File: 1727918544383.png (992.88 KB, 1024x643, badart.png)

No. 420192
ITT post shitty art. This can include:
>shit anatomy>confusing compositions>bizarre, autistic subject matter>uncanny valley faces>incompetent technique>recolors/tracing/theftDo not:
>Post loli, shota, or any other kind of fetish art depicting children>Vendetta-post>Post porn or fetish material. Shitty fetish art now has its own dedicated thread ( >>>/m/166120 )>Post AI-generated images. ( >>>/m/385404 )>Self-postRemember that there are other threads for art feedback (
>>>/m/373122 ), art trades/requests (
>>>/m/383598 ), artist salt (
>>>/ot/2116126 ), and shitty comics
>>>/m/390554Previous Thread:
>>>/m/407142First Pre-Wipe Thread
>>>/ot/61892First Post-Wipe Thread:
>>>/m/186753 No. 420195
File: 1727918803051.jpg (Spoiler Image,332.75 KB, 2048x1678, GY1kOTbWoAAnTzO.jpg)

Made the new thread as soon as I came across this kek
No. 420197
File: 1727919006348.png (8.18 KB, 845x800, tumblr_32365043fdc30b1f90ce316…)

Why is trans Peppino a thing??
No. 420198
File: 1727919275719.gif (748.85 KB, 352x198, kingcobrajfs-boglim.gif)

>>420195Looks like KingCobraJFS' dirty ass chair. Also how does a dog have pubes?
No. 420203
File: 1727919679392.jpg (270.31 KB, 1582x1951, GY1kOTmW4AAbX66.jpg)

>>420198I have no clue but she(?) really loves drawing pubes on animals
No. 420207
File: 1727923621491.jpg (Spoiler Image,107.57 KB, 720x432, Screenshot_20241002_224454.jpg)

No. 420243
File: 1727935182860.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.4 KB, 828x920, boys_by_kasanemichael_dgunfvo-…)

>>420207KEKKK I just came here to post her
No. 420244
File: 1727935261916.jpg (126.66 KB, 828x828, jojo_fans_dni_by_kasanemichael…)

No. 420276
File: 1727956496832.jpeg (289.53 KB, 1280x1778, tumblr_o3fl8coBBN1r6a1vco1_128…)

It started like this
No. 420277
File: 1727956536127.jpg (Spoiler Image,140.74 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_7a2bfb4a9126fe656c85b2f…)

>>420276Then ended like this
No. 420283
>>420244Honestly kasanemichael is kind of a personal cow lmao her art is so tryhard edgy 2000s vkei and she gets
triggered if someone has a similar oc or is inspired by her work despite her oc just being a dio rip off.
No. 420292
File: 1727960065080.png (Spoiler Image,4.74 MB, 3536x4504, 86127476_tLZG2xjcN.png)

>>420244funny to think her friend casin0s got bullied off the internet for drawing "nazi uniforms" that were actually gakuran
but here's she, drawing kawaii nazi not like other girls with rape and mutilation
No. 420318
File: 1727965543299.webp (52.15 KB, 635x767, clscj44blesd1.webp)

torso for days
No. 420349
File: 1727972561143.jpeg (Spoiler Image,361.91 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_2020.jpeg)

I hate this account so much,it’s not even his worst shit
No. 420474
File: 1727996578686.jpg (248.3 KB, 2000x1765, bafkreie7inbfcejktux7by3siwqr3…)

I get this but no
No. 420478
>>420320I remember it was because a minor was vividly talking about how she was rubbing her genitals on a pillow or some shit like that, and casin0s would respond back and let her keep going on about it in their server where there were other adults. When people pointed it out, she was like “I was held back in school, so I still think kids talking raunchy is normal!” despite her being in her 20s when this was all happening, with other adult TIF groomers present too. I think the kid was 14 while this happened. While some may consider it as not a big deal since teens are prone to be vulgar, it’s still weird as fuck to be in your 20s and enable kids talking like that amongst other adults. She should have either shut it down or walked away from it. Instead, she doubled down and mentioned that bit about being held back. Looking back, a lot of her OCs were middle to high school kids too.
>>420327Not sure about this. Funamusea’s art is somewhat generic chibi-ish style on super plain gijinkas. It just looks like Puyo Puyo, Popn Music, or Panty and Stocking imo. Not to mention everyone and their mom drew gijinkas or angel/devil shit way before in general. Don’t know too much about adopt culture, but casin0s put a lot more detail and color into her stuff likely because adopts tend to sell more if they’re busy-looking while keeping a generic form. She also drew actual anatomically normal looking figures with actual hands and feet quite often instead of cankles square-finger bobblehead people. IIRC similar thing happened to another artist who went by pyohato, where people claimed she drew like funamusea, but if you go back to her old art, she just drew a ton of Popn Music/Puyo Puyo fanart, so I’m willing to give casin0s the benefit of the doubt here a bit.
No. 420645
File: 1728048202700.jpg (123.86 KB, 850x1231, 1720374279263.jpg)

>>420197Same reason why the TF2 men have troon art. Many TIFs love edgy and gross media made by men for men that don't overdo the edge and gross out factor.
Not even Nonas with ugly husbandos are safe. Maybe they are the least safe of all.
No. 420712
File: 1728060362160.png (1.45 MB, 1079x1199, 1000001770.png)

This artist is so fucking annoying
No. 420731
File: 1728064646978.jpg (291.05 KB, 1558x1668, 20241004_195618.jpg)

No. 420738
File: 1728065440349.jpg (73.46 KB, 862x1076, d4359bfe1bd55a26010a8364ad914f…)

This is really old but I'm glad this art style isn't as popular as it was anymore.
No. 420742
File: 1728065876380.png (1.41 MB, 1051x1253, creepyface.png)

Honestly looks like AI but it isn't this artist has over 90,000 followers.
No. 420753
File: 1728067137382.png (367.77 KB, 1080x1971, lol.png)

>>420748She also blocks anyone who dares says it's AI kek what a retard she is.
No. 420754
File: 1728067227745.png (981.57 KB, 1080x1918, notantiAi.png)

>>420748The funny thing is that she is not even anti AI and actually gets inspiration from AI art on Pinterest which is suspicious of course.
No. 420758
File: 1728068374767.jpg (237.4 KB, 1793x1521, GW18OpTXUAAJuIP.jpg)

Rose and Jade aren't in this picture because Dave ate them
No. 420798
File: 1728076543921.jpg (270.85 KB, 1715x2000, bafkreidk44vdkc3zeuefdkcofwqbq…)

Who the hell would buy an ugly adopt like this?
No. 420815
File: 1728080714750.png (1.01 MB, 780x1005, IMG_5549.png)

No. 420873
File: 1728096065335.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.21 MB, 1791x2047, tumblr_37a8767afdaec45b9b99c61…)

>>420720Nah the artist is alternating between using she and he for the character which is apparently something people do. I've even seen it being used in fanfics. So they refer to one character as both she and he within the same paragraph. It pisses me off so badly.
No. 420884
File: 1728098927441.png (3.36 MB, 1589x1230, lol always.png)

>>420244i hate this artist, she constantly spergs about other artists taking inspiration from her ugly sparkle dog tier ocs meanwhile she steals from other artists without giving credit
No. 420888
File: 1728100088434.jpg (231.09 KB, 850x1212, sample_66765d779bfc9b77fa9d725…)

>>420886Her non coom art is really good, and its impressive she went from THE tumblr artist to being able to mimick japanese artists without a trace of her tumblery past. I like how she imitates the look of gacha cards and promotional anime art.
No. 420921
File: 1728112360547.jpg (298.81 KB, 2048x1689, 1000014366.jpg)

>>420192Hey! My post made the threadpic kek, loved the replies from nonas in the last thread.
Here's threadtax, note the watermark.
No. 420928
File: 1728115248772.jpg (1.1 MB, 1382x969, jenny wakeman.jpg)

2020 vs 2022, what a downgrade, i think it's funny how these two particular drawings are missing from her art archive and deleted from all her accounts, it's like she knows she'd get compared to puppychan
>>420712mr beast fujoshi jumpscare
No. 420936
File: 1728116521686.jpeg (377.12 KB, 2048x1819, F6ECsgeWUAAr_RO.jpeg)

>>420888Yeah I guess she's pretty good at mimicking other anime artist
No. 420948
>>420885You can pick a better source of inspiration I promise. You don't have to respect her.
>>420915They hate you because you speak the truth.
No. 420965
>>420934>are you new? sure you can the artist in question has a feeder fetishThe pic in itself doesn't reflect any of that so it doesn't fit this thread as opposed to her actual fetish art, and most of us who didn't know that wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at
>>420888 which is the pic I was talking about
No. 420967
>>420885>>420888She's good at imitating artstyles, but that's also because she was never particularly bad to begin with, it was the subject matter that made it look bad.
Her anatomy and compositions weren't full of distracting errors in this
>>420276 and if you don't know the source material it just looks like a western cartoon instead of an off model vitiligo monster like most tumblr style atrocities.
It makes me wonder how many people did the whole tumblr fat blackwashing vitiligo shit just to get more attention on that website. That Spirou yaoi artist Terry apparently also drew tumblr style Homestuck fanart before going edgy.
No. 420974
>>420927This is lolcow, the land of the double standards. She’s probably just mad that it’s a woman drawing anime girls from notoriously himejoshi-filled fandoms, instead of little shota boys and anime twinks. It’s similar to the reaction other nonnas got with that “Get Pregnant” meme in the bad comics thread, where they absolutely detested when it was two women, but found it funny with two men despite no change in art style. That bit aside, really hate to break it to people here, but there’s a reason why weeb stuff is more appealing than ugly fat vitiligo art when it comes to marketing to the general public. She can call it ‘soulless’ all she wants, but the fact of the matter is that if this artist just drew her regular animu fanart, she would have never become widely made fun of to begin with. You can make the most “soulful” fugly Steven Universe the sequel art, but nobody would want that shit on a global scale unless they didn’t care for media to begin with. Meanwhile, an animu that looks generic with ok-ish writing can be seen as decent and widely appeal to more people. Let’s be real, when it comes to something ugly versus something visually appealing, with both having OK writing, people would choose the latter. This is literally the site with a ton of generic anime man husbando/yumejoshi/VN game threads, where people think a slightly realistic normal-looking man is an ugly man psyop and losing their minds over not having enough of generic skinny pale anime boys to have as husbandos. Unless I see the same seething happening over generic pretty boys, I don’t think the vitriol towards this artist is coming from a genuine place. I think she’s genuinely decent at drawing, simple as.
No. 421001
File: 1728139473411.jpeg (Spoiler Image,155.85 KB, 1556x2048, IMG_6802.jpeg)

>>420888Decided to check out her more recent art and goodness, I like anime but this is so boring and bad. I’d say that she needs to add her own flare but if it makes her successful then whatever.
No. 421008
File: 1728141243958.png (Spoiler Image,684.84 KB, 1200x1200, pedoshit.png)

>>421001thats not even the worse one..spoiler for lolishit
apparently this is a "loli" vtuber who also has comm'd a pissing art of this child character its clear shes copying the love lives anime style.
No. 421009
>>420926I have a BFA in illustration anon
>>420974You aren't even mad at me, you're mad at an imaginary person you made up in your head. None of the opinions you assume I have are things I actually think. For instance I have no idea why you concluded that I must be a shotafag who finds Steven Universe "soulful."
No. 421015
File: 1728143911899.png (197.69 KB, 1386x1558, media_GD6a66Na4AAW0yH.png)

