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No. 69238
Twitter: BANNED (haha)
Facebook: summary from previous thread >>>2640:
A big thanks to the original summary anon (>>>/snow/724171)
Cosplay drama:
>posts her Kotori (Love Live) cosplay to a LL group, but wore a purple wig instead of brown; users criticized the wig>yells "it doesn't matter what colour it is!", "i didn't have a brown one!", "cosplay is about fun not accuracy!">posts screenshots of the comments on her page to complain about cosplay being a "toxic community">admits she should've said it was inspired but keeps making salty posts in reference to it>begins "lewding" her costumes by posting swimsuit cosplays and a completely random bikini armor version of Belle from Beauty and the Beast>goes viral for cosplay, this time just long brown hair and pink cheek tattoos in bathing suit>posts screenshots again because people pointed out that it's just a normal person in character makeup>announces that she'll never cosplay again because people take it way too seriously >continues to cosplay characters in free taobao costumes and unfitting pastel-colored wigs>upon her PULL thread starting, a massive whiteknight attack took place in the thread and PULL chatbox and she changed her FB nameAge, pedobaiting, and sex work:
>submitted an ID stating she was 18 to a cosplay page while she was underage, later got verified on Patreon and the age she still claims as her real one would have made her 16 at the time of the fake ID>started selling lewds as soon as she turned 18, broke up with her whiteknight boyfriend at the same time - he's been sadposting since>got her Patreon suspended temporarily as soon as she started selling lewd photosets (possible age concerns)>uses every opportunity to harp on about how young she looks>did Lolita (the novel) inspired "looks">sponsored by brands like "cutesykink">got fake braces, claims they're real but they disappear and reappear all the time>posing nude in public and in supermarkets to appeal to kinksters>claims she'll just keep selling nudes until she retires at 30, citing JNig as her idol
>The FB thread also covered her making up a fake profile to comment her selfies under photos of her ex with other girls>>>/snow/402508]
New summary:
>Pedo baiting>Copysliterally everyone>Never did actual nudes>Pretends that she is single when in fact she has a 27-year-old boyfriend that takes all her photos and possibly runs the premium SC account too and is a co-owner of the business>Possibly bulimic >Shopping is getting worse and worse >Possible nose job>More pedo-baiting>Incels got her parents house doxxed>Promised making a PH account if she got one million likes on one post in one week which she eventually did by the help of her 14-year-old boys freaking out and liking it>became la epic trolle meme kween by 'trolling' her male fanbase and posting memes on her PH which made them angry disliking her stuff>girls and mainstream media applauding her for not giving in to incels' desires >One week later she is doing anal stuff on her premium SC -which is probably fake->Sold overpriced bath water which is another example of her copying >Bianca happened which seemed to scare her a little so she laid low>Instagram account got banned probably because of her child-like pornography>>it's alright guys I'm moving to twitter>disappers >comes back two months later with the fake mugshot >> I got arrested lolOld thread:
>>>2640 No. 69241
File: 1570890557160.jpg (140.21 KB, 368x500, Screenshot_20191008-150807.thu…)

>>69238The fake mugshot, it doesn't even need proving that it is fake for a number of reasons most importantly that it has the softest lighting and she looks smoothed as hell too, the internet ofc met it with telling her how much of a queen she is, now that everyone is convinced that it is fake they're praising her for being such a troll, still no body knows where she pissed in the last two months.
No. 69242
File: 1570890650438.png (2.24 MB, 1125x2436, 7F3AFCB8-1FD7-4845-8513-56382F…)

>>69241>>69238According to her, that's how it went down
No. 69243
File: 1570890798607.png (1.89 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-10-12-01-33-49…)

>>69241>>69242>>69238And apparently she went to PH awards for some reason I don't know, I don't know either was she invited or did she just attend to support her returning
No. 69246
File: 1570891367112.jpg (127.05 KB, 800x450, Screenshot_20191008-150807.thu…)

I have uni assignment to finish, I count on the other anons to talk more in depth about the hamster drama.
No. 69338
>>69272>>69270>>69296anons stop sperging, her HEAD looks huge because she's not the 5'3" smol gurl she pretends to be online. She's like 5'8". Sorry I
triggered the lolcow fattys
No. 69339
>>69338you cant even see her body i assumed you meant height
>>69242nice wipe off paint
No. 69348
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>>69336That was last year anon. She won this year.
No. 69751
>>69450I don't think so. She went to the PornHub awards with the wig on as seen in
>>69243 and I think the lack of wig in the "mugshot" was meant to make it look more real. Seems weird though for her to still be under the radar after the graffiti/arrest was gaining traction
No. 71834
File: 1572934470046.jpg (123.68 KB, 696x964, hsv.jpg)

Something not mentioned above: she addressed the herpes sore that anons fought over (ad nauseum) in the last thread.
No. 71847
>>71835>I'll be dead by 30i truly hope that she
a) has her finances set up. i hope shes employing some sort of financial management company (e.g. Vistra) to ensure that her taxes are paid and she doesn't blow all her money as she goes
she has around 2000 patreons with the 1$ tier having actually no reward at all. so even if all 2000 patreons subscribed to her 5$ tier which has limited access to photos and no lewds, instead of the 25$ tier or higher, that's 10 grand a month minimum.
b) that her weird obsession with being smol lolibait and her displayed insecurity about aging, losing youthful looks, etc. are truly just her persona, and if not, that she can outgrow that hyper-sexualised definition of her self-worth as a woman and get past thinking she's only "useful" as long as she looks "the best she can" according to neckbeards on the internet.
she truly is like a car crash.
No. 79698
File: 1579861267094.png (Spoiler Image,444.04 KB, 451x897, 1579852523831.png)

Not sure if old milk or not, sorry farmers.
No. 86064
File: 1584218647937.png (1.92 MB, 1428x1413, belle.png)

Belle had a nose job
No. 100701
File: 1592189107304.png (729.14 KB, 815x552, 901379EB-BCAF-4C8D-BBAE-CCAC67…)

Belle tried to do another publicity stunt and failed miserably. She put on her friends foot cast/arm sling and had her friend lilpixiecat say she saw belle on the streets. People quickly discovered she took the pics at her house and pixie is now denying she ever posted anything lol
No. 101183
File: 1592418680328.png (Spoiler Image,957.33 KB, 1057x680, chrome_55FwJ04oes.png)

kek, fitting realisation. that poor woman
No. 101186
>>101181I hate when airheaded skanks think anyone cares about their lame art projects.
Tits or GTFO Belle.
No. 101189
>>100701lol as if she just casual walks about in public on her cheap amazon thot gear
>>101181>>101183ngl I laughed at this. "fitting realisation" im sure she gives no fucks anon. its all tongue in cheek
No. 101208
File: 1592425933412.png (Spoiler Image,722.16 KB, 1222x612, delphinemarks.png)

Good to see Belle quit filtering herself.
No. 101250
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>>101240nta but company filings are public record in the UK. This is the link to info on her company Belle and her husband are listed as the two officers.
No. 101260
>>101181On one hand, I'm disappointed that she's kind of taken it this far and will take it much further-I kinda liked that she only teased and pissed off guys because that's exactly what they deserve. But on the other, I think pissing off men after that other girl got beheaded probably scared her a little straight in that regard and also more importantly-there is SERIOUS money to be made off Onlyfans right now. There are allegedly bitches making 400k+ a month who have HALF of the popularity she had. Trisha Paytas makes how much?? And she's like twice her age and 3 times her size. I'm just gonna be honest, she would be a stupid bitch if she didn't jump on the Onlyfans train lol.
If even Venis angelic with her crusty unflattering fucked up pictures can rake in the cash, so can Belle-way way way more cash. Which sucks but that's how it is. Still, bummer that she'll be actually be doing lewds. but money will always be more important than stupid shit like morals, especially if its invested in ways that'll keep her set for life.
No. 101272
>>101267This reeks of self post. Nobody cares Buttercup.
Anyway, back to Delphine returning. Not at all surprised by her becoming trashier for simp bucks. Acting like a dumb thot is too good of a career for her to leave behind.
No. 101278
File: 1592448402801.png (1.07 MB, 604x1399, download.png)

Apparently belle threads are being spammed on /pol/ (I only saw 2, but apparently its been happening for at least 24hrs) and shes trending on UK twitter. There was speculation that both these instances are being done by her manager(s) and that maybe she is doing this all herself. Saying reactions to her "comeback" are mixed would be an understatement.
No. 101280
>>101278Simps self-perpetuate their favorites all the time. They meme even the most average female posters. I laugh at your cognitive dissonance at admitting that simps would pay her OF knowing they're gonna get scammed, and yet stop short at spamming their favorite thot all over 4chan.
I doubt it's her and I doubt it's her managers. It's just a bunch of cucks who get a kick out of fanboying and pissing off some autists in the process.
You guys are overthinking it, really.
No. 101292
>>101290I did say what was happening again what part did you miss?
>I laugh at your cognitive dissonance>You guys are overthinking itWhat exactly did you mean here and how is this "adding" to anything exactly?
No. 101310
>>101181ish, that hentai pictural two piece has made its time heh.
i can't stop thinking her stuff will grow old quickly…
the song is a definite cringe although it's catchy. But when her voice isn't chipmuncked, the "magic" kinds of break.
also i never found she was very good at interpreting. her face expressions often break character and when it does It's like she's not having such a great time.
Also also also hate to parental check but why isn't the vid 18+
No. 101319
>>101318I agree.
She would have been better off making a comeback video as herself and apologise for her scamming, it probably would have grown her following naturally without having to rely on incels and fake followers.
No. 101327
>>101311OOT but the singer (Senzawa)'s voice makes my ears bleed. That tryhard loli voice is so bad.
Belle's part in the song was 50x better than Senzawa's.
No. 101365
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Belle was originally gonna fake being injured and garner sympathy for being gone a year and scamming on Patreon. She was gonna claim her “boyfriend” died and she was single and had to start an onlyfans. She took these pics with her friend lilpixiecat and people debunked it quick because lilpixiecat had pics of her last year wearing the cast. So belle dropped the injured story. She had videos and photo shoots already shot of her with the injuries too. Lol. Her first photoset back on onlyfans was gonna be her wearing a microbikini with the foot cast/arm sling. I won’t be surprised if she releases it at a later time now since she already had shot it. So be prepared for that.
No. 101375
File: 1592507913485.jpeg (314.53 KB, 828x1444, 2008064D-8F9D-47FA-8F2F-344754…)

