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No. 1663713
>>>/ot/1376950Discuss why you think the following phenomena exist:
>Harassment of the creators of the content fans purport to enjoy>Pro/Anti shipping drama>Outlandish woke fanart/headcanons>Parasocial relationships with actors, often involving stalking>Fans dogpiling each other over petty bullshit, like having a "problematic fave.">Autistically detailed knowledge of lore, but zero understanding of themes>Acting completely unhinged in public spaces (conventions, meetups, etc.)Include examples of these behaviors if necessary; they do not need to be recent.
Remember that while the following topics are relevant and it's fine to discuss them, they also have their own threads:
>>>/m/235564Western Animation Industry:
>>>/snow/1585248 No. 1663783
>>1663728Same here. I have a small story idea buzzing in my head and so far almost every character is a woman. I didn’t do it intentionally as some part or #girlbossfeminism it just came naturally.
It makes me sad knowing that if a story like mine got published it would be largely ignored because men don’t cate about female-dominated shows (unless it’s moe shit) and women don’t care about female characters in general and you have to cover it up in social justice speak for people to give a damn about it, but now that likely backfires can you imagine someone calling you misogynistic because you weren’t interested in the MC of Forspoken.
Last thread’s discussion was kind of miserable. I remember how most fans are hyped over the male prostitute character in Hazbin Hotel compared to any other character. He’s unfortunately the most interesting one so far.
Maybe this is too much hyperbole.
No. 1663789
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People complaining about dragon maid's bunny figure are so weird to me, like the show's been scrote lolicon shit since day 1 but you're for some reason surprised they're making a playboy bunny figure of Kanna?
In general I notice there's a lot of people who collect obvious loli figures and watch obvious lolicon anime but then are like 'I'M NOT A LOLICON THOUGH THAT'S DISGUSTING' like why are you supporting it then?
No. 1663802
Phone posting but Re Red Garden: Are you guys thinking about a different anime or because they aren’t always fighting monsters in every scene it is slice of life? By this logic Naruto is slice of life kek. Also, Kino is adventure but not action, just because it’s not action heavy doesn’t make it slice of life. You must be thinking of a different anime. Not to mention other action and or adventures with women either well written or at least as well written as the men: Ghost In The Shell, Devilman Lady, Claymore, Cowboy Bebop, Psycho Pass, Noir, Inuysha, etc.
>Inb4 ‘they aren’t well written!’
They are well written as the male characters.
It’s just goal post shifting:
>There are no well written female characters!
Yes there are
>Well not in the genres I like!
Yes there are
>Well they don’t count for (minuscule or outright untrue reason including they’re multiple genres)!
Instead of trying to explain away every legit point, why not tell us which action/adventure shows you actually like and watch?
Thinking you’re oppressed for being called dumb online for opinions is peak underage twitterfag.
No. 1663836
>>1663828I understand that but I've already met and spoken to not one but multiple women that have acknowledged that reading twilight completely fucked up their standards of men and now they're depressed about it kek. I'm pretty sure I've seen an anon mention it like ages ago even. It makes it easier for men to manipulate young women and for them to keep themselves in
toxic scenarios in the name of 'true passionate love'. I understand escapism but this just reinforces a fantasy that young women need to know isnt true early on.
No. 1663892
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AO3 2023 ship stats is probably mostly what you'd expect
No. 1663948
>>1663935Wasn't that him but from several years ago? So he lost weight between then and now.
>>1663892How is Soap/Ghost number 5? Who the hell writes this much cod fanfiction?
Despite the viral "boycotting" of the evil
TERF series Harry Potter among fan spaces, it's still the series that comes up the most. Twitter/tumblrfags need to start checking which of their mutuals are secretly aiding the genocide of trans lives.
No. 1663971
>>1663804If you just want to sperg about how much you hate fujos and act in bad faith instead of genuinely making suggestions and being a part of the conversation then go to the containment thread instead of taking your retarded bitterness out here.