>>420244I thought that was Dio at first lmao
Thread tax or smth (pls don't look at nsfw art of this OP ok?)
No. 421035
File: 1728153740253.png (1.1 MB, 1833x980, image (15).png)

>>420915I also thought that she improved a lot, but a second into her streams you would realize that all her drawings are traced from 3D models.
No. 421039
File: 1728157202797.jpg (239.56 KB, 720x941, Screenshot_20241005_153749_edi…)

No. 421040
File: 1728158675187.jpeg (288.6 KB, 1280x1778, 1727956496832.jpeg)

>>420276life imitates art
No. 421087
File: 1728174670992.png (222.57 KB, 848x1200, GZI6knNbYAA8JxG.png)

the proportions kek i love gojofags
No. 421103
File: 1728180870931.jpg (276.69 KB, 1170x1295, 1221.jpg)

>>420974the OP literally said that steven universe style is ugly too, what in the schizophrenia
No. 421106
File: 1728182162285.jpeg (447.83 KB, 1440x1440, 451024538_474089442006446_5756…)

This is so cursed dear goodness why would anyone make something like this?
No. 421107
File: 1728182219309.png (785.71 KB, 1280x1230, tumblr_static_filename_2048_v2…)

Sausage Party fanart is so embarrassingly bad (this is old but still)
No. 421119
File: 1728184285308.jpeg (158.47 KB, 1845x2048, GQY0fcvWoAAA2nq.jpeg)

No. 421246
File: 1728236460860.jpg (105.18 KB, 1080x1080, ç.jpg)

No. 421287
File: 1728244805031.jpg (261.8 KB, 1302x2000, bafkreifuaijvxa2yyrtsjevw3zwcg…)

This is so badly drawn even the perspective is weird
No. 421292
File: 1728245715164.jpg (276.17 KB, 1026x720, plhk0.jpg)

>>421035I was giving her the benefit of doubt since in your screencap it seemed she wasn't fully following the model, so I went to check her stream (another one, all those vtubers look the same god) and yeah she is following the models 1:1. There's still skill needed for drawing hair and clothing, but getting the base well lifts most of your art's hard work alone.
Is tracing so much that common nowadays? People has always done it, but for small things like an arm on a tricky perspective or to get the eye position right, tracing the whole body is wild to me. I don't even know why she does it when her artistic base is pretty good.
No. 421389
File: 1728270023235.jpg (272.51 KB, 1292x1806, creepy.jpg)

tif art is too easy
No. 421409
>>421403Do you do this with literally everybody who claims to have expertise on something? Do you try to debate people with law degrees, then tell them they're wrong about law because a handful of retards like Rudy Juliani and Sidney Powell passed their bar exams? Do you refuse medical treatment because Dr. Oz is a quack, therefore a medical doctorate is worthless? No, you fucking idiot. You're just nitpicking my credentials to distract from the fact that you made an ass of yourself defending a no-talent tracer.
Let's say I run into one of the drawing threads and post something, just to prove to you that I actually know what the hell I'm talking about. You've already demonstrated that you have shit judgement, so what value would your opinion of my artwork even have?
No. 421495
File: 1728291884246.jpg (215.88 KB, 1374x817, Untitled.jpg)

guess the character (hard mode)
No. 421501
hint: from a video game
No. 421513
File: 1728297716549.jpeg (Spoiler Image,869.98 KB, 1448x2048, M7CqR38.jpeg)

No. 421553
>>421506Nah come on you'd know he'd rock up to a beach still wearing that leather trenchcoat.
>>421513Are they measuring their clits
No. 421568
>>421495The G-Man from
No. 421627
File: 1728330284778.jpg (333.13 KB, 1516x2000, bafkreigbfj5m2dlluuarxw6ivlsm2…)

No. 421651
File: 1728334630660.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.78 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg)

micolash from bloodborne No. 421671
>>421416Take a look at the infight going on in the "rate my art" thread. That clusterfuck is why it's retarded to post your artwork in response to an argument. I could be the fucking reincarnation of Rembrandt and you'd still call my art shit, because that's how you'd "win" the argument. Same applies to when people post their hands: they get berated and called trannies anyway, so what's the point?
I'd like to know why
you're caping so hard for someone who traces and draws shitty animu coom. I reiterate: you have horrible taste if that's the sort of shit you defend. Why would I post my artwork to appease someone who clearly has no concept of quality? Your opinion is fucking worthless, and you're going to say my art sucks regardless of what it actually looks like because we're having an argument.
(reviving an infight) No. 421791
File: 1728361516106.jpg (153.95 KB, 1178x1361, GFgq6muXwAAR1UB.jpg)

i don't think this is necessarily bad art, but is anyone else disturbed by the way people (usually ftms for SOME REASON) draw big buff manly characters with like… heavy eyeshadow and lashes like this? he looks so trimmed and faggy despite being a huge hairy man
No. 421873
File: 1728378451297.jpg (315.38 KB, 1356x1600, Finn icon flat.jpg)

No. 421875
File: 1728378478330.png (794.7 KB, 680x680, ESSp859WoAI5i41.png_small.png)

No. 421977
File: 1728422056683.jpg (67.02 KB, 728x1030, anime-anime-girls-rebuild-of-e…)

Big head
No. 421978
File: 1728422098211.jpg (80.87 KB, 728x1312, makinami-mari-illustrious-asuk…)

No. 422118
File: 1728473318479.jpg (163.95 KB, 720x778, 1719066036194_edit_12673572445…)

No. 422171
File: 1728488482949.webp (9.94 MB, 2766x2795, brazilianmiku.webp)

bad anatomy
No. 422251
>>422171The issue with Brazilian Miku is that she's being drawn by Brazilian scrotes.
>>422197Even when they try to make her ~sexy~ in official merch it just feels weird and unnatural.
No. 422272
File: 1728501633708.jpg (175.04 KB, 1342x2000, bafkreiepwvmiv2feh5gifbmlvgu2x…)

Fail, doesn't even look like Disgust.
No. 422276
File: 1728502075149.jpeg (121.58 KB, 1360x1080, F6O0T4XbwAAWgb3.jpeg)

I hate PhilTomato's art so much
No. 422291
File: 1728503275791.jpg (963.67 KB, 1920x2019, philtomato-mistywbg.jpg)

>>422276men who draw nothing but shit like this are such fucking faggots i can't explain it
No. 422301
File: 1728504111241.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1461, shittyart.png)

>>422276>>422291Look at this,what's with the rubber torso and backwards hand?it's so strange seeing Encantó characters sexualized like this.
No. 422376
File: 1728516775243.jpg (184.02 KB, 1562x2000, bafkreifih4cwcca5e5yk3nram4xkb…)

Logged in to Bluesky and saw this, definitely belongs here.
No. 422410
File: 1728525245799.jpeg (377.68 KB, 2036x1723, 1ZaFwA5.jpeg)

No. 422418
File: 1728526074186.jpg (460.89 KB, 1600x1018,…)

This made me laugh,it's just so awful.
No. 422420
File: 1728526197949.jpg (Spoiler Image,416.95 KB, 3234x1793, wallhaven-m3kz51.jpg)

This is absolutely grotesque.
No. 422426
File: 1728527039623.png (828.79 KB, 850x550, BksyFwT.png)

No. 422472
File: 1728534782639.jpg (216.57 KB, 800x1123, chris_sanders_puzzle_piece_by_…)

>>422276>>422291>>422301I give it to him that he's at least slightly better than chris sanders
No. 422482
File: 1728536450261.png (280.33 KB, 335x298, Untitled.png)

>>422472is this a self portrait? creepy old man all by himself constantly gazing at young women who want nothing to do with him.
No. 422492
File: 1728537424824.png (392.27 KB, 531x709, sodycropped.png)

>>422484john k does the same thing, men who draw like this are predators
No. 422508
File: 1728540868538.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.92 KB, 820x1072, 215.jpg)

>>422498that's all men tbh. I just dont understand how anyone can get off to something so cartoony and weird looking, i get it when moids draw coom like pic rel. But you needto be mentally challenged to get off to
>>422492 or
>>422472 No. 422513
File: 1728542187786.jpg (248.59 KB, 820x1072, 307.jpg)

>>422511Its from Kim Jung gi. Amazing artist but also a massive coomer. Thankfully his autism drove him to draw a lot of cool shit outside of coom. He was very talented, but died very young. Rest in piss autism king.
No. 422522
>>422519it's a troon ladyboy raping a hippo with his girldick
i literally have always had 0 respect for him as an artist because he draws gross shit like that, so much so that i lose the respect for any artist who likes or respects him too
No. 422536
File: 1728548393025.jpg (258.86 KB, 820x1072, 306.jpg)

>>422535But i dont follow him for the coom though(and he's also dead), have you ever looked at one of his sketchbooks? most of it is things unrelated to coom. His older sketchbooks are the best for that, too.
No. 422549
>>422546It's retarded to claim that it's verboten to enjoy the non-fetish pieces of art drawn by a guy who's dead anyway. It isn't as though anon is defending the coom art itself, she's just saying that she likes his other work. What harm is being caused here, seriously?
>waaah lc sucks nowThis is how I know you joined in the last few years. Lolcow was not originally like this, with all this zealotry over how evil moids are, or moralfagging about anime. This site was founded by /cgl/ anons, lest we forget.
No. 422690
>>422410This kinda looks like if you forced the WITCH artist to draw a DC comic kek.
Wouldn't look that bad if it weren't for that weird line on his cheek. The mismatched pseudo-anime eyes on the superman(?) guy look worse.
No. 422707
>>422628We're getting off-topic, but in the early days Lolcor had more of a transmedicalist bent, where most troons were viewed as "faking," but anons believed that there was a small percentage of "real" ones. For instance, the fakeboi threads were originally about trenders and women who pretend to be male online, but was eventually expanded to include all TiFs.
There's always been man hate on Lolcow, but it began as the more casual man-hate you see in female communities in general, maybe a little more intense sense /cgl/ anons were personally exposed to some of the worst moid behavior that exists online. It took on more of an overtly political quality here later on.
No. 422710
>>422410Lmao I actually know the exact comicbook this came from. I've read it.
>>422690>the superman(?) guyThat's Superboy (Conner Kent)
No. 422781
File: 1728593588890.jpg (151.26 KB, 900x1200, Miku-Fairy-1.jpg)

>>422497it's from a pokemon collab, the design is so cute
No. 422795
File: 1728596401354.png (826.68 KB, 1080x1409, 1000049994.png)

no this was not drawn by a child, or even the typical male autist but a scrote worshipping anti-feminist woman.
No. 422800
File: 1728597364487.jpg (290.01 KB, 1594x2000, bafkreieieqrbiwie5amivhdgdtbiq…)

A lot of moid artists don't know how to make cyclop girls appealing and it shows.I think she needs some eye drops asap.
No. 422802
File: 1728597885301.jpg (213.18 KB, 1150x2000, bafkreicouzppq6ngg36hhxwzt3lmg…)

Tiny head & huge body
No. 422831
File: 1728607109848.jpeg (75.86 KB, 1024x668, GZGW2j_WYAAhyYI.jpeg)

