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No. 1138559
Talk about consumerism, criticize consumerism, talk about niche and fandom specific consumerism, talk about consoom tendencies, collections, hoards and addiction. If you are a consoomer yourself feel free to talk about it in this thread, same with people who are now reformed consoomers. And if you did get over it, tell us why or how it happened.
>>>/or/1032560>>>/ot/1016970>>>/ot/1004939ORGANIZATION THREAD
>>>/g/181093 No. 1138566
>>1138563Gasped when I saw this as she's been my personal cow for awhile KEK.
I remember she had drama with some other "2000s fig collector" who called her a spoiled white girl and she was like "im not even white im half russian so don't bring race into things" LMAO
No. 1138569
>>1138566Holy shit yeah, like all my friends in collecting cow her!!
She gets extremely defensive about being a rich kid whose parents pay for her hobby, if anyone expresses sadness that a lot of figures are priced out by wealthy kids with FOMO maxxing out every bid she gets insanely ornery and acts like tHaT’S nOt HeR. Like it’s fine to admit you have a cushy support system, people wouldn’t cow you as much if you stopped denying it girl.
Also if you’re open to posting your collection from MFC/any pics I’d love to see!!
No. 1138576
>>1138569Her kit prices are insane also for beginner work, she cannot paint faces for shit and her butchering of her dollfie is an extreme example of that
I'm also just not a fan of any coomer looking room in general, straight girls with room filled with full frontal naked anime women will always confuse me.
Not going to post my collection because it's just boring bishounen kek sorry
nonnymfc is really good cow goldmine though. The mods are shit and let pedophiles, yes, actual admitted pedophiles who take it beyond lolicon, have accounts on the site and interact with teen girls. If you look at the loli groups you'll find a lot of underage girls with hardcore lolicon hentai in their owned, it's a weird rabbit hole that no one seems to notice or even care about.
There's a user in particular that I've seen get reported multiple times, even to where mods had to say "we are looking into the user that keeps getting mentioned" but nothing has happened so far, I'm assuming since he is a supporter of the site
Sage for ot longpost
No. 1138582
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>>1138576>There's a user in particular that I've seen get reported multiple times, even to where mods had to say "we are looking into the user that keeps getting mentioned" but nothing has happened so far, I'm assuming since he is a supporter of the siteActually, here is his room as it fits the thread
No. 1138586
>>1138582>>1138576Wow that’s fucking nasty. I know anime fans love to argue about loli not being “realistic” but if you have that amount of pillows and they’re all straight up children and not 1000 year old lolis you are straight up a pedophile.
I’ve been on MFC for a while and it’s always been notorious for being barely managed, I’m surprised it functions at all seeing as it’s mostly user driven. The site isn’t even accessible 1/3 of the time. I can imagine it just dying unless someone else takes over eventually.
No. 1138608
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>>1138582wish id never unspoilered. what the fuck. feel like im gonna be put on a list now.
No. 1138719
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>>1138713Didn’t want to post her name right at the top but her username is Takiuto on MyFigureCollection, unsure about her other social media. when she bought a junk lot of figures for $400 because her mommy agreed it was a good price for the two figures actually worth anything in the lot (both figures were worth $30-$70 at most).
No. 1138723
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>>1138705For real, this fucking Miku figure was selling for $20 2 years ago and now you can’t find it for less than $250 just because of how rapid the animecore kids are. How can you be willing to pay such a huge mark up!!! Brain worms!!
No. 1140444
I honestly can't be mad at cottage core and dark academia consoomers. Even if it's all highly formularic and vain/all for aesthetics and likes, is it really that bad if it motivates kids to baking, crafting, gardening, writing, sewing, drawing or otherwise creating, researching or studying and motivates them to see beauty in their surroundings?
>>1139968kek at the names list at the end, did a farmer make that?
No. 1140482
>>1140467It's funny because people like my grandmother actually do live the ~cottagecore~ lifestyle of having garden in the countryside, growing her own vegetables, canning fruit, baking, making quits; just not in a glamerized aesthetic way. Not that her creations aren't cute, just she doesn't put up a front or take pictures of it because it is a
lifestyle and she doesn't feel the need to have to show everything off. Idk if anyone can function without the internet or the need to show what you are doing at all times to people
No. 1140645
>>1140482It's because granny isn't beautiful for photos and doesn't care. These girls are doing it to feel like the beautiful star in a rural movie or novel, hence why the videos revolve around their appearance more than their actions, but rural women are extremely homely because that life is physical work.
I come from a rural family and I'm the first woman in my family to even wear makeup. These girls are always selfie ready even in those supposed "lifestyle" youtube videos, all for show to take off in a bit as
>>1140467 pointed out. That's why it's an aesthetic to begin with, it's only for the looks
No. 1141175
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Instagram keeps shoving this tranny looking thing down my throat so I'm just sharing its ugly mug before I tell insta to stop it already lol. He/she (has to be a tran surely?) never stops making these petulant 'no I won't stop hoarding toys' type posts while wagging it's finger at the camera and pulling the ugliest faces I've ever seen. Do people feel cute doing this?
No. 1141390
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No. 1141573
>>1141555this is literally my husbands family, his grandma goes and spends hundreds at department stores just because a tag said the og price was 200 and it was for sale for 20 or something, she has like 2 closets full of clothes she never wears and buys ugly clothes from jcpenny or something for everyone else including husbands friends and is shocked when she's now having financial issues
>inb4 but she sounds so sweet and innocentnope, she uses it to manipulate people when people call her out for abuse or something "but I brought you so much expensive clothes!" kek. Oddly enough they don't bother spending money to fix appliances, hire an exterminator for their roach covered house, get a filter for their gross lead water, or hire a trainer for their kid biting dogs, it's oddly me who ends up spending money on these things while they claim that it's harmless or something and not worth spending money on while throwing out thousands on clothes no one wears
No. 1141758
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No. 1141882
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This is a post from a 29 year old.
Sad! Seriously though how do they not learn to get their shit together by this point?
No. 1141905
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wonder how the hoards looking nowadays tbh
No. 1142069
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What would you need so many kawaii keyboards for? Just stick to one bitch. Also, why even display them like that, they will gain dust and grime and cleaning a keyboard is kinda annoying, let alone more than 2
No. 1142092
>>1142061Too much time on coomer Twitter. Of course I have. She says it's not sexual, they're just her aesthetic. Pornified figures on almost every surface of her apartment. Totally not sexual, sure. It's so revolting and I don't really get it except I noticed she started collecting them shortly after becoming a twitterfag. Not sure if related but she also came out as a TIF not long after that. Still consooming makeup though, so manly.
>>1142069Two plus a tenkey and joystick caps isn't really that bad. One to use and one as a back up if one breaks. Keyboards don't last forever and if you're a PC gamer your keyboard goes through a lot more abuse than the average person's. Unless there's more I'm not seeing.
No. 1142123
>>1142060Awful sound, stylus will break your records, alignment is shit, built-in sound is a big no no (vibrations will interfere with the quality and can make the arm jump).
It's the turntable for people that know nothing about vinyl and just buy it for the ~aesthetic~. I would not even trust it for dusty 25¢ records from a bin.
Just shop for a vintage Technics. The sl-20 is still one of the best model you can get. I have the SL-DD22 which is also an amazing one. For low end turntables, one of the best model you can get is the Audio Technica LP-60. I trusted mine with my rare records back in the days with no problem. I wish Deadformat was still around, it was one of the best reference for record collecting and suggestions for turntables. The people were very knowledgeable and helpful.
Also related, vinyl records that major labels now sell and produce are bad. There's no quality control, the master is probably not made to get the best sound out of vinyl. They will use the same stamper (mold) to press too many records so it cost less money to produce. They also cause delay for smaller label prints.
Honestly, if you're into modern pop or rock music, records are just not worth it.
Vinyl is my consoomer thing, I've been collecting them for around 20 years and have a very expensive collection at this point with a lot of rarities. I only started because the music I enjoy is mostly only available on vinyl or tape cassettes.
Hope this helped and made sense (I am very tired and seeing double).
No. 1142391
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>as the ones on Pinterest LOL!
That annoys me so bad. Do YOU even enjoy it or is this just for SM?
No. 1142519
>>1142507Wtf nonna. That's some personal lolcow shit.
Unfortunately once they go the DID route and still believe in childish shit like this in their mid to late 20s they're probably too far gone, look at Pixie.
No. 1142580
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why do nonnies assume every pink anime room posted is a moids?
i cant find it but there was a popular video that went the rounds on tumblr where a japanese girl was getting interviewed about her room picrel
No. 1142586
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You could never convince me that this isn't dusty as hell.
No. 1142591
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>>1142586Bonus: she keeps her rabbit in a tiny cramped cage with no enrichment.
No. 1142730
>>1142586She has some cool shit in between of all that but god, everything is so cluttered and there's truly no space to enjoy every individual piece, it's overstimulating and the very little interesting appeal these things have just blends in together into a pink goop. Idk, I know this isn't high art or anything, but if you truly loved some of this shit, wouldn't you want to give it a special place where you can look at it and enjoy it? Give it a time to shine?
I don't think anyone just enters these rooms and feel comfortable unless they're a weird maximalist. It feels more like these people just looked up weeb rooms on the internet and decided to copy that make up for a lack of personality. It feels like a flex, "look at how much shit I have, it literally covers my walls". I question if they even enjoy these things individually, or just grab whatever that can fit a random tiny spot in their desks.
>made in abyss posterEw. Please don't be a fucking degenerate in public.
No. 1142770
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>>1142710Sage for OT, but usually these kind of cages are meant for sleeping/home base. Rabbits need a big pen of space to run a round and enrich. its possible she just lets it free roam for a few hours a day, but I hope it's potty trained and cable-proofed because dear god I don't wanna imagine random rabbit turds flying around that room…
No. 1142837
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>>1142586Kek I remember this from the animecore thread. That pics pretty old though and this is her room now
30 and has never worked a day in her life btw.
No. 1142941
>>1142837>30 and has never worked a day in her life btw.How? and how does she afford her shit
also lmao you can still tell she does it for an aesthetic because damn it now looks like a tiktok gamer den, just more cluttered
No. 1142979
>>1142973I looked through her twitter and it seems the rabbit has died anyway, I hope she gave it a good life at least outside of the cage.
her user is 2dpriestress since no ones mentioned it yet
No. 1143187
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these mfs cannot be fr. this cartoon is like disney for kawaiilovers
No. 1143192
>>1143025I don't know shit about anime but I think alot of people contributing to the thread have an interest in collecting the same items they post about.. but they use the hoard pics to help remind themselves to keep the collecting in check. People have said as much since the start of the thread. That's not a secret.
I like plush, I own a handful but instagram sure loves to shows me what the extreme end of plush hoarding looks like. My posts are usually just me sharing that when I stumble onto it. Do I live in a hoard of squishmallows or want to? no lol
No. 1143233
>>1143214>fan posters I assume they prefer official merchandise, fanart posters seems more like a thing western anime fans do
>>1143216I think it’s like a mix of mid-2000s visual novel stuff and I definitely recognized the Lotte poster, so that’s anime
No. 1143236
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>>1143187Their collection is crazy but I'm also autistic for Sanrio shit. The only reason I'm not seething in jealousy is because I don't give a shit about My Melody kek, I'm mainly autistic for the Twin Stars, then maybe some Hello Kitty or Pompurin shit is cute too.
It's harder to find Sanrio items I like in the states because it's (obviously) geared towards kids, but when I go back to Japan, the Sanrio store will have lots of themed lifestyle goods that I have to talk myself out of buying. They even have nicer "luxury" items. It truly is the Disney of Japan. When I don't get Disney adults I remind myself that I'm a Sanrio adult kek. I'm too poor to show it though, so maybe me being a poorfag is really a blessing in disguise. I have an affection for it over Disney because my parents showered me in Hello Kitty plushies as a kid, and I still have a small handful of plushies that I've kept and love. Right now the only Sanrio item I have is a Kiki and Lala wallet I bought 6 years ago kek. I haven't replaced it because I've yet to find another wallet that I like as much.
