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No. 261350
Previous threads:
>>94472>>246299>>252059>>255721My new unpopular opinion: anyone who unironically listens to anthony fantano's recommendations for rap music is a tool
No. 261521
>>261518Unpopular opinion: Girls that expect men to pay for dates are hypocrits and should feel bad for self infantilizing.
Splitting the bill is the way to go.
No. 261534
>>261526I'm actually a radfem.
But hey, who am I to judge. Keep depending on men for money while diminishing your self worth, that's very liberated of you.
No. 261539
>>261538Rich countries are rich because of geography and intelligence (these are both linked).
They had the intelligence/means to do so meanwhile naturally fucked regions weren't even able to properly develop their agriculture and progress to the point where they could exploit their own resources before we did.
No. 261547
>>261545Of course TERF is a slur.
And I still don't agree with your opinions on men paying.
No. 261552
>>261542They had the means to develop their nations to the point where they could conquer others (like i said because of geography - climate, land, resources). That’s completely natural, maybe those countries are fucked now (PARTLY because of that but mostly because of nature) however throwing money at them doesn’t help.
>>261543You’re right this isn’t /pol/, it’s the unpopular opinions thread and I presented an unpopular opinion. My opinion also isn’t based in race politics/hatred, you tried tho.
No. 261556
>>261552You /pol/tards are so easy to read, holy shit.
It's hilarious how easily you can spot a male pretending to a woman online. You dumbass trannies can't even pass when you're anonymous.
No. 261562
>>261557Yeah, but shouldn`t it go both ways then?
So if you like a guy you`d pay stuff for him from time to time?
Because if only the guy pays it makes it feel like he likes the girl more than she likes him, according to what you said.
Also, to the anons calling me incel, I`ve been in dates where men paid the bill, one because I was actually broke and didn`t have one dollar on me and the other because I was embarassed about stopping him from paying, and felt like shit after bothe dates.
No. 261563
>>261553>reading comprehensionWhere did I mention race, I mentioned geographical differences. Not my fault that people in the third world are mostly poc. Also, letting people succumb to their natural fate (famine, drought) isn't eugenics.
>>261556Funny that you have to assume i'm a "tranny" because I presented an opinion you disagree with, anon. Difference between me and /pol/ users is that I'm well studied (at a university level) about these exact topics.
No. 261567
>>261566I guess I misinterpreted the convo then. My bad.
Yeah, alternating who pays and stuff is nice.
No. 261569
>>261391The agenda pushing is so weird. How many times do they need to say they don’t like pitbulls? The debate has been had a few times now, usually interspersed with people losomg their fuckin minds.
These threads need better quality bait since this is apparently the place to take bait and run.
On topic: I want to see more movies coming out like ‘what we do in the shadows’ than a other crappy superhero wankfests.
Disney is gonna own the entire entertainment industry soon and it’s depressing because it’s all shit.
No. 261573
>>261569The pitbull thing seems to be the new flavour of the month issue among retards on /pol/ and alt-righters. It's all over twitter too and should mostly just be ignored.
They'll probably move onto something new soon.
No. 261580
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Megan Fox was better before plastic surgery. Before she had a cute, girl next door look. Now she’s on her way to looking like that cat lady
No. 261606
>>261420my dentist has a little monitor set up on the ceiling with a camera pointed into my mouth so I can watch while I get fillings, it's very nice.
>>261428some people are just more prone to cavities I think. I take pretty good care of my teeth and I get cavities a lot, and I floss and everything. I think I have weak enamel or something, my teeth also chip easy.
No. 261607
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I think the exotic pet trade needs to have much more restrictions or be banned altogether.
It seems like the majority of the people who get them don't know shit about their needs and they end up suffering so much. I've seen too many horrific pictures of reptiles with metabolic bone disease or birds who have plucked every feather off their body because they're so messed up emotionally. It makes me so sad.
No. 261614
>>261607Oh god yes. It seems a lot of breeders/owners are just plain hoarders as well. A past coworker of mine used to go to those exotic pet cons and would buy reptiles but had nowhere to put them yet she KEPT BUYING. No one could say anything to her except that she was growing her "zoo". It's so sad
My unpopular opinion is Aminyan is as much of a snowflake as all of the girls posted in the sub. I don't understand why she's put on such a pedestal or why her threads got raided on the regular yet we got punished for it by having them banned. Also, if anyone talks bad about her suddenly it's Hi Micky or Hi Momo? whatever her name is. Her schtick about being intelligent/uni student (did she even graduate?) Or a succesful anything in Japan is hilarious. Her claim to fame was a cringey tv show interview that she had to contact them for because god knows she doesn't stick out enough for a regular one as well as making a creepy softcore porn dvd. Now she's a hooker and wants to take the haturz to court. How is no one laughing at her?
No. 261620
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>>261607Hell yes. All those poor little slow lorises getting their teeth and claws ripped out..
It’s total selfishness and vanity on the part of any owner of an animal that is absolutely not suited to being a pet.
The punishments should be massive, it’s an incredibly cruel trade.
No. 261621
>>261617Some anons here are so fucking obsessed with asians.
Also, that thread shouldn't be allowed in here, wtf.
No. 261630
>>261607>mfw the same people want a """domesticated""" fox or a parrot with a 80+ years long life expectancy are the same shitters who hate zoos with accreditation requiring extremely high standards (not infallible, ofc)People propagating the Russian fox experiment shit as "domesticating" foxes get on my nerves so much. I also hate videos of large cats (usually as kittens) that are clearly in some rich Gulf Arab person's yard that get thousands of upvotes or reblogs or retweets that all lead to normalization of exotic pets. Those Japanese pet owl videos are also fucking awful, especially when you can see the bands on the legs causing bloody chafing. Japan's got pretty fucking atrocious animal protection laws but owl cafes are too kawaii~ to pass up.
A lot of pet owners can hardly take care of entry level pets like dogs (as noted in all the posts about shitty dog owners in this thread's last incarnation and the vent thread going on right now) and cats, and even fish, and yet too many people think they can take on animals that have hyperspecialized needs.
No. 261649
>>261645>>261637It's disgusting how many men get away with shit like this and face little backlash
Meanwhile, libtards are too busy trying to burn terves™ at the stake to care
No. 261672
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>>261580Wow, is this really an unpopular opinion?
I also think she looked way better before, her plastic surgery made her look way older than she is. But I guess people prefer that borderline pornstar look.
No. 261678
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>>261521Tbh I pick up after my guy as if he's a teenager at home, I don't mind if he thinks I'm incapable of paying for my own food considering I think he's incapable of keeping tidy and organized. Fair trade, I think. If I could attach a dollar amount to domestic labor…
No. 261691
>>261584>>261589I love small dicks, mostly because dicks gross me out and it would be easier for me to please him more
I'm talking small as in 3.5-5.7 inches or slim ones, big dicks scare me
No. 261697
>>261595Why you gotta traumatize me by reminding me of that comic
Incidentally I'm impressed someone bothered to make that bait pic
No. 261704
>>261584It's only unpopular because girls are so scared of hurting male feelings that they'll cape for small dicks til the cows come home. I'm sure there are many who really don't care, but I'm sick to death of them speaking for all women and saying
no girls care, only men do, or that oral compensates and PIV isn't important. I do not agree and I don't think guys with small dicks should be coddled.
No. 261730
>>261704Agree. I used to think I didn't care about size but after getting older and thus having sex with more men I realised I do prefer a larger penis.
Which spurs my unpopular opinion: I hate receiving oral sex and I love piv. And I would rather be fingered than receive oral sex.
Yet every dude I've had sex with has insisted I just haven't had good oral and they will change my mind. Then I'm basically guilted into receiving oral. Forever a cycle with any guy I try to get serious with.
No. 261798
>>261784>>261614I agree, but saying this in /snow/ gets you yelled at for some reason. The only difference between Amina, Micky and Angela is that Amina is skinny, better-looking than the other two, and not openly trashy on social media (which means she's a little smarter). She really only looks non-cowish when compared to those two dumpster fires. All three of them do the exact same things.
I suspect she and/or her friends lurk, and some of them may be the main posters in the Angela/Micky threads, so any non-positive mention of Amina (especially when not buffered with a bit of extra A-logging for Micky/Angela) sets them off. I remember spergs who kept making excuses for her cringe and spamming "There is no milk" whenever anyone tried to talk about her. They probably mass-reported any mean posts and pissed off the mods/admin enough to just make her a banned topic altogether.
No. 261804
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>>261798Also people like to pretend like Amina wasn't escorting in japan and there were even pictures of her on a Japanese escort site. All three of them are whores who fuck for cash and had dreams of getting attention from old Japanese men, the only difference is anima isn't fat and is some what pretty. Amina is still bitter towards Japan because she didn't get as famous as she thought she would but pretends not to care. She had a full scholarship and parents who supported her dreams and she blew it all and is now a sex worker living with her weeaboo bf.
No. 261816
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>>261811They already have irl meetings. If you buy enough merch you can win some time with your idol.
No. 261869
>>261664I hate the gritty polishing stuff too, no matter what flavor I ask for it makes me want to vomit. I don't mind getting my teeth drilled but I hate getting my teeth cleaned lol.
>>261817wow, very unpopular opinion
No. 261891
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>>261888>body dysmorphia is usually just self awarenessAnon are you off your meds?
No. 261903
>>261891note the part where i said "usually"
i feel sorry for people who are beautiful who struggle with it but i don't believe it's a valid thing for anybody else
>>261900yeah, it's just a nice idea in my head but it'd likely never translate well into real life. plus good surgeons are worth saving up for, no point in getting surgery to fix yourself if it just ends up being botched
No. 261939
>>261888The problem is, body positivity never started out as trying to force everyone to think everyone else is beautiful.
It was based off the valid concern that low self-esteem and confidence hurts people, and instead of treating people like worthless trash for these bodily imperfections, we told them they were still worthy persons with value despite them. Because they are.
Unfortunately, the movement has gone completely off the rails as people who've hijacked that message now have to frame everything in relation to beauty.
Even you are this way, you just swing opposite.
Not liking how other people look really isn't that important, and definitely not important enough to raise everyone's taxes in an attempt to "fix" the ugly.
Unpopular opinion: Plastic surgery, particularly facial surgery, makes people look uncanny and does worse for their looks than they want to admit.
No. 261949
>>261939I don't know anything about the body positivist movement tbh, but I don't know if what you're saying makes sense. Why would it be called 'body' positivity if it's about your worth in other areas? But in any case
>we told them they were still worthy persons with value despite them.This is absolutely the most important thing. I don't necessarily disagree with
>>261888, not everyone is beautiful and that's a fact. It's just that I think people shouldn't feel the need to perfect their looks in the first place. How could plastic surgery possibly be a necessity unless being attractive is a necessity? It shouldn't be, aside from what it takes to be healthy (weight management, skincare etc). People, especially women, need to be encouraged to find confidence and happiness in other things.
No. 261953
>>261949>Why would it be called 'body' positivity if it's about your worth in other areas?Because you're not putting someone down automatically and being judgmental over their body. It's supposed to mean that they deserve respect and positivity, not necessarily asspats and encouraging poor choices.
Basically everything you said in the second half of your post.
No. 261964
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Reading between the lines has become a lost art and it is a problem. I've been told over and over that people just need to learn to spell things out as it isn't fair to expect people to understand what you mean and it excludes a lot of people/is racist because AAVA. Instead of saying "God you're dumb" which people could take to mean "You physically cannot speak" and/or take it as a slur, you have to say "You have made a poor choice and I feel you could have made a better one had you done something different, please don't be offended"; I don't agree with this. For example today someone said "Girl what is wrong with you" when that person posted a really bad manicure and followed it up by saying they paid for it and didn't have the guts to ask them to fix it. 99.9% of people would read that as "Girl, what are you doing paying her for that shit? That's bad and you should feel bad", however the response she got was half people playing victim and bawwing that their mental disorders don't let them complain when things are done poorly and the other half saying she shouldn't insinuate people have something wrong with them when they won't complain. It's as if they deliberately look past the obvious, so maybe it's not even the inability to read between the lines but they're way beyond and finding something in there that doesn't exist. Maybe I just dislike the victimhood people seem to adopt over something as stupid as a manicure, but more often I'm seeing people unable to grasp what someone is saying without them spoon feeding them or finding something in what they say that is completely from the left and baseless.I'm told to accept it as it's discriminatory to expect most people to have an understanding of the language they speak.
No. 262030
I hate k pop and any idols posted in threads for attractive people are usually fucking ugly.
>>261980Lol just say H3H3 anon but I agree, If you bitch about something and can’t evolve your content to accommodate what a company does with its own platform, fuck off from it then.
They alway hide behind “oh I’m just thinking of the smaller channels who already have a hard time with starting YouTube, I don’t care about my channel” when it’s obvious they’re shit scared of losing this money source because who the fuck would hire some edgy online retard with a shit fanbase irl?
No. 262100
>>262098Anon, this is not true, I have plenty of male friend who have nothing but nice things to say about their gf and ex gf.
Don't base your idea of how men are on what you read on some highly misogynist internet forum.
No. 262106
>>262100>nothing but nice things to say about their gf and ex gf. Why would you expect them to talk shit in front of you, another woman?
My argument would be that even online where men can be anonymous, there are plenty who fawn over their gf and talk about how they dgaf about their flaws. Plus they have egos and like to brag, there's every chance they'd rather boast about their gf than insult her (and himself indirectly). Frankly I have similar concerns to anon, but it's not that I think every man is like that, it's just that I don't want to risk it even if the chances are low. It'd be unlucky to get a guy that picky, but it's possible.
No. 262121
>>262112I feel like most introverts are like june pretty much
When being a social butterfly was seen as a good personality trait, lighting up the room and making everyone smile and laugh was seen as a good thing, everyone liked being around the fun extrovert, then suddenly there was a switch when suddenly it become cool and trendy to be an introvert and suddenly everyone is magically an introvert despite most of them not even knowing the meaning outside of thinking anyone who doesn't wanna snort coke out of strangers assholes must be an uwu introvert
I don't mean to pull the "kids these days" type thing but I miss when friends were friends and people aimed to be fun and sociable, like in the 80s-2000s now everyone wants to be quiet, introverted and shy even if it's not who they naturally are, it's boring and makes everyone miserable, even when I tell people my and my friends do actual fun things like seeing movies or going to the amusement park or something it's seen as weird since most social get-togethers nowadays involve nothing but everyone on their phone for hours
While I don't believe technology destroyed social interactions, its how people use technology that destroyed it, everyone is brainwashed
No. 262132
>>262128That and what I've seen they have pretty scewed defintions of gold-diggers
It went from "women who only go after men for money" to "women who ever allow men to pay for anything no matter how cheap or if he offers to"
I've known women that contributed more to their relationship financially more than the man and women who went out their way to make sure men don't buy anything for them out of fear of being a gold digger and yet despite all this men still insist all women are gold diggers, maybe its some sort of negging that men are just getting lazier and cheaper so instead would rather make women feel bad if a man every spends money on her ever?
I also find it funny that men act like they're oppressed when they pay for dinner especially since most women nowadays even the feminists men hate so much, tend to pay for themselves, if you don't wanna pay for someone else, don't, no one is forcing them to, what a bunch of crybabies really, if I could exchange all the privileges of being a man just to have to pay for my dates dinner I sure as hell would
No. 262159
>>262132You have to go through the utter tedium of them offering to pay, you talking them down and paying for yourself, all the while they never wanted to pay in the first place.
It takes all the fun out of dating because for me, when I am having fun I'm not thinking about money or how much I owe someone. I've had guys drop me because I didn't pay for a $5 drink when the prior dates I did. Or a guy I liked I paypalled the money to (this was many years ago when paypalling money to someone was considered crazy) to pay him back for the things
he willingly bought me. I had a guy buy a $5 ticket for something for me and then whinge that he bought it later on. I spent the next night out with this guy worried he'd spend a cent on me, bought him a drink and he was delighted.
The truth is they want us to buy them shit, and dating is fucking miserable if all you are worrying about is making sure he hasn't spent a cent on you, despite their constant insistence on buying everything. It's like the least fun battle of wills possible.
No. 262161
>>262159I have a personal rule to never, ever spend money on guys except on Christmas or their birthday.
I'm also iffy about letting guys buy me gifts, because I don't want them to try and use it as emotional blackmail for leverage later on. That said, I'd definitely let a guy financially support me and pay for my living expenses if we were in a committed relationship. I'd just secretly keep a stash of my own, and then ditch him if the relationship turns out bad.
No. 262163
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This thread in a nutshell.
No. 262165
>>262159I hate men like this
>let me pay for your dinner!>no I got it>b-but I HAVE to >fine then a few weeks later
>waahhh we always have to pay for womens dinner men are so oppressed! women all have pussy passes and get free food ! lets all MGTOW and show these gold digging whores !>>262161>That said, I'd definitely let a guy financially support me and pay for my living expenses if we were in a committed relationship. I'd just secretly keep a stash of my own, and then ditch him if the relationship turns out bad.same, my boyfriend is pretty traditional and pretty much begs for me to allow him to buy me things and wants to financially support me but allows me to pursue my career until we're ready to settle down, I feel like most non-foreign western men are very stingy about that type of stuff due to how bipoplar and mentally unstable they can be
ie one minute bashing men who don't support their gfs or have their wives/gfs support them, next minute crying gold-digger at literally nothing, claiming women should support themselves or else they're gold diggers, next minute claiming women are only worthy if they're baby-making housewives then crying about female privilege because of that
these men are NOT emotionally stable enough to have wives or just girlfriends in general, most of them can't even act like a stable person in the presence of a woman
No. 262224
>>262194This! A person that is cheap with money is going to be cheap with his/her heart. Obviously, I'm not talking about reckless spending but not willing to treat someone you like with a dinner, movies or a short trip (depending on the seriousness of relationship) is a sign that the person is a terrible partner or friend.
My mother married my father ignoring his stingyness and guess what, the marriage was miserable. He just sits on his pile of money while my mom had to cash out for everything, food, monthly expenses and raising us. When she was short with cash my father would 'generously' give her some peanuts and act like was some sort of generous god. He also stole from her despite having a really well paying job, making six figures, close to a million per year.
I had a friend who was stingy too, besides never getting me any birthday gifts (which I did use to buy for her), she never had cash with her when we went out in groups, so someone always had to cover for her, or she would suddenly have to go somewhere or she would even wait outside. And no, she wasn't from a poor family and her parents would sometimes give her pocket money to treat her friends with ice cream but she would never do that.
No. 262230
>>262194Dating a cheap guy is the worst. Any time that he does spend money on you, he’ll make it into a huge deal so you feel guilty. He’ll never want to do any activity that requires money. Only date a cheap man if you’re fine with Netflix and chill for the rest of your life.
There’s nothing wrong with people who are in love spending money on eachother as long as it is reasonable.
No. 262242
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My unpopular (?) opinion is that I don't give a fuck about fat people and don't understand the strong hate against them.
Maybe it's because I've never had any noteworthy negative experiences with fat people or because the fat acceptance movement isn't shoved in our faces imo where I'm from.