>>101365She is still kinda going with the cast story. She did an interview with LADBIBLE saying she took a break bc of being stalked and death threats. No. 101419
>>101417you sound like one of her scrotes assuming anyone who disagrees is just jealous
just because it's proportioned in a way (accentuated by how much she shoops herself/wears thongs) doesn't mean she's got a big ass
that's not what having a big ass is
go back to giving her your simpbux on OF
No. 101422
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>>101421Just checked her onlyfans, 14 posts in the past day and the first one talks about a dildo. She seems desperate.
No. 101449
>>101421Tinfoil- She was arrested, but not for what she said she was arrested for. Her money ran out in less than a year from legal fees.
Unironically I kind of do think she was "gone" for so long bc she spent some time in prison or the hospital or something. She had a pretty good thing going with her snap/patreon, there wasn't really any reason to abandon that.
No. 101453
>>101323>>101329Nta but IIRC didn’t she sell other peoples photos and pass them off as her own a few years back? If that’s the case, I couldn’t see her ever apologising for that.
Makes me sick that since this new stunt I keep seeing news articles pop up about her on mainstream media, they’re playing right into her hands.
No. 101465
>>101457I think she’ll boom this month but unless she starts doing something different she’ll fizzle. she tried to start TikTok around the end of her relevancy last time and is trying to push it again now. TikTok is arguably the new breeding ground for these types of girls anyway but belles video quality (over filtered and softened even on her new ones) and video style (overproduced and XD RANDOM) won’t fair well on the format. avivasofia filled the ~belle content niche for a bit but expanded into more than the dumb faces. After that most of the girls who have gone viral on TikTok have either had a fluke and a good personality (Jersey egirl) or are at least bringing something to the table like actual porn (pokeprinxess)
now that belles back many of these TikTok girls do see her as the father and want to collab with her but is she going to fly over? I doubt it. Is she going to upload goofy videos without overproducing them? I doubt it. TikTok has changed meme culture with this generation to the point where if you miss a day or two of posting you can completely be forgotten about.
she was never good at engaging on twitter which also depends on some personality. Her instagram is (supposedly) already down. if she only has only fans and keeps not showing the goods I don’t see it lasting past this initial return because we’ve SEEN with cows how quickly you have to up the ante on onlyfans to keep people interested.
TLDR: what is belles ideal platform anyway since she flops on them all? what’s her endgame? censored pussy for the whole year?
No. 101471
>>101422>>101424While I'm not denying that she can be this cringy all by herself, it really reads like a male larping as a girl to be honest. What with the "I-I'm a b-bit shy but here's a very nsfw dildo photoset uwu" stuff.
>>101381>If she wasn't pedobaiting (i.e. having a small stature) I'd totally accept her demeaning herself for the amusement and arousal of men, supporting an industry built on abuse of women, ruining future chances of her shaking off the infame, consistently lying and having obvious mental disorders she's not getting treated! but it's just that god damn paedo baiting that ruins her for me !!!!! What a saint you are.
No. 101478
>>101471i thought that belle had someone writing for before disappearing. like her bf or something.
i'd say she's the one writing on her OF because it's kinda blend
No. 101514
>>101181Its embarrassing how this TALL 21 year old woman is trying so hard to make her voice as squeaky as possible and look small.
There were pictures of her with other women and she was the tallest out of all of them.
She isnt fooling no one except for her simps.
No. 101515
>>101514Don't cry anon just point to where in the video she says she's short and tell us how it hurt you
The song is sung by someone else, just fyi
No. 101585
>>101181Oh good, the video was age restricted by YT.
It's sad that all these 18-21 year old e-thot depend so much on underaged teen for their following on YT, insta, tik tok, that they can't even self restrict their content themselves. Coomers are the one that pay for content but the underage aspiring ethots or 16 year old WKs are the ones helping the number of views and likes grow up in my opinion. It's really awkward.
also… senzawa for voice? idubs 2015~6 memes? omae wa mo sindeiru meme? haha im a gamer uwu? hentai shirt?
she not only took a break from social media but also from Internet culture as well huh. She's like recycling herself at this point.
No. 101608
>>101585You're not wrong. There's been many a comment along the lines of
>Hi Belle I'm 12 I wish you would date me but I'm too young :(What can I say, her uwu ~so random~ content certainly has it's demographic kek
No. 101864
>>101825nta but it works. this video is brain-meltingly bad.
Also seconding the Anon who thinks someone else did the ass shots, they're double the size of her actual butt+her face is out of frame.
No. 101866
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>>101864This is the only butt shot where you can see the face. She has full lips whereas Belle has thin lips.
>song sung by someone else>someone else's butt>I'm back No. 101874
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>>101872>>101866>>101868I want to agree with you anons but it kinda looks like her strange PS profile to me? The nose is half the size it should be making her philtrum look oddly long, even the conically fake swoop is there. I assumed she must have gained weight because that ass although not "big" is still much bigger than anything she used to photoshop in. But I'm sure the socks yanked up her ass are also doing her favours in that department. That being said I wouldn't put it past her to hire an ass double kek.
No. 101931
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>>101866Idk. At least this one has to be hers so I kinda believe there‘s no second person included.
No. 101934
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They were also using a super wide lens for that shot. You can see where it warped her knees and thighs here.
She has a small ass so the super wide lens help make it look bigger
No. 101990
>>101931 That's the second butt (aka her actual one), it clearly switches. And if you're gonna circle tiny details, look at the lips and upper body in the screencap
>>101866>>101916There are definitely two different butt sizes, nobody suddenly gains several clothes sizes between shots. But she knows her audience are so unfamiliar with irl women they won't even clock it.
No. 101999
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>>101990Nta but it's got an awful profile just like her "candids" here
>>101874 not saying it's not true, I just think if it did occur they did a good job on the double
No. 102044
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>>101990I mean, believe whatever you want, but I‘m telling you: positioning, angles, and as
>>101934 mentioned lenses can alter your body
a lot. Even make it look several sizes bigger/smaller.
No. 102064
File: 1592925295355.jpg (96.81 KB, 508x768, Belle.jpg)

I think there's no second butt.
No. 102086
>>102076Also she arches her back when laying on her stomach slightly to make it look bigger.
I'll never understand how otherwise self-aware girls keep trying to force people to believe they have big, thicc or juicy asses when at best theirs are average to flat. Almost as funny as fat girls with wide, lumpy secretary butts calling each other thicc and juicy.
No. 102098
>>102086Not much to it anon, perception creates reality and having a big ass is considered sexy now. If you keep telling scrotes your ass is thicc, their cumbrains eventually adapt and accept. They WANT it to be true, you SAY its true, why would they question it?
I think she has a decently shaped butt and she knows how to make it look better, I don't begrudge her that. Those of us who have a better understanding of women's bodies can see through the posing and costuming but there is no point in trying to persuade scrotes that their e-girls are liars.
No. 102249
File: 1593030742276.jpg (1.51 MB, 1129x520, gRJcldh.jpg)

Have you guys seen this already? I'm honestly grossed out
No. 102560
File: 1593144319007.jpg (Spoiler Image,231.24 KB, 578x528, belle.jpg)

her feet make me vomit
No. 102572
>>101260Where is the evidence Venus makes a lot of money? I haven't seen it.
I'm sick of hearing OF rakes in cash with the only evidence being the top 1% self-reporting. It's exactly the same tactic MLMs use.
No. 102576
>>101260 Some people are lucky to have a post go viral or find a way to build a big fanbase but it's so oversaturated now that it's not too viable, especially for a newcomer. Top 10% only makes around 1k per month or less.
Of course Belle already has the luck of having a huge audience and is more of a social media celebrity for how strangely unique she is
No. 102599
>>102560Jfc anon. How can someone supposedly be a millionaire yet lack basic hygiene practices such as getting regular pedicures.
Is this really her feet??
No. 102619
>>102560>>102249>>102064If she's got so much money then why does she have characteristics of a basic poor camgirl?
Foot fungus, and toenail trauma from wearing ill-fitted shoes.
Taking a picture of Doritos in a cheap, stanky-looking bathtub.
Cheap wig, cheap props, cheap photo set ideas in cheap outfits she constantly rewears.
Where's her simpbux? Or does her pimp…I mean "management" take it all for themselves?
No. 102637
>>102602Oh poor anon. This isn’t just from a few months of quarantine with no pedicure. It takes a long time for feet to look this terrible.
She buys her shitty pink wigs from amazon, she can buy anti fungal medicine from there. Nail clippers exist as well so she doesn’t have to rip her nails. It’s basic hygiene
No. 102656
File: 1593196641889.jpeg (104.07 KB, 352x500, 7B17554B-438E-4234-8432-947EFA…)

“reeeeeeee don’t make fun of my dirty toenails REEEEEEEEE”
No. 102868
She's not a millionaire at all,think about it. Why is she coming back? Because she's running low on money. Her dreams of being 30 and retiring with simpbux is just that. Dreams. Wishful thinking. I can't wait to see her struggle to be employed once she's "used up" and "hit the wall" according to scrotes. It's all her fault and I,for once,am rooting for a girl to be hurt. That would teach her something to be slapped with the consequences from her actions.
>>102560She's so grody. She acts and looks so low class and poor despite having "so much money".
No. 103483
She's doing "penetration" photos and videos now, which is further than she ever went in her prime.
She used to pull huge numbers without needing to even bother taking her clothes off, it seems like she's desperate to climb back up. No. 103490
File: 1593580475825.jpeg (Spoiler Image,675.98 KB, 765x1450, 2EF18598-F2CF-455E-9921-07D19A…)

Her waist cinching body edits look really strange. Lol at the white background
No. 103511
>>103502She'll do fine with the proper business people ie her boyfriend or whatever. and I mean, is there anything else she can do at this point job wise? she'd have to change her name if she doesn't engage into full porn I guess.
Most successful whores aren't the softcore ethots. They are the full on penetration and anal girls such as number one pornstar Riley Reid and the likes (sasha grey, etc).
This OF episode for many girls will only do most of them bad for thinking they can make endless money only by blurring pics on the time.
No. 103522
>>102656It's funny how they always blame the "gossips" and the "critics" as if the "fans" are brimming beacons of positivity when in actuality they're
toxic, disgusting men who frequently debase her and have zero respect for her. Do they think men don't nitpick their porn actresses? There's a reason why these bitches feel they got to have surgery, shoop, and filters because the shit men say about female bodies is actually pretty disgusting. No wonder Belle takes a mental break and disappears, the very base who would want to strugglefuck her are also the same types to criticize her for acting retarded and getting surgery on her nose. Just wait until she gets older and gains a little weight.
No. 103553
>>103537I watched out of curiosity, and it's about the softest core you could do hardcore. She is penetrating herself, from what I can tell, but you can't see it. No genitalia is visible. She spends a long time sucking on the toy.
Its pornographic, but somehow still censored in terms of visible penetration. Maybe some other anon can describe it better. Either way I agree with the previous anon that she's really trolling her simps and betas now by…fucking herself for them on camera.
No. 103558
>>103553>>103537It's clearly penetrated, but she's showing it from angles where you can't see her vagina fully, like from behind without spreading her cheeks.
Also, for the penetrative parts, it's only pictures. For the fake blowjob, it's a video.
No. 103577
File: 1593660225922.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1242x1549, 85FC0ACE-2045-43BD-9B8B-C84D4D…)

>>103483is this supposed to be like "haha funnee filter" or is she unironically editing her face to look like a child?
No. 103580
>>103576Christ she really editing the fuck out of herself. Why would she do that when everybody already clearly knows this isn't what her body looks like?
Does she just not want a lolI body anymore, so know she's editing to give herself a malformed ass?
No. 103659
>>103654The absolute state of men
“Butt paintings are so modest Belle thank you for not being a filthy nude whore like the other sex workers whose content I jerk off to”
No. 103679
>>103660The filters make it hard to get a good read on where her real body is but the angle looks believable.
Just look at the damn pictures if you want to analyse them, they're not that scary
No. 103682
>>103660Even if she was trolling, at this point its sex worker equivalent of "I was only pretending to be retarded!"
Debasing yourself in an imaginary way is just as gross as really putting a dildo up your ass for a few thousand, if you aren't sex work positive or whatever the fuck.
No. 103686
File: 1593738983306.png (675.13 KB, 668x386, lol.png)

she shooped off her fucking chin and nose kek
No. 103814
File: 1593829982659.jpg (27 KB, 248x480, 67062344_870052126721449_80851…)

>>101353The water thing was very real, she get near doxxed again because send it from a post office near to her house.
No. 103819
>>103814No "near" about it, the real estate listing for her house was found with the address and plenty of photos of the rooms shown in her dead octopus video.
Can't post here because of the rules obv but it's not hard to find on your own if you really care.
No. 103826
File: 1593846867769.jpg (413.3 KB, 1387x672, 1.jpg)

>>103819The thing that pisses me off about Belle is it was her OWN fanbase that did that. The one she's been fucking with and "trolling" for ages. Then she goes to the press and "qq I don't wanna end up like Bianca Devins".
They put a sign on her door saying "I don't pay my taxes", she says in
>>102656 how it fucked her up so bad she had to literally disappear for almost a year, then in the same week "trolls" them about it and brings it up again. ok.
No. 103847
File: 1593864443730.jpeg (83.39 KB, 960x640, 083D5CD7-8CE2-4233-8DC9-BE152F…)

Belle has some disgusting feet.
No. 103848
File: 1593864469864.jpeg (367.95 KB, 1591x2048, 875CA6EC-6769-4A7D-9FDE-F0A6A5…)

For someone who makes bank she can’t afford to fix her feet?
No. 103856
>>103848Anon please spoiler these toes.
We all have bulimic cheeks already.
No. 103858
File: 1593875523890.jpg (81.79 KB, 333x500, F7F0F247-4498-49AC-BEAE-3050F4…)

For those claiming her ass is real in that video, here's a photo from PULL
Is she ana or is she thicc? Just shows how dumb scrotes are that they fall for this. She has a completely different body in each set.
No. 103860
>>103858Imagine spending your 20s sucking in your stomach sitting in puddles of raw egg in a kiddie pool for a bunch of low value men.
If it's pathetic even when "ironic" then it's still pathetic.
No. 103871
File: 1593881126044.jpg (159.53 KB, 1456x1567, xMC6Bpgr.jpg)

