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No. 1995264
art-chan will be vindicated edition
>>>/ot/1975022 No. 1995407
>>1995383Sort of yes, the simplified English version is jah, the British English is juh.
So it'll be based on how you're taught and no one would judge you for it.
No. 1995408
File: 1715187032780.mp4 (7.69 MB, 576x1024, ssstwitter.com_1715114388300.m…)

american nonnies, do you really have to go to extreme measures like that to sneak food to the cinema? do they search your bags or something? cause where i live i just hide the snacks in my bag
No. 1995421
File: 1715187594869.jpg (32.45 KB, 770x436, female-condom-176420274.jpg)

Have you ever watched "educational porn" or whatever? I once watched a video about how to have sex with the female condom just out of curiosity. I'm generally someone who avoids porn at all costs though
No. 1995645
Did I do the right thing? I gave a man 10 dollars because he told me that he needed to buy an inhaler for his son, the inhaler costs 18 dollars and I had a bit more of money but I wasn't sure if it was a good idea.
It was at the mall where my gym is at, it's not common to have people asking for money in there, even though the mall is basically for medical stuff (it has a bunch of offices of doctors that work there, but it isn't a hospital/clinic there's no operation rooms or emergency facilities)
And since security wasn't kicking him out, I'm guessing it wasn't something common of him.
Idk, I just don't know if I should've given him the 20 dollars or if I should've given him any money at all. I guess I just felt bad about his son because I know that it sucks when your asthma won't stop, I mean, he wasn't there with the man but, the man was holding an used inhaler.
I just don't know if I did the right thing.
I didn't see the man again after my class, I wonder if he got to buy the inhaler or something.
No. 1995663
>>1995645You sound nice
nonnie but don't give moids money, let them fend for themselves/give each other money. You are no ones mom. It is not your job. But just know you are nice and sound lovely.
No. 1995869
File: 1715212268740.jpg (Spoiler Image,371.74 KB, 1588x1002, uterus.jpg)

>>1995806happens to me sometimes, and it turned out that I have some moderately bad ovarian cysts. no idea if it's related though.
picrel is my uterus.
No. 1995940
>>1995869I just KNOW the inside of my uterus looks just like this. What treatment did you get for those anon?
>>1995936I used to be bulimic, a pint is light work kek
No. 1995962
File: 1715217119524.jpg (Spoiler Image,229.08 KB, 1364x833, uterus2.jpg)

>>1995938that's actually the inside of my abdominal cavity. my uterus is the pink lemon-shaped thing with the tubes coming off it, the white bloodsoaked thing is one of my ovaries, and the medical instrument is holding open an empty cyst sac that hemorrhaged when it burst.
Because it was hemorrhaging and my abdominal cavity was filled with blood, I had to get a laparoscopy. they cauterized the wound, sucked out the blood, and removed the blood clot. I'm not sure what the treatment is if it bursts without hemorrhaging.
>>1995957Sorry about that
No. 1996050
File: 1715222630257.jpg (1.3 MB, 2754x4896, 3_people_cosplaying_as_Rei_Aya…)

Should I even bother cosplaying as Rei even if I'm not bone thin?sorry for the retarded question.
No. 1996196
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>>1996050go ahead, best rei is chubby rei
No. 1996228
File: 1715237230791.jpeg (41.13 KB, 525x680, F7y1tFEWMAABB0m.jpeg)

How do I become less of a pushover especially with my mom? I hate being in this state and yet im so afraid of being yelled at or being a bad example of my group. I envy the troublemakers the people who speak their minds. I feel trapped by a lack of finance and being a loser pushover for most of my life. I feel like a mentally stunted teenager instead of the adult I actually am
No. 1996230
File: 1715237495089.png (463.67 KB, 437x672, stylish.png)

Are scrunchies still in-style?
No. 1996325
>>1996228You need to figure out the root of why you feel this way. Were you expected to be your parents' therapist when you were younger? Did you have to take on the responsibilities of an adult when you were a kid, like being held responsible for feeding your siblings, taking them to school and putting them to bed while your parents did something else? Did your parents micromanage your life and guilt trip you for not living up to their retarded fanfiction standards? Do you have autism, BPD or OCD? Are your parents massively retarded to the point where they truly think The Neighbors will run them out of town with pitchforks if you don't do the dishes? Are they narcissists?
If you don't figure out why you're a doormat in the first place you won't be able to effectively stop being one, you need to address the specific cause of it. Otherwise, you're going to be guilt tripped again and the cycle will repeat.
Being angry at yourself doesn't help, btw. Learn to look at things objectively. Are you even being asked or expected to do something, or did you decide for yourself that you had to do that thing? Are you being pressured into something, or did someone make a suggestion and you felt like you had no choice but to agree?
No. 1996532
>>1996528both, moreso because they're hot, does that make me a bigger weirdo
>>1996527i feel like lots of people have experienced it before but it sounds really weird when you say it out loud (because it's just too close to incest). Logically, as you said, if they share a good amount of traits then there's just more of a propensity to be attracted to them too.
I've searched this up and i've found an overwhelming amount of reddit threads talking about guys having crushes on their MIL. I know scrote sexuality is not to be taken as a yardstick for 'normal', but i guess it does occur more frequently than you think.
No. 1996809
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>>1996737ive been in the same boat!! ive used the b.tan tan remover mouse and sugar scrub, any sugar scrub also works too but use it with the mouse should get it off!!
they sell them at amazon, walmart and other beauty stores No. 1997077
>>1996979Never. I tried once because I was so desperate for new materials from my favorite author, so I checked out the fanfics. Everyone revolved around sex, and then when I was reading the descriptions, someone had shipped the main character with his underage apprentice that he raises and I was so disgusted that I left and never looked for anything ever again.
>>1996996I'm falling back on the ol' standby: flowers.
No. 1997407
File: 1715308973035.jpeg (33.85 KB, 275x275, 3B87354B-2D7B-483B-A43D-7CCF24…)

Am I reading too much into this? I recently made a personal IG with my face as the profile picture. A moid requested to follow me. He’s an acquaintance of my friends but I’ve never met him. He doesn’t follow a ton of people and the ones he does seem to be people he knows in real life. I accepted his request because I thought he was gay but apparently he isn’t. He likes my stories sometimes but I only post memes and music on them. I have reason to suspect he’s become good friends with my ex recently. My ex hasn’t posted on his own socials in years but his friends occasionally look at my stuff. Does it sounds like my ex may be keeping tabs? Or is it that this moid is interested in me?
No. 1997441
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>>1997421You didn't learn about that in sex ed? It's a condom that you insert inside the vagina before sex, it's similar to the male one but for female anatomy
No. 1997456
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>has had these ever since starting puberty
>never and am not sexually active
>never shaved the pubic hair down there, but I am hygienic
>they are never inside the folds of the vulva
ok ok…what exactly are these (sometimes itchy or hurting) cysts/bumps hidden in my pubic hair or on my bikini line?(the fold of my groin/thigh) Do they indicate something far more sinister? What causes them? How can i make them stop popping up? I've noticed they're less present when i eat less sugar…but ladies, it's been over a decade…
No. 1997518
>>1997440He is weak willed and easily influenced, iirc both are Tiktok memes at the moment.
>>1997456Does pus come out when/if you squeeze it? if so it's a boil which you can be more prone to if you have ezcema or a nutritional imbalance, not necessarily a hygiene problem in some cases.
No. 1997547
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>>1997518I think some have had pus. I’m too scared to squeeze I don’t want infection. But what sort of nutritional imbalances??
No. 1997556
>>1997547Good, good you shouldn't be popping them for that reason plus it can cause them to spread. Nutritional imbalances could be a deficiency or not eating enough nutritious food or perhaps a
trigger food, you mentioned you don't get them as often when you don't eat sugar, maybe try to replace sweet snacks when you can with things like apples or frozen grapes. Stress, hormones, tight clothes and a blocked gland can also cause them.
No. 1997660
File: 1715337992787.png (843.35 KB, 1342x698, lolcor.png)