>>1663747Slayers is actually the only one out of that list that imo fits the criteria of having messy female characters getting into action without it being some tender philosophical journey, and I hate how it's like 30 years old at this point and nothing similar has entered the mainstream since. I've always been GNC myself and I fucking hate how rare female GNC characters are, if they're ever included their entire personality is being comedically butch. Give me a goblin mode tomboy woman who's not a manic pixie dream girl! Like Lina!
No. 1663983
>>1663971Samefag but:
>y-you're not making genuine suggestions! >after the post mentioning tamers was offering genuine suggestions you disregarded with the most nonsensical excuse why they don't count including calling Red Garden slice of life>muh bad faith>this whole thing started because fujos leaked their containment thread and started seething about all female characters being shit (something untrue most anons realise)Kek, fuck off underage twitterfag.
(derailing/infighting) No. 1663984
>>1663983>>1663978I think you should put down your phone for a moment and fondle grass a bit until you calm down,
No. 1663989
>>1663980>trying to pretend that everyone who thinks you're a retard is pakichan Cope. Many anons shat on your dumbass opinions. This is why the fujo cringe thread exists. The original post that started the shitflinging can be found here
>>>/ot/1425222 and multiple anons called it retarded, which caused the retard anons who posted about hating female characters to seethe that they're oppressed like SJWs and then cry in the fujo thread about evil terfs and feminazis calling their opinion on female characters retarded and underage.
No. 1663994
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>>1663990>a lot of the times so they're oblivious to it?They like to make that argument, but this and several other obvious loli figures are on her MFC wishlist. No. 1663995
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>>1663994And then in the same breath she's like
No. 1663998
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>>1663994>>1663995Yeah, this is my experience with such girls too. I think they're just pretending to be oblivious to be given benefit of the doubt once they inevitably get "exposed" since navigating zoomer socmed spaces is a tricky thing.
If I'm being generous, like 80% of those figurines come from moid centered media and then they dare to act surprised on their socials it panders to disgusting coomers when they know exactly what they're doing kek
No. 1664005
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>>1663999How pathetic, most of these figures look like shit on top of that so they literally just exist for loli coom.
No. 1664030
>>1663983>after the post mentioning tamers was offering genuine suggestions you disregarded with the most nonsensical excuse why they don't count including calling Red Garden slice of lifeSo only one of your recs was of any value, yet you feel offended because your deliberate misdirection, if not trolling, was pointed out?
Go screech how nobody appreciates your help - your help does more harm than good. Sometimes it's a better choice to keep your mouth shut than make fool of yourself.
>Kek, fuck off underage twitterfag.Get a trip, so I can filter you, troll.
(newfag) No. 1664031
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>>1664004Thunderbolt Fantasy
No. 1664032
>>1664030Did you even read the post, many recs were given including more since and all in the specified genre yet were denied for miniscule or nonsensical reasons including trying to pretend they were different genres. Just because I specifically mentioned red garden as being egregious, doesn't mean the others weren't also good suggestions. Your whole position seems to be
>get suggestion>don't like the suggestion>class it as trolling when it's the genre asked for for seemingly no reason other than as an excuse to continue holding a nonsensical view>your help does more harm then goodLol what? Are you retarded. Sorry you were called a retard for dismissing the given suggestions in the genre for no reason other than to continue reeing about female characters being bad because you'd rather do that than just admit you want media with hot men.
No. 1664047
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>>1663983 proved to be a mod.
See, the mental illness and bizarre fujo hate is coming from within!
