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No. 2112881

Burgerland General

>ignore bait

>don't be mean
>stop derailing about tradshit

Previous threads: >>2099122

No. 2112883

Farmhand can you at least bother to delete the threads you lock so I don’t have to see multiple yaoi stan pics

No. 2112884

sugar babies are prostitutes though, they arent married women who live with their husband and actually take care of him

No. 2112885

Goated threadpic

No. 2112887

Still isn't "manly" no matter how much you claim

No. 2112888

OP how did you fuck it up so many times you are genuinely retarded and should be ashamed. about the IQ I'd expect from a burgerstani though

No. 2112889

stop bullying me i did a good job…

No. 2112890

your resilience is inspiring

No. 2112891


No. 2112892

please leave making the next thread to someone who doesn't eat crayons

No. 2112893

nta but it just seems manly because men are supposed to be the ones working and providing for their ladies

No. 2112894

Did your husband yell at you again?

No. 2112895

this is still a highly transactional arrangement and marriage does not overrule if it is. only a tiny minority of these are situations in which the husband would still treat her like a princess and never cheat if she got chronically ill and old, never had kids, and couldn't "take care of him" anymore. of course there's a few very lucky women out there that are with someone hot that also provides for her unconditionally but those situations are very rare.

No. 2112896

I'm not theirs

No. 2112898

i dont think you understand what transactional means, its a transactional relationship if youre solely spending time with them for money, which then it is not a marriage but a job. the difference between that and a marriage is that you have a relationship that you grow and nurture as your lives go on together, and being financially supported is just one of the millions of benefits of being in an amazing relationship

No. 2112899

I have always admired Americans for their individualism and openness. The “pioneer spirit”.

No. 2112901

this is a sad projection, nonna. not all of our husbands hate us

No. 2112902

I mean if your nigel cheated on you when you became ill or found out you couldn’t have babies that really sucks and I am very sorry for you, but when I developed my disability that was one of the key things that made my husbando want to take the best possible care of me.

No. 2112904

File: 1722398289686.webp (114.61 KB, 1581x1054, megan-thee-stallion-kamala-ral…)

(this is a repost from the last deleted thread but whatever) The megan thee stallion performance is kind of shocking to me like i dont know, it's weird seeing a rapper perform at an official campaign. I mean it makes sense for atlanta tbh. i like megan, the outfits were cute. do you guys think she'll get even bigger celebrities to perform? wouldnt be surprised if taylor swift got involved. I remember an article saying she was getting involved with higher ups in the music industry and that the campaign would be "star studded". I'm not surprised about that for sure, she made a bunch of money in 24 hours.

No. 2112905

>calling a real man husbando

No. 2112906

Can you disgusting 3DPDthots stop appropriating our language for your unnatural relationships?

No. 2112907

Anon…how do you think you got here? Unless you’re a test tube baby and your reproduction process actually was asexual

No. 2112908

Kamala constantly surrounding her personality and campaign around pop culture and novelty stuff instead of actually important causes makes me not want to vote for her

No. 2112909

why cant normalfags integrate?

No. 2112910

I'm not voting for her either, but both sides do this anon

No. 2112911

Do you mean integrate as in not talk about things we want to talk about? Because as long as no one is breaking the rules I don’t see an issue with what we’re discussing

No. 2112912

She talked about her policies in the same livesteam. trump's campaign has influencers too. a political campaign is bound to use soft power. I'm just saying I'll be shocked if she gets even bigger names to do performances at her rallies.

No. 2112913

File: 1722398518449.png (592.03 KB, 671x755, yhr68.png)

Who would you choose as Kamala's VP and why? If I was her I'd pick Pete Bootyjudge, the IDpol white gay moid + black het woman combination would be unstoppable.

No. 2112914

Trump isn’t really having concerts and doing photo shoots with charli xcx though

No. 2112916

Samefag I'm going sperg mode cause this shit is really annoying me, but how does this "women who work are manly because working is for men…so they can provide us!" thing apply to women who aren't attracted to men or women who don't want to get married? Are we the manilest women then?

No. 2112917

integrate, husbando doesnt mean disgusting 3DPD moid.

No. 2112918

Joe Biden

No. 2112919

Ngl yeah. Butch as fuck

No. 2112920

Fujoshi stuff doesn’t have anything to do with LC, nonna. I don’t know if you know what integrate means

No. 2112921

Beshear and walz tbh. Literally anyone but shapiro, shapiro would kill the progressive vote. I like beshear the most, though, I'd pick him if i could. Considering beshear is the most well liked democratic governer.
well i mean most performers dont like trump so that's probably why. he did videos with logan paul and stuff

No. 2112922

It's how she copes with being disabled and not having the choice to work a normal job

No. 2112923

File: 1722398702476.png (276.13 KB, 294x428, franseen.png)

No. 2112925

Ben is pro-Trump nonnie (Trump is literally his dom) why would he team up with Kamala

No. 2112927

Why don't normaloids like you stick to Facebook? Why do you insist on invading every space on the Internet with your normaloid ignorance? GTFO.

No. 2112928

Keep the h word out of your mouth then

No. 2112929

shapiro as in josh shapiro, the governer of pennslyvania

No. 2112930

File: 1722398761910.png (177.44 KB, 640x375, IMG_3473.png)

No. 2112931

nta but this was a miss

No. 2112932

> not having the choice to work a normal job
I didn’t have to work even before I became ill though so..I’m not sure what you mean by this nonnie

No. 2112934

You sound upset that I don’t have to work for money

No. 2112935

>tradthots and moids larping as tradthots itt already
wallahi lolcow has gone so far down the drain. retards everywhere. every single thread that doesn't have dedicated oldfag autists around to gatekeep them reads like an edgy youtube comment section.

No. 2112937

File: 1722398940296.png (96.75 KB, 308x232, ojedebin.png)

the VP is gonna be joe biden with a moustache and glasses and his name is gonna be oje debin

No. 2112938

You sound upset with your life in general

No. 2112939

What exactly gives you the impression that men are the ones discussing women not having to work for money? Scrotals actually hate that shit more than anything based off discussions I’ve seen on other websites

No. 2112941

Did you read the original post, anon…?

No. 2112943

File: 1722399037578.webp (309.69 KB, 2048x2048, Austism_hat_45_2.webp)


No. 2112944

>i'm happy with my life and i love not having to work

No. 2112945

No. 2112946

Yea, and claiming that women who work (majority of women in the US btw) are manly reeks of insecurity

No. 2112947

You can tell it's a larp because burger moids don't have money. They get shit jobs they hate and cope with porn addiction, sport, and Kendrick Lamar Drake beef.

No. 2112948

nta but this is the opposite of something a millennial/gen Z male would say though

No. 2112949

this thread smells of porn addiction and nuggies made by mommy right now.

No. 2112950

Did your husband not have a good job, nonny? Did he have a porn addiction? I’m really sorry you’re traumatized but, it’s not unrealistic to be provided for by a man whose whole life revolves around you.

No. 2112951

lowkey true because i do make nuggets for my man all the time KEKK

No. 2112952

I feel sad for the cynical nonnies who think other anons can’t have good lives because they don’t have one

No. 2112953

is he fat

No. 2112954

File: 1722399324165.png (1.42 MB, 1077x1796, 1718597512021.png)

what are your guys' favorite states

No. 2112955

yep he's 600lbs

No. 2112956

that's very patriotic of him

No. 2112957

File: 1722399405823.webp (91.68 KB, 734x413, oregon-769-1-7.webp)

I LOVE Oregon! Open carry, beautiful surroundings, some of the best seafood, wine, and fruits in the entire country. Best of the west

No. 2112958

File: 1722399412223.jpg (99.16 KB, 564x752, fa89d1dd914d17cf009574e48db8c9…)

basic but new york, i love cities. i love walking. i literally just love having stores around the corner to walk to whenever. literally everything is in nyc, i love it

No. 2112959

It smells worse, at this point I'd rather they just start spamming the soyjaks

No. 2112961

File: 1722399512786.png (1.04 MB, 879x604, loozy.png)

I’m so biased but even though Virginia is the best state I love Louisiana

No. 2112962

If I can't pick my state, I'd go with Hawaii. They have really clean air, water, low crime, good food, and amazing views. I've always thought it'd be the perfect place to raise kids. Wouldn't want to live there forever though, for other reasons.

No. 2112965

File: 1722399599266.webp (138.36 KB, 725x1088, Mochi-doughnuts-9.webp)

I love virginia too actually! NOVA has great asian food, probably the best asian food in america. esp korean food.
KEK true

No. 2112966

Bama and Louisiana are both cool, I love Southern history and food.

No. 2112967

i hate to say this but i think the reason why that isnt happening is because these opinions are those of actual women

No. 2112970

this thread makes my misanthropy skyrocket and makes me feel stressed (i wish humans never existed)

No. 2112971

Vermont or New Hampshire.

No. 2112972

File: 1722399867206.png (53.95 KB, 201x197, 32341.png)

Texas deserves the flyover title

No. 2112974

Same. I might make a post in the graduation thread soon.

No. 2112975

some parts of texas are just so ugly to me, so many roads

No. 2112977

Why nona?

No. 2112981

anon if something upsets you then yeah it is better to leave it behind

No. 2112984

I wouldn't want to live in Texas solely because of the heat.

No. 2112987

If that were really true, you wouldn't be projecting this hard and reeing at any woman who works claiming they're manly and jealous. Look in the mirror.

No. 2112988

nta but i recommend you lurk the thread more because thats not the exchange that occurred

No. 2112989

move on faggots

No. 2112990

Is this a brief glimpse into America's future under communism?

No. 2112993

Where we moving to nonnie?

No. 2112995

You can’t even state your opinion without getting banned
I barely post in here just lurk so yeah better to just hide the thread or don’t go in it for now on

No. 2112996

NTA but yes it is, read the last thread and ctrl f

No. 2112997

off a cliff

No. 2112998

File: 1722400624655.jpg (11.73 KB, 258x195, images (5).jpg)

Texas is so overrated compared to other southern states to be honest. So much more culture and nicer people in other southern states. Louisiana is just much more rich than texas, Georgia too. I mean there are great things about texas, I do like tex-mex stuff, but i don't like how texas is seen as the pinnacle of southern culture when it's much more diverse than just wild west stuff.

No. 2113000

i read the entire conversation and if anything it was the wagies who were pressed thin

No. 2113001

uh huh, that's why you have to compare them to men constantly right?

No. 2113002

File: 1722400795958.gif (4.17 MB, 498x323, ah-shit-here-we-go-again-ah-sh…)

No. 2113003

I hope everyone ITT gets nuked including myself.

No. 2113004

yeah because ironically men are also always angry at carefree, happy women

No. 2113007

this creature is baiting in multiple threads

No. 2113010

Like individual nukes for all of us, or gathering all of us and dropping one nuke?

No. 2113011

No. 2113012

The Carolinas are the best part of the south by far

No. 2113014

That wasn't the context this exchange occurred in though. Women said they enjoyed their jobs, and you insulted them for no reason then claimed they must be jealous of you. No offense to other women who enjoy being homemakers, but you don't sound carefree or happy at all.

No. 2113016

>this person

No. 2113019

File: 1722401381272.gif (727.63 KB, 960x510, 1000015723.gif)

fuck it. farmhands are dead
go crazy (ah ah ah ah ah)
go wild (ah ah ah ah ah)

No. 2113020

I love north carolina actually, it's such a cozy state.

No. 2113021

File: 1722401496574.jpg (92.25 KB, 710x465, amerifags.jpg)

No. 2113022

Ntayrt but
>i love taking risky stocks
doesn’t really sound like something a woman would say, it sounds like a statement an Elon Musk obsessed early 20’s scrote would write on his resume(nonstop baiting)

No. 2113025

File: 1722401610791.jpg (93.98 KB, 640x781, fd57r57vyf.jpg)

shut up already

No. 2113027

Texas is straight the lamest southern state after Mississippi, big ugly state with big ugly people and big ugly ford monstrosities and bland culture. Agree texmex is good though.

No. 2113028

you're annoyed now because she's right KEK

No. 2113031

You aren’t even denying it!!

No. 2113032

how many tabs u got open

No. 2113033

NTA but I encourage you all to go read the hellweek user stats

No. 2113034

on god
big trucks are like the ugliest things ever. we need a car size limit or some shit. big cars are just so… scrotey and reek of insecurity. Every truck driver is an asshole scrote who road rages

No. 2113035

File: 1722401787972.jpg (30.83 KB, 537x571, the american dream.jpg)

it was already explained a thousand times why this mindset is retarded, how long must we go through this? anything a woman does is womanly

No. 2113036

370 million im reading your linkedin page right now and it is atrocious

No. 2113037

I said risky investments. I wasn't even referring to stocks in particular. You just sound clueless.

No. 2113038

Wish I was at the beach tbh

No. 2113039

And you sound like a desk sloucher

No. 2113040

girl baiting on lc aint a job youre not what are you gaining from this

No. 2113041

we need another hellweek

No. 2113044

NTA but shit kek is posting an opinion about a beneficial lifestyle in America is bait now? Just because you don’t like something does not mean someone’s posting it to garner a reaction.

No. 2113046

this response isn't really applicable because the posts are way too close together to not get the flood detected messages

No. 2113047

baiting like itll cure ur hubbys stds

No. 2113049

The excessively huge ford trucks are impractical pieces of shit to boot, the bulldogs of cars I really hate them kek

No. 2113050

I wonder why anons like you always bring up STD’s. Did your husband/boyfriend infect you with a disease?

No. 2113051

>being financially illiterate is a beneficial lifestyle

No. 2113052

can you tag which posts you think are bait

No. 2113053


No. 2113055

Excuse me?? Just because I don’t have to make the money myself doesn’t mean I don’t know how to build my credit or pay a bill

No. 2113057

Thank you for proving my point.

No. 2113058

File: 1722402151834.gif (780.66 KB, 500x372, IMG-321.gif)

ummmmmmmm a woman wouldn't post on an imageboard that's not very femineinmmnnmmeeeennemeeinini of youwu

No. 2113060

can you go wipe the cheeto dust off ur hubbys keyboard….

No. 2113061

Ohhh ok. So he did. I’m sorry you dated a gross scumbag who gave you diseases but most lower/working class American men do have diseases so I’m not shocked

No. 2113063

you can't find any bait posts, can you?

No. 2113064

your hubbys gooning to femboy porn right now… better check on that!

No. 2113066

nta but i'm sorry that happened to you

No. 2113068

File: 1722402318508.jpg (85.79 KB, 900x900, photo-1786631139.jpg)

this ur man?

No. 2113069

He’s actually asleep next to me. Did you catch your husband watching porn, nonny?

No. 2113071

he's dreaming about the femboy porn he watches behind ur back…

No. 2113072

anon you really shouldnt face reveal on here

No. 2113073

but thats ur man…?

No. 2113074

My husband doesn’t actually need to watch porn because we have a healthy sexual relationship and very good harmony, sex wise. Did you find out your boyfriend was a homosexual?

No. 2113076

wow thats amazing my husband turned white and grew 300 lbs, nonka!

No. 2113079

File: 1722402497353.png (484.53 KB, 719x476, 0442436357468.png)

No. 2113080

must be the nuggies you forcefeed him!

No. 2113081

>ONision Sweeney

No. 2113082

>She thinks her scrote doesn't watch porn
Tradthots stay getting cucked lmfao

No. 2113083

have u looked through his browser history recently? poor nonny

No. 2113084

My husband doesn’t watch porn because he’s constantly with me kek, I don’t really know how he’d watch porn when I’m constantly looking over his shoulder

No. 2113085

File: 1722402666370.png (38.95 KB, 1024x597, one-divorce-every-30s-us.png)

>she doesn't sleep with her husband

No. 2113086

doesn't he take bathroom breaks, nonny?

No. 2113087

>I-I have to do 24/7 monitoring on a grown man to make sure he isn't watching filmed rape! Your so jealous of our amazing relationship!!!

No. 2113089

How is living together 24/7 monitoring? He can always see what I’m doing too kek do you consider that to be surveilling?

No. 2113090

i consider it to be true that he's watching porn behind your back! has he started balding yet, nonnie?

No. 2113091

He’s in the bathroom for like a minute? Did your husband go into the bathroom to get away from you and watch porn? When your husband is sexually satisfied he’s able to just shit when he goes to the bathroom

No. 2113093

Nope he’s one of the hairy races I’m not saying which

No. 2113094

nah he's gooning in there for sure, busting quick 1s to hentai gangbang femboy porn

No. 2113095

File: 1722402997515.gif (87.15 KB, 400x658, 7e22.gif)

this thread still isn't feminineme uguu enuff. did you know that typing is MANLY

No. 2113096

we do sleep together actually thats why he's in the bed with me

No. 2113097

tell us pleaseeeee

No. 2113098

Thats a very specific fantasy anon

No. 2113099

ew, hairy men are disgusting

No. 2113100

that your hubbi makes real everyday

No. 2113101

nonna do you keep bringing this up because it happened to you or what

No. 2113102

Doesn't your amazing Nigel who financially supports go to work? How are you with him 24/7 to begin with.

No. 2113103

it's happening to you right now nonna…

No. 2113104

My husband doesn’t rape me?

No. 2113105

retarded people thread

No. 2113106

he pimps her out on onlyfans of course

No. 2113108

He works from his own home. Did you think he was someone else’s employee kek?

No. 2113109

education is manly nonnabonna

No. 2113111

Why is it that when anons are in healthy happy relationships, weird cynic anons feel the need to imagine that their husbands are doing nefarious things or that their relationship is unhealthy just because they’re…happy together?

No. 2113112

And you just sit there watching him work all day? Do you not have your own responsibilities? Hobbies?

No. 2113113

you're just as retarded as the retard you're fighting

No. 2113115

When I’m cooking/cleaning he likes to move around the house with me because we talk to each other and watch TV together

No. 2113116


No. 2113117

Can the hetaliafag spam Alfred's slick pink hole oozing thick globs of sticky cum to purify the thread

No. 2113119

File: 1722403396709.jpg (82.68 KB, 630x900, 2928de8dca1e580f10dfe60622698d…)

the nigel in question

No. 2113120

Saying this is worse than saying your husband fills your bank account

No. 2113121

Do you have a history of dating fat guys anon? First you date diseased guys and now you’re talking about fatties? Some of our males actually hit the gym

No. 2113123

fat like my

No. 2113124

I thought he was with you 24/7 larpchan?

No. 2113125

why do you fuck fat hairy men

No. 2113126

right? men's whole rvtvrn peddling is because they don't have it easy anymore and they want to kick women out of the good jobs

No. 2113127

File: 1722403511646.gif (2.62 MB, 542x536, 1000015730.gif)

Let's get retarded in here

And the bass keeps runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and runnin', runnin' and

In this context, there's no disrespect
So when I bust my rhyme, you break ya necks
We got five minutes for us to disconnect
From all intellect collect the rhythm effect
Obstacles are inefficient, follow your intuition
Free your inner soul and break away from tradition
'Cause when we be out, girlies pull they weave out
You wouldn't believe how we wow shit out
Burn it 'til it's burned out, turn it 'til it's turned out
Act up from north, west, east, south

[The Black Eyed Peas:]
Everybody, everybody, just get into it, get stupid
Get retarded, get retarded, get retarded

Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here), yeah

Lose control, of body and soul
Don't move too fast, people, just take it slow
Don't get ahead, just jump into it
Y'all hear about it, the Peas will do it
Get started, get stupid
Don't worry about it, people will walk you through it
Step by step like an infant new kid
Inch by inch with the new solution
Transmit hits with no delusion
The feeling's irresistible and that's how we movin'

[The Black Eyed Peas:]
Everybody, everybody, just get into it, get stupid
Get retarded, get retarded, get retarded

Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here), yeah

Runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin'
C'mon y'all, let's get (Coo-koo), c'mon, let's get (Coo-koo) in here
C'mon y'all, let's get (Coo-koo), c'mon, let's get (Coo-koo) in here
C'mon y'all, let's get (Coo-koo), c'mon, let's get (Coo-koo) in here
Ohh ohh ohh, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya
Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya

Let's get ill, that's the deal
Ap the gate, and Will bring the thugged out drill (Just)
Lose your mind, this is the time
Y'all can't stand still, trust and bang your spine (Just)
Bob your head like epilepsy
Up inside the club or in your Bentley
Get messy, loud and sick
You mind pass normal on another head trip
So, come them now, do not correct it
Let's get ignorant, let's get hectic

[The Black Eyed Peas:]
Everybody, everybody, just get into it, get stupid
Get retarded, get retarded, get retarded

Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here)
Let's get retarded (Ha), let's get retarded (In here), yeah
(Whoa, coo-koo, coo-koo, r-e-t-a-r-d-e-d)

Ohh ohh ohh, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya
Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya
And runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' and runnin' runnin' and

No. 2113129

this infight has been going on for 5 hours…. amazing

No. 2113131

I reverse image searched that, it is a stock image of a random fat guy. There are no photos of my husband online anywhere so it’s okay if you don’t believe me when I say he’s healthy, but I know he is perfect.

No. 2113132

File: 1722403558024.jpeg (156.59 KB, 1474x1000, IMG_1861.jpeg)

I don't have asshole pics but here is something. All praise USUK for purifying the thread.

No. 2113133

My husbando is the one getting filled with spurt after spurt of lewd white fluid

No. 2113135

Are you really The Black Eyed Peas…..

No. 2113136

>burger moids don't have money
it's not my fault only broke dudes are attracted to you

No. 2113137

>your husband watches porn
your husband watches porn

No. 2113138

yes I am Fergalious herself

No. 2113139

well actually thats me and my husbando nightly kek

No. 2113140

My husband just asks me to lift up my skirt actually

No. 2113141

Oh so you wanna reawaken the cum sperging now?

No. 2113142

ok………………………………………………………………. i believe you……………………………………………………………………..can you sing a nother song to me………………………………………….