What's the deal with sillypoo and why do some anons hate them while others love them? Some nonnies even say bringing them up should be a bannable offense. Do they name drop lc or something? Genuine question, not trying to bait.
No. 1997669
>>1997660>>1997665Not only that but the alt right one is clearly not a Le Based Feminist like some people want to think. I feel like a lot of their art feels meanspirited in general (specifically towards women) but they hide it behind a mask of irony. They want to appeal to both kiwifarms scrotes and lolcow
femcels but they secretly hate these two demographics.
No. 1997690
>>1997660Sillypoo is funny. They make funny videos. The art style is cringe and garish, some nonas dislike them just for that, some nonas love that. One of them made completely unfunny tasteless* comics in the past and in some people’s eyes not much has changed. They have kiwiscrote fans which is enough for some to dislike them by association or at least find the spinning titty animations pandering (personally not on board with that theory because I get tired of trying to care about what men think to the point we’re not even allowed to spin our titties in a cartoon, but maybe they are pandering to men I don’t know).
*jokes where the punchline was misogynist and/or racist, like 4chan-lite edgy humor tier. Just something that comes to mind when new fans of their women’s day videos call them based radical feminists or whatever, kinda makes me roll my eyes.
Everyone taking it a little too seriously if you ask me. Lots of over-defending them and over-persecuting them based on retarded videos and webcomics.
No. 1997706
>>1997699Some were posted here
>>>/ot/1917973 you could have googled that though
No. 1997720
>>1997706damn, this makes me think that sillypoo was just an outsider looking in and pivoted to pandering to farmers. The consensus online is that terfs are adjacent to the alt right, and that terfs mostly support white feminism, so sillypoo probably thought that we'd overlook their racist,anti-feminist past, ignoring the fact that this site bans racebait and a sizeable portion of terfs are
woc. That being said, I have seen racist stuff on this site not get banned so it wouldn't be hard to imagine that they're just another racist white lurker
No. 1997729
>>1997675Anyone can open the cybergirls video and see all the comments are from teenage gendies with like 2 “based
terf”s thrown in
No. 1997803
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i have dots on my face that look very similar to hers, is that normal? i’ve always thought they were basically acne or my skin being especially rough
No. 1997838
File: 1715353724400.png (204.54 KB, 806x1202, Screenshots_2024-05-10-11-07-3…)

>>1997729What purpose does it serve to post blatant lies, are you just assuming no one will check you on your bullshit? All of the top comments look like these.
No. 1997978
>>1997149They were 25/26, they already had their own house, my uncle helped with the clinic facilities because he was a doctor with his own clinic at like 31, my aunt helped with the legal stuff because she's a lawyer. My mom had a nice position at her job, my dad was working for different farms as a veterinarian.
I'm 28 and I just managed to get a job, but it isn't even full time, I have to wait for them to call me, I made 100 dollars that I haven't been paid yet, and I have to pay 90 dollars or more to do a course in order to opt for more hours at that job.
I don't think I could possibly handle the responsibility of having a child, I would just kill myself, I'm so glad I don't have a boyfriend or sex in general.
No. 1998070
>>1997544>puzzle piecesthe old autismspeaks logo had puzzle pieces because the organisation wanted 'to complete the puzzle' or 'find the missing piece', essentially curing autism
>helicopter hatshats like that are associated with children, and autism is mostly associated with childlike behaviour
No. 1998157
>>1998144I usually say "lady" tbh.
Depending on context, 16-18.
No. 1998175
>>1998169Idk, I really only say man if I'm criticizing something about a guy. It's typically guy or dude. It's like when your mom calls you you're full name instead of your nickname.
I don't think girl is infantilizing like many people seem to though. To me it's more affectionate and kind than calling everyone a woman.
No. 1998246
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Is it possible for a dress with this hemline to be made shorter (as in by a professional tailor, not attempting DIY)? Sorry if this is a stupid question I know nothing about tailoring/sewing
No. 1998265
>>1998254kek ikr, the fresh bread they bake is so good especially when you get it early in the morning when they put them out. publix does that for their fresh baked breads
>>1998258i don’t want a freaking cracker chip for bread I want it to be crusty on the outside and pillowy soft in the middle. would argue burgerfag baguettes are way better than that peasant stuff french people cry about being authentic, that shit could be carved out and worn as a shoe for how hard and rock solid it looks
No. 1998329
>>1998299Your body might just run better at a certain weight, not what you want to look like sure but everyone's body is different and some function completely fine underweight bmi while some run better at an overweight bmi, which you wouldn't be at your weight anyway.
Listen to what people are saying and go to a new shop for jeans, even big big people wear jeans.
No. 1998375
>>1998299What do you eat when you're losing weight? You might not be getting enough fat so switch out carbs for more fat and protein. Also eat veggies and fruit. Like
>>1998334 said something like cod liver oil may help.
No. 1998461
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>posting this here too.
I need help. I bought a neem oil spray to get rid of a spider mite infestation that popped up a few days ago on my potted Mandevilla plant. The potted plant resides outside on my terrace where it's sunny.
I sprayed the whole plant thursday night and will again saturday morning or night. Will the spider mites kill my beloved flowering plant? How do I get rid of them? How long will it take for them to disappear? What else can I do?
The color of the flowers seemed to be sucked out and muted…not as vibrant. I'm worried my plant won't survive.
No. 1998514
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No. 1998519
>>1998494Okay, will do. How can I prevent them from coming back??
>>1998510That's interesting, I don't think I've ever heard of that.
No. 1998536
>>1998505Autism be like that, but I respect anons fighting the good fight kek Personally I’m okay with being scandalized by my little drawings than justifying my morals to wack ass concern trolling.
>>1998524It’s not illegal to be mean. Buuut depending on how bored these fuckers are, there’s always a small chance they’ll fuck with you a little.
No. 1998550
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>>1998542>>1998543You can always lose weight but you can’t grow more teeth.
No. 1998571
File: 1715404091622.gif (9.22 MB, 1694x956, IMG_4532 (1).gif)

What are you doing right now mommy
No. 1998572
>>1998571Samefag sorry it autocorrected from
nonny to mommy but i like mommy better so i’ll leaving it like that kek
No. 1998655
File: 1715415132994.jpeg (Spoiler Image,195.61 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_7386.jpeg)

