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No. 2125090

Burgerland General

>Dont respond to bait (including tradshit bait)

>Don’t be an asshole

Previous threads:

No. 2125093

Yasss I love this threadpic nonners

No. 2125095


No. 2125100

American Mom superior jumped the gun kek

No. 2125103

I hate when people argue that we shouldn't have the death penalty because it's too expensive. That just means we should make the system for efficient. This country would be a million times better if we executed all sex offenders.

No. 2125108

It's so expensive because they're too afraid to just take them out back and Old Yeller them. I don't get why we need expensive retarded death contraptions when we have guns. Like I really don't understand it genuinely.

No. 2125110

Omg too good nonna, too good

No. 2125114

I'm happy my pic got to grace the catalog. I encourage you all to use check out the Blingee thread in /m/ and upload your own Francine Blingees there.

No. 2125115

America is the greatest nation on earth. God Bless America, never fall, my love. May you prosper for all eternity

No. 2125118

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No. 2125125

I know the common argument against the death penalty for rapists and child molesters is because they'd have an incentive to kill their victim. But, even with the threat of prison, they still commit these crimes, so I can't imagine the death penalty would change much.

No. 2125126

Texas does it way too much. We should cut back and let some of the other states do it more.

No. 2125130

Considering how cowardly they are, I doubt they'd ever have the guts to kill their victims. Plus, I mean, what a stupid fucking argument. I feel like this way of thinking is severely outdated and archaic.

No. 2125132

By that logic, they already have incentive to kill their victims to avoid jail. This sounds like some crap a pedophile would say because they love defending each other.

No. 2125133

That's what I meant. I guess I worded it weird.

No. 2125139

Thank you based OP

No. 2125152

ive also heard ppl say that victims would be even less likely to report if they think their rapist might get the death penalty. just shows society has too much empathy for even the most garbage males

No. 2125174

I meant in terms of his personal life, not his political beliefs. Every other person involved here is old and married to a white person.

No. 2125175

Back in the day, they used to just line them up and shoot them in the head. It's quick, inexpensive, and even painless for the criminal. I don't understand why we got rid of that method.

No. 2125176

negative affect on the executioner. they should just get a robot to do it.

No. 2125180

>negative affect on the executioner
>for killing rapists and murderers?
what a loser he must have been.

No. 2125182

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I'm laughing so hard at this he's MALDING

No. 2125183

Execution isn't expensive. It's expensive because of all the appeals and other legal processes.

No. 2125186

He emphasized Obama's middle name. Bad move.

No. 2125187

NTA but it's the same reason why people (mostly men) who work in slaughterhouses turn into psychopaths.

No. 2125188

Kamabla? Is that a typo or did he ditch Laffin Kamala.

No. 2125194

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No. 2125196

I think he's still workshopping his funny insult name for her but neither one of those has been even decent. Kambala is just a bad misspelling and I'm pretty sure he used "Laughing/Laffin" previously. He's really lost his touch.
You know it's bad when even turboleftist twitter troons have better rude nickname game (Copmala.)

No. 2125200

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Here’s something I found interesting from the Twitter hate thread >>2118631, ignore dumb tweet in picrel but it seems a lot of people have jumped off the Project 2025 support now that Kamala is running. Note how in most of these it’s either the majority not supporting it and even the ones with a lot of support are outdone if you put “not supporting” and “unsure” together? And just how much the ones with majority not supporting are overtaking it? It’s almost like the only reason anyone supported Trump was cuz they hated Biden, now that we have an actually decent candidate Donnie is losing all his support kek

No. 2125205

whos the decent candidate you're referring to nonna

No. 2125206

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No. 2125213

Kamala is infinitely better than Trump because despite her issues she’s a non-Trad woman and any non-Trad woman is a better pick for president than a man imo

No. 2125214

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a bit off topic but I don't think people understand how truly evil getting rid of the ED (department of education) is. First of all, it would make it much easier to racially segregate schools and would limit access to education for soooo many Americans. An argument these retards love is "they're teaching troonism in school!" like they don't try to enforce their own ideology, specifically their religious ideologies such as creationism. Not only that, but does anyone else remember that "CRT" culture war thing when they were really just referring to teaching things such as jim crow laws and slavery in schools? These people don't actually care about kids they just wanna push their own shit on kids. Kids should only be learning objective truths, not about magical genders or creationism.
Based nona based

No. 2125243

Caesar would've understood

No. 2125250

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What. This is so random, but is she teasing an endorsement/rally performance? That's a crazy thing to leave easter eggs about, but Taylor loves her easter eggs so kek

No. 2125254

i think her and her vp are gonna turn america into more of troonlyland than it already is and i cant allow that.

No. 2125260

Literally every Republican has done that since Oabama first ran kek. Where have you been

No. 2125280

I can’t take Iran seriously kek. This isn’t even coming from a raaaa USA (3x) pov, Iran is just so goofy and unthreatening. All they do is take L’s and it comes off as pitiful. America is a lolcow country too but at least we’re strong and capable.

No. 2125283

in my experience, 100% of restorativejusticefags and deathpenaltybadfags are pedos

No. 2125284

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I am not a swiftie or Taylor hater, but why does she always wear those one piece body suits? I haven’t seen her wear actual pants on stage in a hot minute.

No. 2125299

Does anyone know where I can find that one speech Josh Shapiro did about getting rid of the death penalty? He had a line in it where he said something like "I couldn't look into my teenaged son's eyes and give him an answer for why the state can kill people who murder people". He tried to make it sound like it was some great travesty that murders had the possibility of the death penalty and it was really funny how dramatic he tried to sound.

No. 2125306

My guess is that it's because she would sweat a lot more in pants.

No. 2125307

cause shes got kind of an Amazonian queen body and the glittery 50's bombshell bodysuits just compliment her so well

No. 2125308

She thinks they're cool

No. 2125310

>Amazonian queen body
Weird way to say she’s built like a fridge

No. 2125311

shes tall and has long muscley legs and arms, she also has a nice hip to boob ratio which is something that matters a lot to me

No. 2125319

No. 2125325

Everything that is not ana skeletor body or kim kardashian body is now considered "built like a fridge"

No. 2125338

The absolute state of growing up not touching grass and only seeing skirby tier photoshopped thots

No. 2125340

Why does she have those stupid fucking bangs. They look retarded

No. 2125368

She doesn't look like a fridge to me, more like a slim pear shape

No. 2125432

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She looked like one of those Slavic doll models before she got eyelid surgery and tranny bangs

No. 2125439

I’m dying to know what kind of refrigerators anons have, where did you get yours?

No. 2125464

I've always found her pretty, I don't think her looks are the problem.

No. 2125473

wtf are "tranny bangs" kek

No. 2125491

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Bangs look extremely flattering if you have very soft features that help pull them off, if not they will make you look like a tranny
Florence Welch (I love her music but I’m gonna speak my truth here srry) is a perfect example
She has strong features but she always goes for that thick bang + unkept hair look and I think it’s extremely ugly

No. 2125494

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this is her without bangs with sleek hair and she looks so much better
Taylor is victim to the bang blindness too, but ofc her case isn’t as drastic.

No. 2125498

She's just Welsh.

No. 2125511

I don't like her music, but she looks fine now. Stop being a coquette.

No. 2125555

she looks cute here

No. 2125557

I love Florence but she always looked like Noel fielding in a wig

No. 2125559

You guys are the type to hype up fat girls

No. 2125563

Nta but fat doesn't mean you can't have a pretty face or look put together

No. 2125565

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No. 2125566

Is she still alive

No. 2125577

I saw the image on the front page and was coming to see if she had died.

No. 2125580

I feel like I ask if she's still alive every 14 months and am once again amazed when someone says yes

No. 2125586

SAME I assumed it finally happened

No. 2125593

Based. Bring back the firing squad.

No. 2125595

I believe other countries already have a non-robot solution to this. They have several men make up the firing squad, and the men are told that one of the guns they've been giving isn't loaded, or is loaded with pellets (or something like that, I'm not a gun person). That way, when the men fire, they can always tell themselves they might have had the phony gun, and it relieves guilt. Honestly seems like a good system to me. You never know if you're the one who actually killed the guy, and it gets the job done.

No. 2125596

she’s shaped like a tall harse that’s about the neigh on me through her microphone. you are right, fridge-built and talentless (with a few catchy songs). reminds me of one of those strange white girls in middle school you would befriend and then you figure out they have a strange obsession with horses that get in the way of your friendship

No. 2125597

there’s no way this isn’t a man, no wayyy. i wouldn’t be surprised if they came out a few years later saying they are trans

No. 2125617

It is a woman.

No. 2125631

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Didn't she do a collab with Ethel Cain?

No. 2125633

I think from picrel you answered yourself

No. 2125642

>noooo queen Florence, you look stunning, you don’t look haggard at 36 at all

No. 2125711

>objectively successful and talented female artist
>discussion of her is middle school tier "ew she looks weird"
ngmi. Also her talent and vision make her attractive, sorry you can't perceive women under anything but the male gaze and cocket aesthetic shit

No. 2125720

>reminds me of one of those strange white girls in middle school you would befriend and then you figure out they have a strange obsession with horses that get in the way of your friendship
That's a sizeable proportion of this imageboard kek

No. 2125724

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Just because she is ugly doesn't make her trans. A lot of artists are also sympathetic to the trans community, but that doesn't make them trannies. Please stop embarrassing yourself. She is a cisgendered woman who is ugly and isn't pornified, I wish they could exist in peace. Picrel shows her uterus pooch which we all have even at very thin weights as Welch is here.

No. 2125745

You don't need to use their words, anon. You can say biological.

No. 2125748

I think you have a skewed perspective on this. Besides, she’s a musician, not a model, I don’t get why anons act like women have to be conventionally beautiful across all industries. You have a problem with women who look different and I suggest you sort that out. Or don’t, stay miserable.

No. 2125777

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I know there’s an Olympics thread but don’t feel like dealing with eurofags. Just feel so damn patriotic ♥

No. 2125867

I totally agree. I'm voting for the anti tranny candidate so it's a reluctant vote for Trump for me. A vote for Kamala is a vote for trannies.

No. 2125884

It’s not lol. What, you live in L.A. or some shit?

No. 2125905

It's more important that we retain reproductive rights. You're genuinely crazy. You're rather punch a transhit than help women, embarrassing.

No. 2125987

it's ok that anon is just in the minority of retarded women who cut off their own nose to spite their face regularly. When women are the majority and trans people are the minority, and yet they still prioritize voting for the person who hates trans people AND women. Classic moron.

No. 2125994


No. 2125997

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No. 2126002

Punching transhit is helping women you dumbass.

No. 2126006

this is so americannnnn I love it
ntayart based punching trannies. i endorse that and any candidate that also endorses punching trannies so hard it rewires their busted prefrontal cortex to start working properly and they suddenly have a taste for healthy sleep patterns, stop cooming, and quit their reddit moderator jobs and throw out the HRT

No. 2126007

That's beautiful anon

No. 2126008

cleansweeping those loicense motherfuckers, did we need a loicense to beat you europoors in the olympics??

No. 2126012

i want a debate with kamala and trump where it’s a contest on how can punch the most deranged trannies and who can clock them the fastest. after that first round and the judges rank them they move to next where they give them sheets of paper of troons walking down the street and layouts of a male’s anatomy and have them trace and compare to two. third round they move to the secret arena underneath the White House that transforms into a colosseum with a bunch of 25cent walmart fireworks shooting out and puffs of white, blue and red smoke coming out. kamala and trump both mean mug each other and they both put on their battle armor and hold their shields, sleepy joe shocks everyone by surprise by being the announcer of the event “R-RELEASE THE MICHELLE OBAMA! I MEAN UH RELEASE THE TROONS!” and then hoardes of troons come out and they both have to battle to the death to defeat all of the troons in a bloody path for the presidency.

No. 2126016

i hope I don’t get banned for the michelle joke i don’t think she’s a tranny i just find it funny that joe biden says the wrong names or wrong thing like a dementia patient and it ends up being the most offensive thing ever, kthanks jannies

No. 2126017

He can't get over his boyfriend. It's over, Donald.

No. 2126018

You're being obtuse. I'm saying that I would rather help biological women continue being able to take contraceptives, abort, and control reproductive rights (among other issues) than dunk on trannies solely. Abortion is banned in so many states already and you're more concerned about transgender faggots existing when it's like, newsflash, men have always existed and pretended to be women. Conservatives will never truly stop transgender faggots from existing because they fuck too many of them to want to stop and transgenderism helps make private healthcare millions. Consider how many "trans" conservatives exis

No. 2126020

you’re kind of retarded if you genuinely think all of these politicians run their own social media accounts. he may be trump but they wouldn’t mingle with peasants for that very long, even on the internet

No. 2126023

ntayrt but i’m sorry i’d rather vote for Trump than allow tim walz to even get within 1000ft of the Oval Office

No. 2126027

go back to tumblr, millennial

No. 2126032

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idk what sounds more fun in a dystopian future, fighting over contraceptives and abortions like a bunch of pelicans on the beach or punching the shit out of trannies like this gif. but my serious take is that i don’t really about abortion or birth control and just want more of a focus on the economy but we’re both delusional for believing they’re going to do anything, a lot of leftards are content with maintaining the lukewarm status quo than wanting anything more and that’s pretty much explaining the people who want to vote for kamala to beat trump. they disgust me honestly

No. 2126034

i smeared my shit on hillbilly elegy and i’m voting for Vance. thats how serious i am about eliminating transvestites

No. 2126040

This is making me laugh so much for some reason, bless mr. Dauterive

No. 2126042

I hope it isn’t someone running his account, because then he’s be an absolute retard for hiring them. His truth social posts look like ramblings of a schizophrenic

No. 2126046

must be a disconnection between his staff and himself, his staff is probably trying to appeal to the snaggletoothed trucker retards of his supporters which might also be one of the reasons on what makes him unappealing to many people.

No. 2126047

trannys will eliminate themselves anon, Vance is a disgusting woman-hating slaphog

No. 2126050

His staff sucks so much I almost feel bad for the guy, look at the archive of his emails. They all read as like the evangelical “rapture is coming” kind of schizophrenic.

No. 2126058

Yeah unfortunately appealing to christfags who simply can’t let go of the fact that nobody is interested in going to church like they were a decade ago. Trump needs to fire everybody and rework his entire campaign, it would be a fresh start that’s the best possible course of action for him right now.

No. 2126059

>what sounds more fun in a dystopian future, fighting over contraceptives and abortions like a bunch of pelicans on the beach
Are you infertile? What could possess you to say this when childbirth can kill you and the USA has a higher mortality rate of mothers than other countries?
> my serious take is that i don’t really about abortion or birth control and just want more of a focus on the economy
Weird take when it all affects each other. Restricting reproductive freedom is not the answer and Vance offering petty little "tax incentives" doesn't change the fact that no one can afford housing and the cost of basic necessities is so high that anyone with a brain isn't going to want to have children anyway in this economy. A few hundred dollars per year isn't enough to make people want to have kids. Republicans are simply going to try to make it harder for women to exercise choice. They want to force the world to be some ideal that never existed and women are just pawns for that to them. I also care about international relations and Trump flubbed tf out of that.
>we’re both delusional for believing they’re going to do anything
I don't want a world where I and other women have to board birth control. So many confident people around me told me I was silly for thinking Roe v Wade would be overturned. It was. Nothing is untouchable from my point of view now since that happened.

No. 2126066

That Harris-Waltz speech really was a breath of fresh air. I finally feel a bit hopeful

No. 2126068

>what would possess you to say that
Well for starters I don’t have sex, the only health problems that require me to take birth control is the only reason I would care about it but I don’t want to get cancer or sudden blood clots. If I don’t have sex, there’s a lower almost minimal to zero chance of getting pregnant unless I develop parthenogenesis so childbirth wouldn’t be endangering to me. I hope this answer helps!

No. 2126070

>t. lurking eurofag

No. 2126073

Single issue voters are truly retarded

No. 2126078

Ntayrt but I thoroughly believe the USA only has higher maternal mortality rates because of the hospital system here and maternal care sucks. i took my whole journey into my own hands and i think that’s why i had a much more fruitful experience

No. 2126081

So basically you only care about how it affects you. Remember that when you get robbed at gunpoint in the future by some moid that was an unwanted pregnancy forced to term.

No. 2126082

ntayrt but
> Weird take when it all affects each other

i’m sorry if i sound retarded but how does a teenager getting an abortion effect my folio?

No. 2126088

stop having PIV

No. 2126091

I won’t be robbed at gunpoint because I can simply become a female gun owner and defend myself, that’s not something you can get with authorit- I mean democrats.

No. 2126094

So you’re fine with more criminals in the country then?

No. 2126096

I just want them to help the people who are already here, I don’t really care about motherhood or childbirth at all sorry if that makes me selfish or rude but it is what it is, stop expecting other women to care about you.

No. 2126097

The one where she said shit like "TESTIFY!" and "Can I get a witness?" in front of a crowd of black people? Or did she have another one recently?

No. 2126101

I would trade anti-tranny laws and anti-immigration over this whole fearmongering mommy rights stuff

No. 2126102

Oh I wasn’t talking about illegal immigrants. I’m talking about the legions of drooling retards raised by drooling retards that shouldn’t have kids. When there’s not enough jobs to go around for all these unwanted males, what do you think they’re going to turn to?

No. 2126103

Anon there's no point in trying to have a discussion with them. They're retarded and set in their ways. Also a lot of weird posters have showed up lately, /pol/ types so I don't even know if you're talking to actual farmers or trolls.

No. 2126105

Walz is a really good speaker, I’ve never heard him speak before. Very solid speech

No. 2126107

Ntayrt but anon are you from like the middle of nowhere? Criminals will always exist, abortion or not

No. 2126108

NTA but what happens to other people seriously isn’t my problem

No. 2126112

Then why are you hand-wringing about trannies?

No. 2126114

because i personally hate them and would like for them to be eradicated. that’s me caring about what happens to me

No. 2126115

They’re too busy leeching off of their boymoms. I don’t get these questions, am I supposed to feel threatened by men and cower in fear from them? Just shoot them or hurt them if they become a threat to you, if you aren’t able to lay down your own life to get rid of a male threat then I would just call that cowardice.

No. 2126118

Kek you have definitely, definitely never been in a fight. Much less with someone bigger than you.

No. 2126120

As a grown woman you should be aware of where you’re putting your pussy to and who’s allowed to access your pussy, that includes not letting men rape you. You can’t expect the government to fully protect women kek(baiting)

No. 2126122

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>that includes not letting men rape you. You can’t expect the government to fully protect women kek

No. 2126124

nta but it’s easier to end a confrontation with a gun than you think. just pulling it out is usually enough to get them to run away, without even having to shoot them. do you live in an open carry state or is it conceal only?

No. 2126125

>not letting men rape you
bizarre bait

No. 2126126

Who said anything about fighting? He’s getting a cap spun into him whether I die or not defending myself kekkk, you can’t always expect to live when you’re going through a dire threat.

No. 2126127

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NTAYRT but women are capable of defending ourselves. It’s not masculine to protect your body.

No. 2126128

What’s stopping you from thwarting males? Why would you continue to live your life in fear

No. 2126129

Nothing, matter of fact I could batter each one of you dumb bitches before you could even touch that piece. But other women aren’t naturally strong and unlike you, I give a shit about people other than myself.

No. 2126132

They view themselves as precious coquette dolls that are incapable of being strong and if you tell them you’re more than capable of defending yourself against men you’re just a “reality denying libfem” and “men are like nephilims so strongggg almost like gods we can never take them!” They’re giving men way too much credit, sad

No. 2126133

Batter my clit but do it slowly plssss nonna that was weirdly hot

No. 2126134

Fellas, do women let men rape them?

No. 2126140

I mean, isn’t rape violent trespass? It’s a threat to bodily autonomy and security, if you willingly allow a threat to come through then you’re just letting yourself get exposed to evil. I’m not saying every woman allows herself to get raped but there’s a much bigger elephant in the room that I rather not discuss because it’s too offensive. I’m not a male or scrote and I’m not really sure how to prove that I’m not because were anonymous but that’s just my own opinion, you can’t keep letting yourself get raped you have to eventually do something about it, whether that be self-defense or lowering the male population.

No. 2126143

>lowering the male population.
You’re so close to getting it.

No. 2126147

abortion isn’t going to lower the male population though unfortunately

No. 2126152

File: 1723063420871.png (45.41 KB, 1096x184, come on guys.png)

Nonas, we're better than this.

No. 2126164

I’m sure you are nonnie, but I’m not.

Then it ain’t batterin’, pillow princess.

No. 2126169

>I thoroughly believe the USA only has higher maternal mortality rates because of the hospital system here and maternal care sucks
AYRT and I agree, I think our maternal care system is shit and I believe a large part of that is our healthcare system. When it is too "child focused", both the mother and the baby lose. Mothers should not be viewed as merely a vessel for children and I believe it is that view which is so pervasive among healthcare which has led to the poor mother mortality rates in the USA. You unfortunately need to advocate for yourself to a ridiculous degree. Good on you for taking you and your child's health seriously.

No. 2126172

File: 1723063843532.jpeg (33.12 KB, 183x275, IMG_7088.jpeg)

Kind of hate it when people say Americans don’t have culture because it’s a melting pot. But like, most “cultural foods” in other countries, come from other cultures. Is America the ones who get told we have no culture because we’re newer? Did you guys know chocolate cake is American?

No. 2126190

File: 1723064601814.jpg (370.72 KB, 2000x1500, iStock-1152247466.jpg)

Of course Americans have culture. Fast food is your thing.

No. 2126192

Why are certain opinions seen as bait?? Genuinely curious

No. 2126193

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No. 2126194

File: 1723064971455.jpg (375.06 KB, 1600x900, betsy-ross-flag-2.jpg)

we're so fucking awesome. it doesnt matter what race, sexuality, gender, or ethnicity you're of, America will always be on top.

No. 2126195

Bless you anon, TIL that not only is German chocolate cake American, it's called that because it's named after the guy who made baking chocolate. Our country is wonderful.

No. 2126198

Hollywood is our culture. It doesn't matter if it has roots in European tech and people, Hollywood is American born and has dominated the world

No. 2126202


If your opinions resemble Andrew Tate talking points, it makes sense that it's being flagged as bait. The fact that there are anons on here that freely believe women are essentially at fault for rape for "not picking" better which is frankly ridiculous. Many of these anons also believe women should never have PIV sex (or even date men in some cases) among other restrictive beliefs or they will fault the woman should anything go wrong. If you bring up stranger men, they will say it's your fault for not carrying or protecting yourself enough. The point is that women need to basically live in a monolithic, exact way in order for these anons to be "pleased" and yet, they fail to understand that it's not equality when men can do fuck all and women are restricted into certain choices (including denying the biological desire for sex and intimacy unless that is projected upon other women). Choice feminism is a disease, but these anons are kind of the opposite in that they believe women need to make specific choices if they are "true" feminists or "smart". They believe women cannot be victims because they somehow are the cause for anything negative that happens to them, especially if it involves men. Hope this helps!

No. 2126207

No offense nona but from my experience women who say shit like this are always chubby girls LARPing as anachan waifs.
You're talking to walls, I'm convinced that if anons in the national threads were given a loaded gun and told there was a single troon in a crowd of 10000 women they'd blindly start firing it everywhere kek

No. 2126211

You're right. I need to give up. It just makes me sad that there are people that blinded. It's because I seen troons as men so to me, it is not a "special" threat, it's just more male behavior on display. It embarrasses me how it starts degrading into "if a woman doesn't look pornified, she must be a troon".

No. 2126231

Totally agree with this. It's why I hate leftoids.

No. 2126236

Based anti-PIV anons I would trust them with my life over babymakers any day(bait)

No. 2126248

don’t be an asshole is a good rule!!

No. 2126252

I'm a lesbian kek

No. 2126274

Those types of posters are usually autistic NEETs whose brain patterns look like a flow chart or /pol/ adjacent retards.

No. 2126279

>brain patterns looking like logic and math is bad
and that's why you're retarded and grasping for anything. calling women autistic or neets for not packaging their words in flowery performative language is so stupid

No. 2126283

You can have PIV sex and not get pregnant.
Stating that "women choose to get raped' isn't:
>not packaging their words in flowery performative language is so stupid

No. 2126285

File: 1723069850980.png (464.44 KB, 2700x1800, 1000006349.png)

Goddamn the newfags are obvious these days.

No. 2126287

nothing about that was hyperbolic and i'm not a newfag, try again retard(infighting)

No. 2126290

>you can have piv sex and not get pregnant
Lol, piv sex always brings the element of the possibility of pregnancy. Birth control, IUDs, condoms aren't always full-proof, using them allows scrotes to get away with their irresponsible sex lives. Also nobody stated that women choose to get raped lol

No. 2126291

> I'm not a newfag
Kek that makes your pedantic hang-ups about my use of the word "autistic" even worse. Also even if you did package the "women choose to be abused ackshually" rhetoric in a flowery way, you would still sound like a mouthbreather.(infighting)

No. 2126292

You are giving newfag because LC was not this hateful towards women's choices regarding PIV sex and child rearing in 2017.

