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File: 1741626945058.mp4 (3.47 MB, 1254x612, schizosama.mp4)

No. 499582

No. 499583

File: 1741627011709.png (9.4 KB, 868x157, 632034.png)

Kind of depressing to think about the possibility that he knows the fan support doesn't matter anymore and that he's fucked over his life.

No. 499584

File: 1741627212155.png (1.41 MB, 1125x753, 564654654.png)

>Hours later, a photo of his cuffed, bare ankles goes viral
KEK I love this objectified little retard like you wouldn't believe

No. 499585

i dont think he came off mean it the latest letter reply. he is right, its not possible to be pen pals with him even if he wanted to due to the volume and delay of the letters. if he really wanted to he would add you to his mailing list, however that works

Btw, do you think he had contact with his family?

No. 499586

Right around the time of arrest or now?

No. 499589

I wonder who he has on his email list. He can add like 20 people, right?

No. 499590

>Btw, do you think he had contact with his family?
of course. probably phone calls
>20 people
so like 2 percent of his italian rat family

No. 499591

I wonder too I can’t tell who he was currently friends with. There aren’t any indicators

No. 499592

Well, we know Tracy is definitely not on there despite her claims of him being her best friend kek.

No. 499594

Do you think she calls herself a philanthropist now because she probably donated him 8 bucks for his legal fund

No. 499595

i love his dainty ankles

No. 499597

i wonder why she treated him like her gay bestfriend kek

No. 499598

Tracy didn't donate shit to Luigi. If she did she would brag about it to instagram

No. 499599

probably his gilman friends and close family friends.

No. 499601

Luigi dying on the inside knowing he will never leave prison while people meme about his ankles. Absolutely grim KEK.

No. 499602

File: 1741628372737.gif (4.87 MB, 525x380, we love luigi.gif)

He probably likes the attention anyway

No. 499603

I’m sure he’s experiencing such a high right now. this is the most amount of attention and support he’s ever gotten in his short lived life

No. 499604

Not yet. He looks to be pretty confident that he will be let go.

No. 499605

I never understood why they did this on Twitter. I was sad that day because of how stunned he looked while being walked out with a bulletproof vest.

No. 499606

I think it’s interesting every other time we see him he either looks docile or over it. This time he looked docile.

No. 499607


No. 499608

From the Rolling Stones article, seems like the high has worn off and he probably doesn't care anymore. He will never be free to do the things he loves again like play Pokémon Go or act like a douchebag in foreign countries. I cri.

No. 499609

File: 1741628795269.jpeg (33.74 KB, 400x400, IMG_4871.jpeg)

my favorite weegee. i wonder why he was smiling so crazily in the back of the cop car

No. 499611

He will never have sex in thailand again rip
High on attention

No. 499612

to me this is the most italian he has ever looked. maybe he was smiling at the meme air fresheners. who knows. it's one of the funniest pics to come out of this whole thing imo

No. 499613

I love this! I don’t think it was the Tyrone air freshener, he wouldn’t smile this hard. I want to know so bad.

No. 499614

I wonder what karen is telling him
Is she filling his head with hope that he will walk or that he is fucked?

No. 499615

the cops also seemed to be ignoring him, so I really wonder what he was smiling about

No. 499616

My guess is that the whole thing felt like an emotional rollercoaster at first. Going from the arrest to jail with inmates screaming for his innocence and then seeing all the fan support. It's absolutely wild and I think he couldn't help but smile at the absurdity of it all.

No. 499617

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I wonder if this is when she was discussing discovery and the ID documentary. Luigi looks so pissed

No. 499619

She is posting itt telling everyone to stop being mean

No. 499620

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obsessed with how miserable he looks here. he probably didn’t know the cameras were around

No. 499622

I think it's more likely she's hating on him. Imagine having to deal with this tard directly. She'll need a place to vent anonymously about how dumb he is.

No. 499623

File: 1741630332184.png (349.98 KB, 426x878, 8766876876.png)

Luigi should always look broken and raped.
He should cry for his next court appearance. That would be so hot, I would support Luigi crying and saying "Im sorry, I am a retard! Please forgive me!!!"

No. 499624

KEK probably, poor Karen
I agree, he should never smile again. For his next appearance maybe he should have broken glass in his shoes.

No. 499625

>For his next appearance maybe he should have broken glass in his shoes.
Galaxy-brained idea. Guaranteed to have Ghibli-style tears streaming down his face like two miniature waterfalls.

No. 499629

File: 1741631010950.gif (3.46 MB, 400x224, source-472816029.gif)

>Karen is the Luigischizo
God damn…

No. 499630

Stop lol!

No. 499631

It feels like the schizoposting also ramped up when that clubmangi0ne account said she was sending the threads to Karen. I think we're onto something.

No. 499632

File: 1741631484177.jpg (468.84 KB, 1077x1758, X cyberattack.jpg)

Hope he sues Muskrat for defamation, he has publicly hated on Luigi since day 1.

No. 499633

Nona, as a true narcissist would.

No. 499635

Why is he doing this again? Men are so vengeful of Luigi.

No. 499636

Ayrt, he's jealous because he's old, fat, socially inept, ugly and balding. He wishes he was Luigi.

No. 499637

I’m certain he will cry on his trial.

No. 499638

he’s bitter his ugly ass and his broken dick can only procreate by giving money to a bunch of random retarded women to have his IVF babies

No. 499639

Same but what if he is walled by then

No. 499640

kek can’t believe my crappy video edit made it as thread pic

No. 499641

what if he looks even sexier this time around. ughhhh I wanna see him cry tears of anguish.I wonder what colored sweater Karen will make him wear next kek maybe pink?

No. 499642

he probably wants to skin walk him. Luigi has a higher public approval rate than him atp kek

No. 499643

He’s going to look better it’s a given. Pink would be cute!

No. 499644

KAREN, put Luigi in a cute pink sweater next trial date and my life is yours (also we know you’re lurking here)

No. 499645

it would be funny if karen actually did take a look at these threads that were sent to her by those retards. please karen we beg you to make weegee speak at his next state hearing we need to hear his sexy voice.

No. 499646

Please Karen beat Luigi and post vid

No. 499647

I wonder how weegee would feel knowing one of his techdaddies has had it out for him since day 1

No. 499648

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raw egg nationalist is an utterly disgusting and subhuman beast, he's 40 living in his dementia ridden mom's basement

No. 499649

All these ugly moids trying to kill Luigi. I wish they would join the statistics

No. 499650


No. 499651

I think I would actually get sad if he did cry despite laughing at the hilariously unhinged posts about it. Even after all the revelations over how retarded he is, I can't help but still feel a bit bad for him.

No. 499652

it’s definitely the k-pop retard who sent her army of other k-pop retards to bait these threads with their shit takes.

No. 499653

Its okay, he is a moid.

No. 499654

all of his techdaddies want him dead. Luigis biggest crime is trying to pander to them at all. All of them are reject sperm cells seething at the highest quality sperm cell.
Incels, no matter how much money they make, will ALWAYS hate chads.

No. 499655

File: 1741633149657.jpeg (202.49 KB, 828x915, IMG_5138.jpeg)

if luigi had murked m*skrat instead, I would’ve praised him like a god. i would’ve been in a permanent state of limerence and maybe even executed a reverse Shawshank redemption by crawling into the sewage pipes and extracting him personally.

No. 499656

Nona I am sorry but Luigi is also a reject sperm cell. He has a Y and he is retarded. The only thing going for him is looks. He should be milked to produce daughters until he walls.

No. 499657

>The only thing going for him is looks.
That is the only thing any 3D male has going for him

No. 499658

Yes which is why we shouldn’t value their sperm at all and we should judge all moids harshly

No. 499659

If a man this attractive killed musk with a fresh meme on the bullet casings on cctv and didn't get arrested for a week, only getting caught because he was too retarded to function, I would die from cumming too hard.

No. 499660

id if you're the anon I responded to but if you are you just said he should be milked.

No. 499661

Milked… to THE DEATH

No. 499664

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he probably gives gay bestie energy in real life with his constant spergouts and fruity hand gestures. he’s much hotter now that they have him cuffed and effectively gagged in custody. she’s probably realizing that men should be seen and not heard.

No. 499666

I wonder how he inherited the hand gestures of a fruit and not of an Italian because they are very different. Autism?

No. 499667

File: 1741633995973.jpeg (212 KB, 828x1093, IMG_6172.jpeg)

it sucks that we now live in a techno-oligarchy run by the most bitter, ugly incel moids who can only pay to touch women’s feet. they also want to kill our gorgeous retard luigi out of jealousy.

No. 499668

Is he not just talking with his hands? I don’t see that. How much firmer do they have to be

No. 499669

imagine an alternate timeline where luigi was screaming into the void in rad fem hitler’s DMs instead of the ugly grifter moids’ DMs

No. 499670

Instead of japan and thailand he would have gone to the home of a girlfriend to cook for her and serve her rip

No. 499671

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No. 499672

Cog women don't know how to handle submissive chads. They seek out submissive, ugly, balding, betabuxx. It short circuits them because Luigi is a walking anomaly. He's a hot sexy chad who needs to be beaten and raped by women. Does not fempute with the she cog.

No. 499673

In that timeline he kills musk and theil with memebullets and never gets caught because he takes refuge in his femdom's rapebase.

No. 499674


No. 499675

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No. 499677

I still wonder what he was even trying to do here

No. 499678

Get his dick slammed (he succeeded)

No. 499679

File: 1741635341397.png (522.48 KB, 877x839, 968598596856.png)

went through my old screenshots of his FB profile when it happened and Tracy's picture was so ridiculous

No. 499680

I don’t get it either. I was like is he saying he shouldn’t have been caught because he did a symbolic act. Or is he saying the news coverage of the evidence obtained and even the wanted posters of the CEOs in NY being covered is “completely out of touch”

No. 499681

best possible timeline. he could barely physically take care of himself anyways, might as well be locked away in our torture dungeon. he can play terraria and online chess if he behaves well. if he doesn’t, he gets spanked and has to repeatedly write “i am a retard” on the black board multiple times.

No. 499682

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I wish we could see more of angrigi

No. 499684

man they cleaned him up well. he looks so unkept and disheveled when I got caught. still hot though

No. 499685


No. 499687

I think if Luigi wasn’t locked up in MDC, he would definitely frequent his lolcow threads kek

No. 499688

File: 1741636060113.jpeg (61.42 KB, 1140x798, IMG_6652.jpeg)

so fine here

No. 499689

KEK! Nona handcuffed angrigi is his sexiest look!

No. 499690

schizigi and angrigi are the best lugis

No. 499692

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No. 499693

his nose looks so red. he definitely cried when they caught him. he’s soooooo hot, i wish we could’ve seen it.

No. 499695

just a schizo outburst

No. 499696

is she some kind of influencer? luigi getting gay bestfriend-zoned by her is so hilarious.

No. 499697

He is a luigischizo poster currently because he is getting stir crazy and has low self esteem because sbf btfo’s him at chess and he isn’t a real engineer

No. 499698

Do you think he gets mad when he loses a game of chess with his brothers?

No. 499700

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crazy to think how he was built like this at one point. also, his head is so small here kek

No. 499701

she looks retarded kek

No. 499702

I want this to be clearer. I figured out the person standing next to him so I can find the pic but his ig is private.

No. 499703

roblox build would still fuck

No. 499704

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she tries but she only gets a handful of likes. I have no idea why Luigi was so desperate for her attention

No. 499705

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I want angrigi to return. He should fully chimp out next trial.

No. 499706

he pretends like he’s a good sport but then goes to the showers and angrily jerks out his frustrations

No. 499708

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No. 499709

Yes then he comes here and self deprecates
Sigh, we know why

No. 499711

Luigi is into asian women, like all other white STEM nerds. sucks though, Tracy isn’t even a super hot ABG. how old is she?

No. 499712

I want Luigi to chimp out and say retarded shit that we all spend the next 5 threads trying to decipher. Then I want him restrained and completely subdued by a girlcop who is no taller than 5 feet and he cries like a baby, apologizes, and admits he's a retard

No. 499713

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No. 499714

I want Luigi to piss his pants again in front of everyone again

No. 499715

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might happen if that audio message ends up leaked.

No. 499716

I hate that the sight of him crying was wasted on ugly Altoona pigs who would have never appreciated it like we do!

No. 499717

will the footage of luigi being interrogated ever be shown to the public? I need to see it

No. 499718

Oh he for sure did that? I was wondering if he had to do it but I wasn’t sure. I wanna see too!

No. 499719

32? Around? Older which is also why he likes her. Mommy Asian.
I don’t know, Mr. Mangione, will it?

No. 499720

yeah but why her, she wasn’t the only Asian at surf break and she had a bf. maybe being taken is a turn on for him.

No. 499722

File: 1741638254741.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1148x1556, IMG_0508.jpeg)

She’s ready

No. 499725

KEK I'd bet money that SBF pwns him at ping pong and chess despite SBF being an uncoordinated, flabby autist who doesn't even like to read.

No. 499726

File: 1741638384697.gif (3.77 MB, 540x960, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

Isn’t it more forced narrative from Tracy? She cropped people out of the videos she shared of them. But then again those back to back texts Luigi sent where she didn’t answer and he still kept trying.

No. 499727

He liked the other asian girl too
Shes a weirdo no wonder Luigi liked her

No. 499728

Ugh I wish I could loom over Luigi like that and then give him death by snu snu.

No. 499729

I dont get what is up with Luigi getting rejected by grifters and cogs. That dumb faggot majordissent also ghosted Luigi, only writing to him again the day he got arrested

No. 499731

File: 1741638618916.png (2.33 MB, 1170x1354, Luigi on lcfarms in his prison…)

Did anyone else notice that once we accused Luigi of selfposting on here the schizo posts quieted down?

No. 499732

Why does he always have his feet out in every photo

No. 499733


No. 499734

What would you do if ‘someone’ posted a really angry schizo rant about Luigi with a blurry picture attached of someone’s gnashed teeth with spit bubbling on the lips but you see sbf in the background

No. 499735

Tracey really does act like a slut. Luigi's Surfbreak gf Sidney seemed lowkey; I wonder what she made of her boyfriend's "best friend" lying on him the way she did in that TikTok video.

No. 499736

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

No. 499737

does she have her white cuck husband take all her thirst trap photos?

No. 499738

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No. 499742

File: 1741639404462.jpg (98.59 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

Yes, and he's literally this while doing that.

No. 499743

File: 1741639484902.jpg (197.18 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1183128419.jpg)

tbh tracy constantly pawing at him and luigi retardedly flooding her shit with texts and going to "magic mochi island" and shit is probably why she broke up with him.
Luigi isn't cut out for traditional relationships where he is allowed to leave the house or have access to electronics without supervision.
He really was destined for prison. But I personally think I'd prefer him being in an incredibly controlling femdom relationship where he was basically in prison but with a lot more rape and WAY less autonomy. No fan letters for you, tardigi! Just a cage, chain, handcuffs, pee pads, dog food, and a vhs copy of the lion king for you to watch on a spongebob crtv!

No. 499745

File: 1741639497248.jpeg (322.85 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_4633.jpeg)

I love his eye area. Gorgeous thick, masculine eyebrows. Adorable big almond shaped brown eyes. Long wispy lashes.

No. 499749

Luigi is such an infantile guy. I really do think the best kind of woman for him is a woman who will lock him away in an attic somewhere to protect him from his own retarded behavior. Ofcourse with added femdom and humiliation.

No. 499753

They werent dating, he was her simp. You are right to assert that he was born for prison, hence his fellow brothers remark.

No. 499755

Here’s your (You).

No. 499756

The judge needs to be convinced this a more fitting punishment than allowing him to be around other moids since throwing him into regular prison just fulfills his homosocial needs and his desire for admiration from fellow moids.

No. 499759

File: 1741640113006.jpeg (46.18 KB, 541x631, IMG_3195.jpeg)

i still love this photo cause he looks so somber here compared to every other photo of his. he definitely cried a lot before they took this photo. the look of defeat makes me sad, but also fills me with sadistic glee.

No. 499762

Kek the background is warped around her ass

No. 499763

didn’t the recent PA report say he was illegally detained/searched
so his outburst was about his detainment being unjust

No. 499764

by far the best pic of him

No. 499765

File: 1741640515170.jpg (532.25 KB, 866x760, look at me.jpg)

No. 499767

Topkek. I didn't look at that photo closely but now that you've pointed it out, it's shooped so damn poorly. She was definitely trying to use some sort of shitty photo editing app to make her ass look bigger as well as adding some really blatant airbrushing all around her body.

