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No. 2425069

This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse. Global rules apply: don't infight, report and ignore bait, etc.

Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping
> Ao3 Censorship and TOS
> Slapfights between slash, femslash, and het shippers
> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads
> Whitewashed/blackwashed/colorist fanart drama
> ‘[Insert Sexuality/Gender]-Coded’ Characters
> Debates over death of the author
> Stalking/harassment experienced by actors/creators

Related threads:

Fujo vs. anti-fujo discourse:

Fujocoomer cringe:


No. 2425078

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I think the conversation about fake fans who do nothing but watch gameplays to "get" the source material just helped me realize something. Something in the back of my mind winces and feels a slither of irritation when YouTube puts those 40minutes-1 hour long video essays about the "hidden themes", the "underrated horror", the "missed media literacy", and blahblahblah about whatever game these faggy commentary channels are on about. I couldn't find the proper words to explain just why this genre of video annoys me, but now I did. These videos are basically the lore version of just watching a gameplay. Not inherently bad, but the perfect tool for lazy people who don't want to directly interact with the source material yet still want to weasel their way into a fandom. If a person is truly interested in a game, they may watch a trailer that showcase the mechanics, but ultimately they would play the game themselves. The exact same can be said for lore videos. If a game's story is so interesting and important, wouldn't the more enriched response be to play the game yourself so that your mind can formulate its own understanding of the game's impression? At least BEFORE seeking other people's perspective on lore, symbolism, subtext, and messaging? THIS is why I cannot stand "lore and message explained" videos by seemingly pompous faggots on YouTube. Why SHOULD anyone be watching these videos for their first impression, if they arguably should just play the game instead so that their minds can work for their own conclusions? I can say the same for fucking TV Tropes. Play the game yourself and figure out hidden details and aspects yourself first BEFORE checking that dumbass Fridge Brilliance tab to be hit with the most obvious observations and realizations in the history of mankind.

No. 2425114

Inb4 they say they're broke or don't have a powerful pc or something kek.

No. 2425121

I hate lore videos. I hate the fucking 'lore' industry that's sprung up in their wake. I hate the moid obsession with dissecting and categorizing every piece of media like it's a fucking owl pellet so they can crush it into dust and huff it to prove how smart they are.

No. 2425128

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I dont know if anyone's heard about this, but a small artist from my country killed herself over a twitter callout. She was a cunt but its insane to me that someone killed themselves over a call out post and being disowned by her fandom.

>pickme artist, ''bachatota'' who simps for a small vtuber who covers hispanic lolcows

>her whole gallery is nothing but fanart of this scrote's vtuber avatar
>tries to make a video exposing another artist, ''loulou''
>the callout video is 8 hours long
>its mostly filler about random irrelevant stuff she's said/done in the past
>but also talks about the artist drawing loli/degen shit, being friends with pedos and harassing people
>video goes semi-viral, until its striked and deleted by the artist she was calling out
>people start digging out dirt on ''bachatota''
>they find out that she's done the same things she's criticizing ''loulou'' for
>they find her old commission sheet where she was open to drawing lolicon, scat and furries
>she used to harass and alog people online, and even made sockpuppets to harass a female artist into attempting suicide because she had beef with the vtuber scrote she simped for
>she was also in a group with nothing but pedo lolitards
>one of her lolicon pedo friends, ''Hogo Bonk''' raped and then drove his tranny ex to commiting suicide
>the friend she made the video with, an artist going by ''brany'', is a lolicon furfag who used to post on baraag and posted about ''rustle'', a japanese lolicon moid who made references to cp in his art, being one of her favourite artists
>the boyfriend of this artist is the lolifag nazi ''hellonearth'' yes, the one with the ugly british punk oc
>friendly reminder she harassed another artist, ''fantagoria'', over talking to a nazi
>when confronted about this she said she knows ''brany'' only sees lolicon as fiction and doesnt want to end a lifelong friendship over it, despite calling out ''loulou'' over drawing lolicon
>the vtuber she simps for defends her at first, but changed his stance once he was flamed over it
>this vtuber raised to fame for criticizing another youtuber for covering up for his lolifaggot pedo degen friends btw
>he decides to cut ties with her at the end
>a month later she kills herself

This case is just modern fandom in a nutshell for me. A bunch of hypocrites using a morally righteous shield to call people they dislike and generate drama over things they themselves do. Its never about ''protecting the kids'' or ''calling out people that deserve it'', its purely to fuel their dopamine and blood lust for drama. Everyone involved, except maybe fantasmagoria, is a nonce, dont get me wrong. But its so obvious no one cares about the victims and children when they make these callouts.

No. 2425139

So are all lolicons just drama whores? This is the second "big" scandal involving them this month

No. 2425141

No. 2425152

>search her up
>twitterfags still hating on her after her death
I didn't expect that.

No. 2425155

Hispanic twitter is pretty hardcore, if you search up videos about her most of the new comments are ''RIPBOZO'' kek. People that kill themselves over internet drama dont deserve sympathy imo. She could have closed her account and moved on with her life but decided to anhero over her senpai rejecting her.

No. 2425158

If you allign yourself with fictional depictions of kiddie porn then you probably have a few screws loose and genuine mental neuroses.

No. 2425182

So you unironically want stories where's there's no backstory to the world and characters?

No. 2425185

Probably wants a sandbox canvas to write her own stuff in. Imo there's two sorts of fans, one that sees content as a way to jumpstart their own ideas and creativity and those that appreciate the content in a sort of traditional painting way, in that the author's vision and the intentions behind it are the center of attention. (Can't really think of another way of putting it.)

No. 2425620

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It's not that deep, most people watch these longform videos to sleep or for work and I definitely fall into the latter category. I listen to videos on topics that don't even interest me, so work goes by faster

No. 2425623

the vivzie discussion in the last thread reminded me of how younger zoomers and alphas HATE kolleen with a passion, when they probably have one or more interests created by a problematic moid. kolleen's worst crime is what, drawing the old spiderverse man as a bishie? while the average male artist on the internet draws the most disgusting things that have ever touched the human conscience. or the treatment of jk rowling, not stopping at her tweets but also coming at her harmless work, when it's relatively crickets for rapists like neil gaiman or the writer of the 12-year-old orgy stephen king. women can't just do what they love or they'll get picked on till fucking hell while actually problematic moids continue on unscathed.

No. 2425626


No. 2425628

reminds me of how every moralfagging zoomie loves to dickride the chainsaw man author and constantly try to cancel women who husbandofag denji as if the author isnt the one in the first place sexualizing the character and using him as his self insert

No. 2425630

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i realized i misspelled her name, it's actually kooleen. anyways she's an art youtuber that mostly makes shorts and videos with clickbaity thumbnails about how to draw x or do x and as any other big socmed artist, has skinwalkers. tiktok cried over picrel.

No. 2425631

but why?

No. 2425639

Kek, I do the same. There's just something to having someone explain Walking Dead lore to me. Tbh, the show has some cool hidden background stuff, though eleven seasons and multiple spin offs is very much a no, I'm sorry.

No. 2425643

We understand that. The point is that these videos are nothing but slop, hour long videos that have nothing insightful to say, created by people that don’t care, for an audience that isn’t paying attention anyway. And then you have an influx of people parroting opinions from some youtube video that they half-watched while doing something else, it always ruins any discussion that people that actually are knowledgeable on the subject are having. I’ll never get the obsession with needing to be listening to something at all times.

No. 2425647

i love that no matter how much zoomies ree at her she never lets them win, she's going to keep bishiefying their ugly tumblr sexy man slop and they are going to have to live with it because she's too much of a stacy to care about random spergs online

No. 2425655

I don’t hate them I just think it’s funny to laugh at retarded narcs

No. 2425731

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>old woman: exists
>She’s the man in the relationship she gets him pregnant ecksdee
Hannibalfags (and fans of shows with old moid mcs in general) are annoying as fuck. Okay he’s your hideous geriatric babygirl uke bottom or whatever but leave real-life women alone.

No. 2425732

anon those are jokes

No. 2425736

What's the first one?

No. 2425741

nta but what's the joke exactly?

No. 2425742

that shes the ones who wears the pants in the relationship, are you seriously this dense? its a retarded joke, but one that people have been saying for years.

No. 2425745

>making jokes about some woman you don’t know impregnating a man just because she happens to be married to him
She’s not even trying to be in the public eye outside of coming with her husband to events like once a year, she stopped acting 20+ years ago, she’s barely on social media. Learn boundaries, stop treating human women like fictional characters.

>wears the pants in the relationship
That’s not the jokes being made, but clearly you know what’s wrong with the jokes since you reworded it to remove the retarded parts

No. 2425746

anon shes a multimillionaire shes not reading stupid spergy tweets with 100 likes chill

No. 2425747

it's a joke literally only troons and fandomtards who will become troons make

No. 2425749

i never said its a good joke, just that its a joke. Some of you take fandom retardation way more seriously than terminally online pickmes who simp after a decrepit guy.

No. 2425751

If you don't understand the disgust we have towards the blatant misogyny and pure porn sickness of these types of jokes then you need to go back to twitter

No. 2425753

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>tells me to go back to twitter
>while getting offended over a literal who, probably underage or sped, making a stupid joke about an old man and his wife who have too much money to give a shit about them
anon if you are this sensitive i dont know how you manage to surf the web without having a stroke. Do you also get offended at this?

No. 2425754

I have to ask, what about this >>2425731 woman, makes her the man in the relationship

No. 2425755

This anon spergs out about this stupid shit practically every week. Pregnancy is her thing.

No. 2425758

They are just trying to say she's the more dominant one in the relationshio, i seriously cant believe you dont get the joke.

No. 2425759

Doesn’t mean we have to like them.

No. 2425761

what about her is dominant?

No. 2425763

Out of context, guessing it's his reaction being compared in both photos and his wife paying attention to a game or race or whatever while he cuddles on her shoulder. It's a silly joke to say that means she's the dominant one.

No. 2425767

the real reason is fujotifs can't express their sexuality in a normal way, they have to hide it behind layers of irony and porn brain-rot(fujobait)

No. 2425768

that the scrote is lying on her shoulder while she looks stoic, idk. They also call her his owner, do you legit think she legally owns him as a slave? like what cant you understand that these are a bunch of socially inept loserettes trying to praise a woman in a ''cool'' way to make her sound cooler in comparison to her husband they woobify because they are dumb fangirls.

No. 2425769

>husbadofags for old decrepit man
>brings up fujos out of nowhere

No. 2425770

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Retarded, it's literally just the shit moids do with the dominant straight line/submissive diagonal line except without the lines.
It's bad when women joke about it though.

No. 2425774

This is why women are told they arent funny. Reminds me of this youtuber i used to follow that did tiktok recipes and whenever she would taste them she would put on a tiktok fat filter and play a funny fat character like Vicky Pollar, her stupid fanbase called her fatphobic for it and she switched the filter to some generic cat one. Women always have to walk on eggshells to say and do anything while men like Kanye can straight up say the most schizophrenic things and get praised for it.

No. 2425776

it's still retarded
but they actually believe this

No. 2425777

yeah yeah yeah, that's nice and all, just don't call yourself a real fan or try to participate in any debates.

No. 2425779

believe what? do you seriously believe they think she owns him as a slave.

No. 2425781

>but they actually believe this
I googled "how to explain jokes to someone with autism" before realizing I don't care enough.

No. 2425784

considering how many of them troon out and think men get pregnant, I think they do

No. 2425785

are you implying they legit believe mads mikkelsen can get pregnant from his wife? topkek

No. 2425786

Just because a Mads Mikkelson fan said the p word for a joke and stole your "thing", doesn't mean they think men can get pregnant.

No. 2425787

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we have a large group of fandom-rotten retards who genuinely believe that sexuality and sexual organs are just something you can swap or remove. This starts off with fictional characters but eventually leads to real life, usually their own. but again sexuality remains innate, so even in their bizarreo creations, they end up recreating some form of toxic heterosexuality.

No. 2425788

what the fuck does this troon have to do with a mads mikkelson fangirl? her twitterpage has no troonshit in it, just terrible zoomer MM memes. She's going to grow out of it in a year or two.

No. 2425789

So tired of unfunny mpreg gendie jokes in my fandom.

No. 2425791

Anon, this is just a tranny. An agp man getting off to the idea of dick girls is not the same as making an offhand joke in a twitter conversation between friends.

No. 2425792

No, anon, you dont get it. Gendie shit is not the fault of misogynistic scrotes, its actually the fault of autistic Mads Mikkelson fangirls.

No. 2425802

If only it were always that simple to clear the internet of weeb pedos.

No. 2425814

You basically summarized transformative and curative in a nutshell. I'm personally more in the middle with a notable transformative lean but that's because I respect the author's vision but not always the execution.

No. 2425819

If you are unaware, there is a Mads Mikkelsen contamination thread on /m/:

No. 2425832

Due to my disability I do enjoy watching LPs and even lore videos, but don't consider myself a "video game fan". I just think it's neat and has Been useful when interacting
With other geeky/ nerd ish people because I may have a vague idea what/ who they talking about.

No. 2425871

I get it, those long-form videos actually helped me regain my focus and with them, I could condition myself to be able to read again.

No. 2425945

I wish LC was actually a decent place to discuss media. Every time I open up /m/ threads relevant to my interests it’s just non stop complaining about coomers and moidery. I get better discussions on Twitter, 4chan, and Discord, as much as I hate all of those places
>Just talk about things you like if you want to talk about something positive
I already do that and it feels impossible to get a conversation rolling

No. 2425961

People are saying it's "just a joke" but it never really is, it it? The one who gets pregnant is the weaker, submissive one, huh? That's what it means to be a woman?
I'm writing a dynamic where the older female badass mentor figure gets pregnant by the younger, gentler male without any of the "she's the man in the relationship lmao!!" Like no. Just treat them normally, Jesus Christ.
Real relationships don't fall neatly into your cartoon porn tags.

No. 2425974

I feel the same, tbh. Sucks because it's not like I want to use 4chan, having fucks post how much they want to fuck a female character anytime one shows up sucks ass, but at least there's some discussion and you can avoid the worst of it by not watching anything with female characters.

No. 2426180

You're in a thread filled with people who make them

No. 2426193

And yet you keep on discussing media in this thread, instead of using the ones on /m/.

No. 2426214

You don’t know me lol. I have plenty of posts about my favorite character in /m/, I post about my favorite series there and even got at least one other Nona to start it. I put some of my favorite manga in the LC reccs google doc and got someone to read it there and exchanged a few posts about it. I discovered a new series I liked from someone else’s posts and replied to them. But these instances are few and far in between, and most of the time when I open threads in /m/ all that’s happening is people complaining about the FOTM shounen.

No. 2426217

This thread is 90% pregnant Mads Mikkelson autism sperging, what media lmao

No. 2426237

>The one who gets pregnant is the weaker, submissive one, huh? That's what it means to be a woman?
That's why I'm not a fan of those jokes either, internalized misogyny strikes again.

No. 2426240

no1curr about your pregnancy fetish story

No. 2426246

Nobody makes them or likes them, they just think your autistic pregnancy complex is more annoying.
If you just went "these are annoying" instead of trying to make some autistic husbandofags sperging online into "fujotifs seriously believing men can get pregnant?!?!" then people would agree with you.

No. 2426304

I don't understand this mindset. Do you guys not like lolcows? I laugh at women and men equally.

No. 2426313

The bittycat drama

No. 2426356

nta but how is kooleen a lolcow? she hasnt done anything milky, its purely just zoomies starting beef with her out of jealousy

No. 2426361

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No. 2426367

I have no opinion on Kolleen whatsoever but I think this is ugly kek, it reminds me of Astarion.

No. 2426378

Your obsession with trannies is leading you to foam at the mouth at the sight of anything. Everyone here agrees that the joke is stupid and unfunny, we just don't care about it. Meanwhile you're getting worked up about it and fighting everyone in this thread because it's mildly kinda related to pooners. Move on.

No. 2426380

why do people jerk off astarion so much? he looks awful especially with the white hair

I don't get why they like the romance in bg3. What does it make for a good romance when the love interests are apparently attracted to everything you mash up in a character creator?

No. 2426398

Lore videos and gameplays or let's plays or whatever aren't even remotely the same thing so this is a weird comparison to make
Yeah even though they pretend like they're super chill and have no problems compared to the evil woke mob or whatever

No. 2426415

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No, they're basically the same concept but for different aspects of a game. Gameplays are essentially breakdowns of the mechanics and steps that it takes to progress and complete a game. Lore videos do the same thing, but with the game's plot: it breaks down the details of the characters, what is going on between them, the situation, and the ending. The point of my post is that lore videos get on my nerves because they're the perfect "junk food" content for people who want a half-assed excuse to themselves "fans". If a person truly cares about a game, they should just play it instead of relying on lore videos to get a clue of wtf is going on with a plot. Kind of like how people shouldn't really call themselves a fan of a game if they're too chickenshit to pick up a controller themselves. It's really that easy.

No. 2426426

it's not about "not laughing at lolcows whether they're male or female", it's about how women, no matter what their focus is on, are held on unreachable standards and even if they skip on all the eggshells, fandom culture will find something to drag them for. see how vivzie and her shows are talked on vs the digital circus, goosetranx is given wayyy more leeway even though his show is literal slop manufactured to hit all the algorithm checkboxes. see >>2425628

No. 2426448

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I don’t think people who husbandofag otome characters are real yumejos since romance is the point of the LI’s existence. Do not argue with me I simply wish to share my opinion.

No. 2426449

I mean sure, the appeal of the game is that they're LI's and fall in love, but especially in games that are less self-inserty, there's a lot more to the LI's than romance.

No. 2426483

Well it's a weird ass opinion.

No. 2426548

I think the major component missing is that these are all women yelling at each other because these are women spaces. Kooleen has a female audience, vivzie has a female audience. Most screenshots posted here are by women on twitter. We're all women talking about fandom discourse. I think this kind of fandom culture is geared more towards women which is why it seems like it's women who are more easily called out.

But in my opinion, I also don't understand why women have to call out both the bad women and men. We should we criticizing men for not policing and holding other men accountable too. Women just don't have the power to actually cancel men, and if those men aren't in those fandom spaces why would they care? I always see people say "why dont they do men the same" but its because those men do not have a female audience. I hope this makes sense but it feels like it's women calling out women because of a. Proximity. And b. Lack of actual power.

No. 2426557

i care and youre right

No. 2426568

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> The one who gets pregnant is the weaker, submissive one, huh? That's what it means to be a woman?
Yes.(blackpill outside containment)

No. 2426570

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a normal thing every woman and girls goes through? So gross!
She's such a pickme, holy shit

No. 2426572

They hated nonny because she told them the truth

No. 2426593

Is this the pancakes waffles meme in action?

No. 2426609

Is this a vtuber or a troon? I don't know why female vtubers feel the need to look down on media that's technically aimed at them. if they played these games, a good chuck of her simps would either vanish or hate crime her which really made be realize why so many tubers would freaking out about this game.

No. 2426636

You arguably only feel that way because women aren't valued like they should be

No. 2426647

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Pregnancy is parasitic.

No. 2426682

What exactly decreases? Brain function?

No. 2426684

We could live in a female only utopia where males are aborted en masse and it still wouldn’t change the fact that pregnancy is an unequivocal loss for the mother and a win for the father. Sorry.

No. 2426730

>pissed off at fujo tendencies

Hazbin is an extremely dumb fandom and there's a lot of competition there. Don't forget they had a whole discourse about whether songrel was "glamourising abuse" as if the key issue isn't how fucking awful and grating the singing is

No. 2426759

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they have a pathological fear of being genuine, and they can't express their sexuality in a healthy way. Every 'I'll get him pregnant' comment is a self-admission of both their misogyny and just how terminally online they are. anyone who defends these as jokes is also admitting they hang out in gendie circles

No. 2426763

Pregnancy is degrading(pregnancy sperging in multiple threads)

No. 2426764

Please keep your milk toast spicy straight pregnancy fetish libfem strong woman alpha omegaverse shit to yourself.

No. 2426767

Can't wait for mpreg to be a banned topic and have its own thread too because hit dogs holler, and worse, we have summoned bippie-chan.

No. 2426770

What's with all this pancake waffles tier replies itt? You have to be baiting right? Did you even read the posts you're replying to?

No. 2426772

But the butt of the joke is that rough heterosex makes the recipient pregnant and that's funny and degrading. All they've done is invert the genders. "Gendies" didn't invent "rough sex through domination makes the recipient pregnant" being the butt of the joke the humiliation it entails and submission of the recipient.

Straight people and moids joke about this submission, pregnancy, degrading women in this way and the humiliation it entails all the time. All they've done is invert the genders.

No. 2426775

>why can't people say they just don't like things or have NOTPs anymore?
because the answer is: there is a guarantee that an autist will insist on morally analyzing you. Most likely because you don't like their mid yaoi faggots, cringe yuri middle schoolers, puddle deep het writing or whatever other trope they're self inserting on as gendies or otherwise. Autists only understand clearly spelled out dismissals, not arguments.

