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No. 1712160

General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/ot/369313
#2 >>>/ot/490893
#3 >>>/ot/636795
#4 >>>/ot/849990
#5 >>>/ot/935591
#6 >>>/ot/1028419
#7 >>>/ot/1028464
#8 >>>/ot/1068732
#9 >>>/ot/1147862
#10 >>>/ot/1190469
#11 >>>/ot/1240193
#12 >>>/ot/1330198
#13 >>>/ot/1417052
#14 >>>/ot/1478839
#15 >>>/ot/1571083
#16 >>>/ot/1616325

No. 1712182

I actually have always loved this theory and the whole 'ancient aliens' thing is really far fetched but this makes the most sense of anything I've ever seen speculated. I'm not so egotistical as to think humans are the only "developed" life out there but I cant imagine any more advanced iterations having any desire to interact with us outside of using us as mining slaved or whatever. So the thought of more advanced civilizations conning early people into enslaved labor and fucking off for a period, coming back and doing the bare minimum for their abilities and taking whatever offerings makes sense.

No. 1712346

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Piggybacking from the last thread, the idea of the end goal(s) of science is something people don't talk much about. Most people myself included imgined science as an eternal process, towards ever increasing progress.

I spent all day trying o find pic rel, because it touches on a lot of these same themes.

I have a book "Science as Salvation" by Mary Midgley on my shelf, but I kept procrastinating on it.

No. 1712359

Your picrel will now be engraved before my eyes for the remainder of the night. I will lose precious sleep questioning the human existence. Thanks.

No. 1712363

Nah its board pacific and the ones itt are usually so conspiracy-moidcore

No. 1712375

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So continuing the discussion from the last thread, I really don't think it's some grand conspiracy theory. I think it's a lot of 'well-meaning' but out-of-touch rich white liberals making black women a sort of representation of their ideals, not realizing they basically shoulder inhuman responsibility among them and don't treat them like regular human beings. I think a recent example would be Aisha from the new winx club whose turned into the no nosecone mom of the group. its basically a manifestation of picrel.

No. 1712412

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Black women, especially those in the ghettos, make for good scapegoats. Ignoring the violence done to her, especially if committed by black men, helps rich liberals with their goals of "prison abolition" or "restorative justice".

No. 1712435

This is what I mean by denigration of black families. Anytime there's some supposedly wholesome family advert it's black male, white female. There are no positive depictions of a happy family with a black mother. I know it's most likely cause is crude diversity by check box but that fact that it happens so frequently makes me wonder if there is a wider scheme in the media against black women. There is a stark difference in the portrayal of black women that's happened over a 20 year period.

No. 1712528

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3 more months till pluto enters aquarius

No. 1712573

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I have another picture that vibes with this. In pic, I think the philosophy of transhumanism it’s just a modern version of this. Bringing heaven to earth by the way of artificial intelligence and the resulting automation from that.

No. 1712579

What does that mean? Genuine question

No. 1712667

>Anytime there's some supposedly wholesome family advert it's black male, white female. There are no positive depictions of a happy family with a black mother.

Interesting. I’ve seen a few asian families, and mexican and some black but whenever white families are shown it’s mixed. So yes the black woman would be absent. I’ve seen a lot mote targeting against white families than black families. It could be regional commercials too. Would be something to study.

Also about black women (and men) being predisposed to obesity it has been addressed by the black community as an issue but a lot of people don’t want to accept it because they would have to change. Michelle McDaniels talked about that in one of her videos because she used to be fat (her whole family is pretty fat) and thought it was “normal” because she’s black. Eventually she decided to lose weight and she’s a PT now.

No. 1712686

Michelle McDaniels is so based and I just know in my heart she’s a crypto terf. I know it in my bones.

No. 1712716

I haven't read the previous posts in this thread yet but
>thought it was “normal” because she’s black
Not surprised at all. I'm not from the American continent but it still applies here, all the Black friends I have are or were fat and think it makes them just curvy and look good. Like, genuinely obese. One of them recently told me she weights 120kg and that's she's annoyed at her doctor telling her to try to lose weight before getting breast reduction surgery and while her breasts are abnormally big and it's not just from her diet (I don't remember the name of the condition) it got so bad she can only wear clothes from Shein or Fashion Nova now. Another used to be fat and when she lost a reasonable amont of weight in one year from walking everywhere instead of taking the bus all the time and from her antidepressants the first one I mentioned started to imply that maybe she had an eating disorder when the truth is that no, she just got too poor to pay for fast food everyday and take public transport. A third one went from curvy to actually fat in a matter of one year and it's super obvious because she's abroad so we only see each other when one of us travels to see the other. What's up with that? I'm not Black and in my race the beauty standard is to be a fatass and even then nobody thinks it's healthy, they just think it's good looking.

It's been a while since I checked her videos, you reminded me that I should check what she recently posted right now.

No. 1712734

I'm not American, but what you described about black people normalizing the idea that they are naturally obese is very similar to a mindset common throughout South Asia. 90% of urban people are in horrible shape, With men, its more obvious, but women also suffer from major negative health issues, and they have completely internalized it. Exercise is pointless to them because they believe it's for white people, and they think it wouldn't matter anyway because they are naturally like this.

No. 1712766

In my country (eurofag), mixed race couples in ads are almost always either black man with white woman or white man with asian woman. In the rare case where the woman is black, she is always mixed. I always assumed these ads were just made by porn-watching scrotes.

No. 1712786

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It’s a way of appealing to both demographics, although it does feel overused at times.

Black men and women aren’t predisposed to obesity, rather obesity is correlated with poverty. Modern cheap food are high in corn syrup and seed oils which are caloric and known to cause issues with the metabolism. Soul food, isn’t that common to eat. Online weirdos think we eat like that every day, but certain foods are only eaten on holy days.

Although I don’t think it’s healthy, most black women carry their weight on their hips, bum and thighs. For some women, they get lucky with a nice shape. Black men love the shape more than the size. If being bigger gets the shape, then it’s seen as fine. Many black women are correct in their assumptions that there groups are not interest in thick, even slim thick bodies. The only black girls who date out are model-tier thin, for a reason.


Michelle has said many overt anti-feminist statements so I would hold my breath on that.


Most people up top who approve the ads are white men, especially those with connections. Plenty of asian and white women in porn, and black men have a positive porn stereotypes. I believe casting choices are based on what society finds acceptable and desirable.

I think we should limit talk on black women in the tinfoil thread. It went from interesting thoughts on aliens, false flags, pharma fuck-ups and tech stuff, to possible conservatism.

No. 1712823

samefag the real South Asians are, on average, chubby (though not outright obese). is because of a general lack of exercise culture and the worst diets, perhaps on the planet. tons of oiled-up carbs, endless gluten, and no protein. its designed to make humans horrible looking and horrible feeling.

No. 1712891

we produce something like 90% of our serotonin in our guts, and our gut is in fact linked to ancestral intuition. I think all governments agreed, some more covertly than others, that a pharmocracy is how to obtain the most unaware, dependant, and controlled populations. social media is the patriot act on steroids.

has anyone mentioned how the Franklin scandal was a huge republican bust? they all run child trafficking, some really do think it's "just the dems" and "Trump is really doing something!" when he's merely on the other end of this cirque du old people problems spectrum, belligerent, hoarding machinery he should not be operating and babbling like Charles Manson. with two extremes like that, the same problem is allowed and gets worse.
very convinced making abortion illegal was to ensure a steady supply of children belonging to single mothers with no real resources or support. that is the most vulnerable demographic besides kids in the cps system, and without a father present who the government is a lot more respective of, the single and worn thin mother may not even know that the government will lie about lack of rights or options just to get your kid.

No. 1712893

Usually I actually see it the other way around. More black woman with white men in advertising.

No. 1712909

This exactly. If you've ever been poor or know poor people you know we aren't having deep fried chicken every day. A lot of poor people also skip breakfast and dinner, and poor quality produce isn't filling at all

The thing about Michelle McDaniels is that she had to work very hard to lose weight and was an admitted binge eater. Lots of poor people don't have the time or money to binge eat at all and are still fat. Especially moms who barely have time to eat and when they do they have to give most of their plate to their children. So many people even observe leaving America, little to no diet changes or exercise changes and they still lose weight and people find it hard to believe there's something wrong with our food

No. 1712919

we get it you are poor and fat and there is nothing you can do about it and the offbrand hamburger helper keeps breaking into your mudhut and assaulting your mouth because you cant afford a door or whatever

No. 1712928

Ignore the racebait, but yeah. We are correct in being suspicious about seed oils and the overabundance of corn and soy in foods. Like why the fuck would you put sugar in bread?

No. 1712939

that goes on while it is 4x as likely for a native American woman to be murdered, and it's never, ever covered by any media. not that fair coverage of all types of women has ever been equal or accurately representative of the amount of violence against women. that would mean we actually have reasons to be cautious of men and aren't "just sheltered bitches".

sugar is extremely addictive, like opiate levels. it's to destroy your body's natural ability to do anything or know anything beyond the short term. alcohol addiction is usually sugar addiction. once you're on any medication, they can test whatever they want on you.

also didn't think fried chicken was meant to be racial, I immediately thought of honey boo boo and her Appalachian folk. anyone within a radius of KFC. people have always gotten rich off of poisoning others in a scheme of pain avoidance

No. 1712944

>Like why the fuck would you put sugar in bread?
Nta I don't know how much bread is in like a regular white bread from the store, but sugar needs to be in bread because the yeast feeds on it. A lot of bread recipes will tell you to add some (I've even seen a recipe that called for 1/2 cup but I think that's very excessive, it's usually only a few teaspoons or tablespoons) of sugar or honey. If it's sourdough it doesn't need sugar.

No. 1713058

racebait? race wasn't mentioned in the post at all

No. 1713071

I was talking about >>1712160

No. 1713077

literally what are you talking about??

No. 1713090

Most recipes do say that but it’s totally unnecessary, powder yeast doesn’t need added sugar to work there’s more than enough to feed the yeast in the flour.
I don’t know who told me this but I was under the impression sugar was supposed to be part of a pre-dough step where you combine water and yeast and a pinch of sugar and see if the yeast foams to test if it’s alive before you waste your flour on it (because the sugar would make the yeast so active you would know in under 10 minutes). But that’s like a pinch of sugar, not anything you could really even taste later, a whole teaspoon is too much.

No. 1713123

Why are americans hormones so imbalanced nowadays? men are losing T, their arms are getting skinnier while they're distributing their body fat in a feminine way, especially suspicious because men have such wide hips now? on top of that it feels like every woman and her mom has PCOS now or some other hormone/thyroid problem, even if they're not fat. Regular periods seem to be a thing of the past which is worrisome, infertility issues are everywhere, etc

No. 1713138

Obesity. Next question?

No. 1713143

Pollution, microplastics are in everything. There are other reasons too of course.

No. 1713146

if this was the case then logically this wouldn't affect people who aren't obese, no? but this is exactly the case
True but at the same time hormonal issues weren't this common even when boomers wanted to just as much cancerous material as possible

No. 1713183

I literally have no faith in 99% of journalists.

No. 1713281

What do you guys think of the stuff happening in Niger and Gabon?

No. 1713297

Stacks of hormones and antibiotics in meat, ultrahighly processed foods and heaps of unnecessary things in toiletries to make them smell and foam up. Everywhere has this problem but the size and product range of American supermarkets, and the content of the average American diet makes it the ground zero for these problems.

No. 1713431

because american industries pay for their own studies on the safety of their consumer products and that's legal (everything everyone else said – obesity, pollution, etc.)

No. 1713533

Over 54% of black women in the US are obese, so part of it is marketing using representation literally. Representation within marketing campaigns is one of the easiest "good guy" points a company can earn - so they throw in minorities and try to make them look as average as possible. On top of that, people realize how in depth marketing analytics at large companies is right? They practically know down to the minute when their customers use the toilet every day kek its frightening. No company is looking to do anything with their marketing besides convince you to open your wallet, that's the only end game. And I'm speaking out of experience, I worked in marketing for one of the largest companies in the world.

No. 1713575

The Franklin scandal is almost never discussed. I remember it and have read tons on it.

No. 1713579

because boomers ate less processed food and there weren't nearly as many micro plastics everywhere 50 years ago. It's the chemicals that literally seep out of everything we interact with, eat, breathe, etc. We're all being poisoned slowly, even if you think you take care of yourself/are healthy.

No. 1713594

True. I wish marketing ignored the black population, so we would be forced to make your own companies and stuff. Inclusivity is starting to really grind on me

Also, most black men are obese but no one holds that over their heads. Thanks to porn, most think the average black man is 6'6" musclebound freak with a 10 inch dick.

No. 1713599

Shouldn’t this apply to black men too

No. 1713724

nta but I'm assuming again its similar to south asia(which vidrel explains) extreme lack of exercise, binge eating at home, sleeping late and then coupled with pregnancy and various stresses of life make women on average more obese then our male counterparts.

No. 1713736

50.6% and 38.0% of Hispanic and white women in the US are obese too, so there should be way more fat white and brown women in general (and way fewer skinny/fit ones), if we're just being accurate. It is suspicious nonny.

No. 1713805

It does. I haven't personally seen a ton of ads targeted to men lately though. I mean we're all aware that unless you're flipping through cable channels, you're seeing targeted ads everywhere else. Even on cable it's targeted just not nearly as specifically. It's hard to get a full-picture understanding with that method of advertising being so prevelant across all media channels.

No. 1713808

And I have seen evidence of that. I take it other nonnies haven't, but I have. I can't speak on male representation though, I stopped watching tv and most of my targeted ads are not directed at men. But I see tons of fat white and spanish women in ads now. I think another thing to remember is if you watch the same stuff all the time, go to the same sites, take in the same style of content…. you're going to get incredibly repetitive targeted ads. Its veen that way since cable tv.

No. 1713813

And again, literally the only things companies care about is how to take your money. They don't have greater agendas than that. It is government intersecting with economic enterprises where you would see nefarious agendas such as population control, pushing political agendas, etc. But a company on its own? It wants one thing only: money. Everything else it does, even if it has many far reaching and negative consequences, is merely a means to that end.

No. 1713824

I wonder if ESG investment changes how companies advertise their products.

No. 1713844

Marketing provides representation up to a point. The obesity rate for black males is around ten percent lower than it is for black females (which is still high as hell) but the default image for black men in the media is one that's slim or fit/athletic.

> True. I wish marketing ignored the black population, so we would be forced to make your own companies and stuff. Inclusivity is starting to really grind on me
The push for inclusivity in marketing is ridiculously heavy-handed. Just this weekend, I watched three commercials in a row that each had a shot that focused on a smiling dark skinned black guy with a randomly smiling white person in a wheelchair – it was like the advertisers were following a template. Having a black-own marketing agency (which there are plenty of) wouldn't necessarily end the forced inclusivity in media. They may be open to doing it because that's what they believe in, or because they want to attract and keep bigger wealthy clients who require this.

> Also, most black men are obese but no one holds that over their heads. Thanks to porn, most think the average black man is 6'6" musclebound freak with a 10 inch dick.

Bingo. They're one of the fattest group of men in this country, have the most estrogen of any group of men in this country, and are one of the most unhealthy groups of men in this country, but they won't let that bit of reality hurt their overblown sense of body confidence or stop them from attacking black women for their weight.

It would. Social inclusivity and diversity are integral parts of the “Social” component of ESG. Companies might become more inclusive in their advertising campaigns, showcasing diverse groups of people and promoting equality and inclusivity. They may also opt for advertising strategies that involve community engagement and highlight their efforts to give back.

No. 1713966

>cleaning products
Does vinegar really clean everything? I’ve seen tips for that and also natural cleaners but I’m still skeptical. Are they stronger and able to disinfect better than foaming cleaners?

No. 1713985

i really don't think anyone is trying to buy products with with morbidly obese women (especially minority women) all over them. even fewer people want to see morbidly obese men. it has bad messaging.

No. 1714270

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also the inbreeding.

No. 1714322

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according to astrology there are these things called Pluto generations, Pluto is a slow moving planet that moves in and out of a different sign from time to time. Its been in Pluto in Capricorn since 2008. in 2024 it moves into Aquarius which means there is going to be a major vibe shift. pluto in aquarius is a forward looking, futuristic sign that deals with technology and revolutions. Its the opposite of pluto in leo which was the boomer generation

No. 1714327

will things be better for me then magikanon?
aqu sun aries moon/rising, pluto in 9th fwiw

No. 1714346

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I hate white liberals who whine about sexism and then censor “TERFs”. It’s bullshit like this take led modern feminism in a shithole. And these FAT woke weirdos censor and block anyone who talks to them, even in something small like a movie review

No. 1714363

My tinfoil hat has fused to my brain and I am scared I might actually be slipping into delusions and believe things that are not true. I don't feel like this thread is a support group for tinfoilhatted individuals but could we have something like that? I really need someone to drag me back to reality and someone to spell out for me which things are propaganda and which not. I feel like I'm bombarded with so much shit I can no longer know what is true, what is not, what is purposefully made to make me feel scared and insane like this.. Yes I am going to lessen my social media usage and go touch grass as soon as I'm not so afraid of the people out there.

No. 1714375

i dont rly use this thread but could the Stupid Questions one help (with the preface you wrote here)? It would probs get a relatively more normal sample of users and I haven't seen anyone be mean in there except maybe once - and even then that anon apologized after

No. 1715120

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No. 1715173

My waking point was when I was shampoo shopping and complaining about how the entire isle had cancer in it with a coca cola in my hand

No. 1715335

I never watched the movie, but I assumed the ken's just physically threatened the barbies and established patriarchy, that's how most patriarchies work.

No. 1715562

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Saw this from the Elon musk/Grimes thread. Sounds interesting and maybe we can expand on this here?

>It’s absolutely true, it’s because Mormon men are typically known to be clean-cut and “risk averse”, willing to obey authority without question, many of them speak a second language from serving in missions abroad, and they’re likely to not drink alcohol or smoke weed. It’s cheaper to run a security clearance on these guys. (Fun fact if you’ve ever smoked weed, ever, it’s an immediate disqualification for some of these clearances, and at this point basically everyone has these days. The feds have an actual problem of being unable to recruit counterintelligence “hackers” and have considered loosening the requirements because a majority of talented hackers are stoners, lol)


>Mormons are shady as fuck. They make their kids do slave labor from an early age, because they believe it’s godly or something, so a lot of big companies like Amazon and Walmart make donations to the church while getting children to work at their companies and do manual labor for them for free, and it’s all arranged by the Mormon adult community leaders, it’s super weird. And that’s not even mentioning all the gross pedo shit.


No. 1715604

Nta but take it to the astrology thread if you want a personal reading or to ask questions about your own chart.

I’m not an astrologer but I’ve been doing a lot of research on the upcoming years and from what I understand, 2025 is going to be huge. There’s a lot of interesting transits that suggest a major event that will change the world forever. Some people speculate WWIII, but from what I gather the shifts are moreso indicating technological advancement and aren’t necessarily all that negative. People are saying that the next few years are a technological renaissance. I guess if we consider all these AI things like ChatGPT then yeah it kinda is. My guess for 2025 is worst case, AI becomes sentient and takes over and best case, something positive is invented that changes the course of human history. I’ve also seen some astrologers saying that this year the political system is going to start a transformation in America, and that Americans are going to start taking power back into their own hands. I see a lot more normies online talking about media distractions from their wages, the cost of living, and other issues that aren’t being addressed by the government. This is what some astrologers are saying will lead to possibly a third party forming or at least a movement of workers and people fighting back.

No. 1716720

continuing food quality/nutrition/seed oil tinfoil from last thread: pet food is also being affected. My cats have been getting sick after eating for the last couple of months, it took me this long to realise the recipe of their wet food has changed (it's Whiskas brand, google to find articles about this change) to contain less meat and more soy, grains and even palm oil. Calories in the food is the same but it's 15g less than the previous product weight. My cats are already feeling better on their new 'human grade' food, which is 3 times more expensive. But if cat food is having to switch out their shit ingredients for even cheaper ones… who's getting the old cat food ingredients? We are, right? Because the quality of human food is descending to the level of cat food, literally. We're eating the same quality food as our dogs and cats did 15 years ago and I bet a whistleblower will try and reveal this sometime soon.

No. 1716730

i believe in the mk ultra mind control slave conspiracy theory. brains are able to be trained for patterns. with trauma, the brain can develop amnesia. through horrible and prolonged traumatizing abuse, i believe, people can be trained to even go against their human nature, and to go as far as rape and kill their own children. there needs to be a trigger for the reaction. the trained reaction will be so powerful in the traumatized person's brain that they will start acting accordingly.

No. 1716742

Whiskas and similar brands you can find in regular malls have always been trash though. Same with Cesar, Pedigree, Purina, Sheba and others. The best brands are the ones that cost a lot more and can't be found easily, though they're still not the best for your pet. It's why so many people switch to a fresh diet now, everyone is realizing that most kibble and wet food are made of trash. Be very careful and always read the ingredients list when shopping for pet food.

No. 1716764

agreed nona, I'm definitely to blame for not knowing about what brands are good before now, but my point was that those brands were already at rock bottom quality-wise and now they're even worse. Mars corporation makes Whiskas cat food, but they mostly make human food under other brand names. The cat food part of the business was created to find a use for sub-human-grade produce that would otherwise be wasted… so if the quality of the 'waste' (cat food) has got even worse, it suggests the human food has also reduced in quality imo and could also be harmful.

No. 1716829

Tiktok is a worldwide psyop to manipulate teens into being fine with being monitored 24/7. Everytime I go out and see a kid around afternoon, genuinely 1 out 3 times, they're doing a tiktok live or something similar. This can't be good.

No. 1716878

It's Chinese so I don't doubt it.

No. 1716888

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Half Tinfoil/Half likely future prediction
So I believe that America will continue to exist as a liberal democracy. Similar to countries such as New Zealand and Canada, the United States is a settler society where immigrants come and cultures adapt to one another, ultimately becoming part of the host country's culture. In contrast, European nations have a different history and were not found on mass immigration. Despite this, post World War II Europe was made to change its nature and reconcile to a more American liberal style view of immigration. However I truly believe this is going to be short lived. I foresee a potential clash between ethno-nationalist reactionaries and liberals, which is becoming increasingly noticeable in Germany. There is an over-representation of far-right individuals in special operations military forces and regular military forces. There have been various attempted coups referred to as Day X, but thankfully, they have been thwarted by law enforcement (although the police themselves are also infiltrated). Unfortunately, I believe the situation may worsen, especially considering the challenges posed by failing economic systems and issues with migrants, as welfare and pensions rely heavily on worker taxes. In my opinion, the continuation of liberal democracies does not appear promising for the rest of Europe.

Militant uprising in Germany sources:


No. 1716940

Either China invades somewhere and US gets involved leading to world war or AI takes over and aliens finally publicly reveal themselves due to it.

No. 1717035

China will invade Taiwan.
China views Taiwan as part of China, they call it the "one China policy". America wants Taiwan to remain an independent country because it's home to major technology companies such as TSMC. TSMC operates the most advanced fabrication plants in the world.

China has allied with Russia. Russia is weakening NATO in Ukraine. NATO is running out of weapons to send to Ukraine and is depleting it's ammunition stocks. The west no longer has the industrial capacity to replace what is lost in Ukraine. China is waiting for an opportune moment to retake Taiwan.

The war between China and NATO is likely to be a naval battle and it's one that NATO will loose. As an ally of Russia, China will have access to Russian hypersonic missiles which no western air defense system can stop. The west also does not have enough ship building capacity to replace the ships and submarines that will be lost.

This is what will probably be the world changing event in 2025. The end of US naval dominance.

No. 1717107

Don’t forget that the norks are also getting Russian materials to build better quality nukes as well as helping with the development of a modern space program. Not to mention, they’re also upgrading their Navy and Air Force divisions in case of war. We’re currently in the Cold War ver. 2.0 and this time, the US and other western allies won’t be the victors or at the very least, not coming out of this unscathed.

No. 1717164

Russia will support China to fight the US and then fight the weakened victor

No. 1717204

there's a BPD support thread so why not make a schizo/paranoia/delusional one? i'd post there too, being a true and honest schizo and such
idk if it'll ever get traction at least like the bippie one, bpd is way more prevalent

No. 1717225

We were worried sick for a while because our cat was staying constipated and lethargic, so I swapped out her Nutrish for something more expensive and she started perking up. My husband's been making her home made bone broth to mix with the kibble and she's back to acting like a kitten.

No. 1717227

TikTok is designed to induce mental illness in repeat users and will be a cause of WW3.

No. 1717229

Does 10 cents still buy anything these days?

No. 1717243

I think that would be a good thread for nonnies

No. 1717258

Taiwan is China, it is not an independent country. It's just run by the Chinese people who lost the chinese civil war and they're still assmad about it. But China can't invade Taiwan because you can't invade yourself.

No. 1717288

Raw milk fear mongerers is literally just the sushi scare 2.0. I remember when sushi first became normalized in the West you'd get the same paranoid idiots crying about how even just looking at sushi you'll get 10 different diseases and parasites and there's no chance of surviving sushi ever kek. They'll desperately grasp onto the rare situations of sushi making people sick and screaming "see look this will make you sick". The ironic part is there's been way more deaths and illnesses related to sushi in the past few decades than there has with unpasteurized dairy

No. 1717380

It doesn't and that's why I get paid in yuan. The dollar is dying currency.

No. 1717416

Does 10 cents still buy anything these days?>>1717380
Don't worry, when the west wins, we'll put Japan in charge. They aren't delusional about what you are.

No. 1717427

>un下げ'd posts
>fucked up quoting
I think you're the one getting paid to post.

No. 1717441

Couldn't you make the argument that not many people drink unpasteurized milk, resulting in a lower number of bad cases? Not trying to fight, genuinely interested in raw milk but have been scared away from trying it, I thought it was illegal? Also, most sushi is flash frozen to kill parasites.

No. 1717504

Raw milk is also tested constantly, id probably even argue that raw milk imo is more trustworthy than most milk factories (my family is big on the dairy industry). Lots of country people drink raw milk regularly but don't make a huge deal out of it like carnivores on TikTok do

Going into milk factories though, a lot of them are plain disgusting. So many moid workers take hygiene shortcuts and never sanitize things properly, mold galore and unclean equipment. My dad worked at bottling plants growing up and I can't trust them at all. On the other hand I'm actually good friends with women who sell raw milk and can even see the whole process, how well they sanitize, testing supplies, etc. They're typically a lot cleaner. People also forget almost any food in supermarkets has had multiple lawsuits, peanut butter, pasteurized dairy, etc has all been known to get people sick. If you really want to pasteurize your dairy it's best to do it at home so you can control the cleanliness

No. 1717548

what do anons think about the black goo…excerpt from an interview with Harald Kautz:
What they imported through the open Stargate was a shower of meteorites containing a substance that is very similar to the earth-type black goo. It was kind of stored in a kind of oil covered with other stones and these meteorites hit the earth all over. And the black goo contained…I will call it alien black goo for the moment…hosted a completely different planetary consciousness. Like we have the memory of planet earth with all the experience of the biosphere. This is our system, then there was the alien system intruding our system…

Jana: Okay.

Harold: …delivering a secondary field of planetary consciousness that was not natural in a way. It had a completely reduced chakra system. It was reduced to mental abilities, sexuality and life force so it was kind of uploaded with a 3 chakra system. At the beginning we didn’t know whether this was just kind of a different planetary system, natural but different to ours, like pure reptilian consciousness in a way…or if this was intentionally designed in a technological way. Now we know…meanwhile the answer is it was designed. It is a technological design quantum computer mimicking a planetary consciousness. And from the moment that this came down we have duality on the planet because we can decide with our kind of light body, with our bio-field whether we want to connect to the loving planet earth, expose ourselves to emotions…this is…willing to live, in a way. Or, if we reduce ourselves to the mental and the sexual aspects, skip emotional, skip suffering, skip life in a way. This is the easy way. And by connecting us to this alien field of consciousness, we basically give in to what the in mythology is defined as evil. Yeah? This is evil.

No. 1718210

They are nanobots.

No. 1718259

Has anyone had any experiences with orbs? Specifically blue ones.
I’ve encountered them recently but I didn’t think much of it at first cause I thought I was just being mildly schizo but they have been appearing more recently. Following me around and staying longer than they usually do.

The only thing I’ve heard about orbs is from the paranormal community which they claim are ghosts.

From what Ive read online, many people experience these blue orbs. There are people who start seeing them after meditating for a while which is also the case for me. Some say they are spirits, 4th dimensional lifeforms, guides, high tech weapons. You can also ask for them directly and they are known to send telepathic messages. They transfer an overwhelming amount of information so you should be specific with what you want to know.

No. 1718483

File: 1696655204100.jpeg (273.28 KB, 1101x1559, IMG_5800.jpeg)

I 100% believe they Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s father. Also the Trudeaus were known for being swingers in the 60s-early 70s, they were good friends with and “loved Castro”, and took a trip down around Cuba for a “second honeymoon” in early 1971 before Justin was born. It just makes sense.

No. 1718485

File: 1696655555704.jpeg (611.89 KB, 2048x2048, 14A799F5-E554-4E92-A37E-923CB3…)

Top: Fidel Castro with Justin’s mother Margaret, holding baby Justin Trudeau.
Bottom: I mean come on look at that body language.

No. 1718492

File: 1696656988086.jpg (727.06 KB, 1088x1509, Pierre_Trudeau_(1975).jpg)

I believe it. Justin does not look like his father at all

No. 1718550

sage for being a christfag but don't talk to them nonnie, tell them Jesus is protecting you and they'll disappear. try it even if you're an atheist, they disappear when you mention Jesus regardless of if you believe or not. Why would that happen if they weren't demons or something along those lines? What kind of info have they given you so far nona?

No. 1718693


But I do wanna talk to them though. They haven't given me any info yet, this is just what I've read online. Never cared till I started experiencing them myself lol At first, they were like blue static flashes that would disappear the moment I acknowledged them. Now they fly around but only for a few seconds before they disappear again. I don't feel any malicious intent but I do feel watched. One of my family members has talked about encountering them before but he is also too deep into the occult and takes drugs so yeah…

No. 1718710

Stop I see it so hard what the fuck lmao you have my full support w this tinfoil

No. 1718719

File: 1696688428178.mp4 (4.29 MB, 480x360, Jinx Fidel Castro Margaret Tru…)

a scrote made this video but I will still share in case anyone needs something with a sountrack to spread this "conspiracy"

No. 1718782

Not sure if it was blue but my boyfriend saw orbs in my flat that was haunted by an anry male ghost. I didn't see the orbs but i experienced the ghost couple of times.

No. 1719183

my religion believes that god has promised to protect us from the supernatural, but to be wary that some might try to trick you into harming yourself. If you don't get any bad intent from them it's probably worth trying to listen and see what they have to say. Most conscious non-humans have free will and like people, I think a good chunk have good intentions. I have my own experiences and sensing abilities that I take after from my mom, I really do think the ability to connect with the supernatural runs in the family so while he might be crazy, might be worth asking your family member for his experiences with the orbs and try to extract the useful nuggets of info from the crazy

No. 1719240

It’s so strange how for the last couple of months, it was hot as balls but once October hit, it’s becoming chilly and temperatures are dropping. Couldn’t the people operating the weather machines slow down a little? It would’ve been less obvious.

No. 1719293

>weather machines
Please enlighten me with your forbidden knowledge

No. 1719395

thought I was the only one, the entire summer/beginning of fall was… ungodly hot, like man-made hot. idk why the temperature just didn't seem natural to me, even taking in global warming. Even though most parts of the world on the same latitude as us have normal summer temps

maybe since COVID failed to keep people inside this is their next best thing and it's easy to scream global warming just because it's the most believable

No. 1719397

So what machines do they use

No. 1719404

File: 1696747049693.jpeg (8.91 KB, 311x162, download.jpeg)

I'm not machine anon and I don't exactly have the ~perfect~ conspiracy theory

although this brings me to my next theory
is Sims 4 revealing information about different theories?
a year or 2 before covid, the expansion pack "strangerville" was released, it included a disease that was released in a small town, you have to investigate it, it's contagious and causes this weird worshippy aggression in locals. You have to create a vaccine for it and fight the "motherplant"

there's also a weather machine available in sims 4

No. 1719451

not ghosts or spirits, just demons…

No. 1719593

How did the mossad not know?

No. 1719759

I think it could be because they can only target so many geographical areas at once. If there using ionospheric heaters to alter the weather, the heaters usually run on diesel generators. The wattage required uses a huge amount of fuel. The price of oil is increasing, the level of the US petroleum reserve is rapidly decreasing and Russia recently banned diesel exports.

EA receives ESG funding and from what I've seen TS4 is the main dumping ground for ESG propaganda because the fanbase tolerates and even likes it, where as it hurts the sales of their other games that appeal to a different demographic.

The west, including Israel, is going through a competence crisis. Although while it's believable that a combination of hubris and stupidity allowed it happen, I think it's more likely that there is something else going on. There's been political instability in Israel and even talks of a civil war. The language used by the media that describes this as Israel's 9/11 or Pearl Habour is also suspicious. The British knew about the Japanese attack on Pearl Habour before it happened, they never told the US because it was in their interests that the US joined the war. 9/11 was used as a pretext for the Patriot Act.

No. 1719841

I think they had some information on the attack beforehand but didn't do anything because they thought it would be way less violent. Thought it would bring the country together/give them an opportunity to fully seize Gaza. Obviously it got out of control

No. 1719989

don't let their sweet words trick you then. They'll present themselves as your friend and might offer wishes and gifts but their intent is to cause long-term harm. There's always a catch. Any decent supernatural being making contact wouldn't seem to have nor make claims to any relation with demonism. Respectfully close the contact and stop listening, they can't harm you if you ignore them but might try and trick you so stay spiritually clean and focus on not giving them power. if religious pray to god to keep them away and make sure people know where you are if you go out cause they might try and make you get lost for example. Try not to do anything while over tired or in any other easily confused/suggestable state until you're sure they've moved on

No. 1720418

File: 1696827351584.jpg (142.74 KB, 1024x689, testosterone-function-roles-am…)

I have a theory most "PCOS" nowadays is just women's bodies reacting to the amount of artificial hormones in everything. Actual PCOS is extremely specific and you need to have the chromosome to have it. It's even more suspicious now that scientists are trying to claim women with PCOS, or even unrelated hair loss are intersex. Is this some weird way to push troon agenda? Is it to sell women medication/anti population agenda?

No. 1720508

Stop spreading misinformation about a disease so many women have, retard. Pcos has always existed it just never got diagnosed just like many other diseases that existed in the old times.
I hate it so much how some "anons" will always conspire about female health issues. We know you're men trying to spread misinformation, that's why there are never any conspiracies about mens health issues, only women's. You're trying to harm women.

No. 1720571

men get an enlarged prostate from having too much anal sex performed on them

No. 1720573

>We know you're men trying to spread misinformation, that's why there are never any conspiracies about mens health issues, only women's. You're trying to harm women.
this is such a reach + men never care about womens health unless it's to "blame" things they find unattractive on us. How exactly would I harm women by pointing out that environmental factors can give PCOS-like symptoms but not be PCOS, did you even read or did you just see "pcos" and start screeching?

>Stop spreading misinformation about a disease so many women have, retard. Pcos has always existed it just never got diagnosed just like many other diseases that existed in the old times.

No? it's a known fact throughout the decades men's testosterone has gone down and womens androgens have gone up on average. If you want to get more into the chromosomal side of things perhaps they had it, but I know it was a lot easier for women to lose weight, have clear skin, little to no facial hairs, and to conceive. Now it seems like the average woman in the US is struggling with all of these. It's not harmful to try to discuss what is causing it

No. 1720647

think you meant to reply to the nona I was replying to, but this is what I was going to write anyway. I'll add that demons seem to like going after people who are opening themselves up psychically, like for example who are spiritually 'open minded' and meditating. Orb anon seems very open to just chatting with whatever, but imo if you wouldn't be that open to talking with random moids on the street and telling them all about yourself, then think twice about being that comfortable with random entities whose metaphorical 'faces' you can't even see.

No. 1720649

God willing

No. 1720681

Is it not obvious that they allowed this to occur? I am almost certain of it. Muslims are celebrating this worldwide, which is inappropriate. Israel intends to completely eradicate the Gaza Strip. By doing so, they would have a reason to attack the Palestinian's, occupy and expel all of them

No. 1720684

>it's a known fact throughout the decades men's testosterone has gone down and womens androgens have gone up on average
and that are the results of microplastics and pfas everywhere. but actual pcos relates to insulin resistance and if not treated, women with pcos can develop diabetes. what you call "pcos-like symptoms" are just the side effects of too much androgens i guess? those exact symptoms can be present with thyroid issues (also can be caused by microplastics and pfas). that's why it's important to get a proper diagnosis. unfortunately both pcos, thyroid or any forms of hormonal issues are an ass to deal with (especially if you're a woman, they will just prescribe you birth control). doctors don't give a shit. although i have never heard people say that women with pcos are intersex what? is this a chronically online thing?

No. 1720736

There's an ammunition shortage in the west due to the Ukraine war. Israel doesn't even have enough missiles to fully operate their iron dome. Also notice that Russia has started an offensive in Ukraine while everyone is distracted with Israel. If this was planned on the part of Israel and the US, it was a stupid move and likely a mistake. The US is 33 trillion dollars in debt, is declining internally and now has to fund two wars, which it's incapable of doing.

No. 1720777

That was the entire point of my post, a lot of doctors are mistaking women being affected by our outside environment for PCOS, likely to create gender dysphoria and sell medications too, if not IVF. I once seen an anon with mild PCOS have a doctor tell her she will only ever get pregnant with IVF. Likely after the first or second visit too with zero methods and she hasn't even tried for a baby first. Typically not a lot is done about it and most doctors just throw these poor women on birth control and if they're lucky metformin. Most don't even bother explaining important of diet and exercise outside of "eat less and move more"

>i have never heard people say that women with pcos are intersex what? is this a chronically online thing?

If you're in a fairly liberal area they're trying to label anything and everything as intersex. I remember speaking to a moid at my college about how "his mom was in denial about how she had a Y chromosome" because his mother had mild hair loss like?? What the fuck? It's so fucking weird because you'll never ever see people try to claim a man isn't a man because of a micropenis, gynecomastia, lack of facial and body hair, etc but apparently it's perfectly fine to strip women of their sex over something like insulin resistance or anemia hair loss

No. 1720781

Nobody cares that it’s inappropriate for Muslim countries to celebrate when white Americans and Scottish soccer fans are doing the same thing. Word is Iran is financing and planned this, it’s more sophisticated than any Hamas attack ever. They want to get more Islamic nations behind them once they see Israel’s response, to have a better chance against Israel and take it. Israel has actually shown good restraint so far but there are a ton of hostages so that may be why

No. 1720791

obviously this is worst for Israelis and Palestinians actually in those countries, but Muslims 'celebrating' this terrorist attack will be the cause of violence and hate crimes against people of Jewish descent in British cities (can't speak for any other country but likely other Western lib countries too), especially in cities like Birmingham where white people are a minority. Face to face antisemitism is already commonplace here, just letting someone (like an Uber driver or a nurse for example) know your surname is often enough to prompt abuse. Last time something like this happened, there were cars driving round Jewish neighbourhoods in Birmingham and London with Palestine flags on them, shouting abuse and threats. Don't get me started on what it's like to attend a British uni with a Jewish name… I feel bad for what Jewish students will be dealing with this term. You can't even keep yourself to yourself because even other white people will interrogate you publicly to check you're not a Zionist, it's insane how they seem to care when it's literally none of their business whatsoever. And being on neither side is apparently not an option.

No. 1720817

Either way, Hamas are fucking morons, this "victory" of a few occupied settlements is gonna turn sour when the Israel sends it army to occupt the west bank again.

No. 1720858

It’s happening in Toronto, there was a massive pro-Palestine protest yesterday and people had signs that said things like “by all means possible” which is so fun (/s) considering that Canadians are amongst those missing over there. I genuinely worry about the Jewish population in my city because, even though it’s the largest amount of Jews in one spot in Canada, they are still vastly outnumbered by this that want them dead.

No. 1720878

I suspect that this is part of the plan if Iran is involved. Russia uses the Iranian designed drones, the Shahed-138 to blow up Western tanks and armoured vehicles in Ukraine. Israel is assembling it's armour in groups. If Hamas and Hezbollah have access to these drones it's going to be a turkey shoot. There's already videos of Hamas blowing up Merkava tanks with drones. This could be the plan and why it happened.

Western equipment and tactics have failed in Ukraine, so striking while there is a ammunition shortage and before western armies can revise their doctrine makes sense.

No. 1721132

Schools (backed by the gov and therefore big corps) make children read horrendous “classic” literature on purpose to disgust the general population from reading and keep us barely alphabetised and uncultured there I said it.

No. 1721294

>It's so fucking weird because you'll never ever see people try to claim a man isn't a man because of a micropenis, gynecomastia, lack of facial and body hair, etc
kek there was a few papers of people trying to troon out boys with micropenises
I hate men with small penises but trying to shove them in women's locker rooms because their dick is small is ridiculous. The PCOS thing makes no sense though because women with PCOS have 100% correctly formed female bodies, all correct female anatomy, etc.

No. 1721321

This makes me genuinely angry because I used to think I wasnt normal as a kid for having facial hair, despite being a woman. Then I went to college and went a crap ton of other girls with hair arms, legs, face etc. It just happens either because of hormone issues, genetic, etc. It doesnt make us any less of a woman. The whole troon saga is just so sexist. No man or woman fits into a tiny box placed on them by society. Let them be

No. 1721324

and ofc theyre going to try to claim its harmless to be labeled as intersex but like ??? if its not important why even jump through hoops trying to claim completely normal, human things are intersex? by this logic do they think ethnic women with lots of hair are intersex? where do they draw the line?

No. 1721341

File: 1696893216984.jpg (Spoiler Image,255.21 KB, 1265x2048, vellus-3-0-body-hair-for-genes…)

they're literally adding body hair to porn-addicted moid video games names and moids still believe body hair is some sort of deformity irc

I feel like this is only a thing among troons who try to "normalize" not being completely gender-conformed, so that way we don't question their clearly male-haired arms and faces when they just want to call themselves a woman to sneak into lesbian dating apps

although it leaks into porn addicted moids who haven't had a single sexual experience with a woman with the lights on

No. 1721349


No. 1721474

gas prices are gonna shoot up! fill up yer tanks asap

No. 1721734

I think it goes a little bit further than that. I'm American and the school system teaches these books in such a way that there's no room for interpretation and that there's only one narrative. So, on top of the books being trash, students are forced to regurgitate whatever bullshit their teacher wants them hear without being able to think for themselves. This forced regurgitation of thoughts ends up becoming associated with books and reading, thus making it so people don't want to read, think, or learn. Pair this with how mind-rotting social media is, and you can see why people (especially Americans) are so allergic to reading or learning about anything. I might elaborate later if anyone is interested.

Just to note, I'm aware that this is becoming a thing in other countries, but I simply mentioned America because that is my experience. If any non-Americans want to talk about the education system in their countries feel free to, I'd personally love to hear it.

