a bf lol.
>>231714At least it's better looking than the edited to hell and back shit.
No. 231743
File: 1658532502733.jpg (93.32 KB, 537x485, 5434568875423.jpg)

No. 231744
>>231658Cute Grinch
>>231681LOL at autistic Josh and huge Belle
No. 231797
File: 1658546447232.png (267.55 KB, 1200x630, female vs male ideal of perfec…)

>>230383lol. are you straight, gay or bi? women dgaf what other women look like, only real preferences are if you're ok with dating someone obese or not. men prefer curvier bodies
No. 231834
>>231797the other way around
i don't think it's unrealistic that belle might be influenced by Josh, groomed is a big reach, but she does seem naive and a bit sheltered maybe for her age. i wouldn't be surprised if he was manipulating her in some way but it's unlikely. it's baseless tinfoil. end of the day, belle is an adult, her choices and actions are her own and she should be held accountable for them
No. 231844
(obnoxious typing style) farmhand redtext tho. There's someone (probably this anon) who types like this in the jvlogger thread and it
is obnoxious. You can tell they think their totally mundane, humourless thoughts are very important.
No. 231849
File: 1658573717139.jpg (110.14 KB, 828x1472, S2xsgzRvJv.jpg)

That angle tho,you can really see how she edits her nose.
No. 231906
File: 1658590054029.png (590.32 KB, 878x536, nose.png)

>>231902nonna your top lip isnt nearly supposed to touch your nose when you smile try it yourself
No. 231937
File: 1658596610842.jpeg (914.08 KB, 3464x3464, F1068E8A-546D-4041-8896-9C70BF…)

>>231906Inb4 nitpicking, photos arent related
No. 231956
File: 1658600113162.jpeg (799.73 KB, 3464x3464, 17BB8F9C-93AA-423A-87F9-C25AAC…)

>>231937Belles face evolution the
Britfag ——> e whore pipeline
(nitpicking) No. 232199
>>232187Those braces aren't like grillz anon, you can't just pop them in and out
The pics of her that have been posted without braces have been enhanced with AI which removes them
No. 232218
File: 1658663639266.jpeg (87.25 KB, 600x443, A0B70497-E132-4197-9246-ED2A5E…)

Keking so hard, belles ‘mansion’ has a septic tank, for those of you who dont know its basically a huge storage of her shit and urine that has to be emptied by a company every month(this level of nitpicking tho )
No. 232224
Was rereading this yesterday, for anons who don't know a certain lolcow was caught posting back in 2016, both shitting on other cows and posting gore, as well as defending herself on anon
The top posts here are her defending herself on anon, kinda reminds me of what goes on in this thread: No. 232232
File: 1658669916157.jpeg (167.19 KB, 828x1155, 54419745-7B92-4557-9041-B08B6C…)

>>232228Because belle acts like shes so rich and fancy when in reality, she lives in an over-occupied house full of sex workers, a swamp in the garden and her toilet goes into a cess-pit. Far from luxury if you ask me
Also wtf is the picrel LMAO
No. 232362
>>232358I'm not any of the ones complaining on meta, I think it's a mix of Belle's friends posting and genuinely deranged anons, it's been like this for years so I can't see it changing. I'm this anon
>>232224 there are definitely similarities, kiki even spammed negative stuff about herself in some kinda distraction/diversion method, so it would be in line with some of these weird posts.
Anyway, they're wasting their time because this thread will never be locked, same as Erin being the main poster of her own thread and repeatedly demanding the thread get locked. Threads only get locked
if a cow dies I've never seen an established thread locked for any other reason.
No. 232439
>>232337I genuinely think Belle stays with Josh because Josh has something on her that
will ruin her life.
No. 232449
File: 1658749436343.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.28 KB, 595x897, belle_delphine_bdsm_dungeon_on…)

So, this was her explanation for the big "hardcore bdsm" video debacle. She started with a 30 min video, was "forced" to cut 90% out and was left with a video just under 2 minutes of her rubbing lube (which inexplicably ends up foaming like soap) all over her ass cheeks kek
No. 232457
>>232449huh, it's almost like she never filmed anything beyond five miunutes. "too bdsm for onlyfans" didn't she post rape porn there? of anything she's posted, that video would surely be the one to be go. she doesn't have to pretend to like bdsm
>>232450i don't think she has nearly as many subscribers as she says she does
No. 232509
File: 1658766986074.jpg (Spoiler Image,72.89 KB, 595x863, belle-delphine_1519.jpg)