This whole fucking discourse was so stupid. All discourses about angel's songs were. Fans and hatewatchers were tripping themselves over to find a moral reason to hate this song and the character(s) when it was literally just shit or not their taste and that's ok. This behavior appears the most in fandoms because one can always bet on retards not shutting the hell up

No. 2426779

You're right and you should say it

No. 2426784

Because now what you like is a reflection of your moral character. If you like or dislike the wrong thing, you are an inherently bad person and are dangerous to others. If you like or dislike the right thing, you are an inherently good person and can be trusted (so long as you continue to toe the line elsewhere). I'm not even talking about actually objectionable shit involving real life criminality, just things like 'Oh, I ship two white boys together instead of making one of them a troon.'

No. 2426786

I'd take it a step deeper and say that people self-inserting into characters so hard nowadays means that you are not allowed to dislike the characters, because disliking the character means you dislike them. Back then it was fine to say you just dislike some anime shit because it's not your cup of tea but now some fag will pop up and try to cancel you because they believe they really are Bakugo MHA so now you have to justify WHY you dislike it with a bunch of retarded bullshit. "Just let people enjoy things." How about retards just let people hate things and use the block button the way our social media overlords intended?

No. 2426788

Agreed. People also seem to hunt for content they know they won't like or agree with. There'll be a clearly labeled fic about x pairing and fans of y pairing in the comments complaining about how the author is a bad person and how x pairing is the most problematic thing since Judas betrayed the son of God.

No. 2426789

My they/them mutual loves the Poison song because it reminds her of her abusive(?) ex (for context this relationship ended in 2014)

No. 2426801

NTAYRT but didn't this become really widespread starting with the Voltron fandom?

No. 2426809

This shit's so gross. These people need to touch grass, I swear.
I also hate how they associate rough sex with humiliating BDSM/daddydom bullshit, as if rough sex couldn't be pleasurable for both partners, NOT involve any dom/sub shit and also NOT lead to pregnancy at all. Their brains have been fried by misogynistic "dark romance" porn. Turns out my hatred for 50 Shits of Gray has always been justified.

Just ignore it

No. 2426818

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AO3 censorship discourse is back with even more zoomers shitting their pants over fanfic. Not the authors' fault they can't use the tags properly.

No. 2426824

ao3's tag system is set up so you can filter out anything you don't want to see. these retards just love to be outraged over fanfic no one makes them read

No. 2426827

they should be more worried about the fact that ao3 allows rpf smut fanfic of actual kids kek

No. 2426842

I've seen seemingly normal people complain about how there's this huge problem on AO3 with sexualized fanfic featuring "under the age of 10" characters. I have never seen this and I have no idea what kind of fandom they're following that would regularly have that type of content.

No. 2426847

honestly it's a shit system, you have to exclude all the warnings/tags every single time you search by tags and you still might see weird shit if you don't exclude "creator chose not to use warnings". not to mention you can't even filter the normal search function results this way. ao3 has always seemed disinterested in letting you improve your user experience, people can't even make browser extensions without it breaking some of the site's functions.

No. 2426856

It's better than other sites but yeah I don't get why they don't add a permamute option for tags. It's annoying to me how slow AO3 is with features when I'm sure they have a lot of volunteers and money from donations.

No. 2426878

I agree.

No. 2426881

If you had to make a SaaS for fanfic, what would you improve over AO3? Sounds like a good programming idea to be fair.

No. 2426891

their right(unintegrated)

No. 2426907

File: 1740999749469.png (23.43 KB, 222x275, 1699596283755.png)

Is everyone else seeing the word "puritan" thrown around in very strange ways lately? The sudden surge of people doing a 180° on dark romance booktok and supporting it happening at the same time as the AO3 censorship drama has been… interesting.

No. 2426960

>AO3 censorship drama?
Huh? Also, aren't puritans just against sex? How is disliking bsdm and kink culture inherently puritan? Some of this comes off as libfem sexpos bollocks disguised as deflection.

No. 2426984

it's fine if you dislike that shit, the problem is these Zoomies trying to get everything they dislike deleted from the platform instead of just asking for better tags or separation of spaces so they can avoid it. for example a good solution would maybe be dividing all "extreme" tags into a separate listing or something. censoring writing is actually puritan

No. 2426992

Was ao3 not created by “proshippers?”. Make your own fanfiction website.

No. 2426995

nta but no?

No. 2427004

Kek it quite literally was. Go look it up.

No. 2427010

wait the site doesnt have a feature in the profile settings where you can permanently filter out things?? Ive never thought to do that but i just assumed it was there

No. 2427019

I don't understand your logic. What does the point of his existence being romance have to do with whether you're a "true yume" or not? Although rare, there are yume otome games, you know. LADS may be considered one of them because it encourages self-insertion.

Being a true yumejoshi ONLY means self-inserting, and it doesn't even have to be romantic (could be friendship, family relationship, etc.). Being a husbandofag is something else entirely that often, but not always, overlaps with being a yumejo.

But I don't get what's the problem with the romanceable characters being made for that purpose. If you're trying to claim that fictional characters must have a main purpose other than romance to be considered "legit" husbandos, or that falling in love with a character that was made for you to fall in love with them is "too easy", then you're just a dumbass. Plus, that's not what being a yumejoshi is about at all and this opinion of yours just reeks of wanting to turn husbandofagging into a competition to prove you're the only TRVE "yume" because your husbando canonically did not become attracted to you (how does this prove anything?). If you constantly imagine yourself interacting with fictional characters (especially if romantically) for fun, you are a yumejoshi.

Now, if you actually mean to say that most otome game players probably aren't "real" devoted husbandofags and just like the characters on a surface level, I might agree. Most of them are definitely not hardcore waifuists, that's for sure. But that still doesn't mean that otome characters cannot be ""true"" husbandos (kek) or that self-shipping with one doesn't count as being a """""true""""" yume (LMAO).

No. 2427060

ao3 predates the whole proship discourse
shit, it was created in 2008. but yeah the logic was that it was an open repository and you curated your own browsing; back then there were other archives with stronger moderation if you wanted something more curated.
except it isn't just about kink or whatever, people want to cancel the whole website.
it was created in reaction to other archives banning all nsfw content. there were several incidents where websites like fanfiction.net and livejournal changed their rules and ended up purging a shitload of existing content.
back in the day some fanfic sites wouldn't even allow anything with same-sex pairings. there are also authors who were trying to get fanfic of their works banned, so it's part of ao3's mission statement to defend the existence of fanworks.
people should be glad their precious fanfic is hosted by a nonprofit which holds up their right to free speech i steed of some algorithmic nightmare harvesting their data.
most of the donations go to server costs because those are absolutely huge (ao3 is ine of the most visited websites on the internet) and they have no other source of funds since ao3 doesn't have ads or paid accounts or anything like that.
it has a mute feature where you can hide a specific author's works. otherwise the tag system requires a bit of wrangling because yeah, they trust users to curate their own browsing experience.
the whole point of ao3 os that it's one of the few websites left where YOU get choose what to see rather than them feeding you content.
99.9% of the content people complain about can be hidden simply by excluding the major warning categories. it takes one click to exclude all underage content, zoomers are just lazy and technologically illiterate.

No. 2427071

Where do you think our intelligence comes from? It's thanks to the mother

1. and? 2. what does this have to do with women being lesser

Damn there is so much behind what is purported as a mere joke

No. 2427078

If i think people who sperg on about their problematic faves all the time are damn weird and could benefit from surface level thinking into their preference then I'm a puritan

No. 2427085

I wish dark romance were weirder and more unhinged, even if the prose remained shit.

No. 2427093

While she’s getting haughty about a jp word she barely understands, actual japanese yumes are happily loving their otome LIs kek

No. 2427095

honestly i see your point but it's also damn annoying when peoole expect you to do soul searching or write a whole ass disclaimer before you're allowed to have preferences. fandom is just for fun, i don't wanna have to self-flagellate over liking something because im not catholic. imo the general trend i fandom tends toward more policing of what others are allowed to like, not less.
of course some people could benefit from critical thinking but others should also be reminded that there's a reason "don't like don't read" exists.

No. 2427099

Can these people just use FFN or Wattpad and just leave AO3 alone?

No. 2427123

Kek yeah, that was what I thought they were complaining about before clicking on the image but then the very first phrase being "In the KNY tag-" was a whiplash back to reality.
It's a slippery trope so I'm agaisnt censoring/removing "problematic" and questionable content (even if at times they make me want to kill the men who wrote/drew it and lose all hope in humanity) as long as everything, from the content itself to the characters, is obviously fictional. But the actual kid porn of actors and other real children must go, is it even legal to host it?
(Kind of related, but a few years back I went to the Ace Attorney AO3 tag and the very first fic I saw before filtering was tagged as "child porn", I kid you not. It still haunts me to this day)

No. 2427133

And many of them have done so for more than one, even two decades, too.

No. 2427136

Hopefully it was just CSAM used as a plot point.

No. 2427139

People literally complaining about having to scroll past things on AO3… some people have war in their countries. I get tired of scrolling past trans headcanon fics making gay ships hetero but you don’t see me trying to petition the whole website to change.

No. 2427182

If I recall correctly it was just your usual porn without plot unafortunely, but I didn't look at the tags too closely.

No. 2427249

> separation of spaces
They have other websites they can do that in or they can simply make their own. I don't see why they incessantly keep attacking AO3 as if someone is holding them at gunpoint to browse it

No. 2427251

But if they make their own space, they won't get nearly as much attention, nona!

No. 2427258

Anything they dislike Must Be Eliminated because the world revolves around them.

No. 2427302

AO3 should be deleted because all of the fanfictions there mischaracterize my husbando

No. 2427306

Someone should create a female-centered fandom website with the most boring design and without retarded algorithms, so it scares zoomers away. Like ao3 but for fanart and thirstposting. In any case, I've heard tumblr has gotten better over the years

No. 2427309

File: 1741027656757.png (314.95 KB, 1352x1212, femslash2.PNG)

why is there always this weird cope around the lack of f/f instead of accepting that most people in fandoms are straight women

No. 2427332

Being straight is socially unacceptable according to these people so if you refuse to make f/f content you’re a closet misogynist/homophobe/pickme or whatever.
>straight women want hot guys, female characters don’t interest them
Kekkkk yeah no fucking shit like what did you expect.

No. 2427333

I'm pretty sure it was created after the fall out of NC-17 fics on fanfiction.net. I was there when they purged every single fic with the NC17 and sexually explicit tag back in the early 2000s. A03 was supposed to be a freedom anything goes type of fic site, but it's been getting worse thanks to young zoomers complaining about anything and the weird "liking 2d men = hating gay men" irl crowd.

No. 2427348

Some love to overexplain instead finding the root cause and remedy it. And why Ao3? There were countless femslash in other sites but they'd rather demonize het and m/m fans for dare writing what interest them.

No. 2427350

Yes and also in response to the mass purge on LJ of fancontent, especially gay and NSFW stuff. AO3's parent org was and is intended to be a Fandom vault of sorts, making it so that fanworks aren't lost when sites go down.

No. 2427355

You're so real for this. And when my favorite ship has sex for the first time, they always make it so "uwu I'm ashaaamed to like sex" stfu

No. 2427357

Ao3 is deeply overdue for an update, especially considering how much money they've been gaining. And the only thing those zoomers are right on is that explicit fan works of real children should be deleted. I've seen proshippers defending them because they're "fictional" work, but that shouldn't matter at all. Ao3 has shown the power to delete fanfic before, so its interesting to note how they don't take them down even if you report it.

No. 2427365

I agree on underage RPF. Frankly, I think it should be banned regardless of rating because no kid, no matter how famous, should have such a popular place on the internet hosting content about them questioning their gender identity or hanging out with Scooby Doo or some shit. RPF about adults is different obviously.

No. 2427377

they would rather spend time schizoposting over why straightgirls don't write yuri instead of creating their own yuri

No. 2427382

gay moids love to make everything about their ugly 3dpd selves. you are not the kawaii uke in my folders

No. 2427392

>accepting that most people in fandoms are straight women
Because no one is willing to do this. Every woman in fandom is bisexual, queer, nonbinary, genderfluid, asexual, or some combination.

No. 2427416

A lot of women in fandom are heavily invested in the idea that it's a queer space above all else (and thus something that's socially beneficial) because it makes them feel better about being involved in something so self-indulgent, I think. They've internalized the fujoshi=homophobic fetishizer thing and can't even admit to themselves that they have a specific interest in m/m fiction because they find it hot. They'll say they just like queer fiction and it just happens it's always m/m, which gives fuel to the yurifags who want to complain rather than make their own content.
But ultimately the fujos keep on focusing on m/m, nothing changes and the arguments continue on.

No. 2427441

I think the elephant in the room is what >>2427416 said. Fandom is overwhelmingly straight women, no matter how much the tumblr kweer types like to wave their fists in the air about it. There are less yuri fics because there are less same sex attracted women in fandom, along the other problems that exarcebate the issue and make those women not want to write or get into f/f fiction.
>can't even admit to themselves that they have a specific interest in m/m fiction because they find it hot. They'll say they just like queer fiction and it just happens it's always m/m, which gives fuel to the yurifags
I don't know, man. Seems like this muh queer space hettie betties get out reeeeeeeeeee mentality is not sustainable for anybody. No wonder self hating shippers try to find every loophole under the sun to not get scolded. Gonna have to give this shit up eventually.

No. 2427512

exactly. the concept of hetero sex (being penetrated) and pregnancy being degrading to women is not some “fandom or gendie only thing”. it’s all around us. I don’t think it’s beneficial to support these concepts but these woman just don’t want to be degraded and don’t have the power to single-handedly change how society and their culture thinks of sex so they just make jokes online.
the numbersfagging is dumb but I always appreciate a good autistic chart. a couple of these are true though it is mainly the straight women one and the text focused one.

No. 2427562

Is there really a lack of female relationships in the media?

No. 2427590

seriously, all these people complaining why dont you learn to write or draw kek

No. 2427641

>Lack of female characters
>Lack of female relationships
>Lacks favoured dynamics
There. Those are my 3 reasons listed right there as to why I don't have any f/f ships. Why do people act like they're excuses when they're very clearly observable facts? I make my own lesbian OCs and create content of them but because people whining about the lack of yuri would rather just screech about not being coddled in the fanfic department instead of supporting people's original creations. And the kind of stuff I do isn't even some niche outlandish fetish, just butch/butch and butch/femme with edgier dynamics but nothing less than two pastel color femme hoyoverse waifus making out isn't accepted by these moralfagging goonettes.

No. 2427686

yeah idk what theyre talking about. i've always watched shows with majority females so i only see f/f relationships

No. 2427712

Ayrt what I've been seeing is a weird mish mash of opinions. A lot of the people who are currently very outspoken about how AO3 should have 0 censorship because it's puritanism to remove pedoshit from random spaces are the same people calling dark romance/booktok content disgusting media that shouldn't be allowed. I just think it has been very weird to observe the people who are in the trenches defending the underage tag are also giving sideye to mildly dark media for middle aged women to read with a glass of wine on a Friday.
Same tbh I think women should be allowed go bananas with their media consumption. Dark romance seems to be a completely female media interest afaik (except for the occasional pickme moid cosplaying in Temu tactical gear) so if Joe Goldberg is the goal just let grandma go nuts
>"don't like don't read" exists.
I'm half and half on this. On the one hand morally grey media and dark romance are acceptable because at it's (usually) written as two consenting parties doing weird shit, but a lot of people saying "don't like don't read" are defending some real weird shit. Live and let live but I'm really side eyeing a lot of people in random spaces who are sperging tf out over how important it is for them to have access to full on ass rape of Harry Potter

No. 2427762

>"eroge games"
>Dear god, the comments are more deranged than Indians seeing classical art and thinking it's a real person
Typical male pathological liar behavior, what else is new?

Yeah the real dumbass move is assuming that you need "extra help" because you're female and not that they're just making a game feature more convenient.

I feel like Infinity Nikki and LADS attracted a lot of normies who are unfamiliar with video games that are more complex than shit like Candy Crush. But what really makes me sad is that these normie women have this deeply ingrained idea that they're too stupid for such relatively complex games. Being unfamiliar with video games is not the same as not being smart. They're so afraid of their own assumed stupidity that they don't even try, but if they didn't have this fear that they're too dumb for video games, they'd be perfectly able to enjoy the game without putting themselves down and even figure out how everything works quicker, because they wouldn't be held back by their own self-loathing assumptions about themselves. It really proves that what many people have been saying about shitty sexist/misogynistic stereotypes significantly affecting women's interest in tech is true and not an exaggeration. A lot of normie women really do have this idea that they're too dumb to understand certain things and it's because they've been implicitly told their entire lives that being female makes them stupid. It's pure insecurity.

It's very very sad how when these seemingly normie women from TikTok (as described by this Reddit user) want to make inside jokes to share a laugh with their community, their first idea is to denigrate themselves for being female. It's one thing to poke fun at a mistake you made and say you had a dumb moment, it's another entirely to call yourself and your female peers "dumb girls" like you're infantilizing your entire sex.

It's possible IMO. I have encountered tranny scrotes defending the babby difficulty in a game like Princess Peach Showtime because "it's a great introduction to video games for girls", implying that girls are all unfamiliar with videogames and/or stupid. (As if there weren't already thousands of girls that love stuff like Mario and Kirby) The username and tiny profile pic thumbnail were extremely clockable but this is not always the case, especially for someone who doesn't want to be mean to troons.

But like anon said, this happens in the LADS community too (absolutely no male troon is playing LADS), so there's definitely actual women who think like this in the IN community as well.

Late by 11 days, sorry

No. 2427814

Ithe whole point is that if you don't like "weird shit" ao3 gives you the option not to see it. or you can go to the sites with tighter moderation. either way no one makes you look at it and it's very telling that vocal moralfags can't leave well enough alone and try to ban shit for everyone instead of curating their own browsing experience.
idc what women write. i've written female-on-moid torture fic so im not in a position to judge what harry potter ass fuckers do. men shouldn't be allowed near a word processor tho.

No. 2427815

>harry potter ass fuckers
Whom are fucking Harry Potter in the ass????????

No. 2427822

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a whole lotta people, it looks like

No. 2427825

I feel like the problem with censoring fics is that it isn't possible to objectively determine the intent of the fic. People can write about uncomfortable topics from a critical lense and not everything is about kinks and jerking it (though a lot of it is, kek). Any kind of heavy handed fic regulation just purity spirals until all fic is sunshines and rainbows scrubbed clean and devoid of conflict

No. 2427835

NTAYRT. Short answer: VNs can hardly be considered games, but that doesn't mean it's not a good storytelling medium; pure VNs are for people who just want to read a story, and if you don't like that, you can play "actual" games. It doesn't mean VNs are bad or an inferior form of entertainment, it just means they aren't so much games as they are digital books with visuals. It's obviously not for everyone. And yes, the point of the VN format is to be story-focused.

Long answer: I'll give you a brief history of VNs.

VNs came both from computer porn games and console "sound novels" which weren't for otaku coomers. Sound novels had no character sprites and were heavily story-focused. They were basically just horror novels with some background graphics and sounds to set the mood.

Before sound novels, there were plenty of indie eroge on personal computers like the PC-98. These games were rarely story-focused, and their gameplay was varied (puzzle games, RPGs, you name it). But of course, the main point was to see a naked bishoujo, or have sex with her, or rape her. The gameplay was just an excuse or a means to an end, and the porn was the reward. Eroge are games with explicit erotic/pornographic elements, it doesn't matter which format it comes in.

Then, the doujin circle Leaf had the idea of mixing aspects of eroge with the "sound novel" format. They added manga-style character sprites and CGs, as well as pornographic scenes, mixing them with a horror story. This new format, the "visual novel", proved to be popular, as was the edgelord plot of the first VN, Shizuku. Otaku in the eroge scene realized that it was pretty easy to tell a story in a game with this format, so the VN genre took off.

Dating sims (ren'ai simulation in Japanese) also became popular around this time (IIRC), thanks to games like Doukyuusei (an eroge) and Tokimeki Memorial (a galge, AKA a "non-pornographic bishoujo game"). Please keep in mind that dating sims are not VNs and vice-versa, although hybrids are possible and do exist. As I understand it, dating sims started to influence the VN scene, and some doujin circles, like Key, began creating visual novels that were more romance-oriented, with the plot being divided into "heroine routes". Eventually, they would start creating romance/bishoujo VNs but without the porn, as they were entirely romance and plot-focused.

But there started to be a divide between VN fans and classic eroge fans. The males who favoured classic eroge didn't like that you had to read so much to have sex with the female characters, for example. Some of them even complained about dating sims requiring so many "extra steps" (building a relationship with the love interests) to get to the sex or to achieve a romantic ending without explicit sex. And visual novel fans were often plotfags who didn't care about anything but the story (not the sex or the gameplay).

So, depending on what the appeal of a game is and what your target audience wants, you'll have to decide what genre your game will belong to (visual novel or something else like simulation, RPG, etc.), and, if you choose to make a VN, what amount of gameplay to put in it and how to implement it. If you want a purely plot-centric game, you probably won't need any gameplay, unless it's something like quick and easy puzzles. But, for example, if you wanted a VN with a war-centric plot, you could maybe add some TRPG sections if that's what you and your target audience like. Or be like BlazBlue and do the inverse: add VN sections to a game that is primarily a fighting game. There's plenty of "actual" games that are also considered VNs and vice-versa, and there have been for a really long time in Japan. But there's nothing wrong with a pure VN sticking to its original format.

