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No. 267773
This thread is for the discussion of gender critical thinking and general trans criticism. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Previous threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302TERF thread
>>>/g/67378Transpassing thread
>>>/ot/214811Trans women thread
>>>/ot/203215Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Transgenderism posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Legislation currently being passed in western countries allowing for self-identification on legal documents does not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of sexuality, misogyny, and misandry.
https://fairplayforwomen.comhttp://www.feministcurrent.comhttp://4thwavefeminists.comhttps://gendercriticalactioncenter.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.comhttps://genderidentitywatch.comhttps://gendertrender.wordpress.comhttp://www.peaktrans.orghttp://www.terfisaslur.comhttps://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comMagdalen Berns violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://4thwavenow.com No. 267905
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Maximum kek at everyone in these threads. All this insane bullshit is the logical extension of the LGBBQ crap you've been pushing for decades, handwaving the concerns as "le ebil nadzees with slippery slope fallacy". Now that the results are staring you in the face you suddenly don't like it. It's especially funny to see you still trying to rationalise yourselves as the victim somehow, like it's a crazy conspiracy against women generally or lesbians specifically, rather than just continued "progress" along the jewish path of social destruction.
You caused this. This is your own doing. Where will the next step take us? I'm excited to find out.
Don't call it a grave. It's the future you chose.(lel)
No. 267919
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>>267916TBH im not sure Troons parrot literal Nazi talking points much.
No. 267925
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OP pic is still a legend. Apparently a troon was trying to doxx this hero and nobody would give away her name. Glorious.
Anyone else keeping up with dr Stock and the backlash she received… along with unexpected support from fellow academics? Made my week.
>>267922Yeah, this. Do not engage.
No. 267929
File: 1531530048635.jpg (78.68 KB, 639x960, DFq8Xs6W0AACAgE.jpg), did you see this idiot? He got into a private women's group on facebook and started posting all their info on Twitter, with pictures of their kids included. Sick fucker.
No. 267985
Anyone seen this? kek
>>267929This dude is an incredible piece of shit… He literally doxxed women and their CHILDREN for not sucking up to his shitty desillusions.
No. 267993
>>267764The comments are cancer:
>I educate in a really large progressive group, and recently had a real awakening about my gendered language with regard to abortion (which is being talked about more than usual lately because of SCOTUS). I've been working really hard to un-gender my language when I am educating and talking about abortion, for exactly the reasons you state.
>terf cislesbians owe most of their rights from the trans community I'm disgusted that terfs exclude trans women they have their rights because of THE MARSHA P. JOHNSON WHO IS A TRANS WOMANThat totally sounds like "Those stupid womenz should be more grateful that us men grant them rights"…
No. 267994
>>267993Marsha probably had more sense than these idiots.
>gendered language with regard to abortionWomen (female adults) have abortions. Men (male adults) don't have abortions because they can't get pregnant.
Male and female is not some kind of ideology, it's a fact of life. Just like someone who bleaches their hair will never be a "natural blonde", men who cosplay as women will never be a "real woman".
No. 268180
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The reaction to ariana's new video is just…unreal. One of the few times snowflake/triggered seems appropriate
No. 268187
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>>268186But wait! Theres more…
No. 268188
>>268180i was in the celebricows thread hating on her but i may have to rethink my opinion on the video based on the
triggering. i hope she doesn't issue an apology for not having giant dicks as set pieces in her video
No. 268205
>>268180>because trans woman=woman and god gives life/women give lifeWTF?! Trans women don’t give life! You can’t conceive. You don’t sacrifice your body and health growing a child in your WOMB. After steady hormones, your balls are pretty much useless and you can’t even impregnate a woman anyway. These sick fucks watch too much hentai and think dick-chick impregnation is a real thing.
I’m so done with Western, female-hating “Feminism”. Notice how none of these assholes suggest God could be a transman? Always male-centric.
No. 268206
>>268180My brain, help. Is these Twitter people's dream world one where all references to biological women are erased because it's offensive? There's only men, trans women (men) and Those Nasty Terfs
Highly concentrated insanity.
No. 268207
>>268187Did these retards lose their minds like this Janelle Monae’s PYNK video? I don’t exactly care for Ariana but a woman can’t even sing about her vagina in a positive way without trannies somehow making it about themselves and their feelings.
Ariana better not apologise for this tbh
No. 268214
>>268187>trans women are women tooWhenever people say this I refuse to take them seriously and immediately see them as liars. In the back of your mind you know for a fact that this statement is false in every way.
>the line ''pussy power'' doesn't sound trans-inclusivegood. It shouldn't be.
>there were no trans women in the videoNo men in a video literally
about women?
This is the state of feminism in 2018, everyone. Jesus, these people are so hateable.
No. 268219
>>268212Yeah that ain't gonna work and is a horrible waste of funding.
>>268214How do they even know there are no transwomen in the video? I thought most transwomen pass flawlessly and we pass dozens of them in the streets every day without noticing. Sounds pretty transphobic tbqh yikes
No. 268224
>>268212Another article comprised of two paragraphs of text. Since he cannot generate the ovaries and eggs we are born with, will have to do IVF, and will also need daily injections of hormones and then at some point a caesarean…
most trans women can't be bothered dilating their new organs never mind all that so uptake would be minimal.
No. 268225
>>268224The sweden womb transfer they refer to in the article was done on a
I can't comprehend a genetically male body successfully creating placenta, cushioning tissue and feeding the baby, at most it could keep an infertile womb alive as a hollow organ but the gestation growth process seems impossible.
No. 268243
>>268207They did, until janelle came out and said the pink baeball bats were meant to represent transwomen. Then they lost their shit over that because apparently thats transphobic too.
You cant win with these idiots.
No. 268245
>>268212This Pink News site sees to be tranny media…
Anyways, one commenter who wrote something actually reasonable (and wasn't deleted by them lol) explained why it isn't possible very well
>It's not simply a matter of transplanting the uterus, men also lack the necessary support systems (blood vessels to link to the uterus, the ligaments to hold it in place, hormones needed for pregnancy, a vagina and cervix, the pelvic space and so on). Research would need to be done on solving all these issues before the idea of a uterus transplant for men is even floated as potential research.As a response somebody wrote this
>Forensic osteologist found there to be more than 10% overlap of the pelvis between normal males and normal females and that includes the pubic bone, subpubic angle and greater sciatic notch,Hormones at adolesence will cause a classically female pelvis for MTFs for the 90% who do not have overlap of the pelvis with normal females. The musculature and vascular supply is easy. I say 7 years and injecting donor blood cells can eliminate the need for immunosuppresants although these meds have not been a problem for normal females and likely not for transwomen.
So if you we inject them with hormones at a young enough age everything will be alright…?
No. 268256
>>268246Some of the gay ones might, and I'm sure there are extreme fetishists out there who consider this the next step in their fantasy. But I agree that most of them have no genuine interest in being pregnant and only "want" this so that they have something else to lord over women while declaring us to be expendable.
>>268252Ugh I didn't even think of that. Like hell am I going to let my womb rot in some delusional man's abdominal cavity.
No. 268277
>>268252Living donors… uterus transplants can only be done with living donors.
As far as transplanting a uterus into a male; it could never happen, they don't even have the space or blood supply to support such an organ. Even with females, it's highly
problematic; women have to be given anti rejection drugs throughout their pregnancy (unknown effect on the foetus), it is removed after pregnancy, they can not carry to full term, they are severely reduced (bedridden), and all pregnancies have to be done via C-section and it has a high complication rate + risk not only for the 'mother' but for the baby too.
Tbh it's pretty unethical as a woman to have a uterus transplant…
No. 268278
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Heres a joke for you guys in 3 parts
part 1
No. 268279
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Part 2
No. 268280
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AAANNNDDDDD the punchline
No. 268293
>>268279Their extreme face-editing makes them look like one of those robots with flat-plane faces displayed on a screen.
>>268278The woman he reported resembles his most favorite person in the world which adds another level of wtf
No. 268300
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>>268279This is some real “female masking” shit.
No. 268301
>>268300that actually brought to mind how stupid it is that people thing troons don't have a fetish, there's already
tons of weird shit like that that men get of to. animegao, women masking, sissy, it just shows how insane these autogyn deniers are.
No. 268315
>>268301People who don’t know how deep the trans rabbithole goes often refuse to believe that anyone would go that far for a fetish, but then when I show them this kind of shit they look at me like
I’m the creep for knowing about these things. It’s really frustrating. It kind of makes me wish for more media-hungry Stefonknee types bringing this shit to light by themselves.
No. 268323
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who is he trying to fool?! top kek
troons gonna troon
No. 268342
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Going through /r/transpassing it seems they’re all older men obsessed with age. Asking users to guess how old they are in each post. It’s so painfully obvious they want to be young hip teenage girls and not the creepy out of touch old males they are.
Obvious paraphelia is obvious.
No. 268346
>>268342It's an indication of how much they shape their perception of womanhood by cultural expectations of what the patriarchy expects us to look like. Airbrushed, sexualised, always young, always fuckable - a superficial, materialistic pornsick male view of woman.
The irony is that they have absolutely no way of ever reaching that ideal. If they have enough money to chuck at surgery, they might end up with a sad plastic version of it that convinces no one.
No. 268347
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I've thought about a lot of things when really abhorrent things are posted ITT, but I always take comfort in the fact that your typical normie will never accept these people as actual men and women. They will always be an other to the general populace. It doesn't matter how much plastic surgery they get done, how good they are at imitating the opposite sex, or any other factor that makes them think they can ignore their biological reality. Humans are innately so good at recognizing when something is 'off' about an individual which is why the uncanny valley is a thing.
Not only that, but the insane, vocal ones are going to turn off anyone who is outside of the LGBT space. How do you think your average dudebro or blue collar worker is going to react to "girl dicks" or screeching about the cotton ceiling? Even if these entitled men/women get the policies they demand, they will be no more accepted than they are now, and they will only be further ostracized into their safe spaces as people feel infringed upon and push back.
I think once society finally realizes transitioning children so young is the worst idea ever, we'll start seeing things turn around on them. Part of me was hoping Jazz instigated this, though as he already got his SRS, seems unlikely now.
No. 268385
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No. 268634
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Ah, yes, the milestones of womanhood: buying clothes, doing makeup and shaving your legs.
No. 268663
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How come troons like Jazz Jennings and Kim Petras still look off despite starting HRT very young?
No. 268783
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No. 268802
>>268785I think he believes normal people wish to live in cyberpunk worlds but when they're confronted with someone who is actually cringy enough to take on that aesthetic, they lash out? People like anime, still doesn't mean that people who dress and speak like anime people aren't an embarrassement to our species.
Or he believes that being trans in itself is cyberpunk because they change their bodies to such an extent? I somehow don't believe that cyborgs in cyberpunk a) are anything like troons and b) don't REEE about how they're 100% robots and machines "born" robots should be called cis robot.
But just trying to wrap my head about what this mentally ill person is trying to say is really painful.
No. 268827
>>268180Tfw these people are only saying this to look like a “good person”
Trans “women” are literally the new gay best friend
No. 268865
>>268783The difference, of course, being that people in cyberpunk settings and cyborgs actually look cool. Trannies just look like pigs in lipstick.
Then again, cyberpunk often has themes of corporate overlords controlling everything and how people are slaves to corporations and shit. Trannies are certainly slaves to fashion, cosmetics, hormones, plastic surgery, and all that. Maybe trannies are cyberpunk. Just not in the way this tool thinks.
No. 269016
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trancel describing his changes on estrogen
low hanging fruit, but i got triggered
No. 269019
>>269017he said he started hormones at 13 and them someone asked him his height.
i don't know what that has to do with bone fusing tbh guys a loon
No. 269039
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>>269016>I became dumb because of estrogen No words.
No. 269052
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>>269016>I'm cognitively not as smart as men are.yeah but remember transgenderism isn't AT ALL based on misogyny.
No. 269105
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>>269071>mfw low iq shim thinks his retardation is because he's """female""" and not because shimdom is correlated with autism which correlates with low iq which is why he lacks the capacity to pinpoint the reason why he has low iq in the first placemeta
No. 269133
>>269016It's because he started hormones at an early age, what he got is a defective male brain that's insufficiently developed due to lack of natal testosterone exposure.
But of course, make it look like women are dumber because of estrogen…so typically male.
No. 269161
>>268549This, I get so
triggered when these people talk about "female" or "woman" as some nebulous ~feeling~. And they never seem to be able to describe what the feeling is without using outdated gender roles
I don't "identify" as a woman, I AM a woman because I have a female body, the same way I have brown eyes. Putting coloured contacts in, no matter how well made doesn't change the fact that under that, I still have brown eyes.
It's so sexist and backwards how they conflate gender norms which change with time and culture with innate biology.
No. 269163
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>>268385That user's post history is a trip
It's especially funny because blue used to be the "female" colour and me and most of the actual women I know prefer blue clothes/accessories to pink
No. 269166
>>269158>Most people don't seem to actually know what a 'terf isTrannies certainly know what a terf is and, deep down, understand how reasonable the idealogy is. It's the biggest possible threat to their delusions and brainwashing, because it actually makes sense and has the potential to change a libfem's point of view. They have to attack and discredit it as much as possible to prevent people coming to their senses, and if that means pretending terfs are violent and evil so be it.
Realistically, the genuine threats to their safety and well being are garden variety homophobic straight dudes who beat them up- but that's only a danger to individuals, transactivists as a whole use it to further their cause and convince people how oppressed they are.
No. 269176
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"trans men don't have to be masculine or have a penis to be male! why won't gay men date me!!" (context: OP asked on r/gaybros whether people would date a FTM and the majority of men said they just weren't attracted to FTMs)
so, lo and behold, the same redditor 2 years later…
No. 269179
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(but seriously, fuck trans ideology for making gender non-conforming people think there's something wrong with them. i'm happy for this girl.)
No. 269181
>lots of guys don't have a penis but "identify" as having a penis>"trans* guy" "identifies" as having a vagina>still upvoted by 11 pointsAhahaha, it's usually always trans"women" spouting the most bullshit, nice to see some trans "men" taking over the reigns of extreme mental gymnastics for once. Wow.
>>269179I feel both sorry for and irritated by the teens brought up on tumblr who believe this crap.
I'm a woman with a lot of stereotypically masculine hobbies and personally traits and I've never considered that makes me less of a woman, but I wonder if I could have fallen down this rabbithole as an easily impressionable 14 year old on tumblr in Current Year.
No. 269201 kiwi thread
A transgender prisoner is accused of sexually assaulting four female inmated at a West Yorkshire prison days after she was jailed.
The first alleged attack is said to have taken place within a week of her arrival at New Hall jail in Wakefield.
She had not yet had gender reassignment surgery when she was jailed in the women’s prison, according to a report in The Sun.
prisons should be divided according to biological sex only.
No. 269220
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>>269176my hand slipped
i want terf memes No. 269313
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Yet transwomen say that discrimination is based on gender, not sex
No. 269375
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>>269274No you inbred cockmong, they don't. Just like faggot males who get raped in male prisons don't get transferred to women's. 1+1=2.
I know you're a high school drop out, but you're getting there.
No. 269442
>>269274Oh god, this is so enraging I can't even.
If you have a penis and sexually assault women in prison then HOW YOU SELF-IDENTIFY IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. Your delusional feelings do not trump women's rights to safety. It's one thing to argue about bathroom use, but this is just FUCKING INSANE. This is undeniably putting the safety of women at risk for the sake of catering to a sex offender's delusion.
Here's a crazy idea… if you're transgender and don't want to be put in a men's prison… don't sexually assault the female inmates.
No. 269458
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>>269274>>269442Yeah, Jones has always been oddlyyyy concerned with trannies being allowed in women’s prison. He’s a real piece of shit.
If you sexually assault inmates, you should not be allowed a second chance at victimizing more women; your male ass needs to be sent to M A L E prison.
No. 269462
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Pic related happened pretty recently.
>>268634I hate how shallow these people are.
>>269163>can't make a post about phones without mentioning being a tranny>>269170>It's disgusting to me how people can call themselves feminists yet still blame all the evils in the world on other women while never holding men accountable for anything.Very male, though.
>>269176Male means XY chromosomes. Biology is not a social construct.
>>269201>The latest figures show there were 125 transgender prisoners in England and Wales at the end of March 2017, up from 70 a year earlier.That's a lot.
>>269246I miss when this was just called being a tomboy.
>>269409Just keep all of them in solitary.
No. 269498
>>269462This tranny period thing seriously
triggers me and I don't even have endo or anything.
No. 269499
>>269498Hit enter too early but jeez. Anyone can experience cramping, mood swings, fatigue, and what not but that's not the entire point! EVERY GIRL HAS TO FIGURE OUT HER OWN PERIOD. PERIOD! Not to mention that all the other symptoms can never mask the fact that a healthy menstruation involves the fucking bleeding!
I am so fucking sick and tired of trannies whining about being taught shit that most women and girls are left on their own to figure out.
No. 269503
>>269485have you guys seen his "why i'm a lesbian" video with his equally carny-tier, trashy, embarrassing girlfriend who calls herself "the dicksuckingest lesbian you've ever seen"? these two are so milky. his gf rubs two popsicles on her tongue and says:
"if god's willing, i will spend the rest of my life with a face full of their flaccid, estrogen-soaked, testosterone-blocked penises, framed by perfectly by their chubby little thighs and round hips, and when i reach up, i will grab their their tits until they squeal, and it will continue to be nothing, NOTHING like my relationships with a man. my name is Heather McNamara, and i'm the most dicksuckingest lesbian you'll ever meet!!!!"
it starts at like 6:24
No. 269800
>>269692I can't imagine what'd be like to be in a women's shelter and then some guy with make-up on comes in.
>The guy who says "Transpeople are very scared of talking publicly about trans issues"Obviously they are so scared they have to violently attack actual women. Also he looks like a guy with long hair, because that's what he is.
The anti-TERF men shouting sound just like what they are: Men. Get some fucking voice training.
No. 269882
>>269840lmao, this. Cis people (who are not psychotic handmaidens/men) don't need to put their pronouns in their Twitter bios. And the people who put they/them are always born female, no exceptions.
>>269879A ton of male soyboy "journalists" (i.e. bloggers for a gaming site) have their he/him pronouns up there too. I'm disappointed in Mercer though, I thought he'd have enough sense not to fall into this retarded pronoun announcing game.
No. 269916
>>269910Could you post links?
I'm trying to get back into keto as well, and would love some tips.
idgaf what guys think, I've been on imageboards for so long that I grew numb on their comments but maybe having a keto friend to share tips would be swell too!
No. 270100
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No. 270564
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Does anyone else automatically get this deep-seated, primitive fear when they see an autogynephile? They all have such uncanny valley, mask-like faces and expressions that make them look like homocidal wax statues. I’m not sure if men get this feeling too or it’s just my female brain warning me to get away.
Saged for noncon
No. 270585
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Or you could realize that gender roles are bullshit, and reject the idea of them, and be yourself completely. But that wouldn't tick off internet oppression boxes, would it? I also like the added bonus of e-begging. These people are always like that.
No. 270597
>>270564>>270572I get this too. I have no problem with effeminate men or men who like fashion or makeup or whatever but AGPs have always made me feel extremely uncomfortable and on edge, even before I knew what they really were. It’s like my brain instantly clocks them as predators, as wolves in sheeps clothing.
I recently ran into a particularly bad one at work. He was over 6’5”, wearing a teeny tiny little black dress that hardly covered his crotch, his hair was a shoulder length rat’s nest, he had bright red lipstick smeared around his mouth and blue eyeshadow up to his eyebrows, and the posture of a Elder Scrolls troll. I felt a chill going down my spine as he lumbered past me. I’m so glad I didn’t have to interact with him because I don’t think I would have been able to look him in the face while calling him “ma’am”.
I also wonder how other men feel about guys like that. My friend circle is pretty liberal so I suspect most of them wouldn’t admit to any kind of negative feelings for fear of being accused of transphobia or homophobia. Can it even be considered homophobia when most of these guys are straight?
No. 270623
>>270572I dated a troon months before they hinted they wanted to transition. They started giving off those creeper vibes & a hodgepodge of other things a year later so I cut the relationship & had to keep on the down low any criticisms of them for months since I had lots of trans activist friends at the time.
Last time I checked up on them they literally had photos of them hanging out at the beach with none other than the infamous Buffalo Bill in their swimsuits. I was hysterically laughing since I really dodged a bullet there.
No. 270693
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I know this is a tad embarrassing but I'm really into asmr. Last night I was watching some pms relievement ones and guess what I saw in the comments: "Uhm, guys can get periods too."
They really can't leave us alone. Just picture some old dude watching this for his imaginary period pain…
No. 270739
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Found this while shopping
Yes, mutilating your functional body, being medically dependant for the rest of your life, injecting yourself with synthetic shit and killing yourself in your 30s is totes kawaii ^o^
No. 270790
>>270711>While the category of autogynephile is a construct of the medical establishment,Ah, yes, the good old "thing I don't like/disagree with is a construct".
>Bill’s disturbing violence is very much representative of bigoted and hateful ideas about trans women advanced in the name of feminism. Or it's representative of the hate and fetishizing men, including autogynephiles, have towards women.
A list of the serial killers Buffalo Bill was based off of, according to Thomas Harris and Wikipedia:
>Harris based various elements of Gumb's MO on six real-life killers:[2][3]
>Jerry Brudos, who dressed up in his victims' clothing and kept their shoes.>Edward Gein, who fashioned trophies and keepsakes from the bones and skin of corpses he dug up at cemeteries. He also made a female skin suit and skin masks.>Ted Bundy, who pretended to be injured (using an arm-brace or crutches) as a ploy to ask his victims for help. When they helped him, he incapacitated and killed them, dumping their bodies far away.>Gary M. Heidnik, who kidnapped and tortured six women and held them prisoner as sex slaves.>Edmund Kemper, who, like Gumb, killed his grandparents as a teenager "just to see what it felt like.">Gary Ridgway, the Green River Killer (still unidentified at the time of the novel's writing), who, like Gumb, dumped women's bodies in rivers and inserted foreign objects into their corpses.I'm not seeing the trans community clamoring to claim Ed Gein as one of their own, that's for sure.
No. 270799
>>270597I lol'd
>I felt a chill going down my spine as he lumbered past meI would like to subscribe to your blog anon
No. 270820
>>270812I think most people (normies) think it's stupid and don't pay any attention beyond 'lol look at this guy in a dress'. But amongst more socially aware people, I'm guessing a lot more people are suspicious of it than are willing to admit. You'll see them questioning it in the most tactful, inoffensive way possible sometimes, and I'm starting to see more and more people on traditionally ~woke~ websites being assertive about their gender critical perspectives.
It's just really hard because transactivism has become so closely connected with REAL fights against oppression or social issues that speaking against it becomes automatically on par with racism, homophobia or misogyny in people's eyes. It's scary.
No. 270853
>>269840I first saw this on tumblr, guess it migrated. I feel petty for being so annoyed with it.
1. Pronouns should be self explanatory if you say you're a woman/man
2. he/him/his <- this shit. Why do you need to tell me the forms of the pronoun, again, it's fucking self explanatory.
Like? What is the reasoning? Is it because they feel 'nonbinary' is embarrassing or too complex to use?
No. 270863
>>270838>Transgender person is aligning their internal gender identity with their appreanaceNope, they're doing it the other way around. What you just said is just therapy.
>Transracialism is denying your ancestryBecause transgender people don't deny what they were born as at all.
>Dolezal didn't grow up living life as a black girlTroons didn't grow up as girls.
She's dismantling her own arguments. What an idiot.
No. 270879
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No. 270881
>>270838I love the way transracialism has exposed the stupidity of transgenderism. I take J-Roc from Trailer Park Boys more seriously than I take the average troon.
>>270879>loving shit that women can't standYep. Typical male attention whoring and fetishization.
No. 270891
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No. 270895
File: 1532332121403.jpg (88.72 KB, 630x467, the truth.jpg)