No. 1143370
>>1143207If you think that's bad, you should check out rainbowholic. Every other video is some kind of haul and her entire apartment is stuffed top to bottom.
She has multiple room tour/what's in my bag videos that you can find and each one has the same volume of items yet somehow they often appear to be different things than the last time.
No. 1143473
>>1143275Buyee. People who shittalk buyee have no idea how to use it, if you are buying multiple things use mandarake or any of the other "add to buyee" sites as the fee is 300jpy per order as compared to 500jpy per item on their in-site stores
Email them once you have gotten your package consolidation completed and tell them to remove the sellers' original boxes so the package is smaller and therefor reduces size, you don't need the insurance unless you use surface mail. Neokyo also has troon mods on their discord kek
No. 1143528
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>>1143487Sorry for unrelated post to topic, but I hope you find a wallet you like, look at these, I saw them and they're all so pretty I had to save the image just to look at them from time to time kek. I have a very old one my aunt bought me, it's leather with cats and flowers, childish but it still looks like new I love it
No. 1143889
>>1143552I might just be naive but is it not a slogan that means more like (when people see you in public) Yes! I'm dressed in lolita No! You can't touch my clothing
That kind of thing?
No. 1143910
>>1143487>I think it's okay that I treat myself to a cute, functional wallet.It totally is
nonnie, hope you find a good wallet. I was gifted mine and using a brand new one after being with my old one so long was a nice feeling.
No. 1145322
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>>1143236My favorite Sanrio character is Hangyodon. There isn't a lot of merch of him because he is ugly and not popular… Works in my favor I guess. I can imagine having a large Hangydon collection if given the opportunity.
No. 1146204
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The beauty community honestly scares me with how normalized being addicted to shopping is. I have an extreme amount of makeup, skin care, self care/body care etc. because seeing others having large collections made me think having 20 body washes or 100+ lipsticks was totally reasonable. It wasn't until recently that I had an ephiphany and realized this was absolutely insane and I had a problem.
Picrel is an example of what gets posted on the bath and body works subreddit, you see people so proud of their "collection" and talk about how they plan on getting more. I don't know how someone can look at this and think it's perfectly fine. The sad thing is I have around half this amount in my room right now. I'm working on not buying anything else that's beauty related until I use what I have, but it makes so sad to see how social media constantly fuels women into developing unhealthy shopping habits and treat it like it's just a quirky trait.
No. 1146264
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>>1145779holy shit I'm so sorry I wanted to watch these videos but just looking at this guy I immediately get a fart smell on my face. He looks disgusting and gunky. Also he uses reddit so FUCK no.
No. 1146340
>>1141555Same, I think managed to help my mom out by being annoying as fuck though. Every time I visit I just start to clean up and she freaks out, and so I ask if the jam that expired 5 years ago is OK to throw out and repeat ad nauseum for the hundreds of other jars before she gives in, or with my stuff I say it's mine, and I want to throw it out so I will. When I shop with her, I interrogate her on everything she wants to buy. Doesn't she already have something that has this same function? Will she use it? If no and she'll give it as a gift, to whom? And if she says who, then when? Every time she can't think of an answer on the spot and leaves it, every time being pissed because she didn't buy the massive kitchen appliance at 80 percent off just because she could.
I come off and admit to being a big asshole, but last time I visited she said she'd tidied the bedroom up a bit, and she actually had! So the pressure did something.
No. 1146658
>>1146340Good for you
nonnie. It sucks that some children have to be more grown up then their parents.
No. 1146932
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>>1145322don't worry, he got #13 on the sanrio popularity poll,
nonnie. he beat out badtz maru, keroppi, and gudetama.
No. 1148493
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I know this is an ~aesthetic~ video showcasing a themed looked but I find having so much shit for the same thing kind of psychotic. I barely can manage have one bag I use daily let alone matching stuff that goes with it FOR EVERY BAG.
>has a shitload of plastic shit
>"I always use a reusable shopping bag."
The irony
Sorry for speeding it up, I had trouble uploading this since it was too big of a video and I had to compress it somehow.
No. 1148667
>>1148493That outift definitely doesn't suit her, you can do kawaii stuff but that just looks uncomfortable for her height.
t. Tall anon always struggling with clothes that are too short, I imagine that issue is even worse with j-fashion
No. 1149042
>>1148987I've come across quite a few squishmallow/buildabear/general plush collecting Instagram accounts where it's moms of young kids and the mom is buying herself multiple new plush a week for her own personal collection. Some of them list that they're autistic so that makes sense but still .. they have to be treating themselves to more toys than their kid gets. That to me is strange. How must kids feel when they even touch most of the toys in the house?
I also think too many of the buildabear collectors who go on dates to BAB with their hubby are bordering on exposing their kids to the abdl lifestyle. And daddy is pretty sus for knocking up a childlike autist and living in a house where the parental bedroom looks more like a nursery than the actual nursery.
No. 1149179
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>>1148493>hunched over (to look smaller?)>very short skirt, the length would look better on a party outfit, maybe she wants to give anime pedobait vibesUgh why does this look so awkward and uncomfortable
No. 1149594
>>1148987>she thinks she can just buy stuff to make her interestingShe kind of confirms it here kek:
>"I'm just in the mood to get rid of stuff. Do you ever get in those moods? It typically happens to me when I find, like, another thing.. to fill the void.">"Squishmallows.">"So I get rid of everything else, and we just have Squishmallows." No. 1149745
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I agree that it's unnecesary but I think this is a Colourpop palette? I have two small ones and they are pretty good quality at least. So it's not like those generic no brand asian brands that are pretty shitty and you just buy them for the packaging. Like picrel.
No. 1149985
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>>1143187Nonnies please what is the name of this bag. I love it so much and was thinking of it all day after I saw this and when I was at work I saw a woman with the same exact one. I know the brand is Coach but it's surprisingly difficult for me to find
No. 1150014
>>1148493So much unnecessary shit, her bag has to be heavy as shit.
>>1148526Yes, it 100% is. I remember watching a video made by a woman detoxing from her make-up consoomerism, I think she said something about those drawers making you not realise how much you consoom just because of the sheer volume of shit those tiny drawers can contain.
>>1148808She mentioned that she got a lot of her make-up as pr. She should of just gave it away like a lot of beauty influencers do with pr they don't use.
No. 1150093
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>>1140467Picrel is what I think seeing the rise of "aesthetics"
It's like they are cosplaying a person that does xy, instead of just doing xy
Doing things like reading, gardening, baking can be done quite cheaply with little investment upfront. But not if all you care about is wearing 10 different cottagecore dresses or dark academia blazers or having aesthetic tableware, then it just becomes consoomerism
No. 1150476
>>1143187I feel like I'm getting cancer just by watching the amount of plastic in this video.
Her nails are pretty though..
No. 1150542
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Here's a random consoomer I found on twitter. Bottom left is her boyfriend who posts pepe memes and simps for streamers. The room is a huge mess full of old merch she forgot about, plushies and figures all over the walls, I wish I could have found a better photo.
No. 1150793
>>1150758You can always like cute things and collecting things, it's a matter of quality over quantity though and whether you're mindlessly consuming. Imo for collecting, you should avoid:
>things that clutter and are hard to clean (too many plushies)>cheap plastic toys, keychains and badges>consumables that expire>most of all: things you don't enjoy (book hoarders who don't even read them)If you want to collect something, it's just important that it doesn't use up too much space, that you can clean it easily and save yourself headache and that it's something that brings you joy. Keeping a few stuffed animals or small figures on a shelf is really common.
No. 1151304
>>1150758No anon, you age out of the mindset where you impulse buy crap because it caught your interest for 2 seconds. You don't necessarily age out of liking cute stuff in general. Getting rid of your things won't do shit because you'll get into collecting a different type of crap. Deal with the need to buy stuff, not the aesthetic of the stuff you buy.
Also, grow a fucking spine, why do you care about some hypothetical strangers' opinions about what hobbies and aesthetics look mature? Just don't go outside looking like Pixielocks or Venus. Don't get rid of things that have genuine sentimental value. And don't throw them out, sell them. Plastic in a landfill isn't helping anyone, and dipshit tweens will pay out the ass for anything shiny, so you might as well get some money while you declutter.
No. 1151361
>>1151304I second this. I really like cluttered anime rooms but mostly the kind where there's a) no garbage sitting everywhere and b) you can tell the person collecting likes what they collect.
A lot of anime/collector rooms now are made very inauthentic now, feels like it's made for clout rather than genuine interest. Just look at the void clones and hikineet and how everything k-on and sugarbunnies is so popular now to the point those items are sold at huge mark ups. Of course if you're selling the stuff they like you should 100% sell it to them for the price they're willing to buy it because they're not smart enough to look elsewhere or not pay that price kek
No. 1152593
>>1151361>A lot of anime/collector rooms now are made very inauthentic now, feels like it's made for clout rather than genuine interest. This is why I don't say shit about some of the anime rooms upthread kek. They may be consoomers but at least you can see they have an interest in certain things rather than just buying it for asspats from other hikkineetrealotaku girls. It's nice seeing modern anime rooms that deviate from muh k-on sugarbunnies rina tennoji silent hill lolicon ukagaka riamu shit. Reminds me of the good old days of consooming lmao
Also does anyone know why the fuck so many female anime-collectors are buying hardcore lolicon shit to put on their walls? It's weird. If you are a straight girl why would you wanna wake up everyday to a spread open vagina on your wall. KEK.
No. 1152726
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>>1152593to be fair a lot of them aren't straight, a bit of boob is one thing but I agree about having girls eagle spread on the wall. I still feel like girls who collect are a little better than some of the scrotes in the community, pic related is a coomer who recently flew cross country to go hang out with and presumably paypig his not gf, but wanna be asian e-girl
No. 1152729
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>>1152726This is so embarrassing kek
No. 1152755
>>1152726Lmao is this the guy with pink hair?
>>1152729Yep. KEK
No. 1152758
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>>1152741I've seen her posted in the Photoshop thread on snow so this isn't really the place for her but imagine being a coomer cpnsoomer paypig for a girl who keeps posting coomer bait and uses you as her "fan can" while you go back across the country talking about how she's an "amazing wonderful person", the absolute state of men
She says she's Puerto Rican but she clearly wishes she was anything but, her tagged pics definitely betray the delusion of her looking like a kawaii east asian waifu desu
Relevant pic is top right and bottom right as those were both during his visit, she looks so annoyed to be seen with him kek
No. 1152764
>>1152729Also kek'd at "bullying"
Love Live is one of the most popular animes that ewhores cosplay as, especially Nico in close place to Rina bc "muh loli irl". No one is bullying you for liking one of the most basic anime girls in existence.
No. 1152778
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>>1152764I think it might have had to do with her being in Florida LL groups? In every pic with others as Nico she looks so pissed off and out of place, maybe it's because she can't control the filters?
Not to mention needing to use her real hair instead of a wig, which is small but noticeable and sorta gives me usagi kou vibes, would bet like Nico she hated not being the center of attention and thus turned to larping as an wannabe asian ~ero closer
Shes better discussed in the egirls thread though tbh
No. 1153767
>>1153689>collecting figures as an adultYou realize it was originally intended as an adult hobby because you need an adult income to support it right? Like, before rich egirls decided to take it over?
Cry about it anon kek. Sorry some anons don't need to be validated by you in here so you need to take it as "enabling".
No. 1154269
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>>1154256They will protect her in the afterlife
No. 1154282
File: 1651196187148.jpeg (731.07 KB, 2048x2048, 6275A3E1-C5E7-4191-A42C-1DE11B…)

