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No. 8303

Previous thread >>>/ot/15930

A thread for Weebs of the West who create art and music INSPIRED by Japanese culture.
Like true snowflakes they are all special and unique, which is why they all imitate each others' fried hair, obnoxious pastel fashion, and identify as nonbinary, panromantic, etc. These creatures are commonly found selling at, or skulking around anime conventions / artist alleys.

Notable cows amongst their ranks include:

AKA Tiffany Liao
- Artist turned entrepreneur, queen of the western weeb fashion scene
- Art has regressed considerably over the years, she now depends other artists to draw for her clothing line
- Incredibly socially awkward and lazy
- Created a kickstarter for indie game “OMORI” over 4 years ago which amassed $250K in funds but has has yet to release the game. Backer rewards are nowhere to be seen and updates come once in a blue moon
- anon ex worker >>309121 revealed many reasons as to why the game isn't progressing (see: lack of focus, no motivation, hatred all around)

Social Media

Cute Hospital
AKA Audrey Mai
- Artist whose persona revolves around hospitals because she was admitted to one for ED but lied about it being a disease to collect donations
- Was dropped by Punimelt, Shawn Wasabi, and other weebs for being a lazy and two-faced. Now hangs out with a new group of weeb musicians
- Tweets out positivity and mental health advice despite being unstable and extremely vindictive. On her other twitter accounts she regularly spergs about Punimelt and her ex-friends
- Mooches off her parents who pay for her outfits, travel, living expenses, printing services, convention expenses, etc but claims they’re ABUSIVE for not picking her up from the airport and telling her to dress properly
- Claims to be bi/pan but has never dated a girl and is currently dating a hetero cis man who goes by "they/them"
- Claims to love being Vietnamese but tries extremely hard to be Japanese by dressing in J-fashion, going to Japan, and editing her pics to look cuter and paler
- Finally as a job after years of sitting on her ass but 3 weeks in takes a month off to go to Japan
- Found the last thread and is lurking relentlessly now

Social Media
Main Twitter: https://twitter.com/cute_hospital/
Side Twitter: https://twitter.com/dreamyhospital/
Curious Cat: https://curiouscat.me/cutehospital/

AKA Michy Soong
- Artist who draws cutesy pastel artwork and makes apparel
- Presents herself as sweet and innocent but is actually a drama-hungry bully and sociopath
- Serial dater and verbally abuses her partners
- Self-diagnosed with autism to justify her shitty behavior
- Friendship with Cute Hospital ended after Cute Hospital was caught telling someone that Punimelt was lying about having autism
- Was involved in a love triangle with Cute Hospital and mushbuh

Social Media
Main Twitter: https://twitter.com/punimelt/
Side Twitter: https://twitter.com/hamhamichy/

Slime Girls
AKA Pedro Silva
- Mexican electronic/chiptune musician based in LA who works on OMORI
- Notorious for his yellow fever, regularly prowls Artist Alleys looking for new Asian artists to “collab” with
- Dated a line of Asian artists and assaulted a mentally ill ex-girlfriend
- Goes by “they/them” and blames his male appearance for people finding him creepy
- Rejected by Punimelt but is still obsessed with her

Social Media
Main Twitter: https://twitter.com/slimegirls/
Side Twitter: https://twitter.com/tragicallyshojo/

AKA Emily Shaw
- Artist who works on OMORI and makes apparel & her own indie game
- Sabotaging OMORI from the inside in the hopes that her game will look better
- Incriminated in leaked private chats where she talked shit about other artists constantly while being sweet to them in public
- Claimed that she was framed and apologized to the people affected only to continue talking shit about them privately a day later
- Threw her table partner’s merchandise at a convention, gloated about it on private twitter
- Extremely bitter about her gf accomplishing more than her and talks shit about her too

Social Media

Ghostspacess / Fangrrrlz
- Artist who makes apparel and comics, collabed with Omocat.
- Used to run Fangrrlz, a joint project with @genniieeee that fell apart because they had a falling out and genie did all the work
- Got dragged on twitter for gloating about cheating her way into and through Sheridan College’s art department by having her friend and ex do her assignments
- Makes fun of her exes for being ugly and her slaves when she depends on them for everything: money, being her printing press, taking care of her apartment, helping her at conventions, etc
- Another who goes by “they/them” like her ex Slime Girls

Social Media

Kiraku Synthboy
- Electronic musician who moved to Japan
- Essentially a softboy in female form
- Part of the current Cute Hospital band of weeb friends
- Came in last thread to whiteknight

Social Media

- White boy from Australia now living in Tokyo who runs an "independent music label" called Waifu Wednesdays
- Part of the current Cute Hospital band of weeb friends
- As his name suggests, loves hentai and is all around cringey

Social Media

Special Mention
Pictured on the top left of OP is another one of Cute Hospital's friends "Eddie" who is allegedly another pedo with yellow fever. Honestly, Audrey's entire friend group are worthy to be mentioned in this thread.

The cows listed are all related to each other in one way or another, but posts calling attention to other weebcows is welcome.

No. 8304

OP here, didn't mean to link a random comment on /snow/ in the OP to provide receipts on the OMORI work environment. If new readers would like to read up on that do help yourselves to the link to the Omocat thread in /ot/.

No. 8305


Another correction: Ems did not simply "throw" her table partner's merchandise, she completely THREW OUT the merchandise, which is obviously a lot worse.

No. 8306

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Fucking bless, OP.

>Claims to be bi/pan but has never dated a girl and is currently dating a hetero cis man who goes by "they/them"

It's been slightly touched upon last thread, but does this partner of hers even exist what with how vague she's been about them.

No. 8307

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Big thank you to the anons last thread who graced us with accurate portraiture of Cute Hospital/Audrey and Slime Girls/Pedro.

No. 8308

Thank you sooooo much,ive been waiting for these doods to get exposed

No. 8309

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No. 8310

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Judging by how he responded to her "i love my partner uwu" tweet how he's been together with her in many of the Japan pics, I believe it might be this ogre who goes by kotu https://twitter.com/korewakotu . It's incredible how all these genderconfused weeb musicians look exactly the same.

No. 8311

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Why did cunt hospital sell a beginner's art class-looking plate for $50. And who's the retard that bought it

No. 8312

what is it about liking anime and being ugly that leads to every single one of these losers having wispy mexifros, glasses, beard stumps, tacky clothes, and gender issues. it's like soy comes in one flavor now

No. 8313


he's also the korewahentai asshole, right? Yikes, that fucking handle. Hentai dude and slime girls both look like this faggot I knew who majored and graduated in Japanese Studies, only chilled with the Japanese international students and other greasy bitch boys exactly like him, and had surprise, an Asian gf who was possibly not Japanese.

No. 8314

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that white eyeliner tho

No. 8315

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I honestly can't believe Pedro composed the soundtrack to Ooblets.
Also, I looked up his username and I'm 80% sure he deactivated his tragicallyshoujo Tumblr today. Is there a way to confirm this?

No. 8316

Nah that's a different guy, korewakotu is his own mess. Kotu and Hentai Dude aka Lachlan are best friends but since all of these flakes are so special and unique they even share the same style of username.

No. 8317

damn is this Audrey??? What the fuck, she actually used to look like a cute Vietnamese girl. Even though she's still a tryhard weeb in these photos she looks a lot better with her natural skin tone and without filters blowing her out.

No. 8318

wow. knowing pedro it's extremely sad to know that this is probably the nicest thing he's ever done for anyone. he doesn't contribute to any of his friends lives in a meaningful way and only crawls out of his bedroom to say hi once a year at a convention before crawling back in.
and kek at the tacky omocat sweater, he's been sucking up to her for a long time.

No. 8319

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Cute Hospital/Audrey on her relationship with Punimelt as of late.

Good summaries anon.

CH/Audrey also takes money for commissions/pre orders form her shop and never fulfills them. She constantly calls herself gay or says things she does is SO GAY despite being cis. (But now she is playing up some they/thems as well to try to get away with being offensive.) Shawn Wasabi also paid for her to sit on her ass playing maple story for months after she moved to LA and after she left she would make call out posts about how abusive and toxic he was for not giving her back her portion of the deposit, despite her owing him much more. Her parents still pay for her food, living essentials, expensive UC Berkeley tuition, shop supplies, and hospital bills when she feels like she is not getting enough attention, plus take her on trips like to Mexico a few months ago. Her family is wealthy but she would constantly tweet about needing donations or asking people to buy her things (sadly they have been deleted so no caps, but she used to do it all the time).

Slime Girls/Pedro dated a girl named Amara for a while who is white, but she tries to look as Japanese as possible. She was a cosplayer, dyed her hair pink/purple and did typical weeb style makeup. I don't know a lot about their break up but it was apparently ugly.

Also as for Eddie, he has a history of grooming tiny underaged looking girls, often in their low twenties (he is in his late 30s, maybe even 40s by now), especially ones with colored hair who like jfashion/games/music.

No. 8320

Lovely thread, OP. Good job on the info. Hopefully Audrey wanders on over to this thread too. It's a shame the site went down before she could ~fire back~ at the haters.

No. 8321

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This is from the other thread but have a more recent candid. Her bitterness really took a toll it on her looks, it seems.

No. 8322

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She didn't post the alleged hate message, but whoever is doing that, could you fucking stop.

Does Audrey not realize that people aren't hating her for no reason, but because she's the ~toxic~ piece of shit, too? For one, lying about having a chronic illness and getting pity money out of it.

No. 8323

Cowtippers are the worst. But she not only posted both of her reactions to the messages in public, but she also came in here to defend herself instead of ignore it. People were moving on to Pedro, and she brought it back to her. Really stupid mistake on her part, she should just not respond.
But knowing her, she's just going to use it to get everyone to baby her. Hell, the second hate message is probably made up.

No. 8324

Tinfoil but do you think Audrey sent the anon hate to herself for sympathy points?

No. 8325

Most likely. Look at the last hate message she got. A dozen asspatting responses and a hell of a lot more attention than she's gotten lately. It's just like she's ~sick~ again.

No. 8326

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I wouldn't put it past her if she did lie because otherwise, she'd post this hate message, wouldn't she? Look at this, she's describing the message but where is the actual message lol

No. 8327

This so much. She alluded to a terrible "disease" and said her heart was so weak it could stop any time and kept hinting that she was going to die.

Gobbled up tons of donations during this time of course. Now that they dried up, she rants about it actually being an ED and it is all her mother's fault.

She has no shame. It's interesting because she was fairly overweight during both (all three?) hospital stays too.

No. 8328

Literally, the first "hate message" she published was almost word for word what an anon in the last thread wrote. It's almost like Audrey is trying to save her ass and cowtipping herself.

No. 8329

>but she also came in here to defend herself instead of ignore it

An anon speculated it could've been Pedro whiteknighting her or Kiraku Synthboy, but it could also very well be Audrey herself. If so, then it contrasts greatly to her overall tone on her main.

No. 8330

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Vintage milk, but Pedro once publically asked Omocat for feet pics

No. 8331

some milk about ems as someone who's had the misfortune of rooming with her at several cons due to mutual artist friends. it's really funny her dear protagonist brand and online persona is so cutesy when she's like… this

she has verbal diarrhea around anyone she's seen more than once for some reason so sorry for the tldr


>has parents around poverty line
>makes more than her own parents but continues to mooch off them and refuses to pay her own living expenses
>claims her parents won't "allow" her to be independent and uses this as an excuse to not buy her own food, pay for her own clothes or supplies, learn how to drive, or literally anything
>refuses to get a job or put more than the bare minimum into her classes
>blames her parents for everything
>parents continue to pay for everything despite not having money, do her laundry, clean her room, buy her food, pay for extra schooling costs, drive her to and from school and to and from cons
>ems has the balls to complain when they can't treat her to more than fast food
>ems continues to waste her money on weeb shit (lolita, pokemon stuff, videogames) and on eating out
>splurged on a huge vacation to the UK recently while her parents still barely manage to pay the bills
>her parents mail her merchandise for her, she's stated repeatedly she doesn't understand how to mail things at post offices and doesn't want to learn
>despite being rolling in dough, refuses to pay back money she's borrowed or pay for gas (despite also getting her friends to drive her around)….
>….UNLESS you're an artist with connections or a decent follower count. if you're not an artist she treats you like shit. once while with one of her own friends from the con she mocked a non-artist friend to her face in our room while the "bigger" artists were out, non-artist pretended to be fine but had to lock herself in the bathroom and cry. pretended to be an absolute angel when the others returned

>has literally no sense of hygiene, has been seen multiple times sleep in her clothes and wear them for multiple days straight without showering without thinking this is disgusting

>will go without showering for multiple days even during cons
>her hair looks that flat because it's literally greasy
>her friends told me had a literal meltdown and said she was being "put down" for being "mentally ill" when she was asked to take clean up her space once it was overflowing with garbage and literally molding
>hangs out with people just as greasy as her, apparently they also sperg out when asked to clean anything and get free rides from their parents

>hates doing any kind of work at all

>brags about how she's gotten other people to do essentially every piece of her "game" that exists so far
>doesn't pay for their work
>hates doing merchandise and hates having to cater to other people's tastes (which is the definition of business)
>omocat offered her a job on omori on a whim and ems hates having to do work on the game, avoids doing it
>wants to get onto the team of the latest flavor of the month game (hiveswap, undertale, delta rune) but as a director, does not actually want to do any work on these games
>tried to get into hiveswap by sucking up to people on the team but has been outed for shitting on them (there was a big thing about her trying to fuck up james roach's rep or something and he found out about it, but i don't know the details myself)

also tangent but:

>has said repeatedly she thinks her customer base has such bad taste in ships and fandoms it makes her wish they'd "die" but she can "tolerate them" so long as they give her money

>this is weird as fuck but she says she wishes people would die constantly?? she said once she doesn't think some people inherently don't have value in being alive except "maybe" to support people higher up in the pecking order like her. apparently she got into deep shit with several artists because they found out (they got caps apparently) she'd say the same about them while pretending to be their friends and she confessed to all of it, i remember revolocities (from the previous thread) was one of them

that's everything i can think of. she's confessed to all of the above before in various in-person "apology letters" to artists (only ever artists) she's fucked up relationships with but always twists it around to make it sound like she's the victim. i remember in one idk why she brought it up but she had some really bullshit reason for letting her parents eat fast food while getting friends to drive her around to eat out at overpriced restaurants almost daily?? she's just incredibly selfish from my experience

No. 8332

Sounds gross, anon. Her parents sound like enablers tho. Hopefully you don't have to room with her again. Any way you can post screenshots of these apology letters for posterity?

No. 8333

nah the apology letters are almost all physical, though i think one or two were emails. the artists in question never posted caps or pictures of the actual letters, but described some of the contents, which is all i know of them

No. 8334


the second message does sound made up and given she stretches the truth for pity points i wouldn't put it past her. actually posting it would've given her double pity points compared to just saying she got one lol

No. 8335

Thanks for more info on cute hospital, I had no idea she was this bratty.

Regarding Pedro & Amara,
Their relationship was seriously a shit show. Amara was always a weeb with an inferiority complex re: Asian girls so it obviously didn’t help being with Pedro who was starting to cosy up to Omocat and other Asian art girls. Pedro was hyperfixated on being friends with ARTISTS (still is tbh) and since Amara wasn’t creative like them she started to spiral into her. She also didnt have a job at the time so Pedro was helping her out by letting her stay with him but the place they lived together was shared with several other roommates (including cloverandsealife) and was always a fucking mess. The house was basically full of mentally ill people who got on each others’ nerves, so Amara got more and more depressed. Once Pedro quickly grew tired of her depressive moods he started treating her coldly and mean, which became a feedback loop of Amara getting worse as he became more fed up with her. Both of them got more depressed and resentful of each other until one day Amara got so angry with him during a fight that she pushed him and he responded by slapping her head so hard she fell down. They broke up soon after that.

I haven’t seen Amara in years but I hope she’s in a better place…. Pedro on the other hand has only gone downhill from then. He’s doing better in terms of his career but is CLEARLY still depressed and hates himself but refuses to seek therapy or change despite broadcasting how woke he is for recognizing the injustice of the gender binary. He’s as skin deep as they come.

No. 8336

spiral into her insecurities* sorry.

No. 8337

Honestly, it was probably Kiraku Synthboy whiteknighting Audrey since I don’t think Pedro associates with Audrey much at all anymore due to his allegiance to Punimelt/Michy. Audrey really dislikes Pedro herself - she’s bitched about him privately but on the surface and to outsiders they seem like “friends”.

No. 8338

Cute hospital locked her rant twitter account and purged all of her followers except "close friends" lol.

No. 8339

nnnnooooo gdi I swear if this was the cowtipper’s fault. inb4 we end up with caps from her now private twitter anyway though, once the new perfect wholesome friendships implode

No. 8340


Thanks for the milk, anon. I don't know much about slime girls/Pedro Silva, but my interest is piqued. You also mentioned clover and sea life, and I've heard of that name before. I have no clue if this applies, but it ties into clover and sea life a bit? There's a cringy con-based local maid cafe named Cafe Peko Peko that advertised for clover and sea life, but it was mainly for a shitty idol group called Kira Kira Pop (more like, a bunch of landwhale weeb girls singing off key covers). There was a party event that took place at a lounge, and watching the vlog of that whole thing was embarrassing as shit. You could tell the whole place probably smelled like shit and it had a bunch of socially awkward weebs in one place trying to recreate club life.

I think I saw clover and sea life in a vlog thanking everyone for inviting her or whatever. It could've been someone else, but I swear the FIRST time I knew of c&s is through a flyer at a con lmfao. Is there any milk on her? Or just another fried-hair weeb musician.

No. 8341

she doesn’t even look /terrible/ here but it’s the fact that it looks COMPLETELY different from her constructed soft girl selfies, even with a filter on. She’s insecurity and narcissism in equal parts.

No. 8342

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We're getting "investigated" ladies!

No. 8343

I’m surprised W.T Snacks and Beck Attack aren’t mentioned since they apparently do a lot of tours.

No. 8344

Oh shit Beck Attack. I remember her most recent trip to Japan she freaked out over seeing Japanese people wearing fashionable clothes… which is what you'd normally see in Japan… because Japanese people live there.

No. 8345

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W.T. Snacks and Beck Attack were advertised at that same con KEK.
Jami is pretty much their token trans friend. I know she used to be extremely active online in 2012-2015 when everyone wanted to be an Anamanaguchi clone/groupie. Now she just usually stays on the down low online and makes halfassed music.

A couple fried haired weebs to look into are part of the Galaxy Swim Team music label.

I was wondering how Pedro is able to be so open with his degeneracy and I took a look at both of his parents' Facebooks, they shill his Patreon all the time and are super liberal. He has a brother who does guitar work for him too, so basically his entire family revolves around Pedro's success of being a weeb musician with yellow fever.

No. 8346


So Audrey is trying to sic her followers like dogs. Honestly, I didn't know much about her other than what I've seen for a short amount of time on her main and whatever was posted on this thread and prior, but now she REALLY proves she's a fucking brat.

Hey "detectives", while you're at it, your nurse angel exploited a nonexistent illness when it's actually an ED for donation money, she owes shittons of people their commissions and goods, and she backstabbed punibitch and told people about her self-diagnosed Aspergers. You're disposable like the rest of the "toxic" people she's dropped.

No. 8347

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Do you guys remember earlier this year when Maxo's girlfriend set up a GoFundMe to fund her ED treatment? She was asking for $30k too KEK.


No. 8348

god, the more I find out about ems the more disgusted I feel. When she talked to me about the chat leaks she spun it like she was the one being unfairly treated, that she was the only one who had to take the fall for others. Now that you mention it, her parents really do everything for her while she took pride in how she went to the UK against their wishes for her not to miss school. I feel so bad for them.

No. 8349

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I noticed capsule corner features a lot of the artists in this group. Who runs it ive always wondered?

No. 8350

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Remember when Mushbuh tried to sell these shirts at AX this year and then was surprised to get a D&C before the con even opened…

No. 8351

her attitude about the leaks was so stupid lol people got angry at her for things she did say but she can't defend anything she said because it was legit nasty so she tries to deflect the issue with excuses to fuel her victim complex as if people can't think she's shitty for being shitty. if there's one thing ems is good at it's making herself look like she's not REALLY to blame for anything apparently.

No. 8352

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The domain is registered by Edward Xu.
Basically some guy who never grew out of his emo phase and now thinks he's trans because he still wears makeup.

No. 8353

WT snacks, now that's a blast from the past if I ever heard one.
I'm surprised he's actually trying to make his shitty music and didn't just grow up. Or is that to be expected if you were deeply involved with 4chan?

No. 8354

Why on earth would you make an awful shirt like that and try and sell it at a con? Like was she expecting to get a away with it lmao Is mush really that stupid?

No. 8355

I think Mushbuh is a dude. Someone last thread called him a soyboy lmfao and he's the one Michy (punimelt) is dating right now. He's a fucking idiot if he thought he get away with it.

No. 8356

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Capsule Corner looks tacky as shit. I keep seeing it on Twitter and it's pathetic they're trying to recreate gacha machines.


Pic related this is what that reminds me of.

No. 8357

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I realized mushbuh wasn't listed in OP. Any milk on this guy? His store looks.. mediocre at best. Who would buy any of these especially the chicken nuggets keychain.

No. 8358

File: 1542557413076.png (2.72 MB, 1200x1314, mini.png)

anon, do you need glasses? kek
here's some milk

also, i've seen a few of these cows interlacing with the animecore community. minipete collabed with mushbuh and there's one guy who i can't remember at the moment who has a Mayura profile picture.

by the way what's up with Danika Harrod, I see her name show up a bunch.

No. 8359

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Dauragon is another weeb artist. Pedro's Steam profile pic is of this same girl.
What ever happened to janemai? Her art was so mediocre.

No. 8360

wait, this is the same WT Snacks?

that's fucking wild, I only know about him through 4chan

No. 8361

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Mushbuh also sold this bootleg charm at AX

No. 8362


I wouldn't wanna be caught dead carrying this around. How embarrassing. It looks like he's trying to follow his gf's footsteps making stuff except he has no real artistic skills to put on the table. Hell, even Audrey's mediocre art project looking plate looks better than mushbuh's stuff in general.

No. 8363

File: 1542572563361.png (733.87 KB, 579x675, SOYSOY.PNG)

I honestly cannot believe people actually shill for some flavored soy milk.

No. 8364

What's supposed to be the joke here? If I saw someone carrying this around I'd be confused and probably assume they're 3edgy5me.

No. 8365

that's not him

No. 8366

I don’t have that much milk on him but mushbuh/Julian had a flirty thing going on with Cute Hospital/Audrey but never decided to commit and Audrey got suuuper jealous that he was always closer with Punimelt/Michy, Audrey’s ex-BFF. Julian is similar to Michy in how they’re both awkward people who don’t really know how to socialize and react badly to criticism. Neither of them know how to handle being called out for being emotionally retarded or mean so both of them have lashed out hard at the friends and partners who have tried.

To be honest I’m almost as tired of the edgy weeb shit as I am the ironic, absurdist humor of these soy boys. Where one tries to be overly constructed cuteness or subversive cuteness the other tries to be as low quality as possible to be funny. It always ends up looking like a stupid inside joke to normal people.

No. 8367

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lmao capsule corner.
from this pic alone you can see how amateur they are: only one or two are relatively successful designers and the rest are storyboarders or other removed art jobs because it’s just Edie’s friend group shilling their own shit instead of being properly curated for high quality merch.

No. 8368

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one of the artists involved in this sad group is Amanda Huynh and all she draws is girls with long black hair with shit-tier anatomy

No. 8369

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not to mention this play dough garbage from gabbyness who was mentioned last thread for being the worse half of Uchuu Summer.

btw it’s hilarious that a Korean girl and white girl banded together to make a brand with a Japanese name

No. 8370

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you must live a sad life if you paid $555 for this shit.

No. 8371

File: 1542581426254.png (812.55 KB, 766x766, fas?.png)

Thanks a lot to whoever cowtipped. Now we can't laugh at her spergs anymore.
>although it's pretty clear the friend/fan who tipped her off is a farmer, better watch your back Audrey

No. 8372


I feel bad for anyone who received the shittier prizes. The one in the top middle is the only decent prize.


This looks like fucking garbage. I hate artists that think having a minimalist style is good just to shield their lack of skill. Idk if gabbyness' twatter icon is supposed to be her, but I was surprised not surprised to find out she was a greasy white girl from her instagram photos since someone here mentioned she had yellow fever. She made herself look ~POC~ in her icon.

No. 8373

yeah that's definitely her, it's got the same buttchin indent as her. trying to brownface herself.
majority of her liked tweets are seeping with white guilt. kek gabby, no one cares except you and your other white friends.

No. 8374


Let's see who she pisses off next kek. She tried to get some of her fans to investigate this and the previous thread, but she'd be shooting herself in the foot if she linked the thread at all. Since you're lurking Audrey, tell me, what's that gonna prove? That you're a lying womanbaby who scammed people of their money because you lied about having heart failure? That those whiteknights aren't any less disposable as the rest?

This girl's future isn't looking bright if she doesn't establish any realistic goals or prioritize. Maybe stop blowing your money traveling to Japan to blow even more money on brand shit and start paying rent instead.

No. 8375

How do you guys feel about meyoco's stuff? The concept of her art looks nice and her pins are cute, but she bitches a lot on her Twitter. They can be valid points, but it doesn't look professional to sperg about some rude customer that she probably won't even meet again.


lmfao I hate when artists severely overprice their art and get mad when someone tells them the quality doesn't match the price they set. Putting it to perspective, the artist doesn't owe you anything, but do they not realize competition exists no matter how fake they are with other weeb artists they're affiliated with?

No. 8376

I followed her briefly but had to stop. Her stuff is too same-y. And while have a consistent and recognizable style is good, its boring when you do the same subject matter over and over and over again. Got tired of seeing "___" object filled with liquid

No. 8377


julian is extremely autistic. it's very obvious if you spend any time with him irl and that makes his follower trying to imitate him even more cringey

No. 8378

I wish they’d just rebrand to something korean

No. 8379

I feel like this happens with a lot of big name artists. They get popular through a cool idea and then proceed to draw the same thing over and over again because it's the only thing they know how to do. And yet their fans still continue to eat it up

No. 8380

"i wish kawakubo would rebrand comme des garcons to something japanese"

No. 8381

does anyone know what happened between pedro and thymiine/grace? it seems shes completely removed from that circle now and not very active online.

