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No. 434062

and the associated drama.

No. 434063

>rich brazilian into FE3H fandom who imported and raped her gfs from all over the world then got outed on dumblr
Please OP i need to hear more of this I am intrigued as fuck.

No. 434065

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>Mother x Daughter

No. 434066

Same! Was her Tumblr archived?

No. 434069

agreed come on spill the milk

No. 434072

OP just remake the thread with himejocoomer/cringe/whatever and specify that any TiM shit should go in the TiM thread.

I'm looking through the chats of the person who shared this with me, give me some minutes. If not, I will tell her to post herself here. She knows more about this BR cow than me.

No. 434073

File: 1732214502108.png (1.08 MB, 1992x594, Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 6.14.…)

sage for not great milk but I found this on mangadex

“As an outsider, I want to silently protect and watch over the love between women…,” said a Yuri fanatic that got hit by a car and reincarnated as a wall in a certain apartment! And for some reason, the residents of the apartment room are always two girls in yuri relationship… Let’s support these cute and heartwarming couples together with the passionate wall in “Yuri Wall”!

No. 434075

> remake the thread with himejocoomer/cringe/whatever
Im against it, itll just derail into a fujo vs hime infight once again on whos more morally superior instead of actually laughing at crazies.

No. 434076

stop minimodding troons are like the majority of the yuri fandom

No. 434077

Then it will just be another TiM thread because most yurifag cringe comes from moids.

No. 434078

this, its better for the thread to be focused on the milk than turning into another infight thread

No. 434079

it wont since we're actually talking about himejoshi who are women, and have milk aside from being a coomer AGP which is what 99.9% of TIM yuri cringe is anyways.
I eagerly await information on the brazillian fire emblem fan sex trafficker

No. 434081

Make a himejo thread or gtfo. Mods already banned last thread because it will devolve into tranny posting.

No. 434082

Isnt the fujo thread mostly tranny posting? i want to bully men too.

No. 434083

do that in the tim thread where it belongs

No. 434084

TiFs are still fujos. TiMs are not himejos. If you want to shit on delusional men in a dress then use the TiM thread. Plus it's better to have a thread for only himejo cringe.

No. 434085

But why? most yurifags are troons.
Read the OP its called yuri fandom crazies, not himejoshi crazies.

No. 434086

Read the fucking mod messages on the last thread, retard.

No. 434087

But this thread isnt named himejoshi cringe, its named yuri fandom crazies.

No. 434088

File: 1732215335188.jpg (533.31 KB, 2039x2896, Rpg-fudousan-vol-4.jpg)

Guess this can count for this thread, but what was up with these designs? Iirc, the anime censored all of them.

No. 434089

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it still looks like shit but i cant believe anime actually censored unnecesary fanservice

No. 434090

Last thread was also open to any sort of yurifag. Mods already said they don't want another TiM thread. This is gonna get locked.

No. 434091

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as long as it isnt low hanging fruit like screencaps of a damn tranny meme subreddit kek. but honestly TIMs making faux deep posts about yuri are better posted in the TIM threads anyways, their milk is different to himejoshi yuri fans craziness which are exclusively women.
I guess you can count the rare TIF who overcompensates by larping as a coomer moid into hentai brainrot which includes oneeloli and lolicon

No. 434092

File: 1732215452212.jpg (Spoiler Image,547.21 KB, 1801x2560, Rpg-fudousan-vol-2.jpg)

This one is loli

No. 434093

The fujocoomer thread is mostly tifs and its not locked.

No. 434094

Why don't you bring around the admin to decide what's the best course of action for the thread instead of bossing it over the rest of us as if you were anybody of importance? Why should we do what you want? Who the hell are you?

No. 434095

File: 1732215523250.png (336.86 KB, 1072x1962, Screenshot_20241121-105138_(1)…)

Her name is ShinyMilotics. She was a fanfiction writer that wrote for /u/ and was also involved in the FE yuri fandom on twitter and tumblr. She would meet up women from /soc/, rape them, all the while being in a "committed" LDR relationship with another women from America.

Her gf found out and made a callout thread against her on Twitter, including the receipts of the victims.

Deleted all her accounts after this, but she would sometimes pop back again disguised under different handles.

No. 434096

can you stop trying to start your retarded vendetta infighting again? let us enjoy the milk in peace

No. 434097

did she date trannies or fakeboi women?

No. 434098

You already got like 4 threads locked and you still want to infight instead of following the moderation and having an actual himejocoomer thread.

No. 434099

Is this yuri? MAL classifies it as CGDCT.

No. 434101

It's not. Most Kirara CGDCT series aren't. This is one of the least yuri Kirara series too.

No. 434102

i dunno how to tell you this but TIFs are women

No. 434103

cgdct means cute girls doing cute things so its supposed to be yuri centric with the whole eradication of the species known as moids

No. 434104

File: 1732215811158.jpg (498.73 KB, 1080x1745, 1732190251776.jpg)

cant you just hide the thread if you dont like it? why the fuck do you care so much if anons shit on men with a lesbian fetish. Weird tranny wk going on.

No. 434105

The cow is a terfy 4channer and didn't like troons but the OP who called her out, is an actual female lesbian, just a handmaiden.

No. 434106

Because TIFs are women. Its not about the milk coming from trannies, its about the milk coming from women and TIMs are not women.

kek the priorities of her being a transphobe first over her sexually assaulting women. let me guess she had a "gential preference"

No. 434107

So we can only make fun of women? so many TIM wk around here.

No. 434108

>posting trannyshit again
I mean I'm just saying. I will try to post himejo cringe to the best of my abilities but don't get surprised if you retards get the thread locked again because you flood it with TiMshit.

No. 434109

if enough anons have said they dont want to talk about MOIDS in this thread can you fucking stop acting obtuse?

No. 434110

himejos are women. mods already said if you want to talk about TIMs, do it in a TIM thread

No. 434111

>She was a fanfiction writer that wrote for /u/
Hahaha. Already gives degen vibes. Has she posted anything to AO3? Are her fics still there?
Kind of despicable than nobody brought charges against her or the charges got dismissed.

This is an extreme take. I don't think K-ON is yuri.

No. 434112

Hide the thread if you dont like it.

No. 434113

Make a poll of GTFO.

No. 434114

Don't act like you're not the one doing the exact opposite farmhands already told you not to do lmao.

No. 434115


No. 434116

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Her fics are all orphaned but can still be found on tumblr. funnily enough there are no callout posts about her on the site, and the only posts that showed up when you search her url are people recommending her fics. Interesting considering shes ""transphobe"" and you'd think she wouldnt get away with that on tumblr of all places.

No. 434118

It's weird as fuck you are wk trannies this hard.

No. 434120

>I don't think K-ON is yuri.
kek nona i didnt meant it like that but those kind of series always attracts yurifags

No. 434121

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It has yuri relationships and looking at the ending, it has the mc and the loli sleeping together, kissing each other, and saying they'll be together forever. Seems yuri to me.

No. 434122

Just ignore her. She's looking for a fight to shit up a brand-new thread.

No. 434124

The topic was already banned because it includes TiMs and encourages to flood the thread with TiMs. Retard retard double retard dummyhead.

No. 434125

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No. 434126

She used to post on ao3 but she deleted everything after that. /u/ probably had her fics archived but tbh the fics she wrote were pretty vanilla.

No. 434127

What sucks is that even if anons had the self-control to not respond to the minimod infight bait, reporting them does nothing because the fucking mod is a goon

No. 434128

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No. 434129

Okay… I guess MAL needs to update their tags kek.

The only good in this story is that a successful cancellation for 'x-phobia' is a myth.

No. 434130

I'm always morbidly fascinated by these girls. Aren't they bored shilling nonstop for soulless garbage they would never read?

No. 434131

How are you not embarrassed to share it on social media? It's stuff you post on anonymous image boards.

No. 434132

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I wonder if anyone has Itou Hachi tweets? lots of moids on /a/ seem to confirm she's a creep who creeps on her niece. Fucking deranged.

No. 434133

Iirc another case was the author of Slow Start, another cgdct yuri show, from what I remember while she also does loli stuff that can still be found, she went into drawing pretty hardcore bbc porn with her characters.
Seems like it's all deleted off her twitter now, though. I remember 4chan being shocked and betrayed at how she was using her characters.

No. 434134

not to be woke but that is such an unhinged premise coming from a white person, why would you have your mug visible while requesting for a story about a jewish and black woman getting hatecrimed kek

No. 434136

>pee fetish
Somehow even more disgusting than her being a lolicon.

No. 434138

Bbc porn?

No. 434139

>cgdct yuri
>loli stuff
>hardcore bbc
I'm always amazed when hentai creators are so…versatile.

>4chan being shocked and betrayed at how she was using her characters

What exactly shocked them? The BBC?

No. 434140

>>>/m/279476 but in the past teens posted stuff like that anonymously.

No. 434143

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Yeah, they felt ntr'd.

No. 434144

definitely, though I dont think op made the post to be edgy, it seemed like she tried to do a historical drama based off real tragedy which ended up coming off more insensitive and tonedeaf, moreso by her plastering her face on it and passing off the events as "quirky novel tropes"

No. 434147

There has to be some milk on himejoshis bending backwards trying to defend "moe artstyle" and reclaiming it from moid gaze because how the hell can anyone see meaningful relationships from these lolibait monstrosities and shill media that look like /that/ (ive seen it a lot in tohou hime spaces as well)

No. 434148

Uhhh are you not confusing Hakka-ya with someone else? She has never done porn, and her social media is still up.
Proof all her works have been non-H:

No. 434149

File: 1732217564866.jpg (Spoiler Image,192.62 KB, 1066x539, Screenshot_1.jpg)

>hover over first link
>its a lolicon in randoseru and sukumizu
it may not be porn but come on its not drawn with pure intention in mind. It may not be BBC porn artist, but she definitely has an art style/content reminiscent of someone who frequently consumes and has lolicon artists in her circle.

No. 434151

Most yurishit is cgdct loli garbage, i used to find namori one of the most normal ones until i found out she collabed with Itou Hachi on a oneeloli doujin.

No. 434152

You can also check her tag in Gelbooru. Anything she has drawn gets reposted there. Also looking in the /a/ and /u/ archive there is nothing about a controversy with her. Either you're confusing her with another artist or you're lying.

No. 434153

I'm sure it was this, since the mc's hairstyle and artstyle was pretty memorable, but I guess I'd have to look through 4chan archives for it.

No. 434154

Yeah sure but she's never done porn of her characters, which is what OP is claiming.

No. 434156

Many moeblob artstyles look similar. Could easily have been someone else making porn of her characters.

No. 434157

She might be mistaking it for lewd gravure depictions of her ocs which I can definitely see on her booru page, though its certainly a far cry from BBC porn kek. who knows maybe she posted the H-content under a different alias which explains why its not archived on booru, or the artstyle was mistaken for another person since she has an extremely generic moeblob style anyways

No. 434158

Not that nona, but
are the most obvious lolicon. Is it okay to repost art like this here, even if spoilered?

No. 434159

She's a pretty old artist going back to the early 2000s and always has had two known aliases, Hakka-ya (her circle name, which she has done yuri, solo and het pics with) and Tokumi Yuiko which she uses to publish in manga magazines. I think anon confused her with another artist who made het of HIS yuri pairing but it's completely different from this one.

No. 434160

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Kek, I'm sorry I looked it up and it turned out I got it mixed with another cdgct show, Hinako Note.

No. 434161

I would keep it safe and just post the links only. SFW depictions of lolicon is allowed though I dont know what the lines are for scantily clad one at that.

No. 434162

Oh yeah this one. Honestly I didn't post her because her works are not really yuri. Hinako Note is the rare non-yuri CGDCT in Comic CUNE. And yeah she's trash.

No. 434163

You can post it but it must be censored

No. 434164

Honestly Hakka-ya is not a cow herself but Ritz (the OG creator of those characters from the Saki manga) kinda is. When I go back home from wagie I can post some info about her (Ritz).

No. 434165

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>two different characters drawn by two different artists
kek i can see why nona mistook them, why do CGDCT all have the same fucking art style

No. 434166

Moeshit killed anime.

No. 434171

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Im relatively new to himejo circles but is the Tomiyaki Kagisora a woman? The hands seem feminine and I've always regarded her as patient zero for oneeloli hitting mainstream.

No. 434172

baka updates says male

No. 434173

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>hand blur

No. 434174

You probably only think those are female hands because of the shirt hem but those wide ass nails in comparison with the thin fingers give it away.

No. 434178

File: 1732221073226.jpg (1.24 MB, 2714x1516, hakka-ya.jpg)

Alright so I said Hakka-ya wasn't exactly a cow but pic related is all the Saki (gonna get into it next post) doujins she pumped out for roughly 6-8 years. So at the very least she is a full-blown obsessed himejo and also likes loli somewhat. The only original work she has done in her career is Slow Start (the series an anon above confused with another show) and it does feature a student-teacher situationship between two female characters and her loli character is mostly the cuck in this relationship because she likes her classmate. Oh and she also included a gay troon once to point out the manga is kinda LGBT or whatever. I still think she's one of the least milky of the potentially problematic himejo authors as you will see next, though also keep in mind this is a grown ass woman likely in her late 40s or early 50s now kek. The links below show proof of my statements.

No. 434185

>pic related is all the Saki (gonna get into it next post) doujins she pumped out for roughly 6-8 years

Good lord, I wish I had the same kind of motivation as these mega autists.

No. 434186

>Oh and she also included a gay troon once to point out the manga is kinda LGBT
Kek, was it draw a girl call it a guy?

No. 434187

Someone please put these bug eyed anime girls out of their misery

No. 434188

File: 1732223465834.png (Spoiler Image,1.33 MB, 1706x1210, 76992450ff572a405ee1709bbd99a6…)

You've reminded me of another yuri artist, m k, who drew really cute relatively down to earth yuri but then switched to this ultra sexual dimorphic huge dark-skined tomboy x white psudeo loli.

No. 434189

I respect the hustle

No. 434190

This reeks of agp

No. 434191

File: 1732223918091.jpg (92.79 KB, 720x510, lesbian sex.jpg)

So next up is Ritz, author of the famous Saki manga. She's known to ONLY draw either breast-cancer titty monsters or washboard perflat characters. No in-between, no one in her manga remains with normal-sized breasts for long, after a while she will turn them into huge titty monsters, you can see the progress in these images:

Then she proceeds to draw most of her lolis as skimpy as possible. Despite never doing porn most of her manga is full of borderline nudity and it's known that no one wears panties in-universe.

She has also depicted loli/adult teasing (Koromo and Fujita) and teacher/student teasing (Arata and Harue). Somewhat recently she confirmed in her blog that all her female characters are SSA, some are bisexuals and others lesbians, possibly due to pressure from fans to know. Many many years back she implied being bisexual herself in one of her blogposts.

All the spin-offs her manga has have been done by female artists. One of them (Igarashi) tweeted that she had to read pic related in order to write the spin-off. She's not a yurifag so it's possible she was forced into it by Ritz.

And finally she clearly has a fuckton mommy issues since Saki and her autobiographical manga are full of them.

No. 434193

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this is mental illness

No. 434195

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finding random yuripedo posts on /u/ is like spotting big foot in the wild

No. 434206

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Didn't pic related dressed as an elementary schooler for a fashion shoot?

No. 434207

Not just that, diapers too.

No. 434209

she's not a yuri artist though, just a weird lesbian

No. 434221

File: 1732229745694.jpg (393.56 KB, 576x1024, 67713846_p0_master1200.jpg)

her pixiv has some yuri artworks, but what shes mostly known for are her autobiographical works that are her current cash cow. iirc some anons on 2chan theorize she intentionally doesnt get better so she can keep having material to write comics about since her fictional content dont do as well as her autobios.

No. 434224

>no true lesbo

No. 434225

she never said she was a lesbian and the title in english was just a localization, she was molested as a child and she says it fucked up her sexuality.