No. 262257
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I don't get the appeal of shoes with pointed toes. I think they're ugly and make your feet look weird.
No. 262298
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I feel like most virgin men are extremely childish when it comes to sex. I'm almost 30 and my bf expects me to be some virgin. Never date a virgins unless you're a virgin lol This is an actual text I got from my bf.
No. 262352
>>262298YIKES. Honestly I've dated 3 guys who were virgins, including my current bf, and only one of them was hung up about the men I fucked in the past - and he was a worthless idiot anyway. The other two didn't give any fuck at all. (Current bf is a legitimate germophobe who was taken VERY aback that sex is messy and smelly, but beyond that no issues.)
Honestly, he needs to grow the fuck up. And keep those immature views to himself. What an autist.
No. 262358
I'm from a third world country that receives "aid". A lot of westerners don't know that like 99% of the money they donate goes to the charity's handlers. The 1% then gets snatched up by corrupt groups instead of being used to feed and clothe the poor starving child in the photo that was used to exploit you. Essentially, it's fucking useless. There's a reason things still haven't gotten better. It's a fucking scam.
I unironically want foreign aid to be cut off, and all foreign charity groups to be removed. Not only is it wholly ineffective, virtue signalling bullshit, all the cases of pedophilia and child rape/exploitation enacted by foreigners who come under the pretense of "helping those poor kids" has put me off completely. I started realizing what was up when I heard about the Oxfam workers paying child victims of the Haiti earthquake for sex, and then I found out about Unicef being involved in child sex scandals, and it just snowballed from there.
To be clear: Any famine and destitute situation is not from lack of resources, but a direct result of an awful political state, corruption and general evil that your average 22 year old college student with a "Namaste" outlook on life is ill-equipped to fix. No amount of photos taken with poor children and posted on social media for brownie points will fix their lives. In fact, it's adding a whole new flavor of shit by making them vulnerable to strangers who have impunity to do whatever they want because they call themselves "aid workers". Never in my life have I seen a single person in my country whose life has been turned around by "charity groups". What actually does fix things is drastic political change for the better, and that can never come from outside interference.
No. 262390
>>262358That's exactly right. I realized this awhile ago.
Wait…they have famine because all their resources are shipped off to us. And then they/"we" run charity drives to ""help"" them where no money ever reaches the people who need helpIt's completely shit and most people in the western world are conned by it.
No. 262420
>>262418Speed walking/race walking is pretty fun to watch every four years with a bunch of people. Just lazy watching and looking out for participants about to shit themselves or pass out.
The fanaticism over sports teams is just mindboggling in comparison.
No. 262425
>>262418'Religiously' watching sports is fine by me, that makes it clear that it's a legitimate interest of theirs and they're invested in it. Sure, it's boring in my opinion, but I'm sure they think my hobbies are boring too. What bugs me is when there's a big, special game on and suddenly everyone around me is hugely interested in the sport and feels very strongly about their team despite never mentioning it at any other time.
I'll add other entertaining sports to your list though, I agree with dancing but also
>gymnastics>figure skating>acrobatics/cheer>circus skills if they count No. 262427
>>262386I know how you feel, they kinda ruin big cities
Beggars here are… Oddly specific, at my brokest point they'll ask other poor people for money to buy bing bing wahoo, once some college students came up to me when I was walking home from high school a few years back, some grown ass college students wanted me to buy "some starving millennials" coffee, told them I didnt have cash, they said they took card, while I'm poor, I maintain my appearance and dress nice so I guess that apparantly means I look rich, another time I had a jobless ex-friend and I had to drive her to an interview then when I told her I couldn't drive her around all day she screamed at me for being a horrible person for not telling her in-detail, my every plan, another time before I cut her off I let her stay at my apartment and I had to see my family that day so I told her she can stay there and she screamed again…
The only thing I ever did pay for however, is once I was in a store and a woman came up to me asking me to buy stuff for her son, I only did it because it was some baby food and bottles and it was a necessity vs 5 dollar lattes
And while I do believe the economy is bad right now, I HATE millennials that make the people who speak out about it look bad, like when you try to mention the housing market and how its expensive to even live in a rural area, you get excused as a lazy millenial who thinks they're too good to live anywhere that isn't a big famous city, and then when you try to discuss the unemployment issue (ie places refuse to hire high-schoolers but wanna pay people like high schoolers and thus they can't save up and people have to choose between rent and food, placed avoid students like the plague and its like they forget students need to eat too) when you try to discuss this, they excuse you as some entitled millenial who thinks jobs should be handed to them
Odd rant, but it's these types of people that make everyone look bad
No. 262428
>>262425some intrests are trash. especially when they involve excessive nationalism, unwarranted pride, chimpouts, and gambling or generally wasting money on dumb shit.
fellas you gotta stop watchign sport. think about it: attractive, sweaty males on screen together and touching eachother? gay porn 👀
No. 262429
>>262418I'm watching the world cup with my friends right now, and I like pointing out all the hot players to
trigger them. Kek.
Tbh soccer is kinda hit or miss, you gotta watch 5 shitty match to get a really good one, but when it's good, it's amazing.
No. 262445
>>262418Fanaticism of any kind is retarded. Be it for sports, nationalism, preferences in literally anything. Sports just seems to have fanatics only.
Blows me out that a bunch of dudes will spend thousands to go watch a game and then eat the fuckin stadium chairs and assault some locals regardless of whether they win or lose. Anyone who cares so much about a game they are willing to hurt someone, break property, or ruin any sort of relationship is too stupid to be worth having around.
No. 262446
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I can't stand the new fad of young people basing their identity around their bullshit sexual orientation or gender identity. Especially since most tumblrinas who call themselves ''so gay'' would never touch another woman unless their boyfriend wanted a threesome
No. 262459
>>262418Depends on the sports like you said, personally I'm sick of hearing so much about soccer these days because of the world cup. It's the type of sports that may be fun to play but incredibly boring to watch. There's also the fact that soccer fans are obnoxious and you can't avoid them if you're in a country where it's the most popular sport.
>>262425I like watching these ones during the Olympics, as well as skiing and maybe swimming but that's it.
No. 262467
>>262464Ugh. I had a friend exactly like this. She was all about how "gay" she was for various celebrities and constantly joking about going to a gay bar with her lesbian friend. She identified as an asexual lesbian while at the same time bragging about all the guys she met on tinder just to have sex with them.
>"But I just do it for the confidence boost, you know, I don't actually like doing it!"She's not my friend anymore.
No. 262476
>>262298I'm a virgin in my late 20s and I would never ever want to be with a guy that wants a virgin waifu. I haven't told the guy that I'm currently dating and I figure that he won't care whether I'm virgin or not if he really loves me. I do worry a bit he gets put off.
If he really texted you that, that's a sociopath behaviour trying to shame you, manipulate you and make you feel guilty and less worthy. Get out now.
No. 262480
>>261819Well, an unpopular opinion about this related to this.
I actually find Amina more annoying than himeka and Micky. At least himeka and Micky were honest about being dumb whores the whole time but Amina just lied and pretended to be some asexual waifu who doesn't even like sex. I also hate that she thinks she's some educated sex posi feminist when she only repeats stuff that's common sense and has made nothing but retarded decisions for the past few years. At least himeka and Micky know they're dumb failures.
No. 262487
>>262479I get disgusted if I find out a guy has slept with a lot of women, or is a tinder whore and has sex with at least 1 new girl a month.
Unfortunately the majority are either tinder whores or never-kissed virgins who are single right now. Latter not a problem except I'm shy about romantic matters so if they are shy too it's a non-starter
No. 262493
>>262492>>262490Pretty sure the manwhores are super insecure too. I've slept with like 6 people and a manwhore treats you like a slut when
they've slept with 100+ people. And get all weird about everything.
Just want a nice chill boy who's not crazy
No. 262495
>>262491My sexual history is pretty extensive, I've had one night stands and done some kinky stuff, even had a sugar daddy briefly. I've never cheated on boyfriends though.
A couple years ago I was with a virgin guy who was obsessed with my sexual history. When we broke up he said just thinking about it would make him sick and that I didn't respect myself so he couldn't be with me.
All I did was tell him I'd been with 8 guys before him.
Now I'm with another virgin and he told me that he's fine with me having a past but he'd rather not hear the details because it'd make him feel insecure. That's fine, right?
No. 262511
>>262298>Never date a virgins and manlets
Srsly, shorter guys are usually insecure af, avoid them if you spot them (look down more often). If you really ahve to interact with them, keep it short and let him know you're not interested. There's nothing worse than a manlet with shitty pick up lines like "maybe I'm shorter but it doesn't matter in bed huehuehue"
No. 262614
>>262098Late reply but that sounds more like a self confidence issue, people judge others based on their appearance a lot but people aren't carbon copies of each other, you will get assholes who are super judgemental and you will get people who don't even care.
You just need to have a bit more confidence and learn to love yourself.
No. 262635
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>>262524Where’s the appeal in products like these?
No. 262649
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>>262648Idc if someone wants to have a Georgia O’Keefe painting but gluing plastic labia to anything is just tacky.
I wouldn’t want a penis on my clothing or accessories if I was a dude, so why would women want little vaginas on their shirts or phone cover or bag? Cause some weirdo said it’s somehow feminist?
No. 262652
>>262651I agree with you, anon. Short boys are cute and I prefer them.
Girls who have a bias against them have probably just had bad experiences, which is fair.
More for us, anyway.
No. 262673
>tfw live in scandinavia, land of the giantsAt least the few short guys here are humble.
No. 262700
>>262649>>262635You wear those to show what a thirsty lesbian womyn you are to other proud lesfem. It's like declaring you are all about vaginas.
Fucking creeps.
No. 262716
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I’m pretty sure only insane people wear this to warn others that they are awful. How do lesbians fit into it considering most of the bloggers making this garbage are straight girls?
No. 262780
>>262708Your tranny paranoia is showing
>>262716Check out radfem tumblr blogs, they are all over this shit. That's why their urls are like radvulva or clitmaster.
No. 262810
>>262790agreed. in my opinion they only look good in super attractive alt girls and tacky in the rest of girls
and even that's questionable, cause i just happen to find alt girls super hot and i'm sure a lot don't. the ones you see on tumblr or insta with the perfect sleeves, long hair, thin, and probably taking a bubble bath etc. like a billie type. not the ones you actually see IRL who smell like cigarettes, wear bad makeup and never left their hometown.
No. 262823
>>262789But even on greasy, fat, balding neckbeards?
I agree that long hair on fit, masculine men does a lot for me but some men who want long hair just…they really can't pull it off.
No. 262824
>>262790I agree, with some rare cases where they pull off the scene/alt look extremely well.
I think it's because women are able to have nice smooth skin so it's more of a loss when they cover it up, whereas I don't give a shit if men ruin their hairy rough skin with tattoos.
No. 262830
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So apparently the Supreme Court won't appeal the death penalty sentence for Charles Russell Rhines, a gay man who stabbed a young donut shop worker in 1992.
And everyone's sperging out because of it.
>they said it was because he was GHEY!
No, you dumbasses. They sentenced him because his crime was especially heinous.
Pulled str8 from wikipedia:
>First-degree murder is a Class A Felony in South Dakota, punishable by death or life imprisonment. It is the only Class A Felony in the state. It is only punishable by death if it involves any of the following aggravating factors:
>3. The murder was committed for the benefit of the defendant or another, for the purpose of receiving money or any other thing of monetary value
> 6. The murder was outrageously or wantonly vile, horrible, or inhuman in that it involved torture, depravity of mind, or an aggravated battery to the victim.
I'm pretty sure stabbing and taunting a young man counts as heinous.
>Donnivan Schaeffer was working as a courier March 8, 1992. He was picking up supplies from Dig ’Em Donuts as Rhines, a former shop employee, was rooting though an office desk for cash.
>Schaeffer walked into the office, and Rhines sprung upon him with a hunting knife, stabbing him twice.
>The young man pleaded, begging Rhines to take him to the hospital as he was lead into a storeroom and sat on a wooden pallet.
>“ ‘Yeah, right, Donnivan. I’m going to call you an ambulance. You bet,’ ” Allender recalls Rhines saying.
>Instead, the two-time felon leaned his victim forward on the pallet, applied the hunting knife to the back of his neck and shoved it into his skull.
>Unaffected by the screams and blood and death, Rhines left the store with his loot to get something to eat … an order of french fries.
Sure, it was a dumb idea by the court to defend it with "well we won't send him to prison for life because he's gay and it's a men's prison" but everyone's twisting it into THEY ONLY PUT HIM ON DP BECAUSE HE'S GAY REEEEEEEEEE and completely overlooked the fact that he tortured this man and killed him, threatened to kill a 16 year old girl and her family and was deemed a psychopath and a danger to his surroundings by several psychiatrists.
Unpopular opinion, but I'm pretty sure South Dakota would have put a straight man on DP as well for that crime. I see people being like
>muh gay rights when will they stop
but like bitch he severed someone's brainstem while his victim begged for his life.
No. 262834
>>262830I mean I'm not really one to be advocating for the death penalty, but his crime sounds truly awful and he shouldn't be shown mercy just because he's gay.
Some gay men I've encountered or made the mistake of befriending are the most sociopathic bastards I've ever met. Their sexuality doesn't make them innocent lambs by any means.
>>262790I have one friend who I stg got two new tattoos for every year in her early 20s. She looks ridiculous. The placements are awful, the work is varying degrees of bad, and nothing matches plus they're fading weirdly because she's been getting them since she was 18.
She even got a dorky couple tattoo of her ex husband, but I don't think he reciprocated.
She'll never admit it but she regrets them.
No. 262842
>>262830They are killing him? Great. I'm just disappointed it took so many years. Trash like this needs to be permanently taken out of society.
Tumblrtards that defend him cause he's gay can go suck a big one. What a strange hill to die on
No. 262876
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I like being a woman.
I don't like having a vagina.
I don't like sex or getting sexual desires and sometimes wish I had nothing between my legs like a Barbie doll. (Would make it hard to pee though lol)
Everything about having a vagina just sucks. Bleeding, pushing babies out, inserting stuff into it. It all just hurts and feels weird. I feel depressed about my period and about sex, I just don't want any of it.
Ugh. Do men have this problem?
No. 262884
>>262780It’s disturbing. They’ve erased personalities and replaced it with ‘muh magical vagina’.
Those women are a plague.
>>262790I’m pretty heavily tattooed but it’s definitely not for everyone. People who get cut up over others disliking their ink seem pretty immature.
It’s not like you’re spouting retarded stuff like ‘having a chest piece as a woman means you’re a gang-slut’ or other charming bits of wisdom the anti-tattoo crowd can come up with. Plus there’s so many truly awful tattoos out there.
No. 262918
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skinny guys are fucking ugly. their toothpick thighs and flat asses are disgusting.
No. 262944
>>262935I agree. The gender critical threads basically made all the anti-tranny anons come out of the woodwork and try to force their opinions on everyone ever.
It's just not that deep. As long as they're not harming anyone, I think people should be treated on an individual basis, called whatever they want to be called, and live how they want to live.
No. 262945
>>262935As long as trannies aren't plastering their business all over the internet I don't get how I'm even supposed to tell if they're trans? I feel bad, because how do I know I'm not looking at a masc/butch/ugly woman when it's actually a mtf tranny unless they told me?
It just feels strange to judge every single one of them when I know there's some who genuinely try to blend in and don't cause trouble because they don't think the world should cater to them.
No. 262957
>>262956What would anyone gain from shilling on Lolcow, of all places, lmao?
Seriously, if you're not a doctor, and also have no field knowledge on gender dysphoria outside of internet posts, I don't see why you're so convinced you know better and that everything is a mass conspiracy.
No. 262961
>>262957>What would anyone gain from shilling on Lolcow, of all places, lmao?Pushing an agenda to people and/or virtue signaling.
>Seriously, if you're not a doctor, and also have no field knowledge on gender dysphoria outside of internet posts…What would I gain from trying to convince you I'm a doctor or just not a dumbass on Lolcow, of all places lmao? I think you're the one who's not too read up on gender dysphoria if you believe that it's anything outside of a psychological issue.
No. 262963
>>262961Virtue signalling and agenda-pushing on a tiny anonymous board where we will forget about all this by the next thread? Makes perfect sense.
If a score of professionals have decided on something, I'd at least like to see some ample evidence on why they're wrong/evil/just trying to get SJW points instead of some dumb, repeated insistence. We don't all have to subscribe to groupthink.
If you can't provide real meat to any of your points, all anyone can do is say "You're wrong, and anyone who's studied this topic in-depth completely disagrees with you", and proceed to show sources showing how/why (like the link).
No. 262964
>>262935It's sexist and nonsensical. I don't care how quiet they are about it, if some guy thinks he knows what being a woman 'feels' like, I am not on his side and I am not going to be neutral or accepting.
Cross dressers? People who don't conform to gender norms? Absolutely fine by me. People who claim to BE another gender? Fuck off with that bullshit.
No. 262967
>>262963>Virtue signalling and agenda-pushing on a tiny anonymous board where we will forget about all this by the next thread? It's more likely than you think. I've seen it happen.
>If a score of professionals have decided on something, I'd at least like to see some ample evidence on why they're wrong/evil/just trying to get SJW points instead of some dumb, repeated insistence. You should do your own research outside of merely reading USAtoday articles and immediately going along with le score of professionals. Here's a good, but long read on the subject's a decent documentary on it if your too lazy to read's all I have time to dig for right now, I don't quite understand what you want to know. It should be obvious that dysphoria is a psychological condition. The article you posted refered to it as a "sexual health condition," could you explain what seperates the two when there's still no evidence that it's biological?
No. 262992
>>262918I have a fetish for skinny guys (cute and can toss them around) but respect your opinion.
Have a nice day.
No. 263005
>>262997It's not just black men tbh, it's men all together, it boggles my mind that many western men are still crying about how "if the roles were reversed!" Any chance they get, despite so many male celebrities never getting shit for beating women or raping them, but god forbid amy schumer have sex with a drunk guy in college once
I personally love reminding people when male celebrities do horrible shit, just the other day a guy at work showed me a picture of xxxtencion and I said "isn't that the guy who beat his girlfriend?", same with chris brown, johnny depp, etc, you'd be surprised the people who jump through hoops to try to prove the woman was lying and beat herself to frame him to get money or whatever and all men are innocent angels to these people
No. 263016
>>263007It actually is fine for men to leave their sick/disabled girlfriends. I see it happening all the time. All the nice stories about people staying together after a tragedy are usually women sticking with their boyfriends, I've never seen the reverse!
It's because men are taught to always think of themselves first but women are taught to always think of others first.
No. 263028
>>263015Omg this,
In my country there are almost weekly reports by the news about how some poor family can't afford x or y for their disabled child that will often not be able to function/think normally etc.. These people often live in tiny houses and can barely afford to pay their bills because they're trying to afford the meds or aid for the kid.