>the only western VN i can think of that isnt trying to mock the medium and ''deconstruct it'' is Katawa Shoujo''.
Fake and gay, there's a lot of western VNs that aren't "le ironic VNs" or "dating sim" (wrong use of the term) parodies. You don't really know what you're talking about. There's Beskonechnoe Leto which is considered "the Russian Katawa Shoujo", Juniper's Knot, VA-11 HALL-A, Misericorde, Siren's Call, Heart of the Woods, Red Embrace: Hollywood, etc.
On the otome front, there's Cinderella Phenomenon, Our Life: Beginnings & Always, Backstage Pass, Cinders, Date Warp, Royal Alchemist, the whole Magical Otoge/Moon Observatory series, Locked Heart, Tailor Tales, and so many more unironic ones that you wouldn't believe.
They might not be as hugely well-known as Katawa Shoujo or DDLC, but if you actually try to find more sincere western VNs you'll find them quite easily. That, plus VNs aren't as big outside of Japan, so of course there'll be less people making them and less well-known hits like the two aforementioned VNs.

There's nothing wrong with horror VNs, that's literally how the genre started. You're saying that as if a lot of popular and trashy eroge VNs (euphoria comes to mind) weren't horror too. But I do hate how many retards in the West see VNs as crappy """dating sims""" that are nothing but a meme. They looked at some self-parodying or quirky Japanese VNs like Hatoful Boyfriend (which is genuinely good), assumed the worst, and proceeded to ruin the way the VNs are seen in the west with their shitty "ironic" "dating sim" parodies for years to come.

No. 2427842

When I was younger I used to obsessively watch let's plays of games I wanted to play because I come from an extremely poor family and I could only really get, like, one mainline Pokemon game a year if I was lucky. Nowadays I'm always busy drawing so I do the same because I would prefer to be on the grind than play a video game. It's also a little silly to brush off people who consume media through let's plays when one of the hugest fandoms was actually originally formed BASED on a let's play. This is something that's become a bit of a forgotten history, but dangan ronpa's fandom initially comes from a something awful let's play, as it was the very first way to access DR in english, even before the anime aired.

>Something in the back of my mind winces and feels a slither of irritation when YouTube puts those 40minutes-1 hour long video essays about the "hidden themes", the "underrated horror", the "missed media literacy"

I do somewhat agree with you here actually, I think people's media literacy dropping is a severe problem due to the fact that we are no longer reading and just have everyone explaining things to us on tiktok instead, but the way to fix this is not through insulting people, as people generally do not respond well to insults unless they have a severe history of abuse that's caused them to have stockholm syndrome or something. I think we need to become a bit kinder to one another overall and make efforts to understand fandom takes we don't agree with, like, where they're coming from and stuff.

No. 2427949

Nta, I think part of it is these LIs characters are written in superficial ways with specific tropes in mind to appeal to as much people as possible and to sell merch/get your money. They don't feel like real fleshed out characters. Although I feel this way about characters like the dudes from JJK, too. And characters that are too niche and in the background with barely any screen time and storyline or personality at all. It feels performative and just hopping on a trend that will eventually die out. It's whatever but it's hard to take someone seriously as a yume/husbandofag when they change their husbando depending on trends and tropes rather than what they truly personally like.

No. 2428018

Yuritroons and himetards are on the same level of whininess as scrotes. Yurifaggots complaing about ''muh lack of yuri!'' when most anime has yuribait and there are big franchises like Gundam, Symphongear and Nanoha pandering to them. Its like when scrotes complain that there arent hot vidya women anymore when they have over 20 years of oversexualized female characters to jack off to and Japan/Korea still panders to them on the daily. Holy shit get some real problems.

No. 2428024

Them being "too" tropey or not being fleshed out "enough" doesn't make you not a TROO husbandofag if you pick one of them as a husbando, though.
Yes, there are trend hoppers, they might be in it for the steady stream of content of cute boys that they find attractive but without actually loving them, although they're not harming anyone so they should be allowed to have fun however they want. I simply separate serious husbandofags from these people because they're clearly into different lifestyles, it's pretty easy to tell them apart, it's easy to tell when someone enjoys a character in a husbando way or not.

Also, some otome characters can be well-written and fleshed out, even with the obvious base tropes. But regardless of how well they're written, it's ridiculous to claim that actual otome husbandofags don't really exist (what the other anon originally claimed) just because you think they're all the fandom trend-hopper kind and not the serious devoted kind, or because you don't like otome heroes because you can't stop thinking about how they're made cute so you'll like them. What kind of logic is that? I think her opinion literally just comes from seeing too many LADS fans online who are not really devoted to husbandos, which, I mean… I haven't seen many of them claiming to be. It's like enjoying 2D boys is wrong and fake unless they do it in this very specific way that you approve of, which feels like you wanna turn it into a competition.

I also hate how husbandofags who husbando random side characters are always automatically assumed to be faking it for attention. Even the ones that do enjoy a specific kind of attention, can you really tell what's going on in her mind and whether she doesn't actually feel the way she claims to feel for the character? Some of them might be faking it but you can usually tell easily, and seeing them all being conflated because lol who would have a husbando like that, right? is annoying. What if the character is actually her type? How is liking someting niche and obscure "hopping on a trend" anyway?

And again, being a yume is not about having a single established husbando of over 20 years. It's just about self-inserting, and you can absolutely be a "trend-hopper" yume. You keep misunderstanding the meaning of that term. It was originally used for internet novels where you could input your name in all sorts of fictional stories (basically self-inserting into a bunch of different scenarios), which you would definitely classify as "fake yume" kek.

>depending on trends

Yes, anyone can tell that someone who changes husbandos constantly depending on what's currently popular, and forgets about the others as soon as a new character is trending, is trend-hopping.
>depending on tropes rather than what they truly personally like.
Character tropes are part of what one personally likes. That's why some people actually fall in love with otome characters, because they are attracted to characters that fit those tropes that they like, that's the basic component of the attraction to fictional characters in the first place (the rest depends on the execution). Because characters are made of tropes. What's the problem with this that makes it "not true" husbandofagging other than "they were intentionally designed to make you fall for them!" No shit, and there's people with OC husbandos as well so I guess they're the fakest of them all. It's so fucking weird to claim that just because something was made to appeal to you, it doesn't count. What is this bizarre gatekeeping? As long as you feel real love for the character it's a real husbando, period. Everything else is irrelevant.

I just don't like it when people judge how "real" a husbandofag is based on her choice of husbando instead of something more obvious, like the way she acts about it. Thanks for reading my manifesto.

No. 2428027

I'm not a yurifag but lesbian women wanting more lesbian content is different from pedo transbians wanting every piece of media to make little girl characters have sex on-screen. They are two different demographics and I'm sure the aforementioned lesbians are sick of being lumped in with the straight scrotes who clearly have different tastes from gay women.

No. 2428029

Lesbians still have a shit ton of content. Pretty much every western cartoon of the last decade has a canon lesbian couple. They are complaining about lack of fanart when they already have upper hand in canon media. Like ofcourse no himetard is going to write f/f Avatar fanfiction when it already has THREE canon lesbians. Its like they dont understand fanart/fanfic exist because the lack of something in the canon material. deleted because i am dumb esl and wrote ''female lesbians'' kek

No. 2428034

oh my god the somethingawful dr translation was a core memory i havent thought of in like 10 years… bless you nona

No. 2428042

Sounds like you're salty that there are canon lesbian couples kek.
You(?) used a blatantly disingenuous example, laiming lolibait/yuribait for moids in anime shit is for lesbians somehow. So I replied to that example.
>Lesbians still have a shit ton of content.
A few characters being lesbians is not "a shit ton of content". And especially in western media, the reason there are lesbian characters might not always be that they want to give something to lesbian fans, but it can also be to seem progressive (and lesbian couples are more "acceptable" than gay male ones in media), and/or because the moids in charge get off to it.
The yuri thread on /m/ is pretty normal, they aren't doing anything wrong by wanting more content. Maybe don't get mad at female yurifags in general and instead make fun of retards on social media? It's not like we can argue with them over here anyway. And Xitter tards can be yurifags, fujos, yumes, scrotes, etc. so it's not like there's a reason to specifically target lesbians specifically unless you're personally invested in some Xitter "discourse" (internet retard fight).

No. 2428051

Gundam's lesbian couple was pedobait?

No. 2428054

>Sounds like you're salty that there are canon lesbian couples kek.
huh? i am not the one complaining that straight women arent making self indulgent fanfiction for free for me.
> laiming lolibait/yuribait for moids in anime shit is for lesbians somehow.
there are tons of lesbians making/enjoying scrote tier shit, yuripedo is an example
>A few characters being lesbians is not "a shit ton of content". And especially in western media, the reason there are lesbian characters might not always be that they want to give something to lesbian fans, but it can also be to seem progressive (and lesbian couples are more "acceptable" than gay male ones in media), and/or because the moids in charge get off to it.
'' a few characters'' and its literally every single main pairing in western shows from the last decade(SU, Korra, She-ra, the owl house, adventure time, the loud house, hazbin hotel etc) meanwhile fujos only have ugly walled 3DPDs, the hazbin/hb faggots and background characters with 2 voicelines like the hideous faggot dads from TLH.
>The yuri thread on /m/ is pretty normal, they aren't doing anything wrong by wanting more content.
the problem is that yuritards are always complaining that there isnt enough yuri content and constantly pick up fight with straight women who make their own f/m m/m content when literally all mediums pander to them. If you have hyper specific fetishes where neither moe anime girls or normal cartoon women like korra/shera/adventure time are up to your taste then just make your own content, but stop playing the victim and pretending you are so oppressed because there isnt enough yuri when thats simply not true. Fujofags have to waddle through shonenshit and spokon crap for moids to find a midly decent non canon ship and f/m shippers who arent into non ddlg/daddydom are the most opressed class of female shippers. You dont get to complain and constantly shit on other women when you are the only ones that are at the top of the shipping food chain.

No. 2428057

No but Miorine was just a dogshit character

No. 2428059

Incredibly based nona

No. 2428065

I actually agree with you that the people who demand more f/f fic are wrong, because I think the only good f/f is going to come from people who care about it enough to do it well, not straight women who are guilt tripped into pandering to other people's interests and not their own.
however, I do want to point out that western f/f is overwhelmingly trash. this is a total digression, not me arguing with you or anything, but I'm always thinking about this. I'll concede that SU she-ra and owl house were probably written by women for a female audience, but they're unwatchable tv shows for babies. the hazbin hotel lesbians are obviously just virtue signaling when vivzie would rather be writing yaoi kek because her heart isn't in that shit at all. then aside from those, I think that the prominence of f/f in comics, video games, and other nerd media is for men who want romance and sex in their fiction but don't want to see women lusting after or falling in love with handsome men who make them feel inferior. it actually embarrasses me to see suckers wax poetic about how revolutionary the queer representation is in some show when it's clear as day to me that it's about pandering to insecure male nerds.

No. 2428070

My point still stands, just be glad you get something at all. Women have been shipping ugly 3dpd scrotes and fucking robots from a cartoon for little boys for ages because there is so little content made with hot men, let alone hot men who are a canon couple. The yuri being made not being up to your taste doesnt mean it doesnt exist at all. Most bl fanfics come from media meant for men, yet fujos still squish every microsecond the two male characters they like are together to write and draw their fanart/fanfics.

No. 2428076

This is the problem with yurifags, you guys are too picky even when shit is handed to you. Even if it's dogshit and OOC M/F and M/M writers will make up whatever about a character and redesign them to their hearts' content to suit their tastes, why not do the same?

No. 2428135

No offence nona, but why is that our problem? Go cry to the yuri thread about it, no1curr that you have substandard lesbian anime porn.

No. 2428141

>not straight women who are guilt tripped into pandering to other people's interests and not their own.
I wish more people would understand this. Why did it even become a popular thing in fandom to try and guilt trip people into making the types of fan content they want? Is it because it worked on white women who didn't wanna be racist when people first started drawing in the hyper diverse tumblr art style back in 2013? People who are guilted into making something are not only gonna bounce back eventually, but will probably come out hating the people who made them feel like they had to make that thing.

No. 2428321

ease of access to the internet I think. back then if you were going online to engage in a fandom, you were actively contributing to it. Now it's just normalized to consume fanwork without giving anything back.

No. 2428324

I wonder if these people begging for f/f were around when Madoka was new and everyone and their mothers were shipping Homura and Madoka or Sayaka and Kyoko. Or when steven universe was still making eps and there was nothing but yuri of the gems? Shows that f/f can dominate a fandom/talk if people are willing to put in the work to make it happen.

No. 2428326

Nta. She's not being whiny at all, though. Her observations are reasonable and she explicitly said at the top of her post that it's dumb to demand more content from people who don't want to make it.

No. 2428373

Also it helps when the source material has mostly female characters (but isn't just wankbait for scrotes).

No. 2428411

IMO it's both the ease of access to the internet and the fact that it was very very easy to browbeat and guilt trip female dominated fandoms into making fandom a form of activism, that behavior was already rearing its ugly head on livejournal. It set a really bad precedent. Hell, it's only just recently that people have been trying to make an effort to get rid of the "ew straight woman in my fandom!!1!1!" boogeyman brainworm from tumblr. What was all that moral posturing about fandom being a ~queer~ space for shut in speds who got their shoelaces from the president even for anyway?

No. 2428535

File: 1741112775112.png (138.47 KB, 1280x720, cachedImage.png)

Bro should just watch anime

No. 2428538

Pretty sure there's 6-10 yuri anime slated to release this year, the issue is is that they're never good enough.

No. 2428552

These are great examples to disprove their bullshit. I'm pretty sure Homestuck had an insanely popular f/f pairing as well, and going further back, even freaking Hetalia had a LOT of fanfics/fanart for the Nyotalia AU. These retards also love to act like Arcane doesn't exist and hasn't given us the (probably) most popular f/f ship in the past few years kek.

No. 2428560

File: 1741114145980.jpg (30.04 KB, 225x350, 421328.jpg)

new higurashi artstyle is so ugly eyestrain, everyone looks terrible, especially Ooishi, that's the face of a fucking turtle, not human

No. 2428578

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Him checking out Keiichi’s ass was pretty funny though

No. 2428605

File: 1741116500282.jpg (176.62 KB, 1279x719, Higurashi+no+naku+koro+ni+kira…)

Higurashi has had a lot of very retarded fanservice over the years but at least the OVA that was otherwise garbage gave us this

No. 2428623

hell yeah

No. 2428668

made by a pedophile

No. 2428687

Ayrt I'm not against weird shit I just think it's been weird to watch both sides of the debate without actively participating in it. Personally I do like some weird shit (moid torture included tbh nonna you're based for that, I wonder if I ever accidentally crossed your content kek)

No. 2428695

NTA and I agree in the sense that gay people shouldn't concern themselves with the relative number of yaoi or yuri couples in mainstream anime,, given that we're only like 3% of the population.
But saying "people who like yuri should be happy with the slop they're given, even if it sucks" is hard to defend. You can only argue that if you're willing to apply it to your favorite genres too.
If you're really fine with co-opting subpar characters and relationships from Free and Boku no Pico, and you are NEVER going to complain about the lack of good M/M ships or hot male characters, that's consistent.
But literally within both your posts, you complained that fujos are dealing with a lack of good M/M material? So why is it a problem when yurifags say the same thing?

No. 2428697

>All the other fanservice in higurashi
>Keiichi fanservice
>"Reeee pedo"

No. 2428807

I don't think she's a yuri fan, but there's one anon who is weirdly angry about those two guys people ship from Arcane, calling the pairing misogynistic or whatever because one guy has a girlfriend or something. As if people haven't been ignoring canon love interests for as long as the concept of shipping has existed regardless of whether the ship is gay or straight. I think some spergs are just intolerant of differences and want any kind of fan work they dislike to cease existing. I don't see how somebody shipping, for instance, Shadow and Sonic, prevents anybody from enjoying Amy (either on her own or as a love interest for Sonic). If someone says something negative about her to you, just block them and move on. It's impossible to spend any amount of time in fandoms without seeing interpretations you disagree with. That's just life.

No. 2428845

Not a yuri fan, it's a Mel shipper/self inserter (not sure which). She thinks it's racist and misogynistic that the guy gets shipped with the white guy and not the black woman.

No. 2428853

I wish xitterfags would either integrate or stay on their hellsite, and I say that as someone who likes Mel and isn't even a Jayvik shipper.

No. 2428879

the amount of mangakas who have been arrested for cp possession is actually insane

No. 2428887

Really? Compared to other entertainment industries/industries involving children it seems pretty average.

No. 2428907

speaking of cp possession, i haven't read Rurouni kenshin but I legit don't care if the author got arrested for it, as long as none of his worldviews reflect in the manga

No. 2428962

No wonder being a pansexual demigirl is such an epidemic in fandom spaces. I unironically think we need to start making burner twitters and shit that tell women it's okay to stand up for themselves in fandom because so many people will just lay there and take it when they feel uncomfortable and bullied. Sure, if you want to make change happen, then slithering a bit of into casual spaces is the key, but making EVERYTHING about activism will just lead to stress and unhappiness.
Nonnas will call any depiction of a woman in anime pedophilic but will allow teenage boys who clearly act their age and have teenage boy problems to be sexualized and not bat an eye kek

No. 2428965

>as long as none of his worldviews reflect in the manga
Unfortunately, the age gap between the protagonist and female love interest is the most heinous I've ever seen in any shounen. They are 28 and 17 at the start, respectively.

No. 2428970

>No wonder being a pansexual demigirl is such an epidemic in fandom spaces
Isn't it strange that so many young girls are calling themselves anything but straight and female? It's like the highest offense to be seen as one.

No. 2428972

>would support a story by a pedo moid
The state of the women itt

No. 2428976

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or identifying as therian or non-human that isn’t RP

No. 2428986

Figure most weebs pirate both anime and manga. I would have been enraged if I supported a show like higurashi gou/sotsu financially.

No. 2428988

No. 2428995

This got me wondering if there were any other age gap couples. The only one I can recall rn is bokuben, which was between older woman/younger man but around the same age.

No. 2428996

holy autism, I forgot these people exist? Aren't some of them "kinnies" now or am I mixing them up?

No. 2428997

It's the choice of engaging in anything made by a convicted male pedophile. Not talking about your regular lolislop

No. 2428998

Same thing but they change the name up a lot
For a while kinnie was therian but now kinnie is just relating to a fictional character so they're back to using therian.

No. 2429005

Knew a tif who started dating a tim and detransitioned so that they wouldn't be a straight couple KEK she considered herself a gay man before that point and now claims to be bi. Knew another "gay" tif who began dating someone who came out as a tim a few days later and magically became bisexual. It's just social gymnastics, they want to continue being seen as the correct thing to be in fandom spaces, but would probably vomit when trying to eat pussy.

No. 2429006

Ah well, can't say I'll ever read it either so I don't actually have anything to say back kek.

No. 2429037

unfortunately therian has infested zoomer teens

No. 2429039

Weirdly we haven't really seen a final fantasy house 2

No. 2429088

More like kinnies moved onto therians because it's a step above that, same with how kinnies evolved to being systems.

No. 2429091

>being systems
so like DID faking where "alters" have suspiciously the exact same political beliefs as the person?

No. 2429101

Yes kek. DID seems to be the final boss at least. I haven't seen a new trend among kinnies since that blew up during covid, before that they would just claim to have psychosis

No. 2429110

I thought kinning was just relating to a fictional character?

No. 2429117

The definition changed >>2428998

No. 2429118

>Nonnas will call any depiction of a woman in anime pedophilic but will allow teenage boys who clearly act their age and have teenage boy problems to be sexualized and not bat an eye kek
Who gives a shit about scrotes

No. 2429120

That's how it is for "normal" kinnies but the more extreme ones began trying to constantly one-up each other. It went from simply relating to "this is character is me no doubles" to "I have psychosis if you reality check me I'll start cutting" to what we have now (200+ alter systems)

No. 2429151

This kind of thing has actually been around as long as the internet. There's basically always been online communities of people doing DID/otherkin/soulbond stuff.
The version where 'kinnies' didn't take it seriously and were just relating to the character was a later development, I think after it took off with zoomers in the late 10s. It's always been fundamentally a spiritual woo and/or munchie thing and it's just reverting to that if it looks like it's gotten more extreme.