No. 8382

>comparing these weeb embarrassments to an actual successful brand/designer

No. 8383

Lmao commes is trash too, same with super dry

Using another cultures language as a crutch of your fashion line is lame, don’t be stupid

No. 8384

Shockingly it is, I just checked his Twitter and he's apparently a DJ who wants to go to Japan to play his shitty video game music.
It's just so weird seeing his face again lol. I remember he had quite a bit of drama himself, but what 4chan personality didn't back then (moot, xenon, cracky, lolichan, manofwax or whatever the fuck he was called were all fucked).

No. 8385

She's still active just not around Pedro anymore, mostly drawing, streaming, and doing keto recipes. She's still friends with Pedro's parents on Facebook and they like her stuff so the breakup probably wasn't that bad. I'm curious what exactly happened too since everyone in this circle do something dramatic.

No. 8386

My point is that "Korean people should stay in their lane and only make things that I consider sufficiently Korean" is a ridiculous but depressingly common position that people here seem to hold.

No. 8387

o o f so this is why Audrey needs filters, she looks fucking rough. If you can’t find yourself cute without SNOW you should just stop before you delude yourself into thinking you are cute.

Kawakubo is guilty of it too, but it’s more about using your own culture and experience for an authentic product. Kawakubo’s designs are uniquely hers and not just French copies despite the brand name; Uchuu Summer and OMOCAT just rip off Japanese artists and wear their skin. They’re taobao at brand prices, it’s just insulting.

No. 8388

meyocco is boring. their style was cute the first three times, now it’s quickly become uninspired and lazy.

fun fact: meyocco found out that ghostspacess actually tried to report her to a publisher or gallery curator (can’t remember which) for plagiarizing the work of maruti-bitamin, lmao

No. 8389

oh shit did meyocco actually plagirize? or was ghost just salty

No. 8390

File: 1542680060377.png (57.96 KB, 577x609, mean anons.png)

Aaaand it's back to her spergs. Audrey, can you point out what anyone is lying about because as far as the threads were concerned, the ~mean anons~ were just recapping the shit you post on your fucking Twatter or your past online conduct.

"I'm ready to become more powerful" you mean sitting on your ass at home doing nothing and blowing more money off on brand? Your outlook isn't too great.

No. 8391

>more material to create stuff

yes please draw more dogshit-quality run of the mill pastel comics about how your 22 year old lazy bitch ass is being ~cyberbullied~. we love a good laugh kek

No. 8392

Free press for us! Thanks for the shout-out Audrey. I bet some of your followers are eager to see what you've done since more than half of them love partaking in drama.
We should keep a check on her follower count for each sperg she does. Some of them are bound to end up on here.

No. 8393

idgi like she's in japan with her bf but she has to take the time and make a pity party for herself. if i was her i'd ignore it and enjoy my vacation. all this shows is that she loves drama

No. 8394

File: 1542693398960.png (10.59 KB, 553x79, sogeyyy.PNG)

Audrey, you're extremely straight

No. 8395

Some of their work is very similar so I wouldn't be surprised if she was 'inspired', but I doubt she actually plagiarized. There are so many maruti-bitamin copycats out there that I feel bad for her tbh

No. 8396

>own culture

These are fairly meaningless concepts. Culture is mostly just a set of myths that persist because they have some kind of utility (like marketability, for example) and the idea that certain people have ownership of certain myths is pretty dumb. Just because someone has Italian heritage doesn't make them magically more capable of performing Verdi than anyone else.

It's also worth noting that the modern concept of countries having ownership of some sort of unique national culture is completely ahistorical. For example, Roman myths were obviously heavily influenced by the Greeks, but the entire Indian subcontinent is a giant inbred of inbred web of myths as well. The idea that Japanese culture is a silo that is completely separate from Korean culture is absurd whether you consider centuries ago or today.

Lastly, it's just presumptuous and essentialist to say that because someone is Korean (or whatever other mildly exoticized ethnic group) they should have some kind of ~meaningful connection~ to their "own culture" and expect this in the works they create.

No. 8397

File: 1542706600341.png (224.34 KB, 700x906, f6590dee3P0VZ.png)

let's see, which cows did audrey draw on this page that she's not friends with anymore

No. 8398

that's just, like, your opinion, man.

No. 8399

I agree with some of the sentiments, but I think we can still recognize cases where someone is just fetishizing and appropriating disrespectfully. They're not people who are freely embracing other cultures and taking the time to learn about them because they don't recognize cultural boundaries, they clearly want to draw those cultural boundaries but they want to be on the other side of them so they can be "better" than other edgy nerd artists, and they want to fetishize people based on their race.

I don't knock every artist that draws inspiration from a culture other than their "own", but I think most of the people in this thread are tacky and gross.

No. 8400

do you guys know about viibean? her art is boring but she cheated on her ex boyfriend for pedro (lol) last year. she also homewrecked puccanoodles and animoose right after her own breakup.

No. 8401

HAH, I've seen her around but had no idea about the drama surrounding her. I was also kinda curious why puccanoodles seemed to vent a lot more on her twitter lately even though before she mostly just posted her art. Can you post more details?

No. 8402

I'm not gonna lie, I actually really like his stuff. I wear the og snacks/treats sweater all the time

No. 8403

File: 1542731610376.png (967.01 KB, 637x747, slothhospital.png)

No. 8404


Didn't she post in the actual omocat thread?

No. 8405

Wasn’t it clarified in the omocat threat in /ot/ that the guy ruined his own relationship and tried to get with vii but she friendzoned him hard? Then punimelt and cutehospital made vague tweets about vii being a home wrecker

If she did cheat on her ex for pedro though that would be fucked up, since he took her in when she ran away from her parents and then accused him of being abusive.

No. 8406

this smells like a post from someone in the inner circle trying to stir drama
she already clarified in the omocat thread. i'm inclined to believe her more because she's never had drama until interacting with omocat's mess of a clique

No. 8407

lol this really smells like a vendetta-chan. it’s already been confirmed that animoose was the own homewrecker of his relationship, and whatever you think of viibean her art is actually decent and not weeby compared to the others mentioned in these threads.

I’m curious about the cheating claim but if her ex was abusive to her then it’s not a surprise she’d fall for someone else. too bad it was pedro tho, she clearly doesnt know how to pick em

No. 8408

I honestly don't believe her, she's just trying to cover her ass. It's very suspicious she came in not even a day after her name first got mentioned in the thread. We all know she lurks trying not to be the center of drama.
We obviously know Puni and Audrey like to stir drama as well and like to blow things out of proportion to take the focus away from themselves acting like retards.

Vii possibly did cheat on her ex with Pedro. Puni and Audrey were probably jealous of the fact Pedro got with her instead of them. Remember, they were in a love triangle with mushbuh, so no doubt they were trying to do this with Pedro.

Also, why Pedro of all people? He's unfortunately one of the more popular weebs in this group. He's got ties to Japanese brands compared to mushbuh and his soyboy brand.

No. 8409

iirc vii drew a picture of him and her together where they were on the phone together and she was crying, so maybe he was just there at the right time

No. 8410

iirc an anon claiming to be her friend said they tipped her off to the thread. Could be sockpuppeting, but who knows.

Lurking is a lot less milky than spreading untrue rumors about your “friend” homewrecking tbh, the whole situation reflected most poorly on punimelt and cutehospital besides the obvious scumbag boyfriend

No. 8411

LOL Audrey and Pedro??? Pedro is at the bottom of her list of people to ever be with. Puni was never interested in him either, stop reaching.

As to why Pedro, he can be charming and friendly when you first meet him. But know him for a while ans you realize he’s got issues and is crazy repressed. His outward greasiness has certainly kept me away ever since I first saw him but I can understand how he manages to draw in girls.

No. 8412

sage for no contribution but I cant get over this thread pic, the centrepiece of Tiffany’s mug surrounded by her calves is fantastic

No. 8413

File: 1542770519001.jpg (19.97 KB, 464x212, W1zk4ZF.jpg)


Holy shit it would be great to see her release a shitty comic that looks like Love Hospital about how she's being ~cyberbullied~. It's so fucking embarrassing to see people around their 20s still thinking they can be bullied on the internet.

No. 8414

File: 1542774382653.png (240.17 KB, 623x530, SYeSx4Q.png)

does nick robinson fit in this cateogry?

soft soy boy working for feminist polygon turned out to be power abusing asshole who manipulated and lied to girls to get dates

its fucked up but im so glad his apartment caught on fire, the scummy fuck

No. 8415

>im so glad his apartment caught on fire
holy shit thank god.
he was mentioned in the past thread for being similar to pedro. he left the internet after the scandal and quietly came back hanging around two asian girls.

No. 8416

I feel like this might get me in trouble but I don't know or really care who all these people are, I'm mainly confused about this omocat fashion line. I know the girl had some scam with a game and I'm wondering does she scam with the fashion line too or something? Because a friend tried to order something and never got it and there are a couple others on twitter saying the same thing, but they're currently getting buried under the hype for the ddlc collab which I'm guessing is some other retard weeb game or something right

No. 8417

Knowing Tiffany she probably underprinted or is withholding stock to make it seem items sold out/are more popular than they actually are.

She also prioritizes projects that get her more exposure (pokemon, miku, ddlc) even if it means her loyal customers have to wait (she does not care)

No. 8418

File: 1542789934668.png (518.44 KB, 1176x1579, yikes.png)

But why…? Whole thing has me so confused because it was something from the line she had just released, all the collabs with other artists which I thought was pretty recent. When I looked around, most of the complaints were also people not getting their orders from that latest line before this new one announced today. That's pretty fucked up.

Actually, just decided to search "omocat order" and found posts that dated back to summer even. So I guess maybe 60 or 70% of people who order actually get their orders while everyone else gets fucked and ends up having to refund or settling with nothing at all. If only people made as big a deal over this as they do over that dumb game, then maybe less people would fall into her fashion line trap

No. 8419

If that's the same Eddie that works with the Galaxxxy brand, I'm a bit surprised to see him being vaguely mentioned as I've met him a few times at AX. He seemed…normal to me at least. I do know that him and Kiraku are good friends though. Now that girl is questionable.

No. 8420

Yep, that's the same Eddie

No. 8421

wow never expected to see people I know pop up in these threads….yikes

No. 8422


sage if there's nothing to contribute anon. unless you know these people personally and are willing to share if it doesn't threaten your anonymity

No. 8423

oops sorry I'm a lurker. My interactions with the people I know posted on here have all been pretty pleasant but I'm not in their inner circles. I was just surprised to see them here tbh

I'll go back to lurking

No. 8424

If any of them work for omocat can you ask them why so many people never get their orders, thanks

No. 8425

the one thing I feel like I can say about these types of people is that they only really seem to care about you if you're successful or popular otherwise you get snub…. even if you're their peers

No. 8426

naw the people I know don't work for omocat, sorry.

No. 8427

I'm not sure he fits in this thread, but I'd be interested in a thread on indie games/games journalism flakes in general. There was also someone who posted asking about Mina from Worst Girl Games in the last thread so at least one other person is interested. All the drama I know about is old though and focused around a few people, so I'm not the best person to start it but I'd contribute what I can.

>his apartment caught on fire

Thank god.

No. 8428

ol Nick isn’t really relevant here but I know Pedro is friends with him, if anyone needed more reason to judge his character lol

No. 8429

File: 1542855555481.jpeg (276.46 KB, 750x945, 4A88A749-1B57-4B92-BDC7-C81EF0…)

>vii bean’s art

No. 8430

I don’t mean to wk but a sketch of a meme isn’t really indictivite of someone’s art skill

No. 8431

I don’t mean to wk but a sketch of a meme isn’t really indictivite of someone’s art skill

No. 8432

File: 1542863615144.png (1.53 MB, 763x1200, 2144352.png)

….anon you're using a doodle that looks like it was drawn on a phone to drag this girl
i had to look her up and imo her twitter media shows that she's a competent artist with professional experience so idg where the claims about her art being bad are coming from, unless it really is vendetta-chans with no real milk

No. 8433

Besides the omocat crew backstabbing her the only negative thing I know about her is that she takes art too seriously sometimes.

For example she gives people unsolicited critiques and it’s ended some friendships. I think it’s because she wasn’t able to enroll into art school because of her family so she overcompensates by making art her life. Now that she’s finally enrolled maybe she’s chilled out(grats to her tbh)

No. 8434

What else exactly is bad with Omocat? My friend is obsessed with her and she's always rubbed me the wrong way.

No. 8435

What else do you need? She has an unpleasant personality, has shit unoriginal art, fetishizes the hell out of Japan, is a scam artist, liar, lazy, greedy, and surrounds herself with similar if not worse people.
The only reason she had a whole thread over in /ot/ is because her cringe brand is too popular for its own good; now it turns out she and her whole band of weeaboo losers are assholes too.

No. 8436

File: 1542880833805.png (2.21 MB, 1191x829, hm.png)

kek, Audrey having stickers of herself to decorate her own laptop, what a narcissist good to see the big sticker of her kept that big Vietnamese honker tho
Also interesting that there's a sticker made by punibitch still on her laptop, I thought she purged all of that shit but I guess she'll do anything for an aesthetic

No. 8437

File: 1542893808607.png (349.57 KB, 1427x1544, Screenshot_2018-11-22-07-28-33…)

>pan / demi
Of course. This is why Audrey is calling herself SO GHEY while still only dating men
KEK literally who calls her that and I'm unsurpised she'd use kanji for that one "nickname". She definitely made that up herself.
And then there's the Meyers Briggs and horoscopes to make up for the lack of her own personality.

No. 8438

File: 1542896863186.png (156.17 KB, 700x906, 069dcb7bdQdjC.png)


Wow that's not cringy and weeby at all. Is she just that retarded to not realize how fucking stupid the nickname is. I've known plenty of girls like her who were super fucking feminine as shit but would throw in they/them pronouns to seem queer uwu when they only date cis men. Similarly, they would claim they're bi/pan and shout biphobia if you point out they only date men.

Audrey please, shut the fuck up, you're extremely straight and not fooling anyone. Why not just be happy about your straight female status instead of racking up oppreshun points. pic related because bitch seems to be the typical twitter weeaboo fujoshit who probably thinks she's gay for liking yaoi

No. 8439

It's both surprising and disappointing that CH doesn't have any equally two-faced friends (yet) to leak her possible spergs on her new dreamyhospital account. Or they're just too afraid since it's narrowed down to 22 followers.

No. 8440

File: 1542897668691.png (434.85 KB, 593x588, milkbbi.png)

I remembered being a Tumblrfag who bought a few things from Milkbbi and then eventually realized how crappy minimalist the designs are.

Not within the omocat circle but still a western weeb

No. 8441

File: 1542897760470.jpg (489.03 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20181122_084104.jpg)

No. 8442

File: 1542897810539.jpg (579.34 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20181122_084235.jpg)

No. 8443

Thats actually only half the sticker from their collab, the punimelt logo is either cut off or covered lol

No. 8444

Rich kid with rich parents help fund art school(which she doesn’t take seriously and drops out) then rich parents pay for her weeb brand and she becomes richer

No. 8445

Wtf does she have no pants on in the first three panels? Is this a metaphor for being at the gynecologist and her disassociating from the experience in the third panel? Or am I just overthinking a retarded comic

No. 8446

Audrey deleted this tweet.
Hi Audrey! How's Thanksgiving going?

No. 8447

22 followers makes it easy to find anyone who betrays but tbh I think this current group of friends genuinely like her, at least for now. Just give it a few months and we’ll see leaks. There’s also the fact she got tipped off to the thread by a friend who is a farmer so once she pisses off them, we’re sure to get more milk.

No. 8448

File: 1542913374366.jpeg (408.6 KB, 2048x2048, 774330E3-89A7-4E0C-A52E-809C5E…)

g r e a s e

yes youre overthinking, she just hates wearing pants in general. it’s her thing to have her legs and ass exposed when she goes out too, despite being ~asexual~

No. 8449

File: 1542914052079.jpeg (189.3 KB, 800x600, 424EBF66-A2EE-4402-9153-868348…)

She actually graduated but probably never took art school seriously. For instance, while most students put a lot of effort displaying their work for their graduation show, all she really did was hang up a bunch of her clothes designs and called it a day. There’s probably a very good reason why her alma mater doesn’t showcase her work despite being successful and it’s probably because her parents basically bought her success.

No. 8450


This was really insightful. The Doki Doki Literature Club collab with OMOCAT caught my attention on Facebook but I got intrigued by this thread after seeing comments about the unreleased game, and that's changed my mind now. Sounds like a complete cunt.

No. 8451

I couldn’t believe she just traced the sprites for the DDLC collaboration…

No. 8452

Omo needs to be called out for her shit more, it seems because she's got this popular kawaii eye candy brand and does these quirky collabs ie DDLC she gets away with alot more than people think.

No. 8453

File: 1542922863818.jpg (339.99 KB, 2048x1024, clean02-doki_doki.jpg)

Oh god this ain't even an exaggeration. Is this technically legal? Or did she just only pick the colors. Whatever Omo did, it doesn't stand out as her work.

No. 8454

Imagine tracing and still butchering the lines that badly

No. 8455

it honestly looks like she used the default pen tool in InDesign

No. 8456

And weebs actually buy this shit?

No. 8457

File: 1542925618713.jpg (81.08 KB, 760x1111, GOOD_tshirt_garment_14bd0f7c-e…)


One of the few reasons why Tiffany's brand got popular is because it pandered to the weeaboo retards on Tumblr way back. Once the Omocat brand gained its status through western means, no one really questioned the quality because as long as it's associated with the brand, who cares. Though, it seems like most of her customers are shut-ins who can't seem to process that people taking pics of themselves wearing a Pretty Boy sweater isn't the same as someone wearing it out in public. Like what someone said last thread, if I saw someone wear that in public, I'd cringe.


You call this a collaboration, Tiffany? I'm sure DDLC's meme fandom was hoping to see these characters in your style rather than badly tracing over. But her art's quality has dipped down.

No. 8458

More so, is this an official collab with Team Salvato the developers of DDLC? This is some lazy traced deviantArt tier shit.

No. 8459

yikes her laziness really knows no bounds, this looks like dog shit. I rest easier knowing that even as she makes bank off of stupid blind weeaboos it's objectively true that her art has gone down the shitter and she'll never be a legitimate artist no matter how much money she makes.

No. 8460

Audrey is single-handedly the worst friend I've ever had. Not worth the headache to get deep into it considering she'll rip into anyone who "hurts her" (is honest) but I will say you are all 100% on point with this.

No. 8461

Can you give a bit more info about what it is like being friends with her? She seems super toxic, vindictive, and dare I say abusive. She also seems like she thinks she should be famous or coddled or something and she is entitled to people taking care of her and paying her way, and if they don't she villainizes them.

Anything general you can touch on that won't give yourself away?

No. 8462

post caps or gtfo back to lurking

No. 8463

File: 1542965484571.png (10.34 KB, 347x103, lol.png)


anon sage your posts if there's nothing new to add to the thread or just don't post at all if you're unwilling to share since you said it's

>Not worth the headache

She gives off this impression of trying too hard to follow punimelt's steps, or at least the toxic Omocat ring because the stuff on her store isn't even great to begin with, and it seems like the only reason why someone bought her overpriced plate is solely because she was associated with the popular artists.

pic related but Audrey, no one asked for "healing" from a vindictive, nasty girl. It may be hard to believe, but not everyone who is shitting on you have terrible lives. we're just laughing at the disposition of a fat fucking womanchild stuck on the internet and going nowhere in life

No. 8464

What did this Pedro guy even do to make you guys hate him so much besides be Mexican and like Asian girlsÉ

No. 8465

he abused one of his girlfriends, anon. he's known to be a creep and prey on women to hook up with.

No. 8466

AFAIK, WT and Eddie stay out of drama, I've never heard anything bad about them. Beck's a tumblr girl, bit of a cow, but they're surprisingly stable together. A lot of people they're friends with are fucking insane and worth looking into tho, just saying. Like Aubrey. Lmao.

No. 8467

I don’t hate him and I don’t actually hate anyone in this thread in particular. I could give less of a shit about anime stuff. These people though, especially Pedro, are so pathetic and drama-ridden that it’s hilarious. Pedro is a hairy-ass man with a perpetual five o’ clock shadow trying to look uwu soft and who whines about his special snowflake they/xir/it/anime gender identity while acting like a typical male creep with yellow fever. He’s only a few steps and a diaper fetish away from becoming another Shmorky.

No. 8468

What is up with whiteknights coming in here and saying people must ~hate~ the group to be talking about them? It's happened like three times now. Sure some of the posts smell like vendetta, probably from someone close to them, but most people are just enjoying the drama.

No. 8469

File: 1543009309152.jpeg (84.82 KB, 747x571, 9B1F60DC-3B04-4F3B-B144-F2DC3A…)

There was a time where Tiffany constantly posted about “how drunk I am gaiz”

No. 8470

lmfao no one hates him for being Mexican? Read the OP anon, he's worth being discussed especially seeing as multiple people in these threads have had direct experience with him and his creepiness. It's good for women - especially Asian women - in the art community to be aware of predators like him.

No. 8471

to be fair she's still a drunk. she turns up to cons and her own events drunk because she's that bored and unwilling to engage with her customers

No. 8472

anon it's sus that you're trying to pass off as if you don't know pedro and yet here you are on lolcow either a newfag or a dumbass or both. yellow fever looks fucking ugly on anyone and no one hated him for being mexican. lurk more


pedro reminds me of those socially awkward flamboyant guys that you see at cons who randomly approach you, poke at your arm to be funny/cute bc they somehow think being at a con grants them permission to make physical contact, and then you think maybe it's all harmless until later on they're actually horny creeps.

No. 8473

File: 1543014487477.jpg (216.34 KB, 578x743, evolved empath.jpg)

Audrey's answer to an anon, who lets be real is probably Audrey sending herself weirdly specific questions that pat her ass at the same time. Highlighted the most kek-worthy parts.

She keeps going on about how she's matured and has no grudge against her old friends but here she is again, bringing up Julian AKA mushbuh because she is still extremely assmad he ditched her for punimelt and didn't want to date her

No. 8474


Close to death before? The fuck? Didn't she even admit it herself that it was an ED and someone else confirmed that she was really just starving herself because she knew she was fat? Her responses are so drawn out and unhelpful, like she's trying to make it about her and not the supposed struggling anon.

the first step towards her being mature is developing self awareness and stop trying to keep up a healing front. believe it or not plenty of people have the same mindset as her, loving to help others, but she's no expert on mental health

No. 8475

Audrey doesn't genuinely love to help people, she loves feeling like she's smart with wisdom to bestow.
Once you spend enough time with her as a friend you quickly realize what she really loves is being a victim and tearing into people for the pettiest shit ever. Then justifies her bitchiness by saying that she's suuuch a good person who helps everyone uwu

No. 8476

>i still feel others' suffering strongly

LMAO coming from a girl who can't stop talking shit about other people for things that are entirely her fault

Did you feel Shawn's suffering Audrey? What about Michy's? She wouldn't have had to swap out an entire group of friends for the dollar store version if she actually knew how to empathize but all she does is blame blame blame.

No. 8477

LOL Audrey has reached peak exceptional individual.
as someone who used to send herself anons on Tumblr back in the day, she's definitely sending these questions to herself.
i doubt any of her followers see her as "worldly" and just wants to sound unique because her parents pay for each of her 3 vacations a year.

No. 8478


yikes i feel sorry for her, but not because we're laughing at her. a 22/23 year old but mentally stuck as a 15 year old weeb with a narcissist view about herself and easily making enemies. as somebody who used to have a lack of social skills, it's potentially damaging if she doesn't shape up and be a little bit more self aware. combined with slacking off in school + her parents paying for her tuition money, rent, japan vacations and a bunch of other shit, it's really pathetic, especially again, she's 22/23 (according to an anon). LOL most people that age have made progress in life, such as actually graduating from college and being more independent. Too bad Audrey can't even handle when her parents refuse pick her up from the airport.

No. 8479

wtsnacks is in debt to number of people for $500+

his partner beckattack has stolen cash from people at cons and tried to pin it on other people, creating drama

please stop being bad at life

No. 8480

he doesnt make music comrade

No. 8481

File: 1543056267739.png (121.17 KB, 700x906, 5c43fbe25naKF.png)

imagine if some incel made a comic about how watching lesbian porn saves his life lmfao
So gross.
This thread made me remember I read the Love Hospital comic a long time ago. I just reread it and I am not surprised to find out that the author is a cunt. It's so vain and self-indulgent. I expected a full-blown (even if contained in episodes of sorts) story of going to hospital and recovering, not those barely illustrated rants. She should leave the comic to herself and maybe show it just to her few uwu friends that might care. It does not shine light on an experience suffering from ED or hospitalization, it's super self-centered and hollow. The rants are so uwu and emo that I want to smack the author on her head.

Sage for an useless rant.

No. 8482

Lmfao this is 2006 MySpace tier edgy. Audrey probably finished rewatching Evangelion for the 5th time and thought this was 3deep5me

No. 8483


That's a good point lol. Only that she gets away with it because she plays off as a cute girl (too far to compare but it's similar to nemu's mindset in the "i'm a cute girl so it's ok" way). I've known weeaboo Viet girls who were similar to her and think it's cute to secretly love yaoi when they're in their 20s. it only makes them look like they haven't grown out of middle school. fujoshits are the worst tbh

yeah her love hospital comic is pretty amateur, more typed text than illustrations and practically barren. Of course twitter woke weeaboos would eat it up and donate to her

No. 8484

tbh I do not mind women into yaoi even if I am not interested whatsoever, just don't be cringy about it and especially DON'T do the 'fapping to drawings of gay men having sex saves my anorexic life everyday hehehe (lewd face)'

No. 8485

File: 1543098241715.png (11.31 KB, 574x101, what.png)

I'm being retarded but is she saying we're repressed or she is. There's nothing wrong with liking BL it's just that when you're an adult and you gush about it like a weeb middle schooler and think it's a "sin u//w//u" then there's something wrong. It's even more stupid when she jokes about it being the cure to her faked ED. Newsflash aud, yaoi isn't a realistic portrayal of gay people and you're not gay for liking yaoi. In fact, the targeted demographic for yaoi are fujos like her.

sage for rant

No. 8486

File: 1543098504495.png (13.88 KB, 359x171, 1.png)

Can someone confirm if this is Google translated or does she actually have some knowledge of Japanese.

No. 8487


Sounded like lyrics (even the spacing), so I googled to check and it's lyrics. To this emoish song.

No. 8488

i bed audrey walked into don quijote and this was playing over the speakers and she was like "omg so deeep! i can totes relate"

No. 8489

Translator’s note: this sperg means “don’t make me question me and my friends’ superficial hardon for Japanese culture!!!” in English.