>>103836Kek it's not nitpicking just because I think her 2 nose jobs suit her face poorly anon. If that rustles your jimmies, I suggest cope better. The trajectory is messed like someone cut a right angle into her bridge (because they did) in an attempt to replicate an animu swoop, it looks too small for her face, and strange in motion. There's such a thing as facial balance, which she no longer has. It's not a question of finding her attractive.
>>103848Wow that's a ferocious toenail biter if I ever did see one kek.
No. 103878
File: 1593884417610.png (209.22 KB, 1440x1039, vj5754ii.png)

In the Youtube comments.
Licking dildos, posting spreadeagled photos, stroking your naked asscrack, and posting photos which appear to show half-inserted dildos, but no nudes because we are using the world's most generous application of the word "nude" to mean specifically seeing nipple or the couple of cm of actual vag that she edits out
Also not sure what they mean by "miles ahead of the curve" like she invented online porn or?
No. 103880
File: 1593884762536.jpg (Spoiler Image,97.9 KB, 676x1326, Belle-Delphine-Toys-And-Penetr…)

>>103878Like I'm pretty sure this counts as a nude…
No. 103881
File: 1593885272205.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.9 KB, 1080x685, Not a nude.jpg)

>>103880Some more "not nudes" from
>>103483 No. 103882
>>103871Wow she fucked up with that nose job and style change
She use to took mature and cute. Now she looks deformed and cringy
No. 103963
>>103943I mean when compared to what she looks like/filters herself to look like
She's average but it was definitely a better look before.
No. 103992
>>103819Well i don't know that.
>>103826All she says in that article is very exaggerated: was some Italian guy who went to her house and she had moved in to her new house by that time.
The only thing true is Google blurred her former house in Maps streetview.
No. 104042
File: 1594012352683.png (13.61 MB, 2308x3852, RElisting.png)

>>103992She either hasn't moved since getting doxxed a second time or is posting photos taken well in advance, the fireplace from her known address is in the "egg" set from a few days ago.
No. 104091
File: 1594053671564.png (1.12 MB, 850x925, LzYvMFl.png)

>>104042>>104087Forgot to add the image.
No. 105248
>>103878Dildo penetration pictures are somehow less lewd/nude than showing nips? The fuck is wrong with these simps
Imo she doesn't like her nips/boobs much. Fact they are always covered by the big areola plasters. I think it's less to do with not wanting to be nude than actually not liking her own boobs.
File: 1594890991991.jpg (1.17 MB, 1423x713, IMG_20200716_111533.jpg)

She's trying to pull off the bath water shit again, but with condoms.
Also she uploaded yet another video messing with an egg.
No. 105444
>>105364No hate towards Belle Delphine (I’m very indifferent to her) and she has a nice body but whenever she’s in motion you can tell she has 0 sex appeal ahah. She looks good on pictures but she’s so awkward whenever she has to dance besides just moving one body part at a time.
It’s like she’s just trying to look like what she thinks is sexy based on porn and hentai but ends up looking a bit dorky and awkward.
>>105362Sure the price is steep but the packaging is cute, she obviously cannot mass produce them so she needs to hike up prices to make a profit. I think it’s cute and a good idea that it’s not tied up directly to her name. I could see myself buying one with the same colour scheme and design if it’s was Lolita or Kawaii based to give it to friends as a gift joke.
Imagine hooking up with someone and pulling one of these bad boys out of your Angelic Pretty wallet ahah.
No. 105451
>>105444A quick Google search for "custom condom" shows you can get them printed for like 45c a piece, minimum order of 10.
Merch condoms aren't even uncharted territory, small time streamers sell them for $5-6 No. 105482
>>105450I don’t think those are any worse or better than condoms you get in those vending machines. Not sure about the quality as I’m not an expert but I’m assuming if you can sell them as legit condoms, they’re probably working as well as brand condoms you’d buy in stores.
Even if the price is steep, since you can get a full box for the same price from memory, there was obviously some work done for the design. I don’t think people will use it. They’ll probably keep it somewhere, and 10 bucks for a dumb item is not that tragic to me. Even if she’s scalping, I think that’s not egregious.
It’s clearly not as retarded as her bath water collectible at least, and maybe even functional. Of all the dumb stuff she’s done, that’s probably the most reasonable one, but feel free to disagree.
No. 105494
>>105480I never stated I had faith in any of the people subbed to her kek
>>105484I don't doubt you anon but do you have any links to proof of that. I've seen this image
>>103814 floating around which doesn't prove it definitively but makes me question the narrative.
No. 105499
File: 1594981164625.jpg (385.56 KB, 1800x2400, Thotsludge.jpg)

>>105496I reverse searched the image and the only results were here and pull. Pull being the earliest. Seems a pull member manged to order some I'm not sure what to make of it.
No. 105513 is her nude clips. Just the same as any other thot, not sure how she's pwning the simps with this one
>implied masturbation>implied dildo riding>groping own tittiesGreat job, belle. Also reminds me of a stripper somewhat with the neon lighting.
No. 105516
File: 1594996637165.jpg (Spoiler Image,428.95 KB, 1080x1080, thottery.jpg)

>>105513Compiled three caps for those with better things to do:
No. 105517
Also she apparently sold 400 condoms at $10 each which is a pretty nice profit if the cost price is 0.45 as above
>>105450I think pivoting to products or something like that would be better than a descent into hardcore porn, she has a huge audience and most of those people just think she memes and plays with food, they don't realize what she's actually posting.
No. 105521
File: 1594999308066.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.46 KB, 1080x1543, Screenshot_20200718-011900__01…)

>>105516Why does her body looks so oddly shaped and fuzzy here? Her head is like x2 the size of her waist which looks like it was cut out and pasted into an MS paint hot pink background. I'm legitimately confused by this image.
No. 105545
>>105454>Belle is the least photoshopped and surgeriedyou can't be serious. She's had 2 nose jobs at the very least in the last few years. At least moo's friends regularly betray her and post her blob ass without angles/filters. The only unfiltered pics Ive seen of Belle were at the pornhub awards and she looked completely different.
>>105482There's no guarantee these have been tested/aren't made in some shithole/have been stored correctly. Using a condom you have no idea of the origins of is stupid and irresponsible.
No. 105546
>>105444"Sure the price is steep but the packaging is cute, she obviously cannot mass produce them so she needs to hike up prices to make a profit."
Do you think she makes these by hand or something? What?
No. 105622
>>105578I think I recall reading about it on PULL a really long time ago and I think (my memory isn't that good) she mentioned it on her now deleted insta.
My theory is thatshe makes these dumb claims to solidify "Belle Delphine" as more of a fictional character to separate herself from her internet-self, that's probably the only way to stay sane and grounded in reality if you do what she does for a living. Still cringey but not as entertaining as Vicky Shingels or momokun that are straight up delusional.
No. 105667
File: 1595104251968.png (2.74 MB, 2048x2048, bd.png)

>>105622I think she tells people she wants to separate Belle and her rl, but I don't think that's what she really wants. She keeps dragging her rl into her shit online. Like the mugshot. Or when she posed for those pictures her friend took with a cast on her leg and then they pretended they were "candids" a fan took. These were all things that were meant to have happened to rl actual Belle, not the character.
I think the actual issue is Belle isn't real. Not even Belle is Belle. She doesn't look like her really, her body is completely different, she's taller than a lot of moids, she's painfully shy, and she's fucking married or at least living with her long term boyfriend/business partner kek
No. 105688
>>105678she looks nothing like
>>103490 or
>>103577 though. See
>>103686 No. 105692
>>105546Do you really not know the difference between reselling custom condoms ordered from a factory that offers custom condoms and
mass producing?
No. 105775
File: 1595171467315.png (96.75 KB, 255x248, Capture.PNG)

Looks like register number is real, used car
No. 105787
>>105767In her desperate attempt to live off the simps, she became one herself & completed the cycle!
Seriously, why is every OF/Patreon thot always either shacked up with a worthless simp male or completely unable to funnel their profits into themselves in any sustainable way?
She started out acting like her Belle persona was an act, but it came full circle & now she's doing censored porn to support a simp.
No. 105819
>>105787>Seriously, why is every OF/Patreon thot always either shacked up with a worthless simp male or completely unable to funnel their profits into themselves in any sustainable way? Because that's the destiny of every single woman doing sex work who isn't just a neet with a DSLR camera in their parents' house, and has either a boyfriend or a manager help them get "exposure". Sex work is a business where the men lose interest quickly and move on. Out of desperation and need for validation they'll degrade themselves more and more until either their boyfriends become pimps or they sign with an agency to become pornstars.
So much for the costhot wet dream myth of Belle disappearing with her millions to retire at 25 lmfao.
No. 105860
File: 1595214224141.png (198.38 KB, 679x623, 1.PNG)

idk how anyone can look at this shit and say she's owning the simps. this is humiliating
No. 105879
>>105667I’ve heard some horror stories about Mary (belle). She was the mean girl in school. Rich and spoiled.
The only reason she’s “shy” now is because she’s embarrassing in public that she doesn’t actually look like her Belle character. She is quite tall and her face is quite different in person
(This is an imageboard, post proof) No. 105885
>>105860This level of desperation combined with the most generic "sexy" phrases…eesh
It seems almost copy-pasted from somewhere, since the tone is so different from the usual uwu text she posts.
No. 105886
File: 1595228534200.png (1.59 MB, 1080x6084, 1524313907314.png)

I was looking back at the early pages of the Belle thread on PULL, and she was actually selling masturbation videos via private messages years ago. People assumed they were fake at the time, but since she proceeded to do exactly the same thing now I'm now thinking otherwise.
Source: No. 105917
>>105909She apparently made $378,000 from her bathwater, and with 10k $35 Onlyfans subscriptions she would see a large part of $350,000 after platform fees etc. And that's even after her Patreon. So as long as she doesn't spend wildly she should be able to just keep this up without ever getting a real job, especially now that she's married. Still, even knowing that, you have to wonder if saying
>>105860 to dirty incels who doxx and stalk you is really worth it.
No. 105955
>>105954Who would be jealous of Belle Delphine and why? lol
Theres this magical place called "Wet Seal" in a lot of American malls where you can go and see lots of girls that look like Belle.
No. 105971
>>105965>>105954You're hilarious anons.
>No professional future>Pimp-san boyfriend>Botched surgery>No self respect>Average looksOnly a cow would call differences in opinion "jealousy". Money and fame isn't everyone's God kek.
No. 105976
File: 1595301570140.png (29.16 KB, 1023x231, Capture3.PNG)

I hope trash like MILKME will not hijack this thread too. Some of these stupid pullers are useless
No. 105977
>>105976Not "milkme," but I think it can be seen from those who know the drama which user you are from PULL and why you're salty posting here your irrelevant beef with another user.
Post some relevant milk or gtfo and shit on PULL users in the PULL thread.
No. 105979
>>105977There is a PULL thread ? XD
Why someone will post relevant content if some stupid cows from PULL can't understand the info and keep discussing things over and over again. How these shitty people continue to say "water thing was fake" … honestly they are retarded.
(xD) No. 105981
>>105972We know it’s you Nemesys/Belle Adolphine. Fuck off already and stop whiteknighting + slurping over Belle on every single thread that discusses her. She’s not going to fuck you dude.
rip PULL, I hope someone archives the latest happenings because it’s really a bother skimming 500+ pages of gossip
No. 106002
File: 1595311801777.png (23.67 KB, 520x192, Capture5.PNG)

>>105997Maybe you are another puller who only knows what is said in that eco chamber. I am not the one defending Belle: Her supposed "underage
victim" don't have any problem to clarify many stupid thing pullers and others said.
File: 1595324625019.png (405.74 KB, 1440x1721, suspicious.png)

>>105991I am about 90% sure Belle threatened them. In the early pages of Belle's thread, her and her boyfriend were complaining about it and sending chat messages to the site. Recently people have been talking about adding Belle to the banner.
I think she threw them a sue-bomb with all her plentiful simpbucks and that's why they're retreating.
No. 106056
File: 1595339855738.png (1003.47 KB, 603x933, cringe.PNG)

Why does she idolize a pedo so much?
No. 106072
File: 1595354863900.png (439.75 KB, 460x735, Capture6.PNG)