And there it is. The truth of all of this bullshit. Everyone knows sexism is based in biology and not identity, it's just people have lost the backbone to say so.
No. 270906
File: 1532334190221.png (842.56 KB, 1280x1812, tumblr_ou1zxhHR0D1td5vf7o2_r1_…)

>>270891This reminded me of the TRA reaction on tumblr to a piece of redkatherinee's art. If you read the notes on the original post, it's full of reeeing about "LITERALLY BOILING TRANS PEOPLE ALIVE" as if it was some horrific gore, rather than a pretty benign satire of "misgendering trans people is literal violence".
You could say the same thing about this post, because the tone is clearly that of a joke but if I wanted to kick up a fuss I could accuse him of wanting to mutilate women's breasts.
No. 270913
>>270881>shit that women can't standUhm I've never been catcalled and I wish it actually happened from time to time instead of being treated like an asexual child by society.
Apparently I'm less attractive even than a fucking tranny. Having a vagina is completely useless.
No. 270921
>>270913Is being objectified the kind of attention you want?
Love yourself, anon.
No. 270984
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>I also do not have any GLBT friends at all since the trans panels I used to speak at have replaced all trans people with "non-binary" people even though they want the total opposite of what us trans people do.
wow i can't imagine what that would feel like, some group that doesn't represent you at all intruding your space, replacing you and taking away your voice :( :(
No. 271032
>>270891Troons are so fucking clueless
>complain about people fearing they're a potential danger toward women>joke about doing something several dysphoric serial killers have done because god forbid someone acknowledge any downside to the anatomy they fetishizeAlso the sweet irony in him complaining about women not appreciating their boobs enough when he hates his male anatomy so much that he's mutilating his body. A ftm could say the exact same thing to him…
No. 271067
File: 1532368878253.jpg (32.7 KB, 400x400, w.jpg)

Describe this picture
No. 271076
>>270949>>270921>>270941>>270988Well yes I want to be seen as a sexual object, even if the person making the comment doesn't have good intentions. Just being acknowledged as a female potentially sexual being would be nice for once.
Puberty basically never came along for me and I am permanently a chubby flat chested 12 year old in my 20's and weightloss doesn't even improve the situation. Not even a pedo would want to touch me. Like fuck why do governments and insurance companies fund all the reassignment surgeries for troons, but they wouldn't support me getting surgery and help to look like a real woman. I don't even have tits to 'get out', only a useless fucking vagina nobody ever wants anything to do with. I'd have to put my vagina to a gloryhole if I would want to lose my virginity or pay a male hooker.
No. 271091
>>271036 said, it's a sexism thing. Fags/trannies/men who love shitting on women will use GLBT instead of LGBT. You see similar shit with racist types too. Hang out on /pol/, and you'll notice white is always capitalized while black isn't. On the flipside, hang out on Tumblr or among other "woke" circles, and it'll be black that is capitalized but not white.
No. 271096
>>271067I mean the make up and hair is fine, kind of suits him.
But the sailor moon little japanese school costume sets off my creep alarm. Especially as he is clearly in his mid thirties at the very least.
No. 271099
>>271076Behold the female incel.
Weightloss would likely do a /lot/ for you.
Cat calling isn't seeing a woman as 'sexy' it's to assert male dominance. As other posters have mentioned it's often mocking not flirty.
>me getting surgery and help to look like a real woman.You either are a woman or you're not. Being ugly doesn't disqualify you from womanhood.
No. 271103
>>271067>>271096I agree, his makeup/hair/face are actaully decent (ESPECIALLY after seeing some of the really repulsive ones on this thread and previous ones).
But that anime sailor fuku shit has to go. It kills everything else.
No. 271104
>>271099Indeed, it has nothing to do with the men acknowledging you as sexy. Sure, a lot of women who are sexy and dress in revealing clothes get comments about their nice body, but I've been catcalled while wearing an oversized wintercoat going down to my ankles. All my greasy hair stuck under a cap and my nose red and face all puffy because I had the flu. Guy drove by and cried "nice ass" when one couldn't even see the shape of it beneath the coat.
Not that it would have been a nice ass anyway, but point is the comment had nothing to do with him finding me attractive and all about him being an asshole.
No. 271114
>implying that greasy ESL landscapers trying to tell you in english that you have a nice ass at a stoplight is flatteringit's not.
No. 271115
>>271099Even at BMI 16 I looked chubby so losing weight doesn't help, my body is just THAT unfortunate. I still don't even get my period, apparently my hormones are okay but my body is just not acting like an adult's. I probably can't even use my womb to have kids even if I could find someone to screw me.
>>271109Nope, got told: 'I'd rather fuck a corpse than stick anything inside of you' by the one person I did match with
No. 271145
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It’s almost as if their made up label isn’t real.
Also, when I see mtf claim they have a period I am instantly reminded of that South Park episode where they bleed out of their ass.
No. 271353
>>270601Germany/lutheran countries have one of the more strict transsexual laws(like enforced sterilization) so people who actually are distressed about their bodies went through with it but lately the self-identification has spread here from America.
>>271067He's a cross-dresser/queer, not trans.
No. 271379
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what the fuck am i reading
No. 271387
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I don't want to live any more
No. 271393
>>271387Can we take a moment to remember that considering this shit a mental illness makes you a bigot in today's society?
Also, note how he has his cup size in his user name. Not fetishization at all.
No. 271489
File: 1532485006329.jpeg (43.96 KB, 960x722, C1171F2C-6807-406C-A196-8BCDEA…)

No one even thought about trannies in 2001 shut your ass up they’re just being nice
No. 271504
>>271393>>271387I want to say the problem isn't being trans so much as this person has NO CONCEPT of hygiene or the idea that blood is dangerous and spreads disease.
also that font color scheme is from fetlife so idk what you were expecting. sane people on fetlife? c'mon. that and I have yet to see a single actual trans person on fetlife. they are not transitioning to a female role in society, they're just dude who get off on the idea that appearing female is humiliating.
No. 271539
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Some FtM I follow on tumblr asked for honest opinions on whether or not they come across as more masculine/feminine when they speak. I said neither because men and women don't have a set manner of speaking (especially online), and now they're being passive aggressive towards me kek. I'm surprised they haven't blocked me yet.
No. 271603
>>270601I'm from a smaller european country and recently visited San Francisco with a few friends. I was thrilled at first to find so many cool comic shops filled with small fanzines until I saw a stand with those medal tag (?) with pronouns on it (Xe, xir, they them).
Honestly when your exposure is only through internet it's jarring at first. I really thought everything I read on here is exagerated and the loud voice of a very very small minority but I guess not ?
I also saw bats and a (fake ?) axe with some flags colors, I guess bi, trans and binary whatever, exposed on the walls. As a lesbian that does not want to touch a dick that made me feel kind of unsafe. It's like everything I read on the internet suddenly turned out to be very real and those people would come after me because I dared not want to suck a dick ?
There was also a larger comic exposed about some anti-TERF violence. Something with a little character tagging a hashtag and another one asking questions (not even in a menacing way mind you). I remember the comic punchline was the first one spraying onto the other one face.
So anyway, my point is I never realized how real that violence against women was until that trip.
And if you're wondering yes there are trans in my country of course, but I never really heard of any violence discourse. It seems like a very american thing.
No. 271647
>>271603>San FranciscoThat's your problem right there. That place has always been a hotbed and the forefront of this type of bullshit. They had a bunch of controversy at their museum recently because they had an exhibition where troons put up a lot of anti-women and anti-TERF stuff. They'll march at pride parades with bats painted like the tranny flag. The UK gets these types of retards too, but I don't think they're as outwardly violent with the bats and shit. Yet.
Also, as a fan of comics, I follow a bunch of publishers, and I saw Oni Press, a big independent comics publisher, recently promoting a comic about "learning gender neutral pronouns". This is what happens when any moron gets published.
No. 271659
>>271647That was the Degenderettes at the Public Library.
In the UK you have aggressive protesters in balaclavas blocking women from gathering for the We Need to Talk events and the highly publicised Speakers Corner assault that went to trial.
No. 271676
File: 1532521338819.png (150.78 KB, 1292x620, 2018-07-25 14.15.05.png) fucking thread and the comments astound me. How can all these people be so narcissistic? As if wearing something "gender neutral" isn't a reasonable request. Especially if he's "planning on being full time by then" it sounds like his sister's wedding could double as his coming-out to some guest if he would show up in a dress.
Also, the people commenting that his sister wouldn't tell "ciswomen" to not wear a dress? Uh, yeah, pretty sure she would be mad if some girl showed up in a white or very flashy dress that would distract people from HER day?
I feel sorry for his sister. Planning a wedding can be very stressful and now she has to deal with her troon brother getting offended over being asked to wear some fucking pants. And it's maddening that he's being massively encouraged by other troons to be such a selfish little shit.
No. 271679
>>271676i feel bad for the sister, i wouldnt want a 6ft male freak show in a dress at my wedding either.
this guy should suck it up and ignore his own feelings for the sake of his sister, its 1 day ffs
No. 271753
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No. 271784
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>>271753Oh gosh, not the children.
No. 271817
>>271647Yes that's also what I heard when I talked about it to an american friend there, they just said San Francisco is really open to everyone.
I mean, that was cool to see so many people with an interesting individual style (and I've never seen so many dyed hair in one singly city until then ahah)
One of the people we also met there, a friend of a friend, mentioned in passing their trans brother, so I didn't want to ask or say anything that could be insensitive for american standards. Is it just me or is there more trans in America than everywhere else ? Or is that just normal and reflect their acceptance in society leading to more coming outs ?
Also I noticed when I hear about transmen, they're often pretty young or in their early 20s. When I hear about transwomen, I see creepy looking dudes in their 40s. Just me ?
No. 271838
>>270906Talking about this wonderful, talented artist. You can just check her Twitter or ask her in DMs about the situation which she had with trannies (and keeps having ). People kept throwing her thousands hateful messages and still do. Trannies also ended up creating hate-blog for her that contained art of her, being murdered /etcs or just them, trying to miserably redraw her art. it all started with argument between her and OW fandom: they all keep claiming that Junkrat and Widoemaker
are trannies!! …
No. 271842
>>271829Well this thread does have a problem with people wearing dresses if you actually read it(few posts above)
>Anytime I've seen a TiM try to explain how he "feels" like a woman it has always been some shallow, borderline narcissistic crap that doesn't address the reality of being a woman. They'll never understand.You realize we're all individuals and how someone feels about themselves is very personal, intersectionality has been so vowed into feminism that it's dumb to argue this point.
No. 271892
File: 1532561733306.jpeg (156.37 KB, 802x1199, 8F298858-A11F-41DF-B613-4908B4…)

Baby/Babies are already gender neutral terms, why the Theybies crap?
No. 271963
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>>271856To my shock, this person is getting so much hate from both sides. Guess the handmaidens do have a line thank god.
No. 271992
File: 1532572780192.gif (839.66 KB, 249x187, tumblr_inline_n8j2p3Q2rX1rnbf7…)

>>271856>>271963This person is definitely a troll and morons are feeding them by responding to their dumb bullshit. If people stopped interacting with them, they'd stop posting altogether.
No. 272035
File: 1532586608015.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.15 MB, 1152x3238, WEW.jpg)

Where did it all go so wrong?
No. 272037
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>>270564To be fair, stein did SO much drugs.
I like to look into the eyes when I am stoned, like, I think this is what hell is like.
No. 272144
>>272108Lmaooo her examples! A toddler ripping berets from her hair=trans
Give me a fucking break
No. 272208
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>>270564Sorry for the low hanging fruit
No. 272225
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>>272176I went on that subreddit and its pure cancer
No. 272227
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>>272225What the fuck does this one even mean?
No. 272237
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The traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns subreddit is crazy. They're all obsessed with girldick and being cat girls and you get shit like this.
No your penis is not an "outie cervix" or a clit.
No. 272239
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The entire subreddit is like one weird LARP except the worst part is that you know that we are supposed to treat them like one of us when they are just living some stupid anime fantasy.
No. 272242
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More "woe is me for not having a period" circlejerk. They act like the reasons we wouldn't want to be a tranny is not having a period… I sure as hell don't want to be a tranny but I would kill to stay a woman and not have my period.
No. 272256
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Instead of actually helping girls and women in need, they rather make period panties specifically for trans men…
No. 272259
File: 1532632921304.png (88.89 KB, 1047x629, 059c46a5-cae3-4ed3-a6e9-231291…)