>general gendie shit
No. 422835
File: 1728607974444.png (86.4 KB, 187x352, 89987887.png)

Weird porpotions from recent dresden codak.
No. 422841
File: 1728610042380.jpg (290.23 KB, 1554x2000, bafkreihljeg3vytaawrw5rhrcodnu…)

>shit anatomy
>confusing compositions
>incompetent technique
No. 422848
File: 1728610791903.png (2.86 MB, 1170x1583, IMG_6808.png)

>>422835Did everyone stop shitting on the artist for all the women having their tits and ass out now that he's a true and honest woman
No. 422855
>>422848Seems like it. Saw someone defending him for it on tumblr, something like "of course woman attracted to woman is going to draw tits!"
that page
>horrible fashion (tit window & nonsencial cardigan)>Kim staring at the other woman's breasts>wall moves from being far away in one panel to right next to them so he can have "hot lesbain wall pinning action"I wish he had his own thread but there's probably not enough milk.
No. 422889
File: 1728620875420.png (Spoiler Image,2.29 MB, 1726x1842, 060420b6.png)

No. 422890
File: 1728620897665.png (131.24 KB, 500x674, Cool_feminist_(waifu)_characte…)

>>422848I remember when before he transitioned, he got real butthurt over this silly comic that Mary Cagle (a comic creator who knows how to
actually write female characters) made making a fun of "feminist" men's waifu OCs.
It wasn't even directed at
him but he threw a hissy fit anyway.
No. 422898
File: 1728625938623.jpg (2.55 MB, 2048x2048, tumblr_93287479d17a9a6b166cac8…)

Who the fuck simps for Stanley pines
No. 422942
>>422752It's because of porn
>>422898>Who the fuck simps for Stanley pinesAnon, I…
No. 423024
File: 1728657877497.png (402.85 KB, 855x552, whoa sked for this.png)

He wants 100k to animate this
No. 423036
File: 1728660366583.png (333.5 KB, 2146x2777, 1728268284999934.png)

Spotted goatfag on /ic/ the other day. The final boss of NGMIs
No. 423050
>>423047from her post
>wanted to see if i could redraw someone's submission faster than they did. almost got therebut who knows, maybe shes a secret agent and knows the truth
No. 423061
File: 1728665875813.png (1.29 MB, 1079x1347, 1000016423.png)

No. 423161
File: 1728701497969.jpg (71.09 KB, 988x1200, da9e1edfb11e7118184b22aa3a8e6c…)

No. 423167
File: 1728703139889.jpg (150.31 KB, 857x1200, F9RH5UTWoAAYtSj.jpg)

No. 423189
File: 1728707840559.jpeg (Spoiler Image,66.14 KB, 894x894, IMG_7774.jpeg)

This is literally the first fanart of this character ever posted to deviant art(possibly the first ever period) KEKKKKKKK.
No. 423312
File: 1728748522348.jpeg (202.49 KB, 1481x2048, GWmW3JIawAAsCtW.jpeg)

this is what gets you 152k likes on shitter
No. 423316
File: 1728748627375.jpg (170.02 KB, 1080x768, Screenshot_20241011_184608_Chr…)

>>423312here's the artist behind it being a whiny attention whore as a bonus
No. 423342
File: 1728750605721.png (1.83 MB, 1200x1169, G80NxL5.png)

No. 423350
File: 1728751177912.jpeg (346.7 KB, 600x543, 041719D8-0E9D-4907-8A38-193583…)

>>423343clark is sometimes drawn in ways where he looks kind of fat because of how large he is, but i think this artist probably doesn't know how to draw muscle but has been how artists like tim sale and frank quitely has drawn him, or heard how his design was partially inspired by circus strongmen and wanted to give him a more similar body shape to them. probably just doesn't know how to draw muscular men, though, weird to draw it over the new superman actor when you can just kind of trace over his body
No. 423429
File: 1728760913345.jpg (531.64 KB, 840x1350, tumblr_b2dd56263fc3e3766cd777b…)

This is really stiff also her neck must be really long.
No. 423432
File: 1728760982077.png (3.16 MB, 1919x1919, 1695847984.baconsama_jrjuk.png)

Dear goodness
No. 423508
File: 1728771196136.jpeg (208.54 KB, 710x1280, IMG_9753.jpeg)

I hate this artist kek, all her characters look the same
>big tissues, small waist and fat thighs
>super tall and built
It’s flat, mediocre and the subjects and scenarios in the comics are so fucking boring and porny.
No. 423530
>>423312wow… just wow. every time you examine a detail you can see how low-effort it is
>>423316boo hoo. yeah you suck
>>423161i KEK'd loudly. that fucking face is killing me. i seriously love how bad it is, since it's making me laugh way too hard it's somehow reversed and become endearing even though it's so terrible… but that face KEK what the fuck
No. 423535
File: 1728774080955.jpg (151.87 KB, 1294x2048, c2615271d337601692f594a7ef4a6a…)

Whoever drew this didn't even try
No. 423538
File: 1728774163972.jpeg (309.9 KB, 2048x2048, GZULwvuXMAAKNXp.jpeg)

When you flip the canvas
No. 423575
File: 1728779018999.png (1.41 MB, 1720x2048, JIO14Tv.png)

No. 423668
File: 1728796680861.webp (33.75 KB, 640x766, hot-yaoi-base-v0-07b1j7caq6yb1…)

>>423605i'd like to think its just koogis shitty attempt at doing this with her otp
No. 423691
>>423585>>423605Oh my God, was
Killing Stalking just Koogi's schizo edgelord modern AU fanfic all along??
No. 423806
File: 1728831310826.jpg (238.29 KB, 1007x786, Tumblr_l_19484302479442.jpg)

Guess the character
No. 423822
File: 1728832259565.jpeg (19.93 KB, 195x259, IMG_3840.jpeg)

The caption is way funnier than the art.
> "The reason why Reddit hates me is because they always find out that I have a Deviantart account and yell at me, even wanting me banned. I get upset because of this and I really want people to be kind to me. But no, they hate me because I have a vore kink and is developing an inflation kink.">"To the people of Reddit, stop kink-shaming me and finding that I have a Deviantart full of kinky shit and even wanting me banned from a community. I HAVE AUTISM AND I AM ALLOWED TO HAVE THESE KINKS!" No. 423823
File: 1728832499363.jpg (85.24 KB, 900x510, my_favorite_predators_updated_…)

>>423822Kinda surprised it's neither a tim nor a tif but rather a very autistic 17yo girl whose parents failed her
No. 423831
File: 1728833904591.jpeg (88.65 KB, 750x1250, IMG_3842.jpeg)

>>423824Offtopic but i hate moralfagging redditors so much. This person has great milk and the redditors are trying to scare her off the internet because the art makes them "uncomfy" instead of appreciating and laughing at her retarded autism. Reminds of what happened to homunculus(never forget).
No. 423912
File: 1728850938644.png (89.46 KB, 563x938, 110224web.png)

I love how my favourite artist sometimes makes the most retarded insane mistakes like pic rel.
No. 424024
File: 1728877239373.jpg (183.51 KB, 1414x2000, bafkreidkxstoiu7ep3lbt2svvcyfx…)

No. 424032
>>423912almost certain this is ai,
nonny. the skirt folds and facial features look off to me.
No. 424059
File: 1728884762736.jpg (301.93 KB, 1661x2048, 20241012_070828.jpg)

No. 424122
File: 1728906868743.png (203.29 KB, 301x371, long ass legs.png)

>>423912Another recent fuck up he did. I find it really fascinating when really talented artists fuck up this bad.
No. 424184
File: 1728915230767.jpg (113.45 KB, 644x475, zinntai4.jpg)

>>424138Nah Hiro definetly knows fundamentals, there is no way someone on his level doesnt know them. Pic rel from his blog where he used to post his anatomy studies. I think he's under pressure with deadlines and that makes him fuck up a lot, the manga art took a nosedive lately so i feel he's not able to put as much time as he needs onto his art.
>>424136Yeah it's endearing, i love his art and knowing how his art started and how it's now always gives me hope. I like to see him fuck up sometimes because it makes me realize even my favourite artists are still learning.
No. 424201
>>424136I love spotting small errors or spots where you can
tell they just gave up when I'm reading manga (like a hand looking extra scribbly, something clearly having more unstable lines most likely from them having redrawn it several times, etc.). Seeing even successful artists make mistakes is incredibly humbling and endearing when you're trying to learn to draw yourself
No. 424242
File: 1728933695148.jpg (229 KB, 1342x2000, bafkreieoplh4xmnftmaotihwr5adz…)

No. 424243
File: 1728933730120.jpg (276.39 KB, 1428x2000, bafkreihtmf52n5hts267miztntqzu…)

That face though
No. 424254
File: 1728938380163.jpg (Spoiler Image,918.97 KB, 2256x2848, 2990398_thegreatburg_patricia-…)

>what's wrong, Jimmy-kun?
No. 424286
File: 1728947261608.jpg (70.13 KB, 911x1000, bafkreiaa7sg5m6hd3rm37gbz6dd4d…)

No. 424289
File: 1728947632487.jpg (169.84 KB, 850x1261, __misty_pokemon_and_2_more_dra…)

Long ass fingers and her boobs are flying away, doesn't even look like Misty at all.
No. 424291
File: 1728947873793.jpg (241.8 KB, 832x1200, mh0503_395.jpg)

>>424290also if you really want to see his evolution as an artist you gotta go back to his ugly ass doujins from the 90s/00s. Truly inspiring progres.
No. 424434
File: 1728999822658.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.51 KB, 2016x1767, GZzKtURXIAAePPS.jpg)

No. 424495
File: 1729012252283.jpg (33.9 KB, 609x680, bafkreia4yvt3loxbtvsmwv77k6fbm…)

No. 424558
File: 1729023148518.jpg (446.04 KB, 1500x1912, bafkreield7kclecfsphjeva5bibbn…)

She's melting
No. 424559
File: 1729023218728.jpg (340.23 KB, 1342x2000, bafkreiho775r6aoc4ty62hxfw7lrj…)

No. 424566
File: 1729026970620.jpg (96.15 KB, 768x1024, bafkreid3ikus7zeeamtjc6u7gwzon…)

What the hell is wrong with the anatomy??
No. 424587
File: 1729038614818.jpg (554.4 KB, 1378x2000, bafkreie6w5yyninimxnlgz2dpkpfg…)

The head doesn't match the body plus the unnecessary retarded thigh gap.
No. 424611
File: 1729053906176.jpg (43.77 KB, 593x1000, bafkreigmby7pz3xyoapetpgkvjwdl…)

No. 424620
>>424611Typical hazbin artstyle, nothing to see here tbh
>>424587I thought this was AIslop at first
No. 424796
File: 1729113723428.jpg (2.64 MB, 3000x3000, 1000014633.jpg)

No. 424856
File: 1729133134450.jpg (501.59 KB, 1415x2000, bafkreigf7xtgaxu2p5zbly5pn5kkt…)

So much bad Evangelion art from BlueSky! What's with the nipples and the uncanny valley face??
No. 424857
File: 1729133195535.jpg (117.79 KB, 1000x997, bafkreide4jn5xo74t4jje3grrl5eh…)