No. 1721800

Dutch prescribed/promoted literature be like
>promoting pedophilia
>lesbianism isn't real
>pretending to be Jewish is better than not doing so
I shit you not there is a popular book of a well respected author that is called "life is delicious", which is about two college aged men sleeping with a 14 year old. Everything seems more doomer and degenerate than the next thing and it's unironically difficult to find something which is actually age appropriate. It's like if it's not fucked up it's not considered "real literature" and not of a high enough level. GenZ has been cancelling new books with similar themes coming out and we're accused of being anti intellectual, but maybe we're just not fucking interested in reading about pedos grooming and how it's somehow a philosophical meditation on life. It's not even done in a Nabokov-Lolita way where it's an obvious unreliable narrator and the pedo is being condemned.
Also a guy who wrote a story about an underaged boy enjoying being groomed by his sports trainer, was commissioned to write the kidsbookweek gift. He also wrote the first transgender picturebook for toddlers and visits elementary schools to give lectures on gender identity and sexuality.

No. 1721807

>Also a guy who wrote a story about an underaged boy enjoying being groomed by his sports trainer, was commissioned to write the kidsbookweek gift. He also wrote the first transgender picturebook for toddlers and visits elementary schools to give lectures on gender identity and sexuality.
Paedophile also supports transgenderism, what a surprise

No. 1721918

AYRT, I'm interested in your elaborating but not sure if it would be allowed in this thread.

I'm from western Europe and every single book we had to read in high school was about WWII, rape, pedophilia and immigration/racism. Some stuff was not age appropriate at all, and of course everything was badly written and bloated as hell. We also didn't have a choice on interpretation, when we were quizzed on the books we had to repeat exactly what the teacher said the story meant. The raping and pedophilia traumatised me and overall I was so fed up with books it made me stop reading for a decade. I'm 100% sure lit classes are just another mean to instill propaganda in children's mind and as a bonus a way to deviate kids from reading and therefore learning outside of the very controlled school environment. God forbid they pick up a book with a non state-approved message in it and start thinking for themselves!

No. 1721920

Is this the adult version of picking at kids insecurities in the locker room? People have always been trying to claim women with small boobs are basically men. Now if your dick isn't big enough you need to be a woman? Im confused on where does it end. Do people actually believe having a handful of "feminine" features despite overall having completely male organs, xy chromosomes, etc turn men into females? Do people actually think women having a single "male" feature is enough for them to be considered men even though they have all the correct chromosomes and organs? What even is the point of this?

No. 1722572

Yep. They believe that if your toddler son likes to cuddle stuffed animals, it means he's actually a girl. If your 3yo daughter likes trucks, she's a boy. Everything fits nicely into a girl/boy box and if you like even one thing that belongs in the other box, you're trans. I think its why zoomer girls dress like hyper feminine porn stars, if they don't, they're misgendered.

No. 1722576

I'm in Oregon and the libraries don't have any book that was published prior to 2010. My small suburban library still has an entire shelf of anti-Trump books and their "fringe" section is devoted to debunking books.

No. 1722610

that's because public libraries are for recreational reading, and with the exception of a handful of classics books older than like 10-15 years just don't get read. If you want older titles try going to an academic library if you live near a campus, though they're too overwhelming and mazelike to just 'browse'.
>am studying to be a librarian

No. 1722627

No, this is an agenda thing. No books by well known authors like Philip K Dick or Joan Collins, no classics like Dickens or even Oscar Wilde; just modern books staring minorities and queer people. The kids section is especially bad, everything is some liberal morality tale or a picture book about figuring out you're trans.

No. 1722635

what the hell? i'd ask where you live but you already said oregon lol so that makes sense I guess. I'm speaking from experience living in the midwest.

No. 1722637

Send those weather machines people my way because it's still 37°C in October, extremely sunny and hot and humid. Nothing changed at all and it seems fall will never start at this pace.

No. 1722640

My tinfoil is Layne Staley didn't die of an accidental overdose, he killed himself purposeful. The circumstances are too perfect for it to be an accident. He did drugs since he was 14 and knew how to use and mix drugs and the amounts that won't make him overdoes. He went to rehab 15 times, and still went back to drugs, he knew its damage and how to reduce it probably. And when he was done with everything, the band, his fiancée's death, his own life, he decided to retreat and go live somewhere far away from everyone who knows him and isolate himself living alone, near a college, a place where drug deals are common. He locked himself up in his place for months before his death and nobody would visit him or check on him because he pushed them all away, only his mom did but he still died despite that. He also overdosed on a mix of 2 drugs if memory serves me. And one of the most successful alice in chains' album, dirt, has songs alluding to suicide and death in general and I don't believe he was being artsy when he wrote that, he was probably hinting at his plan to die.

No. 1722668

That's even worse than my middle school library, that was all shitty 1980's YA fiction, and we were required to read a chapter of a book every week for the shitty Accelerated Reader program, that was likewise unbelievably out of date, because the publisher charged per book in the database. They had absolutely nothing that anyone who actually reads would want to read, except some (not all) Michael Crichton.

No. 1722670

the majority of women with PCOS are just fat.
>You're trying to harm women
lose weight. there is a 90% chance your problem will go away. it's actually astounding that people will sit there being 250 lbs and think it's okay and they aren't harming themselves and wrecking their body and mind inside and out. there are consequences to being fat whether it hurts people's feelings or not.

No. 1722671

Maybe you're just too stupid to appreciate a good book and literacy is wasted on you. Catcher in the Rye (the quintessential classic lit taught in school which kids endlessly bitch about) is 10/10. Anyone who thinks otherwise is bio-waste. What would you rather them read? Twilight?

No. 1722678

So I'll try to elaborate and give my own tinfoil as well. I'm sure we can all agree here that critical thinking and literacy skills are very important skills to have. The ability to read and process information as well as the ability to form your own opinion leads to conversation. Conversation can lead to new types of cultural, philosophical, and technological innovations. Such innovations have the power to transform humanity for better or for worse, but more importantly, these potential innovations can disrupt the current power structure. If the powers that be wish to retain their dominance, it would be in their best interest to quash any sort of attempts at critical thinking. Back in the olden times, this came in the form of not allowing peasants the time and resources to learn how to read. As we all know, this failed and now most of the world is capable of reading. Since the elites couldn't stop people from learning how to reading, they figured that they could instead dissuade people from reading. They dissuade people from reading and thinking by implementing a shitty education system. They force students to read garbage books and force them regurgitate whatever bullshit their teacher (and by extension, the elites) want them to say; there is no room for nuance or discussion. A previous anon described it as propaganda and that's basically what it is. Most literature classes force you to read about whatever the elites want you to read (which is degenerate trash most of the time), and then force you express the "correct" opinion about it. Naturally, this sucks ass, so the more the elites force these books/stories down our throats the more we associate literature with bad things, and as a result won't read in our spare time. The lack of reading leads to the lack of critical thinking and diverse opinions, which then leads to intellectual stagnation.

The proliferation of social media also plays a role in this. Why read a book that reminds you of those shitty literature classes when you can look at a video of someone doing a silly dance? Why read a book when you can just have the algorithm spoon feed you whatever the current correct opinion is. I don't think I should go into the social media aspect right now but it is connected to this phenomenon.

TLDR; The education system teaching shitty books is not a coincidence. It is designed this way to make sure people stay intellectually complacent and don't create new ideas that threaten the status quo.

No. 1722680

Please tell me this is bait. Catcher in the rye is the most miserable book I’ve ever read starring the worlds first incel. He only likes women he sees as “pure” and considers every other one a slut, he’s obsessed with “phonies” because he’s nlob and has a cringe savior complex.

No. 1722719

File: 1697005196929.jpg (158.99 KB, 946x2048, FA_CnsoUUAQo7YT.jpg_large.jpg)

A bit unrelated by Ghislaine Maxwell's criminal daddy Robert Maxwell's company merged with McGraw-Hill. Good to know people like him were involved in American education.

No. 1722742

Lol Catcher in the Rye sucks ballsack. Re-read it as an adult. If you still think it’s great, you are mentally 14.

No. 1722784

I love when a poster becomes a mod so they can window surf and try to abuse their mod privileges to argue about stupid shit

No. 1722814

ISTG the whole publishing industry itself is a big scam. There are definitely a few big name authors who can get big sales numbers, but most of the stuff they publish is just a way for rich people to keep their useless kids employed, or a way to hand out hipster welfare to somebody's friend. It only sells a few thousand copies, then the rest gets dumped somewhere like Dollar Tree. There's a whole world of books published that nobody ever buys.

No. 1722847

File: 1697012616028.jpeg (5.94 KB, 168x300, images (13).jpeg)

The award for the most out of touch post in the GTT goes to you. 2nd place is the anon who said trailer park residents are just lazy and glamping

No. 1723072

Well it took two weeks apparently for the body to be discovered.
Which I think was just a corny way for Layne to get the same death date as Kurt Cobain.

No. 1723090

The Catcher In The Rye is a book that is the victim of a bad publicity campaign.
Holden Caulfield is a character that a small number of people are supposed to get and see the same point of view of.
The Rye itself has a biblical meaning, the wheat and the chaf.
Most people are chaf, a small number are wheat, meaning they have souls.
The 'phonies' which is most people, are soulless. It's using late 40s slang to discuss something very important.
And using a sixteen year old boy is a way to make it less obvious.

It's not a book made 'for all teenagers to get' which is the terrible publicity line used since it was published in 1951.

No. 1723144

It's a book for teenagers because all teenagers think that way, but most grow out of it. Will you call people NPCs next?

No. 1723166

How dare you insult my husbando like that. He's the OG sadboi and a good onii-chan who would buy his little sister ice cream and ponies and anything else she wanted if only he had some money, and he's right about phonies and everything else, and he's a kind soul who wants to protect innocent children from a cruel bitter world of pretentious liars. Holden is a sweetie-pie.

No. 1723196

Wow I always thought Holden was an insufferable moid but turns out he was an insufferable moid with religious undertones. But I'm half joking, that's an interesting interpretation, maybe one of these days I'll torture myself to read it again

No. 1723458

Ayrt, never noticed the dates matching, interesting. I also saw people talking about how it rained on the day he was buried just like he said it would in the song "rain when I die", but it got debunked with some weather database indicating it didn't rain in Seattle that day kek

No. 1723475

idk if anyone has said this yet but: israel 100% knew in advance about the attack on oct 7th and let it happen in order to have an excuse to finally finish their genocide against palestine with international support. i'm supposed to believe that one of the most powerful intelligence agencies on the globe dedicated solely to investigating a relatively tiny group was just gobsmacked by an attack of this scale? KEK, they knew. there's not a doubt in my mind. and before anyone gets all retarded no, this doesn't mean i think the rape and murder of israeli citizens is good, anymore than acknowledging 9/11 was allowed by the US government would mean i think randos at work getting blown up is good. so don't even bother responding with "HURRR HAMAS BAD," no one is denying that.

No. 1723477

Egypt claims their intelligence had warned something big was coming and israel underestimated what could happen. I'm not one to tinfoil but I am completely willing to believe Netanyahu purposefully let shit hit the fan.

No. 1723495

It's very convenient that one of the targets was a music festival that none of the orthodox followers would have been anywhere near. Areligious Jews are exactly the people the government wants gone.

No. 1723518

as someone who lives in Israel, yes, everyone knew a war was coming, the country was in a weak state with many protesters and a big divide between the left and right so a perfect time to attack. I even personally heard from word of mouth that a war was coming a month before and I don’t even have an intelligence role in the army or anything like that. many people on isreali tiktok think it was a "betrayal from inside (The army)" or that “someone sold us” I know this is the tinfoil thread, but I personally think it was just very awful negligence from the government, almost the exact thing happened 50 years ago with the yom kippur war even down to the detail of Egypt warning us. Regardless there needs to be answers after the war as to why there was such a colossal failure and my biggest fear is that that won't happen.

No. 1723525

that's an interesting perspective, even though you said you think it was just negligence knowing that even random citizens heard rumours about the war does strengthen my tinfoil. also i can't imagine what it would be like to have my country be at war, i hope you stay safe nona.

No. 1723533

thanks nona, I will be fine it's my male family members going to combat I'm worried about

No. 1723549

I've heard rumours that Hamas evaded Israeli electronic surveillance by using Huawei phones which don't have a western intelligence back door. It gives the impression that Western Intelligence isn't as powerful as it seems and it entirely dependent on Western manufacturers cooperating with them to insert known security flaws they can exploit. Evading surveillance may be as simple as throwing away a mobile phone.

No. 1723618

File: 1697066096597.jpg (716.9 KB, 1982x1154, Os68ZOP.jpg)

I know I'm gonna catch a ban for this but
>Ghislaine Maxwell's criminal daddy Robert Maxwell's company merged with McGraw-Hill
If this shit doesn't convince you that the Jew World Order is real

No. 1723630

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Of course they knew. Even a US congressman (Michael McCaul) working as head of Foreign Affairs in the House of Rep. confirmed that Egypt had warned Israel.

No. 1723698

I wonder if this is their way of uniting their country and also wiping out gaza if they let the attack slide (especially if they thought it wouldn't be that bad)

No. 1723819

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Who even believes this kek

No. 1723823

Didn't Israeli military themselves dubunk this?

No. 1723824

File: 1697090404792.png (16.7 KB, 693x295, IMG_3412.png)

Agreed. What the fuck are we all still reading Shakespeare for? Half the kids in my class could barely understand it. We were 14 years old reading this shit out loud. Nobody was interested, absolutely nobody. At least of mice and men and other classics are fucking legible. Shakespeare sucks. I’ve seen episodes of Jerry springer with deeper plots than Shakespeare.

No. 1723843

Not denying there is a tonne of other material that would be better or as good to study, but I remember Shakespeare being fun enough in school. Watching Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet was the best 'homework' I ever had, we always had a laugh at sexual innuendos, it was cool to come across common phrases that originated in plays, and once it 'clicked' it was enjoyable. Also we were never expected to understand it, half the class was just learning what it meant. Your teachers might have been shit.

No. 1723855

>>1723824 KEKK not the copypasta

No. 1723869

I feel like cart narc is going to come out as a pedophile soon or something. from what I've seen people who obsess over doing various good deeds tend to have skeletons in their closets and try to make up for it by doing easy enough good deeds and going on how better they are because of it

No. 1723870

I think its less about doing good deeds but more about having to broadcast them. I've seen many genuinely horrible people talk about how they want to serve the community while mostly serving themselves and only using virtue signaling to try to make themselves seem like a better person than they are. I think it has a lot less to do with something like pedophilia (major reach) for cart narc and more to do with grifting and farming views. In the same vein, never feel good about watching shorts about helping homeless people either. I know the views get them the money they use to help those people, but something about exploiting the homeless and broken for YouTube shorts makes me feel like I'm voyeuring private, vulnerable moments none of us have any business consuming.

No. 1723876

Are you saying they didn't decapitate children and rape/kill women? Also not really tinfoil but I think it's funny how somehow they're never the bad guys and they're just being set up to look like it, even when they're literally filming themselves raping women and children to death kek

No. 1723878

it's basically like the people who feed the homeless for clout or pretend to repair something then walk away once the cameras are down except he gets a power trip off of yelling at/humiliating someone and can be shilled as the good rookie, and then later use it to garner sympathy "I was almost shot" as if he's a fucking war hero kek. Just like how andrew tate thinks he a hero for WILLINGLY becoming a boxer

No. 1723938

kek I think that's a pasta but Julius Caesar was pretty lit. the group of morons I was with even understood it. We had to write a modern adaptation to show we understood the themes so I just wrote the whole thing for my group, based it on some local political scandals and cronyism. I was 13 (though I was younger than my peers).

I had more trouble understanding Hamlet and Macbeth without more annotations, but I read those later in another, much better school.

No. 1723978

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the gut feeling is that he's taking a meme start started on fucking 4CHAN as gospel. Even though it's been debunked by actual psychologists and not a forum where men frequently admit to molesting children

No. 1723980

He puts shit on people's cars I would not let that fly. I'd call the police and say a weird guy was recording me and putting things on my vehicle and I think he might be on drugs and I feared for my safety.

No. 1723981

He also frequently encourages and likes racist comments in his comment section. It wouldn't shock me if this guy was a chan-tard. Most chan-tards are actually evil and abuse everyone that comes into their life, they're literally trying to brainwash people into thinking returning the shopping cart is some sort of redemption for all the ghoulish crap they do. "Yeah you rape children frequently and are a neo Nazi but at least you return the shopping cart"

No. 1724018

Shakespeare's shouldn't be read, they were plays made for the stage and were meant to have as much mass appeal as possible.

No. 1724021

I didn’t say that they aren’t raping women it’s that the 40 babies lie is just absurd. And lol at the IDF solider holding a puppy

No. 1724029

>your teachers might of been shit
They were.

No. 1724040

I agree that it may be inaccurate and the way it's told is ludicrous but that's just reporters for you. But I absolutely believe children are being slaughtered, why would they spare them? They see no issue with honor killing children and they spread videos of their dead victims online. I'm curious to know why you think that a bunch of "people" rejoycing over and justifying mass rapes and murders of innocent civilians wouldn't also kill children.

No. 1724076

Shakespeare is overrated. The best play he ever wrote was Twelfth Night which is rarely studied.

Before the first Gulf War the media was showing a young Kuwaiti girl talking about how Iraqis were killing babies in incubators. It was fake. The girl was a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, nothing she said was true. The media lies all the time to prop up whatever narrative is needed to push public opinion to whatever is required.

It's no different to the media lying about Iraq to justify war. There was supposed to be weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein was planning on using against the west and he also did 9/11. It was all lies. The same as Russia is going to run out of missiles, western wonder weapons are going to win for Ukraine and Russia is collapse any day now. When in reality the Ukrainian army is being decimated, Putin is more popular than ever and the Russians have just launched their counter offensive which is already pushing back the battered Ukrainians.

No. 1724140

laughing @ u. Zoomers really are completely worthless.

No. 1724176

I feel like the point of this should have been "why isn't romeo and juliet taught authentically" like 1. Shakespeare plagiarized it all 2. romeo and juliet was a satire

No. 1724196

>implying isreal hasnt killed 15x as many palestinian children

remember: there's never any justification for killing civilians! unless they're palestinian civilians in which case it doesn't count because palestinians aren't really people. i know this is probably bait but you really make me sick, your hypocrisy is just evil. palestinian lives are not worth less than isreali lives.

No. 1724202

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samefag but the difference between me and you isn't that you think palestinians killed kids and i don't, it's that i don't think that palestinians are subhumans who deserve to be genocided. if you're concerned about kids dying, you should be condemning israel for killing 150 children in the past few days alone. i can't believe how easily MSM pushed the view that israel is an innocent victim in all of this and how happily everyone accepted that palestinians are subhumans who's lives hold no value. and no, i'm not saying ANY israeli citizens deserve to be killed, pull your head out of your ass. i'm just pointing out the obvious–that this is not a fair fucking fight.

No. 1724222

No, zoom zoom. The discussion is that you are too dumb to comprehend a play that was written for illiterate farmers to enjoy. Saying "bu-=bu-but plagiarism" doesn't address the fact that you hate it because you are too stupid to understand it.
"nooo it's so old it's from like hundreds of years ago, I only want my tiktok!" Listen zoomer, people still read Homer and Plato, which are a hell of a lot older than Shakespeare. The fact of the matter is if you think Shakespeare is too difficult you have the brains of a monkey. All this modern education and you are dumber than a serf from the 1500s. The rest of us actually enjoy it. Even Koko the Gorilla could read books. A gorilla has dabbed on you.

My tinfoil is humanity is too far removed from natural selection, now we're being overrun by progeny of dumbasses who should have been cleaned up by a Darwin Award. Humanity's intelligence peaked in the 1800s and we can demonstrate it with cranial volume measurements. Now we're in a slow descent back to monkeyhood. There will be no space age. By the year 2400 we'll be in the dark ages again. The great filter is the reproductive capability of stupid people.

No. 1724257

holy shit nonna, you're brilliant. You're right. That's what he is doing. Now I understand why I always found the cart narc videos retarded and had so much secondhand embarrassment whenever I watched part of one.

No. 1724263

Shakespeare is one of my favorite authors kek. I saw this debate here and it made me chuckle because I'm the opposite I love and only read classic literature and I can't stand most modern literature, although I do read non-fiction. Those "beach read" romance novels so many women love make me want to vomit. Also, I prefer to read something challenging rather than something I can skim and still understand. It's all personal preference but schools choose classic Lit to help teach foundational understanding of the written word. It's severely lacking in society, so maybe they should switch it up since the kids aren't even reading what they are assigned.

No. 1724322

Damn you're really good at making shit up and then getting angry at me for things I didn't say. Get fucked. I didn't say somehow palestinian children were subhumans, maybe you're projecting, I just replied to the anon saying that palestinians slaughtering children was a lie. It's not a lie, they're known to do that and film the thing too. They're raping women and parading their dead beaten bodies around while laughing, and muslim people around the world are happy about this, Iran is not condoning this. That's what I was commenting on. I know Israel has done the same dipshit, but no one was justifying their actions then while a lot of people are justifying palestinians brutally murdering kids and women now. You're a big fucking retard.

No. 1724328

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No. 1724340

Nta but I hope this isn't true. Very genuinely outside of the debates over whether or not they're making it up as propaganda, I just truly pray there are no babies anywhere who are being massacred

No. 1724341

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I used to do psychedelics as a depressed teenager as a form of escapism and I’m wondering why it is these drugs seem to share similar lessons/truths among those who take them? For example, feeling like you’re one with the universe, everyone is connected, we’re all united through love. While you get those feelings, you’ve regressed to the state of mind of a child and experience ego death, where you completely lose shame and forget all of the human constructs. And yet you take these lessons from the experience although there’s no book that you’re reading from or video you’re watching. It’s just these thoughts come to you and give you new perspectives of life on earth, the universe, etc. These messages are the closest thing I can describe as the word of god, but if you look at people who use a lot of psychedelics in adulthood, their brains are completely fried and they’re so far gone. I’m lucky to have done them while I was a teenager and stopped before I was 17 which my sister says helped my brain since it could still develop and repair itself. But I just think there’s something to be said that when your state of mind regresses to a child, you receive these overwhelming messages and lessons of universal love and consciousness and whatnot. Like as if these things may actually be true and when we remove our normal ability to think, feel shame, etc that we ‘tap in’ to these feelings that are within us?
What do anons here think?

No. 1724427

yes i am a retard, i misread your post referring to "people" as palestinians in general, not the muslims celebrating. i got heated because i have actually seen people dehumanizing palestinians to such an extent the past few days and it's really distressing to me, i'm afraid of how easily people can justify stuff like that.

No. 1724442

People also forget that not all palestinians are muslims. Christian palestinians exist and they are suffering too. Just last year, Israel killed Shireen Abu Akleh who was a christian palestinian reporter. Gaza is also 50% children. It's depressing to see people justifying this barbarity.

No. 1724578

Sage for non-tinfoil. I'm the anon who posted that American education schizo post a few days ago, and despite it seeming like I was being anti-classic literature, I actually enjoy reading that stuff. I'm more frustrated with how the US education system picks the weakest books (imo) and then teaches them in the worst way possible, which turns people off to reading. I know the copypasta above was meant to be satire, but I hated Shakespeare in school and only grew to appreciate it once I became an adult. In school, we weren't taught the context or satire that permeated through all of Shakespeare's works, which led to him being so popular in the first place. We were just forced to read it aloud and be spoonfed the correct interpretation so we could get good grades on standardized testing. I personally noticed that the people who claimed to love Shakespeare had good teachers who did their job, and the ones who absolutely hated it had shitty teachers who taught fuck all about the subject.

No. 1724586

nta but i always found it so weird that, in school, we studied shakespeare by reading it like it was a novel. that's like if, in the future, they made kids study the most influential movies by reading the screenplays.

No. 1724588

Honestly, I've never even though about this. I think you anons are right

No. 1724620


If you haven't already, read the doors of perception. It's pretty short and you can find it on libgen. It really explained everything I experienced during my psychedelic experiences. It has a similar conclusion to what you said, that basically psychedelics take away the filters that we acquire to survive as a species and be a part of society.
From my observations it seems like people's brains get fried when they use them for fun and don't know how to handle the effects, people who know how to meditate or want to understand their thoughts processes tend to bounce back better. All the people I know who got psychosis from drugs are moids who did them as teenagers, probably because they have schizo predispositions.

No. 1724625

Supernatural: Meeting with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind is another good one to read. It goes into how every culture across centuries sees and experiences similar things when taking psychedelics and how ancient religions and art are based on trips, and how Western academia doesn't want to explore anything related to this topic.

No. 1724641

Cart narc fans are some of the most retarded people alive. I spoke with some of them, they don't know basic definitions, can barely keep up with an argument, have a blank mind, and most of the time it's middle aged grocery store employees that are too stupid too work anywhere else or complete any form of education. They obsess over how much better they are for cart returning because it's literally one of the few things they do correctly

No. 1724684

This is what I wanted to say but much better articulated, thank you anon.

Yep, it’s called vanity publishing. The rest only gets published and marketed because it supports the current propaganda / ideological trends. Then there’s entertaining stuff that gets a pass because it’s harmless, and the odd good egg that manages to sift through the net. At the moment I’m preparing a neutral children’s book list to read to my future toddlers and 99% of what was published after 2014 is a big steaming pile of political agenda. I select books in three different languages, so it’s not a localised things either.

As an aside, I would like to also make the disclaimer that classic literature is my favourite genre, but unfortunately the books taught in school are the most horrible picks possible. I wanted to check if the situation was the same in other countries so I’ve been reading typical American high school curriculum classics, and I want to kill myself. All my sympathies go to you, US anons.

No. 1724687

Late reply but yeah, I live in Brazil so the last couple of months were supposed to be winter and yet it was always around 30°C which is very uncommon for the area I live. Now that our spring is starting the temperature has dropped a little. It's so weird

No. 1724733

>>1723518 sending my love nonnie; I'm so worried for all the civilians in Isreal and Palestine rn who are being used as pawns in this proxy war.

I'm scared for the innocent Palestinians trapped in gaza with no way out; I'm also scared for what's going to come after for isrealis, with the right wing swing of the government and this coming just in time to cement them.

Some of the right wing people bibi was allying with seemed genuinely genocidal and crazy and I wouldn't put anything past them honestly. All the people who were leading the judicial protests should be trying to get out. Like you said, I sincerely doubt we'll see an investigation as to what happened after the war

No. 1724816

I think as children we are close to the truth and as the world corrupts us we forget but one day after we're all dead we'll come together again and remember and be as we once were without the hardening of our hearts
Also as an adult relatively new to shrooms should I be worried lol? I'll be honest, microdosing has really been helping me day to day and shrooms in general have been helping me heal past traumas and break myself away from bad mental constructs. I've never taken a full trip but the half ones i took really put myself back into a good place in my childhood to help figure out a serious mental block I'd had since then and that particular problem has been pretty much a non-issue I'm totally on the way to recovery on since that and was kinda hoping i could replicate the healing for a few other issues I have that I want to release myself from basically it's about healing the past child that's still hurt even if adult me understands why it happened

No. 1725045

I'm still chuckling over this gem of a post. Post more, nonna.

No. 1725149

File: 1697213967439.png (31.75 KB, 584x636, proph.png)

Does anyone remember the prophecy that was posted in 2016 on 4chan's /pol/?
Link to the post on 4plebs

>Three branches will become one

The US has three branches of government
>An island will drift away
The UK left the EU with Brexit
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
DEW, laser weapons or ionospheric heaters?
>A star will gorge itself on clay
Star = star of david = Israel maybe?
>Idols will speak and move about
>The black flag will fly above the dome
>The belly of the dragon will drip water
Something related to China
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear
>A rock will stand on seven hills
Rome in Italy was founded on seven hills
It could also be San Francisco, Brussels (EU parliament), Tehran, or Moscow
>The ravens will starve
A legend in England states that if the ravens are ever removed from the Tower of London the monarchy will fall and Britain will cease to exist. It could mean that the break up of the UK with England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales becoming independent republics.
>The bear will leave her cage forever
Russia and the Ukraine war. Russia is leading the multipolar world with China against US hegemony
>The rod and the ring will strike
The rod and the ring were a symbol of Mesopotamia which was located in the modern day Middle East. Could imply that Arab countries will unite against Israel.

No. 1725151

my tinfoil is shakespeare did not write any of his plays. both my parents believe this kek so i grew up hearing a lot of it. some random evidence off the top of my head:

>shakespeare was totally illiterate, could not even spell his own name

>plays contain descriptions of places that shakespeare could never have visited
>plays contain references that would require a lot of education to make, something shakespeare did not have
>it was considered immodest for people from high society to do things like publish plays for common folk, so people would often have a rando who would take credit for them
>there was another guy who wrote some things under his own name that are VERY similar to what "shakespeare" wrote
>same guy had education, travel experience to come up with content of "shakespeares" plays
>was in courtly society so wouldnt have been able to publish some more popular stuff under his own name

people get really mad at this theory, mostly because they're like "oh so you think just because someone was illiterate and uneducated they couldnt write some of the most literary and complex plays of all time????!?!?!?" and it's like… well yeah, kinda.

No. 1725170

That's likely not a zoomer, I'm an "older zoomers" and when I was in HS majority of Shakespeare was taken out the curriculum

No. 1725187

We need to unlock left cows, Phoebe Nir is posting on ot! Send her back!

No. 1725200

More a prediction than tinfoil but I think millenials as a demographic are about to swing right politically. Not to boomer levels, I think things like gay marriage aren't going away, but I think there'll be backlash on trans rights, turns towards being tough on crime and immigration, less interest in 'economic populism'. I think the latter has outshone any concern about social issues up until now but as millenials start inheriting from their boomer parents they are going to forget about all the bernie stuff.

No. 1725205

It's not much a tinfoil, it's a pretty well known theory and many ascribe to it.

No. 1725207

shrooms are much milder and short lasting compared to LSD. I've tripped for 14 hours on two hits of acid and was wishing it would stop by the end kek. You don't have those kinds of problems with shrooms

No. 1725213

i dont know who that is.

i mean a lot of theories are well known, that doesn't mean they aren't conspiracy theories.

No. 1725224

I meant it's not really a tinfoil conspiracy like we normally discuss here. My mainstream education taught me that there's questions as to whether Shakespeare wrote his work. Unless maybe your particular tinfoil if you think aliens helped him write the material or something kek

No. 1725228

I feel like I'm the only one who sees this war in Israel as the foretold beginning of the end. It ties pretty close in to prophecy and no I'm not saying just biblical prophecy.

No. 1725263

if your school taught you a fringe theory you're definitely an outlier, it doesn't really matter if you don't think it's "tinfoil enough" because that's what it literally is.

No. 1725376

has anyone else watched 'Everything Is a Rich Man’s Trick' documentary before? (see vidrel) I just finished watching and wondering what other people think of it. It's 3 1/2 hours long and starts with Hitler's rise and ends with 9/11 but largely focuses on JFK's assassination. I thought it really interesting and was searching a lot during watching to see what was confirmed. very enlightening, even if most of it is just crazy conspiracies or not.

heard about it after seeing a clip of Woody Harrelson talking about his father, Charles, being a hitman and CIA agent, then finding out Charles was involved in the JFK assassination. Woody is now supporting RFK's 2024 campaign (and RFK also believes JFK was killed by CIA).

No. 1725436

Dutchies are fucked.

No. 1725445

It depends, a lot of them are doubling down on the crazy. Millennials and zoomers are both trapped in online echo chambers that reenforce their delusions to the point they can't see reality even as it holds a gun to their head and whips its dick out.

No. 1725457

Honestly I always thought that Gen Z was going to be more conservative, but it might be because some of them are still teenagers.

No. 1725517

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I dont think millennials understand how alike they are to zoomers. At least gen X can claim they were so much smarter and perfect back in the day because a lot of their information wasn't blasted on the Internet. Yes millennials - you were retarded, education hating plebians when you were a teenager just like everyone else, and if you try to deny this then ages worth of Myspace and Facebook posts say otherwise

A lot of zoomers political opinions literally revolves around whatever offense people the most at the time. First it was Gen X who demanded everyone to be married Christian suburbanites, so even the crappy moids and pickmes were sort of progressive in terms of encouraging women to work, live on their own, not have kids. Now someway somehow it's gotten lost in translation that now that we prepare girls for college and a career because they won't be able to survive without it, moids/pickmes accuse the evil system of getting rid of traditional family units even though it's what they begged for since the 80s. Basically zoomers will never be happy and it's funny because of how many of them rapidly change their views

No. 1725527

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Kek reminds me of picrel

No. 1725532

The main difference is social media didnt take up every single aspect of our lives. I remember being more active online from 2001-onward, but at least I had a good amount of years with zero internet. Not to mention, I didnt spend hours and hours online. I was out with friends, playing games, family gatherings etc. Alamon draft house made a rule that no phones were allowed and you can get ejected after one warning. It feels like such a blessing because too many people cannot enjoy a single day without reaching for their phone.

No. 1725578

Wasn’t/isn’t he a mossad agent? I dont wanna get banned so i wont say too much, but it’s funny how it’s always a certain group that’s involved…

No. 1725583

Most people act like “NPCs” though, it’s an unflattering term but it’s to say most people follow group mentality, we are social group animals so it’s natural.

No. 1725587

It doesn't really matter that we largely grew up offline because the internet was still integral to our lives from our teen years on. Everyone, even boomers and genx have become extremely online and it only got worse during the lockdowns.

No. 1725588

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Israelis are and have been killing Palestinian children(and all other age groups as well ofcourse) for over 70 years. 50% of Palestinians ARE children, now two wrongs dont make a right but its laughable that people suddenly care about children just because they are jewish children. The “insert” cries out in pain as he strikes you in full force.

No. 1725589

tinfoil - a lot of feds/bots will bait people for internet arguments just to keep people frustrated, online, weak and scared to say opinions out loud. You can always tell because I swear they put in the same buzzwords/ defenses at a particular time. Now it's claiming everyone is "coping" or when people point out a comparison the bot glitches and loses focus and will freak out and say something like "who said anything about that?"

They also try to get people in longer by claiming someone blocking/ignoring stupid comments is them losing or something

No. 1725592

File: 1697244813844.png (1.63 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4336.png)

Ben Shapiro even fanned the flames with an AI photo of “dead babies”, its fucking laughable.

No. 1725593

File: 1697244873617.png (1.73 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4337.png)

Here is the original photo

No. 1725594

How do you even trust the 4chan image is real? Why is a pristine cute puppy on a backdrop with dried blood? Where is the real source other than this deepfried 4ch image? I don't trust all sides unless sources are confirmed.

No. 1725659

Would unironically, snark-free love if someone could confirm this

No. 1725687

>hidden camera
>perfectly aimed in the middle of the room in clear quality
yeah right lol

No. 1725703

You dont know much about hidden cameras.

No. 1725783

File: 1697262258597.png (55.12 KB, 1266x388, Screenshot.png)

I don't fully believe in the dead Internet theory, but I still believe the large sections of the Internet and popular culture is now artificially generated.

No. 1725799

>>1725783 is this part of the empty internet theory?

No. 1725845

If you read the thread under the Ben Shapiro tweet, the rumour that the picture is AI was started because a crappy website that can't tell whether an image of Biden crapping his pants in an asylum is real or not said it was fake. Some guy also goes into detail about how you can tell that the puppy image is fake because of uneven noise in the image or some shit.

Now I'm not defending Israel, they've caused the suffering of countless innocent Palestinians, but I don't see why people won't believe the horrors that Hamas have committed. They're an islamic terrorist group ffs. Why all of a sudden is it below them to burn babies?

No. 1725860

Fair, but even if it is a real photo there is no way to confirmed thats its “bUrNt JoO bAbIeS!”, there is no source and no one can find where it came from nor confirm it.
I’m leaning towards take everything zionists and pissrael say with a grain of salt.

No. 1725918

File: 1697277261003.png (1.04 MB, 774x1024, F29zAVAW0AAodQ.png)

This is the why I utterly distrust all forms of transhumanists; these people are so detached from shared humanity that would envision humans appearing as monstrously and actually consider it a positive thing.

No. 1725919

File: 1697277344766.png (432.26 KB, 500x558, Mr._Tumnus_devant_sa_maison.pn…)

Getting your shit reckt by Mr Tumnus

No. 1725923

Every dumb idiot dogpiling Jada P Smith and infantilizing Will like he hasnt spent their entire marriage taking dick in the booty. That woman been strapping him for years and now she has to deal with everyone saying poor will, he loves her, poor will. He is sucking dick and cock.

No. 1725940

Deformed hobbit: The ultimate lifeform.

No. 1725987

>a pristine cute puppy on a backdrop with dried blood
it's a rescue and something is very wrong with their eyes, but i agree that someone should find a non-jpeg'd to oblivion source.
if humans were built like this since the beginning, that'd be the beauty ideal. sadly, it's too late to change anything since everyone is used to the past form.

No. 1726024

File: 1697285005433.jpg (34.69 KB, 398x375, hobbitman1.jpg)

It kind of reminds me of the little homo floresiensis people, but they died out 50000 year ago when modern humans arrived. So much for superior longevity.

No. 1726118

Not that I expect great things from tinfoiling-anons but these "superhuman" drawings are purposely weird and exaggerated since they're just a "what if" funny curiosity thing, not an actual idea to be put into practice, even in a distant future.

Don't worry nonnas, there are no evil illuminati mengele-like freemason frankenstein-like transhumanist scientists creating an army of humanoid thumbs resistant to traffic accidents like the Project Graham creature.

No. 1726163

I really hope not, they need to create a project that turns men into beautiful bishounen instead.

No. 1726283

>They're an islamic terrorist group ffs. Why all of a sudden is it below them to burn babies?
That's what I mean kek. Like why wouldn't they touch children? Obviously some images are fake and claims are inaccurate but literally every war has child deaths, and somehow I have to believe a terrorist religious group who is very open about the intentions to kill anyone who doesn't follow them would be careful and spare children. They behead women on camera ffs. They're been abusing, raping and killing innocent women and little girls for fucking centuries, this is a fact. Does it not matter when it's women?

I care about the children and women of both and since I do I know how many women and girls in Palestine and Israel suffer now (because of mass rapes from both sides) and have been suffering because of the islamic faith for A LOT of time. People are not just caring because they're jewish children, people are pointing out that the "victims" who are "just defending themselves" are also mass raping innocent women/children in the process, because that's necessary apparently.

This doesn't make sense. The image is AI generated because of the hands (which look fine tbh, the gloves are just on weirdly) but the original unedited real? picture still has the "distorted" hands. So it's just edited, not AI generated, and the twitter text is just pulled out from someone's ass.

No. 1726688

>>mass raping innocent women/children in the process, because that's necessary apparently.

Is there any proof of this that isnt hersay?

No. 1726694

Nta nonna I'm not trying to be funny or edgy but they literally do this to their own women and children, why wouldn't they do it to women and children who aren't in their group? you've never listened to the experiences of women from these backgrounds coming out to talk about the reality of what they're subjected to, or else you wouldn't make retarded statements

No. 1726723

So you have no proof then.
And way to paint all muslims as evil rapists, you really wanna go there? Wanna talk about shit the jews do and paint them all under that brush?(calm down)

No. 1726746

all moids are rapists. being muslim doesn't change that. if the vast majority of moids weren't rapists then things like porn wouldn't exist since they wouldn't be able to stomach watching women be raped on tape. go talk to some palestinian women and ask them what their opinion on men is. look up the marital rape rate and the dv rate in gaza. stop caping for pali moids, they are all monsters.

No. 1727009

Hamas was created with the help of Israel to weaken other liberation movements.

No. 1727077

There is proof, literally every muslim woman forced to submit to sick muslim men. Their testimonies are out there, educate yourself or even just listen to muslim women for once, look at women literally being jailed and killed for not wearing the hijab right, look for the cases where their husbands pose for a picture with their severed heads in their hands (and no, I'm not manking this up, this really happened and was even posted on lolcow) because of honor killing that is allowed. Stop taking your info from Twitter "muslim" high class women living in the USA and start listening to women who live in Islam dominated countries and have to endure abuse, rape, murder of themselves and their children.
I'm not saying it's only muslim men, rape happens everywhere but there's places where it's considered normal because of shitty religions or ideologies. Another example would be india and its rape issue, or some catholic religions/sects that allow and encourage pedophilia and child marriage. Thinking that somehow muslim men would turn into saints during a damn war is such an insane and sheltered take.

No. 1727144

File: 1697357871805.jpg (748.11 KB, 1080x1855, Screenshot_20231015_111554.jpg)

Can you stop being antisemitic? A Jewish woman got tortured by those men yet even that doesn't stop you guys from being antisemitic.
Also don't forget that Palestine supported China's abuse against Muslim minorities(uyghurs), uyghurs are still being tortured, genocided and their women from ages to 10 to 60 are being sexually abused by Chinese men. Yet Palestinian leaders support Chinas treatment of Uyghurs somehow.
They're not your Muslim brothers, they're a terrorist organization and they got what they deserved. Israel is more likely to help Muslims countries while Palestine is there supporting the deaths of innocent Muslim women because it'll get them paid.

No. 1727166

Look, i do not give a shit about muslim men but jewish men are the absolute worst, instead of raping they destroy entire nations from within, they also rape kids though.

No. 1727167

Stop crying about anti semitism if you are gonna be islamophobic.
And you are delusional, Pissrael just wants more land so the jews can fullfill their gay ass prophecy, jews hate goyim. They only care about themselves.

No. 1727171

So we should side with Israel while they kill children? I don't support Hamas but no way I am supporting a government that think it's ok to kill children and bomb hospitals. 50% of Gaza are children. Israeli soldiers also rape Palestinian women.

No. 1727180

If you support war of any kind you're supporting rape indirectly, there is no such thing as a clean or gentlemanly war. There is no way to combine national interests with the interests of women as a group. That said, there weren't any Israeli rape gangs in London.

No. 1727197

Epstein and Maxwell were pimping out little white girls, they are jews.
Jews and muslims are the same, Jews are just a bit more sneaky and they look white so blend in unnoticed.

No. 1727199

i’m a millennial i think (may 1995) and honestly for me i am just over politics in general. i spent my early to mid 20’s being super woke and liberal and now as i get closer to my 30’s i hate how naive i was. i was really idealistic and thought the best of people, but i realize i was very wrong. it’s good to be kind and have empathy but there is just so much going on in the world and so many niggas trying to take advantage of people, it’s hard to believe in ideals anymore. i considered switching my voter registration to repub but what difference will it make anyway? it’s all just one big farce imho. i am a black woman; these people hate me and want to eradicate me from existence unless i suck their dicks and act like a mammy to soothe their racist insecurities, so i feel retarded voting for them. same thing with liberals - they dgaf either. imho it’s all an illusion. we live in a dystopian technocracy with politics being used as a distraction, and the real leaders are the billionaires who are trying to leave us on this planet to die while they lounge around on their space colonies, living forever after they discover how to stop aging/death.

sorry for the rant.

No. 1727210

hard relate nona.. i feel incredibly similar. you are right, it is all a farce so it doesn't matter, we lose either way. everything's just a distraction so the powerful can stay in power, just like you said.
i'm so annoyed about the brainwashing woke-type i hung around who would shame me for not being "left" enough. everyone is so brainddead it's ridiculous. i'm still left-leaning in my beliefs but i'm tired of politics and am so done with keyboard warriors who think they're fighting the good fight. you're spot on, it is all an illusion and we live in dystopia and people are constantly and willingly playing into the greedy's hands.