No. 2113143

post husbando

No. 2113145

ewwww you let this thing >>2113119 do that, have some standards

No. 2113146

no you're gonna start being racist

No. 2113147

ntayrt but this is weird kek

No. 2113148

File: 1722403856991.gif (248.91 KB, 479x498, 255a979688145d10400f647e5ae864…)

I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now, now, now
Rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now

I wanna dance
I wanna dance in the lights
I wanna rock
I wanna rock your body
I wanna go, I wanna go for a ride
Hop in the music and rock your body right

Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock that body (Rock your body)
Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock-that-body

Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock that body (Rock your body)
Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock-that-body

Let me see your body rock
Shakin' from the bottom to the top
Freak to what the Dj drop
We be the one to make it hot (to make it hot)
Electric shock, energy like a billion watts
Space be booming, the speakers pop
Gollat the comb, we miss the spot
We bumpin your parkin lot

When you comin up in the spot
Don't bring nothing we call pink dot
'Cause we burnin around the clock
Hit the lights and then turn them off
If you bring that don't make you stop
Like the jungle we run the block
No one rollin' the way we rock,
Way we rock

I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now

I wanna dance
I wanna dance in the lights
I wanna rock
I wanna rock your body
I wanna go, I wanna go for a ride
Hop in the music and rock your body right

Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock that body (Rock your body)
Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock-that-body

Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock that body (Rock your body)
Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock-that-body

Super fly ladies, all of my
Super fly ladies, all of my
Super fly ladies, all of my
Super fly ladies

Yeah you could big ballin
long as you feel like your own
Yeah you could be the model type,
Skinny with no appetite
Short, stacks, black or white,
long as you do what you like
Body outta sight, body, body outta sight

She does the two step
and the tongue drop
She does the cabbage patch
and the bus stop

She like electro,
She love hip-hop,
She like the reggae,
She feel punk rock,
She love samba and the mambo
She like to break dance and calypso

Get a little crazy, get a little stupid
Get a little crazy, crazy, crazy

I wanna dance
I wanna dance in the lights
I wanna rock
I wanna rock your body
I wanna go, I wanna go for a ride
Hop in the music and rock your body right
Rock yo body right
Rock yo body right

Come on, yeah

Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock that body
Come on
Rock that body,
Come on, come on, rock-that-body

Go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh,
Now Go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Now Go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Now Go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock
I wanna, I wanna rock

Now Go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

I wanna, I wanna rock
I wanna, I wanna rock

Now Go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
Now Go Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now
Now, now, rock right now

I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right now
I wanna, I wanna rock right nooowww

No. 2113149

> i love that my husband takes care of me
> mmph so you fuck fat guys?
Please take your pornbrained shit elsewhere you asswhipe

No. 2113150

File: 1722403880287.jpg (31.69 KB, 385x489, 1cc226feeae5448db82b3c72465ce1…)

No. 2113154

errrrm knowing how to save images is kind of… manly., what are you some sort of tech bro

No. 2113155

Really I love cum and being came inside of and I love that as a privileged American I can lay around and do this whenever I ask my husband for it(baiting and derailing)

No. 2113156

File: 1722403925247.png (126.5 KB, 427x344, 1699238933780.png)

EWWW DESGUSTANGGG nigelfags always posting about their sex lives unprompted, no one wants to hear about your fat ugly moid.

No. 2113157

File: 1722403942444.gif (1.28 MB, 722x680, tamerz98678647.gif)


Welcome to The E.N.D
Do not panic, there is nothing to fear
Everything around you is changing
Nothing stays the same
This version of myself is not permanent
Tomorrow, I will be different
The energy never dies
Energy cannot be destroyed, or created
It always is, and it always will be
This is the end, and the beginning
Forever infinite

Gotta get that
Gotta get that
Gotta get that
Gotta get that, that, that, that, that

Boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
That boom boom boom
That boom boom boom
Boom boom boom

Yo, I got that hit to beat the block
You can get that bass on below
I got that rock 'n' roll, that future flow
That digital spit, next level visual shit
I got that boom boom boom
How the beat bang? Boom boom boom

I like that boom boom pow
Them chickens jackin' my style
They try to copy my swagger
I'm on that next shit now
I'm so three thousand and eight
You so two thousand and late
I got that boom boom boom
That future boom boom boom
Let me get it now

Boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
That boom boom boom
That boom boom boom
Boom boom boom

I'm on that supersonic boom
Y'all hear that spaceship zoom
When I step inside the room
Them girls go apeshit, mmm
Y'all stuck on Super 8 shit
That lo-fi stupid 8-bit
I'm on that HD flat
This beat go boom boom bap

I'm a beast when you turn me on
Into the future, cybertron
Harder, faster, better, stronger
Sexy ladies, extra longer
'Cause we got the beat that bounce
We got the beat that pound
We got the beat, that 808
That boom boom in your town

People in the place
If you wanna get down
Put your hands in the air
Will.I.am., drop the beat now

Yup, yup
I be rockin' them beats
Yup, yup
I be rockin' them beats
Y-yup, yup, yup, ha, ha, ha

Here we go, here we go, satellite radio
Y'all gettin' hit wit' the (Boom, boom!)
Beats so big, I'm steppin' on leprechauns
Shittin' on y'all wit' the (Boom, boom!)
Shittin' on y'all wit' the (Boom, boom!)
Shittin' on y'all wit' the
This beat be bumpin', bumpin'
This beat go boom boom
Let the beat rock
Let the beat rock
Let the beat rock
This beat be bumpin', bumpin'
This beat go boom boom

I like that boom boom pow
Them chickens jackin' my style
They try to copy my swagger
I'm on that next shit now
I'm so three thousand and eight
You so two thousand and late
I got that boom boom boom
That future boom boom boom
Let me get it now

Boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
Gotta get that boom boom boom
That boom boom boom
That boom boom boom
Boom boom boom

Let the beat rock (Let the beat rock)
Let the beat rock (Let the beat…)
Let the beat rock (Let the beat rock, rock, rock…)(dumbass shitposting)

No. 2113158

post husband or else hes a huge lardass

No. 2113159

don't ruin this for everyonw else

No. 2113160

i know the farmhands have to be participating in this kek

No. 2113161

you dont feel crushed under his massive fat rolls?

No. 2113162

no cause they flap with the trhusting gestures so much that she basically doesn't feel them at all

No. 2113163


No. 2113164

Nope ♥

No. 2113165

i see!

No. 2113166

File: 1722404132666.mp4 (17.81 MB, 408x720, rapidsave.com_lady_crying_for_…)

This video but replace "trump" with "farmhands"

No. 2113167

its ok anon already cleared that up

No. 2113168

File: 1722404158170.gif (404.04 KB, 500x280, 1721359035643.gif)

Psst, I see dead people

(Mustard on the beat, hoe)

Ayy, Mustard on the beat, hoe
Deebo, any rap nigga, he a free throw
Man down, call an amberlamps, tell him, "Breathe, bro"
Nail a nigga to the cross, he walk around like Teezo
What's up with these jabroni-ass niggas tryna see Compton?
The industry can hate me, fuck 'em all and they mama
How many opps you really got? I mean, it's too many options
I'm finna pass on this body, I'm John Stockton
Beat your ass and hide the Bible if God watchin'
Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas
Certified boogeyman, I'm the one that up the score with 'em
Walk him down, whole time I know he got some hoe in him
Pole on him, extort shit, bully, Death Row on him
Say, Drake, I hear you like 'em young
You better not ever go to cell block one
To any bitch that talk to him and they in love
Just make sure you hide your lil' sister from him
They tell me Chubbs the only one that get your hand-me-downs
And PARTY at the party, playin' with his nose now
And Baka got a weird case, why is he around?
Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, Dot, fuck 'em up
Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop, I'ma do my stuff
Why you trollin' like a bitch? Ain't you tired?
Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minor
They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
You think the Bay gon' let you disrespect Pac, nigga?
I think that Oakland show gon' be your last stop, nigga
Did Cole fouI, I don't know why you still pretendin'
What is the owl? Bird niggas and bird bitches, go
The audience not dumb
Shape the stories how you want, hey, Drake, they're not slow
Rabbit hole is still deep, I can go further, I promise
Ain't that somethin'? B-Rad stands for bitch
And you Malibu most wanted
Ain't no law, boy, you ballboy, fetch Gatorade or somethin'
Since 2009, I had this bitch jumpin'
You niggas'll get a wedgie, be flipped over your boxers
What OVO for? The "Other Vaginal Option"? Pussy
Nigga better straighten they posture, got famous all up in Compton
Might write this for the docket, tell the pop star, "Quit hidin'"
Fuck a caption, want action, no accident, and I'm hands-on
He fuck around, get polished
Fucked on Wayne girl while he was in jail, that's connivin'
Then get his face tatted like a bitch apologizin'
I'm glad DeRoz' came home, y'all didn't deserve him neither
From Alondra down to Central, nigga better not speak on Serena
And your homeboy need subpoena, that predator move in flocks
That name gotta be registered and placed on neighborhood watch
I lean on you niggas like another line of Wock'
Yeah, it's all eyes on me, and I'ma send it up to Pac, ayy
Put the wrong label on me, I'ma get 'em dropped, ayy
Sweet Chin Music, and I won't pass the aux, ayy
How many stocks do I really have in stock? Ayy
One, two, three, four, five, plus five, ayy
Devil is a lie, he a 69 God, ayy
Freaky-ass niggas need to stay they ass inside, ayy
Roll they ass up like a fresh pack of 'za, ayy
City is back up, it's a must, we outside, ayy
They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
They not like us, they not like us, they not like us
Once upon a time, all of us was in chains
Homie still doubled down callin' us some slaves
Atlanta was the Mecca, buildin' railroads and trains
Bear with me for a second, let me put y'all on game
The settlers was usin' town folk to make 'em richer
Fast-forward, 2024, you got the same agenda
You run to Atlanta when you need a check balance
Let me break it down for you, this the real nigga challenge
You called Future when you didn't see the club (ayy, what?)
Lil Baby helped you get your lingo up (what?)
21 gave you false street cred
Thug made you feel like you a slime in your head (ayy, what?)
Quavo said you can be from Northside (what?)
2 Chainz say you good, but he lied
You run to Atlanta when you need a few dollars
No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin' colonizer
The family matter, and the truth of the matter
It was God's plan to show y'all the liar
He a fan, he a fan, he a fan (mm)
He a fan, he a fan, he a-
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 69 God
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
Let me hear you say, "OV-hoe" (OV-hoe)
Say, "OV-hoe" (OV-hoe)
Then step this way, step that way
Then step this way, step that way
Are you my friend?
Are we locked in?
Then step this way, step that way
Then step this way, step that way

No. 2113169

I’m not watching that because 1) she’s fat 2) her face is red as a tomato 3) her hair is an ugly shade of diarrhea blonde

No. 2113170

Speaking of diarrhea you will NEVER guess what she is doing in the video

No. 2113171

i really think if more of you had sex with a nice, attractive, clean man you'd be a lot happier. at least my depression went away when i started getting regular sex

No. 2113173

My eyes need bleach. This conversation has nothing to do with America.

No. 2113174

Oh my god now I’m scared

No. 2113175

Still hotter than your scrotoid.

No. 2113176

1) your fat

No. 2113177

My husbands balls are more beautiful than that woman’s hairstyling

No. 2113179

What about my fat

No. 2113180

i just know hes ugly

No. 2113181

No. 2113183

its excessive

No. 2113184

This is making us look even more stupid to nonas from other countries.

No. 2113185

I think you guys would get more angry with me if I showed you him

No. 2113186




No. 2113189

This is the correct thread to dump my yaoi porn folder into, right?(no)

No. 2113191

Oh nonna I could never want that…

No. 2113192

black eyed pease, please play "where is the love?"

No. 2113193

No. 2113194

No. 2113195

This thread is nebulus now

No. 2113197

Nope sorry it's the cum dump thread

No. 2113198

please show i am begging you

No. 2113199

please nona i'm soooo closseee

No. 2113202

File: 1722404659523.jpeg (41.94 KB, 600x430, IMG_1374.jpeg)


No. 2113203

if a woman being happy she can be comfortably NEET makes you fantasize about her nigel being a porn addict maybe you have something you need to work through(extended derailing)

No. 2113204

File: 1722404675416.gif (6.08 MB, 640x514, winnie-the-pooh-ariel.gif)






STEP THAT WAY(dumbass shitposting)

No. 2113205

post husband

No. 2113206

File: 1722404706388.gif (2.21 MB, 498x498, dancing-llama-doomlar.gif)

No. 2113208

my nigel is hotter and richer and manlier than your nigel

No. 2113209

File: 1722404785984.webp (19.03 KB, 686x385, IMG_1376.webp)

No. 2113210

your nigel is 2d

No. 2113211


No. 2113213

I don’t want everyone to get banned for racebait while the night is young

No. 2113214

File: 1722404886017.jpeg (145.45 KB, 1000x667, IMG_1377.jpeg)

No one is appreciating the Bald Eagle photos…

No. 2113215

just post him then quickly delete

No. 2113216

File: 1722404920430.mp4 (2 MB, 480x516, notlikeus.mp4)

reminds me of this kid kek. not like us really is the macarena of 2024

No. 2113217

File: 1722404957587.gif (Spoiler Image,1.88 MB, 200x200, dada.gif)

ok nonna

No. 2113218

File: 1722404963602.jpg (47.79 KB, 602x452, main-qimg-9b207d450fc863e1fb3b…)

I don't get why eagles are the official mascot of America. We have so many animals are that are cuter and more prevalent.

No. 2113220

stop hiding him

No. 2113221

Because they're big like dicks

No. 2113222

you know you want to

No. 2113223

That comparison is an insult to eagles tbh

No. 2113224

File: 1722405132068.jpg (433.82 KB, 2500x1667, portrait-bald-eagle.jpg)

because eagles mog just like the average america. we're badass

No. 2113226

maybe if the mods did this…

No. 2113229

File: 1722405232540.jpg (81.67 KB, 600x600, 00nat-vanishing-turkeys-northe…)

Should’ve been the turkey

No. 2113231

File: 1722405254702.webp (81.89 KB, 768x326, raccoons-536658.webp)

Average American is more raccoon like these days.

No. 2113234

File: 1722405316680.jpeg (217.34 KB, 2000x1000, IMG_6190.jpeg)

say jim, I hear you like 'em young
you better not ever go to lolcow once
to any bitch that talk to him and say they in love
just make sure you make him use a condom
they tell me jeff ross the one that get your hand-me-downs
party at the party, playin' with his collapsed coke nose now
and seth green got a weird case, why is he around?
certified funny men? certified pedophiles
wop wop wop wop wop, fuck 'em up
wop wop wop wop wop, imma do my stuff
why you trollin' like a bitch?
ain't you tired?
tryna strike a chord and it's probably a-minor(dumbass shitposting)

No. 2113237

I saw wild turkeys running in a pack and they remind me of dinosaurs

No. 2113238

they not like us

No. 2113239

That’s because they are dinosaurs, nona

No. 2113241

File: 1722405649915.jpg (1.39 MB, 2448x1766, img_4513.jpg)

When i was in staten island there were so many turkeys just running around kek. I love new york

No. 2113243

terrible thread pic. american dad's chin looks like tumorous ballsack. you guys must be monsterfuckers at this point. what part of "no ugly men" do you not understand? imagine a newfag on this website and she sees all the ugly moids on the threadpics. have some shame.

No. 2113246

File: 1722406031475.gif (171.75 KB, 406x382, A568i109f.gif)

kek they got the anons having fun but not the ones who actually caused the fight…interesting. very interesting.

No. 2113250

I think cause they were the ones baiting

No. 2113252

dumbass shitposting is the gayest ban message. have some self awareness and say no fun allowed with your chest lol, they started shitposting to bury the real baiters because the mods weren't doing it.(ban evasion)

No. 2113257

They wouldn't even do anything when I tried reporting the baiters earlier kek. Really makes me think

No. 2113276

File: 1722408215099.png (7.6 KB, 1061x737, oregon trail.png)

I just played this for the first time, I was so fucking close dammit.

No. 2113278

this seems like a bad move politically, harris needs to work to be taken seriously by older unsure voters. megan's audience is younger and probably leaning towards voting for her, and more exposed to memes and discussion online. i think harris has an okay history after doing research so i will vote for her, but she nor her team are helping publicize her whole career as an attorney general and in politics. people mostly going off what her assigned duties as vice president looks bad for her because she didn't do well. i think she may have spent more time actually running things than we know because biden is senile.

No. 2113281

She supports giving TiM convicts sex changes with taxpayer money so she lost me already.

No. 2113284

based and turkey-pilled

videos of turkeys gangstalking and bullying people are my favorite!

No. 2113291

Castrating male prisoners is a good thing. They just shouldn't be put in with females.

No. 2113292

I know it's a haha based take to say this, but in reality it's a waste of resources that could be spent towards actually improving our country.

No. 2113304

What the hell, where is this? this place looks so idyllic

t. Dusty industrial desert hellscape dweller

No. 2113314

Feels very Idiocracy. Along with the fact that Kamala’s team had the Charli XCX “Brat” banner on their official Twitter account

No. 2113317

This image always makes me chuckle

No. 2113321

So, the handmaidens who sexually harass another person and talk about how their special nigels face fuck them in another thread, come to troll here in the meantime?

No. 2113414

Why the fuck is Stan caressing my man

No. 2113452

I went to San Antonio once and it felt really underwhelming. The river walk is less than three miles long and back on the east coast we have over 3000 miles of hiking/biking trails.

No. 2113485

What if pete buttigieg was picked as the dem nominee?

No. 2113487

File: 1722428302591.jpeg (1.92 MB, 1603x2048, 69948342-ECF6-4D1A-A004-D369F5…)

No. 2113492

I wish i could experience my lesbian sexual awakening together with Kamala

No. 2113501

Yeah because he has washed up nobodies like hulk hogan and amber rose

No. 2113543

Texas is a horrible state.

No. 2113600

File: 1722436050102.mp4 (1.86 MB, 640x360, ibCsIsO.mp4)

wtf is she doing? she has NEVER talked like that before

No. 2113609

I'm quite partial to Karl Dandleton.

No. 2113691

This looks photoshopped. Plus anyone can smile next to a clown in public lbh

No. 2113695

Does she have a speech impediment or something? I don't think being lispy or slurring your words makes you incompetent, but it's odd. I don't know if I believe it's alcohol or drugs. Maybe the result of a stroke?

No. 2113700

Imagine voting for a man who wants to take away all your rights just to own the trannies on Twitter. Some of you are fucking retarded.

No. 2113701

>cp post deleted immediately
Even more proof the farmhands are clearly around and present and start most of the infights and control the general opinion held in the threads and ban you if they disagree with you. Go fuck yourself you useless retards, you only delete disgusting CP when it’s in your benefit to do so and not when people are practically demanding you to do it for hours when it gets spammed on these boards. Faggot ass reddit mods

No. 2113705

are you seriously complaining about this

No. 2113706

File: 1722440399104.mp4 (1.24 MB, 720x1280, 9283884.mp4)

No. 2113707

Your rights to vote, work, and own property are still here and won’t magically eviscerate. The dems are more than happy to move you to the side to give these troons and lefty useful idiots more privileges and you’ll still take it for some kind of superficial virtue of her biological sex. Great she’s a woman, just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean she gives a fuck about other women though kekk

No. 2113712

Keep seething. A man in a wig scares you more than 10 year old girls being forced to give birth. Evil inside and out

No. 2113713

>lesbo lust
Just because you said that I'm doubling down. Kamala my princess she just needs someone to pinkpill her
Every advancement for women was done by dems. Objectively the lesser of 2 evils

No. 2113715

Yasssss slayyyy bestie Weimar Republic is soooo cunttyyyy bring it mother Kamala hunty kween. You bitches keep forgetting this type of male faggotry signaling language is what’s killing the souls and spirit of modern women, Kamala is just going to be another spearhead of this woman-hating system and change nothing. I wish she would gtfo she’s wasting our time and bringing all of these celebrity endorsements in and it’s laughable, she’s making a mockery out of her own supporters by doing that she knows how stupid and highly impressionable you all are, she doesn’t give a damn about your rights.

No. 2113729

>Abortions are bandaids, they don’t help anyone
B _ _ _ _e, s _ _ _ _e(scrotefoiling)

No. 2113730

>abortions encourage rape culture
Oh my god, you people actually have no idea how real life works. Please drink concrete and throw yourself off a bridge

No. 2113736

>tiktok censoring your scrotefoil
How hard is it to not respond to bait? Another day on /ot/. Faggots, all of you.

No. 2113737

>every advancement was done by dems
Absolute cap and tells me you aren’t American because the creation of the nineteenth amendment was way more complex. There were many democrats who were against it in the first place kekkk and the parties back then stood for slightly different values. I wish Republicans would go back to their roots and they would seriously have an advantage

No. 2113739

Nta but you’re too serious, that was a little funny

No. 2113744

Wow this anti abortion faggot is really going to stretch to every single thread

No. 2113746

Yeah, I wonder how she would react if her 10 year daughter was raped pregnant. Hopefully she's a hypocrite.

No. 2113747

>tiktok censoring
lmao I was watching Wheel of Fortune

No. 2113756

>abortion can be stressful and men rape anyway so you may as well force all rape victims to shit out rape babies

No. 2113779

File: 1722442685689.jpeg (6.51 KB, 192x148, 12AD8D4C-D9E4-429B-8272-B93350…)

If I had a rape baby I would shoot it in the head.

No. 2113815

it was unfunny as fuck

No. 2113819

File: 1722444374633.png (544.78 KB, 963x1174, dude shut up retard .png)

Nta but

No. 2113840

File: 1722445004685.jpeg (122.85 KB, 1486x836, IMG_7002.jpeg)

i hate single policy voters lol. they’re no different from the retarded twitter activists who vote for jill stein. Suddenly they’re like “oh so you guys only like kamala cause of her looks and slay queen or whatever!” when in reality trump has been trying to win the pop culture war too. the RNC and trump himself before have just pulled out a bunch of whos and has beens (logan paul, kid rock, amber rose). But no, kamala has soft power and these retards shout “Oh!! so you guys don’t care about her policy!” like it’s not being discussed right next to the pop culture shit that’s being used to promote her. Like suddenly the beer question that has been okay for moids to do for years with their presidential pick is suddenly wrong when normie women do it. it’s so hypocritical, in every campaign there will always be an attempt to gain people’s attention through pop culture, Kamala is just going all out with it. Also why do people itt act like people never thirsted over trump in past threads and that it’s just kamala supporters doing it? trump supporters would always post photos of him when he was young and it’d be like half the thread. What makes this different? Let us like older, powerful, women in peace smh

No. 2113845

She’s not very poised at all jfc

No. 2113850

I don’t think it’s just a single anon who references abortion

No. 2113917

File: 1722449311409.png (791.7 KB, 1378x934, wow.png)

God news!

No. 2113925

whenever i see bills being passed i always think of i’m just a bill kekk

No. 2113926

what does it do exactly

No. 2113959

Cute and funny?

No. 2113961

The bills regulate the content shown to minor social media users and require tech companies to disable "addictive features" (such as an algorithmic feed or rewards for time spent on the service), targeted advertising, and nonconsensual and/or excessive data collection on their accounts. They also mandate minors access to options to delete their account and personal/collected data completely from SM platforms, and revise parts of COPPA (for example, raising the age protected by the act from <13 to <17).

No. 2113965

No. 2113967

msm hyping up curtis yarvin and his "intellectual movement" reminds me of how msm built up that "hail trump" faggot whose name I forgot back in 2016

No. 2113968

That’s amazing, why do i see so many trannies seething over it lol

No. 2113976

because they’re angry that kids being available to predators on the internet is starting to actually be regulated KEK

No. 2113987

Now that women have their own beer metric and the Trump crowd looks cringe af, all bedicked organisms are suddenly serious policy wonks who don't care about petty popularity contests and "energy".

No. 2113992

No. 2113996

she's not gorgeous holy fuck are you blind???
that short video with the beautiful gorgeous tulsi gabbard exposes the stark reality of kamala's unattractiveness

No. 2113998

theyre both hot. retard

No. 2113999

everyone has their own subjective taste nonna

No. 2114001

no, that video really made me understand what incels meant by "mogging"

No. 2114002

>that white streak
why is that so hot

No. 2114005

File: 1722453452219.png (88.31 KB, 180x295, uwu.png)

i need her so bad.. mixed woman save me
and now what if her and tulsi passionately kissed on stage?

