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No. 1013722
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>Best Milk
The Reddit NLOG feet fungus Chris Chan girl, I forgot her name (and I bet that would make her seethe) but the milk was crazy at the time.
Also the Creepshow shit that reached insane proportions outside of lolcow, that was glorious while it lasted
>Worst Milk
Venus' stuff. Let it die.
>Favorite Cow
As of now, Pixielocks, I guess.
>Worst Cow
Any e-girl adjacent shit. Boring af
>Biggest Plot Twist
Same as above, the girl that was plotting the things against Chris Chan, or that Kelly Girl getting amputated for real.
Chris Chan the incestuous rapist. Only thing that actually made me disgusted to my core, here.
>Best Troll
Komaeda-chan. Maybe SamanthaPratter, she said so herself.
>Worst Troll
Elaine, hands down.
>Best User-Created Content
The infighting thread comes to mind.
>Best Comeback
Probably Pixie with her DID saga, but I also like that HimeAhri thread was necroed and she's still doing the same shit 6 years later. Not as milky, though.
>Best Comment
Any by Comaeda-chan
>Best Poster
SamanthaPratter, all of the driverfags
>Worst Poster
Anorectal-kun, moids in general.
Romani-chan is in second place. Paki-chan is an honorable mention.
No. 1013741
>>1013727>>1013730shes still active so i think she still counts. if it was a dead meme then i understand but shes not. its the logic we are using with cows so why should it be different?
kikomi for the win every year every year every year
No. 1013758
>>1013687Samefagging to say
>Best User ContentMovie nights
No. 1013858
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>Best Milk: Portobella Jancke's explosive debut in the world of lolcows
>Worst Milk: Shayna's gf Ellen whose job with small children is making Shaynus' disgusting ageplay near closer and closer to disgusting pedophilia
>Favorite Cow:Shay, please god I want to stop following her but I just can't stop
>Worst Cow: Elaine is trash. I hate cows who only exist in their interactions with haters. She's like a virus that has no state of homeostasis.
>Horrorcow:Jancke's zoosadist crusty ass
>Best Troll:Komaeda-chan who had to be a troll
>Worst Troll: Elaine's disgusting spam
>Best User-Created Content:Everyone chipping in an donating when Lolcow's fate was uncertain
>Best Comment: pic related Lion King autism>Best Poster: Finns>Worst poster: Sonic No. 1013953
>>1013687>>1013683>Best MilkCorpse face reveal
>Worst MilkCWC, hands down
>Favorite CowLuna Slater and Lucinda
>Worst CowIsabella Janke, Elaine
>Biggest Plot TwistIsabella Janke manipulating CWC and Fiona. Ambrose being a FTM
>HorrorcowIsabella Janke
>Best TrollKomaeda-chan
>Worst TrollRomani Anon, Steven, Anorectal-kun
>Best User-Created ContentMovie nights!!!
>Best ComebackI would say /2X/ but it's pretty dead atm
>Best Comment>>1013274I would like to nominate the compilation of Romani Anon's insanity just for the amount of work involved. I'm sure there is some ridiculously funny post that I forgot about, so maybe I will come back to it
>Best posterdriverfags (kek), Samantha
>Worst posterRomani anon with Paki anon following her. Special mention: tinfoilers, posters in celebricows nitpicking and rehashing the same topics over and over again
No. 1014186
>>1013953>Biggest Plot TwistIsabella Janke manipulating CWC and Fiona. Ambrose being a FTM
I want to add
>Anorectal Violence-kun actually being into anal sex and keeping an autistically detailed scoreshit of porn stars' anuses No. 1014415
>>1014377>worst poster>Paki anonreally? shes boring at worst and entertaining in her rants at best. her interjections are
valid for the threads I've seen them in and I've seen way more sperging about her than actual posts.
No. 1014513
>>1013683>Favorite CowKatherine Harlow for being a bigger failure as a SJW sex worker and being more arrogant than even Shatna
>Worst CowLina Aquaphine
>Biggest Plot TwistThe Lucinda/Ambrose saga, I guess
>HorrorcowKT Price the schizo stalker is tied with Chris-chan for me, followed by the munchie ballerina who cut her legs off
>Best TrollKomaeda Chan
>Worst TrollElaine
>Best User-Created ContentKikomi
>Best CommentThis girl
>>1014366>Worst Posteranorectal violence
No. 1014534
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>>1014449I found the bump troll pretty funny ngl, but I am autistic sooo….