It's cruel, but they'd be better off without the kids
No. 263060
>b-but she faked her pregnancy!!!he still beat the shit out of her and had an exstensive violent track record omgg
No. 263071
>>263046I'm at a loss for words. Seeing women who are actually as clueless as you are on what men want and why they are unhappy in modern society is quite detrimental to my mental health. The saddest thing about you and the people over at /r9k/ is that you've stopped seeing the other side as human and demonized them to the point that you don't even try or want to understand why your perceived enemy acts in a certain way. What makes the whole thing even more sad is that both of you think you've got the otherside pretty well figured out, when the only thing you've got in common is how out of touch with reality you are.
That's my unpopular opinion. Feel free to ban, I'm phone posting anyway.
>>263082hmm, well maybe it is nicer to have the man hate spread throughout the whole site… we just need to do it more often and that would fill the hole.
anyways, aborting male fetuses would genuinely do a lot of good for the world
No. 263088
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>>263086I know this is the unpopular opinions thread but y'all need some help.
No. 263094
>>263090Except that's the core of all their rants. Them being alone and living incel life because us rotten whores only want Chad.
What do they have to offer? Nothing, but sex is a human right and we're evil for not giving it to them.
No. 263108
>>263096Then ignore it and stop getting
triggered whenever people shit on men. They deserve it.
No. 263123
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>>263121>disappointedThey spend every waking second attacking us and even doing things like this IRL. It's more than just "disappointment at society", it's vitriol toward women for not giving them sex and attention. Piss off, seriously.
No. 263129
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>>263121Jesus, if they didn't feel entitled to a partner they would never come out with such ridiculous ideas like government mandated girlfriends (see: pic related and Marjan Siklic) as an example.
You really should probably stop being disingenuous because most people aren't retarded. We can read between the lines. They may explicitly state that they don't feel entitled to deflect any criticism, but their other actions and words tell a completely different story.
This would be like if I was NEET and said that I don't feel entitled to mooch off of the money and hardwork of everyone else around me, but expected society to change its attitude to accommodate my lifestyle anyway.
No. 263141
>>263140risky behavior that puts them
AND OTHERS in danger
No. 263146
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>>263140Yes, grown men chasing 14 year old girls definitely puts
them in danger. We should definitely be worrying about the poor males. While we're at it, let's write about how rapists are an oppressed group (this is sarcasm). I wouldn't be surprised if you'd upvote this shit.
Fuck off and stop trying to build sympathy for these creatures. We hate them because we've spent enough time online to see their true colors and the shit they say. We know their perspective, and they've never been misrepresented by some wicked third party. There's a reason they remain permavirgins. They are just horrible people.
No. 263157
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>>263126>try to be something they're not. I know right?
In best case it is quite endearing to watch 5'6" dude acting tough.
In the wort case is cringe.
No. 263166
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No. 263186
>>262876I don't mind being a woman or having a vagina, but I don't like some things that come with being a woman, like the possibility of pregnancy because of mild tokophobia and periods which are inconvenient and useless in my case because I don't want children anyway. I think a lot of women can relate when it comes to periods at least.
When men complain to me, it's generally about how painful it is when they get kicked in the crotch and when they can get boners out of nowhere but those things seem pretty rare and can be avoided, so I don't know.
>>262895I don't think I've actually seen people hating on yaoi for valid reasons, even though they compare it to the evils of real life porn and the porn industry, as well as how lesbian porn is dangerous because it gives a bad representation of lesbians, who are an oppressed part of the population, even though yaoi is far from being mainstream and is just drawings and text.
No. 263187
>>263186The main thing that pisses of some people about yaoi in the end is that it's made for woman and the main fans are teenage girls, and who doesn't love to hate on what teenage girls enjoy?
Same with why Twilight is so much more criticized in comparisson to Ready Player One and other wish fullfillment targeted to men, and how anime that sexualizes girls is completely the norm but when there's a couple of yaoish anime it's all "the fujoshi are ruinning anime REEEEEEE"
No. 263189
>>262964>>262951>>Being trans is sexistYikes, do you feel cool now that you're a whole 13 years old? You're gonna cut yourself on all that edge, be careful kiddos.
>>263086I wish we could somehow purge all the retards from this site, ffs
No. 263191
>>263005there's a guy that plays on my university's baseball team who pleaded guilty to molesting his 6 year old female relative when he was a teenager. Now he's trying to say he didn't do it and everyone's going to bat for him (no pun intended) and it's absolutely because he's an athlete, no one would give a shit if he was some rando.
>>263016reminds me of that scene in Before Midnight where the nurse talks about how whenever a family is in a car crash, the woman goes "is my family okay???" when she wakes up in the hospital whereas when the man wakes up the first thing he does is check to make sure his cock is still there lmao
No. 263206
>>263201Okay? Those non-trans women are not women because they like stereotypically girly shit though, they're women because they're [non-trans] women. Trans identified males are men and liking girly shit will never make them women. Claiming to "feel" like a woman won't make them women. Nothing will.
The rest of your post sounds like sjw word salad, I don't even know how to respond to it. also
>implying transphobia is a bad thingget out
No. 263215
>>263191>no one would give a shit if he was some randoI've seen it happen to randos too, and anonymous men, like the uber rape case and almost every single fucking video every single comments would be people going out their way to claim she's lying just because she didn't tell the full story that she was drunk and didn't look at the license plate
the claims were as insane as
>she's trying to ruin an innocent mans life!!!111!!! even if she didn't give a specific person!!>she just wants money! broke bitch!>she cheated and now shes crying rape like all the other stupid western hoes!>she lied!!!! she admitted she lied!!!look it up!!(and when you do look it up there is no place on the internet she said she lied)it just seems like almost every single time a woman above the age of 12 gets raped, comes out about it, people are quick to jump through hoops to scream how she's a liar and just wants money, the same people wonder why women have trouble coming out about getting abused or raped, or even better, try claiming female privilege because "police would just arrest them no questions asked"
No. 263713
and also potheads: no matter how much you claim to be "just normal people" and how "weed doesn't affect you" - yes it fucking DOES. You're just too retarded to realize it yourself. You're always obnoxious as fuck and can't shut up about weed, every single piece of conversation has to end up with you talking about getting high or how weed is the best thing ever. I don't give a shit if it's "healthier" than alcohol, I think everyone who consumes alcohol to the point they get piss ass drunk is disgusting too.
No. 263715
>>262916not the anon you replied to but I've literally never, EVER seen gay men complain about yaoi. If anything, they openly indulge in it. I've had gay male friends PUSH their favourite series/doujins on me, a bisexual female fujoshi. The original anon is right on the money, the people complaining about fujos the loudest are always "gay" fakeboys wanting to be special while essentially pulling a gay blackface.
>"Waaahh those evil fujos are ALWAYS fetishizing ME and HOMOSEXUALITY! I'm so oppressed!" said Oliver, the 19yo trans male/girl pretending to be a boy while posting lewd photos of herself acting like the perfect sexy yaoi uke with a bondage collarAnd yeah, there's nothing wrong with liking yaoi and I kinda roll my eyes when the general discourse always shits on girls for liking it. Everyone understands men liking lesbian porn but women enjoying beautiful men having sex? reee disgusting rotten fujos how dare you!
No. 263718
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>>263187Worst part is that actual gay men (as in, not fakebois) are the only ones who I could see complain about yaoi being bad because of bad representation or other reasons that actually affect them but actually, they either don't give a shit or like it to some extent like
>>263715 said. And when they complain they don't sperg as much as fakebois/delusional fujoshi, they just say things like "I don't like yaoi/it's unrealistic/don't harass me in anime conventions" and that's it.
>>263190BL is still niche, it does have a market but it's not mainstream at all, unlike what you're suggesting. Now if we're talking about YA and Twilight in particular like that anon said, I've seen as many people complain about the teenage girls who are fans and people complain about the books/movies so it's not inaccurate either imo.
>>263715>there's nothing wrong with liking yaoi and I kinda roll my eyes when the general discourse always shits on girls for liking itYeah, it's funny when fakebois complain about the evils of yaoi and harass artists and fans online but don't do anything about actual homophobia and transphobia that supposedly affect them in their everyday life because they actually don't give a fuck about real oppression.
Related to fakebois complaining over nothing, something I find funny is when a teenage fujoshi who doesn't know any better will joke about sinning because she's reading a super explicit BL fanfic and fakebois will think they're being brutally attacked by this even though they're not even part of the equation in the first place. They're not gay guys, they're not talked about in these posts, none of this involves the church or whatever, and the fujo is joking about how she would be perceived as a pervert and a deviant for being into men buttfucking each others by normies. Calm down.
No. 263719
>>263713Omg this. I'm so sick of hearing "Weed cures caner!" "Weed cures mental illness!" "Weed is good for pets and babies, so I blow my smoke in their face!" "Weed isn't addictive, I just
depend on it as a painkiller, anti-anxiety medication, smoke it at every party I'm at…" "Weed is safer than alcohol/cigarettes!" "The government doesn't want you to know about how it's literally the cure for fucking everything, that's the only possible reason it could be illegal!" "Making weed illegal is
literally racism!" Like how do they not realise how fucking stupid they sound? Does weed really kill brain cells?
Like, I don't even care if weed gets legalised in my country. I'm just pissed at people pretending they care about patients with terminal illnesses or people with chronic pain or sick children by saying they're "doing it for them". Fuck off. And spreading all these stupid as fuck conspiracy theories that a fucking leaf somehow is the answer to all our medical problems with absolutely no proof. Yeah I'm sure you know way better than the medical community. Just admit you like the feeling of getting high and you want that to be legalised and I'll have 100% more respect for you.
Also people who smoke weed, in my experience, are highly aggressive despite claiming they're "so chilled out!".
No. 263721
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>>263719>people who smoke weed, in my experience, are highly aggressive despite claiming they're "so chilled out!".i mentioned this to a guy i know who smokes a lot of weed, he was like 'nooo i am super chill!'… tbh he's one of the least chill people i know
No. 263729
>>263122>tfw ywn be able to bridal carry a manlet because of this shitWhy am I alive.
I'll have to settle for a very skelly 11 inch arm lanklet.
No. 263734
>>263726That would nice if immature people would stop looking for realistic representation in every single work of fiction, let alone BL. BL is about fantasy most of the time and cheesy romance or more or less hardcore gay porn with more or less weird fetishes, it's not a genre meant to be a documentary on LGBT rights and history or some shit. The same people who complain about BL being
problematic because of representation and fetishization are the same people who look for well-thought political allegories about American events and history in Harry Potter most of the time (as an example, there's more shit like this) which is why I'm complaining about it in such a broad way.
No. 263735
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>>263712Just catching up on the Onision thread and these annoying fuckers are shitting up that thread by talking about weed. There are multiple posts talking about how they want to him to try it because "hehehe it would be so funny, right guys?" and "MDMA is one of the safest drugs you can take". Why the fuck haven't these anons been banned?
Can they not have a conversation about anything without having to shoe-horn drugs into it? It's so pathetic. You only find this funny because you're high, nobody else is laughing or even mildly entertained.
No. 263740
>>263739oh right, sorry, the way you worded it confused me a bit.
>people who look for well-thought political allegories about American events and history in Harry Potter most of the time (as an example, there's more shit like this)totally agree about this part, i stop taking people seriously so quickly when they do this
No. 263850
>>263841That's the internet in general.
The majority of people are either average or below average, but the internet is a place where people can present their best image, and legitimately attractive people stand out. It really skews our perceptions about looks.
I've always found that even if someone irl is overweight or ugly they can still be received well as long as they practice hygiene and dress thoughtfully. But try telling this to people who fixate on the slightest image of a pimple or stretch mark in someone's instagram selfie.
No. 263867
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>>263817I can't stand veggie patties or anything but these corn things taste so much like real sausage rolls I can't believe it.
No. 263869
>>263867100000000% these and the cocktail sausages + swedish meatballs
scary similar and last so much longer in the fridge/freezer
No. 263891
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>>263712I hate the DUDE WEED LMAO XD stoner "culture" around cannabis but I really wish they would legalize it in my country just so I wouldn't have to interact with those kinds of people to buy it lol. It's the only thing that actually helps with my menstrual cramps from hell that often make me vomit from the pain and at their worst leave me bedbound for days. Now I am not calling it a magical cure or anything but even if not perfect it still works better and quicker than any of the "actual" medicine I've tried that were prescribed by doctors (who don't seem to take my condition all too seriously).
Maybe I just don't see the negative effects of cannabis because I use it as little as possible only when I really need it and don't "blaze" everyday. (I don't even smoke actually, I bake my own edibles.)
No. 263898
>>263712Fucking this
I hate weed so much. It smells like absolute shit and I can't breath around people that smoke it. My brother smoked it everyday and the house was disgusting because of it. We also had a baby in the house but they didn't gaf. My brother also gave my dog an edible and he started vomiting and acting super sick I was so pissed.
It's like people who smoke weed think they're invincible and can do whatever they want. Potheads are some of the most selfish people I've seen when it comes to their drug. And god forbid you say this to them because you'll be called a tight ass or some shit. I'm so glad I moved out of the usa. Now I don't have to hold my breath everywhere I go.
No. 263899
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>>263898you are a tight ass though
No. 263915
>>263798>>263869>>263867>>263799>>263887bless you, anons. they really have upped the fake meat game in the last few years. i’m excited to see what we’ll have 10 years from now when vegan/vegetarian are even more common.
i raise a quorn nugget to all of you in solidarity
No. 263923
>>263920Same. I get it's not coming back and I understand the reason but it was fun to shoot the shit without a 100% staying on topic. The hardest derails always happened in the middle of the night and were pretty entertaining. It was chaos, but it was also pretty fun.
But I get why mods shut it down and it was never meant as a permanent solution in any way.
No. 263928
>>263923>>263920i get it too, but iirc, we were told tempcow
was going to be permanent multiple times, long before it became so controversial. after making it seem like it'd be a permanent fixture of the site, to then take it down kinda sucked, ngl, but i do understand why they ultimately decided to take it down.
No. 263957
>>263920It had such a comfy atmosphere.
TBH I don't understand why we can't have tempcow or at least a similar lax thread for Onion streams (are those still a thing?)
No. 263988
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>>263978>You're all botsI wish.
No. 263989
>>263985>Because it kills any kind of traffic to the original threads.This. I couldn't stand tempcow. It was annoying having to scroll through 1000s of posts just to find the actual updates. Nobody ever came back to the lolcow thread to post the updates so the thread here was almost empty. Anytime a question was asked, it was met with "Read the tempcow thread! as if it was a requirement and had more importance.
It also created a different culture and I don't think it was for the better. Everyone thought they were a comedienne when they really weren't funny.
No. 264014
>>263915quorn chicken cubes are ok, not the best BUT THE NUGGETS HOLY COW they're legit the same through and through. I gave some to my bf who eats meat without saying a thing and he had no idea.
It's lazy junk food but she as hell helps cravings for new veggies or to ease a craving.
I'm so happy quorn has upped their game when I first stopped eating meat it was a disaster but these days a lot of their stuff is sometimes better than the counterpart
No. 264025
>>264022Some people who don't want to put any effort into socialization call themselves introvert but the real definition is just someone who get tired from social activities, not someone who's literally unable to enjoy them.
I think I'm more ambivert, I can sometimes spend three days in a row constantly surrounded by people and I feel great, but other time I need a lot of me time and I get exhausted just from going out to get a coffee with a friend.
No. 264026
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>>264025I'm kind of the same, generally I like my own company and spending time alone in my room, I'll have days where I just wanna isolate myself and days where I'm super outgoing getting drunk with friends and having crazy adventures, then revert to being awkward and terrified of any sort of attention, I think I might just be autistic honestly
No. 264032
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I don't believe Michael Jackson diddled those kids
No. 264043
>>264032I don't think he did either.
His eccentricity and refusal to grow up, along with his wealth, made him an easy target for greedy parents willing to exploit their children.
MJ should have realized the outcome.
It just baffles me how easily people will believe MJ was a pedo but never concede even a little bit that these parents were in it for the money and hurt their kids in the name of it.
>>264037You remember it because it's true. And plenty of children who hung on with him have stepped forward to say he never did anything wrong to them.
No. 264104
>>264099>asexuality is a real thingnta, but I don't think they were saying that
I think they were just saying most self-professed Tumblr asexuals aren't asexual at all, which I have to agree with.
No. 264130
>>264126no? we make anti-feminist choices everyday, it doesn't make you or i phyllis schafly, it's just an anti-feminist choice that leaves women tied to men more than marriage does. it cripples women financially, harms our bodies, literally incapacitates us, is a mortality risk, is environmentally devastating, involves the government into your life too much (obviously i understand the need for govt involvement for the safety of the child, but on an individual level, what a terrifying nightmare that must be), etc. idk why anyone would even want to allow a man to LITERALLY incapacitate them or want a legal AND biological link to a man, especially when men tend to cheat when women get pregnant, screw us over, etc. too much of a risk on like ten different levels.
no one even talks about the fact that it causes a slew of shitty conditions that we're forced to cope with.
No. 264136
>>264130Imagine actually agreeing with any of this. So cringe. The man hate threads seems to be a more appropriate place to have this discussion but go off
Hawaiian pizza doesn't taste bad people just wanna be trendy for the meme
No. 264143
>>264135it's literally not bait. are you going to deny that it's a financial setback for women or that it's a mortality risk, or that you run the risk of causing bodily harm, or that we're overpopulated and first world women having children affects 2nd and 3rd world women and is one of the most environmentally unfriendly things you can do? if you can deny these things, you're delusional. being financially, emotionally, and legally responsible for another person and having to deal with the potential medical complications (there are so many) isn't easy. are you going to try to deny this? if you see no problem with being put into a near year long weakened state by a man, go ahead, but it's certainly not in women's best interest and there's no reason to lie about it just because you desire it for yourself. making yourself literally physiologically vulnerable to men and legally entangling yourself to men for 18+ years is not radical. it's liberal as shit, lmao. i wear lipstain but i'm not going to try to justify that it's not fucktarded and not an anti-feminist action.
>>264136it's proving to be unpopular, so it's appropriate
>>264134i don't know how to feel about this. on one hand, men will likely treat us as even more expendable, and the bioethics, in the interest of the child, are terrible, but it will free women from the medical risks of pregnancy. overall, i think it's probably not a great idea, tbqh, but i see where you're coming from for sure.
No. 264146
>>264143It actually literally is bait because you're trying to mash actual issues with your thinly veiled man hating agenda because you're too much of an idiot to realize that real life is nuanced and that whatever trauma or preconceived notions that you have cannot be projected onto all men because each person out there is a complex human being and gender does not inherently determine whether someone is a bad person or not.
But please continue to project your own insecurities onto people you barely know because you don't know how to process a worldview that isn't completely black or white.
No. 264166
>>264160What a great and well thought out response, truly Tumblrina tier. These anons never seem to realize that their stereotyping of men is literally the female equivalent of incels who assume all women are useless sex objects.