No. 434226

Yeah, the only reason she's perceived as lesbian outside of the West is because of that shitty 'translated' title that implies something she never stated

No. 434228

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Kind of sad her sexuality is fucked up from CSA (presuming its true), it should be noted the title is a mistranslation and was originally "My experience with a Lesbian Escort Worker" and not that she was lesbian herself. She also had bladder issues from alcoholism so I could see how she'd fall into sexualizing her own disorder.

No. 434229

This is what I came here to say. Iirc the actual title was something along the lines of "I was so lonely, I hired a female prostitute," or something. She's either bisexual or bicurious, or potentially just straight. She didn't even have sex with the prostitute she hired.

No. 434231

>wrote a manga about lesbian sex
>never wrote bl to her name
>d-doesnt count
Guess the half naked Saki loli is more your flavor kek.

No. 434232

shes milky on her own right but neither for being a hime nor fujo. What would the appropriate thread be to discuss about japanese manga cows?

No. 434233

Many people write one or two BL/GL but they aren't obsessed with the genre thus aren't fujos/himejos. Her works aren't even classified as GL because it's just blogposting and the lesbian non-sex only appears in one of her works (that one you may count as barely GL).

No. 434238

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I need to understand, is the titty monster transformation gradual or do the characters suddenly appear with big tittes one random chapter? has someone made a timeline of the tits suddenly growing bigger across time? Is there a lore explanation to this or did she just decide she had to draw them with big titties or she'll die. i have so many questions…

No. 434240

Ballsack boobies…

No. 434241

For Nodoka it has been gradual but for Awai, the one you posted, it was sudden.

No. 434243

Fwiw, it's classified as gl in bookstores I go to and in forums I post on, this is the first time tbh that I've heard that she's not lesbian enough and it's not yuri enough.

No. 434245

whats the manga even about, and who the fuck is even into this shit

No. 434246

was the reception to the sudden breast enlargement well received? It looks more ridiculous than attractive, and unless it came out of a long hiatus the sudden change mustve been jarring to readers, I cant imagine being able to take the manga seriously from then on. Japanese people seriously cant be this terminally coombrained to not see how ridiculous it is right…?

No. 434249


No. 434250

Just because a lot of people are retarded doesn't make them right. Would you classify shounenshit as BL too because some people on the Internet think the MCs are gay for each other? Also fyi there is always constant debate about bookstores (and publishers online) classifying some works as yuri because they tend to do it wrong a lot for some reason (which reminds me of another sorta milky ex-yuri author I might post about if I can do it without seething too much).
Here, some posts in this search point out what I'm talking about.

It's a mahjong manga, of course.

It's a meme manga at this point, people reading it do it because it's ridiculous in multiple ways. It constantly gets shitpost threads in Futaba. So yeah, people didn't care and just made memes about it.

No. 434251


Uuuh are they really a "she" though? Genuine question. I know Nipponese women have a terrible case of (mental) self-sexualization (look at DL site Otome) but Saki just reeks of moidslop.

No. 434253

File: 1732233870309.jpg (102.04 KB, 771x586, 413414141414`3.jpg)

Its about mahjong, I find it funny how the manga volume covers perfectly encapsulate how the series progressed, with the first having a clear emphasis on the mahjong piece to the current one hardly being visible due to the balloon tits being the focal point.

No. 434255

There is an ancient blog post she made implying she's bisexual after some fan asked her about the sexuality of her characters, besides that there isn't more concrete proof. Her avatar isn't even human, but people who have interacted with her always depict her as female so there might be that.

No. 434256

the style also went from soul to souless

No. 434260

I feel like there's a difference between a battle shounen like Naruto and a series where the main character tries to have sex with a lesbian prostitute.
But, if a shounen mc tried to have sex with a male prostitute he would probably be called gay, yeah.

No. 434263

Based female autist. Wish I had that kind of drive ngl

No. 434271

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No wonder so many GL artists only draw yuri set in highschool, its what sells and its disappointing to see authors who originally created down to earth realistic content sell out to the moeblob coomer crowd just because it gives them more attention and profit. I dont think this artist is ever going back after having a taste of those sweet fanbox earnings.
Its even more disappointing when women are a part of this demand, mostly because theyre either autopedophiles, pick mes, or both.

No. 434275

Wtf man this shit is so cute. Fucking coomer sell-out.

Btw is there a manga between these two? Or are they just OCs.

No. 434283

>lolifaggot troon lover
least obvious yuritroon

No. 434287

Most lolicons have a pee fetish

No. 434337

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No. 434367

File: 1732282876918.jpg (203.35 KB, 776x1102, pedo maid.jpg)

What is with female yuri mangaka making weird pedobait manga? And the yuri/pedo/bait manga getting anime adaptations? Don't you have better things to adapt? Why is there a market for this? People meme Boku no Pico, but it was a one-off thing that hasn't been replicated since, meanwhile a series like Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru gets a TV adaptation (not some obscure OVA) - wtf? Is somebody like Nakamura Kanko https://www.mangaupdates.com/author/8dss3s4/nakamura-kanko supposed to be the face of yuri manga, somebody who 'has made it' in the industry? Doga Kobo are a lolipedo studio, by pedos for pedos, btw - you can't change my mind on that.

No. 434368

File: 1732283070495.jpg (186.71 KB, 814x596, mal.jpg)

Is a well-regarded studio adapting yuripedotrash a form of grooming?

No. 434369

Me walking out of the store with suspiciously TV and console-shaped tiddies

No. 434370

Source? How do you know that?

Good job making a self-parody?

No. 434374

Those dont look like tits that looks like shes trying to sneak something away under her shirt kekkk

No. 434381

The ones that have a fetish for russian lolis scare me the most because you just know they have a stash of those gross ''kid model'' pictures they use as reference, most of those come from russia

No. 434393

NTA but every time I see pee jokes and shit from moids the character is usually very young, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's true.

No. 434405

>inb4 only moids say the joke that doesnt apply to himes
picks mes jebait themselves into saying pedo moid references all the time, you see it with the UOOH/Crying emoji thing that came from a pedo that heavily referenced pictures of irl gravure idols in his art, or the pomf pomf kimochi song having a reference to actual CP (salty milk and coins)

While these are not actions from Himejoshis, its not too far fetched to assume a sell out hime would eventually parrot yuricoomer jokes for moid attention.

No. 434466

File: 1732305748332.jpg (65.17 KB, 548x392, pedo.jpg)

I freaking hate how yuripedo animanga gets a pass in normalfag spaces while straight/yaoi pedo is rightfully reviled. And so many pedos are not ashamed to call it great! Just look at the Amazon reviews here. BTW, The Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru manga faced 0 issues being published in English and getting sold on regular shopping platforms/bookshops - unlike other lolicon works, like Kodomo no Jikan (which faced huge backlash in 2007 causing the publisher to back off; the anime is not licensed outside of Japan to this day). Kodomo no Jikan was published in the end (digital-only), but has issues with deplatforming by companies:
>Project-H announced last month that its website had been banned from its ecommerce platform Shopify for violating the platform's Acceptable Use Policy. Digital Manga then announced that it had removed Kodomo no Jikan ebooks from its eManga website, which is also hosted by Shopify, as a "precaution." The Acceptable Use policy does not explicitly ban pornography, though it does have a rule against content that presents children "in a sexual manner."
Meanwhile you can freely watch the yuripedo show by a yuripedo mangaka on Crunchyroll, no issues, no take-down requests from any jurisdiction! And it's for ages +14! Gotta learn how to be a proper lolicon as soon as you hit puberty!
Tell me how is it okay?

So much cheese pizza featuring real children comes from Eastern Europe - it's so disgusting to include the 'Russian little girl' trope in lolicon works. You know where the obsession is coming from and it's not Japanese Junior Idol or some German 'naturism' mag from the 70s depicting naked children. You think a woman lolicon would know better and wouldn't have the heart to access child abuse material for 'inspiration' (fapping)? Wrong! Kanko is as degenerate as your typical moid lolifag, if not more.

No. 434471

Because women rarely actually rape children while men rape children all the time and normies know this even if it's politically incorrect to say out loud without having to hear MRA whataboutism.

No. 434476

File: 1732306859142.jpg (22.38 KB, 212x265, 1692100083340.jpg)

Didn't have to wait long for the yuripedo defence to show up.

No. 434478

While women rarely rape children themselves, they are very capable of enabling and allowing predators access to children. This is a conversation that is more nuanced and does not fit this thread topic so I will not continue.

No. 434479

File: 1732307016307.jpg (342.64 KB, 972x1830, 65c.jpg)

No. 434515

>Source? How do you know that?
By seeing lolicon spaces online? It's a common fetish among pedophiles in general

No. 434520

This one is made by a guy though.

No. 434525

Nona this is an obvious pedo, just report and ignore

No. 434567

File: 1732328406053.jpg (192.68 KB, 713x1000, mkbooks.JPG)

Yeah, the artist released 3 volumes about them before falling into lolifuta degeneracy

No. 434607

File: 1732341768954.jpg (181.1 KB, 1550x2000, ynp15whg9sq61.jpg)

What truly gets me about this artist's downgrade is that her artwork used to depict a down-to-earth depiction of the life of a lesbian relationship, rather than a fantasy of highschool escapism. This is emphasized more with the realistic proportions her art style had rather than the generic thin moe style yuri often tends to be portrayed as.
All of this makes the sell out so much more disappointing as she stood out from the grain and was capable of creating something original, but fell backwards and threw it all away just for an extra profit. Coomer bucks are poison and isn't worth trading your soul and creativity for

No. 434627

File: 1732349185299.png (115.71 KB, 429x844, ohnono.png)

>reeee kill all fujos
Does this bitch know that every single "pure" yuri mangaka that she has listed are also fujos?

No. 434633

Nona you do know nip moids also create sfw yuri sometimes? You keep insisting this is a woman but all my instincts tell me this is a moid

No. 434634

Almost as if yuri and yaoi are just story genres that can be enjoyed by anyone regardless of sexual orientation and aren't just coom fodder like the way moids perceive media. Goldstar yurifags are conveniently silent when their "approved yuri" creators also draw NL/hetshit.

No. 434637

and we may likely never know since the artist's old Twitter account was nuked and now rebranded to be a fanbox/R18 account only so there are no non-art related media to parse off of.
My intuition is based off the art style as it reminiscent of Battan's work but to be fair I'm not good at clocking gender based on art style in the first place

No. 434638

I really don't understand it. So many yuri mangakas draw pedoshit and are obsessed with lolis for some reason and it makes no sense to me. And I know anons love to cope that "they're ackshually men no woman would like this" but I have personally met a ton of female yurifags who love lolis because they "think they're cute" but very obviously sexualize them or talk about how "hot" they are.

And it's always some flavor of the "well they're both girls so it's okay" excuse too. No, it's still disgusting. The victim is still a little girl and I don't want to watch little girls get assaulted, no matter the perpetrator's gender.

No. 434639

>Goldstar yurifags are conveniently silent when their "approved yuri" creators also draw NL/hetshit.
This is something that really fucking gets me, they will rip a yuri artist apart if she ever draws BL but are completely okay with hetshit. Like with the Alien Stage drama, yurifags were losing their minds over the series having a (very un-romantic) m/m kiss scene and felt "betrayed" but are completely fine with all the hetero stuff.

No. 434640

File: 1732355066713.jpg (28.51 KB, 474x504, OIP (51).jpg)

> yurifags were losing their minds over the series having a (very un-romantic) m/m kiss scene and felt "betrayed" but are completely fine with all the hetero stuff.
that situtation baffled me too because the other co creator qmeng had been drawing blshit for years, what was more gross was that these yuritards were telling qmeng to "quit" forgetting she was the literal wife of vivinos and the co creator ,qmeng was in the right to delete her twitter to avoid these westoid fans

No. 434641

And Vivinos was drawing hetshit before getting into f/f stuff, but they never bring it up and just think it's her girlfriend "corrupting" their pure and just yuri queen. These fucks are so terminally online it's insane.

No. 434642

it sucks for vivinos and qmeng that these are retards that make up their audience they dont deserve this

No. 434806

The grooming shit/teacher perving on students you linked creeped me out. It's gross. I watched a couple of harem trash aimed at moids and they often feature a female teacher flirting with/throwing herself at the teenage MC - it doesn't come close to the creepiness factor of a teacher doing perverted/inappropriate things to a female student. Perhaps because many moids have a kinky hot teacher fantasy, but few women do - the teacher x me fantasies for teenage girls are on the romantic side. This shit here is from the POV of the groomer who wants to defile schoolgirls.

No. 435210

>anon complains about how all the artists that draw sexualized women and yuri are pedos/troons/moids
>anons tell them to maybe not follow coomers who draw sexualized women
>umm ackshually thats lesbophobia you know lesbians want to see big titty anime cat girls too?!1??1
I am so tired of the obnoxious yurifags in the art salt thread, you are not opressed for liking coomer shit, then they start seething about how not all yuri artists are pedos and moids despite 5 seconds before making a whiny post about how all the yuri artists they follow end up being pedophilic scrotes. Grow up.

No. 435218

You mean the anon who was so fucking blind she couldn't see the puppy girl shit being made by the most obvious troon? Irc I dont think she was asking for yuri artists though just artists who drew cute girls

No. 435243

Kek she looks like she shoved a throw pillow in her shirt

No. 435261

File: 1732563625231.png (2.02 MB, 2531x3203, 1732150319684.png)

So one such a crazy 'graced' lolcow with her presence?

No. 435266

it's weird to be this much of a pickme

No. 435268

Finally there's a thread for documenting this bitch. Winterfox/Benjanun Sriduangkaew/Bee Sriduangkaew/Maria Ying, there's a huge, documented rabbit hole of her internet activities online if you just google her name but here's a rundown:

>Thai-Chinese sci-fi author from Thailand who also has a US citizenship, lived in Hong Kong and Thailand

>A heiress to a multimillion dollar hotel chain
>Mostly known for her being revealed to be the author of the controversial blog "Requires Hate" which was basically dedicated to just shit talking other authors and wishing harm on them, most of them being other women because of her terminal stage NLOG tendencies. The criticism was basically sperging in bad faith about "problematic" traits in the stories to attack people she didn't like, famously told female authors to get raped by dogs or get acid thrown at them
>A sci-fi author called Laura J. Mixon had enough and wrote a full ass report on her behavior that went viral and earned Mixon a Hugo Award https://feralsapient.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Requires-Hate-full-report.pdf
>Cried and moaned about being outed like a bitch after spewing deranged hate at people for years
>Identifies as a lesbian, loves yuri, is obsessed with Gundam witch, but seems to absolutely hate other gay people
>Ridiculously combative, lives to insult and pick fights with people over anything
>Got outed for talking shit about trannies in her past, has relentlessly caped for them ever since like a good handmaiden putting other women down in favor of troons and includes them in her "lesbian" works all the time now
>Despite identifying as a lesbian she hates, HATES other women with an autistic passion, especially if they're fujoshis, ESPECIALLY if they're FTM
>She hates men too, so the only people she actually gets along with are transbians that she postures to each and every hour since she has also burned every existing bridge she ever had to other demographics

She recently privated her twitter so I can't post her unhinged classic tweets anymore as receipts but she's active on bluesky, and she's online all the time. Literally machine gun speed tweeting every day. She's like the entirety of lolcow's worst vitriol personified, just constant negativity and rage addiction.

No. 435273

File: 1732567168267.jpg (158.31 KB, 689x770, Untitled.jpg)

Too bad her blog is nuked and the remaining archives are insufficient. I really want to read more of that schizoid posting.

>>Identifies as a lesbian, loves yuri, is obsessed with Gundam witch, but seems to absolutely hate other gay people

For real? The stuff she posted suggests she's more into male ass.

>is obsessed with Gundam witch

Shit taste. She's on the level of a twitter troonbian.

>Got outed for talking shit about trannies in her past

BASED. Opinion changed.