>I can just get rid of it through birth control
No you can't
No. 272271
>>272264Do they know that some women hust get their periods and just idk…deal with it? You dont have to be in pain and bloated with sore tits 24/7to be on the rag. Its funny how the only thing they know about true PMS is that overacted shit they see on TV shows like Roseanne where the woman is a raging bitch because of mUh PeRiOd~!!!!!
Some people see some blood after wiping and go “oh” and then just pop a damn tampon in and call it a day. Unless it interferes with something like a stressful trip or a major physical activity, most women who dont suffer from things like endometriosis arent going on and on about ~the killer crampssss~ And ~muh symptoms~~~.
No. 272287
>>272281Most women are suffering greatly but will NOT take to social media or even to their friends to complain about how bad it is. A small minority are lucky but either way, we have been trained from a young age not to talk about it. Not sure why deluded tranny
>>272260seems to think that letting everyone else know about your period is necessary.
No. 272294
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>>272259reminds me of this hot take (third comment)
No. 272295
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The way they talk about being a ~woman~ is so invalidating to real women, it makes me feel sick. These people are treating our gender like a stereotype and a joke and we have to take them seriously or be skinned alive.
No. 272310
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Disgusting. Using an image of a high school girl just brings the fetishism to new levels.
No. 272311
>>271817>Is it just me or is there more trans in America than everywhere else ? Or is that just normal and reflect their acceptance in society leading to more coming outs ?American here. I'm not sure what the actual statistics are, but it seems there's more here, anyway. This is partially because of the acceptance towards LGBT stuff, but it's also the current climate, especially among college aged and younger people, leaning more extreme left and social justice-y. That being said, the experience of a city like San Francisco, or the internet, is a bit different from every day American life. In the vast majority of America, people just go through life not thinking about trans shit, or seeing trans shit. And no, I don't just mean in small town America (where I live). Even in large cities, most people just don't consciously think about this stuff, though every sizable city in the US has an "LGBT district", at least. We also just have a massive population in general, and when you hang out in places dominated by American posters, it can warp demographics I think.
>Also I noticed when I hear about transmen, they're often pretty young or in their early 20s. When I hear about transwomen, I see creepy looking dudes in their 40s. Just me ?Not just you, I see this a lot as well. And that's not to say younger MtF's exist, because they do. But when you go poking around, again, on the internet, you seem to encounter the younger transmen and older transwomen thing. It's common in fandom now for young girls to identify as "nonbinary" or "trans". They do this to avoid being called fujoshi or "gay fetishists". They also do it because of fucked up internalized misogyny. the older transwomen are almost always AGP.
No. 272312
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The more fetishy the post is, the higher it gets upvoted. Says a lot.
No. 272317
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One of them made this meme. Its like they all know theyre being brainwashed into a fetish cult.
Seeing shit like this and the small amount of people who speak up against it, I worry for society.
No. 272322
>>272281Most women do have bad cramps, especially the first day or two of our periods. We just suck it up, take a pain pill, and go about our lives. Of course, it's worse for women with endo and other issues, and periods can make some women outright bedridden every month. But even for the most "normal" of women, there's pain, but we just suck it up and go through life.
I like how these period fetishizing troons never talk about how women have a higher rate of being iron deficient due to our periods. Of course, if being anemic suddenly became sexy, they'd start wanting that too.
No. 272327
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No. 272335
>>272312This just shows where they get their horrible fashion sense from.
>>272310"Transgirl culture" - More like "we took it from Japanese anime" Where's the "CULTURAL APPROPRIATION" squad?!
>>272331He seems to have decided that this angle for his face works for him, but it really really doesn't.
No. 272345
File: 1532647156316.jpg (96.15 KB, 640x853, _qACBoLaHj1iewWU0wwz-BMMdbYF-n…) having to pee and as you open the door of the women's restroom you see this guy turning his head in your direction and smiling at you like this
No. 272372
>>272349We'll either it validates the dysphoria and this harks back to actual 15 years ago when they first started wanting to look like that or…well that's it. They got an idea in their head and got stuck with it. The more fixed that idea was the more out of place they'll look, as noted here
>>272366Women existing on the planet have a constantly changing view of themselves and womanhood which presumably mtf who dress for the wrong decade don't have.
No. 272406
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>>272403>TERF gets called out>B-but I have a vagina! That means I can take a cock like a REAL woman!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA there's a reason why we're the new face of feminism sweetie.
File: 1532665833539.png (26.94 KB, 290x241, ówò.png)

>>272409this. he's already creeping me out, I just want him to leave. but if we give him more attention, he never will.
No. 272417
File: 1532667129059.jpg (12.26 KB, 258x245, 1500811831555.jpg)

>tfw the vast majority of normal, straight men would rather fuck an ugly "cis" girl than a tranny (AKA a man) and be gay
>tfw lesbians would rather fuck with masculine dykes than touch your male body
>hurr durr we are the superior wamens xDDD
The delusion is real.
No. 272497
File: 1532684854179.jpg (114.1 KB, 750x937, 2d469734-e460-4769-9d9e-4e9685…)

>let's include everybody (even men!) but white women
Guess we don't count as "all women".
I thought it's been proven by now that Asians make the most out of all races?
No. 272500
File: 1532686418374.jpeg (207.72 KB, 640x895, B5ADBB29-0D8E-4775-B667-6824F1…)

>>272247What the fuck kind of cycle is that where you just go from being assertive to being more creative and how do I get my hormones to do that?
>>272497Fat and poor white women are okay, though. Just don‘t be a fit and succesful white woman, if you want these people to like you.
No. 272519
>>272345>imagine having to pee and as you open the door of the women's restroom you see this guy turning his head in your direction and smiling at you like thisOut of curiosity, what do anons who see these things in the bathroom/changing room do? Is there a way to make them feel uncomfortable/unwelcome without risking our safety? I know men are generally clueless to their surroundings and feel entitled so it's unlikely to bother them if you stare but I feel like they're so obsessed with "passing" that maybe doing something to remind them that they don't will encourage them to stop crawling into our spaces as often.
What would you do? Stare? Gasp? Dramatically walk out and wait for them to leave?
No. 272568
>>272554well it is just a toilet. You're cancer if you go to the toilet to do something other than your private business, you're the reason why women are forced to use mens toilets in bars.
using terms like cis- and trans- just makes the convo more easily understandable not a political statement
No. 272585
>>272345I'd seriously feel safer just going in the men's room.
>>272349Well, they all seem to fetishize teenage girls, so I think they dress however teenage girls dressed when they were that age.
>>272359Thank you.
>>272395I suppose that is a problem.
>>272449I think Clue lets you share your cycle with other people. I hope no poor kids are being exposed to troons in any tracking apps.
>>272500>What the fuck kind of cycle is that where you just go from being assertive to being more creative and how do I get my hormones to do that?I notice a minor variation that's nowhere near as useful as what these people are pretending to have. They exaggerate everything.
>>272519Troons can be dangerous if aggressive. It would depend on how badly I need to go and how many other women are there.
No. 272587
File: 1532700069944.png (547.99 KB, 674x586, Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 9.56…)

>>272582The hips always give it away. This bitch passes until you see the full body. Yes, this is the one who recently tricked two women into sex then raped them with a foreign object. Media covered it as "person without penis".
No. 272622
>>272609Both females and males have Bartholin's glands
How come terfs are always so clueless of anatomy
No. 272677
>>272604this. i don't even want women to hear me peeing.
also everyone arguing about wetness vs precum is an idiot. precum comes from a different gland and serves and entirely different purpose, which is to clear the urethra of pee to make sure the sperm doesn't die. female wetness doesn't come from the urethra and instead is to lubricate the vagina for sex. it doesn't matter if they are made of the same exact molecules, they serve a different purpose, thus are not the same. diamonds and coal aren't the same, eh?
No. 272712
>>272500What the fuck kind of cycle is that where you just go from being assertive to being more creative and how do I get my hormones to do that?
A fake one, made up by a misogynistic man with a fetish that believes that 100% of women's feelings and actions are fueled by their gurrrrrrrrl hormones, and that men's aren't!
I wish these men that have a menstruation fetish would at least do some basic research on what periods are, how they affect women and what symptoms women actually get. Hearing them talk about their "periods" sounds like what you'd hear if you asked a 12 year old boy what periods are. They can't even do some research for their LARP?
No. 272790
>>272635Precum: Pre-ejaculate contains some chemicals associated with semen, such as acid phosphatase.Pre-ejaculate neutralizes residual acidity in the urethra caused by urine, creating a more favorable environment for the passage of sperm. The vagina is normally acidic, so the deposit of pre-ejaculate before the emission of semen may change the vaginal environment to promote sperm survival. Pre-ejaculate also acts as a lubricant during sexual activity, and plays a role in semen coagulation.
Vaginal lubrication: Plasma from vaginal walls due to vascular engorgement is considered to be the chief lubrication source, and the Bartholin's glands, located slightly below and to the left and right of the introitus (vaginal opening), also secrete mucus to augment vaginal-wall secretions. Near ovulation, cervical mucus provides additional lubrication. Vaginal fluid is slightly acidic.
Literally copied from wikipedia.
No. 272925
File: 1532737047172.png (982.75 KB, 503x883, I9T7uvA.png)>Mtf Lesbian Having Hard Time Finding Someone>Here's some pics:>I've tried Her and OKC, going to lgbt gatherings, bars, talking to girls, got numbers, tried asking them out, sometimes even managed to go out with them but they always disappear. I'm losing hope. What am I doing wrong? What should I do?"hi i'm very obviously male and somehow no lesbian woman seems to be attracted to me what am i doing wrong????"
<someone suggests that dating other "transwomen" may be easier
>I get attached easily and know that wouldn't work because down the line having biologically related kids is important to me so AFABs are kind of the only viable long term option for me and I don't want to hurt other trans girls by getting into a relationship that can't entitled is this guy holy fuck
No. 272926
File: 1532737088166.jpg (38.3 KB, 716x960, 874iqUk.jpg)

>>272925(i couldn't decide which picture was worse sorry)
No. 272965
File: 1532746809238.jpg (Spoiler Image,178.82 KB, 960x1356, futanaritokunoumilk7001-1.jpg)

>>272925Still has a penis and I guess with him saying that he wants biological offspring, he's not going to get surgery anytime soon.
I also don't know about what standards lesbians have, but even if they had extremely low ones, he probably wouldn't fit in.
These guys basically just want to be futanari and don't realise that most women are not interested in that at all (it's a porn trope aimed at men) and that futanari are interesting in the first place because they are women with dicks, not men with breasts. This shit works for Asian men if they look very feminine to begin with, but most white guys just aren't cute in that way.
No. 273054
File: 1532775848676.png (351.69 KB, 1390x1378, oof.png)

>>272925lmao this guy>signs up on sugardaddy site and gets nearly scammed>proclaims he wants to hurt himself to emotionally manipulate parents>thinks he has a period after being 2 months on estrogen>"I love my period and hope it doesn't go away till the appropriate age even though it's annoying af. I should be having periods cause I'm a woman so ya it's ok."this guy definitely has some issues but he sounds so narcissistic it's hard to feel sympathy
No. 273056
>Why do all these other trans women I've read about experience the same symptoms monthly?! Just cause they're delusional?!!!!yes
No. 273067
>>273061> biological factors don't make you a woman your feefees dolel
They're delusional but they don't deserve pity. I feel that they're reinforcing every negative stereotype about us, for example, women are bitchy when they have periods, women love pink XD or women can't stop thinking about makeup and shoes uWu
>>273066orly? What is their period? A stomach ache? A constipation?
No. 273091
>>272519There's one at my work, about 6'4 and very much non-passing, not that it really matters to me. Programmer of course. Anyways, it's a pretty small bathroom, just two stalls but I've run into them and just continue on what I'm doing. Not really a small talk kind of person with anyone.
I was a little shocked at first .. but obviously I have to remain cordial with a person I work with everyday. I really love my job and have no desire to stir that pot, but tbh I am a little resentful being put in that position along with all my other female coworkers.
No. 273097
>>273094I don't care if trannies got a 10k surgery to make their penis look "like" a vagina. It's still a penis and has nothing to with actual female genitalia.
>they think they are menI always thought the concept of "gender dysphoria" was so fucking funny. Like, you're
triggered because think you're not a woman? That's because you aren't you dumbass. Accept the truth and leave us women alone.
No. 273163
>>273158I've gone into men's toilets when I was younger and drunk, so we can continue the conversation in there. Not using the facilities but standing in there. Guys like it, they'll probably be delighted
(I realized it was not a great plan after doing it twice)
No. 273238
File: 1532818934383.png (118.77 KB, 1078x868, spetsnazbeaver.PNG)

>>273054So I have a feeling this one is going to kill himself.
No. 273249
>>272519When it happend to me at school
>Ran to bathroom for emergency piss>See obvious male in ladies room>Keep in mind this is a bathroom that doesn't get a lot of trafficStill ran away and never looked back. You never know with men so and I refused to be another statistic.
>school recently has gender friendly bathroom>these bathrooms used to have high traffic>of course only the female bathrooms get labelled>after these bathrooms are labelled traffic has substantially decreased to the point that women go out of their way to use less convenient bathroom locations (ie. going to the 2nd/3rd floor bathroom instead of the one in the lobby b/c they don't have these labels)Thank god I'm a biology major so I don't have to deal with this in the science buildings.
No. 273250
>>273244Adding to this after reading
>>273160 and
>>273163, I have never encountered a man who seemed to be in any way happy to see me there. They mostly look puzzled and/or outraged. Seems like men also value their single sex spaces… (there
was outrage when the #manfriday women went into a men's only swimming pool too)
No. 273271
>>273269Not the anon you're replying to but im loving the mental image that """"lesbian"""" trannies are just 14yr old boys who got so consumed by the fake f/f porn out there that they mutilate themselves.
My sides.
My vaginal fucking walls kek
No. 273330
>>273328>watching so much porn that you want to become the womanalso, that last guy:
>take dick all the time, but women are the Real SlutsThe absolute state of porn-addicted men.
I'll say the same about those fujoshit autoandrophiles. This is ridiculous.
No. 273338
>>273238I recently learned that at least in my country, it’s much harder for people with diagnosed mental illness or personality disorders to medically transition, because doctors naturally want to first work out whether a person’s issues stem from those causes instead and if they can be treated without causing irreversible changes to the body. But this means that BPD and other personality disordered people keep quiet about it, refusing to be diagnosed or receive therapy/treatment, because getting HRT and plastic surgery fully funded by insurance is more important to them.
This explains why every TiM I’ve ever met acted like an unhinged cluster B off their meds. They most likely were.
No. 273343
>>273338Yeah, and often troons will act like that's some grave injustice and *~transphobic~* if someone won't immediately prescribe them HRT medication. is really sickening. They'll even give advice where to illegally buy and use drugs to minors.
No. 273366
>>272345damn i didn't know alice cooper had trooned out.
>>272349even though he's wearing old fashioned midwestern mom clothes he still just had to wrestle that fucking tattoo choker onto his thick man neck.
>>273124Hi fellow potatofag
No. 273375
File: 1532863910969.jpg (444.51 KB, 1900x1754, xgxqwij53d8y.jpg)

It bugs me how many troons (especially TiMs) now are "Marxist-Leninists". Like, can you please go back to anarchism or neoliberalism? Also, they often REALLY adore Mao and Stalin. I mean, what the fuck, Stalin actually was quite reactionary when it comes to women's liberation. But those guys probably care more about funny gulag memes than about abortion rights. I feel like for many of these troons, communism is more of a lifestyle and another thing they can add to their twitter bio, and they haven't even read any socialist literature besides maybe the basics. Also, they fetishize violence a lot, which is not a good look for the communist movement. Communists should just behave like regular, nice people and not threaten anyone who isn't as leftist as they are. They should be patient, understanding and explain their views. But they probably don't even care about the movement, just about themselves and their image. I'm glad that where I live (ex-communist country) most ML communists are mostly normal, intelligent people.
(I'm a Marxist-Leninist communist myself but I don't base my identity around it nor do I view Stalin in such an uncritical way.)
pic related: (ew)
No. 273381
File: 1532864943441.png (79.71 KB, 535x359, rfic6edah2s01 (1).png)

>>273375>>273375despite being supposed MLists they conveniently ignore how engels and mao made it pretty clear they were evil TERFS that spouted TERF rhetoric
"Under capitalism, the female half of the human race suffers under a double yoke. The working woman and peasant woman are oppressed by capital; but in addition to that, even in the most democratic of bourgeois republics, they are, firstly, in an inferior position because the law denies them equality with men, and secondly, and this is most important, they are "in domestic slavery," they are "domestic slaves," crushed by the most petty, most menial, most arduous, and most stultifying work of the kitchen, and by isolated domestic, family economy in general."
>>273380it really isn't at all the same. not saying everything stalin did was ok, but that's a dumb comparison
No. 273389
>>273375Why would TiMs care about women’s reproductive rights? They can’t get pregnant, and even acknowledging the existence of the female reproductive system
triggers their “dysphoria” and is therefore an evil TERF thing to do.
No. 273393
>>273378Are you talking about me? Because I don‘t think before any serious revolutionary situation arises, you have to be violent (obviously against fascists, but not against your average Trump fan). No normal person would consider to be communist if every leftist was a violent troon. Propaganda and agitation is important at this phase.
>>273380I don‘t think you can compare anything to the horrors of the holocaust, but yeah I think it‘s annoying that those American people who uncritically love Stalin don‘t know anyone who actually lived under his regime and label anyone people who don‘t view them as good as they do revisionists. These people often have valid opinions too and it‘s important to be (self-)critical.
(sorry for mostly off-topic)
No. 273397
>>273393Nothing is comparable to holocaust indeed but what Stalin and Hitler did is comparable. Please read: are disgusting mass murderers and I don't fcking care if they contributed something good while killing millions of people. Everybody who worships Stalin is no better than those people who worship Hitler.
No. 273402
File: 1532867041341.jpg (172.65 KB, 1200x675, 1200px-Ulan_Bator_01.jpg)

