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No. 848981
Instagram: [sw twitter]
>Formerly known as angelhair1996, howl1996, junkhun, funeralhome420 and Lunakittenxxx (to name but a few)>25 year old heroin addict, scammer, liar, thief, and on-and-off “sex worker”>Has overdosed thrice>Begs people for money online to buy drugs under the guise of it being for food/medication/rent/necessities>Refuses to get a job or do anything productive besides shitty art and poetry>Has every self-diagnosed mental/physical illness under the sun>Started dating her (now 42) year old “fiancé” (hereby known as Lurch) before she turned 18, calls him “daddy”. They’ve been together now for 7 years>has a following of impressionable young girls who she has convinced to “help” her during this “tough time” in her life>Romanticises the hell out of her addiction but rants on the internet how vile it is to do so>”I’m not trying to be Courtney Love!”>Tries to be exactly like Courtney Love>Loves to share her grimy life on the internet, including awful photos of her cats laying in filth and used needles, unwashed clothes, etc>Constantly buys cheap shit on Amazon while complaining about being penniless>Milks her ex-gf’s suicide for struggle pointsHistorical Milk
>Squandered a large inheritance from her grandmother within a year and lost the property she also inherited because she didn’t pay tax on it>Claims her mother “stole” her inheritance money from her (she possibly used the inheritance to pay her mother’s rent and considers that “stealing”)>Exploited Roger (Lurch’s sick dad) by squatting in his apartment and leeching off his social security until he died. They were soon evicted because they couldn’t pay rent>Luna and Lurch then move in with her ex-addict mother in her one-bedroom poverty home, ultimately drives her mother to relapse and go to inpatient >>795390>Her dad's apartment caught on fire; Luna spreads ashes on her faceSex Worker Saga
>Then began a “sex work” career, taking grimy nudes and videos and selling them through twitter for drug money, looking more and more dead in every photo>Made premade videos, one is called PEE DRINK >>730829>Anon leaks a ‘commission’ video where Luna calls her dad and says she’s got a stable job, then takes her dress off and masturbates for the camera. Dad sounds supportive and happy for her as she uses him to get someone else’s humiliation fetish rocks off >>758647 WARNING: SAD AS FUCK >>758661>SW CAREER IS OVER >>760386>“Online acquaintance” of Luna’s turns up after being sent the dad video >>761016, insinuates Luna has sold videos of her shooting up in her legs via her SW twitter. Shares screencap, looks like necrosis waiting to happen >>761037>Returns to sex work >>805775, >>810203 >A year later, anon drops “lurch gyrating Luna’s ass” and “full intercourse” vids that they bought but didn’t leak at the time: >>811491, >>811554Eviction/Sobriety Saga
>LUNA AND LURCH ARE GETTING EVICTED >>802600, >>810637 >Luna uploads a video where her and Lurch yell at a social worker >>811724 >Electricity gets shut off >>813209 and Luna continues to refer to the owner of the apartment as "her landlord" despite admitting on facebook that they're not supposed to be there >>813354>EVIL TOXIC MOM arc turns into THE MHA GASLIT MY MOM, A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN arc >>813340>The apartment door lock has broken, Luna and lurch build sad little barricades >>816475, >>815981>The cops pay a visit >>813338 and find drugs, paraphernalia and a knife. Charges are filed against Lurch >>819990, >>822424, >>824442>As a result, Lurch now has to submit drug tests on the reg, and Luna allegedly actually detoxes from heroin (while still using methadone and/or weed, other opiates and/or benzos) >>821718, >>822657, >>823499, >>823823, >>824260>Luna keeps claiming to be sober >>824858, >>825465, >>827008 despite still taking fucking Xanax >>825462>”Abusive” dad relapses >>825466, is “dying” >>825993, >>826190, Meanwhile, Luna says it’s a “slap in the face” that her mother dares to be high around her >>826257>Freaks out incessantly on Reddit about her and Lurch’s stimmy checks as it’s clearly their own income>Luna and Lurch are attacked by neighbor’s pitbulls totally not while stealing >>831109Assault Saga/Last Thread's Milk
>Luna claims to have been raped by a stranger in her building >>840784, >>840941 Anons infight about whether or not she's telling the whole truth>Buys more cheap clothes and posts selfies while claiming she hates her body/blames herself/needs validation/whatever, just a few examples >>841690, >>841703, >>841769, >>842149>Reports the rape to the police >>841832, >>841834, It seems to go quite well>Seemingly friends again with @rlyblonde >>841987>Joins an taxpayer-funded outpatient program >>842284, complains all the weed addicts there don't know tr00 addiction or pain like she does >>842612>Gushes over new psychiatrist, is finally "officially" diagnosed with BPD >>842775>Goes to group therapy in a bra top >>843503 and complains about being sent home >>843715>Police now don't entirely believe her rape story >>843957, now suspect her of submitting a falsified statement>Posts a new picture of her FILTHY home >>844132>Continues to complain about her outpatient program not being exactly how she wants it to be when she can't even self-police her own addiction >>844376>Posts a block of text about her addiction >>844453, tldr medication is the one solution and nothing is her fault>ANOTHER block of text >>844584, tldr I was such a gifted child waaah and now I won't put in the minimum effort at therapy to get better>AND ANOTHER this time about her dad being mean to her >>844964>And another about how much her childhood sucked >>845670, and how about how everyone who does drugs is an awful person but SHE'S just a victim>Posts about self-harming >>845732, and is OFFENDED when someone calls a wellness check on her >>845746, >>845759>Posts a picture of her stolen copy of Marx's writings >>845778, Farmers make fun of her for seemingly not knowing the difference between Capital and the Communist Manifesto, she then makes it EXTREMELY obvious she lurks by posting a clarification about the book >>845838>WE ARE ACKNOWLEDGED >>845847, Luna posts a speech scolding farmers and asking them to leave her alone, swears to never blog about her life again>Promptly returns to blogging about her life again >>846062>Seems to finally cut off contact with her credit card I mean dad >>845878, >>845887>Luna gets psych warded >>846413, Calls it the "worst day of her life" but not explaining why, posts unsettling selfies with her ekg stickers still on >>846458>Seems to be police-related >>847120, Current theory is she lost her shit when she took all of her klonopin and psych wouldn't give her morePREVIOUS THREADS:
twenty one
>>>/pt/574429twenty two
>>>/pt/591749twenty three
>>>/pt/619612twenty four
>>>/pt/657873twenty five
>>>/pt/689217twenty six
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>>>/pt/767687twenty eight
>>>/pt/795757twenty nine
>>>/pt/824552thirty one
>>>/pt/832421thirty two
>>>/pt/841646 No. 849005
File: 1628712517557.png (269.49 KB, 1181x2111, screencapture-reddit-user-fune…)

>>849003She's deep in that Chris Chan lore lmfao
No. 849017
>>849000I also expect with her BPD she is "punishing" her followers/farmers for the most traumatic thing ever police visit & hospital trip a few days later. That's why she threatened to stop posting she wants people to say "Nooo don't go bb!" And fakeboi did kek.
But her need for validation will outweigh her need to punish fairly soon.
No. 849030
>>849026nearly fucking pissed myself
>>849018yes newfriend. put "sage" in the email field and type away
No. 849299
File: 1628962535472.png (67.76 KB, 674x184, haiti.png)

luna's at it again ladies
No. 849341
File: 1628985587967.png (60.69 KB, 1072x585, luna.png)

No. 849390
File: 1629038436016.png (48.11 KB, 820x332, luna.png)

No. 849404
File: 1629043312715.png (14.17 KB, 630x136, delusion.png)

heres a good lol tho
No. 849543
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No. 849544
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No. 849545
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No. 849627
>>849545>>>feeling down on my appearanceyou should
>>>i'll probably delete this cos i feel grossyou didn't have to post it in the first place. there's still time to delete. what happened to hiding your body? nobody needs to see your disheveled ass to know that you're alive. the picture of your nails would have sufficed you attention starved scum
No. 849731
>>849685I don't even think the entire Olaplex line would fix what she's done to that dry straw she calls hair.
And Luna doesn't deserve shit from her sImPs aka people who pity her.
She's better off cutting that mess off her head and starting over instead of waiting for someone to come save the day like she always does. Usually daddy is the only one that comes through for her, yet she still posts that "some guy" or a "fan" bought her something.
No. 849737
File: 1629311855644.png (41.14 KB, 719x311, Struggle.png)

No. 850082
File: 1629498664419.png (764.69 KB, 614x558, lurch.png)

Sage for ot
No. 850196
File: 1629557507339.jpeg (143.94 KB, 828x1262, 7A99B02C-B78B-4471-85D3-0FA4ED…)

>>850135She does but doesn’t post on it
No. 850332
File: 1629659876582.png (15.1 KB, 833x212, actual decent clothes.png)

No. 850407
File: 1629751207409.jpeg (611.25 KB, 1241x2281, CC511F71-C092-47B0-BD2C-280BF9…)

Kek looks like she finally cut off some of the straw she calls her hair shame she won't post a pic, it must be really bad, also setting up for begging for more clothes considering she most definitely has plenty of "summer clothes"
No. 850408
File: 1629751343120.jpeg (259.77 KB, 1242x1696, 950CE344-8A7B-4657-A6BD-3C16D0…)

>>850407Samefag but unless this is an old pic she really hasn't cut like anything off so that's not gonna do a damn thing, filter working overtime and it looks like her cat has inherited her lazy eye here kek
No. 850429
File: 1629777784467.jpeg (277.71 KB, 828x906, D9C6B8FC-1F61-4DAE-9AB9-89F01B…)

No. 850491
>>850488This sounds accurate.
Although you get 1 free early refill a year through Medicaid, controlled meds require a new RX and don't stay on file to be automatically filled every month like most meds. She was definitely feeling antisocial due to having to wait to reup with the doctor.
No. 850567
>>850545It's the only way she can keep it near her for a pic because I'm sure it's trying to get away from her
toxic sweat stench and desperate vibes.
No. 850570
File: 1629838468675.jpeg (534 KB, 2048x2048, 236380D6-7C54-482E-ACDA-5BB255…)

>>850545Poor pumpkin. She’s going to hurt him holding him like this when he clearly doesn’t want to be held
No. 850672
File: 1629888441102.jpeg (1.42 MB, 3464x3464, 8B4A0BC7-E7E5-4387-92E2-C033E6…)

>>850623Kek she's unreal what's she gonna do with all this useless shit when she's out on the streets
No. 850673
File: 1629888503076.jpeg (326.45 KB, 1242x2082, 732E0AAE-E1AB-4F80-BC33-76E723…)

Samefag but a whole bunch of shit off etsy too what a joke the bitch doesn't even shower anyway
No. 850718
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No. 850723
File: 1629909727182.jpeg (537.5 KB, 828x1265, 29BDFAB4-ECAB-4BA5-AFC2-E4D5C5…)

>>850718The guy who commented, looks like Luna made the first move
No. 850838
File: 1629983428811.jpg (216.06 KB, 720x1098, Um what.jpg)

I take it she was selling coochie and the John stole her slippers???
No. 850839
>>850718Dressing like an elementary school kid when you're an overweight woman in your mid 20s… what a lEwwKk.
And don't get your hopes up, Brat Michaels. Tuna is disgusted by sex and you'll be disgusted at what she looks like IRL without the filters. And there's A LOT more things about Tuna thst you'll find disgusting.
No. 850842
>>850770I truly don't think Lurch treats her like shit. I think she treats him shitty and when he responds in a similar way, she goes crying to the internet and makes it seem like she's soooo afraid and he called her names and made fun of her weight.
It's probably more like she was bitching and yelling at him and before he walked away, he muttered "Fat bitch." But Tuna will claim she didn't do anything to provoke him, just so her "fans" know she's innocent.
No. 850848
>>850844Okay but Lurch
is the bad guy
No. 850852
>>850848The worst. No way a junkie who groomed a young teen and keeps her in squalor isn't an
abusive monster. Shes stuck at home with no friends, mentally ill, lazy and has been gaining substantial weight. He went in for a fresh young teen and now that she's an adult with no loli features left, I'm sure he trashes her every chance he gets. All groomers need to use some sort of
abusive tactic to keep their subject submissive. Everyone needs to remember that
victims aren't always perfect or even good people for that matter.
No. 850857
>>850672vowed to never use shein again, but still uses forever 21 and amazon? girl they all use child labor and might even be from
the same factory
No. 850862
File: 1630000695378.jpeg (757.14 KB, 1241x2156, 67FF50B6-B6A2-46E3-9385-9B7D13…)

Of course she's looking for a new psych kek
No. 850876
>>850799Benefit from someone who can't fulfil any of her needs because … ?
>>850852Here we go again with luna the perfect
victim. Fuck off, fakeboi.
>>850862What a surprise she has no proof of the supposed job. Still, now she has gotten over The Big Sad and gone back to sex work because she desperately needed … shit from Shein kek, she at least has a fallback.
No. 850881
File: 1630012424092.jpg (298.57 KB, 1080x1970, Screenshot_20210826-160943_Tum…)

This is from a Tumblr video she just posted and idk what's going on with her teeth or why she would post them publicly like that, but they deadass startled me when she opened her mouth
No. 850882
>"two of my friends have died in the last month">aha no worriez i dont have to buy my stix i get them in a script uwu lolzshe seriously doesn't give a shit about anyone but herself. i think drug use fried any empathetic part of her brain. any normal person would at least acknowledge that loss or say sorry? even to someone as annoying (and whose probably lying) like fakeboi.
No. 850895
>>850803what fucking doctor prescribes 120 benzos to addicts? None.
Honestly who even prescribes sticks anymore in general. They've cracked down hard on that.
No. 850908
>>850876That's the thing, there are no perfect
victims. OP is right.
>>850882I haven't even noticed how rude was that, partially because I was surprised by more dead friends and probably I got used to Luna's selfish bs
No. 850959
File: 1630076304119.jpeg (529.86 KB, 828x1218, 000580DC-DF83-4353-ABE5-8DBB76…)