For the anons who were wondering why she's been typing so weirdly lately, especially about being sweaty and having dirty shoes from her walk, I tinfoil she's gearing up to start selling well worn items if she's not already doing so in private dms
No. 232517
File: 1658768042796.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.44 KB, 728x971, belle_delphine_extreme_spankin…)

>>232470This is what you're referring to? She released this set 20+ days ago, same outfit though. Looks more like a nasty rash than "torture".
No. 232568
File: 1658776485707.jpg (850.06 KB, 1080x1435, Screenshot_20220725-151225_Tel…)

>>232547She must also feel this way, or else she wouldn't suck in her gut and contort her body to the point where she looks like she's in pain just to take a selfie
No. 232570
>>232517LMAO she did that to her self, using her right hand. The fingers are pointed towards her butt crack, meaning she did it herself. If it was someone else, they wouldn't awkwardly stand in front of her while spanking her.
The hand mark would be the completely opposite way around, with the fingermarks towards her front.
No. 232576
File: 1658778620697.png (44.26 KB, 102x304, Screenshot 2022-07-25 224921.p…)

surprised she didn't edit this
No. 232580
File: 1658780342338.png (267.95 KB, 472x466, Screenshot 2022-07-25 231904.p…)

her calves/ankles look edited to me here. i recall her having thicker calves
No. 232581
File: 1658780348357.jpeg (867.98 KB, 3464x3464, 4C8D4AEE-70FA-40A6-910F-6B477C…)

>>232576She likes those wrinkles, they add to her cute grandma aesthetic.
(nitpicking) No. 232582
File: 1658780520803.jpeg (654.71 KB, 1329x1113, 3E0F45C5-5B96-44E1-82B1-F70DE5…)

>>232580Yeah she has naturally very lunch lady shaped legs, i expect if she gains much more weight shes gonna look like luisa from encanto
No. 232584
File: 1658780746762.jpg (34.49 KB, 204x608, Screenshot 2022-07-25 224921_a…)

(nitpicking) No. 232634
>>232591took 2 seconds to find out this girl is 15, half Indian and half black.
>>232609I don't get how a child not wanting to be belle delphine counts as milk?
No. 232651
>>232593Why do you want a literal kid to have a thread? Because she dissed Belle for being a pedobaiting sex worker?
Stop derailing the thread with other people and leave underaged girls alone. I swear Belle and her sex worker friends derail this thread whenever they mention it on streams or Instagram.
No. 232670
>>232634Of course anons are posting minors
Fucking creepy ass posters. Can't even post anyone below 16 as is the rules. Nitpicking a fucking child. Wtf
No. 232687
>>232682>>232676How about you don't post minors or encourage discussion about actual children unrelated to Belle. She had nothing to do with Belle. Fuck off, pedo. Can't believe you have photos of a child on your phone/computer.
I hope mods are able to report your posting to the FBI for harboring childrens photos and comparing her to sexually active adults. Based mods for deleting the photos.
No. 232688
>>232687Neither of us even posted those, both of us where against her being posted. I think you’re just overly invested ITT because of what
>>232651 said. The FBI should check your computer and I guarantee you will have cp on there that is not simulated and produced by some flabby 22 year old.
No. 232692
>>232688How do you go from
>don't post minors from >>232687to calling the anon a pedo instead? None of you are defending it, so wtf is the problem? Stop justifying posting minors in general. It's fucking weird
>>232682 Anon is literally mad they can't post her here for some reason. It's lolcow rules.
No. 232695
>>232692I’m sorry but who is mad they can’t post her? That anon was replying to
>>232574Who replied to
>>232547And it was
>>232593>>232591Who wanted the teenager to have a thread
No. 232698
nonnie why you gotta do this random woman like that. She looks very nice.
No. 232717
>>232716Skin creases sometimes, anon. Human beings aren't made of rubber.
The last thing I want to do is cape for this cow. Just pointing out that some of these nitpicks are autistic as fuck.
No. 232732
>>232569>>232716she looks normal. calm down.
>>232499all that for… 450 likes? i thought she had a million fans on patreon or something? do onlyfans accounts show how many people are paying?
No. 232747
>>232742Nta but everything
>>232707 is correct and it's the height of newfaggotory to tinfoil everyone is the same person. Throwing pedo around at any slight detracts from the very serious implications it's supposed to have.
No. 232749
>>232747And yet anons do the exact same thing when anons. The word pedo is throw around. I'm not talking about that though. I'm talking about being uoset a minor can't be posted.stay on topic anon. No1currs about your hurt feelings or the anon offended, defending a child be posted and justifying it practically by throwing a fit that "BuT sHe Has A TikToK.". Just deal with it and move on.
The nitpicking, photo editing,posting random girls not affiliated with Belle just because her name is involved, is all fucking weird.
No. 232755
>>232749Tinfoil but that anon self posted their tiktoks hoping to be applauded and called based. Belles skinwalkers have self posted on here before
cough alice
No. 232759
>>232757The same anons poetically have all those going photos of Belle that got teposted ITT and last thread too. Anons, stoo keeping underage cow photos on your devices. Its creepy and scrote-like. Its not milky either. Just stop.
>>229309She makes a good Venelope cosplayer, tho.
No. 232775
File: 1658854785720.jpg (Spoiler Image,360.25 KB, 597x2294, Belle-Delphine-Sleepover-Fanta…)