No. 499768

This is at Altoona McDonalds, he had no time to cry

No. 499769

How is it luigi is at his hottest when he's at his most disheveled and least clean

No. 499770

He clearly said "your coverage of this event" in the beginning and his legal team seems to have confirmed it for the article. So he was upset about the media coverage.

No. 499771

Wait does he have a double lash line on his left eye

No. 499772

He wanted more people to praise him kek

No. 499774

File: 1741641124825.jpeg (495.01 KB, 1170x1240, IMG_9513.jpeg)

The altoona police calmed him down with the slice of pizza kek

No. 499775

I NEED TO SEE THIS ON VIDEO. I want to see Luigi shaking like a leaf and nursing his slice of square pizza to calm his nerves.

No. 499776

Not them sliding him a pizza slice through the cell bars. Then when did he pee?

No. 499777

He calmed down in the jail cell, his natural habitat. And pizza, his natural manchild diet.

No. 499778

he peed when they promised him pizza.

No. 499782

How did he not get caught at the altoona Best Buy when he was searching himself up on the display laptop, but he got caught in McDonald’s by an elderly

No. 499786

Because an elderly person didn’t catch him it was the facial recognition self order kiosks

No. 499787

It’s within the realm of possibility that in the process of attempting to remediate his spondylolisthesis and agoraphobia via exposure and dbt, Mr. Mangione suffered a catastrophic fracture which complicated an already tense biochemical issue (non-consent). Furthermore that parasocially it was suggested by a coordinated extortion effort - to a segmented brainstem protecting itself & having established a history of mimicry - then telling an entire electronic medium to repeat a mantra? Meets the criteria for coercion, solicitation and enticement.

No. 499788

File: 1741641904240.jpeg (2.62 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_7699.jpeg)

Was it the infamous Altoona pizza though? The one that's considered an abomination? Cause that would just add insult to injury, and it is indeed sliced in squares KEKK

No. 499790

LMAO the fake italian went into a state of shock when the police officer offered him hellza

No. 499791

that’s pretty wild. if only that old moid from the motel didn’t kick him out of the lobby

No. 499793

Yeah this shit made him happy because he is a retard stuck in the mentality of a 15 year old, he probably peeled the cheese off and ate it before eating the rest of the pizza like what sped kids do with cupcake icing.

No. 499794

ew what is the green thing under the Kraft cheese

No. 499798

Is there a picture of Sidney? Was he with her when he was cuddling with Tracy?

No. 499799

the hopes and dreams of italy

No. 499801

File: 1741642427871.jpeg (178.33 KB, 1365x1365, IMG_4631.jpeg)

I love his dimples and his big nose

No. 499802

his eyes and nose are so red though

No. 499804

Nobody wants the hellza or to be an Italian. Visions of inferno predating the day of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius or the Challenger Disaster correctly identified a culprit. This was then proven to be factual.
>I don’t miss.

No. 499806

it's the girl next to tracy >>477819

No. 499807

Cause it was fucking cold and I doubt they heat up the McD to a cozy 72 degrees in wintertime

No. 499808

File: 1741642753507.jpeg (108.37 KB, 1179x366, IMG_0509.jpeg)

that slice brought him straight back to Gilman robotics

No. 499809

and the old lady got fired anyway kek

No. 499810

Luigi killed the guy not because his dick broke and Tracey led him on but because he was born an Italian?

No. 499811

Is Sidney the only gf of his we know of

No. 499812

Can you at least try lurking

No. 499813

File: 1741643225125.jpeg (576.62 KB, 1054x1083, IMG_0511.jpeg)

No pics with her though? I wonder why doesn’t he have any pics WITH his gfs other than formal events

picrel is Donna the Penn gf

No. 499814

samefag I mean pics where he’s actually next to the girl and not separated by Tracy

No. 499815

Luigi killed the guy because that’s what happens when you let a serpent drive the automobile. Tracy isn’t relevant to discovery, besides being a co-defendant to the charges levied. Once it became clear that clout could be won via confession & violence besides extortion efforts, it became an unconsciously piloted avenue of approach to gas up Tracy’s confidence (at the expense of others). Shortly after, Mr. Mangions is medicated - then discovers what occurred in absence.

No. 499816

File: 1741643397347.jpeg (331.62 KB, 1179x1548, IMG_6657.jpeg)

He has Venmo pay messages with her but it was only about him selling Christmas lights. I still think there aren’t any public confirmed gfs yet.

No. 499817

File: 1741643504806.mp4 (303.72 KB, 886x1576, ssstik.io_1734510703390.mp4)

I think this is the only media showing them together.

No. 499818

I agree completely.

No. 499819

I mean, who's gonna come out and say "hey I dated this murderer, here's our pic together". He dated rich girls from prominent backgrounds as he was completely surrounded by them, none of them would want to associate with a prisonscrote now.

No. 499821

File: 1741643600157.jpeg (303.46 KB, 1179x1315, IMG_6658.jpeg)

I saw this too! Also Donna and Sidney are 2 diff people btw

No. 499822

File: 1741643615899.jpg (8.56 KB, 200x200, 1000023935.jpg)

Sidney is the girl in pink. Tracey is right behind her lol.

No. 499823

File: 1741643673549.jpg (215.21 KB, 800x800, 1000023936.jpg)

This is the photo of Tracey and Slutigi on the couch together. She definitely didn't want that Italian sausage guys!

No. 499824

I mean people usually delete pics of their ex's so i understand why we don't see many

No. 499825

I think this is a lesson to all women that if you see a hot guy, no matter what you look like, abduct him and keep him until he walls.
That's all they are good for anyways.

No. 499826

My own theory is that she had Luigi as backup for her plans. Her main goal was to marry the paypiggy most willing to support her her dream Instathot luxury influencer lifestyle. Luigi may have been more attractive but I bet the lanky moid she ended up with has more money than him and was also more spineless than him.

No. 499827

Yes, that was His intent. From the beginning, innocently enough. Strong enough instinct to guide, even without intrusion from the other 2 hemispheres, (besides telegraphs). Would a prideful individual immolate themself? If it meant protecting something they coveted more than anything, yes.

No. 499828

File: 1741643914483.jpeg (274.79 KB, 1126x1094, IMG_6659.jpeg)

They're sitting next to each other here

No. 499829

When it became clear to his brain that Luigi’s cassette catalog was being listened to, an action was necessary to protect Tracy at the expense of Luigi. Stalking is unpredictable for the targeted individual, and has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be a correct and positive reaction.

No. 499830

You are referring to his limp penis? Or to asian girls?

No. 499831

damn Tracy can you stop being a homewrecker for two seconds

No. 499832

This is just luigischizo's evolved form, ignore

No. 499833

that RS article basically said he was poor by Gilman standards, he couldn’t support her lifestyle.

No. 499834

I think you mean that’s Luigi self posting trying to act like a genius. He reminds me of Onision

No. 499835

Exactly. Tracey likely has a low cunning all shallow thots do; they know what men will tolerate their behaviour long-term and are willing to fund their lifestyle. Luigi was younger than Tracey, probably wasn't interested in an LTR and is mentally unstable (as seen in him ghosting everyone and microdosing shrooms). Tracey's paypig is boring and reliable and is cucked enough to let her roleplay as a pornstar and court the attention of younger, more attractive men on her Instagram.

No. 499836

Luigi needs to prove he's self posting by posting a selfie from the ass-smuggled iphone on here.
Put a time stamp on your chest, circle your nipple and write "hi nona!"
Send vid of you apologizing to art nona for not writing back to her too. You fucking retard.

No. 499837

whatever. I meant Sydney, then. Do not presume to speak for my intent.
Fed bad intel after suggestion of language learning model (survival instinct). Fiscal anxieties due to housing subsidies interruption due to academic dispute, and tenant disputes.

No. 499838

I mean, weegee was wearing the same 5 shirts over and over again while she was buying designer bags and cats. It would never work

No. 499839

File: 1741644579580.webp (16.71 KB, 375x250, 1000023937.jpg)

He likely also dated this Jewish Zionist girl Paulina Gazin. Here's them at some UPenn pall.

No. 499840

Luigi larped as poor because rich people love that shit. Plus he is a loser manchild who can’t dress himself.

No. 499841

who is that curvy dark skinned girl with the blue crop top and off white shorts? She's super pretty! I'm going to imagine her with a dominant personality beating up luigi.

No. 499842

She's the billionaire right? wonder if weegee felt insecure

No. 499843

The RS article says his family donated to Jewish charities so I'm not surprised anymore.

No. 499844

and ece the turkish girl

No. 499845

Imagine if Luigi had to live like a normal human for one hour

No. 499846

Was ece the latest gf he had?

No. 499847

yeah that always bugged me about Luigi. He claimed he wanted less material crap but he worshipped tech and academia so much that all he could do is hang out around materialistic cogs. If Luigi was actually smart he would have gone to some hippie farming commune or some shit. Like what the fuck was surfshack anyways? It claims to be a commune but it just seems like summer camp for rich adults to work remotely from

No. 499849

Is there any evidence he dated Ece though? I don't remember them being touchy feely in their photos together. The body language with Paulina is clearly romantic whereas the Sydney girl was confirmed by that Asian guy on Rednote, and in many photos they're sitting together and clearly comfortable.

No. 499850

Was I the only one who was really disappointed that Luigi was a rich ivy league kid?
I really wanted the ceo killer to be a broke, sexy, street smart working class boy.

No. 499851

Maybe she wasn’t touchy feely. Tracey didn’t date him and they were all over each other.

No. 499852

go back to answering your letters, schizigi.

No. 499854

>broke men

No. 499855

Agreed. He should have had a really manly job like a lumberjack, carpenter, car mechanic, etc., and was avenging a loved one who suffered due to a denied claim. Ironically if Luigi was a working class Italian-American New Yorker he probably would have gotten away with it; his richness retarded him.

No. 499856

As if betabuxx is any better, Tracy

No. 499857

That would be nice, plus he wouldn’t be rich enough to act like a predator overseas he would be poor and cry in his bed instead.
Shoo tracey

No. 499858

I really don't get why he didn't go for a hippie farming commune like you mentioned. Especially with him experimenting with psychedelics and being interested in agriculture. I think he could've possibly found his people but was too cowardly to really socialize outside his usual circle of richfags.

No. 499859

The problem is working class boys have a lot to lose. Luigi was way too comfortable so he seeked the adventure path that led him to playing chess with high-profile criminals he now calls "fellow brothers".

No. 499860

Could you make Tracy sound any more like a Stacy?

No. 499861

>Interested in agriculture
Only in a tech sense. Omnivores dilemma is babies first intro to where food comes from but he was mostly interested in retarded shit like lab grown meat.
I really think if he got into farm life he would have liked it. There is a lot of heavy labor involved in it and it's really rewarding to produce your own food/get involved in a community of food producers.

No. 499862

That's true, it's why everyone who LARPs as a revolutionary is rich as fuck. It still would have been more romantic and sexy if Luigi was a regular guy who shot BT knowing he had a lot to lose, rather than being a rich tech bro moid who oneshotted his brain on shrooms and paid grifter daddies to talk to him.

No. 499863

You're acting like Luigi had nothing to lose. People wont stop talking about how he "threw away his life". Working class people throw their lives away for far less than a fat beaver ceo scrote

No. 499865

He seems pretty happy though with his new buddies.

No. 499866

You're acting as if a moid's life is worth anything, and he's only in jail because his stupid as had all the evidence on him. We've also established that Luigi's natural habitat is prison, so it's not like he's losing anything.

No. 499867

weegee is always doomed to be in homosocial environments kek. maybe his parents shouldn’t have put him in an all moids school

No. 499868

>you're acting as if a moids life is worth anything
No I'm not. What are you talking about?
All moids schools shouldn't exist. Men should be forced to be minorities in female dominated schools.

No. 499870

I just realised that if Luigi was a woman I'd feel a lot more sorry for him; acting like a drunken slut in Asia and paying Twitter grifters to talk to her would evoke a sense of sisterly protectiveness in me. All Luigi evokes in me now is disgust and a desire for abduction and rape correction.

No. 499871

I thought it was crazy when reading the article that they said the expectation would've been not only him being richer but it being ideal for him to have started going there in preschool.

No. 499872

No I think Ece was from Stanford (mid college) so Sydney would have been more recent

No. 499873

all e-thots like her have pathetic moid orbiters that yearn for a chance to date them. they just don’t happen to be as cute as Luigi

No. 499875

He's not yet aware of the fact that he threw away his life. Mommy and daddy hired the best attorneys who also brought in other expensive attorneys to the case to fight prosecution tooth and nail. Working class doesn't have this luxury. Now he's just in there hanging out with his "brothers" thinking his expensive lawyers will get him out. Right now, he hasn't lost anything.

No. 499876

True. I recall he was mostly into that because of the investment and tech start-up possibilities. The richfag environment really fucked up him. If he wasn't conditioned to see life in terms of succeeding by richfag societal standards, I think he wouldn't be where he is now.

No. 499877

I saw a blind item that stated that his parents also bought him protection in MDC.

No. 499878


Plus the fact that he's in the best environment for him; like most men he's a natural slave that enjoys being bossed around by more dominant men. Give him a set routine and a crumb of vagene (via letters) and he's set for life.

No. 499879

File: 1741645853547.jpeg (10.68 KB, 275x238, IMG_4215.jpeg)

can we have another weegee letter drop so i can criticize his handwriting

No. 499880

Does he really think he's getting out? kek when will it start to sink in for him

No. 499881

File: 1741645860987.jpeg (Spoiler Image,415.17 KB, 1179x2017, IMG_0515.jpeg)

at least a working class person would have known better than to hand over their fake ID to the cops and start mouthing off in court about correcting the story

No. 499882

I wonder if Sydney broke up with him and that’s what helped cause him to evolve into shizigi

No. 499883

Why does he look retarded here. His eyes are oddly asymmetrical.

No. 499885

The monkey’s paw is almost out of fingers at this point. Now in the next revealed letter he is going to mention he likes anal stimulation. Thanks a lot.

No. 499886

Luigi doing manual labor? good one

No. 499887

jfc the facial asymmetry goes crazy here

No. 499888

KEKKKKKK is this mid eye blink or does he seriously have a lazy eye?

No. 499889

No. 499890

people would be slut shaming the ever living fuck out of girligi for being shirtless and shoeless all the time.
But at the same time… I can't help but wonder if womanigi would unite america? Probably not. But idk, I like to hope moids would seethe and shit themselves and be like "nooooo I can't be defeated by a woman!" and then she would inspire some rapeape to kill theil

No. 499891

Is it just me or does it look like someone shifted the lower half of his face upward in Phostoshop? His left ear also looks much bigger than the right.

No. 499892

leave my lazy eyed boyfriend ALONE! He can't help that he's a lil inbred!!!!

No. 499893

Gahahaha what is wrong with his fucking face?

No. 499894

right? so what if he has ptosis. I still love my retarded wife weegee

No. 499895

Womanigi would inspire an army of simps dedicated to killing rich moids in her honour. Some would bust her out of prison Midnight Express Style. She would be the terror of scrotes everywhere.

No. 499897

womanigi would be a charismatic leader of a revolution, not a short lived meme like retardigi

No. 499898

as a lesbian, i would go feral over girligi. i think the moids would collectively try to kill and maim her though. I would protect her

No. 499899

I need more weegee letters, he needs to start shitposting via snail mail since the closest we got was the holli hashbrown letter kek

No. 499900

File: 1741646342572.jpeg (56.8 KB, 505x804, IMG_6232.jpeg)

Does luigi genuinely have strabismus idc I think it's cute. His right goes more straight ahead and his left eye goes more outward.

No. 499902

every time I open the spoiler it makes me laugh more than the last time kekkkkkkk

No. 499903

Girligi wouldn't have gone to Thailand to buy prostitutes so yeah Girligi all the way baby
I believe the british call it 'clapped'

No. 499905

I adore his imperfections, he’s still somehow very attractive.

No. 499906

File: 1741646417090.png (4.78 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_0515.png)

it’s not a shop it’s literally how his face looks mirrored. original here

No. 499907

stop posting this picture i keep laughing at it for no damn reason

No. 499908

Does that mean that's how he views himself? No wonder he chose the prison life.
But nona… that one's the original

No. 499909

Damn. I guess that's just a kind of unflattering angle, especially with the dead-looking benzo eyes really accentuating his asymmetry.

No. 499911

sorry nonny I know it is I’m just being a retard cause his lazy eye is making me laugh I still very much want to fuck him

No. 499912

I think it’s cute that he has two matching birthmarks on both cheeks

No. 499913

what if girligi was attacked by SEA troons?

