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No. 255721
Previous threads:
>>94472>>246299>>252059My unpopular opinion: purple really only looked good on Prince
No. 255725
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>>255723Banks is a miserable piece of shit and the press should stop giving her attention. She's not cute at all either, sry anon.
Nearly everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie, like Rihanna starving her in a recording session. Honestly even if Rihanna did do that she deserves it.
>>255724>I think the amount of shit she got was ridiculously uncalled for.Even her chicken killing closet?! C'mon, even if you're a fan you have to admit she deserved hate for that
No. 255726
>>255725I know she's said and done some crazy shit, but most of the hate came before the chicken sacrifices anyways.
And I dunno, unless you're vegan I think it's dumb to want to crucify her for it.
Sometimes I wish Azealia Banks would sacrifice me in her brujeria closet ;w;. No. 255727
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>>255726>And I dunno, unless you're vegan I think it's dumb to want to crucify her for it.Eh, meat eaters aren't killing their food themselves. Putting that aside, she should be crucified for uncleanliness alone. If she's going to kill chickens in her spare time the least she could do is clean up after herself. Her place must smell
awful, I feel bad for whoever lives there next
>Sometimes I wish Azealia Banks would sacrifice me in her brujeria closet ;w;.Love yourself pls
No. 255730
>>255727>Eh, meat eaters aren't killing their food themselves.… So? They're eating chickens that were slaughtered, usually in horrible conditions. How is that better than killing them themselves?
NTA, BTW and I hate Azaelia Banks. I just don't get that logic at all.
No. 255731
>>255727Most of them are contributing to an industry where chickens are treated horribly, worse than what banks did to those chickens.
I still think vegans and maybe amish people are the only ones who have the right to be mad about it, but I don't know why any amish people would know who azealia banks is. Smell might be gross, but at least she was cleaning it in the pic you posted.
No. 255732
>>255723>a lot of what she say is true.I wouldn't say that, she's kinda batshit but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
I will agree she is very cute though.
No. 255734
>>255730I know, but people aren't seeing that stuff when they buy meat. Most people don't know or care what goes on behind the scenes, so of course they're not going to see the hypocrisy in crucifying her. Not saying it's right, but it's not hard to see why nonvegans are upset at her actions.
>>255731>but at least she was cleaning it in the pic you posted.And? She let the filth build up to a disgusting level. I'm by no means an expert on chicken sacrifice etiquette but I'd assume most people clean up after every kill? Or at least not let the blood rot in their closet for months on end?
No. 255735
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Avocados are gross.
No. 255753
>>255735Strongly disagree, but then again I'm basic
Vocal child-free people are the cringiest people.
No. 255756
>>255737If you've never had one before maybe you got one too ripe or not ripe enough?
Anyways different strokes for different folks, I eat avocado toasts every single day with salt, pepper, paprika, garlic and sesame seeds. Good shit.
No. 255761
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>>255725>>255723>>255724I hate how damn self-righteous she is. She always blames others, never herself. This and her toxic, aggressive personality make it hard to root for her. Also, she really needs a good manager/assistant because her mental issues really show through her social media. Not just the crazy meltdowns (chicken incident, calling other stars all kinds of slurs etc.), but also manic phases that include excessive self-confidence, sleazing up to other famous ppl or visiting events without pants.
I also hate her opportunism. First, she slanders people and then she tries to beguile them. When she tried to get Nicki to collab with her I was sooo embarrassed! Like, who do you think you are?
This might be the unpopular opinion of my post: I think Azealia's singing voice is cringy. I love her music and her raps and the singing in theory fits, but the way she sings is super weird, especially the high/loud parts. Ugh.
No. 255764
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>>255761Thank for bringing this to my attention Anon, I'm cackling.
Didn't she see how sad and ashy her ass looked before leaving her hotel?
No. 255767
>>255759>I always presume nobody would even give a shit about their weight if they weren't such bad personalities.This could be said about most nitpicking. Nobody would be bitching about so and so's nasolabial folds if the person attached wasn't terrible. Plus most cows are so incredibly vain so it sort of makes farmers want to attack their looks. There are only a few truly hideous cows.
>I don't find Onision/Lamey interesting at all and their popularity dumbfounds me.>Sh0e belongs on /pt/, there are cows on /pt/ who have less active threads and less milk.Shreg 1.0/Lainey and Shreg 2.0/Shoe are surprisingly similar in a lot of ways imo. Then again you don't have to find a cow personally interesting to think they belong in /pt/
Not exactly an unpopular opinion, but some cows horrify and depress me so much that I wonder why I even come here lol. Like Amanda Baggs
>>255760She seems really annoying tbh but that's it. There's not much else to her. There are a million other girls on the internet just as annoying as her, the only thing that sets her apart is her bf.
>>255761>I hate how damn self-righteous she is. This reminds me of how nasty she was to Cupcakke about her boobs. She tried telling her to get bolt-ons like she did because it'd help her career. Banks should be the last person on earth to give career advice and Cupcakke in probs more successful now than she ever will be.
And yes, her singing leaves a lot to be desired. Her dancing is even worse.
No. 255773
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Blobfishes are so cute imo no matter what state they're in but I feel sorry seeing them melted like this.
>The gelatinous blobs we think of as blobfish are actually decompressed specimens suffering from decompression damage.
This sounds so painful. Poor little fishes.
No. 255776
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>>255773If there was even the smallest chance that I could meet one of these monstrous being in the sea I would never go swimming again. They look like a failed human cloning experiment, pure nightmare fuel.
No. 255782
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>>255776>>255777Actually they live in deep sea water so there'd be no chance of encountering them. They look more like pic related in their pressurized habitat. Hope that helps lol I still find them cute
No. 255785
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>>255764>>255761I love her music, but frankly, she's hateful. I don't get how she throws out racist insults like candy from a pinata, especially since she actually makes some good, reasonable points when voicing her opinions in streams and such. I feel like she's possessed by the ghost of a 40 year old racist white woman who comes out when she's angry or something.
Also, this might just be my ED talking, but she's been kind of bad-bodied for a while. It's like she has no waist, she only looks right when she's super skinny. The breast implants did her no favors (and the nipples in the Anna Wintour video looked about ready to poke someone's eyes out).
No. 255789
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I love alternative fashion, but shit like this is absolute cringe
No. 255793
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i fucking hate this hair style
No. 255796
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I love short bangs but they're hard to pull off. Most people who wear them look like shit.
No. 255797
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Grown ass adults who say things like pic related are so embarrassing. Also, I think Disney/Disney World obsession as an adult is kind of cringey, too. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking it or going to parks, but I know single/childless people in their late 20’s-early 30’s who spend thousands on Disney vacations multiple times a year. Maybe it’s just not my cup of tea so I can’t see the appeal.
No. 255806
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Speaking of Azealia and racism
Someone needs to tell her to lay off the bleach
No. 255820
>>255805No, because she calls other black people gorillas, monkeys and slaves. She uses insults that would literally target her herself.
Maybe learn a little about the situation before getting pissy.
No. 255847
>>255835I like avo but I can't see the appeal in eating it on toast. It's more of a texture than a taste thing, I don't want it in large quantities with nothing but toast to offset it. I'll have it mixed with salad or as a spread on a wrap or something but not on it's own.
If someone doesn't like it I wouldn't bother recommending it though. It's barely food in itself, just an addition to an existing meal.
No. 255892
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Juniors sizes are pointless and just make finding your size even more chaotic than it already is. Women don't work like that. If you're no longer pubescent and able to wear childrens clothing, then there's a regular women's size for you. If you're small you can do 00 or womens petite and if you're not small you can DEFINITELY do a regular womens size. Or am I missing something?
I'm not talking about calling a section of a store juniors because it's marketed at younger girls, but the sizing. I see that there's an explanation in pic related but it still seems redundant. Why not just make petites?
No. 255899
>>255875After years of dating old fucks I realised they dated me because I was young and dumb.
Date someone around your age and grow together
No. 255912
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It's getting discouraging for me to walk everyday for exercise because my feet blisters are so bad. Fortunately the super painful toe blisters I got a few weeks ago have finally callused over, but now I'm developing this giant blister on the paddings of both feet.
I've tried bandaging, wearing good socks and shoes that breathe. I want to walk and could do so for many miles but I usually have to quit after 3-4 because my feet can't bear it. I'm doing so good with my weight loss but stupid shit like this holds me back from better progress. I'm really fed up.
No. 255915
>>255909Some people really, really love the beach and I think that's the main reason people like summer where I live. They actually enjoy the feeling of sun exposure, and you don't need makeup or clothes other than a bikini while you swim.
I really hate it personally since I hate the sun and don't really like to swim, but I admit I experience some pavlovian positive response to summer since it was the best time of year growing up (school hols). It feels more relaxed even if nothing changes, the longer daylight helps.
No. 255916
>>255913Saucony cohesions that I bought a couple weeks ago after my old shoes gave me the first round of blister pain.
I also bought support insoles and stuck those in.
I mean they definitely give me less blisters but it seems like the blisters 'migrate' by week to a new area. Hopefully the whole underside of my foot becomes a giant callus soon so I won't have to deal with it anymore.
No. 255918
>>255912Have you got hydrocolloid bandaids? They're great for blisters. But the most important thing is to give your damn feet a break. I had non stop blisters for month from breaking in skates, and it was because I insisted on wearing them without letting them heal first.
Otherwise, just consider another form of exercise. I don't know why you'd cling to walking if it's so painful, try swimming or cycling. Or just focus on eating less, if you're fat you can accomplish the vast majority of your weight loss with diet alone.
No. 255919
>>255918>hydrocolloid bandaidsNever heard of them, thanks for the rec.
Also I don't have access to a bike or pool. I'm eating well below my deficit but I see the best, quickest results when I'm exercising a lot. Weight loss with only diet is frustratingly slow, and doesn't help me build muscle. The walking is to condition for a trip in a few months where I'll be doing a lot of walking.
No. 255931
>>255785>I love her music, but frankly, she's hatefulI adore 212. It’s unhealthy how much I jam to it when I’m cranking out work. And I hate how much I like Liquorice. But god damn she paypassed Lindsey Lohan levels of crazy straight to Amanda Bynes. I can deal with celebrities flashing their genitals on the red carpet or showing up drugged up to events. But she’s next level crazy and I can’t cope.
My unpopular hip hop opinion is that British rap is underrated and I wish it got more love.
No. 255969
>>255964Meanwhile men can act like men unfettered.
Your attitude is what causes threads to derail, fyi.
No. 255983
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>>255968He's really disgusting and reminds me too much of cosmo for me to feel bad for him.
OT, but I wish we had a cosmo thread in /snow/ or something. He's one of the most lulzy and depressing humans I've ever witnessed. There's a lot of old stuff to unpack, but idk if he's as active anymore.
No. 255984
>>255975> if you really want to take a bat to someone's headOf course, I wouldn't. It's just frustrating enough for me to imagine it.
>>255966>>255969>>255976Let's not pretend that in most cases, the gender has no importance with the OP. The attention seekers I'm talking about are the type to have to make it clear "I'm a girl btw" even if it provides no value to the discussion at hand. It is plain attention seeking. I also hate the idiots that provide attention by either worshiping the attention seeker or making hate threads. It just ruins everything.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that we have a place like lolcow where being a girl is the default gender and I don't even visit other imageboards save for /g/ and /vg/ on 4chan.
No. 256001
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>>255996I feel like everyone holding him up as a sex idol are trolling. I just can’t imagine hoards of women legitimately finding him to be the epitome one of male beauty.
No. 256006
>>256003THIS! This so fucking much! The entire career of them was just the scandalous rock'n'roll gimmick. Imo they contributed nothing special to the music history like other bands did (Led Zep, Pink Floyd and of course the Beatles) I have a huge Stones Fan as a friend and even up to this day I never really understood why she loves them so much because there are so much better "classic rock" bands than that.
Jagger and Brian Jones were kind of cute back in the day but other than that nothing special besides the scandals tbh.
And don't even start talking about the ticket prices they have these days like the fuck.
I payed for some concerts a lot of money to see some ~legends~ life but I would never pay that much like the Stones charge for their tickets.
No. 256007
>>256006samefag but I like to add: another band that is overrated is AC/DC.
This is such a typical white dad type of music lmao
No. 256011
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Most face peircings are gross and ugly. Even the more socially acceptable, like septum or nostril peircings, are super offputting to me.
No. 256013
I don't really understand people who are openly racist, but like things made by the races they hate.
Like, "white supremacist rock" like Skrewdriver is kind of silly, considering African-American people pioneered rock music. Shouldn't they actually despise that genre of music as an "aberration" and play lute music instead?
A softer example is 20-somethings who live and breathe /pol/ and constantly reeee about hating black people, but listen to Lil Peep, use "nigga" as a term for "dude" and other black slang, etc and black people who complain about white people on Twitter and Tumblr all day, even though both sites were made by white people.
We wouldn't even have most modern technological advancements if it wasn't for cultural crossover. Like, have fun getting shocked by shitty pacemakers, not having blood banks, purposely using unsafe open heart surgery methods, abstaining from coffee, not using certain types of fabric, abandoning all use of paper, mathematics, electricity and computers altogether because it was all made under ~*multicultural*~ circumstances, by people you don't like. Let's all go back to the Dark Ages and live in the woods just to keep our societies monoracial and bloodlines pure /s.
I just don't get it at all.
No. 256040
>>256032>>256032The hatred of her is weird. SJWs act like she's literally Hitler.
I can't imagine having a strong opinion of her either way because she's so bland and unremarkable. She's no better or worse than any other popstar in the game.
No. 256046
>>256035i agree. so many artists write songs about their exes, and if you're famous, you've dated famous people, so you'll have famous exes, and if you're a writer, you'll write songs about them. there's so many besides her, like ed sheeran (don't about ellie g), selena and justin's back and forth, the weeknd (his recent one about selena), justin timberlake (cry me a river about britney), etc, you can go on for fucking forever.
and like u said, her exes do the same to her (harry styles "two ghosts", john mayer "paper dolls", jonas brothers "much better") and i don't think they're anything wrong with it, they're expressing their emotions like writers do. she gets so much shit for writing songs about people when so many artists do it too and i don't see why it's only bad when she does it.
No. 256108
>>255759Jillian Vessey and her Confetti Club aren't really all that milky. I don't see the difference between her and the average Tumblr user. Sure she can be cringey, but is that deserving of a thread? Especially 25 threads at that?
I don't know, she doesn't strike me as interesting when compared to the other cows here.
No. 256112
>>256108Idgi when it comes to the confetti club. Are they all gorgeous? Fuck no. Can they dress themselves properly? No. Are the hurting anyone? Also no.
What’s the big deal, they just can’t match colours.
No. 256115
>>256111Nope, I outright criticized black people who complain about white people on white inventions. A lot of inventions that make our lives easier today were made by non-white people, though not "literally all".
But in the first place, pretty much all white-made technology wouldn't exist if it weren't for all the methods, materials and concepts developed and discovered by Arabs, Asians and Indians. If races stayed isolated from each other, things would be a lot shittier and less convenient for everyone. Humans are supposed to integrate in order to advance, deal with it or go live in a cave.
Sorry if you listen to rap music or use black drag queen slang while making passive-aggeressive posts about non-white people online and felt targeted by my post.
No. 256119
>>256115>Sorry if you listen to rap music or use black drag queen slang while making passive-aggeressive posts about non-white people online and felt targeted by my post.Calm down lol
And no, definitely not.
No. 256216
I default assume all asians posted online for beauty inspo have either a layer of shoop or cosmetic surgery or both like
I just really hope non-asians aren't aspiring to look like them since it's very, very fake.
No. 256220
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>>256001We need to go wider
No. 256267
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I really don't understand girls who cry on here about how men objectify them and think men see them as nothing more than a pretty face and pair of titties only to rip on some slightly above or below average cow for having nasolabial folds, 'aging like milk' and being fat despite crying about the same thing themselves or laughing at girls for being ugly and daring to exist and want the same things pretty girls do. Like, what else are they supposed to do, kill themselves just because they aren't beautiful loli princesses who are 28 but look 14 like everyone on this site claims to be?
That's my unpopular opinion - a lot of farmers are incredibly vain and obsessed with their looks, many seem to isolate themselves and dump their friends at the drop of a hat because they're "toxic" when it's usually for some petty reason, usually because they expect people to talk to them first and cater to their sensitive personalities and laundry list of mental issues without them having to do anything or return the favor. Then they come on here and cry about being lonely and fat. Which makes them no better than any given cow on the website, and I feel bad for the bfs of anons who complain about being bipolar or having concerning amounts of self-esteem issues and emotionally dumping on their overly supportive SOs. Getting triggered about random things other anons say and having a million slapfights in /ot/ per day because your feelings got hurt that someone said they don't like cats on the internet only makes it more obvious.
No. 256271
>>256267Totally on the spot here. I think a lot of people here are worse than the cows they pick on.
>>256108>I don't see the difference between her and the average Tumblr user.This is a great point. She isn't a great person but I think there are a lot of people like her. The only difference is that Jill is from a rich family and is good with video editing.
>>255759I think Charms is pretty fat, especially a year ago. I do think that a lot of Americans including me have pretty bad perceptions about what's fat or not. But Charms has had a skinny face despite being fat so I think it is surprising to a lot of people to see her full body.
>>255797I also don't see the appeal of going to Disney World (or anywhere) that often. There are way more interesting places in the world to see for cheaper.
No. 256274
>>256267I was up with you until
>because your feelings got hurt that someone said they don't like cats on the internet only makes it more obvious.there's nothing wrong with defending cute animal on the internet, anon.
But yeah, the "nasolabial folds" type comments can get out control. It's like people here don't know how women age or that they'll grow older themselves one day. People get wrinkles, it's not the end of the world.
No. 256275
>>256013You're not supposed to get it, believing in any kind of group supremacy is by definition irrational superiority complex. It's just a thing those who are part of the group bond over and use to obtain/maintain privileges.
I personally love
triggering dumb shits by doing what you just did and listing things they aren't supposed to enjoy because they made by ~nonwhites~. Poltards always respond with "w-well, whites improved it!" or "a-and whites are still better at it, checkmate atheists"
No. 256282
>>256267I disagree with you only because it's a huge reach to say that every single anon shitposting about a cow's flaws is coming on /ot/ to talk about their problems.
How do you know for a fact someone here who objectifies to how men treat women are the ones picking on Dakota for nasolabial folds?
How do you know for a fact that the anons who talk about their weight issues here are the same ones shitposting about Moo being fat?
The simple answer is that you don't and it's a huge leap in logic to even presume the majority of people who post on /pt/ and /snow/ even post on this board.
And maybe anons who post about their personal problems here do so not because they're secretly putting on blast every cow, but because this is one of the few anonymous chan boards that exist where women can actually talk about their problems.
Although I agree that the slapfights in general ought to stop solely for the fact that it's a waste of time.
No. 256300
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I want to go back to being a stinky weeb. They look like they’re having way more fun. I’m full on gym-rat, career woman now and I have nobody to squee over my secret Fujo / weebshit with.
No. 256301
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>>256300anon I'm an ex dweeb too.
You know its not worth it and how bad depression hits you BAD.
I'm proud of you for taking the best option long term
you got this its worth it
No. 256303
>>256301Nayrt but my depression only got worse when I “gave up” anime and weeb shit. Granted, I no longer have any IRL friends to weeb out with since they all turned into game streamers or wannabe rappers/rockstars, but at least when I start feeling the crushing, sinking empty feeling of my depression telling me I’ll never be happy again, I start a new slice of life anime and start picking out favorite characters. It’s probably not “healthy” but it’s definitely better than watching daytime tv, feeling like life is pointless and I can no longer enjoy anything anymore.
>>256300I’m still a low key weeb and I wish I had IRL/online friends to weeb over stuff with like I did in high school, but things change and anime/weebshit becoming mainstream threw me out of the “You only like it because it’s weird/different!” crowd and grouped under “You only like it because it’s mainstream!”, so it’s like I’m “stuck” with my old, boring weeb hobbies while my “friends” are trying to become famous musicians so they can finally start living their ~real lives~ when they’re ~rich and famous~. I’ve considered trying the friend finder thread but everyone there always complains they never meet anyone that they keep in touch with.
That all said, nobody can tell I’m a weeb. I have a couple pins on my bag and some decals on my car, but the only way to tell my power level is to mention anime around me.
No. 256309
Hamilton has some nice songs but also a lot of cliches, historical inaccuracy for the sake of cheap drama, and its not mindblowing. It blew up because it was seen as different, but that's just because of the hip hop element and diverse cast. That doesn't reflect on the actual quality of the material. I mean, its not terrible. Its entertaining and nice to listen to. But its not the revolutionary piece of theater everyone makes it out to be. Overall the songs are pretty good, but some lines are just jarring and out of place.