No. 2114007

samefag but we're never getting a two-woman ticket because America is too woke for yuri.

No. 2114008

it represents hope, righteousness in the face of adversity, light amidst darkness like my yet unrequited love for her which will be realized one day inshallah

No. 2114021

her dulcet voice flows into my ears like molten ice down my mucous membrane

No. 2114029

If I was better at art I would draw Tulsi and Kamala passionately fighting each other with high amounts of sexual tension

No. 2114036

File: 1722454830153.jpg (Spoiler Image,266.07 KB, 894x894, a_monster_with_a_very_long_ton…)

I want to lick all over her vocal cords ughghughag

No. 2114048

Holy shit I’m not underage but is that accessible for adults too? I want to have my social medial to not be as addictive anymore.

No. 2114052

Mogged in every conceivable way

No. 2114054

Jesus christ I’m starting to get it, she’s beautiful

No. 2114069

File: 1722455712196.png (134.95 KB, 1014x563, 538.png)

woah kamala harris' 538 favorability rating has been trending in her favor. Seems to have been happening ever since biden as dropped out. I always take polling with a grain of salt, though.

No. 2114074

Tulsa Oklahoma isn't ugly but I still prefer Kamala.

No. 2114083

kamala just has a "warm" vibe to her. i think her laugh and voice are both really cute.

No. 2114084

Oh man, now I can't even choose anymore. They're both so cute kek

No. 2114085

Literally same I’m embarrassed that I find her this charming

No. 2114089

No. 2114092

Stfu there are “”people”” simping over Trump’s son

No. 2114093

That's literally irrelevant.

No. 2114094

I have a suspicion this will change once the honeymoon phase is over. People are relieved Biden's out, but there's a reason she had such an unpopular rating. Is everyone just going to act they forgot kek

No. 2114095

It is not “literally” irrelevant

No. 2114097

Why does this empty husk of a politician even get a "honeymoon phase" lmao I can't

No. 2114098

Richard Spencer?

No. 2114099

No. 2114103

every thread before biden dropped out always had trump simps too. these people need to let women have their beer question. i cant believe i see moids on xitter whining about women liking kamala's personality and saying we need to get rid of the 19th because of that.
To be honest, i feel like it wont change that much from here. whether it be positive or negative. her numbers are pretty similar to trumps now which makes sense for a candidate. I wonder when she'll reach her polling ceiling though

No. 2114106

Hey burger nonnies, I'm a eurofag who's clueless about the election stuff and the people involved but I wanna learn about it since everyone's discussing it. Most I know is trump is bad because he wants to ban abortion. And that he's against trannies which is good but he's still shite. And Kamala? What are her views? I know she's cool with troons but that's all I know of her apart from the random coconut memes kek

No. 2114121

Look at this female politician with actual opinions and principles. Now compare her to Kamala Harris.

No. 2114125

Trump is the guy saying "all hell breaks loose in 48 hours" on his donation emails because he didnt meet his donation deadline. He also seethed about cheesecake factory prices. he's the husk of the politician, he just says whatever until it sticks.
>restrictions on price gouging
>wants to raise the corporate tax rate
>pro-union, wants to create more jobs, similarly to biden
>supported the green new deal, would assume she'd want more renewable energy.
>would likely invest more in public education
>Her opinion on immigration is the video linked

There's alot more but in general she's pretty left leaning.

No. 2114141

samefag but i agree when people say the quavo quote is cringe… but hey it's atlanta what do you expect, got the crowd hyped KEKKKKK

No. 2114150

Oh, she doesn't seem too bad then, apart from the whole pandering to trannies and kweerios shit. Thanks nona

No. 2114160

The Cheesecake Factory thing was just a bit from someone on Twitter. I wish it was real

No. 2114166

File: 1722458875587.png (55.79 KB, 617x496, allhell.png)

LOL that'd be so fucking funny, ah man. the email is real though

No. 2114179

Kamala is also elderly. Just saying. I don't get why this thread acts like she's 35.

No. 2114183

Elderly is 65+, she's only 59.

No. 2114184

because she's below retirement age, so she's not elderly

No. 2114193

because she looks good for her age and i have mommy issues

No. 2114196

based nona…

No. 2114221

I'm so fucking sick of the Yassss Queen "Hello fellow kids" shit that they're pushing. If Kamala acted like a stuffy serious bitch I'd think Ok, maybe she's not 'fun' but she might actually get shit done. But I know they're trying to pander to the zoomers with ADHD who can't sit for 5 seconds without flashing colors and meme phrases

No. 2114223

File: 1722461260632.jpg (526.9 KB, 1980x1320, zoomer.jpg)

I'm so fucking sick of the Yassss Queen "Hello fellow kids" shit that they're pushing. If Trump acted like a stuffy serious bitch I'd think "Ok, maybe he's not 'fun' but he might actually get shit done". But I know they're trying to pander to the zoomers with ADHD who can't sit for 5 seconds without flashing colors and meme phrases

No. 2114230

ayrt but kek I've never seen this

No. 2114233

ayrt and trump has been collabing with celebrities broccoli head zoomers love. honestly it's so crazy how much elections are intertwined with internet culture. started in 2008 but it was much more prevalent in 2016

No. 2114268

This is just one example though, Kamala is doing some weird tiktok bit daily

No. 2114270

because politics are influenced by internet culture

No. 2114273

that's what i said, it helped trump alot in 2016

No. 2114276

i’m not talking about presidents just playing around with celebrities, i’m talking about the internet influencing the thoughts of voters and people who actually work in the Government with legitimate power

No. 2114277

>Honestly it's so crazy how much elections are intertwined with internet culture.

No. 2114325

i should’ve said ntayrt because i didn’t make the initial post i was just joining the conversation, all i’m saying is that politics is influenced by internet culture and whatever is trendy/attractive to the majority online

No. 2114329

I don't see how it's different from old timer elections being influenced by tv, radio, or newspapers.

No. 2114331

It's different because social media like tik tok and twt/IG are huge platforms. I dont get why it's so hard to get newspapers, tv and radio wasnt nearly as in your face as social media, since it's attached to your phone. Sadly, with new comer voters, these old bones are trying to get as much influence as they can

No. 2114334

it’s different because it’s more interactive and social media is a place where you can socialize with others who can influence your opinions, not just consume media someone else is producing like a movie or radio show. Rush Limbaugh didn’t have the same effect on American politics that tumblr has

No. 2114344

File: 1722467243278.png (243.71 KB, 445x525, barack.png)

we're SO barack.

No. 2114360

File: 1722468019812.jpeg (43.25 KB, 440x264, IMG_1390.jpeg)

When I see “Vance” I just think of Eli and Alyx Vance, who would be much better at running the country than this guy.

No. 2114407

One thing I will say about Trump is that he's good at coming up with these insulting nicknames kek. They always roll off the tongue

No. 2114413

>started in 2008 but it was much more prevalent in 2016
When politicians began to regularly use and post on social media in the early '10s, I realized how bad it was gonna get. Politicians and important government or public figures shouldn't be using social media. It's like seeing them walking out of strip clubs or smoking crack cocaine. It's for the plebs not the highest echelons of the national ruling class.

No. 2114439

File: 1722471784034.jpg (116.64 KB, 842x383, StacyHarris .jpg)

Recent Favorabity Rating, looks like Kamala may win if she keeps her stuff up, then again this may be another 2016 situation where despite everyone knowing, and seemingly agreeing, Hillary Clinton was a better idea for president and her winning all the popular votes Trump still somehow won but I guess we just have to hope America doesn’t nosedive again

No. 2114444

im worried about another 2016 happening BUT kamala's campaign has been great so far and if you guys do some research into her schedule it's PACKED. She's been going to swing states non-stop, iirc i remember an article talking about her not following hillary's playbook kek. hillary had an ego problem, she thought she didn't need to go to swing states, she thought she had it in the bag. Hillary's campaign was just really bad compared to Trump's.

No. 2114452

Why do politicians keep inviting women like Amber Rose and Megan Thee Stallion to events? Seems trashy.

No. 2114458

Because they know their voter base is trashy.

No. 2114471

To appeal to black voters.

No. 2114472

because they want soft power. when a celebrity endorses a politician, the celebrity is basically saying "hey, fans, you trust me. You should also trust this politician." I don't think it's scummy, a lot of people take charisma and endorsement into account when they want a leader, it's been like that for centuries.

No. 2114521

because they think if they get a baddie twerking on stage and make a joke about hot sauce the blackie votes will come rolling in(racebaiting)

No. 2114697

Worked for Biden with his "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black" shit so I see why they try…

No. 2114756

I know polls aren't the most reliable resource, but Pennsylvania leaning towards Harris is great news

No. 2115027

youre gonna pretend he's not selling cringe merch and NFTs kek? Just give it up, you'll never not be cringe

No. 2115326

File: 1722528841133.jpeg (375.53 KB, 1125x2032, 7195954.jpeg)

I'm so glad to see the Pennsylvania Supreme Court take this case. Finally some good news. Praying that her family gets some justice. https://archive.ph/kKVVW

No. 2115333

You people will tell yourselves anything to make you feel better.

No. 2115345

Not a burger but I don’t know where else to put this. I have noticed for a while now that especially since all the Palestine stuff happened (well when gen z suddenly were educated about it, seeing as it has been going on for a long time) I have seen so much more ‘memes’ and jokes about 9/11. Even those TikTok’s where people were reading and agreeing with Bin Ladens manifesto or whatever. I think is it crazy and so weird. I think the west is slowly being radicalised by Muslim/islamic countries. Like those brain dead Queers for Palestine are literally doing anything and everything for a country who would execute them for being gay, a woman or anything like that if they had the chance

No. 2115349

Finally someone here with some brains. Trump never did any of this from 2016-2020. You guys must have fallen out of a coconut tree if you think cackling camel toe can size up people like Putin and china.

No. 2115350

Sorry nona but zoomers don't give a fuck about 9/11, the jokes have been around for a while

No. 2115352

I hate fat lazy cops so much.
It's probably more prevalent because most young people now were born after 9/11.

No. 2115366

I think it must be some cope for zoomers that it didn’t happen. I made the same edgy dumb jokes about the holocaust, thankfully I grew the fuck up and leaned alot.

No. 2115373

We seriously need a beautiful brunette as president I'm tired of these flabby old fugly scrotes. Kamala coconut queen sweeeeep.

No. 2115379

9/11 jokes have been a thing since the day it happened though so idk, but I feel like if burgers wanna join muslimiism then they’re going to have to go to the middle east themselves because the US is staunchly Christian/Catholic and always will be

No. 2115438

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first cutiepie president

No. 2115457

File: 1722536717407.mp4 (6.65 MB, 854x480, lUQBdd2.mp4)

Who the fuck is handling Kamala's campaign? cause It looks like want her to lose, the one chance she had was to position herself as the sensible and normal candidate compared to Trump's antics and now that's completely out the window

No. 2115462

Trump should bring out Sexyy Red. Jokes aside, couldn't Kamala have gotten someone more family-friendly? 

No. 2115466

eh they all bning out the celebs, this is just cringey and I think Kamala could've brought someone else out for the "Young vote" whose music has…some kinda of message about something. Though Megan is well liked online even if her music sucks and the people who like her won't buy it.
It is what it is, this has been happening for years in the grand scheme of things, I don't think this kind of shit works anymore with artists like Megan or Amber Rose or some shit.
I bet the younger vote would probably be moved by that Kai moid then some singer/rapper. Those times have passed. Celebs bring attention and politicians love to use them.

No. 2115472

Imo, celebrity endorsements only work with celebs with cult followings like Taylor or Nicki, and even then, it only goes so far. Neither Amber nor Megan have that.

No. 2115477

They couldn’t afford Beyoncé’s fee or something? Bey would’ve been a solid choice

No. 2115481

As much as I like Megan, I think Kamala should've tried getting someone like Beyonce or even someone like Taylor Swift. Beyonce did perform for Hillary's campaign, I'm sure she would've done it for Hillary. As random as it sounds, hell even Ariana Grande or Rihanna could've worked kek. I do understand why they chose Megan because she's appealing to younger generations, but unfortunately because of her shooting situation and sexuality she's just too divisive. Plus she doesn't have a cult following.
This doesn't mean it's out the window for Kamala though. People who'll use this to discredit her are the people who wouldn't have voted for her anyway.

No. 2115482

she’s about as attractive as trump ngl

No. 2115484

Oh no I think Megan was a very purposeful choice and fitting choice. They don’t call her Cummala for nothing(ban evasion)

No. 2115489

Taylor should definitely get pulled out eventually, im sure she’d be willing to considering she’s a democrat

No. 2115495

Honestly the Swifties have always seemed like the type of people to vote red to me, but they're so culty I think if Taylor endorsed Kamala a lot of them would at least consider it.

No. 2115498

Last time they had Cardi talking to Biden, Breakfast club dude. Beyonce, Rihanna, Taylor, Nicki, Kendrick Lamar, Drake (before Kendrick), Mariah Carey etc. are still popular, they even outsell the younger artists when they make new music but I assume Kamala wanted black young talent, so who to pick? Is Sza even political?
It's the same for repubs, the only "famous" black people they can get are has beens or losers. Kamala probably has a lot of older celebs to choose from, but not a lot of younger celebs.
Megan just did a tour and a album. Megan isn't a superstar and I don't think this will do much but this is what they always do.
I just want Kamala to win.

No. 2115502

are you sure she’s a dem? cause she’s southern and she loves going on 4chan so i kind of doubt she’s actually voting blue

No. 2115507

File: 1722538329030.jpeg (172.25 KB, 1201x1500, IMG_7009.jpeg)

yeah and the 4chan stuff was debunked
although megan’s raunchiness is something that can turn away a lot of people, she’s very popular within the younger block. she gets so much love online, her music almost always trends, and she is the girl crush of many zoomer women. she’s raunchy but young voters like her, the issue i have with that is i think this campaign is focusing too much on young voters.

No. 2115513

Nona you might not like her but this is straight up lie

No. 2115519

This is almost every artist, Social media is kind of pointless to measure popularity now, Megan can get 2 million likes on a picture but only 60K people to buy her album. Like another nona said, she has online popularity like almost all the famous people do but not a cult following that will trust her voice. Taylor, Beyonce, Nicki, Drake and even SZA have that kind of fanbase. Megan does not have that kind of fanbase yet.

No. 2115522

And I also think celebrity endorsements aren't as popular as they once were.

No. 2115537

File: 1722539225261.jpg (264.72 KB, 1600x1048, Walmart-store-Mountain-View-Ca…)

Non-Americans won't ever know what it's like to just step into one of these, walk around for 1-2 hours and buy a couple of random things. Growing up in a city where there literally wasn't shit to do, this was considered a "going out" activity.

No. 2115539

File: 1722539283135.jpeg (802.34 KB, 1146x1436, IMG_7005.jpeg)

Agreed, and i think it’s because of the internet. Celebrities just hold less weight than they did back then because now celebrities are in “competition” with influencers. you see influencers on red carpets nowadays and you see influencers starting music careers. of course influencers and celebrities aren’t on the same level but it makes celebrity endorsements in a surplus. So the only celebrity endorsements that are truly in demand are the ones of celebrities that have cult followings

No. 2115543

File: 1722539395386.jpeg (809.71 KB, 1170x1674, IMG_5547.jpeg)

Let’s hope if this happens, they come from Europe to burgerland so you can see how it feels and maybe we won’t sound like a /pol/fag for complaining about them after all

No. 2115544

making biden cookies doesn’t mean she voted for him, nonna

No. 2115545

There's Walmarts in other countries. I've been to Walmart many times does this mean I am American spirited?? Why is so much of the supposed American experience apparently wandering around certain company store fronts?? If we are being real non-Americans won't know what it's like to see the Grand Canyon, or the New England fall foliage, or the Rocky Mountains. Why can't the culture be based on the nation and not the corporations.

No. 2115546

Hanging up trump signs outside of your house doesn’t mean you voted for him, nona.
Nona why would she make cookies and post them out to her fanbase if she didn’t want him to win

No. 2115548

to make herself seem attractive to young democrat zoomers, duh

No. 2115549

I’m curious how it was debunked,? I googled that and only saw stuff about the theory itself

No. 2115552

I saw a Walmart in Costa Rica lol

No. 2115555

Celebrities are incentivized to endorse people and products all the time nonny. We’re not talking about Grandpa Doug

No. 2115570

File: 1722540076880.jpeg (163.82 KB, 1028x246, IMG_7010.jpeg)

id link the photos if i could but most of the photos were used before, some were even by other sources. but here’s picrel

No. 2115574

i was going to bring this up because I wasn't even old enough to vote but I remember the "Vote or Die!" shit (which was made by Diddy btw). We are in the age of information and oversharing. Famous people aren't seen as pretty/talented/handsome people whose voices matter because you look up to them or think they are important. They are always sharing their opinions and doing dumb shit or being caught up in dumb shit. Tiktok teens/young adults would probably be more moved by BrocolliHead77 telling them to vote and making a video about it or some streamer. Plus I also think younger people are more into politics more than ever, theres so many ugly dudes like Vaush, Destiny and Hassan.

No. 2115584

But anons, are they as big as ours?

No. 2115593

File: 1722540825481.mp4 (2.27 MB, 854x480, wVrvokJ.mp4)

I think she's listening to a handful of super liberal campaign mangers and not realizing that these trends only appeal to the most hyper progressive people(who were never gonna vote for her in the first place), like there was a "Women for Kamala" fundraiser event, which was headed by charles clymer, a male feminist activist who accused of sexual assault and later trooned out and reinvented himself as "intersectional feminist"

No. 2115594

File: 1722540848654.jpeg (Spoiler Image,101.08 KB, 612x919, 1QZXQgm.jpeg)

this is him without the filters

No. 2115598

Agreed, i think they need to take a step away from the hillary playbook and try appealing to moderates. The megan performance has been getting backlash. kamala spoke about strengthening the border and it made online leftists really mad, but honestly they dont matter as much as swing voters considering they wont vote anyways. I've heard people saying kamala needs to step away from the tranny stuff if she wants the swing vote, which i agree with alot. but trannies got REALLY mad over that. honestly distancing herself from chronically online leftist talk may be the best route for her.

No. 2115687

Looks like the demon from The Nun. Spray that thing with some holy water

No. 2115690

I've never been inside a Walmart. Isn't it mostly plastic junk anyway? Online shopping is so much better.

No. 2115694

god my eyes

No. 2115696

kek tiktokers are being PAID to tell people to vote third party. no way online lefties are falling for this “dont vote/vote third party” shit. it’s all a ploy.

No. 2115703

I’m sorry to say but Tulsi Gabbard has like…0 chance of getting Kamala’s spot. We’re 4 months away from the election, people care too much about Kamala and Trump’s beef now that Joe Biden gave up, and despite her having a backing she’s largely doomed to be another Bernie Sanders, who’s name will be known but is unlikely to be voted for. As much as I wouldn’t mind Tulsi she has nowhere near the following for it

No. 2115704

The one nearby me is 182,000sq ft. I think that's the same size as the American ones.

No. 2115708

Not surprising at all. Celebrities and high status people are paid to advertise for specific parties every. single. election.

No. 2115714

I'll vote when they get rid of the electoral college

No. 2115720

where are you online shopping that "isn't mostly plastic junk"? even etsy is like 90% of overpriced alibaba shit now

No. 2115753

>never been inside a Walmart
Stop larping as an American.

No. 2115757

I don't use etsy either. I usually check specialized stores for whatever I want. Like if I want kitchen stuff I look at williams sonoma or sur la table.

No. 2115769

what? you realize those stores sell the exact same "plastic crap" as walmart right? even just looking at the sites, you can find almost every single thing you can get at williams sonoma or sur la table at walmart. Idk what you're larping as but this is weird. your staub pot is still a staub pot regardless of the location it was purchased

No. 2115776

They might have the same items, but never been in a walmart. Don't wanna spend hours wading through junk when I can easily find what I'm looking for somewhere else. Also how is using online stores a larp? Do you think no one buys anything online ever?

No. 2115835

Do any other poorfags not relate when foreigners make fun of Americans for not having health insurance? I have never had to pay for any health related procedure/imagery/appointments/er visits/etc. I kind of want to flex this sometimes when they bring it up but I also don’t wanna reveal that I’m broke kek
I feel bad for middle class people, though. My parents have to pay for these things since they make “too much money” to qualify for our state health insurance.

No. 2115844

I just get health/vision/dental insurance through employment, out of pocket isn't bad at all. Life is good. I thank god every day I'm american.

No. 2115855

No, even in my state there is kind of a retarded limit to what health care will cover for you even if you're a poorfag. The medical durable equipment coverage of my state health insurance meant for poorfags is like 3k, which if you know anything medical durable equipment that is basically one drop in a giant bucket. Most poorfags around me love it though because they're not biologically fucked enough to need every day medical equipment 24/7 unlike me but I'm still under my father's insurance so I'm basically just counting down the days I will have to kill myself because I won't be able to afford it kek. Sorry for being a depressing sperg.

No. 2115859

What region do you live in? Move to MA, it has a very generous healthcare system for poors.

No. 2115864

I live in the midwest, and damn that masshealth shit really is nice. If all else fails I guess moving to MA will be one of the possibilities to keep me from ACK-!!ing myself kek.

No. 2115879

Yes! Think about it. I also think very cheap housing is fairly easy to get too if you claim to be homeless, especially as a woman.
I’m really lucky to live here, I don’t think I’d survive (literally) if I lived in a non-turbo lib state lmfao

No. 2115882

>it has a very generous healthcare system for poors.
It's so crazy how America is a middle ground of having completely separate countries and being one country.

No. 2115911

As much as america annoys the fuck out of me with it's hypocrisy, I could never leave.. I hear other countries don't have central heating and cooling. I would die if the inside of my house wasn't 70 degrees year round..

No. 2116133

Scantily clad women in high heels shaking their asses… gotta love how the party of misogynistic pornsick libfem degeneracy is being held up as the party of women's rights in this thread.

No. 2116154

Compared to the party trying to remove access to reproductive healthcare, it is.

No. 2116203

Yeah no, considering dems are all about protecting trannies and letting them invade our spaces to rape us and groom our children. Nothing women-friendly about any of this shit.

No. 2116291

I'm to lazy to type something new but i've said how i feel about conservatards comparing cultural stuff to law that'll be there for years to hurt women for as long as misogynists are in power:

No. 2116310

Trannies being allowed to invade women's spaces and receiving protections when they make women and children uncomfortable and unsafe are in fact laws, not "cultural stuff." Thanks democrats

No. 2116319

File: 1722570399766.png (63.67 KB, 527x391, britstat.png)

this statistic is on britons but it's still pretty relevant. most people don't care about trannies, for a president that will not be their focus. people love to bring up title ix but that was mainly for strengthening the way sexual assault is handled in institutions it did not "change the definition of gender". Trannyism isn't as important as other issues, it will literally die with pushback from the left. democrats pander to trannies because it's something they push culturally. it WILL die with pushback. Another britbong example but their labor party is literally pushing against hormones, and it's a center left party (iirc because of the cass report too). Trannyism dies with pushback. Most misogyny coming from republicans isn't based off some internet brainrot, it's based off of years of religous hatred towards women and girls. also i don't doubt that the more other countries push against trannyism, the more the united states will follow. Single issue voting and refusing to weigh and compare every policy is so stupid. The only thing conservacucks have are trannies. I literally do not care about trannies in comparison to other issues that dems handle better.