(ban evading newfag) No. 1664054
>>1664044It's like they're animals at the zoo, they I assume are newfags coming from fujochan since it's been down
>>1664052 >>1664047
No. 1664283
>>1664004I don't hate female characters per se, but get kinda annoyed at the wasted potential in shows aimed at boys. Like iron man armored adventures Pepper and Whitney. Pepper could've been cooler if she wasn't obsessed with being Tony's girlfriend and jealous of every girl and even boy who talk to him the entire time, that quirk about her makes her irritating sometimes. But other than that she can be reasonable and smart and really kindhearted and I love that about her, and love how goofy she can get and how unapologetically she's herself. But she also suffers from a mild case of NLOGism unfortunately, hating feminine girly girls because they're a "threat" to her future relationship with Tony. So much so that these characters get written out of the show eventually so she's the only possible love interest for Tony, even though others where better options, especially Whitney. Whitney was smart and strong and capable she almost killed iron man with a bunch of prototype incomplete weapons and fought an assassin targeting Tony all by herself, and paid him more money than his employers to save Tony. She's just perfect and amazing, and her daddy issues add to her character to me because she craves familial love like any kid/teenager out there but her dad is insane and too far gone to see it, but she stays by her side until the end and chooses him over Tony when he gets in a coma, which is sad because I loved her with Tony but she has the right to choose family over love I guess and trying to 'fix' her dad, even though he's not worth it but whatever.
Other female characters I like are from media aimed at girls like W.i.t.c.h. and winx club, as well as some seinen stuff like Naoki Urasawa's female characters like Nina from monster, and Marie Josphe Sanson from innocent/innocent Rouge, she's the most relatable to me and I find her super hot kek. And while some people hate them, I love the women from jojo's bizarre adventures, some are perfect and flawless and I don't mind, and others are flawed and go through a lot and I love all of them, minus the yandere blue print girl.
No. 1664304
>>1663892>dazai/chuuya so popular even dazai & chuuya placesi really hate this
toxic ass shit of two characters who hate each other's guts to the point if you locked them in a room together they'd tear each other to shreds like two really hungry pitbulls, being shipped. holy fucking shit if you want me to like yaoi can't you develop ONE DECENT YAOI SHIP that isn't "these two guys hate each other. that secretly means they want to kiss."
if yaoi's fanbase aren't delusional
toxic mentally ill retards, explain why they always favor ships between two guys who hate each other and not two guys who like each other. why are they obsessed with
toxic ass shit like dazai/chuuya and not something that's at least wholesome like dazai/atsushi or atsushi/kenji.
it's a violation of humanity. i feel like if i went in to the office and said, "you know greg in accounting? I can't stand that asshole," there are going to be 100 people following me around writing porny fics of me and greg swapping body fluids. it's fetishizing abuse and dysfunction and is an abomination. "wholesome healthy relationships? no thank you. i want to wank to the moral equivalent of pedophilia." i've seen two gay guys IRL doing battle trying to kill each other to the point they got arrested. it isn't sexy. it's horrifying and traumatic. i think the antis are right. anyone who likes
toxic ships needs to touch grass and unfuck their brain chemistry.
No. 1664348
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the booktok drama from last thread got me thinking: do you think girls and women who go apeshit over all those spicy romance books are pornsick? while i'm anti-porn, i always treated written erotica differently because no real people are harmed in the process of the creation (unlike porn actresses). but seeing how insane these women go over spicy books and how they consume so much of them, i'm starting to wonder… or is it just because these women are usually normies who have never encountered porn focused on the pleasure of the woman, while weebs easily find reverse harem r18 material online or consume other r18 content (fanfic, fanart, explicit djs)?
No. 1664352
>>1664345you're being disingenuous pretending most yaoi ships aren't
toxic between two guys who hate each other. it's never two guys who were friends, no. always either outright hate each other or at best rivals. the overwhelming majority of yaoi ships are
toxic, and it's handwaved by calling any criticism "homophobia." het isn't always great but people aren't afraid to criticize a bad het ship. ironically the sapphics tend to be the least
toxic and their ships the most healthy.