No. 499914

Has he ever even responded to any lcwife letters? i wanted to write to him

No. 499915

as far as we know, no. Write to him anyways. Tell him he is a fucking retard and we could have saved him by keeping him in our basement.

No. 499916

File: 1741646914377.jpeg (278.67 KB, 1179x1307, IMG_7632.jpeg)

you don’t know you’re beautiful
that’s what makes you beautiful

No. 499917

No. I think only one nona has said her letter was actually received but he didn't respond of course. Everybody else's letter hasn't even appeared on the received list. It's been two months since I sent mine and it isn't on there.

No. 499918

Nope, there is a nonny here putting in effort to reach him but he’s been ignoring not just her but even the nonnas who sent their letters in december

No. 499919

girligi wouldn’t be in ladyboy bars getting scammed. she would probably be taking cute selfies in bangkok with me

No. 499920

Thai ladyboys would attack girligi because they would be jealous of her huge natural tits and pure stacy aura

No. 499921

He imposed an IQ limit so he can grift more efficiently (he is an engineer, after all) no one's letter with an IQ over 90 can be received. Sorry to that one stupid nona…

No. 499922

Things were so nice until Luigischizo returned

No. 499923

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Luigi! I'm retarded! I promise!! Just because I'm not moid retarded doesn't mean I'm not stupid as hell!

No. 499924

i hope there's at least one ladyboy he can grapple with in the prison canteen

No. 499925

I think the nonny who is sending letters every week is sending him the most low IQ shit to incite a response but he’s so high on benzos he probably doesn’t even know how to respond kek

No. 499926

What would a ladyboy even be in for? There might be a tranny in there, though. Peter File might be trans. But Luigi would never grapple with his fellow brothers.

No. 499927

I’m sure if I brown nose him enough and talk about disney movies, he will respond to me kek

No. 499928

i would grapple with the thai ladyboys to protect my glorious bimbo gf girligi

No. 499930

Girligi would be a hyperathletic mega-TERF and would judo throw ladyboys with ease.

No. 499931

Write to him about griftwinder and how maxretard published his DM's. Also the deepfake twink videos of him. That'll get him to write back.

No. 499933

That's actually the most ideal he would actually read that. I don't think majority of people know about that

No. 499934

Lie to him and tell him his USB contents leaked and everyone is so embarrassed for him and no one likes him anymore.

No. 499935

You should also write about the AI book and his Thai adventures, that will absolutely guarantee a reply.

No. 499936

I will tell him about all the gay rape porn moids have made of him. too bad it would never reach him.

No. 499937

Ohhh the ladyboy scratches over the shitter photo will definitely get him

No. 499938

What the hell?? KEKK I feel like I owe an apology to the nonny I sort of snapped at in the earlier threads for saying he was asymmetrical in a negative connotation

No. 499939

yes this is a good idea, take one for the team nonny he has to respond

No. 499940

Wait sending the photos back to him that would be so wild

No. 499941

File: 1741647699825.jpg (63.24 KB, 1163x1280, gigaterf.jpg)

No. 499942

i wish girligi was real. she would be 10 times smarter than him and probably would’ve never gotten caught. rip

No. 499943

KEKKK if they make it through the screening

No. 499944

trolling luigi as a group effort would be amazing kek I love you my fellow weegee wives

No. 499945

KEK please. Just the picture of him with scratches on the toilet then tell him it's you, just fuck with him he will piss in fear.

No. 499946

That was me and I sent another one to test my luck of it getting through again but I sent it with a photo (print of artwork) so we’ll see when he makes another retarded table

No. 499947

he’s such a disgusting slut. has his pants down on the shitter with his huge flippers out and his panties in the shot. sends it to a bunch of ugly krauts he barely knows kek. he needs to be tortured

No. 499948

samefag, if nonnas want we can work on a document and just send him various copies of it kek

No. 499949

we have to make it so it passes screening though. how are we going to do that kek

No. 499950

He'll go EWWW YUCKY, ARTWORK and shart himself.
Send one every single day until he's mentally tortured and either kills himself or refuses to receive any more letters entirely and has to be held in the arms of Jack Hoff Infronna Kits

No. 499951

Would making it in black and white and cropping it so it only shows his arm? Make it so it looks less “violent” so it'll pass screening

No. 499952

aw I wanted to send him art. he really doesn’t respond to them? he’s such a spreg

No. 499954

Send this to him too

No. 499956

luigi might’ve been the biggest homosocial retard ever, but he’s weak to pussy. he can’t even climb mountains without thinking about it

No. 499957

I want to hear the hiking audio he left

No. 499958

"bunghole" is the most disgusting word, please stop

No. 499959

No. 499960

KEKKK can someone please harass him by sending mirrored photos

No. 499961

File: 1741649541499.jpg (133.36 KB, 1440x1800, we miss luigi.jpg)

No. 499962

File: 1741649558565.jpeg (44.05 KB, 261x354, IMG_0239.jpeg)

Dear Luigi,
Why didn’t you wear your spy glasses when you memed the Yakuza?

No. 499963

i wish i could go back in time and larp as a ugly grifter moid with a fake substack account I paid thousands of bot followers for and a fake deep chatgpt written book so I could lure Luigi in for a meet up and kidnap him.

No. 499964

File: 1741649694142.jpg (152.36 KB, 1440x1800, oliver.jpg)

Who is Oliver?

No. 499965

Fanfiction about his family again. Based kr.

No. 499966

this person’s art is starting to pmo. does she think Luigi is 12 kek

No. 499967

File: 1741649804248.png (791.56 KB, 1030x1137, spong.png)

No. 499968

I’m tired of her. Has she even watched or seen the court footage either?

No. 499969

Holy kek please
An OC, similar to the cum ghosts
KEK PLEASE someone send this to Luigi. He looks Asian, he'd be so happy.

No. 499970

Yes he dated Paulina and then some white girl in Hawaii. Who is the most recent one.
No she wasn't at all that was weird girls on Luigifever translating him wrong and making shit up. He said his gf didn't live at Surfbreak and he had never met or seen her.

No. 499971

>white girl in hawaii
Yeah no
>his gf didn't live at Surfbreak
If he had a gf during the Surfshack incident that wasn't living at Surfshack he was 100% cheating on her

No. 499972


No. 499973

File: 1741650029147.jpeg (485.6 KB, 1179x1898, IMG_0518.jpeg)

Dear Luigi, you looked amazing in court baby! I put this one in my shrine to you! Love you Lui!

No. 499974


literally a jump scare

No. 499975

Giving Luigi body dysmorphia from prison

No. 499976

god damnit not another picture kekkkkk

No. 499977

File: 1741650116155.png (801.45 KB, 1032x1142, speng.png)

No. 499978

File: 1741650123506.jpg (135.66 KB, 1440x1800, 1.jpg)

Who the fuck is Barber Uncle? I hate that she makes up all these characters.

No. 499979

File: 1741650169108.jpeg (121.64 KB, 967x1177, IMG_0520.jpeg)

No. 499980

nona these are hurting my eyes

No. 499981

inbred slytherincore

No. 499982

File: 1741650231004.jpg (16.6 KB, 1086x270, girl plz luigi isn't even that…)

Luigi wouldn't cheat

No. 499983

it’s already known that he’s insecure about his looks. I would how he would react

No. 499984

File: 1741650243898.gif (247.62 KB, 220x161, IMG_4191.gif)

nonny please i beg for you to make me stop laughing

No. 499985

I'm still attracted

No. 499986

How do you know this nonny

No. 499987

what white girl is Hawaii?

No. 499988

Sexy LuiiuL
>Hawaii cat mom
Is that a reference to the girl who said she matched with him and talked about her cat and he sperged about birth rates
KEK if only they knew
Killing himself

No. 499989

unfortunately same

No. 499990

So this white girl watched as tracy draped herself all over her man and she just watched?

No. 499991

This is what I'd imagine an IRL Mii looks like.

No. 499993

>Sure. Why not. Let’s go, send it.
>implying. He’s completely tech illiterate

No. 499994

File: 1741650425546.jpeg (114.1 KB, 1200x900, IMG_4368.jpeg)

>I would know how he would react
Luigi gtfo these threads kek

No. 499995

File: 1741650449477.gif (909.18 KB, 192x214, BFE6D779-C12A-4E7B-90DB-2C3652…)

No. 499996

Luigi is going to get so insecure he's going to be eyebrowless next time he appears

No. 499997

She's so special. What is her damage?

No. 499998

File: 1741650494001.jpg (118.2 KB, 1440x1440, 479497626_17917489722061798_75…)

The cat mom refers to a previous fanfiction comic where Luigi was feeding a stray cat and left the cat under the care of a woman.

No. 499999

He changes his facial expressions so quickly kek

No. 500000

She has her own Luigi AU

No. 500001

I find it so endearing ngl. my cute little sperg

No. 500003

What kind of mental illness is this?

No. 500004

>Karen walking on crutches cause she had to beat the shit out of Luigi before the hearing

No. 500005


No. 500006

Who’s the gf that he supposedly ghosted and left her stuff on the porch? Was that Sydney?

No. 500008

I guess the white girl he cheated on, based on the timeline, no?

No. 500009

File: 1741650697328.jpg (121.18 KB, 1440x1800, 13.jpg)

>Luigi's mom seeing a European robin in America.
kr, you suck!

No. 500010

high functioning autismo trying to blend in

No. 500011

Doesn't kr realize that probably no one was texting him when he went awol except for the one guy who needed him at his wedding? Everyone else was probably relieved he fucked off.

No. 500012

working writing a short mark rosario fic im horny

No. 500013

500k comments kek

No. 500014

It must be comforting to be so delusional

No. 500015

File: 1741650835325.png (680.23 KB, 774x1143, wrong.png)

No. 500016

No. 500017

cheated on her AND left her stuff out in the open? savage

No. 500018

No. 500019

what reality is this woman living in. i love weegee, but he literally went crazy and cut everyone off. he also murdered someone (someone who’s evil, so based) but still. why is she making steven universe level fanfiction fanart kek

No. 500020

If you weren't guaranteed to get banned for posting his face outside containment, this would be a powerful reaction image.

No. 500021

Someone said he looked like "an under-developed tadpole" and now it's all I can think about when I see him.

My poor, under-developed tadpole.

No. 500022

I thought Sydney was the Asian girl

No. 500023

This girl sounds like such a cow, jesus

No. 500024

She should do one next of the Mia letter and vacation photos she sent that Luigi loved so much he told her to fuck off basically

No. 500025

File: 1741651118191.png (599.12 KB, 644x1138, wreng.png)

No. 500026

The most Luigi looking one of them all

No. 500027

weegee is starting to morph into monstro elisasue

he shouldn’t have taken the substance

No. 500028


No. 500029

File: 1741651195364.webp (64.46 KB, 1174x1507, alfredo.webp)

Long-lost brother.

No. 500030

No. 500031

There was no white girl, it was just Sydney who is Asian. She is the girl he ghosted.

You're absolutely the one anon who gets super pissy whenever Luigi's sex pest ways are brought up. I think the lady doth protest too much.

No. 500032

File: 1741651349848.png (366 KB, 1084x978, OBGw6K.png)

No. 500033

I'd rather have her sperging than luigischizo. She's still one of us.

No. 500034

There was no ghosting that post got debunked. They were looking to get more followers.

No. 500035

File: 1741651433570.png (567.87 KB, 865x1137, ratigi.png)

No. 500036

I don't even know what Luigi looks like anymore

No. 500037

genuinely terrifying

No. 500038

I wonder what Luigi’s doing right now

No. 500039

No. 500040

laughing so hard i can't breahte

No. 500041

Making friendship bracelets with Peter File and Moe Lester

No. 500042

File: 1741651587445.png (618.56 KB, 987x1137, wideigi.png)

No. 500043

I really wonder why he called them his brothers kek

No. 500044

Looks Armenian to me.
KEEEEK I would fucking spray this thing in the face with Raid

No. 500045

aw he looks so sad

No. 500047

I can't wait to replace my deleted Luigi image folder with these superior 'wis

No. 500048

Because he's fucking stupid and a lamb to slaughter

No. 500050

imagine being gunned down in a new york street by this

No. 500051

finally someone understands my pain kekkkk the nonny who keeps posting this is torturing me

No. 500052

Last thing Brian saw kekkk

No. 500053

he’s lucky his parents paid for his protection in prison

No. 500055

File: 1741651791654.jpeg (130.93 KB, 1170x1170, IMG_9536.jpeg)

Even his chinface looks retarded

No. 500056

these pictures are torturing my retinas. we need a cleanse

No. 500057

omg kekkkekk

No. 500058

They won't forever

No. 500059

File: 1741651869704.gif (1.85 MB, 299x320, 6A5540FB-5A50-4A4E-A10E-C795D0…)

Wrap it up

No. 500060

So he has literal tard wranglers with him all day? If I were Moe Lester I'd be playing with his asshole in his sleep for sure.
Homer Simpson 5 o clock shadow

No. 500062

File: 1741651916188.jpg (56.46 KB, 1300x824, i0047eeeeye91.jpg)

This is what I imagine is the face of the toilet hand in Majora's Mask.

No. 500063

File: 1741651922034.jpeg (50.19 KB, 445x372, IMG_4369.jpeg)

these edits make me feel like the ludovico technique is being done on me

No. 500065

That wasn't true it was just a weird blogger looking to go viral

No. 500066

It's just one anon from lipstick alley sperging about his 'white ex'

No. 500067

File: 1741652102496.gif (237.67 KB, 431x352, CPT250108000.gif)

No. 500068

I wonder if his sisters will pay for his protection when his parents eventually croak. also, same

No. 500069

It came from Signal groups in December along with Paulina before that leaked out

No. 500070

File: 1741652143615.jpeg (520.4 KB, 1001x956, IMG_0522.jpeg)

looking in the mirror wondering why girls like his wonky eyes

No. 500071

browsing these threads

No. 500072

he’s very cute. i want to hear his voice again

No. 500073

I wonder if he has body dysmorphia and thinks he's ugly?

No. 500074

File: 1741652248913.png (506.85 KB, 600x800, IMG_6663.png)

This is definitely fake. right? Like how the ig
post from his frat brother saying “he’s not a monster” wasn’t real either.

No. 500075

I hope not, why should a woman have to pay for the mistakes of a scrote. By the time his parents die, he and his fellow brothers will already be hazing the newcomers.
I hope so

No. 500076

I hope not, it made me sad when he said he looked disheveled. But I def think he doesn’t have a grandiose view of his own looks but at least knows he’s cute.

No. 500077

This is actually real. It was posted on Twitter by a friend of Danny. This was posted before San Fran police confirmed it.

No. 500078

why would this be fake?

No. 500079

I think he does. that one guy mentioned that he was jealous of “normal” handsome people. kek

No. 500080

KEK i know who your talking about, now found herself in these threads

No. 500081

Damn Luigi but you're the most handsome! What an idiot he is.

No. 500082

Ohhh yeah I remember now. So this real but not the stuff left at the doorstep part.

No. 500083

I think it’s real, it pretty much lines up with what happened. I didn’t know the surgery didn’t fully fix his back though

No. 500084

Yep. Exactly.

No. 500085

Aww not the poor scrote calling himself disheveled that's so sad kek

No. 500086

he was nerdy looking when he was younger. he’s hot now though

No. 500087

File: 1741652607954.gif (118.18 KB, 380x500, thaigi.gif)

POV you're a ladyboy and you see this staring you down from the bar

No. 500088

It's sad he was obviously still in pain

No. 500089

File: 1741652690011.png (388.47 KB, 679x1137, wtafigi.png)

No. 500090

his sisters probably coddled him as much as his parents since he’s the baby. they’ll probably end up shelling out for him.