No. 2116327

File: 1722570844291.mp4 (325.49 KB, 364x270, ewwww.mp4)

samefag single issue voters in relation to trannyism are no different from leftoids who only vote based off of the israel-palestine conflict. it's both retarded. but you can't change their minds because they actually don't care about said issue that much, they obviously wanna vote (or dont vote at all) for who they want no matter what and are just pulling an excuse out of their ass to pressure other people to vote the same way as them. ("You want pansy men to rape little girls!"/"You're a child genocider!") it's fearmongering bullshit. Because everyone knows you CAN change the direction of a political party, and i agree with dems much more outside of simply the tranny issue.

No. 2116342

Do you think if Kamala is elected she’ll actually do something about Climate Change? At this rate I feel like if we don’t do something soon half the country will be underwater

No. 2116347

No. 2116349

File: 1722572587543.jpeg (381.84 KB, 1200x1200, 26085.jpeg)

Probably, I don't think it'd be a stretch to say climate is one of her strong suits either. When she was a senator she co-sponsored the Green New Deal. She investigated oil companies such as Exxon Mobil before. She has promoted making school busses electric to reduce pollution. She also helped pass the inflation reduction act, which is made to invest billions into renewable energy. Theres more you can look into yourself, but she's very left leaning on the issue of climate change

No. 2116350

AYRT and that’s a good sign from her since she did this before she had any major political power so it seems it’s an actual belief and not basically a publicly stunt from her. If she really wants to appeal to younger voters then promising to actually do something about climate change would definitely win many of them over

No. 2116354

>Single issue voting and refusing to weigh and compare every policy is so stupid
Now say that to the anons who are basing their votes strictly on abortion shit.
>The only thing conservacucks have are trannies
Curbing rampant illegal immigration, capping mass legal immigrations (H1B, J1) which is taking good jobs away from Americans, keeping retarded SJW idpol indoctrination out of schools, etc etc

No. 2116381

File: 1722575047044.png (33.92 KB, 579x308, creationism.png)

>Now say that to the anons who are basing their votes strictly on abortion shit.
Except they don't vote strictly on abortion shit. Abortion bans are a result of the shitty justices trump put in the supreme court, nobody wants another 18 years of retarded right wing justices who change their opinions on a whim of who gives them better vacays.
>Curbing rampant illegal immigration
Illegal border entries were down by a sharp 32 percent in june (texas specifically) because of biden's restrictions on asylum claims. Not only this, but republicans literally shot down a border bill meant to close loopholes that cartel members often exploited, said bill would allow the president to close the border if there is an overwhelming amount of immigrants. Since trump became a thing in politics, republicans ride him to dawn. They do anything to keep his seat, even if it means shutting down border security bills. Also, technology used to scan cargo/vehicles has been invested in much more under democrats, this stops one of the major issues that comes with illegal immigration which is drugs. Kamala Harris often prosecuted cartel members during her time as a AG, libs often complained about her being "too tough on crime" they're still complaining about her recent policies discussed on immigration being "too strict". but even trump liked her as an AG, he donated to her kek. Trump doesn't even have experience close to hers, he never dealt with gang members at the same density that she did.
>capping mass legal immigrations (H1B, J1) which is taking good jobs away from Americans
You're saying this like trillions weren't invested into the job market during the biden-harris admin. You're also saying this like 14 million jobs weren't created under the biden-harris administration. What jobs were taken away?
>keeping retarded SJW idpol indoctrination out of schools
This literally falls under the single issue voting thing about trannies. But I will say, that is a result of leftoid extremists. However, rightoid extremists literally had that whole culture war over "white kids feeling bad" about learning racism. Not to mention the fact rightoids loveeee looking for loopholes to push religious and creationist beliefs in school.
I'm sorry but I'd much rather have the woman with decades of experience than the tv star pedophile grifter who spams people's emails with talk of "all hell breaking loose" whenever he doesn't reach his donation goals. NTM he never paid the indoor venues he held his rallies in 2016. he's scummy

No. 2116517

I think the Chapos (large "leftist" podcast) are being paid by rightoid money to push "don't vote! don't you dare vote! you're doing genocide if you vote!" as hard as they are every single episode. They don't have values and their friend/former co-host became a vegetable thanks to drug-induced health problems, so why not take the money? They probably believe it to a large extent anyway.

No. 2116734

Let's guess their benefactor, is it peter thiel

No. 2116984

Dude genuine question, are you retarded? The single biggest issue we are all facing is climate change, followed by economic disparity. Republicans not only want to make both those things worse, they deny they are even happening. Women have a lot more at stake than just our personal female issues. You're really out here with the DEY TOOKERJERBS rhetoric kek. The reason jobs are down is because our dear corporate overlords decided to spend their money on keeping their ridiculous salaries the same instead of hiring people. Inflation is eating us alive and you're out here acting like it's because of some wetback instead of the government and capitalist owner class teaming up to rule over you like the stupid prole you love being. Keep swallowing Tucker Carlsons jizz though I guess, who cares if the average summer is 110° in the next decade at least we showed those trannies guys!!

No. 2116991

hard leftists have been saying "don't vote" for generations

No. 2117220

Extremely rare based take from a non-burger in the amerifag thread. Tbf though, in rural areas, there really isn’t much to do except for hang out at conglomerate department stores like walmart (especially walmart, which is the poorfag department store of all department stores)

No. 2117239

Before all the illegal immigrants and refugees Reagan era republicans were blaming the poor and lower class for "leeching on welfare benefits" and that's why it sucks for everyone and that's why they need to install more right wing politics to "get rid of the freeloaders". They will always have a scapegoat to make the middle class punch down instead of rising against the rich.

No. 2117249

Trump lost a ton of face when he refused to debate Kamala and she took everything out of it. He looks like a scared, paranoid old man compared to her and he can't even use the dementia accusation against her like the entire republican campaign did when Biden was still running. They're panicking over trying to dig dirt on Kamala and the only thing they can come up with is muh childless cat lady shit which doesn't bode well with most voters.

No. 2117254

It's common for people who don't feel represented by either party to say "don't vote." If you ever read right-leaning content you'll see the same thing. You don't have to be a paid shill.

No. 2117255

He debated Hillary fine

Kamala is a retarded, remote-controlled version of Hillary

No. 2117267

File: 1722621188918.jpg (77.94 KB, 851x845, EmFRiW1XIAAnbv2.jpg)

No. 2117268

try to stop posting such meaningless trash

what the fuck is wrong with lc lately

No. 2117274

Hillary was a draw (or slightly in her favor). However, I agree there's no reason for Trump to debate Kamala. These debates never convince anyone. The debate with Biden is only relevant because Biden's cognitive issues were so obvious.

No. 2117280

>reddit spacing
You’re not blending in very well

No. 2117284

anyway implying that trump is "afraid" of harris is fucking retarded

i've never seen her say anything intelligent ever, awkward laughs, evasive statements, mostly

No. 2117301

The grammar sounds weirdly ESL too, reminds me of Chinese.

No. 2117306

you mean proper grammar without retarded colloquialisms?

do you speak chinese?

go back to 4 chan if the spacing bothers you so much faggot(learn2integrate)

No. 2117313

Wait you’re right kek
>try to stop posting such meaningless trash
Ok 师父
How old are you? Please be honest

No. 2117319

point out the part that's grammatically incorrect in that phrase you quoted zoomer

No. 2117332

KEK this is like a robot trying to blend in

No. 2117333

>m-mom help me find something wrong with this phrase quick!!

No. 2117336

It’s not grammatically incorrect (never claimed it was), but it doesn’t sound fluent kek

No. 2117339

trash tier argument honestly

you're reaching

why does trump being unafraid of kamala harris upset you so?(learn2integrate)

No. 2117346

Do you encounter Orthobros in real life, or are they mostly an internet phenomenon?

No. 2117373

No. 2117384

I have never met an orthobro irl or anyone who has even used this term irl

No. 2117386

I meet a lot of them online though. I guess they say they're "Christian" in person?

No. 2117460


What will you do when Trump triumphs as he was destined to? Will you leave America? Will you claim he cheated?

No. 2117464

They're not hard left and were big on voting until Bernie lost (again). They are rich as shit so nothing will change for them, it's weird for them to be this invested in making sure their pleb listeners don't vote.

No. 2117467

Live my life like I did the last time.

No. 2117479

The same thing as last time, not a whole lot interesting things will happen. Honestly, i am more concerned about J.D Vance having any power more than anything. I think that Trump fags will seethe really hard that he won't be able to run a third term and trash the place again over it.

No. 2117482

The only context I know this phrase in is orthopedic surgeons, but that’s probably not what you meant?

No. 2117487

Live life normally. I live in a blue state, natural born citizen, not living in poverty, etc etc. I hate trump but the fearmongering is gay.
It’s literally a gayops. I’m cool with third party voters, but those shills are political grifters and retards.

No. 2117668

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Literally. I was thinking of "DEY TOOKERJERBS" too KEK. there's always some minority to blame before blaming the rich. Immigrants don't come in the US saying "hmm… how many jobs can I steal…". Scummy billionaires like immigrants because they can get away with putting them in shitty conditions with little pay. The solution to that is obviously to increase worker rights, not to kick every immigrant (especially legal ones) out. There's a reason tech billionaires LOVE trump.

No. 2117714

>The single biggest issue we are all facing is climate change
No it's not, lol.

No. 2117771

You're right, it's retards like you who don't see it as a problem.

No. 2117898

I live in a blue state but assuming he goes full dictatorship and we don’t get another election and democrats don’t win the house or senate I’m gonna request a group prayer that It doesn’t all go to shit and we don’t get World War 3

No. 2117901

This is also something I never understood. Isn't the lack of jobs all because American companies can outsource their jobs to the developing world for cheaper? Wouldn't it make more sense to heavily regulate international companies?

It kinda reminds me of when phone operators became obsolete because of the introduction of machine operators. SO many women lost their jobs when this happened but it's never talked about. I'm no Luddite, but sometimes I think advancements in technology should be regulated in cases where so many jobs are at stake.

No. 2117912

Pray tell us all, nonny beloved, if the planet we are living on being slowly killed by those in power who refuse to listen to reason to the point many think that by 2050-2060 the north will be a summer shipping unit and states will be underwater isn’t one of if not the biggest issue than what is our biggest issue?

No. 2117930

Biggest issues for everyone everywhere is consistently the economy/inflation/wages/money.

No. 2117936

Global Warming / Climate Change effects the whole world and unlike the economy it’s not just a societal thing that can be possibly reformed or replaced with different systems, like it could literally kill humans, animals, and basically everything on Earth if we don’t do anything about it. And Trump and others like him (some of which aren’t even conservatard strangely enough) either deny it exists or don’t care because they’re rich

No. 2117938

That's the problem though, climate change is an issue that's slowly boiling over and isn't going to devastatingly impact the average American's daily life for another 15 or so years. Inflation and the economy is screwing the average American over now, so it's fresher and more urgent on everyone's minds. A lot of people just aren't going to be willing to tackle the environment until their financial environment is stable enough to care about the future.

No. 2117945

AYRT and that’s a fair take on it, I fear it may have the opposite result though where they use the economic issues and such to distract people away from the other more pressing issues

No. 2117948

If the economy wasn't such a pressing issue, it wouldn't work so well as a distraction. Most of us are feeling the sting at the grocery store and I almost can't blame my countrymen for following whoever claims that they'll do something about it.

No. 2118039

Apparently no one here knows how to read. I said GOOD jobs with high pay, not low-paying ones in "shitty conditions." Engineers, programmers, doctors, nurses etc roles which are given en masse to imported H1B/J1 visa immigrants, mainly from India and other Asian countries. They're starting to import teachers now too, which is middle of the road in terms of pay but it's a union job that was promised it would never be outsourced and now they're doing it anyway. This is a huge fucking problem that Americans just ignore for some reason.

America can't solve climate change somehow anyway, wtf? Third world countries are responsible for most of the pollution in the world and America does not control what those countries do with all their ocean trash and w/e.

No. 2118040

I can tell you've never taken a history class, or even taken a peak at geology.

No. 2118109

True most people don't even acknowledge the future, it's so retarded. either that or they blame it on the minorities.

No. 2118205

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Elon Musk created a PAC to help Trump win the election, it's a fake voter registration page that takes data from those in swing states. Most likely to make those in swing states think they've already registered. How scummy. He's also been banning pro-Kamala accounts. This fat autist is so annoying and cringe. Isn't this illegal?

No. 2118209

>Isn't this illegal?
Nobody has really cared about legality since probably 2015 or 2016. People are too internet-poisoned now. Everything sincere is bad and everything ironic is good. Legality is too sincere for them.

No. 2118231

>This is a huge fucking problem that Americans just ignore for some reason.
People complain about H1B visas all the time, especially in tech. Trump's also brought it up many times.

No. 2118247

>Third world countries are responsible for most of the pollution in the world
USA is the second most polluting country in the world and the top five countries cause more far pollution than the rest. Of the top five countries, only India is unequivocally a "Third World" country.

No. 2118262

>America can't solve climate change somehow anyway, wtf?
The only reason gasoline is still in widespread use is because of American funding to the oil baronies on the Arabian gulf. If the USA government didn't support the gasoline industry, the world would switch to renewable energy tomorrow.

No. 2118269

We import nurses and engineers teachers etc because we have a lack of them, not because of any conspiracy about muh immigrants on H1B visas. Do you know how hard it is to actually get these visas? American companies ALWAYS prefer citizens or people who already have residency permits so they don't have to go through the visa process. I don't get why everyone spergs about low skill immigrants, and then when skilled immigrants come, they sperg about them too. Do you want completely closed borders or something? North Korea style.

No. 2118454

The fuck are you talking about? Every single RN, teacher, engineer etc I know has been through the doom-applying to hear nothing back from majority of companies and hospitals/schools are literally known to fire people left and right over nothing. Be so fr

No. 2118456

Engineers having a hard time finding jobs? Really?

No. 2118533

Nurses can get a job if they move. If they’re getting fired it was probably their fault. Hospitals don’t fire them for no reason.

No. 2118539

As soon as that ayrt said "Indian" I knew it was a Britbong tourist itt stirring up drama for nothing.

No. 2118630

NTA but I think you really play down the insanity and cognitive dissonance people like oil tycoons have. No matter how many international scientists tell us that we need to stop using fossil fuels if we don't want a.) a climate refugee crisis b.) a food crisis c.) more epidemics as tropical diseases spread further up north they will deny the results and refuse to believe them because it's their billion dollar estate at stake. They're not philanthropists, they would rather gamble the entire planet's future than give up their riches or even invest in greener energy sources. They will pay millions of dollars for cherrypicked studies proving climate theories wrong just to keep their industry alive. The blind ignorance rich and powerful people develop is a well-documented phenomenon and that's why someone like Elon Musk makes bonkers decisions that people try to play as some form of a 4D chess we just don't understand when no, it's just him having no idea of the consequences and believing his own fabricated excellency.

But also, why do you think Saudi Arabia has been aggressively investing in entertainment and tourism? They have bought many prestigious sports teams including e-sports and host multiple competitions. They're getting ready for a future without fossil fuels. They know that their entire economy is based on oil, so they made a plan to invest their money around the world so that when upcoming climate regulations make the price of oil plummet they'll still retain their wealth. This isn't some conspiracy either, it's the actual strategy they have going forward. This is what American oil tycoons should do as well, but being retarded boomers they just choose to bribe Trump's cronies instead.

No. 2118641

Do you think white collar jobs can't be exploited by the rich? The only engineers left working at Twitter are literally visa immigrants who can't quit because no matter how abusive their job conditions become they need to just accept it or have their entire family deported. A fundamentally broken system with scales tipped in favor of the rich is something you can't fix by lashing out at immigrants, even if they all disappeared tomorrow the rich would find ways to exploit native labor just the same.

>Third world countries are responsible for most of the pollution in the world

Well, whose outsourced factories are the ones causing all that pollution? Western countries took all their manufacturing to 3rd world countries because it's much cheaper since there are no labor or environmental laws, so the consumers in the west can afford to buy more and more. And who are the people ordering endless amounts of garbage off Temu contributing to the pollution those factories cause? Sure, it's China's government that doesn't give a single small shit about the environment and lets their factories pollute the entire earth but it's the western companies enabling them and not putting their foot down demanding more climate-friendly practices.

100% this. And it happens every time. A regulation finally passes through all the lobbying and legal wrangling and in 6 months these industries complaining about how impossible it is to make changes have suddenly gone through an entire restructuring to comply. It's all about priorities.

No. 2118716

You sound clueless in so many ways

No. 2118915

>applying to hear nothing back
I assume you meant to say ex-teachers because American schools will hire anyone that can breathe. Both you and >>2118269
are outrageously over exaggerating regardless

No. 2119180

Do you think everyone could afford to just suddenly switch to electric cars? People only buy a new car once every decade or 2 or even 3. Suddenly abandoning gasoline would cause absolute chaos.

No. 2119199

NTA but that's why the EU has set a ban for new petrol and diesel based car engines being enforced in 2035, it has a 10 year transition period so that car manufacturers will start coming up with more cost efficient renewable fuel sources and engines running on electricity so that the average person can afford to buy one. The US should come up with a similar solution, give a decade-long warning to force the manufacturers to invest more into the research of renewable fuels. Legislation is the only way to force them into doing so, just asking nicely will achieve nothing.

No. 2120032

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Trump says he has fertility in his brain… whose fertility could it be? I wonder if it's biden's.

No. 2120040

I thought Trump-chan would have been the seme and Biden-chan would have been the uke but I now know that Trump-chan has been the uke the entire time.

No. 2120042

Im the ayrt, but I don't mean just cars. Gasoline is used in a lot more than just cars.
It's the same thing in my country, they've limited the time for when gasoline cars will be sold until finally they're made illegal. The whole reason it's taking so long anyway because otherwise it would destabilize the entire Middle East because the oligarchs there really only have the oil right now. This is gonna sound kinda mean but like, the geography of Saudi Arabia just does not fit 38 million. What's gonna happen in these oil-dependent countries when gas is obsolete? How will they manage keeping a steady supply of food? Most countries have set a "no-gasoline" date for sometime after 2050, and it's only because otherwise Saudi Arabia would implode overnight so we have to give them time to diversify their economy because they're our allies.

No. 2120047

No. 2120076

Based on the people I met in college and at work, most US-born nurses and engineers perform significantly worse than the foreign born ones. Even the best US-born nurses/engineers/scientists/whatever-majors tend to at least be 2nd or 3rd gen immigrants. A lot of Americans just don't do STEM and prefer easy, soft degrees and jobs like business (I say this as a business major) or liberal arts. Or education which incidentally is a complete joke of a degree.
Even the really smart Americans avoid STEM and instead choose law or consulting instead of something actually productive to society.

No. 2120100

God, you're slow.

No. 2120231

Honestly this is why I believe all those theories about them being secretly gay for each other kek, Ivanka deserves better than him anyways since it’s been suspected for years he’s cheated on her
Yeah I agree, I find it so odd how many people wanna waste their time crying about feminism when we may end up living to see the beginning of the end for the planet, it’s gonna take future generations so much effort to reverse the modern effect we’ve had on the Climate, if they can even do that assuming we don’t fuck it beyond recognition. Wasn’t there some story in 2019 of an 11 year old who was considering suing the Government over the Climate Crisis?

No. 2120237

File: 1722735638043.jpg (Spoiler Image,49.49 KB, 522x423, hmmm.jpg)

Ivanka's no doubt…

No. 2120249

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or his boyfriend epstein

No. 2120341

>Wasn’t there some story in 2019 of an 11 year old who was considering suing the Government over the Climate Crisis?
Greta Thunberg or someone else?

No. 2120366

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No. 2120397

oh my goodness anon, Ivanka Trump is his daughter. You're thinking of Melania Trump kek

No. 2120489

Oregon is my most favorite state, it's like the France of America. Which makes sense because they're on the same parallel kek

No. 2120501

>Or education which incidentally is a complete joke of a degree
Oh lord, are you one of those idiots who thinks teaching is just babysitting so anyone can do it without a degree/training?

No. 2120526

The pacific northwest is so beautiful, when i went there for the first time the thing i found the most suprising was that putting gas into cars was an actual job kek

No. 2120530

what the hell we don’t have that in the canadian side of the pacific northwest aside from like one gas station, america wins once again.

No. 2120589

Only in Oregon, not in the other states.

No. 2120664

File: 1722766892556.mp4 (2.7 MB, 1280x720, ssstwitter.com_1722766843977.m…)

The Hannibal obsession is starting to get weird.

No. 2120829

it's interesting that his sperging fixates only on silence of the lambs and not the rest of the series kek

No. 2120992

Even more confusing when he talks about Hannibal Lecter being dead when he never died in any versions. If he wasn't a rich ex-president he'd be your average internet cow at this point.

No. 2120998

File: 1722785131485.mp4 (1.22 MB, 1280x720, great late hannibal lecter.mp4)

I got to post all of them because it makes it more absurd.

No. 2121004

File: 1722785256547.mp4 (7.12 MB, 884x488, hannibal all.mp4)

No. 2121018

trying to game the algorithm by saying some abnormal shit
also he's big mad

No. 2121303

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"women and young boys in the womb" see how they age up young girls? See how they call them women? See how they complain about the birthrates when teen pregnancy has strongly dropped down as a result? They don't care about "protecting kids", well they care about protecting boys, just not girls. They're the same as men with crossdressing paraphilia who enter the women's restroom to jack off or some shit. Both parties have moids who love using women and girls for their gain, but they don't actually care about us. I agree with korean radical feminists when it comes to only voting for women, I have every single right to be biased towards female politicians when males are biased towards male politicians. This shit is so creepy, why the fuck are pedophiles allowed to run our country.
>If he wasn't a rich ex-president he'd be your average internet cow at this point.
A lot of people in American politics would. George Santos comes to mind. Americows thread kek.

No. 2121412

Wow, I hate this guy

No. 2121596

I’ve been eating like a homeless person for the past few days. Don’t you love america!!!!! god bless!!!!!’n

No. 2121600

>I agree with korean radical feminists when it comes to only voting for women
So based I do this too for local elections. I don't even look up the male politicians, just the female ones and pick the ones whom I most agree with. Males should not be in positions of power, they are obviously much more comfortable being sentient tools. They simply do not have the smarts or empathy to be given such powerful positions in society.

No. 2121601

Are there any trump voters in here? I’m thinking about it but I don’t really want to waste my time or vote kek

No. 2121602

I like Oregon too but saying it's similar to France makes it seem like you're saying Oregon is dirty and smelly.