Audrey, people don’t laugh at idiots licking icy lamp poles because they’re repressed or jealous. It’s the same thing watching you narcissistic pastel losers.

No. 8490

File: 1543105041492.jpeg (178.2 KB, 750x471, 65766724-9D4D-4737-819D-8ECF78…)

>omggg Japanese people say “Sam!” in their kawaii accent when they see my Tuxedo Sam bag! UWAAAA VALIDATING DESU NE ;W;

No. 8491

File: 1543108584044.png (17.13 KB, 582x186, I'M JAPANESE.PNG)

oh god is Beck actually Japanese? she sounds exactly like one of those weebs who pretend they're Japanese to make their yellow fever "ok". And of course it's the Japanese side of the family who abandons you. The natural thing to do is to be a weeb.

No. 8492

File: 1543108820889.png (31.07 KB, 598x283, NO.PNG)

No. 8493

This has to be a joke, but he is a scientologist so he's obviously insane. Just checked and he's is white as can be. His dad is Canadien and his mom is Swedish and Norwegian.

No. 8494

Who are you talking about? Beck is a female.

No. 8495

LMFAO ANON not the artist Beck. We mean Beck Attack.

No. 8496

holy shit i'm so fucking dumb. I saw this on the front page and thought this was the celebrity thread. I hate myself lmao

No. 8497

I tried to submit a question to her CC but she locked out anons haha. I survived cancer and there's nothing more frustrating to me to see her go on about ~~coming back from the brink of death~~ when really she had an ED and was hospitalized for that. I first followed her art a while back and always thought her zine about being in the hospital was a bit much, and it blew my mind to find out she wasn't even sick.

No. 8498


I know this is lolcow but genuine congrats that you survived, and sending good energy to you too, anon. Hearing about stuff like this makes me more grateful about life and it fucking sucks to see liars like her monetize off an illness she didn't even suffer through. She's so narcissistic she needs to make it into an aesthetic and make herself seem "worldly". She talks like any other Tumblrtard attempting to be cutesy.

No. 8499

>that happened

If it really did though I doubt anyone actually recognized her less so than they just liked her bag.

Uh but what does she mean by 'validating'? That they.. like your bag and they're Japanese..??

No. 8500

welp, i stand corrected. she's half japanese.

No. 8501

I feel so bad for her, usually haafus
>look like a regular Asian person
>ridiculous good looking
And somehow she’s below average and only white looking, rip

No. 8502

Her sister has more Asian features than her and she's not a big fucking weeb. She's into punk shit and Steven Universe. Guess Beck needed to accommodate for it in the worst way.

No. 8503


I roll my eyes at hafus that look white and act like this because it always comes off as them trying to score those sweet oppression points while exploiting the Asian side of them. Kind of like The Anime Man, I guess.

No. 8504

File: 1543121498393.jpeg (414.93 KB, 1583x2048, 8705C0B6-A3B7-4629-80AB-93D64C…)

I didn’t know anything about this sub culture until today and goddamn nothing is more cringy than trying to be a baby fashion. The punimelt girl is the only one who can pull it off because she looks like a literal child but everyone else is yikes.

They aren’t bad looking but they choose the worst clothes for their bodies

No. 8505


What the fuck are those overalls.

Even Harajuku fashion is viewed as strange in Japan, which none of these losers seem to realize. As some other anon said there's a difference between what you see online and what others see when you go out in public.

Though I'll be honest, it's less tacky when they wear from actual Harajuku brands than straightup western ripoffs made by Tumblr/Twitter artists that think Japan is all about creepy otaku subcultures (shota, fujoshi)

No. 8506

File: 1543152093352.png (28.21 KB, 583x246, jump.PNG)

tinfoiling but i think beck is aware we're talking about her. her tweets skip from this year to mid 2016 in all my searches.

No. 8507

File: 1543159609503.gif (1.41 MB, 500x280, tumblr_inline_pih5x4T9qe1u8yxp…)

I backed Virgo vs the Zodiac by Moonana and was so let down by the delay. I mean, who would have guessed that learning an entire new engine would take time, huh?

No. 8508

File: 1543160884365.png (18.99 KB, 584x254, 1min.PNG)

>literally who
This smells like a selfpost since the last time besides a minute ago Moonana updated her Twitter was 2 weeks ago.

No. 8509


This has no relevance to the thread gtfo selfpost-chan.

No. 8510

File: 1543174094503.jpeg (843.57 KB, 750x956, 7FCF10CE-BA05-49EC-885D-A5DBBE…)

Fuck this comic honestly, it was drivel from start to finish. Every feeling or experience was barely explored in an interesting way and completely disconnected from the next… it’s literally a bawling baby in comic form: no logic, no direction, just self-pity and tears. And then pages of narcissistic “look how much people love me! Look at all the nice things they say about me! I’m so great uwu”

On the bright side this makes me very excited for the inevitable part 2 weeaboo boogaloo where Audrey moans about being cyberbullied, comes to the exact same epiphany that ~my friends keep me strong~, and loses those friends within a year. It’s going to be so hilariously bad.

No. 8511

and all her reactions in this comment are a bunch of AAAAAAAAAAAs and //////////////s

Why is this group so obsessed with LINE? They all have Twitter and Facebook so it's not difficult to message each other from there.
Like, I get the stickers on LINE and all that, but those cost money. At this point they could all just make Discord groups and upload their own stickers for free.

No. 8512

Tbf line,kaokao, etc are being pushed to western audiences (see: New York’s permanent like store) so it’s not weird/weeby

But yes I agree this comic that everyone recommended “love hospital” is more of blog posts than an actual cohesive comic with story.

No. 8513


Lol tbh I'm excited for part 2 as well. It's funny that she thought people were gonna come after her or something. Sure, there's some dumbfucks that would take their time and energy to do something creepy since it's the internet (not to mention the idiot that cowtipped), so I guess it's justified she locked her rant twitter. Then again, everything she posted was made public.

No one was invested in your life, Audrey, but go ahead and make the cyberbully comic about how everyone is repressed and jealous. It gives us more to laugh at.

No. 8514

Nothing to contribute but I hope I get to see those ems chat logs one day. It got hyped up too much from the omocat thread and I need it.

No. 8515

Unfortunately I don’t have caps but I did see them in person on my friends phone and can confirm they exist lmao

No. 8516

Dammit, Audrey posted her Zepeto avatar, but deleted them who knows when. Probably because it's for Koreaboos and not Tru Weebs like her

No. 8517

lol calm down anon, she probably deleted it because of the location tracking rumors

No. 8518


I think Audrey is a pampered weeaboo brat as much as the next person, anon, but you're really going for scraps at this point. She knows we're talking about her, so she's gonna keep her Twitter locked until god knows when. Whoever cowtipped is the fucking worst lol.

No. 8519

File: 1543381603839.jpeg (188.07 KB, 750x432, 58235C71-9F0F-4D01-B847-954A6C…)

[canned laughter]

No. 8520

iirc ems sent people after the exfriends who released the caps to harass those people into taking them down. the caps existed but i'm hoping people saved them before some of the ops deleted them.

No. 8521

File: 1543400462550.png (67.78 KB, 595x406, nickrob.PNG)

Cow crossover with Nick "Send Nudes" Robinson

No. 8522

File: 1543403282728.jpg (82.22 KB, 766x766, nick.jpg)

isn't he friends w/ omocat too?

No. 8523

I wouldn't doubt it. Omo probably doesn't care about him being a creep, the other guys she's friends with are all the same.

No. 8524

Why is Audrey still friends with him when he put the moves on some of her close friends … abuse sympathetizer vibes coming off this one

No. 8525

Because she clings to anyone with some degree of online presence, even the cancelled ones. She took a lot of pride in being friends with Shawn Wasabi until he started getting sick of her lol

No. 8526

File: 1543467097642.png (168.13 KB, 1440x580, Screenshot_2018-11-28-22-50-00…)

Audrey deleted her reply to Nick Robinson and I'm pretty sure retweeted this as she was doing so KEK

No. 8527

How long has Audrey been in Japan? Hasn't it been weeks? How the fuck can she keep her job when she left for weeks, only 3 weeks into starting her job?

No. 8528

She just finished her trip, she's flying back right now.

No. 8529

Not really milk I guess but we didn't focus too much on punimelt except when talking about her fallout with Audrey. Looking through her twitter I wouldn't have guessed she was a terrible person seeing how she speaks in a cutesy and more subtle way compared to Audrey's fake woke uwuspeak and also runs a successful business.

Someone last thread asked if she had ASPD but another anon mistook it as Aspergers. I think anon meant antisocial personality disorder. I hope this isn't armchairing but does punimelt actually have any evidence of conduct issues other than being a bully? Like pulling an ems and destroying shit or.

No. 8530


I'm in shock that she can afford a fucking month-long vacation to Japan to just shop let alone three times a year. I mean we already know she's a rich bitch but just how rich

No. 8531

she says she's coming back next year, but we all know that means 4 months from now

No. 8532

iirc irl omocat brushed off the things he did as "thoughtless mistakes" and doesn't think much of it, so yeah they're friends

No. 8533

I dont think shes as psycho as ems. irl she’s relatively polite and wellbehaved but in private i heard she’s pretty bad to her friends and bfs. if she got called out for being mean and exploiting ppl she would immediately victimize herself and use her innocent persona to frame others as the mean ones overreacting to her “jokes”. she knows she’s a small cute asian girl and uses it to her advantage 100%

No. 8534

File: 1543636146735.jpeg (203.45 KB, 750x423, 0F92FC48-7745-45D0-AFDF-1FB544…)

lol this RT.

proves to me that Audrey’s parents definitely shitted on her about holidaying in japan. rn shes probably crying on her private about how they dont understand how her holiday 3 weeks into a new job was super necessary selfcare TnT

No. 8535

File: 1543636520691.png (204.85 KB, 1293x650, Screenshot_2018-11-30-19-32-50…)

I don't think I've seen Audrey's depop profile pic shared on this thread yet. Extreme meitu

No. 8536

File: 1543636644727.png (436.59 KB, 1440x1687, Screenshot_2018-11-30-21-56-49…)

KEK fucking called it

No. 8537

File: 1543697810200.jpeg (181.71 KB, 750x441, C4E28B4C-5B40-4ABA-B322-48A2CF…)

lol when did Audrey become a they/them as well

No. 8538

for a while, that's the whole reason why she flaunts around the QPOC label while only dating men

No. 8539


Well she at least knows how to upkeep a business by not sperging like a retard on Twitter, I'll give her that. Doesn't erase the fuck ugly in terms of personality and physically because I mean look at that face in the OP pic lol.


How fucking rich is this girl even to afford another expensive trip after a short amount of time?? Her parents aren't gonna yeet her out of the house since Asian parents tend to be more lenient about letting their adult children live with them even if they're old enough to get their own place or uh, do something with their life instead of slacking on their parents' tuition money. Sometimes it's for a good reason, but it seems like in Aud's case, she's just fucking lazy

And Audrey always had the "they" in her description, but like what other anons said before, it's so she can upkeep her horseshit 'qpoc' label to hide the fact that she's a straight girl who probably never bats an eye at another girl despite being pan.

No. 8540


woops by good reason I meant having to live with their parents. Times are tough and shit but it's different when you're not trying. She even sucks at running a store lol

No. 8541

She also stole a lot of money with her "store" aka goscamme on indiegogo. In early 2017 she sold $1800 worth of preorders for a collab comic/keychains she was going to make with puniment but since they had a falling out she just kept all the money and never sent anything.

However she was probably never going to send them anyway since the falling out was about a year later.

No. 8542

File: 1543702560497.png (53.29 KB, 735x519, cutecute.PNG)

So is any of this true, she moved out of her parents' at one point?
She was also charging $12 for 1 1/2 inch charms lol

No. 8543

File: 1543702596336.png (479.55 KB, 695x942, vvvvv.png)

always gotta be the poor victim

No. 8544


I'm sorry what? Audrey, there is such a thing called financial aid, and a part-time job which isn't impossible and in fact quite easy to balance along with studies if it's a job on campus. Financial aid covers for tuition and housing, a part-time job covers groceries. maybe that'd motivate her to stop sitting on her fat ass dicking around in school. If anon was telling the truth about how she's living in with her parents and then she makes a sob story like this, that's fucked.

It's dumb to get mad on the internet, but I knew people who were genuinely in fear of where they'd end up living within the next year and some had to apply for financial aid since their parents lost their home.

She wouldn't know hard work and adversity if it smacked her upside the head lmfao

No. 8545

To be fair if her parents are rich it would be hard for her to get financial aid unless she files as a dependent away from her parents(which takes a lot of work and most people don’t know it’s an option)

No. 8546

She is living in with her parents. They paid for her 100% until she got her part time jobs barely a month ago. And she is already boasting on twitter that her parents are going to take her to Vietnam after they are done paying her pricey UC Berkeley tuition- I mean, when she is done with her BA- in-between breaths of her mom being soooo abusive that her heart might fail uwu.

No. 8547

Speaking of which, I’ve noticed Audrey is a lot more vocal about loving being Vietnamese and listening to V-pop ever since we brought up how hard she tries to be Japanese kek

No. 8548

File: 1543756303773.png (6.36 KB, 707x68, NIVKROM.PNG)

KEK look who donated to Audrey's indiegogo

No. 8549


Then maybe she shouldn't fuck around in school on her parents' funds for her tuition otherwise. Maybe don't take what you have for granted and lie on the internet about your parents abusing you? They'd probably be a bit proud of her if she demonstrates that even if she's living off on their funds, that she's working hard and is at least grateful she doesn't have to take out loans. Or if she's not gonna pay rent, at least shop for her own damn groceries lmfao.

No. 8550

File: 1543786271111.png (110.66 KB, 605x443, Screen Shot 2018-12-02 at 1.27…)

>I'm a piece of shit but I just have to keep living and being in contact with girls I've abused and hurt bc there's nothing else I can do

Pedro's faux-intellectualism strikes again

No. 8551

File: 1543786722411.jpeg (238.45 KB, 2000x1200, salepromofinal november18.jpeg)

she looks really diff in candids haha look at this one

No. 8552

um sorry wrong pic how do you delete posts

No. 8553

File: 1543786801442.png (68.49 KB, 645x729, wojak.png)

pedro right now

No. 8554

You didn’t read my post, financial aid is granted on the basis of your dependents income. If she is in the middle of higher class FA will not give her money to let her go to school unless she legally declares separation from her family - which would then put her in lower class

No. 8555

uhhh so you posted punimelt's shop promo by accident…..? the filename too seems weirdly specific, this is…. sus

No. 8556

I imagine this is pedro every time he sits down to tweet about gender

No. 8557


Yeah that's what I thought, too. I'm sure not everyone in this thread would agree who is a lolcow or who isn't listed in the OP pic, but this IS pretty suspect, anon. Also you didn't delete it like you said


He probably feigns being nonbinary not just to gain access to being a creep to Asian girls, but look at that dude and his fried af hair.

No. 8558


samefagging + tinfoil but I wouldn't be surprised if >742593 was posted by punimelt herself or at least a fan.

No. 8559

Puni you fucking potato you had 30 minutes to delete your post, I even posted instructions for you how to for a couple minutes KEK

No. 8560

Could be. Or it could be someone wanting you to think that.

Why would a fan save a random sale promo image? And if it was Puni, why would she have candids of Audrey in the same folder as store promotional images? I guess she could be that bad at file organization but… Maybe I'm overthinking it?

It's suspicious in quite a few ways, that's for sure.

No. 8561

File: 1543798554970.png (204.19 KB, 584x526, punimelt twitter.png)


Given the fact that the file name is extremely specific + it's the same exact promotional picture that Michy herself posted on her Twitter, it's possible. Not to mention anon seems like a newfag and implying in their speech that they used to be close to Audrey.

Michy, you could've at least lurked the fuck more before posting and making an ass out of yourself. How's it going bullying your friends?

No. 8562

Or maybe by Audrey herself?
Kek someone is definitely trying to manipulate people here

No. 8563


I highly fucking doubt that Audrey in all of her "nurse angel uwu" narcissism and locking her rant Twitter to further avoid negative attention would post something to make herself look even more bad.

But I guess who cares whoever that anon was. Clearly they're too retarded to where they somehow made a mistake posting a promo pic rather than a candid of Audrey. They probably realized they fucked up after even posting at all

No. 8564

If you save the Twitter file of this pic, is it smaller than the one shared here? That will give it away.

No. 8565

it depends, sometimes the image will do .jpg:large

it's the same image but whether or not it's someone trying to make fake milk or actually michy i cant say for sure

No. 8566

LOL wow. Well, if the IP is from Canada or California, that would confirm if one of them posted.

I just downloaded all 3 files from twitter, instagram, and tumblr, and their file names are:




So it is either someone who wanted to keep the image and specifically renamed it "salepromofinal november18.jpeg" (which is highly unlikely), it is punimelt, or it is someone intentionally trying to throw her under the bus. (And considering how vindictive Audrey is, that IS entirely possible, or it could be someone else who does not like her.)

No. 8567

File: 1543893160224.png (30.6 KB, 566x327, ch.png)

She's probably still lurking and if she is, these tweets seem kind of influenced about what's being discussed here lately. You're right, Audrey, some people can't afford to obtain a 4-year degree, and some people have disabilities which hinders their progress.

Except your rich parents are funding your education and you don't have a disability. You had a part-time job but no, within a short amount of time you fucked off to Japan for a month.

No. 8568

Jesus she is so full of herself. She just bought a ton of shit in Japan too, including designer shoes that cost over $200. Her parents take her on fancy trips, funded all of her expenses until recently where they stopped paying for her food, she grew up in a rich neighborhood and always had nice clothes and attended one of the most expensive schools in California paid 100% for her, she didn't even need to take out a loan. She never, ever had to support herself. Even when she moved out for a few months, she lived off of her roommates and didn't get a job. (Only to slander them after leaving that they were SO HORRIBLE uwu.)

She is the last person who should be tweeting stuff like this because she could never fathom what it is like to actually support/fend for herself. She is a leech and a womanchild who has never struggled to survive. Her "disease" is proof of that- an eating disorder due to being too fat because her parents provide for her, being bored, and wanting a lot of attention? Gross.

No. 8569

File: 1543904057428.png (17.31 KB, 564x150, GLHALF.PNG)

this bich don't know how to cook food? or she just salty she has to use her own money for necessities?4

also this tweet got me rolling. she's digging herself an even bigger hole.
aud, you can't even keep a job and you still get to go on vacation multiple times a year and buy designer shit like other anons have been saying this whole time.

No. 8570


A bit nitpicky of me but you know, I can't understand why she doesn't just buy normal people shoes instead of blowing $150-$200/month on Japanese brand shit like.. what's it called? Tokyo Boppers? I guess her coords just wouldn't be kawaii enough if it isn't Japanese.

>they stopped paying for her food

Damn, she must think they hate her or something for doing this when in reality, this is like most college students that live on their own or hell, responsible adults in general. She's 22/23, right? And what the hell kind of reaction did she expect from her roommates if all she apparently did was play Maple Story and not pay her rent?

gdi I guess there's more to her than what I saw based off of following her on Twitter for a small amount of time, but she really did give off whiny vibes and seemed off like the whole Asian fetish incident where she sperged for a good 3 days about it and then boasting about being a manipulative bitch back then (though I guess she still is one LOL especially since she's proud of that memory). I swear I've known some Viet chicks that are so petty and fake and boast about being total cunts back when they were in middle school and then they go, "uwu I changed I swear!!! I'm on a journey to becoming my best self!" as if it's cute.

No. 8571

File: 1544075838544.png (170.37 KB, 1440x772, Screenshot_2018-12-05-23-55-58…)

Audrey is the biggest hypocrite in this group, her liked tweets are like she's living a double life

No. 8572

File: 1544224100649.jpg (363.52 KB, 1199x1031, Dt1utvdUwAAovi1.jpg)

Omocat just dropped the DDLC collection and yikes, did she draw the designs? Because they look like unfinished traced sketches.

No. 8573

the anatomy is SOOOO amateurish i can bet omocat drew this herself. omocat probably sweated a bucket to draw monika kneeling in the first 4 sweaters lol
from the EXTREME stiffness of arms/shoulders she draws it seems like she references those stupid wooden posing dolls tbh

No. 8574

File: 1544231354687.gif (272.24 KB, 484x350, PRESS-START.gif)


The skinny animu anatomy only worked in the original style ingame. The anatomy on these apparel bugs the hell out of me. It only further proves that Tiffany's art quality severely dipped down because just compare the horseshit in this new collection to her old art.

The Omocat brand should've died with Tumblr long ago lmfao.

No. 8575

i'm 100% sure tiffany only draws when she's making something for the omocat brand now. this collection seriously looks like doodles of weaboo middle schooler. selling these with the price she's offering should be a CRIME

if this is really her best she should know she can't draw for shit and it isn't really her forte as much as graphic design

No. 8576


Tbh in retrospect, Omocat's art was only good in terms of Tumblr quality. The whole minimalist pastel low-quality aesthetic the "FLCL was a good anime and you must possess high intelligence to understand NGE" weeb part of that site went for, the brand pandered to that and as time passed by and most people grew out of Tumblr (or just flocked to Twitter while still rotting in their own shit irl), it didn't age so well. It only got popular because it pandered to that crowd.

sage for rambling.

No. 8577

godddd the color scheme for the second sweater in particular is so ugly. reminds me of the fucking super mario 64 title with pastel sprinkled on top.

her old art wasnt particularly great either but it had more heart and concept than the cute ~bUT fUcKEd uP~ anime girl busts she draws now. at least the eye searing glitch shit she does in her art now isn't in gif format like her old art, shit was close to epilepsy inducing.

No. 8578

File: 1544234261052.png (104.46 KB, 1382x1004, 500 hours in mspaint.png)

without even looking at her art I doodled a joke copy and I'm a bit shocked at how easy it is. think this would sell on a shirt?

No. 8579

/golf clap

No. 8580

Give it glitch effects and you're set $45 MINIMUM

No. 8581

rofl this is a really good copy too. her art really is unoriginal and simple (in a bad way.)

No. 8582

File: 1544239961638.jpg (62.15 KB, 700x700, 33c5cc9b306d2143bc74a889bb694f…)

not to white knight but he only put this up in his sample sale, I think he realised it was too simplistic. Nice reach though.

I don't think Justin fits in with this breed of internet artist really, he's more focused on milkbbi being an actual brand than getting into spats and collabing with flavour of the month to stay relevant. It is funny as he was one of the first to use 90's/early 2000's iconography influences and suddenly alot of these artists have similar items/styles. It's clear alot alot of people saw his success and decided they wanted a slice of the pie.

No. 8583

That's one thing I liked about Justin, he took a lot of inspiration from older media, but almost everything he's done has been original. Even got his own little mascot.
I know Daniel's done some fanart, but he's not really milkbbi. These people wish they could be this professional.
And the thing about Justin, he mostly stays at home, enjoying his life with his boyfriend. No need to cow around and act like a retard unlike this weeb group.
Don't they live in Colombia or something too? They don't even have to live in Japan and they're fine with it.
Only thing that's irked me are some of the people he's collabed with, mainly mushbuh.

No. 8584

They both seem very content to do their own thing, I think Justin is having a style change too.

The closest thing to a group is their in the works collab project minisuper, but it’s in very early stages. None of the artists here are on the project m but that could change in future. I know they were once part of heychickadee but it seems their primarily focused on pusheen now.

No. 8585

File: 1544249074018.jpg (168.97 KB, 1000x1460, SURPRISE_G_1500x1500.jpg)

I like how this isn't even far from the truth about her designs. You got her chibi-ish style like right down to the ears in one doodle. All that is missing is adding eyefucking glitches to hide the fact that it's a doodle, slapping a high price on it, and you're good.


Anon, Justin wasn't even further discussed in the thread save for one post on this thread and a few posts on the previous one. I saw the sample sale, and it was still a sale lol.

No. 8586

File: 1544250118885.jpg (571.45 KB, 1000x1460, DSC0495-7_1500x1500.jpg)


Even Tiffany's more "detailed and serious" designs don't look so great. It has a really amateur anime style with the overly detailed eyes on an otherwise poorly drawn character. Just look at Meiko's anatomy here. Her head is pretty big compared to her body, and the most detailed thing are her eyes.

It even kind of looks like the ugly glitches were added to just hide the lack of skill and the totally valid excuse is to fit the Vocaloid aesthetic. Seriously who the fuck would wear any of these shirts in public?

No. 8587

File: 1544250416030.jpg (70.86 KB, 1000x1460, miku_front_c4fd5770-40f3-40d1-…)

Lmao make this into $15 enamel pins, anon.

No. 8588

File: 1544254818967.jpeg (505.54 KB, 2048x2048, 1138557F-ABA6-4FCD-B883-958E25…)

Does lowkeygeeks fit here? Shit tier “clothing” brand that got called out by fakku this summer for tracing pics. They are also insanely behind on orders all the time and continue to make new product that they can’t deliver on.

No. 8589

did fakku call them out? didnt see it anywhere

but yeah i've heard of the tracing but ive only see peoplenwear it irl like once

No. 8590

File: 1544278454942.jpeg (838.76 KB, 1242x1750, 02A03C20-F6CD-4A65-93A3-55A5A0…)

It was the owner of fakku, not directly the official fakku account.

No. 8591

File: 1544297143872.jpg (890.06 KB, 1075x1014, tracingissupereffective.jpg)

Ah, yes. They're part of this huge traced anime car decal and accessories community on Instagram. They often have small events to show off their sticker plastered Honda Civics.

No. 8592

File: 1544302302554.png (173.33 KB, 473x600, 64783758439543.png)

Oooh, that response from him is interesting. Makes me wonder if the "collab" LKG did with Fakku was actually just them stealing the character designs to sell.

I can't remember when they posted that on their IG since it was deleted ages ago, but the twitter post was in May.

No. 8593

File: 1544302653810.jpg (126.26 KB, 778x1200, 7548395389534.jpg)

and the LKG IG post itself, showing they said that FAKKU would be selling the items as well "at a later date".

No. 8594

Ugh, I hate those stupid anime car decal turned anime tshirt brands. Senpai Squad, Low Key Geeks, iiii clothing, etc. ; they're all art thieves and trace like crazy hoping people won't notice.

No. 8595

File: 1544312449321.jpeg (2.09 MB, 1242x1942, 5E821667-AADF-49AD-B80B-1F96D5…)

Speaking of ripping people off with stolen designs, what about this brand? They sell shit like this for almost $50. Weebs really are idiots if they’re out here buying Aliexpress tier shit like this for triple the price.

No. 8596

>suckered apparel
accurate name lmao

No. 8597

Who are the people behind the AliExpress resale / traced art shops? Any milk on them?