No. 2126294

See >>2126140 aka the probable reason this whole discussion started

No. 2126298

embrace the new era, tradthots get the rope
why would you allow yourself to become a victim though, that's the question(bait)

No. 2126300

>using [birth control] allows scrotes to get away with their irresponsible sex lives
Wow, you really are damned if you do, damned if you don't. Using birth control and being responsible is seen as "allowing" scrotes to be irresponsible, but carrying a gun (where you cannot guarantee that you will use it 100% effectively or even necessarily stop a scrote) is seen as "responsible" and that you're just "protecting" yourself from getting raped even though you have zero guarantees that will prevent you from getting raped. You don't see that as "allowing" scrotes to get away with being rapists in society at large. Your retardation is incredible.(infighting)

No. 2126304

File: 1723070587875.png (15.32 KB, 150x150, 1000006350.png)

Inb4 banned but it's very odd that all these women can't fathom a single reason to take birth control except "irresponsibly" slutting around kekekek

No. 2126305

yes, they get to fuck and dump as much women as possible, string them along causing issues down the line. having repeat sex with a scrote should not be like eating or breathing it comes with physical and psychological risks, creating the inability to pair bond.
>carrying a gun
that's why you practice and learn gun safety, duhhh
>zero guarantees that will prevent you from getting raped
So why do you willingly throw yourself into the problem by increasing your chances of rape by having relations with the sex who contributes to these rapes in the first place? Tell me please kek(blackpill sperg outside containment)

No. 2126307

NTA I don't get what you're implying tbh, I know that bc is used as medication as well. It's also pretty risky to take with the amount of health side effects it can cause with long-term use, soo

No. 2126320

NTA but it’s not 2017 anymore, nonners

No. 2126323

There will be no tranny janny in the world that can convince me these "you don't want birth control banned? You're a low value slut" posts are made by actual xx chromosome women. Sounds like salty virgin males tbh.

No. 2126325

…That's what they're saying anon kek

No. 2126332

People use BC for all kind of off brand reasons…it's an easy way for us to get hormones to make the transition into menopause easier, acne, PCOS, etc. They've done studies on how long term use of the pill is actually better for women since it behaves as a hormone therapy when you hit menopause. It's really terrible for you if you smoke, but if you don't smoke, you're pretty solid if you do not have pre-existing issues with blood clots.

>that's why you practice and learn gun safety, duhhh
If you actually knew anything about gun safety, you would know that being in an actual altercation is not the same environment as a gun class and/or a range. Your body will react to the shock of the situation. Hopefully you are benefitted by a burst of adrenaline, but sometimes that makes it worse for some individuals. My point is that it's unpredictable. This is coming from someone who regularly practices shooting and is quite accurate. You have no guarantees of what carrying a gun, practicing, and knowing gun safety will do for you in an actual moment when a gun should be used.

>So why do you willingly throw yourself into the problem by increasing your chances of rape by having relations with the sex who contributes to these rapes in the first place? Tell me please kek

I don't "throw myself" into the problem. I have never engaged in random sex with scrotes. It's funny you're resorting to personal attacks. You can never willing put yourself into a situation where you have sex with a scrote and still get raped or assaulted. I have friends who were brutally raped as teenagers in settings they didn't expect it and that was their first experience with sex. Note that this most frequently occurs to children and many children's first experiences with sex are forced upon them. Inb4 children by deciding to interact with scrotes (majority of who are relatives) are asking for it (or their mothers are the ones who are totes at fault for having children and having sex!)

No. 2126333

flow chart brain > schizo brain like yours

No. 2126337

I agree. Even the most trad/religious women in my family have never been against birth control

No. 2126338

> People use BC for all kind of off brand reasons
Exactly nona, the point of that post is that women would already know this information kek

No. 2126339

American population - 341,998,344
French population - 64,894,736

47/17099917 = 0.000275%
25/32447368 = 5%

No. 2126341

not reading alldat, stop writing essays on why you desperately want to have piv sex. i also don't care what happens to most women because they created this grave and they're going to lay in it, guess we disagree on everything and that certain women aren't built to be powered off of penis kek(infight bait)

No. 2126342

nta but what reason could you possibly have for taking that poison

No. 2126343

>t. europoor

No. 2126344

It's because "American Culture" is really about 11 separate but connected cultures.

No. 2126346

this is too moralfaggy, idc about many people's childhood trauma. idk just stop having kids and stop marrying the very people you know would prey on your children which are scrotes, these mothers aren't doing the raping but they are enablers of the rape(samefagging)

No. 2126350

Was being able to do math the giveaway?

No. 2126352

It was one of the giveaways, yeah.

No. 2126353

This way of going against the trans shit isn’t gonna be working because of the fact that women are gonna be forced to carry children of rape and incest to term and basically be made subservient to moids like we’re in the 1800s still

No. 2126354

>whines about moralfagging while moralfagging
it's like some of you are just out here solely bandwagoning on this issue to control what other women do.

No. 2126357

I'm relieved that you understood that this was friendly banter and not serious ♥

No. 2126359

I don't live in Britain, I think I'm fine

No. 2126360

using math to explain why america's medals arent actually worth the amount they are and that france actually has more or some shit is like using math to explain why tim duncan is better than lebron james

No. 2126363

if only the french used that math to get rid of that dirty piss water

No. 2126371

File: 1723074362194.jpg (69.09 KB, 542x540, Snapchat-1818185638.jpg)

Ntayrt but people like you are the worst. You pop off saying some out of pocket retarded hot take and then when someone gives you an intelligent coherent response you all of a sudden can't be bothered kek. Just say you're a bitter pussy and go.

No. 2126387

>i also don't care what happens to most women because they created this grave and they're going to lay in it
nta but does that include the underage girls getting raped or..

No. 2126398

You're missing the fact that what you're describing is what they want lol. You're talking to unironically low IQ tradthots who would vote to take their own rights away. That, or men hoping that all women are dumb sheep and will follow if they see (what they assume are) other women saying it's a good thing.

No. 2126471

File: 1723081515688.jpeg (157.32 KB, 1392x1164, IMG_3466.jpeg)

Awe it’s okay Françoise nonna, don’t let the bed bugs bite.

No. 2126553

File: 1723090816286.png (1.08 MB, 1809x1174, 1722607617296.png)

Not specifically discussing this person but I saw these tweets in the Twitch thread. In regards to the "we may have to vote trump to prevent this" tweet, do people really think that voting Trump will make trannies magically vanish globally? I don't understand this thinking at all.

No. 2126601

I kind of find it funny when people drag kamala into olympics discourse by blaming her for shit when it happened in france

No. 2126616

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No. 2126661

File: 1723099866615.png (266.08 KB, 922x1156, Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 11.49…)

kek remember when they said they'd totally forgive student loans 4 years ago and then it never happened

No. 2126675

Hey Melissa.

No. 2126680

Nta but thats a popular screenshot

No. 2126743

File: 1723109145496.mp4 (1.85 MB, 730x720, si2duhL.mp4)

kamala needs this energy

No. 2126746

yay my 3dpd unconventional is still a twink, that’s good news

No. 2126914

Nonna what did you think you were gonna do with a generic first name kek

No. 2126920

More of a stupid question but why are we so successful when it comes to things like the Olympics? Does it have something to do with our school culture (huge emphasis on sports from a young age) or is it just because we have a big population?

No. 2126942

Population is part of it, but if I had to guess it's because the US invests a lot in sports in general. Other countries don't have the robust high school or college sports programs that the US does, so there's not really as much as an incentive for people to try a sport out and stick to it.

No. 2126945

File: 1723129006028.jpeg (77.54 KB, 750x920, IMG_0410.jpeg)

Retard strength.

No. 2126950

Cause Americans are the best

No. 2126953

The other countires won't admit it but the chemicals in our food is purely to beef us up and thats why a lot of people are fat. If every American had required physical classes post highschool we'd all be ripped gigachads

No. 2127124

>no jobs hiring
>if you get hired and the work environment makes you want to kill yourself and so does the shitty pay and zero incentives to work
>creating an unstable economy of people picking up and dropping jobs in less than a year
>people working for nothing and will have no social security or retirement in the future
how screwed are we anons

No. 2127133

Who's that?

No. 2127157

Population. Australia mogs the US in medals won per capita.

No. 2127184

It does if you selectively abort males.

No. 2127210

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No. 2127213

Ok I don’t like timmy but that was funny kek

No. 2127218

It's because swimming gives out too many medals

No. 2127220

Wow, he dgaf. How interesting.

No. 2127222

I had no idea who this guy was until like last week. He comes out of nowhere and talks like someone from a failed comedy tv show. wtf

No. 2127226

If we vote in those who want to make life even even more abysmal for women, then that means less moids trooning out due to there being no more perceived social benefits of living as a woman, as we shift into an ultra patriarchy. checkmate, feminists.(bait)

No. 2127231

me chilling because I don’t need abortions or birth control because I don’t fuck scrotes and that doesn’t make me a tradthot(bait)

No. 2127234

bing chilling

No. 2127242


No. 2127243

You think moids couldn’t rape a celibate woman and get her pregnant?

No. 2127244

Why do privileged mfers always act like the ability to sit comfortably on their asses makes them badass kek

No. 2127246

NTA but what situation could you possibly be in where that would occur

No. 2127247

I'm celibate and don't fuck moids and I still care about other women's reproductive rights

No. 2127248

Anons don't even have the decency to disguise their samefagging anymore

No. 2127250

NTAYRT but I feel like people are forgetting that the mini pill (progesterone only) exists, which tends to have way less severe hormonal side effects.

No. 2127251

You do have reproductive rights. Such as the right to birth control and the right to not having sex in the first place

No. 2127253

third ayrt but it always makes me laugh when schizo anons think they can identify who’s posting

No. 2127254

ayrt yes and I'm pro BC and abortion

No. 2127255

Are you asking what situation could you be in where you get raped

No. 2127256

this killed me because they thought you were me KEK
me when i can just create a magical energetic cock to fuck me and it doesn’t have to be real and doesn’t cause pregnancy
skill issue
here comes that europoor coming in here talking about us ungrateful americans not standing up for our women’s rights blahhhh i don’t care man i’m chilling being clean and pure with no scrotum residue on me, hbu?(infight bait)

No. 2127257

hot girls take their vitamins and don’t fuck scrotes

No. 2127258

it's a potential risk for any woman that goes outside. it may be rare, but still. celibate women should still care about reproductive rights.
calm down, anon.

No. 2127259

Yes, as a celibate woman who doesn’t surround herself with men, in what situation could you possibly be in which you’d get raped?

No. 2127261

>goes outside
ntayrt but nonny do you really fear that every single time you go outside you’re going to get raped?

No. 2127262

You could take even further measure if you never go outside

No. 2127263

Do you think being celibate means you no longer exist around and interact with men ever kekkkkk

No. 2127264

no. i actually am not fearful of that at all. i'm just saying even though it's rare, if it did happen, i would want to be able to abort the fetus.

No. 2127265

yea but that's unhealthy and letting fear rule you (if that's the main reason why you don't leave your house).

No. 2127266

I go on 3 mile walks in downtown through a largely populated major city in this country, and I’ve never gotten raped. Do you seriously think when women walk down the street that men just randomly drag us off and rape us like in the movies kek?

No. 2127267

it’s insane because they are more worried about scrote strangers instead of their boyfriends, husbands, brothers, and male relatives who are more likely to rape them and give them a free pass.

No. 2127268

male relatives, co-workers, bosses

No. 2127269

> Europoor
God forbid, you think every other American is as retarded as you kek

No. 2127270

that isn't what i said at all. i actually even said the word "rare" for a reason.

No. 2127271

Thats not what I think, I know celibate means not having sex. But it sounded more like that specific anon was insinuating not being influenced by men, period.

No. 2127272

>it didn't happen to me yet so it probably won't happen to you

??? Seriously, nonny?

No. 2127273

Who here is giving anyone who raped them a free pass?

No. 2127274

I'm just saying, if you don't want to be around men ever, don't go outside

No. 2127275

all men who you could easily kill or incapacitate

No. 2127276

You're right, moids who are close to you are more likely to rape and abuse you. There's no denying that. And birth control would still help in those situations to prevent the absolute worst case scenarios.

No. 2127277

is it retarded to not have toxic sperm infiltrating your vagina that rejects it every time it comes inside of you

No. 2127278


This could happen but you could just leave and get an abortion in one of the many legal states. It's a big enough deal to travel and a one time event. Or alternatively, I personally would kill myself because there's no point living with such trauma, an abortion is the least of my concern in this scenario.

The majority of abortions aren't emergency ones and aren't due to sexual violence, they're selective. Celibate women would have 99 problems but being raped is not one that would arise often due to their smart behavior.

No. 2127279

So, you seriously believe that every single time you go outside the doors of your home that there’s men who are plotting to rape you? Thats really how you live your life?

No. 2127280

so instead of trying to prevent male rape, you rather just slap a bandaid on it. instead of trying to decrease rape, ok.

No. 2127283

Ntayrt but I personally believe we can decrease rape by arming women

No. 2127284

Nta but decreasing rape and healthcare after being sexually assaulted are two different issues and caring about one doesn't mean you don't care about the other.

No. 2127287

samefag to add there's some situations where you're kind of forced to interact with them
nta but why not both?

No. 2127289

Anon, ignore them. They went on at around this time yesterday. These are the "women are at fault for everything" anons. They despise transgender freaks more than they care about helping women and preserving biological women's right to have sex and reproduce. It's really disgusting.

No. 2127290

Absolutely not, but I don't discount the possibility of it happening ever.

No. 2127294

yeah but sometimes, for some other women that just doesn't work out well or the kill attempt fails so why not help them out?

No. 2127296

isn't the person you're replying to the one that was talking about not caring since they're celibate and it could never matter to them

No. 2127298

i think helping these women and girls out would be teaching them how to defend themselves as opposed to just aborting a baby, that could just not be conceived in the first place, if she knew how to defend herself.

No. 2127299

but why not both?

No. 2127301

Rape genes shouldn't be passed on, actually

No. 2127304

KEK Bitch you know you don’t go outside; you’d be too anxious to ask for more ketchup at McDonald’s much less kill a man with your bare hands.

No. 2127305

It's so crazy that anons can't identify and report bait anymore so now they spend hours infighting with a random troll and wasting their lives instead of taking 5 seconds to hit report.

No. 2127311

i tried reporting so many times before during that other infight last week and the farmhands did nothing, i doubt they'll do anything now. i'm starting to believe the tinfoil about them being involved in the fights themselves

No. 2127312

then don’t get raped?
because her getting pregnant in the first place can easily be avoided(bait)

No. 2127313

> Um literally just defend yourself
Yeah, and I bet if a crackhead tried to mug you at gunpoint you'd totally spinkick him in the head and noscope him perfectly between the eyes kek. It's always noodle-armed losers who say stuff like this. What are literal children, pubescent girls, disabled women or outnumbered women supposed to do in these situations, shrug and say "gg" because they can't live up to your standards? Not everybody will be able to use or access a gun at all times.

No. 2127315

File: 1723149069640.webp (278.49 KB, 420x556, Grass.webp)

I reported a lot of it as bait. I hope the mods just delete it all.

No. 2127317

Is trump gonna start rape prevention self defense classes then or something

No. 2127321

It's cringey seeing anons fall for bait this obvious. If you really read any of that troll's posts and thought it was anything but bait, you need to integrate.

No. 2127323

ayrt a man did actually grab me by my hair and try to rob me once but i tazed his eyes, and here i am still alive and happy, shilling that women need to learn self defense

No. 2127325

Young women and girls in a time before we had birth control and laws protecting reproductive rights were so much better off, then? All they had to do was fend off their attackers or rely on the men in their lives to defend them, right? The women before us fought for our rights that ironically many are complacent about having rescinded, as if the sick fucks in charge aren't going to find ways to make it so women are still somehow at a disadvantage in the courts. We have so much justice for victims now, right? Like… it's not just reproductive rights at stake. Shit is going to get worse across the board, but all fine I guess as long as we can stick it to trannies.

No. 2127327

The tranny jannies only care about defending PoC men and trannies from mean farmers. i'll probably catch a ban for this before the derailers do

No. 2127329

i don’t really know what you want to hear, because no kek; back then women did not know how to defend themselves and did not have access to all of the resources for teaching us how to defend ourselves the same way that we now do today. you’re comparing two drastically different eras in time, and you’re rejecting the fact that you’re capable of defending yourself.

No. 2127330

The crackhead wouldn't have a gun because they would have sold it off for crack. They'd be trying to rob you with a rusty knife they found in the dump. The real threat to women are the men they know, not randoms usually tbh. It's kinda rare for a moid to randomly assault a woman he doesn't know because he doesn't know who will come after him in her defense.

No. 2127332

You still haven't answered how disabled women and children are supposed to defend themselves.

No. 2127334

I'm sorry but someone thinking the people of the past didn't know how to fight and that self defense is a modern invention is hilarious kek

No. 2127335

Kek, according to the tradanons, the children & pubescent girls are actively trying to attract rapists. If they cared about being raped, they would have armed themselves at the age of 6 months. Don't forget that their mothers are disgraces to the human race for breeding in the first place, too.
Kek at least it will make them come to this thread faster.
As I said earlier, it's all about "sticking it to trannies", but God forbid biological women choose to exercise their biological functions of PiV sex or have children. That makes women the real villains according to the weird tradanon brigade.
But according to your logic, women could have witnessed male moids use weapons and they could have learned to protect themselves with that. I don't think >>2127325 is saying anything about herself or that she isn't willing to learn how to defend herself whatsoever.

No. 2127336

Pepper spray, tasers, not going in places that crackheads tend to populate during late hours of the night. Avoid eye contact, if one starts moving near you, loudly cross the street or whatever, avoid being alone. The biggest part of self defense is situational awareness.

No. 2127337

File: 1723149554535.jpg (16.34 KB, 600x600, low quality bait.jpg)

No. 2127338

oh my fucking god you cannot read. i am talking about women and girls in earlier days, like 150 years ago. do you think they were teaching those girls how to defend themselves? fucking no! they weren’t! that doesn’t mean that self defense is a “modern invention”, and that also doesn’t mean that i was insinuating that. what i was saying is that women and girls back then couldn’t open their computer and google “self defense tips” the same way we can now. can your brain make sense of that?(infighting)

No. 2127340

people don't take how socialization will affect the court and laws against us seriously. for the longest time if you called out increasing amounts of sexism it was always "they're just trolls! women already have rights!" or they straight up blame us for meeting those men to begin with. You even see it now with women calling out moids online for dangerous amounts of sexism and then suddenly ~well it's the algorithim! stop playing victim it's your fault~(infighting)

No. 2127341

1) disabled women usually aren’t alone in public, and if you are, then you shouldn’t be. 2) why would children be alone in public?(bait)

No. 2127343

They weren't retarded though, we don't need computers to teach us how to defend ourselves.

No. 2127344

But they did teach women self defense back then

No. 2127347

women 150 years ago had self-preservation kek you just don't know what you're talking about

No. 2127348

>disabled women shouldn't be alone in public
major kek

No. 2127350

File: 1723149843997.png (47.23 KB, 911x263, Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 4.43…)

Everyone read this.

No. 2127352

That must be why she’s spending all day infighting on ot. Her handler won’t take her to the store.

No. 2127353

why are you alone in public if you’re so disabled to the extent where you cannot defend yourself?

No. 2127354

>It's kinda rare for a moid to randomly assault a woman he doesn't know because he doesn't know who will come after him in her defense
with the increasing amount of sexism and men straight up admitting they won't defend women in danger "hur dur call the bear", moids assaulting women they don't know isn't exactly unlikely anymore, especially now with the muh evidence obsession

No. 2127356

so then rape wasn’t a problem!(bait)

No. 2127357

I know it's probably bait but if not it says lot about the real world experience those anons have

No. 2127359

> They shouldn't be alone in public
Wait, but weren't you retards literally just sperging that it's the moids closest to you that you should worry about? Which is true btw, but it's funny how you're flipflopping between different scenarios to justify your brain damaged take kek. So what happens if those vulnerable demographics of women are attacked by their caretakers/relatives?

No. 2127360

Women and men voluntarily having sex is not a human rights issue. Sex is not a right, rapist.(bait)

No. 2127361

In the next thread, consensual PIV encourages rape discussion should be an explicitly banned topic in the thread along with child rearing hate. I'm sick of it.

No. 2127365

Ntayrt but the real world experience that I have and the times I’ve defended myself out in the real world when a threat has posed itself against me is precisely what has made me confident that other women are capable of defending themselves if I am too.

No. 2127366

Exactly. Male or female, if you can't defend yourself in public due to your disability you shouldn't be alone in public .

You seem mad that women have always been taught how to defend themselves. Doesn't mean rape wasn't an issue, just means some women had the ability to avoid being raped because someone took time to teach them self defense. All women should learn it regardless.

No. 2127371

Report and ignore bait. Continued baiting and infighting result in long bans and post deletions.

No. 2127430

Look at this seething little shit, people love to say women only vote Kamala because of idpol but males literally vote other males because of idpol because they don’t want women in power, it scares them. The way he just turns to misogyny and calling her a whore when he’s at the peak of his tantrum. Honestly they should keep saying this shit because they’re losing moderate women. Little shits would do anything to not have a woman in office, but it’s not 2016 anymore so they don’t have nothing, they’re the deranged ones now kek. I wonder how long the collective seethe would last among moids like this if she won

No. 2127431

File: 1723153187144.gif (17.37 KB, 220x220, 1000006378.gif)

Why do conservative moids ALWAYS have such gay mannerisms?! Just look at his little hand gestures.

No. 2127435

while I agree disabled people shouldn't be alone in public, that simply isn't reality for a lot of people especially in the US, we have a huge culture around individualism and never needing help from people ever, leading to a lot of disabled people to be abandoned by others if they try to seek help and then services like food delivery to help disabled get pricey quick. Disabled care is awful

No. 2127442

Everyone's situation is going to be different, saying "it never happened to me, so it won't/shouldn't happen to anyone else" is disingenuous at best and very lacking in empathy. Are people who get caught off guard by assault committed by those they trusted at fault, then? Were they just not strong or smart enough, according to you? What about the rape/assault that goes on in hospitals to patients under deep sedation? There are a variety of situations where one might find themselves helpless through no fault of their own.(continuing infight after warning)

No. 2127445

File: 1723153630420.jpeg (360 KB, 971x946, IMG_7092.jpeg)

September 10th debate between Kamala Harris and Donald J. Trump is now confirmed and will be hosted by ABC

No. 2127456

I'm guessing he's a liberal based on what he said

No. 2127482

goddamn he needs to join a theater class and calm down

No. 2127493

File: 1723155521125.jpeg (225.38 KB, 1668x777, E8402756-7275-4261-BB92-10D8C9…)

I can’t hear you over the sound of eagles screeching

No. 2127505

i think Kamala has enough of a backbone to make public appearances and do puff piece interviews but i really don’t think she’s going to be able to debate the way Trump can kek. he’s got a way with words

No. 2127520

Trump wrecked Hillary even though she had all kinds of support. Kamala is way less intelligent than Hillary. She has no chance in beating Trump in a debate.

No. 2127526

I'm sorry, nonna, but bald eagles don't really screech like in the movies, they sound more like seagulls.

No. 2127532

File: 1723156621300.jpeg (41.3 KB, 360x360, IMG_4730.jpeg)


No. 2127533

>he’s got a way with words

No. 2127537

I think Clinton and Harris are very different. In Clinton's campaign, she was very arrogant and her whole campaign was basically "I know I'm gonna win, I'm just doing this for formality." Everyone sort of presumed that she was gonna win. I remember during that election year, NOBODY thought Trump was gonna win. I remember being laughed at when I told people I thought Trump was gonna win (I'm not even Pro-Trump, I just knew he was gonna win). Trump winning was a major shock. I think the Harris campaign is treating Trump as a serious threat, I think Harris knows she has to campaign hard to beat him. Comparing the Clinton and Harris campaigns is like trying to compare apples to oranges.

No. 2127542

I don't think they're trying hard enough or they wouldn't have tried to get Biden to run again in the first place. Nobody other than big Harris fans even knows what Kamala Harris is supposed to stand for other than vague claims of "women's rights" "poc rights". Anyway the main point is she's far less intelligent than Hillary, and far less rhetorically skilled, so she's gonna have a hard time not appearing humiliated in a debate with Trump.

No. 2127552

nta but she’s not campaigning herself very well thus far, she hasn’t made a single attempt to appeal to the right. and teaming up with that troon lover hasn’t done her any favors either

No. 2127554

I'm a little worried that Trump might win again. He was regarded as a joke but still won against Clinton, a white basically-centrist woman w decades of experience in politics.
Harris with her multiple non-white heritages and decidedly more left-leaning views… I think she has a huge chunk of gen z and millenial voters by having leaned into the brat memes and coconut tree/context soundbyte, but I don't know if she has some earworm soundbyte for the boomer/gen x/less online demographics yet. My heart dropped a little seeing MTS and Quavo on her Atlanta rally because afaik that's a huge audience-performer mismatch. It's nowhere close to enough.
Trump won because of a conservative backlash in politics and because he had a clear narrative that he drove into people's heads - maga, the immigrants are ruining everything, etc. Harris now has a few mematics going for her but she's still only catching up. I don't know if she's going to have the time to drive home a simple, memorable narrative to voters by November.

No. 2127566

>she hasn’t made a single attempt to appeal to the right
Because she's appealing to moderates in swing states? People forget how bad Hillary's campaign actually was kek. She never went to winsconsin, she barely visited swing states. Her ego was huge and she thought she had it in the bag. Trump was a campaign superpower, yeah hillary had the performers, but she didn't have the swing states like Trump did. Look at 2024 and Kamala has been doing multiple rallies a day in multiple swing states this week compared to trump who's only going to Montana one time this week. Also, look at trump's campaign emails, they look like evangelical sermons. His team is BEGGING for money, they were saying "all hell breaks loose" last month in their campaign emails because they didn't reach their donation goal for the month. Kamala doesn't have the ego Hillary did, she knows she only has like 90 something days before the election and she knows she has to grind. Biden's 2020 campaign was mediocre and he still won. Hillary's campaign was literally dog poo, she could've won swing states considering she won the popular vote but she didn't because her ego was too high. I'm so tired of people acting like the Hillary campaign was good and that trump was just this omniscient power. It's just wrong

No. 2127568

No. 2127572

File: 1723159075030.png (27.49 KB, 557x268, cope.png)

No. 2127580

and? clinton is way more recognizable than harris. what does harris stand for? nobody knows. people will vote for her because she's not trump, not because she represents strong ideas.