Belle's shitty fanfic (1/2)
No. 232776
File: 1658854858990.jpg (Spoiler Image,431.27 KB, 561x3818, Belle-Delphine-Sleepover-Fanta…)

No. 232787
>>232722different nonna
>>232717sorry for thinking its funny the worlds biggest anachan egirl gained weight
No. 232793
File: 1658857403882.jpg (134.25 KB, 728x971, belle_delphine_adult_vanellope…)

>>232759Are you high? Belle cosplays Vanellope like she's legit retarded
No. 232817
File: 1658863480447.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1055x1406, 7C330B33-1563-4C0C-8759-919667…)

>>232806you must be joking. also idk why this wasnt the thread pic.
No. 232832
File: 1658866282566.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2598x3464, 2FBD85EB-59BA-42DA-B310-04D0F2…)

>>232817Next thread pic any suggestions
No. 232835
File: 1658866574673.png (564.78 KB, 486x797, goblin.png)

>>232832and/or this one lmfao
No. 232866
>>232806Anon, no she should not be cosplaying a literal child, let alone certain shots in that photoshoot.
>b-but it' was josh's idea!She doesn't make a good anything other than e-thot.
No. 232882
File: 1658875753407.jpg (5.89 MB, 4073x4096, 73625261891917.jpg)

No. 232913
File: 1658879510730.jpg (51.91 KB, 338x392, 4324678976424678.jpg)

No. 232923
File: 1658880549517.jpg (813.13 KB, 4032x2266, TODDLER BANGS.jpg)

What the fuck is wrong with her eyebrows? And that witch nose too
No. 232924
>>232921Belle has been posting
the worst pictures of herself lately and everytime someone calls her out or points it out the whiteknight REEEEEES that its edited by anons everytime when its not. Her sets are massive 12+ pics most of the time and a lot of them look terrible as if she didn't spend much time tweaking her photoshop
No. 232932
>>232928she looks cute, and i'm not one to not say it how it is
i actually think she looks way better in this set than she has lately.
No. 232953
>>232811No1currs you like huge women who larp as children.
>>232935She looks inbred.
No. 232997
>>232930 anyways what’s the thing around her neck in photo? Is that a tattoo or choker? I could hardly tell with how flat it looks
No. 233030
File: 1658908159438.jpeg (536.3 KB, 1125x1370, 0A067971-3B7E-48BB-9BFC-E43208…)

the way she writes is like a joke i cant image someone being turned on by this. sadly men are easy.
No. 233107
File: 1658938091039.jpg (707.97 KB, 1920x1600, belle-delphine_1095.jpg)

Jfc as if Vanellope wasn't bad enough–she also cosplayed as someone even younger; Darla from Finding Nemo (8 y.o)
No. 233118
>>233116So these apparent, close up shots that anons keep posting, are from scrotes doing it on the scrote sites? Which.. I don't see them doing. So, where's the source because all I see is normal leaks on most of these including, fapello.
Anons need to stop being autistic and editing and cropping photos. It's not milk because it completely fucks with the entire discussion and that's why they keep getting banned for nitpicking too.
No. 233123
File: 1658942791968.jpeg (406.66 KB, 375x1334, E7309EFE-3CCB-4810-8913-7ECF84…)