Lines like
>You’re an orphan. Of course! I’m an orphan
>God, I wish there was a war!
>Then we could prove that we’re worth more
>Than anyone bargained for…
>If you stand for nothing, Burr, what’ll you fall for?
>With every word, I drop knowledge!
>I’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal
>When I fight, I make the other side panicky
>Let’s hatch a plot blacker than the kettle callin’ the pot…
>Why should a tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?
>The feeling of freedom, of seein’ the light
>It’s Ben Franklin with a key and a kite! You see it, right?
>Well, hate the sin, love the sinner
Just eye roll worthy lines that needed to be edited out.
So much of it is just blatantly wrong like this line
>My father has no sons so I’m the one
When Angelica had a dozen other siblings.
And Miranda's response is
>I actually forgot that Phillip had 15 children. But I think that my brain wanted me to forget because it’s stronger dramatically if societally she can’t marry you. And in reality, she was married when they met
>To me, it’s extremely effective to see the courtship from Eliza’s perspective, then rewind the whole thing and then tell it again. Angelica, while she and Hamilton are soul mates, she reads him in a second and knows she can’t marry him so she lets her sister marry him to keep him in her life. I definitely had to take a dramatic license.
Uhm what. How do you "forget" that one of your main plots is totally off. All for the cheesy love triangle that was totally unnecessary yet got multiple songs (okay
songs, but still).
tl;dr I don't think Hamilton is the greatest shit to exist and its highly overrated
No. 256310
>>256304I agree with a lot of her points (femininity is attacked and diminished, female characters are flat and undeveloped, women are only considered "strong" characters when they're physically strong, etc).
Its funny to me that men in the comments make a video about women back to being about men. I didn't see how the video says anything about "anti-male," its more talking about anti-femininity.
>>256305how is that comment handmaiden? That exact opinion has been discussed on the TERF thread on here and is fairly valid.
No. 256311
>>256310>female characters are flat and undevelopedno? the only time I can think of this is when the tomb raider thing came out, even then she wasn't flat and underdeveloped, she still looked feminine
>women are only considered "strong" characters when they're physically strongstill no of these women aren't physically strong, where are you getting this?
>how is that comment handmaiden?claiming that feminism is removing femininity when most americans aren't feminists for one, and even then most feminists encourage and like being feminine, the fact she threw "teehee im so curvy and soft" in there made it more than obvious she was just trying to get attention
No. 256313
>>256311same anon but I just glanced at your link
How many of those movies are from the past decade? Not many.
Also that's a feminist site, which as you yourself point out, is not the mainstream.
Twenty films spanning from sixties to today is not compelling evidence.
Also here is an opinion piece on why "strong female lead" or other terms similar are actually pretty reductive No. 256314
>>256312>As characters. Their character is flat and undeveloped, not their chests. again, where is this happening that isn't the tomb raider example? almost all female characters are curvy
>They're common adjectives used to describe characters who lack depth, development, focus, etc. I think you need to read more about this subject.well duh, a lot of them focus on the sex appeal, even then modern movies don't focus much on characters at all
>>256313>Twenty films spanning from sixties to today is not compelling evidence. okay then name me movies where women have to be physically strong to be strong, in fact movies where women are physically strong are often portrayed as mean scary dykes
>Also that's a feminist site, which as you yourself point out, is not the mainstream. which only further proves my point that the big bad feminists don't want to remove womens femininity, the point was the movies, not where it came from, the movies still exist whether this site is popular or not, my point was that most movies and media still have strong female characters without them being physically strong
and I agree with the article, but why even post it? do you even know what we are discussing?
No. 256315
>>256304How is having the "badass" woman any more ridiculous than the "badass" man?
How many men in real life, in spite of their superior physical biology like she claims, are anything like most fictional men?
I don't really like it when people make blanket statements about biology for that reason because it supposes FICTIONAL female characters are any more absurd than fictional male characters.
Not that I disagree that the "badass" woman trope is overdone. I'm actually impressed that she mentioned The Golden Compass because that's one of the first female characters that popped into my head when I thought of strong women that weren't necessarily physically strong. I do think writers and media could do a better job of creating women who are strong in other aspects.
It's not weak to be feminine, but I don't see why that means masculine women can't exist or that their physical strength can't be empowering. Or that because strong females exist that it means the male characters are de-masculinized or made dumber for it.
No. 256316
>>256315that wasn't the point, the comments that talk about how feminism removes femininity and everyone hates men type shot
obviously, movie characters aren't meant to be realistic but how people reacted to the video is the problem I have, I also hate how she claimed that women being strong brings men down
No. 256319
>>256314>again, where is this happening that isn't the tomb raider example? almost all female characters are curvyIs this a language barrier or something? Again, I’m not talking about their bodies, anon. I’m talking about their personalities, their traits, their arcs, their
character. Google “flat character” or “underdeveloped character.”
Here is another article you should read issue has been talked about to death, by people much smarter than the girl in the video you posted. But her general ideas aren’t invalid just because the commenters went all “male tears” and she doesn’t understand feminism. The core concept of her complaint is valid. Just use google and poke around. Make sure you’re using the right search terms and understand what they mean (like flat and underdeveloped)
No. 256320
>>256316People reacted to her video in that way because that's exactly the framework and argument she sets up.
She thinks women written as physically strong is unrealistic (and a tenant of feminism), ergo that emasculates men because it's showing that women are stronger than them when she claims that is never biologically true.
The comments are unsurprising because she's making men the victims. That's exactly her point.
No. 256322
>>256319> my point, even then most feminists are trying to fix this problem, not shaming men and removing womens femininity like the comments claim
> again, agree, even then, why or how is it removing femininity or "being anti-male" like again, the original point I was discussing
>she doesn’t understand feminism. The core concept of her complaint is valid. Just use google and poke aroundmy point was about the comments… not so much the video
No. 256326
>>256324> I also don’t think the woman sharing her own feelings and experiences was a handmaiden.she went on humblebragging about how she was teehee so soft and curvy and feminine and how she loves men and how the big bad feminists remove femininity when it's far from true
>It’s ok for women to feel maligned by the media, without it being a defense of meyou're right, but the girl in question was a poor example, not even june would leave such a handmaideny comment
No. 256328
>>256300How the hell do you think weebs are having more fun?
I have one friend who I like to talk about my weeb/fujoshit with. I'd like to think that we are both fairly normal. Before that I used to talk about my weeb/fujoshit with my ex and he liked it. My most recent boyfriend wasn't into fujoshit at all and it's a pretty big reason for why I broke up.
No. 256336
>>256329Nah. He didn't seem to understand my fujo tendencies at all. For example, the day we broke up, I was talking about Hannibal and he said there was nothing gay about the show. I then said I loved TV shows with a lot of sexual tension, and he suggested Mad Men even though I was clearly talking about TV shows that had gay sexual tension. I was also watching Devilman Crybaby and he had no idea what I was talking about when I said a male character was jealous of the MC's interest in his girlfriend.
He also had this weird defensiveness about his masculinity that was a huge turnoff.
My bf before that was a lot more into it. I called him and his best friend Kaworu and Shinji, and he was chill about it. He was way more ok with me joking about him being gay in general. I feel like a boyfriend who is ok with anything less is a waste of time.
No. 256350
>>256343I'm turning 24 in a few days. I'm a fujo weeb. What can I say?
>>256340I feel like half the people on /ot/ would call this guy a sexist MRA or something. idk he wasn't a good fit for me for other reasons, and I have reason to believe that he isn't good relationship material in general right now.
>>256348They're both p chill with it today.
No. 256356
>>256350I'm pretty sure that anon meant that
you were the cringefest and if so, I fucking agree. Keep that shit inside and don't drag real people into it.
Lowkey reminds me of the fujoshits I went to school with who actually wrote lewd fan fiction about two guys in my grade and got suspended for harassment.
>I'm turning 24 in a few days. I'm a fujo weeb.Sad!
No. 256420
I really need to pack for the music festival I'm volunteering at for the next week. I'm supposed to leave in like three hours but I've barely done anything ugh. When I first went to this festival I spent what felt like an entire month getting ready but I can't be bothered now.
>>256356My friends literally don't care. Why does it bother you?
>>256365Would it be better if I shipped adults? lol I just got into shipping South Park characters this last year too.
Anyways here's some other bitchy reasons as to why I broke up with my bf besides the fujo shit:
>Identified way too much with his European heritageHis dad was from Europe and it was weird to me how much he identified with it. Don't get me wrong, my parents are immigrants too and I am not ashamed of my ethnicity at all. But he identified more with his heritage than I did with my ethnicity. I spent a lot of time in my family's origin country when I was growing up, I lived there for two months on my own, and my family knew a lot of other immigrant families from that country growing up. On the other hand, he had never been to his dad's home country and had only taken a few language lessons. It was weird.
>Cultural differencesI'm from a pretty boring rich white suburb of a southern state and he was from the middle of nowhere of another southern state. I thought it was cute at first, but he ended up being more traditional than I thought. It just felt like we had a difficult time talking due to our backgrounds. Weirdly enough I had dated someone else also from a rural southern town and an international student and I never felt a cultural disconnect at all.
>Lack of empathyNothing of note happened while we were dating, but I felt like if things ever went badly for me, I would never be able to talk to him about it. I had problems coming to him to talk about minor problems I had. He said to me that "empathy is an illusion".
>Calling me unambitiousI had to take a couple of years off of school due to being sick, so I was older than him and still in undergrad even though he had completed a masters degree already. (It is in the humanities and not one really that would help in the job market though.) Now he's on his way to a PhD in the same field. Apparently, he didn't like my apparent lack of direction in life even though I had scored a solid internship for this summer. I think it's easy to say you have a certain direction in life when you are in academia/medicine/law vs other fields where people are more likely to bounce around jobs. I think he can get a tenure-track position someday in his competitive field but I just don't see the appeal of bouncing around temporary job to temporary job filling out 200 applications each time your current position ends.
Overall I don't really think he is a bad guy. Maybe boring. I think it would be fine to date him as long as you never experience any major problems in your life unless you want to be told to do something about it and stop feeling sorry about yourself.
No. 256421
>>256259>>256266I'm what some would consider a mommy gf. Maybe I'm biased but daddy relationships are much more gross than mommy gf relationships.
A mommy gf relationship is about the man going against gender norms and giving up control to the woman. The woman uses that opportunity to show how much she appreciates her boyfriend by being super nice to him. It's a "gentle femdom" thing, super vanilla.
On the other hand, daddy type relationships often have fucked up foundations. It's about pushing gender norms to the extreme, which often leads to abuse of the submissive woman by an older controlling man. There's also the fucked up BDSM aspect with things like Daddy Dom Little Girl.
In general a relationship where a man gives up control to the woman is much more balanced than a relationship where a woman becomes extra submissive to the man.
No. 256442
>>256421>A mommy gf relationship is about the man going against gender norms and giving up control to the woman. Isn’t it reinforcing gender roles of the motherly caretaker?
I don’t care about either group because I think people can do what they want as long as it doesn’t go too far (roleplaying pedophilia, etc). But I also don’t think either is more progressive than the other. They’re two sides of the same coin. One is about male dominance, the other about female nurturing.
No. 256446
>>256442>Isn’t it reinforcing gender roles of the motherly caretaker? That's not the gender role standard for heterosexual relationships. Male dominance is the actual gender role standard for heterosexual role relationships.
>roleplaying pedophilia99% done by daddy type relationships.
No. 256457
>>256447God I hate those kinds of parents, especially the kind who make it their whole identity. Ooh, your kid is sugar free gluten free organic raw vegan and doesn't even know what candies are, they only eat dates and "nice cream" and green smoothies for snacks, wow aren't you special and the best parent.
Also a great way to alienate your child from their peers and have raging food issues in the future when everything "processed" etc. is the devil.
>My childhood friend's mom was like this>Friend is now overweight and seems to eat junk food almost exclusivelyKek
No. 256464
>>256457My uncle is a music hippie. He's mostly vegetarian but he will eat fish. He's not very healthy and he has a lot of cardio problems. Yet one of the things that drives me crazy is how he forces my younger cousin to have the same kind of diet with the belief that it's 'healthier.'
And tbh she's just as overweight because they eat junk and she's probably hungry all the time because they eat a lot of carb.
My uncle will go on and on about how meat is the devil because of the 'processing,' but they'll have no problem with horking down a mac and cheese casserole.
I can tell my cousin really wants to try meat, she's said it before. But she's so brainwashed under their roof that she doesn't want to disobey her father. I think she's 17? She's kept on a very short leash.
No. 256465
>>256447>>256457Lol, my mother didn't give a shit of what we ate and my siblings and me are all tall and athletic. If you're not completely unfortunate in the genes department and simply play and move a around like normal kids should, then you won't imediately turn unhealthy/fat if you eat some chocolate once in a while.
I alsoo knw a mother who never allowed her daughter anything, fast forward she started going to my school when I was a senior and every single day that girl secretly bought chocolate croissants for break. Depriving them when they're young will oly resort into them induldging all the "forbidden" stuff once they're older.
Plus no mater what anybody tries to tell me, giving your baby only raw vegan food can't be healthy…
No. 256469
>>256453Gosh I hope this isn't unpopular but I agree. Bariatric surgery is also nice because in order to get approved for it they do have to see a nutritionist and psychologist beforehand, plus be on a supervised diet. So maybe a lot of their issues would get addressed along that process as well.
The stigma against bariatric is so unfounded for the minor procedures like lap band. That one is completely reversible.
I can see why people would want to gastric bypass a teen though, that surgery has a lot more complications and long-term consequences.
No. 256484
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This shit looks repulsive. I'm hoping she didn't go outside like this.
No. 256490
>>256484That drag tier instathot makeup is so awful.
I hope this is the '80s hair' of the 2010s.
These people are going to be embarrassed as fuck.
No. 256518
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>>256447>helicopter their kid's diets to the point where they can't have certain things are weird and aren't doing their kids a favor by not teaching them about a phrase called "moderation." Yeah I agree for the most part. But we weren’t allowed soda or sugary fruit juices in the house. We were allowed them when we went out to eat for special occasions, and if we got takeout my brother and I could split a bottle or can. Considering how many children are obese these days, I’m glad my mum didn’t stock the house with shit, especially drinks which are so easy to guzzle. My parents were both also vegetarian but fed us kids meat (they’d go out of their way to make two meals). They also fed us vegetarian meals and “fake” meat, so we had exposure. Now I’m an adult, I’ve chosen to be vegetarian for myself and I know how easy it can be, but my brother decided not to. I think the way my parents did it is the right way tbh. Restriction but not so much to give a complex, and an introduction to the food they ate but not an enforcement.
Considering again how unhealthy a lot of kids are today, restriction and moderation are clearly missing. I get that helicopter parents seem weirder, but I think the bigger issue is parents who give their kids Mountain Dew in a bottle and McDonalds for dinner. There are so many obese or overweight kids and their parents are the only ones to blame.
Sage and sorry for semi-blog posting.
No. 256531
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People in health care get too much praise by literally everyone. "Boo hoo I have to work 14 hour shifts" Like dude, that's a long shift but you make an insane amount of money (as an RN) compared to the average person especially if you add overtime and differential pay; you can make a fuckload of money. I have worked in a hospital and seen highly paid people sit around and make fun of patients sitting feet away from them behind closed doors. Some people in health care are really nasty and cynical cunts. I just hate huge unexamined beliefs like this that people defend tooth and nail.
No. 256539
>>256301>>256303That’s the nicest thing I’ve had said to me in weeks anon. Wish ya all were my friends so we could be secret and only slightly cringy.
>>2563362fujo5me, sorry. I think I’d be weirded out if I had a fudanshi bf. hypocrisy I know but if he was tooooo into it I’d be afraid he’d turn into a troon.
No. 256685
>>256531I came here to say this after spotting that nurse thread. I usually see at least one post a day about how nurses are selfless saviours and doctors are sacred lifesavers, but most docs are in it for prestige and don’t give a shit about people and nurses tend to be seriously mediocre people.
Everyone ignores that they’re paid bucketloads and that their shifts can actually be quite flexible with lots of rest days.
Do you know who actually deserve credit - the seriously underpaid girls who work as carers (at least in the U.K.) who are shat on literally and metaphorically and have terrible contracts. Or social workers, who are treated poorly by everyone but still get into dangerous situations every day alone to keep kids safe, whilst being paid peanuts.
No. 256724
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>>256722Sorry for your bad taste, anon
No. 256808
America is bizarre about so called patriotism.
No. 256835
>>256267yeah not gonna lie, there have been times where i had to take a break from this place (more specifically certain threads) because people were so fucking nitpicky at the most over the top level that it was making me feel like shit
sage for blog posting and no unpopular opinion
No. 256850
>>256803On this topic I think it's hilarous how easily
triggered people get when anyone criticizes our military expenditure. It's as if they feel the need to justify their investment like one does after they purchase something really expensive that is of questionable value.
No. 256887
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My confession is I actually really liked Kat Von D's wedding, right down to the Crimson Peak-ish dress and horn headpiece.
I see where all the 'try hard hurr durr' input comes from
But honestly? It's a frickin wedding, all weddings are over the top, this is just the first one that actually made me feel like I guess people usually feel about weddings with the ooh-ing and aah-ing.
Idk man, I guess it's just the romantic goth in me that was really enamored with it and its aesthetic.
No. 257026
>>256907No, their wedding was in a Beverly Hills hotel but the theme was heaven and hell
Very extra
The sheer effort of planning that much extraness really impressed me
No. 257044
>>256887I agree anon. It was fucking ridiculous but I liked it a lot. Couples should be able to do what they want with their weddings and if I had the money I’d do something outrageous like that too.
I don’t know a lot of KVD’s drama tho so eh
No. 257107
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>>257093I like lipgloss, personally. But I think some people glop it on way too much. And I don’t like how it feels on myself or having to be cautious of my hair getting all gross and stuck. Subtle lipgloss is very pretty to me and I like how healthy/moisturized it makes lips look.
No. 257122
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Lipgloss over lipstick any day.
I think the trend of wearing bold (matte) lipstick looks ridiculous on young women, plus it brings out your lips imperfections (shape, texture,…).
The only exceptions I'd make are mature women at a special event wanting to look glamorous, but please only a nice shiny red (not some weird "unique" colour) or something very subtle if you're an older lady and need a little extra to look fresh but feel like shiny gloss is too much.
No. 257140
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>>257122i don't like crusty dry lipstick lips but perpetually wet looking shiny lips are also weird and your hair gets stuck to it.
lip crayon reigns supreme
No. 257291
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>>257288>>257288Kate Spade supposedly killed herself over her divorce, though. Not seeing the difference? Bourdain has struggled with addiction too, so that might have played a part for all we know.I've always heard that Alton is a total asshole in real life though, what a shame. Gif not directed at you lol
No. 257295
>>257291I thought she killed herself over her long standing depression and anxiety? Her separated (they weren't divorced) husband seemed really amicable and both he and her sister confirmed she had lots of mental probs. So I do think it's slightly different although you're probably right about his addiction having something to do with it.
Lol that gif. That's my favorite.
No. 257299
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>>257295I'm not trying to rag on the poor woman and that probably
is the case, but I'm just going by what little I've read on her. Granted, the coverage of her death hasn't been the best. Some choice headlines from some not so great publications:
>KATE SPADEDEPRESSED BECAUSE HUSBAND WANTED DIVORCE>Kate Spade was extremely depressed in her last days of life, because her husband wanted a divorce … law enforcement sources tell TMZ.
>Kate Spade’s suicide came after husband sought divorce>Kate Spade fell into a deep depression days before hanging herself because her husband
>Kate Spade killed herself 'after her husband demanded a divorce and moved out' >Designer left a note telling her daughter, 13, that she loved her, it was not her fault and told the teenager to 'ask daddy'
>Kate Spade 'depressed because husband Andy wanted to divorce' before suicide at 55>TMZ say law enforcement sources report Andy wanted to end their marriage but Kate didn't, and that she was "extremely depressed" in her final days. etc.
Again, really bad coverage.
No. 257303
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>>257288I loved Anthony. His and Alton's works are what pushed me to take an interest in cooking and are basically the ones who taught me how to cook.
Bourdain was just so blunt and straightforward with his stuff, it was refreshing to see a regular dude in the food world who wasnt some stuffy bourgeois type who was disgusted by anything that wasn't of the finest quality.
oh god i hope suicide contagion doesn't take away more people. first kate spade and now anthony pls no more.
No. 257311
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Modern anime got ruined because studios are adapting retarded light novels that read worse than fanfiction and dumb otaku keep buying it.
No. 257313
>>257238I think I have an ability to guess if two people (who are not dating/married) have shagged by looking at a picture of them next to each other.