No. 2429166

>yuripedo is an example
And she's the minority here on lolcow if you'd look at the yuri thread. Hell, even the yuri crazies thread proves that most yurifags here find that sort of content repulsive and actively make fun of yuripedo. Just because there are some actual lesbians out there who enjoy scroteshit doesn't mean that's what all lesbians want. Be fair. Lesbian pickmes are a thing as much as straight pickmes too, so it's not like this is unique to yurifags. Another thing is that many women feel like they have to consume any kind of media they can find that has a crumb of what they actually like. This happens with many who aren't fujos so they start reading hentai instead. Or with women into femdom who consume scrote media at first because they don't know where to find something better, or because female-oriented media with those themes/fetishes is extremely rare. Many of them end up going down the pickme pipeline and eventually start developing more scrotey tastes. Some of them can recover from that and become based though, but a lack of media that actually caters to them as women makes this more difficult.
>mentions Hazbin as one of the cartoons with a lesbian couple to prove her point
>mentions Hazbin again to prove that fujos get nothing
You do know that one of the common complaints about Hazbin is that it focuses too much on the male gay characters and fujo ships to the detriment of the plot, right?
>he problem is that yuritards are always complaining that there isnt enough yuri content and constantly pick up fight with straight women who make their own f/m m/m content
I haven't seen them much lately, maybe because I don't go into most shit threads and I usually ignore obvious infight bait like that. And it seems pretty obvious that the people who are constantly fighting over such dumb shit (from any side) are just a handful of obsessed autists who frequent the same threads and always participate in their own infights because they are addicted to the adrenaline they get from getting mad. Just because some yurifags shit on non-yurifags or accuse them of misogyny for not liking yuri, doesn't mean all the yuri fans on the site are them. The normal lesbians on this site that like yuri/GL/femslash mostly keep to themselves and pop up at random times talking about their favorite ships/waifus which is normal imageboard user behavior. I hate the annoying fujos who shit on or resent other women for the dumbest reasons, but I don't hate all fujos for it because I know they're not all the same people and there's fujos who are ashamed of being in the same group with underage retards. Use your head a little.
>You dont get to complain and constantly shit on other women when you are the only ones that are at the top of the shipping food chain.
I said at the beginning that I'm not a yurifag.
Yurifags are a minority in female fandom. Fujos are by far the majority, and gay ships are almost always the most popular, so they're actually the ones at the top of the "shipping food chain". You're only focusing on the canon part of it. (No, I'm not saying fujos/yumes/hetshippers should create content they have no interest in, before you put words in my mouth. None of what I've said implies that.)

No. 2429247

>have suspiciously the exact same political beliefs as the person?
KEKKKKK this shit really is the biggest giveaway. I don't believe systems who don't have at least one TERF alter.

No. 2429274

File: 1741149305728.png (1.19 MB, 1060x808, love the outfits but why.png)

The outfits can be reworked I think. But I do not understand this fandom's obsession with hitting as far off the mark with the skincolor as possible.

No. 2429276

File: 1741149535862.png (204.1 KB, 560x484, you will never ever guess who'…)

That's just tumblr in general.

No. 2429281

You nonas are being civil, but this is trending dangerously close to yaoi sperg territory kek

No. 2429289

what do you guys even want then? I wish there was a BL thats ''''slop''''' like meguka or the new yuri gundam. Because i am so tired of having to scratch the bottom of the barrel to try and find a remotely interesting anime with two guys i can ship. I cannot imagine being hand held by media so hard and still not being happy with it while all the other shippers are fucking resorting to shit written by neil gayman for slash couples.

No. 2429291

I don't think it's bad for people to reimagine the characters of something to look more like their own race, but it literally just looks like they have a tan. There are so many cute black hair styles they could've used for Roll and black Rock is just begging for an afro or stylized dreads. It just comes off as incredibly virtue signally when they only change the skin and nothing else.

No. 2429292

just make ocs at this point

No. 2429296

I think a lot of these people can't bear to be in anything but 'current' fandoms, they'd do well engaging with older work and reading older fanfic and continuing to actively contribute to it. Also they need to leave actual comments. Readers used to comment more.

No. 2429302

File: 1741152083585.gif (2.65 MB, 540x215, promare heart.gif)

>I was there was BL like the new yuri gundam
I mean. There's Promare kek

No. 2429304

is it canon or just fujobait

No. 2429307

NTAYRT but they kissed, still more bait than full on fujo though.

No. 2429312

I'd say it's a YOI situation, where it's about as gay as it could possibly be without being literal BL.

No. 2429313

So, just fujobait then. Still waiting for the day we get something similar to nanoha or madoka. The closest we will ever get is YOI, and despite being incredibly popular the movie still got cancelled. Why cant yurifags be happy with all the stuff they get. The only thing i respect from yuripedo is that she never complains that there isnt enough yurishit and seems to appreciate the genre genuinely instead of making excuses about it.

No. 2429314

Wasn't it just CPR? I watched it and felt extremely disappointed when it was hyped up to be this big gay thing.

No. 2429316

Just watch it yourself jfc. If you're a fujo I guarantee you, you'll enjoy Promare. Sick of people demanding to be spoonfed opinions on shit they'd never seen instead of just watching it themselves.

No. 2429318

nein, i dont like how the characters look, and like anons said its just fujobait. I would rather just rewatch gundam wings at that point.

No. 2429319

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It's pretty much framed like a kiss instead of CPR (in the same way stuff like Snow White is), down to Lio having sleeping beauty eyes when he wakes up.

No. 2429323

File: 1741153109193.jpg (57 KB, 1280x720, bro attempting CPR underwater …)

Compare this to a CPR scene where it's not meant to be romantic in tone, it's all in the framing.

No. 2429324

The mohawk guy is hideous.

No. 2429325

>complains about a lack of thing
>"hey anon here's an example of the thing"
>"reee no not good enough"
Looks like we found something fujos and himes have in common

No. 2429326

Alright, who is it?

No. 2429327

File: 1741153333356.jpg (434.86 KB, 1037x900, 73462c44aea4c8184583433c9c0fab…)

Yeaaah I like Lio's design but Galo ugly as hell, was pretty meh on the ship because of that but I can't deny the kiss is kinda pretty looking.
Sometimes the uke just has a really ugly seme and vice versa.
Nagito Komaeda

No. 2429330

File: 1741153433220.gif (918.46 KB, 400x300, your opinion man.gif)

No. 2429332

Let's see how long it takes for someone to say that this character is "basically a child" or "basically a woman."

No. 2429333

How is one shitty movie with a fujobait kiss comparable to an entire season of canon yurishit? retard.

No. 2429335

I'll be honest, it just really didn't feel that way to me. Galo tried everything possible before resorting to CPR and framed in a "I have no other choice" type of way. There's the "for the first time in my life… bleh… I lit a fire!!!" bait, but it's extremely unromantic. Lio's eyes don't even look sleeping beauty esque, he's just tired after going through something so horrible. I typically eat up both yuribait and fujobait as a local bishitter, but my gaydar was not set off here at all. Lio is a twink who takes it up the ass for sure, but Galo just feels way too retarded for romance.

No. 2429336

Idk a lot of the songs have romantic-sounding lyrics, especially the ones used in scenes with the male leads.

No. 2429338

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I don't really ship them so I get it, I also just think the scene itself was pretty clearly framed in a romantic sense over 'it was just CPR'
A lot of the official merch+art also has a romantic vibe to it.

No. 2429340

Nta but I'm willing to bet the "full season of yurishit" in a Gundam anime is male gaze as fuck. I doubt yuri fans actually want to see a couple of uguu moeblobs rubbing their tits together or patting each other's heads or whatever other absurd shit female characters do in f/f shit made for moids.

No. 2429341

i wish that clamp would make a big comeback and give us some more BL shit in every form, but i guess there is a decent amount of BL slop in japan but it just doesn't get popular/get translated for english audiences.

No. 2429342

Nanoha and Madoka are for scrotes (regardless of how many women found Madoka watchable enough to love it). The anime industry is almost completely controlled by moids. The anime industry has also been infested with misogynistic pedophiles (lolicons) since ancient times. The scrotes that approved, funded and made Nanoha and Madoka were not pandering to lesbian women. Women liking Madoka is just a side effect, or an successful deliberate attempt at capturing a periphery demographic at best.When will you finally get it?

And perhaps fujos are too comfortable with their original manga/games and fan fiction/fan art of non-fujo franchises to see the need to start their own anime studio. Besides, anime is considerably harder to make than manga, fanfic, fanart and even simple games like VNs or RPGs. You won't achieve anything by yelling at women who like yuri on some obscure western forum. This is a problem that affects us all.

No. 2429343

Also pink triangles visually indicating the "outsider" burnish characters and being associated with Lio in particular. The filmmakers weren't retarded, they knew what they were doing.

No. 2429344

>Nanoha and Madoka were not pandering to lesbian women
Yet lesbians absolutely adore Madoka
I think you can make a yuri show that appeals to both men and lesbians but they're pretty uncommon.

No. 2429345

I'm so grateful Ganbare Nakamura Kun is getting an anime adaptation. I think Canis also should have one.

No. 2429346

> I doubt yuri fans actually want to see a couple of uguu moeblobs rubbing their tits together or patting each other's heads or whatever other absurd shit female characters do in f/f shit made for moids.
so what do you want then? you dont want moeshit, you dont want western lesbians, you also dont want masculine butches since yuritards are always complaining that they are ''literally just men!!11!'' so, what the fuck do you ACTUALLY want??

No. 2429347

>Yet lesbians absolutely adore Madoka
I beg you to read what you're replying to before posting because I addressed the fact that Madoka has a lot of female fans (not just lesbians btw) not just once, but TWICE.

No. 2429349

Ntyart and I'm not a hime but I think they just want female characters who act like female human beings and not stereotypes?

No. 2429351

So why does it matter if the writer is a moid if most women love it kek, Urobuchi also wrote thunderbolt fantasy which is like entirely fujo fandom wise.

No. 2429352

File: 1741154493426.webp (19.53 KB, 696x392, hannibal-escena-final-tercera-…)

>The scrotes that approved, funded and made Nanoha and Madoka were not pandering to lesbian women
can yuritards then please give examples of what they want, because you fuckers seem to complain about every medium that panders to you. Even 3DPD shows pander to you with stuff like orange is the new black(which is something you will probably have a problem with too). Meanwhile all fujos get is shows with unsexy walled men.
and what does that mean? can you give examples. Because its insane to me that yuritards have a problem with literally EVERY SINGLE depiction of lesbians in media. Its just never good enough for them.

No. 2429353

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>Characters who act like human beings

No. 2429355

Kek yeah maybe anime isn't the best place to find "representation" of any kind.

No. 2429356

there are a lot of great lesbian films from all over the world.

No. 2429358

we watch cartoons in this thread

No. 2429360

Can't lie most yuri fans have pretty basic taste and just ship the same couple of ships
>Haruka and Michiru
>Homura and Madoka
>Utena and Anthy
>Harley and Ivy
>Gundam chicks
>Bubblegum and Marceline
>A Steven Universe ship
I feel like fujos are more likely to ship crazy shit.

No. 2429361

File: 1741155123940.gif (5.51 MB, 500x285, tumblr_525f4f6c9ade1cb106f46ae…)

I don't care for Hannibal or any of the Superwholock trash, but as someone who enjoys Black Sails and AMC IWTV, I admit to enabling the problem of "m/m shows with unsexy walled men." I'm NGMI, I'm too easily memed by characters' personalities and forget that they look like shit.

No. 2429362

No, they want animu with realistic woman representation(whatever that means) but they cannot be too masculine because then they are just spicy straight or too moe and girly because then its pedoshit.

No. 2429364

I am the same but i refuse to get myself fujobaited by 3DPD scrotes. If the actresses from Orange is the new black can kiss and have pretend sex despite being heterosexual irl then those scrotes owe me a kiss on the lips too. I am so tired of western shows trying to fujobait to squish the cents of hard working fujos when they cant even fully commit to it by having the scrotes kiss or some shit, because god forbid male actors are put in uncomfortable situations oh no, the poow babies.

No. 2429365

Jsyk the two latter examples I gave had canonically gay/bisexual main characters and onscreen gay kisses. I'm not one of the tards who got baited by SPN kek.

No. 2429366

All of those are canon though. Most fujos ship noncanon ships like Spirk because very few shows pander to fujos. The only ones are southpark and a few 3DPD shows, but in the 3DPD shows they literally NEVER commit to it. Even in supernatural they dont kiss, its just a stupid confession.

No. 2429370

File: 1741155797566.gif (2.71 MB, 450x253, tumblr_oxy2d4gnDa1qd5oh5o4_500…)

Still can't get over the fact that South Park went as far as it did with this kek

No. 2429372

File: 1741155829962.jpg (113.1 KB, 516x729, touhou's kinda the oddball I g…)

That's what I'm saying, yuri fans usually go for canon or heavily implied to be canon ships while it's kinda up in the air with fujos.
Don't really care about 3DPD shows though (I mostly watch reality TV for live action) so I can't say much there.

No. 2429379

>Google "yuri anime announced 2025", no sequels
>I Want to Love You Till Your Dying Day
>Roll Over and Die: I Will Fight for an Ordinary Life with My Love and Cursed Sword!
>The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn’t a Guy at all
>Rock is a Lady's Modesty
>This Monster Wants to Eat Me
>The Moon on a Rainy Day
>There’s No Freaking Way I’ll Become Your Lover! Unless…
>Flowers and Asura
Are all of these really that bad?

No. 2429380

There's also Bravern though most here really hate it.

No. 2429382

I like bravern himself but the rest of that anime was pretty shit not gonna lie…

No. 2429384

Tbh I just think it'd be dishonest not bring it up because despite its lolcow unpopularity it's still pretty popular with Japanese fujo.

No. 2429385

Yuritards just want to complain and play the victims.

No. 2429404

I don't wanna say skill issue but at the same time it kind of is. Lots of fujos are genuinely happy with their crumbs of fujobait so maybe yuri fans need to learn to make do the same way if they don't like what yuri is being produced and if they don't want to make their own content.

No. 2429405

It'll just be the same complaints of moeshit art style, male gaze, coomer, high school setting, lame, etc

No. 2429408

I also tried to find bl anime announced
>Other World's Books depend on the Bean Counter
>Gambatte Nakamura-kun
>Unexpectedly Naughty Fukami
And basically counted fujobait
>Captivated by You
>Summer Hikaru Died
>Let's Go Karoke
>Gentle Noble's Vacation Suggestion

No. 2429411

>Summer Hikaru Died
Doesn't count, she openly ditched fujos.

No. 2429412

That's why I said "basically counted fujobait" nonnie. Whether she likes it or not, that's what it's known as.

No. 2429414

Yurifags here should just get into baihe, it'll probably be up most people's alleys
>majority female-authored works
>adult women
>non-moe art styles
She traded in fujos for aroaces kek

No. 2429421

File: 1741159433270.png (17.25 KB, 847x133, lol.png)

No. 2429427

The power of 7 million Chinese lesbians

Also isn't Thai GL supposed to be pretty good?

No. 2429431

Dick Grayson is a man. And just because he's of gypsy descent doesn't mean he's brown

No. 2429433

According to tumblr he's agp.

No. 2429438

>Also isn't Thai GL supposed to be pretty good?
Apparently so but I haven't watched any myself. Not sure why himejos don't branch out if they don't like JPshit, webtoons are trashy so I understand not caring about those but China and Thailand seem to have everything they want including masc/andro women and decent writing

No. 2429457

Reading their conclusion felt like getting a pie to the face kek

No. 2429461

File: 1741161738870.jpg (265.24 KB, 869x1262, sbns_ganbare_nakamura-kun_c002…)

Can't wait to see this scene animated.

Loving this.

We need to sperg in the >>>/m/462640 thread.

I haven't noticed any Bravern hate on LC? I still love it, even got used to the loli's screeches.

No. 2429464

File: 1741161959009.png (81.32 KB, 838x391, I misread team mom as teen mom…)

The tags are pretty funny too

No. 2429466

File: 1741162093773.png (4.07 MB, 1856x1071, they go on a date but it's wit…)

>Loving this.
Weirdly it's one of the only times a Ryukishi work actually had fujo stuff, usually he has to add in some gendie element for some reason?

No. 2429682

File: 1741181424924.jpg (1.61 MB, 1302x2048, Tumblr_l_10851936320646.jpg)

Is that a custom nendoroid faceplate draft? it's so fucking asymmetrical the ear is sliding off, how do you draw a line down the center and still fuck that up.

No. 2429737

at this point, I think its a fetish (not a sexual one but you get my drift)

No. 2429739

i mean, i'll give this to them. if you're seriously kinning characters after the age of 18, you probably do have some form of mental illness

No. 2429745

File: 1741184664744.png (1.25 MB, 1176x1888, Untitled something.png)

Took long enough, but I think tumblr fandom rules are finally getting pushed out of fandom for real. Everybody's sick of their shit kek

No. 2429761

I didn’t draw it kek, but yes it is a custom nendoroid faceplate.

No. 2429765


It always looks bad too. I dont care what anyone says. It looks like shit. I hate this kind of fanart

No. 2429770

What is this in reference to?

No. 2429800

>muhhh kweer representation
God these people are so annoying

No. 2429807

Straight women shitting on straight women.

No. 2429907

>3rd tweet
I'd agree if she said fandom has always had fag ships but she's making it about fandomtards themselves so she's contributing to the growing retardation in fandoms just as much as militant hetfags in my eyes.

No. 2429962

Either this is specific to the Arcane fandom, or these people are making shit up. I haven't seen any kind of concerted effort to reduce slash shipping.

No. 2429982

I like watching the arcane fandom implode on the clock every 2 weeks so I'll cut you the retarded details: VAs and writers did an interview a few days back and confirmed/reaffirmed/denied some things. So the straight women with he/him pronouns got really mad that the straight women with she/her and she/they pronouns started laughing at them for being autistic 30 year old fandom elders (there's that retard signifier again), with an extra racial aspect too because a lot of Mel fans are also black women.
>I haven't seen any kind of concerted effort to reduce slash shipping.
It really doesn't matter. It's the classic word of god manufactured shipping war because they're desperate for something that will allow them to finally harass the tumblr spicy straights back and vice versa. Every single one of these retards is head over heels for trans Viktor anyway, because they want to self insert onto a small woman with a pussy despite wanting to brag about how much "they just don't enjoy het ships"

Every time you read something about muh kweer fandom space the answer is always straight woman on straight woman violence kek

No. 2430033

Stupid question probably but what is a "meal replacement" in fandom context?

No. 2430111

File: 1741200685582.jpg (171.04 KB, 720x915, GWu-C80XUAADSDM.jpg)

I kinda like some coomer games/anime with women with big boobs. To be clear: nothing fully R18, more stuff you'll see in the mainstream (think how Zenless Zone Zero gets called a "gooner game", gross).

Then I see the subreddits for that stuff and I want to jump out of my skin from the absolutely rancid discussions those gooners have. They hate real women and any content targeted at us, if a game has male and female playable characters and fans, they will treat the female fans like shit and hate on the male characters. They want lolicon and screech when an official discord bans it. If a game isn't 100% coomer targeted, the asian incels call them "mixed toilet" and they actively want to chase women out.

They scream and cry over Love and Deepspace having some shirtless men while games like Destiny Child, Horizon Walker, Nikke, Brown Dust 2 etc. exist and have ridiculous women in the skimpiest outfits possible with subservient poses.
That makes me snap back to reality and avoid all that shit.

No. 2430145

>Women consuming coom: LADS man is hot
>Scrotes and pickmes consuming coom: LMAO FEMOIDS BTFO, 3DPD can't handle it!! Femoids hate seeing us having fun, look at us having sooo much fun, I bet they're SEETHING, FEMINAZIS ARE YOU TRIGGERED YET?!?! Sorry you're MISSING OUT and CUCKED! Now time to write 50 billion tweets about how I totally don't think about real women at all

No. 2430172

Fujo tardlets have understood how to make interesting dynamics based on friendship, comradery, competition, etc. but every yuri story is about some random petite girl who finds another random petite girl and they fall in love with zero conflict because the primary consumers of yuri are moids

And every time they try to branch out from this they make some shit that sucks, so nobody cares and then they complain on twitter about it. I wish they would just accept it will never have mass appeal.

No. 2430179

Tbh its those moid communities that blackpilled me hard and I havent seen media with primarily animu girls the same since. I am not the target audience and these subhumans werent enjoying media in the same way as me.

No. 2430191

>man play gachaslop games because they want to be loved!
>but woman play otome games because they can't find a real man!

No. 2430196

It makes me sad that most yuri is basically just a coffee shop AU for men kek

No. 2430218

They talk about how there should only be manly male characters and that pretty male characters shouldn't exist because they appeal to women.

No. 2430248

honestly this. yuri is just boring in comparison with little room for anything else. with yaoi, yeah its trashy at times, but there's room for experimentation. If I want to read a yaoi with a cannibal serial killer that happens to be a bottom i can find it, but if your yuri pairing isn't Nana Komatsu/Nana Osaki, or Homura/Madoka i'm uninterested because its always the same "pretty thin teenage girl falls in love with other pretty thin teenage girl and they live happily ever after with no downsides at all". I can find a woman in real life to have a healthy romance with without having to waste my time reading/watching it. give me some fucking seasoning/spice in my meal please.

No. 2430254

There's Satou and Shio, but that might be a bit too spicy.

No. 2430300

I'm not even as much of a yurifaggot as I am a fujo but you guys just aren't looking hard enough (or at all). Yuri is a lot more varied nowadays, there's works like Love Thy Neighbour, Opium, My Girlfriend’s Not Here Today, etc. that aren't uguu schoolgirls at your disposal; saying this is like saying all BL is office worker shit.

No. 2430337

You're the anon described in >>2428807 aren't you kek

No. 2430347

>straight woman doesn't like female fanservice but likes male fanservice
Why is this behavior unacceptable when women do it but it's fine for moids to seethe about male fanservice in media that isn't aimed at them?

No. 2430350

I don't think you read her post.