>>1154264Hopeman soldiers
>>1154269Terrifying thought
No. 1154289
>>1154264I just busted out laughing.
>>1154258>>1154282How do you not go crazy in this? I feel congested just looking at these.
No. 1155087
File: 1651243272678.jpg (13.91 KB, 480x360, kevin-feige-marvel-studios-pre…)

Marvel came out with a plan for the next 10 years for capeshit consoomers No. 1157206
File: 1651380858841.jpg (407.4 KB, 1080x1803, 234508_Instagram.jpg)

On Instagram I was recommended this lady who just posts her collection of shitty drugstore body wash/scrubs. I can't imagine having more than two of these in my house at a time, what's the point when they smell too cheap to bother switching up the scents and you could just pick one up at literally any store?
No. 1157266
>>1157215please don't do amanda dirty like this, she's a great creator and is very aware of what she looks like.
pay more attention to her giggle, which is the most heartwarming shit ever
I'll WK swell entertainment aLL DAY WINSTON ALL DAY
No. 1157612
Speaking of companies exploiting minority groups for money, this reminds me of when I was browsing Baggu’s website and they had interviews with their models. One of them was a fat white guy who was struggling to keep his restaurant open during Covid and he said after George Floyd died him and some friends made a huge amount of money selling tshirts for protests. There’s also that store that made a bunch of shit with the TempleOS logos after Terry Davis killed himself.
No. 1157613
>>1157325>>1157514What bothers me more is that even when she makes a tiktok relating to her ethnicity, she just wears a traditional dress trying to look cute and pretty as if her ethnicity only matters for woke points and aesthetics.
>>1157492not an american, but this is tacky af and embarrassing. I wonder how a black person feels seeing this. This is what activism is for some people I guess : a cheap chinese bag.
No. 1157629
>>1157492>>1157616>>1157613Seems like it's actually a knock off of an existing bag made by American black(?) creators, kek people want to virtue signal on a budget, I guess
No. 1157759
File: 1651421887024.jpg (625.2 KB, 1578x2048, guettouttahere.jpg)

>>1157723I believe the name is david guetto
No. 1157972
File: 1651429668102.jpg (606.52 KB, 1588x1588, 1645736037102.jpg)

No. 1158062
File: 1651434547307.jpg (50.06 KB, 640x480, 978876876876867.jpg)

I have a depressing collection of vintage kid clothes from a couple different brands. Since I can't 100% for sure have a girl, I'll never have a kid so it's not like I can cope and say I'll use them some day. And yet, I can't get rid of them because they're cute. Two full totes Nonnas…
No. 1158064
>>1157456I wasn't making fun of her appearance retard, I was just asking a question out of curiosity. Also I'm not a radfem.
>>1157462No they don't.
No. 1158079
>>1158075Well she said she wanted to be sure it's a girl.
She can pay to be sure.
No. 1158081
>>1158062I hate having to say this but the thing more depressing than your collection is the fact you hold into these clothes which shows you wanna have a girl and the whole idea of dressing her in cute clothes. Idk about
>>1158070 and I would suggest adopting but even if you manage to, the child would probably outgrow the clothes till the time the adoption is finalized. It really seems like you are holding to some sort of fantasy that makes you sad.
No. 1158138
File: 1651437715963.webm (18.27 MB, 270x480, junna ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ_7092835328066702…)

>>1138559this is supposed to be relaxing but I genuinely got stressed with the amount of stuff I saw in this video. I hate these hoards are glorified just because they are organized and look cute. The are hoards nonetheless.
No. 1158206
>>1158062This would probably be sweet in a different world, but this is really creepy,
nonnie. Either adopt or ivf to ensure a girl and if not, donating or selling to expectant mothers who would love these clothes would probably make you feel better. What's the use of holding on when you don't want to make it happen?
No. 1158232
File: 1651444961520.png (249.76 KB, 600x600,…)

>girl who helplessly watched her entire family die in front of her AND has to wrangle with trying to keep her humanity >mfw she's literally just some cutesy moeblob pet girl who acts retarded No. 1158234
>>1158062You can, just abort the males
Also, here's a tip: XY sperm is more likely to die inside the vagina when it's more acidic. Eat a loooooooot of vitamin c fruits and veggies constantly for a period of time before you try to get pregnant so your sperm will most likely be a XX.
No. 1158250
>>1158242I hate it too. The long ass cabochon nails click clacking against plastic shit just for ASMR points, all the junk, everything. Same reason why I hate snack cart videos. It just
triggers my anxiety and rage and doesn't relax me at all lmao
No. 1158409
File: 1651455528609.png (7.69 MB, 3813x1800, dsfsdferet4555.png)

>>1157304>>1148493>>1149179>>1158138I looked into Junna or Jo as we're the same age (21) and the fact that I was genuinely curious on how she managed to consoom all of the useless stuff she has and found out
>she's Kurdish but like Mikan says that she is west asian. >is studying medical science. However wants to start twitching again and open up a shop an online one presumably along with maybe working a job with super nice manager that always brings food.>started consooming when COVID lockdown was starting and began her brief journey being an generic E-thot skinwalking Belle delphine to generic rich kawaii weeb gamergirl. two years pass and she has since scrubbed all of her e-thottery ways from social media but has a bunch of fan account that keeps old photos. >One memorable fan on tiktok washes printout pictures of no.1 idol Jo on her tiktok and is one of many calfs of Jo or now Junna. > With lockdown over Junna says that when she goes to university classes she uses a normal bag when going out and not her twelve kawaii sanrio bags >Her mother lives in the uk and her father in the UAE Yas island for his job, her parents are very rich and without a doubt spoils their lovely daughter very much. > A common consooming cosplayer cow that buys overpriced items, the seasonal anime merch, three gaming chairs, limited edition consoles and items that she hasn't a clue about except that it is in at the moment along with more eventual garbage that she fills the void of being a rich person. No. 1158435
>>1158422It is such a drastic change in nearly 2 years if I didn't know better I would not have guessed that she was the same person in all of those photos here
>>1158409 Social media really does rot your brain and empty your pockets huh…
the man in the photo collage is that the guy that played Castiel in spn? No. 1158539
File: 1651462540560.jpg (591.52 KB, 1415x2048, 20220502_053320.jpg)

>>1150542How do you sleep on a bed like this and how often do you need to clean it, jeez
No. 1159056
File: 1651498830880.webm (17.88 MB, 576x1024, junkfood_1.webm)

i laughed and downloaded this one when she put a fully packaged turkey in one of the bins, misses the point so completely
No. 1159060
File: 1651499090713.webm (14.15 MB, 576x1024, toupee_1.webm)

ive also been seeing a ton of tiktok pages that promote toupees and hairpieces as like.. normal things? and it feels like a fucking psyop to sell toupees to zoomers. everybody born before 2000 remembers jokes about toupees, they're for losers, but now it looks like they're trying to get a rebranding so that younger people don't think they're stupid? either way the woman in this vid looks like a retard and the hairpiece looks terrible, pointless consoomerism
No. 1159230
>>1159060and she doesn't look pleased with it at all
>>1159183that's so true. one toupee and they've got you, for life
No. 1159396
>>1159060I thought this would be similar to the balding dudes who get realistic toupees but this is just…unnecessary and dumb. It looks way worse than bf and she is either there for demonstration purposes or she hated it. Looks like she hates being there no matter what kek
>>1159124The thing is that I've seen young people in their 20's trimming their perfectly fine teeth to get these. These are the people I don't understand.
No. 1159437
File: 1651515754293.webm (10.44 MB, 540x960, jookstogo_6925029862235213058.…)

These is a "day in a life" video. It looks so far removed from reality. Like wtf organizing keyboards, opening a box with elaborate cute cookies? The people who make these do it for show but it seems that the very young ones really eat it up.
No. 1160354
>>1159056Removing the salad from the packaging was next level cringe. Well done, you are helping it go bad faster.
>>1159437Wtf is the point of these set ups if you are not a gamer? So fucking pointless. These keyboards look completely useless too.
No. 1161103
>>1148493I don't know how these people do it. If I switch bags for a day for whatever reason (usually from my regular bookbag to a tote bag), I take forever to switch shit back, and I don't even have that much stuff to move between my bags. What the fuck.
>the children's cutlery set>pf changskek. My parents bought me that exact same cutlery set except it's pikachu themed, because they know I'm autistic for pikachu, but I almost never use it because it's tiny, uncomfortable, and embarrassingly obvious it's meant for kids.
No. 1161334
>>1161254It sounds like you spent a lot of time not having things that you actually needed. But the way you're shopping now sounds pretty different from buying things just for the dopamine hit. I get excited when I get a great deal on something I really like and plan to use, I think that's a great and also normal feeling.
If you're worried about your spending getting out of control, try setting a monthly budget for clothes/fun purchases, and let yourself have things you like within that limit. You can also set a space limit for your clothes: x number of hangers, x number of drawers, etc. I love buying secondhand and there's nothing wrong with having a closet of nice items you use on the regular. I think the most important thing is that the clothes make YOU happy, and it's not about how your closet looks to other people (that seems to add fuel to the consoomer fire).
No. 1162238
File: 1651616592558.png (16.21 KB, 364x420, 39AC633F-D4AD-43AC-8700-2340AE…)

>>1158062>>1162236Samefag but I really like the particular outfits you chose, they look like something Angelica would wear.
No. 1162389
File: 1651624023089.png (580.44 KB, 633x623, 5c6ebd29f786e96b576c10ad49f1c0…)

for me the worst fucking type of consoomer is the pet hoarder. Especially the reptile ones since they seem more common. They always want the inbred designer shit with albino and scaleless deformities. They don't actually love animals, they want to flex.
No. 1162495
File: 1651630459119.jpg (511.04 KB, 2303x3071, P1020524.jpg)

>>1162389Pet hoarding is a whole issue but its especially bad imo in the reptile hobby, from breeding morphs with terrible genes purely for aesthetics (like spider ball pythons) or mass importing animals from their native habitats.
It's going to piss off a lot of reptile keepers to say but I hate rack systems for keeping snakes, even for breeding purposes which is even worse, you basically keep the animal in the barest minimum requirements to survive and only take it out to feed or breed it, kind of a horrible existence. I wish keepers who have these animals would take pride in keeping them in an equally elaborate and decorated enclosures for how expensive and 'rare' the animal is, sadly this seems to not be something a lot of people in the hobby are concerned with.
No. 1162581
>>1162568Eh, I could argue about this, but I will just say I think snakes over 8ft should require a permit to own. There are many python species that stay reasonable sizes, like ball pythons can get about 5ft which sounds large but they rarely get thicker around than a coke can, can't really do any damage. Or even the Children's python which is about 3ft and stay really small.
The problem is dumbasses getting retics and not realizing how fucking huge and unmanageable they can become and releasing them
No. 1163661
File: 1651677799250.jpg (735.96 KB, 1595x2047, 20220504_172159.jpg)

>>1158539Oh, she also did one of these yume displays
No. 1163670
File: 1651678334602.png (266.56 KB, 512x386, tumblr_8ba003c6a506a1ebad656e9…)

>>1162495googled "pet snake racks" and wow. Imagine living like this. I think these people have no empathy for living beings.
No. 1163697
File: 1651680020178.png (Spoiler Image,1.48 MB, 1052x784, snake discovery.png)

>>1163670>>1162495>>1162389This reminds me of a youtube channel called Snake Discovery. People on youtube regard her as "the best reptilian educator on youtube" but she cuts the eggs of her snakes with no regard for their safety just to see what special new color combination breed or whatever her new hatchlings will be. She also uses extremely small enclosures to hoard snakes, and some of them are pretty barren or have useless stuff in them (because some of them are climbers, or need more space, or other types of hideouts). She also has a small deformed alligator (adopted, but still) and apparently you can't just go outside with a big croc like that without banding their mouths for safety. Again, she brands herself as a professional educator.
No. 1163778
>>1163670The moment this thing gets loose, it's going to crush the owner to death and it'll be 100% in the right.
>>1163697You telling me she cracks into the eggs like LOL Surprise toys? The emotional disconnect of consoomers.
No. 1165504
File: 1651747392644.webm (1.64 MB, 576x1024, download (5).webm)

Saging because I've not uploaded a webm before so not sure it'll work. Another Squishmallow hoarder.
No. 1166386
File: 1651780044227.png (16.48 KB, 1375x154, manchildren.PNG)

>>1164106One of the comments in the video. Imagine thinking a woman is selfish for not liking it when her parasite moid is buying 20+ nintendo 64's. Scrotes are a disease.
No. 1167265
>>1165504>I've not uploaded a webm before so not sure it'll work. It came out fine, nona.
It's really disturbing seeing that. What will happen once her fascination with them ends? It seems like she bought all of those on a whim.
>>1166386>stupid, selfishkek the same could be used to describe them.
No. 1168324
File: 1651854760250.jpg (382.51 KB, 1440x1800, 272727156_456042509577750_8638…)

Even though this is her hobby modding keyboards and the fact that she gets some as sponsorships/gifts this is just too much.
No. 1169589
>>1168324I get asmr just by looking at this
clickety click click mmmmmm
No. 1170657
File: 1651940236524.webm (976.35 KB, 576x1024, elyxirine on ig ≷_707905272115…)