Do any of you fucks ever interact with people outside of anonymous echo chambers
No. 264172
>>264146do you even know what bait is? how can it be bait if i sincerely believe this and am not even being inflammatory? what's nuanced about the environmental fallout from having children, or being literally weakened by pregnancy, hemorrage, placenta accreta, pulmonary embolism, sepsis, dvt, pre-eclampsia, hernias, ectopic pregnancies, vaginal prolapse, urinary incontinence, post-partum, hysterectomy as a result of complication, that NO ONE wants to even talk about? if you want to hobble around at the mercy of another person, let alone men, and get into situations that make it a million times more difficult to escape potentially abusive men, you do you, but there's no denying that it isn't radical or subversive to do so. it's an environmental disaster and more often than not, puts women into poverty and at major disadvantage. you're incredibly ignorant. most of what i said had little to actually do with men as a group, or as individuals. but it's obvious to me that you're either a FAS-faced robot, or a very malleable young woman.
>>264166go back to r9k. no one cares. and you're politically illiterate if you think this viewpoint is held commonly on tumblr, kek
No. 264174
>>264150I think they have a myriad of fantastic reasons for it, but ultimately I'm against judging and individual for things people who share characteristics with them are likely to do. I fucking hate it when misogynists do it to me, so i don't do it to men because there are plenty of men who don't treat women badly at all.
I understand hating men because of how much so many of them have hurt, dehumanized, and killed women, I just don't agree with hating every member of a group when not every member of that group has committed the things you hate them for. That's the majority of the reason I hate misogyny. So #notallmen in that way but not understanding why misandrists exist is equally baffling.
No. 264184
>>264172anon, to preface, I don't want to have kids due to the risks you laid out as well as having no real desire to, so I understand in a way, but I think what other anons are reacting to is the way you link those complications and setbacks with your dislike of men. You seem to find the risks and dangers of pregnancy ESPECIALLY undesirable specifically because of their association with men. A lot of women think of having children as worth the risk and suffering, and they don't hate their husbands or think of them as their abusers, so they don't have that extra layer to the ordeal of pregnancy. If you love the idea of having kids, and you don't have issues with men, it's not being a traitor to making the huge commitment to carrying a child. For some of us, like me, we don't love the idea of having kids so the risk isn't personally worth it. You said you're talking about the women who willingly get pregnant, so those are the women who both want to have kids and don't MIND being pregnant due to a man…maybe because they like him.
No. 264186
>>264172I'm not saying you don't have a valid point that there are a lot of aspects of pregnancy that are glossed over in favor of a comfortable narrative, but you're also fearmongering the bad sides of pregnancy and focusing on the idea that tying yourself to a man is the worst thing you can apparently do for yourself. You realize that women can make their own decisions and willingly inform themselves on the downsides of pregnancy and child rearing and still decide that those risks are worth having a family for? You realize that women have and adopt children without men all the time? You realize that women aren't complete fucking idiots who have to shield themselves from anything that might be slightly uncomfortable in order to have a happy life?
If you don't want to have a family with a man that's fine. If you don't want to be tied to a man like that for the rest of your life that's fine too. But you seriously can't delude yourself into thinking that a lifestyle that doesn't fit what your comfortable with is something that every woman should avoid, and that a woman deciding what is best for her own life is somehow anti-feminist.
No. 264211
>>264122Isn't your view of pregnancy anti-feminist? That "to be impregnated" is inherently weaker, and a submissive role? That a woman "allows herself" to be impregnated instead of being an active participant?
you aren't wrong that there is a ton of misogyny and societal conditioning surrounding pregnancy, like everything else in life. women are pressured to become mothers, the negative consequences of pregnancy are sometimes brushed over by doctors. but i can't think of anything more feminist or empowering than a good, healthy relationship between a woman and her daughter. so much of motherhood isn't tied to men or fathers anyway. like
>>264190 said, its important to criticize choice feminism, but it isn't more progressive to pretend that all women who aren't you are idiot brainwashed handmaidens.
i want children someday, and i don't even consider the man or the father in their imaginations. i imaging having a child (hopefully a girl) to raise to be strong, to be resilient, to see her grow and develop. to get a chance to feel how my mom felt when she had me, and have that understanding with her about motherhood.
No. 264255
>>264231I bet if the title was all men are the same, the artist would have got rape threats and violent threads and an enormous amount of dislikes with handmaidens criticizing and calling out #notallmen, but hey, we're calling all women are the same so it's a-OK.
The song is trash regardless.
No. 264535
>>264531That's what your (or different anon's, idk) accusation of anon being a handmaiden just cause she doesn't hate men seemed to imply.
I am not the one acting like an idiot here, but ok.
Have fun being a toxic pos
No. 264541
>>264535It isn't. I didn't say she was a handmaiden because she doesn't hate men, that's what makes your argument a strawman. She posted a very popular opinion in the unpopular opinion thread to make men seem like victims, that's what made her sound like a handmaiden. Your sad arguments make you sound like one too, idiot.
>acknowleging men aren't opressed and hated is toxic and shittyhow you gonna sit there and act like you're not a handmaiden and then say this?
>>264536What's radfem Google? Anyways, by pretending hating men is a popular opinion, that anon was in fact pretending men were opressed.
No. 264562
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>>264561You don't need to apologize to me, you might as well apologize your man because you formed an opinion of your own.
No. 264564
>>264541I said you were toxic cause you get all excited about calling someone a handmaiden. Bet you live for hating men and reminding everyone how they are not opressed while nobody suggested it. Or at least you sound like it.
>>264551The obsession with hating on men and trannies is exhausting to read about. I wish the hateboner would be contained in a single thread.
Women have plenty of reason to be mistrustful of men, but personally I find hating the whole group toxic (to the one hating) and unreasonable. How do you go out of home without getting
triggered by men walking everywhere? Or maybe you don't get out at all which is how you assume the worst.
Life is so much better when you don't think that incels are the norm.
And no, IDGAF about male approval. I am neutral toward both men and women - I judge them one by one. Most men are pretty boring, but I can say the same about women.
Thinking like
>>264538 is really detrimental to mental health, but it's your call. You can do the same, but keep in mind you sound as retarded as incels.
On average, the worst of men are more degenerate than the worst of women. Most people are average though.
As a side note, I find it interesting so many radfems are on lolcow… a site dedicated to tearing women's looks apart… Most curious, as radfem default stance is that it's ok to be ugly and going without make-up is radical (not arguing those points).
No. 264574
>>264570Are you a
triggered cow or is this your first day online?
>>264565>>264566You know you can reply to posts at the same time, right? She acted like not hating men was an unpopular opinion like an attention whore, learn how to read.
the #notallmen morality police need to fuck off
No. 264579
>>264573there are female cows on kiwifarms, which is mostly male dominated. people there are as ruthless to women as they are here. otherwise the internet is filled with men tearing apart women.
do you just have higher expectations for women or something?
No. 264594
>>264579>do you just have higher expectations for women or something?They always do. Never forget Moot on 4chan banned "drama" on /cgl/ because it was "too mean", but he let /b/, /v/, /r9k/, /pol/, etc continue to have nasty threads about literally almost anybody. How long have the "male" boards been following, attacking and harassing people like Chris-chan, Andrew Dobson and Anita Sarkeesian (and countless other women) without any explicit bans for "being too mean"? Why hasn't /r9k/ been banned from tirelessly targeting and doxxing underage girls for "waifu" reasons?
We can't have a laugh at some horrible women's decisions, aesthetics and behaviors because it's improper and we need to be
ladies. Meanwhile, men can slag off anyone they want, and if we don't like it, we're
oversensitive and "need to get off the internet". The funny part is, if this site didn't allow any negativity on women to be spread, these same people would be screeching that we're delusional loons pretending that women are perfect angels. Whatever we do is a problem.
No. 264602
>>264594>>264564male channers have goaded people into killing themselves, but criticizing cow antics is just too far. the majority of women on lolcow are not radfems. i think plenty are radfem sympathizers, but there's more to radical feminism than just hating sex positive bullshit and calling out troons. the majority of women here are not anti-capitalists and they don't quite seem to understand class based analysis, even while criticizing choice feminism, sorry to say.
also, i think the majority of stuff picking at women's appearances are justified when the cow is really nasty. for example, i think shoe0nhead is a nasty person that is pretty dangerous to women and girls, and i don't mind calling out her aliexpress wigs and impossibly long philtrum out specifically because she's a shit person that publicly humiliates innocent women minding their own business, just so men will praise her.
>>264576this. male dominated boards are pits filled with nothing but abuse and men eroticizing and normalizing abuse. they're incredibly nasty people that actively try to ruin peoples lives.
No. 264603
>>264599Which ASMRtist?
Do you mean treemilk or some name like that?
No. 264608
>>264564>y-you're exhausting with your irrational hatred towards men!!NTAYRT but you seriously sound like a tranny or a man. Not even a handmaiden. You better quit right there.
>>264570No, you just haven't seen women do it because women are expected to be docile, petty at worst. Male-dominated boards send fucking death threats and doxx people every chance they get while spewing outright hateful and borderline criminal bullshit. If anything, lolcow is a lot more collected (sans the ridiculous nitpicking) than a lot of male imageboards.
>>264594A Thousand Times This. 4chan's male dominated boards are relentless with their harassing of cows and nobody bats an eye. Probably the only female-dominated board i.e. /cgl/ talks about female cows? Those drama-hungry roasties went too far, yall need to be
ladies! Women just live off of drama I swear! Unlike us MEN!
>>264602>i think shoe0nhead is a nasty person that is pretty dangerous to women and girls, and i don't mind calling out her aliexpress wigs and impossibly long philtrum out specifically because she's a shit person that publicly humiliates innocent women minding their own business, just so men will praise her. This. I normally condone making fun of someone's appearance and nitpicking is retarded no matter what, but if a cow herself is so full of herself she HERSELF does that shit in public I feel it's justified to give her a bit of her own medicine. She routinely calls people fat while humblebragging about her slim figure, we point out her donkey face in return.
While we're on the subject, I'm so glad we have the farm where we can call out shitty women like momokun and shoe0nhead without male orbiters reeing at us.
No. 264613
>>264608I love how anons accuse anyone that disagrees about being a tranny or a men.
I don't like people being autistic about their hate, it's a truly pathetic and sad sight.
I don't understand how can anyone think it's healthy to hate an entire group of people.
Not to mention men and trannies go about their business while you get your panties in a bunch about them existing and dilating their neovaginas. lmfao
No. 264614
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>>264613women can be wary of men without actually hating them. being fearful/wary of men doesn't actually taint our interactions with them. women aren't out here murdering men or pissing into their cornflakes because they 'hate' them, the way men do to women when they hate us. get the testicles off of your eyelids for a fucking second and take a look at reality instead of making it a fun time job to diaper dude's asses.
and plenty of women that you sewerbabies claim to 'hate' men are in happy, healthy, functional relationships with them, soo ???
No. 264620
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>>264616kek ikr
>harassing and attacking women at lesbian marches>literally physically attacking 60 yo grandmothers and punching them in the head>literally beating up 'TERF' lesbian women with terminal brain cancer>literally murdering lesbians and their adoptive children, then setting them on fire>threatening to beat women with bats who deny them validation and normalizing violence against leftist women just because women disagree with them>literally raping women that are their flatmates bc theyre jealous of them, then murdering themwow, 'going about their lives' sure does involve a lot of rape, assault, threats, and murder
No. 264622
>>264613By go about their business, you mean:
-Invading female only spaces and pitching fits if anyone dissents
-Fighting to eliminate female reproductive specific words from discussions about women’s health (e.g. cervix)
-Literally threatening women who disagree with them (never men, funnily enough, just the icky TERFs) with ACTUAL VIOLENCE
I think the fixation with neo “vaginas” is off-putting, too. But don’t act like TRAs are all just innocently and passively existing. Some of them are quite nasty.
No. 264624
>>264614I said it's ok to be distrustful of men. I'm against hate towards men, so you have missed the point. Some anons in this thread stated that they do hate men or act like not hating men = being a handmaiden and worshipping dicks 24/7. But sure, keep putting words in my mouth.
And sure, it's not tainting relationship with men and the world if an anon thinks they have no empathy whatsoever or assume that incel = every men around you instead of minority being the laughingstock of internet (if dangerous, yes)… which happens frequently in radfem circles. >>264618
Maybe I was wrong, cause trannies in my country are harmless, and I no longer don't follow USA sjw drama, as it's not relevant to my life. Happenings that you mention are horrifying. Yet they were not orchestrated by all existing transwomen. I see no reason to hate an entire group based on it.
>>264622Glad trannies here are reasonable. Hope we will never reach the "uterus havers" level of insanity.
I'm against transwomen being treated as default for women, btw. They should stop erasing themselves. Transwomen are women are two different kinds of people.
No. 264626
>>264624except that isn't unpopular to not hate men. men are valued much higher than women, so that comment makes 0 sense in the context of this thread. the problem with the original post is that the comment painted women critical of men, or most women, as man haters – in other words, an example of "not like other girls" to the extreme, and just a demonization of other women, when in reality, men are valued much higher by other men, and by women. it's handmaiden bullshit to act like hating men, or even being truly critical of men, is popular in society.
No. 264629
>>264624Once again, assuming girls who make dumb blanket statements about men on an anon board genuinely hate all men is pure autism. No one's acting like not hating men = being a handmaiden, but victimizing men to the point of believing that hating them is a popular opinion does = being a handmaiden.
Also, why are you so
triggered by radfem circles? You don't have to be a radfem to realize most men are shitty in some way or another.
No. 264630
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>>264624>Maybe I was wrong, cause trannies in my country are harmless, and I no longer don't follow USA sjw drama, as it's not relevant to my life. Kek, why even talk shit then if you've taken absolutely zero time to understand the opposition's reasoning? Most of the people who are critical of this new wave of transgenderism do so for some pretty
apparent and valid reasons. "Hating all trannies" isn't even the point most of the time, I know of some reasonably decent transpeople but that doesn't overshadow the fact that transactivists can be fucking rabid in their not so subtle misogyny, homophobia, and erasure of women. It's not even so much trannies now as the whole alphabet soup community has joined in on attacking lesbians for their sexuality because not wanting girldick is so uwu twansphobic and invalidating now.
No. 264643
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>unpopular opinion
Radfems need to fuck off.
No. 264648
>>264647They don't even need to go outside. They can just visit other sites and see for themselves that radfems are disliked pretty much anywhere that's not lolcow or niche subreddits
>>264645What are you talking about wtf. This makes radfems look bad
No. 264650
>>264645Why would you assume I want any of these things, lol.
>>264647 It's an unpopular opinion on lolcow.
No. 264660
>>264658How so? A lot farmers dislike transpeople, but that's basically where their radfem leanings begin and end.
I have to agree with what
>>264602 said. There's more to being a radfem than being critical of the trans comm/sex work.
No. 264678
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>All this sperging between lesbos and trannies
Normally I'd ask you to stop derailing but watching you autists tear eachother apart is too funny
but seriously consider getting a hobby or going out for a change
No. 264686
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>post yfw it's another radfem/tranny derailment
No. 264687
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>>264519It's because pineapples are the worst fruit out there.
No. 264692
>>264519to me it's not the pineapple/meat combo, that's understandable for the reasons you've said.
It's the pineapple and meat AND marinara and CHEESE that repulses me. mostly because of the combination of textures but also the flavors.
No. 264701
>>264256>you eat what you're offered unless you're literally allergic to what's on the plateThis. I can't even imagine being this much of a baby. I know many people who order burgers with no tomato, no cheese, no pickles, no onions, no sauce, no lettuce. Uh, so just meat and a bun then? What's the point? You could throw that together yourself at home and it would taste the exact same. Eating out is about trying new things, that's what makes it exciting.
I guess they're just afraid of trying something new and not liking it (thus wasting money). A lot of the people I know who are like this are from rural areas and like to stick to "safe" foods that they know they'll like (but how boring must that be?) or extreme fussy eaters who have problems with basically anything (smell, taste, texture) that isn't chicken and plain rice.
I've had friends ask for things to be returned to the kitchen or act passive aggressive to the waitress because they got a fucking onion on their plate. Jfc, how wasteful. I don't like mushrooms but I eat them because the thought of good food going to waste is way more painful than eating a few mushrooms.
No. 264751
>>264613>men>go about their businessMurder, rape, normalizing pedophilia, harassing/abusing women all over the world, and committing the most atrocities in any given society. Just guy things.
They literally can't even stay off an internet board made for girls and women. They need to dump CP, attention whore and screech at us "roasties".
No. 264803
>>264799>go outside>get catcalled and stared at by gross old men, or if I'm particularly unlucky, >>263123 happens>"Haha anon sure proved me wrong. Men are wonderful ;)"Okay Shoe.
I'm saying this as someone who has a boyfriend, a dad, etc. It is sensible for women to dislike and distrust men as a whole. Individual men can prove to not be threatening, and even be fantastic people, but ignoring the obvious is retarded.
No. 264809
>>264803You're right anon but
>>264613 wasn't saying misogyny doens't exist, she was just saying literally not all men, which you're agreeing with now. The way you replied made it seem like you took issue with her stating that hating every male is stupid, and that it really is every male out there hurting women. Doesn't seem like you actually think that, but if you look at the anon you replied to, she's hardly a shoe.
No. 264821
>>264817I'm glad there are people pointing this out in a calm manner. I used to pull the wool over my eyes concerning these things, genuinely believed men thought we were equals. But nothing in my life added up, eventually I figured out the truth.
It isn't man-hate to point out the reality in male perception of femininity. It's incredibly helpful. Man hate would be wishing harm upon them or considering them inferior, which nobody is doing.
No. 264837
>>264830This. We shouldn't have to scream
#NOTALLMEN!!1!1 all the time for them to not get butt blasted, their black and white thinking is annoying.
No. 264847
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Getting married is fucking stupid and i hate how the media pushes on little girls that it is "the best day in a womans life!!" etc. All the studies on this show that men benefit from marriage while women are dragged down by it.
No. 264849
>>264830People are so fucking obtuse about this shit. Nobody has a grudge against your amazing bf/dad/brother/friend, nobody is specifically calling them a bad person, stop taking it so personally and think of the bigger picture. Like
>>264827, where the fuck has anyone said you need to assume your grandpa is a rapist? Why would anyone expect you to hate your fiance?
Personally, my man hating has very little influence on how I see or treat people irl. I always give the benefit of the doubt, they're innocent until proven guilty. The only difference is that I'm more alert about red flags and won't be too surprised if they turn out to be assholes. I love my father, I have a male best friend, my exes weren't bad experiences in ways I would attribute to their gender.. doesn't mean I can ignore all the proof that men, in general, are misogynists.
No. 264850
>>264848 here u go
>tl;dr marriage between men and women:Increases male lifespan, decreases female lifespan
Decreases male depression rates, increases female depression rates
Decreases male stress levels, increases female stress levels
Increases male health and happiness, decreases female health and happiness
Increases a man’s chance of getting a raise or promotion, decreases a woman’s chances of getting a raise or promotion
No. 264852
>>264847I think it's nice to have some kind of contractual or physical show of commitment to a person you've been with for awhile. Me? I just want a ring, a prenup, and a legal acknowledgement of my relationship.