No. 2430353

File: 1741208292299.webm (Spoiler Image,3.85 MB, 1920x1200, 1741200544474260.webm)

Nonnie, were you just in the joseimuke thread on 4chan? Kek, a pick-me there just acted the same way defending this.

No. 2430355

This is not how human beings move or behave

No. 2430373

Can’t you make the exact same argument about yaoi? Look harder, find a handful of obscure works that are actually good, and there we go. Yuri vs yaoi war is over.

No. 2430379

KEKKK I was, that was the post I was talking about.

No. 2430382

Is she being fucking electrocuted CIA style?

No. 2430384

>Running your feet on a carpet be like.

No. 2430406

I thought she was being poked or tickled. And at one point they put a random suction cup on her buttcheek? The fuck is that all about? This seriously feels like it was made by aliens trying to imitate human porn without fully understanding how it works.

No. 2430422

I like how the closest equivalent to this on male fanservice would be the whb secret club scenes down to the feet shots

No. 2430435

File: 1741211976932.jpg (83.18 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Black Sails had it all man… Because of all the rape in season 1 I can never talk to people about it in good faith. Curse HBO and GOT.

No. 2430442

File: 1741212099661.png (Spoiler Image,905.79 KB, 667x534, firefox_FVtESn4eMP.png)

The game is called Brown Dust 2 and is rated teen on the playstore. I feel like I have to apologize for posting extreme cringe like this, but the game has worse content.

No. 2430449

This is finally something that panders to my taste, but I kind of just don't feel like playing fanservice or dating games. I need to have a good story and gameplay to be invested. Same issue with LADS, there isn't much to do and the main story segments are really short when I could just read a long fanfic delving into the characters mind and feelings instead.

No. 2430457

I don't care. Life's too short for me to pander on mid ass gacha stories might to coerce me into spending. At least the men are hot.

No. 2430492

is the writing any better than loveunholyc? or at least doesn't have any bratty rivals? it was way too wattpad and ragebait for my tastes

No. 2430509

The issue is that a lot of women in fandom and basically all tims in fandom have some type of moral superiority complex so if yuri goes anything beyond just women being pure beings whose darkest thought is maybe being a little bit yandere for their lover, then they have a meltdown and shame each other. Fujos have been doing this since before most of us in this thread were born so they're a lot more hardened up to it.

No. 2430513

If that anon isnt a pickme then its definitely a bi moid

No. 2430517

I thought this was one of those trashy hentai games you'd find on erolabs, you can get it on the playstore?

No. 2430546

The playstore??? So stupid games like sakura simulator have to be censored for violence, but this gets to stay up??

No. 2430562

> a small artist from my country killed herself over a twitter callout
Bullshit. Post obituary/death certificates or it didn’t happen.

No. 2430782

I agree yurifags moralfag about anything that isn't wholesome fluff 100x more than fujos but I don't really see what that has to do with my reply. I'm just talking about the existence of darker works to begin with, anons on here act like GL is perpetually stuck in Class S era which isn't true. If it was about being dissuaded from yuri spaces because of these retards then sure (I don't bother with them either) but that doesn't preclude you from scrolling to at least page 2 on yuri sites to see that there's more to offer than high school shit.

Imo anons here are too copey about it I think most are just uninterested in yuri altogether which is fine, but they make out their disinterest to be an inherent problem with the entire genre instead of just going "it's not my thing". This isn't a non-himejo thing either even yurifag anons upthread were acting like this.

No. 2430946

>I doubt yuri fans actually want to see a couple of uguu moeblobs rubbing their tits together or patting each other's heads
that’s just what yuri is though
yellowjackets has cannibal lesbians
>they make out their disinterest to be an inherent problem with the entire genre
it’s kinda funny how many people do this without realizing

No. 2431238

File: 1741247401210.jpg (448.44 KB, 1080x1070, Screenshot_20250306_084712_Goo…)

The moids are also having a meltdown on reddit because the official discord banned lolicon. It has some really degen loli characters.

At launch this game had male characters too and was less coomerish, but then they gave up and fully tried to capture the gooner audience with fetish art.

No. 2431260

Why is modern western cosplay so fucking bad nowadays? eastern cosplay looks pretty plastic nowadays but at least they hire actual photographers to take nice and creative photos.

No. 2431265

nta but the family and her university posted their orbituaries.

No. 2431307

Then can you post those obituaries?

No. 2431312

File: 1741253851221.jpeg (Spoiler Image,91.24 KB, 731x1200, 7ed008a9-5702.jpeg)

No. 2431489

which is weird when discord is a safe haven for groomers and other degens

No. 2431506

File: 1741263984405.png (645.47 KB, 472x820, gfdbfh.png)

>HachiNana is an example of a good yuri ship
I am not even the biggest yurifag, but this is like saying Nardo is the greatest anime ever made. I seriously doubt that anyone outside of "comphet" lesbians on tikTok and shitter sees them as a yuri ship.

No. 2431608

File: 1741271073829.jpg (27.61 KB, 479x600, 92919l.jpg)

speaking of yuri. Asagao to Kase-san was so fucking boring that i didn't even finished the movie. It's just uguuu so kawaii mentally challenged girls who are pure and can do no wrong!

No. 2431609

then find different yuri instead of basing all your opinion on one anime?

No. 2431616

15 years ago when my friends and I were into either the manga or the anime in high school we lowkey shipped nana/hachi mostly because all the men around them were either evil, retarded or both so we decided that they would be better off just dating each other at this point. Is that not why zoomers like this pairing?

No. 2431632

Agreed but the backgrounds were so pretty.

No. 2431672

Ahaha it was very much the opposite in my friend circle. Hachi is certainly one of the best-written shojosei FLs, and we all adored her complex relationship with Nana, but as a romantic partner, she seems like the kind of person who would always prioritize trash men over women.
>Is that not why zoomers like this pairing?
Pretty much. Younger women who have been taken advantage of by scummy men and are now convinced that they must be repressed lesbians tend to project a lot onto Hachi. They believe that Hachi only dates men because of societal norms and not out of genuine affection. They see two women who share a strong emotional bond while having physical relationships with men and men alone as comphet lesbians. To me, this line of thinking is just very iffy.

No. 2431756

You’re jumping to conclusions. It’s a boring ass show that gets overly hyped by the fandom, let her complain.
There are zero lesbians in Ai Yazawa manga, these people are just incapable of enjoying the well written romance in her manga. It makes way more sense to lament that there’s no yuri equivalent of Nana than to project yuri that’s not there…

No. 2431777

Upcoming shows have been posted >>2429379

No. 2431789

>They see two women who share a strong emotional bond while having physical relationships with men and men alone as comphet lesbians. To me, this line of thinking is just very iffy.
It's weird because the conclusion is the same but not the reasoning behind it. Back when Nana wasn't on hiatus yet my god I feel like a dinosaur typing this girls who shipped nana/hachi thought "their lives would have been better if they were lesbians and dating each other", which implies we acknowledged they were straight women. But the comp het excuse is the opposite of that.

>Hachi is certainly one of the best-written shojosei FLs, and we all adored her complex relationship with Nana, but as a romantic partner, she seems like the kind of person who would always prioritize trash men over women.

I started reading Nana again because of nostalgia and because the publishing company in my country finally reprinted all the volumes again and now that I'm a grown woman and not a teenager anymore Hachi reminds me way too much of some male centered straight girls I've met as soon as I turned into an adult. I'm straight and didn't know what I wanted in life but I was never like that, and seeing that Hachi's behavior is not even explained by some tragic backstory like Nana's and is actually something a lot of equally normal women are like irl made her a lot less endearing to me. She's still a fashion icon though, I can't totally hate her just for that.

No. 2431837

It went from being a thing geeks did for fun to a way for plastic bippies to get neckbeardbux. Cosplay was ruined when it became a beauty contest between thots who could spend the most money on commissioning costumes from other people.

No. 2431877

>one of the main characters is a giga pickme who centers moids

No. 2431894

Ok smartass, show me some more games targeted at sadistic women that don't like fujo cuckshit.

No. 2431966

I meant "you" as in the person who made it. The mental gymnastics to go from Komaeda's canon design to a brown-washed (?) custom nendoroid baffled me because he already has an official nendoroid and getting faceplates in that color is difficult without using an expensive airbrush or using an already dark-skinned character as a base. Either way it's bizarre kek.

No. 2431999

this is bait, right? I watched this show with my normie friends and even they wondered why they didn't just date each other instead of going for the awful moids they had.

No. 2432005

how many of these shows are teenage girls in highschool? lol

No. 2432027

File: 1741295245953.jpg (62.61 KB, 1024x566, 1645445126756.jpg)

It pisses me off how the ''Western animation'' fandom revolves purely around coom and shit made for toddlers. They always complain about animation being seen as a medium for children and not being taken seriously as an art form but they refuse to watch anything not made by cartoon network or disney. So many cool shows meant for adults(actual adults, not man/womanchildren) get overlooked because these faggots are more concerned about hyping the latest 3D disney slop with its 24th background lesbian they can easily cut out of international releases. Most of these manchildren dont even know who Ralph Bakshi is and refuse to get out of their comfort zone and watch ''ugly'' stuff like 'Memoirs of a Snail'. No wonder every modern indie pilot looks like every modern calarts-approved blobby safe style put in a blender with a bit of mainstream anime added to the mix.

No. 2432043

It depends, I think that people who like animated movies and people who are in CN and disney animated show fandoms actually don't have a lot of overlap or shared interests, actually. People who like Time Masters or the Peasants probably aren't looking for the same thing from animation as someone who is into Teen Titans and Wonder Over Yonder.

No. 2432046

File: 1741296312471.png (383.03 KB, 630x558, IMG_7713.png)

This feels very inorganic to me. Maybe she asked her family to post these to dodge some sort of heat? Hide her identity from the internet? I just don’t believe that if she took her own life it was solely due to what happened with her twitter account.

No. 2432048

I know but it pisses me off that they always claim to be fans of western animation, when truly they are just manchildren into cartoons for babies.

No. 2432050

Anon, she was a mentally ill simp. Her twitter account is literally dedicated to this one vtuber she was simping HARD for. The vtuber cut ties with her and deleted all her art from his channel. She even had a husbando shrine dedicated to him. She was a lunatic.

No. 2432055

You’re wondering why the people whose lives revolve around children’s entertainment, are acting like children. Answered your question within the question.

No. 2432060

Kek. True, but they could watch something for (cooler)manchildren, like Heavy Metal or Venture Bros. Why obsessed over garbage like The Owl House. They all also deep throat lore-heavy cartoons like Avatar, but refuse to watch more stuff like it made for older audiences. They are just cringe, i just wish they would stop calling themselves animation fans and complaining about how animation projects keep getting cut when they are the ones that refuse to give a chance to more niche projects in favour of disneyslop.

No. 2432063

Is there somewhere that delves more about her escapades in detail, in English perhaps? I wonder how her mental health/living situation contributed to this.

No. 2432071

File: 1741297004492.jpg (111.1 KB, 1288x726, Heavy_Metal_animatedfilmreview…)

I agree with you but heavy metal is actual ass. Or maybe I just hate this trope so much I can't enjoy anything with it.

No. 2432077

I am a simple woman i like cool edgy animation and dark fantasy, shrimple ass. Wish there were more fantasy movies done during that time. Modern fantasy is so lame looking. I will take the furkinis and bikini armours over the soulles crap we have now, any day.

No. 2432078

There are videos about it but they are all in spanish. Maybe they have auto-translated subs. vidrel was made before she killed herself. Funfact i actually knew the rapist scrote she was friends with and that raped the tranny, he actually told me about the rape, albeit obviously told me it was concensual and i was 14 so i didnt look too much into it. Insane how small the world is.

No. 2432081

>shrimple ass
What? Im kind of envious of you though, I love older fantasy as well but I cannot stand furkinis or bikini armor.

No. 2432085

was it a nijisanji guy or something? those guys usually have the nuttiest fans

No. 2432086

Introducing cool complex stuff to utter retards is a big fucking mistake, that’s how you breed posers. don’t give them peak. let them reincarnate in retard samsara where the media literacy level is capped forever at Steven Universe until the very last star burns out.

No. 2432087

>I love older fantasy as well but I cannot stand furkinis or bikini armor.
I love kitsch concepts, its my biggest fault as a woman. You should watch record of lodoss war, it surprisingly less coomery than western dark fantasy despite being anime.

No. 2432090

File: 1741297841377.jpg (112.93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-310691352.jpg)

Worse. It was this ugly faggot that covers lolcow drama and is in his 40s.

No. 2432092

Oh wait, is this the game that publicly announced it would no longer release male characters? I'm curious if that even did it any favors

No. 2432095

lmfao I’m sorry WHAT?? Thats the lowest tier of commentator, equivalent of being the fucking garbage man.

No. 2432098

I will never understand women who watch male vtumors. There's a fugly scrote behind that 2d avatar.

No. 2432101

Same, I had a friend who regularly donated hundreds of dollars to one but only did it when everyone else was because she'd be 'interrupting' otherwise or some shit kek.

No. 2432107

File: 1741298553554.png (Spoiler Image,11.16 MB, 3481x3190, mento illness dear lord.png)

She drew tons of nasty nsfw of him. Her art oozees mento illness she should have been thrown to the looney bin before to prevent this obvioust outcome. She made sock puppets to harass and alog another female artist because she had beef with this vtuber she was obsessed. The most mentally ill pickme fangirl i have ever heard of.

No. 2432120

It went beyond fandom drama. The community she was part of (doomposting) is one of the worst ones in all of LatAm, this was bound to happen one way or another. She was retarded, but everyone there sucks. That community has enough drama to sustain a whole thread.
This pathetic faggot supposedly studied medicine kek
Worst part is most of his donors are male dramafags

No. 2432127

I wish I never opened this

No. 2432132

File: 1741299343427.png (Spoiler Image,13.82 MB, 2332x3271, el jerry mamado.png)

Here is another drawing that was part of her husbando shrine. She lived with her parents btw this was hanging on her room. She somehow managed to make something pure like husbando shrines cringe and annoying.

No. 2432136

I kind of like this in a disgusting, schizophrenic, outsider art way.

No. 2432139

I agree her art was good tbh, her trad art at least. Its a shame she became obsessed with a 3DPD and not a 2D husbando. Notice how no woman ever has killed herself because of a 2D husbando. 2D husbandos save lifes.

No. 2432159

All that schizoing only for the moid to ditch her in order to save his ass.
Exactly, she could've been hiperfixated on some pathetic fictional husbando instead, like The Riddler or Kylo Ren. What a waste of mental illness

No. 2432171

>All that schizoing only for the moid to ditch her in order to save his ass.
Worse. He was on her side at first, but some of his fans turned on him so he threw her under the bus last moment to save face. She drove some random girl into suicide for this scrote and he threw her under the bus lmao. Pickmes never win.

No. 2432211

Didn't he also say in a recent stream that he still feels he was justified in dropping her, because otherwise he would come off as a hypocrite to his followers? Kek what a retard. He also said she didn't deserve this amount of vitriol, and yet he didn't defend her while she was still alive. It's been interesting watching a lot of YouTubers that criticized her suddenly go "I didn't know this could happen I swear please don't cancel me!"

No. 2432255

Yeah. He made a whole video justifying himself and blaming the guys that were ''harassing''(pointing out her hypocrisy) her. When he made a living and online ''career'' out of doing the same thing.

No. 2432257

>The community she was part of (doomposting) is one of the worst ones in all of LatAm
Can someone explain what doomposting is? I tried reading the kf thread but my Spanish is worst than I thought

No. 2432286

kf thread link?

No. 2432292

File: 1741305341737.png (170.28 KB, 500x279, IMG_2489.png)

Taarna is one of my favorite fictional characters idgaf coombait. I’ve never encountered a stoic female lead like her in any other piece of media. Tragic.

No. 2432309

No. 2432327

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There's some cool stoic female characters out there if you look, Ginny from Pretty Deadly is one of my faves. I do wish we had some more classic fantasy cartoons instead of the new age of fantasy, I hate the sort of modern-esque 'tacti-cool' designs and Adventure Zone like personalities. There's so many cool fantasy stories to choose from, maybe an animated Fafhrd and Gray Mouser series or Elric of Melniboné.

No. 2432340

Same. She was so cool she even made the nudity look cool. It helps that she virtually has 0 coomer fans and almost no one remembers her. Probably because her gigastacy jaw scares the average pedophilic cartoon porn masturbator.

No. 2432365

>Elric of Melniboné
Isn’t Michael Moorcock schizo about his IP being used for anything except comics? Makes me wonder how the copyright will hold up after his death.

No. 2432579

Wanna see how hard I can cringe? This video by an actually schlubby guy

No. 2432596

>picture of the amazing digital circus
>picture of either amphibia or toh
>picture of either su or craig of the creek
>flavor of the month free space
rinse and repeat

No. 2432652

My theory is that, due to Japan's strict obscenity laws, Jap moids have had to find "workarounds" to get off and that's how they developed such strange fetishes. Lolicon was able to thrive as a porn genre in part because anti-pornography laws at the time (don't know about current laws) explicitly forbade images where pubic hair was shown, and lol, little girls don't have pubic hair. So a lot of otaku fetishes probably developed to get around those laws.

>dating games
Fuck's sake

You will not find a good plot in a gashit game.
If you want a long story with a female protagonist and focus on straight romance/husbandos, play the average otome game.
If you want coom, play WHB or something on that level (BL soshage/gacha/mobage exist that are on that level and worse, if you don't mind BL. Otome never gets that coomer except for a couple of rare cases).
If you want just the romance and cute interactions, play a dating sim or a more complex, not-dating-sim game with dating sim elements like modern Fire Emblem.
If you want good gameplay, don't play otome at all, unless LADS gameplay is engaging enough for you.
But you will never, and I mean NEVER, find all of these things in a single game. It simply doesn't exist. LADS is terribly hindered by being gacha garbage, but unfortunately that's what makes the most money right now.
You say you don't want fanservice (I'm assuming you mean suggestive/erotic content instead of the broader meaning) or "dating games", whatever that means. Well, just play literally any other genre of game that isn't otome or gacha, then.

Sort of unrelated but I swear I do not understand how the fuck gachafags (specifically, Genshitfags who are disappointed in the current state of their game and want to jump ship) are so addicted to the genre and/or fandom that they can't fathom playing anything else, like it's not even an option that crosses their minds. So many of them whine about not having other gacha options with the same level of writing and lore as Genshit. Have they EVER played any other video game in their lives? Have they never heard of The Legend of Zelda? Or are they so close-minded that anything that isn't EXACTLY the same characters and art style as Genshit's but with another name too unfamiliar for them? If what they're addicted to is the fandom, maybe watch anime or something? It's not like non-gacha games don't have huge active fandoms, either. And if what they want is a live service game, there are MMOs. I really think they just want a Genshit recolor and won't accept anything else because the gacha mechanics have irreversibly fried their brains. God I fucking hate gachashit.

Sounds like an absolute newfag because I remember people on 4chan just accepting that shit for moids and shit for women aren't meant to appeal to the other sex, and women sticking to female-oriented stuff is completely normal.

No. 2432659

>My theory is that, due to Japan's strict obscenity laws, Jap moids have had to find "workarounds" to get off and that's how they developed such strange fetishes.
I'm pretty sure the whole "naughty tentacles" trope came to be for this exact reason.

No. 2432668

This would've been so based if it wasn't a real moid and she hadn't been insane. Nemu tier.

I don't remember a lot and I only ever saw what the community was like back in 2017 or around that year, and it was only some glimpses. From my understanding, it's a Facebook(?) community dedicated to the Mexican lolcow Doomentio and those in his circle. I'd say he's like the Mexican Chris Chan in terms of cow status.
But I guess that community got really shitty and milky on its own because people like >>2432120 now talk about it in a negative way. I have no idea what they're doing but I think I can kinda get an idea of what it's like.

I hate how normalized porn is now.

No. 2432669

Gacha games are 'free'. Yeah there's microtransactions and rolling. But you don't have to pay at all to get the story.
So if you're a kid or poorfag that can't afford a Switch or 'real' games like LoZ you're sorta stuck with it.

No. 2432700

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I'm sure you wanted to show off your knowledge, but I'll keep calling them dating games even though I played stuff like Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side back in the day because it gets to the point.

Gachas/"social games" whatever you want to call them are sadly the front of innovation nowadays in Asia, along with indie games in the west. The media aimed at the shoujo/josei demographic always struggled with misogyny from the producers believing those games have to be simple and easy. I WANT them to be good, but there's only a few gems in a mountain of stuff restricted by the genre.

It keeps surprising moids that women are making doujinshi of media aimed at men, but a good plot will interest everyone. Media in the branch of "fanservice" suffers from getting shit gameplay and generic stories, because the nobody working on it cares about making something subversive or interesting (in most cases).

Which is where we have the moid issue. Fanservice games for men are so common that they need to introduce gameplay and plot elements to stand out, while games aimed at women struggle to get a budget. The problem is sadly on an industry level, where men ignore the success of (speaking of gachaslop) twisted wonderland and enstars, until LADS slaps them in the face by selling more than genshit.

No. 2432713

Anon, for fuck's sake. People all over the world have killed themselves over internet drama for ages.

NTA but it's a pun on "simple as".