>>1168324I checked her tiktok and while idk much about keyboards, I don't see her modding as being something extremely difficult. To me it seems like another reason to hoard stuff, with the difference that keyboards need a bit more effort than buying things and displaying them. Embed vid is her "hobby shelves" and she also has a whole desk dedicated to a kpop group.
No. 1170679
>>1170657I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this. The first 10 times that I saw this exact same room I thought "well, pink is a cute color, and those anime and videogames are currently popular, so of course they would have this kinda stuff!"
I do not think this anymore. I was fucking wrong. They're all fucking sheep and they all buy the same trendy kawaii anime shit to flex it on the internet. They do not enjoy this shit genuinely. They just see others have the same gudetama and overwatch shit and they're like "ah yes guess I'll get it too since everyone has one!", it's fucking bleak and I am this close _ to wishing death upon anyone who has this type of room, male or female I don't fucking care, it's pathetic. This fucking shit is like shoeheads but with anime. Fuck them, fuck that.
No. 1170687
>>1170657let's see
>sanrio>overwatch>kpop>ghibli>attack on titan>jujutsu kaisen>komi can't communicatethis person probably has 0 thoughts of her own
No. 1170697
>>1170679*not shoeheads, sneakerheads kek
Speaking of sneakerheads though, here's a sneakerhead room.
No. 1171406
File: 1651993438241.png (Spoiler Image,2.96 MB, 1204x906, 2.PNG)

I don't get these coomer rooms. Wouldn't you be horny all the time?
No. 1171518
>>1171406I think I used to have a coomer room.
When I was a teenager I would buy magazines similar to teen Vogue or Cosmo girl I guess, rock magazines, tattoo magazines for the posters and cut out pictures of women I thought were attractive and plaster them all over my bedroom closet and bedroom door. I would also print out pictures of female singers to put in my school diary. It was kinda obvious because of how I look and I still cringe at it and how gross it was. It's just pure retardation.
No. 1172095
File: 1652032644161.jpg (484.67 KB, 720x1226, 1652032618463.jpg)

Don't they see the irony?
>Mmmm microplastics
No. 1172216
File: 1652035514289.jpeg (4.04 KB, 121x151, download.jpeg)

Don't scroll
No. 1172259
I bragged about how much second hand shit I sold in the first thread and now I feel like getting rid of even more books. I'm not sure anyone will want the manga I have in Japanese though. I'll cancel a nendoroid preorder as well. By the way I didn't find "to buy or not to buy" very useful beyond the first chapters since I have self-control when shopping. Does anyone know documentaries about hoarders or consoomers that aren't about self-help?
>>1172086I didn't even notice the curtains. When I was in Tokyo in a sharehouse the window in my room was mostly blocked by a huge closet and it felt awful not seeing the sunlight most of the time, especially during the covid lockdown. I can't imagine people doing this to themselves willingly.
No. 1172301
File: 1652038364758.jpeg (225.16 KB, 1400x1050, DB78F6B1-E278-477A-86E1-FE48D8…)

>>1172294I love you
nonny thanks for looking out for us, it makes me smile despite things. Sorry if you had to see something bad. Pic is for Mother's Day
No. 1172349
>>1172283Magic Knight Rayearth and some BL manga. I want to keep some other manga I have in Japanese like Tokyo Babylon and X, and I have manga in French I'm not sure I could sell because they're from when I was in middle school with yellow pages.
>>1172343I already did that once but it was an online store. So I just sent my packages and the store had to keep the books until they found buyers. I checked but they won't take my Japanese manga so I'll try to ask my usual comic/manga shop if they're ok with my collection.
No. 1172517
>>1170657imo I thinks rooms like this are fine if items are accumulated thoughtfully and slowly overtime. It's so clear this happened over the span of once year just to get on a trend. I can't with the mangas, normally those kind of mangas eventually get nice hard back or omnibus versions that are a much better investment. I hope she enjoys selling everything once the current fads she is into fades and I hope she enjoys having no natural light too.
I also can't help but notice that these shelves likely aren't even up against a wall, it looks like it's also blocking a wardrobe. I hate it.
No. 1172847
File: 1652081136351.jpeg (86.41 KB, 1242x1242, 2b8facc2-0d4e-4daa-a486-a30940…)

Don't scroll nonnies. Maybe even don't visit LC for now, a retard moid keeps making retarded threads.
No. 1172865
File: 1652081360450.jpeg (56.08 KB, 378x457, DAE30237-9F7E-4E7C-AC74-5F9625…)

Bump for pedos
No. 1173034
File: 1652083862990.png (2.29 MB, 1169x932, 3vwaj5nd08Y.png)

No. 1173041
File: 1652083955945.jpeg (79.91 KB, 780x520, 42BB07D2-7578-439C-85CB-EFF0B1…)

BUMP troon is posting cp in hoards
No. 1173055
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No. 1173864
>>1173397when I look at these people I wonder how they feel about not having a single original idea.
Isn't it tiring, to live off social media and let them dictate every single purchase and idea of you?
The pandemic really did damages
No. 1174012
File: 1652122984891.jpeg (253.88 KB, 1500x1500, download (8).jpeg)

Not sure where to post it, but are these "fridge organizer boxes" worth buying? I've seen them being a trend on TikTok. I just thought of decluttering my fridge space
No. 1174066
File: 1652124253961.png (2.65 MB, 1080x1726, Screenshot_20220509-122006.png)

Every person with a room like this has never had an original thought or steady sense of self. It's the bane of my existence. If you've seen one of these rooms you have quite literally seen them all because they all own the exact same items to try and one up each other while rotting away alone, miserable wagies in their waking life just to afford things they will 100% throw away and sell en masse in the next 4 years to trade out for the new aesthetic. It's the fake otaku version of pink RGB gamer girl rooms and it needs to die now. Don't even get me started on the cringe figure posts where these people put them in food and liquid and other gross crap. This person doesn't do that but she has everything pink and Sanrio or kawaii that everyone else has, namely that one fakeboi who got cancelled for being a Nazi or whatever. Void? Idk but yeah. Dusty ass hoarder rooms with no personality. Devoid of anything and so uncomfortable looking
No. 1174072
File: 1652124384333.png (1.99 MB, 1080x1054, Screenshot_20220509-122549.png)

>>1174066Different person but this is cringe too, dust and cobweb central I'm sneezing looking at these. Looks dingy too
No. 1174094
File: 1652125038239.png (1.82 MB, 939x804, ddlgonesie.PNG)

>>1174066Finally, these rooms are brought up, they all think they're different too and spend their time dunking on "void skinwalkers" and about how no one has a personality online but them. They all like the exact same shit but are genuinely so delusional they think because they picked one anime or game that the other voidcore bitches don't post that they're different and unique. It's so fucking weird to me how they all use the same furniture too.
Picrel was posted in one of the old consoomer threads for exactly copying some famous pinterest room photo, same room layout, furniture placement, etc.
No. 1174137
File: 1652126210265.jpg (142.18 KB, 498x501, 1652126160598.jpg)

>>1174132Which ones? And do you have BPD? Seriously asking
>>1174094Wtf is going on in this picture
No. 1174157
>>1138582Shouldn't this be illegal to print??
Late, I'm sorry
No. 1174297
File: 1652130378848.png (2.64 MB, 1892x752, vo1d.PNG)

>>1174270Vo1dchan, fat egirl who had a room full of lolis, sanrio, horror shit, and mcdonalds. She's basically the one who started the "sanrio k-on bloody handprint mcdonalds bag sugarbunnies" shit
No. 1174317
File: 1652130832261.jpeg (903.11 KB, 1170x1387, vo1dchan.jpeg)

>>1174310Sorry without context I sound like an anachan, she edited her photos a lot but this is how she actually looked
No. 1174322
>>1174066I hate that they all have the same items. My Melo, Kuromi, Kirby, Zero Two (or in her place Super Sonico, whatever pink anime bitch flavor), those cheap Miku prize figurines, Sailor Moon and pink "gamer" shit on white ikea shelves. Nothing tells me they're genuinely into these things or care about those characters, they just copy each other.
It reminds me of those korean / pinterest room decor videos that all end up having the same exact items… the digital clock, the CD player, the cheap wood furniture with checkered tablecloths, fake tullips and cutouts of bear prints stuck to the wall.
It sounds like maximum autismo but if you've seen a couple of those videos you can picture exactly what kind of koreaboo room I'm talking about.
No. 1174416
File: 1652134524223.jpeg (116.43 KB, 675x1200, 4514315B-6B8E-468F-A101-A3AED0…)

>>1174322KEK I know exactly what you’re talking about
At least they’re not cluttered and easier to clean
No. 1174429
File: 1652134867980.jpeg (132.99 KB, 750x750, 92493510-7436-4BF5-9234-EFED7D…)

>>1174416*Some are anyway, they seem to be popular with western koreaboos and I’ve seen vids of filipinos following this trend hardcore.
No. 1176004
>>1175967I know what you mean, so devoid of personality and despite being messy don't look lived in at all. It's like if you gave an ai access to pinterest and told it to decorate a room based on that
>>1175133Those are kewpie babies
No. 1176830
>>1173397She released a video showcasing her plushes.
Y know I'm fine with decorated rooms but this is her living room, having that much unorganized crap in pastel colors in her living room is making me anxious
No. 1178088
File: 1652369764696.jpeg (3.83 MB, 4032x3024, F34CAF26-E54D-4862-A658-50C8C6…)

>imagine the smell
No. 1178262
File: 1652375703119.jpg (111.75 KB, 800x1200, Tumblr_l_272916917303025.jpg)

Anyone familiar with jojifuku/女児服 as a style? If not it's pic rel. Basically adults dressing in Japanese girls clothes that are sometimes tailored to fit their size. I've been seeing adult women hoarding these types of clothes and posting it but they very clearly 1.) will never fit it and 2.) are not parents. It's weird. I'll see people post wardrobes of it and they won't even bat an eyelash at it sitting there unused. If they do manage to squeeze into it it's like wearing lingerie it's so short and cropped. Never thought I'd see hoarding little girls clothes as "collectibles". Unsurprisingly the people like
>>1174297 and
>>1174094 are the kind to collect that style of clothing. I think it's creepy and strange to just…collect little girls' used clothes.
No. 1178473
File: 1652381562109.png (335.64 KB, 360x487, paint.png)

Don't scroll
No. 1179270
File: 1652419653745.webm (1.68 MB, 576x1024, figure haul.webm)

No. 1179275
File: 1652419727420.webm (772.95 KB, 576x1024, Nami room.webm)

>>1179270>>1179274This is her room btw.
No. 1179308
File: 1652422900676.jpg (1012.82 KB, 1080x1870, Screenshot_20220513-082024_Tik…)

Came across this on my FYP. Jesus christ
No. 1179534
File: 1652441851003.jpg (2.72 MB, 2560x2560, 22-05-13-13-34-01-541_deco.jpg)

>>1179514honestly, she might get sick of her Pusheen phase before they get truly grimy from getting stepped on by her cat. almost 800 plushies is ridiculous.
No. 1180337
File: 1652477313165.jpeg (26.22 KB, 474x360, c6f4a97e881ff899712c02f59214ef…)