>>233118nta that isn’t edited, it’s just more awful writing by belle.
No. 233154
File: 1658949269136.png (307.53 KB, 371x401, 1215750.png)

>>233123She really likes goblin ears.
No. 233222
File: 1658965786994.png (Spoiler Image,1.78 MB, 810x1140, E1CEA82F-CF4D-4E46-BC9D-E1A72C…)

why are her knees so fucking low is she editing her legs to be shorter? fucking kek
No. 233238
File: 1658972629880.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.41 KB, 810x1080, 183247923475237635.jpg)

>>233235The image anon posted is edited, look at the watermark. This is the original image, and I do believe that she's editing her legs since they look tiny.
No. 233241
File: 1658973190122.png (Spoiler Image,703.24 KB, 465x917, 128324782398745234.png)

>>233234except in her porno LMAO
No. 233244
File: 1658973880016.jpeg (1.37 MB, 2160x2880, FYsg8rnaQAAhux8.jpeg)

New photos from twitter.
No. 233245
File: 1658973922435.jpeg (546 KB, 1365x2048, FYsg9jmWAAAfd13.jpeg)

No. 233251
File: 1658975108668.jpg (123.18 KB, 853x1280, 7636372736629292.jpg)

No. 233300
>>233251Her hair looks so disgusting it needs a good wash, condition and brush. Also I think she’s cutting her own fringe because it looks ridiculous. And she needs to get rid of those braces ASAP because they look SO ugly on her prematurely aged face.
>>233241KEK omg these two are pitiful.
No. 233301
File: 1658991122560.jpeg (459.04 KB, 1282x1500, 2F0373A9-5B97-487F-8F6E-4B7173…)

>>233244She really does have BRF teeth no wonder she loves those braces so much.
No. 233309
File: 1658993537849.jpeg (385.28 KB, 776x525, 83597C8C-9866-4BEA-85BA-429958…)

she came back with an entirely different nose
No. 233320
>>233251>>233245>>233244ok this looks really pretty, the dress is cute
I'm super tired of her shitty pedo pandering tho
No. 233337
>>233329has there been any closeup candid of belle or picture taken by someone else (that's not shooped) ?
I know there's that podcast video everyone talks about
No. 233338
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>>233337plenty at the cmc she attended. here's one, note her height for the nonnies who care - the guy said he was 5'6 in the comments. she's not short and not colossal
No. 233357
>>233338His profile photo is also with Belle. So Belle actually hugs her fugly incel fans?
Also, where do you even find those cmc photos?
No. 233363
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>>233338Love the comments
No. 233457
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>>233241Belle should capitalise off being tall and elegant
She pulls off the tall ethereal princess look way better than the midget goblin look.
No. 233483
>>233457Anon stfu. She’s not tall. We where all saying that as a joke because she tries so hard to be uwu smol and lies about her height. Also elegant? Where? I know she looks like a horse but that doesn’t make her elegant.
>>233251>>233123She absolutely sucks at fantasy cosplay. She will actually have to put effort in, work to put a nice outfit together, buy decent pieces and not edit her photos to hell and back in order to be popular and she’s shown that she’s incapable of that. She can poorly combine an aliexpress mini skirt and halter top that says “daddy’s little cum dumpster” and a pair of tacky dolls kill wedges and slap on a party city wig and boom, e girl, but fantasy cosplay takes a lot of work and creative expression. She has none of that.
First things first those braces need to come off. The older she gets the more ridiculous she looks especially now she’s got her deformed nose.
No. 233492
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>>233488And thats
with the snow filters
No. 233517
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She really looks like a Disney character
No. 233536
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>>233517this is a better comparison nonna
No. 233554
nonnie you really told her!
No. 233582
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>>233571There are other people who said they met her in person and she was closer to 6'0. Another nonna posted the screenshot in an older thread
No. 233642
>>233640Your retarded ass thought
>>233517 was idolising e-whores, so stfu.
No. 233665
>>233582in the pic with that guy who claimed to be 5'6 she was the same height as him.
also, stop sperging about her height and derailing
No. 233673
File: 1659103899329.jpg (221.88 KB, 1078x1586, 20220729_101112.jpg)