No. 1664353
>>1664352>sapphicYou almost had a point there, but you’re obviously just mad that some women enjoy
toxic relationships. Fuck off tiffany
No. 1664357
>>1664353>wow, this ship between two guys who treat each other like crap and abuse the shit out of each other is so hot>oh no why is my husband (a toxic loser i chose because he's like the guys i ship) beating the crap out of me and our kids?I'm the one here who actually has empathy for women that they shouldn't be flooded nonstop with this polluting mentality. It's the female version of being pornsick and it does ruin lives.
Toxic ships aren't cute–the fans need therapy and a good role model. Antis are right about some things.
No. 1664364
>>1664304You have a point. Don't mind the nonnies disagreeing with you. I ship one
toxic ship and I feel super bad about it because IT IS BAD and reflects some stuff about me that I'm not willing to address properly yet.
No. 1664381
>>1664366Right? That nonna seems autistic and can’t differentiate reality from fiction. Why would she argue that women get with
toxic men because of shitty fanfics about romanticized
toxic relationships if she wasn’t retarded. Most people can tell the difference between fiction and reality
No. 1664397
>>1663892Fujos will really act like
victims as if every fandom space isn't filled with content just for their liking huh
No. 1664398
>>1664372BSD promised me literary references and smart mystery plots in a comfy detective agency, but delivered dragonball Z and chuunibyouism. However, nonna should watch Dark Era, a self contained 4 episode (iirc) mini-arc set before current events. Only good thing to come out of the series in the end. Now it's gone and jumped the keikaku doori shark and everyone is a 300 IQ mastermind with no character development or motive. It's just powerwanking and shouting catchphrases into a camera.
>>1664381So you support lolicon? because that's the argument they use. Fucking gross.
No. 1664409
>>1664401>everything i disagree with is bait or a scrote, depending on my mood that daylmao
And no one is afraid to criticize bad het ships, but you say one thing about
toxic yaoi ships and they lambast you as a gayphobe to deflect deny and reverse
victim and offender.
>>1664404enemies to lovers is different than an unhealthy relationship forced by fans between two characters who clearly hate each other and don't want to be in each other's company, whether or not their affiliated groups are in conflict. at this point the audience is raping the characters. if you had a love story between two opposing sides of a war, you wouldn't get dazai/chuuya, you'd get romeo and juliet. enemies to lovers is not necessarily
toxic because it isn't the characters who hate each other, it's their groups who hate the other side. completely different thing.
No. 1664427
>>1664407people sperging about this get lots of twitter engagement and attention which motivates them to keep going.
and as per usual, nothing men do will ever be criticized. everything degrading to women and in favor of men's interests is super empowering and should be lionized and vehemently defended. for some reason.
No. 1664434
>>1664427in this same thread we're talking about how scrotes only care about media for potential coom value. you're deflecting. both genders are disgusting. for the record, i think male fans are more disgusting, but it's getting pretty close.
all i want is healthy stories i don't feel guilty about reading and a fanbase that won't make me vomit. instead i get toxicity, militant fujos, shock value edgelording, and whatever the fuck you want to call the masturbatory bridge troll that is colleen hoover (not that grrm isn't worse, but i don't expect that kind of material from a female author as i do a fat old moid.)
No. 1664443
>>1664434>all i want is healthy storiesCongratulations there’s thousands of cottagecore boring romances out there, go read those and stop purposefully looking for
toxic relationship fiction. And don’t act like those aren’t popular. Heartstopper and Red Royal and Blue are both wholesome cottagecore yaoi books.
No. 1664448
>>1664442is being a horny goblin better when a woman does it? every single book published, every fic written, every fanart drawn, all of it is pornsick.
>>1664443you took everything from me and give me cottagecore as a consolation prize?