>>850956Meanwhile, she's scamming more trinkets out of the few braindead stans left.
No. 851054
File: 1630164693809.jpg (200.33 KB, 720x1192, new bio.jpg)

She deleted her last post in this sc, it was captioned something like "I got a job :)". Didn't screencap it because I was having a chuckle at her new bio.
No. 851069
>>851066Honestly? I thought the same about
>artist>writerShe barely touches something, barely has skills for it, and yet she presents it as a part of her identity. Does anyone know what I mean? I guess anyone can think they are a writer even if they casually write diary notes, but it looks like she considers herself a pro… at least that's how it feels to me when I see it in someone's instagram bio.
No. 851085
File: 1630199788665.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1772, Screenshot_20210828-210706~2.p…)

1. what in the fuck are her eyebrows
2. lol @ the wild Lurch spotted in the top right
No. 851095
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No. 851096
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No. 851097
File: 1630207009766.png (109.79 KB, 671x335, too young.png)

No. 851098
File: 1630207479194.jpg (100.28 KB, 511x960, tumblr_0ef7e7903d2c42d71dfec79…)

No. 851113
>>851096>I'm scared… I've never come out of a hair salon not cryingDoes she think it's possible to
ruin her current "haircut"? Like, does she think it's possible that she comes out of the salon with
worse hair than it already is? Ahahaha
No. 851133
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No. 851162
>>851137$100 dollars would be mates rates, your salon estimate is a lot closer to what I was thinking she’d need to fix it. I don’t know how different hairdressing is in America but yeah it’d take a few hundred quid at least to try rectify even a fraction of the damage done to her hair and to be even close to what she wants.
>>851145I thought that too but there’s just straight up gaps all over. Maybe she made the mistake of plucking them whilst off her chops.
No. 851192
File: 1630332313415.jpeg (134.82 KB, 750x1084, 880D27A6-70C5-47A9-B743-B56E9E…)

Why is this the only filter she uses? It looks retarded
No. 851228
File: 1630345893171.jpg (358.33 KB, 1080x1860, Screenshot_20210830_184845.jpg)

>>851132her "hand slipped" while shaving them apparently lmao
No. 851234
>>851228Her hand slipped? Repeatedly? On both brows?
>>851162 called it, bitch was strung out.
No. 851240
File: 1630351461868.jpeg (692.57 KB, 828x1420, 3A20E8F8-C4D1-4E10-977B-DF0DEF…)

>>851239she wore it to go thrift shopping for more tank tops
No. 851245
File: 1630353756335.jpg (95 KB, 600x791, a_ghost_with_a_big_nose_by_se_…)

>>851238I literally stared at this for a full minute before the apparition emerged, nightmare fuel. PT status: haunted
No. 851263
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No. 851264
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No. 851265
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No. 851308
File: 1630398136836.jpeg (319.27 KB, 1241x1708, DBB70B9E-4BF3-43CC-9221-A6A91B…)

Such a mess
No. 851347
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>>851313I’m gonna go with B. She’s so ungrateful
No. 851352
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No. 851359
File: 1630425755813.jpeg (9.72 KB, 221x228, pobrane (1).jpeg)

>>851352>pretty cherub like faceI do think she's cute, but cherub???
>muh empathyomfg, Luna's giving real Chris-chan vibes. I hope she's proud.
No. 851366
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Good luck. Westchester is expensive af
No. 851380
File: 1630436696896.png (51.88 KB, 818x506, doctors are fucked up.png)

No. 851382
>>851380wow i'm impressed - looks like she has started planning for when they're homeless! I mean it's the bare minimum but still surprising! I think if they do break up it'll take being homeless. Like on the street, poor sleep, can't really be comatose all the time type deal. Then again a lot of addicts don't care about doing that stuff in a half burnt down bando! But hey she's getting her wish right? Living the junkie life when she could be in a snazzy apt with her dad.
Also lmao she thought she could OD and the dr wouldn't realize what's up? Well good luck to her that's on her record for good now they know she's addicted. Tbh a bit crazy if she went cold turkey but I mean I don't think she has insurance. She could have drank to help that though it works on the same receptor in the same way.
No. 851388
>>851366No way she’s going to find a studio in Westchester for only $1200. It truly baffles me how out of touch she is with reality. Even if she was able to find a place, who would rent to her? She had the whole pandemic to get her shit together (ie apply for Section 8 housing, get a new ID, save up money by idk, getting a job?) and she wasted all that time playing video games and e-begging for plastic trinkets. I wouldn’t wish homelessness on anyone but it is hard to have sympathy for her. I wonder if she expects her father to take her in when she inevitably gets evicted? She said some really nasty things about him a month or two ago, it seems like they may not be speaking to each other anymore.
Anyway it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. The only one I feel bad for in this situation is her cat because we all know when it comes down to it she’ll abandon him there.
No. 851418
>>851410I mean she did tell fakeboi the eyeshadow was free (assumed stolen)… but she's so grimey that she may consider it free just because it was bought with someone elses (rlyblonde/s mom) money. And their money doesn't count, right?
Hilarious though if she filled out forms with all her info for her vaccine and then proceeded to steal from that same drugstore right after kek
No. 851421
>>851397Just like
>>851396 says, she doesn't want what San Francisco calls a Single Room Occupancy, where you get a room with no refrigerator, no kitchen, and you have to share a bathroom and sometimes a separate shower with the whole floor or 2 floors.
I like how she thinks she can get a 1 bedroom for $1200 when you can't even find a 1 bedroom in the rural parts of NJ for less than $1300, not including utilities.
No. 851433
File: 1630458996342.jpeg (2.19 MB, 3464x3464, 37694CDF-037D-498D-96E1-924BEB…)

Wonder where she read that post
No. 851437
File: 1630461030285.png (88.81 KB, 480x737, tumblrpost.png)

Tumblr too
No. 851452
>>851433Love how she likes to constantly call herself sober when she still abuses xannies that aren't even prescribed to her and literally just admitted that she buys klonopin bc her therapist cut her off.
I still don't believe she actually has a job… let alone a potential 2nd one.
No. 851475
>>851433kek @ "severe arm pain" from the vax
bitch just take some tylenol like the rest of us
No. 851505
>>851485lurch’s “job” (dealing) is why they don’t move
also she needs to be able to hit up rlyblonde and her mum for shopping sprees, not to mention getting her own parents’ pills on the reg
No. 851513
>>851485Fair, if she wanted to live in bumfuck anywhere she could probably manage and find a job/rental. She has almost no stuff worth saving to move. I think the issue is that neither of them have a car and they need their easy marks to scam from. Lurch is such a mystery, who knows why he stays in NY.
>>851366Glad to see she at least lurked long enough to realize she needs to move now.
No. 851516
>>851513Lurch may be a gross grooming, drug dealing creep, but he has the street smarts and survival instincts of a cockroach. Cockroaches live the city because of the ample opportunities to take advantage of. Same with Lurch. Dealing, stealing, etc is all made easier by more marks and greater anonymity.
If they moved to a medium sized city or small town, they would be known and labeled fairly quickly by locals and local law enforcement. In NYC they are just a small drop in the grimey, drug addicted, unwashed masses. Along with more social services, easily accessible liquid handcuffs and public transportation. I don't know if he could survive outside of his natural junkie crusty habitat.
No. 851547
>>851505>>851516They're not far from Philly and can easily move there and pay much less if Lurch wanted to go back to middle-manning. He never was a dealer. That would require the funds for him to pay up front for a larger quantity of dope and cut it with fillers or fentanyl. Which he never did. He just used to middle man dope for out of towners for a kick down (when someone breaks you off some dope). He can do that in Kensington in Philly if it really was about dealing.
Tuna just wants to keep mooching off Dad and rlyblonde's mom. I guarantee Lurch isn't begging to stay outside of a city when there's hardly any hustle opportunities there.
No. 851578
>>851433Why is she so quick to assume the people talking about her have never been addicts? Is she the only one in existence?? Because someone is or was an addict then they would automatically feel bad and have sympathy for her?
Tuna people react the way they do to you because you're a gross person who is Willing to fuck EVERYONE over. Remember when Roger was dying and his friend brought over blankets for him that you immediately took. Kicked your mom out of her bedroom, squatted in her house for over a year before getting her kicked out and saying she's an old addict who doesn't deserve help? The list goes on.
No. 851657
>>851578I mean, you see it in every sober meeting in the world, regardless of what the organisation is. barely-sober addicts who come in and cry and cry about how sad their life is, and then get furious when they aren't treated like special unicorns. clearly it cannot be because the other sober people recognise an overgrown child who refuses to take responsibility, but because those people just DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIIIIKE
if she never honestly owns up to all the shit she's fucked up, she's never gonna get better. it's the same story every time – her "i'm so horrible"-posts is never about accountability, it's about making people feel sorry for her for being a shitty person. if people are sorry for you, you never have to face responsibility. it's addict manipulation 101, and as long as she sees herself as a
victim and thus someone who cannot be blamed for anything (unless it is in a self-loathing manner that will make people feel sorry for her and her self-hatred), she will never be able to live a decent life.
it's not complicated. in fact, addicts are better at calling out all the bullshit because they used to be there themselves. why else would luna, the professional
victim and manipulator, hate every organisation that helps people get sober? Because they see through her shit.
anyway, her threads have always been full of addicts, sober and using alike. that's the whole point. she's what you don't want to be. a good role model, in that sense.
No. 851694
File: 1630601489843.jpeg (164.04 KB, 827x1212, 202DF058-C481-420F-9694-09D728…)

She clearly doesn't have pockets in those pants. What job is she "working" where she's holding onto her phone the whole time?
No. 851696
>>851694Yeah it’s called having a backpack or purse,
No. 851701
File: 1630603598282.jpeg (128.34 KB, 750x373, 9D5F8DAB-3D00-4CF3-B586-E62FD5…)

Screenshot from KF
No. 851702
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Kek at Lurch having BPD
No. 851716
File: 1630607681005.png (4.35 MB, 1311x2048, Screenshot_20210902-112448.png)

>>851698this has to be somewhere else…no wonder she feels better being there than being in her moldy nest…
No. 851726
File: 1630611258714.png (31.51 KB, 909x445, chonkers.png)

No. 851727
File: 1630611299101.png (50.02 KB, 792x284, trauma.png)

No. 851734
File: 1630614263941.jpeg (293.22 KB, 750x1067, 1852B436-11B1-4A75-9249-DE0187…)

No. 851741
File: 1630617508404.jpg (194.47 KB, 1080x1151, Screenshot_20210902-141450_Ins…)

What a productive day of work.
No. 851744
>>851741 Like, I know she doesn't
actually have a job (clearly some friend taking pity by paying her for yard work) but imagine calling up some landscaping company to have your grass mowed and you look out the window and the see this shit. I can't stop laughing, why is this so funny lmao
No. 851749
>>851726oh pssh yeah they may never have been chonkers but they've all been trapped in her junkie den with uncapped needles and empty bags literally all over the place. Not to mention the two of them chain smoking inside; previously her mom also smoking inside. Her cats have 0 enrichment and like tnd she thinks cats will play with the toys you get at the store and most cats aren't into that. They get bored and prefer when a human plays with them with the toys. So many cows have the common thread of not thinking they have to play with/attend to a cat. They bought into the whole cats just sleep all day and you don't have to do shit and they're soft and cuddly bs. Grow up.
>>851727She's so bitter and hostile for what?! Luna you've surely traumatized your family too. How do you think they feel having a daughter end up more of a piece of trash than they were? Hopefully she never reproduces. I can't remember if she's ever said she wanted kids. Hopefully not.
>>851744seriously, like do something about it or shut up and accept your reality. incapable of accountability
No. 851799
File: 1630636337073.jpeg (328.32 KB, 828x956, 53F999D4-8589-4DE9-A5FF-9F91F7…)

she’s worked 2 days and already is planning to spend all her money on more clothes. it’s been literally 3 days since she went thrift shopping and 9 days since her last cheap online shit haul. and what happened to the professional hair cut and color?
No. 851812
>>851799yeah this isn’t gonna last. she’s also being super vague about what it is. you get paid for your ideas? ideas about what, luna? nature and plants? way to make it seem super non legit.
glad that she gets to go touch grass though. she needed it. fresh air should be good for her.
No. 851844
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love cow on cow violence
No. 851883
File: 1630691142451.png (118.42 KB, 591x346, Screenshot (486).png)

kek cry some more
No. 851913
File: 1630710370159.png (288.49 KB, 1080x458, Screenshot_20210903-160437~2.p…)

>>851912Dropped the pic, whoops.
No. 851917
>>851793anon i think you've hit the nail on the head
>>851845As far as worst bpd one from the "been together 8 yrs" it's clear the cut was recent. Have we seen it? I can't even remember but I swear her upper arm doesn't have some giant scar like a cut that goes that deep would look. then again she is back to wearing long sleeves which of course only totes sober addicts due during the summer!
>>851913 um lmao "it took them three days for them to even look at them" Well idiot if you don't say anything about your wound then no shit they won't be looking for one. Sounds like despite hating it that she needs babysitting if she's incapable of taking care of her needs!
it's interesting to see her ramble on about lurch and their 8 YEARS OF LOVE. Tell us more about how in love you are lol. Clearly she's really insecure about their creepy relationshit
No. 851918
File: 1630713044798.png (291.45 KB, 480x782, lunasi.png)