No. 500091

actually my type kek

No. 500092


No. 500093

Looks like the average podcaster

No. 500094

How Luigi sees himself in his mind's eye

No. 500095

File: 1741652803928.jpeg (323.11 KB, 922x686, IMG_0525.jpeg)

he was pretty disheveled, he just happens to pull it off

No. 500096

he looks so cute and disturbed

No. 500097

is that the famous hash brown

No. 500098

He said he looked disheveled in the orange jumpsuit

No. 500099

File: 1741652890978.jpg (66.81 KB, 536x484, 1000004916.jpg)

No. 500100

But once he pulled that beanie off he looked fucking hot and iconic

No. 500101

Not nearly as funny, plus you can't bully a dead scrote

No. 500102

The only 2 pics the media circulated of him

No. 500103

File: 1741653063168.jpg (91.59 KB, 828x967, ew.jpg)


No. 500104

the fact that this is from a cops bodycam and it looks like anything but that
why is he staring into the void and still eating lmao
its funnier when you know the cops pulled up to the mcdonalds in a group of like 10 and he doesnt even look scared/alarmed

No. 500105

They should have been using his DUI mugshot

No. 500106

swarthy adam lanza

No. 500107

In like a year or two the only Luigi fans left will be hybristophiles, maybe they will make Luigi x Lanza fanfic

No. 500108

these edits have to be some sort of mk ultra shit kekkkkk

No. 500109

tears streaming down my face i honestly cant handle any more of these kekek

No. 500110

kind of based of weegee. I wonder if we’ll ever get to see him cry in HD

No. 500111

right. they’re going to haunt my nightmares

No. 500113

File: 1741653500712.gif (1.62 MB, 761x1000, help me.gif)

No. 500114

POV you are the thai ladyboy and you've upset the tourist and now it's time to rock his shit

No. 500115

What Brain saw approaching him as he lay dying

No. 500116


No. 500117

File: 1741653668355.jpg (42.14 KB, 318x438, worm food.jpg)

No. 500118

haven’t stopped laughing for the past hour curse you edit nonny

No. 500119

jfc his ghost is gonna come haunt us all plsss

No. 500120

Now that's more like it!

No. 500121

I’m scared now he looks so evil in that mugshot.

No. 500123

this thread reminds me of the first few threads this has been hilarious

No. 500124

He was legit evil

No. 500125

File: 1741653929123.jpg (66.03 KB, 708x483, 1000004924.jpg)

No. 500126


No. 500127

These aren't as funny, I don't know his face well enough to know which one's real or fake, post more Luigi body dysmorphia fuel

No. 500128

mf's face was so symmetrical they all look the same KEK

No. 500129

Brian was so ugly it's impossible to make him uglier in edits

No. 500130

"Answer me these riddles 3" looking ass motherfucker

No. 500131

Kinda weird that Brian had a less dysgenic face than Luigi, how does something like that even happen?

No. 500132


how is his face so asymmetrical, but so ugly

No. 500133


No. 500134

File: 1741654219735.gif (2.09 MB, 761x1000, ewwigii.gif)

No. 500135

>come on moe lester wake up we have friendship bracelets to make

No. 500136


uncanny valley

No. 500137

No. 500138

ok i don't want this on top of me

No. 500139


No. 500140

>hawaii cat mom
Tracy murked that cat

No. 500141

File: 1741654354856.jpg (94.47 KB, 1200x1200, s-l1200.jpg)

Was Brian even a real person? He looks like a lego block head.

No. 500142

I legitimately choked

No. 500143

No1currs about that ugly faggot this is the Luigi thread

No. 500144

No. 500145

File: 1741654434076.gif (409.57 KB, 761x1000, please.gif)

No. 500146

He's about to finish

No. 500147

damnit nonny no more please my abdomen hurts

No. 500148

poor assymetigi. He fought for class consciousness and this is the thanks he gets

No. 500149

Don't be dramatic I doubt he's that big

No. 500150


No. 500151

now we need the finishing face gif

No. 500152

I don't like that.

No. 500153

everyone on lc probably hates us more because these edit appearing on the front page

No. 500154

Oh god yes!

No. 500155

idc i still love you assymetigi

No. 500156

kek nonny not for those reasons

No. 500157

keeekkk and we're almost halfway through the thread in just a few hours

No. 500158

File: 1741654617762.jpg (58.69 KB, 564x500, 1000004927.jpg)

No. 500159

File: 1741654646213.jpeg (64.4 KB, 590x393, IMG_9542.jpeg)


No. 500160

that’s just what he already looks like in my mind

No. 500162

Need to see this badly

No. 500163

He looks like that model of a human built to withstand car crashes

No. 500164

File: 1741654750761.jpg (58.32 KB, 433x620, hamster1.jpg)

No. 500165

File: 1741654763640.jpg (145.33 KB, 830x553, gone.jpg)

No. 500166

I need him fucking the ratigi edit NOW

No. 500167

nightmare fuel

No. 500168

this turns into a condom

No. 500170

File: 1741654891984.jpg (189.44 KB, 1424x2471, 1000000192.jpg)

where the finishing face at

No. 500171

File: 1741655041528.jpeg (134.14 KB, 1170x636, jonlk19glyne1.jpeg)

part of a letter was posted on tiktok

No. 500172

File: 1741655095664.gif (2.25 MB, 285x417, jizzigi.gif)

No. 500173

I told you he's a grifter
>nothing i need atm
>keep an eye out for news on that front
He's gonna start begging. Also what did she offer to send him? What is he accepting? Kek he's going to start asking for shit on his gay website

No. 500174

i love that letters are finally being posted freely. Idk if they are just finally getting to people or if people were legitimately believing the BPD psyop from the freeluigi subplebbits

No. 500175

Actually horrifying.

No. 500176

What did she offer him kek

No. 500177

No. 500178

maybe shes offering him to trauma dump about his generational trauma

No. 500179

and the grifting begins, no honeybun allowance you this month weegee.

No. 500180

News on what? I wonder

No. 500181

File: 1741655207131.webp (43.02 KB, 1170x736, partial-letter-i-found-floatin…)

the envelope, apparently

No. 500182

I am glad because it shows how unhinged and insane Luigi is. Fellow brothers, keep a look out for my begging, etc
This face is why Karen hate posts here

No. 500185

I thought you’re not allowed to send stuff

No. 500186

im assuming she offered to send him a book

No. 500188

I wonder where luigi was going to go from altoona

No. 500189

I thought he’s only allowed a very limited amount of books

No. 500190

Fuuuck you're right, he's going to compile a list of books he's received on his shitty website because he's such an engineer. He's so hateable.

No. 500191

File: 1741655500259.jpeg (52.84 KB, 883x203, IMG_4370.jpeg)

she is EJ-30 (1/24)

No. 500192

can't stop laughing at this

No. 500193

he’ll probably just buy some with his unlimited amount of commissary money

No. 500194

right, is he talking about his legal updates(?)

No. 500195

I hope he has the gall to post a wishlist of books he wants on his grifter site

No. 500196

going to send him a book of photos from this thread

No. 500197

File: 1741655791472.jpeg (383.44 KB, 968x1144, IMG_4371.jpeg)

the prophetess strikes once again

No. 500198

So did you people just not read what's on the letter

No. 500199

Looks like she got more than one page

No. 500200

>news on that front
wait does he mean news that he’ll share out.

No. 500201

Maybe it's a joke about the "news"/media making a report about him needing money in the future or smth

No. 500202

So does he demand to karen whenever he feels like updating the website?

No. 500203

he’s trying to be soOoOoo mysterious

No. 500204

He has ptosis in one eye, droopy eyelid

No. 500205

it’s just going to be rape threats and edits that will worsen his body dysmorphia kek. it’s okay, I’m sure moe lester will let him cry into his shoulder

No. 500206

100% there's going to be a wishlist on the website in the near future. We should send him posts from these threads on his need to be rape corrected.

No. 500209

Yes but it’s clear he means he will post what he wants people to send him, or a list of books he has received if she was offering to send books. He is a grifter at heart.
Yes. She follows stan accounts so she is basically his agent for his wannabe influencer shtick, not a lawyer.
Yeah. Probably shit from commissary too

No. 500210

To be honest, I don't think he's into Asian girls only - because there's way prettier Asian women in Hawaii than the ones he hung out with (and more normal than Tracey). His dating pool was probably limited females who also studied & worked in computer science, which are mainly East Asian - with just a few White/Indian/Iranian thrown in. He may not even had any female friends outside of tech even after college. It makes sense he could still date someone who has a career in STEM, but he really limited himself it seems.

No. 500211

He backpacked in Asia, the jig is up and has been for a while

No. 500212

You ruined it I lost my orgasm building

No. 500213

File: 1741656399511.jpeg (1.21 MB, 877x1680, IMG_6666.jpeg)


No. 500214

yeah I agree. I think he just mostly dated nerdy women in tech who mostly came from a background of money

No. 500215


No. 500216

File: 1741656481877.jpg (329.63 KB, 1096x472, frontofletter.jpg)

Looks like it says "re-watch Gladiator"? He must be tired of talking about movies and music

No. 500217

Oh you're so smart nonnie for mirroring the photo

No. 500219

Looks like it said he replayed Spelunky too.

No. 500220

Yeah but he's also been to Mexico, Puerto Rico (stayed for a whole month) and the Dominican Republic. Does that mean he's a Latina fetishist? Lol Obviously we only know snippets of his life, but there's a good chance he already visited some European countries with his family when he was younger, as his mom has a travel agency for Italian tourism. It kinda makes sense a few Asian countries would be next on his list.

No. 500221

I see that too

No. 500222

Its his fault for only liking the same two movies.

No. 500223

reminds me of his letter to the feds “obviously the problem is more complex, but i do not have space”

No. 500224

>Obviously we only know snippets of his life
This is the part people are forgetting

No. 500225

God sometimes I just hate him

No. 500226

he makes it so easy

No. 500227

I wonder how many letters he replies to a day

No. 500228

Yeah he’s probably way worse

No. 500229

KEKKKK sounds like the prisoner who gave him the low taper fade at the PA prison.

No. 500230

The worst would have leaked by now. He's such a loser that even his worst is the lamest shit ever.

No. 500231

There are other letters he could be responding to, this could also be a man of the people strategy

No. 500232

I really don't think he was being a creep he was just being stupid. Plus he genuinely likes traveling for sightseeing. Also, Japan for like food, tech, sightseeing, culture, etc.

No. 500233

Yeah he is doing this strategy. Maybe Karen was the one to come up with it?

No. 500235


No. 500236

Yeah and was a gross porn scrote and just somehow knew where to find prostitutes and pimps to troll, plus he owns glasses with a camera

No. 500237

File: 1741657315210.gif (461.43 KB, 200x166, 200w.gif)

No. 500238

That loser was just trying to seem cool. Have you never met any young man before?

No. 500239

It’s fine if you’re into that nonnie

No. 500240

Where has our editing Queen gone?

No. 500241

idk she needs to come back to save us from luigischizo again

No. 500243

eh I think if he really was a sexpest, he probably would’ve lamely bragged about it and the ugly krauts would’ve told on him by now. he’s just a retard

No. 500244

One day you will learn he needs to be isolated and raped

No. 500248

passport bro sexpats can’t go one minute without shamelessly bragging about fucking hookers in great detail. I’m sure him and the krauts would’ve done that in the DMs

No. 500249

Still here.

No. 500250

if only that could happen

No. 500252


No. 500254

He was too faggy to get any and too cheap to spend the money so he just harassed them instead

No. 500255

You're even faggier for hanging out here bitchin about him instead of going out and doing something useful like he did.

No. 500256

All you do is bitch and moan about Luigi, do you think that makes you attractive to women? Or other men? Or troons? idc what you're into you're just pathetic

No. 500258

Why does bringing up his perversions disappoint you so much

No. 500259

Oh i'm not disappointed, i'm sure you're uglier than a fruit fly and don't even have the money to fix it so you just come here to bitch about some other guy that pleases our eyes.(scrotefoiling and infighting again)

No. 500263

Just ignore the crazy person. Post Luigi pics to annoy them away.

No. 500264

File: 1741658868894.jpg (91.22 KB, 1140x798, schizobegone.jpg)

No. 500265

File: 1741658887761.jpeg (55.9 KB, 1170x1146, IMG_3529.jpeg)

his emojis on his linktree. he even included the shrooms kek

No. 500266

aw I kind of like his disheveled hairy look. I noticed he’s never even bothered growing out a beard or mustache

No. 500268

File: 1741659016256.png (5.45 MB, 2048x1366, IMG_6672.png)

Luigi doing the awk face all the way to the right

No. 500269

File: 1741659080755.gif (19.1 MB, 1000x650, hot.gif)

schizigi is peak wigi

No. 500270

And a reference to grifter book Gorilla Mindset

No. 500272

Rich nerds are so ugly (him being the exception)

No. 500273

His brain must be fucking fried

No. 500274

File: 1741659285695.jpeg (149.4 KB, 348x527, IMG_6673.jpeg)

so pretty here

No. 500275

Oh wait, is the second row first girl in black his ex gf? the turkish one

No. 500276

File: 1741659291309.jpeg (Spoiler Image,41.03 KB, 480x640, IMG_6197.jpeg)

i love peeweegee

No. 500277

>carpe diem
Why was he so obsessed with ancient Rome

No. 500278

He also used those emojis when posting in fantasy football subreddits for some team called apes

No. 500279

>fantasy football
Oh he sucks

No. 500280

I love that the Altoona pigs released this to humiliate him but all the women in the world just wanted to suck his jeans dry instead

No. 500281

he’s Italian and a white scrote in general. they love Roman history.

No. 500282

He is too pretty to be in prison

No. 500284

File: 1741659458481.jpeg (99.55 KB, 640x709, IMG_4377.jpeg)

No. 500286

him getting caught and just losing control of his bladder due to his debilitating back pain is so hot.

No. 500287

All men have an ancient Rome thing

No. 500288

I love him and his pee

No. 500289

File: 1741659527856.jpg (637.85 KB, 1079x1960, 1000004957.jpg)

Bro really went for Plan Z

No. 500290

his jeans are dry here kek

No. 500291

american moids love previous empire bullshit because they're the present day empire bullshit. As an italian american it was guaranteed.

No. 500292

Just realized luigischizo is a jealous cop

No. 500293

oh, feds are watching these threads for sure

No. 500294

it was a meme on tiktok that men have a fascination over it because of power and masculinity

No. 500295

yeah its obvious the dude was a travel fag but people think because he went to Thailand that means he was only there for the hookers. News flash: there are hookers everywhere. Obviously I could be wrong because this is a moid I don't know but Luigi just doesn't seem like the sex tourism type.

No. 500296

Yeah, male. Luigi has never had an original thought.

No. 500297

wow it’s hilarious. maybe he really did piss himself on purpose

No. 500298

File: 1741659738403.png (136.96 KB, 967x350, mushrooms.png)

No. 500299

He is male. He went to sex bars. Ge wanted to ogle some boobs it’s whatever. They all do. Is that so wrong?

No. 500301

It makes me love him even more

No. 500302

yeah. Luigi is the most gullible idiot ever, he would’ve told people about his degenerate sexcapades upfront. that’s just how retarded he is.

No. 500304

before or after the Altoona pizza? kek

No. 500305

I always liked that he was touching it. Get em with the ol piss thumbs

No. 500306

>they all do
Listen I want to subjugate men to slave status just like the rest of us but even if he went to ogle boobs or whatever I just can't see him paying for a hooker. Dude could just put a blindfold on, throw a dart at a map, go there, and probably fuck the first single woman he saw.

No. 500307

I can see Luigi pissing himself at the station, the cops felt bad, and gave him a pizza.
Then took a picture of his peepants after he was done

No. 500308

I love this photo. everything from his embarrassed somber face, his awkward stiff pose, the massive piss stain on his pants, etc.

No. 500309

Oh he definitely fucked around for sure, good for him and for the lucky ladies too

No. 500310

piss thumbs kek

No. 500311

why didn’t he just go to therapy instead of taking drugs kek

No. 500312

the curse of the Y chromosome strikes again

No. 500313

because all other tech bros were doing it

No. 500314

Probably thinks he’s too good for it

No. 500315

when I abduct Luigi and get him situated i.e raped in my basement I am gonna threaten him to perform tricks for me otherwise I'm gonna call over the luigischizo to REALLY torture him

No. 500316

I also just noticed he has no shoes on. peeweegee where did your shoes go

No. 500317

Ugh same

No. 500318

Luigi hates shoes. C'mon nona. you saw that picture of him in the seedy thai public bathroom taking a shit with his puppies barking on the piss stained floor

No. 500319

File: 1741660503826.jpeg (117.73 KB, 1080x587, IMG_0526.jpeg)

Kek this girl got a two-sided yap letter right after that other one got “you can keep writing if you feel like it but maybe don’t bother”

No. 500320

it's scary nona. what if i get the "don't fucking write back" reply too KEKK

No. 500322

that’s why I’m actually afraid of writing to him. i wonder what the girl looked like though kek

No. 500323

File: 1741660748035.jpg (95.29 KB, 845x719, 1000004961.jpg)

Not sure if I wanna pee on him or have him pee on me

No. 500324

File: 1741660792066.png (35.13 KB, 777x412, emjones.png)

well, it turns out tiktok wasn't where the letter is from.
it's from threads and this is the woman who got it. a millennial and a mom. older woman with child AGAIN.