>>424856I wish this was satire but it isn't.this is how the artist draws everyone.
No. 424865
File: 1729135595551.jpg (379.62 KB, 1536x2048, 1000003383.jpg)

Nothing hurts worse than your favorite character getting Tumblrified
No. 424919
File: 1729168122455.jpg (901.72 KB, 2048x1449, tumblr.jpg)

I feel so bad posting this, but I saw this yesterday and haven't been able to get it out of my mind. This is Levi from SNK and Michael Jackson
No. 424933
File: 1729171991231.png (737.72 KB, 1030x725, IMG_5249.png)

No. 424958
>>424873>>424867Isn't it her being annoyed that the egg is abnormal? Her shtick is freaking out at monster ingredients and cooking.
>>424902What are you trying to say
No. 424984
File: 1729185364013.png (Spoiler Image,465.05 KB, 720x923, Screenshot_20241017_111051_Chr…)

>>424958Nta, but this is the original video, sorry I couldn't find the actual Tiktok only the reposted tweet. The joke just seems like she is staring at the other girl's breasts. No. 425016
File: 1729194481938.png (114.48 KB, 240x282, Screenshot_20241017-124628-688…)

>>422903Funny enough, the artist is a fat ugly pickme
No. 425068
File: 1729210715134.jpg (505.73 KB, 1413x2000, bafkreia3lhv3s3xqyqccdgdkuhtlc…)

No. 425077
File: 1729211423357.jpg (487.35 KB, 1470x1999, bafkreiafseew5h63qwx3wx3ajgum3…)

Looks like a deformed balloon animal
No. 425082
File: 1729212475456.jpg (245.61 KB, 1348x2000, bafkreicltk4fttncwkrrgfkaepbxk…)

Ugly art style
No. 425107
File: 1729217673130.jpg (363.29 KB, 2259x1631, 1699741014.djsonicgo40_2023111…)

No. 425247
File: 1729277670011.jpg (217.98 KB, 1679x1906, GPWOSr1WcAAi0KI.jpg_large.jpg)

This is painful to look at,what a huge eyesore this is.2edgy4u
No. 425260
File: 1729284384126.png (Spoiler Image,683.86 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_7242.png)

I followed a horror artist on youtube and their art devolved into troon chubby chaser crap. (Ignore my mobilefagging)
No. 425263
File: 1729284635694.jpeg (Spoiler Image,137.71 KB, 1170x913, IMG_7244.jpeg)

the flat head fucking kek.
No. 425395
File: 1729331912363.jpg (537.04 KB, 1080x1133, Screenshot_20241019_010845_Chr…)

they got him
No. 425503
File: 1729369652365.png (791.62 KB, 716x1048, 236.png)

No. 425504
File: 1729369674283.jpg (450.55 KB, 1920x2160, 222.jpg)

No. 425566
File: 1729391335301.jpg (387.47 KB, 1680x1186, tumblr_b5ccd62a52ad0693c95cb43…)

No. 425567
File: 1729392067104.jpg (59.77 KB, 828x739, talking_t_by_trottyhoof_dhmhsr…)

Oh wow
No. 425615
File: 1729412102332.jpg (172.61 KB, 1280x1280, 20241020_071022.jpg)

Introducing shape language to retards was a mistake
No. 425702
File: 1729449817172.jpg (Spoiler Image,421.5 KB, 2048x1536, 1000051960.jpg)

(spoiler your shit)
No. 425714
File: 1729453939709.jpg (418.47 KB, 1486x1510, GTL8aRFXAAM6PWg.jpg_large.jpg)

No. 425715
File: 1729454004834.webp (430.03 KB, 905x1280, 5977669_1128356_johnfoxart_bra…)

It's amusing how I keep finding terrible Brazilian Miku art everywhere.
No. 425810
File: 1729476316095.jpg (307.95 KB, 1534x2048, GVzRoLWWQAAm1AZ.jpg_large.jpg)

Another one
No. 425832
File: 1729485396477.jpeg (Spoiler Image,139.56 KB, 1061x873, IMG_6602.jpeg)

“transmasc nonbinary yuri” of miku
No. 425930
File: 1729517198006.png (1.23 MB, 1080x1119, 1000001972.png)

Why is she floating over him also she bradified that gross retard
No. 425931
>>425930why is the oc from
>>420712 harassing moistcr1tikal
No. 425950
File: 1729526889634.jpg (533.52 KB, 2048x2048, 1000198056.jpg)

the actual art isn't terrible but what the fuck is that shading… where is the light source supposed to be coming from?
No. 425957
File: 1729531167306.png (1.16 MB, 1100x510, espresso dress.png)

>>425950Well the light source it obviously above as it its a concert. The babydoll dress song she does is a very low lit set, it's supposed to be moody, so I think they used caps from those stage performances where her hair is just so big that there isn't as much light seen due to the spotlight.
No. 425988
File: 1729538156483.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1053, 1000001983.png)

>>425931That's their OC ship I think, she's suppose to be obsessed with him
The artist is also the one who loves animefying Kris KEK
No. 426010
File: 1729543463209.jpeg (121.89 KB, 793x576, IMG_4380.jpeg)

The faces she draws are almost cute, but everything else is so irritating. We get it, you're a very, very cool girl.
No. 426032
File: 1729547003408.jpeg (186.93 KB, 1335x1357, GLMYRwDacAApu2-.jpeg)

Just your typical ranfren artist
No. 426044
File: 1729548470167.mp4 (40.97 KB, 560x468, _milkghost_ - 1793917798122414…)

>>426010repost but this artist seems so obnoxious, they're following a bunch of white supremacist accounts yet apologizing for drawing a tatar woman speaking Russian lol. Why be an edgelord if you can't stick to it fully?
No. 426065
File: 1729551605368.jpg (193.84 KB, 982x1308, tumblr_f1b92ff8b564820c089f42e…)

Waste of money & plastic
No. 426070
File: 1729552020698.jpeg (54.75 KB, 294x567, EvDBMf5WQAsTiM2.jpeg)

>>426049They could be a tranny
No. 426127
File: 1729568300701.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.78 KB, 2048x1431, 20241021_213627.jpg)

it's supposed to be griffith kek
No. 426255
File: 1729621727437.jpg (567.56 KB, 1987x2000, bafkreifdarvbbfgdrmrgvr7dy255t…)

This is supposed to be a gijinka of Wendy Koopa from Mario.
No. 426374
File: 1729638639114.jpg (109.35 KB, 872x917, black_hair_milf_trio_by_evekod…)

No. 426377
File: 1729639056887.jpg (Spoiler Image,339.85 KB, 2048x1614, Tumblr_l_28673796995452.jpg)

Just try to guess what character this is kek.
No. 426378
File: 1729639269828.png (Spoiler Image,766.05 KB, 1570x988, 91368b6358e53adf3c72.png)

This is nasty
Spoiler because it's grotesque.
No. 426379
>>426374Trying to understand the anatomy of the woman in the upper left is making me feel like I'm having a stroke. Also
>milf trio>fubukiShe's childless and 23, how the fuck is she a milf? Moids are so retarded.
No. 426383
File: 1729640517503.png (197.07 KB, 496x506, Illustration8.png)

No. 426385
File: 1729640689256.png (401.72 KB, 761x688, Opera Snapshot_2019-03-27_1403…)

i miss her i wonder whats she's up to nowadays
No. 426386
File: 1729640862035.jpg (152.2 KB, 1200x1194, Dexq9p8V4AAdmKP.jpg)

this is a guy btw please dont mistake it for a woman
No. 426413
File: 1729651963963.jpeg (254.48 KB, 828x644, IMG_4382.jpeg)

>>426403NTA. This is an oc. If I remember correctly, "he" was a vehicle for the artist's lactation kink.
To any insecure artist nonnas out there, if this chick can feel comfortable charging $85 for a colored "sketch", then you should never feel like you're not ready for commissions. No. 426417
File: 1729653218533.jpg (1021.73 KB, 1584x2326, 1705022882.yellowfunfungrape_i…)

This artist also makes fetish art of Blueys dad,Bandit.furries can't stop being disgusting for 5 minutes and it shows.
No. 426418
File: 1729653353953.jpg (54.88 KB, 619x900, Dooshik_body-pillow-dakimakura…)

Tiny head & big body
No. 426449
File: 1729660351343.png (344.98 KB, 962x1212, 7E5B82D2-387E-4C06-B6B2-FB0D8F…)

A commission of this fine quality will only set you back $80, what a steal
No. 426456
File: 1729666278071.jpg (574.83 KB, 3384x3300, 20241023_094845.jpg)

guess the characters (think it should be easy enough)
No. 426508
File: 1729689102948.jpg (Spoiler Image,570.94 KB, 946x1521, barf.jpg)

No. 426641
File: 1729754823781.jpg (268.42 KB, 1402x1713, bafkreihgc7wale66kly4bzgyzxwrf…)

No. 426648
File: 1729756922766.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.14 KB, 759x870, GIo4dJDWkAAMC-K~2.jpg)

>>426644I think it becomes clear when you see how the tif draws herself
No. 426736
File: 1729783878373.png (49.27 KB, 996x367, projmoom.png)

>>426694Wow, I looked it up. What a fucking pos
No. 426747
File: 1729789485922.jpg (84.24 KB, 781x1233, bafkreihss56dt7syz36uar5ndqxtl…)

No. 426758
File: 1729791758257.jpg (462.36 KB, 1280x1688, dvabbl.jpg)

>>426747ngl i like this one actually
anyway dva with a hard plastic ass and broken spine
No. 426866
File: 1729815744066.jpg (73 KB, 819x976, suki_and_vix_as_jessica_rabbit…)

No. 426888
File: 1729820656174.jpg (1.17 MB, 2048x2370, tumblr_b40b8a24cbd0ed3400432c5…)

troons have no idea how to draw kekkk
No. 426908
File: 1729828106842.jpeg (335.77 KB, 1758x2048, Et8B9PsXcAEYQ4h-1.jpeg)

No. 426913
File: 1729829734348.jpeg (407.89 KB, 1692x2048, FlZrfXvXEAQzPjR.jpeg)

How the characters were originally drawn,apparently she's in her early 20s…
No. 426985
File: 1729848780315.jpg (599.28 KB, 1773x2732, tumblr_21863657c6a9b2bff3ce58d…)

No. 427004
>>426985>regressedEw. Hate how this shit is becoming more common in fandom in general too
>>426986well, that's definitely a bad way to draw/render a face
No. 427132
File: 1729886299224.jpeg (459.27 KB, 2880x2880, 1728523451265.jpeg)

No. 427143
File: 1729890101814.jpg (135 KB, 849x884, tumblr_d2ae69e402b079b9cf700c4…)

i dont get how you can draw women this ugly
No. 427175
File: 1729904144338.jpeg (482.19 KB, 1068x1421, BCA40DB3-FACD-40E7-AF1D-CD7BC2…)

Why are their legs deformed?
No. 427184
>>427175If you're talking about the rickets looking stance, that's a common thing in le kawaii anime girl illustrations that is supposed to make them look cuter but actually makes them look retarded. The long ass thighs with the tiny calves are kekkier.
Reminds me of that Korean moid artist anatomy book that nonnas discussed in one of the art salt threads where in the female dimorphism parts you could tell that he was mostly taking retarded stylistic anime stuff like that and then reverse engineering some bullshit out of his ass to explain why it's actually totally anatomically correct for anime girls to run like retards and stand like starving malformed yemeni childrenIs that the actual original text? The mention of normies is suspicious to me.
No. 427190
File: 1729910415296.png (646.83 KB, 1280x1311, tumblr_1743835354c723cb317d2a8…)