>>851917She does cut regularly on her upper arms. I don't know about this specific story but I do believe it. It's 100% BPD.
This was from her "I'm so cute today look at my outfit" video from Aug 28th. The blood stains are newish, as they weren't in previous pictures in this stupid, ugly, retarded overpriced dress.
No. 851920
File: 1630713443927.png (31.32 KB, 480x313, lunaungrateful.png)

>>851918Same fag. Other retards like the retard dress. But I chuckled because everything people buy for Luna is "Cheap! Cheap!" but the minute she has to spend any of her (dad's) money it's suddenly overpriced, like her complaining about the cost of this dress & those kitty cat shoes she claimed to buy.
No. 851922
File: 1630719574853.png (558.28 KB, 480x723, Tunasjobnotjob.png)

Taken from KF. So… she doesn't really have a job?
No. 851927
>>851922Sorry Im not a plant expert like Tuna but is it normal to plant these things outside at the end of summer in New York?
How is this a "business"? What a joke… tuna you shouldn't have hyped this up as a "job" kek
No. 851990
>>851972Likely arc for this story: Luna steals everything then blames her friend for 'being
No. 852155
File: 1630989823969.jpg (164.51 KB, 720x1264, High horse.jpg)

Shitty Luna loves feeling superior to others, meanwhile little miss ACAB was taking selfies in the police car.
No. 852204
>>852020What's the obsession with her leaving lurch about? At least 5 years too late for it to make any difference to anything.
>>852155She finally feels like she can take a shot at someone else … and it's this. Fucking kek. What an absolute winner.
No. 852209
File: 1631044982950.jpg (399.92 KB, 1080x1829, Screenshot_20210907_210126.jpg)

i wonder what her "job" actually is
No. 852210
File: 1631045074177.jpg (196.79 KB, 1080x1892, Screenshot_20210907_210045.jpg)

>>852209the possibly related Instagram page with no actual info
No. 852216
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No. 852217
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>>852216It's pretty vague. Looks like some fundie wanting to do good by her neighbors. Some organization focused on autism/mental illness/addict support via art and education.
No. 852305
>>852284it would be a start, even if it wouldn't magically save her
>>852296>>852257>what do you have to lose? pay your neighbor's rentWhat do you have to lose? Oh, IDK, just your hard-earned money that could save your ass in the future? That girl, while well-meaning (and I respect that), seems retarded as fuck.
No. 852311
File: 1631115170425.jpeg (422.67 KB, 1241x1910, 5856849F-0583-4220-9F64-DB9434…)

Wonder what those red dots on her neck are
No. 852313
>>852311god her lips look disgusting. the amount of makeup…jesus.
red dots are probably some type of rash. i wonder if she's showered since she's been outside in the dirt kek
No. 852320
File: 1631119902955.jpg (65.27 KB, 751x432, screenshot.jpg)

>>852209I did a deep dive because I couldn't figure out what the hell this place was and yep, it's interior design based around preventing autistic overstimulation/soothing autism. So shit like "smell this dried lavender so you don't have a meltdown". Or "muted colors will keep you calm".
If you go through the owners twitter she has a lot of support addicts/drug reform/"there should be safe spaces for people do do drugs if they want to" rhetoric so Luna is probably like her dream employee. Recovering addict (but not really) and autistic as hell. There's so much virtue signaling, she'll get major cred employing someone like that lol.
No. 852338
File: 1631123944731.jpeg (260.67 KB, 1241x1699, C9F3B1AA-EC2B-4F6C-B5AB-5951EB…)

Does she just forget every damn outfit she's worn outside before? Jesus she's been out in less than this and if i'm not mistaken it got her kicked out of rehab but she wasn't bothered about it then
No. 852363
>>852340Luna will be her greatest challenge, I'm sure. Given her legitimately sad backstory we have all seen every one of her friends lose sympathy for her overtime. The grift ia very interesting, though! I wonder what she'll do to this lady.
>>852361She'll start begging the Altered Spaces lady to pay her rent or find housing. I'm sure of it.
No. 852406
File: 1631160273444.jpg (686.48 KB, 1516x2220, 21-09-09-00-00-24-047_deco.jpg)

Literally what is she doing that every item of clothing she owns gets these disgusting white crusty stains on them SO fast
No. 852438
File: 1631195496144.png (30.42 KB, 600x165, C0F86641-321E-45F8-84FA-D5449F…)

From the other farms, Tuma confirms what had already been guessed.
No. 852439
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No. 852442
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>>852435Lucky for you, she’s grifting for a vacuum cleaner on Reddit. Confirms the place has never been hoovered in all their time living there. The floor must be a carpet of human and cat hair.
No. 852470
>>852451It's a numbers game. Normal people are likely to "cope okay" with suboptimal meds, since they're just doing the best they can to get on with their lives. But for junkies like Luna, drug seeking
is their life. They persist in visiting doctors until somebody buys their sob story, or they find a questionably-ethical prescriber who doesn't give a shit.
No. 852485
>>852475Good thing I wasn't talking about your "friend" anon. What is it with all the BPD bitches in Luna's thread thinking a comment on a cow's behavior is a comment about them? I stated multiple times I was discussing how a "certain sort" "people who want to be addicts" "worthless junkies" can get by and keep getting huge benzo scripts like Luna, her mom, her dad and Lurch. Learn to comprehend before you take offense.
Luna is a multigenerational drug addict. She isn't some middle class woman trying to get her life back together after a rude wake-up call at a heroin den, or someone wanting to get/stay clean on methadone for their kids. The system has been supporting her family's failed genes since before she was born and will continue to support her. (The best thing Luna has done for the world is not getting knocked up, thank God for PCOS.) She knows the system won't let her starve and she doesn't have to even get sober to keep playing "Girl, Interrupted" for psych doctors and IOP counselors. If she can't scam for benzos herself right now because she fucked it up by eating them all in one day…no worries! She is surrounded by other failures who get scripts for the same reason.
No. 852537
File: 1631283427143.jpeg (119.52 KB, 1242x613, B0D07603-7F48-4222-A8A4-C794C6…)

What specific furniture does she NEED to work from home? Pathetic
No. 852586
>>852551>>852328It's got nothing to do with luck. Ever heard of the saying "a fool and his money are soon parted"? Well, the world is full of fools. In fact, it's hard to avoid them.
While there's many of us that don't want to exploit them, there's even more of those who do.
No. 852629
File: 1631315718105.jpg (571.48 KB, 1080x1610, Screenshot_20210910-191242_Ins…)

If you look in this pic from her Instagram there's a needle she forgot to hide to the right.
No. 852631
>>852473What an ignorant take on medication that helps most people. No one besides Tuna wants to be an addict. I'm positive that even Tuna doesn't want to be one once she realized what it encompassed. She uses it as her identity because she lacks a real one. But we can all tell she's not having a good time.
Clearly you have no idea of the importance of methadone clinics, which extends far beyond being "compliant" (compliant with…?!). Most people at clinics are normal people with full time jobs (which is why clinics open at 5:30am and close no later than noon depending on what state) and they aren't nodding off all day because methadone doesn't give you an actual high let alone make you crash. You simply feel normal and don't have cravings to use or abuse opiates or anything. At high doses you sleep. There's purposefully no euphoria at all regardless of dose.
You're probably generalizing anyone at a clinic based on the people you see loitering out front or at a nearby bus stop, but what you don't see is all the shit they're getting high on. Even the worst "junkies" (which anons seem to use as a synonym for any drug addict) aren't on methadone for the non-existent high. Make your generalizations, but your lack of real knowledge on what medication assisted treatment is is showing.
For anyone curious about methadone clinics (which Tuna isn't enrolled in due to Lurch repeating the addicts slang of "liquid handcuffs"), they handle a lot of social services and referrals and are a federal program that employs counselors for each client and doctors and nurses for everything from TB testing to dosing titration.
The majority of patients are grateful to be able to live normally, reduce the chances of od's and disease, and earn take homes for every 3 months of clean drug tests. If you research it, you will find methadone is the form of medication assisted treatment with the highest rate of success.
Tuna would actually show progress if she went to one, but she's not into being addicted to something she has to get from an clinic daily, especially when she can buy benzos on the block!
No. 852654
File: 1631332359606.jpeg (717.46 KB, 828x1430, E7CFE6EE-353C-4DC4-B248-6444FF…)

>>852537obviously she spent $40 on a non refundable game rather than putting it towards one of the things that would “make everything feel like less shit”
No. 852660
>>852654You can get a vacuum, bedsheets or a desk for 40$.
She's already spending the money on things she doesn't need and she'll be begging tomorrow for some furniture or ugly china made clothes from Shein and Amazon and she will get them.
Must be fun to have no bills to pay and get to spend every dime you make/beg for on useless shit with no repercussions.
Meanwhile, some people work two shit jobs and struggle to put food on the table and can never buy nice things for themselves.
I hope her Switch breaks even if some dumbfuck would buy her another one as soon as she complains.
No. 852716
File: 1631377086152.png (61.24 KB, 819x721, chrischan.png)

No. 852802
>>852672Uhhh we all know she was on FENTANYL with a bit of heroin in 2021. Then she quit because of Lurch about 4 months ago (not the 7+ months she's claiming)
Like the other anons said, these aren't her nails now and it's obviously an old picture
No. 852814
>>852802It's not an old picture, she got the Kuromi notebook very recently, a dumbass tumblr follower bought it for her from etsy.
>>844894 and here she writes in it
>>847000 No. 852821
File: 1631460284557.jpeg (405.68 KB, 828x1872, 6DECC574-F50B-4595-BF91-0CB681…)

>>852802They look the same to me anon.
No. 852822
File: 1631460468908.jpeg (635.23 KB, 828x1223, C212A948-5E29-443E-978F-805D1D…)

>>852802Unless she’s been photo dumping old pics, they’re her current nails.
No. 852880
File: 1631520162389.jpeg (1.1 MB, 3464x3464, C33B53C4-3F8B-45B2-8CA5-F56CA1…)

Nice bit of furniture dragged into the middle of the room there Tuna
No. 852882
the only way the needle isn't hers is if it's lurch's. and if that's the route one wants to believe, you have to ask yourself how likely it is that tuna will be able to stay off whatever it is that lurch is shooting up next to her
i'm personally surprised though, and i wonder if she's actually on heroin or something else? mainly bc, as much as her being "sober" is bullshit, if you compare her posts to the ones she made a year ago there IS a rather drastic difference. just compare with the shit from this thread
>>>/pt/767687so, something definitely happened. what do you guys think? heroin or something else?
No. 852886
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>>852885Kek good point, the last time I could find it in a post was towards the end of August (pic rel) and for some reason in these pics it looks black and bruised however in the video she posted on this same day it looks reasonably free of any marks
No. 852887
File: 1631526626224.jpeg (908.43 KB, 3464x3464, F56B49B8-CE93-4742-B7B7-5B4448…)

>>852886Screenshots of the video posted on the same day, her dress is absolutely disgusting covered in blood and god knows what else, but somehow the crook of her elbow here doesn't look as bad as in the photos?
No. 852908
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No. 852929
File: 1631572017934.jpeg (121.59 KB, 1241x645, 8C78063F-AD42-447F-B283-7E0642…)

I wonder how much she's getting paid
No. 852930
File: 1631572080403.jpeg (406.92 KB, 1241x2088, 5DBF074D-297F-4503-A286-5C7955…)

Samefagging just to add this terrifying pic, whatever filter she's using is not it, i'm sure i'll be seeing this shit in my nightmares
No. 852931
>>852929Shouldn't Lurch already have pay stub to find a place with his "landscaping" job?
Also good luck finding a place in or around NYC working only 25 hours a week.
No. 852936
>>852930This is fucking terrifying.
>>852929I doubt she even filled in a W4 form.
No. 852964
>>852935but luna helped start the company!!! they would be nowhere without her!!! she entered a startup and put her LIFE and SOUL into it, how would they dare kick her out!!!
lol this is at the same level as when she said she can't wait to taste the strawberries. that she planted in late september. in what's supposed to be a client's garden.
No. 852966
>>852929Work? Paystubs? Hmmmm.
Do you think it's possible she was somehow getting the covid unemployment benefits but now she'll have to stop collecting them because she's "working" now? Otherwise it's fraud??
No. 852972
>>852315>she was shitty before lurchShe was a literal teenager. Late but this is just a retarded take.
It's no wonder she doesn't know shit about employment or housing or any normal adult shit when she was stunted with hard drugs so early.
She should cut ties with all enablers like Lurch and that personal project chick and get closer to people who actually want the best for her. She's not going to ever get clean and functional alone because she never developed what is required to do that. She needs to accept help. From her dad, from groups she dissed because their pizza is too small.
No. 852973
>>852972Nta, but yeah it was a shitty take but it isn't now. She
is a shitty person now and would just end up using and abusing the people who would try to help her. Pretty much what she does now.
No. 852974
>>852973Like she did with her mom. I totally agree on that.
But let's not pretend she's inherently shitty, and let's not pretend Lurch had nothing to do with it.
And let's not pretend she cannot stop, and let's not pretend she can stop without any help.
No. 852976
>>852975Deranged? This is absolute bullshit.
I hate this recent twitteresque trend of having to have all cows painted as some Disney villains just for you to feel good about gossiping about them.
I'm gonna gawk at the paper towel falling our of her crotch when trying to film a porn with Lurch for dope money and I'm not going to feel morally superior to her about it.
No. 852981
>>852978I discuss cows here all day kek (weird flex, I know). And you can think whatever you want, but it doesn't make you right.
I don't think she's a good person either, but it's ridiculous if we can't even have a discussion on why that came to be and how it could stop.
No. 852990
>>852974No one here is psychic so how is it pretending if she hasn't proven at all that she can get better? She had help many, many times. She abused it and threw tantrums even while medicated. She abused her doctors like she abuses her drugs. We're not judging her based on her childhood, we're judging her and every other cow on here by their current actions.
>>852981Then go back and read the previous threads where that same tinfoil has been vomited multiple times in every single thread.
No. 853020
File: 1631719947693.jpg (17.89 KB, 329x330, hqdefault-1-329x330.jpg)