>>1998513Why are the admins here such snowflakes like what’s the big deal? It’s animals hunting. You should be happy for her providing for her baby and looking beautiful that goat was probably a moid.
No. 1998665
>>1998660It’s just fucking retarded at this point they’re more snowflakes than they are over at tumblr with their
trigger warnings. If someone gets upset by that picture honestly that’s nobodies problem but theirs and they should not be on the internet.
No. 1998676
>>1998669That was my question. I posted it asking if it was AI. Don’t think it is, it looks odd because it was taken by a drone or something. It literally got deleted and I got permabanned with the farmcow layout. I don’t know if it was autonomous because I got unbanned straight away.
It’s a beautiful picture. Nature is scary and beautiful.
>>1998668It’s so stupid, they tell people to kill themselves, call them retard in ban messages, and then clutch their pearls over a dead goat. Like are you people edgelords or not?
No. 1998679
>>1998655Animal gore is a penis having activity.
>>1998669I feel like because it's just such a weird picture to take like how tf has the cat not run off, how do you feel safe, how is the goat so well posed? Humans can just get lucky Ig.
No. 1998696
>>1998655>>1998676I think it might be a photo of a taxidermy/statue, there's something off about the lack of blood splatter or signs of struggle and it definitely seems staged
(also you wouldn't normally see mountain goats in such a open area afaik)
No. 1998762
nonnie! I put one sugarcube so I should be good.
No. 1998771
>>1997805thanks. i will look into declogging my pores
>>1997812i wasn’t referring to the dark spots yeah
No. 1998785
Does a soviet communist traveling to America and starting a revolution in the state she moves to sound like an interesting concept for a story? Idk I've had it in my head for a long time but it feels too stupid/cliche to actually write it down.
>>1998774Perhaps you could upsize so it's longer and reconstruct it so it fits you better? Depends on how much you want it though lol
No. 1999022
>>1998828So you think nature is yucky and shouldn’t be talked about. Only moids can take interest in yucky things like animals hunting. Women can only like widdle fwuffy bunnies.
Shut the fuck up. You’re pathetic.
No. 1999047
>>1999022Good for you that gore is natural but the vast majority want and per the rules require gore to be spoilered. Btw you ping as a penis person because you don’t understand integrating, following the site rules or boundaries like a typical scrote.
Waaaaah women hunt waaaaaah, let me post my gore pictures uncensored you pathetic wimmins waaaaah. No fuck off, spoiler that shit you self centered troglodyte, this sites not about you and your sensibilities or hard woman larp. If you want to stare at gore pictures do it on your own time with your own eyes creep.
No. 1999345
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sorry if this is the wrong place to ask but how easy is it to actually be an "LGBT" refugee ? i hear about it from rightwingers in that ill intentioned immigrants "lie about it" to get into european countries but what does it entail ? do you have to "come out" in some way formally ? honestly is that even a real thing ? i'm asking because i'm gay, born and raised in a muslim country. i've just been kind of fantasizing about it kek the truth is that it's killing me lately that i'm same sex attracted while in this country and i constantly feel like i'm living a lie within my family and just environment in general. i'm scared of accidentally being outed through my online activity (even though i never attach my name) and risk getting arrested or harassed and disowned for the rest of my life i want to know about the process just in case, not in a hurry or anything
No. 1999667
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At what point in a friendship is it appropriate to say something like 'love you' to the homie? Is that corny and weird? I'm overthinking, I haven't gotten this close with a girl in friendship before.
No. 1999681
>>1999667Depends on the language you speak I guess. My best friend started saying that she loved me when we had like a week knowing each other because everyone was shipping us aggressively and marrying us between classes because we got along quite quickly.
But I've also had friends that I've never told them that I loved them, even in a drunken state I wouldn't say so to them.
No. 1999691
>>1999068I like ones that make humans scary.
Same reason why I like watching videos about the horrors of inbred dogs and other animals. Humans are prettg powerful, it's quite scary.
No. 1999728
>>1999421>>1999552What's the context? It could be harmless like he's just thinking of you wondering how you are doing and hope you're doing well. Or it could be like
>>1999430 said
No. 1999736
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nonnie shope it comes by tomorrow i am in so much pain no idea how you guys do this every month
No. 1999911
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>>1999863 I'm Esl and I thought for the longest time that "grapefruite" was just another way to say "grapes" so when I found out that you shouldn't mix your benzos with grapefruit I stopped eating grapes KEK. I found out when I went in the states for the first time and found a copy of "the art off cooking" by Rombawer in a yard sale and it had some illustration on cutting grapefruit in shapes or something and my mind litterally exploded. Why the fuck is it called "grapefruit"? It evokes purple vibes not "pompelmo" vibes.
>end of useless blog spot No. 2000118
File: 1715523113989.jpg (8.01 KB, 768x461, yellowwhiteblue.jpg)

>>2000106The blue-white light one is probably also for working/daytime use. Blue and white light wavelengths are similar to the daytime sun and trick your brain into thinking it's daytime, whereas yellow lights are more similar to old incandescent lighting or candles and are better if you want working light during the night.
No. 2000208
>>1999421I replied "cool"
Hope that's ok
No. 2000299
File: 1715529681351.jpeg (Spoiler Image,568.91 KB, 1400x1400, IMG_4976.jpeg)

>>2000282Girl this is gonna be on your episode of whatever true crime show you end up on.
“She went on sketchy online deep web image boards asking for advice on how to kill him”
No. 2000315
File: 1715530196628.jpeg (66.72 KB, 904x479, IMG_0534.jpeg)

>>2000282if you’re gonna do a crime, don’t post it on lolcow of all places kek
No. 2000342
>>2000282Idk nonna, I think you shouldn't do that, you also shouldn't drug him with over thr counter medicine, gag him and kill him in his house, you also shouldn't just put him in the water tank and take everything in his house while wearing a nurse or cleaning lady uniform, and you also shouldn't cover your face with a face mask, glasses and a hat.
It would be a bad idea to take his own car while making sure that you have his driving license, and maybe you shouldn't make sure to change your whole identity and identify as some gender special in case things go south.
I think it would be a bad idea.
No. 2000455
>>2000442Yeah, it's from some random popular movie, nothing weird.
>>2000450But why wouldn't he simply tell me that he's not interested?
>>2000454But I already told him I was interested in him.
No. 2000466
>>2000455>But why wouldn't he simply tell me that he's not interested?nta but he's immature and stupid, you're dodging a bullet by finding this out now rather than after starting to date him.
If you wanna intimidate him a bit and everyone already knows you were interested in him, you can just casually tell everyone else (so behind his back) that he started doing this. Just be honest, that you were mildly interested in him and when he found out instead of saying he wasn't interested he started saying weird fetishistic and rude shit around you. It makes him look super pathetic and you're just stating facts! Before the rumor gets to him I'm sure the others will start to notice (if they didn't already) that he was suddenly extra rude to you so they'll see that you're right.
No. 2000469
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How does mercari work? ive seen so many good quality figures at such a low prices i don't think it's legit. also because it says that you have to buy on buyee and from what i've heard buyee shows cheap anime figures and once you're gonna buy them they charge you a lot for shipping
No. 2000477
>>2000469>ive seen so many good quality figures at such a low prices i don't think it's legit. They're legit, people don't give a shit about most series once a new flavor of the month appears.
>also because it says that you have to buy on buyee You don't have to, the company pays to be affiliated with JP shopping sites
>buyee shows cheap anime figures and once you're gonna buy them they charge you a lot for shippingAny company you buy with is going to do that, it's not cheap to ship anything out of Japan post-covid. Also it's not just randomly posting cheap shit, you're looking at english AI translated listings from Mercari.
No. 2000503
>>2000455Cause men are retarded and vary from one extreme to another. They’re either super blunt or cowardly and spineless and don’t have the balls to tell someone no.
He probably thinks in his retard moid brain that this is way better than out right rejecting you and breaking your heart
No. 2000506
File: 1715541312381.png (228.97 KB, 412x442, Screenshot_168.png)