Obviously I have no way to verify but I think the body language is quite obvious #uselessskills
No. 257317
>>257288Bourdain has always been a douche and I expected him to OD rather than suicide given his past addictions
It was also terrible of Spade to kill herself when her daughter is only 13, not to mention the grandfather saying she was about to scout colleges with her daughter. Unless that girl has a conscience of steel she’s probably completely lost with this situation
No. 257385
>>257311He was part of Chinese mafia, then fought in the war - I'm guessing on Japanese side, massacred 3000+ people in Nanjing plus 1000 more after the war ended. Didn't get judged for war crimes, instead became a national treasure and international dojo owner.
No. 257395
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>unpopular when you're a woman
I love sexualized anime and videogame female characters.
No. 257399
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>>257395gif related
>>257397guess "i'm bi" is synonymous with "guy here" or "wig0nhead here" at this point.
No. 257405
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i like seeing girls being degraded but i'm a bi girl!! teehee
No. 257412
>>257407if you swapped "bi" with "a man" this post would've gotten you banned as hell
>>257408>Not that anon, but come on. Are you guys seriously surprised someone attracted to women likes sexualized female characters?yeah. being into hypersexualized characters like this isn't something normal lesbians/bi girls do, it's something neckbeards do.
~i'm into loli porn but it's not creepy because i'm bi uwu~
No. 257416
>>257412lol it sounds like you just wanna hate on women who are happy with their sexuality. Just because you can't orgasm it doesn't mean we should all be like you.
All I did was post an adult woman I think is sexy and said I'd want her to give her oral. First you pulled the "wanna degrade women" and now you're pulling the "into loli" shit. Get a grip of yourself.
No. 257418
>>257416>lol it sounds like you just wanna hate on women who are happy with their sexuality. Just because you can't orgasm it doesn't mean we should all be like you.if you can only orgasm to chinese cartoon characters that were drawn by men who have most likely never seen a real woman before, i'm gonna make fun of you no matter what your sex is or how happy you are with doing so.
>All I did was post an adult woman I think is sexy and said I'd want her to give her oralliterally a video game character lmao
>First you pulled the "wanna degrade women" and now you're pulling the "into loli" shitI didn't make the first post you're talking about, only the one you linked.
>>257412*neckbeards and straight-leaning girls with an embarrassing amount of internalized misogyny
No. 257438
>>257430>you seem like a cunt with salty vagina for gatekeeping other people's sexualities and dismissing it all by calling it "internalized misogyny, "does it for male approval" kind of bi, etcit pretty much always is that kind of bi. the legbeards who genuinely do like it don't have room to call others virgins. some people's sexualities deserve to be made fun of, sorry not sorry.
>>257431and that anon was acting like a man, why does she get to stay for exhibiting the behavior they get banned for?
No. 257455
>>257450>Just because I'm bi and I love seeing women in skimpy clothing it doesn't mean I like seeing them in pain or degraded. Don't lump us all together, there's nothing hotter than a woman enjoying sexsounds exactly like something a y-chromosoid would say. males aren't welcome here because they're cringey, attention-whoring pervs, which that anon was too.
>yikeshi tumblr
No. 257469
>>257455>something a y-chromosoid Who calls men this? Like seriously? I’ve never heard anyone say this. Also, how is “yikes” a tumblr thing? Anon, I think you need to take several steps away from the internet and breathe.
On topic, my unpopular opinion is that meat is overrated. Most meat is gross to me and I can’t stand grease or bones or cartilage. I hate the inconsistency in texture. American bacon just seems like salty strips of fat. The only thing I dealt with (before I bit the bullet and just became vegetarian) was white chicken breast. And even then, it’s so easily over or under cooked, tough or chewy, or tasteless. A bean burger always has tasted better to me than beef. Beef can be chewy, tough, bloody, and is just a patty of one taste. A bean burger can be crunchy, smooth, flavorful, consistent texture, etc. Also a lot of raw veg is delicious. I eat raw tomatoes like they’re apples. Raw mushrooms are superior to cooked, they’re crunchy instead of potentially slimey. I don’t need salad dressing or seasoning, just give me a plate of veg and I’m happy.
No. 257499
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Too many farmers are not familiar enough with chan culture for these boards it seems. Too many users from PULL or some shit who don't know how to joke.
No. 257569
>>255759Micky Moon is probably mixed. She doesn't look like the average black girl at all (should be obvious, but anybody pointing this out seems to cause fights in her threads for some reason).
Nicole Dollanganger's old music was fairly decent, if simple, and I can understand why she amassed a fanbase.
Grimes is probably a farmer.
I don't think Rasbii lying about her age is a huge deal. A lot of kids/teens do it to fit in on online communities that they'd otherwise be shunned in. It's gross and skeevy that she seems to have gotten involved with a guy in his 30s at that time, though.
No. 257579
>>257569Highly agree with all of these
>Grimes is probably a farmerGod, I hope so. Can you explain why you think so though? Is it the way she keeps interacting with so many cows?
No. 257585
>>257579>Is it the way she keeps interacting with so many cows?Yeah. I didn't think much of it when I saw she befriended Nicole, but then she praised Ginger Bronson (which would've been plausible back when she was blonde and had more of a fanbase, but not at that point), and things started looking suspicious to me ever since. Then, the sudden announcement of her collab with Poppy and Tits during the midst of the lawsuit when their thread was exploding just bolstered things. Three cows is a bit much.
Even if she doesn't browse Lolcow much, she's definitely active in Tumblr scenes where cows and snowflakes pop up often.
No. 257588
>>257569Nah fam, Micky is pretty damn average when it comes to black features. Don't let her shoops to try and lighten her skin even more and make her eyes attempt to look blasian fool you.
In normal candid pictures, she very much so looks like your average black girl. She's not mixed, nor will she ever be mixed.
No. 257600
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>>257588I disagree, she looks like the female, real life version of the Amerimutt meme in her candids. Even the way she carries her fat is different from the typical black girl (completely apple-shaped, no ass whatsoever).
She definitely has a lot of black ancestry, but I doubt that's all that's going on with her. She's almost like Brittany Venti with a heavier dose of black and an extra 50lbs thrown onto her frame.
No. 257604
>>257600It's like the only black people you have ever encountered is on BET. Black people come in wildly different shapes and shades just like white people. Not all black people are shaped like hourglasses or pears, hell many of them are the very apple shape that Micky is especially when they get fat
Fun fact: most black Americans, even the ones as dark as night, have some white ancestry. Does that make them mixed? Fuck no it doesn't, they're black. She's black, will always be black, and she'll never be able to run from being black.
No. 257638
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>>257600>Even the way she carries her fat is different from the typical black girl (completely apple-shaped, no ass whatsoever).So you think having a gut, but no tits or ass is a white only thing…? kek
No. 257650
>>257604It's true that there are different "types" of black, but most black people don't look like Micky is what I'm saying.
>Does that make them mixed?, yes. And there's no doubt in my mind Micky has a few drops more of white blood than the average African-American (who is, at max, usually only 25% white).
>>257638No, but typically, black women carry any excess fat they have all over, especially the hip/ass area, which is probably why it's stereotypically called a "ghetto booty".
The fact that you brought up white people when no one was talking about them makes me think you have some weird hang-ups and insecurities around this particular subject, so I'll just drop it.
No. 257660
>>257650You claimed she's mixed and that the apple body type is uncommon for black girls. She's clearly not half Asian though and Latinas are also said to have big asses, so I figured that the only option that's left is white.
>The fact that you brought up white people when no one was talking about them makes me think you have some weird hang-ups and insecurities around this particular subject, so I'll just drop it.You've been trying to push the "Micky isn't black, here's the proof" shit for days. You shat up her thread and now continue here under the pretense of it being your 'unpopular opinion'.
How can you accuse anybody of being insecure when you're the one who doesn't want an ugly black woman to be simply black? Do you feel she's too ugly to 'represent' your race? What's the big deal about it, why did you even care or think about this to begin with?
No. 257662
>>257660I said she's probably mixed, not that she definitely is, and for some reason, it's making you chimp out. I wasn't even the only one in that thread who mentioned it, I simply agreed with anons, and I certainly didn't post in there "for days", so I'm not sure why you're throwing out all these accusations hoping something will stick. "Representation"? Why would that even matter? She's not famous or relevant to anyone outside her Tumblr in-crowd and on Lolcow. It just looks like you have an odd vendetta around that concept.
You're honestly the only one shitting up the thread because you can't tolerate opinions you disagree with, which is funny considering you entered an unpopular opinions thread. Now take a nap, seriously. Lolcow isn't that big of a deal.
No. 257715
>>257650You need to get out more and actually look at black people cause, in her candids that aren't over saturated with photoshop, she looks 100% black.
Not all black people look like they come straight out of the Congo, fool.
No. 257755
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>>257751You must be mistaken. They're cartoons meant to be an exaggerated portrayal of a typical American. The joke is that they're mixed people with delusions about being pure European.
The only actual person used commonly as an example was the kid with the birth defect from Stranger Things, and he's definitely not "full black" (or probably even black at all).
No. 257814
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I hate how people encourage each other to “let themselves go” when they’re in a committed relationship. You can be comfortable with someone without abandoning all of your self control and discipline FFS. I take pride in my health and appearance and want to stay fit and reasonably attractive for my SO.
No. 257818
>>257814>people encourage each other to “let themselves go” when they’re in a committed relationshipDo people actually do this? I mean, obviously many people let themselves go, but I've never seen it encouraged anywhere. Men universally freak out at the very idea of their future wife gaining weight, women seem to just accept their husband getting fat as normal.
Anyway in general I agree, that mindset is crazy to me to begin with. My worst nightmare is being someone's increasingly fat wife, if I'm gonna be fat I don't wanna inflict it on anyone else. I once 'let myself go' after I broke up with someone and gained a fair bit of weight because I was like 'finally I'm single, I can quit dieting'. It was fucking awful but way better than if anyone was going to be seeing me naked. I think I'd have had a mental breakdown if I had the external pressure of a partner because I find it discouraging to lose weight for someone else- I can only do it for myself, at my own pace.
No. 257833
>>257830Yep, some people just gain weight when they’re happy. My family loses weight during stressful times because anxiety, appetite, and work. We
all gain it when we’re on holiday, at the start of new relationships, or when things are just going good. When you’re cuddling on a sofa, eating snacks, and watching movies, your weight is going to be different than when you were too anxious to eat all day. Eating out in general will make you gain weight, but especially if you’re on dates all day and eating out for every meal and snacking on cotton candy, popcorn, whatever.
I don’t think people are consciously letting go. Some are just less anxious about their looks, their weight, or their lives in general.
No. 257947
>>257946>What if their partner died?Doesn't change much.
>Or you're unable to have children yourself?I'd rather adopt. Being a step-mom and dealing with the actual mother sounds like a pain.
No. 257950
>>257942What is
gasp someone actually loves them as a person and doesn't see children as a deal breaker?
Each situation is different anon. Just because you yourself don't want to do it, doesn't mean anyone who does it is a "loser bottom feeder"
I personally think it's great if someone can love someone with kids and be a good parent to the kids
No. 257951
>>257942If both people have kids, I don't see the problem.
Wonder if you'll rethink this when you're a single mom in your 20s, kek.
No. 257969
>>257942>my mother's younger cousin marries and gets a child with a dude who already has one with another woman>his first gf already left him while she was pregnant>the cousin buys a house, he gets his own pub in it>he leaves her, doesn't pay rent for his pub, doesn't pay child support>also, wants to see the child regularly, meaning she can't move back home>now she's in a far away city, alone with a small child, having to share an apartment with a studentShe said she would advice every young woman to
never take somebody who already has a child. Maybe its different for a single mother, since she takes care of her kid, but how bad must a dude be, that she rather is alone while highly pregnant instead of with him…
No. 257970
>>257959This tbh
There are so many situations where its just better for everyone for a good step parent to be involved, I don't know why annoying mgtows need to butt into peoples business and scream about how people who are with someone with kids is a loser and shit, no one is literally even hurt by it unless one of the parents are bad parents, it blows my mind why bystanders see a happy family and have to make rude comments on it
No. 257977
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>>257975Most people just call it "flat" but at any rate it's not like small chests aren't ever represented as sexy. They're just in more niche markets, like bikini modeling.
No. 257979
This has probably been posted here before but whatever.
Anons in Onion/Laineys thread are so..nitpicky towards Lainey. Like, Onion, I understand. He's disgusting, no question about it. But anons in that thread talk about Lainey like she's a disgusting hambeast that looks like she got ran over a train 3 times over. They just talk about Lainey's appearance as if she's the ugliest human on earth but to me she just looks..average? She has a shitty haircut, but she's not fat, but anons in onions thread would disagree. To them she's unhealthy, grotesque, and fat lol. I had an ED for years (recovered for the most part), and hearing people call Lainey huge, covered in fat/rolls etc makes me feel like shit tbh, she's not much bigger than me and she's had 3?? Kids. It just boggles my mind how far farmers reach.
No. 257986
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>>257975what media are you looking at?
For movies:
Emma Watson, Mila Kunis, Emma Stone, Jennifer Aniston, Charlize Theron, Amy Adams, Julia Roberts, and Cat Blanchett were among the top paid actresses of 2017. They all have relatively small chests. Jolie, Keira Knightly, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, Kristen Bell, and Olivia Wilde all have small chests as well. I would argue small boobs are better represented on the big screen.
For tv:
Most of the characters of GOT have smaller chests, except Dany. The main female character on Westworld is not well endowed. I'm not sure about cable TV tbh. I know BBT and Modern Family have women with larger breasts.
For music:
Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, Pink, Gwen Stefani, Rhihanna, etc. Unless you're just looking at Nicki Minaj or Katy Perry.
For fashion:
Kate Middleton, Kendall Jenner, Gisele, Adriana Lima, Kate Moss, Michelle Obama, Alexa Chung, etc through this list and see.
For every Marilyn, there's an Audrey. I think we get fine representation.
No. 257987
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>>257975idk how I forgot FKA Twigs as well! She's petite all over. Honestly, there's too many smaller chested celebrities to name them all.
No. 257991
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>>257975>mfw my breasts are so small that A cups are slightly too big and everyone around me treated it like a deformity in my teenage yearsI feel you anon.
No. 257992
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>>257986Anon was talking about really small breasts. None of the women you mentioned are A/AA, not even a stringbean like Alexa Chung.
Angelina Jolie, are you kidding me?
No. 257993
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>>257992Yeah her boobs don't look like that.
No. 257997
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>>257992Angelina Jolie was a mistake, I was just going through a list of the most paid women.
Most of the women I mentioned have relatively smaller or chests, or what would be called "flat." Of course, your definition of that may vary. Not to mention its hard to tell exact sizes based on photos.
The point is that small boobs are represented, especially in fashion and movies.
No. 258008
>>257979Same for June and Kota. If others happen to stumble across this side and read that, they're immediately going to think we're only nitpicking their appearance and as a result completely overlook the shit they've really done.
Also, about that boob size thing: there are so many female A listers with no or only very small ones. Meanwhile all big chested female actresses always have to either portray the dumb, but hot stereotype or some homely figure…
I'm a D cup and can't really think of anybody I could "admire" or look up to that isn't just fapping material for guys…
Girls with smaller tits can be sexy if they choose to but also don't have to, meanwhile if you're as big as me I can hardly hide them (e.g. pic), which is quite uncomfy, especially when you're just a teen.
No. 258024
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>>258018What? Ever heard of Twiggy? Kate Moss Heroin chic? Hell, flapper girls?
Smaller boobs have always been fashionable. Except like in porn
No. 258034
>>258025are you just a
triggered chestlet who's desperate for male attention?
No. 258035
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>>258025Says who? have small boobs and men “flock” to me just fine. Not every guy is obsessed with bolt ons or DDDs. Some find them gross, fat, saggy, stretchmarked, veiny, etc. everyone’s different.
Stop taking lessons in sex from porn.
No. 258052
>>258046yea straight women are known to watch hetero porn of big tittied women. thanks for the links i had no idea the plastic surgery industry was so bad wow ur so smart /s
women want to look like the women in porn because that's what most of us are raised to aspire to look like to attract men.
plastic surgery industry doesn't create self hate, it thrives on it. it existed before.
No. 258078
>>258073Yeah reject logic and links as being “open ur third eye.”
If you wanna wallow in self pity or go through extreme surgery, go ahead. I’ll sit her sexually satisfied with my b cup knowing that all men are different, porn isnt representative of what men actually want, and I don’t need to change anything about my boobs for them to be sexier. All boobs are great. Hope you learn to love yourself.
No. 258085
>>258078i literally never said all women with flat chests are undesirable. i said lots of women, especially as young teenaged girls, felt shitty about having small breasts. i have a small chest and personally love it but i know lots of women who sometimes feel sad about it. please take your daily xanax
No. 258098
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>>258084What?? No anon. Everyone knows these are the most desirable boobs ever and everyone wants giant jugs.
What’s that? Boobs come in a variety of shapes and sizes? There is no single perfect boob? Nope, youre just going all “open ur third eye.” Everyone knows big boobs are best and small boobs are unattractive so women with small boobs are justified in hating their bodies because they’re not sexy! /s
In all seriousness, there’s nothing wrong with having boobs like this pic. If you search “big saggy boobs” a shit ton of porn sites come up for guys who are into that. People’s sexual tastes are so diverse so comments like
>>258025>men aren't flocking to that shit>>258018>it's more like a recent thing that smaller chested women are seen as sexy.Are stupid as fuck.
All types of boobs have been seen as attractive because men are all different. It’s like arguing men don’t “flock” to brunettes, which is obviously not true. Or that being seen as sexy as a blonde is a recent thing, which is again not true.
There is not optimal or even better boob size, nipple size, shape, etc. Men really don’t give that much of a shit if they’re getting laid. Focus on health and confidence and you’re fine. Someone is out there who’ll find you sexy as you are
No. 258112
>>258098I agree with this anon.
Clearly when there's boobs being sexualized in media they're always the best, most desirable examples and are not reflections of reality ie. that most big tits are saggy, have stretch marks, large areola, etc.
My bf is okay with my boobs and most other people think I have good boobs because of my bra. If I ever had the guts to show those people what they look like without I'd get the "eggs nailed to the wall" neg. As I've seen stated on this website too…
No. 258113
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>>258105Learn to love yourself anon. And go have actual experience with real, experienced men. Stop looking at porn and fake boobs. Or if you must stay on the Internet, go to sites that are about how hot small boobs are. There’s plenty of them.
No. 258115
>>258114Idk if this is the same anon as here but
>>258025>men aren't flocking to that shit>>258018>it's more like a recent thing that smaller chested women are seen as sexy.This is what’s being addressed. Those inaccurate statements.
No. 258116
>>258115 if you're not that anon stop acting like everyone is only talking to you. and if you are you're an idiot. there were more arguments than "many women are insecure about their boob size".
No. 258118
>>258115straight men aren't talking about kate moss. learn context.
smaller chested women are definitely more prevalent in the mainstream media today as "sex objects" (ick) than 10 years ago because the conversation has migrated to asses
No. 258120
>>258118Ok so you are the anon who said “men don’t flock” to small chested women?
I’ve argued all the ways that’s wrong but you’ve switched to now arguing that “small chested women have a right to be insecure.” But now you’re back to “straight men don’t like flat women” after that’s been disputed already?
You’re going around in circles and you’re not accepting anything that’s been said. You keep switching your argument and pretending you’re arguing something different when called out.
Here it is simple: men have different tastes and like different things. Some men “flock” to brunettes, some to blondes, some to red heads. Some to fit women, some to thin, some to thick. Some to flat, some to curvy.
Stop getting your understanding of men from porn ffs. Go talk to actual men. You’re being absurd.
No. 258124
>>258120i'm saying kate moss isn't the best example holy shit you're not telling me anything new
i personally like my flat chest. you're the one talking in circles for some reason about porn. unplug crazy lady
No. 258130
>>258126>>258127i don't agree but i empathize with them. being born in the 90s, there weren't a lot of women in the media that were seen as sexy by straight men that had flatter chests, i had to hear jokes about flat chested girls, etc. today there are lots of examples of women with smaller chests seen as sexy by straight men (gal gadot and lots more) but unfortunately some women still today do feel that they're not sexy or feminine enough.
straight men aren't really big on examples such as paris hilton or kate moss. not because they're ugly and flat chested but because those were female celebs that other women were more into.
No. 258131
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>>258130Seen as sexy by straight men?
Like Katie Holmes? Who so many men adored in the 90s?
No. 258134
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>>258130“Rachel” was styled to be flatter chested. And was undeniably the one most men fancied
No. 258136
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>>258130Sally was supposed to be the “ideal” woman. Bar a few episodes where she wore push-up bras, she was fairly small
No. 258137
>>258135okay? the second half was meant for
>>258131you're proving me right though. you continue to try to deflect any proof to suit your point.
the real truth is that only immature idiots give a fuck about breast size, men and women included.