>>273393Not defending Hitler or anything, but Genghis Khan killed 40 millions (11% of the world's population at that time). And bombs and the likes didn't exist, meaning people were killed by sword or burned etc. Plus he was a mass rapist.
And people love him.
Most simply only know about the war crimes of the Germans, but not about the things that e.g. the Russians or Japanese did.
No. 273431
File: 1532871834725.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180728-204111.png)

I think this belongs here, open at own risk
No. 273440
>>273431Oh my fucking god I want to personally execute this disgusting excuse of a person.
How vile.
Who the fuck would he even make that for? Who would honestly find this attractive? I can't think of a single person outside of himself.
No. 273488
>>273381This reminds me of another (kind of terfy) Engels' quote:
"It is a curious fact that with every great revolutionary movement the question of “free love” comes in to the foreground. With one set of people as a revolutionary progress, as a shaking off of old traditional fetters, no longer necessary; with others as a welcome doctrine, comfortably covering all sorts of free and easy practices between man and woman."
(Source and further reading:
No. 273496
File: 1532883403031.png (82.97 KB, 422x750, tumblr_odbk6l01x01s8m3f2o1_500…)

http://transmenongrindr.tumblr.comhttps://lesbiansoftinder.tumblr.comAre there more blogs about trannies on dating sites? This is great, lol.
No. 273525
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>>273496Is he wrong tho lmao
No. 273527
File: 1532887988304.jpg (256.28 KB, 1242x1747, Sbq0XG2.jpg)

>>273496Oh my God… I’m so sorry that lesbian anons have to deal with this deceptive, manipulative bullshit!
I’m just a vanilla straight, married woman, but the way lesbian and gender non-conforming women are treated just makes my blood boil. I can’t believe it has gotten this bad.
No. 273536
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No. 273541
File: 1532891808965.jpg (46.98 KB, 424x432, lol.jpg)

Sorry for the spam but here's a joke in two parts:
No. 273542
File: 1532891830497.jpg (64.69 KB, 720x733, lol2.jpg)

>>273541and the guy who posted this ''meme'' kek
No. 273553
>>273550obviously a lot of them just live in their fantasy world where the archetypal girl is a rainbow barbie anime girl hybrid, but some of them do realize what they wear would be considered childish for their age, but their excuse is "i never got to wear the girly things i wanted to in childhood :,( so now is my first chance!!! y-you privileged cis girls don't know how hard it is!"
1) my mom forbade me from wearing really girly clothes and playing with dolls that i wanted too,and i'm an actual girl, but i don't feel some deep ache to wear hot pink limited too clothes as an adult. of all the childhood hangups you can have this one is pretty easy to get over…
2) why not just buy the shit and play dressup at home, then have some reasonably age appropriate shit for when you go out. your inner child needs this closure 24/7? maybe it's time to stop spoiling the little brat kek.
No. 273554
>>273539Hitler was committing atrocities because he hated Jews. Nazis manufactured antisemitic conspiracies to justify the repression. Obviously you can't say for sure if Hitler believed that Jews truly wanted to take over the world or are greedy by nature but I think today's neo-Nazis often know that the shit they spew is not based in rational facts.
And do you think killing people of "races" they claim to be inferior is something people do because the believe it's for the greater good? I think racists are aware that genocide is a very bad thing that you can barely justify. That's why neo-Nazis talk about "white genocide" and act like they're the victims that just have to defend themselves. Or that *~sharia law~* will be enacted everywhere in Europe in a few years unless we get rid of the evil Muslims.
On the other hand, Marxism-Leninism is based on a rational analysis of capitalism and imperialism. What Marx and Lenin said a decade ago still hold true and is even relevant today. "Das Kapital" is not about conspiracies or race ideology but it's a book that is usually well-respected in academia even 150 years after it's publication. I don't really have strong views on Stalin but yes, he probably did believe he was doing the right thing. And he did transform Russia from a semi-feudal monarchy to a world superpower (in contrast to Hitler getting Germany bombed and divided). That doesn't make other things right but unlike fascists, communists don't want to do harm and we're very willing to learn from the past and be self-critical. We want the liberation of all people. Fascists and capitalists want to oppress people for their own gain.
(sorry for off-topic won't reply on this further)
No. 273557
File: 1532894366098.png (813.19 KB, 720x879, wp_ss_20180729_0016 (2).png)

>>273496This trans woman from lesbiansoftinder is marvellous
Also had no idea how many 100% straight cis males tick the "female" box in order to appear to lesbians
ThEy DonT Want You GEnius
No. 273579
>>273557>>273568 (holy fuck this dude is 30 and acts like this) course he has a leftist twitter and a shitty medium account he actually has a job lmao
maybe people in nyc are already used and desensitized to this shit
No. 273583
File: 1532898466267.png (65.29 KB, 1238x316, 4.png)

this is so sad alexa play despacito
No. 273600
>>273431This is how you know he's a weeb. Typical hentai pose, ahegao plus double peace sign. Also that's a really unattractive penis.
>>273557I wonder what the guys are trying to achieve by appearing to lesbians?
>I'm not interested in dick, only attracted to other women, but this guy is just too good to pass upIs something that isn't going to happen and bi women will see you if you put your gender correctly. Is it the old "I could turn her straight"?
No. 273612
File: 1532903978338.jpg (21.4 KB, 401x401, 55d7369b-1c82-4164-89da-77bcbf…)

>>273431Why do you have this image anon
Why does this level if degeneracy have to exist
No. 273629
>>273338Wait, the hormones and surgery are covered by insurance? Where I‘m from, wen have to pay for all their womenly needs (birth control, tampons/pads, PMS meds) themselves and these fucks get their delusions sponsored?!
No wonder some doctors jump on the easy money delivered by these sad idiots, though…
No. 273746
File: 1532929258300.jpg (39.68 KB, 500x756, S0BZZHB.jpg)

>>273542Why do so many giant, ugly white men think they look anything like a thin, femme Asian boy? Especially compared to a biological woman? The weirdest thing is that if they ever went to Japan, where their favorite traps and crossdressing anime characters were created, they would be far more ridiculed than in the West. Nobody would praise their “bravery” or lavish compliments on them. The passing, pretty guys and transsexuals are praised but the ugly ones are treated like clowns, even on national tv.
You notice how their delusion not only crosses over the realities of sexual biology, but race? They are all so obsessed with Japanese anime and the beauty aesthetics of that culture. For so many of them, their idealized version of themselves is a tiny Japanese girl/boy, not merely a more feminized version of themselves. Same thing with a lot of ftm/non-binary females trying to be cute, Asian Yaoi boys. They don’t want to be natural looking men of their own race, or even the same age.
>>273655Does anyone have any data on the increase of hrt prescriptions and endocrinologist consultations? I once read waiting lists for ftm patients UK have skyrocketed something like 200%(?)and there are more and more informed consent facilities just prescribing hormone treatments without the necessary wait times. The pharmaceutical companies must be salivating over the increase of lifelong customers.
No. 273762
>>273732how do they stand to post pictures of their ugly fat man bodies and pathetic moobs next to pictures of big tittied anime girls/traps?
I'd be more disgusted but their cognitive dissonance is confusing.
No. 273833
File: 1532951422576.png (Spoiler Image,322.06 KB, 575x444, cursedimage.PNG)

>>273732This entire account is so cursed
No. 273843
File: 1532953063322.jpg (Spoiler Image,64.73 KB, 500x486, tumblr_inline_pbrlysSpuF1sodnt…)

Headline reads
"montana woman charged with raping a minor"
You know whats coming…
No. 273846
File: 1532953823590.jpg (185.97 KB, 926x552, FireShot Capture 302 - I wante…)

>>273746Speaking of which, check out this dose of hyprocrisy..
No. 273896
File: 1532961527067.jpeg (Spoiler Image,530.03 KB, 2048x1536, DaxjpMBW0AAbwn2.jpg-large.jpeg)

>>273732i'm going to puke, it is exposing itself in public…
No. 274277
File: 1533040906117.jpg (92.89 KB, 720x1233, tumblr_pbmsnfOQub1xyii1bo1_128…)

>>273496Do these people actually get replies?
No. 274280
File: 1533041878241.jpg (94.44 KB, 423x750, tumblr_obmnoxrtmF1s8m3f2o1_500…)

>>273550They fetishize underage girls.
>>273843>Brown has not been arrested.>>273946Yes.
No. 274287
>So Ive been reading up on this lately, mostly because 5 years post op and my vagina still seems to be in a permanent state of bacterial vaginosis>[…] In fact, most transwomen tested had a bacterial culture that was very similar to cis women with bacterial vaginosis.oooof
>This might not be generally applicable but I borrowed some from my (cis) spouse and it seemed to work really well – I'm now about half a year post-op and my nether regions smell pleasantly sweet, like a ripe fruit.>my nether regions smell pleasantly sweet, like a ripe fruitnoooo
No. 274297
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No. 274307
File: 1533049151041.jpg (191.76 KB, 1228x1388, 4ZYsdDe.jpg)

>>274297Another weeb, too! Catgirls and Pokémon!
No. 274323
>>274303This. He looked like such a bf material and then he decided to turn himself into a disgusting freak.
I wish there were some telltale signs of guys that are more likely to go down this path.
No. 274329
File: 1533051838451.jpeg (142.84 KB, 640x957, 6ABABCDB-2E9B-4EA8-BA11-1CE4D2…)

How delusional must this guy be to think he looks anything like a woman in this picture?
No. 274332
>>274323>I wish there were some telltale signs of guys that are more likely to go down this path.Porn addiction and likes shitty moeblob anime/catgirls/traps et. The former will ensure he will look up porn of the latter, if he has a penchant for seeking and joining forums/chatrooms/imageboards, he will eventually fap and meme himself into troondom.
It's probably even worse now, since it seems like troons are now preying on dudes to young their troon harems.
No. 274340
>>274323What the other anon said and also submissive gay dudes with internalized homophobia (probably grew up in a conservative household, e.g. Blaire White), old men in midlife crisis (probably starts by crossdressing with his wife‘s clothes first, e.g. Caitlyn Jenner) and (mostly white) men in leftist circles (especially queer feminist/idpol) who want to seem more oppressed & be able to hate on women (e.g. Contrapoints or Riley Dennis)
The latter two types most likely watch too much porn. Gamers are also more likely to be trans imo (could be because gamers are more likely to be weebs, tho)
No. 274344
I can't imagine how those women feel that were married to a guy for a long time and then suddenly he decides to transition.
The woman is then put in an uncomfortable situation where if she rejects him and decides to separate, she's seen as a heartless transphobic, not to mention the shock.
No. 274427
>>274387It's the James Charles influence. Sister etc. Also does anyone else understand James Charles obsession with straight boys?
>>274365It's a boy in highschool. I feel a bit creepy being subscribed but he makes me laugh.
No. 274443
>>274365This person still calls himself Antonio everywhere, so I don't think he's a troon. Plus he makes his voice deeper for effect, and that's not something a "but I'm a girl!!!" idiot would do because they'd be to
triggered about it.
No. 274587
I find it funny and sad that in every 'before/after'trans selfies the only difference that they all have is blurry editing in some beauty apps. For example: he calls this look 'gothic'one LMAO. A gross furry who is definitely not sexualizing shit.
Anyways, what's the deal with ginger men? Why do I often keep seeing trannieswho are/were ginger by default? As for me, a ginger cisfemale it kinda scares me LOL
No. 274619
File: 1533123220322.gif (969.54 KB, 495x383, jessica.gif)

>>274587Who wants to be a boring ginger man when you could be a hawt redhead vixen?
>>274596Most people aren't doubting it. They're just parroting TRA talking points because they don't want to get piled on by the dickgirl brigades.
No. 274656
>>274654The guy wasnt a troon tho
And I want to add that Im open about hating trannys and nobody cares here in germany
No. 274701
Also when Germany changed the law to allowing a genderneutral entry in birth certificates for intersex people (a good thing imo)
>listen to discussion round on public radio about it >guests are all troons celebrating this progress although it is completely unrelated to their situation >bf comes along and listens>"hey, I know that guy, he's this totally annoying tranny from Stuttgart">kek No. 274721
>>274680Thanks for sharing!
I really like how at first it was all about
>your gender doesn‘t define who you are!>boys can like pink, too!And then they interview some mtf who‘s like
>I want to be succesful as a woman! (Works as a playboy model)>I want to look like a woman so I got plastik surgery! (looks like some blow-up doll)>I always wanted to be a woman! I had long hair even as a child!Like, I‘m all for you do you, but please stop bringing us back to the middle ages while claiming to be progressive.
No. 274741
>>273328It’s crazy how many trannies that porn and anime/hentai has made.
Porn is a legitimate problem and rots your brain but everyone denies it because it’s easy and they all love it too
And the amount of trannies that are autistic and into anime that think they can become a cute girl can not be a coincidence
No. 274867
>>274741ironically enough there's a new anime this season about anime dudes getting sex changes to become idols.
No. 274933
File: 1533170458870.jpeg (101.03 KB, 768x1024, DjIs82AUcAEE5uG.jpeg)

>>274694for real, can you imagine how much shit an actual woman would cop for that, especially from the MAKEUP IS EMPOWERING TRANS WOMEN ARE GODDESSES libfem crowd?
No. 275100
>>274365>>274368>>274427I checked out his socials and youtube and don't see anything where he admits to being a boy. The voice thing is funny but not conclusive that he isn't a TiM. A lot of the comments on his instagram are all "yaaassss queen" and shit, and then handmaidens "correcting pronouns" and stuff even when people are being polite in what they're saying.
It doesn't seem like an act but I only watched that one video and read various comments and tweets. Care to share what makes you think it is an act? The video and voice deepening were amusing but the trans handmaidens are making me cringe a ton. Just curious if it is sincere or subversive (since I love subversive things but… not trannies).
No. 275110
File: 1533192622293.png (Spoiler Image,5.72 MB, 1875x3469, not a fetish.PNG)

Why are so many trannies pedos/obsessed with loli? This big nosed troon in particular dresses up like a uwu smug anime school girl in all of his nudes. Plenty of his troon followers are the same too.
No. 275172
File: 1533207789178.jpg (135.08 KB, 744x722, LooneyTroons.jpg)

Tha-tha-tha-that's a man, folks!
No. 275211
>>274427. He's a boy in highschool. He talks about being in highschool. His name is Antonio. He's had Q+As in which he has deliberately not answered the question because I guess he's just going to focus on getting through his highschool experience.
You'll also need to remember that people in comment sections will just start mirroring what others comment and people will police pronouns because it's the cool thing to do even though Antonio has not discussed it.
No. 275214
>>274976Maybe we should try something:
>Be a woman>Start identifying as a female-presenting transman>Join the freemasons>Identify as a woman again while staying a freemasonOf course it would never work because no matter how much a woman insists she's really a man inside, actual men will tell her to fuck off. It's only women who have to be inclusive of biological men.
No. 275256
File: 1533224861127.png (322.01 KB, 1045x1724, nonbinary.png)