No. 2127582

Just because you and your crowd aren't familiar with Harris' political career doesn't mean everyone else is so ignorant.

No. 2127584

she’s making an attempt to appeal to moderates/undecideds but it’s falling kinda flat. women have been running for president for like 200 years, i don’t see kamala magically winning

No. 2127587

nta but you also couldn’t answer what she stands for, so…

No. 2127590

File: 1723159802600.png (352.62 KB, 867x488, hr-gender-gap.png)

Exactly, personally I like how kamala doesn't breathe off of thielbux. She's younger and understands tech much better than trump who's willing to change his policies whenever elon throws money at him
What does her being a woman have to do with anything? It's 2024 who cares about Idpol? Even then female voters like her the same amount that male voters like trump

No. 2127595

Sorry to stop the debate for a minute but what do you all think about how most people will call scrote politicians by their last names but for women they'll use their first names? I.e., people will refer to her as Kamala but him as Trump. I read that somewhere a while ago and now I try to only use surnames when referring to politicians.

No. 2127599

To be honest, I think calling women their first names is actually better. Kamala likes being called by her first name too. But i think calling them by their first names is good because last names are often inherited from the male, iirc kamala said something like that herself

No. 2127600

so what does she stand for that normies can remember clearly? miss me with that "y-you're an ignoramus" shit

No. 2127604

That is true but Kamala is a great brand. It’s very memorable.

No. 2127605

Harris is a much more common surname than Trump. Kamala is easier to remember.

No. 2127611

I agree I think her first name is nice too and it's good for her image, but I meant in a more meta context like how people would say "Hilary vs Trump," or even other politicians. It just seems that usually the media will refer to them by their given names instead of the formal last name. I read about it in an op-ed once but I forget exactly what it was trying to convey.
I like first names too, but then I wish people would call all the scrotes by their first names as well. But then again, I kind of like the formality aspect of government and I would prefer if politicians still acted like prime-and-proper people. I hate the devolution of politicians that happened when they all started using Twitter and social media.

No. 2127612

I didn't even call you an ignoramus so don't put words in my fricking mouth.

No. 2127616

What does she stand for nigga?(repeatedly trying to bait an infight)

No. 2127617

I'm disengaging from this conversation it's turning nasty and I don't like the direction it's taking, frankly I'm becoming frightened.

No. 2127620


No. 2127622

I just wish whoever made this would make one for Donald and Kamala. I think it would be really funny and I would laugh a lot at it.

No. 2127623

because she’s not really seen as an official figurehead

No. 2127624

so you agree, she doesn’t stand for anything

No. 2127627

You retards need an entire research paper on her policies done for you guys before you watch any of her speeches she's been doing in swing states (to normies). Either way here are things she would do/support based off of her track record, speeches, meetings, conferences, etc:
>Supporter of green new deal, would put lots of money into the climate
>Wants regulations on Artifical Intellegence
>Would propose federal protections on Abortion, would sign any Abortion protection bills
>More border patrol agents at borders, likely harsher on gangs specifically because of her actions during her time time as AG
>Would invest more into public education, would probably try to make school lunches free.
>Her running mate, Tim Walz, believes in Zoning reform, she probably thinks the same
>Would invest more in public transit
>Wants a ceasefire, believes in two state solution
>Similar to biden on Ukraine
>When she was AG pushed loan relief for defrauded college students, believes in free college
>Would likely increase minimum wage federally
No, I don't care if you agree or disagree with these. These are just some of her positions.

No. 2127629

normies literally don't care about any of those. besides, those are basically continuations of biden's purported goals, which he didn't do shit about

No. 2127631

forgot to add she is pro troon and pro transvestite indoctrination in public schools.

No. 2127634

Increasing the minimum wage is something that’s been guaranteed by several previous presidents, then it’s only boost by like 0.005% kek. Get real nonna

No. 2127635

>No, I don't care if you agree or disagree with these. These are just some of her positions.

No. 2127639

Kek the hats on them look so silly

No. 2127640

I hate to break it to you but users are allowed to respond to your post whether you like it or not

No. 2127641

so you admit she has nothing to offer that's significantly different from her predecessors, and therefore doesn't have memorable positions?
kinda incredible how difficult it is for you to admit that she has nothing memorable going for her in terms of actual policy positions

No. 2127679

File: 1723163509280.jpg (294.55 KB, 1000x667, fawn1-1.jpg)

Does anyone else get a bunch of forest animals in their area? I see deer ALL the time in my yard, like full families. I've lived in many states in my life and it really makes me remember the biodiversity in the US, i used to live somewhere with a lot of bears.

No. 2127775

I don't get a ton, but I've seen deer in the neighborhood. And of course raccoons, squirrels, birds. A few brief coyote sightings. There was a possum just chilling in front of my house last week when I came back from my late night walk. And then it wandered up on the porch and I had to wait for it to leave before I opened the door.
And somebody's keeping a few sheep in an empty lot a few houses behind me.
All in the middle of a mid sized city.

No. 2127781

I have a momma moose and her babies hang out in my backyard pretty often, it's really fun to watch the babies grow. I have tons of videos of them eating right beside the window in my living room; if there wasn't a screen in the window, I could reach out and touch them (I wouldn't, even though it's so tempting kek). That's just the wildlife in my yard, I could go out to more remote locations and see all sorts of things. Growing up, we often had bears, foxes, all sorts of birds and occasionally lynx or wolverines in our yard. I love animals so much.

No. 2127925

File: 1723180874642.jpg (166.41 KB, 1920x1080, Suicide Squad Isekai - S01E09 …)

Watching the Suicide Squad anime and this came out of nowhere. Made me kek

No. 2127933

kek i remember this one time I saw this squirrel just wandering on the road while taking a walk, I realized no one was around me so I just started barking at it so it wouldn't get ran over.
I always wanna feed the deer I see but I know it wouldn't be smart because they get dependent lolol
god bless

No. 2127958

File: 1723182769801.png (4.18 MB, 2545x1439, peace-maker.png)

Peacemaker is incredibly based in the anime

No. 2128146

fuck that's so funny kek. I need more

No. 2128676

no forest animals, but we've got quails, jackrabbits, and javelinas

No. 2128814

File: 1723237792371.jpeg (547.64 KB, 1170x1498, IMG_3070.jpeg)

Ummmm excuse me but what the fuck does this mean

No. 2128826

File: 1723238182553.webp (14.34 KB, 681x383, carmen-sandiego.webp)

Time to change your name and move to a different state nonna

No. 2128836

They're halting all payments for people on the SAVE plan iirc because some retarded courts are saying the SAVE plan is legally dubious and unjust or whatever. Fuck this gay shit. I want to see buildings burnt to the ground if they take away the SAVE plan.

No. 2128847

File: 1723239223994.mp4 (Spoiler Image,421.77 KB, 480x270, wGTjqsSsdy59sJWT.mp4)


No. 2128885

>it's funny because they're GAY
Hasn't this been done to death

No. 2129004

>Hasn't this been done to death
No we need to make more gay jokes. Objectifying moids by making them gay = funny

No. 2129033

But they aren't. That's the thing. They molest little girls and rape women.

No. 2129060

This feels 20 years old

No. 2129061

You’re saying this like i’m voting for them kek. That’s actually one of the reasons Im not voting trump. If you don’t find it funny that’s fine, agree to disagree, i just like making fun of them kek.

No. 2129062

I'm not upset with you for posting it I swear kek I'm not triggered I just find it pointless as a whole as a trend. "Here is a heterosexual sexual predator kissing a man teehee" like naur

No. 2129074

Oh i get that, I don't think the crimes in politics should be overlooked because of these types of jokes i agree tbh. I still find it funny to make fun of them but I do get what you're saying.
Lolll it reminds me of the hundreds of newgrounds games and videos made making fun of bush. I love that kind of humor

No. 2129264

Kamala supporters are delusional. She is such a weak candidate. Can't wait until Donald wins in November kek(bait)

No. 2129279

Kek this fucking meme makes me laugh every time no matter who it’s referencing

No. 2129283

I can’t believe being a Donald Trump supporter makes you a baiter. This is why I can’t wait until this site is shut down and becomes irrelevant and everybody just starts using 4chan. Women in tech r so smurt!!! not, retards trying to ruin the only space women are allowed to cut loose in(ban evasion)

No. 2129285

Speaking of making fun of Dubya, vidrel is a classic JibJab cartoon I remember seeing years ago and thoroughly enjoyed.

No. 2129296

Looool. Hate him or hate him, i swear to god bush is just really easy to mock

No. 2129305

Can you even call the admins of this site women in tech?

No. 2129363

They think filling these fancy vanity roles makes them technologically literate, that’s probably how cerbmin got her admin position. She’s probably incompetent as fuck and has other people fixing the site for her retarded ass (mods probably help her fix it too), filling in roles other actually smart and skilled women would do well in. Everywhere you go it’s full of smarmy, arrogant pieces of shit slithering into roles of authority and powerleveling to ban and control people even on a fucking anonymous imageboard of all places. It reminds me way too much of the workplace, learning how to navigate what not to say. The point of this site was to be able to say what you couldn’t say at work or a public setting, I guess that doesn’t matter anymore.

No. 2129364

Pls stop using tranny terms to refer to people. They win when you do that. Biological woman or real woman is the correct term.

Govt is debating whether this plan should stay in place or not… thank Biden for doing shit that he couldn't actually legally do. I'm fucked if I have to go back to paying $400/mo for my loans.

No. 2129380

Wow. I remember JibJab, they would hire from my college. Shame they're all woke as fuck now.

No. 2129399

Same w/ Eugenia for me

No. 2129400

You can cut loose on kiwifarms or 4chan, like you said, at this very moment

No. 2129432

As a Texan all of our politicians are easy to mock, they just make it easy for themselves with their dumbass accents and the dumb eff shit they say

No. 2129645

File: 1723289629171.jpg (381.92 KB, 1280x1280, w1280-p1x1-Ted Cruz Cancun.jpg)

they also make it easy for us with their tone-deaf behavior like when ted cruz got caught vacationing in cancun during the ice storms a few years ago while millions were without power and some people died

No. 2130139

There better be some insane liveleak level videos spreading on Twitter of poorfags crushing those rich fuck court's heads with their piece of shit secondhand 2001 honda civics with 200k miles they got off of Craigslist for 800 bucks. If the SAVE plan ends I'm not even joking I think I'll end up having to kill myself.

No. 2130173

don't forget how Cruz flip flopped on Trump when he was badmouthing him in 2016 but the moment he got a taste of the money Trump could give him he immediately bent over for him. Totally spineless jellyfish

No. 2130204

File: 1723324342289.webp (241.96 KB, 1600x1290, How-Rainfall-Influences-Quail-…)

We must live in the same state or a neighboring one. Gambel's quails are my favorite, and I saw some javelina the other day near work.

No. 2130269

File: 1723330650883.jpg (361.15 KB, 867x1606, 1000012051.jpg)

The way he keeps bringing it back up to "joke" about it is so fucking bizarre, truly one of the least likeable politicians we have

No. 2130387

He also did it with the zodiac killer joke for awhile which immediately made it less funny

No. 2130505

It’s like how Tucker Carlson immediately jumped onto the alien conspiracy train once his show was cancelled and people who definitely use /x/ think he’s right despite the fact that he’s preaching that America will be destroyed if Trump’s not elected and that Christians are the only ones who can ever understand

No. 2130661

Every time I see a pic of him I just immediately think of this, kek

No. 2130667

>Doesn't that mean you go to jail?
>No, because I ran away!

No. 2130762

cmon nonna are you really surprised kek? you expect some fat rich scrote to care about people less privileged than him? did you just become American?

No. 2130865

kek who said anything about being surprised? i'm a texfag and i don't think many of us are shocked when our politicians act like spoiled whiny moids. rick perry once threw a notorious hissy fit when he got pulled over for driving 20 mph over the speed limit and thought the female officer was writing him a ticket.

No. 2131058

Rick Perry's family owned a property in a sundown town called n-word ranch

No. 2131207

File: 1723400310977.jpeg (2.25 MB, 1170x1431, IMG_7125.jpeg)

we seriously need to invest more into women’s sports in this country, so many female medal winners. Nice. i hope young girls feel motivated about this

No. 2131235

File: 1723401835129.jpeg (136.96 KB, 828x1206, 20CC5DF0-37B9-41AD-8DB1-18D846…)

Is it really drag or dethklok cosplay?

No. 2131258

File: 1723402890690.jpg (16.44 KB, 400x400, skwisgaar120_400x400.jpg)

Don't you insult Skwisgaar, even inadvertently

No. 2131531

File: 1723414621685.mp4 (4.92 MB, 960x720, NOOOOO.mp4)

kek, good one.

No. 2131749

everyday this meme gets truer kek. i remember before biden dropped out, like a few days before the 21st, GOP was already freaking out about it.

No. 2131782

File: 1723426203913.jpg (49.2 KB, 589x1232, GUtx3jHXEAACbIe (1).jpg)

Here's the full photo btw could've sworn I replied earlier but I probably didn't hit post. Wouldn't be surprised if he was secretly a crossdresser or some shit, he's faggy like that.

No. 2131794

No, that's just her pre-transition. Everybody laughed at me and called me a retard when I said it the first time, but J.D. Vance is a TIF. Her original name is Jessica Daniella Vance, and she was born a woman. In the picrel you uploaded, that's her before she started the testosterone hormonal replacement therapy for her transition. It's very obvious that she's a troon, but media doesn't like to report it because it's not "interesting" and because they are pro-transexualism. It's sick.

No. 2131822

Stop kidding, keeek

No. 2131856

I looked it up… it's true. I can't believe the media is hiding this from us. Jessica also allegedly had a MLP art blog in 2013 where she drew all of the characters as racial minorities with top surgery scars. Most traces of it are now scrubbed. Crazy.

No. 2131894

Y’all are retarded.

….post more. Kek.

No. 2131899

this isn't what I'd consider drag

No. 2131903

Yeah, looks more like your typical tranny

No. 2131905

No. 2131929

On her old tumblr blog she talked about how she aspires to have the fattest face in the world in order to pass better. She hopes to achieve this with the help of a dark magic tome she bought off etsy and injecting back alley BBL concoctions into her face.

No. 2132022

File: 1723435789913.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1668x2062, IMG_3487.jpeg)

I agree nonna, we have some of the best women athletes in past/present, but most is funded to moid athletes. Also kek in the Olympics thread eurofags seething over USA

No. 2132079

File: 1723438121672.png (462.1 KB, 740x370, tranny.png)

The Olympics didn't allow trannies to compete in women's sports. Regular US women's sports allow trannies which fucks things up. I wouldn't blame today's young girls and women for no longer wanting to pursue sports. What's the point when some giant ass man will take your wins from you?

Frat bros and other douchey college moids used do shit like this as a party theme all the time. Not sure if they still do since trannies would screech about it nowadays.

No. 2132116

>Also kek in the Olympics thread eurofags seething over USA
Seeing USA female athletes be absolute GOATs compared to their euro competitors is amazing kek.
The olympics were 50% women 50% men which iirc has not ever happened in olympics history, it's amazing. I want to see girls who aren't afraid to build muscle and aren't afraid to be strong, that's an exciting thought. I've seen soooo many girls inspired by katie ledecky's skill this year and I hope that connection sparked by inspiration between young girls and female athletes continues. The future of women is strength

No. 2132137

File: 1723443401883.jpg (568.05 KB, 2048x1316, new mexoc.jpg)

If money were no object, which state would you move to right now?

I'd wanna move to New Mexico and buy a big Spanish colonial house with a pottery studio nearby and try Spanish lessons. I always wanted to visit the southwest, I think the scenery is so nice and I like the history too.

No. 2132143

I'd stay in my state, but I'd move up to the mountains and get a cabin small enough to live comfortably by myself, but big enough I can host friends without feeling cramped. Maybe see what gardening is like in a place with real seasons. The southwest is gorgeous, I bet you'd love it here!

No. 2132253

Why is anywhere that's remotely nice in the US so fucking monetized? I swear the entire town can be a complete fucking crack village but if there's a remotely pretty spring there or a mountain suddenly torn up trailers on half an acre are 400k, thrift stores become 30 bucks for a shirt and restaurants become 80 dollar for a shitty oversalted burger for two. We really can't let people enjoy things without burning holes in our pockets

No. 2132255

>The Olympics didn't allow trannies to compete in women's sports.
There were three self-proclaimed nonbinary/trans men in women's boxing, running and football this year but everyone preferred dogpiling the conventionally unattractive woman instead of complaining about non-female identifying competitors in the female sports category. At least they all lost and even the boxer supports XYs not being allowed in women's sports.(this topic is quarantined)

No. 2132257

No. 2132260

>But but why didn't we stop this sooner!!!
We tried bootstrappers we just immediately kept getting shut down because people kept writing gentrification off as a ghetto/democrat problem not thinking it's gonna affect their previous rural mountain and lake towns too

No. 2132294

That's why I go to multiple travel websites and write nothing but bad reviews of my small picturesque mountain town. Any time it comes up, I speak bad about it despite it being the world's most perfect town with handmade goods, wholesome neighbors, and beautiful mountain trails. I will single handedly keep our rent at $500 a month for a whole house and $12 a person for a sit down meal at a restaurant.

No. 2132301

My town I grew up in was like this. Before COVID/when COVID hit rent was 400-600 for a decent apartment, you can load up at the thrift shop for less than 20, restaurants were nicely priced, activities were cheap, etc. suddenly a handful of rich people came and people swore it was gonna be the next Aspen, like every other mountain town swearing they're going to be the next bougie vacation spot, prices went up, locals got priced out and rich people got bored and went back to their actual vacation towns and we're left with a complete ghost town except no one wants to lower prices down cause they think all the rich unicorns are gonna come back

No. 2132430

kiwifags/pol trolls… are you the same people who spread the conspiracy that Andrew Tate is a TIF? That shit was pretty funny though, ngl

No. 2132750

Either an old colonial-style house in a small town on the East Coast, a cabin in Montana, or a beachfront place in San Diego.

No. 2133154

I get whole posse of coyotes screamin at sunset and I see them strutting around in broad daylight! Back when I was young they screamed at midnight and it was a spooky thing to see them at all.

No. 2133161

Fuck they do be screaming even now and it’s not even sunset yet. The dogs are screaming, I’m screaming, everybody on the damn street be screamin at these damn coyotes.

No. 2133598

I'd move to Vermont and start farming maple syrup. I'd buy a bunch of ducks for eggs and live merrily ever after on my Vermontian estate home. Either Vermont, or somewhere in California right by the ocean, where the sun never stops shining. I'd always be tanned I wouldn't need to go to tanning beds.

No. 2134106

File: 1723561744938.png (651.85 KB, 1112x1099, KCj218w.png)

men dressing as ugly women with 5 o clock shadows was the height of comedy in the 90's, 2000s and early 10s. Every single comedian of that era had done it, seems to have disappeared somewhere around the mid 2010's for some reason(though it's still a trope in LatAm comedy)

No. 2134142

also still a trope in arab, african and indian comedy

No. 2136222

So anons, how are we feeling about the massive social security hacker leak.

No. 2136226

No. 2136227

Feeling good, fresh, joyful. I love when hackers hack stuff and make rich people upset. It gives me a rush like MDMA. I might do MDMA to celebrate tonight if my plug answers.

No. 2136230

Mine was already stolen in a leak before so I already have everything filed for that. Don't forget to freeze your credit lines..

No. 2136231

Apparently there is a possibility that every single SSN has been leaked by hackers, or so Big News headlines say

No. 2136245

Pretty much everything you could ever imagine has already been leaked on onion. The kind of stuff going on there is so morbid you'd swear off technology for good.

No. 2136374

I'm so anxious. I'm not sure what to do. Everything I read just says "Hey a bunch of ur data might've been leaked lol" but they don't give a way to check if you've been affected. I hate this.

No. 2136378

I'm the same, anon. I guess it's just a waiting game to figure out how to respond. You could probably freeze your cards just to be sure. I think keeping up to date with it on reddit is a good idea, reddit sucks but many times there will be very good advice in the comments of current news threads.

No. 2136392

I keep mine frozen all the time because I kept getting fraudulent queries and shit. Had a score of 300 even before I owned my first credit card, so it must've gotten stolen already at some point.

No. 2136418

>I keep mine frozen all the time
That's the smart thing to do honestly. This shit is going to keep getting worse. Everyone should keep their credit frozen until they need to use it.

No. 2136420

tf do you even do when your ssn is exposed? not like you can change it

No. 2136432

If you're the victim of identity fraud and such you can get a new one.

No. 2136697

File: 1723691984446.png (348.7 KB, 551x575, real.png)

TRUE: Fact checked by real farmers.

No. 2136704

I want to steal a rich persons identity where can I find the leak

No. 2136753

Is that why I keep getting scam calls blowing up my phone like wtf is happening kek

No. 2136758

Gonna send this post to your prison address nonny

No. 2136787

File: 1723697268803.jpeg (68.07 KB, 749x735, IMG_9824.jpeg)

sorry I didn't use my tone indicators to indicate that was not serious

although someone on 4chin threatened to report me to the fbi over shitposting and nothing happened so…

No. 2136884

File: 1723708999316.jpg (Spoiler Image,443.78 KB, 2048x1536, 1000004447.jpg)


No. 2137156

Genuinely rage inducing. Fucking scrotes back at it again

No. 2137229

File: 1723733559289.png (1.4 MB, 1170x1191, good.png)

Fucking good

No. 2137242

How is this going to solve anything kek. I like how you weirdos are applauding this when I bet you had a phone during your high school days

No. 2137243

> i bet you had a phone during your high school days
yeah and that’s exactly how i know you don’t need a cellphone to learn kek

No. 2137245

Someone’s upset she can’t read yaoi during class anymore

No. 2137248

I went to school outside the US and phones were banned completely. If you are caught with them, they were taken away from you and only your parents could pick it up. They are a huge distraction in class more than anything. I think it was just always harder to enforce in the US due to the sheer size of the average classes in the US.

No. 2137249

How is saying “kids don’t need phones” weird. Weirdos actually believe the opposite.

No. 2137250

I’m not a summerfag you big twerp
How flattering to assume I look as young as I did when I was in high school

No. 2137254

I like this and hope it spurs changes in the school environment. But I'm worried about the kids with abuser helicopter parents who lose their shit and punish the kid when they whenever they don't text/call back. There were a few of those when I was still in school and I can't imagine the normalization of texting made that any rarer.

No. 2137257

idk i assume the parents will at least be made aware of the rules changing, and of course they’ll still have the office phones to contact them if they need to which was what we all used prior to our own cellphones

No. 2137259

It’s weird because they adopt this strange “get off my lawn” attitude towards children, they aren’t interested in the betterment of children’s lives they’re interested in taking away anything that brings children enjoyment even though we don’t personally like it. I don’t know why many adults have this attitude towards them probably because of trauma or bitterness but it makes my eye roll seeing it, they were no better than these kids when they were younger. Instead of banning cellphones they could implement so much more things in the school system to grab these students’ attention but this is just another show of authority on who really enslaves rules over these students. I can’t trust adults running institutions that are meant for children I just can’t, there’s always insidious intentions behind these new regulations and rules and it’s to punish children for living in a world that adults have created which is technologically dependent, they’ve even started ushering in online school programs like D2L and Google Classrooms that I used when I was in middle school up to high school. This is their first step to state-mandated technological surveillance by giving them only school computers to access during their school time to complete work and do other things because they’re too retarded to think this is deeper than just authority figures being mean, they’re about to usher in some kind of indoctrination. I wish this was the tinfoil thread because it’s a lot deeper than just cellphone ban shit.

No. 2137261

No it’s actually not anything deeper than kids finally not being allowed to have their phones in school, after 15 years of schools not giving a shit. Are you really this mad you can’t have your phone during math class anymore?

No. 2137263

> Instead of banning cellphones they could implement so much more things in the school system to grab these students’ attention but this is just another show of authority on who really enslaves rules over these students.

why would they implement random shit instead of just getting rid of the problem itself which is what they’re doing

No. 2137265

yeah having your phone zipped in a pouch for 8 hours is just torturous, amirite?

No. 2137267

>they could implement so much more things in the school system to grab these students’ attention
Grabbing attention is not the issue here. The issue is that children are growing up on screens and not developing important skills like motor function. Schools need to implement lessons that aren't just sitting students in front of a screen (computers, television, heck even overhead projectors and whiteboards count if that's the only visual stimulus kids are getting in school). IDK, something like papercraft for younger kids so they can actually learn how to use a pair of scissors and develop their imagination. Like DAE remember those silly traced-hand turkeys we'd make during Thanksgiving?

No. 2137269

Same, lmao. I never understood how public schools in the US allowed phones to begin with. My school was really strict about them.

No. 2137284

>they’re interested in taking away anything that brings children enjoyment
The problem is that cell phones cause significantly more damage (particularly to growing brains) than they provide enjoyment. Sure, you might be responsible and just use your phone to watch Skibidi Toilet after you finish your math assignment, but Little Caedyn three seats away is trading naked candids he took of his sister with other scrotelings while Little Anna is texting a discord creep between each math problem while he monopolizes her time and tries to groom her into being Little Adam. Phones are more dangerous than they are fun, especially to children.