You already got your answer but remember to read the whole chain of replies before asking about things that have already been said >>2425128

No. 2432715

vtubers need to be euthanized and then wiped from the memory of mankind

No. 2432719

>Have they never heard of The Legend of Zelda?
Congratulations, Tears of the Kingdom released in 2023. Of course people are going to discuss live service game while a niche community mods the romhack of OoT for PC to an insane level. I don't play Genshin but why are you surprised it gets discussed the same amount as FFXIV?

No. 2432744

>I'll keep calling them dating games even though I played stuff like Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side back in the day
Well I'm sorry for the confusion Ms. Oldfag, it's just that back then they were mostly called "dating sims", and these days, and I'd argue even back then, there's many confused newfags to the genre calling any romance game/VN a "dating game" (some people do, some people use it to mean only dating simulation), which is similar to how the term "dating sim" became further muddled by normies who conflated all VNs with dating sims and got this impression from "ironic" VNs. That's why I didn't know what you meant by that, how am I supposed to know someone was actually using the term right for once?
Not replying to the rest of your post because we agree on everything you said.

>Congratulations, Tears of the Kingdom released in 2023.
Yeah, so? If you want to play an open world game, that's an option. If you've already played it, there are other options as well. If the problem is that it's not trendy enough, maybe they should say so and hop on another bandwagon, although that doesn't mean that the Zelda fandom is dead.
>Of course people are going to discuss live service game while a niche community mods the romhack of OoT for PC to an insane level.
There's plenty of game franchises, new and old, that have active fan communities similar to Genshit's, even if not as big, and aren't solely focused on niche nerd shit like making OoT PC mods (not that anything is preventing them from finding stuff like that interesting either. What's wrong with that?). Fan communities with lots of female fans that produce tons of fanart exist outside of Genshit or their gachaslop of choice. What I meant is, if they liked that game so much maybe they'd enjoy something like Zelda, especially BotW and TotK, but that's not the only franchise they can try.
>I don't play Genshin but why are you surprised it gets discussed the same amount as FFXIV?
What? Did I say I'm surprised that Genshit is popular? That's not what I implied at all.

What surprises me is how unwilling to try other games they are because they don't wanna play Genshin anymore due to how bad it's become, but they seem to want the exact same content in terms of things like lore and gameplay. Wanting more of the thing you love, or wanting it to be good again is understandable, but it seems to me they're so close-minded they refuse to give other games or media a chance, and they're missing out on a lot of good games from the past and present because of it. It's not difficult to appreciate different kinds games.

Well, you make a good point. But a lot of these people complaining aren't just adults, but also have decent PCs and did spend money on Genshit monthly, so it's not like they're too poor to buy better games on sale. I think if you truly can't play anything else, you'd be more likely to keep playing the same game, but that's not the sort of player I'm talking about so that's irrelevant. The people I'm talking about absolutely have the means to start playing something else, they just have no idea what or are unwilling to try new things outside of their very small comfort zone.

No. 2432804

>she was 22
She was too far gone already not suprised she killed herself over it. vtuber fans are one of the most parasocial types there are I've seen fans cut themselves over their "oshi" not replying to them

No. 2432865

>simping over an indie male #who tuber
>the moid is a dramafag vtuber at that
oh lordt

No. 2432885

> they just have no idea what or are unwilling to try new things outside of their very small comfort zone.
This is what annoys me the most with genshit fags. They're so unwilling to leave the sinking ship they'd much rather die with it then sea to better shores. Everytime I brought a game with my own money, genshin literally became an afterthought because I was having so much fun with the game. I can't in good will ever return to that slop casino of a game but sadly some people I know will. Believe it or not, genshin was the first game they ever played, Since it doesn't beat you on the head with overly complex mechanics and gameplay anyone can pick it up and try it for themselves. Why would they move from genshin or anything hoyo makes when every other game is "too scary" or "hard". It sucks but normies are just that, normies. Games are a time investment no is willing to do unless you're a literal neet with no job.

No. 2432886

I cannot believe this is the same thread that was moralfagging and throwing poop over an otome game protagonist's barely visible thigh highs

No. 2432887

To be fair I think that was one anon who just hates otome games kek

No. 2432889

That was one anon but there seems to be a bunch of nonnas who really really take issue with anything otome because of [insert radfem reasons here].

No. 2432891

I dont play otomes and i actually defended one of my favourite josei smut authors drawing big titty moefaced waifus because its her work and she can do whatever she wants with it as long as the guys are cute. This board has more than two users.

No. 2432893

One of the ayrt. I don’t like otome because I hate romance idk.

No. 2432895

Not to bother you nonna but why do you hate romance?

No. 2432900

File: 1741357989925.jpg (40.77 KB, 600x623, 1000033463.jpg)

>This is what annoys me the most with genshit fags. They're so unwilling to leave the sinking ship they'd much rather die with it then sea to better shores.
Picrel is my reaction when Hoyo pulls their usual bullshit and the genshinfags say they're totally going to quit for real this time

No. 2432913

They should've quit a long time ago but they won't kek. Remember when the natlan characters dropped and twitter fags seethed over the designs? I can understand the disappointment but people were making boycott campaigns over a game made to suck all the money and time out of their wallets. Then the next day they're playing the update while drawing shitty dark edits to make themselves feel better.

No. 2432914

The one friend I have who was obsessed with Genshit for years managed to quit cold turkey after whatever scandal happened regarding some new characters' skin color. I think it's because of these new characters has vaguely middle eastern names and costumes but were pale like other characters and she decided the game was too racist for her. I don't care about Genshit and never played it but when I was in a con at the time I saw that the AA was full of fan merchs and I asked who her husbando was so I could get her a keychain and she told me to not even bother, she doesn't like the game anymore. She's obsessed with another online game, I'm sure that helped a lot, I have no idea when was the last time she played a game that had a beginning and an end.

No. 2432950

That actually sucks and she's still self harming her self with live service slop. Just show her a good jrpg and maybe try easing her in?

No. 2432955


No. 2432956

Tbh I like reading the Genshin thread, has an "end of days" sort of vibe.

No. 2432965

Glad she got out but I think many nonas dont want to leave because of sunk cost fallacy (that's why you should always be a f2p in a gacha) but I hope they do that ricel moid doesnt deserve their money and they really should develop a backbone and stop waiting for scraps husbandos

No. 2432967

I also would like to know of some

No. 2432972

The side effect of this is that then these people actually get into the industry and then every single kid's cartoon is made by manchildren with manchildren sensibilities as a focus. I'd rather kids be watching something made by normal people and actually targeted at them.

No. 2432973

>i actually defended one of my favourite josei smut authors drawing big titty moefaced waifus
That's kind of pathetic not gonna lie.

No. 2432977

File: 1741364397469.jpg (Spoiler Image,297.23 KB, 1121x1064, [24-12-20] 1870016687170593008…)

Nah she's based.

No. 2432981

It's fiction though? I don't go out of my way reading romance but I don't mind it when it shows up. But it's hard to think about men in a romantic and sexual context when all of them are a bunch of degenerate rapeapes

No. 2433013

Good media for women featuring sexualized men and women that aren't objectified at all doesn't exist. I'd even go as far as to say good media in general for women doesn't exist.

No. 2433020

Herself, she's a shotafag. She made a whole reverse harem manga where her big titty self insert fucks her brother and her two friends. That OC is her self insert, she's constantly taking her custom made dolls of her and the blue demon out for photoshoots.

No. 2433022

Can you faggots not post pedo porn? The degradation of josei into just moid hentai is fucking pathetic

No. 2433024

File: 1741366957154.jpg (33.45 KB, 387x353, R.jpg)

why the fuck would you post this.

No. 2433026

The thing is, there aren't a lot of places to migrate to. Fantasy JRPG as a genre is dead as shit and isekai bullshit killed it. Most JRPG themed games are now gachas and due to their microtransaction-based economy and the ongoing gender wars in Asia, they all pander to incels who refuse to play games with male characters in them. Prolific JRPG series like Tales of have been dead for years now, Final Fantasy is just a MMORPG, Fire Emblem hasn't been successful since Three Houses, the Atelier series went full coomery etc… If you're into anime fantasy adventures, Genshin has had a pretty good track record of delivering up until the latest region which was filled with even shittier writing, characters with the charisma of a wet blanket and all this contemporary bullshit like motorbikes and DJs that break the immersion. A lot of genshinfags are holding on to the hope that the next region will fix it all but I jumped ship last October and haven't looked back.

No. 2433030

File: 1741367226286.jpeg (105.95 KB, 600x834, ff001501ebc0b63609c84c8b10a6be…)

she is not a ''shotafag'' she is a pickme who caters to autopedophile men.

If you want to see a real shotafag then go look at the doujin I serve Twin Vampires the male leads are adults, they just have a youthful appearance but you get the point)

No. 2433031

Its not 'josei' its 'teen's love'. TL is a porn genre for women.

No. 2433034

They look ugly and the protagonist is still a big titty moeblob so whats your point kek. They dont even look shota they just look like generic bishies.

No. 2433038

I will never understand why so many Japanese artists do this shit.

No. 2433039

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No. 2433040

>hey dont even look shota they just look like generic bishies.

go and tell that to the retarded bato moderators who take down every comic where the male leads look petite or childish then.

This doujin also has a a second chapter but i won't get to see it due to bato dictator mods.

No. 2433041

The only women who read this moidslop shit are fucking pickmes. Fucking disgusting(infight bait)

No. 2433045

this reaction image could have so many meanings…

No. 2433047

Check e-hentai maybe its uploaded there. I also dont know why you are seething and pitting two queens against eachother. Any woman who puts in the effort to make slop for herself is based in my point. That being said i didnt like the designs or the art so i cant say i like it.

No. 2433048

Most Japanese women are pickme whores who are more or less comfort women who will insert female sexualization into anything, even if it's for our own. Big surprise here.(racebaiting)

No. 2433050

File: 1741368049697.jpeg (59 KB, 1300x861, IMG_6607.jpeg)

Shake shake(baiting)

No. 2433119

>call an entire nation of women "whores" and "comfort women" because someone drew porn for money.
Thread really delivers kek(responding to bait)

No. 2433122

racebait is ok as long its towards asian women according to farmers.

No. 2433125

Are you blind? It's redtexted.

No. 2433127

If making pedoshit porn for moid coombux doesnt qualify as being a pickme whore I dont know what else is sorry but your totes "based" artist is a pedo pickme, weebs have skin thinner than the paper walls in Nippon.

No. 2433129

I'd like this better if it were yaoi

No. 2433132

Do you think that every thread is a hivemind?

No. 2433144

I don't care about the artist, I don't care about your retarded spat. Even with the silly idea that drawing for money can count as being a prostitute, calling an entire nation of women "basically comfort women" because someone made a doujin is just hilarious.

No. 2433146

There are tons of great movies and books for women, maybe not with extremely sexualized men but there is a lot of great female media that isn't mainstream.

No. 2433148

Do you know what a hyperbole is

No. 2433171

calling women misogynistic, pornographic insults is bad even when they’re pick-mes

No. 2433177

Do you know where you are

No. 2433181

i don’t give a fuck nigga

No. 2433184

She knows plenty of jrpgs she could like but will never play them. Another friend and I regularly talk about the games we play in out group chat but the ex Genshit fan never wants to try them even if they're available on pc. She doesn't have a Switch so we don't really recommand her Nintendo games but even the 3ds was available and she was gifted one with several games she never touched it. She had FE Awakening, never played it but kept saying she's obessed with Chrom. Go figure.

No. 2433187

>moralfags calling a whore a whore
>immediately types racial slur

No. 2433191

i am half-black, and “nigga” is barely even a slur anymore

No. 2433206

File: 1741376126379.jpg (61.5 KB, 796x647, 5631235324573.JPG)

No. 2433265

2D > 3DPD is the golden rule for all women. i look forward to the day AI chatbots of husbandos can control sex toys, or send gifts.

No. 2433278

Obviously not, Im just shocked the Heavy Metal design didn't attract a horde of poop throwers crying when something extremely tame did. Like where did they go? Got busy with school or something?

No. 2433285

I vomited in my mouth a bit

No. 2433292

I'm glad to see another rifuru nona on lc

No. 2433312

well said nona

No. 2433318

Otomeshit and TLshit are supposed to be for women, Heavy Metal is not. That's why it's disappointing that otome/TL manga is so lame and boring and that the protag is constantly infantilized and condescended to, or even sexualized even when the target audience is female, it's not "moralfagging" to point out obvious hypocrisy and a very real psyop. It's not necessarily for "radfem" reasons either like >>2432889 is implying, god forbid women don't like female characters that are constantly acting or treated as children and pornified. Sometimes some farmers forget that you don't need to be into feminism at all to be uncomfortable with your own sex being portrayed like that and being told that you have to like it in media that was meant for you.
But with moidshit you sort of already know what you're getting into so there's nothing to be disappointed about in the first place. The bar is in hell from the beginning. You already know it's for scrotes and that it's gonna be retarded so, for some people, it's easier to filter out the coom here than in female-oriented media.

Some people prefer being surprised by moidslop than being disappointed by female-oriented shit that feels like it's still trying to pander to scrotes/self-hating women. Like if it's supposed to be for me, why is it so similar to stuff for men? Why even bother when moidslop has more interesting female characters (at the cost of worse sexualization/degeneracy). Others would rather stick to otome/TL trash even if it's cringe and learn to love it, instead of bothering with moidshit. Hell, there are people who like or hate both. Or maybe you've spent so much time looking for obscure underrated gems on one side that you're sick of it and the other side feels like a breath of fresh air. Regardless of which of the two you prefer, it doesn't make you any better or worse, unless someone's acting like a prick about it and calling the other a pickme, cuck or whatever.

That nona explicitly said she likes the character's personality so much that she can overlook the coomer design. Most people here would prefer a cool female character like that withOUT the coomer shit. But most of the time you can only have one or the other. Other nonas might not be able to look past the design. It really depends on what you're looking for.
We all have different opinions and don't agree on the exact same things all the time.

No. 2433325

Just when you think you’ve seen everything on the internet…
There has to be some sort of lesson here in fanaticism, and how far is too far. This young lady should’ve been stopped in her tracks long ago, nothing is worth risking your life for like this…

No. 2433335

ily nonnie, she's the best. idgaf about her big titty self inserts because she actually mostly focuses on the guys. Her art is also amazing, i can only dream to become half as good in my lifetime.

No. 2433337

Sweet baby Jesus I take it back

No. 2433348

You oughta read this post. >>>/m/456486

NTA (I'm >>2433318 also adding that if I wanna read otome/TL it's because I wanna look at hot straight anime dudes being cute, so it should be obvious what the problem is) but everyone here already brutally criticizes moidslop in many threads. I know I do. You don't know what the other anon's thoughts on everything are just from one post. Nobody screeched at that anon because she was having a civil conversation with other nonas and she made it explicitly clear that, even if she knows it's coombait, she doesn't care and enjoys the character's personality regardless of it. No sane person would feel the need to criticize her for it, unless you're one of those posters who really hates it when other women like things they hate and tries to convince them of not enjoying those things anymore. Seriously, a lot of anons need to chill out about other anons liking or not liking what they personally hate or love, repectively.
Also, believe it or not, but you can consume a piece of media that you hate for the most part, and still enjoy some of it. That's what normal people do.

No. 2433351

Sorry for being so spergy, I don't like it either

No. 2433370

>it's not just internalized male gaze or so-called pickmeism from the authors that's the problem, mangaka who actually want to publish better het smut for women in Japan are being actively prevented from doing so. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find the original source for that claim, so this is just hearsay
I believe it, it's not just with female smut manga either. I've seen more than a few times where male shounen manga writers admit that they were told to increase the breast size of female characters if they wanted to write them assertively, or their characters were made to sound more cutesy, writers that were set up with lolicon/ecchi artists to be more marketable, etc.

No. 2433377

Nice to see other women of culture. The boys she draws are so fucking good, I love her work so much

No. 2433440

You're a retard.

No. 2433654

nta but if your strawman when called out for being a retard is to act like black people using an extremely common part of their language is some rare breed online then i feel bad for anyone who has the displeasure of having you in their life kekkkk

No. 2433661

File: 1741396400029.jpg (116.14 KB, 736x1215, serinuma.jpg)

Number 1 public enemy of 12 year olds on pinterest.

No. 2433687

Why do they hate her?

No. 2433690

File: 1741397628101.png (794.75 KB, 735x1056, maybe they're jealous of her b…)

Because she's a fujo I guess?

No. 2433696

File: 1741397738764.png (1.57 MB, 913x1843, tdhdtr.png)

I had once got tricked into reading a hentai manga that she had drawn because I was told that it has a super submissive and expressive ML. But it ended up being the most disgusting thing I had ever read because the male and female characters looked like they belonged to two different genres, and it was pretty obvious that it was written for moids. It didn't help that the women on batoto were praising it as something revolutionary because the moid had a small and "realistic" penis. Like, why would a woman enjoy reading a manga about the most unrealistic big, titty moe faced bimbo mommying the most average looking self insert scrote with a micropenis.

I ended up speed-reading this, and it is unironically so much better than the abomination Rifuru draws. The male characters are also superior.

No. 2433697

Is this anime good? The premise sounds cute

No. 2433701

It's pretty cute and the main couple are really sweet (not really a spoiler that they get together since the show makes it obvious from episode 1)

No. 2433704

File: 1741398367466.jpeg (41.96 KB, 736x414, 2295ACE0-6282-4544-9641-19F817…)

Probably because she’s a fat girl that gets to have her fujo fun while having every moid want to be with her. The show should’ve gone the yuri route tbh, Shima was actually interested in Kae before her weight loss and they had way more in common than the male love interests who only liked her body or just because she was kind

No. 2433707

Asuma also loved her from the start though…

No. 2433709

File: 1741398594920.png (559.79 KB, 1114x594, no one on pinterest knows what…)

No. 2433721

>you're so pathetic ahh mf
why do zoomers talk like this now

No. 2433724

>you have no idea do u
kek she says that like she's talking about a criminal. I'd expect those kinds of comments from a kid though.

No. 2433726

I think it's gen alpha actually.

No. 2433736

Thanks for introducing me to her shota hentai

No. 2433739

I cannot begin to explain the amount of hate I have for this type of slang.

No. 2433740

File: 1741399820635.jpg (106.27 KB, 736x736, I truly love pinterest slander…)

To be fair when I see Tomosane I get so angry that I sometimes have to get up and pace around a bit because I hate him so much.

No. 2433743

I'll never understand those who get mad and jealous over female leads you're supposed to relate to or self-insert as.

No. 2433746

kids literally get jealous of their OWN self insert characters

No. 2433749

>male shounen manga writers admit that they were told to increase the breast size of female characters if they wanted to write them assertively, or their characters were made to sound more cutesy
That's actually great information. Do you have sources? Sources for this kind of psyop need to be compiled at some point.

>the male and female characters looked like they belonged to two different genres
I hate this shit so much. We should compile instances of this sexual dimorphism thing kek.
I have never read anything by Rifuru, but I mean, those works you're talking about were explicitly aimed at moids. She has a more recent manga that's aimed at women so that's what you should be comparing to the manhwa you read.

Why can't they just self-insert? Do they not realize that's what they're meant to do? lmao

No. 2433758

File: 1741400316593.jpg (54.47 KB, 526x748, 22f3775a1e132c109a370f42e4b095…)

I remember when slander pinterest was popular in 2021/2022, for some reason boyfriends was their main target (and dream smp)

No. 2433763

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Fucking thank you! I dont give a shit that generic bishie no.5 also liked her from the start, Shima was loaded, a fujo, and loved her both from the start AND when she regained her weight. She even searched for content of her notp so she could find a gift for her birthday, drew doujinshis for her, and cosplayed as her husbando. that is true fujo courting and mogs whatever the fuck generic childhood friend had to put in the table aside from doing the bare minimum of treating her like a human being when she was fat. All the bishie scrote did was make her pregnant and trap her with kids. I still seethe about the ending to this day THE FUJO SHOULDVE BEEN ENDGAME

No. 2433767

Nta but hope you enjoy kek
Its another level of internalized misogyny

No. 2433768

This genre of Pinterest post has always pissed me off so bad, people unironically trying to turn Pinterest into a discourse filled social media site. No one wants to read your shitty opinions over a picture of a genshit character, post a cool image or go to tiktok.

No. 2433769

Didn't all of them stop when the creator came out as a gendie? kek

No. 2433772

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>Do they not realize that's what they're meant to do?
For me it's second only to those danganronpa discourse posts where they talked about ships they dislike or rape.

No. 2433774

How old do you think the commenters are

No. 2433775

No I don't think so. It just fell out of trend

No. 2433776

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9 to 13 range

No. 2433778

I can't believe this is unironic KEK

No. 2433783

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Samefag, but I remember pearl was hated by everyone on slander pinterest despite her gender special pronouns. They didn't care they just wanted to fight people kek

No. 2433785

Only insecure retards hate her tbh

No. 2433786

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I think it comes from kids not understanding that people get horny kek.
>thinks smoking is cool
Now I don't smoke and go into a coughing fit when I'm near cigarettes, but I can aknowledge that it looks pretty sexy in the right context.

No. 2433826

Because we're discussing pinterest kids? Read the thread.