No. 258139
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>>258130So many guys I knew had a major crush on Buffy who was basically flat for most of the show
No. 258142
>>258134im not saying there were ZERO sexy female celebs with flatter chests or that men don't like small tits or whatever but that the "sex icons" had them. like a kate upton or something. we're not talking about healthy role models or the ideal girlfriend or some shit lol. i'm talking about insecurity in women.
>>258137i agree with you what the hell. there's nothing to "prove" because i never said men don't like small titties. i said kate moss and shit aren't the best examples to give young women when they're scared men won't like them or w/e. that's all i meant. i should've worded it better initially, my bad.
No. 258144
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>>258130Alicia Silverstone
No. 258152
>>258142No, you keep making bullshit statements that are easily disproven like
>men don’t flock to that shitLinks are posted that prove men do
> there weren't a lot of women in the media that were seen as sexy by straight men that had flatter chestsPhotos are posted that prove there were, actually an overwhelming majority, flat chested female celebs in the 90s.
No. 258156
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This infighting over titties is insane what is wrong with you people?
No. 258165
>>258155it's cool fam it's just obvious the anon is either nuts or trolling on purpose or both. i also find it funny how those people get so pissy and accuse you of speaking in absolutes but then get mad when you call them out for the same thing.
it was pathetic the convo literally went:
>i think small boobs can be sexy>NOT EVERYONE THINKS THAT, THEY'RE NOT SEXY>yeah but some people do>LITERALLY NO ONE THINKS THEY'RE SEXY, ESPSECIALLY MENS!>some people definitely>I-I NEVER SAID NOT EVERYONE DOES! I-I LOVE MY BOOBS BTW No. 258175
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>unpopular opinion thread
>getting so autistic that you clog up the thread because reeeee you don't like someone's opinion
No. 258189
>>257942related, but I think women who decide to keep pregnancies in their teens/early 20s are morons. especially so if they're still in school (and yes I live in a place where there's no restrictions on abortions).
I'm not sure if that's truly an unpopular opinion though, people tend to keep those opinions private.
No. 258211
>>258203what are you talking about? What models? Singers and actresses from the 90s were posted up thread.
And you seriously shouldn't look to instagram to find out what guys like. That's kinda pathetic tbh. Just talk to guys.
No. 258231
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>>258226In the nineties, yeah. What, did you think only gay guys liked them? Or that all straight guys liked Pam? Kek. Google anon, it’s your friend. If you weren’t born in the 90s just google “nineties sex icons.”
No. 258242
Insecure chestlets who don't feel sexy enough (((;o;))) are absolutely pathetic
>>258226Why did they even bring up
90s "sex icons" anyways? Literally 2 decades ago. Now, gays really are the only men who like Gwen.
No. 258247
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>>258242it's a damn unpopular opinion thread dude, calm your bitter ass down
and yes, people tend to overreact when they aren't attracted to womens breast size
whether you agree or not, people CAN be fucking nutheads when they aren't attracted to people, especially when it comes to women with "small" breasts (I put small in quotes due to the fact men nowadays are calling full Cs and Ds flat chest) because of this women tend to develop extreme body dysmorphias and paranoias, just let them vent ffs
No. 258254
>>258252>unless complete strangers are going out of their ways to harass you about your miserable lil tinties on a daily basis, I really don't want to hear itdid you even look at the damn picture? there are literally men breaking up with women over their small breasts, I've had a guy literally scream at me for stretching back until the professor kicked him because "i had nothing to show off", At one point most people could barely hold a conversation with me without talking about how small my boobs were and shit, this isn't a one-time thing either, I've heard stories of men abusing women just to later shame their breast size, or the men that act as if their life is horrible because their girlfriend is a D and not a porn star with giant tits
just let them vent, you don't know what they've been through, jesus fucking christ, if you don't have empathy go to /b/ or whatever
No. 258259
>>258254I don't fucking care. This is the unpopular opinion thread, not the vent thread.
All women get harassed, yet chestlets bitch and moan like they have it worse than everyone else just because they can't get male attention as easily.
No. 258265
>>258259the point was that women with small chests feel insecure then a bunch of women came in with lol wtf theres nothing to be insecure about then posting kate moss as an example of a sexy woman with a flat chest lol
that's it, retard. look through the thread
No. 258266
>>258259then get over yourself, do you think you own lolcow or some shit? if you don't like it, just ignore it and move the fuck on, don't know why you go out of your way to make it known you think women who get annoyed with constant harassment about their chest size and have insecurities due to how people react to it, are "annoying whiney bitchy crybabies!"
>moan like they have it worse than everyone else just because they can't get male attention as again, look at the picture, people treat small chested women as sub-humans, I've seen people brag about laughing at girls with small chests before for simply existing, if you dare not wear anything outside of a loose turtleneck people will laugh and lose their shit, women with small chests often get their womanhood removed, people always talk about how if you don't have big tits you aren't a real woman this, you're practically a man that
people lose their damn minds over women with small chests, and it's not about muh male attention because if anything I'm tired of all the attention being on my breast size, people can barely even let women live peacefully with small breasts, strangers always have to make comments on it unless you wear burqas and live in a closet all day
basically, you have NO idea what you're talking about, you really need to open your mind for once and do more listening and not so much of the insisting, and if you don't want to do that either just get over yourself and keep lurking
No. 258268
>>258265>>258266I'm not even talking about the ones who shit up the thread earlier, just in general. I'm sick of hearing them whine about it.
>look at the picture, people treat small chested women as sub-humansIncel-teir victim complex
No. 258270
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>>258268but you clearly think that there's something to whine about
No. 258273
>>258268i don't get it either anon.
Excessive bean-flicking over whose boobs have it the worst should be a damn game at the oppression olympics.
This isn't the first time I've seen it here either.
No. 258275
>>258270Uh, what? Are you trying to accuse me of whining for calling you annoying after you just posted several walls of text about how flat chested girls are
super opressed and treated like sub-human crearures?
No. 258278
>>258274So, no one's allowed to make fun of people for whining now?
>>258276I made a typo, retard. And I deleted the other one.
No. 258283
>>258281What do you think you're calling me out on? How am I whining for stating my opinion that chestlets whining about their petty problems are melodramatic losers? And I'm
not a fucking male lmao. Go back to tumblr, *sweatheart~*
No. 258285
>>258278>>258281>>258283Who hurt you freaks?
How many hours are you gonna devote to this? Are you okay?
No. 258286
>>258285I (>>258283) wasn't one of the ones who were arguing about this shit earlier. I posted an opinion about an hour ago, then some idiots got
triggered about it and started arguing with me about how opressed their titties are.
No. 258287
>>258286You’re still doing it..why get involved?
Unpopular opinion: I hate fat activism and body positivity. I hate the focus on looks and insisting beauty matters, and I hate the lies about nutrition and how harmful obesity is. It’s a bullshit movement.
No. 258294
>>258291I think you mean you like running your point into the ground then embarrassing yourself for another hour.
There was no argument here. That whole drama over titty sizes was less of a debate and more like two Down’s syndrome kids in a bathtub, each convinced the other stole the soap.
No. 258303
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>>258294>two Down’s syndrome kids in a bathtub, each convinced the other stole the soapI'm having a hearty kek at this imagery, thank you.
No. 258306
>>258302Why make yourself look stupider?
>>258303I feel well paid for it with the serial butt stabber image
No. 258316
>Some find them gross, fat, saggy, stretchmarked, veiny, etc.
>most big tits are saggy, have stretch marks, large areola, etc.
Not part of this "conversation" until now, but if you have to resort to insult women who were simply born like this just to feel better about yourselves, then I hope that your boyfriends leave you for real - at least then you'll have a legit reason to feel as "oppressed" as you claim to be…lol
No. 258353
>>258321> you're insinuating that all big chests in fact are as ugly as you're describing themThis. I don't understand why a lot of women have this need to attack other women on some petty bullshit like that. Why give a fuck what guys think? Are you really going to base your selfworth on breast size and the amount of positive attention you get from men?
And since the anon knows how it feels like when someone insults you on the account of breast size, why perpetuate that and call larger breasts
> big breast are saggy veiny and ugly anyway :^)Fucking disgusting.
No. 258416
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>this fucking thread
No. 258419
>>258416Except it was started by the complete opposite…
You're just trying stir shit up again.
No. 258424
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Nobody cares about your sweater cows.
>this is an unpopular opinion
No. 258426
>>258422Whatever makes you feel better for not being a woman lol
The only pro I can think of for being a flatboard is that you don't need a bra.
No. 258428
>>258422Another benefit is that you look thinner. My mum is a very thin woman but she has big boobs from having kids. They make her look bigger than she is and a little disproportionate. She always told me how lucky I am for being smaller because I can wear small, cute tops and I don’t bulge out of them.
>>258426Being a woman is not dependent on having big breasts and that’s a disgusting opinion tbh. You don’t happen to be fat, do you? The only women I know who go all “reeee women with small boobs aren’t women! Men want meat not bones!!’” are fat.
No. 258432
>>258431Anon just a few replies above you
>>258426>Whatever makes you feel better for not being a woman lollearn to read the thread
No. 258434
>>258426you're either male or a troll. stop shitting up the thread
>>258428mine are big, but my own unpopular opinion is that i like smaller ones better and have always been attracted to them (and envious of them because of the reasons you've stated) never felt like small boobs were masculine, they're definitely feminine and pretty in their own way
No. 258437
>>258432> learn to read the threadThis thread has blatantly turned into shitting on women who don't have AA cups. I'm a c cup myself but we have several posters here calling any larger breasts ugly fat udders.
>>258428> The only women I know who go all “reeee women with small boobs aren’t women! Men want meat not bones!!’” are fat.Oh piss off with your cringey shit.
>>258434> you're either male or a troll. stop shitting up the threadThis is my first post ITT regarding tits. How about you tell that to 10+ posters that talk shit about women with actual breasts.
Sage & hide for titlets ruining a thread.
No. 258438
>>258426>Whatever makes you feel better for not being a woman lolFuck off with this shit.
This is why people with flat chests feel so victimized because LARPers like you have to torment them online which is why they go "SEE?! BIG CHESTED WOMEN ALWAYS PICK ON US FLAT CHESTED WOMEN!!!"
Oh, oh, and then I gotta read 20 comments retaliating about how having a big chest is actually the worst shit ever.
I know you're fucking around (unlike them), so just stop.
No. 258439
>>258428>The only women I know who go all “reeee women with small boobs aren’t womentrue, same with ass, it's always fat, football shaped girls who have delusions about them being curvy who run around bashing women who don't have hippo ass for having "no ass" and claiming women who don't have triple Ds are bigger have no tits and aren't women, I've never seen an attractive, well-proportioned, healthy women do that
it just depends on the person, some big tits can look bad, some small boobs can look bad, even average sized boobs can look bad, it all depends on the shape, perkiness, ratio to the rest of the body, nipple/areola/boob ratio, etc, not so much size
No. 258442
>>258439I kind of disagree. Women with big tits look like cows to me. They always look big and older. I used to feel bad about having a small size but now I'm happy. Tits are just lumps of fat, and there's no shortage of that in our modern times where the average western person is fat.
Tits are just that, fat and usually look ugly without a bra or some sort of support. Literally cow udders.
Small breast are always cute and perky. I might be biased but I really like mine and I think they look better sooooo much better than some saggy lumps of fat.
I hope I didn't offend anyone because this is the unpopular opinion thread after all, and most people seem to think big tits are attractive.
No. 258443
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>>258422>>258428>>258429>"let me list a dozen reason why I'm totez not insecure about not having those ghastly fat cow udders"Stay mad bitches
No. 258446
And guess I forgot to tag you as well lol
>>258442 No. 258448
>>258443In real life, women with big tits look like cows.
Don't be upset moo-chan, you can always get a reduction surgery to become a feminine princess instead of being a lowly cow with disgusting saggy human udders.
No. 258450
>>258441no? mentioning the fact I've only ever seen fat uggos have this sort of behavior doesn't make me a ~paranoid tinfoiler~, I literally just posted, are you sure it's me who's paranoid and not you? what a strawman
>>258443you'd have a better point if you used a photo that wasn't editted, shooped, and of a JAV star, who are known to get tons of surgeries on their body
No. 258457
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>>258455Are you done flicking your bean to how ugly you can get about women with bigger tits than you?
You've got no space to call others defensive while one obvious bait calling you a "chestlet" sent you into a raging tirade against fatties.
You need a timeout.
No. 258459
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>>258457I'm sorry, did you say something fatty moomoo-chan?
No. 258462
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>>258459>A-at least I'm petite and feminine, you jelly cows!1!1Fuck off ana-chan
No. 258464
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>>258463Or you're not, but instead lucky enough to be born slim, but with big boobs.
No. 258471
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>>258467>I'm 110 with a D cup and a bubble buttNice roleplay.
Roll a D20 so we can determine how much silly boys wanted you in high school too.
No. 258476
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>>258471Why anon. I'm not her but I'm a 90 with DD cups and a bubble but so it's definitely possible. When I fall for example, I just bounce back. Guys keep waiting in line to ask me out, I have troubles keeping balance though and I can't play hide and seek. Everyone knows when I enter a room because my tits are like 5 minutes ahead.
Still, I hate my saggy fat udders. My life's terrible ;_;
No. 258480
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>>257396>>257399What about just liking to look at pretty characters? Why are you being so judgmental?
No. 258481
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>this thread
Christ, I want to believe it's just like 5 autists max having an argument about tits on both sides.
Here I was thinking it must be nice and convenient to have small breasts (no need for bra, clothes hang correctly, etc) and big breasts are also good because they look sexy/womanly, but it seems like breast envy/chestlet rage is very real for some people.
No. 258482
>>258480>trying to pick a fight with a three day old postFuck off, loser. BTW, why do you expect the users on a
gossip site not to be judgemental?
No. 258485
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>>258480>>257395Just ignore them, anon. I like sexy fictional characters, too. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, I like that in Japanese anime and games, a woman being sexy and/or cute doesn't mean she must be weaker, incapable or less intelligent. You can be beautiful
and powerful. The male gaze and how much it favors you does not reduce the rest of your merits (and tbh, even if we try to "unsex" ourselves collectively, men are freaks. They'll just find a way to romanticize and sexualize us anyway. We can not escape objectification, the male libido
will find a way. Might as well work with it).
That said, I'd like to see more hot male characters, too. I don't really like to watch or play as ugly characters in general, and I'm sick and tired of seeing either the blandest males made so that male fans can self-insert, or hideous Zyzz-tier ogres everywhere just because anything else might make neckbeards jealous or start to question their sexuality. I hate that bishonens aren't more common. Beauty in media is a good thing.
No. 258488
>>258485>The male gaze and how much it favors you does not reduce the rest of your merits (and tbh, even if we try to "unsex" ourselves collectively, men are freaks. They'll just find a way to romanticize and sexualize us anyway. We can not escape objectification, the male libido will find a way. This. I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm not rooting for women to become whores and demean themselves for men just for the hell of it but I don't have a problem with sexy female anime characters. I find them aesthetically pleasing and beautiful.
>>258487That's why I'm a fujoshi, anon. Men throw a fucking fit over women sexualizing male characters and it's hilarious, their precious masculine pride can't take being the target of the way women have and always will be treated. Instead of trying to fight sexualization of female characters (as it's never going to go away), people should just start objectifying men. At least we should be able to enjoy a power trip the same as they do.
No. 258490
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>>258487If women start to take over the demographic and make the push for more attractive male characters, the creators will have no choice but to follow the money.
For example, the reason the anime industry is oversaturated with moeshit isn't because the producers are all manchildren making what they want. It's because the fanbase who have shown the most buying power are like that, and everything is done to appease them. It's just a matter of usurping their place.
The otome market for girls who want cute/sexualized guys is big, too, and it'll only get bigger the more it (or content like it) is supported. Useless neckbeards will scream and cry, but if we're paying the most money, they'll have to deal.
No. 258495
>>258491I'm not making fun of small-chested women. Both small and big breasts have their merits. Both are attractive to me, as a woman. Small breasts are more delicate and dainty, and they fit clothes better. Large breasts have more of a raw sexual appeal to them, and that's appealing too. If you don't care about the good things about smaller breasts, that's your problem, I guess.
I feel like you're an incel who's having too much fun stirring up trouble on "the girl board", so no more (You)s for you.
No. 258508
>>258506She literally wrote
>Small breasts are more delicate and dainty, and they fit clothes better.before that, can't you read?! You only cherrypick what you want!
please ban lunatic ana chan
No. 258513
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>>258485>I'm sick and tired of seeing either the blandest males made so that male fans can self-insertLol, same. And I'm not even asking for pretty boys (which would be appreciated), but at least some variety. They put the same 30-ish scruffy looking white guy in almost every setting and it's just SO boring.
No. 258514
I believe that Pizzagate (or rather, Pedogate, as the pizza restaurant is far from the only hub for this sort of thing) is very real. The evidence stacks up way too much. You can literally watch documentaries like "A Conspiracy of Silence", "An Open Secret", look at how people like Jimmy Saville, Victor Salva and Roman Polanski are essentially protected and defended, etc to find out it's not just a conspiracy theory. Jeffrey Epstein, an important figure, has literally been outed for owning an entire island that he used for child trafficking, and Bill Clinton has been exposed for going there more than once (along with a long list of celebrities). The mode of transportation used to get there was literally called "the Lolita Express", but people just ignore all of it for some reason. It honestly makes my blood boil a little bit when people insist it's "fake", because I can tell they never took the time to analyze things much. Don't even get me started on the John Podesta/"Skippy" thing and leaked child abuse videos.
I also hate that some Trump supporters are using it to try and gain political leverage and make everything about democrats. Trump is part of it. He casually talked about Epstein's child trafficking island, and it was clear he gave no fucks. This is beyond partisan politics or "sides". It's a global issue. No politician can "stop" it, they're almost all involved.
No. 258517
>>258515I just quoted what the ana sperg said in
>>258454 , how was that bait?
No. 258534
>>257975I hope you’re happy about what you started, OP anon. Look what you’ve done. A day of screeching later and it’s still going. It’s always interesting to see what
triggers these sperg-fests (of which I contributed to early on).
No. 258552
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Cooperate twitter accounts trying to be funny are embarrassing as all hell but everyone seems to think they're hilarious
No. 258557
>>258543Agreed. There's maybe one I enjoy actively.
I also don't understand the appeal in most streamers, which seems to be an unpopular opinion if you're <40 and like vidya
No. 258576
>>258566Yes!! I remember when pizzagate first went down and it was uncovering a lot of believable stuff. Then suddenly it went crazy and nearly everyone discredited EVERYTHING about it. You can't talk about pizzagate without being instantly labled as crazy. Is it really so hard for people to believe that politicians are apart of something nefarious?
I think the thing that creeped me out the most was all the nasty videos fo Joe Biden getting a bit too close to kids.
No. 258577
>>258550I think conspiracy theories are fun (er, not that one though), only problem is the people who believe in one theory believe in them all. Flat earth, aliens, whatever. So if any theory had even 1% truth it's discredited by the type of people who generally talk about it.
I think they are fun thought experiments kinda. I don't believe in any of them. Pizzag8 is technically not a conspiracy theory, as
>>258514 said there's ample evidence of a lot of this stuff. Pedos are all over the word and they take great lengths to conceal it. The fact that results in sometimes bizarre circumstances is to be expected.
I guess I am female so I will never understand why a man would want to hurt innocent children. I hate it
No. 258584
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>>258577>I think conspiracy theories are fun They can be, but it almost always quickly dives into "anti-christian jew demon worshipers who did 9/11" crap.
No. 258621
>>258619completely agree with your first paragraph. he seemed like a snobby food critic trying really really hard to show everyone he's #notliketheotherfoodnetworkstars and super edgy and real. Not a bad person and I'm sure he really was a nice guy to hang out with but I have so many friends writing about him like he was their actual dad.
As for the second point, I think sometimes having a lot of wealth and success can actually make these things worse, as you can't just say your problems will go away once you get more money or more success. There's a feeling that this is as good as it gets and therefore your problems will never go away. Still not a rational way to feel but I've seen it.
No. 258632
>>258619>I also don't understand why someone successful and well-loved would kill themselves.I agree with you anon and idgaf what excuses people will cook up on their behalf to explain the decision away.
Money does, in fact, make help and resources more available. So even if these celebrities have(had) an aversion to asking friends, family, colleagues, or even the countless fans who lick their asses for help, they still could have bought it.
Bought help doesn't work? Fine, then at least they tried something before slapping the faces of every mentally ill person who can only dream of having a fraction of the options they had.
Some people don't even have the luxury to suicide even if they want it. They'd have to think about the impact it'd leave on their families via lost income and funeral expenses. Money and help that they don't have to leave them.
Celebrities are not like you or I, and to act otherwise is to choose ignorance over reality.