No. 1727214

I am not supporting any side, I am just upset for the way many people have been dehumanizing all the palestinian children and women suffering. So many people are blinded by their hatred for muslim men that they don't have any compassion for everyone else in that situation. It's sick.

No. 1727228

>we live in a dystopian technocracy with politics being used as a distraction
even though this is something i thought about and might have even said in my 20s, it's not until i hit 30 that i really felt it and believed it to be the case. i am no longer getting caught up in politics like i used to, just viewing it as the spectacle that it is.

No. 1727243

>i'm so annoyed about the brainwashing woke-type i hung around who would shame me for not being "left" enough.

me too nona. i was so empty-headed when i was young, it's embarrassing. i was always afraid to speak up whenever i disagreed about something and i hated how hypocritical so many people were around me as well. i wasn't strong enough to call them out though and i didn't know how to deal with people weaponizing emotions to drown out any sort of critique agains their arguments. i also got tired of being expected to be angry over every little fucking thing that happened in the news, things that realistically i have zero control over, and then next week it was some other performative bull. it was liberating getting off that train and i don't miss it one bit.

it didn't really hit me either until i would say the middle of this year before i turned 28. i don't live in the united states at the moment, so watching all the drama that's going on over there hit me like a fucking brick as i couldn't rationalize it anymore as just being a coincidence or whatever. it's also been nice talking to people whose brains haven't been fried by the 24/7 outrage machine over there, even other amerifats who have escaped as well. we can call it out for what it is without someone trying to murder us or turn us into social pariahs for wrongthink. at this point in my life, i just want my own slice of happiness in the world. i sound like such a granny but all i want is a garden, my pets, and to spend the rest of my time with my mom and any other family i might have until i die. i don't want my life to all over social media, i don't want to spend the rest of my days getting angry at someone on tv i am never going to meet. i just don't want to be apart of this machine we're all being forced into by tptb. i'm only apart of the system now to finish my degree and make my coin, but if i hit the jackpot i am bouncing. i hope the same for you guys as well. i hope we all can exploit the system for our own gain and then find our own happiness on this earth, wherever that may be.

No. 1727255

>A Jewish woman got tortured by those men

No. 1727266

>i also got tired of being expected to be angry over every little fucking thing that happened in the news, things that realistically i have zero control over, and then next week it was some other performative bull. it was liberating getting off that train and i don't miss it one bit.
well said, nona. i feel the exact same way. i also couldn't stand up for myself against those people who thought they knew better than me.
i also read the other thing you said, and you are wise. it's amazing what it does when you drown out all the noise and outrage and stop to think for yourself. i've gained so much insight over the last 3 years. i'm glad you've drowned out all that bullshit as well, cuz it's tiring.

>i don't want my life to all over social media, i don't want to spend the rest of my days getting angry at someone on tv i am never going to meet. i just don't want to be apart of this machine we're all being forced into by tptb.

exactly!!! i wish you the best with your endeavors. so happy to see other late-millennials who are sick of this shit.

No. 1727306

you are so sweet nonna, i don’t really deserve it at all. be safe out there. my heart is with you.

No. 1727332

File: 1697378128660.png (380.75 KB, 1030x766, putin.png)

A few days before the new war in Palestine, Putin threatened the WEF

Israel is also a major hub for human trafficking and organ trafficking. It wouldn't surprise me if there were very dark things happening there that the mainstream media won't report on.

The war in Ukraine was also a major source of organs, so taking organs to sell from people killed in war is already an established practice.

No. 1727797

Probably nonnies have heard about that but I can't help but be scared of how big companies have huge power and money to control media and I geniunely think they pay right wing grifters to make valid and well reasearched theories and arguments into nothing but mere silly crazy words from loons with a voice and thus discredit them. Point in case, I am sure all nonnies have heard about the meme "turning the freaking frogs gay", by Alex Jones, it is funny and I even myself laughed at it, until I remembered that many, many years ago I have read about how Syngenta tried to discredit and ruin the career of a biologist who worked for them, Tyrone Hayes, after they commissioned a study on their main herbicide - his results showed that the herbicide disrupted their system and had a feminization side effects on male frogs and androgynous effects on the female frogs, chemical castration on some of them, and caused mammary and prostate cancer in humans - and when he asked to conduct the research once again, Syngenta denied the publishing of the study, cut off the funds and fired him. He did some research himself and indeed got the results. After that, they tried to discredit him, following and his family, making threats and the typical harrassment stuff, until some leaked intern emails in 2014 revealed that the smear campaign against him was indeed true.
In 2015, the Alex Jones' rant about water turning frogs gay become a meme and everyone thinks it's a conspiracy theory from a bufoon like Jones and other stupid rightists haha those loons and to get more effective you lump with really insane conspiracy theories like the Sandy Hook deniers, atrazine is still being sold and things are back at normalcy again.
Then years ago, said nteret comentarist is judged for his crimes and he disappears from media or at least loses his audience, but the damage is done. They really know how to play the game an control the system.

No. 1727798

Samefag, I meant internet comentarist

No. 1727801

Current wars are all being triggered on purpose so that people have a group to hate and scapegoat when crop failure starts really hitting due to the climate crisis.

No. 1727828

What prophecy? I'm not well versed in those

No. 1727935

That's true plus even science is not objective. It is controlled by the interests of rich people and mega corporations that run big pharma and șo on. The researchers are backed up by their interests. It reminds me of that guy that went to prison. I forgot his name, he actually tried to do something for the population. The one with insulin that went to prison. He is kinda childish and dumb but he did try to do something good, his intentions were good but he got demonized by everyone and misunderstood.

No. 1727949

How can You say people are dehumanizing Palestinians? Most people are siding with Palestine and leftists are retarded enough to literally cheer at Israelians being killed just because their state is evil. People are fucking braindead. Ultimately, both Palestine and Israel are evil. The governments are evil and it is the innocent citizens of both states that are paying for the evil of those in power.

It is almost like we are not being human. We should demonize those in power. Not the innocent civilians on both sides. It's just stupid to say "jews Have done bla bla" most people born there have no control over what the state is doing and are not politically involved and even If they are. They are still not responsible for what their state is doing and in reality they Have no control over that.

Now I am afraid thinking of the possibility of a third world war emerging.

No. 1727994

Tinfoiling that a non-negligible number of anons in this thread/on this website are underaged

No. 1728138

Kek based Putin

No. 1728140

Fuck the police

No. 1728143

I cant watch these.

No. 1728146

This would explain a lot. Everytime I see advice relating to money/living situations/work you can tell it's from people who never worked a day in their life. The laundry anon situation, the anon who said all rural people are stupid for living in trailer parks, the anon who said if you want to learn a new skill you should go to a university for "new learnings sake" and that taking a shorter, cheaper course is just stupid instant gratification, the anon who advised a new mom to go into tons of credit card debt. How hard is it to just give advice exclusively on things you have experience with instead of making bizarre judgements?

No. 1728160

Not sure if this is the proper thread for this but what are your spiritual/paranormal tinfoils? I consider myself agnostic but I've had quite a few paranormal experiences that I can't give a reasonable explanation to. Do you think a spiritual realm exists or do you think its something else entirely? Please try not to derail the thread with religious shit-flinging.

No. 1728169

How do we combat this when (as comments indicated) law enforcement is often heavily involved with some sex trafficking rings? Jesus christ I’d risk my life to save some. What can be done? Is this just something we have to witness and stand by helplessly? Please it hurts to see. Those poor girls.

No. 1728176

I honestly believe humans will separate into different species in the coming millenia. Not just from improved genetic testing and manipulation, but also changing environments on Earth and possible space travel. Or even cybernetic augmentation.

No. 1728225

Projection, the Zionists in Pissrael own all of western media and most western countries are on their side. It isnt a balanced fight, not to mention it Pissrael is on stolen land.

No. 1728262

are these coping manlets or something? Also beauty standards by moids have made humans shit tier

No. 1728305

i do believe there is a spirit realm. i've also had a lot of weird experiences and i've seen weird shit before like strange lights in the sky, or had extremely vivid dreams of my future that have come true, so it's led me to believe that whatever is out there, it isn't definable and it's a lot more mysterious than people give it credit for.

i believe in god as well but i kind of see god as like this impersonal force of nature, something like the ocean or the wind - we experience it but we can never really grasp it. it's hard to explain but i don't think god is a she or a he or a they, i think it's more like this great 'it' that guides us but i don't think it is that overly involved in human affairs at the same time? it's hard to explain without making god sound like a jerk or cruel. ultimately i don't think we can ever know what god's will is for us, and that that is kind of the whole crux of our existence in a way. and i see angels or physical manifestations of god as ways that people can understand it, because for most people it's hard to (or they don't want to) comprehend something that doesn't look like them or they can't relate to. i am not all that bothered by it.

i've tried all different flavors of religion and at this point i am not pressed about following a set path. i look for knowledge everywhere and it seems to work for me so i haven't stopped. i think the christ story and also the buddha is about our liberation from the ego and following our own individual path to divinity (carrying your own cross, releasing karma). jesus listened to the voice of god (the inner voice, the inner self) so that is what i try to cultivate. and i think ultimately both jesus and the buddha were preaching the same thing: letting go of material attachments, finding bliss/peace, moving on from this life into a higher state of consciousness. the question is whether or not this is achievable in one lifetime and ultimately if when we finally get it, do we stop incarnating on this earth…?

No. 1728307

can we please bring back the sp00ky thread

No. 1728504


Another anon wanted to continue this convo. That was very interesting.

No. 1728517

Nta but you really are disgusting for intentionally missing the point of what that anon was saying that innocent civilians shouldn’t be targeted. Based on your other posts you clearly just hate Jews and would support the Holocaust.

No. 1728531

Agree, nonna. I suspect it's the same troll from the "right wing feminism" thread. Both are pretending to defend muslims/palestinians from racism but actually just want propagate nazi /pol/tard sperging.

No. 1728564

I would like to know this too. I was thinking that local organisations/charities would be a good place to get advice but I suppose the answer is always going to be to report it to the police. maybe they can at least provide advocacy though.

No. 1728573

>right wing feminism

No. 1728609

I didn't put the quotation marks without a reason, kek

No. 1728706

Anon was saying “muh both sides”, when only one is a colonial super power with all of EU and U.S.A backing it. I dont feel bad for “Israel” as a nation as it shouldnt exist, innocent civilians i do feel bad for.
One thing you need to understand is you cannot play victims as usual or claim that jews are oppressed in the context of a jewish super power oppressing a minority, it does not apply here, find a new tactic.
And you bet i’m a feminist, not even close to right wibg though, and that wouldnt even makes sense here, its the conservatives who looooove zionism and Israel.

No. 1728764

Americans need to realise that this war has nothing to do with rightism or leftism. They also can’t play victims as Muslims/Arabs were not the ones who were behind the holocaust, this guilt tripping doesn’t work on anyone but Westerners.

No. 1729022

Late but I'm bookmarking this, thank you nona. It has 1 million views and looks really good. I encourage anyone else to post documentaries like this because I don't really browse youtube so I don't know about the good ones.

No. 1729051

I don't know if you're lost or if you're nazi-chan dissimulating again, but he was clearly racebaiting against jews in general instead of "just criticizing Israel".

> innocent civilians i do feel bad for

The /pol/tard troll clearly doesn't.

> its the conservatives who looooove zionism and Israel

There are left-wing zionists and right-wing pro-palestinians (or just anti-semite). The world is not black and white.

> They also can’t play victims as Muslims/Arabs were not the ones who were behind the holocaust

The anon talked about the Holocaust to point out the Nazi-chan racism. Also, there where Jews who lived under the yoke of Muslims in the past, were treated as second-class people (dhimmi) and from time to time they were massacred, like the looting of Safed. Pretty sure they decided to create their own state there just because they are bigots and racists or something (/s).

No. 1729286

I am one of those replies islamophobe chan, the one thats an obvious clarification on my prior reply. Also not a pol/tard, just have a functioning brain and an ounce of empathy.
>>There are left-wing zionists and right-wing pro-palestinians (or just anti-semite). The world is not black and white.
Majority of Israel supporters are right wibg conservatives, leftist dont tend to like colonizers. Zionism is also jewish supremacy, which no one should support.
>>The anon talked about the Holocaust to point out the Nazi-chan racism. Also, there where Jews who lived under the yoke of Muslims in the past, were treated as second-class people (dhimmi) and from time to time they were massacred, like the looting of Safed. Pretty sure they decided to create their own state there just because they are bigots and racists or something (/s).
So just to derail and play victims? Zzz, try something new. The Palestinians are the holocaust victims in this situation.

No. 1729315

>>but he was clearly racebaiting
He? Do you know where you are?

No. 1729600

NTA but I wouldn't be surprised if that's a moid from 4chan, we already have that faggot Miles Mathis who keeps posting on here despite his lack of vulva. I agree that they're from /pol/, I refuse to believe a woman typed those words.

No. 1729751

File: 1697575175650.mp4 (761.96 KB, 356x270, chomsky.mp4)

my current tinfoil is that Noam Chomsky (whom I used to admire) has been the perfect lil controlled opposition asset for decades. ever since he was revealed to be involved with Epstein (which was of course brushed off as a nothingburger) i've been questioning so much about him. sorry if this is old news / obvious.
vidrel is him shooting down "conspiracy theories" like 9/11 and jfk assassination as insignificant, which he does frequently. coverups, scandals, revealed documents are all "meaningless" and "distractions" to him.
>regularly talks about corruption, manipulation and things like US foreign policy but only takes it so far and detracts from further digging
>he approved of his MIT mate John Deutch being made head of CIA
>Epstein moved large sums of money for Chomsky and they had meetings with each other
>suggested unvaccinated people be isolated

let me know what you think of it nona!

No. 1729758

I am a fan of his, he has influenced my politics more than anyone, and I question if he is controlled opposition as well.

No. 1729796

>leftist dont tend to like colonizers
Bullshit. Most leftoids (especially tankies) are pro-colonization and imperialism it when it's convenient to them, since commies defend absolutely anything as long as it comes from a "comrade". It's all performance and hypocrisy, in the same way that conservatards claim to defend "christian values" but hate the poor and get involved in corruption and sexual scandals. That's why you useful idiots defend Palestine but at the same time simp for Russia ("muh historical part of Ruzzia"), China ("Tibetans were barbarians who lived under a bloody theocratic regime and PCR freed them!"), LTTE (not colonialist/imperialists themselves, but the Tamils are the underdog today precisely because they used to be the golden children of the British colonizers in the past), etc. Also, Stalin himself was pro-Israel initially.


Yeah, because me stating that there were Jews who never left the Middle East and others who returned from the Iberian Peninsula centuries before Zionism existed and that they were treated like shit by the Muslim colonizers (and Druzes) has nothing to do with the issue debated here.

>play victims

>"booo hooo, these mass murderers and rapists are just victims of sEttLer cOloNiAliSm defending themselves, you racist islamophobe"
I just studied history, faggot. I don't even deny that Israel violates human rights (and not just in the case of palestinians, btw), it's just that your lies and historical revisionism is pathetic and that's why no one takes you all seriously. Yeah, the "joos" are khazarian lizards who came from outer space to colonize the land of the poor indigenous palestinians just to create the global government of the Antichrist, or whatever bullshit you retards believe today.

>Do you know where you are?
You are the newfag here if you don't know that scrotes lurking and trolling are a thing. It's not even tinfoiling at this point.

No. 1729822

I feel like McDonald's corp is trying to send me in a mental breakdown to avoid my lawsuit

I sent Mcdonalds a long detailed request about how the McDonald's characters are way too scary and give me nightmares, they ended up giving me the most automated reply and then conveniently made grimace's birthday come back directly after I told them how scary it was to me. After I complained again they sent me the same exact email as before but removed my name and put [insert name here]. I cannot with them, I'm not surprised they're pro Israel

No. 1729868

File: 1697584267905.png (500.76 KB, 820x821, gaza.png)

Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza which killed over 500 people.
This is obviously a war crime. There are now violent protests all over the muslim world outside Israeli embassies. Israel has now denied the attacks after international condemnation.
In response Iran raised the black flag of mourning over the dome of the Ravazi Holy Shrine, which fits with
>The black flag will fly above the dome

No. 1729928

The launch of the grimace shake took months of shitty marketing meetings and testing they did not release grimace to defeat you girl.

No. 1730118

I sympathise with this tinfoil nonna - for me the thought splits into tru tinfoil path (he was willingly or unwillingly put in a compromising position for the elites and under the same blackmail as all other household names to uphold their dominance system) vs. maybe he's just a super old guy who genuinely doesn't have anything to say about modern conspiracies. Most of his splits from the fringe have plausible explanations in both flavours. Like I've seen recent commentary where he professes to still consider the internet as a useful tool for anarchists despite the virtual complete corporate / social media takeover, so maybe he wants to keep the radicals online melting their brains with TEMU ads or maybe he just hasn't used anything but anonymous forums and can't comprehend why anyone would.

No. 1730127

Just watched this last night. Seeing the part about the technique of seizing power over nations by crushing them against adjacent hostile territories until one side destroys the other (both sides using weapons bought from the US, of course!) and then seeing it perfectly illustrated in the news as per >>1729868

No. 1730130

Anon, just don't buy from McDonald's and avoid them.

No. 1730131

Lol imagine McDonald's biologically engineers each of their mascots just to track and take down people who try to sue

No. 1730156

Other sources say that the strike came from Hamas though. They say it was a misfire, aljazeera reported on it.

No. 1730235

It just all seems fake. Half of my country's news feel like half-assed psyops who don't even make sense when you start considering the details. There's never any clear resolution either, it just fades out of sight after the new flavor of the month news starts.

No. 1730247

There was footage where it looked like it shot up out of Palestine but then lost its speed and came sailing back down. If the footage was real it could have been a misfire, or also could have been Israeli anti-air.

No. 1730248

You're suing them cause their characters are scary?

No. 1730274

File: 1697641528350.png (546.76 KB, 1041x1787, nopropagandohere.png)

you have to be severely retarded to believe the IDF's "receipts" kek. this very hospital was already bombed by israel only a few days ago and gaza is a shithole with no weapons near the level of power to vaporize a hospital. but yeah I bet it was those darn islamic jihadese just trying to make da poor israelis look bad again, not the ones relentlessly bombing gaza. all those children were just going to grow up to be rape apes and handmaidens anyways, no1curr! think of the 40 hamas-beheaded babies that are actually worthy of our pity instead! /s since the mods have been too autistic to let 60% of jokes fly without muh tone indicators now

No. 1730423

Why are you so aggressive? You putting /s at the end doesn't hide how pissy you are. We're just saying different sources say different things. It's hard to believe both sides, one has bombed civilians before and the other is a terrorist organization that also tortures civilians. It was the only christian hospital too so it's likely that Hamas did it and it's just as likely that Israel did it. You're right in being skeptical about what Israel has to say but it's ridiculous that you'll believe whatever the terrorists filming women post-rape say without a second thought.

No. 1730458

some guy on bbc admitted that Israel did it

No. 1730484

exactly, it feels very relevant to right now. i found the part about people at the time of ww2 saying it was a "fake war" because they knew who was profiting off of it and driving it, but you couldn't dismiss it as fake because so many people were actually fucking dying and risking their lives for it, which made it real. same as we see now.

No. 1730539

File: 1697660834635.jpg (139.73 KB, 758x1024, 1697639778760027m.jpg)

lol lmao

No. 1730541

File: 1697660859597.jpg (54.74 KB, 827x848, 1697637093275708.jpg)

ijbol even

No. 1730553

No. 1730590

>we have receipts
Fucking cringe

No. 1730740

File: 1697672408733.jpeg (122.72 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_3913.jpeg)

Well the black flag is indeed flying above the dome..

No. 1730799

My biblical tinfoil is that Israel is pozzed and is controlled by false Jews or Canaanites as Jesus warned. The possible forever wars between Israel and Palestine are probably the mark for the beginning of the end.

No. 1730811

Omg please stop, please be shits n giggling, I can’t take the religioschizphrenia from nonnies I had to hear this shit my whole life from my fallen-wasp father and his freak friends. I get it, there are societies of wealthy people who are into this shit but they can’t be entertained

No. 1730886

israel definitely knew exactly what was coming, including the festival being attacked, and chose to just kinda let it to have a valid reason to bomb gaza to shit once and for all.
is it even tinfoil to believe it at this point?
idk in my opinion both the pro-palestine and pro-israel side is retarded and being played like pawns by the global rich elite shadow government.

No. 1730917

File: 1697694376838.mp4 (5.06 MB, 480x872, YmVtmsx6-oQL-efS.mp4)

it's more tinfoily not to believe it unless again you are regarded and know next to nothing about this situation. everyones known what israels endgame here was for decades, you don't have to be a muzzie bootlicker to see it. gaza is isolated like north korea with blocked access to food, water, fuel, and electricity but it will still be b-both sides until it's a crater. rip

No. 1731117

File: 1697725657307.jpg (17.49 KB, 612x612, istockphoto-603900476-612x612.…)

Anons I'm a NICU nurse and I got invited for a volunteer program in Gaza. I'm breastfeeding as well so I'd be able to feed the babies. Should I go? I'm so scared and I don't want to die

No. 1731124

Don't go. Remember when Japanese soldiers promised Chinese and korean nurses and other women safety and then used them as sex slaves for decades during WW2? Yeah, I wouldnt trust that shit. There's too high a percentage of death. Stay safe

No. 1731135

If you’re already someone’s mama I say you shouldn’t risk it.

No. 1731136

The OP of that post needs to realize he's not fucking Nostradamus and there is no reason to write so cryptically unless he's trying to give himself the largest possible wiggle room for his words to be interpreted in the most convenient way. Reminds me of Anton Lavey intentionally writing in an archaic style so his books seemed more authentically occult. Fucking hack thing to do.

No. 1731405

Israelis could bomb another hospital, don’t go

No. 1731407

Don't. Neither Israel nor the Islamic terrorists have your wellbeing in mind. Raise your child and be happy, nonna. It's not worth it.

No. 1731423

I am a woman retard, so only women support jewish supremacy in your worldview? If anything your lack of empathy and referring to other anons as “he” makes you seem like a moid.

No. 1731425

Just say you are a jewish moid and want to exterminate palestinians so you can have your muh holyland in peace, drop the victim act.

No. 1731739

I just started researching on this whole war a few days ago so my speculation might sound silly. But since Palestine is skewing more and more younger with its population over time, wouldn't that mean a huge PR nightmare for Israel in the future once the children stat exceeds 50%? I feel like everything would truly burst at the seams by then wouldn’t it?

No. 1731812

File: 1697768197481.jpeg (91.09 KB, 720x829, bWVkaWEvRjhnU1cyY1c0.jpeg)

No. 1732006

No, because they own the media and have massive control in goverments around the world. Most people are NPCs and parrot the media, “muh both sides”, “muslims are evil and deserve to die”, see corona as an example, people are retarded.
Combine that with all the fear mongering about arabs all over the western world and you have a recipe for genocide.

No. 1732007

File: 1697787897749.jpeg (285.94 KB, 460x625, IMG_4389.jpeg)

Forgot to mention the banks, guess what? Theyre zionist jews.(racebaiting)

No. 1732111

Are you really asking yourself if you, as a (I assume) western woman, want to go into war territory where terrosists take female hostages and record their rapes? Don't be stupid.

No. 1732161

on one hand it would be for people following non ms western media, but on the other hand how many countless children have been killed and swept under the rug already? plus when afghanistan was at around 50% or more children post the russian war the us totally ignored it and didn't even talk about it

No. 1732231

What do you people think of Dead Internet Theory? I thought it was kinda stupid a few years ago but now when I go on social media (most notably twitter and reddit) it seems like everyone is talking like a bot. I know those places tend to have a hive mind where everyone regurgitates the same phrases over and over but something feels off. The more I read about it alongside the current sociopolitical landscape everything on the internet just seems so manufactured. It doesn't help that when I talk to people irl they don't seem at all interested in anything the internet is screaming about.

No. 1732236

Don't? WHY would you even consider it. Please don't

No. 1732237

Huh? Go where? I swear there are bots in this thread

No. 1732238

It’s basically correct. Most of the internet is manufactured at this point. Bring back IRC, web 2.0 and 3.0 are shit.

No. 1732246

Does lc have its own irc?

No. 1732250

File: 1697814743941.mp4 (980.09 KB, 578x312, ezo3J2GK93FGxmQo.mp4)

>Direct comparisons to 9/11
Not even trying to subtle.

No. 1732267

Absolutely vile. I want to say things that will get me banned.

No. 1732308

War territory. Gaza. You know, the current war between Israel and Hamas/Palestine. Gaza is right there. Can you read?

So the pic is fake? Is the burnt baby one also fake? I really hope so.

No. 1732348

The one ben shapiro also posted? Yes, that was AI.

No. 1732349

Any picture someone claims is a tortured Israeli baby is AI

No. 1732394

It can't be entirely AI, only the middle was edited. The dog pic is an edit, how can we tell the baby pic is also edited? It's not AI "because of the hands", they look normal and so does the background.

No. 1732633

File: 1697839840034.png (58.03 KB, 736x426, atlantic.png)

half the internet is bots (at least traffic wise but certainly a lot on social media too). the internet used to feel like this huge, unlimited space to explore but is now basically a few of main social media platforms that are tightly controlled. forums, blogs and personal websites have faded into obscurity because new SEO standards basically require you to write like AI in order to appear in search results. comment sections are filled with bots.
i googled dead internet theory to see what came up on the first page and this article was third down. of course it's by fucking K Tiffany (the woman who wrote about lc and ebil terves). she calls it a "wacky conspiracy theory" so it must be true.

No. 1732714

I'm looking at it again, and the person's right hand pinky knuckle is off (in my opinion). AI is getting slightly better at hands lately. I also don't believe this is what a burnt corpse looks like. And what is the fabric? It looks like a pillow case with seams. I guess it's supposed to be a "body bag" but where is the zipper? And on the left side of it looks like it's just pasted on and the seam just ends. And lastly we're just supposed to believe Ben Shapiro pulled this photo out of his ass conveniently lol. I feel like it could be made with the new photoshop AI since that involves more human input than just typing a prompt and can be changed around. Anon didn't even feel the need to spoiler it and nobody else minded either which I think says a lot.

The propaganda for all of this stuff has been insane. And what is amazing is that anyone can see through it because it's so half assed and they can't all get their stories straight. Even my boomer mom that only watches news channels was like wait, why are they bombing a hospital, that's not right? So I wonder what implications this has for the future. I don't recall anything so big like this that a lot of people are calling bullshit on and in public ways too, not limited to like hush hush conspiracy topics only that get suppressed. A while ago, the fake beheading of the babies probably would've been enough for them to win the PR war but it feels different this time.

No. 1732898

>kaitlyn tiffany

No. 1732949

Ben Shapiro got the photo from the israeli PMs twitter. Again, the dog photo is the one that was AI generated. Again, why are we running PR for an islamic terror group? I know Israel has committed awful crimes against civillians but I guarantee living under Hamas is worse.

The head of forensic medicine in Tel Aviv comfirmed details of the massacre. Do NOT read it if you're sensitive to this kind of thing. https://themedialine.org/top-stories/evidence-on-display-at-israels-forensic-pathology-center-confirms-hamas-atrocities/

I read somewhere that it was a Hamas rocket that misfired and landed on the hospital but idk how true that is. What's worrying me is the US intercepted a missile fired from Yemen for some reason, when it was gonna be 1000km short of it's target or something anyway.

No. 1732955

>living under hamas is worse for palestinians
Let's not be delusional. They have been committing atrocities against Palestinians for years with its main motivation being ethnic. If anything, supporting a secular organization or a Christian one would be better (but the posibilities of this ever happening are as realistic as your statement). Hamas was a plant that Israel helped to create in order de-estabilize the other organizations that were pushing for a secular Palestine.

No. 1732957

samefag, not defending Hamas at all (I dislike Muslim organizations) but implying Israel would be better is wrong.

No. 1732977

You are the same jew samefagging the thread supporting genocide, stfu. Pissrael is killing palestinian children, joos are genociding a people so they can steal their land, thats whats happening here.(derailing)

No. 1733020

>The head of forensic medicine in Tel Aviv comfirmed details of the massacre.
Israel finding truth in it's own propaganda is hardly surprising. One big question I have about this is that bodies being burnt to that extent would require a large and intense fire, yet there are no reports of Hamas setting fire to anything or any reports of major fires within Israel. Both the charred baby picture and the dog picture are probably fake.

Both sides have too much to gain from propaganda. Hamas needs to motivate the rest of the Islamic world to come to their defense and Israel needs to appeal to the US for military aid. The truth probably won't be known until after the conflict is over.

No. 1733035

I can't believe people are really out here claiming Hamas' beheadings are fake when it's been their custom to film the beheadings for literal years kek. Some people really love to suck muslim cock just so they can shit on the other side all they want, not realizing that they're dragging a pile of shit while sitting on another steaming pile of shit.

No. 1733135

File: 1697892032798.png (236.52 KB, 2172x586, chompsky.png)

i wouldn't be surprised if he is. i've never particularly cared for him, but could never really put my finger on why, exactly. now when i think about it…he just seems like the perfect shill. i think what he says has an element of truth but he definitely is putting a spin on things to fit an agenda. anyone else who have been called a nutter, terrorized to the point of insanity, or dead.


mirror for people if medium is giving you a hard time: https://www.geopolitika.ru/en/article/has-noam-chomsky-been-controlled-opposition?utm_referrer=https%3a%2f%2fwww.ecosia.org%2f


No. 1733284

no but I would support us having one. there's a sketchy discord that I'm just gonna assume is infested by troons but never checked out

No. 1733351

File: 1697907525767.jpeg (89.23 KB, 670x447, IMG_4395.jpeg)

Muslims and Jews aside, Israel is clearly the oppressor in this particular conflict, the ethnicity they are genociding is irrelevant, its morally wrong. Also conveniently ignoring that most of them are CHILDREN and innocent civilians, not terrorists.

No. 1733540

File: 1697918872604.png (331.8 KB, 504x355, chomsky.png)

thanks for the links nona. very interesting. supports the impression i get that he holds people's hands and guides them as they question certain things and explore certain radical thoughts and gatekeeps specific other radical thought, that might actually destabilise political order.
a few years ago i would have been sympathetic to the idea of him simply being out of touch or uninterested in what he perceives as conspiracy theories (like what >>1730118 says) but now with more things coming to light about his involvements, and seeing him wheeled out (almost literally at this point) to comment on every american election, it's hard not to see him for what he is.
also found his famous quote in picrel relevant. he draws parameters of acceptable thought by deeming what is and isn't important, as an authority on politics.

No. 1733737

If Russia was doing this in Ukraine, the US and every European country would be sending their military to defend civilians. The juxtaposition of both conflicts has really shown the utter hypocrisy of the west.

No. 1734065

No, it shows who is in control and how most people are NPCs.

No. 1734610

Chick fil a drive thru drivers is completely believable

No. 1734670

I've never heard of this, what do you mean?

No. 1734693

an anon claimed that she was a chick fil a drive thru driver, hired by chick fil a to make the place look busy

No. 1734771

File: 1698012744005.png (98.05 KB, 451x500, smirk.png)

Chick fil a is actually not all that busy. They hire people to circle the drive thru all day to make it seem better than it actually is, hoping people will make memes (aka more business). No one likes chik fil a this much folks. No one wants mediocre chicken daily. It's just capitalist stupidity and pettiness because they want to be the iconic chicken joint. Want proof? How many people do you know in your city or town where chick fil a is always crowded? Now think about how many of them actually get chick fil a often? Or keep an eye on the cars there- You'll see a lot of the same exact cars there daily. How do I know this? I was a chick fil a drive thru paid customer.
It's not an actual hired job per se, they don't want it to show up in tax or hiring records and you aren't assigned a specific store. You're paid by trip what you make an hour depends on you. They train one staff member per shift to handle it and put them in the pickup window. When they hand you your order, thank them, and when they say "My pleasure" reply with "Giving you pleasure is MY pleasure," they'll know why you're there. Then they'll say something like "Oh, something isn't right with your order," or say they forgot a part or similar, the point is they'll ask you to pull ahead for a minute so they can bring it out when it's ready. In bag of food they bring you'll also find cash for the trip, plus refund for what you spent on the order. I use a card so they just reverse it

No. 1734894

have any other amerinonnas noticed an uptick in ads for HIV medications? almost all of these ads feature a lot of black men and women too, hardly any white people at all

No. 1734996

I'm not American but isn't there are STD epidemic in the southern states?

No. 1735597

israel must be really bad at genocide because what other explanation is there as to why the palestinian populations in gaza and west bank have been growing steadily and have doubled since the 2000s?

No. 1735602

the rest of the islamic world keeps these children hostage in gaza because they need their legitimation to wage a terrorist war against jews. they will never ever be interested in solving this conflict and the only way to solve this to them is die endlösung der judenfrage

No. 1735721

how would one get hired for this job? asking for a friend

No. 1735740

Because they havent sterilized them? People breed, especially poor people.

No. 1735742

Yes, because them genociding a majority muslim people, stealing most of their land while keeping the remaining population in a giant concentration camp isnt enough reason. All while playing victims as they always do.

No. 1735847

I get as many for uterine fibroid medicine as I do Prep (lol pop a pill and go whore it up, fags). Almost all the ads I get are for meds or vaccines and most don't even say what they treat. My entire family has switched doctors because they began emailing us ads disguised as newsletters pushing vaccines and health scares. My personal doctor send out an absolutely histrionic one about monkeypox, comparing it to the AIDS crisis of the 80s and recommending everyone come in for a smallpox vax. I switched then and there.

No. 1735849

lol, Plan B comes in bulk over the counter now, so women can whore it up too.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1735857

I think you posted this before, are you the same Anon?

No. 1735877

No. 1736190

Yeah I’ve noticed that too, but I just assumed most of those medications are relatively new so that’s why we’re suddenly seeing a lot of ads for them. Also the ads I’ve seen had a lot of diversity, but they were obviously geared towards certain demographics kek.

If anything I find the increase in ads for random vaccines sponsored by Pfizer to be weird. Before covid you’d hear a few commercials about getting a flu shot around this time of year, but now they’re pushing the most random shit constantly.

No. 1736193

File: 1698085598773.png (61.74 KB, 738x350, image007-738x350.png)

>stealing most of their land
see picrel
see >>1735597 , words have meanings and you can't just use them for whatever fatima-chan.

No. 1736199

>thread infected by zionist faggot shill
oh boy

No. 1736213

neither zionist nor jew, i just hate muslim moids and their woman hating, goat fucking, explosive belt wearing, rape porn watching, children marrying asses. as any sane person and self respecting woman should.(racebaiting)

No. 1736219

This thread was a mistake. Attracting the worst kind of people to this website. No wonder this website is a tradthot central now.

No. 1736224

Imagine caping for Muslims lmao

No. 1736236

I can't lie, I love reading this thread so much. It's like a freak show where midgets fight each other in the mud or something like that. Except I don't even need to pay, nonnas itt provide entertainment for free.

No. 1736249

cant even escape it on lolcow, how sad. not that surprising since a lot of radfems are jewish, 'specially the ones from tumblr.

it isnt even just muslims losing their land its christians too.

No. 1736250

some of us like to talk about interesting, actual conspiracies like aliens, the inner earth, bigfoot, paranormal, etc. not all of us what to sperg about current political events in a conspiracy thread.

No. 1736259

>not that surprising since a lot of radfems are jewish, 'specially the ones from tumblr.
Are you that schizo from 2X who posts long rants about Dworking being an obese Jewish woman who gives us real feminists a bad name? Just asking.

No. 1736263

no, i dont touch /2x/. that might be pakichan, who i hate for the record. its just the truth.

No. 1736265

File: 1698088980220.png (685.41 KB, 1341x918, IMG_4399.png)

Keep shilling for genocidal maniacs Golberg-chan, i wonder how you sleep at night.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1736268


No. 1736270

Joe Goldberg?

No. 1736271

Altanta, GA is considered to be a gay hotspot in America, with a large Black population. Many ( Black) men there are also DL (down low, closet bisexual) have fuck both sexes without protection. Black women almost exclusively date and marry black men so that explains their infection rate.

No. 1736272

Also a murderous jew so sure why not

No. 1736275

File: 1698089426668.jpeg (103.56 KB, 690x407, IMG_4400.jpeg)

Genocide is not just a “current political” thing, its a conspiracy because you see all western media saying muh both sides or supporting this genocide, its absolutely insane. It also ties into who owns the media, its a genocidal conspiracy.
You can sperg about bigfoot all you want, no one is stopping you.(/pol/ >>>>>)

No. 1736278

I don't blame you for being an anti zionist but you are one happy merchant away from turning into a /pol/ tard

No. 1736281

Well then, here's an obvious conspiracy for you: the attack on the music festival 3 cm away from the border was absolutely planned by Israel and there are no hostages

No. 1736286

How so? I have stated nothing but facts.
And how come you are so pressed about me criticizing zionists jews for legitimate reasons such as genocide, colonialism and abusing the power they have over the US media to further their genocidal agenda; Yet have no heat for the insane racism against muslims the other anon is spouting?

No. 1736293

Tbf we cant know for sure, but it would not shock me.
I do believe the attack was real but Israel knew(confirmed) and all the hostages that have been released said they were treated well by Hamas(confirmed), there were no decapitated babies(confirmed). Its hard to know whats real in this day and age, especially as we know that Israel is notorious for lying. My heart does go out to the innocent civilians who were hurt by this, they did not deserve any of it.

No. 1736296

nta but /pol/tards are broken clocks here. the whole world is on the same page besides indoctrinated whites and indians.

No. 1736298

the civilians on both sides deserve better for sure

No. 1736304

I'm just waiting for really spicy takes to surface. When we will recommend the protocols of the elders of zion to each other?

No. 1736305

>>Islamophobia and genocide=good, acceptable.
>>Legitimate criticism against Zionists and Israel =forboden wrongthink and racist.
Make it make sense please, i honestly feel like people just parrot things they hear with no mind behind it. Unless you can guide me through it and make me see the logic in this insane conclusion, maybe im missing something.

No. 1736310

Ah yes, anyone who criticizes Israel and Zionists is a raging neo nazi poltard trump supporting bigot. Is there any time where its allowed to criticize Israel or is it always bigoted nazi speak no matter their actions?

No. 1736313

In this article a jewish survivor of the attacks said that Hamas didn't treat them badly and the majority of the hostages were killed by the IDF.
While it sounds insane I can see it being real. The IDF is made up of mostly conscripts, so a group of terrified young men were sent to rescue the hostages. Knowing that Hamas would kill them if given the chance, the IDF lost discipline and shot everything that moved out of fear.

No. 1736315

Whats even the point of going to “rescue” hostages if your gonna blast everything that moves in cold blood, even the ones you are there to “rescue”? Fear my ass, something is not adding up.

No. 1736344

File: 1698092459622.jpg (25.8 KB, 353x272, neutral.jpg)

I don't care about the conflict beyond general interest but seeing how rabid people are to take sides also makes me think it's some sort of tinfoil. Did you notice that there is some controversy every single week about any reason be it a fucking full-blown war or bibio games and every media outlet urges you to pick a side? It's always either you are sjw soycuck or literal nazi racist bigot? Can we just don't give a fuck for once? Not about the war, I mean, this shit shouldn't tolerated. But everyone, EVERYONE says you absolutely need to make your mind asap and listen to the nearest talking head as soon as you can. God forbid you stay out of it for a while and make up your mind, no, you need to decide now: either you are with us or against us.

No. 1736350

did you reply to the wrong post? Im saying everyone besides jews themselves, brainwashed whites, and indians are firmly anti-israel.

No. 1736356

on your wavelength nona. everything is so fucking divisive with two clearly defined sides on any given issue. any nuance is whittled down into an absolute. and whenever one outrage dies down, a new one miraculously pops up juuuuust in time.

No. 1736361

File: 1698092980414.jpg (7.88 KB, 193x261, 1697641253863087.jpg)

Yes, surely acted out of their fear of Hamas and their looney toons bombs that make a black spot on the ground when they explode and not intentional. Fear the paraglider.

No. 1736458

I've never been into "Jews control everything" shit. It's incredibly short sighted, as all the very top people in power are religious in name only - in reality they deal with ancient religions and secret societies with spiritual teachings that aren't for public consumption. Calling themselves Jewish or Christian is really just a useful distraction for us peons to argue over. When someone spouts stuff like this, it just tells me you haven't gone deep enough.

No. 1736460

I have no opinion on either side I think they're both shit but people love to get their anti-semitism out when they can and this is a perfect opportunity. I think you're seeing a lot of that on this site, for example.

No. 1736466

You are aware that they see themselves as an ethnicity right? Its not a religion only, they dont even consider converts “real” jews, you can be a christian or even atheist jew, as long as your mother was a jew(by DNA).


No. 1736471

No word on the extreme islamophobia?

No. 1736506

Their Talmud says goyim (non Jews)are lower than animals and that raping 3 year old gentile girls is acceptable. But sure, anyone who criticizes their religion is the fucked up hateful ones lol.

No. 1736507

You’re arguing with a malding racist Jewish moid.

No. 1736510

only antisemitism is wrong, stinky goyim. think of the 4,000,000 beheaded raped israeli babies. never forget who did 9/11! they had this coming!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1736514

I’m not a fan of right wing truther anti vaxx idiots like Alex Jones and such but I like some of Greg Reese’s videos because they’re more based around history, he made a video exposing Elon Musk for the egomaniac charlatan fraudster he is, he made a short video about the origins of Zionism and where the ideology actually comes from (don’t mind the shady looking link lol it’s just the name of the site because this content generally gets banned from YouTube)


No. 1736516

this, but that person or one of the zionist posters ITT will probably accuse you of "defending muslims!!!" because they are projecting their own religious zealotry lol

No. 1736522

I was listening to a rabbis sermon and he was literally talking about how the west needs to be destroyed for the Jewish messiah to come to earth and how it’s not about right or wrong but the ‘fulfilling of the prophecies’ that all Europeans must be killed. It made my stomach turn tbh. The clip is on YouTube and Twitter but idk if jannies will ban me for posting. Religious zealots really are the worst, I genuinely think most religions are so toxic because they were made by men, not women. I wish these religions didn’t exist.

No. 1736529

Does anyone know why Israel and America have such beef with Iran in particular? I’m talking about before the October events. I thought Iranians are Shia and Shia Muslims don’t care about jihad as much.

No. 1736535

The more worrying internet phenomenon is real people who behave like npcs imo. For instance, influencers, beauty gurus, creepy predatory moid vloggers etc. I don’t care about bots, I think it’s way more creepy and unsettling how real life people behave nowadays.