How do you fight the urge to Consoom?
I'm a recovering toy collector/hoarder- I had hundreds of fashion dolls that I would just buy and instantly put in storage. I ended up selling them but I've had a few relapses over the years where I would buy a bunch of something I was temporarily interested in, forget about it then sell it later on.
I'm currently really interested in a doll line and I've been stalking ebay listings for them the past few days but haven't purchased any yet- even though I REALLY want to. Would it be unwise to just purchase one, to get it out of my system? I feel so stupid because I know it's just a phase, but everytime I get into a new 'thing' it feels intense and I can't get it out of my head until I indulge.
No. 1180359
>>1180337Every time you get the urge, just hold off for another few days, another week, another month. If it’s still something you truly want after a month or two passes, then let yourself get it — but only if you can afford it and only after breaking down
why you really want it.
No. 1180425
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No. 1180428
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Spoilering for young anime girls to save scrolling nonis.
No. 1180432
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No. 1180499
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Would you consider some tattooed people to be consoomers? Specifically the kind who gets an abnormal amount of shitty animecore and pastel tattoos that end up aging like shit, think Pixielocks or pic related.
No. 1180522
>>1180499Idk, at least tattoos (even shitty ones) don’t use a ton of plastics and shit. And at least you’re supporting an artist.
Ppl with weeb tats absolutely should be judged tho.
No. 1180542
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>>1180499I'd say yes
Also Ahegao becoming a mainstream thing was worse than anime becoming popular
I'm so sick of it
I'm also sick of anime car stickers, they're fucking everywhere where I live and it's always some variety of Demon slayer(Nezuko usually)/pokemon/Naruto/Ju Kaiden or whatever popular garbage there is on it
No. 1180555
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>>1180499highkey, if it's shit like picrel, very blatant logo tats
lowkey…I find character (anime, sonic, that type of stuff) and other commercial media tattoos to be pretty consoomy, even if the thing has emotional significance or is done very tastefully.
No. 1180572
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>>1180337Try to redirect your interest in something more productive or creative. It's easy to obsessively browse or think about it when you are bored, so occupy your mind in a different way. You are already aware of your habits which will help deter you from falling into another cycle.
Every time you are tempted, take the amount of money that item costs and put it into savings. Consider if you would rather have this particular item vs. saving for something more important and practical. Watch/read some Marie Kondo content. Try to dig out where the compulsion comes from. Are you unsatisfied in some way with your life? Is collecting an attempt to fill some void?
No. 1180675
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I found a goldmine of weeb consoomer tiktoks but I have no idea how to post videos, sorry if I did this wrong KEK
It's terrifying to think of how much money shes spent for something she admits is just a pinterest aesthetic
No. 1180685
But you did it correctly, anon. Keep going pls. I need my fix.
No. 1180706
>>1180675>>1174297>>1174137>>1174094>>1174072>>1174066Dingy rooms with no personality except for greed… and lust. How would you even breathe amongst all this useless crap? The way none of this shows any of their personality or interests apart from being terminally online. These sanriofags are a shitstain. How would you feel entering this claustrophobic room from hell? It can't feel like home. The particular shade of pink has given me ptsd, I hate seeing it. It must go dingy quick. I really hope this stupid, soulless, edgy for the sake of being edgy trend dies and with it, these girls can snap out of their trance and realize, what the hell were they doing it all for? If they can't get clicks from it, can't broadcast it, can't make some 14yo girl jealous from it, it is completely utterly useless. It's all not for them, but for an audience. Making your bedroom, perhaps the personal space, after your bathroom a circus fir onlookers… Can you imagine once they are over this, which they will be, to be getting dressed and they pick up their comb and it's got fucking sanrio over it? Horrid.
No. 1180707
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>>1180675I hate these rooms so much. Pinterest is plagued with them and they are literally all the same.
It's always:
>pink/white>Sonico/k-on/madoka/vocaloid/gloomy bear/ merch>Cheap prize figures>MCdonalds trash>Edgy things sprinkled in like a horror game poster or bloody handprints>Cheap aliexpress/Daiso products>Sanrio merch(especially sugar bunnies)>Owner of the room is usually a zoomer with poorly maintained hair/hygiene No. 1180889
>>1180499If I was dating the perfect guy and found out he had this shit on his leg, it would be over instantly.
>>1180542These fucking anime sticker cars are EVERYWHERE where I live, too. My neighbor has one with this BS all over it and I cringe everyday when I have to drive past it. What's worse is the ones with hentai/soft-core porn which shouldn't be legal if you ask me- I didn't consent to looking at that, especially while walking through a parking lot with my mom. It's so embarrassing, and all you can do is try to pretend you didn't see it.
No. 1181026
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Why is it always kawaii sanrio hoarders that claim they have all these invisible illnesses? like they don't work but have all the garbage they've accumulated, some of it from sponsorships I'm sure but definitely not all of it. Just admit you're spoiled and lazy
No. 1181034
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>>1181026of course she's one of these retards with a snack trolley
No. 1181035
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>>1181034Not sure you should need "snack trolley essentials" when your teeth look like this
Why get dental care when you can hoard sanrio garbage though
No. 1181355
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This is such an eyesore to me. These animecore rooms are trying to replicate scrote otaku rooms like
>>1180428 but can't stop thinking about the pinterest aesthetic they also want so it ends up horrible and awkward looking.
No. 1181432
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>>1141882One of these things is not like the others
No. 1181507
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I feel so bad for these kids' parents. Imagine your daughter one day going from a normal teenager, to a massive consoomer spending all your money on Sanrio and lewd anime trash that she's never shown an interest in before. Why do their parents support this?
No. 1181651
>>1181622Dear underage newfag,
Please stay in your newfag containment thread, unofficially known as the "egirl thread". I would advise to take your voidchan friend with you as well.
No. 1181910
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I give up. I planned on moving to my own place asap but my company will try to get a new, bigger office at the end of this year and we don't know where it will be just yet, so I'll wait a few more months before getting my own apartment. I don't want to be stuck at the other side of the city compared to the new office. That means I'll have even more months to save and waste money, and I decided to treat myself this month and maybe in June as well way more than usual to compensate for that. I'll buy a lot of books I know I will read and if I can get more clothes my size I will buy them even if they're more expensive than usual. I'll buy takeout way more often as well because I know I'll cook almost all the time as soon as I'll get my own place. I don't give a fuck anymore. I think I'll even buy DVDs of some movies and TV shows I really like to avoid having to pay Netflix, Canal+, Amazon Prime, Crunchyroll, etc. subscriptions and I'll be able to lend them to my friends and my mom. I'll report back later so you can all verbally kick my ass if I fuck up. My goal is to only buy things that are useful or that I will use because I grew out of wanting to collect posters, figurines and merchandises long ago.
No. 1181950
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>>1181910Noonie don't be silly, books and DVDs will only make your moving longer and more expensive. Save some money so your future self can have a nice apartment with items you love
No. 1182707
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From MyFigureCollection, why does everyone there seem to fucking hate collecting? If you can't afford it stop wasting your money on "le lewd man of culture figure!!" for asspats from other coomers. Aren't you supposed to enjoy the hobby? All of the other comments are talking about how exhausting it is as well.
No. 1183243
>>1138559>>1138566as an ex- consoomer I was wondering why I've never heard of that takiuto person before but its because they have my private instagram blocked. I wonder why? a lot of their listed grails are things I got for dirt cheap over a long period of time but I don't even use mfc.
I don't even understand what a trust fund kiddy would get out of buying massive lots of prize and trading figures second hand all at once, I just feel really sad for these people that they're partaking in collecting figures in the most miserable and soulless way for themselves possible.
No. 1183948
>>1181809AYRT and yes that's why I even brought it up it is so unbelievably ironic.
>>1181651Kek retard
No. 1184129
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No. 1184352
>>1184232Oh gross, kek. I drink these when my stomach is acting up.
Does it bother anyone how consoomers are constantly making things into an aesthetic? I was watching a woman show off her interior decor and someone asked her what 'core' she would call it for "pinterest purposes". Can't you just decorate and not cultivate your stupid little online images? I swear some types of social media is another form of hoarding. I've known people like that with PDFs.
No. 1184372
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>>1184366Yes. It's just a bottled shake.
No. 1184403
>>1184372Are there like, other foods that are meal replacements that aren't meme tier? Legit question because I never knew that was thing. Sometimes I wish I could just eat cardboard or goop and get the nutrients I need instead of having to buy each ingredient. It's funny because I do enjoy food and enjoy cooking, but perhaps I enjoy food
too much (sorry I eat like a fattie) and it's overwhelming and I just want to be fed a block of nothingburger that tastes mediocre and go my merry way.
No. 1187060
>>1185956What movie?
>>1186011I actually am serious about it, so I'm thinking of making a thread on /g/
No. 1187334
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Got a mini webm dump for tha consoom ladies
No. 1187356
nonny, post the rest if you have more
No. 1187361
File: 1652930459998.webm (18.33 MB, 576x1024, consoom2.webm)

>>1187334I can't imagine how long it actually takes for her to clean.
>Mug says "It's an add to cart kind of day" No. 1187400
File: 1652934535439.webm (1.11 MB, 720x1280, 1ed6ed2a7122ed6bd7ad2e19f3b8a9…)

Last one I got!
>>1187396I genuinely wonder the same and if they even actually like the stuff they're collecting.
No. 1187470
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do any of you have some yumejoshi room pictures like picrel? idk i just find the dedication admirable kek
No. 1187508
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i know there is a makeup thread, but this is about the makeup hoarding.
i like those anticonsumerist vlogs where people show their use of makeup products and their progress. it is called
>project pan.
it is insane how long it takes to even reach the bottom of just one eyeshadow. it is also crazy how most mascaras and lipsticks expire before it is even possible to use them up.
i am attempting to use up my lipsticks, eye pencils and nail polishes.
there are other makeup i own but it would not be normal to wear it every day in the office, and i also find it a waste of time to put any on when i will be going to the gym later. i don't know if i will ever use up those colorful makeups in my lifetime. the natural shades can be reused as bluch, eyebrow and eyeliner colors, but the rest, maybe art projects. i am actually considering never buying extra makeup again once i am done because it is so unsustainable, a drain on women's wallets, and full of harsh chemicals that don't even have a mention on the packaging.
No. 1187592
>>1187361Why is it always the cheapest fucking furniture
These threads make me want to fix up my grandma's old wooden cabinets.
No. 1187863
>>1187392How don't they feel sick in that much pink. Maybe I'm just weird but pink makes me nauseous urgh
Also, good luck cleaning that
No. 1187977
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I'd understand her reaction if her husband was being a hypocrite by blowing his money on useless crap too, but if they're both genuinely struggling then I'd be pretty pissed as well if my s/o was blowing money at Target. She's being childish.
No. 1188114
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Christ are these things ugly. Surprise box style toys need to go away, and fast. All that plastic wasted on individually wrapped pieces of tat that will never be touched again after the initial dopamine rush of opening them is over.
No. 1188260
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No. 1188261
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>it's freaking sick
No, I don't think it is. I'm guessing this was all paid for by her parents too kek
No. 1188301
>>1187470I know of a girl with a massive collection for one female idol, but I can't find her accounts anymore, sorry nonna. If you search japanese tags on instagram you can find a lot of yumejoshi collections though.
>>1187392>>1187393The best part about these rooms is none of them have any self-awareness, they genuinely think they are different from all of the other sanrio animecore rooms.
No. 1188355
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No. 1188494
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>>1188355Kind of scary ngl.
No. 1188534
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>>1187392Found this girl's instagram.
If you don't watch much anime why fucking fill up your room with it? Is an aesthetic really worth sitting in a room with a bunch of shit you don't actually like
I also doubt she watched those two anime considering she calls it experiment lain KEK
No. 1188557
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>>1188534Her room has changed in such a short amount of time too, look at the background differences jfl
No. 1188561
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>>1188540Are these your hands, anon? The hands in the video look fine to me, not even pudgy.
No. 1188570
>>1188557This is what TikTok brainrot does to a motherfucker
>>1188534I'm 100% sure she doesn't even like those animes and is trying to make herself look interesting. In context it makes me even more upset because I genuinely like some of the stuff in her collection.
No. 1188577
>>1188557Is surrounding yourself with random pink anime figures some egirl shit that I'm unaware of?
My only concern is what will happen with those figures when they grow out of it.
No. 1188587
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nta but she is confirmed large
Seems like a lot of consoomers are
>>1188534Why is it always Lain? I've never seen it but it's become like Evangelion where only too deep 4 u edgelord weebs shill it
No. 1188601
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>>1188579Kek is this lolcow's exodia?
No. 1188610
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The only thing scarier than a middle aged female disney adult is a gay male disney adult.
No. 1188696
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>>1188658This was informative anon!
kpopfag consumption is something else though, it's cultish
No. 1188702
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>>1188644not trying to be dick or anything but, why would
they delete them?
its your old bedroom so it has no connection to your current life and you posted it on the internet. why would the weebs believe its really your old room/need to delete it? its not doxxing or harassing in anyway. its just a picture of a room with lucky star posters (i assume) so who cares? just post the damn room and go idgi.
yeah you posted something dumb and its never going to disappear from the internet, i mean at least be glad it cant be traced back to you. its just going to live on pinterest forever now so why even be so mad at nothing.
No. 1188707
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No. 1188708
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>>1188703WTF is this, as a mother I can only say that commodifying motherhood for the sake of "aesthetic" is the most narcmom thing I can imagine
No. 1188724
>>1188702I've had e-girls edit themselves in my room, use it as banners, etc I get they won't delete it but it's fucking weird, it does make me feel better knowing 14 year old me would love it though
Also, that pic KEK, she used to be so cute.
No. 1188734
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This shit is so ugly.
No. 1188795
>>1187361The room itself is probably the best room out of all these kawaii rooms because of the fact that it's not so cluttered and anxiety inducing. Now the skinscare hoard is unacceptable. All the money just wasted.
>>1187396Unpopular opinion, but at least with the sanrio shit, I genuinely believe that they probably do enjoy it. What i do not believe is that they will enjoy their hoard in the next 5 years. How many of them will end up turning to minimalism or doing consumerism cleanses and keeping 1 or 2 plushies? There will be a point in their lives where their tastes changes naturally or the cannot justify keeping all of this stuff anymore.
>>1187592I presume it's because a lot of these are teenagers who buy their own furniture. Why would they care about having nice furniture when their trash will cover it up anyways. Ikea or amazon trash is non-bulky and does the basic task of supporting their hoard just fine.
No. 1188860
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No. 1188869
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I'm just curious about these people's finances. I make a good income and keep my expenses low but I can't afford all this shit. Maybe some people just collect this stuff over years but their stuff always looks so new. I feel like alot of these people are either flat out rich or are the types to be up to their eyeballs in debt despite making 6 figures
No. 1188911
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>>1188900I brought this up on /cgl/ once and immediately got accused of being jealous of hoardlitas
I love the fashion but I hate how it is a breeding ground for a this kind of thinking. shopping addictions are not kawaii
No. 1188916
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>>1188734Her room before she started HRT (tif) because the difference is funny to me.
No. 1188988
>>1188900>>1188911Lolita is a perfect breeding ground for consoom
1. Each dress needs the perfect shoes/tights/accessories to go with it lest someone call you an ita
2. At least back in the day non-burando coords got you mocked
3. Alot of the good shit is old now so you have to snatch them up when you can
No. 1189127
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Sorry if OT but how do people reign in their urges to coonsume? I don't have the urge to buy any of the usual shit that's posted here but I can't stop going to luxury sample sales in my city, especially for designer clothing and shoes. I just can't let go of the idea of getting lucky and walking away with a pair 600 marc jacobs shoes for 150 or a 5k couture dress for 400, even though Ive been going to these sales for literally years and my closet is FILLED with designer clothing and shoes, I have enough black marc jacobs and helmut lang to last me years. But I still get this weird dopamine rush whenever I walk into warehouse style rooms full of sample sale merch and start competitively shifting and grabbing things, it's like weirdly something I look forward to even though technically I hate everything else about the process (waiting in line to get in, wasting hours going through ugly designs that never sold for a reason, fighting with middle aged Iranian housewives and/or chinese tourists trying to grab my stuff in communal dressing rooms, ect). It also takes a lot of time out of my day to travel back and forth, wait in line ect when I could be doing something valuable with my day. I hate coonsumerism in general and hate myself for being a slave to anything, even if it's technically high end and not amazon. I also have the same urge to attend vintage clothing expos that happen in my city ever 4 months even though I basically never find anything there I like that isn't obscenely expensive and just leave empty handed mostly.
No. 1189381
>>1189127Try to figure out what it is specifically about the designer stuff that hooks you so much. I say this as someone who got into thousands of dollars of credit card debt during covid shopping on sites like the RealReal, Farfetch, etc because I was bored and lonely and because I felt like I was pulling one over on the universe and getting such a deal, and I loved the thrill of the (seeming) deal. I ended up selling back most of what I bought because it was more stuff than I could possibly wear. What I realized is that even though I love having well-made things that will last, high-end designer stuff is usually just ridiculously marked up to be a flex for absurdly rich people, and it's not a flex for me to be excited about their crumbs. I realized I wasn't trying to impress sad zoomer tiktok weebs, I was trying to impress other burned-out millenials as a cope for feeling like a failure in my career.
Buying designer stuff just for the label is like a normie version of collecting band or fandom merch. When I think of designers as fandoms, it feels way less glamorous and the artificial value of the labels feels way more obvious to me.
I figured by now I have enough well-made shoes, bags, etc that I can look nice for most occasions. I set a strict budget for non-essentials each month. But the biggest things for me have been realizing that shopping is like a little drug hit and I have to focus on the things I want to
do instead of how I look to other people. I'm trying to save up to travel and eventually go back to school, so that helps me pass on what looks like a deal at first.
No. 1189416
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No. 1189417
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>>1189127I feel you on the irresistible sweet deals, anon. A while back I couldn't leave a store without perusing the clearance aisle. I solved this issue by stopping myself from looking at clearance items altogether. I would recommend you do the same with the designer clothing. You don't know a deal is there if you don't see it.
Try to appreciate and take care of what you have. Spend time with the pieces you own whether it's taking care of them, rearranging, or simply admiring it. Figure out if you genuinely like the stuff you own or if the siren call of the good deal was the biggest contribution to wanting the clothes. Consider selling the stuff you don't really like.
No. 1189479
File: 1653060304033.webm (16.8 MB, 576x1024, fridge-restock.webm)