No. 2433883

you're so right nona, sometimes it seems like the conversation is heading towards a right way and then the yaoi sperging returns

No. 2433899

It feels so fucking braindead, I understand it's supposed to be the new stolen aave term but how the fuck are they even saying that in real life? Black people talk in a way that it rolls off the tongue easier, but you KNOW these are white kids with wealthy suburban parents who speak far more slowly.

No. 2433902

YBC was hot and based

No. 2434071

100% agree, but in retrospect Shima deserves better than a retarded pickme who chose Boring Sweater Moid over the person she was more compatible with simply because he had a cock. Kae's gonna feel like a real dipshit in five years when she gets stuck alone at home changing his ugly kids' diapers while Shima is still out having fun and enjoying her career as a mangaka. I hope Shima marries a different woman, and retarded Kae tries to come crawling back to her after her Nigel inevitably cheats on her. Sorry Kae, you had your chance!

No. 2434080

Yes but he's a moid. Automatically inferior.

No. 2434119

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Children need to hang out on Roblox or Club Penguin or whatever and stay away from the rest of the internet until their brains develop properly

No. 2434232

I have not read this manga, but I feel like many shojosei manga treat secondary female characters as either the FMC’s disposable cheerleaders or bitches who only exist to steal her man. It is just sad. The writer could at least show the cheerleader moving on with her life and finding her own happiness instead of just being an accessory to the FMC.

No. 2434893

Why do people try to "cancel" fictional characters like this? Like what do you expect Kae to do, write an apology post?

No. 2434901

>The show should’ve gone the yuri route tbh
Yurifags can't be THIS delusional. Why do you even watch it if not for the boys?

No. 2434927

Most romance manga tend to end as soon as the couple gets together. Recently trends have been changing but it just ends up being kinda boring and nobody really cares what the side characters do.

No. 2434933

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>the boys anon watches it for
I’m sorry but even in the manga the moids are all ugly, not my fault the mangaka made the perfect partner for the protagonist be another woman and then made her choose a boring male that only likes her because she was nice to him. It would be different if the males had more character but it’s always an issue with shoujo romances with fujos as the main girl. Another example would be Fujoshi Rumi and how forced the het pairing felt. The protag had to imagine herself as a man to be able to come to terms with liking him and he only started to notice her because she chose him as a model for her doujins over his hotter friend

No. 2434951

which boy is endgame? i like the ones from the right

No. 2434960

I am literally watching it right now but looked it up for you. Far right, who is my personal favorite, is endgame. You have good taste anon, those are my favorites too.

No. 2434965

>Another example would be Fujoshi Rumi and how forced the het pairing felt
The best part with Fujoshi Rumi was everything related to the two main characters being fujoshi, going to cons, being involved in fandom drama and trying to publish a doujinshi, the romance didn't feel secondary but I wish it were.

No. 2434972

I watched it for the boys but I ended up liking Shima's dynamic with Kae. That's why I wanted her to be end game. Idk what else to tell you.

No. 2435022

Are you at least bisexual by any chance?

No. 2435036

why do you care

No. 2435041

Club Penguin's been dead for years…

No. 2435042

In anon's defense, someone made a clone site, but they were shut down last year due to copyright litigation.

No. 2435045

those pinterest images are so annoying

No. 2435065

Those pinterest kids said that YBC is illegal material when the characters don't even look like children
they have roblox but unfortunately they get groomed constantly on there

No. 2435204

Anyone who types "ahh" instead of "ass" is an actual retard and their opinion should be immediately discarded.

No. 2435242

Originally, the only people doing it were braindead retards desperate for likes, so they would censor themselves to not get shadowbanned, but now it's catching up on YT and even reddit. As if they were on a family gathering and not the goddamn internet kek

No. 2435244

Not everyone has a tribal mindset when watching shows. If you watch a show and two characters have better chemistry than who actually got together, it is natural to think they made a better couple.

No. 2435257

Sounds like envy tbh, because she can have an army of men after her while being a fujo, an attractive one at that, so they shield themselves by saying "fujo girl baaad!"

No. 2435313

It's both, plus especially online millennials.

No. 2435354

at the end of the day, people like watching/looking at aesthetically pleasing things. All humans are the same.

No. 2435361

imagine having this little problems that a fictional character pisses you off. also calling an anime character a pickme, and trying to devalue her/put moids on a pedestal by saying she has less worth because moids wont pick her irl..the ironyyyy

No. 2435363

I have never watched this show because I waved it off as a stupid shoujo romance but if all of what you described happens in it I'm glad I walked past it because holy kek I'm seething so fucking hard just reading this. A fujoshi GL would be my dream come true and I can't believe a setting like this would be set in flames in such manner.

No. 2435365

Me talking about Sasuke

No. 2435374

Kek these children shouldn't even be aware of what YBC is. It's a Manga for women to coom to, simple as.

No. 2435397

File: 1741457264639.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1200x1678, 125577198_p4.jpg)

>I had once got tricked into reading a hentai manga that she had drawn because I was told that it has a super submissive and expressive ML.
sorry anon but you are retarded for using batoto. Her best work(shota) isnt going to be there. Her new bishie work hasnt been scanned yet, either.

No. 2435400

some of you are starting to sound like insane twitter trannies(bait)

No. 2435405

Anons werent lying when they said this thread attracts the same cows they make fun of

No. 2435417

Is it true most women wouldn't want a Stellar Blade for women? I argued with a 4chin moid about this which he claimed I was a small minority and felt insane. No fucking way are that many women safe horny suitfags.

No. 2435418

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Nta but this had happened with Nihei. He got mindbroken by his editors into drawing his female characters with bigger boobs kek.

>>"It's been 4 days since I started this drawing. First of all, the first rough art I submitted was Killy and Dhomochevsky holding a gun, but the editors forced me to "just draw tits". 20 years of being a manga artist, sometimes I just wanna draw what I want to. But still, all I get is emails from my manager asking me for the direct opposite of what I want to draw. Then I get laughed at when I ask what "π/" meant, thinking it was a typo, getting asked how an active manga artist doesn't know what π/ means.((side note π/ means tit oppai->pai→π)) On top of that, I get complaints about using too much gray and black for a color print, making me give Sanakan's skin color and drawing tits larger, both Shibo and Sanakan ended up looking nothing like the original art. Gradually as I continue redrawing Shibo's tits, I start tearing up as I realize my unworthiness. But I had no time to cry. Even tomorrow, I need to finish the cover art for my ongoing "Aposimz" series' 2nd book. There's another reason I feel like crying. Cover art doesn't make me money. Once when I asked why, I was hit with the grinniest grin ever, getting told that's just how things are. But I've heard in other companies cover art makes money. No, the rumor that other manga artists get paid for cover art in Kodansha… No, gotta focus on my work, for now, no time for bad thoughts."

No. 2435424

Men argue that because they don't want to believe it kek. The popularity of LADS proves there's a market for it.

No. 2435428

if that were true then we wouldnt have stuff like nucani and LADS.

No. 2435430

This is actually kind of sad. You must have to be real hardhearted to work as an editor in these industries kek, it seems like you're required to either crush author's spirits or become a full-time handler to autistic degenerates.

No. 2435431

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Unfortunately, Nucani has been going down the safe horny fully clothed moid route and became censored as fuck as of late. And no one complains because women are pussies and don't chimp out like moids do (which we should)

No. 2435439

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Nihei really is a suffering artist.

No. 2435441

KEK stacy daughter

No. 2435451

I promise if you read KHNM you will feel the same way. I read it because I'm a fujo and it looked funny. I was not expecting there to be a female character in the harem, let alone that she would end up being the character I shipped with the MC. Also I've yet to see a troon of either sex who likes this manga. TiFs hate it because they think Kae is an evil fetishizer, and TiMs haven't heard of it because it's not moe booba pantyshot slop.

No. 2435453

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Damn they all look ai generated. I have never played this game, I only save fanart of Rei and Blade but doesn't Nucani have explicit sex scenes. I don't get what is stopping the creators from putting the characters in more interesting, lewd outfits.

>editors keep forcing him to draw big titty waifus
>wife has divorced him
>daughter thinks his manga is trash
He has it rough kek.

No. 2435454

anon its a manga for women its not going to end in yurishit. The lesbian is ugly as fuck too, they could have at least gone with a cuter design.

No. 2435457

nta and not directly related to boobs but I remember something about the guy who made JJK. His very first editor was really stupid and before the artist worked on JJK0 he made a few short manga here and there, he drew himself and this editor arguing over whether a female character's thighs were too big or not, with the editor screaming at the artist to make the female character's legs skinny. This editor forced him to include a school setting in JJK0 and fucked off after the first chapter was released, which was also the setting for the first parts of JJK so I assume this editor just loves the most generic things and wanted the female characters to look as generic as possible for the audience. I think the guy who draws One Piece told a female fan who sent him a fan letter that if she wants to become an editor she should avoid the shonen jump or shueisha as a whole because it's a very sexist environment, he said it very casually in one of the volumes so I assume it's way worse than that in reality and if he went into details he wouldn't have been allowed to write his answer in one of his books. I can't recall any other artists complaining about something like that in particular though, maybe they do in interviews way after they finish their series.

No. 2435458

I had no expectation that it would? I'm just saying which of the love interests was my favorite.

No. 2435462

>Is it true most women wouldn't want a Stellar Blade for women?
We have much more famous and popular games with male characters who are sexualized by the female audience with mods, fanart, fanfics, etc. so I refuse to believe female nerds wouldn't want this if the gameplay and stories are good enough. I say female nerds because I doubt your average male normie would be into Stellar Blade all that much. I associate it too much with culture war gamergate twitterfags though.

No. 2435466

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Their outfits used to be a lot more lewd, but recently a censored version got released which directly impacted their baseline designs. It sucks.
Not SJ, but I know Hiromu Arakawa (fullmetal alchemist) specifically chose that name so people wouldn't assume less of her manga because she's a woman or something along those lines. It honestly makes me super happy that arguably the most critically acclaimed anime of all time was originally written by a woman.

No. 2435470

>I associate it too much with culture war gamergate twitterfags though.
That's the only reason Stellar Blade got any attention at all kek, ragebaiting scrotes gave it free advertising. The moment it was actually released the hype fizzled out overnight.

No. 2435473

I would love a female focused game that had cool flashy combat gameplay while staring at a scantily clad moid, honestly. I don't need to keep reiterating it because I don't need to come across as an NLOG but pleaaaase I would love anything that wasn't a VN or a gacha game with no substance. Why do men get all the cool combat mechanics because some women are too cucked and tricked themselves into thinking they're too stupid and slow to keep up with the high octane stuff?

No. 2435474

>I know Hiromu Arakawa (fullmetal alchemist) specifically chose that name so people wouldn't assume less of her manga because she's a woman or something along those lines
That's a very different topic. I know she's not the only one at all but on top of my head I can't think of any other woman whose manga I've read doing this, usually they used pen names for privacy reasons or to not be associated with their doujinshi. It's not exclusive to mangaka, JKR did something similar as well for her HP novels. Is this trend changing these days? I found a funny tweet months ago about how someone finding out the artist for some recent shonen jump manga is also a fujoshi who made a lot of very popular and inappropriate MHA doujinshi, but the pen names are so similar it feels like she's trying to start shit with someone at shueisha. I think her pen name for her doujinshi was Shoco and now for her professional career it's Neo Shoco, you'd think the editors would be more careful than that, or maybe they don't care.

No. 2435477

nta but what he's so ugly

No. 2435479

to this day i never understood why suddenly in 2020/2021 ybc got hate when it's been out for years kekkk

No. 2435480

I have to assume that the pandemic and the unprecedented amount of unsupervised free time online it afforded kids is the reason

No. 2435483

>The lesbian is ugly as fuck too, they could have at least gone with a cuter design.
If this is your reaction to a princely lesbian archetype you are are no better than the yurifags who only consoom kawaii moeslop kek

No. 2435485

What an incredibly sexo design. I hate that we will never get characters like this in mainstream gachaslop like Genshit/HSR.

No. 2435486

Inappropriate in what way?

No. 2435496

That sounds like a dream, as long as it has a better story than Slop Blade. Honestly there arent enough games that slut out their men.

No. 2435499

Isn't it literally an r18 porn game? Why the hell would they go the safer route?

No. 2435504

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comparing her to princely anime women should count as homophia. Dont compare that ugly retard with a bowl cut to actual princely girls.

No. 2435511

I haven't read them but the tweet included a few covers and they're adult only doujinshi with very explicit cover art. Of characters from a shonen jump series. And now she has her own series in the same magazine with the same art style and almost the same pen name kek. Hopefully no 12 years old Japanese boys will look her up online.

No. 2435512

The author of World Trigger says he did it casually in one of the volumes talking about the characters, the editor was worried that one of the characters would seen too much of a bitch, so they added more boobs to counteract complaints.
It's been more difficult since so many of their big titles are ending, they're struggling trying to replace the empty space with new titles because none are getting enough crowds they want. They've been doing a lot of stuff to counteract that, including hiring new female authors.
One of their recent titles that's been popular has been by a female duo, the first time its happened. The writer of Iruma that they managed to get and the artist for Act Age, who probably has a lot of hate for men right now considering the absolute fucking retard pedo she was partnered with first almost ruined her career.

No. 2435514


No. 2435516

>Bakugo gets fucked 100 times
>Bakugo tries anal
>Bakugo bathroom fuck
>Bakugo but he's that meat blob thing
>Tao Ren gets fucked in the ass

No. 2435517

Beats me. Either their trying to enter the sfw market or they're just chickening out.

No. 2435518

No. 2435519

>the editor was worried that one of the characters would seen too much of a bitch, so they added more boobs to counteract complaints.
Moids are so fucking retarded

No. 2435528

The manga's art is too stiff for any fanservice anyway tbh, it ended up with a lot more of a fujo/yume fanbase so it really wasn't for much.

No. 2435530

Not sure if this applies to nuc but in general but you reminded me how much I hate when these companies get greedy and try to branch out to a wider audience for more money. I know thats all a business wants, but it especially happens to female-orientated media. E.g. like how Broccoli milked Utapri fans for years just so they can use that money to release their flop waifu idol franchise that no one asked for. How about you create a new IP for the women who already built your company from ground up instead?

No. 2435532

>One of their recent titles that's been popular has been by a female duo, the first time its happened
Is that Ichi the Witch? I've seen one anon recommending it recently but I haven't given it a try because I want to be up to date with other series I've started recently before that.

They're either retarded or they assume the audience is retarded. There have been cases of editors making series way less terrible than they were supposed to be, especially Naruto, and I bet they also helped Death Note to be good after seen how terrible the beginning of Bakuman was with its female characters and how everyone hated Platinum End when it ended, but some of them want everything to be as generic and boring as possible. I'm not checking everything from the shonen jump but I've been into many of its series from when I was a small kid to now, is it me or is there less fanservice now than before despite all of this? I can't think of any recent shonen jump action series that has as much fanservice as Dr Slump, the first half of Dragon Ball, City Hunter, Cats Eyes or Bastard. Even silly bullshit like Naruto changing into a naked woman for like 5 panels in total in the manga as a gag isn't something I can compare to current shonen jump manga.

No. 2435534

>like how Broccoli milked Utapri fans for years just so they can use that money to release their flop waifu idol franchise that no one asked for.
Speaking of Utapri, what's up with that? I saw a few days ago that there will be an official HypMic and Utapri collab soon, but wasn't there supposed to be a PSVita Utapri game and it never came out? Or was it just a rumor? Are there still Utapri events or concerts these days? Because the anime seems to be over for good. I don't get how this franchise is still printing money when it seems so mismanaged these days.

No. 2435537

They’ve been promising to release that game for YEARS but I believe they cant find a writer (or composer?) for it. At this point they want to string fans along without admitting they’re not going to release it. Just typical behavior from a japanese company making stuff for women

No. 2435546

that's exactly why it's so good in fiction

No. 2435547

>Is that Ichi the Witch?
>is it me or is there less fanservice now than before despite all of this?
Tbh I think it might just have to do with Shounen Jump being a stressful job. There's a lot easier ways for hentai artists to make a living nowadays, they don't have to struggle with drawing on a week deadline.

No. 2435549

I don't know why some anons are surprised by this, it's a well known fact that manga editors force sexualization and woobification of the female characters to coddle all the horny teenage boys reading the manga. They also do that for anime adaptations. Not all scrote mangakas are terminal coomers who want to draw titcows and take detours with girls being demeaned simply for the male gaze, a lot of them are just storytelling and battle autists who feel adding oversexualization is cheapening their work.

Toriyama's work and stuff like City Hunter had a lot of fanservice but it was laid out very on the nose so paradoxically it wasn't as distracting and mostly used for comedic effect, but nowadays the fanservice is so ingrained into the story that the female characters don't have any agency besides sucking protagonist cock and being wish-fulfillment waifus. For example nowadays you couldn't make a female character beat a male character up for accidentally peeping on her like they did in the 90's because that would be "mean" and "bitchy", they'll just have to take and even enable it.

No. 2435553

God I hate how fictional moids have to be depicted covered in head to toe but women can wear stripper outfits and it's okay. Every genre and demographic does this. I see it in otome and shoujo

No. 2435629

You will not believe this, anon, but some women actually enjoy all kinds of romance, regardless of their actual sexuality. They don't need to justify their love for cute/interesting romances by telling you what their sexual orientation is.

ACKSHUALYL it's digital on DLsite so it should be easy to rip. Also this manga's sex scenes look really good, they're entirely focused on the guys. Inshallah she keeps BTFO of her scrote audience and TL publishers like this.

>muh safe horny suitfags
Again with the fucking "suitfag" shit. I like both suits and slutwear and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who does. You're making up a divide that doesn't actually exist just because you personally are tired of femgaze art where the men don't wear revealing clothes (which is entirely fair).

Scrotes don't know what women want, and even when they do know, they pretend to know better. Don't listen to them, don't let them gaslight you.

No. 2435635

>You're making up a divide that doesn't actually exist
nta but back when this discussion started a few years ago there were a lot of defensive suitfags who would call women into guys in revealing clothes fags/men.

No. 2435646

Then they were also faking a divide because most of us 2Dfags don't give a shit. That thread was an absolute trainwreck and both sides were equally retarded. I have seen the anons who think wanting to see more naked men is gay male behavior, yeah they're dumb.
There's women who like het, yaoi and yuri at the same time, and there's women who like suits and slutwear in equal amounts. But they usually don't participate in these shit-flinging contests and that's why you don't see them argue with the retards often.

No. 2435647

>For example nowadays you couldn't make a female character beat a male character up for accidentally peeping on her like they did in the 90's
It kind of feels like the trope of pervert males being beat up has almost disappeared entirely.

No. 2435655

I wonder if it's really because of what anon said about female characters not being allowed to be too bitchy or if it's just because it's too cartoony and silly compared to what the more recent manga are like?

No. 2435668

>You will not believe this, anon, but some women actually enjoy all kinds of romance, regardless of their actual sexuality. They don't need to justify their love for cute/interesting romances by telling you what their sexual orientation is.
I'm sorry nonna but I can't into lesbian shit. I use to at one point but there was always this knot in the back of my brain that's like,"I mean it's cute but there's no guys for me to visually appreciate", so I don't consume it often. Once I got into my mid to early twenties, my body finds it gross? I'm not saying two girls holding hands is like watching maggots but I can't get into yuri, I can't get into baihe, I can't get into gl manwha. Anything that so much as depicts two women together makes my body grimace into a ball. I wish I wasn't like this but that's how I am now.

No. 2435676

Nta and that's fine, but the point being made is that's not universal. My turbo heterosexual mother watched Killing Eve and didn't bat an eye. I think it could also be related to how much you can separate yourself from what you're watching.

No. 2435680

I swear the people you keep replying to are just baiting in bad faith at this point.

No. 2435687

That could be it but then I don't mind two guys being in love or doing it? Neither of them are women yet I'm more able to enjoy that and then two women doing the same. Maybe I'm just weird because I know plenty of lesbians who like bl and still eat pussy afterwards. My only issue is not coming off as a supposed lesbophobe when I don't mind lesbians and bi women being themselves.

No. 2435697

Kek, related: I love playing these fun mindgames with a TIF fandom mutual wherein I am very openly happy & comfortable about being a regular straight woman and this causes her to crash the fuck out for literally 0 reason. I can tell because she keeps goading me to thirst over female characters (“sorry, not interested!”), adopt troon headcanons (“I’m not trans, I wouldn’t want to be disrespectful by getting it wrong!”) and even going so far as to try and insert her own troon narratives into my story with my OCs (“nice idea, this would be non-canon for me personally though <3”). It riles her up so badly that I sometimes cackle with glee when the passive-aggressive undertones come bleeding through her messages in droves. I can tell she’s dying to find some dirt on me being a radfem to make a callout but can’t find a thing since I’ll dripfeed her with just enough “muh troons lives matter!” BS to soothe it over when needed. Nonas, if you’re ever bored, I recommend find yourself a TIF moron to play cat-and-mouse with. 10/10 would troll again.

No. 2435723

SA I'd probably fold in under an hour if I was you. I just can't bring myself to accept I'm straight because I spent my formative years on that tumblr microlabel juice and men bad discourse. You couldn't mention your love of fictional male blobros without fauxbian handmaidens having a melty over it. Thankfully, I moved past tumblr and slowly getting over my brain thinking men are ugly. Don't get me wrong, most are, but the 2d ones most certainly aren't.