>has relentlessly caped for them ever since like a good handmaiden

CRINGE. Opinion changed again.

>includes them in her "lesbian" works all the time now

She know where the money is, that I have to admit.

>especially if they're fujoshis, ESPECIALLY if they're FTM

Hates FtMs, loves MtF's money. Can't even call her a sellout.

>She hates men too, so the only people she actually gets along with are transbians that she postures to each and every hour since she has also burned every existing bridge she ever had to other demographics

Pretty transparent - I hate all people save for the ones that pay me.

>she's active on bluesky

What's her bluesky? Why doesn't she have her own thread on lolcow?

No. 435274

File: 1732567170521.png (39.61 KB, 973x281, yuripedo.png)

i think i just found yuripedo in the wild kek
>shes mexican
guess love knows no borders, huh?

No. 435275

>The stuff she posted suggests she's more into male ass.
What are you talking about? She literally spergs about how much of a lesbian she is, how much she hates straight women for being into men and all her written literature is just troon aligned lesbian fantasies.

No. 435279

File: 1732568442635.jpg (415.59 KB, 675x1659, blog.jpg)

No. 435282

File: 1732568652052.png (8.22 KB, 681x131, yuripedo is that you.png)

Oh my god that might actually be her, the details of her life in her post history align with the lore she's dropped on Lolcow such as the all-female GL discord, being ESL and foreign LDR girlfriend. It seems her online discord girlfriend is Canadian, she suffers of severe anxiety and panic attacks, is a hypochondriac, has osteoporosis, her parents are dead, she has struggled with a video game addiction that made her drop out of middle school. If that's really her, then damn it's no wonder she's here externalizing her mental illness all the time.

No. 435303

So how much loli hentai and degeneracy she has in this account?

No. 435322

i dont think its her because there isnt a single post on loli anime subs, she seems to stick mostly to 4chan. But she is ESL.

No. 435375

File: 1732615959696.jpg (996.54 KB, 3171x1453, mastodon.jpg)

This cow deserves her own thread. Anybody up to making one? I can contribute with my research autism.

She has a dead Mastodon account here https://mastodon.social/@benjanun_s Did not live long, because she couldn't farm any engagement on it.
Bet she only makes GWitch pander posts because it was a popular show - not that she had any interest in the story/thought it any good. She is soooo critical of books and fiction judging from her now-defunct blog, but she praises GWitch as this great show, despite the writing being bad/mediocre and the characters/story lacking any substance, even for action anime standards? Nah. She ain't sincere. It's all about capturing something viral at the moment to prop herself up and advertise herself. Does she really think people do not notice this? Or perhaps the target audience (trannies) is really that dumb and exploitable (and she knows it). For comparison, she couldn't get into IBO at all, even though that show at least tried to convey a message (GWitch had only Broken Aesops) and had grit&suffering and a much better worldbuilding than GWitch. Too bad it's not really hot cakes among the MtF crowd, so why even waste time on it!

>she uses #transfem writer as a tag

No. 435376

I only saw this in passing and cant trace back the post so please correct me if this is incorrect, but didnt the hotel chain she's connected to have a major scandal due to causing the deaths of a resort guest after using toxic pesticides without warning? not sure if its relevant to the cow, but it still insane information if true.

No. 435377

File: 1732616335502.jpg (128.36 KB, 718x481, sky.jpg)

Can't view her Bluesky account https://bsky.app/profile/benjanun.bsky.social without tools.
The best I could come up with:
1. https://bluestream.deno.dev for finding post numbers (format: benjanun.bsky.social ).
2. https://skyview.social individual - paste the post number to view it. Sadly, no account overview.

No. 435379

archive this

No. 435385

File: 1732617627339.jpg (53.08 KB, 707x328, 747uy.jpg)

You mean the BlueSky account? It doesn't work, see https://archive.ph/5b5Xc
Is there any archiving tool that can penetrate? (GhostArchive doesn't work either)

Archived Mastodon: https://archive.ph/1sEMp

No. 435386

File: 1732617784455.png (7.26 KB, 594x141, hentai posters.png)

Sorry, but it has to be her. There's a frequent poster in the lesbian thread in /g/ who outed herself being a Mexican dating a Canadian woman in a LDR. So many details line up and that reddit account isn't too active, maybe posting once a month, so the lack of loli porn spam isn't much of a counterargument.

No. 435390

File: 1732619000721.jpg (123.83 KB, 723x928, ladyboy fetish.jpg)

Archiving the Bluestream feed works. Still it's not visually pleasing to look at - https://archive.ph/GlSSw
Archiving Skyview also works -

No. 435392

File: 1732619959461.jpg (32.53 KB, 639x243, 44444.jpg)

(From the report)
>▪ She has been involved in efforts to suppress the publication of fiction and reviews for those works that in her sole opinion should not be published.
>▪ She and her associates have pressured con-runners to disinvite speakers from panels and readings, constraining their ability to do business.
>▪ She routinely accuses people of doing the very harm to her that she is in fact doing to them—of stalking, threatening, and harassing—when they have done nothing except try to get as far away from her as they can.
>▪ At least one of her targets was goaded into a suicide attempt.
>▪ She has issued extremely explicit death, rape, and maiming threats against a wide variety of people across the color, gender, sexual-orientation, and dis/ability spectrum.
>▪ She and her supporters argue that she punches up, but the truth is that she punches in all directions. The bulk of her targets—despite her progressively-slanted rhetoric—have been women, people of color, and other marginalized or vulnerable people.
>▪ She has single-handedly destroyed several online SFF, fanfic, and videogaming communities with her negative, hostile comments and attacks.
>▪ After an attack, she deletes her most inflammatory posts and accounts and departs, leaving her targets reeling and others who come later scratching their heads, unable to find evidence and wondering what all the fuss was about.
>▪ She has stalked SFF fans online for months and years, simply for posting that they liked an author’s book that she did not, or for speaking up against her when she called their favorite author (often a POC) epithets like “stupid fuck,” and calling them “morons” for
liking that author.
>▪ She has chased down positive reviews of authors’ works, to appear there and frighten reviewers and fans away from promoting the writers’ works, interfering with their ability to get publicity for their publications. Of the most extreme cases, lasting at least a year, two were launched against women writers of color.
>▪ Her attacks have not diminished over time; they have simply become more skilled and difficult to deflect. As recently as three weeks ago as I write this, she was lying to her supporters to manipulate them into attacking one of her latest victims.
>▪ She excels at shifting her tone and her strategy, seeming friendly and helpful one moment and vicious and harsh the next. She has mastered the crafting and dissemination of false narratives that seem persuasive to observers who are not familiar with the harm she has done in the past.
>▪ In light of the harm she has done, her apologies do not even come close to addressing the damage she has done, much less undoing it.
>▪ “If I see [redacted] being beaten in the street I’ll stop to cheer on the attackers and pour some gasoline on him” – “[redacted] is an ignorant, appropriative bag of feces.”
>▪ “Spread the word that [redacted] is a raging racist fuck. Let him be hurt, let him bleed, pound him into the fucking ground. No mercy.”
>▪ “Stupid fuck” – “homophobe” – “without any talent whatsoever”. To a reader defending her: “Your liking for this pile of verbal diarrhea proves what morons fantasy fans are.”
>▪ “rape apologist!” – “her hands should be cut off so she can never write another Asian character.”
>▪ “ah, if only I could actually do it in person. with scalpels, not words.”
>She is known for trolling fanfic and videogaming forums as far back as 2001, by some reports.
>However, at some point she discovered social-justice-driven rage-speak and found it to be a particularly effective weapon. Reviewing her track record in depth makes clear her progressive rhetoric is little more than a cynical attempt to coopt it to serve her own ends. If her target is white, they’re white supremacists. If they are a POC, they aren’t racially-pure enough. (She is notorious for attacking an Asian-Hispanic woman in a LiveJournal forum, for instance, for not being Asian enough in comparison to her—she wasn’t “Asian-Asian.”)

For a lesbian, she really hates women, and for an ethnic Thai she really hates 'coloured people':
>An overwhelming 77% of her attacks have been launched at professional writers. The next largest group in the sample I analyzed, at 13%, were readers who spoke up to defend writers whose works they liked, when BS/RH did not. Gamers made up 7% of her targets, and 3% were editors.
>A large majority of BS/RH’s targets have been women, at between 73 and 81% of the targeted
population (two targets, or 7% of those sampled, provided information anonymously, without
clues to their gender).
>Between 37 and 40% of her targets, or nearly two-fifths, were people of color. Given that the field has been, and still is, predominantly white, this is disproportionately high.

No. 435396

I doubt she's actually that much into lolis in the first place, I think she just uses them to anger the nonnies here. I feel bad for her, though, with all her health conditions and the dead parents.

No. 435398

She's one of the most unhinged people online that I know of and I'm surprised there aren't like two hour long video essays of her escapades like so many other internet cows have. She was pretty good at choosing her victims to be the ones who probably wouldn't fight back until the one badass woman actually sat down to document all of this in scientific detail. The "lesbian" thing baffles me thoroughly, she hates women so fucking much and only licks transbian boots (something she's only done for the past 10 years) it makes me think if she was just some polilez tard using the lesbian label to escape KHV taunting.

No. 435401

>severe anxiety and panic attacks
Not surprised. People like this are always the ones who act tough and loud on the internet, ironically.

No. 435412

>I doubt she's actually that much into lolis in the first place
yeah sureee that's why she supports a pedo artist who made a doujin involving her niece

No. 435419

>pedo artist who made a doujin involving her niece
Wait what >>435396 also noones consumes pedo shit just because they're not into it. You have to seek that shit out yourself theres no way she doesn't enjoy that shit

No. 435420

File: 1732631801993.png (54.56 KB, 1546x772, lol yuripedo.png)

hahaha wow we found her, i ran her username on 4chan archives and i found her myanimelist with loli yurishit
https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Dashaund and also her email and steam, i am always surprised by how good anon's detective work is. She's a filthy robot, too.

No. 435421

File: 1732631841951.png (258.54 KB, 1719x1131, antonia.png)

and also her name, how do you spend most of your life on imageboards and have such horrible opsec?

No. 435422

File: 1732631863223.jpg (106.94 KB, 712x432, med1.jpg)

Reading her Medium now. This woman gives me the impression of being so fake and transparent in her desperate desire to promote herself by ragebaiting.

Not surprised to see her shit on franchises that are popular with fujos/husbandofags in general:
>For the entire runtime of Promare I kept waiting for something — anything — interesting to happen. Unfortunately while it’s beautiful and stylistically unique, Studio Trigger’s latest and one of its few titles that aren’t a creepy mess it also doesn’t have much else to offer. Here’s a hot-headed shounen protagonist. Here’s the somewhat cooler-headed and slightly more androgynous foil. And that’s it. Neither character brings anything new, and every time Galo appears onscreen I very much wish someone would smash his teeth in — he’s an inoffensive character but he’s also that one shounen stock type you’ve seen a million times over. He doesn’t have what you’d call… interiority.

And embrace any 6/10 show as long as it's queer enough:
>Taken altogether, Gatchaman Crowds is a gorgeously stylized show that’s joyous and exuberant, and most of the cast happens to be very gay. It’s not an unreserved recommendation because the treatment of Rui in-show isn’t what it should have been — and Utsutsu and Hajime could have used a bit more textual queerness — but it’s a unique, beautiful series that is a far cry (in a good way) from the stale Power Rangers of yesteryears.

Any random crossdresser is now a trans girl:
>Rui is a trans girl (or femme non-binary, but many trans viewers I’ve talked to read her as a binary trans girl so I’m going with that and using she/her for Rui) who is'

So, okay, those shows don't have any lolicon/shotacon, but why even mention some misinformed tweets and write an entire article about them? Oh, I know why. To cape for trannies:
>there is genuine harm that can be done by attempting to accuse a trans lesbian of — essentially — being a pedophile
>The only thing that stopped this from becoming a full-on transmisogynistic mob attack is that the author of Villainess being a trans woman is not particularly well-known.

Shitting on Tumbelarinas is no longer in vogue (not after the Tumblr exodus), yet she hasn't received get the memo:
>This type of critiques may not exactly originate from Tumblr, but it’s hard to deny their prevalence on that platform, especially in fandoms of American’s children cartoons. '

Rage-posting about Rowling comes in the whole 'transbian-friendly' package!
>Probably by this point everyone has noticed that J. K. Rowling never engages meaningfully with, well, anyone actually except perhaps other famous white people, like… Emma Watson?
>There’s probably something to be said about the way fandom has idolized Rowling herself for so long, even though her racism has always been blatant in the text: everyone important in Harry Potter is white, ‘Cho Chang’ is removed from a racist slur by a few vowels and does not make sense as a name in any language, the goblins are an anti-semitic stereotype straight out of Nazi propaganda — none of that has been invented or newly discovered recently.

Never lose an opportunity to paint yourself as the victim:
>Two years later, the book was published; a month before its publication, she set out to initiate a Gamergate-style slander campaign that resulted in more than a year of trauma for me and my friends, doxing, extensive harassment, spurious legal threats from her friends, and the destruction of my writing career. Speculations about my mental health, childhood, personal life, sex life, sexual orientation — nothing is too disgusting that she would not encourage; when a self-proclaimed ‘manic obsessive stalker’ doxed me, she did not condemn it . Every act of violation carried against me had her full and complete blessing, and the active participation of herself and her friends. She has done everything in her power to drive me offline and, preferably, into suicide. All because she was afraid I might publicly call her racist.

She racebaits everywhere, at every opportunity. For a heiress of a hotel chain, she has a huge chip on her shoulder. Perhaps the reality of being bested in wealth, social standing or influence by some white expat CEOs makes her blood boil? Doesn't it give one Schadenfreude to see somebody who is set up for life like her still seethe at not being the top dog, as if she were a Beverly hillbilly? She'll never be able to buy class with her money.

No. 435423

File: 1732632105623.webp (5.15 KB, 291x280, 1732544662804.webp)

Kekkkkk archive this before she nukes it. How fucking embarrassing

No. 435424

>that idiot is braindead enough to link to her MAL

No. 435425

File: 1732632217589.png (22.1 KB, 595x393, yuripedo robot.png)

No. 435426

File: 1732632558792.jpg (119.07 KB, 565x407, char.jpg)

>literally dickrides 4chan moids while calling fujos male-centered
It cannot get more embarrassing than this.

No. 435428

Keeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkk. For some reason, as soon as I saw that selfpost with her hand I knew she'd be this exact type of person. Those are chronically online ragebaiter fingers.

No. 435429

to be fair she has a point about this genre kek

No. 435431

File: 1732633158305.png (192.26 KB, 1031x630, antonia.png)

could this also be her? can someone with a linked in account check her full info

No. 435432

That looks like a troon….hmm..

No. 435433

File: 1732633457990.png (10.38 KB, 990x362, bday yuripedo.png)

according to DA her birthday is feb 11

No. 435434

>deviant for 12 years
She sure is…

No. 435437

judging by her reddit history, she must be between 25-27 years old

No. 435442

File: 1732634421696.png (193.48 KB, 1684x971, yuripedo cartel.png)

>brutal video of cartel beheading 11yo boy
>its cool how the kid screams!
wtf yuripedo


No. 435443

>Yuripedo getting doxxed in less than a week after thread creation
And people said there wouldn't be any milk to fill this thread.

No. 435448

what site is this?

No. 435449

The fuck…does this mean she watches those cartel child gore videos?

No. 435452


No. 435456

File: 1732635267653.png (13.88 KB, 1102x361, lol.png)

more accounts that are hers, maybe a better detective can find more info
i wonder if she deleted some accounts, considering she's a hawk looking at this thread 24/7. Next time nonnies remember to check her username before posting, so we can gather the milk before she deletes everything.

No. 435457

It's almost eerie how accurately I profiled her in my head based solely on her Lolcow posts, only difference is that I thought she'd be much younger than fucking 26. Like 19-20 tops.