No. 2137294

Phones aren’t the only problem kek, it’s bad parenting you fucking single-minded retards.(infight bait)

No. 2137299

Everyone knows bad parenting is an issue but even kids with good parents still let them take their phones to school?

No. 2137300

correct, but tbh even good parents are struggling with the current school system. i could make my house a phone-free zone and monitor my child's internet usage all i want, but it's a free for all once they get to school and their classmates show them stuff on their phones. our teachers don't have enough time or resources to adequately monitor their classrooms, particularly when we're shoving 30+ kids in a single room and expecting teachers to wrangle them all

No. 2137310

These are retarded anecdotes, phones represent and exacerbate problems that already exist in society and it has nothing to do with the children themselves, maybe we should start regulating adults and the dumb shit they put into the world so children don’t try to replicate it or find it admirable. It’s also funny that adults find phones and social media harmful for them but it’s also incredibly harmful for us, I guess it’s okay because adults are allowed to make choices that are harmful because they’re adults and it’s fine to damage yourself when you’re older. Anti-tech people are hypocrites because they’re always the ones obsessed with their phones, computers and the internet and coincidentally are unable to see that there are good things that come with technology use. It’s never about dressing the issues and cancers of society that are brought to children’s minds (pornography, sex, drugs, genderspecial shit) it’s about regulating it because Big Daddy says so and you have to do what they and agree with what they think. Of course it’s women who are also cheering about more authoritarianism and control for reasons I will never understand because without tech you wouldn’t even be able to record and have proof of the terrible things that happen to you during school time. It’s not going to fix young girls getting raped and assaulted by young scrotes, it’s not going to fix their illiteracy rates and inability to do basic match, this has more to do than phones and more about the responsibility of both the educational system and parents that have been neglected. It’s retarded to blame the state of modern children solely on phones it’s the equivalent of “it’s that damn phone you’ve been on” to any issue that arises. I wouldn’t be surprised if this doesn’t fix shit kek. I’m just grossed out about how easily people want to become slaves to higher authority and they’ll push their children the most to become slaves and adopt the same slave mentality that their parents have.

No. 2137324

Then we should all go back to flip phones with snake games on them. Basic call and sms message functions.

No. 2137331

File: 1723737971896.jpeg (57.05 KB, 650x457, IMG_2206.jpeg)

>removes phones
>gives these children computers
>computers run the same internet and social media that their phones does
>children circumnavigate around it
>children start bringing backup phones as well
They ban a bunch of websites from these children as well, tech is a tool that funnels the garbage and toxicity of society as well as the usefulness and utility of society. I just find something wrong about this, it’s just plain censorship and control no matter how much you put it and no matter how much you view it as good will, people are all for control when there’s children involved because that’s clearly the only way to teach children is by carrot and sticking. Adults will say, “we really care about them by doing this!” but do you really care when you’re ushering in these bans and then it steamrolls into much more.. right, they use these problems to implement more control which feels familiar to promoting heavy gun laws and in as an addition the school system is where you train your wageslaves to get use to the strict and rigid time management of your life that always places work first, can’t do anything because work therefore children can’t do anything because of school, focus on school little wageslaves because school = work and work is the only thing that matters, any distractions away from school/work is bad for business and no more business means no more money and no more money means no more hours, layoffs, no work after more school. I can’t be the only person who feels like this because there’s always more than what meets the eye but people frustratingly think it’s only about phone addicts. If they really wanted to ban phones from the schools they should have done it a long time ago kek but it’s very suspicious they started to do it now despite the fact it’s people finding scapegoats for the elephant in the room and it’s not just phones.

No. 2137336

> I guess it’s okay because adults are allowed to make choices that are harmful because they’re adults and it’s fine to damage yourself when you’re older.
I mean yes, this is the principle behind all societies. Adults get privileges children do not. You can't stop adults from doing what they want whereas children can't make their own choices and need to be protected from their poor decision making. If you allow the state to treat adults "like children" in this way under the law by regulating their personal choices, we call that totalitarianism, and people generally aren't a fan of it if you didn't figure that out. Just take phones away from retarded children before it kills their braincells, they can get joy from any number of other things in life like reading, playing outside, playing sports, drawing, or literally anything else, even interacting with their parents (God forbid yall have to actually parent your kid and entertain them instead of sitting them in front of a magic screen right). Ffs it's not rocket science.

No. 2137337

Those days are over anon, wake up we live in a new era I wish nostalgiafags would get over it it’s never coming back, embrace the change and embrace becoming even more of a slave who will own nothing including your children that will literally own nothing and use what’s provided by the state only, not even the phones these very elites have created.

No. 2137347

Its not that deep

No. 2137352

Wow what a privilege to kill yourself on the poisoned food and drugs they willfully allow in your neighborhoods who wouldn’t want to grow up and be an adult, so enticing. Adults should be equally held to the same standards and expectations children are, we should stop assuming adults are capable of making intelligent and healthy decisions because they are adults because honestly zero adults make the right decisions. Your personal choices suck and that’s why you’re fat and applauding elitists to turn your children into bugpeople eager to become slaves in trade for cruddy wages and basically nothing else.
I know what you are.(infighting/racebaiting)

No. 2137355

It actually is that deep, it’s always deep. If you think these people have genuine concern for you and your child’s wellbeing then just be prepared to wake up and all of the lights are off, phones don’t call and everything erupts into civil unrest. That’s what you traded for. Enjoy!

No. 2137374

>I know what you are.
…a southerner?

No. 2137487

that’s what they all say

No. 2137494

louder, sister, the children need to hear.
ive also had a phone since the 6th grade and no, we weren't allowed to use our phones in school when i graduated hs in 2013. the idea that we want to limit freedoms we got to enjoy when we were younger is a myth.

No. 2137501

All this cause some Zoomer got angry that a random county banned phones in schools. A kid doesn't need a phone during school. If you know any teachers then you know how phones ruined the school environment and how all the kids are retarded now because instead of learning algebra and language they're watching gay TikToks and listening to trash music.

No. 2137523

its a lack of discipline and consequences for misbehaving at school. if your parent got a call home a decade ago you would be grounded and electronics taken away. now the parents argue with teachers who dare try and discipline their kids

No. 2137532

Yup. Millennials are the worst parents to deal with because they don't know shit and they want to make it your problem. It's annoying.

No. 2137575

File: 1723746045700.webp (410.12 KB, 4096x2304, IMG_2213.webp)

Have any of you ever been to this place? Is it real? What do you even get from there??

No. 2137595

thanks zoomer, if it was only millennial parents who sucked it would only be teachers in elementary and middle school complaining so far. your gen x latchkey parents also dgaf about you

No. 2137599

This image has a sinister aura, as if something terrible happened inside those technicolour walls kek

No. 2137627

This makes me think of the big box store where the dad in Exploding Kittens works

No. 2137631

I'm not even a Zoomer so don't get defensive and snippy with me.

No. 2137642

It reminds me of those big Walmarts or Costco, it makes me feel so disgusted and nauseated whenever I walk into those stores it’s like a huge maze of sensory deprivation.

No. 2139172

having a beautiful day in my country how are you doing fellow burgers

No. 2139183

Doing good! About to meet a family member for lunch and then idk about the rest of the day. TGIF and Gobbless America.

No. 2139206

The sun is shining, the lawn is green and lush, and hot dogs are plentiful

No. 2139227

File: 1723828383671.png (455.54 KB, 1170x1576, send them to jail.png)

Why is it so hard to put these people in jail?

No. 2139239

I hate how they're referred to as "homeless." No, they're a bunch of vagrant junkies who choose this lifestyle. Most homeless people do not want to live in squalor and are desperate to find a way out. There are many orgs and nonprofits, especially in the PNW, that bend over backwards to help people out of homelessness. These people refuse because they can't continue their drug use in these programs. I wish the media would realize the difference. You can't be voluntarily homeless.

No. 2139271

Pretty much, the "hidden homeless" are living in cars, RVs, the woods, hotels, etc. all those people are typically employed and constantly trying to seek help for their situation, these people just don't care about themselves or others around them

No. 2139344

This. So many homeless people would prefer to live in tents and be menaces to society rather than live in a state-funded homeless shelters because then they wouldn’t have unconstrained access to drugs

No. 2139597

I think it was because addiction was pushed as a mental illness rather than a moral failing. I noticed around 2013 this viewpoint really entered the mainstream and became the main ideology regarding it. It's annoying because now addicts can never be blamed for anything, like being homeless, because it's their "disease" not "them."

It's frustrating because a lot of talk about homelessness online is coming from people that live in suburbia or another place where homelessness isn't an issue as it is in the cities. When I lived downtown, I remember most homeless people I saw were just meth-heads that were angry all the time. I was accosted, followed, and screamed at on at least two dozen incidents, and the police couldn't do anything because "oh it's their addiction that makes them do that." A lot of people seem uneasy to admit that some people are just bad people, they wanna pretend deep down everyone is good but it's just not true. Most of the addicts I've met: they enjoy screaming at people; they enjoy smoking meth; they enjoy stealing; they enjoy the addiction. They're just bad people.

It's especially annoying because the loudest, most vulgar, least productive homeless are afforded the most funding, the most access to shelters, the most public good-will. The millions of "hidden" homeless are forgotten about and pushed to the wayside. I never even knew about how bad the hidden homeless crisis was until I met someone that went through it and started watching documentaries.

No. 2139616

File: 1723849881061.jpeg (160.81 KB, 679x800, IMG_2050.jpeg)

A nanny that knew Barron Trump recently shared some gossip about him. He is a disturbed psychopathic young man.

No. 2139617

File: 1723849987132.jpg (243.91 KB, 1179x1708, twitter-user-claims-barron-tru…)

He is also allegedly autistic

No. 2139619

Cannot WAIT for the Barron Serial Killer Saga.

No. 2139620

File: 1723850092005.jpeg (94.21 KB, 680x675, GU6T-lXXgAAhVka.jpeg)

proof this guy knows barron

No. 2139622

i believed maybe the first claim, but this all seems fake asf

No. 2139625

100%. Also people (you could guess what types) are really pushing to use the word "unhoused" instead of homlessness now kek.

No. 2139627

those are literally just a group of random white kids

No. 2139640

This is spoken about a lot among DC area residents since a bunch of moms there have kids who attended his former school there. He's definitely autistic and I wouldn't be surprised if he had some violent outbursts and maybe hurt an animal because of it, but I'd honestly really doubt the claims of him serially targeting animals to kill or going around with knives trying to murder other kids, that part sounds like this guy exaggerating for clout tbh.

No. 2139642

None of those are Barron

No. 2139652

Agreed, I don’t think barron has killed anything but he does seem autistic. Wouldn’t be surprised if it came from Melania kek, i’d like her to be autistic because that’d give me even bigger reasons to like her. Hate donald trump but i like melania, she’s kind of awkward which i think is cute

No. 2139662

eh, I've actually seen a lot of politicians kids dragged into political functions and they all have the same bored expression as barron

No. 2139667

Not sure what the point of this post is.

No. 2139671

I kinda like Melania too. You can tell she was really frustrated by her new role but tried to make the rest of it. I liked her 'creepy' Christmas decorations too, what a silly reason to drag her.

No. 2139674

As if that wasn’t made obvious already

No. 2139675

Big surprise, the son of a powerful man has no social grace

No. 2139691

I don't think Melania is autistic, I think she has a very poor command of the English language at the conversational level. When she was speaking at events from scripts, even then it seemed like she was struggling. I'm assuming she comes off like she doesn't get cues because in conversation she's struggling to follow the speed and topics due to her language proficiency, or lack thereof. I always assumed that she and Donald spoke very little, and that she and Barron communicated in Slovenian.

No. 2139709

Idk what're you on about, if this blond kid happens not to be Barron, then this guy got extremely lucky with the exactly same looking kid for his larp.
Same. I think it might've been made by a bot perhaps? It's random and out of nowhere.

No. 2139715

Which blonde kid and none of them look like Barron I am kekking, you really think that random black man is his nanny?

No. 2139719

File: 1723856238230.png (1.13 MB, 950x938, le prince .png)

No. 2139722

The reality is he will die at 30 of giantism

No. 2139725

File: 1723856380835.jpg (90.68 KB, 1125x589, IMG_20201022_220258.jpg)

I believe his claims about Barron's autism. Aubrey O'Day also said Don Jr. told her that Barron threw a plate at a flight attendant so I also believe he has behavioral issues. Kinda skeptical about the killing animals part though.

He is not Barron's nanny. He was a nanny that worked for one family who had a kid that went to the same school and grade as Barron.

No. 2139726

I can imagine the rage he feels whenever he sees how big his schnoz is. Once he gets rhino he'll look normal at least. Right now it's just like I'm looking at a mentally handicapped parrot-man or something.

No. 2139728

I thought that was paul dano for a sec

No. 2139729

Well don't let the Japanese know or they'll start making more shota comics of him

No. 2139731

File: 1723856596408.gif (3.39 MB, 400x230, barron-trump-melania-trump.gif)

No. 2139732

The blond kid in the white shirt, he looks awfully like him when he was much younger.
Kek, i really didn't expect for him to turn this ugly, how did he get this schnoz, his parents don't have it this way.

No. 2139734

I thought Barron being autistic was widely known?

No. 2139736

Mouthbreathing. He has the money to fix his face like Ivanka did but I don't think he's gonna do it.

No. 2139737

Yeah that's a retard if I've ever seen one. I can't imagine him having the physical reflexes to kill animals, especially a whole dog

No. 2139740

File: 1723857157854.png (360.1 KB, 649x593, daniellarson.png)

>Could you imagine his rage right now for what they did to his father. He saw it, he saw it all. I pray the world can handle his wrath

No. 2139741

This is making me laugh wht is going on hre KEK why does he try to slap her after he's so scary like a rabid animal these scrotes should be put down like dogs EW

No. 2139746

I think it's just a very delayed high-five, he's probably pissed off he missed it so he has to reenact it after the fact

No. 2139747

nta/bot who posted that but moids are soulless wastes of space and megan is cute and fun.

No. 2139748

No. 2139749

Ew wtf is this spoiler ugly scrotes

No. 2139750

File: 1723857550202.jpg (78.89 KB, 1080x1080, 24ae4ef7ce57-megdtym24051712.j…)

I wonder if his Japanese shotacon fans still like him now that he has grown into his Lurch self. Probably not.


No. 2139755

File: 1723857937832.jpeg (811.24 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_5827.jpeg)

He just needs work done picrel could be him he is rich so he has access to top surgeons they could make him handsome

No. 2139756

File: 1723858225892.jpg (88.93 KB, 1124x1073, IMG_8275.jpg)

No. 2139761

No. 2139764

patrick batemen looking ass

No. 2139765

eh the guy posted a picture of him with some kids and the blonde one with the floppy hair appears to be barron >>2139620

No. 2139767

Lmao, literal troll physiognomy, he needs to have a club weapon for the whole picture.

No. 2139776

that’s gibby from icarly

No. 2139784

So You had a bad day, you're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know, you tell me, don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day, the camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
Ooh, a holiday

No. 2139847

Oh god he's literally me kek.

Autists have delayed reactions, both physical and mental.

No. 2140004

Okay so what was going on in my school 10 years ago? Utah. If we were caught with our phones out during class they'd get snatched by the teacher. That was a decade ago. Wtf happened during the past decade for them to stop giving a shit…? Glad they're going back to not allowing it but fucking kek they have to put them in pouches when we just had to keep them in our bag/pocket.

No. 2140125

File: 1723887687037.mp4 (894.23 KB, 854x480, WuMW3yf.mp4)

remember bush

No. 2140157

File: 1723889485067.png (483.83 KB, 700x778, hMuWHTs.png)

it's weird how people on the left and right are so obsessed with him, like he's the fifth child and isn't going to get the biggest chunk of the inheritance and is probably just going to end up in some business job after college. could he start a career in politics somewhere along the line? I mean, maybe not but not until he's older, and by then people will probably have semi-forgotten him thanks to other political bullshit. cause other than the kennedys, no one else has really succeeded in starting a political dynasty in america yet

No. 2140219

Bale's got a better nose tho

No. 2140314

What do nonas here think of american men who exclusively date women abroad? Like for example, there is this guy my friend has been in a relationship with, she is from a foreign country, but basically from what I can tell he has dated only foreign women in the past. Is this a red flag?

No. 2140338

There's a passport bros thread in /snow/, if that tells you anything. I wouldn't trust a local who only dates foreign women because international relationships already come with a power differential (esp. if she's new to the country or doesn't fully speak the language yet). Such moids often have erroneous and misogynistic beliefs about women, and will often denigrate local women as "cheap/easy" or whatever other projection they feel like slinging that day.

No. 2140373

And nobody even likes the Kennedy’s anymore because RFK is totally libtarded

No. 2140392

Kek I was about to say the same thing.

Baron's nose is probably what the Trumps' look like without rhinoplasty.

No. 2140395

It's a gigantic red flag. It's usually a sign that they see American and Canadian women as being "soiled" by feminism, so they want to go to a more conservative country to either get a tradwife or rape children. Avoid like the plague.

No. 2140418

Not to be contrarian, but drugs aren't the only factor. They are in the majority of cases, obviously, but sometimes there are logistical reasons for why people aren't in shelters. The shelters in their city might be full, for one. Or, their shelter has a curfew that interferes with their job. The last possibility is that they may have a pet, which shelters typically don't allow.

Admittedly though, I don't know what options there are for super drug-addicted transients. I personally know someone who died of an overdose while she was homeless, despite the fact that her family tried so many times to help her get clean. Some people are legitimately so far gone that all they care about is acquiring and using drugs. I don't know what there is to be done for those people. As much as I dislike putting people in jail for non-violent crimes, I think jail might be the only place where these people can get away from drugs.

No. 2140490

there is still a very important political and financial family, though.

No. 2140512

File: 1723912192300.png (463.03 KB, 800x559, 2AK6Qx4.png)

The bush's got close but george bush's term completely ended that possibility. people forget just how much not only the american and international public fucking despised geroge bush, but how his whole administration caused every crisis we are dealing with(that were already going to form) but he put into overdrive. The disastrous two wars, the resulting instability causing a refugee crisis, the economic mismanagement that led to the recession, and the loosening of immigration that all happened under his administration.
his bromance with tony blair was kinda funny though

No. 2140924

Not sure how to say this without getting overly political but I’ll never understand how some conservatives have such blind faith in their party when so many of their big points of contention were created by shit republican policies
>Nixon’s war on drugs —> police brutality/mass incarceration —> BLM
>Bush’s war on terror —> mass immigration —> refugee crisis
>Bush era economic policies —> worldwide economic crisis

No. 2141015

File: 1723934594434.jpg (35.65 KB, 540x363, marianne.jpg)

Until she's supreme leader nothing will get better. She's the only chance we have at fixing things, and she's ignored by the blind and ignorant masses.

No. 2141018

Yes but conservatives will just blame all of that on Jews so they can avoid taking responsibility kek

No. 2141019

she's what I aspire to be

No. 2141021

I feel like this is more of an alt-right thing tbh. Mainstream conservatives love owning da libs by supporting Israel

No. 2141027

File: 1723935101259.jpg (426.02 KB, 1126x1750, 1695050392484.jpg)

nonna, I know online politics have changed many rotted people's perspectives, but it's important to remember that the school of conservatism of mainstream republicans is not really anti-semitic. jews make up an important part of it, this is why it's also false to call ben shapiro 'alt-right' because, he's just part of the right
also up until the mid-20th century, the american republican Party was progressive and socialist-leaning, most modern republicans would probably call them communists if they were active today.

No. 2141030

Anyone calling Ben Shapiro "alt-right" is retarded. He's a classic tradcon.

No. 2141038

for anyone wondering what happened, jfk and johnson essentially cemented the democratic party as the party for black americans and white class liberals, and since this was an era when the american economy was at its peak (as well as the height of cold war paranoia), republicans could not turn to economic populism and so the party shifted to social conservatism as their political brand, starting with nixon and strengthening under reagan

No. 2141061

Last century, the two parties basically swapped platforms in response to the New Deal and the Civil Rights movement. This shift is something that should be taught in schools more often. Today's Republican party isn't the "party of Lincoln," it's the party of Nixon.

No. 2141069

This was definitely taught in school for me, but it scares me that there are younger zoomers who don't understand this at all

No. 2141671

so when i visited the us i spent a lot of time in texas and i saw a star on the outside of most people's houses and i thought it was representing the texas lone star. but then when i went to other states i saw the same thing??? wtf? was i deceived? what do the stars mean then?

No. 2141709

We have 50 stars on our flag they have become a popular motif in decorating.

No. 2141715

In the US there's a style of decor associated with Americana themes/rustic/country living so you'll see that frequently. My sister had one of those phases lol

No. 2141726

A lot of Texans will move out of Texas but won’t shut the fuck up about being Texan so they plaster their houses and cars with Texas shit. We have a lot of Texan transplants in my state who bitch about how awful it is here because it’s not Texas but don’t leave kek. Texans are so fucking annoying.

No. 2141768


No. 2141779

Stars are representative of each US state nonna

No. 2141862

File: 1723996354222.jpeg (524.6 KB, 1920x1280, E6974477-CDBB-49C3-B5A3-79C805…)

Nona did you mean something like picrel? Stars are a popular motif for burgers but the Lone Star is specifically a Texan thing IME. Like I said it usually means they’re transplants from Texas and are probably really annoying about it.

No. 2141890

thats a barn star. I heard a tinfoil theory that the people that use them in states other than texas are human traffickers with the color and orientation of the star having different meanings.

No. 2141898

Sounds just like people who say that wearing different colored jelly bracelets means you're down for different kinds of sex acts

No. 2141918

Conservatives are the most reliable supporters of Jews.

No. 2142878

File: 1724035049754.png (1.41 MB, 1492x956, 35535012.png)

Fuck my life, nonnies, this week is gonna be ass. I don't understand why libs are so invested in the Israel-Hamas and lumping in gendie tendie stuff with Palestine. True brainrot. The Palestinians would stone all the grody hons and gaydens if they could. For the love of god can they focus on ONE thing that's relevant to us now?? For example, abortion being illegal in many states is a pressing matter NOW. HERE! Why can't we protest for domestic issues without involving other retarded countries and the lgbtbbq? And if anything, vote! Write to your local representatives! Don't cause blue-collar working people additional problems with your frivolous protests! We have work to go to!

No. 2142947

While I'm sure there are a lot of gay people joining the protest, I doubt they're the main driving force of this one. Chicago has the largest population of Palestinian diaspora in the country and it's speculated many of the protesters are getting paid by foreign Islamic groups to cause problems for the event. Hopefully, they leave the group doing the free abortions outside the convention alone.

Either way, the convention is going to be interesting. There's the protest, speculation of it being an mpox super spreader after the virus was found in San Francisco, and seeing how they handle Tim Walz currently being scrutinized by the House Oversight Committee for ties to the CCP.

No. 2143103

>globalize the intifada
This is the one slogan I really don’t get. Why would anyone want Islamist uprisings to spread worldwide? It doesn’t look like the woman holding the sign is even Muslim kek. The retardation. But all the signs look like they were mass produced and handed out.

No. 2146681

Did all the other americans die or something

No. 2146703

Yeah I killed em

No. 2146820

cape cod is chock full of these things so I figured it was nautical americana

No. 2146884

My theory is that summerfags don’t know how to use the catalog or search for threads that aren’t on the front page… I was wondering how long it would take before this thread was bumped. Hello amerinonnas

No. 2146955

>y theory is that summerfags don’t know how to use the catalog
This made me kek. I think it's a bit late for summerfags though, it's almost September already. The year went by kind of fast.

No. 2147026

>the year went by kind of fast
It's actually scary. I know people always talk about time flying, but come on.

No. 2147052

are people actually unironically worried about monkeypox? older people are already vaccinated against pox-type illnesses and if the disease started spreading it would be very easy to nip in the bud. plus it isn't deadly. there's fearmongering about it being airborne but it seems like it is primarily spread from touching open sores (only a retard would do this) or sexual contact.

No. 2147098

God this reminds me how insulin companies lobby like their livelihood depends on fucking over diabetics.

No. 2147103

Type 2 diabetes can already be cured.

No. 2147343

There's something really off about Walz. I just can't bring myself to vote for Kamala, I really can't. Welp guess I will be sitting out this election.

No. 2147351

Vote for RFK?

No. 2147382

I don't like him either, but Trump is openly a sexual predator. It makes no sense to vote based on personal dislike of figures who ultimately don't matter when their policies will leave lasting effects on the country as a whole.

No. 2147384

kamala is making lolcor very slow to use, fix it and i might for you babeeeee

No. 2147389

You don't have to vote for either nonna. Not voting is a thing.

No. 2147412

I wish people would stop going to these people's rallies and conventions, let it sit empty, stay home and don't vote at all. If only peopple collectively just stopped giving a shit about these election rituals they would make at least a dent, but nope madame president is totes going to save everyone!! People are so comfortable with slop with it makes me go insane, they rather maintain the status quo instead of completely changing everything for everyone's betterment so they'll just keep voting for what makes them feel comfortable and safe, we can't afford safe anymore just give up on basically everything, we need to crash the economy and voting system, just simultaneously stop being participants.

No. 2147427

I think I’m gonna vote RFK, but I’m salty about it all. I want to like Kamala, but I mean… I don’t even remember hearing a peep from her ever before becoming the new nominee.

No. 2147428

I completely agree. No one should vote.

No. 2147437

Trump is a predator but I'm voting for him because the economy is shit.

No. 2147440

Trump is a predator but I'm voting for him so he deports moids and bans trannies.

No. 2147442

Yes that's another good reason to vote for him.