I was always baffled by "her work" in that "fairy room" when Belle has moved out of that house. And PULL praising her because "she is a talented interior designer". Her house is a mess she is very filthy and is unable to do basic cleaning less to do an interior decoration.
No. 106118
>>106075>>106072Jesus fucking christ, there's pictures of belle in that room way back to 2015, also her brief stint as a beauty uwu youtuber making weeby make up videos with the room as backdrop when she was 16, of course its her room you tinfoiling retards.
she just moved out with her fiancé, probably doesn't have a third of the furniture she had to keep her shit on.
No. 106123
File: 1595370992854.png (1006.41 KB, 584x821, cancer.PNG)

>>106118July 2017, less than 18 months before and she had a plain looking room.
No. 106124
File: 1595371568224.png (46.99 KB, 889x350, belleroom.png)

>>106123>>106122She was already pastel-ifying the room, the thing thats mostly lacking its the plastic vines, she said it took a year to finish decorating the room, which makes it plausible that it was barebones in 2017.
She lived in the fairy room for about a year and a few months before moving out with her fiancé, which is time enough to enjoy a decorated room.
Im not white knighting but tinfoiling about her room being "fake" and nitpicking that she has a messed up house after moving out is stupid.
No. 106126
>>106124I think it's likely she did that room up specifically to make an uwu room tour video, so the actually using the kawaii room part was less important.
See also: absolutely everything she does is for attention
No. 106131
File: 1595373930769.png (704.88 KB, 965x530, cancer2.PNG)

>>106126Honestly I liked that room so much, for a moment I believed Belle was a very neat as a person(as she looks in that video). Anyways, now she is screaming for attention in a such cringy way is incredible.
No. 106161
File: 1595388530335.png (390.16 KB, 544x618, twitter.PNG)

Asking the important questions…
No. 106186
File: 1595405983086.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1631, 4AE3C95A-AAA7-406C-AEA0-136C84…)

>>106161backwater belle's teeth are absolutely jacked lmao
No. 106190
>>106186i get that belle was like… a winning formula? at least for the e-girl look, but this level of skinwalking is honestly humiliating. why people give credit to these belle copycats is beyong me.
also kek, she was like the "new belle delphine" for so many. i wonder how it feels now that belle is back.
No. 106218
I see that milkme sperg from pull is here. Super obvious because she spits venom and a-logs over Belle and types like a tard. Can't wait for her to start sharing how she watches porn while blowing her bf to show how super not threatened she is by other women kek.
>>106034A few idiots did awful photoshops on the banner to include belle. you pullers think you're a lot more important than you actually are.
>>106161this is all awful
No. 106309
>>106218Kek, it's hilarious you think you're accurately discerning who's posting in this thread when you give yourself away so readily. Not Milkme, just not a presumptuous tard.
>Milkme>Pullers>Seething over pull>>105972>>105982>>106218Nice attempt at integration Nemesys.
No. 106311
File: 1595472468441.jpg (315.1 KB, 1080x1730, Screenshot_20200723-124523__01…)

>>106220She desperately tries to convince people she was the original whilst copying Belle's photos almost exactly. Here's her bio on IG kek.
>>106310He's not the cow, he's an extremely obsessive pull transient. I didn't think that counts, especially when no one bothered to complain about his "hi Milkme" post kek.
No. 106313
File: 1595472945986.jpeg (49.35 KB, 391x783, images (15).jpeg)

>>106311Soz for samefag but this corroborates what I'm saying.
No. 106314
>>106218Milkme was cancerous, the most useless person ever seen in my life. Some girls were smart but that stupid cow always hijacked the discussion, was pathetic when they started with that banner thing (meanwhile PULL itself was imploding).
>>106311 Rusty history is very interesting, I feel a bit bad for her because her claims are true (she really was egirl much before Belle) but that is not a thing for being so proud.
>>106313 And that is pathetic, i have to modify a meme made for Kitty sophie because suit Rusty perfectly.
No. 106323
>>106313and she claims she was doing this stuff before belle? these are rusty's recent posts too. I bet this girl was into the scene girl look as well judging by the unfortunate tattoos.
>>106161Is belle's ex a huge belle simp for going out with her replica? or a creep?
i feel extra mean for writing this but holy cow anons. there's something here that defies with how regular people would choose to live their lives.
No. 106350
>>106323>i feel extra mean for writing this but holy cow anons. there's something here that defies with how regular people would choose to live their lives.You summed it up perfectly anon.
>>106338Do you have any screenshots of him saying this? If what you're saying is correct he's even more like that Emalee skinwalker's boyfriend than I thought.
No. 106390
File: 1595521219493.jpeg (49 KB, 853x474, E7FE4E2F-D658-4E4D-9E95-C9B87F…)

Those are some pretty nasty bruises she’s got there. I wonder where they came from?
No. 106410
File: 1595528261556.jpg (84.39 KB, 515x960, aj9gzDx_700b.jpg)

Is funny because is true.
No. 106417
>>106309newfag stop hi cowing. that user didn't even reply to a post so good job outing yourself, tard.
>>106314milkme was fucking ridiculous. No one gives a shit about you an your bfs sex shit and how you're totally ok with him jacking off to Belle because you two totally laugh at her together afterwards and that's not why you spend everyday on PULL seething over this girls existence. The anger dripping from her was hilarious because it's obvious her bf cucked her for Belle kek. Milkme became my personal cow. Several of her posts were posted in the PULL thread here i'm looking for them now.
>>106410>>106413She got a friend to take these photos. She's standing outside her house, waring her cast. The photos were first put online but another thot that Belle is friends with irl. She nuked the proof though, but someone here probably has it.
No. 106425
File: 1595531432716.gif (1.57 MB, 400x225, 18322_600.gif)

>>106418it's almost like cultivating a fanbase of nothing but creepy men that think sex is a human right has downsides.
No. 106426
File: 1595531701193.png (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 750x1334, 3C491706-79B1-412A-B443-870474…)

Lol the fact that people still think she’s genuinely single when you know for a FACT that’s joshes computer. I wouldn’t doubt belle having one but I so fucking highly doubt she wouldn’t have a light pink or purple rig definitely not red and black
No. 106462
File: 1595544190147.jpeg (553.13 KB, 1242x1158, 408BECB1-D7E4-4795-BB00-544615…)

Yesterday Belle did another collab with WillNE and asked her twitter for who she may want to do a collab with next. All these youtubers asking for the mystery box are literally begging for views and content. Belle needs a parasocial relationship to keep her relevant. While these creators (especially commentary channels) need Belle for clicks at their own sad attempt for relevancy.
No. 106478
>>106457You sound like some sort of Pulltard expert.
>>106418 That guy wanted to catch Belle attention but was a little too far. Clearly he is not stalking Belle.
>>106417 You sound familiar talking about Milkme, I read something like you say before…
No. 106484
File: 1595553418529.png (14.13 MB, 1000x7012, 44167B6C-6CA0-4F32-B80D-902C06…)

>>106481No it’s not. But this is. Sorry to burst your bubble.
No. 106485
>>106484Everyone with any sense already knew she isn't single, and it's more than likely that's his computer. Still doesn't mean you can expect to get away with trying to flag things as ~indisputable proof!~ when it's just a computer that doesn't match her usual aesthetic.
This is the girl who bought 4 macbooks to smash for a teehee random video, can you really 100% rule out her being dumb and wasteful enough to buy a PC to match her wrinkly, low quality cosplay?
No. 106496
File: 1595557031185.jpg (56.45 KB, 815x340, dojawojdoja.thumb.jpg.3d155884…)

>>106485 Belle house don't have basement then Belle send Josh to the garage. If you see other pics, there are an absence of electrical fixtures in the walls and the floor look like concrete in Belle's computer set.
No. 106497
File: 1595557364843.png (Spoiler Image,507.49 KB, 415x809, sub2.PNG)

>>106496 That house is big, why use the garage to make an office? studio? apartment?. What is happening Josh?
No. 106498
>>106478Nta but KEK, they're a bit of a seething retard. The salty minimod line about integration followed by another long ass irrelevant Milkme sperg sent me.
>>106417Bless anon for being so obvious, but once again take it to
>>>/ot/561299 where you can bitch about your fellow pulltards to your heart's content.
>>106434Ntayrt but this thread has turned to shit since Pull's closure. There's so much inconsequential crap being posted in a thread that was mostly dead, save for a few posts every few days. Curb your enthusiasm tards, we're not interested in the vast majority of shit that's being brought up, it's already common knowledge. PSA but it's not common practice to shit up a thread just because the cow's inactive.
No. 106745
>>106714She photoshops all her pictures. Including her "candids" she takes. The only unedited pictures I've seen of her is with all the freckles and the long scene hair or with the braces laying on her bed and she looks like a completely different person.
She doesn't look like
>>106497 even slightly
No. 106845
>>106841>>106813mad fat americans leave. seeing a skinny girl must be
triggering for you
>>106496he ugly
No. 106847
>>106636No not shit taste anon you can like who you want as long as you hate the pedo shit
>>106813you say that like you're not below average, anon. A hot girl wouldnt spit bile like you
No. 106854
File: 1595749280736.jpg (290.33 KB, 461x913, eef.jpg)

>>106848shut up fatty stop derailing
Did she get lip fillers or something? Her lips look fucking weird sometimes
No. 106908
>>106907I feel so fucking bad for you that you think approaching 30 is a bad thing. You're either a dumb scrote, or a broken woman. Get help. Also using roastie uniroicly big kek
>>106890it's just weird how she just doesn't photoshop the :3 in sometimes. That's kinda her "thing" and you'd think she's be consistent on at least that
No. 106909
File: 1595787001548.jpeg (696.53 KB, 1242x886, 5C46A731-C42F-4E87-A289-A23D94…)

Pewds talked about Belle in his newest video, honestly he seems annoyed anytime she comes up, he said he doesn’t want her mystery box and called her out for wearing knock off merch.
No. 106912
>>106909I mean he's married, right? I fucking hate him but at least he's not acting like h3h3 and disrespecting his wife in front of his audience. She desperately has been trying to feed off of his popularity for years. if he was smart he'd stop giving her attention but he's a view-whore like every youtuber so…
>>106907lmao good luck ending up like shoeonhead in a few years anon. also learn to sage pulltard
No. 106918
>>106914stop derailing
>>106909did he say why he didnt want the box?
No. 106923
File: 1595789956493.png (8.08 MB, 2688x1242, 2C7B540F-DCF1-46C2-9CED-A07D81…)

>>106922Went back and found the image.
No. 106926
>>106919can you stop fucking up this thread? I agreed with you at first but you're acting like a retard now.
>>106923i guess the publicity is worth it for her?
No. 106929
File: 1595791783041.png (21.21 KB, 596x229, ff.png)

>>106922oh no. embaressing kek
No. 106961
>>106959I think he's been kinda honest about that though? I remember when she was trying to get his attention with that dance on tiktok he played the video and said "ok thanks for doing that now I can use you for the thumbnail to get views"
I'm not defending PewdiePie, because gross, but yeah he does it for views
No. 107284
>>106965In his show he constantly brings up dead Belle's memes and saying how amazong she is, in front oh his clearly annoyed wife.
He also made a few episodes around Belle Delphine's jar of spit.
No. 107315
>>107267in case you want to watch an example: 2hr15min Ethan starts showing a belle delphine video. 2:24ish you see Hila starting to get annoyed at 2:28 you start to see her really call him out
No. 107327
>>107315this is so embarrassing. They're both telling him to turn it off and he's skipping forward to the "funny" bit that never happened. eek.
also why the fuck does he care so much if she was with a guy at the pornhub awards? you're an old man, ethan
No. 107755
>>106854She seems to have a reverse resting upper lip line which is dentist for her the central point of her philtrum is actually kind of short. Its normally considered a facial flaw but its common among still-growing children so it works for her jailbait aesthetic. She's also shooping the corners to lift up like a :3 shape (though apparently you can do this with botox). I could be wrong and you're right and she's getting keyhole pout fillers.
Or forget what I said its probably just photoshop.
No. 108182
File: 1596690444432.png (1.29 MB, 1306x622, 1313.png)