No. 8598

File: 1544325512818.jpg (741.43 KB, 1440x1646, 20181208_191649.jpg)

Lmao on the topic of LowkeyGeeks - they're trying really hard to slowly rebrand after the tracing exposé. They're quietly getting """models""" who are still desperate enough to work with them to form a “Lowkey Community“. Look it up on Instagram. I don't know what the point is because their shit sucks and has no direction. The owners are a dirty couple who think they didn't do anything wrong and it was all part of a hustle. I honestly hope they crash and burn, I feel like they got let off too easily.

Just looking at these designs they were forced to draw without their tracing crutches proves they're talentless hacks.

No. 8599

File: 1544329372036.jpeg (485.13 KB, 1242x1487, 72059C24-3135-4CB3-B89A-E88123…)

I’m honestly shocked this bitch turned a shitty 5 minute sketch into a shirt shes charging 30+ dollars on. I mean, look at the hands and the perspective theres no way she spent more than 10 minutes on this, at this point for me she couldn’t step any lower, no dignity whatsoever. It looks so bad anyone stupid enough to sink 30 dollars in this deserves to be scammed out of that money for an ugly t shirt.

No. 8600

At this point I drop anything omocat comes into contact with, ddlc vocaloid and shelter are dead to me

No. 8601


I can't fathom how anyone would look at this shirt and think it's good. Maybe I just dislike these type of shirts that have a simplistic design over a solid white fabric (which could get easily stained and would be a bitch to clean off while preserving the design. Fuck spending $30 on that).


DDLC was actually a pretty good game itself until a bunch of fuck ugly incels started touching it and the fandom grew. Salvato probably agreed to collab with Omocat since the brand is popular and it gains notice. That's probably the same reason why anyone would want to collab with a comparably untalented artist.

No. 8602

File: 1544365976685.png (684.83 KB, 557x566, zellfae and audrey.png)

An anon mentioned Audrey was friends with someone named Zellfae, and she has an Instagram. Found some unedited pictures of Audrey and holy fuck, she does look huge just from this pic. SNOW does some wonders.

No. 8603

File: 1544371534730.png (731.64 KB, 596x543, zellaud.PNG)

honestly she should just own up the the chubbiness instead of pretending she's so smol

No. 8604

File: 1544374130943.jpeg (230.94 KB, 750x1065, 292AF0B6-903B-425B-B5E7-6BB133…)

Looks like ppl are catching on. But of course her tumblr weebs will defend her running off with the omori money 1/2

No. 8605

File: 1544374158461.jpeg (227.88 KB, 750x1089, 674EB3C5-B2E2-4364-8388-3FE583…)

No. 8606

oh god pom's avatar art style is honestly a huge warning of what they're going to reply. i'm not surprised.

No. 8607

very unrelated, but it turns out that mushbuh did work on the new emamouse album. is anything known about ema? are they milky? how are they related to fucking mushbuh?


No. 8608

not sure but his album art gives me tosh/bronzecatworld vibes

No. 8609

I recently got followed on IG by Supereffective.us and found out that all these art theft decal shops have the same printer that enables them to vector screenshots and Pixiv art to sell. The printer is Shwainc/Offset and they have small events to trade decals and sell anime steering wheel covers to idiot teens.

No. 8610

seriously >>8307 is the closest to the truth of how she looks without filters

No. 8611

File: 1544483657545.jpg (100.59 KB, 1080x621, pic1.jpg)

I don't know if I am right here but since this ~artists style is kinda anime inspired, I am going to post here.

Her name is Jackie Files and her username on instagram is 'theweepywillow'. Link is here: https://www.instagram.com/theweepywillow/?hl=de

At first sight she doesn't seem to be that milky but if you look at her website, she uploaded her resume in which she states that she's a graduate of Calarts. And she was a trainee at South Park. Yeah right. Her graphics and animations are very bad and at a middle school level. I have a feeling that she is lying about her resume but what do I know, maybe art schools in the US aren't that hard to get in and literally everybody gets accepted. What do you think? Is she telling the truth? Oh btw we found her through Taylor R who hired her to do an intro for her Vlogmas.

No. 8612

File: 1544483713252.jpg (61.6 KB, 644x741, resume.jpg)

No. 8613

File: 1544483866386.png (86.81 KB, 215x275, instafeed.png)

her insta feed

No. 8614

every calarts animation student has to make a film every year, including graduation thesis. she does seem to have done this and you can watch them here: https://vimeo.com/jackiefiles
it's not easy making animated shorts just to fake your calarts degree. i think she is a real alumna of calarts. i know her art looks super unskilled but you know, every institution gotta have the bottom 10%.

No. 8615

also i don't doubt that she worked at the south park studio because animation industry in LA is very personal connection based, and calarts student have ridiculous amount of alumni working in the field already. calarts students get jobs ridiculously easy lol i've seen a bunch of students not even graudating because they land a storyboard job in cartoon network or nickelodeon while in school.
also, south park's art style doesn't demand much skill to be honest lol i don't think that would have been problem

No. 8616

I don't think her art is that bad, just extremely calarts. I agree her animation is pretty mediocre but it says she's a storyboard artist, so I don't think she actually has to animate

No. 8617

thx I didn't know about that. I am just shocked that someone like her got into an art school at all. I've seen some Calarts sketchbooks and they were very good. Some of them didn't even make it like Ariel Song and in comparison to Jackie she is impressive.

in her resume you can read she actually has a bachelor of fine arts in character animation which is strange and sad if you look at her so called animations

No. 8618

her animation is simple, her style can be debated - but i dont think its that bad at all

and its pretty believable she worked at south park, their studio uses flash and copy/paste asset files. you dont need a high skill level to do that lmao

No. 8619

I was about to suggest you take this to the artist salt thread in /ot/ but it seems you already have. This artist is unremarkable though, smells like vendetta or selfpost.

No. 8620

They were sperging about the artist in the Taylor R thread too, obsessed anon is clearly trying to use us as a personal army to hate on them lmao

No. 8621

File: 1544578173509.png (19.23 KB, 581x217, cuutehospi.PNG)

…okay back to the weebs.
Audrey is complaining about student loans despite being able to vacation to glorious Nippon 3 times a year.

No. 8622

Imagine UC Berkeley reading this shit and taking back her acceptance letter

No. 8623

File: 1544582014644.png (13.07 KB, 570x121, 0.png)

Just from this tweet you can tell she's same old her, especially since it's been like what, less than a month since she got further discussed on the previous thread? I don't think she's "inactive" on her main Twitter moreso than keeping a low profile because people are finally catching onto her lying and scamming. Though I'm probably wrong since I don't care to check on this dumb cunt often.

No. 8624


By people I mean the anons on lolcow, not really people on Twitter since they're all a bunch of sheeps that have a similar aesthetic to her and also type like retards.

No. 8625

File: 1544586334178.png (463.51 KB, 496x695, my-lesbian-experience-with-lon…)

It's funny how she keeps repeating that she's "grown stronger" or a variation of it >>8390

Also I know it's an unfair comparison to make, but damn. Audrey's love hospital comics look so inauthentic and bad after having read pic related. Nagata Kabi writes about much of the same mental health struggles as Audrey and draws it in similarly pink cuteness, except it's leagues smarter and actually relatable. There's no doubt she's read it but still. She should take notes.

No. 8626

Wow. Her parents are paying her tuition 100%. She tries so hard to be relatable but she is just a fat privileged womanchild.

No. 8627

lol I'd like to see her try. I'm seriously looking forward to Audrey's "My Fat Pansexual Nonbinary Weeaboo Experience with Cyberbullies"

No. 8628

i mean audrey's comic is 1 page per chapter, she's going to take this as a compliment

No. 8629

Late but I cannot find the proper way to explain how much I hate this page.
It's…perverted I guess in a sense?? Way of viewing herself and how she expects everyone to speak to her. It's like she's treated her friends like sockpuppets or something like that because how are you her friend if you aren't praising her over simply breathing??
I don't understand how a person with issues like she claims, makes pages of people who most likely aren't either real or ACTUALLY saying this, saying she's the best human that ever lived

No. 8630

File: 1544691067153.png (132.21 KB, 700x1082, muh momento.png)

She definitely comes across as incredibly full of herself. Her works are mainly humble bragging about how HARDD uwu her life is but she has soo much support from friends so she is clearly so important and this tragic suffering creature who everyone loves. You can see how she treats a lot of people on social media- she does have this way of shaping how people interact with her in a very particular way and if they don't or cross her, she spergs until the cows come home.

She is one of those people who is just never happy, never stops complaining, and expects the world to bend over backwards so she can get everything she wants and be loved by all with zero effort. If you get in her way of this, she drags you until the end of time because how dare you make poor sweet innocent Audrey cry.

Her self-importance leaks all over the place in her giant text spergs in her "books", too:
>memento of my life
>after my death

Because oh yes, you were totally on your death bed and not going through a half baked ED, Audrey. She fluffed up the entire issue which is how she gained a bit of popularity in the first place, then keeps reaching for more to be relatable about/amplifying muh struggles, even though she is extremely privileged and well off.

I do wonder who broke up with who in her fallout with Punimelt though. She seems to drop people left and right, but it must be pretty telling if someone drops her first.

No. 8631

File: 1544694448236.png (229.9 KB, 700x1082, 37971a1505465114f283701848.png)

I noticed she has a second comic she worked on, and it's just as you expected, pretty lackluster and barren. This page in particular made me roll my eyes so hard, though because… she doesn't really go out so often, right? Unless it's with weeb friends, to weeb events, and I guess Japan?

This page just comes off as a spoiled brat trying to do "daring" shit like smoking cigarettes to get attention/get back at her parents and peers but then she coughs on the first draw.

Audrey, I've seen people who actually emotionally rely on shit like fucking meth, so cigarettes don't even begin. If you want attention so bad up your ante lmao

No. 8632


Yeah Love Hospital isn't even in the league with Nagata Kabi, anon. As other anon said, she only has like a page or few pages per chapter (as if she gave up along the way of making this "comic" and it's pretty apparent), and it reeks of shallowness and narcissism rather than any quality or meaning.


Lmao me too, except My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness is the real life accounts of a woman actually struggling. Meanwhile, Audrey is just a spoiled womanbaby slapping on labels for oppresshun points and acting like a shitty teenager rather than an adult. Looking at >>8602 it's actually kind of gross when you realize she's like 23 and still acts like this.

No. 8633

Most of her comics are lackluster. This page in particular is like some random bit in a comic where the artist needs to fill in some space to make the page look finished. That's all Audrey's work is just fluff shit.

No. 8634

good god I wrote prose like this when I was eleven. eleven.

No. 8635

I’m in their circle. Puni was the one who dropped her after finding out Audrey told mushbuh that puni was lying about her autism claims. In true Audrey fashion she couldn’t resist talking shit when presented the opportunity, even when it was about her <3 Best Friend <3

No. 8636


Thanks for the clarification anon. I really hope they don't know who you are lmfao. Audrey was kind of sending investigators around the time when she became more relevant in discussion previous thread. Probably to witch hunt.

No. 8637

i like how everyone on this thread hates audrey with the force of thouand suns because audrey is what y'all would have become if you all actually succeeded at getting internet popularity.
not saying audrey's behavior is fine but y'all wretched af lol

No. 8638


Lmao anon, do you know where you are? Judging by the fact that you didn't sage your retarded wking, gonna just assume you're a newfag or you probably didn't even read the whole thread because p sure nobody here wants to be her. Internet popularity doesn't mean shit, and we're all here to just laugh at her and the other tacky weebs

No. 8639

>y'all wretched af lol
lmao go back to PULL retard we like laughing at audrey because she's a spoiled brat who thinks she's poor and uwu such a victim

No. 8640

>implying that Audrey is considerably popular

For a pastel uwu artist she’s only got a fraction of the followers that punimelt, omocat, or birries have. The only reason she got noticed at all was because she rode on punimelt’s coattails and is quickly fading into irrelevance now that she’s been exiled from that friend group.

No one here is jealous. People hate her because she’s pissed off so many people in her life that for one reason or another they or stories of her have made their way here. Where there’s smoke there’s fire, anon

No. 8641

File: 1544835875461.jpeg (130.63 KB, 750x273, 16886792-EC90-4393-A718-E45113…)

Audrey the self-love guru patting herself on the back again for bestowing wisdom to her followers

No. 8642


Right? When I followed her for a tiny bit, I only knew her because I also used to follow punimelt and she retweeted something from Audrey. Audrey didn't truly have a career to begin with. She was really just affiliated with the weeb brand friend group which could explain why some cuck would purchase her ugly plate otherwise she's a nobody.

>>8637 This is a hate site, anon, and no one here is jealous of her. We all have lives but we talk shit as a leisure.

No. 8643

What about all that money she stole from doing "pre-orders"?

No. 8644

File: 1545089292143.jpeg (39.31 KB, 640x629, 68CB1F3C-A673-4EE0-AC83-46254F…)

>get invited to Pedro’s family christmas party again
>go for free food and drinks
>gossip with other friends there about how he’s been exposed online
>he’s sitting a couple of feet away w/no idea that his friends don’t respect him anymore

No. 8645

Did you really have to repost this just to attach an image?
It sounds like you all are in the right company.

No. 8646

Anon do you have any more details? How many people attended this party? How rich are Pedro's parents? Keep the milk coming

No. 8647

because they're unorganized and don't have enough people doing actual work

No. 8648

Are they all just super fucking wealthy trust fund babies or something? Have any of them had to actually work a day in their lives?

No. 8649


Anon if you're planning to share milk you might want to be careful in case you'll give away who you are especially if your mutual friends are aware of the thread. I'll say though it's a ballsy move on your part lol.

No. 8650

Pedro’s family isn’t rich like Tiffany’s, they’re pretty average. tbh it’s only Tiffany and Audrey out of this group that come from wealthy families
Pedro’s parents house is kinda small so the party was crowded but it was mostly because of family members and relatives. Some anon a while ago mentioned Pedro only has friends that he sees once a year at anime cons and that basically describes the ppl he invited besides his roommates…
It was a whatever party, nothing interesting happened other than us chatting about how we could somehow bail out of our relationships with Pedro haha

tbh I want to share specific experiences my friends had with him but it’ll definitely give them away so I can’t unfortunately
all I’m gonna say is that he’s about as emotionally braindead as Tiffany and selfish as hell

dw anon, none of us give a fuck about Pedro so nobody’s gonna rat me out for being here. We’re all friendly to him too so he’ll have no idea who I am. I could be anyone haha so if he tried investigating he’d only expose himself, plus we’re all gonna play dumb

No. 8651

Doublepost but I actually like Pedro’s parents, they’re really nice and considerate unlike their son
But I think Pedro ended up the way he is because they were too hands off with him and let him do whatever he wanted, so oops

No. 8652

File: 1545204543813.jpg (236.55 KB, 1200x800, wowslimegirls.jpg)

everybody to the right of this photo of Pedro playing piano: i wish i was at home playing video games

No. 8653


Holy fuck all of that stuff belongs to him? It looks expensive as hell. That's pretty unfortunate whenever there's saint parents whose kids turn out demonic and shitty. And a creep.

No. 8654

hahahaha yep by listening to Pedro display his um… talents we get rewarded with his parents’ tamales so we politely endure

This isnt that expensive, the piano is dinky and belongs to his parents and the rest is standard for a musician or band
Pedro doesnt make that much money lol weeb music and indie game pay only get you so far

No. 8655

File: 1545462366047.jpeg (311.93 KB, 571x778, 5F6A915C-B97D-4492-AD3B-D224A7…)

saw this post on twitter and choked at how accurate it is for the weeb musician crowd

No. 8656

Lmao I knew a guy during my first year of university who fits this description (majored in Japanese Studies), except he wasn't as ugly and unfortunate looking as Pedro was and seeing how he actually had an Asian gf, probably had more charisma too. Still a fucking weeb.

>weeb music and indie game pay only get you so far

I swear over aged weebs try too hard to separate themselves from the ~normies uwu~ and then they end up being unsuccessful and degenerate.

No. 8657

File: 1545688119035.png (129.43 KB, 1440x627, Screenshot_2018-12-24-15-43-08…)

Oh Audrey…

No. 8658


Saw that a little bit ago. Yeah Audrey it's not like you start trying to "change" once word is out that you're fake and unstable and had always been this way.

No. 8659

Is viibean dating Overwatch League LA Gladiator’s player Bischu? I knew she drew his icon but she showed up on stream and was surprised

No. 8660

Seems like it, iirc they dressed up for halloween in a pair costume. Who cares tho

No. 8661

Not saying it’s a bad thing, Whoever she’s dating now is an improvement over Pedro

No. 8662

did she cheat to date bischu like she did on pedro and the guy before him though? lol

No. 8663

It's been established multiple times that she didn't homewreck or cheat on pedro (wasn't it punimelt and cutehospital who spread that rumor?)

but seeing how this was brought up again I wouldn't be surprised if whoever is trying to meme this claim into existence is from the circle of snakes this thread is about lmao

No. 8664

actually she cheated on her ex from australia for pedro.

No. 8665

personally I can’t comprehend why anyone would cheat for /pedro/ of all people but maybe that’s why they didn’t date for long. can’t imagine her regret if true lol

btw remember to sage your posts

No. 8666

As far as Overwatch League players go Bischu is considered one of the cutest and sweetest so yea huge upgrade.

Didn’t someone mention a while back that her ex was abusive or something? I don’t condone cheating but as someone who was in an abusive relationship I can’t really blame her for wanting out. Gotta wonder how desperate she was to have chosen Pedro though.

No. 8667

File: 1545793423754.jpg (96.5 KB, 843x633, Dlzo_HJU0AAbelA.jpg)

honestly rooting for them, they make a cute ass couple

i bet audrey, puni, and the others that falsely accused her of being a homewrecker are kicking themselves in the face cus they're dating talentless fucking weirdos

No. 8668

her ex before pedro was not abusive. she said it was based on attraction.

No. 8669

when and to whom did she say this? the reasons why or if she cheated need more evidence if I'm to believe any one claim tbh

but considering it was cutehospital and punimelt - girls who have a record of being lying fakes - that spread the debunked homewrecker rumor about her to begin with, I'll call bluff

No. 8670

Really? They look so normal it's almost boring. Like, the guy isn't remarkable and neither is she. This girl escaped a group of toxic weeaboo losers and got a happy ending I guess, who cares.

This thread needs fresh milk honestly. Audrey needs to hurry up with her uwu strong angel nurse fighting cyberbullies uwu comic so I can laugh at something

No. 8671

The timeline is more like this:
-living in AUS with her abusive ex
-visits USA to check out schools, gets closer to the omocat gang
-starts developing crush on pedro and breaks up with ex
-one of omocat's friend's boyfriend had a crush on vii and tried to cheat on his gf with vii
-vii friendzoned him and he found a diff girl to cheat on
-cheater guy admits to gf that he cheated and vii was one of the girls he wanted to cheat on her with
-everyone, even pedro, gangs up on vii even though she didnt do anything wrong and banish her from friend group

and now - happy ending with this overwatch dude

No. 8672

File: 1545822797004.png (563.57 KB, 1440x2222, Screenshot_2018-12-26-00-48-50…)

It's funny Audrey says shit like this while actively trying to ruin relationships and create drama

No. 8673

As someone who is friends with her friends, the timeline is more like this:
-living in AUS and gets together with guy who already had a gf but he breaks up with her for vii.
-visits USA for fanime and starts developing crush on pedro. she cheats with him then breaks up with aus bf when she returns home.
-goes back to AUS, breaks up with pedro bc ldr wasnt working out.
-worked in AUS and dated another guy from work.
-comes back to US for school
-one of omocat's friend's boyfriend had a crush on vii and tried to cheat on his gf with vii
-vii friendzoned him
-gf finds out abt cheater flirting with vii.
-the main person who was upset was the cheater’s gf bc she thought she was close to vii and was hurt when vii didnt let her know this was all going on.

and now - happy ending with this overwatch dude

No. 8674


She really just wants to hear herself speak (read herself type?). Her preaching lacks substance. It looks like she deleted these tweets but she went on about medication and therapy as if she knew what she was talking about and as someone who knew people who had it rough in terms of mental health, it's fucking insulting Audrey has to make it her aesthetic and act like a self-love guru.

Audrey you're not a therapist lmfao. At this rate with your horrendous personality, maybe you shouldn't consider preaching about mental health, especially since advice-giving is forbidden when it comes to therapy and mental health. But on the other hand, hurry up and release your cyberbullying comic already.

No. 8675

File: 1545858883631.jpeg (519.79 KB, 957x1277, 99F4B8B4-F14E-4EA7-9EAD-D62F32…)

Thanks for the correction, I was trying to make the timeline from receipts posted in the last thread. Everyone from the group seems kind of fucked.

A different tangent but I feel like vii is a better and more low key Audrey? both love to praise their friendgroups by drawing art, subsequently they have public falling outs with said friends. Audrey is more vocal about it though

No. 8676

Huh this info sounds like you’re friends with the girls that threw her under the bus. I know vii personally - some details here are still wrong but it’s kind of close.
-she didnt get together w her 1st bf until he was single
-when she started falling for pedro she wanted to break up with her bf but she didnt want to mess up his studies for finals
-she didn’t date pedro until after she went home to Aus
-she didn’t date anyone from work but a guy in Aus had a crush on her too
-cheater crushes on her during her 2nd visit to LA to visit pedro
-vii and the gf were only acquaintances, they never once talked 1-1 and IRL they only met by chance

… and there’s a giant elephant in the room that didnt make it into any of these discussions as to why her relationship with pedro and the weeaboo snakes was this messy lol it makes punimelt look REALLY fucking bad

No. 8677

yeah audrey if a homeless person just cheers up and loves themselves they’ll find a job and get a house. fate and magic are real!

No. 8678

hmmm audrey backstabbed and vii was backstabbed by the same group of friends sure but they're too different to say one is better than the other tbh?

anon you can't just say there's a giant elephant and not provide the milk. I am dying to know just how worse punimelt can be

No. 8679


She wouldn't know adversity if it hits her in the face. It's easier to sit behind a computer and type it all out to feed into an online persona to compensate for the fact that she's a lazy and two-faced person.

No. 8680

Man it must be nice being a qt girl living the shoujo life, meanwhile most romances in the artist community are lesbians roleplaying yaoi

No. 8681

File: 1545865447401.png (871.23 KB, 847x1547, KawaiTemplate.png)


Second this. I'd like to hear just how evil punibitch can really be. Crazy how she can effectively keep up with a cutesy persona but then all of this shit is happening behind the scenes + her history of abusing her boyfriends and others close to her.

pic related since Michy reminds me of Kawai Miki from Koe no Katachi because she uses her outer appearance and platform to seem cute and innocent (and uses it to her full advantage) but then she's really a cruel monster.

No. 8682

you're talking about punimelt's secret hate chatroom about pedro right. i'm surprised no one brought it up either.

No. 8683

I do want to know what happened with puni and Justin Chan, they made so much couple art of each other and now they don’t even mention each other at all

No. 8684

Wait what lmao weren't they friends?

No. 8685

punimelt had a secret group chat dedicated to tearing pedro apart. vii got added before she knew any of them (besides pedro) and was told not to say anything. but vii told pedro about the chat out of guilt then broke up with him. she cut ties with punimelt and the others after that. the funny thing is that pedro stood by the people who fucked him over while they all collectively turned on vii for bailing on them. but he eats up her innocent act because he's obsessed with her.

all of that led to the false rumors about vii homewrecking. cuz she didnt have access punimelt even used her bf's twitter to spy on vii's private twitter lol. the bitch is a psycho.

No. 8686

It still looks like they make friendly jabs at each other on Twitter, just not as often

No. 8687

wow. these girls really are the worst. I almost feel bad for Pedro having 'friends' that keep turning on him, like the ones that talk shit about him in this thread. It's either Stockholm or his Asian artist fetish keeping him from doing something about it

No. 8688


What the fuck is this girl's damage lmao. Good for vii to remove herself from that circle of friends. I would say I feel almost sorry for Pedro too but I have zero tolerance for creeps with yellow fever.

By the way, earlier didn't an anon came here to further spread the rumor that vii was homewrecking? Tinfoil but could it either be punitwat herself or her lackeys? I seriously hope people catch onto her abusive and two-faced behavior and it fucks up her career lol

No. 8689

Yeah it really feels like they're hellbent on getting the rumor to stick despite the fact that nobody here really thinks Vii is lolcow worthy. It comes off as sad tbh.

No. 8690

sounds like they got triggered seeing themselves get outed as narcissistic nutcases and had to drag her down too

if you can share it, who else was in the chat or part of the smear campaign? we know punimelt and cutehospital are obviously rotten but there's more of them right?

i wonder if she believes in karma too seeing as how it's all coming back to her now

No. 8692

File: 1546140236595.jpg (212.47 KB, 690x1040, 8.jpg)


This page in particular is basically Audrey. Michy in the OP pic really does look like Kawai. Funny thing is, she's also the most hated character.

No. 8693


Delicious milk lmao. Also I searched punimelt on Youtube and found this. Now I see what anons here meant when they say Michy is awkward irl. Her behavior really contrasts her online persona for sure.

No. 8694

File: 1546143978910.jpg (25.31 KB, 486x458, Dk09V_9U4AAdWoW.jpg)

I thought jane mai and cute hospital were the same person this entire time wtf lmao

No. 8695

File: 1546163379065.png (19.38 KB, 506x78, 594069.png)

Japan is sooo magical so Audrey's going to move there in 2 years lmfao. typical weeb delusion

No. 8696

File: 1546163501580.jpg (54.81 KB, 344x227, punimiki.jpg)

besides not actually being a qt anime girl the resemblance is uncanny

No. 8697

File: 1546174245656.png (288.57 KB, 1440x1631, Screenshot_2018-12-29-11-27-37…)

I noticed Audrey replied to a Meishi Smile tweet about some foreigners harassing natives in Japan for YouTube pranks.
I wonder if Audrey saw this tweet and that's why she's kissing up to him so he won't "realize"

No. 8698


Can anyone confirm the difficulty of obtaining a visa after possessing a college degree? Where did Audrey get this info? And anyways, I have a feeling she doesn't know Japanese as well as she thinks since she fucking gave herself the nickname ~byouin-chan~ like what.

No. 8699

File: 1546185630870.png (63.96 KB, 587x248, but i love jfashion and anime.…)

….interesting tweets coming from Garrett "Meishi Smile" Yim, a Chinese guy who makes music under a name referencing a very specific part of Japanese culture he has no authentic experience of, but okay.

anyway pic attached is from the tweet thread he RTed, everything it questions is Audrey and her weeaboo expat friends in a nutshell.