No. 258633
>>258632Financial stability benefits mental health greatly, but if you have a mental illness no amount of money will buy you serotonin.
It’s a pretty ignorant view tbh
No. 258637
>>258633Money can buy you transport, referrals, and accessibility to some of the best psychologists, psychiatrists, and in-patient facilities.
I'd say your chances of fixing your chemical imbalances are at an advantage compared to the average person. But that's ignorant, huh?
No. 258660
>>258656I think people have zero obligation to respect or give a fuck about anyone's religion in general. There is nothing tangible or concrete about their beliefs (unlike race or sexuality or something self evident like that), as far as I'm concerned I owe them as much acceptance as I do kids with imaginary friends or people who believe in astrology- that is, you just acknowledge that it's what some ill equipped people need to get by and ignore it as much as they let you.
Just saying this gets you called an edgy atheist even by other atheists these days but I just don't think ~beliefs~ warrant any special indulgences.
No. 258661
>>258658So why doesn't every person with mental illness constantly make irrational decisions based on emotions if it's truly uncontrollable and never guided by things like guilt and accountability?
Face it, we've romanticized suicide as an option and sent the message that we'll absolve the deceased of responsibility (the latter a very attractive prospect for people wanting to die).
A celebrity knows better and has all the opportunity and they make the conscious decision not to. Again fine, but call it as it is and let's not pretend these people are being held by the balls in life.
No. 258663
>>258661Not the anon you replied to but not all mental illness is made equal and you don't feel the same every day with a mental illness. Some days you have better control over your emotions than others and some days you feel better than others.
When I had my suicide attempt years ago I genuinely, desperately wanted the pain to end and wanted to die, wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.
That was like 4 years ago now, I still have mental illness but I don't feel suicidal everyday and even when I do feel suicidal it's nowhere near as intense as the day I had my attempt.
No. 258665
>>258637Treatment takes time. It’s also notoriously difficult to get the right combination of medication required to balance out each individuals chemistry. Sometimes people are simply too far gone for treatment to be effective enough, especially after decades of illness, self destructive coping mechanisms, and the neuroplastic pathways influencing mood have been wired to negativity.
Yeah you’re, so obviously.
No. 258669
>>258656I'm from a Muslim family and honestly, I'm a non-believer, which is something my family doesn't like but doesn't really care abot all that much in the end. And while I'm not even white and I know about Islam a bit more than the average white people in my country I feel like I can't complain about it either, even though it affects my daily life because of my family, acquaintances and upbringing.
Even though I know what I'm talking about, unlike a bunch of people who don't like Islam because what it stands for more than because of what it does in some people's daily lives. And it's super weird when non-muslim and white people who don't know me online accuse me of being racist and an islamophobe when I complain about people nagging at me for not fasting in ramadan and asking super personal questions as to why I don't, for example. I wish people also wouldn't treat religion like they treat race, sex or sexual orientation when they talk about discrimination and other social problems.
>Nobody needs to be understanding and accepting of any fucking culture period.People seem like they're confusing "respect people [who respect you]" and "completely understand and accept other cultures no matter what". I'm always shocked when I see white Westerners say shit like "FGM isn't THAT bad because it's from another culture", like no, it's just plain bad, there's no way around it.
>>258660I never got called an edgy atheist but that might be because nowadays I'm careful about what I say online and irl.
No. 258670
>>258663>>258665>>258667Appreciate the input but literally nothing you've said refutes the fact that money and connections can buy better mental health.
In a literal, objective sense. Which IS the original point regardless if you want to switch topic to irrationality.
No. 258671
>>258632>then at least they tried something before slapping the faces of every mentally ill person who can only dream of having a fraction of the options they had.>>258670Sure but this part is super iffy. They’re mentally unwell to the point of literally killing themselves. They’re not slapping anyone’s face.
>idgaf what excuses people will cook up on their behalf to explain the decision away.mental illness is not an excuse. Do you think suicide is some kind of get out of jail free card? It’s the worst decision anyone can make and it’s because of their mental state. It’s not an excuse, it’s not to spite poor people who have it worse. Their brains are not wired correctly.
No. 258672
>>258670Better access to healthcare gives someone more support in tackling the mental illness but that's not necessarily linked to money, we don't even know what causes most mental illness so you can't pay more money to fix it.
I'm one of the anon's you replied to but I'm also a med student and used to be a nurse, trust me if throwing money at the problem worked, you wouldn't see so many rich people with addictions etc.
In a lot of high paying professions rates of mental illness are actually higher, it's not as black and white as you think it is.
No. 258673
>>258671>mental illness is not an excusePeople, especially the various cows and flakes here, use their mental illnesses as excuses to explain away bad and self-destructive behaviors all the time.
>Do you think suicide is some kind of get out of jail free card?I mean are you implying people never kill themselves so they won't have to face consequences? Not that this matters, most everyone who kills themselves knows they're doing it to be away from this life so yes.
>>258672>Better access to healthcare gives someone more support in tackling the mental illness but that's not necessarily linked to money.Being able to afford healthcare is inherently linked to money.
Again, more money means you'll be able to buy any medications you want and afford to switch at any time whereas most people can't or need to wait for insurance approvals or until they save up.
More money means you can see top professionals in the mental health care fields. And if that professional isn't a good fit? Great news for the rich. They won't have to research who's covered by their insurance and transportation to whatever office they need to get to will be a non-issue. Whereas with other people finding coverage, a good professional, and then traveling to that office is a huge issue.
Poverty and financial stress is linked to higher rates of suicide. There's no way this doesn't make sense to you.
No. 258683
>>258680Yeah, when people irl mention her I always hide behind "Ooo I liked Finding Nemo!" because otherwise I don't understand how anyone could find her disinterested, patronizing, and mostly unfunny schtick on television entertaining to watch.
At least when she voiced a 3D fish, at least the fish always looked engaged and happy around others. And the script forced her to be way more cheerful and optimistic than she actually is.
No. 258684
>>258676FUck yes I hate frosting on cake so much.
>>258679I think she can be funny but for some reason I always get uncomfortable watching her show and I think you nailed why. I've also heard that she's kind of a dick which ruins it for me further.
No. 258702
>>258514It happens ALL THE TIME when important figures have been outed as being part of a pedophile ring. Like what happened in Belgium in the 90's - an ex-victim of child sex abuse revealed that a lot of high-class Belgian politicians, businessmen, judges etc. had been arranging child sex orgies and torturing young children with a solid testimony and being able to tell things nobody would know unless they went through it. This surfaced when Marc Dutroux
was arrested for raping, kidnapping and killing children and claimed to be working for this exact pedophile ring and the police found a lot of proof to support this claim. Hundreds of thousands of people marched to gain justice for the murdered and abused girls. Suddenly the police were told to drop the case when they were making process with it and the local national news outlet started a smear campaign against the ex-victim was a raving lunatic and a pathological liar, and now everyone who talks about this whole thing is considered an insane conspiracy theorist. It's really sickening.
No. 258715
>>258702Didn't the same story come out about the British parliament in the 70s-90s (apparently Thatcher knew) just a few years ago, but for some reason this was not considered front page worthy?
While not directly a pedophile ring, everyone knows about the massive coverup of pedophile activity in the catholic church. There's a real life high-level conspiracy for you.
No. 258719
>>258702That's why I kind of wish some conspiracy theories weren't called that. Like pizzagate and any time a pedo ring is busted. Because it's ridiculous getting lumped in with crisis actor nutjobs or lizard people believers when there is actual evidence uncovered. There was a huge website for I believe the British parlament ring that had mountains of evidence but you'd never hear about it unless you dug.
>>258715That's another one I wish wasn't called a conspiracy because of how clearly true it is. That one netflix drama was frustrating to watch because you know nothing will hhappen after the nun's death
Is there a thread here for conspiracy theories? It'd be interesting to talk more about certain ones.
>>258679Ellen is obnoxious. She always interrupts her guests and is way too into herself. I worked at Petsmart and her commercial would run over and over. Her merchandise was pretty cute though which sucked because I don't want to support her.
No. 258748
>>258723this. conspiracy theory doesn't automatically mean batshit or made up ffs. it's a theory…and theories can turn out to be true or false…..about a conspiracy.
it's like saying you wish people wouldn't say they have arachnophobia because spiders really can be dangerous sometimes.
No. 258751
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>>258719>Because it's ridiculous getting lumped in with crisis actor nutjobs or lizard people believers when there is actual evidence uncoveredOr maybe you ought to consider that conspiracy theories are like any other broad category that contain everything from the awful to the groundbreaking. It's just people with different ideas and those ideas vary in quality depending on the intelligence and beliefs of those people. Same as music, art, movies, porn, opinions, religions, philosophies, even scientific theories. If someone mentions any conspiracy theory and it loses credibility with you because of flat earthers and the like, that's really on you.
No. 258756

>>258715And here's an example of the same thing happening in Lithuania. Note that YouTube deleted this video and terminated the uploader's account while it was getting popular. None of the site's rules were broken, but the Lithuanian government definitely did not want this gaining too much traction.
I wanted to post a CliffNotes version, but this is a pretty complicated story.
Basically, a couple divorces, and custody of the child is given to the mother. Later, the child starts talking to her father and his family about being molested by several men at her mother's house. The father takes this seriously, films an hour-long video of the daughter describing it (she was very young at this time, it's disturbing), and takes it to court. The father gets full custody, but somehow no charges are filed against the men involved, or the mother. The father decides to go public with things, goes to the news and starts naming names (some of which are powerful people, like one with a direct connection to Parliament). The police drag their feet investigating this because the accused are high-status people.
"Randomly" and "suddenly", both the appointed judge for the case and the mother's sister are shot dead on the same day with the same weapon. And then, the girl's father is found dead with the murder weapon placed near his body (the official story from the police is he "died of vomiting from alcohol abuse", but no trace of vomit was found on his body or clothes. His family hires a private investigator who claims the father was actually drowned, and the police are lying). After this, the court decides the daughter should be returned to the abusive mother's custody (she's in the care of the father's family members at this point), causing mass protests. At first, the court rescinds its decision to give the girl back to her mother, then suddenly goes back on things. The protestors manage to protect her by forming a wall, blocking police, until 250 police officers are sent to barge into the house. They forcibly barge in and take the daughter out, screaming (Let that sink in. 250 police officers were appointed to remove a little girl from a safe home to an abusive one). She later "disappears" entirely. No one knows what happened to her for sure. Meanwhile, the father's family members (specifically his sister and her son) try to speak up, and the sister gains political traction for going against the Lithuanian government's corruption. They end up having to flee to the US in a case for asylum because the Lithuanian government is working against them, but the mother is soon detained. The Lithuanian government tries to shut them down with all sorts of criminal allegations ("psychological molestation", "contempt of court", "illegal surveillance", etc). At the same time, family members and supporters of them are also facing criminal charges.
The son uploaded this video requesting people sign a petition to protect his mother from being sent back to Lithuania because there was no chance she'd get a fair trial, but YouTube pulled it, the petition didn't reach enough signatures, and they seem to have since gone grey.
No. 258774
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>>258770James Charles is one of the worst
No. 258783
>>258781If you actually have an argument to back up your claims that some things just "can't happen", I'd be happy to listen. I'm not close-minded.
But from the shit I've seen and read (or even just a quick look at history), that just isn't the case. If anything, what you're claiming sounds like true naivete. I'm not cynical or "acting woke". I genuinely want things to get better, and that requires taking a look at reality and recognizing problems, instead of living in a bubble of "Oh wow those are like totally third world problems, glad my government would never fuck me over uwu". If you want to continue closing your eyes and plugging your ears, that's fine. You're not a political figure or anything. I just hope that if/when things get really bad, you manage to get out with little to no damage. Just don't act like there were absolutely no warning signs.
No. 258852
>>258673. Already elaborated and made my point. If you want to hate it that's on you in the unpopular opinion thread. So be it.
No. 258853
>>258552I really hate the whole
>HURR IHOP CHANGING THEIR NAME TO IHOB HOW LAMEEEE XD Social media shitshow that's happening right now. Who even gives a fuck about a fast food restaurant so much?
No. 258856
>>258855I'm not mad but you are.jpeg
Anyway, still haven't refuted my point. On that I suppose I'll be waiting forever.
No. 258865
>>258856It was refuted up thread.
>>258665Money gets you treatment, but that doesn’t mean it will be effective. Besides, I don’t have the inclination or the crayons necessary to introduce you to basic shit. It’s not my fault you’re slow.
No. 258867
>>258865>Money gets you treatmentWhich, again for umpteenth time, puts you at a significant advantage over people who cannot even afford it at a baseline level.
>That doesn't mean it will be effective.Seems to be effective for most middle and upper class persons who can afford the treatments as studies have shown causality between poverty and financial strain leading to higher rates of suicide.
You sound too dumb for crayons, I think your mom just sat you in front of a tablet while telling you nothing's your fault. Probably can't even draw a chart with all those tears streaming down your red face.
No. 258868
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>>258867Lmao why are you so hurt over being wrong? Cry harder fam, I’m out.
No. 258869
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>>258868>I'm outSee you in a couple hours.
No. 258872
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>>258866I'm not even 21 yet, but why give a fuck about other people's clothing being OTT? As long as they're getting shit done and/or going about their day like normal humans, why does it matter?
No. 258879
>>258872I dislike it, I don’t try and tell people they can’t wear it or go up and say I think they look bad.
I can think they look tacky, cheap, and foolish without needing to justify it.
No. 258923
>>258656This. Where I live we're constantly told to be ''accepting and tolerant'' towards the religion of Islam, despite the fact that our culture and lifestyle is
openly despised by them. Nobody is obligated to ''tolerate'' anything. You're not even allowed to call out the obvious fucked up stuff like FGM, murder of gays or women being treated like shit, you're supposed to be ''tolerant'' of everything. Which basically means you should ignore all problems and atrocities that happen in this world. So much for being progressive and pro-human rights.
No. 258949
>>256531i had to get a mole removed off my body once and I was brought into a small room to get it done.
it was packed with nurses and doctors,
one doctor was talking about this date he had last night and how great he was for not having sex with her on the first date.
I was so uncomfortable. it was so unprofessional.
No. 258970
>>25895010 hours you lasted. Welcome back.
>>258939>doesn’t mean it’s guaranteedWhich doesn't invalidate the better chances they have than 98% of the world's population.
It's like you don't want to accept this and just wanna scream about brains "not working always."
Nobody in healthcare says that.
No. 258981
>>258970>Which doesn't invalidate the better chances they have than 98% of the world's population.Nobody is arguing that. This was started because an anon, I guess you, was beyond retarded and said wealthy people who commit suicide have “no excuses,” and it’s a “slap in the face” of poor people who want to die. No one is saying that they dont have better chances and resources. They do. But that doesn’t mean treatment is flawless. Obviously. Or they wouldn’t be killing themselves.
You just can’t admit you said something ignorant and now want to argue against something nobody has said. Nobody has said the wealthy and the poor have the same treatment options or help available. Nobody has said that the wealthy are just as likely to kill them selves or that they have the same rates of suicidal thoughts.
The point is that wealthy people kill themselves. It’s not to spite the poor. It’s because their brains are fucked up. They don’t need an “excuse” other than that fact. It doesn’t excuse it but it explains it. And clearly you need it explained to you
No. 258983
We have introduced minimum pricing on alcohol in my country recently, why shouldn't we approach obesity the same way as alcoholism ?
No. 258984
>>258982Not that anon and quoting Wikipedia cause I’m a lazy bum but it’s actually not that bad of an idea
>A fat tax aims to decrease the consumption of foods that are linked to obesity. A related idea is to tax foods that are linked to increased risk of coronary heart disease. Numerous studies suggest that as the price of a food decreases, individuals get fatter.[2][3][4] In fact, eating behavior may be more responsive to price increases than to nutritional education.[5] Estimates suggest that a 1 cent per ounce tax on sugar-sweetened beverages may reduce the consumption of those beverages by 25%.[6] However, there is also evidence that obese individuals are less responsive to changes in the price of food than normal-weight individuals.[7]It sounds stupid as fuck and the name doesn’t help. It has issues
>Since the poor spend a greater proportion of their income on food, a fat tax might be regressive. But it does make sense even if it would be tricky to implement
>Research indicates that the current obesity epidemic is increasing as a result of the fast food industry expanding. Junk food outlets are changing the dietary habits of society, pushing out traditional restaurants and leading to the detrimental health effects of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.[16] Taxes on tobacco have seen smoking rates decrease, and as a result there have been calls for fat taxes to be implemented in more countries in an attempt to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods.[15] No. 258985
>>258981>no excusesNo excuses to not get help, correct-a-mundo.
And yes it is an extreme slap to the face of poor people who can't even see someone.
>Nobody has said the wealthy and the poor have the same treatment options.No, instead you've been slapping titties with me over the rate of success and why it's still bad for the poor richies because some of them wind up killing themselves anyway.
Tell me, do you and that other horse's ass of an anon win IRL arguments by calling people "retards" often?
Now go argue with fat tax anon or something.
No. 258986
>>258983because the cause of obesity isn't necessarily certain foods. and healthier foods eaten certain ways can also be unhealthy. so even if you tax chicken fingers, people will still go and buy chicken, flour and oil to make their own. plus fast food restaurants sell things that are healthy like salads etc. it would be basically impossible to say what is and isn't healthy. plus there's a lot of things, like milk, that is marketed as healthy but really isn't.
alcohol is totally different because it's fucking poison.
No. 258987
>>258973>I support introducing a fat tax on fast food, sweets etc. I'm fat and okay with this because I just have a portion control problem. Not a soda and sweets problem.
Now hopefully that tax money means organic foods like fresh vegetables, salads, and vegan foods become less ass rapingly expensive.
No. 258988
>>258985>Tell me, do you and that other horse's ass of an anon win IRL arguments by calling people "retards" often?Oh fuck off with that sanctimonious bullshit. This is lolcow not a damn academic debate.
I’m sorry you’re bitter you can’t get treatment for your clear mental issues because you’re poor. But wealthy people killing themselves isn’t a slap in your face, it has nothing to do with you. So just drop it.
No. 258991
>>258988>This is lolcow not a damn academic debate.Which begs the fucking question why you're being so sanctimonious about what I say about rich people in the unpopular opinions thread.
You sensitive little shit. Let it go.
No. 258998
>>258993>it's not some dead rich guys' fault your country doesn't have good health careShows how much you know. Idiot.
>>258995Nah, just WKing against anyone who says anything bad about rich people is all. Pft. Are you gone yet?
Sounds like a few of you need therapy with all these bitch tears.
No. 258999
>>258996O k get the last word in. This clearly means a lot to you. I do sincerely hope you get help.
>>258994Sorry what do you mean by that? Like would the tax go to health care or fitness programs or what?
No. 259000
>>258986I'm not meaning tax like everything that contains fat in a certain percentage but more taxing things that have no benefit in our diet and are consumed by a significant proportion of the population.
I mean we also introduced a sugar tax on fizzy drinks in my country recently as well, why shouldn't things like crisps and other like unhealthy diet staples be taxed too?
And yes the money raised is going towards services.
No. 259004
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>>259001>That's right, it's mineThat's sad, even for lolcow.
No. 259006
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>>259004For someone initially hung up on who's got the last word, you sure do seem to want it.
Sorry, want me to share it with you anon?
Too bad :^) No. 259009
>>258999>Like would the tax go to health care or fitness programs or what?As I said before, it could be used to subsidize healthier foods so that way the people who are trying to make the right choices aren't penalized like they are now. I don't know about other governments, but the United States government subsidizes the production of crops and products that make up the basis of extremely unhealthy food.
Although I also think mandatory time for fitness should also become a thing as well.
No. 259016
>>259013First you say I'm getting the last word, and now you're trying to take the last word back.
Stop being such a cunt tease you pious little wordslut.
No. 259021
>>259018Where is bottled water free?
I want in on this.
No. 259022
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I wonder how many other fight crazy last words anon has started on lolcow.
No. 259025
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>>259022Just this one and I'll make sure I
win it :^)You're supposed to be gone and over this, remember?
No. 259028
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>>259027Gifs still count. Still waiting for you to drop this.
No. 259032
>>259030see you there bby, and everyone else on the site.
i know this is the unpopular opinion thread but ffs some of you are dumb as hell.
No. 259036
>>259034Then what a waste.
Clearly there's been different people posting. Anachan, anti-loli chan, and I can tell you I'm neither. I'm just having a little fucking fun because y'all take yourselves so fucking seriously.
No. 259037
>>259032>see you there bby, and everyone else on the site.Why would you even go there when anon didn't even elaborate on what kinds of "hateful" things qualify.
>>259030What kinds of "hateful" things?
No. 259039
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>>259030I feel like the issue comes in when it’s just tragically bored people or kids. Like, that’s a shit ton of resources just to find out it was some bored housewife or teenager.