>>852930rexella van impe vibes
No. 853028
>>852972TIL that no 'literal teenager' can be a shitty person. Hot take, anon.
>>852974She actually
is inherently shitty. Lurch made it worse but it was always there. And it's clear she cannot stop.
This endless what if magical thinking that ignores everything about the cow is so tiresome. If you identify with her enough to project this narrative of change, it's time to take a break. Be like Tuna and go touch some grass.
No. 853098
>>852882I definitely think she's using again. I do agree there's a big difference in her writing but I'm guessing it's because her tolerance is lower so she isn't using as much and therefore is more "with it". this post confirmed it for me
>>843548 . That's a common symptom with all opiates - having trouble peeing. Usually passes after a week or two of habitual use which would also be long enough for physical dependence. Also her face is back to always having that high on opiates look - droopy lids and slack jawed. it's not surprising given her getting kicked out of iop and dropping therapy. The "sober from heroin" (lol) saga was interesting and clearly did her some good - for a shit tier human that is.
No. 853161
>>853098What you're describing are symptoms of benzo use, which Tuna is on because she says she is. If you've been on fentanyl, quit for a few months and go back, you'll only look sleepy for a couple of first time uses.
When she starts posting about using opiates on some subreddit for opiates, then she's on fentanyl (or heroin she likes to call it for the
glamour of it all). Tuna thinks invisible on Reddit and always outs herself for what she's on through there.
Read through her other threads if you don't know this by now because the hErOiN tinfoils are hilarious.
BTW, Lurch is on his court program still and has a prescription for benzos, meaning those can be in his system. Tuna only does what Lurch gets because she's a fat lazy mooch.
And whoever said Tuna doesn't know about employment and housing because of hard drugs is full of shit. Addicts learn all of that fast especially when she started at 18 (according to her "anonymous" reddit post) when she started dating Lurch. She just doesn't know shit because Lurch handles the hustling. Even though she exaggerates, she tells what she truly believes is the truth from what she believes is her anonymous reddit username. Based on my conversations with her, this thread, and reddit, I've never found her posting anything she doesn't believe (benzos don't kill people), mistakenly believes (7 months clean!), or exaggerates (like getting married to her fiance once she gets an id). She doesn't tell an outright lie since she's "anonymous".
So check her reddit if you really want to know what she's on. Which, you'll find, are benzos.
No. 853169
>>853161anon are you stupid? No shit she never stopped using benzos so no it can't be benzos causing it. There was a clear sudden difference in her looking high again consistently since the end of the last thread/beginning of this one. Not to mention, as I previously stated, having trouble peeing is
not a symptom of benzo use - it's a symptom of opiate use. She never stopped benzos so how on earth would it be all caused by benzos? Are you her, her "friend"/boss, or are you just tnd level stupid and think people can't tell unless it's blatantly admitted to? Tolerance doesn't take "a couple first time uses" to come back. Yes, it drops very quickly (why do you think so many die when they relapse even right after leaving detox), but does not come back as quickly.
Anyways she outted herself by posting about having trouble peeing, as a bonus she also posted a rig on accident. If you think something's only happening if a cow says it is then you're incredibly gullible and on the wrong website to be so sure of yourself.
No. 853175
>>853028Well excuse me for having a nuanced take, I promise it'll never happen again. I'll just see it all in black and black from now. That's what gossip is all about, right?
>>853169What sealed it for me is the needle. There is no explanation for the needle other than shooting up that wouldn't require mental gymnastics. Everything else is pure cope and blind hope.
No. 853226
>>853211Yes you can shoot anything for the rush, including benzos. You can always separate the fillers in pills and the Needle Exchange gives you info on how to do it correctly as well as provides the necessary ingredients.
>>853169You're awfully rude for someone who clearly has never been an iv opiate addict, let alone opiates cut with fentanyl based on your lack of knowledge of how quickly your tolerance gets back to where you were before you got off opiates. Not sure what opiate addict you met has had trouble peeing, but that would be a problem that should be looked into since that's not a common symptom with most opiate addicts. We also know Tuna gets UTIs and frequently struggles to pee. You'd be surprised how hard it is to tell who is really hooked on opiates, unless you heard their voice or saw their pupils not change in size going from a dark room to the sunshine. And no, pictures of someone's eyes won't help you determine drug use. You sound as knowledgeable as a DARE "educator" in the 90s.
>>853175Gossiping badly is assuming incorrect things and spreading the misinformation. Gossiping usually involves sharing information about someone, and can sometimes be inaccurate, but will typically be corrected in gossip publications when the truth is learned.
I apologize to any anons for trying to be factual. It's just annoying to see how incorrect these tinfoils are when I can't post the proof I have without outing myself. But sure, keep saying whatever you read on Google applies to Tuna. Keep saying Tuna is on heroin when she was actually predominantly on fentanyl cut with a bit of heroin. Keep saying Tuna is going to be put out on the street when she's not. Keep saying Tuna is squatting when she's now a legal tenant. Keep saying she's a street walker when she's only done online sw. Keep pretending you know things that you insist you're certain of, when it's just embarrassing to see how wrong some anons are.
No. 853263
File: 1631914230737.png (16.76 KB, 661x184, just a 90s dare educator here.…)

Thanks for the good laugh anon, and nice try but I’m not going to a-log. Funny you talk about misinformation but spread it yourself. Just because something hasn’t happened to you, doesn’t mean it isn’t true; that’s just plain ignorant.
>“You'd be surprised how hard it is to tell who is really hooked on opiates"
Now that’s a good one anon! Lmao, you can usually tell from a mile away and no it's usually not the eyes and voice. So many addicts delude themselves in this way, to their own detriment (see: many cows on this farm). Anyways, hope you can get off the fent!
No. 853276
File: 1631923818754.png (870.07 KB, 1080x1733, Screenshot_20210917-200254~2.p…)

both of the junkie sperg anons above are the worst. anyway
who tf gonna pay for this Luna?
No. 853285
>>853276and she wants a gaming chair
my fucking sides
No. 853334
>>853226>Keep saying she's a street walker when she's only done online swI'm not saying she is a street walker, but do you have a better explanation of the rape story than a for-profit arrangement of some sorts going awry? I don't think she's a regular, but IDK what other explanation could be of the whole narrative (her letting the dude in, 'worth only 20 dollars uwu', police claiming she consented, other stuff not making sense that I don't remember atm). Unless the whole thing is a lie and she reported a lie to the police.
>>853283I don't think so, she said 'hopefully' so I think it's one of her shopping dreams like the many engagement/wedding rings. I wouldn't be surprised if she got someone to buy her this shit if it wouldn't be over 100 USD, closer to 200 in fact (an educated guess, since this desk is sold out).
>>853288not uguu kawaii babydoll enough
No. 853379
File: 1631987938286.png (79.27 KB, 521x519, Screenshot 2021-09-18 19.57.24…)

just got the 'job' and already spending money and planning to do so more (on the pink desk)
No. 853404
>>853379"I deserve something new…"
This bitch gets new shit all the time because she claims to "deserve" it. She doesn't care if it's new because someone's mom buys it for her, because her dad (disguised as a client in her posts) buys it, or because she stole it from someone or somewhere, but there's always a justification for why it was so necessary for her to have.
No. 853411
File: 1632006834173.jpeg (83.86 KB, 750x706, CC0DAFF1-AEF5-479C-BF31-CE2C34…)

No. 853413
File: 1632006921850.jpeg (544.92 KB, 750x1067, 51E7149F-DC43-498F-9BCE-5E12E0…)

this is… a look
No. 853459
i’ve been a long time lurker here but have never posted. i’m 24 and i have been following luna since i was 15 and she was 16, so i have a looooot to say about the girl. some of the things i’ve witnessed from her have never been mentioned here so i just wanted to give a recap of my 9 years of following her:
luna used to be kind of normal and cute when she was attending high school. i liked her art style but it has drastically disproved over the years. she used to be (semi) involved in activism, have a passion for art, go to shows with her friends, etc. all of this came to a swift haunt the moment she met lurch. not only did he groom her and her her hooked on drugs, he separated her from her life and all of her friends. he is the reason she dropped out of college, he basically convinced her to come spend more time with him and that he would take care of her. fucking gross.
anyway i first started feeling weird about her when she would beg for drug money, and (not verbatim) say if you won’t send her money just because you know she’s going to spend it on drugs then you’re an asshole/junkiephobic or whatever. me being 15 felt very guilty about that statement and ALMOST sent her money, thank god i never did. this is before she was on heroin btw, i think she wanted xanax or maybe even weed, can’t remember but i am certain it was pre-dope.
things started to get really weird when she turned 17. she broke up with her LDR bf, peter, who she had never met before but described him as “the love of my life.” there was definitely something wrong with the dude, (he has an ED page but can’t remember his last name) but he was kinda cute and atl age appropriate. i think he was in jail when they broke up - i think the reason they broke up bc he was in and out of jail so much. i’m not gonna say this dude was good or kind of healthy or anything like that, but you could tell by the texts he sent her that he atl cared about her, in a way that lurch has never shown. so even tho he was a loser, lurch was a huge downgrade and she made it seem like an upgrade. anyway……
so after the peter breakup, she started hanging out with lurch, who she claimed to be her mother’s best friend. obviously he was just her dealer but i didn’t catch that at the time. she would say that he’d come over to hang w mom and they’d all watch movies together and bond or whatever, like a family. she would refer to him as HER BROTHER. i’m not fucking kidding, for weeks she called him her biological brother and he would call her his sister. i swear to god. then they did acid together and made out and her mom walked in on them. didn’t seem like she cared too much but that could’ve just been luna’s POV. i was absolutely disgusted by this and it’s when luna turned into a lolcow for me. this was in like 2014.
i started getting really weirded out by her and would obsessively check her blog for updates on her weird pedo boyfriend situation. he 100% coerced her into doing heroin while she was underage, and while she’s obviously a horrible person and a scammer, lurch is just absolute human garbage. he is a predator and a pedophile, which i’m sure you all know, just reiterating.
i remember once she posted a picture of his penis, and it was fucking huge, which was super disturbing to me lol. she would constantly post about his “10 inch penis” and i thought she was lying until she posted the pic. maybe she’s dickmatized …..
i’m not really sure what the point of this post was, it’s just been such a wild ride watching this girl slowly fall apart and become like… evil. i used to admire her and be envious of her lifestyle going to alt rock shows in NYC and just being a cute teenage girl. but god damn. sorry if this is blogging or whatever, it’s my first post and just wanted to share some things i haven’t seen mentioned here before
No. 853479
File: 1632063553723.jpeg (223.52 KB, 750x865, BD7BADEC-66AA-421F-9C9C-142447…)

No. 853485
>>853459lol WUT
we've seen pics of lurch's pp and spoiler: it's not that big and is weirdly skinny? You had me up til there, though
No. 853493
>>853459How did you follow her for so long and still get so many details wrong. Another junkie princess, I presume.
>>853473Missing you already
No. 853494
>>853443I didn't say "hard earned money". By "her" money I mean money she has in her hand that could have been spent on drugs, unlike all of her grifting for cheap cheap shit that comes from people sending her crap from Amazon instead of money. (Possibly bc they know she would spend cash on drugs).
She feels "guilty" (not guilt, but BPD is weird) because usually if she had extra cash-in-hand it would be used for H/Fent or pills.
I've seen more than a few female addicts, when they're months sober as Luna claims, take part of a paycheck and buy something nice for themselves from the "savings" that they weren't spending in their DoC. But it's actually a celebration of their recovery journey, instead of Luna's pity me, I deserve this, uwu sad bbgrl schtick.
No. 853495
File: 1632070002883.jpeg (603.28 KB, 1242x1188, 1459D0A6-B913-44C0-97DE-86DD8B…)

huh, how is her “work” paying for this?
No. 853505
>>853461It's in the first thread, newfag. Or the second.
>>853495What's the point if she's living in a grimy flat that sooner or later she can get kicked out of?
>>853445That girl is truly crazy
No. 853569
File: 1632098148478.png (12.39 KB, 600x135, luna.png)

No. 853667
>>853473No one's mentioned Lurch's "big dick" because #1, it isn't big. There's a difference between big and zoomed in on. You seriously sound like you've never seen a dick irl if you were frightened by the gargantuan size of a zoomed in dick.
I see you also stan Luna so much still that you glossed over how she even admitted to wanting to be a heroin addict à la Courtney Hole (aka Courtney Love) and followed Lurch around asking him to let her try heroin… but to you, that's all evidence of Lurch's coercion. Btw, no heroin addict wants to share their dope. It's not weed or coke or some other sociable drug. Lurch would have been perfectly content getting free pussy without having to also share his beloved heroin. Thank you though for your pointless post full of everything that's been mentioned in old threads and an even bigger thank you if you never post again.
>>853495Her benefactor gets to write off these kinds of items since it's considered a necessary cost of doing business. The IRS will thankfully never have to see what this actual piece of shit looks like since even an audit would only require the receipt. I guarantee that the sucker, I mean "employer", is just happy Tuna asked for this basic af desk that's simply powder coated pink than an actual, good quality standing desk that adjusts depending on whether you want to stand or sit.
Tuna actually had the nerve to say she misses "dressing more alt" when there's nothing alternative about her and her baby Sanrio pink shit. She looks like she's in the movie Big and turned into an adult overnight (in face and body only), yet still dresses like the 4 year old toddler she is.
No. 853701
File: 1632172239223.jpeg (145.26 KB, 1242x583, 93543ECC-7EF3-4F62-AFB0-C2DD4E…)