to wash your scalp (hair) you don't need to part your hair and wash the parts right? you can just wash the hair over your scalp. i have never understood this and i usually spend a few hours parting every bit of my hair like i'm wearing braids
No. 2000511
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what do misogynistic scrotes mean when they say women's bodies are made for popping out babies. isn't that true for every living organism on earth? to pass on its genes and then die?
No. 2000519
>>2000511I always kinda counter with it's something our bodies CAN do, not something they're made to do, sounding like an oven.
I just don't think they're over the fact more women are controlling their futures by NOT popping out babies so they try act as if it's our only true purpose which is very lame in a spiritual level, very uncreative.
No. 2000539
>>2000511yeah and i feel like thats why the
>blehhh you only exist to have kids!!!11response from 45IQ scrotes always falls flat. like thats what we're all here to do kek.
No. 2000574
>>2000540But that's just really not how evolution works, in a perfect ideal of evolution that is how it would work but it doesn't, the human body is not a perfect reproductive machine, more often than not there are complications that kill both mother and baby which does not add up to how babies progress ie thriving with their birth mothers touch and words.
I think again this is clear with animals, animals very often have pregnancy complications, some animals have sex for pleasure, some animals pop out babies and then give no shits about motherhood and these are the baseline monkey brain ooohahh must sex for babies species.
It's just too narrow a view to work, again pregnancy and all that is something we can do not made, if we were made to, we'd be far more perfect in that regard but we need so much extra intervention for successful reproduction.
No. 2000685
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>>2000544>>2000630Casn you explain this? Elaborate? I'm interested in this conspiracy
No. 2001153
>>2000540>the human form was designed with the sole purpose being reproduction I'd say the purpose is "survival of the species", rather than reproduction itself and they're not quite synonymous
>only exist to reproduceIf that was truly the case we'd just be fucking and pumping out babies with no regards for with who the other person was, yet even something as small as a bug has elaborate methods of finding a suitable partner worthy of reproduction. We'd also die as soon as we became infertile, because there would be no evolutionary need for us to stay alive. The ability to do X doesn't mean it was the sole purpose, it means it's merely one option in the many ways to further the species, and to have more options means a greater chance of the species to survive. We're not truly individuals, we're a species and everything we do is essentially for the species at large.
No. 2001161
>>2001146Anything high in protein. A quick one could be a nice chicken or egg sandwich with some tomato and some cheese. The bread also gives you some carbs and energy without it being heavy on carbs.
If you wanna feel full for a long time then you have to prioritize meat.
No. 2001320
>>2001296Yeah, what
>>2001303 said. I wouldn’t mind as long as they gave me a heads up. Leaving your so there without telling them you’re leaving is kind of shitty though imo.
No. 2001405
>>2001399I do, but only one because the chemistry between the two characters (and the actors) is incredibly strong and I really love the show.
Most M/F ships I see in movies or shows lack chemistry and feel like forced plot points to me. I also notice this issue in modern media when straight people try to add homosexual couples to the story. It doesn't feel organic nor believable.
No. 2001478
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Is there some kind of resource or book on how to properly compliment strangers and acquaintances irl, without seeming awkward?
No. 2001520
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this might be the dumbest question ever asked here but i need help with something that keeps bothering me
so okay, i asked for 3 days off at work. 5/13-5/16. that's 3 days off. but if i look at the calendar and count 13 to 16, that's 4. but i have 3 days off. right? or do i have 4 days off??????
No. 2001556
>>2001529samefag but i want to add this. the only thing you can name as the purpose of humanity is to survive. reproduction is technically tied into collective survival as a species (not so much anymore) but it's optional and secondary compared to your own survival. after all, you only even have the
chance to reproduce if you can even survive in the first place. the sole purpose of your body should be defined by the things everyone needs to do survive (eat, piss, shit, sleep) since if you don't do these things for long enough, you do actually die. reproduction is optional to your body in comparison and always has been no matter what era you were born in.
No. 2001970
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Has anyone else seen this picture? Or a variation of it?
No. 2001973
nonnie, I'll try using a broom or something. Tried using an umbrella lol but it was too short.
No. 2001988
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What do they mean by "Title of Authorized Signing Officer"?
Are they talking about personal titles (Ms. , Mrs, DR., etc) or company titles (CEO, Founder, Manager)?
No. 2002024
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>>2002005>>2002009Yes, it's AI. There are quite a few variations and boomers really like it.
No. 2002031
File: 1715653317165.jpeg (32.46 KB, 590x273, Image 2024-05-13 at 10.15 PM.j…)

>>2001988Samefag wtf does any of this mean.
Date at ? This ? Day of ? 2024
Authorized signature for the Bidder? Do I sign my name or the company's name?
Please can any businessnonny explain to me (a retard)
No. 2002046
>>2002039I think the cia assassinated
nonnie midpost…
No. 2002292
>>2002274Veteran mom here
Playmat, books, sippy cups, blocks, play tables, and bath toys
No. 2002441
>>2002435Incel to tranny pipeline leads troons to identifying with ““
femcel”” media. Also she’s underaged and trannies love that, kek
No. 2002473
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How do I fix ugly feet? They are wrecked by wearing only steeltoe boots year long but it is really hot right now and I NEED to free them and wear sandals. I won't go to a pericurist cuz poorfag. I tried putting on nailpolish but looks like lipstick on a pig. I'm deeply ashamed but also really too bothered by the hot weather to go on like this…
No. 2002535
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>>2002473Don't worry nona! After my second toe lift my feet were looking amazing for the summer sandal season! Plastic surgery is the answer to everything.
No. 2002554
>>2002473All feet are ugly anon. Footfaggotry is a psyop to make women insecure.
>>2002544God is telling you to stop using reddit.
No. 2002556
>>2002473stop wearing socks at home / when you sleep
i had a fucked up toenail (like the smallest toe) and dropping socks sort of fixed it
No. 2002592
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Why is ED down AGAIN? (for the millionth time)
No. 2002931
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>>2002924no i had one of these though. i used to love pulling the pieces out of it
No. 2002966
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Why does water straight from the faucet taste better than water from a cup? I legitimately forget to drink water for days on end because drinking it from a cup is just so unappealing to me, but greedily slorping it from the kitchen sink is the shit. Also hose water is legit the tastiest, especially on a summer day.
No. 2003011
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>>2002924I have two. Sometimes I forget to turn them off
No. 2003348
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Is there an antidepressant that does not make you a zombie? Currently coming off Lexapro which erased my feelings of hopelessness and doom, but everything else as well. I was not having a single thought or feeling while I was taking it
No. 2003376
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>>2003372Cultural standards.
No. 2003386
>>2003348Dancing is the number one anti-depressant we know of, it works much better than even medicine and comes with 0 negative side effects. Other than that other exercise is also effective, and it can be as simple as walking - and again no negative side effects.
"But I went to the gym once, it doesn't work for me" yeah no shit taking one pill wouldn't help you much either. Start with taking a 30 min walk every day. Walk 15 min (you'll notice it really isn't that far), turn around and walk home. And that's 30 min easily done. Commit to doing it for a month, see how you feel. You don't have to become a gymbro to exercise, you just have to get some light movements going.
"What if it's my brain that is broken with bad chemistry" trust me you're not the first depressed person to ever live, the studies were done on equally depressed people and there's nothing unique about your condition.
No. 2003388
>>2003372it's to do with "health". if you're fat it = unhealthy, even when a lot of skinny people are malnourished as fuck (victorias secret models etc). like
>>2003376 said a cultural beauty standard
No. 2003417
>>2003413you're a cute contrarian even to yourself nona
I'm 100% the same, so glad extensions exist for this reason kek
No. 2003434
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>>2003417>you're a cute contrarian even to yourself nonaC-can you see my post history? Glad I'm not the only one who feels like this, seems like most people find their signature haircut around my age and stick to that for years while I'm still struggling to find what compliments my face
No. 2003444
>>2003434ayrt those people I find are super normie though haha
I know there's apps you can upload a photo and try different styles but idk if they're trustworthy, like wont sell your image or use it for some weird algorithm. you any good at photoshop? what style do you current have?
No. 2003476
>>2003392Ignore the brainwashed thing and the moidy "fat ppl are just unattractive by default!" because it is cultural norms and beauty standards. Even where I live where models tend to be smaller males are now finding skinnier women 'boring', they need curves they need flesh, because we are now a bigger country.
You'll find if there's a bigger model and you go lolcow reddit-tier seethe over it irl people (other than sexist males) will think you're overdramatic. Really you only need a pretty face.
Beauty is subjective anyway, most women are gorgeous and most men are disgustingly rancid.
No. 2003483
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>>2003444I don't trust those apps kek I have a long bob like picrel (same soft wave pattern) but with slightly thicker hair and it makes my head look huge, I'm letting it grow longer so I lose volume, what's your hairstyle rn?
No. 2003590
>>2003538But… if someone has ass length hair, it can't grow back this fast… Idk
nonnie this feels like something science can't explain
No. 2003612
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>>2003483about the same length but I've let it grow back blonde + have a fringe (bangs)
same as you, want to either cut it or desperately want it to be waist length kek
not a swiftie but she's the closest I could think ofwhat are you thinking of doing?
No. 2003710
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>>2003704if you put those boiled eggs in a salad you might feel more full
No. 2003873
>>2003704Yes. Those are snacks, not meals.
>>2003710 would be a nice lunch.
No. 2004143
>>2003348Honestly? The sun
They use UV rays to help heal depression, and I've personally noticed sitting in the sun greatly improves my mood
As far as pills go I'm not aware
No. 2004315
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>>2004280this was actually so disgusting to read. are you a scrote.
(scrotefoiling) No. 2004324
>>2004302A regular person with mainstream interests and political views, who has lead the "expected" path in life reaching most if not all milestones when you are expected to reach them and no significant set backs in life caused by an
abusive upbringing and/or mental health issues. Someone who meets social norms and expectations very well.
No. 2004495
File: 1715804174825.webp (45.02 KB, 922x436, product-challenge-butter.webp)