>>275170Oh you don't know? Nowadays you can be nonbinary while still being a man or a woman, like how Rebecca Sugar (the creator of Steven Universe) is nonbinary AND a woman! Don't ask how it works, it just does!
They dilute even their own labels into just fancy words with no meaning. Sexualities and genders are just cute, glittery little building blocks that you can pick and build your identity from, and rebuilding it every once in a while or adding new, even sparklier blocks just makes it more interesting!
No. 275259
>>275062I've made an LC-spin off discord before, maybe I'll give it a shot.
If there is more interest, anyway.
No. 275263
File: 1533226879073.jpg (19.74 KB, 400x533, hvsi3l9.jpg)

the transpassing thread kek
No. 275271
File: 1533228513074.png (38.2 KB, 939x493, femalepenises.png)

r/womensbadanatomy is becoming an absolute shitshow.
>there are biologically more than two genders!
>neovaginas and vaginas are the same!
>what about women with hysterectomies?
>you're reducing women to their genitals!
>TERF trash get out REEEEEEEEE
No. 275277
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There was a Trans Pride parade the other day here, this is what they put out on the street
No. 275278
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>>275277This one hurts to read. A death sentence when someone's not getting treatment for a serious physical or mental illness.
It's NOT when you're not allowed to cut your tits off and pretend to be a man.
No. 275280
File: 1533230624593.jpg (94.89 KB, 720x960, 16266011_1365755743466148_6729…)

i really fucking hate these ugly-ass dudes who use cosplay to live out their "kawaii anime girl" delusions. um, newsflash: putting on a nubra doesn't mean you have tits.
No. 275286
>>275170>>275256I’ve heard it argued that trans doesn't mean “across” anymore but “above”, so really trans people are “above gender” unlike us unenlightened binary cissies.
>>275260She’s basically a woman with short hair who doesn’t always wear makeup.
No. 275291
>>275278This pissed me off too. Why should they be put before people who are terminally ill or in chronic pain?? If you wanted it that bad, go private and pay for it but the problem is they want it free and paid for by the government.
There are children LITERALLY dying and they believe some cosmetic surgery is equal to their treatment.
No. 275298
>>275271It's hilarious seeing the users on this sub caught in the middle between accurate biology and nice libfemmy sentiments.
Fun thread : far they're stuck on the "TERFs are evil get out REEEEE" refrain, but maybe seeing more and more transwomen post and overtake the sub will bring some libfems to peak trans.
No. 275304
>>275291The health system is in a mess as it is, how are they supposed to magic up the extra resources for this?
How self-centered do you have to be to rate cosmetic surgery as "life-saving"? Jesus christ.
I always wonder how many people I know are secretly critical of the trans stuff. I pretend to be an ally and know some trans people, but I find myself drifting away from them because all they can talk about is how oppressed they are and how their lives are so difficult and "baww cis people!". I could never admit to being on the fence about the whole thing because it would probably drive away my whole social circle (even the non trans ones), and could even get me fired.
No. 275321
>>275291>>275304They consider it “life-saving” because supposedly many trans teenagers commit suicide when they’re not able to transition. These suicide rates don’t go down much post-transition but no wait it’s definitely TERF doctors and wait times that murder trans people! Nothing to do with mental illness, nope, all the health system’s fault.
I’m in a similar situation where most of my friends are very left-leaning and transphobia is considered just as bad, if not worse than homophobia and racism. Most people I know will openly criticise obvious transtrenders and 50 gender nonsense but they’re always quick to add that of course they’re totally supportive of
real trans people.
Some of the guys make fun of crazy tumblr feminism but lump radical/gender critical feminism in there too, as if they’re the same thing. Apparently saying that men can’t menstruate is now on the same level as calling yourself a wombyn and selling canvases smeared with menstrual blood.
No. 275337
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No. 275338
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Troon ebegs for a new bike. Claims he only has $3 in his bank account and wants $500. Seems to forget his other funding page which shows he actually has $780 in his bank.
If transportation is an emergency then he should use the money he already has, or has he already spent the surgery funds on something trivial?
If I had enough free time I’d love to make a page shaming these beggars.
No. 275481
>>275338do you get the gofundme donations directly even without reaching the goal?
sage for internet illiterate
No. 275705
>>275211Thanks for clarifying. I looked into it a bit more and among the many many handmaidens in comment sections, there were a few reasonable/civil people saying the same thing you are.
To be clear, I never doubted him being in highschool (though I would have originally guessed him to be in his early 20s).
>>275271WHAT THE FUCK.
That argument about the clitoris (idk what fully mapped means but everyone knew what clits were before 2004) is so dumb for so many reasons holy shit.
>>275280This looks like a terrifying parody but I know it's likely not. Just everything about this photo seems to SCREAM "I'm a dude" - adam's apple jutting out, muscular arms, super broad shoulders accentuated by (what I hope is) a terrible camera angle, literally no hips…
No. 275765
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From tumblr:
>My friends and I at Pride last month. My beautiful friend offered to carry my NO PLACE FOR TERFS sign cause she's really tall in her platform boots (she said she wanted to give my words a platform. She's got puns for days)
No. 275766
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No. 275769
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No. 275772
>>275766Watch “menstruator” become the new derogatory term for women alongside “uterus-haver” and the rest. Of course they don’t give a fuck about throwing FtMs who still menstruate under the bus.
>>275768It’s the autogynesmile(tm).
No. 275775
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No. 275776
>>275692Couldn't stomach that tbh.
Imagine you go to a psychologist and THIS is what you get
No. 275781
>>275765dat male pattern baldness
i'm glad they've all decided bangs are a TERF thing effectively eliminating the easiest way to hide it kek
No. 275783
>>275321>>275321>The health system is in a mess as it is>They consider it “life-saving” because supposedly many trans teenagers commit suicide when they’re not able to transition.Like there are many mentally ill people in the country and plenty of people commit suicide or more often than that, engage in dangerous behaviour (drink and drugs are very common), why should they be put above them? Just because they want cosmetic surgery. I'm sure people who want boob jobs or rhinoplasty would love to get it for free too.
I think it's difficult to find people in this country that are centrists. If you're "transphobic" the only people who agree with you are old biddies who are also very conservative (pro-life, homophobic, racist). If you're a feminist, you can't openly discuss anything that isn't outside of the tumblr "intersectional" feminism or you're branded as a terf/swerf and promptly ejected from the community. Feminism is even considered a dirty word among both sides and I've never heard anyone proudly said they are one without the usual "oh yeah well I like the ideas of feminism but they're too loud and whingey so I won't call myself one" or "well I consider myself an 'equalist/humanist' because feminists want to be above men" bullshit.
I love to meet some Irish radfems ngl.
No. 275786
>>274323Men who like feet. Men with personality disorders. Weebs. Men with any weird fetishes.
>>274332 Everything mentioned here.
>>275271That's a shame. I used to occasionally like that sub.
No. 275802
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>>2758012 1/2 years of estrogen lmaoooooooo
also this is why bangs aren't a great option for troons
>>275781 No. 275827
File: 1533307752708.jpg (1.48 MB, 2988x5312, 4piaC9s.jpg)

>Do y'all think I would still pass as male if I shaved?
>I'm 3 years on T, by the way.
if i'd see her on the street i would think she has a very bad case of pcos and that's it's brave of her that she's isn't bothering to shave her facial hair
just why would you do this to yourself voluntarily
No. 275847
Interesting comments by a MTF's spouse covering the reality of SRS and post-transition years:
>dilation and sanitation of the neovagina is impractical, time-consumming and painful>MTFs idolizing SRS are talking out of their asses because they haven't gotten it done, or only did recently>the euphoria of transitionning eventually wears off>transition is rooted in navel-gazing>>275827Her eyes look incredibly feminine for some reason, the beard brings them out even more. That's unfortunate.
No. 275850
>>275692Sorry, I can‘t watch this all the way through. They are just too boring and unlikeable imo.
>doctors used to call mtf trans man, because it was only about their biological reality>but now it’s called trans woman because it‘s about the gender identity, not the body.I love when they admit that they are appropriating gender to stereotypes.
Also this whole *~*feeling like a gender*~* just makes them sound like religious fanatics.
>>275765Just like they delude themselves into thinking they‘re another gender they‘re deluding themselves into thinking they‘re beautiful.
No. 275861
>>275765Even the other people in this image look like they're laughing or staring thinking "wtf" at him. The two on the left and the person standing directly to the right.
>>275766Trans women only thinking of themselves and not even supporting trans men with this one, what a mess.
>>275812>With more make up he could pass for a ugly older woman who just looks like a man alotIt's funny because this is the best case scenario for the 10% who can maybe pass at all. They all think they're going to become some sex bombshell or kawaii anime schoolgirl and this is their best hope.
No. 275874
>>275847Those are some pretty insightful posts, thanks for sharing.
>Some of her MtF friends convinced her it was no big deal but they have the kinds of jobs where you can lay in bed and program all daylol of course they do. Honestly I think that the majority of trans people have too much time on their hands, don’t leave the house enough and spend way too much time on the internet.
No. 275892
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I stumbled upon this and thought WTF… than I read 'trans girl' and it all made sense
No. 276003
>>275987Ditto, can't believe this is on the independent and not some garbage joke site
Like really??? You really gonna complain about a man wearing women's clothes at the SAME time as promoting a man wearing women's clothes and calling himself trans? There are no fuckin rules, it's just clothes. These fuckers would've made a hate campaign about David Bowie and the countless effeminate male pop stars of the 80s. They can fuck all the way off
No. 276005
>>276003There's a link to the "other side of the argument" where the headline declares Jaden as non binary
Still not the other side of the argument, fam. Luckily most people in the comments had sense. It's unfortunate that those same people (2 years ago) would now probably say it was transphobic to wear women's clothes and not be trans. Today's left wing politics is a garbage heap
No. 276011
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>>275768My sperg theory still stands that making a genuine smile tends to elongate your chin area and widen your face, not enough to make an actual woman suddenly look manly, but enough that troons might notice that they look even less passing when they smile. So they try to smile with just their lips and not any of their mouth muscles, creating a weird smirk or otherwise unnatural little smile.
No. 276014
>>275987Is a woman going to model the men’s line or are they just taking the job of a female model and handing it to a dude to seen progressive?
We’re not even allowed to work in roles society forces us into. Can’t succeed if you’re not beautiful and now it doesn’t matter anymore because we’ll just give a man your job anyway.
No. 276017
>>276014Take it to the man hate thread.
A "cis" man wearing actual women's wear is progressive. Normalizing non-perverted cross dressing is a necessary step to reducing the trans plague.
No. 276019
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>>276017this. anything that pushes straight men away from automatically associating their feminine side with being trans/gay/a humiliation kink is
good for us.
Plus you could argue that it's already socially acceptable, especially in fashion, for women to wear menswear, so the equivalent to jaden's ad would be like….a woman wearing an awkward boxy suit tailored to a man's measurement just for the sake of mirroring the original campaign. out of all the instances where a female equivalent is needed, this just isn't one of them. it's not worth prioritizing and it's definitely not worth getting all hopeless about.
No. 276026
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>>276014JW Anderson already made a genderbending line for men back in 2013 and it didn't endanger female models. It's going to be just fine.
>>276019Completely agree.
No. 276054
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>>275190>>275212>>275214>>275239>>275240>>275251Glad you guys liked it!
Also pic related, guess dogs are TERFS now kek
No. 276065
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>>276054Ah, I saw that on tumblr today, that's simply great kek
Here's another one.
No. 276132
To be honest, I wonder how do I fully red-pill myself.
Because I can recognize that I am biologically a female, but mentally I still perform some shitty gymnastics that land me into "agender" territory.
As I've been brought up, I was certainly a female-identifying lesbian, but I was made to shame my own orientation so for a while I used to think that I was a trans-man because I was a gender-nonconforming tomboy. After that when I realised I want nothing to do with ,males, I started identifying as agender, because it felt the most right. I felt like gender is fake bullshit and I didn't want to conform to it at all.
But the question is, how do I, a radical feminist by all definitions, confirm to myself that I am fully female and embrace me femaleness instead of the shitty enby rhetoric tumblr taught me to follow?
No. 276145
>>276132You don't have to "embrace" your femaleness. You just are female, no matter how 'feminine' you act and dress. Your gender doesn't define you.
Maybe you have some internalized misogyny? Do you feel ashamed of being female or feel you're "not like the other girls"? What makes you want to identify as agender?
No. 276148
>>276145I certainly have been feeling internalized mysogyny. As a teen I've been brought up with the idea that females are shallow and insignificant and that only males can achieve meaning and success which contributed a lot toward me identifying as a trans-man.
Nowadays I feel that women are frankly wonderful, but I still feel alienated somewhat by the culture because I've never felt any strong ties to being female and to be frank I still largely dislike my genitals even if I recognize tham as my own. I guess patriarchal brainwashing is not easy to get rid of.
No. 276156
>>276148I think before anything you should work on coming to terms with your genitals. Once you're 100% comfortable in your skin the gender identity (or lack thereof) stuff becomes largely irrelevant, imo.
I guess I'm kind of agender. I mean, I recognize my female body with all that comes with it, but it's not something I think about a whole lot. I check 'Female' off on forms and then just do whatever I like. The whole thing about gender roles is that they're performative. And the whole thing about performance is that you really don't have to perform if you don't want to.
No. 276159
>>276156How do you get over the mental block of feeling incapable of doing something for "men", despite it being impossible to tell if you're capable because you can't manage to get yourself to try at all?
It might sound like a personal issue, but I know for sure that the reason I don't try to do so many things I'm interested in is because I'm traumatized from being so harshly judged for minor mistakes made in a beginner phase, always letting me know that I'm not allowed to make mistakes and learn from them if I am a woman. I don't want to try anymore.
No. 276164
>>276121>Despite all that ofcourse I would do it all again. It's pass or die.What a wonderful message. Torture yourself with all this dangerous, painful and completely unnecessary cosmetic surgery
or die.
No. 276168
>>276159Even if it seems minor, it's a trauma that affects how you live your life. I personally do a lot of CBT exercises on even the smallest problems in my life.
>>276165Yeah, honestly this. I don't trust anyone's opinions until they've shown me through their actions that it's coming from a genuine place. It might sound bitter or jaded or whatever, but I'd rather be pleasantly surprised that a person is goodhearted than disappointed when they turn out to be a dick.
No. 276173
>>276148It's not easy being a woman in this world. In this world, men are the default humans. They are perceived as persons. Meanwhile, women are perceived as women. When a woman becomes successful in academia for example, she's usually still being objectified and judged on the basis of her gender. It sucks but society isn't going to change immediately and it's just something we have to come to terms with right now. Identifying as agender/non-female won't change how you're perceived by other people. By being (proud) gender non-conforming women, we can set a good example for other women and future generations, imo.
>>276159Yeah, I can relate. I sometimes feel like I'm a representative of all women, especially when doing something typically "manly" and if I fail, it will make all women look bad and just reinforce the stereotypes that we're weak or stupid. I think a lot of women struggle with stuff like this. Please don't let it discourage you. Do whatever you want to do and avoid/call out people who treat you differently because you're female.
No. 276179
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No. 276195
>pass or dieBy his own admission in the comments he ALREADY passed, but went through the surgeries anyway.
>I passed pretty much all of the time but was extremely insecure about myself. I not only want to pass, I want to be ridiculously attractive.>>276108The thread I was specifically referring to was larger, and considerably funnier.
No. 276196
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No. 276226
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>>276208I’m not sure how to feel about nipple positions being gendered, but wouldn’t it make sense for “feminine” nipples to be lower and to the side for breast feeding?
Though I probably shouldn’t be questioning the logic of someone who willingly had their nipples removed.
No. 276227
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>>276208> tfw going through the subreddit and think most of the ftm/nb tomboys look really cute.Fugg…
No. 276232
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>>276226To be fair, she had her nipples removed due to a high breast cancer risk.
Agree with you that the nipple placement thing is dumb.
No. 276242
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>>276225unfortunate face shape
but tbh I would have thought she (yeah, it feel weird saying he) was just a slightly unfortunate looking normal girl
No. 276251
>>276240Yeah. It's a shame really.
I wish I could contact the girl in pic I posted and ask her out, provided she's single and into girls too.
For some reason my heart melts when I saw her. She looks like the chillest person to be with.
> tfw no tall dutch gf to cuddle withI really didn't expect this.
No. 276277
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I was surprised to find out this youtuber is trans
No. 276309
>>276277i'm very uncomfortable with the way people are so happy to sexualize these young boys and for them to sexualize themselves. he's very young, iirc, like, 13. he was posting youtube vids with very provocatively styled makeup from like 12, i believe. it's horrible enough that it happens all of the time to all girls, but it happening to young boys as well, is just so gross. these libs are insane to be ok with this.
it literally does feel like all of the backers of this shit are under the covers pedos.
No. 276313
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>>276308yes, here's the first vid i saw of this kid from like over a year ago. how are people okay with this? he's obviously styled to appear nude and wet/sweaty. so disgusting. these parents are just awful.
No. 276463
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The Michigan Supreme Court recently ruled in favor of appeal by a woman who originally sued Planet Fitness for not properly disclosing in their contract that males who self-identify as women were allowed in locker rooms. course, I jumped to comments section and what do you know? Screeches of TERF, “scientific” links to articles about “lady brain” and trans women threatening and insulting every GC woman that dares to defy them.
I wonder what kind of feminine, better-at-being-a-woman-than-a-biological-woman innocent flower could have posted an image such as this?
No. 276464
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>>276463Oh, here ~SHE~ is!
That was predictable, wasn’t it?
No. 276485
File: 1533475308230.jpg (709.45 KB, 2320x3088, n0jbh0mtela11.jpg)"This is the moment I realize…fuck I pass. No shave in 2 days, raggedy looking with no makeup from being in the middle of a road trip…Jesus I’m a girl!"
Pic related was posted 18 days ago. This man thinks he looks like a woman. Can you imagine this guy with beard stubble and no makeup, probably towering over the other women with his broad shoulders and lack of hips, talking in his weird troon squeaky voice, thinks he passes as a woman? lmaooo
No. 276489
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Good post from a bisexual woman with a MTF spouse, the entire comment thread is worth a read.
No. 276509
>I'm currently writing this while sitting in my own fucking excrement, leaking in large amounts out of my vagina.Mod, in reply to a now-deleted comment:
>don't make comments that encourage people not to get SRS. No. 276532
File: 1533487159825.png (Spoiler Image,1.95 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20180805-183329.png)