Saged for ot, but I checked out the girl who did the kawaii kitchen song that belle used in her latest video. She goes by Doll.ia or Dollia Kouhai and she shoops as much as Belle apparently.
>that eyebrow over her hair
>cheap pink wig badly applied
>natural hairline visible behind ears
>skintone lightened 5 shades
>whatever the fuck them lips are
No. 108997
File: 1597290790433.png (2.33 MB, 1792x828, B1711AD7-2E8C-4AD6-B419-83BA34…)

I think she’s inspired by Showry. South Korean chick who makes these wild af parody food porn videos.
No. 109194
>>109189There was a literal photograph of her and her bf and a business registration with their names on it shown in an actual database.
The only one who still believe she sinhle are as usual the simps thinking they have a shot.
No. 109458
>>109456It's been clear if you didn't live under a rock or was blinded by simpness.
Poki definitely should be called out for it, when belle disappeared/'took a break' that's when it became even more public knowledge cuz you know..people were trying to figure out what happened.
No. 109533
File: 1597711551161.jpeg (218.75 KB, 921x1200, BDA2ADC6-9E0D-4D56-BF75-F2F0CB…)

>>106854If her lips were bigger in this selfie, she will end up looking like a Madison Beer knock off
No. 109830
Saged because not sure if OT but Rusty uploaded a boring video trying to validate her skinwalking Belle and I'm 90% sure it was to dispute comparison pics like this one (she actually mentioned two of the images) posted here and on PULL
>>106313The first half is her validating retarded, irrelevant shit like her "interests", it's the last quarter of the video where she begins practically addressing us/Belle. She then ends with
>Don't believe everything you read onlineKek
No. 110029
File: 1598185321333.png (381.35 KB, 590x798, condoms.png)

>>109751>lmao people really believe she's single? >>109375>Those who think she’s single are delusional. He’s the one who takes the pictures!There's also a leaked OnlyFans clip where she's in the passenger's seat and someone else is driving.
But I don't get how she pretends not to have a boyfriend to pander to lonely virgins (like a lot of other E-girls do) but then decides to mock them for buying her condoms.
Pic related
No. 110557
File: 1598656450271.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.05 KB, 791x1280, e475d51.jpg)

No. 110868
File: 1598864338435.png (Spoiler Image,4.19 MB, 750x1334, 958640EB-5EC7-40DA-8117-B735A5…)

>Attempting to trick her simps she took 10 inches of dildo.
No. 110927
File: 1598918321655.jpg (38.89 KB, 496x910, belvna278uj51.jpg)

>>110868Lmao she cut it in half and her simps found out and are big mad
No. 110967
File: 1598966076749.jpg (Spoiler Image,60.42 KB, 584x594, ook.jpg)

Simps pounding their fists on the ground because you can see her puss and bunghole in the reflection of her dildo
No. 112081
File: 1599910014551.jpeg (Spoiler Image,533.71 KB, 1622x2959, 8ED5395A-013D-4DB9-8D24-3C99E8…)

> Doncha just hate it when u want smooth baby skin but ur teeth disappear in to ur tongue.
Its funny how everyone said she would end up doing porn and now she’s practically doing porn. Slippery slope went from ahegao and lewd “cosplays” to full on penetration with dildos and masturbation videos. Wonder how long it will be until everyone gets bored of that and she feels she needs to take it up a notch….
No. 112679
File: 1600366877026.jpg (689.72 KB, 2208x1188, 15-09-2020_Small_Cross_Necklac…)

>>106854I noticed in her onlyfans videos her lips are looking bigger. I know she always made her lips smaller with photoshop so why the hell would she get them done? But after getting lip fillers myself…. I can spot lip fillers and I say she definitely got them. Her top lip is much fuller and powty. I can see she got something put in the line of her lips.
No. 113450
File: 1600817284568.gif (Spoiler Image,54.73 KB, 960x1550, ikiDdpp.gif)

She's reached all new rock bottom levels of self respect with this fidget spinner butt plug.
No. 113507
>>113450I bet all her simps feel so stupid now for…paying her for pornography!
Quality of this is shit too, she ruined her brand quick. She used to look 'too good' for what she was doing/suggesting she was doing and that was the appeal, but now she looks like any turbothot with a Belle Delphine inspired wig.
No. 113722
File: 1601008868839.jpeg (801.89 KB, 1242x1082, FF6AD763-6340-4E09-AA09-EE0FB6…)

She came back too late. There’s clones of her everywhere and free nudes all over Twitter of uwu weeb pink wig girls. Yawn
No. 113964
>>113722She sounds salty that that's all she'll ever be known for and that she can't gather the same amount of attenttion anymore.
Tbh all of her content after her return just feels like tongue in cheek attempts at making a scene to gain even fraction of the attenttion the bathwater incident brought her.
No. 114302
File: 1601352624256.jpg (154.57 KB, 1389x640, EjBpdsOWkAAgSwv.jpg)

Josh Grey (Belles Husband) with Luke Hudson and Belle? Hudson is boyfriend of Pixiecat
No. 114717
>>114324>>114314>>114263lol so much for retiring with the simps money by 30 huh belle?
she's going to end up doing full blown porn like any other whore til she shows signs of aging and gets thrown away like a cumrag by her simps or have to get a normal job (if she even can do that at this point).
No. 115371
File: 1602196341718.jpeg (Spoiler Image,73.92 KB, 550x1024, Ej1x71_X0AElSBk.jpeg)

she's starting to show part of her nipples now
No. 115902
>>115898It's telling that they shook the living shit out of the "belle" Barbie doll box repeatedly and basically trashed it, yet the same guy treated the doll of himself with utmost care, cradling it like a baby lol
Representation/treatment of a woman vs representation/treatment of self. Accidentally making a statement in their dumb incel basement-dweller content there.
No. 116632
>>116621 I think once there was some posts where she did a bad job of censoring things, and people were able to make out her vagina, so allegedly she has an ‘outie pussy’
And we all know what incelloids she panders to say about those
No. 116707
File: 1603158529827.jpg (Spoiler Image,1004.85 KB, 2668x4000, 14-10-2020_Wild_Spirit_Girl (7…)

>>116630she looks a lot better in shots by her bf since he doesnt photoshop the hell out of it
No. 117156
File: 1603418266363.jpeg (Spoiler Image,253.86 KB, 640x337, DA4E9261-6B93-4442-A99C-9D8319…)

In her newest set bitch looks like she’s taking a shit squatting in front of the camera, in a cheap ass Harley Quinn costume. Even her own "fans" are getting sick of her.
No. 117227
File: 1603460516491.jpeg (712.53 KB, 1242x1396, A3D91799-C4FE-4375-B2C9-1668CE…)

Welp. She stole fan art and is making a profit off of it
No. 118676
File: 1604131654589.jpg (67.53 KB, 960x960, a.jpg)

she was also a guest on the H3 podcast, big surprise. pretty sure she deleted her old videos that show her pre-surgery nose. it's actually wild how different she looks in these podcasts, her webcam is very poor but her skin looks mad blurry filtered
No. 118912
>>118676Weird how each interview she's on a permanent 2/3 angle and often in full profile. I just skipped through but it looks so strange.
Must be the best angle to hold her filters since she doesn't look like that irl.
Also h3h3 look awful these days, it seems every successful Youtuber becomes a bedraggled creepy mess before long.
No. 119212
File: 1604540271879.png (329.81 KB, 599x385, sad.png)

How…degrading. Anything to try and keep herself relevant is good i guess?
No. 119662
File: 1604845430220.webm (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 380x720, gross.webm)

No. 119663
File: 1604845526530.webm (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 380x720, gross 2.webm)

No. 119840
>>119762I think that anon was jumping into the mind of a scrote,
different guy meaning someone who is not the scrote.
No. 120208
>>120183I mean,simp or not they're right. Her bf IS a ponce. And she's a whore.
I'm surprised men even think they have any chance with her or any of the ethots they simp for,but I tend to forget men are incredibly stupid and simple minded
No. 120218
>>120208That part is obvious, not even sure why it was mentioned other than anon wanted to use a cool word they just learned kek nobody was even arguing that.
>>120160Why are u so butthurt? people care whos pumping out these ideas and facilitating these photosets with her, sorry it lights a fire under your ass to read about it kek
No. 120416
File: 1605309915422.jpeg (741.6 KB, 635x1134, 7596F09D-6DA8-4D26-87DB-A1D567…)

i-….um. did it deflate? anyway idk how to not rudely say this but goddamn this is the worst looking set shes ever done. i love her makeup and i wish she’d do sfw selfies and not degenerate content. i check out her subreddit every once in a while but damn dude. this shit ugly as hell.
No. 120508
File: 1605359093089.jpeg (1.39 MB, 987x1778, A2F60D25-52F6-4400-8DA4-72C69D…)

>>120416Definitely the worst set. The lighting, the ratty wig
No. 121062
File: 1605586462181.png (Spoiler Image,255.51 KB, 276x503, Screen Shot 2020-11-16 at 8.13…)

Looks like she photoshops her pussy too, somehow managing to have zero labia or a single bit of anything showing. How is that hot exactly?
No. 121125
File: 1605645481444.jpeg (255.99 KB, 609x670, 05E9BD30-B0C9-4766-BC91-95DEDA…)

the visible snapchat filter glitch-…i just have to laugh.
(this is an old set she reposted, back when her nose was straight)
No. 121205
File: 1605703220538.jpg (94.49 KB, 782x717, eftelingpardoesdetovernar-e149…)

>>120416She looks like the mascot character of a theme park in my country
No. 121667
File: 1605931197399.jpg (228.25 KB, 1078x597, 20201119_051309.jpg)

Someone on an ig fan page of all things posted this kek. All I see is new vs old face
No. 121754
>>121504She went to high school in England. You can't just leave like in America. She's lying.
>>121667She's going to end up with one of those faces that only look good static in pictures
No. 121765
File: 1605983508782.jpeg (176.51 KB, 828x1792, 8C0BEDC7-BCC3-4763-9B20-90472D…)

Belle was caught following ED Twitter accounts
No. 121767
>>121754This is true. By law you have to be in school in the UK until you are 18 or have an apprenticeship 16-18.
I think you wouldn’t be able to move out at 15 to live on your own or you would end up in a foster home. Her story is about as legit as her arrested by the metropolitan police over a hamster and fell off the roof and broke her leg stories. She’s a compulsive liar.
No. 121798
>>121765Not surprised.. seems like her weight fluctuates a lot
and she's gotta appeal to her pedo bf/fans.. wonder if she feels a lot of pressure to stay small
No. 121826
File: 1606013972587.png (479.34 KB, 597x592, twt1.png)

People actually believe this shit? How have they still not figured out she has a boyfriend?
No. 121895
File: 1606072454616.jpg (1.28 MB, 2250x2250, Snowqueen.jpg)

When the filter slips
No. 121962
File: 1606077076032.png (877.34 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201122-212857.png)

She announced a "hardcore porn" video for December 25th. In the tweeted video, she shows her nipples for the first time for those who believe she's baiting. not sold on it not being bait where she'll cover something up, but this is a step further than she's gone before. Guess she wants to cash out and call it quits. Kinda unexpected but not that surprised
No. 122000
File: 1606082947666.webm (Spoiler Image,8.63 MB, 680x1280, bunnydelphine-1330592868747120…)

For posterity
No. 122004
>>121826She assumes most her simps doesn't read beyond twitter/onlyfans where she got exposed and because PULL is gone she thinks she's in the clear.
>>121962Thought she was a virgin tho, how would she know how to have sexy?
No. 122009
File: 1606087354592.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.51 KB, 1125x2436, 7vd2wpuw4v061.jpg)

She posted this on OF, so my assumption is that this is going to be the camera angle for the entire vid and she's not actually gonna show anything more than dick.
No. 122043
>>122006Not nitpicking but her tits are clearly uneven style tits ( to all women , its OKAY) it's not about camera angle even but one tit is clearly and VISIBLE smaller than the other one ( Ye we all know one tit is smaller and it's normal, but for some like her it's super visible) only when she presses them together they look more even.
Wouldn't wonder me if she got in her absence even a labia job and is now confident to show some pussy that simps imagine all girls have, aka no labia and uwu unrealistic hentai style
No. 122226
>>122078I'd be surprised if she ever posted full labia, she considers herself above that and seems to really think she'll retire rich and legendary without ever having shown her pussy unlike the "real" sex workers. I've seen people on twitter say "well what BD does is sort of sex work", the ones that don't outright call her a whore are just as delusional about her line of work as she is.
>>122022>>122020Her subreddit is mostly excited but there are a few highly upvoted posts complaining that it won't "feel the same" and that "this is gonna hurt a bit"
No. 122227
File: 1606165667078.jpeg (133.6 KB, 828x250, AF514385-5215-4104-81E9-947386…)