This is so goddamn pointless.
>>1189445The "I need more shelves for series seven" at the end is unimaginably bleak.
>>1188513That doesn't surprise me. Considering the size of her collection and the average age range of BTS fans, her parents are 1000% guaranteed to be loaded.
No. 1189606
>>1189416Just glad this isn't a gay male's room.
>>1187470>>1189437Yeah, it's actually kind of pleasing to the eyes. At least to mine it is.
No. 1189678
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No. 1189682
>>1189479Those water droplets inside the milk bottle are sending me.
Anyone else have itchy teeth after seeing how much soda is in her fridge?
No. 1189756
>>1189479wtf why is she putting the milk and the ranch in different containers when they already come in good useful packaging
>>1189060That's because trannies see an anime girl who has struggles or is autistic and they steal the character from the actual women who enjoy it.
No. 1189824
>>1189742I can't believe the exact same kawaii crap I used to look at on the internet 10-15 years ago is still this popular. Unbelieveable, you'd think people would've moved on by now. Kawaii j-fashion crap doesn't evolve whatsoever does it?
I do applaud the girl for (I assume) making a lot of money while shooping herself into anonymity kek
No. 1189906
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>>1189819>is this supposed to brainwash you to order from wish/alibaba/aliexpress and suck xinnie pooh's dick?kekkkkkk
>>1189824>Kawaii j-fashion crap doesn't evolve whatsoever does it?It kinda does, it kinda doesn't. I think the thing here is that this type of girl really are really trying to do the pedo pandering. Degenerate scrotes love this shit, unfortunately. There will always be gullible 18 year olds doing this crap for attention, unless women peak en masse.
No. 1189969
File: 1653073454873.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 774x958, 345.png)

>>1189906unfortunately men already take these tiktok dancing videos out of context and do porn compilations like picrel. Notice she's also wearing what
>>1178262 showed in her post.
No. 1189988
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>>1189969Fucking hell This shit is like those sissy hypno comps where they put a cis woman in the middle and sissy porn on the opposite sides.
Death to all moids
No. 1189998
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>>1189916we found his match holy shit
No. 1190060
>>1189742These Chinese girls are responsible for so many e-girls hating themselves kek
I'm sorry but I find them cute. I just wish they didn't wear that ugly pedopander shit and stuck to normal cosplay and cute clothing.
No. 1190123
>>1189479>>1189678One thing that
triggers me so much in these fridge organization videos is the amount of food there, why the fuck do they dozens of packets or bottles of the same shit?
No. 1190191
File: 1653078225937.webm (7.51 MB, 576x1024, Starbucks Cups 2.webm)

No. 1190324
File: 1653081211143.webm (13.28 MB, 576x1024, honeybobabear 3.webm)

>>1190201Here's one more video from her. I'm not speeding these up or anything btw, this is literally just how she posts them. It's downright migraine inducing lmao
No. 1190604
File: 1653092239642.jpg (117.79 KB, 500x750, DxEaWSVVYAAS88T.jpg)

>>1188869>>1188900>>1188911>>1188988Lolita here, I desperately wish there was more conversation around the rampant consoomerism in the lolita community, and how much peer pressure there is to indulge in it, especially for us oldfags. Dare to say that having 80+ dresses is excessive and you're immediately labled a jealous poorfag or filthy casual, and if you've been in the fashion for 10+ years and have less than 50, people assume it's because you can't afford it or aren't truly dedicated to the fashion. Just because I chose to cap my wardrobe in the 30's doesn't mean I love it less than some newfag Tik Toker whose mom bought her 60 dresses during the pandemic that she can show off in a few posts for the likes then sell in 2 months after she gets bored and moves onto the next trend. Christ.
No. 1190633
>>1189678Isn't this something that people with bulimia would do?
>>1188869I always felt bad about liking lolita because it goes against everything I stand for. It's weird because I had a lolita phase when I was 15 but ultimately quit because I couldn't afford it and I didn't feel confident in it. I feel back in love with lolita again, but also I have a new found love for the aesthetic of minimalism. I enjoy knowing what I own, being in a space that's clear and sparse. I've always been repulsed by cluttered maximalist aesthetics ironically. I have the most boring taste in lolita ever and I am a rampant outfit repeater idgaf.
It's honestly my main source of consumerism but I find creating a small wardrobe where everything matches each other no matter what has curbed my need for more items a lot and it's really hard to consoom anyways since my prefered substyle is gothic. I can say that I am at a point where my need to buy lolita is at it's lowest and I probably have less than 20 dresses. I am kind of disgusted at how much I spent on just a few item.
>>1188911>>1190604Fuck cgl. I wish we did all our lolita discussions here instead.
>>1189998They need to get married ASAP.
No. 1190636
File: 1653094048631.jpg (98 KB, 826x942, 88928910942887_n.jpg)

>>1190604>some newfag Tik Toker whose mom bought her 60 dresses during the pandemic that she can show off in a few posts for the likes then sell in 2 months after she gets bored and moves onto the next trend.God, that's awful and all for some worthless tiktok clout. Newfags entering this fashion really fucked up the market too.
I have about 58 dresses and honestly it's way too many fucking dresses. I can't imagine anyone having more than that
and still have room in the closet for normie clothes or anything else. And it's not just the dresses that take up so much space. The blouses,headbows/hats,purses,pettis, socks/tights, shoes, jewelery, and wigs and shit take up space too.And it is a fucking nightmare when you have to move. I cannot blame any lolita that wants a smaller or capsule wardrobe.
The worst is when you suggest downsizing and some lolitas will go full paranoid schizo and think you're just after their dresses. Some people don't even wear the dresses or fit into them but you can still catch them trying to buy it all up. It's a mess.
No. 1190681
>>1190604God finally someone says it. I am sick and tired of how much shopping addictions and "collecting" (aka hoarding shit you barely wear just because some external perceived value) became synonymous with lolita fashion. That "collector" mindset already started to get bad before the pandemic, but after it really feels like half of the community is only larping as part of the fashion for a few photos anymore, like some kind of of costume, instead of wearing them as clothes.
Also kek, I know exactly which tiktoker you mean.
No. 1191180
File: 1653144395039.webm (1.87 MB, 576x1024, The Cigarette Duet by Princess…)

No. 1191184
File: 1653144573967.webm (4.03 MB, 576x1024, Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stev…)

No. 1191205
File: 1653145494275.webm (14.04 MB, 576x1024, goohoarder.webm)

No. 1191273
>>1191205Wtf that's enough shit for an entire dormitory
Goo hoarder, kek that's exactly right
No. 1191340
File: 1653152091060.png (2.14 MB, 1080x1058, Screenshot_20220521-095402.png)

This is a moid room btw. How can you live in this it's giving me claustrophobia looking at it
No. 1191366
File: 1653153117746.jpg (41.93 KB, 500x417,…)

alot of anachans into jp fashion seem to fight over this particular brand only to wear them once some will even just buy it and never wear nor sell them
No. 1191378
>>1191366It's because of
>>1178262 and people like creepyhoarder. New way to pedobait beyond wearing cosplay and randoserus. Also flexes their weight because those clothes will only fit extremely small women and children
No. 1191388
File: 1653154054654.jpeg (320.24 KB, 750x613, 4CC6B3C1-5DC4-40F6-92FC-C498D5…)

>>1191366I’ve always thought MP clothes were pretty ugly and either way, ill fitting on most regardless of weight (it only makes people look older when they clothes made for children imo) These shorts are the only exception though I think they’re so cute.
No. 1191442
File: 1653157982679.webm (2.48 MB, 576x1024, butterpecanlatte.webm)

I'm glad someone from this app is saying something. It feels like people just grab whatever has one of the characters from Sanrio when I watch hauls. No. 1191507
File: 1653161520036.jpg (135.17 KB, 1024x752, 1599153541237.jpg)