No. 2121610

They really don't care or want women to vote for them with the way they're handling things. Matt Gaetz even says as much with his "for every Karen we lose, we gain a Julio and a Jamal" statement. It's really stupid to purposefully exclude half of the population from your campaign/voter base, especially when that half is more likely to go out and get involved in their communities, campaign for their preferred political party, and actually vote than the other half. I already know people that are like fat-head Vance/Bowman/whatever-his-name-is and botox demon Gaetz just hate women, but it's just so extremely retarded to handicap your side like that from a strategical angle. They had a lot of good will from voters after the assassination attempt and they're doing everything they can to destroy that. Men are so fucking retarded.

No. 2121616

Off-topic but because the Trump shooting memes made me think of 50 Cent for the first time in years I can't help imagining that the "Curtis Jackson" interviewing Vance is 50 Cent

No. 2121618

I was considering voting for him.. until his vp pick started slandering childless women, so now I’m going with black Hillary ig

No. 2121621

Trump is so stupid for picking him. I honestly want to know why he chose him??? Has there been any interviews or articles saying why he did?

No. 2121628

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Probably because Biden was still running and they thought they could just sweep him no matter what… But even then it would just be way smarter to choose a moderate as VP. I bet they felt real embarrassed when Kamala announced her run KEK.
I saw that quote from him too, it actually reminds me of a REALLY similar quote during the hillary campaign (picrel). Vance was such a bad pick, they didn't even gain "Julio and Jamal" by picking him, Vance quite literally appeals to no one new. I wonder if they'll double down more in the future

No. 2121633

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Because I hate soft on crime policies that let scrotes do anything they want. I only had to be robbed once.

No. 2121638

as someone who may or may not live in this state, you would be correct in this assumption.

No. 2121697

This is why it makes me wish there were times like these where they sent scrotes off to war and the women stayed to keep the whole country running. This is how we naturally culled these fuckers off, is by sending them into the line of fire. It seems selfish because these scrotes end up going to other countries committing war crimes like raping and killing children and women but seriously, I hate seeing them outside and their nasty ways. I hate whenever they’re behind me walking and it always causes me to become nervous or speed up like it’s a zombie attack. New York or any inner city is having a terrible time because of those laws, we have too much men in comparison to women and we don’t know how to deal with it even in America with all of our guns and resources.

No. 2121703

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If you care about local crime, pay more attention to your local elections and vote accordingly. The foolish belief that any president is some kind of omnipotent god who can solve everyone's problems is why US politics are so fucked.

Women already prefer to have female babies and handmaidens are seething about it, pic related.

No. 2121704

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forgot link


No. 2121709

Kamala is good when she isn't pandering to progressives IMO. She recently said she wanted to be stricter on the border and brought up her prosecutions of cartel members and Xitter leftists started seething. Even Trump thought she did a good job as AG and donated to her reelection campaign. Part of the reason Kamala did so bad in 2020 primaries is because she tried too hard to pander to a small minority of progressives, I think she's starting to let go of that.
Societies are objectively better when there are more females than males. Most shitholes have more males than females, there is literally a direct correlation between those two traits. Males are too impulsive to even walk the street, why should they lead? Local elections are important too, there's much more they can do about local crime issues than the president can. Plus, the reasons that crimes happen actually varies throughout the country, state-wise. I usually vote democrat but I like the way new york republicans dealt with crime in the 80's and 90's. It really does vary.
Kek I've heard about this. Males are much more likelier to die in the womb too, sex selective abortions (towards males only) are the natural way to go. Based parents. I hope abortion bans get lifted and the trend of only wanting daughters continues. Western society is healing

No. 2121711

kek based grace

No. 2121712

The federal v local politics thing is how I distinguish real political people from the retards on Twitter. Maybe this is crazy but I couldn't care less about what happens in other states or different parts of the country, I really only care about my city (and my state by proxy).
>I usually vote democrat but I like the way new york republicans dealt with crime in the 80's and 90's. It really does vary.
I think the problem starts when voters start identifying with the parties themselves instead of the platforms they're running on. It's wild that people will register for a party when they're 20 and vote for the exact same party until they're dead. World changes different situations happen, it's about voting for the platform that you think is gonna work best for the next 4 years.

No. 2121715

>not in the U.S.
based freedomland

No. 2121716

>Kamala is good when she isn't pandering to progressives IMO. She recently said she wanted to be stricter on the border and brought up her prosecutions of cartel members and Xitter leftists started seething.
I consider myself liberal but I really hate how much far-left progressives (especially troons) and the equally stupid reactionaries on the right have derailed politics. Our nation is literally crumbling, we've had so many collapsed bridges, train crashes, chemical spills, and other preventable disasters happen because nobody gives a shit about real issues anymore. Tens of thousands of kids are literally starving in every state because there's inadequate or non-existent funding for programs to help them. Our healthcare system is fucked, etc. etc. I'm so fed up with the bread and circus shit.

No. 2121718

The circus is intentional. These minor issues are meant to distract you from larger issues, which will likely not be solved in our lifetime because corpos and foreign governments are buying out the politicians to look the other way.

No. 2121720

Patiently waiting for their epic expose on moids who only want sons. Oh wait, that's normal, understandable and even cute.
Having sons reduces your life expectancy and raises lifelong risk of autoimmune disease via male microchimerism, so not having one is a legitimate health choice. Also, male fetuses typically cause more pregnancy complications in general.

No. 2121724

I think that is kinda strange. I understand mothers wanting daughters but i think sex selection stuff is wrong and makes no sense, for both sexes. I think you’re meant to have the child that you’re meant to have, whether that be a daughter or son

No. 2121725

ntayrt but can you post the studies?

No. 2121727

Continue to be thrashed about by the chaos of life. Free will stacies guide their own destiny.

No. 2121728

Women prefer to have daughters just like men prefer to have sons. Thats just how people are. But now the thought process is that when ladies would like sons they’re emotionally incestuous boy moms and when men want daughters it’s because they want to fuck them.

No. 2121729

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Also women are more likely to have postpartum psychosis if they have a moid.

No. 2121731

i don’t really know if it’s Stacy vibes to go through like 5 rounds of IVF in hopes of getting a daughter nonna

No. 2121733

No. 2121734

So are moms with multiples, and basically all first time moms nonny kek.

No. 2121735

People shouldn't have to have any kind of kid they don't want to have - that's a loss for everyone including the kid, to have parents who didn't really want you. This kind of advancement is a good thing. Same with ones that detect Down's Syndrome in the womb so parents can choose to abort instead of dealing with a tard kid.

No. 2121736

That's despite the fact that mothers of sons benefit from more social/spousal support and status.

The least dated hypotheses of depression and psychosis are immunological, not monoamine based. It tracks that a moidlet would cause mental illness, since it's basically a nuke upon your immune system.

No. 2121737

Wait so the chance of postpartum depression is over 70% no matter what? Holy shit, I'll never understand why breeders find having children appealing. Ruins your body AND your mind…

No. 2121739

You don't need to do IVF to have girls. Just get pregnant and abort if male.

No. 2121740

>that's a loss for everyone including the kid
who gives a fuck if it's a moidlet
Yea, especially for first time mothers. The fact a moidlet is even worse yet they're more desired says a lot. why is breeding so glorified
>So are moms with multiples
i mean twins are even worse on your immune system so duh. But compare a single female child to a single male one and there is a clear difference. We're talking about the sex of the child not the quantity.

No. 2121741

But that’s what I’m saying. If you’re not emotionally prepared to have a child of either sex, you should not become a parent, because you’re a shallow individual who will not be a good parent to your child/children.

No. 2121742

based nona

No. 2121744

it’s not really “glorified” it’s more necessary for life on earth to continue, exactly why people follow their urge to do it

No. 2121745

>it’s more necessary for life on earth to continue
Then why have female children been killed for decades just for being female even though females are much less violent than males? Why let rapeapes multiply more than normal human women? Countries turn to shit the more rapeape birth is glorified. The birth of a girl should be glorified but not the birth of a male.

No. 2121746

Boys who had parents who didn't love them end up taking it out violently on others as adults (serial killers, school shooters and shit) so uh yeah I think we should care.

No. 2121747

people who base their opinions off of statistics often forget that those numbers are not based off of the experience of every single woman in the world, it is based off a limited control group/ maybe a small amount of survey participants. take stuff like this with a grain of salt

No. 2121748

Do you feel the same way about tards? People shouldn't have kids if they're not willing to have a child of any ability level including tards, because that's shallow and immature? Dumb. People have certain hopes for their kids and that's fine.

No. 2121749

No. 2121750

I’ve been saying during this whole conversation that all births should be glorified because both sexes are necessary to continue life on Earth. I can’t answer as to why savage civilizations choose to harm their women, because I’ve never lived in a society like that.

No. 2121751

they've been killing female babies for millenia all over the world, but when women don't want to birth scrotelets they're shallow and immature. sure, jan.

No. 2121752

Boys who have moms who pamper them also have their mothers cover up their crimes. Their mothers also pamper them in court etc etc. moids are gonna moid, it's better to abort the violent ones before it's too late.
This discussion is about aborting moid children and favoring daughters. Both sexes are necessary but there doesn't need to be an equal amount of them. There should be less males than females.
Yeah, coming from an autist i really dont give a fuck if parents decide to abort their retarded child, it's not like the child will know anyways, it'll be dead.

No. 2121753

which is why it's important to abort them early

No. 2121754

I didn’t say “not wanting to birth males” specifically, I said not feeling comfortable giving birth to either a female/or a male. There are people who have an attraction to one sex over the other, and those people should not be parents because it is shallow and wrong to desire a son over a daughter, just like it’s shallow and wrong to desire a daughter over a son. any child is a blessing.

No. 2121756

boys are not and will never be a blessing. not even nature agrees with you nonnie

No. 2121757

Wanting to birth a male over a female is like wanting to birth a retarded ape who slings shit on the wall over a normal human. There's a clear difference in the way children of each sex affect the mother. Boys are not a blessing, only girls are.

No. 2121758

Why do you think there should be less males than females? That won’t really be effective in continuing life on earth, because if there’s a limited pool of men on our planet then it’ll be more likely for related individuals (a few generations down the line) to inadvertently commit incest and create freakish beings.

No. 2121760

No it wouldn't create incest. Most males kill themselves because they're single, males are much more likely to be single for the rest of their lives too. There's literally an excess of them

No. 2121761

Reread my post again because I don’t think you understood what I said

No. 2121762

There are 8 billion people on earth. Cutting males down 50% will not reduce the genepool so much that this becomes a problem.

No. 2121764

Technically all mammalian reproduction is an act of male harm upon the female. You could have a matriarchal radfem utopia and a breeding would still be one organism reproducing at the expense of another, with all the associated biological costs and tradeoffs.
Reproduction is innately shallow. Attaching it to deceptive pseudo-spiritual woo-woo is an artifact of modernity, and it serves a highly shallow purpose.

No. 2121766

lol you can't even be serious. stop.

No. 2121767

Actually yeah it will reduce the gene pool and over time, like I said in my post, it will result in inadvertent incest. If you’d really like for half of the male population to disappear nonna, I highly suggest you get started on your little journey.

No. 2121769

> consensually choosing to have a baby because you want one is causing harm upon women
Yeah nothing you say is gonna make sense after that so I just stopped reading

No. 2121770

Exactly. There's literally a surplus. The "male loneliness crisis" isn't because women are selfish. Literally what gene pool would be reduced anyways when a large amount of males havent even had sex and never will.

No. 2121774

If you mean ‘innately shallow’ as in you’re shallow for choosing your husband then, okay, I guess. But what’s shallow is choosing to have a child and then trying to choose its sex. Not only do IVF babies already turn out poorly as it is, but the likelihood of your eggs surviving the thawing process and the sperm actually implanting in the weak, re-injected egg is incredibly unlikely.

No. 2121775

Ok, then…feel free to not have any children? If you think boosting the population of women will do anything I’m not really sure what you think is supposed to happen

No. 2121776

no wonder why boymoms are so deranged kek

No. 2121779

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daily reminder that human evolution happened bc prehistorically only 30% of men would have kids. This is the default and was part of the reason we evolved so quickly.

No. 2121781

>women can’t consent to things that harm them
Childbirth really is the radfem version of sex positivity

No. 2121782

Incels need to be deleted from the genepool for humanity to progress

No. 2121784

they mean shallow because any human, even the very worst, can choose to reproduce. there is no barrier naturally preventing that. doesn't matter how unfit they are, anyone can do it. all that's required is sex which retards love
stop denying the physical harm pregnancy causes women. there are women who are actually put off by this and not all circumstances are like yours, i don't care if you accept it.
less males less violent crime

No. 2121785

I find it funny when people whine about how a surplus of males is t-totally necessary for genetic diversity when breeding stud bulls has been a thing forever.

No. 2121787

Pregnancy is a part of life as a woman. You’ve likely never actually gone through pregnancy and given birth because you seem to not realize that you can heal. You’re not permanently disabled.

No. 2121789

like as in cows? we’re talking about people, nonna.

No. 2121791

It literally reduces lifespan. It’s ok though, coping with how you’re t-totally the same is also an outcome of successful pregnancy so I wouldn’t expect you to get what somatic cost is.

No. 2121792

why do you guys act like getting pregnant and giving birth is some kind of disease? if you experienced pregnancy when you were unhealthy, or before you were ready for it, and were traumatized by it then I’m sorry that you’ve suffered, but that doesn’t mean every other mother in the world feels ‘ harmed ‘ by the most important duty as a human being

No. 2121793

The same is true for people, though. The old ratio used to be 1 male reproducing for every 17 women.

No. 2121794

there are women who do face permanent complications. you just saw an anon link studies that show a connection between parity and mortality. it actually increases your risk of getting diseases like ovarian cancer. women aren't required to reproduce.

No. 2121796

Explain why people shouldn’t reproduce with the best available material.

No. 2121797

Are you being retarded on purpose?

No. 2121800

Anon, living reduces your lifespan. Sitting in front of the computer all day reduces your lifespan. Drinking alcohol. Vaping. Eating fast food. Having a child doesn’t really reduce your lifespan so long as you’re healthy, there have been women who’ve lived to be in their 120’s even after giving birth earlier in life. But either way, life is for the living, so you can’t really pretend to be shocked when living people choose to create more.

No. 2121801

whether or not you agree with it we are all here on earth just for the purpose of creating more people. cry a river, build a bridge, get over it

No. 2121802

>Having a child doesn’t really reduce your lifespan so long as you’re healthy
Yes it does. You just don't understand maternal health.

No. 2121803

It doesn’t matter how you subjectively feel about it, lifespan and reproductive fitness tradeoffs are a fact. You’re not doing anyone a favor spouting off woo woo about sacred duty or whatever.

No. 2121804

> you don’t understand maternal health even though you’ve given birth to 2 kids
ok anon ♥

No. 2121805

any human that lives that long is an exception with blessed genetics. what matters is what happens on average in the majority, what is most likely.(derailing)

No. 2121806

why is there a large amount of males who literally never breed and just kill women who refuse to breed with them and just… are allowed to exist? as a gay woman I pray for a future where straight women are more picky, and the human race becomes stronger because of that. Pickiness exists for a reason, straight women shouldn't be tied to bums who abuse them, and straight women shouldn't have to be with moids who will create weak children. Bless every single straight/bi woman who knows her worth

No. 2121807

yes i think all of us could figure out you were a mom. they meant the science of it

No. 2121808

> woo woo
it’s not really quack shit, it’s the facts of life. we’re only all here to make more people.

No. 2121809

Ok, so surely going into detail about the side effects of every woman’s divine purpose shouldn’t trigger you this badly? Shouldn’t we know what we’re getting into?

No. 2121810

I feel sorry for your kids.

No. 2121811

other peoples health doesn’t dictate your future or your ability to take care of yourself. if you, for some reason, believe that it does then i recommend detaching yourself from thinking about other people so much

No. 2121814

we dont need to kill them or anything but just re-direct their anger at their male ancestors shit genes. could have been half brothers with chad 100 times over if his male ancestors hadnt invented the patriarchy.

another reminder: human brain cavity sizes have actually shrunk in the last 20k years.

No. 2121815

of course the tradmommy is a science denier

No. 2121816

>by the most important duty as a human being
fuck off moid, you won't find your tradwife here(scrotefoiling)

No. 2121817

Sadly it’s looking more and more like they will.

No. 2121818

you can absolutely go into the potential side effects you can experience! however, this doesn’t mean all women experience them kek. both my labor + deliveries were fast and i didn’t suffer from injuries by being pregnant. also my kids have good latch so i’ve never suffered from clogged duct/mastitis/ scary things like that. i think being afraid of pregnancy because of the list of possibilities is like being afraid of getting in the car because you might crash but i also do thoroughly believe that if you’re this staunchly against pregnancy you should never even be near children

No. 2121819

i don’t know what the “tradwifery” internet trend has to do with the universe since its began. reproduction of all species is what continues life on earth, hence why it is our most important duty. if you fear doing that, then it’s better that you don’t. but that wont stop others from having their children, no matter what sex they are.

No. 2121820


No. 2121821

1. Nobody cares about your latch
2. That’s not what somatic cost is

No. 2121822

it’s ok to feel shafted when you see someone’s had a good experience

No. 2121823

the process of pregnancy itself is damaging to the body. it doesn't matter that you didn't have mastitis. every kid you have is reducing your lifespan.

No. 2121824

I googled somatic cost and all that came up is somatic coaching and i don’t know what that means

No. 2121825

It kind of does matter what sex they are if you care about lifespan implications.(derailing)

No. 2121826

yeah we’ll see about that, nonna kekk

No. 2121827

Also, how is it "divine purpose" to breed with every tard that'll just produce retarded children. Evolution speeds up when women are picky. So tired of women defending their fat bum ass XY's.
Tradthottery is a signifier of low iq, it's like how retards poop out a bunch of children because they cant weigh the pros and cons of having a child.

No. 2121828

Must be the mommy brain.

No. 2121829

sure, anon. keep telling yourself that.

No. 2121830

i mean, not really

No. 2121831

>she can't even use google correctly
seriously, tell me how you got like this so we can avoid it

No. 2121832

who said anything about “divine purpose” religion shit? all i said is that all of our purposes here on earth is to reproduce and continue life on earth. not to worship Gaia or whatever retarded shit kids are still doing

No. 2121833

first you're using woo woo spiritual language
now you're trying to claim it's some kind of biological duty
nobody is buying what you're trying to sell here

No. 2121834

wym not use it correctly? i googled somatic cost and nothing of importance came up

No. 2121835

>but that wont stop others from having their children, no matter what sex they are.
yea retards won't stop having children that they won't properly take care of. it's not a badge of honor

No. 2121836

first of all I havent played Gaia since like 2012

No. 2121837

can you tag a post where i used spiritual language because the Earth has nothing to do with spiritual pseudosciences. I’m just talking about the earth as a planet, im general. in order for life to continue on earth, we have to reproduce, hence why we all exist here. period.

No. 2121838

They love to ignore the countless studies on it though, because producing bum ass moids who just shoot up schools full of children because they can't get game is such a divine blessing
>continue life on earth
>refuses to abort, poops out XY manlet rapeape with autism
Literally, also these retards forget we're primates and shit like helper theory and menopause exist. Yes it all contributes to children but we aren't cattle. In what way does pooping out children with autistic bums help society or future children, actually I think it makes society worse because they often kill children

No. 2121839

>we have to reproduce
says who?

No. 2121840

Male fetuses are more likely to lead to complications and demand more resources, they’re also more stressful for the mother to carry. Yes really.

No. 2121841

If you care at all about future populations it’s kind of your duty not to shit out tard scrots. People forget women’s role is to practice eugenics because gestating the wrong nut can have pretty catastrophic consequences.

No. 2121845

we have to reproduce in order for life on earth to continue, dummy. if you don’t want to that is fine, but that doesn’t change the fact that people do have to

No. 2121846

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men should carry the male fetuses, we should invent a way to make them pregnant.

No. 2121848

was your son retarded cause mine came out 10/10

No. 2121849

well yeah menopause does exist but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re still fertile for the majority of our lives for the purpose of reproducing, anon. i don’t get how so many of you continually play this dumb

No. 2121850

samefag but, human purpose isn't purely reproduction is what I'm saying. It's to further strengthen the human race. Breeding with bums won't help with that purpose.
EXACTLY. You can't just breed breed breed, the goal is to have stronger humans not to just have a surplus of retarded do-nothings.
This. But society is too woke for that

No. 2121851

you're onto something

No. 2121852

Congrats, hope the -5 years was worth it. Enjoy the microchimerism.

No. 2121853

boymom confirmed. my sides have gone into orbit

No. 2121854

explain how reproducing with a bunch of retarded rapeape moids who have weak genes will help strengthen the human race. Quality not quantity
It was expected(derailing)

No. 2121855

>gestating the wrong nut can have pretty catastrophic consequences
this is going in my lolcor wisdom folder

No. 2121856

having a son doesn’t suddenly mean my daughter disappears dumbass kek. the discussion at hand is male babies
i’m gonna be scrolling on lolcow at age 110 while you’ll be dead by suicide for 80 years at that point

No. 2121857

who the hell said you should have kids with homeless guys…?

No. 2121859

the older you are the more likely your baby's gonna turn out retarded. how do you not know that, aren't you an expert on childbirth?
you are still a boymom? that doesn't make you not a boymom? do you just not want to accept it or something? that is what you are.

No. 2121860

File: 1722833482509.webm (8.43 MB, divine purpose.webm)

No. 2121861

Kind of impressive how the semen colonization makes them immediately start shilling male interests like “you should immediately start reproducing with whoever” and “dw somatic cost dont real” and “you should t-totally have sons, there’s no difference in gestation haha”. That’s assuming it’s even a woman but hey.

No. 2121862

when did i say you should have kids when you’re 40+? that is obviously dangerous. i said the purpose of life on earth is to reproduce. that does not mean that the purpose of life on earth is to reproduce when you’re 40-50.

No. 2121863

im sorry nonny but with males you can't be sure they're not retarded until maybe middle age or later, even then its a possibility they could be a late blooming retard.

No. 2121864

ntayrt, but i’m speaking from my personal experiences both of my pregnancies (first a daughter then a son) were wonderful and made my life better. that’s not to say that there aren’t women who suffer from prenatal/postpartum depression and stuff like that but i can only speak for myself

No. 2121865

Nobody said that. You guys say the only purpose of life is reproduction and that a reduction in the male population (and an increase in female pickiness) goes against that purpose. But it's objectively wrong. Human purpose is to strengthen the human race throughout generations, not to just breed. so breeding with subhuman weak gene'd moids will not help humanity. We're primates, we are community orientated. We're not meant to poop out retards who fuck up our society.

No. 2121866

advanced paternal age increases the risk. google it maybe

No. 2121867

but when did anyone say you should reproduce with retarded twinks though? if you can’t find a strong man with good genetics to pass on to reproduce with then that’s not really anyone else’s problem

No. 2121869

post husband

No. 2121870

Cool, you still suffered permanent, non-negotiable costs whether you feel good about it or not.