No. 122234
>>122227>started filming>>122009>reason why i haven’t been posting ….Whys this porn taking so long to film kek? Is this going to be a full feature length movie or does she need multiple takes to make sure her face is always uwu animu waifu uwu material then a few weeks to render with19 filters?
She had been hinting she would make a porn for X amount in interviews recently, was she offered a deal or do you think since she has faced the mighty ban hammer on IG and now YT her pimp boyfriend is putting her out to work? Kek
No. 122235
File: 1606167550810.png (2.1 MB, 962x3244, bellesimps2.png)

>>122009these were the comments to that post
oldest comments are at the bottom
No. 122246
>>122227I hope all the anons who's been praising her for being such a smart businesswoman who's "playing is safe" and "taking the simp cuckbucks" to see this, no e-whore is ever smart or playing it smart or taking advantage of scrotes, if you make it your job you'll be making them your boss and you will give in eventually and have no other option but to continue doing porn. belle is a disgusting ddlg little anachan who makes porn of herself pretending to be a virgin loli, hates on other women, steals ideas and is pimped by her boyfriend, and on top of that she was a trendsetter for a lot of young girls who try and copy her to impress boys, nothing about her is feminist or admirable and can't wait to see her downfall.
>inb4 she had no other choiceShe could've continued her education or just stuck to any min wage job.
>inb4 she is a victim of the systemShe's still part of it plus she's no poor trafficked
victim, she willingly chose to do this from her own bedroom, she chose to make lewd content while pretending to be underage because she wants to, and didn't actually fuck and creeps or get on the streets, direct your feminism elsewhere.
No. 122248
>>122246Following this exact sentiment. I feel no sympathy whatsoever for Belle. She can go and die for all I care. I root for many lolcows but she's irredeemable.
She isn't an innocent
victim in any way. She knows what she's doing and,like Shoe0nhead,she'll pay the price. She made her bed and will lie in it.
No. 122253
File: 1606177968219.jpg (2.04 MB, 2400x4653, Woeisme.jpg)

No. 122264
File: 1606183552607.jpeg (219.17 KB, 750x936, 2C4C77E0-8D32-44F1-8766-A9D898…)

>>122253Youtube policy on nudity: difference is WAP is a music video that is viewed as artistic and they are selling music, the other is the manifestation of a pedobait used for sexual gratification and promotion of your OF porn account and, well, to put it bluntly, YT doesn’t want it on their site kek
No. 122304
>>122299it's so funny to me how only men defend her. that or the little girls trying to suck up to her.
Men really are the scum of the world they are braindead and only think about that
No. 122314
File: 1606222129248.jpeg (162.58 KB, 561x1025, C7939BC1-52CF-42DB-99A3-DB9FFA…)

> Gr8, thank you to every moaning beta cucknugget for forcing youtube to bring her highly valuable channel back, I can now die peacefully with Stage 8 cancer.
No. 122364
File: 1606255968223.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1242x1655, AA551806-4D3D-45D6-ABBE-CBC098…)

This expression is so ugly
No. 122367
File: 1606257816502.png (2.19 MB, 1344x952, 39796A10-64BA-4B3D-8F74-02F126…)

>>122356I feel like such an autismochan2000 compiling these. Besides her own previous thread she was first mentioned in annoying facebook girls iirc
>>>/snow/302400Old face:
>>>/w/224>>>/snow/318468>>>/snow/317793>>>/snow/318471>>>/snow/320775>>>/snow/334431So petite uwu
>>>/snow/400939Belle harrassing ex on fake account (girl in photo Belle had a totEz LeSbIaN revenge photoshoot with afterwards) weird???
>>>/snow/402508>>>/w/709Some more Belle drama summary:
>>>/w/190~Sorry if none of the links work, I hope I did them right~
No. 122398
>>122394from what i've seen it's like she's trying to mimic hentai, it's really awkward and uncomfortable
>>122386her main appeal is all in what's left to the imagination, i think seeing her actually get fucked and clearly by her boyfriend will kill a lot of boners
No. 122430
File: 1606313625856.png (107.09 KB, 1045x218, Capture.PNG)

Personally i don´t think she looks like a guy in a wig but there is so much people saying that in many context XD(XD)
No. 122453
>>122373Are you new or did you not see how hard she used to shit on women for male attention? Go to her older threads and you'll see.
>>122430Men,yet again,proving they are coomers
No. 122487
>>122464plz no, I can’t take any more circlejerk videos/news articles/“meme” posts talking about HoW HiLaRIoUsLy FuNNeH BelLe Is FoR fOoLinG tHosE sImpS yEt AgaIn. The bar is so so low that this girl posts a ligma video like 8 months after the meme died, not even long enough for it to be ironic and people were hailing her meme queen. I sound absolutely autistic moaning about her being meme queen, but it’s the fact I know in her head she seriously believes this to be true and not like everyone’s lying for ad revenue or in hopes of a lil bit of labia in their dms.
If it is the case that she is only directing or has a pussy stunt double, I hope everyone reports it and the money is pulled back from her account and her OF is blacklisted so she can disappear off the internet for good.
No. 122492
File: 1606362213936.png (179.14 KB, 469x369, Capturek (1).PNG)

Belle used some fanart to make her cards and don't give credit. Now she simply ignored the fact she is using someone else work to gain money albeit she nows who made these pics.
No. 122507
File: 1606377337291.png (13.56 KB, 790x65, unknown.png)

>>122325i didn't censor them, that's how i found them
No. 122524
>>122510It's very much against virtually every platforms rules to bait and switch, so all it takes is her cucks to stop jacking off to her for a second and report her.
So yeah actually it is a bit illegal and pushing it on platforms will get her in trouble, but only IF she gets reported properly.
No. 122549
File: 1606409256406.jpeg (Spoiler Image,372.08 KB, 2208x1188, 5B26A3FE-DA31-4E45-AE44-0A4EE3…)

How is this pose and expression sexy? She looks like she’s taking a shit
No. 122592
>>122556I feel like the simps must've threatened as a hive mind to unsub from her OF for her to suddenly start showing her tiny titties after all this time.
This is like watching a carcrash in slow motion. I think if she trolls them with what will probably be a $100-150 video purchase without actual sex scenes, she could even get her account reported and deleted.
No. 122598
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No. 122616
File: 1606443739441.png (1.19 MB, 1308x680, bb.png)

>>122604eh, when you see actual videos of her…. She's basic. Definitely not a beauty queen. I think she's able to photoshop her pics to look cute but looks a bit ratty in person
No. 122636
File: 1606452780077.jpg (607.6 KB, 1057x1202, Screenshot_20201126-235306_Ins…)

>>122616Kek she looks ridiculous on this podcast, no wonder all the other appearances were done from ~her~ webcam at an angle. Shes clearly trying to make her look face smol with the way she has the wig hair framing her face, and then the HUGE hat on top of her wig to hold it all in place. Idk who here checks /pt but honestly this is a move right out of Vicki's playbook. She looks quite masculine, some anon posted caps of one of her fans saying they thought she was trans for a while because of how she looks physically and dresses- honestly I can see how someone might think that. Also, did you see this picture? She looks like a skyscraper
No. 122647
>>122604fucking kek that you think this
>>122636the hat honestly looks like she is trying to hide as much of herself as possible. her editing is obvious and i knew she didn't look like the way she appears in her ~HD~ videos and photoshoots, but god i'm really shocked at how completely botched she actually looks. i can't believe the extent she edits all those videos. she looks so bad
No. 122660
File: 1606465847778.jpg (762.78 KB, 1079x1439, Remix.jpg)

>>122616>>122598This is probably more realistic tbh. So cute lol
No. 122662
File: 1606467082894.jpg (1.97 MB, 2250x2250, Bd.jpg)

No. 122669
>>122636Istg she dresses like a troon with that ratty wig and mismatched clothes. I stan a translegend bellend
>>122666Yeah it admit it’s much cuter than others but only with 16 snow filters and/or photoshoop, IRL looks like a MTF troon and her skin looks dehydrated, especially her forehead uwu
>>122364 No. 122682
File: 1606482809190.jpg (43.16 KB, 960x639, 1495392281934.jpg)

such a tiny baby uwu smol pwetty pwetty pwincess 4 daddy
No. 122683
File: 1606483395387.gif (503.23 KB, 395x296, belle.gif)

i hope it was all worth it, belle. you have no dignity.
sure, you have a lot of money. and at the end of the day, your dad left you (he is probably much happier without a skank for a daughter), your mom is embarrassed by her only child, your bf/husband/whatever is using you to make money, you have no friends, the "haters" are being listened to, and you're rapidly losing your audience, which was just a bunch of ugly coomers anyway. anyone who claims to have known you in the past, says you are a rotten, evil bitch. you are going to age like the rest of the "sex workers" in your little vapid mansion like the dorky piece of shit you are. in your heart, you are just a geeky idiot who learned how to do makeup and take off her clothes. you're not special. you're not talented. you have no respectable skills. you are still the weird kid nobody really wants to talk to.
i hope it is fun filming videos that show just how embarrassingly bad of a lay you are. everybody is laughing at you. you could have chose to not be a whore, but here we are. you may have money but at the end of the day, you are alone, you are sad, you are a total, utter laughingstock. MOO FOR US.
No. 122690
>>122616 Should have ditched the hat, she did a bunch of videos on her yt channel without hiding half her face. Like the one with the octopus and the raw chicken.
Why did she wear that weird hat now? It looks like sth a dad would wear to his kid's school basketball game except pink.
No. 122698
File: 1606487917893.jpeg (439.98 KB, 1186x802, DED28151-C841-464D-BA8E-FB3332…)

So kawaii
No. 122701
>>122453Criticism of radical feminists is not "shitting on women for male attention" lmao
>>122464Source: dude trust me
No. 122702
>>122604>>"i can't deny she's pretty cute and that pisses me of" >>122666"she managed to rise to the top because she has a cuter face than most of them."
>>"she has a certain something no other girl has been able to emulate">>122678>>"Your jealousy is showing">>"she's still conventionally attractive">>"Sorry belle has more simps than you do and that belle met your epic gamer bro idol">>"ur protective over male youtubers">>"all this sudden activity here is because she was interviewed by their favs and they can't handle it."She really needs to stop making it so obvious she posts here
No. 122713
>>122662This deshoop looks more identical to her podcast appearance than the original snowed picture she posted kek.
>>122657I think you hit the nail on the head here
No. 122722
File: 1606497246477.jpeg (45.69 KB, 472x283, 4187191D-32E7-479E-A9A1-B04BB0…)

>>122690I guess the difference is on her own videos she’s in control of how she presents and same with webcam interviews she can set up the camera and lighting to try make herself look better and probably adds filters to that too. But filming somewhere else she won’t have control of how she looks so is clearly trying to hide under that hat kek. Kinda reminds me of magibonsama
No. 122729
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No. 122758
>>122744Of course she should be criticized, I'd love for this thread to come off autosage now that she's actually doing something new again, which is exactly why the PULL nitpicking is annoying. Glad you brought up Shayna, notice how her thread also went to shit because too many people only wanted to circlejerk about her looks, or Onion and the HD shoops that eventually had to get banned from the thread? Really makes you think. Clearly some anons like
>>122685 fully believe this site is just like PULL and will have the same conversations, or that anyone who acknowledges that she isn't an ugly mutant and who isn't seething in envy over her living her weeb thot life by means of shoop and surgery is clearly Belle selfposting.
>>122702 That shit needs to go so we can focus on milk.
No. 122762
>>122758Ofc you want the thread to come off auto sage so its bumped (free promo) about your porn. Of course you think us cackling about your botched surgeries with pictures to back it is derailing. You don't want people to see that, you only want them to see your porn content hoping to scrape up a few new of subs kek. Bellend, nobody here is seething with jealousy over you. This is not a fan club and it's not like pull, pull was the only place with a thread that was easily accessible (this one is autosaged)so ofc you're here stalking the thread now that it's gone, your just mad we're laughing at your haggard face and not pushing your porn and simping for you. You're not getting you the attention you want in here, luckily this isn't your hugbox echo chamber. And you can try to forum slide and bury posts all you want but people curious enough will read all of this. You want it taken off autosage but only if you can curb our mean comments that hurt your feefees Chile-
Thanks for the greatest of keks, bellend dolphin
No. 122774
>>122772Kek agreed, especially after post
>>122773 >>122773I dunno, validation? To win over the ethots like the time all those other ethots on ig followed her and commented her posts in hope of stealing her simps but boosted her engagement further? Belle is like the herpes of the internet. Talking about instagram herpes… wasn’t she following a bunch of cows like Shay on her instagram back then. It’s obvious she does comes here kek even as above when she unfollowed those proana twitter accounts after it was mentioned lel
No. 122781
>>122740dont know who that bitch is but sounds like another "sex worker". idfk why you guys defend belle so much like she's a "sex worker" she is automatically milky as fuck. normal, well adjusted girls dont do that kind of shit. theres always milk. stop pretending like she will thank you for defending her crusty fake plastic ass.
just let the milk flow guys, the WKs and selfposts arent doing anything. she is a fake insecure bitch and has nobody in her life that loves her, if she aint milky now its going to get even more milky once she starts doing porn
No. 122789
File: 1606518399037.jpg (31.62 KB, 1600x794, underbite.jpg)