Tumblrized Pizza Tower
No. 427193
File: 1729910960377.jpg (368.59 KB, 1300x1248, FtZNjh3XgAAKeb-.jpg_large.jpg)

>>427190>>427191Ugly and disgusting
No. 427197
File: 1729913800186.jpeg (Spoiler Image,649.23 KB, 933x1056, IMG_0392.jpeg)

guess the character
No. 427201
>>427197This art is so bad that it took out all the possible sexiness out of the outfit.
>>427184>it's actually totally anatomically correct for anime girls to run like retards and stand like starving malformed yemeni childrenKEK but yeah, I think anon was referring to the legs looking like literal cow legs with that thighs-to-calves ratio. It might actually be the most extreme case I've seen in moeshit art.
>Is that the actual original text? The mention of normies is suspicious to me.The artist is Japanese, but there's a Japanese equivalent to "normie" on JP IBs (forgot what it was), that's probably why it was translated like that.
>>427199Kek'd, thanks.
No. 427205
File: 1729916261737.png (645.6 KB, 540x720, ysayle.png)

>>427197ysayle final fantasy? please say sike
No. 427308
File: 1729952226616.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1142, IMG_0394.jpeg)

This is supposed to be Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.
No. 427317
>>427313it's pretty common in tumblr art circles to try and 'un-mundane' any fantasy/sci-fi character design that is deemed to basic/boring/human, even if it makes absolutely no sense or would even damage the story to do so, so they're probably just trying to jazz up wizards as a group (ignoring that they're indistinguishable from muggles, and that that would make muggleborns stand out even more). This artist is also trying way too hard to add stylistic twists in general too kek
No. 427339
File: 1729962508855.jpg (174.86 KB, 611x1057, tgrrfda.jpg)

>>425950I quickly edited her face and yeah, I don't have a ss but this must come from some anime "tutorials" that tell you to make the head dark then highlight the top of the head/forehead and the nose. It doesn't work if the body is ligher and uses such a saturated color for the shadow (usually colors lose saturation in the shadow so there she looks like she has a red face).
No. 427342
File: 1729963200480.jpeg (Spoiler Image,454.06 KB, 1170x1539, C3F148D9-2B01-4628-8EEA-8DF179…)

>>427308KEKKK the top is her art from 2021 and the bottom is from recent. What the hell happened?
No. 427345
File: 1729964494707.jpeg (Spoiler Image,521.9 KB, 828x1087, IMG_5846.jpeg)

>>427313She apparently gives purebloods long elf ears (and halfblood short pointy ears). it's so utterly retarded and goes completely against the message. the books are pretty clear that purebloods are just other wizards, they just have an unjustified suepriority complex.
i think i found the worst one yet
No. 427352
File: 1729969344347.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.06 MB, 1170x1557, IMG_0390.jpeg)

>>427345It gets so much worse.
No. 427364
File: 1729973407974.jpg (105.41 KB, 487x639, lu_males_in_barbie_movie_outfi…)

Can't believe this was drawn this year and not in 2007.kinda endearing.
No. 427366
File: 1729973602162.jpg (291.76 KB, 1650x1857, IMG_20230705_213528965.jpg)

No. 427381
File: 1729976861184.png (144.25 KB, 1966x1475, 66030888_bcR12ZTSJjtnc5r.png)

pee and poo colour scheme
No. 427406
File: 1729980923055.webp (462.44 KB, 774x1023, 5499501_543209_bigdad123_untit…)

Tired of this crap
No. 427413
File: 1729982513608.webp (176.88 KB, 1920x1080, Loonatics_titulo.webp)

>>427364These are actually the Loony Tunes cast's counterparts/descendents from Loonatics Unleashed. This show was dog shit, but it has a fanbase made of mostly furry fujos.
No. 427420
File: 1729983293320.jpeg (Spoiler Image,705.34 KB, 1170x922, IMG_4539.jpeg)

spoiler for a shirtless fat guy with his entire gut out
No. 427504
File: 1730024086223.jpg (432.79 KB, 800x1200, illust_118714075_20241023_0038…)

These proportions are horrifying
No. 427680
File: 1730076807588.jpg (612.54 KB, 1714x2000, bafkreibj4dxlf5xh4xswqao7cmbmr…)

The tiny head and the skinny arms tho
No. 427697
>>427680This looked so good until I scrolled past her waist
>>427413I think most of us recognized the characters, nonna. I loved that shit as a kid, but then again, I was a kid.
No. 427749
I look like the top one without the tape on my boobs. Hairy legs and all. it makes me kinda sad whenever I meet a tif or themby with a mullet who dresses alt. You can dress however you want, not shave, not wear makeup, have short hair, etc. It's like the gender shit invading goth, punk, and general alt scenes has made it so, alt woman = e-whore who wears mini skirts, tons of makeup, and stil follows conventional beauty standards but with blue hair and a tiny septum ring. I won't rant too much about gender ideology here, but it's so blatantly misogynistic and forces gender roles. What happened to these tards saying, "abolish gender" on tumblr?
No. 427790
File: 1730131996499.png (1.31 MB, 905x712, teakip.PNG)

Remembered this artist I used to follow back in 2016, this new style really surprised me. Not that the old stuff was very skillful or interesting (looking at it now as an adult) but I wonder how this happened kek, it's so ugly
No. 427844
File: 1730148537965.png (146.31 KB, 627x575, Fuyjd9taYAERFXL.png)

Gross, artists who draw bodies like this are always shit at anatomy and it shows.
No. 427881
File: 1730157588619.png (838.45 KB, 2025x2328, fayandjeanluc.png)

Whatever this is
No. 427894
File: 1730162503481.jpg (271.36 KB, 759x1350, 1000008466.jpg)

This is the improvement.
No. 427939
File: 1730178863399.jpg (94.83 KB, 1200x745, D7v5m7OUcAAwLex.jpg)

>>427844Said artist also made a "Femboy" oc with ridiculous birthing hips
No. 427975
File: 1730205029025.jpg (Spoiler Image,59.01 KB, 640x647, PuLCUwkjvl16IRlHIt4ETBqP_NEzVI…)

Her proportions are atrocious, just look at the way her boobs sit on her chest so awkwardly, wtf
No. 427986
>>427894I hate perspective so much because depending on the camera lens and position this could be correct and I just hate it so damn much.
I know because I've taken photographs that fucking look like this i HATE IT
No. 428074
File: 1730229833423.jpg (402.31 KB, 1250x2000, bafkreido6q267coaftvhjahm24yzk…)

Huge body and tiny as hell head,again.the artist put more effort in drawing the tits than her own face.
No. 428094
File: 1730231500167.jpg (255.49 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_7931dfbec2b962cd610fa23…)

didn't realize anthro plane spergs still existed until now
No. 428193
File: 1730252679547.jpg (Spoiler Image,374.11 KB, 1169x1432, guess who.jpg)

No. 428237
File: 1730277942014.png (567.91 KB, 1080x1332, 1000053685.png)

No. 428349
File: 1730313063188.jpg (646.86 KB, 2000x1519, bafkreibjm4ku5siznxk2kudne2cem…)

This is such a huge eyesore dear goodness what is going on.
No. 428397
File: 1730322564411.jpeg (Spoiler Image,301.27 KB, 697x420, IMG_0529.jpeg)

I just don’t understand.
No. 428422
File: 1730333297276.jpg (Spoiler Image,173.94 KB, 720x1098, Screenshot_20241030_202413_edi…)

>bizarre, autistic subject matter
No. 428495
>>428449Knowing the artist, I bet they're both tifs
>>428484yup and turned them into tif lesbians
No. 428521
File: 1730385410600.png (69.33 KB, 1237x774, dib9hnm-7c54fc45-22ec-4ff3-9e4…)

>>427790oh my god i remember her, sad to see her fall off like this
>>427881i like the lineart style but everything else is just retarded
>>427894he's got hands like michelangelo's david kek
thread tax
i kind of love this artist, she's a massive sperg and it's really endearing No. 428527
>>428397Nicole would get into a
toxic "straight" relationship with a TIF at the very most kek
No. 428531
File: 1730387047043.jpg (103.26 KB, 1113x674, enthusiastic_ratigan_by_unknow…)

>>428521samefag, just wanted to add one of my favourites
No. 428573
File: 1730404163209.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 4096x3277, U13mC5y.jpeg)

would've been kinda cute art but the dick ruined it
No. 428649
File: 1730428434293.jpg (211.01 KB, 1463x2048, eg49s2j0d9lb1.jpg)

No. 428705
File: 1730447628434.png (Spoiler Image,37.99 KB, 800x612, d36sdcj-5335e13d-cd25-46fb-9ad…)

>>428531>>428521Stapledslut material tbh. Spoilered for good art
No. 428720
File: 1730454081870.png (105.91 KB, 470x903, 460482307af213f73bf1ed8f5d7119…)

worst case of uguu face i have seen in a long time
No. 428888
File: 1730496537882.jpg (578.71 KB, 1376x1353, kjpnotr958tb1.jpg)

No. 428892
File: 1730497318500.jpg (48.65 KB, 828x458, shuaiby.JPG)

>>428888God I hate that I recognize some of these, but is anyone autistic enough to name them all?
>Shuaiby is the second guy in the first row (picrel)>That one man in a liveleak video where they cut his face and hands off, then tried decapitating him in a shoddy way. He’s in the second row, and is the second guy from the left No. 428903
>>428888why would someone draw this? From my understanding these people are a mix of murderers,
victims right?
>>428892The description of the liveleak is horrible. Were the people who murderd that man caught?
No. 428914
>>428903This seems like an homage to shock content if anything. Top row is all livestreamed/televised suicides for example.
Besides what other nonnas identified already I can see Budd Dwyer and the Russian guy from 1444 (shock video of him shooting himself in the head) at the top.
Vladislav Roslyakov in third row, I believe the one in the red hat is that one tif school shooter (see trans flag) but I'm not sure. Whoever drew this seems like a turbo tcc autist kek
No. 428920
>>428913kek no it isn't.
I think it's Mr. Hands. If you can't recognize anyone then just be happy you haven't irreversibly fucked your brain by watching shock content.
No. 428922
File: 1730501737771.jpg (21.63 KB, 474x266, OIP (40).jpg)

>>428920i dont think so thats him
searching for this was like avoiding landmines No. 428931
File: 1730503246464.jpg (213.8 KB, 1486x1043, dims.apnews.jpg)

>>428888Gray shirt in middle row has to be Brenton Tarrant, right?
This drawing is so fucking retarded but now I can't stop thinking about trying to figure out who they all are kekekek No. 428935
File: 1730504255211.png (2.41 MB, 2560x1440, Untitled153_20241101163657.png)

>>428888The two gray figures might be these guys
No. 428937
>>428935i know that bald moid
hes the one who shot himself on live air whos the woman though?
No. 428938
File: 1730504389016.jpg (336.17 KB, 1600x1200, rina-palenkova.jpg)

>>428937It was christine chubbuck, a woman who killed herself on TV. Anyways I think the beanie girl is picrel
No. 428939
File: 1730504822090.jpg (21.16 KB, 474x274, th.jpg)