No. 8700


Typical projection. Audrey probably wouldn't survive in Japan or at least she'd struggle. Japan isn't all about Akihabara or shopping districts. I'd like to see her spergs when she lives there and realizes Japan isn't like one of her animes and complains when her parents get further frustrated with her.

No. 8701

Wow. I've spoken to her at least five or six times at cons and this is the most I've ever heard her speak. I always felt super nervous around her like there was something wrong with me because she never seemed comfortable when I tried to talk to her, but I guess she's just always like this.

No. 8702

You need a bachelors degree to get a working visa in most countries. There are ways around it, but they’re usually exceptions and not the norm.

No. 8703


Can't imagine it being the norm because in that case, obtaining a visa to reside in Japan would be way easier.

No. 8704

idk about whether degrees help but japan is hard as fuck to move to if you're not already part japanese. even if you're fluent in the language, which audrey is not. they have one of the most strict immigration policies in the world and if you're a foreigner there's little chance you'd get a job better than english teacher or familymart employee

No. 8705

File: 1546271700403.png (150.33 KB, 1440x723, Screenshot_2018-12-30-17-14-22…)

Lmao I didn't even realize Meishi wasn't even Japanese. W E W way to be a hypocrite.

More choice tweets from Audrey's likes

No. 8706

I feel like puni actually as Aspergers? She seems socially inept and she said she was a slacker growing up/would only play games and not socialize

No. 8707

Wouldn’t that be autism too? Whatever she’s got that video of her twitching and talking makes me uncomfortable

No. 8708

Asperger's is social, autism is sensory/processing. They're often limited together because some of the "symptoms" are similar but if anything Asperger's is a more specific subcategory under the autism spectrum

No. 8709

Autism/Asperger’s isn’t simply just being socially awkward and introverted. There are often elements of developmental regression and sensory processing issues too. Also, the Asperger’s label was long removed from the DSMV and it’s basically just high-functioning autism now. Unless she actually gets diagnosed by a professional, it’s all meaningless speculation on our end and her just self-diagnosing.

No. 8710

She better not be using autism as an excuse for abusing friends and partners and creating drama. No autistic person I know is as destructive as her.

No. 8711

File: 1546331701872.png (1 MB, 1440x1338, Screenshot_2019-01-01-02-31-59…)

I noticed Gwiz, one of Pedro's musician buddies is performing at MAGfest with WT Snacks.
He trooned out big time. He recently went to 4chan to try to complain about being misgendered at some Wendy's and it ended up turning on him.

No. 8712

>He recently went to 4chan to try to complain about being misgendered at some Wendy's and it ended up turning on him.
Link to thread?

No. 8713

No. 8714

I wonder why so many musicians associated with the weeaboo gamer nerd scene are 1) men and 2) trans and nonbinary? Why are there so few cis women?

No. 8715

>actually going on 4chan claiming you pass just because fake tits

my sides

No. 8716

the autogynephilia is strong with this one. he just wants to be the manic pixie dream gæmer grill he could never get as betaboi

No. 8717

File: 1546352321855.png (165.22 KB, 802x1082, how_4chan_ruined_society.png)

it's a generation of men raised on 4chan, coddled by their mommies because they're social autists and reacting to the feminist movement in hopes of being coddled by libfems as well. they grew up fapping to futanari and playing nintendo and watching anime, but instead of turning into /pol/tards, they troon out. i made a handy flow chart. (i think i'll post it in the gender critical thread as well.)

No. 8718

Literally, half his girl tweets are about being a Gamer Girl. "Cute gamer boys flock to me"

No. 8719

also, clock him getting DD implants recently. these autogyns couldn't be anymore transparent.

No. 8720

File: 1546354857449.png (129.38 KB, 1440x540, Screenshot_2019-01-01-09-00-36…)

The denial KEK

No. 8721

hilarious replies. Thanks for the link, anon

>some girls have big noses!!1

>but not penises

hahaha, great stuff.

No. 8722

Pathetic. Is he a guest at MAGfest or just a gross attendee?

No. 8723

File: 1546362938447.png (89.81 KB, 640x704, IMG_4611.PNG)

I will never get over how 4chinnychin has more caped tranny crusaders than LC.
Brings me joy but remember to post actual images on an image board. "Gwiz" basically replied to every single post, but atleast one trip code using tranny claimed OP was just larping as the prounoun receipt man(im almost inclined to believe it cause OP fucked up the name like 4 times, but tbh weeb trannies not keeping their stories straight has become an actual co-morbid trait to the trans* label)

No. 8724

Imagine being an overworked, underpaid employee at Wendys and some tranny motherfucker tries to call you out for making a dumb error on their receipt. They need to shut up.

No. 8725

File: 1546389925457.jpg (209.19 KB, 1200x1200, Du_Uij9X0AIS_YF.jpg)

He's a guest

No. 8726

MAGfest is turning into the new GDQ

No. 8727

File: 1546600593824.jpeg (444.62 KB, 750x1112, BFA48531-0B84-4325-B541-80BFEC…)

I know ghostspacess was a part of it. They’re actually the most unstable one of this lot lol the cheating thru art school thing is a basic intro to their entire personality

No. 8728

File: 1546679624502.jpeg (212.67 KB, 750x1334, CE39A51A-5EA0-4B39-89F7-896EBD…)

Howdy y’all!!
It’s me, GWIZ! ‍♀️
I heard I had some fans on here so I figured I’d come say hi and clear up some things.

-The Wendy’s event is real and happened as I described on twitter. I do kinda regret taking it to twitter cause when corporate eventually reached out they were real nice about everything
-That archived 4chan thread however isn’t me. In fact like some of the other people in that thread pointed out- OP got the story wrong lol
I go by Alyssa. It’s literally in the tweets but OP kept referring to me as Ashley.
-That thread is especially funny to me for one big reason- I know I don’t pass.
Anyone who knows me knows that’s an insecurity of mine and I think it’s hilarious how OP really believed I thought I pass.

Anyway it’s 4am here rn but I’d be happy to take a timestamp pic tomorrow if y’all dont believe me.
And just to make sure there’s no imposters in this thread, I won’t post again without a timestamped pic

Anyway thanks for the nickname Wendy’s-Chan. Some people on 4chan have started referring to me as that and I kinda want to make it my tripcode name.(male)

No. 8729

Males aren't allowed on this website. Fuck you and your uwu girldick, creep. Leave.

No. 8730

>-That thread is especially funny to me for one big reason- I know I don’t pass.
So why attack the clerk? How would she know you're a tranny?

No. 8731

>Girl emoji

No. 8732


Gtfo tranny-kun

No. 8733

File: 1546691178385.webm (2.19 MB, 360x640, mdnascD8iZ0sDJS_.webm)

~not a fetish UwU~

No. 8734

Holy shit that fucking wink and tongue sticking out. AGP radar is off the charts.

No. 8735

Because he's lying about thinking he doesn't pass and is pulling the whole "joke's on you I was only pretending to be retarded" thing and this is tranny damage control.

No. 8736

File: 1546714659526.png (281.39 KB, 1440x983, Screenshot_2019-01-01-18-50-02…)

This is the most fucking hilarious part of the 4chan thread. You literally think you're a girl, Garland. No amount of implants, peace signs, saying the word "girl" is gonna make you into one. Male for life.

No. 8737

what manga is this? and whats the story behind these panels??

No. 8738

The series is koe no katachi, girl acts disgustingly sweet and innocent and pins blame on others as soon as people try to critique her. It eventually backfires because everyone knows she’s obviously fake

No. 8739

File: 1546787373237.png (579.08 KB, 1440x2243, Screenshot_2019-01-06-08-59-38…)

Aud deleted her last interaction with Nick "send nudes" Robinson so I'm adding a link to this post so it'll archive.

No. 8740

Oh my god I recoiled so hard my fucking skeleton left my body.
You can see in his eyes how much he wants to fuck himself.
So fucking gross. What's the difference between what this freak is doing and putting on a silicon "woman" suit?

No. 8741

She is a hungry hungry hippo for those soft boys huh

No. 8742

I'm literally so confused about this friendship, isn't one of audrey's irl friends who she drew in her comic abused by nick? snakey clout chasing

No. 8743

audrey doesn't care about her friends she'll befriend anybody if it means more recognition

No. 8744

Why… Are clothes covered in Asanagi ahegao faces a thing. The guy hates women and draws doujinshi of characters being raped by orcs or brutally murdered and this is teehee~ quirky~ in the community

No. 8745

This. John K. Pe-Ta overalls would at least be funny, this is just disturbing.

No. 8746

File: 1547177162162.png (90.23 KB, 258x284, hospitalchan.png)

seems like Audrey got triggered over us making fun of her old byouin-chan nickname so she now goes by the totally-not-cringey-at-all "kyuuto"

No. 8747

The details are the same about the orcs etc, but I believe the artist might be Fishine and not Asanagi. Although I know for the doujinshi its a group that works on it, so is Asanagi in that group?

Anyways I always associated that style with Fishine, looking at Asanagis pixiv doesnt really look in that style

>sage for art sperging

No. 8748

The details are the same about the orcs etc, but I believe the artist might be Fishine and not Asanagi. Although I know for the doujinshi its a group that works on it, so is Asanagi in that group?

Anyways I always associated that style with Fishine, looking at Asanagis pixiv doesnt really look in that style

>sage for art sperging

No. 8749

File: 1547266633976.png (1.09 MB, 1440x1759, Screenshot_2019-01-11-22-14-27…)

So WT Snacks left his backpack on the train like a dumbass and he apparently had over $1000 worth of items in it, including a MacBook and Nintendo Switch. Of course the natural thing to do is to make a GoFundMe page for the stolen items. WT Snacks cannot possibly survive without a Nintendo Switch. They even made it past the targeted donation amount.

No. 8750

Jesus christ the entitlement. Making others pay for something that is entirely this dumbasses fault is insulting. But they’re also dumbasses for donating.

No. 8751

You're right lol, I didn't look at it long and just associated it with Asanagi because I've seen shirts with his art before.

I wonder how many people actually know the source and what happens in it. This made me think how I haven't seen any for male characters and made me realise omocat would have totally jumped on that train if she wasn't criticized for her shota stuff.

No. 8752

File: 1547298195948.jpg (630.58 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190112_135800.jpg)

I'm actually surprised Tiffany hasn't sold full on ahegao shirts yet, seems like her thing.

No. 8753

File: 1547299075531.png (22.57 KB, 740x338, jesuss.PNG)

Beck originally had the GoFundMe at $1000 and then she raised it to $1500 "not out of greed"..

No. 8754

what the fuck could you even have in a bag that makes it cost $1500 to replace and why would you not be more careful with something that valuable? i'm surprised they're not dead with how reckless that is.

No. 8755

>not out of greed
This makes no sense.
>I didn't expect you guys to give so much, so I thought - Why not ask for even more? :^) It's not out of greed, though! Love you guys, we'll keep you updated

No. 8756

File: 1547393975699.png (24.19 KB, 729x344, mons.PNG)

apparently WT Snacks was able to store all of this in his Gameboy backpack on the way to a funeral.

No. 8757

Why are they giving retail value for any of these things? Maybe it would be relevant if any of these items were purchased within the past six months, but I'm fairly certain all of those items were bought years ago. Shouldn't they be using "used" or "refurbished" prices instead of retail?
If you 3k+ of valuable goods with you, wouldn't you fucking glue your backpack on you and never let it out of your sight?

No. 8758

File: 1547398740503.png (84.67 KB, 601x740, butold.PNG)

apparently he can't because he's "old". i think it's funny his own girlfriend is trying to scold him via twitter

No. 8759

The best part isnthat it wasn't reported stolen, they don't know that it was taken. They just forgot it and assumed it was gone, opened the GoFundMe and upped the goal qhen they met it. This is a scam, plain and simple. Nobody loses 3K worth of shit at once and doesn't file a report.

No. 8760

If your memory was going, wouldn't you be trying even harder to make sure you had everything with you, because you might not remember? Why is he making excuses instead of recognizing he has a problem?
I just seriously fail to understand any of this.
What's more likely, is that snacks is a spoiled, lazy manchild who has no real understanding of working hard and valuing your own money/possessions. How much of this stuff did he actually buy, and how much of it was gifted?
Like, what normal working person "forgets" a backpack worth 3-4 months of rent?
These people seem so fucking clueless and out of touch. Aubrey is exactly the same as well; goes on expensive as fuck vacations and schools but complains about the ones supporting her and what she doesn't have in life.

No. 8761

File: 1547403316599.png (60.36 KB, 586x544, tfwscam.PNG)

apparently they filed a report that almost ended in #420, but who knows the truth. beck also made a joke about people donating $69 so i bet he's playing along. also, who the fuck still thinks those number are hilarious? they're children still.

no doubt he's gonna get everything replace right away and even if it does end up being found, they're keeping the money. or if he even lost anything in the first place. no one knows except for them.

No. 8762

File: 1547415224995.jpg (109.13 KB, 810x601, IMG_20190113_223050.jpg)

So they got over $2300 in donations (original goal was $1000 and then $1500) and they are still whining.

Most people, once they lose their shit, don't have people give them free money so be grateful at least you fucks.

No. 8763

oh fuck off. i lost my wall days before the holidays and i didnt start a go fund me for the bs after to get ids back.

No. 8764

I like how both of them just basically shared the go fund me, complained about money, raised the goal price, and didn't even say thank you. They're off in their world like nothing happened.

No. 8765

people are insane for donating. fuck these begging thieves

No. 8766

File: 1547479006383.png (537.73 KB, 1440x2252, Screenshot_2019-01-14-09-12-44…)

Anybody got any milk on Criisalys? Puni recently responded to one of her tweets and Pedro's interacted with her before

No. 8767

File: 1547479041770.png (83.88 KB, 1440x353, Screenshot_2019-01-14-09-13-56…)

Samefag, saw this tweet too lol

No. 8768

This is so funny, people are more eager to donate to a dumbass who wasn’t paying attention vs a cosplayer with an obsessed stalker who torched their car lmao

No. 8769

She's friends with some sketchy people. I have no doubt she's sketchy herself.

No. 8770

> a cosplayer with an obsessed stalker who torched their car

No. 8771

File: 1547494570060.jpeg (62.07 KB, 640x797, F96DB3D0-C2DB-4A3F-AD44-30108B…)

No milk but I’m tired of how many of these shit-tier artists make a career from using aEsThETiC as a crutch for amateur drawing skill. Cover stiff incorrect anatomy up with Reeboks and pastel and sweets uwu!

No. 8772

I feel like the upper leg is attached to the sweet below rather than her hips/body.
Can't artists just take photos of themselves in these basic positions to guide themselves?

No. 8773

A cosplayer this weekend at the con ala got her car and several other cars torched because she rejected a crazed stalker who wouldn’t date him

No. 8774

A lot of these artists trace directly from fashion photos. They just forget to adjust to their animuwu proportions.

No. 8775

to be fair most of punimelt's friends didn't know how evil she was. and pedro interacts with any soft anime artist with lots of followers

No. 8776

File: 1547548334915.png (705.43 KB, 590x828, laptop.PNG)

KEK of course

No. 8777

How do these fucks get so much money so easily without doing anything??

No. 8778

They hang out with a bunch of spoiled autistic weebs

No. 8779

I know an anon said they filed a missing/stolen report, but how do you prove something of yours was actually stolen?
How do we know he actually lost any of that shit? Wouldn't it be convenient to just, I don't know, lie about losing your shitty/broken laptop so you could get a brand new one?
Also lol at "friends". I'm sure he hasn't even talked to 80% of the people that donated.

No. 8780

File: 1547570299222.png (2.32 MB, 1440x1951, Screenshot_2019-01-15-10-37-02…)

WT conveniently has a photo of his old laptop with all the most recent stickers. No doubt they're lying, it just got outdated.

No. 8781

Is this dude for real? Asks for money to replace shit he LEFT, buys a BRAND NEW grossly overpriced macbook and then takes a fucking selfie with it on a plane to Japan.
"Not out of greed" my ass.

No. 8782

This is the grin of someone who can’t believe what they just got away with.

No. 8783

This is the grin of someone who can’t believe what they just got away with.

No. 8784

Fundraiser is still up and some cucks are still donating wow

No. 8785

Not talking about punimelt or pedro. I'm talking about irl people.

No. 8786

this post was so full of hipster privilege i gagged

he deserved to lose all that shit and to learn a lesson - not get rewarded with brand new shit a trip to japan wtf sheeple

No. 8787

Gabriela is really boring tbh, she has 0 personality. Her bf is crazy tho, he basically tells her what to draw and is in charge of her "brand"

No. 8788

God pedro….Dude, I knew him when he was dating Thymine. he was so horrible to her. That asian fetish is true as gold. Dunno if you want some milk.

No. 8789

Please offer some milk anon

No. 8790

Thymine and Pedro was like 4 years ago? That milk been dry honey. She outed him for taking advantage of her before he blew up. Getting free art from her, and weeb gifts, she would spend money just to Amtrak up there to see him. Almost every weekend/month. Send him packages. She even linked him up with some of her musician friends. He milked her dry for the most part.

Guess what? he dumped her out of the blue. And still had the nerve to ask if they can still be friends.
Thymine was only with him for like a year. It sucks cause some of her friends pretty much stopped talking to her because of him.

Homie has a type.

No. 8791

were you closer to grace more than pedro? is there a reason why she's still friends with pedro's parents or are they just super nice like other anons that know him. sucks their kid is a creep.

No. 8792

wow it doesn't surprise me at all that she's boring, just look at her art

No. 8793

You must know her irl to know her real name. Yeah, I was close to Grace around that time. I moved out of State for a bit and we lost touch. She's just really well-mannered.His parents are traditional Hispanic they love all mannered kids. They just have a shit son. From my understanding, Pedro never told his parents what really went down. The parents know nothing.Nor really get into his shit tbh.

I do feel Pedro like Asians that are "out there" And could be why he dumped Grace.she just isn't as "flashy" or filled with drama like everyone else. She keeps to herself. Besides using her for connections, and art. She just likes to live lowkey. And we ALL know Pedro isn't low-key.

The worst part a guy Grace is friends with, the green haired space dude mentioned that Pedro hated that Grace wasn't as sexual or into certain thing and guilt-tripped her into sex most of the time. And hated how "chubby" she was. Which makes sense why she tried to diet when they were together.

Yeah. fuck that guy. He's a fucking creep.

No. 8794

I don't know her irl, but we've been mutuals for a really long time. God, fuck Pedro. Jaimie sounds like he's got a lot of dirt on this group kek.

No. 8795


He has so much dirt on so many in that run in that circle. He was kind of the the “therapist” for awhile. Everyone kind of came to him telling him so much shit. So yeah, very true in a sense. But he likes the clout of being a mutual. I mean, he’s in every fucking picture. Sooooo……..

No. 8796

File: 1547791474027.png (74.51 KB, 1067x571, pedros ideal gf.png)

Poor Grace. Ive seen all his relationships and dude allll of them follow the same pattern:

lonely loser gets desperate > seeks out artsy girl (preferably Asian) via anime con scene > uses her for art, sex, clout and gives nothing in return > gets bored then treats her like shit for wanting attention > breaks up > begs to stay friends and tells others that he was the misunderstood victim!!1

Rinse and repeat.

No. 8797


are you guys talking about cloverandsealife?

No. 8798

>pic related
I had a weeb artist gf, it was a fucking nightmare.
Anime generally doesn't attract mentally-sane people, reason why I don't like being around people with that hobby anymore

No. 8799

Yes!!! That’s his type!!!

No. 8800

Yes. That guy knows everyone.

No. 8801

File: 1547795818668.gif (1.79 MB, 500x201, tumblr_nipp0rXHHz1thc0yto8_500…)

lmao that pic is almost pedro's ideal gf

his IDEAL gf = omocat's clout, punimelt's child like appearance, always down to fuck, never stands up to him, low maintenance Cool Girl uwu

No. 8802

Lol!! Yes!!!!

No. 8803

I'd love to hear some dirt on the group. There's a lot of randos in the clique who are literal nobodies with yellow fever, yet everyone knows them and thinks they're cool

No. 8804

File: 1547842030873.png (94.99 KB, 1440x545, Screenshot_2019-01-18-14-05-38…)

What the fuck, unexpected milk. Milkbbi broke up with his boyfriend?!

No. 8805

That’s so sad he doesn’t deserve that… hope he finds someone better soon

No. 8806

I thought Jaimie was a girl? Hm. They seemed really sweet when I met all of them and hung out with them a few years ago (around 2012/2013?) after a show. Grace was there too! I still have the drawing she made of me. Jaimie and Grace were really nice but Pedro seemed off in his own world. Sad to hear he was treated her like shit. Super Soul Brothers was there and boy they're a whole different fucking story. I don't know enough about the drama to provide any milk but they were fucking weird.
Going back to Pedro, I remember two years ago, I visited an ex of mine in LA and went to a chip show where Slime Girls was playing. My ex who is into the local music scene but not at all into the chip/weeb scene told me he's met and heard stuff about Pedro before and that Pedro is super pretentious. It was so weird to me that he knew of him but I guess word goes around when you have enough drama.

No. 8807

Jamie is a guy. Who has with yellow fever as well. Dunno if he's still with that Korean girl. Grace is a sweetheart. But she's smart for not getting involved with anyone. She doesn't need this. Her art is whatever, but she's always been down to earth.

No. 8808

Not really. Some of them aren't much to talk about. Like Jaime. He's just there. Still unpopular.

No. 8809

Is Grace even Japanese?

No. 8810

Her last name is Voong so I assume shes Vietnamese.

No. 8811

No. Most of these yellow fever creeps can't end up with a Japanese girl so they'll take a weeby non-Japanese East Asian girl instead. They usually end up being shitty towards her.

No. 8812

Yeah, she’s Viet. Her Japanese isn’t even good. Back when I was closeer to her when Pedro was around, she was N3-N4 level. Dunno about now.

No. 8813

WTF that sucks they seemed like a happy couple. I guess this sort of thing happens all the time though.

No. 8814

File: 1548037095937.png (1.27 MB, 1440x2261, Screenshot_2019-01-20-20-15-26…)

Looks like MILKBBI is part of the new Capsule Corner installment. I have a feeling we're going to see some milk from him now that he's back in the US and single.

No. 8815

File: 1548054165551.png (808.33 KB, 960x536, uh lmao.png)

if anyone wants some cringe audrey is hosting a weeb party and it's very sad


No. 8816

this is what constitutes as a party to these social rejects? jesus christ. this is just a bunch of freak weirdos shambling awkwardly in badly lit room to garbage music.

No. 8817

Lol didn't some anons awhile ago WK Justin and tried to find reasons to prove why he wasn't a cow? His art looks like shit, plain and simple. MS Paint scribbles, simplistic shit to pass of as muh style and aesthetic.


Looks about right. I've seen vlogs of weeb parties that look similar to this screenshot, and it's always filled with a bunch of people who are obviously shut-ins. Neon lights, "Japan-inspired indie music" that sounds like anything off of Soundcloud you'd find these days, and of course the social rejects.

No. 8818

File: 1548064985499.png (14.72 KB, 574x197, 1.png)

It's been mentioned here many times that Audrey scammed people of their money through her online shop. This tweet was perplexing.

No. 8819

i hope so, her art is so basic.

No. 8820

I was one of the WKs, this was before I knew he broke up with his BF. Seems like this breakup will bring something out of him.

No. 8821

File: 1548078538912.jpg (379.15 KB, 2048x1514, IMG_20190121_074749.jpg)

Audrey's party looked boring as shit lol people barely tweeted about it, just admired the views

No. 8822

But even for its cheapest tier, big cartel keeps records of all sales (even when you temporarily close shop), and also offers shipping tracking and inventory tracking on the cheapest tier so she'd have to be a real dumbass to pay for all that but still keep a shitty system on her own computer that doesn't work and can be lost so easily.

No. 8823

File: 1548150963348.jpeg (80.96 KB, 800x857, 48742C0A-BB73-4CB2-B6B1-6A2F22…)

Audrey needs attention and asskissers to survive so this flop of a kakkoi underground live music paaty probably kills her inside lmfao

No. 8824

is there a separate Nick thread? I'm pretty sure he's hanging out with a new hot Asian IG girl and I want the damn milk!!!!

No. 8825

fuck, forgot to sage. sorry!

No. 8826

no but you can always make a Nick Robinson thread yourself anon

No. 8827

don't listen to >>8826 just post about him here

No. 8828

File: 1548215214411.jpg (386.75 KB, 1325x2048, Dw7PMv_VAAA7K5r.jpg)

yo Pedro got kicked from participating in the Capsule Corner lunar new year show because he got reported by the other artists for being a yellow fever creep K E K

No. 8829

There’s not enough milk to make a separate thread. Especially since the receipts are deleted or now hidden behind locked twitters

Go ahead and post here

No. 8830

File: 1548217048344.png (554.3 KB, 1440x1732, Screenshot_2019-01-22-22-15-52…)

God bless the USA.

Also speaking of Nick Robinson, I saw one of his tweets appearing in Daniel, MILKBBI's ex's likes.

No. 8831

LMAO UR KIDDINGGG wow 2019 is truly looking bright

No. 8832

File: 1548231218542.png (619.35 KB, 938x601, cgGlfv1.png)

related to that party audrey hosted, she had a short stint as a "dj" at fanime a few years ago

neet (pic related) hosted a secret fanime after party with a bunch of other people. just a lot of sweaty weebs in a dark warehouse

her name wasn't even on the event stuff iirc, but she played music with shopboybb (pedro lookalike on the right)

this was before all of the fallout, so shawn wasabi was there, as well as nick robinson

No. 8833

File: 1548231771780.png (633.27 KB, 527x568, hospi.PNG)

this is a photo aud was tagged in from august. look at all those bruises. or are those birthmarks?

No. 8834

I’m tripping over this photo, idg how she looks both average-sized yet fat at the same time. it’s like looking at an animation smear

No. 8835

I’ll sage because it’s only tangentially related to the thread.

he’s been hanging out with this girl Annie. she’s @zh11i on IG and @waif0000 on Twitter. she talks pretty regularly about a crush that I’m pretty sure is him, which is…embarrassing. creepy messages to kids aside, he is also well-known to have cheated on his gf (the Crunchyroll social media chick).

moral of the story is avoid weebs

No. 8836

I’ve hung out with Nick in person and lol if I had a dime for every time Nick was flirting/fucking with some asian chick I’d have a million dollars.