No. 2147444

wait, not scam calls but i keep getting strange spam texts like:
"hey can I talk to your for a second"
"this is (name), how are you doing"
and shit like that. anyone else getting these texts lately?

No. 2147456

I read that his campaign is considering dropping out and endorsing Trump.

No. 2147471

Right, so, not doing anything at all until we eventually lose the right to vote is the answer. Sorry, but you're not going to get the fantasy revolution you're hoping for by being a bystander and letting everything burn around you.
I guess this makes up for the election interference and human rights violations ala the Uyghur camps then, huh? Nice try, CCP shill.

No. 2147472

NTA but why would we randomly lose the right to vote nonna

No. 2147477

>fantasy revolution
This isn’t fantasy revolution this is typical boycotting, just like you “boycott” and protest with your wallets whenever these retarddd companies try to push agendas on to paying customers. Treat the government exactly like these corporations, you boycott by placing your attention elsewhere, it’s a pretty simple concept. If you want to believe votes are going to do anything then be my guest let everybody just sit in the same fucking position they were since 2020 you dumb fucking bitch kek(infighting)

No. 2147480

I wouldn't spit on trump if he were on fire next to me, but i agree with a lot of his policies. So he has my vote. Kamala didn't even want to be president less than 6 months ago and is an open border bitch.

No. 2147490

That’s the saddest thing, he has sound policies, but these people are so unwilling to go and look up what he’s proposing because they’re still in that 2016 Drumpf phase, he has an established platform while Kamala doesn’t. I thought Kamala might be able to stand a fighting chance against him but now I don’t know and I don’t like her at all. It should put a bad taste in somebody’s mouth when they’re bringing out an irrelevant black female rapper twerking on stage to represent the Democratic Party. Democrats don’t stand for women they stand for all who support hedonic, time-wasting woman hating trash and flooding your neighborhoods with unsafe criminals from distant lands

No. 2147497

I don't see why everyone talks about the Uyghurs so much like it's some terrible thing. It's probably the most humane way to deal with a radical Islamic population and phase out the harmful ideologies over time. It's a lot more humane and effective than bombing people too. How else should a country deal with belief systems and cultures that encourage terror? Serious question.

No. 2147519

I agree. It's infuriating so many of my friends are against Trump because he's a "rapist". His policies are sound and that's what matters.

No. 2147521

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Kek I made my first blingee, how do you guys feel about it?

No. 2147526

No. 2147538

China never committed genocide against the Uyghurs, they took heavy handed action against so of them because the CIA tried creating another ISIS division and using the Uyghurs against the Chinese government. Every time there's an extremist islamic group, it's always backed by the CIA.

No. 2147553


No. 2147557

Actually I changed my mind. Trump apparently removed dozens of environmental protection regulations during his presidency. I hate rapists and trannies, but I hate microplastics, nuclear fallout, and heat death more.

No. 2147571

how do you hate microplastics more than rapists

No. 2147580

im trying to wrap my head around the idea of hating rapists but still wanting them to be in power

No. 2147581

Both parties a full of rapists so it's not like there's a choice.

No. 2147583

Anon do you think lib men are just angels kek?

No. 2147594

Because they're inside every person currently alive. They're in your blood, your lungs, your heart, your brain, even your egg cells. Every baby today is born with plastic inside them. They are linked to infertility, developmental disorders, immunologic disease, neurodegenerative disease, infectious disease, other systemic damage, and decreased effectiveness of vaccines. They are inside your home, the oceans, the food you eat, the air you breathe, and there is nowhere on earth you can go and no way you can live to avoid exposure. Millions of tons of microplastics are being produced and pumped into the environment every year, and there is currently no system that effectively manages the waste to keep up with that rate. The longer this continues, the more plastics will saturate inside our bodies until we are all evidently sick, weak, stupid, and sterile. When that happens, it will be too late to do anything.

No. 2147606

Yes, when they rape ppl they at least make sure youre high! Obviously not you fucking retard

No. 2147702

Is there anything specific ab Waltz that weirds you out? Just wondering what you and other nonas are picking up on

No. 2147705

He's a teacher plus he's male so he probably watches teen porn.

No. 2147709

He has weird mannerisms and facial expressions, it's difficult to explain, he just comes across as creepy as in a pervert sort of way. He also lied about being in Iraq, which is so easy to disprove, it makes me question his intellectual capacity. He wasn't a good choice for VP.

No. 2147749

It's really good for your first try. Honestly though it feels kind of flat, there's not enough moving elements or glitter or "bling" so to speak. I also didn't appreciate that you didn't crop under her pony tail. Overall I would give it a 2/5, it's not bad for a first attempt but there's definitely ways you can improve if you keep trying hard and studying Blingee. For example even if you added 6-7 blue glitters in the background to make it more lively, that would have easily moved it up to a 3/5.

I also suggest you check out the Blingee thread on /m/ for more inspiration and to post more there.

No. 2147815

Kamala Harris is not a male. Women will always be more human than males, especially males who are rapists. Big reason as to why having females in power will always be more based than having moids in power. South Korean feminists are based as fuck for their idpol thing where they only try to put women in power. Has Kamala ever raped anyone? I don't think so.
Yeah plus he wants to get rid of the department of education kek. There's a reason billionaires love him

No. 2147837

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No. 2147859

Holy shit this is real KEK. does she not realize mr. frog is a psychopath who spontaneously murders people kek? either way when i watched that episode it was very accurate to the situation in june KEKW. i swear to god american politics since june have felt like a smiling friends episode.

No. 2147983

I appreciate your critique and honest review nonna!! I tried to keep it simple because I didn’t want it to be too busy around Franny kek

No. 2147999

There's no way in hell you seriously think Kamala is a good pick to be leading our country.

No. 2148014

Yes I do and she’ll be better than the decrepit rapist for sure.

No. 2148024

I'm so encouraged there are nonas here who didn't fall for the uyghur genocide propaganda.

No. 2148046

I thought this was the post like a moid thread

No. 2148048

kekkk I thought the same thing holy shit

No. 2148050

No. 2148051

Kek I gotta keep it real nonna

No. 2148068

Ways Kamala is better than Trump
1. Will not destroy our environment for corporate greed
2. Is not a rapist
Good enough for me

No. 2148070

Kamala isn’t any more of an environmentalist than Trump is

No. 2148099

they're both horrible

No. 2148103


No. 2148106

That picture is so cringe, it reminds me of the people who used to tie every political event back to Harry Potter.

No. 2148122

You realize she's also one of the people responsible for the incredible inflation in our country right now, right?

No. 2148128

So you think Donald Trump is going to save you?

No. 2148138

NTA but how did you get that from that post at all

No. 2148139

Compare the economy from his 4 years as president to the economy from just before, and the economy from 2020 to the present.

No. 2148149

Where is the proof that Trump is a rapist?

No. 2148158

Look up E. Jean Carroll. He raped her, court case about it and all.

No. 2148161

nta but there was no dna evidence

No. 2148163

There couldn't be dna evidence after decades anon…

No. 2148165

Imo raping one woman isn't that big of a deal.(bait)

No. 2148168

why would she wait decades to go tell someone she got raped? thats nonsensical(bait)

No. 2148169

No. 2148171

This doesn’t really help her case though

No. 2148174

Totally agree. I'm tired of women making false rape accusations.(bait)

No. 2148193

Go back to your faggot imageboard

No. 2148194

i’m a woman who actually was assaulted hence why i don’t understand why someone would wait upwards of 30 years and then suddenly come out and claim something happened

No. 2148195

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No. 2148196

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>I'm a woman

No. 2148197

is this the only response you have, because you understand the absurdity of brushing off being raped until 30 years later?(ban evasion)

No. 2148198

Can you come up with a good reason as to why she’d wait to sue him until she was pedaling a memoir kek

No. 2148200

No woman who isn't mentally deranged would think that women just wake up one morning and decide to lie about rape after decades. Women regularly lie to themselves and everyone else and brush off sexual assault because they have to. All women know this. You are no woman to me.

No. 2148201

Do you even know anything about the cases? She sued him for defamation, and then sued again adding in the rape because of the Adult Survivors Act which allows victims to sue beyond the statute of limitations. She probably never would have sued if his dumb ass didn't try to call her a liar.

No. 2148202

Ok, you can live in the very naive fantasy that other women aren’t capable of lying about being a victim of a horrific, traumatizing crime for attention kek. I recommend lurking more if that’s really how you feel.

No. 2148203

You're so fucking retarded
>lurk moar
You must love using this phrase where it doesn't apply in the slightest and you obviously know nothing about the case, you're just talking out of your prolapsed ass.

No. 2148204

How much you want to bet its a 4chan autist that has a tab of this thread open to furiously refresh when he's bored? I bet he'll conveniently ignore this and continue his rape victim larp

No. 2148206

>she probably never would’ve sued if he didn’t call her a liar
exactly, she wouldn’t have sued because she didn’t get raped. she went around saying she got raped by Trump before he was the president because she was selling multiple products at the time, and trying to garner attention/a larger audience. the trial for her was literally just PR flurry for her books kek. you need to live in reality; if she had been raped by Trump back in the early 90’s like she claims, she could’ve easily taken his ass to court back then, but that didn’t happen for a very obvious reason. a single photograph of them together doesn’t mean shit kek. i have a photo of my 10 year old self and molly ringwald, does that mean she to raped me? fuck no dumbass

No. 2148209

Can I respectfully ask, and I’d appreciate a legitimate answer; in what world is it pretending to be a victim of a sex crime when you make the choice to go to the hospital/police immediately?
Actually, yes it does apply in this situation. Do you know what website we’re on right now? You think there aren’t heinous, mentally ill women who lie about being victims kek? Go read some threads on /pt/ and /snow/, then get the fuck back to me.

No. 2148210

Nta but you can easily ask one of your friends to come into the courtroom for you and claim that they saw you get raped by trump? that doesn’t make it evidence. me and my eyewitness can say that we just saw your mom eat her own shit would that make it true?

No. 2148211

>I'm totes a female girlie pop rape victim guise

No. 2148214

>eyewitnesses testified that she told them about the incident
>told them
Not trying to be condescending but you’re not an eye witness if you don’t see it with your own eyes. Hearing about an encounter word of mouth doesn’t make you a witness, legally speaking.

No. 2148215

>she wouldn't have sued because she didn't get raped
… Huh? She did get raped. That's why she won the defamation case. You're retarded or a man. She sued for defamation because he claimed he didn't rape her. How did she win that case if he actually didn't rape her?? I'm so sorry your boy trump is a rapist but you need to move on.

No. 2148220

i think choosing to come out and claim that you were raped by the president at the same time that you’re trying to sell a book is not only fishy on the surface but a blatant lie. there’s seriously no world where i would’ve waited 30 years and then decided to garner public attention, coincidentally, at the same time that you’re trying to make money. greedy bastards and hellbound liars love to capitalize off of the emotions of sexual assault victims, and ejc was attempting to do precisely that by forming a parasocial relationship with american women who actually have suffered from the crimes and was claiming to; thus making them want to support her financially by buying her book.

No. 2148223

cause she didn’t win the case based off evidence she won the case based off the jury’s emotional decision

No. 2148224

nta but i didn’t even know this part. what a fucking joke

No. 2148226

How did casey anthony be found not guilty?

No. 2148228

so what evidence was there

No. 2148229

imagine caping so hard for trump as if trump was a man known for respecting women KEK

No. 2148231

i don’t think trump was known for respecting women at all kek, i’m saying that e jean carroll waiting to say trump raped her until she had just released a book is exactly what it looks like

No. 2148232

You know it's some autistic 4ch manlet

No. 2148233

how long did you wait to go to the police?

No. 2148234

okay well he still raped her, sorry about it. he ain't the one to cape this hard for

No. 2148235

Definitely is. Clear as day by their reply to your post

No. 2148236

it’s ok to think that, but it’s also important to take into consideration that no rape kit was ever done and the only ‘evidence’ is a photo of them together. women lying about traumatizing, life changing crimes that women and girls go through for the purpose of gaining attention isn’t some new phenomenon.

No. 2148237

and you’re choosing not to answer it because you concur that waiting 30 years, which is simply unrealistic, would never occur in real life

No. 2148240

You guys are neglecting how easy it would’ve been for her to sue him if she actually went to the hospital after the alleged encounter, because then there would’ve been DNA evidence. So why would she fear having a hard time waging a case against him if she had been assaulted by him?

No. 2148241

What the fuck does this have to do with the conversation. You do know that that Florida is not only a different state from New York, but it was a different judge and jury as well? Not to mention a murder trial and a defamation case are entirely different?
It's important to take into consideration that rape kits are not always done, and even when they are they just wait in a cabinet untested for decades. Also, it's important to take into consideration that rape is nearly impossible to prove in court, and yet he was found guilty. Crazy, huh? Maybe if rape was extremely easy to prove, I might believe your little theory that she somehow manipulated everyone into believing her, but unfortunately that's not how the real world is.
Kek, it is realistic. It's not realistic that women go get rape kits the day of.

No. 2148242

Samefag, inb4
>maybe he used a condom before raping her!!!1
That sounds like a joke kek

No. 2148243

You writing this is actually fucking hilarious because it proves you don't even know the details of the rape.

No. 2148244

Yes, a murder trial with a mountain of evidence proving that someone committed a crime, yet she was still incorrectly let off the hook. Just like how in a trial with 0 evidence can still result in an incorrect guilty charge based off of nothing but verbal recollection.

No. 2148245

you’re right because there are no details, since it didn’t happen. you’re so close to getting it

No. 2148246

how is it not realistic to go to the hospital after being assaulted? what world are you living in kek

No. 2148247

NTA from the middle response but actually rape is easier to prove than people care to admit. There are obvious signs of forced entry, his DNA will be inside of you, etc.

No. 2148248

so if you got raped by elon musk today would you just not tell anyone and then wait 30 years to make a whole scene about it?

No. 2148249

Liberal moids suck so bad and so does the moid posting his low quality bait

No. 2148251

Look, go vote for trump, I really don't give a fuck. He is a rapist though, and if that bothers you so much you want to deny it, then maybe reflect on some things. The "n-no! he didn't do that!!!!!" is retarded, he did do it, just own it if you wanna vote for him.

No. 2148254

do you wanna post some evidence though?(ban evasion)

No. 2148255

You raped my sister. You did do it.(bait)

No. 2148256

what i dont get is if he did it why would she not report it? why would she wait until he was president and she was selling a book kek

No. 2148259

why’d you steal my vape anon?

No. 2148260

Probably because he’s raped other women and gotten away with it. It’s very difficult to go against powerful men and come out the other end, she was probably afraid.

No. 2148262

What kinda smegma ass response is this

No. 2148264

i could be missing something basic but i don’t see what there would’ve been to be afraid of if she went and got a rape kit and filed a report as soon as it happened, i don’t understand why you’d purposefully choose against collecting evidence and holding him accountable just because other women had claimed to have been raped by him too

No. 2148265

how so? i seriously don’t get why you’d choose against asking for help, and then suddenly wake up after publishing a book and choose to report it

No. 2148270

kek nona I'm stealing this response

No. 2148288

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No. 2148294

I don't care what happens to the Uyghur men because they probably were getting influenced by the CIA to be more religiously radical like another farmer posted for all I know since that's pretty on brand for the CIA, but the Uyghur women getting mass raped by Han Chinese men is evil and a human rights violation.
And just because Israel interferes with our elections doesn't mean other countries, like China or Russia or England or (insert any other country), don't also try to interfere with our elections as well. America does the same thing to them because the whole world is in the midst of covert psychological warfare with each other. It's awful and I wish it didn't happen, but that's the current reality and impossible to deny.
This what-about-ism is very black and white thinking and always comes off as suspect because it's part of the tactics the people in the war for our minds use.

No. 2148302

Even if it was a false accusation, who cares? Ruining a man'a life is based. I'm totally a man btw, broskis.

No. 2148396

She's running on closing the borders kek, at least pay attention if you're going to claim to be a serious voter

No. 2148401

Why would they bother paying attention when it's much funner to troll the amerifag thread with "idk nonnies, Trump is definitely awful but I think I'm still voting for him! Just can't see myself voting for Kamala"

No. 2148415

They’d also know platforms are usually released after the DNC, for like every democratic candidate. She doesn’t really “lack” policy for that reason. It’s no use arguing though, most people don’t change their minds when they’re already dead set on a certain candidate. This goes for trump and kamala supporters alike, both sides will pick at the other side no matter what because they want their team to win. Also you’re not going to see a dead set trump supporters who knows that platform is usually released after the DNC because alot of them just don’t care about kamala as much us trump. Trump supporters will be more engaged in Trump’s policies and actions, Kamala supporters will be more engaged in Kamala’s policies and actions. I always engage with undecided and moderate voters more for this reason, doesn’t feel like talking to a wall.

No. 2148631

i don’t really see how closing the legal borders would benefit anyone considering every American is a descendant of immigrants kek

No. 2148711

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No. 2148717

i gotta be honest i don’t really want to live to see the first female president. that’s some 3030 shit(ban evasion)

No. 2148719

in 3 days your balls will begin to twist

Just a heads up ugly psyop thread was crossposted to r9k again so thats why theres been more retards than usual.

No. 2148976

Why do people even like Kamala? She was such a joke in the 2020 primaries and vice president. She also picked a hideous moid as VP. No thanks.

No. 2148984

NTA but im an oldfag and feel the same way. and even if we have a female president, i dont really feel like Kamala is the best first lady pres kekk

No. 2148990

Voting based on how attractive candidates are is crazy

No. 2148998

Both you bitches need to be murdered(a-logging)

No. 2148999

Trump and Vance are both way uglier than Kamala, Kamala's attractiveness makes up for Walz fug face. Plus Walz is slightly more based for a scrote considering his whole free tampon deal. Kamala ftw.

No. 2149002

Being a woman and picking such an ugly VP is a sign of pickme ism and bad judgement. No thanks.

No. 2149007

Horrifying thought that there really are women for Trump. Speaking as a centrist, how could anyone much less a woman support Project 2025?

No. 2149016

Can you admit you're not a centrist but rather a liberal?

No. 2149022

because I don’t have anything to be worried about

No. 2149026

Probably but liberal is way too lumped in with far left which I absolutely do not agree with in the slightest.
What about your fellow women though? To elaborate, I don't think all of Project 2025 is bad and in fact some of it is based like outlawing porn, however I feel as though stripping away abortion entirely and birth control is quite evil.

No. 2149030

Honestly, it's clear no one cares what's right or just when it come to immigration. It's a slam the door behind you system. Yes Americans are basically all immigrants but on the whole we are selfish and basically once we get in, the next step is to cut off access for others. It's not a fair world, it's survival of the ruthless. Then on top of that I-got-mine mentality you get business interests that want only cheap (male) labor and allow only men to immigrate, which is where a lot of problems for women start to pop up since it throws off the balance and introduces a whole new demographic and culture of entitles scrotes to deal with.
I was once very encouraged to hear from some female Haitian immigrants that their men were afraid to hit them after they came to america because they heard it was illegal here and they'd be arrested and/or deported. Great. Love it. Let's keep that rumor going. I don't think that's always the experience though and a lot of men from different places come in to work with the same shitty attitude the men we have already bring to us and it's just more shit men now with added language barrier and cultural excuses to be shitty depending on where they're from and it gets old

No. 2149033

No. 2149062

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I remember before Kamala picked her VP liberals i knew were saying she needed to pick the whitest man out there, i have to agree. So many americans are already reluctant voting women, let alone a two woman ticket. it would hard to campaign for unfortunately. Even if it’s the big year of 2024. Either way kamala mogs trump, vance, and walz. it’s not even close.

No. 2149068

She's beautiful. I only vote for Stacies so she has my vote.

No. 2149084

She's so pretty. It almost seems insane that we could potentially have an attractive president for once

No. 2149090

I think Abraham Lincoln was attractive. Maybe not in a physical sense, but I'm attracted to his rebel-crushing and slave-liberating behaviors. Maybe when Kamala wins a civil war I'll think she's more attractive, but for now Honest Abe is my husbando.

No. 2149095

okay, mary todd.

No. 2149101

what about them? i’m not controlling who they can vote for. you guys are more than welcome to vote for Kamala

No. 2149106

It's not about the candidates, it's the policies they're backing. "What about them" is that their rights are at stake, but there is no point in talking about that if you're pro-life.

No. 2149125

if you feel as though your rights are at stake, then vote accordingly. the democratic process of voting will reveal what the people desire more

No. 2149127

Democracy is a sham. People shouldn't vote if they want things to change.

No. 2149135

Nta and I'm not trying to argue or anything but voting doesn't exactly mean anything, because that's not how presidents are decided. A candidate can get more votes and still lose kek. It's the electoral college that decides

No. 2149153

Who wins the election is based off of who wins certain swing states though (Electoral votes). Sure, the national popular vote doesn't mater but popular votes do matter, just in certain states. A red vote in california isn't gonna do anything but a red vote in georgia sure will. Hillary won the popular vote but she was scared of campaigning in swing states for some reason. If you look you'll see she almost never went to winsconsin. I think Kamala's campaign is objectively good for the reason that she's campaigning in swing states like there's no sunset. The electoral college is just there to make sure less populated states are represented.

No. 2149412

>lefties losing it
they are being completely serious with this video title kek

No. 2149483

the dnc is pretty good honestly, some good speeches. its pretty moving sometimes othertimes cringey but that's who politics goes.

No. 2149489

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Apparently beyonce is performing too. I'm so excited I loveeee beyonce (confirmed by TMZ)

No. 2149494

rumors are taylor swift might show up too

No. 2149506


No. 2149561

Boy Kamala-supporting anons really have this thread under lock and key, huh? Nobody's allowed to express a different opinion in here?

No. 2149571

She heard my calls. There's definitely a Run The World (Girls) performance coming, it would be too fitting.

No. 2149573

i guess so kek, personally that doesn’t stop me though don’t feel deterred nonny. as long as you’re not breaking the rules you should feel like you can express yourself

No. 2149576

why would i vote for a man under any circumstance when a woman is running for president?

No. 2149577

Trump supporters have never really been liked on this site. You can say what you want but don't act shocked if you get called retarded.

No. 2149578

Nonnies voting for trump, are you pro life?

No. 2149579

what do we think about her speech so far?

No. 2149580

Can’t wait!! Although it’s gonna have to happen after this speech if it’s gonna happen at all

No. 2149582

I was at her rally in Wisconsin on Tuesday and parts of her speech now (maybe 15%) are identical to her speech that night. But the beginning about her life and her mother was beautiful. Also I’m a tiny bit disappointed she hasn’t been able to talk about Palestine yet. But I have confidence in her campaign.

No. 2149584

Oops I spoke too soon, she’s bringing it up eeeek

No. 2149589

I'm unimpressed, but I also don't really like her as a candidate (or Trump for that matter).

No. 2149591

I think it was a very safe speech, good enough. the debate is the real test for her

No. 2149593

Samefag but… LIESSSSS

No. 2149594

is beyonce coming on or not??

No. 2149595

I didn't realize how much Vance's wife looks like Hillary.

No. 2149600

Because the woman is a tranny lover.

No. 2149601

Why are the reporters for the event bitching about gold balloons?

No. 2149603

no, im against forced birth but if kamala is let in we'll be forced with only forced birth options bc our country will be filled with intolerant and sexist third worldie males.

No. 2149606

And represented by an intolerant sexist first worldie man

No. 2149615

The way Trumpers talk about Kamala itt is how people talked about Trump in 2016 kek. So much fearmongering. "She's gonna let the trannies take over! She's gonna open the borders and let all the immigrants rape us and force us to have their babies!!"

No. 2149792

>if you don’t vote for red, hot, fiery, burning hell you are a retard!
>well if you don’t vote for blue, icy, freezing hell you’re more retarded than me!
Our country is DOOMED. Fighting about this is destroying the only chance we could have had to unite against the destruction of humanity as we know it. When will you bitches see the inevitable?

No. 2149795

I'm voting purple then

No. 2149805

Hypothetically what would happen if nobody voted? I know this isn't realistic at all kek. But I just kinda wonder if there's a backup plan in case literally nobody voted, what would they do?

No. 2149820

flip a coin

No. 2149822

Don't be dumb. They toss a dice. If it lands on an odd number, republican president: if it lands on an even numbers, democrat president.

No. 2149850

gun duel

No. 2149965

This is why I hate libs and Kamala voters. They're half of the problem. I wish everyone who votes a miserable death.(alog)

No. 2149982

Did you guys see that tranny with the male patterned baldness getting the mic in one of the crowds at the DNC convention? He was practically praising that bitch for supporting tranni-errrrrr I mean, supporting the entire LGBT community, yup! I can’t even find the clip but I seen it, yay to more crime, more trannies, and more of these libshits denying the damage of inflation. I would be preparing for another lockdown and a war, you’re going to feel like there was never an election in the first place, just using my own discernment.

No. 2149989

Kamala voters here are delusional.

No. 2150002

They will trade everything else just to secure their rights (which was never up in arms to begin with because most conservatives don’t agree with the crazy fundie retards trying to turn america back to the 1940s) yet blame Trump voters for being “single issue voters”, kek they are quite literally divorced from reality and single issue voters themselves doing no research but believing in the media about that dumb fucking Project 2025 nonsense, it’s also peak libfem getting excited about a bunch of trashy, hypocritical celebrities beloved by pop culture obsessive leftists. That DNC reminds me so much of those deceptive megachurches, their church is the divine tranny and illegals flooding your nation further harming your ability as a woman to be safe and to get a job. I can’t stand low IQ voters, seriously

No. 2150004

Not reading all that but Trump is literally the reason that Roe v Wade was overturned
>reeeeee just don't have sex you stupid retard SLUT WITCH!!!
not listening don't care, coconut queen Kamala ftw.