No. 259040
>>259022>>259012>>259017>>259025>>259028>>259036>>259033This is some hardcore sperging, anon. If you're going to be le ebin tr0ll xD, could you at least shit up the thread with
funny stuff?
No. 259044
>>259040It's funny to me.
Ha. Ha. Ha. And maybe I'd stop if you'd but have the restraint to do so yourself. Which clearly you don't.
No. 259051
>>259047Because there's less of them and 99.9999999…99% of them
are bis
No. 259053
>>259048Robots, maybe.
Straight up incels though? No, they will never be a true friend to women. They hate us, and blame us for their virginity. Hence the name.
No. 259069
>>259051I would say 99999999999.9% are manipulative straight while males that rope their desperate gfs into finding hoes to get cucked with.
See: onion, groceries plus their cuckqueens etc
No. 259081
>>259077I think Lainey is.
June however just claims to be bisexual to be a handmaiden to Preggory so he can have his filthy threesomes with internet hoes. I hate how he openly hits on other women online and June feels like she's gotta chime in to make it look like she's interested too so she doesn't look as cucky. Except that completely falls flat.
They're both so degenerate and make a complete joke of themselves. Makes me think Preg would claim to be poly if he knew June wouldn't get so rabidly jealous.
No. 259090
>>259088"3.5d Male posters: Do not announce your gender or post in a "male here" way. Don't post simply to point out if you're attracted to the subject or not. Nobody cares about your preferences."
learn to read anon
No. 259097
>>259096And may I add, they deserve all the misery they had and will have in their life if they're gonna act like they do. Laughing at cows is one thing but jfc the amount of cattiness is high school level.
This place is the female version of /r9K/ tbqh
No. 259099
>>259097>This place is the female version of /r9K/ tbqhNot really.
Come back when we have daily threads that threaten violence against "normies" and school shootings, how Chads owe us sex, and how we all begrudge our parents for making us go get jobs and not live at home.
No. 259102
>>259093Agreed. And the most retarded arguments I get are always:
>pansexuals care about personality not looks!!>bi people only date males and females, not nonbinary and trans people!!Like…the majority of people care more about personality than just looks, regardless of sexuality and nonbinary and trans people still have a vagina or dick
No. 259107
>>259100I wish that too.
I want to have a place for socially awkward women that can't find themselves enjoying normie stuff but without the gossip and nitpicking.
I wish we could have threads like that without other farmers chiming in to call us losers and derail the threads.
No. 259109
>>259067>>259069>>259075this. het poly guys especially are some of the most abusive and manipulative partners out there, and yet preach all this hippy bs about boundless love and tolerance. there's a reason they mostly start closed relationships with girls who have low self worth and spring the poly thing on them down the line, they're manchildren and can't just date and sleep around casually without a steady emotional punching bag to fall back on.
the girlfriends who go along with it just hate themselves and are willingly just taking top tier abuse to not be dumped, unless they're huge cucks and get off to it.
No. 259111
>>259108nta but c.c is super normie/basic.
>>259109poly girls are the same way. they're always those sex-posi tumblr sjw types who go for those fuccboi feminist dudes and then get bored and want to fuck other guys, then they close the relationship with the new guy during the honeymoon phase and leave their first bf.
No. 259129
>>259108>>259111>>259107Crystal cafe would be okay but it's super dead. For that reason I check it out every now and then. Shame cause I would love to talk with femanons about all nerdy and niche things.
I wish there was an active imageboard for femanons without the focus on tearing women's looks apart. I won't lie, I enjoy reading about few cows cause it's interesting to have a window into bizzare lives. I don't care if they are pretty or not. Most cows look average/fine anyway if compared to people on the street, it's their personality that's a problem.
No. 259148
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>>258887This is how I feel about Lana, Melanie Martinez and Marina too.
At least Lana and Marina seem like chill people unlike the other two
No. 259151
>>258656I hate if you criticize Islam people shoot back "Yeah, what about Christians though?" as some great gotcha moment.
It's like c'mon, the same people criticizing Islam for its sexism probably aren't the biggest fans of Christianity either. You can criticize two things at once, it's not a competition.
No. 259159
>>257303>Bourdain was just so blunt and straightforward with his stuff, it was refreshing to see a regular dude in the food world who wasnt some stuffy bourgeois type who was disgusted by anything that wasn't of the finest quality.He's ~not like other chefs~. It's so dumb and pretentious. Gordon Ramsay and other TV chefs aren't stuffy at all. It's good you got more interested in food but it's too bad you have such a negative outlook on the rest of the industry.
It's also hypocritical how Bourdain's fans trash Guy Fieri. Fieri isn't really my thing and is definitely catering to people with different tastes than mine. But he is also a down to earth guy who manages to not tear other people down.
No. 259163
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>>259159Jamie Oliver is best chef>He's worked tirelessly to make British kids eat healthier, to get fresher food to people on low incomes, to erase the rot off junk food in the UK and to improve education for excluded young people>he works patiently with people, understanding their concerns about change, and has time and time again been incredibly effective in moving people and governments to make life-changing alterations. School dinners are healthier, we now have a sugar tax and both the British and Australian governments have helped fund his Ministry of Food centres, which use his techniques to get people into healthy cooking>It's because of his uncool, dad-like qualities that he's able to soothe our unique culinary maladies. You can love him or love to hate him but he’s best.
No. 259166
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Not sure how unpopular this is, but I hate all those fugly Rohan OVAs. I bet Araki's the one who pushed David Pro to animate them in the first place it since he clearly wants to bang Rohan harder than any of his other characters.
No. 259169
>>259159Yeah I don't get where the whole uppity meme about mainstream tv chefs comes from. I remember most tv chefs being really down to earth or catering to "lower class" tastes, especially when it came to documenting "ethnic" foods.
It's been that way for awhile, and imo Bourdain didn't pioneer that.
No. 259186
>>258987So stop trying to buy organic. There’s no proven benefits, and they still use pesticides and shit so you’re not avoiding some mystery toxin. People who pay the organic fee are friggin stupid.
>>259163He’s a great dude and I love that he cares so much about kids being healthy but imo he’s a mediocre chef. There’s people like escoffier, actual masters.
Jaime Oliver just tells you how to make a nice roast or Sunday lunch.
>>259057Ew. Poly people are a plague.
Also lmao why are y’all arguing with the anon who says only poor people can be sad? They clearly can’t afford therapy for their glaringly obvious personality disorder and are cut deep about it.
No. 259199
>>259186I'm not diagnosed with a personality disorder, but I still would love my anti-anxiety meds to not be $100 a month. And for therapists to stop charging a copay.
Mental healthcare is insane.
>not that anon btw No. 259207
>>259199And they should be cheaper anon, but that’s no reason to shit on people who can afford it and still succumb to their illness.
It’s like saying someone is a weak piece of shit for dying of cancer despite being able to afford chemo. Being bitter doesn’t get you anything.
No. 259208
>>259199I'm diagnosed with a personality disorder and I'm so thankful I live in a country with free prescriptions, cause I take like 6 medications daily.
That anon was trying to say that people choose to be depressed/suicidal because they have such good access to healthcare but still end up killing themselves.
No. 259209
>>259018>tfw there are toxins in my city's water right nowI would love some free water right about now mang
>>259062agreed, I'm American and after making some Asian and European friends online I realized how obnoxious I sounded assuming they knew or understood the same culturally specific stuff as me or had the same political/socioeconomic problems. I used websites like reddit all through high school which are notably American-centric and I'm still unlearning the habit of assuming that every fluent English speaker I encounter online is American.
No. 259214
>>259212Yeah that argument just spiralled into anon's spamming the thread with nonsense, don't bother reading it.
I respectfully disagree but hey ho.
No. 259230
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I'm starting to think ftm trannies are just as fucking annoying as mtf. I got yelled at in a porn artists chat by a ftm artist for using the term "trap," saying I was being offensive to trans people. Wtf? That's not even close to the same thing…also it's porn jargon, if you don't like it stop drawing smut and get the fuck over yourself.
No. 259240
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>>259210pic related, with less than 20% of men scoring above average (the mean)
No. 259279
>>257288They were both involved with the NXVIM sex cult, child trafficking and HRC who was funding all of it. Bourdains name pooped up on a list of people who requested 6-9 year olds. Funny how he kept doing shit TV segments despite wanting nothin more than to coop himself inside a hotel room doing hard drugs.
Kate Spade talked and got killed. Anthony Bourdain was apparently paranoid before being found dead in his apartment.
No. 259285
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>>258757Agreed. Ellen communicates to me as a hateful witch. I know this sounds crazy but I am not even joking.
When she came out on her show as a lesbian, she was blackballed and the whole of America turned on her, that would really change your perspective on people. Now the only work she has thrived at is doing a shitty daytime talk show where she dances around being that "quirky lesbian we all know and love".
Not to mention the clusterfuck that was 2017 the whole Nicki Minaj "I am the generous Queen, ask Ms Ellen" song lyric and the MTV MA's Katy Perry Ellen tribute. When was Ellen ever big in the world of MTV and music?
Hillary Clinton is also the same, a closet lesbian who married a rapist to become first lady and a household name who was never very likeable to begin with. It all just seems like an act that makes them appear as very alien like and cold. Raven Simone also to an extent but lesser as she never lied about her disdain for the people who once called themselves her fans.
No. 259290
>>258946Those women are funded by travel agencies and hotel travel groups to act like prostitutes and they do it in exchange for endorsements and more "free" travel opportunities.
I say free because they give themselves a bad image and that is never free of consequence.
These travel agencies and hotel groups are more often than not owned by Jews. Its an internet psyop just like modern hip hop to promote "diversity" and "racial awareness".
I reference Tekashi 69
Heavy Drug Use
Uses the N-word
Bisexual LGBT
Single Teen parent
Claims to be both Crip and Blood?
Body guard is ex-mossad (Jewish military)
You'll also notice a high amount of youtube videos made by Black African America women talking about Racism is in foreign countries. They will refer to exaggerated hard to believe events and stupid mundane situations "An old lady who was really generic looked at me funny / an or spat on me" or "This drugstore in Scandinavia did not carry my foundation shade" in order to promote the image of racial victimhood.
These youtubers always resort to ending their video by talking about what these countries can do to "fix racism" ie. "Embracing diversity, equality, changing the fundamentals of their culture etc" even though they are professional sex fetishist and/or tourists.
No. 259296
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>>259285>>259282>>259283>>259279This makes me miss the suicide and boob wank.
>>259293Leah Remini has said Jada's a Scientologist. No idea how true that is, but Jada said this in response:
"I have studied Dianetics, and appreciate the merits of Study Tech… but I am not a Scientologist,”
Which is weird. It's not like studying Dianetics is a popular thing for non Scientologists to do.
No. 259308
>>259304There are some things they can't control, but other things they can. Personally, one thing I hate is how fucking old most men look and how garbage their skin is. Women are constantly shamed for ~aging like milk~ even with significantly better skin quality and skincare regimes and I 100% believe men need to be shamed for their premature aging. I also believe in shaming them for their poor sense of style, low effort hairstyles, etc.
But honestly, women go above and beyond for their looks and still get shit on constantly for not being hot enough. I wouldn't nitpick people I know IRL but I can't help but think that men 'deserve' us being harsher on their looks from a distance… like online, or celebrities. They have no qualms about doing it to us so I can't see it as evil, the only question is whether or not we want to sink to their level.
No. 259309
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Not sure if its an unpopular opinion here but I think people have been way too harsh on these two. Fantasizing about beating them up etc, making up disgusting lies about them. No matter your feelings on gun control, why threaten and bully some young people who lost their friends and want to make a difference?
No. 259325
>>259305Oh come on, hating on people because of how they look speaks more about you than about them. People can control some things… in theory. They also have lives, issues and other things to worry than if they would look better with long hair or fashionable clothes.
Not taking the basics like washing yourself up in the account, of course.
I'm no saint and sometimes I do think "wow she/he is ugly" but I ignore the thought and never let it affect my treatment of the person in question.
I think that my unpopular opinion is that beauty in people is an overrated concept. I hate it when people say they would deal with a trainwreck of a significant other because they are hot (my forever alone neet ex-almost-fwb kek) or obsess about their own looks.
I used to worry for so many years if I am "pretty" in the eyes of others and know that I like myself feel so much better.
No. 259335
LGBT groups are starting to feel obnoxious to me. Especially to some younger people it's not special enough to be just gay, lesbian, bi, or even trans anymore, or their "gayness" is their entire personality and they won't shut up about it.
I don't like stirring shit so I just keep quiet about how I think "pansexuals" are just bi, straight asexuals are not LGBT, nonbinaries and other genderqueers are just enforcing gender roles, some trans people are not "real" trans and the trendy trans bandwagon really is a thing, etc. If I said any of that stuff around certain groups I could easily make a lot of people hate me for being a transphobic, aphobic, whateverthefuckphobic TERF bigot.
I've started to kinda avoid LGBT places, events and people who are really vocal about LGBT stuff, because I don't want to run into some 15-year-old kid who's a nonbinary (because they like wearing ties but also dresses) pan- (hearts not parts uwu!!!) demi- (having sex with total strangers is kinda gross, I'm special right?) asexual (not horny 24/7, unlike those disgusting allos) softboi (he/him they/them please!). No matter what kind of caricature with an entire identity built out of Tumblr aesthetics you may encounter, you have to make everyone feel ~valid uwu~.
No. 259339
>>259331Eh, I've seen attractive people shit on other attractive people plenty of times before.
This place does have insane standards tho. Like you said, any woman who doesn't look like a doll is torn apart.
That said, I think a lot of the times people tear cows apart because they're terrible people. Not justifying it.
>>259335I try not to ~police~ people's sexualities, but to a lot of (sometimes straight) teenagers see gayness as a meme and not a sexuality. It's as if they want to be in on some sort of inside joke, hence the constant "i'm gay" or "ban the hets" memes circulating. It all comes across as forced.
No. 259344
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>>259339sa. This is what I'm talking about.
This stuff doesn't seem genuine imo. It's usually fujoshis behind these obnoxious posts too
No. 259345
>>259308You don't need to shame people, you sociopath. If you don't like the amount of pressure people put on women because of their looks, you should complain about that and not try to put even more people under that pressure.
If you have a man in your life and you think you can offer him advice, there's no problem with that. I've done it myself with my boyfriend, but I'd never shame him or random men because their clothes aren't up to my fashion standards or because their hairstyles are "low effort". This is actually disturbing.
Another problem is that often it's women who nitpick on the looks of other women, like this whole website. It's not just an evil male conspiracy to put women down.
No. 259358
I think people who prove they clearly aren't mentally stable on the internet should be put in mental institution for years, it would honestly make the world a safer place instead of waiting until its too late
>>259350This is a better idea, I hate the ghetto ass people who get pitbulls just to chain them up outside just to be edgy or tough or whatever, or people who have innocent animals like cats or small dogs and keep them around pitbulls, tigers, etc etc and then cry when it ends up hurting the small animal
I think people who ignorantly put innocent animals and danger like that should be arrested, humans make me depressed how much they're willing to put helpless animals in danger just to be edgy or have a tough animal
No. 259374
>>259369That's a moot point. Most women don't send messages first.
Even if you're an unattractive woman you'll get way more messages than any guy simply because men are the ones initiating most of the contact.
No. 259377
>>259375Where does it show that?
All it does is show that the hottest women get tons of messages.
A hot woman gets 1000 messages, an average woman gets 300 and an ugly woman gets 40.
A hot man gets 10 messages, an average one gets 4 and an ugly one gets 1.
Internet dating is garbage for men who aren't good looking.
No. 259388
>>259387are you a fucking moron? it very clearly shows that
both the men and women had their self esteem affected, but only the men reported it as such.
No. 259439
>>259428>in America I'm under the impression a failed class means a huge financial loss? Since semesters are expensive?Sure, but students still fail their classes and that's not unusual for most undergraduates. Especially if the parents are helping pay.
Hard to see the forest for the trees when you've signed a $60k loan. Students just assume they can afford an extra semester, and if not theres always a jolly good lender someplace willing to sell them another $20k loan.
I did very well in college and got two degrees but I'm still saddled with $44k debt four years post-grad that I'm still in no position to make meaningful payments to. Making universities expensive punishes everyone.
Have you tried talking to the professor? I recall for my group projects that we were given feedback forms and we were able to give a "grade" to our peers for participation. That lit a fire under the slacker's asses.
No. 259442
>>259434I live in Scotland so we don't pay fee's, but for any group projects that relate to our final exam we have to rate how much each person contributed so that people who worked harder are recognised and if someone isn't pulling their weight it can be addressed.
My current uni has a big research department but makes a shit tonne of money off the fees from international students who pay £42,000 a year to do my course so I'm cool with not paying fees lol cause it's a 5 year course.
No. 259448
Unpopular opinion: I think western men in todays world are too weak
First they cry oppression because they aren't surronded by beautiful women all while not even lifting a finger for their appearance, women who aren't x y and z aren't options to them, and then they cry about how "waaahh women only want chad" if they ever even left the internet for once they'd know its far from true
I WISH women did only flock to chads then men would have something to actually cry their damn eyes out for, and if that wasn't enough, ever since men being emotional has been encouraged, instead of using it for good they instead use tears to manipulate, just like the 1% of bitches they whined about, I've seen it happen way too much
They excuse womens problems then cry about how men are the least privileged people on earth because women arent flocking to them or they have to sign up for the draft, even though most will never step foot on combat
They act like victims and act like they're having the biggest weight on their shoulder if a woman they're with isn't a jav star, always have a no winning standard, go out of their way to demonize anything women do but still believe they're oppressed, not to mention how many will crack a womans skull open if she bumps shoulders with him, cry sexism if he gets punished, which they barely do, then later have everyone defend them since everything is womens fault
Those are just to name a few
No. 259450
>>259444Agree that the anime one is stupid and is clearly just a ploy to market towards boys under a mask of progressivism.
But how are the other two issues stupid? I've heard it's extremely difficult for women to break through corporate office culture in Japan, and the LGBT thing seems like it's good for both gay people and those who want to avoid them. So…
No. 259453
>>259450quota is bullshit. better hire someone because of their skills
yeah and that search function.. nobody needs that
No. 259454
>>259448My problem with modern men is that they don't even fit the typical male stereotypes anymore.
Being handy? Working a 40 hour week without complaining?
Nah. They all want to fuck around and aren't interested in becoming men. Yet they still demand women to be all.
Not only do we have to be completely domestic ie. knowing how to cook, clean, raise children BUT ALSO, we must be working as equally as they do 40 hours a week and preferably at a job that pays more than theirs.
Oh and we must be pretty of course.
It's like they pick partners that are Mom 2.0
These soyboys don't wanna work. All they wanna do is play video games or pursue hobbies on the backs of women in their lives. And then when we point out the discrepancy they yell "BUT FEMINISM, THE DRAFT, DIVORCE COURT!"
No. 259459
>>259093This. And to make matters worse it's usually just straight girls looking to be special but can't say they're bi because of the social stigma (and because it's straight out lying) so they just claim they're "pan" because they found a female model hot.
>>259111>>259109Agreed about the poly men and poly women. Their relationships never end up well no matter how much they preach about being ~open about their feelings~ and ~discussing to make it work~. There's always the main partner getting all the good things and the mentally abused third wheel that ends up being discarded.
No. 259464
>>259442original anon here. I'm surprised to hear feedback forms like that seem to be the norm? I've never had that in any of my classes. It sounds like a great idea.
Honestly anything that would get my partners to actually put in an effort would be a fucking relief.
No. 259471
>>259454They're trying everything they can to make women feel like shit and scare them, they'll go from "once I'm rich and old I'm going to be drowning in 20 yrs old pussy" to "I don't want to get involved with a women who doesn't make a least as much as me or more if possible".
They're realizing how fucking useless and pathetic they've become and desperately try to keep the smallest bit of power then can. Luckily the world is full of untarnished well balanced men, you just have to dig through the thrash to find one of tose jewels.
No. 259472
>>259448This 100%. Not sure if I'd call them weak though, it's mostly entitlement. A lot of men are so ridiculously entitled it's insane, and let's be real, it's usually not the ''chad'' ones, rather the ones complaining.
>>259467Exactly. I don't expect men/my s.o to be ripped, 6 feet tall and to be skilled in traditionally male aspects. The double standard is the problem.
No. 259475
>>259464In my experience at uni and from speaking about group projects with my friends at diff unis, giving feedback is definitely the norm for group projects, the feedback is anonymous so that student's don't know who gave the feedback but the lecturers do and it's mandatory so your work won't be graded until everyone has given their feedback.