No. 435462

Yeah, she posted a posted the comment on ''el blog del narco'' and infamous mexican webpage that posts cartel videos

No. 435464

Kek totally opposite of me I instantly clocked her either being in her 30s or mid 20s considering the pedo slop she liked was so old

No. 435466

The Strike Witches art spam is what tipped me off kek

No. 435470

>from Mexico City
kek that alone makes your observation very likely

No. 435471

No. 435472

>why can't women be more like male prostitutes from impoverished countries who have been getting raped since they were children!
kek these moids really believe women are competing over them and that by saying they want to have sex with men it will put 'western' women in their place.

No. 435473

Outing yourself as gay to own the libs

No. 435474

File: 1732639817393.jpeg (4.3 KB, 232x218, download.jpeg)

I love you forever nona

No. 435475

File: 1732639865708.jpg (31.46 KB, 400x400, 1000029103.jpg)

Absolutely fucking incredible work nonnies this is amazing

No. 435477

What kind of absolute retard keeps a public disqus profile oh my lord. I cannot believe in that there are people who see people get all their accounts sniffed out so easily in cow threads and still don't practice the most basic internet safety. She actually turned out to be dumber than rancefag.

No. 435478

File: 1732640291944.jpg (88.84 KB, 883x285, reddit.jpg)

Wait, she was also the Arcane troll in the Fandom Discourse thread? >>>/ot/2258499

Anyway, good job.

No. 435480

It's seriously almost fucking terrifying how apt farmers are at doxxing people here. I remember when anons were complaining about nonnies obfuscating and omitting details in their personal anecdotes and stories and called them paranoid but this is the reason why you should do it.

>Spergs about how Promare has much substance it lacks and proceeds to sing the praises of fucking Gatchaman Crowds
Hmmm I wonder why!

No. 435481

What's wrong with having a Disqus profile?

No. 435483

>The Arcane sperg
Of course yuripedo is the type to sperg out so badly at a random Xitter joke post by a random scrote kekekek

No. 435484

There's nothing wrong with it, but disqus literally gives you the option to hide all comments you make on your profile and I'm in shock someone who watches cartel beheadings of all things wouldn't use that. People regularly dig through comment histories if an argument breaks out anyway.

No. 435486

>but this is the reason why you should do it.
No they shouldnt milk shouldnt be kept from the masses. If retards are giving away free milk why should I complain

No. 435488

What is disqus anyways? Like a twitter? First time I've heard of this website

No. 435489

It's a third party comment service that tons and tons of websites use.

No. 435490

She was already proven to have horrible opsec when she posted a fucking vocaroo soundbite of her talking just to prove she's a woman during a slapfight and even photos of herself with the face censored. It's absolutely hilarious how each demographic on Lolcow has their own histrionic mentally ill patron saint with identical methodologies - Paki-chan for yumes, Rancefag for fujos and Yuripedo for himes.

Disqus used to be a thing years ago when sites with no commenting/discussion features added a Disqus widget on their pages to allow people to post comments. I don't think it's been relevant in a long while.

No. 435492

>It's absolutely hilarious how each demographic on Lolcow has their own histrionic mentally ill patron saint with identical methodologies - Paki-chan for yumes, Rancefag for fujos and Yuripedo for himes
Another reason why we should all be living together in harmony singing kumbayah

No. 435493

>Paki-chan for yumes, Rancefag for fujos and Yuripedo for himes.
The holy trinity

No. 435494

>and the cow cast onto us "let there be a personalityfag for every type of nona" amen

No. 435495

>paki chan
how? or is it because of varg, because 3DPD fags dont count as yumes

No. 435496

>3DPD fags dont count as yumes
Yes they do

No. 435497

I would personally count paki-chan as a yume.

No. 435498

No, they dont. They are just groupies. A better example for yumes would be kirdede or xenosfag.

No. 435499

It's almost scary how easily yuripedo got doxxed just by her typing style

No. 435500

kirdede is for the monsterfuckers

No. 435501

It's what personalityfags deserve for attention whoring.

No. 435502

Kek she does have quite a distinct style of seething.

No. 435503

File: 1732641692217.png (7.83 KB, 618x70, yuripedo sperging.png)

>Searching for posts that contain ‘bislut’. 1926 results found.
This is mental illness, seek god.


No. 435505

tbf, she didn't invent that insult. No one likes bi characters over there

No. 435506

File: 1732641888688.gif (17.28 KB, 220x194, 1000029208.gif)

Hmm…considering YP's eagerness to cape for troons and align with male interests/spaces like 4chan, could this, perhaps, be a case of the bi hater protesting too loudly?

No. 435507

half the posts are about yumes and fujos so at least those are hers, plus she used it here >>434195 while avatarfagging as a strike witches loli

No. 435509

Wouldn't be surprised considering she clearly likes spending time with troons on 4chode and only comes here to seethe about women she hates.

No. 435510

File: 1732642276966.jpg (66.1 KB, 696x411, 5474568.jpg)

>Hmmm I wonder why!
Lazy attempts at self-promotion among certain circles. Same goes for her Witch from Mercury sperging.

No. 435511

She doesn't cape for troons, I think you got her confused with Benjanun that nonnies were discussing upthread (iirc incidentally Yuripedo claimed to hate her for the handmaidenry when her seething was compared to her). But she as proven by the 4chan archives has grown up being groomed by r9k incels in her teens which would explain her porn fried brain and obsession with early 10's pedoshit yuri like Strike Witches, an embarrassing revelation of her having rubbed shoulders with robots but makes perfect sense nevertheless.

No. 435519

File: 1732643783044.png (157.46 KB, 412x723, keeek.png)

I wonder if this is the same individual or another retarded attentionwhore.

No. 435520

i think thats another annoying newfag, she doesnt talk enough about lolis and yuri and seems straight

No. 435521

It is a newfag, she's just a boring zoomer.

No. 435522

She's a tryhard attention whore and nothing more.

No. 435528

File: 1732644781320.jpg (42.06 KB, 347x372, 1732195228362.jpg)

A real shame how this entire website has become a tumblr/tiktok tourist magnet.

No. 435529

Is this the same fag who uses the lolcowcore tag?

No. 435530

Check if they are trannies or moids!

No. 435531

File: 1732645563370.jpg (910.39 KB, 1806x1744, x .jpg)

Why, oh why, are there so few archives of her twitter?
Yep, she hates on women like an incel. It's a beauty to behold. I should have been there. I hope she ditches whatever meds she's taking - I want more milk from her!

No. 435532

There's a thread about her on kiwifarms. It hasn't been updated in a while though

No. 435536

Where's her Steam account and how much loli VNs does she play on there?

No. 435547

File: 1732647699355.png (18.58 MB, 5428x2366, 1713667107597.png)

She probably deleted it, or at least i couldnt find it. She posted a pic of her loli cum dungeon and her steam games.

No. 435551

You can't delete a Steam account.

No. 435553

yes you can, you have to contact steam support

No. 435555

Why would anyone do that when you lose all your games. You can just set it to private. No reason to delete it at all.

No. 435556

File: 1732648619168.png (598.8 KB, 1248x1252, sadsdsadsa.png)

No. 435563

are you sure it's her? this could be any other yuricoomer

No. 435565

File: 1732649313169.png (35.71 KB, 929x396, oy vey.png)

proof its her plus her older usernames

No. 435568

Ngl I was expecting way more strike witches than that

No. 435570

File: 1732650002695.jpg (8.29 KB, 491x80, 87o7.jpg)

Or any other Mexican yuricoomer lol

No. 435571

File: 1732650461925.png (39.58 KB, 772x446, murderer.png)

>but didnt the hotel chain she's connected to have a major scandal due to causing the deaths of a resort guest after using toxic pesticides
Yep, and nobody was ever prosecuted for it.
>'We have received a request from the Changklan Way Company to tear down the Downtown Inn hotel building. The same company has also filed to build a new hotel,'' an official from the Building Control Division speaking on the condition of anonymity said.
>With registration capital of 330 million baht, Changklan Way also owns the Empress Hotel and the Park Hotel on Chiang Mai's Changklan road.

Thanks! Lots of good info, like

No. 435598

Which 4chan archives did you use? Archived dot moe doesn't allow search functions on some boards

No. 435621


No. 435658

File: 1732668081278.jpg (214.4 KB, 1024x768, s_ghkdgus853_qkrdhskd7420.jpg)

Good or bad yuri?(wrong thread)

No. 435664

this isnt the yuri thread

No. 435674

>someone with pedophilic interests found watching child snuff videos

Doesn't LinkedIn notify people of who it is if someone with an account views their profile? Be careful and use a burner

No. 435699

File: 1732678077475.png (389.16 KB, 1080x1747, Screenshot_20241127_075923_Chr…)

yuripedo posted her pussy for /r9k moids when she'd be around 16. the photo doesn't load anything

No. 435703

File: 1732679129340.jpg (48.96 KB, 714x749, 1672016654049.jpg)

>showing her pussy for male validation on r9k
uh oh, bislut moment!

No. 435704

File: 1732679456734.png (634.17 KB, 1080x2116, Screenshot_20241127_084812_Chr…)

im reading through that thread and it couldve been someone else posting those pussy pictures but heres another photo that might also be her

No. 435707

her steam account was made in 2012, as seen in >>435565
so thats definetly her

No. 435708

I don't think it was her like another anon said
Kind of funny how back then the worst people would assume about someone faking being a woman was just that they wanted to scam them… how times have changed…

No. 435710

>I don't think it was her like another anon said
Read the conversation, it's her. She would have denied it if it wasn't her pussy.

No. 435713

are you sure because there were some anime avatarfags in that thread denying it

No. 435714

Looks like it was just someone else trolling in that thread. Why would a lesbian post her pussy pics for moids to see anyways?

How did you get the pictures to load on desuarchive? Usually posts that are very old never load the images.

No. 435717

i changed the url from desuarchive to archived.moe

No. 435718

True, there is plausible deniability. But >>435704 is 100% her, she confirmed her steam account was made in 2012.
>Looks like it was just someone else trolling in that thread. Why would a lesbian post her pussy pics for moids to see anyways?
True but also she's attention whoring on r9k

No. 435720

File: 1732681508154.png (24.89 KB, 1137x156, image_2024-11-26_231424421.png)

The cap you guys are referring to is not connected to the vagina cap lmfao and no the vagina pic really does look like some scrote trolling her, she was 16 at the time anyways. Like a quarter of the thread consists of her denying it
>Why would a lesbian post her pussy pics for moids to see anyways?
People itt really want her to be bisexual so they can have a gotcha moment. She's clearly a lesbian just a very, very, deranged one. That's where she's milkiest anyways
Honestly really funny how alot of the thread is just scrotes screeching about "muh chad" and how easy it is to be a woman because you can just "suck someones dick". little did they know they were talking to yuripedo, scrote incel cope logic is so unrealistic kek

No. 435721

>People itt really want her to be bisexual so they can have a gotcha moment
I dont think she's bisexual but she's definetly a pickme nlog trying to hard to fit in with men by using slurs and outdated, cringey chan lingo.

No. 435723

File: 1732681796343.png (165.41 KB, 1022x677, Screenshot_20241126-202624_(1)…)

She posted this with a Strike Witches image denying the pussy pic. Take that what you will.

No. 435724

it was 2014, she was living in the outdated times

No. 435725

>trying to hard to fit in with men by using slurs and outdated, cringey chan lingo.
Zoomer newfag detected

No. 435726

Her being obsessed with the same garbage lolislop 10 years ago as she is today is so fucking funny to me. She couldn’t even better her tastes as she got older. Mentally 16 forever

No. 435727

File: 1732682148389.png (323.36 KB, 1438x821, edgelord.png)

she's still using edgy chan speak, she's infamous on the lesbian thread for acting like a 12yo edgelord who just discovered 4chan through ifunny

No. 435728

File: 1732682340444.png (168 KB, 1357x431, ew.png)

She's literally kikomi, the closest thing to a male brained woman i have ever witnessed, down to wanting to having unhinged rape fantasies towards the women she claims she hates.

No. 435729

where is the rape fantasy

No. 435730

on the cap i posted

No. 435733

That's such a mild "rape" fantasy compared to what scrotes actually fantasize about. You can critique a woman without comparing her to a man

No. 435734

she finds kid snuff videos funny she's as moidish as you can get

No. 435736

File: 1732683130297.png (189.09 KB, 2456x585, schizo.png)

Her defending her schizo moidish rape fantasies. She cries lesbophobia if you dont like her yuri pedo rapey shit.

No. 435738

Wouldn't say kikomi but she has the most intense lesbian autism i've ever seen. one in a million

No. 435739

File: 1732683155450.png (1.02 MB, 2900x4096, 1702316338291.png)

the pic attached

No. 435740

I don't think you've met columbiner fujo tifs

No. 435742

>Must be a pick-me doing it for male attention.
please, she clearly is desperate to fit in with 4chan scrotes. No self respecting woman would refer to herself as ''foid''. There is no other reason to be such a tryhard.
no4currs this is the yuricoomer thread, go back to your containment.

No. 435743

Can you really not perceive a world where not a single woman is dick-obsessed?

No. 435745

Alot of autist lesbians just try to be like scrotes because thats the only way they think they can get pussy so it rots their brains. The emulation often comes off as pathetic, not really in a tif way just in it's own deranged way. I think alot of anons ITT are just really used to autopedophile cows so they assume it's the case with this. She seems more competitive with the scrotes anyways, her one r9k post is just her complaining about how she has it harder than scrotes. She wants to be on top of the food chain, cant because she's an autist

No. 435746

women here dont call themselves foids and dont use cringe slurs because they arent trying to fit in with moid autists like yuripedo, she clearly wants to be one of the guyz because being a normal woman is cringe and not edgy enough

No. 435748

ok, those are all personality traits which do not define her sexuality. it's pathetic you're trying to push the idea that yuripedo might be bi

No. 435751

File: 1732684104951.png (36.1 KB, 2475x312, sdadasdsad.png)

i literally never said she was bi, i just said she's a pickme. You dont have to be a pickme just for dick, in the case of yuripedo is male validation in the form of being seen as one of them. She's also the first one to accuse other women of not being lesbians if they dislike anime coom slop and her rape fantasies so its funny you are defending her honor so hard. You cannot criticize her slop and her rapey pedo fantasies or you are a lesbophobe commiting a hatecrime against the poor opressed hikkineet lesbian edgelord

No. 435752

i mean nta but pick me has a very specific connotation to it, referring to competition between women for men, that's probably why everyone thinks you're saying she's bi. lesbians cannot be pick mes. We're all making fun of her in this thread, we're just telling you lesbian pick mes don't exist. "nlog" fits her better since lesbians can most definitely be nlogs. If you want to see pick me read one of the /snow/ threads.

No. 435756

God, some of you are such annoying autists, we use pickme for straight men too. This bitch is a bigger pickme than the average straight lolcow user, because none of them would use self deprecating terms just to fit in with their 4chan moid friends.

No. 435758

you're just being nitpicky atp, imageboards may not be for you if you screech over someone using a slur

No. 435760

racebait is banned here, newfag

No. 435761

You sound like the newfag, we have used the term here before on straight men, you are taking it way too literally.

No. 435763

pickme men are heterosexual fishing for female attention. how is this relevant to yp

No. 435765

and? would you also write a callout on someone immediately when you find out they said the n word like twitterfags?

No. 435766

ok retard whats a better word for ''woman who desperately wants to fit in with men to the point she uses self deprecating slurs and racist outdated memes despite claiming to love women and calling everyone who isnt an edgelord a straight woman'' go ahead, put whatever term you want, it doesnt change the fact yuripedo puts real women down to fit in with her yuritroon 4chan moid friends

No. 435768

No. 435769

imagine defending a pedophile like Antonia Lopez, is she sending her lesbian transbian friends she met through /r9k/ to shit up the thread for her?