Did the challenge butter deer always look this fucked up?
It feels like AI, but googling it just brings up this image. Real Mandela vibes rn.
No. 2004565
File: 1715807274759.png (151.15 KB, 1732x740, dude shut up.png)

What the hell is the point of this? already generates its own responses USING ARTIFICAL INTELLIGENCE. WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED "AI OVERVIEW" WHEN GOOGLE ITSELF ALREADY HAS THIS FUNCTION? God its a fucking annoying eye sore I'm gonna alog
No. 2004621
>>2004610Roasting or stir fry, I partial stir fry partial boil if using in noodles or anything with a broth.
Roasting - Soak, dry, coat in oil, salt pep, mixed herbs, garlic, lay out, oven.
Stir Fry - Oil in pan wait for hot, veg in, cook a bit, seasoning on, eat while crunchy or wait until softer but may need to add water if you like soft.
"Mixed herbs" if you don't know your herbs, garlic and flaky salt. Broccoli takes soy sauce very well.
Honestly you can get in a shite tonne of veggies if you make soup, miscellaneous vegetable soup is great, just any veggies + potatoes + onions + some seasoning (salt n pep) + veg or chicken stock and you're good to go, can make multiple servings.
Also you can add scallions onto literally anything, lettuce always goes good in sandwiches. Delicious Leek recipe - Cut into chunks fry on both sides, 1tbsp miso, garlic, 1 tbsp honey, salt, 125ml of water, add to the leeks in the pan, cover and cook for 5-10 mins.
Easy veggie side dish is pickled veg, get to picklin' and you never lack side dishes again.
No. 2004627
>>2004610I have been summoned. It depends on the vegetable. Hard earthy/root vegetables like carrots should be added from the beginning along with your meat, preferably before it, and seasoned with exactly the same seasoning as the meat. Like in stews or grilled/BBQ foods, especially Japanese curry, it's perfect for this stuff, same thing goes for bell peppers, big chunks of onions and garlic, potatoes etc. For leafy greens, blench them in boiling water for 30 seconds
exactly, then add them to your broth/stew/rice etc., and eat them along with the protein and carb of your dish in one bite so their taste would disappear if you don't like it. I do this with arugula because it can be too bitter or spicy for my taste at times. Another great way is to chop leafy vegetables and cook them in olive oil with garlic, tomatoes, tomato puree and lemo juice to create a pasta sauce with tuna or really any ground protein you like or without it and you can make the protein on the side. I like eating leafy vegetables with pasta, asian noodle dishes, and in salads. I also eat it raw straight out the packaging sometimes or on the side. But if I want to make a salad, I use my favorite condiments and spices to make a sauce. My favorite sauce is equal parts light mayo and honey mustard, smoked paprika, salt, pepper, cujin seasoning (optional), Italian seasoning (optional), dry thyme and rosemary (optional), lemon juice, exrra virgin olive oil for the healthy fat since I don't buy avocados that much or eat olives that much either, and let your vegetables marinate in this mix for a while to gain the taste, and for the dry herbs to soften up and not choke you or get stuck in your gums lol. The vegetables I go for are the ones we always have at home, so lettuce, cherry tomatoes, grated carrots and cucumber, arugula, cabbage (white or red), some parsley just because I like the way it tastes lol. You can also add the seasonings I mentioned to plain greek yogurt (no mustard or mayo though but you can experiment with that) and use it on your salad for extra protein. You can add chicken or tuna and pasta to your salad to create a whole dish as well. Another method is to chop some vegetables like carrots, spinach, peas, corn etc. really small and add them to beaten eggs and make an omelet with it or egg rolls. I add these same vegetables with some green beans to my noodle dishes like homemade ramen, teriyaki chicken with noodles, Singaporean curry chow mein etc.
>tl;drSeasons your vegetables and meat with the same stuff and cook them together and the same way. Make seasoning packed salads dresses. Eat stews, broths, grilled/BBQ dishes, and noodle/pasta dishes to incorporate the vegetables with different combinations of seasonings and carbs and proteins for variety.
I can share my homemade ramen and Japanese curry recipes if you want to try them out.
No. 2004635
>>2004627Samefag, this post reminded me of sandwiches
>>2004621 kek. And yes, sandwiches are another great way to have lots of vegetables. I make tuna sandwiches with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, pickles, some sweet corn, and my mayo and honey mustard dressing. I make turkey sandwiches with the same vegetables as well but only plain mayo and honey mustard, no seasonings. I add 2-3 lettuce leaves and 2-4 cherry tomatoes (sliced in half) or 2-3 normal tomato slices. Sliced cheese is optional in sandwiches to me, but I try to go for natural cheeses most of the time.
No. 2004650
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NEET anons what's your plan for when your parents/providers either die or cut you off? I have some NEET friends and the older we get the more concerned I am for them
No. 2004671
>>2004651No problem,
nonny! Have fun. Cooking is actually really nice to me. You just need to find recipes you actually genuinely like to enjoy making them and feeling like a professional chef kek. And with time you get better and faster at it and be able to improvise. I also forgot to mention my favorite stir fry/asian sauces ingredient: worcestershire sauce. Not an actual asian sauce but a good replacement for fish sauce and oyster sauce since I can't find them anymore. I mix it with soy sauce, some stevia (for sweetness), and apple cider vinegar as a replacement for cooking wines since I can't find these either, and I honestly got addicted to this combination kek. I added to every asian dish, even peanut butter sauce, which is great with broccoli btw. It just adds lots of depth and "umami" to sauces. I also use the middle eastern 7 spices mix for extra taste, and sodium free chicken bouillon for extra flavor. I have an impossible palette and need 100 spices to enjoy food kek.
No. 2004675
I taste mine sometimes to see what would I taste like to someone else and because I'm just curious about what a pussy tastes like in general, and I'm my only reference for now. I read that it's healthy for men to eat female discharge and can have positive effects on their health but not sure if that's true. And I don't know how would that apply to women.
No. 2004689
>>2004329I'm not even lesbian or bi, but I don't think it's a big deal. Why is someone who eats pussy more grossed out than I am?
>>2004664Because it's such a prissy thing to be disgusted by. Most of those women you're talking about probably gargle dirty dick but go "ewww gross" over their own discharge, which is necessary to keep your pussy from drying out and encourage the right bacteria to grow. Cowards.
No. 2004769
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>>2004240Discharge is like the boogers of your vagina. It's normal to have some, but it's just gross to eat them. Imagine putting discharge in your mouth when you could be chewing gum or having a slushie. Fuckin' weird. I got snapped at by another anon for calling it gross, but it just is. But I suppose more respect is due for discharge-eating anons than those hopeless pickme girls who pretend they don't taste the smegma on their nigels' dicks.
No. 2004872
I'm so sorry nonas i just felt like it would have been better to put it in the movie thread kek.
>>2004869I mostly meant nowdays, i really didn't know about it much, but thank you.
No. 2004899
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>>2004878Depends on the target, and how much I'm being paid since getting away with it is already guaranteed in this scenario. Am I going after a man or a woman? Do they have a family with kids? What did they do to make you
that mad?
No. 2004907
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>>2004904Your reply reminded me of this song.
No. 2004914
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>trying to blackmail the woman who hired me
Okay, how many targets are we talkin'? And are they spread out? If I get paid high enough to do it, I'll do it if you say so anyway.
No. 2005064
>>2005063And you have to be careful with the ones that don't support it though, they too might be hiding/projecting their own sexuality so it's like you never know the man who apparently "hates" it is actually gay inside
Why is it like this?
No. 2005109
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Do adult males think they're going to become Messi? Like do they think theyre a part of the football team they cheer for. I don't think they know the little men inside the tv don't know they exist.
No. 2005112
File: 1715857884927.jpg (Spoiler Image,686.68 KB, 3500x3500, fcf.jpg)