No. 1736557

I saw a Jewish, female, former IDF soldier on tiktok talking about this. She said that she was stationed at the military centre right beside where the attack happened (I think she called it the Indestructible Rock, which coincidentally is the name of an attack Israel waged on Gaza in 2014 where they murdered more than 500 Palestinians by launching rockets into civilian areas and killing children and women, you can read about it here https://en.topwar.ru/54974-operaciya-nerushimaya-skala.html) anyway. She said that the whole area was under extreme military surveillance and still would have been on the day of the recent attack. She said that the tech they used to detect and listen to every movement in the area even back then (can’t remember if it was sonar or something else) was so sensitive that you could hear sounds and detect movements from miles away, that she literally got woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of cockroaches mating, and you could hear the sound of other small animals just walking around and such. So she said she was really shocked that the IDF claims they never heard anything approaching until it was too late. She said either it must’ve been an inside job by a Palestinian in the IDF (which is quite hard as the IDF are very strict about who they have working security and you would need to pass a million background checks) or she hinted that Israel purposely ignored the intel about the attack until it was too late. Basically insinuating it was a false flag (just like how the FBI ignored thousands of tips about 9/11 in the months before it happened)

No. 1736568

Personally I just hate neocons and warmongers who kill innocent people, and unfortunately 99% of our politicians are like that. I’m not even a republican but I genuinely think Trump was the best president the US has had in decades, even though he was technically a boomer neocon too, because he avoided wars during his presidency by making clear threats rather than just jumping straight into them. Biden has already dragged the US into two foreign wars in two years, which is atrocious. He’s a fucking senile war mongering prick. You’re right about how bloodthirsty people are nowadays though. I would see Putin apologist republicans celebrating Russian soldiers raping and murdering Ukrainian kids and women, and Zelensky liberal fans trying to cancel every Russian person and celebrating Ukrainians wiping out Russians who probably didn’t want to be there in the first place. It’s just fucking sad and tragic. No wonder military enlistment is lower than ever, I can see why nobody wants to die for these evil fucks. Why should they?

No. 1736603

>How do I know this? I was a chick fil a drive thru paid customer.
the reveal always gets me

No. 1736605

That’s creepy.

No. 1736624

Basically Iran is the only country with nukes in that region, and US and Israel are shitting it because having nukes actually gives you political power and deters America from invading you. America claimed Iraq had nuclear weapons to justify the Iraq war, but the truth is, if they had really had nuclear weapons, america would never have invaded Iraq.

This is why North Korea and Russia and China are very open about owning nukes, because it’s the only realistic way you can stop America from invading you. You might wonder why North Korea is always showing off their rockets, it’s basically a fuck you and back off to America to warn them not to invade (and it works).

Libya had a nuclear weapons programme too, but Bush senior convinced Libya to give up their nuclear weapons, so that America and Libya could grow a closer alliance and friendship (and then of course once Libya was fully disarmed, the CIA funded terrorists started the Arab Spring movement (which was a smokescreen to get pro American puppets into power) America then sent in NATO, deposed Gadaffi and handed him over to the CIA funded terrorist ‘rebels’ to execute him, even after their whole ‘friendship’ talk)

Another reason why many foreign countries are so paranoid about giving up their nukes now in case America tries the same shit,

No. 1736631

Oh and Iran also has a shit ton of oil too which America wants. America sanctioned this oil exports tho.

No. 1736645

It’s sad this is in the tinfoil thread this isn’t even tinfoil this is just word history.

No. 1736650

American history and foreign policy is kind of fascinating because it’s filled with so many myths, scandals, government approved lies fed to the public, and crazy outlandish events that it almost sounds like tinfoiling, even when you’re just stating facts or historical events.

No. 1736680

I just had a fight with my mother and sister because I don't want my parents to bring a fucking smart TV into this house (I even proposed getting a TV box which is objectively the superior option between the two even disregarding the privacy and safety concerns), my father wants it too and doesn't give a shit about the spying, hacking and having us turned into products even though he's such a """communist""", but of course he soyfaces all over Elon Musk and crypto and artificial intelligence (which I had to explain to him it's being used for nefarious purposes such as making pornography out of random women and children's faces for the perversion of males - which I had to explain affects the victims in very real ways as well as psychologically, since he's a moid and can't figure that out on his own) cuz IT'S SCIENCE WOW SO COOOOOL!!! Fuck ethics and people's dignity and humanity amirite?
It used to be worse but it seems that every time I try to share some personal achievement or my interests with my dad he is incapable of appreciating it for what it is without thinking and asking me how I can turn that into a way to make easy money, like selling anything I draw as NFTs or something idiotic like that.
Meanwhile I can't stand seeing my mother fall victim to consumerism over and over again, buying shitty fast fashion clothes that are blatantly targeted at millions of insecure women like her, buying shitty AliExpress items she doesn't actually need from the neighbor who sells that shit at double its original price. I fucking hate how the whole world is like this. EVERYWHERE we look, we are constantly shown ads to brainwash us into wanting trash we don't actually need and never wanted before, and may even make our lives worse, not just in the sense that they're inconvenient and stressful to deal with but also because they often invade our privacy and leave us much more vulnerable to random malicious actors, all for the sake of profit, not to mention the potential for our governments to control us more easily that way in the future (oh yeah and of course it creates more and more actual trash that is polluting our land, air and water). That's why the idea of "the Internet of Things" disgusts me to my very core, and seeing those I care about (hell, even random people on the street) consume endless amounts of brain-rotting content on social media makes me genuinely depressed. The worst is when I see adults giving babies smartphones! And this is seen as normal?? Oh but since I can't stop it I'm told not to worry about it. Even when it happens in my own house.

My parents are so fucking retarded I can't stand the fact that I worry so much about my family and they resent me for it. "JUST LET PEOPLE HAVE FUN!!" is basically their logic. That, and "let people make their mistakes" even when it'd just be better to not buy the damn thing in the first place (expensive, unnecessary, inconvenient, full of ads for more useless retarded shit, and yet another device along with laptops and smartphones that exposes you to having your private life spied on by governments, corporations and random hackers, like why not just minimize the risk and damage? NOT TO MENTION, you need a subscription to those streaming platforms to be able to use them, and we don't have any, so why not just get a really cheap laptop to watch YouTube videos in that case??? You're buying such an expensive thing just for ONE feature! And the streaming platforms are easily replaced with piracy, you absolutely do NOT need access to a thousand different movies and TV shows that you don't even know exist and are not going to be interested in watching 99% of the time). Fuck me for worrying about their safety and not wanting to see them being manipulated by media and corporations to be exploited for profit, right? And I'm sorry for being feeling uncomfortable with the thought of faceless multibillion dollar corporations trading my personal data or the potential of any internet pervert being able to spy me and my family without our knowledge! I hate to see my own family being brainwashed all the time, even with this smart TV thing they've already decided they're gonna buy the damn thing and will probably do it just to spite me and "to teach me a life lesson" or some bullshit, I said I would destroy the network card and/or the microphones it has if they dared to do that. Well, maybe I won't do it after all because I hate conflict, I will just have to accept the facts and get mentally prepared, but how I wish I knew about networks and programming so I could make a program to monitor and block incoming and outgoing internet traffic in this house (to block all ads and prevent malicious data gathering of course).

This "smart" shit, tracking and excessive ads are just like porn: people initially saw it for what it was (anti-natural, exploitative, abusive, disgusting, malicious) and protested against it (see Vizio Smart TV class action suit), but eventually the industry found ways to convince us that it's "not a big deal" and now everybody happily accepts it in their lives like it's the most natural thing in the world. My father, he used to give a shit about smartphones and messaging apps spying on us, but now he dismisses those very same concerns of mine as "not a big deal" when it comes to smart TVs. I fucking hate what the internet has become, I fucking hate living in this ultra-capitalistic world. Posting this rant here because I'm assuming anons in this tinfoil thread are as privacy-conscious and fed up with our system as I am. God sometimes I just wish I could be happy and ignorant instead of paranoid and angry about all this.

No. 1736719

Art imitates life, stereotypes exist for a reason.

No. 1736720

Kiss me nona

No. 1736722

Have you tried, idk, moving out?

No. 1736782

Sage because blog and non-contribution but I'm in the same boat nona. My mom has the fucking thermostat connected to Wi-Fi so she can change the temperature from her phone. She keeps one of those Alexa things in the kitchen and purposely unplug it whenever I'm in there because it will trigger as soon as you start talking. Can't wait until I can get my own place and make everything analog again.

No. 1736800

It's to keep people distracted and marketable. People in power want us distracted from whatever bullshit they're doing, so they make shit up and force us to pick a side on whatever fake issue is at hand. They also generate a fake sense of urgency so people can decide impulsively. Picking a side makes it easier for marketing to do it's job and sell you a product, candidate, or idea. Do you think misgendering is a crime? If so, here's some pride gear, vegan food, and Ridin' with Biden stickers you can buy. If you disagree with that, here's some MAGA stickers, shitty beer, and confederate flags you can buy. The people in power want to keep us distracted while also extracting money and support from us.

No. 1736990

There's also the 1978 Islamic Revolution that removed a pro-US regime from power in Iran. Iran acts as independent country that serves it's own interests and interferes with US influence in the region.

No. 1737017

I wish someone made a new Tinfoil thread or something why the fuck is everything about current political issues and not even the tinfoil aspect of it

No. 1737020

can we get uhhhhhh unhinged shitfoils thread? we have dumbass shit and absolutely retarded shitposting, why not tinfoil and absolutely retarded tinfoil?

No. 1737022

Stfu, post about bigfoot and if anons find it interesting they will engage. And this is a huge conspiracy
>>A conspiracy, also known as a plot, is a secret plan or agreement between people (called conspirers or conspirators) for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder, treason, or corruption, especially with political motivation, while keeping their agreement secret from the public or from other people affected by it.

No. 1737032

This thread is politics thread in anything but name and was like that for a while now.
On one hand we have anons like this >>1737022 hating that we want talk about kiddie shit like Bigfoot and not sperg about Palestine like proper adults.
On other hand, there is a lot of nonnas who want to talk about strange topics in general without all the politsperging.
So, the thread is evenly divided and the politspergs are the majority.
So,no ancient aliens or speculative evolution for us.
I would like to have a fringe theory/strangeness thread that has a more paranormal or weird bend. Doesn't mean it would be only about ghosts or aliens. Just anything weird or tinfoil-y but without the current happenings.

No. 1737045

you wanna hear about the orbs that have been hanging around me and nigel's place? I have photos but idk how to remove exif data shit is getting FUCKY
some nights it'll be like your hackles rise and one of will just say "orb", look outside and BOOM ORB.

No. 1737047

>how to remove exif data
Just look it up.

No. 1737049

reeee okay might actually do, is about time. plus I want you to see these orbs

No. 1737051

Conspiracies are political most of them time, i posted the definition of a conspiracy right before, the theory part only means it hasnt been proven without resonable doubt.
And once again, no one is stopping you from posting about aliens or bigfoot, literally just make a post instead of throwing a fit about what other anons are posting in an appropriate thread because you want nonnies to talk about that, be the change you want to see.

No. 1737056

not really a theory when the conspiracy is so open but if they're being this obvious with this element, what are they being secretive about?
like it's obvious you'd get a generation of pornsick young "fighting age" men into the military by baiting them with egirls but is it really that simple? this feels more insidious
especially when you look at rates of male veterans trooning out. all seems so coomery now. cum and blood for the motherland, brethren?

No. 1737057

Conspiracies are political. There was tinfoil in this thread when the Ukraine war started. The difference then was that discussion was mainly neutral towards both sides of the conflict.

No. 1737100

i've been noticing this pattern too since covid-19 and the whole mask/vaccine wars. i guess it really started with the trump era but it seems to have taken off since 2020. it really is literally every week at this point. i'm old enough to remember in the past when journalists just reported on the news and media outlets generally told you what was happening and you just moved on with your life. having radical political thoughts or getting overly involved in stuff that was happening in the news made you look like a shut in loon. i think a lot of journalists today have become radicalized and this is trickling down into the general population.

a lot of them i notice who are getting into the media industry seem to have an agenda that they need to tell people what to think, other everyone will become evil trump supporting conservatards. they really see themselves as the purveyors of the ultimate truth and this power (real or imagined) has absolutely gone to their heads. a lot of journalists today have authoritarian beliefs/sympathies when you look into their histories, and you can see it in how they write and approach the world. there's also a lack of fact checking and checks and balances in the media now, as a lot of big papers like the nyt have gotten rid of their fact checking departments or massively scaled back, supposedly due to "budget cuts". but the consequence of this leads us to a world where journalists are not being held accountable for shitty reporting, acting like nuts on social media, or being objective and unbiased as one possibly can.

it sucks because it's hard to find good quality journalistic writing nowadays. i notice investigative journalism has all but disappeared from most major newspapers, people don't really seem to go out into the field anymore to search for interesting stories or try to uncover mysteries and corruption (unless of course they can spin it back to whining about donald trump). there's no passion in anyone's work either. it's all about headlines, outrage, and "politics". whatever gets the most clicks basically. this used to be a relatively prestigious job. now it seems like any goob with a social media handle who can churn out 500 words or less is qualified to be a journalist. i guess i am a hypocrite as i am studying journalism at uni, but i honestly don't find the industry that appealing to work in and don't really plan on going into it after i graduate.

No. 1737623

It's well known that the IDF provides diapers to it's soldiers because they wet themselves when confronted by Palestinians. Israel first started doing this in the 2014 Gaza War where Hamas killed 67 IDF soldiers. My point is not that the IDF is weak or whatever, Israel sending in conscripts against hardened Hamas extremists while the politicians that caused this to happen sit safe in their bunkers is wrong and a betrayal of Israel towards it's own young men and women.

A similar occurrence of conscripts being drafted against a highly effective military force is the Falklands War. Argentina was using conscripts to fight the elite units of the British military. In the battle for Goose Green, 500 hundred British soldiers defeated a force of over 1000 Argentinian conscripts.

Warfare has also changed since Ukraine. NATO tactics failed to defeat Russia and western military technology has been surpassed by Russia, and possibly China. Hamas and Hezbollah have already destroyed 10% of Israel's MBTs as well as other armored vehicles. Iran possess hypersonic missiles that can hit Tel Aviv.

No. 1737627

The Illuminati aren’t even talked about anymore, it’s always level-surface politics or left-centric sperging.

No. 1737661

I’m sorry but i cant take this comment seriously, they have sofisticated weapons and proper millitary training but are sooo scared of a few random terrorists?
Bonus video of two old IDF soldiers laughing about raping teens and killing Palestinians for fun, they seem terrified.

No. 1737730

So, I swear this isn't racebait (which I'm not, anyway), but there's something I've noticed in media. You're not ever allowed to acknowledge that Jews are vastly overrepresented. Just stating it gets accused of being racist anti-Semite. South Park(the boundary pushing edgy show) did an entire episode about how you should never ever state that fact, and recently, in the Babie movie, they made a joke about the ignorant CEO having Jewish friends. In reality, the CEO of Mattel is Jewish. It's weird, right?"

No. 1737829

File: 1698179433460.png (79.02 KB, 474x437, pandemic planning.png)

this was a month ago so i'm sorry if it was already discussed but does anyone have any thoughts on picrel? the UN president approved a 'Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response' (PPPR)
>calls for routine vaccination
they are "deeply concerned" about the decline in vaccination rates
>working towards making temporary covid measures permanent
“turning, where appropriate, temporarily scaled up capacities into permanent capacities in a sustainable manner.”
>increased surveillance and vaccine passports
>controlling the narrative and social media
“measures to counter and address the negative impacts of health-related misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and stigmatization, especially on social media platforms … including countering vaccine hesitancy … and to foster trust in public health systems and authorities.”
>"Invest in ensuring WHO is strengthened"
>pushed for by big pharma orgs
>11 countries objected

not much surprising here but still bleak, and i haven't found it mentioned in any news outlet.

No. 1737847

still waiting on all le ebul unvaxxed to die

No. 1737871

I have noticed. Its the only group you are not allowed to criticize. Black people, White people, Asian people, Muslims, Women, Men, Christians, you name it, but not this group of people, they are sacred lambs who can do no wrong and are always oppressed even though they are extremely rich and powerful.

No. 1737878

The recent Dave Chapelle "walk out" when he started talking about Isreal and Palestine really says a lot.

No. 1737891

Wait, what happened??

No. 1738035

Wait until you hear who controls the porn industry.

No. 1738061

> it isnt even just muslims
> its christians too

You tradfaggots here are trying really hard to make me love judaism, lmao. Too bad it's just another retarded abrahamic religion.

No. 1738105

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Basically, he called out Isreal's lack of innocence, which made a lot of people mad

No. 1738106

Whoops, I mean *Israel.

No. 1738113

File: 1698190737953.png (43.96 KB, 655x294, dm-idf.png)

Replying to myself. Here's further proof of Israeli politicians not caring about the fate of IDF soldiers. Benjamin Netanyahu's son is staying in the US while other Israelis are being drafted into the IDF to fight Hamas and Hezbollah.

No. 1738258

He's not wrong. At this point, they are war crimes. Why are people upset at that?

No. 1738270

since when do people avoid criticizing white or black people? Depending where you are on the political spectrum, all you ever hear is whining about said group

No. 1738342

As in you can criticize all those groups, but you cannot criticize Jewish people.

No. 1738480

Which is funny because everyone goes on how about Jews never did anything bad, but then you read about Zwi Migdal. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zwi_Migdal

And you realize they're fucking scumbags.

No. 1738481

It's almost as if Jewish people were people. And half of them are men and men are horrible people.

No. 1738554

Logically we know that, but you cannot point out any grievance or fact without people screaming about anti-semitism. Like fx, you can clown black people for stealing, white people for being racist Karens, muslims for being terrorist goat fuckers, asians for being nerds with small eyes but Jews? Forboden, perfect specimens who are always victims, even while oppressing others and also while being extremely rich and powerful. Like people say the most racist bs about black people constantly and get slapped on the wrist, but say anything about a jew and your career is in ruins, you are forced to bow down and ask for mercy, all while being labled mentally ill or an abuser of some sort.(racebait)

No. 1738584

Dont forget Epstein and Maxwell

No. 1738658

the problem is that you are obviously incapable of critizing individual jews without making generalizing statements about all jews. jews do not all "oppress others" and jews aren't all "extremely rich and powerful". that's antisemitism and kind of exactly the tropes that have been used against jews for decades. you can clown on jews for cutting their sons foreskin off and you can criticize the men of zwi migdal for being human traffickers, but saying shit that hitler used as justification for killing 6 million jews shows how stupid and indoctrinated by antisemitic tropes you are.

No. 1738667

Where did i say “all jews”? This is the #notallmen bullshit again.

No. 1738669

And again with the victim bullshit. Jews are overrepresented in positions of power statistically, they do own the media, you are not allowed to criticize anyone who happens to be jewish without being labled anti-semetic as you so beautifully illustrate. I’m sorry reality is “anti-semetic” and that you cany comprehend statistics.
When someone says “indians tend to be poor” they are nit saying every single indian in existence is poor, do you understand?

No. 1738671

> Like fx, you can clown black people for stealing, white people for being racist Karens, muslims for being terrorist goat fuckers, asians for being nerds with small eyes but Jews?

you can’t do any of these things without getting pushback for being racist and/or ignorant. plenty of people have lost their jobs for stereotyping blacks as thieves or calling asians chinks, maybe a little less so for calling white people karens and billy bobs, but that’s only because most minorities know not to engage with racist white people. you really only see this from cowards online.

plus i don’t even understand why so many non-jewish, non-israeli, non-muslim people are so angry about the war if not for the fact that they are just racist, anti-semitic white supremacists. it’s very strange and making me feel like i am living in the twilight zone. some of you really need to go outside and get some fresh air, we’ve gone for almost a month now of autistic sperging about jews and it’s exhausting. i’ve always suspected we had racist people coming to the board recently…(racebait)

No. 1738682

File: 1698243012604.jpeg (128.07 KB, 750x498, IMG_4402.jpeg)

Because Israel is colonizing and genociding a muslim population, majority being children.
The zionists being criticized are white, i wouldnt call it a special kind of racism unless they literally look semetic, and funnily enough the actual semetic jews are very much against Israel and zionism, they also dont hold power like the white zionist jews do.

No. 1738732

>plus i don’t even understand why so many non-jewish, non-israeli, non-muslim people are so angry about the war
Because our politicians involve our countries and American tax payers fund Israel with billions of dollars. I agree that it's not all jews. Jews aren't a monolith, they're individuals with their own opinions. Individual jews should not be blamed for the actions of the Israeli government just as the American people shouldn't be blamed for the many pointless wars started by the US government. As usual it's the cabal/elites/TPTB fucking over everyone else and causing division.

No. 1738758

I have the same feelings on that too. I'm also not Jewish kek I was raised Catholic and went to catholic schools my entire education so I didn't even really meet a Jewish person until I was a teen. Anyway if this thread is all about politics I'll go find the actual interesting new thread that's been made.

No. 1738761

Yes, I believe a vast majority at the bottom ascribe to this belief. I am not talking about them. I am talking about the 100 or so people at the very top of our entire worldwide civilization.

No. 1738765

this was exactly my point, thank you. Not sure what world these nonnies are in that they think you could say any of that and get away with it kek because you can't.

No. 1738779

I wouldn't say it's obvious but it's certainly a conspiracy. Now do the Las Vegas musical festival shooting. Now that's a conspiracy and you can't find shit on it anymore. The good, credible evidence being discussed when it first happened was swiftly and harshly shut down and wiped. Extremely fascinating "false flag" event (people did in fact die, but it just wasn't just some random dude from a hotel window killing them all). It was the United States' black government's last major attempt to turn the tide for a complete gun ban, but they were unsuccessful.

No. 1738786

File: 1698250508056.jpeg (214.5 KB, 800x1000, terrorism funding.jpeg)

I'm in the UK and have very little knowledge of the US law and tax system but there are some people here who found a way to legally not give the government tax that is being used to fund war. you can pay it into a conditional revocable trust which the government can receive once they stop all involvement in wars, by the end of the tax year. because, by our own laws, it is illegal to fund terrorism so we have the right to not be implicit in it.

not sure how that would work in the US or if it even successfully works in the UK but the more resistance the better.

No. 1738983

I saw Steve Coogan tonight come in to a restaurant I was eating at(traveling right now). My dad said "he must be trying to lie low right now because he's probably in hot water back in London", all because he signed some "pro-Hamas" document or something, along with other British actors/comedians (I think, I don't keep up with this shit). Would like to know from any Britbongers if that's true or not, or what's going on in Londonistan.

No. 1738988

File: 1698264643232.jpg (141.43 KB, 580x811, 1642558091090.jpg)

Reminded me of this.

No. 1738990

he just signed an open letter, along with a some other actors and artists. 'Artists For Palestine UK' not pro-hamas (although it will be framed as such, naturally).

No. 1738996

Is this because he's of Irish ancestry? I think Sinéad Cusack was involved in something similar. They empathize with the Palestinians.

No. 1739047

File: 1698268680577.jpg (101.53 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

McDonald's characters deserve to be shot on site

No. 1739073

> people say the most racist bs about black people constantly and get slapped on the wrist, but say anything about a jew and your career is in ruins

Bullshit. I live in a third world country and even here you can be arrested and pay a fine if you associate black people with crime. And the people who get away with it (rich and/or famous) succeed regardless of the group they are bigoted against, including jews. A podcaster here was canceled for saying that "it's okay for neonazi parties to exist" because of "muh freedom" but almost nobody cares nowadays. Another rightoid scrote did the nazi salute on TV as a "joke" and was "fired" just to return to the same fucking job only 1 month later.

…And mostly, if not all, of their victims were jewish women who were deceived when they tried to flee anti-semitism in Eastern Europe.

You don't get it nonna, their Reinhardts and Ahmeds are the best guys in the world and will never do this sort of things… /s

> Because our politicians involve our countries and American tax payers fund Israel with billions of dollars

LMAO, so Cuba is the Israel of my bumfuck country i guess.

No. 1739079

Not the unpopular opinion thread, nonna.

No. 1739123

Because celebs and politicians have done it alot, they are still thriving; https://www.insider.com/celebrities-who-wore-blackface-2018-10?amp
Compared to someone like Mel Gibson who was black listed for saying anti-semetic things; https://variety.com/2020/film/news/mel-gibson-controversies-career-1234696080/amp/
Or Kanye, who lost deals and is threatened with being institutionalized; https://www.billboard.com/lists/kanye-west-hate-speech-consequences-timeline/
Heres just a small list; https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/5-celebrities-who-went-on-antisemitic-tirades-and-the-price-they-paid-15220511

No. 1739125

You can also go to prison in several countries fpr holocaust denial, yet you can go out into the streets right now and claim slavery never happend with no legal ramifications. Explain that?

No. 1739130

Chapelle said it so beautifully
>> “If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob,” Chappelle said. “But if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.”

No. 1739142

I’m so horny

No. 1739143

Whoops wrong thread

No. 1739156

What do you guys think of the idea Israel used crisis actors and AI generated images of warfare? The whole beheaded babies narrative was super fishy to me from the start, and it turned out it was just hearsay by a random bystander. Israel confirmed it wasn’t real either. Then they changed the narrative to burned babies, but the only image they put out was that one that had the weird AI looking hand and it didn’t give any details about the location, the name of the person inspecting the supposed charred corpse, the location, the house or family it supposedly belonged to, or whether it’s even a dead Israeli etc. Someone said it looked like a barbecued lamb and when looking at the shape of it, I have to agree, it didn’t look like a child at all, had an elongated head and limbs. I saw some footage of Hamas supposedly raising some military camp and the people honestly looked like they were acting in a really bad way, their fear just didn’t seem convincing and it was like some B movie. Israel also has a history of false flags and planting bombs then blaming it on Muslims like with the Lavon affair, so idk. I feel bad for anyone being killed on either side but I don’t trust mainstream media reporting on it at all.

No. 1739159

There’s plenty of negative stereotypes about Jews and I hear and see them in media all the time. Calling people Karens and Billy Bobs isn’t offensive and white people know it. No white person is really offended by terms like honkey, cracker, mayo etc. Calling someone a hillbilly isn’t the same as calling someone a n*gger.

Meanwhile all the other negative slurs and stereotypes about other races are usually grossly offensive and involve dehumanizing that group and often bragging about historically killing those people too (as whites did)

Have you noticed nearly all stereotypes about non white people are overwhelmingly negative while most stereotypes about white people are overwhelmingly positive? Whites made it that way to uphold white supremacy, constantly shit talking and dehumanizing other groups while uplifting themselves, you simply cannot blame Jews for that, Jews had no part in that. Germans killed millions of Jews but do you see ‘Jewish media’ demonizing Germans constantly? No.

Whites have a million negative stereotypes about Jews and many of them also involve referencing and bragging about genociding groups like Jews and making Holocaust jokes too. Let’s not pretend Jews are responsible for racism or some kind of untouchable group that no one can make fun of, thats simply not true.

No. 1739160

If media was really ‘controlled by Jews’ then South Park would never have been allowed to air that episode in the first place. Other extremely popular shows like Sopranos and Family Guy made jokes and degrading comments about Jews but the very fact they were allowed to air them shows there is not some Jewish boogeyman lobby forbidding any wisecracks about Jewish people.

No. 1739185

File: 1698283331693.png (22.45 KB, 652x153, shot-to-pieces.png)

Americans are already dying for Israel
>in the last 24 hours or so, some of our Special Ops forces and Israeli Special Ops forces went into Gaza to reconnoiter, to plan for where they might want to go to free hostages and make an impact, and they were shot to pieces and took heavy losses, as I understand it. I think that is where we are headed and I don't see that as a win for Israel in any way, shape, or form. And I certainly think it is very dangerous for us.

>Well, once we are a co-belligerent, we enter this thing, it is going to be very difficult for Russia and Turkey not to also come into this fight against us, because they will not tolerate the sort of collective punishment that Israel plans for Gaza.

>This is a high-end conventional war we're looking at with the potential to go nuclear. Obviously, I don't think we or the Russians want that to happen, but we have the wild card in Israel. They do have a nuclear capability and we don't know what the trip wire is for them to employ such a weapon. At that point, of course, all bets are off, and I think most of the world would turn against Israel. Right now they just have to worry about the Muslim world against them. It would certainly widen if they went that far.

No. 1739252

im waiting on those orbs anon

No. 1739253

>American soldier moids shot to pieces
A fitting end too.

No. 1739258

File: 1698290610196.jpg (655.47 KB, 1080x2055, Maine2023.jpg)

"Aw shit, here we go again"

No. 1739269

matt stone is jewish and so are a lot of tv writers affiliated with fox.

No. 1739295


Real talk, is Israel gonna make it to 2027? I think they're gonna fold like Apartheid South Africa(newfaggotry)

No. 1739351

We really need to stop treating moids like rational human beings. They’re oversized angry chimps with the emotional reactions and impulse control of a toddler, and should be wrangled and kept in cages for the good of womankind

No. 1739354

File: 1698300329885.jpeg (122.43 KB, 932x524, 54128069-1D0D-404D-B39A-B10395…)

I hate men

No. 1739356

There’s no spooky biblical conspiracy here, their previous kingdoms only lasted 80 years because a) they were so annoying and everyone disliked them and b) they were surrounded by stronger empires with better soldiers

No. 1739357

what? who is this

No. 1739361

Scrote who just shot like 70 people

No. 1739362

The history between the alt right and Israel is quite the interesting one.

Israel’s relationship with the far-right originates even before the state’s establishment. Zionist militant groups like the Irgun, Betar, and Lehi (all influencers of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party) were involved in fascist movements. Lehi tried to ally itself with the Third Reich in 1941, while Betar and Irgun received support from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

During a private conversation with Nahum Goldman, founder of the World Jewish Congress, in November 1934, Mussolini expressed admiration for Ze’ev Jabotinsky, founder of Betar and Irgun, telling Goldman,

For Zionism to succeed, you need to have a Jewish State with a Jewish flag and Jewish language. The person who understands that is your fascist, Jabotinsky.”

The admiration was mutual, with other Zionist leaders like Itamar Ben-Avi praising Mussolini’s actions.

Additionally, Jabotinsky, recognized as the founder of Revisionist Zionism, set up the Betar Naval Academy in Italy during Mussolini’s reign, where many of the Israeli navy’s future commanders trained. Several of the cadets were known to be supportive of Mussolini’s policies.

“Israel is actually grounded in fascism,” Palestinian-American journalist Ramzy Baroud told MintPress News. “Israel gives the illusion of representation of the Jewish people when in actuality it’s Zionism that defines the actions of Israel.”

What began as mutual appreciation soon blossomed into official government cooperation. According to numerous declassified documents from Israel’s State Archives, Israeli ministries have partnered with dictators for decades.


No. 1739366

Adam Sandler
Breaking news is that he shot up a restaurant and a bowling alley in Maine

No. 1739367

i genuinely dont understand how americans live with themselves i would be embarassed

No. 1739369

I heard after WW2 Nazi porn and nazi themed sexploitation movies were incredibly popular in Israel

No. 1739401

Its undisputed fact that it is controlled by them.

No. 1739416

Does anyone have any information on the Catastrophic Cyber Attack that was talked about in the WEF?
“Geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic cyber event likely in the next two years” — Jeremy Jurgens, WEF Annual Meeting, 2023
I'm interested in what kind of cyber policies will be inacted after said event happens. The FED is going brrrr with all the wars going on so a catastrophic cyber attack will make for a more riveting landscape.

No. 1739425

try paying your own rent, NEEToid.

No. 1739506

File: 1698320717575.jpeg (21.93 KB, 460x334, Qavwhwvsjbs.jpeg)

> implying that Mel Gibson and Kayne West are not "still thriving"

> Mel Gibson has been accused of being anti-semitic and homophobic since the 90s and yet his film The Passion of the Christ (2004) is one of the most popular and successful christian films in the world even with some jews complaining that the film itself is anti-semitic, and even nowadays it's on TV every fucking Easter, plus he also hates black people.

> A lot of people hate Kayne since the Taylor Swift incident in 2009 VMA, plus he said slavery was a choice, supported Bill Cosby, simps for Trump, was obsessed with his ex-wife post divorce and now was caught having sex in public with his current partner, who seems to be as crazy as he is. Plus his "I like Hitler" bullshit It doesn't affect just jews, who weren't the only victims of nazism back them, nor of the neo-nazis today.

Maybe these dudes are considered bigoted and crazy because they are bigoted and crazy, i dunno.

> yet you can go out into the streets right now and claim slavery never happend with no legal ramifications

Except "slavery deniers" are not actually a thing and just a hypothetical example you gave, while holocaust deniers who take themselves seriously and fascists trying to radicalize delinquent teenagers/young adults are a actual problem, especially in Europe, where these laws exist.
Btw, you theoretically can deny both by my country laws, but depending on how you say it you you can be judged for both via laws against racism, nazism propaganda and/or religious intolerance.

…And his jokes about troons generated much more controversy than that line.

No. 1739640

Compared to before? Kanye lost a billion+ dollar deal with Adidas, and Mel Gibson funded and produced the entire thing himself, no studio would fund the movie because the bible itself is “anti-semetic” to hollywood jews. Mel was gone from hollywood for more than a decade because he was kept out.
I want to make clear that i personally dont agree with their actions, and i do think they should have consequences, i was making a paralell to how little consequence any other type of racism gets handled comparatively.
>> Except "slavery deniers" are not actually a thing and just a hypothetical example you gave…
Maybe not out right denial, just people saying slavery wasnt that bad, the slaves liked it, that the atrocities have been exaggerated etc, Just like with the holocaust. The people being arrested are mostly historians who question the narrative with examples being that the deathtoll is exaggerated, that there were no ovens for burning people etc, I dont think anyone is saying that it didnt happen. So yes, its exactly the same, but treated very differently. Troons are also untouchables, so we agree there, but i think its less taboo now compared to criticizing zionist jews.

No. 1739688

The black government uses mentally vunerable men to carry out these attacks. They can not only cyberstalk and gangstalk them into being crazy, but literally transmit thoughts into these men's heads to mass kill. The black government does this to both destabilize, create fear, and push for a full gun ban. Been studying this stuff for years

No. 1739753

Mind elaborating nonnie? I've never heard of the phrase "black government" before and search results aren't pulling anything up. I'm going to assume you meant the Deep State? If not just correct me. I'd also like to hear what you've been studying and have found out because I've been having trouble finding shit relating to mass shooting conspiracy theories lately.

No. 1739808

File: 1698337962552.png (42.6 KB, 589x469, tweet.png)

There's a tweet going around that says exactly this. I can't find the CBS article that the tweeet refers to.

No. 1740036

There was a /pol post warning about this about two weeks ago. Perhaps just a coincidence…

No. 1740065

Screenshot? This is an image bord. Also hope you arent a scrote.

No. 1740134

>image bord

No. 1740363

Leave kanelbullar-chan alone

No. 1740369

so what -is- going on in Maine? I remember there were loads of falsely reported shootings around this time last year?

No. 1740382

File: 1698383758382.jpg (120.71 KB, 1500x1125, AR-McDonaldlandCharacters-4x3-…)

They're coming for you

No. 1740387

i miss when family restaurants looked this fun, i hate globohomo

No. 1740393

Humans are so less interactive. Even if they did bring it back most people in the restaurant would just stare blankly and ignore them

No. 1740397

kinda sad, i hate being part of the white noise generation. People are going to grow up and our image of the 2010s+ is going to be static because of how utterly boring it was to live through it

No. 1740622

File: 1698408930948.png (76.74 KB, 978x360, Screenshot.png)

Shit like this is how you get a far-right government elected.

No. 1740642

That bitch is psychotic, what an vile human.

No. 1740650

File: 1698410289449.jpeg (373.09 KB, 750x1081, IMG_4424.jpeg)

Guess what tribe she belongs to? I’m so shocked! She kills off goy and takes enjoyment in it??(racebait)

No. 1741171

just make it illegal for scrotes to own guns. you never see women doing this shit. it's always moids. they're feral raging hormonal apes throwing mantrums who want to kill other people because they have a shitty life. just take their rage stick away since they use it as a substitute penis.

female gun owners never cause problems. i could buy 20 ARs and never shoot up a mall in my life, because i don't have a defective Y chromosome.

i don't know why we don't deport all males to workcamps until they can prove they aren't rage-ape subhumans and deserve to live in society. what do all mass shooters have in common? XY chromosomes! scrotal trash should go in a trash compacter.

No. 1741282

File: 1698439980903.png (10.66 KB, 650x460, full series.png)

Declining birth rates genuinely aren't an issue unless for useless capitalism. It's not really substantially harming the quality for a major population or even the nation as a whole; it's just going to decrease the expectation growth of major corporations. That's it. They won't even lose money or stop growing, just decrease slightly. and so they bagger on about these birth rate crises and they want us to be afraid, but it's simply not true. Even at the complete worst, if all of humanity gets reduced to 10% of its size, it will simply grow again for the next few hundred years.

No. 1741485

I can smell this picture and feel the oddly cold air

No. 1742123

me and my friend were in a shopping centre the other day and walked through the food court bit. the mcdonalds was tucked into this corner with these long benches facing the wall. the walls were dark grey cladding and the fluorescent lighting was so dimmed, it was gloomy as hell. extremely bad energy. you would think "no one would ever want to eat here" but it was pretty full. just people sitting in the fucking dark looking at the wall eating burgers.

No. 1742133

File: 1698514898245.jpeg (133.56 KB, 1000x563, md.jpeg)

on the subject of mcdonalds, they're currently giving away free shitty fries if you use their app and updated the terms and conditions to say if you waive your right to trial in any class action lawsuits and have to do mandatory arbitration.
reminder to always read before signing t&cs and then don't sign them. because this kind of t&c is actually not uncommon.

No. 1742136

wonder how lawsuit mcdonalds anon feels about this

No. 1742139

She would probably say it's bait to lure and poison her.

No. 1742145

And would she be wrong?

No. 1742148

i mean, is it just a coincidence that they updated these terms after her attempt at a lawsuit?

No. 1742176

McDonald's is always trying to get out of lawsuits. Can you even sue them because of the characters being scary?

No. 1742186

No but she can do what the Noid guy did

No. 1742428

File: 1698532376337.jpg (402.54 KB, 1169x1204, a46beaa85bf59f9d1477cc64185bf5…)

samefag, The real things I'm worried about that these Idiots never addresses are
>farms and food production
>other factories and manufacturers
>infrastructure supporting medium population densities such as small cities and towns, as well as lower populated rural areas

No. 1742645

seriously though why aren't there as many farmers anymore? kids who inherit farms either sell them off to some richies to create airbnbs or just knock them down. I guess its because everyone wants to live off of plastic fast food but still

No. 1742705

File: 1698554527827.jpg (156.71 KB, 2048x1963, xuht0xgguco81.jpg)

Sometimes I feel like the world is about to collapse and I question the point of doing anything. Even when I go to work or just clean my room, sometimes I ask myself, what's the point in caring about it? When I get my salary, I think this is not really my money, and the bank can withold giving people their money for any reason made up by the government in a time of some "crisis". When I buy food, I know that's not real food. I never had anyone in my life and I'm scared the world will end before I even manage to fall in love with someone and know what it's like. Since I was a child I used to have some weird dreams about nuclear wars, or some kind of cataclysms, I also had night terrors and saw shadow people but thank god that stopped for now. I don't want to go full schizo, but I even meet people who randomly among other things ask me if I ever had any "paranormal encounters" in my life and they talk to me about weird shit, like seeing some white giants, cryptids and flying lights when they were kids and their family members supposedly saw them too. I never start those topics because I don't want people to think that I'm a schizo but somehow people start them with me. One of my coworkers is also super pro transhumanism and AI, he also likes to shit on christianity and says it's obvious that god doesn't exist and mockingly ends any kind of discussion the moment I even express some kind of belief that "there might be something more". Once my psychologist, after diagnosing me with autism and explaining to me that's the reason I might be overanalyzing and looking for connections and patters everywhere, she said to me "It's a good thing that you are not into conspiracy theories, because that would be a real problem haha". I knew it was a joke and all, but why this, why not any other example, when I literally never brought up anything regarding politics or weird theories and schizo shit to her? I even had my "I'm totally gangstalked" phase but that is also gone for now (I remember reading that it happens more often to people somehow connected to the military and also gay people/people who don't want to have kids, and a few close men in my family were in the military and in the police, my father was in special forces but had some kind of a mental breakdown and left). Now I just think that I have bad luck pretty often. I've been depressed for years but I wish I was just depressed without that doom and schizo thoughts

No. 1742789

It's happening everywhere, in my country small farms are being bought up by corporations who then employ cheap migrant labor, It really is fucking going to shit these days. that said I still have hope that things will get better, I know it well, these parasites will have their day.

No. 1742948

Your coworker is disgusting and people like this are the exact reason the world is going to shit in my opinion. The vibes their mindset and actions put into the world makes the world sick. Transhumanists are anti nature and evrything we live in and are is nature, they are anti life (life as an element) = anti good.
Too many people experienced paranormal encounters that i think we as a society can admit that there are real paranrmal things that happen, i think it's nice that more people want to speak about their experiences. Magic is real, maybe admiting that and exploring that is the way to heal the world from these nasty transhumanists and actual destructive mental illness that they bring with them.

No. 1742952

Don't know how it is everywhere else in the world but in Europe for example it's impossible to be a small farmer. I really wanted to be one, i got a sizable land couple of years ago but it's just not possible to have any profit from it without EU money no matter how you do it. The EU will give you a grant only if you have a certain size of land, that wont make you a small farmer, but a bigger farmer. Not many people have money to buy that bigger land, only the gigafarmers do so they keep buying it and getting more and more grants. I can grow food for myself or sell on a market few times a year but it wont make any profit because i still pay for water, fertilizer and land taxes and nonsence like that that if i had the grant i wouldn't have to worry about and i could keep the market coins.

No. 1742962

File: 1698581106299.png (1.26 MB, 1280x1921, content.png)

in addition to what >>1742948 nona said, you are also creating your own reality of fear, which is exactly what they want. pretty damn hard when you're depressed (i have the same problem as a depressed sperg) but the more you realise you’re being programmed to fear everything and be disconnected from your own life, the more it might inspire you to actually counteract those feelings with more positive things. whatever paranormal stuff, conspiracies etc. you explore, just make sure you are also grounding and protecting yourself.
have you nonas read picrel? looks old school but was published 2020 and apparently gives a realistic blueprint. i'm gonna start reading it tonight.

No. 1742988

probably possible in America, but in corrupt shitholes like mine or liberal hellholes like EU and Canada its probably not, still we can try the best we can at least.

No. 1742992

the author is British but I haven't read it yet. will report back if it's any good.

No. 1743018

File: 1698584333142.png (509.61 KB, 627x525, mattman batman.png)

matthew perry has died and his last few instagram posts are very weird. they are all batman themed and he refers to himself as batman. maybe he was just autistic about batman and using it as a cry for help, but does anyone have any tinfoil theories? https://www.instagram.com/mattyperry4/
>wasn't active on instagram for ages and then all of a sudden last week starts posting lots of batman symbols
batman symbol = distress signal
>his last post is the hot tub he likely died in with the cpation “oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I’m Mattman”.
>one of his other posts is him placing cranberries on a table "This is what I've had to eat today. I'm Mattman."
reference to Dolores O'Riordan from the cranberries who drowned?
>another post is three screens in one room (on different walls) all playing batman
>captions are vague and cryptic and he says things like "Do you know what I mean?" and “do you understand what I’m trying to tell you?” with just a picture of the batman symbol
>dies on the night of the full moon

No. 1743030

Idk what Canada you're living in but I'm surrounded by local farms. Literally surrounded.