No. 853753
>>853411no no no not a fucking dog.
she can't even take care of herself, i really hope this doesn't happen.
No. 853796
>>853467Cope harder.
>>853757I just don’t get why it’s important. Lurch could have the dick of a sex god—it doesn’t change his melting easter island face.
No. 853835
File: 1632238909254.jpg (Spoiler Image,263.81 KB, 972x2097, 20210921_113442.jpg)

Grimy piss drinking Luna commenting on an other disgusting women with gross fetishes.
My favortie thing about reddit Luna is the irony it brings. She complains about being featured here but talks about other cows on reddit.
No. 853855
>>853822>>853824…Autistic comparisons aside, nobody was saying that Lurch's dick is attractive. It's not (like most dicks), but it's not baby carrot tier.
>>853835She literally drank her own pee, what the fuck Luna
>She complains about being featured here but talks about other cows on reddit.It's always cows watching other cows, autists following other autists…
No. 854046
File: 1632340267246.jpg (130.58 KB, 1080x531, Screenshot_20210921-202121_Sam…)

Guess her new Pepto Bismol pink powder coated "work" desk isn't for her "job" planting stupid shit in between taking selfies… It's for gaming. Now her and her bOsS/fRiEnD can play games properly!
No. 854054
File: 1632345224204.jpg (315.01 KB, 720x1193, Skinny legend.jpg)

inb4 she complains about her weight and starving herself
>>854047Op was referring to the show "13 Reasons Why".
No. 854306
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No. 854307
File: 1632529454877.png (976.78 KB, 680x928, fakes.png)

No. 854434
File: 1632598321741.jpeg (380.36 KB, 828x794, BF6A9556-0705-4CFD-9892-464310…)

No. 854435
File: 1632598513103.jpeg (904.37 KB, 828x1394, 4FEBCE3C-BB3B-4F1F-A8FA-CE8677…)

wonder how long it took those grubby makeup fingerprints to get there
No. 854444
>>854434She's laying on the floor that hasn't been vacuumed in a year kek
That dress was a weird purchase for her. It's not cute, trendy, or aesthetic.
No. 854461
File: 1632613198325.jpeg (450.62 KB, 828x1175, FAB25C7C-F2F5-4541-8230-A26584…)

I just noticed the tube of toothpaste on the kitchen counter. Do they not have a bathroom in their squat? Would explain why she keeps all her skin care products on display in the living room too I guess
No. 854520
>>854307>>854321>>854339You're just jealous cause Lurch is brave and stunning like Harry Styles. Fighting
toxic masculinity one handbag at a time
No. 854571
File: 1632696495785.jpeg (199.14 KB, 828x869, 85E1CFBD-6C92-4DDD-890E-6E0B44…)

>>854307I'm imagining Lurch carrying this bag while he's hobbling around offering to suck cock for drug money, and I think it's a cute look
Luna wants us all to know that she's doing pretty well and she doesn't read the negativity
No. 854578
>>854571>getting legally marriedlmao I don't think that will be happening until maybe when they hit a decade together and no PLEASE no more pets to neglect & abuse.
>I've got my parents at more healthy places that suit how they both treat me.I'm taking that as in she is following their boundaries?! but is convincing herself that that was her doing lol. She's such a bitch and acts like her parents are idiots and while they are, she's definitely the bigger idiot. I don't think any of these changes will stick through winter. I mean they don't even know when to plant shit but maybe her "friend's" parents have tons of money to throw at their daughters' pet project.
No. 854590
File: 1632705395862.jpg (300.68 KB, 1200x1800, Luna in 30 years.jpg)

No. 854702
File: 1632776928245.jpeg (138.2 KB, 750x1032, 466203E3-B703-481C-9DE2-50DAE4…)

Captioned “post vaccine chic”
No. 854703
>>854702Her eyes look like a failed attempt at the Disney filter. Like, why do they look 2D?
Also how did it take her this long to get vaxxed?
No. 854704
>>854306Bad news, Luna. Your titties deflated.
No. 854716
File: 1632785177320.gif (821.57 KB, 220x220, chance-the-rapper-embarrassed.…)

>>854691I can't unhear his voice reading that post
No. 854794
File: 1632852880204.jpg (Spoiler Image,726.63 KB, 815x1307, mA19MUv.jpg)

>>851263 Peeped blood spatter and smear on Lurches neck. I’m sure he got it in a landscaping accident or dog attack…
No. 854806
File: 1632861811504.jpeg (502.07 KB, 750x1069, E56AF0E5-6100-4D50-B67A-BEA581…)

more ugly cheap shit for the landfill
No. 854814
File: 1632863196034.jpg (148.91 KB, 1080x2082, IMG_20210928_230101.jpg)

>>854812 it. 21$ and of course it's made from fucking alloy. Whoever created the shop is making bank reselling cheap Chinese garbage to Tunas
No. 854823
>>854703NYC now requires a vaccine for indoor dining, concerts, and gyms (not like this applies to Luna), as well as many private businesses imposing their own mandates.
She got the Vax so she can go shopping basically
No. 854850
File: 1632881069851.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1284x1522, 10AADFDD-DDE2-4092-9957-68B991…)

She’s gonna ‘bleach the doily’ because that is definitely the top priority for cleaning in her life
No. 854862
>>854851Bleach what? I don't understand
>>854858she probably set it up like this on purpose
No. 854876
File: 1632910803834.png (1.86 MB, 1678x1046, cheapcheapcheap.png)

>>854814she's bought stuff from this shop before. makes me laugh because the entire shop is just cheap shit from aliexpress with the prices jacked up. she bought this top from them for $24 when it's $4 on aliexpress. no idea why they have so many followers on instagram, i guess all egirls are idiots
No. 854883
>>854850does…she have a broken weed pipe in her bowl of crystals? that green one has the shape and flattened nub at the bottom of a lot of pipes.
she broke it…and kept it. for the aesthetic.
No. 854919
File: 1632944056045.jpg (573.29 KB, 1308x1553, QMip1lk.jpg)

>>852654 She literally could have gotten this cheap cheap cheap plastic pink *~*kawaii*~* pet robot vacuum that does everything by itself for an extra $8. I’m sure it wouldn’t work for very long/at all because it’s cheapcheapcheap $100+ less than all the other robot vaccums, but she could have made the effort in the hopes she could continue to use no effort.
No. 854920
File: 1632944257092.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1284x2112, 78731719-7E43-4273-A13B-605F5B…)

I can’t wait to see what this life changing product they are working on is
No. 854924
File: 1632947022393.jpg (994.91 KB, 1080x1971, Screenshot_20210929-152237_Tum…)

>>854920Why does it look like she's in pain every time she open-lip smiles? The clumps of human hair on that black shirt is really gross too.
No. 854931
File: 1632952412449.jpg (609.5 KB, 1080x1538, Screenshot_20210929-175252_Ins…)

>>854920It's an ugly logo
No. 854935
File: 1632955693866.jpg (Spoiler Image,354.89 KB, 1080x1598, IMG_20210929_194711.jpg)

Well… Try again…
No. 854939
File: 1632957260869.jpeg (919.19 KB, 828x3953, 30A1469B-047E-47D7-ABAA-B10997…)

No. 854940
File: 1632957282574.jpeg (298.3 KB, 828x1273, CD21CAD7-BFB6-479B-B53A-C738C3…)

No. 854945
File: 1632957812711.jpeg (621.21 KB, 828x1122, 75C6A898-53EA-474C-89A2-BCDD01…)

It seems like she goes to an adult daycare and calls it work
No. 854970
File: 1632970011215.jpeg (179.79 KB, 750x1209, 3044E633-1B83-43FA-A557-2B2040…)

“Barely knows how to use Facebook”
No. 854980
File: 1632972844221.jpeg (115.69 KB, 828x1266, someonecomegettheirgrandma.jpe…)

From KF. Her attempts at being sexy are so gross. I wouldn't be surprised if she used this as advertisement for her "sex work". I don't even see how she thinks this is appropriate to do at work, but she also thinks gaming is work so…
No. 854989
File: 1632983483734.jpg (431.44 KB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_20210930_072953.jpg)

>>854969making eye masks apparently
No. 855005
>>854989Imagine having enough money to truly help people but instead you turn out crap like this & buy slave labor trash for a worthless bint. This idiot totally deserves tuna. She won't know what hit her when the shit hits the fan and all the sudden Luna decides she is an
abusive/horrible person who totally stole her original artwork.
No. 855007
>>854989Okay so let me get this straight. Tuna's two jobs are as follows:
1.) Gardening with rlyblonde
2.) Crafting with Alltardspaces
Those… are hobbies. Having friends is not a job. Do you think she gets paid actual money for either of these things?
No. 855021
>>855014no, the gardening thing is at rllyblonde’s mom’s house
which makes me believe that the mom has actually been buying Luna random gifts in the past
No. 855031
>>854973She got angry and said he was just kidding around
>>854978That's my theory, except she pays Tuna for being her 'friend' and indulging another of her fundie projects going nowhere (she did some painting and tea shit before)
No. 855072
File: 1633035937407.jpeg (1.17 MB, 828x1409, 8F1D42B2-F033-47F2-AAEE-CC9BB6…)

more toxic houseplants! luckily for pumpkin she’ll probably kill them pretty fast
No. 855077
if anything having lavender that close to your nostrils would ironically cause some serious sensory overload
No. 855080
File: 1633040329587.jpeg (155.61 KB, 828x1298, 1DF5C36B-5710-4D57-940F-F58895…)

>>855042See? Not rlyblonde. Probably a junkie, why do I feel like the only people obsessed with ~harm reduction~ are junkies? Probably because of Luna, so sorry if I'm talking out of my ass
No. 855081
File: 1633040401558.jpeg (127.12 KB, 828x1238, EDAB2D50-532D-4D5B-82B8-749DC2…)

>>855080>>855080unless harm reduction kits aren't a junkie only thing?
No. 855088
>>854945Holy shit - the first time I check on Luna in a month and she's got a "job". I dunno what kind of establishment or "boss" hires a fat-stinking-junkie covered in gross holes/scars, wearing oversized toddler clothing.
Ah well, at least she's not leeching off everyone else now, right?…right?
No. 855091
>>854935how does this woman not have a single bra that fits properly? good god.
maybe her boss friend should take her to get a proper bra sizing too
>>854989ah yes, nothing would relax me more than a staph infection directly in my iris
No. 855095
File: 1633052569028.png (969.94 KB, 1125x1082, 7coaqoxlvgq71.png)

Sage for unrelated 'tism but this fake targeted shirt reminded me of Tuna and Chief
No. 855161
>>855118. They have no idea what they're doing. One scroll through Alltard's personal Instagram shows she gets a high off of larping different, and oftentimes niche, professions.
And yeah. No one with autism during sensory overload will willingly overwhelm their senses with lavender over their eyes. Not to mention it has the potential to be irritating. Lavender shouldn't be anywhere near the eyes, even if it's sewn in. Buncha dumbasses who has probably never been around a single autistic person, just all those self diagnosed socially undeveloped NEETs and junkies.
No. 855165
File: 1633107728121.png (288.86 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20211001-095940.png)

>>855163Yeah, the pseudo intelligence has my sides rn.
No. 855192
>>855176I think that Allison is enamored with Tuna, not the other way around. Tuna is happy to leech and 'work', but doesn't seem to care about her boss beyond that. She probably thinks she got the 'job' on her merits, while she's a pet project of a bored leftie fundie. Meanwhile her boss is throwing money at Tuna lmfao
>>855137I would have the biggest kek if Allison is one of those farmers in a love-hate relationship with Tuna, except she was told to whiteknight at Tuna's gram one times too many.
No. 855201
File: 1633129853116.jpg (647.24 KB, 1080x3028, 02102021010938.jpg)

No. 855267
>>855246"90% of my belongings are moldy and unusable, pls donate, i cannot live without my art supplies as that's how i make my living by selling art and i have body dysmorphia so i need my makeup"
already have her down pat.
No. 855372
File: 1633259423675.jpg (742.74 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_20211001-104110_Ins…)

>>855165Alltard's retarded posts incoming to give everyone an example of her bullshit (1/3)
No. 855374
File: 1633259552635.jpg (892.69 KB, 1080x1591, Screenshot_20211001-103931_Ins…)

No. 855377
>>855372Boss witch?!
And I like that her professional notebook is written in with different colored markers. She's like Tuna but with the trust fund money to do nothing.
No. 855393
>>855197Fucking all of this. Especially the tinfoil that they met in the group.
>>855374 makes a strong case for it.
No. 855461
File: 1633374103272.jpeg (184.81 KB, 828x984, B2C1ADF9-8E2F-4E45-BC60-EDCD8D…)

seems like lurch called her fat again
No. 855464
>>855437This is an imageboard
>>855461Thanks for actually posting this
No. 855470
File: 1633379453119.jpeg (370.85 KB, 828x2070, C2F3477B-B8B3-48BF-B322-58E131…)

Here’s some of her recent tumblr posts that weren’t shared here
No. 855471
File: 1633379475447.jpeg (522.31 KB, 828x2824, 60A00CDE-3346-40AE-A502-2346AA…)

No. 855472
File: 1633379504560.jpeg (492.38 KB, 828x2318, FC302CC9-77D9-4176-850F-31315C…)

No. 855473
File: 1633379549787.jpeg (376.86 KB, 828x2381, 73FE1047-175B-4377-8E5C-F36860…)