No. 435771

doesnt nlog also mean women who put down other women for male validation?

No. 435772

>You sound like you're taking this too seriously.
says the sperg derailing the thread over a stupid buzzword

No. 435773

File: 1732685494302.webp (50.86 KB, 500x453, pwXh3gR6XFSdnui5fHHTh7j1Sf8GMK…)

No, it's just girl who tries to hard to be edgy and different. No connotation to males really

No. 435774

im not defending her but you dont have to twist reality to make her out to be something that she isnt

No. 435776

i like how you are forgetting that all those nlog memes were made by straight women fishing for male validation

No. 435777

Holy shit, it's not like you don't understand what she meant. Just move on.

No. 435778

Apparently this made scrotes in that one thread think she was a moid scamming them lmfao. Is the one from 27 Nov in Hebrew? Also what do the non english ones say? I can make out the 21 october one to be "yui chan"

No. 435779

i never did, you are the autists that took a dumb meme too seriously. Guess what? there isnt an specific ''lesbian who acts like a tryhard edgelord moid to fit in with autistic chan userbase'' buzzword because thankfully yuripedo isnt like other lesbians.

No. 435781

sounds like you have some insecurities regarding your sexuality fam

No. 435785

No they were not
She has orbiters in that thread too and it's stupid as fuck she acts underaged kek

No. 435788

>makes graphic recounts of wanting to diddle kids
where? post screencaps

No. 435789

File: 1732686125295.jpg (27.4 KB, 510x510, 1694627432748.jpg)

Looks like yuripedo found out she got doxxed and it's trying to shit up the thread to get it locked. Way too many posts sperging about fujos despite absolutely no one bringing them up and yuripedo being 10 times worse than the average fujo tif who shlicks to old man yaoi.

No. 435790

Surprised she didn't get banned immediately when she posted fucking strike witches again. I'm still kekking over the fact she's been obsessed with it for like ten years straight

No. 435791

Kek no. I'm not defending yuripedo here, but I've been on LC for several years and many posters confessed to using 4chan in the past, they dated 4chan moids as teenagers, sent them nudes etc. Basically a lot of them are like Rancefag.

No. 435792

She's got lethal shit taste, girls und panzer is miles better anyways.

No. 435793

yes and thats cow behaviour and we are just archiving it, move on.

No. 435795

File: 1732686573839.png (101.83 KB, 242x311, 1653952765666.png)

>a bunch of posts are gone now
lmao yuripedo was defending herself in third person, how fucking embarassing

No. 435796

Kek you could tell which were hers too, people saying she simply isn't a pick me vs the tantrum about people trying to "cancel" her for spamming slurs like a tard. Her autism is so powerful… You can feel it in the thread

No. 435798

>Sweden Yes
>oy vey
These are all /pol/tard memes

No. 435800

File: 1732687268604.png (128.93 KB, 650x438, poltard memes.png)

It's funny because being a poltard edgelord while being a minority is also a popular /pol/ meme, and she's both a lesbian and hispanic. She's so self-hating it's honestly sad, i cannot imagine being such an NLOG yet have the audacity to shit on normal yume/fujo women.

No. 435801

File: 1732687337665.png (390.31 KB, 2400x732, image-6_(1).png)

It does check out with her CC post on the friendfinder thread

No. 435803

>Mildly libertarian
Oh I see where the "pedo" part comes from

No. 435805

She could've been so cool, but instead she decided to be a typical edgy 4channer pickme NLOG.

No. 435806

Libertarians who shill linux are already done for, male or female

No. 435807

cool how? she just has autistic malebrained interests. literally irl kikomi complete with the programmer profession

No. 435808

File: 1732688289176.png (92.39 KB, 2448x416, kekk.png)

kekking at this pedo poltard retard not wanting to date terfs because ''they might be ugly''. No terf would want to date a weird pedololi coomer, that's why she had to settle down for a LDR.

No. 435809

No. 435810

No. 435814

Wait, she's actually a woman? I've seen her on twitter and thought she was another run of the mill cringy tranny.

No. 435815

File: 1732691910498.png (45.99 KB, 1251x154, kjhghj.png)

one response stuck out to me
>don't expect to make connections with anyone if you're treating them like a collectable gacha character you have already assigned a whole personality and backstory to instead of a human

No. 435824

>irl kikomi
This is why I think she HAS to be a tranny. No real women can ever be into the kind of shit she's into

No. 435826

File: 1732694854986.jpg (101.5 KB, 1446x328, media_Dk4YLfgWsAACE51.jpg)

>I've seen her on twitter
Did she have a big following when it was still unlocked?

Anyway, her real name is apparently Venesa Burranupakorn and she comes from a loaded, politically active family.

No. 435828

She argued against trans people on some disqus post upthread

No. 435829

some troons can be the "truscum" (tranny word for no true tranny) type too like blair white and that gamergate tranny so theres a possibility

No. 435830

Because no women can ever be into programming or play games other than The Sims? I know YP is annoying but some of you trying to project the tranny or bislut pick-me headcanons is kinda cringe. Let the milk speak for itself

No. 435831

File: 1732695884498.jpg (77.93 KB, 1080x663, GL0G9fuW0AAF1J4.jpg)

Oh my god. I went through my history to find one of the retarded drama events I remembered seeing her in and just realized she's Winterfox.
She had a group of TIMs that all kissed her ass pretty frequently. Unfortunately since she's locked I don't know what her position in the retarded milk at the time was, but this stands out in my history. https://x.com/benjanun_s/status/1782674401315729912
Pic from back when likes were public, somehow was important to their sperg fight.

Some of her tweets are archived here under references https://fanlore.org/wiki/Winterfox

No. 435832

She was 15 at the time, I doubt teens back then were deep into that shit. Drop the troonfoil already

No. 435834

File: 1732696189366.jpg (264.43 KB, 1037x1397, 20240905_150111.jpg)

after 20 years of being a serial harasser it's fitting punishment the only people who want to interact with her are creepy twitter rapehons.

This is what her writing looks like btw.

No. 435835

>I doubt teens back then were deep into that shit.
they could be …if they were on 4chan all the time especially /r9k/

No. 435836

I actually hate her so much and having her posts show up in my timeline was genuinely rage inducing. She's such a pick-me tryhard that capes for troons

No. 435837

Puking out loud

No. 435839


No. 435840

I respect her a bit for being so anti troon even a decade ago. Most anons here didn't even peak until recently.

No. 435843

Go post her on MtF thread if you're so sure a woman is a troon

No. 435846

>No real women would like computer and guns
>irl kikomi
Yawn. This is tranny logic. Please don't make this thread devolve into 'weird bi/lesbians are JUST LIKE MEN', we see enough of this on here
She's my favorite cow, what an unhinged bitch. I really genuinely wonder if she's ever had a lesbian relationship

No. 435847

Stop replying to the troonfoiler, it's obviously trying to get this thread locked again.

No. 435848

im actually not my bad i mistook the other caps for the tranny caper for yuripedo

No. 435851

File: 1732697302991.jpg (224.17 KB, 724x1269, trannies most affected.jpg)


>zer cock
>zer growing erection
>zer arousal
>zer vulva
Thank you, Internet! This meme made my day.

For a lesbian, she sure doesn't mind writing futanari porn, eh?

Don't move to Bluesky then. She's already made herself comfortable there. https://archive.ph/8Xyfu

No. 435852

File: 1732697403121.jpeg (133.4 KB, 1170x1182, GcwUpGQXcAAWMbC.jpeg)

Why are some yurifags obsessed with making one half of their ship fat and ugly? I noticed this when farcille was the fotm yuri ship as well, so much fanart of falin looking like a fat hulking beast next to petite marcille

No. 435854

>I really genuinely wonder if she's ever had a lesbian relationship
On the kiwifarms thread, there was a screencap of her having dated a TIM writer. Not that it's a surprise

No. 435855

>those arms

No. 435856

Fat insecure women get off on imagining being desired by lesbians

No. 435857

this reminds me of that post about how "lesbians" will talk about wanting to hold hands and uguu girl soft and warm but don't want to eat pussy

No. 435858

It is genuinely beyond me that she has a CS degree and has been posting on imageboards for more than a decade but still doesn't know how to hide her digital footprint. But then again, I have female friends working at FAGMAN whose private information can be easily found on the net, so maybe some people are just that retarded kek.

No. 435859


No. 435861

I'm not surprised. A lot of young depressed autistic lesbians end up in moid spaces because they keep getting bullied anywhere else and naturally they start to mirror their behavior to better fit in. She's been rotting her brain on 4chan starting from fucking /r9k/ to /tttt/'s "lesbian" threads, it's no wonder she's repeating all these kekistani goyim edgelord phrases and memes while calling herself "libertarian" and obsessing over straight/bi women and fujos. It's very beat by beat and I've seen this pipeline many times, I wouldn't be shocked to find out that Lolcow is the first female-dominated site she's ever been on but she still operates on the same chimp brained logic men on scroteboards do. I do kinda feel bad for her, from what I can piece together her severe mental illness was enabled by her mother who then died in her early adulthood and she was left to suddenly straighten up on her own after depending on her for so long. If she just learned to contain her autistic spergery and found peace so she would stop externalizing her hatred on other women around her she would probably have it made.

No. 435862

File: 1732699411312.png (635.64 KB, 1086x788, nazi.png)

>I really genuinely wonder if she's ever had a lesbian relationship
She gives off femcel energy. She must be too toxic irl for people to consider hooking up with her.

Sad that her thread there is so neglected and in the wrong category too (Rat Kings? - it's so random). I doubt she actually 'dated' anybody - just hangs around trannies and sexts with them on social media. She must think of herself as being so smart - pandering to an audience whose consumer choices require virtue-signalling and supporting the right people at every step. In fact, hobnobbing trannies to market yourself is a sign of desperation. No respectable creator wants to get involved in trans-queer internal dramas.

No. 435868

File: 1732704068061.jpg (58.11 KB, 720x331, t.jpg)

She bet on the wrong horse. (Un)fortunately, the handmaiden reputation is going to cling to her forever.

No. 435870

>I think "AFAB struggles" is TERF speak
The internalized misogyny is unreal. I wonder if her family wanted a son or something, this level of mental damage is the kind of shit cultivated from birth.

No. 435872

File: 1732706510996.jpg (85.24 KB, 1316x518, archive.jpg)

Being a social media TRA couldn't be easier for her - just bash women under the cover of trans rights.
Terminally online trannies make a good personal army for her DDoS campaigns (DDoS-ing is against the law, even in the US - hope she slips and gets charged one day).

No. 435873

if shes an american citizen cant she be reported for Ddosing?

No. 435877

>Preferred age range: whatever is fine
Kek, foreshadowing

No. 435878

lmao. this bitch thinks she's attractive.

No. 435879

See. Here she was smart enough not to admit to DDoS - she only vaguely commented on it. The case would have been thrown out in court for insufficient evidence.

No. 435881

>A heiress to a multimillion dollar hotel chain
>Mostly known for her being revealed to be the author of the controversial blog "Requires Hate" which was basically dedicated to just shit talking other authors and wishing harm on them, most of them being other women because of her terminal stage NLOG tendencies. The criticism was basically sperging in bad faith about "problematic" traits in the stories to attack people she didn't like, famously told female authors to get raped by dogs or get acid thrown at them
Isn't being an heiress to a company worth multimillions kind of a big deal and requires a lot of networking? Is her family not embarrassed by this?
>Identifies as a lesbian, loves yuri, is obsessed with Gundam witch, but seems to absolutely hate other gay people
Seems to be a recurring theme with LGB handmaidens.

No. 435882

You'd think her family would pull a Dobson and prise their faildaughter's greasy fingers off the WiFi router so their associates couldn't find her tardouts. They must be wary of bad publicity after >>435571 even if nothing really came out of it.

No. 435884

Her idiocy mostly manifests itself in the niche anglosphere author fandom circles, I don't think her family gives a shit (or is even aware of) as long as she's not making a bad name for them in the Thai/Chinese speaking industries.

No. 435890

I would

No. 435891

File: 1732711200231.jpg (16.22 KB, 606x99, 54uhjyt.jpg)

Her powerful family has more important things to worry about.

Notice how Benjanun/Venesa was careful to never antagonise any home-based political figure, celebrity or writer. (There was a lot of political upheaval in Thailand in recent years, yet I can't find any traces of her ever making comments on the local politics.) When she chooses her targets she double-checks if they are not Thai citizens.

No. 435895

File: 1732714337663.jpg (26.23 KB, 500x372, yp.jpg)

I wouldn't be calling others ugly if I looked like that kek.

No. 435897

She was 15 in this anon

No. 435899

File: 1732715562945.png (36.46 KB, 1547x161, doubt.png)

Is she? She says in the same thread that she started uni recently. She has to be 18 at least I suppose.

No. 435900

so its possible shes in her 30s then rather being in her mid 20s

No. 435901

Do you think teenagers do not lie about their age on the internet all the time. You kinda have to do that if you don't want to get banned on 4chan

No. 435904

I doubt that's her. First of all her 2014 posts clearly have that teenage ESL tone and grammar to them, this is an adult native speaker.

No. 435905

and 15 year olds can’t be ugly?

No. 435906

I don't go attenwhoring on the board for failed normalfags so I don't know.

No. 435907

She shared her Steam ID in that thread which has all the games posted in >>435547.

No. 435908

>You kinda have to do that if you don't want to get banned on 4chan
considering this is 2014 4chan and the amount of underaged /r9k/ ""queens"" were famous there…i doubt it

No. 435911

File: 1732718146993.png (36.25 KB, 897x317, drhrd.png)

She is probably 29 years old now.

No. 435917

This bitch is way too old to be acting that retarded kekkk

No. 435920

why is her age different on every single post

No. 435928

Maybe she's self conscious about her age?

No. 435929

in that /r9k thread from 2014 she says she went to uni, in the cc's friend finder post from 2022 or 2023 >>435801 she claims that she is a 25 year old master's student, and in the reddit post from 7 years >>435911 she wrote that she's a 23 year old just getting her ged test??? what is up with all thse inconsistencies

No. 435935

File: 1732724256175.png (34.47 KB, 863x350, lel.png)

>Gee, why would anyone lie on the internet?
I suspect it is what >>435928 said. 7 years ago, she said that she was 23 years old in the hiki subreddit, but last year she claimed to be 25 years old in the lesbian subreddit.

No. 435942

What's the connection between these accounts?

No. 435943

She has a github account with her real name attached

No. 435944

It's wild how she thinks exactly like your average male incel.

No. 435950

File: 1732731945776.png (217.48 KB, 402x201, 30+ yuripedo.png)

The photo on yuripedo's linkedin profile and the university name was changed awhile ago. It looks like the same woman but with visibly older features compared to the earlier one, so she must be 29 here if she was truthful on her reddit post from 7 years ago.

No. 435955

kek she looks like a bobs burgers character

No. 435956

There's so many Mexican women with the name "Antonia Lopez" though

No. 435957

how many that work in a fairly male dominated field though?

No. 435960

She has not made a single attempt to deny it, only whiteknight in third-person so it's very likely her. If it was a random woman she would have been gloating about anons doxxing the wrong person.

No. 435962

she has an autism face, its not very apparent with her newer picture, but i can feel its yuripedo. trust me

No. 435963

If this is her then its no wonder she's a kissless virgin with a porn addiction, she has that terminal autism stare and looks like an underage teen boy. -0 swag.

No. 435964

You seem strangely fixated on proving that this isnt yuripedo…sure there are many antonias out there but ones who match yuripedos username >>435421 the age and career and as well as her "interests" and her powerlevels if all of that doesn't convince you her changing the pfp is far too coincidental for her not to know this thread

No. 435965

>looks like an underage teen boy.
I'd feel like that'd be a compliment for her since she does like pedoshit

No. 435966

she was also selfposting here a few hours ago and didnt try to deny anything, it seems like we caught her. Insane she got doxxed based on typing style alone kek.