>>2005109Kek sport moids are so odd, it's like religion to them.
No. 2005117
>>2005114It must be true, i've been with a moid that was like
>>2005109 and he was bisexual, even though he had no experience with men
No. 2005263
>>2005260Damn. What if I just use breadcrumbs? I could make some.
>>2005259Don't think so
No. 2005287
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Now on a mission to take back some independence, escape to cut off my family for the greater good, and even finally cut my fucking hair. But to really drive it home, I want to eventually change my name. Anons who had to shed their entire identity to become a different and better person, what names would you recommend?
No. 2005318
>>2005283Depends very much on who the father is as a person
>child can become neglected (in terms of physical needs, emotional needs, or both)>child could be posted online to fish for sympathy and become a prop in his single dad sob story>dad could whore himself around and look for partners willing to be replacement mommies>child could be shipped off to grandparents/relatives and father would call once or twice a month>could be physically fine but have their head filled with misogynistic ideology if it's a moidlet>child could become violentNo telling for sure. Mommy issues are on average a lot more severe and most kids who grew up neglected by their mother or mother figure end up with really bad anger issues or something a lot worse (ask me how I know).
No. 2005328
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Can anyone tell my why this happens? I can't wear jeans because they always look extremely weird in the crotch area. I have tried much tighter jeans because maybe it's the extra fabric but even the tight jeans look really bizarre and crumpled like this in the crotch area. It's beyond infuriating. I just want to wear jeans like everyone else.
No. 2005358
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>>2005355why, what’s the worst that could happen?
No. 2005438
>>2005410I feel like it’s gotten so much harder to find a partner naturally these days once you leave school. Not to sound like a moid but on one hand, I get women complaining about men approaching them at the gym and networking events because you want to feel safe, but I feel like the dialogue around it has gotten so extremely autistic and it contributes to Gen Z isolation problem. If I want a partner, why would I not want to pick from someone who has a similar lifestyle as me? If I’m not allowed to date at work, but also not at the gym, or the pottery class, or the library, or the park, or the volunteer group, then what does that leave? Just sleazy guys at bars and online dating?
So to answer your question, it’s a better place to meet guys than others, but don’t be surprised if decent moids don’t approach you. My experience is that only predators have the gall to cross these new social barriers.
No. 2005673
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Just learned of these long sleeve shirts that women buy to tie around their waists while working out, called a pump cover. I guess it sort of makes sense because they want to cover their butt while wearing leggings or shorts but not wear something heavier while getting sweaty, but it doesnt really make that much of a difference imo, and they could also wear something else. Im just confused how this is selling. Does it not seem kind of dumb? just wear basketball shorts, no? Or a huge oversized t shirt?
No. 2005676
>>2005673idk people will buy anything thats trending and manufacturers will sell anything that people will buy
that's actually so stupid, just wear large pants
No. 2006179
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>>2006177Nope, you need to mix it with indigo to get cool darker tones, or you can use indigo without henna if your hair isn't very light
No. 2006222
>>2005757do it
nonny. you only live once. be free of shame
No. 2006341
>>2006294If he doesn't yet know he needs to:
You tell him you're worried about his health and that he needs to get it under control, if he's an adult he'll understand he has none of the excuses women do and he'll start trying to losing weight.
If he already knows and you're willing to play mommy:
Tell him directly the areas he needs to improve, what is his caloric intake vs exercise? Does he do a job that means he should eat less? (inactive). If you do fitness will he go to the gym with you?
When he's sad about his fatty self encourage him, if he still doesn't get it, send him heart disease statistics.
Fun mini non specific things you can do:
Loudly talk about how fit and great you feel and that the world would be better if everyone felt like this.
Invest in a shirtless Henry Cavill body pillow and mumble "you may not like it but this is what peak male physique is" while you spoon it.
Go on scenic walks.
Gaslight him into believing mcdonalds doesn't exist.
Apply for secret eaters (Uk only advice)
Do dance work outs for couples.l
Get him into kpop, literally foolproof.
And so on.
No. 2006595
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Never been to a rave or music festival so forgive me if this is common knowledge, but why do lots of women show up to them dressed like they just got off their shift at the strip club? I don't get it, the moids in photos are usually just wearing normal clothing meanwhile the women have titties and cheeks out in elaborate outfits that don't seem conducive to spending hours dancing kek
No. 2006687
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Are portable Lazer hair removal machines worth it?
No. 2006703
>>2005287Good luck nona! Hoping that I can do the same as well one day. I agree with
>>2005305 in not going with an unrealistic or easy searchable name. For names, I really like gender neutral or at least shorter names.
No. 2006854
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HELP ME NERD NONNAS WHAT SHOULD I DO? I already backed up my files of course. I don't even know what the problem is? The computer works normally and I only had it for 2 1/2 years. Every once in a while it'll crash but that's not unusual for computers and I haven't seen any error messages.
No. 2006908
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>>2006872I look like a carbon copy of my mom, and I'm honestly not very proud of it. Don't get me wrong, she was cute when she was my age, the problem is that she's one of the people I dislike the most.
No. 2006919
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>>2006914Here's the context.
No. 2006930
>>2006872Everyone tells me i look like my mom.
No. 2006950
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>>2006919KEKK forgot about that, a classic
No. 2007042
>>2006983It might just be called "Sysmain", then.
Disable that service and hopefully that will work.
No. 2007275
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My dad bought a used Dell venue pro 8 at the auction. I got a replacement battery and a charger. The pre boot system assessment gives a message the hard drive is not installed despite it having a hard drive. Do I need to get a new hard drive or is there something else I can do to check the hard drive? So far only spent like 55 dollars.
No. 2007290
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>>2007197English Breakfast tea. I like Twining's
No. 2007326
>>2007325Okay I just wanna ask another question.
Why did you do it?
No. 2007841
>>2007534I don't want to do that, it always sounded more like a bother than anything else.
>>2007560What do you mean by taking care of myself and taking responsibility?
>what's so immature about you now?I've just never been in a relationship and I've always heard how you grow up so much and learn so much about yourself when you get in one, I just feel mentally stunted.
No. 2007975
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What would you call this haircut, but on a woman?
No. 2007984
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>>2007976>>2007977Aw I actually likw how it looks on a woman.
>>2007978Thanks, it did show up though most don't have the curtain bangs.
No. 2008091
File: 1716060987288.png (1.01 MB, 1112x759, d2d4dc5aa40cb341489bf946eda3b8…)