No. 1743032

Holy shit??!

No. 1743046

Im not trying to shit on your theory… but are we sure that wasnt his Halloween costume and he was dropping hints before?

No. 1743051

>I'm not trying to shit on your theory
You just did kek. So he was going to be batman for Halloween; case closed. But the random Dolores O'Riordan/cranberries ref is unexplainable and only explainable by gen X autism.

No. 1743054

File: 1698585803049.jpeg (183.22 KB, 1000x563, pickleball.jpeg)

samefag but another thing to add is that he died after playing pickleball. and a week prior he posted a sign saying 'Batman Plays Pickleball'
I don't get why you would drop obvious clues about your costume though.

No. 1743058

File: 1698585973834.png (17.42 KB, 791x403, mattman.png)

he did an interview a year ago where he said he's like batman cause they're both rich loners who drive black cars, the cranberries thing i weird though
he just likes batman a lot and was probably going to got as him on halloween lol

No. 1743064

I get that he was obsessed with batman. apparently he also had a room dedicated to batman stuff in his house.
but posting the hot tub you died in the night before you die, a video of the moon when you die on the full moon, reference to pickleball when you die after playing pickleball, random cranberries a few days before drowning. it would have to be very coincidental.
if you wanted to appear as batman on halloween but wanted to drop clues, they would be way more subtle surely? and why would you randomly film the cranberries kek

No. 1743071

The cranberries thing may have been a coincidence or a projected suicide as he is gen X and he would be a fan of the cranberries likely and know how the lead singer died. He was quite young to die but seems incredibly retarded/mentally stunted for his age. He may have been a similar case to Robin Williams a few years back where he was assumed to have commited suicide but had dimentia and had a accidental overdose. Mathew Perry had evidence of stroke on camera and may have suffered neurological problems with dimentia and memory that may have exacerbated his suicidal thoughts, or he overdosed on accident like Robin Williams. The batman shit doesn't seem deep to me, it just seems like a middle aged mans arrested development and sad obsession. If it's called as a suicide I wouldn't be surprised. The cranberries reference is too on the nose.

No. 1743077

thanks i'll read it

No. 1743119

> he overdosed on accident like Robin Williams
Are you perhaps confused? Robin Williams’ cause of death was asphyxia by hanging. All drugs in his body were at therapeutic levels.

No. 1743232

File: 1698595245451.jpg (92.51 KB, 730x934, FAQC9WYANVzbn.jpg)

This is a psy-op.

No. 1743240

is that mpreg¿

No. 1743251

Why is it even called dad bod anyway? Guy don't carry a child for 9 months, don't get to work twice while raising a child and getting all that stress that is having to put all his plans and hobbies on hold because he'll be the only one caring for an entire family including the spouse and be so overworked, the fuck he is getting fat for? Man have no reason to be fat, even their biology knows it. I feel like having a useless dad that watches tv all day long is a universal experience for everyone that has a dad present in their lives.

No. 1743254

That's one revolting beer belly. Getting fat has nothing to do with being a dad.

No. 1743259

mmmm cushings syndrome very sexy

No. 1743262

Alcohol gut

No. 1743263

File: 1698596187445.jpg (114.68 KB, 1200x675, Yy2HBd4.jpg)

women answering this poll: dad bod… you mean when men have grown out of that scrawny stage and they've got those big strong arms that can toss around a kid but they're not vain enough to be getting toned abs in the gym, right? Yeah, I love that.
Man illustrating this article: science has proven that women love disgusting out of shape men with huge fat guts!

No. 1743264

Your coworker is a retard who likes to screech bullshit to make himself feel intelligent. Men love feeling like the world is falling down around them, it gives them a reason to be lazy sacks of shit who spend all day on Reddit. Ignore anything he says, nod and smile when he starts his sperging but don't engage or he'll think you care and then you won't be able to get rid of him.
Maybe there is something more to the world, maybe not. Don't discuss it with the incel, he isn't capable of forming coherent thoughts. Remember, most conspiracy theories are made to sell you something- whether it's a physical item like crystals, or an idea like lizard people taking over the world, it's created to influence you for someone else's benefit. Your schizo thoughts are just that, thoughts. You have to learn to separate your thoughts from reality so you can live in peace. It's easy to become a doomer these days. Get off social media, stop watching the news if it makes you feel miserable, stop going on whatever sites trigger your schizo retardation, spend more time outside and offline. The world has always been going to shit. We're just living in a time where we can see it happening in real time, everywhere, all the time.
And in case you're wondering, your psychologist mentioned conspiracy theories because it was a normal association to make. Autism and looking for connections = conspiracy theorist. It wasn't mind reading or a jab at you or anything like that. It was literally the most obvious example she could give.

No. 1743273

File: 1698596707318.png (370.69 KB, 587x511, dad bod.png)

I swear I remember that a decade ago that 'dad bod' used to be an entirely different thing, It meant a physically fit grown man with a body with a pinch of fat due to lower metabolism, now 'dad bod' has become nothing more than a polite way of referring to flabby middle-aged fat asses.

No. 1743301

File: 1698598097832.jpg (177.74 KB, 1200x1203, NQLn3AM.jpg)

No. 1743350

late but i swear canada is doing the best job at pretending to care about the mentally ill while instead killing them off or forcing them on disability because they become utterly incapable of succeeding at any part of life and can't keep jobs.
take weed, they legalized weed, but not edibles and thus medical cbd until the year after while using cbc (goverment news) and others to push narratives that this was all for the victims of ptsd and other mentally ill people who need it (despite many avoiding thc over cbd to avoid psychotic breaks) despite most docs and users saying they do it because they don't have any help or anything else. I'm sure there are exceptions but I wonder how many of those people who spend money smoking would have rather had support for their ptsd. if anything the articles showed we abandon our troops after the war and we need better studies into ptsd. and I say all this as someone who preferred weed legalized
MAID is free and given quick yet psychiatric help is years of waiting for a free psych who will hop you on pills in their 15 minute "check ups" with you every 6 months (even well meaning ones can only do so much, doctor's colleges keeping our number of docs down for pay is a whole other matter leading to few specialists across the board) and/or paying out the nose for a psychologist who can be anything from an abnormal psych major to a neurology major who did clinic hours (very smart, not the best at therapy, only not in research cause it doesn't pay as good). If you're really lucky some cities have hospitals with intense outpatient programs (that don't involve just hospital stints), but the eyebrows have to be raised with some of them transing out autistic women and girls so how trustworthy can they be? and, yo be frank, mkultra was performed in our country by our psychiatric professionals on schizophrenics not even that long ago so can the mentally ill really trust the few free government programs blindly? especially if autistic girls already can't

No. 1743429

yeah i've always had this theory that the us posits the most average looking guys/average caucasoid features as being "attractive" to make scrotes and whites feel better

No. 1743446

Maybe he was mk’ed (aren’t most celebrities?) and from what I’ve read about victims under glowie mind control, they plan their self-destruct sequence when ‘the time is right’.

No. 1743482

File: 1698603807690.jpeg (50.87 KB, 571x651, B4820A2F-5AC9-4282-BA23-613442…)

Women need to start being loud towards fat men. Men lose weight with 2000 calories a day. Do you know how much he has to scarf down to be fat?

People used to mock me for being exclusively attracted to buff men but who’s laughing now?

No. 1743499

Polynesian men are so sexy UNF

No. 1743507

The world population is expected to decline after the 21st century. Only because of modern medicine has the child death rate decreased with a huge increase in population in poor nations. As poor nations industrialize and poor woman gain access to future forms of birth control, we will never have another insane argument on overpopulation ever again.

No. 1743515

File: 1698604595575.jpeg (181.54 KB, 908x976, D80D0884-49B4-4C2A-B530-6C7DE9…)

Is it any wonder that modern kids are glued to the screens? Because there’s nothing for them outside? The reason why there are no more tomboys anymore is because nobody goes outside anymore

No. 1743523

File: 1698604698450.jpeg (2.78 MB, 2884x3156, 1B09BB61-2764-4B91-A98F-A5D276…)

Real talk: how do they plan on killing all of us this century?

No. 1743565

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Transhumanists are the most authoritarian and pro-genocide group of “people” I have ever met. They believe in and need mass human misery for their goals to take effect. I don’t hate being human. Sometimes I wish things were better for us but I shouldn’t be forced to give up my humanity for that.

No. 1743717

i hope the elite "super predator" people get their way it, sounds like they are creating hell and it's what they deserve.

No. 1743785

Since electric cars have been proven to be harmful to the environment, why do politicians and companies want us to throw away our perfectly good working gas cars and make us switch over to electric in the name of being "green"? What's the goal?

No. 1743897

No idea but I'm sure not changing my normal car for these dumb "futuristic" cars, these cars can't even go far without you having to stop and recharge, it's the kind of thing that only works for people that live in the big cities, but then, my own country keeps showing these stories in the news about how there are too many cars in the big cities and we should do something about it… then why the fuck are you promoting these shitty cars that only people that live in the cities will be able to use????? This feels like the fake meat solution, where we replace all the cows with a bunch of plants that we will later harvest and turn into fake meat, all while still harming the environment in the process and nothing really changes but we pretend we're better people for it, alright, this is the fucking future. Fuck this, if I have to eat fake meat or ride a dumb car I'd rather go back at being vegetarian and ride a bike.

No. 1743933

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I think some pro-Israel retard is doing a gayops on my school. In any case they are flaming the tensions that already exist on this godforsaken campus. The other day some old ass faggot was standing in the plaza waving around the flag of Israel to a bunch of twentysomethings, a huge ass star of David drawn in chalk on the pavement, people spray painting Free Palestine and whatever. I'm sure the NY Post is going to eat this up

No. 1743938

these are so cartoonish i had to chuckle. i know there will exist some muslims who are antisemitic and pro-palestine enough who believe that but they wouldn't be posting on some random cornell forum.

No. 1743944

Kek seriously it's like they didn't even try
>hamas warrior
>jew evil
It reads like some sperg who's trying to imitate what they think pro-Palestine activists sound like, but instead it comes off retarded and unconvincing. All of the pro-Israel and pro-Palestine demonstrations so far have been peaceful and secular, and I haven't heard anyone talk like this, except for chanting
>from the river to the sea, palestine will be free!
at a pro-Palestine rally (which, from what I saw, wasn't defending Hamas). That's the part that makes me think its a gayops from someone trying to delegitimize the pro-Palestine movement, especially seeing as there are a lot of Jewish people on this campus and how serious people take anti-semitism, and the homos up top are already threatening not to employ anyone who says a mean word about Israel. Of course I still feel for anyone who got caught in this mess because they're Jewish or Muslim or whatever and they just want to get by, but there are some spectacularly autistic individuals who want to shit the bed and make other people clean it.

No. 1743968

Congrats on making it to an Ivy League school, anon!

No. 1743971

Aww, thanks anon! Lots of hard work, but I'll be graduating soon, thousands of dollars later. But yeah, what a shitty time to be at a university anywhere. Now my school got the feds involved so things are really starting to boil over

No. 1744006

Electric cars would improve the air quality in cities, not because they pollute less but because it moves the pollution outside of the city. That is the only reason I can think of for encouraging the use of electric cars and it's not even mentioned.

No. 1744052

It's because having electric cars still justifies the amount of subsidies that go towards architecture created around cars. It still doesn't fix one of car's biggest problems, which is car dependency and waste of resources. Why do we give subsidies to spaces that are usually almost empty most of the time?

No. 1744090

Green energy in general is a huge racket. A lot of the solutions are cheap bandaid fixes pushed by Green investment billionaires like tom steyer who have enough swing with politicians to push for government funding. Solar farms and wind farms just aren't that good at producing energy, solar farms take a shit ton of space and wind farms are a matainence pit that put out a comparatively miniscule amount of energy. The best "green" solution is nuclear but nuclear plants are expensive to build, it's easier for the government to fund a company that produces and runs wind farms than to fund the production of a government run nuclear plant. Electric cars are a joke, you have recharge stations that are run off diesel generators, they're inefficient. If they REALLY wanted to solve the problem they'd invest in public railway systems but no company is lobbying for better public transportation. Green energy is a trillion dollar industry built off of companies offering shitty "solutions" and schmoozing with politicians enough to force us to convert to them

No. 1744480

I would love to dress males up in clown costumes and kill them. Dream job

No. 1744483

Ok, then I challenge the "deep state" into doing this to a woman. Brainwash me into committing atrocities like a crazy hormonal man. Turn me into a testerical scrote. I'm mentally ill, violent and addicted to imageboards too.

No. 1744512

This man is obese, resembles a sculpture made out of whale blubber. Looks low testosterone as hell. Fat is a female trait. But I guess it's a good thing the average hetero woman is OK with dating geriatric obese retards, so I can have all barely legal lean meat to myself.

No. 1744513

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More articles suggesting that most of the deaths from the initial Hamas raid were caused by the over reaction of the IDF.
>The terrorists shot them?
>No, they were killed by the crossfire. Understand there was very, very heavy crossfire.
>So our forces may have shot them
>Undoubtedly. They eliminated everyone, including the hostages because there was very, very heavy crossfire. After insane crossfire, two tank shells were shot into the house. It’s a small kibbutz house, nothing big

>Several new testimonies by Israeli witnesses to the October 7 Hamas surprise attack on southern Israel adds to growing evidence that the Israeli military killed its own citizens as they fought to neutralize Palestinian gunmen.
>the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses on their occupants in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages
>A separate report published in Haaretz noted that the Israeli military was “compelled to request an aerial strike” against its own facility inside the Erez Crossing to Gaza “in order to repulse the terrorists” who had seized control. That base was filled with Israeli Civil Administration officers and soldiers at the time.

Image shows the damage done to Israeli houses.

No. 1744518

No. 1744649

I've been seeing the claim lately that Israel is a "haven" of sorts for pedos? How true is this? Given Israel's utterly insane track record I have a feeling that this could be an interesting rabbit hole to dive down.

No. 1744970

with video games and drugs

No. 1744987

idk either but i am not entirely opposed to buying an electric car, mainly because i want to save money on gasoline lol. i just hate how we're all being pushed to do everything electric. electric hobs/stoves, electric cars, electric this, electric that. i think what i dislike about the electric industry is that they present it as being "eco friendly", but fail to mention that the production of electricity still requires petrochemicals to power substations, especially in north america as we still have a lot of shitty rundown infrastructure. and of course your average joe doesn't think about this, they just hear "green energy!" and "get a tax write off from the government", and never consider well, electricity doesn't just magically shoot from a plug, does it? so where is this all coming from? how is it being made? it's like people who eat organic food but don't realize it was still shipped on a truck and packaged in plastic. like i'm a vegetarian, but i don't delude myself into thinking i'm saving the world because i eat tofu. i do it because i want to, not because i think it makes me a better person.

No. 1745032

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this made me think of Sally Adee when she did a piece for New Scientist. She was put in a battlefield simulator for a few hours learning how to shoot a modified M4 close-range assault rifle, and then again but with electric brain stimulation.
the first time she was an absolute nervous wreck but with the head device, she said "everything in my head shut the fuck up" and she was completely calm (whilst shooting).
you can imagine how this technology is utilised, especially when combined with intense brainwashing. and this was over a decade ago so it's only more sophisticated. https://www.lastwordonnothing.com/2012/02/09/better-living-through-electrochemistry/

No. 1745319

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Totally not Satanic


>In the “Diablo IV Blood Harvest” blood drive, the Diablo community aims to collectively donate 666 quarts of blood (the equivalent of around 640 liters). The entire Diablo community will benefit from this, as hitting 220 quarts, 440 quarts, and 666 quarts will also unlock various cosmetic items in the Diablo 4 game. Once the blood donation goal has been reached, the competition for the custom gaming PC, which is infused with “real human blood” to some degree, will start

No. 1745322

this is fucking metal i want it

No. 1745363

The idea that all blood sacrifice is Satanic is very new. God mentions requiring animal and child sacrifices multiple times throughout the Bible. Computers may be evil, but this seems more like people being edgy.

No. 1745392

Is this some sort of fedora gotcha moment? Because it’s not.

No. 1745397

It’s probably the same as those Lil Nas sneakers, using a single drop of blood. Also likely will be in some cosmetic piece and not in the cooling loop

No. 1745399

I wish I could empty my mooncup to cool my pc. The real gamer fuel was inside of me all this time

No. 1745402

>666 quarts of real human blood will unlock various cosmetic items in the Diablo 4 game
maybe this is satanic because i just felt a part of my soul die reading this shit

No. 1745432

No. 1745445

Or that Lady Gaga perfume that contained blood and semen in it.

No. 1745455

thats cool

No. 1745466

MK-Ultra seems to be rarely talked about despite being a tinfoil staple, can we please delve on this rather than muh birth control/abortion, muh veganism or muh Israel-Palestine arguments?

No. 1745494

What a waste of blood

No. 1745497

What is there to talk about? It's a fact that USA/Canada government performed experiments on its own citizens after kidnapping them off the streets.

No. 1745550

Yea but are they still doing this with no one suspecting? Is project monarch really a thing? Can we use mind control on scrotes? kek

No. 1745596

Come on anon, they even use “666”

No. 1745602

Yes there’s been quite a few American Rabbis
who were on watchlists and were known to be pedos but Israel still accepted them as immigrants

Rabbis are highly respected men and a lot of Jews don’t think one of their own could be capable of such things so they go into denial about it, a lot of the children they molest were Jewish students of theirs, if you just Google pedophile rabbi Israel tons of articles come up


No. 1745664

God never requests child or any human sacrifice. The reason he ordered the Israelites in the Old Testament to kill all Canaanites, Hittites and other non-Hebrews was because they were sacrificing children to Baal.

Yandex will gove better results if anyone is looking for rabbit holes.

No. 1745825

Yeah, every highly religious country has a high concentration of pedophiles because religion and pedophilia seem to go hand in hand.

No. 1746340

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Does anyone else think that this story is being used to try and redirect moids from killing people towards just killing themselves? Would be based if so. It's kinda strange how they won't release the name.

No. 1746346

are you retarded? kek i swear to god zoomers are worse than boomers

No. 1746814

tbh I'd say it's just literally any org that choses to defend its own that they hide within. Teachers being a mighty fine example right now

No. 1746927

i hope this is okay for me to post this here since i don't want to cause any derailing or anything. i just find it interesting comparing how this conflict is being framed in the media compared to ukraine and russia. i don't think it is right to blanket wash entire nationalities/ethnicities for the atrocities committed by their governments, however, i do find it interesting that when russia invaded ukraine, it was perfectly fine to treat average russian people like shit, cut them off from the entire world (even though there are a ton of loopholes big businesses use to still operate in russia), spray paint restaurants with "slava ukraine" or other war stuff, and try to erase russian people from world culture, like the whole debacle with the russian cosmonaut or trying to get universities to stop teaching russian. and of course any one who said maybe this is going too far, maybe we shouldn't do this, why should sergei and them suffer because of putin, was told unanimously by the unthinking masses that it was perfectly okay to do it because…i really don't know. no one ever really had any good answers for why it was okay to basically discriminate against people because of a war that is being perpetuated by (supposedly) one man.

and of course now the ukraine war is fast fading from people's minds and i wouldn't be all that surprised if within the next year or two, the pretense to cut off russians from the world will gradually fall away and things will all go back to normal and no one will even bat an eyelash about it. most people will probably not even remember how they were wanking themselves hard to the slava ukraine stuff, or throwing out russian literature because "russia bad! ukraine good!", or refusing to even learn anything about slavic cultures unless they could frame it all back to ukraine. people who have never even set foot in eastern europe and probably don't even know where to find either of these two countries on a map, just like israel and palestine. not to even mention how the stuff about neo-nazis in ukraine was deliberately and knowingly covered up by the mainstream media, specifically the new york times, because they knew it would damage ukraine's image if people were to see all those patches and tattoos and nazi salutes.

i just find it all so odd that normal people, people who would claim up and down that they're salt of the earth types who never get involved in "politics", that they're just down home average folk trying to make a living in a cruel world, are interestingly the same people who are the most virulent and the most aggressive about these conflicts. it's just all very strange and it's hard for me to articulate how i feel because it's all happening in real time. there's never any decent analysis done on these wars now i notice, it's just pick a side and then people start throwing mud at one another. then within a few months it's onto the next conflict, and the next, and the next…it's like a never ending cycle, a wheel churning us up and down. so it's making me wonder, what's the real end goal here? because there's obviously something to be gained by keeping people in a constant state of agitation and anger and having their heads turned one way. you have to wonder what are our leaders up to while people are pulling fliers off of walls and stopping traffic?

i really don't know anymore, but i hope everyone stays safe and somewhat sane out there. things are getting real.

No. 1747120

Yeah, and Marina Abramović is totally an experimental artist.

No. 1747277

From an American perspective I just chalked it up to the elites wanting to reignite the Cold War era attitudes towards Russians. When you do a little research on how America used propaganda during the Cold War the tactics are eerily similar to what they're pushing now during the Ukraine War. As for why the elites would want to create this schism its so they can get people on board with fighting for their country when (or if) the time comes. Dehumanize the enemy so its easier to fight them and all that.

Not to blog, but I think its sad that neighboring towns in my area that have a huge Russian immigrant population had to stop talking about their culture or brand it as something else. This town usually has a Russian festival every year celebrating the culture and they had to rebrand it to just a generic Eastern European festival in order to reduce the amount of harassment. I heard some Russian immigrant businesses in that area also had their windows smashed. It's scary what people will do over issues that don't directly affect them.

No. 1747933

Nah. Shooters want attention and for their name to be everywhere, right?If they were encouraging more of this, this guy's name would be everywhere and there'd the tons of talking heads discussing it. Then again, that could be coming, who knows.
Hope this doesn't count as a blog kek. Idk if anyone remembers any of this but a few threads ago I was the anon who talked about hooking up with a green beret who told me a bunch of state secrets. Again idk if I believe him, take this all with a grain of salt, but one of the things he talked a lot about was Cold War tensions coming back and Russia and China both making it their goal to take down the US as a world power, and he said part of that was that both of them wanted race wars in the US against themselves. Like China wanted an anti-China race war, and Russia wanted an anti-Russian race war (but mostly China he talked about as far as race wars go). He said we're already in WW3 but none of the governments want to actually officially announce it for fear of citizen panic among other reasons, and to expect lots of escalations trying to rally everyone into cheering for war. He also said the US is dragging its heels so bad because we only have enough quality troops to last in actual combat I think he said 2 or 3 months before losing, and China and Russia both know that too. Again, no one has any reason to believe some random nonna that fucked an army moid and a lot of the stuff he said is basic common sense being confirmed, but I think a lot about the stuff he said as this all develops. One of the only solid details he gave me that I've never heard outside him is that Chinese troops are slowly poisoning the Mississippi River to sort of teabag us and try to provoke shit and fuck with our trade and food supply, so if anything ever comes out along those lines I'll know it wasn't bullshit. I gotta admit when US anons were talking about bad produce and groceries it did set off alarm bells

No. 1747963

You can analyze it until you feel satisfied but if you want your sanity you need to find reasons to ground yourself and choose life. Thoughts aren't just thoughts and thinking about 'bad' topics connects you spiritually to the worst kinds of people, if you know, you know. Synchronicity is a feature embedded within the fabric of the universe, you are most likely not being gangstalked, at least not physically.Try to answer these kinds of questions yourself through careful introspection.

Democracy is real in the sense you vote with your soul which reality you bring into existence. Take control over your life, gain power, and vote with the life that you live. That's the only way to actually have a positive effect on the world, you can't help people when you are powerless yourself and the only person whose life you can actually change is your own. Conquer your mind and there's no limit to what you can achieve. Good luck.

No. 1748109

I opened twitter lists I made/followed last year for Ukraine and ALL of them are now tweeting pro Israel

No. 1748205

I'm the anon from >>1747277
and I remember reading your post a while back in the previous thread. I've been keeping it in mind whenever I learn about new happenings. The military shortage thing sounds plausible because I don't know a single young person who wants to join the military. America is probably also delaying it so they can announce it at the right time. There's a decent chance that when the best time comes they'll stage a false-flag incident in a major city similar to 9/11 in order to rally new troops.

As for spoiled food I've noticed it more in dairy products than produce. Milk will often go bad almost a week before the actual expiration date.

No. 1748308

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Hey anon, is there any resources I can read on that? I feel you're right but I'm too weak and dumbed down at this very moment, and I feel soul- and brain- raped from my work. I'm afraid like most people are what they do. And I'm slowly becoming my work because I literally have no strenght to be anything else. My autism makes it harder and I have to traumatize myself to survive every day. I just want to read more stuff like your post. I will try to keep my schizo thoughts in check regardleds

No. 1748432

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This reminded me of you all.

No. 1748433

God has a wife? In all my life of being around Christians and Catholics, I have never heard of God having a wife.

No. 1748443

So that vid was pure schitzo babble but yes God does have a wife. Yahweh was most likely a tribal war god that initially supplemented the chief God El and incorporated aspects of him, eventually taking aspects of his consort, the creator mother deity Asherah. This is why Yahweh appears contradictory in the Old Testament, where in one chapter he speaks about love, compassion, and the unity of all as children, and in another chapter, he calls for the slaughter of every person in a different kingdom. It is the merging of these three deities that causes this inconsistency .

No. 1748460

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I dont like how this thread has become nothing more than a dumping ground and fav hangout spot for weird middle aged male transplants who refresh this thread in its own bookmarked window twelve times a day

No. 1748678

Yeah, feels like I’m reading the articles and news section on kiwi farms rather then aliens, hollow earth or the Illuminati. You know, actual tinfoil.

No. 1748707

>anons are discussing topics that don't interest me, therefore they must be men
Instead of shitting up the thread complaining and accusing others of being moids, why don't you post something that you do want to talk about?

No. 1748781

nta but here’s a thread for you politifags to sperg somewhere else.


No. 1748801

Services like Optery, DeleteMe, Incogni that promise to remove your information from data broker and people search sites is such a fucking lie, give them all your data so they can find and “delete” it. They just give them more data with their removal requests and sell your data so you have to use the services more.

No. 1748821

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No. 1748858

I've been thinking a lot about the theory that Earth is a prison planet created by aylmaos. It made sense to me because we aren't not that much prepared to survive on this planet. But, what instead of being descendants of bad aliens we are celestial lolcows and they don't contact us because they don't want to touch the poo?
Think about it, humans are pretty silly, maybe we all come from the CWCs of Kepler 1218 that got convinced that there would be boyfriend free girls on Earth and they stood here because they were too retarded to come back home.
The more I know about humanity this theory seems more pausible.
We are not special, only retards that ayylmaos laugh at, a la fish tank live.
Imagine Xuju876 reacting to our wars like we do with slap fights between cows.

No. 1748911

The male cries out in pain as he strikes you

No. 1748923

I believe you nonna, I always think about your post about how we're in WWIII and don't know it yet whenever a global event happens. I know this is the conspiracy thread but I seriously find what is shown in the news, TV, and the internet so different from what people say in person that I can't just believe it's all because they keep their political views separate, or hide these views. It just seems too manufactured and deployed by bots trying to make us think a certain way. Also, the anti-China beliefs popped out of nowhere with people getting increasingly more hostile until COVID 19 where it really peaked. But it's just so weird how Much attention they were getting, more than other places.

No. 1748949

global warming and climate is fake and gay come on. it's not real. please go back

No. 1749049

Don't forget that he's also a bastardized amalgamation of the Sumerian/Babylonian gods Enlil and Enki. The story of Noah's arc is a literal ripoff of the Sumerian flood story with Enlil wanting to smite humanity by flooding them and Enki telling Utnapishtim to build an arc and fill it with animals to avoid the flood

No. 1749091

Not really, the flood myth was likely a shared Semitic story.

No. 1749312

What? Sumerians were NOT Semitic. Sumer is obscenely old and predates the Semitic tribes by centuries. They were the first (that we know of) that wrote the story down. The story began to spread when the Assyrians conquered the region. And that still does not change the fact that the story of Noah's arc is a copy of the Sumerian flood story, right down to the schizo Yahweh who smites humans then says "I love humans. I'll protect you."

No. 1749318

Can you stop shitting up the thread and take your god-hate to the anti religious thread? You’ve been sperging about muh god of war in every thread and it’s getting annoying. Stfu.

No. 1749333

A redditor who was also one of Epstein and Maxwell’s trafficking victims revealed that despite Jeff being suicided and Jizzlane in the slammer, the rings are still going on ‘under new management’ of unseen faces and go by the name of The Black Sun. GM inherited the operation from her father, Robert Maxwell and the glowies and too corrupt to do anything to stop it.


>Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein's Human Trafficking Ring Is Still Active, AMA

>I've been investigating this group for years, after being trafficked by them when I was younger and uncovering evidence of some of their backers that have not already been identified. I have contacted journalists who have investigated this group before, including Julie K. Brown, Vicky Ward, Tara Palmeri, and others with some of this information. What the world needs to know is that they are still active and they are called The Black Sun.

>Epstein and Maxwell inherited the operation from her father, Robert Maxwell, after his death. It's an off the books CIA and Mossad joint operation and there were more than just Epstein's ranch and the Island. There were multiple "brothels", including one in New Orleans. The CIA is a deeply corrupt agency and needs to be held accountable for it's various crimes.

>I need to be clear, the prosecution of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein did not stop this group. They are active under new management who I have named to some of the journalists that I have contacted and the FBI via their branch office in Chicago. However, I have strong doubts that a federal investigation into the leadership of the group or its backers will happen without extraordinary public pressure. When I spoke with an agent at FBI Philadelphia, I was told that "these crimes will never be prosecuted". I cannot and will not accept that.

>It is my intent to contact every journalist and law enforcement agency with the ability to prosecute and pressure them to act. I am looking for suggestions, specifically for journalists who aren't afraid to work against the CIA or other groups with the sort of influence that would be used in retaliation. I and the people closest to me have faced significant retaliation already and I have lost nearly everything fighting this group. Even so, I won't stop until they are stopped. Any questions?
(screenshots needed)

No. 1749367

from that thread. anyone want to archive this, or even just look through it? my internet's not working well

>This is a smaller archive put together specifically for the press and politicians. It covers more than Epstein, consider it something like the Fusion 360 AKA Steele Dossier. Ctrl+F in TESTAMENT.pdf for Epstein if you want testimony specific to him.


>This has been sent to every single sitting US Senator and hundreds of other federal and State lawmakers, as well as media. Testimony.pdf is an overview of my verbal testimony to Senator Sanders in July 2019.

>To be clear, most of my testimony is about the group who has primarily backed The Black Sun, a splinter group with CIA access called The Reich. The COVID-19 elements are covered in TESTAMENT in the chapters that occurred in 2009 and 2019 and I include specific details learned at that time.

>Read Testimony.pdf first if you want a summary of the other stuff, but keep in mind that a lot of these famous people play dress up and have secret code names fashioned from fiction.

No. 1749371

I'm reading through some of the drive now. Testimony is a bad scan of a hand written document is mostly unreadable. I'm now reading TESTAMENT which is typed.

No. 1749391

I'm not even the original poster that talked about Yahweh. I'm just a passerby historyfag. I don't care if you're a person of faith or not, but people in general should learn about how our faiths were shaped

No. 1749476

I would approach people who claim to be victims of Epstein with caution unless they get picked up by someone like Whitney Webb (while I don't trust her 100%, she does background check the victims before she interviews them). There have been many schizos over the years like Kirby Sommers or George Tonks who claim to be victims but aren't.

No. 1749556

I finished reading all 336 pages of TESTAMENT.pdf. It's completely schizo but at this point who knows what is real anymore? The author is repeatedly drugged with "hyocine" that interferes with his ability to remember anything. The basic premise is that the nazis won WWII and secretly took over the US. They use the CIA maintain control. The CIA then uses drugs, sex, murder and blackmail to achieve it's aims. They control business, entertainment and even the gaming industry. A lot of it matches up with existing theories and there are details in there that are extremely specific.

No. 1749557

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in the bechdel thread nonies were talking about an old site aimed at teen girls and when I looked up the logo it's the fist. the fist! the fist that gets used in the logo of every co-opted social justice movement for the last 20 years. I don't know if this website was like that, it just made my tinfoil activate.

No. 1749559

where is the bechdel thread?

No. 1749561

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[samefag] I was briefly obsessed with cataloging the logos of the fake/managerbrained/honeypot berkley-activist-resume-building "unions" that were all the rage a while ago but I got creeped out because they were too similar with all the fists (not even using symbols for their trade like a normal real union, just mostly fists) and started feeling insane. I saw established union local branches replace their actual union logo with the fists, like it was creeping in where it didn't need to be and that really set me off. It did not feel like an organic thing, it felt like an imitation of a movement specifically designed for social media.
it's on the first page of /ot/ right now

No. 1749591

The Original video is now deleted but it was called "The Wife of God: Queen of Heaven and Mother of Angels - Asherah: Gnosticism Mythology Explained"

No. 1749594

It looks like TESTAMENT.pdf is missing… It must have been deleted from the Google drive within the last two hours? Do you have a copy by chance?

No. 1749653

i have it. where do i upload?

No. 1749807

No. 1749947

I support you antitech-chan.

No. 1750068

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AYRT it looks like they took down the file temporarily to redact sensitive information.

No. 1750093

I know the US military funded CoD in the past and I was wondering if they are still doing it, but this time with women in mind. The newest game has a large female fan base, unlike anything I've seen prior. Could they be trying to bait women into recruitment with the promise of a plethora of fit military men?

No. 1750137

My speculation would be that there would be no actual event. The military and tptb need the internet too, unless a single nation was targeted, there are an extreme amount of backups in place. The military createth and the tptb will taketh away from us and call it an attack. If they cut off our open sources and control our exposure to information then they are free to manipulate the severity of any situation.


Other than that it could be the sharks vs the transatlantic cables again.

https://slate.com/technology/2014/08/shark-attacks-threaten-google-s-undersea-internet-cables-video.html(this is an imageboard)

No. 1750355

File: 1699047923636.jpeg (66.52 KB, 500x724, IMG_3292.jpeg)

Apologies if this is the wrong thread for this but I felt it was too heavy and too much tied to MK Ultra for any other thread. What is the connection with colored wigs, specifically pink, and prostitution/trafficking? The MK Ultra angle is that it’s used to signal sex kittens with child alters. Is there color flagging used with these wigs like handkerchief code? Pink wigs are often used on prostitutes in media but I’ve seen it in real life as well.

No. 1750364

About a year ago I was talking to some moids in a discord server about this. They all said it was weird how FPS went from fantasy settings such as fighting aliens and demons to being focused on hyper realism. This was especially noticeable in the late 90s and early 2000s when there were so many FPS based around WWII being made.

I've never heard of this but I was reading it, all I could see in my head was Lazy Town and how Stephanie was sexualised and used in pedo bear memes.

No. 1750373

Don't bother with these pseudo-religious fags. Someone who truly knows their own faith would know how it came to be, but these people get triggered once you tell them their super original god is actually just a copy/amalgamation of other earlier gods and concepts.

No. 1750424

iirc blonde hair is a telltale sign of beta programming and it also symbolizes reprogramming when you see a celebrity with recently dyed blonde hair, I.e: Kanye or Britney.

No. 1750437

This video really opened up my eyes to the way organizations and traffickers profited millions of dollars with the Earthquake that devastated Haiti. A few names that show up will be familiar.

No. 1750541

i don't mean to be a moodkiller but pink is a feminine color (and uhh also a slang term for vagina) so that probably has a lot to do with it, especially thru the lens of prostitution. what the hell is a sex kitten by the way

No. 1750594

File: 1699059585617.jpeg (462.62 KB, 1125x1123, IMG_5644.jpeg)

Ntayrt but here’s a brief description about beta kittens - it’s another form of mind control where unwilling victims supposedly go through traumatic experiences like rape and torture by their glowie handlers in order to brainwash them and strip them off their moral compasses, that’s why you sometimes see degen celebcows, they use this programming on men too.


> ALPHA is within the base control personality. It characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victim’s personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of Left and Right through neuron pathway stimulation.

> DELTA is known as “killer” programming and was originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression are evident. Subjects are devoid of fear and very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.

> THETA – Considered to the “psychic” programming. Bloodliners (those coming from multi-generational Satanic families) were determined to exhibit a greater propensity for having telepathic abilities than did non-bloodliners. Due to its evident limitations, however, various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics. It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems. [13. Patton, op. cit.]

No. 1752856

>Women are ackshually programmed to be whorish maleworshipping and pedo-baiting all along
I wish this was true

No. 1755188

Does anyone watch the Why Files? It’s mostly centered on discussing paranormal activities and conspiracies with a grain of salt (neither confirms or denies). This AJ guy and his pet fish remind me of Bill Nye The Science Guy before he came back and sucked globohomo cock.

No. 1755252

I just got into this channel, he’s actually pretty good! I thought the hecklefish was annoying at first until I realized it makes sense, he uses it as a character to represent the more “fringe” theories that people believe without affecting his credibility while telling a story.

No. 1756027

File: 1699305381410.png (443.32 KB, 1308x1043, Screenshot-2023-11-9.png)

What the actual fuck

No. 1756031

File: 1699305580612.mp4 (1.47 MB, 640x360, RGaooW6Sogv.mp4)

meanwhile they were promoting this shit for close to a decade.

No. 1756107

Is this true? Godspeed I can't stand to see another drunk homeless pole or woman in a fucking burka.

No. 1756183

File: 1699311025757.jpg (221.38 KB, 1156x1200, F5HIz1_XAAA-G_7.jpg)

The CIA staged a Vampire attack in the Philippines during the Cold War

Despite the fact that both factions had opposed Japan during World War II, the relationship between the U.S. and the Philippines was complex. In 1946, the U.S. finally recognized the country as independent after centuries of Spanish—and later American—colonial rule. Though their respective governments got along, American military intelligence was rattled by the presence of a resistance group, the Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon (or Hukbalahap), in the country. (In Tagalog, one of the languages spoken in the Philippines, the name means “People’s Army Against Japan.”)

One of the reasons the “Huks” were worrisome to U.S. intelligence was that that the group had roots in communism—and with the Cold War with Russia brewing, that was perceived as a danger. In practice, however, the Huks seemed to be most concerned with creating a more industrious and self-sufficient country, objecting to the continuing military and trade presence of the U.S. In the minds of U.S. and Philippines officials, the Huks were a volatile and unwelcome variable.

Dealing with the insurgents was the purview of American Lieutenant Colonel Edward Lansdale, a CIA operative who was installed in the Philippines to get the movement under control—and that meant employing psychological warfare.

Lansdale used superstitions entertained by some living in the countryside to his team’s advantage. He ordered a plane to fly over villages and broadcast warnings in Tagalog that promised curses would befall anyone harboring Huk insurgents. He targeted other sympathizers by having an eye painted outside their homes—a signal that they might face death for cooperating with the Huks.

A few days later, when Landsdale felt the rumor had reached the Huks, soldiers tracked a small squad on one of their known trails. The Americans grabbed the last man in the patrol, killed him, and punctured two holes in his neck. The man was then hung upside-down so his blood would drain. The body was left for the Huks to discover, at which point they had some cause to believe the man had been attacked by the aswang. They quickly fled the territory, just as Lansdale had anticipated.

After the aswang mission, Lansdale’s “psyops” in the Philippines continued; he even helped install a new president, Ramon Magsayay, who was sympathetic to American interests. The Huks, meanwhile, dissolved through a lack of morale, supplies, and recruits.

No. 1756230

good, Get those jobless ass gropers out

No. 1756241


whatever happened?

>There is a criminal organization in Brazil using NSO Group's Pegasus to infect devices for hack for hire, to incite terrorism, blackmail people, produce illegal pornography and assist in assassinations. They also have other advanced malware, like UEFI implants and even persistent implants for Kindle and Raspberry Pi. Plus face/voice recognition on every camera and microphone they can get into, in public or private places.

>Brazil won't do anything to stop them. Only the FBI, CIA and NSA can stop them.

>There is also the possibility that they were engaged on the hack of Bezos' smartphone.

>If you know of any security researcher who wants to reverse engineer the exploits they are using, I am more than willing to help them.

>If you want a story about how they operate, I am willing to work with you to expose them.

No. 1756261

In my country a politician was caught using Pegasus to spy on his rivals and civilians. Pegasus is Israeli spyware and the CIA, MI6 and other intelligence agencies also use this software. Wait until you read about Toka.

No. 1756315

It’s no conspiracy that Israel is the leader in military surveillance technology. Openly advertised.

No. 1756374

>massive increase in the rape of german women
Anyone that speaks out is labelled a racist bigot and rapists either receive light sentences or no sentence at all.
>protests against bombings of civilians by Israel
Get deported.

No. 1757483

Based Germany. Also fuck this moid, he ain’t even German so his opinion doesn’t matter.

The CIA had a project under the same name iirc, I wonder if said project is connected with the software. There are no coincidences in tinfoils.

No. 1757523

>Germany doesn't think of germans first waahh
Clearly by deporting men who abuse women 24/7 Germany IS thinking about Germans first. But apparently "thinking about Germans first" to these people means sucking the dick of every immigrant who yells Allahuakbar and rapes women while dealing drugs.

No. 1757706

No. 1757778

German media and politicians are currently fear mongering with a supposed "immigration crisis" even though the numbers of immigrants/refugees was way higher a few years ago during Arab Spring and they handled that too. I would suggest to deport all raping moids and let all women in because these new regulations hurt too many women and children but they would never to that.

No. 1757797

Deport them to Israel. They loooooove multi culturalism over there and have lots of money from the U.S and Germany!(bait)

No. 1758981

This was in my recommendations an hour after I had having a conservation with my brother, about my financial situation.

No. 1760141

This is so fucking weird. A legit Islamic and allegedly US-backed cult in Turkey with serious political power used to groom wealthy young women and they were called "kittens" when they got fully brainwashed.

No. 1760146

Same Anon as above, they were ALL made to bleach their hair blond too.

No. 1763161

Rappers too

No. 1769708

File: 1699893548941.png (679.37 KB, 1279x824, IMG_5652.png)

Dude knew he was next on the chopping block (sacrifice)

No. 1769881

boomer cannabis use in both men and women is the reason why millennials are such autistic tranny retards and legalization is leading to another huge bloom of autists, there really could be a future where everyone is autistic.

No. 1770477

File: 1699925018404.jpeg (86.68 KB, 640x853, IMG_0993.jpeg)

Cillian has evidently confirmed himself to be illuminati in this photo. Is he one of their sex kittens?

No. 1770632

Cillian Murphy MK ultra sexkitten confirmed. His elbow angle makes a triangle.

No. 1770792

Joke(?) aside but I’m starting to think that most moid celebrities, especially if they’re young are turned out and abused just like the women. The article stated that the program is used on victims from multi-generational elite families along with ‘commoners’ so if up-and-coming stars are being mk’ed with or without their consent, the nepofags are too.

No. 1770797

This is unironically true. Another Irish actor who has typecast as a pretty boy, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, changed his whole look and developed severe alcoholism because they just wanted to pass him around and make him play gay roles.

No. 1771011

i thought this was fairly well known though. I'd wager any celeb that isn't from a filthy rich family was most likely sexually abused.

No. 1771015

Yeah the public always voyeurs their addictions and chalks it up to ~partying~ but more often than not these people have been objectified since they were kids and fed drugs to subjugate them.