No. 500325

I simped so hard for him in my letter that if I get a reply back I'll be genuinely shocked

No. 500326

Knowing my luck my letter would say:
Dear Nona,
Stop telling me you're going to rape me. I am in PRISON. It's not funny. I don't even know what a 'retrograde' is, nor do I want to know.
Get help and leave me alone,
*&R$^R←-This is luigis crappy signature

No. 500327

Why not both?

No. 500328

wow he really does love old single moms kek

No. 500329

She must have been fat and ugly. Can we find a pic of her? kekk

No. 500330

Is that Luigi or is that the type of person most likely to write to Luigi? Is that the person most likely to share it which is why he responds to tiktokers?

No. 500331

Because he hates his own mother he deifies other mothers. He's such a loser.

No. 500333

Most likely to write is half and half teens and moms

No. 500335

Think he just had flip flops on

No. 500336

File: 1741661159176.jpg (130.8 KB, 1080x1350, 421919810_3650030448597237_213…)

she looks ok for a single mom. behold what we must compete with.

No. 500337

File: 1741661171857.webp (392.55 KB, 245x237, 1000004965.webp)

No. 500338

flip flops with socks? he really does work in STEM

No. 500339

I wonder if he was shocked that women wanted him after piss pants photo spread?

No. 500342

that’s the lady who got the shitty mail response from weegee? damn do only old women write to him kek

No. 500343

No it was someone called Mia who sent him pictures of her vacation kekkk

No. 500344

no, she got the double-sided letter. he really loves the single moms.

No. 500345

in the holli hashbrown letter he said that he preferred the photo of him in blue to his mugshot

No. 500346

he’s probably shocked he’s gotten this much attention in general. I wonder if Karen would ever tell him about all of conversations we have in this thread kek

No. 500347

"Hey Luigi, you will likely never see the outside world again. Do you like me on my vacation I will send you more pictures of my freedom and we can become bff penpals." - Mia

No. 500348

He was also in blue when he wore the turtle suit 😂(emoji)

No. 500349

ugh if only I was a 40 year old single mother. weegee would’ve been pissing with excitement to write back to me

No. 500350

I think they just know how to write better. Lots more psychological manipulation tactics learnt as older ladies.

No. 500351

Do you think he's embarrassed/ashamed that most of his "fans" and letter writers are teens/girls/women/milfs or do you think he eats that shit up

No. 500352

Writes back to them and probably hasn't even talked to his own mother

No. 500353

He might've been referencing his post-haircut MDC mugshot that hasn't been released to the public

No. 500354

Do you think they put him that to get him out of his pee pants

No. 500355

I think he eats it up but if he actually saw what most of them looked like he would recoil

No. 500356

knowing how homosocial Luigi is, he probably yearns for a grifter daddy to write to him instead. I’m sure he’s flattered either way though

No. 500357

He's got his "brothers" now

No. 500358

which is also part of his man of the people strategy

No. 500359

Shit there's an unreleased mugshot!?

No. 500360

I can’t stand how the luigi thread totally strips /ot/ of any posters

No. 500361

one of his friends did say that his mom was very overbearing. i wonder why he would gravitate towards “moms” then kek

No. 500362

That's actually why he does. Looking for mothers and mentors. He wants new parents.

No. 500363

His fetish for "breedable"/"bred" women ofc

No. 500364

And with his brothers, he's got himself an entire new family

No. 500365

I wish there was a way to find it because I think that's what he meant. His arrest reports are under locked payment.

No. 500366

He loves it imo. I wanna know if he knows his grifter daddies have turned on him and he adopted the new prisoners since he feels solidarity in the fact that they have been "scorned by the system" even though half of them are sex pests who deserve to be publicly flayed alive for their crimes.
imo luigi likes mid women. He is scared of pretty women due to his insecurity about his imbalanced eyes

No. 500367

File: 1741661828127.jpeg (12.53 KB, 275x274, IMG_4260.jpeg)

maybe we’re too autistic for him and that’s why he’s not responding

No. 500368

that’s true. he also has daddy issues and likes talking to weird grifters online to cope. weegee is so cute and strange

No. 500369

Those creeps probably tell him they are innocent and he believes them kek

No. 500370

I tell myself that the letter sorters fear us

No. 500371

I mean he definitely killed brian thomson but tbh thats about as bad as killing a rabid dog. It's not pleasant but it needed to be done

No. 500372

File: 1741662010993.jpg (125.11 KB, 731x496, 1000004969.jpg)

Saw this on plebbit

No. 500373

File: 1741662017927.jpeg (23.47 KB, 712x195, IMG_6664.jpeg)

I'm cracking up. Why did he say this about his pitched idea about a better version of twitter?

No. 500374

is diddy in the same unit as him?

No. 500375

ntyart I think so

No. 500376

Yeah, I wish he knew everything. I wonder how it would make him feel. I hope one of you future Weegee Wives are documenting all this shit for him for when he's found not guilty and comes to your house for a late night lore session

No. 500377

Sure is!

No. 500378

what's his plan? his own gofundme or charity or what?

No. 500379

Wheres the rest of this? Lmao

No. 500380

The website

No. 500381

But yeah he should get someone more trustworthy for the fund instead of those podcasters

No. 500382

Fuck him and his stupid mysterious ass bullshit and he makes these claims in letters that people aren't releasing so we don't even know the full context

No. 500384

Don't they get a cut of it too?

No. 500385

i want to see his live reaction to all our convos about him

No. 500386

WHAT do they?? Someone answer!??

No. 500389

GiveSendGo takes 10% of the entire donation amount raised and also has fees per donation too.

For recipients in the U.S., the fee is 2.7% + $0.30 per donation, and for those outside the U.S., it's 3.5% + $0.30 per donation, in addition to currency exchange fees.

No. 500390

Damn those fees will add up and take a huge chuck

No. 500391

File: 1741662792454.webp (110.87 KB, 613x2703, IMG_6682.webp)

No. 500392


No. 500393

…a jilted former cat?!? or a friend? Difficult to determine whether or not this was a smoke signal to indicate an acknowledgment of wrongdoing, or with malicious intent?>>500009
You made 1 fatal error.
Means of procurement? Stalker? Inscrutable behavior. Forgotten disappointed paramour?
No more handwriting. No art for you. Wait. Where do I remember that from?

No. 500394

He is a sad lonely boy

No. 500396

Luigi has the shittest taste in people. Like he should have reached out to me. I would have engaged in a full fledged conversation about whatever he wanted. But I would have called him an idiot and told him about how he was a retard and I could save him but he has to meet up with me in a secluded alley where I would chloroform him and bring him to his new home

No. 500397

They should switch to something else. I also thought it was weird when it was announced that The podcasters used the same shade of pink of their podcast thumbnail for their Luigi donation digital flyer.

No. 500398

Isn't it strange that people didn't want to talk to him.

No. 500400

It was used as self promotion to begin with. It should be moved from them because they are flat out weirdos. I wonder if there is a conflict of interest where his lawyers and Luigi himself can't create a fund?

No. 500403

I’m kind of surprised he gravitates to single moms. I know he wants women to have babies but I pictured him as the type to regard a single mom as ruined/unattractive because she has another man’s spawn.

No. 500405

We know they are single moms but does he?

No. 500406

Well then the both of us were doing the same thing. Except was using the wrong medium to exorcise said demons and impress gf by improving for her instead of crowd.
>Still not responsible for the behavior or decisions of others, we’ve clearly established that. That particular retweet was an indicator of remorse, at having made her upset.
>All set off by a late arrival, into acting like a reptilian brained psycho.
>The wannabe at X.com can go to Hell. There is a reason I do not go there.

No. 500408

Some of them had to have mentioned being single moms. Plus, let's not forget he swiped right on a single mom on Tinder. He probably didn't pursue her further because he chickened out kek.

No. 500409

The people HE spoke to didn't want to talk to him. I dont know what the fuck his deal is

No. 500410

He never even talked to her makes me laugh she did a whole interview

No. 500411

He is an enigma of stupidity. He should be studied for science.

No. 500412

>He should be studied for science.
and placed in a cage… oh wait he already is

No. 500417

File: 1741665202190.png (498.12 KB, 612x408, 53454354354.png)

Jesus fucking christ nonas can we stop filling these threads so fast?

No. 500418

i genuinely think he is retarded now kek
>speaks too literally
>ruminates over his messages for hours
>still can’t help but come off as a know it all
still feels sad for him to be ignored tho

No. 500419

File: 1741665356665.png (294.58 KB, 612x407, IMG_4381.png)

I predict he will answer a nonny letter in May or June

No. 500420

this one was mostly fun

No. 500422

as long as he doesn't tell us not to write again
or imma kill myself

No. 500428

Let’s talk?

No. 500429

Fucking schizo at it again, bring on the pics nonas

No. 500431

wish I had the energy and resilience of the schizo

No. 500432

So was Louis Wain adored by the feline or hated by the feline?

No. 500433

File: 1741666636763.jpg (167.76 KB, 1284x842, cumboy.jpg)

honestly I was expecting this to be the finishing face

No. 500434

File: 1741666641802.webp (13.04 KB, 562x295, is-this-supposed-letter-from-l…)

No. 500435

this has been the most fun thread thank you to edit nonny for making laugh you’re a real one

No. 500436

that's noooot his handwriting

No. 500437

KEKKKKKKK Luigi off his meds…anyway this actually looks fake as fuck

No. 500438

People are crazy! And this is obviously not real

No. 500439

so he’s writing with a pencil now kek sure jan

No. 500440

if he says that I will send him a bare minimum 10 schizo letters per day telling him to write back to you apologizing and calling himself retarded or I will keep spamming him with insults and reminding him that his taste in people is AWFUL and him rejection a nona is why he got caught and why his grifter daddies make fun of him

No. 500441

File: 1741666964916.webm (8.09 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@julie_grace___17416…)

Also the video in case it's baleeted.

No. 500442

File: 1741667024900.webp (39.07 KB, 1245x700, lemon.webp)

Why does she look like the lemon lady, is that real or a filter?

No. 500444

samefag, and he’s using white paper? come on nonnies please don’t believe this, it’s not even a cope just doesn’t match any other letter we’ve seen (excluding the typed ones)

No. 500445

File: 1741667108449.jpg (35.76 KB, 672x323, 1000004988.jpg)

No. 500446

File: 1741667143244.jpeg (235.74 KB, 1290x1002, IMG_3078.jpeg)

im a believer of all letters being real but this one looks fake as fuck, kek at the hashtag

No. 500447

shes fake and insufferable but for some reason i love the deliberately condescending way she says "he is SO smart!" like as if she's praising a retarded child for spelling 'cat' right. I want to praise Luigi like that to his face when he uses the toilet instead of pissing his pants.

No. 500448

this letter makes it sound like he’s met her before
>you have always had a way of disrupting my structured world
alright this is cringe as fuck kek

No. 500449

kekk perfect pic choice

No. 500450

Ewwwwww what the fuck is this

No. 500451

>he never rejected nonna. wrong
>amazing grace

No. 500457

File: 1741668536963.jpg (40.25 KB, 292x649, 1000005000.jpg)

No it's definitely this

No. 500460

Oooo i forgot about this one!

No. 500461

Fake and pathetic

No. 500463

This has gotta be it

No. 500466

Wait, is that real? Luigi wrote that? omg.

No. 500468

This was so much effort. Wow idek what he’d say. I hope Luigi writes back soon

No. 500469

If he wrote me a letter like this I would kms

No. 500470

You are the optimal distraction.

No. 500471

That was probably a really long time ago when he wrote that.

No. 500472

He must be sweating like crazy in that thick wool sweater that can barely contain his strong arms. The other people around him are wearing short sleeves so it can't be that cold. Maybe the cold he felt in his cell was from his need for a hug being all alone. But now in this room it's so much warmer and he doesn't get to take it off and change. All his sweat and uncomfiness accumulating in his dripping wet armpits thanks to the jungle he grows in them. It must feel so hot and his muscular biceps rubbing into it with every tiny movement. He knows all the cameras are on him as well. He must be so embarrassed worrying if there's gonna be sweatstains visible. Poor wigi he needs his cock milked from the back.

No. 500473

Damn none of you can be really stupid enough to believe that letter

No. 500475

File: 1741670472771.jpeg (25.16 KB, 360x360, IMG_3175.jpeg)


No. 500476

>ywn be Luigi's optimal distraction
killing myself

No. 500478

Luigi is going to have a difficult time adjusting to the outside world, now. Penpals!

No. 500481

File: 1741672189877.jpeg (123.58 KB, 546x516, IMG_8224.jpeg)

more pics, you say?

No. 500483

It's over

No. 500485

I wonder who got to keep his BO-filled, pit-stained green sweater. Karen I assume.

No. 500486

File: 1741672444203.jpeg (499.8 KB, 1320x792, IMG_3177.jpeg)

I enjoy a cup of mocha. And the art is divine too!

No. 500487

This is all emotional manipulation. It’s not even real, she’s only posting this fake one for engagement because there’s been letter postings the last 3 days. The handwriting isn’t the same

No. 500488

Karen isn’t likely to lose touch with a client. >>500472
Luigi likely shocked at the influx of fanmail

No. 500489

Nope. The eyes are different, but I hear the voice. The real McCoy.

No. 500491

File: 1741672908864.jpeg (653.68 KB, 1179x1785, IMG_0536.jpeg)

plebbit finally realizing Luigi is retarded enough to write that manifesto

No. 500492

If luigi was a handsome working class boy who shot brian cuz a close family member died, do you think he would have more support?
Unfortunately, working class men can't afford to disappear for 6 months let alone be unemployed for over a year

Maybe elonihilator will be cooler…

No. 500495

If he was as hot as Luigi, yes

No. 500499

all the nonas agreed that the elon/theil exterminator will be a gigachad and will show on CCTV that his massive cock will be functional because he will be naked when he slaughters the final boss of grifter moid menaces.
He won't be as hot as Luigi. He will be 1000000x hotter. The physical embodiment of the female gaze.

No. 500502

Why is his face flipped so ugly? I mean ugly hot tho!

No. 500506

File: 1741675759005.png (1.89 MB, 1920x2161, 1683734167267.png)

No. 500507

File: 1741676512088.jpeg (168.1 KB, 1179x633, IMG_0539.jpeg)

hi leni

No. 500508

Is this the person rambling like a ransom letter?

No. 500509

File: 1741677116162.jpeg (59.52 KB, 393x704, IMG_3181.jpeg)


No. 500510

An iconic moment in retarded history

No. 500511

File: 1741677369541.jpeg (354.61 KB, 712x646, IMG_6684.jpeg)

when he was a mysterious cutie. Also this a few days later.

No. 500512

no it’s someone on Max’s Substack chat

No. 500513

Do people pay to be on his chat?

No. 500514

Writing steamy mommydom Karen x Wuigi smut ft handholding sex, impregnation and aftercare rn

No. 500515

Aw thats probably why he looked so flushed

No. 500516

no you have to subscribe to his blog but subscriptions are free

No. 500518

I can believe it, it’s about time this grifter chose a wife from prison. Plus it’s written so unromantically and retardedly.

No. 500519

kek it's literally satire she was joking

No. 500521

File: 1741681275967.png (20.35 KB, 269x145, ohyeah.png)

No. 500522

He looks high as a kite

No. 500540

i wonder if weegeee would swipe right in Karen considering she’s much older and already a mother

No. 500541

“love Luigi”

It comes off so strongly, do you girls think it’s really legit?

No. 500542

It's not she literally said she joking

No. 500543

Where is his second freckle? When the hell did he get a second one cause isn't this pic November 2023?

No. 500544

He got the other one when he was traveling/missing in 2024.

No. 500545

wow really? wouldn’t that go against his whole manosphere “single mothers ate disgusting and evil” ideology? he really does have intense mommy issues

No. 500547

Moids are so weak for falling for that

No. 500548

Since when did he ever show that kind of ideology?

No. 500549

No. 500551

well he didn’t per se, but his grifting daddies probably did.

No. 500555

Speaking of armpits, is there any photos of his?

No. 500556

He is so cute here i wish it was a different person so i can kidnap him and no one will care cuz he anit rich

No. 500557

Some of weegeewives are no better than the redditors smh

No. 500558

File: 1741687737277.jpeg (205.21 KB, 680x1212, IMG_5141.jpeg)

he’s not very hairy for a med, which I love

No. 500559

Are they the source of his schizoism?

No. 500560

All his clothes are so ugly

No. 500561

ikr. i want to kidnap him so I could put him in hotter clothes and then beat him for talking to online grifting speds and single moms

No. 500562

nonnies what kind of outfits would you put weegee in? his Disney adult clothing and graphic tees make me break out in hives

No. 500563

Naked covered in cuts and bruises

No. 500566

File: 1741689964036.png (328.75 KB, 490x842, 02385895845.png)

No. 500567

File: 1741690169492.jpeg (146.95 KB, 731x1209, IMG_5152.jpeg)

I wonder what his bare ass looks like

No. 500568

This is quite pathetic, damn.

