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No. 2435593

Previous: >>>/ot/2405774

Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
-screencaps are necessary while talking about milk

Articles about useful resources for improving one's art:

Tried and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix

Useful youtube channels:
>where to find art
>other useful sites
painting by :Artemisia Gentileschi

No. 2435611

hi(this isn't a chatroom)

No. 2435614

No. 2435621

I didn't know artemesia painted picrel

No. 2435714

tfw i'd love to ask my mutuals things like "would any mutuals want to do an art trade" and maybe restrict the replies to people you follow only, but i'd always think of the artists who follow me that i decided not to follow back seeing that post and feel bad that they can't reply. i'm not that big of an artist, less than 10k followers, so it feels like not following back feels more personal. then they'd get offended and unfollow me kek, maybe when i reach a really big number of followers i'll be more inclined to speak openly to my mutuals

No. 2435726

what are nonnas' favorite books on male anatomy?

No. 2435727

I dont think there is a book solely dedicated to male anatomy. But stonehouse and morpho are great. I wish there was a book dedicated to drawing attractive men, like how there are japanese books that do focus on female anatomy and are targetted towards ero artists.

No. 2435771

i also don't know of any books on solely male anatomy, but my favorite are the ones with plates to reference individual body parts like charles bargue. if your style is more animeish then the taco point drawing books are pretty good too

No. 2435772

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>openly admitted ai proompter (Mayara Ferrão) in an art museum

No. 2435780

ugh i'm from the same country as that artist (brazil) and she pisses me off. she uses ai like crazy and people give her a pass/turn a blind eye to it because she's black and from salvador, bahia (a mostly black-afro brazilian state). out of so many other amazing black brazilian artists they could've picked, they chose that lazy retard. it makes me so mad.

No. 2435792

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>el salvador
nonny i am sorry but its a museum in a shitty third world country, its not the Louvre. My country had these traced pieces of shit in a museum and its a thirdie shithole, too. Museums in SA are completly corrupt and filled with nepotism and money laundry. Art schools here are a complete joke so the few talented artists like Alke or JCM end up being nonces who resort to porn to pay the bills. I would be worried when AI makes it to real museums where actual historical pieces by talented artists are showcased.

No. 2435821

She's not from El Salvador, she's from a city in Brazil named Salvador. It's still a shitty nobody museum though.

No. 2435842

Anyone else feel insecure about how your social media gallery looks when you see all your art displayed like that? I’ve always haaated how my gallery looks, especially on instagram. There’s not really a theme and it’s too colorful which makes it look busy. Those artists who have galleries that look pleasing to look at are my goals, im so jealous of them, especially if they have under 50 or 20 images in their media tab for example. It actually pisses me off, how were they able to amass a large following with such little images? A lot of them were just one year old or younger accounts, so it’s not like they deleted their old art.
I think galleries/media tabs that have mostly sketches posted with colored pieces sprinkled in between look best. But unfortunately for me, when I sketch something I just have a huge need to color it even if the sketch itself looks nice, im too coloredpilled. I still hate how my media tab looks so I end up drawing a sketch, coloring it, then decide to not post it because it would just shit up my gallery further, so I end up not posting anything for my followers.
Honestly what I want is for fleets to come back to twitter, it’s pretty much a perfect solution for me because I want followers to see what I drew, to show that im still active, and it doesn’t have to stay on my gallery/media tab, just a temporary thing. I’m just too insecure about media tabs/galleries tbh, these artists I look up to on ig have such nice looking galleries and I know they also deleted and tailored it too. But I think my instagram is beyond saving because i feel like deleting everything, I’ve already archived so many posts. I do want to start over but I don’t want to hide oc posts for this weird reason that they act as proof this was my original idea first, in case people accuse me of copying a more popular oc or IP series. Sorry for the long post nonas

No. 2435848

What the fuck. Where is this? Some art exhibition?

No. 2435896

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>That drawing
Is from that infamous Argentinian artist who traced art for her expo?

>Ask to her, probably straight, boyfriend to "out himself" by claiming he's a gay guy and he's dating a gay NB
>Three doritos later
>She's single

No. 2435932

>A lot of them were just one year old or younger accounts, so it’s not like they deleted their old art.
Might be that they did delete their things. Maybe account hopped. Could've amassed a gallery across several accounts. I think the main takeaway is that this isn't their first rodeo, and that they likely had to also do things that appealed to normies. There is shenanigans afoot for sure.

No. 2435934

Am I dumb or does her buttcheek look weird

No. 2435967

How do you get ideas to draw something out of your comfort zone? I wanna draw more men and backgrounds but each time I go back to drawing pretty girls in a white void. I wanna chop my hands off sometimes.

No. 2435989

El Salvador is Central American and Central America is a part of North America, though.

No. 2435995

>make a male oc
>project some of your life experience and traumas onto him so you see yourself in him and become obsessed
>make another oc to ship him with
>put them in a fictional setting that appeals to the kind of fantasies you like, whether it be traditional high fantasy, modern with slightly supernatural elements, scifi, angels and demons, etc
>build on this world a little bit so that you become invested in wanting to draw it
>this solves both the male and the backgrounds issues
This is how I got better at both, though if you're not creative enough to be able to write anything this advice is kind of useless.

No. 2436020

Write down a list of things you don't want to draw.
Draw them. Suck. Cry. Spend several days repeating the process. Get excited when one attempt actually looks nice. Rinse and repeat.

No. 2436023

Unironically use AI and prompt the exact opposite of the things you usually think when drawing.
>pretty = ugly
>female = male
>white void = city
that way you would get a basic prompt like
>"drawing of ugly man wearing casual clothes, busy city background"

No. 2436028

Nta anon I have the same problem. But I want to know, where do you all get your composition ideas or inspiration from? I'm practicing right now and I'm just being curious.

No. 2436085

Do any anons know of any great/really good drawing tablets for under $500? I’ve been trying to pick one out for the longest but I don’t want to get too stuck on one option.Apologies if this is a dumb question.

No. 2436123

I do that. Using the 3d poses/background from CSP works too.

No. 2436124

do studys of backgrounds and art of men you like

No. 2436125

Will you work directly over the tablet or use the tablet like a mouse? Because now the latest versions are cheaper than the screen tablet ones.
I have heard good reviews from Huion.

No. 2436161

Haven’t exactly decided which way but I’ve only been drawing on screen surfaces.I do wonder how’s it like using it the other way.I just don’t want to feel like there’s a limit in space to draw in but still feels comfortable to draw with.(integrate)

No. 2436299

I got a wacom intuos medium back in 2022 for $300 at best buy, like they just had it at the store. Maybe you can try going there and seeing the selection for yourself? Even though it's been like 3 years it still works really well.

No. 2436300

samefag, it was the pro version, not the version that looks like the grim reaper's etch a sketch, just wanted to say

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