No. 855474
File: 1633379581161.jpeg (1.1 MB, 828x1426, BC72D8C0-E568-46A6-BAC5-805D8D…)

god forbid her office chair for work comes in a colour that’s not pink
No. 855476
>>855470>I'm not an idiotYes you are Luna, you're a complete fucking idiot. Taking fistfuls of pills do NOT make you productive, it makes you a fucking idiot because sooner rather than later, your body is going to give up on you, just like it has with your legs and part of your arm, and your fucking brain. You're a grade A idiot.
>>855471>>855472>>855473Add each of these to the list of why you're an idiot. None of these are necessities.
>>855474You're a fucking squatter with "80% of your possessions lost" and you're concerned about the color of a chair. I guess it'll look cute when it's on the sidewalk.
No. 855484
File: 1633384695110.jpeg (313.63 KB, 828x2836, 3569A643-58E6-41AC-9249-5A520A…)

No. 855497
File: 1633410359340.jpeg (521.82 KB, 828x2007, 12FE2984-4354-43A4-B951-81D748…)

No. 855540
File: 1633457755921.jpg (283.73 KB, 1080x1730, Screenshot_20211004-173702_Ins…)

Mandatory selfie to show she's totally taking this seriously
No. 855548
File: 1633463354135.jpg (77.4 KB, 580x853, lifegoals.JPG)

>i'm so traumatized after my rape, please buy me clothes I can hide in uwu
No. 855604
>>855577She's not shooting anything otherwise she wouldn't wear a dress. Legs with noticeable bumps everywhere due to shit muscling attempts aren't good for dresses when her eMpLoYeR is a drug policy advocate.
Her out of it expression is partially due to overdoing benzos from mean mommy and Lurch and partially due to her desire to look like an addict à la her favorite glamorous junkies.
No. 855623
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No. 855626
File: 1633551920542.jpeg (196.19 KB, 828x1266, 49A39C64-F676-4B0D-AB8C-DB185C…)

>>855246>>855267Here she is absolutely fucking soaking her mesh bottom shelf while attempting to mist her plants (poor succulents). Her art stuff is directly underneath so I give it a week before she’s begging for new sketchbooks
No. 855633
File: 1633556511831.jpeg (731.06 KB, 828x1376, AA2CE5A9-0D38-4ABF-9306-FB92E2…)

cheap makeup caked on and cheap fast fashion, so earthy
No. 855680
File: 1633599636308.jpeg (212.65 KB, 1242x1655, A8FE98AF-DD76-4E96-BDB0-4662DF…)

Absolute horrorcow
No. 855692
>>855633Her filter abuse is painfully obvious. I believe this is taken at her benefactor Allicin's backyard where they're altering her space to give Tuna a sense of purpose for spare money. She probably just posted it on the way home.
I bet her friend just said "want to do some work for me? I'll give you some money and buy you some stuff with the allowance my parents give me". And Tuna calls it a job.
No. 855694
>>855631>>855623The worst part is I'm pretty sure this isn't shooped. I think Tuna's body just looks this warped and fucked up in that dress with the weird bell sleeves. She really has no clue how to dress for her body type since she's always accentuating the worst parts of herself and dressing in potato sacks or low cut shirts that put her saggy udders on display. Even her new middle school "goff" images emblazoned on her donated-by-Alltard's-parents'-money clothes look ridiculous, although at least she isn't wearing toddler outfits on her big body as much.
The only thing I like about her updated wardrobe is that she wants more Lazy Oaf dresses, which is perfect because Tuna is a lazy oaf.
No. 855805
>>855772not to be rude but I'm always confused when anons think Lurch even gives this much of a shit about tuna, nevermind what she looks like/wears. I always got the vibe he barely paid attention to her or or stupid ass interests. I personally think this return to her more gothy style is a miniscule shred of personal growth. she's done with the bimbo nonsense – as overpriced and tacky as these black dresses may be – they're much more flattering to her shape. she's also posting more honest shots of her body (less distorted/weird angles to make her look skinny) so that's why I think maybe she's just growing up.
just a tad, though.
No. 855812
>>855805Lots of late anons forget tuna has been into the whole weebified version of heroin chic since before lurch stuck his easterisland dingdong where it didnt belong.
He is absolutely a predator in plenty of ways but the anons convinced he got her into “bimbo” shit and this whole infantilized junkie fantasy is just her. Drug users become stunted at the age they started using and she was already in the hole with other substances before Lurch came and could fulfill the dream of heroin addiction. The sanrio bimbo sexkitten religious imagery crystal woowoo pill popper bs is all tumblr culture, Lurch is too out of touch with not only the internet but he got stunted in an entirely different decade than her. She is young enough (and a woman) which means she still has some family/friends left and can garner enough sympathy from strangers for them to grift from thats why he is around. Tuna cringeposting and reblogging that pastel shit has always been a huge coping mechanism for her because even pre-lurch she has always had messy rooms and had no problem trying to be a cutesy girl surrounded by “chaos” even tho alot of it was just filth she herself made by being lazy.
No. 855816
File: 1633689403063.jpg (141.05 KB, 683x1024, 6888114166_2b4c01f3c7_b.jpg)

>>855805>not to be rude but I'm always confused when anons think Lurch even gives this much of a shit about tunaAYRT, maybe I worded it badly, but I don't think Lurch is into babygirl tumblr aesthetics. What I meant was Luna got into DDLG aesthetics when she was in love with Lurch, because he was her tall old man and she was his baby. You might be right and Lurch didn't give a shit at all, it was all in Luna's head, my tinfoil centers more around the relationship than anything he actually did. She regressed pretty majorly in the 6 years with Lurch, maybe it was just the heroin and he's not involved at all, but you don't see all heroin addicts becoming traumacore spergs. Call me crazy, but I feel like her boyfriend being 18 years older than her contributed to her feeling like a baby and dressing like one.
>why I think maybe she's just growing upI don't deny that it's a more mature style, but I don't understand how her old style isn't more mature than both the kawaii bs and the new mall goth? This photos been posted to death in old threads, but it's luna at 17 with a more mature style than she's ever had as an adult.
No. 855828
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>>855826lol she posted it on lookbook in 2013, so you're right that it fits that style.'m not going to spam the thread with old pics of Luna, but her teenage style wasn't kawaii pastel tumblr babygirl at all.
No. 855829
>>855812>>855816Slightly OT, there is no evidence that people emotionally stay the same age as when they experienced trauma (or started using, which is a tinfoil I've never heard before OP) so feel free to skip the rest of my autism if you don't care. So sorry anons, Tuna's behavior and childish ways are simply just Tuna being Tuna and can't be blamed on her perceived trauma or drug use.
After using Google Scholar to check the validity of OP's tinfoil, I've only found peer-reviewed research showing that trauma experienced at a young age (which does affect the amygdala and hippocampus by making it hard for people to differentiate between real and perceived threats) actually ages people biologically and mentally. Trauma can cause some people to try to protect themselves from future damage which may affect the way they act, but there is no evidence showing people stay the same age as their trauma (or drug use). I also read most people emotionally always will feel like they're young adults (like 18-25) due to there not being a social need to act more emotionally mature than that.
I'm sure some anons have their own stories of themselves or a friend who act the same age as when they started using or when trauma occurred, but that's their own psychological issue and not a fact about the effects of trauma. If they think their condition is evidence of the contrary, they should offer themselves up to a medical research facility to see if they can help update the research currently available.
No. 855865
File: 1633723696075.jpg (787.49 KB, 1080x1735, Screenshot_20211008-140710_Ins…)

ah yes, the pink chair has arrived. the carpet looks surprisingly clean, do you think this is even set up in her squat?
No. 855886
>>855865surely this priceless e-girl gamer chair will be the thing that saves her from her vicious cycle
>>>/snow/55077poor angel 25-year-old adult baby uwu
she can't fit in this chair
No. 855888
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>>855865our poor wide girl
No. 855917
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Confirmed they met in group?
No. 855918
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>>855917And the absolute state of this one's reasoning. Oh to be a fundie without a care in the world… she seems so fuckin sheltered for how worldly she's trying to come off lmao. Tuna will fix her right up, I bet.
No. 855967
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No. 855988
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No. 855989
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No. 855990
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No. 855991
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No. 855992
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No. 855993
>>855989I thought she said the police told her the video looked like she consented? Now she's saying they found the perp, he said she consented, and they… Let him go?
Also lol @ her timeline of wearing baggy clothes and hiding for months behind a mask. She was hanging around tittys out before the end of the week and she documented it online. Geez, it must suck having the brain scrambles that bad so young.
No. 855995
>>855990"I survived no longer believing my body is so pure."
Oh so you believed it was so pure when you drank your piss and touched yourself while on the phone with your dad for a couple bucks? Or shooting videos of you skin popping heroin? God her writing really fucking sucks.
No. 856005
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>>855989>>855990did she read the farms and realized she wasn't saying or doing anything about the rape narrative recently? Sorry, I still don't trust Luna in that regard.
>kiss that plushie, the one that your love gave you, your favorite one, the pastel cat unicorn, every night before bedpicrel. The plushie lines are the worst fucking parts of the 'poem' kek
No. 856053
Taken from the other Farms - there's a balloon
>>855865. Is it possible she's buying bundles of H again?
No. 856059
>>855917I disagree with anons that think she's an addict. From my experience, current addicts or someone recently (like 5 years) in recovery doesn't take the time to try to assist with drug policy reform because they're out using and there's no time to use while advocating. Using IS advocating if you're an addict. Allicin is too young to have had the experience as an addict to be advocating for prison drug reform policy 6 years ago.
The people that say shit like like>>855918 are usually white do-gooders that have never struggled with addiction. They're usually rich white kids that smoke weed and take psychedelics and hand money to panhandlers and expect them to remember them specifically for their kindness and generosity and great $20-$100 contribution. You can tell from her naive wording on multiple posts that she's the daughter of rich liberals and has never seen the pitfalls of true addiction, which is why she thinks Tuna is someone worth saving, who she can point out to her parents and former professors as an example of an impoverished addict that just needed a bit of kindness and not judgment. The only way she was at a therapy group was to scope out a project or if her mom and dad made her go for her aDdIcTiOn to weed/psychedelics.
No. 856070
>>856065Sorry, I forgot. Saying "remember to sage" comes across as less dickish than "learn to sage".
While we're at it, disagreeing with an ill-informed anon's assessment isn't blogging just because 5% of my post's sentences started with "in my experience". But being polite isn't your forte just like being authentic and likeable isn't Tuna's.
No. 856128
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>>856127samefag, dropped my pic
No. 856272
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jfc I can’t even imagine how this must look irl. It looks so cakey and sticky
No. 856274
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No. 856278
>>856272this looks like the local addict train wrecks facebook profile pic in 2010. Horrible how even the powder makeup is obnoxiously thick as we've been seeing in her pics lately. She truly has to look completely grotesque irl
>>856274case in point, damn that dress is already completely filthy and disgusting. Definitely looks like a high class broad if I ever saw one lol /s
No. 856286
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>>856274Samefag but say what you will about the quality of her poetry and drawing, she certainly has an eye for framing photographs in ways that reveal much as they are studied. Or she just keeps so much shit around this literally has to keep happening.
No. 856306
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Kek it seems like Lurch is on instagram now. How long until Tessa 2.0 happens?
No. 856315
>>856306Possibly just Tuna talking to herself as she's done in the past but a Tessa 2.0 could be hilarious either way
>>856272Crusty bitch needs a deep scour scrub and her hair completely shaved off
No. 856340
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>>856286>>856339>>856336Not to be a sperg because you're totally right that her ~*pills always make it into the shot and she definitely has bedbugs from the sheer amount of street junk they bring home, but one of thise objects is pic related. Idk why she always spends money on things like air freshener and face wash and new clothes when a shower, a load of laundry, and a mop and bucket would fix 90% of her hygiene issues. I wonder if Alltard or rlyblonde have been in their squat yet?
No. 856387
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>homemade coffee
No. 856477
File: 1634240246699.jpg (464.68 KB, 1080x1724, IMG_20211014_213640.jpg)

Lurch isn't happy for whatever reason. Isn't Luna wearing one of those hideous oversize AliExpress sweaters that come preripped? They are being sold in red and purple afair
>>856262Late but thank you for saying what I've been thinking but didn't post as I didn't want to
trigger possible "hi newfag triple poster!" replies.
No. 856489
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The Lurch account seems to be genuine
No. 856494
File: 1634252911834.jpg (245.74 KB, 1080x1721, Screenshot_20211014-160120_Sam…)

Checked out Lurch's Twitter and it looks like he's been posting pretty frequently. most of it is almost incoherent but I did come across this lol
No. 856499
File: 1634256889885.jpg (23.93 KB, 127x275, 1634254354750.jpg)

y u delete this anon? he's already scouting?
No. 856504
File: 1634260806292.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1242x1788, F0F77FC9-982E-44FB-8A4A-7FB278…)

so they’re using old dirty socks to make poorly sewn plant cozies?
No. 856509
File: 1634266119088.jpeg (92.15 KB, 750x412, 93FDEB62-6BD9-4E33-9D1C-AF15E5…)

This is rich considering he went through the trouble of getting a doctor’s note to avoid having to pay rent for months after Roger died kek
No. 856513
File: 1634266497799.jpeg (152.49 KB, 750x811, 52FAFA67-85CE-4627-B8FC-4E17B8…)