No. 500569

Do we think he has a hairy ass? Y/N?

No. 500571

File: 1741691189620.jpeg (Spoiler Image,21.96 KB, 396x400, IMG_6209.jpeg)

And he would be fully naked except for these chains

No. 500575

Why did Luigi plead not guilty? He isn’t really trying to hide the fact he did it, nor does he seem to have any remorse, and he is having a good time in prison so why is he wasting everyone’s time and money? Does he actually think he can go free?

No. 500576

He has a chance to get mistrials, hung juries, acquittals. What is the point of pleading guilty?

No. 500577

I can't tell tbh need a smarter nonny to give their opinion

No. 500578

maybe he’s trying for jury nullification

No. 500579

what do you think his life would be like if he walks free? will it be harder to establish contact with him than via jail? his dms will be crazy and I wonder if he will move somewhere else

No. 500580

probably has some hair around his hole. strangely, luigi doesn’t have much hair around her abdomen and chest area. I wonder if he shaves or if he's just naturally hairless around there. unusual for an italian moid

No. 500581

his arm with the scratches on the toilet looks hairier than in his other pics which is why I assume he shaves or trims

No. 500582

There is no way this will happen
He will probably move to Japan or China or start the most insane, pathetic grift you’ve ever seen and start his own podcast and go on other people’s podcasts and say crazy shit that makes everyone hate him and wish he were back in prison.

No. 500583

Is that why he prioritizes replying to NY letters? kek

No. 500585

There is no way anyone from NY sending him letters will be allowed on that jury kek

No. 500586

He will be a huge fucking celebrity if he walks free. I think he would actually stay in America and become an advocate for Medicare for all (Let me dream).

>or start the most insane, pathetic grift you’ve ever seen and start his own podcast

Could absolutely see this happening except he becomes the next Joe Rogan.

No. 500587

Yep instant dismissal from jury selection

No. 500588

File: 1741694366363.jpg (75.78 KB, 736x748, 1000007116.jpg)

No. 500589

he will probably be like hawk tuah girl and start a shitty podcast, launch a bit coin, perform a rug pull, and run away.

No. 500590

He wouldn’t be an advocate for anything honestly, he is too retarded and actually low IQ he would just go back to talking to the same grifters and posting on twitter except he will have more followers to shill his shit takes and give him money. He will probably sell merch and have a new girlfriend each week for fun and because of the huge selection he will have. Maybe he will pull an Elon and impregnate tons of women so he can live his dream of spreading his shit genes.

No. 500591

God this is too true. I hate him. Yet I still want to be impregnated by him.

No. 500592

Probably not too hairy. His face is hairy like a typical Southern Italian, but his body less so. Although some dudes don't get really hairy until their 30s-40s, so who knows about later.

No. 500594

I wonder if Luigi fanboys over Diddy

No. 500595

I just wanna pinch him on both cheeks at the same time. Wonder if he ever got pantsed in college, he'd probably looks so cute and lost just standing there with his tighty whities.

No. 500596

I don't think he cares about Diddy. But Diddy probably has a one sided love/hate interest in him tho.

No. 500597

You don’t think a normie zoomer scrote like Luigi likes his music?

No. 500599

He was still a free man when the Diddy horror stories hit the news. He probably thinks Diddy is disgusting but can't say anything obviously.

No. 500600

He was probably not keeping that much into it besides the baby oil sex party shit (maybe, if he was on twitter which he likely was) that males think is hilarious. We already know he finds sex shit funny like the pornstar playing cards. I am sure someone briefed him on the deeper diddy shit in prison but he does see Diddy as a fellow brother so who knows. I bet they have played chess together.

No. 500601

weegee is a retarded childish scrote, but I don’t think he would like diddy much considering diddy raped little boys

No. 500602

ewwww I hope he never gets out now or if he does, a nona will swiftly kidnap him and have him chained to a radiator in her basement

No. 500603

File: 1741696500645.webp (28.9 KB, 520x600, IMG_9563.webp)

In another life, weegee was my pet poodle whom I pampered and loved dearly.

No. 500604


weegee would be such a cute pet

No. 500605

True I saw most males opinions changed when it turned out diddy had male victims too

No. 500606

he is the ladyboy

No. 500608

He wishes kek

No. 500613

File: 1741698970409.jpg (240.81 KB, 1179x2556, all-of-luigi-mangiones-now-pri…)

I read some of his reviews. Im a little embarrassed i ever thought he was a genuine reader

No. 500616

Kek the quotes for Brave New World, he is such a sped. He would love soma, be real. Especially with his addictive personality he wouldn’t be able to let go of the stimulations of that world.

No. 500619

Same. I kinda agree with his take about wanting to take away tenga toys from degenerate Japanese moids, but overall his ideas are kinda lame.

No. 500620

what if weegee transitions kek

No. 500621

Nah he hates them

No. 500622

That should be just common sense.
In general good reviews are incredibly rare on goodreads, which is kind of ironic.

No. 500624

He is against toys but not porn in general so it rings sorta hollow. Actually he may just be against toys being sold in normal shops, he is probably fine with sex toys like that. He had Aella added to his evopsych group or whatever so I wonder how he thought about “sex workers” and her degeneracy

No. 500626

didn’t he make a post on his Twitter account saying that porn should be regulated? anyways, I could see weegee pivoted as a rw grifter if he gets out of prison somehow

No. 500628

Yeah regulated like alcohol so like, age restricted. A fair amount of moids think porn should be accessed via scanning in a government identification card, but this is not being anti-porn (despite being a decent first step). And yeah of course he would be a right wing grifter, that’s all he interacted with.

No. 500629

Oh a white porn star how interesting

No. 500631


No. 500632

Could this picture be anymore blurry?

No. 500633

File: 1741702832274.jpeg (251.22 KB, 894x1488, IMG_5023.jpeg)

I wish I was one of the ugly scrotes holding retardigi

No. 500635

This isn't him its a tiktoker

No. 500636

True ankle porn. I understand the Victorians now.

No. 500637

didn’t have time to write my letter in spanish so im just gonna send him a drawing of a stick figure

No. 500638

He will love it

No. 500639

File: 1741703865368.png (71.71 KB, 900x491, stick figure.png)

He'll praise your Tim Urban-style letter as one of the best he ever received

No. 500640

right wing grifters are literal cucks for advocating against their self-interests, let’s be real here. Simping for Elon & Trump’s mistakes is spinelessness.

No. 500641

I bet Luigi's entire family voted Trump

No. 500643

He himself probably voted Trump in 2016.

No. 500645

Maybe before Trump exhibited symptoms of degenerative brain disease and passed Paul Ryan’s tax plan. Now it’s King Lear and his pet vermin

No. 500647

Maybe he voted Trump last time too

No. 500649

I doubt he voted last year

No. 500651

No, he didn’t. Luigi endorsed and voted for Jill Stein.

No. 500652

Do you think he made time to vote in person or did he vote absentee

No. 500653

No. 500654

i think he expressed interest in voting for rfk jr while he was running for his homeopathic bs. he said he didn’t like trump or biden

No. 500655

Probably analog. Eat shit, dummies.

No. 500656

they’re upper class wops, they definitely voted trump. i could see weegee just voting Jill stein or not at all to be contrarian.

No. 500659

Oh so he’s braindead

No. 500660

File: 1741705536561.jpeg (120.21 KB, 1458x219, IMG_1344.jpeg)

>scrunched his nose
I don't think he voted at all.

No. 500662

Ironic that the so called saint of healthcare likes a man who doesn’t believe in vaccines, and according to the germans luigi liked that fake holistic guy too. Luigi really did kill that guy for attention, huh. Moid moment.

No. 500664

File: 1741705943371.jpeg (137.89 KB, 828x1223, IMG_6218.jpeg)

says he’s unaffiliated

No. 500665

he followed AOC and obama on Twitter, so I assume he had some interest in politics

No. 500666

Every male has an interest in politics hence they suck up to grifters

No. 500667

true, but most moids have seething hatred towards AOC so I was a little shocked he follows her. doesn’t really mean much, but still.

No. 500668

Probably just thinks she is hot

No. 500670

Yeah he had to have seen when Cassie sued Diddy for abuse in November 2023

No. 500671

she’s unattractive by latina standards, but luigi does like mid older women so it makes sense. luigi is just constantly looking for a mom kek

No. 500673

Sure, why not. Her association with Gaetz is sus, but her positions are better than Cory Booker or the McKinsey consultant.

No. 500675

You think luigi is smart enough to care about anything deeper than reading two tweets of hers and thinking she is mommy so he gives her a follow?

No. 500677

You aren’t getting the (You).
>Have some dignity; no ¢50 for you.

No. 500680

I just know Luigi is a mansplainer and is condescending

No. 500681

100% he probably gets off on mansplaining basic shit to women, that’s probably why they got sick of it and ditched him.

No. 500682

self-replying scrotes are even worse tbh

No. 500684

One scenario is probably live like a recluse in the mountains of a scenic place, write to support himself but I don't think he has it in him to grift like his substack daddies did and there's not really any space for him to insert himself in except with his deranged female fans or the far left, which are audiences he maybe doesn't want to target
Second is he will move to a tropical country and be a farmer or fisherman
His life will be hell whether he's out and free or in federal prison. He seems like a sensitive person and he's a rich boy so he won't adjust well to those lifestyles

No. 500685

File: 1741707596970.jpeg (39.64 KB, 735x588, 1739248407740 (1).jpeg)

No. 500688

Erm I read this really crazy book called Brave New World many years ago (2 years before meeting gf) and it just changed me… a gram is worth more than a damn I bet you never heard of the book it’s super old and obscure but it like totally predicted how we would live in the 21st century, like soma dude. They take oxygen from the babies to keep them autistic and make them do manual labor and everyone has sex with each other it’s insane. Maybe you should look into it

No. 500690

why did he larp as her gay bestie so hard kek

No. 500691

Same, I don’t think he would actually be a grifter. He seems too sincere and earnest. I think he will love all the attention at first from the bpdemons, but eventually get extremely overwhelmed and then flee into a cave to live out the rest of his life as a schizo hermit

No. 500693

Is it a strategy to get closer to women?

No. 500694

I think it was a combination of luigi being addicted to mirroring/his never ending love for bpds

No. 500695

acting like a girl’s gay best friend is the easiest way to get friendzoned kek. he’s so awkward with women.

No. 500696

if weegee wants to be consistently attractive to women, he would wear a ball gag for the rest of his life

No. 500697

I figured Luigi would be like helmholtz watson. Alpha chad with a promising future for the system but he's dissatisfied with it (but ultimately doesn't really do anything other than try to take soma away from the masses which causes a massive riot) But weewam probably saw himself as the savage or some shit.

No. 500698

Maybe obsessive compulsives and related disorders such as bpd, sometimes exhibit bewildering or alienating behaviors due to poor impulse control. Luigi won’t get away with a slap on the wrist, but he won’t be Thiel’s pawn, or anyone’s, for 30 betabuxx.

No. 500699

It's hard to say, but I do not think his cheeks have hair on them. he might have a hairy crack but nothing crazy, think the fine hairs of his happy trail. Maybe some hair around the ring, but I could see that sexy little shithead somehow being perfect down there.
Idk though I'm not into 3D mens assholes.

No. 500701

Definitely saw himself as the savage
I think he is bpd yeah

No. 500702

i think luigi secretly wishes thiel groomed him in college instead of jd vance. he loves his tech daddies, though maybe his opinions have changed now.

No. 500705

Yeah, I didn’t get his fascination with “brave new world” because they’re literally in a forced system with alpha, beta, gammas, deltas, etc and forced to do orgy-porgy as a means of control. But then again he liked the “but I don’t want comfort” quote so he doesn’t want to follow society rules of the dystopia world in the book.

No. 500706

He’s won better fights than this.
>you people are lame. Luigi is an innocent man.

No. 500707

is it just me, or is there a schizo flooding this thread with nonsense?

No. 500709

I really don't think he has BPD or any Cluster B personality disorder for that matter. He had narcissistic traits but I don't think to a cripplingly dysfunctional degree since that shit causes constant bridge-burning and abuse in its wake. After all, he was well-liked by all his friends and acquaintances and just seemed to have a very normie existence for a while. The Rolling Stones article did have a friend say Luigi messed with microdosing on shrooms after the back injury and mentally changed after that. It really has to be the combination of shrooms and the injury that triggered mental illness and exacerbated his worst aspects.

No. 500712

He doesn’t want comfort yet seeks out constant comfort he is a hypocrite who likes to pretend he is deep
It was a joke post pretending to be Luigi you sped

No. 500713

File: 1741709711625.jpg (385.28 KB, 1748x2480, 1707947913046.jpg)

Someone really needs to take their meds.

No. 500714

Anons itt really have worse comprehension than Luigi it’s insane

No. 500715

poor weegee. I wonder why his surgery wasn’t successful.

No. 500716

File: 1741709894661.gif (1.03 MB, 451x447, 1735006134528.gif)

They can't get over the fact that we won't cancel Luigi

No. 500717

I'm agreeing with the assessment that nona posted. The last two threads have had a noticeable increase in very low-quality, genuinely schizo-sounding posts. Like did 40 pager discover our threads or something? Kind of based if she did. Hope she actually gets a letter through some day.

No. 500718

she never got a response? kek

No. 500720

It’s whoever said “Luigi is an innocent man. He’s won better fights than this.”

No. 500721

It's the influx if reddit retards and tiktok

No. 500722

One of the deleted posts in this thread referred to the selfcest art from months back. I think a nona here has actually lost her mind and can't find her meds.

No. 500723

Kek, anyone who thinks Luigi is some sweetie pie genius boy is definitely from Reddit or tiktok, they worship him there

No. 500725

File: 1741710480782.png (373.32 KB, 638x633, 33435435434.png)

I don't know about you guys, but I for one would 100% welcome 40 page schizo. I know she can't blatantly self post but I know she wouldn't be able to help herself. Everyone would know it's her due to the self insert fanfiction wholesome hornyposting dropped in out of nowhere of her snuggling by the fireside with her Luigi tulpa, referring to herself in the second or third person and talking to him about memes.

No. 500726

File: 1741710485168.jpeg (Spoiler Image,53.98 KB, 572x423, IMG_3573.jpeg)

please no more schizo posts I beg it ruins the energy of the thread

No. 500728

Blame clubmangione for unleashing the whiteknights this shit sucks

No. 500729

I’m so mad she did that. What was the point? She should be having more of a freak out fit over the gay men making ai porn of Luigi.

No. 500730

True actually. Instead she mentions here because we make mean posts about Luigi while anonymous as if that’s going to lead do anything to him. She even wanted Karen to come here, talk about obsessive. But she wants her followers to annoy women, not precious fags.

No. 500733

Advocates, witnesses and evidence; hearts and minds. But really camaraderie

No. 500734

Stop simping so hard, Luigi

No. 500735

women truly are the most oppressed group of people… I wish I could have abducted Luigi, pink pilled him, groomed him into killing theil/musk, and had him put "RESPECT WOMEN" on the bullet casings.

No. 500736

I've seen Redditors' reactions to LC and they say shit like how they can't believe these posts are from actual women. Men always get a pass to do whatever.

No. 500737

The schizo accusing everyone of male is probably from Reddit then

No. 500739

It isn't even that bad here for an IB.
I'm guessing it's because plebbitors are scared of 4chan and don't actually look at the site aside from youtube videos of greentexts. 4chan is nothing but pedophilia, violent misogyny is there any other kind?, and racebait.
Oh but we are misandrists and misgender the heckin' troonorinos!!! Boo hoo. Cry me a river.

No. 500740

File: 1741711631224.jpeg (Spoiler Image,65.3 KB, 828x602, IMG_4943.jpeg)

Right, the stuff on there is way worse than here.

No. 500741

Luigi fangirls from twitter looking at this and nodding sagely as if it’s high art while screeching when people call him a retard (le slur)

No. 500742

And it was also gay men who bought the cheaterbuster to have access to Luigi’s Tinder profile when he was arrested. But that never gets called out.

No. 500743

You cannot criticize males, especially not the homos. You can only criticize women. If you want to fuck Luigi you’re horrible if you don’t want to fuck Luigi because he is a sped you are horrible. Man shut up he is getting raped.

No. 500744

weegee himself says the word retard kek

No. 500747

I hate how Redditors look past this while they look at LC and think it's so fucking awful that we call people retards too.