No. 435967

Many more than you would think. IT is a popular field for women from less developed countries, where few opportunities to earn a decent salary exist.

No. 435968

Ayrt, I wasn't the original anon in the conversation but I am curious what details on the LinkedIn profile connect back to her GitHub page or what made anons think it's her. Maybe my OSINT isn't good enough but Googling "github.com/dashaund" doesn't lead to anything

No. 435969

i am an argie and back when i was in compsci there was only one other girl in the class, hispanic cultures are pretty misogynistic its not that common to see women in male dominated fields

No. 435970

No. 435971

>but i can feel its yuripedo. trust me
I believe you

No. 435973

File: 1732736230474.png (227.57 KB, 2463x397, donky.png)

KEK this has to be her she posted a pic on the lesbian thread and she has the same greasy curly hair and shit tier fashion sense

No. 435974

File: 1732736275092.jpg (382.07 KB, 870x788, 1704566622774.jpg)

No. 435976

Didnt Mexico pass the US as the highest rate of obesity in the world kekkk

No. 435977

File: 1732736745639.png (308.56 KB, 1588x831, tshirt.png)

NTA but she has the exact same hair type as the donkey pic in >>435974 the donkey attention whore is confirmed to be her, she's wearing a ravue starlight tshirt, an anime she's a fan of as seen in >>435547

No. 435978

Yesterday I felt bad at her being doxxed but now that I'm seeing reminders of what a vile, ill-willed edgelord she has been for the past year here I'm feeling less and less empathetic. Completely forgot she did this retarded bone rattling while attention whoring with her own photos.

No. 435979

>she did this retarded bone rattling
did she really? her first sentence starts with her being anachanphobic

No. 435980

that's because they called her fat to troll, but since she's autistic she couldnt tell people were making fun of her

No. 435982

File: 1732737293639.jpg (302.73 KB, 708x1648, GREAT OFFENDER.jpg)

Can't help but feel offended (to harvest likes and reposts) on the behalf of black people. I've never seen ANY commentator or /a/non complain about the show being racist. Even the SJW anime central hasn't noticed any race-related wrongthink - on the contrary:
>Dorothy is probably one of the most distinct and gorgeously drawn Black women I've seen in anime.
I also hate her manner of terminal twitterspeech.

No. 435983

File: 1732737453452.jpeg (240.99 KB, 1562x2048, EFy-cc_VUAY6G_h.jpeg)

anime always does that even with japanese characters, its called stylization. No wonder western calarts shit looks so bad.

No. 435984

Wrong thread?

No. 435986

benjanun is the rich heiress cow we talked about before

No. 435987

Ohhh ok

No. 435991

nta, but another clue is that in her linkedin her studies section says Tecnológico de Monterrey, and she posted in r/Monterrey on reddit.

No. 435992

File: 1732737841675.png (191.34 KB, 636x957, ehhh.png)

You must be new here.

No. 436000

Did anyone save yuripedo's vocaroo?

No. 436002

Of course she's a /pol/fag

No. 436004

No. 436005

Explain for non-mexican nonasitas

No. 436006

File: 1732739655251.jpg (255.41 KB, 1920x1080, uhhhhhhhh.jpg)


Why would you save a thing like that?

No. 436007

Why the fuck does she sound Eastern euro when she's hispanic?

No. 436009

God she sounds exactly like this retarded Polish tif I once 'dated'

No. 436010

File: 1732739926178.png (583.76 KB, 2083x1580, stop.png)

And don't date Tiffanies.

No. 436046

File: 1732759559562.png (101.79 KB, 905x306, sfdrgggddfg.png)

>As a lesbian in feminist circles, we've laughed at this a lot. Straight and bi women love men and their attention too much to last more than a week. Plus, in 2016, female Democrats already said the same thing (but without using 4B) and it never made an impact. As usual, on day one they start by saying they won't have sex with any man anymore. On day two, it's okay if they have sex with their current partner because he's one of the "good guys". On day three, it's okay to have sex with any man as long as he's not a Trump supporter, etc. Just check out the posts on subreddits like r/TwoXChromosomes lol. Women themselves are the downfall of feminism.
Thinking both like a failmale incel and a blackpilled radfem. Amazing. No wonder she has such a seething hatred to other women on here.

No. 436050

File: 1732760002772.png (6.45 KB, 1214x83, asdaf.png)

there is a 2x poster who constantly spergs about ''bisluts'' like her, i wonder if this post is hers.

No. 436062

kek, talk about a legacy cow. i remember her from the 00s lj era, she was already bonkers back then.
she and her friiend riley, another equally batshit serial harasser (who later pulled a famous tumblr scam, the arkh project) were among the very first who started using social justice shit to harass people, back when internet communities were only just starting the shift from edgy to woke.

No. 436064

i'm not reading the other crap but theres nothing wrong with this comment

No. 436065

I'm hispanic and have lived in western Europe, apparently the accents are very similar and get mixed up frequently.

No. 436069

Monterrey is a city in northeastern Mexico, that part of the country is the most right-wing.

No. 436070

This doesn't sound like her. Yuripedo has a distinctive style other than using words like bislut

No. 436089

Yeah I've met "types" who spam bislut so I wouldnt really say every schizo in /2X/ is her. Her typing style is extremely underaged

No. 436100

broken clock is right twice a day or something like that

No. 436133

Why would she change her linkedin photo and signal to us that we guessed it right? That's so stupid. Now this site has three of your photos

No. 436149

File: 1732788387442.png (78.87 KB, 806x624, kittendefense squad.png)

Yuripedo sent her thristiest discord kittens to defend her honor. Funny how when Rancefag got doxxed absolutely no one jumped in to defend her, meanwhile yuripedo amassed tons of wks who claim she was only trolling, just pretending to be a poltard pedo!. No wonder yurifags have a troonsbian and nonce problem when they are willing to wk the honor of /pol/tard self hating nlogs who shlick to loli. I wonder if her kittens know she considers them fat and ugly >>435808

No. 436153

I don't think yuripedo is an actual pedophile or loves watching kids die or any of this crybullying moralfaggotry they're trying to pin on us, she's just a terminally online little loser bitch with osteoporosis and panic attacks, not a sociopathic goreposter like Blaine. She's an insufferable, attention-starved personalityfag who has ruined multiple threads with her unchecked femcel spergery because she didn't understand the point of staying anonymous or respect the general decorum of the site. She played stupid games and won stupid prizes, that's it.

No. 436154

>Funny how when Rancefag got doxxed absolutely no one jumped in to defend her
I would have jumped in if I had known it had been happening, because Rancefag's thirst for her rapist husbando is funny and I personally welcome it on the site.

No. 436156

File: 1732789813868.jpg (1.44 MB, 1326x3893, sewage spill.jpg)

No. 436157

I genuinely want to know what makes her be this kind of a turbo handmaiden. I'm pretty sure the troons she capes for know that she's only weaponizing them to use against women but I doubt they care, as long as she's plugging their transbian novels.

No. 436160

Ah so she likes the snake rapist too imagine being this pickme for troon dick

No. 436163

I hate yuripedo but she's right about this. 4B became popular on tiktok after the US elections and most of the women who joined are just regular libfems and 50% of them will go back to moids once their anger wears off. They're not committed

No. 436164

It's ironic how she accuses everyone here of being lesbophobic for so much as breathing in her direction, while also hanging on /pol/ — the same board that denies the existence of lesbians, claims all women are inherently bi, and spreads grossly inaccurate lesbian dv stats.

Agreed. Her opinions on the 4B movement and comphet lesbians align closely with mine. If only she weren’t so insufferable.

No. 436166

>It's ironic how she accuses everyone here of being lesbophobic for so much as breathing in her direction, while also hanging on /pol/ — the same board that denies the existence of lesbians, claims all women are inherently bi, and spreads grossly inaccurate lesbian dv stats.
This is exactly why I can't take her statements about 4B or her anti-maleness in general as anything but another way to put other women down rather than sincere pro-female autonomy views. She's bred from /r9k/ and repeats polfaggot memespeak and ideas while posting powerfantasies about strapraping other women to ~trigger the libs~, no way is her manhate anything else but bitterness about being "cucked" out of a girlfriend and female attention. Just look at how she absolutely loses her minds when anons call androgynous masculine butch lesbians hot, this bitch is not a good faith feminist.

No. 436168

The last part is ironic, because yuripedo is someone who I'd consider masculine or androgynous. Maybe these words are subjective. But seeing these photos >>435974 , >>435950 she doesn't look like the peak of femininity.

No. 436176

She really does have the greasy weeb tomboy look, maybe it's just pure envy on her part. She has a habit of calling people into butches "bisexual TiF chasers" as a cope while whining about lesbian chadstaceys taking away all the pretty girls and leaving her with none.

No. 436181

lmao, and you take this at face value?

No. 436185

File: 1732799123517.webp (11.23 KB, 640x557, IMG_8283.webp)

She reminds me of every minority who is a /pol/tard. They ALWAYSSS think they’re the exception, either that or they see themselves as a non-minority despite being one. I’ve seen other lesbian /pol/tards before too, but I especially don’t get why a lesbian would be a /pol/tard as a lesbian myself. It’s so objectifying, these scrotes don’t even want to throw you in the camps they think you want them, it’s fucking gross, a lot of lesbians just see themselves as non-women so they think they’re exempt from the scrote misogyny and think that the scrotes just see them as a “bro”. In reality most scrotes think lesbians secretly crave them. Her one post on r9k where she was sperging about not being able to make friends and how most scrotes have it easier than her has so many “muh chad” replies. Why do so many lesbians cuck themselves by constantly hanging around scrotes instead of just talking to other lesbians. I will give it to YP because she probably doesn’t hang with scrotes like she did when she was 16 in 2014 but I will never understand why some lesbians decide to cave into 4cuck faggotry

No. 436186

Nobody here believes she would do it or threatens people with rape, she's a hypochondriac who can't leave her house without having a panic attack. It's the fact that she's weaponizing this highly misogynist shit to get a reaction out of people that's disgusting and cringe as fuck to deal with. Literal 13-year old boy kind of behavior.

No. 436187

File: 1732799816374.png (304.25 KB, 860x868, 1328852066152.png)

It's funny to see some backtracking here.

No. 436190

>Nobody here believes she would do it or threatens people with rape, she's a hypochondriac who can't leave her house without having a panic attack
>guiz she has anxiety!! She didnt mean those rape threats! It's all a troll haha

No. 436191

yuripedo will come to your house and rape you /s(encouraging personalityfagging )

No. 436197

File: 1732802624680.gif (3.6 MB, 546x574, wet.gif)

yes please

No. 436198

It's really not that unsurprising, I've met a lot of weird autistic lesbians who ended up in these communities (though they usually get out of the pipeline far earlier). It's always because their weirdness was ridiculed, but tolerated there since the men give them some leeway due to vain fantasies of being The One who would convert her with his dick. I'm fairly sure that her obsessive hate of fujos and yumes stems from that specific teenage NLOG mindset where all the other weird autistic weeb girl spaces seemingly centered around husbandofagging and BL, and as she couldn't connect with these other girls, it caused her to lash out and seek refuge from male spaces as proven by all her crying about how hard it is to make friends. It's a tale as old as time, really. All the aggression and vulgarity she has adopted is a form of incel peacocking on 4chan.

No. 436199

so it went
>yuripedo is actually bisexual
>ok she isn't bisexual but she mocked a child dying
>ok it wasn't a literal child but she's still a pedo
>ok she isn't a pedo but she's still a rapist
>ok she isn't a rapist but she's still a pickme NLOG /pol/tard
i wonder where we will end up(bait)

No. 436201

The tranny is in his autistic power tripping ban spree. Even people in /ot/ complained.

No. 436204

File: 1732806646375.jpg (33.29 KB, 632x615, 1717474760449.jpg)

There is no need to whiteknight her, she is an embarrassing sperg and she has bothered other lesbians on this website. You're better off disowning her like how most fujos disowned Rancefag.
This. Her edginess is so bad that it makes her lose any argument even when she's in the right. Like nobody wants to defend someone who nonchalantly writes rape threats like a /pol/ack even if she's right that prudes on this website don't get same sex attraction.

No. 436205

File: 1732806766782.jpg (135.57 KB, 720x1035, xzoFwDCv5rBr11f0.jpg)

can we ignore the yuripedo that's malding over this thread and go back on topic, thank you.

Eitherway, Has anyone noticed how much yurilosers lie about yumes and fujos not getting along or trying to claim yumes as a part of their group despite in reality yumes and fujos getting along much better and most of them overlapping with each other. I see yumes talking that shit about them reading yume content too unlike those yucky fujos…and that's just not true at all? Like half of the viewers on het shoujo/josei content will be fujos and half of them will be yumes from what iv'e seen. I rarely see yurifaggots comment on and read het stories and if they do then they pull the crybully act where they start moaning, and bitching and pissing on how the story should be yuri instead and how the author should have made the male lead a woman. Yurifaggots are some of the most entitled losers ever, everything that they project onto fujos is what they actually are. They are entitled, contribute nothing to their own fandoms and just ask for people in other fandoms (yumes or fujos) to create content for them because our pwecious yurifaggots are talentless lazy sacks of shit who are too busy thinking about fujos or gooning to lolis instead of picking up a pen and learning how to write or draw. Since talentless people do not know how to create then they only know how to take and make cheap copies off it just like the diversity story change in one of the bridgerton arcs to satisfy diversity quotas and make yurifaggots happy which then lead to yurifaggots fuming once yumes said they didn't like the story change because that was not in the book and was a cheap attempt at DEI.

Picrel is also another story yurilosers have been fuming over and demanding it to be yuri despite it being a bi gender-bender where it's known that he is actually male since the beginning of the story.

No. 436206

>Her edginess is so bad that it makes her lose any argument even when she's in the right
So it's like that Jesus meme?

No. 436210

File: 1732808322062.png (751.38 KB, 640x939, aba2b49649eedfa0e2f1ddc26a998e…)

>and bitching and pissing on how the story should be yuri instead and how the author should have made the male lead a woman.
Yep, a well-documented derangement syndrome among certain cows -https://archive.is/GqnCF

No. 436211

lol i was there when this happened and it was crazy. There are more posts made by her missing from that day though.
damn everything described about this lolcow reminds me of other yurifags so much, it's crazy how much yurifags are so similiar to each other in terms of behaviour like npc crybullies.
that has to be the moidiest pedo anime list i have ever seen.
>yuripedo watching snuff gore of children
meh not surprised since low-empathy or lack of empathy is common with pedophiles.
she has that dead-eyed autismo pedo stare.

No. 436213

her fingers look so thin in this I'd assume she was an anachan but in her donkey photo her thighs look quite thick

No. 436216

>Picrel is also another story yurilosers have been fuming over and demanding it to be yuri despite it being a bi gender-bender where it's known that he is actually male since the beginning of the story.
you got any screencaps?

No. 436218

i'll try to compile later but the comments are generally of this type saying the same three stuff such as ''i wish this was yuri'' ''i wish this stays GL'' and ''As a lesbian i feel sad seeing him in his male form now''. After a while it get's annoying seeing those comments since we are on chapter 40 and they are still reading while making the same comments they made since chapter 1, like either drop the story or stop complaining now that you know that it's not yuri.

No. 436222

those comments are so… normal. Of course the audience that came for the yuri would be disappointed when it's turned into het. Where's the unhinged. Where's the yuri crazy

No. 436225

it never got turned into ''het'' because it was never yuri in the first place, yurifag. This story is tagged as a gender-bender even on official platforms.
By your own logic does that mean that yaoi stories that have gender-bending or crossdressing are now straight? The closest it is, is maybe bisexual. But yuri…? no way.
Crossdressing is yuri now to you? that's why yurifags are called yuritroons kek.