Lurch has a lot of boldly racist takes for someone who has been on government assistance for probably over a decade at this point
No. 856514
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Self explanatory
No. 856515
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Tuna pregnancy saga?? Wtf is this
No. 856518
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>>856509>>856515>>856513lmaooooo what the fuck. I had to go to this account and check the following to confirm that this was really him and not just some random boomer. he claims to be a "mathematical genius" in his bio and has so many weird tweets about black men being deadbeats. picrel made me laugh because what does he say to himself when tuna gets a new amazon delivery?? lmao
No. 856531
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>>856513>>856518Wonder what supposedly pro BLM Tuna thinks about this
No. 856553
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Lurch really can’t be trusted on any social media lmao. He’s following a few female sports journalists too, wonder if thats why Luna wants to be one
No. 856554
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So high he’s responding to himself KEK
No. 856555
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His father set such a great example he became a lifelong heroin addict who “hustled” by selling fent
No. 856647
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Don't worry, guys. He's a mathematician.
No. 856651
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Hopeless case
No. 856662
>>856647love that he says "white people" but calls black people "blacks." he's def a racist considering a previous NY anon mentioned he starts shit with black people in the area.
i wonder if this rubs off on Luna and she's an undercover racist who pretends to be BLM for wokepoints on social media or because she doesn't want people to stop donating to her cause she's racist.
either way, she's a lost cause imo cause she's ""sober"" rn, with a ""job"" and still can't comprehend that her ""fiance" is and will cheat on her every chance he gets and is a raging racist and delusional leech on society
No. 856665
>>856513>>856514hahahahahaha oh wow, Matthew has racist uncle energy. He and Luna really don't have anything in common beyond being lazy and doing drugs.
>>856515He's probably/hopefully lying to make a point just like with
>>856555 and
>>856647. It was clear that he's a dumbass but jesus christ he's borderline too stupid to be allowed near an internet connection
No. 856666
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No. 856668
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No. 856677
>>856666This is honestly embarrassing. All the other booths set up behind her look legit with actual product set-up and they look like they're 6 year Olds selling crafts on the sidewalk outside their house trying to raise money to buy themselves a pony.
And what artshow is this? I searched it and nothing came up
No. 856685
>>856668The paintjob on that guitar is shockingly sloppy. I'd be so fucking embarrassed if my "art" consisted of sock cozies and a guitar that looks like it was painted by a 4 year old.
Luna never ceases to disappoint.
No. 856687
>>856668"Mini guitars"?! Oh, you mean a ukulele, seeing that it has only 4 strings? Alltard Spaces is clearly comprised of all 'tards since even if this really was a mini guitar, #1- The fuck does this have to do with plants and neurodivergent people, #2- If she was so talented to carve guitars (which is called building and shaping since designs are the only things carved into guitars/ ukuleles and not the entire instrument), they should stop wasting time and make these instead, #3- This would be considered a child's guitar since no normal guitarist wants a miniature guitar, and #4- The horrific paint job on this "mini guitar" is so bad it kills any desire to own one.
My guess is they found some shop selling $20 ukuleles, didn't know better and thought they were mini guitars, and decided to let Tuna paint it so they can sell it as a novelty instrument that can be cUsToMiZeD for a jacked up price. 2 alltarded idiots attempting to scam anyone dumber than them. I'll be genuinely happy when this scam of a business fails. They're only successful at hustling Alltard's rich parents into funding this waste of time.
No. 856692
>>856681Right, like what's the purpose? If it's unglazed terracotta the socks are going to get gross and if it's like a generous anon said
>>856691 why not just buy different pots or glazed pots so the texture isn't there? Like, this lady saw an idea on Pinterest and thought it'd help people I guess. The plants are included because "sensory" and smell is a sense! Those basils are basically about to die since they aren't pinching the flowers.
This is so great, I can't believe her job is even MORE of a joke than it already was.
No. 856699
>>856692I think they just made up some BS about sensory issues with neurodivergent people, which none of these items would really help with, and reusing the socks equals repurposing which means being green and less wasteful which is trendy rn. but wouldn't it be better if people use their own socks instead of mindlessly buying other people's socks stretched around a pot?
this whole "company" is half-baked. neither of these people have any comprehension of what a good product is or how to target it to an audience properly so they're really just wasting time and money. like… apply to McDonald's at that point and build up a resume from there, go jogging and do little arts and crafts as a hobby.
No. 856700
File: 1634417102897.jpg (350.68 KB, 1080x1265, Screenshot_20211016_214429.jpg)

the ukulele is even worse up close,
No. 856705
File: 1634419165992.jpeg (307.67 KB, 828x1086, CD9F091B-C974-4547-AB6F-E19941…)

I wonder how much they’re selling these ripped up old sock cozies for?
No. 856711
>>856700Holy shit, that's yuck.
The paintjob? Horrendous.
The "carved" sound hole? Rough.
There is literally still pieces of hacked off wood hanging out loose inside the uke.
So not only does it look like shit, it's going to sound like shit.
No. 856731
>>856666OK, this might just be projecting my own feelings after staring into the void too long but … Does Luna actually look embarrassed here? Her tard smile, gone.
>>856730Are they actually trying to sell them as instruments or passing it off as 'art'?
No. 856789
>>856713luna hates poor people so much and has never truly been “poor”
i’ve always thought this based on her idea of “cheap clothing” being $30+ amazon shit made my child slaves and her “fiancé’s” anti-poor rants and the fact she refuses to make some top ramen or rice & beans and instead orders takeout every day. not to mention her charging like $50 for her “art” on printer paper with a half-dead prismacolor (she can’t use crayola because it’s beneath her)
it’s even more evident now that she is actively trying to sell ACTUAL garbage to people. these two are asking people who make money at their actual jobs to buy dirty sock covered plants and a hacked up uke? all the while using disabled people for brownie points
i can’t believe she hasn’t tried raiding thrift stores and upselling ugly t-shirts it on depop since she hates poor people so much
No. 856807
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the audacity of preaching sustainability while directly funding Luna
No. 856808
>>856807“we are building an economy around decomposition”
luna certainly is decomposing
No. 856825
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her legs look like she has ringworm
No. 856835
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>>856807Man I really want to buy some stanky old socks from this propped up corpse and failed art major twat
No. 856854
File: 1634526831845.jpeg (453.34 KB, 1242x925, ADFFEF83-F6BB-4404-B364-45F0CF…)

i think i hate this person more than tuna
literally why does everything need to be pretentious? her tweets read like random word generators
No. 856931
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why are the succulents absolutely sopping wet?
No. 856964
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This was on a picture of her pipe and a lit cigarette so I'm not sure which he's referring to but I'm curious if he's enforcing his opinions on weed onto her now.
No. 856986
File: 1634603646905.jpg (783.5 KB, 1078x1823, Screenshot_20211018-193214_Tum…)

I am HORRIFIED. She has literal SHIT in between her fingers and idk what that crease of skin is in that 2nd pic but I'm scared.
No. 857008
File: 1634627070108.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.79 MB, 1419x1869, z7pDrVO.jpg)

>>856986This skin flap? I’m not sure. It looks like it should be a nipple but I don’t think they’re down to her crotch (yet). It looks like her legs are crossed over each other stretched out. Some kind of wart/pimple/boil/huge ingrown hair on her bikini line? Her dress is hiked up… Commando tuna. In before “need underwear for self care, must be Kuromi uwu”
No. 857009
>>856647probably thinks he's a mathematician because dealing drugs taught him the metric system lmfao
>>856877she sounds like every white wook in his early 20s that tries DMT at a music festival and sees god
No. 857024
>>856964I'm willing to bet money that Lurch saw American History X as a youth and heard the "pot's for niggers" line and latched onto it.
Which reminds me of the game I like to play where I guess what movie could be their life! Lurch should get a job as a janitor at an ivy league school so he can try to live his mathematician dreams of being recognized as the creepy statue version of Will Hunting.
He has a higher chance though of being crazy like in A Beautiful Mind because of Tuna. BTW, I bet we have it all wrong and Tuna really is taking advantage of this good pRovIdEr who's mentally slow, like she's the evil "genius" between their bumbling idiocy.
No. 857032
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it’s sad because this is probably the only thing she has to look forward to. such an empty life
No. 857047
>>857044eviction moratorium because of the pandemic
in effect until January 15
No. 857051
>>857048it’s public housing, there’s not an individual landlord
the housing authority probably is waiting until they can do a bunch of evictions at once, not doing all the work to get stray squatters here and there out
Luna and Lurch have cockroaches’ luck
No. 857078
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This is such an odd relationship
No. 857091
>>857078it's kind of weird lurch is suddenly more in the picture… usually we rarely hear/see of him, but now that luna is off at 'work', it seems he's been more involved. like, why did he suddenly get an instagram? when's the last time we saw a supportive text?
wonder if he's afraid his reigns are loosening.
No. 857093
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"I've had the population of dealing with" this man's brain is completely fried
>>857091Tinfoil but I wonder if he's cared enough to go through her posts and has seen her fantasizing about strangers and her ex thus causing the fighting mentioned in
>>856477 No. 857098
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>>857097Sorry meant to post the newer comment as well. Glad the stone faced degenerate knows others when he sees them lol
No. 857102
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>>857098what even prompted this
No. 857115
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No. 857127
>>857115Her mom gave her the place that she's currently squatting in, but how dare she touch her face moisturizer and cleanser for her skin cancer? She doesn't take care of her face but when she tries, her daughter narc rages.
I don't see how some anons think that she's getting better when she's clearly still the same selfish bitch that she always was.
No. 857147
>>857115I always thought Luna’s mom was her “golden parent” (besides the grandma who passed away and gave her inheritance which is the perfect way to be to Luna, quietly croak and give her stuff)
She always shat on her dad despite being on his phone plan and getting amazon stuff from him, going so far as saying she couldn’t wait for him to pass away so she could claim his apartment.
I guess the sympathy for her mom ran dry the moment she had the audacity to borrow anything from Luna. (Funny how it’s cheap cheap cheap when someone has to foot the bill but if someone else touch it it’s suddenly super expensive)
>”I said please just ask first”Oh like when you kicked out your own mom from her bedroom so you could move in Lurch and your own ass and made her sleep on the couch? Like when you told the social workers that her life was practically over?
Jesus Christ she sounds like a parody at this point. How can some people be so heartless towards their own family. I hope she one day wakes up and realise she treated her late parents like dog shit and regret all the hurt she spread around her.
And let’s not forget she stole stuff from Lurch’s own father that was donated to him, what a fucking hypocrite. Oh but I guess he was dying anyway so he didn’t need it.
No. 857166
>>857153Either way, you can't sublet public housing. It sounds like her mom was visiting. I know at least Lurch is lurking. Your day is coming, guys. You will lose that house and be on the street again, get your acts together and find a new place or try to qualify for
actual public housing.
No. 857173
>>857166Disabled anon here, the waiting list for public housing in NY is YEARS. One of my best friends has been homeless couch surfing since 2017 still on a waiting list to get subsidized housing. The only person I know who has it is my friend whose parents had it set up for him when he turned 21 but started setting it up with he was still in middle school. And Luna doesn't even have an official disability, theres no way she would qualify for public housing. Maybe a bed in a women's shelter but if she got on the list today she might get a shitty apartment (in which she wouldnt be allowed to have a spouse/partner or keep pets) 3 years from now. Saged for disability spurging but myself and a few of my friends who have legitimate disabilities are all waiting on this list and it isn't getting any shorter.
She needs to get out of the expensive area, take her ass upstate and rent a room in one of those big chopped-up slum houses that students rent, I used to pay $500 a month for an enormous room in Poughkeepsie with a shared kitchen/bathroom and yeah it is kind of a hick city its not as glamorous as NYC but shes trying to find affordable housing in what is one of the most expensive areas in the country. There is no reasonably priced housing south of Yonkers and since she doesn't need to score dope anymore there is no reason why she can't move (other than this job thing, which sounds pretty sweet I can see why she wouldn't want to give it up).
And again just a personal sperg but as somebody who actually has autism this Altered Spaces lady is a libtard with no idea what shes doing. We Autistics need gainful employment, an affordable cost of living, and reasonable social accommodations through public education, not pots with sock wrapped around them. If she actually wanted to help autistic people she could venmo my friend $50 so she doesnt have to turn tricks for groceries because she can't hold down a job with her disability. Autistic people have been very clear about the accommodations we require from society and carved ukuleles are not on that list. If you want to "help" autistic people then for gods sake listen to what kind of help we are asking for this whole project is so patronizing and insulting.
No. 857193
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>>857181>>857173Cheapest I'm finding in her area is $1650 for a 1 bedroom, the rest are between 2500-6k, no joke. She needs to leave this region, like ASAP. It would hurt less than being thrown out on the street. Also, sorry to hear about your friend anon. America is a hellscape.
No. 857213
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I like how she's asspatting herself for "helping" the mentally ill somehow despite just implying her mom doesn't need skin care because she has skin cancer. Iirc, she's also claimed her mom is mentally ill
No. 857220
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No. 857225
File: 1634781452520.jpeg (693.61 KB, 1170x2083, F42EAC15-60DB-4AAF-81D0-548EC3…)

God how did she get lucky enough for a trust fund baby to hand her a bullshit ass “job”
No. 857228
>>857220How is that thing supposed to help autistic people?
>>857225Nicole sounds like a farmer kek
No. 857229
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This made me cackle. Sure he does Luna
No. 857232
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No. 857234
>>857232WTF. Why was she even taking 100s of photos of her mum passed out in the first place? Blackmail??
Has she ever said anything in the past about addiction being a mental illness? I feel like she would have as a way to excuse her own addictions. If so, she’s not doing a great job at helping those with mental illness if she’s taking photos without their consent when they’re at their most vulnerable.
This girl makes me feel physically sick sometimes, she legit needs locking away for her own mental illnesses!
No. 857236
>>857232Is this dumb cunt for real? There are hundreds of photos on the internet of her doing exactly that with her eyes looking in two different directions cause she's so high.
And it's not like your mom begged you to come live with her Tuna. You barged in with your walking corpse of a boyfriend and took over. Now you refuse to leave the very place that you barged in on your mom in. This ungrateful motherfucker makes it so hard not to rage.
No. 857238
File: 1634786725222.png (864.95 KB, 1080x1213, Screenshot_20211020-222333.png)