No. 8837

Lol ooffff

Kind of rooting for her and nick to go out so she can be used/abused and become nicks next “crazy ex” excuse

No. 8838

File: 1548310185415.jpeg (246.48 KB, 750x1103, 83C06E16-887C-4D0E-911B-0ACBFF…)

Defending her mans

No. 8839

it’s extremely funny that Nick had the best, easiest gig of all time and had to ruin it by being so horny for lolitas that there are still mountains of shit his many former industry friends have yet to disclose regarding his behavior

No. 8840

File: 1548361654582.png (617.27 KB, 1440x2429, Screenshot_2019-01-24-05-10-08…)

I'm interested in knowing what's so defend-worthy about Nick? There's better guys out there without their reputations ruined.

No. 8841

time to put up my dukes and defend the guy who openly has a Fakku account from accusations of being a horny creep

No. 8842

She’s a dumb attention seeking weeb thot, her username is literally waifu. They go well together.

No. 8843

Yeah, she follows some other weeb thots who also pander to yellow fever creeps.

No. 8844

No, this is real milk. I can back this up. Few of the artists complained about him. And yes, the creep factor/yellow fever was enough to get his ass the boot. Isnt his exgf in this show?

No. 8845

Yeah she is. But I think like two other artists have had issues with him. I think they're participating in this show as well. Pedro is doesn't know what personal space is. He makes sexually suggestive jokes. Talks about hentai/porn like it's no big deal. This motherfucker is infamous in the weeb art circle. I mean who hasn't dealt with pedro in one for or another.

No. 8846

File: 1548473426307.jpg (238.36 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20190125_212950.jpg)

Holy FUCK did Audrey Photoshop herself a new neck?!

No. 8847

Yeah he wouldnt be a recurring topic here if he wasnt actually a creepy cringey dbag. If there are any of his friends who have seen this thread and think it’s fake then ask yourselves why he has such a shit reputation, seriously

No. 8848

File: 1548565918149.jpg (67.01 KB, 620x330, image.jpg)

those circle lenses make her eyes look like these mfs

No. 29110

hooooly shit the shoop on this is so bad, her neck is too pale

No. 29580

File: 1548690568260.jpg (328.67 KB, 1916x1437, IMG_3984.JPG)

adding milkgrrl/Shari to the pile. anime artist who gets a lot of clout for her ~aesthetic~ and kawaii nsfw stuff despite having no sense of anatomy and samefacing everything. Also friends with cute_hospital.

No. 29581

File: 1548690647708.jpg (476.2 KB, 1881x870, IMG_3982.JPG)

Drew Audrey's uguu icon as seen here >8437

No. 29583

File: 1548690720109.jpg (364.97 KB, 1000x1364, IMG_3981.JPG)

draws "thicc" for the rts

No. 29584

goddamnit, broke the link. >>8437 she's generally really cringey and comes off as very stuck up while trying to preserve her kawaii pastel goth aesthetic so she fits into this group perfectly.

No. 29597

The shoop on this is possibly worse than Audrey’s standard fare. Amazing.

No. 29610

Lmao this girl drew Alison Rapp's last Twitter icon. Cow magnet.

No. 29644

she's also a catfish and looks nothing like her shooped pictures that she posts on her twitter, lol.

No. 30408

All I know is she worked with Rotta, a known creep photographer and alleged rapist. Though I have no idea if she's aware of all that.



No. 30415

wtf gross. and that article was published in 2015. she had to have known, or he probably came to her asking if she could do a piece for him.

No. 30418

You guys are slow, they hinted at this a while back. Justin was a bit more poetic about it whilst Daniel just hinted. A shitty move by Justin though.

I was also one of the WK as he hadn’t done anything really at that point, he wasn’t even active as a shop last year aside the sale. After that I noticed him talking to Puni a little, seems like they’ve talked before. I’ll be sad if he does become a bit of a fuckboi because I do like his work.

No. 30456

Isnt pedro dating yet another Asian girl right now? anybody got deets?

No. 30551

If he is, I hope it doesn't last long. News sounds like it's spreading fast lately.

Also, anybody other anons ready for the possible backlash Pedro's gonna get once Ooblets gets released? He did the soundtrack and the director of the game is starting to advertise the work put into it and spread it around on social media.

No. 30552

Why would he get backlash? Sorry I don't keep up with Pedro and his drama much.

No. 30571

Pedro is a dirty little secret to a very niche community and barely known to the much larger gaming community so his career is probably going to be fine, for now. His social life is screwed though, so many people around him know his issues and put up with him to avoid drama. I’d be surprised if even 10% of his friends actually want to be friends with him.

It’s mostly in the OP anon. He’s a scumbag who preys on female Asian artists and assaulted previous partners. Infamous in the Cali anime con scene for his creepiness.

No. 31248

File: 1549048101561.png (3.6 MB, 1440x2287, Screenshot_2019-02-01-13-03-21…)

So MILKBBI posted a photo of another man a few days ago. This guy, Alexander Cao. He happens to live in LA and his avatar is drawn by MILKBBI as well. Looks like MILKBBI caught the yellow fever!

No. 31332

Searching @_omocat is honestly a great pass time. It’s insane how many people are constantly tweeting them about unanswered order issues, stuff not shipping, and omori

No. 31341

File: 1549110170404.jpg (Spoiler Image,438.07 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190202_131642.jpg)

Huh, this made me discover Omocat did tentacle rape art for a collab with Fakku but I never saw her advertise it. If you search for it, she has never tweeted about fakku, doesn't want to get attacked like she was over her shotacon art on deviantart?

No. 31354

File: 1549129512109.jpeg (287.96 KB, 586x540, 667BE53C-BB32-4AD1-A466-D032D8…)

>professional artist who graduated art center

No. 31526

I thought she dropped out?

No. 31578

she graduated by the skin of her teeth.

No. 31613

>>31341 i hate omocats ugly bad art but how is this rape, that's kinda pearl clutchy anon

No. 31648

“Tentacle rape” is the common term for anything involving tentacles in hentai, I doubt anon actually meant real rape.

No. 32046

you guys need lives like why r u so obsessed with me

No. 32047

the person who is vii's friend. u r a loser. vii's over it, but u ain't?

No. 32048

person who went to pedro's party. wow u really drove 2 hrs to be a jerk? what a loser.

No. 32049

person who is thirsty af. hi are u louie? have u gotten ur own personality yet? im waiting. praying for u.

No. 32050

Oh my god those replies
I see the omofat clique is stupider than I expected lmao

No. 32051

lol not as stupid as u

No. 32053

everything online is curated lol. ya dont know shit.

No. 32054

everything u see at cons is a projection(samefag)

No. 32056

Farmers, the cows came home.

sage for not contributing anything(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 32057

Honestly it must be hard for them to constantly be paranoid about their friend groups outing them,
but thems the works when it comes to weeb groups.

No. 32058

Hey, yeah, if you're gonna smoke crack, can you at least disable your Wifi first? Or at least sage your clownery? Thanks.

No. 32060

File: 1549340379820.jpg (64.42 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20190204_205017.jpg)

Looks like the milk rolled in just in time

No. 32062

File: 1549340531187.png (1.27 MB, 1440x2450, Screenshot_2019-02-04-22-21-02…)

Gabbyness found the thread so it must be one of her friends or her

No. 32064

That’s exactly why this thread exists. To expose you uwu wholesome innocent weebs for the talentless and insane bitches you are. And it’s working. So please keep responding sweetie.

No. 32065

I swear most of these cows have no common sense, they only know how to make the situations worse for themselves kek
All for the sake of a pitty party from their followers

No. 32066



No. 32067

I like how she assumed we're making fun of her cleft chin, all I said was "buttchin" instead. Like, that's what a majority of people call it, she clearly made it a defining feature for herself as well.

No. 32069

File: 1549341794189.png (559.37 KB, 1440x2230, Screenshot_2019-02-04-22-23-26…)

Audrey: uwu I'm so poor, just trying to make it in life! Also my parents are paying for my UC Berkeley education and I go to Japan 3 times a year!

No. 32071

Cows always go on a 'uguu they must have no time on their hands' yall dumbasses act like people are in this thread 24/7. Say whatever you need to say to feel good about yourself Audrey. Your true nasty personality will always reveal itself

No. 32072


Audrey point out where anything anyone said here was a lie since it seems like you're still lurking.


I also don't get cows who use the "we are small artists!" excuse to divert the actual issue on hand. Funny how she acts like it doesn't bother her when she locked her side twitter and tried to get her followers on a witch hunt.

No. 32074

>they’re so obsessed with you!!

Don’t know how calling these vile people out on their shit is being obsessed, but go off I guess.

No. 32078

some of this is true and some isnt. some of these people have reconciled, or at least done their best to move on. theres no reason to stop being fans or send anon hate bc of the sketchy stories here at least

No. 32079

Can you be more specific? What's not true

No. 32080

>implying you need to be really famous to have people talk about you

oh, audrey. the fact you ARE a nobody who gets gossiped about publicly online? that speaks volumes to the sheer amount of people who suffered from your chronic bitchiness. but keep pretending that it's all so random~ omg why meee uwu

No. 32085

>there's no reason to stop being fans

Well sorry you got called out online but this won't be swept under the rug because your Patreon money is in danger. Even if the victims of the manipulative, creepy, catty, abusive etc shit y'all did were forced to move on, it doesn't change the fact it happened and y'all are still ugly inside.

No. 32095

File: 1549355719190.jpg (47.4 KB, 500x500, like a 3 year old.jpg)

Gabby, you're extremely stupid to whine about this thread to twitter when you were barely touched upon compared to everyone else.

But since you want the attention, let's look at a reminder of how completely amateur your art is. You know that if Christina leaves Uchuu Summer you'll never be as successful on your own.

No. 32114

The jealousy is so obvious~. You know one of the components of success is “luck”? ( ˊ˂˃ˋ )

No. 32117


Either this is just shitty bait or this weeb clique really does smoke a ton of crack. Maybe both. I don't really know what constitutes as success in this case since it's been addressed that Audrey is pretty much a nobody who only gained fame by riding punibitch's coattail until her compulsive shittalking got herself handed to her.


Birrie's art is probably the sole reason why Uchuusummer had customers flocking to its stand in the first place.

No. 32118

Audrey riding punimelt's coattail = that's luck

Sure Birries' art has beauty and has what it takes to attract customers, I see it. However, I know tons of people out there that might not be the greatest creator, but their art can be charming + some luck. I wonder how much successful this person is who loves bitching about Gabbyness = oh I guess not since he or she has so much hate towards the world + no luck…hahahahahahaha(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 32123

Like the other anin said, it's commonly called tentacle rape because the whole kink is getting fucked by a tentacle monster against your will and then mindbreaking.

No. 32137

File: 1549389759399.jpeg (141.85 KB, 750x819, 335C27E0-E8A2-47FD-AA30-F19EFA…)

Well…duh. literally anyone with working eyes knows gabbyness relies on luck and connections to survive. Pic related.

No. 32143

Omg this is literally toddler art

No. 32144

File: 1549391032073.png (325.9 KB, 1440x1213, Screenshot_2019-02-05-12-23-20…)

>not gonna look but I know what they posted on the thread
Okay Gabby

No. 32147

File: 1549391249590.gif (3.23 MB, 445x247, 316C3A81-BCF9-42C6-9989-38969F…)

it’s absolutely hilarious how these cows handwave damning truths by claiming we’re just jealous nobodies. when in reality more than a few anons are other “successful” artists coming from the cows own friend groups to leak the milk.

No. 32155

It’s interesting how some of them are vague posting about some of this.
>ah well if you hate us that means you’re just jealous uwu
I don’t know man, I wouldn’t be jealous of having a shitty friend group that could turn on me at any time or secretly expose me for the shit person I really am but ok.
And honestly the only real “successful” perosn here is omocunt, if it wasn’t for her none of them would even be relevant.
With that said still waiting on that game~

No. 32160

Oh yeah totally, we're jealous of the fact half of them have yellow fever too kek
Who tf is wking Pedro of all people

No. 32161

on main or private? caps would be appreciated on an image board.

no doubt someone as pathetic and scummy as pedro himself. just look at the way they talked kek.

No. 32164

File: 1549396721736.jpg (227.03 KB, 1066x1600, babbyness.JPG)


Pictured: A BTS photo of gabbyness showing her art process. Really informative, thanks gabby.

No. 32181

honestly most of the things are true with some exaggerations. like "slime girls is an abuser" when it was only one ex-gf he actually hit. or "audrey is an entitled rich kid" when her family is middle class and she's trying to become independent. or "punimelt bullies her friends" when she's actually nice to most friends except a few who had a really bad experience.

like. yeah stuff happened but you guys are making a huge deal out of it and the really mean comments are only delegitimizing your cause.

No. 32187

>Stop being mean
Lol this is an anonymous board for a reason. Pedro can't trace us down and neither can these other cows. We can say whatever we like. This ain't a professional setting.

No. 32188

Not that anon but-
I can agree some anons blow things out of proportions and I understand where you're coming from BUT
>"slime girls is an abuser"
>when it was only one ex-gf he actually hit

Hitting someone IS grounds for being labeled an abuser. Please don't come at me with the "it was only one gf he'll never never do it again :(((!11!" because downplaying someone hitting their gf is sus imo

No. 32190

people don't get posted here for no reason, anon. i don't know any of these people personally, but i'm friends with people who are friends with them, and i know for a fact that there are a ton of abusive, mentally ill toxic people in that community, and when someone gets outed as an abuser it gets pushed under the rug. no one wants to talk about it. it's all about who makes the most japanese looking art, and who's got the contacts in japan. y'all could care less about the victims. your 'no bully' attitude ruins people's lives.

No. 32200

jc anon if you’re trying to defend these assholes then you’ve done an awful job

Just because someone is nice to some people does not mean they are a nice person. Like you said the fact remains that the people discussed in this thread have grossly mistreated and yes even abused people, and suffered little to no consequence for their actions. You can’t fucking hit a partner, prey on asian girls at conventions, lie about an illness for money, throw out your table partner’s merchandise, use autism as an excuse for manipulative behavior, bully innocent people for removing themselves from you, and expect silence about it down the line.

Sure we laugh at the weebs for trying to chase after a culture they don’t belong to through low quality art and music but think about how many people who do that. Do we talk about all of them? No. It’s the ones who have done despicable shit that are getting what they deserve.

No. 32204


Anon, I disagree with you. I don't know any of these people in real life until either I followed them on social media or people brought them up on this board (ex: Pedro), Audrey gave off fishy vibes when I used to follow her on Twitter, but punimelt could've fooled me.

Since you seem to know them and admit that they did terrible things, Pedro hitting one ex is still abuse and like what other anon said, it shouldn't be swept under the rug just because its one incident.

Audrey seems like an overall deceptive and negative person based on what I've seen + other people's accounts of her on here. Punimelt being nice to most of her friends doesn't compensate for the fact that she was a vile bully to a few since not everyone will act the same towards everyone. In fact, that's the general argument when people point out shitty behavior–"they were nice to me so you're wrong".

Anyway given the fact that lolcow IS a hate site, and people on here can be quite vitriolic, this isn't the right place to go "dont be mean you guys".

No. 32206

File: 1549408443728.png (10.49 KB, 580x78, gabby.png)

Oh boy, potential milk. She was only mentioned here a few times, so it's not a good idea for her to blow this shit out of proportion on her Twitter.

No. 32210

haha anon have you ever been to an anime convention that's like 90% of the people there.
they all act like it's okay. and enable each other to keep doing terrible things

not to let this one trollposter derail the entire fucking thread, but another point to mention is that most people who like anime have autism to some degee, and autistic people are so easy to manipulate. they don't have the ability to properly call out someone who's fucked them over. so a guy has to rape like, five different girls, before one of them says anything. and even then, weebs don't care unless there's a police report. oh, but then what if the girl was lying… nevermind, he's all good.
this is literally how weebs think.

No. 32212

File: 1549409247278.jpg (30.76 KB, 300x263, xd.jpg)

wow cant wait to be put in my place by a five year old's drawings

No. 32232

yikes…they type of artist always rely on drawing cute and only focusing on using colors and kawaii stuff its such a clutch for them and theyre actually awful at drawing if it werent for those things. seem to notice it with this type

No. 32233


I feel like Gabby should work on her drawings overall and produce more work as frequent as her partner, it almost seems like Birries does majority of the work of self-promotion (stickers) for UchuuSummer.

No. 32236

It's always acceptable as long as it's kawaii, these artists can get away drawing anything like a single chicken nugget

No. 32237

File: 1549420655686.jpeg (83.47 KB, 750x246, F0CC7578-1B48-4F55-8BE1-D2DD24…)

lol this tweet from the loser who cheated thru art school and failed at maintaining an apparel brand. The self projection is real.

No. 32246

"only one ex-gf he hit" kek
and i'm sure drug users never relapse right?

the point of these threads is to spread information about these people acting vile behind the scenes, to say we're being "mean" and that it "de-legitimizes" the fact that all of these bitches sell each other out and use other people is hilarious, considering the fact its all shit that they constantly do.

No. 32247

Reading these stories about ems reminds me of another 2 faced person on the scene. Xtine, a friend of the guy who made sprays for overwatch, purposely gives shitty sources to friends to sabotage and had a dedicated chat to shit talking her own friends and was called out on it. She apologized but then went right back to talking shit.

No. 32253

Anime convention artists and having secret bitchy group chats, name a more iconic duo.

No. 32266

Why would I EVER feel jealous about a clusterfuck of weirdos who can't even make phonecalls to their doctor without having anxiety attacks? Yeah, I'm so jealous of your crayon drawings. My six-year-old niece can draw better than any of the hamhanded shit these retards slap on t-shirts. Get real!

No. 32270


It's best to not take the bait from the trollposter lol. Let them delude themselves, it's probably the only achievement they have in life anyways like the rest of these invalids.

Don't really see the good it would do for these cows (or their wks?) to shit up the thread, but I suppose the milk must flow.

No. 32274

I've heard this from a friend too. She said it was hard to stay friends with xtine because of the amount of shittalking.

No. 32278

lol xtine. i have a friend who has used to be on her private account and told me shes completely two faced to the point where you could maybe get whiplash from it.

she sucks up to a lot of twitter popular artists too (offering to run group merch orders for some ppl who are near strangers just to get an “in” etc), only to whip around and post stuff like “why is this fat bitch talking to me” on her private AS shes sucking their ass on main.

No. 32279

anewworldxtine? or is this somebody else
>why is this fat bitch talking to me
jesus she sounds like a wreck and really mean lmao

No. 32337

>it was only one ex-gf he actually hit.
One is enough, lmao. What is wrong with you?

No. 32404

File: 1549512657376.png (888.41 KB, 605x621, yikes.png)

Anybody got opinions on Amanda Huynh @ahuynharts? Besides having uninspired and wonky as fuck art she and Puccanoodles mix with the weeaboo bitches and I've heard they're both extremely fake as well.

No. 32407

File: 1549513874197.png (554.03 KB, 526x697, slay queen.png)

amanda is your average attention seeking twitter thot lol. she and marie lum are asskissing social butterflies online and irl which is why both of them have more followers than you'd expect for their art

No. 32408

File: 1549514135995.png (130.71 KB, 834x710, 98153522.png)

who tf could find this sexy without laughing

No. 32410

Honestly she confuses me
Constantly talks about being gay and hating men but has a white boyfriend. Constantly talking about self love and showing off her body for not being thin, but it seems more like she wants validation from others because she doesn’t believe it herself

No. 32416

I used to follow Pucca but got increasingly sick of her shit, she comes off incredibly fake to me and the constant stories of men totally mistaking her for Japanese or Korean are tiring.

No. 32430

God am I so sick of straight girls like her and Audrey larping as bisexual or lesbian because just being an ally is too boring. The naked girls she draws aren’t her loving girls uwu, it’s painfully obvious self-insertion.

No. 32431


Looks like I've come in time to confirm that Marie or PuccaNoodles is fake haha. If you think she seems fake online then you should see her orbiting and brownnosing IRL. At events or parties or work functions if she recognizes someone with a following she drops everything to screech loudly and glomp them like they're BEST friends. Except they've had at max. 2 interactions on Twitter. Happened to me and others I know and it's never not uncomfortable. Interesting thread btw anime convention creators are a crazy bunch but the animation and games industries aren't far off with the amount of awful people.

No. 32439

File: 1549541998843.png (50.21 KB, 300x300, 203-2034004_politically-incorr…)

I just find it sad that these girls are just treating omocat as a tool to just make cutesy anime stuff, they should at least improve on their art but I'm losing hope on that fact. I draw anime based stuff too but sheesh.
>Feels disgusted by these nasty weeb cows

No. 32444

File: 1549543304103.jpg (8.08 KB, 207x200, Blank _993d4f92cffcf36a4b946c7…)

>>32439 (contin)
And these cows seriously wonder why nobody likes them, because they act nasty and weebish and seek only for attention and money.
>I don't think weebish is a word, but I wish it is.

No. 32473

File: 1549565098699.jpg (53.41 KB, 960x640, 1978841_10152730555960275_2351…)

No. 32478

This guy is disgusting but not really relevant to this thread. He might even be a better fit for the Vic Mignogna thread.

No. 32483

True, IDK, he doesn't draw bad animu art, but I posted in here b/c he's friends with a lot of musicians. Pretty well known around the midwest for his hotel parties.

No. 32486

That’s fair. I just see him as a cosplay scene weeb than one of the creative weebs. A Cosplay Creeps or general cosplay drama thread for this kind of thing would be perfect tbh.

No. 32490

File: 1549569485101.jpeg (492.64 KB, 750x811, FBE352F1-3344-411C-89B1-105D78…)

So the Capsule Corner show that included a bunch of these cows happened. Seems like it was successful, and totally Pedro-free. May Year of the Pig continue to be fruitful in outing abusers and assholes!

No. 32552

File: 1549594625672.png (424.18 KB, 1114x1172, Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 9.51…)

I'm so fucking sick of kikkujo. He's so creepy towards japanese women, and will obsess over asian girls he sees irl. He drew this of a girl he saw at Anime Expo who he was "dreaming about". Plus his art is such a rip off of Mlysza's old art style.

No. 32597

i will never understood guys who fetishize asian women and women in general. it's always gonna be gross, creepy and fucked up.

No. 32600

Wait kikkujo isn’t Asian? I thought he was Japanese or something from his name but I guess that was extremely naive

No. 32603

File: 1549641762575.jpeg (163.55 KB, 601x635, 5672FEC1-E3A7-4201-99A8-BCCF55…)

Wow look at Gabby’s improvement I agree being motivated by spite

No. 32604

*after being

No. 32611

He is Asian. He likes Asian women because he's Asian. Pretty standard.

No. 32622

He's Asian, but not Japanese I assume. Like all these other weeb artists with Japanese names.

No. 32635

wow gabby you really showed us!!!! but seriously she should throw out her art with the clothes, besides being badly drawn this comic is on water cooler level of cool story bro

No. 32636


Oh look it’s your typical self hating south east asian

No. 32653

Eh. He’s only 17 so him being cringing weeb is almost expected

No. 32660

You can still fetishize women for their own ethnicity or race, even being part of that race yourself. men are trash

No. 32681

Is… his fire alarm low-battery beep constantly going off during this interview?

No. 33224

sorry, poor wording. I think he's chinese? He just has a weird obsession with japanese women

No. 33266

It is oh my God. I can't understand how people can stand that. Just change the battery lol

No. 33406

i thought he was still with tht chick boyprison? not tht it means much since they look like the same "goth" ig asian girl anyway

No. 33809

File: 1550201171548.jpeg (368.1 KB, 1125x1665, 44551C2E-76BB-4B75-BD18-FB385D…)

Nearly a year later, the Omori Kickstarter is updated with a promise to release by end of 2019. What are the odds there won’t be another delay?

Kek at the comments all just being “Finally”

No. 33816

Are they gonna kick Pedro off the team? He's composing some of the music and since the news is spreading of him being a creep and getting kicked off of recent collab meets, it'd be pretty worrisome not to.

No. 35021

>assuming Tiffany has any shred of integrity

No. 35052

the team is full of people who have done nasty shit (ex. Ems) so highly unlikely tbh

at least Pedro’s degeneracy is now known in the circles he targets for clout and girls, so at least they can be a little safer

No. 35073

I feel like they only posted that because Toby Fox’s Deltarune got a Switch announcement this week. This guy managed to make an entire game and get a Nintendo console port for the second one while this mess is still vapoware.

Alternatively it’s because one of the backers was planning to make a lawsuit and has been commenting about it for a few weeks

No. 35091

If they’re rushing to release this because of a lawsuit I look forward to see the inevitable flop it is. Tiffany’s whole brand is successful laziness, it’s about time her work ethic gets what it truly deserves.

No. 35127

File: 1550323618966.png (1.84 MB, 1440x2414, Screenshot_2019-02-16-07-25-11…)

Omo announced she's doing a collaboration with Yokai Watch so that definitely means she's gonna be getting a good paycheck. Funny how that Omori update came a few hours beforehand…
Also peep the cow crossovers in the thread, some of them are working on the game

No. 35130

i dont understand how these big companies hire her when she has such a shitty work ethic and proven bad quality items.

No. 36040

Cool can’t wait to see Nate with a neck thin enough to snap from the weight of his head, and yo-kai drawings traced from official art

No. 36066

i think all the stuff you see in the background are her drawings, Thornyan looks so bad and all the other characters have sameface. These all look so unfinished. Even the Jibanyan, you can see she didn't even clean up her lines.

No. 36115

File: 1550376401586.png (41.92 KB, 578x149, lol.png)

according to audrey if you ever abused someone you just made a little mistake~ but it's not wrong! we dont wanna be accountab– i mean judgmental around here uwu

No. 36116

doublepost but it's funny she thinks "mistakes" were what led to friends dropping her. and not because she was a vengeful cunt who enjoyed getting back at people for the pettiest crap ever

No. 36189

File: 1550444706717.png (39.86 KB, 578x415, lol.png)

There is a little more on her Curious Cat, but I'm not gonna bother screencapping it since she responded with fake repetitive shit.

Audrey, you're so full of it. Not much time has even passed after you became a cow of interest and you're going on these spergs because you got caught. Also she owns a vent twitter too.

No. 36192

Well, she's one to talk. Does she realize she's hardcore projecting? Maybe she should talk to her friends who obviously have the same problems as her instead of making a general statement.

No. 36194


She made herself known, and it all came to bite her. If she really wanted to become an emotionally stable and functional adult, she would disappear for a while and learn how to treat others properly/develop social skills. Not sit in a hugbox on her Twitter where everyone will blindly praise her.

Well nothing better than a good laugh. She can keep up with what she's doing lol

No. 36196

File: 1550445474802.png (488.32 KB, 1238x2078, Screenshot_2019-02-17-17-16-57…)

She's so condescending

No. 36197

>The centrist TERF gang at lolcow.farm fails to understand what nepotism is.