>>122698I've been wondering about this for a long while now but do you guys thing she has some kind of underbite? I think it looks like it in like all of the videos she hasn't filmed herself where she's talking and it's bothering me so much because there's something very off about her teeth.
No. 122790
>>122789Shes had braces so I doubt it but her teeth are SO long imo. And if you look at
>>122660 you will see that there are spots of tooth decay from daily purging. Inb4 she gets veneers
No. 122798
File: 1606521599506.png (2.52 MB, 1800x1691, 92E62125-A6F9-4708-9DF7-E26596…)

>>122789A healthy jaw your top teeth should slightly overlap the bottom but Belles top teeth are really long and don’t seem to overlap because of a possible slight underbite. In the images you can see the bottom set seem to stick further out than the top by the tiniest fraction which is what looks weird when she talks I think. Her teeth look terrible for someone who had braces, I can tell someone has been neglecting wearing their retainer at night.
No. 122828
Pulltards in here are insane sperging so hard about one person saying they hate Belle just as much as anyone else ITT while being able to acknowledge that she isn't a mutant goblin and saying that stomping your feet about how disfigured she is isn't milk.
If I was Belle or a WK I'd post some of these unhinged rants about her looks so lurking simps would think everyone in here is consumed with rage about her and dismiss any
valid criticism.
You can post yours keks and lels all you want to try to blend in, but I bet that at some point in the past you've blogposted on PULL or Discord about how this or that flake makes you feel so insecure and they have a social responsibility not to shoop themselves because it gives you muh body dysmorphia.
To get back on topic, this is the interview in which she mentions having a partner of 3 years
>>122578 No. 122832
File: 1606526292494.png (35.64 KB, 813x167, Screenshot at Nov 27 19-15-10.…)

>>122831tfw Pull are the ones who got her youtube deleted because they can't keep themselves from cowtipping
No. 122835
File: 1606526516534.png (Spoiler Image,336.18 KB, 527x553, Screenshot at Nov 27 19-20-20.…)

No. 122837
>>122830i hate belle but this is pathetic. they seem really young and impressionable. like i would 100% avoid these bitches, anywhere. strike me as the kind of girls who pretend they arent trying to skinwalk when they do!
i dont like the bitch either but im not trying to get her banned, i just want to make fun of her and watch the milk flow.
>>122835 and on top of that, i bet this bitch lives off of making young girls seethe. pathetic and sad on both ends.
No. 122838
File: 1606526650779.png (81.5 KB, 673x418, Screenshot at Nov 27 19-24-27.…)

No. 122839
File: 1606526711900.jpeg (Spoiler Image,633.97 KB, 1575x2040, A0304B7E-F93A-4633-AC88-517366…)

Two pc setups or his and hers?
No. 122844
File: 1606527003489.png (180.32 KB, 339x557, 20201127_135239.png)

>>122831>>122832>>122835Men want me, women want to be me kek
No. 122845
>>122843yeah i understand if girls feel pressured to look like her but she is 21 and likely insecure as fuck. i dont doubt every single "sex worker" is, the job revolves around how you look. she uses a lot of makeup, angles, wigs, stupid outfits to be distracting. she is average looking irl. she is not ugly, but she is probably insecure as the rest of girls her age. i believe she has gotten work done, and i do think i believe she probably does have disordered eating tendencies because look at the line of so called work she is in, and how common it is. she isnt above a single soul.
>>122844literally… so average looking. girls shouldnt feel insecure when her pictures get shopped anyway. and the hat, what a stupid, ugly choice.
No. 122846
File: 1606527320859.jpg (979.04 KB, 2400x1800, QTGORL.jpg)

We are all seething with jealousy, no doubt about it lmao
No. 122851
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No. 122879
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No. 122893
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No. 122922
File: 1606563391796.png (22.44 KB, 1004x268, WK!!!!.png)

>>122830>>122831>>122832>>122835>>122838If there's anyone PULL envies more than Kenna it's belle, they kept de-shooping and comparing her to all sorts of stuff for months and months after she disappeared, a whole year of no milk but hating on her appearance and there was the occasional self-post "I found this girl and she's so much better looking than belle!!!", most PULLfags are really young and many admitted doing SW like camming or just having orbiters who send them money, lolcow is a small site that isn't worth promoting on but PULLfags are so stupid they like to convince themselves that they're the center of the world and that belle is targeting them when she's likely planning her next feature appearance with one of their idols which will make them seethe more, it is so obvious to everyone that you're coping when you do this
>>122861 >>122851, these aren't even funny and only prove how obsessed you're and how much time you got. what type of lifestyle do you have when you go through an interview frame by frame to prove that she is not an epitome of beauty
>>122798 when actual milk happens no one will care because no one wants to read through your butthurt posts… imagine caring that someone looks slightly different in candids.
We're really out here stuck between Twitterfags saying she's a smart businesswoman uwu and PULLfags saying she looks like a man who is also a mouse who is also a mutant horse. sheesh.
No. 122929
>>122922> –40 <3kek
the amount of derailing to infight and obsession with PULL (a site that no longer exists) to the point you have a screenshot from 2019 makes it hard to believe this is just a wk. Go find a thread on
>>>/pt/ or
>>>/snow/ and stop refreshing a thread on autosage to cry.
No. 122931
File: 1606571936302.png (385.69 KB, 723x669, 20201128_135803.png)

Awful. Why would she agree to being on a podcast where she has no control of her appearance via filter or Photoshop? Dumb move on her part. Clearly She isn't as clever as her orbiters believe
No. 122932
>>122922Belle gets off to other women "seething" in jealousy over her when she looks like
>>122846irl lmao
No. 122941
File: 1606577185019.jpg (21.15 KB, 275x275, 1545477128449.jpg)

>>122940yeah bro she takes GREAT care of herself lol. look at her toenails and cold sores. she also clearly doesnt work out and makes herself throw up. you're seething that not everyone licks her asshole.
No. 122943
File: 1606577658587.jpg (1.36 MB, 2250x2250, KEK.jpg)

Bellends real face vs how she edits her pics kek
No. 122944
File: 1606577761259.jpg (215.38 KB, 720x1119, 20201128_103545.jpg)

>>122941it looks like Belle had a cold sore in that in person podcast too.
No. 122949
>>122940Yeah she totally takes care of herself we are all SOOOO jealous of Gobline Delphine
She’s disgusting and doesn’t take care of skin, feet, hair because she can just use a Snapchat filter, facetune, wigs and makeup. She looks nothing like her pictures irl
Example her disgusting feet
>>102560 No. 122950
>>122943Stop it anon you're gonna make her cry again uwu
No. 122961
File: 1606582777022.jpg (1.05 MB, 2400x1350, URJUSTJELLUSSS.jpg)

Bellend's real face vs how she edits her pics pt2
No. 122983
>>122975But she targets pedo furries, her shoops give me alvin the the chimpmunk vibes
Esp here
>>119212 No. 122991
>>122931she was posted to instagramreality on reddit and they are saying she looks the same. I feel like I'm losing my mind because she doesn't look the same at all. She's not ugly but she doesn't have the anime head shape she does in her pictures.
I'm also surprised she hasn't invested in a better wig at this point and paid someone to teach her how to install it correctly. It looks so party city chic here lol. I think Belle's major weakness is how lazy she is.
No. 122994
>>122991>>122993Someone with a throwaway should post
>>122943 in that thread for keks
No. 122995
>>122994Nah, maybe a mix of this unshooped old candid photo
>>122966 with this
>>122636It's the same angle and shows the differences perfectly
No. 123021
File: 1606592816424.jpeg (446.92 KB, 1528x1528, 89E59C1A-CB2B-4DC5-846F-B7D407…)

Belle Delphine vs. a legitimately beautiful woman
No. 123027
File: 1606593803832.jpg (142.52 KB, 960x638, okay.jpg)

>>123024femcel pullfags are done pretending belle is posting here now they're pretending to be her to prove their point. since im replying, good job with the awful photoshop, she looks nothing like this
>>122966 this is the original and it is a candid and pre all surgeries, cut the bullshit now.
No. 123031
>>122991I saw the post and tbh the photo they chose to compare to looks like the least edit thing she's ever put out there. It's not one of her typical pics. A more recent twitter pic or a still from the I'm Back video would have been more appropriate and would have got more mixed reactions I think
Also tf happened in here, it's a mess
No. 123039
File: 1606595508097.gif (11.99 MB, 808x916, cantbelieveihavetodothis.gif)

Do you realize memes aren't valid criticism and prove nothing?
No. 123048
>>123045samefag I take that back after aligning the eyes and switching back and forth one is altered however the changes are so barely noticeable I couldn’t imagine this being noticed by a farmer unless this was your own face or a face you like to stare at a lot.
Also bad bad anon for editing that comparison picture, shame on you kek
No. 123052
File: 1606596815090.jpeg (83.64 KB, 620x899, 8363A4CC-37A9-4517-B3C0-7FB452…)

>>123049Yes she did. But then she had a borderline lesbian photo set with that same girl - can’t remember her instagram but around that time she did the whole bait and switch of “uwu I’m a magical elven gamer girl” to leach Belles followers and boost her modeling account then deleted all evidence of such a cringeworthy stunt and posted normal modeling photos again. Bit weird to have a photoshoot with the girl you created sockpuppet accounts to harass over your ex
No. 123060
File: 1606597594771.jpeg (196.73 KB, 750x1155, A4CFDF76-9470-4A86-B6CA-0BC7F3…)

Looks like she’s back to the whole elf gamer girl LARP and unarchived the posts.. probably realized the Bellenders responded more to those photos than the normal modeling.
Do you think this is all The Goran Effect? kek every girl he dates comes out with a mental retardation of some sort; Bellend, the hot asian girl and that rusty spoon he’s currently with…
No. 123065
File: 1606598684932.jpg (205.3 KB, 1040x784, Screenshot_20201128-162251_You…)

What the hell is even that
No. 123066
File: 1606599053304.jpg (2.02 MB, 2400x4653, 2020.jpg)

>>123065What u order online vs when it arrives
No. 123072
File: 1606604580081.jpg (2.38 MB, 2400x2400, pt2020_11_28_17_58_01.jpg)

No. 123074
File: 1606604888198.jpeg (Spoiler Image,42.85 KB, 500x591, 5A23E258-0676-4ED8-B3A4-40F211…)

>>123072Her face is probs a normal size but the more I see image top right next to her shooped face, the more it starts to look like this akakakakak
No. 123085
File: 1606606883497.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.81 KB, 1182x1039, ^23-11-2020.jpg)

>>123077he actually started appearing in her content and speaking. you can hear him in the clip she posted on her onlyfans
No. 123112
File: 1606614968711.jpg (1.08 MB, 1628x1506, Kawaiikween.jpg)

No. 123124
File: 1606622500395.png (22.66 KB, 275x257, 1495409934424.png)

This is her old face also..
No. 123137
File: 1606632763151.jpg (764.59 KB, 1620x1620,…)