>>276492Have you seen the gallery of someone's botched SRS posted in the comments?
Click at your own risk!
No. 276534
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Another one. I actually feel sorry for this person.
No. 276538
>>276492>>276492> I flew home the next day and by the end of my flight my depends was soaked with liquid shit. I verified when I got home that it was indeed coming from my vagina.Thats because it's not a vagina. Imagine sitting next to this person on a flight.
>I'm currently writing this while sitting in my own fucking excrement, leaking in large amounts out of my vagina. I SERIOUSLY DOUBT that this will go away, because of the amount of feces coming out. It really is a lot.This is so disgusting I cant even laugh, I just feel sick
No. 276539
>>Cutting off an penis can’t be too far behind.It isn't. You anons should look up nullo/smoothie culture if you aren't already aware of its existence. Literally men removing their genitals (and sometimes nipples).
>>276492What's even sadder is that some MTFs claim living with botched surgeries is still a better alternative than having a penis.
No. 276550
>>276492Reading through that is so much fun lol
Typical Americans: their 1st thought isn't "how to fix this" but "sue the shit out of her!!!"
Advicing him to go to a normal gyno; just imagine you're trained to deal with vaginas and then suddenly a dude with shit leaking out of wound between his legs shows up and demands your help.
But the worst thing is: why the fuck does insurance pay for shit like this?!
>Don't accept anything less than one of your top 3 doctors. Fight your insurance company to cover it.Some people lose their everything because of horrible accidents and their insurances hardly pay anything.
Sorry for blog, but my grandmother died from breast cancer, an aunt had it as well, so my mother had her chest removed since she was tested and the chance that she gets it as well was 1 out of 3. It took her and her doctor a long time to get the okay from our insurance and then she was only assigned a shitty doctor that caused her lots of complicatons. Nevertheless, sueing him would be completely impossible; but trannies demand (and are given) literally everthing.
>If the trolls are getting under your skin, consider browsing this tumblr complimenting catsIs this satire?
No. 276561
>>276532>>276534Anyone know what all that fibrous wormy looking stuff is?
I guess I never understood the neo-vagina thing like who would want to fuck that? Even one that's done "properly" can't feel right. It's so desperate and sad..
No. 276573
>>276561It just looks like pus to me. Can any medfags confirm if it is pus and if this is like, necrotizing fasciitis or something, because it looks so fucked. (the 'labia' and 'clit' skin is so fucking thick. they look like especially meaty slices of rotten baked ham.)
I dont know how this shit is so normalized when the wound created is so large and in such a moist, vulnerable area. I checked the rate of surgical site infection a while back for mtf bottom bullshit and iirc, it was something like 21%, in comparison to the avg surgical site infection rate, which i believe is like 2%. Iirc literally like 50% of troons were expected to develop a surgical site infection, and like 87% of ftms developed infections.
People are going to start dying in droves from this shit
No. 276578
>>276574If i stroke my 4chinnychinchins Im sure I could think of a certain mainstream board thats deffo gotten the ball rolling on romantizising traps and the culture of being "better than a roastie"
Its the same as alot of FTM being fujoshit cosplayers who are so engaged in a 'speshul' culture they go off the deep end not realizing their 'norm' is becoming more and more skewed with time.
No. 276591
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>>276492Fuck. SRS should be illegal.
No. 276616
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a five-year-old girl tells a man he isn't "supposed to be a boy" presumably because he is wearing a ponytail/has long hair
this is so heartwarming alexa play wake me up inside
No. 276645
>>276620>>276639>they're being played>They’re being lied to.Literally by whom??
You act as if they didn't want this themselves and didn't get the public to spend thousands upon thousands on them.
If some dumb bimbo decides that she's gonna get G cup implants or a nose so small it nearly falls off nobody is going to feel sorry for her either.
No. 276652
File: 1533507999536.jpg (183.77 KB, 960x960, eG2DC9d1_Tq_etcQ_HHQQmBNOyhqnK…) of all reddit trannies, this one scares the fuck out of me the most. I feel like after taking this picture he beat a woman up because she looked at him the wrong way. It's scary that guys like him are now allowed into spaces that are supposed to be women-only, ugh. Also I love when trannies start by posting selfies in the crossdressing subreddit and then at some point switch to the trans hugbox subs. it's not a fetish guise!!!!
No. 276663
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They really are obsessed with age, aren't they…
No. 276669
I've looked at transpassing on Reddit. It's where the man who
>>276652 has linked posts his gigantic arms sticking out of dresses and tries to get reassurance that he looks like a woman. But anyway, it's insane. I'm scrolling, scrolling, scrolling and it's almost all mtfs.
No. 276673
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>>276663yes this is exactly what young women look like lmao>Why is she pulling down her panties :👀>To pull her dick out, obviously. :D The caption translates to "Time for your injection." >:D This is what happens when you let non-op fujoshi post memes.fucking ew
i wonder what doctors who support trannies would think if they discovered the internet profiles of their ~poor suffering~ trans patients this is a grown ass man in his mid 30s years of hrt and he still doesn't pass and is wearing school girl uniforms ew
fuck i'm so disgusted that people like him actually exist and aren't even shunned by society
No. 276675
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>>276663all i see is tim heidecker
No. 276684
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>>276673that anime he likes is actually quite trans phobic lol
No. 276726
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No. 276794
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>>276665>tranny bingothis has probably been done but I felt the need
No. 276813
>>276795Yup. In TRA newspeak, biological reality = death threats so according to them she started threatening them first, and retaliating in kind by threatening to murder her is therefore perfectly logical. No “TERF” has ever assaulted a trans person but trans people are supposedly prone to self harm, for which TERFs are apparently to blame. It’s honestly Salem Witch Trial logic.
I could maybe kind of understand if they were this aggressively opposed to homophobic men (y’know, those people that actually do harm trans people) but no, all the focus is on women who’d never lay a hand on them. At parades for every trans person carrying a anti-homophobe sign there are >5 anti-TERF signs accompanied by people carrying baseball bats. It’s extremely disproportional. Can you imagine if a lesbian radfem brought a baseball bat to a pride parade for self defence? She’d probably be arrested. But it’s okay for trans-identifying men, because
they’re the ones who need to defend themselves. Right…
No. 276819
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A beautiful polyamorous girls only quad.
No. 276856
>>276269>>276277I'm probably not as terfy as most people here but these are great example for the ones that seem to make effort to pass and look pretty, Blaire White too. (Even if his/her viewpoint is a bit.. uh)
Then there are balding, extremely 'nerdy', anime obsessed troons that looks like stereotypical basement dweller trying to crossdress. There's definitely something wrong going on with these type other than gender issues.
I don't want to blame nerdy hobbies as I used to be in fandoms but looking back there's a huge concentration of weirdos in these scenes.
..why the hell they're so obsessed with labels too? Going to tumblr of these troons you'll see the list of their gender and sexual identities, and a long list of mental illnesses.
>>276816The label like genderfluid is a big obnoxiousness marker, it's not really about being a specific gender as being 'look how speshul i am'.
No. 276864
>>276492This made me sad and I pity the person. But I was just weirder out when I read
>the worst part was whenever I got aroused, I would swell up around the urethra, and it would puff out>I wasn't going to sit around for a year with a broken vagina, losing more depth, unable to have sex with anyone, getting piss everywhere in the bathroom.How did he even get aroused at a time like this? If someone butchered me like that I would probably fail to get aroused ever again, not only that, my whole life would have turned into one prolonged panic attack and I would seriously just kms. How is he even thinking about sex???
No. 276927
File: 1533586788122.jpg (154.99 KB, 640x1272, WxRODfnfoV_14jM0CiDpZFg7-rHPpO…)"I know I don’t pass or anything but I absolutely love how I look and feel in this pic"
literally just a picture of some obese man
bonus: his first reddit posts were on bimbofication/sissy hypno subreddits but then he stopped and started posting on trans subs
No. 276930
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>>276927 (nsfw)
i wanna die>Why is it so hard to find good hentai with trans women in it, that is NOT degrading or tagged with shit like sssy, shemle, or trap??? Like seriously, what the fuck?>#tw:slurs #girlslikeusbut of course he has no problem with terms like slut etc AND is not just a pornsick weirdo but a sjw/tra ugh>Why are hypnotists so hard to find? I just want to be hypnotized into a complete slut, why is it so hard to find an erotic hypnotist? And why is it so hard to find one who will work with Transgender people?can someone please ban porn
No. 276931
>>276927An obese man with a
floral skirt.
No. 276998
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>>276930this image screams "I showed you my dick pls respond"
No. 277020
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where do I begin
No. 277022
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blogpost incoming
>I want people to know is that it's normal to want a vagina and to get one, but there’s also a problematic stereotype that trans women aren’t “real” women until we have surgery, and we are. I’ve always been a real woman.
>For example, I had a lot of trouble finding pictures of post-surgery vaginas — they’re not really put out there because they can be considered sexual pictures. I only think I saw, maybe, one picture, so I didn't really know what I was going to get. The only place that I ever consistently saw a trans girl’s vagina was in porn. And the ones I saw in porn were … pretty bad. They sometimes looked plastic. Mine doesn't.
>I have kind of chilled out at this point and don’t worry about my vagina constantly. Now, almost a year and a half later, my vagina looks like every other person's vagina, but with two faint scars on either side where the incisions were that are still healing. You can't really tell it’s any different from a cisgender person’s vagina. When I don't shave, you couldn't tell at all. I've shown a few of my trans girlfriends, and a few of my cis girlfriends, either pictures or in person, for science, and they've all been pretty shook.
>And I feel safer. Now, I have the same problems that cis girls have, like, "Oh my gosh, I've got to shave more" — not, "Is someone going to tell I'm trans and then literally murder me?” My friend got punched in the face once on a date after a guy found out she was trans. There's so much violence against trans women and I didn't want to be another statistic.
>I don't identify myself as trans on my dating app profiles because it just brings out the creeps, or turns a lot of people away, and I would like people to see me as the woman I am. Before my surgery, I did say I was trans in my profiles, because it was a safety thing — I didn’t want anyone to be surprised and turn violent — but then I’d be fetishized a lot. In a lot of ways, it starts with trans porn, which is very objectifying and misogynistic. It's not, like, “sexy trans girls stripping.” It’s more like, “she-male tranny slut gets anal fucked.”
>My recovery is going well. I still have to dilate about once a week. But I feel whole, and while I have issues with my body like most women — sometimes I wish my waist were skinnier or my hips were wider — they're nowhere near as bad as they used to be. It's just a whole new world, to quote Aladdin. My vagina is my favorite part of my body.'m really curious right now, does having a good doctor can make their pseudo vaginas look better and more realistic? how do they even have sex with that thing? fucking lol at 'mine is just like a woman's when it's all covered in hair' duh, of course you can't see anything. and a fucking tranny complaining about fetishism had me cackling, their whole lives revolve around it.
No. 277043
>>277022Christ anon, I thought this was you for a second. Blogposting usually means it's your personal shit.
Even fully "transitioned" he looks like a dude. The constant obsession over the pseudo-vag just screams autogynophile to me. I don't think having a good doctor would even help really. They're taking skint that naturally produces hair and is not self-lubricating. No matter what, it's going to be frankenpussy.
>>277039No, you're not overreacting. The only time I've ever shown my pussy to a friend has been because A) I was super drunk and B) I was getting lasik to get rid of my bikini line so I wanted to show off the progress. I would never take pics of it and send it along.
No. 277049
>>277022> can make their pseudo vaginas look better and more realisticyeah, depending on the surgeon, some look pretty decent imo, especially compared to how shitty the tranny phalloplasties turn out
e.g. i'm super fascinated by these surgeries. like, these people often spend over $20k to have their genitals irreversibly mutilated?? despite all the risks and horror stories, and having to do that dilation thing forever???
No. 277062
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This one was also on Reddit, has anyone else noticed the ones that "pass" end up looking like sex dolls? Blaire White is one example, this tranny is another one.
No. 277078
>>277062>that body>passingAnon, please
So many people on here act like bob passes too, but he just looks like a drag queen to me. I've never understood it.
No. 277085
>>277078>>277079Come on, it's not like some guys actually have naturally feminine features (especially when still young) and can look pretty convincing with appropriate makeup and clothing.
>>274365 and
>>276277 are good examples (although the former might not even be trans-identified)
Honestly I think it's always funny when young, rather decent-looking people post in trans subreddit because you can tell that some trannies get really jealous (since for them the most important part of being a woman is being attractive and fuckable, of course). I've read posts of young TIMs who say they don't feel welcome in their local tranny group because it's all troons in their 40s or 50s that are really bitter because they look way better than they do.
No. 277100
>objectified in pornYeah, like…women are??? Not a fan of this person
No. 277101
>>277097You have never seen a man be misogynistic?
Men act catty when their masculinity is challenged by a woman and male trannies act catty when their 'femininity' (lol) is challenged by a woman. It's as easy as that.
No. 277103
>>277020>"bawww, why aren't real women not licking my asshole and agreeing with literally everything I do and say? fucking terfs!!">>277022>My friend got punched in the face once on a date after a guy found out she was trans.This dude is surprised that his friend got punched by his date because he was acting like a potential rapist by deceiving his date, what an idiot.
>I don't identify myself as trans on my dating app profiles because it just brings out the creeps, or turns a lot of people away,So this guy is so clever that he thinks he should hide the fact that he's trans to potential dates despite the risk of being in danger once he's found out, rather than state the fact that he's trans beforehand so he can only get dates who are genuinely into him. Even though he knows it's dangerous since he knows his friend got punched in face for that. He has to be doing this on purpose.
No. 277136
File: 1533644408270.png (114.47 KB, 1112x489, Screenshot (11).png) pic
Some people tried telling him that women can also have it hard (but of course not as hard as tranz womenz!) and this is what he says:
>I do wonder if my dysphoria might be because of my subconscious belief that women have it way easier socially. I may be able to talk myself into not believing that on a conscious level, but intuitively I strongly believe it to be true, and nothing will convince me otherwise.>I'd honestly love to be bullied or have someone be passive aggressive to me. That would at least mean that I exist in the same universe as other people.>I really don't care about being respected or seen as competent. I just want to stop being lonely. I honestly fucking hate the kind of respect I get as a man. As a man I'm respected because of skills I have, and that's it. >Maybe it's sexist or whatever but I've spent 25 years observing how men and women are treated. I genuinely think people care more about women. To the extent that men are ever respected, they're respected as tools rather than as real people. I don't want that. I just hate the role that men perform in society, it disgusts me. >I also don't know of any women who are as socially isolated as I am. No. 277153
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>>277136Why do they always assume that if they'd been born women they would've been popular stacies? Because that's the only kind of woman who gets hundreds of likes posting stupid shit on social media. And people don't orbit those women out of the kindness of their hearts, it's because they're hoping to fuck them or boost their social status. He's so damn clueless.
From his history lmao
>Masculinity is a bullshit concept that feminists invented to attack males. Men are accused of “toxic masculinity” for things that wouldn’t be questioned if someone in a female body did them. It’s just more propaganda to make us hate ourselves.Read some fucking history books jfc.
No. 277156
>>277136This guy's out here seriously believing that there are no NEET recluse friendless women. Wow.
There may be some truth to it being less likely, but I'd attribute that to women being raised with expectations for social skill development. We're primed to make social situations easier for ourselves and others. And men just want to talk to us more because they want to solicit sex lmao.
Of course someone who admittedly has nothing else to offer would be fine with being objectified and never having their skills taken seriously. Why bother trying to empathize with women who actually desire being "respected because of skills I have, and that's it." Many of us want just that.
I can see where he's coming from, but that doesn't mean womanhood is objectively better for all women. Or even most.
And–surprise, surprise–to get out of being "invisible" you have to work on your social skills and yourself. This goes for ugly women as it does for ugly men. I spent a good chunk of my young life shy and invisible (and, no, guys don't like it if you're fugly on top of it) but I worked on myself and can manage social situations now. It takes time but it has to be done. jfc.
No. 277166
>>277154That also explains why he says shit like that
>>I also don't know of any women who are as socially isolated as I am. He's like a baby, if HE can't see these women then they don't actually exist.
He seems like he knows he has a problem and where it comes from though, I'll give him that. Maybe he won't fuck up his body and reputation by actually transitioning.
No. 277177
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“Non binary woman”
No. 277182
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Why is it that girls pass better than guys? Will it change if they're older? Or do I just think so because I perceive them as not as creppy as mtf?
No. 277188
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Some funny stuff when you select "interested in women" on tinder.
No. 277190
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>>277188"Flood detected" pffft
No. 277192
>>277190>you can shorten it however you likei'm sure calling them Al would
trigger them tho.
No. 277196
>>277022I would have spent that cash on that big ass jaw and losing some weight. Trannys always waste money on the dumbest shit lol
Also he sounds super entitled.
No. 277240
>>277136Reading through his comments, he literally memed himself into a gender identity crisis because he has absolutely nothing going on in his life and started obsessing about gender. Was 100% fine with himself until he "found out" about transition. Wow.
Why do these dudes hate finding an actual hobby?
Also >writes software
I have gotten the impression that in some programmer spaces they really only respect people who live that stuff 24/7 and many try to live up to that obsessive standard. Maybe some of those people wake up one day and find themselves totally unfulfilled with zero sense of self outside of tech stuff and go nuts.
No. 277244
>>277022> Now, I have the same problems that cis girls have, like, "Oh my gosh, I've got to shave more" Ah yes. The essential cis girl problem. Not "can I walk home alone after dark without getting raped and/or killed". Holy shit this just goes on to prove that you CAN'T "feel" like the other gender. These freaks have no idea about the nuances of having grown up as a girl and experiencing life as a girl. All they have is a superficial fantasy of being a pampered princess with make up and pajama parties.
>In a lot of ways, it starts with trans porn, which is very objectifying and misogynistic. It's not, like, “sexy trans girls stripping.” It’s more like, “she-male tranny slut gets anal fucked.” Oh you mean just like ALL STRAIGHT PORN FEATURING CIS WOMEN right?
No. 277275
>>277240I work as a programmer and while most of us are normal, sane people, for some reason a lot of troons happen to work with tech. I've met some through my weeb hobbies, not professional environment, and they seem to be just waifufags who took it way too far after having no luck with real girls. They're mostly socially isolated freelancer programmers who can't function with group environments which a lot of software projects are, so that's the reason I don't meet them through work. When they're surrounding themselves with their fantasy life and not meeting real people and they hang around a certain scene (other
hardcore escapist males with no contact with girls), it's only natural that they'd start believing all sorts of crap about being able to become a real ~animu girl~. That's why their idea of being a girl is dyeing your hair with shock colors and wearing thigh highs.
No. 277330
>>277324but if they don't
feel like they have aids, do they really have it?
No. 277393 community of mostly straight white men saying they're at risk of genocide lmao
also, browsing nazi subreddits counts as self harm to this guy? "this makes me mildy uncomfortable, this must be violence" - someone who has never faced any discrimination, probably
tbh, i do feel a little bit bad for this guy if he is genuinely afraid, libfems love to scaremonger and act like [well-off western country] will soon become a second nazi germany (despite the situation and material conditions today in western countries being vastly different to those in the weimar republic)
No. 277433
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>>277393found this mildy interesting paper on the treatment of trans-identified people in nazi germany:
tw/ no one got killed for being trans although nazis were worried that they might be homosexual
No. 277494
>>277119They think that if they can get enough people to "clock" cis women they'll prove that "not even cis women pass!" and use that as evidence that
TW are totally the same as us lol
No. 277540
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found on tumblr, context coming up
No. 277551
>>277540>bathrooms should be based on biologyREEE I'LL THREATENED WITH VIOLENCE
>ok you can have your own bathroomREE YOU DON'T THINK TRANS PEOPLE ARE LEGIT PEOPLE
>ok, we'll make gender neutral one-room bathroomsBUT then i don't get to be seen as a real woman!!! everyone will no i'm trans!!
>jfc just use the fucking bathroom, no one caresI CARE YOU CIS ABELIST SHITLORD
No. 277568
>>277275I get what you're saying. I was definitely thinking of isolated, I guess freelance, programmers in my original post. Guys who aren't "great enough" to have all of their horrible social skills excused because they're not that one "genius savant" dude who can come up with amazing solutions to whatever problems the group has. Idk how to say it, but maybe you get it.
I don't run in professional groups, but I have found that at least fakes, hobbyists, and children believe they're always
that guy. I was speculating if that belief fucks them over in the long run and causes them to panic and eventually scramble to find a way to make up for it (i.e. turning to their mysoginistic views of gender and blaming pretty stacies for their social popularity)
No. 277610
>>277596>"i'm a cisgender woman and you look more like a woman than me"I hear this a lot and I never understand what the point of these comments is. It’s always said in reference to men who have undergone a lot of cosmetic surgery and/or photo editing. Of course someone who’s done everything humanly possible to look like a Bratz doll will look more like a Bratz doll than a natural woman, yet they act like it’s some kind of achievement. Anyone could get those procedures done to look like that, but only TiMs are praised for it. If an ugly woman got that much surgery she’d be criticized and mocked.
I see this a lot with my friends with regards to meitu abuse. A man can angle and filter himself beyond recognition and it’s “omg so cute slay queen you’re prettier than we are” but if a woman does the exact same thing she’s called a cringey tryhard.
No. 277743
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>>277225reeeeeee why won't lesbians fuck me
No. 277753
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No. 277757
>>277755My heart breaks now.
I hope he gets raped to death in jail.
No. 277760
>>277755What a monster, I hope he rots in prison. I hope his cellmates treat him like a bitch.
>before penetrating herSo he has a dick? How the fuck is he considered a woman then? Fucking lib retards.
No. 277762
>>277755>>277753but guys, men would
never simply pretend to be women to gain access to them in bathrooms!
No. 277793
>>277596Holy shit… I honestly think they looked 100x better before surgery. They had a naturally fairly round face which is actually fairly feminine. Their profile looked balanced too…
After they just looked… botched… like their chin was massive and their face so out of balance. I thought they were shaving down their chin and their forehead? Like wtf.
No. 277861
>>277832Yes that is what they are called. Developed or not.
Also, with all the hormones in everything, girls are developing sooner. Maybe that’s why men want to be women too.
No. 277880
>>277872The argument I’ve seen is that because this happened in a residential bathroom and not a public one, it’s completely unrelated to the public bathroom debate. I’ve also heard that the TiMs who rape aren’t “really trans” (because PIV sex would cause dysphoria uwu) as an argument for why these incidents are irrelevant and shouldn’t even be brought up. There’s a lot of mental gymnastics involved in trans bullshit anyway so it’s easy for them to act like these things have nothing to do with them and it’s just the horrible turves grasping at straws.
>>277879That’s probably all of them. They all want to be teens again.
No. 277892
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This is a trans Pokemon kek
I wonder what else trannies are going to try to destroy now
No. 277896
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How to act like an 100% authentic real girl
No. 277914
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The entire traa subreddit is full of cringe like this
No. 277929
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Wow! This seems completely plausible! You go girl!1!
Also, besides r/transpassing, another horrifying sub to browse is r/MTFSelfieTrain.
No. 277954
>>277929man that place must have been dimly lit
i also love how he put 'passed' into quotation marks
No. 277965
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No. 277966
>>277929He looks like Theresa from Real Housewives of New Jersey and that is
not a compliment
No. 277973
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Every time I see an Asian tranny I die a bit inside.
We should be better than that.
No. 277986
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some dollar store Buzzfeed did an interview with the dude who beat those girls in high school track and field - of course they cut the footage of the race before it showed the girls' faces.
he's cocky as hell and in denial about his obvious advantage, but the comment section gave me a modicum of hope.
also kek at the interviewer, he should be on Botched. No. 277996
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>>277929Another good one is r/transtimelines
my favorite ones are the ones that don't look at all different besides no facial hair/shitty make up even after a significant amount of time on HRT
>4 years to the day apart, 2 and a half years on HRT No. 278014
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>>277996r/transtimelines can be more sad than horrifying sometimes because if you lurk enough, sometimes you’ll find transitions like pic related where cute boyfriend material guys transform into creepy autogynephiles.
Also remember—even if a tranny might “pass” in a photo, you need to remember that in person they’re probably over 6ft tall, have a man voice, and don’t have the face-smoothing app to rid their stubble.
No. 278018
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>>277986>also kek at the interviewer, he should be on Botched. this video about the shortage of injectable estrogen he says @ 5:00 "there's been times where i haven't been able to get my prescription for injectable estrogen and somtimes the only solution for me has been to seek alternatives that aren't really safe like the black market or you know i've had to do silicone injections at times"
>i've had to do silicone injections at timeslmao bitch we can tell
No. 278019
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>>278014Ikr! I saw this one the other day and it bummed me it out cause the guy was so hot before
No. 278026
>>277996This one looks like they could be a violent warden on OITNB where in the 4th episode they show a flashback plot twist to their pre-trans life to give them a sympathetic backstory.
I'm just not sure which would be the before and which the after.
No. 278028
>>277986the interviewer talked to a mum of one of the girls who were beaten in the athletics
the mum says something along the lines of 'you cant expect someone to be a boy one month and then compete with girls the next month, you have to consider the body differences of the competing students' and then the interviewer goes 'but what about the transgendered persons feeeeeeeeeeelingggsss when their athletic record isnt recorded in the gender category they feeeeeeeeeeeeeel like'
ffs there is no helping these people they are impervious to logic
No. 278033
>>278032M-middle east?
>>278014>>278019These are just depressing. They went from pretty good looking guys to a square woman and a malnourished soy girl that are neither fully passing.
No. 278036
>>277929>a barSo where guys go to get drunk and hit on women? They'll tunnel vision those tits with their beer goggles. Not a feat.
>>277935Yeah exactly.
>>277964Yeah when I was 10 (which was 20 years ago so there was maybe less of a food hormone issue idk) all my friends and I were already wearing various types of bras.
I can't help but feel like this conversation wouldn't be happening if it was a little boy's body we were talking about.
>>277974People also flip out when any other person is told they "aren't really trans"… but apparently it's a-ok if the trans community does it to shirk any degree of responsibility/accountability.
>>278025Holy fuck are you serious? That arm tattoo does appear to be the same. Really shows how shooped the side-by-side pic is. (Which defeats the purpose of before/after pics lol)
No. 278234
File: 1533840459281.png (325.4 KB, 1484x1340, 5.png)'s some serious mental gymnastics.
also lol @
>He hurts my feelings when he says this, and I just want him to stop saying mean things or leave No. 278246
>>278223I never see ftm going one about mens issues and shit.
Only men think they can speak for women.
No. 278351
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No. 278354
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No. 278408
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No. 278419
>>278185>makes several good points as to why he’s definitely not “really” trans even by libfem standards>they tell him to transition anywayIt’s like a cult.
>>278408I really wonder how people can read this kind of thing and not immediately make the incel connection. I have libfem friends who are happy to mock “cis” incels when they make this exact argument about women in general but when it comes from an incel in a seifuku it’s suddenly valid? The same women who boast about thriving on male tears bend over backwards to baby those same men the second they put on pantyhose. It’s fucking wild.
No. 278510
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>>278307fucking hell anon you're my new favourite person
No. 278572
>>278416lol @ becoming nonbinary because you don't emulate a caricature of extremely feminine behavior
how are people this out of touch?
No. 278837
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>>276492 >this guy began his journey into hell four years ago>he knew he was on the precipice of a harrowing journey so he asked his fellow men to help him go down the path of normalcy>only one man ever did help him, but his account ended up bullycided off of reddit>everyone else enabled himthere is a hell and every single one of these people involved deserve it.
No. 278954
File: 1533990042732.jpg (288.99 KB, 700x956, spottingatroon.jpg)