However I think traditional wedding ceremonies are tacky displays of misogyny and unnecessary excess. I've seen who I thought were wonderful friends turn into gaudy, demanding bridezillas all for the sake of chasing their $40k weddings and making sure to bilk money, gifts, and validation from every family member, friend, or random they've ever known.
No. 264857
>>264847Anecdotal, but I've heard many stories of men becoming monsters once they've locked a woman into marriage. Those were probably in rushed situations, though. I imagine if you've been living with someone beforehand for years anyway you know what to expect.
I think anyone who could/does earn more than their partner should err on the side of caution when considering marriage. And always get a prenup regardless.
I'd only get married if my future bf was passionate about it, otherwise a common-law relationship has the same tax benefits so it's whatever. No. 264869
>>264847I agree. I hate the “haha once you marry her she’ll get fat and crazy xD/All that women want is to take your property and money reeeee” meme that so many men
actually believe.
No one ever talks about how fucking insane some men go once they are married, have children and get closer to their 50s. I know it from first hand experience and I know so many people that relate. Lots of them lose all the shame they once had and go completely out: openly cheating, emotional or even physical abuse, looking for a “younger” girlfriend (aka a sugar baby). Yet women are the ones that are constantly being demonised. It’s sad and it makes me worry for the future. Sage for rant.
No. 264879
>>264876Exactly. I've seen men straight up say ''My wife (of almost 20 years, mind you) has gotten so old and unattractive to me that I
deserve a younger woman''
I love how they actually believe these young women want them though. Imagine being so entitled that you think a 20-year old wants a man twice her age because she's attracted to him. These ''sugar babies'' are the exact women they rant about all day long yet they are too stupid and delusional to realize that.
This is probably an unpopular opinion as well but it's relevant to the topic: porn and the hyper-sexualization of women is damaging society and a big reason for the way women are being treated by their husbands.
No. 264881
>>264869Men have always cried and played victims about having a wife before divorce was even a thing and women were forced to serve men, so even if their "all women must be forever young submissive baby makers" thing was true they'd still find a reason to hate women
What confuses me is that men will
>complain that having a wife is o so horrible and women should support themselves>when women who choose to go their own way or pursue a career instead of a tradtional marriage, they cry>when women want to get married, they cryAnd now suddenly there's an influx of guys complaining about how women all over the world are working for themselves, and don't even get me started on the obsession with womens reproductive organs, its like the first thing men can think of when they see a woman is thinking about her eggs, god forbid these losers ever have a family or career since can't see women as people, only eggs and tits, imagine how they feel if a woman had pcos or endomorphis or something that caused infertility, no wonder divorce rates or higher when women get sick, but where are all the women talking about mens fertility? Where are all the women only demanding fresh, young, fertile, healthy sperm? Its insane to me that these men hate women so much, hate getting married but hate women not marrying them, what do they want
No. 264886
>>264880>Never forget when Lauren attacked a random girl on twitter in such a vicious and evil manner, simply because she is going to college to be a doctor.Damn, that's pathetic but unsurprising. Sounds like something Shoe would do. Bird of a feather
What happens to this type of woman after they turn 30? Do they just give up? What a sad way to live.
>>264884This is true, but I don't think that's an unpopular opinion.
No. 264907
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the neon demon is a great film.
No. 264914
>>264881They want young rich girls who are rich because their parents and don't won't. And they want that rich girl to take care of them with their parents cash.
That's obviously not going to happen though lol but that's what they want.
No. 264932
>>264914that explains why they're so quick to bash the everloving shit and assume the worst things possible about any woman who isn't a sheltered princess then turning around and making fun of sheltered princesses who live off of daddies money
to them
single mom = 100% of the time, was a bitch riding the cock carousel, slutted around with low-life men and now thinks she's too good for any man and wants a rich handsome man now that she has no sexual market value and hit the wall!!
woman has a career = stupid careercel no man wants, is a useless bitch, demands money, is an entitled cunt, will hit the wall and cry where have all the good men gone!!!
woman is unemployed and poor = lazy stupid cunt who is only good for sex will hit the wall wondering where all the good men gone when her looks fade and she can't use men for free dinners and housing anymore!!
that's probably why so many anti-feminist girls are spoiled sheltered girls who never had to face a day in reality of what most non-sheltered women go through
>>264915yep, that's where projection comes from, they cry that women have unrealistic expectations for men but refuse to give any proof of that outside of poorly done dating app shit because women don't marry the guy who asks for nudes on tinder, it's like these guys have never talked to a woman before
No. 265217
>>265173The people of the world are suffering from poverty and inequality, but yeah, I need to lay of the soy.
Maybe I was unclear: I am thinking of feminism as a part of socialism.
There are many social issues to be solved in the future and I care about all of them.
No. 265219
>>264849It’s that it’s frustrating to see constant generalisations that are just gender-swapped old school misogyny.
It’s offensive and personal when someone says every single male ever hates every single woman. It’s frustrating to see people spewing vitriol instead of dealing with their trauma and it’s obnoxious when nobody can have a discussion that even vaguely relates to gender when they come storming in calling you a handmaiden and mentally incompetent for making choices they disagree with.
I’ve been told I’m a bad person, stupid, brainwashed, anti-feminist, and retarded because I want to get married and have kids. I’ve seen hearty discussions where groups of women agree that being in a heterosexual relationship is ‘gender-treason’ or rape.
Yes these people are extremists but they’re also vocal as hell and honestly seem to use their hatred of males as a reason to hate other women whilst calling it feminism.
How is jumping in to a conversation to say ‘all men are women hating scum and should kill themselves for all being abusive’ any less obtuse than saying it’s obnoxious to read it? When someone says ‘every man’ they are referring to my fiancé, to my grandpa, to bob ross, to every single male ever. The same psychos that shout about aborting all male babies or saying male babies should be denied breastfeeding are the same people regular women are starting to agree with and it’s disturbing.
No. 265221
>>265219No one here is saying or meaning "every man," you autistic moralfag. Whoever was calling you a handmaiden was right. Please GOD go back to plebbit.
>>265217You too tbh
No. 265222
>>265221So you think it's okay for people to starve to death, live on the streets or spend their lives in a constant fear of losing everything?
You don't mind children growing up beyond poverty line?
Ok, you do you then.
No. 265223
>>265221reddit is where I’m called a retard for not being feminist enough cause I wouldn’t abort a male fetus.
No thanks.
Honestly I’m more annoyed about generalisations that the gender issues. They’re never productive and are about as worthwhile as ad hominem attacks.
Again, the man hate needs a containment thread imo. Extremists are bad people.
>>265071Nah you’re right. Newborns are ugly. All wrinkly and red and they don’t have the cute chub on their limbs yet so they look sort of like tiny pink ETs. Once they chub out a bit they’re alright because they all look the same.
No. 265226
>>265219This whole post is cringe.
Stop being such a retard. I didn't post anything anti-man ITT but I'm pretty sure they can fend for themselves. You're just being a useful idiot with your "Someone pleaase think of the men"
And yes, you're definitely a handmaiden.
No. 265230
>>265226Okey doke cool guy.
>>265228Wow that’s assuming and projecting a whole lot. I’m also not American so maybe I’m less affected by the absolute shitshow that makes up that mighty clusterfuck of a country. You seem super mad that I don’t agree with extremists but not wanting to see their ranting everyday isn’t even close to the anti-choice people. Seems like you might need a softer environment where nobody disagrees with your delicate sensibilities. You are the only one who’s upset.
I mean nobody is impeding your freedom of speech I just stated that I’m personally tired of seeing it everywhere.
No. 265232
>>265223The autism just doesn't stop with you, huh?
>reddit is where I’m called a retard for not being feminist enough cause I wouldn’t abort a male fetus.Kek, I'm fucking sure. You should try a subreddit like /r/mensrights, they would love a hole like you to wait on them. Tumblr liberal feminism also seems like your cup of tea.
No. 265235
>>265232Righto. So to be a better feminist, attack women who disagree with you.
Being sick of seeing dumb extremist rhetoric isn’t the same thing as thinking it’s okay to hit a woman. You guys jump to attack so hard, goddamn. Who hurt you?
No. 265239
>>264803>claiming to be harassed by teh ebil men every time you go outIDK where you leave where you can't walk on the streets without being catcalled constantly. I'm surprised you didn't claim to have to escape hoards of rapists every time you go take out the trash, kek. You are so brave to exist despite men walking free!
How do you live with this constant paranoia?
If you are not exaggerating (which I doubt), I'm glad men in my country are not trash.
>>264820It was not meant to be taken literally, idiot. Anon sounds like her entire knowledge of men stemmed from radfem blogs and incel boards. Also different time zones exist.
No. 265240
>>265232I'm always surprised how some women stoop so low that they're going to tell other women on a woman-oriented site to shut up about their experience with men.
>>265235I've never participated in the man-hating threads but I would never bitch about other anons sharing their experience taking into account that there aren't many places on the internet to do so. There are tons of sites where men glorify violence over women and spread hatred against them so why don't you fuck off to there and try the #notallwomen spiel, and see how it goes? Or better yet, you should stop coming here if it's such a big deal to you.
No. 265243
>>265219Personal bias cloud your judgement. I know some amazing men too, but the fact is that there's a shitload of male violence and toxic views towards women out there that are normalised. I think men should police each other more tbh.
Women have more reasons to hate men - some do rape, kill, stalk and harass, so you're more likely to hear those extremist feminists.
Misandry can't be compared to misogyny because of the violent results of misogyny. There's outrage when a woman says something gross like "abort all male babies" on the internet but men saying something sexist or violent is just completely normalised.
No. 265246
>>265236I care about women that get harassed, but I'm sick of first world pissbabies that pull out rains of abuse out of their asses to justify their extremist hate.
Keep on screaming how you hate all meen, you will just isolate sane people from your movement. You can hear 'm-men are rapist pig trash!!!' and nod in agreement so many times before you get sick of it. At least when you see that men around you are nothing like that.
>>265244Where did I tell anon to go out at 3 AM? Stop projecting your timezone on me. Seems like anon hasn't seen the world outside her computer screen in days
No. 265247
>>265230Idk who you think you're dunking on by screaming at the top of your lungs whats essentially 4chan & r/Misandry "REEEE ROASTIES" tier rhetorics that are deeply rooted in misogyny simply because you are "tired" of seeing a couple of views you find icky. You also completely out yourself as a bot or handmaiden when all your complaints sounds like literal redpill propaganda when they explain how evil feminists are. They will stop you from getting married and having a family!!! They're evil!!! How will you survive now that the mean women have tied your tubes and killed all your male babies before the sacrificial burning of a corprorate man at 3 with biscuits.
TL;DR but thats what you sound like, as rational as the women you have supposedly 'experienced'. The worst thing is you're complaining about something that most people (especially women lolol) have to deal with: Opinions you dont always agree with AND SOMETIMES EVEN HURT YOUR FEELINGS. Thats right, everytime I have to hear a retarded kitchen joke im glad now I can hop online and yell about it for hours and women arent afraid to chime in. If it upsets you because you draw the conclusions of 'all men' or because someone dared have a sentence with 'all men' included then you just gotta grow a thicker skin bby
No. 265248
>>265242I was referring to the actual extremists though.. like the ones who say crazy shit like ‘penetrative sex is always rape’ ‘abort all male babies’ ‘all women are abused and don’t even know it’
The ones who literally do hate every single dude they see just for existing.
The people who have experienced actual trauma (not shit like ‘evil man looked at me..clearly planning to rape me’) should have access to therapy so they can process it better. Y’all have twisted this so far omfg lol.
No. 265249
>>265246Mixed up the posts you were replying to. Anyways,
>It was not meant to be taken literally, idiotTake a joke, sperg.
>Anon sounds like her entire knowledge of men stemmed from radfem blogs and incel boardsHow so? What she said was true.
No. 265252
>>265247Wow I can’t believe you pulled that all out of ‘okey doke’
Honest to god anon, are you okay? I’m laying aside all snark here.
No. 265255
>>265250And yet multiple anons have dogpiled as though I said they are personally all terrible people.
Sorry I didn’t clarify originally that I’m referring to actual misandrists not just women who are venting about sensible things like assault and antichoice politicians. Jfc though..the level of projecting and the assumptions some anons make based on being sick of seeing a particular opinion. People can’t take a slight disagreement.
No. 265264
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>>265223>reddit is where I’m called a retard for not being feminist enough cause I wouldn’t abort a male fetus. This isn't a thing that happens, and aborting male babies is nowhere a popular opinion, even on a radfem subreddit like /r/GenderCritical, although it has maybe one or two lunatics who think men should be exterminated, whereas there are several openly misogynists subreddits with thousands of subscribers, and misogynist comments always randomly pop up in all kind of threads across reddit.
I'm now wondering if maybe who're browsing reddit in an alternate universe.
No. 265267
>>265258She didn't say that, at all. You interpreted it that way like the autist you are and it
triggered you.
No. 265272
>>265261Thanks. It seems like you are either a June or a super woke misandry harpy, nothing in between. Shame that I can't avoid the men hate here on lolcow.
>>265263Speaking about experiences of abuse is extremely important, just don't project it on all men and women (ie 'men are rapists', 'all women are gaslighted by their loved ones'). Speak about your rapist uncle, a creep on the street or pimps. Otherwise you look like an unreasonable extremist.
No. 265280
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>>265276Wow, guess I'm so lucky to not be one of those women. Or maybe I don't have a persecution complex and don't actively look for stories that support my skewed views.
>>265279I could say the same to you. I bet most of the misogyny you get your panties in a bunch does not affect you, but you love getting those opression points.
If you post this kind of shit as in pic related, you are retarded. And yes, same if it would be about dicks.
No. 265283
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>>265272>>265280Imagine being this smug about your super progressive and clever opinion that not every man is evil. You can go discuss it with literally everyone else on the internet instead of one of the few fucking places women can talk openly about the many men who ARE garbage. I'm sure you'll get loads of brownie points from men, though unfortunately they won't bother to defend you in return.
No. 265291
>>265280How do someone even get oppression point by posting on an anonymous imageboard?
You're lucky to be so sheltered that you have no idea what kind of shit women go through in their daily lives and are able dismiss their very real experiences by calling it a persecution complex.
No. 265298
>>265282I mean, I don't claim to be persecuted (or that men are). I'm just rolling my eyes so hard every time I stumble upon
triggered anons that cant survive a day without shitting on men in random threads. But I guess the designated thread got autosaged for a reason, kek.
Half of you sound like you rub your clit every time you find out another reason why you are so persecuted.
>>265286Those affect me as much as they affect you tbh, but it does not make me hate on men as a group of people. I do not blame all men on the shitfucks that attempt to score with me while I shop or my pedo.
Hope you support the victims of the crimes that you mentioned, cause otherwise your anger is purely self-serving.
>>265283By getting suport from your fellow misandrists, of course. And I told you that I was a radfem so I am aware of the very real issues that affect women of the world. They require a change. However having a toxic outlook on the world and men is not the solution. It makes you end up like the anon from a few months back that was convinced that women will be sex slaves any day soon.
>>265291Nah, I'm allowed to state my opinion whenever. IDGAF about anyone's approval, that's why I still reply to you. This is not tumblr misandry hugbox.
>>265298No one here is accusing every last man on the planet of being a violent rapist or misogynist just because some are, crazy. And you didn't answer my question as to why you're so
triggered by a non-issue like misandry. You can ignore it or try a site like crystal.cuntfe or reddit instead instead of shitting up this thread with your unsaged bitching.
>Hope you support the victims of the crimes that you mentioned, cause otherwise your anger is purely self-servingWhy in hell wouldn't I?
No. 265304
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Jfc what have I done.
To atone, here’s a new, less spergy opinion so we can move on; Gwenyth Paltrow is an idiot and her weird ideas about vaginal health are dangerous. She shouldn’t be allowed to publish her creepy magazine telling women to put rocks inside their genitals or to eat her latest fad diet.
No. 265344
>>265298>And I told you that I was a radfem so I am aware of the very real issues that affect women of the world. They require a change. However having a toxic outlook on the world and men is not the solution. see, this is the problem. you are not a radfem. everyone on here, on /r/gendercritical, etc, claims to be a radfem when they aren't. this is why this needs to stop. being gender critical and aligning yourself with radfems on certain issues does not make you guys radfems. none of this is radical. it's a multi-faceted ideology and there's more to it than "MTFs are sexist and girls shouldn't be objectified".
i am so sick of seeing cock-crazy het or bihet 'radfems' that think it's fine to cape for men constantly because they're "a radfem!", that can't accept criticism about their fathers, or marriage or (esp) their sons, or men and boys not being allowed in radfem spaces, etc. i love that radical feminism is becoming popular, but you guys are making it a shallow, meaningless meme. also, you're definitely on some handmaiden bullshit.
No. 265352
>>264816>I've never seen anyone on Lolcow go full "If your child is born with a penis, let him starve"You've never seen people here say "abort male babies"? It looks like you don't really browse this place that much.
A while back I was in one of the discord servers with a crazy lesbian who hated men with passion. One day she mentioned she took her nephew to the movies and I was seriously worried.
No. 265371
>>265246>I care about women that get harassed, but I'm sick of first world pissbabies that pull out rains of abuse out of their asses to justify their extremist hate. Sometimes I wonder about that as well. I'm from a 3rd world country and I'm perfectly fine with men most of the time. My grandpa, my dad, and my boyfriend are all fantastic men. I'm perfectly fine with my male co-workers and other male acquaintances.
And yet it looks like a good number of women here get nothing but abuse from men, even though they live in richer countries where men are supposedly much less misogynistic than men from my country.
It makes me think they might be blowing things out of proportion. Maybe they spend too much time in echo chambers where their world-view gets more and more radicalized.
No. 265383
>>265371it's a fact that almost 3 women a day are killed by their male domestic partners, or former domestic partners, in the US. that's an epidemic of female hatred. wow, great for you that you have a great family, but irrespective of first world wealth and yes, much less influence from orthodox religions is great and positively impacts women, but men still molest, rape, and abuse their female family members, kill their partners, and women are still violated with too much frequency. it's a myth that men are "sooooo much less misogynistic" in first world nations. it just takes on different, less publicly brazen forms. and there are plenty of women that would vehemently disagree with you about the state of their lives in 3rd world countries. sounds like you've had exceptionally decent experiences for a woman in the 3rd world.
No. 265399
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>2 days later and the shitflinging is still going
Here's an unpopular opinion though for you guys to argue about.
Dogs fucking suck, they're pathetic and clingy and throw themselves at you for attention and treats while a cat only shows affection when it feels like it, it's less maintenance to take care of and won't is nowhere near as annoying, so cat > dog
No. 265432
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>>265420Feeling extra insecure today, are we?
But sure, if only we had you're superior robot muscles then we'd also go around destroying everything on sight.
No. 265439
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I feel like men have a totally different idea of what women find attractive. They don't even care to listen to what we find attractive and accuse us of lying if we say we don't actually want huge beef cakes who look like ex rapists.