>>428888The woman in black and white might be Christine Chubbuck (the jounalist that killer herself on air), since this includes Budd Dwyer.
This is some new bizarre level of autism to me. I already know about school shooter fangirls, serial killer fan girls, and I could imagine Timothy McVeigh having fangirls, but autist edgelords fandomizing people from random shock videos with varying levels of nicheness is a new one to me.
Chubbuck and Nevada-tan don't even have shock videos tho. AFAIK Chubbuck's suicide was never publicized, and Nevada-tan is just a random murder that got popularized by moids. Might as well have included the kids that stabbed their friend over slenderman or that japanese woman that stabbed her boyfriend and moids kept calling her a yandereI found a drawing that might have been drawn by the same person (just because it's such a specific choice of subject) and, from the description text it had, apparently the top guy with the 911 tshirt seems to be a guy named Gleb Korablev that I assume also filmed himself committing suicide.
>>428925Isn't that the Daisy's destruction guy? Why is he drawn so cutesy holy shit.
This artist's autims needs to be studied.
No. 428954
File: 1730507328084.jpeg (89.47 KB, 800x600, f637c052-f659-47c0-bc85-bfc968…)

>>428939Neither does Etika. He's just a random Youtuber who committed suicide, yet for some reason he's included.
I was about to say the same thing
>>428951 just did. The drawings are so poorly made some of these might never get identified. Like, why draw Christine (the gray lady) wearing a short sleeve shirt when the most well known picture of her that is in black and white has hear wearing a long sleeve flannel. All the pictures of her in short sleeves are in color.
With that in mind picrel is my guess for bottom far left (Igor Suprunyuk. 1/3rd of the shock video 3 guys 1 hammer). The chain (?) around his neck was confusing me, now I believe it's just some irrelevant detail.
No. 428955
File: 1730507617474.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.36 KB, 270x502, FyhRAybWwAklFhD.jpg)

After further digging, the art is most likely a reference to a FNF mod named "Monday Morning Live Leakin", which ig is supposed to compile a bunch of shock videos
and anon from >>428909 was sorta right, the mod was made be a tranny. No. 428961
File: 1730508106720.jpg (50.14 KB, 960x640, murder accused 010.jpg)

fourth row to the right third might be stephen mcCullagh the youtuber who killed a woman and used a prerecorded stream as his alibi i dont know why im so dedicated to finding who all of these are kek
No. 428983
File: 1730512002314.jpeg (19.75 KB, 625x368, fuck ugly moid.jpeg)

>>428888Bottom right is probably this guy, Michael Miller, who killed his neighbor alongside his dad because of a mattress
No. 428997
File: 1730516335404.jpg (24.42 KB, 375x500, business_businesses_numbers__b…)

No. 429092
File: 1730562443932.jpg (182.96 KB, 1080x813, 442442794_972956414182446_2118…)

I thought true crime fanart died with Tumblr lmao
Thread tax
No. 429099
>>429092I HATE everything about this but…
(cringe thirstpost) No. 429108
File: 1730568480253.jpg (Spoiler Image,382.69 KB, 3208x4096, 20241102_005306.jpg)

kek the dorito chin and the waist
No. 429109
>>429092>AuburnReally? Not even Abigail or Amelia??
>>429102Kek right? I can buy human Fluttershy being a chubby naturalist who doesn't shave but there's no way she would walk around in public without a bra.
No. 429136
File: 1730578176845.png (619.66 KB, 1200x675, 1200-2948246858.png)

>>427145>so it's quite close to canon???????
No. 429139
File: 1730578531007.jpg (34.57 KB, 848x1199, 173007499167878031894022839378…)

>>429109My two favorite gooses
No. 429176
File: 1730590557012.jpg (302.26 KB, 1545x2000, bafkreihnuhhublzyskmoe4t6up66f…)

No. 429177
File: 1730591740012.png (504.41 KB, 512x641, image.png)

No. 429181
File: 1730593381571.jpg (189.82 KB, 1000x996, 1729133195535.jpg)

>>429175i agree with you on keeping threadpics mlp-themed but that one sucks, it's just generic sovlless tumblr gendie slop. unless someone posts better bad mlp art i propose autistica chan
>>424857 for the threadpic. or the
>>428531 enthusiastic rat
No. 429189
File: 1730594745489.jpg (79.8 KB, 750x1171, selfie_by_eddymartyn_di96lpq-3…)

No. 429207
File: 1730601606100.jpg (89.86 KB, 894x894, helluva_boss_emberlynn_pinkle_…)

No. 429209
File: 1730601640392.jpg (71.94 KB, 828x665, in_your_style_by_gamerbot101_d…)

Hate this
No. 429279
File: 1730635990314.jpg (637.27 KB, 2048x1756, tumblr_23f9c680608d9ddde01d22f…)

No. 429321
File: 1730647754082.jpg (Spoiler Image,345.43 KB, 1800x1013, Gbak-BDaIAADMKE.jpg)

>>420192I remember this game producing an abomination with a centaur waifu with a chest-vagina…
No. 429329
>>429321What the fuck is this
Is there an in-universe reason for this creepy-ass design or is she truly just like that?
No. 429358
>>429321Imagine being one of the artists who just wants to get paid, or at least isn't
completely coombrained, and being handed this prompt.
No. 429425
File: 1730673683961.png (Spoiler Image,1.75 MB, 637x1671, lmaoooo.png)

From the manhwa In The Doghouse
No. 429427
File: 1730674314940.png (Spoiler Image,474.36 KB, 435x767, lmfao 2.png)

>>429425Most of the time the artist doesn't even bother drawing the shirt buttons properly, kek.
No. 429474
File: 1730684702531.jpeg (58.87 KB, 750x443, IMG_4087.jpeg)

Creepy as fuck. She doesn't look wet: she looks slimy. Why does she have skin instead of fur? She is a pony.
No. 429485
File: 1730688533149.jpeg (58.93 KB, 710x720, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a…)

No. 429558
File: 1730730952651.jpg (96.81 KB, 578x679, Gbhx6tQbgAArwsH.jpg)

>>429321Kek I found her sister. It's hilariously bad.
No. 429577
File: 1730738423548.png (681.91 KB, 640x431, GVkxJbHbgAAqYef.png)

>>429321every single character in this game looks horrendous, but that one takes the cake. Also ofcourse this coomer game has a trap, men are all closeted fags.
No. 429578
File: 1730738544757.png (3.28 MB, 1800x1013, FGKuR3DUUAA-HOY.png)

>>429577also there is this wasp girl with a sting coming from her pussy
No. 429579
>>429577Eww, I know traps are always "draw a girl and call it a boy" but that straight up just looks like a topless underage girl. Also wtf is going on with the dark haired girl's thigh??
>>429578All the insect parts look like they were lazily shooped on at the last minute kek
No. 429593
File: 1730745367262.jpg (150.4 KB, 1080x1080, bafkreia7vzuath3btlr35e764yih2…)

Uh yeah no
No. 429651
File: 1730768657739.jpeg (191.26 KB, 1763x1298, GbjXDS1WoAAki1l.jpeg)

ngl this managed to get a small kek out of me. the idea of jon trooning out is kind of funny
No. 429653
File: 1730771536994.jpg (18.4 KB, 319x419, idontevenwanttoknow.jpg)

>>429279The looks of confused horror would make great reaction images.
No. 429660
>>428961Is that his real face? Does he have some kind of genetic problem?
>>429653You chose the most normal looking one to highlight
No. 429665
File: 1730776177457.jpg (20.57 KB, 312x546, omg.jpg)

>>429660Yeah I chose the one that was most relatable since the other ones look like off-brand muppets reacting.
No. 429735
File: 1730803081574.png (175.51 KB, 1238x1280, dg25tgh-4c2ea717-16e3-4fe2-b14…)

No. 429830
File: 1730840069149.png (723.96 KB, 1831x646, Screenshot 2024-11-05 125407.p…)

>>429710>>429752>>429804this is cracking me up what a retard
No. 429833
File: 1730840200029.jpg (70.1 KB, 1264x632, old_earth_equestrian_aristocra…)

i can't fathom being this skilled at art and choosing to draw fucking cartoon ponies i hope this guy gets run over by a truck
No. 429846
File: 1730841115701.jpg (218.73 KB, 1010x1219, bafkreigl7sybguptrai2qyjxepc2x…)

This is just gonna discourage me from voting
No. 429847
File: 1730841159357.jpg (414.39 KB, 2000x1125, bafkreifqxicctnbtou6vshjdhywpj…)

Doesn't even look the ppg anymore just make some OCS at this point.
No. 429871
>>429833not to defend the guy but everytime someone posts the art of someone skilled and complains about what they draw it motivates me to draw, i want to be super skilled too and waste it drawing my husbando
>>429836all the old masters drew fanart, either of greek gods or the bible they shared the same fandom autism
No. 429887
File: 1730848659388.jpg (44.23 KB, 638x713, my_little____monkey_applejack_…)

honestly its kinda impressive he went from pic rel(first aj drawing i could find in his DA) to
>>429474 pretty motivating
No. 429889
>>429873I know what you mean anon, his painting style isn't
hideous but it does make the characters look very rubbery.
No. 429891
File: 1730848974050.jpg (104.57 KB, 900x700, my_little____monkey_mane_6__by…)

>>429888they are supposed to be monkes
No. 429894
File: 1730849420841.jpg (118.23 KB, 827x1168, heart_in_ruff_by_assasinmonkey…)

>>429887Picrel is probably the best for comparison imo. The progression is insane
No. 429895
File: 1730849572625.jpg (48.98 KB, 600x900, fluffy_apple____jack___by_assa…)

>>429894gives me hope honestly, he improved insanely hard. I wonder how he did it. He drew pic rel in 2012.
No. 429898
File: 1730849779564.jpg (219.93 KB, 900x1440, drop_by_assasinmonkey_d88i4bz-…)

>>429895And this was 2014. I am kinda jealous
No. 429903
File: 1730851139197.png (2.37 MB, 1835x1122, ddpl133-a7898ba8-cf59-4f3c-a78…)

>>429873Agreed. Also as great as he is at rendermaxxing the shit out of his paintings his sense of proportion and 3D shapes is comparatively poor, and it shows every time he tries to paint something different or more dynamic than Applejack-neutral-expression-headshot-nr-3568275869. Heck, even basic animal anatomy is too much for him.
No. 429995
>>429898>>429903It looks like he is so good at drawing shit like
>>429898 because the ponies have very cartoony anatomy so he doesn't need to learn much. In the end it's all polished turds with decent lighting
>>429906I would also like to know
No. 430225
File: 1730950381286.jpg (79.12 KB, 608x1201, 1000017051.jpg)

No. 430290
File: 1730970341517.jpg (15.65 KB, 235x292, c0baa9e43d7f044f6f62439763f08e…)

>>430257there's a whole genre of artists out there who just touch up/draw over gacha life stuff even though they have enough skill to draw on their own. it's some kind of terrifying gen alpha brainrot that makes them do this. they should be studied in a lab (picrel not necessarily bad art, just relevant)
No. 430322
File: 1730985154600.jpeg (321.65 KB, 2048x1484, GbpLkFPWIAA_s9b.jpeg)