i legit hate autogynephiles and honestly won't feel bad for them when they get bored with their fetish and then realize they have wasted so much energy and money for their stupid roleplaying. i just wish this fever dream of catering to these perverts will be over soon.
No. 278962
File: 1533991912598.png (393.15 KB, 780x439, lenore-herrem-outed.png) saw this and am
triggered by the fact that I could put my job at risk following this same security protocol because some troon doesn't understand why your passport/ID and ticket information should match. Could he not have taken three to four weeks before his flight to pay for a new ID? Does he really think nobody would have noticed his manface if the agent hadn't tried to verify it wasn't a stolen ID? Does he not see the irony of saying he felt "unsafe" while presenting himself as a security threat to every person on the plane? Sick to death of troons thinking they're above policy and law just cause they're trans.
No. 278965
File: 1533993574347.jpg (521.9 KB, 674x2642, shoot the author hes a fucking…)

I just…don't know where to begin with this one
No. 278992
>>278962Saskatroon. hehe. People would call this transphobic violence, but that's legit the law. On an ID I had, I don't have my second name, but on my birth certificate and passport, it does. Because of that, I had to go through another verification. It's fucking stupid, quit trying to get validation through others and sit in line like the other people.
If I were smart enough, I'd make a chart of violence women have done stand lone and violence women have done with trans identified men. In the last year/decade alone
No. 278995
File: 1533996833011.png (61.26 KB, 780x382, ssss.png)

>>278962He did this to himself, what a fucking idiot.
No. 278998
File: 1533997247413.webm (4.85 MB, 270x480, trans_warrior.webm)

Shamelessly stealing this from another imageboard, don't know if it has been posted yet.
I don't even know what it's supposed to be but it's fucking scary.
No. 279014
>>279013It looks like a weird Joker cosplay with a MLP twist. I can't believe it's not a parody.
No. 279024
>>273927Recently came across this guy again and he's a real piece of work. He wrote a guest blog for the Huffington Post called "There’s No Such Thing As a Real Woman":
>>>"Our relationships with our own genders are similarly fluid and ever-changing: my gendered experience is different at work, when out at a cafe with mates, when walking home at night.">at work>his exhibitionism blog included pictures of his erect penis being flashed at his shared officeAnother fun fact: he was apparently the one who wrote
>"We demand immediate release & pardon for all trans prisoners."in the Action for Trans Health manifesto:
> has also campaigned for the release of (among others) the child rapist Ian Hartley
> rapists start out as exhibitionists/voyeurs. This exhibitionist male is not only campaigning for free access to women’s shelters and changing rooms, but also for the immediate release back into society of male criminals who have raped women, doubly so if they are pretending to be women themselves. How can people not see what’s happening here?
No. 279091 love when trannies are like '1 year of hrt!' but it literally just looks like they grew their hair out and maybe put some makeup on
like, you took pills daily and fucked your hormones up for THIS?
No. 279097 boy looks like a fucking child (maybe he even is?) with his narrow hips and flat chest
>Yes you pass. As far as the dance, I was so busy checking out your midriff and trying to look up your shirt I didn't notice the dance. Sorry to be pervy. (6 upvotes)ew ew ew
No. 279099
File: 1534007082404.jpg (14.67 KB, 1024x573, cursed image.jpg)

>>279097sorry for triplepost but holy shit>How compatible is strasserism with transgenderism?uh yeah this kid is definitely a minor, a very edgy one at that
No. 279207
File: 1534024426065.jpeg (87.63 KB, 960x763, 82e_screenshot20180809at62309p…)

>A 35-year-old woman who killed a friend who had given her a place to stay at his apartment near downtown Portland was sentenced Thursday to 18 years in prison.
No. 279248
File: 1534034470702.jpg (299.1 KB, 1228x1024, o29ql3t96ui01.jpg)

No. 279250
>>278554Making a good case for not using people's preferred pronouns there.
>addresses as she>erection>this is not a fetishGetting children on board with sexual fetishes is also extremely cool, see: Adding it to the curriculum
No. 279251
File: 1534034750826.jpg (284.89 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_p0ix18jd8f1vud0two1_128…)

>trannies in a nutshell
No. 279284
File: 1534047296396.png (42.54 KB, 890x121, Screen Shot 2018-08-12 at 2.05…)

"panties" GAG
could he not have just said "when I go to the bathroom"
No. 279319
File: 1534067572838.png (214.61 KB, 727x328, suicide-ideation.png)

>>279313It is quite low. All the statistics I’ve seen, including those from pro-trans websites, indicate that trans people are no more likely to be victims of murder than “cis” people. The only group of trans people in any significant danger are those working as prostitutes, but they’re still proportionally less likely to be murdered than “cis” women working as prostitutes. Most harm that comes to trans people is self-inflicted and even that is exaggerated:
>>>279316These incel types don’t register the existence of unpopular, unattractive or lonely women. All they see are the popular “Stacies”, meaning that all women must be Stacies, meaning that if he were a girl he’d be a popular Stacy too. He's delusional.
No. 279388
>>279309It’s crazy how at no point do these guys ever consider just being a FRIEND of a woman they admire. Unlike an actual normal woman or a sexually secure man, they never look at a girl and think “Wow, she is really cool and would be probably be a great person to learn from. I’d like to get to know her.” They only go from two extremes of obsession or wanting to completely possess her. It’s so frightening that we are expected to somehow feel sorry for these guys or embrace them when they can’t even see us as equal human beings in the first place.
And lol at his checklist of what boys can’t do. He knows those are not things that anyone would consider just for girls. People would just assume he is homosexual, but he can’t have that! Better to risk your health, mental and financial stability by rearranging your body and spend the rest of your life injecting hormones.
No. 279394
high power conservatives are using the trans narrative to convert gay/gay leaning children, and liberals are buying into it without realizing. while conversely, conservative parents don't realize trans therapy is the same as electro therapy for gay kids.
No. 279395
>>279309Right, because gorgeous, popular girls are totally super nice to everyone…
This fucking autogynephile idiot has no idea what women are like. If he’d been born a girl he’d be a whiny, creepy and unpopular girl, fuck
>>279310It’s a lack of foresight because if this loser did/does transition then he’s looking at a lifetime of rejection, anyways.
No. 279397
>>279394I’m genuinely onboard with this conspiracy theory tbh. Look at how TRAs will celebrate Iran for allowing sex change surgeries (they only do this to essentially rid themselves of homos)
As a lesbian I just wanna scream. Like god damn, just let kids be gay
No. 279411
>>279393Friendly reminder that sexual and reproductive health education is literally transphobic UnU
>>279394>>279397I agree that this is the case for at least a subset of the trans movement, who view gender conforming trans people as preferable to gnc gay people. Note how they also love to bring up the concept of the “third gender” in certain cultures, when the majority of the time this refers to gay men and boys forced into a traditionally feminine societal role because hey, it’s not as gay when he looks like a woman! So progressive.
No. 279428
File: 1534092289817.jpeg (74.65 KB, 744x970, DkaEdBMW0AEQEJt.jpeg)

>it's not about sex !!11
No. 279431
File: 1534093259591.jpg (10.06 KB, 275x206, 1532194050398.jpg)

>tfw you're a lesbian so you don't have to fear that your bf/husband becomes a troon
Feels good
No. 279496
File: 1534107650891.jpg (Spoiler Image,204.04 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Phalloplasty-Artificial_…)

I know trans women are worse and more prejusicial to us but I don't want to pretend this weird tube of meat is anything close to a dick either.
No. 279539
File: 1534112839284.jpg (Spoiler Image,258.48 KB, 960x960, nBDvc9peqBacMz8JbKOEG4EocUVOx0…)

>>279497No, according to
>Q: Can you get erections?>A: With phalloplasty you unfortunately cannot get natural erections, instead you get an erectile device. Either the inflatable pump (most common and also used with cis men) or the malleable rod. The pump involves a reservoir of liquid placed in your abdomen at stage 2, connected to a pump which doubles as your second testicle. When you squeeze this it inflates cylinders in the your penis which makes it erect. You then deflate it with a button at the top of your ball afterwards.>With metoidioplasty you will get natural erections as it is your original anatomy.If you're wondering what metoidioplasty is (because I was):
>Testosterone replacement therapy gradually enlarges the clitoris to an average size of 4–5 cm (1.6–2 in) (as the clitoris and the penis are developmentally homologous). In a metoidioplasty, a surgeon separates the enlarged clitoris from the labia minora, and severs its suspensory ligament in order to lower it to the approximate position of the penis. So, on testosterone the clitoris actually enlarges and can get pretty big when erect. Looks really weird. Better than having a meat tube, though.
Couldn't find a good picture of someone with metoidioplasty, but pic related is a pretty large non-OP example from (nsfw)
>Flaccid/ Erect 3 inches and 4yrs on TOP says in the comment she didn't have any surgeries, it's just testosterone.
No. 279551
>>279547First picture could pass mostly as 'normal' clit abet a big one.
I agree the later images don't look exactly like a clit because that's what happens when you take T. Doesn't look like a dick though either. Not even in the last image and especially if that's supposed to be it 'hard'.
No. 279566
File: 1534115788068.jpg (88.8 KB, 1200x623, DeDrU8oV0AAZFhP.jpg)

>>279496im sorry but this pic made me laugh so much, its so fucking…… smooth… idek
No. 279747
File: 1534152567254.png (233.49 KB, 1428x1146, c.png) (a male "lesbian", of course) is pissed he got banned on Tinder and blames it on transphobes and not the fact that he didn't use a picture of his face as a profile picture. At least people call him out.
No. 279756
File: 1534154877183.jpg (311.61 KB, 1944x2592, ud5JJ3O.jpg)>Recently starting posting pics on a trans discord server after about half a year of being too exbaressed, and got kind of, a suspiciously positive resonce. "you're pretty cute", "you're well on your way there", stuff like that.>I feel like they're just sugarcoating it but I don't know how much of that is true and how much is just my severe self-image issues.God, his place looks disgusting and I bet he smells awful. He looks exactly like I picture most trans weebs to be. But honestly I do kind of feel sorry for him, I mean a human can't possibly look this unfortunate without having some major mental illness, right?
No. 279781
File: 1534169818671.png (84.56 KB, 488x588, haqiuqc2uhe11.png)