No. 2121871

>if you can’t find a strong man with good genetics to pass on to reproduce with then that’s not really anyone else’s problem
I'm a lesbian
>but when did anyone say you should reproduce with retarded twinks though?
Nobody said that, the existence of pickiness just goes against the argument that the human purpose is purely reproduction.

No. 2121872

oh, so if you’re a lesbian why does this topic bother you..?

No. 2121873

i bet it's the same tradtard from last week who kept trying to argue that she was totally superior because she has no job lol

No. 2121874

what costs exactly? cause i dont have any diseases or chronic illnesses

No. 2121875

If I abort every male fetus it’s also not really anyone else’s problem right?

No. 2121876

Because obviously the purpose of my life isn't to reproduce? And I'm tired of people saying something so wrong??

No. 2121877

being a mom doesn’t mean you’re religious / trad

No. 2121880

they get off on the attention

No. 2121881

the purpose of your life still is to reproduce but it’s okay that your mental illness shields your vision from that reality(baiting retard)

No. 2121882

I want everyone to know that sperm burrow into soft tissue and die there, leaving male DNA. this also happens when giving blow jobs, but it can go up the nose into the brain and burrow there. So be mindful when speaking to those who are verified cocksuckers, their grey matter is compromised and likely arent speaking from their best interest.

No. 2121883

Idk probably the ones that made you incapable of googling simple concepts or reading the multiple papers already posted in this thread.

No. 2121884


No. 2121885

The latest research on the brain blood barrier confirms this.

No. 2121886

Sounds like it, wonder if mods are eating popcorn and just watching like they did last time too.
moid confirmed

No. 2121888

Most males in nature do not reproduce. If you're worried about incest you should be objecting to enforced monogamy and guaranteed mating opportunity for every male, since it always leads to consanguinity.

No. 2121889

i did read the articles and they were written by biased r/childfree’s, and i googled “somatic cost” and only therapy companies came up so i don’t know what you want from me nonnie

No. 2121891

most human males do reproduce though, same with most human women

No. 2121893

anon i don’t really know how to help you at this point. also being able to understand that humans are here to make more humans doesn’t change my chromosomal makeup or the fact that i’ve gestated and birthed two human beings

No. 2121894

so what is the purpose of 40-50 yr old females then. should we just exterminate them because they're useless? please tell me, God

No. 2121895

this is due to enforced monogamy, in the past it was not the case. a greater proportion of males reproducing necessarily means the retards autists and uggos who shouldn't pass on their genes are

No. 2121896

Sorry you're too low IQ to understand the concept of life history tradeoffs you can't opt out of.

No. 2121897

what purpose do shit slinging retards serve then?

No. 2121898

40-50 year old women can still have happy, normal lives after fulfilling our purposes. being an aunt, a grandmother, caring for all your properties, traveling with your children/granchildren, all kinds of great shit nonna!

No. 2121899

We have evidence in this thread right here kek.

No. 2121902

i don’t think special needs people need to exist because they can’t reproduce

No. 2121903

but i thought our only purpose in life was to reproduce? how can women possibly be happy if they're unable to fulfill this?

No. 2121904

Did you read the whole post? I’ll post it again so you can understand better
> 40-50 year old women can still have happy, normal lives after fulfilling our purposes. being an aunt, a grandmother, caring for all your properties, traveling with your children/granchildren, all kinds of great shit nonna!

No. 2121906

Nona was talking about older women who did not reproduce though. What about them? Infertile women too?

No. 2121907

Is living in NYC really that great? I always hear people talk like NYC like it's really great, but is it all just talk or is it actually a fun place to live?

No. 2121908

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>biology papers are written by biased r/childfrees
Lmao I can’t, this is your brain on semen

No. 2121910

File: 1722834528862.png (66.09 KB, 867x593, Screenshot 2024-08-05 010737.p…)

but their lives are just meaningless after the fact? they no longer have a purpose, they are obsolete. nothing else could possibly fill that void since there is nothing else a person could possibly make their purpose/meaning for living.

No. 2121912

what did you even do with your life if you didn’t have any kids though. cry?

No. 2121914

No. 2121915

No. 2121917

your life sounds seriously sad if you think the only thing worthwhile is kids.(derailing)

No. 2121919

oh no your life isn’t meaningless, you still have your husband who you get to spend time with and take care of. and all your children and grandchildren, still. being a parent doesn’t end when they’re 18 idk

No. 2121921

las vegas > new york

No. 2121922

I fucking love New York, I love cities. I love new york so much. I love having literally everything around me, there's so much to do. It's super fun. I don't think it ever gets boring, I love the architecture of manhattan too

No. 2121923

>early in life

You really have a great intuition for being wrong.


Younger age at first parity is associated with faster epigenetic aging in humans. Basic life history stuff. Breed early, age fast, die young.(derailing)

No. 2121924

it’s totally understandable if you don’t get this because only people who have children do, but raising kids is seriously the most meaningful thing a parent will ever do in their life, so it makes sense if they stand behind it

No. 2121926

the opinion of someone who has never been to las vegas

No. 2121927

Ok nonna, we can come back to this location and go toe to toe when I’m 85. Yknow, if you’re still here too

No. 2121928

Louisiana is a million times better and more beautiful than New York

No. 2121929

but i thought reproduction was their ONLY purpose? you're shifting goalposts now, instead of admitting that your argument is retarded. you are not god, you don't get to decide what the purpose of a human's life is. you can't even understand that…

No. 2121930

Errrrrrmmmm I heckin’ love science cringe detected, back to r/childfree with you(bait/integrate)

No. 2121931

i've been there once but kind of true

No. 2121933

this is like saying poopoo > poopie

No. 2121935

>science is cringe.
you just wrote that

No. 2121936

thats not shifting goalposts at all. your main purpose is to reproduce, and then your duty for the rest of your life is to care for them. you think you’re supposed to just reproduce and then kill yourself retard?

No. 2121937

Honestly it's just cope that people don't want to live a life similar to theirs, they cannot fathom it. So they ad hominem and headcanon you as miserable although single women are happier. It's just cope. Everyone is different, humans and most primates care more about forming meaningful bonds and building society and a platform for a strong generation rather than just farting out as many babies as possible. I'd just ignore it at this point, they've resorted to homophobia, throwing the "childless cat lady" sterotype around, calling everyone miserable etc etc. It's baity but it's also copey.

No. 2121938

No, I mean all physiological processes are shallow. There is nothing sacral in breeding, it's no more complex than eating or shitting. You're insinuating that trying to optimize a shallow process is somehow shallow-er than just approaching it as is, when it would likely be the opposite.

No. 2121939

it’s not really bait to say that humans are here to make more humans

No. 2121940

They're born to coom and die, so they can't comprehend anything else due to having low emotional intelligence which would let them perceive the perspective of others who aren't dictated by coom.(derailing)

No. 2121941

british get out of this thread

No. 2121942

so you actually have TWO purposes, not just one. thanks for the insight, God

No. 2121944

first of all
> breeding

No. 2121945

File: 1722834991254.jpg (165.21 KB, 736x829, b7ccdf5847b6c2bd60944e3d968e6c…)

I love concrete jungles though

No. 2121948

why don't you go back to changing diapers

No. 2121949

It's always interesting when the "progressives" and "feminists" on LC go so hard that it circles right back to misogyny.

No. 2121950

Yeah I’m glad you understand that your purpose is to reproduce, and that also involves caring for your family. Keep rubbing those braincells together nonny

No. 2121951

I see this type of talk to make fun of childless women/moids on a certain ib, wouldn't be surprised if they're from here. It would make sense considering they all flood in this thread at night time

No. 2121954

i think childless people in general usually have something wrong with them which is why they choose not to have kids, which i guess is considerate but also sad for them

No. 2121957

Very disturbing when women start aping the “coom and die” perspective though.

No. 2121959

what the hell is coom

No. 2121960

>take care of the children after
reproducing does not necessitate taking care of the child. actually a fuckton of people do the opposite of that. they reproduce then leave their children in dumpsters. so in your opinion- objectively factual argument, there are TWO purposes.

No. 2121961

thank you God for your omnipresent wisdom once again

No. 2121962

They still don’t have a counter argument for only reproducing with top tier males so it’s some walking genetic debris that found its way here I’m betting.

No. 2121963

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yeah my problem is I cant have my young svelte himbo breeding bull and dont want pic related to cum inside me

No. 2121965

so…you think parents should abuse their children? you sound really weird. Your purpose in life is to reproduce, and part of reproducing is caring for your children.

No. 2121967

If pointing out dry facts about pregnancy is misogynistic to you, you should probably take that up with nature. Or God, whatever.

No. 2121968

what does genetic debree mean
i don’t understand half of this sentence

No. 2121969

File: 1722835437699.mp4 (3.3 MB, 540x540, retardd.mp4)

>i think childless people in general usually have something wrong with them which is why they choose not to have kids, which i guess is considerate but also sad for them

No. 2121970

personally i am neither of those things

No. 2121971

thats a man…hes not capable of giving birth

No. 2121972

jesus christ i would go chris watts on my whole family if this happened to me.

No. 2121973

you’re not a feminist and you hate the idea of mothers existing. you sound miserable and sad

No. 2121974

This is a real problem

No. 2121975

look at this 1 trying to form an argument. incredible.

No. 2121976


No. 2121977

Notice how they always come on a certain time kek.

No. 2121978

but her response to me saying that you should take care of your children is that the majority of parents don’t. as if she think that means that it’s acceptable, which it is not.

No. 2121979

i don't hate the idea though? stop writing fanfic about me

No. 2121981

what time did i get here if you’re so certain of my lolcow schedule

No. 2121982

no you just can't come up with anything else/properly read so you have to make shit up

No. 2121983

you’ve been repeatedly spewing that motherhood only does harm to women when that’s factually false

No. 2121985

>ignore bait
>don't be mean
>stop derailing about tradshit

You guys are gonna get spanked when the janny nannies wake up

No. 2121986

no i read her post in its entirety and i asked a valid question…which you now don’t have a response to, hence why you’re projecting that i, myself must not have posted a legitimate response by asking the question that i did.

No. 2121987

the point is that it does cause harm to women which you can't seem to understand

No. 2121988

reproducing isn’t inherently trad though, that’s not what traditionalism is

No. 2121990

i made the post and i can't be bothered to explain if it's that hard for you to read

No. 2121991

its tradshit adjacent

No. 2121992

i’m a woman who has given birth multiple times and breastfed 10000’s of times over the years. i’m still alive and actually 10x healthier than i was before i had my kids

No. 2121993

They're so obviously baiting do you see how one instantly replies with some debatefag argument. Wouldn't be surprised if mods were just ignoring them. I remember one of the amerifags thread got locked recently before by mods while an infight was happening

No. 2121994

and anons still deny there's an increase in lesbophobia… exhibit A

No. 2121995

no…it’s not kek. tradthottery is women who pretend that they’re traditionalists by adhering to crunchiness/religious personas online. simply being a mother and having a baby doesn’t make you a tradhoar

No. 2121996

Usuallt I fall asleep right as jannies clock in, then I wake up to an expired ban. It’s nice.

No. 2121997

why do you think anon posted those studies? what do you think she meant by that? just posing some questions, maybe you will find the answer on your own.

No. 2121998

it’s not “phobia” to anything it’s just a fact. homosexuality is a mental illness, the treatment for it has just changed. much like troonism.

No. 2121999

oh boy here we go

No. 2122000

constantly derailing threads over being a mother is tradshit adjacent because you need everyone to affirm it and cant handle opposite opinions

No. 2122001

probably because she wishes harm upon women who choose to continue life on earth, just based off the things she’s said and her agressive energy

No. 2122003

And a million times more corrupt sadly

No. 2122004

you are very smart, here's a cookie

No. 2122005

It’s just some tard baiting, motherhood is the easiest way to farm relies here. I know it’s hard not to go full debate club but we gotta be strong. Btw does anyone want a biology thread

No. 2122006

>constantly derailing
what? just because conversations about dynamics that are present in your life on earth occur in this thread doesn’t mean its any kind of weird trad talk

No. 2122007

ok i will ignore the b8. i am interested

No. 2122008

I don’t think I could make motherhood more harmful than nature already did.

No. 2122009

Ntayrt but kek you sound so hateful. Being a mother isn’t a way to farm replies. Do you think LC mothers should just hide and pretend like we don’t fucking exist because you don’t like the idea of women having kids of our own free will, you asshole?

No. 2122011


No. 2122012

let's see
>your only purpose is reproducing and taking care of your husband
>life is meaningless without kids
>lesbians are mentally ill
>you're going to kill yourself anyway
>science is cringe
>what do you mean i don't know how to use google?
>um, ackkshually birthing a rapeape scrote made me healthier
yup, tradthot retardation

No. 2122013

> don’t talk to mothers they’re just baiting
ouch ostracizing moms on a website full of women. fuck you too then kek yowch dear lord

No. 2122014

gr8 b8 m8
just wait for jannies to give them like a one second ban and for this to happen like every other night sigh.

No. 2122017

It’s seriously Groundhog Day up in here

No. 2122020

who said anything about your husband? also yeah; your purpose as a human is to reproduce. i know we’ve all gotten distracted with media and unimportant frivolous luxuries but, the reality is that you’re supposed to reproduce to continue human life on earth. if that upsets you or if for some reason you think it’s “trad” then i recommend opening a history book. and yeah, life is pretty meaningless without kids. unless you think watching anime and scrapbooking is the most meaningful thing you can ever do in your life. also, i didn’t say just lesbianism is a mental illness. homosexuality as a whole is a mental illness. it’s against human nature and the reproductive process. i googled somatic cost and only a bunch of therapy places came up, so i have no idea what you’re looking for. also, when did i ever insinuate that just having my son made me healthier? i said having BOTH OF MY KIDS made me healthier and my life better. this selective reading is just ridiculous.

No. 2122021

See, this is why mothers will never negotiate the reverence they want, in shitlib or tardthot societies alike. It is impossible to bring up the costs of pregnancy without parous women immediately showing up to debate the existence of the very harm they constantly complain about. We both know why you behave this way, sadly.
Truly a 10/10 talent for being wrong. There is a bias in research, to sell the somatic costs of human pregnancy as neutral or beneficial despite freely exploring them in animal models. The topic itself is radioactive, which is why moms will never get the healthcare they want - can't come up with effective treatments if you're not allowed to speak plainly about the cause. That means poorer preeclampsia treatment, poorer IVF outcomes from wilful misunderstanding of the nature of fertility, and more.

No. 2122022

1) how would you ever get preeclampsia that’s about as likely as getting chicken pox or some shit 2) why would you ever get IVF?(derailing/baiting)

No. 2122024

I miss when trolls took pride in their bait and made it fun. Now all they do is bait with the same 5 topics and samefag and wait for the autists that can't stand to ignore and report to reply. It's so boring.

No. 2122025

Exactly. If pregnancy is a sacred revered gift that ackthually makes you healthier (somehow) with no drawbacks at all then why does it need compensation or consideration? Add in some weird Freudian shit that if you point out the obvious drawbacks you HATE MOTHERS it’s clear we aren’t getting anywhere.
TLDR enjoy the ass stitches

No. 2122026

report back when your scrote cheats on you and you're a single mom, i'm sure it'll still be the best decision of your life

No. 2122028

> why should it need compensation
you think mothers should be broke? you sound like a shithead

No. 2122030

divorcing isn’t really a thing in our culture kek he’s stuck with me for life, especially because his family would completely ostracize him if he ever did as much as look at me wrong

No. 2122031

this conversation was literally about politicians at first too.

No. 2122032

insensitive. my husband has only cheated on me three times over the past 8 years, and the majority were one-night stands that meant nothing to him. we still love each other though and just because he cheats on me doesn't make that untrue.

No. 2122033

Errmmm actually you’ve fulfilled your life purpose which is obviously more important than frivolous things like money, stop being so shallow.

No. 2122034

Trying very hard not to joke about postpartum psychosis here.

Nona, with all sincerity - no one is coming for your choices. It is you who seems to perceive the existence of life history tradeoffs as some kind of an attack on you. It is indeed your choice to partake in them, and it's no one's right (or desire) to stop you. Likewise, you need to understand that avoiding these costs (prioritizing somatic maintenance) is also not an attack on your choices.

No. 2122036

woah that sucks nonna, maybe stop being ugly as shit?

No. 2122039

well im not someone who has to worry about money because i have a husband, so

No. 2122040

yup. it's the same retard as last time confirmed

No. 2122041

i mean i’ve seen plenty of posts on this website wishing harm upon moms but okay nonna, i’m sure you feel that way but that doesn’t really change what i’ve seen

No. 2122042

Same thing happened to me until I put quotations around it, and then the studies came up

No. 2122043

>wanting anything on top of ultimate fulfillment

Sounds like a shallow attempt at minmaxing your blessing.

No. 2122044

Ntayrt but do you think only one anon here is married to a man

No. 2122045

just because i'm 260lbs doesn't make me ugly so not only are you motherphobic your also a fatphobe.

No. 2122046

well it does require money to take care of your children so….it isn't a "want" its a necessity

No. 2122047

i have two kids, i am 115 lbs. i recommend breatfeeding in order to lose weight postpartum

No. 2122048

im sorry anon. i have to kill myself now

No. 2122049

File: 1722837059168.jpeg (23.52 KB, 410x612, istockphoto-97509991-612x612.j…)

>our culture
ops husband

No. 2122050

sorry for being motherphobic i'm sorry i'm sorryi'm sorry i'm sorryi'm sorryi'm sorry please forigve me

No. 2122051

i’m a burger

No. 2122054

i can't breast feed while on the mexican ozempic-knock off retard
,mmmmmmmmmmm burgers mmmmmtasty

No. 2122055

It is weird how defensive they get about it. I suspect it has something to do with modern day “blessing and fulfilling” dogma as opposed to the “childbirth is your punishment so it should hurt” attitudes of old.

No. 2122056

You got adversarial replies on an imageboard?

No. 2122057

You're not supposed to do anything, actually. Human life doesn't need every person to have a kid.

No. 2122061

thats not true the priest at my local lds temple has made it very clear to me that we are supposed to have 1 child every year post menarche and pre menopause. shut up motherphobe you probably hate Joseph Smith too. also i hate lesbians.(bait)

No. 2122067

Similar to a cultural shift from plainly seeing your children as a source of utility to "if you can't accept literally any random pregnancy outcome you shouldn't breed". Also all the helicopter motherhood olympics as opposed to squatting in a field to give birth and forget your kid exists for the majority of the workday.

No. 2122070

>accwpt literally any pregnancy outcome
That attitude in particular is wild and so innately male I don’t know how it gained traction. I would think a society that thinks reproduction it’s important would want to optimize it and fine tune it not make sure everyone gets a shot.

No. 2122075

>lmao how do you even get pregnancy complications
>why would you ever get fertility issues rofl

Part of me wants to presume moid, but unfortunately I know better. Unironically even Schopenhauer-pilled antinatalist incels cannot surpass the mother-hatred of the average henpecking mom on a mom forum.

No. 2122077

Why is that though? And also why do mothers make it a competition of who can suffer the most?

No. 2122078

Life has no “purpose” unless you’re religious because the process of evolution is not sentient.

Even though I don’t want to have kids, I create a point to my life by making art and studying academic subjects. Those also contribute to our species and its legacy. I don’t understand how people think having children is the only source of happiness in life.

No. 2122082

Which in itself is an adaptation. It's only a moid perspective now that desertion or infanticide (both natural male reproductive strategies) have costs. Back in le based Roman Empire moids would perform routine post-birth abortions (killing unwanted children by exposure). Something to ponder for all the tardthots who think this is aktually about babby lives and not removing female input from the reproductive process entirely.

No. 2122086

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>when you realize entire civilizations have been built around restricting female mate choice

No. 2122091

Idc about the infight but I care about Rome. In ancient Rome the unwanted infants would usually be left in a special area well-known to the population to be "exposed", but everyone was cognizant that slavers would just camp out in that area and steal the unwanted infants to sell as slaves.

No. 2122094

Your guess is as good as mine - any heckin science explanations would surely be too far fetched. If I put on my evo-bio hat, the most basic take would be that self-perpetuation is innately selfish. Therefore, terrorizing all other mothers could be (at least perceived as) fitness enhancing for the individual mother.

Though it's most likely a feminist leaning sociological explanation, like misplaced frustration with somatic costs of reproduction and being akin to an animal in captivity in today's hyper-isolated yet overcrowded, hyper-competitive environment. I highly doubt crunchy mom self flagellation olympics were a thing in pre-agricultural communal-raising systems.

No. 2122095

You're just as cucked as the mothers. The purpose of the world is to provide me with entertainment and I have no responsibility towards my species

No. 2122097

AYRT here, that is good too. You are incredibly based and I relate

No. 2122098

based and nihilismpilled

No. 2122101

So knowingly disposing of the kid without asking the mom either way.

No. 2122102

me too bb

No. 2122110

No. 2122125

It's so damn hot in Vegas I really don't know how people live there. Went for vacay this summer, genuinely felt like I was cooking alive when I went outside

No. 2122139

It always brightens up my day to see self-appointed feminists dehumanizing mothers and reducing them to examples of the evils of patriarchy without a hint of self-awareness or irony. At least I'm not that severely moronic.

No. 2122151

Death is part of life as a lifeform, therefore you should take no action to prevent or delay it. You may not know this, but this would be very much on brand with your argument, in more ways than just one. Anyways, autism time:

The effects of parity are permanent in every mammal, albeit not well understood. There are trivial examples in animal husbandry, like lack of research on female mice because of how tremendous of a variable parity is (the difference between virgin and parous mice is so vast it's bordering the differences between male and female mice). Or subjective cultural beliefs like the meat of female goats tasting different depending on their pregnancy history.

As far as current knowledge goes, you will never "heal" from microchimerism. Inside you there is a reservoir of stem cells from your mother (maternal microchimeric cells). They are replaced with cells of your fetus when you get pregnant. The purpose of those cells is pushing your soma to divert resources from self-repair (allowing you to mate again), instead awarding them to the fetus said cells belong to. In evolutionary terms, you are now worthless to maintain past the absolute bare minimum, hence the effects on lifespan and rate of aging. In some less complex species with stronger disposable soma effects, you die shortly after reproducing.

Autopsies of aged mothers who had sons show higher levels of male microchimeric cells within their brain tissues. One would think that those who just gave birth would have the highest levels, right? The explanation is, quote, that it "likely takes time for them to establish a cell line". Meaning that the more time goes by, the more those pluripotent foreign stem cells proliferate. They don't get cleared, they only increase. Iirc, fetal sex effects on lifespan persist as far back as grandparents, suggesting some pre-programmed fitness reason rather than lifestyle choices.

Now, I'm guessing the stuff going through your brain right now is me rubbing my hands while cackling maniacally, "Ha-ha! Dumb breeding WHORE cucked her life expectancy, pozzed her body permanently and I DIDN'T! LMAO COULDN'T BE ME", but that's not the case at all. In my view, many women (especially mothers) could be helped if the permanent effects of parity could be properly studied instead of flat out denied.