No. 1771021

That's always seemed odd to me, like the public knowns most celebs are addicts and they never put two and two together and point out the obvious reality of it.

No. 1771043

File: 1699945431233.png (1.43 MB, 523x1920, e9ZMTrb.png)

I wonder how much this extends to porn stars as well.

No. 1771512

Her face looks AI generated.

No. 1771532

All that shit she listed is stuff that we all already know. I hate when former whores try to make their johns and clients seem like innocent victims too. Half of them get off to the fact that some of those sex workers are trafficking victims being forced to do that shit. And she knows it too.

No. 1771595

you'd be surprised how many general people aren't aware of the full extent and evils of the porn industry.

No. 1771604

see up thread nonnie >>1743018 a lot of strange symbolism. and a lot of batman autism.

No. 1771622

I’ve read the post and was put off by the replies stating “nuh uh he just an hero’ed no tinfoil here” when he died in a fucking pool of water like every other celebrity, how is that not suspicious? From seeing the autistic bat signal posts and vague references of his fate, the dude didn’t want to die and probably looked at Batman as a beacon of hope or something.

No. 1771635

i'm the anon who first posted it and i agree it's highly suspicious. there is no way it was just a heart attack. i haven't done any further digging after his death was first announced though. has anything else come to light?

No. 1771733


i misread it as "elvis porn" and was so confused for a second

No. 1771798

This entire channel makes me paranoid. The sun activity has been fucked up lately and I'm scared something will happen
Also this Canadian's prepper short about the Federal Reserve making a huge order for frozen dried food. Why would they???

No. 1772090

File: 1700025193325.jpg (209.34 KB, 1080x910, c7d78b47594e2ce7966795a4d1d0cf…)

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Kinda necro but my two cents is that it refers when a Lightning struck the dome of the Vatican shortly after the current Pope took office. They immediately related it to a similar event that happened a few years before the Sac de Rome, aka when the Vatican fell and opened a new era in Europe
Take this with a hefty dose of salt

No. 1772744

they said it'll take months for the autopsy report to be done which is code speak for "we want everyone to forget this happened". I'm not so sure I believe he was murdered, unless they do just sacrifice celebrities for certain rituals. I was always under the impression they are killed for speaking out, but Matt hadn't been saying anything. I also think its very likely he just went off the rails on drugs and that's why his posts were so odd before he died.

No. 1772914

Celebrities are sacrificed during specific holidays, sometimes the color red shows up (Kate Spade) or they ‘drown’ in water. Also, the guy is sober but by the time he was no longer sedated, it was too late.

No. 1773284

I saw a post or page once on how microchipping pets was to get us normalized with it and eventually microchip humans but I can’t find it rn. It wasn’t vax related i’m pretty sure it was pre-covid, any nonnas know what it was?

No. 1775975

Thinking about Billie Eyelish

No. 1775986

What is diamond hair color?

No. 1775997

likely light blue or grey.

No. 1776902

File: 1700327040459.gif (82.37 KB, 768x576, LesMaitres_1299754253.gif)

dropping this here for next thread pick contender

No. 1777167

File: 1700343659692.jpeg (63.94 KB, 401x325, 76086D7C-3C23-48B0-9222-5AE139…)

>I like it. It should be next threadpic.
So, what do you think the next big event will be? There’s already war fatigue. Will there be an Internet blackout? I think in 2027 Europe or the US will roll out that digital currency thing.

No. 1777192

Yeah worldwide digital currency where everyone will try to say it’s great and youre a schizophrenic freak for thinking it’s bad even though it’s definitely bad

No. 1777227

There's going to be a huge accident involving the internet, possibly something related to AI and internet security/privacy.

No. 1777369

File: 1700354067884.png (378.17 KB, 506x597, digital id.png)

>digital currency
seeing as this was launched last week that seems like a good bet.
>In partnership with the United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Co-Develop, and others, the 50-in-5 campaign brings together both developed and developing nations to collaborate and share knowledge on best practices for Digital Public Infrastructure rollouts.
Norway is one of the first countries to start the roll out apparently
i second this choice

No. 1777519

I have this schizo level of fear of a sun plasma blast powerful enough to change earth's magnetic field and destroy electricity as a result. Can you even imagine? It would be over, it would set us back to middle ages. Everything would collapse, no communication, no work for most people, no life saving medical aid. Even just one week without electricity would cause people to act batshit insane. Imagine if it lasted forever.

No. 1777520

I think some people would go insane, but I think then majority of people would band together and make it work in the end. There might be waves of starvation and dehydration deaths first but after a few years it would equal out and generally be ok

No. 1777542

This is so level headed of you thank you. That’s basically how I think all catastrophes would pan out

No. 1777543

To add to this, I read a lot about the sun activity and how it affects the magnetic field and our nervous
system. So many people I know, coworkers, family members, tell me they've been feeling worse in the past few months and they don't know why. They can't sleep at night (even though they never experienced chronic sleeping problems before), they're constantly tired (even though we don't have more work than usual), they suffer from migraines, irritability, tinnitus, joint/muscle pain etc. Scary stuff.
Besides, I feel like something has changed in the world after 2019. Like we slipped to another reality and everything is fucked beyond repair and nothing feels real. I never felt like this before 2020. It's not just about my life or quarter life crisis, actually, if I had to judge it objectivelly, I'm at a better place economically and socially now than I was in 2019. And yet, everything feels so bad and weird.

No. 1777547

Everything is bad and weird in some ways

No. 1777567

I don't like alot of movies because they make it seem like humanity would just fall apart in serious times. I think there would be bad shit that would happen but overall I think people are baseline good and would go along to get along in order to rebuild civilisation

No. 1777573

File: 1700363605048.jpg (375.21 KB, 718x1041, 0293j49n219t6.jpg)

Digital IDs are going to roll out very soon and although some forms of it already exist, it's going to eventually replace physical IDs completely. I unironically also believe brain implants and microchips are going to become so normalized to the point where you'll be called an antichipper and people will assume you're racist and a religious fundamentalist if you oppose it.

No. 1777578

I don’t even think people are good at baseline I just think people would get on with life literally no matter what is happening, they just keep living whatever it takes

No. 1777580

Chips are too primitive right now, come back in 1000 years, I actually am a hater of this tinfoil lol chips can’t do shit without a very meticulous database to back them up

No. 1777585

samefag, this article is satire meant to ragebait conservatives but soon it will become a reality.

No. 1777613

File: 1700365609748.jpg (369.02 KB, 3902x1750, Darebio.jpg)

Bill & Melinda's Foundation keeps funding very interesting projects.

No. 1777636

Do Bill and Melinda happen to know who the Antichrist is beforehand? Bill seem excited to bring biblical prophecies to life.

No. 1777641

Mental retardation. Smart phones already provide enough personal data that translates to biometric data, everyone in the developed world owns a smartphone, why the extra step of microchipping? What is the conspiracy of Bill Gaytes wanting to microchip you to protect your vaginal health?

No. 1777902

Well nonna bot of that’s guaranteed to happen but what are the specifics, how huge?

No. 1777904

Samefag I meant both not bot but I’m keeping it, see it as a sign kek

No. 1778120

where can I read more about the sun activity and the nervous system thing nonnie?

No. 1778517

My question is, why wouldn't people just repair the technology after the strong sun wave ends? Like it can't just destroy the electricity forever, we can always dig more resources to make new wires and motherboards and stuff.

No. 1779660

This sounds preferable to whatever technological hellscape the elites have planned. Most people living in rural communities and small towns would probably survive.

It also makes me wonder about EMP weapons. Russia is known to have EMP weapons capable of destroying America's electrical grid. If there ever was a direct confrontation between the two countries, Russia could use EMP instead of nuclear weapons to take the US out of the conflict as an alternative because it wouldn't result in radioactive contamination.

The current systems required to extract resources and manufacture electrical components need electricity to function. While it would be possible, initial industrial production would need to return to another power source such as steam in order to start replacing the electrical infrastructure.

No. 1781195

I think inbuilt chips are going to takeover, there’s going to be digital ids and we are gonna be subservient just as always, and I think that everything integral to me that is questioned and torn down is not due to my insanity I believe everyone around me is insane instead. I think that people are retarded when they just laugh when I tell them that everything they know and love will crumble in front of them and they won’t be aware of it. The government is working exactly as intended. There is the higher secret society that’s bashing us down, but I think that goes without saying in some way. Every opposing thought I have makes me a racist. A sexist. A whatever-ist. It’s all part of their plan. Divide and conquer. You don’t like this? Cut you off from your money and from society.

No. 1781200

>people are retarded when they just laugh when I tell them that everything they know and love will crumble in front of them and they won’t be aware of it
I don't disbelieve you when you say that, but what am I actually supposed to do? I am not willing to become a martyr, and I am surrounded by potential hostages. I know everything is getting worse and worse by the day, but my options are to die about it, or to try to scrape up some pleasures from my little life.

No. 1781201

That’s completely fair. I just wish people could team up and push back so that things would stop being worse. Most people are in your boat.

No. 1782556

File: 1700626001416.png (53.26 KB, 652x544, Sy31h_v7n31.png)

Do you think this is true?

No. 1782558

I believe in the foreskin cosmetic conspiracy, sandra bullock talked about it on Ellen

No. 1782639

imo there are developmental and biological factors that lead to a predisposition to depressive/neurotic/psychotic modes of being (fuck contemporary diagnostic labels) but even then both someone's development from child to adulthood AND neurological structures are heavily influenced by their wider society, culture, and environment in general. air, water, and food are all compromised to greater or lesser extents depending on where you live, in ways that may have neuropsychological effects (like hormonal analogues found in plastics, or hyperpalatable/hyperprocessed foods fucking up dopaminergic systems). the tools we use daily to work and communicate are designed to be physically addictive to use the point of interfering with sleep.
the foundational messaging of western culture atm is that if youre not buying something (differs based on target demo and is shrouded in identarian pseudo-causes, but ALWAYS comes down to a consumable product) you are fucking worthless, your life is meaningless, you are antisocial, so you'd better work more hours so you can afford to engage with current thing and MAYBE get some semblance of social connection from that engagement.
growing up with this underlying messaging makes for a disenfranchised, hopeless, powerless subject who will play nice (too isolated and browbeaten to rebel in any organised or significant way) and slot into the consumer machine to generate more for the sickos who own us. but because we are human beings we suffer from these feelings, which, in too large doses, end up actually costing the state instead of generating profit. so the work of psychopharma is to find a way to profit off of this condition and restore order, experimenting with different compounds to blunt pesky human emotions that get in the way of productivity.

No. 1782641

hardly a conspiracy. my tinfoil is they dont just use skin products with the stem cells, i believe they are eating them, and placentas too (not their own but others that are acquired for them by corrupt healthcare systems). call me crazy!

No. 1782812

I think it's one of many factors and I also don't think this is a tinfoil whatsoever.

No. 1782853

amerifags are struggling to find jobs they don't get fired within the first few months constantly, can only afford and have the energy for crap cheap food, will never buy a home and are pressured to violate safety precautions at work and people think this is a conspiracy?

No. 1784632

actual disorders and clinical depression can exist with minimal environmental reasons, but it's totally a smokescreen for everyone feeling depressed as shit. It's like they've made a few select public opinion options to hide it too: "deny all disorders exist", "all mental illness is caused by specific trauma, genetics, and chemistry", or "everyone is just weaker now, life now is exactly as hard as it was centuries ago". It all ignores that the life we are expected to live under the current system is actively harming us. And for those who notice, they're pushed a whole bunch of diversion and nonsense to waste their time "fighting" against in their youth that's too vague and impossible to fight against like all of capitalism. Just the whole concept of capitalism in itself. You see articles and "think" pieces about how it should either be left totally alone with no reform (because flaws should be ignored if benefits exist, necessary evils cannot be tamed) or completely thrown out for a new system making it difficult for some to try and determine where to start and how to reform our lives to being better for the average person. That's honestly where half the non-thinking tankies come from, they know society is causing their problems but they impotently scream to tear it down ignoring any sensible and easy to pass reforms that would work. and of course the plants encourage rejecting reforms for not fixing the entire system and benefitting all concequence-free (think of the black trans women sex workers who need makeup to survive!)

No. 1784671

samefag but also gonna add that I believe 95% of those with a disorder are in bad environments. OCD ticks come out as a soothing mechanism for example, what if that person were actually somewhere halfway decent? I'd bet they'd sound more like that quirky villager in an old tale instead of a modern super hoarder sitting in a house filled with things and crippled with fears regardless

No. 1785452

I'm betting food shortages/mass recalls.

No. 1786141

I think diagnosing everyone I know with autism must be some sort of government control thing. It’s all the smart girls and then they warp and mold their abused, suggestible brains with false promises of community and acceptance to make them turn into trannies and sterilise themselves. It’s some sort of population control

No. 1786741

File: 1700845058549.jpg (135.93 KB, 723x366, sinister-forces-trilogy.jpg)

Has anyone read picrel, and can comment on it's reliability, or is it pure schizo babbling?

No. 1787574

cant prove it but the TikTok algorithm purposely suggests things to people they know will start drama. I know so many people who have had exes, past flings and enemies under their suggested accounts despite having zero connections to them via other people, numbers, etc

along with this, they also get the typical views of someone and then tries to suggest them content to start shit (more engagement = more distraction = more money) an example of this would be suggesting someone who is liberal some conservative fyps, or tate stans feminist content, etc

No. 1787578

I disagree, nothing about the ruling class suggests that they want there to be less people.

No. 1787706

I keep thinking Elsie thread pic is ice king from adventure time

No. 1788305

Completely agree. I've had multiple coworkers I don't like and I haven't worked with in years come up on my fyp when we have 0 connecting peers on any social media. And then I post here in the troon threads and my fyp is constantly trannies being gross agps or saying inflammatory shit about terfs no matter how much I block the accounts, report, block all trans related tags, and hit not interested. In fact I've noticed when I hit not interested on something that upsets me I get MORE of it.

No. 1788339

education and intelligence is inversely correlated with reproduction. Bimbos love to fuck and pop out babies. Bimbos make for great prostitutes. It's no wonder the government wants to force women into two groups of bimbos and troons

No. 1788430

File: 1700947629264.jpg (106.06 KB, 1242x1052, FrnEY4nX0AIWy6J.jpg)

Surrogacy is definitely a frontier being pushed for the exploitation of poor women globally.

No. 1788431

File: 1700947653531.jpg (77.19 KB, 748x763, bleak.JPG)

No. 1788445

65,000 may sound like a lot to us poorfags, but knowing how much medical shit costs, and how much medical shit pregnant women have to go through, it's not even a lot of money. I mean, maybe some people who used surrogates have to pay for the medical appointments? But that's not a given. It's so risky. IDK. It's just the tip of the sick iceberg.

No. 1788448

The zero connections part is not right. Zero connections visible to said user, maybe, but people are connected in a lot of ways that we are unable to see. You are connected to other people be attending the same events, using the same services, connecting your devices to the same networks. These are connections that are logged somewhere, but may not be visible to you. Don't mean to disprove your point though, discourse inducing content absolutely drives engagement, and social media sites are definitely making use of this.

No. 1788607

67.334% of posts here are made by middle schoolers or whatever the equivalent in their home country is

No. 1788995

I can see where you're coming from but how would their software even trace back as far as exes before TikTok was created? nevermind purposely suggesting people they know bicker at each other?
I'm also convinced they pay/make AI-generated fake accounts for the sake of starting arguments. I know people are stupid and suck but I've seen so much word vomit and blank accounts going out of their way to start fights with random people even if it means saying the stupidest stuff possible

No. 1789006

I would guess pretty far back unfortunately. I don't use social media but I remember creating accounts back in like 2014 that would suggest friends to me based on contacts i had before i ever had an iphone, such as previous coworkers. It was super creepy to me because never once in my life have I transferred contacts from one phone to another, and I've owned phones since 2005. I always start every phone from scratch. The people it suggested me to add online were people i only texted for work stuff. I never put my job or name online either and my phone plan was under my parents. I'd guess its based on phone numbers.

No. 1789009

Same anon but also wanted to add i dont link my accounts to my phone number either, yet it still suggested people I had in my contacts from years before

No. 1789017

I remember reading years ago about a guy who worked for a social media consulting company, and his job was to maximize engagement. He mentioned that starting arguments was one trick they would use sometimes. I have tried to find that article, but I haven't been able to. I think it's plausible that many of these nameless accounts are bots or paid trolls that are there to generate engagement. A related tinfoil I have is that many social media websites allow fake news to circulate because they know it will generate engagement, even if it is harmful.

No. 1789019

I believe this. I guess the solution would be uninstalling/deactivating social media. It just sucks it's required for a lot of jobs and socializing now

No. 1789030

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that being said, I wonder how much of the ultra-intense "mom shaming" is being paid for by foster agencies, so they can make confused and helpless new moms feel like they aren't good enough to be moms and therefore just give up their babies to a foster agency?

it's very weird, especially considering a lot of mom shamers are blank accounts or men, typically grasping onto menial things such as formula feeding, putting 2-3 kids in a room, asking for help from relatives, etc even though these things are typically 10 times worse in foster homes. They especially go after pregnant women hard, sometimes even seething at a pregnant woman being present on a subway, likely to make moms feel like they failed before they even got a chance to be a mother

that being said, it's now easier than ever to give up your baby but harder to ever to abort. as abortion clinics close baby boxes around every corner are a thing, and programs for mothers to continue into motherhood decrease

No. 1789143

>how would their software even trace back as far as exes before TikTok was created?
An "anonymous" profile of you exists outside of these platforms. In the case of advertising, it's anonymous in that your name and maybe DOB is not attached to it, but the profile will contain your interests, demographics, online habits, and various info that can be used to target you. This data is bought by the social media sites and it can tie you to various people in your life via past connections (facebook for example) sharing schools, workplaces, etc. If you've ever interacted with another person online there is an invisible string somewhere tying you together. If you have only interacted with a person in real life, said string can still be made. I don't think the data that is harvested from people can figure out who your enemies are, but in most cases you will have your close friends added on social media, and the people you might not be friends with will still be closely linked to your profile, thus coming up in friend suggestions.

No. 1789209

I recently keep seeing people pushing egg freezing onto you everywhere, even on supposedly pro female/anti moid spaces, like in the comments of moid exposing youtubers or on lsa. They usually start with "you do you girl, get your great career, but also did you know that I was nearly infertile when I was trying for a baby at 30? you totally should freeze your eggs before you're 25" Like??? This is creepy, why would I do that years before I have a partner or before I even know how I want my life to look like? Egg freezing was and should stay something weird older celebrity women do.

No. 1789223

Not that many but definitely more underage users than we know. I used this site for years before I was allowed to post.

No. 1789331

File: 1701010876377.jpeg (586.11 KB, 828x1330, IMG_6212.jpeg)

By downloading the app you allow access to your messages, photos, contacts, etc. With that data, companies use algorithms to keep you engaged. I highly recommend watching “the social dilemma”. Not tinfoil just facts to clarify the situation.

No. 1789685

>take big pharma med
>start losing my shit moreso than ever before
>entire family worried about me
>I tell them to leave me alone and I’m fine cause med is helping with issue I had
>med stops working as well so dosage is upped
>full blown psychosis
>glowies are after me
>glowies are beaming thoughts into my head
>telling me it’s time to die and they’ll kill my whole family unless I end myself
>try to argue with these thoughts
>psychotic thoughts win
>strangely don’t die from OD dose of med when the same OD of the same med has killed people twice my size at 30% less of a dose
>2 weeks in hospital mostly in ICU
>taken off the med that made me nuts and also my antidepressant I had been taking for a couple years
>big pharma antidepressant was what was causing the issue I started taking the other big pharma drug for that made me really really lose my shit

It’s a racket and the government is in cahoots with big pharma to give people problems they’d never have by means of shoving meds at them to fix things that aren’t fixable by medications or aren’t even problems in the first place. In a roundabout way the glowies really were/are after me but it’s nuanced and convoluted.

No. 1789747

Making kids share rooms is fucked up though and easily solvable by only having one kid. Nobody should be having kids and planning for them to share rooms

No. 1789772

Single child syndrome is more damaging than 2 kids sharing room which has literally happened since forever. Only child kids are the most mentally ill children I've ever met, but my point still stands that it feels like some sort of psych op to make parents give up and then give their kids to foster homes/adopt them out, which will go from 2 kids sharing a nice room to military style bunks all shoved into one room. But if you think the foster life is healthier for a kid than splitting a room like a college dorm idk what to tell you

No. 1789779

>being paid for by foster agencies, so they can make confused and helpless new moms feel like they aren't good enough to be moms and therefore just give up their babies to a foster agency?
>it feels like some sort of psych op to make parents give up and then give their kids to foster homes/adopt them out
I really don't get this point, this is not happening. Rather the opposite is true, there are millions of abusive parents who get checked by services yet still get to keep their kids again and again.

No. 1789782

File: 1701034652702.jpg (683.65 KB, 1079x2061, Screenshot_20231126_163807_Chr…)

>only children are more likely to end up crazy
That's not what researchers say

No. 1789785

You realize even people who admit that CPS does nothing to help actually abused kids often admit that CPS has taken away kids from good homes, right? There had to be multiple laws passed in my city because of how much CPS was taking children away for the smallest reasons such as scraping their knew at playgrounds, hip dysplasia, etc. It's weird that they leave children in shitty homes but take them away from good ones.

No. 1789793

This has to be some sort of flawed research/confirmation biased, as an only child myself. Me and most other only child had stunted social growth. I would have done anything to have a sibling growing up.

Also - only child syndrome has been studied for years

No. 1789801

Nowadays in 1st world countries close to all kids are only children tho…meaning only crazies out there

No. 1789802

File: 1701035253021.png (267.33 KB, 720x909, Screenshot_20231126-154744.png)

Whoever reported that article is dyslexic I'm pretty sure. They ended up linking a research paper on how only children are actually MORE depressed and anxious

No. 1789803

Have you seen what 1st world kids post on the internet? The idea of majority of them being crazy isn't far fetched

No. 1789815

>This has to be some sort of flawed research/confirmation biased, as an only child myself
your anedoctal evidence doesnt disprove research nonny

No. 1789863

also a mentally ill only-child here nonnie. all the other only child people i know are depressed weirdos and usually socially-stunted. it stands to reason. tbh i think any research saying otherwise is probably a cope in response to the fact people are having less kids.

No. 1789944

so TikTok knows what horny pics I have? great

No. 1790022

There was literally research posted in the exact same article proving how otherwise

No. 1790038

File: 1701047776800.jpg (60.12 KB, 628x675, Life360_Logo.jpg)

I dont think microchips will become popular, but a form of it already exists. I think that apps like life360 are created to help normalize the feeling of constant surviellance and loss of privacy under the idea of “it is for your own good”

No. 1790045

sharing a room as a child is extremely normal. sorry for whatever happened to you to make you think this, you sound like you are mad about something. having your own room as a kid is rich people shit (at least upper middle class), most children on the world share rooms.
hate to contribute to the derail, that's just such a crazy opinion and you should be yelled at. I wouldn't trust any of your tinfoils if you have any itt.

No. 1790049

Research typically favors having at least 2 kids but idk the issue is with room sharing? Unless you're planning on letting your child lurk in their room all day or buy them excess amounts of clothes and toys there's no reason why they need a giant room to themselves especially if you encourage them to socialize and take up hobbies outside of the room

No. 1790216

Children sharing a room isn't weird. It's been normal for most of history and is still normal in most parts of the world. I would even co-sleep with my younger sister.

No. 1790219

I saw comments on isntagram videos of nurseries saying the mother was abusive because they were "too beige". Braindead take and it's usually kids commenting it because the pfps are like colorful bad drawings of furries or some equally kid stuff. The stuff that passes for abuse nowadays is retarded, I almost wonder if it's some psyop to destroy trust in the parent child relationships. Case in point >>1789747.

That ad is so predatory because harvesting eggs is a shit process no one wants to do, but they can cut down on the bottom line by offering this deal then sell back the eggs to IVF couples for thousands. Also the chance anyone will use harvest frozen eggs is so low. Chances you either conceive anyway or can't afford IVF when the time comes. Also frozen eggs is not a good idea generally, leads to a shit ton of health problems. Youre better off just making a compromise and having children at the intersection of reasonable financial stability and youth, you do not need to be a wealthy suburban homeowner to parent a child successfully. Plus this is scaring women onto believing they'll be infertile by 30. My sister had her kids at 32-34 and my mother had me at 46. 30 is not even considered a geriatric pregnancy.

No. 1790251

fertility industries have literally made gen z moids brain dead. I remember seeing them comment on how they were confused on how a woman in her 30s still has her period, or doctors who advise women to get IVF before the woman even ATTEMPTS to ttc

No. 1790581

literally. spoiled kids who think not getting a Mercedes on their 16th birthday and have mommy and daddy buy them into Harvard is abuse. its no wonder parents abandon their kids so often

No. 1791433

Literally every woman in my close family (mom, grandma, cousins, aunts) had their children in their 30s, my mom had me at 34, like it was so normal to us, I don't get why it's seen as "late" now kek. I would consider 40 late

No. 1791647

TikTok traces everything. I hit “no don’t allow contacts, don’t allow location, microphone, etc. and it still suggested it all to me. They go through every little thing on your phone, I wouldn’t be surprised if they scan text messages

No. 1791649

I genuinely don’t think implanted chips in humans with tons of bio data is feasible, at least in this lifetime. I think it’s more likely that Bill and Melinda are pocketing those millions of dollars and faking whatever “progress” this project has. How does this foundation even function now, since they’re now divorced? I assumed she divorced him because he got outed as a pedophile who went to Epstein’s island?

No. 1791659

File: 1701139728373.png (181.84 KB, 475x846, epstein vh1.png)

>On 2007 VH1 featured Jeffrey Epstein for 15 minutes of their show ‘The Fabulous Life of Billion Dollar Wall Street Ballers’ VH1 referred to Jeffrey Epstein as a "former school teacher turned billionaire." They mentioned Bill Clinton and Kevin Spacey, and one of his victims can be seen at the end.

@dom_lucre on twitter posted this video a little while ago but it got struck, he re-uploaded it today so I saved it for us:

No. 1791666

Wait, video is too big to upload. I'll figure something out.

No. 1791669

Imo it's only bad if you don't have a good life set up for them. I know kids whos parents had them in their 40s and were lower class, when the kids were supposed to be planning for college and living their fun 20s life they had to give it up because they had to take care of their aging parents or the parents ended up dying before major life milestones like marriage, kids, graduating college, etc. Just have a good retirement plan + a college fund or something

No. 1791672

It's so scary, and it's not just TikTok even though they're the biggest ones. I definitely remember brief things in conversations and then as soon as I hop on my phone there's ads for it. I also hear people even thinking of a thing and then having it pop up on their phone later

No. 1791790

Every social media collects data static webpages do this ffs. Tik tok is just the more popular ver of previous incarnations of musicly and vine. vidrel is 5 years old.

This just sounds like if you stick a bunch of retards in an elevator they'll start spazzing out at each other.

No. 1791807

If you upload it to dropbox or another file host. catbox.moe is anonymous and doesn't require an account. I'll convert it to webm and upload it.

No. 1792060

Speaking of the guy in the vid, google did start suggesting dog-related things right after he spoke about it, but he later claimed it was because he was streaming. When he did the experiment again while not streaming it didn't work, but somehow I don't buy it.

No. 1792249

Such a blatant lies, at the age of less than 25 you have not yet reached your peak fertility. It was normal for women to have their younger children up to their 40s in the past.
Bleak. Remember to laugh at their ignorance and call them retards every time you see them in the wild, nonnas.

No. 1794911

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No. 1794936

Dark Brandon moment

No. 1795351

While a lot of it is natural, the recent Japan hate train has probably been secretly pushed by the American and Chinese entertainment industries. Like, yeah there's a shit ton of problems but a lot of it is overkill.
That being said, I don't think China needs to do that, donghua can be pretty great. It just feels like something they would do.

No. 1795357


I think Korean entertainment industry poses a much bigger threat to USA and China than Japan's does.

No. 1795365

Maybe in the next couple of years, but I don't think it's to the extent that kpop is genuinely threatening American pop music, or the Hollywood movie industry yet. They basically just "absorbed" stuff like Squid Game or Parasite.

No. 1795413

What Japan hate train? People still seem to love it

No. 1795552

Huh. It shows up in discussions all the time for me, maybe it's because I look up anime openings when I'm bored. They got me targeted.

No. 1795589

Pedophilia is correlated with male infertility.

No. 1795597

I've seen a rant here years ago saying something similar, not infertility but dysgenic genes and bottom tier social status. All males live for sex; pedophilia is a moids way to circumvent competing with "chad" or earnestly participating in living up to society's minimum standards. One look at your local sex offenders list and the minor offending ones are all absolutely hideous fat pieces of garbage. This is different from the elite kabal type pedophiles, they get off on doing things that are illegal for the commoners and blackmailing eachother.

No. 1795605

The biggest tinfoil and honestly redpill is that the majority of men are ephebophiles, potentially even hebephiles

No. 1795842

it's not a tinfoil, they straight up admit to grooming teens, left moids too. all moids need to have their discords investigated asap

No. 1795950

Yeah this isn’t tinfoil because it’s proven irl, just look at the kinds of porn they watch. “Barely legal” being a known popular term just proves how sick they all are and that the written law is the only thing holding them back.

No. 1795965

globohomo? Back to /pol/

No. 1795973

Globohomo is a general term. It means global homogeneity as in one world culture and one world government. It does not mean global homosexuality as is often assumed.

No. 1796909

It's when they're exclusively attracted to children that it becomes a problem, and an active indicator of them being mentally ill/dysgenic.

No. 1797071

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For anyone interested, this article sheds light on possible reasons why people were suicided during the 2010’s: some wanted to speak out on pedophilia and sacrifice, while others were just murdered for the lulz despite being on their side. Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain were possibly Clinton’ed for knowing too much. Though I recommend reading it with a grain of salt, the author confuses Harvey with Henry and believes that Chester Bennington is John Podesta’s son; no mention of Isaac Kappy or Jeffrey Epstein.

No. 1797111

The problem is them being attracted to teens too. Men are issues in generala.

No. 1797164

The biggest blackpill is that most men have no age limit. They'll claim "Ew I'd never touch a little girl", but give her false lashes and some lipgloss Toddlers & Tiaras style, and he'd gladly rape her if no one found out.

No. 1797420

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It was a hit job

No. 1797596

These guys have recently infiltrated the Bohemian Grove at night.

No. 1797703

File: 1701569501942.jpg (7.41 KB, 219x230, 1000010942.jpg)

Crystals are a psyop to quell poor people into thinking they have something valuable so that they don't grow resentful towards the rich for hogging up all the gemstones.

No. 1797722

I don't find this to be a tinfoil. I remember going on vacation to an [unspecified African country] and me and my cousins would dig up a bunch of crystals in the backyard. They weren't tiny either, they were medium sized and we all had pockets full of them. I wish a kept them and got a rock tumbler. Could have made some money selling them.

No. 1797723

To add, stuff like diamonds can easily be made in a lab and most people probably couldn't be able to tell the difference between swarovski crystals and actual gems.

No. 1797729

my boss who dows excavating said that they find crystals all the time in mountain areas and then sell them for big money but theyre super prevalent if you dig enough

No. 1797743

To be fair fake crystals basically saturate the market for them as it's more profitable.

No. 1797762

legitimately interesting

No. 1798662

File: 1701658969791.png (774.32 KB, 751x603, Screenshot_2023-12-03 Biden Ru…)

Aside from gender stuff, what else do you think is a public humiliation ritual? Something nonsensical a working class person has to say or repeat but rich people are exempt from? Working class students are being forced to participate in this while rich kids are safe and exempt?

No. 1798769

Intentional bad haircuts in ANTM done to ‘aspiring models’.

No. 1798779

There is no future that the Dems are winning the next elections or even the one's afterwards.

No. 1798794

People acting spergy over race discourse on social media.

No. 1798800

Sorry to derail the tinfoiling thread by answering this retarded post but do you even have a job? are you even “working class”? Literally none of this dumb bullshit including troon shit affects blue collar jobs or below — like yes we are aware of it but if we misgender someone we’re not gonna be cancelled out of our jobs. Just based on me living in the real world and not having a fake ass wfh job

No. 1798828

Is this real? Damn the dems really don’t give a fuck about Roe V Wade huh. But we gotta make laws and rules to save the trannies!!! Well, only the ones born male, that is.

No. 1798855

I live in a progressive state, I have a retail job and they make us do pronoun circles. I see this shit in my uni all the time. I was hoping it would get better in a few years when I move out but this shit depresses me

No. 1798856

Tyra was so evil

No. 1798870

>education system underfunded
>defund them further for educational differences despite "state's rights"
like I'd get some form of punishment if these people were actively preaching hate, but not for them refusing to teach something that's literally everywhere outside of school.
>school and politics disagree
>make the children suffer as punishment
wtaf, also aren't there schools that basically don't teach science because it conflicts with the bible? where's the pushback on that? Also still the solution to that would have to be literally anything but taking food from kids

No. 1798883

File: 1701678894104.webm (3.18 MB, 1701397402675048.webm)

nonny nonny nonny
we're fucked

No. 1798919

this was all on purpose and is all going to plan imo. brain rot, the breakdown of everything we have built. inversion of truth and goodness.
it's all so cooked

No. 1798924

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No. 1798941

I wasn't taking it very seriously until the mandatory digital ID part. Misinformation terrorist. Very nice.
Do you really think so?

No. 1798979

ayrt I don't understand? is it the uploader? first video I have watched of theirs are they unreliable? thank you for the correction if so

No. 1799414

File: 1701722935644.jpg (59.47 KB, 824x549, iStock-1311405065_WEB-824x549-…)

my tinfoil is that black women are only statistically single mothers more because it's less stigmatized to be a single mother in their community, which means women in abusive/toxic relationships are less afraid to leave even if children are in the picture

This is a good thing. I see a lot of white women that are clearly being abused behind closed doors, letting their kids get diddled, etc and nothing being done because of how much white families side with abusive white men, especially if they're cops/military which increases the chances of being abused. Women need encouragement to come out about abuse and leave them, I see a lot of people who have a poor understanding of how abuse works trying to shut down women who are open about being abused because "they're stupid for letting it happen" when the best way to go about this is to encourage the woman to leave, and then PRAISE her for leaving, not dwell on the fact her being abused was somehow something she did wrong

No. 1799439

Unfortunately this isn't correct. It's because black fathers are more likely to abandon their children compared to fathers of all other races. If you'd like to read some more on this, the book Promises I Can Keep shows why black mothers make the decision to have children with men who aren't committed or willing to support their offspring with multiple different men. Basically, their culture shuns abortion and believes that a girl shows that she is a mature woman and not a child by keeping an unwanted pregnancy. Meanwhile, it's believed that a man saying that he wants you to have his child is the greatest compliment he can give, that he bestowing on you the honor of carrying his genetics. It's pretty gross and even into their forties, the women are shockingly naive.

No. 1799446

This tinfoil is so fucking incorrect it hurts. It's more to do with black men being fucking awful and people turn around and blame the women for it.The reality is the black communities tend to be very misogynistic and blame black women for everything wrong no matter what and act like black men are innocent angels who never do anything wrong. One thing i will say is that single mothers gets tons of help from the women in their families. Single mothers are still heavily stigmatised no matter what.

No. 1799506

Also on the "misinfomation" angle, it'll be a tool to ensure the right opinions are shared and up-voted tot eh right communities. Only rich people will get useful infomation, while the poor will be drowned out in celeb gossip. Today ads are already tailored to age, race, class, etc. Women and girls will be shown pro-bimbo propaganda and all feminist discourse will be censored, ensuring "TERFS" never exist and all women obey the media giants, as one example. Evil.

No. 1799529

It's a madonna/whore thing and no one wants to apply basic feminist analysis to it. You see this pattern happen with other women who procreate with black men.

No. 1800258

File: 1701793722079.jpeg (295.47 KB, 668x1029, IMG_5688.jpeg)

That one time Michelle Phan was based…

No. 1800274

It's weird that nothing is there. Just empty buildings, no security even if the guy kept shining his flashlight everywhere. Yeah there's a few statues here and there I guess.
Also the guy is a CGI artist.

No. 1800283

Is she talking about men or trannies? both are the same

No. 1800394

Being pc

No. 1800983

kek I miss her and her chin edits. also that purple filter to make herself look whiter that resulted in her once pretending an orange eyeshadow was blue or something in the voiceover of a tutorial but kept the right shadow name so you could see the real colour if you went to buy it and try to recreate the look. She also was the first person I ever knew to get the buccal fat removal. Truly ahead of her time

No. 1800991

File: 1701841824986.png (Spoiler Image,237.64 KB, 1295x683, danny.png)

Etsy has an exhibitionist community. There are multiple listings and entire stores that are straight-up just naked women "modelling" different items. Here's one of the less risque ones: No age restrictions on any of this, by the way.
The owner's meant to be modelling the fishnet socks, with her pussy on display in a black see-through thong.
Picrel, a review from one of many customers. PS: It's not just men posting their breasts.

No. 1800995

File: 1701842076051.png (Spoiler Image,627.18 KB, 1780x915, k00.png)

None of this has any age restrictions.

No. 1800997

File: 1701842237137.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.57 MB, 1280x720, m496ax.mp4)

This one mildly censored the thumbnail at least, but most don't. More "reviews".

No. 1801000

File: 1701842454111.png (Spoiler Image,782.65 KB, 1855x1325, etsy.png)

Some stores are literally selling porn. No censors, just out in the open.

No. 1801051

File: 1701849966034.jpeg (228.03 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_5689.jpeg)

For anyone still interested in mind control and what a person goes through during the process, here are two books written by female authors in pdf form.



No. 1801248

This has to be some money laundering or fraud scheme to test stolen credit cards, I can't believe moids would actually use etsy to search for porn.

No. 1801275

Parthogenesis is in reach but big pharma don't research it because they prefer to prescribe pricy horrendous drug and maximis egg retrival so no sane women would want to go through the process. We need a full female top fertility researcher team to finally develop this. Embryos made from parthogenesis were already made but never implanted. We could study teratomas from naturally occuring parthogenesis in women to know what went wrong. We could be cured of males but we are limited by our current lack of autonomy from them.

Also not really a conspiracy but if someone wanted, most undesirable NEET moid could be removed by replacing spams in incel forums of femboy/trans egg/sissyfication propaganda groomer moid use, which ask far too much effort from the groomies and don't neutralize them quickly enough, with attractive MRA type memes about being gay is the solution to shield from misandry (kek). Since they are stupid they will turn prison gay and give eachothers bugs until they all pass away. It's so easy I'm surprised nobody tried it before.

No. 1801287

It goes even further than that, moids can literally be memed into killing themselves if it’s sold as a fetish.

No. 1801301

I'm sorry but the first link reads like peak moid fanfiction, I cannot even finish it. Absolutely kek at him being completely fine with working with a daughter-raping pedophile but suddenly caring about the wife and child when there's a chance to using them as experiments for his hyperfixation.

No. 1801742

no one’s talking about the exploding house in arlington yet?? allegedly done by someone schizo moid named james yoo

No. 1801749

File: 1701903309595.jpeg (587.43 KB, 828x1037, IMG_3853.jpeg)

samefagging. he also posted linkedin rants about america being the real terrorists, gotta research more

No. 1801983

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Whelp, there goes my last lingering thoughts about reverting back to Catholicism.

No. 1801993

I don't understand this tinfoil. Gemstones are geologically crystals—they're just crystals with monetary/aesthetic value (to humans). Price varies based on the purity, size, cut, and sometimes rarity. Most poorfags know the difference between a shitty crystal and a high-quality one, and that they cannot afford them regardless.
NTA but it's a channel popular with Redditors, that's probably why

No. 1802140

Why the fuck do police suck at stopping crime now? Target can stalk teen girls who've stole lip gloss 10 yrs ago but the whole fucking police force, FBI, etc can't stop people who are actively running around murdering people?

No. 1802141

Sage for samefag but I am also suspicious of stores being overly vigilant for shoplifters. I hear so many horrors stores of women and children being SA'd while shopping yet the top notch security can't find any of that but can somehow figure out someone slipped a pen up their sleeve. It makes no sense. I guess losing a couple of cents of profit is more important than your store being dangerous to kids

No. 1802173

Prediction: Eugenics will probably return as a major political issue within our lifetime.

My observation for this new decade is that we're in an era where the politics and events of the 20th century are steadily sliding from our collective.

Another major issue simply put is the fact that advancements in technology essentially mean that we're potentially going to have'cruelty free eugenics.' Without any sterilization campaigns or racism at all.

The low hanging fruit here is genetic engineering of humans.

A while back we had the controversy surrounding the creation of CRISPR babies in China. So far this is experimental and I think that we're still two generations from being able to casually edit human beings.

One thing we do have however is embryo selection. A process that not only allows you to screen out health issues in fetuses, but screen said fetuses for markers that correlate to intelligence and other advantages.

Advancements in AI and computers will also contribute to this as well. Right now everyone is focused on things like ChatGPT or possible Skynet scenarios.

But the real jewel is that as AI and ML advances we're going to see advances in molecular biology as AI allows us to correlate data and simulate biological systems in ways that were previously intractable.

At the start of the 2020s we not only saw an upsurge in new and advanced AI applications, but we've also been a seeing a corresponding surge in the biotech industry in terms of innovations and value.

This year alone the Nobel prize went to the scientists who developed applications for MRNA in medicine.

Google's DeepMind and AlphaFold have already simulated new materials and protein folds that scientists are studying and working to replicate right now.

In all likelihood, we're probably not really equipped to push back on a new eugenics surge.

The main vanguard for this movement will probably be embryo selection procedures, which due to how they operate will be anathema to the religious Right who oppose abortion.

Meanwhile you will have a contingent of Leftists who will see this as a threat to their egalitarian project for obvious reasons.

Both sides of course, both will in all likelihood be destroyed.

The Left is already on board with abortion, meaning any moral sentiments or fears of a biotech caste system, will be outshined by the obvious and tempting benefits. They are pretty much incapable of policing the rich, and its not like they'll be able to control what oligarchs in Russia or China do either.

The religious Right will be shunted for much the same reason. Their ideology is already pretty sickly and struggling in the current era. More than likely they'll be beaten back by the current crop of New Right and NRx who would be on board for a eugenics project that would let them end the egalitarian ideal.

Now whether or not it will lead to this is a different debate, I am somewhat optimistic that it will probably be a net positive for mankind.

However, consider the following portents.

Prenatal screenings and abortion has already effectively wiped out cases of Down Syndrome in Iceland.

Another even more morally dubious topic of euthanasia. In Canada we've seen euthanasia being recommended to people who were merely inconveniences to the healthcare system. While these are being portrayed as anomalies, these cases are highly suspicious, and feel almost like they're testing the waters to see if they can get undesirables to consent to kill themselves.

This is a more radical prediction, but I think that cases of austerity euthanasia will probably be the norm 30 years from now. Especially as the developed world slides into becoming a nursing home society where more and more productivity is going to be devoted to keeping a vast graying population alive and cared for.

If I had to give an exact date, I think we'll see the new eugenics movement break into public discourse probably by the end of the decade, around 2030-2035.