Oh fuck, the true crime thread on /m/ got wiped. But over there I posted the crime scene photos of Grant Amato's room that somebody leaked on /vg/. He was a massive weeb consoomer. forget that these are the people who browse 4chan.
You can find crime scene photo folders on reddit, but warning: they contain pictures of his dead parents and miss a hundred images where his consoomer hoard was displayed.
No. 1191527
>>1191520Yeah, he was in a /vg/ guild for granblue fantasy called "beafags", but he wasn't an active player. The guild had a discord and apparently they either doxxed him or figured out it was him from the news articles since he whined on discord, then the story infamously spread to the threads on /vg/ as "that beafag that murdered his family". He has several figures from the game you can see in the picture.
Lots of true crime vultures covered the case on youtube, his parents also had a gym in the house, they were loaded and he was jobless despite finishing uni iirc.
No. 1191791
File: 1653177228432.webm (4.71 MB, 540x960, pinkstuff.webm)

No. 1191801
>>1191678That’s a shayna tier dress
nonny. Sorry.
No. 1191823
File: 1653179828348.png (261.8 KB, 451x277, wtf.png)

>>1191791can someone explain the creepy child sized mannequin lurking in the background.
No. 1191835
>>1191815I can't really point to a video, but i've noticed a lot of beauty youtubers talking about how tiktok children are making the same consoomer mistakes that were made during the height of the beauty community on youtube. For example, a lot of influencers on tiktok do not disclose they are sponsored, they "brag" and show off their hoard subliminally encouraging their viewers to do the same and their overall main intention is not to help people make informed decisions, but to get people to consoom as much as possible.
Youtube beauty gurus has already had the phase of dealing with the same kind of behaviours listed, now there is a surge of people showing how to make curated makeup bag to achieve a certain everyday look, a lot of declutter videos, videos criticising the rampant consoomerism of early beauty youtube and tons of people explaining their regret for consooming so much beauty. I see a similar thing with channels that centre around clothing hauls, a lot of them seem to constantly sell their wardrobe items or have stopped doing hauls all together because they felt bad. I hope I explained it well.
No. 1191854

>>1189127If you buy something you don't need and impulsively want, and worse, it requires a fuck ton of time to acquire, whatever "savings" you get from buying clearance are negated. You buy a $500 jacket at 90% off you don't need? That's $50 wasted, not $450 saved. Regular stores use similar fake clearance (saying something is 50% off when the sale price is around what it's worth), think of it that way. You said it yourself, a lot of this stuff is not worth it.
>middle aged Iranian housewives and/or chinese tourists trying to grab my stuff in communal dressing roomsI'm Asian myself and I will say, fighting with these kinds of older women mindlessly obsessed with luxury brands for status would make me feel tasteless. You can tell yourself you're different, but at its core you are both obsessed with appearance of luxury and will put excessive time into pursuing it instead of something meaningful. Check out another "classy" hoarder like yourself and consider if this is the path you want to pursue. Do you even have room to nicely store and appreciate your clothes or do you squirrel them away?
No. 1191917
File: 1653190365946.jpg (450.37 KB, 1402x643, 1645169385414.jpg)

female otaku in japan create shrines for their favorite character by buying all the merchandise, and multiples
No. 1191929
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>>1191926it's multiple people.
No. 1192026
File: 1653200617149.jpg (166.13 KB, 1032x774, 20220321_124203.jpg)

>>1191997It's because yumestacies put their own pleasure first and know how to use men, kek
No. 1192054
File: 1653203260947.jpg (545.29 KB, 1280x1003, jane marple.jpg)

happyp victims - photography series by Kyoichi Tsuzuki
>Tsuzuki photographed collections of clothes of specific fashion brands in the apartments of their owners. The treasures of these “fashion victims” are spread out in their tiny apartments, reflecting the passion for fashion or a specific fashion label which places such a great strain on their financial resources.
No. 1192292
File: 1653225546205.webm (1.82 MB, 540x960, In My Mind by Never Dull (Disc…)

No. 1192373
File: 1653232590565.webm (19.53 MB, 576x1024, diabetes.webm)

No. 1192380
File: 1653232802778.webm (2.48 MB, 540x960, food addiction.webm)

No. 1192385
>>1192292That's mento illness, luv
This thread really makes me think how people out there spend a ton of money on weed, rare sneakers, plushies, anime figures, cars, technology, but struggle with quality of life. Consoomers are rarely that rich, they just funnel all their money into one thing to get happiness from social status in a small community. Where I live that's not really a thing yet, people throw money at apparments and vacation homes that they can brag with and rent them out.
No. 1192390
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No. 1192449
File: 1653236089913.jpg (1.03 MB, 2621x1225, august26th2021room1.jpg)

Almost 40 year old man.
No. 1192450
>>1192277Kek same
>>1192292KEK ok this TikTok is kinda funny.
>>1192373I simply don't get snack drawers
>>1192380Wtf fatteeh
>>1192390Addiction level retardation
No. 1192460
File: 1653236765035.jpg (430.5 KB, 702x1247, 1653236644401.jpg)

Thoughts on Jenny Nicolson? She strikes me off as a big consoomerist.
No. 1192498
>>1189678>>1192373I do keep a couple of snacks in my room in case I get peckish at night and don't wanna make noise but why the fuck have a small convenience store in your room?
>>1192380I do feel bad for thinking she was a tranny. It's the MLP shit and hair that made me think she was but she is also into this bodyposi cringe ugh
No. 1192501
>>1192054I absolutely adore those photos
nonnie, thank you for posting them!
No. 1192542
>>1191997>>1192093If you're willing to play the waiting game, you can find people selling off their ita dupes from their old interests on sites like yahoo auctions for (sometimes) decent prices. Also, if your favorite character is less popular, you can find their merch in bargain bins so it's a little cheaper snatching their goods up.
>>1192373Great way to get ants/roaches/mice directly into your bed.
No. 1192565
>>1192531oops, meant to reply to
>>1192484. I really need a new phone
No. 1192894
File: 1653264554871.jpg (340.34 KB, 1080x1732, 200805.jpg)

Book consoomers annoy the hell out of me for some reason.
No. 1192920
>>1191856To give youtubers credit, a lot of the criticism happened at the height of it all and was probably part of the reason why it fell off on youtube.
>>1191858I haven't seen her video yet, i took my points from numerous videos, but since the youtubers make similar content to her, i will presume she touches on what I mean.
No. 1192968
>>1192947Having an entire bedroom full of shit you've never even watched/played just because you saw some pinterest board is fucking weird,
No. 1192980
File: 1653270355206.webm (7.07 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)

Wow I bet this girl is super obsessed with anime, huh? I bet she's seen a ton of anime and watches it all the time, right?
No. 1193119
File: 1653283314460.jpg (600.95 KB, 1280x990, ナショナルスタンダード.jpg)

>>1192501here's a tumblr with more of pics from the series:
No. 1193181
>>1193152You do know that there is a lot of Japan exclusive merchandise, which nowadays is extremely easy to purchase, right? It's not like we're in 1997 anymore.
>>1193149It's really not that difficult. If you're a fan of something, wouldn't you want to put in a bit of effort to find stuff you want?
No. 1193376
>>1188860I can't unsee the consoomer "meaty paws" now, thank you lolcow.
>>1191184Why are Sylvanian families called Calico critters in America? wtf
No. 1193407
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>>1193376Calico critters? I'm still stuck into the past with calling them maple town families
No. 1193484
Lmao I thought of getting a snack "drawer" (more like a small box) when my fave peanuts went on 50% sale and it's rare yu see them in stores. I had a small box filled with peanut packets and some gummies.
This thread makes me remember that I already consoom more than enough. I can't imagine having all that snack food around if you have cravings. You'd literally inhale them and feel bad and be fat.
>>1192449What makes it sadder is that his setup, particularly keyboard is utter shit. You have to be chronically online to have such a room, but he clearly had his priorities straight when he invested in anime shit over a comfortable browsing experience.
No. 1193593
File: 1653311910604.jpg (70.02 KB, 960x1706, 33BIJae.jpg)

This person is 17. Imagine being a spoiled teenager who gets your parents to buy all this shit for you for kawaii TikTok voidchan wannabe clout and you can't be assed to take care of it so it ends up on your filthy floor
No. 1193725
>>1190191I will admit I used to consoom starbucks bottles, or want to consoom them. I bought a basic one and then had a couple more, for a total of about 4 cups. It's definitely not as bad as many people's collections, but 4 cups? For a single person? It's unjustifiable and retarded. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just same as any other consoomer mentality. "Ohhh that design is so cute" or "I love that color" etcetc and then I can't resist. I had a plain 24oz one that was my main cup for about 5 years until it broke after falling off my table. Thankfully I only bought the plastic ones because I was afraid of this scenario. I brought my other 24oz one (that is pink and has a cute design) to my office, so at least it gets used quite often because I drink a lot of water. I have two 16oz ones but I rarely use them because they don't hold enough water for me and I hate getting up to refill them so often.
I replaced my broken bottle with a store brand one from Target that is metallic and just a cute yellow color. I almost bought another one from Starbucks but $24 for a cup… Not sure why my broke college ass thought this was acceptable to pay for. I like to look at the new designs but I don't buy them anymore after feeling guilty of just having them and not using them. It's incredibly wasteful.
those keychains are actually so fucking cute though and the fact that the lid comes off!!! ugh my peabrain wants at least one… No. 1193779
File: 1653322187441.webm (3.24 MB, 576x1024, Huge manga haul.webm)

No. 1193836
>>1193181>You do know that there is a lot of Japan exclusive merchandise, which nowadays is extremely easy to purchase, right?Ok consoomer
>If you're a fan of something, wouldn't you want to put in a bit of effort to find stuff you want?No because I'm not a consoomer
No. 1193845
>>1193725But why? I don't think those cups are thaaaaat useful?
>>1193593My theory is the more these teens watch YouTube and TikTok and see this type of room, the more they will want one. I know because I used to want to have so much kawaii shit too but didn't have the money or the means.
No. 1193906
>>1193873If you weren't so obviously insecure about being a ~true and honest anime fan~ who only watches the most obscure unsubbed OVAs from the early 90s we wouldn't care.
>>1192498I hope you at least brush your teeth after doing that, nonna
No. 1193975
>>1193845They really aren't, which is why they're retarded to consoom. My retarded college ass was like "hurdurr well I have all this monopoly food money anyway and the starbucks on campus accepts it and I have to drink more water sooooo" and then before I knew it I had four water cups (and a fuck ton of mugs).
You just need one (maaaybe a second one to keep at a workplace if allowed to have one there) if you're going to get one, and that's about it. I don't buy any new ones anymore unless it's to replace a broken one. I also genuinely prefer them over just a normal cup because I like having a cup with a lid (to avoid spills) and I drink more if I'm drinking through a straw. Nothing wrong with just keeping a normal glass of water nearby, I just prefer having a water cup like this. Having more than one at home really is just dumb though, but it's just that gimmick of new designs and colors that makes some retarded part of my brain go "I need more." I don't really have that itch anymore though.
No. 1193981
File: 1653331440994.webm (11.07 MB, 576x1024, MORE CUPS.webm)

Posted 4 days ago. Why is this bitch still buying more of these cups when she hasn't even taken the tags off most of the ones she already has? I don't need answers, I know it's because she's a hoarder.
Also, most of these are ugly as hell.
No. 1194009
>>1193975Eh, 4 is ok. I would like to have 4 of those metal yeti cups for example. Just to have cold water whenever I want (I like to put them in the freezer and I don't like using ice). Plus you used them so it's ok.
>>1193981I bet she doesn't even let other people touch them lol
No. 1194080
File: 1653334601478.jpeg (105.46 KB, 582x753, C2B38893-3CE5-4204-B0BF-ABA709…)

>>1192093Unless you like a character with high character tax, then you’re kinda fucked.
No. 1194160
File: 1653338461176.png (16.41 MB, 3840x2160, l1viz7jku3191.png)

from r/girlgamers
No. 1194178
File: 1653339331278.png (16.62 MB, 3840x2160, xtuyybsku3191.png)

>>1194173last one 5 and yeah i kind of like some of the room, and i like cluttered stuff too, but this is just a bit munch, weirdly enough its the 3 monitors that both me the most
No. 1194243
File: 1653345411719.png (229.56 KB, 950x362, learnthedifference.png)