No. 500748

He is just a misunderstood baby boy who doesn’t know better!

No. 500749

it’s the same person who was greentexting and deleting his own posts last night. reads like a moid or random schizo convinced that he didn’t do it to me, they probably came from max’s pathetic chat or fat ass mango baby’s xitter

No. 500750

A bunch of moids can talk about wanting to rape him in multiple different ways, but we can’t call him a retard and want to torture him? the double standards is crazy

No. 500751

It's strange because they do seem to have some concept of IB culture such as saying (You) >>500677 and also referenced that selfcest drawing before the post was deleted.

No. 500754

what selfcest drawing? does anyone have a screenshot?

No. 500756

Probably twitterfags who follow ‘funny greentext’ accounts. I mean someone did mention us trying to ‘cancel’ Luigi as if he didn’t ‘cancel’ himself by going to prison.

No. 500757

No. 500758

I noticed that self deleting greentext retard last night before I went to bed, it was getting really fucking annoying

No. 500760

Its just classic misogyny. We get in trouble for wanting to "rape" luigi, but moids can talk about brutalizing Luigi's asshole (a non-fag moids worst nightmare).
If we could ask tardigi who he would rather get raped by, he would have his mind blown at the idea that a woman could even rape him. He would choose the rapenonas cabin over his new "brothers". He knows we would feed him good food and let him get some fresh air in the woods with his chained biweekly walks.

No. 500761


true, weegee would rather spend the rest of his pre-walled life eating lcwife pussy in an underground bunker than get his asshole torn to shreds by a bunch of gay moids.(integrate)

No. 500762

File: 1741714399184.jpeg (508.85 KB, 1179x2049, IMG_0541.jpeg)

It’s ok when he does it because it’s weegee and they can never hate such an amazing man

No. 500764

So which pokemon do you think luigi will get tattooed in his ass in prison

No. 500765

gets called “feminist king” when he retweeted a post calling women the achilles heel of society kek. it’s okay retardigi, I still love you

No. 500766

>could do without the r-slur
Retards get an r-word pass.

No. 500769

Calling a male feminist is so stupid especially when he doesn’t even have any feminist opinions. Males cannot be feminists.

No. 500771

I have a good feeling he will reply to my 4th letter. I talked about shit. Literal shit. The memelord will love it.

No. 500774

File: 1741716191947.mp4 (3.15 MB, 720x804, 4345353544.mp4)

>males cannot be feminists
100% fact. At best, Luigi can be a subservient slave to women who goes out and kills sex pests and woman disrespecters. But once a moid tries to adopt the label "feminist" you just know he's a predator.

No. 500775

They don't even acknowledge that when Luigi said this in the DMs he replied “this is retarted” to the bullying women tweet at the beginning of April and then weeks later at the end of April said it was “purely retarted”. Instead of just unfollowing minor dissent.

No. 500778

I think his favorite gen is gen 3, so I’m thinking he would get a mudkip tattoo

No. 500780

He followed tons of misogynists and retweeted sexist shit but because he called one’s singular tweet retarded he is a feminist. Males do the bare minimum and get slapped with the feminist label.

No. 500782

yep. Luigi is far from a feminist. He needs to acknowledge and atone for his misogyny sins. Moids need to be held to real standards, this includes cute moids who kill insurascrotes. It might be too late for weegee though, any apology letter to women would just feel like the kaczynski apology.
Still, it would be based if he made a public statement warning moids about the dangers of grifter worship and how people need to actually listen to women.

No. 500786

File: 1741717525714.jpg (562.17 KB, 2000x2000, 3281910-center-1.jpg)

Feeding Luigi human-grade dog food in my dungeon!

No. 500790

Aww this is so sweet he would really like this

No. 500791

File: 1741718022318.jpeg (Spoiler Image,82.21 KB, 680x680, IMG_2745.jpeg)

if he is chained, butt naked, and crying during his next court appearance, I will forgive him for his pathetic misogynist grifter brown nosing ways

No. 500792

File: 1741718077456.png (Spoiler Image,2.26 MB, 2000x2000, 4t554554.png)

>me circling "for dogs" in red sharpie, placing the bag in front of Luigi's dog bowl, and making him eat it with his hands cuffed behind his back
I love my boyfriend!!!

No. 500793

I am so gonna masturbate to pathetic muzzled crying dog slave spanked ass handcuffed Luigi later

No. 500799

File: 1741720566420.jpeg (111.24 KB, 828x793, IMG_6235.jpeg)

he can wear this collar

No. 500800

Ew no
Needs to say retard, not weegee.

No. 500801

File: 1741721109462.jpeg (113.25 KB, 828x808, IMG_6236.jpeg)

okay I fixed it

No. 500802

ty much better

No. 500805

Soo cute it would work well for a better slavemoid, personally for me I would make Luigi wear a rusted chain collar with awful metal studs or spikes (so he cannot grapple at it and escape) and I would have two- one normal one and one padded on the inside with leather for when he has behaved well.

No. 500810

File: 1741721990668.webp (170.69 KB, 615x820, IMG_6238.webp)

i would personally just tie weegee to the wall and whip him until he cries snotty tears of anguish while screaming about how he’s sorry for being a retard

No. 500811

File: 1741722098189.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1179x1873, IMG_6690.jpeg)

Wait what. Like did they take it back from him while he was in the cell. I'm waiting to see the actual document tho.

No. 500813

I mean same but what about when you just want him as a footrest?
Never gonna happen that shit was ADDRESSED to the feds kek. I wonder if she did this in response to Luigi writing shit that sounds similar to the manifesto. Karen should take note on this thread and strike him with the bullwhip- 60 lashes for being a fool.

No. 500816

Yeah exactly! the Altoona police treated him like shit but he is the shooter so its not much that can be done.

No. 500817

i thought it was known that you shouldn't accept anything to drink from the cops because that's how they get your dna? we're witnessing real naïveté and retardation

No. 500818

What else can you expect from a sheltered rich retard

No. 500820

I literally was like him eating pizza from them was a set up to obtain his dna and he didn't even realize it

No. 500824

Yeah… he is never going free kek

No. 500825

nice dick clamp nonny

No. 500826

File: 1741723155068.jpg (225.25 KB, 1206x2144, 470912257_1305479683799979_379…)

i want to bang his head against the wall he handed them all of the evidence on a silver platter. truly unbelievable

No. 500827

He wanted the feds to go ‘aww good boy’ because he is desperate for attention and praise for the bare minimum. But instead small town cops found him kek

No. 500828

the notebook and fed letter are two separate things and this was filed by td

No. 500829

It all started with giving them his fake ID. Why the fuck??? kek

No. 500831

Yeah and they want the fed letter thrown out kek

No. 500833

First they asked his name and he went "mark rosario" which was the name on the fake id, no?

No. 500834

Did it actually go the way it was originally reported? Since the motion almost two weeks ago said they found it when they digged through his bag. So is the “I clearly shouldn’t have” quote not true now. Also the idea of him having 4 isn’t on the list.

No. 500835

Release the bodycam footage already!

No. 500836

I can believe he would give his fake ID, he is gigatarded. Like how his PA lawyer suggested all the masks in his bag are leftover from covid and he loudly contested that he just bought them. He is just that arrogant.

No. 500838

Kek he would be a nightmare to argue with 'umm actuallyyy'

No. 500839

Karen let him loose too much. Tom dickey would never have allowed him to reply to letters before the sentencing and that's the correct way. I bet he went berserk after seeing the "fellow brothers" letter kek

No. 500841

Big mansplainer
Yeah I really don’t get it. She is I guess trying to play up the public appeal but you don’t do that by letting a retard run his mouth. Just make sure he is handsome when he appears in court and that’s it.

No. 500842

Yeah Thomas really is the better one out of the two of them.

No. 500844

He did model UN, so I bet he loves arguing. He’s probably debating with his fellow “brothers” right now kek

No. 500845

Yeah you know he wouldn’t be watching fancams all day

No. 500846

he brought these masks in altoona he probably knew they would find this out so he didn't wanna lie in court and it was the first time he saw his lawyer so he couldn't discuss things with him

No. 500848

Proof he bought them in Altoona? He clearly had masks before then, he was wearing them in NY kek he is retarded for speaking out

No. 500849

KEK this thread is filling fast just like the last 2.

No. 500851

I really want to know what Karen’s plan is. Letting retardigi yap in his letters and further incriminate himself while she interacts with teenage Stan account on Twitter doesn’t look too promising.
Maybe his parents should’ve let him have a public attorney like he originally wanted.

No. 500852

See, he wasn't directly asked a question so he didn't need to lie or tell the truth or do anything but sit tight and let Tom speak. But noooo he couldn't let the man with decades of experience speak and do his little lawyer dance with the judge, he JUST HAD TO speak over him and bury himself in shit. Feds now know this is his weakness so I'm 100% sure there are decoy letters being sent to him now to make him reveal something in those replies. Mark my words, he'll give himself the death penalty.

No. 500853

>decoy letters
HOLY KEK i hope so

No. 500856

boy loves yappin

No. 500858

>decoy letters
I think it’s interesting for the Karen letter leak I didn’t see that she follows that woman’s substack at all. There’s only one Karin in her following list but it’s spelled with an “i”. I just took it as an older lady lying but maybe this is apart of it. But also he maybe wrote it.

No. 500859

he brought them at cvs in altoona(he had the receipt in his bag)after being rejected by the motel

No. 500863

He will listen to all grifter daddies but not a lawyer daddy that is actually trying to help him?

Nonnies may not like him but i think dickey should give him some beating too

No. 500864

File: 1741726360843.webp (51.59 KB, 600x600, 1733705328084.webp)

Litterally had them in new york

No. 500865

Tag team lawyer beatings kek
Post image proof I want to see

No. 500867

File: 1741726653015.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1125x1500, IMG_4384.jpeg)

kek this can’t be real

No. 500868

Can you give at least an ounce of context

No. 500869

This is in reference to the other letter. Who made this to joke?

No. 500870

Go back and read the threads for context ffs do we have to repeat the whole lore every thread?

No. 500871

Who the fuck is Ivan and what is SYBAV since when was this Luigi lore. Is that the boyfriend he wants to steal from the other letter? Sorry I don’t know zoomer acronyms.

No. 500872

File: 1741726910602.jpeg (194.58 KB, 762x312, IMG_4385.jpeg)

here’s your context from the Isabel letter

No. 500873

means “shut your bitch ass up”

No. 500876

Okay interesting. People are getting good at faking Luigi’s signature it’s kind of funny. Can be used for evil

No. 500877

File: 1741727717583.jpeg (84.47 KB, 646x660, IMG_9554.jpeg)

Weegee I’ll think of you on the first week of December for the rest of my life.

No. 500878

>no grey hair
>no bigger saggier nose
>not even any nose hairs
>eyebrows not bushy enough

No. 500879

Will he even get to this age? depressing

No. 500880

File: 1741727859770.mp4 (15.04 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cv89vn7og65lk5eh08…)

context for new motion until it’s released

No. 500881

No, thankfully

No. 500882

I'd rather he die young and beautiful than this

No. 500884

File: 1741728150876.jpeg (201.22 KB, 828x909, IMG_6244.jpeg)

I wish girligi was real

No. 500886

I think luigi is too vain to let himself go that bad in prison, but who knows

No. 500887

Same… I would alog so many resource hoarding chYmps in nyc if it meant I could be in MDC with girligi.
But we all know womanigi would never have gotten caught.

No. 500888

No. 500889

womanigi would’ve never gotten caught, never went to ladyboy bars, never talked to ugly grifter scrotes, etc. She would’ve been a hot, sexy nerd. I need her.

No. 500890

She would have been better at chess and it wouldn’t have been creepy for her to refer to the other prisoners as fellow sisters either. She probably would have been an actual engineer, too.

No. 500891

Awww he's quoting his Altoona lawyer when he started arguing about the covid masks

No. 500893

Actual engineer and she wouldn't have killed Thomson because she has a real brain not some cog himbo shit. She would know Thomson would be replaced within 24 hours. She would kill Theil and Anderew witty. She would never get caught. She would serial alog all the top CEO execs every month under her demands for universal healthcare were met.
Then her and her fat Italian milkers would hide in the shadows, never getting caught. Ever. Just the photo of the smiling woman.

No. 500894

she would’ve actually went to therapy and not microdosed on shrooms. she wouldn’t orbit around old mid abg wannabe influencers

No. 500895

File: 1741729141610.jpg (1.21 MB, 1766x3410, cringe.jpg)

University fanfiction courtesy of kr.

No. 500896

I still can’t help but laugh at how Luigi overdosed on a shroom microdose

No. 500897

I unironically love these, her mind is so fascinating for all the wrong reasons.

No. 500898

He had a CVS receipt but was it ever photographed or said what he bought?

No. 500899

She wouldn’t have given a grifter a $200 gift for a subscription on her birthday.

No. 500900

File: 1741729461890.png (515.51 KB, 996x1720, lettercomments.png)

The woman who got the double-sided letter finally comments on it more. Killing myself.

No. 500901

File: 1741729487268.jpeg (32.61 KB, 283x336, IMG_6696.jpeg)

guess she used this photo as reference lol

No. 500902

She needs to just post the whole thing already, so tired of them playing this game

No. 500903

why don’t they just show it? it would make more sense especially if their sharing parts of the letter anyway.

No. 500904

fuck he was really in love with this single mom, he wrote a flirty two page letter

No. 500905

File: 1741729686044.png (21.35 KB, 796x275, 453262543.png)

he's REALLY loving those single moms

No. 500906

But his priiivacyyyyy!!

He gave up his right to privacy when he got caught like a retard

No. 500907

These old women are creepy and sad

No. 500908

Why is he writing to her about Spleuky tho if he's aware that she's a single mom?

No. 500909

Why does she act like Luigi is some wholesome wise guru when he was a stupid retard

No. 500910

No he won't

No. 500911

My guess is that she asked him what he'd do if he got ever out and he was just being honest about it by saying he'd replay Spelunky 2. I don't think he was thinking that deep about it. Plus, she's a millennial and they also grew up playing video games.

No. 500912

File: 1741729962156.gif (1.62 MB, 498x466, IMG_1988.gif)

single moms stay winning it’s so joever

No. 500913

i’m gonna larp as a single mom so weegee could eagerly write back to me

No. 500915

He is a retarded manchild and thinks it may make him seem more endearing. He is replying to the same type of women for a reason (they are literally his type) his narc behaviors are showing. I wonder if he will kill himself once the letters dry up.

No. 500916

you just gave me an idea for next weeks shitpost letter

No. 500917

Tom Dickey is far better than Karen

No. 500918

I’m just imagining her beautiful fucked up retarded mind body and soul… Yes she would be way smarter than Luigi but I would still need her to be slightly off-kilter. For Reasons.

No. 500919

I hate mommy lover Luigi so much. He's just begging for punishment!

No. 500920

Do you think she would reply to letters or be smart enough not to

No. 500922

>his letters dry up
>all that remains is my letters that alternate between me calling him a griftosexual retard and me going into excruciating detail about how I'm gonna rape him

No. 500923

nonas we should all just pretend to be old single moms so weegee would write back to us kek

No. 500924

His mommy fetish is so weird he has even started flirting from prison KEK

No. 500925

What did his mother do to him to make him have this level of issues?

No. 500926

She's definitely embellishing the flirting part

No. 500927

He is prepping himself by curating who he responds to so he can eventually pick a jail wife for conjugal visits and mommy son rp sex. So imagine you are chosen and you catfish him by being a girl around his age and he kills himself.

No. 500928

I bet he didn't. He's just talking about Gladiator. These women are all crazy.

No. 500929

There is not way he would want a menopausal woman

No. 500930

Unironically didn’t beat him enough
I don’t know… he is probably horny from all these single moms throwing themselves at his broken penis. Most attention he has ever received ever

No. 500931

File: 1741730389906.png (103.32 KB, 663x121, ej.png)

If she's EJ here, that means he was saving this letter specifically to write on Valentine's Day. It's so fucking over for anyone not a single mom.

No. 500932

next letter will be making fun of him for responding to single moms only

No. 500933

Better than replying to moids though

No. 500934

Of course not. He wants ages 40-45
He is such a creepy weirdo kekkk

No. 500935

his friend said she was very overbearing so ig she hovered over him a lot and coddled him too much.

No. 500936

He still wasted a stamp replying to anthropomorphic AIDS rather than to the nona who actually got a letter through to him.

No. 500937

I think there's probably more to it.

No. 500939

she would be too much of a Stacy to reply to letters, not that she would end up getting caught anyway.