Should I start a youtube channel? I just want to talk about things that interest me, don't care for having an audience or anything. Or should I make a neocities, or a wordpress blog? I want to have a corner where I dump my thoughts on things but not sure what that place should be..
No. 2008105
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This is going to sound zoomer as hell, but at what age should I unironically consider myself aroallo? I dont plan on putting it in a twitter bio or even telling anyone really. Im 19 and don’t really have much experience or interest in dating men but I’m sexually attracted to them. I’m not even as radfem/Moid hating as some of the nonnies here. I’ve definitely heard about women who said they essentially felt asexual until their twenties but idk if that applies to me maybe being aromantic towards men
No. 2008117
>>2008095>>2008098>>2008102Thanks, anons. So I'm gonna go with a blog first and see how I feel. But I also want to build a website on neocities, I'll learn something new and I actually want to make some effort. I'll mostly write about books, art,
kpop and random internet stuff I have thoughts on, all of which I think would translate fine on any of the medium I mentioned, I think. I'm kind of excited.
No. 2008120
>>2008118So like, you feel sexual stuff towards men but not romantic feelings? That's still either being straight or bisexual
>>2008105Do you like women?
No. 2008132
>>2008130Imo you're only too old to do something when you lose the energy and motivation to do it, its not really a good thing.
I'd probably rec going with a pal if you're shy about it tho.
No. 2008150
>>2008141KEK. This is exactly how I feel. Thank you, anon.
>>2008132 is right. I'll make my friend come with me so I don't feel like an autist.
No. 2008225
>>2008141Reminded me of the last time I ever went swinging.
Went with a male relative who wanted to swing too, he somehow landed wrong and was in a fetus position cupping his balls for a good 5 minutes. I was laughing like a kid again and he realized at that moment he was too old for the swings. Good times.
No. 2008268
>>2007508>"How can I emotionally mature without being in a relationship?">Assumes relationships are the zenith of human maturity and the height of personal growth.You sound immature as hell posting something like this anon. If you want to get into a relationship go do that. If you don't want a relationship, then just live your life. People can be 80 years old and still think that they have more room to grow up. It reminds me of this proverb by the wiseman Osho, something like: "A healthy person never goes to the doctor and asks 'Why am I so healthy?' so if you're alive you shouldn't be asking 'What is the purpose of living' unless you aren't
really living."
No. 2008279
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What do you think of dyeing dogs?
No. 2008307
>>2008300Absolutely, once I get over initial bye-byes I can be alone for a year without feeling the need to meet again (I've tested this, year is my max so far, did so by moving across the world)
I do so well alone, I thrive alone.
No. 2008725
>>2008691Politely laughing off or delicately avoiding the most straightforward knee jerk reaction of "hey stop doing that" is usually them already knowing that he'll only twist it around. She found out for sure now. He's either allowed to disrespect her in front of others or he's a
victim of 'her sensitivity'
He's a copy and paste of millions of other men reading from the same script
No. 2009246
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Can any dogfags tell me if it's bad that I sometimes don't take my dog for a walk until 4 to 5 in the afternoon during my free days? The last time I usually go out with her the evening before ranges from between 6 p.m. to 3 a.m.. She only asks to go out in the late afternoon and sleeps the rest of the time, though sometimes she does get a bit restless but then settles down and goes back to sleep. I don't know if letting her hold her pee for that long might be bad since she's a small breed and doesn't have a ton of bladder space. FWIW she hasn't had any pee acccidents since she was a puppy 8 years ago.
Wondering this because I saw someone on Reddit call herself abusive because she didn't take her dog out until late in the afternoon due to mental illness for a while. I'm just lazy kek but if it's bad for my dog I'll obviously take her out earlier from now on
No. 2009248
>>2006294Starve him.
>>2008691Kill him.
No. 2009258
>>2009251She's always up for peeing but sometimes can only poop later in the day, which is why I tend to only go out with her when she asks
>>2009253Kek ok chill. I was just wondering whether I was giving my dog future kidney stone and incontinencec issues because she is chill with holding her piss for 15 hours even though her bladder is the size of a peanut
No. 2009797
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I have a small youtube channel, one of those commentary channels that "does a thing while talking about a topic" and in my latest video I talked about eurovision and I accidentally misgendered the 2 enby troons, including the winner. By "accidentally" I of course mean I fully did it on purpose intending to play innocent afterwards kek
Though now I'm wondering now what exactly sounds like a good excuse? How can I word it and get away with it?
Optimally I would be able to say "oopsie my bad" without saying anything like "twaw" so that IF a terf/gc was lurking they wouldn't be to put off and unsub. The LAST thing I want is to end up with an audience of all troons with the terfs chased away, but I also don't want to get cancelled kek
No. 2009847
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Is this realistic?
No. 2009862
>>2009847With Korean weight loss transformations, I would be suspicious because they use a lot of filters and photo editing there.
>>2009850I don't think she was fat enough before to cause loose skin
No. 2009906
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>>2009847Yes totally!!! Picrel for similar situation!!
No. 2009958
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Anons who hate their birthdays or don't celebrate it, why do you feel that way?
No. 2009986
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nonnas who work at pharmaceutical chemistry, how is it working in the industry? (Im in 3rd semester and idk if i can make it)
No. 2009988
>>2009958I used to hate my birthday out of self-loathing and depression. I felt disgusted that someone like me was given another year on this planet. After getting over those feelings (well, sorta) and beating cancer though, I'm now happily "meh" about my birthday. Like
>>2009975 says it really is just another day.
No. 2010057
>>2010053Same reason most males want kids, some form of legacy (most men will never achieve anything else)
A lot also plan on pawning childcare off to a woman so as long as the "legacy" is alive, they don't care after that.
No. 2010216
>>20033485 days late to say wellbutrin/bruproprion
>>2010089thought it was common knowledge that menthol is terrible for your lungs. something about fiberglass particles?
>>2009958i had a really terrible birthday one year as a teen where i was just like depressed and crying all day and i hated the added attention of it being my birthday and having everyone tell me how i was supposed to feel that day. as an adult the expectation that it still needs to be a ~special & celebrated~ day brings up those same feelings. i also feel like im walking around with a bullseye on my back, like even tho i dont mention its my birthday someone could find out at any moment and then i will need to put on the act to not make it awkward that i dont like my birthday
No. 2010329
>>2010324Ayrt, I looked at online cover letter templates too. I feel like using thesauruses to change up word choices often make it sound way more stilted and uncanny. When I looked back on the original ChatGPT-penned cover letter later, it didn't resemble it very closely aside from words like "end-users" and "managing multiple priorities." I just asked ChatGPT so I could have a more customized template to compare, if that makes sense. I think I'm pretty okay at writing, but even running old essays through it turns up to be "probably AI generated" and I have no clue what to do about the fact that my formal writing style apparently sounds like AI. I think I just feel guilty this time because I did actually ask ChatGPT for assistance.
>>2010325Yeah, I thought it wouldn't be a huge deal because I feel like none of my employers have ever scrutinized my cover letter closely and half the time can barely remember anything about my application, but my mom told me they run them through AI detectors nowadays and it psyched me out a bit.
No. 2010401
>>2010350Whatever your top speed is.
>>2010397That's what pedos want you to think.
No. 2010427
>>2010401>>2010403Wouldn’t it make more sense for the guy to be younger because men age worse anyways?
Plus when you’re old and frail it makes more sense for the man to be younger and stronger so he can help you, which is more natural than the other way around, having to help an older man that is heavier than you.
I think men should be able to take care of women and that includes old age
No. 2010599
>>2010468Yeah, that's true. It was always 20s, not a lot of age gap either. My opinion, they just imagined it, or somebody deliberately lied and all moids picked that up. They also tell all the time that "women's peak fertility is 16 yo", while it's late 20s-early 30s. It's just lies.
>>2010568I know that in victorian England it was on average 22 and 24 yo for women and men respectively, and a little before that, at the end of 18th century, it was 28 for men and 26 for women, which sounds unbelievable to me almost, that's nost what i grew up hearing, kek.
Also back then averyone under the age of 21 were considered a minor, saner times in this regard.
No. 2010677
>>2010661slipknot t-shirt
Bad fitting glasses
messy hair
wearing jeans with strains
untied converse shoes
No. 2010754
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Is it possible to mantain a friendship when the moid in question has a crush on you but is really good friends with both you and your partner? (He did never act on it and I don't think he will )
No. 2010774
>>2010767I don't understand what you mean.
>>2010757Yeah I get it but he's our friend. I can't just cut him off randomly when he did nothing and it all comes down to the fact I can feel that he has a crush on me.
No. 2010785
>>2010774I agree with
>>2010781 you don’t have to cut him off just keep him at arms’ length. Men take the smallest gesture as a sign that there’s a chance you’ll want to fuck them.
No. 2010787
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>>2010661'Aaliyahcore' feels like it makes the list.
No. 2010807