No. 36204


That textwall though.

It's the internet. With your past online conduct, of course it will come back and rip you to shreds, Audrey. It has been, what, 3-4 months since people started talking about you on lolcow and in that time you decided to "change"? By the way, this site is a leisure for some people. Not everyone is a hateful jealous meanie. They just enjoy a circus act.

No. 37079

Oh wow, I'm a ddlc fan and I wouldn't even buy this t-shirt. Omocat is dead to me too.

No. 37409

Why the fuck isnt tofuku in here. Shes the biggest shitlord of all.

No. 37422

Then enlight us anon, never heard of her.

No. 37500

Sage bc old post but someone should remind these stupid weebs that in the time it took to get here for omori, Toby fox released TWO games. Undertale recieved something like 10-20k months after omori and was made all alone.

No. 37544


I bet Toby Fox didnt have to bribe the RPG Game Maker devs to release a new version of the game engine so he could make his game more easily lol

Tiffany kept piling on unrealistic ideas the team couldn't execute properly so OMORI dev team actually paid $$$ for RPG Maker to make it happen. They are THAT lazy and incompetent

No. 37850

They paid RPG Maker to make the game?

No. 37888

No, they paid RPG Maker to create new features for the game engine that could accommodate them and make their jobs easier.

No. 37889

toby fox didn't make his game in rpgmaker, he built it from scratch. also, rpgmaker doesn't support animated images without ridiculous workarounds. its kind of shit.

No. 37894

File: 1551228548666.jpg (222.35 KB, 822x1200, FB_IMG_1551228536294.jpg)

Omocat's Yokai Watch line preview

No. 37912

welp its omocat i guess.
unrelated but i recognize this girl as a girl pedro wanted to fuck lol

No. 37915


No. 37916

I hate how Pedro and Omo have too many connections in the weirdest ways.

No. 37927

it's always a bit of a bummer to see clothes from omocat that are actually nice. even if i loved omocat i couldn't justify the price

No. 37938


Undertale was built in Gamemaker.

No. 37944

idk much about the models besides Mei since it’s my friend who knows a few but Pedro wanted to get with several omocat models for a while. He would ask about them from his friends, chat them up about inane shit on twitter, and made plans to tag along on group outings to zone in on particular girls.

as you can imagine, all the girls he thirsted after were Asian

No. 37947

File: 1551264319304.jpeg (269.93 KB, 2048x1152, FC4ED51F-3548-402C-8467-336E61…)

The autistic duo punimelt and mushbuh are making a gallery show together and it already looks awful

No. 37949

What is this concept? Like "haha ironic nostalgia for not very obscure thing"?

No. 38008

mushbuh’s whole brand of low effort shitposting out in full force. tbh it’s wild how successful these cows are with the least effort possible

No. 38013

How the hell is there no backlash for Omori?

No. 38032

Because weebs are fucking brainless.

No. 38064


Yeah, I forget her name. But Pedro was after her as well. I think she turned him down, or was creeped out.I can't remember.

No. 38109

Someone I know loves all of the cows mentioned and says to “support local and independent artists” by buying from Omocat, punimelt, milkbbi, and more

No. 38151

They certainly aren't local, at least Omo isn't

No. 38263

File: 1551432854575.jpg (661.91 KB, 1080x1673, 20190301_013256.jpg)

Im surprised that no one has dragged out Mushbuh until now. He's notorious for demanding credit for his low quality art style. I used to follow him, but he would tweet shit like this monthly.

No. 38301

He literally thinks having a gaming PC with Blender installed makes him a good artist lmao

No. 38308

This isn’t necessarily milk but I do follow this artist who interacts with the general crowd in this thread. She recently posted this and sadposted about spending so much money on a new laptop afterwards.

Stupidity attracts stupidity I guess.

No. 38309

File: 1551475463603.jpeg (458.37 KB, 1125x1278, D8CDD426-59B7-4B26-A580-AC089E…)

Dropped pic like how she dropped soda AND water on her laptop.

No. 38314

I follow this girl. She's really smart when the subject is serious. But I hate her smoll baby persona. It's so creepy, esp because shes 20.

No. 38346

File: 1551499709769.png (3.11 MB, 1440x2017, Screenshot_2019-03-01-22-07-35…)

This is the most obvious omocat merch in the Yokai Watch collab

No. 38349

imagine going outside in some garish shit like this

No. 38394



No. 38498

File: 1551621564195.png (805.13 KB, 1440x2112, Screenshot_2019-03-02-21-25-55…)

Off topic maybe, but Annie was mentioned a few times in this thread for being Nick Robinson's current crush. She revealed herself to be the owner of some shitpost Twitter account and the other popular Twitter funnymen started drooling in the replies. Literally majority dudes.

No. 38534

I doubt she actually runs it, sounds like the guy who does (she is friends with a bunch of popular ironic shitposters like Nick) just asked her to record a video for him. You know, for more shitposting.

Also damn her face is busted

No. 38575

How long before Nick Robinson tries to fuck Audrey. Yellow Fever Creep vs Was In the Hospitals For A Fever.

Did Audrey get dumped yet by the way or is she going to cheat on her man with Yellow Fever dork?

No. 38579

Anything interesting on them?

No. 38722

File: 1551753222247.png (52 KB, 608x465, hangoutwithrapists.png)

Uh oh she's having a tantrum over being called out for being friends with yellow fever creep who literally got fired for sexually harassing women in the industry he was working in.

Audrey being a disingenuous clout chaser doing mental gymnastics to defend him.

No. 38739

So she thinks being warned of befriending a morally bad person is "controlling"? How dumb is she?
Love the twisting of words to victimize herself kek

No. 38806


possible sage but Nick was dating Sailorbee/Victoria Holden who is one of the Crunchyroll staff for a long time, including when he was creeping on other girls and the screenshots exposing him were during their relationship, also. You can tell Victoria's life has improved tenfold since they broke up and she's gained way more confidence, he's not only an absolute creep but he's a disloyal one at that too, so if him and Audrey ever fuck she's gonna be incredibly controlling and salty over him on top of that.

No. 38834

Audrey is literally a fat gnome why would he switch it up when he has the stupid and skinny Asian fuck doll

No. 38836

He’s building a yellow harem.

You think Audrey’s boyfriend knows about them yet? Or is he just a cuckold?

No. 38850

Who is Audrey's bf anyways? I don't think we've gotten an answer or I'm just dumb lol

No. 38896

File: 1551850680098.png (1.07 MB, 1440x1552, Screenshot_2019-03-05-23-33-00…)

Aud still affected by "hate mail". I bet she sent it herself.

No. 38907

So unbothered by hate mail but Audrey won’t shut up about it. But she knows the cyberboolies = easy attention and sympathy and asspats so she’ll never stop milking it. We’re like her new ED.

No. 38996

She posted about the "hate mail" like 3 times on the same day on her two public accounts, probably went on a 5 tweet tangent on her locked account too. Kek. Ubothered my ass

No. 39336

File: 1552169677007.jpeg (76.32 KB, 750x595, 2A48AAA6-C437-48FA-94A5-0AA405…)

Wow so gabby is aware she’s using her uchuu summer partner ? She’s aware she’s the weakest link

No. 39341

Used to be friends with Thymine around the time of their breakup. Don’t know if it’s been stated but Pedro cheated on her with Amare about 1-2 months prior to dumping T. He dumped her outside his apartment around midnight when she was leaving his place and walking to her train. He had this whole attitude of it being no big deal and then started being more obvious about fucking/dating A.

Sage for extremely late.

No. 39348

File: 1552182285703.png (172.59 KB, 1440x915, Screenshot_2019-03-09-19-42-53…)

Incoming Audrey ranting

No. 39349

File: 1552182306330.png (421.42 KB, 1440x2153, Screenshot_2019-03-09-19-43-12…)

No. 39350

File: 1552182346272.png (103.95 KB, 1235x572, Screenshot_2019-03-09-19-43-54…)

This one's just hilarious

No. 39356


as someone who has 60k+ followers on twitter for my art she is missing the entire point lord. get out of your ass. when you act like a racist dumbass on twitter, of course, people won't stand for it.

maybe if you weren't a shitty person all of this wouldn't be happening to you? just a though, audrey. take responsibly for your actions.

No. 39357

>go to fashion school
>help people

w e w fucking pick one unless your goal is in the vein of producing (not just uwu 'designing') apparel that people with disabilities can put on assistance free.
(Textile waste is also huge and all these 'creative' individuals online have no clue what they're even contributing to with these half baked ass kawewe anna wintour fever dreams)

No. 39368

Oh wow. I knew Pedro was pining after other girls when he was dating Amara but he did it during his relationship with Grace too huh? What a greasy piece of shit.

Audrey really out here calling her echo chamber weeb social media a “platform”. Her holier than thou attitude about all this is laughable considering she was and is the embodiment of judgemental backstabbing catty bitches on twitter.

No. 39370

christ have some self respect and stop riding that coat tail so hard gabby

No. 39381

File: 1552198934758.png (1.69 MB, 750x1334, B7B14A04-9021-49F4-96B5-8E452F…)

not about ch/Audrey, but I’ve been lurking in this thread for awhile now and I really respect the anons who spilled the tea about a lot of the popular weeb animu Instagram artists, you guys have really opened my eyes and made me question the huge influx of western weebs on Instagram and Twitter. sage for unrelated? but there’s this Japanese inspired artist from Argentina I believe called mia_alvarez_bw on Instagram who has her own shop online and JapanLA sells some of her stuff. she recently posted a new art piece but it looks like she legitimately traced the image of a melon soda can in her drawing and I wasn’t sure if it’s honestly an acceptable thing? tracing is so frowned upon yet I’m not sure if it constitutes as a collage of some sort? idk. just wanted a second opinion. again I’m not sure if this fits in with this particular thread but she is another western artist making Japanese inspired art so I thought maybe it would fit 1/2

No. 39382

File: 1552198964452.png (17 KB, 155x378, A7A8BA76-B0BB-4958-84D3-CC3658…)


No. 39383

for someone so woke and unbothered she cares about "nobodies" like us a lot, aw

No. 39391

I don’t think it’s that bad at all tbh. The traced part isn’t the focus of the piece and the design of the Can isn’t exactly a trademark either so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No. 39421

Kinda ot but: I think this is supposed to be like pop art, it's not uncommon to trace or do screen print types of things of objects like these. It's a small part of the piece and it's fine imo. Think of Andy Warhol, not that the art is comparable, but techniques to accomplish pop art. The candy is also a trace

No. 39696

File: 1552404230651.png (1019.91 KB, 1440x1828, Screenshot_2019-03-12-10-22-53…)

Holy shit, peak AGP

No. 39725

I don't want to a-log so I'll keep my rage in, but it's just like, fuck man. I'm so fucking tired of men like this.
The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that they will either commit suicide eventually or they will grow to be a middle aged, greasy, bald adult man and there's nothing they can do to prevent it.
All of this ~sexual appeal~ he's trying to portray is meaningless. He's going to look like any other 35+ year old man when he grows up.

No. 39781

File: 1552448625315.png (187.69 KB, 1440x903, Screenshot_2019-03-12-10-29-06…)

This guy's always trying to make every situation a "jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded"

No. 39805

I understand why anons can't stand this person and their 'circle' but I agree with this one tbh. If someone is legit abusive or predatory like John K or Shmorky it's good to all be aware of them but most callouts are made of a bunch of tweets from years before or a crude joke you made when you were a teen and that's just petty and reeks of jealously. It is entertaining when these callouts are made about people who pretend to be saviors and DO engage in callout culture, tho

No. 39809

That's the whole reason why the screenshot was posted. Audrey is extremely hypocritical and it's funny to see something that's understandable and desireable to achieve coming from her.

No. 39893

She was sub tweeting about one of her friends who was fired from polygon and working with the McElroy brothers. Polygon wouldn’t fire him “just because”

The receipts were he was using his position with the McElroy’s and polygon to shmooze up girls trying to get into the industry, he also lied about past negative experiences with girls to make himself look like a soft sensitive boy to lure them into a false sense of security so they would suck his dick(there are plenty of dms where he begged girls to get on their knees)

No. 40295

File: 1552834282390.png (1.08 MB, 1440x2135, Screenshot_2019-03-17-09-47-24…)

Audrey locked her tuxedosamu account, this is the second "private" account she's locked in a few months kek
Also she now has an account for her curiouscat questions.

No. 40960

she def does not run it lol and some of those replies are also going to be ironic

No. 41165

File: 1553437429595.png (104.92 KB, 1408x338, Screenshot_2019-03-24-09-20-34…)

Audrey repeats herself every week while doing the opposite of what she tweets

No. 41609

It's going around that GRIMECRAFT ( who is popular within the weeb musician scene) has assaulted someone at Magfest and stole their shit?

No. 41614

File: 1553648074808.png (518.51 KB, 1440x2135, Screenshot_2019-03-26-19-53-56…)

I found a thread explaining some stuff

No. 41615

File: 1553648316502.jpg (76.2 KB, 820x1024, IMG_20190326_195750.jpg)

I don't know what I was expecting when looking for a photo of Grimecraft… He really fits the type

No. 41852

File: 1553794321522.png (992.66 KB, 1440x2370, Screenshot_2019-03-28-12-28-38…)

Next capsule corner lineup features MILKBBI, Crisalys, and Thymine. Thymine's been featured like 3 times already I think. Don't know much about the other artists, Kaiami is a fakeboi apparently.

No. 41855

amazing how the stereotype writes itself

Kaiami is a fakeboi now? I heard Pedro thirsted for her too, he chased after fakebois like mlysza as well

No. 41891

File: 1553815290236.png (1.04 MB, 640x1136, 5D6C8CB4-0916-4889-91A6-0F03C9…)

She definitely was in the past, I’ve been following her since 2011. I’ve also seen her freakout on twitter once when someone called her by her first name.

Honestly, I only follow her because of her ootd and cat posts. Some of them are really on point, but her art… meh. There’s no significant progress, it’s all the same simple kawaii art and kinda ugly (as in, I wouldn’t wear her merch outside).

No. 41892

File: 1553815547017.jpeg (216.33 KB, 640x903, 9DE1352C-2980-4C10-AAA0-D14BCB…)

Some examples of her art and merch, but I won’t spam the thread. These are all recent, ~3 months or so.

No. 41893

File: 1553815569201.jpeg (189.29 KB, 640x869, 6AE30D8E-FB83-428F-9801-E56A05…)

No. 41895

File: 1553815750789.jpeg (193.24 KB, 640x901, 886745CC-3F1C-45D8-A3B5-AAE04E…)

Oops, deleted my last post because I forgot to sage.

No. 41899

not only do i not get why people like this, but why didn't she draw the lines on the top of the bricks???

No. 41901


I really fail to see why these type of uguuu styles are so popular? It's always a clutch for these type of artist who will never learn proper anatomy

No. 41909

they have the money to make a shitton of merch, i think that's the main reason

No. 41931


I'm surprised no one talks about how absolutely shit liliuhms work is and how she just riffs off of indie korean designs…her style isn't even endearing just super childish

No. 41942

Most people have trash taste in art. Just look at the most popular art on Instagram or Reddit.

No. 41985

do you have any comparisons of the indie designers she rips off? her bunny character looks too much like a character i've seen before, but i can't put my finger on which one.

No. 42041

Popular, more accomplished artists that mutually follow her do it out of obligatory niceness tbh. It’s kind of like how people are extra nice to the kid with downs

No. 42154

File: 1553994376901.png (424.13 KB, 728x680, lili.PNG)

I think it's just because it's cute.
From what I've seen weebs generally like cute and "wholesome" things like this. It's an easy crowd to appeal to. It doesn't have to be super good, but good/clean enough to not look too sloppy and amateur.
Her clothes are kinda cute, she interacts with her fanbase and she doesn't seem as crazy as most of the people mentioned here, so that's probably why she has a decent following.

I thought they were just in it for some of her clout, as most of these artists usually do.

I've seen a bunny character that also looks a lot like her design as well, but at the same time there's only so many ways you can draw a cute uguu mascot characters.

No. 42427

File: 1554098165406.jpeg (152.18 KB, 750x1334, 64F9A230-0702-4E6C-BB25-B854D3…)

why do weebs enjoy this type of thing jfc

No. 42479

File: 1554131171288.png (49.33 KB, 240x240, C92571C5-0381-4516-A647-0B9986…)

ntayrt but it reminds me of usagi

No. 42489

the mouth would've been better if it wasn't even drawn at all

No. 42490

File: 1554140778950.png (300.94 KB, 911x580, samesame.PNG)

i literally can't see a difference

No. 42493

File: 1554145493471.jpg (67.39 KB, 650x313, 2601anime2.jpg)

You can't really expect most weebs to really think too deeply or critically about art. If it's sparkly and cute enough, then that's good enough for them.

No. 42592

Between the cat and bunny or? Are you referencing something else

No. 42626

Lmao it’s stylization don’t be such an anatomy purist, there’s plenty of anime styles that follow realistic side face but look ducking terrifying(swimming anime).

No. 42933

File: 1554364310160.png (181.46 KB, 891x775, omori.png)

Latest omori update, how long do you think omocat will keep it up? There's still no official release date and they're just posting old art on the twitter instead of anything new. The comments on the kickstarter are brutal but I'm surprised that there hasn't been more backlash anywhere else? Kinda sucks that people are still supporting omocat in any capacity tbqh

No. 42951

And so far they’re just reposting old content… pathetic

No. 43097

File: 1554488301536.png (9.89 KB, 630x116, lll.PNG)

man these comments are hilarious
there's always gonna be that one guy who tries to compare this shit to a AAA game, it's not the same thing lol

No. 43312

Idk where to put it, but people butthurt over Leslie's tweet to her friend who drew ~ A REALLY SINFUL PAIRING ~ w/ DmC characters and people go full salty over it. She even ended up being salty aswell, saying 'Guess I'm gonna be cancelled' n trying to excuse herself. I am really confused over everything. Thoughts?
https://twitter.com/lesliehung/status/1114060086723235840 thats how it started, then she started ranting on her twitter (and her friend began being salty too )

No. 43316

People are being hypocritical about it. Majority of the people complaining have no doubt shipped two family members together at some point, but Leslie is making it worse by responding to the criticising like that. But honestly… I bet some people DMed her some harsh shit, you know how SJW gamer weebs can be, especially the ones trying to make themselves out to be the good guys.

No. 43318

The entire situation is moronic. Who gives a shit about fictional characters fucking, even if its ~incestuous~. I think it's pretty telling that people prefer to pick on her rather than her friend or even the person who requested the art.

Imagine a world where people don't think of cartoon characters as real human beings. The worms in the ground outside my house matter more because they're actually real.

No. 43382

File: 1554694445535.jpg (19.58 KB, 575x323, roizq.jpg)

>be a DMC fan and be triggered by a barely nsfw incest pairing fanart of all things
I agree with vendetta theory anon from the general artist thread

No. 43441

From what I've seen Leslie Hung apologized and everyone was like "oh no you didn't apologize the exact way I want". And I don't think the actual artist got shit on, I'm guessing it's because she's less famous? At any rate I've seen a lot of people vagueposting about it on my tl.

What's funny about it is that in the games themselves, Dante has a very ambiguous relationship with his mother's clone in DMC1 and Nero's girlfriend is also his adoptive sister. Did they even play the games, there are worst things in the series? DMC is literally "Oedipus complex and daddy issues: the game"

>I agree with vendetta theory anon from the general artist thread

I should check that thread because I haven't read it for a long time. I was curious and almost all the people complaining on twitter are mediocre artists at best, fakebois who feel offended because they think this fanart is fetishizing them, and I even saw some furries.

No. 43443

these people got a fucking issue with fanart when Drakengard/Nier (Nier especially they love) is RIGHT THERE portraying fictional pedophilia and incest with no issues or 20 thousand tweets about morality and reality = fiction bullshit.

No. 43447

Even then, Drakengard and Nier are, or at least were, niche so it's not even like they can reach a huge audience that will be playing these games thinking it's all cute and nice and innocent. So even with the argument of reality is fiction, it doesn't work here for both this series and DMC. They could spend their time and energy on actual activism instead but it's more rewarding to try to ruin someone's career instead.

No. 43756

Do you think those people played DoD or Nier? Most just played Automata for 2B's blindfolded sex doll look or jumped on the fanart bandwagon.

No. 43810

File: 1555019668070.png (1.19 MB, 1438x2149, Screenshot_2019-04-11-16-50-48…)

I mean, they've had 5 plus years to redraw Omori with pigtails. Which probably wouldn't have been as tedious as they're trying to make it seem lol

No. 43823

this is cute ngl

No. 43825

Lol times have changed so much, people get so butthurt about fanart. Who cares about drawing incest? I have followed Leslie for a long time and this stuff is (was?) normal for that crowd. Pretty sure they all drew Bro/Dave Homestuck fanart back in the day and no one batted an eye.

No. 43851

Thoughts on Valdroxx/Cristali/Jade getting arrested for distributing drawn CP and grooming minors for photos?

No. 43862

Probably better suited here >>396901

No. 43863

it is cute, but she's still a scummy fuck who took people's money and spent years on a game with nothing to show.

No. 43864

rofl Are those people ven fans. Every one but lady who is paired up is incest. DMC V especially was just a big incest party. who cares. it's fake and they are fictional demons/half demons.

No. 43889

which thread/post is that? trying to follow it leads to a page not found

No. 43915

No. 43956

Okay I saw this as it was happening, being upset over a fictional incest pairing is pretty silly, but the way Leslie handled it was super unprofessional and really showed her true colours.

No. 44013

Trying to cancel someone over something as trivial as fictional incest ships is moronic but Leslie Hung is a huge cow tbh, even the cows discussed in this thread don’t like her at all.

No. 44027

>Leslie Hung is a huge cow tbh
Tell us more, unless I missed some info in the previous thread.

No. 44806

File: 1555989543470.png (2.74 MB, 1439x2102, Screenshot_2019-04-22-22-00-53…)

It's now confirmed they're dating. Also his hair now literally looks like his ex, Daniel's, I thought they got back for a second.

No. 45504

This is old but I want to know to. I've seen several vague comments but no actual concrete evidence

No. 45883

some drama happened in the weeb artist twitch community
some guy named artikun0 shittalked dreamnekotv for 'being popular despite her terrible art' (popular as in she has 4k followers…..)
Some semifamous artist named weeniedesu also enjoyed the bullying on stream chat. They're all writing the usual "I am SO sorry" thread trains

No. 46012

File: 1556839244220.png (20.13 KB, 640x181, ross gg.png)

i think the drama is particularly because he called her "autistic" as an insult and twitter is getting worked up about it. both arin and ross from GameGrumps have called him out, Lilypichu too. pic related

No. 46013

File: 1556839469359.png (66.57 KB, 639x533, arin_kuno.png)

Kuno's apology and Arin's response. I'm not capping every single big youtuber's response to this bc I don't wanna clog up the thread but it's basically your run-of-the-mill "how could you do this" type of callout.

No. 46016

It's the fact that he went out of his way to rail on a random weeb artist who did nothing to him, his enormous cunt of a girlfriend ramped up bitch mode to 100 on camera, AND he got caught laughing about it once he saw the clipped steam getting a lot of (negative) attention.

Still don't understand why you'd ever stream that and not expect consequences

No. 46026

Seriously, his gf is a full on raging cunt. Called this random girl “trash”, and admits it pisses her off that the “trash” (won’t call her an artist) has a following “just because she has a vagina and not a dick”…. that logic. Is she the autistic one?

No. 46155

File: 1556871040776.png (168.33 KB, 1107x929, madi.png)

Seriously, why do people pretend that the other 'uwu!! shes autistic haha i agree' artist was involved aswell? https://twitter.com/AttackOnSylveon/status/1123764522295222273

The apologies were shown to be very insincere and they apologized only bc they both got called out

No. 46156

*was not involved in it
soz for sage. Typing from a phone is a huge challenge to me :/

No. 46229

when I first read her apology it seemed pretty sincere. you're right though it's just damage control.

No. 46243

Isn’t weeniedesu friends with audrey? Trash flocks to trash.

No. 46245

Would not be surprised. Audrey is friends with a lot of shady people and also enables their ~*toxic*~ behavior.

The funny part about all of this is his art sucks.

No. 46251

He made an apology video.
For reference, here's him laughing and shouting "OMEGALOL" when he realized their bitch-out session was recorded, one of him telling his girlfriend she shouldn't have said those things because it's "not good for him" and just made her (DreamNekoTv) really popular, and one more of him saying "Great, people are @ing Twitch support for this…I'll probably have to make an apology" non-chalantly:

No. 46254

soooo Hana apology when? Last I saw I has seen what might've been her twitter deleted?

No. 46256

I can't imagine how anyone would believe this after he was laughing about it and barely had any regrets when it first got posted. If that twitter post hadn't gotten as much attention as it did I doubt he would've apologized in the first place.

No. 46259

lol most of the comments are asking for his girlfriend.
Makes sense, since she was the real vitriolic one.

The only thing I saw about her was a picture from a reddit thread. She was wearing a shirt from some engineering organization so she's probably into engineering or something. At least she was smart enough to lay low- people would ruin her life if they knew anything else about her.

No. 46345

He announced that he broke up with Hana so I think we're never going to hear anything from her.

No. 46350

Hahaha wow that's rough

No. 46352

HAHA stupid bitch, she's lucky she isn't being doxxed like he is.

No. 46360

She is being doxxed. Her details are being shared around on Facebook to the college she attends with him, along with harassment off campus reports on the college website that can be filed by the general public. What a fucking pair of twats lol.

No. 46415

Am I the only one who thinks they probably didn’t actually break up and are just trying to take some of the heat off them? idk tinfoil I guess… I don’t see a couple breaking up just because the internet didn’t like either of their shit attitudes.

No. 46419

It's possible their college got involved as people went that far as to contact them about it. I can see that really putting pressure on their relationship more so than a Internet backlash especially when his girlfriend isn't even an artist herself. If they got into serious shit because of what happened as most colleges don't approve of any form of bullying, then that seems more believable. Hana did a runner yet all of her academic details are available to see on Google. Her five seconds of live stream fame for a quick laugh will be showing up in those results in no time, talk about committing career suicide.

No. 46582

Neko gained 35k+ followers from all the youtuber publicity she got and uploaded an overdramatic "response" video, full of asspat comments like you'd expect

Not to mention some other artcows hopped on the fanart train to boost themselves lol
This entire drama is a trainwreck full of dishonest people looking to leech as much off of this as they can through saccharine statements about how "the art community can make a positive change!" and mob looking to lynch Kun0 and Hana scot-free

Arin is the LAST person that should be lecturing others about making big offensive fuck-ups. He never had to face Pewdiepie levels of backlash for screaming n*gger on camera.