No. 265448
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>>265439>>265441that's actually a great example because i said "man the naked brothers band kid got so ugly no wonder he does horror movies now" and my sister goes "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HE'S SO FUCKING HOT!". "uh he has the most unfortunate mole and nose ever. his brother actually looks cute though" "NOO! I LOVEEE HIS MOLE! his brother is whatever"
i'm not a good judge cause i don't even like men to begin, so its funny seeing that i was dead wrong apperantly. my lesbo ass doesn't get what girls want in men either. its strange. he's a good actor and that i know.
No. 265454
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>>265448His brother just looks like a boring white guy. Alex has something interesting/exotic about him. He's got that cute tan and curly hair.
No. 265478
>>265475I hate to admit this but I was more successful losing weight going on pro Ana sites because on normie sites they don't give the honest truth…just bullshit like "don't eat stuff out of boxes!" "If you work out and don't count calories it's fine". Normie dont actually give direct answers about what it takes to lose. I learned that calories are the most Important aspect of losing weight and I learned about weighing my food etc from mpa
It's better to not to spend much time on these sites though or else you start feeling cray cray.
No. 265575
>>265565god, same. I'm fucking sick of clicking on the home page and seeing the same clickbait titles and thumbnails with vloggers making the same damn face. I miss what youtube used to be-a place where content creators made cool/funny videos for fun. nowadays everyone is just copying off each other, it's so incredibly transparent.
also rip youtube poop
No. 265579
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>>265497You'd kill to kiss this guy???
No. 265584
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>>265579I really think we're living in a world where everyone's beauty (or lack thereof) is completely fucking randomized. It's some "Your green is my orange" sort of thing. Maybe we see 30% of things the same way, but the remaining amount is the real kicker.
That's the only way I can rationalize any group of people thinking the person in that image, or this one, is attractive.
No. 265585
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>>265579fucking lol, anon
No. 265590
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>>265584nah he was pretty conventionally attractive under the tattoos. like an alt biebs, but better looking. def better than this
>>265579 kid who looks frighteningly like a 37 yo persian shopkeep, but i completely agree. i scroll through the 'attractive men' and i just thank god some women are taking it for the team by wanting such unattractive/undesirable, imo, men
No. 265597
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Vegans that brag about buying "vegan" products from billion dollar corporations are the biggest cucks of them all because they have turned their consumerism into an identity
No. 265598
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>>265584Once you ignore his tattoos (and of course the drugs and the fact that he's dead), he's actually really conventionally attractive. Picture is just a shitty preview from a video where someone photoshopped them away, but yea…
No. 265602
>>265599You're right, I worded it poorly. I mean a sort of shallow "revolutionary" consumerism and identity.
It's more like all companies are owned by the same 3 parent companies and are marketed in slightly different ways for slightly different people. The vegan choice being one of them but vegans think they're taking a stand against the meat and dairy industries by not directly paying for meat and dairy.
No. 265603
>>265598I'm honestly still not seeing it for him. Then again, I don't find Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Taylor Lautner, etc attractive either.
He definitely looks better than Wolff Alex, I guess.
No. 265614
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>>265598Peep was pretty average, not conventionally attractive. He looks even worse without the tats imo; the gay emo aesthetic made him stand out.
No. 265618
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>>265598>>265603>>265601he was kind of 'chubby' for him there already and when he wasn't super thin he looked plain. he really had some model-y features without being too masc when thin, imo.
No. 265637
>>264529me too
omg I thought I was alone in this
No. 265655
>>265579>>265495>>265497Honestly, if Alex wasn't an actor he'd just look like any achievable big-nosed boy in your local area.
I admit I find him very cute because that's My Type and it's nice to see on the screen, but he's not unique in the grand scheme of things. Please just go outside, girls. You may find one working at the gas station 15 minutes away.
No. 265790
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I can't understand why any woman would want to look like this.
No. 265793
>>265759My boyfriend is asian and his dick is about 7.5 inches. It's bigger than most dicks out there, but it's not a monster dick like those black and white dicks you see in porn. I've never seen an asian guy with those monster dicks so I guess they're actually smaller.
>>265781The pain can be nice sometimes.
No. 265800
>>265793interesting that you and
>>265781 have nothing to say about their balls
No. 265809
>>265790Because these women don't subscribe to the universally accepted body a women should have and instead take pride in their body through a different measurement, thus helping women move beyond the 'ideal'?
That image looks shopped as fuck, and I would never want to look like that, but I love seeing women who are proud over their physical strength because oh hey, women aren't one dimensional creatures striving to be as universally attractive as possible.
No. 265820
>>265790Knew a girl who looked like this irl without the shoop and tiddy implants, she was a meathead in female form. She took roids and other enhancements to get beefy like that btw.
She wanted to go to academy to be a cop so I think she felt like she had something to prove physically. Mentally I don't think she could have made the cut regardless. I haven't seen her in years and don't know of that's what she ended up doing.
No. 265836
>>265830ok dyke-chan
>>265833agreed, for the most part. people who think twice's main demographic is "uncle fans" don't have a solid leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing them because that's not what's been twice's marketing and strategy for success. they should criticize how their company exploits the japanese members to young weeaboo korean dudes, which has no reverse gender equivalent because korean girls don't fetishize japanese guys the same way.
No. 265847
>>265842what was specifically in question was an anon saying
>your blowjobs must suckwhat's the aim there? her own pleasure? no. and no, i've never felt compelled to suck or touch balls, which is, again, what we're talking about, not
just sucking dick. ive never heard of women wanting to suck or lick balls, and the problem is being shamed for not putting men's pleasure above what apparently is most comfortable for her/natural for her, which is avoiding balls
No. 265855
>your blowjobs must suckprioritizes what guys like and has literally nothing to do w "women expressing their sexuality". how is shaming women for avoiding balls bc it makes for less pleasurable bjs for men "women expressing their sexuality"?
No. 265953
>>265855I think your ball play just sucks, or maybe your taste in men.
I've never had a complaint.
No. 265996
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i always thought annoying women who see life as a disney princess movie were a myth created by shut-in redpill type men but i learned today that they walk amongst us
No. 265999
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>>265790That's pretty buff, but pic related is my ideal body.
No. 266003
>>265996Not sure what thread this is related to but yeah?
I can see the appeal in being a disney princess compared to what most modern women are expected to do and be for men.
No. 266035
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I think the "dolphins are rapists!!!" meme is really stupid and tired. They're very graceful and fun creatures, and get a bad rep for teh lulz while other animals exhibit rapist behavior but it's not as funny and memey I guess?
No. 266043
>>266041Oh I know dolphins are just dolphins not magical sea-puppies who want to be best buds. Anthropomorphising animals is weird.
I’d just never seen it as a meme. Was it a Facebook thing?
No. 266050
>>266043>magical sea-puppiesThis imagery has me chuckling.
I never saw it online, only irl by people who read a rash of news articles about dolphin rape or “murder” who would go “did you know???” Or “you know an animal I hate??” And it’s like “why.”
No. 266051
>>266050Better than what folks here do. They read a bunch of stories and decide to let measles come back or to start drinking water from copper bottles (for detox!) whilst still smoking meth.
Wanna swap town-autists?
No. 266068
>>266065Nothing that should be noticeable unless you’re an inch away.
If your vulva smells plz see a gyno.
No. 266070
>>266063>>266068I'm talking about my gf's puss and what
>>266065 said. I love eating her out
No. 266077
>>266070Your parents must be very proud?
Unpopular opinion: only virgins and the most insecure people speak/act like their kink or preference is superior, or say that anyone who doesn’t enjoy their thing is missing out and terribly sad about it.
Kinks should be confined to conversation with a partner and not slapped all over the internet as if anyone needs to know about how some random can only get off to choked by clowns or whatever.
It’s not sexually empowered it’s attention seeking and trashy.
No. 266085
>>266082Not being thrilled to know anon loves their girlfriends pussy smell is being afraid of lesbians now? Goddamn.
>>266079It’s always people with bizarre fetishes that sperg our about it so my theory is that they’re all very ashamed and need to project that they aren’t.
No. 266089
>>266085You know damn well that lesbophobia is not 'fear' of lesbians.
This is an unpopular opinion thread, I posted one.
Not only you are silencing your fellow women, but also a minority having to hide from heterosexist, patriarchal world. You should be ashamed.
I fucking love being a gold star lesbian, loving my gf and supporting my sisters, but I hate living in heterosexist society. Men are vile trash and I wish I could live on a lesbian-only island.
No. 266092
>>266089Maybe that anon had a point about tagging retarded shit.
Go pretend you’re oppressed elsewhere.
No. 266094
>>266093Oh give it a rest. Nobody cares how much vagina you munch people just think it’s gross to sperg our about how great you think her coochie smells.
You’re no different to those fat sweaty guys who want to tell strangers how sexy their loli waifu is.
No. 266096
>>266094But it's fine to shame women about their vaginas. Thanks for helping uphold the status quo.
>>266095Healthy vaginas have a soft smell, tranny
No. 266097
>>266096DW anon, it sounds like anon is just
triggered by the idea of sex. Saying "I'm a lesbian and I like my gf's vag" is in no way the same as saying "I'm a pedo for cartoon children"
No. 266098
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>>266096Nobody cares about your gfs smelly hamwallet you crazy dyke.
Unpopular opinion- anti vaxxers should lose custody of their children, not just be publicly ridiculed. It’s no different to removing a child because the parent is mentally incompetent for other reasons.
No. 266100
Comments like
>>266097 Are on the same level as the people referred to in
>>266077So inexperienced and insecure that they have to insist anyone who doesn’t think exactly what they do about something is a crazy virgin or
triggered by sex.
They can’t defend themselves beyond ‘y-you’re just a virgin and I’ve had ten sex’
No. 266101
>>266094>>266095 I suppose those are not rude, TMI or spergy:
>>265759>>265781>>265782>>265793>>265825>>265847>>265865>>265953>>265958You mention going down on your gf and everybody REEEEs, while it's fine to have a lenghty discussion on sucking dick and balls. But yeah, not lesbophobia at all.
No. 266105
>>266101No you mentioned loving to sniff vagina. Literally nobody cares about going down on someone because half the women posting here have eaten some puss at some point. Snorkeling some muff isn’t revolutionary or brave it’s just shit you don’t announce to the world without expecting to be told to hush.
Much like a movie theatre masturbator, you think you’re the victim here but you’re just not.
No. 266106
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>>266093>>266089>>266096>>266101EUGH go back to radfem tumblr, you're embarrassing me
No. 266108
>>266103I never made that comparison. Nobody did. How has anybody gotten this upset about anon being told nobody cares how many vaginas she licks?
Back to shit that isn’t as retarded: anime fandoms are so cringey that I no longer like admitting that I watch anime. Fandoms in general reall just suck.
No. 266110
>>266107And that’s a good reason for anon to sperg our about being an oppressed lesbian and all the ebil lesbophobes?
Plot twist is that they don’t even have a gf because they are insufferable.
No. 266111
>>266105I guess I should say that anons talking about dicks have sexually assaulted me.
Don't pretend like suddenly sex talk being a no-no is board culture here.
>>266108Literally this anon
>>266094 did, you doofus. Learn to read
(calm down) No. 266113
>>266108No lesbophobia. And yet no one went
>no one cares how many inches your bf's dick has, you s-slut! when anons were sperging about balls.
What a hypocrisy
No. 266115
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>>266111Assaulted by dick talk.
That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard.
When we’re you diagnosed with your developmental disorder?
No. 266120
>>266116It’s worth it for gems like ‘traumatised by cum flavour’ and ‘assaulted by discussions of dicks I chose to look at’
That’s my unpopular opinion. Shit like that is worth autism.
No. 266123
>>266121Lmao you took that literally?
Sorry didn’t realise you were proper soft in the head.
No. 266126
>>266123I didn't, I pointed out how retarded your comparison was.
You are just a bunch of lesbophobic hypocrites.
No. 266131
>>266054I definitely think that hookup culture is changing the way we socialise and romance. I’m not really sure if ya better, worse, or neither, but it seems different.
My grandpas friends were almost all married in their thirties, my friends in their thirties are mostly all single with children from previous relationships. (Again, not saying it’s better or worse)
It’s interesting to observe.
No. 266196
>>266098Yeah I agree that there should be laws mandating vaccination unless there's a medical reason why the child can't have them (e.g. being very immunocompromised).
And if the parents refuse they should at least be put under investigation/monitoring by CPS.
No. 266210
>>266201 Kids are kids and they’re learning and should be encouraged. Same goes for newbies. Nobody has a good first piece but if they’re improving it’s all good.
People who have been at it for years and are just too lazy to improve or too conceited to take constructive criticism are just wankers and it’s fine to laugh and pick.
It’s always too far to harass or bother the artist though.
No. 266213
>>266196Those laws exist where I live but people find ways to skirt them. Measles has popped up in a few areas because of these crazies. The mandates don’t have any punishments, just a loss of access to certain benefits.
I hate to admit it but as much as I’d like for it to be possible for DHS to step in, they’re already scraped too far trying to handle godawful abuse cases and there’s not that many foster families for kids already in the system. Plus removing unvaccinated kids is unfair and traumatic to them. Realistically it’s a shitty idea to remove them but I’d give my arms for a vaccination for them all and mandatory classes for their stupid parents.
No. 266235
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>>266233oh my god shut the fuck up faggot. This is an anonymous message board where a lot of users grew up with anon message board culture. You're the one who sounds lost so stop bitching and back to PULL.
No. 266237
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Women who want/expect their boyfriends to be sexless and "pure" can't bitch and complain when they inevitably and deservedly get cheated on(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 266254
>>266229I wasn’t talking about people here obviously..
>>266233I’m only here to see the bitch fights tbh
No. 266424
>>265575I miss ytp as well, the hardest I've ever laughed has been at those. I always liked seeing the loose "plots" people could scrape together, or good sentence-mixing. I don't even seek new ones out anymore because new decent ones were rare last time I checked. It's also sad to see what EmpLemon became.
As for YouTube in general, most of the people I am subbed to have patreons. I guess this is my unpopular opinion, but I've never liked the system patreon encourages of paying to get something extra. I actually like people who outright say backers get nothing but thanks.
No. 266454
>>266437I'm slightly curvy but mostly skinny by today's standards. I think because my figure is not viewed as typically sexy I take zero photos of myself.
Men think I'm sexy in real life though, but taking photos and posting online is specifically for the online audience and I am "skinny" by those standards (and therefore, not in demand).
Also makes dating extra awful because, as noted by anons here a few times, men's taste in women varies with the current fashions, so they expect all women to have big asses and boobs and be thicc and are genuinely confused by slim women at present, whereas in the 90s and early 2000s having a big ass was the last thing anyone wanted.
No. 266455
>>266443I think a lot of people are just bad at shopping. Shopping online is easier because there are fewer distractions. Most of the time you can find Amazon stock on eBay for significantly cheaper, often half price new, and eBay sellers dispatch immediately and get it to you as quick as Amazon anyway.
Both eBay and real life shopping require effort and not just being presented with top-rated products with 2000 reviews and 1-hour delivery, so people don't do it despite the huge savings.
No. 266475
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>>266430>>266437Tbh I'm just gonna fully enjoy this while it lasts. Being constantly called a fatass in school (despite only being like 50kg back then, just really bottom heavy) kinda fucked me up, and after this trend started for the first time in years I've been able to wear something that doesn't hide my lower body without feeling like a fattychan.
I also have a bit of a hard time feeling any sympathy for the skinny girls. They had their time and they will again. Being thin and delicate will be the big thing again eventually and I'll just go back to being a regular old chubby girl. Also it's not like the "thicc movement" hasn't been kinda hijacked by people calling even perfectly average sized girls thicc, so we can't even have that completely to ourselves.
No. 266485
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>>266429its already on trend on kpop circles and ariana grande is already considered like one of the most attractive women ever (debatable but men love her) and men always whiteknight her with "i don't like those nicki minaj bodies!!! give me a REAL girl like Ariana!". maybe it will be the 2020s thing.
No. 266492
> men's taste in women varies with the current fashions, so they expect all women to have big asses and boobs and be thicc I have been struggling with dating too, and I'm short and apple shaped and chubby in not a good way. I don't have a "thicc" body and I'm not thin so I have nothing to offer.
I was texting a guy I am interested in, and we were talking about body image, and I told him that I feel self conscious talking to him because he is fit and in good shape and should be with a girl similar.
And he told me that I had it all wrong. That he works out for himself, and he doesn't expect that from a girl.
He could be lying, but just know anon that there are a few select guys out there who don't buy into whatever the flavor of the month beauty standards are for women. Who don't expect their women to be a size zero 16 bmi waif, or a perfect hourglass huge ass huge tits 22 inch waist bombshell.
No. 266497
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>>266429I feel this too anon. I'm so over the Kim K asses and how being toned and skinny isn't enough unless you have an over the top diaper ass. Like, I don't mind if a girl clearly bulked up all over but a lot of insta girls shoop and get implants to get this gross proportion.
No. 266498
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80’s-super early 90s was a superior decade for fashion compared to late 90s early 2000s. I hate that the past few years has been pulling trends from that era. I want a full out 80s revival.
No. 266505
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Women who care so much what other men think are pathetic. Acting like you've gotta appeal to the masses when all you really need to impress is just one.
No. 266514
>>266513>If by some miraculous means you woke up tomorrow and a morbidly obese body type was "in" would you make yourself fat just to be seen as desirable?If previous posts bear evidence to their mindset–no. They'd just act insecure and salty about what's "in" and pray the pendulum swings back in their favor.
It's still all about men, they're just butthurt when men like "fatties."
No. 266518
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>>266466I'm into older men but making them cheat is just terrible. I mean why date a cheater and expect them not to cheat on you?
No. 266521
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unpopular opinion, rap music and rap culture suck and is damaging to women.
it gives men false expectations and reduces women to sexual objects, I don't understand how no one seems to care about this
No. 266522
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People who don't want to be insulted for their shitty English shouldn't post in English on imageboards with high populations of native English speakers
No. 266527
>>266521Isn't that a pretty popular opinion? Who could say otherwise? Today I listened to a horrible new song by Iggy Azalea/some rapper I forget and the lyrics were literally
>ass ass ass ass ass rules everything around meThe entirety of the visuals were girls face down ass up, and there was a neon sign saying ASS. It's like fucking satire of rap. I couldn't even be offended because I was so in awe at the sheer lack of any artistic merit or creativity.
No. 266549
>>266544Plenty of rappers do. Did you miss people celebrating XXXtensioncord's death a few weeks ago?
Eminem used to get away with a lot, but nowadays people criticize him for how he treated his ex.