>>1193376Looked it up assuming Calico Critters was some sort of knock off brand, but I read they lost rights to the original name in US and CAN apparently
Anyways, this post constantly make the rounds with my "poor" friends, and I think it's okay to treat yourself here and there, but I know for a fact they're constantly just blowing their money on aesthetic amazon shit.
No. 1194281
File: 1653348504951.webm (14.14 MB, 576x1024, snack drawer 2.webm)

No. 1194345
>>1194281I did this shit when I was depressed. Having a personal "snack box" I could reach without going out of my room made me feel safe but then it turned into food collecting kinda thing. Sad.
These people are either terminally online and/or very lonely.
No. 1194422
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>>1191340Somebody please save them!
No. 1194504
File: 1653370265441.png (1.02 MB, 544x875, 555.PNG)

>>1193593Holy fuck I found her tiktok, her room looked like this only THREE MONTHS before that tiktok, her entire account is just filled with massive hauls.
No. 1194507
File: 1653370466151.png (911.5 KB, 437x750, 333.PNG)

>>1194504I wish I could go back in time to when vo1dchan was making an instagram and smack the phone out of her hand.
No. 1194538
File: 1653373414604.jpg (239.36 KB, 930x698, tumblr_oy97vt9p9d1w828r2o1_128…)

No. 1194554
>>1194419>Words cannot describe how much anxiety this room gives me.Same but for basically every room in this thread, it's like horrorcow tier purely in how stressful it is to witness.
At least it's giving me an interest in minimalism and I'm increasingly motivated to declutter/buy less.
No. 1194904
>>1194636When I lived in a dorm I definitely kept snacks/food in my room I don't think I know of anyone who kept
this much food in their room. Even the combined amount of food my roommate and I had doesn't even equate the shit this person put in a single drawer kek. I still keep snacks in my room now but it's like… a box of poptarts and a bag of granola. I don't even really touch them because I go to my kitchen like a normal person when I want something to nibble on lol.
No. 1194923
File: 1653405198455.webm (1.97 MB, 576x1024, wow.webm)

No. 1194924
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No. 1195006
File: 1653410780837.webm (1.24 MB, 576x1024, 6d70b27eb4a8b62513ea696ff090a9…)

Because normal people who work a job to pay for all this list off prices for everything
Says on her ig FAQ that she doesn't have to pay bills but works a job to afford it all…well that and she has a depop showing she lives in a wealthy city and scalps her shut to other void wannabes kek
No. 1195018
File: 1653411257478.jpg (859.87 KB, 953x1257,…)

>>1195007200 for some little girls used backpack that she probably got for 20, insane
Her depop is full of a lot of stuff captioned with shit like "I spent so much money importing this but now I don't want it anymore lolll" guarantee she's a rich girl posting for clout then selling off her shit
No. 1195282
>>1193002>>1193181So true. My favourite anime is an anime that was popular about a decade or so ago, so rarely any merchandise is produced anymore, or at least not enough for it to be shipped and sold abroad. Still, it is the only anime I love and feel nostalgic for, which inspires me to collect merchandise from it whenever I encounter it. I really cherish my collection. It is not big, just medium, but I have a few beautiful figurines, a pencil case, a button I managed to score in a huge bin of random ones, a little keychain and a ruler one of my friends found in Japan, a fan, and a T-shirt from a sort of spin off anime by the same creator. It is not much, but it is enough to make a nice display, although I don't display mine. Sorry for the blogpost, I just don't really mention or display this collection much at all, but my connection to the anime is so strong that I still collect things of it when I can, and exclusively from this anime. if you love an anime enough, you will find merchandise from it and it will fill your heart with glee, even if the collection is smaller than the collections of others.
No. 1195637
File: 1653442977730.webm (1.39 MB, 576x1024, wildhorsestudios16.webm)

No. 1195642
File: 1653443062574.jpg (87.07 KB, 600x600, 1495157.jpg)

>>1194900>>1194902Great jobs, anons. I'm in a similar boat. Best of luck getting the clutter out of your lives.
I have been selling things in chunks and it's wonderful to send things away and forget they were ever in my life. It really proves how little they mattered. I still really enjoy aesthetic things around me and I doubt I'll get rid of everything. But it'll be nice to have a nice, intimate collection of things I really love.
Just to stay on topic, future funko garbage that looks even uglier than normal funkos.
No. 1195816
File: 1653461295037.jpg (267.05 KB, 1080x913, IMG_20220525_084642.jpg)

But… Why?
No. 1195820
>>1195816wtf is that mold?
>>1195637I was going to say "aww cute" because I thought it was just a few horses but it's an entire fucking room lmao
No. 1196285
File: 1653494643405.webm (19.05 MB, 576x1024, Julie Kay.webm)

This woman's entire internet presence is her showing off the shit she buys from amazon. It's honestly depressing.
(and again with the ugly talons lmao)
No. 1196287
File: 1653494730624.webm (5.28 MB, 576x1024, useless gadget.webm)

>>1196285Imagine spending money on this
No. 1196741
>>1189479The row of Tecate is the cherry on top.
I actually move my food into glass containers because it minimizes the exposure to plastic and most things keep and taste better in it anyway. Eventually I think I'm just going to go raw, just fruits, veggies, and butcher meat, but I don't have the "privilege" of doing so financially or distance-wise… yet. It's a goal.
No. 1197174
File: 1653551592404.gif (2 MB, 356x200, 1644416144454.gif)

Anons, I may or may not be about to make a mistake, I need opinions. I've been rereading the 12 kingdoms books recently and love it even more than when I read it in middle and high school. Anyway, back then I had the first 5 volumes and sold them at some point and regretted it. I bought them again for very cheap and I'm trying to complete the series but now that they're not printed anymore the volumes I don't have anymore are expensive and second hand online (between 50€ and 200€ a volume) but I just need 3 volumes to have the whole series, not counting the very recent sequels released only in Japan. Before that, when I was younger, the books were like 7,95€ maximum but I was a poorfag at the time.
I'm seriously considering getting these books. I thought about downloading them on z-library first but reading on a screen in seriously giving me migraines nowadays and fucking up my left eye specifically. On top of that, I will receive like 2000€ from my previous job unexpectedly and very soon, as it is a bonus I was explicitly told I couldn't receive because I quit before a specific date and now I have a much better job. So money itself isn't a problem, it's more like the worth of these books. I don't have a lot of expenses just yet and I've been saving money a lot these past few years. I like to think that I could also sell the books for a lot more later in case of emergency. What do?
No. 1197189
>>1197182It's not really what I and others would consider weebshit, they're fantasy novels with the cover art done by an artist who doesn't really have the standard simplified cutesy, colorful anime style. The people I've seen selling the series online aren't weaboos at all, they tend to sell all sorts of books in general. People nowadays barely even know about the anime too where I live.
>>1197176>hardcoverSounds awful, I like small, paperback editions so much more so I can just put them in my handbag and read them anywhere, especially in public transport. I'll look it up just in case though.
No. 1197386
>>1197260I mean this is a shop specific to our country, but you can try browsing online printing services in your country. You send them a PDF and specifications and they deliver over post.
>>1197189Depending on the digital format you find, you can probably edit the size and specify softcover.
No. 1197406
>>1197357She fell off hard. This bitch seems crazy and needs to stop making videos clinging onto her past fame. Her youtube career is dead.
>>1197378Horsefacegirl was never a looker or great at styling herself. She genuinely seems like she has some sort of mental illness.
No. 1197426
File: 1653574666343.jpeg (975.44 KB, 828x1436, 968246E6-5E99-4964-A66A-31319A…)

Found her on my fyp. She talks about overcoming thrifting addiction and hoarding. wouldn't let me upload again because it was too large: No. 1204010
File: 1654016621971.jpg (51.28 KB, 700x400,…)

The Key to Happiness is the reduction of desires
No. 1204046
>>1194243if it was a few nerd things it would be fine but so many "struggling millennials" are so fucking terrible with money. Those who refuse to live outside of the city because "hehe I'm a city dweller", those who buy expensive nerd shit with justifications about how "it's an investment" but it just rots in the corner, those who have like 50 different subscriptions but can't pay their utilities, etc
I remember there was a meme circulating on tumblr back then and it was someone talking about how cheap rent is in texas over california and the most upvoted reply was something along the lines of "I'd rather live in a closet in california than to be caught dead literally anywhere in texas", since I know a lot of people attempt to justify millennials crowding up inner city apartments by claiming everything else but the fact that most of them are too focused on aesthetics rather than utility and needs
No. 1204204
>>1204046>"I'd rather live in a closet in california than to be caught dead literally anywhere in texas"I'm not American and things are different where I am, but I can relate to that statement. I think in the West coast you still need a car to go anywhere so living in a small town or a big city would mean you'd spend more or less the same amount of money of your car and car insurance I suppose, but where I am there's great public transport and getting a driver licence and a car can be expensive, especially if you're young and poor and your parents can't buy you driving lessons. Then there's also the thing about job opportunities depending on where you live on top of that. I'm sure some of the people who related to that statement are either already used to living in cities so they can't imagine themselves changing their habits/lifestyles just to move to cheaper places, or they're more attracted to the glamour of living in a big city but they're not the only ones.
>those who have like 50 different subscriptions but can't pay their utilities, etcI just don't get that one. Paying just one Netflix subscription for one person is understandable to keep yourself entertained during your free time, especially if you live in a country with a decent catalogue of movies and series
aka, not where I live kek but I don't get people who cumulate several subscriptions, barely uses them, and whine. I even heard about some coffee shop having a monthly subscription for daily coffee instead of paying each cup of coffee, what kind of bullshit is this? I also feel the same for smokers. My sister is currently unemployed and she wouldn't complain nearly as much as she does if she didn't spend several hundreds of euros on cigarettes per months.
No. 1205290
>>1204918I feel you,
nonnie. People can do whatever they want, but I kinda feel the pride posts are out of place on a website mainly about anime merchandise. I think it's best just to stay away from the journals for the rest of the month and to get figure news from places like the social media of the companies that make them.
No. 1206242
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No. 1206774
>>1206255smooches you this makes me want to try making him but he will probably come out as a monstrosity… better not lol
>>1206330>>1206564Fat Pikachu is the best Pikachu and I get stupid dumb when it comes to Pikachu stuff. I rarely indulge but I don't want it to be an excuse because $20!!! For a single tiny figurine!!!!! Is stupid!!! I will always be keeping my eye out for him… I think the highest I'd be willing is $15 but ideally I'd like to get him for <$10
>>1206489>It has literally no practical purpose and it would just end up sitting on a desk or a shelf gathering dust.You are absolutely right, but the funny thing is that his purpose is to sit on a desk and hold your paperclips and small shit hahahahah. I saw it and thought "wow this would be so cute for my office desk"
>>1206391I'm not bleh. I was at a con this weekend and one of the vendors was selling the blind boxes for $13 but I didn't want to chance it with a blind box especially because I only wanted pika. I saw another vendor selling the blind boxes for $20 and then the original vendor I saw bumped it up to $20 lmao bastards.
No. 1206847
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>>1202866Here are my two totes of super colorful Gymboree items. Sorry for the awfulness of the photo.
No. 1207117
>>1206847anon, baby, find you a woman to marry and adopt a daughter, this is heartbreaking
I dunno, I've been waiting for you to post more for like a month now, it's just, it makes me feel something sad
No. 1208217
>>1206847this is exactly the kind of clothes I want my potential future child to wear. Not the tshirts with dumb slogans or baby thot attire. Where did you find most of this
nonnie, ob Ebay?
No. 1208255
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Can we talk about gas consoomers here? I hate gas prices too but I'm really judging those who complain about gas prices amd take their 13 MPG truck everywhere for no apparent reason, "just going for joy rides", revving up, speeding, going to 5 different stores a day, and the worst ones are the broke travelers who complain about gas prices but feel the need to road trip every few months. The "memorial day" travelers are the worse since no one gave a fuck about memorial day and all of the sudden everyone and their moms needs to road trip for a holiday most people just barbeque and forget for? Right
What's even the point of complaining or trying to change anything if you're just going to bitch and then guzzle gas? It's funny because the same fuckers always mocked cars with good gas mileage and now are making fun of people who use scooters. Enjoy your 200$/weekly gas bill for being a retard
No. 1208369
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Was gonna make the next thread but I'm lazy, made this for the thread pic though if anyone who makes the thread wants to use it.