Genderbent Musa looking like a monkey
No. 430328
>>430322I thought it didn't look bad and then I saw her body keeeek
No wonder these people say men can/should female clothes if they think stuff lile that drawing looks ok.
No. 430399
File: 1731007613590.jpg (593.61 KB, 1714x2000, bafkreifb7nswrzqzdb6lya3cgejfp…)

What is it with gays and mermaids? And that ass looks like a literal sesame seed bun
No. 430400
File: 1731008028252.jpg (274.1 KB, 1600x2000, lilith.jpg)

No. 430437
File: 1731015992548.jpg (72.79 KB, 749x1414, 2023_bunny_girl_by_methusulaco…)

No. 430463
File: 1731026216773.jpg (413.95 KB, 2000x1601, bafkreidwsrayd3indbrwuvdffl77q…)

No. 430471
File: 1731028834829.webp (132.48 KB, 1080x767, would-you-play-watch-the-vn-wi…)

No. 430480
>>430225That's a gacha life edit probably by a 13yo
>>430290>gen alpha brainrotGacha life cringe edits have been around for a while before Gen Alpha were born
No. 430543
File: 1731071243845.jpg (747.64 KB, 3048x4096, 20241108_140227.jpg)

No. 430560
File: 1731077668179.jpg (153.51 KB, 720x549, 2619e8488e37fba073993f3551221d…)

>>430544Character is a canon TIF from One Piece, which even if you removed the gender shit she's still a shit tier Mary Sue that was inserted in the last act without any prior mention. From what I've seen the only people that like her are coomers and TIFs, there's so much ugly fanart that tries to make her all cool and masculine.
No. 430621
File: 1731093528630.jpg (756.09 KB, 1031x1566, lmfaowut.jpg)

wtf even is the last panel
No. 430694
File: 1731123224042.png (862.68 KB, 747x795, IMG_0343.png)

No. 430728
File: 1731131240408.jpeg (465.04 KB, 2010x2048, Gb3fra2XoAAfOgD.jpeg)

Wtf is this
No. 430763
File: 1731141719409.jpg (767.15 KB, 1080x2611, ibispaint autism.jpg)

The IbisPaint community is a goldmine, although it is full of children. I don't know this artist's age.
No. 430815
File: 1731162379409.png (343.03 KB, 555x682, UCcHYP6.png)

they look like zombies
No. 430841
File: 1731171673859.png (721.63 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_02c0498bd8822a74e4fd322…)

No. 430852
>>430728Why are so many artists allergic to drawing defined legs but want to draw realistic/detailed toes? It comes off as fetish art because of how unbalanced it looks.
>>430841Not sure if the artist would take me saying this is more autistic and retarded than anything a male DBZ has drawn as a compliment
No. 430872
File: 1731180624181.png (330.31 KB, 600x1200, tumblr_a39a63dceedd296f4cb96ca…)

No. 430876
File: 1731181549311.jpg (195.23 KB, 850x1202, drawn_by_2ngaw.jpg)

No. 430920
File: 1731191700625.jpg (1 MB, 1996x1999, bafkreicwuu3h4kmo2d3xdf4viavsy…)

Everything about this is so bad,why the self harm scars??so much visual clutter for something as ugly as this.
No. 430922
File: 1731192789525.png (2.58 MB, 957x1476, harley-quinn.png)

>>430621I looked this up because I was curious if it made more sense with dialogue. Here it is. Harley Quinn is in a funk after a break up with Joker so she uses not Tinder to find a date. She realizes a super villain called Ghosting Master is using the app to make
toxic relations. It's from a short story collection comic called Batman Brave and the Bold (2023). Issue 18 Page 54 if you want to see more god awful art.
No. 430926
File: 1731193707461.jpeg (Spoiler Image,51.11 KB, 446x687, 202039929e992.jpeg)

>>430922>Brave and BoldJesus christ, talk about a downgrade. (spoiler for okay capeshit) I've not not been into capeshit since I was a child but that makes me sad.
No. 430931
File: 1731194506218.png (2.15 MB, 952x1478, brave-and-the-bold.png)

>>430925I think it's implied penis but it still doesn't make much sense.
>>430926Some of the art is okish in it. I think picrel could have been good. The separation of artist and colorist can mess up good pieces. In the past you had inker in there as an extra layer.
No. 430959
File: 1731209385932.jpeg (325.27 KB, 1099x1597, IMG_8073.jpeg)

Twitter is blowing up over this.
No. 430963
File: 1731210126838.jpeg (8.83 KB, 302x167, images-1.jpeg)

>>430959kek at the fact this fag is Liberian but doesn't realize why drawing "meme" art of war crimes is in bad taste I bet she'd sperg out if someone drew the Liberian massacre in this traumacore bullshit
No. 430973
File: 1731213982336.jpeg (1.93 MB, 1945x3106, GT-WQoXb0AIUOpM.jpeg)

No. 430974
File: 1731214418662.jpeg (344.85 KB, 2048x2048, GGap4mDXUAAP7hp.jpeg)

Looks like AI either way this is sure ugly
No. 431006
>>430989 referencing the infamous american warcrime leak where Sabrina harman poses with a prisoner who was tortured to death, it was a American prison in iraq where the american army tortured
and rapedand murdered iraqi war prisoners
No. 431008
>>430920It's pretty in details but you just know the artist is a special type of mentally ill larper genderspecial
>>430974The eyes are uncanny
No. 431098
>>430959The funniest part was the artist's followers defending putting a Garfield on top of a irl warcrime because "it's supposed to represent distraction from war crimes by forcing you to focus on the out of place Garfield instead of the war crime, it's tone deaf on purpose, if you're getting mad about it its because it worked" so it's a mix of
>>430963 and "Jokes on them I was just pretending to be retarded".
Note to nonnas that haven't checked the art salt thread: the artist wasn't even explaining herself, she just posted this and then answered a bunch of comments with cryptic shit and repeating "you are not immune to propaganda" like some ARG LARP, so it was just her fans coming up with copes on their own kek.
No. 431282
File: 1731295974293.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.88 KB, 1693x3072, WHAT.jpg)

No. 431322
File: 1731308302364.jpeg (Spoiler Image,249.37 KB, 1080x1080, img2.jpeg)

tif's and gore..
No. 431571
File: 1731381755494.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.95 KB, 640x769, Art_of_Carlos_Nine_7.jpg)

No. 431629
File: 1731410141966.jpg (75.29 KB, 480x686, 581375341211.jpg)

ew why they have that higurashi blushing
No. 431643
File: 1731418746017.jpeg (625.91 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_4164.jpeg)

No. 431644
File: 1731419417104.png (1.8 MB, 1080x1903, 1000002414.png)

The most tasteless shit ever
No. 431672
>>430621I'm not even a diehard capeshit fans, but one thing I
kind of agree with the #comicsgate crowd that DC and Marvel trying (for the lack of a better word) to make their comics more appealing to the younger, hipper crowd (women and LGBT) always fails. I kind of get scrotes who are against the "YAfication" of their characters to the point they become unrecognizable and might as well be someone's OC.
I always find the attempts to become more "appealing" to be unironically offensive. They think that if they slap a safe, curvy art style with dull colors and write #BLM #TransRights # GirlBoss unto to their 80-year-old comic (which the vast majority of casual readers have no interest in binge reading just to know the continuity of who is who and what is what) they would automatically sell like hotcakes. Alienating its decades long fanboys while trying to appeal to who knows who.
No wonder manga is so popular.
No. 431684
File: 1731438036049.png (23.9 KB, 1067x587, Screenshot 2024-11-12 135932.p…)

>>431676I blame the pintrestifying of 4cuck that made it seem quirky and cute
No. 431698
File: 1731442303865.jpg (156.7 KB, 1156x844, bafkreieb5k6wvp6v6z72s645xgbvz…)

This is supposed to be an anthro bird
No. 431727
File: 1731456321608.jpeg (266.96 KB, 1608x2048, GbUdOzqXAAAkAu-.jpeg)

No. 431729
File: 1731457030160.jpg (161.37 KB, 1543x1344, 81d843d6f988175bfae1e4e8af0cb3…)

>>431644I'm tired of canihavepromo copycats. The moid who groomed her ended up ruining a generation of teenage girls
No. 431745
File: 1731461246114.jpg (29.25 KB, 400x400, 71504c1c530e1b277cafdcb404b643…)

>>431676As the other anon said it's because they believe lolicon art styles are cute and "aesthetic"
No. 431758
File: 1731464918366.png (569.86 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20241112_181854.png)

>>431753>too innocent to realiseI kinda doubt it, some of them post crying emojis and cunny memes on Pinterest/tiktok. And not to mention but these artists shown here reference this lolicon meme >>431729>>431644 which feels too niche for someone who's innocently adopting a style. I can't be completely angry because some of these girls are like 13-17 so more disturbing than anything
No. 431981
File: 1731527394390.jpg (209.23 KB, 794x2377, il_794xN.6126120694_rqpo.jpg)

You can't be serious with this
No. 431986
File: 1731527809964.jpg (239.5 KB, 856x2048, GcP6W4hasAMTuO1.jpg)

No. 432021
File: 1731533983380.png (93.79 KB, 552x866, yaoi hands girl.png)

No. 432051
File: 1731540476702.png (4.17 MB, 3464x3464, 1731389687097.png)

>>432048it was made by this tif, all of her art is heavily referenced from better artists. Someone cowtipped her and she's been sperging about it.
No. 432098
File: 1731552595725.jpg (87.11 KB, 803x593, bafkreibxlbxjss3rrtli3a37l635j…)

Ugly femboy OCS with atrocious proportions yuck
No. 432150
File: 1731574718193.png (541.21 KB, 1024x826, vPdgGWI.png)

No. 432174
File: 1731586157333.jpg (45.02 KB, 600x686, 2530167-19f53.jpg)

can garage kits be posted here too?
No. 432256
File: 1731609992398.png (1.52 MB, 1192x670, uk80fDl.png)

No. 432268
File: 1731611656997.png (1.31 MB, 1280x1513, tumblr_p9w2bmj7Cq1vjt3lbo2_r2_…)

Another good 'guess who' if it hasn't been posted already…
No. 432373
File: 1731638367295.jpg (110.88 KB, 650x848, Abu_Ghraib_17a_(cropped).jpg)

>>431148She only served 6 months, so I assume she could probably go by her middle name or something and live low.
Speaking of, what is actually happening in the picture of the man with electrodes on his hands? Were they shocking him?
(derailing ) No. 432432
File: 1731653222584.jpeg (204.5 KB, 1070x1165, IMG_0971.jpeg)

>>431986I can fix her… if only I could draw. She just needs a normal body and some cute boyish clothes.
>>430728She can be saved too. This girl would be so cute if the coquettish look and pose were toned way down. Normal body and legs and a nonfetish outfit would work miracles.
Pictax I hate this thing with all my soul
No. 432472
>>432156Pretty sure this post was being sarcastic, not baiting.
>>432152It's a conservative cartoon warning about le evil feminazis, that's why it's in this thread.
No. 432508
File: 1731676861045.png (1.07 MB, 1301x1600, musa-stella-tecna-bloom-the-tr…)

>>432432Second ayrt, here's the actual character design they made a fan art of.
No. 432514
File: 1731680152196.jpeg (159.02 KB, 1494x2048, GbC1b0tXEAAU1vT.jpeg)