No. 2435724

File: 1741474055711.gif (2.06 MB, 332x498, IMG_0698.gif)

> Every single one of these retards is head over heels for trans Viktor anyway, because they want to self insert onto a small woman with a pussy
I loved Viktor in S2 a LOT because he’s exactly my type: dark-blue, blond, depressed but soft guy with some kind of curse weighing him down (looking at you, Dainsleif). So earlier today I was actually wondering why, despite this, I had completely blocked him out of my mind soon after Arcane ended. Thank you for reminding me. It was the troon-Viktor fanarts: they are absolutely fucking disgusting. If you want to read even a sliver of NSFW content on this man on Ao3, you’ll be forced to scroll through pages of “tee hee pussy Viktor” before getting scraps of bio-penis, and that’s still after doing all I can to filter out the troon slop. Even worse, I like bottom Viktor, which means I can kiss goodbye to any fanart of him with a dick. I would honestly rather take asexual Viktor (due to the magic hexcore body shit) with a barbie-smooth pelvic region over yet another nasty ass picture of Jayce eating out a saggy vulva. Lord, will someone free my precious, pretty husband from this curse?

No. 2435731

>someone finding out the artist for some recent shonen jump manga is also a fujoshi who made a lot of very popular and inappropriate MHA doujinshi

Man holy shit, I love shoco. I didn't know she worked for SJ! Always loved her art. Kinda retarded for someone to focus on that though since most moid mangakas/artists always have degnerate art/interests under their belts. Praying for her success kek

No. 2435747

File: 1741475472686.png (Spoiler Image,150.44 KB, 316x262, IMG_0700.png)

I’ve seen Vox’s real face through leaks and he’s actually okay looking for a 3DPD. I wish he would lay off the corny “sexy-daddy” demon act though, it doesn’t suit him at all. He’s at his best when he relaxes and acts naturally on stream, since he feels like the kind of guy I could meet and date irl. At the end of the day I don’t really watch his stuff though since the ASMR is a bit too cringe for me. Shame.

No. 2435749

Why does he look like Turkey Tom? Jesus

No. 2435752

At least he isn’t balding… yet

No. 2435761

KEK I was thinking the same thing. Like a less retarded looking Turkey Tom

No. 2435776

>I'm not checking everything from the shonen jump but I've been into many of its series from when I was a small kid to now, is it me or is there less fanservice now than before despite all of this?
I actually read a lot of the currently running WSJ and there is definitely that not much in the line of fanservice right now, outside of a few floundering harem series. JJK ended a few months ago, but I feel never sexualizing its girls is part of what made so many women like it lol. The Promised Neverland, Akane Banashi, and Blue Box all have female leads who don't get sexualized as well.

No. 2435777

Did you forget the part where the MC is clearly heterosexual and is only attracted to that lesbian cosplayer because she mistook her for a hot guy orrrrrr

No. 2435783

My OTP is Jayvik currently so I understand the pain, nonna. I don't even bother looking for NSFW fanart to avoid jumpscares. I hope I get over them soon.

No. 2435789

Ew, wtf happened? I used to play Nu:C a few months ago because Edmond and Olivine were hot as fuck but it’s like all of the sauce has been lost in your picrel, honestly it doesn’t even feel like the same characters

No. 2435793

File: 1741477303046.jpg (523.97 KB, 2048x2048, 1000032760.jpg)

If you don't play the game, dont take the nona's words as gospel. They have been pushing this theory over at the lc nukani thread and also 4chan, but it doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of most players. Releasing a censored version helped the devs branch out their collabs with brands that wouldn't work with a purely NSFW franchise and access customers who don't play anything that's not on app store, but there wasn't a complete overhaul in how the designs were. The game has always created designs to suit the event themes and the seasons, and the level of exposure have understandably varied from event to event. The winter outfit in picrel was before the censored version got released and the in your face bulge summer fit was after. The pic from >>2435431 has the characters go to an academy for nobles for some competition and shit so ofc they can't dress sluttily there.

No. 2435795

Tbh I think they're just experimenting with inner garmets being ultra lewd for more incentive to roll for units and get battle damage.

No. 2435803

It's ok, you have different tastes in fiction and different things you tolerate. It's nothing special or concerning, it's literally normal.

No. 2435814

File: 1741478449253.jpg (1.26 MB, 1079x2160, 1000032763.jpg)

Yeah, another reason you won't see most players complain about the amount of coverage is the fact that you can strip the character sprites (picrel) and are also guaranteed to see them naked and fucking as a part of their unlockable personal stories. And like you said, it feels rewarding to find out the character is wearing a thong under his prim and proper outfit, kek.

No. 2435817

is there any place where you can see all the outfits and their stripped versions? i am making a game with a similar mechanic and i would like to take note

No. 2435825

That sword is beautiful

No. 2435826

I hate men who look like this

No. 2435839

I really hate how anime male lewdness just defaults to copying from female ecchislop. This is nasty.

No. 2435843

It’s not that deep, plenty of women find this type of sexualisation hot; it’s just not your cup of tea and that’s fine

No. 2435845

then what is male lewdness that isn't copied by female ecchislop?

No. 2435846

I'd be interested in seeing examples that don't do the same. I don't like lacey lingerie on men (it just repulses me in general, doesn't matter who's wearing it).

No. 2435847

what do you want then? it looks fine. You are just used to male ''''sexualization'''' being respectful instead of humilliating. Male ecchicoomers dont own sexy poses.

No. 2435849

>I'd be interested in seeing examples that don't do the same.
there are 3 million examples that do the generic shirtless oiled pig

No. 2435850

Don't reply

No. 2435851

File: 1741480764445.gif (717.76 KB, 500x365, IMG_0703.gif)

The word “gooner” is the best thing to happen to modern fandom. I just saw a viral tweet where a moid complained about a girl in his class calling SF6 “gooner slop”, with hordes of scrotes in the comments bitching about similar experiences:
> “So we can’t have women in games anymore??? The word gooner has lost all meaning”
No, no, no, no, you retarded little man-child. You just don’t like the fact that women now have a word to call out the fact that ALL media made by men for men has some degree of absurd over-sexualisation of women. AKA: goonslop. I love seeing male gamers in particular coping and seething at being forced to look in the mirror and face their porn-addiction head-on. No wonder they keep chimping out so hard. Keep up the slander, ladies.

No. 2435852

What about goonerslop for women like the stuff listed above?

No. 2435854

NTA but women can't be gooners.

No. 2435855

The original reply was about them experimenting with designs, it's not like you were the demographic they're aiming for to begin with.

No. 2435859

Don't get mad anon, if you post something in a thread expect other people to make comments that aren't part of the original discussion

No. 2435863

File: 1741481313207.jpg (24.53 KB, 652x610, IMG_20190224_221009.jpg)

There is this girl shitting up a community tab I follow on Tumblr. It's so fucking funny because her art is atrocious - but I looked into her social medias because I thought she was a kid?? She's a grown woman with a disability (maybe Downs Syndrome lite). Very sweet, very passionate. Now I feel like an asshole for wanting her stuff gone. But she's still shitting up the tab…?

No. 2435865

I'm not mad? I just don't expect someone that dislikes male fanservice to play a yaoi sex game.

No. 2435867

She didn't say she hated manservice. She just doesn't like the way it's usually done.

No. 2435868

I will always love the term "gooner" and all similar phrases. Most zoomer-speak is atrocious, but that one hit the nail on the head. We have this word now. They cannot deny it.
Still goonerslop. Be proud. Don't be in denial. That makes us more powerful.
Yes they can. Women are not unicorns incapable of shlicking it endlessly to shit we enjoy. And that is okay.

No. 2435869

Wrong thread

No. 2435871

No it isn't. Literally a fandom community tab?

No. 2435872

Do women generally just hate sexy male designs? Doesn't all the suitslop get boring? Even SSA are that suit sexy psy-op shit. Not saying men need to be in school girl uniforms to be sexy, that's retarded, I just want variety in my ikemen for fuck sake.
Then give us a better example?

No. 2435874

It’s a thread for talking about actual existing discourses in fandom, which is very obviously laid out in the title and description. No1curr about personal confessions. Wrong thread.

No. 2435876

Sweety, it's my complain about the fucking Dragon Ball Tumblr community tag holy shit

No. 2435878

samefag Actually. Fuck it. If you want to be like that then fine. I'll fuck off. Sorry.

No. 2435880

I just don't expect someone that dislikes male fanservice (as it's usually done) to play a yaoi sex game.

No. 2435881

Remember to not reply to bait. No matter how many times you politely and carefully explain it to them, they'll never stop projecting their black-and-white thinking onto everything you post. If you reply, you already know how it's gonna end.

>I will always love the term "gooner" and all similar phrases. Most zoomer-speak is atrocious, but that one hit the nail on the head.
"Gooning" was invented by scrotes who masturbate all day while watching hardcore pornography on 10 different monitors at the same time as a hobby.
>Yes they can.
It's an exclusively male hobby. What you mean is "coomer"; women can absolutely be coomers. I hate it when people use the word "gooner" for women who merely make horny tweets about their husbandos. It's just scrotes trying to make women look as bad as males, like how they started calling non-pickmes "femcels" because the word "incel" being used despectively was hurting ther feefees
>Women are not unicorns incapable of shlicking it endlessly to shit we enjoy. And that is okay.
No one denied this.

No. 2435882

Yeah ok, but she was just making a general comment based on the pic you posted.

No. 2435883

Nonas keep slandering suitfags but the whole point of suits is that they get taken off. What else is my husbando supposed to do all day, walk around naked? (Actually… hehe). Anyway the point is, most casual clothing is uggo, hipster/street/fashion is flashy but not attractive, fantasy clothing is cringe, which leaves my favourites: uniforms and suits, both of which are highly flattering for a man’s figure. So, I genuinely fail to see what the problem is? Being a suitfag doesn’t mean I’m a puritan who rees at skin. It’s just the best option for dress imo and gives me more of a dopamine hit when stripping husbandos bare.

No. 2435884

Then don’t vaguepost, in future you should be more specific about which fandom and which drama you’re referring to. Otherwise it comes across as self-indulgent selfposting between you and a personal object of dislike. I’ll drop it now though

No. 2435885

I didn't post anything, there's more than one person in the discussion.

No. 2435900

File: 1741483336692.jpg (43.87 KB, 626x517, Edna.jpg)

>most casual clothing is uggo
This, most casual men's clothes are just ugly.
>Being a suitfag doesn’t mean I’m a puritan who rees at skin.
By the way, no matter how many times you state the obvious (that you can like both), you're not gonna stop certain people from being like that, they'll keep screeching about "suitfags". Next time, just don't reply to anyone who uses that word because it's guaranteed to turn into an infight. Whether they're actually just trolls or really that stupid, you should not give them ANY attention. If everyone learned to ignore them, they'd chimp out for a short while, desperately trying to get a reply, and if that didn't work, they'd fuck off for good. So please do your part and don't reply to anyone who uses that word or sounds dense as fuck despite giving them explanations, or like they're trying to start something. That's how you deal with trolls, baiters and infighters.

Okay, but that's irrelevant. "You or whoever posted that pic". Whatever, it's not a big deal.

No. 2435902

its giving "friends dorky little brother" vibe

No. 2435903

File: 1741483570477.jpg (1.32 MB, 1079x1925, 1000032765.jpg)

Can't speak of anime lewdness in general but the character design you seem to dislike is one of the more "feminine lewd" types in nukani. The other men are lewded in different ways, like the one further up above (the left one in >>2435793), or picrel. Do they pass your standards for male sexualization? Just curious.

No. 2435913

They don't really care, they just wanted to bait and then blame those that respond.

No. 2435923

>What you mean is "coomer"
They all mean the same shit, it's all stupid internet garbage lingo based on le ebin wojaks, a few years ago they used "coomer" to talk about anything perverted and now "gooner" is the new hip replacement word used by the broccoli-haired, tide pod-eating crowd that is used by everyone to talk about the exact same shit.

No. 2435931

File: 1741484741826.jpg (107.59 KB, 736x1051, 1660582256703.jpg)

NTA, but I did agree with her.

I kinda like this one, I just wish he wasn't wearing pants, or at least have his inner thighs be exposed. I'm a big fan of loincloths. Kars from Jojo is my favorite example. You could say this isn't humiliating or sexual for him, but if another character was forced to wear something similar and he found it embarrassing or it turned him on, that'd be ideal for me.

Actually, I think the reason I don't like stuff like >>2435814 is all the random, retarded, unnecessary details that don't really add anything, in my opinion, although it could also be the artist's fault for not emphasizing it the right way, they look like an afterthought. To me, >>2435814 looks so cluttered that I just lose interest.
But I think >>2435793 is hot.

No. 2435933

he looks like yanderedev if he was normal from the beginning

>here is this girl shitting up a community tab I follow on Tumblr.
ngl that is how i feel whenever i post fanart on socmed. but life is to be lived yolo etc etc

No. 2435941

Ugly as sin

No. 2435952

File: 1741486045816.jpg (682.22 KB, 1920x1080, Edmond_ClassyAffair.jpg)

>so ofc they can't dress sluttily there
Has that ever been a big deal in-universe? It's been a while since I played, but I recall Edmond wearing this in front of his mom and not even she gave a shit.

No. 2435954

I'm not a nukanifag/fujo but I think this kind of outfit should be the standard even if they release a non-R18 version. It's only fair, since this shit >>2431238 is on the Play Store.

No. 2435959

I think the game is playing it safe, going from being the only "for woman" game, on some random porn site to the Google play store seems risky.

No. 2435964

I mean cool I guess? Just don't go around calling anyone outside that gooners for wanting something else? Like suits aren't bad on their own but if every male character wore that even in casual settings I get bored instantly. That's why I often gravitate towards fantasy and prehistorical settings. I like male outfits that cool, lively, and interesting instead of boring grey corporate feeling slop.

No. 2435968

File: 1741487814770.jpg (1.22 MB, 1079x2160, 1000032767.jpg)

Ayrt you're correct that people in that event didn't care about Ed's attire, but despite the spicy dominatrix elements in the design, it actually covers almost everything other than his stomach (some nona will pop up calling it burqa any moment kek). I will say though, this is the most "obviously lewd but not perceived by the world as such" outfit in nukani, the other lewd ones have some sort of rationalization behind it which I personally like (like picrel is supposed to be suitable for hot weather kek)

No. 2436012

File: 1741490179885.jpg (11.76 KB, 360x360, mj.jpg)

a bunch of younger zoomers/alphas recently raided a discord server i'm in that generally aims slightly older (for context, i'm a zoomie too, born in the middle of the generation). the server is about a niche interest that is mostly popular with old people so its online presence and fandom is on the smaller side. we generally have discussions about the media (i hate to use the word but it's the one that fits), the intentions of the author, analysis of the characters… when the alphas invaded all they did was spam memes and irony poisoning. when the older members, that aren't even THAT old, said that this server leans on the more serious side and that shitposting and irony poisoning may be better suited for another server, they got mad and said that we "were just angry at teenagers having silly fun". we weren't even mad, just startled because the raid came out of nowhere. they have their own little corner on twitter where the meme spam and shitposting continues, and all of this made me realize that oh my god, i am the old woman yelling at clouds now. but also, can't younger people in fandom just enjoy content the normal way? without 23 ironic memes and tiktoks sprinkled on top.
also, does anyone else here get annoyed at how some people latch on throwaway/very minor/background characters? it just comes across as very tryhard, like there's no actual passion for the character, just the need to be the first to like the character no one else cares about. there's nothing wrong on liking the main character or mascot.

No. 2436030

The server owner needs to be more strict or else the annoying ones will take over until they ruin the place, and then get bored with it after they chased others away. Having an 18+ requirement is good, even if there's nothing inappropriate being posted. I can't even get along with most people 21-23 these days.
> can't younger people in fandom just enjoy content the normal way?
No. Fandom among the younger generation is not about the source material. It's about fandom community, fandom trends, and the source material is just their little toy blocks that they don't actually care that much about.

No. 2436032

File: 1741491549840.jpeg (29.12 KB, 448x420, kagedkong.jpeg)

that sounds wretched, sorry nonna. tbh makes me realize that i lucked out because the server i spent a few years on always just straight up banned annoying people and ended up staying around 30 close friends. there was a few teens there that were able to fit in well and play around with the others.
>silly fun
mobbing people is silly fun??

No. 2436056

I feel this. My gut tells me I was probably this annoying when I was a 15 y/o into fandom, but even then I was out there putting all my effort into making poorly-done fanfic and fanart of my OTP.
It feels like so many people only want to engage with a work through regurgitating memes, and they only care about fandom so they can have a group to belong to/interact with, and the actual content of the source material is incidental.

No. 2436139

Media with the worst fandoms/fanbases? I'm going to go with Ongezellig.

No. 2436141

Zenless Zone Zero

No. 2436146

I love suits but I also love male playboy bunnies.

No. 2436147

Jojo and homestuck
Shit media, shit fandoms

No. 2436150

as an outsider, maybe genshin and genshin-like games (like cookie run… sorry). i've never seen genuine joy coming from those fandoms.
anything that aims younger, like no one 18+ would like this. sprunki, dandy's world, maxdesignpro (that stuff has an actual fandom and i can only wonder why).
anything featuring heavily ugly walled men, whether they're 2d or 3dpd. bands, youtubers, videogames and/or shows that had another target audience in mind (ie. was for middle aged men but tifs latched on it), so on.
obviously fotm that start right out of the gate big like mouthwashing or tadc.
cartoons that aren't either for kids or adults but stunted manchildren. su, craig of the creek, ducktales, she-ra, voltron and other wanimes, owl house, amphibia, etc.
stan twitter, both of western and eastern artists. oh my god. i'd be down for a stantwt cringe thread.

No. 2436151

What is it about cookie run fans? I played the game pretty casually for a little bit but everytime I saw stuff for the fandom they were all batshit insane.

No. 2436153

my hero academia

No. 2436157

Generally speaking anything currently on air/still in the public eye has a shit fanbase. Most fandoms finally calm down about 5 or so years after the source media ends because all of the attention seekers, kids, and coomers find something new, leaving only the most autistic to rebuild society.

No. 2436158

We already had coomer, though. Why did the word goon get more traction like that?

No. 2436159

coffin of andy and leyley with 0 competition imo

No. 2436169

Gives a bit more of a grotesque vibe since it's more guttural?

No. 2436170

I'm guessing because people use it so much now that it doesn't have the same impact as an insult, I mean, people now are proudly claiming to be coomers. Also >>2435881
>It's just scrotes trying to make women look as bad as males, like how they started calling non-pickmes "femcels" because the word "incel" being used despectively was hurting ther feefees

No. 2436173

Any FOTM just because it attracts the worst clout chasers and bigger fandoms mean more shitty people. Homestuck and Voltron fans are their peak were terrible too.

No. 2436178

File: 1741504814002.png (41.06 KB, 678x325, original the character donut s…)

Posts like this are strange since no ones cared about OCs in over a decade.

No. 2436227

All the threads I've seen on 4chan of this game literally only talk about incest and fetish shit. I've never seen anyone talk about the gameplay or story.

No. 2436233

Is there even a gameplay? Isn't it one of those RPG maker games where you only walk around and click on things to see a story, with no gameplay challenge?

No. 2436236

Can't be worse than The Loud House. Or MLP:FiM

No. 2436241

Based on consequential impact.
Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, MLP, Voltron
Genshin Impact
AoT, MHA, and Chainsaw Man

No. 2436395

why is it that women and young girls hate this type of character instead of just enjoying it? like >>2433743 said it's clearly made for them. is it that they're scared of indulging in their own fantasies? men would never react like this to the male equivalent of such a character and setting

No. 2436401

I'm surprised ZZZ retained a fair amount of handmaidens. Give them yurislop and they lump in with the trannies and incels.

No. 2436407

Really? It seems like people love ocs more than ever, I’m always seeing new ones from artists with thousands of likes. More recently I’ve only seen the mary sue complaints on brujoari’s Kate though

No. 2436430

>cringe culture is dead! Stop criticizing my shitty oc!

No. 2436432

what's up with yurislop and sudden influx of troons?

No. 2436449


No. 2436453

Zoomers use OCs and self inserts as terms interchangeably and love dunking on literal children so they make these snarky posts about how cringe a 12-year old's shitty Genshin Mary Sue is while calling them "OCs". Happens on Lolcow all the time too.

No. 2436454

File: 1741529924879.png (1.59 MB, 1672x1287, 5847453345.png)

What causes this extreme level of pickmeism in women? I choose to believe all female lolicons are pickmes besides rare causes like yuripedo especially since this woman has a boyfriend. She's blasian so I wonder if it's racial insecurity or she got molested as a kid.

No. 2436456

Men don't feel threatened or cucked when another female character interacts with their waifus (for the most part) so it's a loophole to write characters without making them only exist to suck off the self insert.

No. 2436465

Fairly sure that she has no self respect due to extreme insecurity and is pandering to the bottom of the barrel men because she thinks that's all she deserves. I used to know a girl just like her who even did the same kind of traced generic overrendered hentai art and she was being groomed by pedo men online.

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