No. 2150009

You sound like a Chapo

No. 2150010

Kamala loves trannies. Stop being a handmaiden.

No. 2150014

And Trump doesn't gaf that the people he purposefully put in the DC wants to get rid of legal abortion. Keep coping.

No. 2150015

The reason it was overturned was because Democrats never wanted to protect it at the federal level.

No. 2150019

And Republicans actively wanted it overturned and illegal, your point?

No. 2150020

Most women get abortions because they can't stop spreading their legs for moids. And most conservatives believe in abortion when rape is involved.(infight bait)

No. 2150022

Not to be that person but source? proof? Most of you Kamala shills probably dont even live in America yet think your opinions should dictate the outcome of our nation kek, shut your stupid ass up.
I’m not a scrote, if that’s what you meant?

No. 2150024

Political discussions on the internet are so wholesome. It's wonderful seeing how people change sides so easily based on strangers' opinions online. Seriously why do we always have to have political talk? It accomplishes nothing and it's boring as fuck to read. Can you people just go sperg about politics on Reddit or somewhere? Because there is genuinely no point in debating about politics on an anonymous ib.

No. 2150028

>Most of you Kamala shills probably dont even live in America
>most conservatives believe in abortion when rape is involved.

Trump voters are literally this delusional, also do you think someone saying "I was raped please let me get an abortion" is going to allow them to get an abortion? Of course retarded republican moids are going to make women jump through hoops to get an abortion for a pregnancy that was conceived via rape. Utter delusion.

No. 2150029

>fake kamala supporters gasping when they figure out conservatives believe what typical conservatives would believe
Should there just be Democrats and nothing else according to these people? I don’t understand what the Democrats would be doing for them at all kek

No. 2150033

>can you please stop sperging about relevant topics related to your country?
Nobody is forcing to participate in these conversations, you’re free to leave the thread, hide it and never come back (hopefully). Gtfo

No. 2150036

So will Democrats try to investigate why so many rapes are happening to the point where women have to get abortions? Will they? Kekkkk no, because that party never gave a fuck about women. At least Republicans believe in prosecuting these people that the Democrats will just release until they actually murder someone or a few people, thanks to progressive policies in place. They could care less about your safety and in fact they care more about male comfort more than yours, so it’s no coincidence they’re championing and supporting male degeneracy which is also total unbridled male freedom to do what they want, which is causing these criminals to create unsafe environments women have to walk in, it’s all so interconnected

No. 2150039

>thinking Republicans don't want women as a class to be solely designated to jobless femoid baby birthing bots.
Not even entertaining this infight bait. Kamala FTW.

No. 2150040

Samefag Abortion does not address the underlying causes on why women are wanting to terminate so many of these pregnancies, because a lot of women don’t want to come to terms with the dangers that come with being shackled to a male and as long as they keep coping, you will continue to live in a world full of sexual abuse and rape that will always claim female victims. Pro-choice people don’t think about these things at all, they are actually fully on board for pro-life sentiments when you start to think about it.(bait)

No. 2150041

Literally bait. I hope the jannies are swift with you.

No. 2150045

>And most conservatives believe in abortion when rape is involved.

And you and your loved ones are okay with being interrogated at the stand, traumatic business strewn in front of the public for all to see and judge, in the hopes that 1)You can prove rape and 2)Your trial will be handled fairly and expedited so that you qualify for the rape abortion before the finalized cutoff where conservatives say all fetuses must be born?

Dumb bitch.

No. 2150046

You're right instead of restorative justice right leaning males will encourage rape, encourage their chosen rapists, rape lesbians and praise rape babies and mandated wifedom and birth for all women and girls.

It's almost like there is no political side for women and men get control of everything and everyone regardless of the side you pick.

No. 2150050

Kamala loves trannies and illegal immigrants.

No. 2150052

Ok moid.

No. 2150053

This is why women shouldn't vote for Trump or Kamala. Only dumbasses vote.

No. 2150057

Kek can’t handle the truth? Why do so many women need abortions available? It’s like.. there’s a deeper issue at play here hm. Almost like contraception isn’t all that full-proof for the ones who take it for non-medical reasons, then we have women are deliberately miseducated or uneducated about their own bodies and pregnancy, then we figure pregnancies can change a woman’s body to a metabolic level even after you have pregnancy, then we have out of control rapes, sexual assaults, they claim women get abortions for complex reasons but they’re all connected because it’s rooted in the relations women have with men and the possibility and threat of pregnancy every single time they have relations with them. Will Kamala ever address on how to rectify this problem, which abortions don’t do but allow it to continue to happen, if you addressed and tried to solve these problems women would not only have to not worry about the dangers with pregnancy and interloping with a man but won’t have to go through the emotional and invasive process of having cold medical tools up your vag or taking potions and pills. I’m pro nothing, there’s more to play at here than just evil villainous republicans trying to take abortions, at least with conservatives they don’t try to hide these dynamics playing in society, left-leaning women just want to fucking lie to you while letting the problem escape right under their hands: men and their raping problem, pregnancy and dashing problem, broken families problem, no one wants to address that shit at all because their hubby is “awesome”, Nigel worship in all its forms make me sick to my stomach. Ban me idc, I said what I said

No. 2150058

Man, this thread is extra retarded today.

No. 2150061

Why would they encourage a problem that’s already existed without their help anon? Kek, they don’t need some underhanded legal strategy to get you to become baby churning fembots, many of you already do it voluntarily and for free and many think it’s under the guise of romance, love, marriages, etc., you’ve been living under those same conditions with very few liberties from their mental programming for decades.(bait)

No. 2150062

You can leave, do anything else but pretend you’re contributing by being nonchalant and pretending to not care about anything. Fucking off is a perfect solution to your problem

No. 2150066

File: 1724420408534.jpeg (184.34 KB, 1600x1066, IMG_3644.jpeg)

Ooh someone’s angry, do you need some time in the sensory room?

No. 2150070

How is banning abortion going to improve women’s lives at all?

No. 2150072

It won't; there are 4chin moids shitting up the politically charged hot-topic threads.

No. 2150079

>Most women get abortions because they can't stop spreading their legs for moids.
Right. But be careful with this one you'll get 'reported for bait' for telling a fairly obvious truth. You can understand that human rights should come before pettiness despite this being true, it's the reason no one really commented on it.

>And most conservatives believe in abortion when rape is involved.


>left-leaning women just want to fucking lie to you while letting the problem escape right under their hands: men and their raping problem, pregnancy and dashing problem, broken families problem, no one wants to address that shit at all because their hubby is “awesome”, Nigel worship in all its forms make me sick to my stomach. Ban me idc, I said what I said

Oh this is your rationale. At the risk of taking a ban too I agree, kek. The root of the problem will never be addressed if you can't even discuss this shit blasély on a shit talking ib without significant push back. But I still think abortion should be mandatorily made protected and legal as a human right law so that all women are protected and not damned for their biology, but I get your argument. The majority of abortion is casual and the cause doesn't come out of no where, this should be recognized. There is a distinct insidiousness of some people who continue to ignore the rape loving moid elephant in the room, and you'll rarely see this problem discussed anywhere. I don't agree that conservatives give two fucks about the difference between rape and casual abortions though. Nor rape period. Like you said men love to rape, that's not a polital position or statement it's just true across the board.

No. 2150088

Yup, they think they’re so different from liberal feminists just for being against gender ideology but nothing else which makes me kek. Besides disliking trannies they pretty much support everything that keeps males in a higher position of authority than women, socially, politically, in the home (no matter they much they try to equalize a biological power imbalance) and voting one woman into office isn’t going to change anything. A lot of them aren’t even Americans anyways, so their opinion is plain irrelevant, they are perfectly fine with men so they are fine with a bunch of rapists, deadbeats and degenerates being around, admitting they believe “not all men” but always talking like it’s all men, I’m jealous of this level of ignorance and cognitive dissonance. Once you know it’s nearly all men, yes even their beloved nigels, you can never go back and you’ll just get ostracized for having these beliefs. They also care way too much about people catering to their personal emotions rather than discussing the truth which is awfully annoying and plays into male stereotypes about women being overly emotional.

No. 2150094

The way LC has been posted on 4ch 6 times in the past month with calls for the scrotes there to raid and bait here makes it really obvious that most of the crazy shit you see is just moid bait, but some anons are autistic enough to take any bait they see. It's seriously annoying.

No. 2150096

>A lot of them aren’t even Americans anyways
Again with the delusion.

No. 2150101

>not knowing Trump's role in the Roe v. Wade overturn (common knowledge at this point)
>shut your stupid ass up
Unbelievable that people like this are allowed to vote kek

No. 2150110

I don’t agree with whatever the media proposes as “factual” and it wasn’t just Trump, muh president does everything!! I rather look over anything and come to my conclusion, not the conclusions made by the media and little white lies the media loves to tell.

No. 2150115

too based for this ib. all of them think they're better than the women that came before them, that they somehow have a magical sixth sense for men and can pick out ~le fabled good ones~. unfortunately it's just plain cope because there are no good XYs, but they need and depend on the company and validation of men too much to want to see it. it's pure delusion.

No. 2150133

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The way that I know there is no good ones (unless they are dead) makes me so blackpilled. Against rape but who’s causing these rapes having women get abortions? Against women being “incubators” for men but they willingly do it and then wonder why pregnancy is one of the most life-changing and physically damaging things to do to your body, sperm is also toxic when it enters the vagina. It goes way too deep, everything down to their sperm is a biological hazard to women, but I guess they find this shit sexy and don’t care, oh well. It’s mind control/trauma bonding/wishful thinking/projection/delusional thinking when being with a man. Fuck the scrote-loving jannies fuck themmm

No. 2150134

>Voting for a female president who will keep abortion legal is bad because it won’t solve every problem that women have ever faced and women will still date men anyway.
This is one of the most nonsensical arguments I have ever heard, in any political debate ever.

No. 2150135

>the media makes up that the president nominates Supremes to court
Has to be bait at this point

No. 2150139

Idk if it's 4chan moids trying to blend in, but it is just funny that Trump supporters are calling the Kamala supporters handmaidens and libfems and whatnot while arguing for a rapist male kek.

No. 2150144

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>doesn’t understand NOMINATING is not a done deal kek
Senate wanted it, oh well! I will be bing chillin with my legs closed not worrying about a crotch goblin I have to terminate

No. 2150148

We would have to go to the tinfoil thread to discuss this, again I don’t fully believe claims and reports being done by the media. If there was a woman with Trump’s policies I would be supporting her, unfortunately Trump is Trump and that’s the only current option.

No. 2150154

If I used the word nominating rather than appointing than obviously I understand they have to be approved. But who made it possible for those people to get into court in the first place? And if you already knew this and totally didn't have to Google it first to check, why were you asking for sources and proof?

No. 2150156

Siding with a male over the women who accused him, but it's the Kamala supporters who are the handmaidens kekkkk

No. 2150178

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I want to be able to buy a house if this country has a future, idgaf. If women don’t care about solving rape, then why should I care? I want a house, a decent job, walk around without a bunch of immigrants causing crimes and sucking up our taxes you dense bitch, enjoy guzzling that tranny girldick all the way to the ballots so you can have more excuses to fuck dirty scrotes who keep raping you and for whatever reason, you keep coming back for more kek it makes no sense(ban evasion)

No. 2150181

>siding with a male over the woman who accused him
? when did kamala accuse him of anything what

No. 2150184

*Women and I'm not talking about Kamala anon

No. 2150185

>solving rape
i’m not trying to sound mean at all nonna this just made me kek

No. 2150188

Ohhh ok

No. 2150191

As if Trump would solve any of that kek

No. 2150197

ntayrt but i remember things being substantially cheaper than they are now back when Trump was in the chair and that’s the only thing i’m concerned about

No. 2150201

I strictly suck clits and only get fucked by plastic so try again. You're clearly the dense one if you think it's about "solving rape". It's calling other anons handmaidens for supporting Kamala while supporting Trump. No self awareness at all. If all you care about is buying a house then stop pretending as if it's a woman rights issue as a cover for what you actually are concerned with.

No. 2150202

I remember i read one time some retarded scrote take, it was something like "women are made for nurture and you cant nurture your enemies" and i kinda feel it tbh. Women in lead cant help but coddle immigrants and trannies. This is why some nonas here side with the moid, they know that the women in lead will always put nurturing and coddling moids above women's safety.

No. 2150203

I agree. Biden ruined the economy and that's why I can't vote for Kamala. People who vote for her are either stupid or are extremely out of touch.

No. 2150205

There will be a recession if either candidate gets elected kek. Be so for real.

No. 2150206

Literally. We’re already too far into it to successfully reverse it.

No. 2150216

Is it because of muh nurture or is it because of pressure? If women break that label then they’re deemed evil horrible people. You literally can’t win.

No. 2150224

nta but
> deemed evil horrible people
by who kek? people who spend all day watching porn and scrolling on tiktok? i fail to align with the belief that their opinions hold any weight

No. 2150226

we are already in a recession

No. 2150242

File: 1724428691758.jpeg (168.55 KB, 603x568, IMG_2295.jpeg)

What’s the plastic crafted after? What kind of human genitals would mirror this plastic you’re fucking or getting fucked by? Degenerate.

No. 2150243

it’s 10 am.

No. 2150245

Oh god just shut up nobody cares that you’re a lesbian kek and being a “woman’s rights” advocate makes me cringe, there’s something so self-aggrandizing about calling yourself a radfem or any kind of feminist, I legit just hate men and wish their existence could be wiped off the planet but since we live in a world where scrote lovers exist and their love makes these men stay alive and exist, we have Trump. I wouldn’t be caring about Trump is women weren’t so scrote obsessed, wouldn’t be worrying about rape, now I have to suffer, thanks bitches!

No. 2150247

that's one cheap and uncomfortable looking strap

No. 2150249

>men rape
>it’s other women’s fault
I almost feel bad for you

No. 2150251

Men rape but what do women do about it? This is a two-way street, after all of these centuries of men raping them and forcing them to carry their parasites you don’t think, “maybe I should try to stop this from happening?” no??? lol ok, so much for women’s liberation

No. 2150252

You cannot be this slow. I'm not even a lesbian but you're the one who brought up
>you can have more excuses to fuck dirty scrotes who keep raping you and for whatever reason, you keep coming back for more
So clearly you care who I do or do not fuck. And I don't call myself a a women's rights advocate or feminist or any kind either. You and other anons who were calling people handmaidens and libfems and whatever else were the ones concerned about feminism. There's no way you're missing every point this badly.

No. 2150259

File: 1724429609374.jpeg (110.75 KB, 736x736, IMG_2296.jpeg)

You only brought it up because you think it’s a badge of honor or “experience” based on your identity identity politics. I also didn’t call myself a feminist, feminism doesn’t deal with the male problem it’s only about softly mitigating and learning to live with their oppressors and enslavers, when you think about at some root level this people genuinely believe it’s natural for a woman to be under a man and they just use bullshit laws to try to equalize this and yet, men are still acting according to their mutated, fucked up nature, it’s just natural to be preyed upon, constantly unsafe, feeling uncomfortable, developing mental disorders and stress because a man’s presence is in your environment so if you ever get done bad by one of these mutants, you undergo abortion and that’s about all these people can offer you. They don’t really care if women are getting raped because apparently to these people it’s just always going to happen because rape is connected to heterosexuality, inherent man over woman, penis always required to be in the vag occupying it and rape is almost like PIV because PIV is rape. It really is. I can’t take this blackpill, I scared myself a bit

No. 2150267

Do you fuck men? Is that why you're getting so offended over me saying I don't although you're the one who brought it up first?
>I also didn’t call myself a feminist
Never said you did.

No. 2150269

I don’t fuck men, don’t like men, don’t hang out with them or try to congregate with them unless forced to (male relatives), I hate them plain and simple and I wouldn’t fuck something I purely hate and is detrimental to me.

No. 2150277

File: 1724430877968.gif (1.59 MB, 500x279, IbPGYG0.gif)

No. 2150289

You must not be American if you don’t enjoy the pleasures of freedumbs to lessen the amount of time you’re exposed to scrotes, unfortunately our jobs aren’t sex segregated and I wish it was.

No. 2150362

File: 1724433534699.png (550.01 KB, 730x702, Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 19-14…)

Kansas court ruled machine gun ban unconstitutional

No. 2150369

No. 2150416


No. 2150418

Why is it based?

No. 2150422


No. 2150459

God why couldn't it be her instead of Kamala

No. 2150508

He was better for the economy because he demolished so many environmental reforms. Poisoning the planet for more pocket change cause he's dying within a decade anyway. I hate old people.

No. 2150546

Every single president since Carter has done this. It was Carter that passed the CERCLA legislation.

No. 2150604

This is simply untrue. Biden reversed many of the decisions made under Trump's administration to cut environmental reforms.

No. 2150752

File: 1724448074440.jpg (65.06 KB, 1065x621, 1708110297494.jpg)

One of the perks of being an American woman is living in a state that lets me shoot and kill men legally.

No. 2150791

i hate being taxed kek the public infrastructure in my state isn’t even good unless you’re in a wealthy, commercial area. the money i’m taxed every month could be rent money

No. 2150794

I’m jealous

No. 2151000

Yes-haw sister

No. 2151190

gonna piggyback and say it is political virtuesignalling when conservatives claim they're for exceptions. most rapes can't be proven. many rape kits have gone untested. many don't even believe in martial rape. for a woman to get justice she has to be trusted to begin with, or at least to an extent.

y'know the "basement dwellers" Trump whined make up much of his base? millions of it are victim blaming, extremist Andrew Tate type men that will probably be the main reason Trump will win. there is no way in which there'd be some kind of pro-victim reform of the criminal justice system that will make getting exceptions much easier considering how much of the base actually dgaf, or are Vance types. there's a stark difference in socioeconomic and quality of living conditions between countries that almost completely ban abortion and those that don't for a reason.

No. 2151648

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No. 2151660

Would love to see him no makeup no hair dye. Just natural. He would be so much prettier..

No. 2151689

ew imagine voting for this old ugly scrote. he looks like a bleached raisin

No. 2151691

Why cant women just blindly support their candidates like moids do? Women cant win because other women are too preoccupied with snarky remarks and morality policing even the most perfect woman alive. Moids dont do it. You all dont understand, its not physical power why moids have it better. They can stand for each other, yall cant ever do that.

No. 2152131

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i saw this ig post and felt such visceral confusion kek? some kids think securing your countries borders, wanting to strengthen our limping army, and having pride in our nation is fascism. well, give me a machine gun and a pair of steel toe boots cause i must be a fashy!

No. 2152808

It genuinely feels like a large portion of American youths have been radicalized to hate America, which is terrifying. They'd rather have Americans killed than have the capacity to defend ourselves. Unreal.

No. 2152820

right? i remember when i was a young tumblrina and fell into the america bad!!! propaganda even though i was born and lived comfortably there for the entirety of my life kek. i think grown adults who claim they hate America and wish death to it should be deported

No. 2152824

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We need to talk about Vance being an obese homosexual. This is an offence against god

No. 2152828

Extremely based.

No. 2152939

Most of the people that post about the border are just sheltered teenagers from the northern states that don't understand the reality of how illegal immigration affects local economies and lifestyles. They are tweeting from their ivory towers. I don't have anything against mexicans, that's why I'm actually against illegal immigration. I hate knowing that there's some poor mexican that's living here illegally and getting paid in peanuts to do horrible hard work. Illegal immigration is way more of a problem than they think because they live in lalaland and don't actually see the ramifications of illegal immigration.

No. 2152948

File: 1724547602344.jpg (265.31 KB, 1979x1510, ugh.JPG)

see how bad is the water in your area

pic related. urainium? 7x the "healthy" limit? the fuck

No. 2152949

I did one of these a while ago and I remember there was a bunch of stuff there. I don't care though, I still happily drink tap water.

No. 2153020

Feels like a scare tactic site to convince people to buy filters.
>no the legal limits are too high here's our made up legal limits.
It's using old data too.

My Brita filter started making the water taste bad and I didn't want to buy a whole new pitcher so I just started drinking chilled tap. It's fine with me.

No. 2153023

>Feels like a scare tactic site to convince people to buy filters.
I completely agree with this but I also think our food and water should be better regulated. The US is so money-driven, companies would rather consumers shell out more for their shit products rather than put pressure on our govt.

No. 2153038

Ntayrt but a lot of Americans think that tainted tap water is specifically a black person problem, and not an actual national everyone-is-affected problem. In Flint, Michigan, they still have shit tap water that's poison. A lot of people would prefer to think that it's only happening in Flint, but the reality is that over half of counties in the USA have substandard tap water with high amounts of toxins.

No. 2153060

does filtering even fix this problem. why do i always feel my brita filter needs to go in the can (followed eventually by the rest of the my modern appliances)

No. 2153064

It can help with small particulates and certain chemicals, but it can't fix things like Uranium-irradiated tap water. I boil all my drinking water, and even then I worry about the toxins that boiling doesn't solve. If you notice in this post >>2152948 almost all the toxins listed have cancer as the main consequence to exposure. Cancers, specifically stomach cancer, have been on the rise in young people (below age 30) for the past 10 years. It's not so much a tinfoil as it is a sad reality.

No. 2153068

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Lol these are old stats. It'd probably be worse now considering there was an oil spill in our drinking water that happened this past year.

No. 2153093

this was some bullshit. where i live now got an "exceeds standards" rating but me and every other transplant i know think the tap water is undrinkable. now CT, theres a state w/ some good ass water

No. 2153136

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Goodbye nonnies it was nice knowing u all…

No. 2153138

dang thats worse than flint…

No. 2153141

I'm not trying to be light-hearted or funny, but you seriously need to stop drinking the tap water in your area and stop cooking with it. This is actually really scary, I don't even know you but I'm worried about you. Honestly I really think you should stop bathing with it too. If I was in your shoes, I think I'd have to go to a water-depot even to buy water to bathe in or just fucking move. This is really fucked, write a letter to your local representative ASAP about the Chromium ASAP I'm not joking. Stop drinking your water, stop cooking with it, stop bathing with it. Omfg I'm actually worried for you I'm not trying to be funny I'm sitting here with my mouth on the floor over the Chromium bit. How old are you?? How long have you been exposed to it??? Holy fuck you're gonna need to get cancer-checks every 4-6 weeks after you turn 40.

No. 2153150

No seriously I'm responding to this again because please stop using the water. Stop bathing with it, stop cooking with it, stop drinking with it. This is actually crazy I've never seen a place with Chromium this high where do you live?? This needs to be investigated fully because now I'm worried you already have cancer and it just hasn't grown yet depending on how long you've been exposed to this.

No. 2153151

Sad thing is I'm in a pretty big college town, I'm surprised the water isn't better than this. Thankfully I drink filtered water only, but don't have much choice in the bathing part unfortunately. Stay out of Oklahoma guys, they do not give af.

No. 2153152

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No. 2153156

Don't worry about the Uranium, honestly as long as it's below 15pCi/L, it's not worrisome and it's not poisonous or deadly to the body. Be more worried about Chromium.
Anon, I'm really not trying to be crazy but YOU NEED TO STOP BATHING IN THE WATER. The filtered water you drink, it doesn't matter because the filters can't clean out chromium effectively enough at that high of a level. I'm not trying to be melodramatic but you're killing yourself by doing this. You're actually killing yourself. You're going to need to undergo cancer-screening 4-5 times a year if you keep bathing in it, drinking it, or cooking with it.

No. 2153158

sitting here praying my well water is okay

No. 2153159

>I've never seen a place with Chromium this high
its particularly hexavalent chromium that is bad, regular (trivalent) chromium is in veggies
>Hexavalent chromium can irritate the nose, throat, and lungs. Repeated or prolonged exposure can damage the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and result in ulcers. In severe cases, exposure causes perforation of the septum (the wall separating the nasal passages).

No. 2153160

Unironically agree, she needs to stop exposing herself to the water immediately, I've never seen something like this before I didn't know there were places in the country like this.
What goes on in your city? There must be some very heavy industry near the water source, something with dangerous pollutants. I've never seen anything above 15 ppb, I didn't know that almost 40 ppb could ever exist in tap water.

No. 2153162

>39.3ppb of hexavalent chromium
Oh my god

No. 2153169

There's Hitachi ISCC here, Im not sure about what else since I've only been here about a year now. But I'm highly considering getting the f out now because everyone is freaking me out (and for good reason.)

No. 2153176

Anon contact your local representatives ASAP as well as whatever company provides your water for you, like who you pay for the water every month. Stop using the water ASAP. Everyone is right and you should be freaked out. You've been poisoned for the past year and you're already 2 or 3 times more likely to develop cancer now just from the year that you've spent exposed to this. I don't know what you're gonna do about the bathing, honestly maybe buy a 24-pack of water bottles to use in the bath. Stop using the water. In every aspect.

No. 2153177

My area uses groundwater, and the contaminates are lower than the National and state average so that makes me feel a little better kek. I still drink filtered water most of the time.

No. 2153182

nta but
>Electroplating, leather tanning, and textile industries release relatively large amounts of chromium in surface waters. Leaching from topsoil and rocks is the most important natural source of chromium entry into bodies of water. Solid wastes from chromate-processing facilities, when disposed of improperly in landfills, can be sources of contamination for groundwater, where the chromium residence time might be several years.
if she uses the huge blue bottles of water at the grocery store meant to be used on dispensers maybe its a solution… or not letting showers steam too hot so it doesnt get breathed in

No. 2153185

ASAIK chromium can be absorbed through the skin, so even if she took cold showers it's still dangerous. Your idea about the refillable water bottles is good though, USUALLY the source for these is independent of local water supply and it's a lot more pure. She'd probably only need to buy a bottle a week to bathe in, but she'd need to start bathing only once or twice a week, the rest of the days would be doing a mini-cleanup just using a bit of the water, soap, and a rag in the tub to wash herself.