No. 857267
File: 1634822068499.jpg (202.47 KB, 970x1120, from kf.jpg)

>>857225How is this helping people with mental illness?
No. 857277
>>857275>>857272You can tell that that's exactly what they're using in
>>856668 and
>>856700 No. 857280
>>857267selling people literal garbage
this feels like an elaborate joke
No. 857317
File: 1634847548508.jpeg (117.16 KB, 828x926, DA887492-7089-474C-9339-8387D0…)

because doing crafts all day constitutes as good exercise lol
No. 857318
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>>857317Not when you're eating shit like this on your "diet", lard ass. With her addiction to sugar, I can guarantee those coffees are sweetened too.
No. 857323
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>>857317lol she has fruit and "homemade coffee" for lunch two times and suddenly she's dieting?
No. 857331
>>857317Jesus Christ, the level of BPD
>I need to make my body perfect Start by making it better and healthier, don’t starve yourself and then binge on crap, that’s a recipe for trash bag looks and health
No. 857336
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No. 857396
>>857395he’s a baseball superstar, a mathematical genius, expert race theory tweeter, had a real estate mogul as a father, and slipped on peepee at the costco to collect settlement money. he can’t be
too good looking, or women would simply be unable to help themselves.
No. 857414
File: 1634934432258.jpg (412.96 KB, 2226x3220, PSX_20211022_132622.jpg)

>publicly pines for a designer bag she already has
No. 857425
>>857173If your friend is disabled why are they whoring themselves out? The government gives people that are unable to work, a disability check. My brother, a fellow autist to you, receives one monthly. So if your friend is receiving a SSI check, and “working” I’m sure they don’t need you e-begging a multiple $50 donations from anonymous board users.
Also why would I give my hard earned money to a sex worker? Disabled or not?
>We autists…Yes let’s please touch on that. You’re obviously high functioning. How are you advocating for others on the spectrum who aren’t? By complaining? Making demands? Begging for other people’s money? Really a selfish waste of your brain function to be honest. You’re no better than Allicin at this point.
It’s so weird… there’s something about HFAs that give them an air of pretentiousness, kinda like Chris-chan.
No. 857439
File: 1634956453057.jpeg (1.45 MB, 1242x2028, 8D70FA05-4A0D-4DD1-A83E-4EEA86…)

This desk and chair looks TINY
Tfw you skimp on quality of your “work space” to ensure its ~aesthetique
No. 857466
>>857437Thank you for letting me know what is, and isn’t warranted in this thread anon. I was so lost without you.
>>857438Yeah because that’s what I said verbatim.
No. 857472
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This pet project seems to have been going on for atleast a year, which makes their table at the arts festival last weekend even more pathetic.
No. 857628
File: 1635126643163.jpg (279.58 KB, 1080x668, Screenshot_20211024-204622_Sam…)

Methinks this attic will be the perfect place for tuna to live when she gets evicted so she doesn't actually have to be a responsible adult and get a job and legit apartment. Cute! She'll be living in alltards attic doing arts and crafts. Another dead end in her life.
No. 857631
File: 1635128460636.jpg (293.65 KB, 1080x1822, Screenshot_20211024-191858_Ins…)

They both spend significantly more time setting up their "workspaces" and taking pictures than they do on anything that resembles working
No. 857645
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I have a full time job and am holding off on getting a new iPhone until I absolutely need to. Interesting that ~poverty stricken Luna~ always has a newer model and cute case to go with it. I want her kind of poor
No. 857653
>>857631the new shooting gallery looks less than ideal. Lots of things she can't disinfect (lol jk). I'm sure it'll be fully covered in junk in no time
>>857645don't forget nonnett her kind of poor lost an inherited house over taxes (if I remember right) still probably were cheaper than any apartment in nyc. I would never be able to live with myself for doing that. Talk about a ticket out of being destitute and this dummy blew it. Tbh I think they fall for the deals in the phone ads, the deals that are actually more expensive and no where near the cheap options but idk if that's the case
No. 857728
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Still claiming to be sober
No. 857763
>>857749I think she's talking about PAWS (post acute withdrawal syndrome), which is a myriad of uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms that can last for many months after stopping drug use. It sucks a lot, and can make life pretty miserable. It's a big reason why a lot of people relapse in early recovery. But at the same time, who knows with Luna. She could still be using here and there, and
triggering acute withdrawals. She's retarded enough to keep putting herself through it.
No. 857807
>>857749>>857728Clonidine lowers your blood pressure. When you kick opiates, your blood pressure raises and the Clonidine will lower it which eases some of the withdrawal symptoms. However, once you're done kicking where you're literally in discomfort/pain all the time, you don't need Clonidine and it won't do a damn thing to help you. Luna talks like Clonidine is methadone and the 2 aren't even similar. Tuna is simply taking a blood pressure medication now and has been for 7 ½ months if her fentanyl sobriety calendar is on point. It makes sense that her fat ass believes a high blood pressure medication is helping her cravings and sweaty hands, when really she's just helping her high blood pressure caused by her weight.
Source: 7 addiction medication doctors have explained this to me in the past 5 years (not the Tuna being fat part, but I'm sure they'd agree with that).
No. 857832
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No. 857884
File: 1635293389166.jpg (277.12 KB, 800x1057, Untitled (11).jpg)

New post
No. 857898
File: 1635303398574.jpeg (469.65 KB, 2048x2048, 23775DAB-1C0D-4ACC-B291-BBE3F9…)

>>857842you weren’t even exaggerating. literally none of it was assembled properly
No. 857912
>>857898Definitely agree. Not at all how it is supposed to be.
Source: had it explained to me by seven different furniture assembly specialists.
No. 857933
>>857809Op here and I was stating that addiction medication doctors explained Clonidine to me because it's often misunderstood by addicts (like Tuna). My source information was to avoid anons assuming I pulled that info out of my ass. I don't know wtf a TND is though so sorry I can't provide source info.
>>857913If she's saying Clonidine and benzos have helped her, maybe those 2 together also are sedating when combined.
I also think Tuna's cRaVinGs are just cravings to get high in general, not just fetty cravings. If benzos and Clonidine help her opiate cravings, then her addiction is to much more than opiates. She gets high off being high on anything.
No. 857951
>>857938Because Luna is very very dumb.
Seriously, half the “but why?…” questions on a Luna thread can be answered like this. She is incredibly dumb, vain, and shallow. I’m not sure why people still cheer for her to get clean, ditch lurch and get her life back on track lol. She chooses to be with a racist dimwit who fucks other women and tries to fuck more by flirting on social media. If she left lurch she’d find some other complete ditch dweller to dig her festy fake nails into.
No. 857953
>>857884>0-25>all I wanted was safety, was that so much to ask?>I gave you the roof over your head!I think she's actually justifying stealing her mother's house and kicking her out, holy shit. "0-25" is not an age group, Luna. You are in charge of your own comfort and safety at 25, your mom doesn't owe you shit! God, it's so hard not to a-log when you read her poetry and
deep innermost thoughts and it's just perpetual whining about being a neglected child.
No. 857982
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How does she keep managing to look more and more disheveled
No. 857993
>>857982I wish she took a video, watching an obese junkie try to swing a baseball bat at a fence sounds hilarious
Also who tf wears a dress to do yard work?? She is hilarious omg
No. 857997
File: 1635380096846.jpg (317.39 KB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20211027-160729_Ins…)

Checked to see if she did upload a video and it looks like she changed the caption (first slide from
No. 857998
File: 1635380843075.jpeg (791.23 KB, 1242x1303, 9A61D6BF-4E9F-446B-830C-FFE3B7…)

she’s an absolute unit
No. 858011
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No. 858061
File: 1635428426178.jpeg (199.01 KB, 633x518, 2580B0AB-6146-4657-9A49-CDB084…)

>>857998Those nails literally make me ill
No. 858064
>>857998I'm always shocked when a cow releases a photo that is just SO bad. Like Shayna's recent old-lady wrinkles or Vicky's drag queen pic. But this, this one is jaw droppingly disgusting. No wonder she hates her body, more mis-shapen than LJ. She could have had that thicc fat look if she wasn't a lazy pos but nope she's just lumpy.
The fact that she does her Eating Disorder LARP on the same account blows my fucking mind. If she has any followers on EDtumblr they're using her for reverse thinspo. Seeing her unedited face makes me grateful for all the filtered, over-exposed selfies she's been posting.
No. 858088
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No. 858097
>>858088I wonder how many thousands of pics she has of herself. Usually if you have pics of yourself it’s with friends/family or doing something you want to remember, at least I do. She is so in love with herself no matter what she says. Selfish, self centered and still at 25 thinks the world revolves around her.
>>857998How is it possible she is getting larger? Tuna is enormous. She is a glutton with everything from clothes, plastic crap to food.
No. 858102
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No. 858115
File: 1635451494776.jpeg (641.62 KB, 828x1412, 80AD4BE0-92DC-46ED-B8FB-060B4A…)

serving marge simpson
No. 858121
File: 1635456583524.jpg (140.83 KB, 1080x1257, Screenshot_20211028-142821_Tum…)

Luna had a hard day of taking selfies and hitting a fence with a bat yesterday.
No. 858129
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I don't think toner is supposed to make your hair blue?
No. 858132
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No. 858141
File: 1635473719630.jpeg (233.54 KB, 750x1233, 475EE728-7006-44C3-BE30-C9CC97…)

This shit is so uneven and fried I cannot
No. 858225
File: 1635529249880.jpg (285.67 KB, 1080x1807, Screenshot_20211029-103948_Ins…)

it's so bad
No. 858244
>>858240Kek I love u anon
Rasta Luna saga begins…
No. 858247
>>858229I'm actually surprised Alltard still hasn't bought her a new bra.
I can't imagine how filty it is.
No. 858259
File: 1635539925974.jpg (542.67 KB, 2726x2180, PSX_20211029_133746.jpg)

the *~aesthetic~* Luna is going for vs what she actually looks like
No. 858270
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>>858259Well, at least she's authentic
No. 858308
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I swear this bitch has the ~worst day of her life~ once a week
No. 858348
>>858333How shes managed to keep her bridge piercing healed is beyond me
Unless she’s using the eyelash glue + metal ball trick that went viral on tiktok at the same time she got her bridge “pierced”
No. 858349
File: 1635611228796.jpeg (1.74 MB, 1242x1820, 9B6F6295-A52C-47E9-9A12-26A4AD…)

Brush your cat
No. 858358
File: 1635616446703.jpeg (425.51 KB, 828x1218, E8AB0659-8436-4EB8-8C15-7913C1…)

You could wear anything in your closet and still fit in at a Halloween party, tuna
No. 858377
File: 1635637127936.png (557.56 KB, 2190x1536, fsx.png)

>>858358this bitch is fuckin high and blind lmao
No. 858392
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Comments on
>>858349. She definitely has no concept of actually taking care of her animals and isn't taking that cat to the vet any time soon
No. 858398
>>858392ugh I fucking can't with this broad. even if that poor things fur only looked like that because "she ruffled her fur up" the cat is clearly fucking half asleep by the time the photo was taken. like tuna ever plays with it anyway.
lol @ her passive aggressive "thank you for informing me"
No. 858439
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No. 858440
Periwinkle/lilac is fun color and can look good when done well but god be some fucking olaplex.
If she just bough a set of Shimmer lights purple shampoo and conditioner and just-just washed and brush her hair it wouldn’t look this bad.
>>858362Wish Courtney love has me absolutely sent what a great way to describe her.
No. 858587
>>858308>the worst day of my lifeBitch 4 months ago you claimed you got raped and the cops didn't believe you. Tf could have happened for
this to be the worst day of your life? Dramatic ass retard.
No. 858749
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>>858598>>858603Kind of seems like the Halloween party was a “work” thing. Weird that she hasn’t posted about the party or about work since. Wonder if they had a falling out already
No. 858837
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New selfies, but no mention of the party
No. 858846
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No. 858916
>>858837I was surprised, she actually looks okay here,
>>858846but terrible here. How does she not see those crops are not the look for her? Curious that she posts less when her life is going better, though.
No. 859040
File: 1636339459319.jpeg (499.49 KB, 750x996, 93896D98-60E5-448D-8496-36FEF2…)

(Animal Crossing sp*rg here don't mind me) this post really pissed me off. most people havent played AC in almost two years or so. adding a 3+ GB update is bringing people back and bringing new players as well. and its very exciting and refreshing for even players like me who consistently played it. it just shows her lack of putting actual work into things and being spoonfed shit which surprises me that she's into "souls-like" games due to this attitude
No. 859057
>>859038I think OP meant Allison, which is why breakup was in quotes
>>859040Is she really into "soulslike" games? She literally only played Dark Souls and complained it's hard. Unless I'm forgetting some indie soulslike? I wouldn't say that's a strong interest of Luna though.
No. 859110
>>859067I don't think Luna's recently played anything except for the top 10 list she posted
>>858102. She didn't really claim to be into soulslikes, but anon did
>>859040 (no offense meant, just pointing it out). Though I have checked and Ender Lilies are considered a soulslike, so maybe she's a budding fan after all. I still don't see her as a type that would constantly play this type of games (nothing wrong with that). She's more of a hardcore gamer when it comes to 'wholesome' games. So I guess it can be seen as even weirder that she's overwhelmed with the AC update, though I get it
No. 859118
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No. 859129
File: 1636420169714.jpeg (509.83 KB, 828x1381, 9F1C7CD0-CA09-41BF-B7F4-C30673…)

how is she planning on doing any sort of “work” with alltard with those nails?? especially when her work consists of beating fences with baseball bats and building alltards aerial hoops