I would deffo feedback to your year head or head of school or you student reps that you find the group work frustrating because not everyone pulls their weight etc. and suggest they implement a system like this, hopefully they will listen to you and I'd imagine other students feel similar to you as well.>>259464
No. 259477
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Seeing the shit up thread made me realize I really need to leave this place soon, since it's evident there are actual psychos that post here.
But anyway here's some opinion vomit
Lot's of milk on a lot of people posted on this site have run dry or just aren't milky enough. Especially the Jillian and confetti club like an anon mentioned, I'm tired of hearing how "ugly and haggard" Jillian is or if she's gained weight. It's boring. I just wish she'd get some help along with other cows and flakes.
Farmers are way too critical about dumb stuff
I miss when Mostflogged was cooking up a ton of drama especially when homestuck was strong. Her and all her previous/current dirtbag friends are pretty boring now and keep to themselves(Tayla,Mookie,etc).
Putting Ridley in smash was a stupid idea
Steven Universe gets way more shit than it deserves, the fans are awful but I don't think that should get in the way of people liking something.
Youtube should ban clickbait
Babies and children under 5 shouldn't be allowed into movie theaters or conventions (especially babies in big clunky strollers)
Old tumblr was alright. I find it better than instagram and twitter, especially for artists. I hate how it got a bad rep and is full of more nutjobs/advertisments now.
The Beatles are vastly overrated
While I do enjoy his work and stories, Junji Ito is also overrated. I hate seeing that girl with the eyeball in the spiral image everywhere, there are way better images people can steal.
Game Grumps was alright when it started but is complete shit now.
No. 259489
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Maybe we should just make an "Opinions" thread next time because too many people post stuff that's not even unpopular, and tbh if you anons are going to start shit with each other all the time then maybe it's better to drop the pretense like one can actually post an unpopular opinion around here without it turning into a shitshow.
No. 259490
>>259480The forcing of "aces" being any part of the LGBT community is fucking ridiculous and needs to stop. No, you won't be fucking killed, beat up or ostracized for being asexual, stop acting like people asking about your nonexistent sex life is in any way comparable to what gay people have to go through. 99.99% chance says you're not even asexual but just a retarded snowflake that can't get a date or has some repressed traumas related to your sexuality.
>inb4 I was triggered when people expect me to feel sexual desire!!!!11fuck off right about now
No. 259493
>>259480Because they're still queer unless you're implying complete lack of want for a sexual relationship is society's idea of normal.
>>259490I'm not even asexual but boy you sound like you don't want people in your special club. The majority of gay people on first world countries have never and will never experience what you described either. So what.
No. 259494
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>>259490"aromantics" especially shouldn't be allowed lmao. being able to fuck people without romantic attachment is such a burden, much oppression such sad
No. 259503
>>259500Lol you're retarded. There's nothing "queer" about straight people who don't want to fuck, this is the most sjw bullshit I've ever heard.
>>259501Queer is a just word straight people use to make themselves feel special.
No. 259504
>>259501"Denoting or relating to a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms."
Not gonna let a couple of buttravaged farmers REEEE at me about tumblr change facts.
There's a reason why your gatekeeping is unpopular, ladies.
No. 259508
>>259505Asexuality is not a normative sexual preference.
I don't have tumblr, I just go by definitions of words.
No. 259513
>>259511Lol I really don't have tumblr.
Establishing, relating to, or deriving from a standard or norm, especially of behavior.
No. 259514
is a normative sexual preference no matter how little you enjoy actually having sex.
>I don't have tumblrKek, I'm sure.
No. 259516
>>259514Well hopefully you'll kek yourself to death because I don't.
>muh opinionsI'm not gonna argue with you anon, clearly you feel strongly about this since you're so aggressive about it.
No. 259521
>>259516It's not an opinion, heterosexuals aren't lgbt and will never be opressed or "queer" for not liking sex.
>>259518Because they're bisexual. Straight people are straight, so they don't belong in the community.
No. 259524
>>259522lol ok if you say so
>>259523that's called misogyny
No. 259532
>>259528I quoted you what "queer" means but you're just saying no to the definition. Frankly I don't know how you expect this to proceed.
We disagree.
I'm not ace, but I don't get why you're treating, what many refer to as LGBTQ+ these days, like it's a special club only for the most oppressed when I know for a fact that's not the case.
Have a cup of chill.
No. 259533
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are people who suck toes queer? what about furries?
No. 259539
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Pic related needs their own pride parade because it's not the norm #inclusivity
No. 259549
>>259532They don't belong in the community because they're straight people. There's nothing abnormal about being straight.
This sort of gatekeeping isn't a bad thing, why are you acting like it is?
>>259544is this even an opinion? they are
No. 259552
>>259548Umm how dare you assume their gender?!
>>259549There is something abnormal about having an orientation that doesn't call for a sexual relationship though.
I don't know a single straight person who would say that's normal wanting to be with someone who refuses any kind of sexual relationship.
Don't worry anon, I don't think hoardes of straight people are going to be crashing your parade anytime soon.
No. 259556
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>>259555Of course not anon, pride would never care about sexuality and the bedroom…
No. 259560
>>259556yea for lgbt people. it's a celebration of sexuality for oppressed people, not for people who don't fuck or whatever anyone ever does or doesn't do in their bedrooms.
>>259552lots of misogynistic traditional type men all over the world don't sleep with their wives after they've had children or over a certain age. are those women queer?
No. 259561
>>259438Why do you care? Since you're definitely not Japanese
>>259428I failed several classes but my parents bailed me out so it didn't matter. Doesn't your university have a GPA or something?
No. 259566
>>259560>are those women queer?No because they were never asexual and had a normal sexual orientation until they hit menopause or older age.
Look anon I'm really not so much invested in this since it all doesn't really apply to me, I had a point and made it.
Sorry to have made anyone mad.
No. 259574
>>259573Almost lmao
No germany
No. 259575
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>>259565No worries anon, Japan is still unwelcoming to gaijin. :^)
You'll have a such an easy time adapting in glorious Nihon
No. 259582
>>259576It is
CDU green spd all want they same stupid shit
No. 259587
>>259585Yeah awesome
They hate their own country and want to destroy it
No. 259598
>>259293that youtube video you linked is fucking insanity. It's literally a man rambling about how Will Smith is a satanic, gay, pedophile who is sacrificing his children to make the general public change genders. Like what the actual fuck. Pls anon, tell me you don't believe any of that.
>>259587why so many alt-right and anti-left anons lately?
No. 259609
How are some people in this thread equating asexuality to heterosexuality? By definition, the former means you have no sexual attraction. Straightness is not the default, and that sort of heternormative outlook on things is actually what fuels homophobia/lesbophobia.
Having no sexual attraction obviously causes problems, because 90% of the population, when in a relationship, want to fuck. You are seen as problematic simply for not having such impulses, you will struggle to find a partner, people will associate your natural state with mental illness or trauma because they're too close-minded to entertain that not everyone is like them, etc and it's just not good. It may not be as immediately visible a diversion from the norm as being homosexual, but it's still a diversion, which leads to issues and social oppression. I'm not saying there aren't run of the mill straight people who claim ace just to get into "the club", but throwing all asexual people under the bus because of that is fucked up.
I'm not even asexual (I'm bisexual), but with the way some people are treating them, I honestly think ace (and maybe aromantic) people need to create their own movement and space (of course, if that ever happens, I bet the same exclusionists will start complaining that ace people think they're better than everyone and start calling them "homophobic" if they ever express sexual repulsion, even if they're romantically attracted to the same sex).
No. 259614
>>259610Gee, I dunno. Acceptance, awareness, not having non-ace people try to rape you because "You just don't know what you're missing"?
>and how is any of what you said related to lgbt struggles?It's like you're not even LGBT, holy shit.
>You are seen as problematic simply for not having such impulses, you will struggle to find a partner, people will associate your natural state with mental illness or trauma because they're too close-minded to entertain that not everyone is like themMaybe you live a cushy life where you have never struggled with any of that shit and people are somewhat open-minded, but there are those of us who face prejudice that's basically an even heavier version of this with more violence and anger thrown in, and can't even come out to their family. Like I said, it may not be as visible a diversion from the norm, but it's actually the most blatant, and I sympathize with ace people because literally everyone is against them for no real reason other than close-mindedness.
No. 259615
>>259609>Straightness is not the defaultwhat do you even mean by this?
Also homophobia means
>dislike of or prejudice against homosexual "homophobia AND lesbophobia" is redundant
No. 259617
>>259615>what do you even mean by this? Exactly what it reads. Google "heteronormativity" if you don't get it.
>so "homophobia AND lesbophobia" is redundantHomosexuality is male-centered, and lesbianism is female-centered. As such, prejudice against either group manifests in different ways, and there are people who shit on gay men but uplift lesbians and vice-versa. It's not redundant to point that out just because you disregard the differences.
No. 259625
>>259609This is some real tumblr sjw bullshit. Yes, being asexual causes problems. Those problems are purely interpersonal, not societal, not discriminatory, and not related to oppression. Realistically it's no different to being celibate, chronically single, dead bedrooms, having health problems that cause low libido, having mental/emotional barriers to sex etc. I'm not denying that it's difficult, but asexuality does not function like a sexuality and oppression just doesn't factor into the issues it creates. You don't have to justify yourself to society, just people who bother you about fucking them or getting laid.
If asexuals weren't so obsessed with their special minority status label they could just say they have a very low libido. But that's too common and normal for them, nobody gets oppression points for it.
No. 259637
>>259625You're chalking up the lack of sexuality to mental illness, just as I pointed out, and somehow still denying aphobia's pervasiveness. It's not a low libido, it's the absence of one altogether. You are expected to "fix" a low libido, but asexual people only seek to be accepted.
>You don't have to justify yourself to societySociety is extremely focused on sex.
(derailing; infighting) No. 259640
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>>259637>aphobiamy fucking sides are in orbit
>>259639homosexuality just means attraction to the same sex, you absolute retard lmaoo
No. 259651
>>259641>By your logic, the word "lesbian" shouldn't existHow? If you had used the term "gay" that would be different, but "homosexual" is 100% not a gendered term kek. It literally means "sexually attracted to people of one's own sex."
>Keep posting reaction images to save face, dumbass.I've only replied to you twice. Keep assuming everyone who calls you stupid is one person, dumbass.
No. 259656
>>259651>arguing semantics this hard There's a difference between homophobia and lesbophobia. Pointing it out is not redundant. Deal with it.
>I've only replied to you twice. Keep assuming everyone who calls you stupid is one person, dumbass.That makes no sense. We've already established you've replied to me twice, and unless you're a completely different person speaking on behalf of the reaction image poster, "Keep posting reaction images" still applies to you because yours is the only reply to me with one. You can't even understand imageboard posting, congrats.
No. 259667
you okay? Do you need a friend?
No. 259669
>>259656>There's a difference between homophobia and lesbophobia.Obviously, because "lesbophobia" is a female-centered term. "Homophobia" still isn't a male-centered term tho, it's neutral.
>yours is the only reply to me with oneSo, what was the point of saying that if I was the only one who did it and I only did it one time, leaving no indication that I was going to do it agaim?
No. 259671
>>259381Females get a boost from having a large selection of partners to choose from. But then lose confidence in themselves as such a large selection of partners on a hook up app do not translate into the real world where people are required to socialise and slowly build relationships.
Men report lower self esteem as they received fewer selection. They had to compete for a smaller pool of women and faced more rejection.
No. 259674
>>259669Once more
>arguing semantics this hardThis is about asexual people.
>So, what was the point of saying that if I was the only one who did it Because it was you.
>and I only did it one time, leaving no indication that I was going to do it agaim?So, because you do something once, it means you'll never do it again? Okay.
No. 259679
>>259674>This is about asexual peopleI don't give a fuck about asexual people, the point I'm trying to get across is that homosexual isn't a male-centered term.
>So, because you do something once, it means you'll never do it again?Yeah, and it's weird to assume I'm going to do it over and over again if I've only done it once.
No. 259697
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>>259653Glad to know someone agrees with me! Whenever I'm laughing and joking around with my friends I feel so happy inside I just want to capture these moments and keep them in little boxes. I'm not even talking exclusively about female friends, I have malle friends as well and they all drop me as soon as they get a new gf. Sucks my friends don't think the same, their entire world revolves around their SO.
>I've never befriended another girl who thinks like that.Me neither and that makes me sad. Maybe someday…
I think my post is going to get buried under all this infighting No. 259699
>>259692well as an ugly person myself, id rather my dad had just worn a rubber
>>259693can't imagine why tbh. choosing to bring a child into a world that's so shallow and cruel knowing they'll be set for a life of struggle or at best mediocrity .. yikes!
also, oatmeal raisin cookies are the best type.
No. 259700
>>255721I believe that Gays should be put into mandatory mental health programs and if they refuse, into institutions because they are just straight people who were molested and never got the help.
Homosexuality is not romantic, AIDs and HIV are on the rise because of the promotion of unprotected sex in the LGBT community. Fags with AIDS continue to have sex as if they don't have AIDS because of the overgenerous nature of Jewish Big Pharmaceuticals.
Children prone to homosexuality pursue the lifestyle because they seek the same reward system they were conditioned into by their abusers. Over time they end up assuming the role of groomer and abuser. A lot of homosexuals are pedophiles. Pedophiles must be killed.
The crystal meth epidemic within the Gay community is a stark example of why the idea of genetic homosexuality is not real. Drugs are often used to abuse and condition victims of abuse, victims become addicted and seek out drugs in settings that can offer them the security of the sexual conditioning that very few can relate to, and ultimately the reward of social contact with like minded individuals, sadistic homosexual activity and drugs. The only setting that can offer them such safety, understanding and sense of community is the Gay LGBT community.
Look at any celebrity with a history of bisexuality, homosexuality, sex addiction and drug addiction.
(shit bait) No. 259706
>>259701reads the first line of >>259700Reads your postback to >>259700I…
No. 259733
>>259728best friends then?
nah i'm another anon yanking your chain but i would totally live with my best friend forever & raise kids with them but i'm not romantically inclined towards them
No. 259739
>>259736Why would you want to kiss someone you're not attracted to? I'm assuming they're not talking about family friendly kisses on the cheek or anything.
I thought asexuality was the absence of sexual attraction.
>Pretty gay, anon.Nothing wrong with that.
No. 259746

>>255721I believe there is no such thing as a diverse beauty standard as at the end of the day all of these ambiguous mystery meats champion their white features over their ethnic features and so do their supporters. biracial beauty standard is just a way for bitter ethnic people the breed white elements into their children and place them on the pedestal for their 'unique' biracial identity. They can live through their children and grasp a perverse sense of what they believe whiteness to be, without having to acknowledge that they are aggressively chasing the white beauty standard.
Blue eyes on dark skin, blonde hair on dark skin, caramel fair skin, straight hair, long neck, slender frame. Its all the same shit. Anything but Black. Blasians are ok. Blacks are the ones who buy heavily into this. They then like to paint themselves as the victims even though what they are doing is very very wrong.
>"You don't know what it's like to grow up feelin undesirable!">"My daughter is black, she is just as black as anybody"Notice how these same ethnic women never ever associate with biracial people that share their ethnicity. Its unheard of. Yet they will play the role of pioneer for social change whilst placing their children in precarious social predicaments where they are forced to prove and champion one side of their race over the other.
The idea of modelling and the beauty industry is a highly Eurocentric as we know it, yet models like Naomi Campbell and Tyra Bank complained when they could not get work. Why were they complaining? Why was black representation so important in a Eurocentric tradition like fashion and modelling. Why do these people constantly try to push their biracial children into this industry? To connect to their heritage?
What is wrong with European institutions championing European values and European features? The largest consumers are/were European. Now the fashion industry is a joke.
European fashion week was blasted for not featuring 'enough black models' and for 'lacking diversity' but where are all these diverse fashion labels and tabloids championing their message. The only one I see doing it is Kanye and he too came under fire for casting too much mystery meat.
This scene from Madmen is pretty telling, everybody knows why the fashion industry is failing, but nobody wants to say it. Nepotism and forced diversity. No. 259771
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>>259764Lolcow is like that, so many of the people here are ugly and narcissistic at the same time so they constantly shift the epitome of what they believe beauty is. They will paint it in a way that they have such high standards all whilst referencing photoshopped images and supermodels. They make it a point to make you guess what their standards of beauty are, even though the question of
>"what do you find beautiful"is fairly simple. Go onto the internet and find a jpeg, or describe it through text.
They will never judge someone or something on how well the features work together to complement the full image.
>"Her eyes complement her skin tone, her hair frames her facial structure well, etc."They will only nitpick at certain characteristics and use it to debunk the idea of beauty even existing.
>"I don't like her nose, its too broad, it makes her eyes look too close together, therefore she is ugly because of that one feature etc"They don't want to admit to being able to find beauty in a real person so they change the definition and criteria of what defines beauty. They do it to appear as if they are perfectionists but they have a very low bar of what constitutes beauty.
>"I like her nose"
>"Her eyes are pretty"Based on the emphasis they place on these features alone the isolated look of ones eyes and nose with no reference to how they work on a face makes that a 10/10 beauty image. This is Lolcows unpopular opinions not Lolcows careful considerations. If you want discourse you must assume you are speaking to the mentally ill.
No. 260013
>>260005tbh I think for some there may be a biological component. Personally I didn't know what attraction felt like until I was well into my 20s, like a switch flipped and I finally understood. This might be other asexuals.
Other asexuals have noted a link between starting antidepressants (which kill libido) and asexuality. There might be a genuine link there.
No. 260015
>>259406I've met a lot more Chihuahuas who were mean and unpredictable than any dogs in the "Pitbull clusterfuck", but they seem to always get a pass because no one takes a snarling rat dog as seriously as a large dog.
Even as an owner of a rescue pitmix, I agree Pitbulls should be phased out, but not because they're HURRDURR MEAN. It's because human beings are fucking awful and use and abuse them to fight with, as "security", or otherwise ruin what could have been a good dog because they've become a symbol of intimidation.
My unpopular opinion: No more purebred dogs. Mutt them all up.
So many breeds have hit their genetic bottleneck and are guaranteed to be born sick or eventually become sick in their lifetime. Every time I see a pug or a bulldog, I just think about how they struggle to even exist, but people perpetuate the breeds because "soooo cute!1"
No. 260016
>>260015Bitzers all the way anon. I’ve got two big mutts and I think everyone should have one.
The results of purebred animals is honestly tragic and I really dislike anyone who values a dogs papers over its health. We absolutely ruined breeds like pugs and it’s evil to encourage the industry.
No. 260105
>>260088All of this. The le chiahuahua meme is so fucking retarded and I can't believe pit owners use it ALL the time. A chihuahua is never able to maim you to death. A chihuahua can't lock your jaws around your throat and shake you until you die. Pit bulls haven't been chosen as the go-to breed for psychopaths and criminals at random, they're popular within shitty owners because they're naturally vicious, muscular, unpredictable and strong. It's much, MUCH easier to make a pitbull attack someone than say, a golden retriever. Other dogs bite you once when they're threatened, pitbulls can go into mauling mode when they're overstimulated (like during playing) and not stop until their target is dead.
I'm sorry, I just can't bring myself to be sympathetic towards this breed even though I love dogs. And that's probably the reason, in my country pitbulls are relatively rare but the few ones that we have kill other dogs every year. No other breeds have such a track record with killing other dogs in my country. And the attacks ALWAYS come as a "surprise" to the owner. The always calm and happy nanny dog uwu just suddenly snapped and lunged at someone.
No. 260119
>>260088I agree with you that being attacked by a chihuahua vs a pitbull is comparing apples to oranges, but imo it’s more about shitty irresponsible owners not training their tiny dog because they think it’s cute when it’s aggressive.
I’ve met nice pitbulls and one so nasty you couldn’t look at it through the window or it would charge you. Idk about banning breeds, but fuck people who get chihuahuas or other toy dog breeds and don’t train them. Never met a chihuahua that wasn’t a bitey little piss machine.
No. 260129
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>>260109If an artist reacts poorly to constructive criticism they should stop making it public.
It’s the same with any craft really. Writing forums can get so bogged down with hurt feelings it’s embarrassing just to witness.
Idk how so many adults have such thin skins. Do they never get criticised as kids?
No. 260207
>>260205Yep my initial post was longer but I didn't want to blogpost.
My theory is they mostly date within their race, as I have, and maybe are hoping other types of men will be different/better.
I do think that white men have more obvious smug entitlement on their faces but that might be just where I live in particular.