No. 1664470
>>1664469Yes because people like you shit on the ones who like
toxic and challenging romances, so those type of people feel the need to defend themselves by shitting on boring romances. You are perpetuating the cycle
No. 1664473
>>1664457is the only way to "challenge your brain" to be a trashy horndog? you're acting like sex-crazed klance fanfic is on the level of dostoyevski. i want modern media that offers something more than softcore pornography. look at genshin. it's all about dangling sexually appealing half dressed characters in the face of horny fans to milk cash out of them. why is this accepted as normal? it's gross and people who like this shit should be ashamed. and their own products aren't enough. they walk into every fandom and nonstop hornypost about it. horny fanfic is just as bad as horny scrote fanart.
i can't look up fanart without 99% of it being shipping and coomerism. and not even cute ships! just horny porn ships!
>>1664470that anon isn't even me, more than one person disagrees with you
No. 1664487
>>1664473>i want modern media that offers something more than softcore're gonna have to leave ao3 for that. good media exists, especially books.
no1curr but i used to be like that a teenager. would read trashy romance novels, yawn my way through the romance, and devour the descriptions of historical stuff. took me an embarrassingly long time to switch to historical fiction and military history.
No. 1664507
>>1664504don't buy it. shoplift it. don't give money to these people. but yes, traumatize him with it and tell him to post a vent review on goodreads/youtube for me to laugh with.
>>1664499it's wattpad fanfiction being labeled as adult literary market historical fiction. i'm not hysterical for saying they've taken everything from me, because they really have. if i pick up 10 books to read, 9 of them are like this. i picked up another one ostensibly about vikings and instead it was about brother-sister incest with graphic sex scenes. every time i go to the library i am traumatized.
No. 1664514
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>>1664304>can't you develop ONE DECENT YAOI SHIP that isn't "these two guys hate each other. that secretly means they want to kiss"Just watch stuff with white hair guys
No. 1664519
>>1664473So you walk into a sex shop, and complain that there's too many dildos?
I don't get it, I don't even read fanfiction or get off to fiction and I read about a ton of healthy or healthy-ish romances in books that don't focus on romance. Just go read literature? There's plenty of good shit out there, wtf.
No. 1664522
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>>1664352>ironically the sapphics tend to be the least toxic and their ships the most healthyNot me hehe
Sapphic is cringe as fuck though
No. 1664526
>>1664515The school library? Probably a donation or because it had the ya stamp. It's a junior high school so ya novels like hunger games are common.
>>1664519Goodreads has a tagging system too. So it's not that hard to find what you want and the less popular books have genuine reviews to see if you would like what the novel is selling.
No. 1664528
>>1664522Arent most western lesbian ships
toxic as fuck? I remember people calling out she ra and su for this a lot. Just proves anon is fucking retarded since the vast majority of western gay ships are actually over healthy borinf mixed race dads. Give me my yaoi catradora hollywood.
No. 1664530
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>>1664507I like you, anon. You remind me of my husbando.
No. 1664532
>>1664528Some of those ships are canon ships too. A lot of the
toxic gay ships are never canon, unless it's specifically a story focusing on the
toxic relationship of two guys (like some korean bl webtoons)
No. 1664534
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>>1664528Dunno, I don't engage much with western shows outside of reality TV and South park, but my favorite movie (black swan) does have that
toxic yuri element.
>>1664348As someone who's pretty involved in book groups/the bookish community online I swear on my life these kindle unlimited smut books that blew up on tiktok have broken peoples brains. The combination of porn and instant gratification they get for plowing through a 150 page wattpad-tier story in a few hours is a potent duo. They don't even know or care about what makes a book good (plotting, prose, character development, etc.), they only care about the next "spicy" scene. In a way, I think some of them are a bit pornsick but not in the same way males are pornsick. It's mostly harmless and isn't destroying relationships and families as far as I know.