>best milkCorpse husband face reveal
>worst milktradthot "milk" (endless autistic debates)
>favorite cowVarg
>worst cowAll the e-girls
>best trollBump (sorry)
>worst trollAll those poltards orbiting this board
>best user created content Those paintings from ch thread (picrelated)
>best comebackChris Chan being relevant again I guess?
>best commentHonestly all of farmers' good jokes. I can't even choose a specific one, my kek collection is far too big
>best posterWhoever was dedicated enough to doxx corpse husband
>worst posterAny retard who ruins all the anonymity point of this place: like romani-anon, paki-anon and that strange "failedmales" poster. I just immediately recognize those creaturas when I see them in the wild. Imo the best part about lolcow is that you can wholesomely agree with some poster in one thread meanwhile having a raging fujo debate with them in another one, your personal evaluation of them simply doesn't affect your judgement of their arguments. More objective that way tbh. Meanwhile with those posters you already know what bullshit they are going to shill and have skilled which makes you kind of biased.
No. 1014545
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>Best milk
Corpse husband face reveal
>Biggest plot twist
Soren dies
>Best user content
The anon who drew board-tan OCs for each board
>Best comment
The anon who used post No. 1000000 to say she loves us
No. 1014549
>>1014415She only talks about not having access to (questionable) quality moids and you retards think this is some important information. She find a way to bring up ugly brown men even when we're talking about stuff that has nothing to do with it.
Valid my ass.
No. 1014557
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>>1014534Oh also want to add to the
>best posterAll fellow napoleonfags! Love you sisters <3
No. 1014573
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>Best MilkPixie DID
>Worst MilkAnything Shayna related
>Favorite CowPixielocks
>Worst CowElaine
>Biggest Plot TwistChris Chan stuff
>Best TrollSamantha Prater
>Worst TrollElaine and her gang of fags
>Best User-Created ContentMovie nights
>Best ComebackPixie
>Best Comment>>>/ot/992953 i love yooou>Best PosterKomaeda chan
>Worst PosterRomanian anon
No. 1014633
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>>1013722>>1013977>>1014513>Kelly getting her legs cut offwhy why why did I open that thread fuck fuck fuck ewwwwwww
No. 1014649
Best poster: Romanianon
>>1013070I fucking love this post
Yeah all the first world radfems must be seething
No. 1014660
Best post
>>999999Best troll
>>1000000 No. 1014696
>>1014662I’m not her kek, just a fan girl
Seriously there are so many other
problematic rude people posting every day here, what’s the big deal with her?
No. 1014702
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>Best Milk
I absolutely loved the Lucinda/Ambrose saga and the Ambrose FTM reveal kek
>Worst Milk
Shayna’s thing with Sol Salvatore or whatever. Shayna in general tbh. Her milk is always so stale but for some reason I can’t look away.
>Favorite Cow
Lucinda the Unicorn
>Worst Cow
Lillee Jean is really boring and annoying. I feel like she thrives off the hate since it feeds into her whole cyberbullying victim narrative. I also hate looking at her teeth.
>Biggest Plot Twist
Isabella Janke’s leaked phone call and the insanity that followed
Chris Chan
>Best Troll
The Zookeeper in /meta/
>Worst Troll
>Best User-Created Content
Lolcow movie night 100%
>Best Comeback
>Best Comment
see picrel
>Best Poster
Kikomi anon ilu
>Worst Poster
Billie Eilish spergs in Celebricows. The absolute worst.
No. 1014727
>>1014721You nonnies are mad because 26 year old unemployed ungrateful neet with eating disorder from a first world country is the precise definition of some annoying anons here. They need a reality check.
>>1013070 She makes good observations regardless of her schizoposting. The number of anons seething just proves my point.
No. 1015091
>>1015083Sure go ahead
No. 1015293
>>1015081I learned about the Kelly board from this post and just went on down the rabbit hole… holy shit have my vote for horrorcow.
Chompurrs is cute though
No. 1015768
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>best/worst poster
Gotta give a shout-out to sonic chan
No. 1016169
>>1015768Omg this
Also best board /ot/
No. 1016173
>>1015457Ok libfem pickme
You can be a radfem and live in a 3rd world country, she's stupid and you guys supporting this shit will ruin this site. Honestly you sound like troons.
(infighting) No. 1016259
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Since not many people are voting anymore I think I'll make the final poll on Friday if everyone is okay with that
No. 1016276
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>>1016259Friday sounds good. I hope some more anons vote in the meantime!