No. 1802181

The “moderates” I used to follow on Twitter always complained about the “lack of discussion” on IQ tests and discrimination and loved sealioning around it. The Effective Altruism nerds will be fully on board. the rationalists already have a plan. Remember that Caroline chick from the FTX fiasco? Her old tumblr blog had all these weird little “human biodiversity” writings.

No. 1802184

the thing with tech autists getting into eugenics is normal people will see how creepy and maladjusted they are and be even more turned off from it.

No. 1802193

As long as those autists have money, then anything is possible. That’s why they’re rushing to get AGI into place so that they have the power and tools to reshape the world in their ideals

No. 1802197

Elon musk can’t even stop his kids from being troons im not too worried

No. 1802217

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It looks like Ukraine is fact going to lose this war. I really feel bad for them, and I wish they were never dragged into becoming a proxy for the US in the first place.

No. 1802223

Great, now China is gonna go for Taiwan. Shit timeline

No. 1802225

This precise Anglo-American neoliberal world order was always bound to collapse, it was a matter of when not If

No. 1802248

true, but choosing to be gay will not activate the boy moms and other male aligned females alarms like direct call to killing themself would.

No. 1802251

Didn’t the US promise to protect Taiwan? Isn’t that WWIII if that happens? Fuck

No. 1802285

The norks have improved their WMDs and have their targets locked on US bases, no wonder China allowed them to continue their nuclear weapons program.


No. 1802534

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Owners of Mindgeek (which essentially owns every porn company) admit that they are aware that children have access to their sites and that the goal is to normalize kink, as well as transgenderism.

No. 1802628

China already has Taiwan, it's all One China or whatever they call it, they are not two countries. Taiwan just keeps pretending it's gonna break off even though they literally can't without becoming a US puppet / proxy-warzone and I kinda think they're not retarded enough to do that (especially after seeing how that worked out for Ukraine) but you never know.
The Taiwan Relations Act is intentionally ambiguous, on paper the US mainly agreed to sell Taiwan weapons for "defense" even though mainland China keeps asking US to stop and the US govt also supposedly believes in the One China Policy. (side note: US sells Taiwan old shitty weapons because of concerns that the weapons would just fall into the hands of the mainland Chinese government which of course would happen.) I guess any kind of hot action in that area could spark WWIII but it would be impossible to trust the word of any government involved because they would all pretend the other guy shot first
this is more geopolitics than tinfoiling

No. 1802766

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No. 1802801

Every person I've met online with a weird fetish admits they got it from watching cartoons. I shudder to think about the Elsagate kids or kids who got onto Tumblr.

I say this often but every pervert dreams of a world where they can force their fetish onto everyone

No. 1802909

I'm convinced lots of celebs have only pretended to be pregnant while secretly using a surrogate"s", so that they can 'bounce back' quickly physically and also avoid having to discuss the obvious ethical issues.

No. 1802920

There was a lot of speculation Megan Markle did this.

No. 1804767

My theory of what's actually causing low birthrates(more then it needs to be) a combination of factors such as, highly processed artificial foods, microplastics, pesticides and a sedentary lifestyle leading to low testosterone. also children and starting a family are perceived as obstacles to career and "hustle and grind" for both sexes. also issues caused by the sexual revolution and internet porn and erotica boom, and are further accelerated by social media, resulting in a society where everyone feels lonely, depressed but has an easy release through either porn and erotica

No. 1804782

A rabbi oh god. Moids will now blame da jooz for their willing consumption of child rape. The suffering of women and children never fucking ends.

No. 1804820

I also feel like celebrity pregnancies are so much shorter than usual. ofc it can often be chalked up due to announcing it late

No. 1804866

I don't think it is any of this tbh. I come from a culture where it was common to have big families and have dated people from big families and had friends from big families and no one wants to have a ton of kids themselves and if they've had kids they only had two. You can ask them why they didn't have a whole litter and the reasoning is exactly the same:

They don't want their children to have the same childhood they had.

In a large family siblings are more like competitors than they are in small families, and the recourse they compete for is parental time, affection and attention. Then of course there are material recourses where most of them felt poor. Older ones resented having to play third parent to care for the younger ones and the younger ones would feel resentful towards the older ones for myriad reasons. Even if they loved all their siblings as adults they said they felt overwhelmed enough as it was with just a few kids and didn't think they could care for more children properly. These are completely fine and valid reasons for having a small family ultimately motivated by love and care.

Parents just love their kids too much to want to have more of them.

No. 1804924

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Has anyone else watched this? Paris Hilton’s show Paris In Love is one of the darkest things I’ve ever seen. She’s been very open recently about the abuse she endured at “troubled teen” boarding schools and this show reveals that’s she’s still being abused by her family and husband. They subtly and not so subtly trigger her throughout the entire series and it’s really distressing to see her completely shut down and zone out. I’ve never seen media depict real time handler/slave abuse like this.

No. 1804937

I don't like her but honestly that's really sad. all those heiress kids were beat down into submission. Trump's older brother killed himself, casey johnson od'd I think and the family tossed her fiance out cause they didn't approve of the lesbianism (or more likely lack of bio kids) + tons more I just am not plugged into pop culture to know. I'd love for this to come out more. their families are monstrous and consume everyone around them, and cannibalize themselves too

No. 1805480

Grimiest is mk’ed and Musky is her handler.

No. 1805898

maybe the cultural push, but something definitely is fucking with our fertility. I notice a lot of even young healthy women can take years to conceive. I follow multiple accounts ran by women tracking their "fertility journey" a lot of them are struggling to get pregnant, are fit, and even have multiple diet books to help them get pregnant. If it was exclusively a cultural push then women wouldn't struggle with getting pregnant like they do now

No. 1806101

modern men can't fill the father role due to mommies who were too nice and women have seen too much social media bs that makes them terrified of being single moms and continuing their genes regardless of the retardation and faggotry. they had real dads so the concept of having no dad is incomprehensible to them. also, millenials. lobs are a haircut designed to cover up square tranny jaws and real women would choose something either shorter or longer because both are just plain better looking on a softer jawline.

No. 1806138

They are buttering us up for a war with the sympathetic movie on Oppenheimer and Napoleon.

No. 1806168

The tif thread on /snow/ is filled with gay scrotes but i don't see anyone bring it up, it's so obvious too.

No. 1806171

On 4chan gay men obsessively talk about them and how disgusting they are, of course there are. They want an outlet to seethe.

No. 1806200

i don't care about /snow/, maybe no one talks about the scrote presence because it's literally full of scrotes

No. 1806218

It's sad how Zelenskyy is probably going to be right about when he said "They're going to forget about us" when the Israeli-Hamas War broke out. America is dragging their feet with extending funding to Ukraine now that their precious Israel is in conflict. Once Russia succeeds in taking Ukraine who do you think they'll go after next? My bet is on Belarus since it also neighbors Russia and they share the same language.

I think this on top of the way the media is handling the Israeli-Hamas war is just trying to prep most people to put boots on the ground somewhere. If Ukraine falls then they could also add to the excuse that Americans need to enlist to fight tyranny.

No. 1806222

They have everywhere to whine about tifs and muh women, why are they even here? They need to gtfo

No. 1806318

I don't know about the TIF thread, but the tradthot and leftcows thread seem to attract twitter troons for some reason.

No. 1806328

Belarus is an ally of Russia. It's extremely unlikely that there would be a hostile invasion. If there would be another front opened in Europe it would likely be in Serbia.

No. 1806359

No? It's just that people who think that blood and sacrifice = devil are just showing their ignorance. Sorry I insulted your god or something.
>God never requests child or any human sacrifice.
Abraham and Isaac. Plus god kills children throughout the Bible on various whims. God loves blood sacrifices.

No. 1806413

>Abraham and Isaac
NTA, but I’ve seen religious people personally defend that this was a test and they were never meant to kill their children so god “doesn’t murder children”.

No. 1806469

It was just a prank

No. 1806523

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reminder that the CIA intentionally introduced proto-wokoid rhetoric this into universities to destroy class consciousness.

>According to the spy agency itself, “post-Marxist French theory directly contributed to the CIA’s cultural program of coaxing the left toward the right, while discrediting anti-imperialism and anti-capitalism…” Here the professor was making particular reference to a recently declassified CIA report, authored in 1985, that focuses on the intellectual milieu around Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, and Jacques Lacan.

>Abundant evidence of course exists of the CIA’s complex cultural interventions into French intellectual affairs — but it is critical to recognise that it was the political shortcomings of communist organizations themselves (i.e., Stalinists) that had the determinant impact on the obscurantist trajectory of left-wing academic ideas. The CIA’s own determined cold warriors were well aware of these problems on the Left, and hence these are exactly the arguments they put forth in 1985 within their then internal document “France: Defection of the Leftist Intellectuals.” This “research report” — referred to within Gabriel Rockhill’s essay — is clear, the CIA sought to examine the changing attitudes of French intellectuals so as to “gauge the probable political impact on the political environment in which policy is made.” So considering the intriguing theoretical focus of this report it is worth dwelling upon some of the arguments presented therein, if only as a starting point for exploring the failures of the most influential parts of the French Left in the aftermath of World War II.

essentially the CIA used pretentious intellectuals to stop communist and socialists parties from gaining more influence in he west, so they essentially shilled them, ruining leftism and making it so pretentious that normal people would steer clear from anything related to the left, these morons and those who follow him probably are not ever aware of this(too busy sniffing each other's farts)

No. 1806526

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No. 1806573

I appreciate the work of some post-modernists, but you're right; it was done to dissuade revolutionary leftist movements. The C.I.A. used all kinds of tactics during the COINTELPRO and Iran-Contra era, and it's likely to still be going on.

No. 1806775

I feel like it’s unnatural for men to be around young children and when women have the chance to raise male-free children, they take it. I have a pretty awesome dad but I’ve been watching family dynamics for decades now and have only seen men destroy everything. Fatherhood is a political construct after all. The only problem here is poverty. I’m not saying black men aren’t misogynist racists, fuck them. But “single motherhood” is the default across the animal kingdom and will always be more natural than men who’ve been in prison handling babies.

No. 1806799

I’ll be praying for you, atheist-chan

No. 1807233

I think what's more likely is china getting bold about taiwan knowing the us will prioritise israel over anyone else
for me that recent top gun movie was the first big sign war was coming and that they really wanted to encourage enlistment and love for the army again. I mean it was the reason for the first one post-vietnam

No. 1807731

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I believe that large chunk of successful right-wing media figures (Candance Owens, Ben Shapiro, Paul Joseph Watson) don't actually believe in any of the shit they spout.
They know what their target audience is and they know exactly what they have to say for approval and clout, in another reality they could have easily been CNN commentators if it meant the same level of fame
I've actually read PJW's book on terrorism and surprisingly he had a good understanding on how US and UK meddlings in the middle east during the cold war, nonsensical colonial-era borders that ignored ethnic lines and actively funding and training Jihadist groups are responsible for the current predicament were in, I mean you don't expect that nuisance and research from a dumbass right winger

No. 1807752

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I don't believe they believe the stuff they spew out either. The focus on culture war-related topics is meant to contribute to the socio-political polarization. Any "truth" they reveal is one that is in the approved parameters.

No. 1807774

Samefag, but it's easier to just blame one single target (leftists, Islam, environmentalists, et cetera) than to explain the intricate webs that led to these events taking place and to accept that the side you hold your allegiance to was part of the plot. They know ragebait and culture war-related topics are an easy way to generate clicks and outrage, so that's what they push.

No. 1808506

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When I found out that Barack and Michelle Obama were producers of this movie, it genuinely scared me. spoilers for the movie but it's about a family who go to a vacation house and strange things start happening. Eventually, it's revealed in the end that there is a political coup taking place, which leads to a civil war by disrupting technology and causing chaos. The ending is really eerie because it presents this as something we have expect and make peace with

No. 1808525

I somewhat agree, but I definitely think the majority of them actually are right wing, if not as extreme as they make out. For example I've seen some videos of Brett Cooper on YT, she's part of the Daily Wire, and I think she does believe what she's saying. I also think it must have to go the opposite way too. I do wonder what some leftists in the US really think about paying reparations out of their own pocket or TWAW - do they believe everything they're preaching or are they too scared to disagree and commit a thought crime?
But yes, undeniably the right wing sphere is pretty profitable. I actually feel like the pendulum is going to swing back and a lot more people will vote conservative. Leftists have shot themself in the foot with being so black and white on issues, where if you don't agree with x leftist belief, you're actually bigoted or a Republican or something. It doesn't feel like there's a space in the left to say things like "I don't believe children should be put on cross sex hormones" without people being horrified that you said a Wrong Thing, so of COURSE people are going to find solace in the right-wing which, at least on the surface, seems less restrictive on beliefs. As an outsider, US politics seems like a garbage fire.

No. 1808565

I’m happy the kid is getting a second chance to live life, I really am but I don’t like where we’re heading towards…

No. 1808581

Is this just a rip off of that recent M. Night Shyamalan movie?

No. 1808627

What do you guys think about the homeless people disappearing and the white vans? Some people think they are being studied at a body farm. It’s so weird. Ugh the TikTok won’t embed. Any nonnies in San Francisco see the homeless “literally disappear” and white vans around?

No. 1808635

probably some organ harvesting thing.

No. 1808673

No. 1808762

They got sent to the FEMA camps

No. 1808784

I can sort of confirm that not all leftist, especially the high profile ones, believe the shit they spew. I remember reading some shit that leaked years ago about high profile democratic leaders that basically said they needed to drop the whole TWAW act if they want to win elections. Obviously they haven't done that yet, but if Biden loses the next election they might start to ease up on it. The only thing both parties care about is their audience's support. They are trying to sell people an idea so they can fill their own pockets or get government seats. Some of these commentators are useful idiots who do believe the shit they spew, but they only serve their purpose as to take the fall when shit hits the fan. These types usually don't get government seats unless its out of sheer luck or due to weird circumstances, and even then its only a lower seat.

It's quite funny how nowadays conspiracy theories are synonymous with the far right when back in the day it was associated with left-wing tankie types. The pendulum of what side of the political spectrum conspiracy theory belongs to changes whenever the situation calls for.

This movie sounds really interesting I might take a look at it when I have time.

No. 1808895

of course they don't believe it. i consider these people controlled opposition - deliberately manufactured bad faith actors whose job is to act a fool 24/7 and get paid doing it. 20 or so years ago this kind of extremist retardation would never have flown in the conservative world. not saying republicans aren't weird but real old school repubs were henry kissinger-types, people with a lot of money and education who were doing things on the down low. basically, elitist, globalist snobs lol.

my family are all republicans. i also consider myself a conservative and i really do not understand how we went from the harvard educated republicans to ben fucking shapiro. the shift doesn't seem natural. these people do not resemble in any way the individuals i grew up around or the rhetoric i was exposed to as a child. all the racist people who have suddenly decided that they are "conservative" were usually apolitical. they didn't want to be apart of the 'system' or have to follow the laws of the government. how they managed to wheedle their way into the republican party again, does not seem to be entirely organic to me and i find it highly suspicious. and like >>1808784 said, conspiracy theories were for a very long time, the realm of left-wing hippie types. the dude who started the whole illuminati thing was a pot smoking, long hair having hippy (cannot remember his name now). it's just all fucking bizarre to me.

No. 1809654

Transhumanism is the new Eugenics. Julian Huxley, an eugenecist, was the one who coined the term (yes, he was the brother of Aldous Huxley). He was also the first director of UNESCO.

No. 1809757

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what do you think of jennifer bileks research into this? i've only discovered her recently but i was glad to find a woman discussing the eugenics, transhumanism and big pharma profits side of transgenderism too, as well as the obvious sexism, homophobia and medicalising of children. there is so much more to all of this.

No. 1809815

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This isn't a super outstanding tinfoil but i think hollywood has been pushing short thin women in films/shows because they wanna push a new beauty standard (cough looking little cough) or if you're not short at least be very thin, for example jenna ortega or the new actress in the presley movie.

No. 1809832

Better than the kardashian-influenced standards

No. 1809838

Just existing isn’t a standard. I think moids have standards too. Like being tall.

No. 1809844

Kek that is true nona

No. 1809845

Be careful, you're gonna get angry femlets screaming at you for recognizing a pattern of pedophilic moids going after tiny women specifically because of what they "resemble"…even though it's true.

No. 1809848

In this case given the subject matter of the film isn't it justified? They are trying to get across that Elvis was a creep and make the age difference visually clear given that the actress herself isn't actually underaged. That is the approximate height difference I had with an ex, I hated seeing photos of us or seeing us reflected in mirrors

A lot of these Hollywood women are really short in actuality they are just photographed and filmed to hide that fact (a lot of the male actors are not that tall either). They will literally build the sets to make the acting talent look taller, have them stand on apple boxes etc.

Relatedly, my sister has met Kim Kardashian. My sister is already a short woman and Kim was shorter than her so she was really surprised. She said that Kim is overall much smaller than she is publicized. Her butt is apparently not that big because she's a little slip of a woman lol.

No. 1809849

They don't have standards. They have their ideal women but will still fuck someone they're barely attracted to in order to not be alone.

No. 1809894

It's a hydra-like ordeal, for sure. Take for example Planned Parthood, one of the organizations that has shown extensive support for the transgender movement. It was started by a woman called Margaret Sanger, an eugenecist who saw birth control as a way to control certain populations. She literally had a project called "The Negro Project” in 1939, with the aim of expanding birth control services for black communities in the south, according to New York University’s project documenting Sanger’s writings. She has been quoted as saying, "We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." in a letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble.Back to Julian Huxley: in the 1950s, he supported the Rockefeller, Ford, Milbank Memorial Fund, Ciba, and Gulbenkian Foundations in their efforts to address eugenics and population control. Think tanks and scientific committees supported by these foundations advise NGOs on matters of national and international policy. In addition, Huxley was the Abortion Law Reform Association's vice president. These links resulted in the creation of human artificial insemination, elective vasectomy, and contraceptives, in contrast to acrimonious sterilization programs in Southeast Asia.Eugenics was historically used to regulate or eradicate members of the lower class of society, such as "morons," prostitutes, criminals, gypsies, anyone judged morally inferior, lesbians, and gays. Transgender people fall into many of these categories. They are like walking human experiments in a way, which allows these scientists to test all kinds of procedures and to cause further social polarization.

No. 1809958

> i really do not understand how we went from the harvard educated republicans to ben fucking shapiro. the shift doesn't seem natural.
The same thing happened on the left. The ideal boomer leftist was some overeducated guy with a real job and a Zappa poster, now the ideal leftist is some unemployable antifa traggot like Dave Muscato. Turn on NPR, and they have some adjunct professor of superwholock studies explaining why onlyfans is a good thing.

No. 1810692

I'm convinced the current trend of calling just anybody a pedo or "groomer" is a psyop, and the intention is to water down those terms so much that actual grooming/pedophilia is either normalized or not taken seriously.

No. 1810700

No way, it's the other way around. The trend of making fun of people calling pedophiles groomers is a pysop by pedophiles to make it taboo to call them groomers. Then they have the shield of "You're calling us groomers? That means you're calling ALL LGBTQTIAA+ people groomers? Nazi!" It certainly doesn't help that since men are more likely to be rapists, gay men are more likely than straight or gay women to be rapists as well.

No. 1811175

it seems as though both may be simultaneously possible but the intentions come from different parties.

No. 1811421

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>She has been quoted as saying, "We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population."
I looked into this briefly (I'm not American) and the full letter was in the context of trying to promote the use of birth control in black communities without making them erroneously thinking it's related to exterminating black people. It seems that she was against disabled people breeding and probably them being born which is a mainstream stance with benefits: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/down-syndrome-iceland/

No. 1811450

Replying myself to say I looked into this more since I agree with the screenshot >>1809757
Fact checking this article to see if there's any weight to the claims: https://www.lifenews.com/2015/02/23/7-shocking-quotes-from-planned-parenthood-founder-margaret-sanger/

1. >>1811421
2. She did talk to the KKK which is suspicious but apparently talking to everyone was part of her activism which is believable in her time. There's also a lot of misinformation and horrible photoshops in relation to this event.
3. Pivot of Civilization is posted in full text here: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/1689/1689-h/1689-h.htm#link2HCH0005 and I couldn't find ANY of the direct quotations. lol.
4. She totally believed in reducing disabled populations but this is a mainstream stance that I can see some benefits of. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/down-syndrome-iceland/
5. Literally the same quote used for 3. and still doesn't exist.
The rest I'm not going to check since they consist of videos but it seems to just deal with her anti-disabled stance which plenty of pro-choice people agree with to some degree. This particular site is obviously extremely biased but I couldn't find a decent critical source but I'm open to read if you can find one.

No. 1811509

I see. Thank you for adding context to the quote. I still feel weary of this program because of how eugenics programs have targeted black people in the past (and still do but that's a topic for another day).

No. 1811521

Here is an article that goes in-depht on why her actions could be considered racist eugenics if you are interested:

No. 1811524

Samefag, it's biased but it is still an interesting read.

No. 1811553

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>yes there is assisted suicide. but it will only be used for very sick people we swear! we wont just kill anyone
>kids and sometimes babies too! but we SWEAR only super duper sick babies
>okay maybe adults with depression, but only super duper bad depression!
>now they're just advertising it to poor people who don't want to die
>even used a commercial of a woman who didn't want to die for assisted suicide

No. 1811555

Assisted suicide will never be used for mentally ill. Take your pills schizo-chan, no one cares enough to kill you. Assisted suicide is used on late term cancer patients usually where even pain killers can't ease their pain and they're too sick to live normally.

No. 1811556

Being tall has always been a beauty standard for men and women even though most women are 160-165cm. Have you never seen a fashion show? I'll never understand why tall women will think short women are somehow childlike when there's at most 5cm height difference between them and the short women they call childlike. They also never call short men childlike so you can just tell it's their misogyny and hatred for short women that makes them call short women uncomfortable asf shit just to feel superior.

No. 1811558

there's already been multiple cases of people with minor mental health issues being pushed to assisted suicide

>1/3 of Canadians now being in favour of assisted suicide for people who are poor or homeless

there's also been multiple cases of people who've been offered assisted suicide just because finding affordable housing was hard

No. 1811560

the actress looks like a woman but is styled in oversized clothing, childish hair, etc to emphasize Priscilla being a child in the movie

No. 1811561

I don't think her casting was meant to push any standards. Jacob just happens to be super tall and Cailee was playing a 14-year-old.

No. 1811565

definitely. I also feel like the Priscilla movie was geared more towards women if anything. Unlike blonde the Marilyn Monroe movie that was quite obvious geared towards men

No. 1811593

Why do anons immediately resort to calling anons insane before even asking for sources or something? If you didn't know it was going on ask or Google then call the Anon crazy. This wasn't even unhinged compared to other crap posted on this thread Jesus Christ

No. 1811601

What are some events that you think were failed operations? I honestly think that Rachel Dolezal and her trans-racialism was going to be used to further dismantle non-white communities but was abandoned because of the enormous backlash. So instead they decided to push troonism more. IIRC the Dolezal scandal happened around 2015 which lines up pretty close to when I remember troonism becoming more mainstream.

No. 1811614

Veganism/keto or any sort of diet that's overly restrictive and complicated for an average working person to partake in, they purposely over complicated the idea of eating healthy in hopes people would "give up" and just continue their fast food addictions and stop caring about what's in their food. They didn't expect such a large chunk of people to actually continue these diets and still care about what's in their food, now they have been steadily trying to decrease food quality and vitamin content even more while increasing sugar, carbs, processing, etc.

Now I see a lot of them targeting pregnant women in particular who obviously are more likely to have cravings, larger appetites, and sometimes can only keep down certain foods for carbs, etc and claiming almost anything they eat is unhealthy. I even seen them claim tacos (not even fastfood or cheaply made, just tacos) are unhealthy or eating a single piece of cake or ice cream will cause like 10 birth defects

No. 1811798

I believe Eyes Wide Shut took inspiration from Roy Radin's parties.

No. 1812382

>Now I see a lot of them targeting pregnant women in particular who obviously are more likely to have cravings, larger appetites, and sometimes can only keep down certain foods for carbs, etc and claiming almost anything they eat is unhealthy.
could stuff like this apply to >>1789030 ? I just don't understand, people are acting like eating a single scoop of ice cream will ruin your body and deform your baby

No. 1812698

wow and at the same time they are pushing acceptance for trans people to breastfeed even though they take so much meds… but natal woman often are shamed for eating anything during pregnancy and breastfeding… wow

to add: I think this is linked to telling people that EVERYTHING you eat could give you cancer

my tinfoil senses are telling me that this is to promote some matrix-esque slop in the future for lower classess to 'stay healthy'

No. 1812839

they absolutely did try this with soylent and just the normalization of meal replacements in general (like pedisures for kids)

the funny part is the poorer kids are less likely to have allergies and other health issues, lower and middle class pregnant women typically aren't eating homemade salads for breakfast lunch and dinner

No. 1812882

File: 1702612718028.png (204.16 KB, 827x588, sangeraplanforpeacebirthcontro…)

Thanks, this was very enlightening. It makes me suspect that the biggest critiques on Sanger are controlled opposition. There's clearly a lot of published evidence that population control of disadvantaged groups was her true aim rather than to elevate their status. Not to mention a large portion of her colleagues were more open about their racist eugenics. There really is little need to fabricate proof.
I also found this source that I found very readable as someone who knew very little about the subject by using an AI search: https://womanisrational.uchicago.edu/2022/09/21/margaret-sanger-the-duality-of-a-ambitious-feminist-and-racist-eugenicist/
Are there any more forced/secret contemporary population control movements you know of that are worth mentioning? Two that I know of are:
Israeli-Ethiopian migrants being forcibly injected with birth control: https://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseknutsen/2013/01/28/israel-foribly-injected-african-immigrant-women-with-birth-control/?
Native Canadians: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/report-uncovers-forced-sterilization-in-quebec-1.6663340

No. 1812944

No. 1812961

Thanks nonnie!

No. 1815007

I think the Lone Star tick was manipulated purposefully by scientists to be able to cause a red meat allergy in humans (not sure if other meat eating animals are affected by this) and released into the wild as a test, especially considering that scientists have already altered the genes of mosquitoes to help dampen the spread of malaria.

No. 1815028

This is a win-win for everyone. Young women don't have to deal with disgusting foreskin on their lovers and older women can have glowing skin.

No. 1815038

Nta but the older I get the more I do not trust any man around a child including fathers. I’m to the point where I’d rather be single and raise my kid alongside my sister and her wife than expose them to their father who has all the possibilities of degeneracy and violence. Even “decent” fathers somehow end up exposing their kids to their porn collections.
It’s really surprising that moids have not already just died off since they’re useless and the only thing they’re definitively useful for is destruction. In the rare cases of moid autism scrotes can create things but those moids are degenerates too and the genes are not good for society either. You also have to wonder how many achievements and creations of moids were stolen from someone else.

No. 1815090

I should reread her stuff because I strongly believe she's ahead of the curve. Bookmark, screenshot and archive her stuff. Donate to her, we need to preserve every bit of this for the future

No. 1815100

This argument has always annoyed because everyone not just progressives defended eugenics. Not saying it's right but it's a product of its time. Even big name black activist like W.E.B Du Bois defended this.

God forbid black women having some form of birth control drives people insane. Am I supposed to pop out babies for some stupid demographics bragging game?

No. 1815103

i believe it, they're getting bold these days

No. 1815105

both came out in 2015 and I think transgenderism won out because it's easier to chop off body parts then to reshape facial bone structures, change skin tone and alter hair texture. Also transracialsim was one-way, white-to-other, but there's other-to-white

No. 1815107

keto could never be mainstream because meat is expensive and has become so. If anything, healthy foods have been more expensive and harder for the average person to get. And this trend will continue. So the elites will push for more carbs and seed oils and make us fat as possible to differentiate us and them

No. 1815109

and poor kids are more likely to have fucked up teeth and jaws due to eating only soft foods and be more overweight than rich kids

No. 1815112

i'd rather die than be a vegan

No. 1815247

The IOR is complicit in money laundering.

No. 1815313

Human trafficking occurring in Canada

No. 1817158

File: 1702850484329.png (415.1 KB, 462x1300, screencapture-404media-co-2023…)

This tech journalism site says it found 2 marketing companies claiming they can actively listen to people's phones, smart TVs, etc. microphones for targeted advertising purposes. Either these companies are lying to sell shit, or it's real and all those times you talked about something then had it show up in ads on your phone later weren't just "coincidences" and "selective memories" after all.



No. 1818782

do you have any more on this?
I fucking knew it

No. 1820846

File: 1703091921165.png (364.71 KB, 600x700, bunker.png)

It's becoming increasingly clear to everyone what is going to happen in the near future.

No. 1820918

If something big ever were to happen, they'd be raided and killed anyway. There is no way to make a "secret bunker" unless you do it all alone a la Joseph Fritzl, there will always be contractors who know regardless of how many you fire and rehire. This is an act of stupidity that only draws attention to you if actual tragedy strikes.

No. 1820950

I'm assuming they'll relocate before most people start noticing. As far as the helicopter pilot knows, these are just some rich people going to their holiday home.

No. 1820958

You can't relocate a bunker. It would take an incredibly complicated amount of security in the entrance, exits, and weakest points to prevent a seige. Contractors and workers have families too. Under the duress that they would need to utilize the bunker, the contractors and their families would likely just attempt a takeover. Rich people are so naive about doomsday. That bunker will be targeted along simply for being bourgeois.

No. 1821077

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A contractor who lives in Maine can't do much if they want to get a bunker in Hawaii. Also, the bunker's exterior looks like a regular small building. I'm assuming it would have a hidden passage and then require a code for further entry. and this is just a semantic argument. The point is, collapse is coming because you don't spend 100 million dollars for no reason.

No. 1821111

Although this video is a little lengthy, the journalist does a great job of explaining why foreign aid is a hoax as well as the staggering power that corporations have over entire countries. You might be a little familiar with the problem with aid if you've read the work of Dambisa Moyo.

No. 1821252

Kinda glad homeless people got removed from San Francisco. You're homeless and you immediately move to one of the hottest cities with the worst job market, most expensive and unavailable housing, etc? And then spend your days crapping in the streets and terrorizing people on their commutes? None of them will admit it but majority of them just wanted to be in San Francisco just to say they live in San Francisco because I guess God forbid you have a steady job and decent apartment in bumfuck. Plus most homeless people who are homeless out of their control are typically sleeping in cars or some place hidden, it's only the lowest laziest bums who choose to live in the middle of the city

No. 1821288

All of the economical crashes are made on purpose so that the uber rich can increase their bunker funds for when the world is inevitably unlivable.

No. 1821338

Naiveity. The type of tragedy that requires longterm use of the compound would reduce people to their base survival instincts. There are probably already individuals seeking out this info to sell off clearnet. There's no way this isn't going to be doxed for fun. Rich people are retarded. End of.

No. 1821347

I'm leaning more into thinking the arm forces they will hire to protect them will inevitably mutiny and use brute force against the billionaires.

No. 1821359

they probably became homeless there. get a grip, scrooge.
when will the homeless bait stop? i can't even tell if it's bait because so many people just never stop to think maybe the system is fucked up or there's homeless runoff from the endless drug trafficking and americans literally buy into booststrspping mentality

No. 1821397

San Francisco is not hot at all, not even in summer, source: Lived there for a long time. It's about 65F all year round and you always need a jacket once the sun goes down. Also the homeless are definitely still shitting up the place, quite literally

No. 1821493

I read a book set in SF and it mentioned people doing heroin on the street and then smearing feces on windows. Also people jumping in front of trains and self emulating.
Is that for real? Why are homeless in SF so much more unhinged than homeless from other places? Is it the drugs?

No. 1821519

The system is absolutely fucked and there's millions upon millions of programs to help them they just don't want to. I remember when I was homeless in my Midwestern city the only available shelters and help programs only accepted druggies. It's also a known fact chronically homeless people go to cities they find interesting like how most homeless in Portland and Seattle aren't even from there

No. 1821528

They are planning another civil war within 30 years. That’s why nothing is being done on inflation or immigration or the declining quality of hospitals and schools. It’s become increasingly evident that only rich people get the basics of life and everyone else scrambles for crumbs, just like in every other third world country

No. 1823722

My schizo theory is that the anti christ will be born not in the flesh but as an AI in a super computer.

No. 1823725

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I have a theory that picrel is gonna be what the last human on earth looks like.

No. 1823742

So Roko's basilisk will be the antichrist? I can see it

No. 1823746

Isn't this from I have no mouth and I must scream?

No. 1823753

It is. Very scary story to read in these times

No. 1824202

File: 1703255238937.mp4 (3.54 MB, 1280x712, 1703224334451.mp4)

Akex Jones had spoken about it before too.

No. 1824339

Cerbmin is Shaymin (fact) and there is at least one male/tranny on the mod team and they all work overtime on /meta/ covertly defending themselves pretending that they're regular farmers - mark my fucking words

No. 1824434

i believe it. ive made posts about tranny related topics or mentioned there being a tranny mod and got redtexted multiple times as if i angered him

No. 1824964

That’s my theory too and I feel like the Bible was alluded to this as well, need to reread Revelations again.

No. 1826739

Finally got my hands on an unabridged first edition copy of Behold A Pale Horse. Just starting it, but was wondering if any anons have read it. If so, what did you think? Once I finish I will chime in on the discussion

No. 1827122

>hottest cities

do you mean hot as in popular or hot as in weather? cause san fran is usually always cold and cloudy from the marine layer. even los angeles is rarely ever hot except for when the santa ana winds blow hot air down from the great basin in the fall. cali being some hot tropical paradise all year round is literally a meme and one of the fastest ways to spot people who have never been there.

and sadly san fran is turning into a ghost gotham; all the rich people are leaving and moving to the midwest to escape, leaving the poors to suffer their retarded politics and insane taxes on everything as usual. not including all the businesses that are leaving. it’s really sad because san fran was like a mini new york in its glory days.

No. 1827211

I know for a fact that they are doing this. I used to do those paid marketing research surveys when i was younger. It was usually to help develop certain marketing advertisement campaigns and sometimes it was just research into certain target audience groups. As i became older, technology became more advanced, and i saw a shift in the surveys. They started to have more surveys where they wanted to analyze your face (through webcam) (this was before the front camera smartphones existed). They also had surveys where they would implant a cookie on your browser to track your browsing habits. And there were also some surveys where they wanted you to do "voice activation" things. I never participated in these surveys, but they were very upfront about how they worked before you opted into them, which is why i know about it. They always paid well tho. And even though it irked me, i never thought too much about it until a few years ago. There's also some other websites where you can get paid to train voice recognition AI and i've seen some companies on there that are either, or work close with, marketing companies. I rarely get invites to marketing surveys anymore nowadays. The websites these surveys are on are also kind of dead and they don't pay as much as they used to. Usually when i do get invited it is research conducted by universities. The reason marketing companies don't use these survey platforms anymore is 100% because people are giving them all this data for free, so there is no need anymore. >>1791790 already posted the moid on youtube who did a livestream where he said keywords and then going in a browser to see if his microphone picked up on his keywords to show him ads (and they did). Very creepy stuff and it is just becoming more advanced as time goes by and people keep feeding them more data.

No. 1827270

Late but I actually used to watch Paul Joseph Watson in like 2016 when I was going through a cringey anti sjw phase and he actually creeps me out a bit because I think he's a paid actor from a larger company. He used to shill the same products as Info Wars but I don't think he ever said he was partnered with them, he eventually stopped doing that and stopped mentioning Info Wars but I don't think he mentioned why. He's always recorded from the same room in front of the same backdrop almost like a set, he doesn't really have any information about himself. There's never really any candid photos of him, his social medias don't really show him out in public, he's never been shown to be in a relationship or have any real friends. And he still preaches the same trad stuff about marrying and having lots of kids starting from a young age, but he is 40 and never makes any mention of a wife or kids. By his own logic his sperm is defunct, he is walled, and should never settle down now. I really think he's a paid actor but it's also creepy that he's never seen out of that room, I'm not trying to imply he's like an AI bot or something kek I just think he's some normie that lives somewhere remote where no one would recognize him out and gets paid to shill trad tard shit online to his retarded fanbase, and they eat it up without question.

No. 1828043

I was reading old tinfoil threads and was reminded of this >>492099 theory so I decided to look her up and apparently her official channel uploaded viderel 3 weeks ago. Haven't watched it but I'm intrigued. She seems to reference the occult and conspiracy theories quite a lot with titles like Mossad Dolls and Devil's Paradise. I wonder whether she actually has some relation/info on Gaga or she's just a schizo who's bitter that she achieved fame instead of her.

No. 1828068

nvm she seems schizo and I feel bad for her

No. 1828069

File: 1703513373793.png (430.73 KB, 2002x716, Screenshot 2023-12-25 at 3.00.…)

did anyone else see this post in /meta/? i find it funny more than anything, do they really think we would never notice?

No. 1828665

Us education is so shitty. One of the few good things I can say about my time in school was learning about propaganda during wwII and the cold War. They probably don't even teach kids shit about that now. I had a middle school teacher who remembered doing bomb drills in elementary. They've slowly been injecting propaganda into everything now and so many Americans lack the social awareness and critical thinking skills to see it. I agree with the book anon who says the us wants us stupid as fuck. We genuinely act like short bus kids now.

No. 1828686

I’m retarded, can you explain what this is or what’s weird about it

No. 1828693

File: 1703568251487.png (321.41 KB, 640x1136, EBA85F1F-B90F-4CFA-8FD2-6AE6BE…)

WHAT THE FUCK are these reccomended searches? No I don’t watch stuff like that, I’m not a scrote, I quit porn and I never even watched straight porn and I WOULDNT WATCH IT ON TIKTOK the 14 year old part is making me sick. I was watching videos about the Siberian penal colony

No. 1828696

File: 1703568333340.jpeg (305.93 KB, 640x1096, FE218E9B-4873-458B-92AD-41D133…)

Genuinely why is this happening

No. 1828698

"That's so cool!"
to 14 year old edgelords. It's more like a huge biohazard and huge waste of human resources. Imagine refusing to be an organ donor, never attend a blood drive in your life, but willingly give up quarts of your blood to run through a chunk of plastic and computer parts.
So metal.

No. 1828746

Ofcourse a retard moralfaggot would have 0 reading comprehension

No. 1828756

That chunk of metal and plastic is yours to keep though. And with women being organ donors there are real risks in all countries where organ trafficking is prevalent us included. There’s also the possibility of having your organs go towards unnecessary shit like being a trannies cadaver neovagina or your blood being the life saver of some retarded moid that got in a car crash.

No. 1828771

they also post thinly veiled bait comments, get massive insights started from separate ips, then ban any of the anons who argue with them
also the "anyone who I disagree with is a moid" was started by moids to deflect and frame any potential tinfoiling as just that, schizo tinfoiling to shut down debate on their terrible moderation

No. 1828898

you're not retarded. most people do not talk like this online - "working with other [nonas]", saying that you know there are other sleuth/investigative anons, just odd. plus, we already have anons reporting child abuse images, so this isn't an issue. we haven't had any cp spam on the same level as before during the shaymin era so again, it just seems kind of random to post this out of the blue when the cp raids have essentially stopped. plus the fact this poster used nonas/anons/farmers…most people here don't usually use all three nicknames for posters on lolcow at once like that, and farmers is a nickname that the majority newer users are not familiar with and even back in the early days of lolcow, most people just said anon. it just comes off to me like they're trying too hard to fit in and don't usually post a lot online to begin with. also, i just find it odd that they needed to post what basically comes off like some sort of advert or call to action on /meta/. most of us know how to search for europol or fbi on our own; i've reported cp before myself. all it takes it one google search to figure this out. plus, who knows what would happen if you clicked that link. it just comes off like they're looking for something or someone in particular.

i've seen posts like this on other websites as well, where someone out of the blue asks for help "investigating" cp or radicalization online and it always comes off like they're fishing for something or trying to infiltrate a community. not saying they're doing anything bad btw, but i think there's more going on here than just helping identity cp abuse images.

No. 1829002

>get massive insights started from separate ips, then ban any of the anons who argue with them
God I wish. That would be a great tactic for weeding out newfags who take the bait.
They wouldn't really need to use separate IPs if it was a mod conspiracy though. kek who would they even be hiding their IP from???

No. 1829132

File: 1703607581346.png (1.27 MB, 1439x1910, 1703606177441.png)

Now its for sure proven Kanye is dead and has been replaced

No. 1829135

Me and a friend tested it out. We said it would be so nice with a hamburger, the next ad we both got on our phones was for a burger place.

No. 1829575

personally I think he's either gotten scared (the one thing he could lose is a record deal and he could be pushed out of TIDAL too), he's also friends with jay-z and beyonce who could probably talk him into being scared to go against jewish people now
or he's finally been put into that conservatorship/drugged by handlers

No. 1830240

someone have access to your phone? some moid is using it. your phone could be hacked.

No. 1830654

Justin Bieber is going to be put in a conservatorship by his church hillsong, business woman Lou Taylor, who put Britney Spears under one and Hailey and her father. It's been a long term plan by Steven Baldwin.
Kanye has been speaking about it recently.
Bieber was probably going to marry Selena Gomez 2018 but the plan was changed and he was drugged.

No. 1830697

Maybe the algorithm picked up on "penal" and "colon"? Just a theory

No. 1830736

I don’t use TikTok but I’ve seen at least 20 screenshots now across social media from various individuals of both sexes of their “related searches” being pedophilia shit, often the searches mention “12 y/o” “14 y/o” “Latina” and “recoil” (last one I think means twerking and is to get around TikTok censors). Never used the app but this is so common that I know about it… it’s fishy though. I’ve heard a lot about pedophilia on TikTok and it seems like they just do nothing about it. Very sinister company.

No. 1830889

File: 1703720482009.jpeg (772.78 KB, 1170x1266, IMG_4387.jpeg)

Cross posted on celebricows but who do you think will be on the list? Anyone surprising, or just people who've been named or implicated before?

No. 1830940

Its very difficult for me to see this as anything but a distraction from other things taking place. If some pretty notable people are named, I don't even see it doing anything because too many people still blindly worship celebrities. They do all manner of goofy shit in plain sight and the "worst" they get is some retards on twitter screech for a few days.

No. 1830984

Will probably be the same names we already got but please post it when it comes out I’m curious

No. 1830995

I believe there is a focus on his sexual crimes to cover up his financial crimes. Not that his sexual crimes shouldn't be highlighted, but some information is being obfuscated for a reason.

No. 1831187

Aliens come from the ocean and there are PORTALS down there

No. 1831255

it's been suggested that some vehicles use water as a power source. Additionally bases are thought to be in certain ocean areas due to humans inability to access those areas.

No. 1831273

The man who invented a water power vehicle was also suicided

No. 1831327

File: 1703749953215.jpg (148.95 KB, 604x892, 2.jpg)

What do you think anons? Total bullshit orrrr? >>1830736
I have reported CP on tiktok in the past but the reports did nothing. My guess for those searches is that those videos might be on tiktok or that there was a video that made people search for that on tiktok. Does not explain why a search like that isn’t even filtered though.