No. 436228

File: 1732811156866.jpg (105.39 KB, 736x1308, 프리즌 러브 _ prison love (ridi).jp…)

also just add the first chapter is literally him as a man fucking her. If yurifags see that and they still try to insist it was ever GL then they are braindead which seems to be a common among yurifags. They don't make content for themselves so they bitch at fujos, straights or bisexuals to cater to them instead.
This is a bi gender-bender.

No. 436231

File: 1732811776056.jpg (248.46 KB, 727x1079, re.jpg)

She doesn't seem to comprehend the contradiction between her support for tranny cock and bashing straight women - wouldn't many HSTSs find it offensive to be called out like that? She is an AGP-panderer through and through. Who, do you think, is more likely to read books and keep up with new authors entering the scene, you smarmy shit-stirrer? An effeminate gay man turned HSTS or a vidya/porn-addict AGP? You've played yourself. The 'super rapist nazi' romances sell a truckload while you languish in hell desperately peddling futa porn to HRT-pumped gooners.

>now I'm curious if M/M (primarily written by male-attracted women) has its share of nazi protagonists; certainly rapists are far more common there than in F/F

Still feigning ignorance at her age?

Every other audience abandoned her, but trannies don't care for unhinged behaviour (something they are famous for themselves). The tranny is the ideal customer for her, because they'll buy whatever satiates their fetish or virtue-signals enough to their liking. Still, she is so desperate with her pandering that it comes off as insincere and a low-level marketing trick.

She should join LFJ's polycule. It will end in a crime scene of more than one crime.

No. 436234

fat =/= ugly, Princess Bubblegum looks cute on this fanart. I genuinely think sme of you are much more affected by porn and male standards than you think

No. 436235

Nobody likes fatties. Taking a thing character and making her a landwhale is cringe.

No. 436238

can you yuripedolards please fuck off to your fujocoomer containment thread.
maybe it's just me but ive noticed this theme among yurifags where they hate other people in the LGB and women more than they hate trannies or men. Even the ''transphobic'' yuripedos still hate trannies WAY LESS compared to their hate boner for LGB or women.

No. 436244

Like the bullies they are, they pick on those they know won't fight back.

No. 436252

File: 1732814586090.jpg (57.06 KB, 474x266, OIP (54).jpg)

also >>436238 can you stop trying to instigate a fucking infight here we get youre a fujo who hates yuritards but dont bring that vendetta here that ruined the first thread that got locked(report and move on)

No. 436253

Oh looks like the fujolards have arrived. No1currs about your anime porn and fandom twitter slapfights, there's already the fandom discourse thread for that. This is the thread for COWS for God's sake.(report and move on)

No. 436254

For real. It's like these speds can't contain their spergy energy. The thread had been doing fine until they arrived.(report and move on)

No. 436256

nowhere did i even mention fujos in that post the fuck??? i just said that you all need to go back to that fujocoomer containment thread and that yuripedos hate women and LGB more than they hate troons which is a fact. Where was the fujoshi mentioned in that? I don't even like yaoishit. Did mentioning your containment thread strike a nerve or something?

My bad i forgot yuritards are suffering from fujo-delusions that they hallucinate fujos even when they aren't here.(infighting)

No. 436258

Why does every second "Yuri" artist on socmed draw dick girls?

No. 436259

cuz theyre trannys

No. 436261

Even women artists do this though…

No. 436262

NTA but
>Wow this supposed yuri author and a lot of other cows in the fandom sure do hate women/the LGB more than troons
>Shut up fujo
??? What's the correlation kek

No. 436265

>fat =/= ugly
Lol. Lmao.

No. 436266

Only fujos are mad enough at the fujocoomer thread to mention it out of nowhere.

No. 436267

this is not a yuri vs yaoi vs self insert thread, the reason your old vendetta thread got locked is because you couldnt contain your raging hateboner over himejos. keep this thread about himejoshis themselves or gtfo

No. 436268

Not reading all that. You don't even have to say it, we can all sense your spergy fujo energy(infighting)

No. 436269

the correlation is that its pretty clear although theres claims about these yuritards being "retards" and milk theres no screencap or proof but the posters own account of it unlike the other posters here who have provided proof and seeing the way the poster types its clear they arent here to post milk about the yurifags but allegations and vents about yurifags with no foundation or milk caps. some posters seem to have mistook this thread for being the opposite of "fujocoomers" when its not, its supposed to be about the yuri fandom and its lolcows and dramas happening in the yuri community thats why its called yuri fandom crazies

No. 436273

>they only know how to take and make cheap copies off it just like the diversity story change in one of the bridgerton arcs
Anyone happy about that change is a genuine retard, but of course you can`t say shit because if you is "homophobic". That arc is gonna be so shit and will tank the show. I actually like GL, but pushing a lesbian couple in one of the only romance series focused on the straight female gaze sucks

No. 436274


No. 436277

File: 1732816967408.jpg (19.68 KB, 1062x85, yuripedoFujoobsession.jpg)

i literally contribute to that thread but ok. I only mentioned it because you tards were using that thread to seethe over this one and the other one that got locked. And im clearly right since you are malding over your containment being mentioned since you are still hallucinating your ghost fujos which i still cannot find, looks like i need to put on some special yuripedo glasses to find them.

No. 436280

>since you are malding over your containment being mentioned since you are still hallucinating your ghost fujos
whos malding over fujos here? you claim youre a part of that thread when theyve talked about fujos since day one but youre also claiming them talking about their relevant topic is hallucinating about fujos? the more you claim youre not a fujo the more it seems you are ,and how do you know thats yuripedo? provide the milkcaps for the yuritards liking troons more (and actual women no tim shit) and stop sperging out about this

No. 436281

>derails TIF thread about yaoi that the mods needed to contain their autism to the fujocoomer thread
>made their own yuricoomer thread but mods had to lock that too because they couldn't contain their endless bitching, infighting, and taking the b8
>trying to get this one locked too
Fujos are their own worst enemies.(baiting)

No. 436283

This isn't the anti-yuri thread, this is a thread for yurifags to talk about cows and drama in their own fandom.
>Has anyone noticed how much yurilosers lie about yumes and fujos not getting along
Not defending yuripedo but two years ago the big rivalry here was between fujos and yumes. Are you telling me that was actually a yurifag psyop, now?
>Yurifaggots are some of the most entitled losers ever, everything that they project onto fujos is what they actually are. They are entitled, contribute nothing to their own fandoms and just ask for people in other fandoms (yumes or fujos) to create content for them because our pwecious yurifaggots are talentless lazy sacks of shit who are too busy thinking about fujos
I've seen this exact accusation thrown at yumes before. That yumes complain too much about there not being more yume content, that they are entitled crybabies that literally want to hold fujo artists at gunpoint to force them to draw bishies fucking their self-insert, that they can't draw and don't even make an effort to create their own content (but when they do it's shit), that they're obsessed with fujos, and so on. Do you think we've forgotten about that?

No. 436284

>two years ago the big rivalry here was between fujos and yumes.
…that was two years ago?? i feel so old..

No. 436286

did you make that bot-tier response with chatgpt. How did one post end up causing so many lurking yurifags to come out of the woodworks. Can you tell me which sentence in it caused you to seethe so much and derail?

yawn i know what you are trying to do: derail, infight and accuse anons of being fujos so you can get the thread locked. I won't be replying to you anymore or giving you attention. You can keep derailing, and i'll just report.

My post clearly showed i was a yume, not even this fujo you are accusing me of being. I know you are trying to infight bait and call everyone fujo so you can get this thread locked just like how you got the other one, so no more responses to you from now on, the only thing you're right is the taking bait since i should have just reported yuripedos instead of engaging, and now i will be doing that.

bffr the yume vs fujo infight was nowhere near this level and was only contained to lolcow meanwhile yurifags act autistic on every platform and start fanwars.

No. 436290

none of the posters from that thread opposed the millions of tim screenshots until farmhands had to warn about it three times. that thread getting locked is on you, actually

No. 436291

File: 1732818360445.png (220.22 KB, 969x336, agshsjdjw.png)

>Not defending yuripedo but two years ago the big rivalry here was between fujos and yumes. Are you telling me that was actually a yurifag psyop, now?
These speds are such big liars. Just look at this /m/ thread alone where they couldn't stop instigating infights and shitting on yumes. >>200306
These fandom wars have gotten so tiring yawn

No. 436292

i don't post tim screenshots why would i do that when yuripedos are just as milky? but since you care so much about technicalities i will be doing you the favor of reporting all the bara content you keep posting in the fujo threads that has nothing to do with fujos.
So much high standards for what you think should be posted in a thread you don't even belong in while spamming bara shit and gay scrotes in the fujo ones. Have fun yuriwhale.(infighting)

No. 436293

the baras were posted after the said tim screenshots, why are you getting assblasted on behalf of fujos if youre not one yourself? weird.

No. 436296

>claims to be merely just a yume
>browses the fujo thread

No. 436297

Retarded infight.

No. 436298

>So much high standards for what you think should be posted in a thread you don't even belong in
KEK. Actual himejoshis belong in this thread more than any seething fujolard since you have barely any insight on what is happening inside the yuri community. Fujos and yumes can barely bring any milk outside of whiny posts in this thread without the help from himes.

No. 436299

I just don't know why you're singling out yurifags when there are retards from all sides and tensions will always exist between the three. Not all fujos, yumes and himes want to fight. And actual himejoshis or lesbian yuri fans are rare here on LC, the infighting posts obviously come from a handful of posters, it's not "yuricoomers" in general, just as only a handful of fujos are the ones shitting on yuri fans. And I don't doubt there are some people who only join these infights for the sake of infighting and not because they actually care about the topic.

No. 436300

wow so shocking aren't they only supposed to look at yume content only, why would they do that? Don't they know that being obsessed with yaoi and fujos is a yurifag only hobby? Fucking yumes trying to overtake our yuri hobby.

No. 436301

File: 1732819120119.jpg (6.64 KB, 251x249, 1349042573909.jpg)

Fujos just pick a new group to infight with every time. They should be banished at this point.(report and move on)

No. 436302

Many fujos are also yumes but lying about being a fujo while claiming to be a yume to feed your narrative is low and specially retarded when you're just gonna admit that you're a fujo 3 posts after.

No. 436303

can't stop giggling over this cat's face kekkk

No. 436304

Oh my God no1currs about your retarded fandom wars

No. 436306

File: 1732819611668.jpg (18.71 KB, 581x104, 547646587.jpg)

Too few. That list needs to be bigger and grow exponentially each month.

No. 436307

Then post the yuricoomer milk you claim to have instead of bitching and deflecting. We're waiting.

No. 436308

File: 1732819727534.jpg (56.76 KB, 578x312, 43ty54yy54y45.jpg)

That moment a spoilt little shit from a corrupt clan realises she can't bribe her way out. Priceless.

No. 436309

>they seem well off and have phds
bitch your family owns a hotel empire.

No. 436310

File: 1732819977574.jpg (37.46 KB, 563x462, punk.jpg)

>check the controversy of the month
>ok, that will do
>pretend to give a shit about gayme autism
That desperation.

No. 436313

File: 1732820358561.jpg (33.48 KB, 578x186, 65.jpg)

I like the fact that she's seething at others' educational achievements. Perhaps she couldn't quite make it academically? The thought of not being a chair of literature at some reputable US institution! The horror!


No. 436314

>the fujo pretending to be a yume is now having a meltdown in /ot/
It never stops huh.

No. 436315

i wish there was more of yuripedo's milk. shes a lot more fun than the other thai bitch whos just like any other handmaiden, just more unhinged

No. 436316

Sorry, I really don't want to dig into the hoyoverse fandoms again but that's a mental illness hotspot if you're interested.

No. 436318

The thai bastard is very funny if you ask me.

No. 436322

the thai bitch is a bona fide lolcow yuripedo is just another /r9k/ pedo attention whore

No. 436323

I'm still waiting for proof that she's an actual pedophile

No. 436326

Stop responding and giving the infighters attention. You are part of the problem whenever you respond at all instead of reporting the obvious infighting/baiters. Report them and move on.

No. 436327

is there any other lesbian cow like yuripedo?

No. 436328

scroll up

No. 436329

There is nothing in this whole thread though. Point out where she says she masturbates or lusts after little girls/loli/whatever.

No. 436330

Some people are just like that somehow. I have bony fingers and wrists and my collarbones stick out but the bottom half of my body always looks really fat and dumpy no matter what

No. 436331

youre a fagtard

No. 436332

You destroyed me there, nonna. Your win.

No. 436334

i know ♥ dont worry about it

No. 436336

File: 1732823361561.jpg (74.22 KB, 575x439, 7475.jpg)

No. 436337

File: 1732823449599.jpg (39.62 KB, 565x238, move your ass to North Korea.j…)

>Doctor! Wherever I go the visions of Stacy follow right behind me!

No. 436340

File: 1732823789818.jpg (50.34 KB, 578x298, 74yh54yh65.jpg)

>this outsider thinks she can play race politics to her advantage
Hope she got mega-roasted after that.

No. 436344

File: 1732824073410.jpg (56.43 KB, 583x465, 6u6iu65.jpg)

The dumbest tourist on /lit/. This woman has a degree from Durham btw. [applause]

No. 436346

File: 1732824237492.jpg (15.74 KB, 523x143, 65u6i6.jpg)

Meanwhile your books will never enter modern lit canon.

No. 436347

I would fuck yuripedo I'm sorry

No. 436348

kekkkk benjaun X white people is my favorite otp

No. 436349

File: 1732824859711.jpg (22.72 KB, 574x151, cis.jpg)

>male authors bad
>still panders to transbians
The strategy of throwing whatever shit she can think of at the wall and seeing what sticks and goes viral is going to backfire miserably.

But that's rape! Only gross white transbians deserve it. The ones that look like that: >>>/m/327006

No. 436351

nona i meant white women because it makes her seeth kekkk

No. 436354

File: 1732825932450.jpg (15.41 KB, 573x103, 44yy.jpg)

Fellow weebs loathe her!

She has a strange fixation with rape. I wouldn't leave anybody unsupervised around her, white or not.

No. 436355

File: 1732826109054.jpg (12.89 KB, 576x83, 56567587.jpg)

>tfw Japanese people reject you and view you as a SEA subhuman but fawn over Americans and/or white people you despise so much
She would never recover.

No. 436356

File: 1732826854665.jpg (45.2 KB, 581x282, 080788.jpg)

No. 436365

I will never understand yurifags entitlement, they already have a stranglehold over male-made media, to the point every all-female cast anime will have at least one scene of yuribait for them, but that's not enough, they want to colonize stuff for straight women too. Yuri shit is also way more accepted in the mainstream than yaoi.

No. 436371

>This is the thread for COWS
no, its not. Its an /m/ thread fucking newfag.

No. 436374

anons say this yet yuripedo malds on /tttt/ and reddit that she gets 0 pussy kek

No. 436417

Early porn exposure (for female artists). I hate it when they draw a massive, hyper manly 'top' with a huge penis and male chest-like breasts. Just draw het ffs. Lady Paprika does this, her and a couple other western GL artists clearly trace from porn. I would take the trashiest lesbian comic over this shit. This might be an unpopular opinion but this level of pornbrain and soullessness is worse than a lot of man-made GL i've come across.

No. 436419

Holy shit who pissed in this one's cereal

No. 436423

File: 1732842998146.png (Spoiler Image,3.45 MB, 1220x1500, 243243254542141124.png)

>Lady Paprika
holy shit one look at her gallery and its all futashit. disappointing since she actually draws vaginas that arent just hairless innies, but my god do himes have it rough. picrel is straight up just a man with bolt ons and its the oc she draws the most of

No. 436450

>muh porn exposure
Come on, they simply like dick while pretending otherwise on their socials for woke points. It's why their art is so jarring, they are essentially drawing males but in a gendiespecial style.

No. 436466

doesnt lady paprika draw cuntboys though?

No. 436469

rancefag will always be a yume to me. at her core

No. 436470

So? She also loves futa.