Beyonce fans literally
hate JayZ for cheating on her a bunch of times. It's well known by now
Kanye mostly gets criticized for being batshit insane but in some circles he is most definitely criticized for his treatment of Kim K (and before that, Amber Rose)
No. 266551
>>266550except they won't because most people realise that you can enjoy an artist's work yet still condemn them for their actions, rap fans don't seem to understand this though and any time someone so much as points this out you get attacked and called a racist.
we get it rap is "black culture" but it's not immune to criticism
No. 266567
>>266522people say shit like that because they want you to be nice to them and nothing else. i'm esl, and i'm sure a lot of users on this site are. we have threads where you can speak french, chinese, spanish, portuguese etc shut the fuck up with that "bad english" shit, post there or keep lurking there.
starting a post with that statement is 100% always to be an attention whore about "poor english", bc it means free compliments and courtesy from other users every single time. hate this shit. i also see it on female subreddits where people say this to get free upvotes instantly. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL.
english isn't even that hard to learn. No. 266572
>>266516English is my first language and I'm not esl. I used plural 'them' because upthread more than one anon (unless you're admitting it was all a giant samefag) was saying stuff about hoping skinny goes back into trend.
Hence "previous posts bear evidence."
Posts. More than one person, presumably. If not, it's still not unusual anymore to use singular they/them.
Either way it was a massive, massive reach to assume I'm a male. Use that tinfoil for your lunch, not your head.
No. 266573
>>266551>>266548>>266541>>266540Pretty much all sane black women hate rap culture, too, but black women are literally seen as "black" before female both in and out of the community (which means we're pressured and expected to defend even the shittiest black men and the worst, most abusive aspects of black culture out of principle and we're called "bitches", "bedwenches" and "coons" if we don't) so no one's going to pay attention.
Imagine men not only being able to shame you for being "feminist", but also claiming you're a self-hating Uncle Tom because you don't blindly accept the bullshit plaguing your people and want things to improve. It's fucking sad.
Rock music can be downright awful, too, but at least they had the riot grrrl movement specifically where they called out shitty misogynists (and you don't have to struggle to find a single rock song that doesn't have some fucked up, anti-woman message to it). Meanwhile, what kind of female rappers get pushed into the mainstream eye? Nicki Minaj, Cardi B and other female rappers who encourage young black girls to sell their bodies, do drugs and defend/uplift abusive men. Female rappers that try to do anything different or progressive remain largely ignored and underground.
No. 266613
>>266554I feel sorry for the children of famous celebs, especially when they have songs written about them like this.
Can you imagine being a young adult and stumbling across a song your parent made that makes them sound fucking psychotic?
No. 266614
>>266521>I don't understand how no one seems to care about thisThis. You'd think in today's political climate where everyone is getting ''woke'' this would be a huge problem, but instead I see most people
defending this shit…
No. 266657
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I feel like the average guy has really low standards when they judge women's looks compared to how the average woman judges women's looks.
No. 266670
>>266668For a lot of people it's just a regular dating app, though many (I'd say more than half) use it to hook up as well.
I don't even mind people doing whatever the fuck they want with their lives but I hate it when they lie to you and say they want something more serious down the line "but need to see if we have sexual chemistry" first, lmao fuck off.
No. 266696
>>266694People thinking you're weird is not oppression, sweaty.
>Sexuality is no valid point to be part of lgbtWhat the fuck does this even mean?
No. 266697
>>266689Asexual people can have a libido. It's called masturbating.
>>266696Ok so I get that many of them make a big deal about it, but so do the others.
Does that make it less valid as a sexuality? No, not really. I really don't get why people like you get all up in arms about something so harmless.
No. 266699
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>>266697It isn't valid as a sexuality because it's not a sexuality. Not fucking is not a sexual orientation.
No. 266700
>>266687>bastard child of other languages>frequently doesn’t follow its own rulesThat's literally every language ever. English is extremely simple, the most complex bits are phrasal verbs and when to use in/on. It has few verb tenses, conjugations tend to be regular, there are no cases, no declensions, no gendered substantives or articles, no adjective flexion, comparative and possessive are almost 100% regular…
I'm not saying it's easy, mind you, learning a language is never "easy", but as far as complexity goes English is pretty damn simple to grasp. The Latin-based words (that y'all seem to struggle a lot with?) have their meaning immediately obvious for those of us coming from the latin branch too.
No. 266704
>>266699That's your opinion I guess, but I'd say being to attracted to one, both, or neither, are all valid.
>>266702It just means they're not attracted to either sex. I think having no libido at all would be a medical issue.
No. 266705
>>266702They aren’t. Asexual implies an absence of sexual feelings. If they’re sexual enough to masturbate…
>>266694People thinking you’re a little odd isn’t oppression and anyone who thinks it is, is a sheltered little pansy with no idea about the world. Nobody has ever faced violence or a loss of rights due to not being sexual.
No. 266719
>>266686eh. let them consider themselves lgbt if they want, the meaning of that acronym has been butchered beyond repair anyways
which leads me to my own opinion: there's not even any need for an lgbt community anymore, there was historically but now real lesbians and gay men are constantly shit on by people who are supposedly meant to relate to them
the "bt" being included made sense when the gay rights movement started since most bisexuals had a same sex preference and knew on some level what homophobia is like, and most trannies were gender non-conforming gay people who transitioned out of need for safety and cotton ceiling wasn't a thing until recent years
but now the "community" is overrun by people (trannies and bis) who think homosexuality is closed minded and privileged enough to be able to care more about themselves being considered ~VALID~ and getting asspats than the fact that gay people are still being killed in many parts of the world and homophobia is still so common in most places, even where gay people have full legal rights
the letters have nothing in common these days and there's no reason to be associated with each other anymore, split it up
No. 266720
>>266717It’s mind blowing to think there’s people so completely protected from actual oppression of any sort that they have to redefine the word to mean ‘am not always agreed with and validated the way I prefer’
People like that have no place trying to lump themselves in with LGBT groups in terms of being silenced or oppressed.
Mum and dad saying ‘it’s a phase, dear’ being the worst thing to ever happen to them must be so nice.
No. 266721
>>266720Honestly I think it is a sexuality, you don't have to be oppressed to be part of lgbt. Like this anon said
>>266719 it doesn't mean anything anymore. The T isn't even a sexuality.
Being invalidated sucks but unless you're forced into marriage or something, it's not oppression and being forced into marriage is oppressive for anyone regardless of sexuality.
No. 266728
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No, shut the fuck up. you don't know these people. its fun to poke fun at them, but we truly don't know. shut the fuck up. its a rule on this site not to armchair but anons still do it and project every single time. they get redtext and still do it again. i even saw someone claim jill was raped because "its in her personality its obvious she was!" once. if you've ever done this fuck you. most of these cows probably already go to therapy anyways, if they had anything other than muh anxiethy, they'd talk about it 24/7. you don't know what you're talking about, i know you think you do, but you're wrong. no matter how smart you think you are, you should not throw psych diagnosis at people you dumbfuck.
No. 266729
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>>266728>if they had anything other than muh anxiethy, they'd talk about it 24/7This is the biggest thing for me. They're all such attention whores that you
know if they were diagnosed they would never shut up about it and would use it to garner pity points. That's in part why the munchie thread used to be so entertaining because it showcased the people willing to go to such lengths to be diagnosable for that sweet attention.
Imo it's all fun and games to speculate, but when anons start projecting with the whole 'I'm diagnosed with x so I know for a fact cow has x and that's why she does y' that it gets cringe.
No. 266735
>>266567I once saw someone on Twitter that always had perfect English yet she was like "sorry for my bad english".
It's so fucking annoying.
No. 266738
>>266728a lot of cows/flakes could be cluster b, they're the lowest scum of the mentally ill population and i wouldn't be surprised if some people discussed often were undiagnosed or in denial. armchair diagnosis isn't milk though and shits up otherwise good threads way too often. most people go to /pt/ and /snow/ to laugh at cows, not analyze their existences
>>266567i've noticed this too but i always take the bait when someone apologizes for their english. every single time.
No. 266757
>>266750I agree. It's basically the one drop rule at work.
The annoying thing is that literally every other race is allowed to have a strong identity but black people. White people certainly don't claim Elliot Rodger, even though he personally mainly identified as white, grew up immersed in white American culture and had a white dad, but black people just need to shut up and accept people like Meghan Markle and Zendaya as "black" because reasons, or else we're "Nazis". I even see other black people pull this shit sometimes, and it's so backward.
They like to pull the "African-Americans are mixed because of slavery!" thing, but 99% of the time, literally everyone can tell the difference between a full-on biracial and a person whose grandpa's grandpa might have been a plantation owner's son. Being black means having at
least 60% black ancestry, and coming from two black parents. No ifs, ands or buts.
No. 266825
>>266822Is it just me or did anyone else immediately jump to the implication that you'd have to succ and fug to get a high paying position?
That being said, how would a workplace ever know that someone is asexual unless they made it explicitly clear?
No. 266826
>>266822I am no asexual but I believe it is hard for anyone who is not a white heterosexual male. One of my coworkers is asexual and other coworkers laughed at him openly that he might have a micro dick, or is a eunuch or he even looks secretly at child porn. Something must be wrong with him right? Because asexuality is not real right. He wanted to get promoted as assistant chef but wasn't able to because of his sexuality. Instead my other coworker got the promotion who is less educated and stupid af but is a white hetero male with a wife. My chef wanted to have someone
relatable in this position lol
No. 266847
>>266819Please pull your head out of your ass, you aren't oppressed. Gay marriage wasn't legal in the US until 2015. Gay couples couldn't legally adopt in all 50 states until 2016. It was illegal for gay people to have sex in some states until 2003!!! Many states provide no legal protection in the workplace for lgbt people. People literally get killed for being gay/trans. How the fuck would being asexual hurt you in the workplace at all except if you're a sex worker??? If your coworker
>>266826 goes around talking about how he's asexual all the time then he deserves to be ridiculed tbh, anyone who talks about their sexuality at work constantly is inappropriate
No. 266899
>>266896They probably think it's more important to prioritize the man's feefees instead over their own pleasure or concerns.
Imagine having to break it to some large, egotistical ape that what he's doing isn't working for you. :^)
No. 266900
>>266806That is not oppression. You can’t just grab a word and alter its meaning.
Besides, how would anybody know the person is asexual? Nobody is missing out on jobs because they aren’t talking about sex around the office water cooler anon.
No. 266901
>>266896Y’all need better men.
Anyone worth their salt in bed is experimenting and seeing what works for their partner and asking what they want or if they like xyz.
Women faking their orgasm has led lots of partners (male and female) to assume they are masters of sex because they’ve never been criticised before.
If a partner doesn’t care that you’re not getting off you get a new partner.
No. 267091
>>267088A-fucking-men, anon. I wish this wasn’t an unpopular opinion. I’m not even allowed to talk about the trauma I went through because it was my choice. Such bullshit. Tell me a 15 year old has any real choice. Would you rather be ostracized by your peers and dump your potential baby into the arms of a virtual stranger, or would you rather go against the loudest, popular opinion of all, and be shamed for the remainder of your life? Even if I never tell anyone what happened and what I went through, the shame follows me, not for the act itself but for the loud mouthed idiots who make my issue, their business. Even if abortion remains legal, as it well should, there will always be a number of uninvolved and uninvited Neanderthals that exist purely to bring shame on women. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It’s about reducing women down to unimportant, not babies or life or death.
No. 267107
>>267088>Im sick of pro choice people acting like its not a difficult thing to go through. I'm tired of this debate either way because everyone's gonna react differently. I went through a traumatic abortion when I was younger like this anon here
>>267091, but I don't feel guilt over it nor is it on my mind everyday. Even though it was painful for me at the time it's not something I regret now or would take back, nor am I reliving the pain of it every time I recall it.
The only time I feel uncomfortable about my abortion is when people bring it up as if to say I should feel a certain way about it now.
I wish people would drop that altogether. The only things that matter about abortion is that the women getting them are making a safe, informed, and legal decisions. The emotional discussions are what therapists are for.
No. 267129
>>267128i agree with this and i think it's mostly just people kneejerking about how it
can be construed or used by racists. just let people like what they like and call out shit when it's shit. no need trying to make everyone act like you think is right because they might be a certain way.
No. 267176
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>>266899>Imagine having to break it to some large, egotistical apeuh?
No. 267191
>>267188Tipping sucks but
>dumb ass waitress putting pressure on their employers to pay themThis doesn't work. Most states in Murrica (I assume bc tipping culture is the worst here) are right to work states, so if they make a ruckus over pay they get fired and are easily replaceable because there's always someone who needs a job. A union doesn't exist, and can't exist in those states, for restaurant service workers.
I get what you're saying, but there really isn't any feasible recourse for them besides finding a better job eventually.
You should be angrier at the restaurant owners who insist on paying their employees $2 per hour and expect customers like YOU to make up the difference.
No. 267193
>>267091>>267088I get abortions can be traumatic as fuck but I honestly don’t get women who regret their abortions years later, especially if they were super young when they had them. My friend had one at 16 and she seems to have a hard time with it still, to the point where she can’t watch abortion storylines on TV. I try not to dictate how she feels but I honestly wonder if she truly believes her life would’ve been better had she kept it. To be tied to her abusive ex for the rest of her life and to depend on her also abusive/druggie mom? Sounds like hell and it’s extremely unfair o bring a child into that wolrd. Sure, her life isn’t perfect as of now but at least she has the freedom to do what she wants and can chose who she can interact with.
I was born to a young single mother and a couple of years ago, I realized that I’ve would’ve been aborted in most situations and the only reason I was ever born to begin with was because my mom didn’t believe in abortion. While I didn’t have a terrible childhood, things were tough at times and I still have trauma from it. I wouldn’t wish wish the life I had on my future child which is why I get baffled when I hear girls regret their abortions, especially if they were in a shitty situation, which is often the case.
I guess I’m coming off as insensitive at best or an unsympathetic asshole at worst (although I’m honestly not trying to be). I’m not trying to tell women who have a bad experience with abortions how to feel. I honestly just don’t ge it.
No. 267195
>>267194I don't think anyone would advocate that it's okay for anyone to mess with your food out of spite.
But lol anon if you want quality food and service try not eating at Mcdonald's.
No. 267196
>>267188If you order food to go all the time, I don’t see why you should care. You sound
I get that things are different all over the world but here in the states, you usually make jack shit from serving. It’s one thing if your waiter sucks, but if they provided decent service and you still stiff them, then that’s pretty shitty you. Plus, 10-20% of the bill isn’t that much, so I don’t see how it’s such a pain in the ass to shell out an additional couple of bucks.
Inb4 I get called out a butthurt waitress. I’m no but I do work in a restaurant.
No. 267200
>>267193>I honestly wonder if she truly believes her life would’ve been better had she kept it. I don't think it's this, speaking from my own experience. It's more like the perceived lack of choice one has or had as a teenager
only good choice for teenage pregnancy is abortion.
I don't mean to cause an infight but you must admit teenage motherhood is the least ideal circumstance to have a child.
Another thing to be honest about: Teens are pressured into decisions about their pregnancy by their parents. Often girls are pressured into abortion by parents who don't want to support a newborn in addition to their teen, or would like to save face in their communities to not be known as the parents of the teen mom.
I'm a little envious of adults who can actually weigh their options. Because adults presumably have the financial standing, solid relationship, and maturity to consider the other options. Obviously not all adults do so that's why they get abortions, but their chances for those things will always be better than a teenager's.
Maybe that's what your friend actually regrets, being made so painfully aware of the lack of bodily autonomy. Not the abortion itself. That's why the shows about abortion hit a nerve with her to this day.
Or maybe I'm projecting, who knows.
No. 267204
>>267197So you’re solution that people should work at McDonald’s or Forever 21 if they don’t like the wages either? You do realize that those jobs pay peanuts as well, right? In fact, I wager that being a waiter plus tips, you get paid roughly the same amount as a McDonald’s/Forever 21 employee. Plus, as long as they’re restaurants, waiters are going to be needed. Do you actually think most waiters like their jobs? Cause I got news for you.
No one is forcing you to tip, at the end of the day. Do what you want. I’m just saying stiffing someone who has at least provided good service is pretty douchey and your logic behind it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
No. 267205
>>267199>>267203To be fair to those people, they may not have had educated influences in their lives via family or school to teach them about those things.
Everything I learned in my 20s about diet, including TDEE, I found on the internet. The only thing I was ever taught in school during physical ed was that food pyramid horseshit and some names of common exercises. My parents were also unhealthy and knew as much about nutrition as their 70s education taught them.
It's less of an excuse today, but even so there's a lot of misinformation and fad scams online so it's no wonder people are still somehow confused. People don't know where to start, what's true and what's false, unless they know what they're looking for.
No. 267206
>>267200I think you’re right. I’ll admit, I have the pleasure of never having an abortion as a teenager, so her feelings seem like alien of me. Again, I’m not trying to tell her how she should feel but I do admit it puzzles me at times.
Thanks for explaining it.
No. 267208
>>267207Not the anon you're replying to, but by your own logic, you chose to be a nurse's aide and have no right to be bitter towards others who complain about their jobs either. Because after all, you could just quit and find a better job.
I don't wanna be that way towards your plight either anon. I think it's better that we all agree frontline service jobs are really fucking difficult because the public in general is difficult.
No. 267213
>>267209>>267212>they could easily do something elseConsidering how bad the job market is, and the limited skillset of a customer service worker, I think this is just like your opinion man.
Yeah most people could probably do something else if they had no choice, but "easily" doing it is open to debate.
No. 267217
>>267208>>267211Nayrt, but there is such a thing as being objective.
Objectively, getting shot in the groin is worse pain than getting your toe stepped on.
Objectively, being a nurse aid puts you in a worse position than being a waitress.
Fuck off relativists.
No. 267249
>>267242I could never relate to that myself, anyway. If a stranger I'm very attracted to was being creepy (sexually aggressive/quick to anger if I don't say the right thing/being hands-y) I'd be just as turned off.
And if an "ugly" guy was just flirting but being respectful, I wouldn't see him as a creep.
Men also need to understand that most of them are a physical threat to us, even to bigger framed athletic girls such as myself. And sadly neckbeard types are known for getting easily upset by rejection, so some women are more wary.
Which of course brings us to:
>if a girl gets raped she wasn't being careful>if a girl is cautious she's just judgemental!!! not all men!!!I know it doesn't feel good to be seen as a threat if you're just a gentle giant, but they there is a reason for caution around strangers. Especially for women.
No. 267267
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I think that Jessica Price deserved to be fired.
No. 267269
>>267257A pill abortion is statistically a walk in the park compared to carrying a pregnancy to term.
Way less complications, way less risk of fatality.
No. 267281
>>267280I said the pill because that's the most common form of abortion.
Surgical abortion still also has far less complications. Where the hell do you live?
No. 267291
>>267282>I'm not going to say where I liveBecause you're afraid I'm gonna look up the stats for that country, aren't you?
Secondly, there's plenty of study about abortion being safer than childbirth, and no, pregnancy complications and fatalities are not caused by "doctor error."
>"The pregnancy-associated mortality rate among women who delivered live neonates was 8.8 deaths per 100,000 live births. The mortality rate related to induced abortion was 0.6 deaths per 100,000 abortions. In the one recent comparative study of pregnancy morbidity in the United States, pregnancy-related complications were more common with childbirth than with abortion.
Legal induced abortion is markedly safer than childbirth. The risk of death associated with childbirth is approximately 14 times higher than that with abortion. Similarly, the overall morbidity associated with childbirth exceeds that with abortion."