My thoughts exactly. Neko's art is weeby and bad but it's not deviantart levels of bad. Hana ended up making a dumbass of herself on camera and deplatformed her (now ex-)boyfriend lmao

No. 46584

I get a bigger laugh out of these people that are actively pretending that there is no competitive sentiment among artists for pay tbh

"All artists are equal" is nice on paper but doesn't explain why some artists are successful and others aren't whether it's better skill, popularity, persistence, etc.

The dumb mistakes come from the fact they're gossiping on the same accounts that they tie their businesses with.

No. 46594

If it's true that her actual major is some kind of engineering I highly doubt employers are gonna give a shit. It'd be different if it was a liberal arts career or a career where interpersonal communication skills mattered but nothing she has said or done here is a crime. Offensive sure, but not illegal. Everything about this has been blown widely out of proportion.

No. 46597

>This entire drama is a trainwreck full of dishonest people looking to leech as much off of this as they can through saccharine statements about how "the art community can make a positive change!" and mob looking to lynch Kun0 and Hana scot-free

Thank you. I'm seeing so many people that spread their fair share of terrible shit trying to jump on this to make themselves look like super positive UWU beacons of light and sunshine. You can't be more transparent, it's pathetic that so many people are falling for it.

No. 47104

File: 1557572834080.jpg (1.23 MB, 1435x2365, 19-05-10-21-02-53-167_deco.jpg)

MILKBBI made an apology for his shop not being open for a few months. It honestly didn't feel like it was that long. It's obviously about his breakup with Daniel, trying make himself seem like he wasn't the one telling Daniel not to worry about a certain guy for a while.
>this is not a pity party for me ok

No. 47462

I can’t help but feel one person is providing all of this dead thread’s “milk”

No. 47609

uhh lmao we cant just make up milk, the reason nobodies posting is because everyone's been laying low. omocats friend kyaela broke up with her nipponese bf and thats honestly it

No. 47652

yea this thread definitely scared every bully, fake, and creep mentioned. theyve learned how to go private and or fake their public personas even harder but too bad the internet never forgets kek

what happened with the bf? i remember liking kyaelas art a lot but now i just see her as a lazy omocat orbiter.

No. 48032

are you talking about the "milk" on milkbbi?

No. 51475

File: 1559208195849.png (382.58 KB, 1080x1817, Screenshot_20190530-042212(1).…)

Audrey has "rebranded" herself

No. 51565

Huh. She used to create, was involved with the art community to some extent, now she's really a nobody.

No. 51613

Audrey is dating Pierre “Moe” Moeshop (@korewamoe on twitter), a French genderspecial “musician” who jerks off to incest loli anime. Have fun!

No. 51614

File: 1559319002952.png (1.98 MB, 945x1781, Screenshot_20190531-110726(1).…)

I'm literally cackling. Who thinks this is cool to pose like this? He looks try hard a fuck.
>Jerks off to incest Loli anime
I'm NOT SUPRISED. Especially after Audrey making multiple tweets about uwu toxic cancel culture

No. 51621

kek they deserve each other

No. 51626

File: 1559330901553.jpeg (467.9 KB, 728x670, DE6B3AEF-565F-4D7A-A8F0-42ABD7…)

boy it’s like the level of uwu covers face pose is directly proportional to the amount of soy in a weeb

No. 51787

File: 1559484912427.png (11.99 KB, 572x96, 1.png)

Haven't really checked up on these cows lately, but what a shame to see Audrey perpetually stuck as a dumb womanbaby. Pic related due to irony.


Not surprised this is the kind of guy she's dating. So much for being a pansexual enby. I don't get why these obviously straight girls with their obviously straight boyfriends want to claim being queer just because they slap they/them into their profiles.

No. 51807

File: 1559502868485.png (745.24 KB, 574x653, ofz0oo1500.PNG)

>stuck as a dumb womanbaby

I think that's most of these people though
it's worse knowing that Chu is like 30

No. 51827

File: 1559515211630.png (117.75 KB, 223x255, 3949204.png)

>ugly 31 year old chinese woman rants in her diary about hentai like a 13 year old complete with kawaii japanese sfx

No. 51941

Audrey’s tweet about prioritizing your virtual identity is unbelievable, considering she dumped all of her actual friends for horny soyboys with yellow fever. She’s the definition of clout chasing.

Back to Pierre. What an upstanding individual!
>Lolicons are such freaks, right guys?
>Right guys? Right??

No. 51985

lmfao chu. total psycho narcissist if u know her, she's been going thru a quarter life crisis for like 10 years. rly funny how she tries to look spiritual and deep for twitter when she keeps losing friends for being a selfish cunt.

No. 51998

Got any fun past screenshots to share with the class?

No. 52009

File: 1559588902931.jpg (22.87 KB, 427x600, kokokim.jpg)

>>51475 lmfao i wonder why she decided to rebrand. i guess she's just a pretty face online now. who knows.

kinda unrelated? but i was looking up menhera stuff the other day and i found out about this kokokim line from like 4 years ago. CH mentions her url was inspired by this line… but her comic pretty much had the same title font choice, down to colors and the drip effect on the letters. it seems pretty seedy but maybe i'm reaching a little too hard here.

No. 52013

File: 1559590321337.jpg (106.69 KB, 888x399, sad.jpg)

sadly no. the little i have access to is kind of specific and would compromise ppl since chu has already visited this thread (hi).
she's always been dishonest (everyone remembers her bragging about cheating thru art school lmfao) with anger issues and but ever since she started id-ing as queer and nonbinary her brain problems got worse imo. like she tries to be less feminine by acting more disgusting and creepy to women especially. she's done some weird manipulative shit to girls she's interested in. but it's totally ok bc she's queer i guess. just ironic how she brags about helping organize queer consent workshops now lol all she knows is hentai.

No. 52021

File: 1559594208617.png (242.57 KB, 403x302, CHU.PNG)

tbh Chu seems like a narc.
Her uwu soft 90s animu style doesn't even go with her personality lmao it's obviously a front, especially what >>52013 said
>she's done some weird manipulative shit to girls she's interested in

No. 52022

File: 1559594263560.png (12.09 KB, 561x97, CUTEPADS.PNG)

samefag, but this was fucking hilarious to read
she actually thought she had gender dysphoria because the pads weren't CUTE? what the fuck?!

No. 52031

An anon mentioned how Audrey had a woke phase where she made 3-day long spergs about how she is not "an object of Asian fetishization uwu" just because some creep on Twitter shows her the attention she wants. I wouldn't be surprised she was actually flattered by the attention seeing how she cosplayed as lolibait Hestia and that one bitch from BNHA with the ahegao face. Now she's dating a white soyboy with a loli fetish hm.


Yikes she looks like a middle-aged mom. What's with these grown women dressing up in pastels it's so creepy.

No. 52035

>lolibait Hestia
Dear God, do you have pics of that cosplay? I want to see the cringe. Of course Audrey likes the attention, she's just trying to act surprised and humble about it.

No. 52039

I bet 500 million yen the weeb white boy leaves Audrey for a true nihonjin girl before nihonjin-wannabe Audrey can even make it to to japan.

No. 52045


I remember she had pics of it on her cutehospital Instagram before she set her accounts to private. It's super weird to see an adult woman who actually looks quite big (and some anons who seen her irl confirming this) to be cosplaying a loli character. There's that pattern where these women are realizing they're getting old but they still infantilize themselves to feel more attractive.


Second. Fetishist dudes usually settle for any Asian girl in sight no matter what their heritage is until they meet an actual ~kawaii nihonjin desu~ girl.

No. 52046

File: 1559614000754.png (347.27 KB, 593x563, queer kween audrey uwu.png)

I don't get why these straight girls want to be gay so bad. They claim to be bi or pan but date straight guys most the time. then they call anyone biphobic for pointing that out. Audrey, get this: you don't need to slap on all these identities to feel speshul and mask your vile and possibly bland personality. Lipstick on pigs.

Also why JRPGs.. why not just.. RPGs.

No. 52058

Oh, absolutely. Considering Pierre dumped his previous (presumably non-Asian) girlfriend to go after Audrey, there’s no way this won’t happen. kek

No. 52317

All of these weebs regularly rip off Japanese artists and brands, you're not reaching.

wow she's 31 pushing 50. Ronald Dahl's drawings about ugly people and ugly thoughts is too real lol.

Pretty much admits to being a narc in this comic https://twitter.com/ghostspacess/status/1121420821589712902 I get the feeling she views the world as an anime and her annoying personality is an endearing character trait or something. Those kind of people are the worst.

No. 52330

slightly ot but i'm kind of shocked how menhera is being used by the official cooljapan tourism to promote travel/culture. kind of defeats the purpose of menhera if you erase the cutting/mental health/drug/suicide undertones and push the mascot like a sanrio character

No. 52753

File: 1559937848365.jpeg (266.01 KB, 750x747, C8443B02-A9B5-4CA7-9933-0680FB…)

Look at this fucking monster(emoji use)

No. 52786

definitely not wanting to fuck himself.
i'm so fucking glad garland has become a cow. i remember him complaining about his ex-gf maria once they broke up because she was actually hanging out with people. they got back together briefly a few months afterwards. i wonder what happened the second time.

No. 52797

File: 1559954289572.jpeg (Spoiler Image,520.7 KB, 750x982, F3D70B17-CD17-4D75-B8E7-96ED47…)

Not sure but they seem to still be friends. I do remember her being supportive of his “transition”

No. 52798

File: 1559954338764.png (1.07 MB, 2023x919, garland.png)

So I found this on Garland's Twitter complaining about an article written about him, trying to act like it ruined his entire career and apparently outed him as trans.
I found the cached version, highlighted what was fixed by bullet point. What I can't find is the part that indicated he was trans in the original. I guess he just wants to cry wolf and actually thinks of himself as the "trans-gimmick artist".
Bet this dude only transitioned because he wanted to be a fucking whiny ass bitch because that's all he wants to do now. Way to stereotype an entire sex, kek.

No. 52801

>I had to explicitly tell the journalist to not out me as trans in a published article!

I think he means he told the interviewer to not mention he’s trans, but if that was on his twitter then that also doesn’t make sense??

No. 52923

Looks like Garland deleted the tweet with the note complaining about the article.
Also, I wonder how many Wendy's cashiers have outed him since the last time.

No. 54735

File: 1561329366105.png (70.63 KB, 200x200, A846E806-70E1-4138-AB06-412449…)

ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!

No. 56175

File: 1562340193543.png (117.11 KB, 747x562, Screenshot_20190705-102141(1).…)

Pedro changed the username of his side account from tragicallyshojo to breezegale. He still has the tragicallyshojo url, he made a side account to "save" it

No. 56561

Are punimelt and chunap not friends anymore? It seems like chunap and cutehospital/audrey are close friends and punimelt is nowhere to be seen… Do shitty friends just flock together? Seems extreme since punimelt and chunap made a freaking book together.

No. 56755

>creepy ugly hairy soyboy keeps other people from using “tragicallyshojo”
just claim “tragic” instead dude

nope theyre not friends anymore since chu is too crazy of a bitch even for puni. expect chu and audrey to backstab each other within the year tbh

No. 56814

File: 1562814855058.png (165.42 KB, 1210x479, freemoney.png)

It's pretty remarkable because even if chu is shit they made a book together and she has more to gain being punimelt's friend. It's pretty obvious that audrey is a shit person which is why so many old friends dropped her. Punimelt was even helping audrey make art to sell for this fundraiser:


(i.e. I don't want to get a real job and want people to send me money online for little/no output.)

Audrey made a pretty penny without actually sending out the rewards. And punimelt also worked on that pink shirt collab they made but only audrey sold it. I wonder if part of their falling out is audrey kept all the money and made punimelt work for her for free.

No. 57452

File: 1563198744824.jpg (91.51 KB, 750x1334, 66212163_1269840283197047_8478…)

Anyone know what this is about? From Cute Hospital's story on IG.

Not surprising she owes someone money.

No. 57809

Seems like she scammed someone kek

No. 58142

File: 1563817000742.png (1.18 MB, 1080x962, Screenshot_20190722-123150(1).…)

Holy fucking shit. I did not expect the drummer from Anamanaguchi to be hanging out with Garland. I'm looking at Luke's Twitter now and a I saw a few of his replies are to camgirls and weebs. I knew the band was filled with weebs, but Jesus Christ it's gotten worse.

No. 59333

File: 1563831119469.jpg (174.1 KB, 768x433, Anamanaguchi-2017-billboard-15…)

>band full of ugly neckbeard weebs
>surprised they hang out with other ugly weebs and want attention from camgirls
I don't get it, anon.

No. 59344

How‘s horseface katies shop going?

No. 59363

Looking through Garland’s twitter he is mutuals with quite a few verified accounts/musicians. Also apparently he played at Anime Expo this year? Fucking gross that he’s getting shows still after being canceled

No. 59368

Is garland a weeb? The tv head makes me think so but I’m not sure

No. 59406

More of a video game freak than a weeb, but he's a Mikufag and into the generic waifu girls.

No. 59540

What’s your history with him?

No. 59727

Half that band has been friends with WT Snacks for many many years and they're all part of the same weebosphere.

No. 60199

File: 1564371458988.gif (4.94 MB, 500x375, 0AC3C110-E7B2-4DCB-B234-B3DF39…)

Like a big fucking man child

No. 60210

Dear Lord what is he doing with his mouth? His hands? The jumps? Also that dress fabric looks so cheap.
Do you have any links anon?

No. 60211

File: 1564385471116.jpg (299.33 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20190729_023037.jpg)

Holy fuck is he purposely trying to look like a senior citizen?

No. 60212

File: 1564385671408.jpg (431.01 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20190729_023435.jpg)

He posted these saying they're unedited

No. 60214

It was a wizard of oz themed show but yeah he does look like he wants to speak to a manager or something lmao

No. 60219

File: 1564393250467.png (286.55 KB, 1080x1157, Screenshot_20190729-044029(1).…)

Fucking vile cow crossover in the Twitter thread of this video

No. 61075

File: 1564934566202.png (43 KB, 599x418, yt4U3dPCE5.png)

Beck's been going off on an ex for the past week. So brave, she survived an abuse. No mention of the rapists and abusers she and her boyfriend continue to knowingly support.

No. 62076

File: 1565714236399.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1899, Screenshot_20190813-113431(1).…)

>Is this that ‘hot girl summer’ y’all been talking about?~
Make it stop

No. 62078

This is a troon? Genuinely fooled me.

No. 62202

Okay buddy, keep telling yourself that.

Why is he like this? He's gross and lumpy, and when real women act like this they're treated entirely differently. It's gross.

No. 62207

I'm literally just a passerby who saw the image on the homepage, take your tinfoil hat off you silly cunt.

No. 63662

newfag who bought the jacket in the OP. I just came here for everyone to judge me.

No. 63694

File: 1566455129338.jpeg (563.67 KB, 1974x2048, D17E1572-0988-42D8-B3A3-F9F07D…)

Yeah its confirmed, annie’s (waif0000) still trying to ride his dick, apparently they’re both in new york together and they made the trip down together last winter as well lol gross

No. 63871

Annie is such a tryhard. Her Twitter is just her trying to make the same jokes over time and inserting random references during each attempt. What does she see in Nick? Does he have a stable job?

No. 64987

his job is going to Japan all the time for no fucking reason since his family is loaded, cheating on hot Asian girls with other hot Asian girls, and trying not to cancelled again

No. 66148

New OMORI announcement
Lists all of the crew on the team.

No. 66245

So when is it gonna be released?

No. 66322

LMAO…. they kept EMS on the team even though she admitted to sabotaging the game. Omocat is spineless

No. 66608

File: 1568755943881.jpeg (94.18 KB, 680x473, fucking wow.jpeg)

So Techycutie isn't popular but she's started to go down the weeb path with her new "clothing line collection" if that's what you call a few subpar anime shirts.

The fact that so many people I follow that are popular who also follow her kinda pisses me off. I honestly don't understand what they see in her.

No. 66609

…doesn't she draw mostly MLP shit/ponysona porn??
This art looks ugly and very "american anime" in a bad way

No. 66616

She’s been doing these for a while actually, if you look at her Etsy they don’t seem to sell well online anyway. She seems to do fine at cons.

No. 66631

wearing this makes you punchable

No. 66668

File: 1568851893041.jpeg (516.61 KB, 2048x1252, 92685626-541B-4DBF-BE81-AE8667…)

She’s cranking these out fast.
She said they will be sold at Nekocon. Someone take a pic of how atrocious they’re gonna look like in person.

No. 66691

yall are getting desperate for milk

No. 66702

Agreed. This is standard weeb shit. Nothing out of the ordinary and getting mad that people you follow like some random weeb artist who hasn't done anything bad is pathetic.

No. 66706

You’re really stretching for your own personal vendetta. This is basic weeb shit, but nothing more than the average.

No. 66707

Man, I wish Omori could hurry up and get released, so we could at least have some fresh milk to drink

No. 66711

If the demo's anything to go by, it's boring as shit, anyway.
Can't believe she and her team are still milking it and getting deals around it.

No. 66727

That’s nasty

No. 66729

A lot of these posts are by the same person.
Take a look at the file names on a lot of the pics posted for a little better indication.
No doubt there are some people in this thread that do shitty things, but we don’t rly need the thread bumped for shit like that anime sweater or every time garland posts a new picture. This thread has been like weeb TMZ-lite the last few months.

You people don’t even talk about the abusers anymore.

No. 66744


No. 66756

File: 1568960339733.jpeg (41.73 KB, 706x900, 72494659-0557-42C3-976E-7800AE…)

If we’re just talking about bad convention artists and bad apparel from weebs how do you feel about ohmonah?
I’ve been seeing so many people wearing this shirt at conventions and it’s just annoying as fuck. The art is so lazy but I guess that’s the point

No. 66812

Who tf cares lol

No. 66814


fucking SAGE your posts

No. 66892

They work for titmouse so they have skill, but the stirred some drama by accusing another artist of stealing her clothing designs and even consulted a lawyer about it. They don’t seem completely sane.

No. 67384

Does anyone have any epic new milk?

No. 68411

File: 1570242655182.jpeg (495.79 KB, 750x777, A4F55DF0-F8AE-406C-9778-92A58A…)

This is so funny. Imagine admitting to sabotaging someone’s game and still being hired.

I felt bad for omocat but she’s a real fucking idiot for continuing to do business with a girl who hates and wants to destroy her.

No. 68586

Absolutely no reason to feel bad for her. She’s a rich, greedy stupid person and even if she got taken to court over this obvious Omori scam, she’ll wipe her tears with her family’s money and continue to be rich lol

No. 68648

File: 1570439333421.jpeg (149.6 KB, 750x876, BDE4AEF5-CE09-46CF-B8C2-B826F7…)


No. 68661

Was the game officially a scam? Did it even come out ?

No. 68686

Omori is a fucking scam,was announced like 5/6 years ago,tons of people paid for it and she was lazy as shit about it,only ever released the music and a measly demo for the kickstarters. Also the aesthetic of it was popular 5/6 years ago on tumblr,no one cares now. It's all a big joke.

Also what is it with all these artists ALWAYS being asian girls? It's insane

No. 69050

File: 1570725640758.png (122.65 KB, 1186x418, cuckwife.png)

If anyone is interested in more milk on Audrey, I have access to caps of her private twitters.

Pierre/Moeshop was dating someone else when they got involved.

No. 69058

lmao that's fucking great. of course audrey, the one who paints herself as doing nothing wrong and just makes LITTLE mistakes like a normal human being and shouldn't be criticized for it, would fall for a guy already taken.
>entire sides of our bodies touching
like are they sitting close together because the area was cramped or what? idk it really doesn't matter, this ain't a little mistake lol.
More screencaps, please, anon!!

No. 69066

File: 1570742266327.png (408.25 KB, 750x1112, breakup1.png)

Oh boy, here we fucking go. The beginning of the end.

No. 69070

Audrey has rebranded a bunch of times on locked accounts too.

No. 69071

File: 1570742752380.png (441.3 KB, 750x887, breakupredux.png)

Fuck me man, the image didn't post. Here you go.

No. 69088

Holy shit she basically just became infatuated with him because he has Japanese connections, what a shallow person. And Moe basically moving from his gf to her via messages in the same day is just peak weeb.

No. 69187

Does anybody have any milk on Bloodcode?
I’m seeing a lot of twitter talk about him amongst cows and their barnyard pals.

No. 69203

no wonder she hangs with nick robinson, scummy cheaters love to hang out with eachother

No. 69306

Greasy 40 yo blob man who is knee deep in the kawaii aesthetic so he can socialize with 20 yo girls? What else do you need to know?

No. 69440

Holy Christ. How many accounts does this girl have now? She's really something else.

No. 69483

i think she has 3, but she keeps changing the username of her private twitter.

No. 69575

basically he's her meal ticket to japan

wouldn't be surprised if she dumps him the moment she snags a true and honest japanese man lol

No. 69579

lol idk about that one m8, what about the clout

No. 69636

Nah, fucking white guys is the most authentic Japanese thing to do.

No. 72875

File: 1573847610682.png (344.59 KB, 843x1534, Screenshot_20191115-134325(1).…)

This is old, but Snacks showed up on my timeline and I wanted to see what happened with that backpack scam his fans funded in days.
He posted a long ass update on the GFM basically ending it saying he never really used the iPad except for when testing out websites, which he lists as being worth $800. Also apparently he bought replacement MacBook Air off of Craigslist "as soon as the donation money came through" for a good deal and was a more recent model, which his supposed stolen one was worth $1.5k so who knows how much he spent on it, if it was actually stolen in the first place.

No. 73007

Audreys gotten so irrelevant she’s not getting more than 1-3 likes on her weird rambling Twitter posts on main. Looks like even her “fans” think she’s a psychopath.

No. 73028

Share some screens anon, I wanna laugh at her ramblings too

No. 73044

Who rly cares about how many people are liking Audrey’s posts?

No. 73392

File: 1574300769589.jpeg (192.81 KB, 1125x1050, AE2E0ABF-6F6E-4054-8228-AA9C27…)

>”God I hate white people”
>*sucks white boy dick 24/7

No. 73393

>complicated relationship with whiteness
lmao she's a bit obsessed, just a bit

No. 73401

Who is genuinely this concerned about specifically white people that much? If I didn't know otherwise I'd think she was one of those people faking their race and posting things like this try and "sound" more like they aren't white.

No. 73457

File: 1574351534219.png (197.83 KB, 1080x1115, Screenshot_20191118-113139(1).…)

Audrey got some "hate mail" a few days ago

No. 73458

File: 1574351599346.png (50.18 KB, 1040x174, Screenshot_20191118-113204(1).…)

The irony. I screencapped both of these two days ago, but this was a few hours after she got her hate mail

No. 74026

File: 1574877674004.png (873.37 KB, 1080x1163, Screenshot_20191127-115702(1).…)

Punimelt somehow got a gig designing a shirt for Metal Gear Solid. Doing art of the most weeb meme in the series.
Also, she made a tweet recently talking about how quirky she is for playing Pokemon until 3 in the morning. Isn't she an adult? Why does doing things late at night seem so rebellious to her?

No. 74257

Look at all these people who care

No. 74340

what the fuck is wrong with all of you? get a grip. you're sitting in this anonymous message board talking shit about people you don't know, people who are actually very nice! Grow up and have some fucking capacity to understand that a person can change over time and everyone makes mistake.

Do something worthwhile with your fucking life instead of just rotting away in this shithole.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 74343

File: 1575162166112.png (425.63 KB, 1079x1870, Screenshot_20191130-190202(1).…)

Audrey coming in with the hot topics

No. 74344

God what a cunt. Also hope she's not serious, inb4 it's because "it appropriates muh asianness" or some retarded shit

No. 74370


what is she on, all she does is go to anime cons and Japan… which also has anime cons

No. 74481

The real lolcows are the people who post in this thread unironically.
They claim to hate these people but can’t stop talking about them. This place is like TMZ for bitter incels who feel like the out-crowd.

No. 74495

it's fangamer, it's as official as anyone else drawing fanart, not an accomplishment

No. 74602

Does anyone know of this?

I'm trying to find out about a sweater design of the movie Interstellar

In this design, there was TARS and a girl and the art was very very similar to Kira Imai.

The person I saw wearing it said they got it when they were in Tokyo. I'm kicking myself for not asking to take a photo.

Does anyone know any similar artist to kira Imai?

No. 74608

now this is the milk i’m here for

No. 74638

File: 1575476116157.jpg (10.73 KB, 224x224, 1575459674714.jpg)

No. 75126

not gonna lie these are super generic and the pink one is super fugly. I really want to know what the purple shirt actually says.

No. 75290

Omori Update as of September 2019: "We are aiming for Omori's release to be at the end of 2019!"
I can't believe people are falling for this shit

No. 75307

I do not believe a word of that update kek. Didn't they just come back from a year long hiatus and they're certain the game's in the clear to be released not even a few months since the "demo" which seemed like it was still in it's alpha stage.

No. 75323

File: 1576070411692.jpeg (834.25 KB, 1638x2048, 39C27269-8801-408F-BEF9-F08DE0…)

So guest designs not included that’s funny, seeing that 70% of your clothing line is guest artists and most of the new stuff is collab stuff

No. 75348

Why would they be excluded? That’s so stupid. The only good designs are the collab ones

No. 75349

Only like two people have commented that they got their refund, my friend and I are still waiting on ours. I messaged them again after a MONTH, giving them benefit of the doubt that they were probably swamped with processing refunds, but still no reply. I don't need the money, but fuck omo.

Every time I see randos comment on the posts about how excited they are I just can't help but think what a bunch of fucking suckers they are. Well, at least they weren't sucker enough to give her their money beforehand.

No. 75373

guest artists get a percentage cut per sale, it would be really scummy to give them even less

No. 75387

I feel like the cut should come from omo rather than from the artist. In the end she's got a large inventory because of them and in the end the giveaway is just one item from the catalog. Plus she's the one who is in charge of the giveaway, not the artist.

Please correct me if I am wrong for this thinking. Not like it matters anyway because omo already started the raffle lol

No. 75413

File: 1576162126185.png (298 KB, 742x1406, omori.png)

Omori game is supposedly done but they won't be releasing it until early 2020 to "test and polish" the game.

No. 75415


No. 75427

Kek, are they lurking in this thread because someone did bring it up a day before this >>75290 unless… It's someone working on the game. Omori-chan please tell us ho