No. 500940

Kek she really didn’t beat him enough and now he has a mommy fetish

No. 500941

Nothing about these letters makes sense other than what a nona said earlier that he trying to be a "man of the people"

No. 500942

man of the single moms and faggots

No. 500943

File: 1741730755216.png (193.78 KB, 365x606, fag.png)

Please don't remind me of that faggot

No. 500944

Man of the women he wants to fuck and one random faggot

No. 500945

Do we think hes on benzos or anti-psychotics in prison?

No. 500946

He wrote to this freak on Valentines Day too kek

No. 500947

He really saved certain people for Valentine’s huh he really is a grifter

No. 500948

I saw this on the front page and thought it was Lin Manuel Miranda

No. 500949

Weird that's it's chronically online people too

No. 500950

I would love her retarded fucked up mind. I would worship and protect her, unlike moidigi who I want to torture in a shipping container.

No. 500951

File: 1741730865980.gif (1.72 MB, 498x261, f0skawdgq9wxv98i.gif)

No. 500952

The enveloped was postmarked Valentine's Day. Julie had an envelope postmarked that day too but the letter itself was written on 2/13. Really hoping he didn't actually write back to that ugly thing on Valentine's Day.

No. 500953

It doesn’t matter anyway, Luigi chose him and not the nona whose letter he received and read

No. 500954

I have to laugh at anyone claiming he's flirting with them in letters. That's why the TikTok girl yesterday was actually so funny making fun of it but you all took her seriously.

No. 500955

It’s just something he would do

No. 500956

his mom should’ve spanked him

No. 500957

File: 1741731110495.png (425.05 KB, 682x672, 1740867572302.png)

>this kills the lc weegee wives

No. 500958

His mom should have literally stripped him naked and beat him with the strap.

No. 500959

Has even read his letter yet? Last I checked he hadn't even opened it.

No. 500960

I bet this moid frequents lpsg kek

No. 500961

not sure why nonnas actually fell for that fake letter it was clearly a joke

No. 500962

Of fucking course he does

No. 500963

knowing retardigi, you cannot be too sure

No. 500964

He only sent a postcard to Luigi, his reply is probably 2 sentences

No. 500965

based, please do it. he deserves to be shamed and to KNOW that we know of his poorly disguised fetish

No. 500966

She is a genius she got his handwriting and his pretentious unromantic attempt at romance perfectly

No. 500967

I will crush him this fool thinks he got a love letter too

No. 500968

100% do this. He needs to feel shame for once.

No. 500969

i’ll actually send it this week cause why not kekkkkk

No. 500970

We know him better than he knows himself

No. 500971

I wish I had an irl friend to troll Luigi with via letters, sit in the living room and craft a bunch of troll letters…

No. 500972

she probably wanted to beat him, but felt bad that he has back issues hence why she was extra overbearing

No. 500973

i can help with that nonny, don’t mind having my name on the envelopes kek

No. 500974

Hmmm. In my mind palace she was never caught and lives out the rest of her life as a mentally devastated woman that’s unable to properly integrate into the rest of society (probably escaped to a foreign country). The archetypal lone wolf that I swoop in to either save/make worse by… Well. I’ll spare you the details.

No. 500975

We need to flood him with mass trolling letters. One of them would get through.

No. 500977

He didnt as a child
We should at this point, his issue for encouraging letters so much

No. 500979

yes please someone help me out here with these troll letters

No. 500980

I thought he always dealt with back pain which got worse with age and eventually went to shit after his surfing accident

No. 500981

I want to write mean things to him but I am not inspired right now and I don’t want the letter rejected. Is there a way to tell him I want him in a dungeon or…?

No. 500982

Yeah he did have this as a child it's lifelong

No. 500983

Why did this stupid idiot ever go surfing? He didn't look after himself well enough.

No. 500985

personally Id just subtlety slip shit in.
Let him know about how gunwifter talked shit about him on hbo and all his "friends" are leaking shitloads of private conversations. Ask him about thailand and japan too.

No. 500986

yeah he really didn’t know how to take care of himself, that’s why he loves moms. awww retardigi, I’ll take care of you in my dungeon.

No. 500987

He loves moms because he is a retarded manchild and his mother should have beat him as early as three, who cares about his munchie back

No. 500988

I do think he should know about all of this actually. Even a sincere letter with no response from him I don't care. He should know.

No. 500989

Imagine his own mother seeing him replying to these horny old bags and calling other old moms incredible mothers but not even letting her visit or talking with her.

No. 500990


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 500991

He wanted to date them but he was too young and cute looking he would remind them of theirs sons… ironically if he was uglier he would have been able to date all the single moms
The world finds ways to be cruel to everyone huh

No. 500992

I wanna know the real issues. It must be huge. Is she a mommie dearest behind closed doors?

No. 500993

They wish!

No. 500995

Nobody wants ugly moids

No. 500996

She is probably relieved
He is probably just a weirdo, why must it always be the woman’s fault for a male’s fetish? Her daughters turned out fine

No. 500999

Damn these threads are moving fast I can't keep up

No. 501000

Has anyone dealt with or dated a guy with mommy issues before? What is it like? What was the dynamic between them that you saw?

No. 501001

idk I wouldn't date a moid with mommy issues.
I wouldn't date Luigi. I would be torturing him.

No. 501002

if I was her, I would drive to MDC Brooklyn, bend him over my knees, and give him the much needed spanking he deserved

No. 501003

All she needed to do was strech out the writing and it would have been perfect

No. 501004

Being sincerely honest, if you're asking this looking for real answers for some sort of sex fantasy just go ask the relationship advice thread or something. One of those ones.
Luigi deserves endless torture for not being born to be mine specifically. Sucks to suck.

No. 501005

All she needed to do was strech out the writing and it would have been perfect

No. 501006

She can't just turn up he has to put her on his approved visitors list kekk

No. 501007

He probably loves this power

No. 501008

You don't think he has his own mother on the approved visitors list? You're right he probably doesn't. He probably has all of the grifters he's ever loved on his approved visitors list, just in case they're interested in seeing him kek

No. 501010

It’s weird. They’re resentful towards their mom, but are trying to seek validation and attention from other older women. The one guy I know who has mommy issues has been dating a single mother who is 20 years older than him for 4 years now. Her son is older than him kek

No. 501011

It must be a complete mind fuck to see everyone lusting after your stupid retarded murderer son

No. 501012

Ugh gross. How old is she?

No. 501013

If he doesn’t put me on that list, I will threaten to stop paying for his protection in prison so moe lester might start touching him in his sleep.

No. 501014

In her 50s kek

No. 501015

Yeah imagine being his mother, wondering when Luigi will ever mature enough to finally have a long term girlfriend that he loves, and that he will one day marry and start a family with, and then you realize now his real type all along was you.
Luigi's dream…

No. 501016

unfortunately a lot of moids have gross freudian tastes. he’s also a zoomer moid, they love cringe “dommy mommy” crap cause they’re childish and never grew up.

No. 501017

For his sisters too lol

No. 501018

This is worse for me than trannygate

No. 501019

File: 1741733671145.jpeg (828.65 KB, 1039x1992, IMG_9569.jpeg)

I think he’d quickly get on my nerves if I ever met him.

No. 501020

What the fuck is wrong with him?

No. 501021

It must be so sad to be his mother

No. 501022

I already know I wouldn’t get along with Luigi if I met him. I would intensely hate-fuck him until his back fully caved in regardless though.

No. 501023

huh he actually says he wants the opposite of his mother in this

No. 501024

Come to Italy

No. 501025

he says that, but he still secretly yearns to find another strict mom who he can try to impress as a way to cope with his mommy issues

No. 501026

Who switches the fork to their right hand?? You can use your left hand to bring it to your mouth

No. 501027

He hates you, kills a man, becomes internationally famous, tells other old women writing to a fucking murderer in prison they are incredible moms, blames you for everything, ruins your family name forever, drains your finances with expensive lawyers just to spend the rest of his life in prison eating ramen and replying to equally retarded penpals. He is the worst son.

No. 501028

He needs to be allowed to have a daughter to pass these genes on. She needs to exist dammit!

No. 501029

His mother does sound unbearable

No. 501030

We need to clone weegee. solid girligi needs to exist

No. 501031

He's an asshole kek
Not only eating ramen but also playing games with rapeapes, I mean, 'fellow brothers' if I were his mother I'd disown him or kill myself (I hope she doesn't kill herself)
Same, he'd be so condescending I would just argue with him all the time, call him retarded, and tell him that based on who he associates with he himself is an NPC cog. Do you think he could fall in love with a woman who hates him…?
She sounds like the average parent

No. 501032

Is it too late to make another son?

No. 501033

No. 501034

>solid girligi needs to exist
We need her!

No. 501035

If you showed this to Luigi he would kill himself

No. 501036

It's fucking stupid to eat like this.

No. 501037

American style is retarded

No. 501039

It's just a way for old money to recognize each other in formal settings. Nouveau riche wouldn't know/care for these old rules

No. 501041

Not true, I was taught this.

No. 501043

Annoying ultra rich socialites. My great-aunt used to force me to do the same thing as a child lol

No. 501044

we can also have liquid girligi and solidus girligi

No. 501045

this is why I eat steak with my bare hands like a feral animal

No. 501046

>average parent
Sounds like elite shit you do to entertain other rich assholes.
I fucking hate dining ettequite and unfortunately I empathize with retardigi on this one. He won't be eating with a fork and knife around me, he will eat dog kibble with his hands tied.

No. 501047

His mother should prank him 4/01 by pulling his protection funding and then Luigi wonders why Moe Lester and Ray Pist don't want to make friendship bracelets anymore and they want to play 'fisty blisty' instead
No, it's not. I don't have rich parents and they'd always judge me over basic eating etiquette like that and pull the "what will you do when you're at a dinner date with a future partner" it's annoying and I literally don't use knives at all, but it's nothing to cry and mope about like Luigi. He experienced a normal family moment and wrote about it like it was profound because he's soulless.

No. 501049

File: 1741734871299.png (22.15 KB, 801x271, em.png)

another crumb

No. 501050

>Luigi thinks he's like a genie
I kind of want him to die. Tomorrow.

No. 501051

Either they're drugging him or he's losing it

No. 501052

Sounds like you have judgy ass parents if they shit themselves over what hand you hold the knife with. They might not be rich but they are cog brained. I don't know why youre getting pissy about luigi hating that crap when you yourself hate it.

No. 501053

>Luigi calling himself a genie
Oh hell ho. I'm not writing to him

No. 501054

They're not rich, they just wanted their daughter to marry rich.

No. 501055

Cog brained.

No. 501056

Luigi already tries to get the attention of grifter moids who hate him, I’m sure he’ll fall in love with a woman who hates him just fine

No. 501057

I'm not getting pissy over him hating it, but if that's the reason over him hating his mother he's retarded. My parents aren't cogs they're just old as fuck
Girl what this isn't true KEK

No. 501058

eh I do agree his mom was annoying about the etiquette thing. that’s probably why luigi wanted to larp as a poor person so badly, he probably felt so out of place among his rich family and friends. don’t get me wrong though, he is still a retard

No. 501059

I believe he is likely on some medication

No. 501060

I hope they put him on a crazy drug cocktail so the next time he appears in court he's drooling all over himself

No. 501061

why is he writing to weird looking single mothers when he should be answering our letters. we need to start pretending that we have kids kek

No. 501063

Die eMiLy!!

No. 501064

Is he choosing people he thinks he can grift? Does he think these people will donate? Give him more Pokemon books?

No. 501065

Oh for sure, Luigi is 100% a certified retard who really needed to grow up on an island or some place where he could learn street smarts instead of getting his ass constantly patted for retaining and regurgitating information from a book.
I don't think Luigi hates his mom AT ALL. I think he has issues with his family as a whole but it has less to do with them as people and more to do with the ladder climbing and overall amorality of growing up in a more privilaged, higher income bracket.
I think the memory stuck with him as an example of far bigger issues than what hand to hold the knife with, but idk. Luigi is stupid. He's so god damn stupid and he should have come to me for advice and avoided talking to all moids and cog women like the plague.

No. 501066

Yep something is off with him with some of these letter ngl. Dude is trippin some days.

No. 501067

I agree over the ladder/social climbing and amorality. He def hated it.

No. 501068

File: 1741735750104.jpg (63.5 KB, 268x372, Valerie_Solanas_by_Fred_W._McD…)

What if Luigi had read SCUM Manifesto instead of Industrial Society and Its Future?

No. 501069

Not but for real this is embarrassing. Lady get off the internet pretending Luigi likes you and look after your child.

No. 501070

He would have killed Banksy instead

No. 501071

He would better himself by being in awe of women and their artistry through different mediums

No. 501072

He could've chose to live a more humble life but instead went to Surfshack kek. So who gives a shit about how he feels about the life he chose to continue living.
Zhou Fael Le and Hugh M. Trafficker let him huff their secret jenkum supply
He would actually have a longterm girlfriend he submits himself to in all ways

No. 501074

what does this moid think this is? a wattpad novel? i wish him the chair

No. 501077

Luigi has 0 street smarts and is very retarded. On one hand, I still have a soft spot for him so I would be protective of him against ugly jealous griftoids and bpdemons. On the other hand, I know he would get on my nerves so fast with his infantile shit and pretentiousness, so I would beat him with a paddle everyday.

No. 501078

>geniegi comes to me and offers to grant a wish
>Luigi is now mpreg

No. 501079

I unironically would love to get him mpreg

No. 501080

what a horrible day to have eyes

No. 501081

KEK he thinks he's the protagonist
Aww, he gives birth to a prison baby and his "fellow brothers" can help raise it, so cute

No. 501082

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Not now sweetie mommy needs to show off online with my full government name and face to retarded tween fangirls of the murderer who replied to my prison wife mail

No. 501083

Ok he really does need a rape correction.

No. 501084


No. 501085

He's high as fuck even in prison

No. 501086

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another one fuck him

No. 501087

File: 1741736366722.gif (1 MB, 273x320, 85A1538D-4875-49F1-9E81-DFE48B…)

genie? Ice cream cone? Luigi what

No. 501088

File: 1741736385673.webp (90.04 KB, 1000x561, 007image09.webp)

>Aww, he gives birth to a prison baby and his "fellow brothers" can help raise it, so cute
Kr needs to make a prison baby comic. It would be so wholesome!

No. 501089

>raises the baby in prison
Nope, that's my baby. I'm the single mom now with HIS baby. He has to write to me and I'm just gonna take half his donation money and send him rapefics

No. 501090

He is doing to torment his own mother (and us)

No. 501091

He can't, he's trying to curate his fanbase like an engineer!
He is so fucking retarded his IQ is probably 95
>zhou fael le
>ray pist
>the baby
>hugh m. trafficker
>moe lester
>Luigi himself

No. 501092

Why would he reach out to? Parasocial lunacy kek

No. 501093

Not sharing cause it's probably just this

Hi, Jessica

Thanks for the support. Donate to my fund.


No. 501094

It's so deserved, Luigi was a parasocial freak to those grifters and now he has a bunch of parasocial single moms after him… except he loves it because he's a narc. He should've been aborted, this way instead of going to Hell and suffering forever he could've been added to God's sacred lava lamp

No. 501095

>He deserves privacy so let me tell you all about it
Either post the whole letter or keep quiet, this is so annoying.

No. 501096

Right? "Let me show off… but just a little!! Heurrr deurrr"

No. 501097

>reach out
He would ask his family for personalized requests…these people. It reminds me of when I went on Reddit in January and someone wanted to buy him reg clothes. Do they not know he’s in a detention center with a prison uniform?

No. 501098

>"please reach out if he ever needs anything at all" kekkkkk

She will never hear from him again.

No. 501099

>please I need you to describe to me your marital status and if you have any progeny and whether or not any of them have autism, it's really important

No. 501100

Do tell me what exactly /she/ can fucking give him

No. 501102

Noooo Im glad I have luigi eye candy and I can watch him go insane. Plus he murdered an ugly moid. Out of all the men who should be aborted (90% of the current scrote population) luigi is not one of them.

No. 501103


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No. 501104

Money KEK

No. 501105

>someone wanted to buy him reg clothes. Do they not know he’s in a detention center with a prison uniform?
These people are so fucking stupid and insane. It's like none of them even realize he is fucking prison and not summer camp. Who the fuck are these people and where did they come from? They probably believe the Kr comics are reality too.

No. 501106

can retardigi reply to one of our letters already, i wanna see what he says ugh

No. 501107

That's all anything of this is all about and really the only true way these dumb bitches can support him. Just donate you losers.

No. 501108

>Not married? Not divorced? No kids? Blacklisted.

No. 501109

She's living in a fantasy world

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