>>123133Cap. She had a bump in her nose that no longer exists.
No. 123167
>>123166That's how it goes with prostitutio- I mean SeX WoRk. She even said in the podcast that Joshie boi has always been around, even before she was Belle Delphine.
She was doing the "little" fetish some time ago, and the UwU daddy bullshit. Her troubles were ofc easily exploited by her pimp bf.
No. 123173
File: 1606659737801.jpg (197.91 KB, 1063x604, 1606533237956.jpg)

I'm convinced more than half of the salty posters are skinwalkers who are mad they can't look like her.
No. 123174
File: 1606660075886.jpg (149.92 KB, 723x669, 1606571936302_mr1606613795831.…)

>>123173Sure bellend, we are ALL so salty for u kek
No. 123176
>>123166The only people that think Josh is the brains are the newfag pulltards infecting this thread that just want to bitch about a girl who makes them feel fat and ugly rather than bring any actual milk. Those discord caps were fucking pathetic.
>>123173Based. Bella is a pedo baiting thot but the salt posting by some of the users here is embarrassing. We get it
>>123174 you're fat.
>In b4 a 16-year-old anachan calls me Belle kek No. 123179
File: 1606661831194.jpg (543.77 KB, 1166x1325, 20201129_095700.jpg)

No. 123182
File: 1606663522272.jpg (386.32 KB, 1085x1004, pt2020_11_29_10_25_24.jpg)

No. 123184
>>123179>>123182all those men must be PULLtards!
top kek
No. 123189
oof this is why all her webcam podcast appearances were done at an angle. She looks awful straight on
No. 123211
>>123201>>Elon musk girl versionTop kek
It's the jaw and sunken face isnt it, my guy??
No. 123214
File: 1606669464082.png (464.87 KB, 500x697, EhhhhhhUntitled.png)

Is this one trolling or..?
No. 123215
File: 1606669896158.png (297 KB, 412x566, BelleLolcowshootCapture.PNG)

Somebody posted lolcow shoop comparison under Happy Hour facebook post
No. 123217
File: 1606669918477.jpg (1.35 MB, 2400x1800, pt2020_11_29_12_10_51.jpg)

>>123214I see you're hunting for the post kek. A bit insecure innit
No. 123224
>>123223"Girls in this thread totes wanna be her, trust me"
No. 123245
>>123238Im literally not belle
Top kek
No. 123259
File: 1606679895070.jpeg (Spoiler Image,605.94 KB, 1242x687, A8D419D1-298F-4ABF-B139-466822…)

Tinfoil but I’m pretty sure she used a body double in her ‘I’m back’ video.
If you look at any of the ass or twerking shots they never show her face, just ass and the back of a pink wig.
And they always cut before she turns her head.
No. 123263
>>123259This was already discussed and possibly ?debunked?
>>101931 >>101934
>>123262Is it possible to make sock puppet accounts on patreon or is it one per bank account? I don’t understand how she’s still got hundreds of patreons but hasn’t uploaded in over a year unless these are all £1 tier
No. 123273
>>123259 The lyrics talk about her having "thicc thighs" and "small chest and big ass".
Is she really trying to market herself as thick when she has obviously regular porportions.
No. 123278
>>123259this was debunked months ago. read the thread.
also she is arching her back to make her booty pop. basic posing.
No. 123282
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No. 123285
File: 1606693091344.jpg (121.36 KB, 414x500, 6688489754.jpg)

No. 123286
File: 1606693603078.jpeg (8.66 KB, 221x228, images (4).jpeg)

>>123285Fug you anon now I will have to hide under my blankey when I go to sleep
No. 123325
>>123027The kid in the back to the left is me looking at how you morons have shitted up the thread with your expired milk.
For the paranoid ones, maybe the posts before the raid were too close to home and someone wanted to bury them? Click the below for a shortcut to what was posted right before the raid.
>>122464 No. 123337
>>122464All her wording around the video has been very careful. She'll be releasing porn, you will be able to see up close pussy penetration…. Never actually says that it's her pussy.
Just like the pornhub bullshit, she has the bare level of common sense to make outright false promises since that makes it too easy for them to get a refund.
No. 123345
>>123329Everyone already knows what she looks like. The third post in this thread shows her real face.
>>69243So why are there suddenly 300 moronic new posts of disjointed PULL copypasta replying to nobody, screenshots of negative comments, low-effort side by side comparisons and unfunny meme edits? Literal opposite of milk and nobody gives a shit. The posts you're trying to hide would have just been ignored if you didn't make it
this obvious they were true.
No. 123355
File: 1606726556035.jpg (41.27 KB, 500x500, ed6d709c53837413a8e0dc2c9f72e0…)

Has she gained weight? If so if she continues she won't be Uwu smol no more. Restriction almost always catches up in the end
No. 123362
>>123360They're definitely not NEET's if they're paying for her OnlyFans.
Most of her subscriber base probably consists of lonely, awkward, nerdy guys who work in STEM. And Belle definitely caters to these guys when she goes on podcasts and says "uwuu I'm actually attracted to conventionally unattractive guys like Micheal Cera" when she's literally married to a conventionally attractive man (Josh Gray).
No. 123365
File: 1606730076990.jpeg (98.19 KB, 602x401, main-qimg-acbfb59312d4c5ddb22b…)

I think she wouldn't look so bad if she dressed more like a grown woman instead of a sexualized fictinal 2 year old
No. 123366
>>123363Move on you constantly DERAIL and cry how unfair users are here. Where is the Ban hammer when it's needed?
Do you guys heard of "Face reflects your personality"? Guess that's why belle looks without filters and photoshop like that. Ratty because she is a rat. Not good looking to 80% who seen her without her uww glows.
No. 123368
>>123337LOL if she is actually stupid enough to do this it will be hilarious
What will happen if she does this:
1. The second she releases the video, after one or two people watch it, it will be all over Twitter that it was a fake out and no one else will buy it.
1. Her incel fan base will fly into a rage and plaster the internet with cruel memes about how ugly she really is and use pictures from the podcast
2. Onlyfans will refund Anyone who bought the video to avoid bad press. They are a private company and can change their terms of service to accommodate whatever they want. They will also ban her from the platform permanently to avoid backlash
4. When she did the Porn hub fake out no one was actually charged, and these humiliating pictures of her irl didn’t exist, so she was able to get away with it. The combo of angry incels actually getting scammed out of money and then becoming motivated to spread her hideous face will ruin her career permanently.
IMHO I do believe she will try to do this. She thinks she’s better than other girls and doesn’t have to show her pussy for $, that’s how she copes with being an e whore.
No. 123370
>>123368 It will also get leaked, so that on top of REEEEfunds from her incels will prevent her from making anything from it.
Somebody should repost the "Insider info" on twitter for the lols, it would be fun to either just to stir shit up. And if it's true her EpIc TrOlLinG would be ruined because people would already know about it.
No. 123420
File: 1606761457238.jpg (1.73 MB, 2400x2400, 544435678997544.jpg)

(ban evasion)
No. 123430
>>123285>>123365if she doesnt already she will soon regret her internet fame lol, shouldnt have filtered the fuck out of your face belle.
>>123282once simps see these pics they will move on to the next, younger girl. she literally looks fine irl but next to the heavily shooped and facetuned pics, its just false advertising.
No. 123437
>>123427Agree. Men would say this shit about any sex worker or promiscuous girl on the internet because they only see them as fap material. That’s what happens when you’re known as a meme or a troll while also trying to be sexy. Posting collections of incel hate comments doesn’t contribute anything. We already know dudes on 4chan had a hateboner for her enough to find where she lived before and tape a note to the door.
Inb4 whiteknight/Belle accusations because I didn’t sperg over her rat face
No. 123471
>>123458She's just very replaceable. Also, normal sex workers age out around 30 (sometimes younger sometimes older depending on how well they take care of themselves) but an uwu loli sw like Belle whose only appeal is looking like a child will be done by 23-25.
Even if she makes 5 million, that won't be enough money to survive past 50 or to even live a comfortable lifestyle with inflation. Unless she invests in real estate or makes some smart stock market plays.
My guess is she's probably made around 2 million off only fans/patreon/youtube. She'll be broke by 30, and she has no other career path. Tbh kind of sad.
No. 123508
>>123479LOL really? NBA/NFL players who have much longer and more lucrative careers than Belle are typically broke 10 years after they age out because they lose their opportunity for income. And even the most successful porn stars like Jenna Jameson are broke once they age out.
The income will never dry up? Really? So people will still be interested in a girl whose only appeal was being a loli look alike when she is 27? or 30? People will still choose to buy her OF when there are thousands of younger girls out there?
Her and her boyfriend making investment moves will probably fuck her over more than anything. Lots of people look to take advantage of people like her who don't have a solid understanding of the market by pitching them shitty investment ideas and real estate buys, and they typically fall for it (see all of the broke former porn stars, celebrities, and NFL players)
No. 123516
>>123508Being popular on social media is different from being an athlete or just a porn star where fame is rooted in those abilities and jobs. If she keeps a good amount of her fan base she can do other things like streaming or whatever else is trendy. It’s just difficult for me to think of how she can end up broke in this position but that’s just my viewpoint based on how social media is going right now. She certainly won’t keep this up forever which is why she’s moving on to showing more and more nudity and possibly doing porn.
OT but I know multiple people who became social media personalities having a fraction of followers Belle has and they make a better living than most of their peers working regularly. It’s shocking and disgusting how much income popular content creators are making.
No. 123557
>>123516Also her fame is based around publicity stunts and not because she's interesting or fun to watch. Interest will die out once she's done too many stunts and no one will care to watch or talk about her anymore.
The one's who stay around and have longevity are the ones who people truly enjoy watching and following which is not Belle. She's like a circus performer. Once we've seen the trick too many times we'll find a replacement who does different stupid things
No. 123728
>>123726according to this she has makes a 1 million a month from OF: definitely does not have 1.8 million subscribers.
No. 123756
File: 1606916924056.png (16.99 KB, 754x123, Capture.PNG)

>>123728Maybe not a million each month but 200k or 300k. These articles are not about data and more to generate intererest from readers. In general all the article is full of bullshit, Belle will not do a truthful recount of her way to fame, she need to embellish her story too. Josh is largely omited but that "friend" is him for sure.
No. 123765
File: 1606920868421.jpg (283.91 KB, 1102x2048, EoHJZIgWEAEqRa0.jpg)

Blurs her face into oblivion, can't be bothered to conceal the wig.
No. 123771
>>123756200k sounds about right, given that she has 278k likes total spread on 3000+ pictures on her OF.
I think the 2 million estimated for how much money she currently has is probably about right.
Given that her income will probably die out in 2 years she would be smart to buy a house now, instead of throwing away money on rent, so she has a consistent place to live even after her money dries up. And pay cash not mortgage.
No. 123777
File: 1606925656105.png (426.61 KB, 664x499, SPOILER_image0.png)

The sheer amount of scrote/pickme seethe here is astounding. If any of the people here moralfagging over "muh poor widdle pedo beta males not getting their money's worth!" anf unironically wishing she would do real porn are actually women, it's rapidly approaching gimpgirl levels of she-simping. Absolute cuckquean shit.
Belle is kind of a retard but I'm rooting for her. The only issue I have with her is some pickme shit she said and her buxing a parasitic scrote, but I do hope that she kicks him to the curb and retires with millions. No homo.
No. 123779
>>123778My favorite take is probably "but she sold FAKE nudes of a LEGAL girl while UNDERAGE!"
I mean yeah, the stealing nudes thing kinda sucks, but if they didn't have her face, it's no worse than average catfishing (which I assume most of the aspiring uwu REAL cosplayers and TRUE AND HONEST whores here have done). The worst part is the implication that she's actually BAD for scamming pedos.
Reminds me of that one viral 13 year old girl who talked to pedos online, took "deposits" for meet-ups and then ghosted them. The comments were flooded with scrotes demanding that she refund the money. Mfw this is the absolute state of lc posters now, worrying about pedo wallets. I bet they hand pick their boyfriends porn to make sure it's "good value".
No. 123807
File: 1606940521408.jpg (1.03 MB, 2250x2250, Uhohstinky.jpg)

Spotted a sock account in the wild kek. Shes got a couple more sock accounts fired up doing damage control and they all follow vindicta and ed subreddits.
No. 123815
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No. 123816
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No. 123820
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No. 123823
File: 1606942085319.jpg (523.11 KB, 1350x2400, Oof.jpg)

No. 123825
I vote
>>123179 for next thread pic kek