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>>2010661Something close to picrel but it's the attitude too, like you can tell they've made literally 0 effort to put together an outfit in their entire lives and only wear the blandest most boring "comfy" clothes, often with a few holes or stains. It's giving "i'm a socially inept autist" (I'm saying this as an autist kek)
No. 2010846
>>2010810yeah i don't get it either, most celibate women don't dress like that not even slightly
t. fits
>>2010661 description and dresses more like
>>2010807 No. 2010865
>>2010862Tbh I wouldn't feel comfortable being buddy-buddy with someone I know has sexual thoughts about me. If you really want to give him a chance just wait and see how it feels the next time you encounter him. If you still notice it, I would talk it out with your nigel. Just be like "hey ______ has kind of been giving me the vibe that he's attracted to me and I don't like it, have you noticed? what do you think I should do about it?" I don't see why that would stress him out. Better to be open about it early on than risk what
>>2010857 said.
No. 2010866
>>2010864>PhonesexAlways sounds so strange kek. But if you had fun…
Nonnie just revive the throwaway use and see what he wants.
No. 2010868
>>2010862Oh I was reading this thinking you'd told your boyfriend that he had a crush oh absolutely tell him I would be so upset if I found out my partner was engaging and hanging out with someone who they knew had a crush on them.
>>2010867Greengrocer, this is from a non American but English speaking country.
No. 2010871
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>>2010867There are fruit stands like picrel but I don't think we actually have markets exclusively for fruits and vegetables. There are grocery stores but that's for literally everything food related.
No. 2010897
>>2010895I don't understand, does he like me back? Why did he wait a whole day before sending the picture after responding to me?
No. 2010900
He's not just some random discord scrote, I know him from somewhere else
No. 2010904
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>>2010897Quit pursuing men who have fucking discords dumbdumb
No. 2010938
>>2010915Well in vidya you can "farm" materials from enemies by defeating them over and over again. I guess it could be related to kf as well.
>>2010932Ok girl whatever you say. Chase him while he pays you dust but don't come crying to us later. I'm telling you from a place of lengthy delusional experience that he is NOT interested.
No. 2010987
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what exactly do i need to learn to make fanart like this? like when people take 3d models from games and pose them
I tried to look for some posing or whatever it's called tutorials but i can't find them
No. 2011000
>>2010971I wouldn’t have brought it up if someone hadn’t previously asked about shota itt
>>2010978I’ll just get called a pedophile regardless but I like them because they’re cute and non-threatening. I can’t imagine myself liking someone who could easily overpower me even if fictional
No. 2011041
>>2010918although i utterly despise shotafags i think do understand how they are made i maybe wrong ,anime characters are drawn young and exaggerated no matter the age (only few anime directors actually draw characters realistic to their given age)
and theres the case of the normalization of perversion and degeneracy in anime in general mostly by moids plus the large part of Japanese culture is pedophiliac especially characters which are childen i feel like they might actually like "cuteness"(as women i think we are more drawn to cuteness anyways whether that instinct is maternal or aesthetic) but you have to realize anime doesn't depict children accurately you dont see the austimo tantrums the grossness and how sometimes its annoying being around a actual child or whether if you have a younger sibling how gross and angry you would feel if someone saw them like a shotacon would, all the see is a cute looking character and they dont take in account what they're looking at is a actual child (dont give the bullshit excuse cuteness cant be replicated in a adult character),theres some major cognitive dissonance going on in their brains they dont realize that the supposed lewd art of the child character they like is a child (they excuse their taboo by thinking "its fictional so its doesn't influence or harm anyone!" which is a myth) these women just need to face reality that either art or real shouldn't have sexualised children in them no matter if its drawn by a woman or a moid, and this media actively makes pedophiles no matter how much they scream to themselves it doesnt( theres a reason so many caught pedo hardrives had drawn cp in it)but if you consume media like that regardless of knowing its a child youre a pedophile
(autism) No. 2011079
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>>2011016This is such a common trope in bl tbh. In danmei, I’ve heard it’s so popular because it subverts the historical reality of moids having concubines and being anti-monogamous, so the fantasy of someone (usually the younger character, who has had unrequited feelings since their youth, which become reciprocated once they grow older) being devoted to one person their whole life is romantic. Regardless, it’s fiction. Who cares? This isn’t tumblr
No. 2011115
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How do you get bluejays to like you? This summer a Bluejay is nesting near my place and I want to be his friend but I'm self conscious. I tried leaving him bread but I don't think he likes carbs. Ideally he would learn how to perch in my hand and eat from it. How to do?
No. 2011150
>>2011134>All bread is shit.What's your problem? I love bread it's really good for making sandwiches and other food etc., so I don't get why you're hating on bread so much? The bluejay is
my friend not yours so maybe
your bluejay friends like stupid seeds or whatever but my friend isn't retarded like that he likes bread like a normal bird. I just haven't found the right type that he likes yet maybe. I will try the sesame seed bagel next and if he doesn't like that I'll try marble rye.
No. 2011174
>>2011166Teachers have had all kinds of students, they won't think you're weird at all. Have fun, nona! Sing like
>>2011162 's bluejay friend.
No. 2011194
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>>2010599>back then averyone under the age of 21 were considered a minor>saner times in this regardI imagine it didn't made much difference for kids working in coal mines. But it wasn't all bad, in 1833 The Factory Act was passed in England, it stated that: Children of 9-13 years to work no more than nine hours a day. Yey!
No. 2011195
>>2011185i would die for you. get them unshelled. they can grow a
toxic mold if the squirrels grab them before you can have a conversation and store them away for the winter.
No. 2011316
>>2011258I worked with one, the thing is I forgot if they were a tif or a very girly tim that hadn't gone on hrt.
I knew they were a sibling of another coworker, so I brought it up with a pal, asking if that person was coworker's cousin hoping that the she'd correct me.
Issue was she didn't know either but was also too polite to admit it so we basically ended up nodding our heads while repeating "cousins, yeah, cousins" like a couple of autists.
No. 2011451
>>2011258Worked with a TIM that started his transition a couple weeks after I accepted the job, so had to do the whole adjusting to new name and pronoun song and dance, he'd do shit like go out of his way to self-invite to a lot of our lunches even when he couldn't eat anything on the menu and absolutely shit up the conversation by making it about himself the entire time.
He was too much of an overgrown turd to skinwalk me, but he'd always go out of his way to talk about my outfits.
Everything I hate about troons stems from the time I had to work around this stupid fucker, I guess I'm grateful that he helped peak me sooner than later.
No. 2011519
>>2011510I could try publishing on Amazon later but as it stands right now I have zero audience and zero capital to advertise it. I just want people to read my shit first and foremost.
>>2011511Is there a better fandom to poach? I thought of genshin because the characters are already so bland in canon that I can get away with making them as OOC as possible.
No. 2011527
>>2011519Please I'm begging you put it up on some website that sells e-books and shill your shit on Facebook/Twitter/action adventure forums or whatever genre it is. This anon
>>2011513 is right, be pragmatic. You don't need to pay for advertising when word of mouth encompasses the entire internet these days.
No. 2011531
>>2011194Kek, i get you, anon. The age of majority being 21+ is stil a good idea, imo.
>>2011237Maybe 15+ teenagers should be encouraged to work more, some of them already do work, but children nah. I don't know what to do with children, them sitting behind a screen all the time is not a great thing we have now either. But ig Minecraft is indeed better than real mines, kek.
No. 2011543
>>2011529>It's hard to be optimistic.I'm the ayrt. Go into a book store and look around at the hundreds, if not thousands, of different books all authored by different people. Then, imagine the internet as being infinitely larger than that store with an infinitely growing amount of books and authors that are available for purchase. You don't have to be a novelist anymore, that era is gone, you just have to have drive and good writing and you can make money online. Maybe you won't end up in reviewers' "Top Ten Novels of 2024" list, but you can still make your way on your own.
>>2011535I hope this doesn't sound too retarded because you might already know, but my success advice for AO3 is: segment 2 works into 10 chapters (of at least 1500 words), release the first 3 chapters of the works, then every week drop the next chapter for each work. Make sure you indicate in the title or the description that this is a 10 part work, and that each chapter will be dropped on a specific day. People prefer to read stories that they know are already completed, compared to stories that are ongoing and may cease publication. The 3 chapter initial drop helps to draw people in to see if they enjoy your writing style and the storyline, and if they like it the weekly drops create anticipation for your story and gets them to keep coming back and checking for more. Make sure you create some sort of off-platform neutral place to showcase your more serious writing, like a website, so that you can always link back to that for any potential fans.
No. 2011558
>>2011543Thank you for the wise words, anon. I will remember you when I publish my first book one day.
I'm thinking about continue to write as a hobby so it won't be disappointing if my books don't sell that much