No. 1016282
>>1016268Oh now I'm the one baiting but when
>>1016173 was acting retarded you were quite, classic
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No. 1016331
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>>1016300I love this omg
I vote blingees and glitter text for best user content
No. 1016487
>best comeback/2X/
No. 1016701
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No. 1022162
>>1015131>EffinaShe'd get my vote for best new cow if there was such a category this year. Her thread has some bonkers posters, but it was captivating
>>1022149>>1022135>KathrineI see this is lolcow's new favourite sex worker cow. Has Shayna finally been dethroned?
No. 1025344
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>Best Milk
Lucinda's unicorn war
>Worst Milk
Whatever has become of Shayna and Momokun
>Favorite Cow
Phoebe Tickner 4evur
>Worst Cow
Onision and Shayna
>Best User-Created Content
Every anon that contributes in the creation of lolcows mascot art
>Best Comeback
Creepshow Art
>Best Poster
Everyone in the retarded shitpost thread
>Worst Poster
No. 1028232
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1.Best Milk top choices
Creepshow selfposting
Corpsehusband face reveal
Pixelocks DID reveal
2.Worst Milk top choices
Chris Chan's Mother Molestation
Shayna's continued degradation
Kelly getting her legs cut off
Venus (let it die please)
3.Favorite Cow top choices
Unicorn Princess Lucinda
Luna Slater
4.Worst Cow top choices
Luna Aquaphine
Isabella Janke
5.Biggest Plot Twist top choices
Chris Chan fucking his mother
Isabella Janke's manipulation
Soren dying
Creepshow's post reveal
6.Horrorcow top choices
Chris Chan the incestuous rapist
Isabella Janke the zoosadist
Kelly the girl who cut her legs
7.Best Troll top choices
Samantha Prater
The Zookeper
Anorectal Violence-kun
8.Worst Troll top choices
Elaine and her fags
Bump anon
/pol/tards lurking
Tranny gore spammer
9.Best User-Created Content top choices
Movie Nights
Corpsehusband dox
Infighting/Argument thread
10.Best comeback top choices
Pixielocks' DID saga
The comeback of /2X/
Samantha Prater second coming
Chris Chan's unfortunate turn of events
11.Best Comment top choices
Post number >999999 (I love you post)
Post number >1000000 (Big Chungus post)
Radfem manifiesto anons
It's all bad
12.Best Poster
It's all bad
13.Worst Poster top choices
Sonic spam anons
Anorectal Violence spammer
Celebricows posters
Will make the form to vote soon, hold on!
No. 1029633
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Please vote for the Lolcow Awards 2021 Edition here One week from now! Or so.
No. 1035569
>>1029633The options are really shitty. I can't believe Chris-chan or Isabella's milk isn't on the best category.
I guess we gotta make clear what is "worst milk"; is it worse as in boring and tired as fuck (Venus) or worse as in horrorcow levels of worst thing that has happened (Chris-chan)? Because the latter to me feels like good milk, just hard to stomach.
Same for "Worst Cow". Luna Aquaphine is nowhere in the same level of entertainment as Isabella Janke.
I feel like it's a bit sloppy. Voted, anyway
No. 1035602
>>1035569If you search Ctrl+F and search each category, this will be what you will find:
>>1028232Exactly like that
It's not the fault of who made the form, but how little participation this thread had. People have to work with what is available and remember Admin doesn't even give a fuck anymore.
No. 1037665
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Winner best milk: Corpsehusband face reveal.
No. 1037666
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Winner worst milk: Chris chan mother molestation.
No. 1037671
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Winner favorite cow: Lucinda the Unicorn Princess.
No. 1037672
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Winner worst cow: shatna.
No. 1037675
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Winner biggest plot twist: chris chan fucking his mother.
No. 1037676
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Winner horrorcow: Chris chan.
No. 1037678
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Best troll: Komaedachan.
Worst troll: Tranny gore spammer.
No. 1037679
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Best user-created content: Kikomi chan.
No. 1037680
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Best comeback: /2X/
No. 1037683
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Best comment: Radfem manifiesto anons.
Best poster: It's all bad.
Worst poster: Celebricow anons.
That's it. Thanks everyone who voted in the saddest most impromtu lolcow awards ever because old admin forgot to make one herself. Hoping new ShaynAdmin makes something cooler for 2022.
No. 1037823
>>1037683thanks for hosting
nonny <3