I feel like the rise in demand for these books was due to the pandemic since people were locked up at home with nothing to do. Add in shortened attention spans caused by social media addictions, and an aging female reader base who are looking for fulfillment in novels because their IRL scrotes suck and that's how you end up with this craze for smut imo
No. 1664551
>>1664543the original story that was based on was basically the japanese version of The Immoralist, and was supposed to be a criticism/confession of that behavior. Instead the anime fans decided it's cute and hot for an old scrote to groom a loli. In the original story the girl was like 17 btw and the guy more like 30, the manga artist drew her as a 10 year old and him as like 45 to be extra disgusting and coombaity. The writer wants credit for referencing classic literature without understanding that literature. They do the same thing with Fate namedropping historical and mythological characters just to make them into consoomable waifus and husbandos. It's just low quality derivative work. And the west does the same with the latest rewrites of greek myths into YA gay smut.
I wish they would just write honest porn and not bait us with a story then deliver cumrags.
No. 1664570
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>>1664052See? You angered the deranged mod too. Meanwhile her raging posts where she calls other users names are left untouched. This is so childish. This is the reason why jannies and mods should never get involved in discussions on boards they are policying. Can't have a healthy board culture when the rot comes from deep within.
(derailing/infighting) No. 1664574
>>1664570I dislike fujos but husbandofags are objectively much worse. We have never had a fujo send her nudes or a fujo spam her fantasies of fucking kirby. Most of the annoying namefags husbandofags and there's a reason why, they're all deranged.
Inb4 mod tries to redtext me, no this isn't derail. Both hisbandofaggotry and fujos are usually centered around fandoms and I'm discussing the psychology of husbandofags.
No. 1664597
>>1664574>spam her fantasies of fucking kirbywhen did kirbyanon do this…? i think i remember the posts about
the slit but i don’t remember her spamming it.
No. 1664602
>>1664578Why would I be jealous of someone whose greatest joy is day dreaming about someone that doesn't exist?
>>1664579That's actually weird tbh.
>>1664586Yeah that's true but the ratio of crazy to normal is much more messed up for husbandofags. I also knew a Leon husbandofag who doxxed a user from this site. Fujos at most are annoying and self sabotaging but the husbandofags spam, harass and in general derail a lot of discussions. Don't you remember how rancefag derailed two whole boards for one whole day because she spammed her nudes?
No. 1664608
>>1664604Whats a hetbend?
>>1664605I'm not saying anyone here is responsible like how no one is responsible for rancefags actions but husbandofaggotry shouldn't be normalized and they shouldnt be allowed to namefag on other threads.
No. 1664664
>>1664654That's some drug-induced projection. 1/10 bait.
>>1664625Have you considered that these people are both? They like BL and are also self-inserting husbandofags.
No. 1664689
>>1664507>every time i go to the library i am traumatizedKEK.
>>1664407Has it? I only really see anons saying hating women is dumb on here but not much talk elsewhere. And the
problematic thing is because everyone became more woke but women are more empathetic and less mental-gymnastic-y than men so they try to position their enjoyment of yaoi as not fetishy while men just don't care and will continue to fetishize lesbians.
>>1664348No, just autistic/have no life.
No. 1664717
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Raping characters is not allowed!
>>>/ot/1664419(derailing, report them and move on.) No. 1664734
>>1664722Do you refer to everyone who doesn't like fujos as pakichan
>>1664602Was this when rancefag got doxxed and revealed to be an abdl fan? I remember that happening. But rancefag isn't only a yumejo, they post a lot in the fujothread and about shota.
No. 1664866
>>1664304theyre pixels , nona. they dont exist
>>1664446kek i feel you nona
tho ill admit the akiko yosano girl is cute No. 1664870
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>>1663892>mfw not a single good pairing on this list (imho) and most of the fandoms are boringMaybe Sirius and Remus should spice it up and have a TEHM (? gay male "
terf") foursome with James and Regulus
No. 1664901
>>1664602>I also knew a Leon husbandofag who doxxed a user from this siteWtf details on this? How would that even be possible unless they had admin powers?
>>1664608>they shouldnt be allowed to namefag on other threads.Most of them don't, and the one who does (rancefag) always gets banned for it.