No. 2153186

is it worth it to even use brita filters? should i just buy water instead? i want no part of this shit in my body anymore.

No. 2153187

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It can be absorbed through the skin, anon needs to stop using the water ASAP for everything and switch to bottled water.

No. 2153188

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>Chromium, 1967 times higher than health guidelines.
>Chromium, 39.3ppb
Damn. It's a miracle you're not sick yet.

No. 2153189

she needs a reverse osmosis filtration system in her home. its hard if you have a landlord who doesnt let you

No. 2153190

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That's why she needs to start using the big jugs of water like picrel. Usually, the sources for those undergo reverse-osmosis treatments.

No. 2153192

any filter is better than none. bottled water has microplastics tho so we're fucked no matter what. the plastic in these >>2153190 is usually harder type, less leechy though. otherwise, reverse osmosis.

No. 2153194

Nona stop using your water. This picture made me scared for you. I can't fathom this.

No. 2153195

These big jugs are what I drink from normally thank god. I wish I had the money to use them for baths too somehow but alas I don't. I'm just going to have to take the quickest luke warm shower till I get out of here. Renting thankfully so not stuck here.

No. 2153196

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Mine is pretty good I think. Yeah it has 36x radium, but who doesn't like a little radium? The other chemicals are chloroform, Dichloroacetic acid, and nitrate. I drink my fridge water more often these days but I still like tapwater when I wanna drink hot water. Sometimes I don't like the taste of it depending on the temperature but eh.

No. 2153197

it's genuinely so bad that it looks like a shitpost. i refuse to believe it's real. i cannot believe there's somewhere in our country with water like that

No. 2153199

>I'm just going to have to take the quickest luke warm shower till I get out of here.
Anon you're not getting it. Your showering in poison. Every time you shower you're poisoning your body. It's like you're smoking 2 packs of cigarettes every time you shower. You're gonna have to start bathing with the jug water, just pour a bit out into a mixing bowel and stand in your bath tub while you clean yourself with a washcloth and soap, using the jug water to wash it away. I don't know what you can do about the hair, I'd cut mine short and just use dry shampoo a lot.
I thought for a moment that it was bait, but she genuinely seems like she's being for real and that's the part that's so scary. She's been exposed to this for over a year she's saying. This is shocking.

No. 2153200

Samefag but it's funny we're here talking about how many cancer causing chemicals are in our water kek

No. 2153203

Norman Oklahoma, unfortunately it's very real. This state continues to disappoint.

No. 2153205

It's Oklahoma so I can believe it. One of the most corrupt states in the entire union.
Nona stop using the water and start checking your breasts for lumps every 3-4 weeks and getting bloodwork at least every 5-6 months.

No. 2153208

>tap water provided by this water utility was in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.
nothing to see here

No. 2153209

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>Norman Oklahoma
I looked it up and the city gets it's water from Lake Thunderbird. I'm researching the lake and its pollutants now to try and get an understanding of what's going on here.

No. 2153217

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Norman's latest consumer confidence report is saying that there's less than 2ppb of Chromium according to a sample taken from December 2023. That's a really big discrepancy from >>2153136 nearly 40ppb. I don't trust the 2ppb report because it's coming from Norman itself, so obviously they would prefer to lie and cover it up.

They've been dealing with high Chromium since at least 2011, but it looks like the municipal government tries very hard to sweep it under the rug. I found this article [ https://www.normanok.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2020-06/Questions%20and%20answers%20about%20chromium%20in%20Norman%27s%20public%20water%20supply%20-%20Chromium%20FAQ.pdf ]where they're trying to explain why the chromium is so high, but most of the article is just them trying to gaslight concerned citizens by saying "hahah it's not that serious guiz!!!" and pulling a bunch of excuses out of their asses.

No. 2153220

According to this article, Lake Thunderbird isn't the only source of water, but it is the main one.
>"Lake Thunderbird is not the only source of Norman’s drinking water, Frech said. Much of the area’s water is also sourced from the Garber-Wellington Aquifer, though Norman’s access to the aquifer has been restricted in recent years due to water-quality regulation."
So the municipality already had to deal with restrictions due to water-quality being so piss poor.

No. 2153222

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No. 2153223

This is actually my nightmare.

No. 2153224

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Stainless steels contain 10-20% chromium, not sure if its the toxic type, perhaps there is steel manufacturing runoff

they really did a lot of cope in this address to the public in 2010.

No. 2153226

this is all so fucked

No. 2153227

You guys are fucking retarded. You’re not getting cancer from water in America. If you’re paranoid get a filter. Also cooking boils away everything, god you guys are so stupid. Better not ever get in a car again because you have a 1000% higher chance of dying in a vehicle accident than dying from chemicals in your water.(bait)

No. 2153228

Apparently the lake is known to locals as "Dirty Bird" because of the pollutants and toxic chemicals in the lake. I've noticed in a lot of the public memos the gov. released about it, they try very hard to downplay the problem. This is crazy, I can't believe this is happening in a developed country. I knew Flint was bad, but I always thought it was an outlier, but apparently it's happening all over the country. I'm actually scared for Normanon now.

No. 2153229

>nonnies organize a Camp Lejeune type class action lawsuit

No. 2153230

Interestingly, a lot of the memo is stressing "EPA SAYS 100PPB IS OKAY!!!" but even back in 2013 California introduced its own standard (<10ppb) for their water because the EPA's substandard and not really interested in peoples' health.

No. 2153232

I know this is bait, but I just wanted to point out that chromium can't be boiled out of water. It needs to be treated through reverse osmosis or intensive distillation.

No. 2153234

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No. 2153237

I did this and it says there's chemicals but Lake Michigan water is also the best tasting water in the country so what is the truth?

No. 2153238

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This is the watershed for Lake Thunderbird. Apparently it's a man-made reservoir. I'm wondering what is the main source of the pollutants, I'm assuming there's something going on within the watershed area that can explain why the hexavalent chromium is so high.

No. 2153239

Oooh here the non Americans go again all up in our beeswax

No. 2153241

Thankyou for looking into all this. I'm not surprised the Norman Gov is sweeping everything under the rug. Local govs here are constantly caught doing shady shite. I dumbly posted this in an oklahoma group and they all tried to defend these levels in the water. Can't help people here.

No. 2153243

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>Norman Oklahoma
From a 35-city study, Norman had the highest concentrations of chromium. This is so crazy to me, to think a random place in OK has higher chromium levels than other more heavily industrialized places.

No. 2153244

>they all tried to defend these levels in the water
they're just denying out of an instinct to self-soothe. like >>2153227

No. 2153247

Holy fuck STOP USING THE WATER NONA!!!! This is terrifying oh my gosh.

No. 2153248

have u ever heard of Erin Brockovich????

No. 2153252

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it's all over

No. 2153259

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I checked the cancer statistics for OK, and what I found makes sense. There's higher rates of lung and bronchus cancers, oral cavity cancers, and kidney and rectal cancers. These are all to do with the body processing poisoned water. This is crazy.

Here's the report for those interested:

No. 2153267

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It looks like by 2014, 3 years after the chromium story broke, they were still looking to the EPA for guidance but didn't end up doing anything about it. They're trying to sweep it under the rug, and pretend like being the city in the country with the highest amounts of chromium in the water is normal or something. I actually got sick reading this thread tonight, I feel horrible knowing that there's an anon out there that is suffering because of this.

>Norman similarly handled the federal requirements regulating arsenic levels in drinking water, waiting for an EPA ruling to avoid overspending on a short-sighted water treatment initiative, Wellborn said.

>“We are looking forward to the EPA telling utilities what’s appropriate,” Wellborn said.

It appears the municipality doesn't have the money required to update their water treatment facilities, and that they're just hoping everyone forgets about it instead of trying to fix it.

No. 2153282

The biggest problem with well water is arsenic, so as long as you test your well water every 2 or 3 months for arsenic levels you should be good. Research the local watershed that provides the water for your well, and then look into any source of pollutants in the area (like animal farms, agriculture sites, or industry) that could affect the quality of the water in your well.

No. 2153285

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NTAYRT but for context, Hinkley CA (the town from the Brockovich expose) has a chromium count between 2.8-4.8 micrograms even in 2023. Norman OK has a chromium count of 39 micrograms according to >>2153136 's post.

No. 2153286

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Norman OK has more chromium in the water than Hinkley CA did at the peak of its water-contamination lawsuit. Anons water is at 39.3ppb, and Hinkley's recorded highest was 31.8ppb.

No. 2153287

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Note to self: never use water from Oklahoma. That's fucked and crazy.

No. 2153306

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hell yeah let's all buy bottled water from a source we don't know and can't test and pollute the world with more plastic instead

No. 2153317

We're discussing an anon living in a place with contaminated water that has doubled her risk of cancer in a year, and you're trying to bait with a shitpost. Seriously read the room and get a life.

No. 2153388

literally what are you going to do about it? everyone's on fucking lolcow crying about it, none of you are going to call any senators or do any activism. get off your high horse. go outside.

No. 2153393

Actually, retarded shithead, I already emailed the politician (his name is TOM COLE) that represents Norman, OK. Just because you're a whiny little turd that can't do anything, doesn't mean the rest of us are so spineless.

This is the representative's website for anyone curious:

Go to that website and you can email your concerns about the insane Chromium levels. You can also send him a strongly worded letter at his office address.

His offices' address is:

2424 Springer Dr., Suite 201,
Norman, OK 73069
Phone: (405) 329-6500
Fax: (405) 321-7369

His Twitter is: @ tomcoleok04

Seriously, your whiny little baby attitude is funny to laugh at. Boo hoo. You must be retarded if you think it's hard to contact representatives and express concern for things happening in their district. Some people are actually active participants in their democracy.

No. 2153406

>Get off your high horse
You probably look like a horse and stink like one too. High as fuck tweaking on Prozac.

No. 2153508

Thanks for posting. I just sent an email about it too.

No. 2153695

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What is wrong with you lesbiburgers and your shit taste? Kamala has nothing on Tulsi, god why couldn’t she be in her place…

No. 2153701

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I hate the people in my country…. le sigh. If we were going to have a goyslop female president I would’ve preferred her she has the look and energy of a female president not nepotistic Kamala and Hillary. Fuck even woo woo astrologers agree with me:
https://classicalastrologer.com/2019/08/01/tulsi-a-warrior-for-our-time/(multiple unintegrated posts)

No. 2153716

Tulsi doesn’t really have anything notable about her

No. 2153745

>was in the Iraq War
>Has knowledge of the world outside America
>Realistic about Islam
>Realistic about politics

No. 2153770

>was in the Iraq war
Why do people pretend this is impressive? Being in wars stopped being impressive after the Korean war. Two of the local crackheads that camp near my building were also in the Iraq war, should they be elected president?

No. 2153782

over 2 million Americans served in Iraq so she’s not that special, also
>has knowledge of world outside of America
? is this considered impressive kek we’re in the age of simplified knowledge where you can learn whatever you want, momentarily.

No. 2153784

It should be a minimum to have experienced a bit of what you'll inflict on the world.
>Two of the local crackheads that camp near my building were also in the Iraq war, should they be elected president?
If compared to two crackheads who didn't, yes.

No. 2153995

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I changed my mind

No. 2154005

This is definitely a lie

No. 2154051

first reply was based, this one is just embarrassing

No. 2154054

This thread reminds me of highschool and all the middle-upper class girls who would take a vow of silence for victims in Rwanda or whichever country of the week it was.

No. 2154121

She’s pretty but her looks are just kind of boring to me i guess. The strand is cute tho

No. 2154369

if it was real isnt stuff like this illegal basically everywhere because of anti whaling laws?

No. 2154379

I'm contacting some money hungry institutions (aka legal firms), including any with connections to camp lejune and hinkley, and anonymously leaving them a large amount of evidence. Hopefully they smell blood and go after this. Justice for Oklahoma nonny. Will do for other cities too because I have autism and am in a manic state after researching hexavalent chromium.

Never forget how they poison us when they make pop articles accusing us of having shitty diets when we get colon cancer at 30, meanwhile boomers were eating McDonalds all week in the 70s/80s.

No. 2154394

>Kick Kennedy
? What the hell kind of name kek

No. 2154405

So because we contacted a representative, which is a normal part of democracy and our country's politics, that makes us like fake slacktivists or whatever? I swear to God we can never win. Scrotes can be totally retarded when it comes to politics and that's fine, but as soon as a woman sends a letter to a congressmen about water quality, suddenly she's a a dumb slacktivist bimbo. What else could you be implying? And all for sending a letter to a politician. I swear some Zoomers are so braindead from irony-poisoned Tiktok that they think doing anything and everything is cringe.

No. 2154432

AYRT that wasn't my point at all, but, hey, good on you for revealing your true colors.

No. 2154447

I think you're backtracking now because you got called out for being retarded but hey, that's just my Lolcow theory.

No. 2154466

What was your point?

No. 2154469

Ntayrt but she was just shaming women for being involved in politics, basically saying that it's all pointless and for nothing. Then she is trying to say that wasn't the point. Why do retarded people think everyone is as stupid as them to believe their lies?

No. 2154518

Why do people today feel the need to name their kids the most stupid things?

No. 2154545

her name is kathleen, kick seems to be a nickname taken from another kathleen in the kennedy family.

No. 2154680

How is contacting your representative about water quality performative? That's literally why they're there. To represent. It's not the same as posting a black square on your story back in 2020. Sorry some people actually want to better their quality of life

No. 2154827

Didn’t see this posted yet but Trump did an interview on the Theo Von podcast recently. Any thoughts from the people who watched this cuz I’m not down to subject myself to it lol

No. 2154862

>haha you stupid girls, contacting your politicians over problems that directly affect you
Go back

No. 2155263

Dallas is such a shit hole why do people move here. You'd think the transplants would make it better but something about this city turns everybody into retarded religious nuts

No. 2155658

My nigel moved to dfw for work and he just doesn't leave his house for social things because people in Dallas are so rude lol, he prefers to drive out of state to see his normal friends

No. 2155681

will a showerhead filter or a water softener filter work on this?

No. 2155703

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youd need a reverse osmosis filter for every sink you drink out of AND the piping would need to be plastic/stainless steel because Reverse osmosis will corrode brass. RO is great for drinking water, but lowers the water pressure too much for a shower.

protecting yourself from hex chromium per individual is nearly impossible and is a systemic corruption issue, from the pollution to the building codes/lack of standards that allow them to funnel toxic unfiltered water into your home. the best thing to do is to move, but it's not effective unless its pretty far as ground contamination from industry stretches and seeps far, and many cities and towns have the same issue. basically we need to start guillotine-ing pic related CEOs and such before this would even be close to changing.

No. 2155711

That also wasn't my point, either, kek. More so that when it comes to shit like this, women will fall for the first scrap of "evidence" and immediately jump on board with whatever the cause is.
Also I'd totally keep writing more about this but there's a drunk guy outside and he just fell down and I wanna see what's going on lol

No. 2155714

Yeah a drunk guy is why you're not saying more, totally not because you know what you're saying us bullshit. Tooootallly.

No. 2155718

>women will fall for the first scrap of "evidence" and immediately jump on board with whatever the cause is.
Are you seriously suggesting water pollution is fake? Dumbass bootlicker.

No. 2155734

So tired of scrotes like this on this website. And OFC the farmhands are gonna ban me for saying the obvious.(scrotefoiling)

No. 2155737

>reminds me of highschool and all the middle-upper class girls who would take a vow of silence for victims in Rwanda
Rwanda happened in what? 1994? Are you in your 40s and STILL making fun of people for caring about political issues?

No. 2155738

Maybe she meant like, in her Rwanda example, people only having a superficial understanding of a complex case of corruption.. It reminded me of the production of chocolate, how you can't fully prevent slave labor in the supply chain, the positives and negatives it has on the people that produce it.. I would recommend looking into it, it's interesting. I think she meant that it's more of a complex issue than how it seems on the surface-level.

No. 2155744

Yeah people here are either straight assholes or fucking insane bitter shut ins. So weird

No. 2155747

No it was pretty obvious she's nihilistic and gets angry when other people actually care about the world they live in. Probably because she's 40 and still using Lolcow dot farm.

No. 2155748

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Nah I'm back. It was this weird neighbor in our building.
I'm a scrote because I question the facts from a website of a lobbying organization?
Picrel. A city in Washington challenged their report (https://www.everettwa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16234/Everett-statement-on-Environmental-Working-Group-PDF) and claimed the EWG cherrypicks their own guidelines. Seriously, I wish anons were more skeptical of shit like this and would do a little digging before falling for this stuff. This is what I meant by my original statement of "this is like highschool". It's performative.

No. 2155758


Firing squad would be very cheap.

No. 2155763

The anon who sent emails did dig into though. Literally just read the thread.

No. 2155768

Don't bother responding to the scrote kek, just keep reporting. Hopefully the farmhands are still awake and it isn't one of the nightly 10 hour moderation outages.

No. 2155773

Kek the fact you can't even call out scrotes baiting anymore. Ofc this is banned before the actual scrote bait.

No. 2155774

Stop scrotefoiling. If you suspect someone is a scrote, report them and we will investigate. You're just giving potential moids attention by responding at all. At the same time, please remember not all women have the same opinions or political alignments. Please keep in mind we have both left and right wing women on here.

No. 2155787

It's not about political alignment? Nobody mentioned anything about right wing or left wing? Read the thread. Like oh my god this is embarrassing.

No. 2155788

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No she didn't. I did read the thread. At no point does she mention who the EWG are. As far as I could tell, the focus was more about how shitty Oklahoma is. I also found a paper written debunking the Erin Brockovich story, and an article pointing out that the EWG likes to scaremonger, due to the fact that they're supported by companies like Stonyfield Farms and Organic Valley. Enjoy.


No. 2155790

Both of you are illiterate.

No. 2155793

No, anon, I'm not. I read the thread. Go find me the post where the original anon who sent the email explains who the EWG are. I dare you. Fucking retarded excuse for a troll. At least put in some effort if you're gonna waste time on lolcow pretending to know what we're discussing. You have all the social grace of a pedophile.(infighting)

No. 2155798

Kek and the farmhand is still gonna pretend you're not a scrote baiting after this response(scrotefoiling)

No. 2155799

This isn't about politics numbnut we're talking about water

No. 2155804

Is there just one desperate farmhand tending the farms now? This is about water.

No. 2155807

Yeah, for the past 2 weeks there's been moderation blackouts for 8-9 hours every night. Before, there would be a moderation blackout from like 3 or 4AM EST until 7 or 8 EST, and even that was a little difficult to deal with. Now that the blackouts last almost half the day, it's getting more annoying. Pretty sure now that uni terms are starting again, the farmhands are too busy to actually moderate the site.

If that's the case though, why doesn't cerbmin open applications? Oh wait, it's because cerbmin is MIA and hasn't spoken in months. It's crazy because when we have a deluge of 4ch scrotes raiding for the past 3 weeks, that's when suddenly the moderation blackout goes from 4 hours/night to 9+ hours/night. And yeah yeah take it to /meta/ but that's the other thing, you don't redtext the hundreds of bullshit post in /meta/ so that whenever someone actually brings up an honest complaint or suggestion it's buried beneath bullshit. Lol.

No. 2155808

Wow I'm actually doing essay questions about water for one of my courses and I go on lolcow because I want to procrastinate more and there's water talk here

No. 2155809

File: 1724722722528.png (85.52 KB, 1403x699, Screenshot 2024-08-26 213658.p…)

i don't drink my city's water but i do wash my dishes and shower…

No. 2155811

Let's not forget that Cerbmin said that moderating is tough because they all have to sift through "hundreds" of reports a day. But they are so quick to ban anons who use emoticons or format weirdly but not a scrote beastiality post for hours and hours. Curious.

No. 2155813

>they cherrypick their own guidelines!
because if they relied on the fed's standards, we know they'd be in our best interests…

No. 2155815

Now, if you like clean water, you're a democrat, and if you like dirty water, you're a republican. Keep up with the program.
I just don't get why they don't expand the number of farmhands. Surely there are some dedicated NEETs on here that would be good at it. But also the other thing is, Cerbmin doesn't make it any easier for the farmhands because he (kek I'm not pretending Cerbmin isn't a man) refuses to ban VPNs. So really the farmhands are sifting through hundreds of reports, but in those hundred are mostly posts made by the same frequent baiters and ban evaders. Whenever you bring up banning VPNs, a certain troon will come out of the woodwork to say that we totally need VPNs because 10% of anons use them. Even though it's very very obvious to everyone that the trolls with VPNs are a major problem. If they would just ban VPNs, I'm guessing the amount of rule-breaking posts would decrease by at least half, if not more. IDK if it's a programming issue or whatever, but at a certain point you have to wonder what's the point of running a website if you never improve it or interact with its audience? Seriously we've had the "SITE MAINTENANCE IS COMPLETED!" banner for how many months now? It's the little things that make you realize moderation has gone to the dogs.

No. 2155872

I like how as soon as I posted those articles pointing out flaws in the EWG the subject shifted to "moderation blackouts". Stick to the fucking subject we're debating, you retards.
That varies from state to state, though. Unsurprisingly, my state has good water. However, they're still retarded and corrupt in almost all other sectors. But even still, I'd rather do my own research than have some anon here try to demand that she do the thinking for me. Fuck that NPC shit.

No. 2155873

File: 1724725338733.jpg (12.76 KB, 228x275, bait.jpg)

No. 2155875

>Stick to the fucking subject we're debating, you retards.
Nobody is debating. We're all in agreement and you're sperging because we don't agree with you.

No. 2156603

Mildly annoying thing about working at my company. I work in a company run by cheap assholes, so we hire a lot in cheaper countries. We have colleagues in Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Mexico, India. When talking about them, I can say the Bulgarians or the Hungarians just fine. But I always stop myself from saying the Mexicans or the Indians because our company is woke af and I don't want to sound racist.

No. 2156770

I don't get what you mean KEK like you can't bring yourself to speak the words Indian or Mexican?? Your post is confusing me I think you forgot a word or maybe I'm just dumb? Idk.

No. 2156791

just say "Mexican coworkers/colleagues/teams/partners/team members" etc lol
this sounds like a silly problem, hopefully my suggestion offers an easy fix to it

No. 2156890

Mexican is a nationality. If your colleagues are Mexican….then they are Mexican. With Indians I kind of understand your concern bc there’s a weird movement to call them south Asians or something

No. 2157287

Mexican and Indian are both ethnicities and are fine to say lol. South Asian is the racial category, as opposed to ethnicity. Just like for Mexicans, Latino would be the racial category.

No. 2157290

Mexican is not an ethnicity holy kek

No. 2157305

I'm in California, y'know where most of the Mexicans are, and it is absolutely is an ethnicity. You sound like the kind of white person who would say Latinx and "Latino is not a race, they can be any race teehee" neither of which actual Latinos agree with.

No. 2157311

It's not because they're woke, it's because they're secretly racist and don't wanna be reminded of the fact that they're using cheap slave labor, kek.
Same, kek, it's even funnier when you realize Mexicans are divided between those from Mexico City, and those who aren't.

No. 2157320

Holy shit all of these jobs are being taken away from real hard-working Americans who actually speak English, this shit actually boils my blood. They need to stop hiring these desperate poorfag foreigners from their despotic countries jfc, no wonder unemployment is rising. We need to tell those Indians to stop birthing so much fucking rapist males and get rid of that caste system so they can stop begging for penniless jobs(racebaiting)

No. 2157333

File: 1724812925922.jpeg (230.78 KB, 1200x800, T9u9Y4D.jpeg)

naomi osaka's outfit at the US open

No. 2157335

File: 1724812947897.jpeg (436.76 KB, 2560x1920, Qjhhhp3.jpeg)

No. 2157339

File: 1724813201725.jpeg (695.36 KB, 2076x3114, 6GFjqf0.jpeg)

No. 2157341

This is so insanely cute.

No. 2157345

Lolita fashion but make it tennis. I love this lol, so cute.

No. 2157374

File: 1724816788590.jpg (154.14 KB, 540x936, 1524420525976.jpg)

>>I'm in California, y'know where most of the Mexicans are
>mfw as a mexican living in mexico

No. 2157381

File: 1724818023412.webp (22.44 KB, 600x750, naomi-osakas-outfit-for-the-us…)

she's so cute i love her

No. 2157422

typical amerislop consumerism, ungratefulness, etc. imagine saying you've had a refridgerator for ~6 years already~ in that nasally voice as if it's a piece of shit or it's on its last legs after 20 or 30 years. the original fridge is already twice as big as normal ones anyway and probably cost thousands of dollars. keeping up with the joneses is such a pathetic mentality of the people in this country, why can't they have that mentality for, idk, not starting overseas wars instead of buying a $4000 fridge every half a decade?

No. 2157424

what a waste, the old one held way more in the fridge with larger heights between each shelf. it doesnt sound like a big deal until you cant fit full sized cartons of juice, milk, creamer anywhere but a door hanger that might fall off.

No. 2157435

i have a fridge in my dads garage from 1998 that still works perfectly

No. 2157438

Honest question, Burger nonnies, but how bad is the tranny scourge in your private offline lives? I know online spaces are infested, but whenever I "meet" someone from the US online, no matter if it's a fandom website or another place, the person ends up being some kind of gender special or a TRA. And it's not just Zoomers either but Millennials and older too. It's just so tiring.