No. 436495

File: 1732857343268.jpg (166.39 KB, 719x1215, Screenshot_20241128_230633.jpg)

yurifags do this shit all the time hc het as f/f they were saying ekko from arcane was a "stud lesbian"

No. 436514

This type is the terminal twitter fakebian. Some of the worst I've seen is them claim that their pretty K-pop boys are lesbians and butch representation. It's pure mental illness.

No. 436517

i just binged all of arcane and i'm already done. just gonna keep watching whatever comes out and completely ignore all fans, they're fucking insufferable. either it's pickmes trying to prove they're the MOST LESBIANIEST of them all or they're moids who are just there for the f/f pandering written by men

No. 436540

>Lady Paprika does this, her and a couple other western GL artists clearly trace from porn.
Source for that? Did she admit it?

No. 436548

She did not admit it, the source would be her art. A lot of it looks like it's lifted from cheap porn ads, down to their facial expressions and the way their hands are positioned. It's very stiff aswell
>pretending otherwise on their socials for woke points
Yes, but there are female futa artists who don't draw buff man 'yuri'. They likely came to it with hentai consumption + bisexuality
>they love dick

No. 436567

Technically yeah, Rancefag is a born and raised Ryona yume who only started calling herself a fujo after getting into nitro+chiral VNs where you can watch men being raped and beat up all the time. She doesn't seem to have any interest in fujo stuff besides that. But that's offtopic discussion so I won't derail further.

If only this thread existed during the height of Genshin, I would've had so much milk I couldn't carry it all. Hetfags vs yurifags wars during the Inazuma era were insane.

No. 436626

I'm still so shocked to learn that Rancefag is NTYfag lol.
I agree with this theory. Telsonknife/knifedragon is another one who pretty much exclusively draws "yuri" but is constantly inserting penises into it through futas, also identifies as bisexual.

No. 436628

>Rancefag is NTYfag
I'm late, when did that happen?

No. 436682

>rancefag is a ryona yume
no, she's not. She's a pickme maledomfag who tried to larp as a ryona stacy after getting called out by anons, she still has an ugly, old and balding husbando like rance but with glasses. Terminal pickme disease.

No. 436699

>rancefag is ntyfag
FUUUUCK. I'm heartbroken. Ntyfag drew really cute art of my husbando on the art request thread and I treasured it a lot. Now that I find out she's rancefag I want to end my life

No. 436701

is ntyfag the one that was drawing goat boys?

No. 436702

No, she draws nty fanart. And she is not the same person as rancefag, they have completely different typing styles and they are in yuri tsundere love with eachother.

No. 436703

what does rancefag have to do with yurifags

No. 436704

She doesn't, but Rancefag x NTYfag is my OTP.

No. 436712

kek you guys are going to give her a heart attack, shes not rancefag but shes also an obnoxious shotafag into piss and BL VNs, she and anna are in a enemies to lovers yuri romcom

No. 436723

Wasnt ntyfag a lolishit yurifag too?

No. 436725

idk if shes a yurifag, but has played and defended loli vns before. She's rancefag but tsundere, because at least rancefag admits shes a deviant meanwhile ntyfag says shota/loli is for pedos but plays loli vns and draws shota. She's a furfag too.

No. 436726

>plays loli vns and draws both pedoshit genre
Ah so shes just a pedofag ok isnt she a self claimed lesbian too?

No. 436728

I don't recall her ever claiming to be a lesbian but my eyes glaze over reading her essays so I might have missed it.

No. 436821

I mean technically ryona=women getting abused and reverse ryona=men getting abused but I agree

No. 436824

Nta but I like to think it's the opposite on this site, there's ryona (male) and garbage.

No. 436838

The only ryona is male ryona. There's no point in calling what moids think is ryona ryona because it's actually just normal moidshit.

No. 436848

Just like rancefag ntyfag looks down on women who choose not to have sex with males so I doubt she would claim to be a lesbian. And one of the reasons why she likes NTY is because it reminds her of her high school nigel kek

No. 436987

File: 1732990869032.jpg (709.81 KB, 1080x1714, Screenshot_20241124_203017.jpg)

isnt that where yuripedo is from?? maybe she could straprape this desperate indian lady finally

No. 436990

>Indian woman as ifs its literally not a moid posting this
some of you are naive

No. 436995

That's 100% a scrote looking to rob other scrotes kek.

No. 436997

unfortunately, it's real >>>/snow/2059976

No. 437030

Me too. Fanart when.

No. 437032

File: 1732998387173.png (Spoiler Image,36.1 KB, 400x400, IMG_6469.png)

This is the closest we’ll ever get.

No. 437080

File: 1733007108892.png (108.75 KB, 230x345, hiiiii.png)

>she still has an ugly, old and balding husbando like rance but with glasses
He is not ugly and he is not balding. That's not a very nice thing to say. He also isn't a rapist/pedophile like Rance is. Stop with your rude remarks please. He is pretty old though.(personalityfagging)

No. 437108

Should be with Weissmann instead to maintain his old man chasing average

No. 437345

File: 1733083786451.jpg (72.99 KB, 716x483, 5746u5434.jpg)

Only tranny books matter.

No. 437346

File: 1733083985458.jpg (54.1 KB, 670x288, 11-year old online.jpg)

>my MALE-coded hobbies are good and serious, while your woman-coded SLOP is bad and silly
This person wanted to be a respected writer pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.

No. 437347

I've read quite a good bit of sci fi romance books, I have no idea what this person is even on. Sure, romantasy is comparatively more popular but I'm pretty sure fantasy as a whole is more popular than sci-fi

No. 437352

>straight women less so
this fucking fakbian pretending she talks to other women besides troons kek right I dont trust the fucking fag who orbits the snake rapist

No. 437417

Sci fi just has bad aesthetics but sometimes it hits well with women. Ice Planet Barbarians was really popular for a few minutes

No. 437446

yeah a lot of scifi focuses too much on the tech and "omg cool spaceships and guns" and other such autism that tends to appeal more to male brains. i'm here for good worldbuilding. fantasy is often shit too but tends to be more creative.

No. 437545

File: 1733164450816.jpg (50.54 KB, 715x328, trroooooo.jpg)

It's as if she had a daily quota.

No. 437683

I didn't interact with the arcane fandom back in S1, but I did now and holy shit I was not expecting the fandom to be this toxic.

No. 437684

i'd like to see a quote of anyone ever saying this

No. 437728

any caps from yuripedo's sperg out in the fandom thread? I missed it

No. 437764

I came looking for copper, but found gold instead. Thanks for the entertainment, yuripedo.

No. 437789

she looks so autistic, the type that would give you the ick if it tried to talk to you, i wonder if it's because of her 4chan upbringing or if she's just a bit further on the spectrum lol

No. 437921

dont encourage personalityfags. her "sperge out" is clearly bait to instigate an infight.

No. 437999

File: 1733270948797.png (2.02 MB, 1462x1992, zzz.png)

you mean from yesterday? here is some of it, i didn't get all of them.

No. 438011

she looks like lionel messi

No. 438020

she is such a dweeb. i could have fixed her though. ill make her some food como agua para chocolate style and the 4chan would dissipate from her body. she would probs reject me for being old and amerilard though. ngl i imagined her to be hotter but seeing her pics is a bit anticlimactic.
she probably comes off as some woman-hating loser irl and immediately dries up any nearby nerd girl's puss

No. 438023

you missed her trying to say she lost her virginity to her LDR discord mommy kek

No. 438026

I don't have caps, but she sperged about how certain characters aren't lolis, they just have flat chests. Then she talked about being flat herself. Definitely said something about amerilards because fat = big tits I guess.

No. 439619

File: 1733801441647.png (76.27 KB, 790x226, 2024-12-09.png)

Let's play a game: guess which posts are Yuripedo.
This is the oldest archived lesbian general thread but it seems like she autistically posted in every lesbian general

No. 439647

How do you know it's her?

No. 439981

File: 1733977543551.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.03 KB, 400x400, 20241211_221951.jpg)

when you know you're going to read the worst take on yuri

No. 439983

File: 1733978366446.jpeg (760.75 KB, 1284x1277, IMG_3503.jpeg)

glad im not the only one who hates this troon KEK he's always sperging about fujo terfs. we get it it's clear he wants to 41% when he sees based women enjoying their anime boys kissing because it doesnt turn him on and makes him dysphoric uwu. i love how yaoi makes troons so uncomfortable

No. 439987

>umineko in name
I'm not surprised this person has bad opinions and is annoying.

No. 439989

it's so funny how badly fujos make TIMs seethe kek it's the only female space they will truly never be able to take over because most of them are incapable of fake liking yaoi even the ones who try do it poorly

No. 440092

the idea that girls are ACTUALLY ~fetishizing~ ugly agp hons when they read about yaoi ukes is such an insane take.

No. 440098

All trannies are self-absorbed narcissists. Both AGPs and gaydens believe fujos fetishize them, meanwhile 99% of actual gay men (the only group that have "reasonable" justification to claim such) don't give a shit about yaoi.

No. 440101

It's exactly the same when trannies complain about shit like futanari. They're always seething because nobody except gullible handmaidens buys their "teehee, don't fetishise me silly girls~" act.

No. 442186

Op really really wants to demonize straight women when women as a whole had less interest in sci fi. Characters are concepts, the usual sci fi aesthetic is often very clean and empty, there's more focus on wars, weapons, and spaceships than people. I'm straight as a tree and I can understand why sci fi isn't popular with women, actually, most people really.

No. 442188

Sounds like that one baiter on /ot/ who shat on what she deemed "inferior female hobbies" and pretended like only moids have respectable hobbies that don't involve sex kek I wonder if that was her

No. 442200

This person does not know what a noble savage is

No. 442491

>Characters are concepts, the usual sci fi aesthetic is often very clean and empty, there's more focus on wars, weapons, and spaceships than people.
Sounds like you've never read classic sci-fi literature before. The aesthetics is secondary to the overall story and message they're trying to tell, which is a reflection of the societal values and politics in the time period it was written.

No. 442559

Way to make it obvious that you've never read any Sci Fi books. There are so many character driven and humanistic stories in the genre. And sci Fi was invented by a woman as well so gendering this shit is dumb

No. 443837

She's pretty cute

No. 444046

File: 1735567643551.png (2.81 MB, 2266x3200, 1735507615967484.png)

I used to think Mira might be male & lying, considering some of her anatomical extremes, but now I don't anymore especially after seeing a decent part of her Japanese fanbase is yumes & fujos who aren't even yuri-focused. I don't believe for a second Ritz is a woman though. I can't quite word why, but there's something that makes those redesigns inherently more ridiculous & tacky aesthetically in a way that makes me think "you HAVE to be a man to draw like this, period".

No. 444053

she looks like a troonbian

No. 444055

Without PLing too hard, I was good friends with this woman for a very, very long time. She still fishes for friends/attention on /soc/ every now and again, leaving her location/details just vague enough that those not in the know won't immediately know who she is

No. 444568

How was she like and what did you notice was her most cowish behaviour? Are you still in contact with her?

No. 444856

File: 1735823191450.jpg (146.99 KB, 1345x622, clear.jpg)

She is blocked by 2000+ accounts and herself blocks 2000+ accounts.

No. 446844

File: 1736396543895.png (53.38 KB, 598x435, 1735946741681.png)

No. 447257

that's a troon, not a woman

No. 447623

File: 1736628056206.png (180.19 KB, 1080x737, Screenshot_20250111-153530-242…)

Fishing in the Brazil threads now since she got called out on her last post lol

No. 448140

File: 1736751733919.jpg (129.34 KB, 719x989, Screenshot_20250112_184749.jpg)

gets mad that they call her art futashit meanwhile all her art is indeed futashit also "yuritron2000" the only thing she draws is piv

No. 448200

>self-proclaimed "yuri" artist
>only draws futaslop
many such cases

No. 448401

File: 1736807572767.png (319.61 KB, 1212x1931, 6273268841580.png)

Remember, these are the people calling you degenerate.

No. 448411

Who is this? This thread is for the yuri fandom cows, you cant just drop a screenshot and not explain who it is

No. 448412

How is this related?

No. 448422


No. 448451

Lmao the replier is a personal cow of mine. He's personally been an asshole to some friends of mine in our fandom because they drew fanart of a canon het ship that involves his favorite character, while he would rather have his favorite character paired with his yuri self-insert.

No. 448453

why do so many women get off from others inflicting pain upon them? its so crazy to me that someone can get off to being humilliated.

No. 448458

sides = gone

No. 448555

Translation please?

No. 448569

File: 1736885877848.jpg (83.71 KB, 1119x683, HUER97857329857829579.jpg)

passed it through machine translate, its just a general friend finder post and a discord link

No. 448626

>Brain corrects his username to "yuritroon"
>Immediately think "wow this one's self aware!"

No. 450205

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The funny thing about her Villainess criticism is that she herself is a pedophile who every so often goes on a rant about how she wants a sex slave.

No. 450225

so this is just a Mtf 2# caps thread because you cant find actually milky female cows other than yuripedo and benjanun kek. female yurifags are saints compared to their yaoi equivalent.(hide the thread instead of baiting)

No. 450226

Sorry anon but you're a month late to this spergout.

No. 450268

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Of course she would defend a manga for scrotes (that features a main character who started prostituting herself when she was 13 btw and whose 'boyfriend' is 20 years older than her - why those details were even needed in a 'fun' action story you can probably answer yourself), but shit on series for girls.

No. 450289

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No. 450293

The way males write will never not baffle me.

No. 450294

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Somebody should check the mangaka's hard drive. He seems to be into blonde loli. Yuck.

No. 450302

Male authors are so retarded kek

No. 450303

>Uses pedo buzzword "nubile"
>"This was more formative to me than-"
>Calls women into M/M "slobbering dogs"
So she's an idiot edgefag who got groomed into being a pedo (or pedo panderer) with moidslop media, and instead of maturing, she's wilfully stunted herself and feels entitled to take out her rage on other women/female targeted media. Does that sound right?

No. 450359

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She loves the lesbian character in this series who drugs kids

No. 450360

She basically just hates IRL women and anything they enjoy. She's "not like the other girls" taken to its most extreme.

No. 450361

Ew. What is it with scrotes projecting their degeneracy onto their female characters?

No. 450369

i like gunsmith cats but i found this explanation so fucking retarded, it would have been more believable if he just said may was a womanlet

No. 451537

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bluestream.deno.dev is back and so is Benjanun post mining!

No. 452182

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I feel bad for non-crazy yuri fans who have to share their hobby with schizos like picrel

No. 452191

It feels like satire but if they're serious, then this reads like some poliliz thing.

No. 452279

Thank you, we are suffering kek. First trannies then the schizos. It's just cartoons and yet.

No. 460037

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She wants to be hated by everyone (with the exception of seething AGP transbians).

No. 460146

can someone translate this schizo rambling

No. 460297

obvious troll.

No. 462951

i think i need to leave fandoms and social media for good. every yuri fandom or pairing i enjoy has been overrun by trannies obsessed with futashit.

No. 462963

it sucks that the crazy insane mainly troon yurifags get overshadowed by the actually nice and normal ones once again, TiMs ruining everything as usual

No. 467914

why do you talk like my grandma

No. 467932

Why does your grandma talk about yuri and trannies

No. 467995

Witness the finest of The Yuripedo here:

No. 468017

>Everyone tells me I give off creepy, sweaty rapeape vibes because I can't stop sperging about how much I love scrotes and lolishit and hate feminism
>Clearly this is everyone else's fault!
That's it, that's the entire thread

No. 468043

God dammit I missed this thread I was asleep, also no wonder the amount of lolishit and shotashit posting increased this week because two of the most annoying pedo personalityfags were there. Kekkk homegrown milk is the finest

No. 468171

Who's the other pedo?

No. 468323

File: 1741506354487.jpeg (559.07 KB, 1473x1964, GV7FinmXUAAQV29.jpeg)

This one cracks me up every time

No. 468324

true tbh that guy is ugly as hell

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