(derailing) No. 1665348
>>1664608>>1665044Do you guys know what namefagging is? I have never seen either poster use a name. Avatarfagging, sure. But that's not exclusive to husbandofags at all, we've had other kinds of avatarfags.
>>1664574>two attention whores who happen to be fucked up and have fucked up husbandos start personalityfagging>"all husbandofags are like this!!"Kirbyfag is just an autist who got too comfortable getting attention and Rancefag is literally mentally ill and grew up on /r9k/. There's dozens of different husbandofags on this site, but you probably don't notice them outside containment threads because they're just like any other poster. And before those two appeared, the only notable one was Komaeda-chan. On the other hand there's more than one fujo who is waiting for fujochan to come back just so they can talk about shota yaoi in their safe pedo space
No. 1665361
>>1665348Identifying as x-fag/x-chan and replying when your name is mentioned is namefagging.
The schizo husbandofags are:
Leonfag who doxxed an anon
These arw literally half of the namefags we have and they're some of the most destructive namefags.
(derailing) No. 1665386
>>1665361Holy shit, that's not what namefagging means you retarded newfag.
Namefagging is when you put something in the "Name" field of your post.
Being recognized and named by other posters isn't namefagging. What Rancefag does is avatarfagging, and what all of those other posters do has been dubbed "personalityfagging" here on lolcow. It's even in the info page now. I swear, sometimes when I browse lolcow I feel like I'm going insane with how wrong some posters use imageboard terminology.
(derailing/infighting) No. 1665391
>>1665376Don't reply to it omg.
>>1665386I'm not a newfag, stop accusing anyone who disagrees with you of being a newfag. Why are all of your replies so argumentative and aggressive? Maybe you should take a break.
No. 1665425
>>1665394And it's such a weirdly violent reply too lmao.
>>1665397I agree.
No. 1665426
>>1665419AYRT, I agree with you. This is the first time I've seen this "Leonfag" being mentioned.
>>1665397That ain't me, several people can be fed up with retarded newfags.
No. 1665464
>>1665361ko-chan barely posts anymore and there's a dozen leonfags.
>destructiveidk only rancefag really fits that description, the rest are usually chill. there's way more destructive personalityfags without husbandos.
No. 1665535
>>1663892I haven't been involved in fandom for almost a decade now but I'm sureprised to see Harry Potter still dominates as one of the larger fandoms. Not because I expected people to boycott HP for transphobia but because I genuinely thought another franchise would had taken over by now as the biggest fandom.
Seeing a Top Gun ship on there is funny when you consider how old the movie is and never had a big fujo following until they made the new movie decades later.
I'm also genuinely sureprised to see a South Park ship. I know South Park always had a big fujo following and creek is the biggest ship in the fandom but I never knew that the South Park fandom was
that big. I always got the impression that the fujos where just a loud minority in the fandom. Its even weirder that creek is new on the list because the show has been running for so long. You would think their rise in popularity would had happened when the yaoi episode was released. did something happened recently that might had attracted more people to South Park?
because south park has become irrelevant for the general publicAnyway am I the only one that finds it weird that the character's races are listed? Unlike stuff like gen, m/m, etc. their race don't say what type of relationship it is. I know interacial couples has to deal with racism but fics with interacial couples rarely explores this. I guess they wanted to show the characters races to spark discussion about representation in fandom spaces? but then they should had made a separate list instead of cramming it into relationship list
No. 1665543
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>>1665535It's really weird that fujos are attracted to south park. The characters are drawn like muppets and implied to be in, what, grade school? And it's a comedy skit about shits and farts. But fujos are drawing BL fanart of south park characters and having massive headcanons and husbando'ing them. It's like having the hots for those Rice Crispies elves or Ronald McDonald.
I googled an image and apparently it's such a big problem they had an entire episode on the weird fujo fans shipping.