No. 2157440

Interesting you bring this up because offline, in real life, I encounter way too many fucking trannies as it is but especially today. I entered a starbucks today, and when i noticed that one of the employees was a massive hairy hunchback troon dressed in an ugly outfit i just immediately left kek

No. 2157451

You don’t really see any of that around here tbh

No. 2157521

Young (like preteen and teen) TIFs are quite common. I think because it's the new rebellious phase like emo and scene and stuff. Coincidentally, they all are also some flavor of emo or scene kek. I know a guy who worked at an afterschool program who has had a couple teen TIFs decide to literally become him kek take his name and all. TIMs have been becoming quite common after covid. It's always extremely jarring seeing one. On valentines day I went to an aquarium and there were multiple of them kek ew. My fiance works in a hospital and had a literal "IT'S MAAM!" type come in recently kek. I think I've seen literally one HSTS and the rest were all AGPs with girlfriends, ew. Even my autist cousin decided being a failmale meant he must actually be a woman, and took his mom's dead sister's name at the funeral

No. 2157531

They usually work at Starbucks because of the benefits, so I'd say that's the easiest place to come across one unfortunately

No. 2157544

It doesn’t affect me at all but I don’t have a social life. Nothing at work either.

No. 2157547

> I know a guy who worked at an afterschool program who has had a couple teen TIFs decide to literally become him kek take his name and all
Jeez, remember when these types of girls just drew cringe anime art of their teacher crushes?
> and took his mom's dead sister's name at the funeral
NO. That's vile omfg.

No. 2157587

I live in bumfuck nowhere so the only time you ever see trannies is at the local university and high schools. Even then, they’re super rare. I’ve never seen an hsts type irl though, only some agps. And I honestly haven’t even seen any troons at the university in a few semesters. It kinda feels like they mysteriously vanished.

No. 2157727

I love this so much. Straight mogging everyone with the fit.

No. 2157760

Is anyone considering moving to escape the oncoming recession?

No. 2157766

Recession is going to impact every Western country in the coming years before the next big war. Your safest bet is to learn Spanish and emigrate to developed nations in South America, like Chile or Uruguay.

No. 2157768

Most adorable outfit ever

No. 2157773

I thought we were already in one

No. 2157784

File: 1724862334972.png (801.35 KB, 750x750, IMG_9406.png)

I live in Southern California, so I’m sure you can put two and two together

No. 2157806

Lmao no. Things aren't going to be better anywhere else and the cost of moving would outweigh the benefits

No. 2157811

I live in a pretty liberal city and honestly, I very rarely encounter them in the wild (and I get outside often). If I do they're usually just working at Starbucks or something kek. I don't really get the hysteria some anons get into about them.

No. 2157838

Mine might be disproportionately high because I live in California, worked in the arts and the video game industry, and used to hang around in the goth club scene. A shocking number of dudes I personally knew have trooned out over the last 5 years and I don't talk to them anymore.

No. 2157896

They were everywhere when I was in college. I went to a small, left-leaning liberals arts college, so yeah. It was very centered around identity politics, as everyone was trying to be more “marginalized” than each other. Now in my adult life, I don’t encounter them ever, except for at “queer events.” I’ve given up on those spaces tbh. I’m so glad there aren’t troons in my career field (law). The requirements of looking professional and being socially competent pretty much rule them out.

No. 2157897

SoCal, maybe every few months for adults, but it seems more common among teens/kids but it's mostly TIFs.

No. 2157909

It feels like we've been in a nonstop recession since like 2008, haven't we? jesus christ it feels like I can't catch a break

No. 2157959

i just want to live somewhere that's affordable and good climate

No. 2157964

One was working at this trendy restaurant in my neighborhood. The only seats available were at the bar so I got an eyeful of this faggot all evening. He was skinwalking the three women working there, too. And I'm not in California, kek

No. 2157966

Ooooh, anon, please for the love of god can we be discord pals, I too work in video games and would love to vent about troons and moids being retarded

No. 2158003

I live in a southern state and see them pretty often unfortunately. They often work at the walmarts for some reason. I don't go to starbucks often enough to see them there, but theres a TIM and TIF both working at my local petco. Also seen one working at my zoo with kids. Clown world

No. 2158007

If a TIM is at a zoo……god help those animals

No. 2158092

I recently figured out that a new work related friend is a full blown TIF. I was truly fooled thinking it was a man, just thought it was a very gay sounding fat man. Nope, some very old social media pictures confirmed it’s a woman. Made sense why I was able to get along with her kek To be fair, she doesn’t advertise her trannyism and I only found out because I had a hunch and went snooping kek. I mostly run into TIFs in my field since it’s very female dominated and attracts right leaning type of men anyway, I haven’t seen many TIMs.

No. 2158276

this makes 0 sense to me? how can illegal immigrants even have a credit score or credit history?

No. 2158278

File: 1724888474769.png (450.18 KB, 1672x1326, Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 4.35.…)

So um California just passed a bill allowing undocumented immigrants to qualify for zero-down, no payment home loans to buy houses. I'm sorry but what the fuck

No. 2158281

It's purposeful state wide sabotage. I genuine believe the government does these things on purpose to build tension and lower quality of life until eventually a civil war will break out. And all the rich and powerful people will be safe in bunkers and shit while we're all killing each other. It's a culling.

No. 2158288

I've been doing it wrong this whole time. Change of plans:
>quit job
>renounce citizenship
>apply for housing loan and buy home
>apply for benefits and have free healthcare and food

No. 2158290

This response is for you nona

No. 2158300

I believe it.

No. 2158305

A lot of my friends are 2nd gen immigrants whose parent took over a decade or more to get papers to become a citizen. They are 100 percent against shit like this. I have a feeling a lot of immigrants will vote Trump. This is actually a fucking joke to actual citizens and immigrants who worked hard to become U.S citizens. I hate CA so much

No. 2158309

File: 1724889349213.jpeg (885.05 KB, 1170x2235, IMG_8069.jpeg)

Do they even have a motive yet

No. 2158311

File: 1724889383901.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x2298, IMG_8070.jpeg)

I don't think anyone's ever explained why he did it kek

No. 2158313

maybe he was just feeling silly

No. 2158314

I've worked in Starbucks and there were quite a few Tims and Tifs there, but it's mainly retail in general. I now work as a contractor in a gov type building, so there is tech there. I've only seen about 4-5, but there is way too much. Every single one of them are MTF. They're all super obvious too. I also have a MTF who works in the deli department of the cafeteria. It's far too many sadly.
I thought trannies were an online only joke until I started seeing more and more irl at jobs and in the wild.

No. 2158315

Just got back from an anime con. Tons are there. I was chatting with this woman who was cosplaying from the same series as me and she was like 'omg there's my girlfriend' and when I turned, it was a 6'2 hulking MAN. Tims are extremely commonplace in older dudes 25+ and Tifs are usually young women suffering from self hate, self sexism and autismo.

No. 2158317

Same. I'm voting Trump. I'm not gonna feed into the liberal tranny lovers anymore.(responding to bait)

No. 2158323

Me too nonnies. I was too young to vote for Trump the first 2 times he was on the ballot, so I'm definitely going to come November kek(responding to bait)

No. 2158324

kek that's what's so funny to me, nobody can twist it for their narrative. I'm imagining he was schizophrenic or some shit tbh

No. 2158326

Just remember that if you're voting Trump, Vance will be president from March 2025 onward. Most psychics and 5DD individuals have seen visions that he will take a massive heart attack in the last week of February and will be declared unfit for office. He will most likely die by the second or third night of Gemini season.

No. 2158338

We can't let Vance be the first biologically female president, nonnies…

No. 2158345

why does everyone say we're entering a recession I see every tiktok addicted zoomer saying this too. We are not headed into a recession. There's only a risk of recession, but no oncoming one. It's like people want the economy to go to shit sometimes. Housing is expensive because of zoning laws (we need to build more housing btw) and the inflation rate is 2.9% as of 2024 compared to it being like 7% in 2022, inflation rates dropped after biden signed the IRA into law.
Alright nona take your meds.. And im voting for kamala… but there is no time for schizophrenia

No. 2158346

File: 1724890583550.png (18.67 KB, 651x180, wtflol.png)

samefag but this is insane lmfao

No. 2158347

Nonny, its not nice to speak ill of people like that

No. 2158348

I thought it was something about how he want to take out "the deep state" or something like that, and had a list?

No. 2158351

>> Vance will be president from March 2025 onward
> He (Trump) will most likely die of a heart attack by the second or third night of Gemini season
So people think he'll die in March or May?

No. 2158354

Yes. Learn to read.

No. 2158363

Outside of woo woo spiritual beliefs, wouldn't be surprised if either biden or trump (or both) died in 2025. Both seem to be declining in health. Biden has the pathetic kind of dementia and Trump has the angry confuddled kind of dementia.

No. 2158372

Basically I've seen over 10 different accredited psychics/mediums profess their belief that Donald Trump will enter a new cycle of samsara sometime in the first week of Gemini season 2025. Many individuals that have obtained 5DD spiritual status echo this belief as well.

When he takes the heart attack in March, the public will assume he will recover, so the push-back from Vance acting as president will be minimal between March to May. Unfortunately, he will pass away in late May much to the surprise of the public. There will be a lot of civil unrest specifically in TX, Iowa, NY, and Oregon as a result of this. Many people will interpret Vance's assumption of power to be antithetical to the democracy and they will make the government aware of this belief.

No. 2158384

File: 1724892836756.jpg (22.1 KB, 300x300, 1493124407258_2022_01_03_02_07…)

You're bananas.

No. 2158386

File: 1724892916909.jpeg (54.7 KB, 343x360, IMG_3917.jpeg)


No. 2158389

You know what I believe it. why not

No. 2158394

I'm not a bananas I'm a fucking human being. Stop the bullying and hate campaign. And please spoiler bald scrotes, they activate my fight or flight and then I have to punch my pillow until I calm down.
No, sadly that's all I know so far.
I didn't believe it until the 5th psychic revealed she had seen the same visions, and then when I heard other mediums and 5DD individuals echoing the statements I realized it was all true. It's scary to think about.

No. 2158395

File: 1724893325879.jpg (12.02 KB, 246x287, patricknoleik.jpg)

Not one word of that made sense. How much did you spend consulting these weirdos?

No. 2158396

what the fuck is gemini season

No. 2158400

21 May until 20 June this year.

No. 2158401

This is the Amerifag thread. We talk about things in the context of America. Most of the Mexicans IN AMERICA are in California. Get out of our thread if you can't understand the concept, tard.

No. 2158407

We already give them free food and free healthcare so I'm not even surprised. Newsom is fucking awful. I hope the next governor will undo all this shit, or that if Trump wins as president he will keep his promises about mass deportation.

True troons, rarely. I've never seen a FTM and only once in a while do I see a MTF. But TONS of "nonbinaries" especially of the self-hating woman variety. Like you literally can't go anywhere here without seeing a fat dangerhair enby.

No. 2158411

If he didn't leave a manifesto, notes, or online posts giving hints as to why, we will never know. For example all these years later we still have no idea why the Las Vegas shooter killed a fuckton of people because he didn't leave a single clue behind.

No. 2158412

Weren't the trump shooter's last searches porn related? Wouldn't be surprised if it was some shut in degen moid whose political beliefs swung on whatever he was schizophrenic about. Reminds me of John Hinckley Jr.

No. 2158413

I live in a fairly liberal smaller city and I see a decent amount of them, both in my own social groups and randomly in public. 3 former college friends because TiMs, I know multiple girls who TiFfed out as well. My little sister is a butch lesbian and she basically cut off her whole high school friend group of girls because they all became various flavors of TiF/enby and were always moaning about their own dumb pronouns and fake names while not taking her issues as a lesbian seriously (she didn't peak, though.)

No. 2158416

Fuck Newsom up his horse anus. I'm a California refugee thanks to him. I just wanna come home to a state not on fire, not filled with illegal immigrants, not filled with troons, and not full of criminals. And yet he managed to achieve all that.

No. 2158417

Samefagging as >>2158416
Yeah my dad said they're getting up to $150,000. So that means any young person who had started saving up to buy a house is now going to be wiped out.

No. 2158425

Oh… that's like nothing actually. The houses here cost close to a million if not more, and illegals have very low paying jobs like maids, cooks, and gardeners. They won't be able to afford the houses even with this. What a pointless thing to instate.

No. 2158427

nta but that'll definitely help them maybe rent a nice apartment but not buy a home

No. 2158429

Shit sometimes I forget how fucked california's house market is compared to other states.

No. 2158431

This program is open to anyone that qualifies for it, it's not excluding American citizens or immigrants with papers. You really think a bank is going to give a 150k loan with open arms to an undocumented immigrant over the other two options?

No. 2158435

Yeah but it's 150k NOT going to a citizen. Plus, isn't California in debt for like $60 billion?

No. 2158437

California politicians seethe over the prospect of building more housing too.

No. 2158438

They're living in fantasy land, nona. They don't see reality because they're too focused on the sensationalist headlines.

No. 2158439

Californians have an accrued total debt of $60 billion, yes

No. 2158441

I'm in a university class for gender in art and around 1/4 of my female classmates introduced themselves as hims/thembys.

No. 2158452

File: 1724896346266.jpeg (155.2 KB, 1076x1327, IMG_6372.jpeg)

Nonnies did your state get a Miku?

No. 2158458

this is absolutely insane

No. 2158460

please tell me you didn't take loans out for this

No. 2158463

Not in CA but I already know a decent amount of born in USA and their parents from Mexico that worked for citizenship that are voting Trump.

No. 2158464

Thank god I’m not californian. Really makes me appreciate living in a state where (somewhat) affordable housing still exists kek

No. 2158468

Kek yeah they can buy some shit trailer in the Central Valley with 120 degree summers. The real question is ca they use this “up to 150k” loan for a down payment? Because that’s the only way you’ll afford an actual house, you can get a decent price for a home in rural towns

No. 2158469

I've never taken out student loans, not a gendie and I already got hired to work at a museum. I almost feel like an outlier.

No. 2158480

File: 1724897447723.webp (48.21 KB, 640x444, dontforgetyourstatemandatedsea…)

I saw like 3, but I think this one is pretty neat.

No. 2158491

>no mention of Cafe du Monde

No. 2158608

First look at the thumbnail I thought this was Azealia Banks kek. This woman is such a baddie

No. 2158831

File: 1724938995246.mp4 (4.7 MB, 480x854, UHqZgi7.mp4)

>Queer pro-life protesters outside of the DNC: "Kamala is a baby killer cop!"

No. 2158833

Maybe the aliexpress/shein kweer goth scene will die out now that anti-abortionists are doing it. Fingers crossed!

No. 2158849

A+ trolling. Are these those paid political actors I keep hearing about kek

No. 2158858

KEK the moment she turned the sign around I actually burst out laughing. It was so unexpected.

No. 2158864

Just when I think I've seen everything…

No. 2158875

It's giving some "Hello fellow kids" vibes. This bitch can't be serious

No. 2158876


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2158908

I'm actually killing somebody if the SAVE plan falls through.

No. 2158912

Clown behavior. Georgia does suck to live in so she's not wrong but I don't see what Trump is gonna do about that… he's not gonna do shit. Neither is Kamala.

No. 2158913

File: 1724943457794.jpeg (442.83 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_4481.jpeg)

Yessss hehehe
I wish our population would just stabilize tbh. All our great, old shade trees are being chopped down (FL) to build rows and rows of apartments. Stop fucking moving here!

No. 2158947

You're a literal retard and she's a goddess wearing pink, shut up

No. 2158962

Which part of America has the best nature? You can only choose 1

No. 2158963

Puerto Rico

No. 2158965

Puerto Rico is a USA state? I thought it was part of Mehico

No. 2158967

What's Mehico??

No. 2158968

Anon please say sike. It is neither a US state nor a part of Mexico. Puerto Rico is a US territory.

No. 2158970

The one under USA
Damn, looks like I need to brush up on my geog

No. 2159010

i’ve seen so many plots of land and animal sanctuaries torn down in my small town over the past 5 years just to build elderly complexes and apartments. its depressing. the remaining sanctuaries try to fight new roads and apartments being built around them to no avail. greed above all…

No. 2159033

where do i find all the state Miku's?

No. 2159036

They're drawn by different people, not one individual person

No. 2159044

File: 1724950556431.jpg (489.73 KB, 1950x1950, GV2eUgrX0AAhR1R.jpg_large.jpg)

New York Miku

No. 2159046

File: 1724950593929.jpg (203.07 KB, 1080x1080, GV2gZ8cWoAAIhyf.jpg)

Texas Miku

No. 2159047

File: 1724950661327.jpg (295.75 KB, 1200x1200, GV2cu21WIAACOdN.jpg)

California Miku

No. 2159053

I request Rhode Island Miku

No. 2159054

And New Jersey Miku

No. 2159057

File: 1724950972940.jpg (288.85 KB, 1200x1200, GV2i3ZYXkAAc3j-.jpg)

Georgia (peach) Miku

No. 2159060

File: 1724951003808.jpg (538.04 KB, 1950x1950, 762.jpg)

Florida Miku

No. 2159062

File: 1724951161633.jpg (141.87 KB, 850x850, __hatsune_miku_vocaloid_drawn_…)

Louisiana Miku

No. 2159066

Is there a Virginia miku

No. 2159068

Not any that I could find, sorry nonnies

No. 2159089

File: 1724952014978.jpg (90.79 KB, 760x510, u8dlk0pc9rj41.jpg)

This is so cute, I almost cried. I want to take care of it and love it

No. 2159115

are you on any drugs or under the influence

No. 2159118

No but I remembered this image after having a dream where America impregnated me and I gave birth to this thing and we took care of it

No. 2159131

Looks delicious. Will cook it later and see how it turns out

No. 2159181

as long as that miku isnt a troon, i love her

No. 2159198

Manifesting this for us nonnie

No. 2159259

File: 1724959972818.jpeg (225.09 KB, 732x614, 99BDDE2D-4391-41B0-9C54-BF6089…)

agreed, but also did anyone else get this

No. 2159262

Idk if you made a typo the first time but it's spelled "MeXico," with an X, not an H.

No. 2159263

Who do you think will replace America as a superpower? Or do you think America will reign supreme for the rest of this century?

No. 2159265

This is old news. Everybody's just waiting to see what the old fat fucks have to say about the legality of the SAVE plan.

No. 2159266

china is the only answer

No. 2159271

i hope its canada not because i care but i think it would be very funny

No. 2159272

Would Chinese become the lingua franca of the world?

No. 2159273

What is she wearing? No californian would dress like this. She looks like a stripper. Skating in some mad max shit would cut her up.

No. 2159277

The world would be into Canadian pop culture from then on. Not bad. I can think of maple syrup, Justin Bieber, Total Drama and Sum 41. I used to think Sum 41 were American, kek

No. 2159280

Canada is a dirty fucking shithole. If anything I hope it's completely annihilated from the map. I want them to nuke the entire continent north of the 49th parallel. Seriously fuck Canada fuck Canadians fuck the Canadian government fuck King Charles fuck them all.

No. 2159282

I've been saying this ever since I saw a video of a street interviewer interviewing retarded Canadian zoomers about the Toronto accent. Never has an accent made me so mad, that I wanted the whole country wiped off the planet

No. 2159287

They're all scum of the earth. The only Canadians that should be left alive are the ancestors of my people, the Cajuns, that were genocided by the early Canadians. My family still has heirlooms from when they escaped on boats to Louisiana.

No. 2159290

sounds like too much work + i feel english has to be easier to pick up than mandarin or chinese or whatever the fuck

No. 2159317

Mandarin is one of the hardest languages to learn

No. 2159320

i wish there was a canadian HATE thread. i live in canada, i fucking hate it, everyone is so retarded. for OG girls and women the whole country has regressed so much but no one even pretends to care. canada is full of troons

No. 2159325

Get out of the American thread canadafag! Nobody wants your kind here, go on, get! Back to your containment thread.

No. 2159326

Mental illness in full force, always max power on lc

No. 2159327

See this post for instruction: >>2159325

No. 2159328


fuck you loser. i am american. i didnt say i am canadian did i?? i said i LIVE in canada

No. 2159329

I don't have to be Canadian to recognize sickness nona. God bless you.

No. 2159331

I am american but whatever retard

No. 2159332

The United States is one collective lobotomy, if anyone should be nuked it's the 'muricans

No. 2159340

if we're nuked we're taking the rest of world down with us btw

No. 2159342

Fine by me champ

No. 2159347

It's kind of cozy and cute to perish together

No. 2159348

That's exactly how I feel

No. 2159351

Nonnie, let's cuddle as the nukes rain down from the sky like holy bullets

No. 2159354

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It was all worth it for this moment nonners

No. 2159359

I wonder if foreigners lurk this thread and think irl americans actually think about canada, let alone seethe at its existence, beyond a few terminally online underaged edgelords trying to bait kekkk

No. 2159364

I was just kidding about that and I bet the other anons were too. As if we actually want to nuke any country off the planet. Relaaaax

No. 2159366

Believe it or not, but someone using hyperbole to express their opinion doesn't immediately make something bait. To bait, people have to somewhat care about the topic at hand. Nobody cares about Canada. I can say I hate Canada all I want and nobody will care besides Canadians. Also, sometimes people do this thing called "joking." It's hard for autists to understand, but basically, sometimes people can use extreme words to add a humorous affect to their posts. Try looking up "joke" for a better definition.

No. 2159374

Wish more people had the common sense you do

No. 2159377

hewwo can i post here

No. 2159391

what the fuck

No. 2159405

who is she..

No. 2159407

oh my beloved burger general i missed sitting in you all day long ♥

No. 2159661

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We're BACK. Anyways, favorite debate moment? Mine was "Transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison"

No. 2159662

explain yourself nonnie

No. 2159663

I liked when trump claimed doctors are executing newborn babies and also his sperging about pets being eaten

No. 2159664

I missed it all. Who's eating what pets?

No. 2159666

I really loved that one too, and all of the illegal immigrants eating peoples cats and dogs. In fact I always eat cats and dogs, ask anyone, they know that. I'm the best at eating cats and dogs that anyone's ever seen. There has never been another person in history that eats as many dogs and cats as I do. She doesn't eat any cats and dogs! She's been in there 3 years and hasn't eaten a single dog, why? Answer this for me, why hasn't she eaten a dog? She could go down to that beautiful White House right after this post and eat a dog, will she do it? No.

No. 2159669

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No. 2159675

I was playing the Sims while listening to the debate part of the time, but when I took a break I noticed Don wouldn’t stop making silly faces? Not sure if that was on purpose or if it’s a symptom of something

No. 2159683

I was wondering who this Don guy was for about 5 minutes… I'm worse than Biden

No. 2159697

NEW THREAD: >>>/ot/2159692
25 posts too early, I know, but my laptop is about to die and I won't be home for 2 more hours kek

No. 2160601

Definitely the part about the immigrants eating cats and dogs. Dude sounded batshit crazy. I've been enjoying the memes it inspired tho, kek.

No. 2161298

>"Transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison"
I'm in California and that is legit what happens here so he's not entirely wrong. Newsom has passed so many fucking crazy laws the last few years.

No. 2161316

It's hard to tell. I feel like globalization is going to collapse before the end of the century. The world will be at war over increasingly scarce resources. Half the world will have no food or water while they bake to death under a white sun. America will have it better than other countries as long as we don't break out into civil war. Canada and northern Europe will also survive longer than the rest of the world. People saying China will be a superpower are delusional though, that country won't last 100 years.

No. 2161320

I can't imagine not being American. I really think I would've killed myself if I was Chinese or Indian or another one of the major races(racebait)

No. 2161321

American isn't a race

No. 2161322

KEKKK we are never beating the American's are retarded allegation

No. 2161325

I think you should be considered racially American if your family has been here for more than 4 generations

No. 2161326

Americans deserve everything they get tbh, they always vote against their own interest, especially if it means punishing others they have poor judgement of
>muh kids are acting bad! pedos get away with everything
and who created the society that hates children and families? of course when you create ideas where it's okay to let kids starve to punish parents for having kids while poor you end up turning into a society that has kids acting crazy and people getting away with crazy crimes against children when you CHOOSE to stop valuing them
>housing this, inflation that, gas prices this, insurance going up that
we've been warning all of you of this since the mid 2010s and you told us to shut up, stop complaining and just try harder so we did. what did you think was going to happen when you try to calm outrage about economic issues?
>muh ghost jobs, lack of workers rights, etc
figure out for yourself then since thats what you've been screaming at all of us who struggled
>muh homelessness, muh mental illness, you can't even go to a resturant without a crazy karen screaming at the sky!
I don't know what the fuck any of you expected when you go out of your way to defend corrupt systems. I've even seen americans justify the prices of ambulance rides just because. I hope all the bootlickers can lay happily in the bed they made for themselves

No. 2161327

Where ya from nona?

No. 2161329

you’re so obsessed with this thread kek

No. 2161330

I'm American too lol, but I travel for work. US is the only country that is this obsessed with punishing poor people, even if it means their own suffering
This is the first time I've posted in this thread in months

No. 2161331

Catch your breath nonny

No. 2161719

I don’t see how this is racebait, China and India are both miserable places to live and be a woman?

No. 2161966

America sucks for women too, just in different ways. And it's a bit frustrating (not having a dick measuring contest, it's definitely worse in those countries) but American women get oppressed but gaslit into believing it's not actually happening

No. 2162746

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Can this be the next thread pic maybe?

No. 2162750

Someone photoshop kamalas face onto one of them

No. 2162875

Not American enough

No. 2162893

There's been a new Amerifag thread for a little while >>>/ot/2159692

No. 2163851

Life in India and China is a lot more horrible for women. Let's not pretend it's comparable.

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