No. 2122154

Based and knowledgepilled

No. 2122155

Yeah but this is the Amerifag thread it's for talking about like baseball and bald eagles and stuff the topic is "USA" not whatever you're trying to sperg about

No. 2122156

File: 1722844156462.jpeg (29.86 KB, 275x244, 1620635678657.jpeg)

how are you this based

No. 2122157

I fucking love this image, did a nona make it? I want more third eye wojack girls

No. 2122158

samefagging makes u look gay kek

No. 2122159

sori that based and pinkpilled manifesto chan generates way more organic replies than ur shitty b8

No. 2122160

File: 1722844567319.png (72.71 KB, 300x199, 1000000097.png)

>Wow I've applied everywhere and can't get a job! There's no affordable housing either
>Same bro let's riot
>Suddenly said issues get fixed

>Wow I've applied everywhere, no calls back, places that do hire aren't paying and there's no affordable housing
>>Umm stupid cunts! Pull yourself up by the bootstraps, just try harder! It must be all your fault then
>Now everyone's broke and old people are working at Walmart on their death beds

It's absolutely mind boggling people didn't think simping for the economy getting shittier would actually affect them. People were stupid back in the day but I can't imagine being THAT fucking stupid to thing silencing people when discussing economic issues wouldnt come back and bite you on the ass holy shit

No. 2122164

nta but you are so gay

No. 2122165

well yeah but organizing for a cause is inherently leftist which is le bad

No. 2122167

im not just gay, im a disciple

No. 2122168

File: 1722845377660.jpeg (190.43 KB, 826x1440, IMG_6453.jpeg)

No. 2122169

So is the stock market about to crash or what

No. 2122170

i admit saging one of your samefag posts was a nice touch

No. 2122171

Leftists aren't any better, well they're better in terms of the fact they can admit these issues are happening where as Republicans only seem to be capable of admitting these issues are happening when it comes to bringing immigrants into the situation, but most leftists are too pussy to organize and riot "what if I get fired!" Like your employer is gonna fire you because you fucking sneezed weird but keep the serial sexual harasser on staff give me a break

No. 2122172

>someone who more than likely isn't the original manifesto chan posts unsourced information text wall
>OMG heckin' based!
Smells like trannycord gayops from the usual suspects.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2122173

the original manifesto-chan was all about autistic text dumping about sperm and the Y chromosome wym? and yeah trannycord gayops definitely talk about somatic cost and life history tradeoffs.

No. 2122176

A wall of text in a sea of short ad hominems is like a pond of water in a desert

No. 2122177

incels love to talk about microchimerism as an excuse to marry uwu virgin only slut for daddy girls

No. 2122178

The original manifestochan had a certain style to her writing that made her posts entertaining and worth reading even if the post was essentially a huge info dump. Most of the clones are just TL;DR and lack any of her nuance.

No. 2122180

>most leftists are too pussy to riot
kek it's true

I'm a lefty myself and I admit the last time I publicly protested anything was during george floyd, everyone would rather just post on social media than actually go out and complain in public with their actions

No. 2122183

Obviously I don't know for sure but her points are virtually the same across both(or more) iterations:
1. Males are parasites biologically speaking
2. Patriarchy is an attempt to bypass female choice
3. There's no social solution to a biological problem

She seems to have moved on to life history pretty heavily but its an extension of the main theme. Sometimes there's a lot more autistic biochemistry infodumping and not the short acerbic dressing downs youre talking about (seems to depend on the thread and maybe device used/time of day) but the similarities outweigh the differences for me.(derailing)

No. 2122184

everyone is like that but at least leftists acknowledge the need to organize unlike right wingers who are too libertarian or paranoid about spooky feds to even think about doing anything other than seethe in loli discord servers

No. 2122187

I'm sorry that your effortpost is getting shat on but please chill out on the samefagging.(minimodding)

No. 2122190

that's… not what samefagging is.

No. 2122253

>microchimerism is real
>therefore you should catch it from me instead of not catching it at all

Incels make self-sabotaging arguments, yes. Your point?

No. 2122255

Micro chimerism arguments never make sense to me, maybe it's cause I grew up on a farm watching animals breed different litters and all, same with all the other weird theories that they try to psychop women with

No. 2122256

It's a myopic argument that focuses too much on a likely extremely small part of human biology.

No. 2122267

Out of curiosity - is it the existence of it that you disagree with, or the hypothetical effects?
Do you disagree that fetomaternal cell traffic plays a huge part in pregnancy?

No. 2122278

Without changing the topic, the original statement that males are "parasitic biologically speaking" is extremely hyperbolic considering we don't even clearly know the significance of feto-maternal microchimerism. Also let's not pretend like the fetus is entirely a parasitic extension of the male when it gets more genes from the mother, and presume that feto-maternal microchimerism is exclusively negative in effect.

"1. During pregnancy, transplacental bidirectional cell trafficking occurs between a pregnant woman and her fetus. FMc during pregnancy and after childbirth exists in both animal models (rodents and rhesus monkeys) and humans. FMc proliferates and differentiates into specific phenotypes in maternal tissues, including cardiomyocytes, neurons, endothelial cells, hematopoietic cells, and lymphocytes. The functional role of these cells in maternal pathophysiology remains under debate.
2. On the one hand, FMc could be a source of progenitor cells with a beneficial effect on the mother’s health by intervening in tissue repair, angiogenesis, or neurogenesis. On the other hand, FMc might have a detrimental function by activating the immune response and contributing to autoimmune diseases."(derailing)

No. 2122345

Why would it occur for any reason other than promoting paternal/fetal interests? Especially since we know for a fact that they're involved in immunological priming and confer partner specific fetal tolerance that gets obliterated every time you switch paternity.

Also, what does the fetus being 51% mother have to do with the fact that it's the father's genes that say "rape her for all of her resources", while the mother's genes try to preserve as much as possible?(derailing)

No. 2122373

Most of the main assumptions in the original post written by the fake manifesto chan are refuted or revealed to be far less certain than how she presented them by the PubMed article above, one instance of which I pointed out in my previous post, and by many other articles spanning decades. Your arguments and the fake manifesto chan's post earlier depend too much on ideologically driven reductionist assumptions that poorly represent complex human biological processes to address relevant topics in a realistic way.(derailing)

No. 2122376

I’m curious- what ideology exactly is she promoting by dryly linking pubmed articles?

No. 2122382

I'm the only one who linked a PubMed article here. I might have phrased my sentence in a misleading way. I meant that the PubMed article that I linked refutes some of the assumptions made by the fake manifesto chan.

No. 2122387

It's great to visit? Absolutely. It's like having the entire world compressed into one city. Whatever you're looking for, there's a place somewhere that has it.
Fun to live? That depends. Unless you're rich or lucky enough to sublet a real apartment and not a literal cupboard for $3k a month, you won't have a good time.
I'm a native New Yorker who now lives in the burbs and what I miss most is public transit because it kept me fit and I didn't have to worry about taxes, insurance, repairs, etc. I hate needing to drive everywhere now because of the NIMBY boomers on zoning boards. What I don't miss about NYC is the constant smell of garbage and cigarette smoke. I didn't really notice how disgusting the air in NYC is until I moved out. The stench shocks me every time I go back.

No. 2122406

Ok, Nature links, whatever. My point is she doesn’t really seem to have an ideology.(derailing)

No. 2122515

Jill Stein should just run as a democrat seriously

No. 2122522

> oh no!!!!! you’re gonna die so you shouldn’t have kids!!!
well i’ll actually just have kids because i’m gonna die anyways

No. 2122527

i don’t have diseases and i am healthy, so if you’re only fear mongering about motherhood because you suffered from diseases after giving birth then i’m really sorry you were traumatized

No. 2122530

your personal opinions don’t change the physical world around you though nonna(derailing)

No. 2122538

What’s with the tradtards itt

No. 2122546

this is like defending smoking as being actually healthy for you kek

No. 2122553

Physical reality like somatic costs? I agree.

No. 2122559

to be fair there’s a difference between being trad and just being a woman who has kids and understands that all humans (both sexes) are on earth to continue life on earth

No. 2122561

You aren’t slick with that propaganda you covert tradfag. It’s a man’s purpose to squirt out his bleach sperm and die just like a bee who stings ends up dying solely for that purpose, dicks are virtually useless and are only weapons to infiltrate people’s bodies, property, privacy, freedom, happiness and men are fully expendable and not as important as women no matter how much normies think they are their importance has been thrusted upon us while women’s value flourishes naturally and effortlessly. Fuck off, shitting out babies just to grow up and suffer in a shitty world created by men should be no woman’s prerogative, we should be letting the population go way back down and cull most of the male species, women would be way happier that way.

The sad part is if this ever happens, women would need restrictions on their reproduction as well because I just know they would go ahead and have babies with those XY tards instead of leaving the devil alone and embracing the utopia. Women don’t want any utopia, they are only interested in enabling male’s personal liberty and pursuit of power which is a detriment to all women not just you when your nigel beats you up and expects you to make lunches for him like he’s your toddler. Fuck scrotes on my mama(derailing)

No. 2122562

i don’t really know what somatic cost you’re trying to talk about though, i don’t know of any women who’s physicality have been harmed by pregnancy/giving birth

No. 2122567

it’s not really propaganda it’s just the truth. you can try to argue with it but that won’t really change the fact that humans are here to continue life on earth. if you don’t want any children that’s perfectly fine but you really can’t defeat nature

No. 2122572

No, no it’s not anon. They need propaganda like that to convince women that it’s their purpose to generate more wageslaves and soldiers for the tptb, that is an appeal to nature and we as humans should aspire to transcend the constraints of human nature if we want to stop getting raped and killed.

No. 2122574

i mean, i can’t think of any “mom propaganda” thats come out over the last 14 years and that hasn’t stopped people from following our biological urge to have children; because that is what we’re here to do

No. 2122576

> transcend human nature
why don’t you start a new religion nonna kek

No. 2122610

Clearly you are, with your retard brain. Proof that the human race is getting dumber because as women have gotten the choice to choose whether they have kids only the stupid ones want procreate, even worse they procreate more, just look at the snow threads kek
>women and men’s purpose is to continue life on earth
So retarded, there’s already enough of us anyway, and the human population is steadily growing extremely fast still, so…? You’re not doing some sort of divine task.
I’m curious, what do you think of lesbians?(derailing/infighting)

No. 2122649

>cant think of any mom propaganda
oh pleaseee
nonnyism, i follow nonnyism and im learning on how to become a non

No. 2122660

do you wanna show me some mom propaganda

No. 2122666

>it literally reduces lifespan
breastfeeding reduces chances of breast cancer to almost zero. stem cells of fetuses can also travel to the mother's body and heal her. The world's oldest women all have kids. by your logic, childless women should be the only ones on that list, but they're not.

No. 2122668

i know men hate moms but other nonnys being so anti-mother makes me kind of sad.

No. 2122676

Nta but that just means that your best chances of living is not giving birth to children but taking prolactin so you can breastfeed them kek.
>stating facts about the effects of pregnancy is “”hating mothers””

No. 2122695

So I join in this argument once and it’s derailing, but all the other anons are fine. Stupid tranny mods

No. 2122701

>to almost zero
Are you like actually retarded?

No. 2122703

I think mothers should know what they’re getting into. Being realistic about what it does to you also helps you bargain for protections and benefits.

No. 2122712

you’re right! it is your job to educate yourself about pregnancy and birth before you decide to have a child. if you have no understanding of prenatal care/postpartum life/adjusting to being a mother then you’re going to be a horrible, unhealthy mom.

No. 2122714

yeah you actually do sound hateful and like you’re trying to make women fear pregnancy. if you’re afraid of it, that’s okay! i don’t think anyone is gonna try to force you to have a baby with them. but, being like “oh pregnancy is dangerous because this, this, and this” is like saying “oh living is dangerous because you can die”

No. 2122716

Childlessness by choice is a relatively recent phenomenon. There isn't going to be many childfree centenarians. With that said, nuns were noted to have exceptional longevity and extremely low rates of dementia.

Reproducing solely for breast cancer risk would only make sense if you're genetically predisposed, except breast cancers that occur during or shortly after pregnancy are more aggressive and fatal.

It is unclear whether microchimeric cells are found in sites of injury because they're there to fix it or because they caused it to begin with. Needless to say, they're found in almost all cancers and autoimmune lesions. There's also the fact that parous females have a faster pace of aging and poorer somatic repair overall, so whatever good fetal stem cells may be doing very clearly isn't offset by the harm.

No. 2122721

>muh educating people is bad!
Kek would you say this about people saying drugs or getting obese is dangerous for your health? Would you say this about calling cancer a danger to your health, because it is, just like other ailments, including pregnancy? Most women don’t know the dangers of pregnancy. Trying to shut down the truth because it makes you uncomfortable is pathetic, when this information could save the ill-informed.

No. 2122722

i never said educating people is bad, i said you sound hateful and aggressive

No. 2122724

stop falling for bait

No. 2122726

File: 1722878358651.png (471.62 KB, 1170x1026, yes, .png)

i think we should all be ready to end this conversation at this point because this has gone on overnight and i always find it a little disappointing when i fall asleep, wake up, and see the same topic being argued over


No. 2122727

>most women don’t know the dangers of pregnancy
And it’s their job to educate themselves.

No. 2122728

At the risk of sounding oblivious, how are existing mothers affected by other women fearing pregnancy? What skin in the game do you have in getting other women pregnant kek. Overall why do moms always want others to be as uninformed about motherhood as possible?

No. 2122729

I was NTA.
>you sound hateful and aggressive
Kek, I don’t even know what to say to this. Pansy

No. 2122731

do you even read the shit you post

No. 2122732

i’m not talking about existing mothers, dumbass. i said women as in women who have not had children yet. i’m glad school is gonna be back in session soon because you kids really need to work on your reading skills.

No. 2122733

Did you bother to click the link and read?

No. 2122734

>In any study finding a link between two things, it's important to keep straight the difference between "association" (the observation that two things occurred together) and "causation" (in which one thing directly causes the other thing to happen). This was a study noting an association between parenthood and longer life. It did not prove that parenthood causes longer life — not even close. So, headlines suggesting it did are provocative at best (just to get your attention) and misleading at worst.
from the same link

No. 2122736

Did you read the entirety of the link because that is simply the first paragraph, you seriously sound special needs. The article concludes that people with children usually live a few years longer than the average childless doomer because they’re less likely to have unhealthy habits, be in dangerous situations, etc

No. 2122739

but does that mean PREGNANCY ITSELF causes longer life? fucking retard.

No. 2122742

dude…you’re flinging around the word retard very generously for someone who apparently doesn’t understand that pregnancy is having children

No. 2122744

Nta but
>special needs
Kek. Even in the study the so called “extension” was greater for men than women, how do you explain that? Even though women are meant to live longer? Men don’t give birth.

No. 2122746

This is just sad at this point. Go on a walk or coldsmoke a whole pack of cigarettes or whatever children do these days

No. 2122747

does giving birth to a child increase your lifespan? what you posted shows that it does not. if you as an individual have all of those factors taken care of, then pregnancy will not raise your lifespan, because it's not pregnancy itself causing that increase. it is other factors in some population in sweden.

No. 2122749

Say that to the women who’ve outlived their husbands to be 80-120. Also, women in general live longer than men. Including women with children

No. 2122750

are you tards still sperging about this lol… why don't you make your own thread this is Trump's realm

No. 2122751

you can't even interpret the """evidence""" you link correctly. ridiculous

No. 2122753

yeah giving birth does increase your lifespan cause i know i’m gonna live longer than miserable suicidal NEET’s like yourself

No. 2122754

whatever makes you feel better, nonny.

No. 2122755

No, I understand it personally. You’re simply goalpost shifting to try to make it seem like pregnancy is a death sentence when that’s just not factually true

No. 2122757

I’m saying that if pregnancy was what lengthened their lifespan, how come it lengthened the men’s lifespans more?

No. 2122759

it does make me feel better, knowing that i have a better life than you

No. 2122761

pregnancy isn’t able to lengthen men’s lifespan because they don’t get pregnant duh

No. 2122762

does pregnancy increase lifespan. no, it actually does have a negative effect. on your lifespan. with other possible side effects.

No. 2122765

write moar fanfiction about me

No. 2122766

you are not very smart

No. 2122767

Nta but what’s so good about your life kek? To be frank you sound like a 17-year-old on summer break which is funny since you’re calling other anons kids.
Uh oh, someone’s gonna fail their exams! If you read, you’d see it said men were living 9 months longer and women 7 months longer. Is the factor still childbirth? Do you think these men lived 9 months longer after having children because they carried a baby for 9 months?

No. 2122769

fanfiction ≠ stating facts!

No. 2122770

women do live longer than men though ♥

No. 2122772

you say i’m not smart but you also try to use every crayon in the box to make it sound like pregnancy/giving birth/having children will turn you into a puddle of grease

No. 2122774

What the fuck is she trying to argue

No. 2122775

Pregnancy is not America. Shut up about pregnancy. no1currs

No. 2122776

pregnancy actually is america cause how else are more americans supposed to be born

No. 2122777

No1currs and the mods aren’t going to schlick you off for caring

No. 2122778

If you don’t care then hide the thread, or actually effectively try to change the topic

No. 2122779

i wish threads didn't get decimated by tards

No. 2122780

go to a pregnancy themed thread retard this is the USA thread

No. 2122782

i hate when moids invade lolcow just to say the most graphic disgusting shit they can(scrotefoiling)

No. 2122783


The one that says reproducing makes you age faster is from 2024, controlled for socioeconomic factors and genetics (has a twin cohort).

No. 2122784

There are anons on this site who unironically believe that getting pregnant even once turns you into a drooling retard kek. Lolcow is not the place to debate science.

No. 2122785

this is the USA thread and women in the USA get pregnant and womens reproduction is a huge topic of conversation in the U.S. You’d know this if you actually were a burger…

No. 2122788

>mods aren’t going to schlick you off for caring
You don't know that

No. 2122789

>Uwu I’m just a pure innocent wahmen who could never say something so crass!!! Let me go get bred by my nigel to cleanse myself
Stfu breeding fetish tranny(scrotefoiling)

No. 2122792

> d-they said it ruins your lifespan!1!!1
yeah because they don’t want people (like YOU, which please don’t have any) to have kids, retard

No. 2122793

oh okay so I can talk about pregnancy in Uganda here because pregnancy is inherently American?

No. 2122794

Exactly. How does women being hypothetically spooked away from pregnancy affect those who already reproduced?

No. 2122797

this actually brought tears to my eyes what the fuck

No. 2122798

youre not going to win the mental gymnast award

No. 2122799

it doesn’t but im allowed to have an opinion though, its not against the law for me to have thoughts of my own

No. 2122800

>ignoring the countless unfit people that love popping out 8 kids

No. 2122802

what are you talking about? womens reproduction actually is a massive, continual topic of conversation in the united states. stop LARPing

No. 2122803


No. 2122806

uganda has nothing to do with the US…?

No. 2122807

nta but you are seriously dumb

No. 2122808

no, i’ve actually gone outside over the last 20 years and have talked to people face to face.

No. 2122809

>moms accelerate their epigenetic aging specifically to discourage me from having kids
That's kinda hot

No. 2122810

but pregnancy is inherently american…?

No. 2122811

Do you say this to pregnant women you see in public

No. 2122812

no you're just dumb

No. 2122814

Pregnancy is America, why do you think we have so much anchor babies here? Politicians love that shit clearly, more slaves for them ig(derailing)

No. 2122815

they want to believe you're a tranny to restore their faith in humans

No. 2122818

i didn’t say pregnancy is inherently american? i said women’s reproduction is a massive topic of conversation here, hence why it’ll be discussed in the corresponding thread. did you read my post all the way before responding?

No. 2122819

It’s harder to argue with a retarded person than an intelligent one, that’s what this thread has taught me. Go do your homework.

No. 2122821

anchor babies aren’t a real thing. they’ll deport you and put your child into foster care

No. 2122824

yeah so we can also discuss pregnancy in uganda, duh

No. 2122825

ugandan women's reproduction is women's reproduction… or are you insinuating that ugandan women aren't women?

No. 2122826

troons can’t even get pregnant i don’t understand why they feel that way about mothers who raise their voice on here

No. 2122827

ugandan women’s reproduction would be corresponding to the Africa or Uganda thread, this is the American thread so we’re discussing American women’s reproduction.

No. 2122828

wow i didn't know that. really? troons can't get pregnant? i had no idea, holy shit…

No. 2122829

but you're discussing women's reproduction in general?? that's what you people have been doing this whole thread?

No. 2122832

but pregnancy unites all of us as reproduction is the only purpose we are all alive for(derailing/bait)

No. 2122836

You still didn’t answer the question on your views on lesbians(derailing)

No. 2122837

then what do you benefit from getting angry during discussions and immediately defaulting to “you’re a tranny” when that’s completely illogical because troons can’t get pregnant, can’t give birth, can’t breastfeed, can’t experience raising children. i don’t get why you’d want to include them in this conversation, it’s like you’re trying to compare proud moms to criminals

No. 2122839

this tradfag has to be some kind of cow somewhere, maybe they slipped from kiwifarms. these types always love to dwell in these spaces despite them having a kid and second kid (husband) to worry about because it makes them seem cool and accepted by moids for doing what every woman does practically everyday which is shitting out more babies for scrotes to feel like da man of the house. just stop this right now, pregnancy is extremely taxing, dangerous and childrearing is either underappreciated labor or most mothers don't know how to raise a child because we socialize unfit people to shit out kids. this is exactly why i promote full gov control over the population's reproduction and family planning, idc

No. 2122841

right, but we have specific threads for each country. so canadian pregnancy would be the canada thread, french pregnancy would be the france thread, german pregnancy would be the germany thread. it sounds like you’re a non-burger who’s trying to wiggle your way into the thread and it’s not working

No. 2122842

File: 1722879861611.jpg (123.15 KB, 1500x1125, scotcheroos.jpg)

My fellow Americans, I humbly request your assistance in attaining fatty-chan nirvana. So tell me: What's your fave dessert or party dish from your region? Picrel is scotcharoos, which were big in the Midwest back when I was a kid. Used to make a tray of them and bring it to school because my teacher was obsessed with them and would share with the class.

No. 2122844

You’re talking to multiple anons, I called someone a troon because they acted like women can’t use the word “schlick” because it’s, and I quote, “the most graphic disgusting shit”

No. 2122845

what the FUCK does that have to do with America

No. 2122846

i’m sorry your pregnancy sucked but that’s probably because you were unhealthy to begin with

No. 2122849

because talking about masturbating during a conversation about children is really gross, and arguably much more troonish than being grossed out by something

No. 2122851

im not the mommyblogger, it was sarcasm

No. 2122852

those 2 remaining brain cells must be struggling right now

No. 2122853

if you think there should be less males then you should get on that, nonna. go get your gun and start shooting

No. 2122854

schlicking is 100% American

No. 2122855

Nta but do you genuinely think you’re arguing with women who’s “pregnancy sucked”? I’m glad I got to witness an instance of having children zapping your IQ.