No. 1831330

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No. 1831431

>the CIA intentionally introduced proto-wokoid rhetoric this into universities to destroy class consciousness.
An Irish moid made a pretty good video on this. He's one of the right-wingers who are good at explaining why cultural changes happened in the west.
The Cultural Cold War: The CIA And the Congress For Cultural Freedom
Keith Woods

No. 1831439

thanks for the recommendation.

No. 1831467

So many of the random Palestine experts that keep getting rt’d by fandom westerners will be straight up Russia affiliated if you search their accounts kek

No. 1831475

I don't think it's a tinfoil, Russia and more so Iran habe been suppurating the Palestinian groups for quite a while, so of course they'd use this conflict to further their goals, most liberals are Idiots so they don't realize how easily they are getting fooled, mind you I'm pro-Palestine btw and believe in ceasefire, but it is infuriating seeing so many people retweet unironic Russian and Iranian propaganda. whose both goal is just to remake their empires once again.

No. 1831754

File: 1703775463394.jpeg (55.09 KB, 600x600, C9710896-BDB2-4710-952A-BA653E…)

I’m sorry but I don’t know where else to sperg about this. I can’t help but notice my large hospital that went ham on covid restrictions for years, one of the only types of institutions that could maybe justify it, is totally fucking radio silent on the covid shot this year. You better believe they’re still hiring tranny nurses, dispensing testosterone shots for 20-something mentally ill women and firing people for social media posts, they’re still pozzed as fuck, but not a single peep about the life-saving vaccine despite covid cases being demonstrably up. Hmm.

I don’t know what my tinfoil theory is except that the healthcare system is sick and I’m tired of being a part of it.

No. 1831972

yup! although when i say vehicles i mean alien ones (and secret government tech)

No. 1831977

Every pharmaceutical company, and every first world government in the world, secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) experiments on humans. Why you think hundreds of thousands of people disappear each year without a trace?

No. 1831978

Leslie Fish's vision of the future and present-day politics seem more sane to me by the day. Not really sure how I feel about that, as a polyanna type who grew up really into the kind of SF where we make it out into the universe as a united species.

No. 1831980

I noticed the other day like three accounts clearly run by teenage girls were added to my followers list and I sure as hell didn't do it. It creeped me out

No. 1832032

I've been into conspiracy shit since the 90s. There are entire systems developed to maintain a stable environment underground. And these things can't be raided - they're completely sealed. even going into a vent wouldn't do anything. There are entire cities underground that have been operational for decades.

No. 1832443

It says right there, others searched for that. Your search term must've just been common for people to search with those other searches for some reason. I don't know the specifics of what you searched for it to be grouped with the others, could also be just a rare search so what few other searches people made ended up there? But there is indeed a huge pedo community on tiktok and other gross scrotes.

No. 1832590

I'll wait until they release the data as lots of people make big hacking claims to get eyes on them but I wouldn't be surprised if they do, most go to countries where the rules are laxed on prisoners and shit to make unethical tests. You don't even have to kidnap anyone, plenty of world governments think being taken in for a drug charge means you revoke all rights to your dignity and would be more than happy to test on them themselves, let alone be rewarded to let some company do it. No country does this for pedophiles because of course not
The idiots are also not remembering the Russians love to spread distrust on both sides of the isle using extreme rhetoric to make each side look crazy and/or to start infights. They're reminded constantly but forget the moment they're told to care about something else
are you a leaf? I swear it feels like they're using tranny shit as a way to destroy the medical system and turn it all private when inevitably it's "unsustainable" when no, it's million dollar troonshit that's unsustainable, not preventative-care medicine

No. 1833048

Reminds me of the Cinq Flèche Group in Blood+, an anime partially produced in Hollywood with subtle Illuminati references if you know where to look.


>Pharmaceutical company
>Experiments on people around the world

Only things that are missing is that it has ties with U.S military and is headed by chiropterans

No. 1836460

I agree. they're taking control of the narrative and also feeding it to us in a way that distracts people/benefits them. it's all a spectacle as usual.

No. 1836479

WTF that is disgusting. can you report the searches? i don't use tiktok so i dunno how it works but that is horrifying. imagine being a tiktok moderator - i heard they get PTSD…
i am starting to get so disturbed by how much abuse, porn and degeneracy is not only within reach but being SUGGESTED to use everywhere we go. anytime i look on tumblr, the suggested profiles at the top are all porn. I recently joined facebook again just so i could join a group for work and have been really disturbed by the algorithm and the things it has shown me. showing me animal videos where the animal is clearly being abused/drugged and lots of meme accounts that are overly sexual or talk about suicide ideation (not based on my preferences). it worries me that this is just random stuff that any young person could be looking at. and the more degenerate moids are shown these "suggested searches" the more curious they're gonna get, feeding into the abuse.

No. 1836653

File: 1704176294817.png (366.36 KB, 465x750, zhvLvKf.png)

No. 1836662

stop sending me your fucking autism beams i want to sleep you big bitch

No. 1836680

No I can’t report the search like as it popped up but I complained about it in my settings.

No. 1836685

They didn’t respond yet but they deleted a comment of me calling gypsy rose’s husband a fat man

No. 1837045

Does anyone remember when it was revealed that some notable Tumblr users were revealed to be connected to the Russian government. I remember these accounts being SJW woke queer theory type accounts. I tried looking it up but I only see the old announcement given by Tumblr staff that they cleared out a bunch of Russian bot accounts.

No. 1837052

No. 1837079

No but it sounds plausible. Id love to see more info if you can find it

No. 1837291

File: 1704237236003.jpg (442.29 KB, 1080x1738, Screenshot_20240102_180856_Chr…)

I remember it, and I remember there being a massive pushback from the popular sjws I followed going on and on about "that's just Trump misinfo to make people against racism and ableism look bad!" and I believed them at the time but looking back they never offered any proof they WEREN'T Russian bots even though they overshared literally everything else about their life. I wonder just how many of the big bloggers controlling the discourse were Russian bots or disinfo agents, or at least got their opinions from disinfo. It looks like the list Tumblr posted of usernames is long gone, and only 87 seems very low

No. 1837415

Nice try, but who cares? Innocent people are being genocided.

No. 1837610

It's scary how there's a pedo community on Tumblr too, they hide under the m4p tag. I thought the porn ban removed pedos from the website but I guess they're still there.

No. 1837617

I remember hearing about this but I didn't think much about it at the time. Now it makes sense. The aim of both China and Russia is to weaken the west. That's exactly what SJW ideology does. Looking back it wouldn't surprise me if gamergate was instigated by either Chinese or Russian intelligence agencies. While it may seem ridiculous, gamergate was what started the resurgence of the right. In a divided country, hostile intelligence agencies have more fracture points to exploit for there own benefit.

No. 1837624

There was something really similar to this with Iranian based accounts on reddit, there's even a pro-Iranian regime subreddit.

No. 1837637

Russia and China fueling the culture wars by masquerading as both leftist and right wing activists is not a tinfoil, it's been proven by CIA and international sources. Their aim is precisely to weaken the unity western countries have by causing political discourse and infighting so that their totalitarian states can gain control of the world order. And it's not targeted at only the US, not at all, I live in Europe and Russia has been messing with our elections for years and investigative journalism pieces have outed multiple right wing white supremacist provocateurs as having close connections to the Russian government. Like remember that Danish white supremacist nut who burned the Quran making a huge scene about it to interfere with Sweden's NATO application? He was paid by Kreml to do it, google Chang Frick. Multiple left wing political influencers have hordes of Russian bots in their social media posts using machine translations to attack them and spread misinformation. They use AI generated or stolen profile pictures to fake being a real person but once you look into them you'll realize that they barely talk about their real life at all, their entire feed is just hollow political activism. And Hamas? Funded by Russia, they absolutely made their attack against Israel due to wanting to divert attention from Ukraine to the middle East and to cause an even bigger political divide within the American left and right with the Israeli question. We have reached a state where people are so badly at each others' throats that they can be as blatant about it as they are willing to, its all laid out in plain sight yet people don't care. I don't have a lot of hope for the future until everyone starts realizing what's going on.

No. 1837642

I still have a hard time believing this. I genuinely do think american idpol is a psyop but it was planted in politics years ago and now people just parrot it. Those extreme tumblr sjw types genuinely do believe the thing they say and they learned that stuff from other people who genuinely believe it too. 90% of tumblr users who gets accused of being russian bots are just your average american who cries victim whenever they face any hardship and think the system is build to work against them. Did the Russians give Americans a victim mentality in order to weaken the US? It's possible. But if they did they played the long game.
I have heard another theory that idpol was invented by the CIA in order to weaken the left in America which I also think is possible but again if they did they played the long game

No. 1837647

Read up on it. There's a ton of material out there about how much Russia played a part in planting identity politics and cultural wars in the US where it spread to other parts of the world due to the soft power USA has over developed countries. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2017/09/how-russia-linked-social-media-stoked-u-s-culture-wars.html

>Recently, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg reluctantly opened up about how Russian-linked accounts and troll farms set out to influence voters, including buying political ads and organizing real campaign events in the U.S. Beyond support for Trump’s helter-skelter candidacy, Russian propaganda always hewed to the underlying objectives of creating chaos and enflaming divisions of all sorts, in order to provoke discord and demoralize, in an effort undermine American social and political institutions.

>“In addition to Russia-linked Twitter accounts that posed as Americans, the platform was also used for large-scale automated messaging, using ‘bot’ accounts to spread false stories and promote news articles about emails from Democratic operatives that had been obtained by Russian hackers,” the Times notes. “Since last month, researchers at the Alliance for Securing Democracy, a bipartisan initiative of the German Marshall Fund, a public policy research group in Washington, have been publicly tracking 600 Twitter accounts — human users and suspected bots alike — they have linked to Russian influence operations. Those were the accounts pushing the opposing messages on the N.F.L. and the national anthem.”

>The Black Lives Matter ad appeared on Facebook at some point in late 2015 or early 2016, the sources said. The sources said it appears the ad was meant to appear both as supporting Black Lives Matter but also could be seen as portraying the group as threatening to some residents of Baltimore and Ferguson. New descriptions of the Russian-bought ads shared with CNN suggest that the apparent goal of the Russian buyers was to amplify political discord and fuel an atmosphere of incivility and chaos, though not necessarily to promote one candidate or cause over another… [Russian efforts] ranged from posts promoting Black Lives Matter to posts promoting gun rights and the Second Amendment to posts warning about what they said was the threat undocumented immigrants posed to American democracy.

>Another instance of Russia’s strategy in action to induce chaos online comes from the Daily Beast, which reported Wednesday that the Facebook group United Muslims of America is, in fact, linked to the Russian government. The account co-opted the innocuous name of a real, but dormant, non-profit to push disinformation memes into American Muslim communities about Hillary Clinton and others. According to the Daily Beast, the account “claimed Hillary Clinton admitted the U.S. ‘created, funded and armed’ al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State; claimed that John McCain was ISIS’ true founder; whitewashed blood-drenched dictator Moammar Gadhafi and praised him for not having a ‘Rothschild-owned central bank’; and falsely alleged Osama bin Laden was a ‘CIA agent.’ ”

Russia is impressively skilled at manipulation and they've always been, this isn't some sort of a short sighted 5-year psyop, it's been in the making for years and has a very long script it's following. The same goes for China, they first invited over all western business with open arms and then abruptly pulled the plug once they gained enough power and influence.

No. 1837650

cont. Even republicans admit that Donald Trump was a Russian plant. He was a half-demented old fool being used by them and here's a long ass document investigating it. https://www.justice.gov/archives/sco/file/1373816/download
And an article about it from the Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/07/trump-michael-cohen-trump-tower-meeting/566303/ (Sorry, I think it's behind a paywall but there are other sites referring to it). Slate actually made a pretty good investigative piece putting together all the evidence with every single source attached. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/08/trump-chose-putin-over-america-right-in-front-of-us.html

Trump has already made it clear that he wants the US out of NATO because "we don't have to fight others' wars because freedom and murica" - now you have to know that US owns almost all of the military force in the entirety of NATO, an alliance created in the wake of the second world war to prevent another world war from breaking out, so the US pulling out would basically mean that Putin's Russia can walk into Europe and do whatever they want. And if Europe falls to Russia, that will inevitably weaken the US as well. And with Trump holding over 50% of the votes in the polls I'm just preparing for a very bleak decade to come.

No. 1837894

No. 1838530

I said I followed those blogs, I WAS an sjw during the 2016 elections. I fully believed what I was saying sure, but all the stuff I believed without any actual proof it was going on, just other Tumblr users telling me. The Pic I posted literally talks about an African police officer assaulting a woman being misrepresented as a New York police officer. That's a deliberate move, either on the behalf of the poster or on the behalf of whoever showed them that video. Of course all the non-disinfo agent Tumblr users who were well-intentioned and anti-racism were whipped into a frenzy, but it's not odd and suspicious to you that it was posted in the first place as happening in the US? All this modern tranny behavior where they literally believe they're being actively genocide and WILL be attacked on the street started on Tumblr, the pushback against radfems and actual feminism, the idea that of you're fat and try to lose weight or become healthy is fatphobic, the idea that respectfully participating in other cultures is appropriation, the push for people to present their politics are purposely combative as possible ("if you're white send me 5 dollars for reparations" type shit), the idea that you MUST start fights with your family at dinner and disown them if they don't agree with you, the idea that "it's not my place to educate you" during any discussion you're claiming to be an expert on. I mean come on, it's suspicious, right?
OK glowie.

No. 1838653

Honestly agree with everything that you said, not sure why there's a pushback from people here not accepting it.

No. 1838657

The Russian bots shit was a democrat talking point and widely reported on in the media, it’s not a conspiracy theory (as in it’s not a fringe belief or theory that goes against the status quo).

No. 1838678

>Hillary Clinton admitted the U.S. ‘created, funded and armed’ al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State; claimed that John McCain was ISIS’ true founder
This is true though. It's well known that the US funded the mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan war. Isis was also funded by the US in their attempt to remove Bashar al-Assad during the US instigated Syrian Civil War and part of a wider scheme to contain Iran and destroy the Shi'ite crescent.

No. 1838870

it was a talking point to divest away from their side's russian interference and the fact that the old farts can't tell the real talking points from their populace from twitards and bots. The democrats also wanted to hide from their hacks and issues too using trump as a great distraction. A big thing the russians love to do is warp already existing movements by flooding the grounds with the craziest talking points that the worst of the group have made to try and normalise it across the board poisoning the whole well. Take blm and turn it into prison elimination for example. women and gay's rights into tranny rights (yes platformed by the medical industry too, but also boosted by the russians cause it also demonstrates the west as awful degenerates while ruining people). all they have to do is sit back and make a few posts, especially in this climate where people are too scared to be wrong and blindly trust someone just because they're loud about their point and used a couple of big words

No. 1838890

File: 1704384601427.png (266.97 KB, 602x1109, Vian2va.png)

Well, this totally isn't dystopian.

No. 1838898

File: 1704385103995.png (179.92 KB, 955x995, 1701804432339465 (1).png)

i hate the anti-christ

No. 1838911

There’s a belief that the only way to fight against the rise of AI is to merge with it. It’s a religious belief wrapped under tech

No. 1838921

File: 1704386706810.jpg (161.21 KB, 564x777, main-qimg-77c10ba85f4dc92e7e56…)

Transhumanism is literally luciferianism. Alan Parsons and Michael Aquino weren't just excentric oddities, all Sillicon Valley has been deep into those strains of esotericism for decades,San Francisco elite circles are a hodgepodge of new age lunacy. Transgenderism being a prelude is also not a coincidence (solve et coagula).

The italian mafia is also ran by a masonic cult with deep ties with the CIA and Hollywood. Look into P2 and Licio Gelly, its goes layers and layers deep.

No. 1838924

I think your first lines are completely true, especially Silicon Valley eccentricity. I have a few friends who work at some of these companies and all the rich tech execs and venture capital bros are creepily obsessed with immortality finding ways to prolong their lives unnaturally through tech.

No. 1838950

They are terrified of what could happen to their sould after they die. With good reason.

If you get really into David Bowie's history with occultism you'd know he spent his last few years shitting his pants.

No. 1838975

File: 1704388854039.mp4 (4.31 MB, 576x1024, 1000014924.mp4)

Is anyone else really disturbed at how lightly people are taking the Epstein list and stuff related to it? So many people make jokes about elite pedophiles abusing children when it's a legit thing happening every single day. Like this video. I fucking hate MoistCritikal and I'll go as far to say that he's probably a psyop to make the general public desensitized to traumatic events. I understand that all of this dark humor stuff is something of a retaliation, like trauma victims joking about their trauma because they can do nothing to change the past, but it's so bleak.

No. 1838983

Pedophilia normalization is underway. It might even be accelerated because of this.

First it starts with "incest between consenting adults is healthy, love is love", then they move from there to bestiality and underage kids.

>what is consent anyways, removing consent is marginalizing and opressing age impaired people (children) and specism against animals who have the same rights as us

>child age laws are a fascist invention that white cis heteropatriarchy uses to put down Poc and indigenous peoples and queer identities
>kids are already watching porn and masturbating and sex is healthy and empowering so better responsible adults teach them

And all of these start off with porn of course, spreading the idea as a kink or as an "le ironic coomer joke" then it reaches mainstream debate. I am horrified of how widespread stuff like ABDL and incest roleplay have become.

No. 1839274

>muh Russia bad

No. 1839283

Merging with AI is the literal mark of the beast.

No. 1839389

no more like
>interference bad
i hate burgerland's interference more so probably, they've caused more bloodshed iirc but all of these countries' governments need to get their egos in check and out of each other's and smaller country's business and way also this was my only post on the topic if you think the posts about russia are all one person

No. 1840177

I'm telling you this as someone from an ex-soviet country having dealt with a lot of Russia's bullshit: yeah, Russia BAD. Really bad. That fucking country annexed parts of another and then fully invaded it intending to take over. It's the country openly either assassinating or sending opposing politicians to prison camps, they don't even try to hide it.
>inb4 b-but usa bad too!!!
Yeah Russia doing fucked up things doesn't absolve USA of the atrocities they've committed, not at all, but out of two evils I'd much rather have a world lead by a country that's at least somewhat democratic and supportive of basic human rights even though republicans are busy at work trying to wreck that. You can call Biden a stupid faggot all day long in the US and nobody will care but try doing that about Putin in Russia and see what happens.

No. 1840298

i wonder what'll happen this year because it seems that every 4 years something insane happens

No. 1840311

Anyone has predictions?
I think already started pretty heavy with the earthquake in japan, unless you're talking important events, but the list seems pretty important even if no one discussing it seems to reads the documents

No. 1840316

Anyone hear about that alien in Florida, came out right after Epstiens list

No. 1840317

I hate him too even without the moralfagging(totally justified btw anon) he’s retard and boring and cringe and needs to condition his ugly ass hair

No. 1840338

Is it still an unpopular opinion/rightwing fringe conspiracy to say that Covid-19 probably did originate from a lab? I have a feeling that this will only be confirmed when some documents are unsealed like 100 years from now.

No. 1840344

Its pretty much guaranteed that it was. How or why it was released is where the conspiracy theory debate is still going

No. 1840345

All the alien disclosure stuff glows. Its the dumbest psy ops yet

No. 1840365

File: 1704484814207.mp4 (10.99 MB, k4n2G4ia9f4KXQYF.mp4)

Apparently it was like 50+ teenage boys robbing people. But the police response was insane, I've never seen so many police cars. Is it because they thought that they'd be arresting all of the moids hence the need for so many vehicles? Vidrel kind of blew my mind because not even school shootings look like this.
People have put in requests for bodycam footage and are asking about the mall CCTV. I can believe the youth gang excuse because coordinated activity of dozens of criminal scrotes has had horrid consequences before (see the Cologne NYE assaults) but the weird thing is that apparently the power was turned off in the area and plane activity in the area was suspended(?). Please correct me if I'm wrong because the power/plane thing sounds fake tbh but that's what I've been reading.

No. 1840413

>50 teenagers
they're probably lying about no footage because they don't want another BLMocalypse on their hands kek

No. 1840420

I hope it's a paranormal event! I hope paranormal events become the norm!

No. 1840679

>former Soviet country
Ohh that explains the butthurt, sorry that you all were once commies, anon

No. 1842178

we actually need to begin destroying the infrastructure that allows for this. call me a glowie all you want, this has gone on too long and no one is moving

No. 1842458

definitely somethings up but gathering by how the media has latched onto this alien conspiracy, i'm guessing it's a coverup and distraction for something else.
i am genuinely shocked by that amount of police cars.

No. 1842459


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1842487

File: 1704641456179.gif (614.55 KB, 498x498, thinking-emoji.gif)

The "every pregnancy after the age of 30 is a geriatric one" or "it's harder to have healthy kids after late 20's, women should have kids as young as possible reeee" meme is pushed by the egg freezing, IVF and surrogacy industries in which both are invasive to a woman's body and can have many health risks and they get some sweet cash out of it. It's easier to call a woman barren instead of a moid just because their feefees can get hurt.

No. 1842625

Antivaxx movement is promoted online to the uneducated, schizophrenic and poor people as a way to make them more likely to die from infectious diseases. Vaccinations are advised to all workers in my workplace but I saw the stats and apparently the only workers that refused vaccination were janitors or other non-college educated workers who earnt minwage. Checked other resources and this is the case for most workplaces.
Agree. Saw some gynos say women should freeze their eggs at 20s because it's too hard to "find good eggs" when they're 30 and infertile.

No. 1842830

but we don't actually know what goes on with the soul

>inb4. religious debate

No. 1842837

it's sad to think about about it, just one more reason to not have kids, that way they can't be raped or exploited

No. 1842846

i agree, people don't have to think in black and white

No. 1843094

Rich people made sure their kids had early vaccinations, schools with air filters and put them into online schooling before anyone else. A bunch of poor kids got sick and dies, or lost out on education due to poor internet infrastructure. The education is widening.

No. 1844359

File: 1704752632153.jpg (84.24 KB, 943x562, wannaflutter.jpg)

Call me autistic, but could Chris Chan's new gf be a former flake >>>/snow/49698

No. 1844371

I think you're coping with the fact average males couldn't care less about "underage women" getting raped. They just see it as rich men fucking young whores and it's painful to witness. They don't need to be paid to act that way

No. 1844469

Wasnt he one of the men who shit on Amber Heard? I'm not surprised at all that her trivialize Epstein

No. 1844506

he'd, he would
My autocorrect is my worst enema

No. 1845000

File: 1704785271157.mp4 (8.57 MB, 720x1280, IErZdhcNV9b2Kgtl.mp4)

Do you agree?

No. 1845004

She goes on and on about how masturbation is a form of control, a witchcraft, a curse, but never explains WHY it is.

No. 1845033

No, she's wrong, and the way she talks is so annoying

No. 1845099

It's not witchcraft. It's more like a monkey brain moment so i see how some people see it as a negative thing… and it can be a negative thing if you get addicted to it but by itself it's not more negative than any other instinctual behaviour. People should have a balance between their animalistic self a higher self, not shun one part of being human away and thinking they are better tha that = calling it demonic.

No. 1845187

No. Is she from the 17th century wth

No. 1845209

impressive ragebait

No. 1845219

Off topic, but does anyone have any suggestions for the next image pic we should use?

No. 1845221

Not to be anti-theory, but when I listened to the original calls over the police scanner, it said the word shooter. So I think the response was because police went in thinking it was an active mall shooter. But yeah, that response was fucking insane.

No. 1845241

No. 1845246

Lmao is she on drugs? Why is she rocking and back forth like that?

No. 1845447

Something to do with those jewish tunnels in NYC they just found … At literal chabad world headquarters. Maybe the still frame of them carrying out stained mattresses compared to some of that podesta art.

No. 1846328

File: 1704865299508.png (801.61 KB, 924x913, AEWSMxk.png)

No. 1846332

>a man is the owner of lolcow
>hurr durrr give me some proof!!!
>provides said proof which states that a man does in fact own lolcow and has access to it
>kek no he doesn’t!

I swear some of you wouldn’t know dog shit if it was shoved in your nose

No. 1846333


No. 1846335

/meta/ complaints and suggestions

No. 1846339

Ok but newfags coming in just to sqwuak about how “it doesn’t matter if the owner is male or female!!11” need to seriously fuck all the way off. Any nona who has even a fingernail of familiarity with our boards culture would understand why it’s so crucial for us to create an all-female team, because it’s is an imageboard specific to women. This is meant to be a space for women to deliberate and commiserate and everything else. There should not be a man controlling the wheel of the ship just because men come into threads to receive attention every so often.

No. 1846353

But that isn't what happened…

Someone thinks owning an llc with the same name as a website gives them ownership of that website. Brb gonna file for "apple llc"

No. 1846355

But can you answer why he would send that when asked to send the registration for this website, not for kiwifarms? Does it not occur to you that this man could own multiple websites, or at least could’ve in the recent past?

No. 1846361

nayrt but do you even know who null is? null is a notorious provocateur who has made internet drama his whole personality. wouldn't trust him to tell me water is wet

No. 1846411

Tbh at this point I don't even know what you're talking about. In the /meta/ thread there's all this talk about emails? But no screenshots of emails have been posted anywhere. I'm really not following at all.

So someone else emailed null about whether he owned lolcow.farm and he sent back a screenshot of his llc? Why?

Whois for the domain shows cloudflare privacy redaction, but cloudflare won't work with FAS king Jersh. It just seems flimsy

No. 1846534

finally, was looking for someone talking about this.

>man complains about hearing yiddish under his apartment in nyc (no basement)

>tunnels found in NYC under mosque, pulling out stained mattresses

someone who knows tf is going on can you explain? I came home from work to this shitfest
also sorry for bitchute link looked for one with the most compiled footage

No. 1846577

Kind of an existential tinfoil and maybe this isn’t the right thread, but recently I’ve had this nagging feeling that all apparent “continuity”, every predictable pattern of nature, all cause-and-effect from the simplicity of a hammer driving a nail to the complications of human social interaction, all “processes” that occur endlessly— all these phenomena are the result of an increasingly infinitesimally probable series of coincidences. And that the luck of having a coherent law of causality could run out at any moment, leaving everything to collapse into total boundlessness. I don’t know why I have this feeling. It’s like I can see (not literally) the loose threads.

No. 1846612

Retarded newfag. Lolcow LLC was a company owned by Josh Moon, the owner of kiwifarms. lolcow.farm has nothing to do with Josh Moon or kiwifarms other than similar subject matter and some cross posters.

No. 1846678

I heard somewhere that the tunnels were started in 2020 so that they could have their gatherings in secret. Makes sense that they might start digging again since apparently this winter's COVID strain seems pretty mean.

No. 1846680

prohibition tunnels in nyc could have easily be reutilized though, ayrt

No. 1850071

The recent TLOU casting has got me believing that movie/show adaptions cast actors who look nothing like the character to get people talking about it

No. 1850121

File: 1705091935039.jpeg (11.95 KB, 245x206, images (1).jpeg)

>6 children die in bc canada due to flu related illness in 2022
>3 children die reccently in bc canada due to flu
>no mention if vaxxed
>check america
>same thing
>1 in 10 deaths related to flu
>nc reports 25 new deaths yesterday related to flu
>hospitalizations up 200%

Sus asf

i swear to god if it posts bruno again im gonna kms

No. 1850123

Some youtube sources

No. 1850126

antibiotic resistance

No. 1850135

Another video about NC.

No. 1850191

No. 1850204

I get the sussiness but people were dying from flu before this too, only nobody cared.

No. 1850220

flu cases always rise a lot this time of year. what's the sus part? that there is no mention of covid? I work in a hospital, capturing data from patient stays and there are very very few covid patients but there is a small spike this time of year. lots of flu related pneumonia though.

No. 1850378

100% believe the stuff about bill gates funding GMO mosquitos and ticks, releasing them to the general population.

also anyone else notice how google search is heavily censored in its results? you cannot find any kind of real information and everything with an agenda is pushed to the forefront on any kind of ""tinfoil"" topic. especially child trafficking.

i started using yandex as my search engine and it's been much better to find information online.

No. 1850799

File: 1705120805445.png (350.01 KB, 710x652, 1705038395504.png)

Ariana Grande having to fuck and go public with this gnome is a humiliation ritual to keep her from talking about Dan Schneider

No. 1850951

Yes, Google has always editorialized but last few years they've gone Maoist about it.

I remember there used to be a big ass image macro that colletected screenshots from google programers who claimed to be furries, trannies and communists and google has since wiped it out completely, its impossible to find it now kek, how berserk they went to censor that was hilarious but also a big tell on how they operate and how effective censorship is when they mean it.

This video about it was also pretty good. Pretty good channel as well.

No. 1851038

This was brought up in another thread with a video of a guy showing search results for random things and how after like 15 pages the results would loop and just keep showing you the same shit despite being new pages.

No. 1852778

Nah she's just a pick-me theater girl with Nemu-like tastes because she likes to feel hotter than her partners, and wants them to already be in a relationship so she can feel like she "won" and is better than the existing woman in the relationship. She's not going to speak up about Dan until her looks and fame have completely faded or her public reputation is completely trashed, and THEN she'll have a victim era, because she willingly fucked him for career opportunities. Not against the idea of humiliation rituals against other celebs, but Ariana is just a case of true pickmeism going terminal

No. 1853086

File: 1705199090898.jpeg (522.25 KB, 1125x737, IMG_5728.jpeg)

What are your thoughts on the Epstein list that was supposedly released?

No. 1853270

moid take, i agree with everyone else but she was def a victim of dan, victims can be bad people and still be victims, hold moids accountable

No. 1853276

File: 1705208412980.jpg (96.94 KB, 1920x1080, 231228211448-gypsy-rose-blanch…)

why has she been blowing up on social media, esp tiktok? I get there was a documentary but I'm still confused on why her specifically?

No. 1853325

Gay men (and a crop of mentally unsound women) and their need to turn regular people's lives into an autistic meme

No. 1853331

She was very recently released from prison…

No. 1853403

I think anon is referring to the fact that twitter users are memeing her into a deity

No. 1853418

apparently baddie edits of her went viral on tiktok after some documentary or other came out and now people can't stop themselves from being retarded in her comments section. I hate the clowns telling her to make an onlyfans the most, how hard is it to not be a creep for no reason

No. 1853445

I don’t know but I’ve found that weird too, I’m glad she’s out of prison and what happened to her was horrible. But she also did something horrible and it’s strange seeing so much adoration for her. Women that kill male abusers don’t get this much “stan” culture around them so I think in part it’s because of misogyny, but I could be completely off. What’s even weirder is there’s going to be an inevitable cancellation eventually and it’s going to be bizarre to see the justification for it, “yeah I know she killed her mother but transphobia/homophobia/ableism/etc is just unacceptable!” Kek, I can see it now. Strange times

No. 1853446

I'm not saying it's not rape, thinking you're consenting in return for career opportunities doesn't change the fact she was still a kid being pimped out by her parents, it's just why she's not going to speak out. This isn't celebricows so I'm not going to talk about it any more than this, sorry if I worded what I mean badly but I'm not a moid.
I'm very worried for her. Tiktok retards are trying to stan her and they're going to completely turn on her the second she doesn't dance like a little monkey for them, they already are. I hope the best for her but I don't think her story has a happy ending.

No. 1853512

Yeah that fag Trixie Mattel did drag of her, they all find Gypsy to be the funniest thing ever, not that it can’t be satirized but if Gypsy wasn’t a young woman and her mom wasn’t either (and also unattractive strange people) they wouldn’t care, they don’t even care about the man that did the actual killing. It’s that cruel misogynist fag humor they all have.

No. 1853601

I believe it, in the same way executives brag about race swaps creating free marketing

No. 1854785

Mexican model flipping out talking about being at a party with the queen of England eating people and then she said they were gonna clone her.

No. 1854814

That woman is mentally ill.

No. 1854839

Oh yeah I googled it she’s not even a model. It’s a shame cause this spooked me

No. 1854857

It won't lead to anything. Everyone will forget about it soon enough. I think most people have just accepted that rich and powerful pedos exist and will continue to exist and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Epstein was a fall guy.

No. 1854955

Her murdering her mother was self defense, if she hadn't killed her mom her mom would've probably killed her first. So tired of this "a good victim is a dead victim" rhetoric

No. 1855395

I’m just tired of hearing about her. I hope she’s doesn’t cause she’s a total mess and Peter griffin is hideous

No. 1855420

Sometimes I get scared the goverment is tracking my phones keyboard or tapping into my phone calls, whats stopping them?

No. 1855424

I know not all names are to be released but it still feels like some names are being withheld for illumnati sake or higherups. I don't fully buy it.

No. 1855437

Nothing is stopping them. But why would they? There’s a log of everyone’s activity but no one is looking at it without a reason.

No. 1855446

Speaking of Illuminati did you see Katt Williams on Club Shay Shay (some ex footballer’s podcast) talk about being invited to some illuminati thing and all the other stuff he said about industry humiliation rituals (he didn’t call them that but that was the gist) and the money deals attached to them? People say he’s crazy or joking but I don’t think he was lying at all, comedians blow the whistle all the time but nobody listens or cares because it’s always a “joke”.

No. 1855478

nothing, and they literally do. But it will only become relevant if one day you decide to get spicy or arrive at a position where you are inconvenient for the status quo, thats when some officer will dig that stuff up, right now is just a machine scraping your life and storing it until its needed.

No. 1855533

He’s also controlled opposition; he was wearing a Masonic necklace in that video and the poster for his comedy tour had the usual symbolism, he’s no different than Alex Jones.

No. 1855557

Illuminati satanic panic bullshit i don't believe in but comedians are the ones abusing women and girls more often than calling it out, they're the ones doing the abusing. The comedians calling out anyone in the industry when their industry is rife with corruption, humiliation rituals (which are a thing just not in a satanic panic way), sexism and assault especially of female comics and women in general is fucking cringeworthy

I'm convinced it's an online psyop that was planted by the comics PR team every time i see a repost of a "COMEDIAN EXPOSING HOLLYWOOD" video, it gives me fucking brainrot

No. 1858356

I bet that the ugly ass husband won’t even last with her for a year and will cheat on her and leave her for another woman.

No. 1858449

Ayrt, I’m not arguing against that. Just that it’s strange people are “stanning” her (and now cancelling her over minor social offences) when the weight of what she’s done is heavier than what most people get cancelled for (apart from sexual abuse and moid crimes.) But I’m not saying she’s a bad person or deserved to be in jail for life, or claiming what she did somehow makes her less of a victim. I understand she was a severely abused young woman who didn’t see any other options or solutions to end the abuse inflict on her. I’d never turn my nose up at her for that, I can’t even begin to imagine what I’d do in a situation like that.

No. 1862608

File: 1705800726549.jpg (578.36 KB, 1179x639, IMG_2195.jpg)

>needs to condition his ugly ass hair
Good news: he has started balding. Twink death and subsequent irrelevancy imminent.

No. 1862614

he was never a twink to begin with, just an ugly manlet

No. 1862707

He looks ghastly.

No. 1863066

he looks so disgusting his hair looks horrid, he probably smells.

No. 1864024

No. 1864036

There's definitely something wrong with the food, "law of thermodynamics" aside - I worked at a college for years and have seen students eat next to nothing while walking hours on end daily and participating in sports yet somehow gain weight. You can't tell me they're all just secretly binging behind my back bc that's the only way I'd be able to think they're consuming more calories than they're using

As for the SUPER fat ones yeah they definitely binge, I'm just talking about a few lbs overweight though

No. 1864041

Ugliest moid I've ever seen. Something about him just looks so ghoulish. I was actually surprised when he didn't join the hundreds of YouTubers that weren't groomers

No. 1864046

It’s a lot more complicated than that, redditors just love to bring up le first law of thermodynamics to be smug. The human body is a lot more complicated than a bomb calorimeter. Cushings, hormonal imbalance, thyroid issues, metabolism, autoimmune problems etc etc all can result in issues. And yes the amount of garbage in the food or empty calories obviously plays a role. I don’t believe in HAES or whatever but just smugly going ‘uhhhh wow you’re breaking le first law of thermodynamics’ when someone can’t lose weight is so unhelpful. That being said most people probably would lose weight if they fasted for a few weeks depending on fat levels but that’s unsustainable and could be risky.

No. 1864062

Definitely. Before I started metformin I had to fast to lose even a couple of pounds and even eating healthy and under 1200 + cardio wasn't enough to lose weight. When I got on the correct medications I was able to be fulfilled and felt a lot healthier and didn't look or feel like a damn ghost all the time because I was actually able to fucking eat without being stuck in my weight loss, which made me feel safer while driving and working. I feel like redditors who blow off concerns about people wondering why they aren't losing weight are actually doing more harm than good since they're just encouraging fasting and gaslighting people out of getting checked for potential health issues + Americans who are mostly car depended shouldnt be on diets that result on them in being dizzy since its dangerous

It does make sense a lot of people have more health issues now due to food quality massively declining + people being over medicated

No. 1864082


No. 1864110

Not likely unless you go to a party school. The idea of American college students drinking tons is way over hyped and doesn't really happen that much

No. 1864115

speak for yourself, everyone i knew in university drank like fish.

No. 1864119

What kek

No. 1864124

summary pls

No. 1864153

maybe its because half the school was Mormon but i didn't know anyone that drank lol, everyone was still fat despite not eating much and moving lot anyway

No. 1864188

Yeah religious schools don't have a lot of drinking culture but most schools do. My college wasn't a party school at all but there was tons of drinking.

No. 1864528

My university was not considered a party school, but damn did we party. Maybe if you were at BYU or something there was no drinking

No. 1868054

AI Hysteria is going to end with the legitimation and implementation of mandatory digital IDs.
The fact that they're targeting Taylor Swift, one of the biggest celebrities right now, makes it so transparent. She's the ideal spokesperson for this, and after her lukewarm attempts to get closer to politics without damaging her relatable brand, it would be perfect really. Such an universally horrible thing (digital rape), such a little thing to ask ("more control on ai") said by one of the most beloved women today. It's all too perfect.
To clarify, obviously AI porn is bad. The men doing it should be beated until they can't even think about ai porn anymore without shivering. And I have no doubt that the moids making deepfakes are doing it sincerely. Yet the boosting and protection of Ai porn is a psyop. It's no secret that Musk wants to be the western answer to Tencent & wechat. Wait for more horrible AI content to go viral these months, maybe even straight up AI CP if Musk is feeling feisty. Even if Ai can be used for deplorable things, all ai discourse (Especially on compromised platforms full of controlled opposition, like Twitter & Reddit) is a psyop intended to promote the loss of anonymity online.
It's going to be a lot quicker than what i think. Possibly the first draft for it will come from the next president of the United States.
Once anonymity is removed i'm done, i will nuke my entire presence on the internet and go as offline as humanly possible. There is nothing worth left on the shithole that is internet to warrant an account with my real name and id attached lmao

No. 1868063

File: 1706252842988.mp4 (13.46 MB, uzknxlvGD9fa0B85.mp4)

I never thought about it this way, but it's really possible that steepen hawking was not even real.

No. 1868073

I can hear some of the words in there though. Anyway do you know the channel's name? Looks like he had a bunch of fur conspiracies to check out.

No. 1868077

sorry I just saw it on my feed and I can't seem to find it right-now.

No. 1868140

>greta thunderthug

No. 1868168

I’ve never seen that connection being made before between a possible crackdown on AI porn and digital ID’s but I think that makes a lot of sense and could be a possibility. It’s like they first tried the digital ID stuff with other issues and there just going to keep trying until it’s done. Scary, I think you’re right

No. 1868278

I have a schizo hunch that BAN PORN BECAUSE THINK OF THE CHILDREN (or maybe THINK OF THE HATE SPEECH for dems) is going to be the hot button issue for 2024 elections. And of course this is not going to be about protecting children at all, it's going to be about pushing through digital ID and possibly a social credit system. Canada and the UK are already working on digital ID. To be clear obviously porn is gross and bad for kids but there is no way that digital ID is going to end well. Boomer politicians are going to end up putting fucking Facebook in charge of tracking and verifying your identity across the web.

It's frustrating to talk about this with other anti-porn women because they don't get it. They think anything that goes against porn is automatically good. But Pornhub will survive this because Pornhub will be able to pay the $$$ it costs to implement a digital ID system or hate speech detection. The "porn" sites that are in danger of being destroyed are places like lolcow, any site that allows user upload may end up hosting porn (even if the mods delete the porn, if new laws make the site responsible for user content it's like telling the cop 'no man my friend left that crack pipe in my car it's totally not mine and I intend to destroy it'). The only ones that can afford to cooperate with whatever regulations are coming is Big Tech.

No. 1868298

Oh yes. To be fair i don't blame normie women, or even normieish radfems for being like that. Online pornography is indeed evil, and even the moids against it can't can't fully stop consuming or promoting it. It's literally training lower IQ moids to rape and kill women. But the purpose of a system is what it does, an no one wants to put that cat in the bag again. Its too effective as a weapon of social (un)control.
It's like when a bunch of drug addicts move into a city, the women obviously ask for something to be done about it, and the "government" response is to put up cameras and other types of social surveillance. It's not the fault of the woman who wants to walk in peace, it's not an unreasonable request, is the freaks causing the mess. But the elites wanted the bums exactly for that.
The worst part is that the coomers keking at this are going to be the first to cry and blame women when digital IDs happen, without understanding that they were the antisocial freaks bums in this situation.
Trannies (controlled opposition elite) going to be the first to muddy the waters when the debate arises. It's going to be Drag History Hour on steroids, only on a global scale because if the United States does it then Europe will follow and the rest of the world will too. Maybe we're on the last days of the internet as we know it.
It's funny because techno-autists are fantasizing about a 100% private internet for everyone even normies,powered by crypto wallets, but we are closer to evaluating what is the best old technology for playing content because immediately after mandatory digital IDs, mandatory cloud storage and a social credit score would follow and you won't be able to see your family memories because you were rude to a hecking valid transhumampersxn.
All because coomers can't keep it on their discords.

No. 1868299


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1868310

I think that medical companies and anyone else who benefits from troonism will keep the trend alive and thriving until they reach a point where the tit chop and rot pocket are seen as normal procedures, and then they'll allow detrans and desisters to speak out, causing a massive wave of NLOGS and anime catgirls to admit that they fucked up big time. That'll happen when the medical industry has developed treatments and surgeries that work better than they do now, but still require revisions, medication and other expensive treatments.
Even if individuals peak, and we all know they're peaking, companies will shill gender surgery and hormone blockers like Drunk Elephant shills to 10 year olds, convince these kids that it's cool or at least harmless, and drum up manufactured panic over fake estrogen being sold at schools like weed, to push sales of their own brands of horse piss. They'll only stop when they have enough lifelong patients to keep their profits high. Like tobacco companies did by shilling vapes when cigarettes became passe.

No. 1868320

new thread

No. 1870053

Where is the new tinfoil thread? Why was it deleted? Is anyone making a new one?

No. 1870595

The Taylor Swift AI controversy is going to be used as a pretext for censorship, increased monitoring and enforcing digital IDs

No. 1870596

This video predicted it.

The government doesn’t care about womens bodies or sexual autonomy. If they did, porn would be banned already. They’re banning AI because it’s part of the information war and they’re using the social taboo of violating a popular celebrity’s privacy to enforce it. It’s all a ruse.

No. 1871197

Hellweek was extended because he’s upset that all of his redtexts read as scrotishly as he is

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