No. 260212
Lexynichelle/syrencove isnt milky
It seems the vast majority of her thread is nitpicking, yeah shes hideous and whatnot, but when there is that once or twice a year milk droplets, it only gets discussed for 2 posts then back to "lol shes so fat her voice is annoying"
The amount of gender and race wars that happen nowadays are annoying and exhausting, you'd think it be logical for everyone to be treated as equals until they prove they're lesser but now people wanna go and claim x y and z races and gender is bad and x y and z are the best,the second you say something like "hey I don't think you should be telling women they need to be beat and claiming all blacks ate subhumans is bad" you get marked as a crazy feminist, or vice versa if someone goes on rampages on white people or men
Modern music all sucks and sounds the same, including alt and rock, it's very repeative and most of the beats aren't original but people seem to be obsessed with it
NF sucks, is a whiny cunt and is an Eminem skinwalker
People are here batshit crazy
I wish people were praised for having personality still, now it seems all women are expected to be shy silent trad ugus in order to be praised, if you have personality of your own you're bashed to hell and back, dunno why so many people wanna live in a world where everyone is a carbon copy
No. 260215
>>260212Are you sure that by "having personality" you don't mean being a huge bitch?
Shy ugu girls also have personalities, don't be jealous just cause no-one likes a screeching harpy.
If it does not apply to you, ignore what I said above
No. 260216

>>260088There's no question of which can do more damage, but I was comparing them completely in terms of showing/acting on aggression. I'm not sure of your source for their lack of warning signals, but I'd be interested in seeing it.
As with all breeds, there's a certain balance in the nature vs. nurture aspect. I absolutely believe there are some lines of Pitbulls that have been bred into complete mental illness and are incapable of being saved due to improper selective breeding in dogfighting circles (as they obviously pursue strength/toughness over other more positive traits). However, there are also genetic lines which have not been so poisoned by these organizations, and I think that's what a lot of people don't consider when taking a stance on these dogs. People in certain regions may only have interactions with ones who are well-bred and/or trained vs. ones with bad genetic lines/aggressive training because of local culture, limited/large genetic variation with breeding, and many other factors that can effect any number of dog breeds.
>>260105I like how you complain about the chihuahua meme and then almost immediately mention the "locking jaws" meme, lol. A lot of things you mentioned could be said for plenty of breeds, even Chihuahuas are victims of awful backyard breeding and their propensity for aggression could be partially genetic, as well. As I mentioned, there is a cultural aspect playing into this (aka the criminal underground) creating and training certain genetic strains to be completely human/dog unfriendly animals. Dogs are more a victim in these cases thanks to dogfighting circles, and those who attack humans unprovoked are almost always owned by those with a criminal background and were trained to be that way. I would guess this is the case for the dogs in your country.
As an example, my experience with Pitbulls is completely opposite to yours, even with some of the dogs which were rescued from fighting rings. The ones I have met have been good fits within their families and even other dogs/animals, and I have never met or seen a local report of someone or their dog being attacked by a Pitbull breed. There are definitely some which are borderline and have restrictions, but if handled correctly, do not cause issues.
>>260119Even the ASPCA doesn't agree with banning breeds because it leads to more problems. As I mentioned before, I'm all for phasing out that Pitbull branch of dogs. I think ones exhibiting good traits could be mixed with other breeds and create really wonderful companions. But some lineages are truly fucked because of horrible breeding.
And a video of a bigass pit and chihuahua coexisting nicely because why not.
No. 260219
>>260215>>260215Lol wtf? i love how you assume that I think all shy girls have no personality and I just want everyone to be a "screaming harpie"
Personality isn't about how much you "scream" like you insist to think I do or whatever, it's about expressing yourself, which most people tend to have no personality of their own nowadays, you included
No. 260226
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If you aren’t attractive you really shouldn’t have a shit personality. I’m talking being an asshole/mean. No, pretty people don’t just get a pass and should get their asses kicked if they’re dickheads, but if you’re ugly AND you can’t exist without being a nasty cunt you should be euthanized because you literally bring nothing to the table for the human species.
No. 260234
>>260219That insult would hurt more if we were not all anon here kek
Sorry, but you said nothing about hobbies. You just complained that shy (and submissive) girls are popular. You should have worded that better if you meant that you are tired of cookie cutter/basic girls. I said that if you are not a bitch you should not take it personally, but I guess I stroke a nerve.
No. 260253
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Deadpool 2 was a shitty film filled with outdated unfunny memes
No. 260266
>>260253I liked it for what it was, some parts were actually funny, but I HATE that everyone who likes the movies think that the main character breaking the 4th wall in the most cliché and awkward ways is so hilarious and innovative. Like no, it's not. Some people even think that the movies being self-aware and having references to pop culture and other marvel characters by itself is so funny and never seen before.
It's kind of like how some otaku think that just because a manga or anime for a niche audience makes a reference to another popular anime or manga, without the reference being a joke in the first place sometimes, then it means that their favorite manga/anime is so innovative and funny and clever. Don't know if you see what type of fanboy I'm talking about.
No. 260271
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I think losing a good friend can be just as bad, or sometimes worse than a relationship breakup.
No. 260307
>>260234…you didnt say that but okay
I don't hate shy or submissive girls but most girls I've seen that are shy and submissive are only pretending to be so for male attention, some are quite the opposite, like june who claims to be a shy and sub but are loud, annoying, attention whores
No. 260335
>>260329Damn me too. I really enjoy bitchy queers. I also have respect for super femme guys who aren't going trans.
I miss the days where it was cool for men to wear makeup and enjoy fashion.
No. 260340
>>260216This is a good post. I do think people should work on breeding out the more aggressive traits or even not breeding them "pure" anymore altogether, but those pushing the "Pitbulls are bad evil doggos and shouldn't even exist, ban them all" meme are being willfully ignorant IMO.
I wonder if those same people would pitch a fit if someone proposed euthanizing or sterilizing all humans with diagnosed antisocial personality disorder, or other mental issues that result in a higher propensity for violence and aggression.
No. 260359
>>260348size differences in couples where the girl is taller or stronger than the guy are cute as fuck
i'm 5'1 so it's unlikely i'll ever have a bf shorter than me, but i prefer short guys, especially when they don't have a complex over how tall they are
No. 260483
>>260474I'm with you anon, I've seen camwhores rip yeasty shit all over stay at home moms
makes me wonder if it's not out of jealousy tbh.
Especially the ones who compare their cam work to a legitimate job, then watch out.
No. 260486
>>260474Learn the difference between libfem and radfem.
>will defend anything is empowering even if it's shit like tolerating rape for money or being a living maid for a man with money>will do mental gymnastic to defend trannies and their right to cut their dick and force lesbians to have relationships with them>pretend to hate men in the internet through misandry memes but irl are crying because of some fuccboi>are likely to engage in poly relationships and are more likely to be snowflakes with 3 different genders>say they have empathy towards other females but can't get out of their white 1st world feminism and will defend trannies' rights over actual womenRadfem:
>are critical towards practices from prostitution to child bearing to beauty standards, because know they all in some way make women's lives more difficult>some are lesbians, some are het, all very well aware men can be total fucking garbage and avoid them if possible>support things done by other females (music, movies, books, handmade things, etc)>discuss 1st and 3rd world issues equally, are aware of black and asian women struggles, ignore tranny issues because they are not women No. 260489
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Kind of related to the anons above me.
I hate how ''sex-positivity'' is being promoted right now. The over-sexualization of young girls has always been awful, but I feel like it's getting completely out of hand nowadays due to social media like instagram and Both girls in Pic related were around 14-16 in these pictures. This is not what a teen should dress like. It's borderline child pornography to be honest and there were even more revealing pictures, especially of Nathalie Paris (the girl on the pictures on the right). She just turned 18 a year ago and these pictures are about 2 years old.
It's shocking to me how you're labeled as a bad person for criticizing this fuckery, and that you're just ''slut shaming'' and shouldn't ''tell girls how to dress'' - it's mostly what ''feminists'' say, which is pretty sad and ironic.
This is so damaging towards young girls; to them it's ''you have to dress sexy, pose seductively, wear shirts that say ''baby girl'' and wear a lot of make up at a very young age to be popular''. It's so fucked up and I can't believe this isn't being condemned more by the mainstream media. I swear, give it will be normalized and accepted for grown men to fuck teenagers. I would not be surprised.
No. 260491
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>>260486This reads almost like "me vs other girls" meme.
No. 260492
>>260491It could but libfems are defending shit like
>>260489 which is damaging to society and harms young women but whatever.
No. 260496
>>260489Hate to say it but sometimes these girls have to learn their own lessons. They know exactly what they're doing and who they're taking these pictures for.
Forget sticking my neck out and being labeled as a slut shamer or a bitter jelly feminist for girls who don't want someone else's lookout, especially from another woman. Sad but true.
I blame whoever is raising them for not being involved enough.
No. 260507
>>260489I agree with this but like the other anon said if you stick your head out and condemn this you're either seen as a crazy feminist or a prude/slut shamer, I'd rather stay away from those labels.
Unpopular opinion but race mixing is gross and just feels unnatural, why would you want to mate with someone from a different race and have your child be born an outcast or worse a fetish for some sick fuck?
No. 260508
>>260503What's the US' and liberals deal with those two anyways?
I'm German and just last monday my politics prof said freedom of speech and having your own opinion - yes!, and yet, we need to teach our future students (I'm studying education) not to support any either autocratic or also marxist(!) regimes. So how can you think that this is something positive…?
No. 260509
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>>260507>or worse a fetish for some sick fuck?What? Why would anyone worry about that? You act like these motherfuckers don't fetishize everything in existence.
No. 260511
>>260502You're probably the same anon that suggested Wittig for Marxist feminist reading earlier, but that really misrepresents what Marxist feminists are about nowadays. Wittig is much more in line with modern radical feminism and lesbian separatism.
>>260503 is right.
No. 260516
>>260513This. I'm always so confused when talking about politics with USians.
Also how the country is so divided over a two party system where both parties are basically the same apart from some minor identity politics issues.
No. 260519
>>260507>outcastsWe're just biracial, we aren't banished from the community or forbidden from talking to the racially pure or anything. We may struggle a little with identity in our teen years and young adulthood, but it's usually nothing super dramatic unless you live in a racist area.
Good grief. I hope this is bait or you're just a /pol/tard.
No. 260520
>>260515…huh? Are East Asian women not "born normal" because they're fetishized by white dudes?
What does yellow fever have to do with mixed race children?
No. 260522
>>260520Not that anon but I think they mean those ''hapa'-obsessed 4chan incels that consider half white half asians the ''superior race''.
If that's not the case, then i don't know what the original anon was talking about…
No. 260530
>>260518>>260520No, some people should just stick to their own race.
>>260522This anon gets it, nobody wants to be viewed as "exotic" and only wanted because they're some weird alien type of human
No. 260531
>>260516>where both parties are basically the same apart from some minor identity politics issues.What? You think democrats and republicans are the same apart from identity politics?
What about health care? Immigration? Climate change? Voting rights? National Parks? Gun control? International relations? Crime? Abortions? Taxes? Education reform?
None of these ringing a bell? Or do you think they’re all “identity politics?”
A simple google search will help you out.
No. 260571
>>260567This seems like a great way to ignore the possibility that there are real, hard to reconcile differences in views amongst your perceived community.
If anybody seriously wants to keep a group together, then differences must be reckoned.
No. 260672
>>260669Depends on where you live I guess.
For example they're expensive as fuck in Europe, for obvious reasons.
No. 260674
What is up with Americans doing the ancestry tests and bragging about how they are 25% Italian and shit. This crap mostly means nothing if you were not born in the culture and the only thing that ties you to it is your blood. I live in Europe and almost all people I talked about it to considers people born and raised in America americans and wouldn't call them the part of our culture. Since they don't care about the country, culture, language and history, moreover, these americans only remember about their ancestry when it benefits them or they want to prove their point even thought they basically know nothing about it.
On the same note, the few times I saw young americans (these people specified so) bitching about how they can't buy a big beautiful house and a car in their 20's. When people pointed out that it is normal, they always used the same excuse, that their grandparents got it and it was expected so they are entitled to it. I can help, but want to slap these whiny, spoiled brats. Thought, I admit that in Europe there are similar young people, but in general I live in one of the poorer countries and here saying this would mean a disrespect for your parents and being rotten spoiled.
No. 260678
>>260674I don't know how unpopular your opinion would be in the US but in my European country everyone thinks the same way about white Americans claiming they're Irish or French or whatever. They're American first of all.
I'd say I feel the same way about some African Americans, sort of. I don't like seeing them brag about Africa and being African even though they can't even name a single country where they could come from and they never went anywhere near the continent. I don't care if the reason why they do that is because they're overcompensating for the fact that they don't know where their ancestors come from because of slavery, they don't know shit about Africa and its countries and cultures most of the time.
No. 260681
>>260669Avocados are usually on sale in Lidls for around 50c (Europe)
They're only good in guac though.
No. 260682
>>260678>>260674same opinion in the uk
cringey when americans call themselves scottish
No. 260696
>>260674I think it's because they think being something other than American makes them "special" or "unique" (but since everyone in the US can claim some kind of ancestry to Europe, it really doesn't). I think Americans claiming German or Italian ancestry is like Tumblrinas claiming they're a non-binary demi-boy or like people with Munchausen's claiming they have 20 different auto-immune diseases. It's not interesting to say you're "American" or a "cis white male" or that you spend your weekends knitting and not hooked up to an IV.
I also believe Americans claim to have ancestry from other countries so they can act as a kind of "gatekeeper" to that country/culture. Americans with an Italian great-grandmother are somehow experts in Italian culture and will lecture you about it because how dare you question someone who is "Italian" (having any drop of it would make you 100% Italian by their standards). It's funny because none of them speak the language, none of them can cook any of the cuisine and they probably can't even name a film or song associated with the country. Nor do they ever make any effort to learn about the culture they're supposedly from. I'm Irish and I'm sick to death of Plastic Paddies who are making a mockery of my culture.
>bitching about how they can't buy a big beautiful house and a car in their 20'sThey've no idea what it's like to live in Europe. Tiny, expensive apartments and people living with their parents into their 30s because they can't afford their own place due to the housing crisis. Huge American houses are cheap af and it'd take me half the time to save for a nice house in the US than it would here where I'd be getting a smaller, inferior home. They're so spoiled and they don't even realise it.
No. 260698
>>260674It's not really that deep. Yeah there are families that still pass down the family tartan or whatever but for most people it holds the same importance and identity as a horoscope. For example:
>"what's your ethnicity? I'm German, Irish, and a little native">"oh neat, I have a little German on my Dad's side. German pride, dude!"But I think it's such a standard conversation topic, it's hard to ignore when we speak to foreigners who actually have a connection to "the homeland." But yeah, anyone who suddenly starts to identify with their newfound 12% Norwegian heritage is a fool and should be mocked.
No. 260716
>>260714Don’t forget Preisdent’s Day, college sports, Greek life, big cars, Texmex, the Founding Fathers, Wallstreet, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Jazz, hip hop, NASA, National Parks, Levi’s, baseball, hot dogs, buttered popcorn (gag), soul food,
Authors like Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, Thoreau, Steinbeck, etc. and books like The Great Gatsby, East of Eden.
I could go on and on. All of these things are so “American.”
No. 260726
>>260714>>260716anon you both replied to here
i guess i just feel like it has no culture because most other cultures are so interesting and vast compared to ours, i always get depressed after i come back from traveling because everything feels kind of shallow and dull and there's not much worthwhile in the us outside of the larger cities. maybe it's that living here doesn't really fit my needs or interests, or maybe i just like being away and getting to see the world, i don't know but i find it super difficult to be as patriotic as a lot of other americans tend to be, you know what i mean?
No. 260730
I'd hate to say it but inflation is definitely impacting america, even in rural areas, and no just because other countries have it worse doesn't mean we shouldn't fix our problem, my parents are both uni graduates who pay 1200k for a tiny 2 bedroom, falling apart apartment which is an hour away from anything, when I lived with them I use to have to drive an hour to work each day, and we HAVE to rely on cars, it fucking sucks, I'd rather live in Europe with the equal amount of pricing because at least I wouldn't have to waste hours on end and money on gas just to get anywhere, and since you HAVE to go to college to get a good job, it will only leave you in debt forever, at least with european countries,uni is affordable
However, what pisses me off is that millenials who cry about not being able to afford an uptown 3 bedroom, apartment with tons of appliances for under 800 a month, it's like they think they're too good to live anywhere that isn't the big city and the same hipsters mock suburban and rural folks yet its them who's paying almost 1000 a month for a tiny,hideous apartment with no furniture and everything working but its ok since it's on main street or whatever, and it makes people who talk about issues with inflation look like those types of millenials who just are retarded when it comes to money management
No. 260731
>>260726The issue is that America's culture is very young compared to others so we haven't really had time to establish much of our own distinct culture. When you travel to other countries there are buildings and rituals and local dishes that have existed for centuries. We're just not far enough removed from our immigrant ancestors, so everything seems like it's part of another culture. Other anons mentioned texmex and macn'cheese, and soul food and burgers and chop suey too. It's not much, but it's a start.
If you want to feel patriotic, try appreciating the land more than the customs or people. Drive out to the plains and just stare at the sky. Climb mountains, go to the forest, or the coast. There's a lot to love.
No. 260735
>>260730>1200k for an apartment 1hr from the cityI hope that's a typo or where the fuck do you live?
Also what kind of degrees/jobs do your parents have where you can only afford 1200(assuming typo) a month on a combined income?
No. 260741
>>260735I wish it was a typo, the sad part is almost all the rural areas around here are about that much, my dad is a bio major and works at this plant observatory thing, surprisingly, it's only a few minutes away, my mom is a vet tech
I'm a shitty waitress and there is no jobs around here except gas stations but they never have any openings and would only hire old people with lots of experience for minimum wage, I wanted to find a job as a teen but the thing about companies here is that they don't wanna hire high schoolers but they wanna pay adults like high schoolers
1200 month rent, and you have to have insurance and everything since I live in the hurricane belt but insurance is evil so when there was a flood a few years ago we were forced to move but the insurance had a long list of things they didn't pay for so my parents had to pay for it just to not even live in the house they had to sell the house, it was hell
>>260738>Piss me off seeing americans cry about expensive educationI'm sorry but easy or not easy, I think americans do have the right to "whine" about expensive education, it's not just a few thousand dollars, like in europe or some countries even go to uni in europe for free, but americans are pretty much forced to go to uni all the while it costs a fortune, that can often take the rest of your life to pay off, why it pisses you off is beyond me, learn to emphasize instead of excusing people living off of ramen and being millions in debt just to get an education as "lazy whiners"
>when they don't even bother to spent five hours after school-time to most of the ~hard working non-whiney european students~ don't even do that, maybe or 4 hours max but you're delusional if you think European students spend 5+ hours studying after school each day, incase you forgotten, there's 24 hours in a day
No. 260745
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Maybe unpopular but (I am by no means rich,and very thankful that I can live comfortably)
Poorfags are annoying and act like everyone spending a little money on something fun is unacceptable. Sure there are a lot of people that spend money on dumb shit(especially cows), but if they have a job and are at least somewhat responsible, who cares? They always try to make it about them too, like I'm sorry that you were born into a shitty living/money situation but also you're some anonymous stranger on the internet posting on a drama site, how do I know if you're telling the truth about your sob story/why should I care?
No. 260747
>>260745True, tho I hate when ppl crie about stuff just because they believe they are entitled to it, the same goes for poor people, just work for it if you want it too.
And I think that children coming from alchoholic or poor parent families should have no excuse for being thiefs or alchoholics. Plenty of people use their experience to help other kids or those who struggle.
No. 260926
>>260745Huh come to think of it, I actually really enjoy reading about people throwing away the majority of their money on stupid stuff, and I'm not at all poor. It's like watching a slow train crash. I know that's not really the situation you're talking about, but you made me think this. Can "Financial Lolcow" be a thing? Heh
But yeah it's annoying when poor people try to guilt wealthier people about purchasing any small luxury. They just sound super jealous and bitter.
No. 260996
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>>260770Ntayrt, but if our eduaction is for free, then why do you think that in many European countries less people are going to Uni than in the US? They obviously have their own ways of keeping students from entering Uni; since money doesn't play a role, what else could it be…? They're simply only allowing the very best to join, so yes, the average European who wants to go to Uni does have to study a lot - whereas America is famous for parents simply paying to get you in or colleges offering pretty nonsense degrees.
No. 260997
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>>260996Also, the US spends a lot on education
No. 261054
>>260996>then why do you think that in many European countries less people are going to Uni than in the US? Laziness, different standards, uni isn't as shoved down your throat as it is in America, etc etc
>average European who wants to go to Uni does have to study a lot Or be very smart, even then, most uni students dont study 5 hours a day and you have yet to prove they do, and then you bash Americans for not studying 5 hours a day but WHO IS DOING THAT? Who? Not even asians do that
>whereas America is famous for parents simply paying to get you in or colleges offering pretty nonsense degrees.>thinking most americans are richNo one I've ever known has had their parents pay to get them in college or had a "nonsense" degree, yes there are nonsense degrees everywhere but you're delusional if you think most americans are majoring in gender studies or whatever
>>260997Again, your point?