>>233665Just because you come here everyday to zealously whiteknight belle in this thread, meta, and opinion on cows thread everyday doesn't mean it will ever stop us from talking shit about her, especially her looks which is directly related to her pedo pandering. In case you and the janitor for/w/ forgot, this
IS lolcor. I agree with anon who was saying /w/ janny is a belle fan, this thread is so oddly moderated compared to the rest of the site. I guess its nitpicking to point out belle blatantly using SNOW to take her pictures
>>233494>>233492 No. 233695
>>233691No one has WKed her though is the funny thing. Anons claim it when being called out for their ridiculous posting and when mods see how nitpicking it is, they ban. Mods are agreeing with the need for heavy moderation, not this garbage
>>233517 This isn't milk.
No. 233728
>>233701Pretty sure some of them are Belle, Josh, Kai, Pixie, Chanceofcosplay etc. They all mentioned this thread on their social media and/or streams. I don't believe they just lurk here all the time without posting themselves. They check this thread even on holidays, whoever from their friend group gets posted here makes their account private asap.
Jannies in this thread don't give a fuck about the WKs though, the WKs start infighting all the time and everyone else gets redtexted. Never the WKs/minimodding scrotes. Posts where her looks aren't even mocked are redtexted for "nitpicking", like that thread pic suggestion.
No. 233740
>>233739Basically whatever the nitpickers are posting under. Like
>>233701 is "derailing" and
>>233691 would be "take complaints to meta" because it's complaining about the moderation. Basically let the thread die for a while until the mods handle it.
No. 233859
>>233851When/where did they confirm this?
Also does anyone get the impression her friends secretly hate her? As in PissyCat and the girl who pretended to be Connie. They always seem to be leaving her our in pictures.
No. 233861
>>233851>>233824>>233800anons who think anyone who complains about this thread is either belle or josh needs to admit themselves to a psych ward asap.
you sound deranged and paranoid
No. 233909
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>>233859They definitely only use door-belle for her money and dont actually care about her, i mean why else would they want to hang around an ugly grinch lookalike with the personality of an autistic 13 year old
No. 234086
>>233988Autism isn't a mental illness. She may have BPD, which
is a mental illness, but that's a whole different thing.
No. 234160
>>234141>He also said "I can't wait for this to be on lolcow" when posting a selfie with her before.Was this meant ironically or deliberately?
Like Belle clearly doesnt want to be on this site. But apparently her "friends" want her to.
Every time the flame dies down a bit, they throw in abita fuel again. Nice people to be around.
No. 234178
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>>234171 NTA but from what I've heard in his stories he speaks like an entitled, arrogant prick aswell. He tries so hard to sound upper class, and especially since Pixie's been rich enough to leech off. I've heard from irl's of theirs that all their group seem to do is brag to their friends about knowing her. Kai only got his twitch income after he plastered their friendship online. They absolutely love the attention here, even if it's at the expense of their "friend".
Without Belle they can't make money of their own.
No. 234195
>>234178They all lurk here, especially belle, its so funny that they camp out here. Anyway whats with this whiteknight anon trying to shill her as autistic and garner sympathy because of 'muh booly friends!!1' ?? this poster always finds some reason in every thread to "feel really bad for her and try to plant a seed of sympathy when she doesn't deserve it, whether its because of her super duper meanie friends or because she's
totally being groomed by Josh and has no agency over her own self!!!
No. 234243
>>234237kys scrote
>>234223she is histronic, she thrives off of attention and being desirable, its sad
No. 234401
>>234335>She's his daughter. He must care about her. I'm sure he cares on some level.Found the middle class anon with a nice life, how can you be on and think all fathers care about their kids? Like even the momcomics thing on Twitter yesterday, deadbeat dads are the norm and not giving a shit about your kids is the norm. An absent father cares even less.
However this is derailing, she made her choices and it's mostly her gross groomer boyfriends at fault, look at Stephanie Michelle and what happened to her after she got married. It's obvious Belle wants to drop the sexwork stuff since she absolutely sucks at it, some of her recent looks hark back to her pre-porn elf/fantasy photos. The father being there or not is way less relevant than the scrote she lives with. Plus I've followed girls with present, supportive fathers who still went into sex work, there's no correlation.
No. 234402
>>234401Samefag, momlife_comics, every comic is basically 'my husband is useless and I do all the work' and all her followers obviously relate to these comics.
And while this anon
>>234348is talking about something very dark, it's true, some men have children specifically to prostitute them later.
anyway tl;dr it's josh and her other coomer friends at fault
No. 234431
>>234338Anon if this were true, Belle Delphine wouldn't exist. What do you think the genesis of pickmeism is?
>>234178Ewww look at these faggoty greasy coomers with literal pedophile facial hair ew ew ew. I wonder what it's like knowing your bf's friends jerk off to your porn, and would definitely rape you if given the chance? I wonder if she enjoys the ""power"" or if it scares her.
No. 234546
>>234178I also love how Kai doesn't even bring up his girlfriend, the girl who introduced all these sex workers to each other, as one of his "favorite people" kek
I think there are more photos of Belle than Pixie in his gallery. It's getting weird how much he mentions and shares Belle in his social media.
No. 234719
File: 1659389496556.jpeg (1.89 MB, 3464x3464, E0EE0C6F-85DF-4396-AEF5-C0C7C7…)