>>432156are farmhands retarded?
No. 432527
File: 1731683069652.png (1.51 MB, 1920x841, system_collab_mignyan_ota__pen…)

mignyan new designs are so damn ugly
No. 432543
File: 1731688679143.jpg (107.02 KB, 1004x795, fluttershy_save_pinkie_by_cand…)

when pinkies soul gets a little too suicidal at the wrong time…
No. 432616
File: 1731709157425.jpg (443.9 KB, 1638x2048, GbaEUxra0AA7Z0i.jpg)

this guy's faces scare me
No. 432625
File: 1731710888009.jpg (92.89 KB, 640x811, tumblr_a2911099ae124c5413ec793…)

>>432432This goes hard.
>>432268The Roman soldier and cowboy from Night at the Museum??
No. 432874
File: 1731795621342.jpeg (458.61 KB, 2048x2048, GUitux1W0AEiYZC.jpeg)

No. 432881
File: 1731798228377.jpeg (294.6 KB, 1638x2048, GR08tSCb0AAdbSG.jpeg)

>>432616That's a woman kek this artist would be based if his art wasn't so uncanny
No. 432890
File: 1731799615954.jpg (221.77 KB, 800x1200, bafkreie2wxaldpyjyrjtqta4maafn…)

No. 432903
File: 1731803953699.jpg (67.49 KB, 637x1024, 1731784897405112m.jpg)

This is ugly I know it's highly stylized but his body just looks retarded and gross.
No. 433002
File: 1731838413245.jpg (315.34 KB, 1536x2298, 56d9108684f4e7cbef64fe5e4f7e00…)

No. 433005
File: 1731838615846.webp (10.11 MB, 5698x7588, Sonico_drinking_soda.jpg)

No. 433015
File: 1731842610084.png (534.78 KB, 1066x1066, 03SiteMockupSquareItemsStolas.…)

>>432903All her creatures have zero sex appeal but the long skinny ones are the worst. Funny how in this official merch design they gave him an ass just to have
something kek
No. 433017
File: 1731843167782.jpg (418.73 KB, 1340x1600, minoans bearing gifts.jpg)

>>433015>>432903Reminds me of those Minoan graffitis where the guys were drawn with fat asses and small waists.
No. 433108
File: 1731874154209.png (263.08 KB, 653x880, transgender.png)

No. 433136
File: 1731896558846.jpg (95.75 KB, 693x1080, Screenshot.jpg)

Not even near bad but the anatomy fuck-up got me, sorry
No. 433154
File: 1731906977985.jpg (153.87 KB, 800x1348, afc5a07d7b270fbebf43a4a6a87315…)

No. 433232
File: 1731947455685.jpeg (64.14 KB, 688x387, Gci9nYxWYAAKYM.jpeg)

No. 433260
File: 1731954310115.jpg (82.35 KB, 540x728, tumblr_2c45dbb0f83329aab746d90…)

if this wasn't supposed to be James Potter and Sirius Black I wouldn't think this was that bad
No. 433264
File: 1731955461832.jpg (234.23 KB, 1080x1440, what-do-we-think-of-the-explic…)

I love Winx Club's art style, but this is an awful pose. Can artist anons weigh in on this?
No. 433338
File: 1731984302011.jpg (674.04 KB, 1675x1780, bafkreiceycfbfpacwcylind4law2i…)

When you're super bad at anatomy
No. 433341
File: 1731984656604.jpg (162.15 KB, 720x1601, tumblr_82acf81d0eae912cf5fe38a…)

This image creeps me out.
No. 433358
File: 1731990099574.jpg (600.57 KB, 720x1280, Tumblr_l_161837997954712.jpg)

>>433345It's scribbled over some webtoon bl to make it SP, but op still draws them like that kek this is their butters
No. 433364
>>433260mer!AUs are one of my favourites for coming across weird art (and fic), they turn up in some of the strangest choices for fandoms too (at least HP
has merfolk in it kek). I like how James is basically the generic design for Harry but with a goatee
No. 433374
File: 1731998932799.jpeg (130.67 KB, 1365x1713, GOnRF-Ba4AATpAP.jpeg)

No. 433404
File: 1732010999336.png (1.16 MB, 1439x2048, 4usaJa9.png)

No. 433475
File: 1732029341202.gif (825.47 KB, 500x375, 96598.gif)

>>433017>minoans bearing giftsfor me nehehehehe
No. 433590
File: 1732057436231.png (1.78 MB, 749x1112, summer_dress__by_creatiffy_dhg…)

Hideously grotesque & creepy,she's staring right in your soul.
No. 433682
File: 1732078931871.gif (80.34 KB, 220x171, madasf.gif)

>>433590i saw this and cringed and closed the thread and then had to open it again because it just clicked that it's Paulina from Thea Sisters, get your disgusting hands off my childhood favourite series reeeeeeeeeeeeeee
No. 433746
File: 1732102596585.png (5.35 MB, 2000x2500, nofreakingway.png)

it hurts
No. 433842
File: 1732131508819.jpg (389.12 KB, 1237x1425, bafkreihet24rjyyalsrd5ptoeb7k5…)

>furries:we don't sexualize animals!
>Sexualizes animal
She keeps drawing the same garbage over and over and I still don't understand how she even has a lot of followers in the first place.People and their shit taste.
No. 433885
File: 1732136989701.jpg (503.74 KB, 800x1000, 120821873_p0_master1200.jpg)

He has the Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff Mouth.
No. 433910
File: 1732141546872.jpg (268.11 KB, 1080x1920, 2284905269527.JPG)

>>433842At least she started rendering and using textures. The art she made as a teenager had way more soul - but then she pandered to tranny coomers.
No. 433931
File: 1732150790886.png (Spoiler Image,534.73 KB, 780x594, Gc3iWO1aAAAUfpo.png)

Spoiler for yaoi but that face.
No. 434035
File: 1732208954916.jpg (213.55 KB, 719x1022, Screenshot_20240217_090245_edi…)

No. 434179
File: 1732221772529.jpg (51.09 KB, 828x465, take_ep8_by_franschesco_dikb03…)

No. 434180
File: 1732221879750.jpg (70.97 KB, 894x894, angela_and_jumpluff_by_fransch…)

No. 434203
>>431644the brujo ari of pick me teenage girls
>>431729kinda unrelated but its crazy that kid cudi is her uncle
No. 434265
File: 1732237334405.jpg (97.86 KB, 1124x1188, 76xz4sg6q9v51.jpg)

No. 434279
File: 1732241790429.jpg (382.16 KB, 1433x2048, tumblr_9016646584b04d15d02278e…)

No. 434292
File: 1732247303108.jpeg (Spoiler Image,238.05 KB, 842x1024, GU-BjtFXAAAFFHo.jpeg)

grotesque tif art warning
No. 434296
File: 1732247622893.jpeg (Spoiler Image,855.39 KB, 1642x2048, GamrqyYXgAA69Mx.jpeg)

>>434293is this supposed to radiate "trans joy"? because all i see is cutting, scarring, drooling, sweating and self-hatred. apologies if this has been posted before
No. 434372
File: 1732283790441.jpg (1.31 MB, 2048x2594, Tumblr_l_12683225480355.jpg)

What in the man face KEK
No. 434398
File: 1732292826841.jpeg (775.33 KB, 1609x2048, GchxolxWEAA-c5A.jpeg)

No. 434470
File: 1732306078599.jpg (65.47 KB, 850x595, 492591aafcac16075c829085cbb11e…)

No. 434538
File: 1732318166941.jpg (66.34 KB, 850x696, 7333d28ee31407a1a7b1dfec75bb56…)

This is cringe
No. 434575
File: 1732330234738.jpg (77.6 KB, 850x620, 530f901a30d6472376565fb7f0efa2…)

This is so cursed
No. 434585
File: 1732334314736.jpg (48.94 KB, 423x569, wtf.JPG)

No. 434613
File: 1732343353073.jpg (Spoiler Image,229.96 KB, 1495x2048, GdABCNvacAAkv6y.jpg)

It's worse if you know what character it's supposed to be
No. 434617
File: 1732344387173.jpg (689.11 KB, 2048x1131, tumblr_2b887ccd8ac3147f40d4e3e…)

>>434613Anya from mouth washing? If so why the elf ears?
No. 434618
>>434613I hope wokies jump his ass for coomerfying a character thats a
victim of rape. disgusting
No. 434629
File: 1732350283790.jpg (133.83 KB, 2048x864, GdBTUtwWIAA2uJE.jpg)

No. 434656
>>434265This looks like it was drawn by a child which is really worrying, but knowing these types of artists this could be a 30-something with an arts degree
>>434617I'm completely puzzled as to how someone sees a pony show for girls and arrives here. Why do half of them look like men - are they drawn as men?
No. 434677
>>434292>>434293>>434296Clearly transitioning didn't make these people any happier.
>>434617My Little Pony crossover with the Magypsies from Mother3, very clever.
No. 434722
File: 1732385745456.jpg (368.3 KB, 1224x816, 704-Service (7).jpg)

>>432268Sorry for vanishing with the answer fam. Great guesses, but no winners this time!
It's meant to be Rick and Negan from The Walking Dead. Somehow.
No. 434731
>>434613oh god not this larper again lmao
His broken Japanese makes me geg everytime
No. 434740
>>434617I get that wokies try to normalize conventionally ugly feature, I agree with the sentiment somewhat. But why the fuck can't they ever draw those features in a normal way? It's like they're trying to draw as much attention to them as possible and to depict them in the most disgusting way possible. It achieves the opposite effect. Also lol at the black characters always being either obese or male.
Strangely enough, I love the way this artist incorporated the cutie marks into the clothes, but aside from that, this has nothing to do with MLP. Why not just make OCs at that point? Holy shit.
>>434656>Why do half of them look like men - are they drawn as men?I think they're all supposed to be some flavor of ~queer~, judging by that Rarity with boobs and a beard. I hate that these artists have made "tall, lanky, pale girl" synonymous with "white MTF tranny" now.
>>434629This looks so amateurish, I hope this is just an experiment to learn from mistakes.
No. 434745
>>434725Topkek I’m still around
no diseases or babies, very happy still the art posted upthread is so deliciously bad but I could still tell it was Negan bc I am sick
No. 434760
File: 1732394403283.jpg (126.83 KB, 640x759, why tho.jpg)

I was going to do one of those 'guess the characters,' but I think it would be a little too easy, so I'll just come out and say that it's supposed to be Kyle and Cartman from South Park.
No. 434834
File: 1732405826370.jpg (127.78 KB, 800x800, 4892dd46b5f56faf1ae8fe8e716966…)

No. 434845
File: 1732408315292.png (1.51 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_6309.png)

mpreg trans black severus snape
No. 434855
File: 1732410419033.jpeg (1003.82 KB, 2729x3859, __yanami_anna_make_heroine_ga_…)

This is the worst case of unironic anime coomer art where the artist drew and rendered an overly detailed body but gave the girl a flat moeblob face I've ever seen.
No. 434862
File: 1732411221987.jpg (706.71 KB, 1800x1000, bafkreiffotvbpxgxqq5ezn3nyquyy…)

It needs more QT+ flags.
No. 435018
File: 1732466635105.jpeg (204 KB, 979x2048, GdED4LgWQAE_YuE.jpeg)