Sorry to burst your bubble.
No. 267292
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>>267291Whoops, dropped this.
No. 267293
>>267283Read the damn wiki article lol.
>Early medical abortions account for the majority of abortions before 9 weeks gestation in Britain,[50][51] France,[52] Switzerland,[53] and the Nordic countries.[54]>Medical abortion regimens using mifepristone in combination with a prostaglandin analog are the most common methods used for second-trimester abortions in Canada, most of Europe, China and India,[44] in contrast to the United States where 96% of second-trimester abortions are performed surgically by dilation and evacuation.[57]The US is the only country listed where it's not, and that's due to lack of medical access to early abortion thanks to anti-choice legislation by the GOP in southern states.
No. 267320
>>267304>>267242Actual unpopular opinion here:
Women are just as shallow as men, but most don't wanna admit it.
No. 267338
>>267330>>267320>>267323Just in, shallow people are shallow.
Male sugar babies exist.
Successful women that want to pay for young guys at the office are fairly common in my industry.
Just like anyone else getting ahead with looks or money is something humans will do.
Good or bad use depends of how ethical the person is.
Now stop being a bunch of incels, I bet you are the two bearded fucks that started the discord & maybe that dude that wanted us to rate him.
People will forever be shallow
No. 267342
>>267341right? that's not to say women don't deserve to be as shallow as men are, but in general, i don't see them as being as shallow. the only thing is that men are TAUGHT to be shallow, and socialized that it's okay and encouraged for them to be shallow, because having a 'hot' female partner is an achievement.
males are more shallow due to male conditioning.
No. 267348
>>267273I think it's very nuanced. If someone has a very specific fixation on lolicon, I can't just ignore that and assume none of it bleeds into their RL preferences, the same way guys who have are into trap hentai may not necessarily be tranny chasers IRL, but you can't pretend they're 100% straight and would never have sex with what they'd consider a "real life trap" either.
What I don't like is when people conflate fetishism around typical anime tropes with pedophilia. Like, some people reasoning that a person who just left their teens themselves (so like, 19-22) being attracted to a character who has the body of an adult porn star but wears a sailor uniform = "obvious pedophile". Like, chill. If the person really is a pedophile creep, drawings (or them "waifu"-ing certain characters), should never be the main evidence, but everything they've done and said
in combination with their tastes.
No. 267351
>>267278can you read? i’m complaining about people who post irrelevant random shit when it’s not even remotely important to the thread, there’s a reason people get banned for it.
>>267278hiding saged posts doesn’t really help when shit like the above^^^ is never saged
>>267277nice joke, i’ve been here for 3 years and while this isn’t a new thing it’s definitely more pronounced in summer and there’s no reason to leave the site over it when it can be fixed
No. 267378
>>267375>can't find a good book or movieI feel so sorry for you. Instead of watching anime you can pick up a Japanese language book for starters, it'll be more beneficial and entertaining for you in the immediate and long run.
No. 267380
>>267374Well, I like some anime, other media too, and infact I'm indeed quite the woman-baby.
In part liking anime and nerd stuff in general is being a bit attached to the past and kind of childish, so I think your opinion makes sense.
No. 267381
>>267378Please recommend me some books you've enjoyed anon. I don't mean this in a mocking way or anything, I just would like to know what I'm missing out on if it's something amazing after all.
I enjoyed reading as a young teen but stopped once I got into manga.
No. 267429
>>267250This, holy god. It takes so little for Tumblr retards to yell pedophile that the word's lost all its meaning. Reasons you get called out for being a "pedophile":
>Shipping a 17-year old and 20-year old character because 17 is still a minor!>Or shipping two 15yo characters>Fucking talking to a 16-year old online>Reblogging porn to your very nsfw blog with content warnings when a 15-year old kid has followed it out of their own free will>And like mentioned, making a sexual joke in a public server with teenagers presentOn a related note an unpopular opinion of my own: I personally don't like loli/shotacon but I seriously don't see it as comparable to real life CP or worth freaking out over. It's gross I know, but a lot of people also consume violent media without ever hurting anyone. I don't see the underage characters in that stuff to be actual real-life kids or even similar to them. Of course it might encourage some perverts to prey on underaged people but those sort of pedophiles would've done it without loli/shotacon anyway.
No. 267439
>>267210Yeah, I hate fandoms nowadays, I'm so nostalgic when I think about how things were in the late 2000s and the early 2010s. I'm think of spoiled stupid teenagers with no life experience telling everyone that this and that is oppressive and abusive, whether it's a ship or a character or and content creator, without any sort of evidence. I also feel like nobody even knows what the word headcanon even means anymore. I used to talk to a lot of people online in fandoms but now I lost all my mutuals over petty shit like "is Naoto from P4 a transboy?" and "if you like BBC Sherlock you're probably sexist and racist" and I avoid everyone that's a bit too vocal.
I wonder how fans in their twenties and thirties actually feel about this. Is it really that much of an unpopular opinion? Because I feel like many fans don't like fandoms as much as they used to for the same reasons but hide it because some of them are big name fans or have a lot of followers.
No. 267442
>>267429No, sorry, it's absolutely comparable. Yes, they're dumb drawings, but sexualizing children in any medium has an effect on real life. And violent media DOES negatively affect people. People are just too selfish to acknowledge it for fear of their shitty games and shitty movies being taken away. Bathing yourself in violence, even if fake, definitely has an effect on people. We're seeing young teen girls in huge numbers report that they're being pressured by their boyfriends to recreate violent and painful things these boys watch in porn, even if those are acted and fake, etc. Porn isn't real life either but it sure as shit has an effect on men and boys. Surrounding people, and especially children, with violence and it being normalized as a result definitely has deleterious effects on them, even if the majority of people have the restraint to not go around shooting up malls, it doesn't mean it doesn't negatively affect their thought patterns or their personal lives.
No. 267445
>>267443nta, but I think the main issue is that this shit is regularly available to children who
are impressionable and who this affects. Introducing kids early to violence and rape is going to leave them with weird feelings about it, sort of like cartoons innocently inspiring fetishes for people. That's the main problem I have with it, as well as the porn escalation problem (wanting something harder every time).
>inb4 they had the spark of crazy anyway, so what difference does it make?Imagine if that spark wasn't lit.
>inb4 it's parents' jobs to protect their childrenI see parents as being equally at fault, although at a certain point in their teen years most kids are going to seek it out anyway. But if it wasn't so accessible, this wouldn't be a problem.
Overall, I do see your point and it would be…well, functionally fine if it existed in a vacuum for already-fucked-up weirdos to use. But it doesn't, it exists for everyone and is one search away from an 11-year-old who overheard their brother talking to his friends about it.
No. 267446
>>267443NAYRT, but I disagree. When you're exposed to a certain type of pornography, it becomes more and more normalized to you, whether you realize it or not.
I've known adults who have pedophilic thoughts specifically because they were exposed to lolicon/shotacon from a young age. In fact, already-existing pedophiles often use lolicon/shotacon to manipulate their victims into sexual activity. It's just sexually confusing and damaging to a developing mind, and most of our minds are actually still developing until we reach our late 20s or early 30s.
I've never been one of those "Lolicon and shotacon are LITERALLY the same as CP", because they're different. They're both damaging, but for different reasons. Loli/shota is a gateway to abuse, while CP is actual abuse.
That said, I don't think lolicon/shotacon should be outright banned (mostly because people will just draw it anyway, and it
possibly can serve as an outlet for existing pedophiles, when not used in damaging ways), just shamed to oblivion and not normalized in any way. Everyone should understand that it's not right.
No. 267451
>>267450In a perfect world, yes. And this is coming from a horror fan.
Although also in a perfect world, the restrictions we already have would be effective and parents wouldn't be as lenient. And like I said, if shota/loli was very restricted and only in circles for fucked up adults to consume, I'd be okay with it. But that's not reality and never will be.
You're probably going to label me as insane and authoritarian because of this, but I'm fine with that. I value the safety of all children above all else. Even, if not especially, the mentally ill ones.
No. 267481
>>267459It's not that I don't agree with this, but knowing what I've seen, there's simply sick people out there who react in ways that we can't logically imagine or comprehend. Can't fix broken brains.
As long as they stick to complaining and the pity parties, I don't care as much. It's the ones who use their bad childhoods as excuses to become criminals, abusers and killers and such. They're who you gotta look out for.
No. 267572
>>267375>I find it easier to find a good anime than a good book or movie.What anime do you consider good, anon?
I'm baffled as I don't find it exactly easy to find quality manga (it requires time), and it's much easier than with anime because seinen and josei comics are published.
Most anime is moecrap, pandering and immature thrash or has terrible storytelling (often all at the same time). Don't get me started on the most hyped titles - they are usually an example of everything wrong with the genre.
I have plenty of books that I'm planning to read someday and at least a thousand quality movies on my to watch list, so it's the opposite in my experience.
I love anime, but IMHO no good titles come anymore (and if they do, the original manga is superior anyway).
No. 267579
>>267416Only the most boring classics they’ve seen on goodreads, aka babbys first literature.
The only people who criticise entertainment for being entertainment are wankers who think they are smarter than anyone else because they read some Austen or
Dickens and now consider themselves too smart for the peasants and their animu.
Self appointed “literary nerds” who can’t actually analyse but can use purple prose or awkwardly Victorian phrasing on a Facebook post calling everyone else a pleb. They can’t find any literary merit that isn’t higjlighted and spoonfed to them in something simple like To Kill a Mockingbird but dismiss anything that isn’t top of every ‘best book ever’ list.
No. 267609
>>267590There’s plenty of anime that explore literary themes and not every single cartoon to come out of Japan is dbz or lolicon.
You’re saying this like there isn’t a market flooded with junk pandering to horny little mallninjas. The YA genre exists, so reading isn’t superior.
People don’t enjoy high quality entertainment like Umberto Eco or Margaret Atwood less if they also like Tokyo ghoul or Gundam.
No. 267611
>>267609>>267609NTTAYRT but please provide examples of 'literary' anime.
And no, adaptations of Les Miserables and the like don't count.
No. 267614
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>>267611I would look into the director Satoshi Kon. My favorite of his works are Paprika (movie) and Paranoia Agent (series).
I guess it depends on what you mean by 'literary' though, that's pretty vague. I think any good work should take full advantage of its medium's attributes, and obviously literature and anime have different mediums. Kon's works have great imagery, good use of subtle details in storytelling/worldbuilding, complex emotions and characters, and raise pretty philosophical questions sometimes, if that's what you want.
No. 267628
>>267611Dude magi madoka has parallels with Faust, and Tokyo ghoul questions about ones humanity in the face of violence. It’s not hard to find philosophy in anime. Even Neon Genesis Evangelion has existentialism amongst the robots.
Since you’re the self appointed mayor of merits, what’s a decent form of entertainment? What’s a good book to someone who can’t enjoy anything at all amongst millions of anime and manga because they’re all too juvenile?
No. 267629
>>267611Ghost in the shell explores how we define humanity much like I,Robot.
Perfect blue examines the line between reality and delusion
Death note explores utilitarian morality and the value of a life.
Serial experiments lain explores interconnectedness and isolation in a technology-heavy world.
No. 267632
>>267628>even Neon Genesis Evangelion has existentialism amongst the robots>evenSMH
Jesus Christ, the only good thing that you mentioned is NGE and from the way that you spoke about it does not seem that you grasp it's importance.
Beyond the shallow literary allusions, Madoka is pure entertainment. Same w/ TG, you remind me of kids comparing Death Note to the Crime and Punishment nonironically (and I enjoyed DN for what it was years back)
I'm not sure if I like to use the 'literary' to describe animation, but if it is supposed to mean mature narrative, I would recommend
>everything by Satoshi Kon, though Tokyo Godfathers is the weakest>Revolutionary Girl Utena>Haibane Renmei>Serial Experiments Lain >Flowers of Evil (though manga is the definite version of the story, so I am on the fence in regards to this one)>Now and then, here and there (Even if it is sort of anvilicious with the anti-war message)>Possibly Mind Games (though I have not seen it yet, I've heard it's good)>15 CM/Second is on par with the more realistic Murakami wank. Not exactly a huge fan, but it's the best from the creator's output >NGE of course, but only the original + End of Evangelion. Pretend Rebuilds don't exist. >Princess Tutu - it's on par with a good children's novel, very meta in regards to the meaning of stories>NHK ni Youkoso (though it's based on an actual novel, so not sure if it counts) - like Paranoia Agent, a story of Japanese societal issues>Eve no Jikan is a comfy tale of living among androids>Kanashimi no Belladonna - a very arthouse film >Cowboy Bebop - quality science-fiction with great character writing and storytelling>Narutaru/Bokurano - much like Evangelion, a more brutal and realistic take on Mon and Mecha genres>Vampire Hunter D - could make a nice vampire noveletteYMMV. Those are anime that IMHO have an exceptional, mature storytelling in comparison to current thrash.
Books are difficult to recommend, as there are so many genres and topics. If I were you, I would look for what interests you. Non-fiction can be pretty fucking great and if you avoid celebrity biographies etc. you can score gold. On top of my head, Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick is an amazing look into the lives of North Koreans (I also recommend books authored by defectors, like Every Falling Star - it's considered Young Adult because of the author's young age at the time the story takes place, but it only makes what happened to Sungju Lee more shocking).
I am currently reading We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families, a book about Rwanda genocide in the 90's.
For a pretty fucking amazing and beautiful novel (also very meta!), I would recommend The Last Unicorn. Please ignore the movie version.
No. 267634
>>267632I’m giving brief examples of literary parallels and ideas in popular anime’s, not listing my personal favourites.
Pointing out that death note explores utilitarianism is exactly nothing like comparing it to Dostoevsky, that’s retarded.
Non-fiction narratives of war atrocities aren’t literary either so WWTIYTTWWBKWOF isn’t a particularly useful recommendation considering the topic at hand.
No. 267658
>>267639>>267657Why do you guys hate Madoka so much?
I understand the waifu sperging that came from it was kind of annoying but???
No. 267672
>>267671Interesting that none of them can offer up any other worthwhile film, book, or other form of entertainment.
None of them are actually devoted to or interested in high-quality literary entertainment they just want to feel superior because they read their assigned novels for English and can name drop the worlds most famous authors.
No. 267674
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Getting into weeb culture (and Kpop) is one of the main reasons many farmers, me included, have problems.
>different hobby: alienate yourself from classmates -> less or no friends
>try to emulate jfashion: people think your weird -> no bf/gf
>being constantly exposed to strict beauty standards -> low self esteem
Suddenly you'll start to think you're better than "normies" (why are the boys in my class not as cute and gentle as kpop idols? all western girls are slutty, being cute is much better!) and suddenly you're in your 20s, lonely, with a bunch of anxiety issues.
Before I discoverd my "love" for Japan I had friends and spend all summer outside, swimming etc. Now I sit in front of the computer all day and night long, even my grades dropped. (Also, my skin colour has changed; I always had a tan, but now I look like a walking corpse.) I wish I could just forget everything I "learned" about Japan and Korea those past few years…
No. 267680
>>267678Well, but it's not like I didn't have any hobbies or interests beforehand. I just started neglecting them because all that weeb stuff takes so much time.
>>267677I do think that it is to blame for me getting ana
No. 267724
>>261358Do you mean when you like bad movies? Just curious. There's some movies that are deemed terrible by critics and the acting is generally bad but it gives you a chuckle making it a favourite.
Is that ironically liking it? Not trying to argue just wondering if that counts in what you were meaning.
No. 268013
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If you're poc and upper middle class you can't bitch about being oppressed and complain about white people. It's a complete use of the race card and wanting to be a victim
Also anyone who thinks white people can't be a racial minority in other countries is retarded
No. 268018
>>268016This. Same thing happens to me. It's brainlet behavior to think racism can only exist if you're poor.
On that note, I hate when people assume any successful black person must've gotten to where they are from hand-outs or affirmative action (which mostly benefits white women). When a white person bitches that a black person got into college or a workplace they couldn't, and insists that there's
no way that black person could possibly have better grades or just be a superior candidate overall, that is
actually pulling the race card, but no one ever seems to point it out, lmao.
No. 268044
>>268039Good shit.
Paranoia agent and the other Satoshi Kon movies are pretty good too.
No. 268058
>>268049Then how aren't irresponsible parents the problem? Should we just make every content ever safe for children? Nothing for adults?
>>268052That's called autism. What kind of normal 30yo thinks he's a woman because of porn? wtf
No. 268059
>>268058Because you can't expect your parents to baby you and shield your eyes your entire life? Until we're like 30-something, our brains are continually vulnerable.
>Should we just make every content ever safe for children? Nothing for adults?Again, why are you speaking in absolutes? Go ahead, explain to me why pedophilic content is the same as all other sexual, violent or otherwise "mature" content and should be given the same treatment. What exactly has lolicon/shotacon contributed to the lexicon of media that its removal would be missed by anyone but - you guessed it - pedophiles?
We can cope with people who are into, say, inflation because of some random pic from deviantART, a cartoon or scene in a movie. It's gross, but whatever. What we can't just cope with are pedophiles who got into it because lolicons kept screeching there's nothing wrong with sexualizing kids.
No. 268067
>>268065Maybe go to one of the several venues reserved for self-proclaimed lolicons/shotacons and/or outright pedophiles and read until you find where they openly admit they're now into real kids, and no one argues that it's wrong or that they can't relate. Hell, make a thread on 4chan's /b/ right now and ask "Any pedos here? Did you start off with 2D?". Guaranteed some sick fucks will be there to confirm.
Hell, child welfare activists in Japan have literally complained about lolicon/shotacon being used to groom children.
You sound willfully ignorant, maybe you're addicted to that shit and are in denial. It's not going to stop people from pointing out the truth, though.
No. 268076
>>268072>>268074So, you admit places that lolicons and shotacons collude in are "seedy"?
And /b/ has a large host of pedophiles. They like the place because of the cloak of anonymity.
No. 268089
>>268080Anyone who's had experience with pedophiles knows this. I can't really be bothered to bounce over to some gross forums again and take screencaps when that same anon is just going to hop back to "So should we ban ALL adult content, then?! No violent games? Everything for kids??" for the third time and ignore all the points made on why it's not the same again.
The very fact that someone would ever feel off about going to their venues, even when they're supposed to
only be into lolicon/shotacon and not IRL CP, is evidence that something stinks.
Like, at this point, you can already tell they're not going to agree because they're probably in denial. All that's left is to leave the door open for them to research themselves if they're so adamant about defending the rights of pedophiles.
No. 268096
>>268094>putting words into people's mouthsIf you could read, you'd know I already pointed out 2D content is a gateway to abuse, while CP is actual abuse. At the end of the day, though, both are pornographic content of children. If you think 2D is okay and totally fine, do as I said and hang out on lolicon/shotacon forums for a while. Ask them, in fact. You probably won't because you know you're full of shit.
If whiteknighting for the sexualization of prepubescence is the hill you want to die on, go right ahead, but don't pretend not to be a shitty person.