>>234287Yes, belle is the spitting image of beautiful actress sacheen littlefeather. Belle’s mum is part Argentinian so that explains her unique eyes and high cheekbones
>>234719Argentina is where Nazis fled to. It has a massive white population,
nonnie. Lol
No. 234722
THATS why belle looks racist… nazi dna!
No. 234803
>>234719Don't do sacheen dirty like that
nonnie, and while you're at it be less transparent when you're pulling shit out of your ass.
No. 235009
File: 1659430487914.jpeg (172.34 KB, 674x424, DCCDC8DE-B11B-42D0-BDCD-0EC8B8…)

studying? i thought this chick was a middle school dropout lol
No. 235012
>>235009studying what tho
did she ever even post personal content like that?
No. 235109
File: 1659454929235.jpeg (394.6 KB, 750x774, B4A18CCD-85BC-43E5-B9D5-F88C74…)

>>235009“studying”. posted and immediately deleted and reuploaded with a different caption yesterday.
No. 235167
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Belle's xl loli feet kek
No. 235256
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No. 235257
>>235167as a
nonnie with cute petite feet ( 36 EU size) , those are pretty damn big feet
No. 235301
>>23525736 eu is pretty average
nonnie and no one cares
No. 235309
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>>235307those huge feet are no where near size 7
No. 235409
>>235407By 0 effort do you mean photoshopping every single photo from her face to nipples, getting surgeries and putting on absurd amounts of make-up? Belle tries so hard if anything.
Also, next thread should include Josh's name for sure. Making pedopandering porn and pretending to rape someone is as bad and cowish as pretending to get raped for it.
No. 235413
>>235256Can you also share the cosplay photo,
No. 235421
>>235414 her onlyfans content and the updates she writes all look like she's doing an impression of someone who is really sexual and horny. she's probably brainrotted from hentai and let that shape her ideas of porn and sex.
>>235407 it's true that men have low standards but there's only so far that looks are going to take you in the porn world, that's been seen in action since the xmas porn came out. the numbers she put on the music video don't make sense either so she feels the need to lie about it, that says enough about how it's really going for her
No. 235442
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>>235439what an empowered woman
No. 235448
>>235420I'm glad someone beat the wk to it..especially since they never link
all the threads when they make a new one.
No. 235473
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Her cosplays are the worst, you can tell she doesn't even know any of those characters but just tries to look like she is into anime or gaming to entertain scrotes.
No. 235474
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>>233030"Small delicate" Belle and her "tiny" feet KEK
No. 235601
>>235581That thread was made by vendetta anons who hate Belle and wanted a thread made asap. There's no bio, no updates, no nothing. They did the same with a few other threads around the time. We alrwady know the Belle-fag jumps around to other threads and does the same shitposting too.
Lol blaming that on WKs is just hilarious.
No. 235619
>>235607Do you know how faces look with braces at all? She's not gaping her mouth open. Its called rounding perspective.
Are you serious?
No. 235726
>>235390Are you aware of the context or are you choosing to be retarded? It was Belle herself who said she had "tiny moisturised little feet"
People are just calling out her bullshit, anon.
No. 235731
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>>235475the last time she did she looked like a 24 year old single mom
No. 235767
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Yes, look at the first hint of her fake sister tweet.
No. 235768
File: 1659554861925.png (829.14 KB, 775x921, faking posts again.png)

>>235765I take it back, it's edited. All the icons and the main photo are a completely different quality from the text alone and this is not how Twitter looks either. Its a complete shop job. Mods need to do something about this fake milk and calling it her "messing up" when it's anons and off sites BSing shit as usual. This completely bogs down real milk.