No. 2122856

why are you trying so hard to deny possible pregnancy complications?(derailing)

No. 2122857

really i think it’s you who’s confused more than anyone because we have specific threads for each country for a reason, to discuss your countries most prevalent topics. one of the most prevalent, recurrent topics in the U.S. is women’s reproduction. not sure why this is poking you so bad

No. 2122858

why can't we talk about gooning in the amerifag thread, it's an AMERICAN topic

No. 2122859

You twist things like twittards. Now you’re trying to make anons sound like pedophiles for not wanting children KEK

No. 2122862

porn addiction is a prevalent recurrent topic in the US that some legislators say they want to ban. it's on-topic we should just spam facts about porn addiction because it's technically relevant

No. 2122863

so, what pregnancy complications did you experience? i personally feel like people try to make pregnancy sound worse than it is so that women are too scared to do it, when really your body’s instincts just take over during pregnancy and it’s obviously far different from being not pregnant, but it’s also not bad or upsetting. it’s only hard for women who aren’t healthy or did not take care of themselves prior to conceiving(derailing)

No. 2122864

how are you THIS obsessed with convincing others. how.

No. 2122865

that you have to make it a topic for like a week now

No. 2122869

i’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. i asked you a question, and then i shared my experience. do you have an answer to the question?

No. 2122870

people are just pointing the possible side effects. it does more harm to ignore them.

No. 2122872

ok so we can post random "goonmuse" crap here because gooning is an American problem?

No. 2122873

Why do you think any anon arguing with you is dumb enough to try pregnancy? What “experience” are you talking about?

No. 2122877

because they’re talking about pregnancy as if they’ve experienced these “side effects” themselves, as if they’re definite and unavoidable when that just isn’t reality

No. 2122878

so you relentlessly making this a topic for a week isn't you trying to convince anyone of anything? really? give it up already and do something else! it would actually be more helpful for you if you stopped agonizing over some people that disagree with your pov. just accept it and move on!

No. 2122879

what does goonmuse?

No. 2122882

s t a t i s t i c s

No. 2122883

what do you mean by you.? do you think there’s only one mother on this whole website or do you have a hard time realizing that a group of rotating anons bring this back up regularly

No. 2122886

i can also publish a study right now saying that statistics prove that 98% of lolcow users have gonorrhea, does that make it true?

No. 2122888

ive not experienced pregnancy, but womens health is constantly ignored and discarded. I would think if you are a mother you would care.

No. 2122889

stop lying and just move on already!
why do you hate science so much lolll

No. 2122896

Ooh let me guess, you don’t believe in le science because only God’s word is truth?

No. 2122898

is it your hobby to derail threads other people use? like seriously. if it were just fun for you why do you get so genuinely upset over it? like calm down, move away from the screen, and just accept that there are people in life who are gonna disagree with you. it's not that serious!

No. 2122899

Ok what's the most American thing you can think of right now

No. 2122901


No. 2122904

I'm glad you and I finally agree. Because all life evolved to reproduce, it also evolved for reproduction-longevity tradeoffs.

No. 2122910

So lesbians?

No. 2122911

Driving a long, lonely road somewhere in the southwest.
Also this, but he's shirtless and his jacket is all ripped.

No. 2122917

it was sarcasm…

No. 2122920

File: 1722880977463.jpg (53.87 KB, 564x564, borgar.jpg)

delicious juicy umami cheeseburger with bacon and crispy, crispy thin fries with a nice thick milkshake with some red40 that could make a europoor scream of horror. delicious

No. 2122928


No. 2122929

most people don't even realize that you can pay some newgrad science major a few grand to publish a retarded "study" and people will call it science and defend it to their deathbed

No. 2122932

Why are there so many stories of RFK Jr doing weird stuff? Why would anyone volunteer this information?

No. 2122939

i wanted to believe it was bait, yet we got to witness boymom/mombrain in real time proving all the previous assumptions right just because a nonny said we should abort males and there should be less men than women.

No. 2122952

because he’s a third party candidate and third party candidates have to have some sort of mental illness to run, well either that or they’re russian puppets (jill stein, you can look it up). I’d assume RFK’s case is mental illness because of the brainworms

No. 2122953

nta but pregnant once, currently pregnant again
it's really not that bad
>it’s only hard for women who aren’t healthy or did not take care of themselves prior to conceiving
i agree, the only women who seemed to have trouble were obese(derailing)

No. 2122954

File: 1722881948814.jpg (74.79 KB, 564x793, b2fc6d3b180bb0b7cadf37328bea99…)

No. 2122955

why is he dressed like a nahtzee

No. 2122957

> stop lying
nonny you gotta remember there’s like 10k users on this website, and 50% of the female population is moms so you’re bound to run into a few cracked eggs

No. 2122958

…h-he is?

No. 2122959

alfred x ivan?

No. 2122962

alfred is such a cutie patootie. what's that he's holding in front of his glasses?

No. 2122963

File: 1722882345493.png (3.95 MB, 1170x1961, visiting grandpa .png)

News anchor Tucker Carlson went on Red Scare podcast kek, this pic felt like it belonged here

No. 2122964

No. 2122965

God, they’re all so ugly.

No. 2122969

Dasha really went crazy with that smoothing filter KEK

No. 2122973

lmao in a shit pay to play journal maybe

No. 2122975

This is so cringe. so tired of all of these “types” trying to make conservative grifters cute. it’s not cute

No. 2122977

ntayrt but in current America every medical journal is pay-to-play

No. 2122979

what you don’t like her adidas skirt kek? or Tucker’s clogs LMAO

No. 2122983

Go ahead and submit your paper for review to, I dunno, NEJM, and report back

No. 2122984

He seems unwell.

No. 2122985

She looks so cute here

No. 2122996

Aw geez Tucker not suede clogs, c'mon

No. 2123000

File: 1722883060827.jpg (49.78 KB, 800x633, Sam-Browne-Belt-Brothers.jpg)

That's a WW2 officer's uniform, you cumguzzling retard

No. 2123001

No i mean im tired of these types trying to make these grifters a “thing”. like there’s this one clip of dasha calling trump a “gay icon”… its so cringe, may have been someone else but idk. Just so cringe

No. 2123003

ok this is actually kind of a nice picture

No. 2123009

incredible how tucker is the best looking one

No. 2123014

I’m sorry but on what planet

No. 2123021

Anyone know where I can get pants similar to what Dasha is wearing

No. 2123025

The dumpster

No. 2123028

planet earth the one you're probably not on if you disagree

No. 2123030

Ugly man psy-op in action. These women are obviously prettier than whatever that is.

No. 2123034

I didn't say he's good looking

No. 2123040

File: 1722883891815.png (627.36 KB, 1170x1492, brown corduroys.png)

No. 2123041

It is with a heavy heart that I must agree. Incredible how even a couple of female 3s mog any mid moid.

No. 2123042

You think two average to slightly above average looking women are uglier than that pot-bellied, red skinned creature.

No. 2123046

they're not slightly above average are you kidding? go outside

No. 2123049

File: 1722884017890.jpeg (70.05 KB, 540x540, IMG_9776.jpeg)

Thanks nona

No. 2123051

nta but i do go outside and i personally think they’re pretty cute kek

No. 2123052

So what’s slightly above average then?

No. 2123054

those women are like 3s like the other anon said. something about their faces is just not right

No. 2123061

>See this post
>"slightly above average women"
>I scroll up
>Its fucking Dasha and the other one

No. 2123066

So post a slightly above average woman.

No. 2123069

i'd rather not tbh it's not entertaining

No. 2123071

so how would you rate yourself nonna

No. 2123073

greater than 3

No. 2123074

So a 4?

No. 2123076

Anna is pretty but Dasha looks like inbred. Her facial structure is so weird and she always looks derpy.

No. 2123078

Airbnb should be banned. I'm so fucking tired of these rich ass tourists in Denver taking our houses. Get a fucking hotel or GET OUT.

No. 2123094

so a 5? i feel like an 8 personally

No. 2123098

of course queen ♥

No. 2123099

>i feel like an 8 personally
Probably not.

No. 2123103

does the pozzing and celljakking happen at the moment of conception or can an early before 9 weeks abortion be a saving play? Do women who have early miscarriages before a pregnancy is viable have the same micochimeric cells?(derailing)

No. 2123106

Ntayrt but you don’t think there could be gorgeous LC users nonna? I like to believe all my nonnies are gorgeous angels

No. 2123111

not all

No. 2123115

File: 1722885814322.jpg (49.58 KB, 500x414, Raisin-Bread-Pudding9.jpg)

It wasn't in my region growing up but when we'd visit family in Savannah, GA bread pudding was a must, raisins not optional. I actually forgot about this dessert until now.

No. 2123117

Is this happening again

No. 2123123

File: 1722885995092.png (963.7 KB, 668x652, tillamook creams .png)

Oregonian ice cream of alllll sorts (tillamook, umpqua, ruby jewels) and another one of our specialities is DONUTS! A classic Portland glazed local organic blueberry cake donut is orgasmic

No. 2123125

Are you the solid 10 nonny

No. 2123138

File: 1722886493641.jpg (80.51 KB, 1000x1500, beignets2.jpg)

Beignets. I know legally it's a French dish, but almost every resturant here (Southeast Louisiana) sells them I'm not joking, even chinese buffets and mexican restaurants have them and I'm a huge sucker for them. One of the few desserts I can eat continuously without getting sick of it.

No. 2123155

File: 1722887060898.webp (75.21 KB, 1536x1024, michaelah-montgomery-reacts-re…)

These two are hooking up.

“She grabbed me. She gave me a kiss,” he added. “I said, ‘I think I’m never going back home to the first lady.'”

“You were supposed to keep that quiet,” Montgomery laughed.

After Michaelah’s response, Trump made another interesting comment: “See now for the average politician, that’s death. For me, I don’t care.”

No. 2123159

My American sisters……. YouTube ads are happening again…. are you also suffering?

No. 2123184

As early as 4 weeks. Miscarriage and abortion cause the fetus to eject more microchimeric cells, likely as a last ditch effort to manipulate the host.(derailing)

No. 2123201


Here’s a post from YT hate thread about how to disable ads >>2051096

No. 2123211

File: 1722889713849.jpeg (20.62 KB, 301x167, IMG_1681.jpeg)

Mackinac Island fudge

No. 2123212


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2123220

Omg fellow Oregon-anon (although I am a filthy, filthy transplant, kek). Ho-lee shit Tillamook's German Chocolate Cake flavor just about killed me. (Also I gotta be real, Umpqua just isn't that good) I will also put forth that huckleberry-anything is amazing, if you know where to buy/pick fresh huckleberries.

No. 2123233

File: 1722890811371.jpeg (263.25 KB, 2048x919, GUO9unmXUAA1A_9.jpeg)

I never want to hear about the megan thee stallion performance being trashy again… what is this.. who is this appealing to? Adin Ross doesn’t have a single viewer of his over the age of 18. How does this get Trump votes? This is tomfoolery.

No. 2123241

Omfg Tillamook’s chocolate flavors are some of their best work, Chocolate Mudslide is usually what I go for!! And I love, love going to the farmers market and to one of the millions of U-picks we’re blessed with that are open all summer too kek

No. 2123249

all this shit is cringey and won't do shit. Trump will lose Im praying and Kamala will win but not because MTS or Charli but she's better. Trump is retarded

No. 2123254

Aaagghhgghg please recommend me a good u-pick, I wanna make more peach-based desserts! I'm in the central region, love those fires lol

No. 2123266

File: 1722892191700.jpeg (133.18 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_7071.jpeg)

Not in oregon but my favorite kind of ice cream is ube. Honestly living in an area with a lot of asians has widened my tastebuds a lot.

No. 2123268

that looks soooo fucking good. could you compare the flavor to anything?

No. 2123274

It’s like a very rich vanilla, with a tiny hint of strawberry. The general flavor is also slightly earthy. It’s very good. You should give it a try, i think they’re still selling some at trader joe’s, but it’s a seasonal flavor there

No. 2123360

File: 1722897128245.png (658.01 KB, 697x1130, mama.png)

I understand the stanfags love for daddy Staniel and everything but how do we feel about a Franny threadpic?

No. 2123363

Gimme that fanny, Franny
Gimme that fanny, Franny

No. 2123372

Yeah but can it be like a bunch of her, like a photo compilation, Sexpun included.

No. 2123373

File: 1722897612526.jpeg (279 KB, 842x831, IMG_7073.jpeg)

It would be a total win for me and fellow lesbians, francine FTW. She’s a sign of the changing culture of the united states, a sign of total woman victory

No. 2123375

what does it taste like?

No. 2123376

Oh yeah I’m picking up what you’re putting down, nonna

No. 2123389

with like a png of a half transparent american flag over it, perfect

No. 2123493

File: 1722903544189.png (310.32 KB, 592x435, walz.png)

Veryyyyyyyyyyyy high chance Walz is the winner of the Veepstakes. I was rooting for Beshear but I like Walz too. Anybody but Josh Shapiro tbh, he would split the progressive vote way too much. I'm not surprised it's Walz considering he kickstarted the whole calling republicans "weird" thing.

No. 2123592

File: 1722909739244.gif (249.33 KB, 400x300, 834277B3-03FD-4539-AC9D-C28E02…)

No. 2123607

How are you feeling after today, risky stock chan?(bait)

No. 2123631

why must anons restart the same fucking infights at the same fucking hours, give it a rest

No. 2123635

>after today
What's this in reference to

No. 2123642

Today was a very bad day for the stock market kek. One of the worst in history.

No. 2123646

I already said this before, I wasn't referring to stocks when I mentioned investments.

No. 2123647

File: 1722913077309.jpeg (710.97 KB, 1170x1636, IMG_2135.jpeg)

don’t worry i’m not trying to upset anyone kek today the stock market crashed by $2.9 trillion. off topic but i find it really interesting that this article was posted today but for some reason references today as being last week?

No. 2123651

Idc about you I was explaining the joke to the other anon.

No. 2123653

You literally responded to me though

No. 2123655

ntayrt but i think she’s saying she was responding to the other post

No. 2123656

There is no "other anon", she was responding to me

No. 2123659

this is an anonymous imageboard. it’s not really encouraged to announce yourself in response to joke posts

No. 2123660

Please go back to instagram or something(infighting)

No. 2123661

Yeah you're right sorry, every post on /ot/ is about you and everyone is always talking about you and only you because you're the center of the world. How foolish of me to forget.(infighting)

No. 2123665

I mean, the only thing to take from this is that YOU use instagram, which is your own problem.(infighting)

No. 2123671


No. 2123680

i chose instagram because that’s what the younger millennials used kek

No. 2123683

File: 1722915147531.gif (599.76 KB, 500x493, francine.gif)

No. 2123685

I love this, this is amazing. Next threadpic for sure

No. 2123687

No. 2123733

File: 1722918392429.png (398.49 KB, 492x592, cringe.png)

even more cringe. Who the fuck cares about Faze clan in 2024? Who even cared about them before, 8 year old boys? Apparently Barron Trump likes these streamers, that's what news sites have been saying anyways. It'd be funny since rightoids like to paint him as some reincarnation of ceaser when in reality he's just some retarded kid who spazzes out over Adin Ross and fortnite. Kek

No. 2123751

File: 1722919092893.jpeg (496.28 KB, 828x1604, IMG_6446.jpeg)


No. 2123754

File: 1722919333369.jpg (16.34 KB, 600x600, low quality bait.jpg)

No. 2123807

Shit’s going down in bangladesh right now

No. 2124215

Who the fuck is Tim Walz

No. 2124247

came to ask this lmfao

No. 2124304

All I can see in my head is Tim Dillon KEK

No. 2124308

i'm yelling timber

No. 2124311

An elderly white man, which is totally what we needed more of. Can't believe fucking Vance of all people is the youngest and most socially progressive person involved in this election (since he has a nonwhite wife/kid - yeah Kamala has a partner of another race but he's white which just makes her a typical whiteworshipper, not progressive)(racesperging)

No. 2124329

>just makes her a typical whiteworshipper
You're fucking weird kek

No. 2124331

she's right

No. 2124333

Another weirdo

No. 2124344

File: 1722961330415.png (1.3 MB, 1170x1389, bye tim.png)

Yeah I don’t think Kamala has any chance of winning now. If she’d picked literally anyone else I think she’d still have a 50/50 chance but now I’m pretty sure everyone’s gonna vote for daddy Don

No. 2124348

I know you are but what am I?(infighting)

No. 2124372

Imo most people have already made up their mind on this election and VP picks will have negligible influence. It'll be interesting to see the polls in the next couple weeks and if it turns out I'm wrong. I think Walz was a bad pick, though.

No. 2124388

How is hubby feeling? Has he given you a black eye yet because his folio crashed, or does he not own any such assets?(infighting)

No. 2124447

ntayrt but you seriously need to take a benadryl or something

No. 2124461

>primary elections came by
>chose the woman in every category
we can have an all-female congress by 2040

No. 2124476

we might not even exist by 2040, women might be fucking drafted to fight a war in the middle east for gender equality

No. 2124510

Let’s fucking gooo

No. 2124667

>socially progressive
did you miss the whole hardcore woman-hater anti-abortion catholic thing or what

No. 2124693

i think i developed adult dyslexia or something because my brain read this as “eat fucking pooooo”

No. 2124715

Nah you're just retarded

No. 2124719

File: 1722975617698.webp (158.1 KB, 2240x1420, 2161997393.webp)

>My Husband Only Meant to Insult People Who Actively Choose Not to Have Kids, Not People Who Are Trying but Are Unsuccessful

No. 2124720

did i spell dyslexia wrong too

No. 2124741

I will not confirm nor object

No. 2124755

kek nona get that checked if it keeps happening.. do not eat poo

No. 2124819

File: 1722979987780.mp4 (294.28 KB, 378x360, nayh.mp4)

Trump has been on his truth social and he's saying he misses biden, this is so sad.

No. 2124861

>tampons in boys restrooms
dumb but nowhere near as dangerous as unisex bathrooms.
>illegals vote in our elections
aren't most latinos conservative and christian? how does that hurt maga?

No. 2124864

File: 1722981990492.jpg (72.57 KB, 750x735, 0033.jpg)

>a religious man who's strongly against abortion even involving rape is more progressive than a woman because the latter has a white husband

No. 2124866

Where's the Elsie bait used to be believable image when you need it.

No. 2124888

File: 1722982848437.png (95.73 KB, 416x490, gus fring elsie.png)

No. 2124889

What's gus fring mean?

No. 2124896

They don't need trannies for that because I've been bleeding all over the men's room and flushing my pads since foreve

No. 2124917

>tfw the all-female congress and female president usher in more crime, more poverty, more corruption, more trannies but vote for them because you share a vajayjay
I thought being a pussy hat wearing liberal was corny but apparently not(bait)

No. 2124928

>scrote fanfiction
A certain demographic is far too comfortable here. See you nonnas after my ban is up kek(scrotefoiling)

No. 2124932

Anon there are trannies on the janny team does it surprise you they're cracking down on rightful scrotfoiling.
You're not going to get anyone to vote for Trump by calling us "corny pussyhat wearers" kek psyop failed.

No. 2124934

Oh and trump is going to magically fix all of that right? lol cmon

No. 2124951

File: 1722986590653.gif (8.07 MB, 480x270, 30a36820dbfcc574de2462ae90b6c4…)


No. 2124964

>muh pussy hats
2016 was almost 10 years ago anon. Whenever you finally unsub from the YouTube skeptic community maybe you can join us in reality

No. 2124968

File: 1722987374753.jpg (231.03 KB, 1908x1146, 88226541-0-image-a-3_172296745…)

How the fuck was the right pic taken in 2005? How is it possible to age this much?

No. 2124971

To three and a half podcast nolifers with delusions of influence. Normies don't care about thielverse.

No. 2124973

No fucking waaaay. I thought that was his son or some shit. He looks 70 years old right now, so if that pic was taken 19 years ago, he'd be 51? Hell nah. He looks mid-twenties on the right… so you're telling me this guy is…in his mid-forties? Insanity. I thank god everyday I'm not a rapidly decaying y chromo.

No. 2124975

File: 1722987769049.jpg (97.42 KB, 1920x1080, vogue_kh-speech.jpg)

I can't believe they were both born the same year, kamala aged so well compared to him, trump, and vance. Well, vance is and was just fat for his entire life.

No. 2124978

this is funny in context to Trump pretty much admitting that he can be bought out with enough money and changing one of his major policy positions just because Elon Musk paid more alongside a very long history of flipflops and lies in a relative short period of time with seemingly no consistent value system and failing to deliver on most of his promises in his 4 years. it's like some of you live in some kind of la la land where there are heroes in politics. moreover, some people are voting for Trump because of his gender and race or because they don't want a woman to be in office. why is some voters being superficial solely of note if it involves Kamala?

No. 2124984

File: 1722988153606.webp (63.51 KB, 640x875, IMG_6210.webp)

too much mountain dew

No. 2124985

File: 1722988211868.webp (30.81 KB, 1300x1300, 000561259-1 (1).webp)

this is why a monster a day keeps the wrinkles away!

No. 2124987

File: 1722988356847.jpeg (75.94 KB, 850x639, IMG_6211.jpeg)

Nona there's no way that pic is from the 2000s, this is him on the right in 1992.

No. 2125002

File: 1722989413380.jpg (648.01 KB, 1536x2048, 1000004238.jpg)

His anime girl posture

No. 2125005

The musk car with that shit on it is fucking killing me kek

No. 2125022

File: 1722990574448.jpg (144.08 KB, 720x862, 1000004239.jpg)

Little pussy ass bitch boy.

No. 2125028

He has probably already sexually harrassed if not outright assaulted a girl or a few at this point in his life.

No. 2125039

American Dad and Seth McFarlane's art style is shit, I want actual art

No. 2125043

Gus doesn’t smoke!!

No. 2125045

no more twinks or bulky moids as the thread pics inshallah. we shall have a woman for once

No. 2125049

Someone explain to me like I'm 5 who this adin guy is, I'm old

No. 2125051

I'm gonna link her again so OP doesn't forget

No. 2125052

hidekaz himaruya’s art isn’t real art either

No. 2125054

total woman victory. beautiful threadpic

No. 2125057

File: 1722992229815.jpg (69.89 KB, 594x396, photo_56917236.jpg)

Sexual abuse runs in the Trump family

No. 2125058

America is dead? What kind of message is that

No. 2125066

File: 1722992835581.jpg (309.13 KB, 1200x848, himaruya’s masterpiece .JPG)

Fake news. Also kys

No. 2125074

File: 1722993297020.jpg (126.59 KB, 800x756, 4506795472_b271cc1370_o.jpg)

AYRT I agree and I want, Idk, a fucking real OP image. Can we have art by an American illustrator? Sheilah Beckett? Lorraine Fox? SOMEBODY?

No. 2125075


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2125079

This art is ugly and doesn’t reflect burgerland. No thanks

No. 2125082

Walz is the actual middle class everyman Vance postures as, a veteran and public school teacher. He’s a centrist dem whose pro union and the only poor policy is his stance on transgender ideology.

No. 2125098

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