>if you start reading terf posts, you'll agree with them
It's like they understand that they are wrong, but they still reject the truth even if it's in their face.
No. 279823
>>279781I’ve said this before but it’s such a cult mentality. Disconnect from everyone that disagrees with our narrative! Shun the suppressive persons! They are unclean and will taint your woldview with facts, so ignore everything they have to say,
especially if it makes sense!
And here
>>279756>one of us one of us one of usHe doesn’t look female whatsoever but they’ll blow smoke up his ass until he thinks he does, because misery loves company and the trans cult can always use more adherents.
No. 279839
File: 1534181873730.jpg (62.71 KB, 750x736, g89iek66uae11.jpg) is this picture controversial in a FEMINISM subreddit?
Top comments:
>Agreed, but doing any of those things doesn't make them any less of a woman if they feel good about doing it. [+269]
>"have a vagina">It's important to note that feminism includes all women. [+83]
>this includes trans women btw [+48]This is the state of feminism in 2018.
No. 279857
File: 1534185478692.png (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 1920x1080, 1534106251447.png)

Thank god someone on 4chan finally compiled this AGP cow so I didn't have to expose myself to all of his posts again. Warning: gross.
No. 279869
>>279490>Implying it’ll make them look bad.>Not the lesbians who look badHuh, if you refuse to date a transbian, you’re transphobic and apparently a TERF. didn’t you know, anon?
You MUST validate them by dating them.
No. 279882
>>279859That's the kind of effort into appearance that males are incapable of understanding because it's never expected of them so they don't know it even exists.
Take a look at most trannies, they never ever ever
try to look good. They try to look "female", which means dress (/skirt/seifuku/whatever the girls they're envious of wear), lipstick, long hair, painted nails PERIOD. They don't try to look
good or even think for one second about what will look good
on them. They focus on what they think looks good on women and when it doesn't suit them they just further blame their male bodies and brand "being aware of the fact they look like shit" as "dysphoria".
Men can and sometimes do look good and pull off women's clothes and feminine presentation, but trannies hardly ever do because they're already in a "it's a body that's wrong" mindset, they can't possibly try to work with instead of against their bodies.
If they were female they still would be one those women with extreme cases of plastic surgery addiction, always thinking their breasts are too small, waist too big, hips not round enough, etc. That's why they think FFS and fake boobs are ~life saving~ while a ton of actual women with flat chests and manfaces just fucking deal with it.
No. 279959
File: 1534204357032.png (88.63 KB, 880x1744, jnq0ghnx9nf11.png)

Found on r/creepypms
Apparently this is how a mtf catgirl reacts to HRT
No. 279962
>>279950usually girls in the fashion who dress hilariously poorly. some of them try to fix it, but most of them just go off and bitch and moan about how mean everyone is and that they are actual lolitas because they feel like they are, and they like certain hobbies so they don't need to dress a certain way to be in the fashion. a lot of them are crossdressing men too with kinks who try to act victimized when you give them criticism at all. they never research anything and just come into the fashion expecting everyone to be nice and not say anything.
i just thought it seems similar atleast to how trans people act on a surface level.
No. 279973
File: 1534206971559.png (176.5 KB, 1502x676, i.png)

i am a straight man and i feel like i don't fit in the lesbian community help
No. 279979
>>279973>I like big knockersBecause that's how women talk about other women.
>I have weird kinksNo fucking surprise some man wants to invade all female space to do some shitty futa trap fantasies with normal lesbians who want nothing to do with penises and fully male bodies.
No. 279988
>>279978there's already a community of people who have detransitioned because they realized they were living a lie. Just look up "detransition" on tumblr and you'll find many blogs and experiences.
I'm sure coming to terms with the fact that you spent years chasing a delusion is very hard, especially if you've changed your body to something that looks neither like the biological sex you wanted to be nor quite like the one you started as, but people do it and it shows a hell of a lot of strength and integrity. I'd rather have that and just be kind of weird looking for my sex than trying to beat down the part of my brain that knows better until i wind up debilitated with delusion and fear of truth.
No. 279997
>>277182well, personally i don't think this example passes all that well, just looks like a lot of butches, but in general i think it's just because it's easier to add masculine features than to take them away. if you're a woman and you take test and hgh you'll gain body hair, your hairline might recede, you'll gain more muscle density, if you take hgh you can even experience bone growth that'll make your skull more masculine and your voice deeper.
Ftms have most or all of those things already and they have to find ways to attempt to reverse them. Taking estrogen isn't going to shrink your bone structure or make your body hair fall out.
No. 280061
File: 1534221927347.jpg (340.57 KB, 573x1849, 7596846632584.jpg)

No. 280110
File: 1534232289314.jpg (21 KB, 500x196, troons is the same.jpg)

Here that ladies? You can either be a woman or a human being, but not both.
But also-if you are a transwoman and do any of this this you are no longer female, imagine your own body being transphobic against you kek
No. 280163
>>280112Where can I buy these anime cakes?
Women poop rainbow glitter, any other stories are just vicious rumours
No. 280365
>>280300Christ on a cracker.
As if it makes a difference.
No. 280404
File: 1534289673703.jpeg (60.57 KB, 540x519, DjrrxcZUcAAq0mH.jpeg)

A thread of protest signs from Pride celebrations around the world. No. 280406
>>280399>not being attracted to immigrants, children of blue-collar workers or survivors of cancerEven these stupid hypothetical strawman preferences that no one actually has wouldn't make a woman morally bankrupt ffs. you're allowed to not want to fuck someone for ANY reason. any! if it's a seemingly petty or shallow reason you might hurt someone's feelings, but in that case you just don't get with them and you don't get into the details of why.
Even if a woman only wanted to date rich, white, perfectly healthy, happy childhood having, old money chads, that wouldn't make her fucking morally bankrupt like this asshole is implying. Having very superficial and shallow standards for your partner might not be very healthy, but that doesn't make it an
ethical dilemma. You owe no one consideration for something as intimate and personal as sex.
Treating someone like shit because they're an immigrant, blue-collar, or a cancer-survivor makes you an asshole. Not being attracted to someone for those or any reason, however weird and petty it may be, is your fucking business and doesn't make you evil.
Incels aren't assholes because they only like stacies above their league, they're assholes because of their entitled attitude and how they lash out at women in general when they get rejected. Their ambitious preference isn't some kind of great crime against ugly girls though.
I know this seems redundant but I can see what these fucking manipulators are doing. They're trying to fight back against the mass disgust at cotton ceiling rhetoric by going "OK i know you think it's rapey to say girls are evil for not being attracted to troons…but would you concede…that a girl would be evil if she wasn't attracted to someone with CANCER uwu" No. I don't concede that. That's not a fucking gotcha. Girls don't need any more guilt and shame for their preferences. Being shallow is not a moral failure.
No. 280407
File: 1534290331339.jpeg (91.39 KB, 540x540, Djrr62JU0AArWTp.jpeg)

>>280399>>280406Sexual orientation is based on
sex. That's all that should need be said.
No. 280408
>>280407not even that. it's just so obvious butthurt when people complain about this, like why would you even
want to fuck them if you think they're a biggoted asshole? oh right, because you don't care, it's just a tactic to scare people into fucking you.
No. 280412
>>280408i remember having a very common experience when i was growing up and insecure where i felt embarrassed about even
liking a cute guy because i figured he wouldn't like me because i was too chubby or awkward or just not his type. not saying this is a healthy attitude but it shows that we actually care about if someone we like would actually like being with us. for these assholes? no problem if you can just guilt trip your crush into quietly putting up with you. nevermind actual enthusiastic mutual attraction. anyone who thinks this is a leech who sees other people as simply resources to be utilized in the name of their insatiable appetite for validation. it really puts the A in AGP.
No. 280424
File: 1534293488360.jpg (154.98 KB, 1280x720, sad.jpg)

Not even Chads are safe
No. 280557
File: 1534327041186.jpg (177.75 KB, 960x960, ew.jpg)

>>280424You aren't wrong, anon. This is another pic from Reddit, /r/progresspics to be exact. One thing I'm noticing about the trannies on progresspics trannies, is that they usually distort their face or use specific angles where you can't really see them. Look at "Chadette's" oh so feminine thighs.
No. 280568
File: 1534330909303.jpg (174.41 KB, 1536x1536, 4rznbknsa4g11.jpg)

Apparently female domestic slave is a kink in troons eyes. Wonderful.
No. 280584
>>280406Very well said.
At the end of the day, lesbians don't want penis or fake vagina or men and if you want those things I would dare say you aren't really even a lesbian. Probably something more like bi but with a strict preference for femme presenting.
No. 280586
>>280568What a fucking asshole this guy is.
>as a transgender girl I feel I should be able to comment on thisI wish they’d keep their traps shut. They think they can speak for actual women about anything. Really, wtf does he know? How to put on lip gloss? Congratulations, so can a fucking chimp.
You will never have a uterus and you will never have a female brain.
No. 280626
>>280399They're incels, plain and simple. Transactivists are just MRAs in a wig that are so fucking stupid and blinded by their own dicks that prefer to spend their days betaraging at women who don't want their "girldicks" or gaping wounds instead of, you know, directing that rage to other men who are actually the ones killing them. But they're betas and incels, so of course sex is the priority and they won't challenge someone who can beat their ass.
The funniest delusion of troons is the "Vagina fetishists" one… lmao. I could tell a man and a woman apart with my eyes closed, I wouldn't even need to feel tits or genitalia. Bone structure, muscle structure, voice, even skin texture… there are just so many things that differentiate a man from a woman, and no surgery will ever change that.
No. 280682
>>280260If someone were to ask me if I would date a a trans woman, I wonder how they would react if I bluntly said “If she was cute and not an emotional vampire.” ? This eliminates the vast majority of trans women but is this not an acceptable answer? It’s not blatantly anti-trans. Would it throw them off or make them angrier because “All trans women are goddesses”? Is it discriminatory to not want to date an ugly, slovenly or immature narcissist? Take genitalia and general unattractiveness out of the equation and you still have a group of people with a fuck ton of emotional and medical demands that is disproportionately higher than the “cis” population. Why should I go out of my way to date them rather than peacefully let them be with people who do want to be with them?
I’m sorry if this has been posted already but this is one of the most horrifying collection of TRA screenshots I have ever seen! couldn’t get even a quarter of the way through all of these without being overtaken by a terrifying, suffocating feeling of dread. I can’t believe THIS is the face of mainstream Western feminism. Giving Males the ultimate power to define “woman” and “lesbian”. So many posts saying that lesbian women who do not date pre-op trans women are not real lesbians because “Lesbians are attracted to all women, regardless of anatomy!” So WHAT the fuck is a woman to them then? Simply a pronoun?
No. 280718
>>280586Brain sex is not a thing, anon.
What he will never have is the lifelong experience of being treated as inferior based on his sex which is why he has no business commenting.
No. 280724
>>280718>>280716I’m trying to say whatever it is that makes us not fucking crazy and them crazy enoughbto chop off a body part for ferish reasons.
I just don’t know how to say it. Apologies!
No. 280767
File: 1534364608792.png (38.96 KB, 768x582, debating-with-libfems-4.png)

Does anyone have any resources that should be added to the list in the next OP?
Should we include more Youtubers such as Ally Missandry and Peachyoghurt?
No. 280775
>>280716(Off topic)
Can you elaborate on how they are different, but how this is not inherent of sex? Are you saying it's PURELY social? If that's true, why are guys so much more likely to be autistic or low levels of empathy? I'm genuinely asking to be educated here because I've always assumed there is at least some of level of biological difference in either the brain itself or how a guy/girl use their brain.
No. 280779
File: 1534365751861.jpeg (143.87 KB, 828x554, DjzEtEPUwAAuUiT.jpeg)

>>280682You are not obligated to explain, let alone justify, why you will not date TiMs. Framing your lack of attraction in terms of personality traits rather than the fact that they are men is compromising your identity. Stay strong, anon!
No. 280822
>>280805Maybe it depends on the weight you give it yourself.
Like a complete nazi who believes fully in nazi ideology doesn't care about being called a nazi, because to them there's nothing wrong with it, but someone that still has one foot in anti-nazi society is going to be hurt by the name because of the ideological friction.
I have terfy leanings but as mostly a sjw it hurts to hear. It feels like I'm being put on the same level as paedo or nazi so I try to hide my terf ways. A full terf wouldn't give a fuck.
No. 280826
>>280775that too is mostly social, women are less likely to be diagnosed for autism even if they have it. most men with autism have high functioning autism, same with women, but many people just see the same signs in women as them being ditsy or naive, cause it's cute for women to be like that, but not for men.
with empathy it has to do with how we're raised. especially with boys they're both allowed to be little shits, and expected to not fuss over anything and being emotional is discouraged at a younger age. with girls they're expected to behave but also expected to be super emotional, so it's encouraged. humans are kind of a mess.
No. 280846
>>280775your brain is not isolated from influence from the rest of your body. hormones created by your reproductive organs influence your thoughts, moods, and desires.
the structural differences in bodies themselves can even send different signals to the brain, creating subtle changes to reaction time, motor skills, stamina, energy, sensuality, etc, which all create subtle changes in how you think of yourself and how you're compelled to behave. But like others have said, the brains themselves are not sexually dimorphous. The sexual dimorphism of the rest of the body, along with socialization, influences what goes on in the brain, though.
No. 280851
>>280805TERF is a misnomer. Gender critical feminism does not exclude TiFs. Feminism, by definition, excludes men.
Third wave liberal choice feminism has allowed TiM to identify as women and claim feminism.
No. 280853
>>280805i wouldnt necessarily use the word slur but it's definitely an insult, misnomer, and a silencing tactic, like other anons said. any woman who has anything close to gender critical opinions gets branded as one.
plenty of gencrit people don't have anything to do with radical feminism.
plenty of radical feminists like and otherwise support trans women, they just don't pretend they're female. they still get called terfs.
plenty of lesbians don't feel any particular way about either radical feminism or gender crit, they just dont want to sleep with anyone not female, so they get called terfs.
If terf was only used to describe those few individuals who both identify as radfems and openly dislike trans women, i wouldn't care, but that's not how it is and it's deceptive and manipulative.
No. 281036
File: 1534413493684.png (64.46 KB, 500x280, disgusting troon.png)

>b-but twanswomen need our support they are THE MOST OPPRESSED!!!!
No. 281052
File: 1534416450261.jpg (81.03 KB, 750x1334, wrzpkvomh5g11.jpg)

This creeps me out. It looks like a tranny slenderman.
No. 281062
File: 1534418211795.png (34.9 KB, 503x179, w.png)

>>280682The images in that link, what a fucking state that feminism and LGBT rights have become in this day and age. Fuck lesbians right? They should just take girlcocks, they're GIRL cocks.
No. 281191
File: 1534431367462.jpeg (112.41 KB, 750x555, 01BEC095-B941-4202-9060-7D75DF…)

(1/2) TeRfS are pro tranny shooting?! What could they have possibly said to evoke this responce?
No. 281193
File: 1534431447559.jpeg (155.01 KB, 951x915, 46A85E08-00A0-45A6-A8E2-258143…)

(2/2) oh, they just stated the truth that a Troon was retracting facts to sensationalise something for their agenda.
No. 281199
File: 1534432356761.jpeg (99.95 KB, 750x294, 29413C28-C6FE-48D0-A675-1AE5FC…)

Pic related from:>Trent Anthony Buffer, 35, was arrested three years ago after a woman visiting a Kangaroo gas station restroom saw his face pressed to the cracks in the door. Northport Police released released surveillance photos of Buffer running from the store after the woman screamed, and eventually captured him with help from the public. He's now accused of hiding in another gas station bathroom and exposing himself to a female employee who was mopping.Not to mention all the times cameras have been found in public restrooms, put there by men. Imagine if they can just walk in with a wig and 1) place cameras easier 2) spy in person 3) record with their phones and shit.
No. 281248
File: 1534441181588.png (409.76 KB, 1346x1300, umbreon the identitarian.png)

>>277892>>277907tell them that according to their logic Umbreon is now representative of a hate group
No. 281266
>>281199Well, according to the current narrative it’s transphobic to expect trans people to even attempt to pass at all, so a straight cis guy could stroll right into a woman’s bathroom looking 100% male and it would still be transphobic to think he’s cis. Voyeurs don’t even have to try anymore. And if he really thinks fetishists won’t put their pride aside for two seconds to get their jollies he clearly doesn’t know anything about them.
Oh, who am I kidding? He probably is one of them.
No. 281271
>>281266plus not all predators believe women are inferior to
them specifically.
for example, some men believe that women are inferior to men, but they have inferiority complexes themselves, so they think that their place is to be among the inferior women. oh wait!
No. 281320
>>280716>this isn't a thing, stop trying to make it a thing. males and females differ in many many ways but this shit is not one of them.male and female brains
are different, but troons don't have the brains opposite of their sex and the difference doesn't even matter except in 1% of situations like if you're trying to play a competitive twitch shooter.
No. 281423
File: 1534471458597.png (404.02 KB, 499x593, 1534468266851.png)

>Women giving birth: 99.375% success rate
>Men giving birth: 100% success rate (zero documented stillbirths in history)
Reminder that we're replacing you cishet females at the only thing you are good at.
No. 281429
File: 1534473585628.jpeg (613.46 KB, 1665x2394, 8563F38F-E470-432A-99B9-BA50A6…)

Simply epic!
Does this person know how social interactions work? All trans comics are like this.